EmpoweredMagick MARCH 2022
EmpoweredMagick MARCH 2022
EmpoweredMagick MARCH 2022
If you’ve been with us before, the following instructions are the same as in the previous
months, so you can go ahead with the ritual as soon as you are ready. Please note that
the sigil will look almost identical to the previous sigils, and this is as it is meant to be.
If you have only just joined us, please read the whole document, so you know how to
get the most out of this connection. You may also want to read Updates, Answers, and
New Magick, which was posted in December 2021, to catch up on how things have
been going so far. Other posts from early 2022 should also be useful and will answer
a few questions and give deeper insights into this magick.
• Whatever magick you use, its power and effectiveness will be improved. You
can choose whatever rituals you want.
• You are not obliged to perform any rituals. If you don’t use any magick this
month, you will still benefit from our collective energy, with enhanced fortune,
perception, and synchronicity.
• Empowered Angel Magick was published in February. If you want to use it, you
can find the PDF you need in a February post. We consider it to be one of the
most potent systems we have released. Before using it, use the ritual in this
document first.
For each post, you’ll find comments left by other members, and you can comment
there too. I reply to comments directly, when I can, and you should find some
inspiring success stories in there.
I’ll post again around the middle of March to answer questions and to explore some
more ideas. Thank you for being here.
Damon Brand
© 2022 Damon Brand
You will use the sigil found at the end of this document, along with a brief ritual, to
connect to an energy stream that amplifies your magick.
The energy of Empowered Magick is crafted and shared every month by the seventeen
members of The Gallery of Magick.
The process you use is called The Connection Ritual. With this one ritual, which is easy
to perform, you will connect to the energy of Empowered Magick.
The energy and amplification process was something we worked towards for many,
many years. It was perfected some time ago. Now it has been refined so that it can be
shared with you in the form of Empowered Magick.
The system works with the essence of magickal effect. It is not tied to any school of
thought and is not confined to a particular style or field of magick. The energy is not
derived from any spirit but is captured by all seventeen members of The Gallery of
Magick, working in harmony to unlock the codes of existence. The power comes from
reality itself. We discovered a force that can remove resistance and increase the power
of magick.
The power also increases your general level of fortune, perception, and synchronicity.
This is true when you perform magick, and even if you perform no magick at all. When
luck is a factor in any situation, your luck will be improved; this has countless
applications. Your ability to perceive will improve each month; you will see things as
they are and as they could be. You will also notice more synchronicity in your life, with
meaningful coincidences occurring more often. Synchronicity can act as a guide. When
you look for the meaning, you see the best decisions and choices available to you.
The energy is not limited in the conventional sense. It doesn’t get used up like wood
on a fire. Nothing is consumed or taken away. This means that no matter how much
magick you perform, there will always be energy for you to tap into.
Each month, there will be a new sigil to renew your connection to Empowered Magick.
You are free to work with Empowered Magick for as long or as briefly as you wish. If
you wish to continue, reconnect each month with each new sigil.
You do not need to be a reader of our books, but we believe that people who like what
we do and who like our magick are more likely to benefit from the connection. The
system of connection has been designed for our readers, although we acknowledge
that it can be freely used with any magick.
If you know the way we work, and if you like our books (which should be the case if
you’ve joined us here), you’ll know that we don’t like to encourage people to do too
much, too fast, or to ask for extreme change. It’s important to bear this in mind when
working with Empowered Magick. We expect you’re going to see great changes, but
we don’t want you to think this is like an instant miracle potion. Occultism is flooded
with too many false promises, so we want you to know there are great powers
available, but we don’t want to mislead you. And that is why there’s a little more
If you try to push a boulder uphill, you will expend great effort and achieve very little.
If you push it downhill, you can create an avalanche with almost no effort. One of the
skills you have probably already learned is that you need to determine whether you
are pushing a boulder uphill or repositioning yourself to create a simple avalanche.
When I explain this to people who are exploring magick, some become annoyed
because surely the point of magick should be to create whatever we want. If we want,
we should be able to levitate the boulder up the hill. I agree that there should be no
limits on what you genuinely want to create. But at each point in your journey, there
is almost certainly an easier way to make a significant change. If you can pinpoint
those nodal shift points, you can make great things happen, even if you never use
magick. When you do use magick, the changes will be fantastic. When you add
Empowered Magick to your efforts, the changes should be immense. But be aware that
you cannot use this magick to force a boulder uphill. Everything we have ever said
about targeting your magick wisely, seeking the smallest changes that will benefit you,
and incrementally shifting to a better place, remains true. If in doubt, please check out
the many blog posts that explore these ideas in great detail:
I am here to make great promises about Empowered Magick, but I am never going to
pretend that you can make a boulder float. You will not solve your most severe
problems overnight, and you will not get instant success. That’s not the promise. What
you are promised is access to an energy stream that applies to all magick.
Does this mean you can only ask for small changes? Not at all.
The changes you experience will be hugely significant. But I am trying to remind you
to keep the instructions from the books in mind. Each book gives you the guidance
you need to allow results to come about. When adding Empowered Magick, these
instructions should still be followed.
So, now that you are about to begin Empowered Magick, should you aim for the same
sort of results you were looking for previously, or can you aim for more? I believe you
can aim for more, but you may prefer to keep doing magick the way you always have
and observe what happens. This may give a few clues about how to expand your
magickal process.
Questions and Answers
Answers to new questions about Empowered Magick will be posted by me around the
middle of each month, here on Patreon.
If you have a question that isn’t answered in this document, you may want to look
through previous posts to see if you can find a good answer. Each month I answer
questions and also give some insights into magick, so it’s worth taking the time to look
at what’s already been written.
Here are some questions you may have about the system, with answers that should
give you enough information to get the most out of this work:
What if you are late providing the next ritual for us?
Sometimes, on Patreon, authors promise to provide benefits, and then they dry up
after a few months. Fortunately, you are tapping into our personal process, so that’s
not something we are going to give up. We have already set aside all the dates and
times we need for the next year. We will post in the first two days, every month. You’ll
always get what you are promised.
What if I don’t perform The Connection Ritual within the first five days of the
That’s fine. It only means you will be disconnected from the power for a brief time.
This will not unravel your efforts or short-circuit rituals that are already in place. The
system is extremely robust. As soon as you connect, the magick flows into you.
Can I wait a few days after joining before I perform the ritual?
Perform The Connection Ritual as soon as you have some time, and know that
everything you do from that moment on will be empowered by this system during the
rest of the month. There is no rush, but as you have chosen to join, you should allow
yourself to feel the benefits as soon as possible.
Is there a limit on how many people can join?
At present, we are not limiting numbers, as the system has been designed only for
people who like our books and who are at ease with paying the fee. As such, we do
not think there will be a huge demand. If an unusually large number of people join,
we will limit numbers as the method does involve us becoming conscious of each
participant, even if only briefly.
will not work for them. It has been designed to make the connection only with those
who have joined us. What if somebody else paid for you? That’s ok. So long as only
one person uses the sigil, it will be fine. It doesn’t matter who pays or signs up. You
know you are joining us, and it is your knowledge of this that activates the sigil. What
if you are a couple with shared finances and a shared Patreon account? Good news;
you can both join and use the magick for the price of one membership.
There’s colour in the sigil. What if I’m unable to see colour on my device?
It will still work.
Do we all get a unique sigil?
Everybody gets the same sigil for any given month. It is your connection to the sigil,
through the ritual, that makes the magick work.
What do the symbols in the sigil mean? Is that writing of some kind?
The sigils are based on sacred geometry mixed with a hand-drawn graphic that is
originated during a trance state. There is no translation as this is not writing but a
symbol of the connection we make.
Do I have to wait for a while after the ritual before using my own magick?
No. The connection is immediate. Our work does rely on a conscious awareness of
you, but as mentioned earlier, magick works through both directions in time, so your
connection will occur immediately. As soon as The Connection Ritual is complete, all
the power is available to you.
The Connection Ritual, March 2022
The sigil you need appears on the next page. You can look at it whenever you want, as
it is only active when you perform the ritual.
When you perform this ritual, you are making a connection to Empowered Magick;
this is the energy amplification provided by The Gallery of Magick. You do not need
to have any specific magick goals in mind. Only know that in performing this ritual,
you will be given access to our shared power.
The ritual is simple, by design. The only downside of this is that you may feel that
you’ve not done enough or that it’s not magickal enough. This is understandable, but
allow yourself to put such doubts aside. With magick like this, you only need a key,
and no complication is required. This ritual is the key. If you follow these brief
instructions just once, you are connected to us, and you will experience the benefits.
Know that, and feel free to begin.
Find a time to be alone and without disturbance for the duration of the ritual. If you
are disturbed, you are free to repeat the ritual at a later time. There is no harm in
performing it multiple times, but there is no benefit either, so only repeat if you are
unable to complete it for some reason.
This ritual is like a light switch. It takes only a moment to switch this on. Once it’s
switched on, it’s on for the whole month. To activate it, do the following:
Rest your gaze on the central white circle of the sigil. You do not need to stare, and it
is fine if you look at other parts of the sigil, but you do not need to study them. Bring
your focus back to the white circle.
Know that we are with you. Know that the white circle is more than a white circle. It
is light. It is energy. It is a connection that empowers you. Rest your gaze there for
about a minute, and then close your eyes for a few moments. The ritual is complete.
With the simplest of actions, you have connected to the greatest power we could offer
When the ritual is complete, there is nothing you need to do; there is no need to banish,
perform a closing ceremony, or do anything out of the ordinary.
Perform magick if you wish, straight away, or at any time during the month. And as
the days go by, notice how your fortune increases with extra moments of luck. Notice
how your perception changes; you can see people, things, and situations more clearly.
And notice those strange moments of synchronicity, where coincidences give you a
glimpse of meaning.
- Damon Brand