4TH Q Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Rodriguez Sub-Office
SAN ISIDRO Elementary School


Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
A. Content Standards weather disturbances and their effects on the environment.
B. Performance Standards prepares individual emergency kit.
C. Learning 1. Observe the changes in the weather before, during and after a typhoon.
Competencies/Objectives 2. Practice precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon.
Write the LC code for 3. Show concern to everyone especially in times when weather disturbances occur S5FE-IVd-4/Page 34of 66
II. CONTENT Weather Disturbances
2.1 Types of weather disturbances:
2.2 Effects of weather disturbances on living things and the environment.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages Science and Health 5 by Natividad Alegre del Prado VICARISH PUBLICATIONS
Science and Health 5 by Carmelita Coronel et. Al. SD Publications Inc.
4. Additional Materials Google.com,/images
from Learning Resource YouTube
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Metacards, sandtable, strips of paper, pictures
A. Reviewing previous Day 1 1.Review Day 3 A.Engagement Review / Day 4 A.Engagement Day 5 A.Engagement
lesson or presenting the Provide each row with words Motivation 1.What should be done before
new lesson written on metacards. a typhoon?
Task: Select the metacards Presentation of simple 1. Why is it important to know 2. How can we ensure safety
where effects of soil erosion assigned pantomime of the the weather condition when during a typhoon?
are written and post them on conditions before, during, and planning daily activities? 3. Should we stay calm and
the space provided for your after a typhoon. 2. Sharing of experiences relax right after a
group on the board. encountered during previous typhoon?
B. Establishing a purpose for 2.Motivation
the lesson Present pictures showing
before, during and after a
typhoon. Let pupils observe
and later infer then tell
something about the picture.
C. Presenting B.Exploration B.Exploration B.Exploration B.Exploration
examples/instances of the 1. Divide the class into three 1. Ask the pupils to stay with 1.Video showing on the 1. Group learners into 3. Tell
new lesson groups. their groupings the previous weather conditions before, them they will do a role
2. Introduce the activities. Let day. during and after the typhoon. playing activity.
them follow the directions Tell them to work on Lesson Refer to LM Activity . 2. Let them do LM Activity
very well. LM Activity What are the .
precautions? Before During
After a typhoon?
Answer the guide questions.
2.Guide the pupils in doing the
D. Discussing new concepts Group 1 Day 2 C.Explanation C.Explanation C.Explanation
and practicing new skills #1 Lesson : LM Activity 1. What C.Explanation 1.Call a representative from 1. Discussion on what the Discussion on the
are the changes in the weather 1. Ask a representative of each group each group to report on their learners have watched on the presentations done by the
before a typhoon? to share their answers and results outputs. 2.Give additional video presentation. learners.
Group 2 of the different activities. informations 2. Let them conclude based on
Lesson : LM Activity 2. 2. Ask: How do you feel about the what they have seen
What are the changes in the activity?
weather during a typhoon? Activity 1
Group 3 1. How will you describe the weather
Lesson : LM Activity 3. in the illustration?
What are the changes in the 2. With its set up, what do you think is
weather after a typhoon? about to happen or occur?
Let each group answer all the Activity 2 1.What is the condition
questions in their assigned of the environment?
activity. 2. What can you say about the
Guide the pupils as they weather? Describe it.
perform the activity. Observe3. How do people react with the
maximum participation of weather condition?
the group members.
Activity 3
1. Describe the weather condition as
compared to that of group 1 and 2?
2. What are the people doing?
3. What conclusion can you make
based on the picture
E. Discussing new concepts Teacher will discuss the weather D.Elaboration / Extension D.Elaboration D.Extension
and practicing new skills #2 conditions before, during and after a Why is it important to know 1.Instruct learners to share Discuss further about
typhoon based on the learners the weather before planning their experiences and ideas weather changes and safety
report and give further explanation different activities? gained in watching the video precautions before, during
Discuss further about this presentation. 2.Guide the and after a typhoon.
information. pupils as they do the sharing. Refer to Science and Health
People need to know about the 5 p. 237
weather to be able to do their
daily activities.
Everyone’s activities depend
upon the kind of weather for
the day.
During storms or typhoons,
especially when typhoon
signals are announced, school
children are advised not to go
to school and just stay home
because streets may be flooded
and objects blown by the wind
are dangerous. When you and
your friends plan for a picnic
for the following day, you wish
to know if the weather would
be fair. If you plan some sports
activities such as outdoor
games, you need to know
whether it will rain or not. You
want to be sure if you could
play in the baseball field or
open basketball court.
When you are about to leave
the house, you want to know
whether you will take an
umbrella or leave it at home.
You also want to know what
kind of clothes to wear.
Farmers plan their planting
activities according to
the weather. They listen to
weather forecasts to know if
there would be just enough
rains when they plant their
crops. And they should have
harvested their crops before
the heavy rain come.
Transportation services also
depend on the weather for
operations. Only few buses and
jeepneys ply the streets during
typhoons because they do not
want to be stranded in the
flood. Pilots and ship captains
have to know the weather so
that they can be warned of
coming storms, strong winds,
thick clouds, and fogs that can
be dangerous to travel.

F. Developing mastery (Leads Using a sandtable, ask pupils to do

to Formative Assessment 3) LM Activity 4.

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation E.Evaluation E.Evaluation E.Evaluation
As observed, list down the weather Oral- State what precautionary Write a short paragraph about Oral – What safety
changes in the following conditions measure should you take the video presentation you precautions should be
Before a Typhoon During a Typhoon during the following situations: have watched. practiced:
After a Typhoon 1.Clouds are dark, wind starts Group I – Before a typhoon
to blow. Group 2 – During a typhoon
2. Wind blows so hard, roofs and Group3 – After a typhoon
trees were broken.
3. Soil erosions and fallen rocks
were on the streets.
4. Streets are flooded. Electric
wires laid on the streets.
5.News forecast revealed
strong typhoon is expected
within 24
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Grade Leader Assistant Principal

Approved by:


Principal III

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