Silabus Manajemen Kinerja MSDM Genap-23 LAURA SYAHRUL

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Program Studi Magister Manajemen

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas

(Mata Kuliah Konsentrasi MSDM)

I. Dosen
 Prof.Dr. Herri, SE, MBA
 Dr. Laura Syahrul, SE, MBA

II. Tujuan Perkuliahan

 Memberikan pemahaman pada peserta tentang Konsep Manajemen Kinerja
(Performance Management Concept) dalam organisasi
 Mampu menggunakan theoretical approach dan empirical experiences dalam
mengalisa manajemen kinerja
 Menstimulasi peserta untuk mampu mengelola the impact of change dalam
pengembangan kualitas SDM
 Membekali peserta agar mampu menggunakan manajemen kinerja sebagai salah
satu sumber competitive advantage dan key success suatu organisasi

III. Materi Pembelajaran

MATERI Reference
1 Getting started with performance Management
o Introducing performance Management Cp 1
o Making the case for performance management Cp 2
o Designing and implementing effective performance Cp 3
o Anticipating and minimizing negative consequencess Cp 4

2 Designing an effective performance management system

 Delivering strategic business result Cp 5
 Becoming a performance management leader Cp 6
 Defining performance Cp 7
 Measuring performance as result Cp 8
 Measuring performance as behavior Cp 9
 Using performance management analytic Cp 10
 Minimizing rating distortion Cp 11
3 Implementing performance management effectively
 Creating and implementing personal development plans Cp 12
 Conducting effective review, disciplinary,and termination Co 13
 Implementing team performance management Cp 14
 Evaluating your system Cp 15

4 Connecting performance management with rewards and law

 Offering financial and financial reward Cp 16
 Setting up an effective pay system Cp 17
 Staying on the right side of law Cp 18

5 The parts of tens
 Ten reasons for implementing effective performance management Cp 19
 Ten key factors for delivering outstanding result Cp 20
 Ten tips for becoming a great performance management leader Cp 21

6 Working paper: mendisain manajemen kinerja (tugas individual)

IV. Referensi
 Main text book : Aguinis, Herman., Performance Management for dumiies, John
Wiley& Sons, New Jersey, 2019
 Additional references: Armstrong, M & Baron, A,.Performance Management:
The New Realities, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London
 Wibowo, Manajemen Kinerja, Rajawali Press, 2011
 Murphy R. Kevin & Cleveland N. Jeanette, Understanding Performance
Appraisal: Social, Organizational and Global-based Perspective, Sage
Publications, Thousand Oaks, London, 1995
 Wibisono, Dermawan., Manajemen Kinerja: Konsep, Desain, dan Teknik
Meningkatkan Daya Saing Perusahaan, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 2002

V. Metode Pengajaran
 Diskusi Kelompok
 Analisa Kasus
 Pengungkapan Pengalaman
 Kuliah

VI. Sistem Pendistribusian Nilai

 Individual Working Paper 35%
 Presentasi 35%
 Group Working Paper 30%

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