Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide: Release 12.2
Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide: Release 12.2
Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide: Release 12.2
Switching Services
Configuration Guide
Release 12.2
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Audience xxiii xxviii
Benefits XC-19
Restrictions XC-20
Benefits XC-83
How LSC Redundancy Differs from Router and Switch Redundancy XC-120
How the LSC, ATM Switch, and VSI Work Together XC-124
Implementing LSC Redundancy XC-124
Reducing the Number of LVCs for LSC Redundancy XC-128
Implementation Considerations XC-129
Reducing the Number of Label Switch Paths Created in an MPLS Network XC-130
Using an Access List to Disable Creation of LSPs to Destination IP Addresses XC-130
Disabling the LSC from Acting as an Edge LSR XC-133
Using the Cisco 6400 Universal Access Concentrator as an MPLS LSC XC-133
Cisco 6400 UAC Architectural Overview XC-134
Configuring Permanent Virtual Circuits and Permanent Virtual Paths XC-135
Control VC Setup for MPLS LSC Functions XC-137
Configuring the Cisco 6400 UAC to Perform Basic MPLS LSC Operations XC-138
Supporting ATM Forum Protocols XC-139
MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting XC-139
Terminology XC-248
Prerequisites XC-273
Restrictions XC-274
Router Configuration Restrictions XC-274
External Router Guidelines XC-275
Access List Restrictions and Guidelines XC-275
Configuring and Monitoring IP Multicast MLS XC-275
Enabling IP Multicast Routing XC-276
Enabling IP PIM XC-276
Enabling IP Multicast MLS XC-276
Prerequisites XC-285
Restrictions XC-286
General Configuration Guidelines XC-286
External Router Guidelines XC-286
Access List Restrictions XC-286
Restrictions on Interaction of IPX MLS with Other Features XC-287
Restriction on Maximum Transmission Unit Size XC-287
IPX MLS Configuration Task List XC-287
Adding an IPX MLS Interface to a VTP Domain XC-288
Enabling Multilayer Switching Protocol (MLSP) on the Router XC-288
Assigning a VLAN ID to a Router Interface XC-288
Enabling IPX MLS on a Router Interface XC-289
Specifying a Router Interface As a Management Interface XC-289
Verifying IPX MLS on the Router XC-289
Troubleshooting Tips XC-290
Addressing XC-363
LANE ATM Addresses XC-364
Method of Automatically Assigning ATM Addresses XC-364
Using ATM Address Templates XC-365
Rules for Assigning Components to Interfaces and Subinterfaces XC-366
LANE Configuration Task List XC-366
Creating a LANE Plan and Worksheet XC-367
Configuring the Prefix on the Switch XC-367
Setting Up the Signalling and ILMI PVCs XC-368
Displaying LANE Default Addresses XC-368
Entering the LECS’s ATM Address on the Cisco Switch XC-368
Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM Switch XC-369
Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 100 ATM Switch XC-369
Setting Up the LECS’s Database XC-370
Setting Up the Database for the Default ELAN Only XC-370
Setting Up the Database for Unrestricted-Membership Emulated LANs XC-371
Setting Up the Database for Restricted-Membership LANs XC-372
Enabling the LECS XC-373
Setting Up LESs and Clients XC-374
Setting Up the Server, BUS, and a Client on a Subinterface XC-375
Setting Up Only a Client on a Subinterface XC-375
Disabling the LE_FLUSH Process of LAN Emulation Clients XC-376
Setting Up LANE Clients for MPOA XC-377
Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation XC-377
Simple Server Redundancy Requirements XC-377
Fast Simple Server Redundancy Requirements XC-378
Redundant Configuration Servers XC-378
Redundant Servers and BUSs XC-378
Implementation Considerations XC-378
SSRP Changes to Reduce Network Flap XC-380
Monitoring and Maintaining the LANE Components XC-381
LANE Configuration Examples XC-383
Default Configuration for a Single Ethernet ELAN Example XC-383
Default Configuration for a Single Ethernet ELAN with a Backup LECS and LES Example XC-384
Multiple Token Ring ELANs with Unrestricted Membership Example XC-385
Router 1 Configuration XC-386
Router 2 Configuration XC-387
Router 3 Configuration XC-387
Router 4 Configuration XC-387
Multiple Token Ring ELANs with Restricted Membership Example XC-388
Restrictions XC-400
Prerequisites XC-401
Benefits XC-431
Configuring Token Ring LAN Emulation for Multiprotocol over ATM XC-445
This chapter discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of Cisco IOS software
documentation. It also provides sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.
Documentation Objectives
Cisco IOS software documentation describes the tasks and commands necessary to configure and
maintain Cisco networking devices.
The Cisco IOS software documentation set is intended primarily for users who configure and maintain
Cisco networking devices (such as routers and switches) but who may not be familiar with the tasks,
the relationship between tasks, or the Cisco IOS software commands necessary to perform particular
Documentation Organization
The Cisco IOS software documentation set consists of documentation modules and master indexes. In
addition to the main documentation set, there are supporting documents and resources.
Documentation Modules
The Cisco IOS documentation modules consist of configuration guides and corresponding command
reference publications. Chapters in a configuration guide describe protocols, configuration tasks, and
Cisco IOS software functionality and contain comprehensive configuration examples. Chapters in a
command reference publication provide complete Cisco IOS command syntax information. Use each
configuration guide in conjunction with its corresponding command reference publication.
Note The abbreviations (for example, FC and FR) next to the book icons are page designators,
which are defined in a key in the index of each document to help you with navigation. The
bullets under each module list the major technology areas discussed in the corresponding
Cisco IOS
FC Cisco IOS Configuration Cisco IOS P2C Cisco IOS P3C Cisco IOS
Configuration Guide IP Command AppleTalk and Apollo Domain,
Fundamentals Reference, Novell IPX Banyan VINES,
Configuration Volume 1 of 3: Configuration DECnet, ISO
Guide Addressing Guide CLNS, and XNS
and Services Configuration
IP3R Guide
• IP Security Options
• Supported AV Pairs
Cisco IOS
Cisco IOS Cisco IOS
Cisco IOS Bridging
DR Dial TR Terminal and IBM Bridging
Technologies and IBM
Services Networking
Command Networking
Command Command
Reference Command
Reference Reference,
Volume 1 of 2 Reference,
Volume 2 of 2
Master Indexes
Two master indexes provide indexing information for the Cisco IOS software documentation set:
an index for the configuration guides and an index for the command references. Individual books also
contain a book-specific index.
The master indexes provide a quick way for you to find a command when you know the command name
but not which module contains the command. When you use the online master indexes, you can click
the page number for an index entry and go to that page in the online document.
Document Conventions
The Cisco IOS documentation set uses the following conventions:
Convention Description
^ or Ctrl The ^ and Ctrl symbols represent the Control key. For example, the key combination ^D or Ctrl-D
means hold down the Control key while you press the D key. Keys are indicated in capital letters but
are not case sensitive.
string A string is a nonquoted set of characters. For example, when setting an SNMP community string to
public, do not use quotation marks around the string or the string will include the quotation marks.
Convention Description
screen Examples of information displayed on the screen are set in Courier font.
boldface screen Examples of text that you must enter are set in Courier bold font.
< > Angle brackets enclose nonprinting characters, such as passwords.
! An exclamation point at the beginning of a line indicates a comment line. (Exclamation points are also
displayed by the Cisco IOS software for certain processes.)
[ ] Square brackets enclose default responses to system prompts.
The following conventions are used to attract the attention of the reader:
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in
equipment damage or loss of data.
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not
contained in this manual.
Timesaver Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action
described in the paragraph.
Within Cisco IOS software documentation, the term router is generally used to refer to a variety of Cisco
products (for example, routers, access servers, and switches). Routers, access servers, and other
networking devices that support Cisco IOS software are shown interchangeably within examples. These
products are used only for illustrative purposes; that is, an example that shows one product does not
necessarily indicate that other products are not supported.
Convention Description
boldface Boldface text indicates commands and keywords that you enter literally as shown.
italics Italic text indicates arguments for which you supply values.
[x] Square brackets enclose an optional element (keyword or argument).
{x} Braces enclose a required element (keyword or argument).
| A vertical line, or pipe, indicates a choice within an optional or required element.
[x {y | z}] Braces and vertical lines (pipes) within square brackets indicate a required choice within an
optional element. is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open
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To access, go to the following website:
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships
with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than
printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.
Ordering Documentation
Cisco documentation can by ordered in the following ways:
• Registered Cisco Direct Customers can order Cisco product documentation from the Networking
Products MarketPlace:
• Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online
Subscription Store:
• Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by
calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, in North America, by
calling 800 553-NETS(6387).
Documentation Feedback
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical
comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete
the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.
You can e-mail your comments to [email protected].
To submit your comments by mail, for your convenience many documents contain a response card
behind the front cover. Otherwise, you can mail your comments to the following address:
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883
We appreciate your comments.
This chapter provides helpful tips for understanding and configuring Cisco IOS software using the
command-line interface (CLI). It contains the following sections:
• Understanding Command Modes
• Getting Help
• Using the no and default Forms of Commands
• Saving Configuration Changes
• Filtering Output from the show and more Commands
• Identifying Supported Platforms
For an overview of Cisco IOS software configuration, refer to the Cisco IOS Configuration
Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
For information on the conventions used in the Cisco IOS software documentation set, see the chapter
“About Cisco IOS Software Documentation” located at the beginning of this book.
Table 1 describes how to access and exit various common command modes of the Cisco IOS software.
It also shows examples of the prompts displayed for each mode.
Mode Access Method Prompt Exit Method
User EXEC Log in. Router> Use the logout command.
Privileged From user EXEC mode, Router# To return to user EXEC mode, use the disable
EXEC use the enable EXEC command.
Global From privileged EXEC Router(config)# To return to privileged EXEC mode from global
configuration mode, use the configure configuration mode, use the exit or end command,
terminal privileged or press Ctrl-Z.
EXEC command.
Interface From global Router(config-if)# To return to global configuration mode, use the exit
configuration configuration mode, command.
specify an interface using To return to privileged EXEC mode, use the end
an interface command. command, or press Ctrl-Z.
ROM monitor From privileged EXEC > To exit ROM monitor mode, use the continue
mode, use the reload command.
EXEC command. Press
the Break key during the
first 60 seconds while the
system is booting.
For more information on command modes, refer to the “Using the Command-Line Interface” chapter in
the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
Getting Help
Entering a question mark (?) at the CLI prompt displays a list of commands available for each command
mode. You can also get a list of keywords and arguments associated with any command by using the
context-sensitive help feature.
To get help specific to a command mode, a command, a keyword, or an argument, use one of the
following commands:
Command Purpose
help Provides a brief description of the help system in any command mode.
abbreviated-command-entry? Provides a list of commands that begin with a particular character string. (No space
between command and question mark.)
abbreviated-command-entry<Tab> Completes a partial command name.
? Lists all commands available for a particular command mode.
command ? Lists the keywords or arguments that you must enter next on the command line.
(Space between command and question mark.)
Command Comment
Router> enable Enter the enable command and
Password: <password> password to access privileged EXEC
commands. You are in privileged
EXEC mode when the prompt changes
to Router#.
Router# configure terminal Enter the configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. privileged EXEC command to enter
global configuration mode. You are in
global configuration mode when the
prompt changes to Router(config)#.
Router(config)# interface serial ? Enter interface configuration mode by
<0-6> Serial interface number specifying the serial interface that you
Router(config)# interface serial 4 ?
want to configure using the interface
Router(config)# interface serial 4/ ? serial global configuration command.
<0-3> Serial interface number
Enter ? to display what you must enter
Router(config)# interface serial 4/0
Router(config-if)# next on the command line. In this
example, you must enter the serial
interface slot number and port number,
separated by a forward slash.
You are in interface configuration mode
when the prompt changes to
Command Comment
Router(config-if)# ? Enter ? to display a list of all the
Interface configuration commands: interface configuration commands
available for the serial interface. This
. example shows only some of the
ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands available interface configuration
keepalive Enable keepalive commands.
lan-name LAN Name command
llc2 LLC2 Interface Subcommands
load-interval Specify interval for load calculation for an
locaddr-priority Assign a priority group
logging Configure logging for interface
loopback Configure internal loopback on an interface
mac-address Manually set interface MAC address
mls mls router sub/interface commands
mpoa MPOA interface configuration commands
mtu Set the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
netbios Use a defined NETBIOS access list or enable
no Negate a command or set its defaults
nrzi-encoding Enable use of NRZI encoding
ntp Configure NTP
Router(config-if)# ip ? Enter the command that you want to
Interface IP configuration subcommands: configure for the interface. This
access-group Specify access control for packets
accounting Enable IP accounting on this interface
example uses the ip command.
address Set the IP address of an interface Enter ? to display what you must enter
authentication authentication subcommands
next on the command line. This
bandwidth-percent Set EIGRP bandwidth limit
broadcast-address Set the broadcast address of an interface example shows only some of the
cgmp Enable/disable CGMP available interface IP configuration
directed-broadcast Enable forwarding of directed broadcasts commands.
dvmrp DVMRP interface commands
hello-interval Configures IP-EIGRP hello interval
helper-address Specify a destination address for UDP broadcasts
hold-time Configures IP-EIGRP hold time
Router(config-if)# ip
Command Comment
Router(config-if)# ip address ? Enter the command that you want to
A.B.C.D IP address configure for the interface. This
negotiated IP Address negotiated over PPP
Router(config-if)# ip address
example uses the ip address command.
Enter ? to display what you must enter
next on the command line. In this
example, you must enter an IP address
or the negotiated keyword.
A carriage return (<cr>) is not
displayed; therefore, you must enter
additional keywords or arguments to
complete the command.
Router(config-if)# ip address ? Enter the keyword or argument you
A.B.C.D IP subnet mask want to use. This example uses the
Router(config-if)# ip address IP address.
Enter ? to display what you must enter
next on the command line. In this
example, you must enter an IP subnet
A <cr> is not displayed; therefore, you
must enter additional keywords or
arguments to complete the command.
Router(config-if)# ip address ? Enter the IP subnet mask. This example
secondary Make this IP address a secondary address uses the IP subnet mask.
Router(config-if)# ip address Enter ? to display what you must enter
next on the command line. In this
example, you can enter the secondary
keyword, or you can press Enter.
A <cr> is displayed; you can press
Enter to complete the command, or
you can enter another keyword.
Router(config-if)# ip address In this example, Enter is pressed to
Router(config-if)# complete the command.
have variables set to certain default values. In these cases, the default form of the command enables the
command and sets the variables to their default values. The Cisco IOS software command reference
publications describe the effect of the default form of a command if the command functions differently
than the no form.
It might take a minute or two to save the configuration. After the configuration has been saved, the
following output appears:
On most platforms, this task saves the configuration to NVRAM. On the Class A Flash file system
platforms, this task saves the configuration to the location specified by the CONFIG_FILE environment
variable. The CONFIG_FILE variable defaults to NVRAM.
For more information on the search and filter functionality, refer to the “Using the Command-Line
Interface” chapter in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
The Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide provides guidelines for configuring switching
paths and routing between virtual local-area networks (VLANs) by using Cisco IOS software.
This guide is intended for the network administrator who designs and implements router-based
internetworks and needs to incorporate switching, NetFlow accounting, or routing between VLANs into
the network. It presents a set of general guidelines for configuring switching of various protocols,
NetFlow accounting, routing between VLANs, and LAN emulation. The objective of this guide is to
provide you with the information you need to configure any of these features.
You should know how to configure a Cisco router and should be familiar with the protocols and media
that your routers are configured to support. Knowledge of basic network topology is essential.
Document Organization
This document comprises seven parts, each focusing on a different aspect of switching within Cisco IOS
software. Each part begins with a brief technology overview and follows with the corresponding
configuration guidelines for that technology or set of features. This document contains these parts:
• Cisco IOS Switching Paths—Provides an overview of basic routing and switching processes.
It describes switching paths available in Cisco IOS software. Configuration guidelines are provided
for configuring and managing fast switching of various protocols. Provides an overview of Cisco
Express Forwarding (CEF), the advanced Layer 3 IP switching technology that optimizes
performance and scalability in networks with large and dynamic traffic patterns. Guidelines are
provided for configuring and managing CEF.
• NetFlow Switching—Provides an overview of the NetFlow switching technology and describes the
NetFlow accounting features. Guidelines are provided for configuring and managing NetFlow
• Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)—Provides an overview of MPLS Switching, the switching
technology that combines the performance of Layer 2 switching with the scalability of Layer 3
routing. Guidelines are provided for configuring and managing MPLS Switching.
• Multilayer Switching—Provides an overview of Multilayer Switching (MLS). MLS provides
high-performance Layer 3 switching for the Catalyst 5000 series LAN switches working in
conjunction with Cisco routers. Guidelines are provided for configuring and managing IP MLS,
IP Multicast MLS, and IPX MLS on Cisco routers.
• Multicast Distributed Switching—Provides an overview of Multicast Distributed Switching (MDS).
MDS performs distributed switching of multicast packets in the line cards of Route Switch
Processor (RSP)-based platforms. Guidelines are provided for configuring and managing MDS.
Related References
The references listed in this section contain background information that is helpful in designing
internetworks that incorporate switching and VLANs when planning routing between VLANs:
• Cisco Internetwork Design Guide
This guide presents a set of general guidelines for planning internetworks and provides specific
suggestions for several key internetworking implementations. This guide focuses on design issues
of large-scale implementations for environments such as IP internetworks, Enhanced Interior
Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), IBM System Network
Architecture (SNA) internetworks, source-route bridging (SRB), Synchronous Data Link Control
(SDLC) and serial tunneling (STUN), SDLC Logical Link, Control type 2 (SDLLC), Qualified
Logical Link Control (QLLC), ATM internetworks, packet service internetworks, Frame Relay, and
dial-on-demand routing (DDR) internetworks.
• Cisco Catalyst 5000 Series Software Configuration Guide
This guide is designed to help you understand the Catalyst 5000 series switches, initially configure
the switch to work in your network, and customize the switch configuration to fit your needs. For an
alphabetical listing of software commands used to configure and maintain the switch, refer to the
Catalyst 5000 Series Command Reference publication.
• CiscoWorks for Switched Internetworks—VlanDirector Getting Started Guide
This guide provides an overview of VLANs and describes how to use VlanDirector to create and
manage VLANs. VlanDirector is a management tool with a graphical user interface that provides
multiple windows for adding new users, moving users between wiring closets, changing user VLAN
associations, displaying configuration status, and providing both physical and logical views of
interconnected Catalyst switches. Network administrators responsible for initial setup and
configuration of VLANs will find this guide useful for understanding VLANs and segmenting LANs
with VLAN configurations.
This chapter describes switching paths that can be configured on Cisco IOS devices. It contains the
following sections:
• Basic Router Platform Architecture and Processes
• Basic Switching Paths
• Features That Affect Performance
Fast Ethernet over Sonet Relay
Routing Processes
The routing process assesses the source and destination of traffic based on knowledge of network
conditions. Routing functions identify the best path to use for moving the traffic to the destination out
one or more of the router interfaces. The routing decision is based on various criteria such as link speed,
topological distance, and protocol. Each protocol maintains its own routing information.
Routing is more processing intensive and has higher latency than switching as it determines path and
next hop considerations. The first packet routed requires a lookup in the routing table to determine the
route. The route cache is populated after the first packet is routed by the route-table lookup. Subsequent
traffic for the same destination is switched using the routing information stored in the route cache.
Router A
Update Update
Router B
Router C
103 Update
105 Ring
Router D
A router sends routing updates out each of its interfaces that are configured for a particular protocol.
It also receives routing updates from other attached routers. From these received updates and its
knowledge of attached networks, it builds a map of the network topology.
Switching Processes
Through the switching process, the router determines the next hop toward the destination address.
Switching moves traffic from an input interface to one or more output interfaces. Switching is optimized
and has lower latency than routing because it can move packets, frames, or cells from buffer to buffer
with simpler determination of the source and destination of the traffic. It saves resources because it does
not involve extra lookups. Figure 4 illustrates the basic switching process.
Router B ATM
103 104
In Figure 4, packets are received on the Fast Ethernet interface and destined for the FDDI interface.
Based on information in the packet header and destination information stored in the routing table,
the router determines the destination interface. It looks in the routing table of the protocol to discover
the destination interface that services the destination address of the packet.
The destination address is stored in tables such as ARP tables for IP or AARP tables for AppleTalk.
If there is no entry for the destination, the router will either drop the packet (and inform the user if the
protocol provides that feature) or discover the destination address by some other address resolution
process, such as through ARP. Layer 3 IP addressing information is mapped to the Layer 2 MAC address
for the next hop. Figure 5 illustrates the mapping that occurs to determine the next hop.
Layer 2 MAC address
Process Switching
In process switching the first packet is copied to the system buffer. The router looks up the Layer 3
network address in the routing table and initializes the fast-switch cache. The frame is rewritten with the
destination address and sent to the outgoing interface that services that destination. Subsequent packets
for that destination are sent by the same switching path. The route processor computes the cyclical
redundancy check (CRC).
Fast Switching
When packets are fast switched, the first packet is copied to packet memory and the destination network
or host is found in the fast-switching cache. The frame is rewritten and sent to the outgoing interface that
services the destination. Subsequent packets for the same destination use the same switching path.
The interface processor computes the CRC. Fast switching is described in the “Configuring Fast
Switching” chapter later in this publication.
CEF Switching
When CEF mode is enabled, the CEF FIB and adjacency tables reside on the RP, and the RP performs
the express forwarding. You can use CEF mode when line cards are not available for CEF switching or
when you need to use features not compatible with dCEF switching. For information on configuring
CEF, see the “Cisco Express Forwarding Overview” chapter later in this publication.
Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.0, CEF is the preferred and default switching path. NetFlow
switching has been integrated into CEF switching. For information on NetFlow switching, see the
“Cisco Express Forwarding Overview” chapter and the “Configuring Cisco Express Forwarding”
chapter later in this publication.
dCEF Switching
In distributed switching, the switching process occurs on VIP and other interface cards that support
switching. When dCEF is enabled, line cards, such as VIP line cards or GSR line cards, maintain an
identical copy of the FIB and adjacency tables. The line cards perform the express forwarding between
port adapters, relieving the RSP of involvement in the switching operation. dCEF uses an Inter Process
Communication (IPC) mechanism to ensure synchronization of FIBs and adjacency tables on the RP and
line cards.
For model numbers and hardware compatibility information, refer to the Cisco Product Catalog.
For information on configuring dCEF, see the “Configuring Cisco Express Forwarding” chapter later in
this publication.
For information on configuring Multicast Distributed Switching (MDS), see the “Configuring Multicast
Distributed Switching” chapter later in this publication.
Figure 6 illustrates the distributed switching process on the Cisco 7500 series.
Switching types
The VIP card installed in this router maintains a copy of the routing cache information needed to forward
packets. Because the VIP card has the routing information it needs, it performs the switching locally,
making the packet forwarding much faster. Router throughput is increased linearly based on the number
of VIP cards installed in the router.
Table 3 Switching Paths on Cisco 7200 and Cisco 7500 Series Routers
Cisco Cisco
7200 7500
Switching Path Series Series Comments Configuration Command
Process switching Yes Yes Initializes switching no protocol route-cache
Fast switching Yes Yes Default (except for IP) protocol route-cache
CEF switching Yes Yes Default for IP protocol route-cache cef
dCEF switching No Yes Using second-generation protocol route-cache cef
VIP line cards distributed
Queueing occurs when network congestion occurs. When traffic is moving well within the network,
packets are sent as they arrive at the interface. Cisco IOS software implements four different
queueing algorithms as follows:
• FIFO queueing—Packets are forwarded in the same order in which they arrive at the interface.
• Priority queueing (PQ)—Packets are forwarded based on an assigned priority. You can create
priority lists and groups to define rules for assigning packets to priority queues.
• Custom queueing (CQ)—You can control a percentage of interface bandwidth for specified traffic
by creating protocol queue lists and custom queue lists.
• Weighted fair queueing (WFQ)—WFQ provides automatic traffic priority management.
Low-bandwidth sessions have priority over high-bandwidth sessions. High-bandwidth sessions are
assigned weights. WFQ is the default for interfaces slower than 2.048 Mbps.
Depending on the protocol you are using, various compression options are available in Cisco IOS
software. Refer to the Cisco IOS configuration guide for the protocol you are using to learn compression
options available.
You can define access lists to control access to or from a router for a number of services. You could,
for example, define an access list to prevent packets with a certain IP address from leaving a particular
interface on a router. How access lists are used depends on the protocol. For information on access lists,
refer to the appropriate Cisco IOS configuration guide for the protocol you are using.
Encryption algorithms are applied to data to alter its appearance, making it incomprehensible to those
not authorized to see the data. For information about encryption features available with the Cisco IOS
software, refer to the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.
You can configure accounting features to collect network data related to resource usage. The information
you collect (in the form of statistics) can be used for billing, chargeback, and planning resource usage.
Refer to the appropriate Cisco IOS configuration guide for the protocol you are using for information
regarding accounting features you can use.
This chapter describes how to configure fast switching on Cisco IOS devices. It provides configuration
guidelines for switching paths and tuning guidelines.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip route-cache Enables fast switching (use of a high-speed route cache for IP routing).
Router(config-if)# no ip route-cache Disables fast switching and enables load balancing on a per-packet basis.
Frame Relay
Router A Router B
Router C
To allow IP fast switching on the same interface, use the following command in interface configuration
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip route-cache Enables the fast switching of packets out of the same interface on which
same-interface they arrived.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx Enables fast switching of IPX directed broadcast packets.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Defines the type and unit number of the interface, and enters interface
number configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-subif)# Sets SMDS encapsulation.
encapsulation smds
Step 3 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache Enables the interface for IP fast switching.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# ipx Enables the interface for IPX fast switching.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# appletalk Enables the interface for AppleTalk fast switching.
Note Turning off fast switching increases system overhead because the packets will be process
switched by the system’s CPU.
For some diagnostics, such as debugging and packet-level tracing, you will need to disable fast
switching. Disabling fast switching causes the router to fall back to process switching the packets. If fast
switching is running, you might only see the first packet to each destination in the output of any
packet-level debugging commands. Subsequent packets to the same destination will be fast switched.
Many packet level debugging commands cannot process packets that are fast switched. You might want
to turn off fast switching temporarily to use process switching instead while you are trying to capture
information to diagnose a problem.
To disable fast switching, perform the tasks described in the following sections:
• Disabling AppleTalk Fast Switching
• Disabling Banyan VINES Fast Switching
• Disabling DECnet Fast Switching
• Disabling IPX Fast Switching
• Disabling ISO CLNS Fast Switching Through the Cache
• Disabling XNS Fast Switching
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no appletalk Disables AppleTalk fast switching.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no vines route-cache Disables fast switching.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no decnet route-cache Disables fast switching of DECnet packets on a per-interface basis.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no ipx route-cache Disables IPX fast switching.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no clns route-cache Disables fast switching.
Note The cache still exists and is used after the no clns route-cache interface configuration command is
used; the software does not do fast switching through the cache.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no xns route-cache Disables XNS fast switching.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# no ip Allows immediate invalidation of the cache.
Router(config)# ip cache-invalidate-delay Delays invalidation of the cache.
[minimum maximum quiet threshold]
Caution Normally, this task should not be necessary. It should be performed only under the guidance of
technical staff. Incorrect configuration can seriously degrade the performance of your router.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cache [prefix mask] [type number] Displays the routing table cache used to fast switch IP
To set a maximum limit on the number of entries in the IPX route cache, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx route-cache max-size size Sets a maximum limit on the number of entries in the IPX
route cache.
If the route cache has more entries than the specified limit, the extra entries are not deleted. However,
they may be removed if route cache invalidation is in use. See the “Controlling IPX Route Cache
Invalidation” section in this chapter for more information on invalidating route cache entries.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx route-cache inactivity-timeout Invalidates fast switch cache entries that are inactive.
period [rate]
When you use the ipx route-cache inactivity-timeout command with the ipx route-cache max-size
global configuration command, you can ensure a small route cache with fresh entries.
To enable the padding of odd-length packets, use the following commands in interface configuration
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# no ipx route-cache Disables fast switching.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ipx Enables the padding of odd-length packets.
Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) is advanced, Layer 3 IP switching technology. CEF optimizes network
performance and scalability for networks with large and dynamic traffic patterns, such as the Internet,
on networks characterized by intensive Web-based applications, or interactive sessions.
Procedures for configuring CEF or distributed CEF (dCEF) are provided in the “Configuring Cisco
Express Forwarding” chapter later in this publication.
This chapter describes CEF. It contains the following sections:
• Benefits
• Restrictions
• CEF Components
• Supported Media
• CEF Operation Modes
• TMS and CEF Nonrecursive Accounting
• Network Services Engine
• Virtual Profile CEF
CEF offers the following benefits:
• Improved performance—CEF is less CPU-intensive than fast switching route caching. More CPU
processing power can be dedicated to Layer 3 services such as quality of service (QoS) and
• Scalability—CEF offers full switching capacity at each line card when dCEF mode is active.
• Resilience—CEF offers an unprecedented level of switching consistency and stability in large
dynamic networks. In dynamic networks, fast-switched cache entries are frequently invalidated due
to routing changes. These changes can cause traffic to be process switched using the routing table,
rather than fast switched using the route cache. Because the Forwarding Information Base (FIB)
lookup table contains all known routes that exist in the routing table, it eliminates route cache
maintenance and the fast-switch or process-switch forwarding scenario. CEF can switch traffic more
efficiently than typical demand caching schemes.
Although you can use CEF in any part of a network, it is designed for high-performance, highly resilient
Layer 3 IP backbone switching. For example, Figure 8 shows CEF being run on Cisco 12000 series
Gigabit Switch Routers (GSRs) at aggregation points at the core of a network where traffic levels are
dense and performance is critical.
CEF running
at the network
routers and
In a typical high-capacity Internet service provider (ISP) environment, Cisco 12012 GSRs as aggregation
devices at the core of the network support links to Cisco 7500 series routers or other feeder devices. CEF
in these platforms at the network core provides the performance and scalability needed to respond to
continued growth and steadily increasing network traffic. CEF is a distributed switching mechanism that
scales linearly with the number of interface cards and the bandwidth installed in the router.
• The Cisco 12000 series Gigabit Switch Routers operate only in distributed CEF mode.
• Distributed CEF switching cannot be configured on the same VIP card as distributed fast switching.
• Distributed CEF is not supported on Cisco 7200 series routers.
• If you enable CEF and then create an access list that uses the log keyword, the packets that match
the access list are not CEF switched. They are fast switched. Logging disables CEF.
CEF Components
Information conventionally stored in a route cache is stored in several data structures for CEF switching.
The data structures provide optimized lookup for efficient packet forwarding. The two main components
of CEF operation are described in the following sections:
• Forwarding Information Base
• Adjacency Tables
Adjacency Tables
Nodes in the network are said to be adjacent if they can reach each other with a single hop across a link
layer. In addition to the FIB, CEF uses adjacency tables to prepend Layer 2 addressing information.
The adjacency table maintains Layer 2 next-hop addresses for all FIB entries.
Adjacency Discovery
The adjacency table is populated as adjacencies are discovered. Each time an adjacency entry is created
(such as through ARP), a link-layer header for that adjacent node is precomputed and stored in the
adjacency table. Once a route is determined, it points to a next hop and corresponding adjacency entry.
It is subsequently used for encapsulation during CEF switching of packets.
Adjacency Resolution
A route might have several paths to a destination prefix, such as when a router is configured for
simultaneous load balancing and redundancy. For each resolved path, a pointer is added for the
adjacency corresponding to the next hop interface for that path. This mechanism is used for load
balancing across several paths.
Unresolved Adjacency
When a link-layer header is prepended to packets, the FIB requires the prepend to point to an adjacency
corresponding to the next hop. If an adjacency was created by the FIB and not discovered through a
mechanism, such as ARP, the Layer 2 addressing information is not known and the adjacency is
considered incomplete. Once the Layer 2 information is known, the packet is forwarded to the Route
Processor (RP), and the adjacency is determined through ARP.
Supported Media
CEF currently supports ATM/AAL5snap, ATM/AAL5mux, ATM/AAL5nlpid, Frame Relay, Ethernet,
FDDI, PPP, HDLC, and tunnels.
Cisco 7500
series router Route Processor
running CEF
Interface Interface
Interface card
card card
E1 E2 E1 E2 E1 E2
Route Processor
OC-12 OC-3 FE Serial T3 FDDI
In this Cisco 12000 series router, the line cards perform the switching. In other routers where you can
mix various types of cards in the same router, all of the cards you are using may not support CEF. When
a line card that does not support CEF receives a packet, the line card forwards the packet to the next
higher switching layer (the RP) or forwards the packet to the next hop for processing. This structure
allows legacy interface processors to exist in the router with newer interface processors.
Note The Cisco 12000 series GSR operate only in dCEF mode; dCEF switching cannot be configured on
the same VIP card as distributed fast switching, and dCEF is not supported on Cisco 7200 series
TMS Data
The TMS feature allows an administrator to gather the following data:
• The number of packets and bytes that travel across the backbone from internal and external sources.
The packets and bytes are called traffic matrix statistics and are useful for determining how much
traffic a backbone handles. You can analyze the traffic matrix statistics using the following methods:
– Collecting and viewing the TMS data through the application of the Network Data Analyzer
– Reading the TMS data that resides on the backbone router.
The following sections explain how to collect and view the traffic matrix statistics using the
command-line interface (CLI) and the NDA. For detailed instructions on using the NDA, see the
Network Data Analyzer Installation and User Guide.
• The neighbor autonomous systems of a BGP destination. You can view the neighbor autonomous
systems of a BGP destination by reading the tmasinfo_ascii file that resides on the backbone router.
Figure 11 shows a sample backbone, represented by darkly shaded routers and bold links. The lighter
shaded and unshaded routers are outside the backbone. The traffic that travels through the backbone is
the area of interest for TMS collection.
Atlanta POP
Backbone router
Edge router
Figure 12 shows an exploded view of the backbone router that links the Los Angeles point of presence
(POP) in Figure 11 to the Atlanta POP. The bold line represents the backbone link going to the Atlanta
The following types of traffic travel through the backbone router shown in Figure 12:
• The dotted line marked A represents traffic entering the backbone from a router that is not part of
the backbone. This is called external traffic.
• The dotted lines marked B and D represent traffic that is exiting the backbone. The router interprets
traffic from paths B and D as being generated from within the backbone. This is called internal
• The dotted line marked C represents traffic that is not using the backbone and is not of interest to
You can determine the amount of traffic the backbone handles by enabling a backbone router to track the
number of packets and bytes that travel through it. You can separate the traffic into the categories
“internal” and “external.” You separate the traffic by designating incoming interfaces on the backbone
router as internal or external.
Once you enable a backbone router to collect traffic matrix statistics, it starts free running counters,
which dynamically update when network traffic passes through the backbone router. You can retrieve a
snapshot of the traffic matrix statistics, either through a command to the backbone router or through the
External traffic (path A) is the most important for determining the amount of traffic. Internal traffic
(paths B and D) is useful for ensuring that you are capturing all the TMS data. When you receive a
snapshot of the traffic matrix statistics, the packets and bytes are displayed in internal and external
Viewing the TMS Data by Reading the Virtual Files That Reside on the Backbone Router
You can read the TMS data that resides on the backbone router and is stored in the following virtual files:
• tmstats_ascii—TMS data in ASCII (human readable) format.
• tmstats_binary—TMS data in binary (space-efficient) format.
To view statistics in the ASCII file, enter the following command on the backbone router:
Router# more system:/vfiles/tmstats_ascii
Each file displayed consists of header information and records. A line of space follows the header and
each record. A bar (|) separates consecutive fields within a header or record. The first field in a record
specifies the type of record. The following example shows a sample TMSTATS_ASCII file:
VERSION 1|ADDR|AGGREGATION TrafficMatrix.ascii|SYSUPTIME 41428|routerUTC
3104467160|NTP unsynchronized|DURATION 1|
The following sections describe the header and the various types of records you can display.
File Header
The ASCII file header provides the address of the backbone router and information about how much time
the router used to collect and export the TMS data. The header occupies one line and uses the following
VERSION 1|ADDR<address>|AGGREGATIONTrafficMatrix.ascii|SYSUPTIME<seconds>|
Table 5 describes the fields in the file header of the TMSTATS_ASCII file.
Maximum Field
Length Field Description
10 VERSION File format version.
21 ADDR The IP address of the router.
32 AGGREGATION The type of data being aggregated.
21 SYSUPTIME The time of export (in seconds) since the router booted.
21 routerUTC The time of export (in seconds) since 1900-01-01
(Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)), as determined by
the router.
19 NTP Whether Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of the router
has been synchronized by the Network Time Protocol
20 DURATION The time needed to capture the data (in seconds).
Field Length Field Description
2 <recordType> p means that the record represents dynamic label
switching data or traffic engineered (TE) tunnel traffic
19 destPrefix/Mask The IP prefix address/mask (a.b.c.d/len format) for this
IGP route.
11 creationSysUpTime The sysUpTime when the record was first created.
21 internalPackets Internal packet count.
21 internalBytes Internal byte count.
21 externalPackets External packet count.
20 externalBytes External byte count (no trailing |).
Field Length Field Description
2 <recordType> t means that the record represents TE tunnel midpoint
27 headAddr<space>tun_id The IP address of the tunnel head and tunnel interface
11 creationSysUpTime The sysUpTime when the record was first created.
21 internalPackets Internal packet count.
21 internalBytes Internal byte count.
21 externalPackets External packet count.
20 externalBytes External byte count (no trailing |).
The binary file tmstats_binary contains the same information as the ASCII file, except in a
space-efficient format. You can copy this file from the router and read it with any utility that accepts files
in binary format.
Each file consists of header information and a number of records. A line of space follows the header and
each record. A bar (|) separates consecutive fields within a header or a record.
Header Format
The file header provides the address of the router and indicates how much time the router used to collect
and export the data. The file header uses the following format:
VERSION 1|ADDR<address>|AGGREGATION ASList.ascii|SYSUPTIME<seconds>|routerUTC
Maximum Field
Length Field Description
18 nonrecursivePrefix/Mask The IP prefix address/mask (a.b.c.d/len format) for this
IGP route.
5 AS The neighbor autonomous system.
18 destinationPrefix/Mask The prefix/mask for the FIB entry (typically BGP route).
Note Before enabling the PXF processor, you must have IP routing and IP CEF switching turned on.
For information on configuring NSE, see the “Cisco Express Forwarding Overview” chapter later in this
Network Services Engine benefits and requirements are as follows:
• Accelerated services—The following features are accelerated on the NSE: Network Address
Translation (NAT), weighted fair queueing (WFQ), and NetFlow for both enterprise and service
provider customers.
• PXF field upgradable—PXF is based on microcode and can be upgraded with new software features
in future Cisco IOS releases.
The PXF processor enables IP parallel processing functions that work with the primary processor to
provide accelerated IP Layer 3 feature processing. The PXF processor off-loads IP packet
processing and switching functions from the RP to provide accelerated and highly consistent
switching performance when coupled with one or more of several IP services features such as access
Control Lists (ACLs), address translation, quality of service (QoS), flow accounting, and traffic
PXF offers the advantage of hardware-based switching power, plus the flexibility of a programmable
architecture. The PXF architecture provides future-proofing—if additional features are added, an
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will not be required. New features for accelerated
services can be added by reprogramming the PXF processor.
• System requirements—An NSE-1 can be used on existing Cisco 7200 VXR series routers with
Cisco Release IOS 12.1(1)E or a later version of Cisco IOS Release 12.1 E, and with
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T or a later version of Cisco IOS Release 12.1 T.
• High performance—Network-layer services such as traffic management, security, and QoS benefit
significantly from NSE-1 high-performance. NSE-1 is the first Cisco processing engine to offer
integrated hardware acceleration, increasing Cisco 7200 VXR series system performance by 50 to
300 percent for combined “high-touch” WAN edge services.
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF)
and distributed CEF (dCEF).
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Configuring CEF
To configure CEF, perform the tasks described in the following sections. The task in the first section is
required; the tasks in the remaining sections are optional.
• Enabling CEF or dCEF (Required)
• Configuring Load Balancing for CEF (Optional)
• Configuring Network Accounting for CEF (Optional)
• Configuring Distributed Tunnel Switching for CEF (Optional)
• Configuring the Network Services Engine (Optional)
• Configuring Virtual Profile Switching for CEF (Optional)
• Verifying CEF (Optional)
• Troubleshooting Tips (Optional)
For an example configuration of IP CEF non-recursive accounting, refer to the “IP CEF Nonrecursive
Accounting Example” section.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip cef Enables standard CEF operation.
Enable dCEF when you want your line cards to perform express forwarding so that the route processor
(RP) can handle routing protocols or switch packets from legacy interface processors.
Note On the Cisco 12000 series Internet router, dCEF is enabled by default. The command to enable dCEF
is not available. Also, the configuration file does not indicate that dCEF is enabled on the router.
To enable or disable dCEF operation, use one of the following commands in global configuration mode
as needed:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip cef distributed Enables dCEF operation.
Router(config)# no ip cef distributed Disables dCEF operation.
When you enable CEF or dCEF globally, all interfaces that support CEF are enabled by default. If you
want to turn off CEF or dCEF on a particular interface, you can do so.
To disable CEF or dCEF on an interface, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no ip route-cache cef Disables CEF operation on the interface.
When you disable CEF or dCEF, Cisco IOS software switches packets received on the interface using
the next fastest switching path. In the case of dCEF, the next fastest switching path is CEF on the RP.
If you have disabled CEF or dCEF operation on an interface and want to reenable it, you can do so by
using the ip route-cache cef command in interface configuration mode.
Note On the Cisco 12000 series, you must not disable dCEF on an interface.
Typically, you would disable per-destination load balancing when you want to enable per-packet load
To disable per-destination load balancing, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no ip load-sharing Disables per-destination load balancing.
Note Per-packet load balancing via CEF is not supported on Engine 2 Gigabit Switch Router (GSR)
line cards (LCs).
Path utilization with per-packet load balancing is good for single path destinations, but packets for a
given source-destination host pair might take different paths. Per-packet load balancing could introduce
reordering of packets. This type of load balancing would be inappropriate for certain types of data traffic
(such as voice traffic over IP) that depend on packets arriving at the destination in sequence.
Use per-packet load balancing to help ensure that a path for a single source-destination host pair does
not get overloaded. If the bulk of the data passing through parallel links is for a single pair,
per-destination load balancing will overload a single link while other links have very little traffic.
Enabling per-packet load balancing allows you to use alternate paths to the same busy destination.
To enable per-packet load balancing, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip load-sharing per-packet Enables per-packet load balancing.
Note If you want to enable per-packet load balancing to a particular destination, all interfaces that can
forward traffic to the destination must be enabled for per-packet load balancing.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip cef load-sharing algorithm Sets the load sharing algorithm to the original based on a source and
original destination hash.
Router(config)# ip cef load-sharing algorithm Sets the load sharing algorithm for use in tunnel environments or in
tunnel id environments where there are only a few IP source and destination
address pairs.
Router(config)# ip cef load-sharing algorithm Sets the load sharing algorithm to the universal algorithm that uses a
universal id source and destination, and ID hash.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip cef accounting per-prefix Enables the collection of the number of packets and bytes express
forwarded to a destination IP address (or prefix).
Router(config)# ip cef accounting Enables the collection of the number of packets express forwarded
non-recursive through a destination IP address.
When you enable network accounting for CEF from global configuration mode, accounting information
is collected on the RP.
When you enable network accounting for dCEF from global configuration mode, accounting information
grouped by IP prefix (recursive or nonrecursive) is not sent to the RP, but is collected on the line card.
To verify the statistics, use the show cef linecard command in privileged EXEC mode.
Note Make sure you set the incoming interfaces (not the outgoing ones) to collect internal and external
You can perform these tasks either through the command-line interface or through the Network Data
Analyzer (NDA). The following sections explain each procedure.
To enable a backbone router to collect TMS data and separate internal and external traffic, use the
following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip cef Enables CEF on the router.
Step 2 Router(config)# ip cef Enables nonrecursive accounting on the router.
accounting non-recursive
Step 3 Router(config)# interface Specifies the interface on the backbone router that you intend to
type number configure.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# ip cef Sets the specified incoming interface so that it can collect traffic
accounting non-recursive entering the backbone router from external sources.
Router(config-if)# ip cef Sets the specified incoming interface so that it can collect internal
accounting non-recursive traffic in the backbone router.
You can repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each incoming interface that you want to configure for TMS.
To enable TMS data collection, you must create a TMS collection and specify the following information:
• The name of the collection
• The router from which you want to collect TMS data
• How often and how long to collect TMS data
The window for enabling the collection of TMS data is similar to the one shown in Figure 15.
The NDA Traffic Matrix Statistics Control window allows you to set the interfaces on the backbone
router to collect internal and external packets and bytes as shown in Figure 16. By default, all interfaces
are set to internal. Set the internal and external interfaces and click Apply. When the NDA asks if you
want to enable CEF, click Yes.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cef Displays the collected accounting information.
Note Before enabling the PXF processor, you must have IP routing and IP CEF switching turned on.
To configure the NSE, perform the tasks described in the following sections. The task in the first section
is required; the tasks in the remaining sections are optional:
• Configuring the PXF Processor (Required)
• Verifying the PXF Processor (Optional)
• Troubleshooting the PXF Processor (Optional)
• Monitoring the PXF Processor (Optional)
Command Purpose
Router(config)# [no] ip pxf Enables PXF processing.
Command Purpose
Router# show pxf accounting Displays PXF switching statistics for all interfaces.
Router# show pxf accounting ethernet Displays PXF switching statistics for Ethernet interfaces.
Router# show pxf accounting null Displays PXF switching statistics for NULL interfaces.
Router# show pxf accounting pos Displays PXF switching statistics for packet OC-3 interfaces.
Router# show pxf accounting serial Displays PXF switching statistics for serial interfaces.
Router# show pxf accounting summary Displays a summary of PXF switching statistics.
Router# show pxf crash Displays PXF crash information.
Router# show pxf feature cef Displays PXF routing feature tables for CEF.
Router# show pxf feature nat Displays PXF routing tables for NAT.
Router# show pxf interface Displays a summary of the interfaces in the router and the PXF features and
capabilities that are enabled on these interfaces.
Command Purpose
Router# show adjacency detail Displays CEF adjacency table information.
Router# show ip cef Displays entries in the FIB that are unresolved or
displays a summary of the FIB.
Router# show ip interfaces virtual-access number Displays network-layer IP information about a
specified virtual access interface.
Verifying CEF
To verify CEF-related information, use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:
Command Purpose
Router# show cef Displays which packets the line cards dropped or displays which packets were
not express forwarded.
Router# show cef interface Displays CEF-related interface information.
Router# show cef linecard Displays CEF-related interface information by line card.
Router# show ip cef adjacency Displays CEF recursive and direct prefixes resolved through an adjacency.
Router# show ip cef events Displays all recorded CEF FIB and adjacency events.
Router# show ip cef exact-route Displays the exact route for a source-destination IP address pair.
Router# show ip cef traffic Displays CEF traffic statistics.
Troubleshooting Tips
CEF uses routing information that is retrieved from the Routing Information Base (RIB), Route
Processor (RP), and the line card (LC) databases to perform express forwarding. As updates occur to
these databases, inconsistencies may result due to the asynchronous nature of the distribution
mechanism for these databases.
If you find a database inconsistency, such as an IP prefix missing from a line card or an RP; you can
investigate and resolve these instances by referencing the CEF system error messages that occur and by
issuing CEF debug and show commands.
For CEF consistency checker system error messages, refer to the System Error Messages for 12.2T in the
“New Features in Release 12.2T” area of
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip cef table Enables CEF table consistency checker types and parameters.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cef inconsistency Displays CEF IP prefix inconsistencies.
Command Purpose
Router# clear ip cef inconsistency Clears CEF inconsistency statistics and records found by the CEF consistency
Router# clear cef linecard Clears CEF information from linecards.
Router A Router B Router C Router D
e1/0 e1/1 e1/0 e1/1 e1/0 e1/1
(external) (external) (internal) (internal) (external) (external)
Router A Configuration
Router(config)# ip cef
Router(config)# ip cef accounting non-recursive
Router(config)# interface e1/0
Router(config-if)# ip cef accounting non-recursive external
Router D Configuration
Router(config)# ip cef
Router(config)# ip cef accounting non-recursive
Router(config)# interface e1/1
Router(config-if)# ip cef accounting non-recursive external
Release 12.2
April 30, 2001
NetFlow provides network administrators with access to call detail recording information from their data
networks. Exported NetFlow data can be used for a variety of purposes, including network management
and planning, enterprise accounting and departmental chargebacks, ISP billing, data warehousing, and
data mining for marketing purposes. NetFlow also provides a highly efficient mechanism with which to
process security access lists without paying as much of a performance penalty as is incurred with other
available switching methods.
Procedures for configuring NetFlow are provided in the “Configuring NetFlow” chapter later in this
This chapter describes NetFlow. It contains the following sections:
• Accounting Statistics
• NetFlow Data Format
• NetFlow Aggregation
• NetFlow Policy Routing
Accounting Statistics
NetFlow is a technology that captures as part of its switching function a rich set of traffic statistics. These
traffic statistics include user, protocol, port, and type of service (ToS) information that can be used for
a wide variety of purposes such as network analysis and planning, accounting, and billing.
NetFlow is supported on IP and IP encapsulated traffic over all interface types and encapsulations except
for ISL/VLAN, ATM, and Frame Relay interfaces when more than one input Access Control List is used
on the interface, and ATM LANE.
A network flow is identified as a unidirectional stream of packets between a given source and
destination—both defined by a network-layer IP address and transport-layer port number. Specifically,
a flow is identified as the combination of the following fields:
• Source IP address
• Destination IP address
• Source port number
• Destination port number
• Protocol type
• Type of service
• Input interface
NetFlow Cache
NetFlow operates by creating a flow cache that contains the information needed to switch and perform
access list checking for all active flows. The NetFlow cache is built by processing the first packet of a
flow through the standard switching path. As a result, each flow is associated with an incoming and
outgoing interface port number and with a specific security access permission and encryption policy.
The cache also includes entries for traffic statistics that are updated in tandem with the switching of
subsequent packets. After the NetFlow cache is created, packets identified as belonging to an existing
flow can be switched based on the cached information and security access list checks bypassed.
Flow information is maintained within the NetFlow cache for all active flows.
Because NetFlow export uses UDP to send export datagrams, it is possible for datagrams to be lost.
To determine whether or flow export information is lost, the version 5 header format contains a flow
sequence number. The sequence number is equal to the sequence number of the previous datagram plus
the number of flows in the previous datagram. After receiving a new datagram, the receiving application
can subtract the expected sequence number from the sequence number in the header to get the number
of missed flows.
Table 11 lists the bytes for the version 1 header format.
Table 12 lists the byte definitions for version 1 flow record format.
Table 13 lists the byte definitions for the version 5 header format.
Table 14 lists the byte definitions for the version 5 flow record format.
NetFlow Aggregation
By maintaining one or more extra flow caches, called aggregation caches, the NetFlow Aggregation
feature allows limited aggregation of NetFlow data export streams on a router.
Note To collect NetFlow version 8 data export records, use NetFlow FlowCollector version 3.0.
Version 2.0 and earlier versions do not support version 8 data export record formats.
The NetFlow Aggregation feature provides the following benefits:
• Reduced bandwidth requirement—NetFlow aggregation caches reduce the bandwidth required
between routers and NetFlow management workstations.
• Reduced NetFlow workstation requirements—NetFlow aggregation caches reduce the number of
NetFlow management workstations required.
• Improved router scalability—NetFlow aggregation caches improve the scalability of
high-flow-per-second routers, such as the Cisco 7500 series.
Term Definition
Bytes Number of bytes in the aggregated flows.
Destination BGP autonomous system Peer or origin autonomous system of the destination prefix (IP
Destination interface SNMP index of the output interface.
Destination port Destination UDP or TCP port number.
Term Definition
Destination prefix Destination IP address ANDed with the destination prefix
First System uptime when the first packet was switched.
Flows Number of main cache flows that were aggregated.
Last System uptime when the last packet was switched.
Packets Number of packets in the aggregated flows.
PAD Zero field.
Protocol IP protocol byte.
Source BGP autonomous system Peer or origin autonomous system of the source prefix.
Source interface SNMP index of the input interface.
Source port Source UDP or TCP port number if applicable.
Source prefix Source IP address ANDed with the source prefix mask, or the
prefix that the source IP address of the aggregated flows belong
0 0 Flows
4 4 Packets
8 8 Bytes
20 20 Source AS Destination AS
0 0 Flows
4 4 Packets
8 8 Bytes
20 20 Destination prefix
0 0 Flows
4 4 Packets
8 8 Bytes
20 20 Source prefix
24 24 Destination prefix
32 32 Source AS Destination AS
36 36
0 0 Flows
4 4 Packets
8 8 Bytes
0 0 Flows
4 4 Packets
8 8 Bytes
20 20 Source prefix
NetFlow exports flow information in UDP datagrams in one of several formats. Version 8, a new data
export version, has been added to support data exports from aggregation caches. Version 8 allows for
export datagrams to contain a subset of the usual version 5 export data, which is valid for a particular
aggregation scheme type.
Figure 23 shows the version 8 header with the version and time stamp information. Table 17 lists
definitions for terms used in the version 8 header.
0 Version Count
4 System uptime
8 UNIX seconds
12 UNIX nanoseconds
16 Sequence number
24 Reserved
Table 17 Terms and Definitions for Version 8 Headers
Term Definition
Version The flow export format version number. In this case, the number is “8.”
Count The number of export records in the datagram.
System uptime The number of milliseconds since the router was last booted.
UNIX seconds The number of seconds since 0000 UTC 1970.
UNIX nanoseconds The number of residual nanoseconds since 0000UTC 1970.
Sequence number Sequence counter of total flows sent for this export stream.
Engine type The type of switching engine. RP = 0 and LC = 1.
Engine ID The slot number of the NetFlow engine.
Aggregation The type of aggregation scheme being used.
Aggregation version The aggregation subformat version number. The current value is “2.”
To enable this feature for a particular aggregation cache, configure the desired minimum mask value
using the NetFlow aggregation cache commands. The minimum mask value used by the router selects
the granularity of the NetFlow data that will be collected as follows:
• For coarse NetFlow collection granularity, select a low minimum mask value.
• For fine NetFlow collection granularity, select a high minimum mask value.
The mask values range from 1 to 32.
Note Setting a NetFlow minimum mask size is not available in Autonomous System aggregation and
Protocol Port aggregation.
Technology Description
CEF Looks at a Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table instead of a routing table when
switching packets.
dCEF Addresses the scalability and maintenance problems of a demand caching scheme.
NetFlow A Cisco IOS software accounting tool for network planning, accounting, billing and
NPR leverages these technologies. To configure NetFlow policy routing, see the chapter “Configuring
NetFlow” in this publication.
NetFlow policy routing provides the following benefits:
• NPR takes advantage of the new switching services. CEF, dCEF, and NetFlow can now use policy
• Now that policy routing is integrated into CEF, policy routing can be deployed on a wide scale and
on high-speed interfaces.
NetFlow policy routing has the following restrictions:
• NPR is only available on Cisco IOS CEF-based platforms.
• Distributed FIB-based policy routing is only available on platforms that support dCEF and images
that support dCEF.
• dCEF—The set ip next-hop verify-availability route-map configuration command is not supported
in dCEF because dCEF does not support the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) database.
This chapter describes how to configure NetFlow data accounting on your routing devices.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Finding Support Information
for Platforms and Cisco IOS Software Images” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
What is NetFlow?
NetFlow enables you to collect traffic flow statistics on your routing devices. NetFlow is based on
identifying packet flows for ingress IP packets. It does not involve any connection-setup protocol either
between routers or to any other networking device or end station and does not require any change
externally—either to the traffic or packets themselves or to any other networking device. NetFlow is
completely transparent to the existing network, including end stations and application software and
network devices like LAN switches. Also, NetFlow is performed independently on each internetworking
device, it need not be operational on each router in the network. Using NetFlow Data Export (NDE), you
can export data to a remote workstation for data collection and further processing. Network planners can
selectively invoke NDE on a router or on a per-subinterface basis to gain traffic performance, control, or
accounting benefits in specific network locations.
Note NetFlow does consume additional memory and CPU resources; therefore, it is important to
understand the resources required on your router before enabling NetFlow.
Enabling NetFlow
To enable NetFlow, first configure the router for IP routing as described in the IP configuration chapters
in the Cisco IOS IP Configuration Guide, Volume 2 of 3: Routing Protocols. After you configure IP
routing, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type Specifies the interface, and enter interface configuration
slot/port-adapter/port (Cisco 7500 series mode.
Router(config)# interface type slot/port
(Cisco 7200 series routers)
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache flow Enables NetFlow for IP routing.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip flow-export ip-address udp-port Configures the router to export NetFlow cache entries to a
[version 1] workstation if you are using receiving software that requires
version 1. Version 1 is the default.
Router(config)# ip flow-export ip-address udp-port Configures the router to export NetFlow cache entries to a
version 5 [origin-as | peer-as] workstation if you are using receiving software that accepts
version 5. Optionally specify the origin or peer autonomous
system. The default is to export neither AS that provides
improved performance.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip flow-cache entries number Changes the number of entries maintained in the NetFlow
cache. The number of entries can be from 1024 to 524288.
The default is 65536.
Caution We recommend that you not change the NetFlow cache entries. Improper use of this feature could
cause network problems. To return to the default NetFlow cache entries, use the no ip flow-cache
entries global configuration command.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cache flow Displays the NetFlow statistics.
Router# clear ip flow stats Clears the NetFlow statistics.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type Specifies the interface, and enters interface configuration
slot/port-adapter/port mode.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache distributed Enables VIP distributed switching of IP packets on the
Step 3 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache flow Enables NetFlow.
To export NetFlow cache entries to a workstation when a flow expires, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip flow-export ip-address udp-port Configures the router to export NetFlow cache entries to a
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache as Enters aggregation cache configuration mode and enables an
aggregation cache scheme (as, destination-prefix, prefix,
protocol-port, or source-prefix).
Step 2 Router(config-flow-cache)# cache entries 2046 Specifies the number (in this example, 2046) of cache entries
to allocate for the Autonomous System aggregation cache.
Step 3 Router(config-flow-cache)# cache timeout Specifies the number of seconds (in this example, 199) that
inactive 199 an inactive entry is allowed to remain in the aggregation
cache before it is deleted.
Step 4 Router(config-flow-cache)# cache timeout Specifies the number of minutes (in this example, 45) that an
active 45 active entry is active.
Step 5 Router(config-flow-cache)# export destination Enables the data export. 9991
Step 6 Router(config-flow-cache)# enabled Enables aggregation cache creation.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cache flow aggregation Displays the aggregation cache information.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip flow export Displays the statistics for the data export including the main cache and
all other enabled caches.
To configure NetFlow Minimum Prefix Mask for Router-Based Aggregation feature, perform the tasks
described in the following sections. Each task is optional.
• Configuring the Minimum Mask of a Prefix Aggregation Scheme (Optional)
• Configuring the Minimum Mask of a Destination-Prefix Aggregation Scheme (Optional)
• Configuring the Minimum Mask of a Source-Prefix Aggregation Scheme (Optional)
Per form the following section to verify your NetFlow aggregation configuration:
• Monitoring and Maintaining Minimum Masks for Aggregation Schemes (Optional)
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache prefix Configures the prefix aggregation cache.
Step 2 Router(config-flow-cache)# mask source minimum value Specifies the minimum value for the source
Step 3 Router(config-flow-cache)# mask destination minimum value Specifies minimum value for the
destination mask.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache destination-prefix Configures the destination aggregation
Step 2 Router(config-flow-cache)# mask destination minimum value Specifies the minimum value for the
destination mask.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache source-prefix Configures the source-prefix aggregation
Step 2 Router(config-flow-cache)# mask source minimum value Specifies the minimum value for the source
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cache flow aggregation prefix Displays the configured value of the
minimum mask in the prefix aggregation
Router# show ip cache flow aggregation destination-prefix Displays the configured value of the
minimum mask in the destination-prefix
aggregation scheme.
Router# show ip cache flow aggregation source-prefix Displays the configured value of the
minimum mask in the source-prefix
aggregation scheme.
Note If the minimum mask has not been explicitly configured, no minimum mask information is displayed.
The default value of the minimum mask is zero. The configurable range for the minimum mask is
from 1 to 32. An appropriate value should be chosen by the user depending on the traffic. A higher
value of the minimum mask will provide more detailed network addresses, but it may also result in
increased number of flows in the aggregation cache.
This task is optional because some media or encapsulations do not support CDP, or it may not be a Cisco
device that is sending the router traffic.
To configure the router to verify that the next hop is a CDP neighbor before the router tries to policy
route to it, use the following command in route-map configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-route-map)# set ip next-hop Causes the router to confirm that the next hops of the route map are
verify-availability CDP neighbors of the router.
If the command shown is set and the next hop is not a CDP neighbor, the router looks to the subsequent
next hop, if there is one. If there is none, the packets simply are not policy routed.
If the command shown is not set, the packets are either successfully policy routed or remain forever
If you want to selectively verify availability of only some next hops, you can configure different
route-map entries (under the same route-map name) with different criteria (using access list matching or
packet size matching), and use the set ip next-hop verify-availability route-map configuration
command selectively.
Command Purpose
Router# show route-map ipc Displays the route map IPC message statistics in the RP or VIP.
configure terminal
interface serial 3/0/0
ip route-cache flow
ip flow-export 0 version 5 peer-as
clear ip flow stats
The following is a sample display of a main cache using the show ip cache flow command:
Router# show ip cache flow
512 544 576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
The preceding output shows the percentage distribution of packets by size range. In this display, 99.9
percent of the packets fall in the size range from 1 to 32 bytes.
Note The very last entry in the “DstIf” field has an asterisk (*) next to the destination interface. The asterisk
(*) immediately following the “DstIf” field indicates that the flow being shown is an egress flow.
Table 19 describes the significant fields shown in the flow switching cache lines of the display.
Table 19 show ip cache flow Field Descriptions in Flow Switching Cache Display
Field Description
bytes Number of bytes of memory used by the NetFlow cache.
active Number of active flows in the NetFlow cache at the time this command was
inactive Number of flow buffers that are allocated in the NetFlow cache, but were
not currently assigned to a specific flow at the time this command was
added Number of flows created since the start of the summary period.
ager polls Number of times the NetFlow code looked at the cache to cause entries to
expire (used by Cisco for diagnostics only).
flow alloc failures Number of times the NetFlow code tried to allocate a flow but could not.
Exporting flows IP address and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number of the
workstation to which flows are exported.
flows exported in udp Total number of flows exported and the total number of UDP datagrams
datagrams used to export the flows to the workstation.
failed Number of flows that could not be exported by the router because of output
interface limitations.
last clearing of statistics Standard time output (hh:mm:ss) since the clear ip flow stats privileged
EXEC command was executed. This time output changes to hours and days
after the time exceeds 24 hours.
Table 20 describes the significant fields shown in the activity by protocol lines of the display.
Field Description
Protocol IP protocol and the well-known port number as described in RFC 1340.
Total Flows Number of flows for this protocol since the last time statistics were cleared.
Flows/Sec Average number of flows for this protocol seen per second; equal to total
flows/number of seconds for this summary period.
Table 20 show ip cache flow Field Descriptions in Activity by Protocol Display (continued)
Field Description
Packets/Flow Average number of packets observed for the flows seen for this protocol. Equal to
total packets for this protocol or number of flows for this protocol for this
summary period.
Bytes/Pkt Average number of bytes observed for the packets seen for this protocol (total
bytes for this protocol or total number of packet for this protocol for this summary
Packets/Sec Average number of packets for this protocol per second (total packets for this
protocol) or total number of seconds for this summary period.
Active(Sec)/Flow Sum of all the seconds from the first packet to the last packet of an expired flow
(for example, TCP FIN, timeout, and so on), in seconds or total flows for this
protocol for this summary period.
Idle(Sec)/Flow Sum of all the seconds from the last packet seen in each nonexpired flow for this
protocol until the time at which this command was entered, in seconds or total
flows for this protocol for this summary period.
Table 21 describes the significant fields in the NetFlow record lines of the display.
Table 21 show ip cache verbose flow Field Descriptions in NetFlow Record Display
Field Description
SrcIf Interface on which the packet was received.
Port Msk AS Source Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) autonomous system. This is always
set to 0 in MPLS flows.
SrcIPaddress IP address of the device that transmitted the packet.
DstIf Interface from which the packet was transmitted.
Note The DstIf interface can be reported as “Null” if the packets are any of
the following:
• Blocked by an ACL
• Process-switched
• Multicast traffic
• Locally-generated traffic
• Tunnels (IPIP, GRE, IPSEC, L2TP)
• Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP)
• Using a static route to a Null0 interface
• Dropped by Quality of Service (QoS) rules (for example, Committed
Access Rate or Policing)
The following rules apply to QoS traffic:
• The DstIf information is correct if the traffic is not dropped by QoS
• The DstIf will be reported as “Null” when the traffic is dropped due to QoS
Port Msk AS Destination BGP autonomous system. This is always set to 0 in MPLS flows.
Table 21 show ip cache verbose flow Field Descriptions in NetFlow Record Display (continued)
Field Description
DstIPaddress IP address of the destination device.
NextHop Specifies the BGP next-hop address. This is always set to 0 in MPLS flows.
Pr IP protocol well-known port number as described in RFC 1340, displayed in
hexadecimal format.
B/Pk Average number of bytes observed for the packets seen for this protocol (total
bytes for this protocol or the total number of flows for this protocol for this
summary period).
Flgs TCP flags (result of bitwise OR of TCP flags from all packets in the flow).
Active Number of active flows in the NetFlow cache at the time this command was
Pkts Number of packets switched through this flow.
This chapter describes the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) distribution protocol. MPLS is a
high-performance packet forwarding technology that integrates the performance and traffic management
capabilities of data link layer (Layer 2) switching with the scalability, flexibility, and performance of
network-layer (Layer 3) routing. It enables service providers to meet challenges brought about by
explosive growth and provides the opportunity for differentiated services without necessitating the
sacrifice of existing infrastructure.
The MPLS architecture is remarkable for its flexibility:
• Data can be transferred over any combination of Layer 2 technologies
• Support is offered for all Layer 3 protocols
• Scaling is possible well beyond anything offered in today’s networks.
Specifically, MPLS can efficiently enable the delivery of IP services over an ATM switched network.
It supports the creation of different routes between a source and a destination on a purely router-based
Internet backbone. Service providers who use MPLS can save money and increase revenue and
Procedures for configuring MPLS are provided in the “Configuring Multiprotocol Label Switching”
chapter later in this publication.
Note Label switching on a router requires that Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) be enabled on that router.
Refer to the CEF feature documentation for configuration information. For more information on
enabling CEF, see the “Configuring Cisco Express Forwarding” chapter in this publication.
Router(config-if)# mpls ip
In this example, the mpls ip command has a tag switching form (tag-switching ip). After you enter these
commands and save this configuration or display the running configuration by means of the show
running configuration command, the configuration commands appear as follows:
interface POS3/0
tag-switching ip
Saving the tag switching form of commands (that have both tag switching and MPLS forms) allows for
backward compatibility. You can use a new router software image to modify and write configurations,
and then later use configurations created by the new image with earlier software versions that do not
support the MPLS forms of commands
Using the tag switching forms of the commands allows older software that supports tag switching
commands, but not new MPLS commands, to successfully interpret interface configurations.
mpls mtu tag-switching mtu Sets the per-interface maximum transmission unit
(MTU) for labeled packets.
show mpls forwarding-table show tag-switching Displays the contents of the label forwarding
forwarding-table information base (LFIB).
show mpls interfaces show tag-switching interfaces Displays information about one or more interfaces that
have been configured for label switching.
show mpls label range N/A Displays the range of local labels available for use on
packet interfaces.
MPLS provides the following major benefits to service provider networks:
• Scalable support for SVirtual Private Networks (VPNs)—MPLS enables VPN services to be
supported in service provider networks, thereby greatly accelerating Internet growth.
The use of MPLS for VPNs provides an attractive alternative to the building of VPNs by means of
either ATM or Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) or various forms of tunneling to
interconnect routers at customer sites.
Unlike the PVC VPN model, the MPLS VPN model is highly scalable and can accommodate
increasing numbers of sites and customers. The MPLS VPN model also supports “any-to-any”
communication among VPN sites without requiring a full mesh of PVCs or the backhauling
(suboptimal routing) of traffic across the service provider network. For each MPLS VPN user, the
network of the service provider appears to function as a private IP backbone over which the user can
reach other sites within the VPN organization, but not the sites of any other VPN organization.
From a user perspective, the MPLS VPN model enables network routing to be dramatically
simplified. For example, rather than needing to manage routing over a topologically complex virtual
backbone composed of many PVCs, an MPLS VPN user can generally employ the backbone of the
service provider as the default route in communicating with all of the other VPN sites.
• Explicit routing capabilities (also called constraint-based routing or traffic engineering)—Explicit
routing employs “constraint-based routing,” in which the path for a traffic flow is the shortest path
that meets the resource requirements (constraints) of the traffic flow.
In MPLS traffic engineering, factors such as bandwidth requirements, media requirements, and the
priority of one traffic flow versus another can be taken into account. These traffic engineering
capabilities enable the administrator of a service provider network to perform the following tasks:
– Control traffic flow in the network
– Reduce congestion in the network
– Make best use of network resources
Thus, the network administrator can specify the amount of traffic expected to flow between various
points in the network (thereby establishing a traffic matrix), while relying on the routing system to
perform the following tasks:
– Calculate the best paths for network traffic
– Set up the explicit paths to carry the traffic
• Support for IP routing on ATM switches (also called IP and ATM integration)—MPLS enables an
ATM switch to perform virtually all of the functions of an IP router. This capability of an ATM
switch stems from the fact that the MPLS forwarding paradigm (namely, label swapping) is exactly
the same as the forwarding paradigm provided by ATM switch hardware.
The key difference between a conventional ATM switch and an ATM label switch is the control
software used by the latter to establish its virtual channel identifier (VCI) table entries. An ATM
label switch uses IP routing protocols and the TDP to establish VCI table entries.
An ATM label switch can function as a conventional ATM switch. In this dual mode, the ATM switch
resources (such as VCI space and bandwidth) are partitioned between the MPLS control plane and
the ATM control plane. The MPLS control plane provides IP-based services, while the ATM control
plane supports ATM-oriented functions, such as circuit emulation or PVC services.
Many different headers can map to the same label, as long as those headers always result in the same
choice of next hop. In effect, a label represents a forwarding equivalence class—that is, a set of packets
that, however different they may be, are indistinguishable by the forwarding function.
The initial choice of a label need not be based exclusively on the contents of the Layer 3 packet header;
for example, forwarding decisions at subsequent hops can also be based on routing policy.
Once a label is assigned, a short label header is added at the front of the Layer 3 packet. This header is
carried across the network as part of the packet. At subsequent hops through each MPLS router in the
network, labels are swapped and forwarding decisions are made by means of MPLS forwarding table
lookup for the label carried in the packet header. Hence, the packet header need not be reevaluated during
packet transit through the network. Because the label is of fixed length and unstructured, the MPLS
forwarding table lookup process is both straightforward and fast.
One approach to engineering a backbone is to define a mesh of tunnels from every ingress device to every
egress device. The MPLS traffic engineering path calculation and signalling modules determine the path
taken by the LSPs for these tunnels, subject to resource availability and the dynamic state of the network.
The IGP, operating at an ingress device, determines which traffic should go to which egress device, and
steers that traffic into the tunnel from ingress to egress.
A flow from an ingress device to an egress device might be so large that it cannot fit over a single link,
so it cannot be carried by a single tunnel. In this case, multiple tunnels between a given ingress and
egress can be configured, and the flow is load-shared among them.
For more information about MPLS, see the following Cisco documentation:
• Cisco IOS Switching Services Configuration Guide, “Multiprotocol Label Switching” chapter
• Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference, “Switching Commands Introduction” chapter
During the SPF computation, the TENT (tentative) list stores paths that are possibly the best paths and
the PATH list stores paths that are definitely the best paths. When it is determined that a path is the best
possible path, the node is moved from TENT to PATH. PATH is thus the set of nodes for which the best
path from the computing router has been found. Each PATH entry consists of ID, path cost, and
forwarding direction.
The router must determine the first hop information using one of the following methods:
• Examine the list of tail-end routers directly reachable by a TE tunnel. If there is a TE tunnel to this
node, use the TE tunnel as the first hop.
• If there is no TE tunnel and the node is directly connected, use the first hop information from the
adjacency database.
• If the node is not directly connected and is not directly reachable by a TE tunnel, copy the first hop
information from the parent nodes to the new node.
As a result of this computation, traffic to nodes that are the tail end of TE tunnels flows over the
TE tunnels. Traffic to nodes that are downstream of the tail-end nodes also flows over the TE tunnels. If
there is more than one TE tunnel to different intermediate nodes on the path to destination node X, traffic
flows over the TE tunnel whose tail-end node is closest to node X.
Figure 24 Sample Topology of Parallel Native Paths and Paths over TE Tunnels
Router D Router E
If parallel native IP paths and paths over TE tunnels are available, the following implementations allow
you to force traffic to flow over TE tunnels only or only over native IP paths. Assume that all links have
the same cost and that a TE tunnel is set up from Router A to Router D.
• When the SPF calculation puts Router C on the TENT list, it realizes that Router C is not directly
connected. It uses the first hop information from the parent, which is Router B.
• When the SPF calculation on Router A puts Router D on the TENT list, it realizes that Router D is
the tail end of a TE tunnel. Thus Router A installs a route to Router D by the TE tunnel, and not by
Router B.
• When Router A puts Router E on the TENT list, it realizes that Router E is not directly connected,
and that Router E is not the tail end of a TE tunnel. Therefore Router A copies the first hop
information from the parents (Router C and Router D) to the first-hop information of Router E.
Traffic to Router E now load balances over the following:
• The native IP path by Router A to Router B to Router C
• The TE tunnel Router A to Router D
The SPF computation is loop free because the traffic through the TE tunnels is basically source routed.
The result of TE tunnel metric adjustment is the control of traffic load sharing. If there is only one way
to reach the destination through a single TE tunnel, then no matter what metric is assigned, the traffic
has only one way to go.
You can represent the TE tunnel metric in two different ways: as an absolute (or fixed) metric, or as a
relative (or floating) metric.
If you use an absolute metric, the routes assigned with the metric are fixed. This metric is used not only
for the routes sourced on the TE tunnel tail end router, but also for each route downstream of this tail
end router that uses this TE tunnel as one of its next hops.
For example, if you have TE tunnels to two core routers in a remote point of presence (POP), and one of
them has an absolute metric of 1, all traffic going to that POP traverses this low-metric TE tunnel.
If you use a relative metric, the actual assigned metric value of routes is based on the IGP metric. This
relative metric can be positive or negative, and is bounded by minimum and maximum allowed metric
values. For example, assume the topology shown in Figure 25.
If there is no TE tunnel, Router A installs routes x, y, and z and assigns metrics 20, 30, and 40,
respectively. Suppose that Router A has a TE tunnel T1 to Router C. If the relative metric –5 is used on
tunnel T1, the routers x, y, and z have the installed metrics of 15, 25, and 35. If an absolute metric of 5
is used on tunnel T1, routes x, y and z have the same metric 5 installed in the RIB for Router A. The
assigning of no metric on the TE tunnel is a special case, a relative metric scheme where the metric is 0.
Note Running MPLS traffic engineering over an existing IS-IS network requires a transition to
incorporating extensions to IS-IS. However, running MPLS traffic engineering over OSPF does not
require any similar network transition.
Note For the purpose of briefness, these two new TLVs, 22 and 135, are referred to as “new-style TLVs.”
TLVs 2, 128, and 130 are referred to as “old-style TLVs.”
Both new TLVs have a fixed length part, followed by optional sub-TLVs. The metric space in these new
TLVs has been enhanced from 6 bits to 24 or 32 bits. The sub-TLVs allow you to add new properties to
links and prefixes. Traffic engineering is the first technology to use this ability to add new properties to
a link.
First Solution for Making the Transition from an IS-IS Network to a New Technology
When you migrate from old-style TLVs to new-style TLVs, you can advertise the same information
twice—once in old-style TLVs and once in new-style TLVs. This ensures that all routers can understand
what is advertised.
There are three disadvantages to using that approach:
• Size of the LSPs—During the transition, the LSPs grow to about twice their original size. This might
be a problem in networks where the link-state database is large. A link-state database might be large
for the following reasons:
– There are many routers, and thus LSPs.
– There are many neighbors or IP prefixes per router. A router that advertises substantial
information causes the LSPs to be fragmented.
• Unpredictable results—In a large network, this solution can produce unpredictable results. A large
network in transition pushes the limits regarding LSP flooding and SPF scaling. During the
transition, the following behavior might occur:
– You can expect some extra network instability.
– Traffic engineering extensions might cause LSPs to be reflooded frequently.
• Ambiguity—If a router encounters different information in the old-style TLVs and the new-style
TLVs, it may not be clear what the router should do.
These problems can be largely solved easily by using the following:
• All information in old-style and new-style TLVs in an LSP
• The adjacency with the lowest link metric if an adjacency is advertised more than once
The main benefit to advertising the same information twice is that network administrators can use
new-style TLVs before all routers in the network can understand them.
When making the transition from using IS-IS with old-style TLVs to new-style TLVs, you can perform
the following actions:
• If all routers run old software, advertise and use only old-style TLVs.
• Upgrade some routers to newer software.
• Configure some routers with new software to advertise both old-style and new-style TLVs. They
accept both styles of TLVs. Configure other routers (with old software) to continue advertising and
using only old-style TLVs.
• Test traffic engineering in parts of your network; however, new-style TLVs cannot be used yet.
• If the whole network needs to migrate, upgrade and configure all remaining routers to advertise and
accept both styles of TLVs.
• Configure all routers to advertise and accept only new-style TLVs.
• Configure metrics larger than 63.
For more information about how to perform these actions, see the section “TLV Configuration
Second Solution for Making the Transition from an IS-IS Network to a New Technology
Routers advertise only one style of TLVs at the same time, but can understand both types of TLVs during
migration. There are two main benefits to this approach:
• LSPs stay approximately the same size during migration.
• There is no ambiguity when the same information is advertised twice inside one LSP.
This method is useful when you move the whole network (or a whole area) to use wider metrics (that is,
you want a router running IS-IS to generate and accept only new-style TLVs). For more information, see
the metric-style wide router configuration command.
The disadvantage is that all routers must understand the new-style TLVs before any router can start
advertising new-style TLVs. It does not help the second problem, where network administrators want to
use the new-style TLVs for traffic engineering, while some routers are capable of understanding only
old-style TLVs.
If you use the second solution, you can perform the following actions:
• If all routers run old software, advertise and use only old-style TLVs.
• Upgrade all routers to newer software.
• Configure all routers one-by-one to advertise old-style TLVs, but to accept both styles of TLVs.
• Configure all routers one-by-one to advertise new-style TLVs, but to accept both styles of TLVs.
• Configure all routers one-by-one to advertise and to accept only new-style TLVs.
• Configure metrics larger than 63.
steps and less configuration. Only the largest networks that do not want to double their link-state
database during transition need to use the second solution (see the “Second Solution for Making the
Transition from an IS-IS Network to a New Technology”).
MPLS VPNs allow service providers to deploy scalable VPNs and build the foundation to deliver
value-added services, including the following:
• Connectionless service—A significant technical advantage of MPLS VPNs is that they are
connectionless. The Internet owes its success to its basic technology, TCP/IP. TCP/IP is built on
packet-based, connectionless network paradigm. This means that no prior action is necessary to
establish communication between hosts, making it easy for two parties to communicate. To establish
privacy in a connectionless IP environment, current VPN solutions impose a connection-oriented,
point-to-point overlay on the network. Even if it runs over a connectionless network, a VPN cannot
take advantage of the ease of connectivity and multiple services available in connectionless
networks. When you create a connectionless VPN, you do not need tunnels and encryption for
network privacy, thus eliminating substantial complexity.
• Centralized service—Building VPNs in Layer 3 allows delivery of targeted services to a group of
users represented by a VPN. A VPN must give service providers more than a mechanism for
privately connecting users to intranet services. It must also provide a way to flexibly deliver
value-added services to targeted customers. Scalability is critical, because customers want to use
services privately in their intranets and extranets. Because MPLS VPNs are seen as private intranets,
you may use IP services such as the following:
– Multicast
– Quality of service (QoS)
– Telephony support within a VPN
– Centralized services including content and web hosting to a VPN
You can customize several combinations of specialized services for individual customers.
For example, a service that combines IP multicast with a low-latency service class enables
videoconferencing within an intranet.
• Scalability—If you create a VPN using connection-oriented, point-to-point overlays, Frame Relay,
or ATM virtual connections, the VPN’s key deficiency of the VPN is scalability. Specifically,
connection-oriented VPNs without fully meshed connections between customer sites are not
optimal. MPLS-based VPNs instead use the peer model and Layer 3 connectionless architecture to
leverage a highly scalable VPN solution. The peer model requires a customer site to only peer with
one provider edge (PE) router as opposed to all other CPE or CE routers that are members of the
VPN. The connectionless architecture allows the creation of VPNs in Layer 3, eliminating the need
for tunnels or virtual connections.
The following are scalability issues of MPLS VPNs due to the partitioning of VPN routes between
PE routers and the further partitioning of VPN and IGP routes between PE routers and provider (P)
routers in a core network:
– PE routers must maintain VPN routes for those VPNs that are members.
– P routers do not maintain any VPN routes.
This increases the scalability of the provider’s core and ensures that no one device is a scalability
• Security—MPLS VPNs offer the same level of security as connection-oriented VPNs. Packets from
one VPN do not inadvertently go to another VPN. Security is provided
– At the edge of a provider network, ensuring that packets received from a customer are placed
on the correct VPN.
– At the backbone, ensuring that VPN traffic is kept separate. Malicious spoofing (an attempt to
gain access to a PE router) is nearly impossible because the packets received from customers
are IP packets. These IP packets must be received on a particular interface or subinterface to be
uniquely identified with a VPN label.
• Easy to create—To take full advantage of VPNs, it must be easy for you to create new VPNs and
user communities. Because MPLS VPNs are connectionless, no specific point-to-point connection
maps or topologies are required. You can add sites to intranets and extranets and form closed user
groups. When you manage VPNs in this manner, it enables membership of any given site in multiple
VPNs, maximizing flexibility in building intranets and extranets.
• Flexible addressing—To make a VPN service more accessible, customers of a service provider can
design their own addressing plan, independent of addressing plans for other service provider
customers. Many customers use private address spaces and do not want to invest the time and
expense of converting to public IP addresses to enable intranet connectivity. MPLS VPNs allow
customers to continue to use their present address spaces without Network Address Translation
(NAT) by providing a public and private view of the address. A NAT is required only if two VPNs
with overlapping address spaces want to communicate. This enables customers to use their own
unregistered private addresses, and to communicate freely across a public IP network.
• Integrated Quality of Service (QoS) support—QoS is an important requirement for many IP VPN
customers. It provides the ability to address two fundamental VPN requirements:
– Predictable performance and policy implementation
– Support for multiple levels of service in an MPLS VPN
Network traffic is classified and labeled at the edge of the network before traffic is aggregated
according to policies defined by subscribers and implemented by the provider and transported across
the provider core. Traffic at the edge and core of the network can then be differentiated into different
classes by drop probability or delay.
• Straightforward migration—For service providers to quickly deploy VPN services, use a
straightforward migration path. MPLS VPNs are unique because you can build them over multiple
network architectures, including IP, ATM, Frame Relay, and hybrid networks.
Migration for the end customer is simplified because there is no requirement to support MPLS on
the CE router and no modifications are required to a intranet belonging to a customer.
Figure 26 shows an example of a VPN with a service provider (P) backbone network, service
provider edge routers (PE), and customer edge routers (CE).
Service provider
Site 1 Site 1
PE backbone
Site 2
Site 2
A VPN contains customer devices attached to the CE routers. These customer devices use VPNs to
exchange information between devices. Only the PE routers are aware of the VPNs.
Figure 27 shows five customer sites communicating within three VPNs. The VPNs can communicate
with the following sites:
• VPN1—Sites 2 and 4
• VPN2—Sites 1, 3, and 4
• VPN3—Sites 1,3, and 5
Site 2 Site 1
Site 4
Site 3 Site 5
Increased BGP Functionality
The following is a list of increased BGP functionality:
• Configuring BGP hub and spoke connections—Configuring PE routers in a hub and spoke
configuration allows a CE router to readvertise all prefixes containing duplicate autonomous system
numbers (ASNs) to neighboring PE routers. Using duplicate ASNs in a hub and spoke configuration
provides faster convergence of routing information within geographically dispersed locations.
• Configuring faster convergence for BGP VRF routes—Configuring scanning intervals of BGP
routers decreases import processing time of VPNv4 routing information, thereby providing faster
convergence of routing information. Routing tables are updated with routing information about
VPNv4 routes learned from PE routers or route reflectors.
• Limiting VPN VRFs—Limiting the number of routes in a VRF prevents a PE router from importing
too many routes, thus diminishing the performance of a router. This enhancement can also be used
to enforce the maximum number of members that can join a VPN from a particular site. A threshold
is set in the VRF routing table to limit the number of VRF routes imported.
• Reusing ASNs in an MPLS VPN environment—Configuring a PE router to reuse an existing ASN
allows customers to configure BGP routes with the same ASNs in multiple geographically dispersed
sites, providing better scalability between sites.
• Distributing BGP OSPF routing information—Setting a separate router ID for each interface or
subinterface on a PE router attached to multiple CE routers within a VPN provides increased
flexibility through OSPF when routers exchange routing information between sites.
Table 24 lists the MPLS VPN features and the associated BGP commands.
VPN Operation
Each VPN is associated with one or more VRFs. A VRF defines the VPN membership of a customer site
attached to a PE router. A VRF consists of an IP routing table, a derived CEF table, a set of interfaces
that use the forwarding table, and a set of rules and routing protocol parameters that control the
information that is included into the routing table.
A one-to-one relationship does not necessarily exist between customer sites and VPNs. A given site can
be a member of multiple VPNs, as shown in Figure 27. However, a site can only associate with one (and
only one) VRF. A customer’s site VRF contains all the routes available to the site from the VPNs of
which it is a member.
Packet forwarding information is stored in the IP routing table and the CEF table for each VRF.
A separate set of routing and CEF tables is maintained for each VRF. These tables prevent information
from being forwarded outside a VPN, and also prevent packets that are outside a VPN from being
forwarded to a router within the VPN.
MPLS Forwarding
Based on routing information stored in the VRF IP routing table and VRF CEF table, packets are
forwarded to their destination using MPLS.
A PE router binds a label to each customer prefix learned from a CE router and includes the label in the
network-layer reachability information (NLRI) for the prefix that it advertises to other PE routers. When
a PE router forwards a packet received from a CE router across the provider network, it labels the packet
with the label learned from the destination PE router. When the destination PE router receives the labeled
packet, it pops the label and uses it to direct the packet to the correct CE router. Label forwarding across
the provider backbone, is based on either dynamic label switching or traffic engineered paths. A
customer data packet carries two levels of labels when traversing the backbone:
• The top label directs the packet to the correct PE router.
• The second label indicates how that PE router should forward the packet to the CE router.
VPN customer
HFC cable network
Provider Cisco ISP-B
core uBR 7246
ISP-B customer
Management subnet
Cable VPN configuration involves the following:
• MSO domain that requires a direct peering link to each enterprise network (ISP), provisioning
servers for residential and commercial subscribers, and dynamic DNS for commercial users. The
MSO manages cable interface IP addressing, Data-over-Cable Service Interface Specifications
(DOCSIS) provisioning, CM host names, routing modifications, privilege levels, and usernames and
• ISP or enterprise domain that includes the DHCP server for subscriber or telecommuter host devices,
enterprise gateway within the MSO address space, and static routes back to the telecommuter
Note We recommend that the MSO assign all addresses to the end-user devices and gateway interfaces.
The MSO can also use split management to let the ISP configure tunnels and security.
The MSO must determine the primary IP address range, which is the range of the MSO for all cable
modems belonging to the ISP subscribers.
The ISP must determine the secondary IP address range, which is the range of the ISP for its subscriber
To reduce security breaches and differentiate DHCP requests from cable modems in VPNs or under
specific ISP management, MSOs can use the cable helper-address cable interface command in Cisco
IOS software. The MSO can specify the host IP address to be accessible only in the VPN of the ISP. This
lets the ISP use its DHCP server to allocate IP addresses. Cable modem IP addresses must be accessible
from the management VPN.
The MPLS VPN approach of creating VPNs for individual ISPs or customers requires subinterfaces to
be configured on the cable interface or the cable interface bundle. Each ISP requires one subinterface.
The subinterfaces are tied to the VRF tables for their respective ISPs. The first subinterface must be
created on the cable interface bound to the management VPN.
To route a reply from the CNR back to the cable modem, the PE router that connects to the CNR must
import the routes of the ISP VPN into the management VPN. Similarly, to forward management requests
(such as DHCP renewal to CNR) to the cable modems, the ISP VPN must export and import the
appropriate management VPN routes.
Cisco uBR7200 series software supports the definition of logical network-layer interfaces over a
physical cable interface or a bundle of cable interfaces. You can create subinterfaces on either a physical
cable interface or a bundle of cable interfaces. Subinterfaces let service providers share one IP subnet
across multiple cable interfaces grouped into a cable interface bundle.
You can group all of the cable interfaces on a Cisco uBR7200 series router into a single bundle so that
only one subnet is required for each router. When you group cable interfaces, no separate IP subnet or
each individual cable interface is required. This grouping avoids performance, memory, and security
problems in using a bridging solution to manage subnets, especially for a large number of subscribers.
Subinterfaces allow traffic to be differentiated on a single physical interface, and assigned to multiple
VPNs. You can configure multiple subinterfaces, and associate an MPLS VPN with each subinterface.
You can split a single physical interface (the cable plant) into multiple subinterfaces, where each
subinterface is associated with a specific VPN. Each ISP requires access on a physical interface and is
given its own subinterface. Create a management subinterface to support cable modem initialization
from an ISP.
Using each subinterface associated with a specific VPN (and therefore, ISP), subscribers connect to a
logical subinterface, which reflects the ISP that provides their subscribed services. When properly
configured, subscriber traffic enters the appropriate subinterface and VPN.
The CMTS MSO administrator can define subinterfaces on a cable physical interface and assign Layer
3 configurations to each subinterface, or bundle a group of physical interfaces, define subinterfaces on
the bundle master, and give each subinterface a Layer 3 configuration.
MPLS VPNs with cable interfaces provide the following benefits:
• MPLS VPNs give cable MSOs and ISPs a manageable way of supporting multiple access to a cable
plant. Service providers can create scalable and efficient VPNs across the core of their networks.
MPLS VPNs provide systems support scalability in cable transport infrastructure and management.
• Each ISP can support Internet access services from a PC of a subscriber through a physical cable
plant of a MSO to their networks.
• MPLS VPNs allow MSOs to deliver value-added services through an ISP, and thus, deliver
connectivity to a wider set of potential customers. MSOs can partner with ISPs to deliver multiple
services from multiple ISPs and add value within the own network of a MSO using VPN technology.
• Subscribers can select combinations of services from various service providers.
• The Cisco IOS MPLS VPN cable feature sets build on CMTS DOCSIS 1.0 and DOCSIS 1.0
extensions to ensure that services are reliably and optimally delivered over the cable plant. MPLS
VPN provides systems support domain selection, authentication per subscriber, selection of Quality
of Service (QoS), policy-based routing (PBR), and the ability to reach behind the cable modem to
subscriber end devices for QoS and billing while preventing session spoofing.
• MPLS VPN technology ensures both secure access across the shared cable infrastructure and service
• Cable interface bundling eliminates the need for an IP subnet on each cable interface. Instead, an IP
subnet is only required for each cable interface bundle. All cable interfaces in a Cisco uBR7200
series router can be added to a single bundle.
Interautonomous system configurations supported in an MPLS VPN can include the following:
• Interprovider VPN—MPLS VPNs that include two or more autonomous systems, connected by
separate border edge routers. The autonomous systems exchange routes using EBGP. No IGP or
routing information is exchanged between the autonomous systems.
• BGP confederations—MPLS VPNs that divide a single autonomous system into multiple
subautonomous systems, and classify them as a single, designated confederation. The network
recognizes the confederation as a single autonomous system. The peers in the different autonomous
systems communicate over EBGP sessions; however, they can exchange route information as if they
were IBGP peers.
Benefits of interautonomous Systems for MPLS VPNs are as follows:
• Allows a VPN to cross more than one service provider backbone—The interautonomous systems for
MPLS VPNs feature allows service providers, running separate autonomous systems, to jointly offer
MPLS VPN services to the same end customer. A VPN can begin at one customer site and traverse
different VPN service provider backbones before arriving at another site of the same customer.
Previous MPLS VPNs could only traverse a single BGP autonomous system service provider
backbone. The interautonomous system feature allows multiple autonomous systems to form a
continuous (and seamless) network between customer sites of a service provider.
• Allows a VPN to exist in different areas—The interautonomous systems for MPLS VPNs feature
allows a service provider to create a VPN in different geographic areas. Having all VPN traffic flow
through one point (between the areas) allows for better rate control of network traffic between the
• Allows confederations to optimize IBGP meshing—The interautonomous systems for MPLS VPNs
feature can make IBGP meshing in an autonomous system more organized and manageable. You can
divide an autonomous system into multiple, separate subautonomous systems and then classify them
into a single confederation (even though the entire VPN backbone appears as a single autonomous
system). This capability allows a service provider to offer MPLS VPNs across the confederation
because it supports the exchange of labeled VPN-IPv4 NLRI between the subautonomous systems
that form the confederation.
Core of P Core of P
routers routers
routes with label
CE-3 CE-4
Step 1 The provider edge router (PE-1) assigns a label for a route before distributing that route. The PE router
uses the multiprotocol extensions of a BGP to send label mapping information. The PE router distributes
the route as an VPN-IPv4 address. The address label and the VPN identifier are encoded as part of the
Step 2 The two route reflectors (RR-1 and RR-2) reflect VPN-IPv4 internal routes within the autonomous
system. The border edge routers of autonomous systems (ASBR1 and ASBR2) advertise the VPN-IPv4
external routes.
Step 3 The EBGP border edge router (ASBR1) redistributes the route to the next autonomous system (ASBR2).
ASBR1 specifies its own address as the value of the EBGP next hop attribute and assigns a new label.
The address ensures the following:
• That the next hop router is always reachable in the service provider (P) backbone network.
• That the label assigned by the distributing router is properly interpreted. (The label associated with
a route must be assigned by the corresponding next hop router.)
Step 4 The EBGP border edge router (ASBR2) redistributes the route in one of the following ways, depending
on its configuration:
• If the IBGP neighbors are configured with the neighbor next-hop-self router configuration
command, ASBR2 changes the next hop address of updates received from the EBGP peer, then
forwards it.
• If the IBGP neighbors are not configured with the neighbor next-hop-self router configuration
command, the next hop address does not get changed. ASBR2 must propagate a host route for the
EBGP peer through the IGP. To propagate the EBGP VPN-IPv4 neighbor host route, use the
redistribute connected subnets command. The EBGP VPN-IPv4 neighbor host route is
automatically installed in the routing table when the neighbor comes up. This is essential to establish
the label-switched path between PE routers in different autonomous systems.
Autonomous systems exchange VPN routing information (routes and labels) to establish connections.
To control connections between autonomous systems, the PE routers and EBGP border edge routers
maintain an LFIB. The LFIB manages the labels and routes that the PE routers and EBGP border edge
routers receive during the exchange of VPN information.
Figure 30 illustrates the exchange of VPN route and label information between autonomous systems.
The autonomous systems use the following guidelines to exchange VPN routing information:
• Routing information includes:
– The destination network (N)
– The next hop field associated with the distributing router
– A local MPLS label (L)
• An RD1: route distinguisher (the route target value) is part of a destination network address to make
the VPN-IPv4 route globally unique in the VPN service provider environment.
• When a router redistributes the route, it reassigns the label value and sets the next hop field to the
address of the distributing router (next-hop-self). Each VPN-IPv4 NRLI includes an MPLS label.
When a router changes the next hop field for a route, it changes the label field to a value that is
significant to the next hop destination router.
Figure 30 Exchanging Routes and Labels Between Autonomous Systems in an Interprovider VPN
Network = RD1:N
Next hop = ASBR1
Label = L2
Network = N
Next hop = CE-2 Network = N
Next hop = PE-3
Figure 31 illustrates the exchange of VPN route and label information between autonomous systems.
The difference between Figure 30 and Figure 31 is that ASBR2 is configured with the redistribute
connected router configuration command, which propagates the host routes to all PEs. The redistribute
connected router configuration command is necessary because ASBR2 is not configured to change the
next hop address.
Figure 31 Exchanging Routes and Labels Between Autonomous Systems in an Interprovider VPN
Network = RD1:N
Core of P Next hop = ASBR1 Core of P
routers Label = L2 routers
Network = RD1:N
Next hop = PE-1
Label = L1
Network = RD1:N
Next hop = ASBR1
Label = L2
Network = N
Next hop = CE-2 Network = N
Next hop = PE-3
CE-3 CE-4
Packet Forwarding
Figure 32 illustrates how packets are forwarded between autonomous systems in an interprovider
network using the following packet forwarding method.
Packets are forwarded to their destination by means of MPLS. Packets use the routing information stored
in the LFIB of each PE router and EBGP border edge router.
The service provider VPN backbone uses dynamic label switching to forward labels.
Each autonomous system uses standard multilevel labeling to forward packets between the edges of the
autonomous system routers (for example, from CE-5 to PE-3). Between autonomous systems, only a
single level of labeling is used, corresponding to the advertised route.
A data packet carries two levels of labels when traversing the VPN backbone:
• The first label (IGP route label) directs the packet to the correct PE router or EBGP border edge
router. (For example, the IGP label of ASBR2 points to the ASBR2 border edge router.)
• The second label (VPN route label) directs the packet to the appropriate PE router or EBGP border
edge router.
Service Provider 2
RR-1 RR-2 Network = N
Service Provider 1 IGP label = ASBR2
VPN label = L3
Core of P Core of P
Network = N Network = N
routers routers
IGP label = PE1 VPN label = L3
Network = N VPN label = L1
VPN label = L1 Network = RD1:N
PE-1 VPN label = L2 PE-2
Network = RD1:N
Network = RD1:N
CE-3 CE-4
Figure 33 illustrates the same packet forwarding method, except the EBGP router (ASBR1) forwards the
packet without reassigning it a new label.
Service Provider 2
RR-1 RR-2 Network = N
Service Provider 1 IGP label = ASBR1
VPN label = L2
Core of P Core of P
routers Network = RD1:N Network = RD1:N
IGP label = PE1 IGP label = ASBR1
Network = N VPN label = L1 VPN label = L2
VPN label = L1 Network = RD1:N
PE-1 VPN label = L2 PE-2
Network = N
Network = N
CE-3 CE-4
Note Figure 30 and Figure 31 illustrate how two autonomous systems exchange routes and forward
packets. Subautonomous systems in a confederation use a similar method of exchanging routes and
forwarding packets.
Figure 34 illustrates a typical MPLS VPN confederation configuration. The following behavior occurs
in this confederation configuration:
• The two CEBGP border edge routers exchange VPN-IPv4 addresses with labels between the two
subautonomous systems.
• The distributing router changes the next hop addresses and labels and uses a next-hop-self address.
• IGP-1 and IGP-2 know the addresses of CEBGP-1 and CEBGP-2.
CE-1 CE-2
CE-3 CE-4
The following behavior occurs in this confederation configuration:
• CEBGP border edge routers function as neighboring peers between the subautonomous systems.
The subautonomous systems use EBGP to exchange route information.
• Each CEBGP border edge router (CEBGP-1 and CEBGP-2) assigns a label for the route before
distributing the route to the next subautonomous system. The CEBGP border edge router distributes
the route as an VPN-IPv4 address by using the multiprotocol extensions of BGP. The label and the
VPN identifier are encoded as part of the NLRI.
• Each PE and CEBGP border edge router assigns its own label to each VPN-IPv4 address prefix
before redistributing the routes. The CEBGP border edge routers exchange VPN-IPv4 addresses
with the labels. The next-hop-self address is included in the label (as the value of the EBGP next
hop attribute). Within the subautonomous systems, the CEBGP border edge router address is
distributed throughout the IBGP neighbors and the two CEBGP border edge routers are known to
both confederations.
In supplying differentiated service, MPLS QoS offers packet classification, congestion avoidance, and
congestion management. Table 25 lists these functions and their descriptions.
Note MPLS QoS lets you duplicate Cisco IOS IP QoS (Layer 3) features as closely as possible in MPLS
devices, including label edge routers (LERs), LSRs, and ATM-LSRs. MPLS QoS functions map
nearly one-for-one to IP QoS functions on all interface types.
For more information on configuration of the QoS functions (CAR, WRED, and CBWFQ), refer to the
Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide.
For complete command syntax information for CAR, WRED, and WFQ, refer to the Cisco IOS Quality
of Service Solutions Command Reference.
Figure 35 shows an MPLS network that connects two sites of a IP network belonging to a customer.
network network
network network
Host A Host B
CE1 PE1 P1 P2 PE2 CE2
Owned by
service provider
Note The network is bidirectional, but for the purpose of this document the packets move left to right.
In Figure 35, the symbols have the following meanings displayed in Table 26:
Symbol Meaning
CE1 Customer equipment 1
PE1 Service provider edge router (ingress LSR)
P1 Service provider router within the core of the network of the service provider
P2 Service provider router within the core of the network of the service provider
PE2 Service provider edge router (egress LSR)
CE2 Customer equipment 2
Note Notice that PE1 and PE2 are at the boundaries between the MPLS network and the IP network.
This MPLS QoS enhancement allows service providers to classify packets according to their type, input
interface, and other factors by setting (marking) each packet within the MPLS experimental field without
changing the IP Precedence or DSCP field. For example, service providers can classify packets with or
without considering the rate of the packets that PE1 receives. If the rate is a consideration, the service
provider marks in-rate packets differently from out-of-rate packets.
Note The MPLS experimental bits allow you to specify the QoS for an MPLS packet. The IP
Precedence/DSCP bits allow you to specify the QoS for an IP packet.
Figure 36 shows the functional relationship between the MPLS LSC and the ATM switch that it controls.
interface interface
Note QoS is not an available feature with the IGX series ATM switches.
The MPLS LSC controls the ATM switch by means of the VSI, which runs over an ATM link connecting
the two devices.
The dotted line in Figure 36 represents the logical boundaries of the external interfaces of the MPLS
LSC and the controlled ATM switch, as discovered by the IP routing topology. The controlled ATM
switch provides one or more XTagATM interfaces at this external boundary. The MPLS LSC can
incorporate other label controlled or nonlabel controlled router interfaces.
MPLS LSC benefits are as follows:
• IP-ATM integration—Enables ATM switches to directly support advanced IP services and protocols,
thereby reducing operational costs and bandwidth requirements, while at the same time decreasing
time-to-market for new services.
• Explicit routing—Provides Layer 2 VCs to gigabit router backbones and integrated IP+ATM
environments, including support for explicit routing and provisioning of IP VPN services.
• SVPNs—Supports IP-based VPNs on either a Frame Relay or ATM backbone, an integrated
IP-ATM backbone, or a gigabit router backbone.
Switch Control
Port (12.1)
6.1 12.2
Controlled Switch
Note Using the MPLS LSC as a label edge device is not recommended. Using the MPLS LSC as a label
edge device introduces unnecessary complexity to the configuration. Refer to the tag-switching atm
disable-headend-vc command in the Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference to disable
edge LSR functionality on the LSC.
The MPLS LSC can perform as label edge device for the following purposes:
• Function simultaneously as a controller for an ATM switch and as a label edge device. Traffic can
be forwarded between a router interface and an interface on the controlled switch, and between two
XTagATM interfaces on the controlled switch.
• Perform label imposition and disposition and serve as the headend or tailend of a label-switched path
However, when the MPLS LSC acts as a label edge device, it is limited by the following factors:
• Label space for LSC-terminated VCs is limited by the number of VCs supported on the control link.
• Packets are process switched between the LSC edge and an XTagATM interface.
• Throughput depends on the following factors:
– The slave switch VSI partition configuration of the maximum cells per second for the master
control port interface and the XTagATM interface.
– SAR limitations of the ATM Lite (PA-A1) and ATM Deluxe (PA-A3) and process switching.
– CPU utilization for the LSC and edge LSR functionality.
Physical trunk
(slot4 port 1) 4.1.31 (virtual trunk)
These virtual trunks are mapped to the XTagATM interfaces on the LSC. On the XTagATM interface,
you configure the respective VPI value using the tag-switching atm vp-tunnel vpi interface command.
This VPI should match the VPI in the ATM network. The LVCs are generated inside this Virtual Path
(VP), and this VP carries the LVCs and their traffic across the network.
The total bandwidth of all the virtual trunks on one port cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth of the
port. Trunk loading (units of load) is maintained per virtual trunk, but the cumulative loading of all
virtual trunks on a port is restricted by the transmit and receive rates for the port.
The maximum number of virtual trunks that can be configured per card equals the number of virtual
interfaces on the BPX or IGX switch. The following lists virtual interface support for BXM and UXM:
• The BXM supports 32 virtual interfaces; hence, it supports up to 32 virtual trunks. Accordingly, you
can have interfaces ranging from XTagATM411 to XtagATM4131 on the same physical interface.
• The UXM supports 16 virtual interfaces. You can have interfaces ranging from XTagATM411 to
XTagATM 4116.
Logical equivalent
Part of the redundancy model includes edge LSRs, which link the two networks at the edge.
If the network uses OSPF or a similar IP routing protocol with an equal cost on each path, then there are
at least two equally viable paths from every edge LSR to every other edge LSR. The OSPF equal-cost
multipath distributes traffic evenly on both paths. Therefore, MPLS sets up two identical sets of
connections for the two MPLS control planes. IP traffic travels equally across the two sets of
Note The LSC redundancy model works with any routing protocol. For example, you can use OSPF or
IS-IS. Also, you can use both the TDP and the LDP.
With the LSC redundancy model, if one LSC on a switch fails, IP traffic uses the other path, without
needing to establish new links. LSC redundancy does not require the network to set up new connections
when a controller fails. Because the connections to the other paths have already been established, the
interruption to the traffic flow is negligible. The LSC redundancy model is as reliable as networks that
use Hot Standby controllers. LSC redundancy requires hardware like that used by Hot Standby
controllers. However, the controllers act independently, rather than in Hot Standby mode. For LSC
redundancy to work, the hardware must have connection capacity for doubled-up connections.
If an LSC fails and LSC redundancy is not present, IP traffic halts until other switches break their present
connections and reroute traffic around the failed controller. The stopped IP traffic results in undesirable
Router Redundancy
Because routers need not establish a VC to transfer data, they are inherently connectionless. When a
router discovers a failed device or link, it requires approximately less than 1 second to reroute traffic
from one path to another.
Routers can incorporate a warm or Hot Standby routing process to increase reliability. The routing
processes share information about the routes to direct different streams of IP traffic. They need not keep
or share connection information. Routers can also include redundant switch fabrics, backplanes, power
supplies, and other components to decrease the chances of node failures.
ATM, Frame Relay, and circuit switch networks transfer data by establishing circuits or VCs. To ensure
the transfer of data in switches, network managers incorporate redundant switch components. If any
component fails, a spare component takes over. Switches can have redundant line cards, power supplies,
fans, backplanes, switch fabrics, line cards, and control cards. The following describes these redundant
• The redundant backplanes include all the hardware to operate two backplanes and to switch to the
backup backplane if one fails.
• Redundant line cards protect against failed links. If a link to a line card fails, the redundant line card
takes over. To create redundant line cards, you must program the same connection information into
both line cards. This ensures that the circuits or VCs are not disrupted when the new line card takes
• The redundant switch fabric must also have the same connection information as the active switch
A software application usually monitors the state of the switches and their components. If a problem
arises, the software sets an alarm to bring attention to the faulty component.
The redundant switch hardware and software are required, because switches take some time to reroute
traffic when a failure occurs. Switches can have connection routing software, such as Cisco automatic
connection routing, PNNI, or MPLS. However, rerouting the connections in a switch takes much more
time than rerouting traffic in a router network. Rerouting connections in a switch requires calculating
routes and reprogramming some hardware for each connection. In router networks, large aggregates of
traffic can be rerouted simultaneously, with little or no hardware programming. Therefore, router
networks can reroute traffic more quickly and easily than connection oriented networks. Router networks
rely on rerouting techniques to ensure reliability. Connection-oriented networks use rerouting only as a
last resort.
Network managers can install redundant copies of the connection routing software for ATM and Frame
Relay switches on a redundant pair of control processors.
With Hot Standby redundancy, the active process sends its state to the spare process to keep the spare
process up to date in case it needs to take over. The active process sends the state information to the spare
process or writes the state to a disk, where both processes can access the information. In either case, the
state information is shared between controllers. Because the state of the network routing tables changes
frequently, the software must perform much work to maintain consistent routing states between
redundant pairs of controllers.
With Warm Standby redundancy, the state information is not shared between the active and spare
processes. If a failure occurs, the spare process resets all of the connections and reestablishes them.
Reliability decreases when the spare resets the connections. The chance of losing data increases.
LSC Redundancy
Connecting two independent LSCs to each switch by the VSI creates two identical subnetworks.
Multipath IP routing uses both subnetworks equally. Thus, both subnetworks have identical connections.
If a controller in one subnetwork fails, the multipath IP routing diverts traffic to the other path. Because
the connections already exist in the alternate path, the reroute time is very fast. The LSC redundancy
model matches the reliability of networks with Hot Standby controllers, without the difficulty of
implementing Hot Standby redundancy.
One benefit of implementing the LSC redundancy model is that you eliminate the single point of failure
between the LSC and the ATM switch it controls. If one LSC fails, the other LSC takes over and routes
the data on the other path. The following sections explain the other benefits of LSC redundancy.
In the LSC redundancy model, the LSCs do not share states or databases, which increases reliability.
Sometimes, when states and databases are shared, an error in the state or database information can cause
both controllers to fail simultaneously.
Also, new software features and enhancements do not affect LSC redundancy. Because the LSCs do not
share states or database information, you need not worry about ensuring redundancy during every step
of the update.
The LSCs work independently and there is no interaction between the controllers. They do not share the
state or database of the controller, as other redundancy models require. Therefore, you can run different
versions of the Cisco IOS software on the LSCs, which provides the following advantages:
• You can test the features of the latest version of software without risking reliability. You can run the
latest version of the Cisco IOS software on one LSC and an older version of the Cisco IOS software
on a different LSC. If the LSC running the new Cisco IOS software fails, the LSC running the older
software takes over.
• Running different versions of the Cisco IOS software reduces the chance of having both controllers
fail. If you run the same version of the Cisco IOS software on both controllers and that version
contains a problem, it could cause both controllers to fail. Running different versions on the
controllers eliminates the possibility of each controller failing because of the same problem.
Note Using different Cisco IOS software version on different LSCs is recommended only as a temporary
measure. Different versions of Cisco IOS software in a network could be incompatible, although it
is unlikely. For best results, run the same version of Cisco IOS software on all devices.
You can use different models of routers in this LSC redundancy model. For example, one LSC can be a
Cisco 7200 series router, and the other LSC can be a Cisco 7500 series router. Using different hardware
in the redundancy model reduces the chance that a hardware fault would interrupt network traffic.
LSC Redundancy Allows You to Switch from Hot to Warm Redundancy Immediately
You can implement hot or warm redundancy and switch from one model to the other. Hot redundancy
can use redundant physical interfaces, slave ATM switches with Y redundancy, and redundant LSCs to
enable parallel paths and near-instant failover. If your resources are limited, you can implement warm
redundancy, which uses only redundant LSCs. When one controller fails, the backup controller requires
some reroute time. As your network grows, you can switch from hot to warm redundancy and back,
without bringing down the entire network.
Other redundancy models require complex hardware and software configurations, which are difficult to
alter when you change the network configuration. You must manually change the connection routing
software from Hot Standby mode to Warm Standby mode.
LSC Redundancy Provides an Easy Migration from Standalone LSCs to Redundant LSCs
You can migrate from a standalone LSC to a redundant LSC and back again without affecting network
operations. Because the LSCs work independently, you can add a redundant LSC without interrupting
the other LSC.
The hot LSC redundancy model provides two parallel, independent networks. Therefore, you can disable
one LSC without affecting the other LSC. This feature has the following benefits:
• LSC redundancy model facilitates configuration changes and updates. After you finish with
configuration changes or image upgrades to the LSC, you can add it back to the network and resume
the LSC redundancy model.
• The redundancy model protects the network during partitioning of the ATM switch. You can disable
one path and perform partitioning on that path. While you are performing the partitioning, data uses
the other path. The network is safe from the effects of the partitioning, which include breaking or
establishing LVC connections.
The hot LSC redundancy model offers redundant paths for every destination. Therefore, reroute recovery
is very fast. Other rerouting processes in IP+ATM networks require many steps and take longer to
In normal IP+ATM networks, the reroute process consists of the following steps:
• Detecting the failure
• Converging the Layer 2 routing protocols
• Completing label distribution for all destinations
• Establishing new connections for all destinations
After this reroute process, the new path is ready to transfer data. Rerouting data using this process takes
The hot LSC redundancy method allows you to quickly reroute data in IP+ATM networks without using
the normal reroute process. When you incorporate hot LSC redundancy, you create parallel paths. Every
destination has at least one alternative path. If a device or link along the path fails, the data uses the other
path to reach its destination. The hot LSC redundancy model provides the fastest reroute recovery time
for IP+ATM networks.
In the LSC redundancy model, two LSCs control different partitions of the ATM switch. When you
partition the ATM switch for LSC redundancy, use the following guidelines:
• Make the MPLS partitions identical. If you create two partitions, make sure both partitions have the
same amount of resources. (You can have two MPLS VSI partitions per switch.) Use the cnfrsrc
router configuration command to configure the partitions.
• If the partitions are on the same switch card, perform the following steps:
– Create different control VCs for each partition. For example, there can be only one (0, 32)
control VC on the XTagATM interface. To map two XTagATM interfaces on the same ATM
switch interface, use a different control VC for the second LSC. Use the tag-switching atm
control-vc interface command.
– Create the LVC on the XTagATM interfaces using nonintersecting VPI ranges. Use the
tag-switching atm vpi interface command.
• Specify the bandwidth information on the XTagATM interfaces. Normally, this information is read
from the slave ATM switch. When you specify the bandwidth on the XTagATM interface, the value
you enter takes precedence over the switch-configured interface bandwidth.
• Configure the logical channel number (LCN) ranges for each partition according to the expected
number of connections.
See the documentation on the Cisco BPX 8600 series or Cisco IGX 8400 series switches for more
information about configuring the slave ATM switch.
The parallel VSI model means that the physical interfaces on the ATM switch are shared by more than
one LSC. For instance, LSC1 in Table 26 maps VSI slave interfaces 1 to N to the ATM switch physical
interfaces 1 to N. LSC2 maps VSI slave interfaces to the ATM switch’s physical interfaces 1 to N. LSC1
and LSC2 share the same physical interfaces on the ATM switch. With this mapping, you achieve fully
meshed independent masters.
Figure 41 shows four ATM physical interfaces mapped as four XTagATM interfaces at LSC1 and LSC2.
Each LSC is not aware that the other LSC is mapped to the same interfaces. Both LSCs are active all the
time. The ATM switch runs the same VSI protocol on both partitions.
LSC 1 interfaces LSC 2
Control Control
port port
ATM Switch
To ensure reliability throughout the LSC redundant network, you can also implement:
• Redundant interfaces between the edge LSR and the ATM-LSR. Most edge LSRs are collocated with
the LSCs. Creating redundant interfaces between the edge LSRs and the ATM LSRs reduces the
chance of a disruption in network traffic by providing parallel paths.
• Redundant virtual trunks and VP tunnels between slave ATM switches. To ensure hot redundancy
between the ATM switches, you can create redundant virtual trunks and VP tunnels. See Figure 42.
Virtual Trunk/ Virtual trunk/
Edge LSR ATM switch Edge LSR
VP Tunnel VP tunnel ATM switch
Physical interface ATM switch
Virtually any configuration of switches and LSCs that provides hot redundancy can also provide warm
redundancy. You can also switch from warm to hot redundancy with little or no change to the links,
switch configurations, or partitions.
Hot and warm redundancy differ in the following ways:
• Hot redundancy uses both paths to route traffic. You set up both paths using equal-cost multipath
routing, so that traffic is load balanced between the two paths. As a result, hot redundancy uses twice
the number of MPLS label VCs as warm redundancy.
• Warm redundancy uses only one path at a time. You set up the paths so that one path has a higher
cost than the other. Traffic only uses one path and the other path is a backup path.
The following sections explain the two redundancy models in detail.
Hot redundancy provides near-instant failover to the other path when an LSC fails. When you set up hot
redundancy, both LSCs are active and have the same routing costs on both paths. To ensure that the
routing costs are the same, run the same routing protocols on the redundant LSCs.
In hot redundancy, the LSCs run parallel and independent LDPs. At the edge LSRs, when the LDP has
multiple routes for the same destination, it requests multiple labels. It also requests multiple labels when
it needs to support QoS. When one LSC fails, the labels distributed by that LSC are removed.
To achieve hot redundancy, you can implement the following redundant components:
• Redundant physical interfaces between the edge LSR and the ATM-LSR to ensure reliability in case
one physical interface fails.
• Redundant interfaces or redundant VP tunnels between the ATM switches.
• Slave ATM switches, such as the BPX 8650, can have redundant control cards and switch fabrics. If
redundant switch fabrics are used and the primary switch fails, the other switch fabric takes over.
• Redundant LSCs.
• The same routing protocol running on both LSCs. (You can have different tag or label distribution
Figure 43 shows one example of how hot LSC redundancy can be implemented.
Logical equivalent
To achieve warm redundancy, you need only redundant LSCs. You need not run the same routing
protocols or distribution protocols on the LSCs.
Note You can use different routing protocols on parallel LSCs. However, you do not get near-instant
failover. The failover time includes the time it takes to reroute the traffic, plus the LDP bind request
time. If the primary routing protocol fails, the secondary routing protocol finds new routes and
creates new LVCs. An advantage to using different routing protocols is that the ATM switch uses
fewer resources and offers more robust redundancy.
If you run the same routing protocols, specify a higher cost for the interfaces on the backup LSC to allow
the data to use only the lower-cost path and also saves resources on the ATM switch (the edge LSR
requests LVCs only through the lower-cost LSC). When the primary LSC fails, the edge LSR uses the
backup LSC and creates new paths to the destination. Creating new paths requires reroute time and LDP
negotiation time.
Figure 44 shows one example of how warm LSC redundancy can be implemented.
Virtual trunk/
Virtual trunk/ VP tunnel 10 Virtual trunk/
VP tunnel 4 VP tunnel 16
Virtual trunk/
ATM switch VP tunnel 12 ATM switch
Virtual trunk/ Virtual trunk/
Edge LSR VP tunnel 8 VP tunnel 20 Edge LSR
Logical equivalent
Note As an alternative to the tag-switching atm disable headend-vc interface command, you can issue
the tag-switching request-tags for interface command with an access list to save LVC space.
For more information on reducing the number of LVCs, see the “Reducing the Number of Label Switch
Paths Created in an MPLS Network” section.
Implementation Considerations
The following sections explain items that need to be considered when implementing hot or warm LSC
redundancy in a network.
The following list explains the items you need to consider when implementing hot LSC redundancy:
• LSC hot redundancy needs parallel paths. Specifically, there must be the capacity for at least two
end-to-end parallel paths traveling from each source to each destination. Each path is controlled by
one of a pair of redundant LSCs.
• LSPs for the destinations are initiated from the edge LSR. The edge LSR initiates multiple paths for
a destination only if it has parallel paths to its next hop. Therefore, it is important to have parallel
paths from the edge LSR. You can achieve parallel paths by having two physical links from the edge
LSR or by having two separate VP tunnels on one link.
• Hot redundancy protection extends from the edge LSR only as far as parallel paths are present. So,
it is best if parallel paths are present throughout the entire network.
• Hot redundancy increases the number of VCs used in the network. Each physical link with two VSI
partitions has twice the number of VCs used than would otherwise be the case. Various techniques
can be used to alleviate VC usage. The use of unnumbered links (“ip unnumbered” in the Cisco IOS
link configuration) reduces the number of routes in the routing table and hence the number of VCs
required. On the LSCs, you can use the tag-switching atm disable headend-vc interface command
to disable edge LSR functionality on the LSC and also reduce the number of VCs used. The
tag-switching request-tags for interface command with an access list also restricts the creation of
The following list explains the items you need to consider when implementing warm LSC redundancy:
• LSC warm redundancy needs a single active path between the source and destination. However,
there is also a requirement for end-to-end parallel paths, as in the hot redundancy case. Only one
path has an active LSP for the destination. In the event of the failure, the other path is established,
with some delay due to rerouting.
• The number of VCs in the network does not change with the warm redundancy.
• Hot LSC redundancy achieves failure recovery with little loss of traffic. However, hot redundancy
doubles the VC requirements in the network. Warm LSC redundancy requires the same number of
VCs as a similar network without LSC redundancy. However, traffic loss due to a failure is greater;
traffic may be lost for a period of seconds during rerouting.
Note The precise traffic loss depends on the type of failure. If the failure is in an LSC, the LSPs controlled
by that LSC typically remain connected for some time. Traffic can still flow successfully on the
“failed” path until the edge LSRs switch all traffic to the alternate path (which might occur tens of
seconds later, depending on routing protocol configuration). The only traffic loss might occur in the
edge LSR when traffic changes to the new path, which typically takes a few milliseconds or less.
PE router PE router
CE router 192.168.x.x 192.168.x.x CE router
Note When using access lists to prevent the creation of headend LVCs or LSPs, do not disable the LSC
from acting as an edge LSR with the tag-switching disable headend-vc interface command, which
prevents all LSPs from being established.
The following examples of the tag-switching request tags-for interface command use Figure 46 as a
basis. The examples show different ways to disable the creation of LSPs from the LSC to the edge LSR,
and from the edge LSRs to the LSC.
Edge LSR 1 ATM switch Edge LSR 2
The following examples use a numbered access list to restrict creation of LSPs.
The following examples use a named access list to perform the same tasks as in the previous examples:
tag-switching request-tags for nolervcs
ip access-list standard nolervcs
permit any
The following examples use exact IP addresses to perform the same tasks as in the previous examples:
tag-switching request-tags for 1
access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 permit any
Instead of configuring an access list on the LSC, you can issue the tag-switching atm
disable-headend-vc interface command to disable the creation of LSPs. This command works only with
The following example uses the tag-switching request-tags for interface command to disable the LSC
from functioning as an edge LSR. The following lines are added to the LSC configuration:
tag-switching request-tags for dedicatedlsc
ip access-list standard dedicatedlsc
deny any
Note For a Cisco 6400 UAC with an NRP configured to function as an LSC, disable the LSC from acting
as an edge LSR. An NRP LSC should only support label switch paths through the controlled ATM
switch under VSI control.
Note If you configure a Cisco 6400 UAC with a node resource processor (NRP) to function as an LSC,
disable MPLS edge LSR functionality. Refer to the tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc
command in the Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference for information on disabling
MPLS edge LSR functionality. An NRP LSC should support transit label switch paths only through
the controlled ATM switch under VSI control.
Note A Cisco 6400 UAC chassis can accommodate multiple NRPs, including one dedicated to
MPLS LSC functions. You cannot use an additional NRP as an MPLS LSC. However,
you can use additional NRPs to run MPLS and perform other networking services.
• ATM port adapter—The Cisco 6400 UAC uses an ATM port adapter to provide external connectivity
for the NSP.
Figure 47 shows the components that you can configure to enable the Cisco 6400 UAC to function as an
R R (n) x (n)
P P . .
1 2
. .
x (n+3)
Cisco 6400 UAC chassis
Additional NRPs can NSP supports ATM
support MPLS and switching functions
IP Layer 3 services Legend: x = switch fabric for Cisco 6400 UAC
Figure 37 shows that the BXM slaves in BPX slots 6 and 12 are configured as external XTagATM ports,
the PVCs that must be cross-connected through the NSP are 0/45 for slot 6 and 0/51 for slot 12,
respectively, as outlined in Table 27.
Table 27 VSI Interface Control PVCs for BPX VSI Slave Slots
Figure 48 shows the functional relationships among the Cisco 6400 UAC hardware components and the
permanent virtual paths (PVPs) that you can configure to support MPLS LSC functionality.
Figure 48 Cisco 6400 UAC PVP Configuration for MPLS LSC Functions
VP = n from
NSP to PVPs for VP = n from
slave ATM switch LSC functions NSP to NRP
VC = 0/32 VC = 0/32
6.1 12.2 VC = 2/83
I/F = xtag2
VC = 2/83
mapped to
I/F = xtag1
VC = 2/35
VC = 2/35 mapped to
All other MPLS LSC functions, such as routing, terminating LVCs, and LDP control VCs (default 0/32),
can be accomplished by means of a separate, manually configured PVP (see the upper shaded area in
Figure 48). The value of “n” for this manually configured PVP must be the same among all the associated
devices (the NRP, the NSP, and the slave ATM switch). Because the NSP uses VP = 0 for ATM Forum
signalling and the BPX uses VP = 1 for autoroute, the value of “n” for this PVP for MPLS LSC functions
must be greater than or equal to 2, while not exceeding an upper bound.
Note that some edge LSRs have ATM interfaces with limited VC space per virtual path (VP). For these
interface types, you define several VPs. For example, the Cisco ATM Port Adapter (PA-A1) and the AIP
interface are limited to VC range 33 through 1018. To use the full capacity of the ATM interface,
configure four consecutive VPs. Make sure the VPs are within the configured range of the BPX.
For internodal BPX connections, we suggest that you configure VPs 2 through 15; for edge LSRs, we
suggest that you configure VPs 2 through 5. (Refer to the BPX cnfrsrc command in the Cisco BPX 8600
Series documentation for examples of how to configure BPX service nodes.)
Configuring the Cisco 6400 UAC to Perform Basic MPLS LSC Operations
Figure 49 shows a Cisco 6400 UAC containing a single NRP that has been configured to perform basic
MPLS LSC operations.
Figure 49 Typical Cisco 6400 UAC Configuration to Support MPLS LSC Functions
Io = Io =
LDP and routing paths
Data path between between LSR1 and LSR2
LSR1 and LSR2 for
their respective
6.1 12.2
Loopback =
Cisco 6400 UAC
Note If the NRP incurs a fault that causes it to malfunction (in a single NRP configuration), the LVCs and
routing paths pertaining to MPLS LSC functions are lost.
Note The loopback addresses must be configured with a 32-bit mask and be included in the relevant IGP
or BGP routing protocol, as shown in the following example:
ip address
In the MPLS LSC topology shown in Figure 49, the devices labeled LSR1 and LSR2 are external to the
Cisco 6400 UAC. These devices, with loopback addresses as their respective LDP identifiers, are
connected to two separate interfaces labeled 6.1 and 12.2 on the slave ATM switch. Both LSR1 and LSR2
learn about the routes of each other from the NRP by means of the data path represented as the thick
dashed line in Figure 49. Subsequently, LVCs are established by means of LDP operations to create the
data paths between LSR1 and LSR2 through the ATM slave switch.
Both LSR1 and LSR2 learn of the loopback address of the NRP and create a data path (LVCs) from each
other that terminates in the NRP. These LVCs, called tailend LVCs, are not shown in Figure 49.
By default, the NRP requests LVCs for the next hop devices (the LSRs shown in Figure 49). The headend
LVCs enable the LSC to operate as an edge LSR. Because the NRP is dedicated to the slave ATM switch
by default, the headend LVCs are not required.
Note If a Cisco 6400 UAC with an NRP is configured to function as an LSC, disable the edge LSR
functionality. An NRP LSC should support transit LSPs only through the controlled ATM switch
under VSI control. Refer to the tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc interface command in the
Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference to disable edge LSR functionality.
The tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc command disables the default behavior of the NRP in
setting up headend switch LVCs, thereby saving VC space.
Figure 50 Provider and Customer Networks with MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting
Site 2
VPN-SC Backbone
Site 1 CE5
VPN 1 Collector 2
The PE routers export the captured flows to the configured collector devices in the provider network.
The NetFlow Analyzer or the VPN solution center (VPN-SC) application collects this information and
computes and displays site-to-site VPN traffic statistics.
Benefits to MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting are as follows:
• Enhanced network monitoring for complete billing solution—You can now capture flows on the
egress and ingress router interfaces to provide complete end-to-end usage information on network
traffic. The accounting server uses the collected data for various levels of aggregation for accounting
reports and API accounting information, thus providing a complete billing solution.
• More accurate accounting statistics—NetFlow data statistics now account for all the packets that are
dropped in the core of the service provider network, thus providing more accurate traffic statistics
and patterns.
This chapter describes how to configure your network to perform Multiprotocol Label Switching
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Configuring MPLS Levels of Control
• Configuring a Router for MPLS Forwarding
• Configuring MPLS Traffic Engineering
• Configuring MPLS Traffic Engineering Paths
• Configuring MPLS Virtual Private Networks
• Configuring MPLS QoS Backbone Support
• Configuring MPLS QoS
• Configuring the MPLS Label Switch Controller
• Configuring MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting
• Verifying Configuration of MPLS Forwarding
For configuration examples on MPLS, see the “MPLS Configuration Examples” section.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Table 28 lists the cases, including the steps to perform MPLS and their corresponding
Cisco IOS CLI commands.
For more information about the Cisco IOS CLI commands, see the chapter “MPLS Commands” in the
Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference.
Figure 51 shows a router-only MPLS network with Ethernet interfaces. The following sections outline
the procedures for configuring MPLS and displaying MPLS information in a network based on the
topology shown in Figure 51.
Note Ethernet interfaces are shown in Figure 51, but any of the interfaces that are supported could be used
instead. ATM interfaces operating as TC-ATM interfaces are the exception to this statement.
R1 R4 R7
R3 R6
e0/4 e0/3 e0/4 e0/3
e0/2 e0/1
Command Purpose
Step 1 At R1: Enables MPLS between R1 and R3.
Router# configuration terminal
Router(config)# ip cef distributed In order to configure distributed VIP MPLS, you
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags must configure dCEF switching. Enter the ip cef
Router(config)# interface e0/1 distributed global configuration command on all
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit
At R3:
Router# configuration terminal
Router(config)# ip cef distributed
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags
Router(config)# interface e0/1
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Step 2 At R3: Enables MPLS between R3 and R4.
Router(config)# interface e0/2
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit
At R4:
Router# configuration terminal
Router(config)# ip cef distributed
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags
Router(config)# interface e0/2
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit
After you perform these steps, R1 applies labels to packets that are forwarded through Ethernet
interface e0/1, with a next hop to R3.
You can enable MPLS throughout the rest of the network by repeating steps 1 and 2 as appropriate on
other routers until all routers and interfaces are enabled for MPLS. See the example in the “Enabling
MPLS Incrementally in a Network Example” section.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# access-list 1 permit A Limits label distribution by using an access
(Enter the actual network address and
netmask in place of permit A. For example,
access-list 1 permit 192.5.34. 0
Step 2 Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 Instructs the router to advertise for network
A only to all adjacent label switch routers.
Any labels for other destination networks
that the router may have distributed before
this step are withdrawn.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Configures R2 to distribute no labels.
Step 2 Router(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Configures R5 to distribute no labels.
Command Purpose
Step 3 Router(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags Configures R8 to distribute no labels
Step 4 Router(config)# access-list 2 permit R1 Configures R3 by defining an access list and
Router(config)# no tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 by instructing the router to distribute labels
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 to 2
Router(config)# exit
for the networks permitted by access list 1
(created as part of case 2) to the routers
permitted by access list 2.
The access list 2 permit R1 command
permits R1 and denies all other routers.
(Enter the actual network address and
netmask in place of permit R1. For example,
access-list 1 permit
Step 5 Router(config)# access-list 1 permit A Configures R3.
Router(config)# access-list 2 permit R1
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 to 2 (Enter the actual network address and
Router(config)# exit netmask in place of permit R1. For example,
access-list 1 permit
Step 6 Router(config)# access-list 1 permit A Configures R4.
Router(config)# access-list 2 permit R3
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 to 2 (Enter the actual network address and
Router(config)# exit netmask in place of permit R1. For example,
access-list 1 permit
Step 7 Router(config)# access-list 1 permit A Configures R6.
Router(config)# access-list 2 permit R4
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 to 2 (Enter the actual network address and
Router(config)# exit netmask in place of permit R1. For example,
access-list 1 permit
Step 8 Router(config)# access-list 1 permit A Configures R7.
Router(config)# access-list 2 permit R6
Router(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags for 1 to 2 (Enter the actual network address and
Router(config)# exit netmask in place of permit R1. For example,
access-list 1 permit
Note For best MPLS forwarding performance, use the distributed option on routers that support this
For more information on the CEF commands, refer to the Cisco IOS Switching Services Command
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip cef Enables standard CEF operation.
For information about CEF configuration and the
command syntax, see the Cisco IOS Switching
Services Command Reference.
Step 2 Router(config)# mpls traffic-eng tunnels Enables the MPLS traffic engineering tunnel feature
on a device.
Note You must enable the tunnel feature on interfaces that you want to support MPLS traffic engineering.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# mpls traffic-eng tunnels Enables MPLS traffic engineering tunnels on an
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip rsvp bandwidth bandwidth Enables RSVP for IP on an interface and specifies
the amount of bandwidth that will be reserved.
For a description of the ip rsvp interface command
syntax, see the Cisco IOS Quality of Service
Solutions Command Reference.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router isis Enables IS-IS routing and specifies an IS-IS process for IP. This
command places the router in router configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-router)# mpls Turns on MPLS traffic engineering for IS-IS level 1.
traffic-eng level-1
Step 3 Router(config-router)# mpls Specifies that the traffic engineering router identifier for the node is
traffic-eng router-id loopback0 the IP address associated with interface loopback0.
Step 4 Router(config-router)# metric-style Configures a router to generate and accept only new-style TLVs.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router ospf process-id Configures an OSPF routing process for IP and places the router in
configuration mode.
The process-id argument is an internally used identification
parameter for an OSPF routing process. It is locally assigned and
can be any positive integer. Assign a unique value for each OSPF
routing process.
Step 2 Router(config-router)# mpls Turns on MPLS traffic engineering for OSPF area 0.
area 0
Step 3 Router(config-router)# mpls Specifies that the traffic engineering router identifier for the node is
traffic-eng the IP address associated with interface loopback0.
router-id loopback0
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface tunnel Configures an interface type and enters interface configuration
Step 2 Router(config)# ip unnumbered loopback0 Gives the tunnel interface an IP address.
An MPLS traffic engineering tunnel interface should be
unnumbered because it represents a unidirectional link.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# tunnel destination Specifies the destination for a tunnel.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# tunnel mode mpls Sets the tunnel encapsulation mode to MPLS traffic engineering.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# tunnel mpls Configures the bandwidth for the MPLS traffic engineering tunnel.
traffic-eng bandwidth bandwidth
Step 6 Router(config-if)# tunnel mpls Configures the tunnel to use a named IP explicit path or a path
traffic-eng dynamically calculated from the traffic engineering topology
path-option number {dynamic |
explicit {name path-name |
database. A dynamic path is used if an explicit path is unavailable.
path-number}} [lockdown]
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface tunnel1 Configures an interface type and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute Causes the IGP to use the tunnel in its enhanced SPF
announce calculation.
Defining VPNs
To define VPN routing instances, use the following commands beginning in router configuration mode
on the PE router:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip vrf vrf-name Enters VRF configuration mode and defines the
VPN routing instance by assigning a VRF name.
Step 2 Router(config-vrf)# rd route-distinguisher Creates routing and forwarding tables.
Step 3 Router(config-vrf)# route-target {import | export | Creates a list of import or export route target
both} route-target-ext-community communities for the specified VRF.
Step 4 Router(config-vrf)# import map route-map (Optional) Associates the specified route map
with the VRF.
Step 5 Router(config-vrf)# export map route-map (Optional) Associates the specified export route
map with the VRF.
Step 6 Router(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf-name Associates a VRF with an interface or
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router bgp autonomous-system Configures the BGP routing process with the
autonomous system number passed along to other
BGP routers.
Step 2 Router(config-router)# neighbor {ip-address | Specifies a neighbor’s IP address or BGP peer
peer-group-name} remote-as number group identifying it to the local autonomous
Step 3 Router(config-router)# neighbor ip-address activate Activates the advertisement of the IPv4 address
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 [unicast | Defines IBGP parameters for VPNv4 NLRI
multicast] exchange.
Step 2 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor address remote-as Defines an IBGP session to exchange VPNv4
as-number NLRIs.
Step 3 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor address activate Activates the advertisement of the IPv4 address
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 [unicast] Defines EBGP parameters for PE to CE routing
vrf vrf-name sessions.
Note The default is Off for autosummary and
synchronization in the VRF
address-family submode.
Step 2 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor address remote-as Defines an EBGP session between PE and CE
as-number routers.
Step 3 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor address activate Activates the advertisement of the IPv4 address
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router rip Enables RIP.
Step 2 Router(config-router-af)# address-family ipv4 Defines RIP parameters for PE to CE routing
[unicast] vrf vrf-name sessions.
Note The default is Off for auto-summary and
synchronization in the VRF
address-family submode.
Step 3 Router(config-router-af)# network prefix Enables RIP on the PE to CE link.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip route vrf vrf-name Defines static route parameters for every PE to CE
Step 2 Router(config-router)# address-family ipv4 [unicast] Defines static route parameters for every BGP PE
vrf vrf-name to CE routing session.
Note The default is Off for auto-summary and
synchronization in the VRF
address-family submode.
Step 3 Router(config-router-af)# redistribute static Redistributes VRF static routes into the VRF BGP
Step 4 Router(config-router-af)# redistribute connected Redistributes directly connected networks into the
VRF BGP table.
To configure MPLS VPNs with cable interfaces, perform the tasks described in the following sections.
The first two sections are required tasks; the remaining tasks are optional:
• Creating VRFs for Each VPN (Required)
• Defining Subinterfaces on a Physical Cable Interface and Assigning VRFs (Required)
• Configuring Cable Interface Bundles (Optional)
• Configuring Subinterfaces and MPLS VPNs on a Bundle Master (Optional)
• Configuring MPLS in the P Routers in the Provider Core (Optional)
• Verifying the MPLS VPN Configuration (Optional)
The following restrictions apply to configuring MPLS VPNs with cable interfaces:
• Each subinterface on the CMTS requires an address range from the ISP and from the MSO. These
two ranges must not overlap and must be extensible to support an increased number of subscribers
for scalability. Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)EC and 12.1(2)T do not support overlapping addresses for
the MPLS VPN subinterface.
Note This document does not address allocation and management of MSO and ISP IP addresses.
See Configuring Multiprotocol Label Switching for this information.
• Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2) T supports the cable source-verify dhcp cable interface command, but
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)EC does not support it. The cable source-verify dhcp cable interface
command enables Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) servers to verify IP addresses of
upstream traffic, and prevent MSO users from using unauthorized, spoofed, or stolen IP addresses.
• When using only MPLS VPNs, create subinterfaces on the bundle master, assign them an IP address,
and provide VRF configuration for each ISP. When you create subinterfaces and configure only
MPLS VPNs, the cable interface bundling feature is independent of the MPLS VPN.
• When using cable interface bundling, perform the following tasks:
– Define one of the interfaces in the bundle as the bundle master interface.
– Specify all generic IP networking information (such as IP address, routing protocols, and
switching modes) on the bundle master interface. Do not specify generic IP networking
information on bundle slave interfaces. If you attempt to add an interface to a bundle as a
nonmaster interface and an IP address is assigned to this interface, the command will fail. You
must remove the IP address configuration before you can add the interface to a bundle.
– An interface that has a subinterfaces defined over it is not allowed to be a part of the bundle.
– Specify generic (not downstream or upstream related) cable interface configurations, such as
source-verify or ARP handling, on the master interface. Do not specify generic configuration
on nonmaster interfaces.
– If you configure an interface as a part of a bundle and it is not the master interface, all generic
cable configuration for this interface is removed. The master interface configuration will then
apply to all interfaces in the bundle.
• Cable interface bundling is only supported on cable interfaces. Cisco IOS software provides cable
interfaces with Cisco uBR-MC11, Cisco uBR-MC12, Cisco uBR-MC14, and Cisco uBR-MC16
cable modem cards.
• Interface bundles can only be configured using the command-line interface (including the CLI-based
HTML configuration).
Note Because only the CMTS has logical subinterfaces, assignments of VRFs on the other PE devices will
be to specific physical interfaces.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip vrf mgmt-vpn Enters VRF configuration mode and maps a VRF
table to the VPN (specified by mgmt-vpn argument).
The management VPN is the first VPN configured.
Step 2 Router(config-vrf)# rd mgmt-rd Creates a routing and forwarding table by assigning
a RD to the management VPN.
Step 3 Router(config-vrf)# route-target {export| import| Exports or imports all routes for the RD of the
both} mgmt-rd management VPN. This determines which routes
will be shared within VRFs.
Step 4 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import isp1-vpn-rd Imports all routes for the VPNs (isp1-vpn argument)
route distinguisher.
Step 5 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import isp2-vpn-rd Imports all routes for the VPNs (isp2-vpn argument)
Step 6 Router(config-vrf)# ip vrf isp1-vpn Creates a routing and forwarding table by assigning
a RD to isp1-vpn argument) .
Step 7 Router(config-vrf)# rd mgmt-rd Creates a routing and forwarding table by assigning
a RD (mgmt-rd argument) to the management VPN
(mgmt-vpn argument) .
Step 8 Router(config-vrf)# route-target export isp1-vpn-rd Exports all routes for the VPNs (isp1-vpn argument)
Step 9 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import isp1-vpn-rd Imports all routes for the VPNs (isp1-vpn argument)
Step 10 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import mgmt-vpn-rd Exports all routes for the VPNs (mgmt-vpn
argument) RD.
Step 11 Router(config-vrf)# ip vrf isp2-vpn Creates a routing and forwarding table by assigning
a RD to isp2-vpn argument) .
Step 12 Router(config-vrf)# route-target export isp2-vpn-rd Exports all routes for the VPNs (isp2-vpn argument)
Step 13 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import isp2-vpn-rd Imports all routes for the VPNs (isp2-vpn argument)
Step 14 Router(config-vrf)# route-target import mgmt-vpn-rd Imports all routes for the VPNs (mgmt-vpn
argument) RD.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# configure terminal Enters configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config)# interface cable slot/port Enters cable interface configuration mode.
slot = slot number in chassis (slot numbers begin
with a 0).
port = port number on cable modem card slot (port
numbers begin with a 0).
Step 3 Router(config-if)# interface cable slot/port.n Defines the first (management) subinterface with the
lowest subinterface number. Valid range for n is
from 1 to 255.
Step 4 Router(config-subif)# description string Identifies the subinterface as the management
Step 5 Router(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding mgmt-vpn Assigns the subinterface to the management VPN
(the MPLS VPN used by the MSO to supply service
to customers).
Step 6 Router(config-subif)# ip address ipaddress mask Assigns the subinterface an IP address and a subnet
Step 7 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from cable modems to the
ip-address cable-modem IP address listed.
Step 8 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from hosts to the IP
ip-address host address listed.
Step 9 Router(config-if)# interface cable slot/port.n Defines an additional subinterface for the ISP (such
as isp1). Valid range for n is 1 to 255.
Step 10 Router(config-subif)# description string Identifies the subinterface (such as subinterface for
the isp1-vpn argument).
Step 11 Router(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding isp1-vpn Assigns the subinterface to isp1-vpn VPN.
Step 12 Router(config-subif)# ip address ipaddress mask Assigns the subinterface an IP address and a subnet
Step 13 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from cable modems to the
ip-address cable-modem IP address listed.
Step 14 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from hosts to the IP
ip-address host address listed.
Step 15 Router(config-if)# interface cable slot/port.n Defines an additional subinterface for the ISP (such
as isp2). Valid range for n is 1 to 255.
Step 16 Router(config-subif)# description string Identifies the subinterface (such as subinterface for
the isp2-vpn argument) .
Step 17 Router(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding isp2-vpn Assigns the subinterface to isp2-vpn VPN.
Command Purpose
Step 18 Router(config-subif)# ip address ipaddress mask Assigns the subinterface an IP address and a subnet
Step 19 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from cable modems to the
ip-address cable-modem IP address listed.
Step 20 Router(config-subif)# cable helper-address Forwards DHCP requests from hosts to the IP
ip-address host address listed.
Step 21 Router(config)# copy running-config startup-config Returns to configuration mode, and stores the
configuration or changes to your startup
configuration in NVRAM.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface cable slot/port Enters the cable interface configuration mode.
slot = slot number in chassis (slot numbers begin
with 0).
port = port number on cable modem card slot (port
numbers begin with 0).
IP addresses are not assigned to this interface. They
are assigned to the logical subinterfaces created
within this interface.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# cable bundle bundle-number master Defines the interface as the bundle’s master
interface. Valid range for bundle-number argument
is from 1 to 255.
Command Purpose
Step 3 Router(config)# interface cable slot/port Enters the cable interface configuration mode for
another cable interface.
slot = slot number in chassis (slot numbers begin
with 0).
port = port number on cable modem card slot (port
numbers begin with 0).
IP addresses are not assigned to this interface. They
are assigned to the logical subinterfaces created
within this interface.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# cable bundle bundle-number Adds the interface to the bundle specified by
bundle-number. Valid range for the bundle-number
argument is from 1 to 255.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip cef Enables CEF operation.
Step 2 Router(config)# interface FastEthernet slot/port Enters FastEthernet interface configuration mode.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address mask Defines the primary IP address range for the
Step 4 Router(config-if)# mpls ip Enables the interface to be forwarded to an MPLS
Step 5 Router(config-if)# mpls label-protocol ldp Enables Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) on the
Command Purpose
Step 6 Router(config)# copy running-config startup-config Stores the configuration or changes to your startup
configuration in NVRAM.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# show ip vrf Displays the set of VRFs and interfaces.
Step 2 Router# show ip route vrf Displays the IP routing table for a VRF.
Step 3 Router# show ip protocols vrf Displays the routing protocol information for a VRF.
Step 4 Router(config)# show cable bundle n forwarding-table Displays the forwarding table for the specified
To configure the exchange of VPN-IPv4 addresses between two or more autonomous systems or
subautonomous systems in a confederation, perform the tasks described in the following sections. The
tasks in the following sections are described as required or optional:
• Configuring EBGP Routing for the Exchange of VPN Routes Between Autonomous Systems
• Configuring EBGP Routing for the Exchange of VPN Routes Between Subautonomous Systems in
a Confederation (Required)
• Displaying VPN-IPv4 LFIB Entries (Optional)
Configuring EBGP Routing for the Exchange of VPN Routes Between Autonomous Systems
To configure an EBGP border edge router in an autonomous system to exchange VPN routes with
another autonomous system, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Note Enter the redistribute connected subnets command in the IGP configuration portion of the router
to propagates host routes for VPN-IPv4 EBGP neighbors to other routers and provider edge routers.
Alternatively, you can specify the next-hop-self address when you configure IBGP neighbors.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router bgp autonomous-system Creates an EBGP routing process and assigns it an AS
number. The autonomous system number is passed along
to identify the router to EBGP routers in another
autonomous system.
Step 2 Router(config)# no bgp default route-target Disables BGP route-target filtering. All received BGP
filter VPN-IPv4 routes are accepted by the router.
Step 3 Router(config-router)# address-family Configures a routing session to carry VPN-IPv4 addresses
vpnv4[unicast] across the VPN backbone. Each address has been made
globally unique by the addition of an 8-byte RD. Unicast
is optional; use it if you need to specify a unicast prefix.
Step 4 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor Enters the address-family submode and specifies a
peer-group-name remote-as autonomous-system neighboring EBGP peer group. This EBGP peer group is
identified to the specified autonomous system.
Step 5 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor Activates the advertisement of the VPN-IPv4 address
peer-group-name activate family to a neighboring EBGP router.
Step 6 Router(config-router-af)# exit-address-family Exits from the address-family submode of the global
configuration mode.
Configuring EBGP Routing for the Exchange of VPN Routes Between Subautonomous Systems in a
In this confederation, subautonomous system IGP domains must know the addresses of CEBGP-1 and
CEBGP-2. If you do not specify a next-hop-self address as part of the router configuration, ensure that
the addresses of all PE routers in the subautonomous system are distributed throughout the network, not
just the addresses of CEBGP-1 and CEBGP-2.
Note To ensure that the host routes for VPN-IPv4 EBGP neighbors are propagated (by means of the IGP)
to the other routers and provider edge routers, specify the redistribute connected router
configuration command in the IGP configuration portion of the CEBGP router. If you are using
OSPF, make sure that the OSPF process is not enabled on the CEBGP interface where the
“redistribute connected” subnet exists.
To configure EBGP border edge router in a confederation to exchange VPN routes with another
subautonomous system, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router bgp subautonomous-system Creates an EBGP routing process and assigns it an
autonomous system number. The subautonomous system
number is passed along to identify the router to EBGP
routers in other subautonomous systems.
Step 2 Router(config)# bgp confederation identifier Defines an EBGP confederation by specifying a
autonomous-system confederation identifier associated with each
subautonomous system. The subautonomous systems
appear as a single autonomous system.
Step 3 Router(config)# bgp confederation peers Specifies the subautonomous systems that belong to the
subautonomous-systems confederation (identifying neighbors from other
subautonomous systems within the confederation as
special EBGP peers).
Step 4 Router(config)# no bgp default route-target Disables BGP route-target community filtering. All
filter received BGP VPN-IPv4 routes are accepted by the
Step 5 Router(config-router)# address-family Configures a routing session to carry VPN-IPv4 addresses
vpnv4[unicast] across the VPN backbone. Each address has been made
globally unique by the addition of an 8-byte RD. Unicast
is optional; use it if you need to specify a unicast prefix.
Step 6 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor Enters the address-family submode and specifies a
peer-group-name remote-as autonomous-system neighboring EBGP peer group. This EBGP peer group is
identified to the specified subautonomous system.
Step 7 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor Advertises the router as the next hop for the specified
peer-group-name next-hop-self neighbor. If you specify a next-hop-self address as part of
the router configuration, you need not use the
redistribute connected router configuration command
Step 8 Router(config-router-af)# neighbor Activates the advertisement of the VPN-IPv4 address
peer-group-name activate family to a neighboring PE router in the specified
subautonomous system.
Step 9 Router(config-router-af)# exit-address-family Exits from the address-family submode of the global
configuration mode.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all [ tags] Displays information about all VPN-IPv4 labels.
Step 2 Router# show tag-switching forwarding-table Displays the contents of the LFIB (such as
VPN-IPv4 prefix or length and BGP next hop
destination for the route).
The following is an example of how the VPN-IPv4 LFIB entries appear when you use the show
tag-switching forwarding-table privileged EXEC command:
Router# show tag-switching forwarding-table
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes tag Outgoing Next Hop
tag tag or VC or Tunnel Id switched interface
33 33 0 Hs0/0 point2point
35 27 100:12: \
0 Hs0/0 point2point
Note In this example, the Prefix field appears as a VPN-IPv4 RD, plus the prefix. If the value is longer
than the Prefix column (as illustrated in the last line of the example), the output automatically wraps
onto the next line in the forwarding table to preserve column alignment.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip vrf Displays the set of defined VRFs and interfaces.
Router# show ip vrf [{brief | detail | interfaces}] vrf-name Displays information about defined VRFs and
associated interfaces.
Router# show ip route vrf vrf-name Displays the IP routing table for a VRF.
Router# show ip protocols vrf vrf-name Displays the routing protocol information for a VRF.
Router# show ip cef vrf vrf-name Displays the CEF forwarding table associated with a
Router# show ip interface interface-number Displays the VRF table associated with an interface.
Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all [tags] Displays information about all BGP VPN-IPv4
Router# show tag-switching forwarding vrf vrf-name [prefix Displays label forwarding entries that correspond to
mask/length][detail] VRF routes advertised by this router.
LSRs at the core of the MPLS backbone are usually either Cisco 7200 and Cisco 7500 series routers
running MPLS software. Packets are processed as follows:
1. IP packets enter into the edge of the MPLS network.
2. The edge LSRs invoke CAR to classify the IP packets and possibly set IP precedence. Alternatively,
IP packets can be received with their IP precedence already set.
3. For each packet, the router performs a lookup on the IP address to determine the next hop LSR.
4. The appropriate label is placed on the packet with the IP Precedence bits copied into every label
entry in the MPLS header.
5. The labeled packet is then forwarded to the appropriate output interface for processing.
6. The packets are differentiated by class. This is done according to drop probability (WRED) or
according to bandwidth and delay (WFQ). In either case, LSRs enforce the defined differentiation
by continuing to employ WRED or WFQ on each hop.
ATM-LSRs at the core implement the multiple label virtual circuit model (LVC). In the multiple LVC
model, one label is assigned for each service class for each destination. The operation of the edge LSR
is the same as that described previously for the LSR case, except that the output is an ATM interface.
WRED is used to define service classes and determine discard policy during congestion.
In the multiple LVC model, however, class-based WFQ (CBWFQ) is used to define the amount of
bandwidth available to each service class. Packets are scheduled by class during congestion. The
ATM-LSRs participate in the differentiation of classes with WFQ and intelligently drop packets when
congestion occurs. The mechanism for this discard activity is weighted early packet discard (WEPD).
ATM Switches
When the core network uses ATM switches and the edge of the network uses MPLS-enabled edge LSRs,
the edge LSRs are interconnected through a mesh of ATM Forum PVCs (CBR, VBR, or UBR) over the
ATM core switches. The edge LSRs invoke WFQ on a per-VC basis to provide differentiation based on
the delay of each MPLS QoS multiplexed onto the ATM Forum PVC. Optionally, WRED can also be
used on a per-VC basis to manage drop priority between classes when congestion occurs on the edge
Table 29 lists the MPLS QoS features supported on packet interfaces.
MPLS QoS Packet Feature Cisco 7500 Cisco 7200 Cisco 4000 Cisco 3600 Cisco 2600
Series Series Series Series Series
Per-interface WRED X X X X Untested
Per-interface, per-flow X X X X Untested
Per-interface, per-class X X X X Untested
MPLS QoS ATM Forum Cisco 7500 Cisco 7200 Cisco 4000 Cisco 3600 Cisco 2600
PVCs Feature Series Series Series Series Series
Per-VC WRED X1 X1 — — —
Per-VC WRED and — X — — —
per VC, per-class WFQ
MPLS QoS Multi-VC or LBR
Per-interface WRED X2 X2 — — —
2 2
Per-interface, per-class X X — — —
1. This feature is only available on the PA-A3.
2. This feature is only available on the PA-A1.
MPLS QoS ATM Forum BPX 8650 MGX 8800 1010 ATM Catalyst 8540
PVCs Feature Series Series Switch1 MSR1
MPLS QoS Multi-VC or X — — —
LBR—per-class WFQ
1. This switch can be used for the core only.
Configuring QoS
To configure QoS, you can configure one or more of the following features (in addition, of course, to
other items not described in this document):
network network
network network
Host A Host B
CE1 PE1 P1 P2 PE2 CE2
Owned by
service provider
To use these features in a network, set the MPLS experimental field value at PE1 (the ingress label
switching router) by using the modular QoS CLI or the rate-limit interface command that CAR provides
to set the QoS value in the MPLS packet. For detailed instructions, see the “Setting the MPLS
Experimental Field Value” section.
Using the Modular QoS CLI to Configure the Ingress Label Switching Router
To use the modular QoS CLI to configure PE1 (the ingress label switching router), perform the following
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# class-map class-map name Specifies the class map to which packets will be
Step 2 Router(config-c-map)# match criteria Specifies the packet characteristics that will be
matched to the class.
Step 3 Router(config-c-map)# end Exits class-map configuration mode.
In the following example, all packets that contain IP Precedence 4 are matched by the class-map name
Router(config)# class-map IP_prec4
Router(config-c-map)# match ip precedence 4
Router(config-c-map)# end
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# policy-map policy-map name Creates a policy map that can be attached to one or
more interfaces to specify a service policy.
Step 2 Router(config-p-map)# class class-map name Specifies the name of the class map previously
designated in the class-map command.
Step 3 Router(config-p-map-c)# set mpls experimental value Designates the value to which the MPLS bits are
set if the packets match the specified policy map.
Step 4 Router(config-p-map-c)# end Exits policy-map configuration mode.
In the following example, the value in the MPLS experimental field of each packet that is matched by
the class-map IP_prec4 is set to 5:
Router(config)# policy-map set_experimental_5
Router(config-p-map)# class IP_prec4
Router(config-p-map-c)# set mpls experimental 5
Router(config-p-map-c)# end
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface name Designates the input interface.
Step 2 Router(config-int)# service-policy input policy-map Attaches the specified policy map to the input
name interface.
Step 3 Router(config-int)# end Exits interface configuration mode.
In the following example, the service policy set_experimental_5 is attached to an Ethernet input
Router(config)# interface ethernet 1/0/0
Router(config-int)# service-policy input set_experimental_5
Router(config-int)# end
Step 1 Configure an IP rate-limit access list for classifying IP packets according to their IP precedence. Perform
this step at PE1 (the ingress LSR).
Step 2 Configure a rate limit on an input interface to set MPLS packets. (Write the classification of the packet
into the MPLS experimental field.)
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# access-list rate-limit acl-index Specifies the criteria to be matched.
Step 2 Router(config)# end Exits configuration mode.
In the following example, all packets that contain IP Precedence 4 are matched by the rate-limit access
list 24:
Router(config)# access-list rate-limit 24 4
Router(config)# end
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface name Designates the input interface.
Step 2 Router(config-int)# rate-limit input [access-group Specifies the action to take on packets during label
[rate-limit]acl-index] bps burst-normal burst-max imposition.
conform-action set-mpls-exp-transmit exp exceed-action
set-mpls-exp-transmit exp
In the following example, the experimental field for the output MPLS packet is set to 4 if the input IP
packets match the access list and conform to the rate. The MPLS experimental field is set to 0 if packets
match access list 24 and exceed the input rate.
Router(config)# interface ethernet 1/0/0
Router(config-int)# rate-limit input access-group rate-limit 24 8000 8000 8000
conform-action set-mpls-exp-transmit 4 exceed-action set-mpls-exp-transmit 0
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type number point-to-point Configures a point-to-point ATM subinterface.
Step 2 Router(config-subif)# ip unnumbered Loopback0 Assigns an IP address to the subinterface.
Step 3 Router(config-subif)# pvc 4/40 Creates a PVC on the subinterface.
Step 4 Router(config-if-atm-vc)# random-detect attach Activates WRED or dWRED on the interface.
Step 5 Router(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5snap Sets encapsulation type for the PVC.
Step 6 Router(config-subif)# exit Exits from PVC mode and enters subinterface
Step 7 Router(config-subif)# tag-switching ip Enables MPLS IP on the point-to-point interface.
Note The default for the multi-VC mode creates four VCs for each MPLS destination.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type number tag-switching Configures an ATM MPLS subinterface.
Step 2 Router(config-subif)# ip unnumbered Loopback0 Assigns an IP address to the subinterface.
Step 3 Router(config-subif)# tag-switching atm multi-vc Enables ATM multi-VC mode on the subinterface.
Step 4 Router(config-subif)# tag-switching ip Enables MPLS on the ATM subinterface.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# tag-switching cos-map cos-map number Creates a QoS map.
Step 2 Router(config-tag-cos-map)# class 1 premium Enters the cos-map submode and maps premium
and standard classes to label VCs.
This QoS map assigns class 1 traffic to share the
same label VC as class 2 traffic. The numbers you
assign to the QoS map range from 0 to 3.
The defaults are:
• class 0 is available
• class 1 is standard
• class 2 is premium
• class 3 is control
Step 3 Router(config-tag-cos-map)# exit Exits the MPLS QoS map submode.
Step 4 Router(config)# access-list access-list-number permit Creates an access list.
The access list acts on traffic going to the
specified destination address.
Step 5 Router(config)# tag-switching prefix-map prefix-map Configures the router to use a specified QoS map
access-list access-list cos-map cos-map when an MPLS destination prefix matches the
specified access list.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type number Specifies the interface type and number.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# fair-queue tos Configures an interface to use fair queueing.
Step 3 Router(config)# fair-queue tos class weight Changes the class weight on the specified
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# show tag-switching interfaces interfaces Displays detailed information about label
switching interfaces.
Step 2 Router# show tag-switching cos-map Displays the QoS map used to assign VCs.
Step 3 Router# show tag-switching prefix-map Displays the prefix map used to assign a QoS map
to network prefixes.
Configuring MPLS on the Cisco 7200 Series LSCs for BPX and IGX Switches
To configure MPLS on the Cisco 7200 Series LSCs for BPX and IGX switches, use the following
commands on each LSC in the configuration beginning in router configuration mode.
Note If you are configuring for LSC redundancy, ensure that the controller ID matches the slave and is
unique to the LSC system. Also, make sure that the VPI/VC value for the control VC matches its peer.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface loopback0 Enables a loopback interface. A loopback
Router(config-if)# ip address interface provides stable router and LDP
Step 2 Router(config)# tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc Forces the LSC not to assign headend VCs for
each destination prefix. With downstream on
demand, MPLS ATM networks LVCs are a limited
resource that are easily depleted with the addition
of each new node.
Command Purpose
Step 3 Router(config)# interface atm1/0 Enables the VSI protocol on the control interface
Router(config-if)# tag-control-protocol vsi id 1 ATM1/0 with controller ID 1. (Use a unique ID for
each LSC.)
For the IGX, use the tag-control-protocol vsi
slaves 32 id 1 command.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# interface XTagATM61 Configures MPLS on the extended label ATM
Router(config-if)# extended-port atm1/0 bpx 6.1 interface by creating an extended label ATM
(XTagATM) virtual interface and binding it to
BPX port 6.1.
For the IGX, use the extended-port atm1/0
descriptor command.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback0 Configures MPLS on the extended label
Router(config-if)# tag-switching atm vpi 2-5 ATM interface.
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit Limit the range so that the total number of VPIs
does not exceed 4. For example:
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching atm vpi 10-13
Step 6 Router(config-if)# interface XTagATM1222 Configures MPLS on another extended label ATM
Router(config-if)# extended-port atm1/0 bpx 12.2.2 interface by creating an extended label ATM
(XTagATM) virtual interface and binding it to
BPX virtual trunk interface 12.2.2.
For the IGX, use the extended-port atm1/0
descriptor command.
Step 7 Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback0 Configures MPLS on the extended label
Router(config-if)# tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 2 ATM interface using a VP-tunnel interface.
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit This will limit the VPI to only vpi = 2. The
command will also map tag atm control vc
to 2,32.
Step 8 Router(config)# ip cef Enables CEF switching.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface loopback0 Enables a loopback interface. A loopback
Router(config-if)# ip address interface provides stable router and LDP
Step 2 Router(config)# interface atm0/0/0 Enables the VSI protocol on the control interface
Router(config-if)# tag-control-protocol vsi ATM0/0/0.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# interface XTagATM61 Configures MPLS on the extended label ATM
Router(config-if)# extended-port atm1/0 bpx 6.1 interface by creating an extended label ATM
(XTagATM) virtual interface and binding it to
BPX port 6.1.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback0 Configures MPLS on the extended label
Router(config-if)# tag-switching atm vpi 2-5 ATM interface.
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit Limit the range so that the total number of VPIs
does not exceed 4. For example:
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching atm vpi 10-13
Step 5 Router(config-if)# interface XTagATM122 Configures MPLS on the other extended label
Router(config-if)# extended-port atm1/0 bpx 12.2 ATM interface by creating an extended label ATM
(XTagATM) virtual interface and binding it to
BPX port 12.2.
Step 6 Router(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback0 Configures MPLS on the extended label
Router(config-if)# tag-switching atm vpi 2-5 ATM interface.
Router(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Router(config-if)# exit Limits the range so that the total number of VPIs
does not exceed 4. For example:
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching atm vpi 10-13
Step 7 Router(config)# ip cef Enables CEF switching.
Step 8 Router(config)# tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc Disables headend VC label advertisement.
Configuring the Cisco 6400 UAC NSP for MPLS Connectivity to BPX
To configure a Cisco 6400 UAC NSP for MPLS connectivity to BPX, use the following commands
beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch# show hardware Displays the hardware connected to the
3/0 NRP 00-0000-00 ....... Cisco 6400 UAC, including the position (3/0) of
the NRP in the Cisco 6400 chassis.
Step 2 Switch(config)# interface atm3/0/0 Specifies the ATM interface for which you want to
configure PVCs and PVPs.
Command Purpose
Step 3 Switch(config-if)# Configures the PVC for the VSI control channel,
atm pvc 0 40 interface ATM1/0/0 0 40 depending on which of the 14 slots in the
atm pvc 0 41 interface ATM1/0/0 0 41
atm pvc 0 42 interface ATM1/0/0 0 42
Cisco BPX is occupied by a Cisco BXM. If you do
atm pvc 0 43 interface ATM1/0/0 0 43 not know the BPX slots containing a BXM,
atm pvc 0 44 interface ATM1/0/0 0 44 configure all 14 PVCs to ensure that the NSP
atm pvc 0 45 interface ATM1/0/0 0 45 functions properly.
atm pvc 0 46 interface ATM1/0/0 0 46
atm pvc 0 47 interface ATM1/0/0 0 47
atm pvc 0 48 interface ATM1/0/0 0 48
atm pvc 0 49 interface ATM1/0/0 0 49
Note Do not enable MPLS on this interface.
atm pvc 0 50 interface ATM1/0/0 0 50
atm pvc 0 51 interface ATM1/0/0 0 51 However, if you know that Cisco BPX slots 10 and
atm pvc 0 52 interface ATM1/0/0 0 52 12, for example, contain a BXM, you only need to
atm pvc 0 53 interface ATM1/0/0 0 53
configure PVCs corresponding to those slots, as
atm pvc 0 49 interface ATM1/0/0 0 49
atm pvc 0 51 interface ATM1/0/0 0 51
Instead of configuring multiple PVCs, you can
configure PVP 0 by deleting all well-known VCs.
For example, you can use the atm
manual-well-known-vc delete command on both
interfaces and then configure PVP 0, as follows:
atm pvp 0 interface ATM1/0/0 0
Step 4 Switch(config-if)# Configures the PVPs for the LVCs. For XTagATM
atm pvp 2 interface ATM1/0/0 2 interfaces, use the VPI range 2 through 5 (by
atm pvp 3 interface ATM1/0/0 3
atm pvp 4 interface ATM1/0/0 4
issuing a tag-switching atm vpi 2-5 command). If
atm pvp 5 interface ATM1/0/0 5 you want to use some other VPI range, configure
the PVPs accordingly.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# show controller vsi session Displays the VSI session state.
Step 2 Router# show tag-switching interfaces Displays the MPLS-enabled interface states.
Step 3 Router# show controllers vsi control-interface Displays information about an ATM interface that
controls an external ATM switch or VSI control
Step 4 Router# show interface XTagATM Displays information about an extended MPLS
ATM interface.
Step 5 Router# show tag-switching tdp discovery Displays information about the discovery of
MPLS neighbors.
Step 6 Router# show tag-switching tdp neighbor Displays information about the MPLS neighbor
Step 7 Router# show tag-switching atm capabilities Displays information about negotiated of TDP or
LDP control VPs.
Step 8 Router# show tag-switching atm-tdp bindings Displays the current headend, tailend, and transit
dynamic tag bindings for the destinations.
Step 9 Router# show tag-switching atm-tdp bindwait Displays the tag VCs that are in bindwait state
along with their destinations.
Step 10 Router# show tag-switching atm summary Displays summary information about the number
of destination networks discovered via routing
protocol and the LVCs created on each extended
label ATM interface.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mpls netflow egress Enables MPLS egress NetFlow accounting on the egress
router interface.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip flow-aggregation cache as | Enters aggregation cache configuration mode and enables
destination-prefix | prefix | protocol-port | an aggregation cache scheme (as, destination-prefix, prefix,
protocol-port, or source-prefix).
For more information on NetFlow aggregation, see the
“Related Documents” section.
Command Purpose
Router# show mpls forwarding-table detail Displays detailed MPLS forwarding-table entries.
The output has been modified to show if MPLS
egress NetFlow accounting is applied to packets
destined to an entry. This is for debugging
purposes only.
Router# show mpls interfaces internal all Displays detailed information about all of the
MPLS interfaces in the router. The output has been
modified to show if MPLS egress NetFlow
accounting is enabled on the interface. This is for
debugging purposes only.
Step 1 Enter the show ip cache flow EXEC command to display a summary of NetFlow switching statistics.
Note This is an existing command that displays ingress and egress NetFlow statistics.
512 544 576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
Table 32 describes the fields in the flow switching cache lines of the output.
Field Description
IP packet size distribution The two lines below this banner show the percentage distribution of
packets by size range.
bytes Number of bytes of memory the NetFlow cache uses.
active Number of active flows in the NetFlow cache at the time this
command is entered.
inactive Number of flow buffers that are allocated in the NetFlow cache but
are not assigned to a specific flow at the time this command is
added Number of flows created since the start of the summary period.
ager polls Number of times the NetFlow code looked at the cache to remove
expired entries (used by Cisco for diagnostics only).
flow alloc failures Number of times the NetFlow code tried to allocate a flow but could
last clearing of statistics Standard time output (hh:mm:ss) since the clear ip flow stats EXEC
command was executed. This time output changes to hours and days
after 24 hours is exceeded.
Field Description
Protocol IP protocol and the “well known” port number as described in
RFC 1340.
Total Flows Number of flows for this protocol since the last time statistics were
Flows/Sec Average number of flows for this protocol seen per second; equal to
total flows/number of seconds for this summary period.
Packets/Flow Average number of packets observed for the flows seen for this
protocol. Equal to total packets for this protocol/number of flows for
this protocol for this summary period.
Bytes/Pkt Average number of bytes observed for the packets seen for this
protocol (total bytes for this protocol and the total number of packet
for this protocol for this summary period).
Packets/Sec Average number of packets for this protocol per second (total
packets for this protocol and the total number of seconds for this
summary period).
Active(Sec)/Flow Sum of all the seconds from the first packet to the last packet of an
expired flow (for example, TCP FIN, time out, and so on) in
seconds/total flows for this protocol for this summary period.
Idle(Sec)/Flow Sum of all the seconds from the last packet seen in each nonexpired
flow for this protocol until the time this command was entered, in
seconds/total flows for this protocol for this summary period.
Table 34 describes the fields in the current flow lines of the output.
Field Description
SrcIf Internal port name of the router for the source interface.
SrcIPaddress Source IP address for this flow.
DstIf Internal port name of the router for the destination interface.
DstIPaddress Destination IP address for this flow.
Pr IP protocol; for example, 6 = TCP, 17 = UDP, ... as defined in
RFC 1340.
SrcP Source port address, TCP/UDP “well known” port number, as
defined in RFC 1340.
DstP Destination port address, TCP/UDP “well known” port number, as
defined in RFC 1340.
Pkts Number of packets that the router observed for this flow.
Step 2 Enter the show ip cache flow aggregation EXEC command to display the contents of the aggregation
cache. To display the prefix-based aggregation cache, use the following EXEC commands:
Src If Src Prefix Msk Dst If Dst Prefix Msk Flows Pkts
Et1/1 /8 Et1/4 /24 1 5
Table 35 describes the fields in the flow switching cache lines of the output.
Table 35 show ip cache flow aggregation prefix Field Descriptions—Flow Switching Cache
Field Description
bytes Number of bytes of memory the NetFlow cache uses.
active Number of active flows in the NetFlow cache at the time this
command is entered.
inactive Number of flow buffers that are allocated in the NetFlow cache but
are not assigned to a specific flow at the time this command is
added Number of flows created since the start of the summary period.
ager polls Number of times the NetFlow code looked at the cache to remove
expired entries (used by Cisco for diagnostics only).
flow alloc failures Number of times the NetFlow code tried to allocate a flow but could
Table 36 describes the fields in the current flow lines of the output.
Field Description
Src If Router’s internal port name for the source interface.
Src Prefix Source IP address for this flow.
Msk Mask source.
Dst If Router's internal port name for the destination interface.
Dst Prefix Destination prefix aggregation cache scheme.
Msk Mask destination.
Flows Number of flows.
Pkts Number of packets that the router observed for this flow.
The ip flow-aggregation cache command has other options, including the following:
{as | destination-prefix | prefix | protocol-port | source-prefix}
Note For more information on these options, refer to the NetFlow Aggregation documentation.
512 544 576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
Src If Src Prefix Msk Dst If Dst Prefix Msk Flows Pkts
Et1/1 /8 PO6/0 /32 1 5
Command Purpose
Router# show ip cache flow Displays summary NetFlow switching statistics,
including the size of the packets, types of traffic,
which interfaces the traffic enters and exits, and
the source and destination addresses in the
forwarded packet.
Note This command displays downstream mode bindings. For label VC bindings, see the show
tag-switching atm-tdp bindings EXEC command.
Matching entries:
tib entry:, rev 28
local binding: tag: imp-null(1)
remote binding: tsr:, tag: imp-null(1)
tib entry:, rev 29
local binding: tag: 26
remote binding: tsr:, tag: 26
tib entry:, rev 30
local binding: tag: imp-null(1)
The following shows sample output from the show tag-switching interfaces command when you
specify the detail keyword:
Router# show tag-switching interfaces detail
Interface Hssi3/0:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging enabled
Tagging not operational
MTU = 4470
Interface ATM4/0.1:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 4470
ATM tagging: Tag VPI = 1, Control VC = 0/32
Interface Ethernet5/0/0:
IP tagging not enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 1500
Interface Ethernet5/0/1:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 1500
Interface Ethernet5/0/2:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging not operational
MTU = 1500
Interface Ethernet5/0/3:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 1500
To shorten the previous path, delete the hop by entering the following commands:
Router(config)# interface tunnel 2003
Router(config-if)# no tunnel tsp-hop 2
Signalling Summary:
TSP Tunnels Process: running
RSVP Process: running
Forwarding: enabled
Router 3
S1/1 S1/0
.2 .1
Tu 6.0.0
13 nel 2
Note You must enter the following commands on every router in the traffic-engineered portion of your
interface s1/0
ip address
ip router isis
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
ip rsvp bandwidth 1000
Note You must enter the following commands on every router in the traffic-engineered portion of your
interface s1/0
ip address
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
ip rsvp bandwidth 1000
This section includes the commands you use to verify that the tunnel is up:
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels
show ip interface tunnel1
This section includes the commands you use to verify that the tunnel is up:
show mpls traffic-eng tunnels
show ip interface tunnel2
In this section, you specify that the IGP should use the tunnel (if the tunnel is up) in its enhanced SPF
interface tunnel1
tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announce
This section includes the commands you use to verify that the tunnel is up and that the traffic is routed
through the tunnel:
show traffic-eng tunnels tunnel1 brief
show ip route
show mpls traffic-eng autoroute
show interface tunnel1 accounting
show interface s1/0 accounting
rd 100:1
route-target both 100:1 ! Configure import and export route-targets for vrf1
ip vrf vrf2 ! Define VPN Routing instance vrf2
rd 100:2
route-target both 100:2 ! Configure import and export route-targets for vrf2
route-target import 100:1 ! Configure an additional import route-target for vrf2
import map vrf2_import ! Configure import route-map for vrf2
interface lo0
ip address
interface atm9/0/0 ! Backbone link to another Provider router
interface atm9/0/0.1 tag-switching
ip unnumbered loopback0
no ip directed-broadcast
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface atm5/0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
atm clock INTERNAL
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface Ethernet1/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip mroute-cache
no keepalive
hssi internal-clock
encaps fr
frame-relay intf-type dce
frame-relay lmi-type ansi
interface hssi 10/1/0.16 point-to-point
ip vrf forwarding vrf2
ip address
frame-relay interface-dlci 16 ! Set up Frame Relay PVC subinterface as link to another
! ! CE router
no auto-summary
address-family ipv4 unicast vrf vrf2 ! Define BGP PE-CE session for vrf2
redistribute static
redistribute connected
neighbor remote-as 65535
neighbor update-source h10/1/0.16
neighbor activate
no auto-summary
! Define a VRF static route
ip route vrf vrf1 e5/0/1
route-map vrf2_import permit 10 ! Define import route-map for vrf2.
! first subinterface
interface cable3/0.1
description Management Subinterface
ip address
cable helper-address
! second subinterface
interface cable3/0.2
ip address
cable helper-address
! third subinterface
interface cable3/0.3
ip address
cable helper-address
cable bundle 1
interface c4/0
! No IP address
! MAC layer configuration
cable bundle 1
! first subinterface
interface c3/0.1
ip address
cable helper-address
! second subinterface
interface c3/0.2
ip address
cable helper-address
! third subinterface
interface c3/0.3
ip address
cable helper-address
! Creates a list of import and/or export route target communities for the VPN.
route-target import 100:1
! Builds a loopback interface to be used with MPLS and BGP; creating a loopback interface
! eliminates unnecessary updates (caused by physical interfaces going up and down) from
! flooding the network.
interface Loopback0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
! Assigns an IP address to this Fast Ethernet interface. MPLS tag-switching must be
! enabled on this interface.
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Connection to MSO core.
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
tag-switching ip
! Enters cable interface configuration mode and configures the physical aspects of the
! 3/0 cable interface. Please note that no IP addresses are assigned to this interface;
! they will be assigned instead to the logical subinterfaces. All other commands for
! this cable interface should be configured to meet the specific needs of your cable RF
! plant and cable network.
interface Cable3/0
no ip address
ip directed-broadcast
no ip mroute-cache
load-interval 30
no keepalive
cable downstream annex B
cable downstream modulation 64qam
cable downstream interleave-depth 32
cable downstream frequency 855000000
cable upstream 0 frequency 30000000
cable upstream 0 power-level 0
no cable upstream 0 shutdown
cable upstream 1 shutdown
cable upstream 2 shutdown
cable upstream 3 shutdown
cable upstream 4 shutdown
cable upstream 5 shutdown
! Configures the physical aspects of the 3/0.1 cable subinterface. If cable modems have
! not been assigned IP addresses, they will automatically come on-line using the settings
! for subinterface X.1.
interface Cable3/0.1
description Cable Administration Network
! Associates this interface with the VRF and MPLS VPNs that connect to the MSO cable
! network registrar (CNR). The CNR provides cable modems with IP addresses and other
! initialization parameters.
ip vrf forwarding MSO
! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems not yet
associated with an ISP.
ip address
! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
no ip directed-broadcast
! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
! with the MSO acting as ISP.
! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
! with the MSO acting as ISP.
cable helper-address cable-modem
! Defines the DHCP server for PC host devices.
cable helper-address host
! Configures the physical aspects of the 3/0.4 cable subinterface
interface Cable3/0.4
description ISP2's Network
! Makes this subinterface a member of the MPLS VPN.
ip vrf forwarding isp2
! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to cable modems associated
! with the MSO as ISP network.
ip address secondary
! Defines a range of IP addresses and masks to be assigned to host devices associated
! with the MSO as ISP network.
ip address
! Disables the translation of directed broadcasts to physical broadcasts.
no ip directed-broadcast
! Disables cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IP multicast echo on this
! cable interface.
no cable proxy-arp
no cable ip-multicast-echo
cable dhcp-giaddr policy
!! Defines the DHCP server for cable modems whether they are associated with an ISP or
! with the MSO acting as ISP.
cable helper-address cable-modem
! Defines the DHCP server for PC host devices.
cable helper-address host
Current configuration:
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname R7460-7206-02
enable password xxxx
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip host brios
interface Loopback0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface Loopback1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip mroute-cache
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip mroute-cache
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no ip mroute-cache
tag-switching ip
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/1
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no ip mroute-cache
tag-switching ip
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/2
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no ip mroute-cache
tag-switching ip
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/3
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no ip mroute-cache
tag-switching ip
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/4
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no ip mroute-cache
tag-switching ip
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/5
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/6
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no cdp enable
interface Ethernet1/7
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
no ip route-cache cef
no cdp enable
router ospf 222
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
network area 0
ip classless
no ip http server
map-list test-b
no cdp run
tftp-server slot0:master/120/c7200-p-mz.120-1.4
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
password xxxx
transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
password xxxx
no scheduler max-task-time
PE1 P1 P2 PE2
description Lowell
ip address
pvc 1/100
router ospf 1
redistribute connected subnets
network area 0
router bgp 1
no synchronization
no bgp default route-target filter
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor R peer-group
neighbor R remote-as 1
neighbor R update-source Loopback0
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor peer-group R
no auto-summary
address-family vpnv4
neighbor R activate
neighbor R send-community extended
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor peer-group R
no auto-summary
description Ogunquit
no ip address
atm clock INTERNAL
no atm scrambling cell-payload
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM1/0.1 point-to-point
description Ogunquit
ip address
pvc 1/100
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0003.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
no bgp default route-target filter
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 1
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor update-source Loopback0
neighbor next-hop-self
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor activate
neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor send-community extended
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay intf-type dce
interface Serial5/0.1 point-to-point
description Lowell
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
frame-relay interface-dlci 23
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0008.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor R peer-group
neighbor R remote-as 2
neighbor R update-source Loopback0
neighbor R route-reflector-client
neighbor peer-group R
neighbor peer-group R
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor R activate
neighbor R route-reflector-client
neighbor R send-community extended
neighbor peer-group R
neighbor peer-group R
interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point
description Bethel
ip vrf forwarding V1
ip unnumbered Loopback1
frame-relay interface-dlci 24
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Littleton
ip address
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
router ospf 10 vrf V1
redistribute bgp 2 subnets
network area 0
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0009.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor update-source Loopback0
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
redistribute ospf 10
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
PE1 P1 P2 PE2
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
frame-relay interface-dlci 23
interface ATM1/0
description Ogunquit
no ip address
atm clock INTERNAL
no atm scrambling cell-payload
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface ATM1/0.1 point-to-point
description Ogunquit
ip address
pvc 1/100
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0003.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
no bgp default route-target filter
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp confederation identifier 100
bgp confederation peers 1
neighbor remote-as 1
neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor update-source Loopback0
neighbor next-hop-self
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor send-community extended
neighbor activate
neighbor next-hop-self
neighbor send-community extended
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Pax
ip address
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
interface Serial5/0
description Lowell
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay intf-type dce
interface Serial5/0.1 point-to-point
description Lowell
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
frame-relay interface-dlci 23
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0008.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp confederation identifier 100
neighbor R peer-group
neighbor R remote-as 2
neighbor R update-source Loopback0
neighbor R route-reflector-client
neighbor peer-group R
neighbor peer-group R
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor R activate
neighbor R route-reflector-client
neighbor R send-community extended
neighbor peer-group R
neighbor peer-group R
ip vrf forwarding V1
ip address
interface Serial0/0
description Bethel
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay intf-type dce
no fair-queue
clockrate 2000000
interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point
description Bethel
ip vrf forwarding V1
ip unnumbered Loopback1
frame-relay interface-dlci 24
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Littleton
ip address
ip router isis
tag-switching ip
router ospf 10 vrf V1
redistribute bgp 2 subnets
network area 0
router isis
net 49.0002.0000.0000.0009.00
router bgp 2
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
bgp confederation identifier 100
neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor update-source Loopback0
address-family ipv4 vrf V1
redistribute connected
redistribute ospf 10
no auto-summary
no synchronization
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
neighbor send-community extended
description Pax
ip unnumbered Loopback0
frame-relay interface-dlci 24
router ospf 1
network area 0
a0/0/3 a0/0/1 a0/1/1
lo0: a0/0/0 a0/0/0
Switch 2 a1/1/0 a1/1/0 Switch 1
lo0: lo0:
ip routing
hostname R2
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface POS0/3
ip unnumbered Loopback0
crc 16
clock source internal
router ospf 100
network area 100
ip routing
hostname R1
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface POS0/3
ip unnumbered Loopback0
crc 16
clock source internal
router ospf 100
network area 100
ip cef distributed
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet0/1
ip address
tag-switching ip
Lines 3 and 4 of the following sample configuration contain the CAR rate policies. Line 3 sets the
committed information rate (CIR) at 155,000,000 bits and the normal burst/maximum burst size at
200,000/800,000 bytes. The conform action (action to take on packets) sets the IP precedence and sends
the packets that conform to the rate limit. The exceed action sets the IP precedence and sends the packets
when the packets exceed the rate limit.
interface POS3/0/0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
rate-limit input 155000000 2000000 8000000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 5
exceed-action set-prec-transmit 1
ip route-cache distributed
router ospf 100
network area 100
network area 100
The following commands configure WRED on an ATM interface. In this example, the commands refer
to a PA-A1 port adapter.
interface ATM1/1/0
ip route-cache distributed
atm clock INTERNAL
The following commands configure interface ATM1/1/0 for multi-VC mode. In this example, the
commands refer to a PA-A1 port adapter.
interface ATM1/1/0.1 tag-switching
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching atm multi-vc
tag-switching ip
The commands to configure a PA-A3 port adapter differ slightly from the commands to configure a
PA-A1 port adapter as shown previously.
On an PA-A3 port-adapter interface, distributed WRED (DWRED) is supported only per-VC, not
To configure a PA-A3 port adapter, enter the following commands:
interface ATM1/1/0
ip route-cache distributed
atm clock INTERNAL
interface ATM 1/1/0.1 tag-switching
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching multi-vc
tag-switching random detect attach groupname
The following commands configure per-VC WRED on a PA-A3 port adapter only:
Note The PA-A1 port adapter does not support the per-VC WRED drop mechanism.
!interface ATM2/0/0
no ip address
ip route-cache distributed
Lines 5 and 6 of the following sample configuration contain the commands for configuring WRED and
WFQ on interface Hssi2/1/0:
interface Hssi2/1/0
ip address
ip route-cache distributed
tag-switching ip
fair queue tos
hssi internal-clock
Lines 3 and 4 of the following sample configuration contain the CAR rate policies. Line 3 sets the CIR
at 155,000,000 bits and the normal burst/maximum burst size at 200,000/800,000 bytes. The conform
action (action to take on packets) sets the IP precedence and sends the packets that conform to the rate
limit. The exceed action sets the IP precedence and sends the packets when the packets exceed the rate
interface POS3/0/0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
rate-limit input 155000000 2000000 8000000 conform-action set-prec-transmit 2
exceed-action set-prec-transmit 2
ip route-cache distributed
router ospf 100
network area 100
network area 100
network area 100
ip route Hssi2/1/0
tag-switching ip
interface Ethernet0/2
ip address
tag-switching ip
interface Ethernet0/3
ip address
tag-switching ip
router ospf 100
network area 100
network area 100
network area 100
network area 100
interface ATM0/0/2
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
interface ATM0/0/3
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching ip
interface ATM1/1/0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching ip
router ospf 100
network area 100
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface ATM0/0/0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching ip
Line 3 of the following sample configuration contains the configuration command for an ATM Forum
interface ATM0/1/1
ip unnumbered Loopback0
atm pvc 10 100 interface ATM0/0/0 10 100
tag-switching ip
interface ATM1/1/0
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tag-switching ip
router ospf 100
network area 100
(Cisco 7200 (Cisco 7200
series) series)
ATM 3/0 ATM 3/0
1.1 1.1
Edge LSR1 Edge LSR2
ATM 2/0/0 2.2 1.3 1.3 2.2 ATM 2/0/0
(Cisco 7500 (Cisco 7200
series) Cisco BPX1 Cisco BPX2 series)
LSC1 Configuration
7200 LSC1:
ip cef
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM22
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XTagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XTagATM11).
LSC2 Configuration
7200 LSC2:
ip cef
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM22
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
interface ATM2/0.9 tag-switching
ip unnumbered loopback 0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
LSC1 Configuration
7200 LSC1:
ip cef
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
ip unnumbered loopback 0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching atm cos available 25
tag-switching atm cos standard 25
tag-switching atm cos premium 25
tag-switching atm cos control 25
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM23
ip unnumbered loopback 0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
LSC2 Configuration
7200 LSC2:
ip cef
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
ip unnumbered loopback 0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching atm cos available 25
tag-switching atm cos standard 25
tag-switching atm cos premium 25
tag-switching atm cos control 25
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM23
ip unnumbered loopback 0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching atm cos available 20
tag-switching atm cos standard 30
tag-switching atm cos premium 25
tag-switching atm cos control 25
tag-switching ip
QoS Support
If LSC1 supports QoS, but LSC2 does not, LSC1 makes VC requests for the following default classes:
• Control=QoS3
• Standard=QoS1
LSC2 ignores the call field in the request and allocates two UBR label VCs.
If LSR1 supports QoS, but LSR2 does not, LSR2 receives the request to create multiple label VCs, but
by default, creates class 0 only (UBR).
(7200) NSP
Edge LSR1 atm2/0/0 2.2 1.3 1.3 2.2 atm2/0/0 Edge LSR2
Cisco BPX1
BPX1 Cisco BPX2
(Cisco 7500) (Cisco 7500)
Based on Figure 58, the following configuration examples are provided:
• 6400 UAC NSP Configuration
• 6400 UAC NRP LSC1 Configuration
• BPX1 and BPX2 Configuration
• 6400 UAC NRP LSC2 Configuration
• Edge LSR1 Configuration
• Edge LSR2 Configuration
Note Instead of configuring multiple PVCs, you can also configure PVP 0 by deleting all well-known VCs.
For example, you can use the atm manual-well-known-vc delete interface command on both
interfaces and then configure PVP 0, as follows:
atm pvp 0 interface ATM1/0/0 0
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XTagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XTagATM11).
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM22
ip unnumbered Loopback0
extended-port ATM0/0/0 bpx 2.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
tag-switching atm disable-headend-vc
Configuring ATM LSRs Through ATM Network Using Cisco 7200 LSCs Implementing Virtual Trunking
The network topology shown in Figure 59 incorporates two ATM-LSRs using virtual trunking to create
an MPLS network through a private ATM Network. This topology includes the following:
• Two LSCs (Cisco 7200 routers)
• Two BPX service nodes
• Two edge LSRs (Cisco 7500 and 7200 routers)
(Cisco 7200) (Cisco
ATM 3/0 A
1.1 1.1
ATM 2/0/0 2.2 1.3.2 ATM 1.3.2
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XtagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XtagATM11).
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
interface ATM2/0.22 tag-switching
ip unnumbered loopback 0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
Configuring ATM LSRs Through ATM Network Using Cisco 6400 NRP LSCs Implementing Virtual
Trunking Example
The network topology shown in Figure 60 incorporates two ATM-LSRs using virtual trunking to create
an MPLS network through a private ATM network. This topology includes two LSCs (Cisco 6400 UAC
NRP routers), two BPX service nodes, and two edge LSRs (Cisco 7500 and 7200 routers).
(7200) NSP
Note Instead of configuring multiple PVCs, you can also configure PVP 0 by deleting all well-known VCs.
For example, you can use the atm manual-well-known-vc delete interface command on both
interfaces and then configure PVP 0, as follows:
atm pvp 0 interface ATM1/0/0 0
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XtagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XtagATM11).
ATM cloud
Note In the following configuration examples for the LSCs, you can use the tag-switching request-tags
for global configuration command instead of the tag-switching atm disable headend-vc global
configuration command.
LSC 1A Configuration
7200 LSC 1A:
ip cef
tag-switching atm disable-headend vc
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi id 1
interface XTagATM12
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM15
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.5
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM1612
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.6.12
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 12
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM2612
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.6.12
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 12
tag-switching ip
LSC 1B Configuration
7200 LSC 1B:
ip cef
tag-switching atm disable-headend vc
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi id 2
interface XTagATM22
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM25
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.5
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM1622
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.6.22
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 22
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM2622
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.6.22
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 22
tag-switching ip
LSC 2A Configuration
7200 LSC 2A:
ip cef
tag-switching atm disable-headend vc
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi id 1
interface XTagATM12
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM15
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.5
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM1612
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.6.12
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 12
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM2612
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.6.12
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 12
tag-switching ip
LSC 2B Configuration
7200 LSC 2B:
ip cef
tag-switching atm disable-headend vc
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi id 2
interface XTagATM22
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM25
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.5
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM1622
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.6.22
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 22
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM2622
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.6.22
tag-switching atm vp-tunnel 22
tag-switching ip
uptrk 2.5
cnfrsrc 2.5 256 252207 y 2 e 512 6144 2 15 26000 100000
uptrk 2.6.12
cnftrk 2.6.12 110000 N 1000 7F V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,NRT-VBR,ABR,
cnfrsrc 2.6.12 256 252207 y 1 e 512 6144 12 12 26000 100000
uptrk 2.6.22
cnftrk 2.6.22 110000 N 1000 7F V,TS,NTS,FR,FST,CBR,NRT-VBR,ABR,
cnfrsrc 2.6.22 256 252207 y 2 e 512 6144 22 22 26000 100000
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XtagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XtagATM11).
Step 1 Configure the interface to use both VSI partitions. The VSI partition configuration for the interface must
be made with no overlapping VP space. For example, for interface 2.8 on the ATM-LSR, the following
configuration is required:
uptrk 2.8
cnfrsrc 2.8 256 252207 y 1 e 512 6144 2 15 26000 100000
cnfrsrc 2.8 256 252207 y 2 e 512 6144 16 29 26000 100000
Thus partition 1 will create LVCs using VPIs 2-15 and partition 2 will create LVCs using VPIs 16-29.
Step 2 Configure the control-vc. Each LSC requires a control VC (default 0,32); however, only one LSC can
use this defeat control-vc for any one trunk interface. The following command forces the control VC
tag-switching atm control-vc <vpi>,<vci>
Therefore, LSC 1 XTagATM28 can use the default control-vc 0,32 (but it is suggested that you use 2,32
to reduce configuration confusion) and the LSC 2 XTagATM28 should use control-vc 16,32.
LSC1 Configuration
interface XTagATM2801
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.8
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching atm control-vc 2 32
tag-switching ip
LSC2 Configuration
interface XTagATM2802
ip unnumbered loopback0
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.8
tag-switching atm vpi 16-29
tag-switching atm control-vc 16 32
tag-switching ip
Edge LSR 1 2.2 BPX 1 1.3 1.3 BPX 2 2.2 Edge LSR 2 a2/0/0 a2/0
In networks that require connections only between edge LSRs, you can use the access list to eliminate
the creation of unnecessary LSPs. This allows LVC resources to be conserved so that more edge LSR
connections can be supported.
To prevent creation of LSPs between LSCs, create an access list that denies all addresses.
Then, to prevent creation of LVCs from the LSCs to the edge LSRs, create an access list that denies all addresses. The configuration examples for LSC 1 and 2 show the commands for performing
these tasks.
To prevent creation of LVCs from the edge LSRs to LSCs, create an access list at the edge LSRs that
denies all addresses. The configuration examples for edge LSR 1 and 2 show the commands
for performing this task.
LSC 1 Configuration
7200 LSC1:
ip cef
tag-switching request-tags for acl_lsc
ip access-list standard acl_lsc
permit any
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM22
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
Note For the shelf controller, you must configure a VSI partition for the slave control port interface
(addshelf 1.1, cnfrsrc 1.1...). However, do not configure an XtagATM port for the VSI partition (for
example, XtagATM11).
LSC 2 Configuration
7200 LSC2:
ip cef
tag-switching request-tags for acl_lsc
ip access-list standard acl_lsc
permit any
interface loopback0
ip address
interface ATM3/0
no ip address
tag-control-protocol vsi
interface XTagATM13
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 1.3
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-15
tag-switching ip
interface XTagATM22
extended-port ATM3/0 bpx 2.2
ip unnumbered loopback0
tag-switching atm vpi 2-5
tag-switching ip
MPLS egress NetFlow accounting is enabled on interface eth1/4 and debugging is turned on, as follows:
Router(config-if)# mpls netflow egress
Router# debug mpls netflow
MPLS Egress NetFlow debugging is on
Current configuration:
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
ip cef
no ip domain-lookup
Note The information in this chapter is a brief summary of the information contained in the Catalyst 5000
Series Multilayer Switching User Guide. The commands and configurations described in this guide
apply only to the devices that provide routing services. Commands and configurations for Catalyst
5000 series switches are documented in the Catalyst 5000 Series Multilayer Switching User Guide.
MLS provides high-performance Layer 3 switching for Cisco routers and switches. MLS switches IP
data packets between subnets using advanced application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) switching
hardware. Standard routing protocols, such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Enhanced Interior
Gateway Routing Protocol (Enhanced IGRP), Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and Intermediate
System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS), are used for route determination.
MLS enables hardware-based Layer 3 switching to offload routers from forwarding unicast IP data
packets over shared media networking technologies such as Ethernet. The packet forwarding function is
moved onto Layer 3 Cisco series switches whenever a partial or complete switched path exists between
two hosts. Packets that do not have a partial or complete switched path to reach their destinations still
use routers for forwarding packets.
MLS also provides traffic statistics as part of its switching function. These statistics are used for
identifying traffic characteristics for administration, planning, and troubleshooting. MLS uses NetFlow
Data Export (NDE) to export the flow statistics.
Procedures for configuring MLS and NDE on routers are provided in the “Configuring IP Multilayer
Switching” chapter.
Procedures for configuring MLS and NDE on routers are provided in the following chapters in this
• “Configuring IP Multilayer Switching” chapter
• “Configuring IP Multicast Multilayer Switching” chapter
• “Configuring IPX Multilayer Switching” chapter
This chapter describes MLS. It contains the following sections:
• Terminology
• Introduction to MLS
• Key MLS Features
• MLS Implementation
• Standard and Extended Access Lists
The following terminology is used in the MLS chapters:
• Multilayer Switching-Switching Engine (MLS-SE)—A NetFlow Feature Card (NFFC)-equipped
Catalyst 5000 series switch.
• Multilayer Switching-Route Processor (MLS-RP)—A Cisco router with MLS enabled.
• Multilayer Switching Protocol (MLSP)—The protocol running between the MLS-SE and MLS-RP
to enable MLS.
Introduction to MLS
Layer 3 protocols, such as IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), are connectionless—they deliver
each packet independently of each other. However, actual network traffic consists of many end-to-end
conversations, or flows, between users or applications.
A flow is a unidirectional sequence of packets between a particular source and destination that share the
same protocol and transport-layer information. Communication from a client to a server and from the
server to the client is in separate flows. For example, HTTP Web packets from a particular source to a
particular destination are in a separate flow from File Transfer Protocol (FTP) file transfer packets
between the same pair of hosts.
Flows can be based on only Layer 3 addresses. This feature allows IP traffic from multiple users or
applications to a particular destination to be carried on a single flow if only the destination IP address is
used to identify a flow.
The NFFC maintains a Layer 3 switching table (MLS cache) for the Layer 3-switched flows. The cache
also includes entries for traffic statistics that are updated in tandem with the switching of packets.
After the MLS cache is created, packets identified as belonging to an existing flow can be
Layer 3-switched based on the cached information. The MLS cache maintains flow information for all
active flows. When the Layer 3-switching entry for a flow ages out, the flow statistics can be exported
to a flow collector application.
For information on multicast MLS, see the “Introduction to IP Multicast MLS” section in this chapter.
Feature Description
Ease of Use Is autoconfigurable and autonomously sets up its Layer 3 flow cache. Its “plug-and-play” design
eliminates the need for you to learn new IP switching technologies.
Transparency Requires no end-system changes and no renumbering of subnets. It works with DHCP1 and requires
no new routing protocols.
Standards Based Uses IETF2 standard routing protocols such as OSPF and RIP for route determination. You can
deploy MLS in a multivendor network.
Investment Protection Provides a simple feature-card upgrade on the Catalyst 5000 series switches. You can use MLS with
your existing chassis and modules. MLS also allows you to use either an integrated RSM or an
external router for route processing and Cisco IOS services.
Fast Convergence Allows you to respond to route failures and routing topology changes by performing
hardware-assisted invalidation of flow entries.
Resilience Provides the benefits of HSRP3 without additional configuration. This feature enables the switches
to transparently switch over to the Hot Standby backup router when the primary router goes offline,
eliminating a single point of failure in the network.
Access Lists Allows you to set up access lists to filter, or to prevent traffic between members of different subnets.
MLS enforces multiple security levels on every packet of the flow at wire speed. It allows you to
configure and enforce access control rules on the RSM. Because MLS parses the packet up to the
transport layer, it enables access lists to be validated. By providing multiple security levels, MLS
enables you to set up rules and control traffic based on IP addresses and transport-layer application
port numbers.
Accounting and Allows you to see data flows as they are switched for troubleshooting, traffic management, and
Traffic Management accounting purposes. MLS uses NDE to export the flow statistics. Data collection of flow statistics
is maintained in hardware with no impact on switching performance. The records for expired and
purged flows are grouped and exported to applications such as NetSys for network planning,
RMON24 traffic management and monitoring, and accounting applications.
Network Design Enables you to speed up your network while retaining the existing subnet structure. It makes the
Simplification number of Layer 3 hops irrelevant in campus design, enabling you to cope with increases in
any-to-any traffic.
Media Speed Access You do not need to centralize servers in multiple VLANs to get direct connections. By providing
to Server Farms security on a per-flow basis, you can control access to the servers and filter traffic based on subnet
numbers and transport-layer application ports without compromising Layer 3 switching
Faster Interworkgroup Addresses the need for higher-performance interworkgroup connectivity by intranet and multimedia
Connectivity applications. By deploying MLS, you gain the benefits of both switching and routing on the same
1. DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
2. IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force
3. HSRP = Hot Standby Router Protocol
4. RMON2 = Remote Monitoring 2
MLS Implementation
This section provides a step-by-step description of MLS implementation.
Note The MLS-RPs shown in the figures represent either a RSM or an externally attached Cisco router.
The MLSP informs the Catalyst 5000 series switch of the MLS-RP MAC addresses used on different
VLANs and the MLS-RP’s routing and access list changes. Through this protocol, the MLS-RP
multicasts its MAC and VLAN information to all MLS-SEs. When the MLS-SE hears the MLSP hello
message indicating an MLS initialization, the MLS-SE is programmed with the MLS-RP MAC address
and its associated VLAN number (see Figure 63).
In Figure 64, Host A and Host B are located on different VLANs. Host A initiates a data transfer to
Host B. When Host A sends the first packet to the MLS-RP, the MLS-SE recognizes this packet as a
candidate packet for Layer 3 switching because the MLS-SE has learned the MLS-RP’s destination
MAC address and VLAN through MLSP. The MLS-SE learns the Layer 3 flow information (such as the
destination address, source address, and protocol port numbers), and forwards the first packet to the
MLS-RP. A partial MLS entry for this Layer 3 flow is created in the MLS cache.
The MLS-RP receives the packet, looks at its route table to determine how to forward the packet, and
applies services such as Access Control Lists (ACLs) and class of service (COS) policy.
The MLS-RP rewrites the MAC header adding a new destination MAC address (Host B’s) and its own
MAC address as the source.
Candidate packet
Host A Host B
The MLS-RP routes the packet to Host B. When the packet appears back on the Catalyst 5000 series
switch backplane, the MLS-SE recognizes the source MAC address as that of the MLS-RP, and that the
packet’s flow information matches the flow for which it set up a candidate entry. The MLS-SE considers
this packet an enabler packet and completes the MLS entry (established by the candidate packet) in the
MLS cache (see Figure 65).
Enabler packet
Host A Host B
After the MLS entry has been completed, all Layer 3 packets with the same flow from Host A to Host B
are Layer 3 switched directly inside the switch from Host A to Host B, bypassing the router
(see Figure 66). After the Layer 3-switched path is established, the packet from Host A is rewritten by
the MLS-SE before it is forwarded to Host B. The rewritten information includes the MAC addresses,
encapsulations (when applicable), and some Layer 3 information.
The resultant packet format and protocol behavior is identical to that of a packet that is routed by the
RSM or external Cisco router.
Note MLS is unidirectional. For Host B to communicate with Host A, another Layer 3-switched path needs
to be created from Host B to Host A.
Host A
Host B
Layer 3-switched packets
See the Catalyst 5000 Series Multilayer Switching User Guide for additional network implementation
examples that include network topologies that do not support MLS.
MLS allows you to enforce access lists on every packet of the flow without compromising MLS
performance. When you enable MLS, standard and extended access lists are handled at wire speed by
the MLS-SE. Access lists configured on the MLS-RP take effect automatically on the MLS-SE.
Additionally, route topology changes and the addition of access lists are reflected in the switching path
of MLS.
Consider the case where an access list is configured on the MLS-RP to deny access from Station A to
Station B. When Station A wants to communicate with Station B, it sends the first packet to the MLS-RP.
The MLS-RP receives this packet and checks to learn if this packet flow is permitted. If an ACL is
configured for this flow, the packet is discarded. Because the first packet for this flow does not return
from the MLS-RP, an MLS cache entry is not established by the MLS-SE.
In another case, access lists are introduced on the MLS-RP while the flow is already being Layer 3
switched within the MLS-SE. The MLS-SE immediately enforces security for the affected flow by
purging it.
Similarly, when the MLS-RP detects a routing topology change, the appropriate MLS cache entries are
deleted in the MLS-SE. The techniques for handling route and access list changes apply to both the RSM
and directly attached external routers.
General Guidelines
The following is a list of general guidelines to enabling MLS:
• When you enable MLS, the RSM or externally attached router continues to handle all non-IP
protocols while offloading the switching of IP packets to the MLS-SE.
• Do not confuse MLS with the NetFlow switching supported by Cisco routers. MLS uses both the
RSM or directly attached external router and the MLS-SE. With MLS, you are not required to use
NetFlow switching on the RSM or directly attached external router; any switching path on the RSM
or directly attached external router will work (process, fast, and so on).
The network in the upper diagram in Figure 67 does not have the IP multicast MLS feature enabled.
Note the arrows from the router to each multicast group in each VLAN. In this case, the router must
replicate the multicast data packets to the multiple VLANs. The router can be easily overwhelmed with
forwarding and replicated multicast traffic if the input rate or the number of outgoing interfaces
As shown in the lower diagram in Figure 67, this potential problem is prevented by having the switch
hardware forward the multicast data traffic. (Multicast control packets are still moving between the
router and switch.)
Trunk link
VLANs 100, 200, 300
VLAN 100
G1 member
VLAN 300
member G1
VLAN 200
Trunk link
VLANs 100, 200, 300
VLAN 100 Switch
G1 member
VLAN 300
member G1
VLAN 200
• Provides IP multicast scalability—If you need high throughput of multicast traffic, install a
Catalyst 5000 series switch and configure the Provides IP Multicast Scalability feature. By reducing
the load on your router, the router can accommodate more multicast flows.
• Provides meaningful flow statistics—IP multicast MLS provides flow statistics that can be used to
administer, plan, and troubleshoot networks.
MLS Cache
The MLS-SE maintains a cache for IPX MLS flows and maintains statistics for each flow. An IPX MLS
cache entry is created for the initial packet of each flow. Upon receipt of a packet that does not match
any flow in the MLS cache, a new IPX MLS entry is created.
The state and identity of the flow are maintained while packet traffic is active; when traffic for a flow
ceases, the entry ages out. You can configure the aging time for IPX MLS entries kept in the MLS cache.
If an entry is not used for the specified period of time, the entry ages out and statistics for that flow can
be exported to a flow collector application.
The maximum MLS cache size is 128,000 entries. However, an MLS cache larger than 32,000 entries
increases the probability that a flow will not be switched by the MLS-SE and will get forwarded to the
Note The number of active flows that can be switched using the MLS cache depends on the type of access
lists configured on MLS router interfaces (which determines the flow mask). See the “Flow Mask
Modes” section later in this document.
Note The flow mask mode determines the display of the show mls rp ipx EXEC command. Refer to the
Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference for details.
1. Transport Control counts the number of times this packet has been routed. If this number is greater than the maximum (the
default is 16), then the packet is dropped.
The MLS-SE rewrites the Layer 2 frame header, changing the destination MAC address to that of Host B
and the source MAC address to that of the MLS-RP (these MAC addresses are stored in the IPX MLS
cache entry for this flow). The Layer 3 IPX addresses remain the same. The MLS-SE rewrites the
switched Layer 3 packets so that they appear to have been routed by a router.
The MLS-SE forwards the rewritten packet to Host B’s VLAN (the destination VLAN is saved in the
IPX MLS cache entry) and Host B receives the packet.
After the MLS-SE performs the packet rewrite, the packet is formatted as shown in Table 41:
MAC = Bb
MAC = Dd
RSM /M arke
N et 3
MAC = Aa 03
Net 1/Sales
01 Net
ing MAC = Cc
Data 01.Aa:02.Cc Dd:Cc
Note Router interfaces with input access lists or outbound access lists unsupported by MLS cannot
participate in IPX MLS. However, you can translate any input access list to an output access list to
provide the same effect on the interface.
IPX MLS enforces access lists on every packet of the flow, without compromising IPX MLS
performance. The MLS-SE handles permit traffic supported by MLS at wire speed.
Note Access list deny traffic is always handled by the MLS-RP, not the MLS-SE.
The MLS switching path automatically reflects route topology changes and the addition or modification
of access lists on the MLS-SE. The techniques for handling route and access list changes apply to both
the RSM and directly attached external routers.
For example, for Stations A and B to communicate, Station A sends the first packet to the MLS-RP. If the
MLS-RP is configured with an access list to deny access from Station A to Station B, the MLS-RP
receives the packet, checks its access list permissions to learn if the packet flow is permitted, and then
discards the packet. Because the MLS-SE does not receive the returned first packet for this flow from
the MLS-RP, the MLS-SE does not create an MLS cache entry.
In contrast, if the MLS-SE is already Layer 3 switching a flow and the access list is created on the
MLS-RP, MLSP notifies the MLS-SE, and the MLS-SE immediately purges the affected flow from the
MLS cache. New flows are created based on the restrictions imposed by the access list.
Similarly, when the MLS-RP detects a routing topology change, the MLS-SE deletes the appropriate
MLS cache entries, and new flows are created based on the new topology.
Access Lists
The following sections describe how access lists affect MLS.
Note Any input access list can be translated to an output access list to provide the same effect on the
IP Accounting
Enabling IP accounting on an MLS-enabled interface disables the IP accounting functions on that
Note To collect statistics for the Layer 3-switched traffic, enable NDE.
Data Encryption
MLS is disabled on an interface when the data encryption feature is configured on the interface.
TCP Intercept
With MLS interfaces enabled, the TCP intercept feature (enabled in global configuration mode) might
not work properly. When you enable the TCP intercept feature, the following message is displayed:
Command accepted, interfaces with mls might cause inconsistent behavior.
If you attempt to enable MLS on an interface that has an MTU value other than the default value, the
following message is displayed:
mls only supports interfaces with default mtu size
This chapter describes how to configure your network to perform IP Multilayer Switching (MLS). This
chapter contains these sections:
• Configuring and Monitoring MLS
• Configuring NetFlow Data Export
• Multilayer Switching Configuration Examples
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Note The information in this chapter is a brief summary of the information contained in the Catalyst 5000
Series Multilayer Switching User Guide. The commands and configurations described in this guide
apply only to the devices that provide routing services. Commands and configurations for Catalyst
5000 series switches are documented in the Catalyst 5000 Series Multilayer Switching User Guide.
For configuration information for the Catalyst 6000 series switch, see Configuring and
Troubleshooting IP MLS on Catalyst 6000 with an MSFC or the “Configuring IP Multilayer
Switching” chapter in the Catalyst 6500 Series MSFC (12.x) & PFC Configuration Guide.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# mls rp ip Globally enables MLSP. MLSP is the protocol that runs
between the MLS-SE and the MLS-RP.
Step 2 Router(config)# interface type number Selects a router interface.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain Selects the router interface to be Layer 3 switched and then
[domain-name] adds that interface to the same VLAN Trunking Protocol
(VTP) domain as the switch. This interface is referred to as
the MLS interface. This command is required only if the
Catalyst switch is in a VTP domain.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# mls rp vlan-id Assigns a VLAN ID to the MLS interface. MLS requires that
[vlan-id-num] each interface has a VLAN ID. This step is not required for
RSM VLAN interfaces or ISL-encapsulated interfaces.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# mls rp ip Enables each MLS interface.
Step 6 Router(config-if)# mls rp Selects one MLS interface as a management interface. MLSP
management-interface packets are sent and received through this interface. This can
be any MLS interface connected to the switch.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each interface that will
support MLS.
Note The interface-specific commands in this section apply only to Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, VLAN, and
Fast Etherchannel interfaces on the Catalyst RSM/Versatile Interface Processor 2 (VIP2) or directly
attached external router.
To globally disable MLS on the router, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# no mls rp ip Disables MLS on the router.
Monitoring MLS
To display MLS details including specifics for MLSP, use the following commands in EXEC mode, as
• MLS status (enabled or disabled) for switch interfaces and subinterfaces
• Flow mask used by this MLS-enabled switch when creating Layer 3-switching entries for the router
• Current settings of the keepalive timer, retry timer, and retry count
• MLSP-ID used in MLSP messages
• List of interfaces in all VTP domains that are enabled for MLS
Command Purpose
Router# show mls rp Displays MLS details for all interfaces.
mac 00e0.fefc.6000
vlan id(s)
1 10 91 92 93 95 100
Command Purpose
Router# show mls rp [interface] Displays MLS details for a specific interface.
Command Purpose
Router# show mls rp vtp-domain [domain-name] Displays MLS interfaces for a specific VTP domain.
mac 00e0.fefc.6000
vlan id(s)
1 10 91 92 93 95 100
Perform the task in this section to configure your Cisco router for NDE. To ensure a successful NDE
configuration, you must also configure the Catalyst switch. For a full description, see the Catalyst 5000
Series Multilayer Switching User Guide.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# mls rp nde-address ip-address Specifies an NDE IP address for the router doing the Layer 3
switching. The router and the Catalyst 5000 series switch use
the NDE IP address when sending MLS statistics to a data
collection application.
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
mls rp ip
interface Vlan1
ip address
mls rp vtp-domain Engineering
mls rp management-interface
mls rp ip
interface Vlan2
ip address
interface Vlan3
ip address
mls rp vtp-domain Engineering
mls rp ip
router# show mls rp
mac 0006.7c71.8600
vlan id(s)
1 3
mac 0006.7c71.8600
vlan id(s)
1 3
vlan 1 on Vlan1
mac 0006.7c71.8600
vlan id(s)
1 3
This chapter describes how to configure your network to perform IP multicast Multilayer Switching
(MLS). This chapter contains these sections:
• Prerequisites
• Restrictions
• Configuring and Monitoring IP Multicast MLS
• IP Multicast MLS Configuration Examples
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Note The information in this chapter is a brief summary of the information contained in the Catalyst 5000
Series Multilayer Switching User Guide. The commands and configurations described in this guide
apply only to the devices that provide routing services. Commands and configurations for Catalyst
5000 series switches are documented in the Catalyst 5000 Series Multilayer Switching User Guide.
The following prerequisites are necessary before MLS can function:
• A VLAN interface must be configured on both the switch and the router. For information on
configuring inter-VLAN routing on the RSM or an external router, refer to the Catalyst 5000
Software Configuration Guide.
• IP multicast MLS must be configured on the switch. For procedures on this task, refer to the
“Configuring IP Multicast Routing” chapter in the Cisco IOS IP Routing Configuration Guide.
• IP multicast routing and PIM must be enabled on the router. The minimal steps to configure them
are described in the “Configuring and Monitoring IP Multicast MLS” section later in this document.
For detailed information on configuring IP multicast routing and PIM, refer to the Cisco IOS IP
Routing Configuration Guide.
You must also configure the Catalyst 5000 series switch in order for IP multicast MLS to function on the
The restrictions in the following sections apply to IP multicast MLS on the router:
• Router Configuration Restrictions
• External Router Guidelines
• Access List Restrictions and Guidelines
Note Groups in the 224.0.0.* range are reserved for routing control packets and must be flooded to all
forwarding ports of the VLAN. These addresses map to the multicast MAC address range
01-00-5E-00-00-xx, where xx is in the range from 0 to 0xFF.
• For PIM auto-RP multicast groups (IP multicast group addresses and
• For flows that are forwarded on the multicast shared tree (that is, {*, G, *} forwarding) when the
interface or group is running PIM sparse mode.
• If the shortest path tree (SPT) bit for the flow is cleared when running PIM sparse mode for the
interface or group.
• When an input rate limit is applied on an RPF interface.
• For any RPF interface with access lists applied (for detailed information, see the “Access List
Restrictions and Guidelines” section later in this document).
• For any RPF interface with multicast boundary configured.
• For packets that require fragmentation and packets with IP options. However, packets in the flow
that are not fragmented or that do not specify IP options are multilayer switched.
• On external routers, for source traffic received at the router on non-ISL or non-802.1Q interfaces.
• For source traffic received on tunnel interfaces (such as MBONE traffic).
• For any RPF interface with multicast tag switching enabled.
If the following input access list is applied to the RPF interface for a group of flows, all flows except
the {s1, g1} flow are multilayer switched (because the protocol specified in the entry for {s1, g1}
is not ip):
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit udp s1 g1
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any
For examples of IP multicast MLS configurations, see the “IP Multicast MLS Configuration Examples”
section later in this document.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip multicast-routing Enables IP multicast routing globally.
Note This section describes only how to enable IP multicast routing on the router. For detailed IP multicast
configuration information, refer to the “Configuring IP Multicast Routing” chapter in the Cisco IOS
IP Routing Configuration Guide.
Enabling IP PIM
You must enable PIM on the router interfaces connected to the switch before IP multicast MLS will
function on those router interfaces. To do so, use the following commands beginning in interface
configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface type number Configures an interface.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip pim {dense-mode | sparse-mode Enables PIM on the interface.
| sparse-dense-mode}
Note This section describes only how to enable PIM on router interfaces. For detailed PIM configuration
information, refer to the “Configuring IP Multicast Routing” chapter in the Cisco IOS IP Routing
Configuration Guide.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp ip multicast Enables IP multicast MLS on an interface.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp ip multicast management-interface Configures an interface as the IP multicast MLS
management interface.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip mroute [group-name | group-address [source]] Displays hardware switching state for outgoing
Router# show ip pim interface [type number] [count] Displays PIM interface information.
Router# show mls rp ip multicast [locate] [group [source] Displays Layer 3 switching information.
[vlan-id]] | [statistics] | [summary]
Trunk link
VLANs 10, 20, 30
G1 source
G1 A
Note On the MMLS-RP, the IP multicast MLS management interface is user-configured to the VLAN 30
subinterface. If this interface goes down, the system will revert to the default management interface
(in this case, the VLAN 10 subinterface).
Router Configuration
The following is an example configuration of IP multicast MLS on the router:
ip multicast-routing
interface fastethernet2/0.10
encapsulation isl 10
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
interface fastethernet2/0.20
encapsulation isl 20
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
interface fastethernet2/0.30
encapsulation isl 30
ip address
ip pim dense-mode
mls rp ip multicast management-interface
You will receive the following message informing you that you changed the management interface:
Warning: MLS Multicast management interface is now Fa2/0.30
Switch Configuration
The following example shows how to configure the switch (MMLS-SE):
Console> (enable) set trunk 1/2 on isl
Port(s) 1/2 trunk mode set to on.
Port(s) 1/2 trunk type set to isl.
Console> (enable) set igmp enable
IGMP feature for IP multicast enabled
Console> (enable) set mls multicast enable
Multilayer Switching for Multicast is enabled for this device.
Console> (enable) set mls multicast include
Multilayer switching for multicast is enabled for router
Router A Router B
G1 source Switch A
G1 G1 G1
VLAN 10 G1 VLAN 30
• The default IP multicast MLS management interface is used on both MMLS-RPs (VLAN 1).
• Port 1/3 on the MMLS-SE is connected to Switch B through an ISL trunk link carrying all VLANs.
• Port 1/4 on the MMLS-SE is connected to Switch C through an ISL trunk link carrying all VLANs.
• Switch B and Switch C perform Layer 2 switching functions only.
Switch B Configuration
The following example shows how to configure Switch B assuming VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) is
used for VLAN management:
Console> (enable) set igmp enable
IGMP feature for IP multicast enabled
Console> (enable)
Switch C Configuration
The following example shows how to configure Switch C assuming VTP is used for VLAN management:
Console> (enable) set igmp enable
IGMP feature for IP multicast enabled
Console> (enable)
This chapter describes how to configure your network to perform IPX Multilayer Switching (MLS). This
chapter contains these sections:
• Prerequisites
• Restrictions
• IPX MLS Configuration Task List
• Troubleshooting Tips
• Monitoring and Maintaining IPX MLS on the Router
• IPX MLS Configuration Examples
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Note The information in this chapter is a brief summary of the information contained in the Catalyst 5000
Series Multilayer Switching User Guide. The commands and configurations described in this guide
apply only to the devices that provide routing services. Commands and configurations for Catalyst
5000 series switches are documented in the Catalyst 5000 Series Multilayer Switching User Guide.
The following prerequisites must be met before IPX MLS can function:
• A VLAN interface must be configured on both the switch and the router. For information on
configuring inter-VLAN routing on the RSM or external router, refer to the Catalyst 5000 Software
Configuration Guide, Release 5.1.
• IPX MLS must be configured on the switch. For more information refer to the Catalyst 5000
Software Configuration Guide, Release 5.1 and the Catalyst 5000 Command Reference, Release 5.1.
IPX MLS must be enabled on the router. The minimal configuration steps are described in the section
“IPX MLS Configuration Tasks.” For more details on configuring IPX routing, refer to the Cisco IOS
AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide.
This section describes restrictions that apply to configuring IPX MLS on the router.
Note You can translate input access lists to output access lists to provide the same effect on
the interface.
• Output access lists—When an output access list is applied to an interface, the IPX MLS cache
entries for that interface are purged. Entries associated with other interfaces are not affected; they
follow their normal aging or purging procedures.
Applying access lists that filter according to packet type, source node, source socket, or destination
socket prevents the interface from participating in IPX MLS.
Applying access lists that use the log option prevents the interface from participating in IPX MLS.
• Access list impact on flow masks—Access lists impact the flow mask mode advertised to the
MLS-SE by an MLS-RP. If no access list has been applied on any MLS-RP interface, the flow mask
mode is destination-ipx (the least specific) by default. If an access list that filters according to the
source IPX network has been applied, the mode is source-destination-ipx by default.
Caution Perform this configuration task only if the switch connected to your router interfaces is in a VTP
domain. Perform the task before you enter any other IPX MLS interface command—specifically the
mls rp ipx or mls rp management-interface command. If you enter these commands before adding
the interface to a VTP domain, the interface will be automatically placed in a null domain. To place
the IPX MLS interface into a domain other than the null domain, clear the IPX MLS interface
configuration before you add the interface to another VTP domain. Refer to the section
“Configuration, Verification, and Troubleshooting Tips” and the Catalyst 5000 Software
Configuration Guide, Release 5.1.
Determine which router interfaces you will use as IPX MLS interfaces and add them to the same VTP
domain as the switches.
To view the VTP configuration and its domain name on the switch, enter the show mls rp vtp-domain
EXEC command at the switch Console> prompt.
To assign an MLS interface to a specific VTP domain on the MLS-RP, use the following command in
interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain domain-name Adds an IPX MLS interface to a VTP domain.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# mls rp ipx Globally enables MLSP on the router. MLSP is the
protocol that runs between the MLS-SE and
Note This task is not required for RSM VLAN interfaces (virtual interfaces), ISL-encapsulated interfaces,
or IEEE 802.1Q-encapsulated interfaces.
To assign a VLAN ID to an IPX MLS interface, use the following command in interface configuration
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp vlan-id vlan-id-number Assigns a VLAN ID to an IPX MLS interface.
The assigned IPX MLS interface must be either an
Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interface with no
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp ipx Enables a router interface for IPX MLS.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# mls rp management-interface Specifies an interface as the management interface.
MLSP packets are sent and received through the
management interface. Select only one IPX MLS
interface connected to the switch.
Troubleshooting Tips
If you entered either the mls rp ipx interface command or the mls rp management-interface interface
command on the interface before assigning it to a VTP domain, the interface will be in the null domain,
instead of the VTP domain.
To remove the interface from the null domain and add it to a new VTP domain, use the following
commands in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# no mls rp ipx Removes an interface from the null domain.
Router(config-if)# no mls rp management-interface
Router(config-if)# no mls rp vtp-domain domain-name
Step 2 Router(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain domain-name Adds the interface to a new VTP domain.
Command Purpose
Router# mls rp locate ipx Displays information about all switches currently
shortcutting for the specified IPX flow(s).
Router# show mls rp interface type number Displays MLS details for a specific interface.
Router# show mls rp ipx Displays details for all IPX MLS interfaces on the
• MLS status (enabled or disabled) for switch
interfaces and subinterfaces.
• Flow mask required when creating Layer 3
switching entries for the router.
• Current settings for the keepalive timer, retry
timer, and retry count.
• MLSP-ID used in MLSP messages.
• List of interfaces in all VTP domains enabled
for MLS.
Router# show mls rp vtp-domain domain-name Displays details about IPX MLS interfaces for a
specific VTP domain.
Figure 71 Example Network: IPX MLS with Cisco 7505 over ISL
Cisco 7505
fa2/0.1 IPX network 1
fa2/0.10 IPX network 10
fa2/0.20 IPX network 20
fa2/0 fa2/0.30 IPX network 30
Trunk link
Catalyst 5509 Novell client
Catalyst 5505 with NFFC Catalyst 5505 NC2
(Switch B) (Switch A, MLS-SE) 1/1 (Switch C)
3/1 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/1
ISL 3/1 ISL 3/1
Novell client Trunk link Trunk link
Novell server
IPX network 10 Novell server VLAN 30
NS1 IPX network 30
IPX network 20
Switch A Configuration
This example shows how to configure Switch A (MLS-SE):
SwitchA> (enable) set vtp domain Corporate mode server
VTP domain Corporate modified
SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 10
Vlan 10 configuration successful
SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 20
Vlan 20 configuration successful
SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 30
Vlan 30 configuration successful
SwitchA> (enable) set port name 1/1 Router Link
Port 1/1 name set.
SwitchA> (enable) set trunk 1/1 on isl
Port(s) 1/1 trunk mode set to on.
Port(s) 1/1 trunk type set to isl.
SwitchA> (enable) set port name 1/2 SwitchB Link
Port 1/2 name set.
SwitchA> (enable) set trunk 1/2 desirable isl
Port(s) 1/2 trunk mode set to desirable.
Port(s) 1/2 trunk type set to isl.
SwitchA> (enable) set port name 1/3 SwitchC Link
Port 1/3 name set.
SwitchA> (enable) set trunk 1/3 desirable isl
Port(s) 1/3 trunk mode set to desirable.
Port(s) 1/3 trunk type set to isl.
SwitchA> (enable) set mls enable ipx
IPX Multilayer switching is enabled.
SwitchA> (enable) set mls include ipx
IPX Multilayer switching enabled for router
SwitchA> (enable) set port name 3/1 Destination D2
Port 3/1 name set.
SwitchA> (enable) set vlan 20 3/1
VLAN 20 modified.
VLAN 1 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
---- -----------------------
20 3/1
SwitchA> (enable)
Switch B Configuration
This example shows how to configure Switch B:
SwitchB> (enable) set port name 1/1 SwitchA Link
Port 1/1 name set.
SwitchB> (enable) set port name 3/1 Source S1
Port 3/1 name set.
SwitchB> (enable) set vlan 10 3/1
VLAN 10 modified.
VLAN 1 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
---- -----------------------
10 3/1
SwitchB> (enable)
Switch C Configuration
This example shows how to configure Switch C:
SwitchC> (enable) set port name 1/1 SwitchA Link
Port 1/1 name set.
SwitchC> (enable) set port name 3/1 Destination D1
Port 3/1 name set.
SwitchC> (enable) set vlan 30 3/1
VLAN 30 modified.
VLAN 1 modified.
VLAN Mod/Ports
---- -----------------------
30 3/1
SwitchC> (enable)
MLS-RP Configuration
This example shows how to configure the MLS-RP:
mls rp ipx
interface fastethernet 2/0
mls rp vtp-domain Engineering
interface fastethernet2/0.1
encapsulation isl 1
ipx address
mls rp ipx
mls rp management-interface
interface fastethernet2/0.10
encapsulation isl 10
ipx network 10
mls rp ipx
interface fastethernet2/0.20
encapsulation isl 20
ipx network 20
mls rp ipx
interface fastethernet2/0.30
encapsulation isl 30
ipx network 30
mls rp ipx
Current configuration:
version 12.0
ipx routing 0010.0738.2917
mls rp ip
mls rp ipx
interface Vlan21
ip address
ipx network 2121
mls rp vtp-domain Engineering
mls rp management-interface
mls rp ip
mls rp ipx
interface Vlan22
ip address
ipx network 2222
mls rp vtp-domain Engineering
mls rp ip
mls rp ipx
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring Multicast Distributed Switching
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Prior to multicast distributed switching, IP multicast traffic was always switched at the Route Processor
(RP) in the Route Switch Processor (RSP)-based platforms. Starting with Cisco IOS Release 11.2 GS,
IP multicast traffic can be distributed switched on RSP-based platforms with VIPs. Furthermore, MDS
is the only multicast switching method on the Cisco 12000 Gigabit Switch Router (GSR), starting with
Cisco IOS Release 11.2(11)GS.
Switching multicast traffic at the RP had the following disadvantages:
• The load on the RP increased. This affected important route updates and calculations (for BGP,
among others) and could stall the router if the multicast load was substantial.
• The net multicast performance was limited to what a single RP could switch.
MDS solves these problems by performing distributed switching of multicast packets received at the line
cards (VIPs in the case of RSP, and line cards in the case of GSR). The line card is the interface card that
houses the VIPs (in the case of RSP) and the GSR line card (in the case of GSR). MDS is accomplished
using a forwarding data structure called a Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB), which is a
subset of the routing table. A copy of MFIB runs on each line card and is always kept up to date with the
MFIB table of the RP.
In the case of RSP, packets received on non-VIP IPs are switched by the RP.
MDS can work in conjunction with Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), unicast distributed fast switching
(DFS), or flow switching.
Enabling MDS
To enable MDS, you must enable it globally and on at least one interface because MDS is an attribute of
the interface. Use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# ip multicast-routing Enables MDS globally.
Step 2 Router(config)# interface type number Configures an interface.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache distributed Enables distributed switching on the RSP. (This step is
required on the RSP platform only.)
Step 4 Router(config-if)# ip mroute-cache distributed Enables MDS on the interface.
Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each interface that you
want to perform MDS.
Note When you enable an interface to perform distributed switching of incoming multicast packets, you
are configuring the physical interface, not the logical interface (subinterface). All subinterfaces are
included in the physical interface.
Command Purpose
Router# clear ip mds forwarding Clears the MFIB table of the line card and resynchronizes
with the RP.
To maintain MDS on the RP, use the following commands in EXEC mode, as needed:
Command Purpose
Router# clear ip mroute {* | group [source]} Clears multicast routes and counts.
Router# clear ip pim interface count Clears all packet counts on the line cards.
To monitor MDS on the line cards, use the following commands in EXEC mode, as needed. Remember
that to reach a line card’s console, enter the attach slot# command, using the slot number where the line
card resides.
Command Purpose
Router# show ip mds forwarding [group-address] Displays the MFIB table, forwarding information, related
[source-address] flags, and counts.
Router# show ip mds summary Displays a summary of the MFIB.
To monitor MDS on the RP, use the following commands in EXEC mode, as needed:
Command Purpose
Router# show ip mds stats [switching | linecard] Displays switching statistics or line card statistics for MDS.
Router# show ip mds interface Displays the status of MDS interfaces.
Router# show ip pim interface [type number] count Displays switching counts for unicast distributed fast
switching and other fast switching statistics.
Router# show ip mcache [group [source]] Displays the contents of the IP fast-switching cache.
Router# show interface stats Displays numbers of packets that were process switched,
fast switched, and distributed switched.
This chapter provides an overview of VLANs. It describes the encapsulation protocols used for routing
between VLANs and provides some basic information about designing VLANs.
This chapter describes VLANs. It contains the following sections:
• What Is a VLAN?
• VLAN Colors
• Why Implement VLANs?
• Communicating Between VLANs
• VLAN Interoperability
• Designing Switched VLANs
What Is a VLAN?
A VLAN is a switched network that is logically segmented on an organizational basis, by functions,
project teams, or applications rather than on a physical or geographical basis. For example, all
workstations and servers used by a particular workgroup team can be connected to the same VLAN,
regardless of their physical connections to the network or the fact that they might be intermingled with
other teams. Reconfiguration of the network can be done through software rather than by physically
unplugging and moving devices or wires.
A VLAN can be thought of as a broadcast domain that exists within a defined set of switches. A VLAN
consists of a number of end systems, either hosts or network equipment (such as bridges and routers),
connected by a single bridging domain. The bridging domain is supported on various pieces of network
equipment; for example, LAN switches that operate bridging protocols between them with a separate
bridge group for each VLAN.
VLANs are created to provide the segmentation services traditionally provided by routers in LAN
configurations. VLANs address scalability, security, and network management. Routers in VLAN
topologies provide broadcast filtering, security, address summarization, and traffic flow management.
None of the switches within the defined group will bridge any frames, not even broadcast frames,
between two VLANs. Several key issues described in the following sections need to be considered when
designing and building switched LAN internetworks:
• LAN Segmentation
• Security
• Broadcast Control
• Performance
• Network Management
• Communication Between VLANs
LAN Segmentation
VLANs allow logical network topologies to overlay the physical switched infrastructure such that any
arbitrary collection of LAN ports can be combined into an autonomous user group or community of
interest. The technology logically segments the network into separate Layer 2 broadcast domains
whereby packets are switched between ports designated to be within the same VLAN. By containing
traffic originating on a particular LAN only to other LANs in the same VLAN, switched virtual networks
avoid wasting bandwidth, a drawback inherent to traditional bridged and switched networks in which
packets are often forwarded to LANs with no need for them. Implementation of VLANs also improves
scalability, particularly in LAN environments that support broadcast- or multicast-intensive protocols
and applications that flood packets throughout the network.
Figure 72 illustrates the difference between traditional physical LAN segmentation and logical VLAN
VLAN switch
VLAN switch
VLANs improve security by isolating groups. High-security users can be grouped into a VLAN, possibly
on the same physical segment, and no users outside that VLAN can communicate with them.
Broadcast Control
Just as switches isolate collision domains for attached hosts and only forward appropriate traffic out a
particular port, VLANs provide complete isolation between VLANs. A VLAN is a bridging domain, and
all broadcast and multicast traffic is contained within it.
The logical grouping of users allows an accounting group to make intensive use of a networked
accounting system assigned to a VLAN that contains just that accounting group and its servers.
That group’s work will not affect other users. The VLAN configuration improves general network
performance by not slowing down other users sharing the network.
Network Management
The logical grouping of users allows easier network management. It is not necessary to pull cables to
move a user from one network to another. Adds, moves, and changes are achieved by configuring a port
into the appropriate VLAN.
• Native VLAN
• Integrated Routing and Bridging
Relaying Function
The relaying function level, as displayed in Figure 73, is the lowest level in the architectural model
described in the IEEE 802.1Q standard and presents three types of rules:
• Ingress rules—Rules relevant to the classification of received frames belonging to a VLAN.
• Forwarding rules between ports—Decides to filter or forward the frame.
• Egress rules (output of frames from the switch)—Decides if the frame must be sent tagged or
Frame Frame
reception transmission
Figure 74 shows the tagging scheme proposed by the 802.3ac standard, that is, the addition of the four
octets after the source MAC address. Their presence is indicated by a particular value of the EtherType
field (called TPID), which has been fixed to be equal to 0x8100. When a frame has the EtherType equal
to 0x8100, this frame carries the tag IEEE 802.1Q/802.1p. The tag is stored in the following two octets
and it contains 3 bits of user priority, 1 bit of Canonical Format Identifier (CFI), and 12 bits of VLAN
ID (VID). The 3 bits of user priority are used by the 802.1p standard; the CFI is used for compatibility
reasons between Ethernet-type networks and Token Ring-type networks. The VID is the identification
of the VLAN, which is basically used by the 802.1Q standard; being on 12 bits, it allows the
identification of 4096 VLANs.
After the two octets of TPID and the two octets of the Tag Control Information field there are two octets
that originally would have been located after the Source Address field where there is the TPID. They
contain either the MAC length in the case of IEEE 802.3 or the EtherType in the case of Ethernet
version 2.
6 Destination address priority CFI
2 EtherType = 0x8100
2 MAC length/type
Variable Data
The EtherType and VLAN ID are inserted after the MAC source address, but before the original
Ethertype/Length or Logical Link Control (LLC). The 1-bit CFI included a T-R Encapsulation bit so that
Token Ring frames can be carried across Ethernet backbones without using 802.1H translation.
Figure 75 shows how adding a tag in a frame recomputes the Frame Control Sequence. 802.1p and
802.1Q share the same tag.
Dest Src Len/Etype Data FCS
Dest Src Etype Tag Len/Etype Data FCS
(VLAN ID and
TR encapsulations
PRI VLAN ID are 802.1Q,
not 802.1p)
Native VLAN
Each physical port has a parameter called PVID. Every 802.1Q port is assigned a PVID value that is of
its native VLAN ID (default is VLAN 1). All untagged frames are assigned to the LAN specified in the
PVID parameter. When a tagged frame is received by a port, the tag is respected. If the frame is untagged,
the value contained in the PVID is considered as a tag. Because the frame is untagged and the PVID is
tagged to allow the coexistence, as shown in Figure 76, on the same pieces of cable of VLAN-aware
bridge/stations and of VLAN-unaware bridges/stations. Consider, for example, the two stations
connected to the central trunk link in the lower part of Figure 76. They are VLAN-unaware and they will
be associated to the VLAN C, because the PVIDs of the VLAN-aware bridges are equal to VLAN C.
Because the VLAN-unaware stations will send only untagged frames, when the VLAN-aware bridge
devices receive these untagged frames they will assign them to VLAN C.
end station
end station
end station VLAN-aware
end station
PVST+ provides support for 802.1Q trunks and the mapping of multiple spanning trees to the single
spanning tree of 802.1Q switches.
The PVST+ architecture distinguishes three types of regions:
• A PVST region
• A PVST+ region
• A MST region
Each region consists of a homogenous type of switch. A PVST region can be connected to a PVST+
region by connecting two ISL ports. Similarly, a PVST+ region can be connected to an MST region by
connecting two 802.1Q ports.
At the boundary between a PVST region and a PVST+ region the mapping of spanning trees is
one-to-one. At the boundary between a MST region and a PVST+ region, the ST in the MST region maps
to one PVST in the PVST+ region. The one it maps to is called the common spanning tree (CST). The
default CST is the PVST of VLAN 1 (Native VLAN).
All PVSTs, except for the CST, are tunneled through the MST region. Tunneling means that bridge
protocol data units (BPDUs) are flooded through the MST region along the single spanning tree present
in the MST region.
Note When a Dot1q VLAN is configured on an interface, a default VLAN 1 is automatically created to
process the CST. The default VLAN 1 created is only used for processing spanning tree BPDU
packets. Even though these packets are Dot1q untagged, no other untagged data packet will be
processed by this VLAN 1. Instead, all of the untagged data packet will be processed by the explicitly
defined Native VLAN. If, however, no Native VLAN is defined, VLAN 1 will become the default the
Native VLAN 1 (it can also be explicitly defined as Native VLAN 1) to handle all the untagged
packets, including CST BPDUs and data packets.
• IP
• AppleTalk
VLAN Colors
VLAN switching is accomplished through frame tagging where traffic originating and contained within
a particular virtual topology carries a unique VLAN ID as it traverses a common backbone or trunk link.
The VLAN ID enables VLAN switching devices to make intelligent forwarding decisions based on the
embedded VLAN ID. Each VLAN is differentiated by a color, or VLAN identifier. The unique VLAN
ID determines the frame coloring for the VLAN. Packets originating and contained within a particular
VLAN carry the identifier that uniquely defines that VLAN (by the VLAN ID).
The VLAN ID allows VLAN switches and routers to selectively forward packets to ports with the same
VLAN ID. The switch that receives the frame from the source station inserts the VLAN ID and the
packet is switched onto the shared backbone network. When the frame exits the switched LAN, a switch
strips the header and forwards the frame to interfaces that match the VLAN color. If you are using a
Cisco network management product such as VlanDirector, you can actually color code the VLANs and
monitor VLAN graphically.
All five of these technologies are based on OSI Layer 2 bridge multiplexing mechanisms.
Note Cisco does not support IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation for Ethernet interfaces.
Procedures for configuring routing between VLANs with IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation are provided in
the “Configuring Routing Between VLANs with IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation” chapter later in this
To accomplish this, special low-level software is implemented on an ATM client workstation, called the
LAN Emulation Client (LEC). The client software communicates with a central control point called a
LAN Emulation Server (LES). A broadcast and unknown server (BUS) acts as a central point to
distribute broadcasts and multicasts. The LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) holds a database
of LECs and the ELANs they belong to. The database is maintained by a network administrator.
These protocols are described in detail in the Cisco Internetworking Design Guide.
VLAN Interoperability
Cisco IOS features bring added benefits to the VLAN technology. Enhancements to ISL, IEEE 802.10,
and ATM LANE implementations enable routing of all major protocols between VLANs. These
enhancements allow users to create more robust networks incorporating VLAN configurations by
providing communications capabilities between VLANs.
Inter-VLAN Communications
The Cisco IOS supports full routing of several protocols over ISL and ATM LANE VLANs. IP, Novell
IPX, and AppleTalk routing are supported over IEEE 802.10 VLANs. Standard routing attributes such
as network advertisements, secondaries, and help addresses are applicable, and VLAN routing is fast
switched. Table 42 shows protocols supported for each VLAN encapsulation format and corresponding
Cisco IOS software releases.
VLAN Translation
VLAN translation refers to the ability of the Cisco IOS software to translate between different VLANs
or between VLAN and non-VLAN encapsulating interfaces at Layer 2. Translation is typically used for
selective inter-VLAN switching of nonroutable protocols and to extend a single VLAN topology across
hybrid switching environments. It is also possible to bridge VLANs on the main interface; the VLAN
encapsulating header is preserved. Topology changes in one VLAN domain do not affect a different
This chapter describes the Inter-Switch Link (ISL) protocol and provides guidelines for configuring ISL
and Token Ring ISL (TRISL) features.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
Green Green
Fast Ethernet
Blue Blue
Token Token
Green Blue Red
Ring Red Red Ring
To route AppleTalk over ISL or IEEE 802.10 between VLANs, you need to customize the subinterface
to create the environment in which it will be used. Perform the tasks described in the following sections
in the order in which they appear:
• Enabling AppleTalk Routing
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Configuring AppleTalk on the Subinterface
Command Purpose
Router(config)# appletalk routing [eigrp Enables AppleTalk routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface the VLAN will use.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as either ISL (isl) or
vlan-identifier IEEE 802.10 (sde), and specifies the VLAN identifier or
security association identifier, respectively.
Router(config-if)# encapsulation sde said
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# appletalk cable-range cable-range Assigns the AppleTalk cable range and zone for the
[network.node] subinterface.
Router(config-if)# appletalk zone zone-name Assigns the AppleTalk zone for the subinterface.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# vines routing [address] Enables Banyan VINES routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as ISL (isl), and
vlan-identifier specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# vines metric [whole [fractional]] Enables VINES routing on an interface.
To route DECnet over ISL VLANs, you need to configure ISL encapsulation on the subinterface.
Perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they appear.
• Enabling DECnet Routing
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Configuring DECnet on the Subinterface
Command Purpose
Router(config)# decnet [network-number] routing Enables DECnet on the router.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as ISL (isl), and specifies
vlan-identifier the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# decnet cost [cost-value] Enables DECnet routing on an interface.
Figure 78 illustrates HSRP in use with ISL providing routing between several VLANs.
A separate HSRP group is configured for each VLAN subnet so that Cisco IOS router A can be the
primary and forwarding router for VLANs 10 and 20. At the same time, it acts as backup for VLANs 30
and 40. Conversely, Router B acts as the primary and forwarding router for ISL VLANs 30 and 40, as
well as the secondary and backup router for distributed VLAN subnets 10 and 20.
Running HSRP over ISL allows users to configure redundancy between multiple routers that are
configured as front ends for VLAN IP subnets. By configuring HSRP over ISLs, users can eliminate
situations in which a single point of failure causes traffic interruptions. This feature inherently provides
some improvement in overall networking resilience by providing load balancing and redundancy
capabilities between subnets and VLANs.
To configure HSRP over ISLs between VLANs, you need to create the environment in which it will be
used. Perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they appear.
• Defining the Encapsulation Format
• Defining the IP Address
• Enabling HSRP
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format, and specifies the VLAN
vlan-identifier identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address mask [secondary] Specifies the IP address for the subnet on which ISL
will be used.
Enabling HSRP
To enable HSRP on an interface, enable the protocol, then customize it for the interface. Use the
following command in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] ip [ip-address Enables HSRP.
Note For more information on HSRP, see the “Configuring IP Services” chapter in the Cisco IOS IP
Configuration Guide.
To customize Hot Standby group attributes, use the following commands in interface configuration
mode, as needed:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] timers hellotime Configures the time between hello packets and the
holdtime hold time before other routers declare the active router
to be down.
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] priority priority Sets the Hot Standby priority used to choose the active
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] preempt Specifies that if the local router has priority over the
current active router, the local router should attempt to
take its place as the active router.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] track type-number Configures the interface to track other interfaces, so
[interface-priority] that if one of the other interfaces goes down, the Hot
Standby priority for the device is lowered.
Router(config-if)# standby [group-number] authentication Selects an authentication string to be carried in all
string HSRP messages.
Enabling IP Routing
IP routing is automatically enabled in the Cisco IOS software for routers. To reenable IP routing if it has
been disabled, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip routing Enables IP routing on the router.
Once you have IP routing enabled on the router, you can customize the characteristics to suit your
environment. If necessary, refer to the IP configuration chapters in the Cisco IOS IP Routing
Configuration Guide for guidelines on configuring IP.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which TRISL will be
slot/port.subinterface-number used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation tr-isl trbrf-vlan Defines the encapsulation for TRISL.
vlanid bridge-num bridge-number
The DRiP database is automatically enabled when TRISL encapsulation is configured, and at least one
TrBRF is defined, and the interface is configured for SRB or for routing with RIF.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for an interface.
A mask identifies the bits that denote the network number in an IP address. When you use the mask to
subnet a network, the mask is then referred to as a subnet mask.
Note TRISL encapsulation must be specified for a subinterface before an IP address can be assigned to that
Note Only one type of IPX encapsulation can be configured per VLAN (subinterface). The IPX
encapsulation used must be the same within any particular subnet; a single encapsulation must be
used by all NetWare systems that belong to the same VLAN.
To configure Cisco IOS software on a router with connected VLANs to exchange different IPX framing
protocols, perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they are appear:
• Enabling NetWare Routing
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Configuring NetWare on the Subinterface
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx routing [node] Enables IPX routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface fddi slot/port.subinterface-number Specifies the subinterface on which
SDE will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation sde vlan-identifier Defines the encapsulation format and
specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ipx network network encapsulation encapsulation-type Specifies the IPX encapsulation among
Novell-FDDI, SAP, or SNAP.
per-VLAN basis facilitates migration between versions of Netware. NetWare traffic can now be routed
across VLAN boundaries with standard encapsulation options (sap and snap) previously unavailable.
Encapsulation types and corresponding framing types are described in the “Configuring Novell IPX”
chapter of the Cisco IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide.
Note Only one type of IPX encapsulation can be configured per VLAN (subinterface). The IPX
encapsulation used must be the same within any particular subnet: A single encapsulation must be
used by all NetWare systems that belong to the same LANs.
To configure Cisco IOS software to exchange different IPX framing protocols on a router with connected
VLANs, perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they are appear:
• Enabling NetWare Routing
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Configuring NetWare on the Subinterface
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx routing [node] Enables IPX routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which TRISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation tr-isl Defines the encapsulation for TRISL.
trbrf-vlan trbrf-vlan bridge-num bridge-num
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ipx network network encapsulation Specifies the IPX encapsulation.
Note The default IPX encapsulation format for Cisco IOS routers is “novell-ether” (Novell
Ethernet_802.3). If you are running Novell Netware 3.12 or 4.0, the new Novell default encapsulation
format is Novell Ethernet_802.2 and you should configure the Cisco router with the IPX
encapsulation format “sap.”
IP routing IP forwarding
table table
This distributed architecture allows incremental capacity increases by installation of additional VIP
cards. Using VIP cards for switching the majority of IP VLAN traffic in multiprotocol environments
substantially increases routing performance for the other protocols because the RSP offloads IP and can
then be dedicated to switching the non-IP protocols.
VIP distributed switching offloads switching of ISL VLAN IP traffic to the VIP card, removing
involvement from the main CPU. Offloading ISL traffic to the VIP card substantially improves
networking performance. Because you can install multiple VIP cards in a router, VLAN routing capacity
is increased linearly according to the number of VIP cards installed in the router.
To configure distributed switching on the VIP, you must first configure the router for IP routing.
Perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they appear:
• Enabling IP Routing
• Enabling VIP Distributed Switching
• Configuring ISL Encapsulation on the Subinterface
Enabling IP Routing
To enable IP routing, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip routing Enables IP routing on the router.
Once you have IP routing enabled on the router, you can customize the characteristics to suit your
environment. Refer to the IP configuration chapters in the Cisco IOS IP Routing Configuration Guide
for guidelines on configuring IP.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the interface and interface configuration
slot/port-adapter/port mode.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip route-cache distributed Enables VIP distributed switching of IP packets on
the interface.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the interface, and enters interface
slot/port-adapter/port configuration mode.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl vlan-identifier Defines the encapsulation format as ISL, and
specifies the VLAN identifier.
To route XNS over ISL VLANs, you need to configure ISL encapsulation on the subinterface.
Perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in which they appear:
• Enabling XNS Routing
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Configuring XNS on the Subinterface
Command Purpose
Router(config)# xns routing [address] Enables XNS routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as ISL (isl), and
vlan-identifier specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# xns network [number] Enables XNS routing on the subinterface.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# clns routing Enables CLNS routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as ISL (isl), and
vlan-identifier specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# clns enable Enables CLNS routing on the subinterface.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# router isis [tag] Enables IS-IS routing, and enters router configuration
Step 2 Router(config)# net network-entity-title Configures the NET for the routing process.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface on which ISL will be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation isl Defines the encapsulation format as ISL (isl), and
vlan-identifier specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# clns router isis network [tag] Specifies the interfaces that should be actively routing
Command Purpose
Router# show vlans Displays VLAN subinterfaces.
FastEthernet 2/0
Apple 3.1 Apple 4.1
As shown in Figure 80, AppleTalk traffic is routed to and from switched VLAN domains 3, 4, 100, and
200 to any other AppleTalk routing interface. This example shows a sample configuration file for the
Cisco 7500 series router with the commands entered to configure the network shown in Figure 80.
Host 1 Host 2
The topology shown in Figure 81 shows a Catalyst VLAN switch supporting Fast Ethernet connections
to two routers running HSRP. Both routers are configured to route HSRP over ISLs.
The standby conditions are determined by the standby commands used in the configuration. Traffic from
Host 1 is forwarded through Router A. Because the priority for the group is higher, Router A is the active
router for Host 1. Because the priority for the group serviced by Host 2 is higher in Router B, traffic from
Host 2 is forwarded through Router B, making Router B its active router.
In the configuration shown in Figure 81, if the active router becomes unavailable, the standby router
assumes active status for the additional traffic and automatically routes the traffic normally handled by
the router that has become unavailable.
Host 1 Configuration
interface Ethernet 1/2
ip address
ip route
Host 2 Configuration
interface Ethernet 1/2
ip address
ip route
Router A Configuration
interface FastEthernet 1/1.110
encapsulation isl 110
ip address
standby 1 ip
standby 1 preempt
standby 1 priority 105
standby 2 ip
standby 2 preempt
Router B Configuration
interface FastEthernet 1/1.110
encapsulation isl 110
ip address
standby 1 ip
standby 1 preempt
standby 2 ip
standby 2 preempt
standby 2 priority 105
router igrp 1
5000 switch
TrCRF 200
Fast Ethernet 4/0.1 TrBRF 999 / Bridge 14
100 Router 5500 Token Ring switch
Fast Ethernet 4/0.2 TrBRF 998 / Bridge 13
TrCRF 300
TrCRF VLAN 40 Token Token VLAN 50
Slot 5 Ring Ring
Slot 5
Port 1 102 103
Port 2
interface FastEthernet4/0.2
ip address
encapsulation tr-isl trbrf-vlan 998 bridge-num 13
multiring trcrf-vlan 300 ring 101
multiring all
The following is the configuration for the Catalyst 5000 switch with the Token Ring switch module in
slot 5. In this configuration, the Token Ring port 102 is assigned with TrCRF VLAN 40 and the Token
Ring port 103 is assigned with TrCRF VLAN 50:
set vtp domain trisl
set vtp mode server
set vtp v2 enable
set set tokenring reduction enable
set tokenring distrib-crf disable
set vlan 999 name trbrf type trbrf bridge 0xe stp ieee
set vlan 200 name trcrf200 type trcrf parent 999 ring 0x64 mode srb
set vlan 40 name trcrf40 type trcrf parent 999 ring 0x66 mode srb
set vlan 998 name trbrf type trbrf bridge 0xd stp ieee
set vlan 300 name trcrf300 type trcrf parent 998 ring 0x65 mode srb
set vlan 50 name trcrf50 type trcrf parent 998 ring 0x67 mode srb
#add token port to trcrf 40
set vlan 40 5/1
#add token port to trcrf 50
set vlan 50 5/2
set trunk 1/2 on
5000 switch
Ethernet ISL VLAN 12
5500 module
in slot 2 End station
Router A
TrBRF 999 / Bridge 14 Token Ring Token
100 switch module Ring
in slot 5 1
TrCRF 200 End station
Slot 5
Port 1
The following is the configuration for the router:
interface FastEthernet4/0.1
ip address
encapsulation tr-isl trbrf-vlan 999 bridge-num 14
multiring trcrf-vlan 20 ring 100
multiring all
interface FastEthernet4/0.2
ip address
encapsulation isl 12
Wide-area link
carrying VLAN traffic
VLAN 20 Catalyst Catalyst
5000 switch 2900 switch
Workstation A Workstation C
unning NetWare 4.0 on an IPX LAN
on an IPX LAN with VLAN 30 with novell-ether
sap encapsulation encapsulation
Workstation B
VLAN 20 Configuration
ipx routing
interface FastEthernet 2/0
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet 2/0.20
encapsulation isl 20
ipx network 20 encapsulation sap
VLAN 30 Configuration
ipx routing
interface FastEthernet 2/0
no shutdown
interface FastEthernet 2/0.30
encapsulation isl 30
ipx network 30 encapsulation arpa
VLAN 70 Configuration
ipx routing
interface FastEthernet 3/0
no shutdown
interface Fast3/0.70
encapsulation isl 70
ipx network 70 encapsulation novell-ether
Routing with RIF Between a TRISL VLAN and a Token Ring Interface Example
Figure 85 shows routing with RIF between a TRISL VLAN and a Token Ring interface.
Figure 85 Routing with RIF Between a TRISL VLAN and a Token Ring Interface
TrCRF 200
Token Ring
Fast Ethernet 4/0.1 TrBRF 999 / Bridge 14
Token Slot 5
Ring 1
Ring 2 Port 1
End station End station
End station
End station
The following is the configuration for the Catalyst 5000 switch with the Token Ring switch module in
slot 5. In this configuration, the Token Ring port 1 is assigned to the TrCRF VLAN 40:
set vtp domain trisl
set vtp mode server
set vtp v2 enable
set set tokenring reduction enable
set tokenring distrib-crf disable
set vlan 999 name trbrf type trbrf bridge 0xe stp ieee
set vlan 200 name trcrf200 type trcrf parent 999 ring 0x64 mode srt
set vlan 40 name trcrf40 type trcrf parent 999 ring 0x1 mode srt
#add token port to trcrf 40
set vlan 40 5/1
set trunk 1/2 on
Cisco 7500 series router with
VIP2 or later cards routing
traffic between VLANs VIP VIP
Fast Ethernet
FE FE FE FE port adapters
Catalyst VLAN
switches forwarding
ISL VLAN traffic
In Figure 86, the VIP cards forward the traffic between ISL VLANs or any other routing interface.
Traffic from any VLAN can be routed to any of the other VLANs, regardless of which VIP card receives
the traffic.
These commands show the configuration for each of the VLANs shown in Figure 86:
interface FastEthernet1/0/0
ip address
ip route-cache distributed
interface FastEthernet1/0/0.1
ip address
encapsulation isl 1
interface FastEthernet1/0/0.2
ip address
encapsulation isl 2
interface FastEthernet1/0/0.3
ip address
encapsulation isl 3
interface FastEthernet1/1/0
ip route-cache distributed
interface FastEthernet1/1/0.1
ip address
encapsulation isl 4
interface FastEthernet2/0/0.5
ip address
encapsulation isl 5
interface FastEthernet2/1/0
ip address
ip route-cache distributed
interface FastEthernet2/1/0.6
ip address
encapsulation isl 6
interface FastEthernet2/1/0.7
ip address
encapsulation isl 7
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring routing between VLANs with
IEEE 802.10 encapsulation.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
The IEEE 802.10 standard provides a method for secure bridging of data across a shared backbone.
It defines a single frame type known as the Secure Data Exchange (SDE), a MAC-layer frame with an
IEEE 802.10 header inserted between the MAC header and the frame data. A well-known Logical Link
Control Service Access Point notifies the switch of an incoming IEEE 802.10 frame. The VLAN ID is
carried in the 4-byte security association identifier (SAID) field.
HDLC Serial links can be used as VLAN trunks in IEEE 802.10 VLANs to extend a virtual topology
beyond a LAN backbone.
To route AppleTalk over IEEE 802.10 between VLANs, create the environment in which it will be used
by customizing the subinterface and perform the tasks described in the following sections in the order in
which they appear:
• Enabling AppleTalk Routing
• Configuring AppleTalk on the Subinterface
• Defining the VLAN Encapsulation Format
• Monitoring and Maintaining VLAN Subinterfaces
Command Purpose
Router(config)# appletalk routing [eigrp router-number] Enables AppleTalk routing globally.
Note For more information on configuring AppleTalk, see the “Configuring AppleTalk” chapter in the
Cisco IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# appletalk cable-range cable-range Assigns the AppleTalk cable range and zone for the
[network.node] subinterface.
Router(config-if)# appletalk zone zone-name Assigns the AppleTalk zone for the subinterface.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface type Specifies the subinterface the VLAN will use.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation sde said Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.10 (sde)
and specifies the VLAN identifier or security association
identifier, respectively.
Command Purpose
Router# show vlans Displays VLAN subinterfaces.
FastEthernet 2/0
Apple 3.1 Apple 4.1
As shown in Figure 87, AppleTalk traffic is routed to and from switched VLAN domains 3, 4, 100, and
200 to any other AppleTalk routing interface. This example shows a sample configuration file for the
Cisco 7500 series router with the commands entered to configure the network shown in Figure 87.
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring routing between VLANs with
IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
The IEEE 802.1Q protocol is used to interconnect multiple switches and routers, and for defining VLAN
topologies. The IEEE 802.1Q standard is extremely restrictive to untagged frames. The standard
provides only a per-port VLANs solution for untagged frames. For example, assigning untagged frames
to VLANs takes into consideration only the port from which they have been received. Each port has a
parameter called a permanent virtual identification (Native VLAN) that specifies the VLAN assigned to
receive untagged frames.
The main characteristics of IEEE 802.1Q are as follows:
• Assigns frames to VLANs by filtering.
• The standard assumes the presence of a single spanning tree and of an explicit tagging scheme with
one-level tagging.
To configure IEEE 802.1Q of your network, perform the tasks described in the following sections. The
first three sections contain required tasks; the remaining tasks are optional:
• Configuring AppleTalk Routing over IEEE 802.1Q (Required)
• Configuring IP Routing over IEEE 802.1Q (Required)
• Configuring IPX Routing over IEEE 802.1Q (Required)
Perform the tasks in the following sections to connect a network of hosts over a simple bridging-access
device to a remote access concentrator bridge between IEEE 802.1Q VLANs. The following sections
contain configuration tasks for the Integrated Routing and Bridging, Transparent Bridging, and PVST+
Between VLANs with IEEE 802.1Q Encapsulation feature:
• Configuring a VLAN for a bridge-group with Default VLAN1(Optional)
• Configuring a VLAN for a bridge-group as a Native VLAN (Optional)
• Monitoring and Maintaining VLAN Subinterfaces (Optional)
Command Purpose
Router(config)# appletalk routing [eigrp router-number] Enables AppleTalk routing globally.
Note For more information on configuring AppleTalk, see the “Configuring AppleTalk” chapter in the
Cisco IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# appletalk cable-range cable-range Assigns the AppleTalk cable range and zone for the
[network.node] subinterface.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# appletalk zone zone-name Assigns the AppleTalk zone for the subinterface.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet Specifies the subinterface the VLAN will use.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q
vlan-identifier (dot1q), and specifies the VLAN identifier.
Enabling IP Routing
IP routing is automatically enabled in the Cisco IOS software for routers. To reenable IP routing if it has
been disabled, use the following command in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ip routing Enables IP routing on the router.
Once you have IP routing enabled on the router, you can customize the characteristics to suit your
environment. If necessary, refer to the IP configuration chapters in the Cisco IOS IP Routing
Configuration Guide for guidelines on configuring IP.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet Specifies the subinterface on which IEEE 802.1Q will be
slot/port.subinterface-number used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q vlanid Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q (dot1q),
and specifies the VLAN identifier
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ip address ip-address mask Sets a primary IP address for an interface.
A mask identifies the bits that denote the network number in an IP address. When you use the mask to
subnet a network, the mask is then referred to as a subnet mask.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# ipx routing [node] Enables IPX routing globally.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# interface fastethernet Specifies the subinterface on which IEEE 802.1Q will
slot/port.subinterface-number be used.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q Defines the encapsulation format as IEEE 802.1Q and
vlan-identifier specifies the VLAN identifier.
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# ipx network network Specifies the IPX network number.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface fastethernet slot/port Selects a particular Fast Ethernet interface for
Step 2 Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 1 Enables IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on a
specified subinterface in VLANs, and defaults the
associated VLAN as a native VLAN.
Step 3 Router(config-subif)# bridge-group bridge-group Assigns each network interface to a bridge group.
Note If there is no explicitly defined native VLAN, the default VLAN 1 becomes the native VLAN 1.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface fastethernet slot/port Selects a particular Fast Ethernet interface for
Step 2 Router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q vlan-id Enables IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on a
native specified subinterface in VLANs, and
defaults to 1.
Step 3 Router(config-subif)# bridge-group bridge-group Assigns each network interface to a bridge group.
Note If there is an explicitly defined native VLAN, VLAN 1 will only be used to process CST.
Command Purpose
Router# show vlans Displays VLAN subinterfaces.
ipx routing
appletalk routing
interface FastEthernet 1/1.110
encapsulation isl 110
!if 802.1Q, encapsulation dot1Q 110
ip address
appletalk cable-range 1.1 1.2
appletalk zone 1
ipx network 110 encapsulation snap
interface FastEthernet 1/1.120
encapsulation isl 120
!if 802.1Q, encapsulation dot1Q 120
ip address
appletalk cable-range 2-2 2.2
appletalk zone 2
ipx network 120 encapsulation snap
router igrp 1
ipx routing
appletalk routing
interface Ethernet 1
ip address
appletalk cable-range 2-2 2.3
appletalk zone 2
ipx network 120 encapsulation snap
router igrp 1
LAN Emulation
The Cisco implementation of LANE makes an ATM interface look like one or more Ethernet interfaces.
LANE is an ATM service defined by the ATM Forum specification LAN Emulation over ATM,
ATM_FORUM 94-0035. This service emulates the following LAN-specific characteristics:
• Connectionless services
• Multicast services
• LAN MAC driver services
LANE service provides connectivity between ATM-attached devices and connectivity with
LAN-attached devices. This includes connectivity between ATM-attached stations and LAN-attached
stations and also connectivity between LAN-attached stations across an ATM network.
Because LANE connectivity is defined at the MAC layer, upper protocol-layer functions of LAN
applications can continue unchanged when the devices join emulated LANs (ELANs). This feature
protects corporate investments in legacy LAN applications.
An ATM network can support multiple independent ELAN networks. Membership of an end system in
any of the ELANs is independent of the physical location of the end system. This characteristic enables
easy hardware moves and location changes. In addition, the end systems can also move easily from one
ELAN to another, whether or not the hardware moves.
LANE in an ATM environment provides routing between ELANs for supported routing protocols and
high-speed, scalable switching of local traffic.
The ATM LANE system has three servers that are single points of failure. These are the LANE
Configuration Server (LECS), the ELAN server (LES), and the broadcast and unknown server (BUS).
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 11.2, LANE fault tolerance or Simple LANE Service Replication on
the ELAN provides backup servers to prevent problems if these servers fail.
The fault tolerance mechanism that eliminates these single points of failure is described in the
“Configuring LAN Emulation” chapter. Although this scheme is proprietary, no new protocol additions
have been made to the LANE subsystems.
LANE Components
Any number of ELANs can be set up in an ATM switch cloud. A router can participate in any number
of these ELANs.
LANE is defined on a LAN client/server model. The following components are implemented:
• LANE client—A LANE client emulates a LAN interface to higher layer protocols and applications.
It forwards data to other LANE components and performs LANE address resolution functions.
Each LANE client is a member of only one ELAN. However, a router can include LANE clients for
multiple ELANs: one LANE client for each ELAN of which it is a member.
If a router has clients for multiple ELANs, the Cisco IOS software can route traffic between the
• LES—The LES for an ELAN is the control center. It provides joining, address resolution, and
address registration services to the LANE clients in that ELAN. Clients can register destination
unicast and multicast MAC addresses with the LES. The LES also handles LANE ARP (LE ARP)
requests and responses.
The Cisco implementation has a limit of one LES per ELAN.
• LANE BUS—The LANE BUS sequences and distributes multicast and broadcast packets and
handles unicast flooding.
In this release, the LES and the LANE BUS are combined and located in the same Cisco 7000 family
or Cisco 4500 series router; one combined LECS and BUS is required per ELAN.
• LECS—The LECS contains the database that determines which ELAN a device belongs to (each
configuration server can have a different named database). Each LANE client consults the LECS just
once, when it joins an ELAN, to determine which ELAN it should join. The LECS returns the ATM
address of the LES for that ELAN.
One LECS is required per LANE ATM switch cloud.
The LECS’s database can have the following four types of entries:
– ELAN name-ATM address of LES pairs
– LANE client MAC address-ELAN name pairs
– LANE client ATM template-ELAN name pairs
– Default ELAN name
Note ELAN names must be unique on an interface. If two interfaces participate in LANE, the second
interface may be in a different switch cloud.
Figure 88 shows LANE components: LE server stands for the LANE server (LECS), LECS stands for
the LANE configuration server, and BUS stands for the LANE broadcast.
7 9
8 11 10
7 9
1 2 3 4 3 5 4
5 2
6 6
Client A Client B
• LES allows or disallows the client to join the ELAN—If allowed, the LES adds the LANE client to
the unidirectional point-to-multipoint Control Distribute VCC and confirms the join over the
bidirectional point-to-point Control Direct VCC. If disallowed, the LES rejects the join over the
bidirectional point-to-point Control Direct VCC.
• LANE client sends LE ARP packets for the broadcast address, which is all 1s—Sending LE ARP
packets for the broadcast address sets up the VCCs to and from the BUS.
Address Resolution
As communication occurs on the ELAN, each client dynamically builds a local LANE ARP (LE ARP)
table. A LE ARP table belonging to a client can also have static, preconfigured entries. The LE ARP
table maps MAC addresses to ATM addresses.
Note LE ARP is not the same as IP ARP. IP ARP maps IP addresses (Layer 3) to Ethernet MAC addresses
(Layer 2); LE ARP maps ELAN MAC addresses (Layer 2) to ATM addresses (also Layer 2).
When a client first joins an ELAN, its LE ARP table has no dynamic entries and the client has no
information about destinations on or behind its ELAN. To learn about a destination when a packet is to
be sent, the client begins the following process to find the ATM address corresponding to the known
MAC address:
• The client sends a LE ARP request to the LES for this ELAN (point-to-point Control Direct VCC).
• The LES forwards the LE ARP request to all clients on the ELAN (point-to-multipoint Control
Distribute VCC).
• Any client that recognizes the MAC address responds with its ATM address (point-to-point Control
Direct VCC).
• The LES forwards the response (point-to-multipoint Control Distribute VCC).
• The client adds the MAC address-ATM address pair to its LE ARP cache.
• Then the client can establish a VCC to the desired destination and send packets to that ATM address
(bidirectional point-to-point Data Direct VCC).
For unknown destinations, the client sends a packet to the BUS, which forwards the packet to all clients
via flooding. The BUS floods the packet because the destination might be behind a bridge that has not
yet learned this particular address.
Multicast Traffic
When a LANE client has broadcast or multicast traffic, or unicast traffic with an unknown address to
send, the following process occurs:
• The client sends the packet to the BUS (unidirectional point-to-point Multicast Send VCC).
• The BUS forwards (floods) the packet to all clients (unidirectional point-to-multipoint Multicast
Forward VCC).
This VCC branches at each ATM switch. The switch forwards such packets to multiple outputs.
(The switch does not examine the MAC addresses; it simply forwards all packets it receives.)
configuration server
man server-bus
man client
Router 1
ATM switch
Router 2 Router 3
man client
Router 4
Configuration server
man server-bus
eng server-bus
man client
eng client Router 1
ATM switch
man client man client
eng client mkt client
Router 2 Router 3
mkt server-bus
man client
mkt client
Router 4
This chapter describes how to configure LAN emulation (LANE) on the following platforms that are
connected to an ATM switch or switch cloud:
• ATM Interface Processor (AIP) on the Cisco 7500 series routers
• ATM port adapter on the Cisco 7200 series and Cisco 7500 series routers
• Network Processor Module (NPM) on the Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers
Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 11.3, all commands supported on the Cisco 7500 series routers
are also supported on the Cisco 7000 series.
LANE emulates an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet or IEEE 802.5 Token Ring LAN using ATM technology. LANE
provides a service interface for network-layer protocols that is identical to existing MAC layers.
No changes are required to existing upper layer protocols and applications. With LANE, Ethernet and
Token Ring packets are encapsulated in the appropriate ATM cells and sent across the ATM network.
When the packets reach the other side of the ATM network, they are deencapsulated. LANE essentially
bridges LAN traffic across ATM switches.
Benefits of LANE
ATM is a cell-switching and multiplexing technology designed to combine the benefits of circuit
switching (constant transmission delay and guaranteed capacity) with those of packet switching
(flexibility and efficiency for intermittent traffic).
LANE allows legacy Ethernet and Token Ring LAN users to take advantage of ATM’s benefits without
modifying end-station hardware or software. ATM uses connection-oriented service with point-to-point
signalling or multicast signalling between source and destination devices. However, LANs use
connectionless service. Messages are broadcast to all devices on the network. With LANE, routers and
switches emulate the connectionless service of a LAN for the endstations.
By using LANE, you can scale your networks to larger sizes while preserving your investment in LAN
LANE Components
A single emulated LAN (ELAN) consists of the following entities: A LECS, a BUS, a LES, and LANE
• LANE configuration server—A server that assigns individual clients to particular emulated LANs
by directing them to the LES for the ELAN. The LANE configuration server (LECS) maintains a
database of LANE client and server ATM or MAC addresses and their emulated LANs. An LECS
can serve multiple emulated LANs.
• LANE broadcast and unknown server—A multicast server that floods unknown destination traffic
and forwards multicast and broadcast traffic to clients within an ELAN. One broadcast and unknown
server (BUS) exists per ELAN.
• LANE server—A server that provides a registration facility for clients to join the ELAN. There is
one LANE server (LES) per ELAN. The LES handles LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol
(LE ARP) requests and maintains a list of LAN destination MAC addresses. For Token Ring LANE,
the LES also maintains a list of route-descriptors that is used to support source-route bridging (SRB)
over the ELAN. The route-descriptors are used to determine the ATM address of the next hop in the
Routing Information Field (RIF).
• LANE client—An entity in an endpoint, such as a router, that performs data forwarding, address
resolution, and other control functions for a single endpoint in a single ELAN. The LANE client
(LEC) provides standard LAN service to any higher layers that interface with it. A router can have
multiple resident LANE clients, each connecting with different emulated LANs. The LANE client
registers its MAC and ATM addresses with the LES.
ELAN entities coexist on one or more Cisco routers. On Cisco routers, the LES and the BUS are
combined into a single entity.
Other LANE components include ATM switches—any ATM switch that supports the Interim Local
Management Interface (ILMI) and signalling. Multiple emulated LANs can coexist on a single
ATM network.
Cisco has developed a fault tolerance mechanism known as simple server redundancy that eliminates
these single points of failure. Although this scheme is proprietary, no new protocol additions have been
made to the LANE subsystems.
Simple server redundancy uses multiple LECSs and multiple broadcast-and-unknown and LESs. You can
configure servers as backup servers, which will become active if a master server fails. The priority levels
for the servers determine which servers have precedence.
Refer to the “Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation” section for details and notes on the Simple Server
Redundancy Protocol (SSRP).
Network Support
In this release, Cisco supports the following networking features:
• Ethernet-emulated LANs
– Routing from one ELAN to another via IP, IPX, or AppleTalk
– Bridging between emulated LANs and between emulated LANs and other LANs
– DECnet, Banyan VINES, and XNS routed protocols
• Token-Ring emulated LANs
– IP routing (fast switched) between emulated LANs and between a Token Ring ELAN and a
legacy LAN
– IPX routing between emulated LANs and between a Token Ring ELAN and a legacy LAN
– Two-port and multiport SRB (fast switched) between emulated LANs and between emulated
LANs and a Token Ring
– IP and IPX multiring
– SRB, source-route translational bridging (SR/TLB), and source-route transparent bridging
– AppleTalk for (IOS) TR-LANE and includes Appletalk fast switched routing.
– DECnet, Banyan VINES, and XNS protocols are not supported
Cisco’s implementation of LAN Emulation over 802.5 uses existing terminology and configuration
options for Token Rings, including SRB. For more information about configuring SRB, see the
chapter “Configuring Source-Route Bridging” in the Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking
Configuration Guide. Transparent bridging and Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) are not
supported at this time.
• Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
For information about configuring APPN over Ethernet LANE, refer to the “Configuring APPN” chapter
in the Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide.
Hardware Support
This release of LANE is supported on the following platforms:
• Cisco 4500-M, Cisco 4700-M
• Cisco 7200 series
• Cisco 7500 series
Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 11.3, all commands supported on the Cisco 7500 series routers
are also supported on the Cisco 7000 series routers equipped with RSP7000. Token Ring LAN
emulation on Cisco 7000 series routers requires the RSP7000 upgrade. The RSP7000 upgrade
requires a minimum of 24 MB DRAM and 8 MB Flash memory.
The router must contain an ATM Interface Processor (AIP), ATM port adapter, or an NP-1A ATM
Network Processor Module (NPM). These modules provide an ATM network interface for the routers.
Network interfaces reside on modular interface processors, which provide a direct connection between
the high-speed Cisco Extended Bus (CxBus) and the external networks. The maximum number of AIPs,
ATM port adapters, or NPMs that the router supports depends on the bandwidth configured. The total
bandwidth through all the AIPs, ATM port adapters, or NPMs in the system should be limited to
200 Mbps full duplex—two Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interfaces (TAXIs), one
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and one E3, or one SONET and one lightly used SONET.
This feature also requires one of the following switches:
• Cisco LightStream 1010 (recommended)
• Cisco LightStream 100
• Any ATM switch with UNI 3.0/3.1 and ILMI support for communicating the LECS address
TR-LANE requires Cisco IOS Release 3.1(2) or later on the LightStream 100 switch and Cisco IOS
Release 11.1(8) or later on the LightStream 1010.
For a complete description of the routers, switches, and interfaces, refer to your hardware
On a LAN, packets are addressed by the MAC-layer address of the destination and source stations.
To provide similar functionality for LANE, MAC-layer addressing must be supported. Every LANE
client must have a MAC address. In addition, every LANE component (server, client, BUS, and LECS)
must have an ATM address that is different from that of all the other components.
All LANE clients on the same interface have the same, automatically assigned MAC address. That MAC
address is also used as the end-system identifier (ESI) part of the ATM address, as explained in the next
section. Although client MAC addresses are not unique, all ATM addresses are unique.
Note E.164-format ATM addresses do not support the use of LANE ATM address templates.
LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single
character, and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters.
In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector
fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.
Table 43 indicates how the values of unspecified digits are determined when an ATM address template
is used:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# atm-address {atm-address | Sets the local node ID (prefix of the ATM address).
Step 2 Router(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.
Step 3 Router# copy system:running-config Saves the configuration values permanently.
To set the ATM address prefix on the Cisco LightStream 100, use the following commands on the Cisco
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-route-map)# set local name ip-address Sets the local node ID (prefix of the ATM address).
mask prefix
Step 2 Router(config-route-map)# save Saves the configuration values permanently.
On the switches, you can display the current prefix by using the show network EXEC command.
Note If you do not save the configured value permanently, it will be lost when the switch is reset or
powered off.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Specifies the major ATM interface and enter interface configuration
Router(config-if)# interface atm
slot/0 • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers; on the ATM port adapter
for Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router(config-if)# interface atm
slot/port-adapter/0 • On the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7500 series routers.
Router(config-if)# interface atm • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# atm pvc vcd vpi Sets up the signalling PVC that sets up and tears down switched virtual
vci qsaal circuits (SVCs); the vpi and vci values are usually set to 0 and 5,
Step 3 Router(config-if)# atm pvc vcd vpi Sets up a PVC to communicate with the ILMI; the vpi and vci values
vci ilmi are usually set to 0 and 16, respectively.
Command Purpose
Router# show lane default-atm-addresses Displays the LANE default addresses.
Depending on which type of switch you are using, perform one of the tasks in the following sections:
• Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM Switch
• Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 100 ATM Switch
Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM Switch
On the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch, the LECS address can be specified for a port or for the
entire switch.
To enter the LECS addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch for the entire switch, use the
following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# atm lecs-address-default Specifies the LECS’s ATM address for the entire
lecsaddress [sequence #]1 switch. If you are configuring SSRP, include the ATM
addresses of all the LECSs.
Step 2 Router(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.
Step 3 Router# copy system:running-config Saves the configuration value permanently.
1.Refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference for further information about this command.
To enter the LECS addresses on the Cisco LightStream 1010 ATM switch per port, use the following
commands beginning in interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config-if)# atm lecs-address lecsaddress Specifies the LECS’s ATM address for a port. If you
[sequence #]1 are configuring SSRP, include the ATM addresses of
all the LECSs.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# Ctrl-Z Exits interface configuration mode.
Step 3 Router# copy system:running-config Saves the configuration value permanently.
1.Refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Command Reference for further information about this command.
Entering the ATM Addresses on the Cisco LightStream 100 ATM Switch
To enter the LECS’s ATM address into the Cisco LightStream 100 ATM switch and save it permanently,
use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# set configserver index atm-address Specifies the LECS’s ATM address. If you are
configuring SSRP, repeat this command for each LECS
address. The index value determines the priority. The
highest priority is 0. There can be a maximum of 4
Step 2 Router# save Saves the configuration value permanently.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# lane database database-name Creates a named database for the LECS.
Step 2 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name In the configuration database, binds the name of the ELAN
server-atm-address atm-address [index number] to the ATM address of the LES.
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step for each
additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Step 3 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name If you are configuring a Token Ring ELAN, assigns a
local-seg-id segment-number segment number to the emulated Token Ring LAN in the
configuration database.
Step 4 Router(lane-config-dat)# default-name In the configuration database, provides a default name for
elan-name the ELAN.
Step 5 Router(lane-config-dat)# exit Exits from database configuration mode and return to
global configuration mode.
In Step 2, enter the ATM address of the server for the specified ELAN, as noted in your worksheet and
obtained in the “Displaying LANE Default Addresses” section.
You can have any number of servers per ELAN for fault tolerance. Priority is determined by entry order.
The first entry has the highest priority unless you override it with the index option.
If you are setting up only a default ELAN, the elan-name value in Steps 2 and 3 is the same as the default
ELAN name you provide in Step 4.
To set up fault-tolerant operation, see the “Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation” section later in
this chapter.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# lane database database-name Creates a named database for the LECS.
Step 2 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name1 In the configuration database, binds the name of the first
server-atm-address atm-address [index number] ELAN to the ATM address of the LES for that ELAN.
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step with the same
ELAN name but with different server ATM addresses for
each additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Step 3 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name2 In the configuration database, binds the name of the second
server-atm-address atm-address [index number] ELAN to the ATM address of the LES.
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step with the same
ELAN name but with different server ATM addresses for
each additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and ATM
address for each additional ELAN in this switch cloud.
Step 4 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name1 For a Token Ring ELAN, assigns a segment number to the
local-seg-id segment-number first emulated Token Ring LAN in the configuration
Step 5 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name2 For Token Ring emulated LANs, assigns a segment number
local-seg-id segment-number to the second emulated Token Ring LAN in the configuration
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and
segment number for each additional source-route bridged
ELAN in this switch cloud.
Command Purpose
Step 6 Router(lane-config-dat)# default-name (Optional) Specifies a default ELAN for LANE clients not
elan-name1 explicitly bound to an ELAN.
Step 7 Router(lane-config-dat)# exit Exits from database configuration mode and return to global
configuration mode.
In the preceding steps, enter the ATM address of the server for the specified ELAN, as noted in your
worksheet and obtained in the “Displaying LANE Default Addresses” section.
To set up fault-tolerant operation, see the “Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation” section later in this
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# lane database database-name Creates a named database for the LECS.
Step 2 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name1 In the configuration database, binds the name of the first
server-atm-address atm-address restricted ELAN to the ATM address of the LES for that ELAN.
[index number]
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step with the same
ELAN name but with different server ATM addresses for
each additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Step 3 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name2 In the configuration database, binds the name of the second
server-atm-address atm-address restricted ELAN to the ATM address of the LES.
[index number]
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step with the same
ELAN name but with different server ATM addresses for
each additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Repeat this step, providing a different name and a different
ATM address, for each additional ELAN.
Command Purpose
Step 4 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name1 For a Token Ring ELAN, assigns a segment number to the
local-seg-id segment-number first emulated Token Ring LAN in the configuration
Step 5 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name2 If you are configuring Token Ring emulated LANs, assigns a
local-seg-id segment-number segment number to the second emulated Token Ring LAN in
the configuration database.
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and
segment number for each additional source-route bridged
ELAN in this switch cloud.
Step 6 Router(lane-config-dat)# client-atm-address Adds a database entry associating a specific client’s ATM
atm-address-template name elan-name1 address with the first restricted-membership ELAN.
Repeat this step for each of the clients of the first
restricted-membership ELAN.
Step 7 Router(lane-config-dat)# client-atm-address Adds a database entry associating a specific client’s ATM
atm-address-template name elan-name2 address with the second restricted-membership ELAN.
Repeat this step for each of the clients of the second
restricted-membership ELAN.
Repeat this step, providing a different name and a different
list of client ATM address, for each additional ELAN.
Step 8 Router(lane-config-dat)# exit Exits from database configuration mode and return to global
configuration mode.
To set up fault-tolerant operation, see the “Configuring Fault-Tolerant Operation” section later in this
Command Purpose
Step 1 If you are not currently configuring the interface, specifies
the major ATM interface where the LECS is located.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers; On the ATM
slot/0[.subinterface-number] port adapter for Cisco 7200 series routers.
• On the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7500 series routers.
Router(config)# interface atm
slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number] • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
Command Purpose
Step 3 Specifies how the LECS’s ATM address will be computed.
Router(config-if)# lane config You may opt to choose one of the following scenarios:
The LECS will participate in SSRP and the address is
Router(config-if)# lane config computed by the automatic method.
or The LECS will participate in SSRP, and the address is
Router(config-if)# lane config computed by the automatic method. If the LECS is the
fixed-config-atm-address master, the fixed address is also used.
Router(config-if)# lane config The LECS will not participate in SSRP, the LECS is the
fixed-config-atm-address master, and only the well-known address is used.
Router(config-if)# lane config The LECS will participate in SSRP and the address is
config-atm-address atm-address-template computed using an explicit, 20-byte ATM address.
Step 4 exit Exits interface configuration mode.
Step 5 Ctrl-Z Returns to EXEC mode.
Step 6 copy system:running-config Saves the configuration.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Specifies the subinterface for the ELAN on this router.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers; On the ATM
slot/0.subinterface-number port adapter for Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7500 series routers.
• On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
Router(config)# interface atm
Step 2 Router(config-if)# lane server-bus {ethernet | Enables a LES and a LANE BUS for the ELAN.
tokenring} elan-name
Step 3 Router(config-if)# lane client {ethernet | (Optional) Enables a LANE client for the ELAN.
tokenring} [elan-name] [elan-id id]
To participate in MPOA, configures the LES and a LANE
BUS for the ELAN with the ELAN ID.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# ip address mask1 Provides a protocol address for the client.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# Ctrl-Z Returns to EXEC mode.
Step 6 Router# copy system:running-config Saves the configuration.
1. The command or commands depend on the routing protocol used. If you are using IPX or AppleTalk, see the relevant protocol chapter (IPX or
AppleTalk) in the Cisco IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide for the commands to use.
If the ELAN in Step 3 is intended to have restricted membership, consider carefully whether you want
to specify its name here. You will specify the name in the LECS’s database when it is set up. However,
if you link the client to an ELAN in this step, and through some mistake it does not match the database
entry linking the client to an ELAN, this client will not be allowed to join this ELAN or any other.
If you do decide to include the name of the ELAN linked to the client in Step 3 and later want to associate
that client with a different ELAN, make the change in the LECS’s database before you make the change
for the client on this subinterface.
Each ELAN is a separate subnetwork. In Step 4 make sure that the clients of the same ELAN are assigned
protocol addresses on the same subnetwork and that clients of different emulated LANs are assigned
protocol addresses on different subnetworks.
To set up only a client for an emulated LANs, use the following commands beginning in interface
configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Specifies the subinterface for the ELAN on this router.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers; On the
slot/0.subinterface-number ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7500 series
slot/port-adapter/0.subinterface-number routers.
Router(config)# interface atm • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700
number.subinterface-number routers.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# ip address mask1 Provides a protocol address for the client on this
Step 3 Router(config-if)# lane client {ethernet | Enables a LANE client for the ELAN.
tokenring} [elan-name]
Step 4 Router(config-if)# Ctrl-Z Returns to EXEC mode.
Step 5 Router# copy system:running-config Saves the configuration.
1. The command or commands depend on the routing protocol used. If you are using IPX or AppleTalk, see the relevant protocol chapter (IPX or
AppleTalk) in the Cisco IOS AppleTalk and Novell IPX Configuration Guide for the commands to use.
Each ELAN is a separate subnetwork. In Step 2, make sure that the clients of the same ELAN are
assigned protocol addresses on the same subnetwork and that clients of different emulated LANs are
assigned protocol addresses on different subnetworks.
Note Disabling the LE_FLUSH process affects all the LECs in a Cisco networking device.
To keep LECs from sending LE_FLUSH messages to the remote LEC, use the following command in
interface configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Router(config-if)# no lane client flush Disables the flush mechanism of a LEC.
Command Purpose
Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name elan-id id Configures the ELAN ID in the LAN Emulation Client Server
(LECS) database to participate in MPOA.
Router(lane-config-dat)# lane server-bus {ethernet Configures the LES and a LANE BUS for the ELAN (ELAN).
| tokenring} elan-name [elan-id id]
To participate in MPOA, configure the LES and a LANE BUS
for the ELAN with the ELAN ID.
Caution If an ELAN ID is supplied by both commands, make sure that the ELAN ID matches in both.
For more information on configuring the MPOA client, refer to the “Configuring the Multiprotocol over
ATM Client” chapter.
Note This server redundancy does not overcome other points of failure beyond the router ports: Additional
redundancy on the LAN side or in the ATM switch cloud are not a part of the LANE simple server
redundancy feature.
Implementation Considerations
The following is a list of LANE implementation restrictions:
• The LightStream 1010 can handle up to 16 LECS addresses. The LightStream 100 allows a
maximum of 4 LECS addresses.
• There is no limit on the number of LE servers that can be defined per ELAN.
• When a LECS switchover occurs, no previously joined clients are affected.
• When a LES/BUS switches over, momentary loss of clients occurs until they are all transferred to
the new LES/BUS.
• LECSs come up as masters until a higher-level LECS tells them otherwise. This is automatic and
cannot be changed.
• If a higher-priority LES comes online, it bumps the current LES off on the same ELAN. Therefore,
there may be some flapping of clients from one LES to another after a powerup, depending on the
order of the LE servers coming up. Flapping should settle after the last highest-priority LES comes
• If none of the specified LE servers are up or connected to the master LECS and more than one LES
is defined for an ELAN, a configuration request for that specific ELAN is rejected by the LECS.
• Changes made to the list of LECS addresses on ATM switches may take up to a minute to propagate
through the network. Changes made to the configuration database regarding LES addresses take
effect almost immediately.
• If none of the designated LECSs is operational or reachable, the ATM Forum-defined well-known
LECS address is used.
• You can override the LECS address on any subinterface, by using the following commands:
– lane auto-config-atm-address
– lane fixed-config-atm-address
– lane config-atm-address
Caution When an override like this is performed, fault-tolerant operation cannot be guaranteed. To avoid
affecting the fault-tolerant operation, do not override any LECS, LES or BUS addresses.
• If an underlying ATM network failure occurs, there may be multiple master LECSs and multiple
active LE servers for the same ELAN. This situation creates a “partitioned” network. The clients
continue to operate normally, but transmission between different partitions of the network is not
possible. When the network break is repaired, the system recovers.
• When the LECS is already up and running, and you use the lane config fixed-config-atm-address
interface command to configure the well-known LECS address, be aware of the following scenarios:
– If you configure the LECS with only the well-known address, the LECS will not participate in
the SSRP, act as a “standalone” master, and only listen on the well-known LECS address.
This scenario is ideal if you want a “standalone” LECS that does not participate in SSRP, and
you would like to listen to only the well-known address.
– If only the well-known address is already assigned, and you assign at least one other address to
the LECS, (additional addresses are assigned using the lane config auto-config-atm-address
interface command and/or the lane config config-atm-address interface command) the LECS
will participate in the SSRP and act as the master or slave based on the normal SSRP rules. This
scenario is ideal if you would like the LECS to participate in SSRP, and you would like to make
the master LECS listen on the well-known address.
– If the LECS is participating in SSRP, has more than one address (one of which is the well-known
address), and all the addresses but the well-known address is removed, the LECS will declare
itself the master and stop participating in SSRP completely.
– If the LECS is operating as an SSRP slave, and it has the well-known address configured, it will
not listen on the well-known address unless it becomes the master.
– If you want the LECS to assume the well-known address only when it becomes the master,
configure the LECS with the well-known address and at least one other address.
Command Purpose
Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name preempt Sets the ELAN LES preemption.
Command Purpose
Displays the global and per-virtual
channel connection LANE information
for all the LANE components and
emulated LANs configured on an
interface or any of its subinterfaces.
Router# show lane [interface atm slot/0[.subinterface-number] | name • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
elan-name] [brief] routers; On the ATM port adapter for
Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router# show lane [interface atm
slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief] • On the ATM port adapter for
Cisco 7500 series routers.
Router# show lane [interface atm number[.subinterface-number] | name
elan-name] [brief] • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
Cisco 4700 routers.
Displays the global and per-VCC LANE
information for the BUS configured on
any subinterface or ELAN.
• On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
Router# show lane bus [interface atm slot/0[.subinterface-number] |
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router# show lane bus [interface atm slot/port-adapter/ 0 • On the ATM port adapter for
[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 7500 series routers.
Router# show lane bus [interface atm number[.subinterface-number] | • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 4700 routers.
Displays the global and per-VCC LANE
information for all LANE clients
configured on any subinterface or ELAN.
• On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane client [interface atm slot/0[.subinterface-number]
| name elan-name] [brief] Cisco 7200 series routers.
• On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane client [interface atm
slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 7500 series routers.
• On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
Router# show lane client [interface atm number[.subinterface-number]
Cisco 4700 routers.
| name elan-name] [brief]
Command Purpose
Displays the global and per-VCC LANE
information for the LECS configured on
any interface.
• On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
Router# show lane config [interface atm slot/0]
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane config [interface atm slot/port-adapter/0] Cisco 7200 series routers.
• On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane config [interface atm number]
Cisco 7500 series routers.
• On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
Cisco 4700 routers.
Router# show lane database [database-name] Displays the LECS’s database.
Displays the automatically assigned ATM
address of each LANE component in a
router or on a specified interface or
Router# show lane default-atm-addresses [interface atm
• On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane default-atm-addresses [interface atm Cisco 7200 series routers.
• On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane default-atm-addresses [interface atm Cisco 7500 series routers.
• On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
Cisco 4700 routers.
Display the LANE ARP table of the
LANE client configured on the specified
subinterface or ELAN.
Router# show lane le-arp [interface atm slot/0[.subinterface-number] • On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
| name elan-name]
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane le-arp [interface atm Cisco 7200 series routers.
slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] • On the ATM port adapter for
Router# show lane le-arp [interface atm number[.subinterface-number]
Cisco 7500 series routers.
| name elan-name] • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
Cisco 4700 routers.
Display the global and per-VCC LANE
information for the LES configured on a
specified subinterface or ELAN.
• On the AIP for Cisco 7500 series
Router# show lane server [interface atm slot/0[.subinterface-number]
routers; On the ATM port adapter for
| name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 7200 series routers.
Router# show lane server [interface atm • On the ATM port adapter for
slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 7500 series routers.
Router# show lane server [interface atm number[.subinterface-number] • On the NPM for Cisco 4500 and
| name elan-name] [brief]
Cisco 4700 routers.
Router 1 Configuration
lane database example1
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.01
default-name eng
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database example1
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus ethernet eng
lane client ethernet
Router 2 Configuration
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane client ethernet
Router 3 Configuration
interface atm 2/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 2/0.1
Router 4 Configuration
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 1/0.3
ip address
lane client ethernet
Default Configuration for a Single Ethernet ELAN with a Backup LECS and LES
This example configures four Cisco 7500 series routers for one ELAN with fault tolerance. Router 1
contains the LECS, the server, the BUS, and a client. Router 2 contains the backup LECS and the backup
LES for this ELAN and another client. Routers 3 and 4 contain clients only. This example accepts all
default settings that are provided. For example, it does not explicitly set ATM addresses for the various
LANE components collocated on the router. Membership in this LAN is not restricted.
Router 1 Configuration
lane database example1
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.01
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0612.200c 2001.01
default-name eng
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database example1
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus ethernet eng
lane client ethernet
Router 2 Configuration
lane database example1_backup
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.01
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0612.200c 2001.01 (backup LES)
default-name eng
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database example1_backup
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus ethernet eng
lane client ethernet
Router 3 Configuration
interface atm 2/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 2/0.1
ip address
lane client ethernet
Router 4 Configuration
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 1/0.3
ip address
lane client ethernet
Configuration server
man server-bus
eng server-bus
man client
eng client Router 1
ATM switch
man client man client
eng client mkt client
Router 2 Router 3
mkt server-bus
man client
mkt client
Router 4
Router 1 Configuration
Router 1 has the LECS and its database, the server and BUS for the Manufacturing ELAN, the server
and BUS for the Engineering ELAN, a client for Manufacturing, and a client for Engineering. Router 1
is configured as shown in this example:
!The following lines name and configure the configuration server’s database.
lane database example2
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.02
name eng local-seg-id 1000
name man server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.01
name man local-seg-id 2000
name mkt server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.4001.01
name mkt local-seg-id 3000
default-name man
! The following lines bring up the configuration server and associate
! it with a database name.
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database example2
! The following lines configure the “man” server, broadcast-and-unknown server,
! and the client on atm subinterface 1/0.1. The client is assigned to the default
! emulated lan.
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring man
lane client tokenring man
! The following lines configure the “eng” server, broadcast-and-unknown server,
! and the client on atm subinterface 1/0.2. The client is assigned to the
! engineering emulated lan. Each emulated LAN is a different subnetwork, so the “eng”
! client has an IP address on a different subnetwork than the “man” client.
interface atm 1/0.2
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring eng
lane client tokenring eng
Router 2 Configuration
Router 2 is configured for a client of the Manufacturing ELAN and a client of the Engineering ELAN.
Because the default ELAN name is man, the first client is linked to that ELAN name by default. Router
2 is configured as follows:
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane client tokenring
interface atm 1/0.2
ip address
lane client tokenring eng
Router 3 Configuration
Router 3 is configured for a client of the Manufacturing ELAN and a client of the Marketing ELAN.
Because the default ELAN name is man, the first client is linked to that ELAN name by default. Router
3 is configured as shown here:
interface atm 2/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 2/0.1
ip address
lane client tokenring
interface atm 2/0.2
ip address
lane client tokenring mkt
Router 4 Configuration
Router 4 has the server and BUS for the Marketing ELAN, a client for Marketing, and a client for
Manufacturing. Because the default ELAN name is man, the second client is linked to that ELAN name
by default. Router 4 is configured as shown here:
interface atm 3/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
interface atm 3/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring mkt
lane client tokenring mkt
Configuration server
man server-bus
eng server-bus
man client
eng client Router 1
ATM switch
man client man client
eng client mkt client
Router 2 Router 3
mkt server-bus
man client
mkt client
Router 4
Router 1 Configuration
Router 1 has the LECS and its database, the server and BUS for the Manufacturing ELAN, the server
and BUS for the Engineering ELAN, a client for Manufacturing, and a client for Engineering. It also has
explicit database entries binding the ATM addresses of LANE clients to specified, named emulated
LANs. Router 1 is configured as shown here:
! The following lines name and configure the configuration server’s database.
lane database example3
name eng server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.02 restricted
name eng local-seg-id 1000
name man server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.1001.01
name man local-seg-id 2000
name mkt server-atm-address 39.000001415555121101020304.0800.200c.4001.01 restricted
name mkt local-seg-id 3000
! The following lines add database entries binding specified client ATM
! addresses to emulated LANs. In each case, the Selector byte corresponds
! to the subinterface number on the specified router.
! The next command binds the client on Router 1’s subinterface 2 to the eng ELAN.
client-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.200c.1000.02 name eng
! The next command binds the client on Router 2’s subinterface 2 to the eng ELAN.
client-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.200c.2000.02 name eng
! The next command binds the client on Router 3’s subinterface 2 to the mkt ELAN.
client-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.200c.3000.02 name mkt
! The next command binds the client on Router 4’s subinterface 1 to the mkt ELAN.
client-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.200c.4000.01 name mkt
default-name man
! The following lines bring up the configuration server and associate
! it with a database name.
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database example3
! The following lines configure the “man” server/broadcast-and-unknown server,
! and the client on atm subinterface 1/0.1. The client is assigned to the default
! emulated lan.
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring man
lane client tokenring
! The following lines configure the “eng” server/broadcast-and-unknown server
! and the client on atm subinterface 1/0.2. The configuration server assigns the
! client to the engineering emulated lan.
interface atm 1/0.2
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring eng
lane client tokenring eng
Router 2 Configuration
Router 2 is configured for a client of the Manufacturing ELAN and a client of the Engineering ELAN.
Because the default ELAN name is man, the first client is linked to that ELAN name by default. Router
2 is configured as shown in this example:
interface atm 1/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
! This client is not in the configuration server’s database, so it will be
! linked to the “man” ELAN by default.
interface atm 1/0.1
ip address
lane client tokenring
! A client for the following interface is entered in the configuration
! server’s database as linked to the “eng” ELAN.
interface atm 1/0.2
ip address
lane client tokenring eng
Router 3 Configuration
Router 3 is configured for a client of the Manufacturing ELAN and a client of the Marketing ELAN.
Because the default ELAN name is man, the first client is linked to that ELAN name by default. The
second client is listed in the database as linked to the mkt ELAN. Router 3 is configured as shown in this
Router 4 Configuration
Router 4 has the server and BUS for the Marketing ELAN, a client for Marketing, and a client for
Manufacturing. The first client is listed in the database as linked to the mkt emulated LANs. The second
client is not listed in the database, but is linked to the man ELAN name by default. Router 4 is configured
as shown here:
interface atm 3/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
! The first client is explicitly entered in the configuration server’s
! database as linked to the “mkt” ELAN.
interface atm 3/0.1
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring mkt
lane client tokenring mkt
! The following client is not entered in the database, so it is linked to the
! “man” ELAN by default.
interface atm 3/0.2
ip address
lane client tokenring
Router 1 Router 2
Token Token
Ring Ring
Router 1 Configuration
Router 1 contains the LECS, the server and BUS, and a client. Router 1 is configured as shown in this
hostname Router1
! The following lines configure the database cisco_eng.
lane database cisco_eng
name elan1 server-atm-address 39.020304050607080910111213.00000CA05B41.01
name elan1 local-seg-id 2048
default-name elan1
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
! The following lines configure a configuration server using the cisco_eng database on
! the interface. No IP address is needed since we are using source-route bridging.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database cisco_eng
! The following lines configure the server-bus and the client on the subinterface and
! specify source-route bridging information.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
lane server-bus tokenring elan1
lane client tokenring elan1
source-bridge 2048 1 1
source-bridge spanning
! The following lines configure source-route bridging on the Token Ring interface.
interface TokenRing3/0/0
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 1 1 2048
source-bridge spanning
router igrp 65529
Router 2 Configuration
Router 2 contains only a client for the ELAN. Router 2 is configured as shown here:
hostname Router2
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
! The following lines configure source-route bridging on the Token Ring interface.
interface TokenRing1/0
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 2 2 2048
source-bridge spanning
! The following lines set up the signalling and ILMI PVCs.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
Token Token
Ring Ring
Virtual ring Virtual ring
Token Token
Ring Ring
Router 1 Router 2
Configuration server Cisco Client
Router 1 Configuration
Router 1 contains the LECS, the server and BUS, and a client. Router 1 is configured as shown in this
hostname Router1
! The following lines configure the database with the information about the
! elan1 emulated Token Ring LAN.
lane database cisco_eng
name elan1 server-atm-address 39.020304050607080910111213.00000CA05B41.01
name elan1 local-seg-id 2048
default-name elan1
! The following line configures virtual ring 256 on the router.
source-bridge ring-group 256
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
! The following lines configure the configuration server to use the cisco_eng database.
! The Signalling and ILMI PVCs are also configured.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database cisco_eng
! The following lines configure the server and broadcast-and-unknown server and a client
! on the interface. The lines also specify source-route bridging information.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
lane server-bus tokenring elan1
lane client tokenring elan1
source-bridge 2048 5 256
source-bridge spanning
! The following lines configure the Token Ring interfaces.
interface TokenRing3/0
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 1 1 256
source-bridge spanning
interface TokenRing3/1
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 2 2 256
source-bridge spanning
router igrp 65529
Router 2 Configuration
Router 2 contains only a client for the ELAN. Router 2 is configured as follows:
hostname Router2
! The following line configures virtual ring 512 on the router.
source-bridge ring-group 512
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
! The following lines configure the Token Ring interfaces.
interface TokenRing1/0
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 3 3 512
source-bridge spanning
interface TokenRing1/1
no ip address
ring-speed 16
source-bridge 4 4 512
source-bridge spanning
! The following lines configure the signalling and ILMI PVCs.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
! The following lines configure the client. Source-route bridging is also configured.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
trelan client
Router 2
ATM 2/0.1
Configuration server
trelan server-bus
ethelan server-bus ATM 2/0.1 ethelan client
trelan client
ATM 2/0.2
ethelan client ATM 2/0.2 Cisco
Router 1 Router 3 S6282
ATM switch
Router 1 Configuration
Router 1 contains the LECS, a LES and BUS for each ELAN, and a client for each ELAN. Router 1 is
configured as shown in this example:
hostname router1
! The following lines name and configures the configuration server's database.
! The server addresses for trelan and ethelan and the ELAN ring number for
! trelan are entered into the database. The default ELAN is trelan.
lane database cisco_eng
name trelan server-atm-address 39.020304050607080910111213.00000CA05B41.01
name trelan local-seg-id 2048
name ethelan server-atm-address 39.020304050607080910111213.00000CA05B41.02
default-name trelan
! The following lines enable the configuration server and associate it
! with the cisco_eng database.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database cisco_eng
! The following lines configure the tokenring LES/BUS and LEC for trelan
! on subinterface atm2/0.1 and assign an IP address to the subinterface.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring trelan
lane client tokenring trelan
! The following lines configure the Ethernet LES/BUS and LEC for ethelan
! on subinterface atm2/0.2 and assign an IP address to the subinterface.
interface ATM2/0.2 multipoint
ip address
lane server-bus ethernet ethelan
lane client ethernet ethelan
! The following lines configure the IGRP routing protocol to enable routing
! between ELANS.
router igrp 1
Router 2 Configuration
Router 2 contains a client for trelan (Token Ring). Router 2 is configured as follows:
hostname router2
! The following lines set up the signalling and ILMI PVCs for the interface.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
no keepalive
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
! The following lines configure a Token Ring LEC on atm2/0.1 and assign
! an IP address to the subinterface.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane client tokenring trelan
! The following lines configure the IGRP routing protocol to enable routing
! between ELANS.
router igrp 1
Router 3 Configuration
Router 3 contains a client for ethelan (Ethernet). Router 3 is configured as follows:
hostname router3
! The following lines set up the signalling and ILMI PVCs for the interface.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
no ip mroute-cache
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
! The following lines configure an Ethernet LEC on atm2/0.1 and assign
! an IP address to the subinterface.
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
This chapter describes how to configure Token Ring LAN emulation (LANE) on the Catalyst 5000
platform. This feature is supported on the following Catalyst 5000 series ATM modules:
• ATM Dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162)
• ATM Dual OC-3 modules (WS-5167 and WS-X5168)
Support for the Token Ring LANE feature was first introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T.
Note Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 11.3, all commands supported on the Cisco 7500 series routers
are also supported on the Cisco 7000 series.
ATM is a cell-switching and multiplexing technology that combines the benefits of circuit switching
(constant transmission delay and guaranteed capacity) with those of packet switching (flexibility and
efficiency for intermittent traffic). Like X.25 and Frame Relay, ATM defines the interface between the
user equipment (such as workstations and routers) and the network (referred to as the User-Network
Interface [UNI]).
Token Ring LANE allows Token Ring LAN users to take advantage of the benefits of ATM without
modifying end-station hardware or software. ATM uses connection-oriented service with point-to-point
signalling or multicast signalling between source and destination devices. However, Token Ring LANs
use connectionless service. Messages are broadcast to all devices on the network. With Token Ring
LANE, routers and switches emulate the connectionless service of a Token Ring LAN for the end
By using Token Ring LANE, you can scale your networks to larger sizes while preserving your
investment in LAN technology.
Note The Catalyst 5000 series Cisco IOS Token Ring LANE software does not support Ethernet LANE or
RFC 1483 permanent virtual connections (PVCs).
Note An ELAN name must be unique on an interface. If two interfaces participate in LANE,
the second interface may be in a different switch cloud.
The server assigns individual LECs to particular ELANs by directing them to the LES for the ELAN.
The LECS maintains a database of LEC and server ATM or MAC addresses and their ELANs.
A LECS can serve multiple ELANs.
• Fast Simple Server Redundancy Protocol (FSSRP)—Token Ring LANE relies on three servers:
LECS, LES, and BUS. If any one of these servers fails, the ELAN cannot fully function.
Cisco has developed a fault tolerant mechanism known as Simple Server Redundancy Protocol
(SSRP) that eliminates these single points of failure. Although there is only one LES per ELAN,
SSRP allows you to configure redundant servers. You can configure servers to act as backup servers
that become active if a master server fails. The priority levels for the servers determine which servers
have precedence.
FSSRP is an enhancement to the SSRP. With FSSRP, LECs no longer need to go down whenever
there is a change in the master LES. This uninterrupted service is achieved by connecting the LECs
simultaneously to more than one LES/BUS (up to four) so that if the master LES goes down, the
backup LESs are immediately available. With the basic SSRP, the LEC must go down and
completely recycle before coming back up. This operation is accomplished by keeping the control
connections open to all of the active LESs and BUSs in the ELAN. Although this method uses more
virtual circuits (VCs), the main benefits are the transparency and speed in the switchover.
Note ELAN components coexist on one or more Cisco routers or Catalyst switches that contain an ATM
module. On Cisco routers or Catalyst switches the LES and the BUS are combined into a single
Network Support
The Token Ring LANE on the Catalyst 5000 series ATM module feature supports the following
networking features:
• LAN switching between ELANs and between a Token Ring ELAN and a legacy LAN
• Two-port and multiport SRB between ELANs and between ELANs and a Token Ring LAN
• SRB, source-route transparent bridging (SRT), and source-route switching
The Cisco implementation of LANE over IEEE 802.5 uses existing terminology and configuration
options for Token Rings and provides for the IEEE 802.5 transport of Token Ring frames across an ATM
switching fabric.
Before you implement Token Ring LANE, be aware of the following restrictions:
Caution While VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Version 2 must be enabled on a Catalyst 5000 for Token Ring
to function, do not use VTP to distribute VLAN configuration information between the switches.
Configure the switches to operate in VTP transparent mode and manually configure the VLANs on
each switch.
• If you plan to run both Ethernet and Token Ring LANE, the Ethernet LANE software and the Token
Ring LANE software must be run on separate ATM modules.
• All ATM switches have identical lists of the global LECS addresses with the identical priorities.
• Ensure that the spanning-tree port cost and priority for the ATM port are configured so that the ATM
port is the preferred path (the lowest port cost with the highest priority).
• Only one LEC can be defined for each subinterface. Up to 256 subinterfaces per ATM module can
be configured.
• Do not create more than one LEC for each Token Ring Bridge Relay Function (TrBRF) in each ATM
While you can have only one LEC for each TrBRF in each module, you can have more than one
module installed. These additional modules allow you to have more than one LEC per TrBRF, which
means the module can participate in more than one ELAN. The ELANs, however, cannot be parallel
or the Spanning-Tree Protocol will block one of the connections.
Note Configuring more than one LEC for a TrBRF on a single ATM module will adversely
affect frame forwarding.
• Do not configure parallel ELANs within a TrBRF (parallel ELANs are those ELANs that form a
loop between switches).
• Do not create more than one LEC for each Token Ring Concentrator Relay Function (TrCRF) per
ATM module.
• Ensure that all-routes explorer (ARE) reduction is enabled (using the set tokenring reduction
enable command) on the Token Ring module.
• The number of LESs that can be defined per ELAN is unlimited; however, only one LES per ELAN
can be active at a time.
• When a LECS switchover occurs, no previously joined clients are affected.
• In a LES/BUS switchover, there is a momentary loss of clients until all clients are transferred to the
new LES/BUS.
• LECSs automatically come up as masters until a higher-level LECS takes priority.
• Using FSSRP, you can configure redundant LESs or BUSs and LECSs to reduce the possibility of a
server failure resulting in loss of communication on the LANE network. With redundant LES/BUSs
and LECSs, LANE components can switch automatically to the backup LES/BUS or LECS if the
primary server fails. For specific information on how to configure FSSRP, refer to the “Configuring
Fast SSRP for Redundant LANE Services” section.
Note FSSRP works only with LECS and LES/BUS combinations on Cisco devices.
Third-party LANE components interoperate with the LECS and LES/BUS functions of
Cisco devices but cannot take advantage of the redundancy features. Additionally,
FSSRP-unaware LECs on Cisco equipment cannot take advantage of FSSRP LES/BUS
• When a higher-priority LES comes online, it bumps the current LES off the same ELAN. For a short
time after power on, some clients might change from one LES to another, depending upon the order
of the LESs coming up.
• If no LES/BUS pair is up or connected to the master LECS, and more than one LES/BUS is defined
for an ELAN, the LECS rejects any configuration request for that specific ELAN.
• Changes made to the list of LECS addresses on ATM switches can take up to 1 minute to propagate
through the network. Changes made to the LECS database regarding LES addresses take effect
almost immediately.
• If no LECS is operational or reachable, the “well-known” LECS address defined by the ATM Forum
is used.
• The LECS to be used can be overridden on any subinterface by entering the following command:
lane config-atm address atm-address template
Note To avoid affecting the LES/BUS or LEC redundancy, do not override any LECS, LES, or
BUS addresses.
• In an underlying ATM network failure, there can be multiple master LECS and multiple active LESs
or BUSs for the same ELAN, resulting in a partitioned network. Clients continue to operate
normally, but transmission between partitions of the network is not possible. The system recovers
when the network break is repaired.
Token Ring LANE requires that the Catalyst 5000 series switch contain one of the following ATM
modules running ATM software Release 4.9b or later:
• ATM Dual PHY OC-12 (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162)
• ATM Dual PHY OC-3 (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168)
These ATM modules provide an ATM network interface for the Catalyst 5000 series switch. Network
interfaces reside on modular interface processors, which provide a direct connection between the
high-speed synergy backplane and the external networks. The maximum number of ATM modules that
the switch supports depends on the bandwidth configured.
The Catalyst 5000 series Token Ring LANE software also requires the Catalyst 5000 series supervisor
engine software Release 4.3(1a) or later and one of the following switches:
• Cisco LightStream 1010 with Cisco IOS Release 12.0(1)W5 or later (recommended)
• Any ATM switch with UNI 3.0/3.1 and Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) support for
communicating the LECS address
Note If you plan to run both Ethernet and Token Ring LANE, the Ethernet LANE software and the Token
Ring LANE software must be run on separate ATM modules.
Before configuring Token Ring LANE, you must first open a session with the ATM module in the
Catalyst 5000 series switch by entering the session line configuration command from the supervisor
Console> prompt. After opening the session, you see the ATM> prompt. You only have direct access to
the ATM module with which you have established a session.
Note The ATM module uses a subset of the Cisco IOS software. Generally, the Cisco IOS software works
the same on the ATM module as it does on routers. After configuring the ATM module, you are ready
to implement LANE.
Connected to ATM-5.
Escape character is '^]'.
After opening the session, you see the ATM> prompt. You then have direct access only to the ATM
module with which you have established a session.
Note The ATM module uses a subset of Cisco IOS software. Generally, Cisco IOS software works the same
on the ATM module as it does on routers.
To configure the ATM module, you must use the ATM configuration mode in the Cisco IOS software.
To enter global configuration mode, enter the configure EXEC command at the privileged EXEC prompt
(ATM#). You see the following message, which asks you to specify the terminal, the NVRAM, or a file
stored on a network server as the source of configuration commands:
Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [terminal]?
If you specify terminal, the run-time configuration is used. You can then save the run-time configuration
into the NVRAM. If you specify memory, the run-time configuration is updated from the NVRAM.
If you specify network, the run-time configuration is updated from a file in a server on the network.
The ATM module accepts one configuration command per line. You can enter as many configuration
commands as you want.
You can add comments to a configuration file describing the commands you have entered. Precede a
comment with an exclamation point (!) or pound sign (#). Comments are not stored in NVRAM or in the
active copy of the configuration file. In other words, comments do not appear when you list the active
configuration with the write terminal EXEC command or list the configuration in NVRAM with the
show configuration EXEC command. Comments are stripped out of the configuration file when it is
loaded to the ATM module.
• Name of the default ELAN (optional). The default Token Ring ELAN is the same as the default
TrCRF (1003). You can use the default Token Ring ELAN (trcrf-default) or configure a new one.
• Names of the ELANs that will have unrestricted membership.
• Names of the ELANs that will have restricted membership.
• Local segment ID for the ELAN. The local segment ID must be identical to the ring number of the
Note The last three items in the list above are important because they determine how you set up each ELAN
in the LECS database.
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM# configure terminal Selects the terminal option and enters global configuration
Step 2 ATM(config)# interface atm elanname Selects an ATM ELAN subinterface.
Step 3 ATM(config-if)# lane client tokenring Identifies the ELAN attached to this subinterface as a Token
elanname Ring ELAN.
Step 4 ATM(config-if)# Ctrl-Z Exits global configuration mode.
Step 5 ATM(config)# write memory Saves the configuration file modifications to NVRAM.
In the following example, the ATM module is configured from the terminal. The interface atm 0
interface configuration command designates that ATM interface 0 is to be configured. The lane client
tokenring command links TrCRF 10 to the ELAN named trcrf-10. The Ctrl-Z command quits
configuration mode. The write memory command loads the configuration changes into NVRAM on the
ATM module.
ATM# configure terminal
ATM (config)# interface atm 0
ATM (config-subif)# lane client tokenring 10 trcrf-10
ATM (config-subif)# Ctrl-Z
ATM# write memory
NVRAM stores the current configuration information in text format as configuration commands,
recording only nondefault settings. The ATM module software performs a memory checksum to guard
against corrupted data.
As part of its startup sequence, the ATM module startup software always checks for configuration
information in NVRAM. If NVRAM holds valid configuration commands, the ATM module executes
the commands automatically at startup. If the ATM module detects a problem with its NVRAM or the
configuration it contains, the module goes into default configuration. Problems can include a bad
checksum for the information in NVRAM or the absence of critical configuration information.
Command Purpose
ATM(config)# configure memory Configures the ATM module from NVRAM.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch(config)# atm address {atm_address | Sets the local node ID (prefix of the ATM address).
Step 2 Switch(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.
Step 3 Switch# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration values permanently.
Note On the Cisco LightStream 1010 switch, the ATM address prefix is called the node ID. Prefixes must
be 26 digits long. If you provide fewer than 26 digits, zeros are added to the right of the specified
value to fill it to 26 digits. LANE prefixes must start with 39 or 47.
Note If you do not save the configured value permanently, it will be lost when the switch is reset or
powered off.
To display the current prefix on the Cisco LightStream 1010 switch, use the show network EXEC
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# interface atm slot/port Specifies the major ATM interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step 2 ATM(config)# atm pvc vcd vpi vci qsaal Establishes the signalling PVC that sets up and tears down
switched virtual circuits (SVCs); the vpi and vci values are
usually set to 0 and 5, respectively. The vcd is the virtual
channel descriptor.
Step 3 ATM(config)# atm pvc vcd vpi vci ilmi Sets up a PVC to communicate with the ILMI; the vpi and
vci values are usually set to 0 and 16, respectively.
Command Purpose
ATM# show lane default-atm-addresses [interface atm Displays the LANE default addresses.
To enter a LECS ATM address into a LightStream 1010 switch and save it there permanently, use the
following commands on the Cisco LightStream 1010 switch beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch(config)# atm lecs-address-default Specifies the LECS’s ATM address for the entire switch.
address1 [address2...] Use the addresses from your LANE worksheet and specify
the full 40-digit ATM address.
Step 2 Router(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.
Step 3 Switch# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration value permanently.
To set up the database, complete the tasks in the following sections as appropriate for your ELAN plan
and scenario:
• Setting Up the Database for the Default ELAN
• Setting Up the Database for Unrestricted-Membership ELANs
• Setting Up the Database for Restricted-Membership ELANs
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# lane database database-name Enters database configuration mode for the LANE database
that you specify.
Step 2 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name Binds the name of the ELAN to the ATM address of the
server-atm-address atm-address [index n] LES in the configuration database.
The index determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Enter the ATM address of the server for the specified
ELAN, as noted in your LANE worksheet and obtained in
the “Displaying LANE Default Addresses” section. You
can have any number of servers per ELAN for fault
tolerance. Priority is determined by entry order. The first
entry has the highest priority unless you override it with the
index number.
Command Purpose
Step 3 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name Assigns a segment number to the emulated Token Ring
local-seg-id segment-number LAN in the configuration database.
The segment number you specify for the local-seg-id
keyword must remain the same for each entry you add and
it must also be identical to the ring number of the TrCRF.
The set vlan interface configuration command assumes
that any ring number you enter is in hexadecimal. The
name elan-name local-seg-id segment-number LANE
database configuration command assumes that any value
you enter for the local-seg-id keyword is in decimal unless
you enter it explicitly in hexadecimal.
Step 4 ATM(lane-config-database)# default-name Provides a default name for the ELAN in the configuration
elan-name database.
If you are setting up only a default ELAN, the elan-name
argument in Step 2 and Step 3 is the same as the default
ELAN name you provide in Step 4.
Step 5 ATM(lane-config-database)# exit Exits from database configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Note After you configure the LECS database, you must bind the LECS database to the major ATM
interface (ATM0) on the ATM module. For information on how to bind the database to the interface,
see the “Binding the LECS to the ATM Interface” section later on in this chapter.
Note In the steps listed in the task table, enter the ATM address of the server for the specified ELAN, as
noted in your LANE worksheet and obtained in the Displaying LANE Default Addresses section
earlier in this chapter.
To configure unrestricted-membership ELANs in the LECS database, use the following commands
beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# lane database database-name Enters database configuration mode for the LANE database
that you specify.
Step 2 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name1 Binds the name of the first ELAN to the ATM address of
server-atm-address atm-address [index n] the LES/BUS for that ELAN in the configuration database.
The index determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Step 3 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name2 Binds the name of the second ELAN to the ATM address of
server-atm-address atm-address [index n] the LES/BUS in the configuration database.
The index determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and
ATM address for each additional ELAN in this switch
Step 4 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name1 Assigns a segment number to the first emulated Token Ring
local-seg-id segment-number LAN in the configuration database.
The segment number you specify for local-seg-id must be
identical to the ring number of the TrCRF. The set vlan
command assumes that any ring number you enter is in
hexadecimal. The name elan-name local-seg-id
segment-number command assumes that any value you
enter for the local-seg-id is in decimal unless you enter it
explicitly in hexadecimal.
Step 5 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name2 Assigns a segment number to the second emulated Token
local-seg-id segment-number Ring LAN in the configuration database.
The segment number you specify for local-seg-id must be
identical to the ring number of the TrCRF. The set vlan
command assumes that any ring number you enter is in
hexadecimal. The name elan-name local-seg-id
segment-number command assumes that any value you
enter for the local-seg-id is in decimal unless you enter it
explicitly in hexadecimal.
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and
segment number for each additional source-route bridged
ELAN in this switch cloud.
Step 6 ATM(lane-config-database)# default-name (Optional) Specifies a default ELAN for LECs not
elan-name explicitly bound to an ELAN.
Step 7 ATM(lane-config-database)# exit Exits database configuration mode and returns to global
configuration mode.
Unlike unrestricted-membership, you must also specify where the LECs are located. That is, for each
restricted-membership ELAN, you provide a database entry that explicitly links the ATM address or
MAC address of each client of that ELAN with the name of that ELAN.
Those client database entries specify which clients are allowed to join the ELAN. When a client requests
to join an ELAN, the LECS consults its database and then assigns the client to the ELAN specified in
the LECS’s database.
When clients for the same restricted-membership ELAN are located in multiple switch ATM interfaces,
each client’s ATM address or MAC address must be linked explicitly with the name of the ELAN. As a
result, you must configure as many client entries as you have clients for ELANs in all the switch ATM
interfaces. Each client will have a different ATM address in the database entries.
To configure restricted-membership ELANs in the LECS database, use the following commands
beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# lane database database-name Enters database configuration mode for the LANE database
that you specify.
Step 2 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name1 Binds the name of the first ELAN to the ATM address of
server-atm-address atm-address restricted the LES/BUS for that ELAN in the configuration database.
[index n]
If you are configuring SSRP, repeat this step with the same
ELAN name but with different server ATM addresses for
each additional server for the same ELAN. The index
determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Step 3 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name2 Binds the name of the second ELAN to the ATM address of
server-atm-address atm-address restricted the LES/BUS in the configuration database.
[index n]
The index determines the priority. The highest priority is 0.
Repeat this step, providing a different name and a different
ATM address, for each additional ELAN.
Step 4 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name1 Assigns a segment number to the first emulated Token Ring
local-seg-id segment-number LAN in the configuration database.
The segment number you specify for the local-seg-id
keyword must be identical to the ring number of the TrCRF.
The set vlan interface configuration command assumes
that any ring number you enter is in hexadecimal. The
name elan-name local-seg-id segment-number LANE
database configuration command assumes that any value
you enter for the local-seg-id keyword is in decimal unless
you enter it explicitly in hexadecimal.
Command Purpose
Step 5 ATM(lane-config-database)# name elan-name2 Assigns a segment number to the second emulated Token
local-seg-id segment-number Ring LAN in the configuration database.
The segment number you specify for the local-seg-id
keyword must be identical to the ring number of the TrCRF.
The set vlan interface configuration command assumes
that any ring number you enter is in hexadecimal. The
name elan-name local-seg-id segment-number LANE
database configuration command assumes that any value
you enter for the local-seg-id keyword is in decimal unless
you enter it explicitly in hexadecimal.
Repeat this step, providing a different ELAN name and
segment number for each additional source-route bridged
ELAN in this switch cloud.
Step 6 ATM(lane-config-database)# client-atm-address Adds a database entry associating a specific client’s ATM
atm-address-template name elan-name address with a specific restricted-membership ELAN.
Repeat this step for each of the clients of each of the
restricted-membership ELANs on the switch cloud, in each
case specifying that client’s ATM address and the name of
the ELAN with which it is linked.
Step 7 ATM(lane-config-database)# exit Exits from database configuration mode and returns to
global configuration mode.
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# interface atm number If you are not currently configuring the interface, specifies
the major ATM interface where the LECS is located and
enters interface configuration mode.
Step 2 ATM(config-if)# lane config Specifies that the LECS’s ATM address will be computed
auto-config-atm-address by the automatic method.
Step 3 ATM(config-if)# lane config database Binds the LECS’s database name to the specified major
database-name interface, and enables the LECS.
Step 4 ATM(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.
Step 5 ATM# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration.
If you will have only one default ELAN, you only need to set up one server. If you will have multiple
ELANs, you can set up the server for another ELAN on a different subinterface on the same interface of
this switch, or you can place it on a different switch.
When you set up a server and BUS on a switch, you can combine them with a client on the same
subinterface, a client on a different subinterface, or no client at all on the switch.
Depending on where your clients and servers are located, perform one of the following tasks for each
LANE subinterface:
• Setting Up the LES/BUS for an ELAN
• Setting Up a LEC for an ELAN
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# interface atm Specifies the subinterface for the first ELAN on this switch
number[.subinterface-number] and enters interface configuration mode.
Step 2 ATM(config-if)# lane server-bus tokenring Enables a LES/BUS for the first ELAN on the subinterface
elan-name1 (you cannot configure more than one LES/BUS per
Step 3 Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all LES/BUSs you want to
configure on the ATM module.
Step 4 ATM(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.
Step 5 ATM# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration.
If the ELAN specified in Step 2 is intended to have restricted membership in the LECS database,
carefully consider whether or not you want to specify its name here. You will specify the name in the
LECS database when it is set up. However, if you link the client to an ELAN in this step, and through
some mistake it does not match the database entry linking the client to an ELAN, this client will not be
allowed to join this ELAN or any other.
If you do decide to include the name of the ELAN linked to the client in Step 2 and later want to associate
that client with a different ELAN, make the change in the LECS’s database before you make the change
for the client on this subinterface.
The Catalyst 5000 series Token Ring LANE requires the following software:
• Catalyst 5000 series supervisor engine software Release 4.3(1a) and later
• ATM software Release 4.9(b) and later
• VTP Version 2
Note While VTP version 2 must be enabled on a Catalyst 5000 for Token Ring to function, do not use VTP
to distribute VLAN configuration information between the switches. Configure the switches to
operate in VTP transparent mode and manually configure the VLANs on each switch.
Note Configuring more than one LEC for a TrBRF on a single ATM module will adversely
affect frame forwarding.
• Ensure that all-routes explorer (ARE) reduction is enabled (using the set tokenring reduction
enable interface configuration command) on the Token Ring module.
• Do not configure parallel ELANs within a TrBRF (parallel ELANs are those ELANs that form a
loop between switches).
• Do not create more than one LEC for each TrCRF per ATM module.
A TrCRF can include only one enabled LEC from any ATM module.
An ATM module LEC is assigned to a TrCRF to provide connectivity to the ATM network. In this
sense, an ATM module is a logical port within the TrCRF. When assigning enabled LECs to TrCRFs,
the enabled LECs of any one ATM expansion module should each be assigned to different TrCRFs.
• You can change all ELAN names with the exception of VLANs 1, 1003, or 1005 whose ELAN
names must remain default, trcrf-default, and trbrf-default, respectively. You cannot override the
ELAN name for VLAN 1, 1003, or 1005 by using the name elan_name parameter. You can assign
all other VLANs any name.
When you enter the set vlan vlan_num [name vlan_name] interface configuration command in
transparent mode and do not specify the optional name elan_name parameter, the software uses the
names in Table 46 by default.
If you currently have a different ELAN name for VLAN 1 or VLAN 1003, you must change the ELAN
name to default (for VLAN 1) or trcrf-default (for VLAN 1003) in the LECS database. The following
example shows an LECS database configuration that specifies marktng as the ELAN name for
VLAN 1003:
lane database test
name marktng server-atm-address 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020011.01
interface ATM0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database test
interface ATM0.1 multipoint
no ip route-cache
lane server-bus tokenring marktng
lane client tokenring 1003 marktng
You must change the ELAN name for VLAN 1003 from marktng to trcrf-default in the second and last
lines of the display, as follows:
lane database test
name default server-atm-address 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020011.01
interface ATM0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database test
interface ATM0.1 multipoint
no ip route-cache
lane server-bus tokenring default
lane client tokenring 1003 trcrf-default
With Token Ring, to successfully route packets between ELANs, you can only set up one LEC for each
TrBRF on an ATM module. For multiple ELANs with the same TrBRF to route packets, they must be
configured on either separate ATM modules or connected via an external device.
If the TrBRF and TrCRF for which you are creating a LEC do not already exist, create the Token Ring
VLANs by using the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Console> (enable) set vlan vlan_num [name From the supervisor module, defines the TrBRF that you
name] type trbrf [state {active | suspend}] will associate to TrCRF as a parent
[mtu mtu] bridge bridge_number [stp {ieee |
ibm | auto}]
Step 2 Console> (enable) set vlan vlan_num [name From the supervisor module, defines the TrCRF for which
name] type trcrf [state {active | suspend}] you are creating a LEC.
[mtu mtu] ring ring_number parent vlan_num
[mode {srt | srb}] [backupcrf {off | on}]
[aremaxhop hopcount] [stemaxhop hopcount]
To set up the LEC for the Token Ring VLAN and corresponding ELAN, use the following commands on
the ATM module beginning in global configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM(config)# interface atm Specifies the subinterface for an ELAN on this switch and
number[.subinterface-number] enters interface configuration mode.
Step 2 ATM(config-if)# lane client tokenring vlan_id Creates a LEC for the first ELAN and specifies the VLAN
[elan-name1] number and the ELAN name to which to bind the LEC.
Step 3 ATM(config-if)# exit Exits configuration mode.
Step 4 ATM(config)# copy running-config Saves the configuration.
LANE LES/BUS and LECS redundancy corrects these limitations by allowing you to configure
redundant LES/BUSs so that the LECs in an ELAN can automatically switch to a backup LES if the
primary LES fails. The priority of the LES/BUS pairs is established by the order in which they are
entered in the LECS database. LANE LES/BUS and LECS redundancy is always enabled. You can use
this redundancy feature by configuring multiple servers.
LES/BUS and LECS redundancy works only with Cisco LECS and LES combinations. Third-party
LANE server components continue to interoperate with the LECS and LES/BUS function of Cisco
routers and switches, but cannot take advantage of the redundancy features.
The following servers are single points of failure in the ATM LANE system:
• LECS (configuration server)
• LES (ELAN server)
LES/BUS and LECS redundancy eliminates these single points of failure.
Note To configure LES/BUS and LECS redundancy, you must enable multiple, redundant, and standby
LECSs and multiple, redundant, and standby LES/BUSs. The LES/BUS and LEC redundancy
configuration procedure guards against failure on hardware on which LANE components are
running, including all Catalyst 5000 series switches. The configuration procedure is not effective for
ATM network switch failures.
To enable LES/BUS and LEC redundancy, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 Switch(config)# atm lecs-address address Allows you to enter the multiple LECS addresses on the
ATM switch.
Step 2 ATM(config)# name elan-name server-atm-address Specifies redundant LES/BUSs on the ATM module. Enter
les-address [index n] the command for each LES address on the ELAN. The
index determines the priority; 0 is the highest priority.
These commands enable the transmission of ILMI keepalive messages and set the time between ILMI
keepalive messages to 4 seconds.
Note Redundant LES/BUS pairs for a single ELAN should be configured on different ATM LANE
modules in the LANE network for maximum fault tolerance.
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2 ATM (config)# interface atm0 Specifies the major interface and enters subinterface
configuration mode.
Command Purpose
Step 3 ATM (config-subif)# lane fssrp Enables FSSRP on the major interface
Step 4 ATM (config-subif)# interface atm 0. Specifies the subinterface for the first ELAN.
Step 5 ATM (config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring Enables the LES/BUS for an ELAN on the subinterface
elan-name (you cannot configure more than one LES/BUS per
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all LES/BUSs you want to
configure on this ATM module.
Step 6 ATM (config-subif)# Ctrl-Z Exits subinterface configuration mode.
Step 7 ATM# show lane server Verifies the LES/BUS configuration.
Note The LES/BUSs are not fully operational until one or more LECs are configured and the LECS
database is configured and bound to the ATM module interface.
This example shows how to specify the LES/BUS for an ELAN and verify the configuration:
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# interface atm0.1
ATM(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring default
ATM(config-subif)# interface atm0.2
ATM(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring Eng_ELAN
ATM(config-subif)# ^Z
ATM# show lane server
LE Server ATM0.1 ELAN name: default Admin: up State: operational
type: tokenring Max Frame Size: 4472
ATM address: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.01
LECS used: 47.007900000000000000000000.00A03E000001.00 NOT yet connected
To add the redundant LES/BUS pairs to the LECS, use the following commands beginning in privileged
EXEC configuration mode:
Command Purpose
Step 1 ATM# show lane server Displays the ATM address of the LES/BUS for the ELAN.
Step 2 ATM# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3 ATM (config)# lane database database-name Enters database configuration mode, specifying a LANE
database name.
Step 4 ATM (lane-config-database)# name elan-name Binds the name of the ELAN to the ATM addresses of the
server-atm-address atm-address LES/BUS pairs in the order you want the services to fail
Step 5 ATM (lane-config-database)# default-name In the configuration database, provides a default name of
elan-name the ELAN.
Command Purpose
Step 6 ATM (lane-config-database)# Ctrl-Z Exits from database configuration mode.
Step 7 ATM# show lane database Displays the LECS database configuration so that you can
verify your changes.
This example shows how to display the ATM address of the LES/BUS of the default ELAN, how to
configure the LECS database for the default ELAN, and how to verify the configuration:
ATM# show lane server
LE Server ATM0.1 ELAN name: default Admin: up State: operational
type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM address: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00100DAACC41.01
LECS used: 47.007900000000000000000000.00A03E000001.00 NOT yet connected
Command Purpose
Router# show lane Displays the LES, BUS, and LEC ATM addresses.
The command output shows all the subinterfaces configured for LANE. For each subinterface, the
command displays and labels the ATM addresses that belong to the LES, BUS, and the LEC.
When you look at each ATM address, confirm the following items:
• The prefix is the one you set up on the switch.
• The end-system identifier field reflects the base address of the pool of MAC addresses assigned to
the ATM interface plus a value that represents the specific LANE component.
• The selector byte is the same number as the subinterface (converted to hexadecimal).
Enter the show lane EXEC command on each Catalyst 5000 series switch to verify the LANE setup
before you set up the LECs on the next Catalyst 5000 series switch. Print the display or make a note of
these ATM addresses so that you can use it when you set up the LECS database. At this point in the
configuration process, the LECs are not normally operational.
Command Purpose
Router# show lane [interface atm 0 Displays the global and per-VCC LANE information for all
[subinterface-number | name elan-name]] [brief] the LANE components and ELANs configured on an interface
or any of its subinterfaces.
Router# show lane bus [interface atm 0 Displays the global and per-VCC LANE information for the
[subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief] BUS configured on any subinterface or ELAN.
Router# show lane client [interface atm 0 Displays the global and per-VCC LANE information for all
[subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief] LECs configured on any subinterface or ELAN.
Router# show lane config [interface atm 0] Displays the global and per-VCC LANE information for the
LECS configured on any interface.
Router# show lane database [database-name] Displays the LECS database.
Router# show lane le-arp [interface atm 0 Displays the LE_ARP table of the LECs configured on the
[subinterface-number] | name elan-name] specified subinterface or ELAN.
Router# show lane server [interface atm 0 Displays the global and per-VCC LANE information for the
[subinterface-number] | name elan-name] [brief] LES configured on a specified subinterface or ELAN.
Note For descriptions of the output displayed by the commands listed above, see the description of the
command documented in the Cisco IOS Switching Services Command Reference.
ATM switch
LS1010 Backup
Catalyst 5000 Catalyst 5000
switch 1 Standby switch 2
Example Assumptions
For the example in Figure 96 the following assumptions apply:
• Catalyst 5000 series switches with the ATM modules installed are running ATM software
Release 4.9b or later.
• Catalyst 5000 series switch 1 runs the LES/BUS and LECS on interface atm0 and the LEC on
interface atm0.1.
• Catalyst 5000 series switch 2 runs LEC on interface atm0.1.
• The ATM module is installed in slot 4 of both Catalyst 5000 series switches.
• You can change the ELAN name by entering the set vlan vlan_num [name vlan_name] command.
• The ELAN on the switches is essentially a new TrCRF. The ELAN name is crf112 and the VLAN
ID is 112.
• The parent TrBRF to the TrCRF 112 is brf400 (VLAN ID 400).
Step 2 To verify the configuration of the new VLAN, enter the show vlan command.
The output indicates that crf112 has been added and that brf400 is its parent:
Console> (enable) show vlan 112
VLAN Name Status Mod/Ports, Vlans
---- -------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------
112 crf112 active
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BrdgNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ---- -------- ------ ------
112 trcrf 100112 4472 400 0x112 - - srb 0 0
Step 1 Set up the prefix of the ATM NSAP address for the switch.
Step 2 Start a session to the ATM module by entering the session 4 interface configuration command. You see
the following display:
Console> session 4
Trying ATM-4...
Connected to ATM-4.
Escape character is '^]'.
Step 3 Obtain the addresses of the LES/BUS for later use by entering the enable router configuration command
(to enable configuration mode) and the show lane default-atm-addresses EXEC command at the ATM
prompt. You see the following display:
ATM> enable
ATM# show lane default-atm-addresses interface atm0
interface ATM0:
LANE Client: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0010.**
LANE Server: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0011.**
LANE Bus: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0012.**
LANE Config Server: 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00
Note The two asterisks (**) represent the subinterface number byte in hexadecimal.
Step 4 Using the LECS address obtained in Step 3, set the address of the default LECS in the LightStream 1010
switch by entering the configure terminal and atm lecs-address-default commands on the console of
the LightStream 1010 switch. You see the following display:
Switch> enable
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# atm lecs-address-default 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00 1
Switch(config)# end
The commands shown in this step configure the address of the LECS in the switch. The LECS ATM
NSAP address is 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0013.00. The sequence number of this
LECS address, which is 1, means it is the first LECS in this switch.
Step 5 Save the configuration to NVRAM by entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
Step 6 Start a LES/BUS pair on Catalyst 5000 series switch 1 by entering the interface atm0 and the lane
server-bus tokenring commands in global configuration mode. On the console of Catalyst 5000 series
switch 1, enter the following commands:
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# interface atm0
ATM(config-subif)# lane server-bus tokenring crf112
ATM(config-subif)# end
The commands shown in this step start a LES/BUS pair and assign the ATM 0 interface to crf112.
The ELAN name is crf112, and the interface on which this LES/BUS pair is configured is atm0.
The ELAN name must be the same as the VLAN name assigned to the TrCRF.
Step 7 Save the configuration in NVRAM entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
Step 8 Set up the LECS database on the Catalyst 5000 series switch 1.
Enter the LES address obtained in Step 3 and replace the ** with the subinterface number of the interface
on which the LES/BUS is to be configured. In this example, that number is 00. Enter the lane database
database_name interface configuration command, the name elan_name server-atm-address
atm_address LANE database configuration command, the name elan_name local-seg-id
segment_number LANE database configuration command, and the default-name elan_name commands
at the ATM prompt. You see the following display:
ATM# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# lane database test
ATM(lane-config-database)# name trcf-default server-atm-address
ATM (lane-config-database) name crf112 local-seg-id 0x112
ATM(lane-config-database)# default-name crf112
ATM(lane-config-database)# exit
The commands shown in this step create the LECS database. The database name is test. The ELAN name
is crf112. The ELAN segment number is 112. The LES ATM NSAP address is
Note The segment number you specify for local-seg-id keyword must be identical to the ring
number of the TrCRF. The set vlan command assumes that any ring number you enter is in
hexadecimal. The name elan-name local-seg-id segment-number LANE database
configuration command assumes that any value you enter for the local-seg-id keyword is in
decimal unless you enter it explicitly in hexadecimal.
Step 9 Save the configuration in NVRAM by entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
Step 10 Start and bind the LECS on the Catalyst 5000 series switch 1 by entering the interface atm0, the lane
config database database_name interface configuration command, and the lane config
auto-config-atm-address interface configuration commands at the ATM prompt. You see the following
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# interface atm0
ATM(config-if)# lane config database test
ATM(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address
ATM(config-if)# end
The commands shown in this step start the LECS. The database to use is test. The interface on which the
LECS is configured is atm0.
Step 11 Save the configuration in NVRAM by entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
Step 12 Start the LEC on the Catalyst 5000 series switches 1 and 2 by entering the interface atm0.1 command
and the lane client tokenring 112 crf112 interface configuration command in configuration mode on
the consoles of switches 1 and 2. The interface on which the LEC is configured is atm0.1. The ELAN
name is default, and it is configured to emulate Token Ring. You see the following display:
ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)# interface atm0.1
ATM(config-subif)# lane client tokenring 112 crf112
ATM(config-subif)# end
Step 13 Save the configuration in NVRAM by entering the write memory command, as follows:
ATM# write memory
This chapter describes the Multiprotocol over ATM (MPOA) feature, which is supported in Cisco IOS
Release 11.3 and later releases.
MPOA enables the fast routing of internetwork-layer packets across a nonbroadcast multiaccess
(NBMA) network. MPOA replaces multihop routing with point-to-point routing using a direct virtual
channel connection (VCC) between ingress and egress edge devices or hosts. An ingress edge device or
host is defined as the point at which an inbound flow enters the MPOA system; an egress edge device or
host is defined as the point at which an outbound flow exits the MPOA system.
Procedures for configuring MPOA are provided in the following chapters in this publication:
• “Configuring the Multiprotocol over ATM Client” chapter
• “Configuring the Multiprotocol over ATM Server” chapter
• “Configuring Token Ring LAN Emulation for Multiprotocol over ATM” chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:
• How MPOA Works
• MPOA Components
• MPOA Components
• Configuring an MPC/MPS
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
1 3
6 7 4
Host A Host B
Traffic Flow
Figure 97 shows how MPOA messages flow from Host A to Host B. In this figure, an MPC (MPC-A)
residing on a host or edge device detects a packet flow to a destination IP address (Host B) and sends an
MPOA resolution request. An MPS (MPS-C) residing on a router converts the MPOA resolution request
to an NHRP resolution request and passes it to the neighboring MPS/NHS (MPS-D) on the routed path.
When the NHRP resolution request reaches the egress point, the MPS (MPS-D) on that router sends an
MPOA cache-imposition request to MPC-B. MPC-B acknowledges the request with a cache-imposition
reply and adds a tag that allows the originator of the MPOA resolution request to receive the ATM
address of MPC-B. As a result, the shortcut VCC between the edge MPCs (MPC-A and MPC-B) is set
When traffic flows from Host A to Host B, MPC-A is the ingress MPC and MPC-B is the egress MPC.
The ingress MPC contains a cache entry for Host B with the ATM address of the egress MPC. The ingress
MPC switches packets destined to Host B on the shortcut VCC with the appropriate tag received in the
MPOA resolution reply. Packets traversing through the shortcut VCC do not have any DLL headers.
The egress MPC contains a cache entry that associates the IP address of Host B and the ATM address of
the ingress MPC to a DLL header. When the egress MPC switches an IP packet through a shortcut path
to Host B, it appears to have come from the egress router.
Caution For MPOA to work properly, you must first create an ELAN identifier for each ELAN. Use the lane
config database or the lane server-bus ATM LANE command to create ELAN identifiers. These
commands are described in the Catalyst 5000 Series Command Reference publication.
An MPC/MPS can serve as one or more LAN Emulation Clients (LECs). The LEC can be associated
with any MPC/MPS in the router or Catalyst 5000 series switch. A LEC can be attached both an MPC
and an MPS simultaneously.
Figure 98 shows the relationships between MPC/MPS and LECs.
Interface 1 Interface 2 Interface 3
ATM cloud
MPOA Components
The following components are required for an MPOA network:
• MPOA Client (MPC)
• MPOA Server (MPS)
• Catalyst 5000 series ATM module
• LAN Emulation (LANE)
• Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP)
An MPC identifies packets sent to an MPS, establishes a shortcut VCC to the egress MPC, and then
routes these packets directly over the shortcut VCC. An MPC can be a router or a Catalyst 5000 series
ATM module. An MPS can be a router or a Catalyst 5000 series Route Switch Module/Versatile Interface
Processor 2 (RSM/VIP2) with an ATM interface.
Note Since the RSM/VIP2 can also be used as a router, all references to router in this chapter refer to both
a router and the RSM/VIP2 with an ATM interface.
MPOA provides the following benefits:
• Eliminates multiple router hops between the source and the destination points of the ATM cloud by
establishing shortcuts for IP packets and other protocol packets.
• Frees the router for other tasks by reducing IP traffic.
• Provides backward compatibility as an ATM network by building upon LANE, and can be
implemented using both MPOA and LANE-only devices.
Configuring an MPC/MPS
To configure an MPC/MPS, perform the following tasks:
• Define a name for the MPC/MPS.
• Attach the MPC/MPS to a major interface. This task serves two purposes:
– Assigns an ATM address to the MPC/MPS.
– Identifies an end point for initiating and terminating MPOA virtual circuits.
• Bind the MPC/MPS to multiple LECs.
Multiple MPCs/MPSs can run on the same physical interface, each corresponding to different control
ATM address. Once an MPC/MPS is attached to a single interface for its control traffic, it cannot be
attached to another interface unless you break the first attachment. The MPC/MPS is attached to
subinterface 0 of the interface.
In Figure 98, MPC/MPS 1 is attached to interface 1; MPC/MPS 1 can only use interface 1 to set up its
control virtual circuits (VCs). MPC/MPS 2 is attached to interface 3; MPC/MPS 2 can only use
interface 3 to set up its control VCs.
More than one MPC/MPS can be attached to the same interface. MPC/MPS 3 and MPC/MPS 1 are both
attached to interface 1, although they get different control addresses. Any LEC running on any
subinterface of a hardware interface can be bound to any MPC/MPS. However, once a LEC is bound to
a particular MPC/MPS, it cannot be bound to another MPC/MPS.
Note Once a LEC has been bound to an MPC/MPS, you must unbind the LEC from the first MPC/MPS
before binding it to another MPC/MPS. Typically, you will not need to configure more than one MPS
in a router.
Ensure that the hardware interface attached to an MPC/MPS is directly reachable through the ATM
network by all the LECs that are bound to it.
Note If any of the LECs reside on a different (unreachable) ATM network from the one to which the
hardware interface is connected, MPOA will not operate properly.
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring the Multiprotocol over ATM
(MPOA) client (MPC).
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
The MPC functionality involves ingress/egress cache management, data-plane and control-plane virtual
circuit connection (VCC) management, MPOA frame processing, and participation in MPOA protocol
and MPOA flow detection.
Note To configure an MPC on a Catalyst 5000 series ATM module, establish connection with the ATM
module, enter privileged mode, and then enter configuration mode. For information on performing
these tasks, refer to the Catalyst 5000 Series Software Configuration Guide.
Command Purpose
Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name elan-id id Defines an ELAN ID for the LEC (in LANE database
configuration mode).
Router(lane-config-dat)# lane server-bus ethernet Configures the LEC with the ELAN ID (in interface
elan-name [elan-id id] configuration mode).
Caution If an ELAN ID is supplied, make sure both commands use the same elan-id value.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# mpoa client config name mpc-name In global configuration mode, defines an MPC with a
specified name.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# interface atm In interface configuration mode, specifies the ATM
{mod-num/port-num | number} interface to which the MPC is associated.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# mpoa client name mpc-name In interface configuration mode, attaches an MPC to the
ATM interface.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# interface In interface configuration mode, specifies the ATM
atm-num.sub-interface-num interface that contains the LEC to which you will bind
the MPC.
Step 5 Router(config-if)# lane client mpoa client name In interface configuration mode, binds a LEC to the
mpc-name specified MPC.
Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for every LEC to be served by the
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(mpoa-client-config)# mpoa client config Defines an MPC with the specified name.
name mps-name
Step 2 Router(mpoa-client-config)# atm-address (Optional) Specifies the control ATM address that the
atm-address MPC should use (when it is associated with a hardware
Step 3 Router(mpoa-client-config)# shortcut-frame-count (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of times a
count packet can be routed to the default router within
shortcut-frame time before an MPOA resolution
request is sent.
Step 4 Router(mpoa-client-config)# shortcut-frame-time (Optional) Sets the shortcut-setup frame time for the
time MPC.
Command Purpose
Router# show mpoa client [name mpc-name] Displays information about a specified MPC or all
Router# show mpoa client [name mpc-name] cache [ingress | Displays ingress and egress cache entries associated
egress] [ip-addr ip-addr] with an MPC.
Router# show mpoa client [name mpc-name] statistics Displays all the statistics collected by an MPC.
Router# clear mpoa client [name mpc-name] cache [ingress | Clears cache entries.
egress] [ip-addr ip-addr]
Router# show mpoa client [name mpc-name] [remote-device] Displays all the MPOA devices that this MPC has
Router# show mpoa default-atm-addresses Displays the default ATM addresses for the MPC.
Cisco LEC1
7200/7500/4500 LEC2
ATM cloud ELAN1
Catalyst OC-3 1.1.1X
5000 series
OC-12 Catalyst 1.1.2.X
ELAN1 5000
OC-12 series
MPC2 12880
The following example configures the MPC and attaches the MPC to a hardware interface:
! Define the MPC “MYMPC”
mpoa client config name MYMPC
! Leave everything as default
! Specify the ATM interface to which the MPC is attached
interface ATM 1/0
! Attach MPC MYMPC to the HW interface
mpoa client name MYMPC
! Specify the ATM interface that contains the LEC to which you will bind the MPC
interface atm 1/0.1
! Bind a LANE client to the specified MPC
lane client mpoa client name MYMPC
! Go back up to global config mode
The following example shows a typical configuration file for the first MPC:
Current configuration:
version 11.3
! Go to LANE database config mode
lane database mpoa-test
hostname mpc-1
! Define the ELAN ID and ATM address
name elan1 server-atm-address 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174821.01
name elan1 elan-id 101
name elan2 server-atm-address 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174821.02
name elan2 elan-id 102
! Define the MPC “mpc-1”
The following example shows a typical configuration file for the second MPC:
Current configuration:
version 11.3
hostname mpc-2
! Go back up to global config mode
! Define the MPC “mpc-2”
mpoa client config name mpc-2
! Specify the ATM interface to which the MPC is attached
interface ATM0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
mpoa client name mpc-2
! Specify the ATM interface that contains the LEC to which you will bind the MPC
interface ATM0.1 multipoint
lane server-bus ethernet elan2
lane client mpoa client name mpc-2
lane client ethernet 2 elan2
! Go back up to global config mode
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring the Multiprotocol over ATM
(MPOA) server (MPS).
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
The MPS supplies the forwarding information used by the MPOA clients (MPCs). The MPS responds
with the information after receiving a query from a client. To support the query and response functions,
MPOA has adopted the Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP). The MPS on the router can also
terminate shortcuts.
MPS-NHRP-Routing Interaction
MPS must interact with the NHRP module in the router to smoothly propagate MPOA/NHRP packets
end to end. MPOA frames are identical to NHRP frames except for some specific op-codes and
extensions for MPOA.
The following process explains the interaction of MPS and NHRP:
1. MPS converts MPOA resolution requests to NHRP requests and sends it either to the next hop MPS
or to the Next Hop Server (NHS), depending on the configuration. MPS searches for the next hop
routing information to determine the interface and sends the packet with correct encapsulation to an
MPS or an NHS.
2. NHS sends resolution requests to MPS when the next hop is on a LAN Emulation (LANE) cloud or
when NHS is unsure of the packet destination. MPS may do further processing, such as prompt NHS
to terminate the request or throw away the packet.
3. NHS sends resolution replies to MPS when the next hop interface is LANE or when the replies
terminate in the router. Then MPS sends an MPOA resolution reply to the MPC.
Shortcut Domains
Within a router, it is possible to permit shortcuts between one group of LAN Emulation Clients (LECs)
and deny it between some other groups of LECs. Cisco introduces a notion of network ID associated with
an MPS. By default, all the MPSs in a router get a network ID of 1.
If the administrator wants to segregate traffic, then MPSs can be given different network IDs, in effect
preventing shortcuts between LECs served by different MPSs. This can be configured in the definition
of an MPS database.
If a router has both MPS and NHRP configured, then the same network ID is required to facilitate
requests, replies, and shortcuts across the MPS and NHRP. The interface-specific NHRP command (ip
nhrp network-id) must be the same for an MPS; otherwise, there will be a disjointed network.
Command Purpose
Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name elan-id id Configures the ELAN ID in the LECS database to
participate in MPOA.
Router(lane-config-dat)# lane server-bus {ethernet | Configures the LAN Emulation Server (LES) with the
tokenring} elan-name [elan-id id] ELAN ID to participate in MPOA.
Caution If an ELAN ID is supplied by both commands, make sure that the ELAN ID matches in both.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# mpoa server config name In global configuration mode, defines an MPS with the
mps-name specified name.
Step 2 Router(config)# interface atm {slot/port | Specifies the ATM interface to attach the MPS.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# mpoa server name mps-name In interface configuration mode, attaches the MPS to the
ATM interface.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# interface atm Specifies the ATM interface to bind the MPS to a LEC.
{slot/port.subinterface-number |
Step 5 Router(config-subif)# lane client mpoa server In subinterface configuration mode, binds a LANE client to
name mps-name the specified MPS.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(mpoa-server-config)# mpoa server config Defines an MPS with the specified name.
name mps-name
Step 2 Router(mpoa-server-config)# atm-address (Optional) Specifies the control ATM address that the MPS
atm-address should use (when it is associated with a hardware
Step 3 Router(mpoa-server-config)# holding-time time (Optional) Specifies the holding time value for the MPS-p7
variable of the MPS.
Step 4 Router(mpoa-server-config)# keepalive-lifetime (Optional) Specifies the keepalive lifetime value for the
time MPS-p2 variable of the MPS.
Step 5 Router(mpoa-server-config)# keepalive-time (Optional) Specifies the keepalive time value for the
time MPS-p1 variable of the MPS.
Step 6 Router(mpoa-server-config)# network-id id (Optional) Specifies the network ID of the MPS.
Command Purpose
Router# show mpoa default-atm-addresses Displays default ATM addresses for an MPS.
Router# show mpoa server [name mps-name] Displays information about a specified server or all servers
depending on the specified name of the required server.
Router# show mpoa server [name mps-name] cache Displays ingress and egress cache entries associated with a
[ingress | egress] [ip-address ip-address] server.
Router# show mpoa server [name mps-name] statistics Displays all the statistics collected by a server including
the ingress and egress cache entry creations, deletions, and
Router# clear mpoa server [name mps-name] cache Clears cache entries.
[ingress | egress] [ip-addr ip-addr]
Router# mpoa server name mps-name trigger ip-address Originates an MPOA trigger for the specified IP address to
ip-address [mpc-address mpc-address] the specified client. If a client is not specified, the MPOA
is triggered to all the clients.
Cisco LEC1
7200/7500/4500 LEC2
ATM cloud ELAN1
Catalyst OC-3 1.1.1X
5000 series
OC-12 Catalyst 1.1.2.X
ELAN1 5000
OC-12 series
The following example configures the MPS and attaches the MPS to a hardware interface:
This chapter describes the required and optional tasks for configuring the MPOA for Token Ring
Networks feature.
For a complete description of the commands in this chapter, refer to the the Cisco IOS Switching Services
Command Reference. To locate documentation of other commands that appear in this chapter, use the
command reference master index or search online.
To identify the hardware platform or software image information associated with a feature, use the
Feature Navigator on to search for information about the feature or refer to the software
release notes for a specific release. For more information, see the section “Identifying Supported
Platforms” in the chapter “Using Cisco IOS Software.”
The MPOA for Token Ring Networks feature allows Token Ring hosts on an ATM network to
communicate over direct paths (called shortcuts) through the ATM network. These shortcuts bypass the
intermediate router hops that otherwise would be encountered in the default path.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface atm Specifies the ATM interface to be associated with the LEC.
{slot/port.subinterface-number |
Step 2 Router(config-if)# lane client tokenring Defines a Token Ring LEC on a specified ELAN name.
Step 3 Router(config-if)# lane client mpoa server (Optional) Binds a Token Ring LEC to an MPS.
Step 4 Router(config-if)# lane client mpoa client (Optional) Binds a Token Ring LEC to an MPC.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# lane database database-name Creates a named database for the LECS.
Step 2 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name Binds the name of the ELAN to the ATM address of the LES.
server-atm-address atm-address
Step 3 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name Defines the ELAN ID in the LECS database to participate in
elan-id id MPOA.
Step 4 Router(lane-config-dat)# name elan-name Configures the local segment ID number.
local-seg-id id
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface atm Specifies the ATM subinterface to be associated with the
{slot/port.subinterface-number | LES/BUS.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# lane server-bus Defines a Token Ring LES/BUS on the named ELAN.
tokenring elan-name [elan-id elan-id] The ELAN ID is optional.
Router-2 Router-3
IP Subnet 1 IP Subnet 3
Shortcut VCC
Token Token
Ring IP Ring IP
Subnet Subnet
5 4
Host A Host B
The following commands show a sample configuration for Router-1 in Figure 101:
hostname Router-1
ip routing
! Define the MPOA Client (mpc-1) configuration.
mpoa client config name mpc-1
! Configure an IP address on the Token Ring interface.
interface TokenRing1/0
ip address
ring-speed 16
! Configure a config-server and bind it to its database (mpoa-db).
! Attach the MPOA client mpc-1 to its ATM interface.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database mpoa-db
mpoa client name mpc-1
! Configure a LANE server-bus and LANE client on ELAN 1. Bind the
! LANE client to its MPOA Client (mpc-1).
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring 1
lane client mpoa client name mpc-1
lane client tokenring 1
router eigrp 1
The following commands show a sample configuration for Router-2 in Figure 101:
hostname Router-2
ip routing
! Configure the config-server database mpoa-db with configuration
! for ELANs 1 to 3
lane database mpoa-db
name 1 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05F41.01
name 1 local-seg-id 1000
name 1 elan-id 100
name 2 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05B41.01
name 2 local-seg-id 2000
name 2 elan-id 200
name 3 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05B41.03
name 3 local-seg-id 3000
name 3 elan-id 300
! Define the MPOA Server (mps-1) configuration.
mpoa server config name mps-1
! Configure the signalling and ILMI PVCs. Also configure a config-server
! and attach the MPOA server (mps-1) to its ATM interface.
interface ATM4/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database mpoa-db
mpoa server name mps-1
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client on ELAN 1 and bind the LANE
The following commands show a sample configuration for Router-4 in Figure 101:
hostname Router-4
ip routing
! Define the MPOA client (mpc-2) configuration.
mpoa client config name mpc-2
! Configure the Token Ring interface
interface TokenRing1/0
ip address
ring-speed 16
! Configure the signalling and ILMI PVCs and attach the MPOA
! client to its ATM interface.
interface ATM2/0
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
mpoa client name mpc-2
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client on ELAN 3 and bind the LANE
! client to its MPOA client (mpc-2).
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane client mpoa client name mpc-2
lane client tokenring 3
router eigrp 1
IP with no RIF
Router-1 Router-2
Multiring IP
IP subnet 1 IP subnet 3
Shortcut path
device Shortcut VCC Router-3
IP with no RIF
IP with RIF
Token Token
Ring IP Ring IP
subnet subnet
1 4
Host A Host B
The following commands show a sample configuration for Router-1 in Figure 102:
hostname Router-1
ip routing
! Configure the config-server database mpoa-db with configuration
! for ELANs 1 to 3
lane database mpoa-db
name 1 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05F41.01
name 1 local-seg-id 1000
name 1 elan-id 100
name 2 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05B41.01
name 2 local-seg-id 2000
name 2 elan-id 200
name 3 server-atm-address 47.0091810000000060705BFA01.00000CA05B41.03
name 3 local-seg-id 3000
name 3 elan-id 300
! Define the MPOA Server (mps-1) configuration.
mpoa server config name mps-1
! Configure the signalling and ILMI PVCs. Also configure a config-server
! and attach the MPOA server (mps-1) to its ATM interface.
interface ATM4/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane config database mpoa-db
mpoa server name mps-1
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client on ELAN 1 and bind the LANE
! client to its MPOA server (mps-1). The multiring ip configuration
! is required to terminate the RIF for IP packets on the ELAN.
interface ATM4/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane client mpoa server name mps-1
lane client tokenring 1
multiring ip
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client on ELAN 2 and bind the LANE
! client to its MPOA server (mps-1)
interface ATM4/0.2 multipoint
ip address
lane client mpoa server name mps-1
lane client tokenring 2
router eigrp 1
The following commands show a sample configuration for Router-2 in Figure 102:
hostname Router-2
ip routing
! Defines the MPOA Server (mps-2) configuration.
mpoa server config name mps-2
! Configure the signalling and ILMI PVCs and attach the MPOA
! server (mps-2) to its ATM interface.
interface ATM2/0
no ip address
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
mpoa server name mps-2
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client and LANE server-bus on ELAN 2
! and bind the LANE client to its MPOA server (mps-2)
interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint
ip address
lane server-bus tokenring 2
lane client mpoa server name mps-2
lane client tokenring 2
! Configure a Token Ring LANE client on ELAN 3 and bind the LANE
! client to its MPOA server (mps-2)
templates XC-365
wildcards XC-365
keepalive-lifetime command XC-441 values of wildcard characters XC-365
keepalive-time command XC-441 broadcast-and-unknown server (BUS) XC-361
Cisco’s implementation XC-355
client XC-355, XC-361
L and server, setting up XC-375 to XC-376
emulated LANs, routing between XC-355, XC-359, XC-374, VCC types XC-356
lane auto-config-atm-address command XC-374
ESI template XC-365
lane client command XC-375, XC-376
Ethernet support XC-362
lane client flush command XC-376
fault tolerance XC-354
lane client mpoa client command XC-446
interaction with MPOA XC-429
lane client mpoa client name command XC-434
lane client mpoa server command XC-446
MAC address lane client mpoa server name command XC-441
clients on a given interface XC-363
lane client tokenring command XC-446
MAC layer connectivity XC-354
lane config command XC-373
lane database command XC-370 to XC-372, XC-408, XC-410,
multicast addresses XC-357 XC-411, XC-446
network flappage XC-380 lane server-bus command XC-375, XC-440
prefix template XC-365 lane server-bus ethernet command XC-434
scenarios lane server-bus tokenring elan-id command XC-446
multiple emulated LANs XC-359 LANs (local area network)
single emulated LAN XC-358 segmentation XC-303
typical XC-358 with VLANs XC-312
server XC-361 Layer 2
and clients, setting up XC-374 to XC-376 addresses XC-7
brief description XC-355 encapsulating interfaces XC-312
Cisco’s implementation XC-355 forwarding table
single emulated LAN scenario (figure) XC-358 IP multicast MLS XC-255
SSRP XC-362, XC-377 Layer 3
support addresses XC-7
Banyan Vines XC-362 building VPNs XC-95
DECnet XC-362 connectionless architecture XC-95
XNS XC-362 features XC-111
supported routing protocol XC-362 MLS cache
token ring IP multicast MLS XC-255
configuring for MPOA XC-445 LC-ATM ports XC-115
VCCs LCN (logical channel number), configuring XC-125
Configure Direct (server) XC-356 LDP
Control Direct XC-356, XC-357 definition XC-81
Control Distribute XC-357 hot redundancy, configuring XC-126
Data Direct XC-356, XC-357 LE ARP XC-361
Multicast Forward XC-357 LECs
Multicast Send XC-357 commands XC-446
types (figure) XC-356 database, configuring XC-446
show cef linecard command XC-46 show mpoa default-atm-addresses command XC-435,
show interface stats command XC-300
show mpoa server cache command XC-442
show ip cache command XC-16
show ip cache flow aggregation destination-prefix show mpoa server command XC-442
command XC-71 show mpoa server statistics command XC-442
show ip cache flow aggregation prefix command XC-71 show route-map ipc command XC-72
show ip cache flow aggregation source-prefix show vlans command XC-328, XC-341, XC-348
command XC-71
Simple LANE Service Replication
show ip cache flow command XC-68
backup servers XC-354
show ip cef adjacency command XC-46
redundancy requirements XC-377
show ip cef command XC-32, XC-46
SMDS (Switch Multimegabit Data Service)
show ip cef events command XC-46
fast switching
show ip cef exact-route command XC-46
AppleTalk XC-13
show ip cef inconsistency command XC-47
configuring XC-13
show ip cef summary command XC-181
IP XC-13
show ip cef traffic prefix-length command XC-46
show ip interfaces command XC-46
source-route transparent bridging
show ip mcache command XC-300
TR-LANE support XC-362
show ip mds forwarding command XC-300
SPF computation XC-87
show ip mds interface command XC-300
spoofing XC-95
show ip mds stats command XC-300
SRB (source-route bridging)
show ip mds summary command XC-300
show ip pim interface count command XC-300
configuration (example) XC-390, XC-392
show ip route profile command XC-43
TR-LANE support XC-362
show lane bus command XC-381
SSRP (Simple Server Redundancy Protocol),
show lane client command XC-381 configuring XC-368
show lane command XC-381, XC-382, XC-434 standby authentication command XC-320
show lane config command XC-382 standby ip command XC-319
show lane database command XC-382 standby preempt command XC-319
show lane default-atm-addresses command XC-368, standby priority command XC-319
standby timers command XC-319
show lane le-arp command XC-382
standby track command XC-320
show lane server command XC-382
static route PE to CE routing sessions,
show mls rp ip multicast command XC-277 configuring XC-152
show mls rp ipx command XC-289, XC-290 statistics
show mls rp vtp-domain XC-290 NetFlow accounting XC-68
show mpoa client cache command XC-435 subautonomous systems
show mpoa client command XC-435 communicating between XC-109
show mpoa client statistics command XC-435 PE router addresses, distributing XC-159
IPX XC-322
encapsulation XC-323
RIF VCCs XC-427, XC-433
configuration (example) XC-332, XC-335 VCC types
TrBRF VLANs (figure) XC-356
configuration (example) XC-332 video conferencing XC-95
TRISL and Ethernet VLANs VINES
configuration (example) XC-333 fast switching
TRISL VLAN and Token Ring disabling XC-14
configuration (example) XC-335 vines metric command XC-316
TR LANE (Token Ring LAN emulation) vines route-cache command XC-14
APPN XC-362 vines routing command XC-316
IP XC-362 distributed switching XC-68
IPX XC-362 between ISL VLANs XC-325, XC-337
TR-LANE (Token Ring LAN emulation) enabling XC-325
AppleTalk XC-362 ISL encapsulation XC-325
Banyan Vines XC-362 ISL VLAN traffic XC-324, XC-336
benefits XC-361 routing decisions XC-4
Cisco LightStream 100 XC-363 scalability XC-324, XC-336
Cisco LightStream 1010 XC-363 VLAN configuration (example) XC-337
DECnet XC-362 virtual channel identifier
hardware requirements XC-363 table entries, establishing XC-84
software version XC-363 virtual circuits XC-169
source-route transparent bridging XC-362 configuring for the 6400 UAC XC-135
SRB XC-362 configuring more than one XC-224
configuration (example) XC-390, XC-392 creating different control VCs XC-125
XNS XC-362 determining the default control VC XC-137
troubleshooting XC-176 reducing the number XC-129
tunnels XC-95 virtual paths
mapping traffic into tunnels XC-87 defining more than one XC-137
for edge LSRs XC-137
for internodal BPX connections XC-137
U virtual trunks
user EXEC mode, summary of xxxii bandwidth XC-117, XC-118
configuring XC-118, XC-229
definition XC-116
redundancy, adding XC-126
label XC-95
multiple XC-95
operation, verifying XC-161 XNS (Xerox Network Systems)
packets XC-95 fast switching XC-15
partitioned routes XC-95 in VLANs XC-312
route label XC-107 LANE support XC-362
routes XC-95 over ISL encapsulation XC-325, XC-326, XC-327
exchanging between autonomous systems XC-159 TR LANE support XC-362
exchanging between sub-autonomous systems in a xns network command XC-326, XC-328
confederation XC-159 xns route-cache command XC-15
partitioning XC-95 xns routing command XC-326, XC-327, XC-328
route target communities XC-99 XTagATM
solutions XC-94 bandwidth, specifying XC-125
traffic XC-95 definition XC-115
VRF table XC-161
VSI (Virtual Switch Interface)
Cisco 6400 UAC, configuring for XC-135
control interface XC-175
LSC redundancy, configuring for XC-125
protocol XC-173
session, displaying XC-175
VTP domain
adding VTP domain interface XC-288