Iachan Congruency Index
Iachan Congruency Index
Iachan Congruency Index
Calculating Congruence
SDS code
First second Third Other
Occupation code letter letter letter letters
First letter 22 10 4 0
Second letter 10 5 2 0
Third letter 4 2 1 0
To compute the index for the two codes in the example, one first
computes the two individual congruence index values,
m(l) = congruence value between SE1 and ESA,
m(2) = congruence value between SE1 and ESI.
Then, the congruence measure is computed as the average,
A4 = (m(l) + m(2))/2.
More specifically, using the methodology described in Iachan (1984),
the two individual values in the example are
m(l) = 2*W(l, 2) + W(3,3) = 21,
m(2) = 2*w(l, 2) = 20,
so that their average is M = 20.5, the index value in this case.
This section extends the agreement measures between three-letter
codes constructed in Iachan (1984) to the two-letter code situation. The
most obvious class of applications arises when only the two top letter-
types are recorded in Holland typology (e.g., SDS) uses.
The basis for the extended index is the following set of weights, de-
veloped according to the same rationale as in Iachan (1984):
W(1, 1) = 5,
W(1, 2) = W(2, 1) = 2,
W(2, 2) = 1.
Table 2 gives a representation of these basic weight values. Using this
set of weights, a complete matrix of index values was generated and is
presented in Table 3.
This article presents some extensions to the congruence index pro-
posed by Iachan (1984) that take advantage of the simple-linear addi-
Congruence for Two-Letter Codes
Code-I First letter Second letter
First letter 5 2
Second letter 2 1
Modified Index for Two-Letter Codes
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