Psychosocial DLL

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Psychosocial Lesson Plan School RECODO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 10

Teacher HAZEL S. PEREZ Learning Area Psychosocial Activities

Dates and Time August 22-26, 2022 Quarter 1st


Learning Area Psychological Support Service Psychological Support Service Psychological Support Service Psychological Support Service Psychological Support Service
(PSS) Activities (PSS) Activities (PSS) Activities (PSS) Activities (PSS) Activities
Objectives Learners will be asked to reflect on Learners will be asked to reflect on Learners will practice the simple Learners are invited to share their To help learners grow in confidence
what they need for safety and what they need for safety and relaxation technique to relieve stress feelings and to listen to their as they reflect on one of the
survival. survival. in school or at home. classmates’ feelings following: something I’m good at,
something I love, someone who
COMPONENT COMPONENT Self-awareness, self-regulation Self-awareness, self-expression,
self-understanding, empathy, HEALING COMPONENT Self-
Establishing safety, problem Establishing safety, problem LEARNING COMPONENT problem solving awareness, self-confidence
solving, self-regulation solving, self-regulation Listening, following instructions
LEARNING LEARNING Language skills, reading, listening, motor skills, visual thinking, use of
COMPONENT COMPONENT problem solving, imagination, symbols, language skills, storytelling
Self-awareness, problem solving Self-awareness, problem solving creativity skills
Fine and large, motor skills, Fine and large, motor skills,
selfexpression, spatial relations selfexpression, spatial relations

Topic I AM able to acknowledge and I AM able to acknowledge and I have the capacity to regulate my I have the capacity to regulate my I CAN do my best in school, develop
express my feelings. express my feelings. emotions and find solutions to emotions and find solutions to healthy relationships with my peers,
challenges. challenges. and imagine a bright future for
Psychosocial Support Concepts: Psychosocial Support Concepts: myself.
Safety Safety Psychosocial Support Concepts: self Psychosocial Support Concepts: self
Self-awareness Self-awareness regulation problem solving regulation problem solving Psychosocial Support Concepts:
Self-expression Self-expression Self-confidence, Self-compassion
and empathy
Classroom Activity 1 Divide learners into groups of four. PRE-ACTIVITY: Think of several 1Gather the learners and ask them if 1 Ask learners to write on a sheet of 1 Give your learners paper and
They will be working in a circle. emergency situations that you can they ever feel like they’re going to paper a problem they are carrying crayons.
2. As they are standing in their present to your learners. explode. Do they ever feel nervous with them from the time of Covid. 2. Ask your learners to draw
groups of four, say: “Imagine you are or upset? Let the learners share Ask them not to put their names on something about themselves (the
on a deserted island, and there is 1 Let the learners know that they what they do when they get nervous. their sheet. teacher should choose one theme so
water all around you. What will you are safe with you. 2. Demonstrate how to do the 2 Ask them to crumple the sheet of all the learners stick to the same
need to be safe there? What would 2. Do a grounding/breathing following exercises to shake off paper and throw their paper to the drawing concept). Choose among:
you need to survive?” Paper and any exercise. difficult feelings. front of the room or shoot it in the something I’m good at something I
drawing material Natural materials : 3 Let them know you are going to box you prepared. Create a pile or love someone who loves me my
twigs, rocks, stones, other found practice handling emergency Tense and Relax use the box. favorite thing, etc.
objects Recycled materials : paper, situations to prepare them in case 3 Ask each learner to come to the
cardboard, boxes, water bottles and something happens. Tell the learners to stand up and front and read one problem of their 3 Ask your learners to share their
caps, string 4 On the blackboard, write down the then bend over from the waist like a classmate by picking a random drawings with the group.
3 Instruct the learners to use names and numbers of people to rag doll. Show them how to wiggle crumpled paper from the box.
masking tape (or string) [if learners contact in case of an emergency their arms and relax. When you say Remind classmates to listen
are outside they can draw on the situation. Explain that an emergency “tense” they should stand up straight attentively to their peers’ concerns.
ground to mark their pretend island] is one where there is a life and make their body as stiff as they Then collect all the papers and put DISCUSSION GUIDE
to create an imaginary island at the threatening circumstance, or when can. Have them tense up and be them in the plastic / cloth bags. Hang Ask the learners how often they
center of their circle. you are being constantly emotionally tight for 10- 15 seconds; then say them on the classroom door. Tell think about their positive qualities
4 When they return, allow the groups hurt (e.g. bullying) “relax” as they bend over and relax learners that every time they enter (things they are good at, people who
to create their islands with 5. Ask learners to write these in their again. Continue saying “tense and class from here on, they can leave love them, etc.). Ask them how they
everything they need to feel safe and notebooks. relax” every 15 seconds. their problems at the door. felt drawing about themselves and
to survive, using recycled or natural 6. Share with them a specific their positive qualities. You may also
objects to represent these. example: e.g. in case of an BALLOONS ask them how their positive
5 They can also use paper and pens earthquake, or if someone in school DISCUSSION GUIDE qualities/strengths help them
to draw some items or people they is physically hurt and needs to go to Ask the learners to get in a very overcome challenges in life or in
are unable to represent through their the hospital, what should they do? small ball shape on the floor. Tell What was it like to hear about your school. Thank the learners for their
natural or found objects. them to pretend that they are a classmates’ problems? What can hard work.
6 When learners are finished, let DISCUSSION GUIDE balloon and to slowly fill themselves you do to support each other now
them give their island sculpture a Keeping safe in school and at home with air...bigger and bigger until they that you know what your classmates
title and put this at the base of their is important. are standing with arms outstretched, are going through? How do you feel
sculpture. Physical safety means getting to a feet apart, and cheeks full of air. knowing what your classmates are
7 When everyone has finished, let safe place, or helping someone feel Now have them slowly let all the air going through? If you were to create
the class roam around (in silence) safe in their bodies. (e.g. someone out as they exhale and return to a a slogan for the class after what
looking at the various sculptures. out of breath, or in a state of panic, small ball on the floor. Continue you’ve heard, what would it be?
Remind learners to respect and hold or someone who needs to get to a inhaling and blowing up like a Gather suggestions then decide on
judgment, and instead be curious hospital. balloon then slowly exhaling. one.
and appreciative. Emotional safety means feeling free
to be yourself in school and at home DISCUSSION GUIDE
DISCUSSION GUIDE without someone putting you down. What did you notice about your body
“What is the title of your piece?’ Discipline is necessary at school and as you tensed up and relaxed, or
“Tell us about each item in your at home but bullying is not. stretched out and turned into a ball?
desert island and how each one Which feels more natural to you?
helps you to survive and/or feel
Wrap up Discussion Talk about the importance of safety What did you learn today? What Our bodies carry stress and anxiety Stand in a large circle. Have each Ask the learners how they felt about
and what steps they can take when would you do to call for help? In everyday. There is such a thing as learner touch his or her elbow to the activity and hearing from their
they don’t feel safe in their bodies or school, if a classmate or someone is good stress. This type of stress their classmate on the right and the classmates. Remind them that while
in their environment. Stress that the in trouble, who would you contact or gives us energy. Then there’s not so left. Then do the butterfly hug and we make space for hard feelings in
most important thing is to tell another call? good stress that stays in our bodies. guide the class to thank themselves our lives, it’s good to also remember
adult they can trust (at home or in When we are carrying a lot of stress for being brave enough to share their that there are many things to be
school) when they do not feel safe. or anxiety, our bodies tend to be problem. End with each learner proud of in our lives as well.
tight. It’s important to pay attention to giving the feelings clap (waving to
For older learners, you may want to our bodies so we can help our each classmate in the circle with
discuss the referral system or bodies relax. their wiggly fingers).
protocol for reporting any unsafe
incidents. To close, you may ask the
learners how it was working with
their classmates to keep their island

Prepared by: Approved:


Class Adviser School Principal

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