Tle Ict CS9 W7
Tle Ict CS9 W7
Tle Ict CS9 W7
Learning Activities
This topic will teach you how to navigate the email service application on
the internet and create an account and experience to send and receive
To begin with, answer the activity below
Directions: Match the description in column A to its name in Column B.
___1. What the email is all about a. Subject:
___2. Content of message or email b. CC:
___3. Message blind copy to email address c. To:
___4. Recipient’s email address d. BC:
___5. Message Carbon copy to email address e. From:
___6. Sender’s email address f. Body:
B. Development 15mins Directions: Identify the email header being described in each statement.
Pagpapaunlad 1._______________: the sender’s email address
2._______________: the recipient’s email address
Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct word/s to complete the statement.
1.Keeping the browser, operating system, and programs _____________ helps in
protecting the computer.
2. ___________ is unwanted email advertisement that clutters your inbox.
3. A Strong ______________ will save you from hacking your account.
POP – (Post Office Protocol) a traditional way of sending and receiving email
which requires the use of a dedicated email application program and email
servers in sending and receiving email on the ISP level.
IMAP – (Internet Message Access Protocol) it works like the POP email through the
ISP, but offers the option of synchronizing messages between different devices.
Web-Based Email
There are web email services such as Gmail and Yahoo mail. You can access
these email services in any device anywhere, anytime using any web browser.
Let us look deeply on the Web Based Email service particularly Google’s Gmail
which is commonly used here in the Philippines.
Gmail is the biggest email service today. The user must sign up first to create a
google account before it can be used. It can be accessed through
Gmail Interface is composed of two panes--the left panes where inbox, sent,
draft, trash, and other folders are displayed; and, the right pane, where all
messages are displayed, which has three tabs such as: primary emails, social
media email and promotions.
To have a Gmail address, a user must Create a Gmail Account. Follow the link on
creating a Gmail account:
Sending an email
The user should use the compose window to send an email. After you sign in using
your Gmail username and password you must click compose to create the
message you would like to send.
Learn about sending, reading, replying email and header fields by visiting the link
Online safety or cyber security is making the users aware of their personal safety
and security of their information and property while accessing the internet. There
are several cyber or online threats that must be avoided if not eliminate like:
Identity theft - Fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private information.
Cyberbullying – A form of bullying or harassment in electronic platforms.
Online predators - Individuals who commit child sexual abuse that begins or takes
place on the Internet.
Phishing - Fraudulent practice of sending emails claiming to be from reputable
companies in order to persuade individuals to reveal personal information, such
as passwords and credit card numbers.
Online scams – A crime where individuals form a scheme which is fraud
Malware - Malware is short for malicious software, which is a blanket term for
viruses, worms, trojans and other harmful computer programs hackers use to
damage computers and gain access to sensitive information.
Hacking - is trying to access your account or steal personal information from a
personal account on the internet.
Everyone must practice the privacy and security measures when doing online
tasks to avoid the threats and here are ways to do it:
1.Practice safe browsing
2.Choose Strong Password
3.Protect yourself from email spam
4.Avoiding Malware
5.Purchase Online from Secured Sites
6.Be careful of what you post
7. Keep privacy setting on
To read more about these concepts, click the link below
A. Engagement 20mins. I know you learned a lot from this discussion. Now, do the exercise below to test
how far you have understood the topic.
Pakikipagpalih Learning Activity #1
an Directions: Create your Gmail Address following the steps on the video link and
write your created email address below.
Note: If you already have an existing and active Gmail Address just write it down below.
Gmail Address: ____________________________________________
Learning Activity #2
Directions: Complete the diagram by writing the security measures that you are
applying whenever you are online. Write your answers on the given circles.
1.Using your active Gmail Address, compose a thank you letter addressed to your
2. Make sure that you fill the header field properly.
To:____, From:_____, Subject:_____, To acknowledge a teacher’s efforts
CC: your email address
3. Send it to his/her Gmail Address.
4. Follow this format in writing the thank you letter
Opening address
Thank you, statement,
Thank you details
Final thank you statement
5. Wait for the teacher’s reply to your email to confirm that he/she received your
Criteria Fair 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5
Grammar & The message The message The message The message
Spelling contains more contains 3 to 4 contains 1 to 2 contains no error
than 4 errors in errors in errors in in grammar,
grammar, grammar, grammar, punctuation,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, and/or spelling
and/or and/or and/or and/or all
spelling spelling spelling sentences are
and/or and/or most and/or all complete, well-
contains sentences are sentences are constructed.
sentence complete, complete,
fragments or well- well-
run-on constructed. constructed.
Format Email does not Email contains Email contains Email contains all
contain any 2 or more 1 missing item required items
item in the missing item
given format
After doing the first task list 5 security measures that you must follow when using
the internet.
B. Assimilation 5 mins. Good Job! Summarize what you have learned from the topic.
V. ASSESSMENT 10mins Let us see if you have really understood the topic by doing the activity below.
(Learning Activity Sheets for Directions: Create an Infographic showing the privacy and security measures
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on
when using the internet. You can use MS Word, Canva and other platforms online
Weeks 3 and 6) on your device and save it as infographic-surname-section and send it to the
email given by your teacher.
VI. REFLECTION In a sheet of paper, write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Mary Ann N. Villareal Checked by: ROLANDO B. TALON JR. EPS - EPP TLE