SV 7 Printing ENU
SV 7 Printing ENU
SV 7 Printing ENU
About Printing
There are two distinct printing mechanisms within the Supervisor.
l Graphical. You can print the contents of a window or the entire screen on the Windows' default printer. This
mechanism is used when producing screen dumps from SCADA BASIC, using the built-in program "Hard-
copy", when printing a report and when printing from the Print command on the file menu.
l Text only. You can print information in text format on any printer configured in the operating system, either
locally or over a network. This mechanism is used when printing events through the Log Filters, Alarm and
Log Displays and when using the SCADA Basic instruction LPRINT.
A printer can only be used to print data from one source. If your project requires the use of both printing mech-
anisms you will need two printers. For example you could use a dot matrix printer connected to one of the PC's
serial ports to print alarms and events and a colour ink jet printer connected to the PC's parallel port to make
screen hard copies.
If a printer is connected to the same port as the protection dongle it must be switched on at all times or it
may not be possible for the Supervisor to read the dongle.
Printing graphics
About Printing Graphics
In general, graphical printing uses the default printer as set in the operating system. You cannot change print set-
tings from within the Supervisor. The only exception to this is when printing a window from the FILE – PRINT
menu. You can select and print to any printer configured under the operating system. You can also change the
printer properties, but the changes are temporary and are not remembered when the Supervisor is shutdown.
When using any of the screen printing methods under an operating system other than Windows NT the Acti-
veX animations (Trend, Alarm, Log and Grid displays) may not print correctly.
Printing Text
About Printing Text
The Supervisor supports printing on up to 12 devices from a single station. You can print to any of the printers con-
figured in the host operating system, either on the local PC or over a network. For each printer that you configure
the Supervisor creates a print spooler which manages the information being sent to the printer. You can also print
to an ASCII file. Text printing is always in portrait format and is not affected by changing the printer properties in
the operating system.
If you print to a printer used by the Supervisor from another application you may cause the Supervisor's
print spooler to stop. Printing can then only be resumed by User intervention.
Configuring a Printer
Printers are configured using the Printer command Station menu.
1. Select the printer number from the list box. This number is used as a reference when selecting a printer else-
where in the Supervisor.
2. Select the In-service tick box to enable the printer.
3. Select print to printing spooler. Show picture
4. If you are using a printer server, enter its name in the Print Server field and click the Refresh button.
5. Select the printer to use. The ellipsis button displays a list of printers available on the host PC.
6. Enter the path for the spooler directory. This is used for the temporary files that the spooler creates whilst
7. Select validate to confirm the configuration.
1. Select the printer number from the list box. This number is used as a reference when printing.
2. Select the In-service tick box to enable the printer.
3. Select print to file. Show picture
4. Enter the name of the file in which to print. Note that there is no automatic mechanism for purging the file, it
will grow indefinitely unless manually emptied.
The file PRINTER.DAT may contain up to 32 different escape sequences followed by the definition of where they are
to be used.
The lines defining the escape sequences have the following syntax.
COL, 0, "sequence_0"
COL, id_1, "sequence_1"
. .
. .
COL, id_x, "sequence_x"
Each line starts with the text COL followed by a sequence identifier (0 to 31) and the escape sequence in quotation
marks. The ESC (27) character is automatically added to the start of each sequence and must not be included
between the quotation marks. Each sequence may contain up to 32 characters.
The sequence 0 defines the normal operation of the printer and is obligatory.
Bit Transitions
The lines defining the escape sequence used on a bit transition have the following syntax.
BIT, Type, Id
Each line start with the text BIT followed by the transition type and the identifier of the escape sequence which is to
be used.
The transition type is an integer from 0 to 2 representing the following states.
0 Transition to 0
1 Transition to 1
2 Transition to invalid
In the print spooler is an event list displaying the spooler activity and a number of fields displaying the spooler
Command Buttons
l Stop – Temporarily suspends printing. The Supervisor continues to send messages to the temporary spooler
files which will grow in size until the spooler Start button is clicked. The printer status variable in the data-
base is set to 0.
l Start – Printing is resumed. The spooler prints the contents of the temporary spooler files until they become
empty. The printer status variable in the database is set to 1.
l Cancel – Minimises the print spooler window.
If you close a print spooler all printing associated with that printer will stop until the Supervisor is
Using the Start and Stop buttons in the print spooler does not have the same effect as using the Start and
Stop mode of the Printer instruction in the program language. If you stop the printer from the spooler you
must start it again from the spooler. If you stop the printer from the program language you must start it
again from the program language.
1. Display the list of configured printers by selecting the Settings – Printers option from the Start menu.
2. Double click on the printer to change to display its status.
3. To change the general printer properties select the Properties command on the Printer menu strip.
4. To select the printer as default select the Default command on the Printer menu strip.
5. To select paper defaults (size, portrait, landscape etc.) select the Document Defaults command.
Changes you make here will affect the printing of graphics with the Supervisor immediately, text printing is not
affected by printer properties.