Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method: A Comprehensive Review of Applications, Advantages, and Limitations

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Received: 22 March 2023 | Revised: 4 April 2023 | Accepted: 16 May 2023 | Published online: 16 May 2023

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems

REVIEW 2023, Vol. 00(00) 1–7
DOI: 10.47852/bonviewJDSIS3202885

Analytic Network Process (ANP)

Method: A Comprehensive
Review of Applications,
Advantages, and Limitations
Hamed Taherdoost1,2,* and Mitra Madanchian1,2
Department of Arts, Communications and Social Sciences, University Canada West, Canada
Research and Development Department, Hamta Business Corporation, Canada

Abstract: Nowadays, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods possess manifold applications in many areas from engineering to
supply chain and management. The analytic network process (ANP) method is one of the most widely used MCDM methods. ANP is an
extended version of the analytic hierarchy process that enables feedback and interactions between and within clusters, making it a more
comprehensive decision-making tool. This paper provides a detailed review of the ANP method, including its concept, process steps,
application areas, advantages, and limitations. ANP has been applied to a wide range of decision-making problems, including project
management, risk assessment, supplier selection, and product design. ANP’s main advantages include its ability to handle complex
decision-making problems with multiple criteria, subjective inputs, and interdependent relationships among criteria. This paper aims to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the ANP method to help researchers and practitioners make more informed decisions when
using this technique.
Keywords: decision-making, multi-criteria decision-making, analytic network process, ANP method, multi-attribute decision-making

1. Introduction Wang et al., 2009). As a result, environmental preservation takes

into account a wider range of considerations than just economic
The decision-making processes of organizations have been ones, compelling decision-makers to use techniques of multi-
greatly influenced as a result of the huge growth in the complexity criteria decision making (MCDM) to find workable solutions to
of the choices that firms need to make to survive and accomplish their energy issues (Büyüközkan et al., 2018).
competitive goals (Dias & Mousseau, 2018). The typical setting in MCDM methods are being used recently by researchers in
which decision-makers find themselves in the position of having different fields of study such as finance, business, science, and
to make selections is one in which several different companies engineering. These methods are utilized to evaluate, sort, rank,
have articulated several different goals, each of which then and select between different alternatives (Kheybari et al., 2020).
explodes into several different criteria and options (Toloie- Numerous MCDM methods have been developed, and even
Eshlaghy & Homayonfar, 2011). As a result, the procedure for small variations compared to existing methods have made the
selecting decision-makers has developed into a more explicit application of MCDM in different areas possible (Velasquez &
form. In this setting, the decision-maker is no longer able to depend Hester, 2013).
just on an approximation or intuition of an analysis of the options; One of the main MCDM techniques is the analytic network
rather, they are required to search for new techniques and process (ANP) method. ANP is a new, broader, and deeper form
methodologies that assist and support them in the process of of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method developed by
decision-making (Greco et al., 2016). Saaty (1980). AHP is a comprehensive method that can cope with
During the 1980s, there has been growing concern for the a vast range of multi-objective, multi-actor, and multi-criteria
environment, which resulted in a shift in the structure of decision- problems, even for uncertain decisions with different numbers
making regarding individual criteria (Taherdoost & Brard, 2019; of alternatives (Bayazıt, 2002; Velasquez & Hester, 2013).
Although AHP addresses many deficiencies of some other MCDM
techniques, it does not consider possible dependencies among
*Corresponding author: Hamed Taherdoost, Department of Arts,
different elements and assumes the factors independently. This
Communications and Social Sciences, University Canada West, Canada. assumption is not appropriate in some internal and external
Email: [email protected] environmental effects. These problems must be based on network

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by BON VIEW PUBLISHING PTE. LTD. This is an open access article under the CC BY License (

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems Vol. 00 Iss. 00 2023

systems with functional dependencies allowing for feedback among Figure 1

the clusters and high-level factors dependent on low-level ones Structures of (A) a hierarchy and (B) a network (Yüksel &
(Yüksel & Dagdeviren, 2007). Dagdeviren, 2007)
To solve this, Saaty (1996) extended AHP as the ANP method
in a book in 1996, which was revised in 2001. ANP can be used
in very sophisticated MCDM problems by allowing feedback
and interactions both between and within the clusters. Therefore,
ANP makes dealing systematically with feedback and dependence
in decision-making systems possible. It is a more general form
of AHP that considers interactions, making the complex
interrelationships among attributes and different levels of
decision-making possible.
In ANP, linear top-to-bottom hierarchy structures are replaced
with a feedback approach. Unlike the hierarchy where only criteria
influence the alternatives’ importance, in ANP, the importance of
alternatives can also impact the criteria’s importance. Therefore,
representing relationships between levels easily with concepts
such as higher/lower, direct/indirect, and dominant/subordinate is
not possible (Yüksel & Dagdeviren, 2007). The ANP includes
two parts:

• The first part is control hierarchy or network of criteria, and also

sub-criteria aiming to control the understudy system’s interactions;
• The second part is a network of influences among the clusters and key strengths is its ability to manage complicated decision-making
elements. situations involving multiple criteria, subjective input, and
interdependent relationships among criteria. The objective of this
In the revised ANP method in 2001, decision problems are paper is to offer a comprehensive comprehension of the ANP
studied through a control hierarchy/network for benefits, as well approach that can help researchers and practitioners make better-
as a second one for opportunities, a third one for costs, and informed decisions when utilizing this technique.
another for risks (BOCR). In this method, a decision possesses
links, clusters, and elements. The clusters are a series of relevant 2. Applications for ANP
elements (within a network/sub-network). The system’s clusters
and their elements are calculated for each control criterion, Making choices is necessary for most human activities.
including opportunities, benefits, risks, and costs. Every one of these decisions is grounded in an analysis of the
Another important concept in these systems is inner and outer various individual decision options, which is typically determined
dependencies that are related to all of the feedback and interactions by the preferences, experience, and other information held by the
within and between clusters, respectively. These concepts help to decision-maker (Sałabun et al., 2020). Some decisions are
represent and capture the concepts of influencing and being straightforward, while others are more involved (Behzadian et al.,
influenced between both clusters and elements related to a 2012). According to Govindan and Jepsen (2016) and Kahraman
criterion in the decision-making process (Bayazıt, 2002; Saaty & et al. (2015), some choices are relatively simple, particularly if the
Vargas, 2001). To sum up, in ANP, a network is used to represent repercussions of making the wrong decision are relatively minor,
a system with feedback. The differences between the network whereas other decisions are extremely complex and have significant
system in ANP and the hierarchy structure in the AHP method are effects. Real-life problem-solving typically involves several
shown simply in Figure 1. It can be seen that in a network, the competing viewpoints that, to arrive at a reasonable decision, need
elements of a cluster can impact all or just some of the elements to be taken into consideration (Wang et al., 2008). Formally
in any other cluster. A network includes sources, intermediates, speaking, a decision may be described as either a choice that is
and clusters, and arcs are used to show the relationships made based on the information that is available or a course of
in the network. The arcs’ directions impact the directional action that is targeted at addressing a particular decision issue
dependence here. Two-way arrows and looped arcs are also used (Greco et al., 2016).
to show the outer (between two clusters) and inner (among From finance and economics to engineering design and
elements of a cluster) dependencies, respectively (Yüksel & medicine, MCDM has many applications across several fields.
Dagdeviren, 2007). Owing to the complexity of the health and socioeconomic systems
Nowadays, the ANP method is widely utilized to address and the multidimensionality of this crisis, MCDM techniques have
manifold issues in the real world as it considers interrelated and been more often used to simulate COVID-19 issues. It should be
complex relationships between the elements of decision-making highlighted that MCDM strategies have a direct impact on finding
problems. This method also can apply simultaneously both sustainable solutions. This highlights the value and explosive
qualitative and quantitative attributes (Kheybari et al., 2020). expansion of MCDM approaches. MCDM techniques are used in
The purpose of this paper is to present an extensive examination several industries, ranging from the energy sector to the business.
of the ANP technique, which encompasses its fundamental concept, Several study areas, including those in computer science, energy,
process steps, application domains, benefits, and drawbacks. The mathematics, etc., utilize MCDM techniques (Taherdoost &
ANP methodology has found broad application in decision- Madanchian, 2023). Similarly, the ANP method possesses various
making predicaments such as project management, risk application areas. This method can be used in manifold fields
assessment, supplier selection, and product design. One of ANP’s such as engineering, manufacturing, civil works, economics,

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems Vol. 00 Iss. 00 2023

Figure 2
Subjects areas of ANP research articles

construction, agriculture, finance, healthcare, waste management, The decision-makers can gain the structure of the problem
and supply chain management (Chen et al., 2019; Khan & Ali, 2020). network by using different ways such as brainstorming.
To gain a better and more general understanding of the ANP
application areas, Figure 2 shows the number of articles that used Step 2: Preparing the Pairwise Comparison Matrices and Priority
the ANP method in different subject areas in the “ScienceDirect” Vectors
database as of May 21, 2022. The research articles were found
based on the search term “ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS” in In the second step, priority vectors and pairwise comparison
the title, abstract, or author-specified keywords. The subject areas matrices should be prepared. To accomplish this, a comparison
for the achieved results are shown in the figure. The results indicate must be performed between pairs of elements in each cluster by
the broad applicability of the ANP in various subject areas, such as considering the importance of elements toward their control
engineering, decision-making, and environmental science. criteria. This step is similar to the AHP comparison step.
Kheybari et al. (2020) reviewed the areas of application of the Furthermore, the clusters also need to be compared pairwise by
ANP method more specifically using nine different categories. Some considering their contributions to the objective. Therefore, this
of the results are listed here in Table 1 to gain an overview of the step includes responding to pairwise comparison series (between
application of this method in different fields. It must be noted that two clusters or two elements) that should be assessed by
in some of the studies the ANP is applied as a single method, and considering their contribution to the specific criteria of their upper
in some others, integrated/hybrid approaches are used based on level. Additionally, other pairwise examinations are also necessary
ANP with other MCDM techniques such as the technique for in terms of interdependencies among a cluster’s elements.
order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), An eigenvector is used to represent the impact of each element on
decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL), etc. the other.
The fundamental AHP comparison scale (1–9) can also be used
3. Advantages and disadvantages in the ANP method to help decision-makers identify how many times
an element dominates another one and determine the relative
The ANP is a general form of the AHP method that is concerned importance values by considering the related criterion. It can also
with a networked-structure format. As can be seen in other MCDM be used to incorporate the knowledge and experience of decision-
methods, the ANP also possesses different advantages and makers in an intuitive way. This scale uses absolute numbers
disadvantages. The main ones are summarized in Table 2. instead of ratio, interval, or ordinal ones (Bayazıt, 2002). In this
method, the descriptive preferences of decision-makers can be
4. ANP method procedure translated into numerical values. For example, in this table, 1 is
used for equal importance of the elements, and 9 represents the
The ANP method procedure includes four main steps. These extreme importance of one element in the matrix, where the
steps are shown in Figure 3 and are also discussed in this section element is the row cluster in comparison with another one that is
in detail. the column cluster in the matrix. Table 3 shows the 1–9 scale
used in this method.
Step 1: Constructing the Model and Structuring the Problem Another point is that, for inverse comparison, a reciprocal value
is determined. For this, aij ¼ aji is used. In this equation, the aij
In this step, the model is constructed, and the problem is factor represents the importance of the ith element, and aji represents
structured. For this, the decision-maker should state the problem the importance of the jth element. In the ANP method (similar to the
clearly and decompose it into a rational system as a network. AHP), a matrix is used to show the pairwise comparisons. A local

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems Vol. 00 Iss. 00 2023

Table 1
ANP method application areas (Kheybari et al., 2020)
No. Category Examples of specific areas Description
1 Health, safety, and • Assessing safety management in airlines, maritime Articles in the fields of waste management life cycle
environmental industry, and construction industry; management, environmental impact assessment, and
• Selecting the best place for waste disposal;
management land-use planning
• Selecting the best method for recycling wastes
• Etc.
2 Hydrology and • Evaluating and prioritizing watershed plans; Articles based on water management strategy assessment,
water • Vulnerability assessment of water supply systems; irrigation planning, and sustainable water resource
management • Etc. planning fields
3 Business and • Assessing performance of airlines, research, and Articles in the main aspects of management, for example,
financial development (R&D) projects, hospital services, banking measurement of performance, analysis of investments,
management industry; portfolio management, etc.
• Selecting information system, R&D, and power projects;
• Ranking mining strategies;
• Evaluating information security risks;
• Assessing industrial lands in urban areas;
• Studying the factors impacting the economic performance
of businesses;
• Etc.
4 Tourism • Investigating the factors impacting the medical tourism Articles related to tourism and hotel related to tourism,
development; pilgrimage, and medicine, policies related to tourism and
• Assessing ecotourism sites hotel industries, etc.
• Assessing and ranking the national park websites;
• Etc.
5 Logistics and • Select suppliers in different industries such as the Related to the location problems, outsourcing and supplier
supply chain automotive industry, electronic companies, and selection in various fields
management manufacturing companies
6 Design, • Prioritizing and ranking the requirements for design in Related to automation, material engineering, product
engineering, and companies; design, modern manufacturing systems, etc.
manufacturing • Investigating the most vital product components at the
systems design stage by considering the resource constraints in
manufacturing companies;
• Etc.
7 Energy management • Selecting a strategy for risk reduction in the energy Related to assessment and selection of the methods of
industry; energy generation, the energy systems’ performance
• Studying the important factors to determine the location of assessment, etc.
power plants;
• Etc.
8 Human resources • Selecting snipers and personnel for different companies Related to the employment of candidates
9 Other topics • Assessing the innovation support systems performance in Related to areas such as medicine, sports, education,
different sectors such as higher education institutions; agriculture, and government
• Ranking the systems used for performance improvement
in universities;
• Etc.

Table 2
Merits and demerits of the ANP method (Aruldoss et al., 2013; Velasquez & Hester, 2013)
Advantages Disadvantages
• Handling multiple inputs and outputs; • Ignoring different effects among clusters;
• No need for relations between outputs and inputs; • Possibility of significant problems due to the measurement error;
• Possibility of different units for inputs and outputs; • Being demanding in the case of large problems;
• Directly comparisons against peers; • Disability to measure absolute efficiency;
• Both allowing for dependence and including independence; • Inapplicability of statistical tests
• The ability to prioritize clusters/groups of elements;
• Supporting complex problems with intangible criteria better than AHP.

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems Vol. 00 Iss. 00 2023

Figure 3 c1 ck cn
The main steps of the ANP method e11 e12 e1 m1 ek1 ek2 ek mk en1 en2 . . . en mn

Constructing the Model
and Stracturing the
Preparing the Pairwise
Comparison Matrics and
Formation of the Super- e12
Problem Priority Vectors
Matrix c1 ..
e1 m1
.. 2 3
. w11 . . . w1k . . . w1n
ek1 6 .. .. .. 7
Selecting the Best W¼ .. ek2 6 . ... . ... . 7
Alternative 6 7
. .. 6 w k1 w kk wkn 7
6 7
ck . 6 .. .. .. 7
ek mk 4 . ... . ... . 5
.. w n1 w nk wnn
.. en2
priority vector is extracted to determine the relative importance of . ..
clusters/elements using equation 1: c n .
en mn
A ¼ λmax  ω (1)
As is shown in equation (2), in the super-matrix, Ck represents
A, ω, and λmax are the pairwise comparison matrix, eigenvector, the clusters (k = 1, 2, : : : , n), and each cluster (k) possesses mk
and largest eigenvalue of the pairwise comparison matrix, respec- elements. These elements are shown as ek1 , ek2 , ek3 , : : : , ek mk . When
tively. Manifold algorithms are suggested to determine ω by the elements have no influence, zero entries are used in the related
Saaty (1980). positions in the matrix. Consider a three-level network structure
shown in Figure 4 as an example with goal, criterion, and
alternatives. The super-matrix for this problem can be shown as
Step 3: Formation of the Super-matrix equation (3).
2 3
In this step, the super-matrix must be formed which 0 0 0
possesses a similar concept to the Markov chain process. W ¼ 4 w21 w22 05 (3)
For this, the local priority vectors should be entered in a 0 w32 I
suitable column to gain the global priorities by considering that
the system includes interdependent influences. Therefore, this I is the unit matrix, and if instead a network, the structure was a
matrix acts like a partitioned matrix. That is to say, the hierarchy, then w22 must be considered zero. It must be also noted
relationship between two clusters is represented by each segment that it is possible to replace a zero value by a matrix in the situation
of the matrix. that an interrelationship of the elements between two clusters/within
To shape a super-matrix, the local priority vectors from a cluster is identified. This matrix is called primary super-matrix that
Step 2 are used. They must be grouped and then placed in a is unweighted, and just the vectors of internal priorities, matrices, and
suitable place in the super-matrix. This position is based on the elements are replaced in it.
influence flows that can be obtained from two different situations Then the primary super-matrix should be weighted. For this, the
including a cluster to another one, and also a loop that is from a un-weighted super-matrix values are multiplied in the cluster matrix
cluster to itself. A super-matrix is shown in equation (2) (Yüksel & to compute a weighted matrix that is stochastic. Finally, in this step, a
Dagdeviren, 2007). new limit super-matrix should be examined to obtain the elements’

Table 3
The fundamental 1–9 Scale (Saaty, 1996)
Intensity of importance Explanation Definition
1 Two activities contribute equally to the objective Equal importance
3 Experience and judgment slightly favor one over another Moderate importance
5 Experience and judgment strongly favor one over another Strong importance
7 Activity is strongly favored, and its dominance is demonstrated in practice Very strong importance
9 The highest possible order for the importance of one factor over Absolute importance
another one is considered
2, 4, 6, 8 Compromising between the above priorities Intermediate values

Journal of Data Science and Intelligent Systems Vol. 00 Iss. 00 2023

Figure 4 5. Conclusion
A three level network structure (Yüksel & Dagdeviren, 2007)
In conclusion, the ANP method is a versatile and widely
applicable MCDM method that offers a range of advantages over
other similar methods, such as AHP. This paper aimed to provide
a comprehensive survey of the ANP method, outlining its key
features and benefits. By reviewing the application areas and
providing some research examples, we demonstrated the potential
of the ANP method in a variety of fields. Moreover, we discussed
the advantages and disadvantages of the method, highlighting its
strengths, such as its ability to make direct comparisons against
peers, and its limitations, such as the inability to measure absolute
The ANP method comprises four main steps, which were
clearly defined in this paper. These steps include the structuring of
the problem, the construction of the network, the synthesis of
priorities, and the sensitivity analysis. Each of these steps plays a
critical role in the ANP method and must be carefully considered
to ensure accurate and reliable results.
Overall, the ANP method offers a powerful and flexible
approach to MCDM that has the potential to significantly improve
decision-making processes in a wide range of fields. As such, it
represents an important tool for researchers and practitioners
seeking to enhance their ability to make informed and effective
decisions in complex and uncertain environments.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to this

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London: Springer How to Cite: Taherdoost, H. & Madanchian, M. (2023). Analytic Network Process
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Sałabun, W., Wątróbski, J., & Shekhovtsov, A. (2020). Are MCDA
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