Metro Manila 2023 Directory

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AUGUST 2022 - JULY 2023




Manufacturing and Rehabilitation of Distribution and Power TRADING CORP.
Transformers from 120/240V to 69000V, 3 to 20,000 KVA
capacities. It’s long and dedicated experience (established

since September 1983) primarily in the field of electrical
transformers is a confirmation to its trademark as “THE




1 Table of Contents 23 How to Claim Your YP Business Page

9 Publisher’s Message 24 Areas of Coverage

10 About the Cover 25 Yellow Pages Quicklist

11 Business Guides 97 Classified Yellow Pages

15 Government Guides Engage 240 Settle Your YP Bills the Way You Want

22 in the Right Platform


Alcohol...............................................................................100 Automotive Assembly ......................................................... 105
Alcoholic ............................................................................ 100 Automotive Batteries...........................................................105
Aluminum ...........................................................................100 Automotive Filters ............................................................... 105
A Automotive Glass ............................................................... 105
Automotive Parts and Accessories ...................................... 105
Automotive Repair and Maintenance ................................... 106

Abaca................................................................................... 97
Abrasives ............................................................................. 97
Accounting Software ............................................................ 97 (See Advertisement on page 101) B
Acetylene ............................................................................. 97
Acoustic Consultancy ........................................................... 97
Accounting Services ............................................................. 97 Aluminum Collapsible Tubes ............................................... 101
Acoustical Materials ............................................................. 97 Aluminum Fabricators ......................................................... 101 Babies and Toddlers ........................................................... 106
Acrylic Plastic - Fabrication...................................................97 Aluminum Products ............................................................ 101 Baby Accessories ............................................................... 106
Actuaries .............................................................................. 97 Ambulance Service ............................................................. 101 Baby Carriages and Strollers ............................................... 106
Adhesive Tape ...................................................................... 97 American Foods ................................................................. 101 Baby Diapers ...................................................................... 106
Adhesives ............................................................................ 97 Amusement and Theme Parks ............................................ 101 Baby Products .................................................................... 106
Adhesives and Glues ............................................................ 97 Animal Health ..................................................................... 101 Badminton Courts...............................................................106
Animal Health Products .......................................................101 Bags .................................................................................. 106
Animation ........................................................................... 101 Bags - Specialty ................................................................. 106
Anodizing ........................................................................... 101 Bakeries ............................................................................. 106
Antiques - Dealers .............................................................. 101 Bakers Equipment and Ingredients ...................................... 107
Apartelles ........................................................................... 101 Bakery Equipment...............................................................107
Apartments .........................................................................101 Baking Equipment...............................................................107
(See Advertisement on page 98 ) Apparel and Accessories .................................................... 101 Baking Ingredients .............................................................. 107
Apparel Manufacturing ........................................................ 102 Balloons ............................................................................. 107
Appliances Repair...............................................................102 Banks.................................................................................107
Adjusters..............................................................................98 Appraisers .......................................................................... 102 Bar and Restaurant ............................................................. 107
Advertising Services ............................................................. 98 Aquaculture ........................................................................ 102 Bar Code ............................................................................ 107
Advertising Suppliers ............................................................ 99 Aquaculture Equipment and Supplies .................................. 102 Barbers .............................................................................. 107
Aerosols...............................................................................99 Architects ........................................................................... 102 Barbers Supplies ................................................................ 108
Aggregates ........................................................................... 99 Architectural Services ......................................................... 102 Barges and Tugboats .......................................................... 108
Agricultural Chemicals .......................................................... 99 Armored Vehicle ................................................................. 102 Barong Tagalog .................................................................. 108
Agricultural Consultants ........................................................ 99 Aromatherapy.....................................................................102 Bars ................................................................................... 108
Agricultural Equipment and Supplies ..................................... 99 Art Galleries........................................................................102 Bars and Cafes ................................................................... 108
Agricultural Implements ........................................................ 99 Art Supplies........................................................................102 Bathroom Accessories ........................................................108
Agricultural Marketing ........................................................... 99 Artificial Flowers, Plants and Trees ...................................... 102 Batteries ............................................................................. 108
Agricultural Products Dealers ................................................ 99 Asphalt...............................................................................102 Batteries - Industrial............................................................108
Agricultural Services ............................................................. 99 Asphalt and Asphalt Products ............................................. 102 Battery Cables - Manufacturer.............................................108
Air Compressors .................................................................. 99 Asphalt Maintenance .......................................................... 103 Battery Charging Equipment ................................................ 108
Air Compressors - Repairing ................................................. 99 Associations and Organizations .......................................... 103 Battery Manufacturers .........................................................108
Air Conditioning .................................................................... 99 ATM ................................................................................... 103 Bearings ............................................................................. 108
Air Conditioning Contractors ................................................. 99 Attorneys ............................................................................103 Beauty and Personal Care ................................................... 108
Air Conditioning Equipment and Systems .............................. 99 Audio and Video ................................................................. 103 Beauty Care Products ......................................................... 108
Air Freight Services.............................................................100 Audio Video Equipment ....................................................... 103 Beauty Salon Equipment ..................................................... 109
Air Freshener ...................................................................... 100 Audio Visual Services ......................................................... 103 Beauty Salons .................................................................... 109
Air Purifiers ........................................................................ 100 Audiovisual Equipment and Supplies ................................... 103 Beds .................................................................................. 110
Air Transport ...................................................................... 100 Audio-Visual Equipment-Renting ......................................... 104 Beds and Accessories ........................................................ 110
Air Travel Ticket Agencies ................................................... 100 Auto Supply........................................................................104 Bedsheets .......................................................................... 110
Aircraft Charter Rental and Leasing Service ......................... 100 Automation - Industrial ........................................................104 Belting - Mechanical ........................................................... 110
Aircraft Dealers and Distributors..........................................100 Automation Systems and Equipment ................................... 104 Belts ...................................................................................110
Aircraft Equipment Parts and Supplies.................................100 Automobile Assemblers ...................................................... 104 Beverage and Tobacco ....................................................... 110
Aircraft Manufacturing ........................................................ 100 Automobile Customization and Restoration ..........................104 Beverage Suppliers ............................................................. 110
Aircraft Schools .................................................................. 100 Automobile Dealers .............................................................104 Beverages .......................................................................... 110
Airlines ............................................................................... 100 Automobile Dealers - Used Cars ..........................................104 Bicycle Shops .................................................................... 110
Airports .............................................................................. 100 Automobile Electrical Service .............................................. 105 Billiard Equipment and Supplies .......................................... 110

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Binding...............................................................................110 Carpet - Tiles ...................................................................... 117 Concrete Poles and Piles .................................................... 123
Biscuits .............................................................................. 110 Carpet and Rugs.................................................................117 Concrete Vibrators .............................................................. 123
Blasting Contractors ........................................................... 110 Carpets, Rugs and Upholstery Cleaners ...............................117 Condominiums ................................................................... 123
Blinds.................................................................................110 Casinos .............................................................................. 117 Confectionary Machines ..................................................... 123
Blowers and Blower Systems ..............................................111 Casters ...............................................................................117 Confectionery and Candy Manufacturers ............................. 123
Blueprinting ........................................................................ 111 Casual Dining ..................................................................... 117 Construction Aid ................................................................. 123
Blueprinting Equipment and Supplies ...................................111 Catering ..............................................................................117
Boat and Yacht Sales .......................................................... 111 Cement - Dealer ..................................................................117 Construction Chemicals ...................................................... 123
Body Repair and Painting .................................................... 111 Cement - Manufacturers ..................................................... 117 Construction Equipment......................................................123
Boilers................................................................................111 Cement Substitute .............................................................. 117 Construction Equipment - Renting ....................................... 124
Book Dealers ...................................................................... 112 Cemeteries and Memorial Parks .......................................... 117 Construction Machinery ...................................................... 124
Bookbinders ....................................................................... 112 Ceramic Decor ................................................................... 118 Construction Supplies ......................................................... 124
Bookkeeping Service .......................................................... 112 Ceramics - Equipment and Supplies .................................... 118 Consultants - Environment .................................................. 124
Bookstore...........................................................................112 Cereals...............................................................................118 Consultants - Quality Systems ............................................ 124
Bowling and Billiards .......................................................... 112 Certification and Product Testing .........................................118 Consulting .......................................................................... 124
Boxes - Corrugated and Fibre .............................................. 112 Chains................................................................................118 Consumer Finance..............................................................124
Boxes - Gift ........................................................................ 112 Chair Seats.........................................................................118 Container Vans ................................................................... 124
Boxes - Paper.....................................................................112 Chairs and Tables - Renting ................................................ 118 Containerized Freight Service .............................................. 124
Brake Fluids ........................................................................112 Chambers of Commerce ..................................................... 118
Brake Shoe Bonding ........................................................... 112 Contractors ........................................................................ 124
Cheese ............................................................................... 118
Brakes - Lining ................................................................... 112 Chemical ............................................................................ 118 Contractors - Civil Works .................................................... 124
Brewers ..............................................................................112 Chemicals - Swimming Pool ............................................... 119 Contractors - Demolition ..................................................... 125
Brick Brokers - Merchandise ............................................... 112 Chicken - Dressed .............................................................. 119 Contractors - Electrical ....................................................... 125
Bricks .................................................................................112 Childrens and Infants Wear ................................................. 119 Contractors - Engineering General ....................................... 125
Broadband Services............................................................112 Childrens Garments ............................................................ 119 Contractors - Excavation ..................................................... 125
Brushes ..............................................................................112 Childrens Recreation Center ................................................ 119 Contractors - Exhibit Design................................................125
Building Automation Systems ............................................. 112 Chinese Foods....................................................................119 Contractors - Foundation .................................................... 125
Building Maintenance and Repairing .................................... 112 Chiropractors ..................................................................... 119 Contractors - Mechanical....................................................125
Building Management ......................................................... 112 Chocolate and Cocoa ..........................................................120 Contractors and Builders .....................................................125
Burglar Alarm Systems ....................................................... 113 Christmas Lights and Decorations.......................................120
Bus Air Conditioning Equipment and Servicing .....................113 Church Organizations ..........................................................120
Bus Lines ........................................................................... 113 Churches ............................................................................120
Buses - Body Builders ........................................................ 113 Cinema ...............................................................................120
Buses - Charter and Rental ................................................. 113 Circuit Breakers .................................................................. 120
Business Center ................................................................. 113 Civic Organizations ............................................................. 120
Business Consultants ......................................................... 113 Clean Room Facilities ......................................................... 120 (See Advertisement on page 125)
Business Forms and Systems ............................................. 113 Cleaning Services ............................................................... 120
Business Information Systems ............................................ 113 Clinics ................................................................................ 120
Business Process Outsourcing ............................................113
Business Services .............................................................. 114
Buttons .............................................................................. 114

C (See Advertisement on page 120 ) (See Advertisement on page 125)

Clothing Accessories .......................................................... 121

Cabinet Makers ...................................................................114 Clubs and Bars ................................................................... 121
Cabinets ............................................................................. 114 Clutch and Brake ................................................................ 121
Cable - Fiber Optics ............................................................ 114 Coal and Coke .................................................................... 121
Cable Control System ......................................................... 114 Cocktail Lounges ................................................................ 121
Cable Installation and Supplies ............................................ 114 Coconut Products...............................................................121
Cable Internet ..................................................................... 114 Coffee - Specialty ............................................................... 121 (See Advertisement on page 126)
Cable Television Equipment and Systems............................114 Coffee Equipment and Supplies...........................................121
Cabling...............................................................................114 Coffee Shops ......................................................................121
CAD (Computer Aided Design) ............................................ 114 Cold Storage .......................................................................121
Collectibles.........................................................................121 Construction.......................................................................126
Cafes ................................................................................. 114
Cafeteria/Canteen ............................................................... 115 Collection Agencies ............................................................ 121 Convenience Stores ............................................................ 126
Cake and Pastry Shop .........................................................115 Colleges and Universities .................................................... 121 Convention Services and Facilities .......................................126
Cakes - Specialty................................................................115 Colognes ............................................................................ 121 Conveyors .......................................................................... 127
Calculators and Computing Equipment ................................ 115 Color Pigments and Dye ..................................................... 121 Cooking Oils ....................................................................... 127
Calibration and Metrology ................................................... 115 Colors - Food ..................................................................... 121 Cooking Utensils .................................................................127
Calibration Service - Electrical and Electronics .....................115 Commercial Properties ....................................................... 121 Coolers and Jugs................................................................127
Cameras .............................................................................115 Commodity Brokers ............................................................ 122 Cooling Systems ................................................................ 127
Cameras - Repair ............................................................... 115 Communications ................................................................ 122 Cooperatives ...................................................................... 127
Camping Equipment ........................................................... 115 Communications Consultants ............................................. 122 Copper ............................................................................... 127
Candles .............................................................................. 115 Communications Equipment ............................................... 122 Cork and Cork Products ...................................................... 127
Candy and Confectionery Supplies ...................................... 115 Communications Software .................................................. 122
Computer and Electronic Products ...................................... 122 Corrosion Control ............................................................... 127
Canned Goods....................................................................115
Canners ..............................................................................115 Computer and Related Services .......................................... 122 Cosmetic Supplies .............................................................. 127
Cans - Manufacturers ......................................................... 115 Computer Equipment .......................................................... 122 Cosmetics .......................................................................... 127
Canteen Concessionaires....................................................115 Computer Hardware ............................................................122 Costume Rental .................................................................. 128
Canvas Manufacturers ........................................................ 115 Computer Hardware - Touchscreens ................................... 122 Cotton ................................................................................ 128
Canvas Products ................................................................ 115 Computer Repair ................................................................ 122 Counselling and Psychological Services .............................. 128
Capacitors .......................................................................... 115 Computer Ribbons - Refill ................................................... 122 Couplings ........................................................................... 128
Car Air Conditioning Service ................................................115 Computer Schools .............................................................. 122 Crafts and Hobbies ............................................................. 128
Car Audio ........................................................................... 115 Computer Stores ................................................................ 122 Crane, Hoist and Monorail System ...................................... 128
Car Detailing ....................................................................... 115 Computer Support and Facilities..........................................122 Cranes ............................................................................... 128
Car Rental .......................................................................... 115 Computer Systems Consultants .......................................... 122 Cranes - Renting .................................................................128
Car Seat Covers and Upholstery .......................................... 116 Computer Telephony Integration..........................................122 Credit Reporting Agencies ...................................................128
Car Suspension .................................................................. 116 Computers ......................................................................... 122
Car Wash ........................................................................... 116 Concrete ............................................................................ 122 Crematories and Columbariums .......................................... 128
Carbon Dioxide ................................................................... 116 Concrete - Pumps .............................................................. 123 Crewing Agency ................................................................. 128
Carbon Products .................................................................116 Concrete - Ready Mixed ......................................................123 Culinary Schools ................................................................ 128
Caregiver - Training Center ..................................................116 Concrete Cracks and Honeycombs - Repairing....................123 Curtains and Draperies ........................................................128
Cargo ................................................................................. 116 Concrete Forming ............................................................... 123 Custom Made Shoes .......................................................... 128
Cargo and Freight - Maintenance and Repairing ................... 117 Concrete Mixers ................................................................. 123 Customs Brokerage ............................................................ 128

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Electric Power Capacitor ..................................................... 133 Fashion Accessories...........................................................139

Electric Supplies ................................................................. 133 Fashion Designers .............................................................. 140
Electric Transformers ..........................................................134 Fast Food Restaurants (QSR) .............................................. 140
D Faucets .............................................................................. 140
Feed Mill Equipment and Supplies ....................................... 140
Feeds ................................................................................. 140
Fertilizers ............................................................................ 140
Dairy .................................................................................. 128 Fiber and Fiber Products ..................................................... 140
Dairy Products ....................................................................128 Fiber Cement Board ............................................................ 140
Dancing Academies ............................................................ 128 (See Advertisement on page 135) Fiberglass Fabricators ......................................................... 140
Dancing Supplies................................................................128 Filipino Foods ..................................................................... 140
Data Center ........................................................................ 128 Film Productions .................................................................141
Data Communication Equipment ......................................... 129 Electrical ............................................................................ 135 Filtering Materials and Supplies ........................................... 141
Data Encoding .................................................................... 129 Electrical Appliances...........................................................136 Filters ................................................................................. 141
Data Processing Equipment ................................................ 129 Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component ................. 136 Finance .............................................................................. 141
Data Systems Consultants and Designers ........................... 129 Electrical Substations ..........................................................136 Financial Information Systems ............................................ 141
Decor ................................................................................. 129 Electronic Assemblies .........................................................136 Financing Consultants.........................................................141
Decoration Supplies and Services ....................................... 129 Electronic Components ....................................................... 136 Fingerprinting ..................................................................... 141
Delicatessens ..................................................................... 129 Electronic Display Systems ................................................. 136 Finishes ..............................................................................141
Delivery Service .................................................................. 129 Electronics ......................................................................... 136 Fire Alarm Systems .............................................................141
Demolition Contractors ....................................................... 129 Electronics Consultants ...................................................... 136 Fire Extinguishers ............................................................... 141
Dental Laboratory ............................................................... 129 Electronics Service and Repair ............................................ 136 Fire Extinguishing Chemicals...............................................141
Dental Supplies ...................................................................129 Elevators ............................................................................ 136 Fire Fighting Equipment and Accessories .............................141
Dentists..............................................................................129 Embassies and Consulates ................................................. 136 Fire Hose Cabinets..............................................................141
Deodorizing and Disinfecting Services ................................. 130 Embroidering Machines ...................................................... 136 Fire Protection Contractor ................................................... 141
Department Stores..............................................................130 Embroidery.........................................................................136 Fire Protection Equipment ................................................... 141
Dermatologists ................................................................... 130 Emergency - Barangay ....................................................... 136 Fire Protection Specialties ................................................... 141
Desktop Publishing Equipment and Supplies ....................... 130 Emergency - Disaster, Calamities, Typhoons, Floods, Fire Safety Systems ............................................................ 141
Desserts.............................................................................130 Earthquakes ................................................................. 136 Fire Trucks ......................................................................... 141
Diagnostic Laboratory.........................................................130 Emergency - Medical .......................................................... 136 Fish and Seafood ................................................................ 141
Die Cutting ......................................................................... 130 Employment Agencies ........................................................ 136 Fish Dealers ........................................................................141
Employment Services ......................................................... 137 Fish Farms ......................................................................... 141
Diesel Fuel Injection Equipment ........................................... 130 Encyclopedias .................................................................... 137 Fishing ............................................................................... 141
Diesel Parts ........................................................................ 130 Energy and Power .............................................................. 137 Fishing Equipment and Supplies..........................................141
Diesel Service.....................................................................130 Energy Saving Device ......................................................... 137 Fishing Nets ....................................................................... 141
Digital Imaging ....................................................................131 Engine Parts ....................................................................... 137 Flags and Banners .............................................................. 141
Digital Media ...................................................................... 131 Engineering Equipment and Services ................................... 137 Flavoring Extracts ............................................................... 141
Direct Selling ...................................................................... 131 Engineering Equipment and Supplies ................................... 137 Flavors and Fragrances ....................................................... 141
Directory Services .............................................................. 131 Engineering Services .......................................................... 137 Floor Laying, Refinishing and Resurfacing ........................... 142
Display Designers and Producers........................................131 Engineers - Air Conditioning................................................137 Floor Polish and Wax .......................................................... 142
Display Fixtures and Materials ............................................. 131 Engineers - Architectural ..................................................... 137 Floor Polishing and Cleaning ............................................... 142
Distillers ............................................................................. 131 Engineers - Civil ..................................................................137 Flooring .............................................................................. 142
Distribution ......................................................................... 131 Engineers - Consulting ........................................................ 137 Flooring Systems................................................................142
Dive Shops ......................................................................... 131 Engineers - Consulting Professional .................................... 138 Floorings - Laminated ......................................................... 142
Diversified Financial Services .............................................. 131 Engineers - Electrical .......................................................... 138 Floors - Material and Laying ................................................ 142
Diversified Financials .......................................................... 131 Engineers - Geodetic ...........................................................138 Flour ...................................................................................142
Diving Instruction ................................................................131 Engineers - Geotechnical .................................................... 138 Flour - Dealers .................................................................... 142
Doors ................................................................................. 131 Engineers - Industrial .......................................................... 138 Flour Mills .......................................................................... 142
Doors and Windows ........................................................... 131 Engineers - Management and Consultant .............................138 Flower Shop ....................................................................... 142
Dormitories ........................................................................ 131 Engineers - Mechanical .......................................................138 Flowmeter .......................................................................... 142
Doughnuts ..........................................................................131 Engineers - Structural ......................................................... 138 Foams - Polyurethane ......................................................... 142
Dressmakers ...................................................................... 131 Engines .............................................................................. 138 Food and Beverages Equipment .......................................... 142
Drilling Companies ..............................................................132 Engines - Marine ................................................................ 138 Food Cart and Kiosk Service ............................................... 142
Drilling Equipment and Supplies .......................................... 132 Engines - Rebuilding and Exchanging .................................. 138 Food Delivery ..................................................................... 142
Driving Instruction .............................................................. 132 Engines, Turbines and Power Transmission ........................ 138 Food Equipment Rental ....................................................... 143
Drug Abuse and Treatment Centers ..................................... 132 Engraving ........................................................................... 138 Food Ingredients ................................................................. 143
Drug Manufacturers ............................................................ 132 Enterprises ......................................................................... 138 Food Manufacturing ............................................................ 143
Drugstores ......................................................................... 132 Entertainers ........................................................................ 138 Food Manufacturing Equipment...........................................143
Dry Cleaners .......................................................................132 Envelopes ...........................................................................138 Food Processing and Packaging ......................................... 143
Dry Goods .......................................................................... 132 Environmental Services .......................................................138 Food Processing Equipment and Supplies ........................... 143
Dry Ice ............................................................................... 132 Epoxy Applicator .................................................................138 Food Products .................................................................... 143
Dyers - Garments and Household Fabrics ............................132 Escalators .......................................................................... 138 Food Products - Vegetarian.................................................144
Event Management ............................................................. 138 Food Raw Materials ............................................................ 144
Event Organizer .................................................................. 138 Food Seasonings ................................................................ 144
Event Planning Services ...................................................... 138 Food Service Equipment and Supplies ................................. 144
E Event Stylist ........................................................................138 Food Service Suppliers ....................................................... 144
Events and Wedding Venues ............................................... 138 Food Supplements .............................................................. 144
Excavation and Plumbing Services ...................................... 139 Foods - Ready to Serve ...................................................... 144
Executive Offices ................................................................ 139 Forex Trading ..................................................................... 144
Earthwork Methods .............................................................132 Executive Search Consultants ............................................. 139 Forklift ................................................................................ 144
E-Commerce ...................................................................... 132 Exercise Equipment ............................................................ 139 Formwork........................................................................... 144
E-Construction ................................................................... 132 Exhibitions and Events ........................................................ 139 Foundations ........................................................................144
Educational Consultants ......................................................132 Expanded Metal .................................................................. 139 Foundry..............................................................................144
Educational Cooperative Organizations ................................ 132 Expansion Joints ................................................................ 139 Fragrance Compound ......................................................... 145
Educational Services ...........................................................132 Expositions Trade Shows and Fairs ..................................... 139 Frames ............................................................................... 145
Educational Training Center .................................................132 Eye Clinics ......................................................................... 139 Framing Equipment and Supplies ........................................ 145
EENT .................................................................................. 133 Franchising .........................................................................145
Egg Dealers ........................................................................ 133 Freight Forwarders .............................................................. 145
Egg Producer ......................................................................133 Freight Traffic Consultants .................................................. 146
E-Learning..........................................................................133 F French Fries ........................................................................146
Electric Companies ............................................................. 133 Fruits - Dried ...................................................................... 146
Electric Contractors ............................................................ 133 Fruits and Vegetables..........................................................146
Electric Equipment .............................................................. 133 Fruits and Vegetables Dealers ............................................. 146
Electric Equipment - Service and Repairing ..........................133 Fabric Store ........................................................................ 139 Fuels .................................................................................. 146
Electric Heating Elements ....................................................133 Fabricated Metal ................................................................. 139 Funds and Trust ..................................................................146
Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes ........................................... 133 Facial Centers.....................................................................139 Funeral Services ................................................................. 146
Electric Motor Controls ....................................................... 133 Fans - Ventilating and Exhaust .............................................139 Furnaces ............................................................................ 146
Electric Motors Dealers ....................................................... 133 Farming .............................................................................. 139 Furnaces - Designers and Builders ...................................... 146

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Furniture ............................................................................. 146 Gravel and Sand ................................................................. 150 Industrial Properties ............................................................ 160
Furniture Accessories ......................................................... 147 Greeting Cards....................................................................150 Information Technology ...................................................... 160
Furniture Designers and Custom Builders ............................ 147 Groceries and Convenience Stores......................................150 Information Technology Solutions Providers ........................ 160
Furniture Manufacturing ...................................................... 147 Grocery .............................................................................. 150 Inks .................................................................................... 160
Guard Rails - Highway ........................................................ 150
Gun Clubs .......................................................................... 150 Inks - Printing and Lithographing.........................................160
Guns and Ammunition ........................................................ 150 Inks - Writing and Marking .................................................. 160
G Gymnasiums ...................................................................... 150 Insecticides ........................................................................ 161
Gymnastics ........................................................................ 150 Inspection Equipment ......................................................... 161
Gyms and Fitness Centers .................................................. 150 Instrumentation .................................................................. 161
Insulation Coating Products and Services - Heat and
Galvanized and PPGI Coils and Sheets ................................ 147 Cold.............................................................................161
Galvanizing ......................................................................... 147 Insulation Contractors - Cold and Heat ................................ 161
Garden Ornaments ..............................................................147 H Insulation Materials.............................................................161
Gardening ...........................................................................147 Insurance ........................................................................... 161
Garment Manufacturers ...................................................... 147 Insurance Brokers...............................................................162
Garter ................................................................................. 147 Intercommunication and Equipment Systems and
Gas .................................................................................... 147 Haberdashers ..................................................................... 150
Hair and Skin Care .............................................................. 150 Service ........................................................................ 162
Gas Appliances ...................................................................147
Gas Companies .................................................................. 147 Handicrafts.........................................................................151 Interior Decorators .............................................................. 162
Gas Detectors .....................................................................147 Hardware ........................................................................... 151 Interior Design Services ...................................................... 162
Gas Equipment Manufacturing ............................................ 147 Hardware - Mall Based........................................................156 Interior Designers ............................................................... 162
Gas Regulator .....................................................................147 Hats ................................................................................... 156 Interior Fitting - Out Contractors .......................................... 162
Gaskets and Packings .........................................................147 Hauling Contractors ............................................................ 156 International Organization .................................................... 162
Gasoline Stations................................................................147 Health.................................................................................156 Internet Business Solutions Provider ................................... 162
Gates - Automatic...............................................................148 Health Care Facilities...........................................................156 Internet Cafe ....................................................................... 162
Gears and Gear Cutting ....................................................... 148 Health Care Services...........................................................156
Health Clubs ....................................................................... 156 Internet Consulting..............................................................162
General Contractor...............................................................148
General Upholstery and Supplies ......................................... 148 Health Foods ...................................................................... 156 Internet Service Providers (ISP)...........................................162
Generators ......................................................................... 148 Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)............................156 Investigation and Security Services ..................................... 162
Health Products .................................................................. 156 Investment Management Firms ........................................... 163
Hearing Aids.......................................................................156 Iron Work ........................................................................... 163
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) ................. 156 Irrigation Systems and Equipment ....................................... 163
Heavy Equipment................................................................156 Italian Foods ....................................................................... 163
Herbal Medicines ................................................................ 157
Herbs ................................................................................. 157
(See Advertisement on page 148) Hobby Shops......................................................................157
Hoisting and Rigging Equipment..........................................157
Home Care Products .......................................................... 157 J
Home Fragrances ............................................................... 157
Home Furnishings...............................................................157
Hose Couplings and Fittings................................................157
Hospital Equipment and Supplies ........................................ 157 Janitorial and Cleaning Equipment ....................................... 163
Hospitals ............................................................................ 157 Janitorial Services...............................................................163

(See Advertisement on page 148)

German Foods .................................................................... 149
Gift and Decorative Accessories..........................................149 (See Advertisement on page 157) (See Advertisement on page 163)
Gift Items ........................................................................... 149
Gift Shops .......................................................................... 149
Gift Wrapping Ribbons ........................................................ 149 Hospitals and Clinics .......................................................... 158 Japanese Foods ................................................................. 163
Giveaways and Promotional Items ...................................... 149 Hostels...............................................................................158 Jeans ................................................................................. 163
Glass..................................................................................149 Hotel Reservation Service ................................................... 158 Jeepney Dealers ................................................................. 163
Hotels ................................................................................ 158 Jewelry .............................................................................. 163
Household Accessories ...................................................... 159
Household Appliances ........................................................ 159 Jewelry Repairing ............................................................... 164
Household Supplies ............................................................ 159 Job Contracting Services .................................................... 164
Housing Projects ................................................................ 159 Junk Shop .......................................................................... 164
Human Factor Research and Development .......................... 159
(See Advertisement on page 149) Human Resource Consultants ............................................. 159
Hydraulic Equipment and Supplies ...................................... 159
Hydraulic Hose ................................................................... 159 K
Glass - Stained and Leaded ................................................ 149 Hygiene and Sanitation ....................................................... 159
Glass Etching, Engraving .................................................... 149
Glass Manufacturers...........................................................149
Glass Tempered ................................................................. 149 Key Duplication .................................................................. 164
Glass Working Equipment and Machinery............................149 I Kitchen and Dining..............................................................164
Glassware .......................................................................... 149 Kitchen Appliances ............................................................. 164
Gloves................................................................................149 Kitchen Cabinets.................................................................164
Goldsmiths ......................................................................... 149
Kitchen Equipment..............................................................164
Golf .................................................................................... 149 Ice......................................................................................159
Golf Course Construction .................................................... 149 Ice Cream...........................................................................159
Golf Courses ...................................................................... 149 Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts...........................................159
Golf Driving Ranges ............................................................ 149 Immigration Naturalization Consultants................................159
Golf Equipment and Supplies .............................................. 149 Importers and Exporters......................................................159
Gondola Lift........................................................................149 Indenter .............................................................................. 159
Government Offices ............................................................ 149 Indian Foods.......................................................................159
Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (See Advertisement on page 164)
Industrial Burners ............................................................... 159
(GOCC)........................................................................149 Industrial Consultants - Industrial Developments..................159
Gown Rental.......................................................................150 Industrial Designers ............................................................ 159
Graduate Schools ............................................................... 150 Industrial Equipment and Supplies.......................................160 Kitchen Tools and Utensils .................................................. 164
Grain Dealers......................................................................150 Industrial Gas ..................................................................... 160 Kitchenwares......................................................................164
Granite ............................................................................... 150 Industrial Hose ................................................................... 160 Knitted Fabrics....................................................................164
Graphic Designers .............................................................. 150 Industrial Machinery ........................................................... 160 Korean Foods ..................................................................... 164

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Labels ................................................................................ 165 (See Advertisement on page 171) Nail Salon ........................................................................... 176
Labor Organizations ............................................................ 165 Name Plates ....................................................................... 177
Laboratories - Medical ........................................................ 165 Navigational, Measuring and Control Instruments ................ 177
Laboratories - Testing ......................................................... 165 Marble Installation Equipment and Supply ........................... 171 Networking ......................................................................... 177
Laboratory Apparatus ......................................................... 165 Marine Consultants ............................................................. 171 Networking Devices ............................................................ 177
Marine Equipment and Supplies .......................................... 171 Night Clubs.........................................................................177
Laboratory Equipment.........................................................165 Maritime Services ............................................................... 171
Laboratory Equipment and Supplies .................................... 166 Nitrogen ............................................................................. 177
Market................................................................................171 Non-Alcoholic.....................................................................177
Laboratory Furniture ........................................................... 166 Market Research ................................................................ 171
Laces ................................................................................. 166 Non-Government Organization (NGO) .................................. 177
Marketing Services ............................................................. 171 Non-Life Insurance ............................................................. 177
Ladders - Aluminum ........................................................... 166 Martial Arts.........................................................................171
Ladies Wear ....................................................................... 166 Noodles..............................................................................177
Massage ............................................................................ 171 Nuts - Edible.......................................................................177
Laminate ............................................................................ 166 Matches ............................................................................. 172 Nuts and Bolts .................................................................... 177
Laminating Equipment and Supplies .................................... 166 Material Handling Equipment...............................................172
Lamination - Wood ............................................................. 166 Material Processing and Handling Equipment ...................... 173
Lamp Shades ..................................................................... 166 Materials Testing Services .................................................. 173
Lamps................................................................................166 Mattresses and Beddings....................................................173 O
Landscape Architects ......................................................... 166 Measurement and Analysis Instruments .............................. 173
Landscape Contractors ....................................................... 166 Measurement and Control Instrumentation .......................... 173
Landscaping.......................................................................166 Meat Shops and Meat Dealers.............................................173
Language Services ............................................................. 166 Medals and Trophies .......................................................... 173
Medical Apparatus and Devices .......................................... 173 Ob-Gyne.............................................................................177
Large Format Printers ......................................................... 166 Office and Residential Buildings .......................................... 177
Laser Toner - Original and Refill .......................................... 166 Medical Cosmetics ............................................................. 173
Medical Equipment ............................................................. 173 Office Equipment ................................................................ 177
Laundries ........................................................................... 166 Office Furniture ................................................................... 177
Laundry Equipment.............................................................167 Medical Service Organizations.............................................173
Medical Supplies ................................................................ 173 Office Furniture and Equipment ........................................... 177
Lawn and Garden ............................................................... 167 Office Space ....................................................................... 177
Mediterranean Foods .......................................................... 174
Leather ............................................................................... 167 Memorial Parks .................................................................. 174 Oil Exploration .................................................................... 177
Lechon ............................................................................... 167 Memorial Venues................................................................174 Oil Seals ............................................................................. 177
Lechon Manok....................................................................167 Mens Wear ......................................................................... 174 Oils .................................................................................... 178
Legal Services .................................................................... 167 Merchandise Brokers .......................................................... 174 Online Gaming .................................................................... 178
Library................................................................................167 Messenger and Courier Services ......................................... 174 Online Stores ...................................................................... 178
Life and Health Insurance....................................................167 Metal and Steel Manufacturing ............................................ 174 Optical Shops ..................................................................... 178
Lighters .............................................................................. 167 Metal Casting ..................................................................... 174 Optical Supplies..................................................................178
Lighting .............................................................................. 167 Metal Craft..........................................................................174 Opticians and Optometrists ................................................. 178
Lighting Accessories .......................................................... 167 Metal Fabrication ................................................................ 174 Orchid Growers .................................................................. 178
Lighting Control System......................................................167 Metal Heat Treating.............................................................174 O-Rings..............................................................................178
Lighting Fixtures ................................................................. 167 Metal Mesh ........................................................................ 175 Orthopedic Supplies............................................................178
Lightning Protection Equipment...........................................168 Metal Stamping .................................................................. 175 Oxygen...............................................................................178
Lights - Decorative ............................................................. 168 Metal Working Machinery ................................................... 175
Linens ................................................................................ 168 Metals ................................................................................ 175
Lingerie .............................................................................. 168 Mexican Foods ................................................................... 175
Liquefied Gases .................................................................. 168 Milk and Milk Products ....................................................... 175 P
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) ........................................... 168 Mill Supplies ....................................................................... 175
Liquor ................................................................................ 168 Minerals ............................................................................. 175
Livelihood Training Center...................................................168 Mining and Exploration........................................................175
Mining Companies .............................................................. 175 Package Designing and Development .................................. 178
Livestock............................................................................168 Packaging .......................................................................... 178
Mining Consultants ............................................................. 175
Loans.................................................................................168 Mining Equipment and Supplies .......................................... 175 Packaging and Printing ....................................................... 178
Loans and Financing...........................................................168 Mirrors ............................................................................... 175 Packaging Equipment ......................................................... 178
Locks ................................................................................. 168 Miscellaneous Manufacturing..............................................175 Packaging Materials............................................................178
Locksmiths ........................................................................ 168 Mobile Phone Content Providers ......................................... 175 Packaging Service .............................................................. 179
Lodging .............................................................................. 168 Mobile Phone Repair...........................................................175 Packing Materials - Mechanical...........................................179
Logging Companies............................................................168 Mobile Phones....................................................................175 Paint and Coating ............................................................... 179
Logistics ............................................................................ 168 Modelling Agencies ............................................................ 175 Paint Dealers ...................................................................... 179
Lubricants .......................................................................... 169 Molds.................................................................................175 Paint Manufacturers............................................................179
Luggage ............................................................................. 169 Money Changers ................................................................ 175 Painting Contractors ........................................................... 179
Luggage and Bags .............................................................. 169 Mortuaries .......................................................................... 175 Pallets and Skids ................................................................ 179
Lumber .............................................................................. 169 Mosquito Nets .................................................................... 175 Paper and Pulp Mill Equipment and Supplies ....................... 179
Motels ................................................................................ 175 Paper Bag Manufacturing....................................................179
Motorcycle and Scooter Parts ............................................. 175 Paper Converters ................................................................ 179
Paper Dealers ..................................................................... 179

Machine Shops...................................................................169
Machinery, Equipment and Supplies....................................169 (See Advertisement on page 176)
Magazines - Computer........................................................169 (See Advertisement on page 180)
Magazines - Subscription Agents ........................................ 169
Motorcycle Parts and Supplies ............................................ 176
Magicians...........................................................................169 Motorcycles and Scooters .................................................. 176 Paper Manufacturing...........................................................180
Magnets and Magnetic Devices...........................................169 Motorworks ........................................................................ 176 Paper Mills ......................................................................... 180
Mail Boxes ......................................................................... 169 Movers and Storage Services..............................................176 Paper Napkins .................................................................... 180
Maintenance and Repair of Equipment ................................ 169 Mufflers and Exhaust Systems ............................................ 176 Paper Scrap ....................................................................... 180
Maintenance of Concrete .................................................... 169 Multimedia Service ............................................................. 176 Paper Shredding Machines ................................................. 180
Malls .................................................................................. 169 Museums ........................................................................... 176 Parking...............................................................................180
Management Consulting ..................................................... 169 Music Instruction - Vocal .................................................... 176 Parks and Recreation Centers ............................................. 180
Manning and Crewing Services ........................................... 170 Music School ..................................................................... 176 Partitions ............................................................................ 180
Manpower Services ............................................................ 170 Music Store ........................................................................ 176 Partitions - Toilet ................................................................ 180
Manufacturing Medicine......................................................170 Musical Instruments and Accessories ................................. 176 Party Planning Services ...................................................... 180

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Passenger Transport...........................................................180 Processed Foods................................................................191

Patent and Licensing .......................................................... 180 Professional Services ......................................................... 191
Pawnshops ........................................................................ 180 Programming and Software Development............................191
Pension Houses ................................................................. 181 Projectors...........................................................................191 S
Perfume and Cologne ......................................................... 181 Property Management.........................................................191
Personal Care Products ...................................................... 181 Protective Coating .............................................................. 191
Pest Control ....................................................................... 181 Psychometric and Learning Assessments ........................... 191
Pest Control Equipment and Supplies .................................. 181 Public Market ..................................................................... 192 Sacks.................................................................................202
Pesticides and Fertilizer.......................................................181 Public Relations Service......................................................192 Safes and Vaults.................................................................202
Pet and Animal Training ...................................................... 181 Public Security and Safety .................................................. 192 Safety and Rescue Equipment.............................................202
Pet Shops...........................................................................181 Publishers - Books and Magazines......................................192 Safety Consultants..............................................................202
Petroleum Products ............................................................ 181 Publishers - Periodical ........................................................ 192 Safety Gear and Equipment ................................................. 202
Pharmaceutical and Medicine ............................................. 181 Publishing .......................................................................... 192 Safety Training and Development ........................................ 203
Philippine National Police (PNP) .......................................... 182 Salt .................................................................................... 203
Pump Systems ................................................................... 192
Photo Shops.......................................................................182 Sandblasting Equipment and Supplies ................................. 203
Photocopying Services ....................................................... 182 Pumps - Industrial .............................................................. 193
Pumps and Compressors ................................................... 193 Sandblasting Services.........................................................203
Photographic Services ........................................................ 182 Sandwich Bar ..................................................................... 203
Photography Services ......................................................... 182 Sauna.................................................................................203
Photography Studio ............................................................ 182 Sauna Equipment and supplies ........................................... 203
Photostats .......................................................................... 182 Sawmills ............................................................................ 203
Physical Therapists.............................................................182 R Saws..................................................................................203
Physicians and Surgeons....................................................182 Scaffolding ......................................................................... 203
Piano Tuning and Repair ..................................................... 183 Scales ................................................................................ 203
Pies - Pastry.......................................................................183 Racking System ................................................................. 193
Pile Driving ......................................................................... 183 Radiators - Motor Vehicles..................................................193
Pile Testing.........................................................................183 Radio Stations and Broadcasting Companies.......................193
Pins - Company Award ....................................................... 183 Rainwear ............................................................................ 193
Pipe ................................................................................... 183 Ranges and Stoves.............................................................193
Pipe Line Contractors ......................................................... 184 Raw Materials .................................................................... 193 (See Advertisement on page 203)
Pipes Household.................................................................184 Real Estate Brokers.............................................................193
Pizza .................................................................................. 184 Real Estate Developer ......................................................... 193
Placement Agency..............................................................184 Recording Studios .............................................................. 194 School and Office Supplies ................................................. 203
Places of Worship .............................................................. 184 Records Management Storage ............................................ 194 Schools..............................................................................203
Plants.................................................................................184 Recruitment Agencies - Overseas ....................................... 194 Schools - Academic - Elementary and Secondary................205
Plants and Flowers ............................................................. 184 Reflexology ........................................................................ 194 Schools - Academic - Special Purpose................................205
Plaques .............................................................................. 184 Refractories........................................................................194 Schools - Baking and Cake Decoration................................205
Plastic and Rubber ............................................................. 184 Refrigerated - Carriers.........................................................194 Schools - Religious.............................................................205
Plastic Bags ....................................................................... 184 Refrigeration Equipment - Truck .......................................... 194 Schools - Special Education................................................205
Plastic Cards - Manufacturing ............................................. 184 Schools - Swimming .......................................................... 205
Plastic Containers - Equipment and Supplies ....................... 184 Refrigerators and Freezers .................................................. 194
Refrigerators and Freezers - Parts and Service .................... 195 Scientific Apparatus and Instruments .................................. 205
Plastic Fabrications.............................................................185 Scrap Metals ...................................................................... 205
Plastic Material and Resin Manufacturing ............................ 185 Rehabilitation......................................................................195
Reinsurance ....................................................................... 195 Screen Printing Supplies ..................................................... 205
Plastic Materials and Supplies.............................................185 Screens..............................................................................205
Plastic Packaging ............................................................... 185 Religious Articles................................................................195
Religious Organizations.......................................................195 Seafoods............................................................................205
Plastic Packaging Materials.................................................185 Seals - Mechanical ............................................................. 205
Plastic Printing ................................................................... 185 Remittance Services ........................................................... 195 Seals - Security .................................................................. 205
Plastic Products ................................................................. 185 Renewable Energy .............................................................. 195 Secretarial Services ............................................................ 205
Plating Services .................................................................. 188 Repair and Service Equipment.............................................195 Security Agency ................................................................. 205
Plumbing............................................................................188 Repair and Services............................................................195 Security and Protection.......................................................205
Plumbing Fixtures ............................................................... 188 Repair Shop ....................................................................... 195 Security Consultants...........................................................205
Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies...........................................188 Research and Development Services...................................195 Security Control Equipment and Systems ............................ 205
Plumbing Services..............................................................188 Research Services..............................................................195 Seeds and Bulbs.................................................................205
Plumbing, Piping and Pumps .............................................. 189 Residential Properties ......................................................... 195 Semiconductor Devices and Supplies..................................206
Plywood and Veneers ......................................................... 189 Resorts .............................................................................. 195 Semiconductor Services ..................................................... 206
Plywood Dealer .................................................................. 189 Restaurant and Catering......................................................195 Semiconductors ................................................................. 206
Pneumatic Equipment Components.....................................189 Restaurant Equipment and Supplies .................................... 195 Seminaries ......................................................................... 206
Police and Military Equipment and Supplies.........................189 Restaurants ........................................................................ 195 Seminars............................................................................206
Polystyrene (Styrofoam) ..................................................... 189 Restaurants, Cafes and Bars ............................................... 198 Septic Tanks.......................................................................206
Polyurethane Products........................................................189 Retreat House.....................................................................198 Service Centers .................................................................. 206
Popcorn ............................................................................. 189 Review Centers .................................................................. 199 Serviced Apartments...........................................................206
Porcelain Products ............................................................. 189 Rice ................................................................................... 199 Services Training ................................................................ 206
Port Terminals .................................................................... 189 Rice Milling Machinery........................................................199 Sewage Treatment Services ................................................ 206
Portable Toilets...................................................................189 Rice Trading ....................................................................... 199 Sewing and Knitting Machines ............................................ 206
POS Systems ..................................................................... 189 Riding Apparel and Equipment ............................................ 199 Sewing Machines ............................................................... 206
Postal and Courier Services ................................................ 189 Robotics.............................................................................200 Sewing Machines - Sacks...................................................206
Posts - Steel, Stainless, Fiberglass......................................189 Sewing Machines - Computer Aided Design ........................ 206
Poultry ............................................................................... 189 Roof Coverings...................................................................200
Roofing and Siding Panels .................................................. 200 Sewing Products and Supplies............................................206
Poultry Dealers ................................................................... 189 Shapewear ......................................................................... 206
Poultry Equipment and Supplies .......................................... 189 Roofing Contractors............................................................200
Shelving - Industrial and Commercial .................................. 206
Powder Coatings ................................................................ 190 Roofing Insulation...............................................................200 Ship - Management ............................................................ 206
Power Generation ............................................................... 190 Ship Builders and Repairers ................................................ 206
Power Plant ........................................................................ 190 Shipping.............................................................................206
Power Systems .................................................................. 190 Shipping Lines....................................................................206
Pozo Negro and Plumbing Service ...................................... 190 Shock Absorbers ................................................................ 206
Precast Concrete ................................................................ 190 Shoe Accessories...............................................................206
Pre-Need Plans - Memorial ................................................. 190 Shoe Manufacturers ........................................................... 206
Pre-Need Plans - Pension ................................................... 190 (See Advertisement on page 200) Shoe Repair........................................................................206
Pre-School ......................................................................... 190 Shoes.................................................................................206
Pre-School and Day Care....................................................190 Shopping............................................................................207
Pressure Washers .............................................................. 190 Roofing Materials ............................................................... 201 Shutters and Blinds.............................................................207
Printers .............................................................................. 190 Rope, Cordage and Twine...................................................201 Sign Manufacturing.............................................................207
Printers and Copiers ........................................................... 190 Rubber and Plastic Footwear...............................................201 Signs and Signages ............................................................ 207
Printing and Publishing Services ......................................... 190 Rubber Dock Fenders ......................................................... 201 Silicone and Silicone Products ............................................ 207
Printing and Related Equipment...........................................190 Rubber Hose ...................................................................... 201 Silk Screen Printing.............................................................207
Printing Equipment and Supplies ......................................... 190 Rubber Products ................................................................ 201 Silk Screen Printing Equipment and Supplies ....................... 207
Printing Machineries ........................................................... 190 Rubber Stamps .................................................................. 202 Silversmiths ....................................................................... 207
Printing Services.................................................................190 Rust Proofing ..................................................................... 202 Site Construction ................................................................ 207

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Skin Care Clinic .................................................................. 207 Stevedoring Contractors ..................................................... 217 Tissues and Napkins...........................................................221
Skin Care Equipment...........................................................207 Stickers .............................................................................. 217 Tobacco Products .............................................................. 221
Slippers..............................................................................208 Stock Exchanges ................................................................ 217 Tools and Hand Tools ......................................................... 221
Smoking Accessories ......................................................... 208 Stone - Natural ................................................................... 217 Tour Operators ................................................................... 221
Soap and Cleaning Compound ............................................ 208 Stonecrafts.........................................................................217 Tourist Attractions .............................................................. 221
Soaps and Detergents.........................................................208 Storage .............................................................................. 217 Tours and Excursions ......................................................... 221
Storage and Material Handling.............................................217 Towels ............................................................................... 221
Strapping and Strapping Equipment.....................................217 Towing Service...................................................................221
Straws - Drinking................................................................217 Toy Manufacturers Supplies................................................221
Structural Metal Framing ..................................................... 217 Toys...................................................................................221
Structured Cabling .............................................................. 217 Toys and Games Manufacturing..........................................221
Structured Cabling Contractors ........................................... 217 Tracking Devices ................................................................ 221
(See Advertisement on page 208) Sugar ................................................................................. 217 Tracking Services ............................................................... 221
Sugar Brokers and Wholesalers .......................................... 217 Tractor Equipment and Parts...............................................221
Sugar Milling Equipment and Supplies.................................217 Tractors ............................................................................. 221
Social Service and Welfare Organizations ............................ 208 Supermarket Equipment......................................................217 Trademark Consultants ....................................................... 222
Socks.................................................................................208 Supermarkets ..................................................................... 217 Trading...............................................................................222
Software.............................................................................208 Supermarkets and Convenience Stores ............................... 217 Traffic Signs Signals and Equipment ................................... 223
Software System Services .................................................. 208 Surge Protection Devices .................................................... 217 Trailers - Truck - Equipment and Parts ................................ 223
Soil Stabilization ................................................................. 208 Surplus...............................................................................217 Training - Manpower...........................................................223
Soil Testing ........................................................................ 208 Surveying Instruments ........................................................ 218 Training and Development...................................................223
Solar Energy Equipment......................................................208 Surveying Services ............................................................. 218 Transport Facilities ............................................................. 223
Solvents ............................................................................. 209 Sweets ............................................................................... 218 Transportation Rental Services............................................223
Sound Proofing...................................................................209 Swimming Pool Construction and Services ......................... 218 Transportation Services ...................................................... 223
Sound Systems and Equipment...........................................209 Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies.............................218 Transporting Services ......................................................... 223
Sound Systems and Equipment - Renting............................209 Swimwear .......................................................................... 218 Travel Agencies, Clubs and Services ................................... 223
Souvenirs ........................................................................... 209 Systems Integration ............................................................ 218 Travel Agency.....................................................................223
Soy Sauce..........................................................................209 Travel Assistance ............................................................... 224
Spa .................................................................................... 209 Travel Insurance ................................................................. 224
Spanish Foods....................................................................209 Trophies, Plaques and Giveaways ....................................... 224
Speakers, Trainors and Workshops ..................................... 209 T Tropical Fish.......................................................................224
Special Construction...........................................................209 Truck - Body Builders ......................................................... 224
Special Transportation ........................................................ 209 Truck Dealers ..................................................................... 224
Specialized Education ......................................................... 209 Truck Dealers - Used .......................................................... 224
Specialty Gases..................................................................209 Tailoring and Couture..........................................................218 Truck Equipment and Parts ................................................. 224
Specialty Products..............................................................209 Tailors ................................................................................ 218 Truck Tops ......................................................................... 224
Specialty Restaurants ......................................................... 209 Tailors Trimming and Supplies ............................................ 218 Trucking ............................................................................. 224
Specialty Stores..................................................................209 Talent Management ............................................................ 218
Spices................................................................................209 Tanks ................................................................................. 218
Sporting Events Management..............................................209
Sporting Goods .................................................................. 209
Sports Coaches .................................................................. 210
Sports Instruction ............................................................... 210
Sports School.....................................................................210 (See Advertisement on page 225)
Sports Surfaces Contractors ............................................... 210
Spraying Equipment............................................................210 (See Advertisement on page 218)
Springs .............................................................................. 210 Trucks................................................................................225
T-Shirt Printing ................................................................... 225
Tapes ................................................................................. 218 Turbochargers .................................................................... 225
Tarpaulins .......................................................................... 218 Tutorial Services.................................................................225
Tax Consultants..................................................................219 TV and Radio Broadcasting.................................................225
Taxi .................................................................................... 219 TV and Radio Repair ........................................................... 225
Tea.....................................................................................219 TV Productions...................................................................226
(See Advertisement on page 210) Technical Consultants.........................................................219 Typewriters ........................................................................ 226
Technical Testing Services..................................................219
Telecommunication Construction ........................................ 219
Telecommunications Companies ........................................ 219
Stadium and Sporting Facilities ........................................... 210 Telecommunications Consultants........................................219
Stage Rentals ..................................................................... 210 U
Telecommunications Products and Services ....................... 219
Stainless Steel .................................................................... 210 Telegraph Companies ......................................................... 219
Starch ................................................................................ 211 Telemarketing Services ....................................................... 219
Steel Bars...........................................................................211 Telephone Equipment ......................................................... 219
Steel Buildings....................................................................211 Umbrellas...........................................................................226
Television and Radio - Parts and Service.............................219 Underwear..........................................................................226
Steel Fabricators.................................................................211 Television Stations and Broadcasting Companies ................ 219
Steel Products .................................................................... 212 Uniforms ............................................................................ 226
Tennis Court Construction...................................................219 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) .................................... 226
Termite Control...................................................................219 United Nations and Other International Organizations ........... 226
Textile Fibers ...................................................................... 220
Textile Machinery................................................................220
Thai Food ..................................................................... 220 V
(See Advertisement on page 217) Theaters and Auditoriums ................................................... 220
Theatrical Equipment and Supplies......................................220
Thread - Needlecraft ........................................................... 220 Vacuum Equipment.............................................................226
Thrift Store ......................................................................... 220 Valves ................................................................................ 227
Tiles ................................................................................... 220 Vehicle Armoring ................................................................ 229
Tiles - Ceramic ................................................................... 220 Vehicle Dealers...................................................................229
(See Advertisement on page 216) Tiles - Granite ..................................................................... 220 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance..........................................229
Tiles - Marble ..................................................................... 220 Ventilating Equipment ......................................................... 229
Tiles - Vinyl ........................................................................ 220 Ventilation, Heating, Air Conditioning and Commercial
Time Recording Equipment ................................................. 220 Refrigeration ................................................................ 229
Tint .................................................................................... 220 Veterinary Equipment and Supplies ..................................... 229
Tire Dealers and Distributors ............................................... 220 Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics .......................................... 229
Tire Manufacturing..............................................................221 Veterinary Services ............................................................. 229
(See Advertisement on page 216) Tire Retreading and Repair..................................................221 Video Game Machines and Devices.....................................229
Tire Servicing Equipment and Supplies ................................ 221 Video Production ................................................................ 230
Tissue Products..................................................................221 Videography Services ......................................................... 230

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Vietnamese Foods .............................................................. 230 Water Treatment Equipment and Services ........................... 231 Wiring ................................................................................ 235
Vinegar...............................................................................230 Water Utilities ..................................................................... 231 Wood Products...................................................................235
Virtual Office Services.........................................................230 Waterproofing Contractors .................................................. 232 Wood, Plastics and Composites..........................................235
Visa Service ....................................................................... 230 Waterproofing Materials ...................................................... 232 Woodcrafts.........................................................................235
Vulcanizing.........................................................................230 Website Development ......................................................... 232
Woodworkers Equipment and Supplies ............................... 235
Wedding and Bridal Shops .................................................. 232
Wedding Cakes - Fondant ................................................... 232 Woodworks ........................................................................ 235
Wedding Coordinators ........................................................ 232
W Wedding Giveaways ........................................................... 232
Wedding Photographers......................................................232
Weekend Market.................................................................232 X
Wall and Ceiling - Materials and Installation ......................... 230
Wall Cladding and Sidings...................................................230
Wall Climbing ..................................................................... 230 X-Ray Service.....................................................................235
Wallcoverings - Fabric Plastic Vinyl ..................................... 230
Wallpapers and Wall Coverings ........................................... 230
Walls and Ceilings .............................................................. 230 (See Advertisement on page 233) Y
Warehouse Facilities and Services ...................................... 230
Warehousing ...................................................................... 230
Waste Management Services .............................................. 230 Welding and Soldering Equipment ....................................... 234
Wastewater Chemical ......................................................... 230 Well Drilling ........................................................................ 234 Yarn ................................................................................... 235
Wastewater Treatment ........................................................ 230 Wellness and Alternative Medicine ...................................... 234 Yoga .................................................................................. 235
Watch Repair and Service Center ........................................ 230 Wigs and Wiglets................................................................234
Watches.............................................................................230 Window Blinds and Shades.................................................234
Water ................................................................................. 231 Windows ............................................................................ 234
Water Bottling.....................................................................231 Windows - Metal ................................................................ 234
Water Coolers, Fountains and Filters ................................... 231 Wines and Liquors..............................................................234 Z
Water Heaters.....................................................................231 Wire - Electric.....................................................................234
Water Proofing Suppliers .................................................... 231 Wire Harnesses - Electrical ................................................. 234
Water Purification and Refilling............................................231 Wire Products.....................................................................234
Water Purification Equipment .............................................. 231 Wire Rope .......................................................................... 234 Zippers ............................................................................... 235
Water Tanks ....................................................................... 231 Wires ................................................................................. 235 Zoo .................................................................................... 235

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\INDEX\TOC_Final.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:02:07 2022 - P8

For decades, the answer to the question “What is a directory?” was straightforward. It was a book or collection of

the telephone directory which listed the phone numbers of people living in a certain area. Later on, it expanded to
include businesses that operated in a particular area as well.

concepts to users by comparing them to more familiar objects from daily life. This is the concept of skeuomorphism. It
makes something easier and quicker to understand by borrowing elements from something already familiar. So to

“directory”. People were familiar and comfortable with the idea of directories, so computers borrowed the term,
expanding the word to mean more. Now, more people probably interact with directories in computers and mobile
devices than they do with print directories, though the familiarity and utility of the classic print books still remain. The

product has. While it started and continues to publish the ubiquitous Philippine telephone directory that lists thousands
of businesses around the country, the company has expanded to be a service company that assists SMEs and their

print directory, just as the term “directory” continues to bring up images of thick yellow pages to the minds of people
when they hear the word.

recent years we have expanded from products to services as well, just as the term “directory” expands to include

It is a true expansion, and not merely a transition, as DPC has decided to further integrate its classic print directory with
its online products and services. Each partner print ad will now have a corresponding QR code that leads to a
accompanying online business page that has robust features such as connections to the partner’s Viber/FB
Messenger/WhatsApp accounts for quick responses to inquiries, connections to the partner’s company Facebook and
Twitter feeds, a job application tool, and an expanded products and services catalogue.

people who work for us. They continue to learn more, to serve more, and to stretch what they are willing to do to help our
partners. This is why Filipino companies continue to go to DPC for help in growing their businesses.

No matter how much the world changes, DPC adapts and changes with it, without losing

we progress.

Ricardo D. Bautista
AUGUST 2022 - JULY 2023





Manufacturing and Rehabilitation of Distribution and Power TRADING CORP.
Transformers from 120/240V to 69000V, 3 to 20,000 KVA
capacities. It’s long and dedicated experience (established

since September 1983) primarily in the field of electrical
transformers is a confirmation to its trademark as “THE



The Yellow Pages h as always be e n a bout p rovi di ng c hoi ces. There a re

tho u sands of verified b usinesses li st ed a nd h undreds of ca te gories within
its pa g es. But more th an sim ple q ua ntity, t he Yello w Pa ges offe rs
div ersity as well. Th ere are cate gories t ha t i nc lu de bu si nesses tha t a ppeal
to a wide vari ety of customers a s w e ll a s ca te gori es t ha t ful fill a spe c i fic
need of a sp eci ali zed market. To hig hlig ht th is , t he 2 02 2- 2023 d irectory
expa nds its showcase of diverse i ndus tri es b ey ond its pa ges a nd i nto its
co v er. Even before op ening th e di rect ory, c hoi ce busi nesses from
industries that have b een well -s e rved by t he Ye llow Pa g es a re a lre a dy
hig hlighted for read y b uyers t o c he c k ou t . Li k e a s to re di s pla y p resentin g
a wide and colorful variety of w a res, t he Ye llow Pa g es di rectory cover
gives read ers th e feeli n g of exp lo ra ti on a nd di scove ry one ex peri en ces
when wind ow sh op p i n g at a h i gh c la ss st ore . A s a l wa y s, the c ho ice of the
trusted par tn ers you want to work w it h a nd pa tro ni ze a re a t yo ur
fing er tips than ks to th e Yellow Pa g es.
DPC_Business Guide_5 Column.pdf 1 6/4/22 4:29 PM

Blogging is one secret weapon business owners can use as an added feature to their websites.
It can be used to heighten brand visibility not only in social media but in search engines as well.
When used properly, a blog section of a business website can be a powerful tool to make a site
stand out from the competition. Here are some benefits a business website can get with a blog

Blogs Focus on What Customers Care About

Blogs are focused on creating content featuring topics that the
business’ target market cares about. The blog posts or articles
may not feature the business or its offerings directly, but instead
talk about topics potential customers may find interesting. This is
why it’s important to have both sections present in a business
website as they fulfill different needs.



Blogs Keeps a Site Active and Optimized for SEO

Since there is no limit to the number of topics that are related to

a business, there is practically a wide range of topics to be
Websites covered. Blogs can be updated daily or even more frequently if
you put enough effort into finding new topics for your content.
Need a Having a section of the website that is constantly updated will

help make a site rank higher in search engines since they tend to

prioritize websites that are regularly updated and with newer


Blogs Bring Both Awareness and Conversion

Social media posts and content might be better at getting
attention and creating awareness among all the other platforms,
converting views or engagement into leads or sales can be a
challenge. Their content do not ask the viewer to go beyond the
platform plus most people have created a habit of just scrolling
past social media posts once they have seen it. Websites are
often better at conversion as they can lead a viewer through
various sections, each engaging the viewer on different stages of
their decision-making process.
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Whatever the business size, having the opportunity to directly communicate with your
customers that express interest in your offerings is vital to your success. The digital space can
be a highly competitive arena and can be tough when you cannot keep up with the demands
online. That is why it is important for business owners to understand how E-Commerce affects
your business. Here are some best practices to help you increase conversions for your
ecommerce store.

Upload quality photos and videos

It is a fact that humans are visual creatures. With well-curated,
high quality images posted in your website, customers are more
likely to be interested about your products and services. It will
allow them to have confidence in your brand and consider you as
a reliable source for their needs.

Simplify your menus and add a search bar

Put up just enough menus to choose from to avoid confusing
your audience. You can use broad terminologies to categorize
your product lists and with a search bar, customers will have an
easy time to find what they are looking for. These things can
Business make your customer’s visit to your website as smoothly as


Have multiple ways to connect with your business
Practices Customers appreciate getting the attention that they need when
they reach out to a business for an inquiry. The best way to show
for an this is making available variety of ways for them to connect and

communicate with you. A complete contact page with your


e-mail, phone number, social media profile links and live chat are
Website must-haves in your e-commerce website.

Accept as many payment options as possible

Any ecommerce website must have alternative payment options
available. Do not give your customers an opportunity to not
proceed with their purchase just because their preferred
payment option is not available in your website. Take advantage
of that edge, an increase in sales conversion and improved
customer confidence by eliminating limited payment options.

Feature Customer Reviews and Testimonial

Another way to boost credibility to your brand is by posting
reviews and testimonials of your actual customers. These
feedbacks, whether good or bad will allow you to identify your
strengths and areas that you need to improve on. It can also
influence a consumer’s decision to complete a transaction and
the way you manage these reviews will encourage other people
to support your business even more.
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Social Media has become a necessary part of any business marketing strategy. It allows
businesses to connect and interact with its customers. Other than providing information, using
social media can influence them with their purchase decision making.

Here are some guide questions you can ask yourself when you are creating a social marketing
strategy for your business.

What is your objective?

01 Before you can execute a successful social media campaign, it is
best that you have identified and established what your
objectives are. It has to be specific, precise and measurable.

Who are your target audience?

02 When you know and understand who your target audience are,
you will be able to craft relevant contents that are attuned to
what your follower’s need and want.
M Guide:


Which Social Platform is best for your Brand?

Media There are way too many social media platforms to choose from -

03 Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok to name a few. Choose
Marketing and focus your time with the one that can engage with the right
people and is aligned to help you achieve your social media

Tips goals.

What topics can you post?

The key for customer engagement is to post interesting topics
04 that your audience can relate with. You can post product photos,
branded graphics, on-going promotions, blog posts, and a lot
more. It is also important to use a social media calendar that can
help you keep track of what content type works and improve
your customer reach and engagement.

How do I know my follow growth?

As you post and grow the number of engagements for your
05 page, your number of followers should also show a significant
increase. If you do not see that much progress, it is important to
experiment on different strategies that can stir the interest of
your target audience. Always make sure that they have
something new to look forward to with your content.
DPC_Business Guide_5 Column.pdf 4 6/4/22 4:29 PM

With everyone going digital, having a website is a must for any business. The way how your
website communicates with your target audience is a crucial part. Remember, a good website
will reflect who you are and will play a key role in your digital marketing strategy. Here are the
recommended features to keep in mind when designing your website.

Your Brand Story

Customers tend to support businesses who they can relate to.
The more that your brand content can emotionally connect with
your audience, there is a higher chance for them to choose you
over competition.

Products or Services
Your website should be able to speak to your audience the
moment they landed on your site. More than the aesthetics, it is
a must to make your customers able to immediately identify
what your brand can do for them with just a few clicks. Never
give your customers an opportunity to get lost in your website
and find what they need elsewhere.
Guide: Responsive Design
Always take into consideration that customers use a variety of

devices to access the web and most of the times thru their
Important mobile phones. Ensure that your design is adaptive to any device
and its parts will not be all over the place. Having a

user-centered design will definitely improve the quality of the

to Include user’s interaction and perceptions about your brand, your

products and any related services.
CMY When
Designing Social Media Icons
a Website Your available social media handles or links should be part of
your business website. Your social media icons should be on
every page of your website - either in the header or footer.
Having them at the right place will invite visitors to be engaged
to more of your contents in various platforms.

An FAQ Page
Your FAQ page will be your organized collection of commonly
asked questions about your products and services. This quick
information reference will guide your customers in making a
purchasing decision even without them needing to contact your

Tools to Engage & Interact with Users

Tools such as live chat, contact us form and subscription form will
give your customers a means to get in touch with you for
questions or product inquiries. Customers will be more confident
doing business with a brand that can attend to their concerns.
Not only it will make your customers happier, but it can also have
a direct positive impact with your revenue.
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Businesses whether big or small need to be familiar with the different government agencies that
both employers and employees are mandated by law to contribute through salary deductions as
specified in the Philippine Labor Code. Here are the government agencies and benefits that you
can avail from each.


- Social Security System serves as an insurance program made

by the government for all wage earners from private
corporations in the country. Members are required to
contribute a certain amount depending on their salary bracket.

- SSS members can avail maternity, sickness, disability,
Y retirement, funeral and death benefits. SSS allows qualified
CM members to take up a salary, housing, business, and
MY educational loans.



2 - Pag-IBIG is a form of national savings program and financing

office. It was established to provide a national savings and
affordable house financing for the Filipino people. It also offers
savings programs and multi-purpose loans that qualified
Filipinos can apply.


- PhilHealth serves as a health insurance program for private
employees, they provide financial aid and service privileges for
health care. They aim to give Filipinos with affordable health
care. They cover hospital costs, subsidy for rooms, medicine and
other professional services.
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Go to the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) in your city and fill out the
application form and submit for verification.


Go to Engineering Department to get the assessment for building fee. You will have to
submit building and occupancy permit.


Proceed to the Electrical Department to get a Certificate of Electrical Inspection. One of
the Engineers will come and visit your place to inspect the area. If there is no problem, they
will approve your application and will be given a certificate.


You will then proceed to the Health and Sanitary Office to secure a Health and Sanitary
Next is the Bureau of Fire Protection to secure a Fire Protection Permit. All business

establishments are required to have a fire extinguisher and the number of extinguishers
depends on the floor area of the establishment. The BFP will need to inspect your place
before they sign your papers, they will also not sign your documents without the zoning


Go to the Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator to get a zoning
clearance. You will also be asked to submit more requirements, it will be assessed and


The BFP will now sign your fire protection permit once you have a zoning clearance.


Go back to the BPLO to show that you have already completed the process. They may verify
it again to make sure that everything is in order and you will be asked to pay the following:
• Your Business (Contractor/ Services/ Wholesaler/ Retailer) • Service Fee
• Mayor’s Permit Fee • Local Fire Inspection Fee
• Sanitary Fee • Business Plate


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Fill out the required fields on the online form. The registration info
submission is successful if all the details you provided are correct and match
your SSS Records. You will receive a message that an account activation
email has been delivered to your company email address.


Check your inbox for an email from SSS that contains a link for verifying

your My.SSS. Another online form where you’ll provide your data as an

employer or authorized signatory:


• Personal SSS number


• Full name

• Email address
When you’ve completed this step, you’ll get a message that your
registration has been submitted to SSS for verification. You’ll know the
results via email.


After submitting your online employer registration information. SSS
servicing branch will check if the signatory appears on your company’s
Specimen Signature Card(SS Form L-501). Once the SSS branch approves
or confirms your employer authorized signatory, SSS will send a message
with your company user ID and password to your company email address.
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F.O. Focal Person evaluates the completeness and correctness of the
documents submitted by the Applicant/company


F.O. Focal Person registers establishment through the Online
Registration System.



F.O. Head Approves/Sign the Registration of Establishment

F.O. Focal Person ensures that feedback form is accomplished before
releasing the approved application form.

F.O. Focal Person or Head releases signed Certificate of Registration to
the applicant/company.
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a. Employer Data Record or ER1 Form (in duplicate)

b. Business permit/license to operate and/or any of the following

additional documents required for various types of business:

• Single proprietorships – Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

• Partnerships and corporations – Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) Registration
• Foundations and non-profit organizations – Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC) Registration



Cooperatives – Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)



Backyard industries/ventures and micro-business enterprises –
Barangay Certification and/or Mayor’s Permit


a. PhilHealth Employer Number (PEN) and Certificate of Registration

b. PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN) and Member Data Record (MDR)

of registered employees


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1 Using a smartphone or a desktop, download and fill up the MPL
fillable application form, available at the Pag-IBIG Fund website.


2 Save the completed form with or without signature. No need to








Email this form to the employer/company HR or its authorized

3 representative, with a photo of one (1) valid ID and the Landbank,
DBP, UCPB Cashcard or the front and back portion of the Loyalty
Card Plus.


The employer will email the loan application to Pag-IBIG with a
4 certification that the member is indeed an employee of the
company and is applying for a Pag-IBIG MPL.The employer must
only use the official employer email address in submitting Fillable
Application Form.
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• DTI Certificate of Registration
• Barangay Business Clearance
• Mayor’s Permit
• Certificate of Lease (if the place is rented) or Certificate of Land Title (if owned)
• Government-issued identification (Passport, Driver’s License, Birth Certificate, etc.



The RDO is where your business is located and has jurisdiction over you. This is where you submit your

Registration fee is Php 500 and Php 30 for loose DST or Proof of Payment of Annual Registration Fee (ARF). You
can pay the registration fee in BIR accredited banks. Accredited banks will provide you a BIR payment form.
Submit this to the bank together with your Documentary Stamp Tax on Lease. After payment, submit to your

RDO a photocopy of your BIR form payments and other documentary requirements.

Upon claiming your COR, ensure that you will also receive the “Ask for Receipt” sign.


A book of account is where you keep the original record of all your business transactions. There are 3 types of
books of account:
• Manual Books of Account: This includes journals, ledgers, or columnar books where you manually
document (handwrite) your business transactions.
• Loose-leaf Books of Account: This also includes journals and ledgers but they are printed instead of being
handwritten. Bookkeeping through Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets) can be considered as a loose-leaf book
of account as well.
• Computerized Books of Account: A program or computerized system of bookkeeping that is usually
common for businesses with complex operations.

(Register your books of account by accomplishing and submitting BIR Form 1905 together with your books of
account at the RDO where your business is registered.)


BIR requires businesses to have Authority to Print receipts (for businesses offering services) or commercial
invoices (for businesses selling goods). Accomplish and submit 3 copies of BIR Form 1906 at the RDO, together
with a sample of principal or supplementary invoices and a copy of your COR. It would usually take a week
before you can get your ATP.
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25 S C M Y K


The Yellow Page Quicklist is where you can find business product and service names arranged
in alphabetical order in just a minute of one’s time. It is advisable to use it if he/she is familiar
with the name of the business he/she is looking for.

While extreme care is observed to update the telephone numbers, list of subscribers, and other pertinent data in this Directory, the Publisher assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any clerical errors
and omissions in preparation thereof. Any changes in the information which may occur during the year this Directory has been published will be reflected on the succeeding publications. While this
Directory may connect a consumer regarding a product/s or service/s with an advertiser, he/she acknowledges that it is the advertiser, being the direct contracting party with him/her, who has the sole
accountability and responsibility and/or liability on his/her claims. The Publisher does not provide any guarantee on the truthfulness of the advertisement contained in this Directory. The Publisher has
no liability arising from the use of information contained in this Directory.

16/35Mm Production Supply 2Mj's Curtains & Blinds 3Mr Industrial Equipment 5 Elements Engraving Services
Star Centrum Condmn 346 Magtibay PC..........(0922)355-2518 10 Quirino Hwy QC.........(02)7750-0879 Edsa Arcade Bldg Mand . (02)8661-2663
A Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1772 2nd Street Oysters 3N Bakery 5 Leaf Publishing Co Incorporated
1648 Auto Center Cityland Mkti ................ (0906)464-0087 Vivo Bldg Munt ............... (02)8815-1180 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8570-3052
1 Astm Corporation 1648 A Francisco Mla .... (02)8516-3619 2Rk Pros Exterminating Services 3N Bakery: Bicol's Best Toasted Siopao 5 Star Recruitment And Manpower
Binondo Terrace Bldg 168 Destinations Travel And Tours 5-5 Happiness LP...........(02)7500-4309 81-C President's Ave 2F Filomena Bldg QC ...... (02)3411-8076
Mla ............................ (02)8244-3404 G Square Arcade Bldg 2Sl Logistics & Trucking Services Inc Pque ........................ (0917)884-9474 50 Shades Of Pink Nail Salon
1 Corinthian 13 Business Commercial Mand ....................... (0922)880-8002 34 Big Horseshoe QC ..... (02)8470-7098 3Onesix Party Needs Leveriza PC .................. (0995)655-2398
658 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2272 18th Cafe 3 Aces Interior Designs And Furnishing 57 J M Basa Mkna ......... (02)8245-1854 515 Builders Corporation
1 Digimedia Audiovisuals Incorporated Mindanao Ave QC.........(0916)486-0393 Cityland Pioneer Mand .... (02)7576-3591 3Pl Service Provider Phils Incorporated Pioneer Highlands Condmn
Goodwill Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8808-4736 1919 Grand Cafe 3 Amv Consumer Goods Trading M Suarez Ave Psg .......... (02)8477-9946 Mand ......................... (02)8687-1454
1 Fortress Luxury Cars & Armoring 117 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8429-7068 16 Misamis QC ............ (0915)288-6257 3Pon Inc 559 Enterprises
14 Timog Ave QC ......... (0999)990-9988 1927 Homecare Hardware 3 Heads Airconditioning Services 2162A United Hills Vill Metropolis Star Munt ...... (02)8823-8015
1 Lorjale Air Supply Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0906)547-1927 84 Dna Soledad Ave Pque .......................... (02)8478-4889 559 Enterprises-Inkwise Metropoint Mall
2772 Dagupan Ext 1938 Francisco Food Specialties Inc Pque .......................... (02)8543-2166 3R Car Wash And Auto Detailing Metropoint PC ................ (02)8511-0311
Manila ........................ (02)8257-0068 117-A Kalayaan Ave QC . (02)8441-2118 3 Idiots Diner 10 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (0917)812-1230 5Corners Systems Incorporated
1 Premiere Land Marketing Company 1975 Brothers In Arms Incorporated Temple QC ..................... (02)7914-7448 3R Carwash & Auto Detailing Pearl Bank Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8887-5755
A B Sandoval Bldg Psg ... (02)8635-4011 Trion Twr 1 Taguig ......... (02)8779-8705 3 J Beauty Enterprises Gen Ordonez Ave Mkna (0915)204-7711 5K Electronics Services
1 Stop Battery Shop Incorporated 198 Unlimited Korean Bbq 162 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8376-3415 3R Security & Solar Panel System Payatas B QC ............... (0906)456-1171
Old Tenant Rd KC ........... (02)8962-4887 Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0995)222-4496 3 Kids Glass And Aluminum 3825 F Nazario Mkti ..... (0928)829-2177 5K International Funeral Service Corp
10 Inch Lights And Sound 1Avc Printing Incorporated 52 Gen Tinio KC ........... (0947)116-0936 3Rb Upholstery Services Ilang-Ilang KC...............(0923)810-6751
1089 Primero De Mayo 46A Tandang Sora Ave 3 Stars Garments Subcontractor Nestor Sulit Taguig ....... (0915)488-7844 5th Gear Car Accessories
Mla ............................ (02)8252-0976 QC ............................. (02)8931-6439 Blk 26 Lot 5 KC ............ (0949)732-4094 3Trees Paint 1760 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8856-9407
101 C Trading Corporation 1Cybertone Industrial Sales 3 V V Enterprises Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8459-6365 5Uniglobe Travelware Co Incorporated
20 Paso De Blas Rd Val .. (02)8931-0266 175 J Ruiz SJ ................. (02)8532-4870 249 St Barbara Mla ...... (0939)385-5380 3Wl Samgyupsal Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8551-8760
101 Korean Hotdog 1D Manpower Services Inc 3-Saints Apparel Manufacturing 18 Ninong Domingo 615 Pest Control
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Itc Bldg Mkti ................. (0917)687-4505 Incorporated KC ........................... (0945)734-9959 21 St Anthony QC...........(02)7968-2655
Pque ........................ (0916)587-4382 1Lvest Inc 36-37 Parakeet Pque ...... (02)8823-1516 40 Snaps Studio 617 Metalworks Sales And Services
101 New York Logistics Corporation Alcar Realty Corp Bldg 3030 Dpp Express Inc 4th St Mkna ................. (0917)714-1041 Morning Star Bldg SJ......(02)8726-6286
Ctp Alpha Twr Munt........(02)8850-3690 Mand ......................... (02)8255-9348 Greenfield Twr Mand ...... (02)8284-3030 696 Hair Salon
405 Trading
1010 Building 1Rjaj Trading Company 312 Trip To Ride Travel And Tours 405 Labesares Mla ......... (02)8243-2030 Bagbaguin Rd KC ......... (0915)229-6562
1010 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8524-9440 1864 Ortigas Ave Ext 101-K Libya Ext Mkna .... (02)8452-4309
Psg .......................... (0939)919-7393 43 Web Development Co 698 Shop
102 Izakaya 316 Printing Shop & Wedding Supplier City & Land Mega Plz Condo Sta Elena Mla ............... (0917)825-1885
Accm Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8838-7591 1st Nails & Spa 45 18th Ave QC ............ (0947)606-8041 Psg ............................ (02)8584-1613
527 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8697-7824 69th Avenue
102 Trading 33Mm Trading Corporation 4301961 Space Leasing E Quintos Mla ............... (0966)536-5229
Ph1 2nd St Mkna............(02)8935-5956 1Technologies Telecommunication 556 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-0671 1141 Del Monte Ave 7 11 513 Bustos Mla ........ (0943)342-7314
104 Alcaraz Corporation Services 360Global Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)374-2292
562-A West Svc Rd Val .. (02)8291-7867 Lta Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8893-1838 7 Box Up Incorporated
The Grand Hamptons Twr 2 4Ac Sari-Sari Store Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Taguig........................(02)8847-5454 1Teq Providers Incorporated 38 Car Wash & Automotive Detailing 1134 Bocobo Mla...........(02)8524-9975
Myc Bldg QC .................. (02)8355-5918 Mla ............................ (02)8353-5849
1056 Logistics Incorporated 38 Mayaman QC .......... (0915)564-0738 4B Construction Corporation
1Travelshop 7 Corners Restaurant
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-0713 390 Degrees 50 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8928-9225 Robinsons Galleria Ortigas
108 Medical And Drugtesting Center Bsa Twin Twr Mand ....... (02)8721-2449 Sequoia Hotel Manila
4Bga Logistics Services Null Corporation QC ............................. (02)8790-3100
Salcedo Bldg SJ ............. (02)8721-4313 2 Corinthians Bridal Boutique Pque ........................ (0921)244-6502
9756 Felicidad Pque ....... (02)8707-4634 7 Eleven Corporation
109 Marketing Jumbo Mall Mla............(0998)857-9427 3A System Machinery (Phil) Corporation
4Cjs Trading Ermita Mayfair Twr Mla...(02)8567-4213
527 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)8983-5580 2 Go 2 Sta Rosa Psg .............. (02)8631-0087
36B Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8291-5814 Gentiane Munt ................ (02)8551-7492 7 R Port Services Incorporated
10th Story Placement Agency Inc 3C & Len's Beauty Salon
21 P A Bernardo QC ..... (0961)850-5447 4Dpro Ford Car Specialist Ictsi Bldg Mla ................. (02)8245-4101
1523-1527 M H Del Pilar 2 Star Motorcycle Parts Trading
Mla ............................ (02)8353-1581 2298D Aurora Blvd PC ... (02)7753-8189 3C's Carpet Cleaning Services 3120 Jenny's Ave Psg .. (0906)349-0986 7 Star Manpower Services Of The
10th X Service Center 20 12 Property Holdings Inc Cityland Pasong Tamo 4G Good And Quality Air-Conditioning And Philippines Corp
151 A D Aquino KC ...... (0966)225-7683 Net Lima Bldg Taguig ..... (02)8553-4256 Mkti ........................... (02)8779-8151 Refrigeration Service Fern Bldg Mla ................. (02)8712-2208
11 Ftc Enterprises Incorporated 2015 Grill & Restobar 3Cc Call Center 7 M Suarez Ave Psg ..... (0999)835-3193 7107 Express Corporation
236 P Dela Cruz QC........(02)8927-7446 34 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8880-4778 4Impact Group 87 Howmart Rd QC ........ (02)8788-1677
1128 International Placement Agency Mkna ......................... (02)7978-0774 3Com Philippines Inc Hanston Square Bldg 7107 Islands Placement & Promotions Inc
Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8367-8725 2018 Crowne Human Resources Inc The Enterprise Bldg Mkti . (02)8849-3979 Psg ............................ (02)7263-9488 Atlas Shippers Bldg LP ... (02)8462-8500
1150 Technologies Galleria Corporate Ctr 3D2Go Philippines 4J Graphix 747 Lumber & Construction Supply
536 Calbayog Mand ....... (02)8477-8126 Psg ............................ (02)8252-7975 Westlane Robinsons Galleria 223 Market Ave Psg ....... (02)7625-3447 Incorporated
11Cm Cafe.Ph 205 Bcg QC ............................. (02)8463-6804 4K-B Auto Wash And Used Car Dealer Caruncho Ave Psg .......... (02)7746-3734
20 Stella Maris Ave High Central Taguig ...... (0917)858-1942 3Dworx Enterprise 288 Mayon QC ............. (0906)583-4063 7D Food International Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0968)279-1753 20th Avenue Tire Supply Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8475-0668 4M Printing Signs Services 923 Delpan Mla .............. (02)8244-0761
1223 Grill 26 20th Ave QC ............ (0915)550-5282 3E's Pizza Odeon Terminal Mall 7Folds Laundry
10 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 20th Century Hardware 56 Lourdes Castillo QC . (0945)146-0449 Mla ............................ (02)7617-4683 301-B Roosevelt Ave
Psg .......................... (0927)602-8636 Co Chin Leng Bldg Mla ... (02)8242-5047 3Fj Construction 4R Fresh And Frozen QC ........................... (0936)822-3613
123Rf Philippines 24/7 Janitorial And Manpower Services 19 Thunderbird QC ......... (02)7909-6079 114 Montreal QC .......... (0977)330-3359 7Kiosk Inc
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8850-0879 Puso Ng Maynila Bldg 3Fm Hardware 4th Avenue Industrial & Military Supply 30 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0927)602-9747
128 Catering Mla ............................ (02)7966-6145 1888 Felix Huertas Rd 503 Edsa QC .................. (02)3415-6792 7S Cctv Security Corporation
67 Epifanio De Los Santos Ave 2485 Janitorial Services Mla ............................ (02)3480-3052 4threads Garments Lkv Bldg Mkti ............... (0995)477-8518
QC ........................... (0917)626-1697 Loyola Hghts QC ............ (02)7964-3052 3Gmc Bros Auto Shop 612 F Roxas Mand ....... (0917)328-5012 7th Heaven Coffee Shop
128 Tech Consulting Incorporated 28 Derby Bakery Gsis Rd Psg ................. (0923)693-4147 5 A's Events And Catering Services 11 Dahlia Ave QC ......... (0977)810-3632
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr 28 Derby QC ................ (0917)892-6447 3J Plasticworld And Manufacturing 600 Coronado Mand.....(0927)300-9844 7th Heaven Collection
Psg ............................ (02)8706-6106 2A's Driving Institute Corporation 5 Aces Rubber Stamps Dryseal 581 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8232-1039
158 Design Blvd 16D Bayan Bayan Ave 101 Tiwala Valenzuela .... (02)8294-0539 Aces Bldg Taguig ........... (02)8899-5262 7thmedia Digital Studios Incorporated
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7720-9678 Mkna ......................... (02)8463-4715 3Mj Labels Printing Services 5 Angels Travel & Tour Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8856-3944
158 Designer's Boulevard 2Eight6 Corporation 282 C Raymundo Ave 1629 B Blumentrit Ext 7Win-Quero Corporation
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7239-1409 Jb Tan LP.......................(02)8869-6846 Psg ............................ (02)7799-0381 Mla ............................ (02)8251-8933 Valero Plz Condmn Mkti..(02)8553-5735

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26 S C M Y K


8 Compu Ware Computer Center A Francisco Trucking A-Vast Terrabyte Phils Incorporated Abd Architectural Designs Abyr Israel Enterprises General Aircon
281E Mc Arthur Hwy Val (02)8291-4573 908 F Busilak Mand ........ (02)8535-9011 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8570-1459 Filinvest 1 QC ............... (0906)516-2968 Services
8 Crayons Ph A G S Freight Express Incorporated A-Zone Arms & Ammo Incorporated Abd Auto Supply Minerva Bldg Munt ....... (0905)365-0724
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)108-0190 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8831-7043 6B 2nd Ave QC...............(02)8470-7800 1489-B Laguna Mla ...... (0927)633-6826 Ac Anjela Cafe
8 Fifth Travel Avenue Corporation A G Tailoring Shop A01Rs Plumbing Services Abd Overseas Manpower Corporation 43 Bonifacio Dr QC.......(0965)169-3093
Sri Bldg PC.....................(02)8511-7848 183 Kaingin Rd QC ....... (0922)664-3872 85 K-6th QC ................... (02)3415-8246 2310 Marconi Mkti ......... (02)8887-6041 Ac Daughsons Logistics Services
8 Rockwell Cafeteria A G Y Travel & Tours A1 Financial Services Incorporated Abe Manpower Services Beaterio Mla ................. (0917)548-4644
Rockwell Twr Mkti ........ (0917)680-5777 Rosal KC ...................... (0933)363-9769 Rizalina Bldg 2 QC .......... (02)8374-7605 Buenavista Bldg Pque ..... (02)8519-7571 Ac Enterprises Incorporated
8 Spoons Catering & Events A Gift And Thrift Drugstore A26 Catering Rentals Abe Restaurant Don Jacinto Bldg Mkti.....(02)8817-5311
8 J Aquino Cruz QC ........ (02)8542-2168 4-E Don Roces Ave QC .. (02)3450-0945 Madre Perla Mkti .......... (0917)319-0106 1 Solaire Resort And Casino Ac Harris Cable Corp
838 Elite Philippine Properties Corporation A K I Industrial Tools Trading A2J Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Pque .......................... (02)8809-4278 Pio del Pilar Marikina ...... (02)8941-2969
Chino Roces Ave Ext Santol KC ..................... (0915)700-9430 301 Tandang Sora Ave Abela Pawnshop Ac Harris Cable Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8754-1442 A L Salazar Construction Inc QC ........................... (0906)214-4328 Rosas Arcade Bldg Mal .. (02)8294-6369 5 Pio Del Pilar Mkna ....... (02)8941-2969
878 Hotel & Suites Annapolis Wilshire Plz A3 Tours & Travel Incorporated Abellera Calica & Uribe Law Offices Ac Merci Beni Laundry Services
878 E Rodriguez Jr Ave QC ............................. (02)8724-2389 Robinsons Place Novaliches Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-2101 Mahogany KC .............. (0905)246-0254
QC ............................. (02)8421-3786 A Lifestyle Management Service QC ............................. (02)8937-9678 Abelon-Arriesgado Real Estate And Ac Metal Export Philippines Incorporated
8785 Coffee & Tea Co 2210 Chino Roces Ave A3N Plastic Product Engineering Services Burgundy Corporate Twr
254 Market Ave Psg ..... (0929)762-9874 Mkti ........................... (02)8543-4489 12B F Lazaro Val .......... (0906)571-8592 Mmmm Bldg QC.............(02)8692-8118 Mkti ........................... (02)8855-4988
88 Bark Avenue A M F Electronics And Services A5 Universal Solutions Incorporated Abenson Ac Ong Consulting Inc
Rock Plz QC ................... (02)8998-0996 6 Liamson Mkna ............ (02)8470-6098 91 B Saudi Arabia Pque .. (02)8245-6847 Fairview Ctr Mall QC ....... (02)8355-5470 The Shang Grand Twr
88 Courtyard Hotel A P A Fortune Trading A5Ram Enterprises Abenson Home Mkti ........................... (02)8893-5827
24 Roxas Blvd PC .......... (02)8558-0188 39 Abalos Val ................. (02)8666-1512 1784 Tiffany Suites Mla .. (02)8711-0529 Wmall PC ....................... (02)8842-5231 Ac Trojan Industries Incorporated
888 German Motors Incorporated A P I Incorporated A6 Shipping Thermal Shipping Labels Aberdeen Court Incorporated Anselma Bldg Psg .......... (02)8642-5800
10 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8477-7342 7 San Martin Psg............(02)8638-4880 Hfs Bldg QC ................. (0908)877-8770 1403 West Wing Great Eastern Hotel Aca & Co Incorporated
888 Graphica A P Simon Dental Clinic A8 Digital Services Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8371-8282 315 Edsa KC .................. (02)8361-9839
24 Carmel II Subd QC ..... (02)8351-8897 1A Hereford QC ............ (0917)841-2280 One San Miguel Ave Condo Abesamic Vision Care Aca And Company Incorporated
888 Pharmacy & General Merchandise A P Zara Tire Supply Psg ............................ (02)8584-8138 Araneta Square KC ......... (02)3383-8109 Prime Block Mla ............. (02)8251-2215
Rd 5 QC ....................... (0917)571-2488 223 Tandang Sora Ave A9T Car Center Abesamis Eye Care Acap - Mkc Industrial Sales
8Box Solutions Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8788-5975 Aglipay Mand ............... (0945)319-7577 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0816 952 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8244-1912
731 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)3448-5250 A Plus Builders Inc Aa Aluminum Supply Incorporated Abesamis Optical Clinic Acatech Support Specialist Incorporated
8Drive Car Rental 208 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3456-6880 Aguinaldo Corporate Ctre 634 P Paterno Mla..........(02)8733-3846 Aaop Hanger 2 PC .......... (02)8659-0954
20 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (0917)533-2141 A R Lopez Enterprises QC ............................. (02)8911-5011 Abesamis Vision Care Center Acc (Authentic Chinese Cuisine)
8Ejjje Trading Corporation 311 Malvar Mla .............. (02)7585-8667 Aa Business Class Transport Corporation Medical Plz Makati Mkti .. (02)8894-0625 60 C Almeda Pat ............ (02)8514-3470
N Domingo SJ ................ (02)8654-0837 A R T Belarmino & Company Cpas 17 August QC.................(02)8927-5046 Abesamis-Yap Optical Co Accel Carrageenan  Corporation
8Fifth Travel Avenue Corporation Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8404-5965 Aa Design Studio City Square Bldg QC ....... (02)7918-2119 First Marcel Twr QC ........ (02)8559-8206
Sri Bldg PC...................(0917)631-1659 A R Vitug Trading Incorporated 99 Maginhawa Suites Accelerate Real Estate Corp
Ciudad Real KC .............. (02)8937-9225 Abhe's Burger'n Tea
8Gig Konstruct Incorporated QC ........................... (0967)254-2404 22 8th Ave QC .............. (0927)989-5153 City & Land Megaplaza
Captain Musni Pat .......... (02)8579-2055 A Rivera Construction Aa Gerochi Dental And Implant Center Psg .......................... (0906)594-6384
958 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8551-2123 Abinales Associates Engineers +
8Mm Media Concepts Company Montivar Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8403-3032 Accentrex Global Technologies Inc
A S Megacorp Incorporated Consultants
Raya Garden Condmn Aa2000 Security And Technology Solution The Praxedes Place Psg . (02)8942-2548 Chatham Hse Condmn
Pque .......................... (02)8881-5118 554 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8516-1206 Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8291-7782
A S Punsalan Trading 39-3 L Esteban Mand ..... (02)7239-9401 Ablaza P Aquino Mal...........(02)3447-4649
8R Hauling Services Access Action Engineering Services
Trans-Phil Hse Bldg B5 L15 Haiti Pque .......... (02)8822-9670 Aaa I-Tech Digital System Ablaza Electrical Supply Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Mkti ......................... (0917)532-5272 Marciana Bldg Mkti.......(0929)225-7656 16 Rd 6 KC .................... (02)8283-4315 Mkti ........................... (02)8290-9080
8R8 Pet And Poultry Supplies Aaa Pharma Incorporated Ablaza Pawnshop-San Joaquin Branch Access Computer And Technical Colleges
8 Rd 8 QC .................... (0932)224-6361 A SORIANO CORP 105 Maryland QC ........... (02)8726-8715 43 M Concepcion Psg .... (02)8661-6566 Access Main Bldg Mla .... (02)8734-8517
8Strokes Medispa Aaa Plumbing Services Inc Abm Computech Enterprises Incorporation Access Lift And Electronics Corporation
Santiaguel Bldg LP ....... (0920)973-5015 Pacific Star Bldg Kennedy Bldg Mla .......... (02)8726-9145 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8810-8115 3B Bartville Rd Psg ......... (02)8645-0913
8th Streat Grill And Resto Bar Aac Law Firm Abm Global Solutions Incorporated Access Network Systems Communications
Sugartowne QC ............ (0956)417-6898
Makati ..... (02)8819-0251 31 Alibangbang QC ........ (02)8373-5288 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8811-5429 240 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-0415
911 Alarm Incorporated Aacm Pest Control Abo And Penarada Law Access Plus Group
Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-5970 37 Virginia Mkna .......... (0916)647-6302 Avida Cityflex Twrs Soho Bldg 102 P Tuazon QC ......... (0917)672-4111
911 Language Incorporated Aaf Scooter Parts Accessories & General Accessone Solutions
Kalayaan Plz Mall QC ...... (02)8928-1475 Merchandise Abo And Penaranda Law Firm Boston KC ...................... (02)8932-6447
926A Travel And Tours 138 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)8531-0023 One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)7341-8944 Accessories & Supplies Depot Inc
Star Centrum Condmn A SORIANO Aar Refrigeration & Airconditioning Home Abo And Penaranda Law Firm / Notary 110 Labo QC..................(02)8516-2133
Mkti ......................... (0977)761-3660 Services & Maintenance Public Accessories And Supplies Depot
CORP Avida Cityflex Soho Twr
99 Wash Crew Car Wash & Auto Detailing 27 B Diliman QC ............. (02)8401-3757 Incorporated
30 Gov Pascual Ave Taguig........................(02)7728-3665 Mervin Terraces Condmn
Aaron Salon
Mal .......................... (0977)847-9616 Amber Place Psg............(02)8565-9139 Aboda Prints Mla ............................ (02)8742-2947
9K International Manpower 195 G Aglipay Mand ....... (02)8404-7757 Acclaim Knitting Corporation
Aarontrusted Auto Parts
Victoria De Manila Condominuim 8 Bma Ave QC..............(0945)832-9940 Abojeb Manpower Solutions Incorporated Bonifacio Naval Stn Mkti . (02)8838-5303
Mla ............................ (02)8516-5504 A T C Health Care Int'l Corporation Corporate Ctr 1 Pque ...... (02)8527-9980 Accorn Rubber Mfg Inc
Aarty Marketing Services
A & B Liner Incorporated 72 2nd St KC ................. (02)8294-8474 274B Shoe Ave Mkna ..... (02)8661-6933 Abosta Ship Management Corporation Santa Clara Santa Maria
3167 Pres R Magsaysay Blvd A Tapar Hauling Service Aaxs Transport Service Jemarson Place Bldg Bulacan......................(02)8292-0811
Mla ............................ (02)8713-1344 Payatas Rd QC ............. (0946)737-8299 Gladiola KC .................. (0956)321-1420 Mla ............................ (02)8400-5984 Account Handlers Inc
A & D Plumbing And Electrical Services A To G Barbacina Tailoring Ab Solis Trucking Abr Cctv Wifi And Electronic Services And Cityland Herrera Twr
87 K-6th QC ................... (02)8283-5857 48 St Peter QC ............... (02)7509-2859 25 11th St QC ................ (02)8637-7362 Supplies Makati ........................ (02)8812-6517
A & E Equinet Support Incorporated A Touch Of Elegance Ab Surveying And Development 34 Susano Rd QC.........(0966)803-7638 Account Handlers Incorporated
15th Ave QC...................(02)8912-4036 Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)7752-7806 Marsk Bldg QC ............... (02)8656-8395 Abr Events & Advertising Solutions Cityland Herrera Twr
A & F Lights & Lamps A V Paule Construction Co Incorporated Ab-Aire Specialists Company 30 J P Rizal Taguig.........(02)8546-0331 Mkti ........................... (02)8812-6514
Vmcc Bldg QC................(02)7934-0392 State Condmn 4 SJ ........ (02)8723-8947 3804 Daffodil Pque.........(02)8823-3771 Abra Mining And Industrial C Accredited Bir Printing Press
A & G Refrigeration And Air Conditioning A&A Nails Ph 9th St PC .... (0915)266-9188 Aba Medical And Laboratory Supplies Inc Jafer Bldg QC ................. (02)8925-1604 8254-E Fabian Yabut
Services A&C International Resource Incorporated Diamond Crest Apts Abrakadabra Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8836-7065
Pinagbuhatan Psg ........ (0955)599-3752 San Luis Terraces Mla .... (02)8521-4992 Mand ....................... (0918)935-0891 Tpa Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8519-3018 Accufast Clinic
A & P Services Incorporated A&C Resources International Inc Ababu Persian Kitchen Absha Construction & Development Inc University Mall Mla ....... (0966)874-2226
Pelbel Bldg 1 Psg ........... (02)7625-6939 638 San Luis Terraces Xavierville Ave QC...........(02)3436-0000 One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)8693-2825 Accur-8 Delivery Services
A & R Pet Supplies Mla ............................ (02)8516-8993 Abacon Windows And Doors Absha Construction And Development Inc 242 M L Quezon
Conchu QC .................. (0977)856-3358 A&D Diagnostic Laboratory Kapitolyo Psg ................. (02)7504-2333 One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)8693-2825 Taguig......................(0961)699-8181
A & S Lamps E Jacinto Psg ............... (0918)271-7125 Abacus Security Corporation Abshar Fast Food Accura Freight Express Inc
942 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8421-5880 A&F Green Electric Technologies Inc Federal Twr Condmn Greenhills Shopping Ctr Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8550-2501
A & W International Manpower Services 10 B Banner Psg .......... (0947)315-2215 Mla ............................ (02)8243-0131 SJ ............................ (0922)844-4423 Accuratek Solutions Corporations
Specialist A&G Medical Products And Equipment Abalos Fiberglass Industries Absolute Industrial Solutions Incorporated 28 M L Quezon Taguig ... (02)7506-1009
Gkl Bldg Mla ................. (0995)731-8847 Kaligtasan Exit QC ........ (0945)611-2637 183 San Guillermo Munt . (02)8831-9065 4 St Thomas Ave Pque ... (02)8887-4912 Accuratus Neuropsychiatric And Diagnostic
A - Won's Auto Supply Corporation A&M Red Giant Security Agency Abante Tire Marketing Corporation Absoluteland Solutions Incorporated Center
72 S Francisco QC ......... (02)3419-5258 Pasda Coml Bldg QC ...... (02)7503-6453 L426 Don Mariano Marcos Ave Star Centrum Condmn Gonzales Bldg QC.........(0943)705-5022
A 1 Driving Company Incorporated A&R Craft Philippines QC ............................. (02)8938-6346 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1191 Accuratus Np & Diagnostic Center
C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8641-6383 14 Natividad QC ............. (02)3413-5394 Abaya Cesar Plumbing Incorporated Absolutely Sports Corporate Hse Bldg QC ... (02)8721-4965
A And D Plumbing And Electrical Services A&R Shoppe L B L Bldg QC ................ (02)8635-0680 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Acd Investigation Security Agency
87 K-6th St QC ............. (0906)119-5801 8 Magdiwang QC..........(0917)551-3059 Abba Personnel Services Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8727-8179 2360 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8831-2444
A And J Steel Roofing Solution Company A'Postrophe Pioneer Corporate Ctr Abstone Company Incorporated Acd-Asn Pest And Termite Control Services
27 Commonwealth Ave Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8553-9714 Mand ......................... (02)8584-8215 288 Escolta Mla ............. (02)8711-3435 32-A Cristobal QC ........ (0917)703-4683
QC ........................... (0953)279-9262 A+ Dialysis Center Abbey Audrey Salon Abstract Automation Company Acdc Electrical Services
A And P Leisure Products Corporation Gempc Bldg QC..............(02)8922-0774 D Marrch's Bldg LP ........ (02)8403-1443 156 N S Amoranto QC .... (02)3413-3654 22 Maysan Rd Val ........ (0907)463-0639
1233 United Nations Ave A-1 Industries Inc Abbeyroad General Merchandise Abtik Outsource Ace Asia Pacific Services Pte Ltd
Mla ............................ (02)8562-9385 52 Judge Juan Luna San Roque QC..............(0917)114-1117 11 San Antonio Psg........(02)8358-7808 Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8849-6080
A B Franco Builders Quezon City................(02)8372-1896 Abbott Laboratories Philippines Abuelas' Food To Go By 888 Paramount Ace Cor Ambulance Service
66 Chile Mkna ................ (02)8942-1762 A-1 Signworx Venice Corporate Ctr Stars 756 Instruccion Mla ....... (02)8749-5476
A B Photobooth 26 20th Ave QC .............. (02)3437-0238 Taguig........................(02)8822-2688 Filinvest Corporate City Ace Diagnostics Corporation
965 Metrica Mla ............. (02)8254-5147 A-Best Express Incorporated Abc Bicycle Center Munt ........................ (0939)913-1700 Cpe Bldg QC .................. (02)8461-3901
A Bonifacio Construction Supply Vicente Madrigal Bldg 936 - 5 Aurora Blvd QC (0915)737-8811 Abuelo's Delicatessen Ace Hardware
104 Amang Rodriguez Mkti ........................... (02)8478-1720 ABC Global Marketing Adb Ave Psg ................ (0915)560-0480 Fort Victoria Twr Taguig..(02)8403-5123
Psg ............................ (02)8682-1363 A-Class Electrical Supply Incorporated 134 H Talayan Village Abunai Car Care Center Ace Hydraulic Enterprises
A C Architect 667 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2914 Quezon City................(02)8714-6118 44 Agno QC ................. (0918)456-7331 157 Rizal Ave KC ........... (02)8364-0159
Psec West Twr QC ......... (02)8959-7650 A-Jin Design & Construction Abc Motor Supply Abundance Hardware Ace Pools Incorporated
A C Fiberglass Manufacturing E Rodriguez Jr QC ........ (0917)108-4183 St Peter Church Mla ....... (02)8244-7335 B35 1 & 2 Ph3 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Nassons Bldg Pque ........ (02)8515-4838
Cristina Lne QC .............. (02)7621-5487 A-Pack Eco Materials Incorporated Abc Store Incorporated KC ............................. (02)8288-1890 Ace Salon And Body Spa
A Cortez Dental Clinic Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8990-5421 Robinsons Place Manila Abundance Rent A Car Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0929)440-2500
Cortez Val .................... (0936)926-6434 A-Solutions Online Stores Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8525-0573 511 A Flores Mla ............ (02)7747-4925 Ace Technologies Incorporated
A D Sabarillo Jr Incorporated Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)8815-2055 Abca International Corporation Abundant Life International Manpower Metrowalk Plz Bldg  C
Susana Arcade LP .......... (02)8800-3832 A-Vantage International Recruitment Vareb Mansion Mla.........(02)8256-4597 Services Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8633-1422
A Different Image Corporation Abcd Lao Dental Clinic Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Ace88 Event Security Management
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8701-3905 Galvez Bldg Pque ......... (0917)889-8128 1629 Fajardo Mla ......... (0998)988-5685 Mla .......................... (0938)589-1752 127-68 Bronze Mal.......(0943)448-9725

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27 S C M Y K


Acean Petshop Activations Advertising Inc Advance Gemsfire System Industries Inc. Aeroworld Logistics Phils Incorporated Aguila Auto Glass
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0950)172-9789 115 Kasing - Kasing QC . (02)8283-5980 1851 M Guazon Manila .. (02)8563-9423 1 Sampaguita Circle Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0923)747-1138
Acebedo Optical Activcare Home Health Solutions Advance Group Link Manpower Services Pque .......................... (02)8829-3846 Aguila Padala
27 Samson Rd KC..........(02)8366-1604 Incorporated Inc Aes Automotive Diagnostic And Repair Mtm Bldg Mla...............(0939)248-6499
Aceg Steel Products Incorporated 3 Sta Rosa Psg .............. (02)7759-8307 35 Gen Ave QC...............(02)8926-5930 Services Aguilar's Electronics And Refrigeration
Facilities Ctre Bldg Mand (02)8531-1236 Active Fun City Advance Ink Technology Co 38 Mangachapoy QC .... (0917)828-9165 Repairshop
Acenet Computers Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-5593 Champaca Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8994-1091 Aeshikit's Enterprises 56 D Rivera SJ ............. (0927)339-1761
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Active Global Sourcing Incorporated Advance Tech 30 Sikap Mand ............... (02)7748-7672 Aguileon Cargo Express Corp
SJ .............................. (02)8725-0762 225 N Garcia Mkti .......... (02)8896-4964 1236 A H Lacson Mla.....(02)8731-3560 Aetna Enterprises 1426 Gelinos Mla ........... (02)8741-8035
Acenet Incorporated Active Group Incorporated L5 B1 New Intramuros Vill Aguirre Loan Company Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8893-7024 QC ........................... (0905)105-1723 812 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8817-6425
SJ .............................. (02)8725-0254 Active Underwriters Insurance Agency ADVANCED Af X-Trim Services Inc Aguirre Pawnshop
Acento Incorporated 115 Conrado Benitez 5068 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8553-6802
156 Sunvar Plz Bldg G Apacible Mla ............... (02)8523-7773 FOUNDATION Pque .......................... (02)8825-7955 Agustin Building
Mkti ........................... (02)8562-4083 Active-Concise Tech Incorporated Afae-Legends 28 F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ... (02)8633-5484
Acer Sto Nino Ave Munt ......... (02)8808-8371 CONSTRUCTION 43 India Pque ............... (0917)308-4682 Agustino's Floor Sanding Services
Civic Dr Festival Mall Acton Technophils Inc Afb Furniture 1St Maharlika Mla.........(0922)370-5217
Munt ........................ (0932)622-6999 Correal Property Bldg LP (02)8850-6182 SYSTEMS Batasan-San Mateo Rd Ahcc Nutrients Phil Incorporated
Acersteel Industrial Sales Inc Actuarial Advisers Incorporated QC ........................... (0919)977-9358 King Ctr QC .................... (02)8442-5530
1422 Gov I Santiago
Valenzuela .................. (02)8657-3888
Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8812-8395 CORPORATION Affinity Medical Ahg Lab
Acumu Consultants Incorporated See Adv under Contractors and Builders Angelus Plz Mkti ............. (02)8751-8798 6223 Manalac Mkti.........(02)8359-2428
Acersteel Industrial Sales Incorporated Chemphil Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8828-3728 Affluent Properties Leasing And Sales Ahl's One Stop Store
1422 Gov I Santiago Val . (02)8657-3800 e-mail: [email protected]
Acw Compuadd Incorporated Levi Mariano Taguig ....... (02)7369-9101 Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0955)410-8880
Aces Incorporated Pangarap Bldg QC .......... (02)3411-9171 Petron Mega Plaza Aficionado Ahm Global Operations Inc
Clf Bldg Mkti.................(0921)345-2482 Ad Craytion Inc Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)741-3253 Unionbank Plz Psg ......... (02)8519-9611
Aces Solar 187 Int P Parada SJ........(02)8452-3108 Makati ..... (02)8886-3439 Afpg Printing Services Ahon Sa Hirap Incorporated
17 Apollo 3 LP ............... (02)7089-1039 Ad Systems International Incorporated 516 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8403-2902 76 8th Ave QC ................ (02)8911-0309
Acetech Electronics Corporation Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8813-7840 Afpmbai General Insurance Corporation Ahyi Laundry
Filway Cmpd Pque..........(02)8825-6641 Ad-Man Resources Incorporated Col Boni Serrano Rd QC . (02)8911-8801 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ........... (0917)833-0992
Acetech Metal Industries Corporation 16 Benedictine Pque.......(02)8776-8718
Afreight Phils Incorporated Aicen Trading
6013A Tatalon Val .......... (02)8984-1743 Adads Pizza FOUNDA- 8530 J De Leon Pque ..... (02)8820-6308 Vill Coml Plz LP .............. (02)8800-3095
Acf Logistics Worldwide Dr Sixto Antonio Ave TION CONS- SAMPLE Afro-Asian Travel And Tours Aida's Chicken
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8354-3418 Psg .......................... (0926)676-9711 TRUCTION Z And H Apt Mla ............. (02)8523-7501 Makati Cinema Square
Acfe Prints & Designs ONL Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1537
Adams Technical Supply SYSTEMS Afs Express
Lanzones Mkti .............. (0977)485-6700 708 Victoria Ave Mla ...... (02)8527-5165 Y Southwest Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8556-4034 Aids Society Of The Phils Incorporated
Achi Travel & Tours Inc Adands Bakeshop CORP 71 Sct Tuazon QC .......... (02)8376-2541
12 Old Sauyo Rd Sauyo 58 Gen San Miguel KC . (0947)928-5293 Urban Ave Mkti.............(0917)498-9764 Aijika Travel Cafe
QC ........................... (0917)926-1666 Adapsense Technologies Inc Enc5 Bldg QC ................. (02)8374-0396
Ag Auto Parts Center
Achiban Graphic Designs E Jacinto QC .................. (02)8981-8660 166 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-6288 Aiki Motor Parts
17 De Vera QC ............. (0917)625-1191 Advanced Merchant Payments Lending
Adaptive Radios Communications Corporation Ag Datacom Phils Incorporated 39 Banawe QC ............... (02)8711-0015
Achieve Universal International Recruitment Technologies Inc Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8584-1157 Aikido Makiling Aikido International
Philam Twr Mkti ............. (02)8818-1717
Services Inc Parkway Corp Ctr Alabang 12th Ave KC ................. (0999)883-6198
J P Rizal QC ................. (0918)940-9318 Advanced World Systems Incorporated Ag Global Sourcing Solutions Inc
Muntinlupa ................. (02)8372-5311 Techno Serve Bldg Munt.(02)8807-0045 Ala Bldg LP .................. (0932)121-2558 Aiko Medical Supplies
Achieve Without Borders Adc Pet Shop Bambang Mla ............... (0977)494-9904
2029 Gen Mascardo Advancednet Phils Incorporated Aga Marine Corp
690 Geronimo Mla ....... (0995)872-6424 Filflex Bldg Psg ............... (02)8234-2074 821 Naval Nav................(02)8282-4006 Aimhive Learning Hub Corp
Mkti ........................... (02)8956-1278 Adc Printing Enterprises One Burgundy Plz QC ..... (02)8543-5013
Achievers Manpower Management Services Advantage International Incorporated Agap Laboratory Supplies Trading
312 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8361-0872 Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)7955-2148 Emsted Bldg Pque ........ (0908)897-0727 Aimsco Mechanical
Inc Addai's Diner Beneliza Bldg KC ............ (02)8366-3243
6 Sta Clara Psg ............ (0905)485-9131 Advatech Industries Inc Agape Car Interprises
Apitong Mkna ............... (0916)262-6126 Advatech Bldg 385 G Banawe QC .......... (02)8251-4962 Aini Philippines Unlimited Shabu Shabu
Achievers Security Agency Phils Addie's Steakhouse Matheus Bldg Mkti........(0977)366-2289
Jelp Business Solution Ctr Mandaluyong ............. (02)8532-2951 Agapito Onze Carwash
813 Dir A Bunye Munt .. (0956)408-0875 Advent Realty Merville Access Rd PC . (0916)542-1797 Aio Wireless
Mand ......................... (02)8477-4647 Addieâ??s Steakhouse Ma Cristina Bldg KC ..... (0908)362-3704
Achilles Emission Testing Center Twenty-Five Seven Mckinley Bldg Agc Bakeries Incorporated
813 Dir A Bunye Munt .. (0956)408-0875 Taguig......................(0906)485-0900 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8554-6134 Air Ambulance Philippines
12 Biak Na Bato QC ........ (02)8890-4942 Addition Lumber Incorporated Aaop Hangar PC ............. (02)8877-2488
Acj Merchandising Adverb Incorporated Agc Led
874 Gen Kalentong Manhattan Bldg LP ......... (02)8856-2572 Air Atmos Industries Inc
75-C Pasig Blvd Psg ...... (02)8631-4361 Mand ......................... (02)8531-6583 850 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)7745-3967
Advertising Services III 158 Tandang Sora Ave
Aclc Apc Bldg QC ............... (02)8371-3616 Adela's Fruit Stand Agcaoli And Associates QC ........................... (0918)930-0822
2348 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8622-4373 Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8892-4901
Aclem Paper Mills Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3487-7466 Air Beyond Satisfaction Inc
501 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-3871 Advinson Commercial Agchem Manufacturing Corporation
Adelcom Electronics Services 11 Duhat QC .................. (02)8374-2841 314 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8715-8593
Acm Events Place Ongpin Coml Ctr Mla ...... (02)7906-1696 Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8816-1186 Air Force One Security Agency
Acm Bldg Psg .............. (0977)384-2535 Adxel's Laundry Age International Gulf Employment
Adequip Corporation Antonio S Arnaiz Ave 67 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)3411-4083
Acme Jewelry Incorporated Veterans Rd Taguig ........ (02)8837-1482 L & S Bldg Mla ............... (02)5310-1080 Air Moving Forwarders Inc
PC ........................... (0921)739-5815 Agea Enterprises
Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8892-4365 Adhikain Bicycle Chapter 5074 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)7729-9320
Acme Pawnshops Incorporated Ae Group Incorporated Bpi Credit Card Ctr Mkti .. (02)8879-0000
11 1st Ave QC .............. (0927)496-5327 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Air Printing Services
Mj Holdings Bldg LP ....... (02)8806-7117 Adi Asianic Distributors Incorporated Agencia De Empenos De Mb Aguirre Century Plz Mkti ........... (0917)945-3778
SJ .............................. (02)8725-5136 98 Makati Executive Twr 3
Acml Medical And Laboratory Supply 868 Champaca Ext Pque (02)8403-7147 Air Space Travel & Tours Incorporated
37-B Aib Sagada QC ...... (02)8354-9960 Ae Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8572-9507
Adi Telecoms Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-7752 2079 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8522-3273
Acn Office Mart Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8805-9202 Agencia De Emperions De Myrna Air-Ric Industrial Systems Incorporated
365 Edsa KC .................. (02)8364-7780 Aedan's Burger San Antonio Pque ........... (02)7261-2710
Adilasia Incorporated Las Flores 92-C K-1st St QC ......... (0966)562-5631 Km 19 East Svc Rd
Acoustic Dimension One Mckinley Place Agf Security Agency Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8838-1941
Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8895-4719 Taguig........................(02)8552-2815 Aegis Detailing Alabang Psmbfi Bldg QC .............. (02)8571-7661
Manila Doctors Vill Access Rd Air21 Store
Acqua Suisse Perfume Bar Adkins Travel Agency Incorporated Agfield International Corporation Smx Convention Ctr PC .. (02)8556-4435
LP ............................ (0917)707-9526 22 Malakas QC...............(02)8426-5566
Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)554-3790 34 Avenue Square Garden Airaz Manpower Services Inc
Mla ............................ (02)8523-2456 Aegis Enterprise Aggreko Energy Rental Solutions
Acquatec Incorporated Panyo Palaran QC .......... (02)8861-1985 1800 A Bonifacio Ave
149 Congressional Ave Adlib International Sales Incorporated Mkna ....................... (0968)432-2188
QC ............................. (02)3453-8882 Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8556-1763 Aegiscrew Manning Incorporated Picadilly Star Bldg Airbone 7 Travel & Tours Incorporated
Adlift Electrical Engineering Services Bmh Ctre Mkti ................ (02)8890-0817 Taguig........................(02)8782-8183 Cityland Pasong Tamo
Acquire Bpo
Robinsons Cyberscape Beta 61 Acacia Psg ................ (02)8514-4652 Aenil's Flowers Aggy's Bakeshop Mkti ........................... (02)8845-1946
Psg ............................ (02)8667-6800 Adm Digital Hub Inc Chestnut QC ................. (0917)803-9964 Aguirre Pque .................. (02)8807-6674 Airesources Incorporated
Acquisitions Industrial Corporation 25-E Naval Mal.............(0933)427-3069 Aeom Trading Auto Spare Parts Aggys Cake Shop Century Park Sheraton
55 M Gregorio Val .......... (02)8294-4208 Adm Vertical Specialist Incorporated 713 Banawe QC ............. (02)8411-4241 44B Aguirre Pque ........... (02)7263-7209 Mla ............................ (02)8400-3968
Acr Airconditioning & Refrigeration Supplies 10 St Peter QC ............... (02)8398-2789 Aeon Credit Service Philippines Agham Book Store Airflow Construction Corp
And Services Admer And 3J Partnership Company Incorporated 2 Merville Access Rd 6F Congressional QC ...... (02)3456-3275
4390 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)8551-9786 133 K-10th QC ............... (02)8287-6936 17 Hanston Square Psg .. (02)8631-1399 PC ........................... (0922)118-1762 Airland Cargo Movers Incorporated
Acramed Phils Incorporated Admuarrupe International Residence Aeon Print And Design Co Agls Ambulance Equipment Enterprises Tiong Brothers Bldg Mla . (02)8256-0533
Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8856-2305 Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8426-5911 10 A Xavierville Ave QC .. (02)7799-3148 Abaya Bldg QC ............. (0927)677-6088 Airluck's Internet Cafe And Printing
Acre Air-Conditioning Specialists Inc Adniah Printing Services Aeons Rem Enterprise Ago Suspension Service Center 23 Kagawad Rd QC ...... (0915)842-8953
1st Ave Taguig ............... (02)8577-7880 Brgy Pio Del Pilar Mla ... (0918)929-0150 1 De Guzman Val............(02)7956-0097 84-B B Araneta Ave QC .. (02)8806-1932 Airmoving Forwarders Inc
Acre Development Corporation Adonai Conservative Baptist Academy Aerflow Electro Mechanical Supply And Agonoy Language Translation Services 4614 Arellano Mkti ....... (0906)374-6444
Acre Bldg QC ................. (02)8928-7869 2070 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8692-1876 Services Corp Cityland Herrera Twr Airo Hotel
Acrotech Micro Devices Incorporated Adonis General Upholstery 12 P Valenzuela Mkna .... (02)8693-9598 Mkti ........................... (02)8846-2679 Antonio Flores Mla........(0916)522-8624
868 Champaca Ext Dr Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0936)463-1504 Aero Eagle Freight Agp Elevator Incorporated Airoma - Pasig City
Pque .......................... (02)8804-1918 Adr Glass Aluminum & Steel Works Gedcor Bldg Pque .......... (02)8851-9600 Republic Supermarket Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ......... (0930)525-1785
Acrydental Laboratories Incorporated 92 A Kamuning Rd QC . (0919)447-0862 Aero International Freight Forwarding Mla ............................ (02)8546-4831 Airport Hotel 128 Incorporated
Hernandez Bldg Mkti.......(02)8845-3907 Adrenaline Sporting Goods Skyfreight Ctr Bldg C Agpv Dental Clinic Penthouse Mabuhay Travel Bldg
Acsi 2 Malakas QC ............. (02)7717-5900 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8376-4716 Pque .......................... (02)8852-1920 Citiplaza2 QC................(0947)453-0753 Pque .......................... (02)8854-7976
ACT Electronic Center Adrian Cellphone Repair Services Aerocar Travel Incorporated Agrani Motors Incorporated Airport House Of Wines And Liquor
915 Banawe 35 Pilar Rd LP ................ (02)8856-7187 858 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8527-5678 Diamond Auto Group Bldg Park N Fly Cplx PC ......... (02)8852-5929
Quezon City................(02)8363-1650 Adrianse Group Philippines Incorporated Aerodynamics Commercial Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8645-4801 Airport Transient House
Act Shopro Inc Pet Plans Twr Mkti ......... (02)8892-8156 1028 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8244-7720 Agresource Incorporated Salem Cplx PC ............. (0947)267-5015
578 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-6602 Adriatico Consortium Incorporated Aerofone 328 Stafford Pque .......... (02)8821-8713 Airserv Industrial Incorporated
Actic Air-Conditioning Services Pan Pacific Manila Mla . (0965)238-9678 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-5874 Agri Indus Phils Incorporated Beluz Bldg Psg ............... (02)8642-3866
Kaimito Psg..................(0947)704-7544 Adriatico Pensionne Inn Incorporated Aeroplus Multi Services Incorporated 20 P Dela Cruz QC..........(02)8930-6670 Airserve Cargo Express
Actimed Healthcare Technologies Inc 1612 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8404-3430 41-B Concepcion LP ...... (02)8806-4521 Agribusiness Rural Bank Incorporated San Dionisio Pque .......... (02)8829-6193
Armon's Bldg QC ............ (02)7501-2726 Adrush Creative Media Incorporated Aeropostale Dispo Philippines Bldg Airship Logistics Solutions
Action Lumber And Hardware 29 Isabelo Mendoza Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)706-5473 Psg ............................ (02)8942-2474 Sunrise Condmn SJ ...... (0917)537-8250
919-E Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8712-5136 Mkna ......................... (02)8532-4236 Aerosky Services Corporation Agricultural Credit Policy Council Airspeed 20 Tulips QC ........ (02)8442-3408
Action Station Ads-Vantage Advertisement Comapny Maptra Hangar PC ........ (0917)517-6086 One San Miguel Ave Bldg Airstream Trading & Electro-Mechanical
Robinson Place  Manila Vatican Bldg LP .............. (02)7373-4602 Aerospace Industries Association Of The Psg ............................ (02)8636-3392 System Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8535-4045 Advance Business Concept Philippines Agripro Premier Nutrition Incorporated Better Living Subd
Activa Media Philippines Incorporated Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8817-1152 Titanium Bldg Taguig .... (0949)993-7994 28 Quirino Hwy QC.........(02)8442-6417 Parañaque .................. (02)8821-4675
The Fort Entertainment Cplx Advance Engineering Corporation Aerostar Travel & Tours Incorporated Aguas De Marco Unlimited Incorporated Airvest Metal Works Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8553-6002 2208 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8523-8711 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8683-0959 A And E Bldg SJ ............. (02)8727-4092 4158A Del Mundo Val.....(02)8990-5507

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:39 2022 - P27

28 S C M Y K


Aivee Cafe Alabatin Food Products Alejen Trading Company All About Teeth Dental Clinic Almond4You Cellphone Shop & Repair
Burgos Park Bldg 157 Batanes QC ........... (0916)236-9582 21 M H Del Pilar KC........(02)8366-5399 332 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-1328 Services
Taguig......................(0920)966-5613 Alad Mining And Development Corp Alenaire Airconditioning All Access Starmall Mand .............. (0920)890-9900
Aiza T Labao Auto Parts Supply Sierra Ctre Mand ............ (02)8533-4718 Alencor Bldg QC ............. (02)8712-2144 Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0943)473-4901 Almonte Gamboa Dental
1774 Gen E Evangelista Aladin 24 Resto & Coffee Shop Alendin Hardware & Electrical Supply All Asia Air Central Incorporated Felimarc Business Ctr
Mkti ........................... (02)8945-8019 335 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8553-3003 198 Jose P Rizal KC ....... (02)8288-0916 Salem International Comm Ctr Psg ............................ (02)7975-4072
Aj Auto Detailing Services Alaga Laundry Shop Alero Design Studio PC ............................. (02)8851-8709 Almuril Mimeographics
13th St PC ................... (0956)350-1964 19 B Rd 1 QC ................. (02)3454-5424 58 Alero Design Studio All Asia Capital And Trust Corporation 147 Samson Rd KC........(02)8363-8064
Aj Events Ilaya Munt ......... (0933)601-5215 Alamat Filipino Pub & Deli Psg ............................ (02)7751-4475 Sycip Law All Asia Ctr Almusal Cafe
Aj Glass And Aluminum Services 240 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0905)219-2843 Aleser Trading Air Conditioning And Mkti ........................... (02)8818-3211 The Pop Up QC ............ (0966)523-5562
273 M H Del Pilar Mal .. (0916)332-0737 Alangadi Merchandise Refrigeration All Cars Makati Aln & Co Incorporated
Aj Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Service Greenflies Shopping Ctr 15 J Rizal Ave Ext KC ..... (02)8363-7530 1322 Filmore Mkti ........ (0953)257-2707 Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8812-9285
1937-C Dominga PC .... (0956)159-5046 SJ .............................. (02)8334-7523 Aleta Photography Studio All Certified Equipment Trading Corporation Aln Group Of Companies
Aj's Bike Shop Alarm Data Security System Incorporated Munting Nayon KC ......... (02)8662-0589 905 Edsa QC .................. (02)7622-3448 Escriva Dr Psg ............... (02)8295-5909
680 Gastambide Mla .... (0905)769-0067 Clfv Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8899-2581 Alex & Stella Meat Shop All Constructions And Hardware Supply Aln Marine Equipment Supply
Aj7 Builders Alarm Systems Corporation Commonwealth Ave 1420 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3311 Navotas Nav ................... (02)8351-4148
B89 L22-24 Amarillo Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8532-0556 QC ........................... (0916)600-5330 All Flex Marketing & Industrial Sales Alog & Company Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)7757-0517 Alas Cargo Philippines Incorporated Alex And Ani Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)3412-6286 Alabang Business Twr
Aja Registrars Incorporated 29 Bayan-Bayanan Ave Sm Aura Premier All Furniture Corner Munt .......................... (02)8478-3878
Nol Bldg Munt ................ (02)8850-2040 Mkna ......................... (02)8661-2527 Taguig......................(0932)878-5781 20 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (0905)360-5391 Alona Grey General Merchandise
Ajcl Diagnostic Laboratory Alavar Alex Radiator Expert All Good Airconditioning Services 72 St Mary's QC ............. (02)7587-4837
Victoria Bldg KC ........... (0916)430-9830 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)610-7421 Zabarte Rd Kaligayahan 10 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8463-8223 Alorica
Ajdl Trucking Services Alb Print And Graphics QC ........................... (0999)405-8162 All Great Foods Distribution 2258 Chino Roces Mkti .. (02)7717-7500
496 E Santos Ave Psg .. (0943)709-0141 3644 Lubiran Mla ........... (02)7509-2883 Alex Reyes III Restaurant Incorporated Capricorn Bldg Pque.......(02)8828-1114 Aloyco International Corp
Ajfd Clean & Tidy Laundry Shop Alba Catering 201 Wilson SJ................(02)8722-4753 All Hands On Deck Incorporated 173 F Manalo San Juan .. (02)8242-4164
1-C Camaro QC ............ (0932)108-8122 235 El Grande Ave Pque . (02)8829-4031 Alexa's Gift Shop Pioneer Highlands Twr 1 Alpa Battery Supply
Ajhm Korean Bbq House Alba International Incorporated 5071 15th St Pque ....... (0948)476-9533 Mand ......................... (02)7621-4482 Gil Puyat Av Pasay City .. (02)8832-3729
Market Plz Mla ............. (0949)802-8972 38 Polaris Mkti ............... (02)8896-6950 Alexandria Funeral Service All Inclusive Sales Incorporated Alpa Plumbing Works Incorporated
AJI Trucking Services Alba Manpower & General Services Ph12 B25 Pkg3 L1 Kaagapay Rd Good Harvest Cplx Psg ... (02)8628-1828 157 Congressional Ave
Vista Verde Subd 1735 Dian Mkti...............(02)8831-3056 KC ........................... (0998)865-1472 All Lights Electrical Supply QC ............................. (02)3453-0488
Kalookan City ............. (02)8984-6341 Albeo Travel Incorporated Alexis Graphic Design And Printing Services Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Alpha Accord Security Services Inc
Ajj Gym Muaythai Academy City & Land Mega Plz Condo Manggahan Psg ........... (0942)813-2303 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-7467 Great Wall Bldg Mkti ..... (0977)834-8832
St Mary E Rodriguez Psg ............................ (02)8584-8433 Alexis Jewelry Incorporated All Premium Balloons And Party Needs Alpha Auto Detailing Services
QC ........................... (0928)292-9138 Alber Travel And Tours International Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8845-3258 Corporation 167 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0995)303-0089
Ajl Employment Agency Berma Redemtorist Rd Alexora Biomedical Technologies Inc 3 Matahimik QC............(0917)885-2929 Alpha Centris Manpower Agency
2016 Anak Bayan Mla .. (0907)633-0344 Pque .......................... (02)8879-2070 Ldr Bldg QC ................. (0917)153-0926 All Premium Tent Aircon Rental And Party Harmonic Seven Place Bldg
Ajm Scale Care Services Albert Javier Sanchez Industrial Supplies Alexzander Designs Incorporated Needs Mla ............................ (02)8354-4422
107 F Aguilar KC ............ (02)8861-5679 5 Ikong Psg .................... (02)8721-0969 196 J Elizalde Pque ........ (02)8519-9316 3 Matahimik QC..............(02)3433-0419 Alpha Digital Printing
Ajp Electrical Works Albert Metalcraft Incorporated Alezon's Apparel All Premium Tent Rental And Party Needs Angsco Mansion KC ..... (0917)830-3203
St Louis Val .................... (02)8332-1861 A Pablo Val .................... (02)8294-0767 317 Sen Gil Puyat Ave 3 Matahimik QC..............(02)8927-6960 Alpha General Trading
Ajrc Marketing Albert Mutuc Hair Salon PC ........................... (0917)502-9653 All Seasons Manpower International Grand Riviera Suites
11A Kayumanggi QC ...... (02)8692-9429 241-H P Tuazon Ave QC . (02)8437-0956 Alfa Dream Project Incorporated Services Inc Mla .......................... (0949)187-5480
Ajrc Marketing & Real Estate Services Alberto 7554 M Santillan Mkti.....(02)8812-3354 157-B Lopez Mand ......... (02)8533-3536 Alpha Insurance & Surety Corporation
Sgt Catolos QC ............... (02)8935-0585 Robinsons Place Manila Alfa Personnel Care Language Tutorial Inc All Seasons Realty Corporation Cityland Shaw Twr
Ajs Travel And Tours Mla ............................ (02)8536-7979 Feron Bldg Mkti ............ (0927)434-5633 Allied Bank Ctr Mkti ........ (02)8840-4178 Mand ......................... (02)8687-4757
Bcl Homes Val................(02)8856-9720 Albing's Clown Balloons & Party Needs Alfagee Tailoring Hub All Star Sport Supplies Incorporated Alpha Manpowerlink Agency Company
Ajt Digital Printing Service 1988 G Tuazon Mla ...... (0920)224-7369 Glean Bldg Mkti ............ (0999)778-0330 2138 Gen A Luna PC ...... (02)8551-6302 582 D Edsa PC ............... (02)8401-7817
158 Monday Mand ......... (02)7090-4521 Albri's Trucking Alfaj Marketing & Development Corporation All Terra Cyclery Alpha Pacific Electric Co Incorporated
Akamsa International Inc 13A Mindanao Ave QC ... (02)7585-2818 Almadeco Bldg PC ......... (02)8851-9848 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)7217-6381 Madison Manor Condmn
Sms Annex Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8818-5796 Alc Holdings Co Inc Alfonso Bicycle All Wings LP .............................. (02)8800-0489
Akasya Bpv Incorporated 47 Esteban Abada QC.....(02)8927-1004 416 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8283-8859 18 France Pque ............ (0919)290-1648 Alpha Pest Control Services
Hyatt Ctre Mand ............. (02)8470-9851 Alcantara Chiropractic Services Alfox Printing Services All-Scope Logistics Corp J Bajador Bldg Mla ......... (02)8521-9962
Akesis Holistic Health Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)7624-3340 132 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (02)8289-2672 158 Tandang Sora Alpha Pools Incorporated
Banawe Lifestyle Ctr Alcantara Refrigeration And Airconditioning Alfra Steel Industrial Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8920-0751 8893 Sampaloc Mkti ...... (02)8890-7469
QC ........................... (0908)812-1451 Services 187 Gov Pascual Ave All-Scope Logistics Corporation Alpha Sacks Store
Akihabara Computer Shop 305-C Tandang Sora Ave Mal ............................ (02)8288-9648 158 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)8920-0751 713 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8242-3144
North West Mall KC ........ (02)8355-7374 QC ............................. (02)3453-1498 Alfred's Cleaning Services All-Technik And Components Incorporated Alpha Salon Hair & Body Services
Akira Makati Place Alcantara Ubay & Co Incorporated Horseshoe Vill QC .......... (02)8959-4187 All-Technik Bldg Pque .... (02)8829-4849 21 H Francisco QC ....... (0917)319-7385
Ayala Ave Mkti ............. (0917)706-7328 Espana Twr Mla ............. (02)8353-4518 Alfred's Motor Works Car Restoration Allamerican Alpha Shipmanagement Corporation
Akita Alcar Realty 81 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)3411-1323 Vista Mall Global South Jemarson Place Mla ....... (02)8708-6986
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7582 888 Edsa Mand .............. (02)8810-6910 LP ............................ (0999)882-5526 Alpha Straktura
Algar Information Systems Incorporated
Akitarts Sticker Shop 6B Danr QC .................... (02)3453-6397 Allan Vulcanizing Shop Sct Borromeo QC ......... (0917)845-7704
Alcat Incorporated 1977 Commonwealth Ave
Republic Ave QC .......... (0906)104-8696 Fernandina 88 Suites Hotel Algarra Mutia And Trinidad Lawoffice Alpha Tomo Int'l Manpower Services Inc
QC ........................... (0932)295-3669 57 Sct Chuatoco QC ..... (0939)828-9050
Akitaya QC ............................. (02)8913-8594 Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8638-5230
Allcard Technologies Incorporated Alpha Transport Service
343 El Grande Ave Alchad Marketing Alglas Construction Services One San Miguel Ave Condo
Pque ........................ (0995)534-7757 95 Amang Rodriguez Ave Marikina-Infanta Hwy Pasig Blvd Psg ............. (0939)204-8568
Psg ............................ (02)8571-8462 Alphacon Logistics International Corp
Aklatang Lunas Religious Trade Psg ............................ (02)8881-0440 Mkna ....................... (0915)489-2698 Allcool Advanced Cooling System Isla Cargo Bldg Pque .... (0917)608-4305
1942 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8711-0753 Alchemy Nail Lounge Algo Global Incorporated B5 L47 Ringgit Munt .... (0931)139-5331
Aksem Vdr Reflexology Center Gil Fernando Mkna ......... (02)8034-9497 Zapote Rd KC ................. (02)8442-5989 Alphatemp Refrigeration & Airconditioning
Allegro Beverage Corporation Services
2624-B Dimasalang PC .. (02)7239-4113 Alcheon Medical Corporation Algretz Party Place Party Venue & Catering 3803 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)8833-3000
Aktiv Sports Inc Lepanto Bldg Mkti ........ (0916)485-4677 Old Zabarte KC ............. (0942)555-0804 Tangile Munt .................. (02)8330-7276
Allegro Cakes Express Delivery
6264 Cityland Pasong Tamo Alcl Marketing Alhua Technology Incorporated 87-B Yale QC ............... (0917)651-5079 Alpiz Construction & Development
Mkti ........................... (02)8659-4685 73A M H Del Pilar QC ... (0917)852-9927 P Ocampo PC ................ (02)8244-1653 Corporation
Alley 8 Construction 29 Maliksi QC.................(02)7750-5736
Akua Union Industrial Corp Alcopan Aluminum Composite Panel Ali Khobz Shawarma 1139 P Rosales Pat ...... (0921)716-1396
1431 T Bugallon Manila .. (02)8254-0381 890-A Eusebio Psg ........ (02)8477-8228 Robinsons Place Otis Alpolac Incorporated
Alliance Graduate School
Akyri Enterprise Alcor Lifesaving Services Mla .......................... (0999)888-6934 101 Veterans Vill QC.......(02)3411-4357 Alpolac Incorporated
725 Quezon Blvd Plz Porvenir Edison Bldg Mkti .......... (0922)897-1633 Ali Malak Persian Carpet Munt .......................... (02)8861-8363
Alliance In Motion Global Incorporated
Mla .......................... (0909)926-8460 Alcore It Solutions 2214 Chino Roces Ave The Praxedes Place Psg . (02)8654-5263 Alps Machine Shop
Al Electrical Shop And Parts Supply 125 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)7905-0985 Mkti ......................... (0905)419-7180 5 Santan Mkna ............... (02)8942-3497
Alliance Tires Philippines
357 P Sevilla KC.............(02)8361-9119 Alcpigments Corporation Alien Grounds Sales 109 Calamba QC .......... (0933)825-8558 Alps Merchandising Corp
Al Halabi 1421 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8252-1732 191 Afp Rd QC ............... (02)8573-1059 20 Tinagan Quezon City .. (02)8364-3036
Allied Concrete Products Inc
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8659-7205 Ald Printing Services Alijah's Catering And Events Zuzuarregui Quezon City . (02)8932-3732 Alsa Sales Center
Al Iz Wel Laptop 287 Ecol QC ................. (0917)821-1437 Ususan Taguig ............. (0926)489-8429 1800 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8712-2102
Allied Medical Supplies
Cyberpoint Mand ............ (02)7956-1579 Aldin's Roofing And Metal Bars Materials Alimco Incorporated All Med Bldg Mla ............ (02)8742-1389 Alscophil Incorporated
Al Jabrez Halal Restaurant 200 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0932)178-7257 Midland Mansion Mkti .... (02)8893-8072 Alscophil Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8887-0322
Allied Tambunting Pawnshop Incorporated
Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0921)508-1623 Aldj Steel And Plastic Fabrication Services Alina Aligner 1127 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8526-5053 Alshams Restaurant
Al Jazeera Network 650 Paso De Blas Rd One World Place 66A Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8553-3587
Allods Technology Enterprises
Trade And Financial Twr Val ........................... (0917)118-1274 Taguig......................(0917)626-5348 Lifehomes Subd Psg ...... (02)7358-1704 Alsychem Pool Corporation
Taguig........................(02)8519-6646 Aldmar Transport Aliya Realty Incorporated Allora Linen 528 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8510-0285
Al Khalaf Gold And Jewelry 125 Lopez Jaena Mkna...(02)8696-6188 Frdc Bldg Psg.................(02)8571-3117 14 Gregorio Araneta Ave Alt-Pos Provision Systems Enterprises
Madison Square Mand..(0915)303-0810 Aldura Trading Industries Aliyah Smile Catering And Events QC ........................... (0917)679-1133 Phildaf Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8332-1521
Al Manaf International Manpower Corp 48 Gen Luna Mkti ........... (02)7752-1868 Marcos Hwy Mkna ......... (02)8632-1282 Allsectech Manila Incorporated Alta By Relik
Cementina Bldg PC.........(02)8888-0124 Aldv E-Commerce Training Services Alj Medical Maternity & Lying In Clinic Market Market Mall Santolan Town Plz SJ ... (0917)317-2582
Al Taw-Amm Manpower Services The Enterprise Ctr Twr II 798 Riverside QC ........... (02)3428-2927 Taguig........................(02)8831-4150 Altair Global Solutions Co
Gedisco Ctr Mla ............. (02)8400-9460 Mkti ........................... (02)8886-5008 Aljoe Cleans Product And Services Allswell Plastic Mfg Corporation Jelp Bldg Mand .............. (02)8310-2992
Al V Hosting It Solutions Ale Konstruct Industrial Sales Corporation 36 B Kalitang QC .......... (0910)559-7548 Waltermart Bldg Val ........ (02)8293-4396 Altair I Solutions Incorporated
113 Laon Laan KC........(0977)148-5927 3 Bartville Rd Psg ........... (02)8631-6693 Aljuv's Vegetable Dealer Allutech Composite Panel 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8551-1951
Al-Bayan International Manpower Services Aleca Print House 503 Villalon Mkna ......... (0999)991-9396 322 Alabang-Zapote Rd Altamerica
Co 7548 Cruz Cpd Pque ...... (02)8826-4628 Alkaviva Waters Philippines LP .............................. (02)7501-6305 Don Santiago Bldg Mla . (0932)230-3220
Mrs Bldg Mla..................(02)5310-1726 Alecto General Technology Corporation 35 T S Evalle Dr QC ........ (02)7745-6244 Allways Traders Incorporated Altamira Cas & Collado Law Offices
Al-Habib International Services 9694 Pililia Makati .......... (02)8890-2571 Alkemia Industrial Supply Jose Rizal College Mand . (02)8531-1646 One Corporate Ctre Psg .. (02)8635-3515
Midland Plz Hotel Mla ..... (02)8523-2634 Aleda Marketing Incorporated One Global Place Taguig . (02)7964-7418 Ally & Pat - Garden Cafe Altech International Incorporated
Al-Pa Marble And Wood Tiles Nys Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8897-4653 All Aboard Travel And Tours 2 Madaling Araw QC.....(0927)277-3955 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-0757
068-C Real LP................(02)7225-4157 Alegre Medical Clinic Florante Mand ................ (02)8401-7717 Alman Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Alteo Engineering Consultancy Services
Alabama Kitchen 1409 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8251-7860 All About Baking 1050 Edsa Ave Mkti ....... (02)8854-5356 2198 Burgos PC...........(0926)981-7977
Alabama QC ................. (0949)887-7565 Alegria Cozinha Moderna & Sangria Bar 41-C Congressional Ave Almazan Renal Care Center Alter Ego 41 First QC .......... (02)7622-6109
Alabang Country Club Incorporated Uniqlo Bldg Taguig ....... (0917)800-3059 QC ............................. (02)8920-3087 Northridge Plz QC ........... (02)8359-8246 Alter Image
Acacia Ave Munt ............ (02)8842-4442 Alegria Glass And Aluminum Supplies All About Events By Zen Mandap Almeda Food Machineries Corporation Amang Rodriguez Psg .... (02)8701-1964
Alabang Parts Center Incorporated 21 J Elizalde Pque .......... (02)8775-0255 5063-B Independence 2327 Dalaga Mla ............ (02)8256-3489 Alter To Fit
Fabricare Bldg LP ........... (02)8772-1653 Alejandra Hotel & Suites Val ........................... (0905)585-7376 Almon Marina Incorporated San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)8871-8288
Alabang Plastic Center Incorporated 5841 Zobel Roxas Ave All About Pc And Stationary Robinsons Place Manila Alteration Plus
O & O Bldg Munt ............ (02)8850-6718 Mkti ......................... (0932)744-5997 Starmall LP .................... (02)8871-9391 Mla ............................ (02)8567-2593 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8401-7970

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:39 2022 - P28

29 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Alteration - Apollo 29

Alteration Services By Cora Navelgas Amber Auto Supply Amnar Builders Co Angel's Pizza Pasta Combo Antechenviro Philippines Incorporated
30 Fc Cruz Pat ............. (0956)912-7365 Marcelo H Del Pilar Mal .. (02)8287-4238 Central Condmn QC ...... (0909)413-7810 25 President's Ave Pque . (02)8922-2222 Ac Raftel Ctr Pque .......... (02)8820-2454
Alteration Shop Corporation Amber Machinery And Industrial Works Inc Amo's Grill Angel8 Enterprises Anthea's Pre-Ordered Cakes And Pastries
Glorietta 5 Mkti ............... (02)8815-6016 2235 Jose Abad Santos Ave 7B Ilaya Munt ................. (02)8847-9944 19 Green Peasant QC ..... (02)8930-3954 2 Everlasting Psg..........(0916)595-9276
Alterations Plus And Partners Inc Mla ............................ (02)8253-4220 Amon / Maneze And Partners Incorporated Angela's Collection Anthel System Solutions
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8913-4339 Amber Place Condominium The Grand Hamptons Twr 1 New Galleria Baclaran Urc Bldg Mla ................ (0917)719-8168
Altersmith Alterations Specialists 67 Bayani Rd Taguig ...... (02)8403-5351 Taguig........................(02)8519-7639 PC ............................. (02)8851-0705 Anthem Shoppes Incorporated
Citygolf Plz Psg ............ (0915)267-7583 Amber Properties Incorporated Amp Services Angeles & Buendia Attorneys-At-Law Shangrila Plz Mall Mand . (02)8636-1914
Althea Rose Spa Amber Place Bldg Mkti ... (02)8856-0576 51 Calderon QC .............. (02)3437-1609 Mile Long Bldg Mkti ...... (0917)639-2820 Anther's Express Logistics Incorporated
Commonwealth Ave Amberland Plaza Ampong Dental Angeles J V Construction Corporation Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8536-0091
QC ........................... (0928)445-9955 Amberland Plz Psg ......... (02)8633-9371 60 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0917)883-5013 1 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Anthony Printing Press
Althea's Bake Shop And Goodies Ambiance One Ams Air-Conditioning Services Psg ............................ (02)8671-3931 30 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (02)8697-6544
Valenzuela Val .............. (0917)309-5071 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7958-5053 3 Waling-Waling QC ..... (0928)603-0565 Angeli Thai Facial Care Anthony's Auto Supply
Altheamed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Ambient Philippines Amscor International Courier Services Luzon Ave QC .............. (0933)690-8060 Memoracion Apt Psg ...... (02)8645-0136
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8661-8058 210 Nicanor Garcia Mkti . (02)8639-1575 1642 Camino Dela Fe Angelica Laundry Station Anti-Money Laundering Council
Altigen Philippines Inc Ambik Travel & Tours Mkti ........................... (02)8881-6705 Mc Arthur Hwy Val ....... (0923)372-0630 Edpc Bldg Mla ................ (02)8708-7212
Pear Plz Bldg Psg ........... (02)7910-0080 Sir William's Hotel QC ..... (02)8921-9377 Amse Medical Supplies & Equipments Angelicum College Incorporated Antipolo Delicacies
Altitude Training Center Ambitech Asia Incorporated Marcos Ligaya Psg.......(0920)201-0977 112 Sen M Cuenco Sr Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8697-3409
931 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8525-2500 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8234-2184 Amstar Company Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8712-8790 Anton's Frozen Goods
Alto Electronics Repair Shop Ambucore Ambulance Services 272 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6928 Angelmath Tutorial Services 8414-A Dr A Santos Ave
24 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 42 Nicanor Roxas QC ..... (02)8925-6292 Amstar Process Tech Incorporated Doctor Sixto Antonio Ave Pque ........................ (0917)700-0876
Psg ............................ (02)8640-2412 Amc Computer Center The West Wing QC ......... (02)8373-5541 Psg .......................... (0922)838-1334 Antonio Lumanog Music Store
Altrading Spirits & Wines Svc Marcos Alvarez Ext Amstel Auto Diesel Part Supply Angelo Falconi III Salon Professionals 4096 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd
176 Pajo QC.................(0917)540-8661 LP ............................ (0908)119-7304 598-C A Bonifacio Ave Almanza Uno LP ........... (0917)530-9669 Mla .......................... (0998)537-8714
Altro Mondo At The Picasso Amc Flower And Gift Shop QC ............................. (02)8425-7264 Angelo Franco Salon Antonios
119 The Picasso Boutique Serviced Park And Shop Pque.......(02)8788-0603 Amt Metal Services Medical Arts Twr QC ...... (02)8584-7510 Sm City Sucat Pque......(0999)428-8612
Residences Mkti ......... (02)8828-4774 Amc Sizzling Palace 76 Mh Del Pilar KC ......... (02)8442-4529 Angels Hamburger - Caloocan City Antzwork Construction
Altro Mondo Creative Space Fisher Mall QC .............. (0935)977-3183 Amv Business Center 74 Loreto KC ................ (0933)458-7111 271 D Tuazon QC ......... (0932)175-9930
1159 Chino Roces Ave Amcb Asphalt Trading And Services Sierra Madre Mand ......... (02)8267-9898 Angels Heaven Employment Agency Anvorte Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)7501-3270 1315 Labores Ext Mla.....(02)7958-1839 Amv Rent A Car 63 Kamuning QC ............ (02)3413-6903 Bonifacio Stopover Corporate Ctr
Alusign Plastics Incorporated Amcham Group Of Companies 136 A Saudi Arabia Angels&Juan Coffee Trading Taguig......................(0933)814-1904
125 Samson Rd KC........(02)8363-2623 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8818-7911 Pque .......................... (02)8834-7403 Diego Silang QC ............. (02)7905-7432 Anyosayo Filipino-Korean Restaurant
Alva Computer & Photocopy Amcon & Company Incorporated Amv Rent A Car And Trucking Services Angelus Funeral Home 138 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0999)579-3198
Zen Tri Twr Mla .............. (02)8353-9120 Samuel Bldg 1 Mkti ........ (02)8882-1240 136 A Saudi Arabia 190 Samson Rd KC........(02)8400-9581 Anything Goes Burgoo Central Office
Alvarez Aluminum Glass & Steel Works Amd Air Compressors & Generators Pque ........................ (0917)964-5851 Angel's Bike Shop Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7720-9513
Batasan San Mateo Rd Incorporated Amway Philippines Corporation 78 Champagnat Mkna .. (0977)237-6246 Anytime Cleaners
QC ........................... (0932)480-2175 704 Laurel Pque ............. (02)8822-1262 Sanford Cpd Pque .......... (02)8552-9284 Angevins Beauty Salon 469 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Alvero Tailoring Services Amdatex Las Pinas Services Incorporated An Original Penguin 475-A Narra Mkti..........(0912)896-8953 Psg .......................... (0917)702-0010
Munoz Mkt QC ............... (02)8565-0683 Metropolis Star Munt ...... (02)8850-9663 Newport Mall PC .......... (0923)348-1061 Angioletto Preschool Anytime Fitness
Alversado Pataueg & Associates Law Office Amdp Controls & Services An Yiac Hardware Company Incorporated 9-B Rose Marie Lne Psg . (02)8347-6496 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0917)659-8734
6766 Dela Rosa Mkti ...... (02)7959-0357 B1 L9 Pres Aguinaldo Ave 527 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5744 Anglinco Sons Marketing Corporation Anyware Enterprises Co
Alviar Medical Laboratories Pque ........................ (0966)812-1973 Ana Lisa's Take Home Crispy Pata 483 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8244-5085 840-848 Severino Reyes
Beacon Twr III Mkti.........(02)8831-5083 Amerah Jewelry 33 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)3456-3625 Angus Aluminum Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8983-3791
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Anabel Rimbiosa Dress Shop 137 P Faustino Val ......... (02)3432-4077 Anz Global Services And Operations Inc
Alvie Refrigeration And Airconditioning
SJ .............................. (02)8721-0572 3500 Hilario Mkti ............ (02)7955-9263 Angus Tapa Centrale 130 Dela Rosa Mkti ........ (02)8841-7773
Service Center
25th St Taguig................(02)8837-3969 American Bearing Marketing Corporation Anako Philippines Corporation 83 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)8268-0621 Anzures General Merchandise
1265 Claro M Recto Ave 476 Quezon Ave QC ..... (0920)906-4081 Animal Care 116 Pag-Asa Mand ........ (02)8531-6597
Alvin Upholstery Mla ............................ (02)8252-8180 Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0917)551-5898
481 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-6340 Analiza Restaurant Ao Freight Logistics Corp
American Express International Inc 101-A Rodriguez Hwy Animal House-Chinatown 6 P Manga Pque ........... (0951)776-8607
Alvin's Hair Product 3030 Rizal Dr West 599 Rosario Mla.............(02)8243-9478
116-K Santol QC .......... (0926)755-8683 PC ........................... (0928)227-9887 Aozi Organic Philippines
Taguig........................(02)8792-2449 Animal Wellness 2929 Limay Mla ........... (0917)847-1168
Alvins Flower Shop Anam Pilipinas Incorporated
American Food And Amusement Company Km 22 East Svc Rd Mgh Bldg QC .................. (02)3377-8854
Dimasalang Rd Mla ...... (0917)101-5033 10 Cabanatuan QC ......... (02)8920-1359 AP Cargo Logistics
Munt .......................... (02)8850-7000 Animaland 856 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8245-4600
Aly's Cookie Bar American Hospital Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Montevideo Rd Pque .... (0917)895-1015 Ancarl Design Build & Construction Ap Corse
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8523-6042 P Salita Mla .................. (0977)847-9708 Mand ......................... (02)8638-1660
Alyanne's Cafe 1386 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
American Packing Industries Philippines Anchor Collection Services Incorporated Animaland Stuffery Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)120-4545
11 Guevarra QC..............(02)3415-9414 Corporation Bonifacio High Street
Alysson Global Corporation 2 Malakas QC.................(02)8926-0228 Ap Marquez Construction Incorporated
Km 21 Slex Samson Rd Taguig........................(02)8856-2700
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Anchor Inernational Manpower Services 25 S Marino Munt .......... (02)7794-9964
Munt .......................... (02)8807-6054 Animated Signs Incorporated
SJ .............................. (02)8727-4357 1020 Modesto Mla ......... (02)8526-2788 Apartment 8 Clothing
American Photo Co Incorporated Promenade Bldg SJ ........ (02)8725-2285
Alzaky Foods Anchor Wings Travel & Tours Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8931-3597
Don Alfonso Sycio Condo Animed Veterinary Clinic And Grooming
28 K J Basa SJ.............(0916)335-6400 Mla ............................ (02)8525-0986 Soldier's Vill Psg.............(02)8703-4464 Apartments For Rent X
Am Global Works Corporation American Technologies Incorporated Ancorp Healthy World Incorporated 753 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0965)469-7630 31st St Taguig .............. (0912)345-6789
70 Congressional Ave 5 Ideal Mand .................. (02)5846-8686 13 Williams Mand .......... (02)8470-7159 Apc Chemical Industries Inc
Animor Studios By Noel Ignacio
QC ............................. (02)8376-3135 American Tesol Institute Philippines Inc And Financing Corporation 4 Redeemer QC ............ (0915)102-0752 Medical Plz Ortigas Bldg
Am Services Company Incorporated 707 Shaw Blvd Psg ...... (0966)374-7949 Vicente Madrigal Bldg Psg ............................ (02)8585-3696
Mkti ........................... (02)8252-1724 Anjezo Podi Enterprises
Midland Plz Condmn American Tourister 256 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)3440-4097 Apc Copy Shop
Mla ............................ (02)8522-1308 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8364-7036 Andes Catering Services 686 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8631-1347
Ming Ramos Lne Mkna.(0929)266-6657 Anjo's Pizza
Am-Phil Food Concepts Incorporated American Wire And Cable Company 41 Consuelo QC ........... (0905)120-5977 Apcl Photo Grande
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-2862 Bankmer Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8837-7604 Andi's Jp Rizal QC ............ (0908)723-4537 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)3383-0593
Anlud Metal Recycling Corporation
Ama Digital Amerigen Industrial Services Corp Andings Toys International Incorporated 49 Elizco Rd Psg ............ (02)8642-1133 Apdua Bautista Law Offices
2942 F Manalo Mla ...... (0928)323-2569 Regalia Park Twr B QC . (0917)126-7118 847 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-9378 Ri-Rance Corporate Ctr
Anm Automotive Distributors Pque ........................ (0926)741-1668
Ama Education System Amethyst Enterprises Andio It Solutions 2417 Alcalde Mla ........... (02)8253-6571
Ac And Sons Bldg LP ..... (02)8802-0129 Camarin Rd KC .............. (02)8442-4360 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)7750-7806 Anna Pashmira Apec School
Ama University Online Education Amethyst Shipping Company Incorporated Andison Industrial Sales Incorporated Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)7225-7430 8 C Raymundo Psg ........ (02)7501-7335
59 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8737-5590 Amity Bldg Mla ............... (02)8523-7665 Andison Industrial Bldg Anna's Home Bakery Apex 79 N Domingo SJ .... (0999)395-4035
Amada Corporation Amf Car Aircon Service Mla ............................ (02)8252-9456 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)580-0502 Apex Digital - Camera/Video/Photography
Lambakin Marilao 8 E Rodriguez Ave Psg ... (02)8671-0796 Andoks Litson Anna's Place At Sea Residences Accessories And Marketing Materials
Bulacan......................(02)8559-6588 Amg Systemtechnik Incorporated Dr A Santos Pque ......... (0933)533-0914 Sunrise Dr PC...............(0961)539-2782 2702 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8822-3467
Amade Medical Supply Trading One Corporate Ctr Twr Andres Adoracion Enterprise Anne Juleth Apex Engineering Services
1451 A M Natividad Mla . (02)8242-8624 Psg ............................ (02)8631-7044 2022 Jose Abad Santos Ave Greenhills Shopping Ctr Primrose Bldg LP ........... (02)8805-6814
Amaia Land Corporation Ami A Magsaysay Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8254-9620 SJ .............................. (02)7505-2790 Apex Flags And Design Center
P Tuazon Blvd QC...........(02)8294-0825 Magsaysay Bldg Mla ...... (02)8521-0660 Andrew's Travel And Tours Anne Klein Boutique Incorporated 31 Dna Soledad Ave
Amalgam Components Corporation Ami Jewels & Pawnshop Incorporated 3 Tindalo Taguig.............(02)8729-5199 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7757-5051 Pque .......................... (02)7622-7969
34 Sgt E A Esguerra Ave Greenhills Shopping Ctr Andrews General Merchandise Anne's Cakes And Cupcake Apex International Services Corporation
QC ............................. (02)8376-0229 SJ .............................. (02)8722-3462 60 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8945-3529 177 Mariveles QC ......... (0956)157-9462 P And R Mansion Mla ..... (02)8588-0429
Amalgamated Travel Ctr Incorporated Amia Travel & Tours Andy & Liza Glass Annex Digital Incorporated Apex Mill Supply
National Life Insurance Bldg Aroquieta Rd Mla............(02)8736-7818 33 M Naval Mal .............. (02)3446-0116 Amber Place Mkti ........... (02)8846-1538 271 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-4363
Mkti ........................... (02)8818-9790 Amian Realty Mgmt & Dev Corporation Andy Athletic Textile Trading Annex Karuhatan Industrial Corporation Apex8 Philippines
Amana 508 Bustos Mla ...... (02)8735-5696 Dao Mkti ........................ (02)8895-8338 Jas Twr Mla ................... (02)8256-9218 6129 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8961-5299 Makati Ave Mkti .............. (02)8556-3363
Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center Amici Foodservice Ventures Incorporated Andy Diesel Calibration Annia Food Manufacturing Corp Apicem Engineering Services
Sumulong Hwy Mkna ..... (02)8948-1263 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-9813 2494 Taft Av PC ............. (02)8659-4572 2217 Embarcadero Mla .. (02)8564-1972 Planters QC .................. (0917)174-1003
Amapex Industrial Sales Amie's Catering Anep Top Metal Marketing Annie's Image Group Philippines Apine Ref Part Supply
856 Bahamas Mla .......... (02)5313-9719 2101 Elias Mla ............. (0927)952-1532 1408 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3236 Corporation 554 Gonzago Puyat Mla . (02)3488-2087
Amarich Marketing International Amigos Anesco Fiberglass Products Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8631-6266 Apl Philippines Inc
7055 Lanzones Mkti ....... (02)8403-6605 Greenworld Plz Pque .... (0927)795-2031 Facilities Ctr Bldg Mand .. (02)8533-6735 Annie's Tailoring Shop North Quadrant One Ecom Ctr
Amarich Stainless Steel Fabrication Amigos Dry Goods Ang Chua Enriquez & Co 89 M Ablola Tangos PC ............................. (02)8479-5000
432 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0916)613-3251 932-936 Ilaya Mla .......... (02)8516-1547 Mbi Bldg Mla ................ (0956)563-7756 Nav .......................... (0942)616-3915 Apl Security Services Corporation
Amary Solid Narra Furniture Amigos Restaurant Ang Tunay Beef House Anonuevo Land Surveying Services 40 Macopa QC ............... (02)8880-3206
709 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)787-8736 Bulacan QC .................. (0917)555-7695 825 Sabino B Padilla B 76 L 5 C Sanchez Aplomb Advertising Co
Amazing Samgyup Amir Gab Carwash Avenue Mla ............................ (02)8733-5580 Munt ........................ (0938)434-0873 6 Kapt Ato Psg ............. (0916)349-8205
143 Borough Square 16th St Pque ................ (0918)721-0454 Angel Music Sports Center Anrivs Events Place Apo Mercantile Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8371-7715 Amironot Transport 508 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8736-5279 Malipaka QC ................. (0922)405-1188 1412 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3221
Amazing World Travel And Tours Avida Twr QC ................. (02)8232-3204 Angel N Kiss Anrotek Industrial Solutions Inc Apofortuna Food Corporation
Mc Square QC ................ (02)8938-0341 Amj Dental Clinic Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8405-8578 L9 B13 Joshua LP .......... (02)8876-0625 161 A De Jesus KC ........ (02)8364-5795
Amazon Manufacturing Corp 2A 1552 Diamante Mla ... (02)8425-1269 Angel Sales Center Ansett Holidays Incorporated Apolinario R Nicolas Machine Shop
109 Pasolo Rd Amjb Bio Incorporated 52 Mc Arthur Hwy KC.....(02)8361-3294 Center Mall 1 Mla ........... (02)8251-7708 2252 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8852-6647
Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-2222 Park Trade Ctre Munt......(02)8889-0539 Angel's Bike Shop Anson Industrial Sales Apollo Global Corporation
Amazon Ml Merchandising Ammi Graphics Design And Printing 78 Champagnat Mkna .. (0977)237-6246 1354 Soler Mla...............(02)8734-1168 East Twr Pse Ctr Psg......(02)3439-9769
1127 G Masangkay Jr Services Angel's Care Laundry Shop Ansy Hardware Trading Apollo Plastic Marketing Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8254-8659 138 Sct Chuatoco QC ... (0912)131-0911 Esteban Abada QC........(0932)886-0467 Kaunlaran KC ................. (02)8357-5556 843 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-1837
Amb Hk Enterprises Inc Ammp Travel And Tours Angel's Pharmacy Antazo Custom Motorcycles Apollo Trading & Mfg Corporation
6 Felipe Pike Psg .......... (0915)595-1859 21 Np Cruz Taguig........(0936)600-5140 7 Gov Santiago Val ......... (02)8291-6167 Stella Maris Ave Psg.....(0947)815-2391 Gen Luis KC ................... (02)8939-6946

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Apollon Massage And Spa Incorporated Ar-Ax Water Refilling Station Arga-J Pure Bliss Incorporated Aromapet Luxury Grooming And Hotel Ascender Innovation
609 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8354-4395 5 Narra QC ................... (0919)979-1582 173 A De Jesus KC ........ (02)8442-0005 133 Tomas Morato Ave 329 Csv Properties
Apostol Jose Z & Associates Ara Dermadent Skin And Dental Centre Argomall Incorporated QC ........................... (0906)590-7145 Mand ....................... (0906)102-1548
Montepino Bldg Mkti.......(02)8818-3305 The Garden Hghts Condmn Netquad Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8830-8814 Aromaphil Industries Incorporated Ascent Travel Agency
Apotheca Corporation QC ............................. (02)8650-0283 Argus Watchful Eyed Security & Blanco Twnhms Pque.....(02)8776-4267 Manhattan Parkview QC..(02)7971-2880
Eurovilla 4 Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8553-5121 Aracama Investigation Services Inc Arpa Blinds Techno System Incorporated Asckonstruct Corporation
App Systems And Services Pte Ltd The Fort Entertainment Ctr Bristol QC.......................(02)7903-8223 97 19th Ave QC .............. (02)8421-4518 Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8846-8417 Taguig......................(0917)861-2702 Ariake Japanese Cuisine Arpa Information Technology Solutions Psg ............................ (02)8633-3560
Appcase Inc Arace Organic Company Sct Rallos QC ................. (02)8926-2429 2311 Syquia Mla .......... (0917)633-2121 Asea Metrics Hr Solutions Incorporated
Holy Cross Savings And Credit 510 Eusebio Psg .......... (0938)973-7788 Ariel Car Paint Shop Arquitectonica Incorporated B & P Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8893-4623
Cooperative Bldg Val .. (02)7933-8344 Aramicos Catering 80 Bignay QC ............... (0955)637-6463 Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8886-6646 Asfalis Engineering Services
Appco Direct Int'l Incorporated 155 L Nadurata KC ......... (02)8361-7536 Ariel Computer Shop Arreis Upholstery Services Victoria One Bldg QC .... (0917)305-3947
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Aramro Enterprises Incorporated 32 San Pablo QC ............ (02)8696-7047 Pearl Psg ..................... (0910)864-4497 Asgc Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1567 Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8519-1273 Arinas Law Office Arrow Services
Apple Blossoms Spa Aran's Medical And Diagnostic Clinic G & A Bldg Mkti..............(02)8395-9745 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0014 323B E Dela Paz Mkna ... (02)8232-6369
298 C Raymundo Psg .... (02)8359-0392 2309-A1 Luzon Ave Arj Network Services Arrowangel Pest Control Services Ash Manpower International Services
Apple Tree Home Service Spa And Mla .......................... (0919)508-3483 37 Kapak Alley Dagatdagatan 91-A 33rd St Mkti...........(02)7958-1068 112 Balagtas Mla ........... (02)8522-4470
Massage Aranaz Greenbelt 5 Mkti......(02)7757-0301 KC ........................... (0917)465-1848 Ars Testing And Inspection Incorporated Ashar Trading
Batasan Hills QC...........(0916)538-3633 Arancia Incorporated Arj's Transport Services 5213 Fahrenheit Mkti ...... (02)8551-8576 11 Sta Fe Mla ................. (02)8230-2372
Appleseed Montessori Incorporated Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8895-2426 P Ocampo Mla ............... (02)8241-0335 Arsenal Mobile Bar Ashcol Airconditioning Services
Liroville Condmn Mkti ..... (02)8893-6077 Araneta Square Mall Ark Vision Philippines Corporation 10 Dahlia QC ................ (0935)482-9832 Corporation
Applewerkz Incorporated Araneta Square KC ......... (02)8362-7664 T M Kalaw Ctr Mla .......... (02)8247-2112 Art Angel Printshop Genesis Bldg Mkti .......... (02)7729-1293
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8451-2819 Arao Software Development Services Arkcott Plumbing Services 67 J P Burgos QC...........(02)8912-5706 Asher - Cheska's Printing Corp
Applied Food Ingredients Co Incorporated 135 Ilang-Ilang QC ....... (0927)980-0609 104B Sto Sepulco QC ..... (02)3427-5203 J P Rizal Mand ............. (0917)635-1585
Art Box Enterprise
35 P Dela Cruz QC..........(02)8983-1727 Arasala Cuisine Arke Customize Printing Services Tiendesitas Bldg A Psg ... (02)8782-6674 Asher Engineering And Construction Supply
Applied Systems Manufacturing 5 San Lorenzo Psg ....... (0915)360-7292 1735 Mayhaligue Mla ... (0995)843-0006 198 Ortigas Ave Ext Psg . (02)8531-3385
Art Cube Philippines
Corporation Araw Shipping Agency Incorporated Arkehtex Construction Services 2316 Karrivin Plz Mkti .... (02)8816-7758
Palacio Grande Bldg Mla.(02)8522-0204
South Corporate Plz Twr 1
Taguig........................(02)8871-7880 Arayat Auto Glass Supply
Mozart QC .................... (0999)560-0706
Arkeytech Building Materials
Art Of Scent
Newport City Mall PC......(02)8846-7447
237 Banawe QC ........... (0917)721-3330
Apptech Experts
Ibp Twr Psg ................... (02)8661-6070 Arayem Trade
550 Edsa QC ................ (0961)752-2487
Arkishop Printing Incorporated
Art Smart
45 Aquarius Mkna .......... (02)8788-6766
Appventures Incorporated 65 Araullo SJ ................. (02)7717-0759 Triple A Bldg QC ............. (02)8294-3847 See Adv under Plastic Products
Arb Logography Art Style Events Management Services
Investment Dr Munt ........ (02)8552-1376 Arkland Interior Decor Enterprises Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8945-3215 143 Panghulo Rd
April Manila Sewing Machines Haus Csv Bldg Mand ............... (02)7623-6386 13 Bagtican Rd LP ......... (02)8806-9515
Arbour Group Art Vantage Construction Incorporated
1865 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8403-2092
Arl Cubao Appliance Center Incorporated Rri Bldg Mand ................ (02)8470-1254 Malabon .. (02)8294-6210
Mla ............................ (02)8255-9150 401 Visayas Ave QC ....... (02)8332-8825 Art Zone Graphics
April Tom Cruz Construction Arc Bio Pharma Arl Maritime Services Incorporated
West Twr Psec Psg ...... (0917)533-7888 Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8527-2277
23 F Roxas SJ .............. (0915)473-7999 Cassanova Dr QC ........... (02)8931-3974 Art3Tis Adz And Printing Services Co
Aprisa Business Process Solutions Arc Lodging Arlies Pest Control
Shoe Ave Mkna ............ (0977)191-2988 47 A Rita SJ ................... (02)8703-4717
Twr One And Exch Plz
4243 Bagong Sikat Val ... (02)8264-0264 Arta Design Works ASHLAR
Mkti ........................... (02)7902-8100 Arlyn Store
Apsoft Inc Back Of Sta Lucia Psg .. (0919)289-6893 1086 Bonifacio QC ......... (02)8816-2188
Aurora Blvd QC .............. (02)8281-6515 INDUS-
Arce Bilon Arce Architects Artan Garden
441 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8865-2402
14 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8355-2323
Arlyne Branda's Water Station 92 J P Rizal QC ............ (0917)164-2880 TRIAL
Aqua Best Station 171 Buayang Bato Mand (02)7501-3858
83 Matatag QC ............... (02)8701-3849 Arceo & Tandoc Law Firm Arm Security Services
Artchem Industrial Sales Corporation CORP
Xavier Bldg QC ............... (02)8544-0686 18 Gen Concepcion KC .. (02)8376-4671
Aqua Fina Bayani Rd Taguig ......... (0917)855-5454 Arte Excelente Design
108 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)3416-6523 Arcg Metal Pressing And Forming Service Arm Skin Essentials Corporation
62 Bronze Mal .............. (0906)466-0370 8270 Dr A Santos Ave
Aqua Freed Phils Incorporated 2 Anonas QC .................. (02)8364-5290 Pque .......................... (02)8825-8927
Pse Ctr Bldg West Twr Arch Serviced Offices Ashley Furniture Homestore
Citibank Ctr Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8801-7917 Armada Bar & Grill Artea Milktea
Psg ............................ (02)8531-7064 228 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)941-5994 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8531-4328
Archangel Funeral Homes 1756 Fb Harrison PC .... (0905)260-4670 Ashron Metal Works
Aqua Haus Incorporated Armak Abrasive Products Incorporated
Dna Segunda Bldg QC .... (02)8920-5098 516 V G Cruz Mla ........... (02)3493-9214 Arteesxpress 6164 Mabini KC ........... (0935)388-5034
2205 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8523-2306 Roosevelt Ave QC.........(0917)836-8853
Aqua Jr Archdiocesan Shrine Of Santo Niño Asi.Com.Ph Incorporated
600 L Chacon Mla .......... (02)8847-9440 Armal Realty Artekol Furniture
1649 B Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8518-0037 C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8641-1500 580 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8256-0491
Archdiocesan Shrine Of The Divine Mercy Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)7263-7246 Asia Abrasive Enterprises
Aqua Lead Aireforce Corporation Arman Auto Electrical Supply
17B Finland Pque ........... (02)8994-4402 Maysilo Circle Mand ....... (02)8531-4598 Artemis Place Makati Hotel 679 E Delos Santos Ave
1182 C M Recto Ave Artemis Place Makati QC ............................. (02)8661-7606
Aqua Mega Archers Of London Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8244-7858
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mkti ........................... (02)8967-1268 Asia Bulk Transport Phils Incorporated
1849 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0946)927-2812 Armata Delivery Services
SJ .............................. (02)8722-5211 Artemis Printing Services Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8636-8101
Aqua Safe Pure Drinking Wate 118 2nd St KC ............. (0923)497-0431 3 Kamias Taguig .......... (0945)448-8911
Archi-Line Incorporated Asia Business Computer
249 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8363-0133 Facilities Ctre Bldg Mand (02)7576-3741 Armedsafe Safety And Rescue Training Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Artes Myer Philippines Incorporated
Aqua Sure Phils Incorporated Archiline Inc Center King Ctr Bldg QC ............ (02)8564-6448 SJ .............................. (02)8721-2068
750 P Ocampo Sr Mla .... (02)8521-5169 Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8638-4039 Wellgoco Bldg Mla ......... (02)8711-9892 Asia Industries Material Handling Equipment
Artis Realty & Engineering Services
Aqua Treatment Technology Architecks Metal Systems Incorporated Armlock Security Agency Jlo Bldg QC .................... (02)7756-5271 Corporation
362 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8742-4743 110 C M Recto Mkna ..... (02)8948-5924 Boy Santiago & The Corporate Ctr 124 Domestic Rd PC ...... (02)8851-4778
Mkna ......................... (02)7956-6673 Artista Salon
Aqua Vivavi Water Refilling Station Architectural Audio 6 W C Mkna ................. (0977)304-5220 Asia Land Strategies Corporation
127 Armstrong Ave Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-5173 Armoland Estate Corporation 490 Edsa Ave KC ........... (02)8367-9617
Pque .......................... (02)8831-1519 Rmr Square QC .............. (02)8880-2933 Artrock Graphic Services
Architectural Centre Club Incorporated Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-1769 Asia Netcom
Aqua Water Station 6082 R Palma Mkti.........(02)8899-0906 Armor Et Argoat Incorporated The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8580-9100
385 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8542-6964 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-9186 Arts Catering Services
Archtees Graphics Printing 18 Dingle QC ................ (0935)360-8661 Asia Novotel Incorporated
Aqua Zorb Jp Rizal Mkna.................(02)7501-8970 Armor On 729 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8442-5370
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ...... (0947)329-8401 Gemini Bldg QC .............. (02)7901-8250 Artsy Cake Painters Corporation
Archtrical Electrical Services 53 J Elizalde Pque .......... (02)8556-2240 Asia Offshoring Inc
Aqua-Pump Industrial Corporation B148 L30 Delvo Taguig .. (02)8837-6372 Armscor Global Defense Inc 48 Polaris Mkti ............. (0905)364-8899
52 P Cruz St Brgy Old Zañiga Brgy Fortune Marikina.....(02)8941-6243 Arty Ferrocast Incorporated
Arcillas Auto Parts 59 Justicia Val................(02)8291-5538 Asia Pacific Marketing Limited
Mandaluyong ............. (02)8532-3033 69 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8556-5422 Armscor Shooting Center Incorporated Trafalgar Plz Bldg Mkti .... (02)8856-3633
Aquabest Fed Bldg QC ................... (02)8723-5896 Artzap Studio
Arcinas Freres Incorporated 25 Remarville Ave LP ... (0998)984-1779 Asia Pacific Pathology Incorporated
Samadores QC ............... (02)7744-0856 Edificio Enriqueta QC ...... (02)3414-1974 Armstrong Electronic And Communication Alscophil Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8887-1865
Aquabest Premium 719 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8734-2564 Aru Auto Parts Trading
Arcl Furniture 80 C Santiago Val ......... (0918)990-4659 Asia Panpacific Company Incorporated
222A N Domingo SJ ....... (02)8655-1123 262 A Mabini KC .......... (0915)218-8906 Armstrong Manufacturing Co El-Al Bldg QC ................. (02)8711-2074
Aquafire Water Refilling Station 1550 G Bambang Aruba Bar & Restaurant
Ard Printing Services Metrowalk Coml Cplx Asia Plus Corp
Lacson Ave Mla ........... (0939)304-0660 46 Minahan Main Manila ........................ (02)8711-8890 Edsa Mand ................... (0946)617-3677
Aquagen Technologies Incorporated Armstrong Pacific Company Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8636-4702
Mkna ....................... (0917)840-3802 Arvin Auto Electrical & Car Aircon Services Asia Premier One Source
Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8807-7493 Ard Water Supplies Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8632-0888 The Peak Twr Mkti..........(02)8817-5600
Aquakit Purified Water Station Armturen Industrial Sales Inc 85-A Kamias Rd QC ..... (0936)617-4990
Baesa QC ....................... (02)8515-4686 Asia Relocation Moving And Storage
San Francisco Mand ..... (0916)207-2455 816 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-2255 Arvin International Marketing Incorporated
Ardent Learners Tutorial Center Y Twr PC........................(02)8843-3676 Incorporated
Aquakonzult Water Treatment Company Paf Airmen's Mall PC .... (0933)953-2823 Army Blink Korean Restaurant Chino Roces Ave Mkti .... (02)8511-1861
51 Tandang Sora Ave B1 L31 & 32 Lapu Lapu Ave Arviter Of The Line Security Agency
Ardenz Standford Salon Cartimar Bldg Mla...........(02)8353-4539 Asia Renal Care (Phils) Incorporated
QC ........................... (0906)454-9683 7th St PC ..................... (0917)146-7768 Mal ............................ (02)7943-8701 Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8687-6611
Aquaquest Company Army Navy Arvy's Bistro Asia To Africa Safaris Incorporated
Ardhee Glass Aluminum And Iron Works 195 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8635-2856
52 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)8371-0478 578 P Burgos Mand ....... (02)8542-7950 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Lapanday Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8952-7414
Aquascapes Philippines Co Ardi Health Services Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8333-3131 Arx Computer Center Asia's Unique Resorts Alliance Management
7346 A Bonifacio Ext 248 Mercedez Ave Psg ... (02)8628-4097 Army Navy + Burrito Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8633-3928 Philam Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8625-8627
Pque .......................... (02)8942-8746 Arditech Corporation Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8846-5555 Arya Foods Incorporated Asia-Pacific Circulation Incorporated
Aquasystems 2163 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8251-9991 Arnaly's Bakeshop Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8470-2414 3462 Florida Mkti ........... (02)8552-9404
Dela Rosa Square Bldg Ardy Printing Services 212 Hulo Val ................ (0942)558-0085 Arya Water Refilling Station Asiaco Commercial Inc
Makati ........................ (02)8893-4771 B27A L37 Kalayaan Vill Arnel Papa 11th St Taguig................(02)7906-7596 654 T Alonzo Manila.......(02)8733-5348
Aquavinn PC ........................... (0927)876-8007 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0181 As Udiong Trucking Services Asiaco Home Organizing Solution
330 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)3437-8545 Arellano Law Foundation Incorporated Arnel Radiator Shop Susano KC ................... (0930)917-4814 111 R Lagmay SJ.........(0906)248-5743
Aquazar Alkaline Drinking Water Menlo PC ....................... (02)8404-3089 975 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3436-4836 Asa Metal Products Incorporated Asiagroup Finance Corp
Victoria Twrs Condmn Arempi Building Finishing Services Arnreal Maritime Consultancy Services 6409 Camia Mkti ............ (02)8890-7615 Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8898-3889
QC ............................. (02)8931-1823 San Jose Pque ............. (0961)452-1411 1256 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8522-0781 Asahi Manila Development Corporation Asialink Finance Corporation
Aquazorb Aren Computer Services Arny Dading Prime Land Venture Bldg Aic Gold Twr Psg ........... (02)8709-7777
Powee Plant Mall Mkti .. (0917)562-9303 913 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8736-3643 207 Katipunan QC .......... (02)3433-6443 Munt .......................... (02)8899-9408 Asian Alliance Investment Corporation
Aquim International Incorporated Aresa Printing Arny-Dading's Peachy-Peachy Asalus Corporation Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0601
4K Plz Psg ..................... (02)8636-5330 Justine QC ................... (0943)341-7580 254 C Arellano Mal ......... (02)8281-0637 Feliza Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8789-4000 Asian Asset Insurance
Aquinas School Incorporated Arezzo Place Pasig Condo Corporation Aro Aesthetic And Mdical Center Ascend Asphalt Builders Power Realty Bldg Mkti...(02)8889-6154
183 F Blumentritt SJ ....... (02)8875-8003 8805 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8650-0872 190 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8254-3553 Paco Mla........................(02)8257-4134 Asian Asset Insurance Brokerage
Ar 2000 Facial Care Arf Arf Love Aroi Original Thai Dishes Ascend Industrial Supplies Incorporated Corporation
1 Gov Pascual Mal ......... (02)8282-1303 51 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 4 President's Ave Pque ... (02)8478-5248 Decena Bldg Mla ............ (02)8735-7846 Zenaida Mkti ................... (02)8886-8181
Ar Beltran Enterprises Psg .......................... (0917)612-7379 Aroi Thai Restaurant Ascend International Freight Forwarding Inc Asian Cable Enterprises Incorporated
Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)7500-2862 Arfaz Business Center 4 President's Ave Pque ... (02)8478-5248 Pacific Ctre Mla .............. (02)8511-7589 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8636-0067
Ar Carpio Tire Supply 231 Tandang Sora Ext Aroma Tine Ctr Ascendas Asian Charismatic Incorporated
540 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8937-9986 KC ............................. (02)8352-8185 811 J P Rizal Mla ........... (02)8711-5443 Accralaw Twr Taguig ...... (02)7501-8690 104A 12th Ave QC ......... (02)8911-7386

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31 S C M Y K


Asian Chemical Corporation Atdm Phil Trading August Flowers Automation And Security Incorporated Awtoz Hub Opc
Le Metropole Bldg Benchmark Corporate Ctr Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8818-1040 36 S Veloso SJ...............(02)8727-2727 573 Dolores KC ............ (0947)870-0006
Makati ........................ (02)8812-6466 Mkti ........................... (02)7975-3315 Augustinian Abbey School Automative Center Ax Currency Exchange
Ate Auto Repair Services Gov Licaros LP...............(02)8875-1945 Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)7729-6450 Commerce And Industry Bldg
Lotus LP ........................ (02)8842-3781 Augusto & Hernandez Cpas Automax Detailing Corporation Taguig......................(0917)845-6372
ASIAN COATINGS Atelier Almario Corporation Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)7217-0583 3637 Bautista Mkti ......... (02)8834-6902 Axa Wellington Bldg Mla ..... (02)8243-9152
148 Jupiter Mkti ............. (02)8830-2108 Augustus Perfumeria Philippines Automodified Car Parts & Accessories Axcelsoft Information Technology Solutions
PHILS INC Athena 5-B Marketing Incorporated Corporation 92-C Banawe QC............(02)8749-6052 Philippine Axa Life Ctre
See Lstg under Paint Manufacturers Eddieboy Cpd Pque ........ (02)8401-8862 Grand Central Edsa Automotivo Transauto Trade Mkti ......................... (0955)597-7317
e-mail: [email protected] Athena's Internet Cafe Mand ....................... (0917)771-2939 1010 Bldg Mla................(02)7968-6934 Axiaa Hotel Manila
55 -A Rd 3 QC ............. (0945)632-8471 Aunt Marys Bakeshop Automoto Car Dealers Incorporated 135 West Ave QC ......... (0917)858-9422
48 Amang Rodriguez Av Athenium Enterprises 35 Neil Armstrong Pque . (02)8821-8276 Metrolane Cplx QC..........(02)8421-1719 Axiem Corporation
Pasig.......(02)8682-8888 Athens 74 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (0916)690-6979 Aunties Bakeshop Autoparts Depot Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)7956-4429
Academy Incorporated 44 G Fernando Ave 88 Meralco Ave Psg ..... (0917)152-1051 Axis Bar
3A Col Ballecer Taguig ... (02)8837-7195 Mkna ......................... (02)8645-3549 Autophil Zone Sales Corporation Crescent Park Residences
Athens Tutorial Review Center Aural Glow Spa & Skin Care 127 P Sevilla KC.............(02)8442-5225 Taguig......................(0917)348-3762
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0917)530-8262 A Mabini Mla ................ (0977)112-5777 Autophilia Detailing And Paintworks Axis Roof Services
ASIAN Athletes Gym And Dive II Incorporated Auralux 1354 Soler Mla ...... (02)8252-1247 80 7th Ave QC .............. (0917)564-2886 Espina KC ...................... (02)8245-8254
Robinsons Metro East Auratech Corporation Autoshapes Car Center & Carwash Axl Pegarro Beauty And Wellnes Products
COATINGS SAMPLE Psg ............................ (02)8647-4539 Alcco Bldg SJ.................(02)8721-7879 J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0917)590-6265 Trading
PHILS ONL Athletes Lab Incorporated Aurea Tours & Travel Autospeed Group Intl Corporation Jmk Bldg QC ................ (0916)750-9653
Liberty Ctr Mand.............(02)7720-5492 1802 Kapalaran QC ...... (0945)431-3888 69A Agno Ext QC............(02)8731-8340 Axod
INC Y Athletico International Incorporated Aurelia Residences 1 Skyline Premiere QC .... (02)8287-9860
Av Research Incorporated
West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8822-6354 4th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8287-3542 2013B Capt M Reyes Axsys Graphics Solutions & Planogram
Ati Steel Fab Corporation Aurelia's Laundromat Mkti ........................... (02)8889-1776 L&J Bldg Mand .............. (02)7239-9291
Stainless Star Bldg Val....(02)8925-6312 Felix Huertas Rd Mla ..... (0926)345-3367 Avalon Rent - A - Car Ay And G Marketing
Asian Euro Lead Generation Inc Atienza Interisland Ferries Inc Aureo Hotel And Resort 1098 Tanay Mkti ............ (02)8890-8667 1337 C M Recto Ave
The Peak Twr Mkti..........(02)8569-6776 2nd St Mla ................... (0999)881-7266 Lepanto Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8893-1111 Avalon Transport Services Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8741-6979
Asian Massange Home Services Atin Ito Handicraft Aurora (Oa) Philippines Inc 1098 Tanay Mkti ............ (02)8890-8669 Aya's Bridal Couture By James
Jm Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8553-0369 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0219 Cw Home Depot Munt .... (02)8820-7781 Avant By Abenson 11/88 Shopping Mall
Asian Star Condominium Corporation Atlanta Industries Incorporated Aus-Phils Aluminum Int'l Incorporated Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-5179 Mla .......................... (0927)464-1586
Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8850-8197 Atlanta Ctr SJ ................. (02)8723-0781 8 Acsie Rd Pque.............(02)8551-1479 Avant Garde Crossfit Ayala Alabang Village
Asiana Airlines Atlanta Ppr Pipes And Fittings Austine Hardware Co Incorporated 123 Pioneer Mand ........ (0917)821-8848 Commerce Ave Munt ...... (02)8807-5859
The Salcedo Twrs Mkti ... (02)8662-8000 1 Cw Home Depot Ortigas 1262 C M Recto Ave Avant Technologies Incorporated Ayala Corporation
Asiana Phils Gsa Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8706-4663 Mla ............................ (02)8362-8103 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8687-0008 Twr One Mkti..................(02)7908-3000
Salcedo Twr Mkti ........... (02)8892-5701 Atlanta Stationery And Paper Supply Australian Embassy Avasia Information Systems Ayala Land Incorporated - Ayala Malls
Asiancare Health System Incorporated 477 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8241-5233 Rcbc Plz Twr 2 Mkti ....... (02)7757-8340 Bloomingdale Plz Psg ..... (02)7747-5371 Pres Diosdado Macapagal Blvd
Ansa 2 Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8519-8751 Atlanta Travel And Tours Incorporated Austria Auto Supply Avd Marketing Corporation Pque .......................... (02)7759-8000
Asianlink Finance Corp Cityland Pasong Tamo 1 Dr Maldo Del Rosario 146 Shaw Blvd Ext Psg .. (02)8571-2259 Ayala Upholstery Enterprises
13 Buenviaje Bldg Mkna . (02)8682-8942 Mkti ........................... (02)8830-0852 Psg ............................ (02)8706-3696 2602-D Taft Ave PC ....... (02)8831-7847
Ave Photo Studio And Printing Services
Asiatex Manufacturing Atlantic Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Autencio Dental Clinic 2 T Alonzo Mkti ............ (0910)423-2461 Ayroso Hardware Co Incorporated
3453 V Mapa Ext Mla ..... (02)8567-6865 Richmack Bldg QC ......... (02)8373-4573 Oasis Hub A Psg .......... (0917)544-5036 Multinational Bancorp Ctr
Atlantis Wonder Laundry Shop Avega Managed Care Incorporated
Asiatic Medical Laboratories Incorporated Authentic House Of Curry Philippine Axa Life Ctr Mkti ........................... (02)8736-1892
Sejo Bldg Mla ................. (02)8733-3063 34 A Liberty Ave QC ..... (0906)809-9616 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)658-8887 Ayroso Towing Service
Mkti ........................... (02)8846-7983
Asiatrust Bank Corporation Atlas Auto Supply Incorporated Auto 10 Automobile Service Incorporated Casimiro LP ................. (0919)671-7035
1017-B Benavidez Mla....(02)8244-8069 Aveneto Pizzeria Ristorante
245 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-5887 5225 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8836-3383 23 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0923)831-2354 Aysee Sisig
Asiawide Human Resources Consultancy Atlas Concrete Works (Acw) Incorporated Auto Ad Trading Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8425-7274
141-A 4th Ave KC .......... (02)8365-9797 Avenida & Diaz Law Office
Corporation 774-A Earnshaw Mla ...... (02)8736-9424 Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8817-8902 Ayson & Jill Rtw Store
Audrich Bldg SJ..............(02)8723-8873 Atlas Lifting Services Incorporated Auto Camp Motors & Services Aventos Medical Care Inc 127 Uyguanco KC .......... (02)7507-5521
Asiaworld Vacations Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo L20 B40 Yap Taguig ....... (02)8801-9605 Aystetik Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8886-1847 Buencamino Sycamore Bldg
Cityland Shaw Twr Auto Cars Direct Assistance Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8556-3592 The Gallery Mkti ............. (02)8551-3284
Mand ......................... (02)8631-7113 Atlas Parts Industrial Corp Allegro Ctr Mkti .............. (02)8403-0981
Aventus Medical Care Incorporated Ayumi
Asics Greenbelt 3 Mkti........(02)7501-3569 1117 J L Escoda Manila . (02)8521-1082 Auto Circuit Ent Co Incorporated 294 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8800-6514
Philippine College Of Surgeon Bldgs
Asistio Martinez And Co Incorporated Ato's Chinoy Food Express 42G Banawe Ave QC ...... (02)8711-2999 QC ............................. (02)8352-4675 Ayumi Elite
Malanting KC..................(02)8930-8443 2808 Zamora PC ............ (02)7744-8979 Auto Domain Car Accessories The Podium Mand .......... (02)8364-4755
Atom Premium Led Avenue Window Creations Company
Aslan Builders Supply Banawe QC .................... (02)3386-2831 Az Communications Network Incorporated
Victoria Bldg QC ........... (0915)242-3415 Incorporated
12-B Wright SJ...............(02)8725-2291 Auto Home Motor Works Pinco Bldg QC ................ (02)8715-2256 Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8889-8672
Aspen Industrial Sales Corporation Atos Rack Coffeenista 1358 Apolinario Mkti ...... (02)7239-3945 Azaan Halal Cuisine
Ato Bldg LP .................. (0917)810-6064 Aveochem Trading
816-820 Reina Regente Auto Junction 80 Timog Ave QC ......... (0932)539-4843 Mercato Centrale
Mla ............................ (02)8243-7857 Atoy Pork Chop Restaurant 53 Kitanlad QC ............... (02)8712-1074
Avery's Taguig......................(0995)446-5859
Aspen Philippines Inc 196 Aguirre Pque ......... (0975)823-7352 Auto Mate Tricks Azden Enterprises: School And Office
Atoy's Pork Chop Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)795-5926
Trade And Financial Twr 5783 Zobel Roxas Ave Supplies
Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)8400-6604 Mla ............................ (02)8526-6636 Avesco Marketing Corporation
Taguig........................(02)7792-8000 Avesco Bldg QC ............. (02)8912-8881 670 Sta Elena Mla ........ (0925)728-6034
Aspirations International Incorporated Atr Kimeng Asset Management Auto Plus Azeriu Demolition & Construction
Incorporated 233 Edsa Mand .............. (02)8726-0399 Avf Medical & Skin Clinic
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8836-8866 248 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)3439-6545 Corporation
Aspire Global Solutions Exch Plz Mkti..................(02)8814-7800 Auto Precision Automotive Care Rvv Bldg KC ................... (02)8938-0169
Avia Management Group Incorporated
Financing Bldg Mand .... (0963)617-6063 Ats Home Furniture 21 Old J P Rizal Mkna .. (0998)540-6090
Pan Pacific Manila Mla ... (02)8562-3937 Azeus Systems Phils Ltd
Aspiree Incorporated 746-752 Rizal Ave Mla ... (02)8733-0715 Auto Smile Quality Used Car
Avida Sales Corporation Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-5960
Aic Burgundy Empire Atsi - Petc Incorporated Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0998)987-1808
Alabang-Zapote Rd Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8553-3770 Azortho Dental Inc
Psg ............................ (02)8535-4067 Auto Supply 8001 Goldland Millenia Suites
Asset Consult Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8847-0593 155 Rd 3 QC .................. (02)3492-8278 Avidpro Inc
Fmsg Bldg QC ................ (02)8638-5423 Psg .......................... (0917)156-6507
Clipp Ctr Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8851-9807 Atsp Construction Services Auto Trade Philippines Azta Urban Salon
Assetconsult Corporation 1941 - L Dagupan Ext 9 Lt J Francisco QC ...... (0917)528-7233 Avier Avarielle Inc
Mla ............................ (02)8245-4544 243 Paso Taguig ............ (02)8838-2984 Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Rgv Bldg Mkti.................(02)8889-4149 Auto-Delete Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8914-2160
Assi Phils Trading Corporation Atsu Atsu Ramen Builder's Bldg KC ............ (02)8831-7497 Avignon Clinic
1281 Araneta Ave QC ..... (02)8741-7159 58 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC . (02)8442-8290 Azucar Greenbelt 5 Mkti......(02)7728-0754
Makati Golf Club Mkti ..... (02)8812-9037 Autoaccess Philippines Azvercons Philippines Incorporated
Assistco Energy & Industrial Corporation Attain Skate Supply 120 West Ave QC ......... (0917)552-7711 Avila Tailoring Shop
1103 Riverside QC ....... (0920)205-1035 Yp Bldg Pque ............... (0919)278-9549 Upper Azucena Mkti ..... (0921)643-0765
1st Av Taguig ................. (02)8281-1888 Autobarr
Assured Packaging Services Corporation Atty Nancy J Dingayan Quimpo C P A 20 Katipunan Ave QC ... (0917)895-5916 Aviles Enterprises
1001 Pres E P Quirino Ave Nd Quimpo Bldg KC........(02)8285-5919 Autobot Autoworks Off-Road Francisco Bldg QC .......... (02)8668-5759
Mla ............................ (02)8524-3919 Atwood & Morril Furnishings
55 Macopa QC ............... (02)8732-0032
65 Rd 20 QC .................. (02)7758-4381
Autobox Quick Service Corp
Avis Philippines
9 Nueve De Pebro Mand . (02)8462-2871
Astec International Limited
1800 Bldg Mla................(02)8995-4000 Au Bean Blanc Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Avisley Hardware
Astec MAterials Testing Corporation The Podium Mand .......... (02)8634-2365 Mkna ....................... (0917)134-9177 372 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8365-6799 B & E Editing House
79 North Zuzuarregui QC (02)8442-0960 Au Trucking Services Autocare Motors Company Aviso Valuation & Advisory Corp 33-E Banaag Psg ........... (02)7618-9038
Astele Interior Design Services 278 Susano Rd KC ....... (0918)936-9502 141 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .. (02)8920-1004 Suntree Twr Psg.............(02)8570-6535 B & G Beauty & Glutathione
De Castro Subd Psg ..... (0917)128-0012 Aub 135 Kamias QC ........... (02)3435-0437 Autocarpets Incorporated Avmin Glass And Aluminum Supply C5 Svc Rd Taguig ........ (0998)790-2168
Asteria Lending Auberon Solutions Incorporated Sampaguita Ave Pque.....(02)8776-3146 51 14th St QC ................ (02)8721-9522 B & S Design Services Incorporated
330 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Antel Seaview Twr A PC . (02)8403-8832 Autocharge Auto Supply Avocadoria Avecshares Ctr Taguig....(02)8550-2900
Mkti ........................... (02)5318-8000 Auckland Marketing 209 Edsa KC .................. (02)8366-7629 San Lorenzo Place B Cool Sizzling Haus
Astex 270-A 7th Ave KC .......... (02)8363-1220 Autocirculo Corporation Mkti ......................... (0918)499-8039 Quirino Ave Pque .......... (0928)845-1032
1141 Edsa Balintawak Audacious Security Services Inc A-2 Wesgate District Avon Training Services B Cuevas Bread
QC ............................. (02)8365-4506 Unibond Bldg QC ............ (02)8723-0230 Munt .......................... (02)8423-1100 Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg 237 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)7919-5233
Astm Industrial Galvanizing & Marketing Audemars Piguet Autodresscode Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8523-9460 B Daily Consumer Goods Trading
8th St Caloocan City ....... (02)8361-6178 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3079 341 Amang Rodriguez Ave Avs Medical Equipment Trading Alliance Bldg Mla ............ (02)5310-3057
Astraea Beauty Salon Audentes Technologies Psg ............................ (02)8646-1235 1454 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8712-5833 B Is For Banh Mi
14A Naga Rd LP...........(0927)589-1361 Ascott Makati Mkti..........(02)8624-6414 Autofixpress Auto Repair Shop Awards Central Philippines Inc Makati Cinema Square
Asuka Trader Incorporated Audible Illusions Enterprises 75 Susano Rd QC.........(0915)286-0136 Pantranco Cpd QC .......... (02)7717-1151 Mkti ......................... (0927)218-0318
Cartimar Shopping Ctr 50D Timog Ave QC.........(02)8374-3620 Autofocus Awava Manila Graphic Design Phils B M Centre Phils Incorporated
PC ............................. (02)8834-8043 Audio 4 Design N Technology Corporation 2008 Jose Abad Santos Annapolis Wilshire Plz 41 Judge D Jimenez QC . (02)8990-5797
Asuki Weighing System Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo Mla ............................ (02)8258-8888 SJ .............................. (02)8726-9606 B P Mata & Company Incorporated
25 Arty 1 Subd QC ......... (02)3447-1111 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1788 Autokid Subic Trading Corporation Awdtech Philippines Incorporated Bp Mata Bldg QC ............ (02)8426-9485
Asuncion Vr Incorporated Audio City Marketing Company 9 Joy QC ........................ (02)8706-6666 219 J P Rizal Mand ........ (02)8535-4865 B U Properties Corporation
Casa Nueva Twnhms 731 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)3488-0898 Autoline Motorsports Accesories Zentrium Awesam Smile Dental Clinic Unioil Ctr Bldg Munt ....... (02)8809-1269
QC ............................. (02)8721-4884 Audio Video Concepts And Production 2679 T Ayala Mla ........... (02)8524-3697 19-B Felix Y Manalo Ave B&B Pet Finds
At Cruz Law Firm Midland Condmn Mkti.....(02)8813-5848 Automania Philippines Mkna ....................... (0917)546-6167 112 Amihan Taguig ...... (0915)879-0088
Az Bldg Psg ................. (0920)957-0383 Audio World Technology Incorporated Albany QC ...................... (02)8913-0304 Awesome Graphics Center B&C Diagnostics Fairview
Atarafoods Inc 749 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8742-6843 Automatechs Manpower Solutions Inc 135 Malakas QC.............(02)3433-0195 Pearl Dr Coml Ctr QC .... (0917)127-7931
Elysium Bldg QC ............ (02)7216-6478 Audiophile Components Incorporated 2214 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0921)251-0029 Awon Coffee B&P Just Like Home
Atc Transport Eton Cyberpod Corinthian Bldg Automatic Appliances Incorporated Cuasay Taguig ............. (0915)137-3005 515 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8631-3252
239 Amapola Mkti .......... (02)7000-2646 QC ............................. (02)8570-7785 Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8912-6601 Awtoz Hub Auto And Motorcycle Parts B&W 26 Timog QC ............. (02)8912-9137
Atcs Trading Audrey Events Place Automatic Lending Investor Corporation Trading B&W Bistro
888 Lucky Mansion Mla . (02)8967-9745 Casa Milan QC ............. (0917)810-3261 Rcj Bldg Psg .................. (02)8655-7550 573 Dolores KC ............ (0947)870-0111 B2 L8 Riverside Dr Psg (0977)717-5117

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:39 2022 - P31

32 S C M Y K


B&W Medical Clinic Balay Grill At Sari Sari Barangay Tanong Bayad Ko Express Inc Bec Printing Services / Bec Studioshop
120A Aguirre Pque ......... (02)8401-8177 P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0917)328-2517 69 A Bonifacio Ave Gateway Twr QC .......... (0921)477-3189 654-B San Francisco LP . (02)8967-9397
B-Side Binalot Tunasan Balay Hilom Spa Mkna ......................... (02)8948-6810 Bayan Academy Because Inc
102 Buendia Munt .......... (02)8805-3664 Fbr Arcade QC .............. (0927)535-8380 Barb's Spa Cinderella Bldg QC..........(02)8426-3140 Isquare Bldg Psg ............ (02)8470-2368
B2Mj Printing Services Balay Incorporated Kasunduan QC ............. (0905)958-7175 Bayan Travel Incorporated Becool's Water Equipment And Innovation
17 Almon QC ............... (0917)109-8946 25 Maalindog QC ........... (02)8426-3825 Barber Kings Barber Shop Sunette Twr Mkti ............ (02)8553-4224 Target Range Mkti ........ (0917)148-5092
Ba Securities Incorporated Balcony & Gardens 10th St PC ................... (0993)668-4298 Bayanan Auto Electrical Becton Dickinson Philippines Incorporated
Clmc Bldg Mand.............(02)8722-8832 5 M T Dioquino QC ....... (0917)862-8357 Barber-Smith Bell Manning Incorporated 127 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0920)938-4309 7th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8847-8000
Babe's Elegant Curtains Balducci Ristorante & Deli 358 Petron Mega Plz Baybin Enterprise Bedazzle Salon
Kagalakan Rd Psg ........ (0998)314-2530 Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8856-0865 Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8888 2 G Ocampo SJ .............. (02)7215-2263 Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8664-1358
Babi Boba Ph Balfront Industries And Equipments Barcelo Cafe Baydragon Shipping Agency Corporation Bee Cheng Hiang
Norfil Bldg Munt ........... (0916)347-1494 Corporation 8 Mendiola Ext Mla ......... (02)8735-7093 Adriatico Executive Ctre Robinsons Place Manila
Baby Closet 126 5th St KC ................ (02)8290-8602 Barcia Heavy Equipment Parts Center Mla ............................ (02)8353-7359 Mla ............................ (02)8523-1687
Pioneer Mand ............... (0906)352-2777 Balgos And Perez Law Office 221 Rizal Ave Extention Bayford Decor Centre Bee Choo Origin Wellness Center
Baby Dappy General Merchandise West Tektite Twr Psg......(02)8638-8732 KC ............................. (02)8364-3590 120 Ninoy Aquino Ave Sm City North Edsa QC.(0927)608-7867
Parklane Condmn Mkti....(02)8986-8520 Balgos Barretto Realty Firm Barcia Pest Control Services Pque ........................ (0927)548-5406 Bee Tin Grocery Incorporated
Baby Shower Photo Studio L7 B6 Delaware Val ........ (02)7369-9067 Pinagsama Vill Taguig .. (0919)523-4262 Bayo Sm Ctr Point QC ...... (0930)144-7014 735 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8243-3453
Prime Land Venture Bldg Baliao Dental Clinic And Diagnostic Center Bare Naked Bayson Laundromat Beehive Videoke Bar
Munt .......................... (02)8828-9635 Stargazer Bldg PC .......... (02)8833-8356 Glorietta 5 Mkti ............... (02)8514-8806 63A Regalado Ave Ext Gen Ordonez Mkna ....... (0936)983-9691
Babylan Spa Baliuag Transit Incorporated Barefoot Senorito Incorporated QC ........................... (0939)149-3425 Beepbeep.Ph Ibm Plz QC .... (02)8541-9999
1192 Loyola Mla ............ (02)8704-6541 199 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8364-7002 One Rockwell East Twr Baywatch Resources Corporation Beginnings
Babyland Baliwag Lechon Mkti ........................... (02)8403-3743 573-575 Sto Cristo Mla .. (02)8244-4736 Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8519-6158
Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8531-1231 355 P Tuazon QC ......... (0933)457-7291 Bares & Estrellas Bbb Lumber & Construction Suppy Behaviour Modifcation Incorporated
Bacho Dental Clinic Ballenciaga 700 Lerma Mand ............ (02)8654-9237 58 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6453 Panorama Bldg KC ......... (02)8294-6486
361 P Tuazon Ave QC .... (02)3438-5306 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0177 Bares Business Solutions Bbb Teotico Corporation Behn Meyer Chemicals (Philippines) Inc
Backfist Mma And Fitness Gym Ballet And Arts Center Metrowalk Coml Cplx Waltermart Sucat Pque ... (02)8552-2834 17 San Miguel Ave Psg .. (02)8477-6815
37 Shorthorn QC .......... (0916)600-3412 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)3487-9378 Psg ............................ (02)8636-1706 Bbdo Guerrero Incorporated Behrouz Persian Cuisine
Backjoy Balloon Republic Bargonfip Shipmanagement Inc Insular Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8867-3659 Metrowalk Coml Cplx
Sm Mall Of Asia Main Mall 187-B D Tuazon QC ....... (02)3416-0671 711 Mannra Hotel Mla .... (02)5310-0399 Bbj Trading Psg ............................ (02)8687-2759
PC ............................. (02)8556-0280 Balloonatic's Brother's Event & Party Needs Barkada Booz Express 153 Paso De Blas Val ... (0907)203-9475 Beijing Foot Spa
Backyard Diner 55 Sanciangco Mal.......(0975)508-8264 Ec Bldg QC...................(0966)780-2266 Bbmarciano Catering Services Greenhills Shopping Ctr
246 Maxima Urrutia Barkin' Bakes Healthy Pet Food 52 Rd 2 QC .................... (02)8929-8291 SJ .............................. (02)8695-3002
Balloonland Party Needs
Val ........................... (0908)220-8867 408-C P Tuazon Blvd 57 Maginhawa QC ........ (0917)105-9986 Bbmb Enterprises Bejoy Barbershop
Backyard Kitchen And Brew QC ............................. (02)8912-1354 Barley & Craft 863 Vicente Cruz Mla ..... (02)8353-0048 Paso De Blas Val .......... (0929)560-3110
Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8961-5717 Chino Roces Ave Mkti .. (0956)134-3543 Bbp Engineering Services Bel Rama Trading
Ballow Shop Dsl Bldg QC....................(02)8742-6726
Backyard Tapa Grill & Beer 32 Market Market Barom Global Technologies Incorporated 24 Pm Apts QC ............ (0928)975-3091
345-B Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)7738-3561 Taguig........................(02)7728-9380 3 West Svc Rd Pque.......(02)8776-5828 Belang's Hardware Store
Bbq Bob 290 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8519-8709
Bacolod C-One Trading Corporation Bally Barrera-Hernandez Dental Clinic 298 Montillano Munt .... (0921)433-1614
Pearl Island Industrial Cmpd Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8477-5363 262 Rosas Arcade Mal . (0933)810-1330 Beleader Electrical Supply
Bbq Chicken And Beer Shaw 52 Corumi QC ................ (02)3411-6774
Val ............................. (02)8983-1495 Balot Balot Barreras Auto Electrical 312 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8636-4609
Bacungan Architects Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8721-2403 1201 Quiricada Mla ........ (02)8252-4164 Beleb Ltd
Bby Master Motor Center Ltd Corp Litman Corporate Ctr
St Mary Mkna ............... (0916)944-0404 Balubar Law Office Barretto Bazar 1280 Edsa QC ................ (02)3453-7886 Mand ....................... (0917)571-8200
Bad Bird Mtf Bldg Pque .............. (0917)183-5050 De Luxe Textile Mkt Mla .. (02)8245-2119 Bc Web Sight Belen's Furnishings
Robinsons Place Manila Baluyot-Simpson Electrical Works Barrington Carpets Incorporated Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8354-6519 15 Shenandoah Pque ..... (02)8828-9597
Mla ............................ (02)8712-7228 2262 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8834-8772 Psec Psg ....................... (02)8637-0942 Bce Electro Mechanical Engineering Belford Garments
Bad Boys Burgers Balwarte Ktv Bar Barte Law Firm Services 5883 Enriquez Mkti ...... (0917)761-9402
203 Tomas Morato Ave L Bustamante KC ......... (0939)195-4805 172 G F Martinez Mand (0915)284-1081 319 Antonio Arnaiz Ave
QC ........................... (0929)354-3110 Belford Ventures & Printing Incorporated
Bamacom Incorporated Bartenders At Work Mobile Bar PC ........................... (0945)701-9317 5883 Villa Caridad I
Badey Stainless Steel Material Center West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8635-1234 G Tuazon Mla ............... (0923)836-8947 Bcgas Marketing Mkti ......................... (0977)806-0118
1163-1165 Soler Mla ..... (02)8521-1419 Bamb Ecological Technology Incorporated Bascon Travel And Tours 818 E Pantaleon Mand ... (02)8532-0866 Belgica Aranas Baldueza Dela Cruz &
Badger Mma Plaza San Luis Bldg Mla . (02)8525-8289 39 D Rd 1 QC...............(0956)477-8368 Bcrm Telemarketing Services Associates Law Offices
40 Aries LP .................. (0906)438-7940 Bambbi Fuentes Hair And Make-Up Studio Base One Machinery Sales Incorporated Vinia Residence QC ........ (02)8935-5783 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Baello Events Place 98 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8927-1998 Good Harvest Cplx Psg ... (02)7501-6391 Bcvm Fish Dealer Bellie's Delicatessen Psg ............................ (02)7728-5696
Baello Bldg KC ............... (02)8285-0477 Bamboolab Company Bash And Coordinates Malabon Private Fish Mkt Beli's Brownies
Baerkset General Upholstery Services 30 Bangar QC.................(02)8287-9925 2127 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8563-6158 Mal ............................ (02)8287-0982 Remuda Mkna .............. (0921)473-6621
1787 Evangelista Mkti .. (0975)156-0744 Bambu Retail Ventures Incorporated Basi Coffee Milk Tea Cafe Bcy Twin Towers Ind Inc Belizima Salon
Bag O' Shrimps Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8555-1382 Tres Palmas Coml Arcade 11 B M Flores Pat ......... (0998)566-2318 52C Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)3443-0051
220 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0927)560-6105 Bamcoflor Philippines Incorporated Taguig......................(0917)899-2665 Bdent Corporation Belkam Philippines Incorporated
Bag Tag Corporate 145 Bldg QC.(0916)746-4343 Basic Dots Printing Services Civic Prime Soho Condmn Cityland Herrera Twr
Alabang Town Ctr Ban Kee Trading Incorporated 15B Anonas Ave QC ..... (0939)405-4406 Munt .......................... (02)8511-8082 Mkti ........................... (02)8511-8335
Munt ........................ (0922)896-8536 6 Rest Haven QC ............ (02)8371-9967 Basic Machinery & Acoustics Corporation Bdm Imaging Center Incorporated Bell Manila Trading Corporation
Baghdad Kebab Company Banahan Heals Spa Makati Cinema Square 793B Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8983-0965 Country Space 1 Bldg
Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8557-6777 227 Jesus Residencias De Manila Makati ........................ (02)8811-1572 Bdsc International Support Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1622
Bagong Kaisahan Mla ............................ (02)7225-3251 Basic Transport Management Corporation Coherco Ctr Mkti ............ (02)8804-1046 Bella Mira Events Place
730 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8734-5763 Banahaw Heal Spa 65 K-10th St QC ............. (02)8352-7777 Beabi St Mary Psg ................. (0906)329-2882
Bags In The City 734 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3453-2034 Basic Venue Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8236-1015 Bella Pelle Skin Solutions
148 C San Francisco Banan Peel L Hernandez Ave LP ..... (0917)707-4094 Beache Internaitional 45 Hillside Loop QC......(0920)962-7717
Mand ......................... (02)8534-6270 Alabang Zapote South Stn Basic1 Business Solutions Incorporated 5 Kamuning QC ............ (0930)783-0609 Bella Vista Trading
Bahay Ligaya Restaurant Munt ........................ (0933)469-6300 66 N S Amoranto Sr Ave Beades Corporation Tri-O QC.........................(02)3414-8040
176 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)3439-7198 Banana Forest Massage And Spa QC ............................. (02)8230-4302 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0386 Bella's Throne Beauty And Wellness Spa
Bahay Tikiman Fl Lopez Catering Service West Svc Rd Munt ....... (0956)906-7990 Basil Beamko Ship Management Corp 2H Bldg City Plz 2 QC ... (0945)719-4188
5558 Virginia Pque ......... (02)8826-9292 Banana Leaf Ayala Malls The 30th Ramon Magsaysay Ctr Belle & Beau Events Management
Bahayco Projects Incorporated Estancia Mall Psg ........... (02)8671-3333 Psg ............................ (02)8535-5514 Mla ............................ (02)8404-3996 3847 President Laurel
Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-8340 Banana Peel Baskin Robbins Beanleaf Coffee Tea And Sausages QC ........................... (0926)574-0742
Baianju House Decor Supplies Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0929)134-1711 Ayala Malls Manila Bay 1 San Antonio Ave Pque . (02)8893-5674 Belle Ame Wellness & Salon
1303-1307 Soler Mla ..... (02)8567-5999 Banana Republic Pque ........................ (0956)889-3787 Beanleaf Piy Margal 14 Rd 3 QC .................. (0917)330-1396
Bakahan At Manukan Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-4047 Baskin Robbins Philippines Piy Margal Sampaloc Belle's Sweet Pastry House
Metrowalk Coml Cplx Banapple Pies And Cheesecakes Up Town Ctr QC ........... (0995)511-8062 Mla .......................... (0975)337-8784 25A East Rd QC ........... (0961)122-2643
Psg ............................ (02)8661-9632 206 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)3438-2675 Basshead Audio Video Equipments Bear Hug's Kitchen Bellevue Theatre
Bake Et Al Plastics Incorporated Banawe Online Parts & Auto Supply 11 G Araneta Ave QC....(0917)530-4157 6 Skylark Sreet KC........(0927)151-0582 1115 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8523-5528
4408 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8994-2159 Banawe QC .................... (02)7585-2442 Basud Heavy Equipment Parts Corporation Bear Huggs Bellkat Industrial Supply
Bakeessence Incorporated Banawexpress Car Services 208 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-3985 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8920-4933 2530 Severino Reyes
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8521-0517 7 Cabalata QC .............. (0916)650-8558 Bat Parts Supply Co Incorporated Bear Sea Manila ........................ (02)8255-4314
Bakemasterhouse Corporation Banco De Oro Universal Bank 154 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8961-0736 86 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6446 Belloin Bistro
12 Brixton Psg ............... (02)8633-7689 1359 Sta Cruz Mla..........(02)8736-5516 Bat's Tilapia Bearing Center & Machinery Inc N Domingo SJ .............. (0915)309-6669
Bakemasters Incorporated Band Studio Retiro Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8405-4385 641 Evangelista Manila ... (02)8733-8271 Bellville Development Incorporated
Afp-Rsbs Industrial Park 1812 Ibarra Mla............(0918)858-2040 Bataan 2020 Incorporated Bears Grill Molito Bldg Munt ............ (02)8893-1216
Taguig........................(02)8837-3901 Bandana's Kitchen 226 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8361-1585 104 Timog QC................(02)8422-6494 Belly Chon
Baker's World Ilaya Munt .................... (0906)534-4072 Bataan Cashew & Seafood Beaubox Nail Station Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8257-3763
2467 Legarda Mla .......... (02)7968-7120 Bandilla Musical Instruments Co Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8882-0639 115-E Loreto KC ............ (02)8288-4869 Belly Ciao Apitong Mkti ..... (0927)206-2891
Bakerite Bakery 4071 R Magsaysay Blvd Batangas Bay Terminal Incorporated Beauche Inernational Bellygood Corporation
923 Hidalgo Mla ............. (02)8710-5860 Mla ............................ (02)8714-7371 One Palanca Bldg Mkti....(02)8810-3419 1329 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8351-8742 36 Ruby Psg .................. (02)7617-0458
Bakers Fresh Bang Bang Upholstery & Furniture Services Batcave Restobar Beauquest
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8477-5393 1318 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8230-3035 Gov W Pascual Ave Arcade Bldg Psg...........(0917)607-8763 THE YELLOW PAGES
Bakers' Fair & Foodmart Incorporated Bang& Olufsen Mal .......................... (0916)593-0921 Beauty 365 Salon & Nail Spa
710 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-1451 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)7728-8766 Bath Origins Ferros Bela Air Twr Condmn
is designed to guide you in
Bakery Boss Company Bangla Bazaar Sm City North Edsa QC.(0918)918-8861 Mkti ......................... (0917)128-9978 whatever purchases or
124 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8364-2838 1 Pinatubo QC ................ (02)8477-3295 Bathala Marketing Beauty Bonanza Ph
Bakewise Bakery Equipment Bangs Prime Salon 2226 Ziebart Bldg Mkti ... (02)8818-2987 406 A D Reyes PC........(0939)276-8359 queries you may have
77 2nd Ave KC ............. (0945)790-6396 Ayala Malls Manila Bay Batparts Supply Company Incorporated Beauty Break Spa pertaining to a particular
Bakezania Pque .......................... (02)7914-4745 Dolmar Bldg Mla.............(02)3498-1674 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0917)174-7088
27 G Del Pilar Mkna........(02)7757-3736 Bangs Tony & Jackey Batuhan Blando Concepcion & Trillana Beauty Embassy Salon & Spa company, product or service.
Baking And Home Depot Paseo De Magallanes Picadilly Star Bldg 175A Quirino Hwy QC .. (0927)164-8810
Tsl Bldg QC .................... (02)8712-5651 Mkti ........................... (02)8553-8702 Taguig........................(02)8846-8004 Beauty Emphasis Incorporated
Baklas Motorworks Banquet Specially Shoppe Bautista-Mendioro Law Firm Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8800-3291 Look it up in the
12 Rainbow QC .............. (02)8795-6491 Lansberg Place QC ......... (02)8375-1226 40 Stella Maris Psg ...... (0917)306-9338 Beawmont Distributions Incorporated
Bakmi Nyonya Bapalo Resto & Bar Bavi Trading 69 N Roxas QC .............. (02)8241-6501 Buyer’s Guide
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0925)870-8899 49 B 20th Ave QC.........(0975)601-0054 2079 Madre Ignacia Mla . (02)8525-6071 Bebe Californie Clothing Incorporated categories. It will
Balai Yllana Garden Restaurant Bar B King Express Bawod Restobar Robinsons Place Manila
Gloria Diaz LP ................ (02)8579-2478 Paso De Blas Val .......... (0932)269-9791 Harbour Square Mla ....... (02)8552-1972 Mla ............................ (02)8536-8041 save you valuable time,
Balangao Chemicals Industrial Limited Barangay 173 Congress Village Bayabas Bar & Resto Bebeth Shoe Repair money and energy.
Asean Dr Munt ............... (02)8784-9588 Congress Vill KC ............ (02)8930-3780 Moriones Mla ............... (0938)564-1365 Bagbaguin Rd KC ......... (0916)224-1035

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33 S C M Y K


Benjoys Food Products Bethesda Medical Laboratory & X-Ray Big Chicken Express Biomedics Incorporated
2326 Juan Luna Mla.....(0917)532-2610 Clinic Fortune Palace Bldg Mla . (02)8247-4755 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8638-3125
BELMAN COMPANIA Benken Dental Clinic Filipina Bldg QC ............ (0942)972-8521 Big Chill Biomedix Health Solutions Inc
46 B Luzon Ave QC ...... (0995)583-8560 Betsons Industries Incorporated Ayala Malls Manila Bay Medical Plz Mkti ............. (02)8843-1966
INCORPORADA Benline Transport Incorporated 28 Karpa QC .................. (02)8930-5197 Pque ........................ (0956)742-2893 Bionic Commercial
811 Edsa Ave PC ........... (02)8843-8622 Better 1 Driving School Big City Grilled Hotdogs And Sausages 651 Condesa Mla ........... (02)8242-4965
Benmark Group Holdings Incorporated 36 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8871-3725 Fcl Bldg QC .................... (02)8929-9000 Bionic Electronics Parts
155 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8441-0047 Better Chill Cafe (Mangchai Cafe) Big Daddy Wines 517 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-4413
Bennett H E Securities Incorporated 166 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0915)592-1762 A Mabini Mla .................. (02)8525-4593 Bionicwheels Merchandising Incorporated
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8634-5030 Better Chill Cafe (Nakuyami) Big Daddy's Kitchen Incorporated 935 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8912-4917
Bens Home Interior Incorporated Sm Hypermarket Sucat-Lopez Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8847-1249 Biosolutions Incorporated
2556 Lemery Mla ........... (02)8256-0578 Pque ........................ (0917)902-1077 Big Fellas Auto Detailing Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8932-6972
Benson Customs Brokerage Corporation Better Image Philippines Incorporated 1325 G Tuazon Mla ...... (0915)601-4223 Biosthetic Corporation
Federal Twr Mla..............(02)8242-4620 Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8924-1894 Big J Rubberstamp & Locksmith Services Rcbc Savings Bank Corp Ctr
Bentable Incorporated Betting Technologies Incorporated Campos Rueda Bldg Taguig........................(02)8553-2522
1124 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8294-0858 Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)7755-3092 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-5472 Biosystems Reagents & Instruments Inc
Bente Silog Bevtech Incorporated Big Marketing 1754-1758 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
89 C Jose PC ............... (0929)458-9463 Richville Corporate Twr 293 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8366-6011 QC ............................. (02)7728-8401
Bentesilog Food Company Munt .......................... (02)8807-8722 Big Media Imaging Systems Incorporated Biotect Disinfection Services
321 Dansalan Mand ....... (02)8633-2074 Bewell Nutraceuticals Corporation 433 R Pascual Mand ...... (02)8470-4694 Don Gesu Bldg Munt .... (0999)463-8823
Benvil Foods Incorporated 122 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)3411-3931 Big O's Tire Corporation Biotraders Corporation
191 Tomas Morato Ave Beyond Aesthetics Clinic 80 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave 148 Don Vicente QC ..... (0917)823-4534
QC ............................. (02)8372-0360 109 V Luna Ext QC ....... (0949)743-0809 Mkti ........................... (02)8896-2586
Beny's Beauty Salon Of Qc Beyond Global Multisales Corporation Big Pix Graphic Systems Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8373-2839
64-B West Ave QC ......... (02)8371-4709 Golden Arcade Mla ......... (02)7903-2254 7783 St Paul Rd Mkti ..... (02)8895-9518
Belman Bldg 2 Quezon Bisikleta Republika
Benz Beautique Hair And Nail Salon Beyond Horizon Events Services Big Scoop Ice Cream 60 Hyacinth Munt ......... (0929)342-1588
22 Avocado KC ............ (0922)673-7700 660 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8775-2178 34 Garnet Rd LP...........(0906)573-2248
City ......... (02)8712-0201 Big Shine Auto Detailing Bistro 109 Catering
Or Call . (02)8711-4382 / (02)8712-0182 Bep Nz Aust Corporation Beyond The Blue Corp 78 P Rosales Pat............(02)8642-8123
Roces Bldg Mla .............. (02)8257-0480 11 C Harmony QC ........ (0932)262-0878 75 South Zuzuarregui
Or Call............................(02)8712-0342 QC ............................. (02)8513-7737 Bistro Charlemagne
Sheridan Manda- Bergoend Corporation Beyond The Box Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Almanza Metroplis Condmn Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8352-7657 Big Shine Car Wash And Auto Detailing
luyong ... (02)8631-1142/(02)8631-5108 Pque .......................... (02)7914-9082
LP ............................ (0916)592-4690 Beyond The Plate Services
Or Call............................(02)8631-5159 27 Gil Fernando Ave Bistro Paleta
78 Cordillera Berinne Systems Incorporated 1000 San Marcelino 1850 Taft Mla.................(02)8525-3706
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8552-2990 Mla .......................... (0917)822-9757 Mkna ....................... (0917)857-7426
QC ........ (02)8712-2976/(02)8712-0336 Big Signs Advertising Bistro Ravioli
Belman Bldg Berjaya Auto Philippines Incorporated Bf Cuisine Incorporated Greenbelt 1 Mkti ........... (0925)555-3281
Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8551-8000 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8929-6474 Big Signs Bldg Mla ......... (02)8781-7380
QC ........ (02)8740-4615/(02)8740-4616 Bistronomia
Berklyn Electronics Supplies And Services Bf Home Depot Incorporated Bigbear Productions Incorporated
Or Call ... (02)8740-4617/(02)8742-5219 Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)5310-1904 The Bistro Group Bldg
654 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8736-5002 874D Tropical Ave LP.....(02)8825-0131 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-5952
Berks 59 Socorro KC ........ (0923)460-0379 Bf Polaris Driving School Co Bigcool Home Service Spa
Cassanova Dr QC ......... (0948)831-2044 Bite And Taste
Berkwil Construction Incorporated Fenina Coml Bldg LP ...... (02)8822-2045 1420 Miguelin Mla........(0927)872-5649
20 Banlat Rd QC.............(02)8350-6760 Bigdish Incorporated
Bff Diner (Brad's Family And Friends Diner) Twr One & Exch Plz Mkti (02)7957-1550 Bites And Smiles Dental Services Co
BELMAN Berlein 643 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0927)922-0731 Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8801-1657
Biggame Incorporated
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8709-1027 Bfl Bookstores Incorporated Coko Bldg PC ................. (02)8556-6351 Bits N Things Marketing
Bermont Express Int'l Incorporated Eton Centris Stn QC ........ (02)8332-6540 1228 Soler Mla...............(02)8245-3868
TORIES ONL Bigleap Incorporated
7001 A Bonifacio Pque ... (02)8820-1348 Bg Tamayo Global International Company 886 J Aguilar Ave LP ...... (02)8519-8200 Bitsco
INC Y Bermudez & Associates Lee Garden Condmn Midcentre Haven Bldg
Mand ....................... (0917)822-5326 Biglite International Lighting Inc
Sir William's Hotel QC ..... (02)8911-6471 3026 Gen T De Leon Rd QC ............................. (02)7799-7328
Bernabe Diagnostic Laboratory Bgpc Laptop Parts And Services Val ........................... (0917)623-6495 Bitshield Security Consulting Inc
474 Dingguinbayan Gilmore It Ctr QC .......... (0905)291-1861 Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ........ (02)8571-3681
Taguig........................(02)8398-7699 Bgz Food Ventures Inc 67 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (02)8524-9637 Biw's Chicken & Bagnet
Belman Laboratories Incorporated Bernabest Food Products Incorporated 200 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7004-5786
Sheridan Mand ............... (02)8631-1142 Bignest Poultry And Agricultural Supply 439 Gen Tinio KC ......... (0955)362-3078
118 Arellano KC ............. (02)3447-6523 Bhc Car Wash 6 Felo2 Val ................... (0932)854-3249 Biyahero La Tourista Travel Corporation
Belmere Skin Care Center Bernardo Rod-Partners 1 Sinag Mand ............... (0966)140-1214
Aurora Bldg Munt ........... (02)8842-8484 Bigoy Printing Services Diligence QC ................ (0956)264-5056
26 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8426-0565 Bhf Gemline 19 Parkway QC ............ (0935)819-3952 Biyaheroes Ph
Belmont Agricorp Besa's Incorporated Sm Ctr Point QC ............. (02)8254-6391
Legaspi Twrs 100 Mkti ... (02)8815-9861 Bigpaws Pet Supplies Trading Obs Bldg III QC ............... (02)7507-8575
Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8637-6430 Bhm Business Process Outsourcing 87 Natl Rd Munt ........... (0965)730-2233
Belmont Funeral Services Bizaare
Besa's Shoes Incorporated Incorporated Bigrig Specialist Incorporated Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8332-7473
Gen Luis KC ................. (0916)483-4333 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8898-0000
Belo Care Center Incorporated Sanvictores Pque ........... (02)7501-7635 Bizu Catering Studio
SJ .............................. (02)8724-3163 Bhobets Tailoring Bigtime Graming Corp
R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8816-2244 First Midland Bldg Mkti ... (02)8845-0590
Beso Beso Filipiniana Restaurant Kamuning Pub Mkt QC . (0906)659-1498 Madison Square LP ........ (02)8556-2397
Belo Medical Group Incorporated Aleanza Hall Autometics Ctr Bizwind Philippines Inc
Medical Twrs Mkti .......... (02)8812-5838 Bhois Custom Tailor Bihag Land Surveying Services Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)7625-0015
Mkti ......................... (0917)179-2562 3520 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd 57 M Lozada Pat .......... (0917)179-0929
Belton Mansion Best Aluminum Sales Corp Mla ............................ (02)8713-1163 Bj Industrial Sales
1042 Reina Regente Mla (02)8243-3178 Bijou By Ana Rocha 1500 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-6717
275 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8374-4120 Bhr Motorcycles Parts And Accessories Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-1342
Beltran Sack Store Bj Mercantile Incorporated
684 Sto Cristo Manila ..... (02)8242-5362 Best Automation Surveillance & Security 20 D Congressional Ave Bike One Zero One Enterprise
262 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)3410-1535 QC ........................... (0929)817-6475 1132 Edsa QC ................ (02)8361-0088
Bems Industrial And Hardware Supply 34 F Mariano Psg ........... (02)8646-4811 Bjb Money Changer And Jewelry
31 San Guillermo Ave Best Choice Home Interior Bht Animal Feeds And Poultry Supply Bike Plus
Royal Arranque Comml Ctr 2401 Legarda Mla ........ (0923)425-8911 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Psg ............................ (02)8703-2837 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8930-6242 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1272
Mla ............................ (02)8516-3755 Bh Fashion Retailers Incorporated Bike System
Ben Joe Tire Supply Bks Trading Inc
Evangelista Mkti ........... (0939)149-1173 Best Choice Packaging Lucky Chinatown Mall Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8775-4579
8 Avellano KC.................(02)8355-3097 Mla ............................ (02)8523-8249 Paraiso QC ..................... (02)3419-9497
Ben Line Agencies Phils Incorporated Bikeloveph Bl Construction Supply
Two E-Com Ctr PC ......... (02)8893-5591 Best Deal Electrical Equipment Inc Bianca Maloles Interior Design Studio 13 Gladiola Munt .......... (0935)158-2422
411 2nd St Mla .............. (02)7740-8568 Aguirre Ave Pque..........(0917)794-9464 1466 Doroteo Jose Mla .. (02)8732-2051
Ben Machinery Bilkisa Loans & Credtis Outsource Black Box Construction
38 Macarthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8364-6020 Best Electrical Components Incorporated Biara Incorporated Paseo De Magallanes
Omron-App Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8843-0785 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8556-5876 22 Malingap QC ........... (0995)421-5508
Ben Ronberto Rice Dealers Mkti ........................... (02)8662-2900
Best Friends Pares & Mami House Biazon Ref And Aircon Repair Shop Black Fiber Solutions Corporation
Lga B3 Tonquiao LP ....... (02)8829-1131 Bimmer Monkeys Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Ben's Halo-Halo Ice Cream Harmonic Seven Tejeron Place 2076 Catalino Cruz Psg .. (02)8546-9662 17 Aurora Dr LP ........... (0927)830-2509
Mla ............................ (02)8354-8954 Bibo Ads Salvador Pque ..... (02)7219-4557 Psg ............................ (02)8570-7276
7 Estanislao Munt.........(0949)851-6259 Binalot Fiesta Foods Incorporated Black Lotus Print Solutions
Ben's Windoors Incorporated Best Night Incorporated Bicas Medical And Lying-In Clinic Buj  Bldg Pque ............ (02)8823-7702
Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8470-2889 79 Sikatuna Ext Susano Rd 23 Russia Pque .............. (02)8552-3284
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-2835 Bingo Bonanza Corporation
Best Taste Food House KC ........................... (0935)485-8236 168 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8708-2842 Black Machine General Merchandise
Benby Enterprises Inc Theater Mall SJ .............. (02)8512-1754
216 Banawe QC ............. (02)8832-3629 411 N S Amoranto QC .... (02)8749-7108 Bicol Barber Shop Bingo Jamboree Incorporated
Best Toys B F Homes Rd QC ........ (0915)571-4917 Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-5728 Black Rock
Bencel Z Press Incorporated Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8234-5784
74 Molave Mla ............... (02)8912-7134 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)7501-5189 Bienvenido Food Supply Corporation Bingo Plus
Bench Fix Salon Bestank Manufacturing Corporation Sta Ana Dr Pque ............. (02)8776-8100 Tektite Twr Psg .............. (02)8540-9409 Black Rock Traders Incorporated
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8823-1543 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8815-6117 Big "C" Supermart Binixo Philippines Banco De Oro Plz Mkti .... (02)8892-2890
Bene Del Mare Party Rentals And Catering Bestcare Medical Clinic & Diagnostic Center 22 Russia Pque .............. (02)8824-6171 105 West Ave QC ........... (02)8371-8092 Black Scoop Cafe
Services Inc Big Baby Studios Binondo Beauty Supply Incorporated Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Vista Verde KC ............. (0908)812-4016 Karuhatan Val ................. (02)7623-5655 14 R Pascual SJ ............. (02)8623-4715 Jby Tanlimco Bldg Mla ... (02)8256-3650 Pque ........................ (0906)799-4532
Benedicto Steel Corporation Bestcolt Big Bad Wolf Binondo Metalcraft And Bakery Equipment Black Tie Project
8890 Sampaloc Mkti ...... (02)8896-5201 53 A Banawe QC ............ (02)8741-9860 Forbes Town Ctr Taguig . (02)8822-5833 629 Madrid Mla ............ (0935)678-0935 133 R Aglipay Mand ....... (02)8534-2797
Benefit - Muntinlupa City Besterm International Corporation Big Ben's Furniture Bio Cross Medical Black Tulip Spa Massage
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8779-8994 Fse Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8832-9231 67 N Domingo SJ ........... (02)3383-6178 1645 J P Rizal Mla ......... (02)8664-3241 811-B Edsa PC.............(0936)266-0265
Benelyn Enterprises Bestline Auto Parts Inc Big Bird Food Corporation Bio Research Incorporated Black Unicorn Martial Arts
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0177 46-F Mcarthur Hwy Val . (0932)887-0958 Eastwood Cybermall QC . (02)8687-6831 Sm City North QC ........... (02)8920-9162 Mile Long Bldg Mkti ...... (0927)128-7094
Beneti Foods Corporation Bestpak Packaging Solutions Inc Big Bliss Weddings Bio Seng Trading Blackcode Manila Inc
96 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8928-1692 P Florentino QC .............. (02)8741-6911 Tionquiao LP ................ (0917)800-9596 420 La Bisais Mla...........(02)8243-1045 92 Makaturing Mand ...... (02)8477-3184
Benette's Bakery Bestsellinghomes Realty  Corporation Big Boss Barbers Bio-Save Medical & Diagnostic Center Blackdoor Barbershop
Plaza 10-B PC .............. (0928)120-9967 Aseana Shell PowerStn Bldg Venice Grand Canal Mall 19-B B Morcilla Pat ........ (02)8640-1624 289 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0977)767-5194
Bengar Industrial Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8519-0029 Taguig........................(02)8845-3895 Bio-Ted Medical Equipment & Supplies Blackhounds Security And Investigation
71 Mauban QC ............... (02)8364-1288 Beta Electric Corporation Big Boys Toy Store 1571 E Bambang Mla ..... (02)8925-7145 Agency Inc
Benicolas Construction Supply And Asean Ave Pque ............. (02)8808-5881 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Biocross Diagnostic Center Incorporated Grepalife Bldg Mkti ....... (0998)595-6806
Services Betacolor Service Center Incorporated SJ ............................ (0922)869-5944 1643-1645 Rizal Ave Blacktop Construction Supply
16 Libra QC..................(0945)977-7365 Josefina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8253-0962 Big Brother Builders Mla ............................ (02)8740-8718 Labores Ext Mla ........... (0916)762-9972
Benjam's Shoe Manufacturing Beterinarya Plus Animal Clinic 1108 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8230-2583 Bioderma Blackwood Bistro
Sta Maria Mkna ............ (0917)189-3759 242 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8277-4004 Big Buddha Restaurants Incorporated Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8659-6851 The Venice Piazza
Benjat Tailoring Shop Beth's Fitness Studio Robinsons Place Manila Biokitchen Event Catering Services Taguig........................(02)8659-4409
19 Redemption QC ....... (0956)921-0433 Ponciana Ctr Mal ............ (02)8275-6676 Mla ............................ (02)8354-5945 Barangka Dr Mand........(0905)459-0972 Blade
Benjie Omar Cellphone Accessories Shop Bethany Trucking Corporation Big C Cargo Biokits Philippines Incorporated Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Center Mall Bldg SJ ........ (02)8517-5655 1275 Araneta QC............(02)8711-3730 401 Cjon Banal Taguig . (0927)627-9296 71 Sct Tuazon QC .......... (02)8365-7233 Psg ............................ (02)8477-6451
Benjoy Inc Bethel Kiddie Learning Center Big Cat Heavy Equipment Corporation Biological Health Blade Asia
6 Manga Rd Mla ............. (02)8721-1533 Santiago Val ................... (02)8292-8564 Abel Nosce LP ............. (0917)532-1727 1691 M Orosa Mla ......... (02)8523-1211 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8553-3249

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Mon Jul 18 15:47:54 2022 - P33

34 S C M Y K


Blanc Skin Care & Nail Studio Blue Wonder Coffee & Bean Roastery Body Fix Home Massage Bortech Machine Trading Brand Philosophy Incoprorated
Levi Mariano Ave 4 E Rodriguez Jr Ave 360 Harrison Mansion Mindanao Ave QC...........(02)8568-5553 Wack Wack Royal Mansion
Taguig......................(0917)844-2342 Psg .......................... (0917)146-6803 PC ............................. (02)8823-4484 Boscoseal International Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8501-5671
Blaze Electronics Incorporated Blue Wonder Coffee Shop Body Line 8487 Hon A Sandoval Ave Brandcore Events Branding Agency
723 Gonzalo Puyat Mla.(0917)887-3728 Estancia Expansion 406 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-4994 Psg ............................ (02)8641-9076 Atlanta Ctre Bldg SJ........(02)7211-8174
Blc Cycle Parts Supply Psg .......................... (0967)280-7976 Body Needs And Basic Incorporated Bosh Burger Branded Retail Corporation
Camarin Rd KC ............ (0917)513-7451 Bluebell Commodities Jade Ctr Psg .................. (02)7910-2913 100 Susano Rd QC.......(0951)124-5733 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1352
Blendwell Foods Corporation 102 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (02)8926-6597 Body Tune Boson Construction Brandexports Philippines Incorporated
19 C P Garcia Ave QC .... (02)8372-2656 Blued Clothing Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8442-0018 Rbl Place QC ................ (0927)435-2510 2060 Dr Ml Carreon Mla . (02)8561-7572
Bless Nurture Corporation Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3226 Body Tune The Traditional Thai Massage Boss Burger Branding Science (Uk) Ltd
384 East Svc Rd Munt .... (02)8359-1298 Blueice Incorporated Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-3082 2749 Bruger Munt ........ (0919)996-9281 Twr One And Exch Plz
Blessed Harvest Marketing 453 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-3806 Bodyway Thai Massage Bossing's Pizza Supplies Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8836-1890
906 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8253-5822 Bluemarc Enterprise 500 Balagtas Mand ........ (02)8571-5020 21 President Quezon Brandlink Intl Corporation
Blessed Heart Flower Shop 1334 Cavite Mla ............. (02)8353-2972 Boeing Asia Enterprises Incorporated Psg .......................... (0910)855-0707 3 Ponce Mkti .................. (02)8813-1403
Dos Castillas Mla..........(0917)815-7156 Bluemoon Enterprises Aic Ctr Mla ..................... (02)8242-1368 Boston Fabricators Incorporated Brandstar Co
Blessed Home Adult Daycare And Assisted 431-D-E Paso De Blas Rd Bogo Medellin Milling Company Philippines 92-B Spkr Perez QC ....... (02)8732-4989 87 Banaag Psg ............... (02)7148-9827
Living Val ............................. (02)3443-6804 Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8848-0114 Boston Textile Trdg Brasserie Sagana
288 El Grande Ave Bluemoon Lodge Bogzki's Food Garage C M Recto Manila ........... (02)8251-7460 3rd Ave Taguig ............. (0917)632-7946
Pque ........................ (0917)856-0623 1349 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0948)284-9957 613 Francisco Mla..........(02)8375-1234 Botica Santana Braun Buffel Edsa Mand ..... (02)7718-1197
Blessed Hose Center Bluepower Ventures Inc Boie Drug Incorporated 127 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (02)8400-5830 Bravissimo Catering Services
125 5th Ave KC .............. (02)8362-3120 Aim Bldg LP ................. (0969)486-4748 482 Alabangâ??Zapote Rd Botika Ninyo Ipil Psg...........................(02)7212-1154
Blessed Rhotian Health And Beauty Bluesmith Coffee & Kitchen LP .............................. (02)8550-1162 1650 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8741-4947 Bravo Media International Corporation
Products Shop Ayala Malls The 30th Boink Botikang Pinoy Generix Incorporated Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8288-8142
M Lozada Pat ............... (0912)941-1962 Psg ............................ (02)7585-6268 Don A Roces Ave QC....(0977)822-6465 7 Sto Tomas QC ............. (02)8255-3140 Brawl Pit Bulusan QC........(0916)716-1613
Blessed Veterinary Clinic And Grooming Bluesteel Industries Inc Bold Native Advisors Inc Botikang Pinoy Incorporated Braza Marketing
Center 126 20th Ave Cubao 30th St Taguig................(02)8812-7768 Locb Bldg QC ................. (02)8355-7446 285 Katipunan Av
281 C Roosevelt Ave QC (02)8921-9634 Quezon City................(02)8911-0355 Bolts & Nuts Hardware Bottomline Quezon City................(02)8426-4899
Blimp Works Bluewater Day Spa Incorporated 248 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)3444-2938 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Brazilian Restaurant Complex
34 Wilson SJ..................(02)8584-2355 Green Top Bldg SJ ......... (02)8724-0426 Boma Techcom Incorporated SJ ............................ (0917)839-9938 Metrowalk Coml Cplx
Blims Lifestyle Group Incorporated Bluewaters Ws Supermarket Incorporated Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8800-4832 Bounty Fresh Psg ............................ (02)8638-6319
Fort Victoria Taguig ........ (02)8403-1067 Octoarts Bldg QC............(02)8775-5010 Bon Industrial Sales Quirino Liban Bldg QC .. (0938)120-9429 Bread Broth & Beyond
Blinds & Curtains By Alnardo's Bluewave Global 35 Macopa Quezon City . (02)8781-2740 Bouquet And Bunches Floral Design Shangri-La Plz Mall
San Diego Mla .............. (0906)287-6075 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8687-1020 Bonanza Consolidated Mines Inc 43 Wallnut QC ................ (02)8461-7606 Mand ....................... (0995)965-1775
Blinds & Curtains By Lexilya Blumex Express Credit 32 Gomez Taytay ........... (02)8660-6682 Bourbon Group Philippines Incorporated Bread Of Life-Rizal Incorporated
David Psg .................... (0908)874-2071 Camarin Rd KC .............. (02)8962-9139 Bonanza Plaza Inc Forbeswood Hghts Twr 3 Robinsons Metro East
Bliss Yoga Studio Incorporated Blumex Express Credit Incorporated Km 23 Quirino Hwy QC .. (02)3417-7185 Taguig........................(02)8659-8693 Psg ............................ (02)8645-6198
Plaza One Hundred Bldg 1131 Labores Mla .......... (02)8254-4395 Bonchon Bouyant Marketing Incorporated Bread Talk
Mkti ........................... (02)8551-1485 Blustyle Enterprises Incorporated Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-5542 Page One Munt...............(02)8835-9207 Robinson Place Manila
Blisters And Blisters Resorts World PC ........... (02)8573-4962 Bovis Home Kitchen Mla ............................ (02)8536-0719
Bonded Phase Trading
A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8951-9569 Bluzza Dress Shoppe Angat Bldg Mla ............... (02)8256-4131 Chino Roses Ave Mkti .. (0906)211-1297 Breadtalk Evia North LP .... (0923)747-9610
Blitz Marketing And Events Incorporated Yellow Bldg South Stn Bong's Motorcycle Accessories Bow & Wow All Natural Pet Store Brealant
Nac Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8840-3692 Munt .......................... (02)7503-7898 1202 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8254-7028 Shangrila Plz Mand ......... (02)8638-3372 1030 Campus Ave Mla . (0917)311-3000
Blizzardref Sales Corporation Blyssa Medical Clinic & Diagnostic Center Bonifacio Art Foundation Incorporated Bow Wow Dog Chow Bree And Bruce Marketing
202 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8715-9294 Rizal Ave Ext Mal .......... (0916)909-4795 Jy Campos Park Taguig .. (02)7909-6463 110 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8353-9109
Blk 513 Bm-Jov Garden Center QC ............................. (02)8635-0751 Breitling
Bonifacio Security Services Inc Bow Wow Pet Shop
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0995)720-4522 India Pque ...................... (02)8823-9396 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8810-9359 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7756-0561
Blockchainspace Bmb Motorcycle Parts Machine Shop Juan Luna Mla................(02)8664-2454 Brent International School Manila
Bonifacio Transport Corporation Bowling & Billiards
Paseo De Roxas Mkti ... (0917)577-1258 424 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8942-6674 Isla Verde Mkti ............... (02)8882-8287 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8631-1265
Bloom & Dash Salon & Spa Bmc Medical Supplies Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-6494 Brentwood Suites
116 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)7617-7727 Bonkoko Security Agency Services Box Dev Design Studio 6 Dr Garcia QC ............... (02)8927-8888
1538 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0928)986-5692 Camerino QC................(0975)128-1120
Bloomdale Trading Bmg Blue Matiz Art Gallery 11 Biak Na Bato QC ...... (0922)846-4698 Brethren's Funeral Services
1863 Blumentritt Mla ...... (02)8711-1592 Bonna Rtw Box Eats Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0935)917-9268
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8706-5641 Lianas Supermarket Mla . (02)8332-1692
Blooming Star Food Corporation Bmjb Plastic Enterprises 1924 Immaculada Mla .. (0975)519-4944 Brewed Cof Y
39 Womens Club Mal ..... (02)8921-4675 Bonne Bouche Box O Rice Icc Bldg QC .................. (0927)574-2093
999 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8361-3635 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0486
Bloomridge Integrated School 54 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)7482-7423 Brewing Diner & Cafe
Bmje Marketing And Electrical Services Bonsey Jaden Pte Ltd
248 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8937-8996 Boxeo Elorde Incorporated 0356 B Alabang-Zapote Rd
Incorporated Floor Menarco Twr 1555 A Maceda Mla ....... (02)8741-3106
Bloomsby Toni B209 L32 Labayani QC...(02)8372-6065 LP ............................ (0927)912-6660
Taguig......................(0917)316-0321 Boxfield Packaging Products
1616 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8530-8795 Bmp Envt & Community Care Inc Brews And Blues Incorporated
Bloomsfield Inn Incorporated Bonum Builders & Environmental Solutions 286 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8365-1261 Crossroads Taguig ......... (02)8823-1320
Pet Plans Twr Mkti ......... (02)8556-3557 Inc
618 Pedro Gil Mla .......... (02)8523-3679 Boxform Corporation Brgy Hall Brgy 65 Zone 8
Bmpower Human Resources Corporation Catanduanes QC...........(0977)485-6215 Francesca Twr QC .......... (02)8370-2052
Bloomsolutions Inc Coating Industries Mand . (02)8631-1587 1 Stanford PC.................(02)8779-8429
Kalayaan Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7215-6843 Bonus Merchandising Inc Boxstrong Packaging Company Bri-One Commercial Corporation
Bms Group International Manpower 519 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-8073 13 Manila North Diversion Rd Bonifacio High Street
Blow Dry Bar Phils Corporation
Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8654-9102 Recruitment Services Corp Bony's Litson Cebu Mal ............................ (02)8330-6410 Taguig........................(02)8846-8920
Lifestyle Bldg Mla ........... (02)8243-5433 T Santiago Val .............. (0919)935-2146 Boy Kanin
Blu Coffee Distributors Corporation Bria Homes Incorporated
341 Katipunan Rd QC ..... (02)8426-0257 Bms Janitorial And Allied Services Boo's Cafeville Restobar 73-A 10th Ave QC .......... (02)8352-8130 Metropolis Alabang Mall
Blu Larimar Sales Resource Incorporated Incorporated A Mabini Ave KC .......... (0916)455-8004 Boy Samgyeop Munt .......................... (02)8831-4998
Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8930-0528 93 Molave Ave Pque.......(02)8828-1918 Book And Borders Cafe 56 A Mabini KC ............ (0917)633-0501 Brianna Survey Solutions
Blue Appenine Corporation Bmv Auto Supply Orchard Rd Bagumbayan Boybits Place Congressional Ext QC ..... (02)8925-0452
78 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8832-4941 214 Tandang Sora Ave QC ........................... (0932)871-5560 8A Katihan Poblacion Brick House Intergrated Pre-School
QC ............................. (02)8454-5430 Book Circle Bookstore Munt ........................ (0921)963-4703 363 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Blue Boz
28 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8283-6948 Bnf Bicycle Center 1895 C M Recto Ave Boyet Auto Electrical Shop Psg ............................ (02)8641-2561
Blue Boz Water Refilling Station 8276 Dr A Santos Ave Mla .......................... (0998)793-5907 3776 Sun Valley Pque .. (0946)545-4307 Brickoven Foods Incorporated
Parc Royale Condmn Pque .......................... (02)7148-4151 Book Media Press Incorporated Boyztoyz Motorcycle Parts And Woodridge Hotel Apts
Psg ............................ (02)8634-1207 Bng Bridal Shop 21-E Boni Serrano Ave Accessories Trading Taguig........................(02)8569-3343
Blue Capuch Graphic Design Studio 16 Yangco Mkt Mla ...... (0905)453-6497 QC ............................. (02)8726-6647 Don Mariano Ave QC .... (0933)825-1373 Bricktoys Corporation
154 D Ermin Garcia Ave Bnk Of The Philippine Island Book Sale Bozky Printing Services 10-A Ricardo QC ............ (02)7738-2934
QC ........................... (0917)142-0370 457 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8354-8312 Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0922)713-2529 1 Rd 23 QC .................. (0917)102-4914 Bricoleur Technologies
Blue Corn Aluminum Supply & Iron Works Bnq Printing Press Book's Water Station Bp Ecosystem Equipment Corporation Twr 6789 Mkti................(02)8091-6879
Natl Rd Munt ................ (0906)573-1191 Riverbanks Mall Mkna .... (02)7621-8602 4 Ideal Mand .................. (02)8705-1502 361 Tandang Sora Ave Bridal Factory Dy Diocci
Blue Cross Pharma Philippines Incorporated Bnqi Enterprises Booklore Publishing Corporation QC ............................. (02)7919-6341 168 Shopping Mall 5
Philippine Stock Exch Ctre 1677-79 Remigio Mla .... (02)8733-0987 1518 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8743-7323 Bpc Management Group Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8254-2784
Psg ............................ (02)8687-9999 Bny Hip Shop Incorporated Bookmark Inc Puregold Bldg Mla .......... (02)8523-1921 Bride Groom Fashion
Blue Fire Lpg Marketing Incorporated Metropolis Alabang Mall 264 Pablo Ocampo Sr Av Bpi / Ms Insurance Corporation 84A Kamias QC .............. (02)3436-7307
432 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Munt .......................... (02)8850-2417 Makati ........................ (02)8895-8061 Cwl Bldg Mla .................. (02)8708-4223 Bridgecorp Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8737-8000 Bo Le Associates Philippines Incorporated Bookolocco BPI Direct Banko Inc A Savings Bank Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8942-0200
Blue Isle 696 Aurora QC ..... (02)7261-6239 Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8811-6258 Maysilo Circle Mand ..... (0917)138-7722 Banko Ctr SJ .................. (02)7754-9980 Bridges Travel And Tours
Blue Lite Gadgets Boa Kitchen + Socials Books By Chapters & Pages Bpo Global Concepts Incorporated Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)7750-3372
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8555-0564 Abdc Bldg QC.................(02)8290-3103 2356 J A Santos Dr Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8893-9290 Bridgette's Bridal Shop
Blue Marine Management Corporation Boa Ktv Bar Pque ........................ (0917)632-1552 Bqc Inc Prime Block Tutuban Ctr
Delgado Bldg Mla ........... (02)8404-1251 1528 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8254-8093 Bookware Publishing Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7910-5032 Mla .......................... (0999)413-4206
Blue Prince Hair And Nail Salon Board Of Pardons And Parole Rizalina 2 Bldg QC .......... (02)8986-7179 Br Bansil Music Store Bridging Oceans Safely By Amethyst
1229 Batangas Mkti ..... (0916)500-4159 Doj Agencies Bldg QC .... (02)8927-2688 Boomski Pet Supplies 2972 Victorino Mapa Shipping Company Inc
Blue Ribbon Furniture Boardeaux Trading 22 Matapang QC .......... (0977)134-2478 Mla ............................ (02)8354-0795 1806 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8522-2892
264 J P Rizal QC .......... (0917)884-4897 C-1 President Villas West Svc Rd Boon Ton Kie Br Guess Incorporated Brie And Rocket
Blue Ridge Christian Academy Pque .......................... (02)8826-3687 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8659-4020 Corte De Las Palmas Alabang Town Ctr Park And Shop Pque.....(0917)897-3380
549 Boni Serrano Rd QC (02)8911-8212 Boardmart's Event Place Boon Tong Kee Munt .......................... (02)8772-2216 Brighlans Inc
Blue Rocket Cafe + Kitchen 1043 Mendoza Val ....... (0922)728-0312 Ayala Up Town Ctr QC .... (02)7955-2292 Bradford Shoes Incorporated Eco Twr Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8883-6073
79 Sct Reyes QC .......... (0932)734-6705 Boaz Pest Control Services Bora Budget Mart Incorporated Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8836-0038 Bright Homes And Realty Corporation
Blue Shot 9050 San Nicolas Mkti ... (02)8555-0201 1 Gen Santos Ave Bradsmart Phils Co 50 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8920-0598
920 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3413-4538 Bobbi Brown Taguig........................(02)8556-5095 38 Rd 3 QC .................... (02)8529-4987 Bright Ideas
Blue Silver And Black Marketing Bay Blvd PC ................... (02)8558-3907 Boracay Garden Beach Resort Brahma Komaris Jocfer Bldg QC ............... (02)3454-5102
West Tektite Twr Psg......(02)7502-2792 Bobbi Tea Milktea House 1212 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8353-1111 7461 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8541-6189 Bright Properties Incorporated
Blue Squad Security Specialists 776 F Cruz PC .............. (0945)192-0091 Bordiz Travel And Tour Brahms Globaltech Incorporated Sjb Centro Plz QC ........... (02)8426-9898
Incorporated Bobo & Boba's Milktea Shop 2 Fiat QC ........................ (02)8351-7231 20 Lansbergh Place QC .. (02)8351-3264 Bright Ridge Preschool
A Francisco Gold 1 Condmn San Antonio De Parish Borgonia Curtains Brainfit Philippines Incorporated Acqua Private Residences
QC ............................. (02)3435-6571 Pque ........................ (0917)504-6291 34 Wilson SJ................(0906)395-7929 Metrosquare Bldg SJ ...... (02)8725-8500 Mand ....................... (0927)819-1502
Blue Star Interiors Incorporated Bochi Q Unlimited Korean Bbq Borland Development Corporation Brakah International Brightbox Enterprises
East Twr Pse Ctr Psg......(02)8634-6271 San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)7719-3858 Bdc Corporate Ctr QC ..... (02)8935-0673 Msi Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8551-8855 39 Santan Taguig ........... (02)8775-9279
Blue Thumb Bodega Kusina Borough Medical Clinic Brand Engine Advertising Brightbulb Animations
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8722-8232 Rosario Psg ................... (02)8334-8015 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8536-7130 Medical Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8351-3407 One Corporate Ctr Psg .. (0917)503-1110
Blue Wave Corporation Body Central Physical Therapy Clinic Borromeo Printing Press Brand Gallery Packaging Brightech Lighting Philippines
Blue Wave Mkna ............ (02)8571-9720 Matatag QC .................. (0917)543-6349 55 St Paul LP ................. (02)8873-2606 France Pque ................. (0917)680-8888 Regina Bldg Mla ........... (0926)288-3233

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:40 2022 - P34

35 S C M Y K


Brighten Flowers & Fruits Bubble Star Laundry Services Bureau Of Agriculture And Fisheries C G K Scrap Trading Cafe Tribu Bf Resort Las Pinas
1758 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8522-5982 Sierra Madre Hwy Hills Standards 26-A Prelaya Mal............(02)8351-8841 Gloria Diaz LP ................ (02)8356-3971
Brighter Home Mission Mand ....................... (0947)266-6362 Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8928-8756 C Kitchenry Culinary Studio Cafe Tribu Marcos Alvarez
3A Emerald QC...............(02)8356-1229 Bubble Works Laundry Center Bureau Of Communications Services The Grove By Rockwell 2185C Marcos Alvarez Ave
Brightled Lighting Corporation 35 K-3rd St QC.............(0906)549-7169 Philippine Cancer Society Bldg Psg ............................ (02)8525-2511 LP ............................ (0956)165-3733
662 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8256-3116 Bubbles Best Food Supplies Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8734-2117 C L D Enterprises Cafe Via Mare
Brillo Jewelry Acl Residencia QC .......... (02)8921-3025 Bureau Of Internal Revenue 47 Matipid QC ................ (02)8986-6184 53 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8376-2612
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Bubbles Li Laundry Shop Tuazon Bldg Mla.............(02)8518-0081 C La Rosa Air Condition Service Cafe Xocolat Incorporated
SJ .............................. (02)8724-1876 Sgt Bumatay Ave Mand (0926)638-1483 Burger Central Grill Station 36 Dalandanan Val ......... (02)3444-6484 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Brio Salon Bubblesoft Laundry Sgt Esguerra Ave QC .... (0905)565-0695 C M Bennett Dental Clinic SJ .............................. (02)8514-3862
Manalac Ave Taguig ..... (0948)358-0469 202-A Tandang Sora Ave Burger Garage J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0921)682-4621 Cafe Ysabel Incorporated
Briones Glass And Aluminum Supply QC ........................... (0917)705-5581 1121 Rodriguez Ave C Melchers Gmbh And Company 175 M Paterno SJ .......... (02)8726-9326
1168 Quirino Hwy QC...(0922)890-3208 Bubbly Urs Laundry & Dry Cleaning Shop Mkti ......................... (0916)401-8147 Va Rufino Pacific Twr Cafe' Oley
Briskair Refrigerator And Aircondition 41 Camino Real LP ...... (0919)217-5626 Burger King Mkti ........................... (02)8811-0611 76 Malakas QC...............(02)7940-3274
Services Bucad Garden & Rocks Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8667-7171 C Nevas Bread Bakery Cafeccino By Dome
Gerardo Tuazon Mla ..... (0945)734-3003 Commonwealth Ave Burkert Philippines Inc 920C Quirino Hwy QC .. (0927)651-4999 Eastwood Mall Promenade
Bristol Auto Supply QC ........................... (0921)571-9910 Citynet Central Bldg C Salonga Music & Sports Corporation QC ............................. (02)8470-3722
14 Bristol QC................(0921)544-3404 Buco Fresco Mand ......................... (02)8776-4384 529 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8734-1832 Caffe Poli Incorporated
Bristol Motorcycles Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)825-1942 Burket Rl Bldg Mand ........... (02)7971-6225 C T Filipinas Pawnshop Incorporated Adriatico Grand Residences
351 Macario Asistio Sr Budang Pancit Malabon Burp Restaurant Victory Central Mall KC ... (02)8921-8869 Mla ............................ (02)8559-7891
KC ............................. (02)8334-2747 Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0919)316-3529 56-58 Uptown Pioneer C Three Drinking Water Caffee Ti-Amo
Bristol Shoes Mand ....................... (0915)584-5201 St Francis Ave KC.........(0921)694-5492 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3785
Buddies Spa Home Service Massage And
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2188 Burton Menswear C Zuniga Dental Clinic Caffeine Brothers
Spa The Valero Twr Mkti ..... (0949)103-5260
Britches Trading Corporation 2 Aduana QC ................ (0917)324-5206 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8654-3789 Cmp Bldg QC ............... (0917)801-1574
627 Guerrero Mand ........ (02)8724-7769 Busan Galbi C&C Auto Werks Center Incorporated Caffeine District
Buddy's Electronics Repair Shop Ultima Bldg Mla .............. (02)8350-5972
Brittany Corporation 83 Riizal Munt .............. (0919)963-0541 643 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0925)330-1510 4170 U Aguilar Ave LP ... (02)8788-0353
Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP......(0917)883-8013 Business Asia Consulting C&E Publishing Incorporated Caft Juanita
Budget Car & Truck Rental Burgos Circle Taguig ...... (02)8403-1952
Brixtone Auto Care Gen 2 Virgilio Santos Pque .. (0917)594-8238 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8831-9272 939 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8920-7570
253 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8716-0586 Business Bank C&L Blinds Glass Accessories And Caft Monaco
Budget Travel & Tours Incorporated 368 Sekai Ctr SJ ............ (02)8654-7952
Broadband Everywhere Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-5455 Magsimpan Cplx KC ....... (02)8287-8895 Services
Textron Bldg SJ ............ (0917)891-6083 Business Planners Philippines Manggahan Munt ......... (0915)791-2218 Cai Graphix Stickers Enterprise
Buenamina Furniture Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0905)449-1974
Broadcom Asia Incorporated 149 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-1857 Lpl Ctr Mkti .................. (0928)716-7777 C/S Design Consultancy Incorporated
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-1861 Businessmaker Academy Incorporated 111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg Caizer
Buenaseda Commercial Incorporated 1058 J P Rizal Mla ......... (02)8735-1150
Broadline Marketing Incorporated 91 Bougainvillea Mansion Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-4445 Mkti ........................... (02)8840-2585
1146 Hermosa Mla.........(02)8253-0721 Businessmaker Office Support Services C2 Retail Stores Incorrporated Cake Concepts Unlimited
QC ............................. (02)3413-4072 306-4 Bonny Serrano Ave
Broadway Motor Sales Corporation Buencasa Construction Supply Inc Psec Bldg Psg .............. (0947)994-4645 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7915-1701
QC ............................. (02)8723-2534
1232 United Nations Ave 743 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-4332 Buskowitz Development Incorporated C8C Glass Aluminum Fabrication Services
Mla ............................ (02)8404-1263 Dominion Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8856-6317 Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0932)514-6643 Cakes2Go
Bueven Industrial Solution Incorporated President's Ave Pque ...... (02)7508-5866
Brooklyn Pizza Co Incorporated One Global Place Bussiness Bank Ca Phe Saigon
Madison Square SJ ........ (02)8997-7999 Pasig Elements Bldg The Podium Mand .......... (02)8646-1438 Calcmenu Philippines Incorporated
Taguig......................(0917)525-0327 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-3179
Brooklyn's Restaurant And Chill Lounge Co Buff N' Grime Professional Detailers Psg ............................ (02)8234-0671 Cabanding Crystal Rice Center
University Twr 1 Mla.....(0922)805-1082 Busy Bee Cleaning Co Calda Pizza
304 Mayon Ave QC ...... (0922)397-1168 Holy Spirit Dr QC ............ (02)3427-0824 San Antonio Ave Pque .... (02)8777-4745
Bross Furnitek Contractors Buff Spa 3D Sto Rosario Ext Cabansag Dental Clinic
Mand ....................... (0917)174-8158 Caleb Paper & Pulp Incorporated
Pearl Island Industrial Cpd Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8404-1834 14 Kapitan Antonio Santos 1965 Sandejas Mla ........ (02)8536-3517
Val ............................. (02)3432-7012 Buffalo Steel Corp Busy Sign Global Inc Mkna ......................... (02)8855-4331
28 Bagong Calzada Pat...(02)8642-9365 Caliao Costume & Dress Shop By Beth
Brotherhood Plastic Enterprise 278 J Teodoro Cabel Fine Furniture 12 Luzon Taguig .......... (0966)920-8551
4898 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8708-8970 Caloocan City ............. (02)8361-1152 Butay Electronics Parts Trading 2949 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8740-3647
3367 San Isidro KC ........ (02)8962-5657 Calidad Espanola
Brow Lounge Buffalo Wings N' Things Cabin Diner Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7585-6366
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8403-5803 Sm Moa PC....................(02)8831-6535 Butcher's Primeat Santolan Rd Mla ........... (0966)465-3670
Gen Tinio QC ................ (0927)375-6478 Calidro Events Place
Brow Lounge Eyebrow Grooming And Buffet101 Incorporated Cabio Law Office And Associates 375 F Antonio Psg .......... (02)7500-3014
Waxing Salon Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr Buy Low Mart Future Point Plz 1 QC......(02)8355-1028
760 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8354-5580 California Ecobike
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-8013 QC ............................. (02)8961-2291 Cable Access Technologies Incorporated 933C Aurora Blvd QC ..... (02)3440-3297
Brown Karton Packaging Corporation Bughaw Electro-Carbon Factors Buy N Earn Food Equipment 460 Q Paredes Mla ......... (02)8243-6143 California Pizza Kitchen
Sunblest Cpd Bldg Munt . (02)8842-2228 2337 Dalaga Mla .......... (0933)342-4538 Cable Technology Asia Corporation Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8511-1787
Brownstone Asia-Tech Incorporated 47 Dna Rosario QC ........ (02)8253-0809 Buyer's Choice Gen Merchandise Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8869-8746 Calimbas Ob-Gyn And Pediatric Clinic
940 P Lopez Mand ......... (02)8533-6459 660 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8241-7360 Cabral Lalusis Law Firm Pacific Regency Condmn
Buhay B! Davao Lechon
Bruce Car Repair Shop 26-A Sct Castor QC ........ (02)8372-3139 Buyregalo.Com Online Store 161-B Shaw Blvd Mla ............................ (02)7501-6362
164 Doctor Pilapil Psg .... (02)7218-4962 15 Domingo Taguig ........ (02)8837-0588 Mand ....................... (0917)862-2829 Caliraya Resort Club Incorporated
Buhay Ofw Web Development Services
Brumms Quality Wines Incorporated Avida Twrs New Manila Buzd Geronimo Mla .......... (0906)336-1309 Cabre Solutions Incorporated St Francis Square Mand..(02)8638-0515
Bdo South Twr Mkti ........ (02)8511-8947 QC ............................. (02)8547-7572 Buzz N' Wash Ricogen Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8403-8569 Call It Spring
Brun Aircondition Incorporated Builcon Tech Company Incorporated 472 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(0917)808-0611 Cabrera Lavadia & Associates Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4926
186 Iba QC.....................(02)8516-2490 481 Alabang-Zapote Rd Bvf Restaurant Concepts Incorporated Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8885-0473 Callhounds Global
Bruneian Embassy In Makati LP .............................. (02)8897-8408 St Lukes Med Ctr Global City Cabuga Glass Aluminum And Iron Works Cdc Millennium Twr Psg . (02)7906-5809
Bpi Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8816-2836 Taguig........................(02)8403-3545 81 Padre Diego Cera Ave Cally's Print Hauz Ph
Build City
Bruno's Pansit Batil Patung Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-9236 Bvl Funeral Home Service LP .............................. (02)8834-1126 J M Panganiban Mkna .. (0995)421-5810
37 T Gener QC ............. (0906)210-1676 163 Malolos Ave KC ..... (0905)499-5961 Cache Business Center Calma Dental Clinic
Build For Fun Learning And Development
Bry Kim Mae Motorcycle Services Bvp Santos Optical Clinic 75 Dna Soledad Pque ..... (02)8824-1832 A Del Mundo KC ........... (0917)847-5879
Center Rizal Ave Extention Mal...(02)8632-1972
B30C L3F Dagat-Dagatan Ave 7 Margie Moran LP ....... (0927)309-0952 Cackle Berries Caloocan Bethel Christian School
KC ............................. (02)8287-4452 Bvr & Associates Consultants Sm Mega Mall Mand ...... (02)8986-5190 504 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-7288
Builders Steel Scaffoldings Inc 1873 Felix Huertas Mla . (0923)741-0109
Bryan Distributors & Services Inc 646 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)7959-6509 Cad Carwash And Auto Detail Caloocan Gas Corporation
Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz By The Gram 431 Barangka Dr Mand...(02)8535-5159 46 Gen Luis Rd KC ......... (02)8937-4108
QC ............................. (02)8724-5520 Builders-Asia Corporation 158 Katuparan QC ........ (0915)588-4123 Cadcentric Solutions Incorporated
Virka Bldg QC ................. (02)8921-8156 Caloocan Oil Seal Corporation
Bryan Venancio Photography Byron's Custom Tailor & Haberdasher Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8772-3478 Gracepark Coml Cplx KC (02)8365-9366
63 West Ave QC ........... (0917)625-8136 Buildex International Placement F B Harrison Mla.............(02)8525-7220 Cadd Solutions Incorporated
Taft Business Ctr Mla ..... (02)8256-1596 Caloocan Sales Center Incorporated
Bryant Heavy Equipment Trading Byte Site Internet Cafe Corporation St Martin Bldg QC ........... (02)8359-9908 340-342 Rizal Ave Ext
278 E Dela Paz Mkna ... (0917)814-1338 Builtlink Philippines Inc 316A Tandang Sora Ave Cadiz International Incorporated
Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)7368-0033 KC ............................. (02)8364-3652
Brystol Textile Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8962-5042 Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8887-1828 Caloocan Tourist Dev Corporation
2126 P Binay Mkti .......... (02)8844-5031 Bukit Bintang Hainanese Chicken Rice Cadreon Philippines 3 Don V Ang KC ............. (02)8367-2273
Bs Mobile Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)687-4503 The Trade And Financial Twr Caloy's Liquors And Softdrinks
Sm City Sucat Pque......(0906)350-1620 Buko Loko Taguig........................(02)3624-9551
Bsb Junrose Autoparts Corporation Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0933)248-0910 C Caeli Gourmet
68 Kasiyahan Vill QC .... (0921)775-3052
Calson Purified Drinking Water
1506 - 08 Old Antipolo Buko Maxx Fmsb Bldg QC .............. (0928)571-5384 Benavidez Mla ................ (02)8254-8052
Mla ............................ (02)8254-1938 Sm City San Lazaro C & C Flower Shop Cafe Del Mar Restaurant Calvin's Auto Care Center
Bsd International Mla .......................... (0935)615-1912 1334 Vicente Cruz Mla . (0956)255-7231 Venice Grand Canal Mall 78 20th Ave QC .............. (02)3439-6447
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8804-0526 Bulakenya Rice Trading C & C Tours & Destinations Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8810-1066 Calvo 266 Escola Mla ......... (02)8241-4762
Bsh Interiors Curtain Decor And Marketing 5 Mayor Tanyag Ave Miramar Bldg Mla ........... (02)8521-5260 Cafe Inggo 1587
Taguig......................(0956)341-6274 Calypso Plastic Center
Don Mariano Marcos Ave C & G Law 537 Quezon Ave QC ..... (0915)807-1017 771 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8247-6060
QC ........................... (0917)168-8081 Bulalugaw Express Corporate Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8894-0377 Cafe Kori Camarines Minerals
Bss Business Solutions And I T Services 1571 Dna Soledad Ave C & Lubes Oils_ Philippines Greenhills Shopping Ctr Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8893-0000
B1 L19 Pearl Mkna ....... (0917)147-9429 Pque ........................ (0935)743-4339 Manila Luxury Condmn SJ ............................ (0915)934-7440 Cambayas Mining Corporation
Bt Auto Sports Corporation Bulgogi Grille Korean Restaurant Psg .......................... (0906)247-6540 Cafe Kumori Peninsula Court Mkti ...... (02)7751-9948
Gbi Bldg Mkti..................(02)8403-9938 Cttm Square QC ............. (02)8714-3297 C & N Store Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-4355 Cambridge Motor Parts Sales
Bt Diagnostic Center Bumanglag Caluya And Associates Co M Alvarez Ave LP ........... (02)8801-4266 Cafe Lyon 631 Oriente Mla..............(02)8242-4973
552 United Nations Ave Ermita Ctr  Bldg Mla .. (0917)870-1313 C & S Interactive Management Corporation Shangri-La Plz Mall Cambridge Transnational Technologies Inc
Mla ............................ (02)7919-7983 Bun Appetit Ayala Ave Mkti ............... (02)8802-2584 Mand ......................... (02)8635-9625 C2-D Madeten Bldg QC...(02)8519-1471
Btcs Trading Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8842-9708 C A Roque Machine Shop Incorporated Cafe Ma' Latte Camel Appliances Manufacturing
24 Roque Dr QC ............. (02)8922-9512 Bun-Jing Special Palabok At Iba Pa Sgt E A Esguerra Ave Buendia Ave PC..............(02)8652-0247 Corporation
Bti Courier Express Incorporated Flores De Mayo QC.......(0923)482-9089 QC ............................. (02)8925-2811 Cafe Mary Grace Dasma Corporate Ctr
Yl Holdings Bldg Mkti......(02)8403-4882 Bunan Manpower Services C A S T Incorporated Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3093 Mla ............................ (02)8241-0718
Bti Supply & Equipment Incorporated 338-B Roosevelt Ave 7443 M Santillan Mkti.....(02)8478-4845 Cafe Meraki Camel Jcb Corporation
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8687-0950 QC ............................. (02)3413-5992 C And Dg Electrical Supply 2079 Captain M Reyes 787 Valiant QC ............... (02)8287-8999
Buado-Navarro Eye Clinic Bunch 605 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8733-4665 Mkti ......................... (0917)570-2792 Camera Haus
55 15th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-2933 Mile Long Bldg Mkti ...... (0927)736-6693 C C Unson Co Incorporated Cafe Mezzanine Robinsons Magnolia
Buan Samonte Optical Clinic Bundok Drilling Services Corporation 2292 Chino Roces Ave 650 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8241-9999 QC ........................... (0932)857-2049
16 A Samonte QC.........(0923)513-9377 178 Legaspi Suites Mkti . (02)7622-1000 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-2350 Cafe Quezon Cakes And Pastries Camicass Engineering Services
Bubba Gump Bungalow Café & Bakery C Cell Zone 179 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8928-8534 72 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (0933)856-3403
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8886-0864 Molito Cplx Munt ............ (02)8282-4546 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8291-8109 Cafe Shibuya Camila Faye Incorporated
Bubba Lab Bunlao Development Corporation C Daniel & Js Trading Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8722-2237 42 Shorthorn QC ............ (02)8925-3461
C&B Circle Mall Mkna ..... (02)7730-2915 Glic Bldg QC...................(02)8781-5493 Jmj Bldg Mla .................. (02)7959-1125 Cafe Syquia Camilla's Cakes And Cupcakes
Bubbalaba Laundry Shop Bureau Of Agriculture And Fisheries C Dizon Construction 2315 J Syquia Mla ....... (0905)383-4168 Naval Ext QC ................ (0963)277-9744
40-A1 Lalaine Bennet Engineering 161-A Congressional Ave Cafe Tribu Camille Cactilents Plant Shop
LP ............................ (0966)990-0655 Da Main Bldg QC ............ (02)8273-2474 QC ............................. (02)8921-5745 1361 Sta Maria Mla ...... (0922)407-5577 Gen Mcarthur Ave QC ... (0999)891-2258

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:40 2022 - P35

36 S C M Y K


Camp Benjamin Care & Counsel Wholeness Center Cartronics Cathay Energy Services Cdc Decor Home And Office Furniture Shop
Galleria Corporate Ctr Pssc Bldg QC ................. (02)8775-3398 201 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8441-8877 Nasson Bldg Pque .......... (02)8659-7579 Pacific Ctre Mla .............. (02)8286-6660
QC ........................... (0917)831-3783 Career Planners Specialist Carunungan And Partners Company Cdi Sakata Inx Corporation
Camp Bridge Paint David Bldg Mand ............ (02)8723-0686 11 Sunrise Dr QC ........... (02)8724-5072 Don Jesus Blvd Munt......(02)8842-2070
29B Tirona KC ................ (02)8365-6571 Careerhub Network Corporation Carveldon Veterinary Center CATHAY PACIFIC Cdo Foodstore
Campbell Dental Clinic Robinons Equitable Twr Cartimar Shopping Ctr 2567 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-4944
38 A Martinez Mand ..... (0922)829-0261 Psg ............................ (02)8570-9739 PC ............................. (02)8556-2885 STEEL Cdph Enterprises
Campfire Burgers & More Careers At Cartrack Philippines Carworld Car Accessories 27-B J Ortega QC ........... (02)8281-1733
23 Sct Limbaga QC ...... (0917)461-9192 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8661-2651 Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8364-8918 CORPORATION Cdr King - Sm Bf
Camping Gears Philippines Carefield Analytical Solutions Inc Casa Ciudad Auto Sales Incorporated 3/F Sm City Bf Paranaque
Ctp Bldg Mkna..............(0995)537-2700 Galler Subd KC ............... (02)8650-5166 53 Kabignayan QC..........(02)8740-4371 (CAPASCO) Pque .......................... (02)8519-0455
Canada Hardware Corporation Caregate Pse Ctre Psg ........ (02)8655-9944 Casa Ciudad Medical Supplies Corp See Adv under Steel Products Cdv Gas & Appliance Center
118 F Blumentritt SJ ....... (02)8724-3670 Carelink Asia Training Incorporated 1113 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)3412-3994 Bartville Coml Psg .......... (02)8645-2222
Canada Immigration Lnd Consultancy A Francisco Gold Condmn 1 Casa Daza By Chef Sandy Inc Galleria Corporate Center Ce Bikes Parts And Accessories
Damar Realty Bldg QC .... (02)8373-9440 QC ............................. (02)8355-9201 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)656-1219 Quezon 73 M Almeda Pat..........(0995)459-6873
Canada Lumber Corporation Carella Management Incorporated Casa Emilio Foodlink Incorporated Cebuana Lhuillier
92 Macarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6406 Net One Ctr Taguig ......... (02)8818-0587 Robinsons Place Manila City ......... (02)8633-8033 F-1 Kaunlaran Vill KC ...... (02)8287-8406
Canadian Chamber Of Commerce Of The Carenett Philippines Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8536-8051 Celebrations Event Specialists
Philippines Burgundy Corporate Twr Casa Europa Incorporated 46 Queensville QC ........ (0917)535-6069
Antel 200 Corporate Ctr Mkti ........................... (02)8856-4415 The Infinity Taguig .......... (02)8779-8792 Celebrity Spiral Spa
Mkti ........................... (02)8843-6466 Carepak Moving And Storage Casa Ligna Incorporated CATHAY Future Point Plz 2 QC......(02)8352-4854
Canadian Travel And Tours Corporation 43 Sta Ana Dr Pque ........ (02)8807-3041 235 Nicanor Garcia Mkti . (02)8804-1478 Celebrity Spiral Spa Incorporated
152B Ns Amoranto QC ... (02)8732-6620 Caresfield Medical Supply Co Casa Medica Incorporated PACIFIC Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8352-4854
Candano Shipping Lines Incorporated A C Raftel Ctr Bldg Pque . (02)8256-1372 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8806-7831 STEEL SAMPLE Celemark Glass And Aluminum
Victoria Bldg Mla ............ (02)8523-8051 Caresstrading Casa Montessori Internationale CORPORA- ONLY 2308 Taft Ave PC ......... (0966)448-2135
Candles & Crystals Sampaguita KC ............ (0977)467-3739 43 Mc Kinley Rd Mkti ..... (02)8810-9722 Celestial Security & Surveillance Inc
8 Mindanao Taguig ....... (0945)792-0355 Carewell Health Systems Incorporated Casa Nicarosa Hotel TION 7 Akle QC ....................... (02)8421-2843
Candlestick Trading Incorporated 92 Anonas QC ................ (02)8355-5771 2116 Madre Ignacia Mla . (02)8536-1597 Cellercise Philippines
Paragon Twr Mla ............ (02)8524-4582 Cargo King Customs Broakerage Casa Regent Properties Corporation 9 Cruzadas Mkti ............. (02)8810-6237
Candy Corner Phils Incorporated 507 Intramuros Mla ........ (02)8528-0535 Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8817-7387 Celltech Applied Sciences Inc
Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0930)118-3603 Cargo Logistics Overseers Incorporated Casa Reyes Restaurant Cathedral Of Praise Incorporated 91C East Capitol Dr Psg . (02)7149-5611
Canfeng Auto Supply Makati Executive Ctr Greenhills Shopping Ctr 275 M Asistio Sr Ave KC (02)8361-4329 Celmarc Realty & Dev Corporation
218 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0961)125-3329 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-1047 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1358 Catherine's Cakes & Pies 800 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8525-6004
Cangrejos Locos Casa Verde Food Ventures Incorporated 45 Piccadilly Munt .......... (02)8275-2615 Cem Technology Enterprises
Cargo Padala Express Forwarding Services
Molito Ctr Munt ............ (0945)677-5259 Corporation Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8364-4154 Catherine's Jewels Makati Terraces Bldg
Canico Trading Salem International Coml Cplx Casa Vieja De Maria Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8887-7274 Mkti ........................... (02)7219-7434
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3410-6747 PC ............................. (02)8478-8461 40 C Arellano Mal ......... (0917)549-5098 Catholic Trade (Manila) Incorporated Centaur Digital Marketing Ph Inc
Canizares Tailoring Carica Casaeuropa Incorporated Catholic Trade Bldg Mla .. (02)8711-5410 Cacho Gonzales Bldg
2504 Dian Mla ............. (0927)569-4285 Robinson Place  Manila The Infinity Mkti .............. (02)8519-3515 Catmarie Furniture Mkti ........................... (02)8218-5613
Canton Road Mla .......................... (0930)816-0013 Casamento Events Management 1715 Sergio H Loyola Centennial Auto Services Incorporated
Shangri-La Hotel Taguig . (02)8820-0888 Ranches Bldg LP .......... (0917)133-8848 Mla ............................ (02)8749-2144 1380 Pablo Ocampo Ave
Carino Development And Management
Corporation Casandra Dy Salon Cats Motors Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0908)896-1771
Caparas Medical Clinic & Lying-In 32nd St Taguig...............(02)8815-7777 Center For Global Best Practices
580-C J P Ramoy QC ..... (02)3455-1803 Cdmc Ofc Paragon Plz Bldg 19 Arayat Mansion QC....(02)3416-6446
Mand ......................... (02)8706-6028 Cascades International School Cattland Incorporated Richville Corporate Twr
Capcom Carrier Services Bonifacio High Street
The White Hse LP ......... (0977)844-2273 Caritas Health Shield Incorporated 6 Silangan Mand ............ (02)8253-1910 Munt .......................... (02)8842-7159
Caritas Health Shield Bldg Case Logic Taguig........................(02)8856-6868 Center For International Trade Expositions
Capisce Incorporated Cav Communication
Metrowalk Coml Ctr Psg . (02)8631-9451 QC ............................. (02)8868-7000 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-5042 And Missions
Cash Motors 3434 C Raymmundo Ave Golden Shell Pavilion PC.(02)8831-2201
Capital Carl Colossal Creations Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8640-1950 Center Industrial Supply Corporation
Ayala Malls Manila Bay 688 C Molina Val ............ (02)8292-0894 2263 J Abad Santos Mla (02)8251-5811
Cashless Pay Marketing Services Inc Cay's Gil Glass Aluminum Supply 10 South Aa QC ............. (02)8373-3680
Pque .......................... (02)7900-5132 Carla Paredes Enterprise 73 A Luna Psg ............. (0945)249-6376 Center Point Sales And Trading
Capital Fitness 11 Richwood Dr Mkna .. (0917)828-0126 Venetian Bldg Mla.........(0908)947-4768
Cashline Lending Corporation Cayebel Equipment Inc Incorporated
Intrawest Ctr SJ ............ (0977)380-9042 Carlane Auto Sales 68 Arcade 3 Shophouse 1
Capital Medical Supplies 7 Vatican Dr LP ............ (0917)814-2806 Moiria Bldg Val ............... (02)8352-3739 Garden City Condmn
QC ........................... (0915)933-5786 Mla ............................ (02)8241-8023
Galas Mkt QC ............... (0919)800-0300 Carline Parts Center Casintahan Skin & Medical Clinic
145 C 10th Ave KC.......(0947)433-3495 Cays Gil Aluminum And Glass Centra Electrosystems Incorporated
Capitol Institute Incorporated 60 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-6651 81 R Jabson Psg ............ (02)7586-6312
503 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8938-7351 Carlo Lim Dental Clinic Casio Elctronics 1906 Finance Dr Munt .... (02)8842-8776
522 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-7458 Cazxandra Enterprises Centrade Integrated Sales Corp
Capomastro Incorporated Ck Sy Diamond Bldg PC . (02)8833-8442 130 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8232-8724
511 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8736-0762 Carlos Pharma Cal Incorporated Casipit Dental Group Bgc Eastside Condmn QC......(02)8920-0271
Grand Hamptons Twr 1 Cb Richard Elllis Phils Incorporated Central Bbq Boy Grill
Capricorn Logistics Services 5426 Gen Luna Mkti ....... (02)8896-6485 Twr One And Exch Plz
6 St John QC .................. (02)8929-1145 Carlos Super Drug Corp Taguig......................(0917)829-4551 50 Kalayaan Ave QC ....... (02)8351-4493
Mkti ........................... (02)8848-6121 Central Books
Caps Auto Shop 9 E Rodriguez Sr QC ....... (02)3439-9530 Caslu Newborn Photography
Taft Ave Mla ................. (0908)618-3263 Cb Vitug Building Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8638-1088
2044 Edison Mkti ........... (02)8706-3303 Carlos Super Drugstore 559 Engracia C Reyes
Captive Risks Consulting Incorporated 7 Montreal QC ................ (02)8912-3368 Casparsteel Roofing Incorporated Central Country Estate Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8708-0066 Corporate Hse Bldg QC ... (02)8722-2723
N Dela Merced Bldg QC .. (02)8373-1289 Carlos Venezuela Fish Store Caspartsteel QC ............. (02)8660-1587
Cba Autocad Services Central Home Furnishing Incorporated
Capuyan And Quimpo Law Offices 234 E Dela Paz Mkna ..... (02)7503-9674 Cassalu Coffee And Kitchen Daang Batasan QC ....... (0926)686-2357
Doña Guadalupe Bldg Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti .. (02)7745-3903 188 Carlos Palanca Sr
Carlsys Music Cbc Link Of Manila Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8733-6379
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7729 Francesca Royale Condmn Cassina Marketing Corporation 2896 Finlandia Mkti ........ (02)8844-1466 Central Jewelry
Car Care Seat Covers And Upholstery QC ........................... (0917)884-2288 1234-1236 Soler Mla ..... (02)8242-1115
Cbr2 Marketing Greenhills Shopping Ctr
1515 San Gregorio Mla (0977)832-7109 Carlzone Enterprise Cast Incorporated 1317-B Penafrancia Mla . (02)7217-2056
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8869-7255 SJ .............................. (02)8726-1931
Car Deluxe Marketing 144 B Mindanao Ave Cbrc Caloocan
74 Banawe QC ............... (02)8732-0302 QC ........................... (0917)817-1808 Cast Iron Valves And Fittings Central Park Diner
Ppi Bldg KC .................... (02)8355-4356 Madison 101 Hotel + Twr
Car Mix 44D Banawe QC .... (02)3413-3193 Carmel Development Incorporated 54 Cordero KC ............... (02)8361-4988
Cbstern Trading Corporation QC ............................. (02)8723-1111
Cara Events Riyal QC ........ (0922)809-7519 Quirino Hwy KC .............. (02)8351-1360 Castanas Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8734-5908 Central Travel Inc
Caralea Veterinary Center Carmela's Scrubsuit & Medical Supplies Mkti ........................... (02)8935-5016 633 Norberto Mla ........... (02)8242-9798
Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0916)240-9236 M Hizon Mla ................. (0939)568-8532 Castech Ind'l Sales Incorporated Cc Design Innovation
T&P Bldg Psg ................. (02)8642-6267 Centralissimo Re Incorporated
Caramia Carmelan Trading And Motor Shop Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8403-0148 Cedar Executive Bldg I
Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)7225-7786 Km 30 Natl Rd Munt ....... (02)8861-7863 Caster Sportswear Ccazz Skin And Body Care Center
24 A Kamias Rd QC ....... (02)8922-6202 Mkti ........................... (02)8478-7858
Carb Laundry Carmelletes Shoes Inc The Garden Hghts Condmn Centralized Cloud Computing Int
Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0906)409-0802 101 E Dela Paz Mkna ..... (02)8645-2256 Castillo Laman Tan Pantaleon & San Jose QC ............................. (02)8584-1300
Law Firm Incorporated
Carbase Automotive Services Carmen's Best Ice Cream Cck Financial Solutions Ltd Ymc Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)709-4965
Carbase Bldg QC .......... (0921)739-5392 Power Plant Mall Mkti ... (0917)567-2378 Valero Tower Makati ....... (02)8817-6791 Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)8789-9000 Centric Hardware
Carbonmaster Industrial Sales Inc Carmille Jewelry Emporium Incorporated Castle Travel & Tours Cck Rice Trading
Jade Bldg Taguig ............ (02)8571-6534 119A Dna Soledad Ave
Filinvest Muntinlupa ........ (02)8836-1349 Ever Gotesco Commonwealth Loreto Mla....................(0956)893-4033 Pque .......................... (02)8822-7438
Carbs Bikeshop QC ............................. (02)8376-6695 Castwide Incorporated Ccm Clinical Laboratory And Diagnostic
Tomas Morato Ave QC ... (02)8403-1134 Centris Real Estate Service
Andrews Ave PC .......... (0956)507-2070 Carmscott Kantina Center Regalado Ave QC ........... (02)8374-1301
Carbs Burger Grille Jacob Psg ...................... (02)7940-9765 Casual Floating Specialist Incorporated 487 Alabang - Zapote Rd
Bonifacio High Street Centro Ceramica Corporation
F Pasco Ave Psg .......... (0917)508-1222 Carnavan Car Rental Services Inc LP ............................ (0937)374-0179 Prestige Twr Condmn
Carcillar Airconditioning And Refrigeration 1120 Ocampo Mla........(0916)568-9895 Taguig........................(02)8856-6153 Ccm Network Manpower Solutions Inc Psg ............................ (02)8636-0381
Services Carolino Motors Corporation Cataleya Disinfecting Services Uici Bldg QC ................. (0917)515-2486 Centro Development Corporation
4th St PC ....................... (02)8253-4687 719 J Vicencio Mand ...... (02)8532-0238 B16 L13 Duhat LP ........ (0905)424-6946 Ccmdr And Associates Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8893-5286
Card Incorporated - Pateros Branch Carpe Diem Catalina Building 5 The One Executive Bldg Centro Holistico
56 E Hermosa Pat .......... (02)8642-8548 122 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8808-6481 9 New York QC...............(02)8654-3914 QC ............................. (02)8400-6040 Filnvest Ave Commerce Ctr
Card Mba Metro Manila Office Carpe Diem Brazilian Jiujitsu Manila Catalonia Funeral Homes Ccme Homemade Foodstuff Company Munt .......................... (02)8828-8863
2544 Tolentino PC..........(02)8843-4997 Somerset Olympia Mkti (0917)812-0455 208 Commonwealth Ave 111 Dr Lazcano QC ........ (02)8926-6031 Centro Manufacturing Corporation
Carpetech Incorporated QC ........................... (0945)328-4154 Ccrv 201 Del Monte QC ...... (02)8366-2844 2 Susano Rd KC ............. (02)8931-0161
Cardajen Enterprises
98 D Aquino KC ............. (02)8362-0421 5554 A P Binay Mkti ....... (02)8845-1160 Catering By Claudia's Kitchen Cct & Sons Development Incorporated Centro Medical And Laboratory Clinic
Carpo Law And Associates 2332 Chino Roces Ave Ext Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)8371-9412 397 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8470-3494
Cardinal Audio Center Mkti ........................... (02)8844-1661
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)7217-0206 Cct Chemicals Incorporated Centro Regalados Incorporated
SJ .............................. (02)8721-1104 Carquest Ventures Incorporated Caterpillar School Alabang Business Twr Nuestra Senora De Guia
8287G Sucat Rd Pque .... (02)8820-8320 39 M A Reyes SJ ........... (02)8726-7206 Munt .......................... (02)8809-3376 Mla ............................ (02)8523-6916
Cardinal Health International Phils Inc
W City Ctr Taguig ........... (02)8840-3847 Carrot Cafe Catgas Incorporated Cctv Contractor Ip-Surveillance System Centro-Tech Incorporated
A Francisco Bldg QC.....(0922)898-4336 31 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8920-7777 205 Pasig Blvd Ext Psg...(02)8346-5160 Ortigas Bldg Psg ............ (02)8650-1980
Carding Herbal & Ornamental Plants
Quezon Memorial Circle Carry All Pharma Inc Cathay Cuisine Incorporated Cctvpinoy Co Centrolink Service Corporation
QC ........................... (0920)204-0452 66 West City Plz QC ....... (02)8376-6851 Kodak Ltd Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8817-2347 90 Balete Dr Ext QC ........ (02)7505-3764 Ace Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8553-8587
Carding Studio Carry Boy Auto Accessories Cd Books International Incorporated Centropell Marketing Corp
268 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8330-1446 Karport Bldg Taguig ........ (02)3480-4825 THE 233 Alley 1 QC ............... (02)8332-3691 8 E Rodriguez Ave Mkna.(02)8948-0836
Cardiosource Medical Equipment Inc Cars Republic YELLOW Cd Castro Consultancy Centrotest Asia Incorporated
Bell Kenz Twr QC............(02)8426-4593 198 Edsa KC ................ (0922)898-0126 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8889-9110 473E F Ortigas Mand ...... (02)8535-4997
Cardrian Builders Incorporated Cartek Auto Parts Supply Incorporated PAGES Cd R King Cents Place
1856 J Bocobo Mla ........ (02)8353-0258 183 Banawe QC ............. (02)8521-4705 guarantees all its Wlatermart-Edsa QC ....... (02)8332-1163 239 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-7955
Cardzone Trading Carteknik Auto Service Center Cda Land Surveying Services Centunion Philippines Incorporated
591 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-4627 Congressional Ext QC ..... (02)7975-8337 Partners. Balagtas Taguig............(0916)213-5644 Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8551-6562

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37 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Centurian - Christina's 37

Centurian Biz Consultancy Incorporated Cgs Chill In Station Charmed By Myv Events Management Chemisphere Lab Sciences Incorporated Childrens Medical Center Phils
Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8635-2590 D' Student's Place Mla .. (0967)288-7004 249-E V Ibañez SJ ........ (0927)285-9345 Entrata Urban Twrs Pcpcd Bldg QC ............... (02)8740-7369
Century Cellar Corporation Cgs Engineering Services Charmica Power Life Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8478-1145 Chili's Bar And Grill
Century Park Sheraton Jazz Residences Mkti ... (0977)756-9566 Cityland Shaw Twr Chemistry Care Pharmacy Tomas Morato Ave QC ... (02)8372-5017
Mla ............................ (02)8405-0199 Cgworld Services Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8635-4637 Maligaya QC...................(02)3388-2791 Chiliheads Resto Bar
Century Chemical Solution Ginga Condmn Villa PC...(02)8555-1744 Charmish Nail Spa Chemitron Enterprises Incorporated 6 1st St Psg ................. (0916)611-2899
49 Toctocan QC ............. (02)8364-4051 Ch Asia World Of Electric Incorporated Indg Bldg QC ................ (0916)219-4579 Ydg Bldg QC...................(02)8911-5645 Chill Tea Habit Cafe
Century City Development Corporation 33 B Serrano KC ............ (02)8365-6793 Charms And Designs Chemlink Multi-Industries Corporation 630 Del Fierro Mla .......... (02)8251-9842
Salamanca Mkti..............(02)8403-4332 Ch Photography 113 Mt Natib KC...........(0927)172-8952 Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8893-5166 Chill Top Cubao - Roofdeck Restobar
Century Glasscenter Incorporated Kamuning QC ............... (0933)608-8383 Chartered Adjusters Inc Chemlux Inc 266 P Tuazon Blvd QC..(0928)797-6656
917 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8735-2544 Ch Wellness Incorporated Francisco Gold Condmn Veterans Ctr Taguig ........ (02)8839-2380 Chillax Diner
Century High Hr Incorporated G Bros Developement Corp QC ............................. (02)8921-7422 Chemoil Industrial Corp 1037 Pio Alvarez Psg ... (0999)487-3511
509D Arquiza Mla ........... (02)8256-4947 Mla ............................ (02)8523-8189 Chartered Forex Phils Incorporated Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8687-4105 Chin Seng Metal Sheet Fabricator
Century Pacific Food Incorporated Cha O Fa Corporation Pacific Ctre Bldg Psg ...... (02)8584-8566 Chempro Enterprises Republic Steel Cpd LP .... (02)8872-2677
32 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8837-1040 311 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8478-1607 Chartreuse Prime Recruitment Specialists 1948 T Mapua Mla ......... (02)8255-3991 China Eyewear Factory Company
Century Precision Scale Manufacturing Cha-A Tea World Inc Chemscents Industrial Sales Mirax Bldg KC ................ (02)8816-4777
15 Tuazon Ave Mal.........(02)8361-3979 Robinsons Place Manila Cpdc Bldg Taguig ........... (02)8643-5400 116 6 Quirino Hwy QC....(02)3417-8533 China International Mining Petroleum
Century Travel & Tours Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8536-0119 Charukyma Transport Service Chemtrad Aviation Corporation Company Limited
Osmena Bldg Mla ........... (02)8523-7686 Chai Bucks Milk Tea At Bf Homes Roxas District QC ......... (0917)377-9477 Chemtrad Hangar PC ...... (02)8833-1974 Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Ceo Building 12 Saging LP ............... (0905)548-9385 Charzen Party Needs Chen-Ma International Manpower Services Mkti ........................... (02)8877-8700
4 Edsa Ceo Bldg SJ ........ (02)8722-0731 Chai Sanitation Services Dollar North Fairview Esp Bldg LP ................... (02)8403-4931 China National Tech I And E Corporation
Ceo Suite Manila 472 Abbot Taguig.........(0950)409-3344 QC ........................... (0921)630-4469 Cheng Ban Yek And Company Incorporated West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8635-4218
Lkg Twr Mkti ................ (0906)405-0419 Chailease Company Chase Fashion Shoppe 19 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8726-0921 China Systems Technology Corporation
Ceragem Treatment Bed Sherwood Place Mla.......(02)8524-3922 Shoppesville Arcade SJ .. (02)8584-5632 Chennix Food Hauz Port Royal Place Mkti ..... (02)8812-2289
Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)8294-7953 Challenge Industrial Company (Cic) Chasechem Industries Inc 24 Libertad Mand ........... (02)8531-3112 Chinatown Museum
Ceragon Networks Phil Incorporated Wind Residences Condmn 5072 Filmore Makati ....... (02)8551-0366 Chensan Enterprises Lucky Chinatown Mla ..... (02)8293-2584
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8894-1025 QC ............................. (02)3433-5264 Chaser 18 Old Sauyo Rd QC .... (0916)447-8634 Chinatown Steel Tower Incorporated
Ceramic Hub Auto Detailing Garage Cham Cham Cham Restaurant Up Town Ctr QC ........... (0923)932-4606 Cheri Cakes Chinatown Steel Twr Condmn
169 Prudencio Mla ....... (0999)414-9900 5658 Don Pedro Mkti ..... (02)8897-6799 Chaste Travel And Tours 51 West Dr Mkna ......... (0927)755-9904 Mla ............................ (02)8242-7942
Ceramic Plaza Incorporated Cham-Candelaria Incorporated 543 Colonel Bonny Serrano Ave Cherilyn Catering Services Chinatown's Best Food
Zoomlam Bldg QC .......... (02)8936-3474 The Praxedes Place Psg . (02)8638-7976 QC ............................. (02)8366-5643 Champaca KC ................ (02)8990-6216 589 Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-1444
Ceramic Pro Express Mandaluyong Chamber Manufacturing Corporation Chateau Of Smiles Dental Clinic Cherry Dew Printing Services Chinese Drug Store
269 T Bernardo Mand...(0917)186-6278 Edison Ave Pque ............ (02)8823-8272 Gen Roxas Ave QC ....... (0995)933-4971 Tuna KC ....................... (0915)373-9046 486 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8245-4903
Ceramic Tiles & More Champ Courier Chatin Realty Incorporated Cherrymint Salon Ching Beng Glass And Aluminum Supply
1238 Edsa QC ................ (02)8362-8195 3 P Martinez Mand ....... (0953)140-4717 Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8840-1737 44 Gen Ave QC.............(0928)472-3164 103 Calamba QC ............ (02)8516-3329
Ceres Homes Incorporated Champion Cleaner Laundry Shop Chatter Buzz Cheryl's Cuisine Ching Lopez Unisex Trading Branch 1
Pgmc Bldg Mand............(02)8533-2732 Tiburcio QC .................. (0951)225-1729 1791 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8523-5743 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8255-2628 97A Col B Serrano Ave
Cerf Realty Devt Corporation Champion Fine Tooling Corporation Chattrade Development Corporation Chescais Closet QC ............................. (02)8655-3528
Entrata Urban Twrs 58 Lawang Bato Val ....... (02)8983-8561 822 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8244-4467 85 P Tuazon QC ............. (02)8531-6804 Chings Handicrafts
Munt .......................... (02)8893-1834 Chc Development Consortium Incorporated Cheska Freight International Corporation 24 Hillside Dr QC ............ (02)8647-1414
Cerg Manufacturing Company Blumentritt Mla ............... (02)8732-2258 State Ctre Bldg Mla ......... (02)8245-9436 Chinitoboy Barbeque Grill Joint
42 Santol QC .................. (02)8716-5380 CHAMPION GLUE Cheats & Tsaa's Chesman's Trading 117 Molave QC ............ (0917)515-0273
Certicon - Certified Pest Control Services Batallion QC ................. (0936)840-5796 Coral Mla ..................... (0916)480-6920 Chiqui Mullon
146 C 3rd St 10th Ave INC Checkbox Cleaning Services Cheson Controls Center Incorporated 5114 Sulok Val ............. (0927)405-8355
Caloocan City ............. (02)8361-1065 Dalisay Ext QC..............(0915)102-4785 1235 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-4314 Chiskeyks
Certification International Philippines 1045 Del Monte Ave Checkered Flag Carwash And Auto Detailing Chesont Non-Woven Fabrics Incorporated 358 M Vicente Mand .... (0917)509-1927
Omm-Citra Bldg Psg.......(02)8637-2790 Matutum QC ................. (0915)903-3768 Sheridan Mand ............... (02)8631-5171 Chit's Flower Shop
Certified Calm
Quezon Chee Puck Refrigeration Incorporated Chester Musical Shop P Dela Cruz QC.............(0921)636-1228
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-6434 City ......... (02)8372-1151 Chee Puck Bldg Mla ....... (02)8244-7091 81 A Bonifacio Ave Chiyoda Philippines Corporation
Certified Pest Control Services Chef Chryztina Catering Service Mkna ....................... (0999)373-7599 Sun Plz Bldg Mand ......... (02)8571-2887
146-C 3rd St KC.............(02)8361-1971 7 Riverside Dr Mkna ....... (02)8681-0820 Chevalier (Hk) Limited-Phil Branch Chizmozza
Certitude Insurance Corporation Chef Jessie's Place Bormaheco Cpd Pque.....(02)8823-3599 Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0935)383-0714
Jade Place Condmn QC .. (02)8920-9177 1997 Pililla Mkti..............(02)8897-7516 Chevrolet North Edsa Chlorophyll Manila Incorporated
Cerulean Software Company Incorporated Chef John Café 1021 Edsa QC ................ (02)8374-0290 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8843-6186
C Rufino-Pacific Twr CHAMPION Industria Psg ................ (0916)349-4451 Chewy Junior Chm Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8811-0532 GLUE Chef Joy Catering & Event Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8775-7649 Jme Bldg Mand .............. (02)8534-0194
Cerviq Aurora Blvd QC ...... (0917)544-2770 INC Monserrat KC ............... (0929)194-5779 Chez Karine Bakery Choco Condotel
Ces Commercial Chef Jun's Food And Pastries Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-5766 Centropolis Condmn
824 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-9636 29 Pvt Aurellana Rd Chezcar Auto Care Parts & Accessories Munt ........................ (0995)890-5099
Ces Philippines Incorporated Psg .......................... (0905)610-7169 963C Del Monte Ave Chocolate Kiss Corporation
970 Pres E P Quirino Ave Chef Mike Caters QC ........................... (0916)655-9235 Ramon Magsaysay QC ... (02)3434-3577
Mla ............................ (02)8354-8044 Purefoods Rd Mkna ...... (0949)738-1776 Chf Interior Design Services Chocoloco Incorporated
Cesar C Cruz And Partners Law Offices Champion Shoe Repairing Chef Pao Dimsum Kitchen 1P Acacia Twr Suntrust Parkview 132 Sgt Rivera QC........(0917)511-3883
Ayala Life Fgu Ctr Mkti....(02)8817-8922 724 Quezon Mla ............. (02)8734-5914 27 Congressional Ave Mla .......................... (0928)209-2484 Choffeenilla Treats
Cesson Realty Chan C Bros Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3453-6868 Chiba Industrial Mindanao Ave QC.........(0917)801-8078
2 Champaca Mkna ......... (02)8356-3165 Chan C Bros Bldg Mkti....(02)8839-0072 Chef Rlu Beauty Products 105 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8291-0831 Choi Cabebe Events
Cest La Vie Event Management Inc Chandio's 786 Beauty Chef Warehouse Chibels Rent-A-Car Incorporated 59 West Dr Mkna ......... (0927)214-7050
230 Narra QC ................. (02)7954-2254 9 Leo QC......................(0915)377-0846 Mal .......................... (0966)690-9479 8864 Sampaloc Mkti ...... (02)8897-5611 Choi's Pizza
Cet Care Medical And Diagnostic Center Chandler Philippines Incorporated Chef Roger's Food Products Chibiro Cafe 1012 Cebu Mla ............ (0909)209-6170
Fajardo Coml Bldg KC.....(02)8643-3562 86 Dapitan QC ................ (02)8731-5884 9 Chua LP .................... (0946)750-6943 Tara Residences Condmn Choice Gourmet Banquet Incorporated
Cev Glass And Aluminum Works Chang Thai Chef Tony's Popcorn QC ........................... (0906)407-1182 Lucky Chinatown Mall
150 Tropical Ave LP ..... (0916)847-7907 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)516-6488 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3414-4462 Chibot Vr Mla ............................ (02)8255-5181
Cevas Philippines Change Your Smile Dental Clinic Chef Uno Domingo M Guevara Choice Harvest Marketing Incorporated
1175 Chino Roces Ave Doroteo Jose Mla ........... (02)8735-9874 Kasayahan QC..............(0996)912-3467 Mand ....................... (0915)640-8488 68 Don Jose QC ............. (02)8740-1934
Mkti ......................... (0917)870-7789 Chao Shan Feng Wei Can Ting Chef Vince's Kitchen Chic Center Corporation Chololo's Grill Incorporated
Cezar Siphoning And Plumbing Services 494 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8559-5892 747 Banawe QC ............. (02)8559-3831 Shaw Blvd Psg ............... (02)8671-5044 Greenhills Town Ctr QC .. (02)8654-9088
Maayusin San Vicente Chaofanitea Chef's Barrel Chica's Bagnet Express Chomp Chomp Asian Street Food
QC ............................. (02)8929-0878 Bagong Silang KC.........(0908)733-8642 Festival Parkway Ave 6 Sto Tomas QC ........... (0917)841-6711 2450 Bellagio Residence
Cf Car Rental Manila Chapman Builders Corp Munt .......................... (02)8893-4935 Chicago Popcorn Shops Mla .......................... (0945)536-6849
Commerce And Industry Plz 996 Niog III Bacoor Chef's Choice Esperanza Mkti ............... (02)8707-9586 Chong Guan Trading Corporation
Taguig........................(02)8683-6263 Cavite ........................ (02)8245-8713 Jc Umerez Prime Holding Corp Bldg Chicco Artsana Specialty Shop 710 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-7861
Cf Sharp Holdings Chapter Coffee Roastery & Cafe Inc Pque .......................... (02)3384-9755 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9329 Chong International Trading Corporation
Casa Rocha Mla ............. (02)8527-6031 143 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)790-6281 Chef's Nook Diner Chicka Chicka Chicken House Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8776-3061
Cf Underground Fitness Incorporated Charbel Furniture Shop 2048 Augusto Francisco Robinsons Zeta Twr QC .. (02)7752-2927 Chooks To Go
Finman Ctre Bldg Mkti .... (02)8893-6054 170 A Mabini Ave KC ... (0917)319-2855 Mla .......................... (0999)880-1691 Chicken Basket Restaurant M L Quezon Taguig ...... (0922)806-8959
Cf Wellness Unlimited Incorporated Charina Sarte Chefs Noodle 101 C Raymundo Ave Chop Chop Yum Yum Incorporated
1668 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8332-3957 3302C Matanzas Mkti.....(02)3481-6785 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8376-5367 Psg ............................ (02)7933-5284 Prudential Life Bldg Psg .. (02)8942-1033
Cfs Creative Training & Mgt Chariot Leasing Corporation Chekline Philippines Incorporated Chicken Bonchon Chop Shop Aguirre
86 Spain Mla .................. (02)8823-2358 2 North Access Rd Mla...(02)8241-4481 329 Golden Gate Park Rd Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8722-3183 322 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)7625-9375
Cg Integra Corporation Charisse Dry Goods Munt .......................... (02)8850-0071 Chicken For The Road & The Su Kitchen Chopard
Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8846-6949 3030 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8855-2421 Chello Marketing Ortigas Ave SJ..............(0917)526-8787 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3289
Cg-M Medical Supplies & Medical Charitable Pawshop Co Incorporated 623 St Paul QC .............. (02)8282-9604 Chicken Jays Chopking Chemicals Incorporated
Equipment 909B White Pque ........... (02)8403-2914 Chelsea Laundry Services J P Rizal QC ................. (0906)804-1208 Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8571-7363
1426 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0939)840-5074 Charkai Corporation 124 C V Luna Ext Rd Chicken Micoy Chotrani Group Of Companies
Cga Prime Builders & Equipmentco Inc Macapagal Ave Pque ...... (02)8856-7429 QC ........................... (0927)974-5959 5 Sampaguita Ave QC...(0916)346-1299 Victorino Mapa QC ......... (02)8567-9990
Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8927-0763 Charles & Joy Gourmet Foods Chelsea Logistics And Infrastructure Chicken Star Chris And Mike Antique
Cgi (Philippines) Incorporated 50 Tirona North Tirona Holdings Corp Anonas Mla .................. (0915)816-0033 Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8400-3513
Sunnymede Bldg QC ...... (02)8332-5576 Pque ........................ (0917)590-2011 Udenna Twr Taguig ........ (02)8403-4015 Chicken`S R Us Incorporated Chrischell Auto Parts & Supply
Cgk Formaprint Inc Charles And Keith Chem-Pro Industries Inc Eton Centris Cyberpod 127 Banawe QC ............. (02)3410-0464
2275 P Burgos PC ......... (02)8831-3974 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-3617 113 San Francisco QC ............................. (02)8373-0529 Chrisheis Catering & Venue
Cgl Freight Forwarders Incorporated Charles Builders Company Mandaluyong ............. (02)8646-5566 Chickoo's Nail Spa And Salon Lacson Ave Mla ........... (0917)681-0818
Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8405-0249 Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8845-2122 Chema Pacific International Corporation 6 Sanciangco Mal ........ (0948)310-8125 Christ Commission Fellowship
Cgm Generics Pharmacy Charles David State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8244-5750 Chicnoy Lechon Manok M Starr Bldg 1 LP ........... (02)8808-7461
539 Jp Rizal Mkti............(02)3498-1883 Sm Moa PC....................(02)8556-0457 Chembs Trading Corporation 1013 Quirino QC .......... (0948)752-1651 Christ The King Ob-Gyne Clinic
Cgm Petshop Charlesn & Keith 19 1st Ave Taguig .......... (02)8839-2614 Chics 2221 Amatista Mla ......... (02)8561-5045
B G Molina Mkna .......... (0916)557-7828 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-6101 Chemical Manufacturing House 223H Quirino Hwy QC .. (0917)706-3013 Christea Pizzarap
Cgm Property Management Co Charliemae International Recruitment Insular Life Bldg Mkti .... (0927)855-4983 Chikaan 71 First Psg..................(0966)915-7768
Incorporated Services Inc Chemical Merchants Corporationoraton Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0680 Christian Academy
Marlow Navigation Bldg Aurelio Bldg II KC ......... (0925)845-3667 Cityland Pasong Tamo Chiknoy Edsa KC ................ (02)3412-3784 52 Mariano Cuenco QC .. (02)8712-4970
Mla ............................ (02)8567-2064 Charmaine Plastic Mkti ........................... (02)8403-9591 Child Care Center Christian Water Refilling Station
Cgpost 408 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8363-8830 Chemico Phils Incorporated R V Marzan Bldg Mla ...... (02)8562-5401 Villa Caridad 2 Mkti.........(02)8984-8865
The Biltmore Condmn Charme General Merchandise Republic Glass Bldg Children Of Mary Immaculate College Christina's Sweet Momma Bakeshop
Mkti ........................... (02)8843-3007 757 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8244-0369 Mkti ........................... (02)8840-5868 22 Maysan Rd Val .......... (02)8292-3149 103 E Santos Mkna ........ (02)7003-7336

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38 S C M Y K


Christine Manalo Villamora Interior Designs Cisco Engineering Industries Cj Architectural Services Clear Edge Cmc Nivra Industries
Fort Legend Twrs Aguila Vill Munt .............. (02)8403-6872 73 Felix Ave Psg ........... (0915)410-2028 325 G Araneta QC .......... (02)3410-2020 P & E Bldg Psg ............... (02)8634-4746
Taguig........................(02)7904-3789 Citadel Commercial Incorporated Cj Car Care Clear Mile Technology And Services Inc Cmda Condo & Office Cleaning Services
Christmigs Eatery Caltex Stn Psg ................ (02)8682-4229 Chestnut Mkna ............. (0917)759-9803 35 Linden Suites Psg......(02)8299-3533 Corinthian Executive Regency
Mega Q Mart QC.............(02)7264-0232 Citadel Pacific Ltd Cj7 Maniago Realty Clear Pack Phils Psg ............................ (02)8994-7870
Chromar Uni-Trade Sgv II Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-7711 Joya Loft And Twrs Condmn 195 Dna Soledad Ave Cme Technology Philippines Incorporated
West City Plz QC ............ (02)7949-2618 Citi Bank Mkti ........................... (02)8370-9554 Pque .......................... (02)8847-1301 Cypress Garden Mkti ...... (02)8894-4578
Chrome Divas 500 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8247-9830 Cjen Convenience Store Clearpack Philippines Incorporated Cmf Concepcion Metal Fabrication
65 President's Arcade Citi Dragon Builders Supply Co Sapphire Bldg 4 Val ........ (02)8723-3656 195-A Dna Soledad Ave Ext 178 Kaingin Rd QC ....... (0945)796-6162
Pque ........................ (0917)887-4727 82-D 10th Ave KC .......... (02)8647-1566 Cjh Development Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8776-8498 Cmg Sm Mall Of Asia PC .... (02)8556-0110
Chronicles Electronics Corporation Citi Global Realty And Development Inc Renaissance Twr F Psg .. (02)8634-7094 Cleeneco Metropolis Cleaning Services Cmg Print & Design Corp
2424 Tejeron Mla ........... (02)8523-1446 The One Executive Bldg Cjl Trading Heavy Equipment Parts Supply Ep Housing Taguig ......... (02)7980-3328 36 Mascardo Mkti ........ (0917)890-4541
Chrys Juan Crafts Marketing QC ........................... (0906)775-6076 4th Ave KC ................... (0928)342-9837 Cleeneco Sanicleaning Cmk Cellphone & Accessories
12th Ave QC...................(02)8347-3470 Citi Harbor Outfitters Incorporated Cjmb Travel Studio 329 Csv Properties Mccm Bldg QC ............... (02)8572-5858
Chrysalis Trading Corporation 3270C Neil Armstrong Ave Gnfwc QC ...................... (02)8513-2484 Mand ....................... (0917)133-9882 Cmk Megatrade Inc
2404 Tenorio Mla ........... (02)8561-7888 Pque .......................... (02)8511-1714 Cjnh Enterprises Clements Airconditioning 1171 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8714-6086
Chu Construction Services Citi Minds Marketing 112 Gov Pascual Ave Clements Business Ctr Cmm Portrait Expert
14 D Sevilla QC ............ (0917)305-9353 1624 West Zamora Mla .. (02)8711-9501 Mal ............................ (02)8288-7067 Val ........................... (0995)501-2297 Isetann Mla .................... (02)8734-0595
Chua Tiong Bio Scale & Merchandising Citi Poly Industrial Incorporated Cjp Cleaning Services Clements John Consultants Incorporated Cmp Sash Furniture & Steel Works
1434 Soler Mla...............(02)8736-2984 2091A La Mesa Val ........ (02)8983-1621 1007 Mendiola Ext Mla . (0926)679-6860 Rci Bldg Mkti..................(02)8810-9201 Camarin Rd KC ............ (0916)430-7398
Chuan Hing Metal Fabricator Corporation Citi Truck Parts & Auto Supply Cjr Hardware Cleveland Electric Trading Corporation Cmpt Manpower Services
6 J Teodoro KC .............. (02)8366-9897 901A B A Bonifacio Ave 631 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-1668 496 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8723-9376 599 Mc Arthur Hwy KC...(02)8365-4618
Chubz Pride General Merchandise QC ............................. (02)8365-4230 Ck Lu Enterprises Cleveland Industries Incorporated Cmv Interior Designs
Pkg Patulo KC ................ (02)7625-1219 Citiaire Industrial Services Corporation 1117 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-6065 43 Sto Domingo Ave QC . (02)8732-4244 Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8513-5260
Chuck's Barbershop Rd 04 QC ..................... (0923)697-7066 Ckf Marketing Clever Pro Research Consulting Cmv Pawnshop
Kalayaan Ave Mkti ........ (0921)478-1771 Citibank Philippines Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)3411-3787 Marian Place Psg ........... (02)8477-2651 Quezon Blvd Mla ............ (02)8516-2524
Chuck's Deli + Bakery Citibank Square QC ........ (02)8995-9110 Cki Builders And Engineering Services Click Events Manila Cmz Dental Supply
4636 Chuck's Deli Mkti . (0917)620-1047 Citibeds Incorporated 7 Maginhawa QC ............ (02)8926-9786 14 New Jersey QC........(0917)550-2700 Magsaysay Psg .............. (02)8986-7650
Chukoy Hardware & Construction Supplies 7 Pioneer Mand .............. (02)8650-8669 Ckk Ankong Holdings Incorporated Click First Gulay On Delivery Cn Salamat Trading Company
1283 A Sandoval Ave Citicuisine Incorporated Zealcor Business Ctr Mega Qmart QC............(0953)426-3879 Guadalupe Square Mkti ... (02)8516-6998
Psg .......................... (0961)434-9100 Promenade Bldg SJ ........ (02)8723-2863 Pque .......................... (02)8847-1126 Click Licensing Asia Incorporated Cnn Philippines (Nine Media Corp)
Chun Chon Samgyupsal Citiflora Flower Shop Ckmj Greenovation Incorporated Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8531-4953 Worldwide Corporate Ctre
Casa Ysabel Bldg Mla ... (0915)265-6076 19 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)3456-0309 Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr Click Selfie Photo Studio Mand ......................... (02)8548-4688
Chung Mi Rae Citifreight Forwarding Cargo Services QC ............................. (02)8470-6458 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8353-4432 Co-Heir Refrigeration And Airconditioning
24K Mansion QC ............ (02)8372-7200 Baclaran Pque .............. (0917)858-5581 Ckn Tech Construction Materials Trading Cliff 101 Ticketing Office Incorporated Services
Chung Yi Tinsmith Citiglobal Realty And Development Inc 8 Dumandan Psg............(02)8692-8697 508 Central Condmn QC . (02)8899-5196 103 Fc Tuazon Pat ......... (02)8241-7691
813 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8241-3317 The One Executive Bldg Ckrm Cctv Supply & Installation Services Clifton Guitars Coalesce Sales Incorporated
Churby Design And Printing Services QC ............................. (02)8351-8325 Santolan Arcade Psg ...... (02)8294-1678 Plastic City Industiral Subd 19B E Rodriguez Jr  Avenue
East Dr Mkna ............... (0932)857-4038 Citilight Telecom Center Claires Val ........................... (0917)838-1994 Pque .......................... (02)8821-1857
Church Assistance Program Incorporated Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Edsa Shangrila Plz Climate Change Commission Coast Line Truck Center
140 Matahimik QC..........(02)8922-9561 Psg ............................ (02)8681-1856 Mand ....................... (0977)179-6326 First Residences Bldg 248 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8742-2269
Churrasco Citimax Group Incorporated Clara O Corpus Foundation Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8353-8494
La Maison Rada Condmn Cobb Vantress Philippines Incorporated
11 President's Ave Pque . (02)7217-8666 81 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Clindisco (Philippines) Incorporated One Joroma Place Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8888-5253 Mkti ........................... (02)8875-1125 49 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)3410-1670
Churrasco World QC ............................. (02)3454-2147
68 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(0947)594-4117 Citimotors Alabang Incorporated Clarence Dermatology Centre Clinica Manila Pasig
Mila Holdings Bldg Cobi's Wagyu Burger 'n Steaks
Chut's Badminton Center Alabang Zapote Rd Munt (02)8659-3150 Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8696-7056 35 President's Ave Pque . (02)8475-6292
Citixpress Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0906)545-9628
63 Dangay QC ................ (02)8371-4512 Clinica Rodriguez Cobi's Wagyu Burger â??N Steaks
Nenita Bldg Pque ............ (02)8808-1042 Claretian Communications Foundation Inc P Burgos PC .................. (02)8551-7527
Chv Metal Fabricator Incorporated 8 Mayumi QC ................. (02)8921-3984 35 Presidentâ??S Ave
91 Mangustan Rd Mal .... (02)8361-2681 Citizen Emporium Clinica Salutare Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8475-6292
531 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ..... (02)8733-0127 Clari Deigne Event Solutions Great Wall Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8511-7726
Chynna Mamawal Atelier Paseo De Magallanes Coml Ctr Coca Spa
561 Wack Wack Royal Mansion Citizen Machine Center Clinique 428-D A Arnaiz Ave PC...(02)8551-8860
427 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-5280 Mkti ......................... (0998)851-2376
Mand ......................... (02)8428-2069 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0998)530-0667 Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines Corp
Clariant Philippines Corporation
Chyvh's Online Shop & Printing Services Citra Metro Manila Tollways Corporation Alpap II Bldg Munt .......... (02)8556-0895 Clint Duke Estebar Transport 268 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8870-2357
Golden Valley Bldg Mla . (0936)238-8945 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8776-7056 37 Almond Psg .............. (02)7954-3135 Cocacola Femsa Philippines Incorporated
Claritech System Incorporated
Cib Air Conditioning Incorporated Citra Mina Seafoods Market Topaz Bldg QC ............... (02)8294-4915 Clinton Commercial Corporation A And P Warehouse LP .. (02)8800-8123
306B Dorotea Rd KC ...... (02)8990-6568 380 Multi Ave Pque ........ (02)8541-5852 168 San Francisco Cocha Culinary Centre
Claritos Bakeshop
Cibo Citromint Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8710-8604 Mandaluyong ............. (02)8532-7021 986 Lourdes Arcade QC . (02)3434-4043
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8642-2429 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)7744-2734 Clips Salon Cochi Loco Cocina Mexicana
Clarity Solutions Incorporated
Cibo Di Marghi Signature Caterer City & Land Mega Plaza One Global Place Taguig . (02)7956-3308 670 Rizal Ave Ext Mal ... (0922)334-8091 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0956)132-6040
2314 Chino Roces Ave Ext Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)8687-1399 Clique Property Ventures Incorporated Cockram Scenario - Philippine Rohq
Classe Commercial
Mkti ........................... (02)7729-0030 City Advertising Ventures Corporation 589 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7640 C&E Bldg QC ................ (0933)360-5472 Accralaw Twr Taguig ...... (02)8555-5260
Cibo Nuovo Incorporated Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8631-2532 Clique Trading Coco Bliss Manila
Classic Charmz
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8470-2426 City Cars Marikina Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-3346 Greenhills Shopping Ctr San Andres Bukid Mla .. (0998)720-0800
Cid Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Gil Fernando Ave Mkna ... (02)7507-8393 SJ ............................ (0922)818-7473 Coco Technologies Corporation
Classic Confections Incorporated
Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0910)310-6688 City Chix Corporation Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9243 Cln Bay Blvd PC ................. (02)8556-0094 275 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8362-2109
Cieras Manpower Agency Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8816-4537 Classico Digital Media Clockwise Hardware Cocomo Nail And Beauty Hut
Matute Bldg PC .............. (02)8853-2823 City Emporium Company 500 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8938-3904 378 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8515-4486 South Supermarket
Cieverose College Incorporated 472 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-5153 Classique Business Assistanceinc Cloisonne Chemical Products Inc Psg .......................... (0915)137-5436
2217 Zapote Rd KC ........ (02)8990-0624 City Land Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8631-3233 66 Stanford QC ............ (0998)213-2171 Coconut Industry Investment Fund
Cifra Industrial Services Corpration 517-519 Q Paredes Mla . (02)8242-1212 Classique Pharmacs Incorporated Cloopd Inc Rd 2 QC..........(0906)310-4010 Management Company Inc
4229 Gen Mojica Mkti .... (02)8889-0767 City Matress 2671 Honduras Mkti ....... (02)8843-5788 Clothespin Laundry Station 7907 Makati Ave Mkti ..... (02)8892-7961
Cii Ac Facade Phils Inc Civic Dr Festival Mall Classy Dental Centre - Manila 2 4012 Gen Luna Mal ........ (02)8351-4416 Cocoro
Cabral Industrial Park Munt .......................... (02)8511-3027 1641B Francisco Mla ..... (02)8708-6352 Cloud Automation Cctv Enterprises Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0939)934-7179
Val ............................. (02)7904-0218 City Of Malabon Polytechnic Intitute Claudia's Kitchen Incorporated 2179 F Munoz Mla ......... (02)8512-0293 Cocotel
Cika Auto Parts Trading Corporation Gov Pascual Mal ............ (02)8281-3088 Twr One And Exch Plz Cloud's Printing Services Prestige Twr Psg .......... (0917)307-7462
Phesco Bldg QC ............. (02)8664-9277 City Plaza Mkti ........................... (02)8659-8341 1036 Gen Luis KC .......... (02)8936-3345 Cocovana
Cim Aircon Service Teams Incorporated 439 Del Conde Mla ......... (02)8245-0653 Clay Jars Print Shop Cloudcfo Inc 2547C Arellano Ave Mla . (02)8524-9089
2310 F Huertas Mla ........ (02)8522-1379 City Roaders Jnc Bldg Mkna ............... (02)7576-4863 Paragon Plz Mand .......... (02)7746-1995 Cocoy Machine Shop & General Contractor
Cimatech Enterprises Inc 284 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)8514-8102 Clb Engineering And Supply Incorporated Cloudcompass Technologies Inc 148 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8809-5673
The Annex Bldg Psg ....... (02)8570-8426 City Salon 487 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8241-9786 Metrowalk Cplx Psg ........ (02)7502-0405 Codeia Incorporated
Cimech Systems Industries Inc Mia Rd Airport Global Clc Philippines Cloudland Travel & Tours J-Twr Psg ...................... (02)8689-7138
Anahaw Caloocan City....(02)8961-4767 Pque .......................... (02)8478-6447 Clc Bldg Val ................... (02)8291-5005 Daang Batasan QC ....... (0998)970-1900 Codes Consultants Incorporated
Cinbex Hardware Incorporated City Savings Bank Ortigas Direct Line Clean & Wash Laundry Cloudtecherp Metropolitan Terrace Condo
555 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5554 Union Bank Plz Psg ........ (02)8696-7311 934 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3438-8494 The Pearl Bank Ctre Mkti ........................... (02)8897-2286
Cinco Enterprises Incorporated City Services Clean And Fix Mkti ......................... (0915)945-5671 Codev Solutions Incorporated
1009 Aurora Blvd QC......(02)8912-8799 425 Rizal Munt ............... (02)8861-9962 Executive One Bldg QC . (0915)624-5777 Cloversense Technology Inc Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8634-6613
Cinco Estrellas Memorial Chapels City State Hotel Clean Centrale Ph Robinson Summit Ctr Coffee Brewmaster Incorporated
349 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-4717 475 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8736-9092 Ga Twrs Mand..............(0995)462-5990 Mkti ........................... (02)8551-9478 One Rockwell West Twr
Cindy's Hardware City State Savings Bank Clean City Commercial Incorporated Clp General Upholstery Mkti ........................... (02)8478-7513
406 C M Recto Mla ........ (02)8241-1372 1135 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8524-4832 1851 Ma Orosa Malate 251 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0950)196-5505 Coffee Indulgence
Cinema '76 Cafe City Supply Enterprise Mla ............................ (02)8527-9290 Club Haze 1051 P Noval Mla...........(02)8518-8263
972-B Aurora Blvd QC .. (0906)236-2365 Yangco Mla .................... (02)8253-9367 Clean Fuel The Fort Entertainment Ctr Coffee Vending Machine Business
Cinematheque Centre Manila City Textile 2232 Espana QC .......... (0932)819-0545 Taguig......................(0917)525-3107 323 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8961-1608
855 T M Kalaw Mla ........ (02)8256-9908 167 C Palanca Sr Mla ..... (02)8733-7894 Clean Option Water Refiling Station Club Mwah Incorporated Coffeellera
Cinerent Philippines Inc City Water Jose Abad Santos SJ......(02)8359-5155 The Venue Twr Mand......(02)8535-7943 Mandaluyong Mand ...... (0917)704-2645
4 Second Psg.................(02)8687-3367 2661 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8293-1986 Clean Queens Club United Coffenomenon Cafe Corporation
Cinnabon Citybus Incorporated 48A Capinpin Psg.........(0956)372-3618 Moonwalk Access Rd Electra Hse Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-0695
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)923-5665 2056 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8939-9911 Clean Spin Wash Pque .......................... (02)8880-9544 Coffral Access And Shoring Incorporated
Cioden's Diner Cityland 94 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)3453-9379 Cluster Industrial Services Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)7625-2121
793 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0915)137-7040 760 Pacific Regency PC . (02)8567-1661 Clean Xpectations Corporation 146 D Monserrat KC.......(02)8352-1552 Cofta Moulding Corporation
Circle Builders Center Citylight Travel & Tours Incorporated 9 Rd 16 KC .................. (0917)499-3131 Clutch Brakes & Parts Center Co 268 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8247-6727
Csp Bldg Mand...............(02)8724-9080 Liberty Ctr Mand.............(02)8535-4902 Clean Zone Ph 203/210 Rizal KC ........... (02)8364-3280 Coin Tech Services Philippinesinc
Circles Event Cafe Cityneon Philippines Incorporated Madison Mand ............. (0917)160-9663 Clyde Villegas Productions Cfc Coml Bldg Psg ......... (02)8571-3318
Shangri-La Mkti .............. (02)8813-8888 West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8776-4620 Cleanmatic Services Inc 349 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Col Financial Group Incorporated
Circuit Solutions Incorporated Citystate Hotel Incorporated Madrigal Mla .................. (02)7527-1546 Psg ............................ (02)8781-3993 Robinsons Equitable Twr
Belvedere Twr Psg ......... (02)8635-5883 100 Carlos Palanca Mla..(02)8736-7675 Cleantec Manpower Services Corporation Cm Espina Customs Brokerage QC ............................. (02)8638-9410
Circulo Cinco Restobar And Grill Citystate Tower Hotel Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8243-6280 Cold Center Air Conditioning Services
Joe Borris Psg..............(0927)518-2460 1315 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8400-7361 Mkti ........................... (02)7752-0189 Cman Maritime Incorporated 805 Ma Clara Mand ...... (0917)895-3307
Cirrus Global Incorporated Ciudad Dental Clinic Clear Ads Digital Printing Incorporated Malate Crown Plz Condmn Cold Magic Aircon
Umc Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8231-2537 59 Roosevelt Ave QC....(0917)710-2661 21B Nicanor Roxas QC . (0917)563-0376 Mla ............................ (02)8521-6485 67 Anonas QC ................ (02)8921-0503
Cisco Bus Co Ciudad Villa Private Venue Clear Concept Glass & Aluminum Cmc Logicom Solutions Incorporated Cold Stone Creamery
149 Mirasol QC ............ (0917)502-4726 50 A Mabini KC .............. (02)8351-3534 145 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8470-4041 92 Rd 1 SJ ..................... (02)8535-0184 Daang Hari Rd LP ........... (02)8894-2298

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:40 2022 - P38

39 S C M Y K


Cold Sun Comm Electrical Equipment And Supply Concords Metal Cool Mixed Trading Cosmopolitan Realty Corporation
408 C M Recto Mla ........ (02)8247-2759 Keystone Bldg Mkti.........(02)8816-1329 54 Cordero KC ............... (02)8363-2266 4002 Malvar Mkti ........... (02)8514-4579 Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8813-1896
Coldovertake Airconditioning Services Commander Wash Laundry Shop Concrete Royal Mix Corp Cool Rush Aircondition Trading Cosmopolitan Travel And Tours Agency
1830 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)7757-1454 Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0977)104-5252 14 Calle Obrero Jeb Bldg Psg .................. (02)7794-2164 Dppi Bldg QC ................. (02)3454-2683
Cole Nail Salon And Spa Commcare Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8635-0620 Cool Toyz Cosmos International Placement Agency
1649 Augusto Francisco 162 Dna Soledad Ave Condesa Stationery Inc Ortigas Ash Creek Ctr SJ (02)8724-2109 Inc
Mla .......................... (0906)469-4022 Pque .......................... (02)8776-3319 Wellington Bldg Manila ... (02)8243-3512 Coolstuff168Ph Bike Parts And Accessories Queen Rose Bldg Mla ... (0917)518-7373
Colegio De Sta Rosa Makati Incorporated Commcrest Technology Solutions Condo Care Ph Housekeeping Services 84 Angelo QC ................. (02)3410-1316 Cost U Less Incorporated
Colegio De Sta Rosa Greenbelt Excelsior Mkti . (02)7624-0146 Malugay Mkti ............... (0917)504-6926 Coolto Shop Jy & Sons Cpd Taguig .... (02)8837-5847
Mkti ........................... (02)8403-1708 Commercial Center Inc Building Condominium South Insula Corporation 124 San Diego KC ........ (0956)681-7041 Cost U Less Trade Ventures
Coleman Trading 1091 N A Lopez Coml Ctr South Insula Condmn Cooltoyz Laptops & More 5112 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8832-6360
Rl Reyes Bldg Psg .......... (02)8645-2447 Mla ............................ (02)8528-0733 QC ............................. (02)8961-0488 Ash Creek Ctr Bldg SJ .... (02)8724-5064 Costa Azul Water Station
Colerosh Incorporated Commission On Higher Education Condor Pos Solutions Rp Incorporated Cooperative Insular System Philippines 605 Mercedes Ave Psg .. (02)8533-7922
401 F Legaspi Psg ......... (02)8661-3022 Higher Education Dev Ctr Bldg Azure Business Ctr QC ... (02)8376-5693 80 Malakas QC...............(02)8924-0388 Costa Coffee Philippines
Collaborate With May QC ............................. (02)8441-1177 Condura Express Service Incorporated Copieronline Philippines Incorporated Robinsons Place Manila
625-5 Parokya Ng Pagkabuhay Commission On The Filipino Languages Micahel Arcade Mkna ..... (02)8897-5555 45 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)3435-3384 Mla ............................ (02)8567-0204
QC ........................... (0917)824-0526 Watson Bldg Mla ............ (02)8736-2524 Confederal Project Copperblue Car Accessories Center Costa De Luna Reflexology And Wellness
Collectiones Bonita Commonwealth Store Cpmsi Bldg Mla .............. (02)8523-0143 12 President's Ave Pque . (02)8662-0329 Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7239-7461
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 26th St Taguig................(02)8801-8345 Congressional Lanes Copy Trade Costa Marquina Mini Resort
SJ .............................. (02)8722-7211 Commonwealth Visa Experts 1 Congressional Ave QC . (02)8927-2347 Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina 124 M H Del Pilar
Collective Solution Gateway Twr QC ............ (02)7717-1692 Conjug8 Corporation Mkna ....................... (0949)177-6253 Mkna ....................... (0998)346-3650
41 Don Mariano Marcos Ave Communicare Therapy Center Dna Julia Vargas Psg......(02)8533-7133 Copybee Trading And Services Costar Machine Trading
QC ............................. (02)8952-9575 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8877-0144 Conlins Coffee Worlds Incorporated Citiplaza1 Coml Cplx QC . (02)7958-0407 Rdc Cpd Mal .................. (02)8364-2257
College Of Saint Benilde Hotel International Communication Hardware Bonifacio High Street Copytrade Digital Copy Systems
Taguig........................(02)8856-4452 Costemara Incorporated
Conference Center 1550 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)8536-5413 550 M F Jhocson Mla ..... (02)8749-8155 Civic Prime Bldg Munt .... (02)8831-6324
Arellano Ave Mla ............ (02)8230-5230 Community Fitness Salcedo Conlins Elements Cora Aesthetics
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9698 Coswise Medical Supplies & Equipments
College Of St Catherine 1259 Tordesillas Mkti ... (0917)804-7638 Cityland Condmn III Mkti . (02)7987-3350 2210 Margal Mla .......... (0921)316-1823
362 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8330-4883 Commuter Automotive Supply Co Inc Conmex Enterprises Corand Support Marketing Inc
295 San Guillermo 69 C Raymundo Ave Cosworth Multi-Resources & Machinery
College Of The Holy Spirit Manila 1007 G Masangkay  
163 E Mendiola Mla........(02)8735-6021 Munt ........................ (0998)559-6811 Psg .......................... (0917)817-0016 Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8244-7697 Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8847-2427
Collegio De Sta Rosa Comnet Management Corporation Connecting Bridges Corazon Aesthetics Incorporated
Sto Tomas Intramuros Wilcon City Ctr QC........(0977)268-1739 Cityland Condmn 3 Mkti . (02)8887-3520 Cotoha Real Estate Philippines Inc
Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8837 Twenty-Four-Seven Mckinley Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8526-0021 Compass Offices Connectworks Company Corazon's Kitchen
Taft Ofc Ctr PC ............... (02)8251-8918 411 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Taguig......................(0917)186-6578
Collezione Twr 6789 Mkti................(02)8835-8908
Eastwood Eastwood Mall Connie's Kitchen Psg .......................... (0998)365-3770 Cotton Club Corporation
Compass Transport Service Edsa Intl Entrtnment Cmplx
QC ............................. (02)8706-0840 Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti....(0927)838-2810 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8721-5691 Core Concepts
Conqfacade Architectural Designs 30 Takipsilim QC .......... (0915)332-7142 PC ............................. (02)8832-1264
Color Vision Compex Makati Incorporated
Benito Bldg QC ............... (02)8721-2193 Grand Emerald Twr Core Management Consultancy Cotton On
Glorietta 2 Mkti ............... (02)8845-0237 Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8631-0736
Colorpoint Classics Incorporated Psg .......................... (0943)128-2168 Metroview Bldg Mla ........ (02)8693-2405
Compleat Smile Dental Aesthetic Centre Couch Cucumber Nail
Brickley I Condmn Mla....(02)8732-6653 Convention Ctr PC .......... (02)8831-1814 Conrad & Co Incorporated Core1 Technologies Corp
Colors & Shapes Learning Center 12 Brixton Psg ............... (02)8584-8353 6 Mt Cresta QC.............(0917)528-7992 Lilac Mkna ................... (0917)541-0250
Complete Fitness Country Bank Of Taguig
Prince Plz 1 Condmn 10 Esteban Abada QC...(0919)994-4914 Conrad Consultants Coredent Dental Diagnostics And
Mkti ......................... (0927)527-1234 The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3928 Laboratory 22 M Almeda Pat............(02)8643-7313
Complete Materials Industrial Corporation Country Corndog
Colossal A-Plus Corporation 2840 Zamora PC ............ (02)8551-5995 Consistent Frozen Solutions Eagle Star Condmn QC ... (02)8928-1840
715 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-3550 2326 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-3720 Coreila Pet House Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)623-2232
Complex Lifestyle Store Country Vegefoods Incorporated
Colours Express Enterprises Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7950-8129 Consolidated Building Maintenanace 135 Tropical Ave LP ..... (0915)896-0420
Susano Rd KC ................ (02)8962-3837 Aurora Twr Bldg QC........(02)8352-8434 Corestream Technologies Incorporated 161 Luna Mencias SJ ..... (02)8723-8614
Complex Sales Corporation Consolidated Dairy And Frozen Food Couriers Worldwide Express Services
Colozy Enterprise Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8633-1861 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8403-9177
165 Kanlaon QC ............. (02)3412-2714 Corporation Corinthian Integrated Security Inc Incorporated
Complink Marketing Incorporated San Fernando Twr Mla....(02)8242-4305 Penafrancia Mla ............. (02)8527-0470
Colt Commercial Incorporated Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-5587 Neb Bldg QC .................. (02)8371-9667
Padilla Delos Reyes Bldg Consolidated Depot Serve Incorporated Corinthians Group Of Companies Court Side
Compu Color Phils Incorporated Madrigal Dormitory Mla .. (02)8254-1379 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8330-5122
Mla ............................ (02)8244-9756 Wilson Square Bldg SJ ... (02)8722-4878 Dr G Garcia QC...............(02)8373-5801
Columbia Distributing Corporation Consolidated Linkages Incorporated Corinthians Travel & Tours Incorporated Cous Co
Compu-Print Machineries Corporation West Trade Ctr Bldg QC .. (02)8922-4850 Adela Hidalgo PC..........(0927)307-7750
614 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-8026 229 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8724-2581 Arquiza Trade Ctr Mla ..... (02)8526-7513
Columbia Technologies Incorporated Consolidated Tobacco Ind Of The Phils Corlife Insurance Agency Incorporated Covent Garden Incorporated
Computrends Systems Technology Ctip Bldg Psg ................. (02)8631-9683 Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr
1136 J Nakpil Mla .......... (02)8524-0394 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8938-3719
Incorporated Constantino Guadalquiver & Co Mkti ........................... (02)8812-2501
Columbia Wire & Cable Corporation Makati Cinema Square Twr Cowboys Pest Control Services
75 Howmart Rd Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8812-5819 Cornersteel Systems Corporation 96-E Circle Pque .......... (0927)424-8814
Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1548 Constech The World Centre Bldg
Quezon City................(02)8361-6151 Cowrie Grill
Comrad Architectural Design Services 132 West West Trade Ctr Makati ........................ (02)8867-8301
Columbian United Realty Corporation F Blumentritt Mand ....... (0906)258-1646 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
West Ave QC .................. (02)8922-1243 QC ............................. (02)8371-1859 Coro Hotel SJ .............................. (02)8527-0011
Comsaving Bank Consumer Desire Trading Corporation 8436 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8813-1000
Com Furniture Shop Framar Coml Bldg Psg .... (02)8641-0330 Cp Me Industrial Sales Corporation
237 Antonio Arnaiz Ave Robinsons Metro East Corona Metal Enterprises Corporation E Miranda Val ................. (02)8294-1457
PC ........................... (0922)827-9953 Comtronics Psg ............................ (02)8645-8236 590 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-6469
81 Edsa Roscar Bldg Cp Zapata Construction
Com Plink Consumer`S Desire Trading Corporation Coronado's School Of Quezon City Inc 10 Masigla QC ............... (02)8372-3267
Mand ......................... (02)8535-0347 Fishermall QC ................. (02)8294-3065 4 Kawayan QC ............... (02)7745-5096
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1781 Cpa Tax & Bookkeeping Firm Co
Con Pac Warehousing Consumers & Industrial Tradingcorp Corpnet Global Corporation
Comanchesteel Corporation 1245 Paz Mla ................. (02)8546-9070 Unique Plz Bldg Mand...(0915)176-0833
22C C Cordero KC .......... (02)8362-9630 Dama De Noche Pque .... (02)8821-7282 Tycoon Ctre Psg...........(0917)628-8308 Cpap Ph
Conanan Bookstore Consumers Desire Trading Corporation Corporate Apparel Incorporated
Combined Blue Dragon Security And 2019 C M Recto Ave One Global Place Taguig . (02)7623-2339
Services Incorporated Victory Central Mall KC ... (02)8332-1205 Robinsons Place Cplx
Mla ............................ (02)8735-5585 Cpas Barbacena Tandingan & Co Cpas
Unibond Trading Bldg Contemporain Foods Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8567-1936 Rial Mla..........................(02)8527-2271
Concentric Industries Incorporated Paseo Ctr Mkti................(02)8831-5385 Corporate Giveaways Online Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8727-5085 Cityland Herrera Twr Cpe Engineering Services
Comcen Security Services Contex Internatl Manila Fedeco Bldg Mla.............(02)8354-4370 Mrl Twr QC .................... (02)8373-3104
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0105 Multinational Bancorp Ctr Corporate Information Solutions
Taipan Place Psg..........(0927)404-3785 Concentrix Cppsa Gun Club
Comcentre Mkti ........................... (02)8887-4952 Incorporated
Technoplaza One Bldg Continental Rental And Tours Incorporated 27 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)8861-8745
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Computer Services Bldg
QC ............................. (02)8423-8700 91 Gen Menez Mkna.......(02)8948-1484 Psg ............................ (02)8634-8870 Cprm Consultants Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8641-5421 Concep Incorporated Cprm Bldg QC ................ (02)8355-6011
Come And Shop Grocery Contrack Corporate Reference Incorporated
1856 A Asuncion Mkti .... (02)8895-1812 Metrowalk Cplx Psg ...... (0917)832-0004 Phil First Bldg Mkti..........(02)8841-0629 Cps
1255 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-2701 Concepcion Industrial Corp Bonifacio High Street
Comet Cycle Center Incorporated Contractors Equipment Corporation Corporate Travel And Tours Incorporated
Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8636-0105 1255 EDSA Quezon City . (02)8361-3713 East Of Galleria Psg ........ (02)8635-5731 Taguig........................(02)8856-3003
88 B Tolentino QC .......... (02)8372-5590 Cr8 Salon
Concepcion Otis Philippines Inc Contreras Sculptures Cors Retail Concept Incorporated
COMFAC CORPORATION Petron Mega Plz Mkti ...... (02)8886-3502 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1283 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8441-6739 Kalayaan Ave Mkti ........ (0917)154-2197 Concepcion Villaroman Ladies Home Control Construction Incorporated Cortransport Corporation Cr8Tive Boxes And Labels Corporation
873 Moret Mla ............... (02)8740-2983 2464 Espiritu Mla ........... (02)8525-8365 9 Marian Rd II Pque ........ (02)8808-9181 8333 Dr A Santos Ave
The World Centre Concept Clothing Co Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)7508-4498
Control Soft System Incorporated Corvette 54 Car Wash And Auto Detailing
Makati ..... (02)8867-8301 4 Edsa Ave Mand ........... (02)8721-6865 Amaremca Bldg QC ........ (02)8294-8395 54 Corvette QC.............(0918)991-7758 Crab N' Crew
Concept One Wheels Controtek Solutions Incorporated Cosine Industries Incorporated 236 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8275-1768
Santolan Rd QC .............. (02)8724-7176 Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8551-2144 10 Maximo Viola QC ....... (02)8364-3361 Cradle Of Learners Inc
Concept Specialist Incorporated Converge Training And I T Services Cosmetigroup Intl Corporation 19 Mayaman QC ............ (02)8254-7772
77 Sct Fuentebella QC .... (02)8376-5621 Co-Creators Bldg Mkna (0977)196-8226 Pearl Bank Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8556-1195 Craffiti Arts & Crafts Store
COMFAC Conceptfoods Marketing Corporation Convexa Promotions Incorporated Cosmic - A Vegan Restaurant & Cafe 22 Jabson Psg ............... (02)8643-3578
SAMPLE The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8869-8526 426 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8661-1791 5057 P Burgos Mkti ..... (0946)770-0000 Crane & Trucking Services
CORPORA- Concepto Conveyance Realty Services Inc 47 Emerald Pque ............ (02)8893-7399
ONLY Cosmo Bells Enterprises
TION 6234 Manalac Mkti.......(0977)729-6322 Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)7728-5317 28-B Madelaine QC ........ (02)8362-6788 Cranecat Trading & Services
Concert 8 Solutions Philippines Cook O' Nut Incorporated Cosmo Dental By Dr Segui And Associates 127 Gen Pio Valenzuela
Incorporated 364 Apo Mand ............... (02)8534-6781 Eton Centris Walk QC ..... (02)8376-5327 KC ............................. (02)8363-5782
Alco Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8403-4001 Cook's Exchange Cosmo Fortune Corporation Crankworx International Incorporated
Concerted Management Corporation Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8551-7995 Ccmc Cpd Taguig...........(02)8839-0179 912 - 928 Reina Regente
Comfit 154 15th Ave QC ............ (02)8913-3331 Cooking Pot Cosmocare International Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8251-5649
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8921-8230 Concor Medical Supplies And Equipment 4408 Calatagan Mkti ...... (02)7989-1655 37 Maryland QC ............. (02)8570-0190 Cranmore Windows And Doors
Comfort Sole Phil Incorporated 185 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0917)515-0395 Cooko Academy Cosmodent Dental Clinic 100 Granada QC.............(02)8726-5414
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8532-0375 Concord Grafix Corporation 4 E Rodriguez Ave Psg ... (02)8535-7825 Anita Bldg QC ............... (0917)792-3368 Crate & Barrel
Comfort Zone Body And Nail Spa Concord Grafix Bldg Cool Access Refrigeration And Air Cosmolab Manufacturing Co Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)830-3894
1154 B Maceda Mla ....... (02)7759-2793 Pque .......................... (02)7616-5847 Conditioning Services Goldland Bldg QC ......... (0915)496-2875 Crave Burger Ventures Incorporated
Comfort Zone Salon By Ms G Concord Home Depot 2222 Paco Roman Mla . (0919)488-6153 Cosmopack Incorporated Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr
2564 Mangahan Mkti......(02)8808-3889 600 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8734-6809 Cool Airconditioning And Refrigeration 956 C Barangka Dr QC ............................. (02)8477-6010
Comic Quest Incorporated Concord Metals Incorporated Industries Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8533-7162 Craveyard Ipil-Ipil QC ........ (0966)332-8164
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1291 46 J P Bautista KC ......... (02)8287-9933 1816 Concepcion Mkti ... (02)8890-2668 Cosmopolitan Hair And Body Salon Craving Food Services Incorporated
Comlan Telecommunication System Concord Scientific & Chemicalcorp Cool Barbers 1079 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0946)241-3726 Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-1054 Richwell Ctr QC .............. (02)8961-3562 358 Arnaiz Ave PC ....... (0917)716-4333 Cosmopolitan Memorial Chapels And Mand ......................... (02)8635-6088
Comm & Sense Incorporated Concorde Cool Made Power Service Center Crematory Craytive Advertising
Phil First Bldg Mkti..........(02)8822-3729 2003 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8522-2365 F B Harrison PC .............. (02)8552-7692 332 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8242-5499 12 V Cruz SJ .................. (02)8703-0137

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:40 2022 - P39

40 S C M Y K


Crazy Chef Crosshatch Graphics & Printing Station Ctpaule Hauling Services Cvustos Barbershop D Urban Retail Concepts Incorporated
Maginhawa Food Park 85 Lilac Cor Panorama 1 Ilo-Ilo QC ................... (0905)845-7643 San Roque Psg ............ (0905)510-5459 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-5915
QC ........................... (0936)182-0778 Mkna ......................... (02)7915-3358 Cuadra Transport Service Cwc Interiors Philippines Corporation D V V Cool Master
Crazy Tako Crossroad Marketing E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0999)229-5427 W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8659-6449 39G Kamuning Rd QC .. (0928)614-5824
166 San Juan PC ......... (0916)533-9465 Market Place Bldg Mand . (02)8533-4678 Cuadro Specialists Incorporated Cwc International Incorporated D Visage  Intl Corporation
Crcs Motor Parts Crown Asia Chemicals Corporation Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-4823 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8637-3190 Olympic Hghts Twr 1
206 East Ave KC ............ (02)8962-5827 President Twr QC ........... (02)3412-0639 Cuatrix Consulting Services Company Cxxviii Lyons Realty Corporation QC ............................. (02)8570-2863
Cre8Fully Yours Printing Services Crown Diesel Injection Pumps Service Limited 226 Wilson SJ................(02)8570-1397 D&A Taguig Transient Inn
671 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7239-8000 906 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-0177 Villa Carmen Subd QC .... (02)7796-9877 Cya Industries 20 Sampaloc Taguig .... (0917)811-5255
Create Rsc Technologies Incorporated Crown Event Management II Cuatro Marias Demolition Service 103 Mercedes Ave Psg .. (02)8643-3259 D&G's Catering Services
Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8551-1925 Geremy Bldg QC...........(0945)547-4025 F Manalo SJ ................. (0917)833-8844 Cyan Services Corporation 131 Azucena KC .......... (0916)696-2259
Createch Wellness Corporation Crown Mill Supply Enterprises Incorporated Cuatros J Sports Bar And Grill Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8889-8862 D&J Egg Dealer
Serendra Piazza Taguig (0927)267-1826 Vai Bldg KC .................... (02)8364-5020 236 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Cybalink Solutions 55 Bagumbong KC ....... (0905)318-8473
Createmoto Corporation Crown Regency Hotels & Resorts Psg .......................... (0915)411-3682 Smb Prestige Bldg Psg . (0998)592-2942 D&L Medical Supply & Apparel
Corporate 145 QC .......... (02)8560-0509 1026 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .. (02)8845-0211 Cube Root Farming Cyber Frontier Electronics Trading Inc Bambang Mla ............... (0916)700-7828
Creative Affairs Team Incorporated Crown Services Transport Management & Tramo PC.....................(0905)466-1510 Palmera Heights Cainta D&V Southern Logistics
158 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (02)8671-2698 Consultancy Inc Cubesystem Rizal...........................(02)8284-2834 22 F Pasco Ave Psg ..... (0920)616-0464
Creative Building System Congressional Town Ctr R&R Bldg QC ............... (0966)863-3694 Cyber One D' Coco Food & Beverage Corporation
The Centerpoint Bldg QC ............................. (02)7255-3609 Cubizone Philippines Corporation Cyber One QC ................ (02)8687-7309 124 P Cruz Mand ........... (02)8534-6288
Psg ............................ (02)8463-8470 Crown Synergy Trading Corporation Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8655-4239 Cyber Parj Internet Cafe D' Creative Hub Corporation
Creative Claw Printing Services Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8631-0422 Cucina Di Camila 5009 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8376-0364 41 G Roxas QC ............ (0917)592-9668
De Castro Ave Psg ....... (0908)698-7922 Crownsys Consulting Incorporated Country Dr Munt ........... (0917)310-1090 Cybercrime Investigation And Coordinating D' Fabricfield Incorporated
Creative Design Ink Cityland Pioneer Condmn Cucina Di Francesco Center Km 23 L-6 East Svc Rd
B3 L17 Aquarius QC ..... (0917)894-0401 Mand ......................... (02)8634-6772 188 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Dict Bldg QC .................. (02)8920-0101 Munt .......................... (02)8842-4097
Creative Explorers School For Children Crs Appliance Enterprises QC ........................... (0997)471-9094 Cyberone Online Solutions D' Gold & Chrome Plating Specialist
47 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8924-0904 983 North Edsa QC ...... (0916)433-4792 Cucolorific Nail And Lashes Salon Mt Cresta QC................(0917)528-7992 115 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8363-2045
Creative Glass Aluminum World Crs Auto Detailing Greenloft Mkna ............. (0908)528-5411 Cyberwidget D' Great Goldrich Industrial Sales
335C Bf Northwest Pque (02)8288-8021 84 P A Paterno QC ....... (0927)291-4005 Cuddles Pet Grooming And More Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8410-6702 318 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8242-6174
Creative Midima Advertising Cru Concept 320 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8848-3218 Cyberwidget Technologies Incorporated D' Great Iris Industrial Sales Inc
10 San Clemente Psg ..... (02)7215-4218 Bonifacio High Street Cuervorito Craft Burgers Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8516-3704 677 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)7368-9767
Taguig........................(02)8856-1796 1024 J Nakpil Mla ........ (0945)134-1415 Cybress Transport Services Incorporated D' Jure Manpower International Services
Creative Plus Virtual Assistance Services 2267 Nakar Mla..............(02)8564-5208
109 C De Venecia Crumpler Philippines Cueva S Bakery Old Sucat Pque .............. (02)8826-5030
Mand ....................... (0977)281-7310 Alabang Town Ctr 101 Paso De Blas Val ... (0977)190-7850 Cycle Art Marketing D' Magical Journey & Tours
Munt ........................ (0920)477-4561 Cuevas Bread 610 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-7111 313 G De Borja Pat.......(0922)802-7791
Creative Point Incorporated
Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8893-4760 Cruvier Water Refilling Station 102 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)3416-3182 Cycle Haus 406A 7th KC .... (02)8442-5506 D' Original Maki Haus
Rivera KC ..................... (0930)188-9860 Cuevas Kitchen Cyclepathic 683 Banawe QC ............. (02)3411-8767
Creative Resto Concept Incorporated D' Regal Resort
Estancia Mall Psg ........... (02)8632-7489 Cruz Dental Clinic - Muntinlupa City 137B Jasmin QC .......... (0927)834-8120 541 Laura QC ................. (02)8664-0213
1101 Admiralty Bldg Cuillere Elegantes Soirees Corporation Cyclepro Bikes 92 Consul QC ............... (0955)568-6984
Creative Signs Incorporated D'Arcy Commercial Corporation
108 Sto Domingo QC ..... (02)3414-2638 Munt .......................... (02)8514-7877 Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7916-7394 P A Bernardo Mla ......... (0917)504-6008
Cruz Enverga & Lucero Law Offices Cuisine Et Fleur Incorporated Cyma 837 - 839 Tomas Mapua
Creative Solution And Innovation (Cis) Mla ............................ (02)8711-2101
6815 Ayala Av Makati.....(02)8892-8210 Ebc Bldg QC ................... (02)8732-5114 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8654-9970
Philippiness Incorporated D'Best Printing Services
14 Miller Ave QC .......... (0917)625-0593 Cruz F F And Company Incorporated Cukay's Cake Cyms Management Services Incorporated
Jack Built QC..................(02)8635-0722 2011C Edison Mkti ....... (0932)187-3346 Jacinto Apt Psg .............. (02)8477-4289 23 Rotc Hunters Galilan
Creative Wellness Corporation QC ........................... (0915)556-2702
Robinsons Place Metro East Cruz Optical Cul Transport Incorporated Cyns Salon And Spa
Puregold Arcade Val ....... (02)8400-6361 625 Apelo Cruz PC ......... (02)8853-9912 Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0916)470-1336 D'Cole Vintage Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8646-1721 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8470-9289
Creativepro Integrated Marketing Cruz-Munoz Dental Clinic Culinary Events Incorporated Cyprene Medical Inc
1820 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8254-1074 Temple QC ..................... (02)8257-7985 D'Fabrichfield Incorporated - Makati Br
Pioneer Mand ................. (02)8637-2947 Agustin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8633-1178 Federal Hardware Builders Ctr
Creche Learning Hub Crvj Garments And General Merchandise Cultural Publisher Cypress Bomanite Inc
2445 Sulu Mla................(02)7587-4004 Mkti ........................... (02)8819-6186
17 F Manalo Taguig ........ (02)8986-4980 942 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8372-5792 26 Main Ave QC ............. (02)7621-0270
Crystal Cdr World D'Famous Manpower And General Services
Credit Bpo Tech Incorporated Cumer International Corporation Cypress Gardens Condmn Corporation Espana Rd Val .............. (0916)866-1244
One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-5661 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Pacific Place Condmn Cypress Gardens Mkti .... (02)8818-4268
SJ .............................. (02)8705-1193 D'lax Pancit Batil Patong And Eatery
Credit Pilipinas Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8633-4551 Cypress Semiconductor Phils 1002 Dos Castillas Mla.(0917)871-2658
Crystal Infinity Beauty Products Cummins Sales & Service Phils Net One Ctr Taguig ......... (02)8818-0334
West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8638-5052 5th Ave KC ................... (0995)887-8459 D'leaf Diner
Creditbpo Tech Incorporated Mapua Institute Of Technology Cyrus Grafix Design Don Galo Pque ............. (0947)278-3126
Crystal Oasis Water Station Mla ............................ (02)8525-5392 Melendrez Bldg Psg ...... (0915)607-1810
One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-5661 Midland Alley Munt ......... (02)8519-1514 D'Pink Boss Salon De Glamorosa Hair &
Creedrich Car Accessories Cumper Enterprises Cyrus Logistics Incorporated
Crystal Plus Global Phils Incorporated 70 Old Sauyo Rd QC ...... (02)8936-3441 Nail Studio
30 J Banawe QC ............ (02)3412-7388 Armada Hotel Manila P Diego Cera Ave LP .... (0930)542-5451
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8451-1505 Cup Of Kindness Enterprise Mla ............................ (02)8526-1273
Cresto Trading Corporation Crystal Realty Regalb D-24/7 Locksmith And Safe Vault Services
15 5th St Mkna .............. (02)8477-7093 135 E Santos Mkna ........ (02)7903-8275 Cys Interior Design 373 N Domingo SJ ....... (0905)368-7122
Victoria Bldg Mla ............ (02)8521-8819 Cup Oh Bubble Tea Shop 1335 Kundiman Mla ..... (0927)817-4709
Crg Signages Incorporated Crystal Steel Fabricators Philippines D-Link Philippines
2098 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8294-8790 Pasacola QC ................ (0948)684-1311 Cythuis / Arthur's Tailoring Ibp Twr Psg ................... (02)8637-1299
Incorporated Cupcake By Sonia 2203 Taft Mla.................(02)8523-0053
Criker Printing Services Victoria Wave Special Economic Zone D11 Architectural Services
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8353-3112 Czarina Jewelry One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-4158
V Francisco QC ............ (0906)460-8810 KC ............................. (02)8983-6859 Cupido Dental Clinic Makati Cinema Square
Crimsonberry Incorporated Crystalle Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1691 D2 Foam And Bedding Corporation
46 Palawan QC ............ (0995)836-8672 227 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8294-6491
47 East Esteban Abada Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8895-1359 Czarina's Bridal Car And Event Florist
QC ............................. (02)7624-9779 Curated By Klc D`Fort Gunzone
Crystel Hardware 144 J Elizalde Pque ...... (0917)893-5465 30 Wisdom QC.............(0967)500-4198
Crimxon Innovations Inc Pres Quezon Psg ............ (02)8655-6643 23 Bayani Rd Taguig ...... (02)8889-0878
Curo Teknika Inc Czark Mak Corporation Daac Food Center Incorporated
91 Diego Silang Ave Cs Freight Services Incorporated Polaris Ctr Mkti...............(02)8990-9892
Taguig........................(02)8876-7872 Cyberspace Alpha Psg....(02)8575-9000 100 C Palanca Sr Mla ..... (02)8736-6124
Peterson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-3652 Curran Daly And Associates Czaryn's Bilao & Grill
Crisanth Home Builders Services Daanghari Adventist Elementary School
Cs Licuanan Printing Service Robinson Summit Ctre 1034 Bohol Mla............(0995)889-1929 516 Gov A Pascual Nav .. (02)8351-1721
234 Sitio Pugad Lawin 306A M H Del Pilar
LP .............................. (02)8513-8792 Mkti ........................... (02)8479-1756 Czervie Supply Dabu & Associates Law Office
Psg .......................... (0927)755-6668 Curried Away Indian Restaurant 528 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)3488-2591
Criscor Incorporated Edsa QC ......................... (02)8703-0800
Cs Richwood Enterprises Company 1350 Juan Luna Mla.....(0917)129-6973 Czeth Accounting Consultancy Services
J And S Bldg QC.............(02)8921-1849 6B F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-5655 Dac Copy Center
Cursor Project 38 A Mabini Psg ........... (0926)662-5177 7494 Santillian Mkti ........ (02)8703-5879
Crisland Realty Csa Empake Travel And Tours
The Big Orange Bldg KC . (02)8364-5513 B16 L3 Kanlaon QC ........ (02)8255-4513 Dacones Excavation & Plumbing Services
82 Evangelista KC .......... (02)8931-5423 Curtain Central
Crissette Laundry Station 4 Bill QC.......................(0925)568-0995
Paso De Blas Rd Val ..... (0915)633-7509 1020 Dna Concepcion Bldg
15 Angela Mal .............. (0967)778-7278
Curtains By The Lamb
D Daddys Korean Manok
1214 Gelinos Mla ......... (0945)195-7313
Cristal E-College Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8856-9189 24 Nbp Reservation
95 F Balagtas Mkna ........ (02)8654-3285 Daebo Green Pacific Incorporated
Csc Manila Cri Bldg Mla ..... (02)8526-6469 Munt ........................ (0949)411-4665 D & G Store Gold Condmn SJ ............ (02)8705-1907
Cristinas Frozen Meat Csdl Global Logistic Phil Incorporated Cusi-Nah Resto-Bar 26 Ab Abenojar QC.......(0956)841-0865
Public Mkt PC ................ (02)8232-8267 Daekyo Philippines Incorporated
Trinity Bldg Mla .............. (02)8257-0589 2437 Zamora PC .......... (0977)628-9648 D & K Unlimited Fashion Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7915-6674
Cristobal Ads & Concepts Csemscorp (Contractors Fabricators) Custaroonery Manila Ocean Park Mla ... (02)8277-0451
7-B Amaloi QC ............... (02)3416-1878 Daesung Trans & Tours Corporation
Incorporated Sm Mega Mall Mand .... (0949)378-4102 D & L Rice N Shine Non-Specialized Green World Plz Pque ..... (02)8843-2896
Criziel J Steel & Aluminum Fabrication 2252 G Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8781-2655 Customcraft Collection Incorporated Wholesale Trading
8 Mercedes Ave Psg .... (0927)314-7318 Dagupan Animal Clinic
Csm Dental Clinic Edsa Shangri-La Plz Hotel St Catalina QC .............. (0917)372-4010 1765 Dagupan Ext Mla ... (02)5479-6857
Crj Computer Square 2 Pinaglabanan Mla ........ (02)8871-1821 Mand ......................... (02)8633-6552 D & P Medical Equipment And Supplies
20 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8288-3122 Dai-Ichi Orient Pacific Travel & Tours
Csm Publishing Customers Cradle Trading Cityland Vito Cruz Twr 1
CRL Enviromental Corporation Csm Bldg Pque .............. (02)8852-7301 1747 Alabang Zapote Rd Philippine Stock Exch Ctre
Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8813-3726 Mla ............................ (02)8353-0921
Csp International Commodities Corp LP .............................. (02)8874-6168 Psg .......................... (0917)595-1611 Daiben Multimedia Services
Crmj Freight/Cargo Elevator Services Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8634-0270 Customized Item Incorporated D & T Commercial Enterprises
Luzon Ave QC .............. (0942)829-6293 2237 Legarda Mla .......... (02)7090-1615
Csr Furniture Hardware Supply Inc Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8632-9059 217 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8376-1980 Daichi Properties & Devt Incorporated
Cro-Magnon Corporation 812 Espeleta Mla............(02)8733-5665 Customs And Logistics Academy D A M A Manpower Agency Regent Parkway Condmn
Philippine Stock Exch Ctr Css Manpower Services Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)7238-0135 Carmen Bldg PC ............. (02)8405-0120 Taguig........................(02)8816-0872
Pasig ......................... (02)8634-6538 St Michael QC ................ (02)8930-8741 Cut & Fix Int'l Corporation D C Beltran & Associates Cpas Daido Kogyo Co Ltd
Crocodile Tape & Co Incorporated Ct Citimotors Incorporated 150 Maysan Rd Val ........ (02)8376-5397 160 Edsa QC .................. (02)3415-2983 Richville Corporate Twr
Foremost Bldg Mla ......... (02)8736-5081 Citimotors Ctr Bldg Mkti..(02)8815-1177 Cutanda's Resto Bar D F Tinker Bell School Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8809-9202
Crocs Greenbelt 5 Mkti ....... (02)7729-0480 Ct Grafix And Advertising Corp 1812 Ma Orosa Mla......(0930)619-5153 72 Gen Espino Taguig .... (02)8837-0773 Daifu Group Corporation
Crocs Store Trinoma Incorporated P9-02 Villamor PC..........(02)3224-5638 Cutiecle Nail Studio D Jans Auto Parts 2476 Rosa Maio Mla ...... (02)8536-8839
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-1013 Ctbc Bank (Philippines) Corporation 296 C C Gen Luna Mal ... (02)8560-5505 44E Banawe QC ............. (02)8703-8779 Daikin Md Aircon Enterprise
Crofflesph Lgi Bldg SJ.....................(02)8705-7087 Cuts For Toots D K And P Marketing Corporation 5th St KC ..................... (0917)914-2514
46 Crofflesph Taguig .... (0915)661-8490 Ctc Far East Philippines Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr 47 16th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-0848 Daikoku Group Inc
Crombie International Sales Ltd Co Lee Gardens Condmn SJ .............................. (02)8727-6087 D L Cervantes Contruction Corporation 15 St Mary QC ............... (02)7756-1744
45 Sgt E Rivera QC ......... (02)8363-3780 Mand ......................... (02)8571-7974 Cutting Edge Productions Incorporated 884 P Herrera Pat...........(02)8875-8677 Daily Hardware And Builders Supply
Crooner's Glass Aluminum & Steel Ctl Image Enterprises Ricogen Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8894-2431 DPRM 1407-1409 C M Recto Ave
Fabrication Cityland 8 Mkti ............... (02)8882-7406 Cutting Floor Barber Shop Pnp Natl Headquaters Mla ............................ (02)8711-5721
25 J Aguilar Ave LP ........ (02)7219-2090 Ctm Ceramic Tiles & More Don Jesus Blvd Munt....(0905)377-6598 QC ............................. (02)8724-6258 Daily Harvest Asia Pacific Incororated
Crosscoop Manila C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8656-6176 Cutz N' Tatz Barber Shop And Tattoo Studio D Print Station Incorporated 1845 P Mendoza Guazon
Gt Twr Mkti .................... (02)8464-7100 Ctp R E D 1 Corporation 711 Boni Ave Mand ...... (0918)225-9001 262 Mayon QC ............... (02)8784-1251 Mla ............................ (02)8563-3889
Crossfade Video Alternatives Ctp Red 1 Corporation Bldg Cuyler Blinds D Three Pest Management Services Daily Nail Salon
7616 Guijo Mkti..............(02)8442-8691 Munt .......................... (02)8856-7758 Veterans Rd Taguig ...... (0917)788-5745 43D Lt Artiaga Steet SJ...(02)7758-6357 Gil Fernando Ave Mkna . (0998)998-6245

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41 S C M Y K


Daily Veggie N Cafe Danrey Flyer Domestic Tours & Travel Dc Chua Customs Brokerage Dela Chambre Hotel
114 Sto Domingo Ave Green Bldg Munt ............ (02)8403-7604 1010 Bldg Mla................(02)8404-2571 667-669 Plz La Chambre
QC ............................. (02)8711-8209 Dante A Ang And Associate Incorporated Dc Dental Care Mla ............................ (02)8242-0414
Daimac Machineries Trb Bldg Mla .................. (02)8525-8578 170 Pag Asa Psg ......... (0915)137-0155 Dela Cruz Store
A Bonifacio QC ............... (02)3412-8983 2209 Leveriza PC ......... (0946)982-5434 DELTA
Dante's Auto Electrical Repair Service Dc Fiber And Chemicals Trading
Dairo Aire Corporation 79 A East Jacinto QC....(0915)773-5876 27 Gen Luna Taguig ..... (0939)321-6848 Dela Merced N And Sons Incorporated STAR
18 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8886-0622 Dantes Radiator Enterprises Corp Dc Mancita Builders Inc Sales Moter Bldg QC ...... (02)8373-3229 POWER
Daiso 271 A Bonifacio Av J&L Bldg Mand .............. (02)8725-3501 Dela Torre And Co Inc ENGINEERING
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Quezon City................(02)8363-6394 Dc Manufacturing 30-38 Hyacinth
Psg ............................ (02)8645-8216 Daphne Trucking Services 1618 Sitio Malinis Val ..... (02)8363-7199 Muntinlupa ................. (02)8809-0551
Daiso Japan E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ... (02)3412-8375 Dcl Asia Delano Taxi Philippines
Robinson Place  Manila Dapo At Tisa 5 The One Executive Bldg 1614 Ilang-Ilang KC......(0910)885-8088
Mla .......................... (0932)217-5649 77 Lilac Mkna .............. (0917)309-3111 QC ............................. (02)3415-0548 Delaware Managed Services And It Delta4 Security Services Incorporated
Daisy Skin Care Center & Pharmacy Inc Dapper District Barbershop & Lounge Dcm Oven Incorporated Consulting Inc Sunnyville Bldg Mla ...... (0918)363-4444
Landsdale Arcade QC ..... (02)8372-4456 President's Grove Pque ... (02)8552-0896 Equitable Rd LP .............. (02)8801-4009 Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)8556-1246 Deltamike Security Inc
Daisy's Skincare Center Daquila Drugstore Dct Holdings And Motor Services Delco Telecoms Incorporated 96 Guirayan QC ............ (0977)801-1202
Landsdale Arcade QC ..... (02)8372-4445 1617 Herrera Mla ......... (0936)408-6582 1150 Edsa QC ................ (02)8367-7976 Makati Cinema Square Deltaplast Company
Daj Car Wash Center Dara's Pizza Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1311 672 T Santiago Val ......... (02)7261-3244
Dct Trading
J P Rizal Mkti ............... (0995)884-2817 Senatorial Rd QC .......... (0961)208-7056 138 Sto Domingo QC ..... (02)8363-1812 Delco Wood Products Corporation Deluxe Business Services Incorporated
Dajhec Trucking Services Daraejung Korean Restaurant National Rd Munt............(02)8862-1380 1502 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8516-2943
Ddc Coolmakers & Power Builders Corp
117 Rd 20 QC .............. (0939)903-9097 The Fort Strip Taguig .... (0917)561-8282 479 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Delfa Internet Cafe Dembersoft Technology Inc
Dakila Trading Corporation Daraoay Bbo Nfa Rice Dealer QC ............................. (02)8726-5627 99 Evangelista Ave Psg (0920)938-9782 669 Coronado Mand.....(0928)121-6097
613 Calderon 245 Marne SJ ................ (02)7264-4925 Delfa Star International Corporation Demo Power Phils Incorporated
Ddc Group Of Companies Binondo Warehouse Depot
Mandaluyong ............. (02)8724-7511 Darling & Borela Tire Supply Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ...... (02)8710-5843 367 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8990-6025
Dakt Toys Incorporated B31 L9 Regalado Ave Mla ............................ (02)8254-8032 Den & Coby Hunger Station
Riverbanks Mall Mkna .... (02)8941-6065 Ddst Porcelain Plates Delfas Turmeric Seven In One
QC ........................... (0977)366-5813 204 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)535-4533 236 Afp Rd QC ............. (0956)650-0203
Dalat Authentic Vietnamese Cuisine Darren's Pizza House 39 Zamboanga QC ....... (0998)532-2411
De Guzman Group Of Companies Den M V O Lending Corporation
7467 Bagtikan Mkti ...... (0915)139-7979 Dove QC ...................... (0999)333-1856 Deli In The City 20-C Pearl Pque ............. (02)8875-7174
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8851-7092 Captain Musni Pat ........ (0927)647-2121
Dalco Waterproofing Trading Darumaya Japanese Food Center Dencio's Bar Restaurant
535 Commonwealth Av Cartimar International Shopping Ctr De Guzman Hardware Deli Mondo Food Specialties Inc
306 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3416-0051 Tomas Morato Ave QC ... (02)3415-6366
Quezon City................(02)8931-0890 PC ............................. (02)8831-0114 Jaka Ctr Mkti .................. (02)8893-5531
De Jesus Steel Sales Company Limited Denco 549 F Torres Mla ..... (02)8733-7699
Dale Carnegie Philippines Darwin Photography & Videography Delia Employment Agency
3-B La Salle QC .............. (02)8912-5177 796 Aurora QC ............... (02)8721-2521 Dencorp Travel And Tours
Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8844-2178 Services Mindanao Ave QC.........(0927)605-7887
Dales Star Enterprises 16 E Corregidor QC ........ (02)8453-3195 De La Salle - College Of Saint Benilde Deliboy Foods Incorporated
2544 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8230-5100 168 Shopping Mall 5 Deng Feng Trading
44 Esguerra QC .............. (02)3415-6644 Dash Cleaning Services 1402 Narra Mla .............. (02)8255-2687
Dalkem Corporation Soho Mallorca Bldg De Leon Ip Law Firm Mla ............................ (02)8708-0829
De Leon Ip Law Firm QC . (02)7959-4224 Delica Edsa Mand...............(02)8722-3140 Denim Ignition Clothing Incorporated
700-A Del Monte Ave Taguig......................(0917)844-2332 Festival Super Mall Munt.(02)8831-1087
QC ........................... (0998)984-8721 Data Computer Forms Incorporated De Lunas Dental Clinic Delicane
Starmall Mand ................ (02)8722-0302 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8242-5991 Deniro's Rolex QC.............(0916)280-7527
Dalta Management Incorporated 86 Domingo M Guevara
Perpetual Help Medical Ctr Mand ......................... (02)8531-0375 De Luxe Canvas And Upholstery Supply Delicious Resto Denmark Construction Company
LP .............................. (02)8836-4400 688 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8242-9533 173 Gen Luna Mal ........ (0925)555-7707 162 Ortigas Ext Ave Psg . (02)8656-0191
Data Motor Sales Corporation
Dam Dam Manpower Services West Ave QC .................. (02)8373-0808 De Luxe Home Design Center Incorporated Delifrance Philippines Incorporated Dennis And Danica Dental Clinic
1521 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8516-3651 1450 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-1843 37 Kalinangan Psg ......... (02)8642-0021 1007 Bilibid Viejo Mla ..... (02)8736-6613
Data Salvage And Recovery Incorporated
Damak Filipino Korean Restaurant 440 Alabang - Zapote Rd De Luxe Mirror & Aluminum Supply Delimondo Dennis Dental Clinic And Laboratory
Commonwealth Ave LP .............................. (02)8847-3258 4th St KC ....................... (02)8361-0957 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)582-8119 San Rafael Mla ............. (0905)236-4694
QC ........................... (0917)850-4596 Databliz De Ruedas Construction Corporation Delish Food Incorporated Dennis Vasquez Dmd Dental Clinic
Damoa Tech Incorporated Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8777-9158 1036 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8332-9223 Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8553-8330 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8687-7629 Datacore Technologies Inc Delivery Guy Ph SJ .............................. (02)8726-3215
De Vera-Velarde Dental Clinic
Dampa Express 195 Carriedo SJ ............. (02)7728-9827 Graceland Plz Mkna ........ (02)8570-2773 1455 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)3488-7676 Denny's Enterprises Incorporated
Holy Spirit Dr QC ............ (02)7750-4460 Datamax Copy Center Delixu Trading Corporation 30 C Arellano Mal ........... (02)8281-4477
De Villa Ref And Aircon Services
Dampa Express (Don Antonio) Almar Sudbivision KC ..... (02)8251-9321 Mh Del Pilar KC ............ (0916)627-7755 21 Gen Capinpin Psg .... (0917)325-3369 Denovo Diamonds
Holy Spirit Dr QC ............ (02)7750-4460 Dataview Delizalicious Food Trading Century City Mall Mkti.....(02)7955-1509
De-Aces Office Enterprises Denovo Express Endeavours Corporation
Dampa Express (Dona Soledad Paranaque) Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1513 Alejandrino Cpd Psg ....... (02)8785-1764 B1 L17 Ather Psg ......... (0917)758-1898
Tripletech Bldg Pque.....(0927)229-8760 Dataview Computer Center Delizio Fine Foods Incorporated 2139 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8353-1000
Dea Dia Salon Denpack Dental Supply
Dampa Express (Tandang Sora - Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8926-9817 75 Rd 1 QC .................. (0908)500-5387 Ctf Twr Mand ................. (02)8531-8467
Crossroad) Datem Incorporated Dell Philippines 122 Maryland QC ........... (02)8725-1811
Deac Filipinas Pawnshop Incorporated Denpres Dental Depot Corporation
610 Tandang Sora Ave Twin Oaks Place Condmn 1620 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8521-4088 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)7728-3355
QC ............................. (02)8366-5484 Mand ......................... (02)8477-8738 Delos Lapaz Batchoy Inc 2026 C M Recto Mla ...... (02)8521-6081
Deal Freight Services Denroc Manpower Services
Dampa Express Fairview Datrima Packaging & Ind'l Corporation 5099 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)8983-5898 2258 Chino Roces Mkti .. (02)8403-2936
Brittany Square QC ....... (0915)923-2596 7 T Santiago Val ............. (02)8292-2034 Delos Reyes E Optical Sikatuna Vill QC ............ (0917)127-8508
Dealwis Philippines Corporation 542 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8733-0086 Densen Custom Brokerage
Dampa Express Kamias Datronicsoft Incorporated One Global Place Taguig . (02)7989-1828
Akts-150 Bldg QC ........ (0917)871-1700 One Corporate Ctr Twr Delphioil Corporation Gkg Bldg QC ................ (0917)636-3729
Dear Alice Nail Lounge Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8555-0525 Denso 123 D Tuazon QC .... (02)8376-2183
Dampa Express Pasig - Pioneer Center Psg ............................ (02)8667-3700 Three Central Mall Mkti ... (02)8839-2967
Pioneer Psg..................(0966)642-7127 Davao Crocodile Park Incorporated Delroy French Pandesal Densworth Corporation
Decades Bar & Restaurant 268 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0945)519-7522 78 Pelaez Pque ............ (0966)139-6733
Dampalit Elementary School Roxas Blvd PC ............... (02)8833-5680 Metrowalk Coml Cplx
Nadala Mal ..................... (02)8441-6023 Davao Light And Power Company Delsons Oil Seal And Packings Marketing Denta Derm
Psg ............................ (02)8638-3730 252 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)5311-7235 141 Mo Ignacia QC ........ (02)3416-2620
Dan C Bañas & Co CPA's Aboitiz Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8231-2556
Decal Network 811 - Sticker Shop Delta 4 Security Services Inc Dentafix Dental Clinic
Gedcor Bldg Parañaque .. (02)8825-2251 Daves Flower & Balloons 2049 Vision Mla ........... (0956)933-3766
Danah's Garden 1633 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)8732-3508 1008 Quirino Ave Mla ..... (02)8256-6880 Landsdale Twr QC .......... (02)8372-7807
Decal Republic Chuck Delta Broadcasting System Incorporated Dentagem Dental Clinic
6 Calaca QC ................. (0916)778-0082 Daves Fun House 51 Congressional Ave Ext
Danamic And Static Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8844-8985 Amvel Pque .................... (02)8552-3654 73 Geneva Mkna .......... (0915)905-2642
QC ........................... (0917)340-0141 Delta Designs+Construct Dental Breath Therapy Clinic
Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8846-6580 David & William Incorporated
Prime Block Mla ............. (02)8252-2582 Decals District Lilly QC ........................ (0926)756-7667 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8936-7398
Danateq Philippines Incorporated 77 2nd St Psg .............. (0975)369-9487
Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8551-6470 David Garmsen Photography Delta Lighting Philippines Corporation Dental Care Clinic
23-A Subic Pque .......... (0917)541-7852 Decipak Incorporated Dasma Corporate Ctr 80 President Ave Pque ... (02)8478-8304
Dancing Light Art Spa Corporation 81 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-2109
Corporate Ctr Munt ......... (02)8511-8576 David Link (Manila) Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8241-1123 Dental Caress Orthodental Clinic
2733 Zenaida Mkti .......... (02)8818-4220 Decision Science Management Consulting Morning Star Bldg Mla .... (02)3450-8150
Dandel Industrial Services Trade And Financial Twr Dental City Philippines
130 President M L Quezon
David S Flower Shop
2372 Taft PC .................. (02)7473-3394 Taguig......................(0917)895-6656 DELTA STAR POWER Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-7890
Deck Master Marine Dental Harmony Oral Care Centre
Danden Airconditioning Services
168 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave
David Salons
177E Dna Soledad Ave Remedios Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg ENGINEERING 253 Shoe Ave Mkna ....... (02)8425-2074
PC ........................... (0928)474-3602 Pque .......................... (02)8821-9908 Mla ............................ (02)8525-1771 Dental Health Office
Dane And Zade Shop Recycles Dawnpurple Incorporated Deckowall Joshua Ctr Mla ............... (02)8404-2318
19 St Philip Ave Pque ... (0945)441-9156 One Corporate Ctr Twr 7648 Cityland 9 Mkti ...... (02)8828-4569 Dental Palace
Danfer Sea And Air Cargo Services Inc Psg ............................ (02)8470-0028 Deco Art Glass Incorporated Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8517-6990
819 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-2247 Dawson's Kitchen 88 Capitol Hills Dr QC ..... (02)8952-0331 Dental World Manila
Danfross 146-A Roosevelt Ave Deco Plus Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0373
5548 Osmena Hwy Mkti . (02)8988-2610 QC ........................... (0961)540-9201 2232 Espana QC ............ (02)8712-2116 Dental-Optical Clinic
Daniel Hechter Day Don Don Don Korean Buffet/Don Day Decopro Incorporated Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8361-1149
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8634-6757 Fresh 69 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8332-6776 Dentaworx Dental & Medical Supplies
Daniel Travel & Tours Incorporated Sunshine Blvd Plz QC ..... (02)8709-7500 Decor Option Marketing 105 Asuncion KC ......... (0915)411-3326
Golden Empire Twr Mla .. (02)8354-6573 Day1 Tech Inc 13 Lagmay SJ ................ (02)8984-1178 Dentfix Dental Clinic
Daniel's Bakeshop 62 Thomas Pque ............ (02)8579-3130 Decorea Incorporated 6000 Gen T De Leon Rd
351 Congressional Ave Ext Dayang Hirang Dental Care Clinic East Twr Tektite Bldg Val ........................... (0917)662-1200
QC ............................. (02)8290-8601 Rgm Ctr Pque ................ (02)7968-6031 Psg ............................ (02)8655-9944 Dentsply Philippines
Danielle Engineered Products Inc Dayaos House Of Fashion Decovault Incorporated Yl Holdings Bldg Mkti......(02)8810-3125
2 C Alberto Las Piñas ..... (02)8872-7959 Park & Shop Bldg Pque .. (02)8546-1965 Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8354-3450 Dentsu Jayme Syfu
Danielles Crafted Pizza Dayben Refrigeration And Airconditioning Dedipo Furniture Depot United Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8705-7880
24 Pasco Ave Psg ........ (0915)642-4962 Services 56 Centro Val ............... (0917)597-7596 Deo Gracias
Danilo C Mancita Incorporated 42 F Balagtas QC..........(0998)417-2716 Dehta Restaurant 12 11th Jamboree QC .. (0917)708-8727
J&L Bldg SJ ................... (02)8725-3501 Dayrit's Incorporated Edsa Ave QC .................. (02)8584-5698 See Adv under Electric Transformers Deovir
Danilo I Feliciano & Associates Structural Paseo De Magallanes Del Cap Bicycle Shop Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-4026
Engineers Mkti ........................... (02)8854-9943 Republic Ave QC .......... (0918)620-8698 e-mail: Derm Care Luxe
Herrera Tower Makati ..... (02)8845-1303 Daystar Industries Incorporated Del Rosario & Del Rosario Law Offices [email protected] Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8355-6064
Danitech Power System Inc 1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8561-8888 Del Rosario Law Ctre Derm Strata
15 Talisay Dazzling Lite Enterprises Taguig........................(02)5317-7888 1613 Samuel Quezon Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8451-2973
Caloocan City ............. (02)8281-4030 City Land 10 Twr 2 Mkti . (02)8478-8702 Del Sol Foods Incorporated City ......... (02)8939-5431 Dermasia Corporation
Danitech Power System Incorporated Dbm - Department Of Budget & 369 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Or Call ....... (02)8936-8621 / 8937-1181 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1565
Talisay KC ...................... (02)8962-8239 Management Psg ............................ (02)8640-4237 Or Call ....... (02)8939-5432 / 8939-5433 Dermfocus Skin Center Incorporated
Danjon Marketing Dbm Bldg 3 Mla ............. (02)8657-3300 Del Valle & Rob Les Law Ofcs Or Call............................(02)8939-5434 Amv Bldg Mkti .............. (0929)273-9675
14 Engineering Mal.........(02)8363-2346 Dc Sm Mall Of Asia PC ....... (02)8804-1819 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8706-4473 1621 Samuel Dermlink Facial Center & Skinclinic
Danmar Fruit Stand Dc Builder Steel Industrial Corporation Del's Laundry Shop Quezon City....................(02)8939-0278 1028 A S Arnaiz Ave
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0919)812-9073 L2 B46C Pampano Mal...(02)8985-1636 De Leon Holy Spirit QC . (0939)601-5288 Mkti ........................... (02)8845-4697

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42 S C M Y K


Dermtrends Dhon Lawrence Refrigeration Aircon And Digits Trading Corporation Diva Nail Salon And Spa Dobim International Manpower Services
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8243-1941 Ducting Parts Supply 56 Mayor Ignacio S Diaz Cash And Carry Mall 1347 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8355-7615
Dermwin Facial Center & Beauty Salon D E Rodriguez QC ........... (02)3414-4879 QC ............................. (02)8654-2301 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-2145 Dobro
1616 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0928)709-8822 Di'mark's Pizzeria Digivision Video Studio Diver's Depot 3342-C Harvard Mkti .... (0961)758-7056
Derudz Auto Care 589 Wack-Wack Rd Morning Sun Condmn 50 Stuttgart Psg ........... (0927)563-6043 Doc Ferds Animal Wellness Center
Ilaya Munt .................... (0917)327-7600 Mand ......................... (02)8723-5008 Mkti ........................... (02)7751-8092 Divergence Hr Consulting Group 5 Landsdale Arcade QC .. (02)8376-3251
Derudz Autocare Dia Gems And Pearls Diligence Cafe Philippine Axa Life Ctre Doc Pete Veterinary Service
83 Ilaya Munt ............... (0906)498-7600 Greenshills Shopping Ctr Elizabeth Hall QC .......... (0917)632-8455 Mkti ......................... (0917)621-2758 3339 Harvard Mkti..........(02)8882-0192
Deshenyo Prints & Gift Shop SJ ............................ (0995)223-2180 Diliman Animal Bite Treatment Center Diverse It Innovations Incorporated Docnic Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Cooper QC ................... (0917)458-8882 Dia Shiel Fimar Arcade QC ............ (02)8920-6821 Francesca Twr QC .......... (02)8921-3124 Centuria Medical City
Design & Function Incorporated Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Diliman Christian Academy Diversi Pharmamed Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8863-0626
Prestige Twr Condmn QC ........................... (0929)692-2924 508-A Tandang Sora Ave Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8570-7231 Docs @ Dent Medical And Dental Clinic
Psg ............................ (02)8633-5394 Dial @ Door Corporation QC ............................. (02)8931-9280 Diversified Coating Services 38 Gen Ordonez Mkna .... (02)8475-3590
Design 1508 281-D Roosevelt Ave Diliman Dental Clinic E Fernandez SJ...............(02)8723-6209 Doctor Caparas Clinic
Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8895-9187 QC ............................. (02)3412-4316 Regray Bldg QC ............ (0917)317-2897 Diversified Lighting Enterprises Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8536-1816
Design 3 Incorporated Dial At Door Dillingers 1903 1348 Soler Mla...............(02)8735-2922 Doctor Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital
Abc Bldg QC .................. (02)8952-0454 Rl Reyes Bldg Psg .......... (02)7238-4229 Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7621-6790 Divina Law Offices Lope De Vega Mla .......... (02)8733-8537
Design Ambience Inc Dialogue Telecom Dimension Industries Inc Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8822-0808 Doctor Leather
Ortigas Center Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8355-3091 57 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8361-4597 Divine Life Pet Clinic And Grooming Center Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Pasig City...................(02)8813-8466 Diamant Manufacturing And Trading Dimensional Service Corporation Emerald Square QC ...... (0916)643-7127 SJ .............................. (02)8650-0955
South Star Plz Mkti ......... (02)8894-2310 Divine Trinity Learning Academy Inc Doctor Pc
Design Armada Corporation
First Capital Condmn 344 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8511-1436 Dimjoy Frozen Food Trading 28 Forest Hills Subd QC..(02)8355-9416 Lrt Northmall KC ........... (0917)857-2645
Mkti ......................... (0945)846-6100 154-A 15th Ave QC ........ (02)8660-8037 Diy Pest Control Expert Doctors Ocariza Dental Clinic
Diamante Baking Co
Design Crest Furniture Component Marcelo Pque ............... (0917)815-0452 Dimson (Manila) Incorporated Mb Bldg QC..................(0917)500-6907 Santolan Rd Val ............ (0908)889-4379
458 Tomas Pinpin Mla ... (02)8242-4474 12B Liwayway QC .......... (02)8374-5936 Dizon Tiendesitas Psg ...... (0922)242-9783 Doctors Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Diamond Aluminum And Glass Supply Dineplay Cafe
Design Nio Furniture L11 B1 Commonwealth Ave Dizon Billiards Amj Industrial Cplx
Unicentre Bldg KC ........ (0905)701-4068 182 Kalantiaw QC...........(02)8931-6453 Taguig........................(02)8553-5653
2 Xavierville Ave QC......(0917)125-8048 QC ............................. (02)8931-0679
Diner Streat Doculogic Photocopy Center
Design Solutions Advertising Services Diamond Dry Mortar Incorporated Bautista Munt ............... (0960)512-7150 Dizon Farms
E Rodriguez Ave Pque .... (02)7792-0737 Fortune Bldg Psg ............ (02)8571-7869 Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8886-7773 41 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0925)303-4991
Diner's Plate Bistro Dodo
Designblue Manila Diamond Electronics And Services 100 Timog Ave QC ......... (02)8525-3800 Dizzy Mrs Lizzy Self-Service Laundromat
Adamson Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8894-3426 711 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8734-7803 7519 Santillan Mkti.......(0966)761-5463 Sm Aura Premier
Dinerpro Incorporated Taguig......................(0906)207-4747
Designcraft Incorporated Diamond Finance Corp Greenhills Shopping Ctr Diño Memorial Chapels
Bernabe Pque ................. (02)8825-8124 622 Congressional Ave Doeleur Electrosystems Incorporated
603 Edsa Diamond Bldg SJ .............................. (02)8723-7485 Kennedy Ctr Bldg Munt ... (02)8478-4347
Designdust Graphic And Web Design QC ............................. (02)8721-2413 QC ........................... (0975)509-1328
Ding Velayo Incorporated Dogaholics
Sto Cristo QC ............... (0936)932-0838 Diamond Graphics Printing Services Greenhills Shopping Ctr Dj Billion Fortunes Incorporated
M Place Condmn QC ...... (02)8546-7997 Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8256-4786
Designer Blooms Cafe Villongco QC ................ (0999)726-5495 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1465
Dj Cycle Ride Dogengine.Com
Molito Coml Ctr Munt ..... (02)8850-8108 Diamond H Marine Services Ding-Ding Pharmacy 36 Walnut QC ................. (02)3431-1214
Designplus Trading Enterprises Emilia Scandic Palace Molave Payatas B QC ... (0920)812-0357 903 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0966)360-2822
Djf Auto Supply Dogs And The City
Camp Graezar QC ........... (02)3455-6491 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-4519 Dingfeng Travel And Tours Corporation Ayala Malls The 30th
Designs Lya Armovit Incorporated Diamond Laboratories Incorporated Global Enterprise Bldg 957 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8937-5539
Psg ............................ (02)8721-9159
25A Moonlight Loop QC . (02)8646-1549 8 Feria Rd QC ................. (02)8931-1179 Mkti ........................... (02)8808-9105 Djl Guam-P I Incorporated
Taft Ave PC .................... (02)8556-6025 Dohtonbori Philippines Incorporated
Desiguel Diamond Motors Corporation Diño Memorial Chapels Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-4576
Century City Mall Mkti.....(02)8403-0344 100 E Rodriguez Jr Ave 622 Congressional Ave Djli Enterprises Doitsu Trading Limited Company
Despi's Place Condotel Suites Psg ............................ (02)8672-1244 QC ........................... (0975)509-1328 62 Meadwood Twnhms 114 B Serano KC............(02)8367-1277
69 Sierra Madre Mand .. (0997)239-7440 Diamond Star Agro Products Incorporated Dinskie Salon QC ........................... (0915)222-2666
Dojo Supremo
Detail Corner Garage Sunyu Bldg 2 Taguig ...... (02)8838-4436 1600 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Djr Printing Services Ymc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8777-4982
B41 L10 Waling-Waling Diana Stalder By Dermaline Direct Sales Psg ............................ (02)8641-4820 18-H Gold QC...............(0956)793-8695
Dok Alternatibo Corporation
Mkti ......................... (0948)225-9636 New Edsa Central Mall Dio-San General Merchandise Djt-Mega Industrial Corporation Cya Land PC .................. (02)8553-7620
Detpak Packaging Philippines Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8631-4941 1741 A M Maceda Mla ... (02)8741-5296 38 Rd 12 Mla ................. (02)8713-7918
Doktors Generic Pharmacy Incorporated
100 M Concepcion Ave Dianzon Commercial Dioquel A Gubatan Cpa Dk 46 Internet Cafe Phoenix Sun Business Park
Psg ............................ (02)8628-4977 107E Letre Mal ............... (02)8351-4596 Egi Twr Mla .................. (0942)754-2180 Magsaysay Blvd Mla .... (0912)373-8856 QC ............................. (02)8913-7752
Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Diao Eng Chay Chinese Deli Diorella Dksh Philippines Inc Dolands Bar & Restaurant
V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8651-5100 City Lifestyle Bldg QC ..... (02)8376-3219 Congressional Cirle C Mall Cyber Sigma Bldg Dian Mkti......................(0919)579-7678
Devconcepts Ph Diatech Success Group Incorporated QC ........................... (0936)878-8895 Taguig........................(02)8548-3240
Puno Bldg QC.................(02)8925-0565 190 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8936-1669 Dip Design Innovation Philippines Dl Cervantes Construction Corporation 1616 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8425-0313
Development Bank Of The Phils Marikina Dice205 Digital Corporation The One Executive Ofc Bldg 20 Seminary Rd QC ........ (02)8352-0725 Dolci Divino Incorporated
37 G Fernando Ave Aabrogena Bldg Mand .... (02)8781-0341 QC ............................. (02)8788-5225 Dlb International Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Mkna ......................... (02)8477-6922 Diceric Dental Clinic Direc Business Solutions Incorporated Miramonte Bldg PC ........ (02)8831-8974 Mand ......................... (02)8631-0420
Devere Group 401 Edsa Park Hse II Isabel And Sons Bldg Dlc Dental Health Studio
Mla ............................ (02)8731-1136 Dollie's Sans Rival
Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8856-7020 Mkti ........................... (02)7729-3469 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1367 42 Washington Pque ...... (02)8822-1469
Devine Electrical Trading And Services Direct Consumer Marketing Incorporated Dlc Foods Incorporated
Dickies 660 Calderon Mand ........ (02)8726-6681 Dollitas Laundry Services
6A Dets Family QC ......... (02)8426-8675 999 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8288-1512 South Supermarket Val ... (02)8292-9883 151A Balagtas PC ........ (0977)142-7747
Direct Link Insurance Dlc Trade Ctr Incorporated
Devkinetics Dictech Door Shutter Works One Ucpb Gen Bldg Dolly Hair Salon
Mercedes Ave Psg ....... (0917)175-3109 958 Bohol Mla..............(0917)780-5362 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ............. (02)8984-8443 373 M Naval Nav .......... (0920)206-0593
Pque .......................... (02)8828-2000 Dld Motor Zone And Tire Center
Devt Bank Of The Phils Diebold Philippines Incorporated Direct Shopping Incorporated Dolojan Enterprises
2538 Mc Arthur Hwy Val (02)8294-9605 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8811-0005 1894 Cavite Mla ........... (0926)674-0470 Cluster C Taguig ............. (02)8846-8846
Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)8931-4077 Dlm Concept Inc
Dewan Design Office Incorporated Diegas Grill & Bar Directories Philippines Corporation Dolores Pancit Malabon
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8470-8148 161 N Domingo QC ...... (0916)194-4917 Hon Soliven Ave Psg ...... (02)8238-0419 32 Gov Pascual Ave Mal . (02)8282-0409
2322 Don Chino Roces Av Ext Dlr Private Resort
Dewfoam Dielle's Apiary And Meadery Enterprises Makati ........................ (02)8555-8500 Dolphin Environmental Control
San Rafael Navotas ........ (02)8522-9187 23 Lavender Munt .......... (02)8662-0086 49 Congressional Ave Ext Union Ajinomoto Bldg
Discovery Barn Preschool QC ........................... (0915)762-3244
Dexact Printing Services Diesel Clutch International Incorporated 8 Missouri SJ ............... (0917)558-1891 Mkti ........................... (02)8890-6547
Dre Bldg Mla .................. (02)8524-3972 Dls-Sti Mega Clinic Incorporated Domani Trading Incorporated
8270 Dr A Santos Ave Discovery Haulers Inc Agustin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8584-8498
Dexicon Industries Corporation Pque ........................ (0930)915-8464 Bonita Nav ..................... (02)8401-2978 Lpl Twr Mkti ................... (02)8478-9415
10 Delos Reyes QC ........ (02)7341-2310 Dm Wenceslao & Associates Incorporated Domingo Multi Corporation
Dif Printing Services Discovery Integrated Academy Roxas Blvd Pque ............ (02)8853-2589
Dexterminator Termite Control Service 34 18th Ave QC ............ (0999)701-0956 168 Pasig Blvd Psg ...... (0917)140-3213 535 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-3431
Philippines Dmark Solutions Domingo Store
Different Dimension Travel & Tours Discovery Primea Mccm Bldg QC ............... (02)3411-1040
71 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0917)190-5454 North Rd QC...................(02)3414-3697 6749 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7955-8888 857 Tayuman Mla .......... (02)8253-2190
Dexters Pizza Foodsystems Incorporated Dmc Health Care Center Dominguez Marketing Communications Inc
Digi Lighting Inc Disenyo At Istilo Furniture 1213 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8230-2353
19 Gladiola LP................(02)8952-4427 The Facilities Ctr Mand ... (02)8531-1728 Commonwealth Ave Metropolitan Terraces Condmn
QC ........................... (0915)388-4202 Dmc Stainless Steel Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7088
Dextrans Worldwide Philippines Digi Stamps 148 Macarthur Hwy
Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0932)562-4573 Disenyong Pambahay Dominic Construction Inc
Val ........................... (0917)893-5032 229 Basilan
3 Sta Agueda Ave Pque .. (02)8853-5523 Digicare Medical Products Incorporated 88 Congressional Ave
QC ............................. (02)3454-8965 Dmci Homes Mandaluyong ............. (02)8533-0788
Deyapco Trading Corporation 500 Pina Ave Mla ........... (02)8716-5935 C5 Access Rd Taguig ..... (02)7504-6869
746 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-2905 Diserv Corporation Dominic Petshop
Digidocks Printing Specialist Dmh Beauty Salon 18-19 Cartimar Shopping Ctr
Dfd Trading Anonas QC ................... (0922)257-7470 City & Land Megaplaza
Psg ............................ (02)8357-5741 986 Lourdes Arcade PC ............................. (02)7225-2850
152 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)7358-4885 Digiglobal Solutions QC ........................... (0917)520-3416
Disinfectus Inc Dominion Bus Co
Dfern Bpo Solutions One Global Place Dmi Recycling Junkshop 745 Edsa QC .................. (02)8727-2350
Robinsons Equitable Twr Taguig......................(0917)109-8211 Zapote Rd LP ................. (02)7746-9120
Disini & Disini Law Office 2447 Isagani Mla ......... (0930)413-6138 Dominos Pizza
Psg ............................ (02)8441-0124 Digiprint Dmkompass Incorporated Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8553-3030
Dfv Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0824 Philippine Social Science Ctr
QC ............................. (02)8535-6256 Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Domo Hotel Corporation
Services Digital Art Faculty Media Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)7501-1060 Mesu Bldg QC ................ (02)8928-7646
1850 Monggo Psg........(0927)862-3612 Disston Industrial Sales Incorporated
Cityland Pasong Tamo 705 Real Mla..................(02)8527-3732 Dms Marketing Domo Mogoro Restaurant
Dge Construction Mkti ........................... (02)8659-7662 752 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8708-8577 640 Gen M Malvar Mla ... (02)8516-7266
Lri Bldg QC.....................(02)8936-2557 Disteleria Limtuaco Co Inc
Digital Elements 1830 Edsa QC ................ (02)8361-7491 Dmtk Printing Services Don Bosco Technological Institute
Dgjr Realty 48 Mabilis QC .............. (0917)518-0692 Fairview Ctr Mall Arcade Don Chino Roces Mkti .... (02)8892-0110
242 Kapalaran QC ........ (0917)347-4104 Distinct Creative Display Corporation
Digital Makers Inc Antel Global Corporate Ctr QC ........................... (0916)615-2118 Don Churro
Dgm Organic Farmers 21 Don A Roces Ave QC.(02)8373-2482 Psg ............................ (02)8631-3968 Dmz Archery Range Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0926)711-7270
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7728-5142 Digital Mirage Philippines Incorporated 18 Mystic Rose Dr QC .. (0915)440-5967 Don Euro Manila Car
Distinctive Blinds And Office Systems
Dh Ferraren Dental Clinic Vicente Madrigal Bldg Incorporated Dn Joint Venture 55 G Dangay QC .......... (0917)818-8065
6009 Villena Mkti ........... (02)8897-5846 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-5475 Km 18 West Svc Rd 1388 Quezon Ave QC ... (0977)846-2400 Don Henricos
Dhabi Laundry & Dry Clean Services Digital Out Of Home Pque .......................... (02)3416-1820 Dnc Kusina Restaurant Jpl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8524-9134
J Molina Mkna .............. (0946)275-6956 Avant The Fort Taguig...(0917)316-1617 Distribution And Control Products Inc C-4 Rd Mal .................... (02)8355-4951 Don Pin Corporation
Dhaka Enterprise Digital Pictures Imaging Corporation 74 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8535-7644 Dnj's Pet Supplies 30 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8838-9539
42 Pacencia Val ............. (02)7959-6421 105 Simoun QC..............(02)3412-5560 District 8 Gastropub Dr Jose P Rizal Ext Don Sacundo Creation & Alteration
Dhel's Laundry Hub Digital Space Explorer Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mkti ......................... (0927)590-5333 J P Rizal QC ................. (0917)482-1675
783 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0917)192-2669 Microlab Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7728-8432 SJ ............................ (0917)133-5113 Dnk Party Shop Dona Candelaria Mgt & Devt C
Dhenshe Printing Services Digitalhub Incorporated Dita's Textile Divisoria Mall Mla ........... (02)8243-9009 Dm Bldg QC ................... (02)8426-4495
9 De Pebrero Mand ...... (0917)303-0953 Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall 998-1004 C M Recto Dnl Trading Dona Soledad Gas Center Incorporated
Dhl Constancia Bldg QC......(02)8928-0470 Mand ......................... (02)8477-2187 Mla ............................ (02)8247-7278 22 M Viola QC ................ (02)8364-2518 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8823-3610
Dhl Riverbanks Digitank Studios Ditto Sales Doall Metal Industries Incorporated Done Deals Asia Incorporated
Riverbanks Mkna............(02)8727-9239 Fenina Bldg LP ............. (0917)830-1810 753 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-8606 59A F Pasco Ave Psg ..... (02)8646-5428 Metrowalk Plz Psg .......... (02)8634-5297

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:41 2022 - P42

43 S C M Y K


Donell Advertising Materials Inc (Mc Donell) Dr Olgahan Jaen Dental Clinic Dsj Photo Booth Services Dynadvance Trading And Distribution Inc E V Acebedo Optical
1012 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8734-9852 1193 Cdc Bldg Mla.........(02)8353-6601 32-C Mayon Mand ......... (02)8861-7271 1032 Craig Mla ............ (0917)586-2249 32 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8533-9667
Dong Juan Dr Panda Language Academy Dsoundz Events Equipment Rentals Dynamic Am Builders E Y Industrial Sales Incorporated
72 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .... (02)8374-0265 City And Land Mega Plz 643 Domingo Santiago L13 B15 Sta Elena Mla ... (02)8571-8705 520 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5660
Dongshen Medical And Diagnostic Center Psg .......................... (0926)857-9514 Mla ............................ (02)7506-5910 Dynamic Concept Marketing E&A Printing Services
8162 Dr A Santos Pque .. (02)8553-5028 Dr Pet Animal Clinic Dsource Incorporated 1338 Soler Mla...............(02)8353-5870 B16 L4 Poinsettia Pque .. (02)8823-9787
Donosti Pintxos Y Tapas 203-C Masambong QC ... (02)3411-2339 Bttc Ctre SJ .................... (02)8631-4122 Dynamic Multi Products Incorporated E&B Native Blinds Curtain
Nac Twr Taguig ............ (0917)849-2205 Dr Rose Mercado-Magno Optical Clinic Dsray-Led Lightning Trading Downtown Ctr Bldg Mla .. (02)8241-9902 Westbank Rd Psg ......... (0906)872-8363
Dony's Catering & Food Services Jaime Cardinal Sin Bldg 830 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8361-2013 Dynamic Photo & Video Services E&C Industrial Rubber Products
Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0915)783-3250 Mla ............................ (02)8358-7577 Dss Multiline Incorporated 3159 Visita Mkti ........... (0997)532-6373 Sky Ace Bldg LP.............(02)8824-6397
Donz Locksmith Services Dr Wall Mirror & Furniture Capulong Hwy Mla ......... (02)8251-8232 Dynamic Products Lines Semi-Conductor E&H Residences
935 Claro Castaneda 1308 Taurus QC ........... (0935)804-5250 Dt Data Management Incorporated Someros Bldg LP ........... (02)8820-8668 3990 Airport Rd Pque ..... (02)8570-9858
Mand ....................... (0995)760-1878 Draf Office Furniture Regalia Park Twr B QC ... (02)8374-3008 Dynamic Star International Manpower E*Trade Information Services Llc
Doortech System 1730 Dian Mkti...............(02)8710-8040 Dtf Prints & Graphics Services Rcbc Plz Mkti ................. (02)8490-2992
48 7th Ave QC ................ (02)3438-3520 Draft Gastropub Manila C Raymundo Ave Psg...(0968)211-0771 Anvins Bldg Pque ........... (02)7759-4017 E-Blue Holdings & Trading Corporation
Doosan Heavy Industries And Construction Power Plant Mall Mkti ... (0917)836-4096 Dtko Architectural Firm Dynamic Team Concepts The Place Bldg Munt ...... (02)8553-3552
Company Limited Draft Restaurant & Brewery 54 Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8929-7978 Santolan Rd QC .............. (02)8987-6463 E-Copy Corporation
Paseo De Roxas Ave Greenbelt 2 Mkti ........... (0917)507-3442 Dtx Marketing Dynamic Telecom Incorporated 5837 Zobel Roxas Mkti ... (02)8525-9911
Mkti ........................... (02)3489-4188 Dragon Phoenix Enterprises Taft Ave Sata Corp Bldg Greenhills Shopping Ctr E-D-C Broken
Doro's Bikes 807 Ongpin Mla..............(02)7718-8356 PC ............................. (02)3392-8770 SJ .............................. (02)8724-9230 2850 J Abad Santos Ave
112 Caimito Rd KC.......(0916)203-0603 Dragon Prime Enterprises Du Pont Far East Incorporated Dynamo Technology Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8256-5262
Doron Builders & Construction Supplies Kapiligan QC ................ (0998)999-2289 Isquare Bldg Psg ............ (02)8818-9911 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti . (0917)819-2688 E-Fence Electric Security Fence Systems
Limited Company Dragon Star Marketing Incorporated Du Well Merchandising Corporation Dynapak Philippines Incorporated B10 L13 Edward Go
Jasmin KC ..................... (02)8962-2882 30-F Banawe QC ............ (02)8732-8361 Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8242-4956 6 G Araneta Ave QC........(02)8715-1231 LP ............................ (0927)472-0267
Dorothy Perkins Dragon V Food Services Duchess Security Solutions Inc Dynapixels Marketing Services E-Foods Philippines Corporation
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4058 One E-Com Ctr PC..........(02)8551-3522 1386 E Rodriguez Senior Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0949)406-8435 Sampaguita Ave Pque.....(02)8776-8409
Dos Hermanos Pateros Branch Dragonbikes Inc QC ........................... (0928)190-2900 Dynaquest Technology Services E-Hsing Corporation
29 B Morcilla Pat ............ (02)8642-5840 214 Cm Recto Mla ......... (02)8353-8920 Ducks United Uptown Place Twr 2 3000 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8853-5528
Dos Internetworkx Project 6 Dragoncube Enterprise Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8687-3510 Taguig........................(02)3224-1862 E-Konek Pilipinas Inc
Mangahas Bldg QC ......... (02)8926-6074 Cityland Pasong Tamo Ducks Unlimited Phils Incorporated Dynason Machine Shop Cargohaus Bldg Pque ..... (02)8879-4699
Mkti ........................... (02)8400-3250 Robinsons Place Cplx Sevilla Mla......................(02)8241-7816 E-Lakbay Travel And Transportation
Dos Jefes
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)811-2791 Drain Cleaning And Plumbing Services Mla ............................ (02)8536-5705 Dynawealth Machine Shop Services
Makati Executive Ctr Ducup B1 L14 Katipunan Ave Ext 6 Cactus QC ................. (0998)552-2260
Dos Primos Dining Concepts Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8812-1000 184 Sct Castor QC ....... (0966)233-3777
Worldwide Corporation Ctre QC ............................. (02)8983-8771 E-Link Solution Corporation
Mand ......................... (02)8571-4136 Drc Printing Dude's House Of Kansi Dynmegaton Phils Incorporated 47 Esteban Abada QC.....(02)8426-0189
F Torres QC .................. (0905)847-9863 20 United Psg .............. (0927)913-1005 J And T Bldg Mla ............ (02)8564-1907 E-Phone Incorporated
Dos Pueblos Art Gallery
Robinson Place  Manila Dream And Motion Multimedia Production Dulce Funeral Homes Dys Marketing Inc Robinsons Place Cplx
Mla .......................... (0950)160-5361 16 Curtis QC .................. (02)7980-0555 Abad Santos Ave Mla ... (0905)339-4158 721 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8361-4950 Mla ............................ (02)8353-5414
Dotimas Dental Care Clinic Dream Quest Holiday Incorporated Dulcinea Restaurant Dz Phils Incorporated E-Sports Rk International Incorporated
14 Visayan Ave QC.......(0908)220-8391 4 Malakas Val.................(02)8291-3452 282 Tomas Morato Ave Sta Agueda Ave Pque ..... (02)8852-2147 Alabang Business Twr
Dream Riser Builders Inc QC ............................. (02)8920-7892 Dzl Enterprises Munt .......................... (02)8809-7134
Dots Per Incorporatedh 243 Nangka Rd KC ....... (0995)995-8482
Anglo Bldg Mla ............... (02)8708-3475 Dumaual Medical Clinic 524 Edsa KC .................. (02)8367-7198 E-Sun Led Light Center
Dream Road Phils Corporation Primo Rivera Mkti ........... (02)8890-1515 1143 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8294-8634
Double D Chemical & Cleaning Supplies Prince Twr Mkti .............. (02)8892-1425
Holy Spirit Dr QC .......... (0975)699-0491 Dumo Trading E-Wha Foam Phils Inc
Dream Search International Concordia Bldg Mal ........ (02)7505-8453 Brgy San Miguel Taguig .. (02)8861-5601
Doubledragon Properties Corporation
Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8654-2111
Empire Ctr Mall PC ....... (0917)851-0627 Dumond E E-Wha Foam Philippines Incorporated
Dreamland Resort & Hotel Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7729-8767 L36 Dbp Ave Taguig ....... (02)8838-4924
Dough It Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8961-4602 Dunamis Power Generator E23 Incorporated
New Rosario Ortigas Arcade E & L Mercantile Incorporated
Dreamland Travel And Tours Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8521-2973 Facilities Ctr Mand .......... (02)8533-7267 Nepa Q Mart QC ............. (02)8921-8130
Psg .......................... (0930)948-3521
23 R Residence QC ...... (0945)110-4570 Dunham-Bush International Sales & E B Astudillo & Associates Ea Philippines Incorporated
Doulos Cleaning Services Dreampak Express Corporation Greenbelt Mansion Mkti .. (02)8812-3722
Pantallon Mand .............. (02)7585-5717 Services Inc Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8893-5760
1513 Aviadores Mla ..... (0917)556-2292 430 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8723-4461 E B Bakeshop Eabp Drilling And Construction Trading
Dovelion Transport Services Dreams Organic Health And Wellness Spa Dunhill Plastic Industries Incorporated Services
Cyberone QC ................ (0945)524-4888 San Antonio Plz Arcade
Muntinlupa 150 F Roxas KC ............. (02)8363-5681 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-8568 215 St Peter QC ........... (0975)339-2980
Dow Jones And Company Incorporated Barias Bldg Munt .......... (0943)476-0317 Dunkin Eadriex Pharmaceuticals Philippines
Twr One And Exch Plz E Bechaves Florist
Dreamweaver Pet Supplies Metropolitan Savana Coml Ctr Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-1680 Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8848-5871 Mkti ........................... (02)8556-5060
B102 L4 Kapitagan Rd E Bros Group Of Companies Incorporated 147 Sct Rallos QC .......... (02)8926-2729
Down To Earth Psg ............................ (02)7239-9795 Dunlop Tires Philippines 1240 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8628-1619
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8551-7219 Eagle Realty Corporation
Dreamwork Lapu-Lapu Mkti .............. (02)8423-4031 E Business Services Incorporated Providence Bldg SJ ........ (02)8722-5615
Downshift Supply 1370 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)3466-1333 Dunwoody & Madison Incorporated 215 M Concepcion Psg .. (02)8641-6238 Eagle Shield Enterprises
70 Gen Ordonez Ave Dreamworks Construction Incorporated Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8632-0062 Cityland Shaw Twr
Mkna ....................... (0917)714-2631 E C Daughson Incorporated
10 Evangelista Ave Psg .. (02)8645-9148 Duodamcel Enterprises 100 Congressional Ave Mand ......................... (02)8633-7011
Doyee Trading Drei Koningen Incorporated 74 Pugong Ginto QC.......(02)8426-0824 QC ............................. (02)8927-3567 Eaglecor Holdings Incorporated
33 Mc Arthur Mal ........... (02)3447-4046 Victoria I Bldg QC ........... (02)8926-0806 Duomo Gelato Italiano Lotus LP ........................ (02)8887-1935
E C X Direct Incorporated
Dpi (Dots Per Incorporatedh) Dress Me Up By Nicole Lapanday Ctr Mkti ........ (0917)147-2290 Matrinco Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8893-5847 Eaglestar Marine Corporation
Hermanos Bldg Pque ...... (02)8553-7066 68A Block 3 Taguig ...... (0939)594-1645 Duphilco Real Estate Incorporated 1582 Parola Hse Mkti ..... (02)7739-5600
E Coronacion Enterprises
Dpo Philippines Incorporated Drex Technologies Raha Sulayman Bldg Bonifacio Mand .............. (02)8706-6602 Eaglestar Transit Corporation
Prestige Twr Condmn Ad Ctr Square Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8876-6766 E E Black Ltd Rustan Superstore Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8687-0862 Psg .......................... (0932)793-7317 Dura Parquet Floors Corporation Asian Hospital & Medical Ctr QC ............................. (02)8913-1510
Dr Allen B Jordan Dental Clinic Drezzee Boutique 17 St Paul QC ................ (02)3411-4053 Munt .......................... (02)8551-6734 Ear Diagnostics Incorporated
Soldiers Hills Munt ......... (02)8697-7323 3676-D Bautista Mkti......(02)8804-0632 Durable Hardware E F C Flower Shop 138 Cosmopolitan Church
Dr Andrea Dagal-Cualing Dental Clinic Drf Good Food Inc 347-C A Bonifacio Ave 1369 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8781-0061 Mla ............................ (02)8536-7772
328C El Grande Ave LP .. (02)8820-2733 Ldr Bldg QC ................. (0966)492-3479 QC ............................. (02)8361-7277 E F Pangilinan Tailoring Early Night
Dr Antonio N Feliciano Clinic Driht Printing Services Durable Sales Center Incorporated 545 Boni Serrano Ave The Fort Strip Taguig ...... (02)8519-6815
Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)8811-8218 23 E Jacinto Mkti..........(0977)761-2986 1070 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-1174 QC ........................... (0922)486-8364 Early Wisdom Learning Center
Dr Carlos Lasa Cosmetic Surgeon Drishti Philippines Inc Durabus Incorporated E Formula Technologies Incorporated 2468 Topacio Mla ........ (0915)201-5093
Korben Place QC ............ (02)8374-6092 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8923-8136 3301 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8708-7997 Agustin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8470-8218 Earth Cover Philippines
Dr Christian Mancao Pain Management Drivebright Professional Auto Detailing Duramed Plus Medical Supplies Inc E G Energy Corporation 37 Sanchez Mkna...........(02)8942-0755
Center 9027 Capitol Hills Dr QC . (02)8932-8803 54 C Cordero KC ............ (02)8788-9669 26 Mulawinan Val ........... (02)8983-7776 Earth Star Express Incorporated
City & Land Mega Plz Bldg Driving Gear 1 School Duraprint E G Mariano Iron Works Xavierville Royale Condmn
Psg ............................ (02)8542-3840 1360 Marcos Alvarez Ave 156 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8361-5172 308 M H Del Pilar Psg .... (02)8642-7240 QC ............................. (02)8294-0609
Dr Elaine Simbulan Dental Clinic LP .............................. (02)8553-5908 Duratech System Windows Incorporated E Ganzon Incorporated Earthcool Aircon & Refrigeration Services
Dhc Bldg QC ................ (0917)324-5346 Drizzles Bakeshop & Cafe 868 Tropical Ave Pque ... (02)8856-2577 Taft Twr Mla ................... (02)8522-2525 Pinamana Ext Taguig .... (0916)842-2529
Dr Fe Del Mundo Medical Center Bahay Toro Ave QC ...... (0915)547-7088 Durian Master E I Corporationuz Customs Brokerage Eas Diagnostic
11 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0845 Drop Off 5612 Osmena Hwy Trb Bldg Mla .................. (02)8527-1371 1840 San Marcelino Mla.(02)3498-2066
Dr J Chen And Dr K Molina Dental Clinic 400 J Rizal Mand ......... (0927)348-4853 Mkti ......................... (0920)914-3909 E M Golding & Associates Easesabay Courier Services
San Isidro Pque ............ (0917)600-5423 Drs Drip Lounge Fusion Bar Dust And Bin Cleaning Services 612-A Philip Pque .......... (02)8821-3536 B62 L8 Villa KC ............ (0947)715-5778
Dr J Sabili General Hospital 35 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8373-4685 One Global Place E Murio Incorporated Easmed Medical Supplies Inc
312 Gen Santos Ave Drug Check Philippines Taguig......................(0927)841-7010 Km 14 South Super Hwy The Richmonde Plz Psg..(02)8634-0441
Taguig........................(02)8837-0917 Malabon Municipal Hall Duty Free Philippines Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8776-5491 East 108 Diner
Dr James Castro Dental Clinic Mal ............................ (02)8352-2457 Eha Bldg Pque ................ (02)8552-4337 E N Claravall Enterprise 721 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0951)181-0558
Bagong Lipunan Ng Crame Drugcheck Phils Incorporated Dvj Telecommunication Incorporated Intrepid Plz Bldg QC ........ (02)8650-6330 East Asian Art Gallery
QC ........................... (0923)820-0044 Dampa Mkt QC ............... (02)8638-6585 29B Capistrano Taguig ... (02)8836-9468 E N Tire Supply 8479 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8896-5667
Dr Jesus Cancio Solis Dental Clinic Drugmaker's Laboratories Dworx Construction & Supply J P Rizal Ext Taguig ...... (0926)749-5100 East Banawe Motorcycle Parts
1180 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3413-8680 932B Aurora Blvd QC ..... (02)8421-9660 69 Kagawad Rd QC ........ (02)7968-9676 E Phone Incorporated 47 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0319
Dr Jesus Delgado Memorial Hospital Dry Ice Blasting By Watercorp Dxn International Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8926-4801 East Manila Capital Lending Corporation
7 Kamuning Rd QC ......... (02)8924-4051 18 Fema Rd QC .............. (02)8405-9643 92 West Ave QC ............. (02)8722-0253 E Power Technologies 628 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-3418
Dr Katrina Florcruz Ds & K Machine Shop Dy & Ar Salon & Spa Supply Seibu Twr Taguig ........... (02)8555-1749 East Manila Finance Corporation
251 Diliman Doctors Hospital 527 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)3444-1954 2 Silay QC .................... (0927)886-4916 E Punongbayan Global Outsourcing 265 T Bernardo Mand.....(02)8534-3779
QC ............................. (02)8883-6900 Ds Finance Corporation Dy Dioquino Jimenez De Asis Incorporated East Orient Fine Dining Corporation
Dr Kc Dental Aesthetic Center Bdc Corporate Ctr QC ..... (02)8398-2816 Soriano Femil Bldg Mla ... (02)8255-4873 The Pearlbank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8519-2888 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-4965
Aurovir Plz Mkti ............ (0917)105-7818 Ds Gadgets Specialist Inc Dyd Refrigeration System Incorporated E R S Alliance Corporation East Richwood Safe Company Incorporated
Dr Kong Ilang-Ilang QC ................ (02)8562-1501 Dn Corporate Ctr QC ....... (02)7728-7482 2225 Masaya LP .......... (0921)549-3872 22 N Domingo QC .......... (02)8234-9167
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8823-1902 Ds Jewelry Dylan Patisserie E Reyes Radiator Shop Easter Valley Food And Catering
Dr Leo Garcia Dental Clinic Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8927-6205 116 Jupiter Rd Mkti ........ (02)8777-2999 163 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8291-6036 15 Hanna QC..................(02)3427-9892
407 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8475-8112 Ds Upholstery Services Dylan Pet Supplies E Riverside Industries Inc Eastern Gold Corporation
Dr Lilian Ebuen Dental Clinic Pilar LP ........................ (0926)775-4647 1318 J Nolasco Mla ..... (0967)261-5596 72-A East Riverside 503 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8241-4417
77 Alpha Bldg QC ........... (02)8723-5167 Ds Windows & Walls Interior Supply Dyll Comms Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8372-1575 Eastern Wire Manufacturing Inc
Dr Lorenza Dental Clinic Mg Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8403-3262 Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8990-5944 E Structures Event Services 116 Hoover SJ ............... (02)8705-1540
2009 Leveriza Mla .......... (02)8524-3723 Dsc Inc - Dental System Dyna Intergrated Solutions Incorporated Paramount Chemicals Cpd Eastgate Maritime Corporation
Dr Mel S Calara Dental Clinic Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8815-4826 South Gate Bldg Munt.....(02)8893-5941 Mkna ......................... (02)7949-4940 Eastgate Ctr Bldg Mand .. (02)8470-0405
West Gate Hub Bldg Dsd Battery And Tires Supply Incorporated Dyna Products Incorporated E Tambunting Pawnshop Incorporated Eastkem Industrial Inc
Munt .......................... (02)8547-7708 457-A J P Rizal Mkti ....... (02)8579-5180 135 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8362-1360 1 San Rafael Psg ............ (02)8584-9331 9 Pulog Mandaluyong ..... (02)8534-1111

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:41 2022 - P43

44 S C M Y K


Eastown Industrial Incorporated Eco Laundry Care Express Eemz General Merchandise El Marino Auto Parts Eli Lilly Phils Incorporated
133C B Serrano KC ........ (02)8442-2162 Manggahan Coml Twnhms Don Basilio Bautista Blvd 51 Agno QC ................... (02)3413-8338 Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
Eastpark 14 Design+ Print Studio Psg ............................ (02)8359-5337 Mal .......................... (0923)602-4321 El Mazo Agri Industrial Sales QC ............................. (02)8570-9740
Megamall Mand..............(02)3444-3324 Eco Star Center Aircondition Trading Eent Engineering Services 675 Monte De Piedad Eliang's Laundry & Party Needs
Eastrans Line Phils Incorporated 9090 Dulong Bayan Bacoor 14 Driod QC ................. (0923)720-9898 QC ........................... (0910)684-3963 Kalamansi QC .............. (0921)661-4407
Cityland Herrera Twr Cavite ........................ (046)537-8562 Eesi Elevators Incorporated El Pablo Catering Services Elias Restaurant
Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1309 Eco Wash Laundry Shop 634 Lourdes Pque .......... (02)8815-8396 14 Main Psg.................(0918)509-4579 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8546-7977
Eastvantage Business Solutions Inc L7 B72 Dollar QC ......... (0917)650-9783 Eesi Material & Controls Corporation El Rei Airconditioning Elias Wicked Ales & Spirits
Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8876-1444 Eco-Fast Laundry Depot Incorporated 71 Shorthorn QC ............ (02)8283-9594 18 Everlasting LP ......... (0945)739-7500 13 Ubay QC ................. (0926)617-9030
Eastwest Healthcare Incorporated Gen Cailles Mkti ............. (02)8805-4266 Eesls Electrical Engineering Services El Roi Medical Supplies Company Eligardi Enterprises Incorporated
Richville Corporate Ctre Eco-Wash Congressional Rd KC....(0916)530-3222 60 Victoria Ave QC ......... (02)8721-7414 976 Pres Quirino Ave
Munt .......................... (02)8519-9610 E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0923)632-8420 Efco Philippines Limited El's 2 Big Boys Laundry Services Mla ............................ (02)8525-8545
Eastwest Seed Company Incorporated Ecoholdings Company Incorporated Philcrest II Cpd Munt ...... (02)8772-1006 Sandoval Ave Psg ........ (0917)185-0757 Elimar Bikes
Trade And Financial Twr Ayala Twr One Mkti ........ (02)8841-5484 Eforea Nail And Body Spa El's Liquor Stop 13 Natl Hwy Munt .......... (02)8785-0775
Taguig........................(02)8887-3960 Ecoingenuity Inc 71 P Tuazon QC ........... (0917)505-1070 Aries QC ...................... (0947)496-6324 Elink Business Innovation Corporation
Eastwood City Walk Omm Citra Bldg Psg ....... (02)7744-6166 Efren H Marquez Trading Corp Elaiza's Express Movers 17 Calbayog Mand ....... (0915)212-8086
188 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Ecomm Global Technologies Inc 2975 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9440 B1 L30 J Tionquiao LP . (0920)979-2987 Elinnov Technologies Inc
QC ............................. (02)8687-6963 Mckinley Park Residences Efs Service Center Elaiza's Trucking Services One Global Place
Easy Access Incorporated Taguig........................(02)7946-3850 7-A Sct Borromeo QC ..... (02)8372-9357 B Aldana LP ................... (02)8938-7852 Taguig......................(0917)801-9685
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Economic Press Incorporated Efse Digital Printing Services Elan Models International Elinvia Airconditioning Services
Psg ............................ (02)8706-3730 Phividec Industrial Estate 39 J P Ramoy QC.........(0927)914-0315 7389 Bakawan Mkti........(02)8892-0730 Nasson Bldg Pque .......... (02)8243-8250
Easy Bio Philippines Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8478-2420 Efu Placement Elar Foods Incorporated Elio Philippines Incorporated
East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8635-4692 Ecopuretech Waste Water Treatment Plant 585-A Cordillera Mand ... (02)8531-7624 151 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8731-7552 Mc Home Builders Depot
Easy Cash Lending Company Incorporated Delcon Coml Bldg Munt .. (02)8423-2565 Eg Healthcare Incorporated Elasco International Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8683-0101
Gochangco Bldg Mla ...... (02)8254-6529 Ecovet Group International Incorporated Metropolitan Hospital 4514 Casino Mkti ........... (02)8833-1394 Elisha Telecom Group Incorporated
Easy Medical Supplies Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8234-9589 Mla ............................ (02)8256-3016 Elay's Upholstery Cyber One Bldg Eastwood
J Luna Mkna .................. (02)8941-9542 Ecozyme Biosystems Corporation Eg8 Software Systems 21 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0915)397-4436 QC ............................. (02)8633-1969
Easy P Max 42A Albany QC...............(02)8912-7215 517 Tomas Pinpin Mla ... (02)8243-8804 Elbert's Pizzeria Elisse
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8854-7425 Ecp Chemicals Philippines Incorporated Egg Exciting Gifts & Goodies V Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (0917)677-8325 Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0910)365-4468
Filipino Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8844-8309 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0799 Elbow Room Elite Asia Aesthetics Center
Easy Pc Computing
274 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-9903 Ecpat Philippines Incorporated Eggs Beans & Grains Incorporated Metrowalk Coml Cplx 11th Ave Taguig ............. (02)8805-0131
143 Anonas QC .............. (02)8441-5108 Naia Terminal 3 PC.........(02)8551-5686 Psg ............................ (02)8635-2881 Elite Concepts Studio Incorporated
Easymart Superstore Inc
496 Sumulong Hwy Ecpearl Pest Control Supply & Services Eggs Beans And Greens Incorporated Elburg Shipmanagemenent Incorporated One Magnificent Mile-Citra
Mkna ......................... (02)7369-5901 Vatican City Dr LP .......... (02)8401-5324 Tektite East Twr Psg ....... (02)8634-6841 Ma Natividad Bldg Mla .... (02)8354-1405 Psg ............................ (02)8633-2433
Ecs E Livelihood And Training Center Eggs For Breakfast Cafe Marikina Elburg Shipmanagement Philippines Elite Finish Car Wash Auto Care Center
Easy Street Footwear
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8869-9918 Jerus Apt Mkna .............. (02)8650-1489 B10 L7 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Incorporated 330B Umali Munt ........... (02)7527-5864
ECSD Trading Mkna ......................... (02)8292-3349 Don Jacinto Bldg Mkti.....(02)8817-0971 Elite Fruit Marketing Incorporated
Eat & Repeat Diner 2118 Chino Roces Ave
21 Rolex QC ................. (0917)630-6507 Eggsplorer - Fresh Eggs At Your Service Elbynart Corporation 687 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8243-1550
Makati ........................ (02)8893-3353 Selecta Dr QC...............(0917)874-1209 Rose Vif Bldg Mla ......... (0922)870-3377 Elite Hardware
Eat 'n Chill Asian Fusion Restaurant Ecv Cargo Logistics Solutions Inc Elc Beauty Incorporated
13 Presidential Grove Egie Game Shop 910 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8911-0443
Harbour Ctr Terminal 114 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0997)220-5875 Hidalgo Dr Mkti .............. (02)8890-4035 Elite Machines Incorporated
Pque ........................ (0917)631-7107 Mla .......................... (0916)204-3417
Egis Projects Philippines Incorporated Elcano Trading Corporation 169 Banlat Rd QC...........(02)8722-8888
Eat Fresh Famous Hong Kong Street Food Edasco Auto Supply 712 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-4693
100-A Ma Clara QC ........ (02)8516-8022 City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8638-8920 Elite Nails
1712 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8359-1512 Elco Development And Construction A Bonifacio Taguig ....... (0919)641-4089
Eat Fresh Food Deli Corporation Eglobio Training Center
Edca Publishing & Distributing 2 Ilang Ilang QC .............. (02)3428-7127 202 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Elite Wedding Creatives
81 A Roxas QC...............(02)7738-6491 Goodwill Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8553-7213 QC ............................. (02)8724-4592
Eat Pinoy Ego-Eddie Audio Video Specialist Villamor Air Base PC .... (0927)968-5430
Eden Tailoring Shop 2557 Arellano Mla ........ (0998)991-3172 Eld Meats Elite8 Boxing And Fitness Incorporated
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8553-2717 Sampaguita Mkti .......... (0921)717-6655 8573 A Sandoval Ave
Eats Saasta Egps Malabanan Services Planters Product Bldg
Edgar Vaciador And General Merchandise Psg ............................ (02)8243-8473 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-5293
33A The Z Cpd QC........(0917)436-7806 White Plains QC ............. (02)8734-1601
302 Quirino Ave Pque ... (0918)423-4433 Eldrich Foods Corporation
Eau Pure Water Station Egt Auto Supply Elitista Weddings And Events
Edge Com Gen Ordonez Mkna ......... (02)8948-7442 Hizon Arcade Bldg
2 Mabait QC ................... (02)8921-4667 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8352-0270 84I G Araneta QC ........... (02)3416-6454
Elecon Power Haus Inc Mkna ....................... (0917)573-0729
Eazi Clean Laundry Services Edge Corporation Ehman Japanese Language Center Inc 743 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-1993
12-E St Joseph Ave LP . (0918)556-7913 Andrich Bldg Mkti ........... (02)7900-5230 Elitsped Services Incorporated
Edge Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8816-7125 Electrical & Equipment Sales Company Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Eazy Power Incorporated Edgecomm Incorporated Ehome Lifestyle Technology Incorporated
Annapolis Wilshire Plz Mla ............................ (02)8567-4913
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Summit One Office Twr 665 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8925-6167
Mkti ........................... (02)8808-3179 SJ .............................. (02)7744-5923 Eliz Salon
Mand ......................... (02)8531-0085 Electro -Systems Industries Corporation Manuel L Quezon Ave
Eb Loredo Realty Corporation Edgeworth Communications Ehs Bioproducts Incorporated 3904 Quingua Mkti ......... (02)8823-5840
37 Mahabagin QC.........(0920)901-7217 Taguig......................(0967)744-7847
Ebl LP .......................... (0918)922-7962 195 8th Ave Ext KC ........ (02)8366-9049 Electro Wise Corp
Eight Arms Security Agency Inc Elj Aguila Glass And Aluminum
Ebardo Realty Development Corporation Edi - Staffbuilders International Incorporated 130 Alabang-Zapote Rd 131-B Kamias Rd QC ..... (02)8921-8326
1st Rd Taguig.................(02)7507-2944 139 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (02)8812-6703 Manila Memorial Park Bldg LP .............................. (02)7500-8828
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-3489 Eljan Sports
Ebc Laundry Shop Edia (Easy-Does-It-Assembly) Electro-Systems Industries Corporation Mendez Rd QC ............... (02)8732-5868
Tecson Mla .................. (0995)702-9663 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8637-4590 Eighteen Foodlab Manila Incorporated Enzo Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8897-8888
Sct Rallos QC ................. (02)7502-1767 Ella's Bake Shop
Ebl Auto Supply Edjm Square Electrical Contractor Electrodynamics Construction & 2484 Tolentino PC..........(02)8843-5494
384 Quirino QC .............. (02)7358-7145 278 Bagong Silang Einzhen Builders Development Incorporated
Mkna ......................... (02)8897-9049 One Annapolis Bldg QC...(02)8285-7952 Tycoon Ctr Condmn Psg (02)7263-0021 Ellana Mineral Cosmetics
Ebl Steel Roofing Supply 2723 St Chino Roces Ave
3303 Narra Psg ............ (0920)666-4025 Edjsource Philippines Corp Eirene's Touch Spa Electron Tech
Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0915)389-7864 Mkti ......................... (0995)447-4518
Eblast Events Robinsons Equitable Twr 2278 Espana QC ............ (02)8559-3868
Psg ............................ (02)8470-8538 Ej Bros Laundromat Elle Intimates Incorporated
19 Simplicia QC ........... (0917)634-5797 Electronic Data Publishing Corporation East Svc Rd Munt...........(02)8807-7847
Edl Sales And Service Quirino Hwy QC............(0917)312-2904 Richmond Hotel Psg.......(02)8687-0306
Ec Torres Medical Clinic Elle's Gourmet Products
Ck Sy Diamond Bldg PC . (02)8833-7979 1584 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0909)422-9451 Ej's - Vest Maker & Digital Printing Electronic Depot
Ednar Garments Gladiola Mkti ................ (0916)768-7823 Zulueta Mla .................. (0966)661-3888
Ec Water Refilling Station Robinsons Galleria Mall
408 Sta Rita Pque .......... (02)8403-0662 Ej's Catering Services QC ............................. (02)8634-5554 Ellecera Corporation/Moonleaf
Langka KC ................... (0916)532-4583 30 Dinar QC ................. (0995)748-8889 Madison Square LP ........ (02)8552-2505
Ec2Getme Edrieocampovfx Graphics Services Electronic Information Solutions
227 Salcedo Mkti ........... (02)8964-9628 Ejblitz Photography Incorporated Ellen's Aesthetic Centre Incorporated
5114 Sulok Val ............. (0931)899-8085 Narra QC ...................... (0908)374-8898 Silver Oaks Hotel Mla......(02)8523-7177
Eca Sales Corporation Edsa Furniture And Appliances Incorporated Auro-Vir Plz Mkti ............ (02)8843-6571
595 Edsa Cubao QC ....... (02)8724-9817 Ejd Seafoods Electronics Depot Incorporated Ellie's Roasted Calf
Eca Sales Bldg Mkna .... (0917)321-7536 1309 Mactan Pque ......... (02)8938-5971 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)856-9871
Ecap Termite And Pest Control Services Co Edsa Grand Residences Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8633-3261
Edsa QC ......................... (02)3455-8806 Ejd Trucking Services Electroway Philippine Marketing Ellinwood Christian School
224-D Hardboard SJ ...... (02)8281-5778 3040 Lubriran Mla ........ (0910)663-7858 1660 Dr Vasquez Mla ..... (02)8525-3486
Ecb Land Surveying Services Edu Friend Incorporated Ali Mall 2 QC .................. (02)8667-3885
Pioneer Highland East Twr Ejhay Airconditioning Services Electroweld Ellison Enterprises
Plantain Lily KC ............ (0917)827-5485 B7 Empire Ext Lupang Pangako 68 F Manalo QC ............. (02)8654-4223
Mand ......................... (02)8706-1670 249 Rizal Av Caloocan
Ecc International Eduardo Elonzo "G" Foods Corporation QC ............................. (02)7623-3461 City ............................ (02)8361-8881 Ellize Ads Corporation
Montepino Bldg Mkti.......(02)8403-8668 Carmen Bldg Psg ........... (02)8640-1505 Ejist Valenzuela Incorporated 55 Bayan-Bayanan Ave
Electroweld Manufacturing Corporation
Eccentric Digital Solutions Eduardo's V Car Aircon & Electrical Marvic Bldg Val .............. (02)8294-8559 249 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-8881 Mkna ......................... (02)8477-3485
Viera Residences QC ...... (02)8290-8522 Ejlc Seaman's Dormitory Ellryl Printing Services
Services Electrowise Marketing
Eccentrix Technology Corporation 322 Visayas Ave QC ....... (02)8579-4102 939-A Nakpil Mla ........... (02)8982-0501 Augusto Bldg KC ............ (02)8376-5645 Baesa Rd KC ................ (0926)732-9021
Landwealth Mansion Educamp Learning Center Ekomoda Elegant Homes Philippines Elm Water Systems And Equipment
Mla ............................ (02)8252-9524 Lira Munt ....................... (02)8801-0974 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Teresa Park Homes LP . (0905)282-6268 Manggahan Coml Town Homes
Ecclesiastical District Of Pasig Edumielet Appliances Aircondition Trading SJ .............................. (02)7622-2609 Elegant Star Photos & Gown Psg ............................ (02)8681-8774
J P Rizal Psg .................. (02)8643-7038 52 E Ragas Pat ............ (0929)560-2397 El Al Israel Airline Limited Sampaguita Pasong Putik Proper Elmer Claron Barbers Shop
Ecco Edun Security Agency Incorporated Mile Long Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8816-2387 QC ........................... (0915)510-3737 Bilog Rd Val ................. (0917)545-5543
Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8687-0018 Magdalo Cpd PC ............ (02)8659-7846 El Buen Auto Service Eleksis Marketing Corporation Elorde Boxeo Gym Q C Incorporated
Eccosteel Trading Inc Edward Co Tan + Architects 7 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)7752-4757 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-2048 216 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8682-3196
666 Puso Val ................. (02)8994-7211 16 Monte De Piedad QC . (02)8727-3239 El Bulakeno Enterprises Elektro Werk Incorporated Elorde Boxing Gym
Ece Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Edward Enterprises P Delos Reyes Bldg Mla . (02)8516-5314 695 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8724-1686 Star Mall Mand ............... (02)8531-5365
91 V Luna Ext Rd QC ...... (02)8426-3360 39 Macarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6518 El Chapo's Elenor Money Changer Elta Industries Incorporated
Ecenterprises Group Manila Incorporated Edward Keller (Philippines) Inc 88 Eeban Abada QC ..... (0920)983-1619 Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-5978 6363 P Medina Mkti ....... (02)8816-2084
146 Valero Mkti .............. (02)8828-6610 Cyber Sigma Bldg El Cielito Inn Elevate Dental Greenhills Elufa Multi-Link Inc
Ecg Brokerage Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8548-3288 804 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8815-8951 Northeast Square SJ ....... (02)8712-0465 18 Saudi Arabia Pque ..... (02)8533-3476
World Trade Exch Bldg Edward's Vanity Skin Essentials El Gibor Blinds And Interiors Eleven Hardware Co Inc Elvie Pineda Beauty On Line Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8241-4786 594 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0910)891-7068 136 White Plains Ave 1 Eleven Rd Quezon City.(02)8361-5198 J M Basa Cpd QC ........... (02)8912-7312
Eci Telecom Philippines Incorporated Edwin Completo QC ........................... (0927)797-6250 Eleven Hardware Company Incorporated Ely's Graceful Rice Trading Co
Antel 2000 Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8845-2333 2113 Concha Mla ......... (0910)254-2591 El Inventor Motor Works Incorporated 1 Eleven Rd QC .............. (02)8361-5198 Canaynay Ave LP ......... (0917)850-6040
Eclaro Philippines Edwin Gayondato Plumbing Services 49 Amang Rodriguez Ave Eleweld Metal And Industrial Supply Elyn's Garden
9 Commonwealth Ave B108 L42 Bagong Silang Psg ............................ (02)8681-5327 Corporation 4807 Rosal Pque..........(0927)745-9682
QC ............................. (02)8951-6629 KC ............................. (02)8734-1601 El Joshvin Tailoring Jeb Bldg Psg .................. (02)7916-2563 Elyong's Grill And Restaurant
Eclipse Mobile Bar Edwin Lisa Salon 2 Esperanza QC............(0928)694-4582 Elfa Shipyard Corporation B177 L36 Geneva Garden
Ladislao Diwa Mkna ..... (0906)856-3226 1874 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8458-7293 El Kapitan Food Enterprise 904 M Naval Navotas ..... (02)8282-9643 QC ............................. (02)8710-0875
Eco Global Edzar Marketing Corporation Red Maple Bldg QC ........ (02)8697-4099 Elfa's Flower Shop Elyseum Christian School
Ayala Twr 1 Mkti ............ (02)3491-7701 83 Lilac Mkna ................ (02)8781-4844 El Kapitan Pro Sounds And Lights Araneta Ctr QC ............. (0945)730-0170 24 Rd 23 QC .................. (02)8426-4850
Eco Global Development Corp Eee Engineering Services Philippines Elgie Packaging Equipment Incorporated Elysianj Salon And Spa
1105 Golan Arcade QC . (0917)502-6376 2149 Zamora Mla ......... (0915)327-2558 Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8847-2389 Diamond KC ................... (02)8984-3452 El Grande Ave Pque ...... (0905)489-4007

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Em Zalamea Actuarial Services Emmico Consultancy Engarland Development Corporation Ephphatha Incorporated Escor Trading Tire & Rim Supply
Incorporated Regalia Park Twr B QC . (0915)959-3347 Kalayaan Plz Bldg QC ..... (02)8925-1421 Shangrila Plz Mand ......... (02)8638-4678 1638 J Abad Santos Ave
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8893-7107 Emmronn Incorporated Engine Master Trading Incorporated Epic Security Agency Mla ............................ (02)8252-8927
Em's Tapsilogan Rfm Corporate Ctr Mand.(02)8638-4464 16 Banawe QC ............... (02)8743-4657 424 E Rodriguez Sr QC ... (02)8723-2454 Escuela De Santo Rosario
Zabarte Rd Kaligayahan Emmylou's Manpower Incorporated Engine Zone Enterprises Epic Warehouse Grill 97 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
QC ........................... (0933)613-8898 East 21 Manila Bldg Mla . (02)8567-1280 639 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8734-3303 Gil Fernando Ave Mkna . (0923)602-9644 Psg ............................ (02)8627-9941
Em3 Auto Spa & Diner Emo Sm Ctr Psg.................(02)8514-4967 Engineering Connexion Epiclogistics Company Limited Escuela De Sto Rosario Incorporated
4 Bagong Anyo Psg......(0908)865-3154 Emo Jewelry 124 Sct Rallos QC ........ (0927)486-4876 Deuteronomy LP ............ (02)7964-2042 32 Garnet Psg ................ (02)8628-1560
Emack & Bolio's Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)860-3143 Engineering Construction Epldt Incorporated Ese-Ecpack General Merchandise
Ayala Malls The 30th Empanada Especiale 917 San Francisco L V Locsin Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8859-0088 L20 B8 Greenfields QC ... (02)8899-9762
Psg .......................... (0922)882-8278 Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0948)266-5008 Mand ......................... (02)8534-6746 Eplus Stationery Incorporated Esec Dental Clinics
Emata Furniture Trading Empanada Nation Restaurant And Food Enginelink International Company 1475 Figueroa Mla ......... (02)8561-4456 Crown Twr Condmn
43 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0933)397-7170 Services The Place Bldg SJ .......... (02)8723-1984 Epp Fire Safety And Rescue Products Mkti ......................... (0917)319-2984
Emb Digital Printing Services San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)8403-7671 Enginerd Math Tutorial Center Concord Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8844-0599 Esec Oral Wellness Corporation
47 Hornbill QC................(02)7739-3997 Empanada Royale Emtc Hse LP .................. (02)8541-9202 Eppofil Incorporated Burgundy Corporate Twr
Emb Job Contracting Services Greenhills Shopping Ctr Enguero Creatives 1872 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8823-6049
Lrt Caloocan Mall Monumento SJ .............................. (02)8852-5672 31 Tangka Val .............. (0922)731-6622 QC ............................. (02)8654-1441 Esend Courier
KC ............................. (02)8961-9647 Emphascale Architectural Services Enhance Cosmetic And Dermatology Center Epson Metal Trading 3589 Buenos Aires Mla (0930)335-3355
Embassy Of Timor Leste Verde Oro Bldg QC ....... (0915)314-2289 Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-9614 610 Zabarte KC .............. (02)8962-7656 Esicor Incorporated
Garnet Rd Psg ................ (02)8637-9405 Emphasis Services Limited Enhance Nails And Lashes Equi G Enterprises 141 Don Jose QC ........... (02)8421-7549
Embile Enterprise Rcbc Plz Mkti ................. (02)8887-2525 Ebm Bldg QC................(0917)606-2687 639-644 Evangelista Eskopeta Airguns
140 M A Roxas Mkna ..... (02)7907-1733 Empire Bar Enhancing Life's Standards Mla ............................ (02)3488-3804 13 San Marcelino Pque (0919)717-4167
Embrace Dental Clinic Venice Grand Canal Mall Gold Land Twr SJ ........... (02)8721-8595 Equicom Manila Holdings Incorporated Esl Interlink Incoprporated
1422 Juan Luna Mla.....(0995)291-5812 Taguig........................(02)8810-1100 Enjel Water Refilling Station Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8813-0059 Fashion Vill QC ............... (02)8421-9121
Embrocomp Embroidery Services Empire Designs 30 Bristol QC................(0956)230-3858 Equicom Systems Mgt Incorporated Esn Fresh Fruit Corporation
B2 L7 Sikatuna QC ....... (0916)776-2231 Pearl Plz Psg .................. (02)8696-4600 Ennius Fruits And Vegetables Trading 3308 Zapote Mkti ........... (02)8897-0237 227A North Bay Blvd
Embu Integrated And Trading Company Empire Dining Incorporated Afp Vill Taguig ................ (02)8866-1120 Equifix Corporation Nav ............................ (02)8281-2938
576 EDSA Kalookan City (02)8366-5608 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-8802 Enopi 450 Gen V Lim SJ ..... (02)8727-9932 Casabella Bldg QC .......... (02)8374-5430 Espa Clean Laundry & Dry Clean Shop
Emc Digiphoto Services Empire East Enovet Incorporated Equilife Medical Inc 7B Gregorio Araneta Ave
86-A Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8515-1583 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-0160 Pna Bldg Mla .................. (02)8354-0348 QC ........................... (0995)802-5212
Psg ............................ (02)8701-2911 Empire Foods Group Incorporated Enri Digital Printing Services Equipment Engineers Incorporated Espacio Builders Inc
Emc Philippines Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8696-0436 Manila Executive Regency Cityland Twr 1 12 Manggahan QC ......... (02)8635-3342 12 Paraiso QC ................ (02)8567-0656
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3433 Empire One Electronics Service Center Mla .......................... (0977)386-6601 Equipment Masters International Espasyo Nail & Body Spa Massage Spa &
Emc Prado Auto Inc Em Bldg SJ .................... (02)7149-5985 Enrique O Olonan And Associates Kingswood Coml Arcade Home Service
66 Maayusin QC.............(02)8990-5828 Empirefoods Group Incorporated Xavierville Square Condmn Mkti ........................... (02)8895-1608 Main Ave QC ................ (0925)755-6522
Emco Printing Center Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8288-5540 QC ............................. (02)8426-7215 Equipoise Accounting & Consultancy Espazio Laundry
275 D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-0215 Employees' Compensation Commission Enriquez Tailoring & Dress Shop Services 44 Susana Gulod QC .... (0908)181-5600
Emecont Engineering Services Ecc Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8899-4251 3-A Filinvest Rd 1 QC ... (0920)868-3603 12 Santol Rd Mal..........(0966)213-2210 Espina Perez-Espina & Associates
33 1st St LP ................. (0995)286-3428 Employer Branding Survey Aisa Enriquez-Maala Specialized Pest Control Equiprime Optimum Solutions Inc Robinsons Equitable Twr
Emerald Chemicals Incorporated F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ...... (0935)269-5357 Services Jvf-Kanedai Bldg QC.......(02)7617-0892 Psg ............................ (02)8637-4725
157 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8362-2203 Empresa Hermano Trading Incorporated 84 Longhorn Mkna ......... (02)8401-0822 Equisurance Agencies Corporation Espiritu Dental
Emerald Glass & General Merchandise 89-A New York Ave QC .. (02)7738-6372 Ensayo Gym Equipment Incorporated Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8892-3494 8137 Escriva Dr Psg ...... (02)8514-3785
57 - D Timog Ave QC ..... (02)8921-1787 Emprisa Inno Solutions Incorporated 356 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8713-8700 Esprit The Podium Mand .... (02)8635-6736
Sta Agueda Bldg Pque .... (02)8821-8037 Er Plus Medical $ Surgical Clinic
Emerge Data Ventures Incorporated Ensembles 1972 G Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8743-8365 Esquire Financing Incorporated
Fernandina 88 Bldg QC ... (02)8913-0338 Emprovenue Business Solutions And Civic Dr Festival Mall High South Corporate Plz
Eracare Philippines Incorporated
Emergelocal Advisory Services Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8809-5636 City & Land Mega Plz Condo Taguig........................(02)8811-8888
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Builders Ctre Bldg Mkti ... (02)8887-2048 Ensogo Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8687-1740 Esr Auto Supply
Mkti ......................... (0917)654-3297 Emr Courier Services 8 Mercury Ave QC .......... (02)8287-1176 Eraine Jim Laundry 792 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8363-7275
Emerging Medical Equipments Trading Gen Cailles Mkti ............. (02)7625-0655 Entech Philippines Inc Dna Felicidad QC .......... (0919)759-3056 Ess Manufacturing Company Inc
City & Land Mega Plz Ems Enterprise 108 Central QC...............(02)8401-5181 Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)7976-4000
358 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)7957-4381 Eraine Jim Laundry Shop
Psg ............................ (02)8687-4660 Entelphils Corporation Luzon Ave QC .............. (0929)349-4023 Essenxa Fashion House Incorporated
Emerging Power Incorporated Ems Pool Services Philippines Reliable Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8812-9398 33B G De Jesus KC ........ (02)8962-5280
Kings II Bldg PC ............. (02)8556-1849 Eraysida Ref & Aircon Services
Psec Psg ....................... (02)8654-7916 Enter Sky Comp Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8826-1532 Est Burgerbar Incorporated
Emerson Electric (Asia) Limited Emyth Incorporated (Nacho King!) 800 Padilla Mla .............. (02)8521-0074 Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8631-4388
Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ........ (02)8650-6633 Erev Guns And Ammunition Dealer
Pacific Plz South Twr Enterfil Ind'l Products Atu South Concessionaire Esta Trading Corporation
Taguig........................(02)8843-3989 Emz Electrical Contractor Corporation 115 Selecta Drive Balintawak
Colorado Bldg Mla .......... (02)8935-3022 Taguig........................(02)8526-5879 30 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8837-0484
Emerson Industrial Supply Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8653-3750 Ergo Contracts Phils Incorporated Estate Wine
1670 Bambang Mla ........ (02)5313-7632 En-Tire Car Care Centre Incorporated Enterph
44 N Roxas QC .............. (02)8732-1173 343 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8831-4132 Republic Glass Bldg
Emerys Food Delivery Services Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8814-5321 Mkti ........................... (02)8804-5028
Ena Educational Services Ergostudio Express
Molave LP ...................... (02)3036-9083 Enterprise Capital Bank Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0917)525-2134 Estca General Merchandise
2153 Karapatan Mla ....... (02)8251-5899 The Amber Taguig .......... (02)8889-8716
Emico Trading Ergostudio Interior Design Greenhills SJ ................ (0908)888-8265
422 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8921-0511 Enagic Philippines Incorporated Enterprise Information Technology
Rcbc Savings Bank Corp Ctr E Roces Cpd Mand.......(0917)525-2134 Estee's Native Kakanin
Emil Migz Private Resort & Events Corporation Eric Electronics Services 17 Geometry QC .......... (0917)705-3508
Taguig........................(02)8519-1923 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8864-0603
6 Kabilugan QC ............ (0936)475-9611 C Almeda Pat ............... (0918)364-4582 Esthetique Medicale
Enambiz Solutions Enterprise Realty Corporation
Emil's Refrigeration & Airconditioning Tycoon Ctr Bldg Psg.....(0906)327-1705 Eric Santiago Memorial Chapel Congressional Town Ctr
Services Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8242-4034 26 Bayan-Bayanan Ave QC ............................. (02)8454-0687
Encotec Inc Entertainment Quest Trading
99-A Kamuning Rd Dela Rosa Mkti ............... (02)8855-6321 Mkna ......................... (02)8942-6044 Estilo
Quezon City................(02)8928-8173 89 Gen Tinio KC ............. (02)8367-6278 Ericka Louise Closet Custom Print Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Encycligent Marketing Services Enthalpy Unitrade Services Company
Emil-Jansen Printing Services State Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (0917)869-9418 Novaliches QC..............(0906)460-0106 SJ .............................. (02)8722-0810
39 Diam Val ................... (02)7261-1471 Triple M Bldg Pque ......... (02)8831-4414 Estings Flowers International Incorporated
Enderun Events Ericks Motor Sales
Emilda Trucking Entheos Printing Press 10 Banawe QC ............... (02)8353-8888 1605 Laonlaan Mla.........(02)8743-4266
1100 Campus Ave 220D East 8th Ave KC .... (02)8364-5344
Westbank Rd Psg ........... (02)8941-2699 Taguig........................(02)8856-5000 Ericman Printing Services Estrada & Aquino Law
Emilio S Lim App Entropy Marketing 7165 M Ocampo Mkti.....(02)8741-6827 High South Corporate Plz Twr 2
Enduraland Development Corporation 10 Nalugod Mkna ........... (02)8475-1039
126128 Samson KC ....... (02)8352-4778 Amorsolo Mkti................(02)8817-6688 Erins Place Restaurant Taguig........................(02)7719-4089
Emiliz Hardware And Construction Supply Enuden Solar Energy 33 Bayani Rd Taguig .... (0966)711-1121 Esvc Enterprise
Endure Medical Incorporated Graceland Plz Bldg
L6 B88 P5 Bayani Rd Psec Psg ....................... (02)8584-7276 Erma And Jason's Motorshop 1746 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Taguig........................(02)8843-4612 Mkna ....................... (0917)779-0108 Mla ............................ (02)8252-4406
Energetics Health And Wellness Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0936)209-4642
Eminent Water Laboratory Env Rock Trading Company Et Workz Motorcycle Racing Shop
60 12B Teodoro Pque .. (0998)569-3099 Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)7799-2132 Ernest Custom Tailor
1752 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)3412-4135 Energreen Consultancy Services 408 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3454-3432 267 Rizal Ave Ext KC .... (0906)236-9854
Emjay Chemical Corporation Enviro Scope Synergy Inc Etaily
Primeland Bldg Munt ...... (02)8403-1310 3270 Merville Access Rd Ernest Logistics Corporation
2 St Joseph Drive Melandrea Bldg Nav ..... (0917)832-4401 West Twr Psec Psg ...... (0917)624-0162
Cainta Rizal ................ (02)8655-0884 ENERGY SPECIALIST PC ........................... (0998)595-7792
Ernesto Oppen Incorporated Etam Lingerie
Emma Balanoba Guzman Realty Envirokonsult Equipment And Services Inc Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-4362
Sierra Madre QC ............. (02)7219-4909
COMPANY INC Feria Rd QC .................... (02)8952-4122 Cartimar Administration Bldg PC ............................. (02)8831-2261 Etc - Express Technetronic Corporation
Emme Subic Transport Corporation Environair Asia Incorporated 14 Jade QC .................... (02)8421-3514
331 Pilar Rd LP .............. (02)8836-2296 Erniesons Automotive Sales Corporation
C-4 Rd Mal .................... (02)8287-0493 536 Calbayog Manda- 14 Kabignayan QC..........(02)8749-0614 Etcit Inc Richwell Ctr QC ..... (02)7239-4498
Emmi Incorporated Envision Electronics
luyong ..... (02)8531-4212 32 Karuhatan Val ............ (02)8279-2271 Ernst Eye Clinic Eternal Word Foundation Incorporated
535 Don M Marcos SJ ... (02)8722-1725 Or Call............................(02)8531-2210 6 Gen Luna Taguig ....... (0925)880-3910 Parkville Apt Condo Mkti . (02)8896-4003
Enzo Car Care
202 Tandang Sora Ave Eroann Corporation Eterton Multi-Resources Corporation
It’s all about making tracks. QC ........................... (0927)230-2940 750 Edsa PC .................. (02)8833-3268 168 San Francisco
Eo Executive Optical Erodma Ready-Mix Concrete Co Mandaluyong ............. (02)8532-7021
Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8833-9515 219 Pablo Dela Cruz QC . (02)8983-6403 Etg Pawnshop - Muntinlupa City 1
The Yellow Pages ENERGY Ersan Trading Inc 670D Natl Rd Munt.........(02)8822-4081
Eoi Digital
SPECIALIST The City Club Alphaland Ersan Bldg QC ................ (02)8742-5217 Etmar International Logistics Corporation
allows your fingers COMPANY Mkti ......................... (0995)536-1050 Ersao Kaymito KC .................... (02)8544-6859
Eonnie Korean Mart 72 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)3443-1680 Etn Multimedia
to walk their way through the (ESCO) B18 L33 Hercules QC ... (0965)213-3953 Ersao Taiwanese Restaurant 43 Sgt Esguerra QC ........ (02)8806-3833
Ep Malto Construction 668 Banawe QC ............. (02)3409-7172 Eugene Car Air Con
2136 Kahilom II Mla ....... (02)8533-9434 Ertess Plastic Industries Inc 392 Quirino QC .............. (02)3453-4039
entire country and beyond. 30 Corumi Quezon City...(02)8365-2136 Eulogio Amang"" Rodriguez Institute Of
Epangelia Tosh Food Corporation
Energynet Incorporated Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8846-7863 Erwin's Gastrobar Science And Technology""""
It gives you access to more 285 Haig Mand .............. (02)8866-8020 Epcl Global Lending Corporation City Of Dreams Pque ...... (02)8832-3292 Nagtahan Mla ................. (02)8715-1550
Enesco Solar Energy Solutions Corp Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Es Print Media Inc Eurasiamquest Incorporated
people and services in Nieves Place 2 Mla ......... (02)8251-6600 Mla ............................ (02)8354-5836 2305 Marconi Mkti ......... (02)8551-1004 Femi 1 Bldg Mla ............. (02)8524-0575
Enex Electric Phils Incorporated Epe Transport Esa Employment Specialist Corporation Euro Asia Merchandising
1908 A Francisco Mla .... (02)8254-5280 37 Rose KC....................(02)8330-1654 Project Condmn QC ........ (02)8294-3677 Auro Vir Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8400-7989
Metro Manila as well as other Enfant Eperformax Contact Centers Corporation Escada Sport Euro Chemicals Incorporated
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8521-4046 Bpi Buendia Ctr Mkti ....... (02)3490-2288 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0829 L2 Mindanao Ave QC ...... (02)8930-0720
key areas in Luzon, Enfant Golton Corporation Eph's Bicycle Shop Esco Service Station Incorporated Euro Konzept
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6670 Pagoda Mla .................. (0935)983-5156 Marcos Alvarez Ave LP ... (02)8805-9510 125 Dangay QC .............. (02)8371-3129
Visayas and Mindanao. Enflare Technologies Incorporated Ephesians Publishing Incorporated Escobido And Pulgar Law Firm Euro Rich Foodtrade Corporation
126-B Int Rd 20 QC ........ (02)8257-4781 151 Rd 20 Rd QC ........... (02)8927-2965 2041 Edison Mkti ........... (02)8887-3120 156 Spkr Perez QC ....... (0917)824-1681

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46 S C M Y K


Euro Rscg Phils Incorporated Everbest Achiever's International Exceline Global Concept Incorporated Eye Level Philippines Fabulous Bundles Flowershop
Robinsons Equitable Twr 675 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-0783 C Ramirez & Co Bldg 401 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-5540 Mahiyain QC...................(02)8775-2382
QC ............................. (02)8635-2178 QC ............................. (02)8732-9438 Eye Master Optical Clinic Fabulous Finds By Sabrina
Euro Tiles Mc Arthur Val ..... (02)3444-9190
EVERBRIGHT NET & TWINE Excell Business Machines Trading 120 11th Ave KC ............ (02)8361-5685 528 The Sentinel Residences Suites
Euro Towers International Incorporated MFG CORP Artex Bldg Mla ................ (02)8242-6424 Eye-Professional Optical Clinic QC ........................... (0926)821-2576
Vivaldi Residences QC .... (02)8376-1111 See Lstg under Rope, Cordage and Excellar Enterprise Incorporated 711 Hilton KC...............(0945)279-0764 Face Basic Coml Plz KC ..... (02)8288-8866
Euro-Phil International Maritime Agency Twine Excellar Bldg QC ............. (02)8712-9999 Eyecraft Face To Face
Incorporated Excellent Brain School Of Barangka Inc Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8994-2080 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)3391-3806
2241 La Fuerza Plz 2 Edison Ave Paraña- 10A A Bonifacio Mkna .... (02)7987-9345 Eyepro Cctv And Electronics Inc Factocert - The Best Iso Consultants
Mkti ........................... (02)8818-7050 que..........(02)8824-1619 Excellent Hardware Incorporated Champaca QC .............. (0920)274-0936 Elliptical Rd Diliman QC .. (02)8555-5856
Euroasia Marble & Granite Incorporated Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8244-1212 Eyequest Manpower International Factory 2-U Corporation
206-B M Paterno SJ ....... (02)8726-3637 Excellent Home Decor 1679 Vareb Mansion Festival Mall Munt .......... (02)8771-0631
Eurofragance Philippines Incorporated 212 Tandang Sora Ave Mla ............................ (02)8521-0853 Factory Automation And Instrumentation
8416 Dr A Santos Ave EVERBRIGHT QC ............................. (02)8356-4019 Eyespy Detectives & Investigators Corporation
Pque .......................... (02)8825-6795 NET AND Excellent Link Travel And Tours 100K Twr QC ................. (02)8920-9088 Acre Bldg QC ................. (02)8426-9291
Eurolux Lighting Incorporated TWINE Centuria Medical Makati Eyeworks Incorporated Fad Bamboo Store
Granada QC ................... (02)8722-1000 Mkti ......................... (0925)808-2174 Festival Super Mall Munt.(02)8856-3285 3263 R Magsaysay Blvd
Euromed Laboratories Phil Incorporated MANUFAC- Eyj Interior Design Mla ............................ (02)8714-0474
Excelsior Worldwide Freight Logistics
Ppl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8524-0091 TURING Corporation F Valenzuela Val ............. (02)8710-3286 Fair Ground Inc
CORPORATION Ramagi Bldg Mla ............ (02)8353-8775 Eyk Jewelry 50 2nd Ave Taguig ....... (0917)583-0232
Exceture Inc Mbi Bldg Mla .................. (02)8253-6451 Fairmont Hotels And Resorts
EUROMERICA TRADE Antel Corporate Ctr Eyo Sales And Technologies Commercial 1 Raffles Dr Mkti ............ (02)8555-9739
Mkti ......................... (0928)489-8861 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
PHILIPPINES INC Everbright Real Estate
Executive Genesis Services Inc SJ .............................. (02)8724-0755
Antel Corporate Ctr
Mkti ......................... (0917)168-1688 Diamond Finance Bldg Ez Built Finishing FAIRMOUNT HILLS
e-mail: [email protected] QC ........................... (0933)823-6016 1446-1448 Soler Mla ..... (02)8733-3348
Everclean Water Refilling Station
59-B Kamagong Pque .. (0945)841-6260 Executive Gourmet Catering Services Ez Clean Laundry SUBDIVISION
Cervantes Paraña- Everenz Hardware And Builders Supply Calamba Mla .................. (02)8781-7298 1145 Soler Mla...............(02)8562-8252 See Lstg under Residential Properties
que..........(02)8824-3950 169 Private Rd Mand ...... (02)7747-1356 Exel Coil Coating Corp Ezee Prints e-mail: [email protected]
Everest Academy Incorporated Goodland Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8822-1306 236 P Dela Cruz QC......(0917)702-7803
38th Dr Taguig ............... (02)8882-4981 Exemed Pharma Incorporated Ezekiel Tire Supply 117 Dasmariñas
76A Kundiman QC .......... (02)8373-2373 971 B A Bonifacio Ave
Everest Motors Incorporated
QC ........................... (0917)837-1587 Manila.....(02)8241-6186
Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8709-9156 Exemplar 168 Manpower Corporation
EUROMERICA Everest Safety Supplies Inc Campus Rueda Bldg Ezekiel's Touch Health & Wellness Spa
TRADE 468 Boni Ave Mand ...... (0939)954-5125 Mkti ........................... (02)8556-3518 53 14 St QC ................. (0917)505-4939
Exide Technologies Ezertronix Repair
PHILS Everest Surveying
V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8753-3735 28B Naga Rd LP...........(0923)334-9448 FAIR-
Tandang Sora QC ........... (02)8475-5886
INCORPO- Everflame Marketing Incorporated Eximius Miracle Oil Marketing Ezgo Truck Rental MOUNT
RATED 42B Dna Soledad Ave 224 Mei Hua Plz KC ..... (0917)838-1337 32 T S Evalle Dr QC ........ (02)7502-7882
Pque .......................... (02)8836-8569 Exist Global Ezload Incorporated HILLS
Evergreat Enterprises Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8687-4091 Cyber One Bldg QC.........(02)8661-5449 SUBDIVI-
756 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8985-5588 Exoduz Rapha Veterinary Clinic Ezshop Asia
Europak Evergreen Food Corporation Bayan-Bayanan Ave Roxas Blvd Mla .............. (02)8551-3333 SION
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-5287 4 Baesa Rd QC ............... (02)8330-2933 Mkna ....................... (0926)668-0120 Ezura Events Management
European Motors Philippines Corporation Evergreen Manufacturing Corporation Exolent Incorporated 2116 La Mesa Val ........ (0943)129-9047
2296 Don Chino Roces Ave Ext Gen E Evangelista Ave 122 Susano Rd QC.........(02)8936-9234 Ezzy Reign Enterprises Fairview Center Mall
Mkti ........................... (02)8864-0921 Psg ............................ (02)8645-1143 Exotic Wood Frames 23 A De Guzman Mkna . (0947)289-2777 Fairview Ctr Mall QC ....... (02)8937-5958
European Technics Phils Incorporated Everise Philippines 20 Gen Ordonez Mkna .... (02)8997-6007 Fairy Mart
City Dela Rosa Condmn Bonifacio One Technology Twr Expertees And Prints 713 Northwest Plz KC .... (02)8361-1468
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-0949
Eurotel Hotel
Everjoy Customs Brokerage
Victory Food Mkt Pque ... (02)8692-8717
Explorarium Company Limited
F Faith Glorious Fit
10 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8285-9560
Gil Puyat Eurotel Hotel M P R Bldg Mla .............. (02)8524-2281 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8403-0077 Faith Glory Marketing
Mkti ........................... (02)8844-8603 Everplus Superstore Incorporated Explore The World Travel And Tours F & H Hard Earned Incorporated 1500 Doroteo Jose
Eurotiles 10th Ave KC ................... (02)8294-1372 Brgy San Isidro Pque .... (0927)216-1886 Mckinley Hill Piazza Mkti.(02)8836-4969 Mla .......................... (0917)709-9492
235 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8277-3324 Evershine Sales Center F & M Pacay Furniture And Sash Shop Faito Racing Philippines Incorporated
Exponent General Services Incorporated
Eurovek Building Solutions Incorporated 518 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8241-9279 1853 E Rodriguez Sr Ave 223 Tandang Sora Ave 137 M Asistio Sr Ave KC (02)8363-2486
Prudential Life Bldg Mkti . (02)8812-0912 Eversun Software Phils Corporation QC ............................. (02)8723-2444 QC ............................. (02)8920-4950 Falcon Forex
Eusebio C Santos Elementary School Eagle Court Condmn QC . (02)8442-8007 Exponent Konka Group Inc F D Santos & Sons Builders Incorporated Dasmarinas Federal Twr Condmn
Pres M L Quezon Taguig.(02)8838-2689 Evertech Group Incorporated The World Ctr Condmn 8280 Dr A Santos Ave Mla ............................ (02)8241-7153
Evalue Phils Incorporated Twr 1 Plz Mkti ................ (02)8215-1350 Makati ........................ (02)8891-1300 Pque .......................... (02)8478-8024 Falcon Resources Incorporated
Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8531-1598 Everwin Hotel Manila F E Santiago Management Consultancy Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8654-1045
Exponent Motor Corp Yturralde Bldg QC ........... (02)7149-3882
Evan Barber Shop 1190 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8400-3812 Doctor Arcadio Santos Ave Fam's Kitchen
22 A Cruz Nav .............. (0932)546-3750 Everwing Profem Corporation Pque ........................ (0999)885-5668 F F International Mfg Corporation 793 Bagong Silang
Evan Hardware Incorporated 24 Manga Rd QC............(02)8723-4002 J C Cruz Psg .................. (02)8671-9262 Mkna ......................... (02)8983-6431
Express Clean Llv Laundry Shop
683 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-4850 Everybody's Cafe Sto Nino QC ................. (0927)691-1372 F J Wegon Animal Health Incorporated Famas Skin Slimming Spa
Evans Group Of Companies Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)510-8961 820 D Romualdez Sr Rolex QC ...................... (0906)689-2311
Express Connection Mla ............................ (02)8254-6636
Amorsolo Mkti................(02)8892-4944 Everything But Nails Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fambi Fabric
Evans Marketing Corporation 1229 Batangas Mkti ..... (0915)487-3442 SJ ............................ (0923)252-5363 F M Espino Transport Service Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8819-5922
Vernida 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8813-2840 Evexia Spa Libra Pque....................(0908)118-8727 Famcare Medical Clinic
Express Cut
Eve Fashion Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)554-2500 Robinsons Place Otis F Salvador Travel And Tours 2444 Aurora PC ............. (02)8823-9284
1043 Reina Regente Mla (02)8243-8867 Evi Distribution Philippines Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8559-0776 Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0998)546-0686 Fame Analytical Reagents And Laboratories
Evelyn's Catering And Special Lechon 117 F Sevilla SJ ............. (02)8470-1147 F Usabal Enterprises 54 Life Home Subd Psg..(02)7916-8798
Express It Courier Services 42 P Gomez Mkna .......... (02)8544-4632
5 Fourth Mkna .............. (0926)600-6372 Evic Human Resources Management 1388 Gregorio Araneta Ave Fame Microresources Incorporated
Evelyn's Narra Furniture S And L Bldg Mla ........... (02)8404-1757 QC ........................... (0968)709-1880 F V De La Rosa Trading Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8850-8274
816 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0915)380-3922 Evo Auto Services Center Incorporated 23 Orange Munt ............. (02)7218-7841 Familiya Graphika Office And School
Express Repair
Evenaire Metal Works Corporation 294 C Raymundo Ave Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8475-3049 F&B Packaging Tech Inc Supplies Trading
1 El Dorado Twnhms Psg ............................ (02)8641-0375 8 Kalaw Hill QC .............. (02)7739-9852 4 Snowdrop Val............(0961)433-7403
Express Transport Hauling And Freight
Pque .......................... (02)8823-7185 Evolve Missha Incorporated F&L Realty And Development Corporation Family Bean Cafe?
Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ......... (0917)830-2763 Services Incorporated Castillo Bldg PC..............(02)8831-1938
Evensia Events Management Venus Bldg LP................(02)8551-3569 4 Falcon QC ................. (0946)870-3243
2421 Adb Ave Psg ......... (02)7218-4871 Evrich Pizza F-Six Swimming Pool Builders Family Dental Care Clinic
677 Bautista PC ........... (0918)212-6635 Expresscut Incorporated 27 Aguirre Ave LP .......... (02)8515-9301 3381-C Libertad Ext PC .. (02)8831-7110
Event Sec Pro Incorporated Robinsons Place Otis
South Star Plz Bldg Mkti . (02)7975-5523 Evs Trading F2 Global Logistics Incorporated Family First Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8559-0976 Irasan Cplx Pque ............ (02)8880-4497
Events By Marquesa Emilia Bldg LP .............. (0908)817-9871 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7755-1500
Albero Bldg Psg ............. (02)7752-6241 Eway Business Incorporated Expressions Stationery Shop F25 Logistics
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-3284 Family Fun Portrait Incorporated
Events By Rum Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8844-4846 Pandacan Executive Homes Bonifacio High Street
Philippine Stock Exch Ctre Ewell Square Incorporated Expressive Minds Early Childhood Center Mla ............................ (02)8703-8927 Taguig........................(02)8856-1232
Psg .......................... (0998)790-9342 128 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8255-8092 219 Katipunan Ave QC . (0917)706-8466 F45 Ejv Bldg Pque .............. (02)8373-1228 Family Health And Beauty Corporation
Eventsecpro Inc Eworld Enterprise Expresspay Karlkryst E-Business Center F5 Networks Greenhills Shopping Ctr
South Star Plz Bldg Don Chino Roces Mkti .. (0905)211-8870 Cordillera Mand .............. (02)8706-5452 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-8469 SJ .............................. (02)8726-1940
Mkti ......................... (0917)159-6711 Ex Manila Trading Exquisite Nail Lounge Fab Family Medical Center
Eventsvenue Ph 1317B Quirino Mla ......... (02)8563-4739 91 G De Jesus KC ........ (0966)926-6843 Greenhills Shopping Ctr West East Twr Mla ......... (02)8528-1330
Fort Legend Twr Exact Motors And General Merchandise Exsurge Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8913-3718 Family Montessori Pre-School Of Loyola
Taguig......................(0926)662-9900 Incorporated Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8584-0838 Fab Nail Salon 57 Esteban Abada QC.....(02)8426-0310
Ever Gold Food & Bakeshop Corporation 212 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-8041 Extermicon Gen Svcs Incorporated 167 Samson Rd KC......(0955)469-1248 Family Tooth Doctors
Ever Gotesco Commonwealth Exalta Auto Parts & Services Corporation 1031 Talundon Mla ........ (02)8562-6592 Fab Suffrage Inc City Square Bldg Psg ...... (02)7263-1221
QC ............................. (02)8951-0546 68 Nicanor Roxas QC ... (0922)871-9958 Extinguished Inc St Martin Bldg QC ......... (0939)916-3425 Familyhealth & Beauty Corporation
Ever Gotesco Incorporated Exaweb Corporation Villa Socorro QC ............. (02)8470-3780 Fabbit Philippines Bgc Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-2958
Ever Gotesco Manila Plz One Park Dr Taguig ........ (02)7888-1686 Extra Excel Intl Phils Incorporated Twenty-Four Seven Mckinley Fandialan Tmj Center Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8735-6901 Excel Automotive & Industrial Sales Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8848-9973 Taguig........................(02)8864-4100 Future Point Plz 3 QC....(0917)503-2703
Ever Lumber And Hardware Incorporated 2752 Taft Ave Ext PC ..... (02)8831-8608 Extreme Manpower Fabby Creative Designs Fao: California Clothing Incorporated
2621 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-2186 Excel Custom Education Lab Incorporated Mirasol Bldg Mla ............ (02)3498-1009 424 Sampaguita KC ..... (0945)408-6318 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0136
Ever Plaza Incorporated Emerald Mansion Psg.....(02)8706-4206 Extreme Pro Photo Inc Fabri-Kote Incorporated Fap Dental Clinic
Ever Gotesco Bldg Mla ... (02)8708-6113 Excel Facade Solutions Incorporated 713 R Hidalgo Mla..........(02)8733-4564 23 Dalsol QC .................. (02)8929-5791 City Land Pioneer
Ever Rich Prime Builders Corporation Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Extremedetails Photography Fabriano Spa Incorporated Mand ....................... (0929)591-3654
182 9th Ave KC .............. (02)8363-5510 Mkti ........................... (02)8869-4536 176 Pangustra Mkna ...... (02)3382-7659 103 Mercedez Ave Psg ... (02)8641-8754 Faps Balloons & Party Needs
Ever Rising Excel Qlty Incorporated Exztra Plus Size Clothing Fabric Zone Laundry And Dry Cleaning 47 Lower Everlasting
518 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-4587 27 Salvia QC .................. (02)8937-9632 922 San Francisco 93 Urbano Velasco Ave QC ........................... (0942)352-3611
Ever Rising Electrical Supply Excel Worldwide Marketing Corporation Mand ....................... (0915)633-4634 Psg ............................ (02)8370-4497 Far East Fuel Corporation
30B Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8332-6246 Mimosa Bldg KC ............ (02)8366-4381 Eye Contact Optical Fabriduct & Metal Systems Incorporated 27 Jasmin Val ................ (02)8294-7614
Ever Super Market Excelcon Industries 614 Boni Rpm Mand ...... (02)8534-2099 673 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8531-5963 Far East Fumigators Incorporated
1760 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8403-5469 Excelcon Bldg QC ......... (0922)833-4804 Eye Crafts Fabulous Anthology General Merchandise 1674 Dian Mkti...............(02)8844-9168
Ever-Haus Products Mfg Incorporated Excelhealth Medical And Diagnostic Clinic Eastwood Eastwood Mall 999 Shopping Mall 2 Far East Printing
22 Rincon Rd Val ........... (02)8294-6010 Metro Plz Mall KC ......... (0916)723-0197 QC ............................. (02)8570-0009 Mla ............................ (02)8256-8911 Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8843-5362

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:41 2022 - P46

47 S C M Y K


Far East Sewing Machines Philippines Feast & Fire Fgr Care Battery Center Corporation Filipino Savers Bank Incorporated First Filipino Fastfood Corporation
5865 Z Roxas Mkti ......... (02)8834-1247 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8239-3264 M Suarez Psg ................. (02)8628-0144 Pasig Sports Cplx Psg .... (02)8641-8398 Capitol Hills Dr QC .......... (02)8332-7174
Far East Signage Maker Feati University Fgs East Asia Technical Resource Filling Station Bar And Cafe First Filoccom Chemicals Inc
283 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0907)216-5838 Feati University Bldg Mla.(02)8733-8381 Management Inc 5012 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8897-2053 Tytana Plaza Manila........(02)8242-8744
Far Eastern University Nicanor Abelardo Feb Mitsui Marine Institute Company Aro Ctre Munt.................(02)8672-7879 Filshoppes Company First Forwarders Company Incorporated
Medical Foundation Hospital Incorporated Fh Commercial Incorporated 21 Molave Psg ............... (02)8632-1937 Alliance Bldg Mla ............ (02)8241-2258
Regalado Ave QC ........... (02)8983-8338 Ayala Life-Fgu Bldg Mkti . (02)8891-0271 22 Anonas Rd Mal..........(02)8362-2265 Filtra Incorporated First Global Freight And Brokerage Corp
Farben Lights And Specs Trading Federal Brent Retail Incorporated Fhille's Flower Shop The Penthouse Yupangco Bldg 321 Dasmariñas Mla...(02)7757-5604
1718 G Santiago Mla ...... (02)8251-7902 The Blue Wave PC .......... (02)8833-0872 108B P Diego Cera Ave Mla ............................ (02)8478-6888 First Insurance Services Corporation
Farclean Laundry Federal Concepts Incorporated LP ............................ (0919)786-4535 Final Art Work Graphics Incorporated Marvin Plz Mkti...............(02)8816-2691
Mo Ignacia QC ............... (02)7261-2210 Lcc Bldg Psg..................(02)7799-3089 Fia Medical Supply 8374 Mayapis Mkti.........(02)8846-1748 First Isomatic Incorporated
Fargo Plastic Products Corporation Federal Land Incorporated B19 L16 Area 6 Rd Final Moments Funeral Concierge 68 15th Ave QC .............. (02)8355-5823
432 Benjamin Nav .......... (02)8253-5871 Gt International Twr Mkti . (02)8883-6888 Pque .......................... (02)8840-3552 Chemphil Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8851-5365 First Japs Commercial Incorporated
Farhanah Adam Fashion Collection Federal Tower Condominium Corporation Fiameta's Plants & Flowers Finale Art File Incorporated 1845-A P Guevarra Mla .. (02)8784-6973
2360 Crisolita Mla .......... (02)7618-8192 Dasmarinas Mla ............. (02)8242-2184 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-6362 La Fuerza Cpd Mkti ......... (02)8812-5034 First Metrolink Food Corporation
Farinas Ilocos Empanada Federated Distributors Incorporated Fiber Composite Manufacturing Inc Finds Convenience Store Erl Investment Bldg Mla .. (02)8516-3819
35 West Ave QC ............. (02)3410-9409 Fdi Bldg Pque ................. (02)8851-7020 B47 L9 Tropical Ave Da Vinci Bldg Munt ....... (0932)512-3226 First Metrowheels Service Incorporated
Farm Fresh Village Federation Of Philippine Photographers LP ............................ (0945)671-7893 Fine Choice Car Accessories Pdcp Bank Ctr Mkti.........(02)8659-8583
12 Danupra QC ............ (0926)646-9513 Foundation Fiber Development Authority 1728 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8889-1307 First Pacific Nova Distributors Corporation
Farmacia Alina Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8524-7576 Sunnymede Bldg QC ...... (02)8441-4079 Fine Concept Hotel Line Corporation Kamias Rd QC................(02)8876-5655
1776 Espana Blvd Mla....(02)8731-3792 Fedesu Diesel Parts Incorporated Fiber Rex Philippines Llc Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-9204 First Phil Ins Brokerage Incorporated
Farmind Philippines Incorporated 217 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-0331 88 Amang Rodriguez Ave Fine Express Services Incorporated Country Space 1 Bldg
Office Twr Mkti ............... (02)8812-8931 Fedman Development Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8631-3880 1633 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8724-5158 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-8859
Fas Development Corporation Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8816-6210 Fiberline Industries Incorporated Fineapple Tree Pharmacy First Place Incorporated
56 D Bonifacio Val..........(02)3445-0130 Fedsan Realty & Development Corporation 130 4th St KC ................ (02)8364-2168 Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)3427-7848 Magsaysay Ave QC ........ (02)8926-2973
Fas Diagnostic Group 256 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8374-2715 Fibrefill Manufacturing Incorporated Finegrade Electrical And Industrial Supplies First Planters Pawnshop Incorporated
Dolmar Bldg Mla.............(02)8353-4693 Feel Good Food Group C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8641-3845 Trading Mata PC ......................... (02)8853-2611
Fas Insurance Agency Incorporated 73 Dr Natividad Taguig . (0949)786-5399 Fic Marketing Company Incorporated Malinis Val ................... (0977)834-7063 First Riz-Ca Food Corporation
Anita Bldg QC ................. (02)8374-1292 Feel Good Massage 65 Industria QC .............. (02)8637-6099 Fineline Industrial Marketing Incorporated Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-6399
Fashion 101 Trading Quirino Hwy QC............(0920)967-5380 Fidelity Insurance Company Incorporated 779 Alabang Zapote Rd First Shoshin Solutions Corp
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Feelgood Incorporated Arzobispado De Manila LP .............................. (02)8724-1686 First Shoshin Solutions Bldg
QC ........................... (0917)554-6003 21 Dna Mary Munt ......... (02)8478-3067 Mla ............................ (02)8528-0888 Finio Restaurant Mkti ........................... (02)8810-6841
Fashion First Ventures Incorporated Feldon's Trucking Services Fidelity Securities Incorporated 220 Tomas Morato Ave First Taipan Logistics Incorporated
South Stn Bldg Munt ...... (02)8831-2949 Feldon's Trucking Services Jtkc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8812-6267 QC ............................. (02)7919-0186 4962 E De Leon Pque.....(02)8852-1300
Fashion Valor Overtop Incorporated Val ........................... (0926)821-6384 Fidelity Steel Manufacturing Inc Finishline Footwear Incorporated First United Travel Incorporated
51-B Tel-Aviv Pque ........ (02)8512-3947 Feleric General Merchandise 1174 A Mabini KC .......... (02)8288-2340 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8840-4688 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8861-5053
Fasouk Concepts Company Ph1 Pkg 3 B38 L30 Bagong Silang Field's Gate Business Specialists Finlevi Home Builders Incorporated First-Class Travel And Tours
Sm Megamall A Mand .. (0927)454-4138 KC ............................. (02)8962-8132 Incorporated 2624 Figueroa PC .......... (02)8831-1706 The Trade And Financial Twr
Fast Auto Works Felicel Shoe Manufacturing 1048 Ilaya Mla ............... (02)8247-3309 Finman Hub Internet Cafe Taguig........................(02)8721-7335
11 M Eusebio Ave Psg . (0906)206-8276 325 M A Roxas Mkna ..... (02)8645-3654 Fiery Style Southwestern Grill 131 Tordesillas Mkti ..... (0905)525-7384 Fiscal Managers Incorporated
Fast Cargo Global Solutions Co Felicidad Mansion Events Place Ayala Malls Manila Bay Finmat Intl Resources Incorporated Ecj Condmn Mla ............. (02)8527-3917
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Baler QC.........................(02)8961-8038 Pque ........................ (0928)384-5555 371 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Fish 2 Go
Mla ............................ (02)8367-5455 Felipe's Chicken Fillet Fiesta Gas Psg ............................ (02)8654-9412 President's Ave Pque .... (0999)992-8292
Fast Food Lunch And Snack 643 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0917)608-5207 1041 Quirino QC ............ (02)3377-8211 Finn Asia Inc Fish Yard 43
West Ave QC .................. (02)8372-1658 Felnor Trust And Services Fiesta Greetings Incorporated Cityland Herrera Twr 43 Domingo QC ........... (0917)627-7848
Fast Info Link Cargo Incorporated 22 P Cruz Mand ........... (0933)541-9774 Fiesta Greeting Bldg SJ ... (02)8727-1897 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-0729 Fisher Farms Incorporated
Cargo Vill Cplx Pque ....... (02)8659-2935 Felusa Metal Fabrication Incorporated Fiftysix Logistics Finnex Sales Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8638-4484
Fast Laboratory 42 P Gomez Mkna .......... (02)8544-4632 Puzon Bldg QC ............. (0928)335-6588 99 Sandoval Ave Psg ..... (02)8640-1703 Fisher Rosemount Systems
62 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-0241 Femjeg Security Agency Ncr Branch Figari Group Fino Leatherware Incorporated Sapphier Rd Psg ............ (02)8702-1000
Fast Tat Credit Services Inc 34B G Fernando Ave The Curve Taguig ........... (02)8405-5122 Eastwood City Walk 2 Fishta Seafood Incorporated
Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8533-7763 Mkna ....................... (0949)749-1191 Fil Generators & Services Co QC ............................. (02)8687-3699 West Ave QC .................. (02)8983-1070
Fast-Track Customs Brokerage Ferdie's Store Dr A Santos Av Fiona Jewelry Fist Gym
Padilla Delos Reyes Bldg Las Pinas Pub Mkt LP .... (02)8872-5755 Parañaque .................. (02)8738-0051 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8928-4659 Gil-Preciosa Bldg 2 QC ... (02)7799-4624
Mla ............................ (02)8243-3062 Fergin Ubod & Vegetable Store Fil Geosolutions Inc Fiore Del Carmelo School Fist Multi-Tech Industrial & Dev't
Fastbooks Educational Supply Inc Mega Qmart QC............(0915)261-0528 83 West Ave QC ............. (02)7373-9345 6 Dna Lucia QC .............. (02)8939-4714 Corporation
1239 Instruccion Mla ..... (02)8743-1547 Feria Tantoco Daos Law Offices Fil-Anaserve Incorporated Fioretti Jewelry Ma Clara Mand ............... (02)8898-3590
Fastbuild Corporation Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8677 Mrl Twr QC .................... (02)8920-4147 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fit & Fabulous Studios Incorporated
746 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8554-0316 Ferino's Bibingka SJ .............................. (02)8721-2073 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8695-3263
Fil-Chin Engineering
Fastfix Autoworkz Market! Market! Taguig . (0917)536-5162 37 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Fire Starters Manila Productions Fit All Marketing
31 Malac QC ................ (0917)468-2562 Fermentation Inds Corporation KC ............................. (02)8285-4851 South Insula Condmns 517 I Pacheco Mla ......... (02)8251-2840
Fastlink Computer Company Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-3202 QC ............................. (02)8374-5769 Fit Kitchen Ph Inc
Fil-Estate Properties Incorporated
57 P Tuazon Blvd QC......(02)8584-1266 Fermin Dental Clinic Renaissance 1000 Twr Fireclay Corporation Don Jesus Blvd Mand ... (0917)880-9026
Fastrack Edsa Empire Mall PC ...... (02)8511-9625 Psg ............................ (02)8687-3827 Burgundy Corporate Twr Fit Right Clothes Alteration
905 Harvard QC ............. (02)8912-7399 Fern Diagnostic Center Mkti ........................... (02)8847-0827 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Fil-Global Immigration Services Corporation
Fastrack Services Incorporated P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0927)909-6657 Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8790-0302 Firedrake SJ .............................. (02)8994-8512
Jm Bldg 2 Mkti ............... (02)8844-1486 Ferna Corporation 8280 Plz Buena Pque ... (0927)460-5088 Fitness Intelligence Trends Incorporated
Fil-Nippon Technology Supply Inc
Fastrust Services Incorporated 16 Bernardo Nav ............ (02)8253-5920 Uprc 1 Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8553-8391 Firefly Quorum Ctre Psg............(02)8651-7777
611 Espiritu PC .............. (02)8843-5092 Fernandina 88 Corporation Waltermart Bicutan Pque (02)8354-4227 Five R Marble & Pebbles Supply
Fil-Power Group & Marketing
Fastspeed Link Corporation 222 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8911-0217 Jam Bldg QC ................ (0915)728-7213 Firefly Mobile 1080 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-6752
79 Sct Tuazon QC .......... (02)3410-3829 Fernandos Supermarket Dr A Santos-Waltermart Five Star Cargo Service Incorporated
Fila Pque ........................ (0943)707-4470 Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8523-3107
Fasttrack Solutions Incorporated 3589 P Sanchez Mla ...... (02)8714-7438 Ever Gotesco Mall QC ... (0948)698-1310
The Valero Twr Mkti ....... (02)8840-3332 Fernbacts Architectural Services Firehouse Phils Incorporated Five Star Colorprint Incorporated
Fila - Sm Moa Edsa Ave PC .................. (02)8834-2812 3451 Florida Mkti ........... (02)8831-6836
Fat Cousins' Diner Commonwealth QC ...... (0906)268-7078 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8901-1611
114 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)847-7769 Fernbrook Incorporated Firehouse Pizza Five Star Family Restaurant Corporation
Filam Hardware Co Inc Entrata Urban Cplx Munt . (02)8282-5699 Robinsons Place Cplx
Fat Russel's Kitchen Daang Reyna LP.............(02)8710-8545 923 Aurora Blvd QC......(0995)290-1307
11 Sct Castor QC ......... (0917)811-8183 Ferns And Plants Fireprotect Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8241-9721
Filamco Safety Network Bldg QC . (02)8926-3696 Fix & Fit Alteration Services
Fatboy Customs Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0977)379-3041 Filamco Bldg Mla ............ (02)8243-9903
150 K4th QC ................ (0977)291-3091 Fernweh Travel And Tours Firestone Trading Pioneer Ctre Psg .......... (0965)640-0108
Soldiers Hills Munt ....... (0917)704-2421 Filcomserve Incorporated 415 San Nicolas Mla ...... (02)8242-4352 Fix And Sew Corporation
Faustina Bakery Lta Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8458-1003
209 Dna Juana Rodriguez-1 Ferrand Human Resources International Firetouch Transport Corporation Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8815-9098
Jollibee Plz Condmn Psg (02)7625-2201 Filcon Manufacturing Corporation Fabricare Bldg LP ........... (02)8894-0745 Fix Bench Salon L3
Mal .......................... (0917)923-3949 Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8635-4515
Favorite Italian Fastfood Incorporated Ferrer & Associates Law Offices Firma Greenbelt 3 Mkti........(02)7757-4009 North Ave QC ................. (02)8355-0092
Robinsons Galleria Mall Union Square Condmn Filcrafters Incorporated Firmbuilders Incorporated Fix Its Co
QC ............................. (02)8997-9104 QC ............................. (02)8911-3370 Isometric Bldg QC .......... (02)8475-7994 102 P Cruz Mand ........... (02)8584-2006 Triple K Bldg Psg .......... (0945)596-3172
Favoured Printing And Services Fersal Hotel Group Filcredit Finance & Capital Dev't Corp Firmenich Philippines Incorporated Fix â??N Berries
1447 B Ilang-Ilang Mla . (0915)951-1125 1455 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8742-7292 Avis Psg ........................ (02)8631-5811 U P R C 3 Bldg Mkti........(02)8812-0711 59 West Ave QC ............. (02)8373-2207
Fax Cable Fervid International Products Inc Fildev First Advantage Phils Inc Fj Japan Equipment Company
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Cityland Condmn 10 Netcube Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8512-7396 Acacia Ave Munt ............ (02)8859-2100 274 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8351-4347
SJ .............................. (02)8727-8021 Makati ........................ (02)8812-9570 Filidian Rural Bank Incorporated First Alpine Refrigeration And Fjs Bridal Corner
Faxcable Ent Sales & Repairs Fervil Von Marketing 105 Maryland QC ........... (02)8725-4478 Air-Conditioning Supply Inc 3075 Redemptorist
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8404-0261 Gen Aguinaldo Taguig.....(02)8544-2061 Filipay 550 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8734-0779 Pque .......................... (02)8851-1951
Faxcable Incorporated Feshan Philippines Inc Technopoint II Psg ......... (02)3491-7626 First Asia Mobile Flags Of All Nations Incorporated
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8637-5483 G Araneta Munt .............. (02)7358-5876 Filipina Climate Solution Inc Greenhills Shopping Ctr 1007 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-5920
Fazt Construction & Realty Corporation Festival Pizza Jmp Bldg Psg.................(02)8671-2781 SJ .............................. (02)8722-9535 Flagwise Trading Incorporated
Kakarong Mkti ................ (02)8890-1261 Pinatubo QC ................. (0936)186-7005 Filipinas Benson Industrial And First Asian Ldc Bldg KC ................... (02)8442-7708
Fb Dela Cruz Customs Brokerage Fev Marine Aquatic Supplies Development Corp - Muntinlupa 1 816 Riena Regente Mla .. (02)8244-1201 Flambe Philippines Incorporated
Padilla Delos Reyes Bldg Orestes Lne QC .............. (02)8571-7932 Gen E Rodriguez Ave First Asian Sales Center Symphony Twr I QC ..... (0915)978-6416
Mla .......................... (0919)524-4811 Fez Restaurant Munt .......................... (02)8861-7052 Isabel Bldg Mla...............(02)8806-5379 Flaming Wings
Fb Management Vietnamese Noodle House Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7901-1840 Filipinas Benson Industrial And First Choice Gas And Appliance Center Sm City Sucat Pque......(0917)704-3658
Metrowalk Coml Cplx Ff Miravite Incorporated Development Corp - Muntinlupa 2 1774 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8815-2621 Flamingo Build-Tech Enterprises
Mand ......................... (02)8632-0128 Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8659-4595 Natl Rd Munt .................. (02)8861-3727 First Cityland Condmn Corporation Katipunan Ext QC............(02)8937-2625
Fc Geronimo Concrete Prod Fg Calderon Integrated School Filipinas Galvanizing And Steel First Cityland Condmn Flamingo Metal Works
155 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)8928-0928 55 Hermosa Mla.............(02)8739-2745 Sto Nino Ave Munt ......... (02)8861-3730 Mkti ........................... (02)8818-1035 47 7th St KC .................. (02)8367-4067
Fc Home Center Fg Global Marketing Incorporated Filipinas Modiste Supply First Edition Incorporated Flashbuilt Construction Incorporated
Market Place Mand.......(0905)944-9238 Grace Bldg SJ ................ (02)8997-1111 Ylaya Mla ....................... (02)8401-1889 Cacho-Gonzales Bldg Advance Realty Bldg QC . (02)8521-1433
Fcb Law Office Fgdc Filipinas Multi-Line Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8893-8818 Flasher
Manila Memorial Ofc Newgrange Bldg QC ....... (02)8376-4894 Calderon Bldg QC ........... (02)3410-1155 First Environtech Alliance Corporation Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)3497-3892
Mkti ......................... (0920)948-9949 Fglm Consulting Company Filipinas Republic Tower Corporation Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Flasher Tel
Fcl Courier Express 1655 Victoria De Manila World Trade Exch Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8846-6006 Victory Central Mall KC . (0909)629-0826
101 Urban Ave Mkti ........ (02)8886-4721 Mla .......................... (0906)813-5378 Mla .......................... (0917)242-5501 First Farmers Holding Corporation Flashparty Planners
Fcp Group Philippines Incorporated Fgo Foundation Incorporated Filipino Human Hair Processing And Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8892-0798 Yakal Mkna .................. (0917)659-8573
Makati Executive Ctr Berma Shopping Ctr Development Corporation First Federated Properties Incorporated Flat Panel Tv's For Less
Mkti ........................... (02)8403-4637 Pque .......................... (02)8879-2016 Civic Prime Bldg Munt .... (02)8925-7690 Richville Place Mla ......... (02)8708-9423 Tci Twr Psg....................(02)8631-9550

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:41 2022 - P47

48 S C M Y K

48 Flatiron - Funktionell 2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST

Flatiron 1771 Restaurant & Bar Fmr Dental Clinic Fort Bonifacio High School Frasor Glass & Alum Inc Ftj Auto Supply
Uptown Place Mall 7115 Sto Nino KC ........ (0916)510-0380 J P Rizal Mkti ................. (02)8881-5484 412 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8721-3533 23 G M Almeda Pat ........ (02)8642-5908
Taguig......................(0917)631-9351 Fnc - Nathaniel's Food Corporation Fort Builders Construction And Dev't Corp Fratello Cafe Ftsakay Jr Construction Consultants
Flavorshub Baking & Confectionery Timog Coml Cplx QC ...... (02)8921-1959 Calimbas Bldg Taguig ..... (02)8990-0218 176-C Tandang Sora Ave P Tuazon Ave QC ........... (02)8913-7726
Supplies Focus Athletics Fort Legend Towers Corporation QC ........................... (0917)551-6463 Fudge Rock
11 E Capitol Dr Psg ........ (02)8513-2063 First Lucky Place Mkti...(0919)615-9217 3rd Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-2811 Frb Party Ideas And Concept Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Flavours By Vana's Focus Global Incorporated Fort Spalding 156 Rd 1 QC ................ (0909)401-0560 SJ ............................ (0906)570-8839
5470 Pres Osmena Hwy Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8631-1391 488 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8736-2167 Freaky Vapey Fuego Hotels & Properties
Mkti ......................... (0917)523-6531 Foil Garage Mags Painting And Plasti Dip Forte Showroom Corporation 4 Almond Psg .............. (0918)580-9118 Corporate Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8840-1430
Flc Foodservice Incorporated 1634 Camino Dele Fe Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3641 Fred Perry Fuego United Sales Incorporated
Metropointe Ctr SJ........(0915)480-5500 Mkti ......................... (0927)434-5642 Forth And Tay Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-0681 Roman Square Bldg Mla . (02)8711-2901
Flc One Stop Shop Foilacar Industries Corporation West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8671-8429 Fred Perry Laurel Wreath Fuel Options Incorporated
32 Paterno QC................(02)7238-5022 610 C Raymundo Ave Forthinker Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0949 38 Rmt Cpd Munt ........... (02)8519-8715
Fleet Motor Truck Center Psg .......................... (0917)307-9998 Lee Gardens Condmn Fred's Sheet Metal Fabrication Fuentes Publicity Network Incorporated
188 Honorio Lopez Blvd Follicles Salon Mand ......................... (02)8234-2901 56 D Bonifacio Val........(0998)584-5037 Sedcco 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8893-9355
Mla ............................ (02)8523-1899 Muog Bldg Pque ............. (02)7956-0770 Forthress Philippines Corporation Fredent Ortho Dental Clinic Fuerte Steel And Aluminum Works
Fleurish Body Waxing Services Fon Plumbing & General Services 214-216 Cityland Twr Don Antonio Bldg PC ...... (02)8555-1146 1202 Quirino Hwy QC...(0907)911-3203
Jee Bldg LP .................. (0927)722-3232 Arle Bldg SJ ................... (02)8330-5577 Mkti ........................... (02)8553-7061 Free Aire Industries Inc Fuga Bar And Restaurant
Flexdrive Automation Incorporated Fone Twist Fortress Trading Comfoods Bldg Makati ... (02)8856-2962 The Fort Strip Taguig .... (0956)442-6281
160A Aurora Blvd SJ ...... (02)8727-4465 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1572 1221 Soler Mla...............(02)8708-8896 Freeform Creative Solutions Inc Fuji Auto Supply
Flexi Foam Marketing Fonetech International Fortun Narvasa And Salazar Law Offices Fbr Arcade QC ................ (02)7757-5253 109 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8921-5408
821 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7949 Jmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8886-6421 Multinational Bancorporation Ctr Freelancer.Com Office Fuji Health And Fitness Center
Flexly Furniture & Upholstery Restoration Fonewercz Mkti ........................... (02)8812-7199 EcoTwr Taguig ............... (02)8553-5173 Little Tokyo Mkti ............. (02)8815-1034
Lontoc Taguig .............. (0949)780-8571 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2633 Fortune General Insurance Corporation Freesia Salon And Spa Lounge Fuji-Haya Electric Construction
Flextool Equipments And Tools Corporation Fontanilla Eye Clinic City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8706-3959 Madeten Bldg QC ......... (0932)144-0434 Madro Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8892-8886
12 Waterlily Val .............. (02)8983-7982 Anita Bldg QC ............... (0915)777-3346 Fortune Guarantee & Insurance Freeway Fujifast Parts
Flip D' Wings Food Channel City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8706-4015 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0127 84 Balete Dr QC ........... (0917)810-7841
14 Naga QC ................. (0945)413-6220 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fortune Life & General Insurance Freland Business Enterprises Inc Fujima Blinds & Interiors
Floating Island Restaurant SJ .............................. (02)8641-3122 Fortune Office Bldg Mkti . (02)8894-0267 1041 A Mabini Mla ....... (0908)896-5045 61 A Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Ayala Malls The 30th Food Danierose Fortune Star Bus Line Incorporated Fremont Dental Clinic Mkti ........................... (02)8425-9448
Psg ............................ (02)8635-4814 Northview 2 QC ............ (0908)885-4746 1026 Capt F Samano KC (02)8332-1848 City & Land Mega Plz Condo Fujitec Incorporated
Floor Solutions Sanding Services Food Industries Incorporated Fortune Travel International Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8687-1494 A & V Crystal Twr Mkti ... (02)8818-0002
1287 San Andress Mla . (0956)538-4997 Dela Rosa Square Bldg Windsor Twr Mkti ........... (02)8817-2823 Fremont Learning Academy Inc Fujitomi Japanese Restaurant
Floor To Go Mkti ........................... (02)8893-4771 Fortune10 Wash N Dry Laundry Hub 20 Matino QC ................. (02)7958-1441 Triplex Bldg Mkti.............(02)8894-3853
Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8470-5985 Food Vine 33 Champaca Mkna ..... (0908)882-9255 French Sole Fujiweld Incorporated
Floosie School Supplies 108 Maginhawa QC ...... (0923)682-9847 Forty Winks Incorporated Bonifacio High Street 113 Balubaran
Stall Zencar Wet & Dry Mkt Foodbev International Company Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-6813 Taguig........................(02)7738-6624 Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-4708
Val ............................. (02)3443-1962 4006 Yague Mkti ............ (02)8897-4628 Forward Enterprises Frenmay Builders Corporation Fukudaya Japanese Dining
Floper Trading Foodhouse By Madla 6 Saturn Pque ................ (02)8821-4519 2575 Espiritu Mla ........... (02)8516-8635 Arya Residences Twr 1
11 Gen Luna Taguig ....... (02)8643-9765 2022 Taft Ave PC ......... (0915)219-8787 Forza Integrated Corporation Fresenius Kabi Philippines Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8800-3563
Flor Bakery Foodiefinder 147 William PC .............. (02)8536-1539 The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8886-0992 Fulcrum Auto Supply Incorporated
East Svc Rd Taguig ...... (0946)478-4460 Peninsula Court Mkti ...... (02)7798-1009 Forza Kemika Ag Incorporated Fresh Fragrance Bar 1246 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-8071
Flora And Fauna Development Corporation Foodmach Incorporated J & L Bldg Mand ............ (02)8722-7006 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7621-4159 Fulgar Architects
29 Visayas Ave Ext QC ... (02)8352-5547 545 Edsa QC .................. (02)8724-7079 Fossil Fresh Harvest Fruits Herbs And Plants Shop Lee Gardens Coml Ctr
Flora Garden Decor Shop Foodmedic Marketing Corporation Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1624 89C F C Tuazon Pat ...... (0947)530-1793 Mand ......................... (02)8661-0168
Ap Office Bldg LP ........... (02)8556-1847 Sherwood Place Mla.......(02)8516-8516 Fosworx Creatives Fresh Italian Serving Incorporated Full Blast Transport Services
Flora Magnifica Foodtingz 34 Rgi Corporate QC .... (0956)759-0674 Vmb Dorm Bldg Mla ....... (02)8524-0376 19th Ave Mkti ............... (0956)694-5016
Farmers Garden Cubao 500 Santol Mla ............. (0916)528-6069 Fothelo Advertising Philippines Fresh N Famous Foods Incorporated Full Colours Printing Services
QC ............................. (02)3386-0742 Foot Action International 4 Pitacion KC ................. (02)8432-6675 Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8714-2421 Ricsons Place QC.........(0917)893-9164
Florano Aircon Maintenance Services Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8477-9161 Foto Factory Full Of Grace Organic Rice
Fresh Options Meatshop
185 Ibong Pilak QC.......(0977)649-0070 Foot Zone Day Spa 2060 Firmeza Mla.........(0956)142-6478 Sct Borromeo QC ......... (0917)509-8390 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)169-3801
Florasola Event Stylist And Planning By Sunshine Place Mkti ....... (02)8542-7709 Foto Tipid Full Support Enterprises Incorporated
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8330-7484 Freshharvest Rice Marketing
Myra Solis For Him Tailoring Shop By R J Rainbow Rd Munt.........(0917)688-1955 Entrata Urban Twr Munt .. (02)8807-0211
979 Tramo Rd LP ......... (0917)928-8294 City Land Megaplaza Fotoland Incorporated Full Top Steel Marketing Corporation
Psg ............................ (02)8654-3298 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8819-0033 Fresmon Medical And Industrial Services
Flordeliza Dental Clinic Hcc Bldg QC ................ (0998)886-9446 333-A&B Roosevelt Ave
Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0997)967-8222 For Sale For Lease Properties Philippines Fountainhead Technologies Inc QC ............................. (02)8371-5160
Camia Mkti ................... (0917)300-0467 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)7908-2546 Frias Auto Supply
Florence Flowers And Gifts Shop Bma Ave QC...................(02)3410-1480 Full Torque Carwash And Auto-Detailing
8 Leo QC........................(02)8711-0481 Forbes Lending Solutions Corp Four Corners Coffee Shop 1224 Chino Roces Ave
F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ...... (0917)139-3440 516 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8366-1794 Friday Cleaners Laundry Shop
Florentino & Esmaquel Law Office Katuparan QC ............... (0906)169-2507 Mkti ........................... (02)8691-0883
Prestige Twr Condmn Forbestown Center Incorporated Four L's Corporation Full Worx Interior Design & Landscaping
Forbes Town Ctr Taguig . (02)8511-0044 1020 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)3416-5771 Friend Anne
Psg ............................ (02)8638-7492 180 C Palanca Mla ......... (02)8733-7022 T Bernardo Mkti............(0929)446-4254
Floriade Flower Shop Ford Automotive Supplies Four Seas Chemicals Incorporated Fullblaze Plastic Packaging Corporation
1021 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-1229 Bagumbong Rd KC ......... (02)8939-7941 Friendly Care Foundation Incorporated
Zeta   Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8893-8862 Bonanza Plz Bldg QC ...... (02)8935-4310 Federal Twr Condo Mla ... (02)8241-2255
Ford Tractor Philippines Incorporated Four Seasons Hotpot Incorporated Fullscale Reptiles And Exotics
Floristella Philippines Manhattan Parkview QC..(02)8932-7777 Friendly Maritime Services Incorporated
4768 Barasoain Mkti .... (0945)531-9833 1384 Jose Abad Santos Ave 745 N S Amoranto Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8256-5275 Four Winds Commercial Trading Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Flourish Skin And Aesthetic Clinic Psg ............................ (02)8687-4551 QC ........................... (0917)914-9391
Fordmaster Auto Parts Corporation 554-556 T Alonzo Mla .... (02)8733-5642
23 Ngh Zabarte Rd QC .. (0933)869-6960 Friendship Billiards Disco Bar Fullwon Philippines Enterprises Limited
61 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-7224 Fourleaf Fundlending And Devt Corp
Flow Cutters Salon 1439 Adriatico Mla ......... (02)8523-8019 Incorporated
Foreign Service Institute B1 A&M Bldg QC ............ (02)3430-5622 28 Quirino Hwy QC.......(0935)511-7658
San Antonio Ave Pque .. (0917)559-2514 Dfa Bldg PC ................... (02)8834-3509 Friendship Drug Store
Fox Deco N Art Incorporated
Flower Chimp Philippines Aic Grande Twr Psg........(02)7503-8116 755 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8243-1306 Fully Booked
Foremost Cpg Brands Corporation Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8552-9410
94 Sen Gil Puyat Mkti ..... (02)8639-6736 Goodgold Bldg QC .......... (02)8913-2154 Frigga Charmed Life
Foxy Nail Spa And Waxing Lounge
Flower Ranch Cafe Foresight Development Surveying Company 3-B Ligaya QC .............. (0999)169-7815 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0113 Fulson Realty & Development Corporation
Beacon Plz Mand ......... (0920)908-8078 Regalia Park Condmn Fritobana Virra 1 Bldg Mkti.............(02)8898-2240
Fozzini Lifestyle Concepts Incorporated
Flowers & Vines Florist QC ............................. (02)8913-7148 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8823-7160 1013 Estrada Mla ......... (0955)342-5365 Fulton Industrial Supply
Kamagong Mkti ............ (0917)552-3258 Forest Grill & Restaurant Frm 2 General Merchandise 1233 Benavidez Manila...(02)8254-9014
Fpg Insurance Company Incorporated
Flowers By Pablo 116 Timog Ave QC ......... (02)8920-0867 Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8859-1200 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fuma Retailer Tabacco
1232 Edsa Mkti ............ (0917)114-8917 Forever 21 SJ .............................. (02)8722-5657 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8890-8231
Fpj Premium Car Wash Quick Auto Detailing
Flowerstore.Ph Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-2807 158 Hon Benito Soliven Frontmode Enterprise Fumigation & Trading(Fumitrade)Corp
Zeta Bldg Mkti .............. (0995)256-9757 Forever Strong Wellness Center Psg .......................... (0917)515-3943 84 Concepcion Mal ...... (0917)135-3010 2811 Vergel PC .............. (02)8834-5668
Flowertowne Incorporated Richbelt Terraces SJ ...... (02)8705-1798 Fra Filinvest Services Incorporated Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Fumizen Japanese Restaurant
Cityland 3 Mkti ............... (02)8840-4472 Forewords Incorporated Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-2515 Incorporated 34 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC . (02)7793-1894
Floxci Digital Printing Services Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8842-3993 Frabelle Business Center Pacific Century Twr QC.(0946)800-4358 Fun D Mentals
Cartimar Shopping Ctr Forge: Martial Fitness Rada Mkti.......................(02)8894-5733 Fros Tea Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8869-7610
Mla ............................ (02)8521-3271 Cfb Bldg Pque .............. (0917)691-5094 Frabelle Cold Storage Corporation 960 E Rodriguez QC ....... (02)3413-7355 Fun Services Incorporated
Flrcc Furniture Shop Formalum Industries Incorporated 80 Kaunlaran Vill KC ....... (02)8285-1358 Frostings Cupcakes Palanyag Rd Pque .......... (02)8519-6864
52 Tatlong Hari QC ......... (02)7148-8042 120 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)8921-1284 Frabelle Shipyard Corporation 121 Panay Ave QC ....... (0922)898-0273 Functionale Bags
Fluid Energy Philippines Incorporated Formosa Bakery Philippines Incorporated North Bay Blvd Nav ........ (02)8281-6405 Frozenwonders Incorporated Paz KC ......................... (0915)847-9586
99 4th St KC .................. (02)8442-2244 518 Banawe QC ............. (02)8516-8319 Frame Plus The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)8659-3025
Fluid Solutions Incorporated Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8927-9744 Frozone Industrial Corporation
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Formosa Bakeshop Phils Incorporated
518 Banawe Ave QC.....(0997)911-6825 Framesall Enterptrises 2069 Dr M L Carreon FUNERARIA
Psg ............................ (02)8696-7120 Formosa Decor 9-O G Araneta Ave QC .... (02)8716-8985 Mla ............................ (02)8562-0086
Fluid Systems & Design Incorporated Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Fran Tees Digital Printing Services Fruit Loot Binondo Mla ..... (0995)452-9819 FILIPINAS INC
Victoria Stn 1 QC ............ (02)8721-4611 QC ............................. (02)3440-3629 26 Sampaguita Taguig....(02)8982-4241 Fruit Magic Company Incorporated
Fluor Manpower Agency Inc Formosa Enterprises Francesco's Greenhills Shopping Ctr 187 Alabang-Zapote Rd
Casa Pennsylvania Mla ... (02)8477-1498 Manila Residences Bocobo 30th St Taguig................(02)8281-1285 SJ .............................. (02)8726-9479 Las Piñas (02)8873-0507
Fluxline Industrial & Electrical Distribution Mla ............................ (02)8523-7025 Francisco And Faltado Law Firm Fruit Nation
Inc Formplas Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu Ave Mal ...... (0918)301-5654 Audrey Bldg QC .............. (02)7148-1936
25 Annapolis QC ............ (02)8913-3276 42 G De Jesus KC .......... (02)8363-3160 Franco's Chicken Hub Fruitas Group Of Companies
Fly Shades Formsmaster Computer Paper Incorporated 2120 Don Fabian QC .... (0917)102-7644 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0936)460-9192
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0922)828-6391 Raha Soliman Bldg Mkti..(02)8815-3205 Franher Transport Van Rental Fruitas Holdings Incorporated
Flying Eagle World Movers Inc Formtech Builders Corporation 18 Archer QC ............... (0922)238-9236 San Lorenzo Place FUNERARIA
Sunvar Condominium Manila Residences Bocobo Frank & Dean Coffee Mkti ......................... (0915)287-1482
Pasay City .................. (02)8832-9956 Mla ............................ (02)8708-9540 Fruits Of Life Incorporated
Five/Neo Taguig ........... (0915)316-4247
Flying Eagle World Movers Incorporated Formula Sports Incorporated Franna Salon 48 Sto Nino QC .............. (02)8372-5907 INC
Sunvar Condmn PC ........ (02)8832-9956 Veterans Rd Taguig ........ (02)8808-8552 Larychean Bldg Munt....(0919)632-9819 Frutesca
Flyspaces Formway Trading & Services Incorporated Fransha Laundry House Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0949)718-9193
World Plz Bldg Taguig .... (02)8359-3225 Martin Bldg Pque ............ (02)8804-2495 J P Rizal Ave Mkti ......... (0977)657-9701 Frvs Aircon Repair & Services
Fmac Industrial Tools Supply Forscink Inc Professional Lights And Franvinisco Incorporated 231 C-5 Rd Taguig ....... (0906)902-3409
So Bldg Pque ............... (0917)156-3622 Sounds 801 United Nations Ave Fsgold Car Rental Services Funeraria Rizal Incorporated
Fmg Manila Refrigeration And 54 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (0917)812-5007 Mla ............................ (02)8536-4897 Lawin QC ..................... (0906)245-5152 36 I Lopez Mand ............ (02)8532-6125
Airconditioning Services Fort Aguinaldo Elementary School Franzon Commercial Fsl Sky Traveller's Incorporated Funktionell Furniture
2 Peking KC ................. (0966)994-3849 Road 6 QC ..................... (02)8421-0476 Taft Centrale Exch PC ..... (02)3491-5653 Adriatico Condmn Mla .... (02)7960-3267 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8635-5272

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49 S C M Y K


Funpacific Tour Company Inc G4 Digital Printing Services Gant Diamond Corporation Geena Silk & Fabrics Gentner Enterprises
Antel Global Corporate Ctr 21B Umbel QC ............. (0961)451-2399 134 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8516-7532 Sogo Plz Bldg Mla ........ (0926)343-7994 213-215 Delmonte Ave
Psg ............................ (02)7728-5072 G4 Medical Supplies Ganzo Pizza Geer Solutions QC ............................. (02)8365-1535
Funranch Megadevelopment Incorporated M De Leon East Psg ....... (02)8289-9854 1204 Pablo Ocampo Sr Ext One Global Place Genus Rigging Supplies Inc
Fun Ranch Mall Psg ....... (02)8687-2870 G7 Heavylift And Logistics Mkti ......................... (0917)657-3375 Taguig......................(0917)144-6100 74 Speaker Perez
Funtastikids Ma Cristina Bldg KC ....... (02)8288-0713 Garcia General Hospital Gejun Korean Food Mart Quezon City................(02)8256-6786
Acacia Page 1 Bldg Gaa Delgado Inc 49 Bayan-Bayanan Ave Ipil Psg.........................(0967)635-7238 Geodata Solutions Incorporated
Munt .......................... (02)8511-0246 Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8633-4291 Mkna ......................... (02)8942-4705 Gel Electronics Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8631-3187
Fur & Paws Pet Store & Accessories Gabbys Closet Trading Garden Barn Incorporated 2740 Zamora PC .......... (0948)785-2643 Geodata Systems Technologies Inc
44 Gen F Santos Mkna . (0928)387-5255 University Mall Mla ......... (02)8255-1573 2496 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8551-0816 Gelatone Incorporated Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4449
Furfection Veterinary Clinic And Grooming Gabdanielles Pizza Garden Cafe Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7729-6377 Geodev Land Surveying Services
Services Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0919)801-2888 Luxent Hotel QC ............. (02)8922-8888 Geleia 3610 Lubiran Mla ......... (0917)676-0813
49 Dr Maldo Del Rosario Gabriel Print Shop Garden Studio Floral Boutique Sm Mega Mall Mand ...... (02)7720-2395 Geojet Logistics Services Inc
Psg .......................... (0968)421-3974 Gabriel Psg .................. (0909)698-8083 13 Gen Lukban Psg ........ (02)8633-5378 Gelig Auto Supply Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr
Furmagic Store Gabrielles Meat And Poultry Gardens R' Us 83 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (0912)245-5950 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-8000
2742 Zenaida Mla.........(0961)890-3921 58A Don Antonio Hghts Dr A Santos Av Pque ...... (02)8825-8315 Gelloie Store N' Mini Bakery Geomaster Corporation
Furnitura 678 Edsa QC......(0939)914-3889 QC ............................. (02)8709-3080 Gardini Fashion Center B5 L1-B Camella Classic Diliman Coml Ctr Bldg
Furniture Fair Ojela Inc Gac Logistics Incorporated 3685 Bautista Mkti ....... (0905)554-6416 Pque .......................... (02)8823-1079 QC ............................. (02)8442-9163
2971 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9439 Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Gargantiel Ilagan & Atanante Law Firm Gem Foods International Incorporated Geoplan Philippines Inc
Furniture Republic Mkti ........................... (02)8553-2510 Times Square Bldg QC....(02)8355-9623 Mgm Industrial Cpd KC...(02)8937-7627 4427 Communications Foundation Asia
Hk Sun Plz PC ................ (02)8846-6515 Gac Motor Philippines Gargantilla Accessories Mla ............................ (02)7729-4467
Gem Stationery Incorporated
Furniture Therapy Metrowalk Coml Cplx 65-C Mapang-Akit QC .. (0977)203-6729 Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8242-4860 George C Caparas Management
129 Kamuning Rd QC ... (0920)906-3881 QC ............................. (02)8241-7387 Garlic Kitchen Consultancy
Gemalto Philippines Mahiyain QC...................(02)7799-9231
Furniwerkz Trading Gac Philippines Incorporated 56B Maginhawa QC......(0966)471-4413 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8988-7634
877 Katarungan Mand .... (02)7358-8867 F & M Lopez Bldg 2 Mkti (02)8892-2713 Garnet Jewelry Georgina Clothing Enterprise Inc
Gemarc Enterprises Incorporated 17 1st Ave Taguig .......... (02)8839-2363
Furnmix International Incorporated Gaces Dental Clinic Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8516-9259 15 Chile Mkna ................ (02)8997-7959
Perfecto Taguig .............. (02)8838-9656 2 Anonas QC .................. (02)3433-0510 Geoscience Technologies Inc
Garra + Punzal Design Studio Gemdale Travel Service Cityland Square Makati ... (02)8856-3173
Furpet's Shop Ph Gacorvera Construction Corporation Kilyawan QC...................(02)3428-2210 Opulent Arcade QC ......... (02)8912-9879
9th Ave Taguig ............. (0966)742-3962 Matalino QC ................... (02)8441-2641 Geoscience Technologies Incorporated
Gary And Ollie Meat Shop Gemfoods International Makati Executive Twr II
Furry Tails Gacula Plumbing Services Malabanan 19 Karayom Mkna .......... (02)8645-8205 Mgm KC.......................(0917)717-6715
Works Mkti ........................... (02)8856-3173
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8355-2495 Gary's Bayong And Plants Gemini Transport Services Incorporated
King Micahel QC...........(0999)342-7546 Geraldo's Buffet
Furtheredge Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8727-8654 433 B Francisco Mand ... (02)8535-2157 12 Jasmin Mkna...........(0999)508-0600
Emerald Place Psg ......... (02)8636-4794 Gadget King Gasanco Incorporated Gemland Property & Devt Corporation
Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8514-1290 Gere Enterprises
Furville Veterinary Clinic 3270 Merville Access Rd The Copa Business Mans Hotel 170 Calamba QC ............ (02)8708-3610
72 15th Ave QC .............. (02)7919-9070 Gaea Crafts Edsa Mand ...... (02)8635-3113 Pque .......................... (02)8804-3211 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-3227
Gagalangin Lumber Sales Geriatrica International Incorporated
Futudent Dental Care Gasul Gemma R Lee Enterprises 19 Danny Floro Psg ........ (02)8635-7721
597 A Magsaysay Psg..(0906)103-7217 2105 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8252-6657 102 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8236-0311 3986 Gen Malvar Mkti .... (02)8818-4655
Gagmax Packaging Solutions Inc Gerjane Travel And Tours
Future Commodities Trading Corporation Gates Asia Incorporated Gemphil Business Solutions Company Barangka Dr Mand..........(02)7971-3859
38 Macopa Rd QC .......... (02)8712-2196 524 Dr Sixto Ave Psg ... (0945)670-1983 Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)8570-4318 Gemphil Bldg Pque ......... (02)8710-2741
Gainers Marketing Corporation German Alloy Steel Incorporated
Future Home System Incorporated Gateway Battery Trading Gempire Aluminum And Glass Center 206 C Cordero
32nd St Taguig...............(02)8818-1602 Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8553-6378 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0915)601-3344 500-B N Santos Amoranto
Gainmore Marketing Caloocan City ............. (02)8367-1461
Future Shop Gateway Enterprises Company Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8741-7409 German Club Manila Philippines
562 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-0247 Cw Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8638-4758 14 Miller Ave QC ............ (02)8376-6761 Gemry Medical Supply Eurovilla II Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8817-3552
Future Sign Advertising Gainstrong Manpower And Logistics Inc Gatmaitan & Associates Cpas 1540-1544 Rizal Ave
J&T Bldg Mla ............... (0906)361-9905 German Marine Agencies Incorporated
30 Regalado Ave QC ...... (02)3418-3974 178 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8820-4004 Mla ............................ (02)8743-6931 3904 Gen Macabulos
Futureheads Industries Incorporated Galactic Space Devt Corporation Gattech Supply And Engineering Gems Minerals Chemicals (GMC) Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8843-7720
Robinsons Place Cplx 147 Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8361-3363 832 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)7718-0527 14 D Tuazon German Quality Pharma Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8354-7568 Galaxy Blue Enterprises Gav's Burger Quezon City................(02)8931-0183 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8656-9370
Futurelogic Corporation 186 Pinagbayanan Val .... (02)8294-8870 84 Pasacola QC ........... (0967)521-8935 Gemz Vietnamese Kitchen Germzero Advance Cleaning Solutions Inc
Pdaf Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8807-3399 Galerie Anna Gavino's Baking Essentials Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0956)356-4952 Globe Telecom Plz
Fv Rj Carwash Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8470-2511 101 Visayas Ave QC ..... (0917)678-2255 Gen Sai Oto Restoration Mand ....................... (0917)651-5019
Damong Maliit Rd QC ... (0998)193-8870 Galerie Francesca Gaylan Technologies 1106 Mindanao Ave QC..(02)8556-4596 Gersonite Industrial Corp
Fvl Car Air Conditioning Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8570-9495 Vcgt Cplx Psg.................(02)7915-8725 Gencon Industrial Sales And Services 346 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3454-0421
59 Amang Rodriguez Galilee Business Support Services Phils Gayle's Flower Shop Legislation KC .............. (0907)319-4811 Gertrude Drugstore
Psg ............................ (02)3384-3738 Fort Fort Legend Twrs 541 Ret Rev Aglipay 1916 P Florentino Mla .. (0917)739-1218
Taguig........................(02)8846-9630 General Ads Incorporated
Fw Nicol Philippines Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8298-2868 Cityland Herrera Twr Gertrudes Flower Shop
One San Miguel Ave Psg (02)8470-4562 Gallardo & Associates Incorporated Gb Santos Dental Clinic Mkti ........................... (02)8892-7144 Manila Flower Ctr Bldg
Fyrelyn Industries Incorporated 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8836-1694 17 Arayat QC ................. (02)7744-2415 Mla ............................ (02)8524-0776
General Hardware Products Inc
L10 B6 Sixto QC.............(02)8461-1039 Gallenito Digital Printing Services 128 20th Ave Get Laud
141 11th Ave KC .......... (0943)504-1214 Gbs Laundry Shop
Fzw Wheels And Tires 56 Rd 3 QC .................... (02)8636-9488 Quezon City................(02)8911-0381 Civic Dr Festival Mall
81 West Ave QC ........... (0917)162-0308 Galleon Appraisal And Corporate Services Generics Pharmacy Munt .......................... (02)8659-1677
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Gc Abucay Packaging Corporation
G Marcelo Val.................(02)8985-6744 288C C Raymundo Get Polished Body Care Services
Mkti ........................... (02)8811-6595 Psg .......................... (0943)709-7625 San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)3263-0755
Galleon Office Tower Gcf Apparel
Genesis Komputer Dynamiks Incorporated Get Sold Corporation
G Galleon Twr Psg ........... (0926)424-1833
Galleria Nicolas
14 Gen Ricarte QC........(0926)649-3716
Gcj Enterprises 3548 Hilario Mkti ............ (02)7729-3552 Bpi-Philam Life Bldg
13-B M H Del Pilar QC .... (02)8544-8954 Genesis Medical Supplies Mkti ........................... (02)8880-0650
Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8625-0273 Getz Hotel Corporation
G & J Industrial Corporation Gcl Enterprises 1550 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8743-6863
Galllao Dental Clinic 1679 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8356-7670
4 Aragon QC .................. (02)8371-6080 Abella QC ..................... (0955)561-0788 St Jude Luxury Twnhms Genesys Integrated Systems Corporation
G & W Clubshares Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3454-3690 Geronimo Bldg QC..........(02)8281-4569 Getz Pharma (Phils ) Incorporated
Gallop Ventures Group Incorporated Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8403-8652 Psec Tektite Twr Psg ...... (02)8403-7008 Gcm Pharmaceutical Dealer Genesys Manila
G And B Pharma Corporation 109 4th St Val ................ (02)3443-2357 Cyberpark Twr One QC ... (02)8864-3000 QC ............................. (02)8650-0529
Gallus Printing Geullah Christian Retreat House
C And E Bldg QC ............ (02)8984-8563 B9 L18 Marcos Alvarez Ave Gcore Training Consultants Genesystems Incorporated
G Balane Truck And Van Rentals Stella Maris Ave Psg.......(02)8331-2724 City & Land Mega Plz Condmn Arsen QC ....................... (02)8983-1482
LP ............................ (0927)858-0756 Gezegend Enterprises
Cco Camarin KC ........... (0956)388-1561 Galura Travel International Company Psg ............................ (02)8570-9166
G C T Marketing Genevieve Gozum 33 M Sevilla Mkna .......... (02)8634-8565
817 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8733-6757
President Twr Residences
QC ........................... (0917)835-0301 GCT MARKETING Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Gfh Travel And Tours
Jmbm Bldg Mla .............. (02)8525-4286
G Clean Pest Control Services Galvashutters & Trading Corporation See Adv under Pump Systems Psg ............................ (02)8681-7310
Makati Square Mkti ....... (0917)518-7263 Genheat Industry Gg & A Club Shares Brokers Incorporated
9533 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)7759-2391 Mila Holdings Bldg Mkti .. (02)8890-4653
G D Tan And Company Incorporated Galvatech Philippines Incorporated
817 Tetuan 298 2nd St KC ............... (02)8351-0120
East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8634-6256 Geni's Table Gge Perfect Products
Prime Ctr Munt ............... (02)8659-2946 Manila.....(02)8733-6757 Midway Court Bldg
G E Antonino Incorporated Game Quest Bayani Rd PC ................. (02)8833-7347
Mand ......................... (02)8948-5254
Antonino Bldg Mla .......... (02)8526-4727 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Genikos Technologies Incorporated
335-A R S Cristobal Sr Gggl Marketing Services
G E Automotive Venture Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8723-4873 San Pedro Mkti...............(02)8541-2220
35 Alabang-Zapote Rd Gamecamp Cybernet Cafe Mla ............................ (02)8522-0103
LP .............................. (02)8553-9010 11 Karuhatan Rd Val.....(0936)367-4690 Genius Hardware Incorporated 718 Qurino Hwy QC ....... (02)8693-9377
G Extreme Professional Light And Sounds Gameline GCT 657 Florentino Torres
Ggwp Cyber Arena
Rental Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8519-6123 Mla ............................ (02)8733-0381
E Rodriguez QC ............ (0917)877-7859 Gameplace
MARKE- Genki Panda
859 Benny Mla ............... (02)8293-0261
8022 Tanguile Mkti.......(0925)568-8269 Gh Heritage Realty Incorporated
G M Domingo Dental Clinic
625 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3419-7380
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0997)308-7399 TING Genki Sushi
Cityland Herrera Twr
Gamestop Mkti ........................... (02)8519-6418
G M Maningas Construction Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ayala Malls Manila Bay Ghc Supercard Coporation
33 Kayumanggi Mand .... (02)8534-8041 SJ .............................. (02)8584-1942 Pque .......................... (02)7752-3603 Legaspi Suite Bldg Mkti (0916)710-7257
G O Eastern Construction Corporation Gamilla Security Services Inc Genluiching Mining Corporation Ghe Distributions Inc
Jafer Place SJ ................ (02)8727-6129 152 Sct Limbaga QC ...... (02)8929-6742 Gdg Import-Export Company Ayala Twr One Mkti ........ (02)7918-1527 1 Edsa Shangrila Hotel
G Ochoa Realica Pawnshop-Frisco Branch Gamma Pro Lights And Sounds Rental Parklane Twr Mla............(02)8253-5759 Geno's Ice Cream Las Pinas Mand ....................... (0917)827-2213
20 H Francisco QC ......... (02)8373-6811 Gamma Pro Pque ........... (02)7791-9110 Gds Dental Supply Phils Incorporated Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .. (0917)845-3202 Ghertz Computer Corporation
G P Junkshop And General Merchandise Gammacare Medical Services Inc 85 P Tuazon Blvd QC......(02)8631-3316 Gens Printing Services Robinsons Place Cplx
150 Rev Aglipay Mand ... (02)8401-0695 Malanting KC................(0917)560-3725 Gdt Lighting Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0945)316-3216 Mla ............................ (02)8354-4930
G S A Glass & Aluminum Gamo Dental Clinic 1363 - 1365 Soler Mla ... (02)8734-0490 Gensens Diagnostic Clinic Ghp Thermal And Industrial Trading
Daang Batasan QC ....... (0939)539-4906 Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8932-9256 Geane's Flower Shop 60 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)7933-0068 68 P Jacinto KC ............. (02)8361-5381
G Square Gamot Publiko Funeraria Filipinas Bldg Genstead Incorporated Giano Merchandising
Barangka Dr G Square Stk Bldg QC....................(02)8727-3869 LP .............................. (02)8403-3164 Eton Centris Stn QC ........ (02)8441-4750 1157 Soler Mla...............(02)7755-6765
Mand ......................... (02)7502-2402 Gamot Republiko Ged's Laundry Gentech It Solution Corporation Giant Eagle Security Services Inc
G&R's Garden And Landscaping Services Sixto Antonio Psg ......... (0942)456-9500 B40 L05 Flores De Mayo Rjtc Ctr QC ................... (0939)346-0075 15 Third Psg .................. (02)8633-7001
El Grande Pque.............(0929)492-4959 Gang Gang Chicken QC ............................. (02)8355-6031 Gentle Hands Incorporated Giantsponge Digital
G-Three Lending & Credit Incorporated 38C Pearl Psg .............. (0917)157-5266 Ged's Water Station 27 F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-5539 115 Emmanuel Hse Mkti (02)8894-3046
Civic Prime Soho Condmn Gangnams Gentlemen Restaurant B40 L05 Flores De Mayo Gentle Supreme Philippines Inc Gicon Construction Services
Munt .......................... (02)8831-8169 5739 P Burgos Mkti ..... (0916)369-3406 QC ............................. (02)8463-4780 West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8910-1834 B18 L2B Gate 3 PC ........ (02)8551-1008
G-Travel Incorporated Ganso-Shabuway Geebee Philippines Incorporated Gentleman Korean Restaurant Gideon Academy
Metro Hse Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8864-0982 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ........... (0917)541-8181 344 Barraca Mla.............(02)8241-9872 5354 Gen Luna Mkti ..... (0967)368-1234 2686 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8551-5402
G12 Forwarding Services Incorporated Ganso-Shabuway Japanese Style Hot Pot Geely Philippines Gentleprince Incorporated Gift Cafe
Ldc Admin Bldg Pque ..... (02)8403-1282 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7903-6763 1016 Edsa QC ................ (02)8292-0538 425 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8521-1850 Amaga Bldg QC ............ (0917)791-0520

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50 S C M Y K


Gift Factory Trinoma QC ..... (02)7901-3560 Glamour Studio Global Strategic Business Process Go Grill Mnl Golden Chateau Cellar
Gift Shop Greenhills Shopping Ctr Solutions V Mapa Mla ................ (0917)149-6440 1259 San Andres Mla...(0917)871-8034
509 Bustos Mla ............. (02)3488-0708 SJ ............................ (02)8664-7219 Paragon Plz Mand..........(02)8638-3816 Go Hoc And Sons Incorporated Golden Chi International Manpower Co
Gifted Hands Manpower Services Glasmatic Industrial Incorporated Global Tic Sales Incorporated 661 Gandara Mla ........... (02)8242-0146 Time Square Bldg Pque (0915)279-6153
Prime Land Bldg Munt .. (0927)318-5776 100 G Araneta Ave QC ... (02)8711-2552 Beacon Plz Mand...........(02)8725-8173 Go Soc And Sons And Sy And Gui Huat Golden Dragon Generics Pharmacy
Giftgonow Glass Planet Aluminum Accessories Depot Global Top A's Trading Corporation 1238 Edsa QC...............(02)8362-8347 971 Riverside QC.........(0915)219-4340
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0921)554-7952 268 Commonwealth Ave 3 Adams QC ................. (02)8374-0712 Goatea Internet Cafe Golden Dragon Metal Products Inc
Gigaddel I T Services QC ........................... (02)8709-0812 Global Wood Corporation 2401 Tramo PC.............(02)8824-1761 285 J P Rizal Mand ........ (02)8531-8363
Mayaman QC ................ (02)8692-9235 Glassfull Holdings Incorporated Dli Generic Ctr Mand ...... (02)8531-1253 Gober Computer Center Golden Dragon System International
Gigatools Industrial Center One Shangri-La Place Globalpos Solutions Incoporated 125 Gen Luna Mal ......... (02)8282-9507 Industrial Cpd QC .......... (02)8373-7403
Arranque Mkt Bldg Mla ... (02)7917-7186 Mand ....................... (02)8633-1626 Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8893-3599 Goblet Catering Service Golden Eagle Travel And Tours Incorporated
Gigawatt Power Incorporated Glaze & More Globalsky Textiles 43 Apitong Mkna ........... (02)8681-7642 129 Timog Ave QC ........ (02)3413-6455
Gpi Bldg Taguig ............. (02)8555-1515 Tiendesitas Psg ........... (0917)890-0018 Edc Bldg Mla ............... (0917)162-3596 God's Gift Marble Supply Golden Eleven Empire
Gile Paint Center Glazetech Trading Globaltech Automation Incorporated 1082 Edsa QC...............(02)3454-4480 1996 Golden Eleven Empire
104 Molina Marikina City 1503 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8554-1099 Vfp-Mdc Bldg II Mla ....... (02)8821-2177 Godiac Holdings Incorporated Mla .......................... (02)8242-3596
Mkna........................(02)8425-2271 Glc Truck & Equipment Globaltronics Incorporated Antel Corporate Ctr Mkti . (02)8889-7827 Golden Fortune Seafood Restaurant
Gilma Grace Enterprises 933 Epifanio De Los Santos Ave 349 Ortigas Ave Mand....(02)8459-2700 Godigital Corporation 1283 Peace Hotel Mla .... (02)8244-2888
643 Carvajal Mla ........... (02)8242-9579 QC ........................... (02)8927-1735 Globe Care Services Incorporated Caswynn Bldg QC ........ (0917)881-4892 Golden Green Textile Trading
Gilmart Solar Panel Import Trading Gleamist Coatings Midway Court Bldg Godwin Glass And Aluminum Supply Joy Gallery Bldg Mla .... (0917)185-9856
B6 L1 Saphire Munt ..... (0928)391-5972 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8334-8172 Mand ....................... (02)8638-8698 461 Quirino Hwy QC ...... (02)8788-4816 Golden Hainan House
Gilmore Tower Suites By Sms Hospitality Gleenergy Enterprises Globe Fintech Innovations Inc Goethe-Institut Manila Palm Twr B Mkti .......... (0977)627-4655
Gilmore Twr QC ........... (0908)318-6046 42 Marcelo H Del Pilar W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)7946-7188 Adamson Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8722-4671 Golden Hands Manufacturing Corporation
Mal .......................... (02)8930-6780 Globe Mallow Enterprise Incorporated Goetu Software Solutions Inc Santos Industrial Cpd
Gilmore Towers Incorporated
Garden Island Condo Twr 2 Gleenergy Solar Solutions Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7808 West Twr Psec Psg ....... (02)5310-2306 Mal ........................ (0917)854-4563
QC ........................... (02)8654-6943 Libertad KC ................. (0917)103-2131 Globo Asiatico Enterprises Incorporated Goetz Moving And Storage Incorporated Golden Harvest General Merchandise
Ging's Gourmet Glen More Shoes Jdk Bldg QC .................. (02)8982-7000 Villongco Rd Munt ......... (02)8842-8254 687 Evangelista Manila...(02)8733-4856
Mariposa QC ............... (0906)330-3043 Metrowalk Psg ............ (0948)377-8914 Globphil Manpower Services Incorporated Goffa 49 Sct Rallos QC ...... (02)7910-1363 Golden Haven Memorial Park Incorporated
Gingersnap Glenas Enterprises Perpetua Bldg Pque ....... (02)8875-7355 Gofly Travel Incorporated Golden Haven Bldg LP .... (02)8873-2922
Adb Ave Mand .............. (02)8477-9539 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Gloda Building South Of The Mkt Twr Golden Hills Jewelry
SJ ............................ (02)8721-1241 1157 Craig Mla ............. (02)8741-8092 Taguig ...................... (02)8403-2894 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8470-6521
Gino's Brick Oven Pizza
Serendra Piazza Taguig (0915)345-9509 Glenzen Glofisof Travel & Tours Gogi Korean Bbq
Shopwise Commonwealth Golden Horizon Agency
Ginrey Trading Corporation Evangelista Bangkal 5739 P Burgos Mkti ..... (0916)595-0178 1081C Quirino QC ......... (02)8703-0341
QC ........................... (02)8932-1388 Mkti ....................... (0977)852-6533
Yrreverre Square Bldg Gohan Concepts Golden Horse Medical Supplies
QC ........................... (02)8294-2508 Glimsol Information Technology Services Gloful Resort & Rooms
Sofia Twr QC ................ (02)7586-8635 Menarco Twr Taguig ...... (02)7501-1111 38-B Banawe QC ........... (02)8712-1360
Ginto Palay Agro & General Merchandise 542 Quirino Hwy QC .... (0916)259-3999 Going Straight Salon
Glimsol Web & Digital Solutions Golden Hosiery Incorporated
680 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-4815 Glori's Upholstery And Curtains Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8355-9528 188 San Juan PC...........(02)8536-4632
Sofia Twr QC...............(0917)636-7578 1289 Lardizabal Mla.....(0906)813-3655
Gintong Aral Publications Incorporated Glisaz Audio Video Corporation Gold Asia Realty Incorporated Golden Hot Dimsum House
2443 Selya Mla ............. (02)8563-8673 Gloria Go Pe Apartment Lessor Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ....... (02)8570-1006 Sta Maria Mla................ (02)8986-7907
50 L-Paredes San Diego Ave 1011 Apacible Mla ......... (02)7218-7771
Ginza Electronics And Car Accessories QC ........................... (02)8911-5281 Gold Blvd Golden Infinity Corporation
30 Banawe QC .............. (02)8741-1748 Glorious Morning Construction And Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8373-2823 9555 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8882-1613
Glj Maritime And Consultancy Industrial Sales
Gioielli International Benrosi Plz Condmn Gold Cars Auto Accesories Golden Island Fashion Accessories
Centerpoint Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8889-4725 86 Aurora Blvd SJ..........(02)8727-1601 72 L Banawe QC ........... (02)8741-3765
Pque ...................... (0956)170-1056 Ctd Bldg Mla ................. (02)8255-6099
Glorist Flower Shop Gold Crest Polychem Inc
Giordano Enterprises Limited Glnet Solutions Exchange Incorporated 1618 Don Quijote Mla .. (0977)792-3518 Golden Jolly Bestfoods Corporation
Westgate Twr Munt........(02)8850-5287 Cityland Shaw Twr 3624 Jmj Bldg Mla ........ (02)8715-4620 Del Monte Kanlaon Mkt
Glory Industries Incorporated QC ........................... (02)8354-7253
Girbaud Sm Ctr Point QC .... (02)8713-8184 Mand ....................... (02)8687-4130 7427 Yakal Mkti ............ (02)8817-0254 Gold Ever Hardware
Girl Shoppe Glo Glenn Construction 231 Samson KC ............ (02)8353-2769 Golden Leaf Health Spa
Glory Lumber Semicon Corporate Bldg
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 113 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8862-2767 320 Edsa Ave Gold Insurance Brokerage Incorporated
SJ ............................ (02)8913-6815 Glo Plumbing Services & Ag Malabanan Westgate Twr Munt........(02)8772-2892 Psg ........................ (0917)332-3378
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990
Girls Fitti Incorporated Siphoning Services Glovax Biotech Corporation Gold Lane Press Golden Legacy Jobmovers Corporation
Bonifacio High Street 1459 Malambing KC ...... (02)8962-0630 Glovax Bldg QC ............. (02)8921-9910 France Mkna ................. (02)8998-2233 Aseana Shell PowerStn Bldg
Taguig ...................... (02)8856-2821 Glo-Cal Advanced Systems Incorporated Gold Line Printing Services Co Pque ........................ (02)8853-2719
Glyl Printing Solutions
Girltrends Cosmetics Manufacturing Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr 25 Victoneta Ave Mal ..... (02)8361-8571 301 10th Ave QC ........... (02)8364-8291 Golden Link School
1A Dalsol QC .............. (0905)428-7301 Mkti ....................... (0920)961-1983 Gold Line Tours Incorporated Waling-Waling KC .......... (02)8961-5836
Gm Sandoval Incorporated
Girons Fashion Trend Globake Pioneer Psg..........(02)8632-1881 14 G De Jesus KC ......... (02)8364-6126 11 Don Ramon QC ........ (02)8732-9205 Golden Lucky Trading Tailoring
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Global Access Incorprated Gold Lock Electronics Service Center 2479B P Zamora PC .... (0939)521-3544
Gm3 Beauty Products Manufacturing
QC ........................... (02)8376-0970 Bansalangin Bldg Pque ... (02)8511-8264 330 Lucas Cuadra KC .. (0928)199-9389 1873-C A Linao Mla ....... (02)8847-5601 Golden Mane Incorporated
Gironsantiago Realty Global Acsel Corporation Gmacp Poweraire Construction Services Gold Movers Transport Corporation Bonifacio High Street
Citiland 9 Dela Rosa Star Mall Mand .............. (02)8725-3358 Felmarc Business Ctr Taguig ...................... (02)8810-7862
Mkti ......................... (02)8556-7468 Global Art Alabang 932 Claro Castaneda Psg .......................... (02)8646-8968 Golden Miles Travel Agency Incorporated
Givori Electrical Supply Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8861-2061 Mand......................(0927)156-8567 Gold Munzen Incorporated Manila Executive Regency
1323 Soler Mla ............. (02)8736-6074 Global Art Philippines Incorporated 528 Quirino Hwy QC ...... (02)8937-4680 Mla .......................... (02)8567-4120
Gmardc Corporation
Gj Bravo Boutique Sekai Ctr SJ .................. (02)8726-0435 Antonio Ctr Munt ........... (02)8659-6542 Gold Pass Travel And Tours Golden Peacock Travel
Greenhills Shopping Cplx Global Asia Int'l Corporation 10-A 5th Ave Taguig ...... (02)8985-6321 Don Alfonso Bldg Mla.....(02)8354-6360
Gmbt Lending Investor
SJ ............................ (02)8722-5354 Goldhill Twr SJ .............. (02)8654-0219 469 Boni Serrano Rd QC (02)8421-2130 Gold Patch Link Internationalinc Golden Peak Sales Corporation
Gjb Enterprises Incorporated Global Care Gmd Power Equipment And Supply G E Antonino Bldg Mla ... (02)8404-2261 484 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8243-0339
7637 Guijo Mkti.............(02)8896-4482 East Point Space Coml 10 Exeter QC ................. (02)8938-2866 Gold Star Foundry Incorporated Golden Point Auto Cares Inc
Gjkph Language Training Services Taguig ...................... (02)8812-8291 Gmd Prime Construction Inc 219 J Teodoro KC ......... (02)8361-1340 Estrella Mkti ................ (0943)426-1418
2217 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0917)312-2092 Global City Innovative College Virgo Mkna ................. (0917)598-0823 Gold Tiger Industrial And Millsupply Golden Raise Employment Agency
Gjmvm Aircon & Refrigerator Repair Shop Bonifacio Technology Ctr Gmiranda & Sons Bookstore 199 Rizal Ext Ave KC......(02)8361-1091 3035 V Mapa Mla .......... (02)8523-7073
84 Teoville 3 Pque ......... (02)8801-6179 Taguig ...................... (02)7757-5592 844 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8735-1365 Gold Tools Enterprise Golden Screw Center
Gk Fashion Gallery Global Craze Corporation Gmix Enterprises 46 D Tuazon Ave QC ...... (02)8291-8561 158 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8330-5368
985 Quirino Hwy QC .... (0908)986-6086 626 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-7137 1940 San Pascual Mla ... (02)8400-9175 Gold Triangle Properties Incorporated Golden Seafood House
Gkk Enterprise Global Ct Coffee Incorporated Gml Cargo Forwarder And Courier Express C4 Rd Mal .................... (02)8285-7671 83 Katipunan Ave QC ... (0917)159-5599
306-B Roosevelt Ave D Ace Plz Psg ............... (02)8477-9789 International Incorporated Gold Vest Security Training Center Golden Seeds Agri Sales
QC ........................... (02)3384-9795 Global Elite Liquors And Wine Corporation 2682 Gen Cailles Mkti .. (0917)850-0304 Camus Bldg QC ............. (02)8531-4927 781 Elcano Mla ............. (02)7757-9710
Gl Incorporated Accounting Services 1036 Lido De Paris Hotel Gml Courier Express Gold'n Blak Golden Sound Audio Video Center
Cooperative Mla .......................... (02)5310-8099 2682 Gen Cailles Mkti .. (0920)846-5482 588 Residences Mand..(0919)884-8118 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Medical Plz Mkti ............ (02)8555-1418 Global Empire International Group Of Gmo Globalsign Incorporated Gold's Gym Incorporated SJ ............................ (02)8721-2540
Gl Japanese Language Training Center Companies Inc Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8822-4110 Ayala Malls The 30th Golden Sphere Realty
205 Nicanor Garcia Mkti . (02)8817-4594 Atlanta Ctre SJ ............ (0917)173-9240 Gmr Autohub Psg .......................... (02)7264-2144 Coherco Financial Twr
Glacer Icecream & Milktea Supplies Global Facade Tech Phils Incorporated Chapel Rd PC .............. (0917)891-5000 Goldace Trading Munt ...................... (0917)709-1145
244 5th Ave KC ........... (0917)865-0919 Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8470-7403 Gmv Realty Holdings Incorporated Salomon Bldg QC .......... (02)8722-2726 Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt
Glacier Megafridge Incorporated Global Frameworkz Design Incorporated Transorient Maritime Bldg Goldbell Philippines Impex Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Amvel Business Park 8 Kalaw Hills Subd QC..(0917)598-9731 QC ........................... (02)8926-2211 Cortabitrate Mla ............. (02)8526-8088 SJ ............................ (02)8470-8339
Pque ........................ (02)8810-0725 Global Knowledge Ph Incorporated Gncn Feeds Supply Goldcrest Asia Mining Ventures Golden Steel Manufacturing
Gladex Travel & Tours Beacon Plz Mand...........(02)8721-0006 2066 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8293-1091 Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8778-7669 933 Ongpin Mla.............(02)8733-7055
Lucky Chinatown Mall Global Manpowerlink Db Incorporated Gnex Commercial Golden Ace Hardware Incorporated Golden Success Review Center
Mla .......................... (02)8562-7728 Corporate Ctr Condmn Puray QC ...................... (02)8716-2722 8425 Urbano Velasco Ave Amsir Bldg Mla..............(02)8736-5949
Gladking Makeup Kit Mkti ......................... (02)8813-1571 Gnf Promotions And Marketing Services Psg .......................... (02)8234-9539 Golden Sun Security
Soler Mla .................... (0915)817-1888 Global Nexus Corporation Crm 2 Bldg QC .............. (02)8927-1814 Golden Advance Marketing Corporation 33 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8401-7682
Glaizel's Flower Shop 2211 Taft Ave Mla ......... (02)8526-5707 Gno Dream Builders Incorporated King Ctr Bldg QC ........... (02)8364-5810 Golden Sunshine Manpower Services Inc
112 Rafael Cruz Cpd Global Print 3D Systems Incorporated 722B Del Monte Ave QC . (02)8708-4825 Golden Art Plasticraft Incorporated Strate 2000 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8631-7237
Psg ........................ (0936)943-9890 Park Trade Ctr Munt ..... (0917)583-2757 Gnp Events Place 478 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8727-2632 Golden Suntec Solutions Incorporated
Glaizie's Marketing Global Process Manager Incorporated Gnp Bldg QC ............... (0916)222-4022 Golden Arts Printing Services Raffles Corporate Ctr
Quirino Hwy KC ............. (02)8926-3954 Times Plz Mla ............... (02)7759-7100 Gnp Trading Corporation 728 Raxabago Mla ....... (0916)693-2570 Psg .......................... (02)7910-5531
Glam & Glitz Salon Global Project Incorporated 166-A Alfonso 8th SJ ..... (02)8723-8301 Golden Award Design And Trade Golden Teppanyaki - Sm Aura
40 Kamuning Rd QC .... (0920)114-9083 737 Romualdez Mla ....... (02)8255-9001 Gnz7 Medical Supply Corporation Sm Aura Premier
Glam Bridal And Formal Global Reciprocal Colleges Incorporated 1751 Bambang Mla ..... (0945)694-1177 18-B Dagot QC .............. (02)8361-8276 Taguig .................... (0956)268-1055
N Balderrama Psg ........ (0915)544-3078 Grc Bldg KC .................. (02)8361-6330 Go Beyond Expectation Remmittance Co Golden Baboy Golden Top Plastic
Glam Events & Catering Services Global Restaurant Merville Access Rd PC ... (02)8551-8685 735 Mindanao Ave QC ... (02)8691-3754 224-A Hulo Val ............ (0999)999-7777
234 Amarillo QC .......... (0915)634-9981 9 20th QC ..................... (02)8401-8872 Go Design & Print Golden Bay Fresh Seafoods Restaurant Golden Tree Travel And Tours
Glam Hub Nail Lounge And Body Spa Global Security Solutions Incorporated Yasmir Coml Cplx Munt .. (02)8579-9391 Ba2 Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Emerald Green Bldg LP...(02)8831-8477
Rizal Ave Ext Mkti ........ (0977)282-7926 Omm Citra Bldg Psg ...... (02)8634-4292 Go Extreme Limit Corporation PC ........................... (02)8556-7527 Golden Ventures Holding Corporation
Glam Squad Salon Global Skills Formation Institute B5 L9 Daisy Psg............(02)7576-4765 Golden Bear Travel Corporation Ecj Condo Bldg Mla ....... (02)8256-1969
Gil Preciosa Bldg QC .... (0916)345-4984 Incorporated Go Ginataan Mile Long Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8813-4035 Golden Wines Incorporated
Glamour Events Planning And Coordination Mf Nadal Bldg LP...........(02)8552-7221 Sm Bicutan Pque ......... (0917)115-3107 Golden Blossoms Flower Shoppe Toby's Place QC ............ (02)8638-5025
1 Sto Nino Roosevelt Ave Global Sky Call Center Go Gizzip Unlimited Samgyupsal Ngr Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8552-9098 Goldenlights Philippines Incorporated
QC ......................... (0977)200-5342 Raffles Bldg PC ........... (0915)494-4877 248 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8362-0746 Golden Books Services Incorporated State Bldg Mla ............... (02)8245-3697
Glamour Nail Spa Salon Global Staff Connections Go Go Wash First Marcel Twr QC ....... (02)8741-0855 Goldenmech Trading Corporation
211 Del Monte Ave QC . (0951)110-3610 Orient Square Bldg Psg...(02)7625-5406 295 P Tuazon QC .......... (02)3387-7098 Golden Bridge Corporation 11-H Crispin Mal ........... (02)7506-2610
Glamour Stlyn Salon Global Steel Philippines Go Grill Mart - Korean & Japanese Store Crescent Park Residences Goldenplate Ventures Incorporated
L De Guzman Mkna ....... (02)8477-2208 Corporate Ctr Mkti ......... (02)7751-3292 34 Sct Torillo QC ......... (0915)909-3277 Taguig ...................... (02)8808-8052 Century City Mall Mkti .... (02)8893-4052

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51 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Goldenrich - Gruppo 51

Goldenrich Hardware & Cons Supply Goodearth Trading Grace Special School Graphic Visions Incorporated Green-Jakobsen Academy
B9 L20 Romblon Psg ..... (02)8245-1691 623 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8244-8905 312 Stafford Pque .......... (02)8404-3399 Cs4 King Ctr Bldg QC ..... (02)3415-4865 116 Chatam Hse Mkti ..... (02)8889-9597
Goldex Mfg & Trading Corporation Goodhouse Industries Incorporated Graceful Kitchen Graphic Wizard Incorporated Greenbay Pet Grooming
1628 Dian Mkti...............(02)8843-6038 J M Cplx Taguig ............. (02)8838-9521 346 Libertad PC ........... (0917)826-2631 66 Harvard QC ............... (02)8470-3435 8748 Sandoval Psg ...... (0917)319-1547
Goldhill Industrial Corporation Goodie Barber Shop Graceland 23 Incorporated Grasco Trading Co Inc Greenbean Organic Coffee
J & T Bldg Mla ............... (02)8715-4430 Liban Bldg QC .............. (0917)850-5617 Graceland Plz Mkna ........ (02)8696-7341 1362 Rizal Av Ext Caloocan Loyola QC .................... (0917)555-5586
Goldlink Network Solutions Incorporated Goodleap Apartelle Graceliana Plants Garden City ............................ (02)8363-3674 Greenbee Vegetables And Fruits Trading
A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8364-8281 695 Edsa QC .................. (02)3413-9478 Farmers Garden QC ...... (0919)976-4174 Grassroots Philippines Incorporated 18 M Aquino Mal ............ (02)8441-1954
Goldlink Travel And Tours Goodluck Fishing Supply Graceline Products Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3980 Greencare Trading And Services
Siemkang Bldg Mla.........(02)8242-2200 536 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8242-0143 11 Granada QC...............(02)8727-7180 Graych Beauty Lounge 69 Yale QC ..................... (02)7975-0757
Goldmines Tours And Travel Corporation Goodman Diagnostic Center Gracev Upholstery & Car Accesories 1751-1A Dapitan Mla ... (0966)815-7953 Greenery Kitchen
357-B Rizal Ave Ext KC .. (02)8252-3452 5 B G Molina Mkna ....... (0905)308-0800 Agno Ext QC ................. (0920)568-7927 Graydient Printing Services 4067 Kalayaan Ave
Goldrich Goodream Printers Corporation Gracie Printing Services 1083 Sitio Kumunoy II Mkti ......................... (0927)606-9983
16 B Kabignayan QC ...... (02)8711-2593 133 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (02)8661-4203 P32 12th-11th St PC .... (0916)511-0256 Psg .......................... (0919)652-3326 Greenhills Dental Place Incorporated
Goldrich Mansion Goodrich Ventures Incorporated Graditel Construction Graymark Intl Sourcing Corp 34 Wilson SJ..................(02)8726-2345
4700 Cuangco Mkti ........ (02)7728-2985 Amorlinas Bldg QC ....... (0915)557-4874 8 Naga Rd LP ............... (0918)807-5182 One Corporate Ctr Psg .... (02)8706-3155 Greenhills Mansion
Goldrin Car Air-Con Goodwill Supermarket Graffiti Hair Salon Great Ark Trading 37 Greenhills Mansion
Commonwealth Ave Jmt Corporate Condmn President Ave Pque ........ (02)8556-3358 2016 Magsaysay Mkti .... (02)7720-2609 SJ .............................. (02)8721-2232
QC ........................... (0928)775-7696 Psg .......................... (0920)962-7170 Graffiti Salon Great Automation Incorporated Greenland Overseas Manpower Services Co
Goldshine Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Goodwill Trading Co Incorporated 1 Jackson Psg ............... (02)8642-2399 1655 Victoria De Manila 331 Villareal PC ............ (0922)724-5575
Gpi Corporate Ctr QC ...... (02)8951-6284 Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8723-0545 Graficad Creation Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8252-4449 Greenland Trading
Goldstar Realty Development Corporation Goolai Premium Salads And Dressings Richville Corporate Ctr Great Breed Ent Co 731 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-9657
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8234-0648 120-B Alley 19 Proj 6 Munt .......................... (02)8771-1959 29 Benefits Quezon City . (02)8925-4813 Greenleaf
Goldstar Tours & Travel Corporation QC ............................. (02)8962-5883 Grafikgiraffe Great Escape - Coffee And Books 3039 V Mapa Mla ......... (0936)420-2709
161D J P Rizal QC .......... (02)8912-2845 Goose & Bear Car Wash Pryce Ctr Mkti ................ (02)5310-1964 Bonifacio Stopover Greenpark Enterprises
Goldtown Imports Philippines St Thomas KC .............. (0918)665-6863 Grafix Solutions Printing Services Taguig......................(0915)200-8743 145B Congressional QC . (02)3455-7456
160 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8366-7953 Gordos Incorporated B27 L37 Merville Access Rd Great Gsc Industrial Incorporated Greenrich Group Incorporated
Goldwin Cfs Incorporated The Podium Mand .......... (02)8638-9591 PC ........................... (0917)961-3899 839 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8252-2641 1670 C M Recto Ave
19th St Mla .................... (02)8522-0628 Gorenje Appliances Philippines Grafix Specialist Incorporated Great Home Commercial Mla ............................ (02)8735-1557
Goldwing Apparel Incorporated 165 Legazpi Mkti ............ (02)8967-7127 N Domingo SJ ................ (02)8726-4805 971 C Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8913-6345 Greenrich Mansion
61 F Balagtas Mkna ........ (02)8942-2202 Gorriceta Africa Cauton & Saavedra Grafixnet Internet Cafe Great Hope General Merchandising Lourdes Psg...................(02)8634-0336
Goldwing Enterprises Strata 2000 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8696-0687 303 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8278-3091 673 Florentino Torres Greenscape Garden Landscape
84 East Dr Mkna ............ (02)8475-2801 Goryeojeong Restaurant Corp Grafixsafe Printing Inc Mla ............................ (02)8733-6695 Maintenance
Goldwyn Jewelry & Gift Shop Met Live PC....................(02)8297-2947 307 Dansalan Mand ....... (02)8533-7993 Great Line Prints And Layouts 1821 Pilar Rd LP .......... (0917)716-1082
1009 Ongpin Mla............(02)8733-0204 Gosolar Philippines Grain Handlers Philippines Incorporated Emilia Bldg Mla .............. (02)7509-5383 Greenstar Logistics Incorporated
Golemar Realty Corporation Earn Bldg LP ................ (0998)961-0894 234 Sta Monica Psg ....... (02)8635-6459 Great Oriental Dimsum House Gedcor Bldg Pque .......... (02)8820-2747
14 Paraluman Psg .......... (02)8655-3069 Gostoso Piri Piri Chicken Grains Furniture 1 Brixton Psg ............... (0916)345-1430 Greenstone Packaging Corporation
Golfturf Landscaping Services Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8364-5488 Aurora Blvd QC.............(0948)676-2681 Great Sea Auto Parts Supply 60 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8921-2711
2740 Cailles Mkti ........... (02)8813-4686 Gotafflair Inc Grains Innovation And Solutions Company 158 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-9810 Greenstone Resources Corporation
Golfworx Joy Nostalg Ctre Psg ...... (02)7798-8195 Incorporated Great Sights Travel And Tours Corporation Nol Bldg Munt ................ (02)8807-1982
Citygolf Driving Range Gotechno Corporation 18 Sta Lucia Psg ............ (02)8355-9362 Padre Faura Ctr Mla ........ (02)8254-7588 Greentee Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8638-6779 Richmark Bldg QC .......... (02)3456-1234 Grainsmart Corporation Great Smile Dental Center Co U P Town Ctr Taguig ...... (02)8856-2586
Gomeco Metal Corporation Gotesco Marketing Incorporated 394 Banawe QC ............. (02)8287-5250 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)3484-0063 Greenwheel Travel And Tours
Buma Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8292-4578 Pesa Bldg Mla ................ (02)8525-8889 Graintec Chemical Company Incorporated Great Solution Exhibit Coordinator J & F Bldg Mkna ............. (02)7933-3026
Gomoto Philippines Gothong Shipping Lines Incorporated 7 Marian Rd II Pque ........ (02)8823-3029 1 Grant QC ..................... (02)3455-5632 Greenwoods Manpower Services
343 Don Vicente Ang Bagong Bo 637 Citadel Bldg Mla ...... (02)8521-5386 Grainy Day Great Well Pharma Incorporated 25 San Miguel Ave Psg .. (02)8687-2245
KC ........................... (0917)851-4627 Gotihed Inc Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)192-5001 Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8961-1917 Greewatt Corporation
Gong Cha 248 C Dela Paz Psg........(02)8628-0016 Graman Medical Trading Great World Appliance Isles Bldg KC................(0943)300-1903
San Lorenzo Place Goto Logistics Incorporated 1613 Quiricada Mla ........ (02)3493-6770 229 -231 Dasmarinas
Mkti ......................... (0922)703-6607 Gremca-V International Corporation
Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8536-0394 Gran Trail Cycles Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8241-3446 27 V Ilustre QC ............. (0921)602-0300
Gongcha Goto Tendon El Molito Coml Cplx Greatfly Travel And Tours
Ayala Cloverleaf QC ...... (0906)958-1173 City & Land Mega Plz Bldg Greyone Social
Nena Bldg QC ................. (02)8716-4686 Munt .......................... (02)8856-4488 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0945
Gonutrients Gotobox Restaurant Corporation Granada's Catering Services Psg ............................ (02)7369-2162
6750 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7617-1002 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Greatstart International School Manila Greysof Truck Rental
56 Macopa QC ............. (0927)880-1226 1163 Quirino Hwy QC...(0917)840-1681
Gonutrients Manufacturing Inc Mkna ......................... (02)8294-0134 Granby Trading And Construction 187 Dna Soledad Ave
88 J Tiongquiao LP ...... (0917)328-9558 Gotspeed Motorworks Pque ........................ (0998)999-5437 Grill Masters Restaurant And Bar
Princess Bldg QC ........... (02)3456-1779 Doc Pau Bldg QC..........(0933)647-6175
Gonzalo Gaw Hok Incorporated 10 Lincoln QC .............. (0915)990-4029 Grand Asia Foods Corporation Green Amenities Supply Corporation
825 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-2258 Gotyco Controls Center Incorporated Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-4484 Yrreverre Bldg QC ........... (02)8937-3465 Grill Pit 51 Ipo QC ............. (0927)669-0990
Gonzon Glass Supply 1343 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-1965 Grand Crowne Pacific Incorporated Green Apple Dental Clinic Grill Queen Retiro
49-D G Araneta Ave Gourdo's N And M Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8897-8354 Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)3392-4187 116 N S Amoranto QC .. (0943)866-9664
QC ........................... (0995)251-2447 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8632-7811 Grand Duhaco Sales Corporation Green Apple Technologies & Systems Inc Grills & Sizzles
Goobro Engineering Services Gourdos Incorporated 1324 - 1322 C M Recto Ave Petron Megaplaza Bldg 57 Examiner QC ............. (02)8921-9924
Aurora Bldg Pque ........... (02)8829-5489 Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8519-6585 Mla ............................ (02)8733-3504 Mkti ......................... (0917)624-1139 Grin-Tech Global Solutions Incorporated
Good Ah!!! Gourmands Incorporated C Pastrami Et Al Grand Innovasia Concept Corporation Green Asia Agri Ventures Incorporated 611 Pilapil Mla ............... (02)8524-1928
Presidents Ave Pque.......(02)8829-9009 Spirit Of Communication Ctr Libran Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8831-1255 5123 Darlucio Val...........(02)8788-1160 Grind Tech Abrasives Corporation
Good Choice Foods Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8892-1255 Grand Line Medical Equipment Corporation Green Bar 102-B Rizal Ave Ext KC .. (02)8365-8838
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3686 Gourmet & Wine Experts Incorporated The Ctrpoint Bldg Psg ..... (02)5310-0218 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)808-2506 Grino Dental Group Inc
Good Deal Paper Industries Inc Bcs Prime Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8844-1816 Grand Marketing Researchs Plusinc Green Bean Organic Coffee Corporation 1152 Seneca Plz QC.......(02)3416-2719
497 Juan Luna Mla.......(0917)791-7777 Gourmet Foodiessary Inc 13 Stella Maris Psg ........ (02)8637-9822 Core Town Bldg PC ........ (02)8831-3243 Grist Chem Corporation
Good Fortune International I Caruncho Bldg Psg.......(0966)460-1939 Grand Monaco Estate Developers Inc Green Circle Realty Sales Incorporated 18 Gen Ave QC...............(02)3453-2653
1654 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8743-4313 Gourmet Noodle Incorporated 6 Pittsburgh QC .............. (02)8912-4375 West Twr Pse Ctre Psg ... (02)8942-1184 Grj General Merchandise
Good Grains Bakerie Inc Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-4967 Grand Nourriture International Incorporated Green Fine Air Tech Incorporated 96B G Araneta QC .......... (02)8712-2571
155 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8519-6345 Gourmet's Sectret Corporation Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8631-4761 East Svc Business Ctr Grj Jaro Pawnshop Corporation
Good Hand Security Products Corporation Jannov Plz Bldg 1 Mkti ... (02)8812-3971 Grand Nova Holdings Corporation Taguig........................(02)8788-0541 425 Alabang-Zapote Rd
Good Hand Bldg QC ....... (02)3456-2500 Gourmetgypsy Art Cafe Jade Bldg QC ................. (02)8353-0015 Green Future Innovations Incorporated LP .............................. (02)8403-7536
Good Hope Tapes Incorporated 28 Maginhawa QC ........ (0995)382-5736 Grand Pacific Credit Corporation Discovery Ctre Psg ......... (02)8470-9572 Grk Trucking Services
157 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)3412-8094 Gourmetink.Ph1 Vicente Madrigal Bldg Green Grass Marketing 1530 C-2 Tondo Mla ...... (02)8782-3328
Good Life Corporation 4842 Camia Pque.........(0917)876-3364 Mkti ........................... (02)8830-0500 Balagtas Mkna................(02)8948-2883 Grm Biowood Interiors Corporation
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-9523 Governance Commission For Goccs Grand Rosetta Corporation Green Heat Corporation Rdc Cpd Mal ................ (0915)188-8790
Good Luck Design Ads Systems Citibank Ctre Mkti ........... (02)5328-2030 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Mkti ... (02)8890-8034 Marine Technology Ctr Bldg Grm Garden Landscaping & Services
Las Buenas Bldg Mal ...... (02)8287-2064 Gowns For Rent Manila By Damsel Makati Grand Seiko Philippines - Gs9 Club Mla ............................ (02)8527-9045 Commonwealth Ave
Good Luck Hotpot Makati Cinema Square Belvedere Twr Psg ......... (02)8654-9972 Green Innovations Incorporated QC ........................... (0998)868-5754
Nexgen Twr PC ............ (0950)461-8888 Mkti ......................... (0917)885-8528 Grand Tower Condominium Corporation 8C Jennys Ave Psg ........ (02)8952-9618 Gromix Poultry Farm Incorporated
Good Luck House Gp Enterprises Inc Cosmopolitan Twr Condmn Green Intervene Incorporated 892 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8355-5320
Hyatt Ctre Mand ............. (02)8234-9363 1953-1955 Rizal Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8812-7802 5102 Bridgeway Munt .... (02)8771-7777 Groomer's Clippers
Good Men Barbershop & Men's Grooming Mla ............................ (02)8254-2308 Grand Union Supermarket Incorporated Green Leaf Water Refilling Station 2181 Fermin Mla .......... (0915)412-3223
Elisco Rd Psg ............... (0977)356-6396 Gps Glass Aluminum And Iron Works South Supermarket Val ... (02)8291-1749 120 Loreto Mla.............(0917)462-0290 Ground-Air Freight Forwarding Corporation
Good Palms Medical & Dental Clinic 158B Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8361-5472 Grande Marias Travel And Tours Green Line Jewelry Repair Shop Juanita De Leon Pque ..... (02)8829-7655
48B Sampaguita Mkti ..... (02)8882-7278 Gps Transport Services Incorporated 134A 6th Ave Mkti ........ (0936)839-5747 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Group Management And Development Inc
Good Samaritan Colleges Incorporated 850 Deparo Rd KC ......... (02)8293-2895 Grandeur Securities & Svcs Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8544-9890 5 Wilson SJ....................(02)8584-1587
Annes Dormitory Mla ...... (02)8715-4064 Gpt Motorcycle Accessories Unified Trading Bldg QC..(02)8723-0227 Green Lucky Dragon Glass And Aluminum Grow Light Philippines
Good Season Bakeshop 928 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8351-2619 Grandis Auto Supply Works 1547 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
835 Banawe QC ............. (02)8938-5522 Gpv Marketing 166 Banawe QC ............. (02)3414-8136 453 Zamora Val .............. (02)8253-8209 QC ........................... (0916)266-3973
Good Season Trdg Incorporated 1618 Honradez Mla ...... (0998)323-5261 Grandmahle Corporation Green Mango Yogurt Venture Inc Grow Vite Staffing Services
16G Banawe Ave QC ...... (02)8742-0566 Gq Barber Shop 1648 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8523-3753 Mckinley Hill Piazza Mkti.(02)8856-0454 Sti Holdings Ctr Mkti ....... (02)8893-5267
Good Shepherd Rice Trading Lucky Chinatown Mall Grandpearl Production Green Optical Clinic Growth Insurance Agency Incorporated
Trebbia Bldg PC ........... (0928)501-0512 Mla ............................ (02)8254-8213 B1 L10 Banlat Rd QC......(02)3455-6401 429 P Gomez Mla...........(02)8736-6028 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-3122
Good Staffs Salon Incorporated Gqwest Inc GrandSummit Packaging Corp Green Paddle Equipment Incorporated Growth Rocket
90 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)8920-3716 Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8332-2222 26 Isidro Francisco Grace Park Coml Cplx Paragon Plz Mand ........ (0926)351-9200
Good Sun Hardware Gqwest Inc (Global Quality Waters & Valenzuela .................. (02)8291-5493 KC ............................. (02)8332-2694 Growthscout
510 Recto Ave Mla ......... (02)8241-9265 Environmental Solutions Technologies Granic Glamour Salon Green Palette Dc Square Bldg QC.......(0917)836-6540
Good To Go Logistics Hub Co Ltd Inc ) Dir A Bunye Taguig.......(0916)560-8381 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)108-0190 Grr Gandang Ricky Reyes
K Plz Bldg QC ................. (02)8288-2903 21 Examiner QC ............. (02)8296-0440 Granmerlen Incorporated Green Peaks Wood Resources Branch Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-9396
Good Venture Drones Ph Gr8 Car Incorporated Ph2 B2 L25 Pampano Alabang Home Depot Gruenheim Philippines
Acqua Private Residences 2697 Guatemala Mkti ..... (02)8888-2039 Mal ............................ (02)3448-1815 Munt .......................... (02)8771-2344 Tempus Place II QC ...... (0917)598-4968
Mand ......................... (02)8470-8132 Grace Gospel Church North Incorporated Granstratman Industries Incorporated Green Pigs Kitchen Grumpy's Ribs And Burgers
Good Vision Optical Northridge Plz QC ........... (02)8921-0321 47 Bach QC....................(02)3427-1391 70 Timog QC..................(02)3411-0891 143 Boroughsquare
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-2020 Grace Inter-Island Freight Services Inc Grant Interiors Green Rose Pharmacy Pque ........................ (0995)337-0252
Good-All Construction Enterprises 11B Kaybiga KC ........... (0922)855-7906 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-7308 Banahaw QC .................. (02)3417-5437 Grupo Entablado Stage Builders
1279 Instruccion Mla ..... (02)8743-9302 Grace Line Products Incorporated Grant Stationary Green Valley Auto Sales Corporation 40 Marcelo H Del Pillar
Goodah! Circle C Ctr QC ..... (02)8441-2260 11 Granada QC...............(02)8727-7181 Fea Bldg Mla .................. (02)8241-3562 32nd St Taguig...............(02)8846-9757 Psg ............................ (02)8640-7991
Goode Communication Phils Incorporated Grace S Reyes Designs Incorporated Grape Escape Foods Incorporated Green Valley Hotel And Resort Gruppo Barbero
Star Mall Munt ................ (02)8822-1156 432 Mayon QC ............... (02)8742-6299 99 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8405-2546 Kaimito Psg....................(02)8671-8380 42 D Banawe QC ............ (02)8353-1538

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52 S C M Y K


Grv General Merchandise Gutson Billiards Halcyon Foyer Import & Export Corporation Happy Smiles Incorporated Health Care Celtrion
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Creekside Square Bldg Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8255-9888 Antel Global Corporate Ctr Gil Puyat Phil Axa Life Ctre
SJ .............................. (02)8510-7552 QC ............................. (02)8725-4759 Halcyon Web Design Philippines Psg ............................ (02)8633-3818 Mkti ........................... (02)8511-1138
Grx Graphics Printing Services Guzmaco Land Incorporated Trinity Bldg Psg ............ (0917)704-3877 Happy Work Enterprise Health Care Providers Cooperative
8608 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8880-3340 Embassy Vill Munt..........(02)8842-3988 Halfmoon Petroleum - Unigas Corp 71 Cordillera QC ............. (02)7799-7362 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-4890
Gryffon Courier Guzman Acain Law Offices Hill Fernando Ave Mkna .. (02)8267-8465 Happy_Kitchen Incorporated Health Care Sounds
1060 Tomas Mapua Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Halina Sa Nayon Seafood Restaurant Net Quad Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8856-9408 Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8891-3015
Mla .......................... (0915)236-8884 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-3478 G Lazaro Val.................(0975)465-4642 Happybee Baking Depot Health Carousel Philippines
Gryke Scientific Instruments Trading Guzman Memorial Chapel Hallohallo Home Inc 109 Mariano Ponce KC.(0917)707-4572 Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8637-6192
Worth Dr Pque ............... (02)8776-7140 391 J P Rizal Marikina .... (02)8646-2159 Suntra Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8869-4444 Happynest Health Code International Corporation
Gryn Wasabi Food Incorporated Gv Events Management Hallohallo Incorporated 375 J Rizal Mand ........... (02)7719-0356 Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8635-6206
743 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)8654-6868 Sampaguita KC ............ (0920)956-9174 The Enterprise Ctr Twr 1 Happyzillion Corporation Health Craft Medical Supply
Gs Origin Pet Depot Gv Florida Transport Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8478-4444 Festival Super Mall Munt.(02)8556-2566 1572 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8781-8080
Gen Ordonez Ave Mkna .. (02)7527-3745 832 A H Lacson Ave Halston Garments Incorporated Harana Orange Restaurant Health Dental Clinic
Gs2 Engineering Services Mla ............................ (02)8516-1880 3927 L Roces Mla .......... (02)8713-6385 Gen Luna SJ ................ (0917)616-7113 269 San Pancracio Pque (02)8478-8589
562 Atis KC..................(0961)437-4347 Gyg Power Systems Incorporated Haltbar Industries Incorporated Harbest Agribusiness Corp Health Metrics Incorporated
Gsa Law Firm Maya Bldg QC ................ (02)8294-7884 8 Calle Industria QC ...... (0917)419-8015 5 Rose Marie Lne Psg .... (02)8671-7411 Maryland Bldg Mkti.........(02)7795-1234
Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)8633-9757 Gym 4 Kids Incorporated Hamad Cyberzone 5 Harbour Land Realty & Dev't Corporation Health Quest Diagnostic Laboratory And
Gsa Tire Retrieving Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-1000 Ma Cristina Bldg KC ....... (02)8990-4775 Mactan Twr PC .............. (02)8556-6057 Multi-Specialty Clinic
1 Punturin Lawang Bato Rd Hamaden Kogyo Philippines Incorporated Harbport Freight Forwarding 11 A&B Del Monte Ave
QC ............................. (02)8983-9042 Lapanday Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)8893-9427 Coastal Plz Cndmn LP .... (02)3383-1967 QC ........................... (0917)713-6757
Gsd Security Agency Incorporated Health Rich Pharma Corporation
20 Alcalde Jose Psg ....... (02)8477-5175 H Hamburg Intl Sales Corporation
Bmg Bldg Mkti................(02)8851-5130
Hardware Work Shop Incorporated
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8400-5582 Emerald Green Bldg LP ... (02)8403-1902
Gsf Transportation Services Hamilton Fashion Harishi Restaurant Health Rx
161 Gen Ordonez H & F Retail Concepts Incorporated 1208 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-1770 South Star Plz Mkti ....... (0919)619-1150 Crissant Plz Bldg QC.......(02)8442-8911
Mkna ....................... (0966)407-5988 One Shangri-La Place Harkor Sportswear Health Solutions Enterprises Inc
Gsi Construction Corporation Hammer Fitness
Mand ......................... (02)8477-5836 Pasig Blvd Ext Psg........(0908)400-2994 Tayuman Taguig...........(0948)118-2839 Tao Corporate Ctr Psg .... (02)8836-5858
Esj Bldg Mkna ................ (02)8982-4593 H & K Car Repair Shop Harlequin Event Specialists Health Wealth International Corporation
Gsms Holdings Corporation Hammock Kitchenette
2010 J Abad Santos Ave 40B Basilan QC .............. (02)8806-5824 Matimyas QC ............... (0917)538-0043 Edsa Central Pavillion
Tvt Bldg Mla ................... (02)8735-0279 Mla .......................... (0909)988-5086 Harley's Pet Supplies Mand ....................... (0999)889-2397
Gsn+P Architecture Studio Hana Yo Healthprotect Incorporated
H And P Modular System Incorporated 273 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8820-9433 180 M H Del Pilar Mal .. (0915)416-6955
Gsnb Bldg QC ................ (02)8352-1880 Gpi Bldg Taguig .............. (02)8866-3593 Ppi Bldg KC .................... (02)8366-4476
Hana's Flower Shop Harmony Touch Spa
Gst Company H I S Philippines Travel Corporation Rmj Bldg QC ................ (0945)681-5200 Healthprotect Medical Diagnostic Center
Road 8 QC ..................... (02)7505-1703 1558 Laon Laan Mla .... (0917)138-1028 Dela Rosa Mkti ............... (02)8817-4311
Serendra-Shopping Arcade Harrison Communications Incorporated
Gt Capital Holdings Incorporated Taguig........................(02)7915-0351 Hanamaruken Ramen Healthright Inc
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7720-9283 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)7753-5888
Gt International Twr Mkti . (02)8511-1562 H L Villarica Pawnshop Incorporated Wilcon City Ctr QC..........(02)8277-6962
Hancool Aircondition Trading Harrison Profiles International Incorporated
Gt Fermin Dental Clinic Rivera Bldg QC ............... (02)8939-5417 Cacho-Gonzales Bldg Healthrush Enterprises
San Lorenzo Place 438 9th Ave KC .............. (02)8256-9012 West Trade Ctr QC........(0917)597-3596
H M Manuel Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8813-9045
Mkti ......................... (0917)576-0894 Amber Place Taguig ....... (02)8403-0735 Handcrafted Gift Shop Healthway Medical Clinics Incorporated
8354 Dr A Santos Ave Harrison Realty Corporation
Gt Natural Stone Incorporated H Ocean Manila Co Incorporated 2567 P Ocampo Sr Mla .. (02)8526-6411 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7720-6114
Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8856-9209 Pque ........................ (0905)464-7210 Healthwise Diagnostic
Ecj Bldg Mla ................... (02)8536-9975 Harte Hanks Incoprorated
Gt Stone Works Incorporated Handmaids Of The Sacred Heartof Jesus Richtown Twr Mla .......... (02)8254-4861
H Santos Plumbing Service 53C C Salvador QC ........ (02)8426-0014 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8581-5100
176 H Tandang Sora Ave Kalayaan Ave Taguig ...... (02)8364-0652 Heap Construction Solutions Inc
QC ............................. (02)8927-3086 Hands Of Pio Laundry Services Hartee Commercial
H Tech Corporation 3938 Magnaye Apartelle Haven Bldg QC ............. (0917)890-0612
Gti Armored Cars Milflores Mkti ............... (0945)302-0932 Hear Now Hearing Specialist
Bpi-Philam Life Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8897-6529
643 Pilapil Mla ............... (02)8253-9847 Munt .......................... (02)8772-3151 Handyleo Carpentry And Joinery Works Bernardino Gen Hospital
Gtli Freight Forwarding Inc Lf Jr Bldg Mkna .............. (02)7794-1495 Hartford General Merchandise
H&C Purified Water Refilling Station 713 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8245-9458 QC ........................... (0917)885-1017
Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0977)347-8305 Cadena De Amor Mkti.....(02)8882-8483 Haneyfah Trading Heart & Lung Diagnostic Clinic Incorporated
Gts Auto Care Plaza Incorporated Circle C Mall QC ............. (02)8513-4924 Harts Hotel
H&D Property Management Team 77 Corregidor QC ........... (02)8376-0693 112 Kalayaan Ave QC ... (0917)628-9894
175 Congressional Ave Business Ctre Mand ....... (02)8533-6540 Hang & Jun Vietnamese Food Station Heart And Bells
QC ............................. (02)8426-4198 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8874-4453 Hartway General Merchandise 934 Alvarado Mla ........... (02)8242-0599
H&M Philippines 89 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0922)291-1133
Gua - Epai Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-2638 Hanging Gardens Events Venue Heart Of Jewels
Afp Ep Recreation Ctr Bldg Belfast Ave QC ............... (02)8734-6480 Harvesters Vegetarian 774 Ongpin Mla..............(02)7577-3616
H&R Business Dev Incorporated 888 Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-9967
QC ............................. (02)8911-6001 2687 P Zamora PC ......... (02)8556-3364 Hangout Cafe Heart String
Guan Heng Sales Marketing Corporation Vm Mall Munt ............... (0956)162-0248 Harvey Manpower Services Corp Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8332-3174
719 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-5354 H-Care Medical Supplies J & F Divino Arcade QC .. (02)8562-7650
San Mateo Rd QC ......... (0947)223-9038 Hangseng Chinese Drugstore Heartbest Medical Supply
Guan Liong Commercial Corporation 519 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8735-8962 Hasd Textile Trading Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)792-1410
R-Square Bldg Mla ....... (0923)415-9992 H2Boost 605-607 C M Recto Mla . (02)8245-0703
Sampaguita Ave Pque...(0917)309-9121 Hankook Tire Philippines Heartbleed Internet Cafe
Guan Yiac Hardware 1320 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8356-7777 Hashery Restaurant San Francisco Gardens
455 T Pinpin Manila........(02)8242-0345 Haba-Sped Logistics Phils Incorporated 4 New York Ave QC ........ (02)8470-2310
Cityland Pasong Tamo Hanna & Hana's Food Place Mand ......................... (02)8661-1161
Guanzon Rolex QC ...................... (0921)309-1292 Hashi Donburi Japanese Cuisine Hearts & Arrows Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-1654 1607 Dapitan QC ............ (02)7901-5424
Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8352-0778 Hanny's Skin Care And Nail Spa Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8706-4496
Habanero Kitchen Bar Hasting Motor Corporation
Guardian Angel School Cubao Expo QC ............ (0917)355-1583 Creekside Square Bldg Hearts Lights And Sound System
T Samson Ave KC .......... (02)8936-9067 QC ........................... (0998)884-3988 2824 Borneo Mkti...........(02)8889-6496 77 Olive Mkna .............. (0956)885-0418
Habib Persian Cuisine Incorporated Hausen Mktg Corporation
Guco Industries Corporation The Portal Mand ............. (02)8570-2185 Hans Hair Tech Incorporated Heartstring
Cityland Pasong Tamo Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8637-0717 Roman Square 2 Bldg Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-0399 Habulan And Ngo Design Studio Company Mla ............................ (02)8244-0079
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8831-2102 Hanseatic Shipping Philippines Inc Psg .......................... (0935)512-5682
Gudsam Motor Parts 1853 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8523-8169 Haven For Wellness Corporation Hearty Bread
145 Malumanay QC......(0917)878-7709 Hacked By S&S Food Express Robinsons Place Manila
A De Jesus KC ............. (0995)336-6958 Hantex Trading Co Incorporated 270 Col Bonny Serrano Ave
Guess Labels And Weaving Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8522-9261 SJ .............................. (02)7216-9212
Hadija Money Changer Bttc Ctre SJ .................... (02)8655-8118
28 Sta Ana Dr Pque ........ (02)8823-7346 Haven Print Makers Heaven Scent Flowers And Farms
Jade Vine Bldg Mla ......... (02)8353-6454 Haobartly Commercial Corporation 64 Dansalan Mand ......... (02)8531-1785
Guevarra Dental Clinic 271 San Vicente Mla ...... (02)8711-5603 1266 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8742-6279
271 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-1493 Hafele Philippines Incorporated Haven S Barbeque Heavenly Products Incorporated
The Hafele Ctr Taguig ..... (02)8571-3203 Hap Chan 342 Ortigas Madison Ctr
Gugone Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8887-2660 9780 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8899-0653
5516 D M Rivera Mkti...(0920)959-0818 Haggai Medical Supplies And Services SJ .............................. (02)8726-0250 Heavenly Stitchin' Moments
1617 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8714-5934 Hap Chiong Company Incorporated Havenxian Office Furniture
Guhring 666-680 Sabino Padilla Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)3417-7860
Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8664-2917 Hailey Infinity Jewelry Store Rockville Ave QC ............ (02)8932-7687 Heavyhands Barbershop
756 San Bernardo Mla .... (02)8521-7165 Mla ............................ (02)8242-0047 Hayashi Salon & Nail Spa
Guide To The Philippines Hap Seng Hardware Incorporated 2nd St Mla ..................... (02)8797-5547
Andrews Ave PC .......... (0961)359-9802 Hailey's Bakeshop 41-D Aurora Arcade QC .. (02)8354-5229 Hechanova Bugay & Vilchez Lawoffices
137 Tandang Sora Ave 656 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-2162 Haymaker Incorporated Elorde Boxing Gym
Guidelight Enterprises Hap Seng Suki Mart Incorporated Chemphil Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8813-6820
241 Rizal Ave KC ........... (02)8631-7069 QC ........................... (0928)550-2400 Nodison Ctre Mkna ......... (02)8647-7185
Chinatown Steel Twrs Hecktor Salon Premiere
Guilders Insurance Sale Incorporated Hailey's Ground Cyber Shop Hazel Knot Online Store 47 Sct Torillo QC .......... (0995)845-7161
47 Gold QC .................... (02)8962-5085 Mla ............................ (02)8243-7359 Poblacion Mand ........... (0935)841-9112
Maligaya Bldg 3 QC ........ (02)8661-7724 Hee Nalu / Sperry
Hailey's Motorcycle Shop Parts Hap Suy Hardware Hbi Diagnostika Incorporated
Guillermo T Palao & Sons Incorporated 314 San Nicolas Mla ...... (02)8242-4490 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-6009
734-736 Tabora Mla ...... (02)8241-8578 305 Susano KC ............ (0915)116-6617 Q Plz QC ........................ (02)8990-4735 Heidi's Catering Services
Haimobilia Hapag Sa Lucban Hce Brokerage Corp
Guisados Restaurant Cityland 10 Mkti ............. (02)8813-4392 4012 Diam Val ............. (0998)996-2349
26 Holy Spirit Dr QC ..... (0905)352-5521 705 Brooklyn Pque ....... (0995)582-4763 Pearl Of The Orient Twr Helal Medical Lab & Pharmacy
Hair Clique Salon And Nail Spa Hapifuds Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8250-8013
Guitar Harbour Custom Shop Morning Star Bldg Mkti ... (02)8896-7671 Vareb Mansion Mla.........(02)8288-1290
1929 T Mapua Mla ....... (0920)691-3045 223-A Gen Luna Mal .... (0928)853-2743 Hd Megatrucks & Equipment Incorporated Helen Jewelry Shop
Guitar Pusher Hair Corrections Salon Hapihomes Furniture Incorporated 103 M Francisco Val ...... (02)8364-8883
Las Pinas Coml Ctr LP....(02)8875-6635 927 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8736-9987
West Gate Plz Bldg Matapat QC .................... (02)7089-3384 Hdi Networks Phils Incorporated Helenita O De Guzman Dental Clinic
Mkti ......................... (0917)795-3511 Hair Cut Encarnacion Salon Happie Transhares A Francisco Gold Condmn 2 Asuncion Val .................. (02)8277-8838
Gulayat Ol Grocery Dagat Dagatan Ave Mal (0943)138-0777 46 Dr M Flores Psg ...... (0927)406-7622 QC ............................. (02)8927-5909 Helix Steel Products Corporation
54 Kapiligan QC ........... (0995)331-3402 Hair Expressions Salon Happy Clothes Professional Dry Clean Hdi System Technologies Incorporated 228 Sto Domingo Ext
Gulf Asia Travel Tours And Services Inc Ayala Malls Feliz Psg .... (0910)532-4198 One Castilla Place QC ... (0936)541-9273 Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8570-6582 QC ............................. (02)3444-2095
Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8525-0509 Hair Group Salons Incorporated Happy Delights Incorporated Hds Trading Hellenic Manning Overseas Inc
Gulf Oil Phils Incorporated One E-Com Ctr PC..........(02)8836-8865 Rbl Bldg QC ................... (02)8256-2177 2 Mayor Tanyag Atlantis Beacon Twr
39 M Lozada Pat ............ (02)8628-1309 Hair Image Salon Incorporated Happy Haus Food Corporation Taguig......................(0917)163-7359 Mla .......................... (0917)808-4798
Gulf Synergy Employment Incorporated Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8831-7003 145 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)8294-2822 Heac Skills Training Hello
1760 Dian Mkti...............(02)8831-4181 Hair Salon Group Incorporated Happy Helpers Jupiter Mkti .................. (0977)770-9398 Civic Dr Festival Mall
Gumi Takoyaki 153 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8352-9551 Molave Taguig .............. (0918)450-0024 Head Start Salon Munt .......................... (02)8556-8911
4 Washington Pque ...... (0936)396-8528 Hair Space Salon For Men And Women Happy Lemon International Limited 162 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8361-1701 Hello Kitty Cafe
Gungjeon Korean Barbeque 28 T Alonzo Mkti .......... (0926)117-1362 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-3841 Headprime Resources Corporation Uptown Mall Taguig......(0945)305-0713
11 M S Cruz Palasan Hair Trix Salon Happy Med Pharmacy Macapagal Blvd Pque ..... (02)8381-6000 Hello Telecom
Val ........................... (0916)639-6672 Ap Bldg Mla ................... (02)8708-3936 Quezon Ave QC ............ (0955)835-2394 Heads Printing & Cut And Sew Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8712-2793
Gupit Industriya Incorporated Hairshaft Salon & Academy Happy Music And Lifestyle Incorporated 191 Selecta Dr QC ........ (0956)326-0399 Help In Home Employment Agency
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8659-2249 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8352-8370 7274 Malugay Mkti.........(02)8551-6764 Healol Pharma Corporation 615D Boni Mand ............ (02)8532-8376
Gupitan Barbers Salon Massage & Spa Hakuba Motor Parts Happy Pinkies 337 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave Help U Clean Systems Incorporated
20 Sct Ybardolaza QC...(0965)810-1379 202 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8843-7719 1317 Felix Huertas Mla . (0917)820-6457 Mkti ........................... (02)7501-5118 161 Aguirre Parañaque ... (02)8556-9286
Gushcloud Philippines Inc Hakuna-Matata Travel & Tours Happy Pools Sales & Services Health & Beauty Buddies Home Service Spa Helwin Auto Supply
Icon Plz Taguig...............(02)8254-3373 Royal Palm Villa Bldg LP.(02)8887-3947 Marisan Arcade Mkti.....(0905)360-9733 Wack-Wack Rd Mand ... (0917)324-0548 108 Odigal QC ................ (02)3431-2742
Gutierrez-Sison Enterprise Halcyon Digital Media Design Incorporated Happy Slice Pizza Health And Natural Collection Hemm Philippines Corporation
Cityland Pioneer Mand .. (0905)489-6311 11 San Antonio Psg........(02)8234-0870 13 Sta Maxima QC ....... (0908)313-8940 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8354-8860 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-0351

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53 S C M Y K


Hemy's Beauty Salon And Spa Hexagon Screw Center Incorporated Hillcon Asphalt Construction Home Hardware Center Hot Copy Digital Printing
38 V Santos Mkna ........ (0956)799-4729 102 E Rizal Ave Ext KC ... (02)8366-5296 642 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8733-6225 522 Mayon QC ............... (02)8731-8348 Emiliano Santos Bldg
Henly Trading Incorporated Hfjalos Equipment Trading Hillsdale Marketing Incorporated Home Health Care Placements Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)7508-9545
Dasmarinas Corporate Ctr 375 Rd 1 PC .................. (02)8801-2824 3 2nd St Psg .................. (02)8631-3944 137B Anonas Ext QC .... (0905)278-8155 Hot Hippie Wild Wings
Mla ............................ (02)8241-3555 Hh All Ventures Enterprises Corporation Hilo Fish Company Incorporated Home Maverics Incorporated Batanes Mla ................. (0917)985-1116
Henrison Food Product Corporation Goodyear Hpc Bldg LP ... (02)8856-7594 Antel Global Corporate Ctr Design Mix Bldg SJ ........ (02)8705-7185 Hot Off The Press
848 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8708-2124 Hi - Protect Armored Cars Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8687-4996 Home Plumbing Services 163 Maginhawa QC ...... (0945)322-9191
Henry Diesel Calibration Center 1000 Un Ave Mla ......... (0917)675-1168 Hilom Massage 28 Sta Ana Mal .............. (02)8351-7348 Hot Sai Dimsum Incorporated
1 Mrt Taguig .................. (02)8541-7595 Hi Mixed Chemical Laboratory Supply 39 Sct Ybardolaza QC...(0915)815-9751 Homeassist.Ph Robinsons Place Manila
Henwaj Construction 1571 Mayhaligue Mla ..... (02)8711-8745 Hilti Philippines Incorporated Upscale Innovation Hub Grd Mla ............................ (02)8526-8902
1029 Ibp Rd QC ........... (0917)143-7642 Hi Speed Cabling Solutions Incorporated Robinsons Cyberscape Beta QC ........................... (0927)853-3320 Hot Star Philippines
Heny Sison Culinary School 211 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8853-7428 Psg ............................ (02)8784-7100 Homebokki Eastwood City Walk 2
33 Boni Serrano Ave QC . (02)8726-5316 Hi Tech Hearing Centre Incorporated Hilton Manufacturing Corporation 8 K Of C Val ................. (0967)452-8265 QC ............................. (02)8997-0271
Hepdro Fire Protection Medical Plz Mkti ............. (02)8867-1229 671-673 T Alonzo Mla .... (02)8733-5322 Homecare Medics Enterprises Hotel 101 Manila
Camia QC.......................(02)7617-4212 Hi Tech Info Himmax Electronics Corporation 1850 Felix Huertas Mla . (0921)366-9781 Mall Of Asia Cplx PC.......(02)8553-1111
Her Bench 831 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8733-6755 44 Congressional Ave Homecentral Inc Hotel 99 Incorporated - Caloocan
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-2408 Hi Top Merchandising Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3453-5752 Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)7730-3040 Victoria Bldg KC ............. (02)8931-5948
Hera Yg Trading Inc 191 Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8362-0772 Hinirang Construction Services Homecleanic Cleaning Services Hotel Central
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Hi-Cool Engineering Corporation Gen Malvar Mkna ......... (0915)952-0408 Domingo M Guevara P Tuazon QC ................ (0930)402-3233
Psg ............................ (02)8463-6713 Robinson's Galleria Corporate Ctr Hino Parts Specialist Incorporated Mand ....................... (0917)561-3378 Hotel Jen Manila By Shangri-La
Herbie's Bakery QC ............................. (02)8633-7641 126 - 218 Rizal Ave KC .. (02)8365-3977 Homedeck Blinds 3001 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)7795-8888
3162 F Roxas Mla ........ (0919)684-2532 Hi-Gloss Lamination Incorporated Hinode International Mktg Incorporated 1510B A Maceda Mla ... (0925)505-2777 Hotel Lucky Chinatown
Herbon Studio 289 Dayao Mla ............... (02)8522-2930 Civic Prime Soho Condmn Homedeck Trading 211 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8463-1881
1509 C Anastacio Mkti . (0905)294-7881 Hi-Power Steel Industrial Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8552-1936 A Maceda Mla ................ (02)8985-1864 Hotel Merlo
Herbpharm Incorporated 285 Ma Clara KC ............ (02)8364-7043 Hiraya Global Films Incorporated Homeking Philippines Incorporated 8836 Sampaloc Mla ....... (02)8851-8215
World Trade Exch Bldg Hi-Precision Diagnostics 155 Se Dao Mkna...........(02)8656-8047 Filhigh Trading Bldg Mla . (02)8825-5822 Hotel Okura Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8241-0402 18 East Ave QC .............. (02)3413-7950 Hisolomon Corporation Homeplus Builders Centre Incorporated 2 Portwood PC ............... (02)5318-2888
Herbs & Nature Corporation Mount Apo KC ................ (02)7585-2520 Star Plz Bldg Munt .......... (02)8808-7769 Hotel Oyster Plaza
Akasya QC ..................... (02)8984-9545 Hitchpro Philippines Homestuffs Trading Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8089-2858
Hercules Group Asia Corporation HI-Q COMMERCIAL Bautista Mkti .................. (02)7239-8794 San Pablo Psg................(02)8401-5274 Hotel Paradise
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Hive Hotel And Convention Place Hometown Hotel Makati Bustos Hotel Paradise
Psg ............................ (02)8661-6524 INCORPORATED 68 Sct Tuazon QC ........ (0920)924-9219 57 Edsa Mkti .................. (02)8805-3386 Mla ............................ (02)8734-2089
Hercules Skytec See Lstg under Chemical Hives By Restoration Homeworld Hotel Red Planet Manila Aseana City
626 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-2047 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-8717 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8400-5581 Aseana Business Park
Herencia Antique Shop 1199 J Abad Santos Ave Hivorex Industrial Corporation Homme N Femme Salon Pque .......................... (02)8866-0888
279 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8553-5616 41 Sapang Bakaw Val.....(02)8983-8064 Cortes Bldg QC.............(0917)852-9910 Hotel Rosas Garden
Hermaco Commercial Incorporated Manila.....(02)8253-3440 Honda 1140 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8404-1121
Hiyas Press Inc
959 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8734-1253 851 G Araneta Av Christ The King Bldg Hotel Selena Cubao
Herman Commercial Sales Quezon City................(02)8740-5764 Munt .......................... (02)8869-1860 900 Stanford QC ............ (02)8709-4303
554 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8514-8605 Hotel Systems Asia Incorporated
Hermano Barberia
HI-Q Hizon's Cakes And Pastries Honda Triumph Jt Marketing Corporation
Discovery Suites Psg......(02)7719-8888
1197 Jorge Bocobo Mla . (02)8536-3993 311 Rizal KC .................. (02)8361-2044
Mabini KC .................... (0926)625-0444 COM- Hkr Equipment Corporation Honestea Hoton Express Ph
Hermanos Motor Services 30 Apollo I LP .............. (0977)853-2168 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8230-4526
204 Ilocos Sur QC ........ (0995)569-7409 MERCIAL Hkr Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8897-1569
Honesty Realty Corporation Hoton World
Hky Home Furnishing Center
Hermes Boutique INCOR- 558 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8353-8833 Richhill Ind Cmpd Pque .. (02)8820-1919 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8551-7371
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-8910 Honey Brown Hotsai Dimsum Inc
Hermie's Food Counter PORATED Hlb Photo-Video Service
4053 Luzon Mkti ............ (02)8882-2040 965 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(0932)208-6236 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8638-4523
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Honeybear Internet Cafe Hotshots
SJ ............................ (0927)859-7187 Hln Phil Trading Incorporated Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8659-2203
Skyland Plz Condmn Empire Mall Savers Square Bldg
Hermina Motor Assembler Hi-R Systems & Wimax Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0712 PC ............................. (02)8822-1282 Hour Glass
74 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (0917)534-5601 Alabang Citi Arcade Honeycomb Builders Incorporated Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1262
Hlt International Incorporated
Herminia Crisologo Munt .......................... (02)8807-8909 Pelbel 2 Bldg Psg ........... (02)8635-5195 Guevent Bldg Mand ........ (02)8531-0395 House Of Color
7463 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8896-5114 Hi-R Technology & Service Company Honeys West Apartelle 4 1st St Psg ................... (02)8477-7914
Hermione's Hm-Aire Marketing
Citi Arcade Bldg Munt ... (0916)535-2583 408 B P Tuazon Blvd QC (02)8913-0126 Honey's West Apartelle House Of Decor
40 Bawa QC ................. (0956)821-2751 Hi-Rich Airconditioning Services QC ............................. (02)8376-5522 837 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-8851
Hermitech Airconditioning Services Hmr Auction Services Incorporated
Ilang-Ilang QC ................ (02)8573-2011 Km 21 East Svc Rd Hong Kong Noodles House Of Gluta Care
2-B Morning Star Dr Ext Hi-Samgyupsal 873 Diamond Arcade C Raymundo Ave Psg...(0939)767-1274
QC ............................. (02)3454-2993 Munt .......................... (02)8548-6962
G&W Terrazza Bldg QC ........................... (0909)574-3214 House Of Gogi
Hernandez-Alcoriza Medical & Diagnostic Ho Dental Office 808 Banawe QC ........... (0966)716-1868
Mkna ....................... (0915)718-4433 Pacific Ctre Mla ............ (0915)606-2086 Hong Kong Spring Deer Seafood Restaurant
Clinic Hi-Steel Trading And Fabrication 196 A Mabini SJ.............(02)8400-6369 House Of L & S Incorporated
Caybiga KC .................. (0932)336-5317 Ho Fat Food House Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8894-3049
1070 C M Recto Ave 106 Rizal KC .................. (02)8361-8002 Hong Yi Painting Co Ltd Incorporated
Hero Laboratories Mla ............................ (02)8244-7356 17 M Lozada Pat ............ (02)8628-2074 House Of Sarah Lee-Cubao Branch
Edsa QC ....................... (0926)298-5051 Ho Feng Sun Peace Co Incorporated Lol Riverpark Bldg Mkna . (02)8475-1901
Hi-Tech Supplies Center Incorporated 2600 Roxas Blvd Mla ... (0905)390-6737 Hongkong Bank
Herod Itinerary Consultancy Columbia Airfreight Cmplx 1 Villa Del Rosario Bldg House Of Silvanas Incorporated
Mille Bldg PC..................(02)8742-2244 Pque .......................... (02)8851-4008 Hobbies Barbeque Stations Mla ............................ (02)8242-4190 18 Ephesus Pque ........... (02)8823-2563
Heroes Hobby Lounge Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
Hi-Top Merchandising Inc (Htmi) QC ............................. (02)8470-8425 Hongley Food Products Inc House Of Sioco Pet Supplies Plus
Bonifacio High Street 227 Biak Na Bato QC ...... (02)8424-0420 2 Atis Rd Malabon .......... (02)8361-4653 24 St Peter Val ............... (02)7623-4593
Taguig........................(02)8511-7327 Hobbies Of Asia Incorporated House Of Travel Incorporated
Hi-Top Plastic Incorporated 8 Pres Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Hontorz Corporation
Heroes Hotel Tanigue KC .................... (02)8990-4007 1012 Metropolitan Ave Anflocor Bldg Pque.........(02)8831-8801
Florentino Torres Mla ...... (02)8423-0661 PC ............................. (02)8556-5268
Hi-Value Multi Expert Diagnostic & Mkti ........................... (02)8553-6715 House Of Wagyu Stone Grill
Herran Bread And Food Mart Incorporated Hobing Korean Dessert Cafe Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8706-5385
Laboratory Center Inc Bonifacio Stopover Hooli Company
1986 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8564-3030 1206 Quirino Ave Pque . (0917)189-7342 2461 Taal Mla .............. (0995)368-2986 Household Development Corporation
Herran Labaratory And Medical Clinic Taguig........................(02)7946-3099
Hi-Vision Chaussures Incorporated Hooli Furniture Starmall Alabang Munt . (0998)845-5126
2442 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8986-2401 Hoc Guan Motor Parts
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8635-4987 1008 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8244-1778 307 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0975)128-4900 Housemaids.Ph Inc
Hi-Win Upvc Windows & Doors Hooligans Printing Services Casa Malvar Bldg Mla ..... (02)8429-5265
Hocho Japanese Restaurant
Mandaluyong City Mand . (02)8724-6037 Commonwealth Ave Housing And Land Use Regulatory Board
The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)7622-7205
Hocon Lifestyle Furniture Corporation
QC ........................... (0997)920-6635 Sunnymede It Ctr QC ...... (02)8351-8079
737 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8241-8937 Hope Guan Chinese Drugstore Hp Sm North Edsa QC ........ (02)8404-5154
TEEHANKEE & Hiap Lu Sing Vegetable Seeds Store
Pedro Gil Mkti...............(0933)815-2287 88 Mall Mla .................... (02)8241-9955 Hp Caroga Insurance Agency Incorporated
Hodai Restaurant Hope Integrated School Padilla Bldg Psg ............. (02)8634-7953
819 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-6284
CABRERA LAW Hicor Manufacturing Corporation
14 Examiner QC ........... (0956)460-5848 Iris QC............................(02)3430-0680 Hph Technical Solution Incorporated
2461 Sunrise Pque ......... (02)8853-6677 Hofa Lamin8 Incorporated Hope Well Overseas Manpower Network Inc Avi Coml Ctr LP .............. (02)8808-4735
OFFICES Hidden Beelivery Champion Philippine
316 Alabang-Zapote Rd
LP .............................. (02)8887-5594
Lopez & Cabana Bldg Hpv Thermal Transfer Products
e-mail: [email protected] Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8521-7010 Incorporated
Hokusai Hordex Enterprises 648 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2268
6758 Ayala Avenue 2489 Orlando Suites Vantage Bldg Mla ........... (02)8788-1409
Mla ............................ (02)8291-8257 655 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)329-0656 Hr Spectacles
SGV II Bldg Hideco Sugar Milling Co Incorporated
Holiday Asia Diver's Resort Inc Horizon Link Incorporated 111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Abimir Place Mkti ........... (02)8834-2974 75B J P Rizal Val ............ (02)8292-2743 Mkti ........................... (02)7914-6590
Makati ..... (02)8813-7111 Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8848-1181
Hieisai Pharmaceutical Incorporated Holiday Hills Stock And Breeding Farm Horizons Realty Incorporated Hrc Auto Supply
Multinational Bancorp Ctr 2 San Bartolome Psg ...... (02)8672-1968 Rfm Corporate Ctr Mand.(02)8633-2838 51 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8712-0303
Mkti ........................... (02)8887-1048 Holifit 4th Ave Taguig ....... (0956)766-9439 Horizontal Vertical Properties Hrc Honda Auto Supply
High Access Line Philippines Corporation Holistic Circle Medical Spa Vicente Madrigal Bldg 1110 Banawe QC ......... (0945)843-7088
HERRERA Cityland Shaw Twr Bsa Twin Twrs Mand ...... (02)8634-7271 Mkti ........................... (02)8711-4487 Hreverse Logistics Inc
TEEHANKEE Mand ......................... (02)8687-1286 Holistic Integrative Care Center Hornitex Philippines Incorporated Dr Arcadio Santos Ave
High Tea Bernmann Ctre QC........(0917)685-0168 Dolmar Bldg Mand..........(02)7621-3423 Pque ........................ (0915)899-3225
& CABRERA J P Laurel Mla .............. (0933)247-9225 Holy Angelic Printing Horology Jewelry Center Incorporated Hrha Manpower Int'l Incorporated
LAW High Top Pawnshop And Money Changer 174 Dela Paz Mkna ........ (02)8330-0292 Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8637-2173 2075 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8423-0428
OFFICES 79 A Mabini Psg ........... (0917)587-5050 Holy Family Medical Supply Horseshoe Pet Clinic Hrm Solution Incoporated
High Top Sure Marketing Incorporated 1339 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8735-0566 72 E Abada QC...............(02)8920-5214 Hrm Trading Haus Bldg
4322 D Kalayaan Ave Holy Rosary College Foundation Hortaleza Mand ....................... (0916)229-3063
Mkti ........................... (02)8890-0040 1427 Fr Hofstee KC ........ (02)8962-8118 684 Natl Cva Bldg Hrweb Inc
Hershey Anne Enterprise Highchem Trading Holy Spirit Purified Drinking Water Munt ........................ (0933)689-1845 Cityland Makati Executive Twr 1
203 Ipil Ext Mkna..........(0995)252-3477 105 Mt Natib KC.............(02)8363-8360 79 West QC ................... (02)3412-8849 Hos Big City Corporation Mkti ......................... (0917)551-3200
Hersun Marketing Highest Goodvalue Trading Corporation Homboiz Videoke Bar 15 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8287-0163 Hsb Tekprint Phil Corporation
9 Payapa Mand .............. (02)8531-1866 27 N Roxas Mkna ........... (02)7239-3581 2400 M Dela Cruz PC ... (0977)689-1826 Hos Dental Clinic Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-5717
Hertz Philippines Highland Lumber And Construction Supply Home Culinary And Technical School Rln Ctre Bldg Mal ........... (02)8330-6050 Hsel Architectural Design Studio
Somerset Oympia Bldg Company Incorporated Corporation Hosaku Asian Grill Cyber One Bldg QC.......(0998)398-1747
Mkti ........................... (02)8396-7551 2213-19 Espana Blvd 97 Dna Soledad Ave Sm North Twrs QC ....... (0916)618-9578 Ht-Uno Sporting Goods
Hewlett Packard Mla ............................ (02)8741-1842 Pque .......................... (02)7239-2860 Hospitality Ventures Group Incorporated 681 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-2913
Eton Centris Cyberpod Highly Succeed Incorporated Home Expression Concepts Incorporated Sunshine 100 Condmn Hua San Wan Foodmart Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8374-1546 Richmonde Plz Psg ........ (02)8631-4456 Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8571-3066 Mand ......................... (02)8531-4989 132 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-9796
Hexagon Group Of Companies Highrich Electronics & Spare Parts Home Factory Outlets Hot & Cold Electronic Repair Shop Huang Guan Restaurant
807 First Marcel Twr QC . (02)3414-6241 Raon Shopping Ctr Mla...(02)8736-1831 14 Williams Mand .......... (02)8695-1346 351 El Grande Ave Pque . (02)8925-8647 Urban Ave Mkti.............(0927)762-3300

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54 S C M Y K

54 Huasanwan - Indigo21 2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST

Huasanwan Food Mart Incorporated Hydro-Tech Environmental Management Inc Iago's Restaurant Ideyatech Incorporated Imageworld Graphic Sales Incorporated
Sshg Law Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8804-1218 37 Greenhills Mansion 56 Sct Rallos QC ............ (02)8356-0549 West Twr Pse Ctre Psg ... (02)8470-8756 2 Azucena Mal ............... (02)8352-1530
Hubex SJ .............................. (02)8723-0808 Ian's General Upholstery Shop Idic Architectural Services Imaginet International Incorporated
506 Mf Jhocson Mla ...... (02)8374-4680 Hydrochem Plus Industrial Sales 959 Pres Quirino Ave Ep Housing Phs2 Taguig (02)7576-6929 101 Zodiac Mkti ............. (02)8895-9755
Huenity Printing 118 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8921-4563 Mla .......................... (0945)295-2027 Iebur Construction Inc Imaha Home Depot
2144 Rd 12 Mla ........... (0908)742-3844 Hydrolab Testing Cent Iangel Learning Center Incorporated Regus Netlima Bldg 1228 Soler Mla...............(02)8245-3868
Hugeous International Manpower Services Grand Twrs Condmn 5513 D M Rivera Mkti.....(02)7238-3966 Taguig........................(02)8692-6219 Imarflex Properties Incorporated
2200 Jesus Mla ........... (0906)527-7768 Mla ............................ (02)8404-1065 Iatech Solution Incorporated Ieminence Inc 2122 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8521-1063
Hugo Grillery Hydroliko Enterprises Incorporated Annapolis Wilshire Plz Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)8516-9123 Imark Web Design & Development
Greenhills Town Ctr QC .. (02)8571-2315 Atrium QC ...................... (02)8294-9646 SJ .............................. (02)8721-8622 Ies Interior Design Services Ayala Ave Mkti ............. (0921)643-1323
Hugobon Corporation Hydrotreat System Technologies Iayala Company Incorporated 119 Sparrow Pque ....... (0917)827-3165 Imaverick Int'l Corporation
Waltermart Mkti .............. (02)8844-0800 Incorporated Makati Stock Exch Bldg Iexcelerate Incorporated One Mckinley Place
Hui Cuisine Mc Bldg Munt.................(02)8836-4256 Mkti ........................... (02)7752-5943 Bgc Corporate Ctr Taguig........................(02)8831-6566
San Lorenzo Place Hygiene Sanitation Pest Management Ib Com Total Kitchen Solution Taguig........................(02)7218-5818 Imax Technologies Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (0945)685-5777 Incorporated F B Harrison PC ............ (0977)856-8810 Ifernhealth Distributor Online Shop Makati Executive Twr 3
Huilong Trading 1 Perey SJ ..................... (02)7474-2096 Ibagnet Royal Mansion Mand .... (0917)496-9288 Mkti ........................... (02)8553-7691
Jp Bautista KC................(02)8931-9999 Hyper Electro Systems Incorporated Metrowalk Coml Cplx Ifis Offshore Manila Incorporated Imd Wellness Spa Solutions Incorporated
Huma Corporation H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8889-6675 Psg ............................ (02)8470-2007 Kings Court 1 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8551-5544 Woodsville Condmn
Milelong Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8553-2624 Hyper Go Laundry Hub Ibon Bookshop Ifix Car Care Center Pque .......................... (02)8846-1301
Human Resource Solutions Incorporated Malinao Hwy Hills Timog Ave QC ................ (02)8927-7060 1330 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-8492 Immaculate Religious Articles
9710 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8820-7463 Mand ....................... (0939)990-1246 Ibs Electronics Incorporated Ifreeze Trading Inc 1838 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0906)555-4071
Human Resources & Services Incorporated Hyper-Gramm Security Agency Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8807-6927 1630 F De Leon Mla ....... (02)8740-8927 Immanuel's Cctv And Electronics
J And L Bldg Mand ......... (02)8727-3951 Pla-Pla KC .................... (0948)614-0713 Icafe Leonora Bldg PC ........ (02)8804-0515 Ifund Credit & Trading Incorporated Technologies Co
Human Resources Management Services Hyperbrands Corporation Icanada Future Solutions Inc 1835 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Aec Bldg Mkti ............... (0905)717-1214
Mille Bldg PC..................(02)8405-0048 6 1st St QC .................. (0917)726-9291 Atlanta Ctr SJ ................. (02)8703-4978 QC ............................. (02)8532-0910 Imono Collection
Hyperdigital Incorporated Icare Life Medical Devices Inc Ify Bookstore Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8841-1565
Hung Coconet And Hydroseeding
The Sapphire Residences Sct Reyes QC ................. (02)8410-1376 Sampaguita QC ............ (0905)230-4064 Imperial Cuts Barbershop
Incorporated Lcc Bldg Psg................(0917)507-1649
Columbian Bldg QC ...... (0921)542-3668 Taguig........................(02)7509-8514 Ice Cream House Igaia Aircon Services
Hyperfocal Trading Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)3455-1949 129 A Sandoval Ave Psg (02)8245-3059 Imperial Jade Restaurant Incorporated
Hungry Diner 20 Matalino QC .............. (02)8925-5467
Flordeliza Bldg QC ........ (0961)517-0522 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7943-1524 Ice Flakes Igen Dev Center Inc
Hypermove Transport Services Santana Grove Pque ....... (02)7238-1622 105 Esteban Mkti ........... (02)8519-3699 Imperial Salon
Hungry Hound Pub + Kitchen 1137 San Andres Mla ..... (02)3484-5278
Globe Telecom Twr 104 R O M S Establishment Ice Monster Corporation Igetz Salon & Spa
KC ............................. (02)7576-6718 Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8889-7490 399 Manuel L Quezon Impex Cargo Services
Taguig......................(0917)876-9999 Madrigal Bldg Mla ........ (0999)495-6398
Hungry Humans Hypernet Internet & Business Center Icebergs Food Concepts Incorporated Taguig......................(0961)242-2915
Holiday Inn Manila Mla ... (02)8353-2605 Sm City Novaliches QC ... (02)8332-0591 Igi Music Instruments Enterprise Imprenta
511 A Sandoval Ave 86 Amang Rodriguez
Psg .......................... (0956)340-4930 Hyton Textile Commercial Icetech Trading Glory Psg ....................... (02)7738-5743
Terra Firma Mansions Psg ............................ (02)3433-1073
Hungry Meeples Board Game Cafe Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8241-7340 Iglao Electronics & Air Conditioning
Mla ............................ (02)8881-4898 Imprint Customs
Congressional Ave Ext Hytorc Philippines Technologies 186 A Bonifacio Ave
QC ........................... (0917)478-8900 Holy Spirit QC...............(0977)807-8296 Ichadora Medical Supplies & Equipment Saret QC ...................... (0947)742-1722
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0945)608-0981 Mkna ....................... (0917)977-3485
Hunter Buster Pest Services Ignacio Medical & Dental Imprintees Printing Services
Tuason Bldg Pque ........ (0917)790-0316 Ichiba Newport Mall PC .... (0917)732-2176 40 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (02)8646-2108
Ichiban Motor Parts 85A 2nd Laguna QC ..... (0946)593-8348
Igniters Advertising Solutions
Hunter Douglas Philippines Incorporated
33 Twenty-Four Seven Mckinley I 43 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8732-1770 Bristol QC.....................(0928)502-4278
Imsm Philippines
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3892
QC ............................. (02)8705-9999 Ichilift Industrial Supply Igo Digital High Technology Inc
954 S Padilla Manila ....... (02)8244-1912 In & Out Car Wash
Hunter's Pizza I & J Home Service Massage Antel Corporate Ctr Mkti . (02)7751-0219 P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0916)241-2343
1013 Lorex Ave Val ........ (02)7791-7453 Sumulong Hwy Mkna ... (0925)788-2988 Ichiro Japanese Restaurant Igram Optical Shop
One Archers Place Mla ... (02)8522-1572 In A Nutshell Food Co
Huntsman Elite Resources Incorporated I Click Digishop Corporation 318 P Gomez Mla.........(0917)556-0058 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0908)869-2985
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)7750-4276 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8403-7443 Icho Japanese Restaurant Igros Marketing Corporation
6 Annapolis SJ ............... (02)8535-0020 In Good Company
Huskee Digital I Craft Optical 23 Manhattan QC ........... (02)3410-2988 Sm Makati Mkti ............ (0917)625-6622
Paseo De Roxas Bldg 827 Reyes Bldg QC ........ (02)3413-1152 Ichoose.Ph Las Bldg LP......(02)8875-6677 Ih Digital Philippines
Ici Ministries Incorporated In My Womb Ultrasound Center
Mkti ......................... (0917)523-2519
I Cure Medical & Dental Clinic Glass Twr Mkti ............. (0905)123-4567 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8856-5798
Hussar Enterprises C Bautista Mkna ........... (0923)408-8276 Gov I Santiago Val .......... (02)8292-8509 Ihi Phils Incorporated
Icings & Toppings Bakeshop In-Line Forwarder
949 Philam Homes QC ... (02)3453-6399 I Do Nails Prima Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-0986 317 D Edsa KC...............(02)8362-2258
Hustle Cafe 136 West Capitol Dr Psg (02)8573-7838 Commonwealth Ave Ihudyat Inc Ccs Bldg QC ..... (02)3453-9508
QC ........................... (0917)571-2828 In2It Consulting Inc
203 Tomas Morato Ave I Do Nails Services Incorporated Iiee Foundation Incorporated San Antonio Ave Pque .... (02)7507-8080
QC ........................... (0916)655-7485 Tuscany Taguig .............. (02)8234-5756 Icings Bakery And Cafe Iiee Bldg QC ................... (02)8654-2719
Robinsons Las Pinas Inakis Pet Grooming
Hutchison-1 Logistics Inc I Dream Canada International Ph Iinovatrade Ingredients Corporation Bambang Mla ............... (0920)568-4492
Ecj Bldg Mla ................... (02)5310-0862 LP ............................ (0922)486-5671
Milandre Ctre QC ............ (02)8376-9436 25 Kabatuhan Val ........... (02)8921-5227 Inanang Restaurant
Hute Construction & Supplies Inc Icings Cakes Breads And Cafe
I Fix Motorshop 101 Dr Lazcano QC ........ (02)8372-0351 Ikaw Na Advertising Management Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)8332-9853
1618 F M Gernale Mla .... (02)8523-1760 St Francis Ave KC.........(0947)599-7382 Rl Bulding QC ................. (02)8366-4289 Inasal Food Services Incorporated
Huvud Marketing Corporation Iclick Digishop Corporation
I Furniture Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8294-9592 Ike Events Design Studio Buenmar Psg ................. (02)8570-7445
291 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Mc Home Builders Depot Bagong Silang KC.........(0917)779-3959 Inaveit Systems Technologies Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8712-0516 Icon
Psg ............................ (02)8631-2050 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8477-6566 Ikeda Dental Phesco Bldg QC ............. (02)3415-7715
Hvm Computer Printing Services I Love Milk Tea Taft 550 Perla Mla ................. (02)7906-5911 Inayes Catering Services
749 Solana Mla ............ (0919)331-3259 Icon Industries Corporation
D' Student's Place Mla .... (02)8714-3161 5037 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8291-1347 Ikhea Lighting 3 Junji QC .................... (0905)208-0491
Hwa Roro I Map Websolutions Incorporated 30 P T Mini QC ............... (02)3415-1974 Inbisco Philippines Incorporated
89 Kalayaan QC ............. (02)3435-7447 Icon Metal Industries Corporation
Patricia Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8854-5337 576 Katarungan Mand .... (02)8532-6399 Ikitchen Incorporated Marco Polo Psg..............(02)8837-3029
Hwangso-Ga Korean Buffet I Merex Group Of Companies Incorporated 26 Ilaw QC ..................... (02)8374-0487 Inbox Pizza And Pastries
1535-1551 M Adriatico Icon Music Studios
Sta Rita Pque ................. (02)8856-7933 Thompson's Square Bldg Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen Victory Hills Ave Mkna .. (0966)625-5205
Mla ............................ (02)8405-0100
I Shot Studio Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8809-3333 Incase
QC ............................. (02)8897-8716
Hwaroro 376 A Bonifacio Mkna .... (02)8477-0982 Iko's Breads And Cakes 26th Mckinley Parkway
76 Sct Tobias QC ........... (02)3410-2793 Iconic Advantage Int'l Incorporated
I Smile Pediatric Center Dental Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr 13 C Raymundo Ave Taguig........................(02)8815-2872
Hwaroro Korean Grill Restaurant Bonifacio Ridge Condmn QC ............................. (02)8961-3380 Psg ............................ (02)8967-6155 Incco Ph Tool And Equipment
76 Sct Tobias QC ......... (0917)580-7479 Taguig........................(02)8551-8299 Il Hwa Philippines Incorporated Del Monte Ave QC ........ (0917)401-2948
Icopephils Training Forum Incorporated
Hybrid Autocare Parts Center I Square Condominium Corporation Cifra Bldg Mand ............. (02)8477-2969 Sm City Fairview QC ..... (0936)115-6206 Inco Philippines Corporation
44-C Kaliraya QC..........(0917)813-6277 15 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8654-9685 Il Padrino Coffee Jackson Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8840-4593
Icreate Software
Hybrid Motorcycle Works I Studio Macintel Incorporated Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-8420 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7956-8926
5 C P Garcia Ave QC .... (0908)613-5133 Bonifacio High Street Bldg  3 Ilaw Atbp Corporation
Hycat Diesel Parts Supply Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8856-2395
Ictjob Philippines Incorporated
Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)3491-7378 1196 Edsa QC .............. (0915)603-2663 INCOPHIL
102 A Rizal Ave Ext KC ... (02)8361-5736 I Sure Deals
1030 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8291-5292
Icy Cool Purified Drinking Water
St Anthony QC..............(0996)953-9861
Ilc House
999 Shopping Mall 2
HYCO I View Incorporated
City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8634-3787
Icy Point Cold Storage And Processing Mla ............................ (02)8521-2180
Ilearn Professional Solutions Inc
I'm Angus Steakhouse Poweraire Bldg Mkti ....... (02)7745-0535
LABORATORIES INC 7431 Yakal Mkti ............. (02)8892-5852
Northbay Blvd Nav..........(02)7282-3829
Idaoc's Fiberglass Works & Services Ili Holdings Corporation 4032 Cul De Sac Paraña-
See Lstg under Spices I-Bake Cakes And Pastries Solis Mla ...................... (0921)545-9481 1 Blue Ridge B QC .......... (02)8647-1054
See Lstg under Flavoring Extracts 14 Don Alejandro QC .... (0932)854-4326 Ideal Convention Center Iljin Walltech Inc que..........(02)8824-4834
See Lstg under Colors - Food I-Build.Ph Web Solutions And Services 28 Abelardo QC ............ (0945)780-2780 Sapphire Rd Psg ............ (02)8584-5540
See Lstg under Bakers Equipment and 106 B G Molina Mkna ... (0917)217-3344 Ideal Events Pavilion Illest Autosalon
Ingredients I-Click 93 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0919)257-7006
Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina
Abelardo QC ................. (0956)816-3777
Illimitado Inc
1199 J Abad Santos Av Ideal Home
Mkna ......................... (02)8650-0731 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8373-3213 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8812-1720 MARKE-
Manila.....(02)8253-3440 6 Don Omero I-Concepts Marketing Ideal Minds Corporation Illos Catering
QC ............ (02)8986-9446 Pacific Ctre Bldg Psg ...... (02)8632-9395 42 Heidelberg LP .......... (0915)375-5567 TING
I-Connect Systems Integration Incorporated Ideal Mktg & Mfg Corporation Illuminasia Lights Incorporated CORPO-
4780 Ortigas Ave Ext 103A Tandang Sora Ave Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8556-2045
Psg ............................ (02)8634-2498 QC ............................. (02)8930-0033 Illuminati Ark Group Incorporated RATION
HYCO I-Kon Manila Incorporated Ideal School And Office Supply Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8511-8232
14 Orbito LP...................(02)8330-1092 264-266 Del Monte Ave Illumitech
LABORA- I-Quanxi QC ............................. (02)3412-8487 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8822-5571 Incube Software Solutions
TORIES 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8849-3961 Idealee Foods Venture Incorporated Iloco Loco Caswynn Bldg QC ........ (0917)808-1296
I-Stop Graphics 1 Tandang Sora Ave QC . (02)8952-4231 19 Sto Nino QC ............ (0998)886-4166 Indesign Arts Advertising
INC 273 Alabangâ??Zapote Rd Idealight Electrical Innovation Center Ilonggo Food Company El Grande Ave Pque ........ (02)8583-7530
LP .............................. (02)8871-0033 1420 Tomas Mapua Commercenter Bgc Indexchem Trade Incorporated
I-Supplytech Co Ltd Mla .......................... (0997)395-5641 Taguig......................(0917)827-4264 139 Sto Domingo Ave
5492 Mamamante Pque . (02)8825-5508 Ideas M Shoppe Incorporated Im Vento QC ............................. (02)8365-3514
Hydrau King Industrial Corporation I-Teachoptions Gempc Bldg QC..............(02)8935-2721 4 Gen Santos Ave Indigo Prefab House
4659 Arellano Mkti ......... (02)8880-0220 26 Magsaysay Pque ........ (0956)579669 Identiste Dental Clinic Taguig........................(02)7292-6283 307 Dasmarinas Sreet
Hydro Engineering Services I-Vel Meat Products Trading 195 Maginhawa QC ...... (0915)481-7979 Imac Upvc Roof Corporation Mla .......................... (0917)794-9874
902 Espana Blvd Mla......(02)8681-1505 98 Xavierville Ave QC....(0975)232-9586 Ideyalab 1388 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8367-8335 Indigo21 Group Incorporated
Hydro Weathergear Incorporated I2I 222 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Imagepro Creative Works The Centerpoint Condmn
58 Lorraine QC ............... (02)8361-5005 Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0949)378-4927 Mkti ......................... (0966)756-6317 Adarna QC ..................... (02)3431-8797 Psg ............................ (02)8631-1525

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:42 2022 - P54

55 S C M Y K


Indofine International Information Society Pro Audio And Lights Institute For Food Safety Advancement International First Responder Institute Invigor Healthcare Center
C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8642-3529 Services Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8571-5827 Benitez QC ................... (0918)415-7070 155 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Indoplas Philippines Incorporated Jupiter Mkna ................ (0918)683-6740 Institute For Inner Studies Incorporated International Flag House Flags And Banners Psg ............................ (02)7505-5657
4 Apo QC ....................... (02)8731-0022 Infosys Bpm Philippines La Paz Ctr Mkti ............... (02)8812-2326 973 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8711-5917 Invitation Designs By Kenneth Uy
Indra Philippines Inc Bgc Corporate Ctr Institute For Labor Studies International Flavors & Fragrances 138 A Kanlaon QC ........ (0917)328-0678
Twr I Rockwell Business Ctr Taguig........................(02)7946-3439 Bf Condmn Bldg Mla ...... (02)8527-3456 Philippines Invivo Nsa Philippines Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8620-3888 Infrasys Incorporated Instituto Estetico Manila Incorporated 22 Wynsum Corporate Plz Philam Life Twr Mkti ....... (02)8831-1451
Indrenz Electronics One Oasis Psg................(02)8477-9809 Oakridge Plz Mkti............(02)8887-5787 Psg ............................ (02)8687-5520 Inwelco Laboratory
Tandem Bldg Mkna ........ (02)8470-6251 Infratech Medical Devices Incorporated Instone Philippines Incorporated International Food Snack Corporation 10 R Jacinto Val ............. (02)8294-2287
Indus Modern Indian Kitchen Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8961-2024 Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8551-6522 88 San Guillermo Ave Inyong's Grill
5th Ave Taguig ............. (0917)311-1312 Infusion Bar And Resto Instrumix Suppliers Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8641-0992 Sct Limbaga QC ........... (0917)187-5500
Industrial Electronic Control Services Royale Place Bldg QC ... (0917)598-5200 Cityland Pasong Tamo International Franchise Corporation Inza Cruz Dental Clinic
St Francis Bldg QC ......... (02)8911-9072 Ingaran Dental Clinic Mkti ........................... (02)8511-8075 Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-3149 806 J P Rizal Mkti ........ (0966)208-5978
Industrial Enterprises Incorporated Rizal Memorial Track & Field Stadium Instyle Studio International Health Care Corporation Inzza Customs Brokerage Trucking
Manila Memorial Park Bldg Mla ............................ (02)8525-2172 Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8990-4753 Legaspi Twr 300 Mla ...... (02)8354-2325 Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8528-1466
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-4136 Ingcoph Stores Inc Insuflex Industries Incorporated International Language School Ioi Training Institute Inc
Industrial Specialties Co Inc Mc Home Depot 8 Gregorio Del Pilar QC ... (02)8372-1585 The Fort Strip Taguig ...... (02)8255-0898 Don Chua Lamko Bldg
Kapalaran Subd Taytay Taguig......................(0917)892-9427 Insular Rural Bank Incorporated International Personnel Resources Phils Ltd Mkti ......................... (0917)623-1483
Rizal...........................(02)8658-1371 Ingenious Advertising Media Corporation State Condmn 2 Mkti ...... (02)8822-0036 Co Ionist & Enertek Power Solutions Company
Industrial Welding Corporation Gem Bldg KC ................. (02)8218-8102 Insular Yebana Tobacco Corporation Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)7587-3045 129 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (02)8997-7108
17 Mac Arthur Hwy Ingersoll Rand Philippines 12 Gov W Pascual Ave Ionlotus Information Technology Solutions
Malabon ..................... (02)8363-7865 Perrys Logistics Ctr Mal ............................ (02)8288-9652 The Valero Twr Mkti ....... (02)8701-1240
Industry Movers Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8825-1489
Ingredion Philippines Inc
Intas Destinations Management INTERNATIONAL Ip Converge Data Services Incorporated
Rcbc Plz Mkti ................. (02)8848-8700
The Mondrian Bldg Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (0921)290-0886 Suntree Twr Psg.............(02)8234-9582
Inigo Miguel Café
Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8772-3312 PIPE INDUSTRIES Ipeople Manpower Resources Inc
4813 Valderama Mkti ..... (02)8812-3230
Indy Aircon Parts Incorporated Intech Instrumentation Sales & Services
686 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8743-0014 91B Ermin Garcia QC....(0922)888-2107
Inigos Baking Ingredients And Supplies
74 4th St QC .................. (02)8736-6179 CORPORATION Ippudo
Robinson Place Manila
Ineng S Special Bbq Integrated Center For The Young
Z Square Mall QC ........... (02)8294-0654 Gov W Pascual Mal ...... (0933)207-9440 Mercury QC..................(0916)512-1027 Mla ............................ (02)8353-0701
Injoy Negosyong Bayan email: [email protected] Iprocess Controls Trading Incorporated
Ineng's Special Barbecue Integrated Contractor & Plumbing Works
1571 Dna Soledad Ave 920 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8521-0345 One Shangri-La Place BT & T Center Quezon Almanza Metropolis Condmn
Pque ........................ (0917)186-3311 Ink & Toner Worldwide Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8695-3886 LP .............................. (02)8772-2309
Inext Software Opc Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8893-6631 Integrated Early Wisdom Learning Center City ......... (02)7719-8454 Iprotect Insurance Agency Corporation
Commercenter Munt.....(0915)860-8701 Ink Ally Co Ltd 2468 Topacio Mla .......... (02)7919-0965 Or Call ....... (02)7971-3921 / 7971-3898 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8551-3892
Infini Tea 103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)7576-7443 Integrated Elect Control Corporation Ips Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
1229 Benavides Mla ....... (02)8257-4188 Ink Elephant Design Studio Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8873-0889 One Joromo Place QC .... (02)8927-4159
Infinit Healthcare Socorro QC .................. (0995)572-7905 Integrated Factory Automation Incorporated INTER- Ipsos Incorporated
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8751-3836 Ink For Less Incorporated Madison Square Mand....(02)8470-2596 One Corporate Ctr Psg .... (02)8633-3997
Infinit-O Global Limited Shangri-La Plz Mall Integrated Montessori Center Incorporated
NATIONAL Iptc Systems Philippines Inc
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)7751-3836 Mand ......................... (02)8632-7430 9180 Balagtas Mkti ........ (02)8883-1031 PIPE Ibp Twr Psg ................... (02)8569-1464
Infinite Draft Advertising Ink Tower Integrated Nova Pest Control Iqvia Rds Philippines Incorporated
43 A Narra QC ................ (02)8985-8056 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 21 Eduardo QC...............(02)7954-4152
INDUSTRIES 8 Rockwell Mkti..............(02)8998-2000
Infinite Edge Construction SJ .............................. (02)8721-5483 Integrated Rentals Inc CORPO Ira-Emma Transport
77 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8931-5789 Ink-Man Ventures Incorporated 59 Robert Pasay City ...... (02)8550-1119 991 Morong Mla...........(0968)368-5355
Mary Santos Artcade Bldg RATION Iraseth Pharma Inc
Infinite Fashion Couture Collection Integrated Security And Automation
Shoppesville Arcade Bldg QC ............................. (02)8374-7103 77 Jm Basa Mkna ........ (0917)185-2897
SJ .............................. (02)8661-5804 Inkcentive Print Hub Isa Bldg Mand ................ (02)8535-3535 Irekrut Manpower Incorporated
2146 Legarda Mla ........ (0917)850-9016 International Resource Development Casman Bldg QC ............ (02)8351-4598
Infinite Ideas Advertising Agency Integrated Waste Management Incorporated Corporation
Phoenix Bldg QC ............ (02)3411-4208 Inkfinity Printing Services Cargohaus Bldg Pque ..... (02)8879-4538 Irene Kris Glass Supply
24 Q Malingap QC ........ (0905)402-3464 Merchant Bldg Mla ......... (02)8521-3662 1466 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8563-9033
Infinite Lighting & Style Center Intele Builders And Dev Corporation International Spring Industries
141 Don A Roces Ave Inkjet Digital Imaging Technology 133C Rd 20 Rd QC ........ (02)8352-8482 Iripple Incorporated
46 Felix Manalo QC ........ (02)8721-2880 3 Liko Mand ................... (02)8533-6499 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3961
QC ........................... (0917)317-0532 Intellectual Property Office Of The
Infinite Manning Services Inc Inknet Trading Iris Review Center
Taft Centrale Exch Bldg Philippines St Martin Bldg QC ......... (0917)824-3870
2296 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8691-9563
Infinite Packaging Corporation PC ............................. (02)8547-5701 28 Upper Mckinley Rd INTERNATIONAL Irish Massage Services
Inkrite Bmi Bldg Mkti.................(02)8560-5821
156 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8367-1480
Infinite Skies Travel Sm Muntinlupa Munt .... (0932)137-6393 Intelligent Profile Generation Corp STAINLESS Iro Pet Supplies
Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8403-9187
Inno's Sinugba Cartimar Rd PC ............ (0948)654-3926
Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ........ (02)8576-1385
Infinite Smile
Filinvest 1 Rd QC .......... (0936)656-0190 Intelligent Skin Care Incorporated PRODUCTS MFG Iron Horse Moto Decals And Accessories
Ecoplaza Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8659-3875
Innotech Engineering Services 30 Agudo KC................(0917)708-8694
342 Ortigas Madison Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8722-2391 620 Vicente Del Fierro Intellipest Control Incorporated CORP Irrx Recruitment Consulting
Mla .......................... (0975)506-5672 Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8283-9572 See Adv under Tanks
Infinitech Trading 705 Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Innovatech Asia Incorporated Intellisearch Asia Inc Mla ............................ (02)8354-9341
Prime Ctr Munt ............... (02)8556-8448 66 West City Plz Bldg MGM Industrial Cpd
Arman Cpd   Psg ......... (02)8477-4009 Irs Eastern Incorporated
Infinitif Entertainment Studio QC ............................. (02)8373-1953
6678 Taylo Mkti ............. (02)8817-0572 Innovated Instrumentations Incorporated Caloocan C-3 Rd Nav .................... (02)8922-1518
276 Imperia LP .............. (02)8511-1159 Intelliserv Global Resources Inc Irving's Kapitolyo
Infinity Care Medical Services Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)8365-2793 City ......... (02)8937-4361
8-A Cordero Val ............. (02)8219-5646 Innovation Ingredients Corporation 17 West Capitol Dr Psg .. (02)8656-9081
Stamford Executive Residences Intellismart Technology Incorporated Isabel's Coffee House
Infinity Cargo Care Solutions Taguig........................(02)8551-0548 16-A Catanduanes QC .... (02)8355-4663
Malate Bayview Mansion 108 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8995-0805
Innovative Cold-Storage Enterprises Inter Uni Marketing Isabela Palochina Wood Craft
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9913 635 San Rafael Ext
Salem Cplx PC ............... (02)8854-2139 INTER- 1029 Aurora Blvd QC......(02)3435-9631
Infinity Digital Printing Services Innovative Manpower Services Mand ......................... (02)8532-0640
Quirino Hwy QC............(0906)473-5340 NATIONAL Isanti Incorporated
1677B Dian Mkti ............ (02)8843-5629 Inter-Asia Services Corporation Intl Robinsons Place Manila
Infinity Eusion System Innovative Metal And Electronic Petron Mega Plz Mkti ...... (02)8817-8373 STAINLESS Mla ............................ (02)8533-3174
Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8543-8984 Inter-Country Adoption Board
Technologies (Imet Phil Inc ) PRODUCTS Isarog Pulp And Paper Company
Infinity More Than Medals Incorporated Sunblest Cpd Munt ....... (0915)263-1926 2 Chicago QC ................. (02)8525-1425 Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8841-0634
Starmall LP .................... (02)8519-9711 Inter-Industrial Physician Medical Services MFG CORP
Innovatron Solutions Corporation Iscan Document Scanning Service
Infinity Pest Control Enterprise Tritan Plz Mkti ................ (02)8893-2191 Inc Pearl QC.......................(0977)737-2756
Columbine Place Mla ...... (02)8567-0679 Nuestra Senora Dela Paz
Innove Builders Corporation Ishihara Japanese Restaurant
Infinity Premier Salon 251 C Raymundo Ave Pque .......................... (02)8546-2355 350 El Grande Ave
White Bldg Taguig ........ (0919)999-8772 Psg ............................ (02)8632-1300 Interad New Media Design Corporation International Starch Incorporated Pque ........................ (0966)446-1440
Infinity Prime Travel & Tours Inoc Lomotan Dental Clinic 111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg Suntree Twr Bldg Psg ..... (02)8234-0434 Isi Bros Incorporated
1179 Padre Algue Mla .. (0917)576-0089 10 Kamias QC ................ (02)8565-7020 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-0869 Internet Of Things Philippines Incorporated 135 M H Del Pilar QC ..... (02)8234-9045
Infinity Spa Tsl Bldg QC .... (0967)221-8188 Inocencio Ofina Ortho Dental Clinic Interargo Philippines Incorporated 18 Pinaglabanan Square Isign Inc
Infinity Star Merchandising Corporation Natl Rd Alabang Munt ... (0918)935-1289 Ma Natividad Bldg Mla .... (02)8354-0929 SJ .............................. (02)7621-6355 Chunics Bldg Mla ........... (02)7255-7918
2648 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8834-7417 Inorep International Incorporated Interbrand Logistics And Distribution Intershade Commercial Incorporated Isip Bros & Co Incorporated
Infinity Tower Suites Makati Eastwood City Walk 2 Incorporated Fems Twr Mla ................ (02)8521-0777 Petra Corporation Bldg
106 H V Dela Costa Mkti.(02)8888-6677 QC ............................. (02)8687-7390 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8911-5606 Interstate 96 Mla ............................ (02)8733-2226
Infinity Travel And Tours Inpolchem Trading Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr Iskra Point Graphics Media
Cifra-Aserado Bldg Nav .. (02)8994-4636 350 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0917)528-0086 1119 Broadcast City QC . (02)3433-5538 SJ .............................. (02)8546-9568 Cuadra KC....................(0927)556-6656
Infinivan Inq Yoga Wholistics Products & Services Intercool Cooling Towers Incorporated Intertrade Credit Corporation Isla Bank (A Thrift Bank) Incorporated
Hanston Square Bldg Mba Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8896-7720 13 St Mary QC ............... (02)8924-2797 Guzmar Bldg Pque..........(02)8829-8579 Glass Twr Mkti ............... (02)8478-3903
Psg ............................ (02)7368-5232 Inquirer Publications Incorporated Interdekor Hardware Intila's Blinds And Curtains Shop Isla Café
Inflorescence Spa Media Resource Plz Mkti (02)8890-2351 1430 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7364 8434 Paranaque - Sucat Rd Robinsons Place Manila
Roosevelt Ave QC.........(0926)648-1420 Inrtomoto Cycleparts Interior Design Manila Pque ........................ (0997)817-8265 Mla ............................ (02)8567-1629
Info Alchemy Corporation 2F Mrdc Bldg Mkti .......... (02)7239-9551 Genesis Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8556-2326 Intogadgets Isla Lipana & Company
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8817-8771 Ins Tea Corporation Interisland Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)7239-1275 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8845-2728
Info Solutions International Inc 2420 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8363-0529 86 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6408 Intogadgets Incorporated Isla's Cakes And Cafe By Capriserrie
6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8886-5772 Insights Diagnostic Imaging Solutions Inc Interisland Container Transport And Leasing Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8570-0754 Bakeshop
Infobuilder Technologies Inc 566 St Patrick's Square Corporation Intrade Asia Pacific Corporation 123 Gen Ordonez
3 Julia Vargas Ave Psg . (0917)715-0203 Mand ......................... (02)8571-3399 Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8840-0636 First Cityland Condmn Mkna ....................... (0921)796-4960
Infocycle Solutions Inc Inspecit Incorporated Interlock Fabrics Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8893-5802 Islamic Da'Wah Council Of The Philippines
Trident Twr Mkti ............. (02)7954-1259 City & Land Mega Plz Condo 63 Victoneta Ave Mal......(02)8362-3422 Intraplastrading Fubc Bldg Mla ................ (02)8245-8456
Infogate Computer Sales Services Psg ............................ (02)8706-3860 Intermed Equip Inc 4 Apo QC ..................... (0917)596-9777 Islamic Studies College & Guidance
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Inspira Prime Int Corp 602 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8711-1440 Invacare Medical Warehouse Shopwise Arcade QC ...... (02)8913-6163
SJ .............................. (02)8723-9287 Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0943)709-3593 International Airline Services Inc Pvt Aurellana Psg ........... (02)8656-1104 Island Accents Incorporated
Infomax Inspire Fitness Shaw Rcbc Plz Twr 32 Mkti ..... (02)7798-7202 Inventive Media Rmt Industrial Cpd Munt . (02)8861-9069
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8351-3005 Dumlao Sports Ctr International Brokerage Corporation Karmela Bldg Mkti ........ (0936)970-0874 Island Beach Travel Incorporated
Infonet Computer Center Incorporated Mand ....................... (0917)891-9589 Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8936-7225 Investime Incorporated World Trading Bldg PC ... (02)8856-9843
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Instaglow Beauty Lounge International Cosmetics Inc Greenhills Shopping Ctr Island Furniture Shop
SJ .............................. (02)8725-2889 A Sierra Madre Mand .... (0977)819-2016 Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8635-7739 SJ .............................. (02)8725-2562 86 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0916)712-5312
Informatics College Instasmile Dental Clinic International Diagnostic Center Invictus Maritime Consultancy Services Island Quest Travel And Tours
Icite Bldg QC .................. (02)8667-3093 39-1 Reyna Elena QC ..... (02)8666-8927 1901 Remedios Mla ....... (02)3498-1184 T M Kalaw Ctr Mla ........ (0963)672-0204 506 Padre Faura Mla ...... (02)8714-6733

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Island Spa & Reflexology Incorporated J & J's Builders Corporation J3Mc Internet Cafe Jamaican Pattie - Quezon City Jasmine Photocopy And Bookbinding
Jupiter Place Mkti ........... (02)8899-1234Sepa KC ....................... (0927)723-1127 2D Sampaguita QC ....... (0921)201-7045 Robinsons Magnolia Services
Islandbest Realty Corporation J & N Drugstore J4A Truck And Heavy Equipment Parts QC ........................... (0920)979-7888 Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0919)387-4979
Federal Twr Mla..............(02)8247-7613 Aloha Bldg Mla ............... (02)8254-4814 R Lagmay SJ ................. (02)8696-2003 Jaman Products Incorporated Jason Mart
Islandwide Corporation J & R Electronics And Appliances Center J4M Garcia Corporation 6 Banahaw QC ............... (02)3417-8156 Public Mkt Munt ........... (0948)987-7248
Islandwide Ctr QC...........(02)8723-7086 Inc L21 B2 N5 Lauan LP ...... (02)8808-2660 Jameela Carpets Center Jastra Corporation
Islandwide Foods Corporation 346-348 Yuchengco J88 Diesel Calibration Center Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-6258 Vs1 Bldg QC...................(02)3436-5996
David Gan Bldg Mand ..... (02)8726-2939 Mla ............................ (02)8242-1577 1003-D A Bonifacio Ave James Ervin Tatel Enterprises (Jetlighting) Jasvault Limited Company
Isometrix - Ideas And Project Engineering J A F Enterprises QC ............................. (02)8215-2838 1311 President Quirino Ave 20 Cantillon Val .............. (02)8366-3138
Services Pearl Twr Mla ................. (02)8251-4876 J8S Trading Computer Parts And Repair Mla ............................ (02)8356-7668 Jater Development Corporation
30 Batasan-San Mateo Rd J A Fabia Medical Equipment & Supplies Capitoline Hill LP ............ (02)8638-3836 James International Placementservices Emerald Mansion Psg.....(02)8638-6801
QC ........................... (0936)681-1209
Trading Ja Aviles Architectural & Construction Cifra Bldg Mand ............. (02)8584-9896 Jau's Carwash And Car Accessories
Isp International Corporation Jrm Bldg QC.................(0967)236-4487 Management Services Jamilcres Incorporated 1031 Vicente Cruz Mla . (0917)170-9224
Ayala Twr 1 Mkti ............ (02)8848-7188
J Alexander (Phils) Incorporated 169 I Lopez Mand .......... (02)7799-9541 102-D Tandang Sora Ave Jav Reano Customs Brokerage
Ispace Furnishing Incorporated 818 Bldg Psg ................. (02)8671-1131 Jaas Solar Panel Trading QC ............................. (02)8937-5945 Realyn Place PC ............. (02)8529-4671
Home Depot Commonwealth J And F Divino Development Corporation Arrowhead Plz Bldg Jamir Design Javalava Tours
QC ............................. (02)8292-2460
967 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8426-6266 Pque ........................ (0917)917-7827 Carmnilo Bldg Psg..........(02)7914-3485 12 Atis Mkna .................. (02)7745-6341
Isphere Global Incorporated J Arzadon Consulting Jac Sta Lucia Mall Psg ....... (02)8681-1975 Jamj Phenolic Plywood Trading Javier Design Studio - Manila (Jdsm)
Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8811-0709 Filinvest Rd QC ............. (0919)448-6050 Jac Liner Incorporated 12 Nery Pque ................. (02)8821-2961 Praxedes Place II Mand .. (02)8706-6654
Iss-Eyan Data Recovery Center J Asahi Auto Supply 2 Mapagmahal QC..........(02)8928-6140 Jammen Pada Mfg Corporation Javier Project Managers Incorporated
Ap Warehouse LP...........(02)8899-2185 29 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8712-2435 Jac Metal Fabrication Light Industry & Mfrs Cmpd Cityland 10 Twr Il Mkti .... (02)8840-4696
Issho Genki Philippine Corportion J Belga Paint Center And General 2 Old Jp Rizal Mkna........(02)8650-3630 Pque .......................... (02)8824-3773 Jay & Mitch Catering Services
Web Jet Acropolis Bldg Merchandise Jac Motors Jamp-Ong Trading 44 Jose Abad Santos
QC ............................. (02)8635-2623
8F Emerald LP ................ (02)8510-0870 847 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)7263-3118 Balbros Twr1 QC ............ (02)8334-5755 QC ........................... (0950)669-5458
Istaff Solutions Inc J C Supply Master Incorporated Jacala Industrial Sales Incorporated Jan A Trading Jay J's Food Management Incorporated
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8514-5309 Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8772-2112 1536 E Rodriguez Sr Ave 1157 Craig Mla .............. (02)8871-5428 Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8351-5128
Istila Companhia Incorporated J Chemie Laboratory Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8721-8606 Jan Philippine Crisostomo Jay Pet Transport Shipping Service
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8478-9438 Trinidad Val .................... (02)3440-5898 Jacem Merchandising Incorporated Johnny Air Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8403-5826 117 Champaca QC ....... (0947)970-0133
Istorya Creations J Cloud Glass Aluminum And Iron Works Jacem Bldg 1 Munt ........ (02)8842-2041 Jandro Trading Jay Raff Vulcanizing Shop
28 Jericho Pque ........... (0917)543-2341 318 R Jabson Psg .......... (02)8232-9121 Jaces Marble Supply 515 Lavezares Mla ......... (02)8243-8680 71C Rd 3 QC ................ (0932)864-0974
Istudio Macintel Incorporated J D R Cargo Movers 8355 Dr A Santos Pque .. (02)8541-3933 Jandy Goods Corporation Jay-Ar's Bibingka
9th High St Taguig..........(02)8856-5056 Dalagang Bukid Nav ....... (02)8374-0696 Jacinto Color Steel Incorporated 2114 Liwanag Val .......... (02)8645-9041 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)701-9246
It Figures Skin Care And Body Shaping J E D Marketing Corporation Km 21 Quirino Hwy QC .. (02)8937-5867 Janeth Dental Clinic Jay-J's Food Management Incorporated
Villa Dev Bldg Mkti..........(02)8804-3781 Bagsakan Taguig ............ (02)8838-9434 Jack's Joint 10th Ave KC ................... (02)8363-3144 Metro South Mall Pque ... (02)8893-9059
It Log Park J E Manolo & Company Incorporated 1308 Jose Abad Santos Ave Janggane Jay-M Tires Supply
D' Student's Place Mla .... (02)8559-5911 2785 Old Panaderos Mla ............................ (02)8742-4497 237 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0915)129-7080 8218 Dr A Santos Ave
It Managers Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8230-4944 Jack-Ashley Jewelry Janlex Towing Services Pque ........................ (0917)627-0638
Columbia Twr Mand ....... (02)8531-5510 J International Lifestyle Ctr SJ ............... (02)8515-9025 774 A Earnshaw Mla .... (0917)793-5217 Jaydee Trading
Italian Multiline Incorporated A Francisco Gold Condmn 1 Jackie Press Jannylean Apparels 81-D G Roxas QC ........... (02)8697-2814
Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8635-0620 QC ............................. (02)8332-1722 1115 Del Monte Ave QC . (02)8371-5665 B46 L20 E Carrol Pque ... (02)7504-2220 Jaylin's Hair And Nail Lounge
Italianni's J Kho Marketing Corporation Jackie's Japan Surplus Janpatrick International Incorporated 81 Panorama Mkna ...... (0927)243-8580
Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0289508D Sales Mla .............. (02)8733-4456 19 Chuaquico Mand ..... (0967)297-9104 6 Mercedez Ave Psg.......(02)8628-0410 Jayran Trading
Italianni's Restaurant J L De Leon Investment Incorporated Jacob Industrial Jans Enterprises 18-B 15th Ave QC .......... (02)8913-6926
Ckb Bldg QC...................(02)8376-2381 Vicente Madrigal Bldg 235-237 Rizal Ave Ext 412 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8727-8520 Jayrica's Pet Shop
Italiannis Mkti ........................... (02)8810-3826 KC ............................. (02)8363-4691 Zamboanga QC ............ (0949)566-7654
Jansen Pest Control
Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP......(0908)637-7503J L S General Merchandise Jacob Machineries Incorporated Hasmin Mkti ................. (0916)221-2629 Jayson Auto Supply Company Incorporated
Italica Granites And Marbles Inc 1219 B Soler Mla ........... (02)8708-4651 1226 V Zamora Mkti ....... (02)8844-7618 1540-1544 Antonio Rivera
Jansev - Signage Maker Philippines
Rdc Business Cplx Psg...(02)8470-4822 J Master Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Jacob's Mags And Tires Llenado Cpd Val ............. (02)8332-7191 Mla ............................ (02)8253-5213
Italit Construction And Development Services Inc 15 Shorthorn QC .......... (0917)514-0657 Jazy Policrete Inc
Janwell Delicacies Madison Mand ............... (02)8625-2503
Corporation 15th Ave QC...................(02)7001-3797 Jacob's Tire Center Jaime C Velasquez Park
103 10th St QC .............. (02)8721-5365
J Miguel Tailoring 15 Shorthorn QC .......... (0917)147-7664 Mkti ......................... (0998)955-4915 Jazz Simple Ambiance Resto Bar
Itasia Industries Corporation 1762 Nicanor Garcia Jacobe Veterinary Clinic Harbour Square Mla ..... (0936)976-5602
Mkti ......................... (0915)440-1981 Japan Fudo Street
Cityland Condmn VIII B88 L6 Bayani Rd Ayala Malls Manila Bay Jb And Sons Equipment
Mkti ......................... (0917)448-6497
J N J Oleochemicals Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8887-0657 Pque .......................... (02)7752-3472 126 Dna Soledad Ave
Itc Corp Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8661-7959 Jad Gc Holdings Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8822-4793
Japan Ipl Express
Omm-Citra Bldg Psg.....(0917)174-0909 J P Sabater Optical Corporation Mb Aguirre Bldg Pque.....(02)8775-0071 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-6889 Jb Automation Engineering Services
Ite Lpg Delivery Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-7347 Jad Measurement And Control Technology 19 Eucalyptus Taguig ..... (02)8569-0936
Japan Junk Thrift Shop
Phase 8A Bagong Silang J Park Garden Romacom Bldg Munt......(02)8862-5286 Fcd Bldg Mkti ............... (0923)314-4258 Jb Rent-A-Car Incorporated
KC ........................... (0928)377-0583
Jose P Laurel Bldg Mla . (0956)394-6519 313 St Anne LP .............. (02)8800-0507
Jade Dental Clinic Japan National Tourism Organization
Iterlyne Trading J Rooz Review Center Incorporated 149B Mc Arthur Val ........ (02)8352-1162 Jb Wright Phils Incorporated
Paso De Blas Rd Val ..... (0947)399-5198 Twr And Exch Plz Mkti .... (02)5328-2260 Nmp Bldg QC ................. (02)8421-0813
Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8353-5800 Jade Palace Restaurant Japan Parts Trading Center
Itineraries Travel Incorporated 106 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8637-2153 Jbb Printing Shop
Qambra Bldg Mla............(02)8521-0017 J Santos Construction Incorporated 1273 C M Recto Av 190 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)7358-0470
Mmc Hse Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8813-2281 Jade Security Agency Manila ........................ (02)8255-7777
Itogon-Suyoc Resources Incorporated 1305 F Nieto Mla ............ (02)8697-4540 Jbd Pest Control Services
6 Calle Industria QC ........ (02)8477-7221
J Santos Landscaping Works Japan Spa Yamachu 50 C De Jesus QC .......... (02)8242-8840
6 Ofel QC ....................... (02)3427-9167 Jade Valley 1766 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8354-5035
Itravel Incorporated Sct Torillo QC ................. (02)8921-8247 Jbg Car Accessories And Services
1123 Soler Stree Mla ...... (02)8244-0431J Santos Waterscape Incorporated Japanese Help Desk Incorporated 33 Bma QC .................... (02)8523-0048
Itre Lights 145 Concha Cruz Pque ... (02)8846-5415 Jadecrust Natural Stone And Tile Cleaning 2129 Chino Roces Ave Jbg Construction Supply
1406 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3412 Services Mkti ........................... (02)8833-6852 34 A Reyes Taguig ....... (0967)300-9456
J Tancio Enterprises Incorporated
1554 Sisa Mla ................ (02)8741-3115 129B Matatag QC ........... (02)8283-8844 Japansolar Philippines Inc
Its Science Phils Incorporated Jbg Music And Sports Store
3434-C C Raymundo Ave J U Keyser Radiator Repair Center Jades Cargo Incorporated Paseo De Roxas Bldg 4073 R Magsaysay Blvd
Psg ............................ (02)8628-1517
85 West Ave QC ............. (02)3416-1772 350 Nepa Mla.................(02)8254-9982 Mkti ........................... (02)7751-1489 Mla ............................ (02)8716-2885
Itsuwa Shoji Kaisha Incorporated J Walter Thompson Jadgc Holdings Incorporated Japfudo Jbh Construction And General Services
Marvin Plz Mkti...............(02)8556-4561 Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8864-8700 East Svc Rd Taguig ........ (02)8838-1661 One Cristina Place Bldg 43 San Guillermo Psg ..... (02)8643-5463
Jadis Interior Design LP .............................. (02)8332-4910
Ittechprod Trading J Z Electrical Supply Inc Jbj Tire Supply
Sampaguita Mla ........... (0938)905-1934 Jz Bldg Mla .................... (02)8735-9669 43 Dagot QC .................. (02)8277-9988 Japhet Unli-Sales Trading Co 51 Bayani Rd Taguig ...... (02)8542-1690
Jadr Bookkeeping Services 9018 Drachma QC ......... (02)3418-7420
Itworkserv Solutions Incorporated J Zne Electronics Jbl-Harman Kardon Store
West Twr Psec Psg ...... (0917)705-0367 513 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8735-7766 181 9th Ave KC ............ (0929)749-5658 Jaq Trucking Lipat Bahay / Trucking Trinoma QC .................... (02)7959-3552
Ivan Musical Instruments J&A Streamline Marketing Corporation Jaf Event Place Services Jbs Land Surveying
Jp Munoz Jackman Plz Gov I Santiago Val .......... (02)8294-6120 1206 Sto Rosario Val ... (0932)315-5544 248 Rd 1 QC .................. (02)8515-7024 F&P Bldg Taguig.............(02)8628-0529
QC ........................... (0908)768-6033
J&F Department Store Jaffas Auto Center Jaq's Kitchen Jbw Floor Center
Ivana 313 A Mabini KC ....... (02)8288-7140 88B D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-6294 35 Banawe QC ............... (02)8743-0213 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8822-5727 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-9971
Iverson Stationery Incorporated J&J Gamboa Co Jafzkie 128 Jara Financial Jc Bikes Motorcycle Parts Center
812 Zacateros Mla..........(02)8736-9463 Mpr Bldg Mla ................. (02)8523-2803 Pedro Guevarra Mla ...... (0975)154-3133 Hi-Yield Bldg SJ ........... (0947)180-5594 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ............ (02)8553-6844
Ivisa Consulting Ltd Co J&J Properties & Trading Corporation Jag Sm Fairview QC ........... (02)8351-3351 Jara Funeral Homes Jc Car Audio
Bgc Corporate Ctr 2161 C M Recto Ave Jagan Enterprises Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0917)167-7604 155 F Blumentritt Mla ... (0917)533-3670
Taguig........................(02)8859-2880 Mla ............................ (02)8734-0140 270 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-6014 Jarales Enterprises Jc Care Pest Management
Ivm Enterprises And Development J&S Tire Trading Jagas Medicadenta Corp 8 Stet Pque .................. (0929)210-7712 1426 Quirino Ave Mla ..... (02)8708-5212
Corporation 76 Aurora Blvd QC........(0956)253-5898 Filipinas Ave Pque .......... (02)8825-0336 Jardine Davies Transport Sev Jc Resources Development Incorporated
Rcdc Bldg QC ................ (02)8371-7571
J&T Medical & Dental Supply Jaguar Car Incorporated Ma Natividad Bldg Mla .... (02)8527-5902 Builders Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8815-4182
Ivory Sky Dental Clinic 2214 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8475-5990 32nd St Taguig...............(02)8846-0578 Jardine Properties Incorporated Jc Silkscreen And Digital Printing
738 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8735-2686J&V's Catering Services Jaho Hardware Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8637-6133 9 Daisy Geronimo QC ... (0927)606-9460
Ivy Sushi 918 Tomas Mapua Mla.(0967)380-6469 50 Sacrepante Mand ...... (02)8584-2768 Jardis Printing Corporation Jc Worldwide Franchise Incorporated
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3412-8021J's Auto Salon Jai-Kin Resources Corporation 647 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-7645 1196 Batangas Mkti ....... (02)8889-4774
Izumi Apelo Cruz PC .............. (0915)534-5984 Dsl Bldg QC....................(02)8711-4264 Jared Adam's Food And Beverage House Jcavs Freight Forwarding Inc
Somerset Olympia Bldg J's Hideout Grill & Restaurant Jaime S Seafood Gov I Santiago Rd Val ... (0917)772-8570 2230 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8824-2220
Mkti ......................... (0966)718-0793
1283 A Sandoval Ave Macapagal Seaside Mkt Jared Roofing Services Jcb Aluminum & Glass Work
Izumi Industrial Trading Psg ............................ (02)7000-4711 PC ........................... (0932)305-7892 440-B El Grande Pque .. (0908)893-5472 1420 Sta Maria Mla ...... (0939)199-7968
1516 Narra Mla .............. (02)8340-3190
J-Daclan's Appliance Repair Services Jaimir Optical Shop Jaric Marketing Incorporated Jcb San Mateo Auto Supply
Izumi Maki Japanese & Filipino Restaurant 271-E Dakila QC ............. (02)3431-4487 Palma Mla .................... (0925)724-2525 San Antonio Plz Arcade Corporate Ctre Bldg QC .. (02)8912-5152
B2 L1 P4 Olympus QC..(0927)478-8437 J-Lai Chemical Corp Jainevill Manpower Resources Mkti ........................... (02)8893-9393 Jcc21 Airconditioning Services
Izumi Tires Mfg Co Inc 282 G Araneta Ave QC..(0917)135-8088 962 Escoda Mla ............. (02)3498-2304 Jasc Car Seats Catalina Psg ................... (02)8627-1938
16-18 Isidro Francisco J-Maxx Electronics Parts Center Jake Speed Shop 100 Ortigas Ave Psg.......(02)3468-7308 Jcd New Smile Dental Clinic
Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-1752
660 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8736-5009 435 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)3447-9271 Jasc Enterprises The Edge Bldg LP ........... (02)7218-7847
J-Phil Marine Incorporated Jal Prestige Builder Corporation Ortigas Bldg Psg ............ (02)8638-6906 Jce Real Estate Services
1977 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8522-7947 Salud Business Plz Jaser Marketing 418 B Francisco Mand . (0908)876-0178
J-Project Gen Tinio QC ..... (0916)435-0968 Pque ........................ (0915)921-2606 1547A E Rodriguez Sr
J J-Ssa Trading Jalc Trading QC ............................. (02)3414-3368
Jceleste Enterprise
Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
50 Pablo Val...................(02)8545-0069 Hi-Yield Bldg SJ ............. (02)8356-4748 Jasla Motorcycle Led Lights Parts And Psg .......................... (0927)966-5887
J & J Trading J-Star Auto Supply Jale Beauty Center Accessories Jcf Metal Fabrication Tech Inc
2526 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8714-8869 83 Nicanor Roxas QC ... (0928)355-4650 821 Naval Nav................(02)8281-7607 1242 Gen Jacinto Mkti . (0922)522-4771 9 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)7956-1426
J & J Virgo Sales Corporation J2E Technology Solutions And Services Jam Management Corporation Jasmin De France Jcg Marketing Group Incorporated
977 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8252-1062 Ctp Alpha Twr Munt........(02)7502-8568 Tutuban Ctr Mall Mla ...... (02)8253-2008 Regalia Twrs QC .......... (0930)297-8296 1227 P Guevarra Mla......(02)8353-3203

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Jcib Express Cargo Movers Corporation Jeifkay Marketing Jets Fry & Grill Jil Customs Brokerage Jlm Tools & Equipment
Burke Hse Mla ................ (02)8244-9397 Marcelo Green Cplx 140 Ilocos Sur QC ........ (0956)844-6758 Cottonwood KC .............. (02)8560-2205 39 Tandang Sora Ave
Jcj Seat Zone General Upholstery Pque ........................ (0917)837-0324 Jetspeed Media Inc Jill Home Made Products QC ........................... (0977)825-0225
3C Shorthorn QC .......... (0977)738-1771 Jeika Builders Incorporated 256 Talumpong Mand .... (02)8531-0346 17 Karen Mkna ............... (02)8354-5449 JLRC Trading
Jcl International Incorporated Tia Maria Sarao Bldg LP . (02)8846-5218 Jett Water Heater Company Incorporated Jillian's Tailoring 205 Deparo Rd KC ......... (02)8775-4601
Sjg Ctre Bldg Mkti...........(02)8887-2177 Jekitec Pipes And Fittings Incorporated Cdc/Jett Bldg QC ............ (02)8723-0032 37 Regalado Ave QC .... (0917)750-7424 Jlt Meat
Jcl Marikina Leather Craft Pilar Coml Ctr LP ............ (02)8893-2463 Jeunesse Global Jim's Car Aircon 50 Makaneneng KC ...... (0967)283-0606
8 H Bautista Mkna ........ (0917)944-1144 Jelex Japan Surplus Morning Star Ctr Mkti ... (0920)284-5914 Old Sauyo Rd QC ......... (0916)363-0403 Jlw 168 Commercial Corporation
Jcl Plastic Manufacturing 667A Banawe QC ........... (02)7261-3353 Jevan Jewelry Jimac Incorporated 3 Tangali QC .................. (02)8362-1686
9 Gen Malvar KC ............ (02)8363-3119 Jello Sash And Wood Works Greenhills Shopping Ctr Penhouse Floor Tc Plza Bldg Jm & Jas-V Trading
Jcl Properties Incorporated 708 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)7943-1779 SJ ............................ (0917)557-7575 QC ........................... (0999)719-3966 93 Sto Nino QC .............. (02)8541-8720
Jolly's Dormitory Mla ...... (02)8735-9605 Jelma Merchandising Jevega Diagnostic Ultrasound Clinic Jimbec Food Products Jm Autoparts
Jclm Furnishings Unit 2 Marcos Alvarez 317 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0998)254-7187 Pacific Corporate Ctr Bnt Bldg LP .................... (02)8873-2749
King Christopher QC ..... (0947)571-4888 LP .............................. (02)8802-2595 Jewel Pawnshop QC ........................... (0917)328-0957 Jm Brenton Industries Corporation
Jcm Cargo Network Corporation Jem 8 Circle Trading Company P Tuazon QC .................. (02)8352-5024 Jimbes Engineering Services Jm Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8817-5732
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-6866 Cityland 10 Mkti ............. (02)8805-1432 Jewel's Tailoring Jimbes Bldg QC............(0922)886-8780 JM Construction Supply Corp
Jcm Engineering Services Jem Artsign Paraiso Taguig ............. (0910)684-2688 Jimbotex Fabrics 2431 Rizal Av Manila ...... (02)8256-3385
43 Umbel QC ............... (0999)385-1750 106 A Rd 20 QC ........... (0932)911-1806 Jewels 1043 Reina Regente Jm Ecotech Solution Company
Jcmc Dental Clinic Jem Engineering Supply And Service Robinsons Fairview QC...(02)3410-4458 Mla .......................... (0922)822-2895 168 Gen Luis KC ............ (02)8936-2317
7 Mapayapa QC............(0922)806-5895 Lawin QC ..................... (0917)390-8832 Jewels Stainless Steel Fabrication Jimenez M A Enterprises Incorporated Jm Mendoza Enterprises
Jcmj Landscaping And Construction Jem's Chairs And Tables 11 Jewels Nav................(02)8351-1688 The Infinity Mkti .............. (02)8478-0099 510 Edsa QC .................. (02)8911-4245
Services 914 Fabella Mand ........... (02)8532-2550 Jezhan Enterprises Medical Supply Jimenez Protective And Security Agency Jm Movers Trucking Services
Katarungan Vill Munt .... (0921)937-7737 Jemaila B Valles M D 419 Royale Midway Plz Dna Nena Bldg Mla ......... (02)8711-2302 9th Ave KC ..................... (02)8475-6766
Jcn Ecobag And Printing Services Providence Hospital QC ........................... (0917)115-3972 Jimeno Jalandoni And Cope Law Offices Jm Roof And Foam Enterprises
874 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0966)722-6036 QC ........................... (0966)780-4489 Jezka Construction Corporation Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8892-4038 Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8633-8083
Jco Car Aircon Enterprises Jemdlaza Christian Academy 26 Koppel QC ................. (02)8932-4432 Jimmian Hardware Jm's Color Prints & Design
151 Banawe QC ............. (02)3411-3700 Araneta Square KC ......... (02)8364-1811 Jf Business Solutions Spring Cinema Bldg PC .. (02)8832-3494 E Santos Psg................(0917)630-7652
Jcs Gastronomie Incorporated Jemea Auto Supply H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8810-3948 Jimmix Glass And Aluminum Services Jma Jewelry Center Incorporated
Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8823-2360 14 Lilac Mkna .............. (0968)854-0381 Jf Gonzalez Dental & Diagnostic Clinic 148 Suerte PC .............. (0905)975-0137 Edsa Shangri-La Hotel
Jcs Logistics Corporation Jemrecson Medical Clinic Nldc Bldg Psg .............. (0922)834-9652 Jin Joo Korean Grill Mand ......................... (02)8636-5827
Dna Julita Bldg QC........(0917)517-1117 B209 L11 Sampaguita Jfb Upholstery The Podium Adb Mand ... (02)8640-2032 Jma Techno Center
Jcsi Stainless Mkti ......................... (0906)269-8596 77 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)3385-4904 Jin Sell Electricfan Parts Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Asiacor Bldg QC ............. (02)8330-9392 Jendayi Computer And Laptop Repair Jfc Calculator Center 20 Dna Soledad Ave SJ .............................. (02)8722-7092
Jcsn Accounting Services Diamond Arcade Bldg Feu Bldg Mla .................. (02)8514-3638 Pque .......................... (02)8666-5182 Jmb Car Accessories And Bodykits
Jhl Plz Bldg Pque..........(0906)558-6469 QC ........................... (0917)187-2527 Jfdg Online Pawnshop Jinco's Printing & Copying Services 42 14th Ave QC ............ (0919)995-2925
Jct Ez Loan Corporation Jenerick International Manpower Inc 39 C Raymundo Ave Goldquest Bldg QC ......... (02)7906-6992 Jmc Pest Management
Congressional Town Ctr 1779 Dian Mkti...............(02)8832-9579 Psg .......................... (0917)683-0417 Jing Si Books And Cafe 30-A Mariveles QC ....... (0922)827-1228
QC ............................. (02)8294-9708 Jenflex General Merchandise Jfdg Online Pawnshop - Sanglaan Soler Twr Mla ................. (02)8733-3296 Jmcc Industries Incorporated
Jcta Construction 3572 Dagat Dagatan KC . (02)8287-0359 39 C Raymundo Ave Jiongco Aluminum And Glass Supply B21 L27 Malanting KC....(02)8961-4589
102 Corta SJ .................. (02)8725-6103 Jenjun Construction Psg .......................... (0917)683-0417 409 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8283-6260 Jmd Medical And Dental Supplies Trading
Jcube Shieldworks Trading 9th Ave KC ..................... (02)8938-4964 Jfm Edcel Dental Laboratory Jipang Group Of Companies Banner Ave Pque .......... (0947)376-4322
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8511-0414 Jennisez Printing Co 439 D San Rafael Mla ..... (02)3488-1830 Networld Hotel PC .......... (02)8834-7777 Jmde Pest Control Services
Jd Island Food Concepts Corporation 1127 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)7239-8208 Jfo Tours Transport Jiro's Lechon 1050 Teresa Mkti ......... (0916)660-6646
38 Rd 12 Mla ................. (02)8714-4772 Jenny Cailo Plumbing Services Soteva Bldg PC .............. (02)3385-4353 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3433-6298 Jme Events And Production
Jd Lilam Enterprises 1642 La Loma KC ........ (0905)197-4407 Jfred's Smoke House Jitz Motorcycle Shop Sikatuna Bliss Mapagkumbaba
1259 Quirino Ave Pque ... (02)8825-2250 Jenny's Garments Gloria Diaz LP .............. (0999)929-7624 417 Avocado KC .......... (0923)113-0694 QC ........................... (0967)249-8573
Jd Paints Avenue Inc Jg Bldg Psg....................(02)8641-4731 Jg Pinoydeals Incorporated Jivan Trading Jme Transport Incorporated
Delmonte Ave QC ........... (02)7755-0694 Jensco Auto Supply 22 Palanza QC................(02)8523-6369 815 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8711-7465 112 4th St Val ................ (02)8820-4167
Jd Studio Salon 1479 Batangas Mla ........ (02)8254-5676 Jg Supreme Contractors Inc Jj1 Roofing Supply Jmi Therapeutic Wellness Services
Leveriza PC .................. (0998)863-7331 Jensen Dental Clinic Damar Bldg QC .............. (02)7217-8029 23 E Franc QC ................ (02)7239-2707 Bmi Apt Mla ................... (02)8781-8656
Jd&Sons Plastics 1763 Dian Mla ............... (02)8425-2281 Jg Viajeros Travel And Tours Jjal Watch Repair Service Center Jmj Brothers Travel Agency Inc
M Ponce KC ................... (02)8296-2776 Jeongwon 106 Evangelista Ave Guadalupe Nuevo  Coml Cplx 76 Jericho Pque ........... (0917)686-6868
Jd's Car Repair Shop 175 15th Ave QC ............ (02)7795-6256 Psg .......................... (0917)838-3537 Mkti ......................... (0916)724-6070
Jmj Tumble N' Wear Laundry Shop
21 Regalado Hwy QC ... (0917)164-7108 Jeonsoft Corporation Jgrm Documentation Services Jjan Bike Plus Enterprise 397 G De Borja Pat.......(0917)901-8884
Jdbec Incorporated Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8938-7788 99 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8529-5568 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0833
Jmj-21 Prime Incorporated
The Stratford Residences Jeos Cctv Installation Services Jh Car Battery Jjang Kkae Restaurant 345 J T Teodoro KC ....... (02)8921-2050
Mkti ........................... (02)8552-3375 4-A 20th Ave QC .......... (0936)714-9426 1112 J P Rizal Mkti ........ (02)7729-2465 Vargas Bldg QC ............ (0951)238-5789
Jmk Seafoods And Meat Dealer
Jdc Security Solutions Jer Consult Corporation Jh Miller 21 Anonas QC .... (0915)484-7617 Jjb Tire Supply Evangelista QC ............. (0947)998-4229
341 Amang Rodriguez Ave Eurovilla 2 Condmn Mkti . (02)8458-1085 Jha Jha's Tapsilogan 206 Tomas Mapua Mla.(0912)409-8390
Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0915)941-5783 Jjbz Trading & Trucking Services Jmk Wines & Spirits Center
Psg .......................... (0916)583-0085 Jeramie's Bridal Boutique Jiao Bldg QC ................ (0917)590-1632
Jdem Auto Supply 168 Shopping Mall Mla.(0967)561-7054 Jhajing Fashion Accesories 55 Bantayog Mkna ......... (02)8701-8715
56 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0927)388-4611 Jjdizon Marketing And Associates Inc Jmlv Sanding Services
Horseshoe Dr LP ............ (02)8583-2875 Jeric Enterprises 2251 Topacio Mla ........ (0936)699-2798
Jdj Refrigeration And Airconditioning 16-B Ubay QC ................ (02)8711-5768 Jhanis Music And Sports Panay Ave QC .............. (0927)853-5191
Jermach Industrial Steel Company 523 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8708-6209 Jjj Newspapers And Magazines Jmmg Furniture Shop
Services 1835 Zenia KC ............... (02)7906-7264
449 Busilak Mand ........ (0956)390-7473 17 P Gregorio Val ........... (02)8291-1183 Jhasley Ticketing & Remittance 35 3J Hghts QC..............(02)8929-1597
Jero Builders B8 L6B Area D Camarin Jjj Signs Graphics And Prints Jmmg Office Furniture Shop
Jdm Aluminum Glass Supply 1835 Zenia KC ............. (0927)157-1083
2256F Aurora PC............(02)8852-5317 De Leon Bldg Pque ......... (02)8553-5750 KC ............................. (02)7503-2962 Road 8 QC ..................... (02)7954-0107
Jerome Sporting Jhaykez' Costume And Souviner Jjmr Drilling Accessories Trading Jmr Medals And Trophies Online Shop
Jdm Arts & Services Qq Mall Mla .................. (0929)971-3437
1739 C M Recto Ave Gen Luna Mal ................. (02)8281-5841 Pampano Mal ............... (0928)695-3750 32 Area 1-B QC ............ (0905)229-7065
Jeron Travel & Tours Corporation Jhaymar Fruits And Vegetables Dealer Jjs Masterclean Professional Cleaning Jms Aqualine Natural Alkaline Water
Mla ............................ (02)8735-0310 Pjc Place Bldg 2 QC ....... (02)8782-2049
Jdm Stahl Construction Vm Twr Pque ................. (02)8854-7128 29 Gloria QC ................ (0949)574-1567 Services
Jerr Services & Trading Corporation Jhaz Wine Liquors 3 San Jose Munt ............ (02)7211-7253 Jms Japan Surplus
39 Phinma Plz Mkti ........ (02)8330-5299 305 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0917)113-1114
Jdmax Interior Design Kenstar Bldg Mla ............ (02)8400-3276 9673-D Pililia Mkti .......... (02)8403-0480 Jk Energies Technologies Incorporated
Anonas Mla .................... (02)5313-5024 Jerry's Klasik Taho Manufacturing Jhbc Supreme Enterprise B50 L9 Pontiac QC ......... (02)7729-8179 Jmz Trading
Industria Extention Psg . (0948)558-4072 721 Old Torres Mla.........(02)8253-3468 JK Energies Technology Inc Forestry Ext QC ............ (0999)783-8526
Jdmm Printing Services
Cw Arcade Psg .............. (02)7576-9573 Jersey King Sports Wear Jhertz Locksmith Services Pontiac Quezon City ....... (02)7729-8185 Jn Tire Zone
81 Anonas QC .............. (0927)967-3288 251 Libertad PC ........... (0906)542-0185 Jka International Trading Corporation 100 Ortigas Ave Psg.......(02)8687-1751
Jdo Motorcycle Kingdom Trading
102 C Raymundo Ave Jersey-Boy Diner Jhieniva Hair Extensions 9747 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8895-8273 Jn Trading Enterprise
Psg ............................ (02)7905-1220 P19-06 Villamor Air Base 1206A Felix Huertas Rd Jkas Catering Services & Events 1128 Pasaje Del Carmen
PC ........................... (0905)223-9496 Mla .......................... (0927)490-8266 Management Mla .......................... (0977)231-3861
Jdr Engineering Services
Davao QC.....................(0966)366-5314 Jerton Industrial Sales Jhon Brix Merchandising 68 Cenacle Dr QC...........(02)7968-2500 Jnd Aluminum
82 Engineering Mal.........(02)8364-8604 201 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8370-9266 Jke Travel & Tours Incorporated 6 Shaw Blvd Mand ......... (02)3491-9691
Jds Construction Phils Incorporated
Edades Twr And Garden Villas Jervis Optical Clinic Jhon Joy Hardware Mahogany KC .............. (0943)136-5945 Jnd International Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8846-4161 526 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (0948)501-7344 Deparo Rd KC .............. (0928)356-4186 JKLV Trading 1965 Sandejas PC..........(02)8521-0665
Je&Co Jess & Pat's Jhonrafah Refrigeration And Kitchen Cw Home Depot Munt .. (0977)486-2673 Jnh Trading Company
41 Malumanay QC........(0917)803-2337 63 Maginhawa QC ........ (0916)625-5771 Services Inc Jkm Glass And Aluminum Rda Bldg Mkti.................(02)8551-8373
Jeal's Petshop Jessa Evangelista Makeup Camias LP ................... (0917)518-1589 6098 Garcia Mkti..........(0916)782-8353 Jnld Engineering Services
B4 L28 President E Aguinaldo Antipolo St PC .............. (0927)859-0413 Jhr Freelancer Pluto QC .... (0929)216-9604 Jkos Medical Supplies And Equipment Inc 1 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (0927)816-1475
Pque .......................... (02)8897-9747 Jessica Kaye Cakes & Pastries Jhudiel International Manpower Services Co 1366 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8733-0338 Jnm Pascual Isla Event Styling & Party
Jean Barber Shop 27 Lilac Mkna .............. (0906)237-0687 Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Jkrfg Upgrade Enterprise Needs
Maysan Rd Val ............. (0919)320-2199 Jessie's Store Mla ............................ (02)5310-0100 New York Mansion Condmn 83 A C Santos Psg ....... (0919)495-8270
Jean's Seafood 438 Sales Mla ................ (02)8733-4516 Jhun & Jhas Transport Services QC ............................. (02)8913-0880 Jnps Dental Clinic
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)801-0030 Jessielyn Events On Demand Management Bagong Silang KC.........(0945)371-4146 Jksa Builders Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ........ (02)8475-3986
Jeanetics Industrial Corporation 9 Bronze Mkna ............... (02)7964-6229 Jhunair Engineering Services St Jude QC ..................... (02)3418-5350 Jntz Autocare
33A Panalturan QC ......... (02)8365-0592 Jessoly Trading Matalino QC ................. (0933)597-8791 Jky Group Of Companies Incorporated 100 Ortigas Ave Psg.....(0917)840-7276
Jeanky's Flowerworks 213 Wilson SJ................(02)8570-1267 Jhurene Employment Services Tia Maria Bldg LP ........... (02)7576-7810 Jnw Drug Testing Incorporated
Gen Mcarthur QC..........(0920)499-7124 Jesus Flock Incorporated 17 Angeles Pat ............. (0915)890-6243 Jl Boutique Mnl Mrt Ayala Stn Mkti .......... (02)8818-3589
Jed's Coffee Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8995-8583 Jia Acrylic Designs B85 L28 A Reyes Munt (0917)886-0057 Jo Malone London
105 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8985-5974 Jesus Panciteria 6 Harvard QC ............... (0927)382-2615 Jl Creative Balloons & Party Needs Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8771-1285
Jeda Freight Forwarder Ma Roxas Mkna ............. (02)7945-6282 Jia2 Corporation 32 J Cancio Mal ............. (02)8785-0734 Jo-Anne Cookies Stall
15 London Tech KC........(02)8362-5274 Jet Electronics 917 Edsa QC .................. (02)8929-0712 Jl Printhouse P Burgos Mkna...............(02)7586-4623
Jedra Motorsales Corp 629 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8734-0035 Jialto Construction And Trading Company Jaymin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8531-8923 Jo-Liza Antique Shop
J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0932)867-1674 Jet V Auto Glass Incorporated Jlb Woodart Furniture 113 Hoover SJ ............... (02)8724-0630
Jee's Print & Design Shaw Blvd Mand ............ (02)8531-7540 7496 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8890-8059 624 B Quirino Hwy QC . (0910)873-3727 Joane Glass And Aluminum Supply
111 Congressional Ave Jetabout Holidays Philippines Jibril's Specialty Foods Incorporated Jlc Construction 153-F Aurora Blvd SJ ..... (02)8721-0454
QC ........................... (0906)277-5929 Floor Salustiana D Ty Twr Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8816-2327 Bambang Mla ................. (02)3495-0192 Joaquin Cunanan & Co
Jeep Center Sales Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8810-1939 Jic Hardware Jlf Electronics Sales And Repair Services Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8845-2728
Km 14 Mcarthur Hwy Jetcar Audio 1245 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8523-4244 Cluster 3 Psg ................. (02)8656-3685 Joaquin Tours & Travel
Val ........................... (0917)815-5241 Banawe Ave QC ............. (02)8731-4546 Jigatek Virtual Business Solutions Jlid Transport Services 837 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-1748
Jeg's Pizza Jethro International Inc Sunny Villas Condmn 15 East Capitol Dr Psg....(02)8668-9199 Job Clean Manpower Services Incorporated
Deparo Rd KC .............. (0966)199-4392 U106 Ave Bldg QC ......... (02)8372-9125 QC ........................... (0917)440-4611 Jline Industries Inc 817 B San Pablo Mand ... (02)8534-2699
Jehar Auto Supply Jethro Truck Parts Trading Jigs Auto Parts & Accesories Congressional Town Ctr Job1 Global Security Training Center
San Gregorio LP ............. (02)7219-4471 C3 Caloocan City KC ....... (0912)608654 1838-C Evangelista Mkti . (02)8403-9858 QC ............................. (02)7617-5908 Quedsa Plz Bldg QC......(0946)700-8066

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:42 2022 - P57

58 S C M Y K


Jobline Manpower Services Jonglo Korean Restaurant Jpt Review Center Incorporated JTCI Carpet Gallery Corporation Just For Kidz Incorporated
236 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8553-4596 1734 J Bocobo Mla ........ (02)8525-7430 836 Galicia Mla .............. (02)8741-4096 Dahlia Psg......................(02)8655-1643 Bonifacio Technology Ctr
Jobpinoy.Com Co. Jons Shop Jpv Commercial Incorporated Jtl Travel And Tours Taguig........................(02)8815-1735
Signorelli LP ................... (02)8353-9248 233 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8372-6063 Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-0968 Topcare Bldg Mla ........... (02)8551-1456 Just Gift - Quezon City 1
Jobs 101 Hr And Consultancy Services Joorhee's Gift Shop Jq Food Supplies Jts Siphoning & Plumbing Services Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-3786
Sea Twr Bldg PC ............ (02)8403-6752 1 Bolivia Pque .............. (0908)583-7786 1051 Padre Noval Mla .. (0921)911-1333 104 Malumanay QC......(0927)519-2763 Just Gift Incorporated
Jobstar International Manpowerservices Jordan Chemicals Jq Porter Enterprises Juan Freight Express Philflex Bldg Mla ............. (02)8247-1860
2010 F T Benitez Mla ...... (02)8523-5525 M Ponce KC ................. (0917)882-0203 99  E & F Maysan Rd 59 Rivera Mal ............... (0927)886-6297 Just Jewel Diamonds Boutique Corporation
Jobstream Inc Jordan Donovan Catering Val ............................. (02)8364-8328 Juan Gadget Metropolitan Ave Mkti ..... (02)8779-9888
Valderama Bldg Tropicana Twrs Adb Ave Psg ................ (0917)123-3774 Jqc Tactical And Technical Sport Utility Annapolis Twr SJ ......... (0917)531-9876 Just Simple Bakehouse Incorporated
Mkna ....................... (0917)513-8336 Jordan Leather And General Merchandise Apparel Juan Republik Foods Incorporated Imperial Sky Garden Mla . (02)8247-3305
Jocar Water Refilling Station B12 L6-7 Ph3 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Ext 128 Jordan QC ............. (0917)400-3802 7 M Flores Pat ................ (02)8643-9156 Justic Corporation
C Raymundo Psg ........... (02)8641-3193 KC ............................. (02)8287-7028 Jqj Realty Development Corporation Juana Farmers Plz QC ........ (02)8292-6655 99 Dasmariñas Manila .... (02)8242-2048
Jocas Aircon Services Jorge's Portrait Studio The Orient Square Psg .... (02)8633-1673 Juanchos Barbershop Justine Dan Auto Parts Supply
935 P Herrera Aguho 35 P Tuazon QC ............. (02)8724-6920 Jqua Dental Clinic Benito Soliven Ave Psg . (0919)605-3823 P Florentino QC ............ (0919)272-5406
Pat ........................... (0919)513-1953 Josabbhi Trading & Construction Mcarthur Hwy KC ......... (0945)798-8802 Juancorph Security Agency Inc Justpayroll
Jocels Money Changer 234 Tomas Morato Ext Jr Memoxpress Pasig Imet Bpo Metropolitan Park 107 Valero Mkti .............. (02)3491-7391
2021B Mabini Mla .......... (02)8400-5732 QC ............................. (02)3411-7139 Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8579-9181 PC ........................... (0926)136-4793 Jutsu Graphin Design
Jocky Josabhi Trading & Construction Services Jr Store Juander Destinations Travel And Tours Cityland Pasong Tamo
Robinsons Place Manila 258 Tomas Morato Ave 28 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (0935)187-8093 Pinagsama Taguig .......... (02)7957-3152 Mkti ........................... (02)8358-5065
Mla ............................ (02)8353-0333 QC ............................. (02)8543-3778 Jr Towing Services Juander Pet Store Juvenile Justice And Welfare Council
Jocrison Development Corporation Jose A Suing Law Firm 8 Munich Pque ............. (0915)113-3480 9C 2nd Camarilla QC .... (0917)658-5115 56 Matimtiman QC ......... (02)7906-8879
Tektite Twr I Psg ............ (02)8635-5156 Giselle's Park Plz PC ....... (02)8551-5841 Jra Advertising Juannet Internet Cafe Juzzr Car Rental
Joe Auto Electrician Supply Jose Abad Santos High School 107 Xavierville Ave QC....(02)3433-3714 P Zamora PC .................. (02)8244-6671 1 Mercedes Ave Psg ...... (02)7624-4906
534 Multinational Ave Numancia Mla ................ (02)8245-7772 Jra Chinese Kitchenette Juanstop Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Jv & M Associates Incorporated
Pque ........................ (0919)500-2466 Jose Abad Santos Memorial School 2199 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8881-6226 J Tiongquiao Rd LP ...... (0906)966-9254 Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8921-1361
Joe Kuan Noodle Parlor 1984 Indiana Mla ........... (02)8525-6732 Jrb Alazne Language Training Center Inc Jubilee Alliance Incorporated Jv Tire Supply
21 Pagataan QC ............. (02)8365-5030 Jose Cojuanco & Sons Incorporated 1515 P & R Mansion 111-C 6th St KC ........... (0933)816-7377 314 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8375-1410
Joe's Car Spa First Lucky Place Mkti.....(02)8887-4515 Mla .......................... (0966)564-0570 Jubis Marketing
Jrellquer Transport Jv&M-Associates Inc
8 St Mary Ave Mkna ..... (0917)192-5581 Jose Cris Builders 22 Gonzales Cpd LP ....... (02)8801-1688 Jocfer Bldg QC ............. (0917)552-8047
Joelizah Skin Care Center 71 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8426-3899 Villa Alfonso Psg ............ (02)7616-9812 Juday Hardware
Jremd Electronics Enterprise Jva Security Supply Center
Bs Square Coml Pque...(0917)724-2722 Jose J Obillos Enterprises Incorporated J P Rizal Mand ............... (02)8625-3487 33 Araneta Ave Mal ........ (02)8475-6724
Joemel Net Cafe 876-U Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8911-0088 C Benitez QC .................. (02)7907-5645 Juderey Stitches & Frames
Jria Transportation Service Jvc Hardware And Auto Supply
612 9 De Febrero Mand .. (02)8654-6894 Joselito Commercial 961 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-0938 93 Annapolis QC ............ (02)3438-1208
Joey Espiritu Bespoke Tailoring 98 New York QC.............(02)8912-4658 Roces Ave QC .............. (0917)633-8268 Juicesabel
Jrj Engineering Upvc Windows & Doors Jvg Plumbing And Electrical Services
105A Sct Castor QC ..... (0906)209-7000 Joselito R Enriquez And Associates Law Malugay Mkti ............... (0906)468-3426 Seminary Rd QC...........(0905)114-6286
Jofats Burger Pasig Firm 53 Boni Serrano Ave Juinio Architectural Design Studio
Feria Rd QC .................. (0917)333-9002 QC ........................... (0915)566-0555 Jvl Auto Interior Upholstery
103 Pag-Asa Psg ......... (0999)302-6808 Cityland Herrera Twr Congressional Rd Ext
Johayra Apartelle Joshethan Dry Goods Jrm Locksmith Mkti ........................... (02)7917-5412
34 Sitio Pagkakaisa KC ........................... (0966)760-2402
Johayra Bldg Mla............(02)8899-1554 J P Laurel Mla ................ (02)7509-0871 Juju Cyclist
Pat ........................... (0925)841-5798 Jvm Builders And Construction Corp
John Clements Consultants Incorporated Josie's Laundry Shop 2010 S H Loyola Mla .... (0915)398-3431 A Mabini Psg................(0917)771-0220
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr 1765 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)7901-7895 Jrm Rice Trading
M Delos Reyes Val ....... (0999)311-5061 Julant Pest Control Systems Inc Jvs Asia Incorporated (Mfg)
Mkti ........................... (02)8845-2002 Jotobest Trading & Auto Supply Lg Citiland Pioneer Robinsons Place Cplx
John Jerome Machine Shop 152 A&B Baesa Rd QC ... (02)8361-8149 Jrm's Printing Services Mand ......................... (02)8687-7907
13 Gladiolus QC ........... (0956)661-6015 Mla ............................ (02)8567-8580
Ph1 Pinagsama Vill Jotobest Trading And Auto Supply Juliana Collections
Taguig......................(0920)221-9513 152 Baesa Rd QC ........... (02)8361-8149 Jrmz Medical Supply Jvs Dental Clinic
31 Tangke Val .............. (0923)289-4226 Solare Bulding Capri Oasis Condmn
John Kennedy Olores Trading Joubert Construction Incorporated 30 Hills QC ................... (0946)556-4127
Juliana Fashion Jewelry Collections Psg .......................... (0929)279-7696
Cypress Twrs Condmn C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8640-0391 Jrooz Ielts Review Center Makati Tangke Val ..................... (02)8364-1475
Taguig........................(02)7238-0711 Vernida IV Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8855-5961 Jvt Bags And Luggage
Journee Skin And Wellness Spa Julie S Bakeshop 2 Burnetwood Mkna ....... (02)8948-5694
John Mark Galuyo Jewelry 2032 Juan Luna Mla.....(0927)476-8877 Jrp Center Inc Victory Mall PC.............(0949)828-1472
Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8634-7832 Salcedo Mkti .................. (02)8813-7611 Jw Sound Works
Journey Woodblock Enterprises Julie's General Upholstery Sampaguita Val ............ (0923)106-8375
John Matthew Trading 22 Captain E Santos Jrrm Enterprises
B1 L1 Natl Hwy Munt ..... (02)8824-0136 San Roque Bldg Pque ... (0909)674-3694
369 Tandang Sora Ext Ave Taguig........................(02)8952-5031 Jw Summit Group Incorporated
Jrrx Plumbing Services Julie's Ready Made Dresses Wardley Coml Bldg PC ... (02)8801-8000
QC ............................. (02)8367-4204 Journeys And Discoveries Incorporated 9E Quiambao Val ............ (02)8292-3497
John Yee Camp Site Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3237 Prudencio Mla .............. (0915)826-2566 Jwc Manpower Resources Incorporated
Jrsa Builders Julieanne's Kitchen Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr
Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8709-2186 Jovenette Corporation 8155 Dr Arcadio Santos Ave
Ffmsg Bldg QC ............... (02)8722-0272 M H Del Plar Mkti ........... (02)8883-2101 Mkti ........................... (02)8823-5227
John's Bakery Equipment And Supply Pque .......................... (02)8661-2346
4 A Bonifacio Ave QC ..... (02)8516-1604 Jowie Construction Supplies Jrsd Photo And Video Services Jyna-Mashitta Restaurant
Lri Design Plz Bldg Mkti .. (02)8775-5276 Julieta B Cruz Water Melon Trading University Mall Mla ......... (02)8256-6510
John-Cess General Merchandise 17 Ipil Ext Mkna..............(02)8716-5235 Mega Q-Mart QC ............ (02)3437-5198
370 Sta Monica II Val ..... (02)8298-2649 Jowood Industries Incorporated Jrsn Printing Services Jzlb Office Supplies
35 Sir Baden Powell Julliana Money Changer 1631 Singalong Mla ....... (02)3498-3596
John-Ed Airconditioning Maintenance 380 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8365-3795 11/88 Mall Mla ............... (02)8241-0954
Mkti ......................... (0945)812-8103
Services Joy Anne's Furniture Shop Jrt Car Rentals July General Upholstery
32 C Raymundo Ave 358 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8942-0273 Rtt Bldg QC .................. (0917)828-6569 6 Inocencia Mal ............ (0927)462-8852
Psg ............................ (02)7621-3347
Johnco Commercial Incorporated
Joy Bakes
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)527-8837
Jrt Construction And Trading Corporation Juman Electrical
1456 Doroteo Mla .......... (02)8255-9152
L1-2 E Rodriguez Ave
1145 C M Recto Ave Joy's Dress Shop Pque .......................... (02)7975-3214 Jump Engineering Services
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9132 Montillano Munt ........... (0910)813-0129 73 Dama De Noche K & K Ice Trading
Jryg Auto Parts West Rembo Mkti ......... (0915)361-1574
Johnny Air Plus Joy's Party Needs Catering Services 152 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8405-4214 Mkna ....................... (0917)304-9945
Cjv Bldg Mkti ................ (0917)891-7044 Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0910)336-4472 Jump-N-Fun Inflatables K & N Event Rentals
Js & Sons Inc 65 8th Ave QC .............. (0917)591-2400
Johnny Chow Joy's Smoke Ham 843 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-8616 212 Sta Ana Taguig ........ (02)7577-4248
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-8353 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8524-2891 Jun Escario K & N Medical Supplies And Equipment
Js Balloons Party Needs 1437-1439 Rizal Ave
Johnny Rockets Joyce & Chris Blessed Garden St Anthony QC..............(0939)830-9715 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9071
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8470-2208 Deparo Rd KC .............. (0909)394-7599 Jun Koh Mitsui Jkm Spa & Wellness Center Mla ............................ (02)8731-4906
Js Canine Distemper Rehabilitation Center K And Company - Mandaluyong City
Johnson And Johnson Medical Philippines Joyce's All Natural Homemade Food Gemini Bldg QC ............ (0947)117-7467 14 P A Bernardo QC ..... (0956)542-5048
Km 14 Edison Rd Pque .. (02)8824-7901 Ecology Vill Mkti ............. (02)8403-1972 Jun Semicon International Corporation Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8636-1500
Js Fernandez Customs Brokerage K C Development And Realty Corporation
Joi Boutique Joyce's Homemade Foods 2441 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8330-0496 Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8772-6080
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-5819 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)774-2189 Jun's Vulcanizing Shop 704 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8442-3247
Js Galang And Sons Concrete Products
Jojing's Pizza Joycefully Cakes And Pastries 194 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0951)166-7528 K D P Motor Parts Incorporated
Incorporated 28 A Kabignayan QC ...... (02)8742-3720
270 Sto Domingo QC ... (0998)256-0322 10 Virginia Mkna .......... (0949)883-7671 51 Kalayaan Ave QC ....... (02)8927-9776 Junaid Halal Foods Restaurant
Jojo Barber Shop Joz Computer And Cctv Installation 260 Elizondo Mla............(02)8513-3764 K Lift Industrial Corporation
JS Global Hardware 4996 Ninoy Aquino Ave
West Delta Bldg QC ........ (02)3413-0618 Services 1110 Oroquieta Manila ... (02)5313-9570 Jundy & Co Incorporated
Jojo Bristol Store Milton Ctr Bldg QC ........ (0977)343-0223 2450 Del Carmen Mla.....(02)8526-5728 Pque .......................... (02)8820-0192
Js Pawnshops And Precious Gems
Palanan Shoppers Mart Jp & M Solutions Incorporated Jungo Trading K Line Logistics Phils Inc
Incorporated Ocean Breeze Bldg PC .... (02)8825-1854
Mkti ......................... (0917)796-3515 South Gate Munt ............ (02)8836-4643 Esjj Bldg Pque ................ (02)8478-8036 195 Banawe QC ............. (02)8414-3129
Jokers Foo Industries Jp Ryan Resources Incorporated Juno Healthcare Call Center Phils Inc K Maezono Logitech Incorporated
Js Sea Products Supply Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8845-0221
79F Mc Arthur Hwy KC ... (02)8361-3332 1125-A Soler Mla ........... (02)8244-1386 951 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8245-0460 Burgundy Corporate Twr
Jolet General Merchandise Jp Sioson General Hospital Js Smart Choice Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8833-2211 K Servicotrade Incorporated
38I Irid QC......................(02)8531-8216 75 Bukidnon QC ............. (02)8927-5643 485 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8938-5221 Juno Motors Incorporated Dsm Arcade Psg ............ (02)8470-6346
Joliant Restaurant Jpf Global Logistics Jsm Group Corporation 92-102 E Rodriguez Ave Jr K Signs And Designs
155 Dna Soledad Ave Pnb Alliance Bldg Mla ..... (02)5310-2559 Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)7505-1101 Psg ............................ (02)8672-1484 60 C-D Holy Spirit Dr
Pque .......................... (02)8801-4427 Jph Dream Street Language Training Center Juracolor Print System QC ........................... (0917)849-1515
Jsmugen Café
Jolly Music Inc 137 F Mariano Ave Psg (0921)927-8677 149 2nd Ave KC ........... (0933)854-2266 K Squad Fitness Hub
129 13th Ave QC ............ (02)7373-1543 88 Malakas QC.............(0945)691-3990 Jsplightech Jurix Bike 968 Aurora Blvd QC......(0917)513-5359
Jollybuy Online Store Jph Instrument Repair & Restoration 145 San Francisco 43 Paso De Blas Rd K Swiss
Dapitan Mla .................. (0961)852-2485 8 Kabalitang QC ........... (0963)689-0692 Mand ......................... (02)8532-8493 Val ........................... (0947)880-8283 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8478-9772
Jolong Enterprises Jpi Glass And Aluminum Jss Flower Shop Jurnandz Engineering Services K T Monjardin Chemicals Trading
Portion II LP ................. (0917)538-7849 138 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)8935-5660 2037 Manuel Hizon Commonwealth QC ...... (0968)423-6108 South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8846-5864
Joluis Rice Trading Jpl Pamper Me Spa Mla .......................... (0949)366-7402 Juryuna Money Changer K&F Skincare
2836-A Gen Lukban 531 Lakandula Mla ....... (0956)390-4225 Jsty Power Blaze Corporation 1118 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8536-3629 Sanchez Bldg Pque.......(0933)496-5751
Mla .......................... (0927)601-7107 Jpl Power-Mover Cargo Services 451A Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Jusay Bakery & Cafe K&R Cellphone Accessories & Repair Shop
Jomenz Palay And Rice Trading Manila Harbour Ctre Radial Rd Psg ............................ (02)8631-9527 179 N S Amoranto Bulusan Sampaguita Pasong Putik Proper
8051 Estrella Ave Mkti .. (0928)618-8861 Mla .......................... (0977)341-1808 Jsv Enterprise QC ........................... (0918)985-3917 QC ........................... (0995)904-8422
Jonas Foods Corporation Jpls Engraving Services Bayanihan PC ................. (02)8364-3597 Jusco Subic Trading Corporation K-1 Extreme Sportshop
561 Mayon QC ............... (02)8236-4449 903 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8733-0650 Jt Max Power Equipment Corporation The Third Bldg QC .......... (02)8332-3866 South Of Market Bldg
Jonatas Glass And Aluminum Supply Jpm Architectural Services Verde Oro Bldg QC ......... (02)7745-5630 Jusjar Trading Taguig........................(02)8831-0564
497 N Cruz Psg ............ (0933)363-6181 B13 L6 San Antonio Ave Jt Music Store 3 Don C Manuel QC ........ (02)8359-1783 K-Mann Trading & Aluminum Works
Jonathan Yabut Consultancy And Ventures Pque .......................... (02)7625-9362 24 S Veloso SJ.............(0917)899-4939 Jusman Construction 125 Dna Soledad Ave
P Villa Carolina Twnhms 2 Jpm Catering Jt Oil Philippines Incorporated 2213 Dimasalang Pque .. (02)8893-6017 Pque .......................... (02)8828-9452
QC ........................... (0917)506-4048 39 Lakeview Dr Psg ..... (0917)932-1633 335 J T Oil KC ................ (02)8361-1376 Just 4 U Fast Food Bar K-Marc
Jong Stit Co Ltd Jprod Salon And Nail Spa Jt Quinto Plumbing Services Timex Fairview QC ........ (0919)951-7337 Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0929)772-3665
470 Bangkutien-Chaitalay Rd Capitol Masonic Bldg Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Just Clean Laundry K-Mobis Motor Trading Co Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8668-6871 QC ............................. (02)8668-4020 Mkti ......................... (0916)349-0597 Marcelo H Del Pilar Mal (0917)520-9228 30 C Kabignayan QC ...... (02)8353-8617

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:42 2022 - P58

59 S C M Y K


K-Three Diagnostic Laboratory Services Kale Cafe + Restaurant Kawara Kent Printing And Advertising Khaizcer Refrigeration And Air Condition
323 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Melting Pot Bldg QC ..... (0917)560-5508 Mariwasa Bldg QC .......... (02)3416-2600 49 Ilang Ilang QC .......... (0926)737-8095 Services
Psg ............................ (02)8404-0488 Kalikot Garage Kayaco Motor Parts Inc Keon Salon Make Up Studio 13 Waling-Waling QC ... (0927)549-6166
K1 Printing Corp 206 Munding Ave 1109 A Bonifacio QC ...... (02)8364-9871 1 Congressional Ave QC . (02)8928-0729 Khaizz Pest Exterminator Services Inc
Forab Bldg QC .............. (0917)654-2698 Mkna ....................... (0927)386-7345 Kaydian Tarpaulin Printing Keon's Wine Cellar 409-D Severina Taguig ... (02)7507-2941
K2 Drug Group Incorporated Kalimpio Laundry Shop 42 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8483-5416 Royale Place Mall QC ... (0917)146-8143 Kharlnets Tailoring Shop
586 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)7719-6990 Cityland Calle Estacion Kayoken Realty And General Services Kepco Kps Philippines Corporation 654 Severina Diamond Ave
K3 Westbay Co Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8543-4552 39 Yellowstone Pque .... (0917)501-5122 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8804-3479 Pque ........................ (0922)555-6863
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0755 Kalsada Burger Kazemaxx Internet Cafe Keplers Fire Fighting Equipment Trading Khaytel's Essences And Cosmetic Products
K3R Integrated Solutions Incorporated Zamora PC ................... (0917)777-3236 Sauyo Rd QC ............... (0918)404-4643 12B Ma Clara QC..........(0942)584-8805 Trading
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8810-8000 Kalye Laundry Kazi's Fruits And Vegetables Keppel Phils Shipyard Incorporated 47 Int Paez Mal ............ (0919)570-5580
K8 Pharmacy & Medical Products St Peter PC .................. (0917)324-2510 J P Rizal QC ................. (0956)510-3796 Country Space 1 Bldg Khloe's Party Needs And Gift Shop
1536 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8516-0402 Kam Dental Clinic Kazokuya Filipino-Japanese Restaurant Mkti ........................... (02)8815-2581 410 N S Amoranto Sr Ave
Ka Andres Memorial Chapel 85 Panorama Mkna ........ (02)7919-4605 Sampaguita Mkti .......... (0961)715-4888 Keppel Shipyard Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8749-4422
121 Katipunan Mkna ...... (02)8703-2830 Kamay Kainan Incorporated Kb1 Logistics Corporation Country Space 1 Bldg Khm Megatools
Ka Bero's Bar & Grill Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8631-2371 Fmc-Lto Cpd LP ............. (02)7504-4277 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-9241 940 Blumentritt Rd Mla . (0917)542-5822
Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8832-2940 Kambal Pizza Kbb Merchandising Ker Insurance Brokers Incorporated Khomi Inc
Ka Narcing Product Of Batangas Capt Samano KC .......... (0977)382-9194 1744 Dian Mla ............... (02)3388-2890 Bayantel Bldg Mla...........(02)8536-8422 B30 L11 Manggahan KC.(02)8572-0279
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0945)478-3651 Kamereijhan Manpower Services Inc Kbm Diagnostic Laboratory Keren's Cakes And Pastries Khristel Manpower Agency
Ka Pedro's Bjs Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8897-9882 92 Filinvest Rd 1 QC ....... (02)3430-4643 Calaca QC .................... (0925)800-9119 71 Ricarte Mkti ............... (02)8806-8259
3011 Kaginhawaan Kamicos Snack Bar Kbop Quick Korean Kerplunk! Studios & Productions Inc Khumbu Enterprises Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0917)304-5989 Greenhills Shopping Ctr The Venice Piazza 504 Guerrero Mkti ........ (0998)951-7549 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-0453
Ka Roger's Hot Food Corner SJ .............................. (02)8722-5362 Taguig........................(02)8846-0576 Kerry Ats Logistics Incorporated Kiam Kee Harware Company Incorporated
B3 L1 Ph4 Casimiro Twnhms Kamilla Shipping Inc Kc Distributors East Svc Rd Munt...........(02)8553-0241 1343-1345 C M Recto Ave
LP .............................. (02)8331-6486 Trinity Bldg Mla ............ (0917)899-4302 6 Sobrepena QC ............. (02)8942-9614 Mla ............................ (02)8733-9795
Kerry Ingredients (M) Sdn Bhd
Ka Tale's Garden Kamote On Wheels Kc Interior Design W Fifth Ave Bldg Taguig..(02)8519-8754 Kiampong Foodhaus
Quirino Hwy KC ............ (0920)614-5915 516 Del Fierro Mla ........ (0939)778-2074 P Tuazon QC ................ (0917)508-5525 Republic Supermarket
Kerry's Food Party Package
Ka Tunying's Cafe Kamura Autoworkz Kc's Cctv Installation Services 202A Gen Luna Mal......(0999)446-7949 Mla ............................ (02)8533-4954
Tandang Sora QC ......... (0977)767-8343 6 Zabarte Rd QC ........... (0919)911-3958 488 Real LP ................. (0995)377-9360
Keruilai Marketing Incorporated Kic Enterprise
Kaagapay Mo Karamay Funeral Homes Kan Forklift Parts Center Kc's Kitchen Sri Bldg PC.....................(02)8551-2970
Batasan-San Mateo Rd 78-80 Rizal Ave Ext KC...(02)8367-6691
110 B Banal KC .............. (02)8282-2391 43 E Capitol Dr Psg ...... (0905)338-5511
QC ........................... (0928)934-7852 Kestrel Philippines Incorporated Kickstart Ventures Inc
Kanbe Japanese Restaurant Kcafood Empire Incorporated 55 Paseo De Roxas Mkti (02)8625-8723
Kaakbay Kabuhayan Lending Incorporated Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8332-5919 Airport Global Plz Mall
The Fort Strip Taguig........(0969)961577 Pque .......................... (02)8852-1043 Kid's Partner Behavioral Therapy Center
Plaza Dela Rosa Taguig .. (02)8837-1905 Kangyee Trading Kdci Outsourcing
Keto Filipino Bakeshop Fmsg Bldg QC ................ (02)8510-0710
Kabalikat Ng Pamilyang Pilipino 1219-A Soler Mla ........... (02)8708-9188 One Corporate Ctre
Gloria Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8886-7649 Psg .......................... (0917)527-4488 Greenhills Towncenter Kiddie Lab Learning School
Kanlaon Security Agency Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)160-1048 2 Florida Pque ................ (02)8828-9894
Kabataan Partylist Richville Corporate Ctr Kdg Seo Services
25-C Mabuhay QC..........(02)8287-5561 19 Terraces Mansion Kettle Corn - Manila Kidlat Security Services Corporation
Munt .......................... (02)8887-1352 Sm City San Lazaro Shaw Blvd Psg ............... (02)8256-6773
Kabayan Ihaw-Ihaw & Sari-Sari Store Kano Furniture And Design Solutions QC ........................... (0945)814-8621
M L Quezon Taguig ...... (0918)572-5441 Kdnr Grains & Rice Trading Mla .......................... (0932)206-2667 Kidney Foundation Of The Philippines Inc
16 Boston QC...............(0906)698-3171 Kewalramani Jitendra Rizal Medical Ctr Cpd
Kabayan Money Changer Kanyu 168 Construction Incorporated 75 St Luke's QC ........... (0995)211-6565
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Kebaberso 168 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8254-5220 Psg ............................ (02)8571-4175
Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8832-1149
SJ .............................. (02)8775-0133 Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0930)114-4333 Kewpie Philippines Incorporated Kidpalooza
Kanzhu Hand-Pulled Noodles Tycoon Ctr Condmn Psg (02)7730-2705 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8556-3972
Kabayan Transport Service Company Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7950-8272 Keel Marine Technologies Incorporated
3A Bayan QC................(0917)318-8919 Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Key Link Sales Integrated Inc Kids Depot
Kapayapaan Bar And Grill 3255 San Jose Mla ........ (02)8715-0147 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8888-0590
Kabisera 316 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0916)557-8568 Mla ............................ (02)8404-0182
Bonifacio High Street Keen Cargo Logistics Inc Key Logistics Incorporated Kids In Day School
Kaperosa Steakhouse Madison Suites Condmn 9388 Calantas Mkti ........ (02)8895-1105
Taguig........................(02)8776-9882 One Balete Bldg QC ...... (0956)814-5583 Las Pinas Cargo Cplx LP (02)8256-0730
Kabugtuan Maritime Services & Keepr Storage Ph Mand ......................... (02)8687-4672 Kids In Motion Therapy Center Incorporated
Kapetrade Phils Key Maker Locksmith Bonifacio Prime Taguig.(0917)548-8558
Endorsement M F Jhocson Mla .......... (0905)717-9412 One Global Place
T M Kalaw Mla ............. (0961)706-1696 Taguig......................(0917)533-7774 88-2 Oranbo Dr Psg ..... (0906)477-6003 Kids Land
Kapih Enterprises Key Multi Industries Incorporated
Kafen Beauty Shop Mla Bldg QC ................. (0917)772-1127 Keepsmart Consultancy Solution Inc 1420 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8283-0929
511 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8708-1624 Dema Bldg QC................(02)7940-3988 Cityland Shaw Twr Kidsports Trinoma QC ........ (02)7901-3970
Kapitan Barbers Mand ......................... (02)8632-0953
Kaffea Global Innovations Incorporated 2432 Suter Mla .............. (02)8255-0212 Keesh Wellness Spa Kidz Therapy And Learning Center
L & J Bldg Mand ............ (02)8477-9920 97 Maginhawa QC ........ (0915)626-2003 Key Point Real Estate E Cruz QC .................... (0906)488-0745
Kapitolyo Water Station Salcedo Vill Mkti ........... (0917)885-3978
Kag Auto Spa 1 Rosemarie Lne Psg ... (0935)881-1748 Keeva Philippines Cleaning Chemicals Kiehl's
L5 B3 Congressional Ave Products Keycards Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-3620
Kaplag Trading Corporation Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3413-5155
QC ........................... (0945)397-7189 Pamplona Lumber Bldg 11 E Maclang SJ .......... (0915)818-3491 Kikay Accessories
Kahlua Trading - Caloocan City 2 LP .............................. (02)8808-8559 Keikai Salon Keydesign Incorporated Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-4883
M H Del Pilar KC.............(02)8775-2819 Chloe Ctr Pque ............... (02)8365-3200 24 San Pablo Psg...........(02)8654-6949 Kiko Plumbing Electrical And Carpentry
Karamar Corporation
Kai Anya Foods Incorporated Philam Life Twr Mkti ....... (02)8810-0266 Kekaiko Enterprises Keyframe Incorporated Services
Navotas Fishport Nav......(02)8921-7043 590 C3 Rd KC ................ (02)8361-7036 Evekal Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8551-6810 61 K6th QC .................. (0923)174-6120
Karaoke Hub Family Entertainment
Kai's Laundry Shop Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8374-1453 Kelcon International Corporation Keyframe Media Incorporated Killmore Pest Solution
J P Rizal Ave Mkti ......... (0926)668-2521 1245 Soler Mla.............(0936)997-7999 Mavenue Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7964-4537 16 North Ponce QC ........ (02)8562-5490
Karga Logistics Services
Kai-Zen Accounting Services 186 Tomas Morato Ave Kelin Graphics System Corp Keyhealth Diagnostic Laboratory Kilton Motor Corporation
3464 Manggahan Val ..... (02)7906-1313 QC ............................. (02)7901-6491 2115 Felix Huertas Rd 160 West Columbian Bldg 1106 P Binay Mkti .......... (02)8817-2241
Kainan Sa Zabarte Mla ............................ (02)8711-1888 QC ............................. (02)3412-3953 Kim Chong Tin Hopia
24 Zabarte Ext QC ........ (0977)423-7661 Builders Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (0920)879-0425 Kella Kusinera Catering Services Keylargo Philippines Incorporated 149 Palanca Mla ............ (02)8733-6345
Kairo Steel Corporation 85 West Dr Mkna ......... (0949)935-9005 1335 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8740-4927
Karimadon Trading Incorporated Kim Gold Cargo Logistic Corporation
Cityland Condmn Mkti .... (02)8403-9974 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-4973 Kellson Corporation Keyman Benefits Consultants And 2148 J Abad Santos Ave
Kairos Diagnostic Laboratory 1202 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8522-0949 Insurance Agency Inc Mla ............................ (02)8256-8005
Karl Gelson Industrial Sale Incorporated
112 Kalayaan Ave QC ... (0968)224-9658 6 Gen Tinio QC ............... (02)8731-7823 Kemikom Enterprises Corporation Emerald Bldg Psg ........... (02)8655-5026 Kim Hardware
Kairos Electrical And Industrial Supply Inc 625 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8241-4194 Keymark Metal Fabrication B37 A L4 & 5 Dagat-Dagatan
Karla Domingo Dental Studio
1675 Alfonso Mendoza Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)7622-7113 Kemrad Incorporated 2039 Santiago St Gen T De Leon KC ............................. (02)8287-7681
Mla ............................ (02)8255-6611 700 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8925-7310 Valenzuela .................. (02)8861-2802
Karmiel Trading Kimbee Nuts
Kairotyche Books And School Supplies Kemseth Construction Services Keymedia Online Inc Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8723-7650
127 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8579-6234 7 Mulawin Psg ............... (02)7940-2101
10 Bagong Calzada West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8569-3330
Taguig......................(0945)204-1205 Karmira Motor Parts Kimbells Pack Incorporated
Ken Audio Car Accessories Keynamics 45-A 45 Congressional Ave
92 E Banawe QC ............ (02)8711-9306 82-A Banawe QC..........(0919)893-4566
Kais Food And Flower Shop 250 D Real LP .............. (0917)257-2958 QC ............................. (02)8926-0106
Metrowalk Coml Cplx Karpos & Kainos Manpower Services Ken Engineering Services
Dna Lolita Bldg KC ....... (0917)650-4488 Keys Realty And Development Corporation Kimberly Fish Dealer
Psg ............................ (02)8996-0186 Three Adriatico Residences Htmc Bldg Pque ............. (02)8825-3083
Karrglas Auto Safety Glass Incorporated Mla .......................... (0917)808-0588 20 Sto Nino Wet & Dry Mkt
Kaiser Heavy Equipment Corp Keyser Engine Rebuilders Mkna ......................... (02)7978-7805
L6 & 7 Dagat-Dagatan Ave 49 Banawe QC ............... (02)8743-1608 Kenflo Enterprise
Kart Plaza Mfg Corporation 97 West Ave QC ............. (02)8373-2656 Kimberly Suites
KC ............................. (02)8544-8321 128-B Magdalena Eet
Bdl Bldg Pque ................ (02)8853-3372 KC ............................. (02)8801-9119 Keystone Controls 770 Pedro Gil Mla .......... (02)8526-4957
Kaisha Mart Burgundy Corporate Twr
778-780 Ongpin Mla ...... (02)8734-2211 Kartech Dashcams & Tint Service Keng Hua Paper Products Co Inc Kimbob
1036 Masbate Mla ....... (0927)541-2927 Mkti ........................... (02)8479-1735 Sm City San Lazaro
Kaishan Group 516 Yuchengco Manila ... (02)8242-7321
291 K Del Monte Ave Karwill Parts Supply Corporation Keystone Industrial Trading Corporation Mla .......................... (0919)911-4670
Kengjhei Trucking Services 2130 Leveriza PC ......... (0912)857-1756
QC ............................. (02)7504-8018 599 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8732-0235 150 Susano Rd QC.......(0956)886-6884 Kimchie Seaside Paluto And Restaurant
Kaita Food Corporation Kasel Travel Solutions Kenji Tei Food Group Incorporated Keystone Lamps & Shades Incorporated Seaside Bldg 1 PC .......... (02)8551-2340
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8723-6240 M Almeda Pat.................(02)8782-6814 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7745-3098 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8831-1821 Kimgold Cargo Logistics Corporation
Kaizam Grill Kashmir Indian Cuisine N Kenko Keywest Internationale Sales Corp 1146 Soler Mla...............(02)8241-6405
Unicenter Bldg KC ........ (0915)743-6080 Mardecor Bldg Mla ......... (02)8524-6851 Civic Dr Festival Mall 37-D Baler QC ................ (02)8415-8787 Kimochii Auto Care Services
Kaizen 88 Incorporated Kasidlakan Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8556-7919 Keywest Shipping Line Corporation King Alexander QC........(0928)202-7805
8 Afpovai Ph 3 Taguig .... (02)8889-0514 Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)7586-0258 Kenmore Pltetoniat International The Teoff Ctr Mla............(02)8256-4781 Kimoy Construction Supply
Kaizen Enterprise Kateclean Laundry Services Taft Mla ......................... (02)8708-8374 Keziah's Bakeshop Ph9 Pkg1 B2 L10 Bagong Silang
Diana's Bldg Mla.............(02)8524-1982 1513 Aviadores Mla ..... (0919)999-7884 Kenneth Optique Asia Inc Pluto QC ...................... (0905)521-3160 KC ............................. (02)8463-5770
Kajima Corporation Philippines Katflix Laundry Shop 508-B Sales Mla.............(02)8733-3853 Kf Lighting Kimpo Tea House
Sky Plz Bldg Mkti............(02)8886-6818 Saranay Ave KC ............. (02)8362-5167 Kenny Beans Cafe 3026 Gen T De Leon Rd 706 Banawe QC ............. (02)8516-6497
Kal's Woodcraft Katha Builders & Supplies 75 Maysilo Mand ......... (0916)569-0536 Val ............................. (02)8277-0777 Kimstore Enterprise Corp
Legaspi Sunday Mkt Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)827-7084 Kenny Roger's Roasters Kg Consult Group Inc See S C Bldg Mla ......... (0917)546-8546
Mkti ......................... (0917)250-4789 Katherine's Cafe 317 Delco Aguirre Pque..(02)8837-6893 Corporate Ctr Mkti ........ (0917)632-6068 Kimwill Cycle Store
Kalahi Fma Gear Ayala Malls Pque .......... (0915)313-2499 Kenny Rogers Roasters Kgc Travel N Services 382 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8277-5839
167 Teofilo Samson Ave Katmar Industrial Center Ayala Malls Manila Bay Regina Hometel Mkti ...... (02)8692-3513 Kin Sen Realty
KC ........................... (0956)632-7537 Park Homes Commerical Cplx Pque .......................... (02)7752-4251 Kgg Garden Icon Residences Taguig . (02)8984-2747
Kalapit Bahay Munt .......................... (02)8842-8171 Kenrick Auto Supply Geneva Garden Neopolitan Kina Lola Madrigal
590 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-7651 Katong Light General Merchandise & 41 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-1163 QC ............................. (02)7964-7046 1 Venture Munt...............(02)8275-3619
Kalayaan Bistro Grill Hardware Kenshin Kgjs Fleet Management Manila Inc Kina Upholstery Repair Shop
Kalayaan Ave QC .......... (0927)876-4506 Dapitan Mkt QC ............ (0918)947-2178 Fernando Palanan Mkti . (0949)883-1200 Rufino Paza Mkti ............ (02)8865-2000 199 Rt Rev G Aglipay
Kalayaan Rubber Development Corporation Kaunlaran Truck Body Builder Corporation Kenstar Graphics Incorporated Kha Signs And Sticker Mand ....................... (0960)867-0705
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8801-6081 157 M L Quezon Taguig . (02)8837-1320 3 Alabama QC ................ (02)8721-3741 56 Sibuyan QC ............. (0956)588-3865 Kinetic Auto Id System Incorporated
Kalborgers - Malabon City Kawali Ni Mamu Kent Premier Project Ventures Incorporated Khai & Jhen Creative Designs 2357 President Sergio Osmena Hwy
Acg Bldg Mal................(0932)105-8901 Buma Bldg Mkti ............ (0921)599-2424 Amv Bldg Mkti ................ (02)7501-0910 36 Gen Tirona KC ......... (0966)921-7844 Mla ............................ (02)8708-5374

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60 S C M Y K


Kinetic Fluidtronics Incorporated Kitchy Cafe - Flavors Of Mindanao Konyang Surplus Nook Kuff N-Kollar Laundromat Corporation L Atelier Architects
2357 President Sergio Osmena Hwy Nn4 Taguig .................. (0915)265-1768 V M Garcia KC..............(0930)315-2600 South Supermarket Vatican City Dr LP .......... (02)8692-9272
Mla ............................ (02)8404-3785 Kite Logistics Services Konz Body Kits And Accessories Munt .......................... (02)8771-1673 L C Manpower Expertise Corporation
Kinetic Philippines Electrical Construction Llanera Taguig................(02)7500-9165 P Florentino QC .............. (02)3410-7885 Kuhlenserver Enterprises Ramagi Bldg Mla ............ (02)5350-9148
Incorporated Kittelson & Carpo Konzept Design Studio Co 3435 P Sanchez Mla ...... (02)8583-3825 L C Reyes Digital Playroom Photology
The Kinetic Ctr KC .......... (02)8236-5732 6784 Rufino Pacific Twr El-Al Bldg QC ............... (0955)218-3946 Kuhn Artisanales Incorporated 168 M L Quezon Ave
King & Queen Salon Mkti ........................... (02)3224-1833 Kool Running Auto Aircon Services Linden Suites Bldg Psg ... (02)8634-7097 Taguig........................(02)8703-5541
166 Malolos Ave KC ..... (0929)810-2383 Kittyleicious Milktea Shop 766 E Pantaleon Mand ... (02)8533-2976 Kujo's Coffee Shop L Fernando S Auto Supply
King Aces Travel 7 Tours Service 44 A Reyes Taguig ....... (0945)122-7748 Koolpix Services Company 299 Ecol QC ................. (0906)573-2931 Boni Mand ..................... (02)8534-4008
Incorporated Kj's American Burger Grill Autocamp Cpd Psg ........ (02)8632-1061 Kuka Home L G Sm North Edsa QC ....... (02)8373-1128
Col Godofredo M Juliano Bldg Manuela Ave LP ........... (0947)225-0627 Koolweld Engineering Contractor Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-8618 L G Atkinson Import Export
Taguig......................(0927)156-0937 Kjm Manpower Services Km 22 West Svc Rd Kukoon Nail Lounge 627 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8352-7505
King Air Fbo Inc 2-A T Santiago Val ....... (0966)453-0010 Munt .......................... (02)8519-9391 Frbs Bldg Mkna ............ (0917)962-2728 L K Refrigeration And Airconditioning
Domestic PC .................. (02)8553-6550 Kkachi Blinds Korea Grocery Kukumu Nail & Wellness Spa Services
King Albert Security Agency 227 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)562-6968 1851 J Bocobo Mla ........ (02)3474-1560 7 Fairlane Mkna ............ (0977)607-2702 639 Pag Asa Mla .......... (0966)965-2219
1451 S Reyes Mla .......... (02)8711-2753 Klap Manpower Services Korea Telecom Philippines Incorporated Kulasizzling Steakhouse L L P Ted's Oldtimer Lapaz Batchoy
King And Prince One Stop Cellphone Shop 105 P Aquino Mal...........(02)8245-9277 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8811-1043 Mjd Bldg Val ................... (02)8983-4810 Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8893-8810
1902 Felix Mla..............(0945)157-2263 Klaz Paint Korean Bbq Restaurant Kulay-Diwa Gallery Of Philippine L N Vitug Bookkeeping Services
King Dragon Printing Services 30 Congressional QC......(02)8376-0271 Pearl Condmn Psg..........(02)8633-6972 Contemporary Art 102 Oriole Pque ............. (02)8823-2768
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Klc Trading Korean J Grill Lopez Ave Pque ............. (02)8826-0574 L Oliveros Enterprises
SJ .............................. (02)7729-8507 168 Liano Rd KC ............ (02)8775-8718 186 Tomas Morato Ave Kulinarya Kitchen 5117 Sulok Val ............... (02)8359-8602
King Eleven General Merchandise Kleen 'n Go Laundry And Cleaning Services QC ........................... (0917)925-8880 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1738 L Raymundo Pawnshop
Herrera QC ..................... (02)8775-7143 34 Imperium Emeraude Korean Mart Yoo's Grocery Kumataka Mining Company Incorporated 171 Gen Kalentong
King Far Military Supplies QC ........................... (0956)760-1687 86 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Paseo De Roxas Mkti ..... (02)8833-3477 Mand ......................... (02)8531-6962
4th Ave QC...................(0945)334-4411 Kleen Essence Enterprise Psg .......................... (0927)579-3444 Kumori L Reyes Barber Shop
King Faraon's Enterprise 4291 Palanan Mkti ......... (02)3474-8161 Korean Seoul Meat Robinsons Place Manila Misa De Galo QC .......... (0919)686-1436
1326 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8782-8656 Kleen Queen 2 Pearl QC......(02)8939-8784 V L Bldg QC ................. (0917)159-0576 Mla .......................... (0977)859-8803 L T B Paint Center
King Fred Aluminum And Glass Klick Destination Travel And Tours Korean Style Korean Food Restaurant Kumpare Barber Shop 986 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8421-6480
651 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8534-5464 Dao Psg ....................... (0955)367-0910 Recto Ave Mla .............. (0916)336-3007 3rd St PC ..................... (0998)364-0212 L Timestudio
King James Furniture Klik Studio Korix Office Furniture Enterprises Kune Design Studio Market Market Mall
Evekal Twnhms Mla ..... (0917)895-9877 Ernshaw Bldg QC ......... (0917)152-7629 311 Geronimo QC ........ (0945)255-8774 Jade Dr Psg ..................... (0919)846218 Taguig........................(02)7729-0176
King Kaijoo Klinica Ojos Eye Care Center Kupling's Restobar L&A Enterprises Incorporated
Kornet Express Incorporated 94 A Mabini Psg ............. (02)8531-7581
589 Banawe QC ........... (0917)187-2168 Anita Bldg QC ................. (02)8542-0331 Oyster Plz Pque .............. (02)8826-0012 73 Shaw Blvd Mand ....... (02)8531-7509
King Led Lights Accessories Klinpix Janitorial And Pest Control Services Kuplings Resto Bar And Grill L&A Int'l And Domestic Express Courier
Korphil Ace Furniture Incorporated 94 A Mabini Psg ........... (0932)301-2353
Lanutan QC .................. (0961)541-5235 Incorporated New Grange Bldg QC ...... (02)3416-5868 Services
King Mills Incorporated 3036 Jose Abad Santos Ave Kuretake Philippines 70 Kanlaon QC ............. (0931)189-7539
Mla ............................ (02)8743-7376 Korweld Incorporated Powerplant Mall Mkti ...... (02)8898-0509
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0340 Bmc Bldg Mla.................(02)8357-1843 L&F Laundry And Dry Clean Shop
King Sisig Km 31 Diner Kurin Laundry Service H Roxas Mkna .............. (0950)639-4575
Partoza Bldg Munt ........ (0933)827-1267 Kosmed Anti-Aging And Aesthetic Clinic 1511 A Mabini Mla ....... (0995)330-5451 L' Radiant Beauty Lounge
Isetann Mall Mla ............. (02)8994-9914 Terra Firma Mansion
King Trading Km Ace Sanitation Services Kurtosys Systems 1138 Q Residences
19 Gen Melvar Psg ....... (0945)259-1268 Mla ............................ (02)8715-9769 Robinsons Summit Ctr Mla .......................... (0977)212-4180
497 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-3041 Kostom Pc
Km Furniture Mkti ........................... (02)8479-1888 L'Arc Customs Brokerage And Services
King's Builders 1816 Almeda Mla ......... (0906)106-4288
209 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)8355-9606 544 Boni Serrano QC....(0922)808-3112 Kus Architectural Components Inc North Access Rd Mla......(02)8245-1161
Km8 Enterprises Koten Enterprises Co Incorporated Kus Bldg Psg ................. (02)8790-8000 L'Aubergine Corporation
King's Men 218 Lukban PC .............. (02)8551-3551
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8842-4377 Km8 Bldg Mkna..............(02)8359-5731 Kush Co 32nd & Fifth Mall Taguig.(02)8856-3455
Kmas Designs Kotinson Industrial Chemical Sales 25 N Roxas Mkna ......... (0915)447-9584 L'Occitame
King's Power Securities Incorporated Fulmco Bldg QC ............. (02)7799-3882 Kusina Ni Gracia
Twr One And Exch Plz Molave Psg .................. (0927)663-3119 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0460
Kmc Skydeck Kots Sportswear Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8712-3812 L'Opera Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8848-5605 141 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8861-1822
Picadilly Star Bldg Kustom Klassiks Incorporated The Fort At Bgc Taguig ... (02)8889-2784
King's Safety Net Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8779-6540 Koulins Trading Corporation 2B Hope QC ................... (02)8376-2982
4A West Svc Rd Munt .... (02)8809-9530 L+A Design Concept Furnishing
Kmonline Tools Mercantile 509 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)279-8978 Kuta Balwarte Incorporated
Kingkong Computer Corporation 1995 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8899-2009 Kp Penco Corporation Roman Cruz Munt ........ (0906)488-3840
David Bldg Mand ............ (02)8721-6174 Ersan Bldg QC ................ (02)8514-1567
Kmtc Philippines Corporation Madoka Bldg Mkti.........(0917)547-1088 Kuusamospa La & Bros Food Corporation
Kings Development Incorporated One Serendra East Twr Kpgroup Philippines Incorporated 60 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8749-4465
Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8811-2143 Femi 1 Bldg Mla ............. (02)8523-8209
Taguig........................(02)8847-0951 Insular Life Corporate Ctr Kuya Danny Car Wash La Adora Massage & Spa
Kings Holly Incorporated Kmv Architectural Design Creations Munt .......................... (02)8555-1098 14 Guevarra Mand .......... (02)8531-0499 Santillan Pio Del Pilar
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6456 6750 Office Twr Mkti ...... (02)7755-6562 Kqc Wood Glass & Aluminum Iron Works Kuya Jun's Bakeshop Mkti ......................... (0936)507-4808
Kings Industrial Supply Knopper Trading 38 J P Rizal Extention Krame E-Arcade QC ....... (02)7978-5114 La Belle Nail Hub
Km 14 Mac Arthur Hwy 29 D Seminary Rd QC .. (0917)108-1237 Mkti ........................... (02)8883-2855 Kuya Tan's 1235 Pghi Hotel QC ...... (0975)305-2538
Val ............................. (02)8293-9491 Knovatech Corporation Kr6 Customs Brokerage Service J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0906)588-5890 La Belle Residences
Kings Manpower Cooperative 814 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)7759-2957 St Thomas LP ................ (02)8541-1708 Kuyang Auto Repair Shop & Car Wash 7733 St Paul Rd Mkti ..... (02)8364-4962
100 Dna Soledad Ave Knowell Technology Solutions Kratos Printing Services San Mateo Rd QC ......... (0908)818-7060
Pque .......................... (02)8776-6712 La Botica
Cash & Carry Mall Mkti ... (02)8511-8179 551 M Abad Santos Mla . (02)8244-4173 Kvar Marketing Corporation Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8713-8599
Kingscon Construction Supply Corp Knowell's Sweet Surprises Kraver's Canteen 7 Villanueva Dr QC ......... (02)8952-2987
2501 Cavite Mla ............. (02)8251-1917 La Cabecera De Montessori
234 Naranja QC............(0939)779-2785 7 San Clemente Psg ..... (0917)710-6239 Kvjc Trading Gen Luna Mal ................. (02)8283-5793
Kingscross Travel N Tours Inc Ko Marketing Krazy Krepes Phils Incorporated 20-B Maliwanag QC ....... (02)3435-0456 La Cabrera Manila
Cityland Pasong Tamo 2-D T De Leon Val ........ (0927)994-6944 S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-7011 Kwadz Enterprises 6750 Ayala Ave Mkti .... (0905)290-0703
Mkti ........................... (02)7954-1646 78B Tandang Sora Ave
Kocco Bakery And Cafe Krb Tamayo Optical Clinic La Carnita Modern Mexican Cantina
Kingsford Hotel Manila Tomas Morato Ave QC ... (02)3412-3358 161 Luzon Ave QC ....... (0916)426-9316 QC ............................. (02)8703-2429 Loyola Hghts Condmn
J W Diokno Blvd Pque .... (02)8538-6388 Kodak 93 N Domingo SJ .... (02)8724-3327 Kwik Copy Printing Services QC ........................... (0917)551-8123
Kris Finsoftware
Kingspeed Marketing Koffee Concept Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-8560 373 Boni Ave Mand ...... (0945)450-8659 La Casita Accent Decor
65 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0335 40 Dangay QC ................ (02)8371-0884 Kwikfix Plumbing Services 398 Madison Galeries
Kris Security Systems Incorporated
Kingston Builders Supply Kogi Bulgogi 82 F Manalo QC ............. (02)8727-2442 84 A 20th Ave QC ........ (0917)187-0204 Munt .......................... (02)8815-0402
33 M H Del Pilar KC........(02)8365-8831 Lucky Chinatown Mall Kyl Trading La Cocina De Alicia Catering Services
Krisahs Trading
Kingstone Indl Sales Mla ............................ (02)8357-8345 The One Executive Bldg 24 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0092 118 3rd St Psg ............... (02)8631-5479
Leyba Bldg Mla .............. (02)8242-0389 Koindair Travel & Tours QC ............................. (02)8373-2437 Kyle John Bookstore And General La Cocina De Tita Moning
Kink Cakes Diamond Theater Bldg Krispy Kreme Merchandise 315 San Rafael Mla ........ (02)8734-2146
C-12 Landsdale Arcade QC ............................. (02)8294-8825 Sm City Sucat Pque......(0998)962-8214 1859 C M Recto Ave La Contessa Specialty Food Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8251-1763 Kois & Ponds Farm Mla ............................ (02)8735-7613 18 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8631-9215
Kinmo Pw Corporation Kristal Aire Car Aircon Services
Sherack LP .................. (0917)438-7230 2042 Edison Mkti ........... (02)7729-8386 Kyle Travel And Tours La Copa Wine Bar And Restaurant
1732-A Jose Abad Santos Ave Kojie Facial Spa & Skin Care 328 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8277-0873 Columbia Airfreight Cplx
Mla .......................... (0917)841-7799 Kristine
B F Homes Rd QC ........ (0945)317-5063 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-5053 Kylle Zurich Lumber Trading Pque .......................... (02)8853-2927
Kipcol International Corporation Kojima Auto Works Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0920)854-9991 La Costa Development Corporation
Avesco Bldg QC ............. (02)8995-0167 Kristine Bags & Fashion Accessories
Accountant QC ............. (0905)516-3839 Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0917)815-4632 Kyodosensu Home Massage Services Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8552-3312
Kippur Resource Inc Kokki Electronics Trading Scooter Parts & 113-B 8th Ave Mkti ........ (02)8672-0938 La Croque Madame Incorporated
Plc Corporate Ctr Pque ... (02)7792-8471 Kristine Jewellery Incorporated
Accessories Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-4583 Kyokiro Nail Massage Hair Salon Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8846-1734
Kirei - Quezon City 1949 Tomas Mapua Mla.(02)8252-1667 10 Lucban QC .............. (0917)794-7675 La Cuisine
Robinsons Fairview QC.(0949)123-0476 Kristoffs Furniture
Koko Beauty Lounge 160 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8285-4199 Kyt Philippines Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)892-8671
Kirin Chinese Dining 198 Dna Soledad Ext 202 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8366-3482 La Dolce Vita Cakes & Pastries
Bonifacio High Street Krobyte Technology Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)7759-6575 Gedisco Terrace Mla ...... (02)8357-6938 Kyuubi's Diner Cafe 521 E Quintos Mla ........ (0915)898-8842
Taguig........................(02)3382-5333 Kokoro Japanese Grindz J P Rizal Pque .............. (0956)960-8063 La Estrella Del Norte Incorporated
Kirschner Travel Manila Incorporated Krossroads Travel Manila Inc Gallery Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8817-4268
74 Creekside Square QC . (02)8376-0925 Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8844-8543 Kzb Travel And Tours
Spanish Bay Twr Bonifacio Ridge Kokuryu Cosmetics Urban Oasis Condmn La Europa Cermica Tile Center Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8812-3196 Downtown Ctr Bldg Mla .. (02)8242-0883 Krr Shell Station QC ........................... (0908)821-0710 11-A Alabang-Zapote Rd
Kit And Mel's Nifty Fragrance Manufacturing 3395 V Mapa Mla ........... (02)8716-8533 Munt .......................... (02)8772-3548
Kokusai Jph Inc
Blpc QC ....................... (0997)501-5112 0878 B-3-C Visayas Ave Kruger M & E Industries Corporation La Events Cafe
Kit Keeping It Together QC ........................... (0917)127-7761 Rodriguez Ave Munt ....... (02)8862-2891 1913 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8242-0158
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8374-1479 Kol Water Mist Refilling Station Kryon Motorcycle Parts L La Famiglia - Little Italy
Kitadito Traders & Prints Online 36 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8912-7746 384 9th Ave KC .............. (02)8355-3380 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Hamburg Bldg Val .......... (02)8868-2246 Komee Led Light Philippines Kryptonite Massage Spa L & M Glass And Aluminum Works SJ .............................. (02)8721-0399
Kitchen City Frozen Meals Lee Gardens Coml Ctr Congressional Bldg QC . (0955)784-1707 26-27 Labayani QC ...... (0945)370-5721 La Favorita Bakery
Bagsakan Rd Taguig.....(0916)694-7540 Mand ....................... (0975)638-0685 Kshc Seeds Trading L & T International Group Incorporated 160 Gen Kalentong
Kitchen Mall Corporation Komfort-Aire Incorporated 700 San Andres Mla ....... (02)8524-0185 Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8523-1201 Mand ......................... (02)3480-2893
2870 Pertierra Mkti ......... (02)8832-3909 92 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8862-1427 Kskin Aesthetic Clinic L A Car Accessories And Tintroom La Faye Benita's Catering And Party Needs
Kitchen Queen General Merchandise Komodo Artcrafts Incorporated Wrcc Bldg 1 Mkna ........ (0966)684-1321 Y Square Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8817-8617 Fastrack Ave Pque .......... (02)8822-4420
Gami Cpd Val ................. (02)8293-3199 31A Payapa Mand .......... (02)8570-4795 Kuaizi L A Reyes International La Floreria
Kitchen Supercenter Koms Training Assessment Center Inc 108 Maginhawa QC ...... (0906)509-8129 Republic Supermkt Bldg Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8647-9992
10 Limay Mand .............. (02)8533-3647 Earnshaw Mla .............. (0922)734-6571 Kublai's Rock Mla ............................ (02)8733-6061 La Fortuna Reyes
Kitchen Witch Cakes Konstrui Designs Oakridge Plz Mkti............(02)8851-6086 L A Sauce Sneaker Laundry 724 Rizal Mal ................. (02)8287-3326
Cat-Eye Ext Pque ............ (02)8821-8159 17 Dna Soledad Ave Kubo Realty Corporation Winland Twr Residences La Germania Services
Kitchilano Incorporated Pque ........................ (0917)561-2699 Ptc Bldg Pque ................ (02)8986-9693 QC ........................... (0920)266-8422 1236D Musa Mla............(02)8781-5695
Rsc Lucky Gold Buliding Konsulta @ Resulta Kuehne & Nagel (Phils ) Incorporated L And M Baking Supplies La Hecho En Casa Kusina
Psg ............................ (02)8632-9712 Newton Plz Mla .............. (02)8713-9229 Jjm Bldg 5 Pque ............. (02)8829-0018 42 G Del Pilar Mkna......(0932)424-1804 37 Jv Concio Psg ......... (0915)388-1389

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La Immaculada Clinic Laj Marketing Philippines Incorporated Lasam's Diner Lcss Blinds And Curtains Legends Express Travel Services
1918D Jose Abad Santos Topy 3 Bldg QC .............. (02)8634-0658 82 M H Del Pilar Val ..... (0933)138-3242 Greenhghts Sucat Fort Legend Twr
Mla ............................ (02)8252-7582 Lakay Logistics & Trucking Services Laser 360 Dermatology And Laser Clinic Pque ........................ (0921)623-9896 Taguig......................(0905)514-4508
La Joya Pawnshop Incorporated 72 East Dr Mkna ............ (02)7746-1749 San Antonio Plz Arcade Ldg Rice Trading Leggs Chicken Inasal
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Lakbayan Makati Mkti ........................... (02)8840-4200 514 A Mariano Val........(0908)314-9441 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8875-2262
SJ .............................. (02)8721-0702 3434 Limbo Mkti .......... (0917)853-1770 Laser Gem Enterprise Le Alcantara Bookkeeping Services Legisforum Incorporated
La Liscota & Partners Company Lakewood Cool Industrial Corporation 1320 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8425-6427 Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)8241-4144 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8886-7868
1357 Paz Mla ................. (02)8781-0902 Antonino Bldg Mla .......... (02)8405-0286 Laser Pink Cyber Cafe Le Ching Too Lei Madz Travel Corporation
La Mere Poulard Lakewood School Of Alabang Incorporated 2241 A Luna PC ............. (02)8556-4865 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 1112 Pres E P Quirino Ave
172-173 Sm Aura Premier 21 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8550-2260 Lasercare Opthalmics Clinic SJ .............................. (02)8721-2179 Mla ............................ (02)8524-4477
Taguig......................(0917)580-0137 Lalamove Logistics 6750 Ayala Twr Mkti ...... (02)8894-3756 Le Colonial Asian Fusion Restaurant Lei Pearl International Incorporated
La Mija Spanish Italian Restaurant And Cafe Herco Ctr Mkti ................ (02)8888-5252 Lasercom Business Machine Trading Amvel Mansion Pque ...... (02)8820-9068 Noahs Ark Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-5191
34-16 Regalado QC ...... (0917)166-8868 Laleah Nail And Welness Spa 2038 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8563-5794 Le Donne Shoes Leica Store Philippines
La Pamilya Catering Services 133 Pio Valenzuela Val . (0951)318-1543 Lasergem Enterprise Sm City North QC ........... (02)8928-3888 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-5567
Damong Maliit Rd KC ... (0921)479-0174 Lam Heng Textile And Company 4233 Laredo Mkti ........... (02)8579-0894 Le Firenze Marketing And Management Leimarie Graphic Designing
La Parilla 769 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-8060 Lash Wishes Corporation 17 Int Lucas Psg .......... (0926)983-1485
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7792-2402 Lam Hua Bazar Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8551-6817 E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ... (02)8997-0812 Lejan Truck Part Center Inc
La Picara Manila 515 Quintin Paredes Mla (02)8242-9241 Lasik Surgery Inc Le Jean De Marithe Francois Girbaud Bonifacio QC .................. (02)8362-4050
Exch Stock Mkt Mall Lam Marketing Company Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-2745 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)7358-6555 Leksos Construction Services
Taguig......................(0927)172-4480 3 20th Ave QC ................ (02)3434-5307 Lasku Transport Le Kuky Nail Salon & Day Spa Ltd Co Mascardo QC ................. (02)8912-6798
La Primera Flower Shop Lam Tin Tea House 109 1st Ave Taguig ........ (02)8659-5278 Dusit Hotel Nikko Manila Grdn Lelita Hotel
1306 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8711-3328 Banawe QC .................... (02)8708-0990 Lassie & Laddie Boutique Mkti ........................... (02)8819-5176 1770 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8583-7602
La Purisima Concepcion Lambert Williams Logistics Incorporated Shoppesville SJ ............ (0917)875-1133 Le Lubricants Incorporated Lemada Logistics Services
20 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8281-8693 18 Miller QC ................... (02)8373-0113 Last Bottle By J & J Diner B32 L9 Jasmin LP .......... (02)8423-9560 Schilling Sreet QC.........(0965)220-0352
La Reina Lamean Shell Gas Station The Site Plz Mkna ......... (0917)505-0142 Le Petit Bizu Lembest Lechon
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8852-4729 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)3226-3331 Latasia Fusion Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8664-5904 2069 Paseo De Carlos Candido
La Resurreccion - Fabrica De Chocolate Lamp Post Steel Pole Manufacturing 21-A Daisy QC ............. (0928)999-9740 Val ............................. (02)8330-9089
Le Poise Salon & Spa Lemon Cleaners
654 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-9792 Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8985-6499 Latin Buddha Food Corporation P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0917)654-1997
La Rosa Flower Shop Lampcor Industrial Resources Inc Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8846-9998 Vito Cruz Taft Ave Mla .. (0945)317-6283
Le Price International Corporation Lemon Three Films
88 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8928-5359 Lampcor Bldg Munt ........ (02)8553-9860 Latitude 360 Logistics Incorporated Leeleng Bldg Mand ......... (02)8723-7767
La Rosa Pavilion Lamy Manufacturers Bldg Mla..(02)8735-7693 Chrysolite QC ............... (0915)416-2828
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Le Reussi Lemonade Bar And Laynam
293 Santolan Rd Val ....... (02)8292-1948 Latte Art Philippines Barista Gears And 808 Banawe QC ........... (0927)772-1188
La Sante Medical & Diagnostic Center Inc SJ ............................ (0945)974-0450 Apparels 31 Marikudo KC ........... (0956)516-7430
Lan Zhou La Mien Wnc Bldg Mla...............(0977)691-4262 Le Reve Pool Party Venue and Events Place Lemuria Gourmet
Aussie Twr Mla ............ (0999)221-6086 28 Sgt Esguerra QC ........ (02)8366-0227
La Sedia Furnitures And Interiors 818 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8559-9466 Lattice System Incorporated 5 Horseshoe Vill QC ..... (0927)428-4202
Lancaster New City Cavite Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8667-3152 Le Village The Lifestyle Food Park Lemuria Gourmet Restaurant
Robinsons Place Manila E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ... (02)7739-5803
Mla ............................ (02)8536-8063 7185 Urban Ave Mkti .... (0917)546-6457 Lau Hap 5 Julieta Circle QC ........ (0927)428-4202
Lancaster Shaw Condominium Corporation 1224-1226 C M Recto Ave Le' Cafeteria Len's Kitchen Food Order
La Sierra Trading And Garden Services Colegio De San Lorenzo
19 N Domingo SJ ......... (0932)924-4318 622 Shaw Lancaster Condmn Mla ............................ (02)8244-8220 Venezuela QC ............... (0917)106-5500
Mand ......................... (02)8532-1818 Laudencia Dental Clinic QC ........................... (0999)882-9841 Lenails 31 Matino QC ....... (0917)862-4577
La Suerte Garments Le' Tiza Hidden Paradise Beach Resort
1164 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8251-4678 Lance Neo Electrical Trading Incorporated Mayon Suki Mkt QC ........ (02)8731-2956 Lenalee Ivy King Dental Clinic
A Mendoza Mla .............. (02)8711-0401 Laughing Buddha Food Corporation Balay Hangin QC .......... (0919)605-8551 Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)3443-6849
La Suerte Intl Man Agency Incorporated Lead Core Technology System Incorporated
1636 F Agoncillo Mla......(02)8241-1579 Lance Pierre Enterprise 512 Gen M Malvar Mla ... (02)8522-7010 Lenclaire General Merchandise
3009 Aguilar Val.............(02)8352-2418 Laumel International Enterprises Prime 55 Rd 20 QC .................. (02)8352-2209 61 N Domingo SJ ........... (02)8632-1239
La Vida Verde Home Furnishing Corporation Lead Preschool
8183 Dr A Santos Ave Lancris Residences 505 Mabini Pierre Bldg Lendcircle Lending Corporation
Admin Bldg Pque............(02)8831-4884 Mla ............................ (02)8536-3617 134-B Bulusan Mand....(0917)581-5678 Zeta Bldg Mkti ................ (02)7219-3886
Pque .......................... (02)8403-6105
Land Management Bureau Launchspace Branding & Design Co Leadcap Corporation Lending Sang Hardware
La Vie En Rose 45 Jose Abad Santos SJ.(02)8632-7680
33 Holly Wood Square F R Estuar Bldg QC ......... (02)8480-0014 108 Benavidez Mkti ........ (02)8321-9634 661 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5277
QC ............................. (02)7503-9565 Landlite Designer Lightings Launderettes Corp Leadeana Group Leo's Organic Chicken
La Window Film Jose P Laurel Bldg Mla ... (02)8559-5363 2020 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8400-5044 Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8465-9237 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0906)656-6765
52B President Ave Pque . (02)8478-6570 Lansangan Restaurant Laundra Salon Leading International Recruitment Corp Leomo's Printing
La-Z-Boy Furniture 20 Sct Tuason QC .......... (02)3765-8966 50 Andrews Ave PC ..... (0935)810-6496 G E Antonio Bldg Mla....(0906)576-0018 264 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8893-9739
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8990-1703 Lanz Matthew Trucking Services Laundrafe & Co Leadway Cargo Logistics Inc Leon Limsico Commercial Incorporated
Laab Kitchenworks Incorporated 2531 Severino Reyes Kalayaan Ave Mkti ........ (0917)129-2877 World Trade Exch Bldg 408 Quintin Paredes Mla (02)8241-2844
The Infinity Taguig .......... (02)8478-6273 Mla ............................ (02)8252-5359 Laundry Best Mla .......................... (0933)811-2631 Leonides S Respicio Law Office
Lapcoflie Salon West Delta Bldg QC ........ (02)3415-9372 Leapout Digital Inc Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8533-2806
Labadear Laundry Shop
Earnshaw Mla .............. (0927)482-3962 307 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3411-8774 Laundry Depot Incorporated Agustin 1 Bldg Psg ......... (02)8290-9757 Leonings Pancit Palabok
Lapids Chicharon 447 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8533-4967 Leared Automatic Equipment Philippines 361 Quirino QC .............. (02)8362-4071
Labarya Do It Yourself Laundry
Miim Bldg Mkti ............. (0925)788-5222 1180 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)8724-0876 Laundrybest Enterprises Leony Diaz Salon
Lapt Eye Experts Optical 38C Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8403-7712 115 Ma Clara QC ............ (02)7950-6735 134 N Domingo QC ........ (02)3413-7225
Labayo's Catering Services Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-0315
37 Lopez QC ................ (0939)611-9773 Laundryworld Learnfast Review And Totorial Hub Leonys Printing Press
Laptop & Gizmo Exchange Incorporated 27 Nueva Vizcaya QC ... (0977)298-9912 Don Lorenzo Bldg Mla .... (02)8523-0475 1626 C M Recto Ave
Labelplus International Incorporated Nia Mansion PC ............. (02)8823-4629 Mla ............................ (02)8733-2709
295 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8332-1839 Laurence Myles B Fabros Eye Clinic Learning Enhancements For Asia Pacific
Laptop Factory 888 Twnhse SJ .............. (02)7576-7846 Mjs Ave Pque ................. (02)8776-5709 Leoparto Ceramics Incorporated
Labexpress Medical Laboratory P And S Bldg QC .......... (0917)886-3175 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8884-1925
262 Alabang Zapote Rd Laurentti International Incorporated Lec Steel Manufacturing Corporation
Laptop Pc Zone 86 9th Ave QC ................ (02)8913-9066 659 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8351-1111 Leorick Pc Center
LP .............................. (02)8801-4056 70-B Kamias Rd QC ..... (0917)366-4710
83-A Kamias Rd QC ....... (02)7358-9304 Laurice Bakery Lechon La Loma Ni Aling Nelia
Labomed Enterprises Laptop Trouble Shooters Lepanto Ceramics Incorporated
Pearl Theater Bldg Mla....(02)5313-6400 158 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)7576-1623 27 N S Amoranto Ave
696 Aurora QC ............... (02)8354-3836 Lavandera Ko Self-Service Laundromat QC ............................. (02)3411-6519 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8884-1106
Laboratory Of Computer Med Larcy's Cafe Lepex Mineral Resources Corporation
Southway Condmn Mkti . (02)8844-6828 Don Alfonso Sycip Condmn Led It Glow
176 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8478-2849 Mla ............................ (02)8525-3942 7 Dexter QC..................(0917)840-8877 Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8840-0595
Labrador And Labrador Cpa Larf Computer Center Lavendo Self Service Laundry Lepiten Auto Supply
1413 Batangas Mla ........ (02)8254-2167 Lederland Enterprise
Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8822-6669 5 Nueva Viscaya QC ..... (0932)855-8116 Pg Bldg QC .................... (02)8376-5364 83 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (0961)566-3257
Labrador Dental Clinic Largen Med Incorporated Lavish Bar & Restaurant Lerac Services
Luzon Ave QC ................ (02)3453-1544 Ledesco Development Corporation
Antel Global Corporate Ctr 1239 United Nations Ave Midland Mansion Mkti .... (02)8812-1289 Osmena Hwy Mkti .......... (02)8256-5406
Labserv Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8687-6320 Mla .......................... (0949)685-7762 Lerm Pizza & Pasta
38-A Esteban Mand ........ (02)8533-9991 Ledesma Audiological Center Incorporated 9 Pinaglabanan QC ....... (0915)308-4950
Larger Than Life Incorporated Lawi Footwear Makati Cinema Square
Labsky Pet Supplies 802 A S Arnaiz Ave Mkti . (02)8893-1378 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Lerre Marketing Incorporated
476 M De Santos Mla ... (0977)840-2332 Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1255
Largo Car Accessories SJ ............................ (0917)353-1333 959-L Ilaya Mla .............. (02)8245-0151
Labtalk Diagnostics Corp Ledlim Car Accessories
1077-1 Genesis QC ...... (0917)437-5850 Lawin Metal Artistry And Supplies Empire Ctre PC ............. (0915)616-5780 Les Aunor Meat Shop
Annex Medical Arts Bldg Larkd Enterprise Trucking Services Doroteo Jose Mla ........... (02)8374-0186 Farmer's Mkt QC.............(02)8510-0105
QC ............................. (02)3433-8796 Alley 3 Proj 6 QC .......... (0927)628-0692 Ledlites Systems Corporation Les Wash Laundry
Lawrence's Party Needs Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8823-2405
Lacanilao Construction And Development Larmine Paint Center 419 M L Quezon Rolex QC ...................... (0945)115-3145
Corporation 43 Kalayaan QC ............. (02)8441-0170 Taguig......................(0998)400-0509 Lee Commercial Equipment Incorporated Lesair Industrial Inc
63 Cbe Twnhms QC ....... (02)7757-0599 Laxare Day Spa Lcei Bldg Pque ............... (02)8851-8570 170 Calamba QC ............ (02)8749-6147
Larosama Development Group Incorporated
Lace Innovation Fashion Enterprises Eastwood Excelsior QC...(02)7625-4630 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8355-7717 Lee Designs Industries Incorporated Lesley Aluminum & Glass
Camia KC ....................... (02)8566-0967 Larrazabal Law Office Lay Bare Waxing Philippines Incorporated 663 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8352-8778 321-C Roosevelt Ave
Lacko Plastic Products Incorporated Bf Condmn Mla .............. (02)8708-9791 Citiplace Bldg SJ ............ (02)8726-6479 Lee Systems Technology Ventures QC ............................. (02)8371-5169
39 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ........ (02)8364-7328 Larrgo Securities Co Incorporated Lay Bare Waxing Salon 887B 8th Ave KC ............ (02)7238-5160 Leso Lighterage Incorporated
Lacoste Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8810-1183 Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8801-5327 Leeanne's Refrigeration And Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-7486
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7955-2208 Larrina Bridal Lazy Laundry Air-Conditioning Services Lesportsac
Lacoste Footware 21 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)3379-0397 Gen Malvar Ave QC ...... (0995)971-4884 Mrt Ave Taguig ............. (0977)336-6807 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7621-4102
Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8635-0744 Larry Aluning Dress Shop Lbr Airconditioning Services Leewell Canvas & General Merchandise Lester Farm Fresh Egg Store
Lacson Commercial And Industrial 1547 E Rodriguez Sr QC . (02)3410-3320 159 A Rd 8 QC ............... (02)7987-1156 838 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-1214 96 Session Rd QC ........ (0906)460-3527
Corporation Larry's Express Lc Design Studio Leeya Salon Let Face It
7 Kamias Rd QC.............(02)8921-7780 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8570-2355 200 Sto Domingo QC ... (0917)892-2206 One Metropolitan Place Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1894
Lad Building Lars Republic Lc Engineering Supply PC ........................... (0999)558-8827 Let's Thawc Pililia Mkti ..... (0917)536-6018
Lad Bldg Mal .................. (02)8425-2967 Sulatan Mand ............... (0925)880-2722 7721 Estrella Ave Mkti .. (0917)133-2272 Legacy Real Properties Incorporated Letsblumit Corporation
Lady Grace Lartizan Boulangerie Francaise Lc Manpower Expertise Corporation Xavier Hills Condo Twr 4 670 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)7621-4588
Congressional Cirle C Mall Ayala Malls The 30th Ramagi Bldg 2 Mla ......... (02)8353-3622 QC ............................. (02)8725-8300 Letterink Print Solutions Co
QC ............................. (02)8712-7719 Psg ............................ (02)7944-6941 Lc Salcedo Auto Repair Shop And Trading Legacy Trucks & Tractors 277 Sto Rosario Mand....(02)8654-9440
Lady Johanna Cellphone And Accesories Larventech Incorporated Marcos Alvarez LP ....... (0921)232-7543 Prestige Twr Condmn Levi Strauss Philippines Incorporated
St Francis Square Mall Net Cube Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8822-4123 Lc Star Power Ventures Incorporated Psg .......................... (0920)418-5828 Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-5526
Mand ......................... (02)8547-3229 Las Pinas Emergency Hospital Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall Legacy Unlimited Incorporated Levin Ace Geotechnical Services
Laetus Moon Spa Bernabe Cpd LP ............. (02)8873-1887 Mand ......................... (02)8531-3629 J P Rizal Mkna ............... (02)8948-4876 29-A Ruby Pque ............. (02)8828-6534
P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0927)914-0490 Las Pinas Integrated Districthospital Lcl Office And School Supplies Legaspi Industrial Supply Inc Levis
Lafayeete Lawrence Bros Corporation Bernabe Cpd LP ............. (02)8872-0509 1021 Dagupan Mla ....... (0922)909-4567 815-B Espeleta Manila....(02)8733-5709 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8255-4674
1978 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Las Pinas Municipality Barangay Zapote Lcmr Rice Trading Legaspi Realty Co Incorporated Levon Salon For Men & Women
QC ............................. (02)8723-3456 Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8871-1229 Casal Bldg QC .............. (0917)326-4025 Fortune Life Insurance Bldg Lakandula QC ............... (0928)714-8973
Lagalag Exploration Las Tres Marias Deliciosa Lasana Lcr Mini Vege Restaurant Mkti ........................... (02)8843-7980 Lexaron Marketing Incorporated
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8294-7145 102 F Blumentritt SJ ..... (0995)179-9074 739 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8241-0588 Legend Builders General Merchandise Joy QC ........................... (02)3418-4225
Lagos Del Sol Resort Hotel Inc Lasa Bistro Incorporated Lcsn Express Movers Incorporated Corporation Lexcode Incorporated
Aloha Hotel Mla .............. (02)8523-1830 The Commerce Ctr Munt (02)8551-4866 Bf Martinville Subd LP .... (02)8401-8138 Norberto Ty Mla ........... (0917)831-1632 6750 Office Twr Mkti ...... (02)8553-3861

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

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Lexgen Trading Light Arts Inc Linwood Realty Incorporated Lncs Trading Company Lorie Tire Supply
Csv Bldg QC ................. (0927)428-3855 1465-1467 Soler Mla ... (0917)537-4383 21 Congressional Ave 1-484 Jp Rizal Mkna ...... (02)8941-5697 2201- 2203 Tomas Mapua
Lexgran Incorporated Light At Play Enterprises QC ............................. (02)8926-2119 Lnk Aire Philippines Incorporated Mla .......................... (0927)483-2559
Eastwood Citywalk 2 QC.(02)8584-7903 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8584-9215 Lion Granite Construction Supply Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-8629 Loriem Legal Consulting
Lexmarx Courier Service Light Fix Cut Store 1077 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-3490 Loadcell Weighing Scale Trading 2210 Cityland Pasong Tamo
Munro Bldg Mand ........... (02)8532-9708 1540 Taft Ave Mla ........ (0917)525-2766 LionKing Industrial Corporation Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8893-8909
Lexon Enterprises Light Funeral Services 1117 J L Escoda Manila . (02)8522-3469 Baltazar KC .................. (0927)347-3464 Lorigen Trading & Services Incorporated
268 Rizal Ave Ext 21 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)3434-3697 Lionapex Equipment Phils Incorporated Loan Star Lending Group Corporation 1972 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8521-0954
Caloocan City ............. (02)7949-0180 Light Images Photography Electra Hse Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8813-3522 Carson Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8800-3475 Lorimar Publishing Co Incorporated
Lexton Commercial Mktg Corporation Gallery Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8844-2679 Lionchem Trading Lobien Realty Group 776 Boston QC...............(02)8725-0190
Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8856-7548 Light Master Manufacturing Corporation B1 L16 Matthew Pque .... (02)8807-4726 High South Corporate Plz Twr 1 Los Amigos & Sons Corporation
Lexxusa Salon And Spa 147 3rd St KC ................ (02)8359-8154 Liongco Electronics Taguig........................(02)8983-9311 Cluster Bldg 2 Mla .......... (02)8252-2122
273 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8437-3449 Light Options 731 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-2850 Loc&Stor 24/7 Inc Los Ricos Global Transport Inc
Lfa Construct Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8815-6237 Lions Presidents League 54 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Tektite Twr East Psg ....... (02)8637-3531
Mercedes Bldg Psg ........ (02)8238-2913 Light Source Trading Lions Pres Bldg QC ........ (02)8721-7748 Psg ............................ (02)8570-2561 Loscam Philippines Incorporated
Lfa Glass And Aluminum Services 1346 M Hizon Mla ........ (0946)588-4410 Liontaria Catering Services Local Edition Coffee And Tea 54 E Rodriguez Jr Psg .... (02)8671-8031
Mercedes Ave Psg ....... (0956)518-5167 Light Tutorial Services Mabini Psg ................... (0977)114-8166 116 Perea Mkti ............. (0905)444-8797 Lotus Asia Food Corporation
Lff Cargo Transport Services 1160 Manila Residences Bocobo Lipc Enterprises Locavore Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)3407-5510
4843 Fast Tract Ave Mla ............................ (02)8516-2053 102 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-4058 Forbes Town Ctr Taguig . (02)8776-8180 Lotus Garden Hotel Manila
Pque ........................ (0956)501-0737 Lighters Galore Liquid Bar Lockeport Global Incorporated 77 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8374-8354
Lg Arcangel Farmers Plz QC ............ (0923)689-5053 Manila Ocean Park Mla ... (02)8567-7777 10 Camachile Rd Mal ..... (02)8361-2726 Loudbox Studios Incorporated
88 7th St KC .................. (02)8361-3671 Lightitude Corp Liquor Depot Lockheed Industrial Machineries Opc The Gallery Bldg Mkti......(02)8403-9305
Lg Electronics 57 Don A Roces Ave 6 West Capitol Dr Psg .... (02)7215-4869 509B A Bonifacio Ave Louis Phillip Kee Salon
261 A Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)8893-1387 QC ........................... (0917)531-3132 Lite And Easy Diet Cafe QC ............................. (02)8283-1796 Grand Midori Mkti ........... (02)8553-4551
Lg2 Autostation Incorporated Lightscape Incorporated 164 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)837-0894 Lodipop Chicken Corner Louis Vuitton Philippines Incorporated
Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8990-2693 155 Dao Mkna ............... (02)8234-2697 Litlle Asia Incorporated 618 Palawan Mkti.........(0917)413-3438 The Enterprise Ctr Twr 1
Lgmn Designs Lightshop Incorporated The Venice Piazza Loft Detailsfurnishing Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8659-3549
930 Vicente G Cruz Mla .. (02)8516-2419 Feron Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8478-4804 Taguig........................(02)7798-0354 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-6374 Louise's Pet Store
Lgo Law Offices Lightvision Travel And Tours Lito Sy Photography Incorporated Logic Pacific Inc Bayes QC ..................... (0921)491-0934
1223 Casa Rafael Bldg 3 Masikhay Pat ............ (0928)688-5527 113-A Sct Fuentebella Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8635-7867 Louisiana Solarspa Enterprise
QC ............................. (02)3416-0596 Ligter Galore QC ........................... (0917)700-5001 Logistic Industrial Trading 116B San Francisco
Lgorithm Solutions Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)3487-2991 Litogo Company Incorporated 1429 Makata Mla ........... (02)8519-8258 Mand ......................... (02)8543-6007
One Filipino Bldg Mkti ... (0917)312-6202 Lili's Merchandise First Marcel Twr QC ........ (02)8742-2301 Logistify Lourdes T De Arroyo Incorporated
Lgs Housekeeping Services Ctc Bldg Mla .................. (02)8255-4551 Little Archers Learning Center 942 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)187-7502 Lta Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8817-6979
119 Pinatubo Mand ........ (02)7945-9833 Lilibeth M Pacampara Plumbing Services Selecta Kids Universe Logos Publications Inc Louvella Events
Lgv Trading Purple Mkna .... (02)8404-4964 B172 L28 Daisy KC ...... (0938)614-3327 PC ............................. (02)8659-8935 Catholic Trade Bldg Mla .. (02)8732-2736 112 One Oasis Hub Psg . (02)7212-1091
Lheetz Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Lilly Carpet Cleaning Services - Manila Little Brother's Keeper Learning Centre Inc Logwin Air + Ocean Philippines Louvers Pet Food Center
51 A Susano Rd QC ..... (0920)949-9753 One Oasis Condmn B10 L18 P3C Talangka Alley Incorporated Pelbel Bldg 1 Psg ........... (02)7738-9428
Lheeyans Pizza Psg .......................... (0935)303-5147 KC ............................. (02)8372-8313 Philcrest Cpd Munt ......... (02)8850-3039 Lovablecommerce.Com Corporation
Martinez QC ................. (0915)488-6848 Liloan's Fried Liempo Little Harvard Academy Loida's Mango Bsa Twintwr Mand ......... (02)8477-4446
Lhoopa Incorporated Pitx Pque......................(0917)638-9208 Spkr Perez QC ................ (02)7728-7210 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8837-7762 Love & Alice Co
Paragon Plz Mand ........ (0906)397-6197 Little House Milktea Loider Incorporated 11 Waling-Waling Rd
Lim Equipment International LP ............................ (0997)816-4577
Lhyn's Tailoring And Alteration Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti.(0956)453-3783 A Flores Psg.................(0967)318-0651 Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8899-1609
Little Mom's Donut Factory Lokalhostel Corporation Love Electronics
26 A Bonifacio Taguig .. (0977)847-1806 Limbo Bar & Art Gallery Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8931-7206
Li'l Big Kitchen Grand Hampton II Dollar QC ..................... (0945)427-0509 Agoho Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8890-0927
Taguig......................(0917)892-5864 Little Presidents Learning Palace Lokalride Skateshop Love Humbly Shop
Mayon QC .................... (0917)185-7726 B13 L25 Mt Sajama
Li'l Footprints Photography Limbooz Food Hub 1558 J P Laurel Mla ....... (02)8735-5757 41 Liberty Ave QC ........ (0995)918-8287
Little Teacup Spa Massage QC ........................... (0917)475-7008
Chimes Square Bldg Four M Square Bldg Parking Lola Berta's Lechon
QC ........................... (0927)333-3718 C5 Svc Rd Taguig ........ (0939)483-2484 Love2Bake Co
QC ........................... (0945)305-9791 22 F Imson Pat ............. (0908)485-1397 Fruition Bldg Pque ........ (0906)149-3013
Lia Weddings And Celebrations Limgochuaong (Lgco) Enterprises Corp Little Town School & Office Supply Lola Idang's Bahay Pancitan
1668 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8740-0063 Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8772-4218 Lovely Balloons & Party Needs Catering
West Ave QC ................ (0917)578-1783 54 Examiner Rd QC ........ (02)8332-6947
Little Way Flower Shop Services
Lian's Kai Limitless Car Wash Lola Mamang's Catering Services 8230 Yabut Mkti ............. (02)7000-5383
Juan Luna Mla..............(0917)945-4524 20th Ave QC ................. (0927)123-4567 20 Newport Blvd PC ..... (0917)651-5859 1 Papaya LP...................(02)7946-1078
Littlepuffs Event Styling Lovin My Bags
Liansing Lu Dental Clinic Limjap Limjap & Company Lola Nena's Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8556-6746
356 Lavezares Mla ......... (02)8241-4909 Bojor Bali Oasis Mla ..... (0917)423-2018 Kaingin Rd QC .............. (0995)788-8017 287 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8925-4623
Litz V Photo-Video Studio Loyalty Trading
Liberty Investigation And Security Agency Limkaco Industries Incorporated Lola Seseng Kainan 782 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-6260
Inc 168 Ignacio PC .............. (02)8551-7269 W T Bldg Mkti .............. (0920)763-7955 842 Tayuman Mla .......... (02)8252-8850
Live Ph Rcc Ctr Psg ........... (02)8506-6548 Loyola Education Systems Incorporated
Eleongsing Bldg KC ........ (02)8364-0165 Limketkai Development Corporation Lola Sisa's Kusina Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8818-3803
Liberty Marble & Granite Incorporated Limketkai Bldg SJ ........... (02)8721-4403 Living Inovation Camella Homes 1 Munt .. (02)8845-2508
Fort Victoria Twr Taguig..(02)8734-3243 Loyola Heights Student Center
3604B Davila Mkti .......... (02)8890-7923 Limmaco Trading Lolah Neh Bulaluhan Torres Bldg QC ............... (02)8929-9283
Liberty Multi-Utilities Corporation 3308 Magaraullo Mla....(0917)650-8119 Living Light Academy Incorporated Cash And Carry Mall
Angel Munt.....................(02)8862-4673 Loyola Plans Incorporated
671 Florentino Torres Limson Marketing Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8534-3812 Makati Executive Ctr
Mla ............................ (02)8733-3409 235-B Libertad PC .......... (02)8831-9339 Livington Merchandising Lolicarz General Merchandise Mkti ........................... (02)8817-3354
Libiran Arch Associates Incorporated Limuel Packaging And Industrial Sales 2231 Severino Reyes 62-A Pablo Val ............... (02)8351-3247 Loza Builders Design And Construction
Pb Dionisio Bldg QC ....... (02)8376-5201 305 10th St KC .............. (02)8361-3258 Mla ............................ (02)8254-1619 Lolila's Deli Lilac Mkna ..................... (02)7587-9451
Lica Management Incorporated Lincolnshire Internationale Preschool Lixiero Hauling 181 20th Ave QC .......... (0966)633-3951 Lozano's Furniture
Bmw Bldg Munt ............. (02)8403-8426 Gold Loop Twr Psg.........(02)8687-4360 Dna Nicasia Subd QC ..... (02)8983-9733 Lolo Dad's Pizza 117 Don Benito KC ....... (0908)339-1594
Lichel Technologies Incorporated Linde Philippines Incorporated Liya Averie Graphic Printing Services 816 Valencia Mla..........(0916)624-7869 Lozatech Ibm Bldg QC ........ (02)3437-1447
Prestige Twr Condmn 930 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8351-2741 39 A Sta Monica QC ....... (02)7750-4804 Lom Key Specialist Lozatech360 Philippines
Psg ............................ (02)8633-0094 Linden Teak Furniture Corporation Lizanne's Jewelry Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ppl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8524-7708
Licorne Incorporated Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)3413-7378 Glorietta 1 Mkti ............... (02)8813-2429 SJ .............................. (02)8723-1697
Lpaala Store
7829 Antel Spa Suites Linea Architects Co Lizs Stationery Lomi Haus Batangas Lomi And Pancit 101 P Parada SJ ............ (02)8631-9373
Mkti ........................... (02)8877-0320 L11 B18 5th St Pque .... (0917)155-7063 1123 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8525-4041 455 M L Quezon
Taguig......................(0949)500-5111 Lpbpascual Construction Services
Lidd Konstruk Incorporated Lineaire Marketing Lizzie's Boutique Townes Inc Mkti ............. (02)8808-9964
Raffles Business Ctr Psg (02)8631-7102 15 Arty Rd QC ................ (02)8939-1885 1616 Bato Bato QC ...... (0917)676-3632 Lomondot Enterprises Lpc
Lidman Enterprises Linear Dynamics Graphics Incorporated Lj1 Coco Lumber & Construction Supply San Diago Bldg Mla ........ (02)8256-4901 Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Imm Bldg KC .................. (02)8355-3919 73 Matutum QC .............. (02)8921-1355 Sampaguita KC ............ (0919)983-7971 London & Pacific Realty Psg .......................... (0930)982-6348
Lido Cocina Tsina Linelab Architect + Engineer Ljc Equities Incorporated T Arcenas LP ................. (02)8873-1191 Lra Dried Fish
35 Dna Soledad Ave Sorrel Residences Sociego 1900 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8354-7439 London Industrial Products Incorporated 189 Kalakal Sr Mla ......... (02)8708-6529
Pque .......................... (02)8296-0920 Mla .......................... (0917)502-5128 Ljc Group Of Companies 65 Obudan QC ............... (02)8364-5373 Lrc World Trade Corporation
Life Bidet Don Jose QC ....... (02)8370-5587 Linens International 1911 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8526-4393 Long Island Pizza Pasta Dessert Kundiman QC ................. (02)8371-7556
Life Cycle Shop B2 L15 Rmt Industrial Cplx Ljc Restaurants Incorporated Osmena Ave QC ........... (0915)937-0839 Lroamar Construction Trading
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Munt .......................... (02)8862-0077 1911 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8400-5715 Longevity And Lifestyle Clinic 572 Senator Neptali Gonzales
SJ .............................. (02)8721-9473 Lingaro Philippines Incorporated Ljj Flower Shop Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7945-7130 Mand ....................... (0917)516-5802
Life Glass Aluminum Twr 2 Enterprise Ctr 143 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8273-3634 Longlife Enterprises Lrpa Marketing
41D Kamias QC..............(02)3435-3472 Mkti ........................... (02)8849-3912 Ljm Engineering Services 137-139 N Domingo SJ..(02)8724-4676 Armstong Pque .............. (02)8785-5255
Life Gospel Church Incorporation Lingkod Bayan Pawnshop Co Incorporated 8 Orchid Val ................. (0937)225-6052 Longridge Contruction Incorporated Lsa Printing Press Incorporated
9 Masikap QC ................ (02)8921-2027 237 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-3322 Lke Enterprises 2165 Anonas Mla ........... (02)8708-8424 888 Edsa Hwy Hills
Life Source Enterprises Linis Labandero-Muntinlupa 26 Tandang Sora QC ...... (02)8454-3977 Lonsdale Motors & Merchandise Mand ......................... (02)8683-0244
Villa Hermano III QC ....... (02)8515-3983 37 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-9789 Lky Group Of Companies Mcarthur Hwy Val ........... (02)8291-6874 Lsg Logistics Philippines
Life Transport Services Inc Link Swagan Hotel Mla .......... (02)8536-1111 Looptech Corporation 1100 Kamias Rd QC ..... (0915)894-3344
Life Transport Services Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8332-1510 Llanes Farm Roces Ctre Bldg QC........(02)3412-9369 Lsi Leading Technologies Incorporated
Mkna ....................... (0906)281-5454 Link Boutique Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7738-0603 Lopez Law Office 4842 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8713-0476
Lifelinks International Resources Inc Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8376-0539 Lln Products & Services Corporation Margarita Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8890-7172 Lso Realty
7457 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)7798-1111 Link Business 106 Sta Monica Val ........ (02)8292-4766 Lopez Lucio Cityland Vito Cruz Twr 1
Lifemate Fresh Mineral Water Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7900-8000 Lm Cereal Corporation 863 C Planas Mla ........... (02)8243-2054 Mla ............................ (02)7738-8980
62 Katipunan   Mkna ... (02)8994-8849 Link Plus Com Incorporated 1559 Dagupan Mla ......... (02)8252-6899 Lopez System International Traders Lt Dental Gem Corporation
Lifesure Enterprises Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8723-6376 Lm Isdn Inc 1651 M Guanzon Mla ..... (02)8241-2673 Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-2785
100 Century 20th Ave Linkage First Ventures Inc Isnd Bldg QC .................. (02)8743-9383 Loqui's Place Lt Group Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)7968-9788 52 Don Antonio Heights Lmb Grocery 83 Zabarte Rd QC ......... (0917)634-6954 Bench Bldg Taguig ......... (02)8478-8559
Lifetime Hardware Quezon City................(02)8931-8865 605 Sta Elena Mla .......... (02)7978-0266 Lorac Trading Corporation LT Steel Center Inc
3427 R Magsaysay Blvd Linkage First Ventures Incorporated Lmc Sea Air Services Incorporated 239 West San Jose QC...(02)7753-3724 Park Tower Manila..........(02)8733-8810
Mla ............................ (02)8714-0435 67 Don Matias QC .......... (02)8931-8865 Metropolitan Twr Mla......(02)8405-0239 Lordman Leathercraft Guns And Ammo Ltc Beauty Accessories
Lift Tech Hardware Corporation Linksports Inc Lmg Gb5 Food Ventures Incorporated A Bonifacio Ave Mkna .... (02)8948-8466 1158 Soler Mla...............(02)8708-6095
1167-C Balintawak Mla .. (02)8252-8869 105 New Society Psg ..... (02)7500-7559 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0886 Lorean Steel Construction Corporation Ltc Korean Parts Center Incorporated
Lifter Sales Incorporated Linluvart Design Shop Lmi Express Delivery Incorporated Parc Hse Bldg Mand ....... (02)8724-7632 185 Banawe QC ............. (02)8254-4334
86 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8361-6326 Bagumbong KC ............ (0943)289-1081 Country Space 1 Bldg Loreign Enterprises Lub D
Ligalas Customs Brokerage Corporation Linsenn Trading Mkti ........................... (02)8892-4439 Recto QC ....................... (02)8425-3597 7820 Makati Ave Mkti ... (0915)546-3309
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8241-1511 L26B B42 Gen Ordonez Lms Industries Lorenzo Lubchem Diversified Incorporated
Light And White Dermatology And Dental Mkna ......................... (02)8948-8463 247 De Guzman Val........(02)8292-9874 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-9817 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8633-8305
Clinic Linton Incorporated Lna Management Group Corporation Lorenzo C Reyes Laboratory I Lubecore Philippines Incorporated
Solen Bldg Psg ............. (0908)814-6954 Park Tower Manila..........(02)8733-8800 Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8354-5434 65 Mayon QC ................. (02)8740-6826 Cw Home Depot Mkti......(02)8423-9157

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:43 2022 - P62

63 S C M Y K


Lucas Well Drilling And Water Supply Lulu Preschool Lynsanity Pastries M2 0 Communications Inc Madeca
20 J P Rizal KC .............. (02)8287-2437 4 J P Laurel Sr Mkna .... (0917)651-9018 219 Makaturing QC ...... (0939)909-8840 94 Sct Castor QC ........... (02)8332-0131 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8234-5233
Luce Mercato Ads Corporation Lulu's Pet Station Lynx Vision M8S Enterprises Madel Auto Electrical Motor Rewinding
Cb Bldg LP ..................... (02)8697-9807 2454 Science Psg ........ (0926)252-2003 Waltermart-Edsa QC ....... (02)8332-1093 B19 L13 Dalagang Bukid San Antonio Ave Pque .. (0906)566-4460
Lucent Technologies Incorporated Lumgar Security Services Incorporated Lynx-Nia Medica Incorporated Mal .......................... (0917)873-2826 Madge's Crumpets Cookies & Confections
6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8884-8888 S & A Bldg QC................(02)7901-1613 1033 Kabatuhan QC ....... (02)8983-9565 Ma Del's Cuisine Catering & Food Services Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)285-9309
Lucille Carlos Garments Incorporated Lumi Nox Lyric 48C Dr Pilapil Psg ........ (0998)976-5001 Madie's Bike Shop
Rci Bldg Mkti..................(02)8893-4504 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-0839 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-2803 Ma Maison 2 Daffodil Val................(0995)109-7549
Lucille Enterprises Lumina Concepts Lighting Lys Hardware And Industrial Sales Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9121 Madikenz Fried Chicken
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 165 Granada QC...........(0917)580-6636 Incorporated Maabilidad Incorporated 27 Grant QC ................. (0968)327-3855
SJ .............................. (02)8721-8848 Lumina Skin Center Incorporated 1181 C M Recto Ave P Santos PC ................... (02)8852-9208 Madison Auto Performance Center
Lucille's Bakeshop Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8695-9850 Mla ............................ (02)8252-9587 Maagir Farm Corporation 30 M Banawe QC ........... (02)8732-8630
163 M Holy Family Luminaire Printing And Publishing Lzc Holdings Incorporated Ermita Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8354-5988 Madison Hotel
Taguig......................(0917)140-8890 Corporation Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8894-5618 Maani Development Corporation 1 Madison QC ................ (02)8723-1111
Lucita's Buffet And Grill 8333 Dr A Santos Ave Lágrima Mariwasa Bldg QC .......... (02)8721-2042 Madison Retailers Incoprorated
Alabang Zapote Rd LP .. (0923)537-2048 Pque .......................... (02)8820-0385 8488 Trabajo Mkti ........ (0917)895-4157 Maartsy Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0073
Lucky 101 School And Office Supplies Luminance Trading State Condmn 1 Mkti .... (0917)586-1785 Madtracks Auto Center
635 M D Santos Mla.....(0927)364-8451 6071 Tatalon Val ............ (02)8779-7628 Maax's Kiychen Incorporated 147 Sto Domingo QC ... (0917)152-1987
Lucky 3 Machine Shop
100-B Kitanlad QC..........(02)8749-6971
Luminasystem Incorporated
28 Bukidnon QC ............. (02)8952-9478 M Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-5387
Mabces Aire Marketing Incorporated
Maecro Corporation
117 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)3456-7456
Lucky 3 Tours Luminisce Skin & Laser Clinic 1404 Narra Mla ............ (0927)456-4772 Maevela Writing Services
Golden Valley Subd Mercury Drug Bldg M & E Events Place Mabels Flower Shop 1875 Velasquez Mla ..... (0977)788-7253
Mkna ....................... (0917)837-0764 Taguig........................(02)8511-8500 30 E Ragas Pat ............ (0963)633-4981 Jade Garden Of Memories Mafia Beauty Salon
Lucky 9 Laundry Houses Luminox M & G Global Ads Incorporated Pat ............................. (02)8642-3791 A Bonifacio Ave Taguig.(0935)446-1458
P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0916)707-6318 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8831-1530 451 Calbayog Mand ....... (02)8534-6242 Mabuhay Fashion Gallery Mafs Delivery
Lucky Avenue Enterprises Lumion Philippines M & L Printing Station 588 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7588 39-Q Pugad Lawin Dr
Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0921)455-5420 City & Land Megaplaza 76 Airforce Rd QC .......... (02)8961-3172 Mabuhay Glass Supply QC ........................... (0917)468-8289
Lucky Bicycle Psg ............................ (02)8696-9110 M & O Trucking Services 237 Samson Rd KC........(02)8364-1970 Magallanes Publishing House Inc
2130-2132 Avenida Mla . (02)8711-1217 Lunar Steel Corporation 134 Fort Santiago QC ... (0917)607-1910 Mabuhay Korea Tour 1425 J Fajardo Mla ........ (02)8781-3423
Lucky Bread Bakeshop One Pacific Place Mkti .... (02)8733-3227 M - Team Labels Incorporated Chateau De Baie Condo Magcamit Dental Care Clinic
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)221-7675 Lunarmed Pharma Trading Dizon Mal ....................... (02)8355-3028 Pque .......................... (02)8869-1218 190-C N Domingo SJ ..... (02)8664-9120
Lucky Brothers Fabrications St Joseph Mkna ............. (02)7217-7975 M A W Builders And Construction Supply Mac Diner By Kape Barredo Magellan Overseas Corporation
118 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)7792-0559 Lunarx Led Lighting Philippines Km 16 Ortigas Ave Ext 26B Gov Pascual Ave Grayline Ventures Bldg
Lucky Chance Internet Cafe P&S Bldg QC .................. (02)8570-6592 Psg ............................ (02)7501-4197 Mal ............................ (02)8374-5323 Mand ......................... (02)8477-9510
Ascension QC .............. (0929)565-7827 Lunchbox Diet M And W Distributing Company Mac J Pest Control Services Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc
Lucky Charm Chinese Drugstore 100-A Sct Lozano QC ... (0917)809-3196 14 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8242-9917 30 Sto Tomas QC ........... (02)7369-3904 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8651-6772
810 Salazar Mla ............. (02)8535-6230 Lush M C Bernardo Incorporated Mac Tycoon Medical Depot Magflux Engineering Services
Lucky Dragon Construction+Design Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4142 20D Brixton Tech KC ...... (02)8362-1093 1560 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8241-6207 819 M Naval Nav .......... (0995)521-8522
37 Seattle QC ............... (0918)911-0808 Lush Corporation M C K Furniture Center Mac's Deli By Mac Grace Food Products Magic Aire Industries Incorporated
Lucky Dragon Pearl Milk Tea Robinsons Place Manila 3000 Rizal Ave Ext Mla . (0932)608-7950 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7211-5355 567 Gonzago Puyat Mla . (02)8733-6448
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Mla .......................... (0922)837-8827 M C Manalo Food Enterprise Mac-Nels Line Inc Magic Clean Laundry Shop
Pque ........................ (0942)381-1381 Lustre Drugstore 298 Banawe Ave QC.....(0915)775-0128 Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8843-4424 70 Cepeda Mkna .......... (0935)496-7430
Lucky Eight Maritime Services 2 Congressional Ave QC . (02)8927-4614 M C T Siphoning Septic Tank Excavation Mac-R Motors Efi System Incorporated Magic Taste Water Station
Pstc Bldg Mla ............... (0916)627-2986 Lutong Bicol Plumbing Service & Pozo Negro Motortown Munt.............(02)8772-3748 Ggm Bldg LP .................. (02)8800-3991
Lucky Gold Development Incorporated 54 20th Ave QC ............ (0929)777-7912 Masaya KC...................(0916)963-9360 Macbeth Philippines Magic Touch Beauty Center
58 Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ... (02)8470-0507 Lux Lights M C Tire Supply 51 Aragon QC .............. (0918)628-3762 Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0932)700-2414
Lucky Jhauling 18 Greenview Ave QC ... (0917)847-3961 8203 Dr A Santos Ave Macdesign Home System Maginhawash Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Gen A Luna Mla............(0995)590-9099 Lux Master Ledlight Center Pque .......................... (02)8825-3417 1360 Soler Mla...............(02)7210-1111 97A Maginhawa QC......(0917)314-8635
Lucky Lou 627 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8735-9380 M D Juan Enterprises Incorporated Macdoutan Enterprises Magitek Industrial Inspection Services
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Luxe Light General Merchandise 2 Susano Rd KC ............. (02)8961-0033 145 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-8280 Anahaw QC .................. (0917)202-0554
QC ............................. (02)8421-1618 1205 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8708-5917 Magkaisa Builders And Industrial
M D Tambungui Specialist Incorporated Maceda Eye Care Clinic
Lucky Pinky Charm Nail Spa 18 Wacat QC..................(02)8740-0639 27 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8564-0325 Corporation
1141 Del Monte Ave Luxen Lighting And Electrical Company
1468 Soler Mla...............(02)8734-1683 M De Guzman Hauling Services Mach Tools Incorporated 84 Tandang Sora QC ...... (02)7756-5780
QC ........................... (0927)896-4892
Luxen Lighting Company 151 Bonifacio QC ........... (02)8952-7439 189 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8363-0159 Magma Indl Sales Corp
Lucky Print 202 Cordero KC ............. (02)8361-5214
1958 Jose Abad Santos Ave Cw Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8633-5673 M De Leon Incorporated Machiavelli Chocolatier
Mla ............................ (02)7587-1192 Luxenberg Marketing Incorporated 6 St Peter QC ................. (02)8724-2584 Rustan's Makati Mkti ...... (02)3483-9854 Magna Vision
Lucky R Manpower Services 13 Bustamante Mal ........ (02)8351-2596 M Diaz Curtains And Sofa Covers Machine Lab Technology Incorporated Eastwood Eastwood Mall
307 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8547-6284 Luxenest Nail Spa Pamilihang Bayan QC ... (0915)197-3433 305A M Asistio Sr Ave QC ........................... (0933)125-7995
321 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0916)215-5847 M E Herrera Dental Clinic KC ............................. (02)8362-8236 Magnacycle Sales Corporation
Lucky Resto Food Corporation
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8475-5154 Luxent Hotel 875 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)847-3031 Machinelab Technology Incorporated Lucky Fortune Bldg QC ... (02)8952-4433
51 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8863-7777 M Enriquez Art Supply Incorporated 305 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8365-7291 Magnate Food And Drinks Inc
Lucky Seven Gold Star Incorporated
The Podium Mand .......... (02)7914-1028 Luxicore Lighting Enterprise 490 Gregorio Araneta Ave Machuca Tile 165 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8365-7814
749 Nueve De Febrero QC ............................. (02)8711-5160 J & J Condmn Mla..........(02)8735-1797 Magnatek Ac Dc Motor Rewinding
Lucky Sun 10th Ave KC ...... (02)8362-8951
Mand ......................... (02)8531-1648 M F Reston Realty Macie's Internet Cafe And Printing Specialist
Lucky Travel Corporation 30 St Charles LP .......... (0932)130-4502
Allied Bank Ctr Mkti ........ (02)8815-4620 Luxtime Incorporated Bldg 0911 QC .............. (0956)977-9573 61 Roosevelt Ave QC......(02)8371-5431
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8926-3935 M G Oralcare Dental Clinic Macintel Incorporated-Istudio Magnaye Electrical Services
Luckyah Incorporated One Shangri-La Place
City Place Residence Luxuria Nail & Beauty Lounge Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall 1716 Remegio Mla ......... (02)8734-3019
321 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0966)903-8056 Mand ......................... (02)8638-3131 Mand ......................... (02)8706-7587 Magnet Philippines
Mla ............................ (02)8253-2160
Luxury Freight And Global Logistics M G Tanlimco Company Mackay Green Energy B52 L16 Pili QC..............(02)8897-2898
Luckynorth Tire And Wheels Center 1146 A Lorenzo Jr Mla ... (02)8242-4275
25 Visayas Ave Ext QC . (0917)678-8000 Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8478-2601 Highstreet South Corporate Plz Magnetron Builders
Luxury Manila M I M J General Merchandise Taguig........................(02)8878-0750 1456 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8425-5967
Lucrum Enterprises Corporation
Culmat Bldg QC ............ (0917)899-0654 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Norzagaray Mla .............. (02)8512-5546 Mackee Party Needs & Party Favors Magnificat Apparels Corp
Mkna ......................... (02)8701-0765 M J Auto Repair Shop 511 Cementina PC ......... (02)8889-6527 M Delos Reyes Val ......... (02)7344-5123
Lufu Design Centre
450 Tomas Pinpin Mla ... (02)8242-0366 Luxury Unltd Singalog Mla .................. (02)8516-2001 Macko Roofing Magnitude Wellness Spa
Lugang Cafe Qq Mall Mla .................. (0947)990-1594 M L A Scaffolding Rental 204 Gloria Diaz LP ....... (0917)813-4100 180 Rd 20 QC .............. (0956)529-7796
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-8725 Luys Sec Co Incorporated B92 L9 Sb Loop Asension  Ave Macoda Logistics Incorporated Magnum Air/Skyjet Air
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8634-5176 QC ........................... (0917)802-1752 Pearl Of The Orient Twr Aseana One Twr Pque .... (02)7910-8801
Luis Port Bar And Restaurant
Community Pwesto Mall Luzon Cisco Transport Incorporated M M Reyes Enterprises Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8354-4752 Magnus Events Inc
QC ........................... (0915)829-5190 100 Mirasol QC .............. (02)8355-4515 949 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8441-4771 Macondray Industrial Agro Corporation 160 Edsa QC .................. (02)8373-1729
Lukban Auto Supply Luzon Convention Of Sbc Incorporated M Mendoza Optical Clinic Veterans Rd Taguig ........ (02)8838-9159 Mago Lifting Machinery Inc
60 Bayan Bayan Ave 24 Kanlaon QC ............... (02)8741-1312 Santi Josef Bldg Mal ....... (02)3446-3797 Macor Travel & Tours Philippines 1205 Tomas Mapua Mla.(02)8731-3058
Mkna ......................... (02)8941-3410 Luzon Dry Goods Company M S Brains International Manpower Macor Bldg 2 PC ............ (02)8851-1587 Magpikit Resouces Incorporated
Lukkas Barbers Gotauco Bldg Mla ........... (02)8242-4419 Services Inc Macro Construction Equipment 172 A Bonifacio Ave
14 Cuasay Taguig ........ (0969)973-1221 Luzon Foundry Inc M H Del Pilar Mla ........... (02)8522-5994 73 Apo QC ................... (0917)525-9312 Mkna ......................... (02)8655-3904
Lulu Pineda Salon 8 Hernandez M S De Leon Pharmacy Macro Machinery And Industrial Supply Magsaysay Human Language Institute
Commodore Bldg QC....(0908)748-4137 Quezon City................(02)8374-3668 Hermanos Bldg Pque ...... (02)8552-1600 Corporation 1010 A Mabini Mla ....... (0928)363-1531
Luzon Ram Cycles M S Sumang Dental Clinic Rp Mendoza Bldg Pque .. (02)8511-7797 Magsi Builders Inc
525 Mc Arthur Hwy Val (0998)594-1494 1047 Dagupan Mla ......... (02)8775-6842 Macro Marketing 1405 Sto Sepulco Mla .. (0917)825-8893
Whatever you need, it’s all Luzvimin Employment Agency Incorporated M Salvador Funeral Services 652 Gil J Puyat Ave Mla . (02)8733-1796 Magtec Printing Services
Jennifer Bldg PC ............. (02)8831-1188 Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0926)481-1995 Macro Paper Products Incorporated 1216 B Lardizabal Mla .. (0906)381-7585
here in The Yellow Pages. Lvg Language Tutorial Center M T Buendia Trading And Services 17 F Alarcon Val ............. (02)8871-7696 Magustronic General Merchandise
The Symphony Twr 1 22 Wisdom QC...............(02)8441-0144 Macro Vincent Co Incorporated Sales Mla ..................... (0998)446-6379
QC ........................... (0917)364-8074 M U H Giftshop Center Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8813-6329 Mahogany Farm Events Place
Lydia's Lechon Carol QC.....(02)8922-7428 130 C Palanca Sr Mla ..... (02)8734-0577 Macrue Autospa & Detailing Sampaguita Taguig.......(0915)881-8304
Lyf Center Medical Spa M&A Burger And Sandwiches Karen Ave Val ............... (0927)504-5450 Mai Wellness Spa
Torre Venezia Suites Maj Marcos QC ............ (0921)547-8537 Macs Air-Conditioning Services Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0942)650-5348
Don’t leave home without QC ........................... (0916)830-8551 M&A Event Management & Party Needs Solare Coml Bldg Psg ..... (02)8542-8236 Maibarara Geothermal Incorporated
Lyf Vaccination And Medical Services 62F Balingasa QC ......... (0908)305-1761 Mactycoon Marketing Incorporated Jmt Corporate Condmn
12B Ninoy Aquino Ave M&D Milano & Design 1540 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-6154 Psg ............................ (02)8631-1194
looking at The Yellow Pages Pque .......................... (02)8852-2827 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-4064 Macuha Art Gallery Maibhe Trading
Lyfe Bowls M&M Udiong Trucking Services 3210 Antonio H Ozaete Ph6 R Tirona East Pque .. (02)8807-8339
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)838-2507 Novaliches QC..............(0956)633-3950 Pque ........................ (0917)897-5698 Maid For You Cleaning Services
first. Look it up under our Lyfe Marketing Synergy Incorporated M&N Mini Mart Macv Foodhouse/Kumpares Recuerdo Twrs Mla ...... (0945)889-0338
Summit One Office Twr 11 Lands Dale Arcade Plaza San Antonio Pque .. (02)8887-6015 Maidprovider.Ph
Mand ......................... (02)8532-0584 QC ........................... (0920)292-0903 Mad Lollipop Tattoos Leveriza PC .................... (02)8405-0000
Buyer’s Guides. It will save Lyn's Accessories & Fashion M&R Thrift Shop A4-5E California Gardens Square Maier
669 Adriatico Mla ......... (0908)271-8443 Simeon Cruz Mand ....... (0945)255-7960 Mand ....................... (0917)857-6921 1864 Ortigas Ave Ext
Lynber Homecare Services M-Erge Talent And Casting Agency & Madam Ni Boss Diner Psg ............................ (02)8231-1278
you valuable time, money 96 Estacio Cpd Pat ......... (02)8656-6853 Brandzone Incorporated 10 Diego Silang QC ...... (0915)583-9613 Maila Hjr Mktg Corporation
Lynmar Business Agency Incorporated 5388 Curie Mkti..............(02)7618-3979 Made In Candy Padas Alley KC ............... (02)8288-5129
and energy. Senor Ivan De Palacio M-Oa Printing Services Alabang Town Ctr Mailliw Food Coroporation
QC ............................. (02)8361-4969 19 Gov Licaros LP..........(02)8839-0959 Munt ........................ (0918)466-4395 Don Faustino QC ............ (02)8932-3911

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

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64 S C M Y K


Mailliw Lending Corporation Makinis Skin Spa Incorporated Mamagenieslove Food And Beverages Manila Nature's Link Corporation Mapua Multi Sales Corporation
Quadrillion Mansion SJ ... (02)8571-4535 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8921-5868 Solutions Amberland Plz Condmn 855 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8711-8001
Makisushi Japanese Restaurant 1405 Latorre Mla..........(0999)458-8522 Psg ............................ (02)8687-5291 Mar Auto Repair Shop
MAIN HARDWARE INC 160 Panay Ave QC ....... (0917)593-0026 Mamaril Arca And Associates Manila Optical Supplies Trading Lacson Ave Mla ........... (0921)333-1376
See Lstg under Hardware Emerald Bldg Mla ............ (0915)435755
Makita Tools Center Incorporated Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8812-8034 Mar Delas Armas Construction Supply
See Lstg under Locks 315-317 Dasmarinas 16 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Mamgers Food Supply Manila Plastics Incorporated
739 T Alonzo Mla ............................ (02)8243-1159 95 13th St QC .............. (0917)802-4962 9-C Miller QC ................. (02)8913-7263 Psg ............................ (02)8645-1069
Makron Builders Mamins Tapsilogan Manila Plumbing Services Mar-Grace Machine Shop
Manila.....(02)8733-2616 Parian Coml Cplx QC .... (0998)999-9711 P Ocampo Mla ............. (0939)658-7642 10 K6th QC .................... (02)8543-4904 265 J P Ramoy KC ......... (02)8442-7194
MAIN HARDWARE INC Malabanan Pozo Negro
Mocking Bird QC ............ (02)8560-4970
Mamou Manila Precious Moments Lifestyle Maranaw Hotels And Resort Corporation
599 P Ocampo Sr Mla .... (02)8528-8888
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7909-5741 Corporation
Malabon Delicatessen Incorporated Mamou's Chicken 95 Senator Gil Puyat Ave Marby Foods Ventures Corporation
MAIN 49 Apo Mand ................. (02)8922-7246 2234 Tramo PC............(0947)410-9591 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-5252 6 Buenviaje Mand ........... (02)8532-5248
Marc Jacobs Collection
See Adv under Diesel Service
Man Barbers
Burgundy Transpacific Place
Manila Ship Management And Manning
Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9607
WARE Dagat-Dagatan Ave
Mla .......................... (0917)315-3973
Man Great Security Agency Corporation
Princess Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8892-4071
Manila Steam Laundry And Drycleaners
Marc Maids Manpower Agency
Pgrc Bldg Mkti..............(0915)745-8350
INC Caloocan La Azalea Bldg Pque ....... (02)8825-9767
Man's Best Friend Veterinary Clinic
Metro Pointe Ctr SJ ...... (0917)802-8002
Manila Symphonic Orchestra Music
Marc Mervin Trading
Road 15 KC ................. (0977)125-5860
739 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-2616 City ......... (02)8288-6734 684 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8997-0054 Academy Marc Ruiz Studio
Manahan Hardware Glorietta 5 Mkti ............... (02)8835-7414 48 West Ave QC ........... (0917)817-3556
Main Scale Premium Graphics Centre Malabon Diesel Bambang Mla ................. (02)8255-9118 Manila Teachers Building Marcbilt Construction Incorporated
Taft Ave PC .................... (02)8524-2585 MALABON Manalang Enterprises 918 Manila Teachers Bldg Richville Corporate Twr
Main Street Diner Deparo Rd KC .............. (0917)248-3109 Munt .......................... (02)8403-8946
Main Mal ...................... (0920)227-3473 DIESEL Manang Rosie Best Bbq
Mla ............................ (02)8404-0364
Marcelo Dental Clinic
Manila Zoological And Botanical Garden
Maison De Beaute INJEC- QR HERE! 29 Rose QC ................. (0935)167-7909 Adriatico Mla .................. (02)8525-8157 59 Karuhatan Val ............ (02)8293-1186
The Piazza At Serendra
Taguig......................(0917)189-6688 TION Manap Intl Manpower Services
1679 Vareb Mansion Bldg
Manila's Finest Ph Realty Incorporated Marciano Windows And Doors
F Antonio Psg.................(02)7239-9265
12 Old Paliguan Rd QC . (0999)967-3078
Majar Funeral Homes SERVICE Mla ............................ (02)8522-0117 Manilavets Animal Clinic Marco Cold Cuts
1102 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8938-0227
Majesteel Builders Supply Corporation INC
Dagat-Dagatan Ave
Manapat Interior Landscape Designs
249 Noli KC....................(02)7792-0453
683 Manga Ave Mla ..... (0915)194-2009 161 J P Rizal QC .......... (0997)534-2359
Marcrose Apparel Incorporated
340A Amang Rodriguez Ave Caloocan City ............ (02)8288-6734 Manly Plastics Incorporated
Manbae Construction 404 M H Del Pilar Mal .. (0927)920-6673 2410 Legarda Mla ........ (0908)283-2773
Psg ............................ (02)8647-2061 Horizon 2000 Bldg QC .... (02)7586-2468 Marcy Electrical Services
Majestic Events Enterprises Malabon Grand Hotel And Casino Manly Sportswear Manufacturing Inc
110 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8294-1066 Mancave Barber Shop Vfp Bldg II Taguig ........... (02)8837-1017 1117 Quirino Hwy QC...(0920)355-9777
653 Santol Mla ............... (02)8425-6051 21 Pinatubo Mand ........ (0906)421-0075 Mardan Industrial Sales Corporation
Majestic Graphic & Printing Corporation Malabon Polymedic Manly's Clothing And Accessories
186 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8287-9168 Mance Drugstore Zorra QC ...................... (0915)396-9420 43 Sta Ana Dr Pque ........ (02)8821-2735
1161 Chino Roces Ave 82 Rizal Munt ............... (0925)518-0820 Mares Retail Ph
Mkti ........................... (02)8838-5339 Mann Hann
Manchant Investors Incorporated Vistamar Bldg Mkti ....... (0925)546-9714
Majestic Island Travel And Tours
Shaw Cinema Bldg
MALABON SOAP & Mbi Bldg Plz Mla ............ (02)8733-7341
Lucky Chinatown Mall
Mla ............................ (02)8523-1599 Marga's Corporate Promos
Mandaluyong Paint Center & Hardware 185 Kaimito Psg.............(02)7901-5124
Mand ......................... (02)7738-9755
Majestic Press Incorporated
OIL INDUSTRIAL CO 445 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8531-5696
Mann Hann Group Of Restaurant
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-6431 Margallo's Printing Shop
Mandarin Chinese Drug Store B4 L15 Kalayaan Ave
122 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8366-1155
Majestic Travel Corporation
INC Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8359-1528
Mann Yann Restaurant
Site A Parking Bldg Mkti . (02)8856-6223 PC ............................. (02)8826-2327
e-mail: [email protected] Mandarin Square Condominium Manny Concept Margarita Bautista Dental Clinic
Legaspi Twr 300 Mla ...... (02)8353-1752 777 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8742-5630 Pasig Line Mla..............(0917)649-0071
Majestique Spa 84 Luna 2 2243 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)8743-5443
Mandel T Canaway Manolines Tailoring Margarita's Paella
266 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8463-7505
Majesty Driving School Malabon .. (02)8281-4676 2A Anislag QC ................ (02)8546-2113 2916 Gov Pascual Ave Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)707-4480
Mando General Merchandise Mal .......................... (0933)366-4416 Margid Blue
3 Elenita QC ................. (0923)133-7019 608 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8861-5682 3436 C Raymundo Psg .. (02)3386-7209
Makasete Japanese Cuisine MALABON SOAP AND OIL Mandy House
Manong's Bagnet Station
Margot Test Integration Services
25 Zabarte Rd QC ......... (0949)162-5354 MALABON Durban Mkti ................. (0905)455-5533
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7358-3392
5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8224-4331
Makati Avenue Lumber Hardware & Const Manopoteatako
Supply Inc
SOAP & Manetrends Incorporated/David's Salon 45B Switzerland Pque...(0956)759-9381 Margot's Boutique
Hanston Square Psg ....... (02)8633-2003 Greenhills Shopping Cplx
5173 P Gomez Makati .... (02)8899-7036 OIL Manfleet Shipping Services Inc
Manos Nail Lounge SJ .............................. (02)8721-1263
Crescent Park Residences
Makati Avenue Lumber Hardware And INDUS- De Leon Ctr Mla ............. (02)8516-3000 Taguig........................(02)8478-4057 Margz And Marj Dental Clinic
Construction Supply
5173 P Gomez Mkti ........ (02)8899-7036 TRIAL CO Mang Ambong Barbeque D'Original
46F Russia Pque .......... (0947)581-1802
170 Mayon Ave QC ...... (0997)522-5066
Marhaba Habibi Persian Cuisine
Makati Budget Hotel INC Mang Dapitan Incorporated
Puregold Sucat Pque .... (0933)669-2556
East Capitol Dr Psg.........(02)8641-2098
5059-B P Burgos Mkti .. (0917)800-2870 Manpower For Advertising Services Agency
84 Gen Luna 2 Malabon.(02)8281-4676 1507 Dapitan Mla ........... (02)8516-1346 Mari Human Resources
Makati Cars Incorporated Inc Adriatico Midland Plz Bldg
Mang Kiko's Yummiest Pizza Maligaya Bldg QC ........... (02)8650-2745
5295 B Harrison Mkti ..... (02)8843-8718 Malabon Zoo 273 S De Guzman Val .. (0927)527-8925 Mla ............................ (02)8526-1458
Makati Executive Tower 1 Incorporated 1 Gov Pascual Ave Mal ... (02)8361-3083 Mansei Techno Philippines Corporation Maria Clara Beauty Salon
Mang Tootz Foodhouse Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-7594
Makati Executive Twr 1 124 Valero Mkti ............ (0917)856-9175 Calvo Bldg Mla ............... (02)8241-4562
Mkti ........................... (02)8856-1638 MALATE BAYVIEW MANSION Mansfield International Inc Maria Lena Buhay Memorial Foundation
Mangan And Company Incorporated Congressional Av
DEVT CORP Robinsons Place Manila Quezon City................(02)8927-5828
25 Starline Rd QC...........(02)8647-1270
MAKATI MEDICAL 1781 M Adriatico Mla ............................ (02)8400-4784
Mango Graphic Design Studio
Mantrade Dev Corp
Maria Loraine Dress Shop
325 Dr Jose P Rizal Ave
2280 Don Chino Roces Ave Ext
CENTER Manila.....(02)8523-0170 Capri Oasis Solare Psg ... (02)7958-6543
Mango Tours And Travel Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (0916)701-4090
Mkti ......................... (0920)896-1145
Maria Magdalena Pawnshop Corporation
See Adv under Hospitals Malate Bayview Mansion 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8893-0002 Manu Mano 253 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8842-0447 MALATE Mango Tree Bistro
755 Banawe QC ........... (0945)614-9186 Maria Montessori School Of Quezon City
e-mail: [email protected]
BAYVIEW Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7576-9052 Manuel Dental Clinc
277 C Raymundo Psg .... (02)8533-0992
116 Visayas Ave QC ....... (02)8855-5040
2 Amorsolo MANSION Manhatan Insurance Agency Incorporated
Manuel Stationery
Maria Rosario Nogrules
Jiao Bldg 2 QC ............... (02)8374-3099 128 N Domingo QC ........ (02)8723-2786
Makati ..... (02)8888-8999 DEVELOP- Manheng Industrial Supply
621 Norberto Ty Mla ...... (02)8242-4846 Maria's Lasagna
Manuel Uy & Son Incorporated
Makati Medical Center MENT 719 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8734-7722
Magre Coml Ctr Mla ....... (02)8562-0790
56A Bahawan QC ......... (0915)144-4281
Mani Pedi Organic Nail Spa Marian Laundry Incorporated
CORPO- Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7369-0512 Manuela Corp Aries QC ........................ (02)8939-6358
1781 M Adriatico Manila (02)8523-0170
Maniella Spa Shaw Blvd Mand ............ (02)8724-9646 Marian School
MAKATI 150 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Manufacturers Building
302 Plz Sta Cruz Mla ...... (02)8733-7623
197 Sauyo Rd QC .......... (02)8938-8476
Malate Hardware And Electronics Supply QC ........................... (0928)680-7477 Marian5J Food Delivery
MEDICAL 659 San Andres Mla ....... (02)8524-1659 Manila Bambi Foods Company Manuka Realty Incorporated Andrade Mla ................. (0961)289-0990
55 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8927-4465
CENTER Malayan Insurance
City & Land Mega Plz Bldg
1117 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8400-7707
Manila Biz Consultants Incorporated Manulife Philippines
Mariategue Dental Clinic
256 M L Quezon Taguig . (02)8837-6832
Psg ............................ (02)8628-8631 One Global Place Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8772-4093 Mariawraps
Malayan Insurance (Quezon Avenue Taguig......................(0977)850-2357 Manvy Fresh Vegetable Noodles 448 El Grande Ave
2 Amorsolo Makati ........ (02)8888-8999 Manila Blue Printing Co Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8516-2495 Pque ........................ (0915)921-8326
Satellite Office)
Makatindahan Online Grocery Ben-Lor Bldg QC ............ (02)8628-8600 Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8892-9563 Manyaman Eat All You Can Buffet Marick Auto Detailing Centre
1339 Angono Mkti........(0977)478-4599 Malayan Towage & Salvage Corporation Manila Business College 59 Regalado Ext QC ..... (0905)469-0308 3665 Eastbank Rd Psg . (0906)268-8040
Make & Bake For Pets Erechem Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8813-0696 Mbc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8741-3489 Mao Chemicals Marketing & Trading Inc Marie Ann's Garden
Jorjo Bldg QC ............... (0917)166-6382 Malaysian Airlines Manila Chemical Center Incorporated Ilang Ilang QC ............... (0918)920-2733 387 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8998-8735
Make You Rich (Bagnetified) Naia Rd PC .................... (02)8851-2536 125 Quirino Hwy KC ....... (02)8361-7752 Maoneng Philippines Marie Fay Opinion Pawnshop
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8256-4290 Malcolm's Burger Manila Cigars Incorporated Robinson's Equitable Twr 23 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)8519-3329
Makeen's Bakery Fairways Twr Taguig ...... (02)8556-3188 Sherwood Place Bldg Psg ............................ (02)5310-1649 Marie Wc Bags And Accessories Shop
Capricorn QC ............... (0917)709-8933 Maldita Marketing Corp Mla ............................ (02)8521-2331 Map Active Philippines Inc San Leon QC .................. (02)8927-5604
Makeover Salon Experts 7 Brgy Paligsahan QC ..... (02)8376-3698 Manila City Hall W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8898-1933 Marikina Auto Center
Landsdale Bldg QC ....... (0917)888-8447 Malibay Merchandise Bulwagang Antonio J Villegas Hall Mapa's Footwear 179 A Bonifacio Ave
Makercarl3D Edsa PC ......................... (02)8457-7875 Mla ............................ (02)8527-4991 320D A S Arnaiz Ave PC . (02)8831-4891 Mkna ......................... (02)8948-8065
Gb2 Anonas Mla...........(0917)728-8060 Maliche Manila Dental Arts Clinic Mapalad Bakery Marikina Doctors Hospital And Medical
Makerlab Electronics Cathedral Hghts QC ...... (0917)883-2233 Sp&A Bldg II QC ........... (0905)516-9516 1901 Dapitan Mla ........... (02)8741-2847 Center Inc
1063 Tomas Mapua Mla.(02)8230-4312 Malini Garments Mfg Incorporated Manila Derm Mapecon Philippines Incorporated 10 Evangelista Psg ......... (02)8535-3934
Makeroom Rosal LP ........................ (02)8869-1328 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-5525 2159 Arellano Ave Mla ... (02)8567-7378 Marikina Greenheights Learning Center
Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8843-4396 Mallary Dental Clinic Manila Electric Co Mapfre Asian Insurance Corporation 102 Senegal Mkna ......... (02)8942-3113
Maki Moto Restaurant 645 M Earnshaw Mla ..... (02)8732-0801 Operations Bldg QC ........ (02)8723-9816 Ace Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8892-7811 Marikina Hotel
141 Gloria Diaz LP ......... (02)8478-5548 Maller Investement Corporation Manila Finger Boards - Mfi Maphilen Enterprise Tangerine Mkna..............(02)8234-0540
Makilala Mining Company Incorporated 325 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8294-1560 San Pedro Psg ............. (0917)586-4321 35 Nueva Vizcaya QC ... (0918)344-4062 Marikina Life Plans
Legaspi Suites Bldg Mkti (02)8814-0403 Malupetshop Pet Supplies Manila Hearing Aid Center Incorporated Maple Springs Massage Spa Nw Ipil Mkna ................ (0932)281-1693
Makimoto Trading Ipil KC .......................... (0927)299-7759 14 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8521-5726 Rose Ave LP ................ (0921)202-1594 Marikina Medical Doctors Clinic And
15417 E Rodriguez Ave Malzano Enterprises Manila Institute For Culinary Arts And Maple Tree Incorporated Laboratory
Pque .......................... (02)8775-6108 1691 Malabon Mla ......... (02)7502-6567 Residential Services Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8636-1589 Blue Wave Stripmall
Making Smiles Better Dental Clinic Mama Nhors' Biko Latik Atbp 2388 L Guinto Mla..........(02)8522-9140 Maplebear Canadian Preschool Eastwood Mkna ......................... (02)8243-8770
165 Thompson's Square 587 Manuel L Quezon Manila Lighting Fixtures 1110 Eastwood Ave Marikina Miles Merchandising
QC ............................. (02)8371-3049 Munt ........................ (0998)213-4236 Leveriza Mla ................. (0956)390-4719 QC ........................... (0917)187-9450 Bayan Bayan Ave Mkna .. (02)8475-1885

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:43 2022 - P64

65 S C M Y K


Marikina Montessori Maroon Auto Electrical And Aircon Shop Master Babs Philippines Maxicon Car Aircon Services Mcm Graphics Printing Services
626 Jp Rizal Mkna..........(02)8948-1829 4414 Dallas Mkti .......... (0956)899-0759 340-D Herbosa Mla ...... (0995)414-1034 Constantine LP ............... (02)8872-3573 Mrt Shaw North Bound
Marikina Polytechnic College Marquez L G Company Master Brake Auto Supply Maxicorp Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8703-3779
Mayor Juan Chanyungco National Life Insurance Bldg 1064 Reina Regente Mla (02)8245-7128 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-6638 Mcphilip Food Industries Incorporated
Mkna ......................... (02)7369-7216 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-1159 Master Cedie Enterprises Maxident Dental Clinic Sm Makati Mkti .............. (02)8403-7928
Marikina River Gold Marrem Technologies Opc Advalorem QC .............. (0917)319-8885 75 B Agno Ext QC.........(0917)894-4356 Mcr Car Wash & Auto Detailing
28 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Cityland Shaw Twr Master Clean Cleaning Services Maxigas Trading Aguinaldo QC ............... (0933)202-8793
Mkna ......................... (02)8647-2222 Mand ....................... (0927)894-0591 Tempus Place II QC ...... (0927)911-7666 61-B Molave QC ............. (02)8911-7644 MCR Industries Inc
Marikina St Vincent General Hospital Marrie Lene A Sy Orthodontics Clinic Master General Upholstery Maxilite Merchandising Incorporated 495 Boni Av
35 Bayan Bayanan Ave 68 Rizal Munt ................. (02)8861-2998 812 President Quirino Ave Dy International Bldg Mandaluyong ............. (02)8532-0876
Mkna ......................... (02)8948-0314 Marry And Me Special Events Mla ............................ (02)8707-3129 Mla ............................ (02)8521-5523 Mcr Medical Dental Clinic
Marikit-Na Restaurant Corporation Safari Condmn Mla ......... (02)7975-1870 Master Mix Maxim Hair Restoration California Garden Square
Gil Fernando Ave Mkna ... (02)8645-3630 Marry Pauline Salon Congressional Cirle C Mall 132 Amorsolo Mkti ......... (02)8818-6000 Mand ......................... (02)3227-2503
Marilao Medical & Diagnostic Clinic Inc 44 C Jose PC ............... (0930)459-2213 QC ........................... (0916)797-6281 Maxima Steel Mills Corporation Mcsi Trading Corporation
Antonio Arnaiz PC ........ (0927)396-4115 Mars Hill Computer Solutions Master Sink 601 T Santiago Val ......... (02)8293-5618 1723 Dian Mkti...............(02)8832-1618
Marilex Realty Development Corporation Lrt Caloocan Mall KC .... (0977)137-7006 47 Mc Arthur Mal ........... (02)8330-3057 Maximum Security & Services Corporation Mct Computer And Laptop Repair Services
Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8844-4895 Marsman & Co Incorporated Mastercool Tower Sales Corporation Unified Trading Bldg QC..(02)8726-9786 1343 F Jhocson Mla.....(0961)345-1997
Marimart Enterprises Manalac Ave Taguig ....... (02)8837-2121 UPS IV Parañaque .......... (02)8821-3805 Maximus Athlete's Shop Cafe Mct Events Management
99 Notre Dame QC ......... (02)8912-5063 Marsman Hotel Masterhand Refrigeration And Fmf Business Ctr Mand (0906)510-2468 Ncc Bldg Mand .............. (02)8507-5647
Marina Oyster Seafood Grill 100 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8362-3586 Air-Conditioning Services Maxipacific Corporation Mct Kitchen Fast Food And Catering
Metrowalk Coml Cplx Marsteel Engineering Services 17-C 1st Ave QC .......... (0916)208-2865 74 B Panay Ave QC ...... (0905)250-0282 Sitio Manuel Hotel QC ..... (02)7757-5157
Psg ............................ (02)8687-2881 Ilang Ilang QC ............... (0917)660-9141 Masterpiece Furniture And Interiors Maxtech Automation & Industrial Supply Mct Metal Works
Marina Quest Marta's Cakes Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8890-8258 South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-1046 668 Mendoza Val ........... (02)8542-9192
Cartimar Shopping Ctr Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8856-1791 Masters Schools For Models Maxtrek Incorporated Mcu-Filemon D Tanchoco Medical
PC ............................. (02)8552-3673 Martelino Medical Clinic L V Locsin Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8376-7197 Daang Hari LP ................ (02)8887-4854 Foundation
Marina Sales Incorporated Dan-Ros Bldg SJ .......... (0917)828-8465 Masterseal Corporation Maxxbrands International Incorporated Edsa KC ......................... (02)8367-2031
TBICAI Cmpd Taguig ...... (02)8631-1771 Martha's Plate Catering Service Parang Mkna .................. (02)8661-6753 Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8659-1952 Mcv Multi Brand Co
Marina Seafood Restaurant 21 I S Senga Mkna ......... (02)8645-1041 Masterson International Corporation Maxys Restaurant & Grill House Capricorn QC ................. (02)8775-0933
95 Sct Reyes QC .......... (0915)263-6056 Martin John Cargo Forwarding Services 202 Wilson SJ................(02)8655-2440 30 Apollo 1 LP ............. (0917)156-7717 Mcvin Cargo Logistic Corporation
Marine Inbox Trading Corporation 329-C M L Quezon Masterwheels Marketing May Cris Insurance 12 Malakas Val...............(02)8426-5513
Zeta 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8894-3702 Taguig........................(02)8267-5452 1857 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8844-1693 1415 Huertas Mla...........(02)3493-3277 Mcwin Foods Incorporated
Marine Services And Maintenance Martin's Cuisine Masuki Mami Restaurant Corporation Maya & Celia's Food Place 414 J Figueras Mla ......... (02)8708-2134
2739 Aurora Blvd KC ...... (02)7958-1934 103-113 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Lucky Chinatown Mall Rodriguez Ave Mkti ...... (0915)593-1630 Mcyu Enterprise
Marine Support Incorporated PC ............................. (02)8833-5404 Mla ............................ (02)8241-1142 Mayadin Enterprises 2292 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8254-8925
Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-9405 Marufiji Construction Incorporated Masuma Food Industry Incorporated 678 Boni Mand .............. (02)8359-9332 Md Express Manila Incorporated
Mariners Safehouse Seaman's Dormitory 2310 Chino Roces Ave Bagsakan Taguig ............ (02)8837-0321 Maybridge Finance And Leasing Inc Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8536-2769
1721 Mabini Mla .......... (0917)869-3988 Mkti ........................... (02)8688-9212 Mata Bp & Co Incorporated 105 H V Dela Costa Mkti.(02)8856-6665 Md Hvac Philippines Corporation
Mario Bros Customs Brokerage Marufuku Japanese Restaurant L And I Bldg QC..............(02)8924-0128 Mayet De La Rosa Fine Jewelry Trade And Financial Twr
Mna Bldg Mla ................. (02)8527-2089 Crescent Bldg Psg .......... (02)8570-3989 Mata-Perez Tamayo & Francisco San Bernardo Mla ......... (0917)825-0973 Taguig........................(02)8352-4783
Mario Softdrinks Maruka Enterprises Incorporated Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8808-5375 Mayfair Goldsmith Md Laquindanum Trucking Inc
415B Gen Luna Mal........(02)8281-8805 G Lapanday Ctr Mkti ....... (02)8815-8247 Matayog Fma Health And Fitness 810 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-3142 Proj 8 Quezon City..........(02)8920-6784
Mariposa Budget Hotel Corporation Marvel Manpower Services Inc 220 Vitalez Cpd Pque ... (0948)658-9284 Maynilad Water Services Incorporated Md Skin Facial Derma Clinic
Pambuli Mkna ................ (02)8646-5522 Manila Memorial Park Bldg Matchpoint Catering Hgl Bldg KC....................(02)8363-4144 L Bustamante KC ......... (0917)519-6729
Mariposa Properties Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8557 48 Mapagkawanggawa Mayon International Trading Corporation Mdc 100 Incorporated
Hidalgo Place Mkti..........(02)8511-8308 Marvel Trucking Solutions Inc QC ........................... (0917)557-4200 2075 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8536-7971 E Rodriguez Jr Ave QC ... (02)8990-2368
Mariposa Sparrow Corporation 140 M Suarez Ave Psg . (0917)894-4374 Material Handling Innovators Incorporated Mayonka Machine Shop And Fabrication Mdc Interior Design Services
Bonifacio High Street Marven Hardware And Construction Supply Manhattan Enterprises Bldg L1 B4 Republican Rd Don Roces Ave QC ....... (0949)187-3130
Taguig........................(02)8856-1194 37D Bayan-Bayanan Ave QC ............................. (02)8367-8947 QC ............................. (02)8930-2330
Mkna ......................... (02)8941-3756 Mden Construction Services
Maristella Fine Jewelry Matest Laboratory Services Incorporated Maytipan Metal Corporation Crissant Plz QC .............. (02)8364-7247
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Marverick Safety Footwear Merchandise 1513 Mayhaligue Mla ..... (02)8711-0521 2603 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-8454
SJ .............................. (02)8723-5859 Dna Rose Mla ................ (02)8244-2508 Mdjl Furniture
Matrix Creation Events Venue Mayya Cycle Center 3025 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9428
Marita Salon And Spa Marvin Auto Supply 11 Malakas QC.............(0936)866-9509 L & M Bldg KC ............... (02)8283-6977
700 Banawe QC ............. (02)3415-1784 2035C Leveriza Mla........(02)8524-3748 Mdl Trucking
Matrix Holdings Incorporated Maz International Inns Incorporated 68 Rd 18 Ext QC ............ (02)3454-6833
Maritime Training Mary Ann & Jun Seafood 573 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8899-1670 7461 Santillan Mkti.........(02)8893-0754
Glc Bldg Mla.................(0925)823-7463 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0953)372-6512 Mdp Medical Supply
Matrix Motor Corporation Mazda 1612 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-2713
Mariz Manpower Service Mary Grace 198 Edsa KC .................. (02)8364-9093 56 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
Ermita Mla......................(02)8524-6623 Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8544-0928 Mdrx Drugstore
Matt Paint Center Psg ............................ (02)8655-1005 280 Eusebio Psg ............ (02)8655-6246
Marjim Chicken Corner Incorporated Mary Grace Foods Incorporated 240 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)3446-2595 Mazford 2 Auto Parts Center Incorporated
Savana Mkt Mkti.............(02)8511-7084 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8921-0243 Mds Courier Services
Matteo's Kitchen Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8330-8437 Mia Rd Pque .................. (02)8834-0292
Mark And Luis Party Needs Mary Help Of Christian Credit Coop Antero Virata Taguig ..... (0918)236-8608 Maziv Builders Inc
34 Gen Ordonez Mkna .... (02)8531-3357 Morong KC.....................(02)8288-1203 Mds Jiujitsu
Matthew Salvador Events Management 21 Maysan Rd Val .......... (02)7798-2629 Orlando Suites Mla ....... (0915)215-2837
Mark Anthony's Rock Supply Mary Immaculate School Incorporated 69 Jose Fabella Mand...(0917)448-1500 Mazu Asian Restaurant
89 Gil Fernando Ave 377 Sta Natividad Pque .. (02)8820-4456 Mea Electronics & Ref Air-Conditioning
Matthew's Kitchen Imagina Place Bldg
Mkna ......................... (02)8646-5261 Mary Jo Publishing House Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0945)132-4258 Services
Josefina 79 KC ............. (0927)921-7141 St Simon QC ................ (0935)496-6154
Mark Luke Garden 749C Solana Mla ............ (02)8521-5261 Matulac Medical And Dental Clinic Mb Master Supplies Corporation
Quirino Hwy KC ............ (0936)220-9540 Mary Kay Philippines 435 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-9332 Meal Hero
54 Tolentino QC ............. (02)8373-4720 Lotus De Cataluna Mla..(0917)146-5060
Mark-Angel Construction And Interior 20 Romblon QC ............. (02)8929-3388 Mau Medical Enterprises Mbapr Holdings Corporation
Design Mary Pauline Salon Malate Branch 4th Ave KC ..................... (02)8356-1808 Gt Twr International Mkti . (02)8555-1449 Meaning Space Incorporated
2282 B-A Leveriza Mla . (0920)456-3258 2564 Arellano Ave Mla ... (02)8354-3833 Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8696-6899
Maunlad Canning Corporation Mbkk Enterprises
Markard Corporate Giveaways Trading Mary The Queen College C-3 Rd Nav .................... (02)8282-9852 2516 Anacleto Mla ......... (02)8230-4172 Meat Avenue Inc
Arellano Ave Cor Mla ...... (02)8524-9175 44 Commonwealth Ave 11 Eisenhower Bend
Maunlad Trans Incorporated Mbm Curtains Blinds And Wall Coverings Psg ............................ (02)8359-6485
Market Bridges Phils Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8434-4460 Rtj Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8551-4956 Rita Val ........................ (0919)271-0309
Burgundy Corporate Twr Mary's Creations Meat Depot Mini
Mauricestela Medical Clinic Mbs Plumbing Services The Podium Mand ........ (0956)621-6728
Mkti ........................... (02)8886-4122 25 St Rita Mkna ........... (0915)750-4293 212 P Diaz Munt...........(0966)970-4153 1459 Malambing KC.....(0917)883-2279
Market Reach Distributors Incorporated Maryland Industrial Corporation Mbsl Enterprises Meat Mama
Mauricio Bike Shop 2635 Gamban Ext PC ... (0998)996-3534
6083 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)8984-2198 Manansala Bldg Psg ....... (02)7747-0689 3034 V Mapa Mla ......... (0922)682-4519 22 Guevarra QC............(0929)339-6027
Market Square Maryville Manila Incorporated Mc Balce Surveying Services Meat Me In Banuyo
Mav Petron Service Center 45 Banuyo QC .............. (0912)330-0989
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3454-2335 Ermita Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8926-5976 Aurora Blvd QC .............. (02)8912-1747 1501 Penafrancia Ext
Marketing Proponents Incorporated Marzan Pharma Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8561-6865 Meat Plus Specialist Phil Incorporated
Maverick Advertising Sample Shop Bldg
20 Oliveros Dr QC .......... (02)8361-6101 1407 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-8693 Antel Global Corporate Ctr Mc Donald Corp
Marketing Solutions Incorporated Mas Inc Picar Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8365-2774 Sm Bf Paranaque Pque . (0998)972-5095 Taguig........................(02)8887-1639
Psg ............................ (02)7764-3355
888 M Alvarez Ave LP .... (02)8805-4876 Masa Bakery Manila Mc Donnell Marketing Meatave 5 9th Ave KC ...... (0905)420-2864
Mavm Interior Design Services
Markgas Centrum Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)707-4480 2220 Angel Linao Ext 1012 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8734-9854 Mebibo Company Incorporated
37 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8912-0162 Masagana Gas Service And Appliance Mla .......................... (0998)970-2342 Mc Guire Publishing Incorporated 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)7908-2588
Markhyleen Refrigeration And 9775 Kamagoong Mkti ... (02)8897-6266 Max Household Supplies Trading 1321 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Mec Networks Corporation
Airconditioning Home Service Masaya Cargo Forwarders Inc B1 L31 Nenita Ext QC ... (0930)845-5888 QC ............................. (02)8722-5873 Mec Ctr QC .................... (02)8638-9433
Gen T Deleon Val .......... (0905)529-0105 22 Palali QC ................... (02)8740-0021 Max Shipping And Air Cargo Incorporated Mc Wilson Food Holdings Corporation Med 101 Diagnostic Center Co
Markis Trading Masc Marketing Services Ramon Magsaysay Ctr 61 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8711-2497 Villongco QC .................. (02)7729-8315
523 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)7903-4214 Cityland Herrera Twr Mla ............................ (02)8518-0451 Mc-6 Bicycle Shop Med Asia Industrial Clinic
Marksmann Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)7753-4929 Max Welding & Body Repair Shop St Mary Taguig ............. (0926)206-5296 Photokina Bldg QC ......... (02)8373-0840
17 North Bound Svc Rd Mashana Auto Repair Shop 19 C Raymundo Ave Mcaf Enterprises Med Global Logistics And Forwarding Inc
QC ............................. (02)8362-4856 8280 Dr A Santos Ave Psg .......................... (0922)872-7901 34 Illustre QC ................. (02)7369-3672 197 Pitimini QC .............. (02)8346-4181
Markswel Enterprises Corporation Pque ........................ (0949)716-9749 Max's Ermita Incorporated Mcalventas Food & Beverages House Med2020 Medical Clinic And Diagnostic
Twr 3 Taguig .................. (02)8701-8345 Mashr3 Systems Incorporated Robinsons Place Manila 34 V Luna QC...............(0917)510-7849 Center
Marlboro Classic Boutique Osmena Bldg Mla ........... (02)8536-5075 Mla ............................ (02)8536-8058 Mccd Engineering Services Congressional Rd KC....(0923)481-4687
Rustans Department Store Mashup Garage Max's Makati Incorporated Arcadia Square Mkti ....... (02)8882-6985 Medaccess Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8867-2212 Topy IV Bldg QC ........... (0917)308-4089 Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8829-3364 Mcd Aguilar Incorporated Cityland Condmn Mand .. (02)7904-0315
Marlboro Classics Incorporated Masland Commercial Upholstery Supply Maxcellon Incorporated J Aguilar Ave LP ............. (02)8826-1624 Medalert Enterprises
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8631-0044 198 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-1610 2 Banaba Rd Mkti ........... (02)8889-1192 Mcd Leonardo Dental Clinic 27th Ave Mkti ................. (02)8882-5658
Marley Ref & Aircon Repair Services Mass V Group Incorporated Maxcollin Incorporated 2058-B Parandise Mla .. (0947)741-1398 Medalist Boxing & Fitness Gym
72 Mrt Ave Taguig .......... (02)7989-6671 Mvgi Bldg QC ................. (02)3454-7355 126 Deparo Rd KC ....... (0922)466-0757 Mcdc 11 F Manalo Psg .......... (0917)596-6521
Marlzed Store 2 0 Massage Spa De Lucban Maxfli Machine Shop 158 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8725-2615 Medasia Aesthetic Center Incorporated
4 Elga Ave QC .............. (0995)250-9599 Kamias Rd QC..............(0908)964-1017 H H B Cpd Val .............. (0915)832-3433 Mcjw Textile & Fabrics Ever Gotesco Psg ........... (02)8531-8189
Marmalade Kitchen Massimo Dutti Maxi Bilt Construction Ylaya Mla ..................... (0977)732-7028 Medcare Asia Incorporated
Forum South Global Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7757-0394 146 Rd 20 QC ................ (02)3455-7765 Mcken Sales International Corporation Johnttan Bldg QC ........... (02)8516-7573
Taguig........................(02)7622-9196 Massimo Trulli Fashion Food And Wine Maxibuild J P Rizal QC ........ (02)8913-1498 Hollywood Square Bldg Medeethix Inc
Marmico Realty Devt Corporation Lri Design Plz Mkti..........(02)8832-9600 Maxicollector QC ............................. (02)8372-9800 Medethix Warehouse - Gasanco Bldg
2125 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8733-7416 Massive Parts Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mckinley Park Residences PC ............................. (02)8776-7323
Marni Marketing 2815 Jose Abad Santos Ave SJ .............................. (02)8726-8854 Crescent Park Taguig ..... (02)8478-6405 Medela Moms Incorporated
22 Mariveles QC ............. (02)8711-4365 Mla ............................ (02)8253-4047 Maxicollector Ventures Incorporated Mclink Enterprise 29 1st Ave QC ................ (02)7738-6272
Maro's Samgyupsal Cravings Masskara Chicken Inasal Bonifacio High Street C2 Bldg Morgan Executive Suite Medhaus Medical Services
488 F Mariano Ave Psg (0905)909-5718 Imall Camarin KC ......... (0945)560-3661 Taguig........................(02)8519-7342 Taguig........................(02)8833-0344 Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8353-3675

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

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66 S C M Y K


Medi Pharm Megalicious Foods Corporation Mella Hotels Metametrics Laboratory Metrosite System Medical Equipment
422 Alabang-Zapote Rd Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8813-1156 C5 Ext Rd LP .................. (02)8882-8181 88 Shaw Blvd Psg .......... (02)7910-6382 Supply
LP ............................ (0939)616-6937 Megamagrou Trading Melo Aluminum Glass Metisetrade Loi Bldg Mkti ................ (0917)777-7630
Media Box 5 Wayan QC ................... (02)8921-9475 M Almeda Pat...............(0921)470-5717 Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)7799-9357 Metrotech Electronics Center
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1862 Megaman Lighting Philippines Incorporated Memento Crafts & Events Metolius Valley Incorporated 734 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8734-8068
Media Meter Incorporated Living 'N Style Bldg Mkti . (02)8812-8375 Choppin QC..................(0920)229-1661 8-E Jenny's Ave Psg ....... (02)8234-0082 Metroview Real Estate Lessor
Blupoint Bldg QC ............ (02)3414-4496 Megamax Concept Incorporated Memo Marketing Operations Phils Inc Metrade Marketing Smb Bldg Mla ................ (02)8254-4979
Mediagadgets International Inc Bonifacio High Street Bonifacio One Technology Twr 504 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8243-0615 Metrowealth Intl Phils Incorporated
Medalla Bldg QC ........... (0939)199-9065 Taguig........................(02)8856-2748 Taguig........................(02)8403-2647 Metriccon Co Incorporated J B Vargas Mand ............ (02)8535-2730
Mediaholics Megapak Packaging Online Shop Men In Blooms Edificio Enriqueta Bldg Mever Technologies Incorporated
38 Granada QC...............(02)8734-1532 882 H R Capistrano Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7758-2549 QC ............................. (02)8743-5830 15 Jasmin Pque ............. (02)8776-3152
Mediaprint Philippines Inc Taguig........................(02)8560-0079 Mendelssohn Manalaysay's Dental Metro Business College Mexicali
5 W Capitol Dr Psg ......... (02)8584-2493 Megapixels Printing Services Inc Implantology And Surgery Center Unit 4 Salem Cplx PC ..... (02)8853-0607 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8636-7775
Medic Aid Distributor Incorporated 183 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8365-6481 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ...... (0917)821-0213 Metro Central Mercantile Corporation Mexicali Food Corporation
Seneca Plz Bldg QC ........ (02)8570-2279 Megapower Industrial Mill Supply Mendoza Electronics & Computer Services 1010 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8521-3768 Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8635-6079
Medic World Corporation 19 Jones Wawa Metro Computer Mey Lin Hot Pot And Noodle House
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)3497-8826 A Bonifacio Ave QC ........ (02)8962-1000 Taguig......................(0966)974-5134 Mr Ctr Mkna ................... (02)7369-5887 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1281
Medical Center Trading Corp Megasamsotite Incorporated Mendoza's Vegetable Metro Construction Inc Meyer's Place
Shaw Blvd Pasig ............ (02)8631-1715 9 F Santiago Val ............. (02)3444-5188 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)887-9199 747 Aurora Bvd Dapitan QC ................... (0997)966-4559
Medical Gallery Trading Company Megashine Builders Corporation Mennelas Food Corporation Quezon City................(02)8721-2736 Mfb Products Philippines Incorporated
1357 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8781-7138 Dna Josefa QC ............... (02)7904-6166 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)7964-7220 Metro Construction Incorporated Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8721-4168
Medical Oxygen And Industrial Gas Megasoft Hygienic Products Incorporated Menruz Trucking Services Inc 747 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8721-2736 Mfi Polytechnic Institute
M Almeda Taguig ........... (02)8881-3673 52 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8441-6841 Bilbao Mla ...................... (02)8245-4980 Mfi Bldg Psg .................. (02)8631-2451
Metro Container Corporation
Medical Oxygen Supply Megatexts Phil Incorporated Menvir Realty Corporation A Rodriguez Ave Psg ...... (02)8681-6137 Mfm Asia's Home D
26-S Roque 1 QC ......... (0945)269-2147 Opl Bldg Mkti..................(02)8813-5814 Two Lafayette Square Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0920)960-0927
Mkti ........................... (02)8888-6949 Metro Cycle Incorporated
Medical Plaza Ortigas Megato Carpet Cleaning Services 696 Edsa QC .................. (02)8825-3525 Mfp Home Of Quality Food Corporation
Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)8638-4406 34 Camia Psg .............. (0908)125-1729 Mep Advertising Services L6 7 B13B Genesis LP ... (02)8804-1621
Megatone Mktg Co Apollo LP ..................... (0998)953-0780 Metro Goldrich Construction Inc
Medifont Philippines Avida Twrs San Lazaro MG EXEO NETWORK INC
Goldloop Condmn Psg....(02)8634-1798 1431 T Bugallon Mla ...... (02)8252-4865 Mer Chemical Lab
64 Major Dizon Marikina . (02)8681-8463 Mla .......................... (0975)717-8564
Medinet Lying-In Clinic Megatone Printhauz Incorporated
96B Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8374-5997 Mercado Builders Incorporated Metro Husky Corporation Sta Ana Drive Paraña-
Sampaguita QC .............. (02)8565-3630
Mediscount Pharmacy Megatrade 246 San Francisco Psg .. (02)8636-5139 296 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8911-9767 que..........(02)8824-0289
968 Quirino QC .............. (02)3418-2954 Mercado General Hospital Incorporated Metro Incorporated
210 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8708-5400
Megatrade Pawnshop Incorporated Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8962-7633 Don Mariano Lim Ind Cplx MG Exeo Network Inc
Medlans Enterprises Munt .......................... (02)8772-2633
199-C Rizal Ave KC ........ (02)8361-7481 962 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8332-6017 Merced Bakehouse & Restaurant
Medline Dialysis Center Megatrend Pawnshop Incorporated 869 Edsa QC ................ (0967)231-9787 Metro Industries Inc
103 Progress Ave Calamba
Dumalay QC ................... (02)8441-2523 Merced Hernanadez Pawnshop
Armal Plz Psg...............(0906)375-5029
Megavia Motor Co Incorporated Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8638-9986 Laguna.......................(02)8584-5000 NET-
Medmex Corporation Metro Kitchenware Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8478-1949
Megawatt Pizza & Steak
Mercedarian School Incorporated
Domingo De Ramos QC..(02)8880-9681 550 Magistrado Abad Santos WORK
SJ .............................. (02)8895-1919
Medscape Marketing 686 Banawe QC ........... (0917)182-7583 Mercedes Benz Mla ............................ (02)8713-9438
Metro Line Medical Supply Corp
L15 B3 Genesis LP.........(02)8254-5749 Megawatt Restaurant Incorporated Mancor Bldg Taguig ....... (02)7501-4230
41-A N Domingo QC.......(02)7501-2987 Merchant Logo Shi Lin 3507 Narra Mla .............. (02)8733-7447
Medtecs International Corporation Limited Metro Manila College Incorporated Sta Ana Drive Parañaque (02)8824-0289
Country Space 1 Bldg Megaway Industrial Sales Inc Circuit Makati Mkti........(0906)208-3959
5 Mauban Quezon Merchanto Enterprises Corporation Novaliches QC................(02)3419-1482 Mg Prime Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8555-5622 Metro Manila Rugs And Carpet
City ............................ (02)8657-3800 Ma Isabel Bldg Mand ...... (02)8655-5236 72 Mindanao Ave QC......(02)8929-6958
Medv Medical Clinic Coml Bldg Pque ............. (02)8703-3715
Mariwasa Bldg QC ........ (0928)505-5541 Megaworks Electrical Incorporated Mercier Purified Water Station Mg Raymundo Art Collection
447 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8534-6080 Sampaguita Pasong Putik Proper Metro Mariwasa 24-A East Capitol Dr
Medway Healthcare Incorporated QC ........................... (0922)512-3143 16 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0093 Psg ............................ (02)7945-0439
1638 Agoncillo Mla ........ (02)8404-0530 Megaworld Global-Estate Inc
Ten West Campus Merck Philippines Metro Musicians Academy MG-Mat Enterprises
Medx Diagnostic And Drug Testing Center Taguig......................(0917)525-3797 G T International Twr Royal Midway Plz QC ... (0956)794-0270 167 3rd St
2nd Ave QC .................... (02)7744-3833 Mkti ........................... (02)8815-4067 Metro Oil Kalookan City ............. (02)8442-6782
Meggafoods And Stockfarm Inc
Medy's Flower Shop P Guevarra SJ ................ (02)8722-1514 Merck Sharp And Dohme Philippines 261 Sixto Antonio Ave Mgbrondial Pest Control Services
749 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8721-8308 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8885-0700 Psg ............................ (02)8642-4243 44 San Juan Evangelista
Megmus Pharmaceuticals Phils
Meet My Feet Incorporated Mercury Battery Metro Pharma Philippines Incorporated QC ............................. (02)7217-4390
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7621-4183 Jpms Bldg Mkna ............ (02)7903-7385 43B Mindanao QC .......... (02)3453-6561 Rima Bldg Psg ............... (02)8637-1849 Mgc New Life Christian Academy
Meg Car Aircon Meguiar's Philippines Mercury Hauling Services Metro Pharmacy B18 L2 University Parkway
600 B Shaw Blvd Psg ..... (02)8632-9637 108 Biak Na Bato QC ...... (02)8290-9224 23 M Gregorio Val .......... (02)8348-8796 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7358-4260 Taguig........................(02)8816-4233
Mega 8 Stainless Trading Meicel Jewelry Mercury Steamship Agencies Incorporated Metro Savers Pharmacy Incorporated Mgc Ong Dental Office
Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)7261-5841 34 J Wilson SJ ............... (02)8725-8311 Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8820-3227 1180 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8516-3396 3 Paris Mkna .................. (02)8721-6235
Mega Asia Bottling Corporation Meiden Singapore Private Limited Merencilla Waxers Incorporated Metro Seoul Korean Restaurant Mgi 1120 Building
574 Edsa Ave KC ........... (02)8287-7288 Lm Power Bldg QC ......... (02)8687-7845 Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8822-7830 De Leon QC..................(0945)221-6016 1120 Mendiola Mla.........(02)8561-3934
Mega Cleaners Meilleur Manufacturing And Trading Mergers Drugfil Corp Metro Shirt Incorporated Mgm Car Wash & Auto Detailing Services
Don Diego Bldg QC.......(0916)617-7197 P Florentino QC ............ (0995)627-1068 1170 Don Chino Roces 596 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8708-3545 Mmm Bldg Mkti ............ (0995)873-7370
Mega Data Corporation Meinas Makati ........................ (02)8403-2945 Metro Soler Lights & Decors Corporation Mgm Food And Commodities Corporation
667 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)8532-3061 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-6682 Meridian Cargo Forwarders Incorporated 1506-1508 Soler Mla ..... (02)8733-6070 61 Mariveles Mand ......... (02)8533-5111
Mega Diesel And Calibration Co Meinhardt Philippines Incorporated 1915 Capulong Hwy Mla (02)8256-9522 Mgm International Recruitment Agency
B47 17 C4 Brgy Longos Metro Solid Waste Managment Corporation
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8887-1391 Meridian International Maritime Training West Svc Rd Munt ......... (02)8887-6147 1352 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)8536-8681
Mal ............................ (02)3448-2559 Meira Aesthetics Center Inc Mgs International Trading Incorporated
Mega Event Incorporated Metro Steel Mfg Corporation
68 Arcade 9 QC............(0995)580-4615 667 Kalaw Ave Mla ........ (02)8567-1785 2113 Protacio PC ........... (02)8843-4571 M Starr Bldg 1 LP ........... (02)8872-0192
2483 Alexander Mkti.......(02)8884-2900 Meiwa Plastic Mktg Corp Meridian Iq Philippines Incorporated Mgs Scaffolding And Formworks
Mega Food Cart Business Corporation Metro Sunnies Maginhawa
796 J Luna Mla .............. (02)8241-3211 Sky Freight Bldg Pque.....(02)8852-4866 Sterten Place QC ............ (02)7799-4415 12 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8633-1996
J&F Divino Bldg QC ........ (02)8281-4461 Meiyi Herbs Remedy Merizella's Condotel Staycation Mgsilkscreen Printing
Mega Force Metro Tiles Incorporated
506 Ns Amoranto Sr Quirino Hwy QC............(0966)684-2900 909 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8254-7025 194 - A F Blumentritt
239 Santolan Corporate Hse QC ........................... (0917)633-3360 Merj D Reyes PC .............. (0917)777-3236 SJ ............................ (0917)883-8465
QC ............................. (02)8725-8836 Metro Vinos
Mel Orlina Couture Merlene Marcelo Couture Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-5769 Mgt Pet Supplies
Mega Hardware Construction Supply 109 Esteban Mkti ........... (02)8809-5129 9681 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)7728-3445 B25 L15 Ph3 Misamis
Emerson Apt Condmn Metro Zen Spa KC ............................. (02)8442-1720
Mel Plumbing And Electrical Services Merty's Tailor Shop Cycle 898D M V Delos Santos
QC ............................. (02)8291-3332 87 K6th St QC ................ (02)8544-9027 4004 Manuel L Quezon Ave Mgtstrat Incorporated
Mega Modular Cabinet And Innovative Mla ............................ (02)3493-9071
Mel-G & Dm Celac Enterprises Taguig......................(0921)693-1755 Jcs Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8511-0630
Interior Design Metro-Pack Corporation
1 Kamias QC .................. (02)3433-4916 Meserjose Food Corner 1129 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8936-3899 Mgyuu Steaks
Thompson Square QC .... (02)8256-9366 Melaine's Bridal Gown & Barong 135-A Malakas QC ......... (02)3433-1084 One Uptown Residence
Mega Motion Work Incorporated 168 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8401-7673 Messe And Handle Corporation Metro-Rei Taguig........................(02)7910-4295
98 Banawe QC ............... (02)8740-1553 2840 Zamora PC ............ (02)8836-7131 Diliman Coml Ctr Bldg
Melakom Global Services Inc QC ............................. (02)8352-6002 Mh Burton Watch Repair
Mega One Phones 1662 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)7987-5610 Messiah's Boutique Sm City San Lazaro
Civic Dr Festival Mall Greenhills Shopping Ctr Metroexpress Transport Corporation Mla .......................... (0947)166-4174
Melann Laundry Shop 9 Sct Madrinan QC ......... (02)7500-5292
Munt .......................... (02)8511-1069 293 Malaya Mkna.........(0961)511-3833 SJ ............................ (0918)591-0649 Mhadoyz Car Audio & Accessories
Mega Packaging Corporation Melcar Battery Center Met Garden Metrofab Metal Technology Corporation 67 Zabarte Rd QC ........... (02)8376-0084
Airstrip Rd Canlubang 16A G Fernando Ave 106 Mindanao Ave QC..(0916)122-6378 1040 Sto Cristo QC ........ (02)8330-2726 Mharien Printing Services
Laguna.......................(02)8844-7496 Mkna ......................... (02)8645-0223 Metafactor Smile Dental Clinic Metrohealth Family Clinic 87 P Rosales Pat .......... (0921)320-6122
Mega Precision Corporation Melch Castle Engineering Services 1429 Leroy Mla ............ (0917)816-6428 Harrison Residences PC . (02)8256-6438 Mhel's Textile Trading
155 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8361-8225 5 Marietta Arcade Mkna..(02)8681-0788 Metal Exponents Inc Metropole Laundry Gen Shopping Ctr Mla...(0927)490-9703
Mega Printing & Supplies Inc Melchor Astoveza Construction Services 68 Jupiter Makati............(02)8403-1111 41B Kamuning QC .......... (02)3412-5647 Mhgax Travel And Tours
3 Dahlia QC .................. (0917)630-3471 Marian Town Homes Metal Exponents Incorporated Metropolis Construction Incorporated Asia Wealth Twr 1 PC ..... (02)8247-1013
Mega Steel Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8516-6544 Fmcb Ctr Mkti ................ (02)8403-1111 Rizal Tech University Mi & Me Nailart
Reina Regente Mla ......... (02)8244-1255 Melcon Worldwide Logistics Incorporated Metal System Mand ......................... (02)8654-2787 Bellagio Square Mla ...... (0977)390-9219
Mega Wealth 4 Mdc Rd Taguig............(02)8826-2947 92 4th St KC .................. (02)8362-4718 Metropolitan Bank And Trust Company Mia Bolts And Nuts Trading
Tutuban Mall Mla .......... (0929)334-1701 Meld's Siphoning Septic Tank And Metalex Wire Industries Corporation 457-459 Quintin Paredes 341 Rizal KC .................. (02)8334-2541
Mega_Grafix Printing Incorporated Plumbing Services Paso De Blas Val ............ (02)8939-5564 Mla ............................ (02)8256-1478 Mia Lumber And Hardware
6591 E Ramos Mkti........(02)8804-2105 1017 Agusto Francisco Metalframes Supply Corporation Metropolitan Waterworks And Sewerage Aic Ctr Mla ..................... (02)8523-0696
Megabatz Car Accessories Mla ............................ (02)8514-1584 L Jaena Mkna ................. (02)8570-5446 Authority-Regulatory Office Mia Maison
170 Katipunan Ave QC . (0917)144-0124 Melencio Dental Clinic Metalite Builders Devt Co Incorporated Mwss Katipunan Rd QC .. (02)3435-8900 Sm City San Lazaro
Megachem Philippines Incorporated Dahlia Ave QC ................ (02)8348-5042 152 M Sioson Mal .......... (02)8282-3241 Metroprinter Incorporated Mla .......................... (0932)921-5480
City & Land Mega Plz Meliomar Incorporated Metallic Security Agency 63 Panalturan QC ........... (02)8362-0405 Mia Maison Fragrance House
Psg ............................ (02)8687-6086 20 Russel PC ................. (02)8851-1564 Santiago QC ................... (02)7219-5382 Metroprinter International Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Megadefense Security Agency Melirose Metalman Steel Forming Corporation 303 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8962-0888 SJ ............................ (0997)608-3162
34A Basa QC ................. (02)8781-7181 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0823 Metroscape Design & Construction Mia Salon
Megadeli Marketing Incorporated SJ ............................ (0919)556-4934 Metalrise Enterprise Malaya Town Homes Clemente Jose PC ........ (0921)982-8878
491 F Manalo SJ ............ (02)8727-5883 Melissa Pop-Up Shop 16 Reparo Rd Mal .......... (02)8364-7120 Mand ......................... (02)7238-2813 Mia's Chicken
Megafix Corporation Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8847-9926 Metalyte Builder Tech Construction And Metroshen International Corporation 7467 Llave Psg ............ (0908)519-5407
59 Sandalwood Mkna ... (0947)770-0033 Meliza Trading-Panama Grocery Development Corporation 178 Salcedo Mkti ........... (02)8815-8744 Mibarsan Dream Printing Services
Megakarte Smartcard Corporation 607 Sta Elena Mla .......... (02)8241-8589 North Domingo Place Metroshoppers Trading Incorporated B1 L35 Ph2 Afp Ep Housing
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8884-3800 Mella Hotel C5 Ext Rd LP .... (02)8882-8181 SJ ............................ (0922)874-7348 Transphil Hse 2 Mkti.......(02)8555-1665 Taguig........................(02)7906-4035

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:43 2022 - P66

67 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Micatamisan - Moonleaf 67

Micatamisan Café Mikstore Car Accessories Miss Polish Nail Spa Mmr Malabanan Siphoning Septic Tank Moldex Realty Incorporated
259-A Dr Pilapil Psg ..... (0956)866-2084 144B Sct Fuentebella Flores De Mayo QC ...... (0995)270-3286 B22 L3 Ofel QC ........... (0961)211-4555 The Grand Twrs Mla.......(02)7717-8880
Mice Managers Travel And Tours QC ......................... (0917)322-2458 Miss Selfridge Mmr Pozo Negro Excavation & Plumbing Molina & Sons Philippines Incorporated
15303D Daang Batang Mila's Lechon And Restaurant Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............ (02)7728-4105 Services Tytana Plz Ctr Mla..........(02)8242-5237
Pque ........................ (02)8893-2728 69 Calavite QC .............. (02)8253-7528 Mister Dimsum Payatas-B QC..............(0915)737-2939 Mollycoddle Nail Bar & Spa
Michael Computer Miladay 1841-B Eusebio Ave Mmr Pozo Negro Excavation Plumbing Villa Aurora Bldg QC ..... (0917)676-2447
Malabon Mla ............... (0930)585-3443 Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8442-0127 Psg ........................ (0947)993-6871 Services Mom & Tina's Bakery Cafe
Michael Kors Milcar Enterprises Mister Siomai Ofel QC ........................ (02)8721-6002 106 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
Rockwell Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8890-8705 208 Kamuning QC ......... (02)8926-4509 Espana Thomas Square Mms Dev't Training Center Corporation Psg .......................... (02)8571-1541
Michael Saima Corporation Mile Express Mla ........................ (0947)270-9837 399 Aguilar Cpd LP........(02)8800-1570 Mom And Tina's Bakery Cafe
Will Twr Mall QC .......... (0995)665-9563 41 Gumamela QC ........ (0933)811-8770 Misys Philippines Inc MMSC Trading Corporation 58 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC . (02)8332-3080
Michaelmar Phils Incorporated Milea Bath & Body Wellness Essentials Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8479-9300 1084 C M Recto Av Momentum Worldwide
4723 Arellano Mkti ........ (02)8403-2480 Topacio Mla .................. (02)8708-0590 Mitc International Manpower Services Inc Manila ...................... (02)8244-7349 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8815-0888
Michelle's Homemade Putong Ube Mileage Asia Corp Pmha Bldg QC ............. (0921)893-4340 Mmsphil Maritime Services Incorporated Mommy Lyd's Embroidery Services
Salcedo Mkt Mkti ........... (02)8531-2539 602 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8364-5265 Mitch Cakes And Cupcakes Marbella II  Bldg Mla ... (02)8526-7456 123 N P Cruz Taguig ...... (02)8952-7027
Michen Tooling Die Corporation Milenya Gastropub Corp 226 Upper Banlat QC....(0929)240-6767 Mnl Food Co Mommys Malabon Pride
504 Halcon Mand .......... (02)8533-4199 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Mitsa Private Limited 26A Betty Go Belmonte 20 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8282-5355
Micole Interior Design Inc Mkna ...................... (0914)701-3059 Burgandy Corporate Twr QC ......................... (0918)898-4253 Momo Cafe And Restaurant
35 M Lozada Pat ......... (0917)629-1431 Milestone Farms Inc Mkti ......................... (02)8844-6452 Mnl Op Incorporated Eastwood Mall QC ......... (02)7900-1006
Micos Salon And Nail Spa 25 Eisenhower SJ .......... (02)8721-7455 Mitsubishi Motors Phils Corporation Erlag Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8556-8417 Mona's Shoes / Footwear
83 Balubad Nha Area-1 Milex Malabanan Siphoning & Plumbing Bir Rd QC ..................... (02)8658-0115 Mnm Trading Corporation 143A F B Harrison PC .... (02)8853-8938
Mkna ...................... (0999)510-9957 Services (Metro Manila) Mitsui And Company Ltd 67 Brixton Hills QC.........(02)8716-4207 Monaco Models And Casting Agency
Micro D International Incorporated 123 Sgt De Leon Psg ..... (02)8513-4422 Gt Twr Mkti ................... (02)8819-7777 Moa Optical Clinic 11 Madrigal Ayala Ave
Peninsula Court Mkti ...... (02)8812-2124 Military Shrine Services Mitsui Soco (Phils) Incorporated Luzon Ave QC ............. (0908)874-4854 Mkti ......................... (02)8864-0990
Micro Image International Corporation Pvac Bldg QC ................ (02)8911-4335 Kings Court 1 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8894-5008 Mobcomm Argv Incorporated Monarch Accounting System
178 Legaspi Suites Mkti . (02)8840-4050 Millenium General Merchandising Mity Mike Incorporated Josefa Bldg Mla.............(02)8257-0117 Richmar Bldg QC ........... (02)8355-4046
Microcadd Technologies Company 786 Elcano Mla ............. (02)8242-4779 2446 Juan Luna Mla ...... (02)8253-9528 Mobext Incorporated Monarch Agricultural Products Inc
Dna Consolacion Bldg Millennium Cargo Movers Incorporated Mivivienda Corporation Hatch Asia Global City Ctr 5650 Don Pedro Mkti ..... (02)8890-8006
QC ........................... (02)8911-2055 Victoria De Manila Mla....(02)8254-6514 Celeasco Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8846-2989 Taguig ...................... (02)3487-6559 Monchie's Lechon
Microcontrol Design Technology Millennium Cars Mindanao Incorporated Mix Masters Incorporated Mobihub Gadget Shop 67 Calavite QC .............. (02)8740-7394
49 Mdt Pque ................. (02)8820-2635 1120 Pres E P Quirino Ave 12 1st Ave Taguig........(0917)852-7111 1017 Lyra LP .............. (0905)172-9461 Mond Royale Corporation
Microgenesis Business Systems Mla .......................... (02)8561-0885 Mix Mix Px Incorporated Mobil Air Travel And More Liberty Ctr Freedom Plz
Paragon Plz Mand..........(02)8658-7000 Millennium Solutions Maga Ctre Mkti .............. (02)8851-0127 Our Offices Bldg Mand ... (02)8725-9652 Mand ....................... (02)8654-9000
Micrografx Enterprise 10 Brixton Psg .............. (02)8656-2371 Mix Plant Incorporated Mobile Bubble Tea Monde Nissin Corporation
177 Malolos Ave KC ...... (02)8563-8408 Miller General Merchandise 14 Visayas Ave QC ........ (02)8924-9941 42 Lalaine Bennet LP ... (0975)700-7571 6750 Ofc Twr Mkti ......... (02)7759-7579
Microlines Sales Center 288 P Tuazon QC .......... (02)8421-7651 Miyaco Auto Supply Mobile Clinic And Medical Equipment Mondelez Philippines Incorporated
4070 Magsaysay Blvd Milonil Development Corporation Urci-Las Pinas Twnhses Durian KC ................... (0966)687-1134 8378 Dr A Santos Ave
Mla .......................... (02)8713-4591 1227 Lotus Garden Hotel LP............................(02)8875-0607 Mobile Crane & Boom Truck Rental Pque ........................ (02)8858-2500
Micronphil Industrial Sales Company Mla .......................... (02)8523-1531 Miyay's Seafood 47 Emerald Pque ......... (0917)402-9425 Mondial 88 Trading Corporation
Acr Bldg QC .................. (02)8961-2881 Milton Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti ......... (0977)807-2258 Mobile Expert Mirax Cpd Mkti .............. (02)8840-3374
Micropact Philippines Edsa QC ....................... (02)8911-1560 Miyay's/Yvan's Seafood Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-7860 Mondial Foods Philippines
Net Square Bldg Taguig .. (02)8823-7794 Milwaukee Industries Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti ........... (02)8846-9913 63 Franca Arcade QC ..... (02)8709-3729
Mobile Wonders Incorporatedorporation
Microprint Systems Incorporated Jtkc Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8812-5463 Mizuno Master Sports Corporation 123 Pioneer Mand ......... (02)8661-7394 Mondo Concrete Products Corporation
1 Luntan QC ................. (02)8554-9875 Trinoma QC .................. (02)7916-6495 Gloria Bldg QC .............. (02)8355-6745
Mimi Zozi Hair And Beauty Salon Mochi Cream Philippines
Microshop Incorporated D Quezon Mla..............(0927)642-7693 Mj Construction Design Services Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0998)151-8239 Mondo Cucina Incorporated
Valero Plz Mkti .............. (02)8812-6556 Aniceta QC..................(0932)356-5706 Concepcion Industries Bldg
Minato Vm Refreshment Incorporated Mochi Sweet
Microslt Inc B14 L01 Melanie Marquez Mj Praise Enterprises Mkti ......................... (02)8478-5888
Mall Of Asia PC ............. (02)3414-5086
Trade And Financial Twr LP............................(02)8832-7865 617 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8697-5064 Mondragon House Designs And Services
Mocktail Madness 4 Sto Nino QC ............. (0977)801-4284
Taguig ...................... (02)7968-8712 Mind At Work Progressive School Inc Mj Salon And Rebonding Center 8th Ave Taguig ............ (0917)999-3687
Microsourcing Philippines Incorporated 15 Winston QC ............ (0949)925-4469 Washington Mkti..........(0906)510-8827 Monea
Mocpower Engineering Services 601 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8243-2481
27th St Taguig .............. (02)3437-1000 Mind-Concept General Construction Inc Mj3 Upholstery B34 L11-12 Sampaguita
Mid-Fil Foods Incorporated Yague Mkti..................(0917)516-6248 Regalado Ave QC ......... (0951)779-0296 LP............................(02)7149-0063 Money Gram
Manhattan Parkview QC..(02)8288-4030 Mjc Machinery And Elevator Supply Coronel Bldg Mla ......... (0949)642-7630
Mindanao Tyrehaus Center Moda Myracle
Midas Project Realty Incorporated 213 Mindanao Ave QC ... (02)8453-8707 49 T Concepcion Val ...... (02)8257-0049 Moneyboom Enterprises
Makati Executive Twr 1
Anglo Arcade Mla .......... (02)8522-2515 Mjc Printing Services Mkti ....................... (0925)330-1030 460 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8363-0829
Mindchamps International Preschool Omega Val .................... (02)8292-8093
Midland Plaza Condominium Corporation Jecoprime Bldg Taguig ... (02)3488-9003 Modair Manila Co Ltd Incorporated Moneymax.Ph
Midland Plz Hotel Mla ..... (02)8521-8064 Mjcg Group Of Companies 41 San Guillermo Ave Act Twr Mkti ................. (02)8236-6481
Mindfuse 222 One Oasis Hub Psg . (02)7358-4864
Midtown Industrial Sales Incorporated 41 Obispado De Cubao Psg .......................... (02)8640-7074 Mongaya Corp/Caltex
32 M H Del Pilar KC ....... (02)8361-6671 QC ......................... (0949)887-6546 Mjjfj Construction Services 11 M Almeda Pat ........... (02)8642-0100
Modbus Electrical Supplies Corporation
23 Apollo LP ............... (0917)186-4483 The Big Orange Bldg KC . (02)8361-0500 Mongolian Quick Stop Incorporated
Midwest Food Industries Incorporated Mindomine Mbi Bldg Mla .... (02)8241-5507
28 Capricorn LP ............ (02)8478-6416 Mjr Hardware & Construction Supplies Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-4226
Mineski Infinity Modele Concepts Commercial Company
B13 L6 Purification KC . (0905)146-5278 Del Monte Mansion Bldg Mongolian Rice Bowls Incorporated
Miec Maritime Consultancy & Surveyors Sm City North Edsa QC.(0935)782-6904 311 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8928-2557
Mjt Service Center QC ........................... (02)8711-2047
Services Ming Trading 133 Saudi Arabia Pque . (0919)783-2967
1214 Pablo Ocampo Rd Modern Box Trading Moniziel
8161 Dr A Santos Ave Mjv Industries Philippines Incorporated 168 Ortigas Ave Psg ...... (02)8638-7865
Mla ........................ (0956)442-3578 Pque ........................ (02)8359-7586 66 Hernandez PC...........(02)8865-6509
126 San Antonio QC ...... (02)8376-5473 Monospace Construction
Mien San Noodle House Minox Valves And Fittings Philippines Modern Capitco Mktg Corporation
Mk Kitchen Equipment And Supplies H H Bldg Mla.................(02)8734-7406 President M Roxas Pque.(02)7738-0321
36 Granada QC ............. (02)8706-6818 Mcv Bldg QC.................(02)3453-3777 4 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Monoxide Works
Miescor Builders Incorporated Mint Sm Mall Of Asia PC .... (02)8556-2704 Psg .......................... (02)8661-1914 Modern Key And Locksmith Services
6 Pinagtipunan Mand ..... (02)8565-5075 24 Kj QC.....................(0917)624-8904
1 Anonas Ext QC ........... (02)8920-4576 Mintex Industrial Supply Mkc Interior Design Services Monrio Industrial Corporation
Mifaña's Resort 506 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-5686 One Burgundy Plz QC ... (0917)526-2708 Modern Lights Incorporated
683 Tomas Mapua Mla .. (02)8735-8443 Cvj Bldg QC .................. (02)8711-9005
B3 L5 Sampaloc QC.....(0917)858-4805 Minton Multiresources Incorporated Mkrg Builders Monroe Consulting Group Philippines
Migallos & Luna Law Offices Robinsons Place Manila B28 L20 Jasper LP ........ (02)8359-6611 Modern Primitive Business Unlimited High South Corporate Plz Twr 1
Phinma Plz Mkti ............ (02)8896-9358 Mla .......................... (02)7576-1928 Mkt Electrical Rewinding Incorporated Taguig ...................... (02)7585-7284
Miggy Payment Services Minuteman Industrial Sales Incorporated 124 Quirino Hwy QC ...... (02)8330-2989 164 Dna Soledad Ave Monsieur Barbershop
The Square KC .............. (02)7975-1471 89B F Blumentritt SJ ...... (02)8723-0678 Pque ...................... (0927)462-6930 The Pearl Bldg Mkna .... (0917)335-3353
Mla Bulletin Publishing Corporation
Miggy's Burger Mira Spa Makati Atrium Bldg Mkti..(02)8811-4357 Modern Rgac Refrigeration And Air Monster Burger
G Felipe Sr QC ............. (0917)913-9785 Don Mariano Marcos Ave Mlb Store Conditioning Services Salcedo Mkt Mkti ........... (02)8703-7527
Miggyville Logistics QC ......................... (0915)504-2664 Gov Pascual Mal ........... (02)8281-3253 Jaymin Bldg Psg ........... (02)8529-1495 Montanes Agri-Commodities Incorporated
1060 Leo Mla ............... (02)8994-4907 Mirabell Medical Corporation Mlbs Enterprise Moderne Culinaire Academy Incorporated 2 Dama De Noche Pque . (02)8776-9946
Mighty Gas Psec West Twr Psg ....... (02)8655-4102 11/88 Mall Mla ............ (0917)536-6316 Diego Silang Taguig ....... (02)8843-8071 Montblanc
19 Kamias QC ............... (02)3435-5265 Mirabella Events Mle Tours And Transport Modular Hardware Newport Mall PC ........... (02)7623-9665
Mighty Lynx Enterprises 395 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 32 C Merino Mkna ......... (02)8359-2699 29 Mh Del Pilar Mal ....... (02)8294-5871 Monte Villa's Food Palace
Northridge Plz QC .......... (02)3453-6843 Psg ........................ (0928)520-4868 Mlm Foods Incorporated Modular Plus Home System Incorporated 528 C Banawe QC ......... (02)8742-7526
Mighty Plast Packaging Phils Corp Mirabueno Agricultural Products Inc Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............ (02)8893-8360 6414 Tatalon Val ......... (0975)306-0786 Montecito Residential Resort
Pearl Island Cpd Val ..... (0933)958-0299 118 B5 Bayabas Mkti ... (0961)619-9573 Mlm Interior Design Moduvi Resort Dr PC ............... (0950)137-8978
Mighty Sports Miracle Skin System Incorporated Mc Home Builders Depot The Centerpoint Bldg Monteganie Incorporated
8475 Trabajo Mkti ......... (02)8845-1590 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8292-1939 Psg .......................... (02)8942-2773 Psg .......................... (02)8633-8963 Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8442-0125
Mighty Steelhouse Marketing Mirai Design Incorporated Mlmd Balloons & Party Supplies Moff's Grill House Montenapoleone
1207 Oroquieta Mla ....... (02)8243-0454 Psec West Twr Psg ....... (02)8687-0483 P Dela Cruz QC ............ (0927)356-5887 42 Bulacan QC ............ (0915)933-6959 Maxims Hotel PC ........... (02)8831-9807
Miglior Viaggio Travel And Tour Inc Miramar Confectionery Corporation Mlva Medical Supplies Mofu Travel And Tours Monterey Village Meat
Globe Telecom Plz Twr 2 45 Basilio Mal ............... (02)8287-1797 Bambang Mla................(02)8254-1679 Orofino Bldg Pque..........(02)7501-7301 36 Don Antonio Hghts
Mand......................(0918)959-1931 Miramax Home Service Spa And Massage Mm Pos Solutions Limited Incorporated Mogao Farmer's Plz QC ...... (02)8962-3860 QC ........................... (02)8932-1352
Miguel Aguas 12 Malakas QC ............ (0921)770-6822 One Corporate Plz Bldg Mohaiseen Telecom Trading Montery Meatshop
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............ (02)7728-0273 Mireio Raffles Dr Mkti ........ (02)7795-0707 Mkti ......................... (02)7218-6428 711- C Victoria SJ ......... (02)8357-4305 82 Panaderos Mand ....... (02)8533-6368
Mijo Comfort Food Miriam College Mm Yamat Motorists Center Mohur Incorporated Monteverde Sewing Machine Incorporated
4987 P Guanzon Mkti ... (0917)149-0148 Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)3435-9240 Edsa Ave Mand ............. (02)8584-9441 22 Purdue QC ............... (02)8359-1061 1870 Jose Abad Santos
Mik Philippines Incorporated Mirof Resources Incorporated Mmf Refrigeration And Airconditioning Moink's Chicks Chops N' Chips Mla .......................... (02)8354-2701
Don Bosco Mkti.............(02)8844-8244 Philcox Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8893-7656 Services 3 Rivera Mal................(0925)447-4955 Montevista Construction Corp
Mikavie Fish Farm Miromed Enterprises 3654 Magnolia Psg........(02)8568-0712 Mojares Construction Bonifacio Global City
28 Arthur Dr Taguig ..... (0917)841-5456 Zeta Ll Bldg Mkti .......... (0920)223-3330 Mmg True Enterprises Incorporation 400-B Tandang Sora Ave Taguig ...................... (02)8822-0110
Mikey's Barber Shop Mirror Your World Polylite Hse LP ............ (0998)581-2974 QC ........................... (02)8931-3258 Montosco Incorporated
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-1557 61A Dna Soledad Ave Mmgl Printshop Mojoe's Chili Federal Twr Mla.............(02)8243-3843
Mikhael Caleb Construction Services Pque ........................ (02)7501-7377 40 J P Rizal QC ............. (02)7358-9384 21B Mapagbigay QC .... (0916)434-8670 Montre
11 Virgo QC ................ (0977)764-4274 Mirt And Mart Sales Network Mmit Medical Instruments Trading Mokkilato Coconut Psg .... (0928)524-8498 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1450
Mikolette Salon Riverbanks Mall Mkna .... (02)8475-3171 One Corporate Ctr Psg..(0966)237-1624 Mol Logistics Philippines Incorporated Moochie's Food Trays
1115-B Connecticut SJ .. (02)8452-2869 Misa Castro And Associates Lawoffices Mmj Biosystems Philippines Incorporated Ech Plz Pque ................. (02)8853-5424 54 L Kasilag LP ........... (0927)897-7472
Mikra Art Gallery Concorde Condmn 2 Solemare Parksuites Condo Molave Development Corporation Moondragon Constructors
Jamboree QC ................ (02)8414-4557 Mkti ......................... (02)8897-4967 Pque ........................ (02)8442-8352 Daly Rd Pque ................ (02)8827-9263 La Twnhms Psg ............ (02)8642-6232
Miks Salon And Spa Miscovia Mmj Laptop & Computer Repair Services Molave Focused Research Corporation Mooney's Kitchen
A P Reyes PC..............(0956)567-1822 1237 - 1241 Soler Mla ... (02)8559-3988 Stet Pque......................(02)8998-6819 Psec Psg ...................... (02)8667-3773 Alabang Hills Munt ....... (0917)820-5039
Miksean Trucking Services Misis Linis Cleaning Services Mmmc Builder Hardware Molave Medical And Maternity Clinic Moonleaf
2F Cadaing QC .............. (02)8544-9242 122 C2 Capulong Mla...(0917)631-6777 124 Chuatoco QC .......... (02)3414-1493 99 Molave QC ............. (0919)629-7233 Thomas Square Mla ....... (02)8254-0306

To learn more about the advertiser, scan the QR Code to visit their YP Online Business Page.

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68 S C M Y K


Mor's Garden Landscaping Tropical And Mototribe Manila Mrs R's Veggies Atbp Multi Seal Plastic Industries Corporation My Athena Party And Events Services
Zen Design World Trade Exch Mla .. (0947)445-4503 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0999)883-3172 3003 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)3444-6901 3rd St Taguig ................. (02)8834-9751
Parkwood Greens Psg .. (0915)771-9065 Movement Matters Therapy Center Mrts Inasal Multi Time My Country Kitchen Foods Corporation
Morelia Tours And Travel Incorporated Parc Plz Bldg QC .......... (0917)571-3606 90 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-1111 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8376-3003 16 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8441-5436
2106 Mo Ignacia Ave Movie Stars Cafe Ms Bubbles Laundry Shop Multi-Global Marketing Corporation My Dentist Dental Center
QC ............................. (02)8524-0691 Centris Stn QC................(02)7987-1111 Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0908)635-6812 3040 Lubiran Mla ........... (02)8708-6054 Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1910
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company Moylan's Insurance Agency Incorporated Ms De Lima Spare Parts & Accessories Multi-Gold Cargo Logistics My Diamond
Representative Office 853 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8338-5602 81 Mrt Ave Taguig .......... (02)8703-6387 E A Nersan Bldg Pque.....(02)7964-8341 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-9376
Ayala Triangle Twr 1 Moymoy's Party Needs Ms Fitness Multi-Line System My Dynamix Food Spice Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8848-6088 A Sandoval Ave Psg ..... (0929)120-7470 1216 E Rodriguez Senior Ave Calderon Bldg QC ........... (02)8929-9911 120 J L Escoda Bend
Moridu Art Mp3 Games World Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)626-1658 Multi-Link Apparel Corporation Nav ............................ (02)8254-1633
67 Sct Rallos QC .......... (0966)496-8080 Sm City Novaliches QC ... (02)8364-2812 Ms Freight Transport International 21 Duhat Rd Mal ............ (02)8363-8880 My Exponent International Meico Company
Morilou's Medical Equipment And Supply Mpf Interior Design Services Bureau Of Customs Bldg Multi-Magnetique Incorporated Amo QC ....................... (0918)770-6360
E Rodriguez Ave QC ..... (0917)457-3249 Salazar Cpd QC ............ (0956)950-2890 Mla ............................ (02)8525-8340 Speech Power QC .......... (02)8294-2765 My Foot Spa & Body Massage
Moringa-O2 Mph Dental Clinic And Laboratory Ms Pharma Incorporated Multi-Pest Services Corporation 9 Sct Tobias QC ............. (02)8371-1535
Global Enterprise Bldg 77 Danielle Mansion Ms Pharma Bldg Mand ... (02)8531-9263 53 Sta Teresita Psg ........ (02)8631-9689 My Gem
Mkti ........................... (02)8888-4973 QC ........................... (0928)454-3065 Ms Piamonte Customs Services Multi-Pure Philippines Corporation Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr
Moris' Diner Mplace And Congressional Goldz Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8527-2527 1198 Pablo Ocampo Sr Ave QC ............................. (02)3439-7406
21 Ashley QC ............... (0956)756-5721 Staycation Ms Sterling Management Consultancy Mkti ........................... (02)8893-5581 My International Manpower Corporation
Morning Glory Company Incorporated Mo Ignacia QC ............. (0906)547-7577 Services Multi-Realty Development Corporation Paragon Twr Mla ............ (02)8521-9979
829 - 831 Tabora Mla .... (02)8241-8745 Mpm Consulting Services Inc The Valero Twr Mkti ..... (0977)815-1204 Makati Stock Exch Bldg My Jinga Juice Incorporated
Morning Roast Coffee Store Vinia Residences QC ...... (02)8930-6366 Ms Wheel-Technology Trading Mkti ........................... (02)8810-1111 The Ctrpoint Bldg Psg ..... (02)8535-3245
N Roxas QC ................. (0977)839-3024 Mpm Garments Centre 717 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8733-6703 Multi-Resources Development Corporation My Jpm Trading
Morning Seven Laundry Shop 45 Maamo QC ................ (02)8924-7602 Msa Sneaker Restoration And 14 United Psg ................ (02)8654-1808 Joy And Me Bldg Mkna.(0926)253-9926
A Banlat Rd QC .............. (02)7729-8124 Mpmy Electrical Engineering Services Customization Services Multico Prime Power Incorporated My Mamou Food Concepts Incorporated
Morning Sky Enterprises 849-L Galicia Mla ......... (0939)415-9998 1716 Sikap Cpd Psg.....(0936)516-0288 Multico Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8897-2357 Molito Bldg Munt ............ (02)8887-3844
603 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Msb Auto Parts Multicolormart Hardware My Own Wash
KC ............................. (02)8986-0795 Mpp Meat Import Corporation
Manggahan Light Industrial Park 147 B Congressional Ave Estrella Mal .................... (02)8287-4719 8707 Sandoval Ave
Morning Star Milling Corporation Psg .......................... (0995)653-0355 QC ........................... (0956)942-9685 Multimind Enterprise Corporation Psg .......................... (0910)652-7209
Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8403-2813 Msb19 Printing Services Intramuros Corporate Plz My Phone Service Center
Mpt Architecture
Morning Wind Clinical Laboratory Biyaya Mla ................... (0928)709-2557 4375 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)7501-6725 Mla ............................ (02)8244-1612 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-4294
Prudencia Mla ................ (02)8254-2833 Multimodal Group Of Companies My Thai Kitchen
Mq Bros Commercial Incorporated Msd Philippines
Morse Hydraulics System Corporation 1141-1143 Soler Mla ..... (02)8244-0068 Philam Life Twr Mkti ....... (02)8784-9500 1206 Estrada Mla ........... (02)8524-2107 The Venice Piazza
B5 L8 & 9 Dagat Dagatan Ave Multiplast Corporation Taguig........................(02)8836-7712
Mal ............................ (02)8287-3826 Mqcreations Merchandising Mse Marikina Shoe Exchange
Tropical Hut Foodmart Bldg Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr 1200 EDSA Quezon City . (02)8928-5002 My Way Dry Ice Supply
Morzian Equipment Trading QC ............................. (02)8332-6303 Multiple Exposure Photography Services 56 Sta Monica
Halcon Bldg Taguig ........ (02)8998-8684 QC ............................. (02)7587-5808
Mr Aircon Philippines Msg Manille Inc 566-A Lakandula Mla ... (0926)996-6379 Pasay City .................. (02)8551-0377
Mos Design Gallery Multiple Grace Industrial Corp Mychael's Corporation
9th Bonifacio High Street 384-D Marcos Hwy Ortigas Bldg Psg ............ (02)8636-0060
Mkna ......................... (02)8477-1111 Msh Enterprises B7 L24 Athena North Olympus Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8880-0038
Taguig........................(02)8856-7915 QC ........................... (0956)889-2990 Myeong Dong Korean Buffet Chicken Bbq
Mosconi Tours Incorporated Mr Anthony Shoes And Bags Liras Cpd KC .................. (02)8442-4265
103 Rd 8 QC ................ (0939)362-1944 Msi Materials Solutions Incorporated Multiplier Lending Corporation Restaurant
105 Prince Gregory Condo San Buena Bldg Psg ....... (02)8687-1583 2 Greenhills Towncenter
QC ............................. (02)8815-8740 Mr Baker Culinary And Bakery Supplies South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-4746
38 Aurora Blvd QC........(0933)356-9797 Msr VII & Sons Corporation Mum's Lasagna QC ........................... (0998)990-1004
Moshi Manju - Pasay City 26A Sct Borromeo QC .. (0966)930-6748 Myflower Depot Incorporated
Mall Of Asia PC ............ (0932)699-9753 Mr Bugmaster Incorporated Dao 1 Bldg Mkti..............(02)8550-1489
Joy LP ........................... (02)8805-8819 Mums And Roses Flower And Gift Shop Makati Curb Bldg Mkti .... (02)8814-0854
Moss Design House Mss Mind Specialists School 2 Barasoai SJ ................. (02)8654-9125
Mr Gruby's Diner 152 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8732-6868 Myg-Datem Incorporated
Moss Manila Home Bldg Mun Hean Poly-Electromechs Incorporated United Laboratories
QC ............................. (02)8632-1978 879 Dagonoy Mla ......... (0928)293-9423 Mssw & Associates 21 Jade QC .................... (02)8366-8341 Mand ......................... (02)8637-5650
Mostacci Incorporated Mr Gulay 213-215 Del Monte QC.(0936)928-9861
4 C Aguinaldo QC ......... (0961)763-4080 Munchtea Food And Beverage House Myje Ochoa Pawnshop
Makati Cinema Square Msup General Merchandise Purok 2 Luzon Ave QC..(0928)990-4181 47 Alabang-Zapote Rd
Mkti ........................... (02)8844-6467 Mr Jack Aircon Services Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0910)935-2263 LP ............................ (0942)806-1614
Munchub Kitchen
Mot Mm Marketing 3C Omega Ave QC ......... (02)7585-7168 Mt Zion International Placement Agency Marina Bldg Mkti .......... (0921)476-0083 Mykel's Bike Parts & Accessories
190 Sgt Rivera QC..........(02)8364-8823 Mr Kimbob Co Ltd Ck Sy Diamond Bldg 7 Korea Mkna ............... (0917)179-3283
PC ........................... (0932)861-2998 Mundo Builders Inc
Mot-Barko Manila Filomena Bldg QC ........... (02)8470-7078 Uprc III Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8868-6368 Myoho Renge Copy Incorporated
Solemil Bldg Mla .......... (0917)502-4967 Mr Klin Car Wash Mtech Asia Trading Incorporated Municipality Of Caloocan 27 St Thomas Pque ........ (02)8659-2128
Motech Mindanao Avenue 322 M L Quezon 3 2nd St Psg .................. (02)8470-6047 8th Ave KC ..................... (02)8288-8811
Taguig......................(0917)880-5755 Mypress Printing Services
Mindanao Ave QC...........(02)8573-2809 Mtech Industrial Automation Corporation Municipality Of Pasig 102 Molave QC .............. (02)8363-8088
Motex Philippines Inc Mr Korea Unlimited Bbq Empire Ctr Mall PC ......... (02)8776-4547 Caruncho Ave Psg .......... (02)8643-1111
Market Market Taguig ... (0927)688-9555 Myrn's Fashion Boutique & Dress Shop
66 West City Plz QC ....... (02)8376-5506 Mti Movers Munting Buhangin Beach Camp Science Balong Bato
Mother Care Mr Lavah Boy Laundry Service 3 San Martin QC ............. (02)8985-3236 QC ........................... (0919)510-3027
Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8478-0472 Luzon Ave QC .............. (0915)441-1568 Mtl Golden Marketing Makati Executive Ctr Myrna Farinas Salon For Men And Women
Mother Dear Medical Clinic Mr Palengkero Gateway Mall Twr QC ..... (02)8287-4512 Mkti ........................... (02)8818-1975 7880 Jupiter Mkti ........... (02)8890-0678
Gen San Miguel KC ...... (0932)717-6772 1329 Alvarado Ext Mla..(0967)451-8194 Mtn Esthetique Supplies Inc Muramed Incorporated Myrna's Construction And Supply
Mother Stite Food Corporation Mr Park's Bread And Cake Corporation 475 Juan Luna Manila .... (02)8242-0744 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8234-2827 513 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-5946
C3 Bonifacio High Street Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8478-1406 Mtr The Mentor Group Murang Itlog Egg Trading
Taguig......................(0917)534-9145 Mysolutions Inc
Mr Plant Avenue 64 Gen Lim QC .............. (02)8332-1109 Mercedes KC ............... (0998)544-3696 201 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8365-8488
Mothercare Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz Mtrd Machine Shop & Metal Fabrication
Robinson Place Manila Murphy Diagnostic & Multi-Specialty Center Myson Lending Investor Incorporated
QC ........................... (0956)630-0715 Services 42 5th Ave QC ................ (02)8912-7193 46 P Burgos Mkna..........(02)8470-4456
Mla ............................ (02)8353-3682 Mr Pooh Paint Shop 107 5th St KC ................ (02)8693-4588
Mothers Car Rental Murray & D'Vine Mystech Dynamics Incorporated
30 Landargun QC ........... (02)8359-2978 Mtrt Philippines Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7901-3029 Cityland Herrera Twr
2633 Dian Mkti...............(02)8522-2896 Mr Quickie Corporation 126 Biglang Awa KC.......(02)8364-6284 Muscle Beach Lemonade Mkti ........................... (02)8846-4522
Mothers Helping Home Banner Psg .................. (0917)887-8425 Muan General Merchandise
23-D President's Ave Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4969 Mystery Manila
Mr Sun Kiddie Partycom Incorporated Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8513-3872 Museo Ng Makati Ayala Malls The 30th
Pque .......................... (02)8881-3600 213 Wilson SJ................(02)8571-7808 Muebles Asia 986 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8896-2464 Psg ............................ (02)7621-0732
Motion Cabin Mr Tea Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-7106
2231 Chino Roces Ave Mushroomburger Philippines Incorporated Mytaxi.Ph Incorporated
Aseana 3 Bldg Pque ..... (0935)114-2674 Muffler Land 297 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8882-8888 Aci Group Office Bldg
Mkti ......................... (0915)885-9850 Mr Toppings Inasal Haus 102 Tomas Morato Ave
Motobox Corporation Music 21 Plaza (Family Ktv Rooms) Mkti ........................... (02)8845-0943
21 Macarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8293-2615 QC ............................. (02)8926-0132 27 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8371-6531 Myvape Airborne Incorporated
Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Mr Travel Services Inc
Mkna ....................... (0917)113-9683 Mugen Bar & Restaurant Incorporated Music And Audio Solutions And Services 13 King Alexander QC.....(02)8995-3035
8725 Saville Bldg Mkti .... (02)8533-4046 Metrowalk Coml Cplx Inc Myx Cutz Salon
Motolite Psg ............................ (02)8637-4089
92A Banawe QC ............. (02)3413-7405 Mr-Tech I T Solutions Isidro Mendoza Bldg Mla (02)8353-3895 2346 Plz Hugo Mla ......... (02)8516-7887
Bamboo KC..................(0953)279-9565 Mukbang 199 Music First Rental Mzm Insurance Agency Incorporated
Motoplus Philippines 8 Gen Ave QC...............(0906)805-6004
1918 Laong-Laan Rd Mra Gas Trading 7 V Mapa Sta Mesa Mla..(02)8703-2412 Isuzu Alabang Bldg
Mla .......................... (0915)372-7788 Batangas Mkti ................ (02)8569-2879 Mukbang Korean Fusion Grill & Bar Music Plaza 21 Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8842-8404
Mrc Gas 34 Sct Madriñan QC ..... (0915)996913 106 Jupiter Mkti ............. (02)8899-4867 Mznpower Enterprise
Motor And Carriage
1174 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-3846 193C A Bonifacio QC......(02)8366-7721 Mulawin Security And Investigation Agency Music Source 201-K N Domingo SJ ..... (02)7217-9223
Motor Image Manila Incorporated Mri Diagnostic Inc Civic Dr Festival Mall
Mancor Corporate Ctr Banawe QC .................... (02)8712-3041 Opal Pque ...................... (02)8553-1133 Munt ........................ (0933)200-4114
Motor Master Incorporated
Mrim Enterprises
16 B Kamias Rd QC........(02)3435-4261
Mulberry Door
Forbestown Ctre
Musikgarten Phils Incorporated
Robinsons Galleria Mall N
1277 C M Recto Ave Mrl Carneeds Corporation Taguig......................(0918)998-7474 QC ............................. (02)8571-4928
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9225 B7 L3 Narra Psg ........... (0916)493-7886 Mulberry Kids Preschool Must Be Moms N & R Home Decor Asian Collection
Motor One Auto Parts Corporation Mrl Gold Incorporated 6 San Clemente Psg ....... (02)8634-5687 Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0912)770-6157 137 Aguirre Pque ......... (0977)707-9018
Banawe QC .................... (02)3381-5555 Carlos J Valdez Bldg Mulligan's Mustard Seed Cooperative N Dela Merced & Sons Incorporated
Motor Star Mkti ........................... (02)8403-6198 Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8807-3128 84 Taguile Mkna.............(02)8941-5316 Gcc Bldg Mkti.................(02)8844-4979
141 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8294-0211 Mrlc Transport Cars Incorporated Mulsons Trading Corporation Mustwin Trading N L T Marketing
Motor Tech 171 Yakal Mkti ............... (02)8843-6567 Capri Rd Munt ................ (02)8893-5015 858 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8242-1545 Odeon Terminal Mall
37 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (0998)442-2314 Mrld Roof & Glass Trading Multech Link Enterprises Mutual Books Inc Mla ............................ (02)8733-6291
Motor Trust Towing Services 46 Gen Ordonez Ave Windrose Twnhms Fourth Estate Jovan Condmn Bldg N T Personal Ability Incorporated
791 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8785-1705 Mkna ......................... (02)7624-3283 Pque .......................... (02)7956-4087 Mand ......................... (02)8534-2664 N T Ctr Bldg Munt...........(02)8842-8197
Motorcars Auto Parts Company Mrlink Incorporated Multi Kitchen Incorporated Mutual Fortune Express Incorporated N Tan Dental Office
40 B Kaliraya QC ............ (02)8743-8784 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8893-4327 810 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)7752-7433 Centennial Bldg Mla ........ (02)8243-1968 Pos Bldg QC...................(02)8332-5803
Motorino Mrr Condotel & Staycation Multi M Food Corporation Mv Ram Trading Company Incorporated N&J Lopez Lodging House
Net Park Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8962-4445 Coronado Mand ........... (0915)438-2089 Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8721-4441 Mr Bldg Psg ................... (02)8681-2511 3rd St PC ..................... (0916)490-1683
Motorist Auto Supply Incorporated Mrs Fields Multi Media Exponents MVG Circle 1001 Corp N-4 Lock & Key Services
187 Banawe QC ............. (02)8731-9766 Sm Bf Paranaque Pque ... (02)8545-2649 904 Arnaiz Madison Bldg MVGI Bldg Quezon City...(02)8929-8397 Ilang- Ilang KC..............(0935)535-6409
Motorists Haven Mrs Freeze Tube Ice Makers Co Mkti ........................... (02)8553-3291 Mvm Wellness Sanctuary Incorporated N-Cash
Meralco Ave Psg ............ (02)8634-3812 C-4 Rd Mal .................... (02)8355-4036 Multi Parts Boy Incorporated Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8844-2878 Santolan Arcade Mkna .. (0917)534-1811
Motorix Motor Sales Incorporated Mrs Garcia's Meats 50 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0309 Mvment Laco Mla.............(0967)294-9185 Nab Security Services
68 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-1071 First Lucky Place Annex Multi People Product Mvq Ticketing Services North Matrix Coml Twnhses
Motormall Ncr Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0977)241-6450 Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)3455-1788 Avida Twrs Makati Mkti .. (02)7576-5239 KC ............................. (02)8366-0321
100 E Rodriguez Ave Mrs Meat & Stick Food Incorporated Multi Rich Home Decors Incorporated Mvr Laboratory Dignostic Center Nacional Memorial Homes
Psg ............................ (02)8571-5627 35A Main Ave QC ........... (02)8911-3004 Bttc Ctre SJ .................... (02)8656-9239 Trinity Bldg Mla .............. (02)8708-9974 264 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8713-5232

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69 S C M Y K


Nadine Laundry Shop Nash Catering And Restaurant Supplies Negros Holdings Management Corporation Neurobalance Therapy New Times Computer
274 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-2633 Tabora Mla ................... (0975)370-6350 Pearl Of The Orient Twr Vicar's I Bldg QC .......... (0917)108-4355 770 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-1142
Naess Shipping Philippines Incorporated Nasipit Lumber Co Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8567-3482 Nevaeh Food Company New Topbest Lumber And Construction
Naess Hse Mla ............... (02)8521-1593 Maritima Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-6185 Neighbor's Buster Laundromat 15A Mojica LP ............... (02)8808-4065 Supply
Nagase Philippines Corporation Nasugbu Airport Transport Corporation Maxima Santos Psg......(0915)100-5105 New Balance 282 Edsa Mand .............. (02)8531-0887
Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)7750-2931 9760 C Felicidad Pque....(02)8553-0552 Neighborhood Coffee Lounge Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8634-6137 New Triple S Medical & Dental Trading
Nagie's Lechon Nat`L Life Ins Co Of The Phils L1 B1 Stuttgart Pque ...... (02)3408-6252 New Banawe Auto Supply Corporation
Central Ave QC ............... (02)7945-2504 National Life Insurance Bldg Neighborâ??s Buster Laundromat 22 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0115 1629 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-6476
Nagui Wellness Center Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8804-1487 Maxima Santos Psg......(0915)100-5105 New Beginnings Center For Child New Triton Motor Vehicle Parts Inc
Sycamore Bldg Munt ...... (02)8823-1468 Natap Travel And Tours Incorporated Neima Roofing Services Development 38-A Banawe QC............(02)8516-3848
Naicha Culmat Bldg QC ...... (02)8584-5217 Power Villas QC............(0926)731-7065 372 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (02)7950-4097 Medical Plz Ortigas New United Foundry Shop
Nail A Holic Natasha Fashion Nej Food Service Psg .......................... (0966)719-8890 595 Quirino Ave QC ........ (02)8936-3513
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8854-5726 48 Commonwealth QC ... (02)3433-8952 102 Corregidor QC ....... (0961)474-9158 New Best Business Corporation New Unityre Enterprises
Nail Axis Hair And Nail Spa Nate Funeral Homes Incorporated Nelge Laundry Shop South Stn Green Bldg 547-B Banawe QC .......... (02)8711-1871
South Insula Bldg QC....(0927)262-7296 B37N Ph3 F-1 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Bagumbong Rd KC ....... (0920)479-3885 Munt .......................... (02)8842-9885 New Victory Trading Corporation
Nail It! KC ............................. (02)8285-6251 Nelpot's Binalot New Bombay 754 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8244-0357
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Nathaniels 85 Arandia Munt...........(0918)450-3201 Robinson Place  Manila New Wintex Fabrics Corporation
SJ .............................. (02)8661-4418 221E Katipunan QC ........ (02)8442-5387 Nelsoft Technology Inc Mla ............................ (02)8353-6847 Facilities Ctr Mand .......... (02)8531-1208
Nail Potions Nation Manufacturing & Industrial Products 41 G Mariano KC ............ (02)8522-4390 New Bombay Food Incorporated New World Canvas
Filinvest 2 Rd QC .......... (0917)184-4241 Corp Nelsy Ernst Pro-Makeup Artist Grand Canal Venice 237 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8277-4593
Nail Spa Lounge 1058 Del Monte Ave One Rockwell West Twr Taguig........................(02)8425-1867 New World Diagnostics Incorporated
Sm Mega Mall Mand ...... (02)8470-3790 Quezon City................(02)8372-3736 Mkti ........................... (02)8828-0730 New Chapter Lending Corporation 854 G Apacible Mla ........ (02)8521-0320
Nail Studio Nation Paper Products & Printing Corp Neltex Development Company Incorporated Lalaines Bldg LP.............(02)8800-8970 New Yellow Hardware & Electrical Supply
18 France Pque ............ (0966)447-2573 34 Narciso Valenzuela .... (02)8983-8000 146 Alabang-Zapote Rd New Circulated Electrical Supply 1034 Ilaya Mla ............... (02)8245-0007
Nail Touched National Agribusiness Corporation LP .............................. (02)8873-8888 631-633 Teodora Alonzo New Yellow Hat
12 St Mary Ave Mkna ... (0917)602-5312 West Twr Psec Ctr Psg...(02)8635-9225 Nem Travel And Tours Mla ............................ (02)8733-5301 487 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)8926-4617
Nail Tropics National Archives Of The Philippines 3 Urci LP......................(0947)838-0498 New Clinton Builders Inc New Ylang-Ylang Marketing Corporation
Lifestyle Ctr Evia LP........(02)8869-2902 Ppl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8524-3231 Nemie Furniture Trading Nordstrum Residences 112 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8353-0800
National Book Store Warehouse 995 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8912-9797 QC ............................. (02)3433-2453 New York Bay Philippines (Nybp)
Naila's Money Changer
1741 Mabini Mla ............ (02)3383-9031 Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8373-2553 Nemoto Travel & Tours Corporation New Dynasty International Incorporated Antel Global Corporate Ctr
National Bookstore 321 Gil Puyat Ave PC ..... (02)8525-7824 Burgundy Corporate Twr Psg ............................ (02)8638-8415
Nailandia Studio And Body Spa Mkti ........................... (02)8552-1957
One Oasis Condmn Psg .. (02)7956-2113 M Almeda Pat.................(02)8643-6506 Nemrac Medical And Pharma Corp New Zealand Embassy Manila
National Labelling Enterprises 1555 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8749-5377 New Eastern Garden Restaurant Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8234-3800
Nailcessity Spa 954 Ongpin Mla..............(02)3450-4290
Capitol Masonic Bldg 32 G Roxas Quezon City . (02)8330-8111 Nene's Boneless Bangus Newburg Commercial Incorporated
National Review Center Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0916)789-7524 New Edmart Hardware & Electrical Supply 224 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8711-0588
QC ............................. (02)8668-4020 961 Hidalgo Mla ............. (02)8588-0446
Nailfiles 2019 Claro M Recto Ave Neo Bros Newgen Meditech Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8733-7832 1261 CarDna Mkti .......... (02)8800-5418 New Empire Aluminum Distributor Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8990-3395
Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)7720-8575 77 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8371-0359
Nailfinity National Unity Party Neo Elements Mobile Bar Company Newland Center For Education
Nlic Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8772-6237 12 Onelia Jose LP .......... (02)8899-6642 New England College Camarin KC .................... (02)8961-5744
Ea Fernandez Bldg Mla ... (02)8292-0380 40 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8711-3406
Nailgasm Salon National University Incorporated Neo Rein Merchandising Newline Industries Incorporated
551 M Jhocson Mla ....... (02)8712-1900 2105 Laon Laan Mla ...... (02)8703-8898 New Era Cap Philippines 3430 Mag Villamor
Citimotor Mkti...............(0926)728-9000 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8656-8588
Nailogy Beauty Concepts Corporation Nationwide Hardware And Mill Supply Neo Vision Eye Clinic Manila ........................ (02)8714-6322
322 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8242-6083 Km17 Mcarthur Hwy Val.(02)8292-8018 New Febra Marketing Newmsr Cosntruction Supply
Sm Hypermart Psg ......... (02)8570-1887 920 C Asuncion Mla ....... (02)8241-9483
Nationwide Health Systems Incorporated Neo-Asian Finance & Leasing Corp 66 Sta Ana Mal .............. (02)7239-6496
Nailogy Spa New Fix N' Paint
Robinson Place  Manila Zeta 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8844-2467 1121 Edsa QC ................ (02)3413-4221 Newport Mall
Neo-Comptronix Specialist Incorporated 18 Mo Ignacia QC .......... (02)8922-1632 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7239-1412
Mla ............................ (02)8567-1948 Nativ Techniks Inc
One Corporate Ctr Psg .. (0977)730-3566 788 A Maceda Mla ......... (02)8781-2130 New Flavor House Inc News Babers
Nails Dot Glow 21 Duhat Rd Malabon ..... (02)8363-8883
5062A P Burgos Mkti ..... (02)8801-6703 Natural Health Matters Incorporated Neolenzer Cafe Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8633-9980
Globe Telecom Plz 1 Olympus Rd QC ........... (0956)105-3457 New Fortune Knit Craft Industry Newsprint Sales Corporation
Nails Glow Hand & Foot Spa 88 Access Rd Pque ........ (02)8821-8191
12 Northridge Plz QC ...... (02)8352-8140 Mand ......................... (02)8451-2166 Neossia Incorporated Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3301
Pet Plans Twr Mkti ......... (02)8541-4702 New Giftmate Enterprise Newton Multi Sales
Naimas Ylocos Food Corporation Naturalizer Rsi 761 Ilaya Mla ................. (02)8242-9155
114 Sct Rallos QC .......... (02)8922-8558 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8842-4936 Neotopia Car Care Center 689D Del Monte QC ....... (02)8559-5301
1 Dna Aurora Psg ......... (0917)899-9426 New Gold Bond Marketing Corporation Newton Scanning Systems Incorporated
Naito Clinic Nature Care Water Refilling Station 1579 F T Benitez Mla ...... (02)8353-0953
331 G De Borja Pat.......(0917)136-8159 Neovega Lighting 7514 Gma Lou-Bel Plz
Torre Sur Condmn LP ... (0917)789-4641 New Hatchin Japanese Grocerant Mkti ........................... (02)8895-2973
Nature Earth Lri Design Plz Mkti..........(02)8256-5714
Nakashima Printing Services 133 Katipunan Ave QC . (0917)628-6014 Newton's Apple Play And Study Center
571 J B Roxas Mkti ........ (02)8962-0343 265 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8234-0636 Nephila Web Technology
Philippine Social Science Ctr New Hatchin Trading Corporation Narra Mkna .................. (0966)768-5952
Nakasone Travel And Tours Nature Republic Philippines 7602 Sacred Heart Mkti .. (02)8897-7207
Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8352-6763 QC ............................. (02)3453-7347 Newtown Marketing
148 Evangelista Psg ..... (0998)462-3558 New Heminway Office Machine And 848 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8243-2621
Nature's Garden Industry Incorporated Nephro Systems Dialysis Center
Naked Patisserie Eastgate Ctr Mand .......... (02)8531-5344 Supplies Newtrail Services Incorporated
The Peninsula Manila J Aguilar Ave LP ............. (02)8873-8336 Del Monte Ave QC .......... (02)8376-9210
Neptune Mega Trading Incorporated Carreon Bldg Mkti...........(02)8403-7743
Mkti ......................... (0945)468-5141 Nature's Harvest Corporation New Imperialflex Enterprises Inc
Kim Shiu Ching Bldg Alabang Home Depot Nexen Trading
Nakuyami Takoyaki Munt .......................... (02)8771-2227 Makaturing QC ............... (02)8887-6766 590 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-0223
2420 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0917)547-1829 Mla ............................ (02)8242-3879
Nera Philippines Incorporated New Jerusalem School Incorporated Nexquest Travel And Tours
Nalauag Merchandising Nature's Way Aromatheraphy Salon 32 D Tuazon QC ............. (02)8712-0339
Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0997)957-5588 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8511-8596 Hillman QC ..................... (02)7989-8810
Two Shopping Ctr PC ..... (02)8524-1726 Nerry Anne's Scramble Craze New Johnson Auto Supply Next Door Incorporated
Namsan Korean B-B-Q Restaurant Naturecraft Industrial Corporation 1041 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8244-7767
33 Coconut Psg ............. (02)8631-0233 Eco Plz Mkti ................... (02)7215-6165 Greenfields Bldg Mand....(02)8661-3868
Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8889-9348 Nerve Pet And Poultry Supplies New King's Charm Corporation Next Issue Company
Nanay Care Online Pet Shop Natures Flow Imm Bldg KC .................. (02)8334-1594 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)3418-3534
789 Jp Rizal Mkna..........(02)8666-3069 4500 Valenzuela Mla .... (0918)492-9882
103 Rd 8 QC ................ (0956)915-1226 Nesh Fashion New Lamson Hardware Next Level Business Development
Nanay Juling's Restaurant Nautilus Dive And Sports Center 1274 C M Recto Ave
Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-7293 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Consulting
1142 Asuncion Ext Mla...(02)7502-4750 SJ .............................. (02)8245-3164 Mla ............................ (02)8244-5395 The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3835
Nanbantei Of Tokyo Nautilus Shipyard And Repair Incorporated New Lasema Spa
1050 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8282-9031 Ness Astilla Salon Nextgen Signs & Graphics
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4130 24 Guevarra Mand .......... (02)8533-1312 8846 Sampaloc Mkti .... (0995)871-7389 Alabang Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8801-7115
Nancy Rannie Fresh Seafoods Navis Maritime Services Inc Nestor Tailoring New Life Christian Center (The Fort)
2215 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8506-7862 Nextwave Communications Incorporated
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8352-1108 20 B Congressional Ave Incorporated Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8245-7681
Nanding's Steel Beds Nazz Salon For Men & Women QC ........................... (0919)506-1785 Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8511-1029 Nexus Community
1643 Crisostomo Mla ..... (02)8741-5230 32 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(0935)103-1941 Net City Philippines New Mabini Drug Store The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3470
Nanka Japanese Steakhouse Nbb Construction Worldwide Corporate Ctr 409 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8287-3958 Nexus Technologies Incorporated
1810 Mo Ignacia QC ...... (02)8517-9677 Cannes Bldg Psg ............ (02)8668-9148 Mand ......................... (02)8991-1100 New Manila Panasahan Marketing Don Pablo Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8812-0683
Nankai Motor Parts Incorporated Nbb Ventures Incorporated Net Lima 820 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7888 Nfc Marine Trading
39E Agno QC ................. (02)8740-4577 318 North Bay Blvd Nav . (02)8283-1770 Net Lima Taguig ............. (02)8856-9999 New Millennium Evangelical Church 818 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8283-9462
Nano's Kusina Nck88 Interior Supplies Trading Net One Center 770 Gen Malvar Mla ....... (02)8528-1668 Nfc Miralles Law Office
33 Premium QC ........... (0916)517-8655 Gagalangin Tondo Mla .... (02)7004-9700 Crescent Park West New Miller Metal Shop 6 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (0916)510-9308
Nanotech Chemicals Corporation Ncl Miller Car Care Center Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8815-6342 501 Tullahan Rd KC ....... (02)8930-1484 Nfs Center
23 Fema Rd QC .............. (02)8920-5985 Keyser Bldg QC .............. (02)8374-2112 Net's Jewelry Shop New Monte Commercial Incorporated 9 Williams Mand ............ (02)8942-2376
Naotech Incorporated Ncsi Incorporated 247B P Tuazon QC ......... (02)8421-1817 808 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-6317 Ngi Printing Press Incorporated
Ewc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)7624-0370 139 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (02)7793-1400 Net4Site Philippines Incorporated New Niagara Hardware And Plumbing 702 Diligence QC ........... (02)8941-4240
Nara Thai Nct Transnational Corporation 8101 Pearl Plz Psg ......... (02)8234-9156 606 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5394 Ngiting Wagi Dental Clinic
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Dagat-Dagatan Ave KC ... (02)8287-8012 Netbox Trading New Regent Lumber 5 The One Executive Bldg
Pque .......................... (02)8637-3860 Nd Baking And Confetionery Supply A Bonifacio Ave Mkna .... (02)8782-8978 8102 Dr A Santos Ave QC ............................. (02)3415-3337
Narra Systems Corporation 8415 Dr Arcadio Santos Ave Netherlands Embassy Pque .......................... (02)8825-6945 Ngk Automotive Parts Incorpotated
The Atrium Of Makati Pque .......................... (02)8825-5123 Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8786-6666 New Rla Impex Corporation 60 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-1027
Mkti ........................... (02)7728-8902 Nd Motor Parts Netlogic Solutions Asia Incorporated 811 S Laurel Mand ......... (02)8724-7406 Nhecy's Plumbing Services
Narratek Corporation 180-C 20th Ave QC ........ (02)8911-0820 Concepcion Bldg QC ...... (02)8373-0080 New San Jose Builders Incorporated Maayusin QC..................(02)7624-3591
Vernida 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)7621-6183 Nd-Elco General Merchandise Nettdriven Corporation Timog Ave QC .............. (0997)531-5991 Nhu Trading
Narvadez Optical The Pearl Manila Mla ...... (02)8516-0701 Mk Bldg Psg...................(02)8477-5605 New Sayarah Suspension Haus Greenhills Shopping Ctr
508 A Flores Mla ............ (02)8526-7911 Ndp Aluminum & Glass Supply Inc Nettkouave Cyber Cafe 487 Araneta Ave QC ....... (02)8712-8911 SJ .............................. (02)8517-9857
6 Pio Alvarez Psg ........... (02)7746-2079 182 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8330-8116 New Scaffworks Intl Incorporated Nibco Commercial
Ndp Enterprise 646 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8711-4641 Republic Supermarket Bldg
Reaching buyers is 8 Caruncho Ave Psg ....... (02)7945-0408
Network Alliances Manpower Corporation
47 Cordillera Mand ......... (02)8535-3537 New Security Hardware Mla ............................ (02)8733-7829
Ne Plus Ultra Training Network Magazine Subscription Services 1567 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8561-0824 Nic's Gourmet Desserts
half the sale. Shipping Ctr Bldg Mla ..... (02)8536-5737 Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8840-0758 New Setamy Plumbing Corporation 172 A Mabini SJ.............(02)8571-1818
Near Home Incorporated Netz Coffee 658 Teodoro Alonzo Mla (02)8733-1802 Nice Fox Freight Service
Keep your name 1929 Jorge Bocobo Mla . (02)8967-1876
Neat Freak Laundry And Dry Cleaning
Netz Glass Twr LP ........ (0995)350-8660
Netzach Fabric And Accessories
New Silver Drug Incorporated
2601 Aurora Blvd Mla.....(02)8742-0403
6 Molave Psg ................. (02)8681-7750
Nice Hotel
Presidents Ave Pque.......(02)8820-6328 New Ilaya Textile Bldg New Star Apa Corporation 1798 Mcarthur Hwy KC .. (02)8355-9913
constantly before Neat Nirvana Cleaning Services Mla ............................ (02)8255-6096 87-D Bonifacio Dr Val ..... (02)3432-4525 Nice Print Photography
8893 San Pablo Pque ... (0968)400-8376 Neugen Tire Sales Incorporated New Sumitomo Parts & Supply Corp Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-8804
them in the Necs Cafe Deli
Victoria De Morato QC .. (0917)794-0525
2532 Jose Abad Santos
Mla ............................ (02)8251-0651
347 A Bonifacio
Quezon City................(02)8364-1014
Nicel Consultancy Services
Edsa Gcc Mall Mkti.........(02)8664-8154
Neelsan Food Corp Neumaticos Corporation New Synergy Garments Incorporated Niceman Incorporated
YELLOW PAGES. A A Tanco Bldg QC.........(02)3413-5516 11 J Wright St San Juan . (02)8723-6723 4 Golden QC...................(02)8926-0946 448 Erlyn Psg ................ (02)7791-8888

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:43 2022 - P69

70 S C M Y K


Niceping Internet Cafe Ninja Consulting Ph Incorporated Nono's Novu Hair Nwe Beauty And Wellness Co Incorporated
1798 Mcarthur Hwy City And Land Megaplaza The Podium Mand .......... (02)8637-5147 70B Aguirre Pque ........... (02)3413-6570 Emerald Bldg LP.............(02)7966-3136
KC ........................... (0917)633-5371 Psg ............................ (02)7625-2409 Nonoy's Seafood Products Novusec Security Agency Nwow Electric Bicycle
Ninja Fitness Lab Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)620-5241 Lipa Ext QC .................... (02)8282-6841 Bayan-Bayanan Ave
Phil Army Gymnasium Noodlerama Group Incorporated Nox Gaming Arena Mkna ....................... (0905)417-9452
NICHIYU ASIALIFT Taguig........................(02)8828-6068 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8584-5106 Cjmf Bldg Psg .............. (0908)864-2194 Nxt Tech Cellphone And Accessories
Nippon Cargo Airlines Noodles Everyday Nozar's Incorporated Silencio QC .................. (0917)828-7708
PHILS INC 127 Rd 4 PC .................. (02)8840-1786 Lucky Chinatown Mall 220 Tomas Morato Ave Nxtlvl Farm Nippon Credit Co Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8513-2575 QC ............................. (02)8921-8071 2288 Chino Roces Ave Ext
One Magnificent Mile-Citra Noosh 1398 Npi Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0939)928-0301
9 M Flores Psg ............................ (02)8635-6189 Makati Cinema Square Manalac Cpd Taguig ....... (02)8838-3620 Nyah Air-Conditioning Services
Nippon Express Company Limited Mkti ......................... (0915)751-7779 Npjn Marketing 890-D G Araneta Ave
Pateros ... (02)8628-2301 8 Johanne Pque ............. (02)8852-1111 Nora Birthing Care Clinic 628 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8546-4778 QC ........................... (0917)100-4664
Nippon Express Philippines Corporation Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0949)333-0338 Nrk Digital Media Nyk Fil-Japan Shipping Corporation
Nichiyu Asialift Phils Inc Avocado Rd Taguig ........ (02)8839-1111 Norfolk International Incorporated Celadon Twr Mla .......... (0936)939-6515 Tdg-Nyk Harbor Ctr Mla .. (02)8527-9888
NICHIYU Nippon Promac Phils Incorporated Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8890-1091 Nrn Deep Well Drilling Services Nyl Furniture Trading
34 P Dela Cruz QC..........(02)8936-4246 78 Apollo 12 PC ........... (0927)594-1048 The Manila Residences Twr 1
ASIALIFT Niqi Medical
Noriter Cafe Manila
Reyes Bldg Mla ............ (0926)615-7712 Nrs Placement Incorporated Mla .......................... (0997)449-5614
PHILI- Delmonte Ave QC ......... (0922)833-7605 Norkey Upholstery Services Bormaheco Condmn Nysm Pizzeria
PPINES Nir Placement Center Incorporated
34 B Columbia QC .......... (02)8921-0568
Mindanao Ave QC.........(0942)612-3585 Mkti ........................... (02)8553-0858
Ns Colaboracion Incorporated
Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7576-5330
Norlen Crew Management Incorporated Nyx Approach
INCOR- Nisaga Enterprises Inc Scandic Palace Suite Bldg 3 Joeylane QC ................ (02)7211-8153 Jewel Residences Mkti . (0930)379-5010
PORATED Sunvar Condmn PC ...... (0995)936-9571 Mkti ........................... (02)8551-2302 Nsm System Travel Agency Incorporated
Nisco Philippines Enterprise Norlen's Military & Security Guard Supply Royal Plz Twin Twrs Mla (02)8353-9955
9 M Flores Pateros.........(02)8628-2301 40 T Santiago Val ........... (02)8294-2222 Nsyo Electronic's Repair Services
Nick Ac Motor Rewinding Shop And Niseki Industrial Trading Co
117 Bonny Serrano Rd
QC ........................... (0917)519-2287 506A North Bay Blvd O
Electrical Services Richmark Bldg QC .......... (02)8929-8656 North Asia Calibration Center & Diesel Parts Nav .......................... (0917)590-4605
Sarmiento QC ............... (0998)481-2549 Nishikiken Food Product Supply Nt General Merchandising O Ga Ne
364 Apo Mand ............. (0915)834-3597 345-A A Bonifacio Ave 388 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-6529 303 Tomas Morato Ave
Nick's Aluminum Glass
Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0939)733-3731 Nisparts Center Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3410-2860 Ntd Pet & Poultry Supply QC ............................. (02)3410-7608
243 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8354-0923 North Caloocan Doctors Hospital 3272 Kalayaan Ave O-Healthcare Solution Philippines
Nickandrei Aircon Repair Services Mkti ......................... (0917)122-7101
2 Marcelo Psg ................ (02)7900-7550 Nissan 313 Edsa KC.........(0965)743-4282 L1 B10 Bankers Vill KC...(02)8961-5213 Incorporated
Nissan Westgate Alabang North Camarines Lumber Co Incorporated Ntt Fellow Co Incorporated G&A Bldg Mkti................(02)8889-0676
Nicoarkin Graphics Design Epoch Twr Mkti .............. (02)8840-5202
400 Felix PC ................... (02)8232-8499 Filinvest Corporate City 1203 Pres E P Quirino Ave Oana Credit Solutions Incorporated
Munt ........................ (0949)407-2680 Mla ............................ (02)8563-7065 Nu-Crest Fine Furniture Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8856-4830
Nicole And Abby Flowers And Gifts Co Nisway Auto Parts 300 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-2269
P14-07 6th PC ............... (02)8815-1844 North Luzon Railways Corporation Oasis Lavender Spa Massage
Jacinto Plz Psg...............(02)8647-3746 Bonifacio Naval Stn Mkti . (02)8894-4187 Nuat Thai Examiner Capistrano Bldg QC ........ (02)8400-6697
Nicole By Chenica Nittan Capital Finance Incorporated 57 Examiner QC ........... (0922)524-3555
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0977)788-3707 North Park Ob Auto Parts
T M Kalaw Glc Bldg Mla . (02)8521-3338 Edsa Pavillion Mand ..... (0910)255-3011 Nubd Water Treatment Technology And Sunday Machine Works Bldg
Nicolson's Commercial Corporation Nitto 11 Net Shop Services
2742 Newton Mkti .......... (02)7728-9373 North Star Meat Merchants Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8354-1935
7 Sitio Sto Nino Pque ..... (02)8556-4231 13 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8374-0804 Hernandez Rd LP ......... (0918)549-0777 Ob Gyne Clinic
Nicolsons Trading And Construction Niyog Salcedo Mkt Mkti .... (0939)902-4808 Nubreed Clothing
B11 L36 Ep Vill Taguig ... (02)8838-8209 Niza Facial Care North Sun Hardware 584 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)7504-9310
351 Tandang Sora Ave Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ob Gyne Pediatrics Medical Clinic
Nids Balot N Bilao Mindanao Ave QC.........(0905)790-2480 SJ .............................. (02)8722-5371
E Rodriguez Sr QC .......... (02)3413-8996 Nj5 Electrical Services QC ............................. (02)8939-0163 Roosevelt Ave QC.........(0927)148-5932
Northern Coffee Bean Store Nucrest Development Corporation
Nieto Funeral Services Entrata Urban Twrs Ob Montessori Center Incorporated
Padil Pitogo Residences B-30 Suki Mkt QC.........(0916)348-0282 2214 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8354-2540
J P Rizal QC ................. (0908)499-4376 Taguig........................(02)8571-2243 Munt .......................... (02)8893-6146
Northern Island Mahogany Corporation Obayashi Corporation
Nieves Security Nja Ii Employment Solutions Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8241-0682 Nuestra Senora Buenviaje
611 Tytana Mla .............. (02)8353-9999 32 C Raymundo Psg ...... (02)8642-5728 Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-0359
Dollars QC....................(0968)551-4300 Northern Pearl
Nightbright Asia Pacific Nueva Ecija Atbp Incorporated Obee Mini Mart
Njb General Merchandising Sct Fernandez QC ......... (0917)885-4105 Elcano Mla ..................... (02)8708-0317
Centro Buendia Bldg PC..(02)8257-0769 Emerald KC .................... (02)7501-3777 341 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8426-6531
Northernhealth Medical And Diagnostic Oberly & Co Inc
Nightside Security Agency Incorporated Njjs Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration Nueva Plast Marketing Corporation
Oppen Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8478-4462 Center 436 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8353-8063 17 Labo Quezon City ...... (02)8740-1595
Services 89 Karuhatan Rd Val.....(0927)490-3385 Obp Careers
Nihon Consultancy Service Incorporated 475 Eagle QC ............... (0917)844-0891 Nuevochem Specialties Incorporated
Nova Star Condmn PC .... (02)8804-0387 Njl Iconceptz Printing Services Northgate Convergence Corporation Benquin Bldg QC ............ (02)8475-5971 Cyberscape Gamma
Northgate Cyberzone Psg ............................ (02)7617-2006
Nihonryoori Corporation 48 Torres Bugallon Munt .......................... (02)8772-1770 Nuezca Cafe
Aguirre Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-2296 Mkna ......................... (02)8477-9787 53 Maginhawa QC ........ (0906)248-7225 Obra Office Furniture
Northgate Technologies Incorporated Nuga Best 12 Santan QC ................. (02)8998-3268
Njoy Mix General Merchandise The Gallery Bldg Mkti......(02)8722-0104
803 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8252-5971 Macarthur Hwy Val ....... (0915)714-4183 Obrang Pilipino
NIHONWELD Nkklk Tapsilogan
Northmetal Incorporated
668-B 6th St KC ............. (02)8925-5634
Nuhart Hair Restoration Incorporated Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8373-1932
Obras De Sueno Clinica Dental
See Adv under Welding 1764 N N Garcia Mkti ... (0917)124-5550 State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8519-6615
Northside English Center Nuliving Spa Studio Congressional Town Ctr
Nlite Fiberglass And Design Mnr Bldg QC .................. (02)3438-2153 QC ............................. (02)8366-3147
17 Mac Arthur Hi-way Dagupan Ext Mla ............ (02)8782-5073
Northstar Commercial Incorporated
D Tuazon QC ................ (0916)512-4095
Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices
Numberworks Phils Incorporated
Malabon .. (02)8363-7865 Nlra1807 Medical Supply
Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8523-1851
1864 Ortigas Ave Psg.....(02)8640-2108 Serendra Retail Taguig....(02)8846-6268 Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)7625-0765
Northstar Motors Corporation Numedia Digital Signage Corp Ocampo And Ocampo Law Offices
Nm Network Manager Sales Incorporated
NIHONWELD Cityland Herrera Twr
1122 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-6816 158 Nadurata KC .......... (0917)518-1131 Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0223
Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1810 Northstar Solutions Group Numerous Printing Services Occidental Glass And Aluminum Supply
North Bldg Val ................ (02)8291-2290 625 Parokya Ng Pagkabuhay 92-D C Raymundo Ave
Nmax Airconditioning Trading Corp
Mab Bldg Psg...............(0927)522-1037 Northwind Incorporated QC ........................... (0919)826-0222 Psg ............................ (02)8641-0562
NIHON- Nmq Diesel Engine Services F Fernando PC................(02)8833-2876
Norvic Foundation Incorporated
Nuovo Art & Power Group Inc
37 Greenhills Mansion
Ocean 88 Construction
2301 Civic Dr Munt ...... (0917)193-3755
23 Montemayor QC ...... (0927)580-0667
WELD No Bia Incorporated Burgundy Corporate Twr
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-9034
SJ .............................. (02)8723-0308 Ocean Eleven Customs Brokerage
Ramagi Bldg Mla ............ (02)8526-4965
Gasangco Bldg PC ......... (02)8831-0903 Nurseryworks Incorporated
No Fat No Glory Norway Construction Shaw Residenza Mand ... (02)8584-8683 Ocean Light Export And Importcompany
17 Mac Arthur Hi-way Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0920)662-6708 43 Kaliraya QC ............... (02)8711-4040 Nurture Geist School Paso De Blas Val ............ (02)8984-0668
Malabon .................... (02)8363-7865 No Ka Oi Philippines International Norzena Drug Store Three Brixton Bldg Psg . (0998)531-9400 Ocean Link Marine Electronics Services
Incorporated 24 P Oliveros Mand ........ (02)8535-7139 Nutek Advance Philippines Incorporated 930 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8708-3988
Nihonweld Metacor Corp Nostrano Forma St Luke Mkna ................. (02)7934-5954 Ocean Poly Enterprises Corporation
629 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5780 Sta Aguada Bldg Pque .. (0917)793-0708
Noah's Ark Pawnshop Incorporated Ct Ctr Bldg Mand ............ (02)8654-6494 692 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-5258
Nikarlo Tailor Shop & Computerized Notes And Marks Enterprises Ocean Seaside
Embroidery Service 83 Quirino Ave Pque ....... (02)8822-4919
49 K-3rd St QC.............(0917)125-1671 Noah's Digital Printing Services
Wilcon City Ctr QC..........(02)7211-4123 NUTEX EQUIPMENT Banawe Ave Mla.............(02)8243-6575
Noti - Love Yourself Oceaneering Contractors Incorporated
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-7616
303 Tandang Sora Ave
QC ........................... (0927)850-3084 Marco Polo Ortigas Manila SUPPLY 55 Washington Pque ...... (02)8824-2353
Noah's Lake Marine Safety Services Psg .......................... (0905)246-9131 Oceanic Wireless Network Incorporated
Nikita's Pastries
61 B Serrano KC ............ (02)8362-9930 Notimpo Inc 1786-C Taft Ave Pasay Electra Hse Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8815-3753
Kasoy Val ..................... (0917)788-8893 Emerald Place Psg ....... (0917)554-7727 Ocina International Inc
Nikkei Nama Bar
Noah's Pizza
Nouveau Marketing Incorporated City ......... (02)8536-0008 40 Linaw Quezon City.....(02)8742-9401
961 Prudencio Mla ....... (0908)506-5572
One Bonifacio High Central 114 Eagle Psg ................ (02)8672-2378 Octa Events Place
Taguig......................(0966)533-7573 Nobleland Ventures Incorporated Nouvelle Nutex Equipment Supply 222 Don Basilio Bautista Blvd
Park Twr Mla .................. (02)8637-9965
Nikki's Crib 1148 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)8706-7695 Mal .......................... (0927)234-2446
Evangelista Psg ............ (0927)224-4530 Nocom & Co Inc
Nikkis House Of Gooddies
F B Harrison PC .............. (02)8553-7011 Nouvelle Jewelry NUTEX Octagon
575 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8242-9749
5133 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-8976
Nocturnal Termite & Pest Control Services
30 F Marcelo Psg ......... (0945)681-1144 Nova's Kitchen EQUIP- Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4014
Octagon Computer Store
Niksan Laundry
181-A Maginhawa QC .... (02)3436-1544
Nodalo Trading Corporation
115 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Panay Ave QC .............. (0915)857-7828
Novadeci MENT Sm City Bf Paranaque
Pque .......................... (02)8519-9637
Nilo's Dental Laboratory Clinic
560 Gastambide Mla ...... (02)8736-9859 Nodalos Trading
QC ............................. (02)8712-0024 Novadeci Bldg QC .......... (02)8936-6211
Novaliches Bicycle World Branch
SUPPLY Octaplas Industrial Services Incorporated
Rmt Industrial Cplx Munt (02)8862-6676
Ninang's Pancit Malabon 208 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8937-3359 1786-C Taft Ave Octoboy Japanese Pizza Incorporated
115 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Pasay City ................. (02)8536-0008
Vill Mall QC .................... (02)8939-5053 QC ............................. (02)8524-2738 Novatech Agri-Foods Industries 152 Tomas Morato Ave
Nine Star West Nogoy's Upholstery Anita Bldg QC ................. (02)8371-9581 Nutraway Systems Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8990-2357
Robinsons Place Manila 86 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0967)211-7297 Novel Dental Clinic 1025 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8521-0705 Ocular Centre Phils
Mla ............................ (02)8553-4425 Nokia Care Landsdale Bldg QC ......... (02)3415-3948 Nutri-Asia Inc Natl Life Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8892-8113
Nine Stars Transport Corporation Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8352-0652 Novenario Crewship Management Services Jy Campos Ctre Taguig .. (02)8800-3888 Oda Nihongo Learning Center
37 Rose KC....................(02)8330-3268 Nokia Care Center Multipacific Business Inc Plz Nutrinova Philippines Inc 1630 Luis Ma Guerrero
Nine West Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)7751-7813 Mla ............................ (02)8978-8997 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8849-3894 Mla .......................... (0967)240-8578
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7720-9749 Nolsen Construction And Trading Novistelle International Corporation Nuvo Dental Center Odecor-B Medical Clinic
Nineovernine Printing Services West City Plz QC ............ (02)3411-0742 5 Pearl QC......................(02)8373-1300 Adriatico Grand Residences 3 Batasan-San Mateo Rd
77 Zorra QC ................. (0945)123-4847 Nomixx Retro Grille Novo Pacific Corp Mla ............................ (02)8353-7218 QC ............................. (02)8897-1220
Niner Review Center 10 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8352-1768 158 Congressional Ave Nvision Digital Solutions Inc Odille Hair And Nail Couture
1540 Anglo Arcade Mla .. (02)3484-3600 Nommu Bar & Resto QC ............................. (02)3453-8401 Bsa Twin Twrs Mand .... (0912)123-1234 Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0926)661-4109
Ning Ning's Carinderia Palabok Metrowalk Coml Cplx Novtek Teknologies Nvrseen Clothing Odrey Nail & Skin Spa
Corumi Masambong QC . (02)8364-0042 Psg ............................ (02)8638-3224 San Miguel Ave Psg ..... (0943)707-8249 110 Qmart QC .............. (0915)263-9244 Lasema Bldg Mkti.........(0977)165-4109

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:43 2022 - P70

71 S C M Y K


Ody Mineral Trading Omed Drugstore One Zone Asia Phils Incorporated Orange School And Office Supplies Osbourne Technologies Inc
42 Dagohoy KC .............. (02)8634-1617 243 Manuel Quezon Antel Global Corporate Ctr Mgm Ctr Mkna ............... (02)7730-3238 C Palanca Mkti ............... (02)8892-0181
Oeg Toys And Party Supplies Taguig......................(0966)322-2947 Psg ............................ (02)8687-6716 Orange Translations Oscab Trading
27-B L Sianghio QC ...... (0942)710-3845 Omega Boutique One-Ten General Merchandise Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8836-0854 12 Jose Abad Santos
Oem Thuyo Corporation Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0436 11 Sorsogon QC.............(02)8371-5708 Orangetag Coffee Brewery Mkna ......................... (02)8543-3870
A Del Mundo KC ............. (02)8364-8584 Omega Plumbing And Hardware Oneaston Incorporated 178 B Alabang-Zapote Rd Osg Global Consulting Incorporated
Office And Paper Ally Co Ltd 1469 C M Recto Ave 27th St Taguig................(02)8437-1000 LP .............................. (02)8961-9713 One Global Place Taguig . (02)8788-3304
103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)8637-7790 Mla ............................ (02)8711-5318 Onebigwash Enterprises Orbitech Oshkosh B Gosh
Office Fundamental Ideas Company Omega Sales Corporation 526 Francisco Legaspi 31B Apollo 3 LP ............. (02)8831-5183 Edsa Shangri-La Plz
40-A Banawe QC............(02)8711-0099 66 Washington SJ .......... (02)8722-7922 Psg ............................ (02)8240-5097 Orca Automotive Service Experts Mand ......................... (02)8636-1360
Office Of Transportation Cooperatives Omel Printing Press Onecaremart Enterprise 139 Shaw Pasig Blvd Osims Oriental Skills International
Ben-Lor Bldg QC ............ (02)8332-9313 30 E Mendoza Psg ......... (02)8897-9194 Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)8570-9904 Psg ............................ (02)8470-6147 Manpower Services
Offshore Outsource Operations Inc Omni Logistics Corporation Onegai Delivery Center Orchard Flower Shop Rubetan Bldg 1 Pque ...... (02)8692-2013
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8543-7659 Nissan Bldg QC .............. (02)8359-8206 Doña Zoila Bldg 452 Fruto Santos Ave Oskee Cabeltis Salon
Ofic Philippines Incorporated Omni Solid Services Incorporated Munt ........................ (0927)939-6809 LP .............................. (02)8874-9634 654 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8654-7609
Heinen Bldg Taguig ........ (02)8511-0496 8400 Dr A Santos Ave Onehealth Medical Laboratory Inc Orchard Property Marketing Incorporated Osm Citycars Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8815-1286 Faura Medical Bldg Mla .. (02)8254-8200 Sm Fairview QC..............(02)7964-6462 1 East Ave QC ................ (02)8351-2885
Ogawa Traditional Japanese Restaurant
The Fort Strip Taguig ...... (02)8886-4994 Omni-Colors Painting Services Oneparagon Corporation Orell's Osm Maritime Services
Pelbel 1 Bldg Psg ........... (02)7730-3035 Oneparagon Corporation Sm City Sucat Pque......(0907)812-2726 Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8523-8871
Ogie's Ihawan KC ............................. (02)8363-3073
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0956)900-0725 Omnibus Catering Services Oren Thai Touch Massage And Spa Osocleanph Biodegradable Trash Bag
645 Sacristia Munt ....... (0916)628-7130 Ones Rubber And Industrial Supply Aseana Square Pque .... (0956)874-9443 Bliss 1 Davila Mkti ........ (0925)800-6335
Ogilvy And Mather Philippines Corporation
8 Rockwell Mkti..............(02)7238-7000 Omnirio Oreo Auto Supply Ospacre Esco Incorporated
Qbo Innovation Hub 23 K-6th St QC ............... (02)3434-3083 88 Banawe QC ............... (02)3416-7952 Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8714-5140
Oh Pepe Pizza Mkti ......................... (0928)207-4239 Onesam Cellphone Accessories Oret's Rice Trading
3 Cavite QC .................. (0920)131-1154 Osram Merchandise
Omniwealth Enterprises Inc Metrowalk Psg ............... (02)8512-2265 63 Malakas QC...............(02)8962-3443 1262 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8354-6975
Ohanamanila Incorporated 1 Eastwood Ave QC......(0917)808-5698 Onesky Stainless And Aluminum Organic Intelligence Consulting Inc
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0557 Otaku Brew Cafe
Omron Healthcare 1440-1444 Soler Mla ..... (02)8522-0644 Metropoli Dr QC ............. (02)8721-9762 22 Malingap QC ........... (0927)928-5876
Ohayami Transit King's Court II Bldg Oneworld Alliance Logistics Corporation Organic Intelligence Inc
Fajardo Mla .................... (02)8734-6783 Otex Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (0998)587-9394 Ramon Magsaysay Ctr The Community Bldg 2042 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)7975-6615
Ohm Thai Massage Oms International Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8521-0249 QC ........................... (0917)880-2275
Mindanao Ave Ext QC ... (0917)805-7427 Otso Pares Food Hauz
Faith Fellowship Ministry Ctr Ong Gin Drugstore Organique 2197 Zapote KC ........... (0930)630-5086
Ohm's Trader QC ............................. (02)8912-1213 600-602 Elcano Mla ....... (02)8242-3493 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)713-7977
518 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8111-1111 Ott-Louie Philippines Incorporated
On Stage Enterprises Ong's Auto Parts Incorporated Orient Golden Waters & Laundry Shop Felix Manalo Mla ............ (02)8533-2368
Ohmnic Engineering Services New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8437-0251 1195 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8251-0063 Incorporated
Sampaguita Oval KC ..... (0961)235-0114 Otterbox
On The Grill Asian Bbq Onglo Hardware 8 Kitanlad QC ................. (02)8242-1362 Sm Bf Paranaque Pque . (0933)508-4230
Ohtako St Luke's 72 Maginhawa QC ........ (0905)212-9346 248 Villanueva LP...........(02)8828-1881 Orient Holdings Phils Incorporated
295 Sta Ignacia QC ...... (0916)781-9304 Otto
On-Off Group Inc Ongpeng-Santos Construction Corporation Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8353-9776 Wlatermart-Edsa QC ....... (02)8332-1884
Oia Skygarden Resort Zeta Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)589-8361 55 C3 Rd KC .................. (02)8287-8756 Orient Master Printing Corporation
34 Marcelo H Del Pilar Otto Industrial Sales Company
On-The-Go Rampola Trucking Services Ongpin Mañosa Restaurant 80 Tanggali QC .............. (02)8743-4827 1398 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Val ........................... (0905)262-3202 5 Amethyst Psg............(0917)149-1217 926 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-3179 Orient Pearl Seafood Restaurant Mla ............................ (02)8252-0553
Oikos Helping Hand Learning Center Oncho Philippines Incorporated Online Philippines Corporation 181 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8361-4132
17-A Caimito LP ............. (02)8893-5034 Oui Tacos
G A Yupangco Bldg Mkti . (02)8856-6064 East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8631-8291 Oriental Bowl 1879 Mh Del Pilar Mla .... (02)7987-1346
Oinkster Oncuemedia Incorporated Online Thinkers Technology Sm City San Lazaro
99 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8275-5112 Our Daily Bread Ministries
Suntree Twr Psg.............(02)8584-7079 30 Jasmin Val ................ (02)8372-5630 Mla .......................... (0906)449-5854 322 P Guevarra SJ ......... (02)8722-2010
Ojs Car Restoration Parts & Service One 43 Laundromat Only Son Trading Oriental Discovery Tours And Travel Co
205 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)7954-1533 143 Pag-Asa Psg ......... (0917)327-3735 Our Globalspaces Inc
168 Mall Mla .................. (02)8714-5190 One Global Place Taguig . (02)8775-6443 Laureano Di Trevi Twr 3
Okane Charcoal Grill House One 888 Holdings Corporation Onq Studios Opc Oriental Handicrafts Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)7757-7955
91 Ma Clara QC ............ (0917)898-0382 Robinsons Equitable Twr Jajaj Bldg QC................(0916)597-4927 1129 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8521-4921
Psg ............................ (02)8373-4501 Our Home
Okinawa Japanese Ramen House Ontes Construction Services Oriental Pacific Foods Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8426-6486
Macarthur Hwy Val ....... (0999)499-9912 One Accord Print Solutions Incorporated San Bartolome Mla ....... (0920)725-4086 Del Monte Ave QC .......... (02)3413-7692
Ardan Bldg Psg .............. (02)7505-4122 Our Lady Of Abandoned
Old Fashion Tapa Onward Communications And Services Inc Oriental School And Office Supply Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8564-4203
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)847-0714 One Chemcentral Incorporated Marren Bldg QC .............. (02)3410-8185 5 Delta Val ................... (0932)864-0381
Don Raul Bldg QC...........(02)3413-8842 Our Lady Of Consolation Parish
Old Reach Trucking Services Onyok Iron Works Oriental Time Incorporated 81 Alondras QC .............. (02)3453-1617
844 Mayon QC ............... (02)3415-5206 One Cypress Agri-Solution Inc Begonia Mkti ................ (0917)310-4042 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8822-1058
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8477-3894 Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospitals
Old School Barbers And Pomades Ooedo Japanese Restaurant Incorporated Orientique Enterprises 46 P Sanchez Mla .......... (02)8716-3901
Pedro Gil Mla ............... (0995)892-7258 One Direction Car Wash & Auto Detailing 105 Sct Alcaraz QC ........ (02)8255-5993 Westgate Ctr Munt..........(02)8771-0660
Philippines Our Lady Of Mercy School Of QC Inc
Old Swiss Inn Restaurant Oost & Voort Inc Original Chiggys Barbecue 918 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3428-4745
The Garden Plz Hotel And Suites Atrium QC .................... (0906)679-2727 116 Don Gesu Munt ....... (02)8478-8641 Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8634-8312
One Global Energy Incorporated Our Mother Of Piat Lying-In Clinic
Mla ............................ (02)8526-2739 Opapp Agustin Bldg Psg ..... (02)8636-0701 Original Gmm Ventures Manpower Services 2527 Ramon Fernandez
Old Town Auto Supply Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8451-2072 Open Port Trading Inc Mla .......................... (0943)140-4680
1454 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8521-3247 One Health Medical Laboratory 610 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3418-1000 398 Tara Residences
577 Padre Faura Mla ...... (02)8254-8200 Outland
Oldaweyap Trading Opensoft Solutions Incorporated QC ........................... (0933)852-0156 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8352-1549
Tarhata Mkti ................. (0936)995-0854 One Inasal Place Corporation Bsa Twin Twrs Mand ...... (02)7500-7915 Original Partners Pares
Metropolis Star Munt ...... (02)8403-7643 168 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3412-0689 Outlast
Olen's Travel & Tours Openzn I T Solutions 8421 Reina Regente Mla (02)8244-1235
Tomasa Ave Taguig ...... (0945)205-7274 One Katipunan Residences Incorporated Elauria Bldg Mkti .......... (0965)407-9894 Orignamura
261 Katipunan Ave QC . (0928)815-8015 Tutuban Mall Mla ............ (02)8251-7371 Outlet Store Floor Center Incorporated
Oleo-Fats Incorporated Oppa's Restobar Autocamp Bldg Psg ........ (02)8477-3237
5 Mercury Ave QC ........ (0917)535-2001 One Lab Enterprise 198 A Mabini Ave KC ... (0968)660-7508 Orion Group International Incorporated
Old Sauyo Rd Sauyo Alabang Corporate Ctr Outsource Pr Incorporated
Oli Manpower Services Opti-Care Optical Shop Metrostar Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8403-1506
Adarna Ext QC ................ (02)3427-1363 QC ........................... (0917)926-4688 35 A Matalino QC ......... (0961)727-9606 Munt .......................... (02)8856-7700
One Magnificent Mile Orion Wire And Cable Outsource2Philippines Incorporated
Olily Opti-Cool Industrial Corporation 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8810-6139
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8847-0408 Omm Citra Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4833 1260 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8252-8312 39 Eisenhower SJ .......... (02)8724-6492
One Network Ecommerce Oris General Merchandise Ovada Corporation
Olitan Janitorial Services Optica Galeria 116 Tordesilla Mkti ......... (02)8843-4670
Centerpoint Bldg Psg ...... (02)8997-8088 Ast Bldg Mla...................(02)8733-5465 909-D Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8912-5163
10 North Bay Blvd Nav ... (02)8270-6386 Ovaldesk Safety Training
One Opti Lifestyle International Optichain Solutions Incorporated Orm Hauling Services
Olivarez General Hospital Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8231-2286 11 Katipunan Ext QC.....(0926)684-5848 Paraclete Bldg QC ........ (0917)182-8742
Dr A Santos Ave Prime Corporate Ctr
One Pediatric Therapy Center Pque .......................... (02)8618-3007 Ormat Incorporated Over Sea Chinese Drugstore
Parañaque .................. (02)8826-7966 1042 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-9971
1172 Corregidor Mla ...... (02)7368-2797 Optika Antiokos Optical Shop State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8812-5631
Oliveros Pawnshop Oversea General Merchandise
1041 A Mabini KC .......... (02)8285-3009 One Pharma Co Incorporated Sales Mla ..................... (0975)872-1219 Oro Manpower Services
A Liwanag LP ................. (02)8871-2537 Optima Plant Service Corporation Karpa Alley Nav .............. (02)8516-4229 849 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-3128
Oliveros Protective Equipment & Maritime One Plus Coffee Oversea Hardware
Rose Industries Bldg Oro Medical Compression Stocking
Supplies Circuit Lne Mkti .............. (02)8942-8892 Psg ............................ (02)8661-6389 Fema Rd QC ................. (0999)999-1776 1308 C M Recto Ave
One Beatriz Twr QC ........ (02)3434-0418 One R Graphics Mla ............................ (02)8733-8137
Optimind Technology Solutions Oro Solid Hardware
Olleh Koryan Kitchen 5B Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8546-3388 Ctp Bldg Mkna................(02)8682-0173 1662 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8742-3448 Overture Ph
Ac Bldg QC .................. (0919)992-8824 One San Miguel Avenue Optimizex Incorporated Orocan M De Leon Psg ............ (0917)815-8370
Olli Consulting Group Incorporated 1 San Miguel Ave Psg .... (02)8910-1398 Frabell Citibank Bldg 143 Panghulo Rd Owl And Lion Furniture And Upholstery
Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8887-2332 One Shoppe Drug Store Munt .......................... (02)8822-3929 Malabon ..................... (02)8294-6210 17 San Guillermo Munt . (0905)321-3910
Olympia Philippines Incorporated 1636 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)7796-5175 Optimum Paper Supply Co Ltd Orogem Jewellers Incorporated Own Natural Beauty & Wellness
1402-1408 President Quirino Ave One Stop Bicycle 103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)7358-6296 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8564-2201 536 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8734-0003 Optimum Solutions Inc SJ .............................. (02)8725-3971 The Pryce Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)3416-3761
Olympians Taekwondo Training Center One Stop Gen Mdse 53 Atok QC .................. (0926)844-9606 Ortho Dental Clinic Dr Jocelyn Galutera Owndays
Amber Place Taguig ....... (02)8889-5463 88A Matatag QC ............. (02)3435-0017 Optimum Solutions Incorporated Cementina PC ................ (02)8843-4266 Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8281-5391
Olympic Sports Merchandising One Stop Insurance Traders Corporation Cedar Executive Bldg 2 Orthoneuro Solutions Physical Therapy Oxcychem Corporation
529 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8243-4688 Campos Rueda Bldg QC ............................. (02)8254-4913 Home Service 1772 Espana Blvd Mla....(02)8523-1747
Olympus Foods Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8844-1365 Options Studio Incorporated Dahlia Ave QC .............. (0977)153-9902 Oxford Mines Incorporated
Greenlanes Greenhills Shopping Ctr One Stop Shop Market Corporation Nobel Plz Mkti ................ (02)8553-3314 Ortigas Medical & Surgical Center A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8952-2882
SJ .............................. (02)8721-5572 Cityland Shaw Twr Optium Medical Trading Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8634-0724 Oxworld International Inc
Olympus Medical & Diagnostic Laboratory Mand ......................... (02)7949-7038 1208 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8546-9989 Ortigas Power Aire Ac Corporation 8333 Dr A Santos Ave
333 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8354-5338 One Thousand Fold Laundry Services Optronic Computer Center Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8633-5450 Pque ........................ (0919)670-0070
Omaga Safety Supply 104 C Raymundo Ave 649 Tytana Mla .............. (02)8241-3106 Ortiz Dental Clinic Oxypro Cleaning System
Sunjoy Twr Mla .............. (02)8712-3105 Psg ............................ (02)7915-1505 Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic 325 Libis Gochuico KC . (0995)336-7892 Boni Ave Mand ............. (0925)699-2436
Omairah Jewelry Shop One Trade Logistic Delos Santos Medical Ctr Ortiz Japan Oy Healthy Way Inc
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Burke Bldg Mla ............... (02)8242-5759 QC ............................. (02)8723-2447 184 Alabang-Zapote Rd Pcci Corporate Ctre
SJ .............................. (02)8513-3599 One Way Innovative Solutions Inc Oraldent LP ............................ (0999)999-3778 Mkti ......................... (0917)715-4035
Omakase Japanese Cuisine Crismore Bldg QC.........(0939)711-7111 2311 One Archers Place Ortiz Medical And Skin Clinic Oyo 791 Bell Mansion
Greenhills Shopping Ctr One World Alliance Logistics Corp Mla ............................ (02)8708-8681 Gil Puyat Visard Bldg 1105 62 Rd 13 QC ....... (0995)904-0057
SJ .............................. (02)8470-9870 1680 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8521-6422 Orange And Bronze Software Labs Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8546-7861 Oyster Plaza Hotel
Omara Construction Incorporated One World Japanese Language Center Inc Cjv Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8894-3415 Ortiz Professional Pet Grooming Salon Oyster Plz Hotel Pque ..... (02)8829-1934
Omara Bldg Pque ........... (02)7919-6300 Elements Bldg QC...........(02)7341-2112 Orange Blush Salon 127 M H Del Pilar QC ... (0928)378-1858 Ozeano Fusion Restaurant
Omars Lpg Store One World Music And Sport Incorporated 32 San Roque Mkti ....... (0916)542-9134 Ortiz Skin Manila Ocean Park Mla ... (02)8781-2222
55 Bayan Bayan Ave Cash & Carry Mall Mkti ... (02)8403-5744 Orange Coast Manila Incorporated 372 Victory Food Mkt Ozon Touch Disinfecting Services
Mkna ......................... (02)8942-5173 One World Square Building Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8813-5460 Pque .......................... (02)8998-7543 P Rivera QC..................(0920)890-0738
Ome Japanese Cafe One World Square Bldg Orange Purple Studios Orvitech Ozonmed Wellness Clinic
77 Chimes Square QC .. (0917)629-3212 Taguig........................(02)8403-2398 56B Gen Luna Mal........(0999)886-5313 132 Molina Mkna ........... (02)8565-5900 Glory To God Bldg QC .. (0927)854-7350

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72 S C M Y K


Pacific Parts Corp Pan Asian Multi Resources Corporation Paragon Trading & Services Corp Pasig City Malabanan Siphoning Services
1171 Jose Abad Santos Av Amorsolo Mansion Mkti .. (02)8818-6810 71 Sen Gil Puyat Ave
P Manila ........................ (02)8252-1181 Pan De Pugon Makati ........................ (02)8887-4656
Sipsip Poso Negro Septic Tank
Declogging And Plumbing Services
Pacific Rayon Manufacturing Inc 547 Shaw Mand ............. (02)8477-8910 Paraiba 80 Sampaguita Psg ........ (02)8545-9492
P & J Building 24 Atis Rd Malabon ........ (02)3447-2075 Pan Oceanic Insurance Brokers Robinsons Magnolia Pasig Izucenter
P & J Bldg Psg ............... (02)8671-0177 Pacific Rim Harvester Incorporated Dasmarinas Federal Twr Condmn QC ........................... (0943)496-3844 9 M Concepcion Psg ...... (02)8641-1014
P & R Manpower Services Incorporated Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8661-8905 Mla ............................ (02)8242-2251 Paraiso Ni Baste Resort Pasig Woodstone Trading
1587 Copernico Mkti ...... (02)8843-5918 Pacific Santa's Pan-Ply Marketing Corporation 46 G Molina Val............(0917)506-5179 268 Marcos Hwy Psg ..... (02)8646-0848
P B Dionisio And Company Incorporated Champ Bldg Mla ........... (0926)723-1773 One Global Place Taguig . (02)8403-7537 Paramed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Passion Cooks Catering
Pbd Bldg QC .................. (02)8372-2709 Pacific Seamen Ervices Incorporated Pana Reinsurance Services Incorporated Tcs Bldg Mla .................. (02)8708-8840 Ma Adela Bldg Pque ..... (0917)833-6252
P C D Dental Avenue Unique Plz Condmn Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8810-2771 Paramount Chemical Ind Incorporated Pastanne
105 P Aquino Ave Mal .... (02)8294-4361 Mand ......................... (02)8654-5168 Panaderia De Arca Merrit Mkna....................(02)8941-7590 26 Everlasting PC ......... (0916)458-3604
Pacific Sun Solutions Incorporated Cabrera PC...................(0943)618-9296 Paramount Food And Bakery Equipment Pasteleria Mallorca Incorporated
P D E Auto Supply & Japan Surplus 753 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8245-5319
1336 Old Antipolo Mla .. (0947)481-2759 Pacific Ofc Machines Bldg Panamed Philippines Inc 18 Sct Fuentebella QC .... (02)8373-2789
SJ .............................. (02)8721-0405 488 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8687-7888 Pasteleria Manila
P Gotay Enterprises
Pacific Waves Pool & Spa Builder Pancake House
274 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8897-4013
P I Tractors Company Incorporated
Arellano Munt ................. (02)8772-4157 236 Tomas Morato Ave PARAMOUNT LIFE & 27 Dexter QC................(0939)939-8632
Pasteur Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
QC ........................... (0998)997-2553
303-305 Rizal Ave Ext
KC ............................. (02)8365-1517
Packaging Depot Manila
P & S Bldg QC .............. (0927)922-2261 Pancipane Trading GENERAL Sgs Foundation Bldg QC . (02)8781-1447
Pastryholic Bakeshop
7445 Santillian Mkti ........ (02)8844-3655
P J Lhuillier Incorporated
1107 Gen San Miguel
Packo's Restaurant And Bar
36 Sgt Esguerrra QC.......(02)8425-1576 Pancit Malabon INSURANCE Loyola Grand Villas QC . (0977)853-0205
Pasyada Travel & Tours
348 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8517-7660
KC ............................. (02)8288-5359
P R Furniture And Car Upholstery Repair
Pacman Marketing Corporation
566 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-0243 Panciteria At Capul Lunch CORPORATION Pictorial Pque ............... (0925)893-9416
Pat Mei Tea House Incorporated
Pacman Travel & Tour Kaunlaran QC ............... (0929)328-6939
39 Judge Jimenez QC.....(02)8927-7810 Panciteria San Jacinto 5 Carnival Park LP .......... (02)8875-3770
Mp Twr Bldg Mla ............ (02)8254-2019
PSGI Eton Loop C QC ........... (0956)123-5425 Patahta
Paco Amusement Co (Phils ) Incorporated
15 Marrietta Ave Mkna ... (02)8681-0198
Clmc Bldg Mand.............(02)8705-1630 Pancratius Manpower Corp Sage House 49-C Aguirre Ave Pque . (0921)855-6350
P&A Grant Thornton 6 Kabutihan Psg ............. (02)8671-4585 Patio Queen Sofia
6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8922-8822 Paco Sales Off
Panda Cleaners Laundromat
Makati ..... (02)8772-9200 21 F De La Cruz Val ........ (02)8294-1988
Pedro Gil Paco Bldg Mla . (02)8353-7805
P&B Horseshoe Pet Clinic 87 East Capitol Psg ........ (02)8477-2186 Patrick's Pizza Package/Reseller
Madison Square SJ ........ (02)8997-9120 Paco Savings & Credit Cooperative Paramount Life & General Delos Reyes Mla .......... (0977)142-1097
P&G Skinceuticals Trading Incorporated
1461 Merced Mla ........... (02)8255-4963 Panda Pearl Enterprise
161 Villaruel PC............(0906)488-5122
PARA- Patriots Barbershop
Pacs Auto Service
Eight One Eight Bldg
225 Macarthur Ave QC ... (02)8935-6030 Pandan Asian Cafe MOUNT 834 Nicanor Reyes
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-9332 Mla .......................... (0935)836-3473
P&P Tattoo And Body Art
Pacs Auto Shop 76 Sct Limbaga QC ...... (0917)774-8999 LIFE & Patskilog
225 Mcarthur Ave QC ... (0917)538-2776 Panday Metal & Industrial Corporation
Eastwood City Walk 1
Pacsports Phils Incorporated F Dulalia Val ................... (02)8294-1223 GENERAL 63 Gen Segundo QC ..... (0953)281-9737
Mla ............................ (02)7585-3545
P-Ed Fasion Haus
Parking 1 Bldg SJ ........... (02)8727-6622 Pandayan Bookshop Incorporated INSU- Paul B Espina Urology Clinic
Commonwealth Hospital Medical Arts
Cvc Supermarket Val ...... (02)8332-6028
Wellcome Plz Puregold Padavela Business Development And
Pande Manila RANCE Bldg QC ..................... (02)8930-0000
Consultancy Corporation
PC ............................. (02)8846-7135
Sobriedad Ext Mla .......... (02)8514-0596 Robinsons Fairview QC...(02)8461-1402 CORP
Sage House Makati .............. 8772-9200
Paul Christian Academy
1126 Freedom Park QC .. (02)3430-5688
P-Lim Trading Pandecielo Restaurant
127 J P Bautista KC ....... (02)8668-2524 Padilla Metal Fabrication Services Paul Hanz Military Supply Trading
Sto Domingo QC .......... (0905)310-7410 8 J Molina Mkna ............. (02)8660-8591 Paramount Union Insurance Corporation
P-Tech People And Technology Pandora Milandre Ctre QC ............ (02)8374-4327 2B 3rd Ave QC ............... (02)8342-4808
One Global Place Padm Construction Services Pauline's Printing
Istanbul Pque ............... (0956)148-4142 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7509-1718 Paranara Korean
Taguig......................(0917)580-0940 Pandora Philippines Fbr Arcade QC .............. (0943)642-6091 The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)8810-0814
P3 Automotive Care Services Padre Faura Center Paumes Pastryhouse
472 Padre Faura Ctr Mla . (02)8524-8727 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-6077 Paras R T Haute Couture
59 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Panpharma Healthcare And 360 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8712-3705 29 President's Ave Pque . (02)8543-2970
Psg .......................... (0905)287-3162 Paeng Nepomuceno Trading Inc
Alegria Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8845-3013 Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Parasaton Incorporated Paw Shop Pet Supplies
Pablo General Merchandise Feliza Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-1601 Manga Pque ................... (02)8687-1811 17A Examiner QC ......... (0927)950-5000
Molave KC ..................... (02)8533-5086 Pag-Ibig
Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8552-1159 Pansit Malabon Parasolutions Company Paway Steel Corporation
Pac Atlantic Phils Corporation 214 N S Amoranto QC .... (02)8740-6664 Shaw Twr Mkti ............... (02)7728-9053 2391 Zapote Mkti ........... (02)7964-0554
1098 Sanciangco Mla.....(02)8561-5578 Pagliacci Restaurant
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8687-1514 Panthertech Trading Parañaque Air-Condition Trading Pawnhero
Pace Academy Incorporated 2766 Gen Cailles Mkti .... (02)8889-3775 3873 Gen Malvar Pque . (0995)219-1302 W Global Ctr Taguig ..... (0917)872-2274
77 Sgt Rivera QC............(02)8367-4851 Pagos Hardware
75 C Jose PC ................. (02)8472-2263 Pantidope Aircon And Refrigeration Service Pares House Pawnhero Pawnshop
Pacer Equipment Resources Incorporated Gen T Deleon Val .......... (0943)489-0521 N Domingo SJ ................ (02)7261-8530 W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8828-2274
214 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-7038 Pahiram.Ph Corp.
The Studio Residence 2 Pantry 21 Catering And Events Pares Point Diner Pawnsoft Services Incorporated
Pacfast Ph Mkti ........................... (02)7954-1057 V A Rufino Ave Mkti........(02)8745-3024 65 A Eastway Dr Mkna ... (02)7945-8389 Spark Place QC .............. (02)8442-6930
Elize Place Mkti ............ (0917)180-6264 Panzer Army Motorcycle Tires & Pares Retiro Corporation Paws N' Play
Pain & Rehab Care
Pacific Ace Human Resources Corporation Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)7914-7256 Accessories 279B P Tuazon Blvd QC . (02)8277-1070 Ronquillo Mla ............... (0917)546-4906
Pamcor Bldg Pque..........(02)8854-7264 4255-D J Aguilar Ave Parex Group Incorporated Pawsitive Veterinary Clinic
Paint & Pamper LP ............................ (0927)944-0436
Anvic Psg.....................(0917)962-2209 Realty Investment Bldg 187 Dna Soledad Ext
Pao Bicycle Shop Mand ......................... (02)8722-1703 Pque ........................ (0999)466-6333
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
73 Simoun QC................(02)8529-9584 Paris Salon And Spa Pax Libera Mining Incorporated
See Lstg under Carbon Dioxide SJ ............................ (0920)285-9019 Pao Ying Food Incorporated Gen T De Leon Val..........(02)8937-5256 88 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8532-1714
e-mail: [email protected] 132 9th St KC ................ (02)8332-0081 Parish Of Santa Maria Della Strada Paxys Incorporated
Paiso-Ramos Maternity Clinic Paolo's Aluminum Glass Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8929-7790
102 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave 6750 Ayala Ofc Twr
1 Gen Malvar Ext Psg ............................ (02)8682-6734
Sinagtala Batasan Hills Parity Values Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8250-3800
QC ........................... (0921)728-7466 Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-7733
Marikina..(02)8941-3991 Paj Resources Incorporated Paolo's Photo Supply/Kodak Express Park Jun Beauty Lab Incorporated
Payantog Sports
20th Ave QC ................. (0917)178-1602
Erlag Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8893-8790 121 P Diego Cera Ave Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8511-7945 Payatas Orione Foundation Inc
Pacific Carbonic Pajusco Realty Corporation LP .............................. (02)8829-7309 Park Jun Beauty Lab Ph 24 San Juan Evangelista
Puregold Bldg Mla .......... (02)8253-8086 Papa Chow
PACIFIC Pakpakan Chicken Wings 20 Don Antonio QC ...... (0918)544-6981
Park Terraces Twr Mkti.(0917)318-3466
Partas Transportation Co Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)7971-8202
12 Reparo KC .............. (0936)206-7875
CAR- Palaran & Partners Law Office
Papa Dan'Z Pizza
Damong Maliit Rd QC ... (0961)718-4126
2264 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8851-4025 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8478-7608
Partex Business Solution Incorporated
BONIC State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-6761 Papa Tom's Liquor Store R And E Bldg LP ............. (02)8843-3529
Paymentwall Inc
Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8802-0133
Palatiw Hardware Incorporated 22 San Vicente QC...........(0915)996868
CORPO- Prima 1 & 2 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8997-9334 Papadyak Bike Shop
Partida Dental Clinic
377 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)7989-8901
Pazzo Rollio Incorporated
Sm Frontera Verde Psg ... (02)8570-7801
1 Gen Malvar Ext
Palette Blue And Gray Gallery
Serendra Piazza Taguig (0919)462-2525
Gloria Diaz LP .............. (0917)574-3104 Parts And Shop Incorporated Pb Com Shaw Blvd Psg ...... (02)8634-1433
Papalaundry Laundry Services 230 Dna Soledad Ave Ext
Marikina .................... (02)8941-3991 Palfer Incorporated 11th St PC ................... (0977)280-4363 Pque .......................... (02)8843-1420 Pbb Business Bank
Northridge Plz QC ........... (02)8928-0648 249 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8363-3333
Pacific Cement Company Incorporated Paparazzi Partsland Trade Company
Palladium - Sm Moa Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8633-8888 477 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8243-8236 Pbf Inc
Singapore Airlines Bldg Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8823-2731 1365 E Rodriguez Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-7691 Papas Pawnshop Party Options Party Supplies And Events
Palm Food Chain Incorporated 945 Quirino QC .............. (02)3417-6311 QC ........................... (0998)855-8991
Pacific Cement Phils Incorporated 47 Gloria Diaz LP ........... (02)8400-2048
573 J Nakpil Mla ............ (02)8536-1839 Paper Moon Cafe Party Planet Pbox Creative Advertising Corporation
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8403-7208 Palm Hotels Group 14 M L Quezon Mkna ..... (02)7940-9034
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7623-1153 29 President Ave Pque ... (02)8826-6015
Pacific Ceramics Manufacturing Company Las Palmas Hotel Mla ..... (02)8524-5612 Pc Chain Superstores Incorporated
Maysan Rd Val ............... (02)8292-5364 Paper Thinks Party Poppers By Red Party Needs &
Palm Law Sm Mega Mall Mand .... (0936)209-6725 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Pacific Charter Forwarders Incorporated Services SJ .............................. (02)8727-0349
138 Sct Limbaga QC .... (0917)145-7706 Paperland Inc 9 Ilaya Munt ................. (0998)791-6295
Alliance Bldg Mla ............ (02)8241-8238 Palmos Wedding Events And Services Leland Drv Quezon City .. (02)8361-8531 Pc Connect Systems Trading Incorporated
Party Sisters Bakes & Services
Pacific Cordage Corporation 68 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8862-6543 Paperless Trail Incorporated 391 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Star Mall Mand ............... (02)8632-1315
389 E Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8939-1244 Palnet Sports Incorporated 118 V A Rufino Mkti ....... (02)8893-5951 Psg .......................... (0927)655-6628 Pc Gilmore Corporation
Pacific E-Links International Recruitment Greenhills Shopping Ctr Paperlink Inc Partybus Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8721-4704 58 Gov Pascual Ave Mal . (02)8282-3068 Citygolf Driving Range SJ .............................. (02)8727-9088
Mg Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8817-5955 Palvision Incorporated Papertech Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8631-0468 Pc Home
Pacific Eye And Laser Institute Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8553-3619 835 F Pike Psg ............... (02)8571-2340 Partycats Balloons And Party Needs Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-1225
Cathedral Hghts Bldg QC (02)8632-0423 Pamana Marketing Papi Carwash And Auto Detailing B2 L24B Genesis Munt ... (02)8834-6369 Pc Hub
Pacific Heritage Company Incorporated 947 Edsa QC .................. (02)8926-1103 Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0943)483-2916 Pasay City General Hospital Aurora Garden Plz QC ..... (02)8705-1949
201 Bacood Mla ............. (02)8714-8300 Pamana Transport Services Incorporated Pappu's Burritos P Burgos PC .................. (02)8831-3285 Pc Live Enterprise
Pacific Horizon Trading 445 M H Del Pilar Val ..... (02)8293-5813 245 Peras Psg ................. (0935)882007 Pasay Jetco Motor Sales Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-2438
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8526-0418 Pamangan Papuru Hana Spa 2745-A Taft Ave PC........(02)8831-2149 Pc Option Power Component
Pacific International Terminal Sservice Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)539-9861 Alabang Zapote Rd LP .. (0929)124-3859 Pasay Poultry And Pet Feeds Supply Beacon Plz Mand ........... (02)8723-0100
Cap Bldg Mla..................(02)8527-3122 Pamaris Cargo Handlers Par Airconditioning System Services 601-B J Isidro PC ......... (0917)128-5035 Pc Packaging Center
Pacific Jetcorp Incorporated Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-3297 San Guillerno Munt ......... (02)8583-2029 Pascua Hauling & Trucking Services 1208 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8516-6026
Royal Star Hangar PC ..... (02)8846-6979 Pamav Training Institute & Technology Paradise Apartelle Kanlaon LP.....................(02)8782-9156 Pc Quarters
Pacific Mills Incorporated Center Incorporated 303 Tomas Morato Ave Pascual Brokers Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-4754
28 Pres E P Quirino Hwy Integrated Professional Ofc Bldg QC ............................. (02)3410-7706 K Plz Bldg QC ................. (02)8995-3577 Pc Rescue Computer Services
QC ............................. (02)8361-0008 QC ............................. (02)8742-2637 Paragas Towing Services Pascual General Hospital Urc Bldg Mla .................. (02)8254-0858
Pacific Nickel Philippines Incorporated Pamo Corporation 28 L San Diego Val ....... (0927)477-5366 130 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0915)312-7144 Pc&V Communications Incorporated
Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-8883 572 Sto Cristo Manila ..... (02)8241-6605 Paragon Ecological Solutions & Pashmina Collection & General 178 Legaspi Suites Mkti . (02)7752-5004
Pacific Paint Phils Incorporated Pampanga Block Builders Incorporated Construction Inc Merchandise Pcci Paranaque City Incorporated
159 Calamba QC ............ (02)8559-7944 Gumamela Pque ............. (02)8776-3733 Jiao Bldg QC .................. (02)7976-4145 Southwing Psg ............... (02)7775-1136 Permarc Bldg Pque.........(02)8556-8276

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73 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Pccw - Philwebdesign 73

Pccw Solutions Perez & Sardoncillo Certified Public Petal Marketing Phil Valve Manufacturing Co Philippine Heart Center
The 30th Corporate Ctr Accountants 1158 C M Recto Ave 1063 Del Monte Ave East Ave QC ................... (02)8925-2401
Psg ............................ (02)8880-5800 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8801-1677 Mla ............................ (02)8244-7877 QC ........................... (0910)453-5802 Philippine Hotel Reservations Service
Pcs Philippines Incorporated Perez Numedia Incorporated Petals & Twigs Manila Phil Ville Development And Housing Cattleya Condmn Bldg
Merced Mla .................... (02)8708-2923 National Life Insurance Bldg Stellar Place Condmn 17 Gov W Pascual Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8817-2174
Pct Enterprise Mkti ........................... (02)8403-1689 QC ........................... (0920)924-6307 Mal ............................ (02)8361-5856 Philippine Journalist Incorporated
L G Ctre Pque ................. (02)8842-7304 Perfect 1 Petcradle Pet Shop Phil-Air Conditioning Center Journal Bldg Mla ............ (02)8527-8423
Pct Goodbridge Philippines Corporation Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8376-1145 Cartimar Coml Villas 6152 So Super Hwy Philippine Lamp Post Manufacturing
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Perfect Balance Spa Incorporated PC ........................... (0917)851-2413 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-4777 Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-9529 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-2076 Petcycle Animal And Grooming Center Phil-Aire Airconditioning Services 211 B Leonardo Val ........ (02)3432-9520
Pd And Co Perfect Build Trade Corporation Ipb Rd QC .................... (0933)810-1882 Del Monte Ave QC ........ (0949)121-7698 Philippine Magnetics And Industrial
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7920 867-869 Gen Kalentong Petfriends Veterinary Clinic Phil-Best Welder And Heater Incorporated Supplies Company
Pea Interior Design Mand ......................... (02)8531-7032 Rizza Bldg QC .............. (0995)741-2436 Promeland Twr Munt ...... (02)8556-4841 Brgy 176 KC ................ (0943)706-6977
Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8634-8890 Perfect Desteanation Milktea Shop Petit Monde Phil-Chi Tobacco Co Incorporated Philippine Metals Inc
Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic 82 Silverio Cpd Rd Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8363-3410 Ramon Magsaysay Ctr Antel Corporate Ctr Mkti . (02)7751-8037
22 Bronze Mkna ........... (0927)752-3001 Pque ........................ (0936)108-1742 Petmart Mla ............................ (02)8353-9423 Philippine National Aids Council
Peace Lodge Incorporated Perfect Health Specialty Shop Saudi Arabia Pque ........ (0995)551-4856 Phil-France Trading Corporation San Lazaro Cpd Mla ....... (02)8743-8301
1285 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-7131 Krisambet Bldg Mla ...... (0925)853-1358 Petonix Poultry And Pet Supplies Labaire Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8886-9780 Philippine National Oil Companymother
Peak Properties Incorporated Perfect Shot 46 Victoneta Ave Mal....(0921)487-4681 Phil-It Resources Network Incorporated 478 Nicodemus Mla ....... (02)8840-1683
Home Plus Ctr LP ........... (02)8872-2485 Sm City North Edsa Pat .. (02)8441-1779 Petpaws Animal Clinic State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8887-2843 Philippine Native E-Tailer Company
Peak-A-Flakes Ice Cream Incorporated Perfect Skin Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8503-0441 Phil-Japan Business Associates Inc L Cruz Mand .................. (02)7358-1293
47 Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8441-0442 Dr A Santos Pque ........... (02)8475-6108 Petplay'Ce Veterinary Clinic & Pet Supplies Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8836-2513 Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Peakstar Canvas & General Merchandise Perfectbody Marketing Corporation Gemma Cruz LP ........... (0998)996-1721 Phil-Tex Staffing Services International Inc Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8929-6011
677 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8353-8478 Fishermall QC ................. (02)8294-6814 Petropil Corporation Vip Bldg Mla ................... (02)5310-2365 Philippine Passenger Lines
Peanuts Perfectlydone Incorporated E Rodriguez Ave Mand ... (02)8671-7121 Phil-Top Industries Inc United Nation Ave Mla .... (02)8524-9011
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0919)627-9575 19 Taruc Val...................(02)8291-9996 Petrotech Oil Marketing Incorporated 6018 Tatalon Val ............ (02)3443-7135 Philippine Pastries Incorporated
Pearl Laundry & Dry Cleaning Perfectsource Enterprise Incorporated Sampaguita KC .............. (02)8962-5273 Phil-Whashin Industrial Corporation Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7757-2498
Matandang Balara QC ... (0926)935-2712 613-A Bagumbayan Mla . (02)8664-7843 25 Pagatpat QC .............. (02)8373-6561 Philippine Science Centrum
Pets Ahoy Poultry Supply
Pearl Of Blue Orient Travel And Tours Perg Dermatology Clinic 187 A Arnaiz Ave PC .... (0922)390-6970 Philam's Finest Cuisine E-Com Bldg Mkna .......... (02)8942-4137
Andrea Bldg QC ............ (0915)131-5896 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 22 East Lawin QC...........(02)8425-0152 Philippine Seven Properties Corporation
Pets Recovery And Therapy Center
Pearl-Chem Asia Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8723-3518 134A West QC ............... (02)3414-1401 Philamasia Labor Pool Incorporated Hasting 2 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8899-3083
37 Igdalig QC ................. (02)8362-2061 Pergis Movers Trucking Services 2001 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8254-5785 Philippine Society Of Cardiaccatheter
Pearly Shell Laundry Shop Petssentials Pet Station And Veterinary Medical Arts Bldg QC ..... (02)8928-7798
Studio One Condmn Clinic Philand Patana Incorporated
Qurino Ave Pque .......... (0922)840-5301 Munt .......................... (02)8810-6696 6078 Tatalon Val ............ (02)8990-9202 Philippine Society Of Hypertension
Pece Electronics Engineer Services Azarcon Bldg Mkna ...... (0995)517-8325
Peri-Peri Charcoal Chicken Philaxis Industrial Distributor Inc Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8687-2841
Citimall Bldg QC ........... (0927)664-3398 Pevr Commercial Philippine Society Of Medical Oncology
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-8205 Ma Daniel Bldg Mla ........ (02)8352-7788
Pediatric Associates Inc Pque .......................... (02)7373-6307 Philbeauty 279 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Bloomingdale Plz Psg ..... (02)8638-0919 Pgd Botanique QC ............................. (02)8721-9326
Peridou Uniforms 296A Haig Mand .......... (0926)180-8810 Fly Ace Corporate Ctr
Pedro 869 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8373-1188 PC ............................. (02)8551-7803 Philippine Spiral Duct Manufacturing Inc
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8556-5330 Ph Global Jet Express Inc Philcare Pharma Incorporated Labayani Quezon City ..... (02)8330-9917
Periquet Galicia Incorporated Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)8991-1888
Pedro 'n Col Vicente Madrigal Bldg Mahogany Psg ............... (02)8682-3466 Philippine Steel Coating Corporation
Fisher Mall QC .............. (0966)976-0243 Mkti ........................... (02)8894-4706 Ph Island Travel And Tours Incorporated Philflora.Com Philsteel Twr Mkti ........... (02)8813-7883
Pedro Footwear And Accesories 555 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8294-8998 Patricia Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8777-1901 Philippine Suntal Corporation
Peritus Knowledge Services Corporation
Bonifacio High Street Corinthian Plz Bldg Mkti .. (02)8697-4982 Pharica Toys Philfuji Ventures Inc 127 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8367-8910
Taguig........................(02)8556-5332 Permanent Computer Center Tutuban Mall Mla ............ (02)8255-3277 156 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8929-6335 Philippine Valve Mfg Co
Pedro Shangri-La Greenhills Shopping Ctr Pharma Doc Pharmacy Philgear Int'l Incorporated 1063 Del Monte Av
Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8654-9266 SJ .............................. (02)8726-2440 295 Montillano Munt .... (0998)792-5625 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8869-7486 Quezon City................(02)8372-3736
Pedro's Construction Supply Permasuri Limited Corporation Pharmacanada Inc Philgps Corp Philippine Vending Corporation
1432 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7360 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3704 Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8553-4276 1589 Quezon Crispina Bldg 54 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
Pedrollo Pumps Philippines Incorporated Permawin Enterprises Pharmadoc Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3413-1943 Psg ............................ (02)8477-3333
957 Edsa QC .................. (02)8926-8256 28 T Santiago Val ........... (02)8277-2717 295 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8801-3125 Philhealth Care Incorporated Philippine Wearhouse
Pega Cargo Express Company Limited Perry Ellis Pharmagenerics Drug Incorporated 1140 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8354-4214 602 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-2626
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8257-0875 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0932)304-1792 778A Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8332-5846 Philia Design & Construct Company Philippine You Hao International Travel
Pegs N Bubbles Laundry Perry's Realty Corporation Pharmaspec N A Incorporated M Jocson QC ................. (02)7987-9058 Service Corp
Dela Rosa Mkti ............. (0916)355-7378 Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8826-5400 Hizon Bldg QC ................ (02)8732-9910 Philip Mallillin Verdillo Cpa Federation Ctr Bldg Mla (0917)547-1581
Pei Industrial Supplies & Services Persaro's Cafe Phelippe Barko Management Incorporated Victoria Stn 1 QC ............ (02)8374-2637 Philippines Children's Medical Center
L31-A Sampaguita QC .... (02)7905-9226 The Currency Twr Psg .. (0966)843-3164 Exch Corner Bldg Mkti .... (02)8511-0307 Philip Ni Philippine Children Med Ctr
Peitro Collection Incorporated Phenix-Nd Pinas Incorporated University Physicians Medical Ctr QC ............................. (02)8921-9781
Persia Grill
La Fuerza Gate 1 Mkti ..... (02)7215-5755 Sapphire Residences Richville Corporate Twr Mla ............................ (02)8708-0000 Philippines Computer Associates
Pelayo Enterprises Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8519-9300 Munt .......................... (02)8894-2978 Philip Stein International
Elena Bldg LP ................. (02)8856-7510 Personal Care Phes Industrial Equipment Supply Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8422-6882 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8885-0441
Pemsea Resource Facility 7 Sct Borromeo QC ........ (02)3410-7693 795 Sheraton KC ............ (02)7791-7433 Philipine Institute Of Quezon City Philippines International Life Insurance
Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8929-2992 Pert Equipment And Industrial Supply Phiaso Enterprises 62 Kitanlad QC ............... (02)3413-0010 Company Incorporated
Penafuerte General Upholstery Services Mcr Bldg Mand...............(02)8532-0741 Barangka Dr Mkti ............ (02)8984-7570 Philippine And Scandinavian Design Filtra Tanco Bldg QC ............... (02)8371-4589
Quirino Ave Pque .......... (0920)981-7617 Incorporated Philippines Pastries Incorporated
Pengoo Bubble Tea
Pertua Marketing Coporation
35 Pertua Mkting Corporatio
PHIL ALLIANCE UMBRELLA Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8475-6688 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-1917
Spazio Bernardo Condo
QC ........................... (0915)376-5412
QC ........................... (0906)348-6708 CO INC Philippine And Scandinavian It Services Philippines Pizza Incorporated
Pest And Termite Control Services Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3635
Penline Stationery Incorporated 8 Congressional Ave QC . (02)3454-0779
333 Juan Luna Incorporated
Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8478-6688 Philippines Today Incorporated
B & M Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8519-9473 Manila.....(02)8242-2736 202 Railroad Mla ............ (02)8527-6850
Pest Control Services & Termite Control Philippine Army Wellness Center
Penmasters Administration Bayani Rd Taguig ........... (02)8845-9555 Philippines Travel Factory Incorporated
Sto Nino Taguig............(0920)748-0632 Services PHIL ALLIANCE
Integrated Professional Ofcs Bldg Opl Bldg Mkti..................(02)8552-3477
Philippine Australian Brass Bed
Penseur Web Development Solutions QC ............................. (02)7509-6205 11 2nd Ave Taguig ......... (02)8839-1668 Philips Wire And Cable Company
Tulip Bldg KC ............... (0915)116-4906 Philflex Bldg Mla ............. (02)8241-8801
Pest Science Corporation PHIL Philippine Bank Of Comunications
Philjets Aero Charter Corporation
1620 Felix Huertas Mla ... (02)8711-8971 Shc Twr Mla...................(02)8242-3591
Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8403-1583
Pest Terminaotrs ALLIANCE Philippine Bearing Corporation
Aaop Hangar No 2 PC .... (02)8851-0639
Pension Natividad Phillip Web Design & Development
1690 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8524-0811
800-H Cornus QC...........(02)7504-6230 UMBRELLA 1030 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8243-4205 Ayala Ctr Mkti...............(0947)666-0008
Pest-Ex Pest Control Services Metro Manila Philippine Bed And Furniture Manufacturing
Penta Isles Incorporated Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)7623-5837 CO INC Corporation
Philly Cheese Steak
1 Tanguile Rd LP ............ (02)8806-2789 B4 L15 Hope LP ........... (0917)474-0908
Pentravel Tours Philipines Corporation Pestguard & Chemical Company 27 G Molina Val............(0922)836-0486 Philmed Laboratories Incorporated
Greenhills Theater Mall Incorporated 333 Juan Luna Manila ... (02)8242-2736 Philippine Board Of Opthalmology 35 Ladislao Diwa Mkna .. (02)8941-3483
SJ .............................. (02)8451-2315 Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8831-0793 Philippine Gen Hospital Philmetal Products Incorporated
Penuel Drug Store Pestmasters Chemical Philippines Phil Arts Events Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8708-5232 Philsteel Twr Mkti ........... (02)8813-8382
1742 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-4665 Incorporated Lpl Ctr Mkti .................... (02)8831-0953 Philippine Business Bank Philore Manpower Corporation
People 360 Zafra Bldg Mla ................ (02)3484-3690 Phil Asahi Material Corporation 1226 Soler Mla...............(02)8242-7927 1827 San Marcelino
1141 Old Samson Rd Pet 911 Veterinary Clinic And Grooming 142 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-1979 Philippine Campus Crusade Forchrist Mla .......................... (0917)186-3587
QC ............................. (02)8362-0566 Salon Phil Bonded Warehouse Servicesinc 40 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8925-4197 Philplast Manufacturing Corporation
People Are People Incorporated 178 9th Ave KC ............ (0920)122-8644 Femi 1 Bldg Mla ............. (02)8528-0481 Philippine Carpet Mfg Corporation P Jacinto Val .................. (02)8983-9355
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8911-7842 Pet Bureau Phil Christian Literature Incorporated West Svc Rd Munt ......... (02)8809-0767 Philq Manpower Services Incorporated
People's Air Cargo & Warehousing Co 185-F Del Monte Ave Ccf Bldg Psg .................. (02)8477-5082 Philippine Chinese Charitable Association 4 Sct Albano QC ............. (02)8376-5306
Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8363-2884 Phil Events Management And Advertising 1126 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-7231 Philsafe Marine Services Incorporated
Pair-Pags Ctr PC ............ (02)8854-8194 Pet Crate Pet Supplies World Trade Exch Bldg Philippine Chiropractic Healthcare Specialist Elw Bldg Mla .................. (02)8516-5278
People's Choice Pest Control 7 Marcial Psg ............... (0917)841-3335 Mla ............................ (02)8354-6626 Msa Prime Ctr Munt ..... (0927)580-5047 Philsin College Foundation Incorporated
Tofemi Bldg QC .............. (02)7505-0569 Pet Discount Phil Flow Philippine Clinical Chemistry & Diagnostic 3153 R Magsaysay Blvd
People's Palace Incorporated 142 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8367-7499 58 Bansalangin QC ......... (02)8376-4787 Corp Mla ............................ (02)8715-2238
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8894-2065 Pet Health Hub Phil Genesis Freight Unlimited Inc Fems Twr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8500-7120 Philsoft Technologies Group Incorporated
Peoples Choice Cycle Part Corporation Jemco Bldg Psg ........... (0917)863-4895 Real Merchantile Insurance Bldg Philippine CO2 Industry Inc David I Bldg Mand .......... (02)8735-8523
345 2nd St KC ............... (02)8921-0085 Pet House Clinic & Grooming Center Mla ............................ (02)8405-0341 525 M Naval Navotas ..... (02)8281-7951 Philsolar Equipment & Trading
Peotraco Food Incorporated 36-D Sct Limbaga QC.....(02)7621-8387 Phil Insulation Co Incorporated Philippine Coffee Board Incorporated Cargohaus Bldg Pque ... (0945)331-0589
108 Gen Concepcion KC (02)8365-8281 Pet House Pet Clinic & Grooming Center Philippine Insulation Bldg Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7901-3485 Philstar International Services Corp
Pepper Mint 131-B V Luna Rd Ext QC (02)3436-1906 Pque .......................... (02)8851-7135 Philippine Cosmetics And Perfume Prosperity West Ctr Bldg
45B C Jose PC ............. (0947)370-2583 Pet Manila Pet Supplies Phil Post Manufacturing Company QC ............................. (02)8983-5065
Pepsan Enterprises 17 Sierra Madre Mand .. (0915)517-0812 2380 Juan Luna Mla.....(0949)471-8640 314 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0955)345-1133 Philstar Tourcom Incorporated
42 Mostar PC ................. (02)8821-0082 Pet Master Phil Rural Dev & Services Corporation Philippine Franchise Association Yupangco Bldg Munt ...... (02)8894-3449
Pepsico Incorporated 15 Visayas QC ............... (02)3497-8157 Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8818-1591 One Magnificent Mile Ctr Philsurv Geodetic Services
The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8885-7194 Pet Odyssey Veterinary Clinic Phil Shinpoong Pharma Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)7798-2543 819-B Torres Mand ...... (0917)811-0914
Peregrine Eye And Laser Institute De Jesus Bldg LP ........... (02)8887-4871 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8687-6870 Philippine Geosynthetic Incorporated Philtra Sales Inc
347 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave Pet To Nature Philippines Phil Trade Center Incorporated 620 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8524-2872 1018 Reina Regente Mla (02)8244-3858
Mkti ........................... (02)8890-0115 54 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave 14 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8637-5907 Philippine Global Asia Philux Incorporated
Perejas Industry Incorporated Mkna ....................... (0917)872-7708 Phil Transport Xpress Corporation 142 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8640-9303 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1974
Dna Segunda Coml Bldg Pet Zone Pres Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Philippine Gp Technology Incorporated Philwebdesign
QC ............................. (02)3410-7218 Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8703-7435 PC ............................. (02)8856-9980 State Condo 1 Bldg Mkti . (02)8478-1471 2230 Ayala Mkti ........... (0947)666-3462

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74 S C M Y K

74 Philwyze - Powertech 2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST

Philwyze Packaging Corporation Pingcon Marketing Corporation Pizza Telefono Pnm Stoneworld Corporation Potdog
753 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8452-2210 37 Insurance QC ............ (02)8920-8476 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8553-3333 1077 Epifanio Delos Santos Ave Domestic Rd PC ........... (0946)621-0736
Phinma Maayo Metrotowne Pingping Shoe Supply Corporation Pizzariffico Pizza And Pasta QC ............................. (02)3414-9326 Potentials Therapy Center
2020 Marcos Alvarez Ave 61 E Rodriguez Ave 443 A Mabini KC .......... (0917)163-6098 Pntm - Ykg Bbq Incorporated Mic Bldg QC ................. (0975)241-9349
LP ............................ (0917)535-6800 Mkna ......................... (02)8997-5199 Pizzyrap Handcrafted Pizza Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)3394-4016 Potholder & Mitt
Pho 24 Philippines Pink Anne Seafood Delight 942 Claro Castaneda Poblador Bautista And Reyes Law Office 35 Espiritu Val .............. (0936)365-3205
Doubledragon Plz PC .... (0966)207-5267 1 Falcon QC ................. (0916)552-8802 Mand ....................... (0915)486-2030 Sedcco 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8817-4640 Pound For Pound
Pho Bang Incorporated Pink Clover Enterprise Pj Lhuiller 21 Quirino QC.....(02)8461-6788 Pod's By Digital Walker 209 Dna Soledad Ave
Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall Leonardo Cpd LP ........... (02)8834-1181 Pjc Food Products Trading Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-9528 Pque ........................ (0920)948-3066
Mand ......................... (02)8633-8481 Pink Farm 24 Hour Pet Grooming And 7065-C Dollar Lne Podium Designs Poutine Ph
Pho Hoa Veterinary Clinic Pque ........................ (0910)502-0908 2609 Espiritu Mla ......... (0917)167-7377 144 Elizalde Stree
Eton Centris Walk QC ..... (02)8355-7305 Cuasay Taguig ............... (02)7950-5998 Pjen-Jem Metal Scral Trading Podmon Electronic Supply Pque ........................ (0917)547-1030
Phobac Vietnamese Specialties Pink Lily Travel And Tours St Joseph KC ............... (0998)335-7882 2283 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8734-6726 Powder Room Beauty Lounge
Robinsons Place Cplx 1000 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8245-8390 Pjs Sleepwear Pointland Realty Services Incorporated 205 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8772-0903
Mla ............................ (02)8536-3176 Pink Manila Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-4063 Studio Two Bldg Munt .... (02)7504-5888 Power & Beauty
Phoenician Diagnostic Medical Clinic Greenhills Shopping Ctr Pkh Realty Development Corporation Polaris Frozen Food Corporation Market Market Taguig ... (0936)911-6887
7064 Sto Nino De Maligaya Streeet SJ ............................ (0923)218-3032 530 Panday Pira Mla ...... (02)8255-0842 Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8247-4693 Power Access Electrical Services
KC ........................... (0923)546-0011 Pink Mixer Pl Express Gtw Incorporated Poldo's Steakhouse 620 V Del Fierro Manila .. (02)8775-8268
Phoenix Asia Sunstar Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)527-6118 Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8376-9076 1104 Barlin Mla .............. (02)8652-4696 Power Care Auto Supply
B6 L6 Viente Reales Lingunan Pink Parlour Philippines Poli Prints 34 Shaw Blvd
Val ............................. (02)3443-7721 Plan B
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0917)625-2797 252 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)537-6606 15 Sianghio QC ............ (0926)150-5879 Mandaluyong ............. (02)8531-7513
Phoenix Contact (Phils ) Incorporated Pink Wheels Polintan-Agpasa And Associates Power Care Termite & Pest Control
Lee Gardens Condmn Plane Bistro Manila
One Ucpb Gen Bldg 1920 Espana Blvd Mla .. (0916)791-3198 112 N P Cruz Taguig .... (0922)399-7189 Services
Mand ......................... (02)8234-1323 Pque .......................... (02)8813-7465 Espiritu Mal .................. (0999)443-0241
Planet Drugstore Corporation Pollarrac Refrigeration
Phoenix Heights Condominium Corporation Pink's Hotdogs 2120 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8559-3695 Power Chek Incorporated
Capt H P Javier Psg ........ (02)8671-7553 Makati City Hall Mkti ....... (02)8893-1396
Okada Pque..................(0917)631-8782 Polly Trading & Packaging Eurovilla 1 Condmn Mkti . (02)8519-3270
Phoenix Network Solutions Incorporated Planet Tom Incorporated
Pinkberry Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8935-5140 12 Marikina East Subd Power Circle International Incorporated
Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8332-3184 Sm Aura Premier Mkna ......................... (02)7369-7735 Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)8687-6285
Phoenix Sun Building Taguig......................(0905)362-4561 Planet Vape
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8656-5473 Pollylan Purified Water Refilling Station Power Connect Marketing
Phoenix Sun Bldg QC......(02)3419-8631 Pinkie's Farm Shoe Ave Mkna .............. (02)8645-8928 B Mart Bldg Mand .......... (02)7955-9050
Phoenix Touch Auto Detailing Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0918)999-9555 Planographics Printing Incorporated
Magsaysay Mal .............. (02)8362-4944 Poly Cell Bubble Sheet Mftg Corporation Power Drives Incorporated
Chico QC ..................... (0917)834-1290 Pinnacle Asia Outsourcing Co 129 M Ponce KC ............ (02)8442-4988 18 Regalado Ave QC ...... (02)8461-7297
Photoman Photography City & Land Mega Plz Condo Planters Devt Bank
Tourist Arcade Mla ......... (02)8400-5468 Polydrug Pharmacy Inc Power Edge Staffing & Gen Services
8C Matatag QC ............... (02)8355-2739 Psg ............................ (02)8706-4311 238 Tomas Morato Ave N & M Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8899-6167
Photomark Lightworks Incorporated Pinnacle Axis Commcercial Corporation Planters Products
Manila Domestic Airport QC ............................. (02)3384-4558 Power Fill Gas Station
Gilmore I T Ctr QC ........ (0908)876-3342 8462 Mayapis Mkti.........(02)8804-2273 One Oasis Hub B Psg ..... (02)8655-4374
PC ............................. (02)8851-3062 Polyfoam Rgc International Corporation
Phototekk Camera & Photography Gears Pinnacle Cpa Review School 32 Miller Ave QC ............ (02)8371-0569 Power Industrial
Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)7902-0969 128 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)629-4875 Plants Ni Lloidz
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ......... (0917)438-9771 Polygenesis Commercial 23 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8646-6028
Php Medical Distributors Incorporated Pinnacle Enterprises One Binondo Place Power Loops Incorporated
Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8374-6559 Maya Theater Bldg QC .... (02)8376-0163 Plaque Clothing
Sta Fe Psg....................(0917)659-7466 Manila ........................ (02)8242-3296 S Medalla Bldg QC..........(02)8913-0611
Phylotrex Engineering Services Pinnacle Manpower Services Incorporated Polyman Manufacturing Corporation Power Photo Corporation
31B Leland Dr QC.........(0917)731-2689 Jovan Condo Mand ........ (02)8533-2993 Plaridel Surety & Insurance Company
Noah' S Ark Bldg Mla ...... (02)8242-2616 60 M Santos Mal ............ (02)8294-6168 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1328
PI Tractor Co Inc Pinnacle Parts Company Incorporated Polyplast Sales Marketing Corporation
303 Rizal Av Ext Plascard Industrial Company Power Play Internet Cafe
142 West Ave QC ........... (02)8365-5811 870 - 878 Reina Regente 2B 410 N S Amoranto
Kalookan City ............. (02)8364-3370 Pinnacle Properties Incorporated 11 Congressional Ave
QC ............................. (02)8926-9938 Mla ............................ (02)8247-7660 QC ........................... (0917)206-6392
Pia's Sizzling And Grill 599 Rosario Mla.............(02)8243-9447 Polyskill Manpower Services
170 Food Hub Pque......(0916)988-2868 Plastech Metal Roof Corporation Power Realty & Development Corporation
Pinoleakpes Corporation 111-E 13th Ave QC ........ (02)8721-2778 Power Realty Bldg Mkti...(02)8844-9162
Piandre Bansalangin Bldg QC ...... (02)8404-6551 Road 3 QC ................... (0917)791-6651
Polystar General Services Incorporated Power Restart Technologies Inc
137 Del Monte Cegf QC .. (02)8363-6562 Pinoy Lab Bench Plastic And Package Incorporated 82 Bernabe Pque ............ (02)8828-2782
1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8563-7086 Jollibee Plz Condmn Psg (02)8248-1584
Piano Tuner & Technician Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8552-7078
Dapitan Mla .................. (0928)507-6834 Polytex Laiwell Incorporated Power Steel Corporation
Pinoy Spa Atbp Plastic Consumer Corporation 139 Sto Domingo QC ..... (02)8361-7730
784-794 Asuncion Mla ... (02)8242-7480 1714 Ma Clara Mla ......... (02)8230-2906
Piano Tuning & Repair Services Farmer's Plz QC .............. (02)8911-4819
81 Pasong Tamo QC .... (0905)350-5310 Pomodoro Pizza Pasta Kitchen Power Steel Hardware Taguig
Pinoyaki Kitchenette Platform Studios Ph Inc 19 San Rafael Psg ........ (0916)697-4992 8003 Sta Maria Industrial Estate
Piao Hio Salt Dealer Inc 21 Benefits QC ............. (0925)490-8489 195 Carriedo SJ ............. (02)7728-9827 Taguig........................(02)8837-1607
Plaza Del Conde Manila .. (02)8242-5867 Ponce - Tapas And Wine
Pintados Print House Platino 950 Incorporated 124 Sct Dr Lazcano Power Stroke Motor Products Corporation
Piart Silkscreen Printing Services 36-C Daisy QC ............. (0908)935-8774 Hanston Bldg Psg...........(02)8706-5072 QC ........................... (0917)633-2784 35 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8727-3174
4 London Dr QC ........... (0956)889-8646 Pintas Touch Medical Aesthetics & Laser Platinum Cycle Incorporated Pond's Institute Power Struck Marketing
Pic-A-Boo Photo Studio Center Vtdc Bldg QC..................(02)8740-6657 1351 U N Ave Mla .......... (02)8564-1169
Felix Huertas Mla .......... (0977)833-7014 11-M G Araneta Ave QC . (02)3412-0818
Quirino Hwy QC............(0995)343-0875 Platinum Mobile Marketing (Samsung) Ponte Rialto Ristorante Italiano Incorporated Power System Incorporated
Pical Printing Services Pinx Garden Spa Mall Of Asia PC .............. (02)8550-2140 Venice Grand Canal Mall
Lily QC ........................... (02)8936-3880 Topy Bldg QC ................. (02)8633-6678
Banawe QC .................. (0998)554-3678 Play Taguig........................(02)7960-1611
Picky Moms' Seafood And Deli Power Up Hr Incorporated
Pioneer Educational Review Center New Seaside Dr Pque ..... (02)8555-5779 Ponte Vecchio Enterprises Corporation 48 Diego Silang Taguig...(02)8831-7865
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8886-7755 1921 C M Recto Ave Playerauctions Manila Incorporated Starmall Prima Taguig .... (02)8477-7265 Power-Up Color Station And Paint Supply
Picto Design Philippines Mla ............................ (02)8275-5671 Prestige Twr Condmn
Cityland Herrera Twr Ponzi Wine And Malt 120 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)3445-3528
Pioneer Highland South Condominium Psg ............................ (02)7621-2259 103A Sgt Esguerra QC..(0917)519-0985
Mkti ........................... (02)7954-1640 Pioneer Highland South Condmn Poweraire Airconditioning & Aireworks
Playground Hobby Cafe Poong Sung Incorporated 35 Wilson SJ..................(02)8584-5399
Piecofoods Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8687-7984 Lol Bldg KC .................... (02)8356-1569
Pieco Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8816-3724 5 East Capitol Dr Psg......(02)8633-2079 Powerbooks Incorporated
Pioneer Life Incorporated Playhause Events And Catering
Pierre And Paul Solutions Incorporated De Dios Bldg Mla............(02)8525-1904 Pop Up Ventures Incorporated Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-0025
102 New Society Psg ... (0926)662-4072 613 Carlos Palanca Mla..(02)8724-1518 Powerbuild Sales Center
Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8531-1206 Pioneer Office And School Supply Playmates
Pigeon Publishing Corporation 211 San Vicente Mla ...... (02)8241-2679 Popoy Republic Mags Painting And Plasti 11 Virgo Dr LP ............... (02)8801-8376
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0933)536-1678 Dip Services Powercoins Internet Cafe
273 S De Guzman Val .... (02)8277-4221 Pioneer Trading Co Playpoint Philippines Incorporated
Pigsy Nails 291C Roosevelt QC ........ (02)7216-3107 3001 Kakarong Mkti ..... (0919)863-1007 23 Jasmin QC .............. (0927)265-1032
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8470-8026 Popperoo Powercutzz Beauty Salon
Aston Bldg KC .............. (0917)817-2422 Pioyo's Kitchen Plaza Ibarra
Pik More Supply Incorporated M De Leon Psg ............ (0936)977-6605 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8364-4010 936 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8247-6910
Plaza Ibarra QC .............. (02)3413-0706 Poprint.Ph Bacood Mla ..... (0977)108-1813 Powerdiesel Philippines Inc
224A Kanlaon QC ........... (02)8749-5181 Pirkko & Troy Tours Incorporated Plaza Ilocandia Popshine Pet Supplies And Accessories Pacific Place Pasig ......... (02)8635-2501
Pikaki Incorporated Grand Emerald Twr Psg .. (02)8687-5206 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)722-0618
Banawe Sreet Pque ........ (02)8829-8091 Pisa Corporation 27 11th Ave QC ............ (0927)744-8578 Powerflow Industries Incorporated
Plc 107 Incorporated Popular Trading Corporation Tepaurel Cpd Munt ....... (0917)700-4824
Pilapil Corporation 34 Gov Pascual Ave Mal . (02)8442-8241 2241 La Fuerza Gate 2
Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8525-6689 Piso Print Delivery Fl Po Bldg QC ................. (02)8372-2050 Powergear Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8840-2678 Porch Reader Philippines 1 Jade LP.......................(02)8553-5179
Pilecon Geotechnic Inc 40 Airforce Rd QC ........ (0953)135-3697
Plexco Plastic Products Inc 43 M H Del Pilar Val ..... (0945)603-6328 Powerhouse Pest Control
208 Dela Rosa Makati .... (02)8846-2075 Pistahan At Palayok Seafood Restaurant 131 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8361-8076
Pili Battery Sales Incorporated 434 El Grande Ave Porshe Design 2422 R Fernandez Mla..(0915)444-8197
Ja Pili Bldg Mkti..............(02)8881-5505 Pque ........................ (0939)895-2987 Plots And Cuts Design Option Co Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8470-1690 Powerhouse Tools
11A Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8332-3952 Portal East Incorporated 314 San Nicolas Mla ...... (02)8242-4490
Pilipinas Crown Maritime Incorporated Piston Rings Grill
Marc 2000 Bldg Mla ....... (02)8521-2082 82-A Maginhawa QC .... (0921)537-2987 Plug Electric Corporation Ny Cmpd Val .................. (02)8983-5618 Powerlifter Philippines Incorporated
Pius XII Catholic Center Incorporated Dama De Noche Pque .... (02)8821-2503 Portavaga Ship Management Inc 5440-B Mindanao Ave Ext
Pilipinas Fluid Power Trade Corp
Culmat Bldg 1175 United Nations Ave Plum Kids Asia Incorporated 7 Eulogio Rodriguez Jr Ave Val ............................. (02)8359-0937
Quezon City................(02)8726-0963 Mla ............................ (02)8525-9126 Linear Bldg QC ............... (02)8962-4567 Psg ............................ (02)8633-1520 Powerlink Merchandise Trading Corporation
Pilipinas Kai Rubber Corporation Pivotal Technologies Incorporated Plus Ev Solutions Portodo Airconditioning And Refrigeration 1010 Tomas Mapua
6325 Tatalon Val ............ (02)3443-2105 Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8890-6676 220 Salcedo Mkti ........... (02)7505-0902 Services Manila ........................ (02)8712-1521
Pilipinas Teleserv Incorporated Pixel Arts (Pixarts) Plymaster Sales Corporation Kslhoa QC .................... (0932)502-1998 Powerlogic Control Center Incorporated
San Diego Bldg Mla ........ (02)8735-9613 Mindanao Ave Ext QC ..... (02)8425-9237 1339 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-0862 Portos Food Inc 21 Michael Rua Pque ..... (02)8822-9169
Pilipinas911 Incorporated Pixel Arts (Pixarts) Large-Format Digital Pmftc Incorporated 13 Pitimini QC ................ (02)3411-1318 Powermatic Motor Parts
393 Esteban Mand ......... (02)8531-1930 Printing Services Incorporated Robinsons Equitable Twr Portraiture Studio 1486 Old Antipolo Mla .... (02)8255-8277
Pilipino Data Network Incorporated Mindanao Ave Ext QC ..... (02)8425-9237 QC ............................. (02)8895-9999 Pina Ave Mla .................. (02)8425-4972 Powermind Business Solutions
Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8726-3337 Pixies Sinugba Pmi Colleges Incorporated Posche Models Incorporated
Pilipino Transport Incorporated 89 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-8882 Pmi College Mla ............. (02)8244-5606 Builders Ctr Mkti ............. (02)7902-0900 Polar Ctr Bldg Mand ....... (02)8531-3819
The Jade Vine Executive Hse Pixxel Printing Servicess Pmm Carwash 24/7 Posh Nails Hand And Foot Spa Powerry International Traders
Mla ............................ (02)8525-0366 Kalayaan Vill PC ............. (02)7501-4307 2045 Edison Mkti ......... (0906)416-3988 Smdc Light Mall Mand....(02)8997-0425 537 T Alonzo Manila.......(02)8733-5792
Pillars 5 Incorporated Pizza Boss Pmr Architectural Innovations Positano Trad Corporation-Silver Works Powershades Trading
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-6568 30 F Bautista QC ............ (02)7757-5676 Omega Ave QC ............. (0933)873-9715 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8927-3433 Vv Soliven Shopping Cplx
Pilvince Industrial Corporation Pizza Burger Bistro Pmt Insurance Consultancy Possibilities Psychological Solutions SJ .............................. (02)8726-0329
Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8584-1877 3561 M Araullo Mla ...... (0998)978-3453 Ab Sandoval Bldg Psg .... (02)8661-6625 The One Executive Bldg Powersource Group Development
Pimentel And Balisacan And Associates Pizza De Baraks Pnb Life Insurance Inc QC ............................. (02)8404-0699 Corporation
430 E Rodriguez Sr Ave 17 Magat QC ................ (0947)253-9279 Elliptical Rd QC...............(02)8355-1309 Potato Corner The Athenaeum Bldg
QC ............................. (02)8721-7391 Pizza Grigliata Pneumatic Technologies Incorporated Rustans Fresh Supermarket Mkti ........................... (02)8845-0521
Pinas Enterprises City Of Dreams Manila Richville Corporate Twr LP .............................. (02)8534-5845 Powersun Enterprises
4 Provident Vill Mkna ...... (02)8330-7680 Pque ........................ (0917)625-7305 Munt .......................... (02)8807-3355 Potato Giant 532 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-7843
Pinas Portalet Rental Services Pizza Monte Cafe Pni International Corporation Ayala Malls Manila Bay Powertech Asia Pacific Incorporated
1 St Matthew Val ............ (02)8361-4158 7 East Capitol Dr Psg....(0915)905-1948 Strata 2000 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8637-7091 Pque ........................ (0917)300-9000 Psec Bldg Psg ................ (02)7914-7287
Pineda Bakery Pizza Ni Owe Pnlrc Employment Services Potato Madness Powertech Industrial Sales Incorporated
Bilog Rd Mla ................ (0919)355-1490 7 Kurtante Mkna ........... (0998)427-3075 73B Kamias QC .............. (02)8735-1453 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ...... (0935)844-3167 10 Leland Dr QC ........... (0917)813-6259

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:44 2022 - P74

75 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Powertechnic - Purity 75

Powertechnic Lighting Inc Prestige Hotels And Resorts Incorporated Primera Philippines Seals Distribution Proburnbox Graphic Design And Printing Provident Lights
Numancia Manila............(02)8243-6946 21 San Miguel Ave Psg .. (02)8638-4650 Incorporated Services Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-7599
Powertorq Auto Repair Prestige Housekeeping Corporate Ctr Bldg Munt . (02)8772-4130 Robinsons Place Las Pinas Providince Automotive
4 Congressional Ave Cityland Herrera Twr Primeraplus Car Rentals And Transport LP ............................ (0917)636-0076 Edsa PC ......................... (02)8659-7703
QC ........................... (0917)861-2727 Mkti ......................... (0917)413-6650 Services Inc Probytes Printing Provill Studios Manila
Powertrac Incorporated Prestige Medical Supply Treetop Villas Mand ...... (0917)718-8903 78 Molave QC .............. (0948)894-7591 7749 St Paul Mkti ........... (02)8895-5026
Mapulang Lupa Val ....... (0995)528-8437 1140 Rizal Ave Mla ...... (0961)789-4725 Primeserv Trade Resources Corporation Procurement And Supply Institute Of Asia Provizion Solutions Incorporated
Powertrip Incorporated Prestige Metal Corporation Prestige Twr Condmn Incorporated 36B Bagong Calzada Pat (02)7219-6737
427 Martinez Mand ........ (02)8631-6008 95 Industry Rd 2 Mal ...... (02)8361-4547 Psg ............................ (02)8632-9368 Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8885-7127 Prowater Technologies Incorporated
Powerup Computers Incorporated Prestige Timepiece Center Incorporated Primestate Ventures Incorporated Productionpro Incorporated Tivoli Gardens Mand ....... (02)8571-0324
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2652 Richmonde Plz Psg ........ (02)8638-2846 Broadcast City QC .......... (02)8376-3040 83 Cresta Mand..............(02)8571-5054 Proximity Funding Credit Coop
Pp Cruz Builders And Construction Supply Prestine Trading Primetech Industrial Sales Corporation Professional Alliance Consulting Co Princeton Square Bldg
10 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)3466-7510 B5 L8 Elon-Elon Pque.....(02)8772-6733 Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8952-0369 Cityland Pasong Tamo Psg ............................ (02)8643-3548
Ppc Group Of Companies Pretty Huge Obstacles Primewater Infrastructure Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8813-2015 Prymark Western Veterinary Corporation
Tradenology Ctr QC ........ (02)8376-5769 Sm Aura Premier Home Plus Ctr LP ........... (02)8873-7958 Professional I T Solutions Inc Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8962-5663
Pph Animal Haven Taguig......................(0917)303-1111 Primex Coco Products Incorporated Ben-Lor It Ctr QC ............ (02)8441-5755 Prz Bag Manufacturing
Teresa Park Ave LP ...... (0905)527-1684 Pretty Paint Nail Salon And Spa 681 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8723-0271 Professional Plastic Polyselle Enterprise New Society Psg .......... (0917)810-3491
Ppi Holdings Incorporated Bagong Calzada Pat ..... (0906)902-4325 Primo's Burger 31 Bituan Araneta Ave Ps Jao Consulting
Aurora Twr QC ............... (02)8715-4222 Pretzelmaker 143 Katipunan Ave QC . (0927)450-9287 QC ........................... (0917)628-4802 The Gallery Mkti ............. (02)7585-5081
Ppi Pazifik Power Inc Ayala Malls Manila Bay Primo's Diner Professional Skills Enrichment Incorporated
Chateau Verde Condmn Psalm System Lights & Sounds
Southpark Plz Mkti..........(02)8511-8888 Pque .......................... (02)8515-9972 27 Anahaw Mkti ........... (0915)303-2916 2216 Doon Val ............. (0917)539-9849
Pr 1 Gas Incorporated Pridez Foods Services Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8671-2342
Primo's Garden And Landscape Services Psicom Publishing Inc
2025 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8292-3694 Sarasota Bldg 1 PC ........ (02)8808-6340 Suarez Avene Psg ........ (0945)974-0063 Professional Skin Care
Victory Mall PC.............(0936)194-0731 6 Yale QC ....................... (02)8912-3085
Pr Enterprises Incorporated Prima Casa Land & Houses Inc Primo's Kitchen Psmt Philippines Incorporated
1 Carlo Dr Taguig ........... (02)8478-5703 Starmall Alabang Munt . (0917)629-6523 Prog E Trading
Marmico Bldg QC ......... (0945)294-2296 Calalily Vergonville LP .... (02)8513-4579 Congressional Ave QC .... (02)8925-9955
Pr Gaz Incorporated Prima Estate Realty Corporation Primocuts Pso Accounting Services
86 T Arguelles QC .......... (02)8255-3162 Gt Twr Mkti .................... (02)8856-4150 Progressive Ideas Incorporated
Afpmbai Arcade Bldg Pioneer Highland East Twr Primeland Twr Munt ..... (0928)767-5210
Pr Stone Supply Incorporated Prima Gold Munt ........................ (0956)683-4070 Pso Makati Accounting Firm
1077 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8376-2570 Mand ......................... (02)8636-7661
Robinsons Place Manila Primos Pizza The Enterprise Twr
Practico Solutions International Inc Mla ............................ (02)8536-7864 Progressive Laboratories
8 Rd 8 QC .................... (0977)266-6718 149 Dangay QC .............. (02)8253-1371 Mkti ......................... (0926)308-9482
Natl Hwy Munt ............... (02)7987-3883 Primal Enterprises Corporation Primus Burger Progressive Time Incorporated Pso Taguig Accounting Firm
Prado And Sons Industries Incorporated 8 Miller QC ..................... (02)8376-3838 143 Katipunan Ave QC . (0927)450-9287 One Global Place
5 Banahaw QC ............... (02)8939-8151 Robinsons Place Cplx
Primary Codes Incorporated Prince Chef Catering Services Mla ............................ (02)8567-2578 Taguig......................(0928)767-5210
Pragtechnologies 1839 Dr A Vasquez Mla .. (02)8526-2994 21 Concerto LP ............ (0916)273-4029 Psp Manufacturing Company Incorporated
16 Bronze Mkna ............. (02)7933-5573 Proinso Philippines
Primary Finance Co Inc - Pasig Branch Prince Chubby's Kitchen Antel Seaview Twrs PC.(0917)702-9536 8392 Dr A Santos Ave
Prautotype Professional Auto Detailing Armal Bldg Psg ............ (0956)674-9956 23 Alcalde Jose Psg ........ (0926)593350 Pque .......................... (02)8825-4081
Project Corp
Services Prime Asia Consolidators Incorporated Prince Diners Restobar City And Land Mega Plz Pst Hair And Nail's Solution
Zobel Roxas Mkti .......... (0917)868-8661 3 Balabac QC ................. (02)8711-5699 517 Bustos Mla .............. (02)7731-6176 Psg ............................ (02)8706-2792 Country Dr Munt ........... (0917)580-8020
Prc Logistics Warehouse Quezon City Prime Care Prince Hoc Trading Project Management & Technical Psychological Research Library
Leyte Gulf QC ................. (02)8921-1462 Burgos Circle Taguig ...... (02)3494-3334 2202 Jose Abad Santos Ave Fss Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)3415-6997
Resources Corporation
Prc's Bac To Zero Sanitation Services Prime Coating and Chemical Inc Mla ............................ (02)8708-6954 56 Madison Mand .......... (02)8631-8366 Psychological Resources Center
37-A Bg Molina Mkna ... (0917)572-3532 Gavino Marilao Bulacan .. (02)8365-7538 Prince Plaza Condominium Corporation Project Tree Printing Services Fss Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)8415-6997
Precept Commercial Corporation Prime Confections Incorporated Prince Plz II Mkti.............(02)8840-3215 157-A Narra QC ........... (0905)211-9601
Richville Corporate Ctre Psychro Point Airconditioning Co
3270 Neil Armstrong Ave Princeps Prime Properties Incorporated Project Ventures Cooperative 146 Susano Rd QC.........(02)8936-9742
Munt .......................... (02)8807-3858 PC ............................. (02)8822-7730 Corporate 101 Bldg QC...(02)8441-0264 Francisco Gold QC ......... (02)3434-4107
Precious Island Corporation Ptc Commercial Corporation
Prime Electro-Motors Inc Princess Die Cutting And Services Project Wheelers Tytana Plz Bldg Mla ........ (02)8243-4218
Aeolus Bldg Mla ............. (02)7978-6969 7A Ponciano Val ............. (02)7968-7213 297A A Bonifacio QC......(02)3413-2670 10th Ave KC ................... (02)8962-0559
Precious Paws Aftercare Services Ptrj Dental Clinic
Prime Essentials Manufacturing And Princess Hazel Salon And Spa Projectfit Idm Bldg Pque ..... (02)8865-6158 389 Visayas Ave Ext QC . (02)8624-7509
Congressional Ext QC ... (0915)881-5288 Trading Company Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8294-5819 Projects Unlimited (Phils) Incorporated Pub Door Videoke And Resto Bar
Precision Image Incorporated 144 Ipil Mkna ................. (02)7792-4399 Princess Laundry Mart 1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8561-7063
13 Bayanihan QC ........... (02)8929-4322 B97 Ll18 Regalado Ave
Prime Foam Manufacturing Sct Tobias QC ................ (02)8372-1306 Proline Sport Center Incorporated QC ........................... (0956)800-6231
Precision Medical Services And Drug 6008 Tatalon Val ............ (02)8983-9071 Eastwood Citywalk 2 QC.(02)8695-3971
Princess Vangie Catering Services Pufft Doughnuts
Testing Services Prime Health Maintenance Sangandaan KC............(0945)973-2929 Prolink Trading
82 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(0995)254-2521 10 Lancer Mkti ............. (0917)625-8735
205 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)3412-8524 Princeton Steel Corporation New York Mansions Condmn Pulp Magazine
Precision Smile Dental Clinic Prime Health Medical Group Incorporated 64 G De Jesus KC .......... (02)8364-6346 QC ............................. (02)8936-2159
857 Galicia Mla .............. (02)8691-9075 284 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
D & E Bldg QC ................ (02)3414-8200 Print Innovation Incorporated Prologue QC ............................. (02)8727-4957
Premid Security & Investigation Services Prime Medical Supply 100 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-7906 87 Sct Gandia QC ........... (02)8693-2013
Inc Puluts Hub
930A Del Monte QC........(02)3416-9371 Print Orange Promac 289 Sampaguita Mkti ... (0929)758-1424
3 Macapagal QC ........... (0956)704-9788 Prime Opus Incorporated Puregold Kalentong Mla .. (02)8536-9817
Marsk Bldg QC ............... (02)8637-6931 Puma
Premier Software Enterprise L26 Faith Pque ............... (02)8478-6013 Prometheus On-Line Support Services Co
Don Pablo Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8657-2026 Print Trends Printing Services Riverbanks Mall Mkna .. (0998)325-0217
Prime Outsource Corporation 485-B E Santos Ave Psg (02)8643-4312 F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ........ (02)8897-7655
Premier The Samgyupsal Puma Spring & Rubber Corporation
Sedcco Bldg Mkti ......... (0917)895-1490 Print Work Promod 141 San Rafael Ext
L3 B4 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-4576
Mkna ....................... (0977)705-7908 Prime Pacific Grill Corporation 1022 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3413-3385 Mandaluyong ............. (02)8534-7229
Fma Bldg QC .................. (02)8441-5835 Printing Chemicals Incorporated Promovere Inc Punjab Grill - Authentic Indian And Arabic
Premier Wine & Spirits 6784 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8543-7412
D Romualdez Sr Mla ....... (02)8524-2165 Prime Power Energie System Incorporated 77 Matutum QC .............. (02)8364-6199 Cuisine
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8584-3398 Printlab Manila Pronatural Feed Corporation Liwasang Kalayan
Premier Wine And Spirits Inc Richwell Ctr QC .............. (02)8376-2293
Panorama Cpd Taguig .... (02)8839-2659 Prime Power Holdings Corporation 1674 Saturno Mla.........(0999)229-2235 Mkna ....................... (0917)317-8231
Iacademy Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8519-8443 Printmagic Incorporated Propeller Realty
Premiercon Builders Corporation 3 Maj Santos Dizon Mkna .. (0906)12922 Puno & Puno Law Offices
Jcrv Incorporated Bldg Prime Promenade Corporation B10 L26 Camella Ave The Podium West Twr
Promenade Bldg SJ ........ (02)8723-7178 Pque .......................... (02)8823-9601 Propelrr Mand ......................... (02)8631-1261
QC ........................... (0922)806-4612 Dmci Homes Corporate Ctr
Premierlink Placement Inc Prime Recall Advertising And Services Printsko Company Pure And Simple Salon For Men And
Mkti ........................... (02)7978-0883
A P Bldg Mla .................. (02)8361-9339 Incorporated 28th Ave Mkti ................. (02)7987-2467 Women
38 Sgt Catolos QC .......... (02)8997-7833 Proper Preppy Incorporated
Premium Feeds Manufacturing Corporation Printwork Sales Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7750-5523 687 M Dela Fuente Mla ... (02)8516-2437
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8636-1626 Prime Skills Asia Corporation 1022 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Pure Beauty
QC ............................. (02)8726-7993 Properity Houseware Center
Premium Graphics Asia Center Inc 755 San Ignacio Mand ... (02)8571-6919 94 Electronics Ave Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8846-9016
V Mapa Mla .................... (02)8715-9758 Prime Taste Food Corporation Prishan Costume Shop Taguig........................(02)8866-1703 Pure Flow
Premium Local Philippines 583-585 N S Amoranto 161 Gen Ordonez Property Pest Control & General Services 2335 Zafiro Mla .............. (02)8562-5653
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0997)819-5267 QC ............................. (02)3411-7932 Mkna ....................... (0945)155-0101 35 Royal Ville Subd Pure Green Solution Technology Inc
Premium Sodam Restaurant Prime Technology Specialists Inc Pristine Energy Transfer Corporation Mkna ......................... (02)3480-9823 1101 Park Trade Ctr
Marius Arcadia Bldg Cityland Shaw Twr B51 L8 Pristine Bldg Property Wise Incorporated Muntinlupa ................. (02)8551-9759
Psg .......................... (0917)627-2209 Mand ......................... (02)8635-5049 Taguig........................(02)7616-8007 Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8845-2271 Pure Metal Incorporated
Premium Sole International Corporation Prime West Fast Food Corporation Pristine Hotel Propertymart Corporation 17 Sitio Malinis Val ......... (02)8984-3259
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8584-9818 106 West Ave QC ........... (02)8920-2222 912 - 928 Reina Regente Robinsons Summit Ctr Pure Play Sports Management
Premium Staffers Incorporated Prime World Recruitment Agency Inc Mla ............................ (02)8252-1999 Mkti ........................... (02)8736-0356 Pilgrim Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8818-4028
Cityland Twr Pasong Tamo Estrella Condmn Pque .. (0920)412-7156 Private E Resort Pros Apac Corporation Pure Snack Food House Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1206 Primea Dental 366 Vinalon Munt ........... (02)8842-3643 768 Gen Malvar Mla ....... (02)8526-3870 59 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ........ (02)8984-7409
Premium Wine Exchange Three Salcedo Place Pro Freight International Prosource International Incorporated Pureflex Wires & Cables
Smithbell Bldg Mkti.........(02)8840-5319 Mkti ........................... (02)7960-9425 Constantine LP ............... (02)8872-5276 Platinum 2000 Bldg SJ ... (02)8727-3948 17 Lawang Bato
Presant Medical Enterprise Primea School Office And Events Supplies Pro House Events And Production Prosper Health Services Incorporated Valenzuela .................. (02)8984-3259
Fernandez Bldg QC ....... (0920)920-2965 Fairlane QC .................. (0906)290-3030 8 Usaffe Rd QC .............. (02)8952-2441 Mati Bldg QC .................. (02)8661-3863 Puregold
Prescon Philippines Incorporated Primeeast Properties Incorporated Pro Life Philippines Prosperity Biomedical Corporation President Ave Pque ........ (02)8553-6691
Metro Strata Condmn Psec Psg ....................... (02)8570-9598 70D Main Horseshoe Dr Rolfem Bldg Mla ............. (02)8524-0951 Purehealth Drinking Water Station
Mand ......................... (02)8531-4971 Primefactor Realty Philippines QC ............................. (02)8655-6202 Prosperity Credit Resources R Papa Mla .................. (0998)595-7573
Prescripto Entrata Twr 1 Munt ......... (02)7746-9651 Pro Paint Innovations Philippines Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8244-2123 Purehealth Trading Incorporated
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0945)207-3801 Primelab Incorporated Incorporated Prosweal Healthcare Incorporated E Rodriguez Jr Ave QC ... (02)8654-2615
President Grand Palace Restaurant 98 10th Ave KC .............. (02)8365-0487 East Svc Rd Taguig ........ (02)8866-1033 Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8550-1936 Purelux Salon
746-750 Ongpin Mla ...... (02)8244-5886 Primeline Paper Sales Inc Pro Tech Machinery Corporation Protech Security Marketing 25A E Jacinto Mkti ....... (0939)239-2933
Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission 960-A M Dela Fuente Dalagang Bukid Mal ........ (02)8287-2489 61 Acacia Psg ................ (02)8872-7682 Puride Carwash/Auto Detailing & Car
Palacio Del Gobernador Condmn Mla ............................ (02)3445-8338 Pro Tempo Promotions Marketing Corp Proton 8 East Ave QC ......... (02)8376-5515 Accessories
Mla ............................ (02)8967-7051 Primemed Co Inc E Rodriguez Sr QC .......... (02)8721-9926 Proton Microsystems Incorporated 87 Katipunan Mkna ...... (0917)829-0326
Presidio Food Corporation Topys Comm'l Bldg QC...(02)3438-1340 Pro-Guard Security Services Corporation Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8234-2866 Puritan Industrial Security Agency
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8523-7044 Primemotor Incorporated Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)7753-1128 Proudhive Creative 51 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8288-8692
Presline Steel Products Inc 1117 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8373-4250 Pro-Style Saloon 4th Ave Taguig ............. (0917)563-3657
Arturo Dr Taguig ............. (02)7987-4848 Primepoint Construction Corp 45J Tirona Pque ............. (02)8403-2354 Proven Warehousing Corporation
Prestige Asia Ace Marine Incorporated
Ermita Ctr Mla ................ (02)8353-0772
2 Champaca Mkna ......... (02)7621-4582
Primer Resources Corporation
Pro-Tools Industrial Corporation
2638 South Bayview Dr
39 M Lozada Pat ............ (02)8640-3355
Provenciano Restaurant
Prestige Auto Works Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Pque .......................... (02)8854-5560 110 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)7944-3995 650 Circumferential Rd
12 Topside Valley QC ... (0917)382-8967 Mla ............................ (02)8567-4428 Probex School Incorporated Providence Hospital
Prestige Brands Phils Incorporated Primera Fresca Incorporated 113 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (02)8277-7819 1515 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8558-6999 Antipolo
1779 Nicanor Garcia Panorama Cpd Bldg Probio Medcare Incorporated Providence Tower 2000 Condo Corporation Rizal........(02)8661-4100
Mkti ........................... (02)8899-7727 Taguig........................(02)8779-8520 Ruiz Bldg Pque ............... (02)8552-7145 Providence Twr Mla........(02)8400-7748

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Qualimed Quikool Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning R4B Furniture Shop Ral Career Link Incorporated
Purity Paper Inc Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8293-4395 Parts & Supplies 59 Luisito QC ............... (0916)119-2094 Mrdc Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8887-4629
Qualipure Purifier Water Station 1127 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8938-6602 Ra Hardware Tools And Powertools Raleo Enterprises
Reparo Rd KC .............. (0920)177-0271 Quiksilver / Dc 3534 G Santiago Mla .... (0999)526-9728 13A Kamias Rd QC ........ (02)8463-2076
PURITY Qualitee's Manufacturing Shangri-La Plz Mand .... (0917)580-6340 Rabelle's Print Shop Rales General Merchandise
Caritas Rd Taguig ........... (02)8559-3308 Quiksilver And Roxy Store - Sm Moa 114 M Lozada Pat ........ (0949)141-9160 168 Shopping Mall 5
PAPER Qualitics Incorporated Sm Moa PC....................(02)8511-1095 Raca Plastic Center Mla ............................ (02)8255-5939
INC 685B Tandang Sora Ave Quilipure 79 Mc Arthur Hwy KC.....(02)8361-9235 Ralgo Industries Incorporated
406 Tandang Sora Ave
QC ............................. (02)8961-0868 33 Womensclub Mal ...... (02)3446-6852 Racal Motor Assembly Corporation
Qualitough Quinn Data Facilities Incorporated 1 Maysan Rd Val ............ (02)8355-4168 QC ............................. (02)8931-1405
650 Circumferential Rd Don Chua Lamko Bldg Ralph's Wines And Spirits
Antipolo Rizal ............ (02)8661-4100 26 B Carmel Ave QC.......(02)8285-9950 Race To Three Food Bar And Billiards
Quality Care Employment Services Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7376 205 Haig Mand .............. (02)8875-8036 11 President Ave Pque ... (02)7358-0241
Puroy's Chicken Gsrc Bldg 1 QC .............. (02)3456-1890 Quinta Trading Co Incorporated Rachebeli Wines And Fine Chocolates Ralphs Liquor Store
35 Sapocoy QC ............ (0915)392-8644 Quality Gasul Dealer 1S Mercedez Ave Psg.....(02)8628-2104 Miramonte Hghts KC .... (0922)800-6153 2253 Aurora PC ............. (02)7508-5826
Purple And Pink 12 Macarthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8361-3514 Quintegral Philippines Inc Rachel Anne Flower Shoppe Ralyn's Vegetable Supplier
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8808-6118 Quality Traders General Merchandising Axa Life Ctre Mkti ........... (02)8845-1324 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)3497-4360 271 Marikina Pub Mkt
Purple Box Technologies Incorporated 102-D Rizal Ave Ext KC .. (02)8361-9571 Quirido Bistro Rachell Allen Agency Mkna ....................... (0928)960-6019
Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8521-4641 Quality Upholstery Incorporated Maharlika QC..................(02)8421-6801 Joshua Ctre Mla ............. (02)8527-3168 Ram & Co
Purple Bug Incorporated 343 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8821-4330 Quirino High School Rachell Allen Asia Pacific 641 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8534-0372
Cityland Herrera Twr Qualivon Architectural Design Services Banuyo QC ..................... (02)8911-9284 Joshua Ctr Mla ............. (0917)503-2252 Ram Marcelo Photography
Mkti ........................... (02)8551-0986 111 Paseo De Roxas Quirino Memorial Medical Center Rackawe Dental Clinic West Trade Ctr QC........(0966)552-2555
Purple Clover Place Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8569-5668 Katipunan Rd QC ............ (02)8421-2250 Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8869-2544 Ram's House Of Wine
Migsan Bldg Mla ............ (02)8230-4572 Quirks Novelties & Curiosities Racks Evia Bldg 1 LP ......... (02)8887-7541 Hizon Bldg Mla ............... (02)8526-3982
Quanterm Logistics Philippines
Purple Hush Shangri-La Plz Mand .... (0917)539-3369 Racquel Peneyra Dress Shop Ramada Manila Central Hotel
Incorporated Ongpin Mla.....................(02)8354-4151
Palm Bldg Mal ................ (02)7904-6827 Centennial Bldg Mla ........ (02)8559-9421 Quirky Sam Incorporated 3333 R Magsaysay Blvd
Purple's Aluminum Glasses Primex Bldg QC .............. (02)8724-9888 Mla ............................ (02)8400-5802 Ramayana Food Haus
Quantum Business Intelligence & 1418 Pres E P Quirino Ave
372 Commonwealth Ave Technology Solutions Incorporated Quiznos Francise Incorporated Racquel's Flower Shop
QC ............................. (02)3434-1578 Robinsons Galleria Mall 98 Xavierville Ave QC....(0917)583-6688 Mla ............................ (02)8562-9160
Cityland Pioneer Mand .... (02)7903-9838 Rambros Auto Customs
Purplebug Inc Quantum Electronics Corp QC ............................. (02)8631-8290 Rad Innovations Inc
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Qvf International Fruits Incorporated 607 Filflex Cpd Psg ........ (02)7966-8646 67 F Nicanor Roxas QC (0932)600-4190
117 Tirad Pass Kalookan Rambuttri Cleaning Company
Mkti ........................... (02)8551-0986 City ............................ (02)8363-4075 662 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8354-8492 Radgs Interiors Unlimited Incorporated
Purpleclick Philippines Qworks Incorporated Amorsolo Mkti..............(0927)727-6803
Quantum Electronics Corporation Sucat Rd Pque ............... (02)3385-6636
Pearlbank Ctre Mkti ........ (02)7750-1369 The Palisades Mkti ......... (02)8845-0633 Ramcole Incorporated
117 Tirad Pass KC ......... (02)8363-4077 Radiance Orientation Services 401 F Legaspi Psg ......... (02)8640-4326
Purr Paws Quantum Rubber Corporation Qyuqyu Philippines Incorporated Glc Bldg Mla...................(02)8354-4472
2040 Edison Mkti ........... (02)7585-6880 Grand Emerald Twr Psg .. (02)8632-9266 Ramelyn Catering
Tolentino Cpd LP ............ (02)8846-1252 Radiant Food Products 3139 F Bautista Val ...... (0920)133-1309
Purtier Placenta Quasars Medical Testing Center 18 Liwayway Mal ........... (02)8288-4003
1183 Jose Abad Santos Ramen Bar
14 East Ave QC ............ (0956)855-6566 Radical Builders Stainless Haus Inc Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8570-9457
Mla .......................... (0998)559-3073
Push Technologies Int'l Incorporated
Quattro Kantos Pizza
58 Sta Isabel QC .......... (0963)718-6719
R 138 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7215-5514
Radio City
Ramen Daisho
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8570-7503 Liberty Ctr Mand.............(02)8633-2280
Quazarweb Design Services C3 Congressional Ave
Puyat Jacinto & Santos Law Offices R & A Events Specialist QC ............................. (02)8926-0958 Ramen Keisuke Tori King
7-B Tolentino QC ............ (02)7508-0074 Corporate Plz Taguig .... (0917)320-8879
Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8840-5025 817-B Torres Mand ........ (02)3437-0591 Radioactive Games & Hobbies
Qube Pc Technologies Marketing Ramen Kuroda
Puyat Steel Corporation 591-A Alabang-Zapote Rd R & V Unica Hija Incorporated Anonas Coml Cplx QC .... (02)8699-6213
Alegria Alta Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8669-2000 Sm City North QC ........... (02)8920-6828 Sm Bicutan Pque............(02)7914-9056
LP .............................. (02)8850-2697 Radionet Solutions Phils Incorporated Ramen Nagi
Pvc Upholstery General Merchandise R A Kelman Incorporated 580 Florentino Torres
512 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8938-2407 Qube-Seo Website Services Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7750-5616
Pinagsama Vill Taguig .... (02)8893-1942 136 San Rafael Mand ..... (02)8661-1831 Mla ............................ (02)8353-5310
Pyesa Auto Supply Ramen Naijiro
Queen B Apiaries R A Macalintal Jr Vinyl Tiles Services Radjhe Trucking Services 327 Moriones Mla ........ (0917)304-6647
Pyesa Auto Supply Psg .. (02)8514-3545 Ma 907 Leyte Del Sur 95 Commonwealth Ave
2085 Administration Site Ramen Yushoken
Pylon Trees Hospitality Inc KC ........................... (0917)898-6888 Mla ............................ (02)7239-6958 QC ................................ (0919)35915
80 The Blue Leaf Cosmopolitan Molito Lifestyle Ctr Munt . (02)8808-7424
Queen Bee Catering And Events R And A Dental Supply Center Co Rafael Furniture And Car Upholstery
QC ........................... (0917)870-2365 K-Juan Bldg QC ............ (0917)837-4289 Ramen-Ya
367 M L Quezon Ave Services Aguirre Ave Pque..........(0915)699-4715
Pyschconsult Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8998-6520 R And E Building 95 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Regalia Park Twrs QC ..... (02)8421-2469 1702 Jeorge Bocobo Psg .......................... (0905)222-1243 Rames Marketing
Queen Bee Salon 23 Michael Rua
Santiaguel Bldg 3 LP ...... (02)8664-6650 Mla ............................ (02)8524-8207 Rafast Car Wash & Auto Detailing Parañaque .................. (02)8824-5080
Queen Diesel Tronics Incorporated R B Construction Incorporated Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ...... (0918)202-5000
Ramirez Dental Clinic
Q 122 6th Ave KC .............. (02)8294-3848 Don Jesus Bldg Munt ..... (02)8807-2923
R C Ordonez Company Incorporated
Rafeli Realty & Development Corporation
Sunrise Condmn QC ....... (02)8724-4142
Espana Didache Bldg
QC ............................. (02)8734-4031
Queen The Bridal Shop By J Villapaz 588 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-9229
Sampaguita QC ............ (0956)406-0600 Raffles Condominium Corporation Ramken Freight Forwarding Services
Q & H Foods Incorporated R C Tolosa Builders & Industrial Supply Raffles Corporate Ctr Col E De Leon Wawa
2 E Mejia Psg ................. (02)8671-4864 Queenbee Global Cargo Logistics Inc 29 Fairlane QC................(02)8921-8009 Psg ............................ (02)7910-5267
Mh Del Pilar Mla ............. (02)8663-7189 Pque ........................ (0965)815-0129
Q C Styropackaging Corporation R Cervantes Construction Services Raffles Design Institute Incorporated Ramon Bearings Sales Center
Mcy Bldg QC .................. (02)8928-5002 Queens Arts And Trends Corp Ringgit Munt ................ (0977)806-0286 Accralaw Twr Taguig ...... (02)7738-9898
Bdc Corporate Ctr QC ..... (02)7218-1092 1209 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8254-8685
Q Software Research Corporation R Dan And Company Incorporated Rafik Shawarma Ramon Favila Designs Incorporated
456 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7747-3994 Queensland Catering Services 20 Alfonso Psg .............. (02)8656-2089 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)558-8389
633 Sicily LP..................(02)8828-7340 150A Lt Artiaga SJ ......... (02)8724-5707
Q Vivid R David Tailoring Raflora Enterprises Ramos Electrical Rewinding Services
950 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)7473-3340 Queensway Foodshop Corporation 826A J P Rizal Mkti ........ (02)8823-0408 1588 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)7966-2164
Torres Bldg QC ............... (02)8355-7238 7 Pook Pag-Asa Ibp Rd
Q-Mark Pet Products R Greenspan International Inc Ragomi Inc QC ........................... (0955)365-8559
944 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-1924 Queleza General Merchandise Balita QC ........................ (02)8352-1792 Marco Polo Ortigas Manila
60 Banlat Rd QC.............(02)7508-1520 Ramtec Business Machines Incorporated
Q2 Digital Studio R J K Petron Gasoline Station Psg ............................ (02)8883-5302 50 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8532-8530
East Ortigas Mansion Queline Rescue Tools Enterprise P Guevarra SJ ................ (02)8724-3990 Rags Towing Company
24 A Crisostomo LP ..... (0917)168-7855 Ran Bros Co Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0917)862-6551 R Lapids Bernardo Condmn QC...(0956)870-0250 Tionquiao LP .................. (02)8847-2203
Q2 Hr Solutions Incorporated Quesarito Hi Top Supermarket QC .. (02)3413-2567 Rai Cosplay Costumes
981 P Noval Mla...........(0927)498-1543 Ran-Gen
88 Corporate Ctre Mkti ... (02)8889-6258 R M G Hospital Supply Incorporated 23 President Ave Pque ... (02)8560-4694 731 Pampanga Mla ........ (02)8567-5368
Qatar Ceg Consulting Quest Broadcasting Incorporated Sgc Bldg Psg ................. (02)8570-8757 Rai Rai Ken
Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8638-2513 Randy A De Leon's Tailoring & Military
162 L P Leviste Mkti ....... (02)8893-9457 R M Mendoza Construction Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8493-3566 Supplies
Qbe Insurance Quest Car Audio Orange Dr Pque .............. (02)8986-1197 Raiden Rider's Bike Shop
17 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8351-0255 Soldiers' Mall QC ............ (02)8421-7124
30th Ave Taguig ........... (0915)345-7387 R Macdon Refrigeration And Airconditioning Samama 3 Taguig ........ (0939)905-0906 Rangsiman Thai Massage
Qbm Information Technology Services Quest Computer Stores Incorporated Services Raigo Metal Finishing Inc 11 Dhalia Ave QC ........... (02)7728-2254
Pacific Ctre Bldg Mla .... (0927)242-6318 M H Del Pilar Mla ........... (02)8527-8172 734 Sto Tomas Mla ...... (0943)267-7096 Reparo Rd KC .............. (0925)515-0906 Ranisha's Trading
Qbm It Services And Retail Questlab Diagnostics R Manozo Plumbing Services Railway And Industrial Applications 197-B Quirino Hwy QC ... (02)8245-5074
Pacific Ctre Bldg Mla ...... (02)8711-3592 876 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8881-0787 11-B Maayusin Ext QC....(02)8568-2169 Corporation Rank One Review Training Center
Qbp Enterprises Incorporated Quezon Buffet Restaurant R Ocumen Trading Townes Inc Bldg Mkti ... (0917)801-1303 Don Mariano Marcos Ave
Molave Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8843-9405 Fisher Mall QC ................ (02)8281-2345 145 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8332-9558 Raina Commercial QC ........................... (0917)672-9391
QC Styropackaging Corp Quezon City Dental Clinic R S Enriquez Realty Incorporated Dn Venegas Bldg Mla ..... (02)8244-8162 Rankine Enterprises
1200 EDSA Quezon City . (02)8928-5002 1176 Quezon Ave QC ... (0922)811-5551 Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8872-4815 Raina's Chinese Cooked Ham 54 Stanford QC .............. (02)8913-6646
Qc Tune Up Shop Quiason Makalintal Barot Torres Ibarra R Salon 1540 A Maceda Mla ..... (0956)725-0111 Rankone Tech
78A Kaliraya QC ............. (02)8712-2285 Sison & Damaso Saudi Arabia Pque ........ (0927)722-2623 Rainbow Dream Spa Malate Mla ................... (0906)568-9098
Qes (Manila) Incorporated Robinsons Equitable Twr R Udiong Hauling Services Grand Residences Espana 2 Rann S Manufacturing Corp
Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8771-1248 Psg ............................ (02)8631-0981 9 St John Cpd QC.........(0998)997-6004 Mla .......................... (0956)502-0601 16 B R Delfin Valenzuela . (02)8251-5687
Qingdao Free Trade Zone Gallantlion Quick Cool Car Aircon R Velasco Travel & Tours Rainbow Pest Control Incorporated Raon Audio & Electronic Supply
International Company Limited 930-F Del Monte Ave Harrison Mansion PC......(02)8831-6360 147A Pinatubo Mand ...... (02)8532-9960 664B Gonzalo Puyat
Alabang Zapote Rd Munt (02)8850-7647 QC ............................. (02)3410-7852 R&A Events Specialist By Ricci Ang Rainbows And Peonies Enterprise Mla .......................... (0922)247-0054
Qiwellness Incorporated Quicklean 306 Luxor Villas SJ ...... (0905)577-6434 63 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8361-0908 Rap Malabanan Plumbing Services
Blanco Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8556-1818 71-A Esteban Abada QC . (02)8294-7775 R&A Roofmart Incorporated Rainbowsign Corporation Bethsaida QC ................. (02)8357-4945
Ql Development Incorporated Quicklend Incorporated 8160 Dr Arcadio Santos Ave Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8942-0876 Rapid Forming Corporation
102 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (02)8332-6312 32 F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-6167 Pque .......................... (02)8826-0123 Rainchem International Incorporated 51 Vazquez Madrigal Plz
Qprintsph Quicklight Solar Inc R&B Fruit And Vegetable Store 4015 Le Cul De Sac SJ .............................. (02)8726-3533
464 Apitong Mkti .......... (0999)408-0057 One Global Place 43A Congressional Ave Pque ........................ (0997)469-6852 Rapid Incorporated
Quadraforma Construction Taguig......................(0917)626-9698 QC ........................... (0943)296-2784 Rainphil Incorporated Jjm Bldg 2 Pque ............. (02)8854-8236
271 D Tuazon QC ......... (0906)474-2546 Quickly Philippines R&B Livestock Inc Burgundy Twr Mkti ......... (02)8843-6352 Rapid Industries Incorporated
Quadrange Internet Cafe Greenhills Shopping Ctr 614 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8936-3174 Raintree Trading And Publishing Inc Madre Ignacia Ave KC .... (02)8361-6403
Mjdt Bldg Mla ................. (02)8255-5686 SJ ............................ (0909)210-5741 R&J House And Pool Services 21 Matimtiman QC ......... (02)8531-1967 Rapid Radio Communications Incorporated
Quadro-M Pest Control Services Quicksilver Global Incorporated Ecr Bldg LP .................... (02)8503-4551 Raizen Land Surveying And Consultancy B5 L43-C W Tecson LP .. (02)8873-3481
Roosevelt QC ................. (02)7255-7257 Allegro Ctr Mkti .............. (02)8403-1432 R&M Printing Services 76 Varsity Lne QC ........ (0917)851-1418 Rapid-Pest Management And Control
Quali Pure Quickstar Security Agency Golden Valley Bldg Mla . (0956)700-0580 Rajah Travel Corporation Estanislao Munt............(0931)176-4975
465 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Afpovai Taguig ............. (0916)268-0150 R&R Advertising 7901 Gercon Plz Mkti ..... (02)8894-0886 Rapide Auto Service Expert
QC ............................. (02)3412-0482 Quicktrans Cargo Moving Incorporated 23 Malakas QC.............(0918)797-4086 Rajput Halal Pak Cuisine 4520 Santiago Mkti ...... (0948)275-8631
Qualibet Testing Services Corporation Marcos Rd Mla...............(02)8254-5759 R2 Buds Nails' Spa 8242 Dr A Santos Ave Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd
Dangay QC ..................... (02)8374-8003 Quiddity Usability Labs Kr Bldg QC ................... (0933)821-7700 Pque .......................... (02)8802-2203 Cityland Twr 1 Mkti ........ (02)8840-0236
Qualicare Pharma Incorporated Cypress Gardens Mkti .... (02)5310-2429 R4 Speed Tire Trading Rakso Air Travel & Tours Incorporated Ras Alagang Kamay Ng Nars Laundry Shop
One Corporate Ctr Twr Quik Snack Restaurant 467 Dr Jose P Rizal Ave Adriatico Grand Residences & Dry Cleaning Services
Psg ............................ (02)8634-4842 637-639 Carvajal Mla ..... (02)8242-9572 Mkti ......................... (0945)815-7846 Mla ............................ (02)8353-2707 Gen Ordonez Mkna ....... (0943)615-2941

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Rase Skin Centre Rdds Rebonding Design And Surgery Clinic Red Mango Blue Philippines Incorporated Rej Holdings Incorporated Residencia De Ancianos Incorporated
Sgt Rivera QC...............(0922)875-4842 Highway Hills Mand......(0916)536-3077 Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-1260 Medical City Psg ............ (02)8638-6593 10 Calixto Duque Mkti .... (02)8553-8517
Rational Hardware Inc Rdf Feed Livestock & Foods Incorporated Red Manor Residences Rejan Training Academy Resistoflex Construction Services
715 Edsa QC .................. (02)3410-6295 Dahlia Coml Cplx QC ...... (02)8374-3448 1109 G Tolentino Mla ... (0961)852-5048 115 Boni Serrano QC......(02)3414-2405 Incorporated
Rational Merchandising Concepts Inc Rdg System Technology Corporation Red Palace Seafood Restaurant Rejj Plumbing Services 544 Cordillera Mand ....... (02)8531-0710
607B Boni Ave Mand ...... (02)8876-7768 D9-406 E Hermosa Pat...(02)8573-9171 132 Malakas QC.............(02)8920-8261 Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0933)486-9904 Resmir Resources Incorporated
Ravago Equipment Rentals Incorporated Rdj Industrial Supply Incorporated Red Planet Manila Amorsolo Rejuvamed Skin Aesthetics 8-A Rosal QC ................. (02)7369-2180
88 C3 Rd KC .................. (02)8287-5190 925 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8912-3898 99 Urban Ave Mkti..........(02)8838-0888 Fontana Bldg Spazio Benardo Condmn Resource One Corporation
Raven Manila Rdp Work-Home Essentials Red Planet Security Agency Incorporated QC ........................... (0920)983-0745 Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)8696-7121
W Fifth Ave Bldg 6 5th Ave QC..................(02)7621-0174 President Twr QC ........... (02)8364-5706 Rekom Manila Corporation Resourceful Intl Mktg Incorporated
Taguig......................(0917)807-1111 Rdsn Enterprises Red Ribbon Bakeshop Incorporated Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)8817-0462 1281 Laguna Mla ........... (02)8252-4629
Ray & J's Enterprises Sales Airconditioning 1345-A Masinop Mla ...... (02)8242-8341 Robinsons Place Novaliches Relax Resorts Respicio & Co Law Firm
Repair & Services Rdsp International Trading Corporation QC ............................. (02)8372-6719 Dpc Place Bldg QC ......... (02)8529-3698 One World Place
243-H Roosevelt Ave 242 Luzon Dr Munt ........ (02)8807-0378 Red Rock Food Service Incorporated Relevanttech Corporation Taguig......................(0915)102-0767
QC ........................... (0917)801-5571 Re-Mai Aircon Services Coating Industries Mand . (02)8687-3862 Arcadia Square Mkti ..... (0927)283-5956 Respiglobe Medical Inc
Raychem Enterprises Inc 9 Lower Molave QC ...... (0966)271-4561 Red Rock Nail Spa Incorporated Reli Tours & Travel Agency 12 King's Rd QC ........... (0917)632-8516
138 A Bonifacio Ave Reach Out Feed Philippines Inc 3270C Neil Armstrong Ave Sm City Southmall LP ... (0906)513-6222 Restaurant Concepts Group Incorporated
QC ........................... (0917)813-0003 Cyber One Bldg QC.........(02)8464-9348 PC ............................. (02)8552-3754 Reliable Industries Incorporated Greenbelt 3 Mkti ........... (0917)705-3526
Raygin Lights & Sounds Incorporated Readyman Marketing Incorporated Red Spice 19 Baesa Rd QC ............. (02)8330-7075 Restoserve Marketing Corporation
Globe Bldg Mla ............... (02)8255-5270 San Mateo-Batasan Rd North Casino Okada Reliable Pesoremit Phils Incorporated 16 West Dr Mkna ........... (02)8941-6022
Raymar Industrial Sales QC ............................. (02)8951-2398 Pque .......................... (02)8555-5799 Makati Executive Twr 3 Resurgent Corporation
B-4 E Ragas Pat ............. (02)8642-8172 Readyspace Red Tiger Protection Securityinc Mkti ........................... (02)8403-8501 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8793-8985
Raymart Tailoring And Dress Shop 285 Haig Mand .............. (02)8231-2985 Elizabeth Ctr Bldg Munt...(02)8862-6603 Reliance Center Retail Lab
Ub-410 Manuel L Quezon Real Auto Seat Cover And Upholstery Red-Beri Flower Shop Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8667-0800 Ayala Malls The 30th
Taguig......................(0906)754-3219 48 San Mateo Psg ........ (0943)386-0366 Manila Flower Ctr Mla ... (0926)567-0507 Reliance Furniturecompany Psg ............................ (02)7500-8023
Rayon Solar Panel Installation Services Real Bank Red-Sapphire Electronics Repair Shop Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8244-1203 Retouch Office Products
45A Insurance QC ........ (0906)463-9769 Belmont Place QC .......... (02)8995-0392 Cordillera Mla ............... (0916)436-0526 Reliance Transcriptions Incorporated 521 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8241-1960
Razon Guagua Real Concept Marketing Incorporated Redachem Ingredients Philippines Inc Msa Prime Ctr Munt ....... (02)8403-9084 Retro Fix Auto Detailing
Timog QC.......................(02)3484-4877 Eton Cyberpod Corinthian Bldg High South Corporate Plz 1 Religioso Group Of Companies L4 B-87 Regalado QC...(0915)267-2238
Razon's Restaurant QC ............................. (02)8632-0000 Taguig........................(02)8456-9247 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9061 Revel Shoes Express
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Real Deal Carwash & Auto Detailing Redday Travel And Tours Relleta Engineering & Machinery Repair Lemon Square Bldg QC .. (02)8376-5451
SJ .............................. (02)8705-1035 337 Barangka Dr Mand...(02)7746-0409 281 Vicente Cruz Mla ..... (02)8243-7701 Revilla Logistics Express Corporation
RB Heater Corporation Real San Enterprises Rederm Medical Center 575 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)7728-4233 9583 Ma Pque ............... (02)8961-6336
William Shaw KC ............ (02)8355-3482 2002 Ma Clara Mla ......... (02)8732-1538 Wardley Coml Bldg PC . (0917)713-7546 Revilla's Sweet Desserts
Reloader Guns
Rb Jewelry Realiving Design Center Corporation Redmaples Realty Corporation Krame E Arcade Bldg 2430 Cavite Mla ........... (0926)321-9835
813 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-6799 Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8511-8173 422 N S Amoranto Sr QC ........................... (0917)862-7262 Revlv Solutions Incorporated
Rb Velasco Power System Company QC ............................. (02)8742-4143 Rem Customs Broker Burgundy Corporate Twr
17 Tikling QC ................. (02)7576-6878 Realtime Travel And Tours Services
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8695-3069 Redpoint Bistro 85 Real LP ..................... (02)8553-5669 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-3568
Rbcj Interior Design Services 1233 Amang Rodriguez Rem Freight Forwarding Company Revultron Distributors Inc
Vitas Mla ...................... (0918)282-8254 Realty Spotter Ph Incorporated
Cityland 8 Condmn Mkti . (02)8556-8997 Psg ............................ (02)8701-2843 A Soriano Ave Mla .......... (02)8256-6142 M Sioson Mal ................. (02)8985-1648
Rbcmdc Corporation Redpoint Global Incorporated Remate News Central Revupoint Company Incorporated
Rbc Corporate Ctr Bldg Reb Printing Service's
41 Narra QC ................. (0977)622-6799 Pb Com Twr Mkti ........... (02)8551-8112 Npc Bldg  Annex Bldg East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)7914-3451
Munt .......................... (02)8842-5062 Redsand Recruitment International Mla ............................ (02)8528-4409
Rebhel Internet Cafe Rexson Manpower Agency
Rbgm Medical Express Sales Incorporated Manpower Incorporated Sto Tomas Psg...............(02)7507-0439
138 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8426-0268 12th St PC ..................... (02)8894-0024 Remax International Incorporated
Rebirth Car Coating Center Incorporated 1736 E Dian Mkti............(02)8835-7488 18 United Psg ................ (02)8637-2047 Rexssel Auto Parts Center
Rbgv Integrated Resources Redspace Supply 1027 Reina Regente Mla (02)8244-1538
Lpc Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)3411-9426 Naga Rd LP .................. (0995)622-3000 Remax Premiere Real Estate Manila
Rebmann Medical Supplies And Equipment Concepcion Bldg Mla....(0917)102-7743 Incorporated Rey Auto Electrical
Rbkk Industrial Enterprise Redstone Apparel Incorporated 89 G Fernando Ave
Isabelle De Valenzuela Bldg Picture Bldg QC .............. (02)8922-8755 Kensington Place Condmn
Rebolucion 12 Zorra QC ................... (02)3411-8871 Taguig........................(02)8555-1002 Mkna ......................... (02)8645-9082
Val ............................. (02)8283-5340
43 Polaris Mkti ............... (02)7373-2800 Redtex Fabric Center Remax Prestige Realty Rey Electrical
Rbnl Trading 244 Dna Soledad Pque ... (02)8821-1441
3036 F Bautista Val ........ (02)8990-3393 Reborn Auto Detailing Services Yutc Shopping Ctr Mla .... (02)8245-8617 110 Legaspi Twin Cities
262 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Reedley International School Mkti ........................... (02)7729-0711 Rey-D Enterprise Incorporated
Rbp Trading Nueve De Pebrero
18 A Deato Val ............... (02)7358-4439 Psg .......................... (0975)546-0422 J Cruz Psg ..................... (02)8925-9475 Remco Simon Construction Corporation
Rec Productions Refinery Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8525-5399 Mand ....................... (0917)777-7666
Rbra Structural Engineering Hub
West Trade Ctr QC........(0928)555-0573 1 Commonwealth Ave Greenhills Shopping Ctr Remed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Reyes Chef's Food Ventures Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8282-5019 SJ ............................ (0917)636-1474 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8994-0128
Rbsrca Rubber Bushing Support Supply Psg ............................ (02)8706-5988
Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0918)310-7563 Recio And Casas Architects Reg's Resto Bar Reyes Rivera Lumibao Law Office
8757 Paseo De Roxas 21 Zabarte Rd QC ......... (0922)245-2669 Remedi Spa Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8636-0120
Rbv Gravel And Sand
2995 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-8574 Mkti ........................... (02)8867-8615 Rega J P Rizal Ave Mkti ......... (0905)430-6323 Reyes Salon
Recipes By Cafe Metro Baluyot Coml Ctr Pque ... (02)8994-3674 Remington Industrial Sales Corp 1009 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(02)8898-0531
Rbv Woodlines Furniture
Avocado LP ................... (02)8805-3395 Robinsons Place Manila Regal Pest Control Company General Concepcion Reylord's Tailoring And Alteration Shop
Mla ............................ (02)8567-1912 50 San Roque Mand.......(02)8534-1754 Caloocan City ............. (02)8367-9001 1718 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8254-6370
Rbworx Digital Printing Services
13-A M H Del Pilar Psg ... (02)8515-6614 Reckitt Benckiser (Philippines) Incorporated Regency Logistics Phils Corporation Remitans Builders Reyna Drilling Supplies & Services
One Global Place Taguig . (02)8889-5827 First Midland Offices Condo 12 Agueda QC .............. (0918)942-3357 Dela Costa Homes 2 KC . (02)8961-4137
Rc Engineering Designs Services
Bangayngay KC ............ (0946)969-6965 Recon Security Agency Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8893-0106 Remixx Clothing Reynald Enterprise
8223 Ec Nicolas Residences Regency Marketing Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr Navarro Bldg LP ............. (02)8519-3629
Rc Sicam Realty Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8788-8648
Sycamore Ctr Munt ........ (02)8807-0230 Mkti ........................... (02)8986-3499 Jg Bldg Psg....................(02)8643-8148 Reynaldo M Felipe And Associates
Recording Garage Regency Travel & Tours Remlynton Marketing B31 L1 Salome Tan
Rc Victory World Trading Incorporated L1B14 Herbosa Ext Mla .. (02)8254-6885
Alfaro Place Condmn San Francisco Gardens Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Pque .......................... (02)8519-5407
Mkti ........................... (02)8894-1316 Mand ....................... (0917)808-7394 QC ............................. (02)8441-4817 Remman Enterprises Incorporated Reynalyn Gadgets And Things Trading Inc
Rca Management Records Management & Archives Ofc Regenix Aesthetic Wellness Centre Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8818-6845 Alabang Zapote Rd
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8244-0020 1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8564-3945 10-B Kamias Rd QC ..... (0939)566-6889 Remrey Printing Services Munt ........................ (0943)301-1826
Rcb Dental Clinic - Pasay City 1 Recovery Insurance Agency Incorporated Regent Travel Corporation 20 Visayan Ave QC.........(02)8779-0712 Reynard Rims And Tire Dealer
94 C Jose PC ................. (02)8472-5621 1025 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8521-7890 Regent Bldg Mla ............. (02)8400-1557 Renaissance Touch 2000 S Herrera KC ....... (0921)603-3269
Rcc Cabling And It Solution Recto Builders Supply Regina Capital Dev Corporation-Alabang Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8699-8900 Reynel Transport Services
Centro Plz Condiminium 1469 C M Recto Ave Prime Land Venture Bldg Reneelen Trading Dr Arcadio Santos Ave
QC ............................. (02)8961-2839 Mla ............................ (02)8711-5324 Munt .......................... (02)8808-1081 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Pque ........................ (0917)870-4777
Rcc Marketing Corporation Red Alert Transport Regina Gift Shop SJ .............................. (02)8722-0097 Reyteran Electric Services
Mc  Home Depot 99 A Kamuning Rd Greenhill Shopping Cplx Renegade Branding Concepts Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)8291-2354
Taguig........................(02)8815-4805 Quezon City................(02)8926-1414 SJ .............................. (02)8725-9325 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ... (0977)627-4606 Rf Marble Center
Rcem Food Machinery & Supplies Inc Red Arrow 57 Security Agency Reginald Key Duplication Services Renmaster Construction Service 1078 Edsa QC ................ (02)3456-4290
1168 Ricardo Papa Mla .. (02)8292-0413 Main Ave QC .................. (02)7341-8753 9 J Climaco Mkti .......... (0922)223-2675 9 3rd St QC .................. (0927)140-8753 Rf-Tech Trading
Rcg Engraving Services And Trading Red Baron Ribs And Steaks Regine's Salon Reno's Bacolod Delicacies 228 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8876-0547
1812 C M Recto Ave 143 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8354-5970 The Link Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8856-1723 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)148-6423 Rfc Group Distribution Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8244-1412 Red Central Auto Exchange Incorporated Regines Incorporated Rentalbee Civic Dr Munt ................. (02)8403-5326
Rcg Glass And Aluminum Supply 1024 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8426-4442 Lpl Manor Mkti ............... (02)8813-6331 1231 J Barlin Mla ......... (0917)800-7684 Rff Business Management And Consultancy
1847 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8523-0902 Red Cherie Spa Regitech Consultancy & Services Rentokil Initial Philippines Incorporated Incorporated
Rcj Domhelp Services National Romacom Bldg Valencia Hills Condmn 73 Elisco Rd Psg ............ (02)8333-5888 2274 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8523-7326
Kamias Rd QC................(02)7728-2812 Munt ........................ (0933)400-0997 QC ............................. (02)8532-1056 Repabuild Trading Rfjs Printing Services
Rck Tire Station & Wheels Center Inc Red Dot Design Incorporated Regran Toys And Collectibles 156 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-7567 86 M H Del Pilar Psg ...... (02)8641-7790
125 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)7587-4063 83 Santan Mkna ............. (02)8477-5856 Eton Corinthian Cyberpod Repent Rg Duran Law Offices
Rcla Maru Architects Company Red Dragon QC ........................... (0917)652-3619 169 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8811-8799 44 Shorthorn QC ............ (02)8832-4829
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)7503-7276 456 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8351-2615 Regus Service Center Republic Apparel Retailers Incorporated Rg Gumatay Express Transport
Rcm Mangyan Rice Trading Red Dragon Culinary Concepts W Bldg Taguig................(02)8689-7500 Ayala Malls The 30th World Trade Exch Bldg
6886 Washington Mkti . (0916)504-6254 Incorporated Rehab Ventures And Medical Products Psg .......................... (0917)713-3701 Mla ............................ (02)8244-2002
Rcp Steel Tech Enterprises Greenhills Shopping Ctr Incorporated Republic Cement & Building Materials Rgb Samgyupsal On The Go And Delivery
Don Graciano Bldg QC .... (02)8706-6783 SJ .............................. (02)8570-5233 Bencom Bldg QC ............ (02)8928-6009 Incorporated 1267 Mithi Mla ............. (0966)905-0312
Rcpjr Marketing And Industrial Services Red Dragon Truck Body Builders Reign Wellness Massage The Salcedo Twr Mkti ..... (02)8885-4599 Rgl Airconditioning Center
B7 L29 Sampaguita QC .. (02)7717-2482 3508 Gen Lucban Mkti ... (02)8775-1585 Sarmiento Cplx QC ....... (0916)224-2808 Republic Courier Services Incorporated 105-B Rd 20 QC ............ (02)8990-2812
Rcta Trucking Services Red Earth Trading Corporation Rein De Beau Salon San Buena Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4217 Rgl Bio Alliance Corporation
32 Villaroman Pque ...... (0956)125-3986 606 Basco Mla ............... (02)8523-4900 Atherton QC ................. (0949)758-7974 Republic Glass Holding Corporation 79-A Kalantiaw QC ......... (02)7738-6411
Rcti Training & Assessment Corporation Red Engine Autoworks Incorporated Reinbeker Incorporated Republic Glass Bldg Rgl Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8523-7652 373 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8400-9332 Santiaguel Bldg LP ......... (02)8403-6960 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-5011 Services
Rd Glass Aluminum Red Fox Security Incorporated Reiner De Castro Marketing Corporation Republic Powdercoat Corporation 1106 Rd 20 QC ............ (0927)564-9766
Crispulo KC .................. (0925)546-0953 43F Mindanao Ave QC .... (02)8929-9628 46 Rodriguez Dr QC ..... (0917)136-4269 173 Congressional Av Rgp Water Refilling Station
Rd Tan Dental Clinic Red Fusion Reinmar Auto Supply Quezon City................(02)8962-1905 Mercedes Ave Psg ....... (0917)325-1104
J P Rizal Mand ............. (0926)657-9070 930 B Del Monte Ave 83 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (0945)235-9583 Republic Steel Tube Incorporated Rgr Global Travel And Tours Corp
Rdc Engineering QC ........................... (0906)703-5117 Reis Republic Internet Cafe Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8871-1492 Aurora Blvd QC.............(0917)541-8468
1091 N A Lopez Coml Ctr Red Grab Group Of Company 218 Palayan Rd Taguig .. (02)8296-8191 Rescue And Safety Supplies Rgt Art Glass & Aluminum Supply
Mla ............................ (02)8527-9647 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8856-0087 Rej Flowers And Event Styling Luzon Ave QC .............. (0928)947-1882 4 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)3385-9254
Rdc Travel And Tours Red Line The Site Plz Coml Ctr Research & Design Management RGY Auto Supply
Corcell Arcade PC .......... (02)8659-2517 The Podium Mand ........ (0907)364-0925 Mkna ....................... (0917)162-8617 135D Veterans Vill QC .... (02)7261-1351 298 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8363-2937

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78 S C M Y K


Rhema Printing Services Rigondes Travel And Tours Rk Franchise Consultancy Incorporated Robee Stickers Incorporated Rodolfo Corporationus Cpa & Associates
59 Rd 20 QC ................ (0999)661-2354 1119 Commonwealth Ave 267 Minnesota Mansion Market! Market! Taguig . (0922)552-6106 Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8990-5749
Rhinoceros Security Agency Inc QC ........................... (0999)839-1142 QC ............................. (02)8912-2946 Robelo Watch Service Center Rodrigo Berenguer & Guno Law Office
38 Sto Tomas QC ......... (0956)297-4043 Rihesse Development Corporation Rk Rubber Enterprise Co Hi Top Supermarket Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Rhinohead 2633 P Zamora PC ......... (02)8551-4240 4 Katipunan Ave QC ....... (02)8897-6651 QC ........................... (0916)493-7262 Psg ............................ (02)8706-7801
Cinq Bldg QC................(0905)888-9395 Rilem Pharma Corporation Rk Scan Medical And Diagnostic Clinic Roberta Flavors Of Asia Rodrigo's Usda Roast Beef Belly
Rhl Lab Check Diagnostics 572 Edsa Ave PC ........... (02)8851-9906 Bedrock Place QC ........ (0927)478-3407 45 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)3394-1505 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0995)960-7910
Vc Bldg Taguig ............... (02)8399-6063 Riley Corporation Rl Laundry Shop Roberto Santiago Law Office Rodso Printing Services
Rhl Properties & Devt Corporation Jocfer Bldg QC ............... (02)8560-7835 Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0930)912-1931 Dasmarinas Leyba Bldg 2528 Paulino Psg ......... (0905)338-4093
Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8524-8873 Riley's Water Station Rl's Pc Haus Mla ............................ (02)8244-4443 Rody Day's
Rhodeco Rubber Processing Services 1819 Cavite Mla ............. (02)7217-2805 404 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8553-9725 Robin's Customized Cakes And More 121 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-4501
Incorporated Rime Commercial Heavy Equipment Parts Rlc General Upholstery And Furniture R Fernandez QC ........... (0995)875-0306 Rogelio Dental Laboratory
40 J P Ramoy KC ........... (02)8985-0167 Supply 167 Rd 20 QC .............. (0995)842-7490 Robin's Kakanin (Batangas Puto) Casa Nena Mla ............... (02)8735-0201
Rhodjane Metal Arts Enterprises 717 C3 Rd KC ................ (02)8323-8965 Rlei's Massage Spa Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0920)910-4091 Roger's Diner
19 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-6448 Rimowa Flagship Store Earnshaw Mla .............. (0939)856-2965 Robinson Acg Bldg Mal ...... (02)3446-5471 380 Lakandula Mla ....... (0956)761-6002
Rhomax Design And Construction Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7757-3048 Rlq Construction Robinson Handyman Rogomi Incorporated
Abenojar QC ................. (0915)383-2788 Rina's Flower Shop B1 L3 Ph1 Afpovai New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8421-0507 One Corporate Ctr Twr
Rhs Marketing Philippines Incorporated Farmers Garden QC ...... (0949)822-9178 Taguig........................(02)8986-3363 Robinson Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8584-6312
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-2586 Ringph Rm And 4 Son Airconditioning Services Eei Administration Bldg Rogue Trinoma QC ............. (02)7916-6823
Rhv Placement Agency International One Oasis Ortigas Psg .. (0955)983-3394 6741 Infante Psg .......... (0930)450-5410 QC ............................. (02)8635-0753 Rohm Lsi Design Philippines Inc
Incorporated Riopan Explorasia Leisure Incorporated Rm Box Center Robinson's Communities 10F Anson Bldg Psg ....... (02)8706-3117
435 Real LP ................. (0917)106-7088 3477 Residencia De Manila 3132 First Mla ................ (02)8714-6026 Karina Bldg Psg..............(02)8637-3760 Rohub Manpower Services
Rhyno Paper Incorporated Mla .......................... (0927)214-7573 Rm Energygates Incorporated Robinson's Convenience Store 1809 Rohub Manpower Services
58 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8361-8725 Rischarms Bakeshop Acacia Page 1 Bldg Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8633-8486 PC ........................... (0997)359-2293
Ri-Wel Printing Services 237 Gen Luiz QC .......... (0919)295-5828 Munt .......................... (02)8403-7383 Robinsons Cyberscape Alpha Roj Travel And Tour
764 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (0945)614-1535 Rise Manpower Agency Rm2 Printing Services Robinsons Cyberscape Alpha 597 Pres E P Quirino Ave
Ribbonette's Bakeshoppe 1535 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8521-3682 55 15th Ave QC ............ (0998)958-6289 Psg ............................ (02)8477-0974 Pque .......................... (02)8551-3971
567 San Pedro Taguig .. (0956)885-3742 Rising Sun Wood Product Incorporated Rma Sentinel Security Services Corporation Robinsons Townmall Rojemson Industrial Sales Incorporated
Ribs Manila Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8667-3953 Wil Vic Bldg QC .............. (02)8287-7378 5 Gov Pascual Ave Mal ... (02)8239-0950 5013 Que Grande Val ..... (02)8294-5312
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)954-6888 Rising Sun Wood Products Incorporated Rmab Travel & Tours Robinsons Toys Incorporated Rojo Oven Baked Boneless Chicken
Ric Airtec Indusys Inc Home Depot Commonwealth Two Palm Tree Villa PC (0905)666-4768 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8869-7782 Madison Square Bldg SJ.(02)8654-5296
34 Don Jesus Blvd Munt.(02)8842-4347 QC ............................. (02)8351-1148 Rmc Oil & Ecosolutions Inc Robintech Leaders International Rolando Shirts And Pants Factory
Ric-Ric Dental Clinic And Laboratory Riskmetrics Group 5007 Que Grande Val ..... (02)8516-3833 Incorporated 633 Padre Rada Mla ....... (02)8245-5354
490 San Rafael Mla ........ (02)3488-3658 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-1600 Rmc Realty And Real Estate Development 3640 P Sanchez Mla ...... (02)8714-7212 Rolando's Pisonet
Ricad Incorporated Risque Designs And Accessories Inc Corp Robles Heritage Incorporated Nha Bldg D Mla .............. (02)8522-0241
Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8815-6354 E Santos Mkna ............... (02)8967-7911 Rmc Bldg QC ............... (0956)672-8906 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-6616 Rold Realty Development Corporation
Ricao Incorporated Ristorante Bigoli Rmdc Robles Law Offices Piscor Cpd Psg .............. (02)8880-3394
Alabang Home Depot Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-5742 La Defense Bldg QC ....... (02)3413-8582 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8706-4452 Rold's Bulalo Molo
Munt .......................... (02)8771-1227 Ristorante De Lorenzo Rmem Computer Outlet Robles Metal Manufacturing Incorporated 21 Villa Cartimar PC ....... (02)7263-3712
Ricardo P Cruz Sr Elementary School Belen Mla ..................... (0995)988-1977 304 Z Rizal Ave Mla........(02)8516-8035 126 20th Ave QC ............ (02)8911-0362 Rolee Software Services
Pres M L Quezon Taguig.(02)8837-5599 Rita Optical Shop Incorporated Rmf Auto Supply Robocash Ph 38 Matimpiin QC ............ (02)8920-9905
Rice In A Box Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8816-0639 345 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8247-1203 Murphy Ctr QC ............... (02)8876-8484 Rolex Greenbelt 5 Mkti........(02)7729-0808
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rita's Italian Ice RMG Hospital Supply Inc Robots Dolls Cuts Incorporated Rolex Service Centre
SJ ............................ (0922)841-8002 Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)7955-2452 412 Gomezville Mand ..... (02)8723-5552 Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8823-1723 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3029
Rice On Cam Rite Care Doctors Clinic And Laboratory Rmjbc Gen Mdse Robton Industries Incorporated Rolins Mercantile
109 Panay QC ................ (02)8376-7354 629 San Andres Mla ..... (0919)268-1843 557 Gonzago Puyat Mla . (02)8313-8206 250 Sto Domingo Ave 681-B Edsa QC .............. (02)8727-1371
Rite Cut Glass Aluminum QC ............................. (02)8365-0995 Rolling Spa
Ricemac Philtrade Corporation Rmjt Auto & Motor Parts
190 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8441-5769 123 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8710-1604 Congressional Rd Ext Robys Dental Clinic Sct Fuentebella QC ......... (02)8243-8485
Rite-Tech Medical Inc KC ........................... (0905)427-4069 Jars Bldg Mla ............... (0905)219-2039 Roma's Curtain Maker And Gen Upholstery
Rich Phils Incorporated
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-4839 13 B Maaralin QC ........... (02)8920-3614 Rmp Manpower Services Roca Funeral Services 637 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0905)356-8487
Rite-Way Distributors Incorporated Hps Bldg Val .................. (02)8441-1240 145 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8851-0912 Romachem Enterprises
Rich-Paul Marketing Company Incorporated
86 Baler QC....................(02)8441-5976 107 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8740-8035 Rmu Underchassis Repair Shop Rocha S Aircon Trading 89-C G Roxas QC ........... (02)8544-0229
Ritegroup Inc 4 Matutum QC ................ (02)8255-0048 2724 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8401-3471 Romai Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Inc
Richard Hardware
2301 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8255-4979 Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8637-8524 Rmv Auto Electrical & Car Aircon Shop Rocha's Embroidery Chesa Mla .................... (0926)232-1422
Riv Auto Supply 44 A/B Kamias Rd QC .. (0920)254-7515 62 Abra QC .................. (0932)884-0643 Roman Dental Clinic
Richardson Electronics
Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8636-8891 Susano Rd QC..............(0943)528-1534 Rmv Food Products Rocha's General Merchandise Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Rivan Technology Institute B1 L22 Int Capistrano 1072 C M Recto Ave SJ .............................. (02)8721-1003
Richcar Auto Parts & Car Accessories 18D Calle Mola Mkti ..... (0977)847-4888 Mla ............................ (02)8241-6916
F&J Jacinto Ng Bldg QC . (02)8712-3680 Taguig......................(0942)519-7404 Romano Santos Merchandise
River Oaks Realty Corporation Rochas Fabric Store 641 Raon Shopping Ctr
Richfield Diesel Calibration Services Rmwheel's Enterprises 1072 Cm Recto Ave Mla.(02)8241-9247
The Landmark Mkti ......... (02)8869-8813 133 K10 QC ................... (02)7960-3622 Mla ............................ (02)8354-1802
49 G Araneta Ave QC......(02)3411-4725 Roche Philippines Incorporated
River Valley Eye Center Incorporated Rna Techno-Ventures Incorporated Romantic Baboy
Richfield Intl Group Holdingsinc Fortune Bldg Psg ............ (02)8584-6411 The Finance Ctr Taguig ... (02)7718-7777 Vertex One Bldg Mla ..... (0915)568-3298
World Trade Exch Bldg 48 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8374-3184
Rivera Santos And Maranan Rocka Printing Romari Construction Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8241-5568 Rnb Management Consultancy 16-B A Martin Mal .......... (02)8990-0617
Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8635-6359 Poblacion Mand ............. (02)8775-7104 351 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8361-6570
Richfield Montessori School Of Manila Rockdj Colors Incorporated
484 Alegria Mla .............. (02)8256-4551 Riversprings School Inc Rnb Marble Supply Romaro Chemical Traders
19 A Esguerra Psg ....... (0915)581-3671 M Alvarez Ave LP ........... (02)8808-4297 102 Diamond Psg .......... (02)8646-2969
Richgold Marketing Co Incorporated 1156 Edsa QC ................ (02)3381-0669
Riviere Laundromats Rockdwell Enterprises Romed's Salon And Spa
99 Hon A Sandoval Ave Rnb Travel And Tours Corporation 209 M Aquino QC...........(02)8514-4573
Psg ............................ (02)8640-1725 Bagong Calzada Alfaro Place Mkti .......... (0917)627-0282 480 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Taguig......................(0949)176-8878 Rocket Coffee Co Psg ............................ (02)7625-5655
Richgold Weddings Rnbp Cleaning Services 3 Langka QC ................ (0927)540-8688
Po's Bldg QC .................. (02)3415-6887 Rivson Trading & Construction Romeger Manpower Services Inc
A J Villegas Mla .............. (02)8521-8539 Boni Mand ..................... (02)8782-1092 Rocket Parts Supply G I F Bldg Psg ................ (02)8641-1438
Richland Auto Supply Inc Riz The Florist Event Style's Rnbp Enterprise Congressional Ave QC .. (0977)333-7553
940 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-0181 148 Maysan Rd Val ........ (02)8546-3548 Romero Transport Service
1367 Dos Castillas Mla.(0995)331-9153 Rocketship Creative Design Services 4 Kagandahan Ext QC ... (0915)536-2286
Richline Enterprises Inc Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation Rnc Hobbies & Collectibles Company
280 Mayon QC ............. (0956)125-7682 Romulo Caft
6819 Rcbc Plz Mkti ........ (02)8894-9000 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7759 Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7791-7502 32 Lazcano QC...............(02)8332-7273
Richmond Waterproofing Inc Rizal Dairy Rng Diagnostic And Medical Clinic Rocketship Designs
71-B Sct Borromeo Romulo Law Firm
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)512-0305 Argail Condmn Pque.....(0956)257-1188 112 Legazpi Mkti .......... (0917)472-6208 Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8555-9555
Quezon City................(02)8920-9004 Rng Glass & Aluminum Enterprise
Rizzane Hardware Rockford Clinic Ron Gravel And Sand
Richsonwood Furnitures 454 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8294-6382 1127 Quirino Hwy QC...(0967)546-4995 1406 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-7507 Balintawak QC .............. (0995)355-6993
141 E Santos Mkna ...... (0908)723-9083 Rnl Food Concepts Incorporated
Rj Construction Rockforged Corporation Ronald Perez Brokerge Customs
Richwell Auto Parts Sales Corporation 407 Alabang-Zapote Rd Palm Square Bldg LP ...... (02)8813-6814 City & Land Mega Plz Condo Champ Bldg Mla ............. (02)8521-9237
170 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-7906 LP .............................. (02)8556-9224 Rns Ceramic Coating & Detailing Psg ............................ (02)8687-4623 Ronald Unisex Custom Tailoring Shop
Richwell Blossoms Sales Incorporated Rj Eight Tailoring Services 17-63 Aluminio Mal ...... (0936)921-8049 Rocko's Herb-Roasted Chicken 40 Mapagkawanggawa
26 I Francisco Val...........(02)8352-0679 817 B Leo Mla................(02)8861-5642 Rnv Unica Hija Incorporated 10 De Castro Ave Psg .. (0917)632-8617 QC ........................... (0945)339-0665
Richwell Phil Inc Rj Guitar Land Incorporated Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6576 Rockpoint Ent Ronaldo Roque Marketing
Timog Richwell Ctr QC ... (02)8441-1717 Pinaglabanan SJ.............(02)8725-7357 Ro-An Upholstery & Auto Seat Cover Soriano Femil Bldg Mla ... (02)8254-7049 2048 E Santos Psg.........(02)8654-5942
Richwell Textile Mfg Corporation Rj Plastic Manufacturer Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0917)895-6031 Rockport Concept Store Ronaldo's Autoworks Incorporated
169 West Riverside QC...(02)8372-9099 46 Palawan QC .............. (02)8365-6458 Road Cyclone Commercial Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3682 1954 Jose Abad Santos
Ricks Calibration Rj Salon 309 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8668-5796 Rockred Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8252-8303
138 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8367-7467 Gilmore Hghts Condmn Road Master Auto Supply 1449 A H Lacson Mla...(0939)917-2102 Ronan Printing Services
Ricksha Streetside Tandoor QC ............................. (02)8722-4012 Ymca Bldg Mla ............... (02)7263-1931 Rockwell Leisure Club Incorporated 116 Narra QC ................. (02)3436-4561
23 E Capitol Dr Mla ...... (0917)637-2113 Rj Silverteaz Corporation Road Master Courier Joya Lofts And Twr Mkti . (02)8831-6065 Rondels Meat Lovers
Rickwell Realty Corporation 1107 Morong Val ........... (02)3444-6592 32 D Arellano KC .......... (0906)240-7545 Rockwell Lumber & Hardware Inc Azucena Psg ................ (0998)555-6447
1971 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8254-9378 Rj Tiles Trading Road Patriots Corporation 1159 JP Rizal Makati ...... (02)8890-4631 Rondina-Santos Funeral Service
Ricky Reyes Corporation 15 Bolivar QC ............... (0929)817-2232 Victoria Twrs Condmn Rockwell Machine Shop Company Limited Gen T De Leon Val........(0917)118-6265
428 Rustia QC................(02)8584-5048 Rj's Chicken House QC ............................. (02)8373-1672 2740 Old Panaderos Roneena Incorporated
Ricson Travel And Tours 128 Gegorio Araneta Road Runner Cargo Logistics Inc Mla ............................ (02)8563-9951 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8527-9635
484 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8242-3548 QC ........................... (0936)907-4565 93 Araullo SJ ................. (02)7501-1571 Rod & Carla Kids Wear Ronel Urgelles Pre Cast Decor
Rie Audio Video Enterprise Rja Blinds And Curtains Roadhouse Manila Bay Incorporated 999 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8708-9491 Marikina-Infanta Hwy
16F Villarba Mal ........... (0929)119-3939 6 China QC...................(0906)561-0771 San Miguel By The Bay Rodel Barcelona Properties Incorporated Mkna ....................... (0947)698-2742
Right-Check Research Services Rjc Auto Parts PC ............................. (02)8831-2719 Kaginhawahan Psg ......... (02)8654-1911 Rongel Seafood Dealer
Robelle Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8809-3574 157 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0977)801-4246 Roadlane Builders & Supplies Rodenstock Manufacturing Corporation 318 Lapu-Lapu Ave Nav . (02)8352-8492
Rights Up Consultancy Rjjj&J Laundry Services 33 Northlane Rd LP ........ (02)8736-6314 80 North Diversion Rd Ronnie & Joe Optical Salon
531 Halcon Mand ........... (02)8477-9691 469 Salas Mla ................ (02)8330-9465 Roadmaster Auto Supply Val ............................. (02)8294-2648 Sm Aura Premier
Rigid Aggregates & Mining Corporation Rjm Junkshop 953 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8244-8032 Rodeo Grill Barbecue And Sizzlers Taguig......................(0933)673-9820
Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8687-6677 205 Richland Ave QC ... (0998)599-7080 Roadscape Construction Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8551-2320 Ronoh
Rigid Machineries & Mills Supply Rjmx Water Proofing And Modern Roofing Beata Mla ....................... (02)8569-2099 Rodeo Wood Parquet L2 B3 Gil Fernando Ave Cor
Corporation Champ Bldg Mla ............. (02)8292-0988 Roadsky Traffic Safety Corporation 1156 Edsa Balintawak Mkna ....................... (0906)430-4420
218 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-8723 Rjp Boutique Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti . (0917)624-3943 QC ............................. (02)8961-1336 Ronquillo's Catering
Rigid Steel Bars Supply Greenhills Shopping Cplx Roastery Incorporated Rodis Realty And Dev Incorporated 43 Socorro LP .............. (0917)843-3663
510 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8292-4985 SJ .............................. (02)8634-4480 321 P Samonte PC ......... (02)8523-9477 Quinio Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8779-8350 Ronrox Corporation
Rigidity Bolts And Tools Inc Rjt Laundry And Dry Cleaning Services Robart Construction Supplies Rodland Corporation Grace Park Coml Cplx
45-B Pinatubo Mand ...... (02)8532-9703 Alabama QC ................. (0915)791-7031 Sl Bldg Mla.....................(02)7746-6248 Anita Bldg QC ................. (02)8927-8765 KC ............................. (02)8365-3025

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79 S C M Y K


Roofscape Enterprise Royal Care Laundry Services Company Rs Metal Fabrication Rv Mitra Photography Sacred Heart General Utility Services
1135 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-1703 Bisa Bldg Pque ............... (02)8805-8979 Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0918)805-4978 8906-B Sampaloc Mkti ... (02)8988-7677 Employment Agency
Rooms 498 Royal Class Motors Rs Santos Law Firm Rva Furniture And Upholstery 9-A Kamias Rd QC ....... (0922)813-7272
498 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7585-3558 Quirino Hwy QC............(0917)508-0907 Dm Bldg QC ................... (02)8926-3456 K-3rd St QC ................. (0915)848-6784 Sacreo Heart Clinic
Ropali Royal Destination Travel & Tours Rsaic Generator Maintenance Services Rvb Cosmetic Surgery And Skin Care Rb Arcade Bldg Munt ..... (02)8546-2054
88 F Blumentrit SJ .......... (02)8726-6844 Cityland Shaw Twr B1 L5 San Antonio Rd Center Safari Rent-A-Car Incorporated
Roque Law Office Mand ......................... (02)8696-4548 LP ............................ (0917)157-8876 Palm Square Bldg LP ...... (02)8872-5449 1839 Eureka Mkti ........... (02)8886-9619
144 M Almeda Pat..........(02)7219-6945 Royal Dragon Rsapphire Trading Rvg Ship Management Incorporated Safe-Master Engineering
Rosanjin Japanese Restaurant Evan Art Bldg KC ............ (02)8921-3979 Palm Twr Mkti ................ (02)8835-9901 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8811-6077 Planet LP ....................... (02)8801-6446
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8531-5300 Royal Dragon Traders Incorporated Rsdj Manpower Services Rvr Interior Design Safefreight Service Incorporated
Rosario Luc Bicycle 10 Tagdalit QC ............... (02)8330-2117 6772 Adalla Mkti ............ (02)8998-5198 6 Mayon Mkna ............. (0915)787-5078 1567 Copernico Mkti ...... (02)8843-2494
233 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8372-5844 Royal Duty Free Incorporated Rsg 1390 G Araneta QC ..... (02)8732-3961 Rvt Elevator Escalator And Aircon Safehouse Fight Academy
Rosario Nicolas Comp Shop Morning Star Bldg Mkti ... (02)8890-3897 Rsjj Money Changer Installation Services Incorporated Quezon Ave QC ............ (0932)671-9965
571 Ignacio Cpd KC ....... (02)8362-1426 Royal Emperor Spa 1000 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8559-8531 D & E Bldg QC ................ (02)8921-2605 Safehouse Mma And Fitness Gym
Rosarito Engineering Services 883 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0928)252-9208 Rslab Optical Shop Rwash Auto Detailing Quezon Ave QC ............ (0932)375-3361
Knights Of The Columbus Royal Eyewear Distribution Incorporated Emerald Circle Bldg 888 Park Ave PC .......... (0927)310-7573 Safety Network Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8370-3711 Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8887-0819 Mla .......................... (0947)299-8288 Rwc Parts Corporation B7 L4-D Gardenville QC .. (02)8426-4221
Rosary Pest Control Services Royal Garden Spa Rsm Builders 753 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8734-3285 Safety Seals Specialist Incorporated
Aurora Ave QC ............. (0933)489-0143 6th Ave KC ..................... (02)8514-5257 32 Mrc QC ................... (0997)674-7556 Rwp International Incorporated 17 Couper QC ................ (02)8371-9343
Rosco Commercial Royal Islands International Travel And Tours Rsm Unified Corporation E Mendoza Mkna ............ (02)8998-5580 Safety Tech Innovation Inc
603 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8361-4936 Paz Bldg Mand ............... (02)8531-9935 Tomas Pinpin Mla .......... (02)8255-8622 Centro Plz Condmn QC ... (02)8282-5262
Rxpress Care Pharmacy
Rosco Machine Shop And Manufacturing Royal Jade Machinery Philippines Rsn Landscaping Services Marcelo Ave Pque .......... (02)8514-5232 Safetyko Industrial Supplies
Corporation Corporation 4 Kagandahan QC ........ (0915)686-0596 Rykom Financing Corporation Evangelista Psg ............... (0905)268681
218 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-8720 415 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8534-1030 Rsp Interior And Sewing Services Citystate Ctre Psg ........... (02)8633-0935 Safeway Phil Freight
Rose Cueva Garden Royal Linens Manufacturing Corporation Pampanga Taguig ........ (0905)518-0634 Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)8243-1365
Quezon Memorial Circle Ryn Auto Parts Supply
Red Flower Cpd Pque ..... (02)8877-7918 Rsr Enterprise 304 F Roxas KC ............. (02)8352-1493 Saffron Catering And Event Styling
QC ........................... (0949)127-8158 Royal Mandarin Security Services Corp 1575 A Batangas Mla ..... (02)8542-5419 Guijo LP ....................... (0919)998-9685
Rose In Bloom Events Rypadife Graphic Design Inc
54-B San Pedro Bautista Rsv Industrial And Stainless Supply B2 L12 Mt Isarog KC .... (0995)339-3498 Saffron Hill Philippines Incorporated
Inocencio PC ................ (0917)835-0692 QC ........................... (0905)376-2985 42-D 8th Ave KC ............ (02)8363-2628 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8856-6239
Rose Malabanan Siphoning Rys Industrial Corporation
Royal Mirror Industries Inc Rtd Trusmile Dental Clinic Nazareno Pque ............... (02)8801-9212 Saffron Middle Eastern Restaurant
Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8359-6751 156 Gov W Pascual Av 160D Shaw Blvd Mand . (0955)195-3469 1015 Eloisa Mla ........... (0916)450-6492
Rose Pineda Incorporated Ryx Beauty Products
Malabon ..................... (02)8287-1011 Rterra Incorporated Gen Romulo Ave QC ..... (0995)653-3357 Saffron Plates
Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8826-5022 Royal Mnl Fitness 164 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .. (02)8373-1791 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)538-1248
Rosegan Toy Balloons And Party Needs Rz1 Frieght Express Corporation
Fisher Mall QC .............. (0917)893-6403 Rtistic Trading 1 Kay Talise Pque.........(0955)187-6497 Safurry Veterinary Clinic And Grooming
1111 Julio Nakpil Mla ..... (02)8400-4619 Royal Norwegian Seafood Incorporated Tlc Ctre Pque ................. (02)8807-5184 Centre
Rosel's Finest Khalas Dates Jm Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8844-1004 Rtj Architectural Design Studio 15-A Old Sauyo Rd QC . (0908)188-5827
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)528-6396 Royal Palm Residences Condo Corporation Pm Apt Bldg QC ........... (0928)413-5145 Saga Paper Products Incorporated
Rosemund Development Corporation
2700 Guatemala Mkti ..... (02)8889-4291
Guard Hse Taguig...........(02)8571-8688 Rtl Information Technology Solutions S Rmt Industrial Cplx Munt (02)8281-6004
Royal Time Watches Incorporated Ballecer Taguig...............(02)7955-8011 Sagami Tei
Rosendo's Textile Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rtp Decals & Printing Services Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8820-2322
28 Ilaya Mla ................... (02)8243-8761 SJ .............................. (02)8724-2919 Ernshaw Bldg QC ......... (0916)772-4487 S & L Building
1500 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8525-8269 Sage Ninja Creatives Company
Rosewood Funeral Homes Royal Zobel Corporation Rts Money Changer Mirasol QC ..................... (02)7501-3371
77 M Naval Mal .............. (02)8281-6367 31 Dr S Antonio Ave Ecj Bldg Mla ................... (02)8257-0533 S & S Travel Incorporated
1177 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8252-6082 Sagira Halal Food
Rosewood Hardware Psg ............................ (02)8641-1539 Rtz Logistics And Industrial Corporation 7 San Lucas QC ........... (0920)111-4069
1426 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7361 Royalaire Refrigeration And Airconditioning 7th Ave KC ................... (0917)880-8054 S A Goldon Philippines Corporation
206 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8559-5394 Sagittarius Meat Product Trading
Roshan's Pizza Supplies Incorporated Rubarts'Z Nail Lounge 93 Narra Mkna ............. (0928)720-1233
Banga-Tugatog Rd Val .. (0919)451-8636 Reylilia Bldg QC............(0966)765-3722 282 C Raymundo Ave S And L Incorporated
S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8524-8597 Sahagun Veterinary Clinic
Rosita Chua Cham - Cpa Royanne Camillia Couture (Qc Branch) Psg .......................... (0916)761-8363 6418 Zapote KC ............. (02)8990-7151
70 Nicanor Roxas QC ..... (02)8463-9533 70 Ortigas Ave QC ........ (0917)561-6892 Rubelen Enterprises S Arroyo Tahian
J P Rizal QC ................. (0995)411-5918 Sahara Cargo Forwarder
Rosmar Pet Salon Roycetea 78A Kaingin Rd QC.........(02)8330-5045 11 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8866-4041
942 Sh Loyola Mla ....... (0977)187-2084 Cinema Level Ayala Malls Ruben Bansil Music Store S B E Electrical Shop
189 Dna Soledad Ave Sahara Jewelry Shop
Rosmil Hardware Pque ........................ (0956)351-1717 V Mapa Mla .................... (02)8353-0176 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Vv Soliven Shopping Cplx Roygemaan Enterprises Ruben P Perez Pque ........................ (0927)785-2959
SJ .............................. (02)8985-4224
SJ .............................. (02)8724-9790 76 N P Cruz Taguig ........ (02)8642-2098 Qci Corporate Ctr Pat....(0906)474-0779 S B Oliveros Sahara Telecom Center
Rostam Philippines Inc Roysantos Meatshop Rubi Stainless Steel Enterprises 2021 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8359-6840 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
21 Don Vicente Sampaguita QC .............. (02)3427-3001 330 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-3080 S Binding Supplies Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8726-7758
Quezon City................(02)8931-0183 Rozento Aircon Repair Services 118 Lopez Rizal Mand .... (02)8531-1451
Rubie Electronics Saiglobal Incorporated
Rota-Breeze Marketing 1521 A Francisco Mla .. (0999)309-2359 2500 Taft PC .................. (02)8556-0571 S D Hardware & Lumber Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-6354
765 L Wood PC..............(02)8889-8229 Rp Hot Pot Incorporated 2504-2506 Legarda Mla . (02)8734-6235
Ruby Nails 6th St PC ........ (0925)755-5518 Saigon Corner Pasabuy Gulay
Rotary Auto Electric Incorporated Robinsons Place Cplx S G S Prime Commercial
1133 G Masangakay Ruby Star Food House 40 Sgt Esguerra Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8354-3168 328 Mh Del Pilar KC ....... (02)8687-7522 759 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8733-1280 QC ........................... (0977)122-2944
Mla ............................ (02)8251-1051 S H Buenaventura Law Office
Rpa Maritime Services Rudolf Lietz Incorporated Saigon Food Legend
Rotecc Movers Incorporated Lol Reality Bldg KC ......... (02)8510-6835 Burgundy Corporate Twr
13 Gen Espino Taguig .... (02)8837-7720 Lietz Industrial Cplx 189 Maginhawa QC ...... (0977)823-8889
Rpcycle Trading Pque .......................... (02)8821-7181 Mkti ........................... (02)8856-4740 Saigon Pho Vietnamese Noodle House
Rotech Manuel M L Quezon S J Consulting Group Asia Incorporated
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0929)178-6980 Rudy Project - Sm Moa 108 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8848-3355
Taguig......................(0977)718-6621 Sm Moa PC....................(02)8556-0752 Twr One And Exch Plz Saijou International Training Center Inc
Rouge Models Management International Rpd Chem Enterprises Mkti ........................... (02)7368-5651
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Rudzmotorworks West Ave QC ................ (0915)408-2502
73 E 12th Ave QC ........... (02)3439-6657 246 M Almeda Pat........(0915)992-6755 S L Development Construction Corporation Saikoro Steak
Mkti ......................... (0917)887-8047 1932 F Agoncillo Manila . (02)8353-1570
Rpnational Security Council Rue Bourbon 158-B Sct Gandia QC ... (0977)837-1997
Roundtree Merchandising Corporation Nica Cpd QC .................. (02)8927-2972 S L Villanueva Airconditioning
1956 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8536-3472 196 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8815-1757 Saini Enterprise
Rpr International Recruitment Agency Inc Ruey Shing Refrigeration Equipment 997 Wagas Mla .............. (02)8343-9064 4087 R Magsaysay Blvd
Roura Aesthetic Institute 98 Senator Gil Puyat Ave S M Asinas Hardware
Roura Aesthetic Institute 1706 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Mla ............................ (02)8714-7370
PC ........................... (0995)234-6831 Quezon City................(02)8727-9648 117B A Mabini KC .......... (02)8931-7064 Saini Enterprises Musical Instruments
Mkti ......................... (0917)562-2247
Rps Marketing Solution Rum Jungle Ph S&E Solutions Incorporated 4087 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd
Route 18 Diner 4032 Que Grande Val ..... (02)8294-3409
398-B Jp Rizal Mkna .... (0917)792-7005 Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)7576-2670 The Palace Cplx Taguig (0917)689-8888 Mla .......................... (0917)137-6785
Rq-One Corp Runeha Inc S'Tours Travel Agency Saint Cinammon Bake Shop Company
Route 77 Car Wash And Detailing 22 Violeta QC ............... (0995)418-8633
The Main Park Psg ....... (0956)771-6184 1 Rq-One Corp Munt ...... (02)8639-8826 1814 San Marcelino Mla.(02)5313-8385 Exch Rd Psg ................ (0905)470-1517
Rovexpress Rr Jose Construction Supply Runwayone Retail Corporation S-Lerj Incorporated Saint Dalfour Gravel & Sand Trading Inc
Dragon 8 Shopping Ctr B2A L34 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr Ppi Bldg KC .................... (02)8364-0800 2607 The Beacon Mkti . (0917)107-6687
Mla .......................... (0997)936-8127 KC ............................. (02)8352-3649 QC ............................. (02)8961-1708 S-Tower Condominium Saint Gabriel Architectural Services
Rovic Meat Products Rr Laurente Builders Rural Bank Of Makati Incorporated 1630 Jose Abad Santos Ave J L Bldg Psg.................(0918)397-3977
182 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0977)107-6761 383 J Luna Ext Mand......(02)8543-2410 44 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Mla ............................ (02)8251-2126 Saint Helena School
Roving Cinema Incorporated Rr Reyes Dental Carte Clinic Mkti ........................... (02)8886-3696 S1 Graphics And Printing 26 St Theresa Taguig ..... (02)8828-8685
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8584-7435 Solis Mla ........................ (02)8559-4808 Rural Bank Of Pagbilao Incorporated 48 Gloria Diaz LP ......... (0917)178-5559 Saint Jo Flowershop
Rowena Minoo Samurai Incorporated Rrb Rice Trading Sjg Ctre Bldg Mkti...........(02)8519-3603 Sa19 Le Tooth Dental Clinic Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7728-0013
Prime Land Venture Bldg Quezon Ave QC ............ (0916)698-7179 Rural Bank Of Taguig Incorporated 1429 A H Lacson Ave Saint Joseph Store
Munt .......................... (02)8556-3718 Rrc Builders 56A Sampaguita Mkti ..... (02)8882-6846 Mla .......................... (0947)936-9466 1761 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8516-0164
Rowena's Cupcake Southville 3 Munt ......... (0961)771-3930 Ruscius G Zaragoza Law Offices Saa Healthcare Out Patient Clinic Saint Louis Construction
171 11th Ave KC .......... (0917)814-7886 Rrc Termite And Pest Control Services L And S Bldg Mla ........... (02)8526-2247 757 C Raymundo Ave 20 Kamuning QC ............ (02)8923-3215
Rowrow Restaurant Kaligtasan QC...............(0947)721-7510 Ruse Metal Flush Door Psg .......................... (0918)963-2728 Saint Mark Construction Supply
34 Elizalde Pque ........... (0916)777-7453 Rrcb Motor Extreme 49-E Pampano Ave Mal .. (02)3448-3130 Saarstahl Philippines Incorporated 1079 Edsa QC ................ (02)3415-0597
Roxette Gift Shoppe 332 M H Del Pillar KC ..... (02)8367-3090 Rush Hour Motors 27 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8711-4422 Saint Mary's Publishing Corporation
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rrd Tech 9 Granada QC ...... (02)3468-2824 8240 Dr A Santos Ave Sabater Hospital Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8804-3509
SJ .............................. (02)8513-4929 Rrdn Trucking Services Pque .......................... (02)8829-5998 Carucho Ave Psg............(02)8640-9403 Saint Paul Dental Clinic
Roxy 28 B C Race Val ........... (0955)470-5644 Rush Hour Wine & Spirits Sabater Optical 5 Constitutional Rd QC ... (02)8932-1355
Robinsons Place Manila Rrds Trading Gifts & Flower Shop 444 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Quirino Nova Mall QC ..... (02)3417-1026 Saint Pauls
Mla ............................ (02)8354-5334 Ahlen Psg .................... (0939)985-3604 Psg .......................... (0917)185-5879 Sabella Sm City North QC ........... (02)8929-4925
Roy & Biv Incorporated Rredd Insurance Agency Incorporated Rusi 404 Visayas QC..........(02)3382-0739 Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Saint Rita College-Manila Incorporated
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8550-2441 Kaimo Bldg QC ............... (02)8749-3630 Rusida Security Agency Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8681-5298 Plaza Del Carmen Mla.....(02)8734-8904
Roy's Toy & Gift Shop/ Balloons & Party Rrj & Lee Teresa Park LP ............... (02)8894-0971 Sabinano-De Guia Building Construction Saint Theresa's College
Needs Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Rustan Coffee Coporation Liberty Apt Pque ........... (0961)252-8881 116 D Tuazon Ave QC .... (02)8740-1821
440 Cementina PC ....... (0928)256-2238 Psg ............................ (02)8681-5459 Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-3765 Sabmiel Salon Sakomoto International Packaging
Roya Laundry Services Rrk Trade Marketing Services Inc Rustan Supercenters Incorporated 1294 M Naval Nav ........ (0922)950-1555 709 Gen Luis KC ............ (02)8501-8857
4th Ave QC...................(0922)878-2918 Rrk Bldg Psg .................. (02)7903-0492 Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)8351-2631 Sabor De España (Flavors Of Spain) Sakura Digital Technologies
Royal 3Kl Food Corporation Rrm Diagnostic Center Rustans Marketing Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)811-5187 27 Manga Rd QC..........(0933)470-8564
Medina Bldg Mla ............ (02)8526-0376 335 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)3435-0260 Midland Mansion Mkti .... (02)8890-9691 Saboten Sakura Language Center
Royal Avenue Trading Rrmj Glass & Aluminum Rustic Seafood Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7625-2000 227 Valuepoint Executive Apts
Cortez Bldg QC ............... (02)7957-9115 16 Batasan Rd QC ........ (0926)774-0392 Greenhills Shopping SJ...(02)8727-3341 Sabrosa Cafe Mkti ........................... (02)8813-6441
Royal Care Home Service Massage Rs Fine Art Jewelry Rutan Coffee Corporation 1602 A Sandoval Ave Sakurai Motor Parts Corporation
Caniogan Psg ............... (0909)298-8833 911 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-8788 Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8856-6070 Psg .......................... (0905)424-3988 385 Banawe QC ............. (02)3410-1603
Royal Care Home Service Massage Pasig Rs Graphics Printshop Incorporated Ruzell's Tailoring Sack Salad Stop!
38 Kalinangan Psg ....... (0917)345-6294 Beta Bldg Mla ................. (02)8353-7969 16 1st St QC ................ (0939)180-1818 684 Sto Cristo Mla ....... (0917)882-1936 Central Square Taguig .. (0917)804-6921

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Salarium Payments Corporation Sample Line Sarah Lea Travel And Tours Schooner Eyeglass Enterprise
Salarium Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7906-7450 Sta Lucia Mall Psg........(0935)441-8611 P Herrera Pat................(0961)599-3305 98 Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Salazar Bakery Incorporated Samsonite SANLEX Sarah's Bakehouse Mkti ........................... (02)7358-2491
779-785 Ongpin Mla ...... (02)8733-1392 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3718 12 Delos Reyes QC ...... (0917)327-8136 Schwer Engineering Services And Supplies
Salcedo Sky Suites Samsung Group ROOFMASTER Sarangani Securities Incorporated 86 Gen Luis QC .............. (02)8280-0019
H V Dela Costa Mkti......(0917)887-6223 The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8884-8001 Vernida 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8817-5806 Sci Freight-Brokerage Incorporated
Sald Auto Parts Supply Samsung Optical Center Incorporated CENTER CO INC Sargo Express 2046 M Reyes Mkti ........ (02)8844-3526
2227-D Severino Reyes New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8288-7243 See Adv under Roofing Insulation 5305 Daang Batang Sci Office Furniture Solutions
Mla ............................ (02)8255-9308 Samuel And Kevin Pque .......................... (02)7750-9634 456 T Pin Pin Mla ........... (02)8241-4418
Saldy Chicken Meat Edsa Shangrila Plz Mand (02)7625-4966 C-3 Rd Caloocan Sargo Restobar Sciens Home Therapy Services
32 Rupee QC................(0975)440-2820 Samuel Car Aircon & Electrical Services 78 Pelaez Pque ............ (0945)710-1966 11 Vienna Pque ............ (0966)903-0966
Salem House 65 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0921)601-8404
City ......... (02)8287-5498 Sarhento Hamburger Station Scientific Biotech Specialties Inc
Sm City Southmall LP.....(02)8800-0531 Samurai Dental Laboratory 9842 Legaspi Mkti........(0917)555-6726 6023 Sacred Heart Mkti .. (02)8824-4551
Salem Oceanic Ind Corporation Chunics Bldg Mla ........... (02)8708-9150 Sanlex Roofmaster Center Sari Manok Scimtar Marketing Corporation
Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8403-3415 San Antonio Spa Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0939)449-7140 920 Pat Antonio Mla ....... (02)8516-3445
Sales Team Marketing Incorporated 307 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0917)140-8041 SANLEX Sarimanok Feeds Company Incorporated Scitech Outdoor Advertising Inc
1151 P Bernal Psg ......... (02)8640-9009 San Beda University ROOF- 86 Mayflower Mand ....... (02)8631-8501 625 Sto Nino Mand ........ (02)8633-6626
638 Mendiola Mla .......... (02)8735-6011 Sariwon Korean Barbecue
Salmat Services Incorporates
Upper Mckinely Rd San Buena Building MASTER 7th Ave Taguig ............. (0922)535-2446
Scl Consultancy Inc
158 Fortuna PC .............. (02)7373-7079
Taguig........................(02)8809-7192 9 Shaw Blvd Psg ............ (02)8631-3264 CENTER Sarsa At Parilla Scoop Project
Salon 28 San Carlos Bioenergy Incorporated CO. INC 131-A V Luna Ext QC......(02)8784-0342 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8559-8070
231 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8816-2119 Sagittarius Condmn Mkti.(02)8846-6799 Sarsa Kitchen + Bar Scootz Ph Umbel Munt ..... (0995)528-1351
Salon 360 International San Carlos Biopower Incorporated 109 Rada Mkti..............(0917)528-0115 Scorpio Travel & Tours Incorporated
First Global Bldg Mkti......(02)8831-1235 C-3 Rd Caloocan City .... (02)8287-5498 Sas Accounting Services Philippines
Km 16 Mc Arthur Hwy Cityland Mega Plz Bldg
Val ............................. (02)8291-2265 San Diego Copier Exchange Incorporated Sanly Rodcel Electrical Incorporated 1117 Trans-Phil Hse Psg ............................ (02)8687-4812
Salon De Casstal 904 San Diego Mla ......... (02)8740-9047 1302-1304 C M Recto Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8296-2986 Scotland Incorporated
59D Kamuning QC..........(02)3416-2254 San Diego Optical Mla ............................ (02)8734-5658 Sas Smart Account Solution Company Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Salon De Matt 71 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8288-5109 Sanmer Enterprises Limited Pque ........................ (0906)722-5703
Rfm Corporate Ctr Mand.(02)8637-9289 San Felipe Neri Parish 1507 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8742-7623 Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)7501-3248 Scouted Inc
Salon De Maureen Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)8531-2931 Sanovis Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Sauceria The Gallery Bldg Mkti....(0920)924-3277
8412 Mayapis Mkti.......(0905)104-9731 San Fernando Funeral Homes Incorporated Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8843-3828 Tuscany Taguig .............. (02)8584-3967 Scp Rubber Stamp Services
Salon Fo Men And Women 167 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)3411-8292 Sanrio Saudi Telecom Company C Jose PC ...................... (02)3447-7537
290B P Tuazon QC ......... (02)8533-1003 San Francisco Land Holdings Inc Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-6542 Beata Mla ....................... (02)8562-9089 Scpm Roofing & Steel Trading
Salon Furniture And Equipment 132 San Francisco Sanrise Incorporated Sauyo Machine Shop 200 Qurino Hwy QC ..... (0995)144-5575
Toyama Group Ctr QC .. (0977)825-5287 Mand ......................... (02)8532-2939 2164 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8516-5790 12-A Old Cabuyao QC .. (0925)507-1072 Screen Secure - Quezon City 2
Salon Systems Management Incorporated San Francisco Paper And Printing Sanro And Leo Food Station Save More Sm Fairview QC............(0946)603-3786
Four Seasons Bldg Mkti .. (02)8817-8770 Aaa Bldg Mla .................. (02)5310-0442 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0967)268-8453 Broadway Centrum QC ... (02)8726-8285 Scremir Philippines Incorporated
Salt & Pepper Bistro San Isidro Health Center Sans Travel & Tours Save More Drug Branch 56 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8441-2700
2273 F Calderon Mla .... (0915)512-5621 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-0837 Prince John Condmn QC (02)8376-2810 Package 1 KC ................ (02)8355-9551 Screw Capital General Merchandise
Salt Steakhouse San Jose Kitchen Cabinets Sanseh Save On Surplus Incorporated 186 Dna Soledad Ave
3817 Biyaya Mla .......... (0905)495-6813 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-1366 55 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8921-6014 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6731 Pque ........................ (0916)518-8885
Salta! Italian Rotisserie Chicken Bar San Juan Builders Dev't Corporation Sanshae Boutique Save U More Drug Incorporated Scribble Works Production Incorporated
38 Mayaman QC .......... (0917)830-9290 3 Stockholm Ave KC.......(02)8442-3927 Greenhills Shopping Cplx Dna Barbara Bldg Mla ..... (02)8562-0330 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8531-1200
Salud Panciteria San Juan Fun Factory Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8646-2415 Save's Refrigeration And Airconditioning Scribe Net Incorporated
205-A Jp Rizal Mkna ...... (02)7238-1930 Market Place Shopping Mall Santa Air Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Center Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-6993
Mand ......................... (02)8531-3293 Services 227 B Gov Pascual Nav .. (02)8260-0464
Salud Trading Scribe Paper Incorporated
1449 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8711-9551 San Juan Optical A Bonifacio Ave Taguig.(0917)110-5974 Savelife Healthbiz Incorporated 48 Granada QC...............(02)8632-0519
2447 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8561-0948 Santa Cruz Lighting Supply Acme Bldg Mand ............ (02)8535-0955
Salutare Incorporated Scriptmed Incorporated
Tycoon Ctr Psg .............. (02)8631-0609 San Miguel Brewery Incorporated 1337 Soler Mla...............(02)8736-6694 Savemore Solutions Incorporated Residencia 8888 Condmn
S Asistio KC ................... (02)8330-1336 Sante International Incorporated World Trade Exch Bldg Psg ............................ (02)8631-0537
Salvaje Professional Audio San Miguel Specialty Clinic
La Torre Mla.................(0917)855-4041 Eton Cyberpod Corinthian Mla ............................ (02)8718-8293 Scrm Printing Services
249 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-4470 QC ............................. (02)8667-3722 Saver's Dome Incorporated
Salvatierra Nuestro Law Offices 19 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8821-1712
San Remo Philippines Santiago Cruz And Associates Savers Square Bldg PC ... (02)8846-5320
Aurora Arcade Bldg LP ... (02)7738-1193 145 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8920-5291 Scut Salon And Spa
Salvatore Cuomo Café Pse Ctre Psg .................. (02)8634-8221 Savernet Safety Devices Marketing Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)899-7071
San Shen Furniture Center Incorporated Santino's Seafoods 80 14th Ave QC .............. (02)8421-4205
12 Adb Ave Mand...........(02)8285-1679 65 Marilyn Psg ............... (02)7746-7918 Sd2 Builders Supply
Salve Regina General Hospital 1C Driod QC ................. (0921)862-9115 Saving Logistics And Transport 15 Edsa QC .................... (02)8359-2338
Sanben Machinery Equipment Santis Delicatessen 1212 Arquiza Trade Ctr
Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8477-4832 41 Linaw QC ................ (0916)490-1369 Sdev Technologies Opc
Salvo Tailors Trans-Orient Maritime Agency Bldg Mla ............................ (02)8524-0302 Residencias De Manila Bldg 7
Sanctuary Funeral Chapels QC ............................. (02)3415-5532 Savioure Industrial Sales Mla .......................... (0968)880-2859
7838 Makati Ave Mkti ... (0945)729-6188 1435 Batangas Mla ........ (02)7504-2944 Santo Benedicto Medical And Diagnostic Bellheather LP ................ (02)8846-7520 Sdn Home And Office Modular Furniture
Sam Calibration Center Sancus Security Services Incorporated
Dir A Bunye Taguig.......(0923)883-2768 Clinic Savoroso Incorporated 21 C Kappa QC ............ (0927)340-3980
Llanar Bldg QC ............. (0917)633-1102 Llano Rd KC ................. (0921)946-3117 Congressional Ave Ext
Sam Car Aircon Specialist Sand's - Curtains Creation Sds Medical Center Incorporated
Santo Domingo Lumber QC ............................. (02)8932-7649 Katipunan Mkna ............. (02)8948-5186
555 Boni Serrano QC......(02)3440-4896 Commonwealth QC ...... (0999)432-3760 31 Quezon Blvd Ext QC ... (02)8731-8440 Savoy Hotel Manila Sdv Philippines Incorporated
Sam Kok Restaurant Sandaya Japanese & Yakiniku Restaurant Newport Blvd PC ............ (02)5317-2869
833 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8562-8647 Santo Nino Shrine Lapanday Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)8816-6303
Fisher Mall QC ................ (02)8287-8984 Sto Nino Parish Shrine Sawsawan Grill
Sam's Lagoon Pet Shop Sandigan Funeral Services Sea Anchor Massage Spa
QC ............................. (02)8928-2263 Russia Pque ................... (02)7358-9083 80-E Mindanao Ave QC (0915)580-7147
589-591 N S Amoranto 29 M L Quezon Taguig ... (02)8866-1937
QC ............................. (02)8712-3929 Santos & Santos Law Office Sayes Enterprises Inc Sea And Land Petshop
Sandino's Meatshop Jaka 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8551-6467 Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina
Samahang Basketbol Ng Pilipinas Inc Landex Bldg Psg ............ (02)7527-6967 629 Norberto Ty Mla ...... (02)8242-4856
Santos Knight Frank Mkna ....................... (0930)579-4873
Philsports Cplx Psg ........ (02)8706-2969 Sandman Software Systems Inc Sea Avion Logistic Incorporated
Ayala Twr One Exch Plz Sayuki Massage Spa 1414 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8524-5905
Samantha Food Center Silver QC ........................ (02)7756-0063 Nueva Viscaya QC ........ (0977)339-7659
Edsa Central Shopping Terminal Mkti ........................... (02)7752-2580 Sea Bass Carriers Incorporated
Sandok Santos Medical & Eye Clinic Sb Oliveros Pawnshop
Mand ......................... (02)8631-5253 Food Court Solaire Resort & Casino 88 Capitol Hills Dr QC ..... (02)8961-6360
3101 Victorino Mapa 280 P Diego Cera Ave
Samantha Trading Pque .......................... (02)8888-8857 LP .............................. (02)8565-4031 Sea Board Atlantic Maritime Consultancy
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mla .......................... (0905)202-0768 Services Inc
Sandpoint Gourmet Burgers Santuario De San Antonio Parish Sbarro
SJ .............................. (02)8727-0430 Shaw Blvd Mand .......... (0917)617-4191 Sm Ctr Point QC ........... (0943)316-8755 D Villa Bldg Mla ............ (0919)974-3538
Sambon Industrial Sales Incorporated 3117 Mckinley Rd Mkti ... (02)8843-8831 Sea Bulk Marine Corporation
Sandrealee Salon Sbg Travel And Tours
Gocheco Bldg Mla .......... (02)8253-3170 2184 J Dela Rosa Mla .. (0915)810-1586 SANWIN CORPORATION Buick Ext QC ................ (0947)212-4211 1366 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8441-6592
Samcars Trading Corporation Sandugo See Adv under Rope, Cordage and Twine Sbt Philippines Incorporated Sea Crest
5 K-J St QC .................. (0917)111-1118 Alabang Zapote South Stn 30 C Raymundo Psg ...... (02)8640-0580
Samdo Philippines Corporation Munt ........................ (0935)139-1387 546 Sto Cristo Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8632-9917
Sea Cruise Massage Spa
Sc Reservations (Philippines) Inc
East Twr Psg .................. (02)8634-6455 Sandvik Philippines Incorporated Manila.....(02)8242-8339 Rcbc Twr Mkti................(02)8810-0704 Taft Ave PC .................. (0919)228-0057
Samgyeop Haseyo One Global Place Taguig . (02)8478-6383 Sea Horse Marine Safety Supplies And
Kwats Bistro Taguig ..... (0906)437-6281 Sang Shop Bridal Boutique
SANWIN CORPORATION Scalene Enterprises
Services Inc
4599 Chico Val .............. (02)3440-2931
Samgyeopmasarap A De Guzman Mkna ...... (0917)911-5626 Scantel Incorporated 22B Dapitan QC............(0917)175-3200
Sm City Bf Paranaque Sangfor Technologies Philippines City & Land Mega Plz Condo Sea N Fish Global Corp
Pque ........................ (0925)303-7196 Opl Bldg Mkti................(0917)117-9346 SANWIN Psg ............................ (02)8655-5485 4 Fuentes QC ................. (02)7905-5567
Samgyup On Bike Sanghaya Catering Services Scent Station Sea Oil Phil Incorporated
36 D Quezon Mla..........(0935)174-3397 Washington Mkna ........ (0922)824-9840 CORPORA- 184 N S Amoranto Sr Ave
Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8568-8074
Samgyupkart Sanghaya Pack Meals Food Take Out And TION Scented Suds Laundry QC ............................. (02)8518-0223
95-143 Afp Rd QC........(0935)759-6722 Delivery 8378 Mayapis Mkti.........(02)8403-5964 Sea Queen Shipping Corporation
Samgyupsalamat Jp Laurel Sr Mkna .......... (02)8533-5812 Scentral Laboratories Incorporated Rcm Bldg Mla ................ (02)8521-1566
Makati Square Mkti ....... (0995)151-9920 Sangkalan Manalac Ave Taguig ....... (02)8838-9719 Sea Salt Nails & Body Spa
Saminato Auto Supply 41 West Ave QC ............. (02)8277-7535 546 Sto Cristo Manila .... (02)8242-8339 1 Jaguar QC ................. (0906)233-7140
Scents Co
Winston Plz Bldg QC.....(0933)226-4150 Sangra Leather Sanyutechnos Philippines Inc Civic Dr Festival Mall Sea Two Foot And Body Wellness
Saminsco Industrial Supply 274 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8682-2020 Exch Plz Mkti..................(02)8856-1305 Munt ........................ (0933)529-3423 Roxas Blvd PC ............. (0915)917-8536
318 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8243-9086 Sanicube Disinfection Services Sanzei Auto Aircon Parts Incorporated Scenttini Laundry Sea-Avion Logistics Incorporated
Sammig Marine Services 42 16th Ave QC ............ (0917)711-2760 30E Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-3761 Leonor Rivera Mla ........ (0956)120-2954 L & S Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-4241
1101 Escoda Mla ......... (0997)996-5895 Sanilife Enterprises Sapat Realty Corporation Schaden Sales Seabiscuit Films
Sammo And Company Trading Corporation 47 Tendido QC ............... (02)8376-7201 1050 Edsa Ave PC ......... (02)8851-4608 29 Morning Breeze Subd 9641 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)7751-2351
Robinsons Place Manila Sanitec Import Ventures Incorporated Sapatero KC ............................. (02)8364-4403 Seacologia Travel And Tours
Mla ............................ (02)8536-7869 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8638-5586 8137 Plz Escriva Dr Scheeling Pharma Care Link Incorporated R D Garcia Mansion
Samonette Phils Incorporated Sankalpa Yoga Studio Psg .......................... (0947)864-7696 One Magnificent Mile-Citra Mand ......................... (02)8710-3445
The Market Place Mand .. (02)8531-9023 Loyola Hghts Condmn Sapphirerich Enterprise Psg ............................ (02)8633-5672 Seaconnect Cargo Handling Services
Samonte Dental QC ........................... (0918)964-0849 M H Del Pilar KC...........(0925)510-0096 Schild International Inc 1115 Concepcion Aguila
44I Eok Bldg Pque .......... (02)8568-1321 Sarabia Optic 747-B C Raymundo Ave Mla ............................ (02)8253-2499
Sampaguita Foodmart Can’t find the product Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-5408 Pasig ......................... (02)8628-2908 Seadard Supply Chain Management Phils
44-C Shaw Blvd Mand .... (02)8531-7072 that you need? Sarabia's Karat World Schild International Incorporated Inc
Sampaguita Gardens Events Place Robinsons Place Manila 747-B C Raymundo Ave Pearl Of The Orient Twr
36 Valencia QC .............. (02)8470-8560 Find it in the Mla ............................ (02)8536-7907 Psg ............................ (02)8570-6519 Mla .......................... (0999)780-4451
Sampaloc Vendors Devt Corporation Saragate Fruits Schneider Electric (Phils) Incorporated Seafood Grill Station
Umerez Bldg 1 Mla ......... (02)8732-9868 The Yellow Pages. Manila Cityland Mla ........ (02)8697-7320 Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8836-9273 Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0942)281-8566

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81 S C M Y K


Seafood In A Bucket Senco Link Technologies Incorporated Seriesdelta Generator Repair Sevices Shao Kao Grillery Shoppersguide Marketing Inc
317 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)7369-0565 1st Life Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8810-5270 Ph8 Baht QC .................. (02)8565-4818 7 Masinsinan QC .......... (0917)319-7426 Richmonde Plz Bldg Psg (02)8938-9505
Seafood Island Senior Robert Transport Serrenitea Cha Kitchen Incorporated Shapes Wears And Accessories Shore 2 Shore Travel Services
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7956-3903 Sofia Mla........................(02)8516-3810 Robinsons Place Cplx Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-8170 Diamond Bldg Mla .......... (02)8579-6603
Seahorse Industries Incorporated Seniority Security Agency Mla ............................ (02)8354-4199 Sharanayah Pest Control Services Show Car Shine Detailing
Mpr Bldg Mla ................. (02)8559-5915 39C Acacia Munt..........(0917)146-2151 Serry Restaurant 75 Commonwealth Ave Agno QC ...................... (0917)515-9398
Seal Asia Marketing Incorporated 801-803 Gandara Mla .... (02)8733-1733 QC ........................... (0915)594-5483 Showcase Carpet
3807 B Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8714-7887 Serta Philippines Sharemax Corporation Robinson Place  Manila
Sealander's Grill And Resto Bar SENO HARDWARE Paseo De Magallanes Cplx Macapagal Blvd Pque ..... (02)5318-6100 Mla ............................ (02)8536-1633
70 Mindanao Ave QC....(0926)235-7485 See Adv under Hardware Mkti ......................... (0917)821-8385 Sharliz Waxing Salon And Beauty Studio Shrimp Bucket
Sealey Enterprises Corporation See Adv under Steel Products Serv Central Incorporated J And L Derm Lne Bldg Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8961-8800 1584 A Mabini KC .......... (02)8376-3227 QC ........................... (0923)702-8065 Pque .......................... (02)8244-4903
Seanery Travel And Tours Serve All Hardware Sharo Marketing Shroff International Travel Care
Rufino Twr Mkti ............ (0916)636-7881 Seno Hardware 3 Taguille Marikina City City Square Coml Ctr QC (02)8559-2025 Incorporated
Seanluc Incorporated Mkna ......................... (02)8245-3085 Sharp Canvas And Upholstery Supply Rcbc Bldg Mla................(02)8524-2222
8 Rincon Rd Val ............. (02)8351-4098
Inc...........(02)8242-3953 Servicom Enterprises 407-409 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Shuang Xing Stainless
Or Call............................(02)8242-3949 96-L G Araneta Ave QC .. (02)3413-4775 PC ............................. (02)8831-9301
Seapac Phillippines Incorporated 1140 Soler Mla...............(02)8708-6633
15 Perfecto Dr Taguig.....(02)8837-1610 Servictory Company Limited Shashen Marketing Shui Carbon Industrial Sales
Seaquest Global Express Incorporated SENO HARDWARE INC 664 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8442-5180 15-A Soy Val .................. (02)7796-7024 Maharlika KC .................. (02)7796-6693
169 Pres E P Quirino Ave Serviplus Medical Equipment Shawarma Supply Solutions Shureline Marketing
Pque .......................... (02)8854-1768 Gv Square Bldg QC ......... (02)8937-8063 1329 Alvarado Ext Mla..(0922)682-6621 1645 Gerardo Tuazon
Servo Aerotrade Services Incorporated Shawn Travel And Tours
Searep Limited SENO Erlag Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8553-5900 Joncor II Bldg Mla .......... (02)8516-3177
Mla ............................ (02)8579-9733
Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-8663 Shuttershield Incorporated
Seasons Travel And Tours Philippines HARDWARE Servrevo Sheckinah Trading & Services 890A Eusebio Ave Psg ... (02)8477-8339
Padre Faura Ctr Mla ........ (02)5473-0709 Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)7900-2049 Mst Bldg Mla .................. (02)7957-2453
INC Sessions Academy Manila
Siangco Empire Pet Transport
Seastems Incorporated Sheena Money Changer Cavite QC ..................... (0916)426-0910
Up Issi Bldg QC .............. (02)8920-1706 Avida Twrs Cityflex Soho Twr 1542 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8400-6771 Sibyullee Flavors Of Seoul
Seat Place Upholstery Shop Taguig......................(0916)306-0633 Sheer Natural Incorporated Ayala Malls The 30th
C And E Mansion Mand .. (02)8400-3040 535 Camba Manila ........ (02)8242-3949 Sessions Bar & Resto Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8404-2370 Psg ............................ (02)7958-6986
Seawood Resources Incorporated Royale Place Arcade Shefa Industrial Products Inc
Seno Industrial Sales QC ........................... (0917)556-1169 Sicangco And Sicangco Law Offices
Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8893-2645 79 MH Del Pilar Angeles Bldg Pat .......... (0956)856-4587 Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8813-4967
Sebastian Auto Shop Seven Angels Massage Sheila's Nail Extension
Caloocan City ............. (02)8365-7821 Valero Mkti ..................... (02)7219-5770 Siccion Marketing Incorporated
16 D Ortigas Ave Ext Senor Barbershop 544 F Manalo Psg ........ (0950)739-1038 Cbs Bldg Mla..................(02)8732-6771
Psg ............................ (02)8656-2289 Seven Days Of Greens Shekinah Dishes
Palm Tree Villa 2 PC ..... (0925)707-5847 2380 Leon Guinto Mla .. (0918)951-5367 Siciliano Bistro Bar
Sebastian Liganor And Galinato Senrhod Alter Station 8 Makadios QC...............(02)8433-9067 23 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(0961)909-6033
East Twr Pse Ctre Psg .... (02)8635-7896 Seven Seven Global Services Shekinah Signboard Services
Dangay Veterans Vill Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)7915-7747 Sidlakan Hardware Trading
Sebo Massage QC ........................... (0955)503-1480 Seven Star Aluminum And Glass Supply 4593 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8522-0094 B33 Labanos Mkna ........ (02)8283-0882
Quirino Hwy QC............(0956)922-9619 Sensefinity Spa Shell Siemens Incorporated
Secinco Natural Incorporated 8196 Dr A Santos Ave Pan-Philippine Hwy QC ... (02)8236-0885
Makati Executive Twr 3 Pque .......................... (02)8825-3076 Nex Twr Mkti .................. (02)8814-9953
Trinoma Mall QC .......... (0915)514-7534 Mkti ......................... (0995)441-4200 Seven Stars Agency Incorporated Shell Canvas And Upholstery Supply Siena College Quezon City
Seco Mitsui Truck Parts Incorporated Sensei Wellness Massage 816 Edsa QC .................. (02)8922-8708 1105 Del Monte Ave QC . (02)3414-1155
1 Itc Cpd Rd KC ............. (02)8983-1111 53 Pres M L Quezon Shell Kalayaan Service Station
906 Remedios Mla ....... (0999)710-0700 Taguig........................(02)8880-4890 Sights & Graphics Outdoor Media Inc
Second Street Cavalry Resto Bar Senso Spa 78 Kalayaan Ave QC ....... (02)8926-7492 Scitech Bldg Mand ......... (02)8661-0475
17 Commonwealth Ave Seven Stars Bingo Corporation Shema Resources Incorporated
Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0920)572-6768 Arry Plz Pque ................. (02)8847-9878 Sigil Digital Marketing
QC ............................. (02)7950-5718 Sensors & Measuring Instruments Corp Banai Taguig ................ (0917)506-0554 251 A Aguirre Ave
Secondfloor Ventures Incorporated Seven-Segment Business Solutions Sherf Design & Management Inc
8418 Mayapis Makati ..... (02)8896-6896 Incorporated Pque ........................ (0917)852-5114
Bonifacio High Street Sensortech Corp Angeles Pat .................. (0995)482-1236 Siglo Antique And Collectibles Company
Taguig........................(02)8846-5293 The Boni Twr Mand ........ (02)8477-8063 Sherlyn Hair Relax Salon
875 A Norte Manila ........ (02)8743-3469 Seven7Heaven Farm Products Distribution Cortez Bldg QC ............... (02)3410-0241
Secret Kitchen Senti Ai Herrera Twr Mkti .... (02)7719-1565 26 San Macros Nav ...... (0939)901-8857
36 Dr Alejos QC ........... (0917)872-3555 Sign Stop Signages & Corporate Giveaways
33 K-H West Kamias Sherpa Trucking Services 11C Felicia QC ............... (02)8931-2667
QC ........................... (0917)187-4146 Sentinel Pest Control Services Sevenfriday Manila Incorporated
B5 L3 Parthenon QC ....... (02)8990-9122 Maples Val ..................... (02)8668-9928
Secret Pizza House Promenade Bldg  3 SJ . (02)8997-9395 Signage Maker Advertising & Engineering
Sherton Industrial Corporation 380 Sta Catalina QC ..... (0935)167-0921
Peseta QC .................... (0961)710-3770 Sentinel Plastics Manufacturing Company Seventrexe Installation Services 38 A&B Gen Tinio KC ..... (02)8361-5975
404 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (02)8277-9911 Arelio Bldg II KC ............. (02)8990-2930 Signfx Solutions Incorporated
Sectional Garage Door Installer Sherwin Ancheta Foods Inc
1013 Panay Mla ............. (02)7758-3340 Sentinel Security Training Severo Syling Incorporated 40-A Tirad Pass KC ........ (02)8364-3929
13-G Maamo QC ............ (02)8705-7746
277 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8294-8315 711 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8242-9874 Signguard Advertising Services
Secureair Charter Corporation Shi Lin
Domestic Rd PC ............. (02)8851-6235 Sentinel Upcycling Technologies Sevilla Architecture 21 Republic Ave QC ....... (02)3427-2987
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ........... (0927)431-7001
Secureair Corporation 60 West Ave QC ........... (0920)923-9960 2210 Chino Roces Ave Signlink Marketing
Shiatsu Scrub Massage
Secureair Hangar PC ...... (02)8853-3368 Sentosia Condominium Incorporated Mkti ......................... (0917)871-2426 Chino Roces Ave Mkti .. (0929)100-9878 1627 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Sentosia Condmn Pque .. (02)8556-3787 Sevilla Candle Factory Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8401-7829
Securitron Security Services Inc Shiba Motors Corporation
89 Lim-An PC .............. (0998)583-0176 Sentra Security Agency Incorporated Sevilla Candle Factory 1070 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8361-5644 Signmark Advertising
Grace Bldg SJ ................ (02)8570-4289 Mal ............................ (02)8287-2621 Congressional Rd Ext
Security Link Services Incorporated Shide Plastic Window Door Co Ltd
1788 E Rodriguez Sr Blvd Sentrotek Corporation Sevilla Sweets KC ........................... (0975)852-4078
Warren Cpd Val .............. (02)8277-7342
QC ............................. (02)8942-5738 208 Pilar Mandaluyong ... (02)8721-9699 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Signs Central Philippines
SJ .............................. (02)8722-1002 Shielloisa Cellphone Accessories Corner Sta Maria Dr Taguig ...... (0917)896-1117
Security Marketing And Pest Management Senturias Jimenez And Company Isetann Mla .................... (02)8232-7694
38 Triangle LP ................ (02)8800-4120 Greenfield Bldg 1 Mand .. (02)8631-6207 Sevilla Trading General Merchan Shimmian Manila Surgicenter Signtech Display Concepts Company
Seo Hacker 112 Biglang Awa KC.......(02)8365-7275 40 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8741-0656
Security R Us Trading Incorporated Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)8637-2924
8064 Honrades Mkti ....... (02)8403-3408 C&C Business Ctr Pque .. (02)8967-6261 Sevilla's Catering Shin Gyu Sportswear Sijhu Water Refilling Station
Seo Training Philippines 16 Silver Greenville Dr Gen Ave QC..................(0942)202-2366
Security Trading Corporation QC ........................... (0998)951-8599 Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0999)960-0822
91 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0949)184-0319 Shin Japanese Language And Training Sikap Development Cooperative
Mkti ........................... (02)8843-6591 Seojin Electric Power Philippines Sewing Bar 459 Dr Uyguangco Ave
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7975-4378 Center KC ............................. (02)8962-8212
Sed Probuild Concepts Incorporated Corporation 680 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(0977)757-4468
Roma Bldg Ortigas Mansion Sexy Hair Incorporated Sikat Events Management Incorporated
22 Katipunan Ave QC ..... (02)8423-5615 S & R Shaw Mand .......... (02)8584-7737 Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics
Seda Abreeza Hotel Psg ............................ (02)8571-9398 305 Tomas Morato Ave
Sg&D Global Transport Incorporated Hanston Square Bldg QC ............................. (02)8373-0790
30th St Taguig................(02)7945-8888 Seoul Galbi Restaurant Psg ............................ (02)7368-5238
Sampaloc Mkti ............. (0942)446-6141 239 Banawe QC ............. (02)8292-9323 Silkway Freight Forwarder Incorporated
Seda Vertis North Sgd Coffee Bodega Shinagawa Pharmacy
Sola QC..........................(02)7739-8888 Seoul Garden Ore Central Bldg Taguig .. (02)7368-5250 Alexandria Bldg LP ......... (02)3474-6718
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8355-4007 Coffee Science Ctr QC .. (0917)826-9537 Silla Korean Restaurant
Sedigo And Associates Sgdl Mechanical Engineering Services Shining Light Foundation Incorporated
Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8899-9297 Seoul-Sky Restaurant Quadstar Bldg SJ............(02)8721-4406 Timog Coml Cplx QC ...... (02)3410-9868
100 Mdc QC .................. (02)8962-1016 20 Jacinta Psg ............... (02)8579-3848 Siloan Christian Academy Inc
Seenergy Insurance Brokers Incorporated Sgm Events Organizing Services Shinrest Upholstery
153 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8850-1661 Seoulia Unlimited Samgyupsal Mendoza Ave LP .......... (0915)887-0590 2 San Isidro QC .............. (02)3427-7897
St Thomas Square Mla . (0967)246-9482 Sss Makati Bldg Mkti ...... (02)7949-3620 Silog Happiness
Seiring Corporation Sgp Junk Shop & General Merchandise Shinsok Trading Corporation
15 G Araneta Ave QC......(02)3414-1180 Sephara Salon And Spa 1051 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8848-9208 Atherton QC ................. (0916)699-6600
35 M H Del Pilar Psg ...... (02)8579-5948 Dr Jose Fabella Rd Silom Thai Resto
Seiwa Automotive Supply Inc Mand ......................... (02)8535-5891 Shipko Express Movers Incorporated
37G Banawe QC ............. (02)8732-5706 Sequoia Hotel Mbi Bldg Plz Mla ............ (02)8463-9477 Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8804-2136
Sgs Human Resources Corporation Silver 8 Logistics & Trucking Services
Seiyu Language School And Housekeeping 91-93 Mo Ignacia Ave Pasda Mansions QC ....... (02)3410-8446 Shipx Logistics Inc
Training And Assessment Center Inc QC ............................. (02)8921-7469 Diego Silang Taguig........(02)8568-4775 Corporation
Sh Korea Enterprises 1010 Bldg Mla................(02)7625-9035
Empire Ctr Mall PC ....... (0917)189-8217 Sequoia New Business Office Kalantiaw QC..................(02)8405-9714 Shirt Station Enterprises
Seka1 Industrial Services Corporation Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8813-7229 515 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-6122 Silver Drug
Shabunoki 1335 - 37 Masangkay
Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)7917-8168 Seraph Security Agency Inc 283 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8962-0654 Shiseido
Sekitec Pipes And Fittings Incorporated Fss Bldg QC ................... (02)8355-7644 Shake N' Wings Eastwood Mall QC ........ (0916)749-1840 Mla ............................ (02)8252-9238
Pilar Coml Ctr LP ............ (02)8893-0034 Serendipity Beauty And Wellness Spa 37 D Bayani QC ............ (0917)167-5563 Sho Da Food Exchange Incorporated Silver Machine Digital Communications
Sekkei Ramen Km 17 Ortigas Ave Ext Shakes & Ladders Maxima Bldg Mla............(02)7752-0030 Incorporated
1 San Baraquiel Val ...... (0995)784-3043 Psg .......................... (0949)374-6254 388 El Grande Ave Shoe Salon Company Sedeno Mkti ................... (02)8754-1443
Selah Lofts David PC ........ (0945)334-9402 Serendipity Salon & Wellness Center Pque ........................ (0956)446-8784 Mckinley Hill Venice Silver Rose General Merchandise
Selda Carpet Cleaning Services Comtrade Bldg QC..........(02)8355-4971 Shana Resources And Development Taguig........................(02)8856-5749 7627 Dela Rosa Mkti ...... (02)8818-8948
2C Market Ave Psg ......... (02)8697-6072 Serendra Incorporated Manhattan Enterprise Bldg Shoelution Silver Security Agency Incorporated
Selecta Walls Incorporated One Serendra Taguig ...... (02)7916-5481 QC ............................. (02)8357-8947 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 31 Sto Tomas QC ........... (02)8516-7873
Rfm Cpd Psg..................(02)8681-7962 Serene Eye Clinic Shang Properties Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)7211-3884 Silvergreen Manpower Services Corporation
Selegna Holdings Corporation 258 Mayon QC ............. (0935)304-8437 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8635-8300 Shoemaker's Shop Incorporated Rl Bldg QC ..................... (02)8935-9937
Ust Multi Deck Parking Serenitea Shang Tsu Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6647 Silverlining Roofing Services
Mla ............................ (02)8254-4431 Ayala Malls Manila Bay 647 Banawe QC ............. (02)7622-7742 Shoo In 30 C M Recto Mkna ....... (02)8376-9690
Semac Crystal Marketing Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)7752-8799 Shanghai Global Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr Silvermoon Studio
2168 Dart Mla ................ (02)8400-4962 Serenitea Cha Kitchen Incorporated 3453-55 V Mapa Ext SJ .............................. (02)8477-8732 6 Rustia QC..................(0917)960-7245
Semillano Tailoring House 50 7th St KC .................. (02)8442-5955 Mla ............................ (02)8567-9999 Shooters Grill And Restobar Silverstreak Transport Corporation
24 Regalado Ave QC .... (0927)133-4513 Serenity Aromatherapy Home Spa Shangrila Residences At Wack Wack 65-A Malakas QC ......... (0956)922-6671 Bagumbayan
Semiras Catering Services 1468 Quezon Ave QC ... (0917)894-7642 575 Wack Wack Rd Shop Rite Commercial Company Quezon City................(02)8421-0800
2180 P Dandan PC ......... (02)8831-4540 Serenity Salon & Spa Touch Of The Orient Mand ....................... (0921)936-1437 Incorporated Sim Clinical Laboratory Incorporated
Semitronics Incorporated 48 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (0923)584-2210 Shantui Heavy Equipment Importer Dealer 542 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8242-5079 840 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8243-7025
Alpap II Bldg Munt .......... (02)8809-0030 Serenity Upholstery 1286 Gregorio Araneta Ave Shop Smart Incorporated Sim Sim Chinese Drugstore
Semter Alkaline Water Purifier 3993 L Gabriel Pque ..... (0995)147-2004 QC ............................. (02)3416-3380 585 F Blumentritt Mand .. (02)8534-0050 958 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8735-8967
One Global Place Sergiross Farm Products Shanty International Trading Shopper's Paradise Group Of Companies Simor Abaca Products Incorporated
Taguig......................(0906)219-4557 Munting Palengke Mand . (02)7508-5931 9A Cjon Reina Mla..........(02)8243-9756 Novaliches Plz Mall QC ... (02)8938-7030 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3180

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:44 2022 - P81

82 S C M Y K


Simple Cyclery Six Dragon's Corporation Skin Elite Dermatology Sky-Plus Logistics Incorporated Slk 2 Condo
87 Apo QC ................... (0922)868-8088 Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8373-1080 D Strip Bldg Psg ........... (0999)999-7498 Villonco Pque ................. (02)8842-7972 1368 Anacleto Slk 2 Condmn
Simple Line Six Senses Trading Skin Fitness Center Inc Skybiz Enterprises Mla ............................ (02)8254-9306
59 Maginhawa QC ........ (0932)878-8257 71 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8931-1587 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8470-1936 Araneta Square Mall KC .. (02)8364-7280 Slord Shipping Corporation
Simplejoys Six Wings Realty Services Incorporated Skin Food Trinoma QC ........ (02)8994-0206 Skyfall Internet Gaming Ayala Life-Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8815-2102
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8632-0779 Chimes Square Bldg QC . (02)8332-2316 Skin House Beauty And Laser Clinic 67A Gen G Del Pilar Slornets
Simplified Computing Incorporated Sixdegrees Incorporated W City Ctr Taguig ......... (0917)637-8161 Mkna ......................... (02)8234-9563 3753 Sun Valley Pque .... (02)8405-9001
Rsc Lucky Gold Buliding 187 Washington Psg ...... (02)8632-0370 Skin Line Skyfox Internet Café Slow Burn Mnl
Psg ............................ (02)8656-6686 Sixen Art Clothing 133C Mo Ignacia QC ...... (02)8929-8264 7 Rd 3 Val ...................... (02)8962-2487 137 A Luna QC ................ (0956)270730
Simplifun Party Shop Sangley Bldg Mkna ....... (0995)814-2891 Skin Md Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology Skyfresh Water Corporation Sls Electrical Services
140 Camia Psg ............ (0917)535-5482 Sixsenses Residences Corinthian Executive Regency Rose Industries Bldg 25 Ipil Mkna ................... (02)7940-9758
Simply Cups N Cakes Le Parc Event Hall PC ... (0917)415-1611 Psg ............................ (02)8470-3900 Psg ............................ (02)8633-5993 Slsi Corporation
Citiplaza 2 QC...............(0932)608-6299 Sixtrees Philippines Incorporated Skin Mdc Skyhawk Security Services Inc 25 Ipil Mkna ................... (02)8253-5171
Simply Moving Philippines Incorporated Cityland Herrera Twr 1188 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8230-2128 Chanelay Twrs PC .......... (02)8851-3838 Sm Aca Incorporated
Broadway International Plz Mkti ........................... (02)8519-3071 Skin Nutriance Enterprise Incorporated Skyhawk Technology Systems Incorporated Mckinley Rd Mkti............(02)8892-5963
Mla ............................ (02)8523-1856 Siyat Construction Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8893-8158 Prime Land Venture Bldg Sm Aura Immigration Satellite Office
Simply Skin One Corporate Ctre Skin Perfect Munt .......................... (02)8403-7757 Sm Aura Twr Mkti .......... (02)8800-4892
Sm Bicutan Pque............(02)7502-5274 Psg .......................... (0926)732-8069 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1757 Skyhigh Manpower Recruitment Sm Kenko Sauna Corporation
Simply Thai Size Matters Enterprise Skin Perfect Solutions Corporation International Inc Naia Terminal 3 PC.........(02)8846-7193
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-6860 Casa Monte Espanol QC . (02)8470-7073 Acuna Bldg KC ............... (02)8361-4202 Legaspi Twrs Mla ......... (0995)657-8733 Sm Kenko Spa
Sinag Arts Foundation Incorporated Size Matters Sausage Burgers Skin Perfection By Vanity Skyjet Airlines Jipang Bldg PC ............... (02)8536-5830
664 San Ignacio Mand ... (02)8531-3491 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8376-4693 Newport Mall PC .......... (0915)750-3721 5 Domestic Rd PC .......... (02)8403-7076 Sm Keppel Land Incorporated
Sing Sing Sizz Me Restobar Skin Place Dermatology Clinic Skykitchen Philippines Incorporated Raffles Business Ctr Psg (02)8570-9382
268-A Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)7738-0673 13 M H Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8277-1035 West East Twr Mla ......... (02)8521-2854 Baltao Rd PC .................. (02)8853-9304 Sm Oil Seal Parts Center (Sealmatic)
Singzon Veterinary Clinic Sizzlin Pepper Steak Skin Plus Skyland Mfg Corporation 1044 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8244-7804
243 Susano Rd KC ......... (02)8939-5477 Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0931)825-6793 271 C Raymundo Psg .... (02)8731-9465 5 Edison Ave Pque ......... (02)8846-8520 Sm Synergy Properties Holdingscorp
Sino Beijing Foot Spa Company Sizzling Skin Sciences Laboraties Inc Skyland Realty Dev Corporation Dna Soledad Ext Ave
Silver City Mall Psg.........(02)8706-1674 Congressional Cirle C Mall U101 Central Buss Park Skyland Plz Condmn Pque .......................... (02)8776-0638
Sinoroof Inc QC ............................. (02)7752-1614 Psg ............................ (02)8681-3074 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-6902 Sm Tire Mart
296 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0956)179-0357 Sizzling Avenue Skin Sensation Beauty Klinique Skylane Laundry Station 14 Ortigas Ext Psg .......... (02)8655-4821
Sinugba 552 Gastambide Mla ...... (02)8712-4539 33G Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8961-1911 102 Poinsettia Psg ....... (0927)644-2538 Small Electric Motor Parts & Services
Barangka Dr Mand..........(02)8711-8250 Sizzling Bbq Resto Skin Station Skyline Spa 113 Soler Mla ................ (02)8243-2450
Siomai King Greenhills Shopping Ctr 356 Q Paredes Mla ......... (02)8241-0279 Hk Sun Plz PC .............. (0948)848-7964 Smallville Montessori Incorporated
Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0956)748-4375 SJ .............................. (02)8721-0596 Skin Touch Skyloft Hotel 31 Pinto Mkna ................ (02)8942-0497
Sipag At Tiyaga Foundation Phils Inc Sizzling Ni Flor Civic Dr Festival Mall 1106 Gov Forbes Ave Smarc Group Asia Incorporated
Villar Sipag LP ................ (02)8551-1904 102 Macabagdal KC ....... (02)8931-0846 Munt .......................... (02)8861-0962 Mla ............................ (02)8878-0777 Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Siphoning Pozo Negro Sizzling Red Caft Skin Zen Facial And Nail Spa Skylogistics Philippines Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)7940-9090
303 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3454-1558 4926 Osmena Hwy Mkti . (02)7621-6339 49 Sct Alcaraz QC ........ (0917)794-6841 Two E-Com Ctr PC ......... (02)8478-9492 Smart Advertising And Events Inc
Sir Albert Animal Care Sizzling Steak House Skin&Co Skincare Clinic Skylove Recreation Haus Incorporated Rd 2 Mand ..................... (02)7576-2868
35 M Naval Mal .............. (02)8331-1152 1729 Evangelista Mkti .. (0928)894-4463 Km 12 Mcarthur Hwy Westin Philippine Plz PC . (02)8832-9503 Smart And Sense Infotech Inc
Sir George Salon Sj Roxas & Co Incorporated Val ........................... (0917)799-9095 Skype Tec Training Center Incorporated Tycoon Bldg Psg ............ (02)7718-4460
123 Kalayaan QC ........... (02)3433-7488 Twr One And Exch Plz Skin+Laundry Aesthetics Dumirique Bldg Mkna ..... (02)8571-7015 Smart Broadband Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8848-5065 Prince Plz 1 Mkti ............ (02)8293-4226 Skyreign Travel & Tours Corporation 26 Missouri SJ ............... (02)8725-6778
Sir John Funeral Services
113 Kaliraya QC ............. (02)8254-2280 Sja Manpower Services Skingen Biotech Incorporated 266 Rt Rev G Aglipay Smart Chip Devices
K9th QC ....................... (0908)891-5648 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8638-6808 Mand ......................... (02)8535-3324 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8633-7275
Sir Nicolas Enterprises
Mandarin Ave Munt ........ (02)8533-0219 Sjb Saint John Basco I A S Incorporated Skinoveau Skyrise Travel Smart Driving
Far East Bank Bldg San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)7621-7688 1913 Remedios Mla ....... (02)8254-3566 Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)3444-2041
Sir Norita Spa
Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0927)680-2935 Mand ......................... (02)8532-8888 Skinplicity Skyrocket Studios Ph Incorporated Smart Furniture Center
Sjhs Construction Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-6327 Manila Memorial Park Bldg 1691 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)3414-7301
Sir Raffle Food House
298 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8808-9297 248 C Dela Paz Psg........(02)8514-4226 Skintech Global Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8688-9192 Smart Power Comminication
Sji Management Services Incorporated Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8470-7387 Skyrocket Trading 6799 Smart Twr Mkti......(02)8511-6992
Sir Ralcue Enterprise
B28 L12-14 A3 Ph3D Dagat-Dagatan 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8556-7937 Skintreats Medical Skin Clinic First United Bldg Mla ...... (02)8742-1637 Smart Shot Studio-Quezon City
Ave KC ....................... (02)8287-5641 Sjmm Manhattan Bldg QC.......(0932)847-7980 Skytea Internet Café Katipunan QC ................. (02)8352-6518
105 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8724-8064 Skittles-Brooke 79B Montreal QC ............ (02)8421-0299 Smart Trading Corporation
Sir Vokz Pest Control Services Country Space One Bldg
Pablo Dela Cruz QC ........ (02)7794-5580 Sjn Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Skyvels Crowne International Trading 1619 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8363-5885
Ipo Bldg QC .................... (02)8743-8360 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-8691 Semicon Corporate Bldg Smartcomp Solutions Incorporated
Sirex Phils Corporation Skl Hardware Psg .......................... (0917)518-9938
Rada Regency Twr Mkti..(02)8511-8450 Sjrm Enterprises Uccp Shalom Ctr Mla ..... (02)8523-4280
Dela Rosa City Land 9 6 P Quezon Psg..............(02)8655-2885 Skyware Enterprises Smartcon Services And Trading
Sirius Auto Care Skmr Hardware 125 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8668-2791
102 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)7747-2000 Mkti ......................... (0915)761-0625 3619 Bautista Mkti ......... (02)8846-0235
241 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8862-6043 Skywin Shell Gas Station Smartech Exchange Inc
Sirjohn Funeral Services Sjs Floral Creation & Gift Shop
180 Gen Luna Mal ........ (0919)672-7418 Skoal Advertising Incorporated 1069 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8376-0339 1871 Espana Emgp Bldg
408-C Cassanova Dr Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8896-7569
QC ........................... (0947)992-7857 Sjs Toolings & Fabrication Incorporated Skywire Net Cafe Mla ............................ (02)7501-0298
Vicente Cpd Pque ........... (02)8553-5413 Skooter Trade Electric Scooter Neo Vista Homes KC ...... (02)8442-5527 Smartermeter Inc
Siros Aluminum 4988 P Guanzon Mkti ... (0945)193-5835 Ateneo De Manila University Loyola
152 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3448-7293 Sjtmic Enterprises Skyworth Led Philippines
193-G Macabagdal KC ... (02)8355-0343 Skr Computer Game Shop Mjm Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)861-7844 Hghts Campus QC ...... (02)8531-5680
Sis Pasuyo 2412 M Dela Cruz PC ..... (02)8843-2347 Smarteye Technologies Depot
1102 Davila Mkti .......... (0935)590-3520 Sjtw Realty Corporation Skyworth Travel And Tours Incorporated
T M Kalaw Ctr Bldg Mla .. (02)8524-0532 Skreja Phils Incorporated Cintiley Residences Mla .. (02)8255-6690 529 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8244-6024
Sisco Foods And Drinks Incorporated 1337 J Abad Santos Mla (02)8254-0355 Smartfuels
7 Sheridan Mand ............ (02)8650-0080 Sk Shipping Slade Grashof Enterprises Incorporated
Skrene Properties Inc / Skrene Building Don Raul Bldg QC...........(02)8442-4948 1261 CarDna Mkti .......... (02)8887-0088
Sisev Ventures Incorporated Magsaysay Bldg Mla ...... (02)8526-8888 3759 Emilia Skrene Bldg Slam Event Production Smartgeo Surveying And Geomatics
27 Granada QC...............(02)8584-7480 Skc Fashion House Mkti ........................... (02)8551-8936 21 Consul QC ................. (02)7719-1639
Tutuban Mall Mla ............ (02)8251-0080 Reap Ctr QC ................. (0966)780-5240
Sisi Belen Carendiria Skrooll Med E-Commerce Web Portal Smartlubricant Company Incorporated
Edsa Farmers Mkt QC ..... (02)3439-4656 Skcp Construction Incorporated Slammin Mine Burger
Services Promenade Theatre Mall Greenhills Betterliving Subdivison
Sisig Station Emmanuelle Hse Mkti ..... (02)8813-5588 Richville Corporate Ctr Pque .......................... (02)8851-7412
SJ .............................. (02)8584-8103
111 Mc Arthur Val ........ (0929)417-9191 Skechers Munt .......................... (02)8637-6123 Smartmail Hub Inc
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Slappy Cakes
Sison Gomela Dental Center Skubbs Eastwood Mall Open Park Cash And Carry Mall
110 Quirino QC .............. (02)7730-3964 Pque .......................... (02)7900-7091 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8831-4690 Mkti ........................... (02)8821-2707
QC ............................. (02)7909-3501
Sisons Publishing Home Sketch2Pixel It Solutions Sky Aerotrade Smartmatic Philippines Incorporated
Jade Bldg SJ ................ (0927)726-7816 Slashed Tattoo Studio
538 Bulgar Bldg QC ........ (02)8712-2443 Bldg 6 Salem Cplx PC ... (0917)884-4123 3-Ars Coml Bldg LP........(02)8779-8622 2nd St Taguig.................(02)8754-1200
Sisph Technologies Incorporated Sketchbooks Sky Biz Ent Slc Courier & General Services Smartnet Philippines Incorporated
100 P Burgos SJ ............ (02)8721-0413 Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4595 Araneta Square KC ......... (02)8442-0398 1266 Batangas Mkti ....... (02)8845-0987 Goodland Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8896-1837
Sisses Gift Shop Sketchers Sky Bourne Interacts Incorporated Slec St Lukes Extension Clinic Smartq Systems Co Incorporated
Real SJ ........................ (0917)570-3877 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8734-5915 1679 Dian Mkti...............(02)8887-0315 Medical Arts Bldg 24 A Mabini Mand .......... (02)8952-9782
Sissys Nail Art & Spa Skf Bearing Station Sky Dragon Caterers Group Taguig........................(02)8521-0020 Smartyre Marketing Incorporated
Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8553-3502 1025 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8708-3619 Buma Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8478-6300 Sleekers Cherry Plz Bldg Psg ........ (02)8477-2349
Sisters Of Charity Of Saint Anne Inc Skf Pvl Marketing Sky Dragon Construction Product Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Smc Home Builders Incorporated
2389 Tejeron Mla ........... (02)8564-6860 141 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8291-5621 144 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8661-3276 QC ............................. (02)3440-1884 633 Florentino Torres
Sisters Sledge Incorporated Skiddoo Management Incorporated Sky Industrial Bags Inc Sleekworks Carwash & Auto Detailing Mla ............................ (02)8734-6179
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-5186 164 Salcedo Mkti ........... (02)8952-0563 3 Reparo Caloocan City .. (02)8361-8056 312 Mandala Park Smf Accounting Services Co
Sistobell Ent Corporation Skides Essential Water Incorporated Sky International Services And Brokerage Mand ....................... (0920)964-9408 Kalantas QC ................... (02)8557-5134
19 Camia Mal ................. (02)8921-9311 Las Pinas Coml Cplx LP . (02)8478-2948 Incorporated Sleep Care Smhardware Dept Workshop
Sita Pest Control Services Skidmhore Computer World Sky 1 Twr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8242-2257 Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8519-9006 Harrison Plz Mla ............. (02)8536-0868
Danlig Mkti ................... (0917)792-4052 772 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8922-6620 Sky Jade Central Incorporated Sleep Factory Incorporated Smile Channel Dental Clinic
Sitech Philippines Incorporated Skif Precision Tools 419 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8376-9181 Sample Shop Bldg Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8889-9922
The Gallery Bldg QC ....... (02)8656-7908 215 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-7286 Sky Land Taguig........................(02)8403-5742 Smile Craft Dental Center
Sithe Philippines Holdings Inc Skillcast Printing And Advertising 857 Tayuman Mla .......... (02)8475-5654 Sleepcare Tfn Bldg Mand ................... (0919)77741
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8886-5300 Aurelio Bldg 2 KC ........... (02)8962-2387 Sky Line International Travel Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-8421 Smile Factory Dental Clinic
Sitio Foods Corporation Skilled Staff Sources Incorporated Makati Mkti .................... (02)8899-8003 Slick Barbers Co Regalado Hwy QC ........ (0921)621-5121
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8635-3056 Meriton One QC .............. (02)8373-1734 Sky Manna Food Chain Incorporated 3919 Yague Mkti .......... (0935)715-2488 Smile Shots Photo Booth
Sitla Incorporated Skilled Technic Corp 48 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8924-1398 Slickernixs.Net Internet Cafe Gen Ordonez Mkna ....... (0915)396-9222
1420 Pres E P Quirino Ave 326 Naga Rd LP ............. (02)8871-4716 Sky Marion Flexo Corporation Jocson Mkna ................. (02)8942-7869 Smiledomain Dental Clinic
Mla ............................ (02)8563-3426 Skillets And Grill 8426 Dr A Santos Ave Slickville Barbers Aap Twr QC..................(0906)428-6005
Sitsirya Sari-Sari 47 Bf Dr LP .................... (02)8872-0351 Munt .......................... (02)8556-1913 153 B Gonzales QC ...... (0915)906-9475 Smilehub Dental Clinic
19 Congressional Ave Skills For Kids Independence Learning And Sky Mart Enterprise Slim's Legacy Project Inc 514-B N S Amoranto Sr
QC ............................. (02)8713-5040 Living School Incorporated 1330 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8354-7597 2310 Chino Roces Ave QC ........................... (0995)463-6570
Sitti Money Changer Skills Bldg SJ ................. (02)8725-2775 Sky Money Changer Mkti ........................... (02)8887-3390 Smilesrus Incorporated
Sandico Silva Apt Mla ..... (02)8516-0981 Skillsupport Outsourcing Incorporated 62 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (0918)484-6813 Slimmers World Int'l Ymca Bldg Mla ............... (02)8247-2224
Sittixian Korean Restaurant Mn Square Bldg Psg ....... (02)8654-9946 Sky Rentacover Incorporated 2757 Daang Hari Pque ... (02)8822-7070 Smilestation Dental Clinic
5378 Gen Luna Mkti ....... (02)8897-7274 Skin Caress Face And Body Care 147 G Silang Mkti ........... (02)8881-2911 Slippery Haven Pet Supply 77 9th Ave QC .............. (0906)571-1066
Situs Development Corporation Dna Soledad Ave Vcd Bldg Sky Rock Corporation St Mary QC .................. (0935)750-1501 Smit Singapore Pte Ltd
102 20th Ave QC ............ (02)8912-1525 Pque ........................ (0917)862-1000 Acropolis Coml Ctr QC....(02)8912-3339 Slithor Enterprises Incorporated Ghr Bldg Mla .................. (02)8734-4709
Sivit Led Signages Skin Centre Sky-One Food Incorporated World Trade Exch Bldg Smith Brothers Corporation
Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8659-4885 Quezon Ipo Bldg QC ....... (02)8516-0927 Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8584-8641 Mla ............................ (02)8354-3996 5 Cambridge QC ............. (02)8913-4684

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:45 2022 - P82

83 S C M Y K


Sms Industrial Tools Trading Solar Grid Alternatives Incorporated Sophia And Natasha Employment Agency Space And Style Spin Travel And Tours
B1 L28 Deparo Rd KC .... (02)8546-1651 Tycoon Ctre Bldg Psg ..... (02)8633-3412 Incorporated Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-6372 Cityland Pioneer Mand .... (02)8687-4990
Smsyc Playstation Solar Harvest Incorporated Skk Bldg PC ................. (0999)224-5662 Space Encounters Spinal Care Chiropractic Incorporated
Hv Dela Costa Mkti ......... (02)7618-7731 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8706-5789 Sophie 888 Edsa Mand ...... (02)8636-6603 Padilla Condmn Psg ....... (02)7910-8031 Crescent Park Residences
Smwpi Wood Products Incorporated Solar Home Supplies & Services Sophie Paris Space Grupo Engineering Taguig........................(02)8808-6090
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8242-5998 Mindanao Ave QC ............ (0919)641668 Araneta Square Mall KC .. (02)8364-0803 274-H Ermin Garcia Spinfinity Laundromat
Snap House Inc Photography Solar Japan Co Ltd Sophie's Mom QC ........................... (0977)307-4675 150 Tomas Morato Ave
One Oasis Condmn 108 V A Rufino Mkti ....... (02)8817-2390 Don Pedro PC .............. (0927)255-1503 Spacedge Interior Design And Build QC ........................... (0917)834-5677
Psg .......................... (0927)646-6932 Solar Lamps And Lighting Incorporated Soriano + Lim Interior Design 108 Amang Rodriguez Ave Spinx Air Conditioning Parts & Services
Snap Logistics Services Corp Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8822-0885 2128 Fidel A Reyes Psg .......................... (0915)525-2517 Port Area Bldg Munt ....... (02)8985-3895
One Global Place Bldg Solar Macht Mla .......................... (0917)544-5673 Spaces Arnaiz Ave Mkti ...... (02)8669-2700 Splangs Lomi Marikina
Taguig......................(0956)837-7303 163 Congressional Ave Soriente Hotel Spaholic Novaliches 4 Japan Mkna .............. (0927)722-1114
Snap Movers Co QC ........................... (0922)829-0484 545A A Flores Mla .......... (02)8525-7304 237 Gen Luis QC .......... (0955)684-6245 Splash&Dash Carwash
The Plz Bldg Mal ............ (02)8475-5647 Solar Power Utilities Generator Corporation Sorm Trading And Services Span + Space Konstrukt Incorporated 50 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)7255-6032
Snaps Photography Services Joy-Nostalg Ctr Psg ....... (02)8470-1117 11 Mayon QC ................. (02)8732-0981 9710 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8896-8416 Spoofs
Tucat QC ...................... (0927)599-7266 Solar Resources Incorporated Sortie Carwash Span Promotions Marketing Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8376-2632
Sniff 'n Purr Pet Grooming And Boarding Century Twr Bldg Mkti .... (02)8812-4225 757 Ns Amoranto QC ..... (02)8749-1515 Hillcrest Condmn Mla ..... (02)8721-7436 Spoofs Limited Incorporated
Csc Bldg Pque ............. (0977)321-2046 Solar Transport And Automotive Resources Soru Izakaya Spaniola Massage & Spa Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-7896
Sniff And Snout Corporation 140 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)7738-2543 Doctor Arcadio Santos Ave Sporteum Philippines Incorporated
115 Commonwealth Ave One Corporate Ctr Mand . (02)8533-8888 Sosa Jb Management Corporation Pque ........................ (0915)602-5664 88 E Rodriguez Ave
QC ........................... (0927)597-7085 Solar Winds First Global Bldg Mkti......(02)8892-3594 Sparco Upholstery Shop Mkna ......................... (02)8942-6842
Snipple Animation Studios EcoTwr Bldg Taguig ....... (02)8663-5805 Sosizz Dapitan Mla ........... (0909)623-5073 Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0915)288-2180 Sportfit Incorporated
A&B Bldg 4 QC.............(0915)300-1438 Solaric Philippines Sota Philippines Incorporated Spark Discovery Center Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Snj Bike Shop 2320 Chino Roces Ave Ext One Corporate Ctr Twr Montivar Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8815-7715 Mand ......................... (02)8584-6655
12 Pearl QC..................(0916)777-1169 Mkti ........................... (02)8504-0092 Psg ............................ (02)8477-7427 Spark Marketing Incorporated Sports Central
Snoe Boudior Solarrev Generator Soteria's Catering & Food Delivery West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8635-9969 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8531-5410
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Paulina Bldg Pat ........... (0917)423-6501 7E Masigasig QC .......... (0915)352-6083 Sparko Surface Coatings Incorporated Sports Zone
SJ ............................ (0925)803-6615 Solartech Renewable Solutions Inc Sotomil Dental Care 490 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8352-1157 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0942)489-6709
Snow Angels Pet Hub 506 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(0917)172-0880 Entrata Urban Cplx Spartan Signs Trading Sportshouse
6th St PC ..................... (0905)363-6036 Solastra Renewable Trading & Services Munt ........................ (0917)521-0666 1687 Angel Linao Mla .... (02)8525-1679 Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1900
Snow Creme Tvt Bldg Mla ................... (02)8255-6799 Soul Touch Spa Sparx Bistro Ph Spotlink Security Agency
189 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8927-6892 Soldier's Diner 9558 Kalayaan Ave 3 Gen Ave QC.................(02)7502-0844 Mt Carmel Residence 1
Snow Joe Cream Coolers Incorporated 120 Dr Fabella Rd Mkti ......................... (0939)609-4093 Sparx Real Estate Mla ............................ (02)8401-3749
Le Gran Condmn SJ ....... (02)8725-9446 Mand ....................... (0949)376-4044 Sound Check Philippines Cityland Herrera Twr Spoty Cafeteria
Snowman Snowkey Philippines Corp Solerbrand Incorporated 8 F Pasco Ave Psg ......... (02)8631-3859 Mkti ......................... (0917)887-7313 126 R Jabson Psg .......... (02)8252-0056
276 Santolan Town Plz 934 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-1492 Sourcefit Spazentrum Bgc Therapy And Massage Sprawl Mma Philippines
SJ .............................. (02)8256-2172 Soletees Clothing Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)8470-2484 Mckinley Park Residences Ignacio Coml Cplx QC ... (0977)207-4058
Snr Rodents Pro Manila Prince David Condmn Sourcemate International Corporation Taguig........................(02)7752-1104 Spring Cleaning Services
Quirino Hwy QC............(0927)754-6777 QC ........................... (0906)411-4328 2522 A Bonifacio Mkti .... (02)8846-2286 Spd Jobs Inc 8843-D San Jacobo
So-Mot Viet Taste Solid Business Machines Center Sourcepad Int'l Inc Lemon Square Bldg QC (0966)207-5712 Pque ........................ (0917)188-8482
1 Madison Commons Incorporated Discovery Ctre Bldg Speak German Language Tutorial Services Spring Field
Psg .......................... (0977)394-6699 Singson Bldg Mla ........... (02)8241-1290 Psg .......................... (0908)811-8158 B F Homes Rd QC ........ (0999)562-7765 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7720-9752
Soban K-Town Grill Solid Grip Crossfit Sourdough Cafe Specialized Visa Services Incorporated Spring Foundation Inc
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8246-9069 Km 15 Pque ................. (0917)704-9029 Jsb Bldg QC ................... (02)8525-9463 G And A Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8843-4594 51 10th New Manila QC..(02)8721-8423
Sobida Motors Corporation Solid Hub Express Incorporated South Area Autogas Corporation Specialty Restaurant Incorporated Spring Industrial Sales Incorporated
1131 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8374-8103 Granada QC ................... (02)8723-3741 2260 Espana Mla ........... (02)8354-9699 310 Tomas Morato Ext 638 Nueva Mla ............... (02)8245-3234
Sobreviñas Surveying Services Solid Radio Communications South Bay Homeowners Assn Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8927-7384 Spring Landscaping Services
16 Filinvest 1 Rd QC ..... (0917)894-7876 Branches QC .................. (02)7759-6313 South Bay Homeowners Assn Inco Specstacy Concept Incorporated 8 St Mary Mkna ............ (0927)139-7677
Sobrinas Incorporated Solid Source Trading Munt .......................... (02)8659-1385 7th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8856-2639 Spring Leaf Technicals Training And
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8376-9218 35 8th Ave QC ................ (02)8998-2822 South Central Incorporated Spectacular Brand Incorporated Development Center Inc
Sochem Phils Incorporated Solid Source Trading Corporation 595 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7642 Bonifacio High Street Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0998)886-0321
Francar Motorworks LP .. (02)8808-3037 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)7625-6000 South East Commercial Corporation Taguig........................(02)8856-2019
Springboard Philippines
Solidbond Lending Company Incorporated 1414 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3219 Spectrum Colors Digital Imaging & Draco Lifestyle Ctr Mla . (0917)656-5198
Social Weather Stations
52 Malingap QC ............. (02)8924-4465 14 E Congressional Ave South Eastern Data Center Incorporated Graphics Springfield - Sm Moa
QC ............................. (02)8952-1198 Estuar Bldg QC ............... (02)8351-3798 Alvarado Mla .................. (02)8351-2794 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8836-1880
Socionailgy Nail Spa
2057 Calamba Mla ....... (0906)383-1438 Solidforms Corporation South Metro Animal Clinic Spectrum Naturale Incorporated Springfield Marketing
West Twr Pse Ctre Psg ... (02)7625-6000 Abel Nosce LP ............. (0917)169-5132 B7 L23 E Pascual LP ...... (02)8871-7777 809-811 Reina Regente
Socor Construction Corporation
306 Mahogany Mla ........ (02)8522-2125 Solidguard Security Services Inc South Ocean Chinese Drug Store Spectrum Photographics Mla ............................ (02)8244-2221
620 Remedios Mla ......... (02)7341-3831 1008 Ongpin Mla............(02)8735-8483 76 Dna Soledad Ave Springsun Factor Incorporated
Sodam Korean Restaurant Solidpoint Manpower And Allied Services Pque .......................... (02)8821-7576
High Rise Bldg QC .......... (02)3444-5983 South Pacific Chemical Industries First Midland Offices Condo
Eac Bldg Mkti ............... (0998)964-7750 Incorporated Spectrumed Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8830-0702
Soen Garments Corporation Solidtone Innovations Group Incorporated Lpl Twrs Mkti ................. (02)8815-1023 Salcedo Twr Mkti ........... (02)8822-0333
Josefina Bldg QC ............ (02)8254-9669 Sprint Auto Parts And Quick Service
5600 Osmena Hwy Mkti . (02)8551-5644 South Superhighway Medical Center Speed Access Trucking Incorporated Incorporated
Sofabulous Furniture Store Soliman Security Services Incorporated Km 17 West Svc Rd 59 Kalinangan Psg ......... (02)8640-1516
A Mabini KC ................. (0977)351-5994 158 Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-3535
Soliman Ctr Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8892-8881 Pque .......................... (02)8823-5250 Speed Seven
Sofia Management Incorporated Sprint Transport Services Incorporated
Solmac Marketing Incorporated Southeast Asian College Incorporated 106 Timog QC................(02)8920-8128 Pcic Bldg Mla ................. (02)8523-8778
Alabang Business Twr 574 Edsa Ave KC ........... (02)8364-0151 290 E Rodriguez QC ....... (02)8712-3640 Speed-Up Multi Services Incorporated
Munt .......................... (02)8807-2542 158 Phiv Tropical Ave Sprout Solutions
Solutide Wellness Clinic And Spa Southeast Travel Corporation Hq Lawton Ave Taguig....(02)3485-8338
Sofida Sign Services 76 Harvard QC ............. (0917)342-9760 451 Pedro Gil Mla .......... (02)8524-5676 LP .............................. (02)8782-0624
12 Yuan QC....................(02)7225-4971 Speededge Inc Spruce Cleaning Services
Solution Communication Company Southern Auto Supply Incorporated 1852 Asuncion Mkti ..... (0917)883-0077
Sofisco Trading Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8814-0091 Grace Park Cplx KC ........ (02)8361-4576 Westgate Ctr Munt........(0916)437-5050
794 J Luna Mla .............. (02)8241-7979 Speedline Japan Surplus Corporation Sps Pest Control Services
Solutions Digitas Marketing Services Southern Luzon Coconut Oil Mills Emer Bldg II QC .............. (02)8404-6913
Sofitec Enterprises The Manila Bank Bldg Ucpb Bldg Mkti...............(02)8892-7961 Kaliraya QC .................... (02)8740-2259
2314 Jose Abad Santos Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8848-2384 Southern Voices Printing Press Speedmark Philippines Incorporated Sps Training
Mla ............................ (02)8714-9711 Solutions Exchange Incorporated 19 J Perez QC ................ (02)3448-5202 Kaingin Rd Pque ............. (02)8776-2206 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8584-8749
Soft Wash Trident Twr Mkti ............. (02)8822-2264 Southfield Agencies Incorporated Speedo Sqoe Guitars Philippines
549 B Shaw Blvd Mand .. (02)8531-1713 Solutionslink Technology Inc Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8516-5241 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-5250 1023 Teresa Mkti ......... (0916)425-6098
Softnyx Philippines Incorporated One Global Place Southqueen Trading Speedwin Shell Station Square B Commercial
Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8511-1230 Taguig......................(0917)300-0350 66-68 Howmart Rd QC ... (02)3454-3246 East Svc Rd Val .............. (02)8983-9420 C2 Congressional QC ..... (02)7987-4567
Software & Program Development Business Som's Authentic Thai Cuisine Southridge Private School For Boys Speedworld Business And Trading Center Square Dimension Construction Company
Solutions Incorporated 6093 Albert Mkti...........(0967)294-0681 Hillsborough Alabang 105 Matutum QC ............ (02)8363-7125 Ltd
Lemon Square Bldg QC .. (02)8921-9035 Som's Noodle House Munt .......................... (02)8807-3644 Speedy Tourist Transport 21 Banaba Munt ........... (0977)463-4645
Software Cellular Network Limited 5755 San Marcos Mkti . (0956)146-3669 Southside Bactozero Disinfecting Services Greenhills Garden Square Square Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
I Square Bldg Psg ........... (02)8477-9360 Something Different Bakeshop Camella Dr LP .............. (0927)341-0450 QC ............................. (02)8897-1572 3428 East Svc Rd Pque .. (02)8822-5310
Sogomi Corp 8 Maaralin QC .............. (0925)337-7378 Southside Carwash Spex Greenbelt 5 Mkti.........(02)7501-3149 Squeaky Kleen Laundry House
25 Matiyaga QC ............. (02)8441-4048 Sonak Sports Specialists Incorporated 354 El Grande Ave Spex International Courier Services 32-C Malakas QC ......... (0905)481-6289
Sohanie Fire Protection Product Trading Two Parkade Taguig ....... (02)8869-8857 Pque ........................ (0932)215-7907 15th Ave QC...................(02)8961-8823 Squidpay Psec Psg ............ (02)8521-7035
8 East Roberto Val........(0966)175-8897 Sonarcodes Southside Grill Sphark Ghem Corporation Sr Pedro Lechon Manok - Manila
Sohar Spa And Massage 6616 E Ramos Mkti ......... (0969)133307 Access Rd LP .............. (0995)967-7615 Psmbfi Bldg QC .............. (02)8470-8984 Coronel Bldg Mla ............ (02)8254-9170
Princeton Square Bldg Songdowon Korean Restaurant Southstar Drug Incorporated Spherechem Industries Incorporated Sr Thai Cuisine
Psg ............................ (02)7792-2826 Hk Sun Plz Mla ............. (0927)744-9988 Rey Marketing Cpd Psg .. (02)8641-8656 138 Congressional Ave 1229 V Conception Mla .. (02)8781-4715
Soho Sanitarywares Philippines Inc Sonia Costelo General Merchandise Southwest Gas Trading Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8926-0502 Sri Food Delight Incorporated
M Gregorio Val ............. (0917)503-7777 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)496-5503 Taipan Place Psg............(02)8633-4798 Spi Class Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8913-6112
Soi Eat Thai Love Thai Incorporated Sonic Lighting And Electric System Southwest Tours (Boracay) Incorporated 418 Libertad Mand ......... (02)8535-6700 Ssg Laundry Services
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8551-0819 Incorporated Kamagong Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8890-1661 Spi Technologies 896-B J P Rizal Mkna ..... (02)8781-2494
Soils Incorporated Aic Ctr Bldg Mla ............. (02)8528-8750 Sowing Life - Quezon City Spi Bldg Pque.................(02)8855-8600 Ssh Trading
93 Premium QC ............. (02)8928-0771 Sonic's Diner Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0935)928-7393 Spi Ticket Express 843 Teodora Alonzo Mla.(02)8562-9246
Sol And Dante Chicken Retailer 985 M Naval Nav .......... (0966)492-5525 Soy Kingdom Incorporated Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8889-6232 Ssi Schaefer Systems Philippines Inc
D-3 Ermin Garcia QC ...... (02)7507-9718 Sonico Hardware Citiplace Bldg SJ ............ (02)8727-7548 Spice And Cleaver Hanston Square Bldg
Sol Gelato 1128 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8254-3622 Soy Mei Exports Philippine Incorporated Estancia Mall Psg ........... (02)8656-8607 Psg ............................ (02)8477-0000
The Venice Piazza Sonicprint Incorporated 156 Ma Clara KC ............ (02)8364-5240 Spices N' Flavors Ssp Builders And Enterprises
Taguig........................(02)7798-0411 Pasco Bldg Mand ........... (02)8531-3942 Soy Yummy - Las Pinas City Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-6922 Parian Coml Ctr QC ........ (02)8922-6605
Sola Iced Tea Sonicâ??s Diner Sm South Mall LP.........(0947)748-4990 Spicy Fingers Bar And Restaurant Sss Pensionado Loans
Roosevelt Ave QC...........(02)8372-5983 985 M Naval Nav .......... (0966)492-5525 Sozo Inc Tycoon Ctr Psg .... (02)8403-9724 Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7729-8761 21 Dr Pilapil Psg.............(02)8642-9953
Solace Hotel Sonlie International Incorporated Sp One Source Solutions Incorporated Spicy Fingers Incorporated Sst Laptop
9639 Kamagong Mkti ... (0933)811-9778 2652 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8831-8882 Sunblest Realty Bldg Townes Bldg Mkti...........(02)8403-7207 Robinsons Place Manila
Solano Upholstery Shop Sonny's Bonsai Garden Munt .......................... (02)8807-4714 Spin Mla ............................ (02)8254-0652
B42 L34 Ascension Ave Quezon Memorial Circle Spa Fairy Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8637-0047 St Anne De Beaupre's School
QC ........................... (0927)400-3249 QC ........................... (0922)519-0132 143 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8356-6896 Spin Lab Laundry Services 7 Faith QC ...................... (02)7508-9327
Solar Communication Sonvil Construction Supply Andhardware Spa Lala 265 Amang Rodriguez Ave St Anne's Special School
542 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8252-5432 318 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8376-4901 563 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-0156 Psg .......................... (0922)298-9230 18 Carmel Ave QC .......... (02)8926-1868
Solar Gard Philippines Corporation Soo And Bisquera Law Office Spa Ventures Incorporated Spin Laundry Place St Anthony Clinic
485 Dr Fabella Rd Mand . (02)7718-0783 Sage Hse Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8817-9671 E Ctr Bldg QC ................. (02)8635-6875 2443 Suter Mla ............ (0917)889-2366 326 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8355-9890

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84 S C M Y K


St Anthony Medical Center Staffworx Incorporated Steak And Ramen Stockparts Marketing Inc Studionisio Architectural Designs
32 Sta Ana Ext Mkna ...... (02)8682-3240 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8845-0256 77 Col Bonny Serrano Ave Capt Luis Gonzaga Bldg Fairway Residences QC .. (02)8288-3280
St Augustine Publications Incorporated Stageone Autoparts And Services QC ........................... (0917)500-3864 Mla ............................ (02)7219-5657 Study Time! Tutorial & Review Center
1624-1626 Espana Mla .. (02)8731-2999 1 Egea QC ...................... (02)8477-4855 Steak Plus Stockwell Cafe + Lounge Continental Court Bldg
St Bernadette Academy Stak Modern Kitchen Metrowalk Coml Cplx 61 Sct Tobias QC ......... (0927)495-2810 SJ .............................. (02)8721-2534
12th Ave KC ................... (02)8330-3529 54 Carnation Mkna ....... (0905)272-3111 Psg ............................ (02)8637-9716 Stoked Incorporated Stylist In Pocket Technologies Inc
St Catherine Institute Of Technology Stallion Industrial Corporation Steak To Juan Bonifacio High Street 3040 Lubiran Mla ......... (0917)651-0018
425 M Blas Mal .............. (02)8352-0859 23-A M Paterno SJ ......... (02)8727-3432 27 Grants QC ............... (0953)168-8113 Taguig........................(02)8856-4013 Subarashii
St Charles Development Corporation Stallion Paint Hub & Gen Merchandise Steaks And Ladders Stoler Angels Salon Greenhills Shopping Ctr
143 Guava Dr Munt ........ (02)8846-9107 908 Gen Kalentong Fusebox Mla.................(0939)905-2770 K-2nd QC ....................... (02)7358-3872 SJ ............................ (0917)527-7581
St Clare College Of Caloocan Mand ......................... (02)8534-7632 Stealth Global Marketing Solutions Inc Stonehaus Ent Subic Gs Auto Incorporated
Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8282-0661 Stamford Security Services Inc One Corporate Ctr Psg .... (02)7509-3290 1080 Edsa QC ................ (02)8362-9412 2850 Jose Abad Santos Ave
St Dominic Savio College Csp Bldg QC .................. (02)8376-7777 Steel Care Stoneland Enterprise Mla ............................ (02)8711-2315
Quirino Hwy KC .............. (02)8294-8531 Stampede 11 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)8426-9010 4628 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8714-8652 Subnet Construction Inc
St Eloi Pawnshop Operators Inc Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Steel Pole Lamp Post Price Philippines Storage Solutions Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)7369-9959
2206 Market Munt .......... (02)8850-4617 QC ............................. (02)8376-6436 Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8833-5964 Greenhills Shopping SJ...(02)7964-3251 Subnet Recruitment Training And
St Faustina Press Standard Insurance Co Incorporated Steelbuilt Construction Incorporated Storage Space Philippines Assessment
8 Jenny's Ave Ext Psg .... (02)8463-7971 Mjc Bldg Mand ............... (02)8722-7011 197 T Claudio SJ ............ (02)8726-4515 Mg Twr Mand.................(02)8531-7213 208 B E Rodriguez Ave
St Francis Plaza Corporation Standard Optical Eye Clinic Steelcraft Mfg & Machine Shop Store One Psg ............................ (02)7369-9959
1328 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8375-1768 648 P Paterno Mla..........(02)8733-3765 1146 Aguilar Mla ............ (02)8254-8597 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7799-3041 Subsonic Lights N Sound
St Giles Hotel Standard Overseas Steelhaus Gen Merchandise Incorporated Stork Studio Almanza Uno LP ........... (0926)457-2191
Makati Ave Mkti .............. (02)8988-9888 44 San Antonio Richhill Ind Cmpd Pque .. (02)8820-1884 Alabang Town Ctr Subway- Sheepys Food Corporation
St Hunna Cleaning Supplies Quezon City................(02)8374-1646 Steelhaus General Merchandising Munt ........................ (0917)912-7702 Shopwise Arcade QC ...... (02)8351-1940
1117 J P Rizal QC ........ (0995)513-2352 Standard Pipes Incorporated Richland Bldg Pque ........ (02)8825-8702 Storm Of Blessings Marketing Subzero Marketing Incorporated
St James The Great Parish P Delos Reyes Bldg Steelite Construction Corporation 1 Rd 14 QC .................... (02)7218-3898 103 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-8296
Ayala Alabang Vill Munt .. (02)8807-1623 Mkna ......................... (02)8241-6778 32 Uranus Psg ............... (02)8643-8009 Storm Surge Audio Sucat Crown Hardware
St James Ventures Incorporated Standard Plastics Corporation Steelsource Incorporated 682 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8242-8086 8260 Dr A Santos Ave
North Bay Blvd Nav ........ (02)8282-9189 Jojo St Baesa 39 William Shaw KC ....... (02)8363-7112 Storrs Digital Creative Studio Company Pque .......................... (02)8826-2014
St Jonh Purified Drinking Water Quezon City................(02)8362-8499 Centurion Taguig .......... (0917)325-7943 Sucat Packaging And Plastic Center
Steeltrust Corporation
34 P Paterno Mkna ......... (02)8477-9154 Standout Motors Incorporated 130 Judge Juan Luna Stoutcon Emergency Response Services 7888 Ninoy Aquino Ave
St Joseph Inocencio Aniceto Trans 96 Granada QC...............(02)8571-4151 QC ............................. (02)8371-0364 Aurelio Philand Dr Ext Pque .......................... (02)8825-2056
1304 Asturias Mla .......... (02)8732-8534 Stanford Shaw Brew QC ........................... (0977)751-3072 Success Mirror City
Steelworld Mfg Corporation
St Joseph The Worker Manpower Services Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8724-6860 16 Industrial Rd Val ........ (02)8293-9523 Stp Industrial Hardware Incorporation 204 Antonio Arnaiz Av
69 Katipunan Ave QC ... (0965)507-1258 Stanley Black & Decker 378 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-7332 Pasay City .................. (02)8833-8074
Steep And Grind Cafe
St Jude Hospital & Medical Center Vsk Corporate Circle Bldg Wincel Bldg Pque ......... (0939)925-7502 Str8 Line Palm Incorporated Suesh
Dimasalang Mla ............. (02)8731-2761 Mand ......................... (02)8533-9694 Fpd Bldg Pque ................ (02)8822-1822 Alabang Town Ctr
Steinbach Products Incorporated Munt ........................ (0932)289-2775
St Kevin School Stanley College Representative Office Ph 151 San Francisco Strad Pro Lights & Sounds
92 Susano Rd QC...........(02)8937-1985 Executive Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8777-6500 108 Matahimik QC..........(02)8985-1035 Suesh Makeup Toolkit
Mand ......................... (02)8532-9706 45 Sct Fernandez QC .... (0925)885-7206
St Luke's Medical Center Incorporated Stanza Aluminum & Glass Corporation Stradivarius Edsa Mand ...... (02)8655-4406
Stella Luna Sugar And Spice
Crescent District Taguig . (02)8789-7700 2709 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-7169 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8634-7599 Straight Up Salon
St Margaret Dialysis And Diagnostic Center Star Ace Stationery Inc 18B Congressional Ave Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0948)442-5718
Stella Mains Dental Clinic QC ........................... (0908)730-8241 Sugar And Tea Photography & Videography
Patricia Bldg QC ........... (0931)784-3547 530 Yuchengco Manila ... (02)8241-8882 Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8523-1007
St Mark Realty Corporation Star Bike Straightarrow Corporation Ortigas Ctre Psg ........... (0917)877-2017
155 B Gonzales QC ........ (02)8426-5125 Stella's Pizza Silver City 1 Annex Psg...(02)8570-9082 Sugar High Bakery
2401B Singalong Mla ..... (02)8522-3958 10-B Agudo QC ............ (0918)902-8263
St Mark's Institute Incorporated Star Bridal Shop 2020 Straightforward Clothing Vmcc Bldg QC .............. (0917)157-5717
Casimiro Ave LP.............(02)8872-2876 Stellar Innovators Retail Incorporated Fairview Terraces QC....(0977)357-0358 Sugar Polish Serves
Trinanes Taguig............(0935)508-1762 Jvc Ctr Mkti .................... (02)8887-1894
St Mary Of The Woods School Star Market Realty & Dev't Corporation Strata 2000 817 Dalupan Mla .......... (0926)684-8371
1273 Batangas Mkti ....... (02)8844-1934 Stellaya Nail Spa And Massage Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-3182 Sugarbee
1027 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8921-8713 85 C Raymundo Psg .... (0910)699-2227
St Matthew Funeral Parlor Star Motor Armoring Technologies Inc Stratbase Incorporated Bgc Stopover Pavilion
B14 L33 Ph2 Bagong Silangan Stelsen Corporation Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8892-1751 Taguig........................(02)7587-8242
2272 Pasong Tamo Ext Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8818-7510
KC ............................. (02)8962-9421 Mkti ........................... (02)8624-1688 Stratec Industrial Sales And General Sugartaste Corp Ltd
St Michael Playhouse Stem Cell Manila Services Incorporated 5 Garcia Residences
Star Plastic Products Incorporated Centuria Medical Makati
6241 Palma Mkti .......... (0939)925-0848 40 M L Quezon Mal ........ (02)8288-1866 Capital Gane QC ............. (02)8862-8226 Mkna ......................... (02)7090-3011
St Nicholas Catering And Restaurant Mkti ......................... (0917)714-6506 Strategic Publishing Co Incorporated Sugarworks Incorporated
Star Screwtech Bolts And Nuts Stephen's Brick Oven Pizza
1 Fatima Mand ............... (02)8535-7637 615A Alabang Zapote Rd Manila Chronicle Bldg Miracle Bldg Mla ............ (02)8254-3623
St Patrick's Clinic & Laboratory Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)540-6355 Mla ............................ (02)8527-9654 Suhitas Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
LP .............................. (02)8478-9429 Sterling Bank
566 Shaw Blvd Mand ... (0917)838-8840 Stratman Industrial Systems Inc Centerpoint Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8889-8884
Star-Link Cargo Solutions Incorporated Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8556-3492
St Patrick's Health Care System Inc State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-7968 30 Debussy Quezon City (02)8930-8992 Suit Dreams
566 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-9742 Sterling Chatbot Tech Philippines Stratos Resto Bar Bf Resort Dr LP .............. (02)3382-5403
Starbucks Coffee Raffles Corporate Twr
St Paul College 5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-5913 214 Ilocos Sur QC ........ (0995)398-2367 Sukhumvit Thai Restaurant
St Paul Rd Psg ............... (02)8631-1845 Psg .......................... (0956)126-9440 Stratprom Incorporated 64 Gloria Diaz LP ......... (0912)710-4694
Starcharge Marketing Corporation
St Paul's Bay Blvd PC ......... (02)8556-0251 Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8531-5852 Brgy Malamig Mand ....... (02)8655-2212 Suki - Gyouza
St Peter Memorial Chapels Incorporated
52 Gen T De Leon Val.....(02)8293-7886
Starcity Industrial Supply & Development STERLING FLUID Strawberry Blonde Salon & Spa
Ilang-Ilang Batasan Hills
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)541-0003
Suki Fashion Incorporated
St Peter Paul Med Clinic
1182 Grey Mla ............... (02)8536-1364
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7625-6337 SYSTEMS QC ........................... (0997)264-8081
Strawhat Internet & Printing Services
Robinsons Place Cplx
Mla ............................ (02)8354-8025
Starcom Mediavest Group
St Pio Printing Services
160 Kapiligan QC ......... (0917)828-5623
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8884-8053 ENTERPRISES INC John Joseph Bldg
Suki Shoes And Mae Shoes
Robinsons Place Manila
Starcross Construction Incorporated See Lstg under Pump Systems Stream Engine Mla ............................ (02)8536-8036
St Rita College Joval Bldg Munt ............. (02)8823-5837
Plaza Del Carmen Mla.....(02)8736-3988 See Lstg under Vacuum Equipment Centerpoint Bldg Psg ...... (02)8561-2439 Sullano Dental Clinic
Starfinder Optical Trading Corporation See Lstg under Water Treatment Streetsign Ads Enterprise Corp 459 Mlq Taguig ............ (0977)258-7957
St Stephanie Construction And Trading Robinsons Metro East
18 Mapagmahal QC........(02)8426-7037 Equipment and Services 54 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Sumilang Ice Cream
Psg ............................ (02)8681-5254 QC ............................. (02)8638-1677 357 Rufina Cpd Psg ..... (0916)299-5234
St Teodora School And Tutorialcenter Unit 1107 Madrigal Business Park
Starfish Web Design Philippines Strike Auto Customs Summer Fruits Mart
Coyuco Bldg Mla ............ (02)8252-8972
St Theresa's College Qc
7612 Guijo Mkti..............(02)7729-2814 Richville Corporate Twr 305 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8711-7297 H S Coml Twr Mla .......... (02)8256-1363
Stargame Sports Wear
116 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8554-6663
13 C Anonas QC ............ (02)8986-9601 Muntin- Striking Automotive Maintenance Center
Presidents Ave Pque.......(02)8478-7853
Summerfort Capital Inc
Alliance Global Twr
St Therese Multi-Specialty Services
Stargazer Transport Services lupa.........(02)8809-4908 Stripped Car Paint Shop Taguig........................(02)7730-7312
2320 S Del Rosario Mla..(02)8708-5987 2 Aster QC ................... (0917)150-6252 Summit Auto Care Zone
9 Sampaguita Mkti ....... (0915)905-5182
Stark Transport Systems Sterling Fluid Systems Strokes Eye Beauty Studio Universal Motors Corporation
St Therese Of The Child Jesusacademy 76 Gen Segundo QC ..... (0917)844-2729
22 Adante Mal ................ (02)8282-6236 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ........... (0916)774-9497 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-0151
St Vincent Columbary Starleaf Medical Supply Inc STERLING Strom Trooper Security Agency Summit Industrial Supply
221 Tandang Sora Ave 315A Roosevelt Ave QC . (02)8441-6335 San Luis Pque ................ (02)8985-6042 Manuel L Quezon Taguig (02)7216-4466
QC ........................... (0917)878-1007 Starling Electronics Services FLUID Strong - Will Logistics Inc Summit Leasing And Finance Corporation
Sta Ana Printing Press 82 West 9th Ave KC ..... (0906)241-7255 SYSTEMS Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8821-1349 One Mckinley Place Twr 2
2438 Calderon Mla ......... (02)8561-3628 Starlite Cargo Xpress Incorporated Strong Aces Marketing Taguig........................(02)8551-8550
Sta Catalina College Incorporated Tabacalera Cpd Mla ........ (02)8525-9154 ENTERPRISES Crystal Mansion Mla ....... (02)8521-1113 Summitron Lights & Sounds
2660 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8733-4389 Starmed Dignostic Services INC Strong Lift.Ph Gym Supplies 664B Gonzalo Puyat Mla (02)8733-7133
Sta Clara Academy Acre Dev Corp QC .......... (02)8426-9845 Richville Corporate Twr 101 Nicanor Ramirez Sumosam Foods Incorporated
140 M H Del Pilar Mkna .. (02)8645-2348 Starrs Famous Milkshake Muntinlupa ................ (02)8809-4908 QC ........................... (0905)358-5415 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8551-8769
Sta Elena Properties Incorporated Laon Laan Mla ............... (02)3493-5802 Strongbright Mfg And Trading Corp Sumosan Food Incorporated
Pldt Mgo Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8886-6175 Starry Sky Consultancy Corporation Sterling Insurance Co Incorporated 1512 C M Recto Ave Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8654-4508
Antel Global Corporate Ctr Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8869-9979 Mla ............................ (02)7729-2145 Sun Glass Haven
Sta Monica Hospital
138 A A Bonifacio Ave Psg ............................ (02)8650-5588 Stevens Adjusters Incorporated Stronghold Insurance Co Incorporated Edsa Mand ..................... (02)7955-6049
Mkna ......................... (02)8997-8819 Stars Travel Incorporated Mile Long Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8553-4471 South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-4634 Sun Industrial Corporation
Staccato 600 J Nakpil Mla ............ (02)8524-5056 Steward Chemicals Corporation Strozzi Glassique 606 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8367-8822
Bonifacio High Street State Air Merchandizing Inc 35I Banawe Ave QC........(02)8741-5863 Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0968)236-4050 Sun Life Grepa Financial Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8856-2761 101 C Raymundo Av Stihl Philippines Sts Graphicalsite Computer Services Grepalife Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8845-6219
Stacey Tools Enterprise Pasig ......................... (02)8641-5270 10 Tagdalit QC ............. (0920)926-6231 Coronet Bldg QC.............(02)7739-4163 Sun Life Of Canada (Phils) Incorporated
Villaruel Mla ................. (0939)918-8363 State Centre Condominium Corporation Stilton Corporation Studio 300 Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8807-0472
Stackers Burger Cafe 333 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-1107 M1 Central QC................(02)3410-1000 Pioneer Ctre Psg .......... (0917)676-7300 Sun Marine Corporation
The Venice Piazza State Financing Ctr Incorporated Stitch N Suits Fashion Center Studio 58 Lab 10 Incorporated 227 North Bay Blvd Nav . (02)8282-7337
Taguig........................(02)8403-6572 State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8818-3623 474 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7148-3294 Uprc III Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8843-0770 Sun Moon Fruits Incorporated
Stacks Corporation State Wood Enterprises Stitchwell Industries Incorporated Studio 84 Incorporated 670 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8272-8406
3-A Thunderbird QC ....... (02)8245-4435 503 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8332-5735 265 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8365-4344 Green Palm Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8856-5347 Sun Moon Garden And Company
Stacy's Statera Interior Design Stk2 Innovation Company Incorporated Studio 9315 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Forbes Tow Ctr Taguig ... (02)8555-0140 41 Gold QC .................... (02)7505-8534 8 San Juan QC ............. (0906)100-0436 Heart Bldg Mkti.............(0915)230-1011 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1356
Staffgap Incorporated Staunch Performance Sto Nino Botanical Center Studio Arkithetica Sun Moon Star Phills Incorporated
Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8887-5242 Mindanao Ave QC.........(0917)880-5074 55 New York Mkna ....... (0929)313-9565 Two Serendra Taguig ..... (02)8403-2768 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8633-8262
Staffhouse International Resources Staycee's Cake Pasta And Tea House Sto Rosario Montessori School Studio F Interior Design Services Sun Moon Tech
Elco Bldg QC .................. (02)8726-0807 3 Manapat Mal ............. (0943)271-5562 1 Natl Rd Val .................. (02)8291-2048 Narra Pque ..................... (02)8808-8308 110 Sct Delgado QC ..... (0917)874-6354
Stafford Paper Corporation Steadfast Solutions Incorporated Stockmovers Hauling Services Studio Lacquer Sun Plaza Development Corporation
26 Donesa Val ................ (02)8510-8710 Erechem Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8846-4868 69 Cm Recto Mkna ........ (02)8941-2118 Vtp Bldg Pque .............. (0977)804-2022 Sun Plz Bldg Mand ......... (02)8571-7288

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85 S C M Y K


Sun Securities Incorporated Sunrise Tea Cafe Supersale International Marketing Svvy Photobooth Services Systech Integration Security Cctv
One Corporate Ctr Twr Alphaland Southgate Twr Benison Shopping Ctr Emerald LP .................. (0927)782-1317 Installation
Psg ............................ (02)8477-6001 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-0263 Mla ............................ (02)8559-6698 Sw Equipment And Materials Inc 14 Guerrero QC .............. (02)8256-2696
Sun Spring Sunrise Textile Mill Supersonic Manufacturing Inc 201 5th Ave KC ............ (0995)613-5073 System32 Web Solutions
626 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-7873 229 Isabelo Fernando 248 Romualdez Sw Traveltime Incorporated Emerald Psg.................(0927)470-8818
Sun Star Grand Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-2398 Mandaluyong ............. (02)8531-8572 Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8294-1415 Systemantech Incorporated
665-667 Quezon Blvd Sunryce Consumer Goods Trading Supersonic Multi-Products Sales Inc Swaadisht Indian Cuisine & Bar 120 Cordillera QC ........... (02)8559-9441
Mla ............................ (02)5310-3520 Ecv Residences KC ........ (02)8525-8251 8 Dr M Laurel Dr Uptown Mall Taguig........(02)7943-1373 Systemcore Business Solutions
Sun Verde Business Center Sunset Nail Lounge Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-7015 Swan Aluminum And Allied Products Wack Wack Rd Mand ... (0927)236-7777
100 Dna Soledad Ave 286 El Grande Ave Supersonic Services Incorporated Incorporated Systemnomics Phils Inc
Pque .......................... (02)8511-7529 Pque ........................ (0966)847-3738 Colonnade Residences Condmn 14 Arayat Mand..............(02)8531-4711 Starmall Cplx Mand ........ (02)8723-1441
Sun Wave Auto Accessories Sunshift Enterprises Mkti ........................... (02)8737-9710 Swan Insurance Agency Corporation Systems Network Internationalinc
35L-M Banawe QC ......... (02)7149-6772 25 Sabado Mla ............. (0905)145-3888 Superstar Gas And Appliance Center 10 Rest Haven QC .......... (02)8371-1111 The Link Ctre Psg ........... (02)8470-1903
Sunarra Systems Incorporated Sunshine Fiberglass Corporation 858 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8936-0290 Systra Philippines Incorporated
Swan Lake Restaurant
29 Matiwasay QC ........... (02)8426-9017 778 East Mand ............... (02)8724-4902 Superstar Security Agency Incorporated 83-B Serrano KC ............ (02)8364-6433 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8637-8236
Sunbitz Marketing Incorporated Sunshine Fruit Bar Oppen Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8896-4568 Sytian Productions
Swan Shipping Corporation
4 Esquivel QC.................(02)8355-4941 Banawe QC .................... (02)7501-2663 Superv Business Management Incorporated S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8526-8718 Tds Bldg QC ................... (02)3435-2334
Suncity Laundromat Sunshine Glass And Aluminum Rn Bldg Psg ................... (02)8532-2487 Szolare Co Incorporated
Suplitek Equipment Incorporated Swarovski
1150 Soler Mla...............(02)3450-4344 1087 San Rafael Mand ... (02)8534-3105 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7238-3899 Cervantes Pque .............. (02)8824-9906
Suncrest Foods Incorporated Sunspo Enterprises Diego Cerra Ave LP ........ (02)8846-5126
Supra Multiservices Incorporated Swatch
270 Hulo Val .................. (02)8983-1931 541 Florentino Torres Sm City Novaliches QC . (0933)336-6002
283 El Grande Ave Pque . (02)8808-6154
Sundar Salon And Spa
505 Bonifacio Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8522-0268
Suntrust Properties Incorporated Supreme Auto Center Sweet & Fab Candy Buffet
Commonwealth QC ...... (0920)693-9830
Mand ....................... (0917)620-9079 391 Quirino Ave QC ........ (02)8931-0855 168 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6036
Sunday Elephant Creatives Supreme Engine Rebuilding Andmachine Sweet And Pure Water
Sunville Trading Corporation 871 Espa-A Mla ............. (02)3407-5053 T & P Window Coverings Ltd
Regray Bldg Mkti ............ (02)7915-9335 217 San Vicente Mla ...... (02)8241-2688 165 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8926-6288 28-E Sct Tuason QC ..... (0917)653-1959
Sunday Studio Supreme Insurance Underwriters Sweet Azutea
Sunward Philippines Inc 67 Israel Mkna ............. (0998)244-8712 T A Fresco Corporation
705 Jp Rizal Ave Mkti ..... (02)7915-9335 218D D Aquino KC ......... (02)8567-2786 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1395 697 Banawe QC ............. (02)8781-0044
Sunelec Photovoltaic Solutions Supremo Sweet Blooms T A L Realty Incorporated
Sunyu Philippines Incorporated 44 A&B Kaliraya QC ....... (02)3412-4673 Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0943)702-1679
Incorporated 168 F Legaspi Psg ......... (02)8633-1103 Theresa Apt Mkti ............ (02)8816-1356
Fss Bldg II QC ................ (02)3413-2151 Supremo Burgers Sweet Gifts And Crafts T A Marketing Incorporated
Sunzo Agri-Development Incorporated 59 Insurance QC .......... (0935)769-8751 8 Jasmin Pque ............... (02)8823-6894
Sunfactors Industrial Supply 2071 Marbella II Mla.......(02)7622-0444 The Commerce Ctr Munt (02)8552-3854
924 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8244-8024 Surat Thai Spa Sweet Home Bakeshop T J Ziller Phils Incorporated
Suparana Holdings Incorporated Marikina-Infanta Hwy 39 F Pasig Blvd Psg ....... (02)8671-4016
Sunflower Manpower Agency 7202 Soreena Pque ........ (02)8828-9070 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8470-9022
1514 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8353-8835 Mkna ....................... (0917)821-1568 Sweet Success Incorporated T One Project Management Inc
Super 8 Sure Deal Marketing Corp Lucky Chinatown Mla ..... (02)8255-5126
Sunglass Haven Phils Incorporated Quirino Ave Pque............(02)8553-5747 5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-5519
Robinsons Place Cplx New Grace Bldg KC ........ (02)8352-4917 Sweetcraft Baking And Food Service T P Food Processing Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8354-3747 Super 8 Retail Systems Incorporated Sure Eight Security Services Inc Supplies 34 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8838-8067
41 C Jose PC ................. (02)8832-4603 1763 N Garcia Mkti ...... (0917)633-7606 373 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-6289
Sunglass Hut Corporation T Q Travel Solution
16 R Roxas QC .............. (02)8713-0052 Super Advantage Decorative Products Sure Seats Auto Sorsa Corp Sweets By Z's Prestige Twr Condmn
Sungrow Energy Tech Company Incorporated Karport Bldg Taguig ........ (02)7261-9742 Bristol QC.....................(0927)333-8445 Psg ............................ (02)8655-4455
185 Kaingin Rd QC ....... (0915)427-5220 100 Tangue Mla ............. (02)8564-6590 Sure Weld Canvas Trading Swell Stuff T W A Incorporated
Sunico Malabanan & Rana Law Offices Super Bowl Of China 2406 Jose Abad Santos Ave Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2602 Columbia Twr Mand ....... (02)8723-8405
Odc International Plz Condmn Mall Of Asia PC .............. (02)8556-0584 Mla ............................ (02)8888-8888 Swift Clean Self-Service Laundry T&J Travel & Tours
Mkti ........................... (02)8840-2513 Super Dream Travel And Tours Company Surefrost Aircon & Refrigeration Services 89 Baltazar Psg ............ (0915)542-2482 Adriatico Square Mla ...... (02)8536-0603
Sunking Solar Technology Philippine 1150 St Thomas Square Proximo Bldg Pque ....... (0917)503-1873 Swim Bike Run Incorporated T&R Aircon Trading And Services
Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8241-3454 Suregrow International Corporation Bonifacio High Street 3548 Carnival Park LP .. (0929)798-2558
North Carpio KC ........... (0932)478-2784 Super Jani General Service Inc 250-C P Tuazon Ave QC . (02)8421-7545 Taguig........................(02)8856-3362 T'sys Industrial Control Corporation
Sunland Deut Incorporated Robinson Equitable Twr Suremax Trading Swim Travel Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)8351-7189
8 Pinatubo QC ................ (02)8705-1325 QC ............................. (02)8531-8400 Bs Square Coml Pque.....(02)8846-1978 Olivarez Sports Cplx T-Shirt Vinyl Wholesale Center
Sunlux Led Center Super Jay Food Venture Incorporated Surepro Solutions Incorporated Pque ........................ (0905)386-4849 Odeon Terminal Mall
821 Bldg 1 QC ............... (02)3410-1352 9 Troy Mindanao Ave Palanca Mkti .................. (02)8892-3724 Swingers Chicken Mla ............................ (02)8514-2887
QC ........................... (0933)436-0400 Suretech Enterprises Incorporated Congressional Ave Ext T2 Resto Bar & Billiards
Sunly Properties Incorporated
Armstrong Bldg Pque ..... (02)8823-0803 Super Max Rider Int'l Incorporated Liwag Bldg Mkti..............(02)8884-2338 QC ........................... (0917)110-9353 73 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)7473-6707
Antel Seaview Twr A PC . (02)8511-1021 Sureway Security Training School Inc Switch T911 Tutorial Center
Sunmax Trading
726 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8734-0602 Super Maxx Camus Bldg QC ............ (0936)493-8513 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7217-0691 Dc Arcadia Bldg Mkna .... (02)7903-0950
Sunnies By Charlie Incorporated 137C Roosevelt QC ........ (02)3414-7870 Surfield Development Corporation Switch Industrial Sales Corporation Ta Fresko Auto Aircon
10 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8632-9707 Super Miler Sales Corporation Macondray Ctre Mkti ...... (02)8892-2078 1275 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8251-2553 Evangeline Bldg QC ........ (02)8711-1994
Sunnies Cafe P Tuazon Blvd QC...........(02)8654-2767 Surfking Internet Cafe Switch Sales International Ta Tean's
Quadrant B3 Taguig ........ (02)7949-2251 Super Mom's Pacific Regency Mla ....... (02)8567-2055 1384 G Araneta Av 64 Champaca Taguig ... (0936)416-1846
Sunnies Studios 1718 Dr A Santos Ave Surgicom Trading Corporation Quezon City................(02)8732-3709 Taalee Medical And Dental Supplies
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-4234 Pque .......................... (02)8788-5159 16 Sampaguita Taguig....(02)8643-5688 Switz Marketing Corporation 1534 Oroquieta Rd Mla.(0906)735-4887
Sunny Side Up Food Group Incorporated Super Strong Concrete Inc Surgilight Laser Skin Aesthetic Center 201 Gen San Luis SJ ...... (02)8726-8945 Tabacalera International Incorporated
Fort Pointe 1 Bldg Mabato Rd Taguig ........ (0917)593-5125 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8332-2439 Switzerland Embassy Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti.(0977)113-7478
Taguig........................(02)8847-2791 Super Sumosam Foods Incorporated Surigao Development Corporation Bdo Equitable Bank Twr Tabalingcos De Jesus And Arac Law Office
Sunnymede Land Corporation Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8234-0281 Enzo Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8553-4140 Mkti ........................... (02)8845-4545 Heart Twr Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8812-3706
5 Gen Ave QC.................(02)8929-8576 Super Traders Commercial Corporation Surpass Web Design & Hosting Swordsman And Company Incorporated Tabas Chicken Dealer
Sunoco Motor Sales 439 C-3 Rd KC...............(02)8285-3134 Makati Ave Mkti ............ (0927)649-9061 Malugay Mkti ................. (02)8815-3987 119 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (02)3448-6348
95D Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-3606 Super Travel Inc Surpuls Sy Siy Ho & Sons Incorporated Tabas Pedrista Barber Shop
Sunprime Finance Incorporated Mocha Coml Square Mla (02)8523-8241 Walter Mart Makati Mkti .. (02)8556-9820 453 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8559-2807 90 San Pedro QC..........(0917)853-8741
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3193 Super Umbrellas Corporation Surveytech Trading Sybase Philippines Incorporated Tabing Ilog
Sitio Gitna KC ................. (02)8937-6631 Surveytech Bldg QC........(02)3453-9426 Prestige Twr Condmn 324 Barangka Dr Mand.(0935)978-5399
Sunrice Centric Real Estate Inc
107 Va Rufino Mkti.........(02)7729-2209 Super Value Franchise Incorporated Survivor Enterprises Psg ............................ (02)8570-4453 Tablante Dental Clinic
57 Pasig Blvd Ext Psg.....(02)7747-6642 227 Samson Rd KC........(02)8366-3288 Sycwin Coating & Wires Incorporated Erg Bldg LP .................. (0917)853-6550
Sunrider Philippines Inc
Pacific Ctr Bldg Psg......(0917)550-2955 Superb Marine Services Incorporated Surya Source Energy Inc 93 Joy QC ...................... (02)8364-6001 Tablo Kitchen X Cafe
Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-4357 Pse Ctre Psg .................. (02)8883-5227 Sykes Asia Incorporated 2 Rodis LP ..................... (02)7752-1453
Sunrise Buckets
Madison Square SJ ........ (02)8477-7636 Superbikes Susan One Ventures Llc Worldwide Corporation Ctre Tabuco Dental Clinic
8691 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8470-9344 Ctc Bldg PC..................(0918)912-1461 Mand ......................... (02)8650-4062 156 1A Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Sunrise Food Condiments Manufacturing
28 Gov Pascual Ave Mal . (02)8361-8676 Superbolt Trading Susan Tan Hardware Sylex Int 1251 Soler Mla ..... (02)8241-1477 Psg ............................ (02)7089-7680
141 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8291-6038 744 Camba Mla..............(02)8243-6707 Tach Motion Auto Supply
Sunrise General Merchandise Syling Brothers Incorporated
803 Salazar Mla ............. (02)8241-3963 Supercare Medical Services Incorporated Sushi Kenzie Sushi Bar 699-703 Sabino Padilla 48 Banawe QC ............... (02)3413-0093
Patria Bldg Mla ............... (02)8255-1397 86 Aj Ramos KC...........(0975)485-0942 Mla ............................ (02)8242-9498 Tacks And Buttons Apparel Incorporated
Sunrise Holiday Concepts Inc Fishermall QC ................. (02)8442-7423
Xavierville Square Condmn Sushi Moshi Sylt First Gourmet Academy Incorporated
Supercorp Incorporated Wilcon City Ctr QC........(0933)855-9628
QC ............................. (02)8426-3002 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Capitol Hills Dr QC .......... (02)8951-1687 Tacorito Mexican Grub
SJ .............................. (02)8726-6726 Sushi Nori A-12 Christian QC ............ (0977)178823
Sunrise Instawash Laundry & Lounge Symanpro Manpower Service Contractor
25 Sunrise Dr QC ......... (0961)769-5991 Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8832-6080 Tactical Fire & Integrated Solutions Co
Superga Corporation Squickers Corporate Ctr
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8706-5010 Sushi Yum Japanese Restaurant
Sunrise Metal Threading Services 829 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8242-7717 Macarthur Hwy Val ......... (02)8295-4834 QC ............................. (02)8376-9918
40 Latukan QC ............... (02)3412-9219 Superguardian Corporation Symbol Sciences Incorporated
Sutherland Global Services Incorporated Tactical Precesion
Sunrise Pest Control Company Commerce & Industry Plz Bldg Philplans Corporate Ctr Aurora Milestone Bldg Robinsons Place Manila
Makiling Mand ................ (02)8806-2550 Taguig........................(02)8552-1705 Taguig........................(02)8459-2900 QC ............................. (02)8421-3344 Mla ............................ (02)8353-1883
Superior Feed Mills Factory Suzhou Dimsum Symbolic North Prime Trend Corporation Tactics Firearms Ammunition &
Learn more 379 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-4253 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Glorietta 1 Mkti ............... (02)8478-2427 Accessories
Superior Maintenance Services SJ .............................. (02)7744-3846 Symphonix Integrated Corp 107 Krame-E Arcade
about any of Incorporated Suzuki Shaw Incorporated 2929 Limay Mla ............. (02)8359-8261 QC ........................... (0917)708-6934
J Elizalde Pque ............... (02)8807-2895 The Shaw Motor Plz Synchrotech Solution Corp Tad Manpower Agency Incorporated
The Yellow Pages Superior Metal Printing Philsinc Sunshine Lne KC ............ (02)8362-8488
Mand ......................... (02)7718-1835 106 Rd 8 QC .................. (02)8927-3262
telephone Vfp-Mdc Bldg 10 Taguig . (02)8838-5224 Suzumi Construction Incorporated Syndtite Construction Corporation Tadaima Cafe
Superline General Merchandising 2156 Narra Pque ............ (02)8556-4184 179 Australia Upper QC .. (02)7791-9739 147 Rd 3 QC ................ (0956)301-1129
directories 1010 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8252-9437 Sva Enterprise Window Blinds And Curtains Synergen Pharma Incorporated Tade Infotech Incorporated
nationwide. Supermaly Power Generator Phils Inc 69 Congressional Ave Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8813-8884 Apolinario Mkti ............... (02)8478-9946
1105 Bukidnon QC ....... (0932)578-1024 QC ........................... (0939)922-9078 Synergia Insurance Agency Taf Builders Supply Co
Supermart 2000 Sven Group City & Land Mega Plz Condo Taf Bldg QC....................(02)8861-3972
Visit 157 Tomas Morato Ave Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8511-7836 Psg ............................ (02)8687-1103 Taft Central Exchange
QC ............................. (02)8372-0677 Svgs Food Corporation Synergized Macro Solutions Inc Egi- Rufino Plz PC .......... (02)8552-0220 Supermax Janitorial And General Services Sunshine Square Mand...(02)8650-2825 Vista De Lago V Bagong Calzada Tag Heuer - Sm Moa
Incorporated Svj Medical Supplies And Drugstore Taguig........................(02)8330-2761 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0328
Acl Suites QC ................. (02)3439-9395 Rizal Ave Mla ............... (0939)995-3716 Synfab Phils Incorporated Tagaylo's Transport Services
Supermetal Manila Incorporated Svl Dental Clinic 43 Stella Maris Psg ........ (02)8631-0710 B198 L10 Maricel Mkti ... (02)7750-6785
Worldwide Corporation Ctre 8134 Sgt F Yabut Mkti .. (0917)147-4078 Syngtec Corporation Tagaytay Highlands
Mand ......................... (02)8570-7283 Svm Project Management Services Jackson Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8553-6019 One E-Com Ctr PC........(0915)125-8552
Supernova Safety Products Incorporated Incorporated Syquia Law Offices Tagmaster Racking Corporation
San Antonio Ave Pque .... (02)8820-7296 Del Mundo Bldg Mla ....... (02)8516-1624 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-1095 654 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)3411-8984

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:45 2022 - P85

86 S C M Y K


Tahanan Pottery Shop TANTUCO ENTERPRISES Tdg Human Resource Management Inc Techtal International Incorporated Terp Asia Construction
Timog Ave QC .............. (0917)127-7207 Mary Bachrach Bldg Ardan Bldg Psg .............. (02)8696-7813 Starmall-Bpo Bldg LP ..... (02)8893-2872
Taho Salcedo Mkt Mkti ..... (0912)664-5120 INCORPORATED Mla .......................... (0998)593-1067 Techworks Software Solutions Co Ltd Terrafold Surveying And Mapping Services
Tai Mein Subic International Corporation Tdm Manpower Services Dmg Ctr Mand................(02)8534-4846 West Ave QC ................ (0915)476-3371
207 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8936-3452
663 J P Rizal Manda- 2118 Nuestra Sra De Guadalupe Tecno Industrial Corp Terramedic Inc
Tai Son Ind'l Corp luyong ..... (02)8531-9071 Mkti ........................... (02)7794-2453 4 Kitanlad QC ................. (02)3437-7526 Cityland 10 Mkti ............. (02)8556-8169
M Gregorio Valenzuela .... (02)8292-4171 Tds Global Solutions Tecnotop Corporation Terraprime Incorporated
Tai-Ma Mobility House
Tantuco Enterprises Robinsons Equitable Twr T Santiago Val ................ (02)8294-2694 Prima Residences QC ..... (02)8254-1581
158 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8553-4176 Psg ............................ (02)8631-8230 Tecton Roofing Center Terrel Petshop
Tailored Range Clothing Company Tdt Powersteel Corporation 135 Paso De Blas Rd Val . (0969)429000 Fruition Bldg Pque ........ (0919)991-4790
Beltrano Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8832-6395 TANTUCO 1017 Vicente Cruz Mla ... (02)8831-0000 Teddy's Bigger Burgers Terrie
Tea Amor Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7728-3056 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Taisho Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd ENTERPRISES Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8843-2691 Teddy's Medical Supplies And Equipment SJ .............................. (02)8721-1557
Clipp Ctr Bldg Taguig .... (0995)343-8718
Taisho Ramen And Teppanyaki House INC Tea Li Ling 870 B J P Rizal Ave Terroir Wine Merchant
Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8824-4850 Mkna ....................... (0917)845-8541 Jsb Bldg QC ................. (0999)999-9289
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8332-8735
Tea Options Teethcetera / Montemayor Dental Clinic Terumo Marketing Phils Incorporated
Taiyo Enterprise 663 J P Rizal 92 Aguirre Ave Pque.......(02)8296-2229 1980 P Domingo Mkti...(0918)985-1004
Abigail QC ...................... (02)3427-3985 Mandaluyong.............(02)8531-9071 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8632-1674
Tea Talks Milk Tea Teethfirst Incorporated Tes-Amm Philippines Incorporated
Tajima Yakiniku Japanese Restaurant 18A Thomas Pque........(0950)481-9648 Robinsons Place Metro East
Harbour Square Mla ....... (02)8833-2305 Tanveer Halal Kitchenette 139 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8654-7699
19D Domingo M Guevarra Tea Ventures Co Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8646-2905
Tajs Spa Tesoros Philippine Handicrafts
Mand ....................... (0917)855-4904 37C Kalinangan Psg ....... (02)8654-1810 Tejas Inc 1016 Antonio Arnaiz Ave
C Raymundo Ave Psg...(0917)115-2030 Tea-Bone Steak House And Milk Teas 20 Main Ave QC ........... (0917)580-1880
Tao Commodity Traders Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8887-6285
Takara Tires 2868 Lamayan Mla ........ (02)8522-8463 Bennt III Bldg Mkna ........ (02)8400-5088 Teko Solutions Asia Inc
75 M Asistion 10th Ave Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8639-6989 Tessie Beauty Parlor
Tao Yuan Restaurant Tea-Brain Bubble Tea House Austria QC....................(0947)605-8364
KC ........................... (0927)129-7586 Adela Mkti .................... (0917)458-6269 Tekseng Chinese Drug Store
Lucky Chinatown Mall Tessie S Flower Shop
Take Root Food Corner Mla ............................ (02)8516-3524 Teachers Village East 917 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8271-5738
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8551-2199 Tekvision Distribution Incorporated 440 Arnaiz PC .............. (0949)699-7074
Tap Station Maginhawa QC ............... (02)8929-4785 Tessinerin Architects + Planners
Takoya Kiks Circuit Lne Mkti .............. (02)8260-5135 Team Car Center 145 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8241-1958
Robinsons Town Mall Malabon Telan Hipe Flores Telan & Associates Cityland Herrera Twr
Tap Tap Laundromat 30 A Banawe QC ............ (02)8732-3647 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-3782
Mal .......................... (0917)110-0115 5641 Ampere Mkti..........(02)7625-2790 Team Excel Distribution Incorporated Telan Bldg Psg ............... (02)8640-6600
Takoyaki Telecomlink Incorporated Testman General Service Incorporated
Tap World Express Incorporated Marc 2000 Bldg Mla ....... (02)8567-5565 Aurora Plz 1 Mla ............. (02)8524-0958
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)830-1649 Oyster Plz 1 Pque ........... (02)8829-0301 Team Pacquiao Novelty Shop Rafeli Ave Pque .............. (02)8880-9055
Takoyaki-O Telecure Testronix Incorporated
Tapa El Gordo Robinsons Galleria Mall Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8891-7328
Rm Tiosejo Subd Munt . (0997)533-5521 2900 Danlig Mkti .......... (0917)106-9666 QC ............................. (02)8477-4135 Chunics Bldg Mla ......... (0917)183-5980
Talabs Resto Bar And Car Spa Teleeye Philippines Inc Tetra Pak Philippines Incorporated
Tapa King Incorporated Team Pro Sales Distribution Corporation Net One Ctr Taguig ......... (02)7976-3400
Mayor Gil Fernando Ave San Lorenzo Place P Tuazon QC .................. (02)8721-3861 Metrofocus Bldg QC ....... (02)8637-1676
Mkna ......................... (02)8701-0765 Telega Incorporated Tetra Technologies Distribution
Mkti ......................... (0961)148-5853 Team Trans Cargo Service Incorporated
Talabs Resto Bar And Car Wash Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8526-6473 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-7183 Incorporated
Tapapa 2326 Chino Roces Ave
Gil Fernando Mkna ......... (02)8253-4637 637 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0935)673-7910 Teamasters Incorporated Telexpress Inc
Talent2 Hr Bpo Corporation 1007 Teresa Mkti ........... (02)8897-9716 Mkti ......................... (0922)370-6844
Tapatan Trading Corporation Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8713-0133
Techno Plz 2 QC.............(02)8856-2946 Telgent Systems Incorporated Teves Herminio And Company Incorporated
632 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8244-4319 Tease Waxing & Nail Salon 247 El Grande Ave LP.....(02)8788-0170
Talib Store Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0945)154-1020 Maripola Bldg Mkti..........(02)8519-0243
Target Display Co Incorporated Tex-Chem Marketing Corporation
West Svc Rd Pub Mkt 8 2St Ave Taguig ............ (02)8838-3292 Teavana Incorporated (Chatime) Telnovate Systems & Solutions
Munt ........................ (0949)161-2506 166 Telnovate Cpd Psg .. (02)8645-0412 1328 J Abad Santos Ave
Tarik Property Holdings Incorporated Eton Emerald Loft Psg .... (02)8631-1669 Mla ............................ (02)8256-8442
Taliba Marketing One Corporate Ctr Twr Teazzann International Incorporated Telnovo Communications Incorporated
776 J Luna Mla .............. (02)8242-1831 Metrowalk Coml Cplx Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)3224-2181 Texaco Industrial Sales Corporation
Psg ............................ (02)8470-9158 121 6th St KC ................ (02)8361-5582
Talipapa Machine Shop Psg ............................ (02)8687-0576 Telppt Service Corporation
Tarin-Morales Dental Clinic Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8567-3319 Tft Industrial Sales
471 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)7907-6075 Nueva Ecija Ext QC ....... (0945)163-6390 Tebasaki
Talisay The Garden Cafe 242 Malapantao Mand .. (0998)725-0696 Tempco Glass Corporation 30 Gladiola QC ............... (02)3413-7194
Tarlaquena Food Specialist Incorporated 7 G Molina Val................(02)8983-3335
44 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8293-9077 1 Anonas Ext QC ............ (02)8921-5354 Teceruma Spa And Salon Incorporated Tgf&S Printing Services Inc
Bsa Twin Twr Mand ....... (02)8654-3099 Temps And Staffers Incorporated 24 Tindalo QC .............. (0917)637-0122
Talk Bpo (Ireland) Ltd Tarpaulin Printing
31st Ave Taguig ........... (0917)758-7778 Tech One Global Phils Incorporated Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8706-5245 Tgmovers Cargo Handling Incorporated
1602 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8254-4696
Zarcon Bldg Munt ........... (02)8659-0650 Tempura Japanese Grill Natividad Bldg Mla..........(02)8353-0407
Talyerko Tarprinta Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-7007
Mindanao Ave QC.........(0943)848-3546 54 Clemente Jose PC ..... (02)7956-1807 Tech Pacific College Incorporated Tgw Abrasive Company
91 14th Ave QC .............. (02)8990-3015 Ten Industrial Sales Corporation 972-976 Severino Reyes
Tam Law Offices Tarraco Group Incorporated 344 Mayon QC ............... (02)8742-8529 Mla ............................ (02)8741-6212
Fss Bldg-I QC ................. (02)8239-1683 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8869-3612 Tech Warez
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1609 Tender Loving Cakes Thadine Signage Fabrication Services
Tam's Baking Supplies Tarsier Security Agency Incorporated 7661 Dela Rosa Mkti .... (0951)619-3338 59D Commonwealth Ave
657 Severina Ave Pque.(0916)663-1834 29 14th Ave QC .............. (02)7799-2949 Tech-Care Electronics Service Center
23 Zabarte Rd QC ........... (02)3417-3070 Teneder Juicy QC ............................. (02)8423-8483
Tam's Mineral & Alkaline Taruc's Tuna Tartare Victory Mall PC.............(0948)900-0338 Thai Kitchen
Senatorial Rd QC .......... (0933)825-9529 19 Puerto Rico QC ....... (0917)535-6606 Teched International Training Services Tenex Services Inc
Atherton Place QC .......... (02)7905-8718 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8633-3377
Tam-Yap Caga Ilao Law Offices Tasco Incorporated Prosperous Bldg Pque .... (02)8363-3928
70 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-0103 Techglobal Incorporated Thai-Noy Cuisine
Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8813-8992 Tenfold Metal Works Incorporated 5620 Don Pedro Mkti ... (0927)388-0699
Tamales Tasha & Cranston's Shop Ilang-Ilang Mla ............. (0932)885-8895 2 F Legaspi Psg ............. (02)8631-5301
Lozada Pat ................... (0910)505-9657 Techmonde Corporation Thai-Tayo
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0930)758-7202 Tensile Group And Company Incorporated 53 Amethyst Pque ........ (0916)734-4305
Tamani Veterinary Clinic Taste & See Bakeshop Burgundy Corporate Twr 1039 D Benavidez Mla .... (02)8244-2029
K- 83 Kalusugan Psg .... (0906)495-3031 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-3249 Thaicoon
820-A Tayuman Mla ....... (02)8666-0138 Tenta Mxg Merchandise Lucky Chinatown Mall
Tamaraw Printhouse Taste Of Caribbean Technicool Air Conditioning And Electrical Odeon Terminal Mall
Services Mla ............................ (02)8548-8888
4020 Grapes Val .......... (0905)480-3966 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0926)616-1600 Mla ............................ (02)8523-7115
505 Carpenter Pque ..... (0919)681-0910 Thal Metal Trading
Tambunting Pawnshops Incorporated Tastebites Bakeshop Tentay Food Sauces Incorporated 250 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8366-9878
Epr Bldg Mkti..................(02)8553-4820 40D Rd 8 QC................(0956)716-1644 Technidata Incorporated 369 Gov A Pascual Ave
Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8843-1577 That's So Cute
Tamilee Industries Incorporated Tasteful Korean Nav ............................ (02)8281-6743 First United Bldg Mla .... (0929)286-5871
12 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8682-4753 Naga Rd LP .................. (0917)317-0604 Techniks That Work Therapy Center Tenya Tempura Tendon
Tasukeru Japanese Language School P&L II Bldg Mkti ........... (0917)684-9000 The 1600 Spot
Tamina's Laundry Care Dry Clean & Full Diosdado Macapagal Blvd 1524 F Manalo Psg ........ (02)7149-1661
2150 Leveriza Mla ........ (0917)180-5361 Techno Pque .......................... (02)8070-5924
Service Laundry Ayala Malls Feliz Psg .... (0910)163-4599 The 1st Eagle Guard Security Services
119 Visayas Ave QC ..... (0917)592-8665 Tata Consultancy Services Tera Byte Solutions Incorporated
34th St Taguig................(02)8667-8000 Techno Foods Phillippines Incorporated Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8638-3932 117 Balagtas Pasay City . (02)8524-4575
Tamsons Enteprises Incorporated Sta Maria Industrial Estate The A Shop
Singson Bldg Mla ........... (02)8242-1359 Tatak Pinagtibay Art Sign Services
Rut Bldg KC ................. (0956)971-1415 Taguig........................(02)8839-2195 1800 Bldg QC ................ (02)8470-1286
Tamz Bicycle Shop
Pineda Bldg Mla ............. (02)7504-0675 Tatystar Bakery Incorporated Techno Marine TERESA MARBLE The A Venue Hotel
7829 Makati Ave Mkti ..... (02)8662-3300
Kalayaan Ctr Bldg QC ..... (02)8287-9376 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-7187
Tan Acut Lopez & Pison Law Offices
23 Pse Ctr East Twr Psg . (02)8635-3671 Taurus Auto Supply Techno Mobile CORPORATION The Abba's Orchard Montessori School
214 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8682-3788
4982-A Antonio S Arnaiz Ave Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2651 See Adv under Marble
Tan Esteban And Associates Mkti ........................... (02)8843-2211 Techno Molds Incorporated The Abba's Orchard School Incorporated
1852 P Hidalgo Lim Mla . (02)8525-8132
Taurus57 Security Agency 8526 J De Leon Pque ..... (02)8820-0685 117 Shaw Blvd Morgan Suite Twr 3
Tan Frankum & Associates Incorporated Radiance Place Bldg Techno Product & Services Inc Taguig........................(02)8403-6356
La O' Ctre Mkti................(02)8553-2995 QC ........................... (0966)145-9367 42 Gen Luna Val ............. (02)8292-4830 Pasig.......(02)8631-9123 The Aivee Clinic
Tan Gatue Tay Hua Trading Corporation Techno Smart Electronics East Bldg Forbestown Ctr
State Ctr Condmn Mla .... (02)8241-9401 620 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-3152 Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8253-4637 Teresa Marble Corporation Taguig........................(02)8403-3245
Tan Yan Kee Foundation Incorporated Taylor Rafferty Philippines Technoblend Incorporated The Alibi Pub
Allied Bank Ctr Mkti ........ (02)8867-3563 Don Lorenzo Bldg Mla .... (02)8521-0343 Royale Place Mall QC ... (0945)307-1866
Tan-Vy International Incorporated
Richville Corporate Twr TERESA
Munt .......................... (02)8807-9719 Technoglobal Team Inc The Alpha Suites
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-7811 Taza De Oro Food Garden Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)3485-7521 MARBLE 7232 Ayala Ave Ext Mkti . (02)8737-0088
Tanaka-Kong Corporation Madison Square Psg ...... (02)8721-0381 Technokid Cellphone Center CORPORA- The Anli Planners
One Archers Place Mla ... (02)8523-7262 Tbwa / Smp Felix Huertas Mla ............ (02)8353-0864 807 J B Miguel Psg ...... (0917)813-1536
Tangent 1195 Chino Roces Ave Technology Exports Service Corporation TION The Arc Venue
Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8637-5202 Mkti ........................... (02)7508-7809 National Rd Munt............(02)8861-9972 215 Taytay KC ............... (02)8288-1199
Tangerine Office Machines Ph Tc Electronic Philippines Technomobile The Artologist Gallery
340 Dr Jose Fernandez Minnesota Bldg QC ......... (02)8288-1899 Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0996)716-7895 117 Shaw Blvd Pasig ..... (02)8631-9123 Tiendesitas Bldg A Psg . (0918)454-5410
Mand ......................... (02)7585-1860 Tcck Industrial Company Technopop Enterprises Limited Company Teresing Catering Services The Aspen Grove Realty & Property
Tanglaw Pawnshop-Pasig 216 Pablo Dela Cruz QC . (02)8936-1965 Bluebay Walk PC ............ (02)8772-2138 4704 Balagtas Pque ....... (02)8852-5242 Management Corporation
Urbano Velasco Ave Psg (02)8642-6074 Tcj Architectural Services Technoresins Industrial Incorporated Teresita Yaw Tung The Grand Hamptons Twr 1
Tanjay Transport 50 Early Bird LP ........... (0945)342-7640 2058 Yakal KC ............... (02)8983-5918 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8291-9788 Taguig........................(02)7473-9823
352 Ea Nersan Square Tcm Wellness Center Technosave International Inc Teresita's Of San Fernando The Athlete's Foot
Pque .......................... (02)8804-1119 Mercury Drug Bldg 1145 A Bernardino Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0995)161-9651 Robinson Place  Manila
Tanlimco Bros Inc Taguig........................(02)8511-0898 Valenzuela .................. (02)3445-5308 Teriyaki Girl - Inihaw Mla ............................ (02)8536-3342
313 Yuchengco cor Escolta Binondo Tcn Interior Solutions Incorporated Technoshine Stone Care And Restoration Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8899-9175 The B Hotel
Manila ........................ (02)8241-2863 Grems Place Ctre LP ...... (02)8823-9438 Expert Termignoni Exhaust 2107 Prime Munt ........... (02)8828-8181
Tansengco And Company Incorporated Tcs Manpower Services Incorporated Northview Filinvest QC .... (02)7508-7948 92B Katipunan Ave QC . (0977)370-1786 The Bad Burritos
World Trade Exch Bldg Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Technosports Incorporated Terminus Hobby Shop 309 Dr Jose P Rizal Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8241-6761 Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8582 K Plz Bldg QC ................. (02)8425-0293 35 President Ave Pque ... (02)8501-7580 Mkti ......................... (0915)447-8295
Tantea Banawe Tct Alliance International Incorporated Techpro Philippines Incorporated Termirite Pest Control Services The Bag Compartment
878 Banawe QC ........... (0917)585-5339 Cristina Condmn Mkti ..... (02)8818-0278 Tpi Bldg PC .................... (02)8851-2315 159 Caltex Gas Stn SJ .. (0917)554-0133 Smrc Bldg QC .............. (0998)576-3508

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:45 2022 - P86

87 S C M Y K


The Bag Hub The Entrepreneur School Of Asia The Lift Co Phils Inc The Purple Groom The Xavier Residences
The Grove By Rockwell Twr B 27 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8634-1286 144 Pasig Blvd Pasig......(02)8477-3775 Madison Square SJ ........ (02)7500-0181 The Xavier Residence
Psg .......................... (0917)873-7278 The Envoy Hotel Group Inc The Little Frappe The Purple Groom Pet Shop QC ............................. (02)8426-4776
The Barbery H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8888-6677 31 Natl Rd Munt ........... (0906)263-2252 166 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)706-9258 The Young Men's Christian Asociation
161 Gen Ordonez The Everliving Company Incorporated The Living Room Bar The Purple Tree Bed And Breakfast 350 A Villegas Mla ......... (02)8528-0559
Mkna ....................... (0917)551-9822 739 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)3415-2255 7610 Chestnut Pque ..... (0917)314-2670 35 President's Ave Pque . (02)7945-0420 Thecoldbrew Co
The Baron Travel Corporation The Excelsior Hotel The Lord's Grace Medical Clinic The Rail - Muntinlupa City 1 B Padilla SJ .................. (0956)840-1499
Raffles Suite & Fairmont Hotel 1345 Alabang Zapote Rd 1 Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-4856 Thedys Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8856-4959 LP ............................ (0915)888-6608 PC ........................... (0927)905-5953 The Real Bank Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8351-7559
The Beacon School The Eye Md Ophthalmology Clinic The Louis Berger Group Philippines 4466A Makati Mkti ......... (02)8894-0991 Theo-Pam Trading Corp
2322 Chino Roces Ext Ave Crowne One Condmn Incorporated The Red Crab Alimango House 2825 Park Ave
Taguig........................(02)8810-5046 QC ............................. (02)7211-6345 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-5783 Lucky China Town Mall Pasay City .................. (02)8831-4808
The Bead Shop Vamika Inc The Eyepod The Madison Events Place Mla ............................ (02)8708-9578 Therabright Occupational And Speech
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0939)936-6695 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-0898 398 Don Jesus Blvd The Richmonde Hotel Therapy Center
The Beauty Behemoth Incorporated The Factory Carwash & Detailing Company Munt .......................... (02)8877-0702 Richmonde Hotel Psg ..... (02)8638-7777 34 D Marathon QC........(0945)455-7996
Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8556-1022 80 Tandang Sora Ave The Make-Up Studio Salon And Nail Care The Ritz Spa Therma Control Machinery Incorporated
The Beer Pod QC ........................... (0995)922-0603 Lifegiver Bldg QC..........(0927)983-3623 1614 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)3450-8791 1910 M E Reyes Nav ...... (02)8287-6549
19 Skylark QC .............. (0908)703-5088 The Family Clinic Inc Hospital The Massage King The Roman Catholic Archbishopof Manila Thermal Solutions Incorporated
The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts 1474 Ma Clara Mla ......... (02)7317-2901 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8743-8275 121 Arzobispo Mla ......... (02)8521-6501 Sycamore Arcs 1 Munt ... (02)8771-0541
North Bridgeway Munt .... (02)8771-8181 The Fashion District The Meatplace Incorporated The Sailor's Event Place Thermoaqua Inc
The Big Chill Incorporated 247 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0915)461-9521 Wilcon Bldg QC .............. (02)8650-5284 29 Sampaguita KC ....... (0956)528-2830 Cristobal Place QC..........(02)8638-0967
Dela Rosa Carpark 1 The Fat Friars The Medical City The Scents Co Thermobreak Philippines Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8823-3335 4056 S De Guzman 8001 Walter Mart QC ...... (02)8332-4264 Sta Lucia Mall Psg........(0943)399-8809 2280 Marconi Mkti ......... (02)8845-4215
The Billionaire Shop Pque ........................ (0927)945-6514 The Medical Clinic The Shipyard In Malate Thermocool Technology Inc
Alabang Munt ............... (0998)292-6092 The First Nationwide Assurance Corporation 48A West QC ................. (02)8376-6527 578 Gen Malvar Mla ....... (02)8894-1465 8181 Dr A Santos Pque .. (02)7728-6937
The Bistro Group Yuchengco Twr 2 Bldg The Met Lab The Six Pack Chef Thigh Joint
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-6216 Mkti ........................... (02)8737-3622 315 San Augustine Fortune Bldg Psg .......... (0917)304-2854 119 Mindanao Ave QC..(0917)826-6268
The Blinds Store The First Shop Psg .......................... (0905)280-9073 The Skin Clinic @ Neomedica Think Sumo Creative Media Incorporated
212 Tandang Sora Ave Old Balara QC ............... (0947)880-9134 The Midnight Chef Neomedica Bldg QC ....... (02)8929-6055 Elizabeth Hall Bldg QC .... (02)7501-2426
QC ........................... (0905)942-4534 The Flat Shop Leo Alejandrino LP ....... (0917)561-8880 The Skin Inc Dermatology And Laser Center Thinkbit Solutions Philippines Incorporated
The Blissful Story Creamery Company Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8403-2228 The Minimalist Lounge Tritan Plz Bldg Mkti.........(02)8853-3024 24 21st Ave QC .............. (02)8364-9273
Zita Apts Psg ................ (0915)901-5145 The Florabella Florist 2 Torre Lorenzo Mla ....... (02)8244-3252 The Skin Wellness Dermatology And Laser Third Gen-J V Interior Decoration Services
The Block Salon Prince Plz 2 Condmn The Moment Group Of Restaurants Clinic 630 H Ventura Mla ....... (0905)231-4359
Timog Ave QC .............. (0945)738-2405 Mkti ........................... (02)8807-4834 Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)8400-4453 424 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Third Man Maritime Co Incorporated
The Blue Frog Wines The Flour Girl The Moose Grill Bar And Resto QC ............................. (02)3416-6140 Cri Bldg Mla ................... (02)8523-4930
Chino Roces Ave Mkti .. (0917)857-6565 D' Ace Plz Psg .............. (0916)697-9452 Royale Place QC...........(0936)150-7959 The Sm Store Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc
The Blue Kitchen Incorporated The Flying Pig The Movement Hub Ph Sm Makati Mkti .............. (02)8894-1035 Eastwood Cyber One Bldg
Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-0931 Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)7900-0886 Orange Bldg QC............(0917)554-5291 The Smokeyard QC ............................. (02)5310-0810
The Body Shop The Framer Enterprises Incorporated The Nail Shoppe Plus 5666 Don Pedro Mkti ..... (02)8771-1288 Thm Distributors & Sales Corporation
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fruition Bldg Pque .......... (02)8807-3104 115 D Panay Ave QC ...... (02)7373-1011 The Snackbox Pizza Susana Arcade Coml Bldg
SJ ............................ (0956)150-3078 The Frenchbaker Inc The Nautilus Whiskey Bar 3 Pres Quirino Mla ........ (0909)999-4149 LP .............................. (02)8801-7517
The Book Budgeteer Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1406 70 Sgt Esguerra QC ...... (0998)868-0324 The Software Factory Inc Thomas Holding Incorporated
N Domingo QC ............. (0956)477-1492 The Furniture Shop Philippines The Neat Incorporated Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8848-2060 Cityland Pasong Tamo
The Boss Samgyupchill 64 Judge Juan Luna Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3598 The Spa At La Stanza Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0981
314 Visayas Ave QC ........ (0948)924393 QC ........................... (0966)709-4816 The New Albergus Incorporated 6 J M Panganiban Mkna . (02)7919-6646 Thomas Sabo Shop Manila
The Bottle Shop The Garage Manila International 16-A Capitol Hills Dr QC . (02)8931-3663 The Spa Wellness Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8661-8892
Paseo De Magallanes 14 Panay Ave QC ......... (0905)228-1784 The New Thinkers Company Edsa Shangrila Plz Mand (02)8656-6868 Thompson Lighting
Mkti ........................... (02)8895-6175 The Garden Mirror Events Place 107 The Palisades Mkti .. (02)8893-4237 The Sports Warehouse Sunshine Square Plz
The Bouldering Hive 76 Gil Fernando Mkna.....(02)7239-4569 Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8886-4011 Mand ......................... (02)8531-5264
The Next Step Event Planner
Circuit Lne Makati Mkti ... (02)8288-2856 The Garrison Barbershop Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8843-8878 The Spy Experts Thomson Mktg Corporation
The Bourn 378 Dansalan Mand ..... (0915)326-4962 Commerce And Industry Plz Bldg State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1030
The Obagi Skin Health Incorporated Taguig........................(02)7917-8175
Sherwood Place Mla.....(0915)300-0408 The Gatherings Villa R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8332-0421 Thousand Island Wine
The Breadery Philippines 88 Yanga Mal ................. (02)8294-6413 The Superfood Grocer Philippines Banawe Ave QC ........... (0920)555-5557
The Old Wood Ph 56A 12th St QC .............. (02)8631-5436 Three Drums
Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8951-5799 The Generics Pharmacy Mercedes Park Mla.......(0915)663-0476
The Brewery At The Palace Ever Gotesco Mla ......... (0923)708-9701 The Sweet Room Project 2241 La Fuerza Gate 1
The Open Route Travel & Tours 7 Taurus LP ................. (0915)328-6042 Mkti ........................... (02)8478-1717
10th Ave Taguig ........... (0917)813-9429 The Gift Beauty Salon Cubao QC ...................... (02)8514-8115
The Brilliant Works Corp Ilang Ilang Psg..............(0927)387-6087 The Tasty Bistro Threesixty Incorporated
The Optical Shop Premiere Paulina Bldg Pat ........... (0963)422-6242 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8635-9737
Menandro Mla .............. (0918)302-1537 The Glass House Flowers Glorietta 2 Mkti ............... (02)7576-8023
The Bug Busters Incorporated 46 Palali QC ................. (0917)932-1921 The Thea Spa Threshold Silver Shop
The Oriental Hotel And Resort Fort Bonifacio Taguig....(0956)779-3974 879 Geneal Luis KC ........ (02)8283-7958
1415 Pablo Ocampo Sr The Good Tapa 411 A Flores Mla ............ (02)8260-0663
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-0407 Commune Food Hall Evia Lifestyle Ctr The Tile Expo Trading Inc Thricias Bamboo Hut
The Original Salido Restaurant Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8637-8655 Batasan-San Mateo Rd
The Burger Grill LP ............................ (0917)522-6892 Avenue Bldg QC ............. (02)8374-7494
1370 Corregidor Mkti ... (0997)800-1842 The Toothfairy Dental Center Company QC ........................... (0942)998-4155
The Grand Riviera Suites The Original Savory
Padre Faura Mla ............. (02)8531-5670 Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8836-1969 Thrive Zeal Industries Incorporated
The Cafetearia 714 Earnshaw Mla ......... (02)8742-3493 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
1605 Pvt Aurellana Rd The Grasse Fragrance Company The Travel Boss
The Other Room Pilar Bldg QC ................ (0998)586-7768 Psg ............................ (02)8571-9307
Psg .......................... (0995)968-3650 Saville Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8890-8269 17 Malingap QC ........... (0977)717-3474 The Travel Club Thunderer Tires Philippines
The Cakeshop By Iko's The Green Grocer The Outlet People (Top) Incorporated 90 P Tuazon Ave QC .... (0932)850-8788
13 C Raymundo Ave Robinson Place  Manila
12 Laurel Pque ............... (02)7216-8923 84 A Bonifacio Ave Mla ............................ (02)8567-2532 Thyssen Krupp
Psg .......................... (0917)506-0631 The Green House Incorporated Mkna ......................... (02)8475-1269 The Tree Top Shop Design And Print Dohle Haus Manila Mkti .. (02)8846-1461
The Candylab (Philippines) Incorporated 56 East Capitol Dr Psg....(02)8234-5565 The Pad Express
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8808-9177 182 F Blumentritt SJ ..... (0916)395-8112 Tiamzon-Serrano Dental Clinic
The Grip Guys 58 V Manansala QC ........ (02)8257-1688 The Unan Spa & Wellness 2227 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8521-6573
The Caramel Pearl Gil Fernando Ave Mkna ... (02)7950-6603 The Pastry Company
214 Pilar Mand...............(02)8726-4131 Shorthorn QC ............... (0917)880-8626 Ticket World Incorporated
The Heaping Spoon 7-A San Pedro QC .......... (02)7900-6248 The Unicraft Motors Mecoop Bldg Mla ........... (02)8891-5608
The Careless Whiskers Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)827-6408 The Peak Grill Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8825-0169 Tickled Treat Party Needs & Events
Legarda Mla ................. (0955)672-6569 The Heirloom Collections Incorporated Grand Hyatt Manila The Unique Digital Studio Incorporated Services
The Circle Liquor Center Incorporated Naia Terminal 3 PC.........(02)8836-7139 Taguig........................(02)8838-1234 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-4151 Lucky Bayan Ctr QC ..... (0945)223-9285
55 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8373-7079 The Hershey Company The Pediatric Clinic The United Church Of The Good Sheperd Tickles Company Incorporated
The Citidental Health Corp 6750 Ofc Twr Bldg Mkti..(02)8771-2152 128 Dna Soledad Ave 72 Isaac Lopez Mand ..... (02)8533-3523 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7900-0284
548 Facilities Ctre Condmn The Hidden Garden Pque ........................ (0917)795-6877
Mand ......................... (02)8531-1238 The University Burger Tieline Incorporated
23 Engracia Val ............ (0920)669-9466 The Perfect Pint 4624 Molina Mkti ......... (0928)687-3680 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-2110
The Citromint Company Inc The House Of Crawford Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7750-0288 The Upper Deck Lifestyle Center
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)897-1998 Tien Ma's Chinese Cuisine Incorporated
John Ext Pque .............. (0917)825-9944 The Pet Project Vet Clinic 1 Ortigas Technopoint One Elysium Bldg QC ............ (02)8524-2713
The City Spa The Hub @ Kilometer Zero - 2Go Travel 16 Regidor SJ .............. (0925)571-9350 Psg ............................ (02)8942-4585 Tier One Architects
31 G Don A Roces Ave Bulwagan Ng Kagitingan Sentral Section The Philippine Academy Of Occupational The Urban Barber 633A Quirino Hwy QC .. (0926)707-1995
QC ........................... (0928)611-5133 Mla .......................... (0917)586-9678 Therapists Incorporated Ckb Twr Ctr QC ............ (0922)856-8436 Tierodman Auto Center Incorporated
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf The Hungry Paws Pet Shop North Olympus 9055 Banuyo Streeet The Urban Gardening Shop 246 P Ocampo Ext Mkti .. (02)8899-2773
Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8808-9429 Jerusalem QC...............(0936)682-7076 Mkti ......................... (0917)519-1748 Montecruz Plz Psg..........(02)8289-9747 Tiffany Stained Glass & Aluminum Co Inc
The Coffee Project The Ice Cream Bar (Flavors By Fic) The Philippine Stock Exchange Incorporated The Vegan Grocer Ph 462 C Palanca Sr
Starmall Munt.................(02)8832-1072 Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8403-0891 Philippine Stock Exch Plz 201 Recto SJ ............... (0917)192-0346 Manila ...................... (0920)901-0960
The Cool Philippines Incorporated The Inteligente Publishing Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8819-4100 The Venue Restaurant Tiger Construction Supply
M Eusebio Ave Psg ........ (02)8655-6616 Victoria Twrs QC ............ (02)8355-4099 The Philodrill Corporation Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8634-3249 Westgate Alabang Home Depot
The Counselor's Cafe The Japanese Wagyu Meat Shop Quad Alpha Centrum The Voice Solution Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8771-2360
Alon Bldg PC ................ (0927)522-7785 Forbes Town Ctr Mand ......................... (02)8631-8151 Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8886-7816 Tiger Dragon Car Wash & Detailing
The Craft Central Taguig......................(0916)243-8221 The Philsteel Group Of Companies The Voss Diner 4705 Old Sta Mesa
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0996)610-3257 The Jt Global Business Consultancy Philsteel Twr Mkti ........... (02)8813-8382 12 A-Filomena Val ........ (0905)219-9179 Mla .......................... (0917)783-7577
The Culinary Exchange Incorporated Incorporated The Pigpen The Voyage Pizza Tikka Tikka Pocket Wrap
23 Arayat Mand..............(02)8531-4761 Campos Rueda Bldg Commercenter Munt.....(0917)657-6469 Deparo Rd KC .............. (0927)966-7112 Francesca Twr QC ........ (0917)548-0205
The Curtain Shop Mkti ........................... (02)8802-4184 The Pigpen Restaurant & Bar The Wellex Group Incorporated Tikti Laok
212 Tandang Sora Ave The Kitchen Commercenter Bldg One Corporate Ctr Twr Robinsons Place Manila
QC ............................. (02)8455-7459 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8812-4354 Munt .......................... (02)8826-0739 Psg ............................ (02)8570-7888 Mla .......................... (0942)582-5729
The Dental Edge Dental Clinic The Kitchen Colab The Pink Washer Laundry The White Drip Tilde Bakery & Kitchen
Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)7501-7103 4687 Y2 Residence Hotel Pioneer Ctr Psg .............. (02)7730-2932 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0995)630-5725 3 Brixton Psg ................. (02)8771-2764
The Dental Office Mkti ......................... (0927)728-8753 The Plaza Catering The Whitehauz Events Place Tile Depot
Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-4406 The Lapid Dental 1869 P Domingo Mkti...(0917)718-2200 Mandarin Ave Munt ...... (0906)433-1233 1125 Edsa QC ................ (02)3414-7128
The Design People Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8442-0068 The Pooch Closet The Wholesome Table Tile Expo Trading Incorporated
Pacific Ctr Bldg Psg........(02)8683-0231 The Lapid Dental Clinic Corporation E Santos Mand ............. (0995)285-2123 30th St Taguig................(02)8867-0000 69 C Raymundo Ave
The Distillery Robinsons Place Manila The Posh Caterer The Wine Club Psg ............................ (02)8640-4813
Eastwood City Walk QC .. (02)7216-1382 Mla ............................ (02)8536-8002 Bsa Coml Ctr Mand ...... (0956)511-3900 Cacho Gonzalez Bldg Tile Express Shop
The Doughnut People Incorporated The Lavendry Lounge The Pramerica Life Insurance Company Mkti ........................... (02)8893-7784 1800 Dna Julia Vargas Ave
Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8831-1162 486 Arayat Mand..........(0917)627-3762 Incorporated The Wing Bar Psg ............................ (02)7975-2022
The Eight By Choi The Law Firm Of Talampas & Associates Robinsons Summit Ctre Citiplaza 2 Coml Cplx Tile Trends Incorporated
Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7975-8638 992 Edsa QC .................. (02)8962-0069 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-1077 QC ........................... (0916)327-1796 Olympic Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8478-1867

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88 S C M Y K


Tim Hortons Tnjd Glass And Aluminum Supply Top Peg Animation And Creative Studio Tosuy Hardware
264 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8775-0939 69 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-0028 Incorporated 1133 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8734-5480
Timbal Marble Company Incorporated TNS Philippines Incorporated 8 Sunflower Mla ........... (0917)330-2488 TOPRITE PLASTIC Tota Drug Store
1148 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-1851 Kalayaan Ave QC ............ (02)8555-3555 Top Shelf Liquors 49 Gen Santos Taguig .... (02)8652-9882
Timberpro Incorporated Tnsantos Construction Supply 14 L6 Jasmin LP .......... (0915)494-8554 INDUSTRIES INC Total Architects Intl Incorporated
Congbalay Bldg Pque ..... (02)8826-7201 Candida Mla ................. (0908)921-1734 Pia Ctr Bldg Psg ............. (02)8638-7269
Timberyard Incorporated Tnt Papersphere Trading Corporation 292 E Miranda Valen- Total Business Solutions Incorporated
4 M Antonio Val..............(02)8292-8901 33 Mayon QC ................. (02)8255-3156 TOP SHIELD zuela ....... (02)8294-2806 Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8640-3544
Time Concepts Sales Incorporated Toast Box Total Care Pharma Inc
Bonifacio High Street Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3879 COATINGS Toprite Plastic Industries Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8636-2995
Taguig........................(02)8856-1326 Tod's Country Craft Enterprises Total Colours Corporation
Time Works Enterprises Greenbelt 4 Mkti ............. (02)7757-6292 CORPORATION Jbd Bldg QC ................... (02)8924-1498
817 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8734-5719 Toekje Solutions Incorporated e-mail: [email protected] TOPRITE Total Drug Pharmacy
Time2Travel Incorporated Tierra Hermosa Twnhse 3 Gen Santos Ave
Joncor 2 Bldg Mla .......... (02)8254-2898 LP .............................. (02)8478-2772 1286 F Santos Ave PLASTIC Taguig........................(02)8519-0926
Times Dental Clinic Toespin Professional Lighting Design Las Piñas (02)8873-9478 INDUSTRIES Total Freight And Foreign Trade Co Ltd
Cityland Megaplaza Psg..(02)7903-0212 Consultants INC Peterson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1762
Timesgold Aluminum And Glass Service Inc Pugad Lawin Bldg QC ..... (02)8555-0000 Total Gamezone Xtreme Inc
Solidgold Arcade Bldg Toga Supplier Direct
Top Shield Coatings Sgc Bldg II Psg...............(02)8642-0092
LP ............................ (0917)549-1198 292 E Miranda
Domestic Rd PC ........... (0936)340-4438 Valenzuela ................. (02)8294-2806 Total Gaming Technologies Incorporated
Timestamp Media Productions Tokai Rubber Belt and Product Mfg Inc TOP SHIELD 8 C Raymundo Ave Psg..(02)8234-0331
15 B Sgt Pascua Psg......(02)7624-0254 15 Isidro Francisco Tops Ocean Philippines Incorporated Total Gas
Timex Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-0811 COATINGS Cityland Pasong Tamo 375 Shaw Mand ............. (02)8531-7481
Ever Gotesco Mall QC ... (0932)945-3749 Tokwa Party Garage CORPORA- Mkti ........................... (02)8822-8996 Total Gaz Station
Timezone E Hermosa Pat ............. (0915)588-5355 TION Topserve Express 1545 E Rodriguez Sr QC . (02)3453-5731
Robinson Place  Manila Tokyo Hanna Boutique 9694 A And N Bldg Total Health Products Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8567-1927 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mkti ......................... (0932)188-1848 St John Bldg Mla ............ (02)8563-2939
Timmycakes By Thea 1286 F Santos Ave Las Topserve Worlwide Express Incorporated
SJ .............................. (02)8721-2267 Piñas ......................... (02)8873-9478 Total Ice Inc
E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0905)711-9856 Tokyo Healthlink Incorporated 9694 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8478-9632 236 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8372-3601
Timog Tire Haus Corporation Sunnyvale Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8819-2010 Top Solar Philippines Topshelf Merchandise Incorporated
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8823-4023 Total Information Mgt Incorporated
118 Timog Ave QC ......... (02)8922-4575 Tokyo Milk Tea Incorporated 331 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0977)645-6740 Insular Life Corporate Ctr
Tin's Pet Place-Branch 1 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-0097 Top Star Mix Ready Concrete Inc Topshop/Topman Munt .......................... (02)8771-1558
92D Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8913-8802 Tokyo Tokyo Philippines Mindanao Ave Val...........(02)3432-8222 Robinsons Place Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8567-3332 Total Investment & Dev Corporation
Tina Berin Flowers Eton Centris QC ............ (0917)327-1855 Top-10 Electrical Services 4 Tamarind Rd Mkti ........ (02)8813-4915
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7758-2543 87-3 Acero Mal .............. (02)8285-1107 Topside Const & Dev Corporation
Tolentino & Bautista Law Offices (T&B 216 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8896-8287 Total Line Logistics Corporation
Tinker House Law) Top-Flite Inds Corporation 31-F Spkr Perez QC ........ (02)8742-9802
Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0995)761-8118 Topspot Force Security Incorporated
Philflex Bay Ctr PC..........(02)8526-7680 Veria Bldg QC ................. (02)8373-0835 411 P De Guzman Val .... (02)8294-2395 Total Link Enterprises Incorporated
Tinonas Incorporated Toll Regulatory Board Top-Rigid Enterprises 6223 Manalac Mkti.........(02)8478-9729
Cityland Pasong Tamo Topspot Gun An Ammunition
Ibp Bldg Psg...................(02)8631-4749 135 12th Ave KC ............ (02)8366-5560 Makati Cinema Square Total Master Link Tech Services Inc
Mkti ........................... (02)8831-0094 Tolsen Tools Philippines Top-Rigid Industrial Safety Supply Inc 6264 Cityland Pasong Tamo
Tinsman Sheet Metal Works Mkti ........................... (02)7577-5833
208 Banawe QC ............. (02)7901-1145 9 West 4th St Topspot Heavy Equipment Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8886-4268
1027 Zapote KC ............. (02)8579-9480 Tom's World Quezon City................(02)8373-7576 Total Power Box
Tintin And Marga's Carwash & Auto 77 Mindanao Ave QC......(02)8924-2261
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8737-6200 Topan Marketing Corp Topstrasse Global Incorporated Cavite Light Industrial Park Rd Silang
Detailing Tomato Time 132 Sgt E Rivera QC ..... (0917)506-4556 Cavite ........................ (02)8806-9716
Commonwealth Ave Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8892-2633
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0932)917-4198 Topaz Industries Corporation Toptraders Import Export Corporation Total Quality Machines Incorporated
QC ........................... (0917)894-7266 Tomm's Design Hanseem Interior & 173 C Raymundo Ave 704 Pablo Ocampo Senior
Tionghwa Food Products Antonino Bldg Mla .......... (02)8525-4186
Furniture Psg ............................ (02)8641-6855 Topup Cover And Accessories Co Mla ............................ (02)8526-4503
Cartimar Shopping Ctr Danny Floro Bldg Psg ... (0995)633-8019 Topaz Mandev Incorporated Total Secure Insurance Agency
PC ............................. (02)8832-3872 117 William Shaw KC ... (0920)922-1770
Tommy's Dress Shop Topaz Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8892-5424 Topwatch Rjc 1725 T De Guia Mla ....... (02)8254-5804
Tipanan Cafe Lounge And Grill-Bar 283 Gen Luis KC .......... (0949)635-1093 Topbest Auto Supply Total Security Systems Inc
123 V Luna Ext QC ....... (0923)431-6512 Pelbel Bldg Psg .............. (02)8634-7774
Tommy's Fresh Roasted Coffee 826 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8363-9010 Topwell Plastic Processing Corporation Elisco Rd Taguig ............ (02)8641-4054
Tipi Wood Products Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8896-7723 Topboss Plastic Incorporated Total Staffing Skills Corporation
State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8810-5048 31 Ulingan Val ................ (02)8983-2431
Tommys Mercantile Company A Mabini Psg..................(02)8646-9893 Toratech Corp 126 15th Ave QC ............ (02)8962-2475
Tips & Sips Salon & Spa Topclass San Store Total Tech Corporation
E Rodriquez Ave Pque .. (0977)841-1200 217 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8731-3983 202 Edsa State Condo 5
Tone Guide Press Incorporated 555 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-3078 Mkti ........................... (02)8896-5580 5081 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-9378
Tips & Top Nail And Hair Spa Topconsult Incorporated Total-Pack Manufacturing Technologies
Lilac Mkna ................... (0917)168-6867 Tone Guide Corporation Torch Greenbelt 5 Mkti ....... (02)7751-6213
KC ............................. (02)8363-8722 Golan Plz Bldg QC .......... (02)8927-6528 Torch Of Life Academy Incorporated
Tire Center Philippines 28 Malumanay QC..........(02)3433-3223 Armscor Ave Mkna ......... (02)8372-2284
2535 Jose Abad Santos Toner King Philippines Corporation Topdesign Graphics And Printing Services
Mla ............................ (02)8255-4582 146 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8635-4916 1517 Ampalaya Psg ..... (0908)719-8659 Torgo Apparel Incorporated Totaldev Multi-Purpose Corporation
Tong Coffee Tope Dental Clinc Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0946)994-0612 Jejomar Bldg Mand ........ (02)8531-9175
Tiremor New Technology Incorporated
6430 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)7215-5114 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)886-9575 Alphaland Mall Mkti ...... (0926)783-9001 Torimomo Totalhitch By Tow & Stow Industries Inc
Tong Yang Hot Pot Restaurant Toper Internet Lounge Robinson's Place Manila Ymc Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)854-4824
Tita Goyie's Catering Services Mla ............................ (02)8247-2907
201 Urbano Velasco Ave Centris Walk QC ............. (02)7217-9784 Rosewood Pointe 1 Totaline Airsystems Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0906)297-4355 Tongkeun Delivery Taguig........................(02)8584-6023 Torino 820 Edsa Ave PC ........... (02)8851-9504
2551 Arellano Mla ........ (0917)739-4771 Toperio's Caterer Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Totalink
Tita Lea's Black Kutsinta QC ............................. (02)8911-0914
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)588-1770 Toni & Sergio Beacon Place Pque ........ (02)8881-9289 299 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8534-6805
Venice Grand Canal Mall Topglass Aluminums Glass Center Torino Motor Works Totedaddy Incorporated
Tita Lea's Food Specialties Pililia Mkti ...................... (02)8895-4365
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)588-1770 Taguig......................(0916)772-1997 44 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)7738-7370 Burgundy Corporate Twr
Tonik Bank Tophealth Medical Clinic Torio And Associates Mkti ........................... (02)8552-7160
Tita Paring Suman Latik 55 Ue Tech Ave Mal ....... (02)8362-2965
Greenhills Shopping Ctr The Offices At Estancia Sm Sta Mesa QC ............ (02)8353-4461 Totide' Italian Wine Bar
Psg ............................ (02)5322-2645 Topher's Internet Shop Torio Dental Clinic Courtyard Dr Mkti ......... (0977)672-0782
SJ .............................. (02)8722-8968 Hmci Residences Mla ... (0966)670-1301
Titan 22 Tonik Digital Bank 619 Madrid Mla .............. (02)8242-0485 Toto And Associates
The Offices At Estancia Topigs Philippines Inc Torn Yang Phils Incorporated 35 Montreal QC .............. (02)3487-5798
Two Parkade Taguig ....... (02)8556-9771 Mabato Rd Taguig .......... (02)8640-9469
Psg ............................ (02)8708-7087 Richville Corporate Twr Toto Tire Supply
Titan Manpower Services Incorporated Toronto Commercial
St Paul Mkti..................(0935)149-3788 Tony Jem Hauling Services Munt .......................... (02)8403-8532 97 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)3414-2175
11 Visayas QC ............. (0917)789-4704 Topline Builders & Consultancy 1343 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8353-7377 Totowao-Soil Testing & Land Surveying
Titan Works Automotive Service Center Torque Mobile Network
1182 Quezon Ave QC ... (0917)874-0155 Tony's Vietnamese Kitchen Mnl City & Land Mega Plz Condo Totowao Town Hall QC . (0929)785-8888
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)129-7974 Psg ............................ (02)8571-2240 Sm Hypermarket Pque .. (0932)557-0696 Totoy Electrical
Titan-Milde Motors Incorporated Torr Equipment Inc
1339 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8740-7996 Tonyo's Pizza Topline Corp 157 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8442-3041
Bernales 2 Mal ............... (02)8351-4187 54 7th St KC .................. (02)8244-1197 Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Totoy's Unli Wings
Titang's Mahtbak Mkti ........................... (02)8817-9764
Montville Mansions QC . (0916)388-1736 Toolbyte Printing & Computer Services Topline Enterprises Inc 1765 Piy Margal Mla .... (0966)725-7797
48F Benefits QC ........... (0966)339-9171 Topline Enterprises Pque (02)8579-4996 Torre De Salcedo Apts Condm Corporation
Titas Of Manila Salon Torre De Salcedo Mkti .... (02)8818-6439 Touch Advertising Sales/ Services
276 Honorio Lopez Blvd Tooth & Go Dental Clinic Topline Global Logistics Incorporated 4264 Emilia Mkti ............ (02)8535-9085
Chloe Bldg Pque ............. (02)8478-0649 Torre Lorenzo Corp
Mla .......................... (0927)944-5176 Femii Annex Bldg Mla ..... (02)8522-2545 165 Alabang Zapote LP .. (02)8868-6773 Touch Art
Tito's General Upholstery Tooth Pod Dental Clinic Topline Supermart Incorporated Jm Miranda Bldg Mand...(02)8532-4170
Ibon Ctr QC .................. (0917)897-1229 Torre Venezia Suites Incorporated
16 D Corregidor QC ...... (0938)179-8842 Rfc Shoppers Plz LP.......(02)8846-3621 Torre Venezia QC............(02)8352-3985 Touch Art Digital Design
Tiu And Associates Group Tooth Princess Dental Clinic Toplink Asia Torrent Pharma Phils Incorporated 429 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8723-1753
333 Mh Del Pilar KC ....... (02)8364-9325 26 Sct Fuentebella QC .. (0917)520-2045 41 Dna Soledad Ave Grand Twr Condmn Mkti.(02)8831-4886 Touch Down Computer Shop
Tixis Pawnshop Toothalley Dental Care Pque .......................... (02)8831-2807 Torres Building 636 F T Dalupan Sr Mla .. (02)8353-2008
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-1558 Maceda Mla ................. (0917)587-5400 Toplis Solutions Incorporated Manila 321 Lourdes Fabie Bldg Touch Of Asia Spa
Tj's Grill House Toothie Cutie Dental Clinic Velco Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8527-7080 QC ............................. (02)8426-6950 3335 Bataan Mla .......... (0998)996-9963
92 Baler QC..................(0977)690-0186 2823 Edsa-Taft PC ....... (0917)630-9357 Toplite Development Corporation Torres Pre-School House Touch Of Hands Clinic Salon And Spa
Tjioe The Caterers Incorporated Toothpia Dental Clinic 2622 P Ocampo Mla ...... (02)8252-5877 111 C Arellano Mal ......... (02)8281-5511 Omm Citra Bldg Psg ....... (02)8516-0141
594 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8854-6600 C T Paz Bldg Mkti ......... (0908)193-7088 Topman Tortasia Incorporated Touch Of Home Corporation
Tjms Travel And Tours Top Asia Corporation Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8636-0182 8467 West Svc Rd Pque.(02)8804-0889 1269 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8366-8642
J&T Bldg Mla ............... (0966)554-4673 641 T Santiago Topmed Travel & Tours Torto Di Sogno Incorporated Touch Of Sense
Tkl Steel Corporation Valenzuela .................. (02)8294-3188 Worldwide Corporate Cente 2016 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8521-4342 187B N Domingo SJ ....... (02)8697-1757
2206-2208 Oroquieta Top Choice Pet Mand ......................... (02)8584-8812 Toru's Export Touch Of Vine
Mla ............................ (02)8558-5555 113 Molina Mkna ........... (02)7261-2141 Topmost Manpower Specialist Corporation Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)8823-4182 Sandoval Bldg Psg ....... (0927)596-1887
Tlc Sped & Therapy Center Top Creamery Food Mfg Corp Robinsons Place Cplx Tose Philippines Incorporated Touch Off Hands Spa
1015 Salvador Ave QC . (0927)211-7145 Cemtex Bldg LP............(0917)115-3255 Mla ............................ (02)8554-0927 Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)8556-1103 Makati Macedonia Bldg
Tm-Dg Enterprises Top Draw Animation Incorporated Topnotch Bingo Trend Incorporated Tosen Foods Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8664-7411
Emr Bldg Mkna...............(02)7903-3767 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-0173 97 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8352-8438 117 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8334-2855 Touchmedia Philippines Incorporated
Tmcj General Upholstery Top Exchange Food Corp Topnotch Construction Toshiba Asia Pacific Private Limited West Twr Psec Mla ........ (02)8667-3875
239 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 74 M H Del Pilar QC ....... (02)7940-4608 P&S Bldg QC ................ (0923)921-4557 Gt Twr Mkti .................... (02)8819-1048 Touchwood Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0905)281-2587 Top Health Medical Clinics Topnotcher Plastic Manufacturing Toshiba Philippines National Rd Munt............(02)8862-6396
Tmicorp Incorporated Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2400 Corporation Gt Twr International Mkti . (02)8459-0211 Toufa Barber Shop
747-749 Sabino Padilla Top Meal Food Haus 116 4th St KC ................ (02)8363-8133 Tosolve Incorporated West Svc Rd Munt ....... (0929)593-5234
Mla ............................ (02)8733-8176 5994 Villena Mkti ........... (02)8895-1249 Toppers Warehousing Services Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8845-0268 Toughtrade Industries Corporation
Tn&C Enterprises Co Printing Top Notch Construction 2069 Dr M L Carreon Tostino Corporation Cityland Pioneer Condmn
Taniman Ave Psg ........... (02)7919-6217 P&S Bldg QC .................. (02)7358-9480 Mla ............................ (02)8562-1804 Ibm Plz QC ..................... (02)8291-3391 Mand ......................... (02)8631-6103

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89 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA THE YELLOW PAGES QUICKLIST Townhouse - Tri-Excel 89

Tour Vest Travel And Tours Toys Town Training & Corporate Services Inc Transmission Specialist Incorporated Trb Electronics Sales
Macapagal Damon Bldg Civic Dr Festival Mall Filipino Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8845-0549 237 Connecticut Mand ... (02)8571-3137 172 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8861-1733
PC ............................. (02)8856-9842Munt .......................... (02)8511-2360 Trance Cafe Incorporated Transnational E-Business Solutions Inc Tre Fontane Corporation
Tourch Co Incorporated Toytoon Glorietta 1 Mkti ..... (02)8556-1633 453 P Guevarra SJ ......... (02)8721-6400 Net Quad Bldg Taguig ..... (02)8830-8888 Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8856-0697
Home Studio Bldg SJ......(02)8477-3771 Toyz And Partynedz Trane Airmay Aircon Shop Transnational Logistics Incorporated Treadsafe Corporation
Tourizz Representative Office 110 Libis Espina KC ....... (02)8374-2018 915 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8294-0049 Multinational Access Rd 296 Col B Serrano Ave
Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-4233
Tpa Building Tranquility Water Refilling Station Pque .......................... (02)8776-4473 SJ .............................. (02)8632-9682
Tourmaster Golf Incorporated 7496 Bagtikan Tpa Bldg 19 J P Rizal QC .............. (02)8365-6358 Transnational Ship Managemne Treasure Holidays Travel And Tours
Citygolf Driving Range Mkti ........................... (02)8519-3167 Trans Asia Oil & Energy Nyk-Fil Bldg Mla ............. (02)8521-8683 Services
Psg ............................ (02)8570-0259
Tpa Mobile Phinma Plz Condmn Transorien Manpower Cityland Pioneer Condmn
Toursunlimited Company Makati Cinema Square Mkti ........................... (02)8870-0100 Dr A Santos Pque ........... (02)8403-9742 Mand ......................... (02)8632-1734
City & Land Megaplaza Mkti ........................... (02)8511-1719 Trans Asia Securities Incorporated Transorient Maritime Building 1 Treat N Fix Dental Clinic Co
Psg ............................ (02)8470-1708
Tpc Marketing Car Accs State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-2823 60 Transorient Maritime Bldg Taft Centrale Exch PC ..... (02)8556-2104
Toutavous Corporation 133 Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-8306 Trans Asia Textile Mills Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8921-2881 Treats Incorporated
Buena Vida Condmn Tpe Market Place Corporation F Pasco Ave Psg ............ (02)8646-6277 Transpeed Communications Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-4137
Psg ............................ (02)8234-5118
Jaka Ctr Mkti .................. (02)8551-7522 Trans Avia Rent A Car Raffles Corporate Ctr Treblink Computer Solution
Toven Law Tph Travel And Tours Sky Freight Bldg PC ........ (02)8519-6814 Psg ............................ (02)8234-9265 Sti Bldg Pque ................. (02)8829-9670
Corporate 145 Bldg QC...(02)7506-4483 Mh Del Pilar Val .............. (02)8921-7924 Trans Eagle Corporation Transphil Land Corporation Trec Pacific Corporation
Tovs Les Jours Tpi Flight Center 726 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)8532-4287 P Ocampo Twnhms Mla . (02)8523-1284 Raffles Corporate Ctr
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8403-1963 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-7396 Trans Island Cargo Transphil Trading Psg ............................ (02)8706-1675
Tow And Stow Industries Incorporated Tpjl Chromotec Printing Services Barcelona Pque ............ (0917)546-1515 36 Kalapati QC ............... (02)8937-3849 Tree III Advertising
2320 Ymc Bulding Mkti .. (02)8844-4824 Dimasalang Rd Mla ...... (0917)955-4923 Trans Millenium Mercantile Corporation Transunion Information Solutions Inc Cacho-Gonzales Bldg
Tower 1 Fitness Gym Tpm Trading Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8892-3179 Ayala Twr 1 Mkti ............ (02)8858-0400 Mkti ........................... (02)8779-8011
2275 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8804-2022 603 Jp Rizal Mkti............(02)8809-5412 Trans Ocean Containers Services Transworld Paper Corporation Treehouse Yoga
Tower Club Reality Phils Incorporated Tpmcb 14F Federal Twr Condmn 272 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6923 Rgm Ctr Pque .............. (0917)850-6550
Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8815-0842 1091 N A Lopez Coml Ctr Mla ............................ (02)8244-7112 Transworth Logistics Corp Trefontane Corporation
Tower Securities Incorporated Mla .......................... (0939)395-6216 Trans Orient Resources Incorporated 93 Aguirre Pque ............. (02)8850-1825 Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8818-0209
Psec Psg ....................... (02)8634-6726 Andrew Ave PC .............. (02)8831-4939 Tranzend Solution & Trading Corporation Trek Outdoor Shop
Tpt Power Systems
Tower Steel Corporation 39 West Svc Rd Val........(02)8294-2667 Trans Orient Trucks And Heavy Equipment West City Plz QC ............ (02)8372-8782 784 Pres E P Quirino Ave
Lower Balete Mkna ......... (02)8997-1722 1318 Pres E Quirino Ave Traou Mad Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8400-1512
Tr Auto Care Systems Incorporated
Towering 120 St Francis Psg ......... (02)8632-9497 Mla ............................ (02)8536-3401 The Hub Mand................(02)8570-5655 Trekker Ltd Inc
399 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8522-2873 Trans Tec Intl Mktg Phils Incorporated Trasient Hotel Sct Torillo QC ................. (02)3410-7972
Towers Merchandising Incorporated Tr Paper Products Incorporated
Psec Psg ....................... (02)8634-6376 Burgundy Corporate Twr 556 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)3384-4857 Tremendous Communications Incorporated
Townes Bldg Mkti...........(02)8843-1319 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-0124 Trattoria Food Concepts Incorporated Vicente Madrigal Bldg
Town Square Development Incorporated Trace Alarm & Security System
Trans X Lpg Hauler Co L Ermitage Apts Mkti ...... (02)8478-1521 Mkti ........................... (02)8804-3717
The World Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8891-1466 Incorporated
2713 Ma Aurora Mkti......(02)8896-0888 353 Tandang Sora Ave Travago Travel And Tours Tremolo
Towncall Finance Investment Corporation QC ............................. (02)8951-5686 Greenhills QC ............... (0917)527-1607 429 Barangka Mand ....... (02)8666-2152
Trace Global Incorporated
30 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)8478-9472
Sta Lucia Pque ............... (02)8820-4203 Trans-Am Development Inc Travbest Travel & Tours Company Trench Store Trading
Townhouse Ramon Magsaysay Ctr Altiva Bldg Taguig...........(02)7215-7870 718 Evangelista QC ........ (02)8405-4449
1818 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8525-2045 Track Star
299 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8361-2308 Mla ............................ (02)8526-0233 Travel 101 Corporation Trenchless Technologies Corporation
Townsquare Development Incorporated Trans-Asia Phils Mfg Inds Corp Mc Bldg QC....................(02)8749-0595 15 Tagdalit QC ............... (02)8365-1718
The World Ctre Mkti........(02)8848-9027 Tracks Recording Studio Trend Incorporated
Antel Global Corporate Ctr Gen Luis Kalookan City...(02)8939-1376 Travel And Leisure International Corporation
Toxicology Trans-Asia Textile Mills Incorporated 8 Cityland Mkti ............... (02)7239-0999 472 Malaya Mand .......... (02)8532-0271
Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8523-8271 Psg ............................ (02)8650-5052
F Pasco Ave Psg ............ (02)8646-6278 Travel Book Philippines Incorporated Trend Link Internet Cafe
Toy Ballons Trackstar Hydraulics Supply Incorporated 1222 Lardizabal Mla ....... (02)8518-0795
287 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8362-4621 Trans-Pacific Journey Fishingcorp Robinsons Cybergate Ctr Twr 3
1 Provident Vill Mkna ...... (02)3433-4380 1094A J Santillan Nav .... (02)8282-8812 Mand ......................... (02)8662-1111 Trend Micro Incorporated
Toy Town Tracktech Corporation Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8470-1400 Trans-Roadway Logistics Incorporated Travel Burger Cafe
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-4311 314 H Lopez Blvd Mla .... (02)8255-2507 59 Monserrat KC ............ (02)8285-4552 QC ............................. (02)8913-0696
Toyama Incorporated Trade 889 International Trend Style Salon
76-D C Benitez QC ......... (02)8725-8849 Trans-World Media Ads Inc Travel Connection
22 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8352-5661 8496 Km 17 East Svc Rd Amorsolo Medical Plz Royale Arcade Bldg QC .. (02)8351-7264
Toyhohaslyan Money Changer Trade And Finance Tower / Tks Holdings Pque .......................... (02)8821-7671 Trender Bobs
26th Trade And Finance Twr Mkti ........................... (02)8843-3719
1441 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8256-5556 Transasia Data Marketing Incorporated Travel Life Greenbelt Mkti ................ (02)7501-3717
Toyin Machine Shop Taguig........................(02)8553-8550
Cityland Shaw Twr Alexander Hse Bldg Trendline Securities Corporation
32 Susano Rd KC ........... (02)8875-8193 Trade Demands Corporation Mand ......................... (02)8650-3745 Mkti ......................... (0909)304-2451 Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8243-3039
Toylands Unlimited Incorporated Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-7732 Trends And Life Style
Transcare Emergency Medical Services Travel Managers International Incorporated
Trade Edition Incorporated
10 Aberilla Mkna ............ (02)8948-1350 Santol Mla ...................... (02)8514-4243 524 United Nations Ave Sm Fairview QC............(0946)984-5045
Toyman Kingston Place Skrene Properties Bldg Mla ............................ (02)8521-8185 Trends Headway Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8832-5775 Transcare Ems Ambulance Service
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8546-1741 Citcc Mla........................(02)8514-4243 Travel Planners Robinsons Place Manila
Toyo Adtec Incorporated Trade Korban Incorporated 603 Edsa Diamond Bldg Mla ............................ (02)8536-8008
Fort Palm Spring Taguig . (02)8403-4085 Transcend Cargo Express Incorporated
South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8772-3742 2739 Gen M Capinpin QC ............................. (02)8727-8194 Trends International Manpower Services
Toyo Cars Motor Parts Trade Manila Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8889-3638 Travel Republiq Company Vareb Mansion Mla.........(02)8516-1710
26 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0030 Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8527-8712 Transcend Outsourcing Program Corp Uccp Shalom Ctr Bldg Trendset Manpower Services
Toyorama Motor Corp Trade Option Pacific Incorporated 1154 Rizalina 2 Bldg QC . (02)8922-5892 Mla .......................... (0915)398-3330 17 North Bound Svc Rd
28 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0016 Mna Corporate Ctr Bldg Transcendence Contact Solutions Travel Scene Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8361-6051
PC ............................. (02)8851-7903 Galvez Bldg Pque ........... (02)8555-1009 Pacific Plz Mla................(02)8521-4161 Trendsph
Trade Wings Tours And Travel
TOYOTA Splendor Place Resources
Transcenture Management Consultancy
1061 Metropolitan Ave
Travel Shoppe Travel And Tours
Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)7216-6776
P Burgos Mkna.............(0956)441-0632
Trendworks International
Mla ............................ (02)8353-7873
COMMONWEALTH Trade-Up International Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8519-5256
Transcom Cy Incorporated
Travel Sure Incorporated
Sabas Almeda Bldg Mla .. (02)8524-8937
Tektite East Twr Psg ..... (0922)829-6728
See Lstg under Automobile Dealers State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8893-2475 1165 J T Teodoro KC ..... (02)8365-7164 Travel Time Manila Quezon Orcell II Bldg QC . (02)3489-1419
Tradefirst Marketing Corporation
Commonwealth Ave Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8931-0829
Transcom Worldwide Phils Veraville Villa Grande Classic
LP .............................. (02)8801-8493
Trendy Food Distributors Incorporated
The Landmark Mkti ......... (02)8893-1168
Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8702-2400
Quezon Trademerk Concepts Incorporated Transcontainer Philippines Incorporated Travel With The Grooves Incorporated Trendy Plastic Mfg Incorporated
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4720
City ......... (02)8332-8919 Tradequest Resources Mktg Incorporated
Harbor Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8527-8780 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-3558 Orcel 2 Bldg QC..............(02)8925-1703
Transcosmos Philippines Incorporated Travelassure Philippines Insurance Agency Trenmark Trading
59 Ermin Garcia QC ........ (02)8650-1255 Isetann Mla .................... (02)8255-8343
Toyota Commonwealth Trader Royal Bank
Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8810-0220 Inc
Filinvest One Bldg Munt .. (02)8553-0714 Tres Sm North Edsa QC ...... (02)8352-7032
Transcrap Corp
Legaspi Twrs 200 Mkti ... (02)8817-6581 1220 Samson Rd KC......(02)8367-3546 Travelbeen Coffee Tres Chickas
Traders Hotel Manila Transdata Incorporated Panay QC ....................... (02)3410-3289 65 Congressional Ave Ext
TOYOTA 3001 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8708-9810 Alabang Corporate Ctr Bldg Travelbucks International Company QC ........................... (0936)307-7199
Traders Marketing Tres Maria's Classy Fashion Boutique
COMMON- 749 Caballeros Mla ........ (02)8254-5597
Munt .......................... (02)8842-6876 The Manila Residences Twr 1
Transec Bpo Mla .......................... (0998)596-7115 177 Sardonyx Mla ........ (0965)170-3046
WEALTH INC Traders' Turf Inc One Corporate Ctre Psg .. (02)8632-7864 Travelbuddy Corporation Tres Marias Wellness Incorporated
One Global Place Taguig . (02)8293-0498 Transequip Enterprises Manila Diamond Hotel 2 Alabama QC ................ (02)8696-0306
Tradesdhow International 1129 Edsa QC ................ (02)7369-0021 Mla ............................ (02)8521-1370 Tres Pansiteros
Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8234-5457 Transequip Inc Traveldotcom Inc 8 Sto Domingo QC ....... (0922)836-6075
Toyota Commonwealth QC ... 8332-8919
Tradewind Food Corporation 965 Edsa QC .................. (02)8351-7937 Csv Bldg Mand ............... (02)8533-7115 Tres Rsz Pest Control Services
El Molito Coml Cplx Transerve Tpi Outsource Services Travelease Incorporation 73 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8367-8411
Munt .......................... (02)8659-7522 Victoria Bldg Mla ............ (02)8521-0088 Tresa Salon And Spa
TOYOTA FAIRVIEW Tradewind Merchandising Corporation
City & Land Mega Plz Condo
Psg ............................ (02)8654-0484 Travelhatch Travel And Tours Services 157D Roosevelt QC ........ (02)3410-5080
711 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8559-6724 186-3 Kapiligan QC ........ (02)8363-5799 Tresdias Advertising
INC Tradewings Tours & Travel Corporation
Transfluent Management Incorporated
877 Capistrano Cpd Travelhaus International Corporation 267 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7793-9258
See Lstg under Automobile Dealers Splendor Place Mla.........(02)8353-7246 Taguig........................(02)8643-6956 1932 F Agoncillo Mla......(02)8524-6116 Tresmax.Ph
Trading Alliance Global Group Transformation_Design Incorporated Traveller Devt Corporation One Corporate Ctr Twr
Belfast Quezon Reliance Ctr Bldg Psg ..... (02)8661-4268 7 8th Ave QC..................(02)8364-6821 Emmanuelle Hse Mkti ..... (02)8840-0298 Psg ............................ (02)8470-2880
City ......... (02)8277-0911 Traditional Heal'Ot Spa Massage
Orange Bldg QC............(0927)649-1810
Transierra Realty Incorporated
Golden Empire Twr Mla (0917)501-3925
Travelonline Philippines Travel Agency
Entrata Urban Cplx Crimson Hotel Bldg
Tresor Vvv Computer Shop
2 Santos Dr LP ............... (02)8869-8194
Traffic Boutique Translink Phils Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8833-3344 Tresure Steelworks Corporation
Toyota Fairview Inc Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8808-6682 Cityland Pasong Tamo Travelorder Manila Karravin Plz Mkti ............ (02)8687-2635
Traffic Engineering Center Mkti ........................... (02)8892-0962 6521 Montecruz Plz Psg.(02)8425-9562 Trevi Foundations Phils Incorporated
Traffic Engineering Ctr Transman Manpower Services Incorporated Travels And Motivations Incorporated Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-2035
TOYOTA Mla ............................ (02)8716-4163 Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8817-2987 Classica Condmn Mkti .... (02)8815-3314 Treximar Enterprises
Trago Trading Transmarkets Trading Incorporated Travelsmart.Net 2-J Sulatan Mand ........... (02)8631-5713
FAIRVIEW, Suarez Bldg Pque ........... (02)8893-4362 7479 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8895-3485 2F Saville Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8897-8709 Tri 8 Builders Incorporated
INC. Trailblazers Travel & Tours Coltd Transmedic Philippines Incorporated Travelsure Incorporated Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8638-7666
Ever Gotesco Ortigas Mall The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8822-3298 505 A Flores Mla ............ (02)8527-1613 Tri C Dental
Psg ............................ (02)8655-8420 Transmetal Traveltory Tours Agency 27B Jp Rizal Ext Mkti .... (0918)288-8268
Trailfinder Travel & Tours 210D Samson KC...........(02)8365-4575 De Vega Bldg Psg...........(02)8570-4163 Tri Expert Cargo Int'l Corporation
Belfast Quezon City ........ (02)8277-0911 134E West QC................(02)3416-4342 Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8247-1194
Transmetro Corporation Travelwarehouse Incorporated
Toyota Quezon Avenue Incorporated Train & Shine Tutorial Services King Alexander QC..........(02)3419-1756 One Magnificent Mile-Citra Tri Force Global Solutions
728 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8711-8960 Lilac Mkna ................... (0995)422-6611 Transmission And Distribution Corp Psg ............................ (02)8470-2056 337 Itc Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8403-5912
Toys By Robin Co Ltd Trainers In T Shirt Galleria Corporate Ctr Travoc Skin Inc Tri M Shirts
255 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8355-2956 Prime Land Twr Munt ... (0917)825-7562 QC ............................. (02)8638-7495 1791 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)3438-8711 504 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8252-5190

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:45 2022 - P89

90 S C M Y K


Tri Mark Distributors Inc Trident Epoxy Finishing Services Tripple Ripple Exchange Incorporated Tsuji & Associates Incorporated Txapela Incorporated
99 Roosevelt QC ............ (02)8374-4767 B 3 L84 Ph1 Burnham 186 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Philippine Axa Life Ctr Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8912-3273
Tri Phil International Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8894-1751 Psg ............................ (02)8661-4790 Mkti ........................... (02)8478-7705 Txjn Marine Electronics
National Rd Munt............(02)8861-9017 Trident Titanium Phils Corporation Trips N' Deal Travel & Tours Tsujiri North Bay Blvd Nav ........ (02)8282-8069
Tri Philippines Loan Corporation Future Point Plz 2 QC......(02)8374-0385 732 Trees Residences Sm Aura Premier Txl Builders Glass And Aluminum
Navarro Bldg LP ............. (02)8478-8083 Trifemme Sports Hub QC ........................... (0998)555-8966 Taguig......................(0917)505-4563 The Grove By Rockwell
Tri Place Hotel 10B Kamias QC .............. (02)8355-4402 Triron Stainless Steel Corporation Tt's Liempo Psg .......................... (0917)515-1029
1235 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3410-4111 Triflex Industrial Co 90 William Shaw KC ....... (02)8788-7203 Hole In One Food Hub Ty Po Huat Goldsmith
Tri Star Readymix Incorporated Rbmt Bldg KC ................ (02)8364-8593 Trisan Construction And Development Taguig......................(0917)169-8484 811 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8736-9921
Criselda 2 Bldg QC ......... (02)8926-7841 Triforce Builder's Incorporated 200 Magnolia Psg .......... (02)3416-0264 Ttk Authentic Singapore And Asian Foods Tyche Consulting
Tri Vision Ventures Incorporated 21 R L Fernandez SJ ...... (02)8724-1237 Trisha Enterprises 1061 Metropolitan Ave 6819 Rcbc Plz Mkti ........ (02)7909-1700
729 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8571-9315 Triforce Security Services Incorporated 123 Molina Mkna ........... (02)8941-0195 Mkti ......................... (0915)809-0650 Tyco Electronics Philippines Incorporated
Tri World Piano Center A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8442-7809 Trisphere Solutions Inc Tube Makers Philippines Incorporated Robinson Summit Ctr
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Trift Fare Travel And Tours Corporation Estrellita Bldg II Munt ...... (02)8801-9886 109 Gen Mascardo KC ... (02)8367-2309 Mkti ........................... (02)8988-9400
Psg ............................ (02)8682-0618 1897 Dr Vasquez Mla ..... (02)8350-1633 Trisys Electrical And Industrial Sales Tudor Service Centre Tygie Corporation
Tri Zana Locen Dress Shop And Tailoring Trig Trucking Services Incorporated Incorporated Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3031 64 C De Leon Val ........... (02)8293-7623
204 Shaw Mand ............. (02)3227-5657 707 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8366-3017 3132 Bagac Mla ............. (02)8252-8168 Tuerca Construction Supplies Tyler's Cafe
Tri- Value Courier Express Incorporated Triline Printing Tritec Integrated Philippines Inc Rd 8 QC ......................... (02)7795-6108 319 Katipunan Ave QC . (0927)337-8417
Cityland Shaw Twr 252A Pablo Ocampo Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8807-3819 Tugatog Trading Type It Right Incorporated
Mand ......................... (02)8655-7058 Mkti ........................... (02)8896-7701 Triton Communications Corporation 128 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8363-0033 L And R Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8843-4532
Tri-Algon Incorporated Trilink Technologies Incorporated Antel Global Corporate Ctr Tulay Sa Pagunlad Incorporated Tyre Station Incorporated
86 T Bautista Taguig ...... (02)8843-3046 Trilink Bldg LP ................ (02)8809-8026 Psg ............................ (02)8638-7147 Regis Bldg QC ................ (02)8373-4842 J P Rizal Mkna ............... (02)8948-4851
Tri-Bien Solution Services Corporation Trillionmines Trading Incorporated Triton Electrical Supply Company Tulco Screen Printing Supply Incorporated Tyson Electric Industries Incorporated
Roscar Bldg Mand .......... (02)8477-3103 83 Apo QC ..................... (02)8740-3644 672 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-2172 7-B Aurora Blvd QC ........ (02)8713-6293 Silicon Bldg Mla ............. (02)8733-9085
Tri-Car Check Emission Testing Center Trilogie Salon & Spa Tritone Graphic Arts And Printing Tulua Nail Spa Tyson Global Exchange Incorporated
9 Dna Soledad Ave Pque (02)8822-0923 161 Kanlaon QC ........... (0917)799-1988 2069 C M Recto Ave Ever Commonwealth Greenbelt Mansion Mkti .. (02)8696-9213
Tri-Care Diagnostics Incorporated Trim Salon 6 11th KC ......... (02)8931-1099 Mla ............................ (02)8257-0762 QC ........................... (0947)885-7996 Tytana Plaza
2164 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8354-1556 Trimar Construction Tritum Commercial Tumbzap Printhouse 611 V Tytana Mla ........... (02)8241-0060
Tri-Deacon Electric Corp One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-2030 1123 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-8649 Maybunga Psg ............... (02)7958-2794 Tyval Industrial Supply Corporation
650 Dna Maria Mla ......... (02)8713-4841 Trimark Curtains And Window Blinds Tummy Lite Corporation 982 Severino Reyes Mla . (02)8712-6902
Triumph Jt Marketing Corporation
Tri-Eagle Express Incorporated Installation Services 1934 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8536-2830 Makati Cinema Square
Gedcor Square Bldg 1106 Ricky Val ............. (0935)158-9650 Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1623
Triumph Stainless And Metal Fabrication
Pque .......................... (02)8829-7421
Tri-Ex Tower Co Incorporated
Trimark Incorporated
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-6118
14 East Riverside QC ...... (02)3493-4141
Triune Electronic Systems Incorporated
Tuna King Japanese Restaurant
220 Tomas Morato Ave U
57 Molave Mkna.............(02)8942-4551 Trimax Auto Parts Corporation QC ........................... (0966)628-6396
1229 Yellowbell Val ........ (02)8291-3181 Tuna Town Seafood Place
Tri-Excel Manufacturing Corporation 27 Kaliraya QC ............... (02)8353-4507 U C Industries Incorporated
Triworx Travel And Tours Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8741-0015 646 Reparo Rd Mal ........ (02)8330-2260
127 West Riverside QC...(02)3411-3659 Trina Treats 50 Guevarra Mand .......... (02)8695-9433
Tri-Flex Industrial Company Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0977)240-0678 Tunasan Muntinlupa - Booba Milktea U Gourmet Club Co
Trinidad Construction Supply Trojan Computer Forms Manufacturing 222 Buendia Munt ........ (0999)220-6835 Ua&P Psg ...................... (02)8687-1295
321 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8364-8545 Corporation
Tri-G Printing Services 65B V Luna QC .............. (02)3434-7000 Tungsten Industrial Sales Incorporated U Hotels
488 A Mabini Psg ........... (02)8646-9907 929 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-8539 5091 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8820-1000
De Castro Ave Psg ....... (0928)463-8571 Trinity University Of Asia
Cathedral Hghts QC ........ (02)8702-2882 Trojan Marketing Tupperware Brands U Whisky 1988
Tri-General Insurance Agency National Rd Munt............(02)8862-0158
Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8525-4743 Trinkee's Gift Shop Starmall Mand ................ (02)8723-6221 K1 Ctr Prestige Bay Pque ....... (0919)999
Edsa Farmers Mkt QC ..... (02)8911-0069 Trojanfire Trading Tuquero's Leather House U-Belt Laundry Station
Tri-Joh Construction Inc Rolling Meadow 1 QC ... (0915)717-4870
Edsa QC ....................... (0919)848-5307 Trioconnect Technologies Incorporated Concepcion Villaroman Bldg 1060 Corinthians P Campa
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8518-0872 Tronix Mla ............................ (02)8736-0641 Mla .......................... (0997)295-9622
Tri-K's Food Corporation Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0947)713-8690
Susano Coml Cplx QC .... (02)8939-1714 Trionyx Incorporated Turbulent Drip Sales Inc U-Net
R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8374-1173 Tronix Imaging Center Richville Corporate Twr 2184 J Dela Rosa Mla .... (02)8254-1040
Tri-Lan Internet Cafe Araneta Square Mall Munt ........................ (0922)809-1170
181D 25th Ave Mkti........(02)8659-6361 Triosocean Corp Uberwerke Autosalon
Zentro Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8255-1873 KC ........................... (0926)314-3200 Turfgrass Management Incorporated 144 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8913-1370
Tri-M Vault Specialist Tronix Marketing Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8552-9383
V G Cruz Twnhms Mla .... (02)8732-7722 Trip Hub Travel Services Ublys Algo Ctr Bldg Mkti ..... (02)7751-7010
M Place Mall QC.............(02)8985-2075 Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8831-1606 Turk's Shawarma Ubs Ag Philippine Representative Office
Tri-Mark Foods Incorporated Tronix Master Incorporated 20 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8355-5864
26 Zorra QC ................... (02)8376-5118 Tripinas Travel And Tour Ventures Twr One Mkti..................(02)8784-8807
45 Eisenhower SJ ........ (0917)903-7672 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-3546 Turks Ucardprint & Design
Tri-Q Responsible Services Incorporated Tropical Focus Philippines Incorporated Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0948)609-8070
79 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8533-9571 Triple A Pest Terminator Inc 18-A Hyacinth QC ........ (0917)794-7367
Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8986-3795 Sm Ctr Val......................(02)8441-2710 Turnberry Ingredients Corporation Ucc Caft Terrace
Tri-S Eagle Express Incorporated Tropical Treatments Nail And Body Spa 76 Valencia QC .............. (02)8725-7990 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-2143
Oyster Plz Bldg Pque ...... (02)8826-5211 Triple Blessing Enterprises
Palali QC ........................ (02)8741-1725 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Tuscany Events Venue Ucpb Bank
Tri-Star Cargo Express Int`L Phils SJ .............................. (02)8569-8119 3 Ligaya QC ................. (0917)561-9001 246 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-5224
Olives Plz Pque...............(02)8820-9378 Triple D Trading & Fabrication
National Rd Munt............(02)8862-2270 Truck Build Metal Industries Tutti Fruti Ucpb Corporate Offices
Tri-Star Paper Products Incorporated 141 Bayabas QC ............ (02)8353-8310 Sm City San Lazaro Ucpb Bldg Mkti...............(02)8811-9000
1550-1556 Gen Luna Triple F Catering Services
Kalayaan B Covered Court Truckmoto Transport Mla .......................... (0946)607-3569 Udelo Travel And Consultancy Services
Mla ............................ (02)8521-5002 Minnesota Condmn QC.(0922)327-7739 Tutuban Travel & Tours
QC ........................... (0966)947-0139 Tia Maria Sarao Bldg LP . (02)8831-3674
Tri-Union Estate Managers Incorporated Trucksusa Company Limited 999 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8522-4044
Cinerama Cplx Mla ......... (02)8734-1183 Triple Fantasy Pub Uej2 Diagnostic Laboratory
1689 Ayala Ave Mkti .... (0998)989-2290 55 A Bonifacio Ave QC ... (02)8823-8247 Tuyor Printing Services Matias Bldg QC .............. (02)3418-2029
Tri-Vision Ventures Incorporated Triple H Care Services Incorporated True Blends 2 Taniman Ave Psg ...... (0923)488-4253 Uffizi Internet Cafe
1301 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8562-4878 8 St Mary QC ................. (02)8921-5797 National University College Of Dentistry Tv Shop Philippines Central Star QC .............. (02)8294-0717
Tria Metal Craft And Engineering Triple Hardware Bldg Mla .................... (02)8983-9121 Aralco Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8786-9900 Ufirst Computer Trading
80 Banaba Mkna ............ (02)8475-2665 88 Natl Munt .................. (02)8552-8113 Tv5 Network Incorporated 720-A N S Amoranto QC (02)8697-3290
True Colors Digital - Manila 1
Triac Internet Café Triple I Consulting 1127 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8353-3543 Araneta Coliseum QC ..... (02)8294-2790 Ugarte Cars Manila
Upper Bicutan Taguig ..... (02)8478-3943 Sagittarius Bldg Mkti.......(02)8551-9012 Tvcexpress Manila Quezon Ave QC ............ (0917)574-5886
True Money Philippines
Triach Energy Corporation Triple J Guitars Jmt Corporate Condmn Torre De Salcedo Mkti .... (02)8403-7923 Ugb Mma Corp
Simuangco Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8895-6108 Commonwealth Ave Psg ............................ (02)7718-9999 Tw & Co Incorporated (Warehouse) M H Del Pilar Mkna ....... (0917)322-5760
Triad Security Services Incorporated QC ........................... (0995)946-4499 True Value Hardware Corporation 109 1st Ave Taguig ........ (02)8838-3746 Ukb Unlimited Korean Bbq
672 Carlos Palanca Sr Triple J Marketing Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8635-0410 Tw & G Incorporated Congressional Ave Ext
Mla ............................ (02)8542-6566 M De Santos Mla ............ (02)7617-8985 1945 G Perfecto Mla ...... (02)8255-3783 QC ........................... (0916)777-4282
Truelogic Online Solutions Incorporated
Trianon Diagnostics Triple J Upholstery Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8856-3786 Tw Ink Solutions Specialists Incorporated Ultima Entrepinoy Forum Center
2276 Narra Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8892-0723 Capt Cruz Val ............... (0935)373-7885 34-36 P Tuazon Blvd Lemon Square Bldg QC .. (02)8373-6156
Truepower Firearms & Sporting Goods
Trianon Inernational Incorporated Triple J's Employment Services 155 Natl Rd Munt ......... (0917)116-5533 QC ........................... (0917)380-8070 Ultima Laundry Station
2276 Narra Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8813-5433 1017 Aurora Blvd QC......(02)8995-0627 Tw Transportation Services 86 A Rd 1 QC ............... (0927)712-9967
Truffle Park Co
Trib2D Corporation Triple Joy Catering Services Jersey QC .................... (0916)220-9395 Sapari Condo Mla ......... (0917)162-3794 Ultimate Burgers Incorporated
1211 V Concepcion Mla . (02)8522-1074 Micheal Reymond Psg..(0915)425-5832 Twa Incorporated-Flying V Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8637-9378
Tribal Gear Trust Metal Fabrication And Builders
Triple K Technology Solutions Corp Construction Services 262 Santolan Rd SJ........(02)8721-5128 Ultimate Care Incorporated
Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8805-0126 Artex Bldg Mla ................ (02)8475-9856 Twelvebikes Esl Bldg 1 Mkti ............... (02)8896-5128
Joaquin Val .................. (0909)580-8674
Tribe Connection Triple Luck Brow & Nail Salon Plz Dela Rosa Bldg Ultimate Fitness
Jc Umerez Prime Holding Corp Bldg Trustsales Mrktg Corporation
Mindanao Ave QC...........(02)8275-2306 Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8631-5236 Taguig......................(0927)562-3879 Metrowalk Psg ............... (02)8650-1890
Pque .......................... (02)8552-3005 Triple Mdr Steel Roof Trading Twentieth Century Electrical Supply Ultimate Shows Inc
Tribes And Nations Outreach Inc Trustwave Philippines Inc
D14 Susano Rd KC ...... (0943)402-7905 Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8267-3355 1401 C M Recto Av Globe Telecom Plz
70 Legaspi QC ............. (0917)877-3789 Triple R Signage Maker Manila ........................ (02)8711-5451 Mand ......................... (02)8634-1720
Triboa Bay Living Trusty Travel And Tours Incorporated Twenty Two B C
109-B Lopez Jaena Maya Bldg QC ................ (02)8911-9165 Ultimate Visa Corporation
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8531-5420 Mkna ......................... (02)8997-9297 996 P Ocampo Sr Mla .... (02)8521-4050 Cityland Pasong Tamo
Tribu Try Vegan Twg Tea Salon And Boutique Mkti ........................... (02)8822-7603
Triple-H Gym Equipment Trading R A Suarez Bldg Pque...(0999)963-2797
Sm Muntinlupa Munt ...... (02)8659-1667 641 Gen Malvar Mla ..... (0906)294-5906 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7720-8665 Ultra Insulated Panel Systems Corporation
Tricks Watch And Camera Sales Services Triple-J Tire Supply Tsa Empire Salon And Spa Supply Twilight Electrical Rewinding Shop Dn Corporate Ctr QC ....... (02)8981-1750
Tropical Hut Bldg Pque ... (02)8403-9599 1846-1848 J Abad Santos Ave Antrome Bldg QC..........(0995)923-8296 Commonwealth Ave Ultra Motor Parts
Tricom Systems (Philippines) Inc Mla ............................ (02)8252-4890 Tsc Aesthetic Clinic QC ........................... (0919)290-1332 85 Banawe Av QC .......... (02)8732-1765
Metro House Bldg Tripleshot Media Incorporated 112 Kalayaan Ave QC ... (0918)936-2124 Twin Distributor Incorporated Ultralite Electrical Co Inc
Makati ........................ (02)8895-7561 F C Bldg QC ................... (02)8426-7253 Tsc1023 Laundry Shop Merville Access Rd PC ... (02)8821-4987 567 G Araneta Ave
Tricon Paper Products Corporation Tripletech International Corporation Quezon Bldg Taguig ..... (0917)734-6323 Twin Dragon Quezon City................(02)8712-2319
476 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8332-9904 Cityland Pasong Tamo Tsf Salonga 153 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0947)770-9230 Ultramaster Bearing And Parts Supply
Tricon Pest Control Services Mkti ........................... (02)8403-7602 Raon Shopping Ctr Mla...(02)8733-2376 Twin Gates Bistro 1165 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8253-3527
153 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8363-1182 Triplex Enterprises Incorporated Tsg Office Supplies Shorthorn QC ............... (0915)624-7220 Ultraprint Corporation
Triconnect Tehnologies Inc Triplex Bldg Mkti.............(02)8892-6611 1334 R A Reyes Mla .... (0907)304-2508 Twin Princess Gems Dna Irenea Pque ............. (02)8553-2169
Sm Bf Paranaque Pque ... (02)8478-3447 Triplex Trading Tsi Philippines Greenhills Shopping Ctr Uma Uma
Triconti Ventures 27 Gilmore QC ............... (02)8721-5568 Culmat Bldg QC .............. (02)8706-4816 SJ .............................. (02)8721-7563 The Podium Mand .......... (02)8638-1226
Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8801-3449 Tripmart Travel Corp Tsikot Paint Protection Twins Management Services Umapas Bread & Cakes
Tricore Solutions Incorporated Primeland Twr Munt ....... (02)8842-2158 Oakbrook Ctr Psg ......... (0933)541-3630 1205 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8523-8475 Sitio De Asis Taguig ..... (0929)800-8346
Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8962-3778 Tripod's Pizza Tsm Maritime Services Phils Inc Two Seasons Boracay Resort Umc Design & Application Inc
Tricum Corporation 84 Matimtiman QC ....... (0961)537-4256 Tsm Hse Mkti ................. (02)8860-7500 Nena Bldg QC ................. (02)3410-2075 Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8901-3972
E Rodriguez Sr Ave Tripod.Ph Tsong's Carwash And Resto Bar Two Tots Home Accessories Incorporated Umc Marketing
Quezon City................(02)8721-6410 2249 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)8230-5065 Burbank QC .................. (0920)249-0118 Gen Araneta Psg .......... (0917)876-3910 567 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8749-4238
Tridel Technologies Incorporated Tripodlink Global Solutions Co Tsugoii Food Concepts Incorporated Two Xin Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Umic International Incorporated
Hanston Bldg Psg...........(02)3490-0000 1345 Quintos Sr Mla .... (0917)180-6615 The Hub Mand................(02)8570-5377 10th Ave KC ................. (0927)959-6558 Psec Psg ....................... (02)8531-6617

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Umma Appa Korean Mart Unigold Oil Seal And Packings Supply Universal Management Corporation Uro Industrial Clinic Vanni Salon
Comtal Bldg Psg...........(0917)311-5628 1035 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8521-3627 Guadalupe Coml Cplx 910 Sotto Yuvienco Bldg 20 Sacristia Mal ............. (02)8372-2180
Ummason Chicken Buffet Unik Waxing Nail Boutique Mkti ........................... (02)8882-0984 Mla ............................ (02)8522-3060 Vannie The Rabbit
85 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .. (0927)565-5507 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC .... (0926)603-7775 Universal Outdoor Systems Incorporated Urquan Inc Pc Express (E Global Structure) Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)295-0298
Ummi's Mart And Bakery Cafe Uniku Taiwanese Restaurant Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn 161 M Paterno SJ .......... (02)8986-8388 Vantastic Int
Jayyah Bldg Mla ........... (0915)376-4513 237 Banawe QC ............. (02)3411-9382 Mkti ........................... (02)8552-8128 Urth Bookkeeping And Manpower Services Mindanao Ave Val...........(02)8710-9606
Una Rosa Unilateral Security And Safetysolutions Universal Power Tools Service Center 295 C Gen Luna Mal.....(0932)887-0122 Vape Braders
Sm City Bf Paranaque 2011 G Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8742-7256 1882 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Urvan Security Agency Incorporated 62 Apo QC ................... (0917)860-1992
Pque .......................... (02)8553-5498 Unilift Components Phils Corp QC ............................. (02)8775-4524 Heartland Apts Mkti ........ (02)8251-3113 Var-Orient Shipping Company Inc
Unahco Inc Brightmove Bldg SJ ........ (02)8477-2793 Universal Scope Phils Incorporated Uscadd Systems Phils Incorporated 7902 Lawaan Mkti..........(02)8807-1768
17 Sheridan Mand .......... (02)8858-1000 Unilink Industrial Instrumentation Sales & West City Plz QC ............ (02)8373-5276 South Gate Bldg Munt.....(02)8807-6252 Variant Mdsg Corporation
Unani Yakitori + Sushi Services Universal Steel Smelting Company Used Motor Sales 1204 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8241-7393
29 Sct Limbaga Ext QC.(0917)637-0896 Espana Twr Mla ............. (02)5310-1991 Incorporated 845 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8367-2190 Varra Resto Bar
Unarosa Unimed Incorporated 28 Quirino Hwy QC.........(02)8363-2651 Used Office Furniture Philippines 333 P Guevarra SJ ....... (0916)485-3685
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 64 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8711-4633 Universal Tower 22 G Araneta Ave QC......(02)8692-8354 Varta Battery Parts Supply
SJ .............................. (02)8722-8242 Unioil 1487 Universal Twr QC .. (02)8373-9091 Ushio Realty & Development Corporation 1038 A Bonifacio Ave
Uncle Hwangso Jip Restaurant Km 15 Ortigas Ext Psg....(02)8656-4990 Universal Winmart Ventures Incorporated Timog Arcade QC ........... (02)8925-2611 QC ............................. (02)8363-5191
610 Julio Nakpil Mla ..... (0965)176-2622 Union Plywood Corporationoation Victoria Twrs Condmn Ust Technology Phils Incorporated Vasquez Gravel And Sand Inc
Uncle M's Premium Buko Pie State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8818-8131 QC ............................. (02)8294-9796 Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8894-5754 351 P Casal Mla ............. (02)8733-9119
3555 P Sanchez Mla .... (0916)488-2350 Union Village Christian Academy University Of Asia And The Pacific Uti Global Logistics Incorporated Vast Agro Solutions Incorporated
Uncle Paps Incorporated Pearl Dr Psg ................... (02)8637-0912 707 Ninoy Aquino Ave Alabang Business Twr
172 Brisbane Psg ......... (0917)856-8509 Jade KC ......................... (02)8282-4489 Uniwide Freight Solution Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8833-9895 Munt .......................... (02)8815-0055
Under Armour Uniqlo Sm City North QC .... (02)8332-7271 Agape Bldg Pque ............ (02)8995-3325 Utopia Lounge Spa Vast Net Incorporated
B6 Bonifacio High Street Unique Autowerkers Co Unlab Medical Clinic 142 F Blumentritt SJ ....... (02)8650-5388 Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8403-0689
Taguig........................(02)8823-7289 4 Sto Nino Ave Munt ...... (02)8553-6611 Apacible Mla .................. (02)8400-5129 Uturn Motorcycles Parts & Accessories Vault Card Shop - Philippines
Underground Bar Unique Cellular Unlimited Productions Incorporated E Santos Mkna ............. (0915)412-1209 4763 Barasoain Mkti .... (0916)316-5010
Tomas Morato Ave QC . (0917)155-2212 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-9058 13 Matipid QC ................ (02)8921-6917 Uv-Water Purifier Vavasoftware Corp
Underwatch Providers Incorporated Unique Sound Electronics Unlipups Pet Supply T Mapua Mla ................ (0917)853-1202 5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8256-1926
74 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)8426-5718 648G Gonzalo Puyat 5 C P Garcia Ave QC .... (0920)975-9400 Vbllu Incorporated
Uni Chef Apparel Mla ............................ (02)8736-5210 Unlisolutions Manpower Services & Events 1282 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)7089-0121
Sotera Bldg PC ............. (0932)864-2433 Uniqueko Video & Photography Management
Uni Field Enterprises Incorporated Howmart Rd QC ........... (0947)193-6348 Mjm Bldg Mkti .............. (0919)990-9980 V Vbv Trading Philippines
Eden Plz Business Ctre
150 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8441-1290 Unirises 46 Steve QC........(0945)829-6404 Uno Aire Trading PC ............................. (02)8714-5194
Uni Goods Enterprises Unisilver Time 27 Bendix Ln Munt ......... (02)8425-4442 V A & Sons' Chemicals Incorporated Vc Health Concepts Marketing Incorporated
508 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-4203 Civic Dr Festival Mall Uno High School 1558 A Mariano Val........(02)8426-1198 One Global Place
Uni Lite Munt ........................ (0932)139-6393 1440 Alvarado Ext Mla ... (02)8252-1929 V Gardens Events Place Taguig......................(0998)590-6574
316 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8714-0814 Unison Commercial Incorporated Uno Kampion Incorporated 505 A Mabini Ave KC ..... (02)8334-0747 Vcg Food Industries Incorporated
Uni Mansion Builders Hardware 664-668 Rizal Ave Mla ... (02)8733-1597 Dna Emilia Bldg KC.........(02)8294-0971 V Three Roof Supply And Installation Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8984-7825
105 20th Ave QC ............ (02)3438-5988 Unitec Multi-System International Inc Uno Seafood Wharf Place Vconstruct Incorporated
Uni Ship Incorporated 242-246 Del Monte Ave 270 Escolta Mla ............. (02)8232-1060 32 Lilac Mkna .............. (0920)220-2703 Regalia Twr B QC ........... (02)7505-0877
Mict Cmplx Mla .............. (02)8245-6246 QC ............................. (02)8441-3121 Uno Turismo Travel & Tours Consultancy Vcp Trading International Corporation
V Well Technology Service Corporation
Uni Shirt Commercial Unitec Pipe Manufacturing Corporation Services Corporation Shaw Blvd Mand ............ (02)8654-6685 Vcp Bldg QC...................(02)8364-6868
529 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-4425 242 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)3411-3121 King Charles Ext QC ....... (02)7754-9448 Vcz Garage Car Care And Auto Detailing
V Y Domingo Jewelers Inc
Uni Silver Unitech Engineering Corporation Uny Pacific Manufacturing Corporation 35 Emerald QC ............... (02)8938-4221 8 Raja Matanda QC ...... (0906)154-0573
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0998)885-5781 611 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8724-6143 540 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8516-5562 Vdak Architectural Design Services
V&A Law
Uni Solar Incorporated United Airlines Incorporated Unyo's General Upholstery 11th Ave Taguig ............. (02)8988-6088 Villa Magdalena 3 KC....(0916)445-6903
8-J St Peter QC .............. (02)3415-8259 Naia Rd PC .................... (02)8851-3567 37 Purok 4 District 1 Vdhul Foods Corporation
V&V Travel And Tours
Uni-7th Force Security And Services United Colors Photography Taguig......................(0939)264-7090 Armstrong Ave Pque .... (0906)157-0160 Km 17 Alabang-Zapote Rd
Unibond Trading Bldg 4914 Manga KC ........... (0949)185-4803 Up North Property Holdings Incorporated LP .............................. (02)8996-4445
QC ............................. (02)7729-4616 Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8441-1162 V-Avicklink Travel And Tours
United Diagnostic Laboratory Inc Gedisco Bldg Mla ........... (02)8523-0521 Vdljr Printing Services
Uni-Asia Enterprises Incorporated Taft Ave Mla ................... (02)8523-4688 Upb Trucking Services 18 Cooperative Union Of The Philippines
930 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-8405 180 Sta Quiteria KC ...... (0961)630-9099 V-House Incorporated
United Doctors Services Corporation 886 Banawe QC ............. (02)8334-1468 QC ........................... (0926)518-4023
Uni-Asia Healthcare Medical Corporation 1357 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8253-8589 Upgreen Corporation Vdm Aluminum And Glass
Uni-Asia Bldg Mla...........(02)8711-7144 Upgreen Bldg LP ............ (02)8850-0276 V-Psyche
United Enzacta Enterprises Incorporated City & Land Mega Plz Bldg 112 San Miguel Mand .... (02)8398-2887
Uni-Channel Pacific Corporation Annapolis Wilshire Plz Upgrid Architectural Design And Ve Ting Mfg Corporation
King's Court Twr 2 Mkti .. (02)8846-1546 Psg ............................ (02)8666-5113
SJ .............................. (02)8532-2805 Construction Services P Gregorio Val ................ (02)8294-0048
Uni-Concord Corporation V-Tech Barcode Systems Phils Inc
United Far East Company Incorporated Exch Rd Psg ................ (0917)179-2202 Emerald Square Bldg Vea Structural Composites Incorporated
50 Elisco Rd Psg ............ (02)8640-7926 950 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8708-9645 Upraise Incorporated Lri Bldg QC.....................(02)8929-9794
Quezon City................(02)8912-7250
Uni-Five Steel Corporation United Global Manpower Concorde Condmn 2 Veco Stationery Incorporated
211 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-5403 F & C Bldg PC ................ (02)8834-7932 Va Manila Regional Office
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-8382 1501 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8550-3888 499 Nueva Mla ............... (02)8242-1001
Uni-Five Tranport Phils Corporation United Harvest Corporation Upside88 Bar And Resto Vector Finger Boards
120 Caimito Rd KC.........(02)8366-4169 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8632-0163 Wilson Bldg QC .............. (02)8290-0018 Vag Information Technology Solutions
Virka Bldg QC ................. (02)8411-2876 Acacia SJ ..................... (0905)182-0870
Uni-Harvest Cereal Marketing United Hospital Builders Incorporated Upskills Training Group
Binondo Mla ................. (0917)540-1628 Val Matic Vectordata Incorporated
175 Dna Soledad Ave Antel Global Corporate Ctr Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8659-6125
Uni-Jem General Merchandise Pque .......................... (02)8776-0644 Psg ............................ (02)8650-4627 Dispophils Bldg Psg ....... (02)8636-1573
741 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8734-4517 Valcucine Manila Vectras Incorporated
United Laminates Industrial Corporation Upstore Gadget Center Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8640-1514
Uni-Kent Incorporated Metro Sotanghon Industrial Cpd 17 F&J Don Antonio Arcade The Peninsula Manila
Amorsolo Mansion Mkti .. (02)8810-3537 Val ............................. (02)8291-4627 QC ............................. (02)7342-7108 Mkti ......................... (0917)312-6607 Veesaijosh Gen Mdse
Valdez Security And Investigation Agency 5717 Zobel Roxas Mkti . (0916)195-5667
Uni-Label Enterprise United Metal Smelting & Mfg Corp Urban Concepts
Maxifive Bldg Mal ........... (02)8547-0073 34-E Caiña Drive Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8519-5588 Inc Vegabolts Hardware
Quezon City................(02)8362-5448 28 Theresa Ave Psg ....... (02)8645-4210 1159 JP Rizal Makati ...... (02)8890-2305
Uni-Pacific Powder Coat Corporation Urban Elite Autoworks
El Inventor Compoud United Nations World Food Programme 188 St Pio Chapel Cpd Valencia Appraisal Corporation Vejoint 1007 Edsa QC.......(0917)129-2277
Psg ............................ (02)8645-4624 Philippines QC ........................... (0916)475-1767 Rgv Bldg Mkti.................(02)8889-4148 Velca Travel & Tours Inc
Uni-Trust International Services Rcbc Savings Bank Corporate Ctr Urban Fresh Vegetarian Kitchen Valencia Labels Park Trade Condmn
Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8833-6229 68 The Arcade QC ........ (0917)189-9057 285 D Tuazon Munt .......................... (02)8772-3982
Intramuros Corporate Plz United Pag-Asa Plastic Corporation Urban Gadgets Ph Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8363-2680 Velco Centre
Mla ............................ (02)8254-5561 76 Francisco KC.............(02)8364-8815 Industria Mall QC ............ (02)7946-7259 Valenzuela Safety Device Trading 256 A C Delgado Mla ..... (02)8528-0064
Unicare Plus Pharmacy Incorporated United Protection Agent Of The Philippines Urban Graphic Printing Solutions 597 A Mariano Val..........(02)8371-7160 Velfox Manufacturing
Unitop Mall Mla .............. (02)8354-8677 Incorporated 178B Serrano KC ......... (0927)346-8105 Valeriano Enterprise 1269 A Rodriguez Ave
Unicor Trading 2491 Zamora PC ............ (02)7956-1587 Urban Grill House 10 Limay Mand .............. (02)8533-3585 Psg ............................ (02)8645-4730
Divisoria Mall Mla ........... (02)8401-2435 United Steel Technology International 51 Urbano Velasco Ave Valero Division Of Ayala Land Premier Velle Meri Marketing Corporation
Unicorn Metal Corporation Corporation Psg ............................. (0927)472836 Twr One & Exch Plz 26 Sable Mkna ............... (02)8942-0814
1 Punturin Lawang Bato Rd Bpi Binondo Rosario Bldg Urban Kids Enterprises Mkti ......................... (0917)548-7003 Velocipede Bicycle Shop
QC ............................. (02)8983-8198 Mla ............................ (02)8567-3671 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Valeur Skin Royale Place Arcade
Unicorn Safety Glass Incorporated United Travel Consultant SJ ............................ (0922)872-2204 Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)8816-7944 QC ........................... (0917)850-8488
52 A Del Mundo KC ........ (02)8361-4492 Osmena Bldg Mla ........... (02)8521-0687 Urban Pest Control Services Co Validosa Salon Velocity
Unicoss Garage United Village Bread House 2015 Sen Gil Puyat PC . (0905)723-8401 11 President Ave Pque . (0966)169-7420 8 Sct Borromeo QC ........ (02)3413-5825
796 Instruccion Mla ..... (0927)994-7552 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8552-2897 Urban Refuge Spa Valisno Transport Services Velocity Bike Shop
Unicraft Knitting Incorporated Unitex Incorporated 31 Mayon Mand ........... (0927)920-4022 Times Square QC ......... (0929)853-1806 Ysl Bldg PC .................. (0917)790-6061
999 Bernardo Mal...........(02)8330-6936 East Svc Rd Munt...........(02)8553-5112 Urban Smiles Dental Clinic Valle Verde Country Club Velvet Rose
Unidad Enterprises Unitra Maritime Manila Incorporated Empire Ctr Mall PC ......... (02)8217-3940 Valle Verde Country Club Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8659-7893
277 Cjon Banal Taguig ... (02)7586-8097 Jemarson Place Mla ....... (02)8353-2140 Urban Travellers Hotel Psg ............................ (02)8631-1711 Venderit Information Technology Solutions
Unified Adjusters & Surveyors Inc Unitractor Machinery Incorporated 2867 Zamora PC ............ (02)8832-1644 Valley Pulp & Papermills Incorporated Thaddeus Arcade
3625 Bautista Florama Bldg Resadel Bldg Mla ........... (02)8255-7300 Urban Whiskers Lelan Dr QC....................(02)8361-8531 Mkna ....................... (0936)298-2810
Mkti ........................... (02)8403-0828 Unitraders Aluminum & Glass Corp 1969 Piy Margal Mla .... (0945)332-7958 Valmarce Food Marketing Corporation Vendotronics
Unified Sales & Environmental Safety Richill Indl Compd Urbanessence Beauty & Wellness Spa 61-B Balingasa QC ......... (02)3415-9900 40 G Roxas QC ............ (0915)399-5717
Incorporated Parañaque .................. (02)8826-8023 1427 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Valtes Advanced Technology Incorporated Venice Creation Incorporated
South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-8261 Universa Services Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)105-3595 Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)8823-8391 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2230
Unified Systems Corporation Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8801-2708 Urbanessence Beauty & Wellnesss Spa Van Cley Realty Incorporated Venice Jewellers
The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8848-2542 Universal Access System Corporation Makati Merchant Bldg Mla ......... (02)8524-2135 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0362
Unifiedweb Incorporated Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8667-0868 877 Robelle Hotel Mkti ... (02)8363-6211 Van Laack Venice Water Station
Yrreverre Square Bldg Universal Bakery Urbanessence Beauty And Wellness Center Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-6468 Gloda Bldg Mla ............... (02)8514-7037
QC ............................. (02)8357-5570 A Bonifacio Mkna ........... (02)8998-1648 Johver Bldg Pque ......... (0916)297-8908 Vancouver Dev Incorporated Venson's Tailoring And Upholstery
Uniform Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning Universal Bearing Corporation Urbanmist Trading L San Diego Val .............. (02)8291-0244 Alternative Shop
Supply Incorporated 9620 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8896-1363 128 D Soliven Psg .......... (02)7903-9322 Vancouver Hill Preschool San Martin QC .............. (0948)353-2759
431 Sales Mla ................ (02)5310-2280 Universal Brushes Corporation Urdaneta Apartments Condominium 33 Mount Vancouver Vente
Uniglo Best Marketing 4 Toctokan QC ............... (02)8361-9475 Urdaneta Condmn Mkti ... (02)8844-4160 QC ........................... (0917)807-9320 Market! Market! Taguig . (0906)710-9245
168 Shopping Mall 5 Universal Glass Company Incorporated Urident Dental Clinic Vanilla Cupcake Bakery Venturanza Hostalero & Company Cpas
Mla ............................ (02)8516-5050 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Psg .. (02)8634-5277 190 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Style Bldg QC ................. (02)8364-6992 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8706-1455
Uniglobal Chem Industries Incorporated Universal Home Center Corporation Psg ............................ (02)7625-2532 Vanity Aesthetic And Cosmetic Venue 142 Events Place
Jbd Bldg QC ................... (02)8920-6749 603 Pinaglabanan SJ ...... (02)8234-5582 Urns Travel & Tours Circle C Mall QC ........... (0917)856-5951 L Bldg QC.....................(0977)779-1058
Uniglobe Travelware Co Incorporated Universal Leaf Philippines Incorporated Col Bonny Serrano Ave Vanity Association Of The Philippines Venue 36 Events Place
Alabang Town Ctr LP ...... (02)8553-4997 Discovery Ctre Psg ......... (02)8637-8859 QC ........................... (0918)566-8026 Minnesota Mansion QC (0917)860-9329 36 Morning Star Dr QC . (0916)700-5593

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Veracity Retail Solutions Inc Vican Security Services Corporation Vin-Liz Medical And Dental Supplies Vitalstrats Creative Solutions Vzg Food Industries Incorporated
446 Edsa Guadalupe 5 Faith QC .................... (0917)544-1555 Trading Puno Bldg QC.................(02)3435-9379 Ramirez Bldg QC ............ (02)8990-6865
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-8929 Vicar Tire Supply Incorporated Ruzz Bldg Pque ............ (0977)497-9371 Vitaminworld Corporation
Veracity Synergy Solutions Incorporated 1842 J Abad Santos Ave Vinateria Resto Bar & Grill Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8659-0548
Ags Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8882-6719
Mla ............................ (02)8252-4902
Vicaria Jewellry
1607 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0995)850-5427
Vincent Bhenz Trading
Normandy Psg ............. (0917)680-1010 W
A&V Crystal Twr Mkti ..... (02)8550-1888 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 815 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-7860 Vittorio Salon
Verashoppers SJ .............................. (02)8723-9878 Vincent's Place Kambingan Restaurant Dioresa Plz Mla .............. (02)8256-6937 W & M Marketing
48 Tirad Pass QC ........... (02)3413-4108 Vicci Fashion 1787-A Dr Jose P Laurel Sr Vittorio's Steakhouse 641 Raon Shopping Ctr
Vercup Trading 6-B Magnas QC..............(02)8524-1505 Mla ............................ (02)8734-0352 32 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)7738-6564 Mla ............................ (02)8735-4727
B47 L15 C4 Brgy Longos Vicel Riverside Garden Venue Vinculum Technologies Vitug Law Offices W And L Trading Corporation
Mal ............................ (02)8287-5078 31 Lapu-Lapu Ave Nav ... (02)8281-7652 70 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8244-5644 Marvel Bldg II Mla...........(02)8241-7666 33 8th St QC .................. (02)8721-7930
Verdantwaly Industrial Corporation Vicellen Hardware And Construction Vindemia Cafe Viva Global Travel And Tours W Ang Lucky Charm Trading
Mbi Bldg Mla .................. (02)7717-1433 Paso De Blas Val ............ (02)8294-4637 Mckinley Hill Taguig ..... (0920)369-5601 2257 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8808-9831 Holy Spirit QC.................(02)8245-6526
Verde Communications And Marketing Inc Vicfania Trading Vinder Ind'l And Plumbing Supplies Vivere Salon W Bridges Manpower Corporation
1905 San Pascual Mla....(02)8522-2334 24 Jamaica QC...............(02)7745-9631 Fireweed LP ................... (02)8846-7520 Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7915-0227 Sole Mare Twr D Pque .. (0917)587-7557
Verdenova Corp Victo Rio Enterprises Vinland Int'l Incorporated Vivian's Restaurant & More W E G Light Trading
Novaliches Plz Mall QC ... (02)8930-8246 Royal Mansion Mand ...... (02)7239-0211 Veteran's Ctre Taguig......(02)8423-2479 6051 Levi Mariano Ave Sta Monica QC ............... (02)7576-0834
Verdure Xchange Tech Incorporated Victor Ortega Salon & Spa Vinnell-Belvoir Corporation Taguig......................(0917)757-6940 W Global Realty Incorporated
Aurora Garden Plz QC ..... (02)8477-8598 Lourdes Dr Psg ............ (0921)234-9095 Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8958 Vivocom Technologies Incorporated W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8808-0463
Vergara Floor Care And Cleaning Solutions Victor R Potenciano Medical Center Vinova Bathroom Fixture Cgi Bldg QC ................... (02)8941-4314 W Hydrocolloids Inc
Kalinisan Mand.............(0917)532-1129 163 Edsa Mand .............. (02)8464-9999 Ortigas Home Depot Vizen Marketing W Fifth Ave Bldg Taguig..(02)8856-3838
Vergo Enterprises Victoria Building Psg .......................... (0938)702-1433 917 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8536-2323 W L Foods Corporation
Lri Bldg QC...................(0917)808-1338 314 Victoria Bldg KC ...... (02)8365-0060 Vinrio Upholstery Shop Vjpa Seafood Trading 8 Furong Val...................(02)3444-5642
Verheilen Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Victoria Dental Clinic 2514 Mangga Pque ........ (02)8569-6107 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0932)456-2605 W-Grill Ktv Bar
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-3082 Mh Del Pilar Mal ............. (02)8287-9155 Vintage Hub Vkm Construction Supplies Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0920)272-0562
Veritek Incorporated Victoria Manor Realty Corporation 431 El Grande Ave 18 Kalamansi QC ......... (0915)813-9600 W-Tech Solutions
11 B Baesa Rd QC..........(02)3455-3998 Victoria Manor Bldg Mla . (02)8522-1660 Pque ........................ (0998)245-8888 Vlar Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Eco Plz Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8779-5400
Verleo Catering Services Victoria Place Clubhouse Vintage Nail Salon & Spa 635 Earnshaw Mla ......... (02)8994-0498 W9 Global Microsolutions Incorporated
17 Circumferential Rd 9-E Santan Mal...............(02)8398-0962 5 A Santiago Nav..........(0916)782-0381 Vlf Medical Clinic H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8729-0044
QC ........................... (0917)530-4870 Victoria Sofa Set Vip Drilling And Machinery Company Marcelo Bldg Psg ......... (0927)706-0338 Waagner-Biro Philippines Incorporated
Vero Moda Philippines 1 Gabriel Ext Psg .......... (0945)552-6731 233 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8291-9629 Vlv Bike Shop Keystone Bldg Mkti.........(02)8817-2737
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8087-8406 Victoria's Hand & Foot Wellness Viper Arms Gunworks 15 Zabarte Rd KC ......... (0949)661-1688 Wab's
Versa Group Philippines Corporation Don Mariano Marcos Ave 55 15th Ave QC .............. (02)8397-8305 Vma Elegant Curtain Designs 1254-1258 Asturias
King Ctr Bldg QC ............ (02)8366-6868 QC ........................... (0927)702-7772 Viper Autogate Parkview Twr 2 QC ......... (02)8245-9979 Mla .......................... (0960)849-3350
Versa Metal Industries Inc Victoria's Secret 307 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8243-2610 Vmsk Digital Printing Services Wabz Racing Parts And Accessories
189 Haig Mandaluyong...(02)8531-6267 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8846-7999 Vir Serrano Tailoring 388E Quirino Hwy QC ... (0995)282-3172 Ascension Ave QC ........ (0916)107-4046
Versa Powder Coating Inc Victoriano Luna Medical Center 75B Roces Ave QC ......... (02)8373-0329 Vmv Skin Research Centre+Clinics Wadjet Corporation
189 Haig Mandaluyong...(02)8531-6273 V Luna Ave QC ............... (02)8929-3551 Vira Pest Incorporated Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7900-0803 Wadjet LP ...................... (02)8871-0638
Versailles Holdings Corporation Victorias Foods Corporation John Pque ...................... (02)8823-9587 Vobling Wadyong Maids Employment Services
Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8846-0280 Pacific Ctre Bldg Psg ...... (02)8570-2605 Virginia Festejo Twenty-Five Seven Mckinley Bldg 53C M L Quezon Taguig . (02)7577-8527
Versalinia Incorporated Victory Asia Churches Of Asia Inc 816 Arnaiz Mkti .............. (02)8843-2546 Taguig......................(0927)255-1391 Wadyong Relaxing Male Spa
Topy 1 Bldg QC .............. (02)8634-8973 Robinsons Mall QC ......... (02)8921-3047 Virgo Vogue Concepts Incorporated Manuel L Quezon Ave
Versatemp Corp Victory Church 1594 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3416-7099 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-5855 Taguig........................(02)7906-6029
162 A Mabini San Juan .. (02)8726-9246 St Thomas Square Mla ... (02)8736-0751 Voice Of God Recordings Incorporated Waffles And Soda Corporation
Virlanie Foundation Incorporated
Vertere Global Solutions Inc Victory Liner Incorporated 4055 Yague Mkti ............ (02)8895-3460 19 St Mary QC ............... (02)8376-3253 3396 Guernica Mkti ........ (02)8846-8273
Sm Cyberone Bldg Mkti .. (02)8857-3700 Victory Liner Term KC .... (02)8330-4484 Volare General Services Incorporated Wags & Tails Veterinary Clinic
Virmacs Dry Good 11D Ermin Garcia QC ..... (02)8721-4935
Vertex Tools Marketing Corporation Victory Lying-In Center Zabarte Town Mall KC .... (02)8355-6814 Tomas Morato Ave QC . (0917)859-3838
125-A G Araneta Ave 2104 Dimasalang Mla...(0956)879-1685 Voltage Electrical Services Wagyuniku
QC ........................... (0917)623-0556 Virtual Station Corporation 87 15th Ave QC ............ (0935)330-8446
Victory Pest Control Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr 89 Agloria Diaz LP .......... (02)7341-7359
Vertical Lift And Equipment Inc One Joroma Place QC .... (02)7218-8175 SJ ............................ (0917)855-9376 Von & Hans Metalcrafts Wahana Multipurpose Bank Corp
8892 San Pablo 1199 Cattleya KC ......... (0956)713-9552 Real LP .......................... (02)8818-6337
Parañaque .................. (02)8772-0043 Victory Shuttle Service Incorporated Virtualidad Inc
311 Gen Douglas Mc Arthur Hwy Araneta Ctr QC ............... (02)8988-5800 Von Dutch Wake Cup @ 5Nine Cafe
Verus One Enterprise Inc Val ............................. (02)8277-6549 Robinsons Place Manila 59 Sct Delgado QC ....... (0998)450-2954
11 Calbayog Mand ......... (02)7000-6599 Virtudazo Electrical Rewinding Repair & Mla ............................ (02)7576-3192
Victory Upholstery & Canvas Store Supply Walk Ez
Verve Multimedia Incorporated Vorashe Asian Dining & Coffee Bonifacio High Street
2275 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8522-3747 672 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-9531 6 Tilapia KC..................(0917)541-7433 Abel Nosce LP ............... (02)8962-0883 Taguig........................(02)8834-7679
Vespalab Video City Commercial Incorporated Virtue Manpower Services Vouno Trade And Marketing Services
17 Shaw Blvd Mand ....... (02)8534-6033 Wallcrown Design Center Incorporated
18 Granada QC.............(0905)665-8522 Susana Condmn QC ....... (02)8724-9839 Corporation Mc Home Depot Fort Bonifacio
Vestland Maritime Corporation Vienna Lodging House Virtuoso Tires Marco Polo Ortigas Manila Taguig........................(02)8659-4576
3306 Matanzas Mkti ....... (02)8832-7404 J P Rizal Mkti ............... (0966)661-6923 A Mabini KC ................. (0915)634-5305 Psg ............................ (02)7958-1204 Wallprints International Incorporated
Vet Specialists Incorporated Vieve Hotel Visayan Marketing Corporation Voyage Hotel Amenities 251 EDSA Mandaluyong . (02)8726-8328
27 Granada QC...............(02)8723-9028 1548 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8526-4212 602 Sevilla Mla...............(02)8243-2051 D Circle Hotel Mla.........(0917)620-8161 Wamcoph Incorporated
Vetlife Animal Clinic View Point Optical Clinic Visca Firearms Repair Shop Voyager Travel And Tours Incorporated Ipi Buendia Twr PC ......... (02)8777-2912
Graywhite Bldg PC ......... (02)8995-0903 316 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-6734 161 11th Ave QC .......... (0916)256-2944 Fedman Bldg Mkti...........(02)8893-1461 Wan Hai Lines (Phils) Incorporated
Vetmoto Animal Clinic Vigattin Insurance Viser-Phil Formwork Corporation Voyageur Company Inc Mict-North Harbor Mla .... (02)8244-4967
Sampaguita Pasong Putik Proper Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)7903-2126 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-9593 59C Veterans Vill QC ...... (02)7576-0829 Wan Kee Bakery Incorporated
QC ........................... (0920)815-7986 Viger Trading Viseversa Incorporated Voyg Transport Services Inc 828-830 Benavidez Mla .. (02)8244-8331
Vetopia Animal Clinic Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0922)846-7112 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8478-9213 Lite Bldg Psg ................ (0917)504-3760 Wandering Nomad Diner
238 Shoe Ave Mkna ....... (02)7621-2952 Vigor Security Services Incorporated Vision A&E Incorporated Vp Villarica Pawnshop Jlb Apts Val .................... (02)7001-1307
Vets Tour Travel Service 106-C Corta SJ .............. (02)8632-7470 Orosa Bldg Psg .............. (02)8634-6076 122 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8442-2257 Wanderstruck Travel And Tours
South Stn Green Bldg Viiworks Vision Cargo Movers Corporation Vpx Franchising And Car Repair Shop 21st Ave QC ................... (02)7975-2331
Munt .......................... (02)8403-7540 252 West Of Ayala Condo 58 Andres De Urdaneta Solutions Wang Pau Samgyupsal
Vetsharp Animal Clinic Mkti ........................... (02)8846-8844 Mla ............................ (02)8516-6081 81 Serrano Laktaw QC..(0917)637-2085 731 Victoria Mla ........... (0917)503-2890
Valp Bldg QC ................ (0995)916-8123 Villa Capco Vision Express Holdings Incorporated Vrc Creative Events Management Warehouse Eight Multi-Functional Space
Vetspeak Incorporated 55 Axis Rd Psg ............ (0917)546-7499 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8551-6477 Corporation 2241 Chino Roces Ave
Parc Hse Bldg Mand ....... (02)8531-4536 Villa Del Conte Vision Sign T-Shirt Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8668-7787 Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8643
Vfc Land Resources Incorporated Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7621-6101 Sinagtala Batasan Hills Vrj Car And Van Rental Services Warlock Internet Cafe
Tabacalera Bldg Mla ....... (02)8522-7942 Villa Hizon Private Resort QC ........................... (0928)763-0623 450 Bacood Mla ............. (02)8735-6417 2010 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8353-7428
Vfl Advisors Incorporated 88 Diego KC.................(0933)811-5644 Vision Signs Vrn Total Optical Incorporated Warme Chemical Corporation
6 Cambridge Circle Mkti . (02)8887-4227 Villa Infant Jesus Pavilion - Events Place 221 Amang Rodriguez 6057 R Palma Mkti.........(02)8553-3335 400 Mayon QC ............... (02)8732-2813
Vfs Enterprises Branch I 40 D Macapagal Mkna .. (0917)825-5607 Psg ............................ (02)8668-1937 Vrr Complete Line Car Accessories Warner Bros (F E) Incorporated
Cherry Foodarama QC .... (02)8929-6522 Villa Prescilla Resort & Event Services Visionarch Incorporated 1687-A Evangelista Mkti . (02)8889-6350 Wynsum Corporate Plz
Vgr Glass And Aluminum Works Forest Hills Dr QC ......... (0917)907-2070 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-5375 Vrso Interiors Psg ............................ (02)8634-9301
Kaingin 1 QC ................ (0926)624-5493 Villa Rosalinda Visioncraft Advertising Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0917)629-5924 Wasabe Trading Corp
Vgsy 2000 Technologies Incorporated 13 Bagong Calzada Lansbergh Place Condmn Vs&F Catering Services 67 Brixton Hills QC ......... (02)8714-1384
Mbi Bldg Plz Mla ............ (02)8253-3499 Taguig......................(0917)586-3146 QC ............................. (02)8351-8213 48 Winston Ave QC ........ (02)8461-6182 Wash 'n Wear
Via Dematologica Clinic Villa Salud Catering Services Visivo Productions Incorporated Vsw Diesel Parts Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)3427-8498
Robinsons Galleria Mall 229 Mlq Taguig .............. (02)8837-6801 97 Matatag QC ............... (02)8928-8164 721-B A Bonifacio Av Wash It Yourself Laundry Hub
QC ............................. (02)8636-4916 Villa Sta Maria Private Resort Visprint Incorporated Quezon City................(02)8366-0184 Alicante Bldg Mkna ....... (0917)625-3373
Via Mare Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave 2810 Alcaver PC ............ (02)8844-4568 Vts Cargo Forwarding Wash Mamu
North Wing Evia Lifestyle Ctr Psg .......................... (0999)160-0739 Vista Land International Marketing 21st Ave QC ................. (0966)509-3133 Pioneer Ctr Psg .............. (02)7730-2932
LP ............................ (0917)674-5577 Villangca Auto Parts Store Worldwide Corporate Ctr Vuena Chicken Wash Me Nene Laundry And Dry Cleaning
Via Philippines Travel Corporation B4 L11 Grand Monaco La Impreza Mand ......................... (02)8226-3552 95 M H Del Pilar Psg .... (0945)754-2061 Services
Pacific Dr PC .................. (02)8555-9444 Psg .......................... (0920)640-2665 Vista Residences Vulcatech Tire Services 193 P Burgos Mkna......(0927)490-0799
Via Venetto Philippines Incorporated Villarasa Pawnshop 267 Katipunan Ave QC . (0935)456-8341 Don Basilio Bautista Blvd Washington
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8809-5603 Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8353-0656 Vista Shaw By Vista Residences Mal .......................... (0932)860-3973 Eastwood Eastwood Mall
Via's Handcrafted Jewelry Villareal Fernando And Company 515 Vista Shaw Mand .. (0999)229-2481 Vurve Design QC ............................. (02)8470-3070
Vinia Residence QC ...... (0917)857-3221 Incorporated Vistaaire Builders And Airconditioning Sales Greenhills Shopping Ctr Washington Central Corporation
Viaggio Travel And Tours Inc V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8845-1860 And Services Inc SJ .............................. (02)8724-0330 161 Nadurata KC ............ (02)8362-2211
Ecg Bldg QC ................... (02)7799-9323 Villaroman & Mananquil Law Group 20-21 Magnolia QC ........ (02)7745-6169 Vvm Pure Chemical Products Trading Washington Retailers Incorporated
Viatel Manila Incorporated West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8285-7283 Vit Map Restaurant Ugong Val .................... (0945)618-3358 City Of Dreams Manila
Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8813-2472 Villarosa Catering Services 126 Amorsolo Mkti ....... (0945)716-8116 Vvz Prime Concepts Inc Pque .......................... (02)8893-9039
Vibez Entertainment Company 59 8th Ave KC .............. (0915)965-1593 Vitachem Industries Gen M Capinpin Mkti ...... (02)8738-7713 Washvenience Laundry Full Service
113 Rd 1 QC .................. (02)3454-7375 Villaruel's Toy Balloons 168 Congressional Ave Vw Interiors Philippines Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz
Vic 'n Bike 1108 Arlegui Mla ............ (02)8734-3784 QC ............................. (02)8929-8214 E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0945)246-4686 QC ........................... (0975)226-9918
Gov Pascual Ave Mal .... (0918)497-2025 Villaruz Villaruz & Co Cpas Vital Resource Enterprise Vxi Global Solutions Inc Waste Recovery Co Incorporated
Vic's Construction & Sons Company Galleria Corporate Ctr Union Square Condmn Sm Cyber Two Bldg 16B Gen Araneta Psg ..... (02)8634-6466
911 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8732-7141 QC ............................. (02)8687-3324 QC ............................. (02)7906-2593 Mkti ......................... (0917)777-5555 Watch And See Corporation
Vic's Lpg Store Villegrace Realty Solutions Vitaline Trading Vybrance Int'l Corporation Robinsons Place Manila
207 Quezon Munt ........... (02)8553-4818 R Magsaysay Blvd Mla . (0927)772-4142 Corporate 101 Bldg QC...(02)8376-3171 1 Lakeview Dr Psg ......... (02)8671-2957 Mla ............................ (02)8524-4496
Vic-Key Fruit Stand Villman Computer Systems Incorporated Vitalite Trading Vylette Balloons And Party Needs Watch Home Massage Service
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)112-6587 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1615 438 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8740-5322 139 Fort Santiago QC ... (0947)200-9175 Nbp Bldg SJ ................. (0912)900-1867

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:46 2022 - P92

93 S C M Y K


Watch In Focus Weemall.Com Western Bicutan Diagnostic Health Wild West Roadhouse Grill Wishland Software Technologies
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7943-2480 191 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8555-3388 Laboratory B1 Bonifacio High Street 213 Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Watch Republic Weg Electric Motors 1 Bayabas Taguig...........(02)8925-5384 Taguig........................(02)8856-1547 Mkti ........................... (02)8878-7512
Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1807 108 Residence QC ......... (02)8920-2952 Western Commercial Corp Wildcore Gym
Watch Works Marketing Wegen Energy Philippines 1266 C M Recto Ave 98 Mendez Rd QC ........ (0995)893-1995
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7943-2482 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)5304-6600 Manila ........................ (02)8244-9982 Wildflour Cafe + Bakery WISP & WARP
Watchcare Service Center Wehome 78 Angelo QC ...... (02)8832-4117 Western Communications Incorporated New O Square Bldg SJ ... (02)8775-3543
545 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8733-1927 Wei Wang Oriental Convenience Store Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8812-0987 Wildy's Auto Electrical Shop COMPANY INC
Watchworks Incorporated 223-B Wilson SJ ............ (02)8570-2288 Western Guaranty Corporation 111 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8911-7134 Wei Wei Cold Store Bpi Ofc Condmn Mla ...... (02)8241-7401 Psg ............................ (02)7225-6998 271 Paso De Blas Valen-
Water Balance Events Place 732 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-4619 Western Shipyard Services Incorporated Wilking Global Incorporated zuela ....... (02)8292-6932
65 Mandarin Ave Munt.........(0919)1589 Wei-Ver Electrical And Auxiliary Supply 1036 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8376-4508 Topy's Place QC ............. (02)8470-1670
Or Call ....... (02)8292-6937 / 8518-7012
Water Corner 29 Bnr Mal ................... (0956)661-6825 Western Textile Mills Incorporated Will Decena And Associates Incorporated
304 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8642-9529 Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Artex Bldg Mla ................ (02)8522-7396 Rose Bldg QC.................(02)8374-5182
Water Genesis Enterprise The Main Place Bldg SJ .. (02)8570-1014 Western Woods Flooring Co Incorporated William Parts Corporation Wisp & Warp Company Inc
333 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8330-3633 Welaco Asia Phil Incorporated Alabang Home Depot 1121 J Nakpil Mla .......... (02)8523-5416
Water Heater Philippines Bormaheco Bldg Pque .... (02)8403-2619 Munt .......................... (02)8771-2231 Williams Distributors Co WISP AND
Dexterton Bldg QC .......... (02)8362-1111 Welcome Citidaon Inc Burgundy Westbay Twr
Westfair Marketing Incorporated
Mla .......................... (0917)591-4567 WARP
Water Living 748 Delos Santos Mla .... (02)8559-7824 12 Masipag Val .............. (02)8277-0162 QR HERE!
Fort Victoria Twr Taguig..(02)8517-3340 Welcome Engineering And Machine Works Westlake Resorts Incorporated Willjo General Merchandise COMPANY
Water World Pools And Spas Incorporated 8-B 94 E Rodriguez Sr Blvd Act Theater Bldg QC ....... (02)8421-0994 Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8635-6523
17 Susano Rd KC ........... (02)8782-9921 QC ............................. (02)8712-0562 Westmont Industrial Sales Incorporated Wills Auto Car Care INC
Waterlab Water Testing Laboratory Inc Welcome Finance Inc Philippines 1169 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-7619 Jade Hghts Munt .......... (0995)504-8095
The Taipan Place Bldg Wills International Sales Corporation 271 Paso De Blas
137 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0917)544-6937 Westpoint Interdata Group Incorporated Valenzuela ................. (02)8292-6932
Waters Philippines Psg ............................ (02)8657-2400 Universal Lms Bldg Mkti . (02)8551-6255 11th Corporate Ctr
14 Ilang-Ilang QC ........... (02)8584-0602 Welcome Home Appliances Corporation Taguig........................(02)8737-0999 Wizworks Laundry Services
Westrim Incorporated
Watsons 229 Wilson SJ................(02)8579-5188 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8914-0464 Willyvit 23 Calamba QC ...... (02)8518-0109 K-3rd St QC ................... (02)8861-5179
425 Ortigas Ave SJ.......(0917)806-1881 Welden Diesel Center Wilma Sim (Wsg) Cpa Tax & Consultancy Wj88 Bike Parts And Accessories
Westview Properties Incorporated Citiplaza 2 QC...............(0915)402-2910
Wattpader Feels 32D Mcarthur Hwy Mal...(02)8361-0914 Bjs Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8808-8094 Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0908)361-9698
Pampano Mal ............... (0946)469-6661 Welding Industries Of The Philippines Inc Wilmar Metal Systems Incorporated Wjas Atomic Trading
Westview Vehicle Wash & Foodstrip 1326-1328 C M Recto Ave
Wawa Bing's Kitchen Cartimar Admin Bldg West Fairview QC ......... (0917)529-1979 1726-B Alvarez Mla ........ (02)7625-3395
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0966)438-8513 Pasay City .................. (02)8831-2262 Mla ............................ (02)8734-6015 Wjj Airconditioning And Ventilation Inc
Weswin Co Incorporated Wilson And Ayache Clinic
Waxman Commercial Corp Welgro Foods Corporation Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8570-0756 Magsaysay QC ............. (0925)890-6205
680 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-8403 589 Cordillera Mand ....... (02)8533-9650 Legaspi Park View Bldg Wjq Optical Clinic
Wet Shop Mkti ........................... (02)8846-6725
Way2Bake Welinc Greenhills Shopping Ctr 20 N Roxas Mkna ......... (0977)407-4258
4319 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8556-6258 519 Gen Ordonez Ave Wilson Glass And Aluminum Wm Industrial Sales
SJ .............................. (02)8721-0868 Victory Central Mall KC ... (02)8361-1084
Wbbbb Accounting Services Mkna ....................... (0917)684-1100 1023 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-1962
Well Engineered Products Company Inc Wge Business Solution Incorporated Wilson International Manpower Services Inc
V Luna Rd QC ................ (02)3430-4698 Richville Corporate Ctr Wmh Software Development
241 Lord's Candle KC ..... (02)8366-5374 Mct Bldg Mla .................. (02)7971-9337 Leo Sulpi Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8809-2939
Wbe Logistics Munt .......................... (02)8807-0263
Cruzista Bldg Psg ........... (02)7957-3343 Well Suited Rtw Shop Wilson Notary Public Wns Global Services (Philippines)
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Whealth Medical Clinic And Diagnostic Sanciangco Mal ........... (0947)591-9301
Wca Travel And Tours Center Incorporated
158 Orchids QC ........... (0906)257-4389 SJ ............................ (0905)173-6498 Wilstark Marketing Corporation Eastwood Ave QC...........(02)8318-2000
Wellbellas Beauty Lounge Gsis Metrohomes Mla .. (0943)407-3591 F Legaspi Psg ................ (02)8643-3740
Wcb Manpower Services Wobbly Pan Spanish Bistro
Illuzione Suite Ladies Dormitory Wheel Tech Wimax Philippines Incorporated Shangri-La Plz Mand .... (0945)412-8964
Ljc Bldg QC .................... (02)3456-6597 924 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3439-5418 11 Katarungan Mand ...... (02)8234-5538
Mla .......................... (0916)349-0597 Wok & Bowl Restaurant
Wcc Flight Attendant School Wheelfixit Mags Restoration Win Malabanan Excavation And Plumbing
134 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)389-3133 Wellbilt Stainless Steel Corporation 371 El Grande Ave
1888 Zamora Mla ........... (02)8562-7448 Diamond QC.................(0915)786-6558 Services Pque ........................ (0945)834-7615
Wcp Supplies Asia Pacific Corporation Wheelhorse Logistics Recruitment 33 St Joseph QC ............ (02)3412-6605
San Miguel Ave Psg ....... (02)8955-1274 Wellcare Healthcare Incorporated Wok To Go
238 Tomas Morato Ave 8 Kalaw Hill QC .............. (02)8289-8332 Winbee Enterprises 570 Atc Bldg Mla............(02)3484-4512
Wdjl Travel Services QC ............................. (02)8441-1815 Whey King Supplements 186B S Dian PC ............. (02)7950-7347
Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8352-7071 Wolper Manufacturing Corporation
Wellcom Telecom Supermarket Nbc Square QC ............ (0917)992-0214 Wincollins Furniture Enterprise 2561 Lamayan Mla ........ (02)8353-0932
We Do 4U Manpower Incorporated Robinsons Town Mall Whistler Steel Industries Corporation Fairwood Villas QC ......... (02)7940-9358
Pacific Plz Mla................(02)8525-2925 Won Ton Restaurant
Mal ............................ (02)8294-8564 2 Mercedes Ave Psg ...... (02)8546-1985 Wincorp Enterprises Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
We Work Rcbc Plz Mkti ...... (02)8626-3187 Wellcome Employment Centre Incorporated Whistler Technologies Acropolis Coml Area QC . (02)8352-2357 SJ .............................. (02)7744-2788
Wealth Express Services Ltd 20 Daffodil Rd LP ........... (02)8806-5440 Accra Law Twr Taguig....(02)8551-6370 Windshear International Philippines Wonder Photo Shop
Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)8511-1888 Wellcome King Chow Foods Corporation White Horse Ceramic (Phil) Inc 33 3rd Ave Residences Ayala Malls The 30th
Weapon R Guns & Ammo Welcome Plz Mall PC ..... (02)8836-2858 346 Sta Clara Mla...........(02)8821-2027 QC ............................. (02)8536-4047 Psg ............................ (02)7955-2187
153-C Boni Serrano Ave Weller Motor Parts Center White House Dental Optical Clinic Windsor Floorcoverings Incorporated Wonderbake
QC ............................. (02)8912-7524 1236 C M Recto Ave Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2526 Pioneer Highlands Mand . (02)8470-1665 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7956-8950
Wear Forward Mla ............................ (02)8244-8228 White Knight Hotel Saint Anne Windy's Place Staycation Condotel Wonderfoods Incorporated
Pioneer Mand ............... (0943)207-6389 Wellington Travel Services 2091 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0966)470-3485 Urban Deca Homes Manila Tri Star Bldg Mkti............(02)8881-7540
Wear You Clothing Pechaten Corporation Bldg White Marble Dental Clinic Mla .......................... (0916)910-2566 Wonders Of Kairos & Shekinah Events
C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8330-6387 Mla ............................ (02)8525-4715 Rnv Bldg Psg ............... (0915)177-8905 Wine Specialist & Beyond Inc Management Inc
Wearable Identity Incorporated Wellloved Seafood Harvest Incorporated White Marketing Development Corporation Sen Gil Puyat Ave PC ..... (02)8831-5988 477 T Sulit Pat ............. (0908)928-0730
17A South Zuzuarregui Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8635-3015 4549 V Mapa Mla ........... (02)8716-7632 Wine Story Wondersmile Dental Clinic
QC ............................. (02)7215-4049 Wellmade Manufacturing Corporation Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8846-6310 16 Sto Domingo QC ..... (0917)868-3778
White Palace Spa
Weave And Stitch Marketing 111 Iba Rd Meycauayan Rf Lopez Bldg Pque ........ (02)7799-8728 Winery Philippines Wongton's
Yangco Bldg Mla ............ (02)8241-9538 Bulacan......................(02)8299-6010 L'Ermitage Bldg Mkti ....... (02)7506-9185 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)320-7046
Web Focus Solutions Incorporated White Tulip Home Massage
Wellmanson Sewing Notions Incorporated 10 Kalayaan Ave Mkti ... (0923)790-8222 Wing-N-Out Wood Classic Enterprises
One San Miguel Ave Condo 855 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8242-0606 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0921)865-9882 654 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3418-8316
Psg ............................ (02)8696-9369 Whiten Gluta Lounge
Wellton Corporation 46-B Aguirre Ave Pque . (0916)588-9172 Wingain Manpower Services Inc Wood Fix Upholstery And Furniture Repairs
Web Outsourcing Gateway 1787 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8525-2348 David Bldg 1 Mand ......... (02)8722-1609 9 Osmena QC.................(02)8352-0526
One Corporated Ctre Whiteplanet Incorporated
Wen's Travel & Tours Century City Mall Mkti.....(02)8403-6011 Wingband Alloy Engineering Works Woodfields Consultants
Psg ............................ (02)8654-0001 75 Hills QC ................... (0917)956-4748 2968 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Whiz Carpet Tiles 153 Kamias QC .............. (02)3436-7360
Webfocus Solutions Incorporated Wendys Mla ............................ (02)8711-3768 Woodpecker Transport
One San Miguel Ave Bldg 1925 Adarna QC .......... (0906)319-0002
President Ave Pque ........ (02)8519-0522 Winged Wonder Corporation L15 B13 Joshua LP ........ (02)7255-4123
Psg ............................ (02)8706-5796 Whole Crown General Merchandise
Wening's Catering 536 Commercio Mla.....(0917)701-1654 Evekal Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8801-0676 Woodrich Enterprise
Webtechnology Surveillance & Services Sta Catalina QC ............ (0929)414-7530 Wings 88 326 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8243-0200
1457 G Maceda Mla ....... (02)8708-4682 Whole Pet Kitchen: Pet Deli & Bark-Ery
Wenix Soft Solutions Incorporated 349-D C M Recto SJ ...... (02)8357-2753 327 Col Estacio Taguig.(0995)502-8160 Woofy Wifi
Webtek Phil Jameson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8559-6886 Wings Technology Ent Incorporated A Place Bldg PC ........... (0906)322-4216
13-B West Ave QC ....... (0917)825-1502 Wholesome Foods Corporation Cityland Herrera Twr
Wenl Tailoring Services Isetann Mla .................... (02)8735-9614 Woojin E&C Incorporated
Webtex Mfg Corporation Carmina Milliard Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8869-7706 West Gate Twr Munt ....... (02)8511-7526
Webtex Bldg Mal ............ (02)8366-6206 Munt ........................ (0933)820-4039 Wi Tribe Winland Electronics And Electrical Center
Santana Grove Pque ..... (0946)279-7407 Woori Korean Language Training Center
Webtour Internet Cafe Wensha Spa Center Company Incorporated J Teodoro KC ................. (02)8365-4851 The Kamias Twin Twrs
Cmffi Bldg Mla ............... (02)8736-3427 Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8375-1398 Wi-Tribe Telecoms Incorporated Winner Tire & General Merchandise QC ........................... (0916)436-6799
Webtriffic.Com Weremote Coworking El Molito Bldg Munt ........ (02)8478-3723 1820 Jose Abad Santos Ave Wop's Restaurant And Bar
88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (0977)166-3700 Metrowalk Coml Cplx Wicked Cup Bubble Tea Mla ............................ (02)8252-4912 105 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0936)431-6285
Weddings Etc Psg .......................... (0919)623-3674 Langit Rd KC ................ (0929)204-8423 Winnerworkz Industrial Word For All Nations / The Word Centre
Ortigas Ext Psg ............. (0933)138-4333 Werner Access Products Philippines Widelink Telecoms Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8736-0049 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-9673
Wedingco Publishing Incorporated 992 Llano Rd KC .......... (0906)487-6745 Winson Garbage Hauling Services Work Of Love Cafe
Nsr Bldg Mkti ................. (02)7739-9303 San Miguel Ave Psg ....... (02)8435-6100 Wideout Aqa Incorporated L25 Nokia QC ................. (02)7263-9249 Triax Two Ctr Psg ......... (0915)785-7888
Wee Nam Kee Wesaph Ink And Art Printing Services Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8822-2755 Winson Hauling Services Workbench Construction & Trading Inc
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Susana QC ................... (0977)730-3413 Wiggling Happee Tails B6 L25 Nokia QC............(02)8517-7662 57 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)8807-8122
SJ ............................ (0917)700-8765 Wescor Transformer Corporation 80 Ramon Delfin Val.....(0947)385-2676 Winsource Business Solutions Workers Janitorial And Manpower
Weed Boy Sean Incorporated 10 Tikling Quezon City .... (02)8930-6983 Wiggling Tails Pet Supplies Pioneer Mand ................. (02)8667-3838 Specialist Inc
Primex Bldg QC .............. (02)8727-5722 Weshade Enterprise 30 Elpidio Santos Psg .... (02)7933-5914 Winstar Trading Corporation 853 H Edsa QC ............ (0910)788-3356
1215 Camba Ext Mla ...... (02)8967-6690 Wikreate Konstruct Builders Inc State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-2042 Workpad Incorporated
The YELLOW PAGES West Bay Colleges Incorporated 158 8th St KC .............. (0995)736-5000 Wintercrib Airconditioning Sales & Services Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8553-5733
Cajiles Cpd Munt ............ (02)8771-1795 Wil Industrial Sales Company Inc Workstation Hardware And Appliances
West Makati Tourist Inn 2029 A Francisco Mla .... (02)8563-4502 19 Matutum QC ............ (0917)794-2495 235 Libertad PC ............. (02)8551-1746
is the place to search. 1417 Vito Cruz Ext Mkti .. (02)8899-3757 Wil Wil Hardware Winterworld Garment Shop Worl Home Depot Corporation
West Side Street Internationalcompany 501 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-2417 Cartimar Main Bldg PC ... (02)7623-8790 Ctip Cmpd Psg ............... (02)8656-7539
953 Espeleta Mla............(02)8733-5905 Wilcare Aqua Winxinfini3 Internet Cafe World Chicken
Thousands of businesses, West Tyre Center 23 M A Reyes SJ ........... (02)8726-7552 6129 Calle Once Val ....... (02)8568-9363 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8818-2601
148 West Ave QC ........... (02)8920-6247 Wilchan Metal Ind'l Corporation Wira X-Press Capri QC ..... (0977)454-9041 World Citi Medical Center Incorporated
West Wing Pharma Incorporated P Jacinto KC .................. (02)8983-9337 Wireless Link Technologies Incorporated 960 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8913-8380
services and dealers are 51 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8929-6569 Wilcon Builders Depot 540 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8353-6086 World Class Concepts Corporation
Westar Technology Incorporated 292 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-6254 Wisdom Light Christian Academyinc 3270-D Armstrong  Ave
Asian Mansion 2 Mkti ..... (02)8255-5711 Wild Flour Italian 35 Apo QC ..................... (02)8742-2201 PC ............................. (02)8824-3857
listed in The Yellow Pages Westech Meditrade Incorporated The Finance Ctr Bldg Wise Owl Playschool & Tutorial Center World Class Laminate Incorporated
Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8294-0116 Taguig......................(0917)632-9384 170 Retiro QC .............. (0917)540-9480 Future Point Plz 1 QC......(02)8374-8739
for your quick reference. Western Wild Indigo Kitchen & Cafe Wise Recruit Corporation World Of Crystal Marketing
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-1905 411 N S Amoranto QC .. (0945)154-7956 Crispina Bldg QC ............ (02)8928-1938 817 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8247-4075

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:46 2022 - P93

94 S C M Y K


World Of Furry Friends Limited Xinhong Apparel Incorporated Ybalai Builders Inc Your Offshore Bpo Services Inc Yza Maurah Incorporated
Citiplace Bldg Mla...........(02)7738-0891 119 11th Ave KC ............ (02)8363-8025 1254 C Don Pedro Mla ... (02)7622-0771 1167 Chino Roces Ave 155 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8352-4896
World Pacific Resources Incorporated Xitrix Corporation Yct Internet Cafe Mkti ........................... (02)8871-7789
Golden Rock Bldg Mkti ... (02)8815-8347 Xitrix Bldg QC ................. (02)8721-9999 90 Sitio 2 Taguig ............ (02)8836-4054 Your Pets Health And Grooming Center-
World Stage Productions
Reposo Mkti ................... (02)8919-0208
1286 Lardizabal Mla ..... (0916)562-4090
Ydc Incorporated
102 Maryland QC ........... (02)8531-6561
Veterinary Clinic
Quirino Ave Mla ............ (0917)801-9267 Z
World View Hardware And Electrical Supply Xoom Autogaz Incorporated Year Luck Food & Industrial Corporation Your Virtual Savvy | Sharon G
751 A Edsa PC ............... (02)8851-0358 68 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8920-7763 Sunny Realty Cpd Psg .... (02)8628-3689 Calaca QC .................... (0955)966-6403 Z Disinfectant Services
Worldbest Logistics Phils Incorporated Xpert Seats Auto Interior Upholstery Yedang Korean Restaurant Yowell 138 Jasmin QC ............ (0917)251-2859
Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8522-1415 32 Labayani QC............(0977)801-2899 88 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8636-1461 San Lorenzo Place Z Skin Care Center
Worldlink Freight System Incorporated Xplore Philippines Incorporated Yeehome Corporation Ph Mkti ......................... (0906)353-8016 One Kalayaan Place Bldg
Cargo Vill Cplx Pque ....... (02)8853-6836 563 Col B Serrano Ave 287 Escolta Mla ........... (0936)737-5426 Yoyoy's Internet Cafe KC ........................... (0915)759-2213
Worldlion Global Company QC ............................. (02)8352-0212 Yek Yeu Merchandising Incorporated 212 Augustinian Pque .... (02)8894-2125 Z Square Mall
1243 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-9070 Xpo Lending Investor Corporation 491 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8242-3401 Yp4K Gym Equipment Sales 886 Banawe QC ............. (02)8294-0369
Worldmaster International Travel 2124 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8846-4893 Yellow Box Rice Company Senatorial Rd QC .......... (0921)486-8674 Z&L Events Organizer & Catering Services
Ayala Fairview Terraces Mall Xrc Resources Incorporated Petron Square QC ......... (0917)585-5636 Yqc Development Corporation 40 Dagohoy KC ............ (0923)475-7890
QC ........................... (0917)546-6911 353 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8948-1528 Yelo Republika Incorporated West East Ctr Mla ........... (02)8525-5447 Z2 Merch
Worldroom Incorporated Xstructures Engineering Consultants 2062 Edison Mkti ........... (02)8808-5780 Yrezabal & Co Incorporated 22 E Delapaz Mkna.......(0917)811-5463
Crossroad 77 QC............(02)8374-0102 199 Fedman Suites Mkti . (02)8716-8988 Yeloofa Development Corporation Bormaheco Cpd Pque.....(02)8822-1283 Zab Enterprises Inc
Worldsan Ventures Corporation Xtd Dimsum Express 168 Shopping Mall 5 Yrs Manila Jewelry Designs 2151 Sobriedad Mla ....... (02)8743-8493
Fishermall QC ................. (02)8364-5269 8 Hobbies Of Asia PC ... (0917)836-2944 Mla ............................ (02)8708-4786 949 A Bonifacio Ave Zabarte Food Exchange Incorporated
Worldtrade General Foods Enterprise Xternalco Accounting Services Yes Ecommerce & Translation Services QC ........................... (0916)735-9055 Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-4487
717 Apitong Mla ............. (02)8525-7861 Builders Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8710-3298 B A Lepanto Bldg Mkti .... (02)7000-7026 Ysa's Bakers Studio Zaborr Foods Incorporated
Worldwide Entrepreneurs.Ph Incorporated Xtreme Cargo Logistic Corporation Yes Electrical Supply Incorporated 740 R Castillo Psg........(0927)229-1883 129 Dna Soledad Ave
Starmall Edsa Mand ....... (02)8721-2300 137 Ignacio PC .............. (02)8832-6670 1405 C M Recto Ave Ysabella Nails & Spa Pque .......................... (02)8824-3166
Worthy Transport Incorporated Xtreme Gamezone - Online Casino Games Mla ............................ (02)8711-8296 1717 Sobriedad Mla ..... (0967)819-9094 Zachmigz Trucking Services
4 Old Zabarte Rd KC ....... (02)8990-6418 168 Shopping Mall Mla.(0928)252-9300 Yes Optica Ysabelle's Events Place Corazon Bldg Nav ........... (02)7217-1440
Wow Hair Salon Xtreme Gym Equipment Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-7278 3 Araneta Ave KC ......... (0999)945-8976 Zadic Diesel Calibration Center
Rv Place Mand ............. (0923)254-0189 Camec Jcb Bldg QC ..... (0999)995-4577 Yescredit Financing Incorporated Ysamigz-Earl Pizza Hub 1168 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8692-1115
Green Sun Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8479-8500 104 Jojo QC ................. (0975)184-8264 Zagu
Wow Salon Xtreme Unite Steel
Alabang Zapote LP ....... (0928)984-6671 654 Quirino KC...............(02)8961-5233 Yhat's Car Wash & Auto Detailing Ysb General Merchandise Robinsons Fairview QC.(0909)914-4000
1159 Lanzones QC ....... (0917)569-1784 29 Armida S Reyna Zai And Glaiza Laundry Shop
Wowa Kitchen X Café Xtreme Works Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8984-2465
56 Bayani Rd Taguig .... (0906)223-9010 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Yhesian Rice Retailing South Rd QC ................ (0908)968-6278
Psg ............................ (02)8696-6879 Muntinlupa Pub Mkt Ysj Skin Care Aesthetics Zaide's Events Place
Wowlicious Foods Phil Corporation 312 Vicente Cruz Mla ... (0917)820-5767
50 D Bonifacio Val..........(02)8374-1466 Xtrm Clothing Munt .......................... (02)8510-7221 L6 Camella Munt .......... (0917)381-6268
Greenhills Shopping Ctr YHG AUTO SUPPLY Ysla Sportsgear Zajen Hardware
Wowlu Catering B8 L9 C5 Svc Rd
110-B Virginia Psg ....... (0917)837-0713 SJ ............................ (0917)167-2017 1475 Benavides Mla ....... (02)8244-8148 Lukban Mla .................... (02)5436-5487
Yill's Tailoring & Embroidery Taguig......................(0917)515-6703 Zambrano Gruba Caganda & Advincula
Wowo's Kitchen Xtzerve Engineering Services Yss Laboratories Company Incorporated
2643 Taft Ave PC ......... (0917)944-6182 Freedom Plz Bldg SJ.....(0917)123-2424 117 Sta Ana Mkna ........ (0919)522-4512 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8889-6060
Yin Lii Corporation 1133 United Nation Ave Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam Company
Wps Succession Printing Corporation Xuping Jewelry Mla ............................ (02)8526-6312
48 Santiago QC .............. (02)3411-5125 613 Carriedo Mla............(02)8736-6632 Burgundy Corporate Twr Limited
Mkti ........................... (02)8843-3017 Yt Green Aire Corp Antel Corporate Ctre
Wr Gaming And Entertainment Corporation Xur Homes Realty Incorporated Fabricare Bldg LP ........... (02)8281-5824
186 Tomas Morato Ave Adriatico Mla ................ (0917)315-2225 Ying Lin Machine Industry Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8818-5231
185 E Del Monte Ave QC (02)8330-5861 Ytc International Edulinks Incorporated Zamyu Kids & Adults Beauty Salon
QC ............................. (02)8426-1971 Xynergate Incorporated Red Maples Bldg QC ...... (02)3410-8456
Wrap Shop Incorporated 2055-A C Francisco Yison Signage Incorporated 8 Dr Flores Psg ............ (0998)325-1337
Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8554-6070 Yu Bek Mfg Corp Zamyu Lara Kids Salon
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8703-5399 Mkti ......................... (0917)327-2080 886-D Alvarado Manila ... (02)8244-2344
Wrechworks Trading & Plumbingservices Xyrex.Com Yk-A-Laundry Shop Dr Maximo Flores Psg .. (0908)405-1985
11B Apo QC ................... (02)8711-6995 San Felipe Taguig ........... (02)8519-0931 Harvard Socorro QC ..... (0927)120-2357 Zanati Creative Advertising
Wrentyler Printing Shop Ym Business Center
Sunshine Plz Mall
YU ENG KAO 129 E Santos Mkna ...... (0977)750-9550
Zanoson Enterprises Corporation
2 A Usaffe QC .............. (0938)219-9881
Wricoh Enterprises Y
Ymage Trading & Const Corporation
ELECTRICAL 1227 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8742-5442
Zao Restaurant
778 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8722-9570
Wsl Enterprises Auto Supply
511 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8948-2568
Ymg Trading Japan Surplus
SUPPLY Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8705-1066
69 D Kamias Rd QC ....... (02)8929-3866 Y@S Fqshion Collection
WTG Enterprise Greenhills Shopping Centermall 2915-C E Rodriguez 2209 J Abad Santos Av Zapped Laundry And Dry Cleaning Services
SJ ............................ (0999)969-8220 PC ........................... (0917)524-1280 1521 F Manalo Psg ...... (0929)833-3886
131 6th Ave
Yabu Sm City North QC ...... (02)8351-6983 Ynot Travel & Tours Manila.....(02)8251-2881 Zapport Services Incorporated
Caloocan City ............. (02)8442-7379 Matheus Bldg Mkti..........(02)8260-8063 Or Call ....... (02)8251-2882 / 8251-2883
Wti Auto Parts Supply Yabu : House Of Katsu Burgundy Corporate Twr
Yns Philippines Incorporated Or Call ....... (02)8251-2884 / 8251-2885 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-2155
Kaliraya Rd QC ............... (02)8986-7040 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-4975 Or Call ....... (02)8251-2886 / 8251-2887
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8692-4644 Zara
Wtr Dental Clinic Yakabud Barber Shop Or Call ....... (02)8251-2888 / 8251-2889
223 Market Ave Psg ..... (0910)515-5303 Ynzal Marketing Corporation Congressional Cirle C Mall
1556 Ibarra Mla............(0975)697-5178 25 Sct Rallos QC ............ (02)3413-7574 Or Call ....... (02)8251-2890 / 8251-2891 QC ............................. (02)8472-6561
Wuerth Philippines Incorporated Yakikai Restaurant Or Call............................(02)8251-2892
122 Sct Lazaro QC ....... (0927)138-3980 Yock's Auto Electrical Repair Shop Zarah Concepts Incorporated
Eastman Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8551-4851 517 Edsa QC ................ (0922)812-2762 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8806-6643
Wvn Auto Supply Yaku Japanese Grill
Yogaphoria Studio Yu Eng Kao Electrical Zark's Burger
24-C4 Alabang-Zapote Rd The Podium Mand .......... (02)8654-0379
34 Mabait QC ................. (02)7959-6203 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0905)192-4422
LP .............................. (02)8245-0596 Yalex Plain Shirt
Yogaplus Incorporated YU ENG Zassy Nail Salon
443 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8524-0133
Wwbm Trucking Services
139 6th St KC .............. (0922)845-9570 Yalung Limsui & Co Incorporated
Enrique Razon Sports Cplx KAO 397B Binakod Mkti ....... (0916)900-1735
Mla ............................ (02)8256-3302 Zayka Philippines - Indian Food
Wyler Enterprises Incorporated 15 Eisenhower SJ .......... (02)8725-0808 Yokogawa Philippines Incorporated ELEC- QR HERE! Lkg Twr Mkti ................ (0921)550-5282
1300 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8735-0581 Yam Travel And Tours
Wylog Labs 5th Ave KC ................... (0928)171-8433
Topy Bldg QC ................. (02)8654-6225 TRICAL Zealous Ent Pet Shop
Yokohama 33 N Roxas QC .............. (02)8254-3987
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8945-6315 Yama Cosmetics 569 Shaw Mand ............. (02)8470-7190 SUPPLY Zealth Builders
Wynn's Curtains 63 Dao Rd LP .............. (0915)311-2253 Yong Rong Hardware 2209 J Abad Santos Av Dna Sotera QC ............... (02)3453-0852
Quezon Ave QC ............ (0947)299-5153 Yamaha School Of Music Philippines Inc 1238 Soler Mla...............(02)8554-1850 Manila ....................... (02)8251-2881 Zeb 0-Shop Steve QC ....... (0926)123-3219
Wynners Cargo Corporation Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8899-9595 Yongcan Yuanda Curtain Trading Zec Logistics - Transport Co
Victoria Bldg Mla ............ (02)8536-6613 Yamanko Food Products 100 Samson Rd KC......(0923)748-2407 Cpdc Bldg Taguig ........... (02)8643-5400
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0928)254-3600 1247 Soler Mla...............(02)8247-0507
Wyns Jewelry Yoo-Hoo Bar-B-Que Zecharria Child Of Jesus Bakery
538 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8292-9778 Yamat Sicat Dental Yuchengco Tower
Metrowalk Coml Cplx 550 Yuchengco Twr Mla.(02)8242-8888 Veterans Rd Taguig ...... (0949)679-4782
Wyvern Innovations J P Rizal QC ................. (0922)877-1462 Psg ............................ (02)8637-1040 Yugen Wellness Spa Zectra Enterprise
Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8790-4287 Yamato Enterprises Incorporated Yoos Korean Meat Grocery And Korean Bbq 30 Matino QC ................. (02)8355-3096
Miki Mari Bldg LP ........... (02)8875-6674 117 Sct Lozano QC ...... (0977)430-0732
Wzg Construction Services Ortigas Yumboss 'Putok Batok' Restaurant Zedcom Bpo Services
Manuel L Quezon QC .... (0906)599-0672 Yanah Catering Services 8137 Plz Escriva Dr 250 Senator Gil Puyat Ave Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8843-8038
West Fairview QC ......... (0923)457-3256 Psg .......................... (0945)503-3111 Mkti ......................... (0919)859-8925 Zeitwert Incorporated
Yang Chow Dimsum And Tea House Yori Korean Bbq Yumchee Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8531-7470
X Eton Centris Walk QC ... (0933)867-4141
Yang Ming Shipping Philippines
373 Gen Luna Mal ........ (0947)300-3587
Yoshimeatsu Caloocan
Bonifacio Stopover
Zelah Enterprise
Citimall QC ................... (0998)258-4095
Incorporated Cenluz Bldg KC .............. (02)7002-5284 Yume's Fruits Zele Investigators Philippines
X - Bistro Laboratory Scape Bldg PC ............... (02)8883-0288 Yoshinoya Century Pacific Incorporated Juliana Mkt QC ............. (0917)513-0488 Regus Ctr Taguig............(02)8479-5423
A Cbk Bldg Mla ............ (0916)416-5144 Yangco Law Offices Ayala Fairview Terraces Yummy Tokyo Zemax Capital Funding
X Quisite West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8584-6821 QC ............................. (02)8288-2888 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)7527-1517 Zemax Capital Funding
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8355-5189 Yani Cafe 9A Mabini Psg .... (02)7752-7533 You-Link Cargo Logistics Incorporated Yummy Treats By Laine KC ............................. (02)8556-6777
Xde Logistics Yanna's Printshop Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8869-8870 53 Luxembourg Pque ... (0915)444-2506 Zen Comm
Jjaccis Bldg Munt ......... (0917)138-0933 1755 C M Recto Ave Youji & Me Yung Sung Industrial Pails Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Xdna Interactive Mla ............................ (02)8521-1156 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7756-3838 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8634-6452 SJ .............................. (02)3496-3299
Rci Bldg Mkti................(0917)188-2942 Yardstick Coffee Youming Meat Products Yunikko's Internet Cafe Zen Dental Spa And Aesthetic Center
Xeandrey's Catering Services Universal Lms Bldg Mkti . (02)8845-0073 35 Gen Luna QC ............. (02)8921-1530 7 Millares Taguig ............ (02)8836-2968 Forbes Town Ctr
10 Lapu-Lapu Ave Mal . (0917)176-0403 Yasabeli Concepts Incorporated Young Americana Supply Yushin Precision Equipment Company Taguig......................(0917)513-7878
Xelframe Enterprises Incorporated Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8234-1059 48 Malaya QC .............. (0977)686-7554 Limited Zen Tea
Ipi Buendia Twr PC ......... (02)8833-6937 Yasmin Jalil General Merchandise Young Seed Preschool Apmc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8893-7546 104 Maginhawa QC ...... (0922)888-3851
Xerox & Printing Equipment Online Store Greenhills Shopping Ctr Mall J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0925)856-5589 Yusoph Barsi Tomawis Trading Zen Zest Asia
340 Dr Jose Fernandez SJ .............................. (02)8510-7890 Young's Auto Center Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Walter Mart Makati
Mand ....................... (0917)503-5959 Yasu 1165 Jose Abad Santos Ave SJ .............................. (02)8357-3892 Mkti ......................... (0906)371-0523
Xfusion Robinson Place Manila Mla ............................ (02)8253-3450 Yuujin Japanese Cuisine Incorporated Zen-E Biz It Solutions
1405 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8373-7359 Mla ............................ (02)8354-1025 Younghairs Cosmetics Korea 221 Wilson SJ................(02)8706-0626 New York Mansion QC....(02)8282-1590
Xin-Yan Cellphone And Accessories Yats Wine Cellars Bel Air Vill 2 Mkti .......... (0915)386-6977 Yvana's Fashion Zenaust Pharma Incorporated
St Francis Square Mall Pse Ctre Psg ................ (0917)520-4393 Youngs Engineering Co Incorporated 2 Congressional Ave 1105 Chino Roces Ave
Mand ......................... (02)8547-3729 Yaya Maya Self-Service Laundry 1264 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8749-3404 QC ........................... (0935)230-3760 Mkti ........................... (02)8801-0995
Xing Tai Industry Equipment Corporation 147 Rd 3 QC ................ (0928)199-8777 Younique Yuashin Salon Yyy Enterprises Incorporated Zenaya Aesthetics
222-230 Rizal Ave Ext Yazakitorres Manufacturing Incorporated Antonio S Arnaiz Ave 439 Katipunan QC ........ (0917)845-4943 Citimotors Pasong Tamo
KC ............................. (02)7950-5032 1043 Bautista Mla .......... (02)8521-1626 PC ........................... (0947)255-0800 Yza Coloured Digital Printing Mkti ........................... (02)7745-4494
Xing Yin Home Design Enterprise Yazi Fashion Accessories Your Normal Prince David Condmn Zenith Marine Review Center
Quirino Hwy QC............(0927)215-1105 Sunjoy Bldg PC ............ (0927)666-5166 Pse Ctre Psg ................ (0920)920-8037 QC ........................... (0917)574-1449 Ermita Ctr Mla ................ (02)8404-3072

A:\Books\MANILA_QL_2022-2023\OUTPUT\Final_Manila_QL_2022_25-95_071522.SESS - Fri Jul 15 11:11:46 2022 - P94

95 S C M Y K


ZENITH MEDICAL Zentrek Stainless Steel Zf Philippines Incorporated Zion Transport Zoom2U Incorporated
1182 Quirino Hwy QC...(0932)321-3364 West Svc Rd Munt ......... (02)8808-9740 49 Driod QC ................... (02)3414-2780 Net Park Taguig .............. (02)8795-2429
EQUIPMENT INC Zenutrients Zg Marketing Corporation Zion's Pride Mma Zoomanity Group
See Lstg under Medical Equipment Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)249-1490 111 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8928-6869 650 Crm Ave LP ........... (0927)789-2831 Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8701-1195 Zenzest Asia Incorporated Zh And K Mobile Zip Travel Philippines
e-mail: zemed/ 64A E Rodriguez Ave University Ctr Bldg Mla ... (02)8559-8213 Zorilla Trucking Services
Victory Central Mall KC . (0932)876-5965 1011 Malamig Mla ....... (0908)906-4560
Mkna ......................... (02)8948-7178 Zhie Ward Music School Zippy Grand Cafe
1123 Rizal Av Zephyr Industrial Corporation Sun Residences QC ...... (0926)610-2786 4A P Burgos Psg ............ (02)7917-3133 Zsthree Vinia Twr QC .......... (02)8425-1135
Manila.....(02)8711-6870 B219 L11 Target Range Blvd
Mkti ........................... (02)8881-7721
Zhzq Architects & Associate In Philippines Ziya Sm Mall Of Asia PC ..... (02)8896-8218 Zsuitch Spa
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8371-8447 Casa Consuelo Bldg
ZENITH MEDICAL Zephyr Medical Corporation
Zidanstone Construction Supply
Zlg Foods Corporation
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0920 Mla .......................... (0917)180-9772
5 Rose Marie Lne Psg .... (02)8671-4482
268 Marcos Hwy Psg ... (0961)861-0418
ZENITH Zerep Repair And Auto Paint Shop Zn's Shop & Food2Go
62 St Catherine QC ....... (0936)922-6891
Zuellig Institutions Brokers Incorporated
225 Mayon QC ............. (0917)119-5433 Ziebart Manila (Mcsam Enterprise) Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8840-5844
MEDICAL Zerhea's Jewelry Collection 1201 Perez Mla .............. (02)8524-3348 Znj Fire Safety Limited Incorporated Zukicks Mnl
EQUIP- Terrassa KC ................... (02)8277-4770 Zif Design Grand Monaco La Impreza Faxtrot Bldg QC ............ (0926)794-2078
QR HERE! Zero Pest Control Services Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Psg ............................ (02)8570-4147
Zulusibs Incorporated
April QC ......................... (02)8775-2603 Psg .......................... (0917)865-0470 Znl Manpower Services
Two Parkade Taguig ....... (02)8519-9962
INC Zerocrisis Training Services Zig3 Industrial Gas Trading Co Ltd Gbt Bldg Val ................. (0915)343-3140
Dr Sixto Ave Psg .......... (0933)856-0191 191-E Tandang Sora Ave Zoe Broadcasting Network Incorporated Zuniega Pet Grooming & Accessorie
1123 Rizal Av Manila ..... (02)8711-6870 Zerowigs QC ............................. (02)8782-2498 St Francis Square Bldg Center/Home Sevice
103 Int Maysan Val ...... (0956)954-2519 Zigzag Media Philippines Mand ......................... (02)8637-9963 215A Bonifacio Ave
Zenith Paint Center Cyberscape Gamma Mkna ....................... (0998)991-4940
Adan Residence Taguig .. (02)7507-4475 Zessna Industrial Parts Supply Zoeylyam Pet Cage
Acasel Bldg Mla ............. (02)8735-6838 Psg ............................ (02)7505-2380 119 Bagong Taon Psg .. (0968)212-4866 Zuppa Cafe
Zenith Tourist Inn
487 Sta Monica Mla ....... (02)8708-8980 Zetrans Masigla QC .......... (0920)902-1306 Zingy Line International Trading Zoi's Meatown Inc Eastwood City Walk 1
Zenith United Electric Corporation Zetryl Chem Philippines Incorporated Banawe QC .................... (02)8903-2375 Golden Acres LP .......... (0917)705-8751 QC ............................. (02)8687-3171
649 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8733-8026 Toyama Group Ctr QC .... (02)3416-2576 Zinnia Food Bar Zoobic Safari Corporation Zymelkira Tailoring
Zenlife Enterprises Corporation Zettavoltz Lighting Corporation 1211 Edsa QC .............. (0917)311-1824 Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8551-7925 680 Union Dr Exit QC....(0945)472-9267
346 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8742-7391 Mre Bldg QC...................(02)3413-9151 Zino Salon And Spa Zoological Land Petshop
1277 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8230-2757 Zynappse Corporation
Zensetaipei Zeus Holdings Incorporated Philippines 6 Area II Ortigas Ave Libertad Plz Bldg Mand ... (02)8291-4837
705 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8781-8736 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8815-9447 Zion Space Interior Design Shop Psg ............................ (02)8837-3331
Zentral Events Venue Zeyn Sweetstation West Highland Twr Zoom Courier Incorporated Zynergia Gracefully Health And Wellness
Leono Mal ...................... (02)8234-9055 King Philip QC .............. (0905)429-3485 Mand ....................... (0956)168-5567 365 P Guevarra Mla......(0917)538-9008 Pines Mla ..................... (0933)128-7909

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97 S C M Y K


The Yellow Pages Classified Ads List is where you can find a business’ activity, product, and
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While extreme care is observed to update the telephone numbers, list of subscribers, and other pertinent data in this Directory, the Publisher assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any clerical
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Ccmdr And Associates

Abaca 5 The One Executive Bldg Acoustical Materials Acrylic Plastic - Adhesives
Atelier Almario Corporation
QC ............................. (02)8400-6040
Clarity Solutions Incorporated Fabrication Msi Materials Solutions Incorporated
148 Jupiter Mkti ............. (02)8830-2108 One Global Place Taguig . (02)7956-3308 BASIC MACHINERY & Chan C Bros Inc
South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-4746
Chemico Phils Incorporated Cpas Barbacena Tandingan & Co Cpas
Republic Glass Bldg Rial Mla..........................(02)8527-2271 ACOUSTICS 572 Tolentino PC............(02)8815-8343
Mkti ........................... (02)8840-5868
Electro Wise Corp DAN C BAÑAS & CO CPA'S CORPORATION Liwayway Marketing Corporation
Chan C Brothers Incorporated Adhesives and Glues
130 Alabang-Zapote Rd Gedcor Bldg Paraña- Supply & Installation of Acoustic PC ............................. (02)8844-8441
LP .............................. (02)7500-8828 Modern Art Supply Corporation
Lafayeete Lawrence Bros Corporation que..........(02)8825-2251 Treatment for Music & Home 12 Dna J S Rodriguez Ave CHAMPION GLUE INC
1978 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
QC ............................. (02)8723-3456
Or Call ........... (02)7091-8308 Theaters, Auditoriums, Radio/TV
QC ............................. (02)8724-9351 1045 Del Monte Ave
Megalicious Foods Corporation Stations, Industrial Plants, Quezon
Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8813-1156 Actuaries City ......... (02)8372-1151
Powersun Enterprises AHU & Genset
532 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-7843 DAN C Em Zalamea Actuarial Services (See Advertisement on this page)
Simor Abaca Products Incorporated CALL FOR ASSISTANCE AT Dealwis Philippines Corporation
Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3180 BANAS & Incorporated
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8893-7107 One Global Place Taguig . (02)7989-1828
Situs Development Corporation CO TEL. NOS.: (632)8811-1572/73 Ez Housing Development Corporation
102 20th Ave QC ............ (02)8912-1525 Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2
CPA'S FAX NO.: (632)8811-1652
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-7107 THE
EMAIL: [email protected]
Abrasives YELLOW
A P I Inc
Makati Cinema Square
Makati ....................... (02)8811-1572
Adhesive Tape PAGES
Equipoise Accounting & Consultancy
7 San Martin Psg............(02)8638-4880 Services
Armak Abrasive Products Incorporated 12 Santol Rd Mal..........(0966)213-2210
Crocodile Tape & Co Incorporated guarantees all its
Foremost Bldg Mla ......... (02)8736-5081
2205 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8523-2306 Falcon Forex Goldace Trading
Aslan Builders Supply
12-B Wright SJ...............(02)8725-2291
Dasmarinas Federal Twr Condmn BASIC Salomon Bldg QC ........... (02)8722-2726
Mla ............................ (02)8241-7153 MACHI-
Ge-Ma Marketing Glnet Solutions Exchange Incorporated
7 San Martin Psg............(02)8638-4803 Cityland Shaw Twr NERY &
Grind Tech Abrasives Corporation
102-B Rizal Ave Ext KC .. (02)8365-8838
Mand ......................... (02)8687-4130 ACOUS-
Star Screwtech Bolts And Nuts
Headprime Resources Corporation TICS COR-
Macapagal Blvd Pque ..... (02)8381-6000
615A Alabang Zapote Rd
Labrador And Labrador Cpa PORATION
LP .............................. (02)8478-9429
1413 Batangas Mla ........ (02)8254-2167
Transpo Sales International
Square Deal Bldg QC ...... (02)8995-8937 Limjap Limjap & Company
Bojor Bali Oasis Mla ..... (0917)423-2018
Hornitex Philippines Incorporated
P&A Grant Thornton
Accounting Software 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8922-8822
Dolmar Bldg Mand..........(02)7621-3423
Rca Management Jea Steel Industries Inc
Aces Incorporated Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8244-0020 Dn Corporate Ctr Bldg
Clf Bldg Mkti.................(0921)345-2482 Rosita Chua Cham - Cpa QC ............................. (02)8351-6935
Alcore It Solutions 70 Nicanor Roxas QC ..... (02)8463-9533
125 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)7905-0985 Sas Accounting Services Philippines
Sky Biz Ent 1117 Trans-Phil Hse
Araneta Square KC ......... (02)8442-0398 Mkti ........................... (02)8296-2986 THE YELLOW PAGES
Senturias Jimenez And Company
Greenfield Bldg 1 Mand .. (02)8631-6207 is designed to guide you in
Acetylene Superguardian Corporation
Commerce & Industry Plz Bldg whatever purchases or
Handog Marketing Taguig........................(02)8552-1705
West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8823-3386 Susan One Ventures Llc queries you may have
Ctc Bldg PC..................(0918)912-1461
pertaining to a particular
Acoustic Synergized Macro Solutions Inc
Vista De Lago V Bagong Calzada
Consultancy Taguig........................(02)8330-2761
Torio And Associates
company, product or service.

Indra Philippines Inc 55 Ue Tech Ave Mal ....... (02)8362-2965

Twr I Rockwell Business Ctr Triple K Technology Solutions Corp
Psg ............................ (02)8620-3888 Artex Bldg Mla ................ (02)8475-9856 Look it up in the
Wilma Sim (Wsg) Cpa Tax & Consultancy
Citiplaza 2 QC...............(0915)402-2910 Buyer’s Guide Champion Glue Inc
Accounting Services 1045 Del Monte Av, Quezon City,
categories. It will
Ang Chua Enriquez & Co
Find it fast in the Metro Manila 1105
Mbi Bldg Mla ................ (0956)563-7756 save you valuable time,
Business Asia Consulting Tel. No.: (02) 8372-1151
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8831-9272 The Yellow Pages. money and energy.
Bvr & Associates Consultants
1873 Felix Huertas Mla . (0923)741-0109

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:07 2022 - P97

98 S C M Y K

98 Adhesives - Advertising 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Goldtown Imports Philippines Manila Adjusters & Surveyors Company Nvision Digital Solutions Inc
Adhesives and Glues 160 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8366-7953 100 Opl Bldg Mkti...........(02)8840-3671 DIRECTORIES PHILIPPINES Bsa Twin Twrs Mand .... (0912)123-1234
(Cont'd) Jamp-Ong Trading
Balbros Twr1 QC ............ (02)8334-5755
Tan Gatue Adjustment Company
Online Thinkers Technology
30 Jasmin Val ................ (02)8372-5630
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-9403 e-mail: [email protected] Ott-Louie Philippines Incorporated
Unified Adjusters & Surveyors Inc Felix Manalo Mla ............ (02)8533-2368
EMJAY CHEMICAL Adjusters 3625 Bautista Florama Bldg 2322 Don Chino Roces Pc&V Communications Incorporated
CORPORATION Mkti ........................... (02)8403-0828 178 Legaspi Suites Mkti . (02)7752-5004
Av Ext Penmasters Administration
Chartered Adjusters Inc
2 St Joseph Drive Cainta Makati ..... (02)8555-8500 Sto Nino Taguig............(0920)748-0632
Francisco Gold Condmn
QC ............................. (02)8921-7422 Advertising Services Pixel Arts (Pixarts) Large-Format Digital
Rizal........(02)8655-0884 Dominican Hills Marketing
(See Advertisement on this page) Printing Services Incorporated
Dyll Comms Incorporated Mindanao Ave Ext QC ..... (02)8425-9237
(See Advertisement on this page) A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8732-3486 123Rf Philippines Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8990-5944 Prime Recall Advertising And Services
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8850-0879
Adverb Incorporated Enguero Creatives Incorporated
Manhattan Bldg LP ......... (02)8856-2572 31 Tangka Val .............. (0922)731-6622 38 Sgt Catolos QC .......... (02)8997-7833
Advertising Services III Ensogo Incorporated R&M Printing Services
2348 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8622-4373 8 Mercury Ave QC .......... (02)8287-1176 Golden Valley Bldg Mla . (0956)700-0580
Alexzander Designs Incorporated Eoi Digital S-Lerj Incorporated
196 J Elizalde Pque ........ (02)8519-9316 The City Club Alphaland Ppi Bldg KC .................... (02)8364-0800
Mkti ......................... (0995)536-1050 Scitech Outdoor Advertising Inc
Ama Digital Flambe Philippines Incorporated
2942 F Manalo Mla ...... (0928)323-2569 625 Sto Nino Mand ........ (02)8633-6626
Symphony Twr I QC ..... (0915)978-6416 Sgm Events Organizing Services
Animated Signs Incorporated Fothelo Advertising Philippines
Promenade Bldg SJ ........ (02)8725-2285 Sss Makati Bldg Mkti ...... (02)7949-3620
4 Pitacion KC ................. (02)8432-6675 Shoppersguide Marketing Inc
Arte Excelente Design General Ads Incorporated
8270 Dr A Santos Ave Richmonde Plz Bldg Psg (02)8938-9505
Cityland Herrera Twr Signfx Solutions Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8825-8927 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-7144
Arteesxpress 40-A Tirad Pass KC ........ (02)8364-3929
Globaltronics Incorporated Silver Machine Digital Communications
Roosevelt Ave QC.........(0917)836-8853 349 Ortigas Ave Mand .... (02)8459-2700
Asian Cable Enterprises Incorporated Incorporated
I-Kon Manila Incorporated Sedeno Mkti ................... (02)8754-1443
West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8636-0067 14 Orbito LP...................(02)8330-1092
Bibo Ads Salvador Pque ..... (02)7219-4557 Sixdegrees Incorporated
Infinite Draft Advertising 187 Washington Psg ...... (02)8632-0370
Brand Philosophy Incoprorated 43 A Narra QC ................ (02)8985-8056
Wack Wack Royal Mansion Sjrm Enterprises
Infinite Ideas Advertising Agency Dela Rosa City Land 9
Mand ......................... (02)8501-5671 Phoenix Bldg QC ............ (02)3411-4208 Mkti ......................... (0915)761-0625
Busy Sign Global Inc Intelligent Profile Generation Corp Skillcast Printing And Advertising
28 Bagong Calzada Pat...(02)8642-9365 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8403-9187 Aurelio Bldg 2 KC ........... (02)8962-2387
City Advertising Ventures Corporation Jkrfg Upgrade Enterprise Skittles-Brooke
Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8631-2532 New York Mansion Condmn Country Space One Bldg
Creativepro Integrated Marketing QC ............................. (02)8913-0880 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-8691
Pioneer Mand ................. (02)8637-2947 Jrsd Photo And Video Services Skoal Advertising Incorporated
Crimsonberry Incorporated Lri Design Plz Bldg Mkti .. (02)8775-5276 Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8896-7569
47 East Esteban Abada Keyframe Media Incorporated Snap House Inc Photography
QC ............................. (02)7624-9779 Mavenue Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7964-4537 One Oasis Condmn
Ct Grafix And Advertising Corp
Emjay Chemical
Ko Marketing Psg .......................... (0927)646-6932
P9-02 Villamor PC..........(02)3224-5638 2-D T De Leon Val ........ (0927)994-6944 Starcom Mediavest Group
Dentsu Jayme Syfu Luce Mercato Ads Corporation The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8884-8053
Corporation United Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8705-7880
Digital Makers Inc
21 Don A Roces Ave QC.(02)8373-2482
Cb Bldg LP ..................... (02)8697-9807
Macdoutan Enterprises
Tbwa / Smp
1195 Chino Roces Ave
145 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-8280 Mkti ........................... (02)7508-7809
2 St Joseph Drive, Cainta, Rizal Maverick Advertising Touch Advertising Sales/ Services
Antel Global Corporate Ctr 4264 Emilia Mkti ............ (02)8535-9085
1900 Philippines The Yellow Pages Psg ............................ (02)7764-3355 Tvcexpress Manila
brings more value Modern Primitive Business Unlimited Torre De Salcedo Mkti .... (02)8403-7923
Tel. No.: (02) 8655-0884 Incorporated Vdljr Printing Services
to businesses. 164 Dna Soledad Ave
Pque ........................ (0927)462-6930
18 Cooperative Union Of The Philippines
QC ........................... (0926)518-4023

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:08 2022 - P98

99 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Advertising - Air 99

Idic Architectural Services Maagir Farm Corporation Rozento Aircon Repair Services
Advertising Services Agricultural Ep Housing Phs2 Taguig (02)7576-6929 Ermita Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8354-5988 1521 A Francisco Mla .. (0999)309-2359
(Cont'd) Chemicals Inkcentive Print Hub
2146 Legarda Mla ........ (0917)850-9016
Milestone Farms Inc
25 Eisenhower SJ .......... (02)8721-7455
Trane Airmay Aircon Shop
915 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8294-0049
Instasmile Dental Clinic Turbulent Drip Sales Inc Triplex Trading
Visivo Productions Incorporated Agchem Manufacturing Corporation 39-1 Reyna Elena QC ..... (02)8666-8927 Richville Corporate Twr 27 Gilmore QC ............... (02)8721-5568
97 Matatag QC ............... (02)8928-8164 Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8816-1186 Isarog Pulp And Paper Company Munt ........................ (0922)809-1170 Uniform Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning
Western Communications Incorporated Chopking Chemicals Incorporated Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8841-0634 Vast Agro Solutions Incorporated Supply Incorporated
Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8812-0987 Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8571-7363 Jvs Dental Clinic Alabang Business Twr 431 Sales Mla ................ (02)5310-2280
World Of Furry Friends Limited Filling Station Bar And Cafe Solare Bulding Capri Oasis Condmn Munt .......................... (02)8815-0055
Citiplace Bldg Mla...........(02)7738-0891 5012 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8897-2053 Psg .......................... (0929)279-7696
World Stage Productions Jardine Davies Transport Sev Lion Granite Construction Supply Air Conditioning
Reposo Mkti ................... (02)8919-0208 Ma Natividad Bldg Mla .... (02)8527-5902 1077 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-3490 Air Compressors Contractors
Zanati Creative Advertising Lovely Balloons & Party Needs Catering
129 E Santos Mkna ...... (0977)750-9550
Agricultural Services
8230 Yabut Mkti ............. (02)7000-5383
Amd Air Compressors & Generators
Incorporated A S Punsalan Trading

Advertising Suppliers Consultants Sa19 Le Tooth Dental Clinic

1429 A H Lacson Ave
704 Laurel Pque ............. (02)8822-1262
App Systems And Services Pte Ltd
B5 L15 Haiti Pque .......... (02)8822-9670
Air Atmos Industries Inc
Mla .......................... (0947)936-9466 Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8846-8417 158 Tandang Sora Ave
Ecj & Sons Agricultural Ent Inc QC ........................... (0918)930-0822
Ad-Man Resources Incorporated Basic Petroleum Bldg Servo Aerotrade Services Incorporated Cool Made Power Service Center
16 Benedictine Pque.......(02)8776-8718 Mkti ........................... (02)8819-0946 Erlag Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8553-5900 F B Harrison PC .............. (02)8552-7692 Airconditioning & Refrigeration
Amon / Maneze And Partners Incorporated Smit Singapore Pte Ltd Elasco International Corporation Technologists Inc
Phil Rural Dev & Services Corporation 191 Pasadena SJ ........... (02)8727-3570
The Grand Hamptons Twr 1 Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8818-1591 Ghr Bldg Mla .................. (02)8734-4709 4514 Casino Mkti ........... (02)8833-1394
Taguig........................(02)8519-7639 Tmicorp Incorporated Erosystech Industrial Sales Inc AIRSTREAM TRADING &
Anthony Printing Press 747-749 Sabino Padilla G Cleveland Psg ............. (02)8643-8937
30 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (02)8697-6544 Agricultural Mla ............................ (02)8733-8176 Ric Airtec Indusys Incorporated ELECTRO-MECHANICAL
Brand Engine Advertising 34 Don Jesus Bvd Munt . (02)8809-1557
Medical Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8351-3407 Equipment and TOPRITE PLASTIC Vic's Construction & Sons Company
Creative Point Incorporated Supplies INDUSTRIES INC 911 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8732-7141 Better Living Subd Paraña-
Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8893-4760 The Biggest Providers of Film Xing Tai Industry Equipment Corporation
Dynapixels Marketing Services Sheeting From 1" up to 300" 222-230 Rizal Ave Ext que..........(02)8821-4675
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0949)406-8435 2Rk Pros Exterminating Services KC ............................. (02)7950-5032
5-5 Happiness LP...........(02)7500-4309 For Mulch Film, Seeding Bags
Eccentric Digital Solutions Fumigation, Liners
Abc Store Incorporated AIRSTREAM
Viera Residences QC ...... (02)8290-8522
Graphic Wizard Incorporated
Robinsons Place Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8525-0573
Greenhouse Cover Air Compressors - TRADING &
66 Harvard QC ............... (02)8470-3435
Jansev - Signage Maker Philippines AMAZON MANUFACTURING
292 E. Miranda St. Paso de Blas
Valenzuela City
Repairing ELECTRO-
Llenado Cpd Val ............. (02)8332-7191 Tel No: 02-82942806 / 02-82942812
Jjj Signs Graphics And Prints
CORP Fax No: 02-82942810
T&R Aircon Trading And Services SYSTEM
Road 8 QC ..................... (02)7954-0107 109 Pasolo Rd Valen- 3548 Carnival Park LP .. (0929)798-2558 CORPORA-
e-mail: [email protected] TION
K Signs And Designs
zuela ....... (02)8292-2222 292 E Miranda
60 C-D Holy Spirit Dr
QC ........................... (0917)849-1515
Valenzuela ................. (02)8294-2806 Air Conditioning
King Dragon Printing Services Aleser Trading Air Conditioning And
Aerflow Electro Mechanical Supply And Refrigeration
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)7729-8507 AMAZON Services Corp 15 J Rizal Ave Ext KC ..... (02)8363-7530
12 P Valenzuela Mkna .... (02)8693-9598
Lexcode Incorporated MANUFAC- TOPRITE Alenaire Airconditioning
Briskair Refrigerator And Aircondition
6750 Office Twr Mkti ...... (02)8553-3861 Services
TURING Alencor Bldg QC ............. (02)8712-2144
Main Scale Premium Graphics Centre PLASTIC All Premium Tent Aircon Rental And Party
Gerardo Tuazon Mla ..... (0945)734-3003
Taft Ave PC .................... (02)8524-2585 CORPORA- Cib Air Conditioning Incorporated
Mclink Enterprise TION INDUSTRIES Needs 306B Dorotea Rd KC ...... (02)8990-6568
3 Matahimik QC..............(02)3433-0419 Cim Aircon Service Teams Incorporated
Morgan Executive Suite INC Alvie Refrigeration And Airconditioning
Taguig........................(02)8833-0344 2310 F Huertas Mla ........ (02)8522-1379
Service Center Cold Center Air Conditioning Services
Nrk Digital Media 25th St Taguig................(02)8837-3969
Celadon Twr Mla .......... (0936)939-6515 Angel's Pizza Pasta Combo 805 Ma Clara Mand ...... (0917)895-3307
25 President's Ave Pque . (02)8922-2222 Ashcol Airconditioning Services Danden Airconditioning Services
Prz Bag Manufacturing Corporation
New Society Psg .......... (0917)810-3491 China Eyewear Factory Company 168 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave
Sights & Graphics Outdoor Media Inc Mirax Bldg KC ................ (02)8816-4777
City State Hotel
Agricultural Genesis Bldg Mkti .......... (02)7729-1293
Biazon Ref And Aircon Repair Shop
PC ........................... (0928)474-3602
Ddc Coolmakers & Power Builders Corp
Scitech Bldg Mand ......... (02)8661-0475
Thinkbit Solutions Philippines Incorporated 475 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8736-9092 Implements 2076 Catalino Cruz Psg .. (02)8546-9662
C La Rosa Air Condition Service
479 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
24 21st Ave QC .............. (02)8364-9273 Fgr Care Battery Center Corporation QC ............................. (02)8726-5627
M Suarez Psg ................. (02)8628-0144 36 Dalandanan Val ......... (02)3444-6484 Ejhay Airconditioning Services
Tree III Advertising Enovet Incorporated Coldovertake Airconditioning Services
Cacho-Gonzales Bldg Fly Shades Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-0160 B7 Empire Ext Lupang Pangako
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0922)828-6391 1830 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)7757-1454 QC ............................. (02)7623-3461
Mkti ........................... (02)8779-8011 Ite Lpg Delivery
Xynergate Incorporated FULTON INDUSTRIAL Phase 8A Bagong Silang ECO STAR CENTER Hpv Thermal Transfer Products
2055-A C Francisco KC ........................... (0928)377-0583
Mkti ......................... (0917)327-2080 SUPPLY Masterwheels Marketing AIRCONDITION TRADING 648 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2268
1857 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8844-1693 Authorized Dealer of Gree Ifreeze Trading Inc
Yison Signage Incorporated
Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8554-6070
1233 Benavidez 1630 F De Leon Mla ....... (02)8740-8927
and Daikin Air Condition
Manila.....(02)8254-9014 Igaia Aircon Services
Zigzag Media Philippines
Cyberscape Gamma Agricultural Tel No.: (046)537-8562 129 A Sandoval Ave Psg (02)8245-3059
Mobile: 0968-3754128, 0906-1767730 Iglao Electronics & Air Conditioning
Psg ............................ (02)7505-2380 Marketing Email: [email protected] Technologies
Saret QC ...................... (0947)742-1722
Aerosols FULTON
Harbest Agribusiness Corporation
5 Rosemarie Lne Psg ..... (02)8671-7414
9090 Dulong Bayan Bacoor
Jes Service Specialists Incorporated
12H J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8913-8860
Romachem Enterprises INDUSTRIAL Lineaire Marketing Jocas Aircon Services
15 Arty Rd QC ................ (02)8939-1885 935 P Herrera Aguho
89-C G Roxas QC ........... (02)8544-0229 SUPPLY Pat ........................... (0919)513-1953
Wyler Enterprises Incorporated ECO-STAR Jusco Subic Trading Corporation
1300 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8735-0581 Agricultural Products CENTER The Third Bldg QC .......... (02)8332-3866
Dealers AIRCON-
Kool Running Auto Aircon Services
Aggregates Gainers Marketing Corporation
766 E Pantaleon Mand ... (02)8533-2976
Macs Air-Conditioning Services
Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8553-6378 Denny's Enterprises Incorporated DITION Solare Coml Bldg Psg ..... (02)8542-8236
Citimax Group Inc Gold Line Tours Incorporated 30 C Arellano Mal ........... (02)8281-4477 TRADING Northwind Incorporated
Ore Central Taguig .......... (02)8888-5253 11 Don Ramon QC ......... (02)8732-9205 F V De La Rosa Trading F Fernando PC................(02)8833-2876
23 Orange Munt ............. (02)7218-7841 Rcc Marketing Corporation
Goldenmech Trading Corporation Mc  Home Depot
11-H Crispin Mal ............ (02)7506-2610 Green Fine Air Tech Incorporated Taguig........................(02)8815-4805
Monarch Agricultural Products Inc East Svc Business Ctr Thermal Solutions Incorporated
5650 Don Pedro Mkti ..... (02)8890-8006 Taguig........................(02)8788-0541 Sycamore Arcs 1 Munt ... (02)8771-0541
One Cypress Agri-Solution Inc Hamaden Kogyo Philippines Incorporated Treximar Enterprises
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8477-3894 Lapanday Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)8893-9427 2-J Sulatan Mand ........... (02)8631-5713
Pacific Rim Harvester Incorporated J-Daclan's Appliance Repair Services Zephyr Industrial Corporation
Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8661-8905 271-E Dakila QC ............. (02)3431-4487 B219 L11 Target Range Blvd
Sarimanok Feeds Company Incorporated Keruilai Marketing Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8881-7721
86 Mayflower Mand ....... (02)8631-8501 78-80 Rizal Ave Ext KC...(02)8367-6691
Universal Scope Phils Incorporated Lbr Airconditioning Services
West City Plz QC ............ (02)8373-5276 159 A Rd 8 QC ............... (02)7987-1156 Air Conditioning
Magnaye Electrical Services
1716 Remegio Mla ......... (02)8734-3019 Equipment and
Agricultural Services Messe And Handle Corporation Systems
2840 Zamora PC ............ (02)8836-7131
Bignest Poultry And Agricultural Supply Psychro Point Airconditioning Co
6 Felo2 Val ................... (0932)854-3249 146 Susano Rd QC.........(02)8936-9742 Bavi Trading
R Macdon Refrigeration And Airconditioning 2079 Madre Ignacia Mla . (02)8525-6071
Enviro Scope Synergy Inc
3270 Merville Access Rd Services Brun Aircondition Incorporated
PC ........................... (0998)595-7792 734 Sto Tomas Mla ...... (0943)267-7096 186 Iba QC.....................(02)8516-2490
Gromix Poultry Farm Incorporated Rm And 4 Son Airconditioning Services Chee Puck Refrigeration Incorporated
892 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8355-5320 6741 Infante Psg .......... (0930)450-5410 Chee Puck Bldg Mla ....... (02)8244-7091
Harbest Agribusiness Corp Rocha S Aircon Trading Cool Airconditioning And Refrigeration
5 Rose Marie Lne Psg .... (02)8671-7411 2724 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8401-3471 Industries Incorporated
1816 Concepcion Mkti ... (02)8890-2668
Kokusai Jph Inc Royalaire Refrigeration And Airconditioning
0878 B-3-C Visayas Ave Supplies Incorporated
QC ........................... (0917)127-7761 Reylilia Bldg QC............(0966)765-3722 Advertise Here - It Pays.

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:11 2022 - P99

100 S C M Y K

100 Air - Aluminum 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Sky Aerotrade
Air Conditioning OCINA INTERNATIONAL Air Freight Services Bldg 6 Salem Cplx PC...(0917)884-4123
Equipment and INC
• McQuay Airconditioning / Daikin OCINA Excelsior Worldwide Freight Logistics
Systems (Cont'd) • Chillers INTERNA
• Ceiling Cassettes
Ramagi Bldg Mla ........... (02)8353-8775
Logwin Air + Ocean Philippines Manufacturing
TIONAL Incorporated
AIRCONDITIONING • Ceiling Mounted INC Philcrest Cpd Munt ........ (02)8850-3039 Ocular Centre Phils
Safeway Phil Freight Natl Life Bldg Mkti..........(02)8892-8113
Equipment • Parts • Services Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)8243-1365
SERVICES Phone: (02) 87429401; (02) 87429406
99-A Kamuning Rd Quezon Aircraft Schools
(02) 87429405
Fax: (02) 87429364
Opti-Cool Industrial Corporation Air Freshener
City ......... (02)8928-8173 Email:[email protected]
1260 Bambang Mla ....... (02)8252-8312 Orient Aviation Corporation
(See Advertisement on this page)
40 Linaw Quezon City .... (02)8742-9401
PHILIPPINE SPIRAL DUCT Airoma - Pasig City Manila Aeroclub Bldg PC (02)8854-7922
Home Hardware Center Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........ (0930)525-1785 Wcc Flight Attendant School
522 Mayon QC .............. (02)8731-8348
MANUFACTURING INC 134 Maginhawa QC ..... (0917)389-3133
Kuhlenserver Enterprises Labayani Quezon Air Purifiers
3435 P Sanchez Mla ...... (02)8583-3825
Mbsl Enterprises City ......... (02)8330-9917 Airlines
Mr Aircon Philippines
22 Guevarra QC ........... (0929)339-6027 Grab their attention. (See Advertisement on this page)
Ralgo Industries Incorporated
384-D Marcos Hwy Asiana Phils Gsa Incorporated
Mkna........................(02)8477-1111 Salcedo Twr Mkti...........(02)8892-5701
The Yellow Pages. Advertise in the 406 Tandang Sora Ave Reiner De Castro Marketing Corporation El Al Israel Airline Limited
QC ........................... (02)8931-1405 46 Rodriguez Dr QC ..... (0917)136-4269
A powerful tool THE YELLOW PAGES. Rps Marketing Solution
Mile Long Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8816-2387
International Airline Services Inc
for you to reach your market. The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays. Quirino Hwy QC.............(02)7576-2670 Rcbc Plz Twr 32 Mkti ..... (02)7798-7202
King Air Fbo Inc
Air Transport Domestic PC ................. (02)8553-6550
Malaysian Airlines
Naia Rd PC ................... (02)8851-2536
All Asia Air Central Incorporated
Salem International Comm Ctr Nippon Cargo Airlines
PC ........................... (02)8851-8709 127 Rd 4 PC ................. (02)8840-1786
Travelorder Manila Secureair Corporation
6521 Montecruz Plz Psg.(02)8425-9562 Secureair Hangar PC ...... (02)8853-3368
Skyjet Airlines
5 Domestic Rd PC ......... (02)8403-7076
Air Travel Ticket Totaline Airsystems Incorporated
820 Edsa Ave PC...........(02)8851-9504
Agencies United Airlines Incorporated
Naia Rd PC ................... (02)8851-3567
Bsa Twin Twr Mand ....... (02)8721-2449
All Aboard Travel And Tours Airports
Florante Mand ............... (02)8401-7717
Anchor Wings Travel & Tours Acatech Support Specialist Incorporated
Soldier's Vill Psg ............ (02)8703-4464 Aaop Hanger 2 PC ......... (02)8659-0954
Budget Travel & Tours Incorporated Royal Islands International Travel And Tours
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-5455 Paz Bldg Mand .............. (02)8531-9935
Castle Travel & Tours Southwest Tours (Boracay) Incorporated
Jade Bldg Taguig ........... (02)8571-6534 Kamagong Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8890-1661
Cliff 101 Ticketing Office Incorporated
508 Central Condmn QC . (02)8899-5196
Fully Booked
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8552-9410
Golden Bear Travel Corporation
Mile Long Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8813-4035 Colozy Enterprise
Golden Tree Travel And Tours 165 Kanlaon QC ............ (02)3412-2714
Emerald Green Bldg LP...(02)8831-8477 Vvm Pure Chemical Products Trading

Philippine Spiral Duct Jtl Travel And Tours Ugong Val ................... (0945)618-3358
Topcare Bldg Mla .......... (02)8551-1456
Supersonic Services Incorporated
Manufacturing Inc
Colonnade Residences Condmn
Mkti ......................... (02)8737-9710
Travel 101 Corporation Buzd Geronimo Mla ......... (0906)336-1309
Mc Bldg QC .................. (02)8749-0595 Metro Vinos
L6 B12 Labayani st., Commonwealth, Quezon Travel Republiq Company Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-5769
City, Metro Manila 1118 Philippines Uccp Shalom Ctr Bldg

Tel. No.: (02) 8376-7191

Mla ........................ (0915)398-3330
Travel Time Manila Aluminum
Veraville Villa Grande Classic
LP............................(02)8801-8493 3 Sun Traders Corporation
Pasig Ext Bvd Psg..........(02)8671-2102
Aircraft Charter A-1 INDUSTRIES INC
THE YELLOW PAGES Rental and Leasing 52 Judge Juan Luna
endorses all products Service Quezon
City ......... (02)8372-1896
Aca & Co Incorporated
and services of all 315 Edsa KC.................(02)8361-9839 (See Advertisement on next page)
Chemtrad Aviation Corporation Aa Aluminum Supply Incorporated
its Partners. Chemtrad Hangar PC ..... (02)8833-1974 Aguinaldo Corporate Ctre
Interisland QC ........................... (02)8911-5011
86 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6408 Alcopan Aluminum Composite Panel
Secureair Charter Corporation 890-A Eusebio Psg ........ (02)8477-8228
Domestic Rd PC ............ (02)8851-6235 Alcophil Metal Inc
Torre Lorenzo Corp 168 Rubber Master Rd
165 Alabang Zapote LP .. (02)8868-6773 Val ........................... (02)8983-9328
Aluminum Power Marketing Corporation
671 T Alonzo Mla .......... (02)8733-2174
Aircraft Dealers and Alvarez Aluminum Glass & Steel Works
Distributors Batasan San Mateo Rd
QC ......................... (0932)480-2175
Architecks Metal Systems Incorporated
Jrellquer Transport 110 C M Recto Mkna ..... (02)8948-5924
Villa Alfonso Psg ........... (02)7616-9812 Asiatic Aluminum Products Company
Pacific Jetcorp Incorporated 55 Celia Mal..................(02)8288-5102
Royal Star Hangar PC.....(02)8846-6979 Aus-Phils Aluminum Int'l Incorporated
DPC will make sure your Ql Development Incorporated 8 Acsie Rd Pque............(02)8551-1479
102 Kalayaan Ave QC .... (02)8332-6312 Blue Corn Aluminum Supply & Iron Works
business is at the top of
Natl Rd Munt ............... (0906)573-1191
Google’s results when
Aircraft Equipment
Emil's Refrigeration
Celemark Glass And Aluminum
people search for 2308 Taft Ave PC ........ (0966)448-2135
problems you can solve! Parts and Supplies Clear Concept Glass & Aluminum
& Airconditioning Contact us at 632 8555-8500, C Melchers Gmbh And Company
145 N Domingo SJ ........ (02)8470-4041

Services email us at [email protected]

or visit or
our social accounts to learn more!
Va Rufino Pacific Twr
Mkti ......................... (02)8811-0611
Enthalpy Unitrade Services Company
The Yellow Pages
99-A Kamuning Rd Brgy Kamuning, Triple M Bldg Pque ........ (02)8831-4414 OPEN FOR BUSINESS
Philjets Aero Charter Corporation
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1103 Philippines Aaop Hangar No 2 PC .... (02)8851-0639
Tel. No.: (02) 8928-8173 Pr Enterprises Incorporated 365 DAYS A YEAR.
1 Carlo Dr Taguig .......... (02)8478-5703

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:11 2022 - P100

101 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Aluminum - Apparel 101

Planet Tom Incorporated
Aluminum (Cont'd) ROYAL MIRROR Aluminum Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8935-5140 Antiques - Dealers
INDUSTRIES INC Collapsible Tubes Play
New Seaside Dr Pque ..... (02)8555-5779 Chris And Mike Antique
E RIVERSIDE INDUSTRIES We Edge & Bevel All Kinds of Shaped
Playmates Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8400-3513
INC Glass & Mirror * Complete Line of Velfox Manufacturing Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0933)536-1678 Herencia Antique Shop
Glass Aluminum & Mirror Products 1269 A Rodriguez Ave 279 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8553-5616
Quality Architectural Aluminum Sections Psg ............................ (02)8645-4730 Sports Zone
Call 8871011, 82871023, 82874686, Sm City North Edsa QC.(0942)489-6709 Jo-Liza Antique Shop
Glass: Tempered, Laminated & Others 113 Hoover SJ ............... (02)8724-0630
82874657, 82856347 The Bouldering Hive
Mobile: 09175262318
156 Gov W Pascual Av Aluminum Circuit Lne Makati Mkti ... (02)8288-2856
Mfm Asia's Home D
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0920)960-0927
Email: [email protected]
Tel No.: 8372-2920/22/23
Malabon .................... (02)8287-1011 Fabricators Timezone
Robinson Place  Manila
Siglo Antique And Collectibles Company
Cortez Bldg QC ............... (02)3410-0241
72-A East Riverside Mla ............................ (02)8567-1927
Avmin Glass And Aluminum Supply Tinker House
Quezon City ............... (02)8372-1575 51 14th St QC ................ (02)8721-9522
C8C Glass Aluminum Fabrication Services
Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0995)761-8118 Apartelles
ROYAL Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0932)514-6643
Topnotch Bingo Trend Incorporated
97 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8352-8438 Goodleap Apartelle
MIRROR Criziel J Steel & Aluminum Fabrication Toursunlimited Company 695 Edsa QC .................. (02)3413-9478
8 Mercedes Ave Psg .... (0927)314-7318 Honeys West Apartelle
E INDUSTRIES Rite Cut Glass Aluminum
City & Land Megaplaza
Psg ............................ (02)8470-1708 Honey's West Apartelle
RIVERSIDE INC 123 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8710-1604 QC ............................. (02)8376-5522
Tri-Ex Tower Co Incorporated Manila Apartelle
57 Molave Mkna.............(02)8942-4551
Vdm Aluminum And Glass
Animal Health Manila Manor Hotel Mla .. (02)8525-9065
Manila Manor Hotel
112 San Miguel Mand .... (02)8398-2887 Manila Manor Hotel Mla .. (02)8525-9065
Siros Aluminum Vgr Glass And Aluminum Works Dogs And The City
Ayala Malls The 30th Paradise Apartelle
152 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3448-7293 Kaingin 1 QC ................ (0926)624-5493 303 Tomas Morato Ave
Stallion Industrial Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8721-9159
Emerald Glass & General Merchandise QC ............................. (02)3410-7706
23-A M Paterno SJ ......... (02)8727-3432 F J Wegon Animal Health Incorporated
57 - D Timog Ave QC ..... (02)8921-1787
Frasor Glass & Alum Inc
Stanza Aluminum & Glass Corp Aluminum Products 820 D Romualdez Sr
Rooms 498
498 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7585-3558
2709 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-7182 Mla ............................ (02)8254-6636
412 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8721-3533 Allutech Composite Panel Sir Albert Animal Care
Fuerte Steel And Aluminum Works
1202 Quirino Hwy QC...(0907)911-3203
SUCCESS MIRROR CITY 322 Alabang-Zapote Rd 35 M Naval Mal .............. (02)8331-1152 Apartments
204 Antonio Arnaiz Av LP .............................. (02)7501-6305
Gempire Aluminum And Glass Center Angus Aluminum Incorporated
500-B N Santos Amoranto
QC ............................. (02)8741-7409
Pasay 137 P Faustino Val ......... (02)3432-4077 Animal Health Amorsolo Mansion Apartment
Amorsolo Mansion Mkti .. (02)8812-7917
Go Hoc And Sons Incorporated City ......... (02)8833-8074 Aviles Enterprises
Francisco Bldg QC .......... (02)8668-5759 Products Jade Valley
Sct Torillo QC ................. (02)8921-8247
661 Gandara Mla............(02)8242-0146 Best Aluminum Sales Corp Johayra Apartelle
Hilton Manufacturing Corp 275 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8374-4120 Easy Bio Philippines Incorporated Johayra Bldg Mla............(02)8899-1554
671 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-2174 Creative Glass Aluminum World East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8635-4692 Legaspi Towers 100 Incorporated
Huvud Marketing Corporation 335C Bf Northwest Pque (02)8288-8021 Eli Lilly Phils Incorporated Legaspi Twr 100 Mkti ..... (02)8818-2610
291 E Rodriguez Sr Ave SUCCESS Gps Glass Aluminum And Iron Works Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr M M Reyes Enterprises Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8712-0516 158B Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8361-5472 QC ............................. (02)8570-9740 949 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8441-4771
J Cloud Glass Aluminum And Iron Works MIRROR L & M Glass And Aluminum Works Horizon Link Incorporated Pan Asian Multi Resources Corporation
318 R Jabson Psg .......... (02)8232-9121 26-27 Labayani QC ...... (0945)370-5721 Amorsolo Mansion Mkti .. (02)8818-6810
Jet V Auto Glass CITY Melo Aluminum Glass
75B J P Rizal Val ............ (02)8292-2743
Parkville Apartments
Pet House Pet Clinic & Grooming Center
Shaw Blvd Mand ............ (02)8531-7540 M Almeda Pat...............(0921)470-5717 131-B V Luna Rd Ext QC (02)3436-1906 Parkville Apt Condo Mkti . (02)8897-8096
Jiongco Aluminum And Glass Supply Morning Sky Enterprises Pm Apartments
409 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8283-6260 Rsapphire Trading
603 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Palm Twr Mkti ................ (02)8835-9901 Pm Apt QC ..................... (02)8921-4506
Joane Glass And Aluminum Supply Swan Aluminum & Allied Products Inc KC ............................. (02)8986-0795 The Charter House
153-F Aurora Blvd SJ ..... (02)8721-0454 Vet Specialists Incorporated The Charter Hse Mkti ...... (02)8817-6002
Grayline Ventures Bldg Phil Aluminum Fabricators Inc 27 Granada QC...............(02)8723-9028
King Fred Aluminum & Glass Mand ......................... (02)8531-4711 291 E Rodriguez Sr Ave The Grand Riviera Suites
159 Shaw Bvd Mand ...... (02)8531-1782 QC ............................. (02)8712-0516 Padre Faura Mla ............. (02)8531-5670
Tnjd Glass And Aluminum Supply
Leadcap Corporation
45 Jose Abad Santos SJ.(02)8632-7680 69 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-0028 Seapac Phillippines Incorporated
15 Perfecto Dr Taguig.....(02)8837-1610
Animation The Xavier Residences
The Xavier Residence
Lesley Aluminum & Glass Traders Aluminum QC ............................. (02)8426-4776
321-C Roosevelt Ave Meliton Espiritu Pque ...... (02)8826-7939 Picto Design Philippines Urdaneta Apartments Condominium
QC ............................. (02)8371-5169
UNITRADERS ALUMINUM Ambulance Service Cityland Herrera Twr Urdaneta Condmn Mkti ... (02)8844-4160
New Topbest Lumber Construction Supply Mkti ........................... (02)7954-1640
Inc & GLASS CORP Ace Cor Ambulance Service Snipple Animation Studios
Apparel and
286 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8531-0890 Distributor of Nice Home Cabinet Frame, 756 Instruccion Mla ....... (02)8749-5476 A&B Bldg 4 QC.............(0915)300-1438
Nick's Aluminum Glass
Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0939)733-3731 Max1 Series 798, Festive Color Glass Jp Sioson General Hospital
75 Bukidnon QC ............. (02)8927-5643
Top Draw Animation Inc
Philippine Stock Exch We Twr
Nicolsons Trading And Construction Tels: 8826-7939/8826-7686/8820-1922 Transcare Emergency Medical Services Psg ............................ (02)8687-5538 158 Design Blvd
B11 L36 Ep Vill Taguig ... (02)8838-8209 Mobile: 0922-8983233 to 35 Santol Mla ...................... (02)8514-4243 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7720-9678
Nouveau Marketing Incorporated Transcare Ems Ambulance Service
114 Eagle Psg ................ (02)8672-2378
Email: [email protected]
Richill Indl Compd
Citcc Mla........................(02)8514-4243 Anodizing 559 Enterprises
Metropolis Star Munt ...... (02)8823-8015
Occidental Glass And Aluminum Supply 559 Enterprises-Inkwise Metropoint Mall
92-D C Raymundo Ave Parañaque ................. (02)8826-8023
Psg ............................ (02)8641-0562 American Foods Swan Aluminum And Allied Products
Metropoint PC ................ (02)8511-0311
A&R Shoppe
Paolo's Aluminum Glass 14 Arayat Mand..............(02)8531-4711 8 Magdiwang QC..........(0917)551-3059
Sinagtala Batasan Hills Allamerican
QC ........................... (0921)728-7466 UNITRA- Vista Mall Global South
Permawin Enterprises DERS LP ............................ (0999)882-5526
28 T Santiago Val ........... (02)8277-2717 ALUMINUM Brooklyn's Restaurant And Chill Lounge Co
Purple's Aluminum Glasses University Twr 1 Mla.....(0922)805-1082
372 Commonwealth Ave AND GLASS Dillingers 1903
QC ............................. (02)3434-1578 CORPORA- Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7621-6790
Flatiron 1771 Restaurant & Bar
TION Uptown Place Mall
REPUBLIC Taguig......................(0917)631-9351
Kj's American Burger Grill
POWDERCOAT VERSA POWDER COATING Manuela Ave LP ........... (0947)225-0627
Megawatt Pizza & Steak
CORPORATION INC 686 Banawe QC ........... (0917)182-7583
Moink's Chicks Chops N' Chips
173 Congressional Av Also Specializes in Metal 3 Rivera Mal ................. (0925)447-4955
Fabrication & Electroplating The Bourn
Quezon Sherwood Place Mla.....(0915)300-0408
City ......... (02)8962-1905 Tel. Nos.: 8995-3042 / 8531-6267
189 Haig Mandaluyong .. (02)8531-6273 Amusement and
16 Evangelista Pasig ..... (02)8681-6512
Cuesta Antipolo ............ (02)8696-0279 Theme Parks
Active Fun City
POWDER- Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-5593
COAT Bingo Bonanza Corporation
VERSA 168 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8708-2842
CORPO- Bingo Jamboree Incorporated
RATION POWDER Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-5728
Court Side
COATING Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8330-5122
INC Davao Crocodile Park Incorporated
Roosevelt Aluminum Products Company
Roxas Blvd PC ............... (02)8833-5680
Fun Services Incorporated A-1 INDUSTRIES
183 Judge Juan Luna Palanyag Rd Pque .......... (02)8519-6864
QC ............................. (02)8371-0329 Global Art Alabang
Wilson Glass And Aluminum Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8861-2061
Victory Central Mall KC ... (02)8361-1084 Hamad Cyberzone 5
52 Judge Juan Luna, Quezon City
The Yellow Pages Ma Cristina Bldg KC ....... (02)8990-4775
REMEMBER, Karaoke Hub Family Entertainment 1105 Metro Manila
Your Link to the Business World. people do read ads Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8374-1453 Tel. No.: (02) 8372-18%
in The YELLOW PAGES. Paco Amusement Co (Phils ) Incorporated
Clmc Bldg Mand.............(02)8705-1630

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:13 2022 - P101

102 S C M Y K

102 Apparel - Asphalt 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

P-Ed Fasion Haus Juinio Architectural Design Studio
Apparel and Wellcome Plz Puregold Aquaculture Cityland Herrera Twr Aromatherapy
Accessories (Cont'd) PC ............................. (02)8846-7135
Pinnacle Enterprises Jeal's Petshop
Mkti ........................... (02)7917-5412
Kmas Designs Seven Angels Massage
Maya Theater Bldg QC .... (02)8376-0163 B4 L28 President E Aguinaldo Molave Psg .................. (0927)663-3119 Valero Mkti ..................... (02)7219-5770
A'Postrophe Plaque Clothing Pque .......................... (02)8897-9747 Konstrui Designs
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8553-9714 Sta Fe Psg....................(0917)659-7466 17 Dna Soledad Ave
Alezon's Apparel Repabuild Trading Pque ........................ (0917)561-2699 Art Galleries
317 Sen Gil Puyat Ave 156 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-7567 Aquaculture L Atelier Architects
PC ........................... (0917)502-9653
All Hands On Deck Incorporated
Rod & Carla Kids Wear
999 Shopping Mall Mla...(02)8708-9491 Equipment and Vatican City Dr LP .......... (02)8692-9272
Libiran Arch Associates Incorporated
Altro Mondo At The Picasso
119 The Picasso Boutique Serviced
Pioneer Highlands Twr 1
Mand ......................... (02)7621-4482
Scoop Project
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8559-8070
Supplies Pb Dionisio Bldg QC ....... (02)8376-5201
Linelab Architect + Engineer
Residences Mkti ......... (02)8828-4774
Altro Mondo Creative Space
Bh Fashion Retailers Incorporated Shapes Wears And Accessories Sorrel Residences Sociego 1159 Chino Roces Ave
Lucky Chinatown Mall Fev Marine Aquatic Supplies
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-8170 Orestes Lne QC .............. (02)8571-7932 Mla .......................... (0917)502-5128 Mkti ........................... (02)7501-3270
Mla ............................ (02)8523-8249 Shirt Station Enterprises Mas Inc Picar Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8365-2774 Bmg Blue Matiz Art Gallery
Bizaare 515 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-6122 Moss Design House Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8706-5641
Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8332-7473
Bluzza Dress Shoppe
Sophie Paris
Araneta Square Mall KC .. (02)8364-0803
Architects Moss Manila Home Bldg
QC ............................. (02)8632-1978
Cmm Portrait Expert
Isetann Mla .................... (02)8734-0595
Yellow Bldg South Stn Suki Fashion Incorporated Mpt Architecture Contreras Sculptures
Munt .......................... (02)7503-7898 A & E Equinet Support Incorporated
Robinsons Place Cplx 15th Ave QC...................(02)8912-4036 Biyaya Mla ................... (0928)709-2557 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1283
Bonna Rtw Mla ............................ (02)8354-8025 Mssw & Associates Dos Pueblos Art Gallery
Lianas Supermarket Mla . (02)8332-1692 A C Architect
Tacks And Buttons Apparel Incorporated Psec West Twr QC ......... (02)8959-7650 213-215 Del Monte QC.(0936)928-9861 Robinson Place  Manila
Bottomline Fishermall QC ................. (02)8442-7423 Pmr Architectural Innovations Mla .......................... (0950)160-5361
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Arce Bilon Arce Architects
Tasha & Cranston's Shop 14 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8355-2323 Omega Ave QC ............. (0933)873-9715 East Asian Art Gallery
SJ ............................ (0917)839-9938 Lozada Pat ................... (0910)505-9657 Premiercon Builders Corporation 8479 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8896-5667
C & N Store Arquitectonica Incorporated
Terrie Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8886-6646 Jcrv Incorporated Bldg Finale Art File Incorporated
M Alvarez Ave LP ........... (02)8801-4266 Greenhills Shopping Ctr QC ........................... (0922)806-4612 La Fuerza Cpd Mkti ......... (02)8812-5034
Chong International Trading Corporation Asian Architects
SJ .............................. (02)8721-1557 M Concepcion Psg ......... (02)8642-8213 Recio And Casas Architects Galerie Anna
Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8776-3061 Topline Corp 8757 Paseo De Roxas Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8470-2511
Classe Commercial Bacungan Architects
54 7th St KC .................. (02)8244-1197 St Mary Mkna ............... (0916)944-0404 Mkti ........................... (02)8867-8615 Galerie Francesca
589 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7640 Topman Rtj Architectural Design Studio Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8570-9495
Clique Trading Bernardo Rod-Partners
Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8636-0182 26 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8426-0565 Pm Apt Bldg QC ........... (0928)413-5145 Galleria Nicolas
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Trends And Life Style Sabinano-De Guia Building Construction
SJ ............................ (0922)818-7473 C/S Design Consultancy Incorporated Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8625-0273
Sm Fairview QC............(0946)984-5045 111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg Liberty Apt Pque ........... (0961)252-8881 Lrpa Marketing
Collezione Uniglobe Travelware Co Incorporated Saint Gabriel Architectural Services
Eastwood Eastwood Mall Mkti ........................... (02)8840-2585 Armstong Pque .............. (02)8785-5255
Alabang Town Ctr LP ...... (02)8553-4997 Cadiz International Inc J L Bldg Psg.................(0918)397-3977 Macuha Art Gallery
QC ............................. (02)8706-0840 Vicci Fashion Sed Probuild Concepts Incorporated
Creative Building System Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8887-2068 3210 Antonio H Ozaete
6-B Magnas QC..............(02)8524-1505 Concep Inc 22 Katipunan Ave QC ..... (02)8423-5615 Pque ........................ (0917)897-5698
The Centerpoint Bldg Vincent Bhenz Trading Sherf Design & Management Inc
Psg ............................ (02)8463-8470 1856 Asuncion Mkti ....... (02)8895-1812 Numedia Digital Signage Corp
815 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-7860 D11 Architectural Services Angeles Pat .................. (0995)482-1236 158 Nadurata KC .......... (0917)518-1131
D Urban Retail Concepts Incorporated Western
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-5915 One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-4158 Studionisio Architectural Designs P&P Tattoo And Body Art
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-1905 F E Santiago Management Consultancy Fairway Residences QC .. (02)8288-3280 Eastwood City Walk 1
Dhaka Enterprise Xinhong Apparel Incorporated
42 Pacencia Val ............. (02)7959-6421 Yturralde Bldg QC ........... (02)7149-3882 Subnet Construction Inc Mla ............................ (02)7585-3545
119 11th Ave KC ............ (02)8363-8025 Garra + Punzal Design Studio Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)7369-9959 Palette Blue And Gray Gallery
Dickies Xtrm Clothing
999 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8288-1512 Kilyawan QC...................(02)3428-2210 Tan Esteban And Associates Serendra Piazza Taguig (0919)462-2525
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Gmd Prime Construction Inc 1852 P Hidalgo Lim Mla . (02)8525-8132 The Artologist Gallery
Ekomoda SJ ............................ (0917)167-2017
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Virgo Mkna...................(0917)598-0823 Tcj Architectural Services Tiendesitas Bldg A Psg . (0918)454-5410
Ysb General Merchandise Go Go & Go Partners 50 Early Bird LP ........... (0945)342-7640
SJ .............................. (02)7622-2609 29 Armida S Reyna Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0073 Tessinerin Architects + Planners
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8521-4046
Pque .......................... (02)8984-2465 Habulan And Ngo Design Studio Company Cityland Herrera Twr Art Supplies
Exztra Plus Size Clothing Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8831-2102 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-3782
922 San Francisco
Mand ....................... (0915)633-4634
Apparel J Antonio Nazareno Architecture & Designs
Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-1677
Tier One Architects
633A Quirino Hwy QC .. (0926)707-1995
Heavenly Stitchin' Moments
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)3417-7860
Fila - Sm Moa Manufacturing Jcta Construction
102 Corta SJ .................. (02)8725-6103
Upgrid Architectural Design And
Construction Services
Kulay-Diwa Gallery Of Philippine
Contemporary Art
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8901-1611
Fudge Rock L A Poco & Associates Architects Exch Rd Psg ................ (0917)179-2202 Lopez Ave Pque ............. (02)8826-0574
Fao: California Clothing Incorporated Mile Long Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8894-3865 Uscadd Systems Phils Incorporated Kvjc Trading
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0136
SJ ............................ (0906)570-8839 Leonardo A Poco Architects South Gate Bldg Munt.....(02)8807-6252 20-B Maliwanag QC ....... (02)3435-0456
Goldwing Apparel Incorporated Mile Long Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8894-3980 Vvz Prime Concepts Inc
Gainmore Marketing 61 F Balagtas Mkna ........ (02)8942-2202 M Enriquez Art Supply Incorporated
Cw Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8638-4758 Padavela Business Development And Gen M Capinpin Mkti ...... (02)8738-7713 490 Gregorio Araneta Ave
Jannylean Apparels Consultancy Corporation Workbench Construction & Trading Inc QC ............................. (02)8711-5160
Gilma Grace Enterprises B46 L20 E Carrol Pque ... (02)7504-2220 Sobriedad Ext Mla .......... (02)8514-0596
643 Carvajal Mla ............ (02)8242-9579 57 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)8807-8122 Rotech
Royal Dragon Traders Incorporated Studio Arkithetica Zhzq Architects & Associate In Philippines Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0929)178-6980
Giordano Enterprises Limited 10 Tagdalit QC ............... (02)8330-2117 Two Serendra Taguig ..... (02)8403-2768
Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-5287 Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8371-8447 Sketchbooks
Royal Linens Manufacturing Corporation Total Architects Intl Incorporated Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4595
Girons Fashion Trend Red Flower Cpd Pque ..... (02)8877-7918 Pia Ctr Bldg Psg ............. (02)8638-7269
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr Visionarch Incorporated Armored Vehicle
QC ............................. (02)8376-0970
Glamour Studio Appliances Repair Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-5375 Artificial Flowers,
W V Coscolluela & Associates Architects
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8664-7219
The Palisades Mkti ......... (02)8867-3764
Eleven Hardware Company Incorporated
1 Eleven Rd QC .............. (02)8361-5198 Plants and Trees
Daikin Md Aircon Enterprise Ybalai Builders Inc Gti Armored Cars
H&M Philippines 5th St KC ..................... (0917)914-2514 1254 C Don Pedro Mla ... (02)7622-0771
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-2638 643 Pilapil Mla ............... (02)8253-9847 Elyn's Garden
Gacula Plumbing Services Malabanan 4807 Rosal Pque..........(0927)745-9682
Inspira Prime Int Corp Works INCOPHIL MARKETING
Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0943)709-3593
Joshethan Dry Goods
King Micahel QC...........(0999)342-7546 Architectural CORPORATION
Fasouk Concepts Company
Sm Megamall A Mand .. (0927)454-4138
J P Laurel Mla ................ (02)7509-0871
Hoton Express Ph
Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8230-4526 Services Fresh Harvest Fruits Herbs And Plants Shop
89C F C Tuazon Pat ...... (0947)530-1793
Juliana Collections
31 Tangke Val .............. (0923)289-4226 Pgd Botanique
Ab Surveying And Development
Juliana Fashion Jewelry Collections Appraisers Marsk Bldg QC ............... (02)8656-8395
296A Haig Mand .......... (0926)180-8810
Tangke Val ..................... (02)8364-1475 Abd Architectural Designs
Jvs Asia Incorporated (Mfg)
Robinsons Place Cplx ASSET CONSULT CORP
Filinvest 1 QC ............... (0906)516-2968
Absha Construction And Development Inc
Mla ............................ (02)8567-8580 Clipp Bldg One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)8693-2825
K And Company - Mandaluyong City Ep Malto Construction
Ayala Alabang Village 2136 Kahilom II Mla ....... (02)8533-9434
Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8636-1500 Taguig ..... (02)8851-9807 Commerce Ave Munt ...... (02)8807-5859
R M Mendoza Construction
Lam Hua Bazar Black Box Construction
515 Quintin Paredes Mla (02)8242-9241 Plates for Armored Vehicles Orange Dr Pque .............. (02)8986-1197
22 Malingap QC ........... (0995)421-5508
Link Carunungan And Partners Company Materials was used in the "Pope Mobile"

Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8332-1510
11 Sunrise Dr QC ........... (02)8724-5072 (02) 8824-4834-35/ (02) 8822-2572-73
Cj Architectural Services
Asphalt and Asphalt
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Psg .......................... (0930)982-6348 CONSULT SAMPLE 73 Felix Ave Psg ........... (0915)410-2028 (02) 8821-0873 Products
Comrad Architectural Design Services / [email protected]
Maliche CORP ONLY F Blumentritt Mand ....... (0906)258-1646 4B Construction Corporation
Cathedral Hghts QC ...... (0917)883-2233 Cubesystem 4032 Cul De Sac 50 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8928-9225
Melirose R&R Bldg QC ............... (0966)863-3694 Parañaque ................. (02)8824-4834 Ascend Asphalt Builders
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Delta Designs+Construct Paco Mla........................(02)8257-4134
SJ ............................ (0919)556-4934 Lilly QC ........................ (0926)756-7667 Austine Hardware Co Incorporated
Messiah's Boutique Dtko Architectural Firm 1262 C M Recto Ave
Evalue Phils Inc
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ ............................ (0918)591-0649 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8531-1895
54 Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8929-7978
Edward Co Tan + Architects
INCOPHIL Mla ............................ (02)8362-8103
Galleon Appraisal And Corporate Services Blacktop Construction Supply
Mighty Sports
Vicente Madrigal Bldg
16 Monte De Piedad QC . (02)8727-3239 MARKE- Labores Ext Mla ........... (0916)762-9972
8475 Trabajo Mkti .......... (02)8845-1590 Emphascale Architectural Services
Mlb Store Mkti ........................... (02)8811-6595 Verde Oro Bldg QC ....... (0915)314-2289 TING Ceramic Plaza Incorporated
Zoomlam Bldg QC .......... (02)8936-3474
Gov Pascual Mal ............ (02)8281-3253 Galleon Appraisal And Corporate Svcs Fernbacts Architectural Services
Mpm Garments Centre Vicente Madrigal Bldg Commonwealth QC ...... (0906)268-7078
CORPO- Hillcon Asphalt Construction
Mkti ........................... (02)8811-6595 642 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8733-6225
45 Maamo QC ................ (02)8924-7602
Marquez L G Company
Fulgar Architects RATION Magnetron Builders
My Gem Lee Gardens Coml Ctr 1456 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8425-5967
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr National Life Insurance Bldg Mand ......................... (02)8661-0168
QC ............................. (02)3439-7406 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-1159 Roadlane Builders & Supplies
Hsel Architectural Design Studio 33 Northlane Rd LP ........ (02)8736-6314
Nesh Fashion Valencia Appraisal Corporation Cyber One Bldg QC.......(0998)398-1747 Star Motor Armoring Technologies Inc
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rgv Bldg Mkti.................(02)8889-4148 Ja Aviles Architectural & Construction 2272 Pasong Tamo Ext Roadscape Construction
SJ .............................. (02)8245-3164 Management Services Mkti ........................... (02)8624-1688 Beata Mla ....................... (02)8569-2099
Nubreed Clothing THE YELLOW PAGES 169 I Lopez Mand .......... (02)7799-9541
Find it fast in the Always within your reach
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Makes shopping easier. Javier Design Studio - Manila (Jdsm)
The Yellow Pages. The YELLOW PAGES
SJ .............................. (02)8722-5371 Praxedes Place II Mand .. (02)8706-6654

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:13 2022 - P102

103 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Asphalt - Audiovisual 103

Antonio S Tria And Associates Esquivias Cruz Conlu Law Offices Tam Law Offices Digital Art Faculty Media Incorporated
Asphalt Maintenance Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8637-6627 Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-3749 Fss Bldg-I QC ................. (02)8239-1683 Cityland Pasong Tamo
Aranas Mendiola & De Jesus Tax Estrada & Aquino Law Tam-Yap Caga Ilao Law Offices Mkti ........................... (02)8659-7662
Amcb Asphalt Trading And Services Consultancy Services High South Corporate Plz Twr 2 Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8813-8992 Ehome Lifestyle Technology
1315 Labores Ext Mla.....(02)7958-1839 Le Metropole Mkti...........(02)8817-9705 Taguig........................(02)7719-4089 Tan Acut Lopez & Pison Law Offices Annapolis Wilshire Plz
Durable Hardware Arceo & Tandoc Law Firm Factoran Tria De Leon Law Ofc 23 Pse Ctr East Twr Psg . (02)8635-3671 SJ .............................. (02)7744-5923
347-C A Bonifacio Ave Xavier Bldg QC ............... (02)8544-0686 Montepino Bldg Mkti.......(02)8893-5661 Tan Crucillo Dimaculangan & Roque Law Empire One Electronics Service Center
QC ............................. (02)8361-7277 Arinas Law Office Feria Tantoco Daos Law Offices Offices Em Bldg SJ .................... (02)7149-5985
Manahan Hardware G & A Bldg Mkti..............(02)8395-9745 Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8677 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8706-0436 Golden Sound Audio Video Center
Bambang Mla ................. (02)8255-9118 At Cruz Law Firm Ferrer & Associates Law Offices Teves Herminio And Company Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
S D Hardware & Lumber Az Bldg Psg ................. (0920)957-0383 Union Square Condmn 247 El Grande Ave LP.....(02)8788-0170 SJ .............................. (02)8721-2540
2504-2506 Legarda Mla . (02)8734-6235 Balgos And Perez Law Office QC ............................. (02)8911-3370 The Law Firm Of Talampas & Associates Jbl-Harman Kardon Store
Tnsantos Construction Supply West Tektite Twr Psg......(02)8638-8732 Florentino & Esmaquel Law Office 992 Edsa QC .................. (02)8962-0069 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7959-3552
Candida Mla ................. (0908)921-1734 Balubar Law Office Prestige Twr Condmn Tiongco Siao Bello & Associates Law Office Mediagadgets International Inc
Zajen Hardware Mtf Bldg Pque .............. (0917)183-5050 Psg ............................ (02)8638-7492 Robinsons Equitable Twr Medalla Bldg QC ........... (0939)199-9065
Lukban Mla .................... (02)5436-5487 Barte Law Firm Gallardo & Associates Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8634-6470 Mmg True Enterprises Incorporation
172 G F Martinez Mand (0915)284-1081 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8836-1694 Tolentino & Bautista Law Offices (T&B Polylite Hse LP ............. (0998)581-2974
Batara Redublo & Partners Law Offices Gargantiel Ilagan & Atanante Law Firm
Associations and Prestige Twr Condmn Times Square Bldg QC....(02)8355-9623
Philflex Bay Ctr PC..........(02)8526-7680
Nokia Care Center
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)7751-7813
Organizations Psg ............................ (02)8638-6705
Batuhan Blando Concepcion & Trillana
Guzman Acain Law Offices
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr
Toven Law
Corporate 145 Bldg QC...(02)7506-4483
1975 Brothers In Arms Incorporated
Picadilly Star Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8403-3478 Ubano Ancheta Sianghio & Lozada Law Audio Visual
J C Yrreverre And Co Law Firm
Trion Twr 1 Taguig ......... (02)8779-8705 Bautista-Mendioro Law Firm Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 1
Cocofed Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8813-4477 Services
Ahon Sa Hirap Incorporated 40 Stella Maris Psg ...... (0917)306-9338 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-9296 Velicaria Vibar Santiago
76 8th Ave QC ................ (02)8911-0309 Belgica Aranas Baldueza Dela Cruz & Jimeno Jalandoni & Cope Law Office Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8810-7820 16/35Mm Production Supply
Alcantara Ubay & Co Incorporated Associates Law Offices Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8892-4037 Villanueva Law Offices Star Centrum Condmn
Espana Twr Mla ............. (02)8353-4518 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Jose A Suing Law Firm Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1772
Asistio Martinez And Co Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)7728-5696 Giselle's Park Plz PC ....... (02)8551-5841 Mkti ........................... (02)8894-0146 El Kapitan Pro Sounds And Lights
Malanting KC..................(02)8930-8443 Bucoy Poblador & Associates Kapunan Tamano And Associates Philippines
Bureau Of Agriculture And Fisheries Villaroman & Mananquil Law Group
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8887-5905 Antel Global Corporate Ctr West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8285-7283 Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8847-2389
Engineering C & G Law Psg ............................ (02)8687-4371 Powertrip Incorporated
Da Main Bldg QC ............ (02)8273-2474 Yangco Law Offices
Corporate Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8894-0377 Kho Bustos Malcontento Argosino Law West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8584-6821 427 Martinez Mand ........ (02)8631-6008
Centunion Philippines Incorporated Cabio Law Office & Associates Office
Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8551-6562 Raygin Lights & Sounds Incorporated
Future Point Plz 2 QC......(02)8376-3365 Prestige Twr Condmn Globe Bldg Mla ............... (02)8255-5270
E M Golding & Associates
612-A Philip Pque .......... (02)8821-3536
Cabral Lalusis Law Firm
161-B Shaw Blvd
Psg ............................ (02)8634-1491 Audio and Video Sound Check Philippines
Lawyers Review The 8 F Pasco Ave Psg ......... (02)8631-3859
Freeway Mand ....................... (0917)862-2829 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-8020
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0127 Pc Quarters Subsonic Lights N Sound
Capuyan & Quimpo Law Offices Legisforum Incorporated Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-4754 Almanza Uno LP ........... (0926)457-2191
Gentle Hands Incorporated Dna Guadalupe Bldg Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8886-7868
27 F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-5539 Rcc Cabling And It Solution
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7729 Lgo Law Offices Centro Plz Condiminium
Islamic Da'Wah Council Of The Philippines
Fubc Bldg Mla ................ (02)8245-8456
Castillo Laman T And P Law Office
Valero Twr Mkti .............. (02)8817-1613
1223 Casa Rafael Bldg QC ............................. (02)8961-2839 Audiovisual
QC ............................. (02)3416-0596
Jv & M Associates Incorporated
Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8921-1361 CASTILLO LAMAN TAN
Linsangan Law Office
Storm Surge Audio
682 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8242-8086 Equipment and
Lions Presidents League PANTALEON & SAN JOSE
Linsangan Admiralty Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8564-8599
Unique Cellular
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-9058
Lions Pres Bldg QC ........ (02)8721-7748 Macamay Macamay Macamay & Macamay
Manila Teachers Building LAW FIRM Law Offices
Urban Gadgets Ph Incorporated
Industria Mall QC ............ (02)7946-7259
Basshead Audio Video Equipments
918 Manila Teachers Bldg 11 G Araneta Ave QC....(0917)530-4157
Mla ............................ (02)8404-0364 Valero Tower Tanco Bldg Mand ........... (02)8532-4567
Mamaril Arca & Associates Evi Distribution Philippines Incorporated
Pediatric Associates Inc
Bloomingdale Plz Psg ..... (02)8638-0919
Makati ..... (02)8817-6791 Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8034
Audio Video 117 F Sevilla SJ ............. (02)8470-1147
Extreme Pro Photo Inc
Philippine Chinese Charitable Association (See Advertisement on this page)
1126 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-7231 Castro Cadiz & Carag Law Offices Manila Biz Consultants Incorporated Equipment 713 R Hidalgo Mla..........(02)8733-4564
Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8727-7701 One Global Place J-Maxx Electronics Parts Center
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute 660 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8736-5009
Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8929-6011 Cesar C Cruz & Partners Law Taguig......................(0977)850-2357 Aaa I-Tech Digital System
Philippine Society Of Cardiaccatheter Ayala Life-Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8817-8880 Misa Castro And Associates Lawoffices Marciana Bldg Mkti.......(0929)225-7656 Jn Trading Enterprise
Concorde Condmn 2 Aerofone 1128 Pasaje Del Carmen
Medical Arts Bldg QC ..... (02)8928-7798 Cortes And Cortel Law Offices Mla .......................... (0977)231-3861
Saffron Hill Philippines Incorporated Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 1 Mkti ........................... (02)8897-4967 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-5874
Mkti ........................... (02)8813-9092 Nfc Miralles Law Office Architectural Audio Jw Sound Works
Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8856-6239 Sampaguita Val ............ (0923)106-8375
Sampaloc Vendors Devt Corporation 6 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (0916)510-9308 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-5173
Umerez Bldg 1 Mla ......... (02)8732-9868 CRUZ ENVERGA & LUCERO Pacis And Reyes Law Firm Audible Illusions Enterprises Magustronic General Merchandise
Social Weather Stations LAW OFFICES Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8844-3871 50D Timog Ave QC.........(02)8374-3620 Sales Mla ..................... (0998)446-6379
52 Malingap QC ............. (02)8924-4465 Padlan Salvador & Associates Audio 4 Design N Technology Corporation Mhadoyz Car Audio & Accessories
South Bay Homeowners Assn Incorporated Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8896-1468 Cityland Pasong Tamo 67 Zabarte Rd QC ........... (02)8376-0084
South Bay Homeowners Assn Inco 25/F Cityland 10 Palm Law Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1788 Raon Audio & Electronic Supply
Munt .......................... (02)8659-1385 Tower 1, 6815 Ayala Ave. North 138 Sct Limbaga QC .... (0917)145-7706 Bang& Olufsen 664B Gonzalo Puyat
Strata 2000 Salcedo Village, Makati City Parlade Hildawa Parlade And Eco Law Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)7728-8766 Mla .......................... (0922)247-0054
Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-3182 Offices Cardinal Audio Center Rie Audio Video Enterprise
Tytana Plaza Tel No.: 8812-4203 Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8687-7824 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 16F Villarba Mal ........... (0929)119-3939
611 V Tytana Mla ........... (02)8241-0060 Picazo Buyco Tan Fider & Santos SJ .............................. (02)8721-1104 Tc Electronic Philippines
Vanity Association Of The Philippines
Telefax: 8810-4244 Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8888-0311 Dai-Ichi Orient Pacific Travel & Tours Minnesota Bldg QC ......... (02)8288-1899
Minnesota Mansion QC (0917)860-9329 Pizarras And Associates Law Offices Cityland Vito Cruz Twr 1 Tekvision Distribution Incorporated
Website: Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8891-0990 Mla ............................ (02)8353-0921 145 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8241-1958
Email: [email protected] Quasha Ancheta Pena & Nolasco
ATM Don Pablo Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8892-3011
R Gonzales & Associates Law Offices
6815 Ayala Av Makati .... (02)8892-8210
Asiatrust Bank Corporation Victoria 1 Bldg QC .......... (02)8920-2160
245 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-5887 R S Santos Law Firm
Card Incorporated - Pateros Branch Dm Bldg QC ................... (02)8281-9102
56 E Hermosa Pat .......... (02)8642-8548 Reyes Rivera Lumibao Law Office
Citi Bank
CRUZ Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8636-0120
500 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8247-9830 ENVERGA & Riguera And Riguera Law Office
Azucena Arcade LP ........ (02)8872-6216
Citibank Philippines LUCERO Roberto Santiago Law Office
Citibank Square QC ........ (02)8995-9110
Ctbc Bank (Philippines) Corporation LAW Dasmarinas Leyba Bldg
Lgi Bldg SJ.....................(02)8705-7087 OFFICES Mla ............................ (02)8244-4443
Ucpb Corporate Offices Robles Law Offices
Ucpb Bldg Mkti...............(02)8811-9000 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8706-4452
Rodrigo Berenguer & Guno Law Office
Dabu & Associates Law Office Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Attorneys Edsa QC ......................... (02)8703-0800 Psg ............................ (02)8706-7801
De Guzman Dionido Ocaya Baquilod And Roque Law Office
A M Sison Jr And Associates Associates 144 M Almeda Pat..........(02)7219-6945
Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8891-1339 Executive Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8896-4208 Rosario Del Law Office
Aac Law Firm De Saulog And Leon Law Offices Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8810-1791
31 Alibangbang QC ........ (02)8373-5288 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8892-8380 Sales Sta Ana & Rodrigo Law Office
Abano Pamfilo Paras Pineda & Agustin Law Del Rosario And Del Rosario City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8637-4828
Office Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-4209 Salvatierra Nuestro Law Offices
Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr Del Valle & Rob Les Law Ofcs Aurora Arcade Bldg LP ... (02)7738-1193
Psg ............................ (02)8636-0753 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8706-4473 Santiago Cruz And Associates
Abo And Penarada Law Divina Law Offices Pse Ctre Psg .................. (02)8634-8221
Avida Cityflex Twrs Soho Bldg Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8822-0808 Santos & Santos Law Office
Taguig........................(02)8728-3665 Divino & Gavino Law Offices Jaka 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8551-6467
Acaban & Associates One Magnificent Mile-Citra Sedigo & Associates
Raha Sulayman Bldg Psg ............................ (02)8687-1232 Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8896-9014
Mkti ........................... (02)8815-3109
Agcaoili Law Offices
Dolendo And Associates Law Office
S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8524-1593
Sicangco And Sicangco Law Office
Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8813-4967 Castillo Laman Tan
Pantaleon & San Jose
Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8892-7182 Dy Dioquino Jimenez De Asis Soo Gutierrez Leogardo & Lee Law Offcs
Algarra Mutia And Trinidad Lawoffice Soriano Femil Bldg Mla ... (02)8255-4873 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8812-8862
Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8638-5230 E B Astudillo & Associates Suarez & Narvasa Law Firm
Altamira Cas & Collado Law Offices
One Corporate Ctre Psg .. (02)8635-3515
Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8893-5760
Ernesto V Francisco Jr Law Office
Csj Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8810-4881
Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Ga Law Offices
Altamira Cas Alaba & Collado Law Offices Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-3686 Sshg Law Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8848-2025
One Corporate Ctr Twr Escobido & Pulgar Law Firm Sycip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan Valero Tower, Makati City, Metro Manila 1227
Psg ............................ (02)8638-9880 Heart Twr Mkti................(02)8887-3121 Sshg Law Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8817-3507 Tel. No.: (02) 8817-6791
Angeles & Buendia Attorneys-At-Law Esguerra & Blanco Law Office Syquia Law Office
Mile Long Bldg Mkti ...... (0917)639-2820 S & L Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8813-8185 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-8020

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104 S C M Y K

104 Audio-Visual - Automobile 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Cartek Auto Parts Supply Incorporated Kingspeed Marketing
Audio-Visual 183 Banawe QC ............. (02)8521-4705 65 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0335 Automobile
Equipment-Renting Chrischell Auto Parts & Supply
127 Banawe QC ............. (02)3410-0464
Konz Body Kits And Accessories
P Florentino QC .............. (02)3410-7885 POWER Assemblers
City Supply Enterprise Kyl Trading
Beyond The Blue Corp Yangco Mla .................... (02)8253-9367 24 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0092 CARE Aerodynamics Commercial Corporation
11 C Harmony QC ........ (0932)262-0878 Creedrich Car Accessories 1028 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8244-7720
Crossfade Video Alternatives 30 J Banawe QC ............ (02)3412-7388 L A Car Accessories And Tintroom AUTO Cika Auto Parts Trading Corporation
Y Square Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8817-8617
7616 Guijo Mkti..............(02)8442-8691 Czervie Supply
La Window Film
SUPPLY Phesco Bldg QC ............. (02)8664-9277
Dsoundz Events Equipment Rentals 528 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)3488-2591 David Motors and Marketing Corporation
643 Domingo Santiago D Jans Auto Parts 52B President Ave Pque . (02)8478-6570 Duhat Val ....................... (02)8294-2003
Mla ............................ (02)7506-5910 44E Banawe QC ............. (02)8703-8779 Lepiten Auto Supply De Guzman R Jeep Body Builder
Electronic Depot Djf Auto Supply 83 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (0961)566-3257 Balubaran Val ................. (02)8292-8588
Robinsons Galleria Mall 957 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8937-5539 Ltc Korean Parts Center Incorporated Powermatic Motor Parts Splash&Dash Carwash
QC ............................. (02)8634-5554 Downshift Supply 185 Banawe QC ............. (02)8254-4334 1486 Old Antipolo Mla .... (02)8255-8277 50 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)7255-6032
Electronics Depot Incorporated 70 Gen Ordonez Ave Pyesa Auto Supply
Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8633-3261 Mkna ....................... (0917)714-2631 MALABON DIESEL Pyesa Auto Supply Psg .. (02)8514-3545
Jnm Pascual Isla Event Styling & Party Edasco Auto Supply
Diesel King | Bosch Diesel Center |
Rexssel Auto Parts Center
1027 Reina Regente Mla (02)8244-1538
83 A C Santos Psg ....... (0919)495-8270
1712 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8359-1512
Egt Auto Supply Bosch AA Parts, Batteries and Richcar Auto Parts & Car Accessories Customization and
Psalm System Lights & Sounds
2216 Doon Val ............. (0917)539-9849
84I G Araneta QC ........... (02)3416-6454
Ericks Motor Sales Equipment Distributor |
F&J Jacinto Ng Bldg QC . (02)8712-3680
Rmf Auto Supply Restoration
Salvaje Professional Audio 10 Banawe QC ............... (02)8353-8888 8287 5882•8287 4954•8287 0485 345 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8247-1203
La Torre Mla.................(0917)855-4041 Esr Auto Supply Roadmaster Auto Supply Aegis Detailing Alabang
792 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8363-7275 09228903252•09209032524 953 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8244-8032 Manila Doctors Vill Access Rd
Rotary Auto Electric Incorporated LP ............................ (0917)707-9526
Auto Supply Excellar Enterprise Incorporated
Excellar Bldg QC ............. (02)8712-9999
Dagat-Dagatan Ave
Caloocan City ............ (02)8288-6734
1133 G Masangakay Alfred's Motor Works Car Restoration
Fordmaster Auto Parts Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8251-1051 81 Kamuning Rd QC ....... (02)3411-1323
A - Won's Auto Supply Corporation 61 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-7224 Ryn Auto Parts Supply Auto Precision Automotive Care
72 S Francisco QC ......... (02)3419-5258 Ftj Auto Supply 304 F Roxas KC ............. (02)8352-1493 21 Old J P Rizal Mkna .. (0998)540-6090
Abd Auto Supply 23 G M Almeda Pat ........ (02)8642-5908 MALABON Sakurai Motor Parts Corporation
385 Banawe QC ............. (02)3410-1603
Decal Republic Chuck
1489-B Laguna Mla ...... (0927)633-6826 Fuji Auto Supply 51 Congressional Ave Ext
Aeom Trading Auto Spare Parts 109 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8921-5408 DIESEL Sald Auto Parts Supply QC ........................... (0917)340-0141
713 Banawe QC ............. (02)8411-4241 Gelig Auto Supply INJEC- 2227-D Severino Reyes
Mla ............................ (02)8255-9308
Illest Autosalon
93 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0919)257-7006
Aiza T Labao Auto Parts Supply 83 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (0912)245-5950
1774 Gen E Evangelista Gold Cars Auto Accesories TION Saminato Auto Supply Kalikot Garage
Mkti ........................... (02)8945-8019 72 L Banawe QC ............ (02)8741-3765 SERVICE Winston Plz Bldg QC.....(0933)226-4150 206 Munding Ave
Alsa Sales Center Grandis Auto Supply Sebastian Auto Shop Mkna ....................... (0927)386-7345
1800 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8712-2102 166 Banawe QC ............. (02)3414-8136 INC 16 D Ortigas Ave Ext Lux Lights
Amber Auto Supply Great Sea Auto Parts Supply Psg ............................ (02)8656-2289 18 Greenview Ave QC ... (0917)847-3961
Marcelo H Del Pilar Mal .. (02)8287-4238 158 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-9810 Seiwa Automotive Supply Inc Ojs Car Restoration Parts & Service
Amstel Auto Diesel Part Supply Helwin Auto Supply Master Brake Auto Supply 37G Banawe QC ............. (02)8732-5706 205 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)7954-1533
598-C A Bonifacio Ave 108 Odigal QC ................ (02)3431-2742 1064 Reina Regente Mla (02)8245-7128 Southern Auto Supply Incorporated Pacs Auto Shop
QC ............................. (02)8425-7264 Hrc Auto Supply Mega Motion Work Incorporated Grace Park Cplx KC ........ (02)8361-4576 225 Mcarthur Ave QC ... (0917)538-2776
Anthony's Auto Supply 51 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8712-0303 98 Banawe QC ............... (02)8740-1553 Sun Wave Auto Accessories Popoy Republic Mags Painting And Plasti
Memoracion Apt Psg ...... (02)8645-0136 Hrc Honda Auto Supply 35L-M Banawe QC ......... (02)7149-6772 Dip Services
Arayat Auto Glass Supply 1110 Banawe QC ......... (0945)843-7088 MMSC TRADING Sunoco Motor Sales 3001 Kakarong Mkti ..... (0919)863-1007
237 Banawe QC ........... (0917)721-3330 Ichiban Motor Parts CORPORATION 95D Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-3606 Staunch Performance
Atlas Auto Supply Incorporated 43 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8732-1770 Supremo Mindanao Ave QC.........(0917)880-5074
1017-B Benavidez Mla....(02)8244-8069 Jcb San Mateo Auto Supply GENUINE PARTS 44 A&B Kaliraya QC ....... (02)3412-4673 Tokwa Party Garage
Austria Auto Supply Corporate Ctre Bldg QC .. (02)8912-5152 * FUSO CANTER * FK4/FM5 Sure Deal Marketing Corp E Hermosa Pat ............. (0915)588-5355
1 Dr Maldo Del Rosario Jco Car Aircon Enterprises New Grace Bldg KC ........ (02)8352-4917 Unique Autowerkers Co
Psg ............................ (02)8706-3696 151 Banawe QC ............. (02)3411-3700 * RP / RS * MITS L300 Tach Motion Auto Supply 4 Sto Nino Ave Munt ...... (02)8553-6611
Auto Circuit Ent Co Incorporated Jdem Auto Supply * UD NISSAN * HINO 48 Banawe QC ............... (02)3413-0093 Wheelfixit Mags Restoration
42G Banawe Ave QC ...... (02)8711-2999 Horseshoe Dr LP ............ (02)8583-2875 Taurus Auto Supply Diamond QC.................(0915)786-6558
Auto Domain Car Accessories Jemea Auto Supply
TELS.: 8244-7349 TO 51 4982-A Antonio S Arnaiz Ave
Banawe QC .................... (02)3386-2831 14 Lilac Mkna .............. (0968)854-0381 8514-8455 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-2211
Autocharge Auto Supply
209 Edsa KC .................. (02)8366-7629
Jensco Auto Supply TELEFAX: 8244-7389 Tritum Commercial
1123 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-8649
Automobile Dealers
1479 Batangas Mla ........ (02)8254-5676
Automax Detailing Corporation Jethro Truck Parts Trading Email add: [email protected]
3637 Bautista Mkti ......... (02)8834-6902 C3 Caloocan City KC ....... (0912)608654 1084 C M Recto Av
Bat Parts Supply Co Incorporated Jjb Tire Supply Manila ....................... (02)8244-7349 CORP
154 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8961-0736 206 Tomas Mapua Mla.(0912)409-8390 89521021-27
Bestcolt Johnco Commercial Incorporated HINO
53 A Banawe QC ............ (02)8741-9860 1145 C M Recto Ave Genuine Parts 89521029-35
Bmv Auto Supply
214 Tandang Sora Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9132
Jotobest Trading And Auto Supply MMSC Tel:8244-9981-9983 / Fax:8244-0110 PARTS 8952-1022 SERVICE 8952-1023
SALES 8951-9785
QC ............................. (02)8454-5430 152 Baesa Rd QC ........... (02)8361-8149 TRA- westerncommercialcorporation
Bt Auto Sports Corporation Jryg Auto Parts SERVICE APPOINTMENT NO:
Gbi Bldg Mkti..................(02)8403-9938 152 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8405-4214 DING 1266 C M Recto Ave 8332-8919 / 0922-8899743
Caps Auto Shop Jvc Hardware And Auto Supply Manila ....................... (02)8244-9982
2044 Edison Mkti ........... (02)8706-3303 93 Annapolis QC ............ (02)3438-1208 CORPO- CUSTOMER RELATIONS
Carry Boy Auto Accessories
Karport Bldg Taguig ........ (02)3480-4825
Kenrick Auto Supply
41 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-1163
RATION 8952-1025 / 0922-8901662


Motor One Auto Parts Corporation COMMER- Mindanao Avenue, Quezon City
Banawe QC .................... (02)3381-5555 8277-0911 to 18 / 8277-0921 to 24
Motorcars Auto Parts Company CIAL
SALES 8573-7770 PARTS 8573-7771
40 B Kaliraya QC ............ (02)8743-8784 CORPO- SERVICE 8573-7778
Multi Parts Boy Incorporated
50 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0309 RATION CUSTOMER RELATIONS 8573-7776
180-C 20th Ave QC ........ (02)8911-0820
7504-8830 / 0917-8618883
New Triton Motor Vehicle Parts Inc Wsl Enterprises Auto Supply
38-A Banawe QC............(02)8516-3848 69 D Kamias Rd QC ....... (02)8929-3866 Commonwealth Ave
Nfs Center Wvn Auto Supply Quezon City ............... (02)8332-8919
9 Williams Mand ............ (02)8942-2376 24-C4 Alabang-Zapote Rd
Nisway Auto Parts LP .............................. (02)8245-0596
Jacinto Plz Psg...............(02)8647-3746
Old Town Auto Supply
1454 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8521-3247
Automation -
Ong's Auto Parts Incorporated Industrial TOYOTA
1195 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8251-0063 COMMON-
Oreo Auto Supply Controtek Solutions Incorporated
88 Banawe QC ............... (02)3416-7952 Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8551-2144 WEALTH INC
Eca Sales Corporation
PACIFIC PARTS CORP Eca Sales Bldg Mkna .... (0917)321-7536
1171 Jose Abad Santos Av Flexdrive Automation Incorporated
160A Aurora Blvd SJ ...... (02)8727-4465
Manila.....(02)8252-1181 Yokogawa Philippines Incorporated
(See Advertisement on this page) Topy Bldg QC ................. (02)8654-6225
Yushin Precision Equipment Co Ltd Automobile Dealers -
Pasig Izucenter
9 M Concepcion Psg ...... (02)8641-1014
Raha Sulayman Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-7546
Used Cars
POWER CARE AUTO SUPPLY Auto Smile Quality Used Car
Pacific Parts Corp 34 Shaw Blvd Manda- Automation Systems Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0998)987-1808
Autoaccess Philippines
1171 Jose Abad Santos Ave., City of Manila,
luyong ..... (02)8531-7513 and Equipment 120 West Ave QC ......... (0917)552-7711
Metro Manila 1013 Philippines Save time and money.
Hyper Electro Systems Incorporated 20 Katipunan Ave QC ... (0917)895-5916
H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8889-6675 Automoto Car Dealers Inc
Tel. No.: (02) 8252-1181 Rna Techno-Ventures Incorporated 218 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8638-9798
48 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8374-3184 Car Mix 44D Banawe QC .... (02)3413-3193
and make it a habit. Sectional Garage Door Installer Green Valley Auto Sales Corporation
1013 Panay Mla ............. (02)7758-3340 32nd St Taguig...............(02)8846-9757

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105 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Automobile - Automotive 105

Elj Aguila Glass And Aluminum Broadway Motor Sales Corporation El Marino Auto Parts
Automobile Dealers - 131-B Kamias Rd QC ..... (02)8921-8326 1232 United Nations Ave 51 Agno QC ................... (02)3413-8338
Used Cars (Cont'd) Glory Industries Incorporated
7427 Yakal Mkti ............. (02)8817-0254
Mla ............................ (02)8404-1263 Erniesons Automotive Sales Corporation
Bsb Junrose Autoparts Corporation 14 Kabignayan QC..........(02)8749-0614
BRAZA Hakuba Motor Parts 1506 - 08 Old Antipolo Fedesu Diesel Parts Incorporated
Hermina Motor Assembler 202 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8843-7719 Mla ............................ (02)8254-1938 217 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-0331
74 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (0917)534-5601 MARKE- Jlw 168 Commercial Corporation Canfeng Auto Supply Fine Choice Car Accessories
Jaguar Car Incorporated TING 3 Tangali QC .................. (02)8362-1686 218 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0961)125-3329 1728 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8889-1307
32nd St Taguig...............(02)8846-0578 Mabuhay Glass Supply Car Deluxe Marketing Firedrake
Makati Cars Incorporated 237 Samson Rd KC........(02)8364-1970 74 Banawe QC ............... (02)8732-0302 8280 Plz Buena Pque ... (0927)460-5088
5295 B Harrison Mkti ..... (02)8843-8718 Qc Tune Up Shop Carline Parts Center Foilacar Industries Corporation
Mitsubishi Motors Phils Corporation 78A Kaliraya QC ............. (02)8712-2285 60 Banawe QC ............... (02)8742-6651 610 C Raymundo Ave
Bir Rd QC ....................... (02)8658-0115 Rcg Glass And Aluminum Supply Carworld Car Accessories Psg .......................... (0917)307-9998
Motor Image Manila Incorporated C C Unson Co Incorporated Ford Automotive Supplies
2292 Chino Roces Ave 1847 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8523-0902 Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8364-8918
Mancor Corporate Ctr 1021 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-1229
Taguig........................(02)8822-2923 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-2350 Seven Star Aluminum And Glass Supply City Roaders
Dsd Battery And Tires Supply Incorporated 8196 Dr A Santos Ave 284 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)8514-8102 Fujifast Parts
Ugarte Cars Manila Pque .......................... (02)8825-3076 84 Balete Dr QC ........... (0917)810-7841
Quezon Ave QC ............ (0917)574-5886 457-A J P Rizal Mkti ....... (02)8579-5180 Concorde
Sun Industrial Corporation Ginza Electronics And Car Accessories
2003 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8522-2365
ECSD TRADING 606 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8367-8822 Core Concepts
30 Banawe QC ............... (02)8741-1748
Automobile Electrical 2118 Chino Roces Ave Unicorn Safety Glass Incorporated
52 A Del Mundo KC ........ (02)8361-4492
30 Takipsilim QC .......... (0915)332-7142 16 B Kabignayan QC ...... (02)8711-2593
Denovo Express Endeavours Corporation
Service Makati ..... (02)8893-3353 2139 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8353-1000
Good Fortune International I
1654 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8743-4313
Alchad Marketing
(See Advertisement on this page)
Gateway Battery Trading Automotive Parts Durable Sales Center Incorporated
1070 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-1174
Gotspeed Motorworks
10 Lincoln QC .............. (0915)990-4029
95 Amang Rodriguez Ave Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0915)601-3344
Jh Car Battery
and Accessories Dys Marketing Inc Gr8 Car Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8881-0440 721 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8361-4950 2697 Guatemala Mkti ..... (02)8888-2039
Arman Auto Electrical Supply 1112 J P Rizal Mkti ........ (02)7729-2465 Ebl Auto Supply Grandmahle Corporation
5th Gear Car Accessories
1182 C M Recto Ave Kwadz Enterprises 1760 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8856-9407 384 Quirino QC .............. (02)7358-7145 1648 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8523-3753
Mla ............................ (02)8244-7858 78B Tandang Sora Ave
QC ............................. (02)8703-2429 Abunai Car Care Center
Banawexpress Car Services 44 Agno QC ................. (0918)456-7331
7 Cabalata QC .............. (0916)650-8558 Mass V Group Incorporated
Mvgi Bldg QC ................. (02)3454-7355 Admer And 3J Partnership Company
Barreras Auto Electrical 133 K-10th QC ............... (02)8287-6936
1201 Quiricada Mla ........ (02)8252-4164 Motolite
92A Banawe QC ............. (02)3413-7405 Ag Auto Parts Center
Copperblue Car Accessories Center 166 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-6288
12 President's Ave Pque . (02)8662-0329 MVG CIRCLE 1001 CORP Aiki Motor Parts
Ex Manila Trading 39 Banawe QC ............... (02)8711-0015
1317B Quirino Mla ......... (02)8563-4739 MVGI Bldg Quezon Alabang Parts Center Incorporated
Jetcar Audio City ......... (02)8929-8397 Fabricare Bldg LP ........... (02)8772-1653
Banawe Ave QC ............. (02)8731-4546 Andres Adoracion Enterprise
Liongco Electronics (See Advertisement on this page)
Pili Battery Sales Incorporated 2022 Jose Abad Santos Ave
731 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-2850 Mla ............................ (02)8254-9620
Mkt Electrical Rewinding Ja Pili Bldg Mkti..............(02)8881-5505
Power Struck Marketing Arcillas Auto Parts
124 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8330-2989 69 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8556-5422
Red Engine Autoworks Incorporated 11-M G Araneta Ave QC . (02)3412-0818
Prince Hoc Trading Armstrong Pacific Company Incorporated
373 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8400-9332 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8632-0888
Rey Auto Electrical 2202 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8708-6954 Auto Junction
89 G Fernando Ave 53 Kitanlad QC ............... (02)8712-1074
Mkna ......................... (02)8645-9082 Ranisha's Trading
197-B Quirino Hwy QC ... (02)8245-5074 Autodresscode Incorporated
Romai Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Inc 341 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Chesa Mla .................... (0926)232-1422 Servicom Enterprises
96-L G Araneta Ave QC .. (02)3413-4775 Psg ............................ (02)8646-1235
Skooter Trade Electric Scooter Autofocus
4988 P Guanzon Mkti ... (0945)193-5835 Varta Battery Parts Supply
1038 A Bonifacio Ave 2008 Jose Abad Santos
Sls Electrical Services Mla ............................ (02)8258-8888
25 Ipil Mkna ................... (02)7940-9758 QC ............................. (02)8363-5191
Automania Philippines
Albany QC ...................... (02)8913-0304
Automotive Automotive Filters Automotivo Transauto Trade
1010 Bldg Mla................(02)7968-6934
Assembly Blue Appenine Corporation Autoparts Depot
88 Meralco Ave Psg ..... (0917)152-1051
78 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8832-4941
K D P Motor Parts Incorporated Awtoz Hub Opc
Mass-V Group Inc
Commuter Automotive Supply Co Inc
1007 G Masangkay   28 A Kabignayan QC ...... (02)8742-3720 573 Dolores KC ............ (0947)870-0006
Mla ............................ (02)8244-7697 Karmira Motor Parts Banawe Online Parts & Auto Supply
Js & Sons Inc 92 E Banawe QC ............ (02)8711-9306 Banawe QC .................... (02)7585-2442
843 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-8616 New King's Charm Corporation Bestline Auto Parts Inc MVGI Bldg 34 Congressional Ave,
Miller General Merchandise Imm Bldg KC .................. (02)8334-1594 46-F Mcarthur Hwy Val . (0932)887-0958 Brgy Bahay Toro (near Gerrys Grill - 3rd Flr),
288 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)8421-7651 Bimmer Monkeys
17 Aurora Dr LP ........... (0927)830-2509 Quezon City, Metro Manila 1106
Automotive Glass Blade Asia Tel. No.: (02) 8929-8397
Automotive Batteries Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8553-3249
Alegria Glass And Aluminum Supplies Bristol Auto Supply
21 J Elizalde Pque .......... (02)8775-0255 14 Bristol QC................(0921)544-3404
Tel: 8832-3729/8834-5274/8347-6289
Cell: 0922-8566896 / 0922-8016289
Battery•Battery Solution•Distilled Water
Gil Puyat Av Pasay City .. (02)8832-3729


Anjezo Podi Enterprises

256 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)3440-4097
Authorized Dealer
G/F Alcal Bldg
285-A Katipunan Avenue, Rann-S ECSD Trading
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
(fronting Ateneo near Mcdo)
Manufacturing Corp 2118 Chino Roces Av, Makati City,
Tel.: 8426-0523 16 B R Delfin, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 1200
7621-5478 Metro Manila 1442
Fax.: 8426-4899 Tel. No.: (02) 8251-5687
Tel. No.: (02) 8893-3353
285 Katipunan Av
Quezon City ............... (02)8426-4899

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:13 2022 - P105

106 S C M Y K

106 Automotive - Bakeries 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Richwell Auto Parts Sales Corporation Carbase Automotive Services Heartstring
Automotive Parts 170 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-7906 Carbase Bldg QC .......... (0921)739-5392 Babies and Toddlers Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
and Accessories Rmjt Auto & Motor Parts
Congressional Rd Ext
Carlzone Enterprise
144 B Mindanao Ave Q-Mark Pet Products Incase
Psg .......................... (0935)512-5682

(Cont'd) KC ........................... (0905)427-4069

Rmwheel's Enterprises
QC ........................... (0917)817-1808
Carquest Ventures Incorporated
944 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-1924 26th Mckinley Parkway
133 K10 QC ................... (02)7960-3622 8287G Sucat Rd Pque .... (02)8820-8320 Kit Keeping It Together
Gudsam Motor Parts
145 Malumanay QC......(0917)878-7709
Rocket Parts Supply Cid Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Baby Accessories Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8374-1479
Congressional Ave QC .. (0977)333-7553 Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0910)310-6688 Lesportsac
Hitchpro Philippines Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7621-4102
Bautista Mkti .................. (02)7239-8794 Rwc Parts Corporation Cj Car Care Baby Closet
753 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8734-3285 Chestnut Mkna ............. (0917)759-9803 Pioneer Mand ............... (0906)352-2777 New Manila Panasahan Marketing
Hybrid Autocare Parts Center 820 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7888
44-C Kaliraya QC..........(0917)813-6277 Sanzei Auto Aircon Parts Incorporated Dante's Auto Electrical Repair Service Chicco Artsana Specialty Shop
30E Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-3761 79 A East Jacinto QC....(0915)773-5876 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9329 Paper Thinks
I Fix Motorshop Sm Mega Mall Mand .... (0936)209-6725
St Francis Ave KC.........(0947)599-7382 Seco Mitsui Truck Parts Incorporated Edzar Marketing Corporation Enfant Golton Corporation
1 Itc Cpd Rd KC ............. (02)8983-1111 83 Lilac Mkna ................ (02)8781-4844 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6670 Sky Industrial Bags Incorporated
Infinity Cargo Care Solutions 3 Reparo KC .................. (02)8361-8056
Malate Bayview Mansion Sgp Junk Shop & General Merchandise Eemz General Merchandise Heavenly Products Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9913 Dr Jose Fabella Rd Don Basilio Bautista Blvd 9780 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8899-0653
Infinity Eusion System
Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8543-8984
Mand ......................... (02)8535-5891
Signtech Display Concepts Company
Mal .......................... (0923)602-4321
Eugene Car Air Con
Medela Moms Incorporated
29 1st Ave QC ................ (02)7738-6272
Infinity Star Merchandising Corporation 40 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8741-0656 392 Quirino QC .............. (02)3453-4039 Pjs Sleepwear
2648 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8834-7417 Solar Gard Philippines Corporation
Evo Auto Services Center Incorporated Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-4063 28 Derby Bakery
485 Dr Fabella Rd Mand . (02)7718-0783 Willnest Enterprises 28 Derby QC ................ (0917)892-6447
J-Star Auto Supply 294 C Raymundo Ave
83 Nicanor Roxas QC ... (0928)355-4650 Speedline Japan Surplus Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8641-0375 779 Ylaya Mla ................ (02)8243-4437 Adands Bakeshop
Kaliraya QC .................... (02)8740-2259 58 Gen San Miguel KC . (0947)928-5293
Jac Motors Fastfix Autoworkz Aggy's Bakeshop
Strike Auto Customs
847 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)7263-3118
Jaffas Auto Center 305 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8711-7297 31 Malac QC ................ (0917)468-2562
H & K Car Repair Shop Baby Carriages and Aguirre Pque .................. (02)8807-6674
Alabama Kitchen
Summit Auto Care Zone
35 Banawe QC ............... (02)8743-0213
Jafzkie 128 Universal Motors Corporation 2010 J Abad Santos Ave
Mla .......................... (0909)988-5086
Strollers Alabama QC ................. (0949)887-7565
Mkti ........................... (02)8810-0151 Althea's Bakeshop And Goodies
Pedro Guevarra Mla ...... (0975)154-3133 Hybrid Motorcycle Works 15 Marcelo H Del Pilar
Jake Speed Shop Sunfactors Industrial Supply Ban Kee Trading Incorporated
924 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8244-8024 5 C P Garcia Ave QC .... (0908)613-5133 6 Rest Haven QC ............ (02)8371-9967 Val ........................... (0965)365-1833
435 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)3447-9271 Idaoc's Fiberglass Works & Services Angel N Kiss
Jayson Auto Supply Company Incorporated Team Car Center Two Tots Home Accessories Incorporated
30 A Banawe QC ............ (02)8732-3647 Solis Mla ...................... (0921)545-9481 Gen Araneta Psg .......... (0917)876-3910 Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8405-8578
1540-1544 Antonio Rivera Iron Horse Moto Decals And Accessories Anna's Home Bakery
Mla ............................ (02)8253-5213 Tecno Industrial Corp
4 Kitanlad QC ................. (02)3437-7526 30 Agudo KC................(0917)708-8694 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)580-0502
Jc Car Audio
155 F Blumentritt Mla ... (0917)533-3670 Texaco Industrial Sales Corporation Jd's Car Repair Shop Baby Diapers Aunt Marys Bakeshop
35 Neil Armstrong Pque . (02)8821-8276
Jigs Auto Parts & Accesories 121 6th St KC ................ (02)8361-5582 21 Regalado Hwy QC ... (0917)164-7108
The Garage Manila International Jim's Car Aircon Aunties Bakeshop
1838-C Evangelista Mkti . (02)8403-9858 Baby Dappy General Merchandise 44 G Fernando Ave
Jotobest Trading & Auto Supply 14 Panay Ave QC ......... (0905)228-1784 Old Sauyo Rd QC ......... (0916)363-0403 Parklane Condmn Mkti....(02)8986-8520
The Unicraft Motors Kimochii Auto Care Services Mkna ......................... (02)8645-3549
152 A&B Baesa Rd QC ... (02)8361-8149 Bakemasters Incorporated
Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8825-0169 King Alexander QC........(0928)202-7805
Justine Dan Auto Parts Supply
P Florentino QC ............ (0919)272-5406 Tow And Stow Industries Incorporated Kristal Aire Car Aircon Services Baby Products Afp-Rsbs Industrial Park
Kartech Dashcams & Tint Service 2320 Ymc Bulding Mkti .. (02)8844-4824 2042 Edison Mkti ........... (02)7729-8386
Tpc Marketing Car Accs Bakerite Bakery
1036 Masbate Mla ....... (0927)541-2927 M J Auto Repair Shop Dynamic Multi Products Inc 923 Hidalgo Mla ............. (02)8710-5860
Karwill Parts Supply Corporation 133 Banawe QC ............. (02)8711-8306 Singalog Mla .................. (02)8516-2001 Downtown Ctr Bldg Mla .. (02)8522-5088 Bakers Fresh
599 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8732-0235 Trimax Auto Parts Corporation Madel Auto Electrical Motor Rewinding Minton Multiresources Incorporated
27 Kaliraya QC ............... (02)8353-4507 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8477-5393
Ken Audio Car Accessories San Antonio Ave Pque .. (0906)566-4460 Robinsons Place Manila Bakers Pride
82-A Banawe QC..........(0919)893-4566 Two Xin Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Mar Auto Repair Shop Mla ............................ (02)7576-1928 Bona Condmn QC...........(02)8724-7946
Keylargo Philippines Incorporated 10th Ave KC ................. (0927)959-6558 Lacson Ave Mla ........... (0921)333-1376 Savemore Solutions Incorporated Bakers' Fair & Foodmart Incorporated
1335 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8740-4927 Universal Bearing Corporation Marikina Auto Center World Trade Exch Bldg 710 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-1451
King Led Lights Accessories 9620 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8896-1363 179 A Bonifacio Ave Mla ............................ (02)8718-8293 Bakery Boss Company
Lanutan QC .................. (0961)541-5235 Uturn Motorcycles Parts & Accessories Mkna ......................... (02)8948-8065 Youji & Me 124 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8364-2838
Kojima Auto Works E Santos Mkna ............. (0915)412-1209 Maroon Auto Electrical And Aircon Shop Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7756-3838 Beli's Brownies
Accountant QC ............. (0905)516-3839 Villangca Auto Parts Store 4414 Dallas Mkti .......... (0956)899-0759 Remuda Mkna .............. (0921)473-6621
Largo Car Accessories B4 L11 Grand Monaco La Impreza
1077-1 Genesis QC ...... (0917)437-5850 Psg .......................... (0920)640-2665
Max Welding & Body Repair Shop
19 C Raymundo Ave Badminton Courts Belle's Sweet Pastry House
25A East Rd QC ........... (0961)122-2643
Lukban Auto Supply Vrr Complete Line Car Accessories Psg .......................... (0922)872-7901 Benette's Bakery
60 Bayan Bayan Ave 1687-A Evangelista Mkti . (02)8889-6350 Mazford 2 Auto Parts Center Chut's Badminton Center Plaza 10-B PC .............. (0928)120-9967
Mkna ......................... (02)8941-3410 Wabz Racing Parts And Accessories 378 Visayas Ave QC ..... (0922)767-7302 63 Dangay QC ................ (02)8371-4512 Bread Talk
Luzon Ram Cycles Ascension Ave QC ........ (0916)107-4046 Nmq Diesel Engine Services Horizons Realty Incorporated Robinson Place Manila
525 Mc Arthur Hwy Val (0998)594-1494 Wasabe Trading Corp 23 Montemayor QC ...... (0927)580-0667 Rfm Corporate Ctr Mand.(02)8633-2838 Mla ............................ (02)8536-0719
Marvin Auto Supply 67 Brixton Hills QC ......... (02)8714-1384 Breadtalk Evia North LP .... (0923)747-9610
William Parts Corporation Orca Automotive Service Experts
2035C Leveriza Mla........(02)8524-3748 Bungalow Café & Bakery
Matrix Motor Corporation 1121 J Nakpil Mla .......... (02)8523-5416 139 Shaw Pasig Blvd
Psg ............................ (02)8470-6147 Bags Molito Cplx Munt ............ (02)8282-4546
198 Edsa KC .................. (02)8364-9093 Wilstark Marketing Corporation C Kitchenry Culinary Studio
F Legaspi Psg ................ (02)8643-3740 P3 Automotive Care Services
Meguiar's Philippines 59 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave Bags In The City The Grove By Rockwell
108 Biak Na Bato QC ...... (02)8290-9224 Wm Industrial Sales 148 C San Francisco Psg ............................ (02)8525-2511
1023 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-1962 Psg .......................... (0905)287-3162
Mikstore Car Accessories Mand ......................... (02)8534-6270 C Nevas Bread Bakery
144B Sct Fuentebella Wti Auto Parts Supply Powertorq Auto Repair
4 Congressional Ave Ballenciaga 920C Quirino Hwy QC .. (0927)651-4999
QC ........................... (0917)322-2458 Kaliraya Rd QC ............... (02)8986-7040 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0177 Cafe Quezon Cakes And Pastries
Motex Philippines Inc Young's Auto Center Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)861-2727
Prautotype Professional Auto Detailing Case Logic 179 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8928-8534
66 West City Plz QC ....... (02)8376-5506 1165 Jose Abad Santos Ave Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-5042 Camilla's Cakes And Cupcakes
Motor Master Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8253-3450 Services
Zobel Roxas Mkti .......... (0917)868-8661 Complex Lifestyle Store Naval Ext QC ................ (0963)277-9744
1277 C M Recto Ave Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7950-8129 Casa Verde Food Ventures Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9225 Rbsrca Rubber Bushing Support Supply
Motorix Motor Sales Incorporated Automotive Repair Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0918)310-7563 Daniel Hechter Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8364-4154
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8634-6757 Catherine's Cakes & Pies
Retro Fix Auto Detailing
68 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-1071
Mr Pooh Paint Shop and Maintenance L4 B-87 Regalado QC...(0915)267-2238 Dumo Trading 45 Piccadilly Munt .......... (02)8275-2615
Rmu Underchassis Repair Shop Concordia Bldg Mal ........ (02)7505-8453 Chef Jun's Food And Pastries
30 Landargun QC ........... (02)8359-2978 Dynapak Philippines Incorporated 29 Pvt Aurellana Rd
Mrl Carneeds Corporation 3Gmc Bros Auto Shop 4 Matutum QC ................ (02)8255-0048 Psg .......................... (0905)610-7169
Gsis Rd Psg ................. (0923)693-4147 Rudzmotorworks 6 G Araneta Ave QC........(02)8715-1231
B7 L3 Narra Psg ........... (0916)493-7886 Chiskeyks
Msb Auto Parts 4Dpro Ford Car Specialist 246 M Almeda Pat........(0915)992-6755 Golden Island Fashion Accessories
Ctd Bldg Mla .................. (02)8255-6099 358 M Vicente Mand .... (0917)509-1927
147 B Congressional Ave 3120 Jenny's Ave Psg .. (0906)349-0986 Sam Calibration Center Christina's Sweet Momma Bakeshop
A2J Motorcycle Parts And Accessories
QC ........................... (0956)942-9685 Dir A Bunye Taguig.......(0923)883-2768 Louis Vuitton Philippines Incorporated
The Enterprise Ctr Twr 1 103 E Santos Mkna ........ (02)7003-7336
New Johnson Auto Supply 301 Tandang Sora Ave Samuel Car Aircon & Electrical Services
1041 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8244-7767 QC ........................... (0906)214-4328 Mkti ........................... (02)8659-3549 Cookee's Bread And Pastries
65 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0921)601-8404 Mindanao Ave QC.........(0917)124-0709
Ngk Automotive Parts Incorpotated Aarontrusted Auto Parts Marga's Corporate Promos
8 Bma Ave QC..............(0945)832-9940
60 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-1027
Spring Industrial Sales Incorporated 185 Kaimito Psg.............(02)7901-5124 Cueva S Bakery
638 Nueva Mla ............... (02)8245-3234 Margot's Boutique 101 Paso De Blas Val ... (0977)190-7850
Orbitech Access Plus Group Stageone Autoparts And Services Daniel's Bakeshop
102 P Tuazon QC ......... (0917)672-4111
31B Apollo 3 LP ............. (02)8831-5183 Greenhills Shopping Cplx
1 Egea QC ...................... (02)8477-4855 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1263 351 Congressional Ave Ext
Orvitech Aes Automotive Diagnostic And Repair Starcharge Marketing Corporation QC ............................. (02)8290-8601
132 Molina Mkna ........... (02)8565-5900 Michael Kors Dinna's Cake House
Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8531-5852 Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8890-8705
Outlast 38 Mangachapoy QC .... (0917)828-9165 1 Anonas QC .................. (02)8921-5354
Akitarts Sticker Shop Striking Automotive Maintenance Center Monteganie Incorporated
8421 Reina Regente Mla (02)8244-1235 Presidents Ave Pque.......(02)8478-7853 Drizzles Bakeshop & Cafe
Pasay Jetco Motor Sales Republic Ave QC .......... (0906)104-8696 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0125 Bahay Toro Ave QC ...... (0915)547-7088
Allan Vulcanizing Shop Supreme Auto Center Olily
2745-A Taft Ave PC........(02)8831-2149 168 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6036 Dylan Patisserie
Petal Marketing 1977 Commonwealth Ave Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8847-0408 116 Jupiter Rd Mkti ........ (02)8777-2999
1158 C M Recto Ave QC ........................... (0932)295-3669 Talyerko Porshe Design
Mindanao Ave QC.........(0943)848-3546 E B Bakeshop
Ariel Car Paint Shop
Mla ............................ (02)8244-7877 Edsa Mand ..................... (02)8470-1690 San Antonio Plz Arcade
Power Chek Incorporated 80 Bignay QC ............... (0955)637-6463 Titan Works Automotive Service Center Rimowa Flagship Store Mkti ........................... (02)8817-8568
Auto Camp Motors & Services
Eurovilla 1 Condmn Mkti . (02)8519-3270 1182 Quezon Ave QC ... (0917)874-0155 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7757-3048 Empanada Royale
Ppc Group Of Companies L20 B40 Yap Taguig ....... (02)8801-9605 Tr Auto Care Systems Incorporated Spectacular Brand Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Autobot Autoworks Off-Road
Tradenology Ctr QC ........ (02)8376-5769 120 St Francis Psg ......... (02)8632-9497 Bonifacio High Street SJ .............................. (02)8852-5672
Providince Automotive 65 Rd 20 QC .................. (02)7758-4381 Twilight Electrical Rewinding Shop Taguig........................(02)8856-2019 Ever Gold Food & Bakeshop Corp
Autocare Motors Company
Edsa PC ......................... (02)8659-7703 Commonwealth Ave Holy Spirit Drv QC .......... (02)8952-4250
QC ........................... (0919)290-1332
Quest Car Audio 141 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .. (02)8920-1004
Autoline Motorsports Accesories Zentrium
17 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8351-0255 Vpx Franchising And Car Repair Shop Bags - Specialty Evergreen Food Corporation
4 Baesa Rd QC ............... (02)8330-2933
2679 T Ayala Mla ........... (02)8524-3697 Solutions Faustina Bakery
RANN S MANUFACTURING Autophilia Detailing And Paintworks 81 Serrano Laktaw QC..(0917)637-2085 A R Lopez Enterprises 209 Dna Juana Rodriguez-1
CORP 80 7th Ave QC .............. (0917)564-2886 Vulcatech Tire Services 311 Malvar Mla .............. (02)7585-8667 Mal .......................... (0917)923-3949
Baklas Motorworks Don Basilio Bautista Blvd Charlesn & Keith Formosa Bakery Philippines Incorporated
16 B R Delfin Valen- 12 Rainbow QC .............. (02)8795-6491 Mal .......................... (0932)860-3973 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-6101 518 Banawe QC ............. (02)8516-8319
Wildy's Auto Electrical Shop Chateau Manufacturing
zuela ....... (02)8251-5687 Boyet Auto Electrical Shop
3776 Sun Valley Pque .. (0946)545-4307 111 Amang Rodriguez Ave 72 Howmart Rd QC ........ (02)8362-8084
Gelloie Store N' Mini Bakery
B5 L1-B Camella Classic
(See Advertisement on previous page) Builcon Tech Company Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)7225-6998 Eckart Exquisite Industries Pque .......................... (02)8823-1079
Richland Auto Supply Inc 481 Alabang-Zapote Rd Zerep Repair And Auto Paint Shop 756 N S Amoranto Sr Ging's Gourmet
940 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-0181 LP .............................. (02)8897-8408 225 Mayon QC ............. (0917)119-5433 QC ............................. (02)8712-4822 Mariposa QC ................ (0906)330-3043

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107 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Bakeries - Barbers 107

Taste & See Bakeshop Bakezania Fourleaf Fundlending And Devt Corp Ucpb Bank
Bakeries (Cont'd) K- 83 Kalusugan Psg .... (0906)495-3031 27 G Del Pilar Mkna........(02)7757-3736 B1 A&M Bldg QC ............ (02)3430-5622 246 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-5224
Tatystar Bakery Incorporated Baking And Home Depot Group Management Corporation Uni-Lamps & Builders Company
Goldilocks Bake Shop Inc Kalayaan Ctr Bldg QC ..... (02)8287-9376 Tsl Bldg QC .................... (02)8712-5651 Feliza Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8810-4512 33D Edsa Ave Mkti ......... (02)8833-4844
439 Shaw Bvd Mand ...... (02)8535-4358 The Blue Kitchen Inc Bodega Kusina Hongkong Bank Union Bank Of The Philippines
Good Grains Bakerie Inc Edsa Shangri-La Hotel Rosario Psg ................... (02)8334-8015 Villa Del Rosario Bldg 911 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8241-5364
155 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8519-6345 Mand ......................... (02)8634-1335 Cook's Exchange Mla ............................ (02)8242-4190 United Coconut Planters Bank And Savings
Hailey's Bakeshop The Cakeshop By Iko's Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8551-7995 International Corporate Bank The Elcano Branch
137 Tandang Sora Ave 13 C Raymundo Ave Gavino's Baking Essentials Golden Rock Bldg Mkti ... (02)8818-8078 601 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8244-4252
QC ........................... (0928)550-2400 Psg .......................... (0917)506-0631 101 Visayas Ave QC ..... (0917)678-2255 Isla Bank (A Thrift Bank) Incorporated United Overseas Bank Philippines
Heart And Bells The Frenchbaker Inc Inigos Baking Ingredients And Supplies Glass Twr Mkti ............... (02)8478-3903 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8894-5247
934 Alvarado Mla ........... (02)8242-0599 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1406 Gov W Pascual Mal ...... (0933)207-9440 Kickstart Ventures Inc Wahana Multipurpose Bank Corp
Herbie's Bakery The Pastry Company Ippci (Image Packaging & Programming 55 Paseo De Roxas Mkti (02)8625-8723 Real LP .......................... (02)8818-6337
3162 F Roxas Mla ........ (0919)684-2532 7-A San Pedro QC .......... (02)7900-6248 Concepts Inc) Land Bank Of The Philippines Wealth Development Bank Corp
Herran Bakery And Grocery Tilde Bakery & Kitchen 21 Duhat Rd Mal ............ (02)8361-8509 18 Plz Rizal Ave KC ........ (02)8288-1424 Metro Mkt Mkt Taguig.....(02)8808-9361
1986 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8564-3030 3 Brixton Psg ................. (02)8771-2764 L And M Baking Supplies Malayan Bank
United Village Bread House 42 G Del Pilar Mkna......(0932)424-1804 Pilar Rd LP ..................... (02)8805-5225
Hizon's Cakes And Pastries
1197 Jorge Bocobo Mla . (02)8536-3993 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8552-2897 New Flavor House Incorporated Manila Bank Bar and Restaurant
Icings Cakes Breads And Cafe Wan Kee Bakery Incorporated 21 Duhat Rd Mal ............ (02)8363-8883 Pelayo Cpd LP................(02)8872-5980
101 Dr Lazcano QC ........ (02)8372-0351 828-830 Benavidez Mla .. (02)8244-8331 Sweetcraft Baking And Food Service Metro South Cooperative Bank Arsenal Mobile Bar
Insular Bakery Ysa's Bakers Studio Supplies Idc Ctre Mkti...................(02)8403-3584 10 Dahlia QC ................ (0935)482-9832
Insular Bakery Bldg Mkti . (02)8896-8222 740 R Castillo Psg........(0927)229-1883 373 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-6289 Metrobank Beehive Videoke Bar
Joy Bakes Yummy Treats By Laine Switz Marketing Corporation 579 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8242-3691 Gen Ordonez Mkna ....... (0936)983-9691
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)527-8837 53 Luxembourg Pque ... (0915)444-2506 201 Gen San Luis SJ ...... (02)8726-8945 Metrobank Card Corporation District 8 Gastropub
Joyce's All Natural Homemade Food Gbhi Bldg Mkti................(02)8858-8890 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Metrobank Lagro Branch
Ecology Vill Mkti ............. (02)8403-1972
Julie S Bakeshop Bakers Equipment Balloons Lester Bldg QC ............... (02)8930-1342
SJ ............................ (0917)133-5113
Jsm Group Corporation
Victory Mall PC.............(0949)828-1472
Julie's Franchise Corporation
and Ingredients Albing's Clown Balloons & Party Needs
Metropolitan Bank
Edsa Ave KC .................. (02)8362-0655
Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)7505-1101
Pub Door Videoke And Resto Bar
Julie's Franchise Corp Bldg 1988 G Tuazon Mla ...... (0920)224-7369 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Bank B97 Ll18 Regalado Ave
Psg ............................ (02)8640-9287 All About Baking Balloonland Party Needs Gen Luis KC ................... (02)8983-8548 QC ........................... (0956)800-6231
Just Simple Bakehouse Incorporated 41-C Congressional Ave 408-C P Tuazon Blvd Pb Com Shaw Blvd Psg ...... (02)8634-1433 Sessions Bar & Resto
Imperial Sky Garden Mla . (02)8247-3305 QC ............................. (02)8920-3087 QC ............................. (02)8912-1354 Pbb Business Bank Royale Place Arcade
Kitchen Witch Cakes Baker's World Blimp Works 249 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8363-3333 QC ........................... (0917)556-1169
Cat-Eye Ext Pque ............ (02)8821-8159 2467 Legarda Mla .......... (02)7968-7120 34 Wilson SJ..................(02)8584-2355 Phil Bank Of Communications Tap Station
Kumori Dcm Oven Incorporated Dnk Party Shop Pb Com Bldg Mla ........... (02)8242-1851 Circuit Lne Mkti .............. (02)8260-5135
Robinsons Place Manila Equitable Rd LP .............. (02)8801-4009 Divisoria Mall Mla ........... (02)8243-9009 Philippine Amanah Bank Triple Fantasy Pub
Mla .......................... (0977)859-8803 Dough It Moymoy's Party Needs Dev Bank Of The Phil 1689 Ayala Ave Mkti .... (0998)989-2290
Kuya Jun's Bakeshop New Rosario Ortigas Arcade A Sandoval Ave Psg ..... (0929)120-7470 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-4350 Upside88 Bar And Resto
Krame E-Arcade QC ....... (02)7978-5114 Psg .......................... (0930)948-3521 Philippine Bank Of Comunications Wilson Bldg QC .............. (02)8290-0018
Shc Twr Mla...................(02)8242-3591
La Dolce Vita Cakes & Pastries
521 E Quintos Mla ........ (0915)898-8842
HYCO LABORATORIES INC Banks Philippine National Bank
Vinateria Resto Bar & Grill
1607 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0995)850-5427
La Favorita Bakery 1199 J Abad Santos Av Philippine Natl Bank Bldg
Agribusiness Rural Bank Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8241-4457
160 Gen Kalentong
Mand ......................... (02)3480-2893
Manila.....(02)8253-3440 Dispo Philippines Bldg Philippine National Bank Galas Branch Bar Code
Laurice Bakery Psg ............................ (02)8942-2474 20 Bayani QC ................. (02)8781-9477
158 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)7576-1623 Allied Banking Coorporation Philippines Savings Bank Abstone Company Incorporated
Le Reussi 68 Don A Roces Ave QC.(02)8373-6024 348 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-2132 288 Escolta Mla ............. (02)8711-3435
808 Banawe QC ........... (0927)772-1188 HYCO American Express International Inc
3030 Rizal Dr West
Philippines Trust Bank
Philtrust Bank PC............(02)8833-0557
Gs1 Philippines Inc
Little Mom's Donut Factory 20 San Rafael Psg .......... (02)8633-0897
Dollar QC ..................... (0945)427-0509 LABORA- Taguig........................(02)8792-2449 Philtrust Bank Kinetic Auto Id System Incorporated
Asia United Bank Philtrust Bank Bldg Mla...(02)8241-6101
Lolila's Deli TORIES Yao Bldg KC ................... (02)8364-2035 Philtrust Bank (Sucat Branch)
2357 President Sergio Osmena Hwy
181 20th Ave QC .......... (0966)633-3951 Mla ............................ (02)8708-5374
Lord Stow's Bakery INC Asia United Bank Quezon City Branch Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-7382 Kinetic Fluidtronics Incorporated
Tse And Sons Bldg Mla .. (02)8354-6269 269 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8365-6977 Planters Devt Bank 2357 President Sergio Osmena Hwy
Aub 135 Kamias QC ........... (02)3435-0437 Tourist Arcade Mla ......... (02)8400-5468 Mla ............................ (02)8404-3785
Lucille's Bakeshop Rcbc A Delgado Mla ........... (02)8527-6486
163 M Holy Family Bangko Pasig
Taguig......................(0917)140-8890 Mr Baker Culinary And Bakery Supplies
Prestige Twr Condmn RCBC Savings Bank (Capitol Development V-TECH BARCODE
Psg ............................ (02)8632-1428 Bank)
Madge's Crumpets Cookies & Confections 38 Aurora Blvd QC........(0933)356-9797 Bank Of Commerce Victoria Condmn SJ ........ (02)8641-0798 SYSTEMS PHILS INC
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)285-9309 Nd Baking And Confetionery Supply Rcbc Savings Bank Camarin Br
Make & Bake For Pets 8415 Dr Arcadio Santos Ave
465 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-0407 27 YRS. IN PROVIDING TOTAL
Bank Of New York The Camarin Rd KC .............. (02)8961-7239 BARCODE & RFID SOLUTIONS
Jorjo Bldg QC ............... (0917)166-6382 Pque .......................... (02)8825-5123 Philam Life Twr Mkti ....... (02)8885-0383 Real Bank
Mapalad Bakery Rm Box Center Bank Of The Philippine Islands Belmont Place QC .......... (02)8995-0392 8912-3766 / 8912-3757
1901 Dapitan Mla ........... (02)8741-2847 3132 First Mla ................ (02)8714-6026 Bpi Family Bank Bldg Rizal Commercial Bank Corporation
Marby Foods Ventures Corporation Savings Bank
6 Buenviaje Mand ........... (02)8532-5248
Mla ............................ (02)8241-2366 [email protected]
Masa Bakery Manila Bakery Equipment Bdo Unibank Inc
1004 Ongpin Mla............(02)8243-8789
Phinma Plz Mkti ............. (02)8898-1503
Rizal Commercial Banking Corp Emerald Square Bldg
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)707-4480 Yuchengco Bldg Mla.......(02)8243-1670 Quezon City ............... (02)8912-7250
Bnk Of The Philippine Island
Merced Bakehouse & Restaurant Bakewise Bakery Equipment 457 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8354-8312 Robinsons Bank Corporation
869 Edsa QC ................ (0967)231-9787 77 2nd Ave KC ............. (0945)790-6396 BPI Family Savings Bank Inc 1220 C M Recto Ave
Mlm Foods Incorporated Chung Yi Tinsmith Sahara Bldg Mal ............. (02)8366-6648 Mla ............................ (02)8243-2086
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8893-8360 813 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8241-3317 BPI Direct Banko Inc A Savings Bank Rodriguez Rural Bank Incorporated
Mom & Tina's Bakery Cafe Diamante Baking Co Banko Ctr SJ .................. (02)7754-9980 Rayle Bldg Psg ............... (02)8643-4381 V-TECH
106 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Marcelo Pque ............... (0917)815-0452 Rural Bank Of Makati Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8571-1541
Business Bank BARCODE
Felusa Metal Fabrication Incorporated Magsimpan Cplx KC ....... (02)8287-8895 44 Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Mr Park's Bread And Cake Corporation 42 P Gomez Mkna .......... (02)8544-4632 Capitol Bank Mkti ........................... (02)8886-3696 SYSTEMS
Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8478-1406 Flavorshub Baking & Confectionery Anvic Bldg Psg ............... (02)8640-0155 Rural Bank Of Pagbilao Incorporated
Must Be Moms PHILS INC
Supplies Capitol Bank-Ayala Alabang Branch Sjg Ctre Bldg Mkti...........(02)8519-3603
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0912)770-6157 11 E Capitol Dr Psg ........ (02)8513-2063 Sycamore Bldg Munt ...... (02)8850-8826 Rural Bank Of San Pacual Inc
Panaderia De Arca Good Season Bakeshop China Banking Corp 345 M H Del Pilar Val ..... (02)8291-4905
Cabrera PC...................(0943)618-9296 835 Banawe QC ............. (02)8938-5522 Vos Bldg Mand ............... (02)8636-5437 Rural Bank Of Taguig Incorporated
Pande Manila Paramount Food And Bakery Equipment China Banking Corp Malinta Branch 56A Sampaguita Mkti ..... (02)8882-6846
Robinsons Fairview QC...(02)8461-1402
Pineda Bakery
753 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8245-5319
Sofitec Enterprises
Agt Bldg Val ................... (02)8983-3862
City Savings Bank Ortigas Direct Line
Rural Bankers Association Of The
Philippines Barbers
Bilog Rd Mla ................ (0919)355-1490 2314 Jose Abad Santos Ave Union Bank Plz Psg ........ (02)8696-7311 Rbap Bldg Mla................(02)8527-2972
Pink Mixer Mla ............................ (02)8714-9711 City State Savings Bank Savings Bank Of Manila Barber Kings Barber Shop
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)527-6118 1135 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8524-4832 Bormaheco Condmn 10th St PC ................... (0993)668-4298
Pridez Foods Services Incorporated Uni-Jem General Merchandise
741 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8734-4517 Commercial Bank And Trust Company Of Mkti ........................... (02)8897-1647 Bejoy Barbershop
Sarasota Bldg 1 PC ........ (02)8808-6340 The Philippines Security Bank Paso De Blas Val .......... (0929)560-3110
Pufft Doughnuts Universal Bakery Bicol Barber Shop
A Bonifacio Mkna ........... (02)8998-1648 Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8563-7281 Corporate Business Ctr
10 Lancer Mkti ............. (0917)625-8735 Commercial Bank Of Manila Mkti ........................... (02)8815-1002 B F Homes Rd QC ........ (0915)571-4917
Red Ribbon Bakeshop Inc 29 Gov W Pascual Ave Security Bank & Trust Co Big Boss Barbers
Mkt Mkt Taguig .............. (02)8856-1221
Ribbonette's Bakeshoppe
Baking Equipment Mal ............................ (02)8288-7573
Comsaving Bank
Ewan Bldg Mla ............... (02)8242-8228
Security Bank Corp
Venice Grand Canal Mall
567 San Pedro Taguig .. (0956)885-3742 Framar Coml Bldg Psg .... (02)8641-0330 Greenhills Mansion SJ .... (02)8721-1353 Blackdoor Barbershop
Rischarms Bakeshop Bake Et Al Plastics Incorporated 289 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0977)767-5194
4408 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8994-2159 Consolidated Bank And Trust Company Security Bank Savings Corporation
237 Gen Luiz QC .......... (0919)295-5828 633 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8733-1665 Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8294-0417 Bruno's Barbers
Robin's Customized Cakes And More Binondo Metalcraft And Bakery Equipment Country Bank Of Taguig Smart Bank (Rural Bank) Inc Robinsons Place Manila
R Fernandez QC ........... (0995)875-0306 629 Madrid Mla ............ (0935)678-0935 22 M Almeda Pat............(02)8643-7313 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8842-4074 Mla ............................ (02)8567-1883
Saint Cinammon Bake Shop Company F Usabal Enterprises Dbp Commonwealth Branch Standard Chartered Bank Limited Chop Shop Aguirre
Exch Rd Psg ................ (0905)470-1517 42 P Gomez Mkna .......... (02)8544-4632 Dbp Bldg QC .................. (02)8920-4781 Makati Sky Plz Bldg Mkti.(02)8886-7030 322 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)7625-9375
Salazar Bakers Corporation Happybee Baking Depot Development Bank Of The Philippines State Bank Of India Chuck's Barbershop
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8925-7237 109 Mariano Ponce KC.(0917)707-4572 350 A J Villegas Mla ....... (02)8525-8672 Alvion Ctre Mkti .............. (02)8817-1849 Kalayaan Ave Mkti ........ (0921)478-1771
Salazar Bakery Jcg Marketing Group Incorporated Development Bank Of The Phils Marikina Sterling Bank Cool Barbers
781 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-1397 1227 P Guevarra Mla......(02)8353-3203 37 G Fernando Ave Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8556-3492 358 Arnaiz Ave PC ....... (0917)716-4333
Salazar Bakery Incorporated Love2Bake Co Mkna ......................... (02)8477-6922 The Manila Banking Corporation Cutting Floor Barber Shop
779-785 Ongpin Mla ...... (02)8733-1392 Fruition Bldg Pque ........ (0906)149-3013 Devt Bank Of The Phils Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8810-9280 Don Jesus Blvd Munt....(0905)377-6598
Sampaguita Foodmart Tam's Baking Supplies 2538 Mc Arthur Hwy Val (02)8294-9605 Tonik Bank Cutz N' Tatz Barber Shop And Tattoo Studio
44-C Shaw Blvd Mand .... (02)8531-7072 657 Severina Ave Pque.(0916)663-1834 East West Banking Corporation The Offices At Estancia 711 Boni Ave Mand ...... (0918)225-9001
Sophie's Mom Way2Bake 2412 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8230-4366 Psg ............................ (02)5322-2645 Cvustos Barbershop
Don Pedro PC .............. (0927)255-1503 4319 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8556-6258 Filidian Rural Bank Incorporated Trader Royal Bank San Roque Psg ............ (0905)510-5459
Sugar High Bakery 105 Maryland QC ........... (02)8725-4478 Legaspi Twrs 200 Mkti ... (02)8817-6581 Dapper District Barbershop & Lounge
Vmcc Bldg QC .............. (0917)157-5717 President's Grove Pque ... (02)8552-0896
Super Dough And Catering Baking Ingredients Filipino Savers Bank Incorporated
Pasig Sports Cplx Psg .... (02)8641-8398
Traders Royal Bank
100 8Th Ave KC ............. (02)8287-4709 Elmer Claron Barbers Shop
39B Howmart Rd QC ...... (02)8330-6823 First Union Insurance & Financial Agencies Ucpb Bilog Rd Val ................. (0917)545-5543
Tarlaquena Food Specialist Inc Bakeessence Incorporated Inc First Binondo Ctr Bldg Evan Barber Shop
1 Anonas QC .................. (02)8921-5354 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8521-0517 The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8812-9194 Mla ............................ (02)8243-1981 22 A Cruz Nav .............. (0932)546-3750

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108 S C M Y K

108 Barbers - Beauty 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Wow Salon Talabs Resto Bar And Car Spa Binondo Beauty Supply Incorporated
Barbers (Cont'd) Alabang Zapote LP ....... (0928)984-6671 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Bearings Jby Tanlimco Bldg Mla ... (02)8256-3650
Yakabud Barber Shop Mkna ......................... (02)8701-0765 Brand Gallery Packaging
Express Cut 223 Market Ave Psg ..... (0910)515-5303 The Living Room Bar Alfalub Trading France Pque ................. (0917)680-8888
Robinsons Place Otis 7610 Chestnut Pque ..... (0917)314-2670 1144 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-8639 Brow Lounge
Mla ............................ (02)8559-0776 American Bearing Marketing Corp Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8403-5803
Good Men Barbershop & Men's Grooming Barbers Supplies The Wing Bar
Citiplaza 2 Coml Cplx 1265 C M Recto Ave Brow Lounge Eyebrow Grooming And
Elisco Rd Psg ............... (0977)356-6396 QC ........................... (0916)327-1796 Mla ............................ (02)8251-9629 Waxing Salon
Goodie Barber Shop Salon Furniture And Equipment Varra Resto Bar Arsenio Motor Parts Supply Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-8013
Liban Bldg QC .............. (0917)850-5617 Toyama Group Ctr QC .. (0977)825-5287 333 P Guevarra SJ ....... (0916)485-3685 1200 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-8009 Cora Aesthetics
Gq Barber Shop Slickville Barbers W-Grill Ktv Bar Cityland Condmn III Mkti . (02)7987-3350
Lucky Chinatown Mall 153 B Gonzales QC ...... (0915)906-9475 Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0920)272-0562
BEARING CENTER & Dr Carlos Lasa Cosmetic Surgeon
Mla ............................ (02)8254-8213 Trender Bobs MACHINERY INC Korben Place QC ............ (02)8374-6092
Elc Beauty Incorporated
Headway Barbershop & Salon Greenbelt Mkti ................ (02)7501-3717
Harrison Plz Bldg Mla ..... (02)8526-6218 Bars and Cafes 641 Evangelista Hidalgo Dr Mkti .............. (02)8890-4035
Heavyhands Barbershop
2nd St Mla ..................... (02)8797-5547 Barges and Manila.....(02)8733-8271 Elite11th Asia Aesthetics Center
Ave Taguig ............. (02)8805-0131
Eco-Fast Laundry Depot Incorporated
Hermano Barberia
Mabini KC .................... (0926)625-0444 Tugboats Gen Cailles Mkti ............. (02)8805-4266 (See Advertisement on this page)
Bearing Kingdom
Empresa Hermano Trading Incorporated
89-A New York Ave QC .. (02)7738-6372
Flower Ranch Cafe
Imperial Cuts Barbershop Beacon Plz Mand ......... (0920)908-8078 1144 C M Recto Ave Extra Excel Intl Phils Incorporated
Lcc Bldg Psg................(0917)507-1649 Marine Support Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8254-9086 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8848-9973
Jean Barber Shop Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-9405 Le Petit Bizu Happie Transhares
Maysan Rd Val ............. (0919)320-2199
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8664-5904 GUAN YIAC HARDWARE 46 Dr M Flores Psg ...... (0927)406-7622
Otaku Brew Cafe
Jojo Barber Shop
West Delta Bldg QC ........ (02)3413-0618 Barong Tagalog 22 Malingap QC ........... (0927)928-5876 455 T. Pinpin St. Binondo Manila 1006 Healthwise Diagnostic
Richtown Twr Mla .......... (02)8254-4861
Juanchos Barbershop Splangs Lomi Marikina TELS.:(02)8245 7022; 8243 0288 Jprod Salon And Nail Spa
Benito Soliven Ave Psg . (0919)605-3823 Gardini Fashion Center 4 Japan Mkna .............. (0927)722-1114 Capitol Masonic Bldg
3685 Bautista Mkti ....... (0905)554-6416 The Other Room 8243 0285; 8245 8478
Kapitan Barbers QC ............................. (02)8668-4020
2432 Suter Mla .............. (02)8255-0212 17 Malingap QC ........... (0977)717-3474 FAX: (02)8242 9940; 8242 0469 Ltc Beauty Accessories
Trance Cafe Incorporated MOBILE: (0999) 882 2288
Kumpare Barber Shop
3rd St PC ..................... (0998)364-0212 Bars 453 P Guevarra SJ ......... (02)8721-6400 Email: [email protected]
1158 Soler Mla...............(02)8708-6095
Luxenest Nail Spa
L Reyes Barber Shop Website: 321 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0916)215-5847
Alegria Cozinha Moderna & Sangria Bar
Misa De Galo QC .......... (0919)686-1436
Lars Republic Uniqlo Bldg Taguig ....... (0917)800-3059 Bathroom Mad Lollipop Tattoos
A4-5E California Gardens Square
Sulatan Mand ............... (0925)880-2722
Lukkas Barbers
Axis Bar
Crescent Park Residences Accessories Mand ....................... (0917)857-6921
Mia Maison Fragrance House
14 Cuasay Taguig ........ (0969)973-1221 Taguig......................(0917)348-3762 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Man Barbers Balwarte Ktv Bar Active Global Sourcing Incorporated SJ ............................ (0997)608-3162
Burgundy Transpacific Place L Bustamante KC ......... (0939)195-4805 225 N Garcia Mkti .......... (02)8896-4964 GUAN Mlbs Enterprise
Mla .......................... (0917)315-3973 Best Night Incorporated Anyware Enterprises Co 11/88 Mall Mla ............. (0917)536-6316
Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8470-2889 840-848 Severino Reyes YIAC One Opti Lifestyle International
Mancave Barber Shop
21 Pinatubo Mand ........ (0906)421-0075 Chiliheads Resto Bar Mla ............................ (02)8983-3791 HARDWARE Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8231-2286
Mikey's Barber Shop 6 1st St Psg ................. (0916)611-2899 Artes Myer Philippines Incorporated Onecaremart Enterprise
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-1557 Chill Top Cubao - Roofdeck Restobar King Ctr Bldg QC ............ (02)8564-6448 Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)8570-9904
Monsieur Barbershop 266 P Tuazon Blvd QC..(0928)797-6656 Cassina Marketing Corporation Piandre
The Pearl Bldg Mkna.....(0917)335-3353 Circulo Cinco Restobar And Grill 1234-1236 Soler Mla ..... (02)8242-1115 137 Del Monte Cegf QC .. (02)8363-6562
News Babers Joe Borris Psg..............(0927)518-2460 Faith Glory Marketing Gy Industrial Mill Supply Corporation Powder Room Beauty Lounge
Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8633-9980 Cutanda's Resto Bar 1500 Doroteo Jose Guan Yiac Bldg Mla ........ (02)8242-9950 205 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8772-0903
Old School Barbers And Pomades 1812 Ma Orosa Mla......(0930)619-5153 Mla .......................... (0917)709-9492 Simply Skin
Pedro Gil Mla ............... (0995)892-7258 Diegas Grill & Bar Imaha Home Depot JAPAN PARTS TRADING Sm Bicutan Pque............(02)7502-5274
Patriots Barbershop 161 N Domingo QC ...... (0916)194-4917 1228 Soler Mla...............(02)8245-3868 CENTER Skin Sciences Laboraties Inc
834 Nicanor Reyes Ducks Inn Bar And Billiard Cafe Metrade Marketing U101 Central Buss Park
Mla .......................... (0935)836-3473 1209 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8523-3995 504 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8243-0615 1273 C M Recto Av Psg ............................ (02)8681-3074
Rose Pineda Incorporated Early Night Recto Builders Supply Skin+Laundry Aesthetics
Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8826-5022 The Fort Strip Taguig ...... (02)8519-6815 1469 C M Recto Ave
Manila.....(02)8255-7777 Prince Plz 1 Mkti ............ (02)8293-4226
Senor Barbershop Empire Bar Mla ............................ (02)8711-5324 Or Call ........... (02)5310-8333 The Gift Beauty Salon
Palm Tree Villa 2 PC ..... (0925)707-5847 Venice Grand Canal Mall Sanitec Import Ventures Incorporated Ilang Ilang Psg..............(0927)387-6087
Slick Barbers Co Taguig........................(02)8810-1100 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8638-5586 Or Call ........... (02)8255-6688 The Green House Incorporated
3919 Yague Mkti .......... (0935)715-2488 Kalayaan Bistro Grill 56 East Capitol Dr Psg....(02)8234-5565
Tabas Pedrista Barber Shop Kalayaan Ave QC .......... (0927)876-4506
True Value Hardware Corporation Or Call ........... (02)8253-0251 Valeur Skin
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8635-0410
90 San Pedro QC..........(0917)853-8741 Kapayapaan Bar And Grill Vinova Bathroom Fixture Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)8816-7944
The Barbery 316 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0916)557-8568 Ortigas Home Depot Whiten Gluta Lounge
161 Gen Ordonez Last Bottle By J & J Diner 46-B Aguirre Ave Pque . (0916)588-9172
Mkna ....................... (0917)551-9822 The Site Plz Mkna ......... (0917)505-0142
Psg .......................... (0938)702-1433 JAPAN
Wellbilt Stainless Steel Corporation
The Garrison Barbershop Maki Moto Restaurant 1888 Zamora Mla ........... (02)8562-7448 PARTS Beauty Care
378 Dansalan Mand ..... (0915)326-4962 141 Gloria Diaz LP ......... (02)8478-5548
The Urban Barber Nkklk Tapsilogan TRADING Products
Ckb Twr Ctr QC ............ (0922)856-8436
Toufa Barber Shop
1764 N N Garcia Mkti ... (0917)124-5550
Redpoint Bistro
Batteries CENTER
West Svc Rd Munt ....... (0929)593-5234 1233 Amang Rodriguez Avon Training Services
Trends Headway Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8701-2843 En-Tire Car Care Centre Incorporated Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Robinsons Place Manila Rum Jungle Ph 44 N Roxas QC .............. (02)8732-1173 Mla ............................ (02)8523-9460
Mla ............................ (02)8536-8008 The Palace Cplx Taguig (0917)689-8888 Lead Core Technology System Incorporated Liberty Trading Company Incorporated Beache Internaitional
55 Rd 20 QC .................. (02)8352-2209 305 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8361-0462 5 Kamuning QC ............ (0930)783-0609
Rtz Logistics And Industrial Corporation Motor Bearing And Parts Corporation Beauche Inernational
7th Ave KC ................... (0917)880-8054 938 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-0032 1329 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8351-8742
Philippine Bearing Corporation Beauty Lines Trading International
108 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8363-6699
Batteries - Industrial 1030 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8243-4205
Ramon Bearings Sales Center Bella Pelle Skin Solutions
1209 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8254-8685 45 Hillside Loop QC......(0920)962-7717
Exide Technologies Rigid Machineries & Mills Supply Belo Care Center Inc
V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8753-3735 Corporation R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8840-2241
Genikos Technologies Incorporated 218 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-8723 Bio Essence Facial And Slimming Center
335-A R S Cristobal Sr Robertson Commercial 67 West Ave QC ............. (02)8374-6310
Mla ............................ (02)8522-0103 1118 Aguilar Mla ............ (02)8254-9176 Crystal Infinity Beauty Products
Mercury Battery Industries Inc Skf Bearing Station 5th Ave KC ................... (0995)887-8459
1030 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8372-8398 1025 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8708-3619 Cuts For Toots
Skf Pvl Marketing Greenhills Shopping Ctr
141 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8291-5621 SJ .............................. (02)8727-6087
Battery Cables - Sportsman Shoe Store Diana Stalder By Dermaline Direct Sales
New Edsa Central Mall
Manufacturer 938 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-0032
Ultramaster Bearing And Parts Supply Mand ......................... (02)8631-4941
1165 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8253-3527 Ezshop Asia
Esvc Enterprise W & L Trading Corp Roxas Blvd Mla .............. (02)8551-3333
1746 Jose Abad Santos Ave 33 8Th St QC ................. (02)8722-1880 Fabio Salsa Salon
Mla ............................ (02)8252-4406 Wincorp Enterprises Incorporated Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1432
Acropolis Coml Area QC . (02)8352-2357 Geriatrica International Incorporated
19 Danny Floro Psg ........ (02)8635-7721
Battery Charging Zollner International Merchandising
84 4Th Ave KC ............... (02)8365-2344 Girltrends Cosmetics Manufacturing
Equipment 1A Dalsol QC................(0905)428-7301
Beauty and Personal 684 Natl Cva Bldg
Mercury Battery Munt ........................ (0933)689-1845
43B Mindanao QC .......... (02)3453-6561 Care Imd Wellness Spa Solutions Incorporated
Woodsville Condmn

Bearing Center
3 J Beauty Enterprises Pque .......................... (02)8846-1301
Battery 162 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8376-3415 Kafen Beauty Shop
Manufacturers Arace Organic Company 511 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8708-1624
& Machinery Inc Beyond Global Multisales Corporation
510 Eusebio Psg .......... (0938)973-7788
Bangla Bazaar
Khaytel's Essences And Cosmetic Products
1 Pinatubo QC ................ (02)8477-3295 47 Int Paez Mal ............ (0919)570-5580
641-645 Evangelista St Near Raon Sts Quiapo, Golden Arcade Mla ......... (02)7903-2254 Beauty Bonanza Ph Kiehl's
City Of Manila, Metro Manila 1001 Melcar Battery Center 406 A D Reyes PC........(0939)276-8359 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-3620
16A G Fernando Ave Because Inc L'Occitame
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-8271 Mkna ......................... (02)8645-0223 Isquare Bldg Psg ............ (02)8470-2368 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0460
Veesaijosh Gen Mdse Benefit - Muntinlupa City Lovin My Bags
5717 Zobel Roxas Mkti . (0916)195-5667 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8779-8994 Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8556-6746

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109 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Beauty 109

Brio Salon Hair Cut Encarnacion Salon Mafia Beauty Salon
Beauty Care Manalac Ave Taguig ..... (0948)358-0469 Dagat Dagatan Ave Mal (0943)138-0777 A Bonifacio Ave Taguig.(0935)446-1458
Products (Cont'd) MTN Casandra Dy Salon
19 Arayat Mansion QC....(02)3416-6446
Hair Expressions Salon
Ayala Malls Feliz Psg .... (0910)532-4198
Magic Touch Beauty Center
Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0932)700-2414
ESTHE- Chickoo's Nail Spa And Salon Hair Group Salons Incorporated Makeover Salon Experts
Nature Republic Philippines 6 Sanciangco Mal ........ (0948)310-8125 One E-Com Ctr PC..........(02)8836-8865 Landsdale Bldg QC ....... (0917)888-8447
Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8352-6763 TIQUE City Salon Hair Image Salon Incorporated Manetrends Incorporated/David's Salon
Nelsy Ernst Pro-Makeup Artist SUPPLIES Mia Rd Airport Global Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8831-7003 Hanston Square Psg ....... (02)8633-2003
One Rockwell West Twr Pque .......................... (02)8478-6447 Hair Salon Group Incorporated Mani Pedi Organic Nail Spa
Mkti ........................... (02)8828-0730 INC Clips Salon 153 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8352-9551 Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7369-0512
Pure Beauty 670 Rizal Ave Ext Mal ... (0922)334-8091 Hair Space Salon For Men And Women Maria Clara Beauty Salon
Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8846-9016 Columbia Distributing Corporation 28 T Alonzo Mkti .......... (0926)117-1362 Calvo Bldg Mla ............... (02)8241-4562
Ryx Beauty Products 614 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-8026 Hair Trix Salon Marry Pauline Salon
Gen Romulo Ave QC ..... (0995)653-3357 Comfort Zone Salon By Ms G Ap Bldg Mla ................... (02)8708-3936 44 C Jose PC ............... (0930)459-2213
Shiseido Beauty Salons 2564 Mangahan Mkti......(02)8808-3889
Cosmopolitan Hair And Body Salon
Hairshaft Salon & Academy
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8352-8370
Mary Pauline Salon Malate Branch
2564 Arellano Ave Mla ... (02)8354-3833
Eastwood Mall QC ........ (0916)749-1840
1079 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0946)241-3726 Hans Hair Tech Incorporated Mia Salon
Skin Food Trinoma QC ........ (02)8994-0206 3C & Len's Beauty Salon Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8637-0717 Clemente Jose PC ........ (0921)982-8878
Sobrinas Incorporated D'Pink Boss Salon De Glamorosa Hair &
21 P A Bernardo QC ..... (0961)850-5447 Nail Studio Head Start Salon Micos Salon And Nail Spa
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8376-9218 50 Shades Of Pink Nail Salon 162 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8361-1701 83 Balubad Nha Area-1
P Diego Cera Ave LP .... (0930)542-5451
Sowing Life - Quezon City Leveriza PC .................. (0995)655-2398 David & William Incorporated Hecktor Salon Premiere Mkna ....................... (0999)510-9957
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0935)928-7393 696 Hair Salon Prime Block Mla ............. (02)8252-2582 47 Sct Torillo QC .......... (0995)845-7161 Mikolette Salon
Splash Corporation Bagbaguin Rd KC ......... (0915)229-6562 David Salons Hemy's Beauty Salon And Spa 1115-B Connecticut SJ .. (02)8452-2869
Aaron Salon
F Lazaro Val ................... (02)8292-5035 177E Dna Soledad Ave 38 V Santos Mkna ........ (0956)799-4729 Miks Salon And Spa
The Beauty Behemoth Incorporated Amber Place Psg ............ (02)8565-9139 Pque .......................... (02)8821-9908 Homme N Femme Salon A P Reyes PC ............... (0956)567-1822
Abbey Audrey Salon
Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8556-1022 Dea Dia Salon Cortes Bldg QC.............(0917)852-9910 Mimi Zozi Hair And Beauty Salon
The Body Shop D Marrch's Bldg LP ........ (02)8403-1443 75 Rd 1 QC .................. (0908)500-5387 Igetz Salon & Spa D Quezon Mla...............(0927)642-7693
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Albert Mutuc Hair Salon Dermtrends 399 Manuel L Quezon Mj Salon And Rebonding Center
241-H P Tuazon Ave QC . (02)8437-0956
SJ ............................ (0956)150-3078 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8243-1941 Taguig......................(0961)242-2915 Washington Mkti .......... (0906)510-8827
The Nail Shoppe Plus Alpha Salon Hair & Body Services Dermwin Facial Center & Beauty Salon Imperial Salon Moridu Art
115 D Panay Ave QC ...... (02)7373-1011 21 H Francisco QC ....... (0917)319-7385 1616 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0928)709-8822 1137 San Andres Mla ..... (02)3484-5278 67 Sct Rallos QC .......... (0966)496-8080
Toucan Corporation Alter Image Dinskie Salon Infinity Premier Salon Myrna Farinas Salon For Men And Women
Singapore Airlines Bldg Amang Rodriguez Psg .... (02)8701-1964 1600 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave White Bldg Taguig ........ (0919)999-8772 7880 Jupiter Mkti ........... (02)8890-0678
Angelo Falconi III Salon Professionals
Mkti ........................... (02)8840-1849 Psg ............................ (02)8641-4820 Instyle Studio Myx Cutz Salon
Almanza Uno LP ........... (0917)530-9669 Dolly Hair Salon Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8990-4753 2346 Plz Hugo Mla ......... (02)8516-7887
Tsa Empire Salon And Spa Supply Jam Management Corporation Nail Axis Hair And Nail Spa
Antrome Bldg QC..........(0995)923-8296 Angelo Franco Salon 373 M Naval Nav .......... (0920)206-0593
Medical Arts Twr QC ...... (02)8584-7510 Dy & Ar Salon & Spa Supply Tutuban Ctr Mall Mla ...... (02)8253-2008 South Insula Bldg QC....(0927)262-7296
Tupperware Brands Philippines Inc Apex 79 N Domingo SJ .... (0999)395-4035 Jd Studio Salon Nail Studio
Symaco Bldg Mal ........... (02)8283-5052 2 Silay QC .................... (0927)886-4916
Archers Of London Corporation Edwin Lisa Salon Leveriza PC .................. (0998)863-7331 18 France Pque ............ (0966)447-2573
Vanity Aesthetic And Cosmetic Greenhills Shopping Ctr Jesi Mendez Salon Nature's Way Aromatheraphy Salon
Circle C Mall QC ........... (0917)856-5951 1874 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8458-7293
SJ .............................. (02)8722-5211 Eliz Salon Robinsons Galleria Mall Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0997)957-5588
Williams Distributors Co Ardenz Standford Salon QC ............................. (02)8632-9140 Nazz Salon For Men & Women
Burgundy Westbay Twr Manuel L Quezon Ave
7th St PC ..................... (0917)146-7768 Taguig......................(0967)744-7847 Jhieniva Hair Extensions 32 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(0935)103-1941
Mla .......................... (0917)591-4567
Astraea Beauty Salon 1206A Felix Huertas Rd Ntt Fellow Co Inc
Elysianj Salon And Spa
Zelah Enterprise 14A Naga Rd LP...........(0927)589-1361 El Grande Ave Pque ...... (0905)489-4007 Mla .......................... (0927)490-8266 Epoch Twr Mkti .............. (02)8840-5205
Citimall QC ................... (0998)258-4095
Ayumi Enhance Nails And Lashes Keikai Salon Oskee Cabeltis Salon
Zen Zest Asia 294 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8800-6514 Ebm Bldg QC................(0917)606-2687 Chloe Ctr Pque ............... (02)8365-3200 654 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8654-7609
Walter Mart Makati Azta Urban Salon Keon Salon Make Up Studio Paint & Pamper
Esl Interlink Incoprporated 1 Congressional Ave QC . (02)8928-0729
Mkti ......................... (0906)371-0523
Ayala Malls Manila Bay Fashion Vill QC ............... (02)8421-9121 Anvic Psg.....................(0917)962-2209
Zenutrients Pque .......................... (02)8914-2160 King & Queen Salon Paris Salon And Spa
Expresscut Incorporated 166 Malolos Ave KC ..... (0929)810-2383 Gen T De Leon Val..........(02)8937-5256
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)249-1490 Azzanzi Salon Robinsons Place Otis
Zenzest Asia Inc Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8823-2967 Kings Holly Incorporated Park Jun Beauty Lab Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8559-0976 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6456 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8511-7945
64A E Rodriguez Ave B & G Beauty & Glutathione Fab Nail Salon
Mkna ......................... (02)8997-3482C5 Svc Rd Taguig ........ (0998)790-2168 Koko Beauty Lounge Park Jun Beauty Lab Ph
167 Samson Rd KC......(0955)469-1248 198 Dna Soledad Ext Park Terraces Twr Mkti.(0917)318-3466
Zn's Shop & Food2Go Bambbi Fuentes Hair And Make-Up Studio Face Basic Coml Plz KC ..... (02)8288-8866
98 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8927-1998 Pque .......................... (02)7759-6575 Power & Beauty
62 St Catherine QC ....... (0936)922-6891 Fix Bench Salon L3 Kyokiro Nail Massage Hair Salon Market Market Taguig ... (0936)911-6887
Bangs Prime Salon North Ave QC ................. (02)8355-0092
Ayala Malls Manila Bay 10 Lucban QC .............. (0917)794-7675 Powercutzz Beauty Salon
Flow Cutters Salon
Beauty Salon Pque .......................... (02)7914-4745 San Antonio Ave Pque .. (0917)559-2514
Laleah Nail And Welness Spa
133 Pio Valenzuela Val . (0951)318-1543
936 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8247-6910
Pro-Style Saloon
Equipment Bangs Tony & Jackey
Paseo De Magallanes
Follicles Salon
Muog Bldg Pque ............. (02)7956-0770
Lapcoflie Salon
307 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3411-8774
45J Tirona Pque ............. (02)8403-2354
Pure And Simple Salon For Men And
Mkti ........................... (02)8553-8702 Franna Salon Lash Wishes Women
Ayumi Elite Beauty 365 Salon & Nail Spa Larychean Bldg Munt....(0919)632-9819 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8551-6817 687 M Dela Fuente Mla ... (02)8516-2437
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8364-4755 Ferros Bela Air Twr Condmn Glam Squad Salon Laundra Salon Purelux Salon
Jessa Evangelista Makeup Mkti ......................... (0917)128-9978 Gil Preciosa Bldg QC .... (0916)345-4984 50 Andrews Ave PC ..... (0935)810-6496 25A E Jacinto Mkti ....... (0939)239-2933
Antipolo St PC .............. (0927)859-0413 Beauty Break Spa Glamour Stlyn Salon Lay Bare Waxing Philippines Incorporated Queen Bee Salon
Jsv Enterprise Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0917)174-7088 L De Guzman Mkna ........ (02)8477-2208 Citiplace Bldg SJ ............ (02)8726-6479 Santiaguel Bldg 3 LP ...... (02)8664-6650
Bayanihan PC ................. (02)8364-3597 Beauty Embassy Salon & Spa Going Straight Salon Le Kuky Nail Salon & Day Spa Ltd Co R Salon
175A Quirino Hwy QC .. (0927)164-8810 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8355-9528 Dusit Hotel Nikko Manila Grdn Saudi Arabia Pque ........ (0927)722-2623
MTN ESTHETIQUE Bedazzle Salon Good Staffs Salon Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8819-5176 Rdds Rebonding Design And Surgery Clinic
SUPPLIES INC Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8664-1358 90 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)8920-3716 Leeya Salon Highway Hills Mand......(0916)536-3077
Bella's Throne Beauty And Wellness Spa Graffiti Hair Salon One Metropolitan Place Regine's Salon
SALON , FACIAL, SPA 2H Bldg City Plz 2 QC ... (0945)719-4188 President Ave Pque ........ (02)8556-3358 PC ........................... (0999)558-8827 The Link Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8856-1723
Belle Ame Wellness & Salon Graffiti Salon Leony Diaz Salon Rein De Beau Salon
SLIMMING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 14 Rd 3 QC .................. (0917)330-1396 1 Jackson Psg ............... (02)8642-2399 134 N Domingo QC ........ (02)3413-7225 Atherton QC ................. (0949)758-7974
Beny's Beauty Salon Of Qc Granic Glamour Salon Let Face It Reyes Salon
0920-9228813 • 0956-1369551 64-B West Ave QC ......... (02)8371-4709 Dir A Bunye Taguig.......(0916)560-8381 Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1894 1009 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(02)8898-0531
Website: Benz Beautique Hair And Nail Salon Graych Beauty Lounge Levon Salon For Men & Women Ricky Reyes Corporation
22 Avocado KC ............ (0922)673-7700 1751-1A Dapitan Mla ... (0966)815-7953 Lakandula QC ............... (0928)714-8973 428 Rustia QC................(02)8584-5048
475 Juan Luna Manila ... (02)8242-0744 Bergoend Corporation Grr Gandang Ricky Reyes Lexxusa Salon And Spa Rj Salon
Almanza Metroplis Condmn Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-9396 273 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8437-3449 Gilmore Hghts Condmn
LP ............................ (0916)592-4690 Gupit Industriya Incorporated Louis Phillip Kee Salon QC ............................. (02)8722-4012
Blow Dry Bar Phils Corporation Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8659-2249 Grand Midori Mkti ........... (02)8553-4551 Romed's Salon And Spa
Build your business with Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8654-9102 Hair Clique Salon And Nail Spa Lulu Pineda Salon 480 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Bri-One Commercial Corporation 223-A Gen Luna Mal .... (0928)853-2743 Commodore Bldg QC....(0908)748-4137 Psg ............................ (02)7625-5655
THE YELLOW PAGES. Bonifacio High Street Hair Corrections Salon Luxuria Nail & Beauty Lounge Sabmiel Salon
Taguig........................(02)8846-8920 Matapat QC .................... (02)7089-3384 321 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0966)903-8056 1294 M Naval Nav ........ (0922)950-1555

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110 S C M Y K

110 Beauty - Blinds 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Studio Lacquer Zamyu Lara Kids Salon Bubba Lab Cyclepro Bikes
Beauty Salons Vtp Bldg Pque .............. (0977)804-2022 Dr Maximo Flores Psg .. (0908)405-1985 C&B Circle Mall Mkna ..... (02)7730-2915 P A Bernardo Mla ......... (0917)504-6008
(Cont'd) Sundar Salon And Spa
505 Bonifacio Ave
Zenaya Aesthetics
Citimotors Pasong Tamo
Buco Fresco
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)825-1942
Del Cap Bicycle Shop
Republic Ave QC .......... (0918)620-8698
Mand ....................... (0917)620-9079 Mkti ........................... (02)7745-4494 Buko Loko Dj Cycle Ride
Salon 28 Teceruma Spa And Salon Incorporated Zulusibs Inc Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0933)248-0910 903 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0966)360-2822
231 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8816-2119 Bsa Twin Twr Mand ....... (02)8654-3099 Two Parkade Taguig ....... (02)8818-8118 Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines Corp Doro's Bikes
Salon 360 International Tessie Beauty Parlor 268 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8870-2357 112 Caimito Rd KC.......(0916)203-0603
Km 16 Mc Arthur Hwy Austria QC....................(0947)605-8364 Cocacola Femsa Philippines Incorporated Elimar Bikes
Val ............................. (02)8291-2265 The Block Salon Beds A And P Warehouse LP .. (02)8800-8123 13 Natl Hwy Munt .......... (02)8785-0775
Salon De Casstal Timog Ave QC .............. (0945)738-2405 Delicane Fort Spalding
59D Kamuning QC..........(02)3416-2254 The Make-Up Studio Salon And Nail Care D2 Foam And Bedding Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8242-5991 488 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8736-2167
Salon De Matt Lifegiver Bldg QC..........(0927)983-3623 227 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8294-6491 Doitsu Trading Limited Company Global Craze Corporation
Rfm Corporate Ctr Mand.(02)8637-9289 The Ritz Spa 114 B Serano KC............(02)8367-1277 626 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-7137
Salon De Maureen 1614 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)3450-8791 DEWFOAM Fruit Magic Company Incorporated Gran Trail Cycles Incorporated
8412 Mayapis Mkti.......(0905)104-9731 Tips & Sips Salon & Spa San Rafael Greenhills Shopping Ctr El Molito Coml Cplx
Salon Fo Men And Women E Rodriquez Ave Pque .. (0977)841-1200 SJ .............................. (02)8726-9479 Munt .......................... (02)8856-4488
290B P Tuazon QC ......... (02)8533-1003 Titas Of Manila Salon Navotas...(02)8522-9187 Gourmet's Sectret Corp Jc Bikes Motorcycle Parts Center
Salon Systems Management Incorporated 276 Honorio Lopez Blvd (See Advertisement on this page) Jannov Plz Bldg 1 Mkti ... (02)8812-4851 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ............ (02)8553-6844
Four Seasons Bldg Mkti .. (02)8817-8770 Mla .......................... (0927)944-5176 Forty Winks Incorporated Happy Lemon International Limited Jhanis Music And Sports
Scut Salon And Spa Trilogie Salon & Spa Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-6813 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-3841 523 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8708-6209
Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)899-7071 161 Kanlaon QC ........... (0917)799-1988 Nanding's Steel Beds Lapids Chicharon Jjan Bike Plus Enterprise
Serendipity Salon & Wellness Center Trim Salon 6 11th KC ......... (02)8931-1099 1643 Crisostomo Mla ..... (02)8741-5230 1180 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)8724-0876 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0833
Comtrade Bldg QC..........(02)8355-4971 Validosa Salon Polyfoam-Rgc International Corporation Little House Milktea Juju Cyclist
Sexy Hair Incorporated 11 President Ave Pque . (0966)169-7420 32 Miller QC ................... (02)8371-0570 A Flores Psg.................(0967)318-0651 2010 S H Loyola Mla .... (0915)398-3431
S & R Shaw Mand .......... (02)8584-7737 Vanity Carbal Bldg QC ........ (02)8372-2649 Sleep Care Lna Management Group Corporation Jurix Bike
Sharliz Waxing Salon And Beauty Studio Vanni Salon Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8519-9006 Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8354-5434 43 Paso De Blas Rd
J And L Derm Lne Bldg 20 Sacristia Mal ............. (02)8372-2180 Lpaala Store Val ........................... (0947)880-8283
Victor Ortega Salon & Spa 101 P Parada SJ ............ (02)8631-9373 Life Cycle Shop
QC ........................... (0923)702-8065
Sherlyn Hair Relax Salon
Lourdes Dr Psg ............ (0921)234-9095 Beds and Lush Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr
26 San Macros Nav ...... (0939)901-8857
Vittorio Salon
Dioresa Plz Mla .............. (02)8256-6937 Accessories Robinsons Place Manila
Mla .......................... (0922)837-8827
SJ .............................. (02)8721-9473
Lucky Bicycle
Shoe Salon Company Vivere Salon Mario Softdrinks 2130-2132 Avenida Mla . (02)8711-1217
Mckinley Hill Venice Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7915-0227 Allora Linen 415B Gen Luna Mal........(02)8281-8805
Taguig........................(02)8856-5749 Madie's Bike Shop
Wow Hair Salon 14 Gregorio Araneta Ave Masuma Food Industry Incorporated 2 Daffodil Val................(0995)109-7549
Sir George Salon Rv Place Mand ............. (0923)254-0189 QC ........................... (0917)679-1133 Bagsakan Taguig ............ (02)8837-0321 Mauricio Bike Shop
123 Kalayaan QC ........... (02)3433-7488 You Naicha Culmat Bldg QC ...... (02)8584-5217 3034 V Mapa Mla ......... (0922)682-4519
Sophie 888 Edsa Mand ...... (02)8636-6603 B3 - Bonifacio High Street
South Salon Co Taguig........................(02)8818-4968 Bedsheets Nerry Anne's Scramble Craze
Eco Plz Mkti ................... (02)7215-6165
Maximus Athlete's Shop Cafe
Fmf Business Ctr Mand (0906)510-2468
Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8809-9363 Younique Yuashin Salon Nozar's Incorporated Mc-6 Bicycle Shop
Stoler Angels Salon Antonio S Arnaiz Ave Philippine Australian Brass Bed 220 Tomas Morato Ave St Mary Taguig ............. (0926)206-5296
K-2nd QC ....................... (02)7358-3872 PC ........................... (0947)255-0800 11 2nd Ave Taguig ......... (02)8839-1668 QC ............................. (02)8921-8071 Mykel's Bike Parts & Accessories
Strokes Eye Beauty Studio Zamyu Kids & Adults Beauty Salon Prime Foam Manufacturing Corp Organique 7 Korea Mkna ............... (0917)179-3283
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ........... (0916)774-9497 8 Dr Flores Psg ............ (0998)325-1337 8 Tatalon Val .................. (02)8983-9071 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)713-7977 Novaliches Bicycle World Branch
Sleepcare Pepsico Incorporated 208 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8937-3359
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-8421 The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8885-7194 One Stop Bicycle
Portos Food Inc 536 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8734-0003
13 Pitimini QC ................ (02)3411-1318
Belting - Mechanical Quickly Philippines
Raiden Rider's Bike Shop
Samama 3 Taguig ........ (0939)905-0906
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rosario Luc Bicycle
SJ ............................ (0909)210-5741 233 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8372-5844
GUAN YIAC HARDWARE Sola Iced Tea Rpcycle Trading
455 T. Pinpin St. Binondo Manila 1006 Roosevelt Ave QC...........(02)8372-5983 Manuel M L Quezon
HOTEL SUPPLIES TELS.:(02)8245 7022; 8243 0288
Starrs Famous Milkshake Taguig......................(0977)718-6621
Laon Laan Mla ............... (02)3493-5802 Scootz Ph Umbel Munt ..... (0995)528-1351
8243 0285; 8245 8478 Sunrise Tea Cafe Snj Bike Shop
Alphaland Southgate Twr 12 Pearl QC..................(0916)777-1169
FAX: (02)8242 9940; 8242 0469 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-0263 Swim Bike Run Incorporated
MOBILE: (0999) 882 2288 Taisho Pharmaceuticals Philippine Bonifacio High Street
Email: [email protected] Clipp Ctr Taguig..............(02)8897-9868 Taguig........................(02)8856-3362
Website: Tantea Banawe Tamz Bicycle Shop
878 Banawe QC ........... (0917)585-5339 Pineda Bldg Mla ............. (02)7504-0675
Teamasters Incorporated Twelvebikes
Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8713-0133 Plz Dela Rosa Bldg
The Big Chill Incorporated Taguig......................(0927)562-3879
Dela Rosa Carpark 1 Velocipede Bicycle Shop
Mkti ........................... (02)8823-3335 Royale Place Arcade
GUAN The Wholesome Table QC ........................... (0917)850-8488
YIAC 30th St Taguig................(02)8867-0000 Vic 'n Bike
Zagu Gov Pascual Ave Mal .... (0918)497-2025
HANDTRUCK CHAIR HARDWARE Robinsons Fairview QC.(0909)914-4000 Vlv Bike Shop
15 Zabarte Rd KC ......... (0949)661-1688
Bicycle Shops Wj88 Bike Parts And Accessories
Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0908)361-9698

Syling Bros Inc Abc Bicycle Center

Billiard Equipment
699 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8242-9509 936 - 5 Aurora Blvd QC (0915)737-8811
Adhikain Bicycle Chapter
11 1st Ave QC .............. (0927)496-5327 and Supplies
Belts Aj's Bike Shop
680 Gastambide Mla .... (0905)769-0067 Dizon Billiards
Megapower Industrial Mill Supply Alejen Trading Company 182 Kalantiaw QC...........(02)8931-6453
Corporation 21 M H Del Pilar KC........(02)8366-5399 Friendship Billiards Disco Bar
A Bonifacio Ave QC ........ (02)8962-1000 Alfonso Bicycle 1439 Adriatico Mla ......... (02)8523-8019
416 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8283-8859 Sunville Trading Corporation
All Terra Cyclery 217 San Vicente Mla ...... (02)8241-2688
Beverage and Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)7217-6381
Tobacco Angel's Bike Shop
78 Champagnat Mkna .. (0977)237-6246 Binding
Bamb Ecological Technology Incorporated
4Ac Sari-Sari Store Plaza San Luis Bldg Mla . (02)8525-8289 Gober Computer Center
1134 Bocobo Mla...........(02)8524-9975 Bike One Zero One Enterprise 125 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8282-9507
34 F Mariano Psg ........... (02)8646-4811 S Binding Supplies Incorporated
118 Lopez Rizal Mand .... (02)8531-1451
Beverage Suppliers Bike Plus
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8930-6242
Bike System
(02) 8522-9187 Crystal Oasis Water Station Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8775-4579 Biscuits
Midland Alley Munt ......... (02)8519-1514 Bikeloveph
For Information, Call: Hives By Restoration 13 Gladiola Munt .......... (0935)158-2422 Delixu Trading Corporation
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-8717 Bisikleta Republika 21 Gen Capinpin Psg .... (0917)325-3369
San Rafael Village, Navotas, Metro Manila Scimtar Marketing Corporation 60 Hyacinth Munt ......... (0929)342-1588 Monde Nissin Croporation
Tel. No.: (02) 8522-9187 920 Pat Antonio Mla ....... (02)8516-3445 California Ecobike 6750 Ayala Ofc Twr
Unidad Enterprises 933C Aurora Blvd QC ..... (02)3440-3297 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-3550
277 Cjon Banal Taguig ... (02)7586-8097 Carbs Bikeshop Sho Da Food Exchange Incorporated
Andrews Ave PC .......... (0956)507-2070 Maxima Bldg Mla............(02)7752-0030
Ce Bikes Parts And Accessories
oam Allegro Beverage Corporation
73 M Almeda Pat..........(0995)459-6873
Comet Cycle Center Incorporated
88 B Tolentino QC .......... (02)8372-5590
Blasting Contractors
3803 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)8833-3000 Crankworx International Incorporated New Yellow Hat
A S FFor
tuna, Mandaue,
Mandaue, Banana Leaf 912 - 928 Reina Regente 487 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)8926-4617
Estancia Mall Psg ........... (02)8671-3333 Mla ............................ (02)8251-5649
ebu 6014 Philippines Big Chill Cycle Art Marketing
el.. No.:
No (02) 8522-9187 Ayala Malls Manila Bay 610 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-7111 Blinds
Pque ........................ (0956)742-2893 Cycle Haus 406A 7th KC .... (02)8442-5506
Bluemarc Enterprise Cyclepathic 2Mj's Curtains & Blinds
1334 Cavite Mla ............. (02)8353-2972 541 Laura QC ................. (02)8664-0213 346 Magtibay PC..........(0922)355-2518

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111 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Blinds - Boilers 111

Blinds (Cont'd) Blowers and Blower Blueprinting

Babe's Elegant Curtains
Systems Equipment and
Kagalakan Rd Psg ........ (0998)314-2530
617 Metalworks Sales And Services
Blinds & Curtains By Alnardo's
San Diego Mla .............. (0906)287-6075 Morning Star Bldg SJ......(02)8726-6286
Arkishop Printing Incorporated
Blinds & Curtains By Lexilya Airstream Trading And Electro-Mechanical Triple A Bldg QC ............. (02)8294-3847
David Psg .................... (0908)874-2071 System Corporation
Borgonia Curtains Italy Pque ....................... (02)8821-4675
34 Wilson SJ................(0906)395-7929
Bsh Interiors Curtain Decor And Marketing FREE AIRE INDUSTRIES INC Boat and Yacht
Don Mariano Marcos Ave Comfoods Bldg Sales
QC ........................... (0917)168-8081
C&L Blinds Glass Accessories And Makati ..... (02)8856-2962 Hreverse Logistics Inc
Services (See Advertisement on this page) Dr Arcadio Santos Ave
Manggahan Munt ......... (0915)791-2218 Prime Opus Incorporated Pque ........................ (0915)899-3225
Cmk Megatrade Inc L26 Faith Pque ............... (02)8478-6013
1171 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8714-6086
Curtain Central STRATMAN INDUSTRIAL Body Repair and
15 Angela Mal .............. (0967)778-7278
Cuyler Blinds SYSTEMS INC Painting
Veterans Rd Taguig ...... (0917)788-5745
Decor Option Marketing Fans and Blowers Systemic Alex Radiator Expert
13 Lagmay SJ ................ (02)8984-1178 Zabarte Rd Kaligayahan
E&B Native Blinds Curtain Dust Collector QC ........................... (0999)405-8162
Westbank Rd Psg ......... (0906)872-8363 Fumes Scrubber Jmb Car Accessories And Bodykits
El Gibor Blinds And Interiors 42 14th Ave QC ............ (0919)995-2925
136 White Plains Ave Ventilation System Stripped Car Paint Shop
QC ........................... (0927)797-6250 Centrifugal, Tube, Vane, Axial & 2 Aster QC ................... (0917)150-6252
Fujima Blinds & Interiors
61 A Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Propeller Fan, Free-Aire
Supply & Exhaust System Boilers
Industries Inc
Mkti ........................... (02)8425-9448
Homedeck Blinds
1510B A Maceda Mla ... (0925)505-2777 Tel. Nos.: 8930-7683 / 8930-8939
Intila's Blinds And Curtains Shop
ASSISTCO ENERGY & 213 Comfoods Bldg, Makati City,
8434 Paranaque - Sucat Rd INDUSTRIAL
Pque ........................ (0997)817-8265 Metro Manila 1200 Philippines
Jceleste Enterprise CORPORATION
Dr Sixto Antonio Ave email: Tel. No.: (02) 8856-2962
Psg .......................... (0927)966-5887 [email protected]
Kkachi Blinds *Installation of Castables
227 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)562-6968 [email protected]
& Firebricks
Lcss Blinds And Curtains *Building & Erection
Greenhghts Sucat 30 Debussy
Pque ........................ (0921)623-9896 Quezon City ............... (02)8930-8992 *Hot & Cold Insulation
Mbm Curtains Blinds And Wall Coverings *Thermax High Pressure
Rita Val ........................ (0919)271-0309 & Spent Wash Boilers
Rja Blinds And Curtains
Tel Nos.:
6 China QC...................(0906)561-0771 STRATMAN
Rsp Interior And Sewing Services 8281-1888: 8837-3608
Pampanga Taguig ........ (0905)518-0634
[email protected]
Sand's - Curtains Creation TRIAL
Commonwealth QC ...... (0999)432-3760 Fax No.:
Sva Enterprise Window Blinds And Curtains
69 Congressional Ave INC
QC ........................... (0939)922-9078 1st Av Taguig ................ (02)8281-1888
The Blinds Store
212 Tandang Sora Ave
QC ........................... (0905)942-4534
The Curtain Shop
212 Tandang Sora Ave Blueprinting ASSISTCO
QC ............................. (02)8455-7459 ENERGY &
Trimark Curtains And Window Blinds Archtees Graphics Printing INDUS-
Installation Services Jp Rizal Mkna.................(02)7501-8970 TRIAL
1106 Ricky Val ............. (0935)158-9650
Wintex Fabrics Corporation
Cadd Solutions Incorporated CORPORA-
St Martin Bldg QC ........... (02)8359-9908 TION
Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8531-8820
Wynn's Curtains Manila Blue Printing Co Incorporated
Quezon Ave QC ............ (0947)299-5153 Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8892-9563

JK Energies Technologies Inc Cimech Systems

Blk 50 Lot 9 Pontiac St. Brgy. Fairview, Construction Inc
Block 66 Lot 12 Anahaw St, Caloocan City,
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1100 Metro Manila 1425
Tel. No.: (02) 7729-8185 Tel. No.: (02) 8961-4767

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112 S C M Y K

112 Boilers - Building 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Macro Machinery And Industrial Supply Phil Christian Literature Incorporated Wattpader Feels Stanford Shaw Brew
Boilers (Cont'd) Corporation Ccf Bldg Psg .................. (02)8477-5082 Pampano Mal ............... (0946)469-6661 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8724-6860
Rp Mendoza Bldg Pque .. (02)8511-7797
CIMECH SYSTEMS Silver Horizon Trading Co
6 San Isidro Psg ............. (02)8632-0312 Bookbinders Bowling and Billiards Brick Brokers -
INDUSTRIES INC Grafix Specialist Incorporated Bowling & Billiards Merchandise
Anahaw Caloocan Book Dealers N Domingo SJ ................ (02)8726-4805 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-6494
Jasmine Photocopy And Bookbinding Gutson Billiards Megasoft Hygienic Products Incorporated
City ......... (02)8961-4767 Book Circle Bookstore Services Creekside Square Bldg 52 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8441-6841
(See Advertisement on previous page) 1895 C M Recto Ave Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0919)387-4979 QC ............................. (02)8725-4759 Rational Merchandising Concepts Inc
Mla .......................... (0998)793-5907 Paeng Nepomuceno Trading Inc 607B Boni Ave Mand ...... (02)8876-7768
JK ENERGIES TECHNOLOGY Alegria Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8845-3013 Topshelf Merchandise Incorporated
INC BOOKMARK INC Bookkeeping Service Studio 300 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8823-4023
Pre-school to College textbooks Pioneer Ctre Psg .......... (0917)676-7300 Towers Merchandising Incorporated
Pontiac Quezon Coffee table & Filipiniana books Augusto & Hernandez Cpas Townes Bldg Mkti...........(02)8843-1319
City ......... (02)7729-8185 Supplementary Reading Materials
Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)7217-0583
Dan C Bañas & Co Cpa's Boxes - Corrugated Bricks
(See Advertisement on previous page)
Email:[email protected] Gedcor Square Bldg
Pque .......................... (02)8825-2251
and Fibre Stonehaus Ent
SUPPLY INC Tel No.:8895-8061 to 65/Fax:8897-0824 Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8814-5321 Anflo Management And Investment 1080 Edsa QC ................ (02)8362-9412
Gl Incorporated Accounting Services Corporation
"VALLOUREC & MANNESMANN" 264 Pablo Ocampo Sr Av Anflocor Bldg Pque.........(02)8851-4350
Makati ....................... (02)8895-8061 Cooperative
Medical Plz Mkti ............. (02)8555-1418 Boxfield Packaging Products Broadband Services
Jadr Bookkeeping Services 286 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8365-1261
"US" STEAM VALVES, FITTINGS, 181 9th Ave KC ............ (0929)749-5658 Metro-Pack Corporation Ceragon Networks Phil Incorporated
THERMOMETER Jcsn Accounting Services 1129 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8936-3899 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8894-1025
Jhl Plz Bldg Pque..........(0906)558-6469 Philwyze Packaging Corporation Warlock Internet Cafe
Tels.: 8733-5716 / 8733-5720 THE Kai-Zen Accounting Services 753 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8452-2210 2010 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8353-7428
815-B Espeleta Manila ... (02)8733-5709 3464 Manggahan Val ..... (02)7906-1313 Yoyoy's Internet Cafe
BOOKMARK 212 Augustinian Pque .... (02)8894-2125
Keepsmart Consultancy Solution Inc
Dema Bldg QC................(02)7940-3988
Boxes - Gift Yunikko's Internet Cafe
INC L N Vitug Bookkeeping Services 7 Millares Taguig ............ (02)8836-2968
LEGASPI 102 Oriole Pque ............. (02)8823-2768 Art Box Enterprise
Tiendesitas Bldg A Psg ... (02)8782-6674
Le Alcantara Bookkeeping Services
Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)8241-4144 Lvv Printing Service
Mpm Consulting Services Inc 3300 Zapote Mkti ........... (02)8896-8876
TRIAL C&E Publishing Incorporated Vinia Residences QC ...... (02)8930-6366 Global Brush Manufacturing
939 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8920-7570
SUPPLY Cd Books International Incorporated
Perez & Sardoncillo Certified Public
Boxes - Paper 24 B Serrano KC ............ (02)8365-3598
Universal Brushes Corporation
4 Toctokan QC ............... (02)8361-9475
INC 233 Alley 1 QC ............... (02)8332-3691
Clc Philippines
Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8801-1677
Ever Cardboard Box Factory
Pso Makati Accounting Firm 685A Asuncion Mla ........ (02)8242-9151
Clc Bldg Val ................... (02)8291-5005 The Enterprise Twr
Mkti ......................... (0926)308-9482
Building Automation
Smf Accounting Services Co Brake Fluids Systems
Kalantas QC ................... (02)8557-5134
Tiu And Associates Group Fluid Solutions Incorporated Chevalier (Hk) Limited-Phil Branch
333 Mh Del Pilar KC ....... (02)8364-9325 Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Bormaheco Cpd Pque.....(02)8823-3599
Villaruz Villaruz & Co Cpas Psg ............................ (02)8696-7120 Pid Controllers And Contractor
Galleria Corporate Ctr Livington Merchandising 6808 Adalla Mkti ............ (02)8895-1819
QC ............................. (02)8687-3324 2231 Severino Reyes
Wbbbb Accounting Services
V Luna Rd QC ................ (02)3430-4698
Mla ............................ (02)8254-1619
Maintenance and
Bookstore Repairing
Agham Book Store
2 Merville Access Rd Eabp Drilling And Construction Trading
PC ........................... (0922)118-1762 Services
Bfl Bookstores Incorporated 215 St Peter QC ........... (0975)339-2980
Eton Centris Stn QC ........ (02)8332-6540 Goobro Engineering Services
Book Sale Aurora Bldg Pque ........... (02)8829-5489
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0922)713-2529 Jcc21 Airconditioning Services
Bookolocco Catalina Psg ................... (02)8627-1938
Maysilo Circle Mand ..... (0917)138-7722 Tel: 8931-0191 / Fax: 8931-1846 Jrsa Builders
Books By Chapters & Pages M H Del Plar Mkti ........... (02)8883-2101
0928 5027165 / 0917 5862012 Kwikfix Plumbing Services
2356 J A Santos Dr
Pque ........................ (0917)632-1552 0925 5862012 84 A 20th Ave QC ........ (0917)187-0204
Capisce Incorporated Monospace Construction
Email: [email protected] President M Roxas Pque.(02)7738-0321
Metrowalk Coml Ctr Psg . (02)8631-9451
Catholic Trade (Manila) Incorporated Website: https:// Niceman Incorporated
Catholic Trade Bldg Mla .. (02)8711-5410 448 Erlyn Psg ................ (02)7791-8888
Central Books Princeton Steel Corporation
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8638-1088 21 Don Vicente 64 G De Jesus KC .......... (02)8364-6346
Claretian Communications Foundation Inc Synchrotech Solution Corp
Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183 Sunshine Lne KC ............ (02)8362-8488
8 Mayumi QC ................. (02)8921-3984
Conanan Bookstore
2019 C M Recto Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8735-5585
Deovir Management
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-4026 ROSTAM
Edca Publishing & Distributing Bel Rama Trading
Goodwill Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8553-7213 PHILS Dsl Bldg QC....................(02)8742-6726
Fastbooks Educational Supply Inc
1239 Instruccion Mla ..... (02)8743-1547 INC Cdph Enterprises
27-B J Ortega QC ........... (02)8281-1733
Forewords Incorporated China National Tech I And E Corporation
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8842-3993 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8635-4218
Gmiranda & Sons Bookstore Citadel Commercial Incorporated
844 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8735-1365 Caltex Stn Psg ................ (02)8682-4229
Goodwill Trading Co Incorporated City & Land Mega Plaza
Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8723-0545 Brake Shoe Bonding Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)8687-1399
Ibon Bookshop Fcp Group Philippines Incorporated
Timog Ave QC ................ (02)8927-7060 Ayroso Hardware Co Incorporated Makati Executive Ctr
Ify Bookstore Multinational Bancorp Ctr Mkti ........................... (02)8403-4637
Sampaguita QC ............ (0905)230-4064 Mkti ........................... (02)8736-1892 Gmv Realty Holdings Incorporated
Jing Si Books And Cafe Transorient Maritime Bldg
Soler Twr Mla ................. (02)8733-3296 QC ............................. (02)8926-2211
Kyle John Bookstore And General Brakes - Lining Human Resources Management Services
Merchandise Mille Bldg PC..................(02)8405-0048
1859 C M Recto Ave Jm Roof And Foam Enterprises
Mla ............................ (02)8735-7613 ATLAS PARTS INDUSTRIAL Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8633-8083
Mediaholics CORP Medical Plaza Ortigas
38 Granada QC...............(02)8734-1532 Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)8638-4406
Atlas Parts National Book Store Warehouse
Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8373-2553
1117 J L Escoda One San Miguel Avenue
1 San Miguel Ave Psg .... (02)8910-1398
Industrial Corp Pandayan Bookshop Incorporated
Cvc Supermarket Val ...... (02)8332-6028
Popular Trading Corporation
(See Advertisement on this page)
Phoenix Sun Building
Phoenix Sun Bldg QC......(02)3419-8631
Pioneer Highland South Condominium
1117 J.L. Escoda Street Corner Fl Po Bldg QC ................. (02)8372-2050 Pioneer Highland South Condmn
Mahatma Gandhi Street, Paco, Porch Reader Philippines Brewers Mand ......................... (02)8687-7984
43 M H Del Pilar Val ..... (0945)603-6328 R And E Building
City of Manila, Metro Manila 1007 Powerbooks Incorporated Barley & Craft 1702 Jeorge Bocobo
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-0025 Chino Roces Ave Mkti .. (0956)134-3543 Mla ............................ (02)8524-8207
Tel. No.: (02) 8521-1082 The Book Budgeteer Elias Wicked Ales & Spirits S & L Building
N Domingo QC ............. (0956)477-1492 13 Ubay QC ................. (0926)617-9030 1500 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8525-8269

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113 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Building - Business 113

Padre Faura Center New Febra Marketing Asia Premier One Source
Building Business Center 472 Padre Faura Ctr Mla . (02)8524-8727 920 C Asuncion Mla ....... (02)8241-9483 The Peak Twr Mkti..........(02)8817-5600
Management A Lifestyle Management Service
Phil Trade Center Inc
Bpi Bldg Mla...................(02)8242-0970
Next Level Business Development
Aspire Global Solutions
Financing Bldg Mand .... (0963)617-6063
(Cont'd) 2210 Chino Roces Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8543-4489
Pilipino Data Network Incorporated
Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8726-3337
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3835
Olli Consulting Group Incorporated
Axiem Corporation
Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)7956-4429
Acn Office Mart Rainphil Inc Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8887-2332 Bhm Business Process Outsourcing
Systemcore Business Solutions 365 Edsa KC .................. (02)8364-7780 Burgundy Corporate Twr Osg Global Consulting Incorporated Incorporated
Wack Wack Rd Mand ... (0927)236-7777 Adams Technical Supply Mkti ........................... (02)8844-9611 One Global Place Taguig . (02)8788-3304 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8898-0000
Torres Building 708 Victoria Ave Mla ...... (02)8527-5165 Richmeal Foods Corporation Peritus Knowledge Services Corporation Bigbear Productions Incorporated
321 Lourdes Fabie Bldg Alimco Incorporated Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8892-5490 Corinthian Plz Bldg Mkti .. (02)8697-4982 Adb Ave Psg .................. (02)5310-1904
QC ............................. (02)8426-6950 Midland Mansion Mkti .... (02)8893-8072 Scribe Net Incorporated Professional I T Solutions Inc Bricoleur Technologies
Victoria Building Alliedcor Multitech And Energy Corp Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-6993 Ben-Lor It Ctr QC ............ (02)8441-5755 Twr 6789 Mkti................(02)8091-6879
314 Victoria Bldg KC ...... (02)8365-0060 1801 J Abad Santos Ave Senco Link Technologies Inc Remlynton Marketing Callhounds Global
Mla ............................ (02)8253-5705 First Life Ctr Mkti ............ (02)8812-7067 L1B14 Herbosa Ext Mla .. (02)8254-6885 Cdc Millennium Twr Psg . (02)7906-5809
Sky Freight Brokerage Incorporated
Burglar Alarm Amberland Plaza
Amberland Plz Psg ......... (02)8633-9371 Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8851-7092
Rff Business Management And Consultancy
Cgi (Philippines) Incorporated
Sunnymede Bldg QC ...... (02)8332-5576
Systems Arfaz Business Center
231 Tandang Sora Ext
Sky Freight Forwarders Inc
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8851-7092
2274 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8523-7326
Riskmetrics Group
Collective Solution
41 Don Mariano Marcos Ave
KC ............................. (02)8352-8185 Sun Verde Business Center Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-1600 QC ............................. (02)8952-9575
Accessone Solutions Bevtech 100 Dna Soledad Ave Rnb Management Consultancy Concert 8 Solutions Philippines
Boston KC ...................... (02)8932-6447 Richville Corporate Twr Pque .......................... (02)8511-7529 Poblacion Mand ............. (02)8775-7104 Incorporated
Alarm Data Security System Inc Munt .......................... (02)8807-8722 Symbol Sciences Incorporated Ronel Urgelles Pre Cast Decor Alco Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8403-4001
R And D Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8895-7873 Biggame Incorporated Aurora Milestone Bldg Marikina-Infanta Hwy Credit Bpo Tech Incorporated
Protech Security Marketing Coko Bldg PC ................. (02)8556-6351 QC ............................. (02)8421-3344 Mkna ....................... (0947)698-2742 One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-5661
61 Acacia Psg ................ (02)8872-7682 Brandlink Intl Corporation The Design People Incorporated S J Consulting Group Asia Incorporated Curo Teknika Incorporated
Trace Alarm & Security System 3 Ponce Mkti .................. (02)8813-1403 Pacific Ctr Bldg Psg........(02)8683-0231 Twr One And Exch Plz L V Locsin Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8550-1442
Incorporated Bughaw Electro Carbon Factor Trava Foods Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)7368-5651 Czeth Accounting Consultancy Services
2713 Ma Aurora Mkti......(02)8896-0888 1336 Cavite Mla ............. (02)8253-0809 848 M Dela Fuente Mla ... (02)8749-7842 Savernet Safety Devices Marketing 38 A Mabini Psg ........... (0926)662-5177
Business Planners Philippines Tri-Vision Ventures Incorporated 80 14th Ave QC .............. (02)8421-4205 Ddc Group Of Companies
Lpl Ctr Mkti .................. (0928)716-7777 1301 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8562-4878
Bus Air Conditioning Ceo Suite Manila Underwatch Providers Inc
74 D Kamuning Rd QC ... (02)8926-7915
Scl Consultancy Inc
158 Fortuna PC .............. (02)7373-7079
Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ...... (02)8710-5843
Dell Philippines
Equipment and Lkg Twr Mkti ................ (0906)405-0419
Coldpoint Air Systems Corporation Var Business Center
Searep Limited
Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8830-8663
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)7728-3355
Dfern Bpo Solutions
Servicing Jpm Bldg Mand .............. (02)8706-0157
Collective Project Management
Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8811-0873
Velco Centre
Seven-Segment Business Solutions
Robinsons Equitable Twr
256 A C Delgado Mla ..... (02)8528-0064 Psg ............................ (02)8441-0124
Incorporated The Boni Twr Mand ........ (02)8477-8063 E Punongbayan Global Outsourcing
Citybus Incorporated Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 1 Wavelock Philippines International Inc
2056 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8939-9911 90A R Delfin Val ............. (02)8277-0474 Sofia Management Incorporated Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8818-1592 Alabang Business Twr The Pearlbank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8519-2888
Gts Auto Care Plaza Incorporated Colourwide Company Inc Webtriffic.Com
88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (0977)166-3700 Munt .......................... (02)8807-2542 Ecenterprises Group Manila Incorporated
175 Congressional Ave Parc Chateau Condmn
QC ............................. (02)8426-4198 Westfair Marketing Incorporated Tade Infotech Incorporated 146 Valero Mkti .............. (02)8828-6610
Psg ............................ (02)8633-2707 Apolinario Mkti ............... (02)8478-9946 Edjsource Philippines Corp
Corporate Information Solutions 12 Masipag Val .............. (02)8277-0162
Ym Business Center The Jt Global Business Consultancy Robinsons Equitable Twr
Bus Lines Incorporated
Computer Services Bldg Sunshine Plz Mall Incorporated
Campos Rueda Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8470-8538
Enambiz Solutions
Psg ............................ (02)8634-8870 Taguig........................(02)8401-7328
Yss Laboratories Company Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8802-4184 Tycoon Ctr Bldg Psg.....(0906)327-1705
A & B Liner Incorporated Czark Mak Corporation The Louis Berger Group Philippines Eperformax Contact Centers Corporation
3167 Pres R Magsaysay Blvd Polaris Ctr Mkti...............(02)8990-9892 1133 United Nation Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8526-6312 Incorporated Bpi Buendia Ctr Mkti ....... (02)3490-2288
Mla ............................ (02)8713-1344 E Business Services Incorporated Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-5783 Everise Philippines
Baliuag Transit Incorporated 215 M Concepcion Psg .. (02)8641-6238 Zf Philippines Inc
West Svc Rd Munt ......... (02)8838-2835 Triple I Consulting Bonifacio One Technology Twr
199 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8364-7002 Enterprise Capital Bank Sagittarius Bldg Mkti.......(02)8551-9012 Taguig......................(0920)626-7411
Bataan Transit Co Inc The Amber Taguig .......... (02)8889-8716 Tyche Consulting Global Sky Call Center
17A Mirasol QC .............. (02)8709-3110
Batangas Bay Terminal Inc
Ergostudio Interior Design
E Roces Cpd Mand.......(0917)525-2134
Business 6819 Rcbc Plz Mkti ........ (02)7909-1700 Raffles Bldg PC ............ (0915)494-4877
Umic International Incorporated Harte Hanks Incorporated
100 Opl Bldg Mkti...........(02)8817-6546 Expresspay Karlkryst E-Business Center
Cordillera Mand .............. (02)8706-5452
Consultants Psec Psg ....................... (02)8531-6617 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8581-5100
Bughaw Restaurant W Ang Lucky Charm Trading I-Quanxi
683 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8727-4646 Fabri-Kote Inc A-Solutions Online Stores Incorporated Holy Spirit QC.................(02)8245-6526 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8849-3961
Cul Transport Incorporated 23 Dalsol QC .................. (02)8929-5791 Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)8815-2055 Xternalco Accounting Services Iexcelerate Incorporated
625 Apelo Cruz PC ......... (02)8853-9912 Galilee Business Support Services Phils Aldv E-Commerce Training Services Builders Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8710-3298 Bgc Corporate Ctr
Fort Fort Legend Twrs The Enterprise Ctr Twr II Your Virtual Savvy | Sharon G Taguig........................(02)7218-5818
Dominion Bus Co Taguig........................(02)8846-9630
745 Edsa QC .................. (02)8727-2350 Mkti ........................... (02)8886-5008 Calaca QC .................... (0955)966-6403 Info Solutions International Inc
Gallop Ventures Group Inc Aprisa Business Process Solutions Zeus Holdings Incorporated Philippines 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8886-5772
Earth Star Express Incorporated Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr
Xavierville Royale Condmn Twr One And Exch Plz Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8815-9447 Iqvia Rds Philippines Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8633-9527 Mkti ........................... (02)7902-8100 8 Rockwell Mkti..............(02)8998-2000
QC ............................. (02)8294-0609 Global Access Incorprated Atty Nancy J Dingayan Quimpo C P A
Fortune Star Bus Line Incorporated
1026 Capt F Samano KC (02)8332-1848
Bansalangin Bldg Pque ... (02)8511-8264
Global Nexus Corp
Nd Quimpo Bldg KC........(02)8285-5919 Business Forms and Istaff Solutions Inc
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8514-5309
Gv Florida Transport Incorporated
832 A H Lacson Ave
2211 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8526-9897
Bold Native Advisors Inc
30th St Taguig................(02)8812-7768 Systems Jad Gc Holdings Incorporated
Mb Aguirre Bldg Pque.....(02)8775-0071
Global Strategic Business Process Cathay Energy Services
Mla ............................ (02)8516-1880 Solutions Jadgc Holdings Incorporated
Nasson Bldg Pque .......... (02)8659-7579 Aboda Prints East Svc Rd Taguig ........ (02)8838-1661
Jac Liner Incorporated Paragon Plz Mand .......... (02)8638-3816 Cd Castro Consultancy 195 G Aglipay Mand ....... (02)8404-7757
2 Mapagmahal QC..........(02)8928-6140 Gold Label Resources Incorporated Jhr Freelancer Pluto QC .... (0929)216-9604
6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8889-9110 Accredited Bir Printing Press Kdci Outsourcing
K3R Integrated Solutions Incorporated 78 A Bonifacio Mal ......... (02)8288-8886 Centurian Biz Consultancy Incorporated 8254-E Fabian Yabut
Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8810-8000 Goodwill Metal Corporation One Corporate Ctre
Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8635-2590 Mkti ........................... (02)8836-7065 Psg .......................... (0917)527-4488
Ohayami Transit Oac Bldg Psg ................. (02)8687-2244 Ckf Marketing Tn&C Enterprises Co Printing
Fajardo Mla .................... (02)8734-6783 Great Depot Inc Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc
Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)3411-3787 Taniman Ave Psg ........... (02)7919-6217 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8651-6772
Pandacan Transport Service Cooperative Citygolf Driving Range Coconut Industry Investment Fund
Psg ............................ (02)8706-5013 Microsourcing Philippines Incorporated
2944 L Dela Paz Mla ...... (02)8561-9026 Management Company Inc
Pangasinan Five Star Bus Co Inc Hypernet Internet & Business Center 7907 Makati Ave Mkti ..... (02)8892-7961 Business Information 27th St Taguig................(02)3437-1000
Nexus Community
Holiday Inn Manila Mla ... (02)8353-2605
27 Rizal Ext Ave KC ........ (02)8990-5277
Partas Transportation Co Incorporated Jma Techno Center
Cybalink Solutions
Smb Prestige Bldg Psg . (0998)592-2942 Systems The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3470
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Offshore Outsource Operations Inc
2264 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8851-4025 Devconcepts Ph Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8543-7659
Saulog Transit Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8722-7092 Puno Bldg QC.................(02)8925-0565 Ds Gadgets Specialist Inc
Kampri Incorporated Fasttrack Solutions Incorporated Ilang-Ilang QC ................ (02)8562-1501 Oneaston Incorporated
1377 Quirino Ave Pque ... (02)8825-2927 27th St Taguig................(02)8437-1000
2254 Chino Roces Ave The Valero Twr Mkti ....... (02)8840-3332 Geodata Systems Technologies Inc
St Joseph Inocencio Aniceto Trans Mkti ........................... (02)8894-1872 Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4449 Outsource2Philippines Incorporated
1304 Asturias Mla .......... (02)8732-8534 Ff Miravite Incorporated
Kastolin Corporation Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8659-4595 Nelsoft Technology Incorporated 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8810-6139
Victory Liner Inc Panorama Taguig ........... (02)8837-7984 Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8353-0062 Parasaton Incorporated
Victory Liner Term KC .... (02)8330-4484 Field's Gate Business Specialists
Keteca Philippines Incorporated Net City Philippines Manga Pque ................... (02)8687-1811
Victory Shuttle Service Incorporated Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8807-0685 1048 Ilaya Mla ............... (02)8247-3309 Worldwide Corporate Ctr Paxys Incorporated
311 Gen Douglas Mc Arthur Hwy Lingkod Bayan Pawnshop Co Incorporated Fit All Marketing Mand ......................... (02)8991-1100 6750 Ayala Ofc Twr
Val ............................. (02)8277-6549 237 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-3322 517 I Pacheco Mla ......... (02)8251-2840 Wealth Express Services Ltd Mkti ........................... (02)8250-3800
Ljc Equities Inc Gaa Delgado Inc Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)8511-1888 Pilipinas Teleserv Incorporated
San Diego Bldg Mla ........ (02)8735-9613
Buses - Body 1900 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8354-7439
Lourdes T De Arroyo Inc
Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8633-4291
Group Management And Development Inc Powermind Business Solutions
Builders Telecoms Plz Bldg Mkti .. (02)8817-7363 5 Wilson SJ....................(02)8584-1587 Business Process Incorporated
Polar Ctr Bldg Mand ....... (02)8531-3819
Lundbeck Philippines
Cocolight Bldg Taguig.....(02)8817-3022
Iayala Company Incorporated
Makati Stock Exch Bldg Outsourcing Revupoint Company Incorporated
El Inventor Motor Works Inc Megaworld Properties Mkti ........................... (02)7752-5943 East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)7914-3451
A Rodriguez Ave Psg ...... (02)8681-5562 Ps Bank Ctr Mkti.............(02)8867-8041 Imsm Philippines 3Cc Call Center Salmat Services Incorporates
Miggy Payment Services The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3892 Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8880-4778 Upper Mckinely Rd
Buses - Charter and The Square KC ............... (02)7975-1471
Negros Holdings Management Corporation
Jf Business Solutions
H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8810-3948
Abtik Outsource
11 San Antonio Psg........(02)8358-7808
Seven Seven Global Services
Rental Pearl Of The Orient Twr
Mla ............................ (02)8567-3482
Kittelson & Carpo
6784 Rufino Pacific Twr
Acquire Bpo
Robinsons Cyberscape Beta
Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)7915-7747
Skillsupport Outsourcing Incorporated
Ness Astilla Salon Mkti ........................... (02)3224-1833 Psg ............................ (02)8667-6800 Mn Square Bldg Psg ....... (02)8654-9946
Aa Business Class Transport Corporation 24 Guevarra Mand .......... (02)8533-1312 Mebibo Company Incorporated Allsectech Manila Incorporated Sourcefit
17 August QC.................(02)8927-5046 Net Lima 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)7908-2588 Market Market Mall Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)8470-2484
Amv Rent A Car Net Lima Taguig ............. (02)8856-9999 Monroe Consulting Group Philippines Taguig........................(02)8831-4150 Sozo Inc Tycoon Ctr Psg .... (02)8403-9724
136 A Saudi Arabia Net One Center High South Corporate Plz Twr 1 Alorica Spark Marketing Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8834-7403 Crescent Park West Taguig........................(02)7585-7284 2258 Chino Roces Mkti .. (02)7717-7500 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8635-9969
Mle Tours And Transport Taguig........................(02)8815-6342 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company Altair Global Solutions Co Sterling Chatbot Tech Philippines
32 C Merino Mkna .......... (02)8359-2699 Oliveros Pawnshop Representative Office Jelp Bldg Mand .............. (02)8310-2992 Raffles Corporate Twr
Rockred Corporation 1041 A Mabini KC .......... (02)8285-3009 Ayala Triangle Twr 1 Altigen Philippines Inc Psg .......................... (0956)126-9440
1449 A H Lacson Mla...(0939)917-2102 One World Square Building Mkti ........................... (02)8848-6088 Pear Plz Bldg Psg ........... (02)7910-0080 Sutherland Global Services Incorporated
Transmetro Corporation One World Square Bldg Mototribe Manila Anz Global Services And Operations Inc Philplans Corporate Ctr
King Alexander QC..........(02)3419-1756 Taguig........................(02)8403-2398 World Trade Exch Mla .. (0947)445-4503 130 Dela Rosa Mkti ........ (02)8841-7773 Taguig........................(02)8459-2900

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114 S C M Y K

114 Business - Cafes 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

E-D-C Broken Orange Translations Tremolo
Business Process 2850 J Abad Santos Ave Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8836-0854 429 Barangka Mand ....... (02)8666-2152 Cable - Fiber Optics
Outsourcing (Cont'd) Mla ............................ (02)8256-5262
E23 Incorporated
Plus Ev Solutions
220 Salcedo Mkti ........... (02)7505-0902
Trend Incorporated
472 Malaya Mand .......... (02)8532-0271 E-Link Solution Corporation
Nepa Q Mart QC ............. (02)8921-8130 Poong Sung Incorporated Trend Micro Incorporated 47 Esteban Abada QC.....(02)8426-0189
Sykes Asia Incorporated Eaglecor Holdings Incorporated 5 East Capitol Dr Psg......(02)8633-2079 Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
Worldwide Corporation Ctre Lotus LP ........................ (02)8887-1935 Primer Resources Corporation QC ............................. (02)8913-0696
Mand ......................... (02)8650-4062 Elisse Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Trendworks International Cable Control
Talent2 Hr Bpo Corporation
Techno Plz 2 QC.............(02)8856-2946
Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0910)365-4468
Emb Job Contracting Services
Mla ............................ (02)8567-4428
Primera Fresca Incorporated
Tektite East Twr Psg ..... (0922)829-6728
Tres Sm North Edsa QC ...... (02)8352-7032 System
Tata Consultancy Services Lrt Caloocan Mall Monumento Panorama Cpd Bldg Tresmax.Ph
34th St Taguig................(02)8667-8000 KC ............................. (02)8961-9647 Taguig........................(02)8779-8520 One Corporate Ctr Twr Aga Marine Corp
Telecomlink Incorporated Emprovenue Business Solutions And Project Corp Psg ............................ (02)8470-2880 821 Naval Nav................(02)8282-4006
Rafeli Ave Pque .............. (02)8880-9055 Advisory Services Incorporated City And Land Mega Plz Tri Force Global Solutions Cable Access Technologies Incorporated
Telexpress Inc Builders Ctre Bldg Mkti ... (02)8887-2048 Psg ............................ (02)8706-2792 337 Itc Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8403-5912 460 Q Paredes Mla ......... (02)8243-6143
1007 Teresa Mkti ........... (02)8897-9716 Enagic Philippines Incorporated Proton 8 East Ave QC ......... (02)8376-5515 Tri Phil International Incorporated Keystone Controls
Telppt Service Corporation Rcbc Savings Bank Corp Ctr Quality Care Employment Services National Rd Munt............(02)8861-9017 Burgundy Corporate Twr
Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8567-3319 Taguig........................(02)8519-1923 Gsrc Bldg 1 QC .............. (02)3456-1890 Tri Star Readymix Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8479-1735
Total Tech Corporation Ewell Square Incorporated Quilipure Criselda 2 Bldg QC ......... (02)8926-7841
5081 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-9378
Transcend Outsourcing Program Corp
128 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8255-8092
Exolent Incorporated
33 Womensclub Mal ...... (02)3446-6852
Qyuqyu Philippines Incorporated
Tri Vision Ventures Incorporated
729 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8571-9315
Cable Installation
1154 Rizalina 2 Bldg QC . (02)8922-5892
Transec Bpo
122 Susano Rd QC.........(02)8936-9234
Fabbit Philippines Bgc
Grand Emerald Twr Psg .. (02)8632-9266
Ram & Co
Tri-Algon Incorporated and Supplies
One Corporate Ctre Psg .. (02)8632-7864 86 T Bautista Taguig ...... (02)8843-3046
Twenty-Four Seven Mckinley 641 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8534-0372 Tri-Bien Solution Services Corporation
Transerve Tpi Outsource Services Taguig........................(02)8864-4100 Webtechnology Surveillance & Services
Rap Malabanan Plumbing Services Roscar Bldg Mand .......... (02)8477-3103 1457 G Maceda Mla ....... (02)8708-4682
City & Land Mega Plz Condo Falcon Resources Incorporated Bethsaida QC ................. (02)8357-4945
Psg ............................ (02)8654-0484 Tri-General Insurance Agency
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8654-1045 Reliance Transcriptions Incorporated Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8525-4743
Tsuji & Associates Incorporated
Philippine Axa Life Ctr
Figari Group
The Curve Taguig ........... (02)8405-5122
Msa Prime Ctr Munt ....... (02)8403-9084
Remman Enterprises Incorporated
Trianon Inernational Incorporated Cable Internet
Mkti ........................... (02)8478-7705 First Isomatic Incorporated 2276 Narra Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8813-5433
Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8818-6845 Trib2D Corporation Netbox Trading
Type It Right Incorporated 68 15th Ave QC .............. (02)8355-5823 Rockforged Corporation
L And R Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8843-4532 Flora And Fauna Development Corporation 1211 V Concepcion Mla . (02)8522-1074 A Bonifacio Ave Mkna .... (02)8782-8978
City & Land Mega Plz Condo Tribe Connection
Vxi Global Solutions Inc 29 Visayas Ave Ext QC ... (02)8352-5547 Psg ............................ (02)8687-4623 Jc Umerez Prime Holding Corp Bldg
Sm Cyber Two Bldg
Mkti ......................... (0917)777-5555
Forbes Lending Solutions Corp
F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ...... (0917)139-3440
Rsg 1390 G Araneta QC ..... (02)8732-3961
Rwp International Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8552-3005 Cable Television
Wamcoph Incorporated
Ipi Buendia Twr PC ......... (02)8777-2912
Forza Integrated Corporation
147 William PC .............. (02)8536-1539
E Mendoza Mkna ............ (02)8998-5580
Tribes And Nations Outreach Inc
70 Legaspi QC ............. (0917)877-3789 Equipment and
Wcp Supplies Asia Pacific Corporation Functionale Bags
S A Goldon Philippines Corporation
206 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8559-5394
Sm Muntinlupa Munt ...... (02)8659-1667
San Miguel Ave Psg ....... (02)8955-1274 Paz KC ......................... (0915)847-9586 Shining Light Foundation Incorporated
Winsource Business Solutions Furtheredge Corporation Triconnect Tehnologies Inc Pct Goodbridge Philippines Corporation
Quadstar Bldg SJ............(02)8721-4406 Sm Bf Paranaque Pque ... (02)8478-3447
Pioneer Mand ................. (02)8667-3838 Emerald Place Psg ......... (02)8636-4794 Shuttershield Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr
Wns Global Services (Philippines) Gold Ever Hardware Triconti Ventures Mkti ........................... (02)8892-9529
890A Eusebio Ave Psg ... (02)8477-8339 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8801-3449
Incorporated 231 Samson KC ............. (02)8353-2769
Eastwood Ave QC...........(02)8318-2000 Softnyx Philippines Incorporated Trident Titanium Phils Corporation
Gt Capital Holdings Incorporated
Your Offshore Bpo Services Inc Gt International Twr Mkti . (02)8511-1562
Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8511-1230
Sps Training
Future Point Plz 2 QC......(02)8374-0385
Twenty Two B C
1167 Chino Roces Ave Hamburg Intl Sales Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)8871-7789 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8584-8749 996 P Ocampo Sr Mla .... (02)8521-4050
Bmg Bldg Mkti................(02)8851-5130 St Francis Plaza Corporation Dembersoft Technology Inc
Zapport Services Incorporated Hausen Mktg Corporation Unified Systems Corporation 669 Coronado Mand.....(0928)121-6097
Burgundy Corporate Twr 1328 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8375-1768 The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8848-2542
Roman Square 2 Bldg Stellar Innovators Retail Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8831-2155 Mla ............................ (02)8244-0079 Universa Services Incorporated
Zedcom Bpo Services
Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8843-8038
Hercules Group Asia Corporation
Jvc Ctr Mkti .................... (02)8887-1894
Strawberry Blonde Salon & Spa
Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8801-2708 CAD (Computer
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr Universal Management Corporation
Zoom2U Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8661-6524
Ilang-Ilang Batasan Hills
QC ........................... (0997)264-8081
Guadalupe Coml Cplx Aided Design)
Net Park Taguig .............. (02)8795-2429 Herminia Crisologo Mkti ........................... (02)8882-0984
Sun Moon Star Phills Incorporated Universal Winmart Ventures Incorporated Arb Logography
7463 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8896-5114 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8633-8262 Victoria Twrs Condmn
Business Services House Of Color
4 1st St Psg ................... (02)8477-7914 Superv Business Management Incorporated
Rn Bldg Psg ................... (02)8532-2487
QC ............................. (02)8294-9796
Csv Bldg Mand ............... (02)7623-6386
Cadcentric Solutions Incorporated
Hsb Tekprint Phil Corporation Unlimited Productions Incorporated Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8772-3478
Abellera Calica & Uribe Law Offices Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-5717 Tanaka-Kong Corporation 13 Matipid QC ................ (02)8921-6917 Computrends Systems Technology
Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8631-2101 Iiee Foundation Incorporated One Archers Place Mla ... (02)8523-7262 Incorporated
Vast Net Incorporated
Accel Carrageenan  Corporation Iiee Bldg QC ................... (02)8654-2719 Toekje Solutions Incorporated Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8403-0689 Makati Cinema Square Twr
First Marcel Twr QC ........ (02)8559-8206 Ilc House Tierra Hermosa Twnhse Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1548
LP .............................. (02)8478-2772 Velocity
Agonoy Language Translation Services 999 Shopping Mall 2 8 Sct Borromeo QC ........ (02)3413-5825 Vectordata Incorporated
Cityland Herrera Twr Mla ............................ (02)8521-2180 Top-Flite Inds Corporation Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8659-6125
Veria Bldg QC ................. (02)8373-0835 Vetopia Animal Clinic
Mkti ........................... (02)8846-2679 Indesign Arts Advertising 238 Shoe Ave Mkna ....... (02)7621-2952
Arj Network Services El Grande Ave Pque ........ (02)8583-7530 Topaz Mandev Incorporated
37 Kapak Alley Dagatdagatan Infinit-O Global Limited Topaz Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8892-5424
Topigs Philippines Inc
Vfl Advisors Incorporated
6 Cambridge Circle Mkti . (02)8887-4227 Cafes
KC ........................... (0917)465-1848 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)7751-3836 Visayan Marketing Corporation
Arrowangel Pest Control Services Infrasys Incorporated Richville Corporate Twr 11Cm Cafe.Ph
Munt .......................... (02)8403-8532 602 Sevilla Mla...............(02)8243-2051
91-A 33rd St Mkti...........(02)7958-1068 One Oasis Psg................(02)8477-9809 W E G Light Trading 20 Stella Maris Ave
Asteria Lending Ingersoll Rand Philippines Toplink Asia Psg .......................... (0968)279-1753
41 Dna Soledad Ave Sta Monica QC ............... (02)7576-0834
330 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Perrys Logistics Ctr Warehouse Eight Multi-Functional Space Antonios
Mkti ........................... (02)5318-8000 Pque .......................... (02)8825-1489 Pque .......................... (02)8831-2807 Sm City Sucat Pque......(0999)428-8612
Toplis Solutions Incorporated Manila 2241 Chino Roces Ave
Bamcoflor Philippines Incorporated Inspecit Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8643 Cafe Lyon
Corporate 145 Bldg QC.(0916)746-4343 City & Land Mega Plz Condo Velco Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8527-7080 Shangri-La Plz Mall
Tops Ocean Philippines Incorporated Welcome Citidaon Inc
Bayad Ko Express Inc Psg ............................ (02)8706-3860 748 Delos Santos Mla .... (02)8559-7824 Mand ......................... (02)8635-9625
Gateway Twr QC .......... (0921)477-3189 J International Cityland Pasong Tamo Cafe Syquia
Mkti ........................... (02)8822-8996 Westpoint Interdata Group Incorporated
Bbdo Guerrero Incorporated A Francisco Gold Condmn 1 Universal Lms Bldg Mkti . (02)8551-6255 2315 J Syquia Mla ....... (0905)383-4168
Insular Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8867-3659 QC ............................. (02)8332-1722 Topstrasse Global Incorporated Caffeine District
Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8892-2633 Wge Business Solution Incorporated
Bellville Development Incorporated J2E Technology Solutions And Services Richville Corporate Ctr Ultima Bldg Mla .............. (02)8350-5972
Molito Bldg Munt ............ (02)8893-1216 Ctp Alpha Twr Munt........(02)7502-8568 Toratech Corp Carrot Cafe
202 Edsa State Condo 5 Munt .......................... (02)8807-0263
Bio-Ted Medical Equipment & Supplies Jac Sta Lucia Mall Psg ....... (02)8681-1975 Xplore Philippines Incorporated A Francisco Bldg QC.....(0922)898-4336
1571 E Bambang Mla ..... (02)8925-7145 Jac Metal Fabrication Mkti ........................... (02)8896-5580 Chibiro Cafe
Torino 563 Col B Serrano Ave
Brewed Cof Y 2 Old Jp Rizal Mkna........(02)8650-3630 QC ............................. (02)8352-0212 Tara Residences Condmn
Icc Bldg QC .................. (0927)574-2093 Jgrm Documentation Services Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr QC ........................... (0906)407-1182
QC ............................. (02)8911-0914 Xyrex.Com
Bridgecorp Incorporated 99 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8529-5568 San Felipe Taguig ........... (02)8519-0931 Chun Chon Samgyupsal
Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8942-0200 Koulins Trading Corporation Tose Philippines Incorporated Casa Ysabel Bldg Mla ... (0915)265-6076
Calimbas Ob-Gyn And Pediatric Clinic 509 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)279-8978 Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)8556-1103 Cinema '76 Cafe
Pacific Regency Condmn
Mla ............................ (02)7501-6362
Lifesure Enterprises
100 Century 20th Ave
Tosolve Incorporated
Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8845-0268 Buttons 972-B Aurora Blvd QC .. (0906)236-2365
Crj Computer Square
Cbstern Trading Corporation QC ............................. (02)7968-9788 Totedaddy Incorporated 20 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8288-3122
Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Lixiero Hauling Burgundy Corporate Twr Everson Modiste Center Dineplay Cafe
Mkti ........................... (02)8935-5016 Dna Nicasia Subd QC ..... (02)8983-9733 Mkti ........................... (02)8552-7160 869 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8243-2380 Unicentre Bldg KC ........ (0905)701-4068
Cgworld Services Incorporated Lubecore Philippines Incorporated Tower Club Reality Phils Incorporated Dolcelatte
Ginga Condmn Villa PC...(02)8555-1744
Ch Photography
Cw Home Depot Mkti......(02)8423-9157
Manchant Investors Incorporated
Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8815-0842
Trace Global Incorporated Cabinet Makers 1616 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8425-0313
Family Bean Cafe?
Kamuning QC ............... (0933)608-8383 Mbi Bldg Plz Mla ............ (02)8733-7341 Sta Lucia Pque ............... (02)8820-4203 4 Falcon QC ................. (0946)870-3243
Collaborate With May Matt Paint Center Track Star Modular Plus Home System Incorporated Hello Kitty Cafe
625-5 Parokya Ng Pagkabuhay 240 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)3446-2595 299 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8361-2308 6414 Tatalon Val .......... (0975)306-0786 Uptown Mall Taguig......(0945)305-0713
QC ........................... (0917)824-0526 Midland Plaza Condominium Corporation Trade Edition Incorporated Il Padrino Coffee
Compass Offices
Twr 6789 Mkti................(02)8835-8908
Midland Plz Hotel Mla ..... (02)8521-8064
Mmr Malabanan Siphoning Septic Tank
Skrene Properties Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8832-5775 Cabinets Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7956-8926
Inbisco Philippines Incorporated
Concepcion Otis Philippines Inc B22 L3 Ofel QC ............ (0961)211-4555 Trade Korban Incorporated Marco Polo Psg..............(02)8837-3029
Petron Mega Plz Mkti ...... (02)8886-3502 Mothers Helping Home Fort Palm Spring Taguig . (02)8403-4085 Dunwoody & Madison Inc Inq Yoga Wholistics Products & Services
Creative Plus Virtual Assistance Services 23-D President's Ave Trade Manila Incorporated Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8632-0061 Mba Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8896-7720
109 C De Venecia Pque .......................... (02)8881-3600 Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8527-8712 Grace Line Products Incorporated Isla Café
Mand ....................... (0977)281-7310 Mr Anthony Shoes And Bags Trade Option Pacific Incorporated 11 Granada QC...............(02)8727-7181 Robinsons Place Manila
Deco Plus 103 Rd 8 QC ................ (0939)362-1944 Mna Corporate Ctr Bldg Hermaco Commercial Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8567-1629
2232 Espana QC ............ (02)8712-2116 Msg Manille Inc PC ............................. (02)8851-7903 959 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8734-1253 J's Hideout Grill & Restaurant
Deluxe Business Services Incorporated Ortigas Bldg Psg ............ (02)8636-0060 Trade-Up International Incorporated K-Mann Trading & Aluminum Works 1283 A Sandoval Ave
1502 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8516-2943 Newtown Marketing State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8893-2475 125 Dna Soledad Ave Psg ............................ (02)7000-4711
Direc Business Solutions Incorporated 848 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8243-2621 Tradesdhow International Pque .......................... (02)8828-9452 La Vie En Rose
Isabel And Sons Bldg Nyx Approach Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8234-5457 Multi People Product 33 Holly Wood Square
Mla ............................ (02)8731-1136 Jewel Residences Mkti . (0930)379-5010 Treadsafe Corporation Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)3455-1788 QC ............................. (02)7503-9565
Durabus Incorporated One Katipunan Residences Incorporated 296 Col B Serrano Ave Salem House Larcy's Cafe
3301 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8708-7997 261 Katipunan Ave QC . (0928)815-8015 SJ .............................. (02)8632-9682 Sm City Southmall LP.....(02)8800-0531 176 Aguirre Pque ........... (02)8478-2849
Dz Phils Incorporated One Magnificent Mile Treats Incorporated Valeriano Enterprise Nettkouave Cyber Cafe
Sta Agueda Ave Pque ..... (02)8852-2147 Omm Citra Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4833 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-4137 10 Limay Mand .............. (02)8533-3585 182 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8330-8116

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:17 2022 - P114

115 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Cafes - Car 115

Trina Treats Jfc Calculator Center Vouno Trade And Marketing Services
Cafes (Cont'd) Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0977)240-0678 Feu Bldg Mla .................. (02)8514-3638 Corporation Car Audio
Wildflour Cafe + Bakery Olympia Philippines Incorporated Marco Polo Ortigas Manila
Nuezca Cafe New O Square Bldg SJ ... (02)8775-3543 1402-1408 President Quirino Ave Psg ............................ (02)7958-1204 Abante Tire Marketing Corporation
53 Maginhawa QC ........ (0906)248-7225 Mla ............................ (02)8564-2201 L426 Don Mariano Marcos Ave
One Plus Coffee
Circuit Lne Mkti .............. (02)8942-8892 Cakes - Specialty Canned Goods
QC ............................. (02)8938-6346
Chezcar Auto Care Parts & Accessories
Persaro's Cafe Calibration and 963C Del Monte Ave
The Currency Twr Psg .. (0966)843-3164 Aggys Cake Shop
Potholder & Mitt 44B Aguirre Pque ........... (02)7263-7209 Metrology Conceptfoods Marketing Corporation
The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8869-8526
QC ........................... (0916)655-9235
Jbg Car Accessories And Services
35 Espiritu Val .............. (0936)365-3205 Allegro Cakes Express Delivery First Dominion Prime Holding 33 Bma QC .................... (02)8523-0048
Sabrosa Cafe 87-B Yale QC ............... (0917)651-5079 Henry Diesel Calibration Center Philippine Stock Exch We Twr
1602 A Sandoval Ave Anne's Cakes And Cupcake 1 Mrt Taguig .................. (02)8541-7595
Psg .......................... (0905)424-3988 177 Mariveles QC ......... (0956)157-9462 Welden Diesel Center
Psg ............................ (02)8637-3358
Car Detailing
Salvatore Cuomo Café Arnaly's Bakeshop 32D Mcarthur Hwy Mal...(02)8361-0914
12 Adb Ave Mand...........(02)8285-1679 212 Hulo Val ................ (0942)558-0085
Artsy Cake Painters Corporation
Canners A9T Car Center
Sgd Coffee Bodega
Coffee Science Ctr QC .. (0917)826-9537 53 J Elizalde Pque .......... (02)8556-2240 Calibration Service - Sunzo Agri-Development Incorporated
Aglipay Mand ............... (0945)319-7577
Aegis Detailing Philippines
Sizzling Red Caft
4926 Osmena Hwy Mkti . (02)7621-6339
Banapple Pies And Cheesecakes
206 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)3438-2675 Electrical and 2071 Marbella II Mla.......(02)7622-0444 Manila Doctors Vill Dr
LP ............................ (0917)707-9526
Steep And Grind Cafe Bite And Taste Electronics Alpha Auto Detailing Services
Wincel Bldg Pque ......... (0939)925-7502
Stockwell Cafe + Lounge
1420 Miguelin
Cake Concepts Unlimited
Cans - 167 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0995)303-0089
Big Fellas Auto Detailing
Andy Diesel Calibration
61 Sct Tobias QC ......... (0927)495-2810
306-4 Bonny Serrano Ave
QC ............................. (02)8723-2534 2494 Taft Av PC ............. (02)8659-4572 Manufacturers 1325 G Tuazon Mla ...... (0915)601-4223
J88 Diesel Calibration Center Big Shine Auto Detailing
Bgc Stopover Pavilion Cakes2Go 75 South Zuzuarregui
President's Ave Pque ...... (02)7508-5866 1003-D A Bonifacio Ave Abaya Cesar Plumbing Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)7587-8242 QC ............................. (02)8215-2838 L B L Bldg QC ................ (02)8635-0680 QC ............................. (02)8513-7737
Sunnies Cafe Caramia Cad Carwash And Auto Detail
Quadrant B3 Taguig ........ (02)7949-2251 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)7225-7786 Winland Electronics And Electrical Center General Metal Container Corp Of The Phils 431 Barangka Dr Mand...(02)8535-5159
Chez Karine Bakery J Teodoro KC ................. (02)8365-4851 62 Gen Luis QC .............. (02)8936-1495
Tadaima Cafe Ceramic Hub Auto Detailing Garage
147 Rd 3 QC ................ (0956)301-1129 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8631-5766 Metro Container Corporation 169 Prudencio Mla ....... (0999)414-9900
The Coffee Project
Starmall Munt.................(02)8832-1072
Chuck's Deli + Bakery
4636 Chuck's Deli Mkti . (0917)620-1047 Cameras A Rodriguez Ave Psg ...... (02)8681-6137 Ceramic Pro Express Mandaluyong
269 T Bernardo Mand...(0917)186-6278
Cukay's Cake
The Craft Central
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0996)610-3257 2011C Edison Mkti ....... (0932)187-3346 Ae Group Incorporated Canteen Checkered Flag Carwash And Auto Detailing
Matutum QC ................. (0915)903-3768
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
True Blends
National University College Of Dentistry
Eggs Beans And Greens Incorporated
Tektite East Twr Psg ....... (02)8634-6841 SJ .............................. (02)8725-5136 Concessionaires Crs Auto Detailing
84 P A Paterno QC ....... (0927)291-4005
Bldg Mla .................... (02)8983-9121 Ella's Bake Shop Broadcom Asia Incorporated
2484 Tolentino PC..........(02)8843-5494 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-1861 Bellygood Corporation Customers Cradle
Truffle Park Co 1747 Alabang Zapote Rd
Jersey QC .................... (0916)220-9395 Estrel's Caramel Cakes Camera Haus 36 Ruby Psg .................. (02)7617-0458
54 Sct Tobias QC ........... (02)8372-2965 LP .............................. (02)8874-6168
Wake Cup @ 5Nine Cafe Robinsons Magnolia Kilusang Kooperatiba Ng People's Derudz Auto Care
59 Sct Delgado QC ....... (0998)450-2954 Formosa Bakeshop Phils Incorporated QC ........................... (0932)857-2049 Television Ilaya Munt .................... (0917)327-7600
Yani Cafe 9A Mabini Psg .... (02)7752-7533 518 Banawe Ave QC.....(0997)911-6825 Compu Color Phils Incorporated Broadcast City QC .......... (02)8924-1313
Frostings Cupcakes Detail Corner Garage
Yardstick Coffee Wilson Square Bldg SJ ... (02)8722-4878 B41 L10 Waling-Waling
121 Panay Ave QC ....... (0922)898-0273 Entelphils Corp
Universal Lms Bldg Mkti . (02)8845-0073
Zen Tea Hearty Bread Reliable Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8893-6248 Canvas Mkti ......................... (0948)225-9636
Drivebright Professional Auto Detailing
270 Col Bonny Serrano Ave
104 Maginhawa QC ...... (0922)888-3851
SJ .............................. (02)7216-9212
I Click Digishop Corporation
Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8403-7443 Manufacturers 9027 Capitol Hills Dr QC . (02)8932-8803
Elite Concepts Studio Incorporated
House Of Silvanas Incorporated I-Click
Cafeteria 18 Ephesus Pque ........... (02)8823-2563
Icings & Toppings Bakeshop
Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina Hap Chiong Company Incorporated
One Magnificent Mile-Citra
Psg ............................ (02)8633-2433
666-680 Sabino Padilla
anteen Commonwealth Ave
Mkna ......................... (02)8650-0731
Iclick Digishop Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8242-0047
Em3 Auto Spa & Diner
4 Bagong Anyo Psg......(0908)865-3154
QC ........................... (0917)571-2828 Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8294-9592 New World Canvas
Icings Bakery And Cafe Hi - Protect Armored Cars Corporation
Meal Hero Leica Store Philippines 237 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8277-4593 1000 Un Ave Mla ......... (0917)675-1168
Lotus De Cataluna Mla..(0917)146-5060 Robinsons Las Pinas Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-5567
LP ............................ (0922)486-5671 Ifix Car Care Center
Sisi Belen Carendiria Sunspo Enterprises
Edsa Farmers Mkt QC ..... (02)3439-4656 Isla's Cakes And Cafe By Capriserrie
Bakeshop 541 Florentino Torres Canvas Products 1330 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-8492
Jau's Carwash And Car Accessories
123 Gen Ordonez Mla ............................ (02)8522-0268 1031 Vicente Cruz Mla . (0917)170-9224
Cake and Pastry Mkna ....................... (0921)796-4960 Tricks Watch And Camera Sales Services
Tropical Hut Bldg Pque ... (02)8403-9599
Apollo Plastic Marketing Corporation
843 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-1837
Macrue Autospa & Detailing
Karen Ave Val ............... (0927)504-5450
Joycefully Cakes And Pastries
Shop 10 Virginia Mkna .......... (0949)883-7671 Verdantwaly Industrial Corporation
Mbi Bldg Mla .................. (02)7717-1433
Buyer's Choice Gen Merchandise Marick Auto Detailing Centre
Jusay Bakery & Cafe 660 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8241-7360 3665 Eastbank Rd Psg . (0906)268-8040
Agc Bakeries Incorporated 179 N S Amoranto Bulusan Leewell Canvas & General Merchandise Neotopia Car Care Center
Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8554-6134
Anthea's Pre-Ordered Cakes And Pastries
QC ........................... (0918)985-3917
Keren's Cakes And Pastries Cameras - Repair 838 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-1214
Peakstar Canvas & General Merchandise
1 Dna Aurora Psg ......... (0917)899-9426
Phoenix Touch Auto Detailing
2 Everlasting Psg..........(0916)595-9276 Calaca QC .................... (0925)800-9119 677 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8353-8478 Chico QC ..................... (0917)834-1290
B Cuevas Bread Keto Filipino Bakeshop Apex Digital - Camera/Video/Photography Redtex Fabric Center Prestige Auto Works
237 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)7919-5233 Greenhills Towncenter Accessories And Marketing Materials Yutc Shopping Ctr Mla .... (02)8245-8617 12 Topside Valley QC ... (0917)382-8967
Blooming Star Food Corporation QC ........................... (0917)160-1048 2702 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8822-3467 Rafast Carwash & Auto Detailing
Sharp Canvas And Upholstery Supply
39 Womens Club Mal ..... (02)8921-4675 Keziah's Bakeshop Vizen Marketing 407-409 Sen Gil Puyat Ave 8005 Ortigas Ave Ext
Cafe Kumori Pluto QC ...................... (0905)521-3160 917 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8536-2323 PC ............................. (02)8831-9301 Psg .......................... (0918)202-5000
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-4355 Kink Cakes Rebirth Car Coating Center Incorporated
C-12 Landsdale Arcade Victory Upholstery & Canvas Store Naga Rd LP .................. (0995)622-3000
Choffeenilla Treats
Mindanao Ave QC.........(0917)801-8078 QC ............................. (02)8251-1763 Camping Equipment 672 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-9531
Reborn Auto Detailing Services
Crofflesph Knowell's Sweet Surprises 262 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave
46 Crofflesph Taguig .... (0915)661-8490
Cuevas Bread
234 Naranja QC............(0939)779-2785 Camping Gears Philippines
Makeen's Bakery Ctp Bldg Mkna..............(0995)537-2700
Capacitors Psg .......................... (0975)546-0422
Rns Ceramic Coating & Detailing
102 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)3416-3182 Capricorn QC ............... (0917)709-8933 John Yee Camp Site 17-63 Aluminio Mal ...... (0936)921-8049
Cupcake By Sonia Manu Mano Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8709-2186 Gda Power Resources Inc Ronaldo's Autoworks Incorporated
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8353-3112 755 Banawe QC ........... (0945)614-9186 Jqc Tactical And Technical Sport Utility Don Jesus Bvd Munt ...... (02)8809-4516 1954 Jose Abad Santos
Custaroonery Paper Moon Cafe Apparel Plug Electric Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8252-8303
Sm Mega Mall Mand .... (0949)378-4102 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7623-1153 128 Jordan QC ............. (0917)400-3802 Dama De Noche Pque .... (02)8821-2503 Tintin And Marga's Carwash & Auto
Dollie's Sans Rival Party Sisters Bakes & Services Detailing
391 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Commonwealth Ave
42 Washington Pque ...... (02)8822-1469
Forth And Tay Psg .......................... (0927)655-6628 Candles Car Air Conditioning QC ........................... (0917)894-7266
West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8671-8429 Pastryholic Bakeshop
Iko's Breads And Cakes Loyola Grand Villas QC . (0977)853-0205 Candles & Crystals Service Tsikot Paint Protection
Oakbrook Ctr Psg ......... (0933)541-3630
13 C Raymundo Ave Philippine Pastries Incorporated 8 Mindanao Taguig ....... (0945)792-0355 Urban Elite Autoworks
Psg ............................ (02)8967-6155 Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7757-2498 New Monte Commercial Incorporated Bayanan Auto Electrical 188 St Pio Chapel Cpd
Jessica Kaye Cakes & Pastries Red Ribbon Bakeshop Incorporated 808 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-6317 127 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0920)938-4309 QC ........................... (0916)475-1767
27 Lilac Mkna .............. (0906)237-0687 Robinsons Place Novaliches V A & Sons' Chemicals Incorporated D V V Cool Master Vcz Garage Car Care And Auto Detailing
Kim Chong Tin Hopia QC ............................. (02)8372-6719 1558 A Mariano Val........(02)8426-1198 39G Kamuning Rd QC .. (0928)614-5824 8 Raja Matanda QC ...... (0906)154-0573
149 Palanca Mla ............ (02)8733-6345 Roycetea Waxman Commercial Corp Fvl Car Air Conditioning
Cinema Level Ayala Malls 59 Amang Rodriguez
Lynsanity Pastries
219 Makaturing QC ...... (0939)909-8840 Pque ........................ (0956)351-1717 680 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-8403
Psg ............................ (02)3384-3738 Car Rental
Mitch Cakes And Cupcakes Sweet Home Bakeshop Goldrin Car Air-Con
226 Upper Banlat QC .... (0929)240-6767 39 F Pasig Blvd Psg ....... (02)8671-4016
Sweets By Z's
Candy and Commonwealth Ave 8Drive Car Rental
20 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (0917)533-2141
Naked Patisserie QC ........................... (0928)775-7696
The Peninsula Manila Bristol QC.....................(0927)333-8445 Confectionery Hm-Aire Marketing Abundance Rent A Car
Mkti ......................... (0945)468-5141 Tastebites Bakeshop
Nikkis House Of Gooddies 40D Rd 8 QC................(0956)716-1644 Supplies 408 B P Tuazon Blvd QC (02)8913-0126
Koolpix Services Company
511 A Flores Mla ............ (02)7747-4925
Amazing World Travel And Tours
5133 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8551-8976 Tender Loving Cakes Autocamp Cpd Psg ........ (02)8632-1061 Mc Square QC ................ (02)8938-0341
Pasteleria Mallorca Incorporated 7661 Dela Rosa Mkti .... (0951)619-3338 Candy Corner Phils Incorporated Amv Rent A Car And Trucking Services
18 Sct Fuentebella QC .... (02)8373-2789 The Flour Girl Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0930)118-3603 Maxicon Car Aircon Services 136 A Saudi Arabia
D' Ace Plz Psg .............. (0916)697-9452 Dextrans Worldwide Philippines Constantine LP ............... (02)8872-3573
Pasteleria Manila Pque ........................ (0917)964-5851
27 Dexter QC................(0939)939-8632 Vanilla Cupcake Bakery Incorporated Phil-Aire Airconditioning Services Avalon Rent - A - Car
Rowena's Cupcake Style Bldg QC ................. (02)8364-6992 3 Sta Agueda Ave Pque .. (02)8853-5523 Del Monte Ave QC ........ (0949)121-7698 1098 Tanay Mkti ............ (02)8890-8667
171 11th Ave KC .......... (0917)814-7886 Made In Candy Quick Cool Car Aircon Avis Philippines
Simply Cups N Cakes
Citiplaza 2 QC...............(0932)608-6299
Calculators and Alabang Town Ctr
Munt ........................ (0918)466-4395
930-F Del Monte Ave
QC ............................. (02)3410-7852
9 Nueve De Pebro Mand . (02)8462-2871
Budget Car & Truck Rental
Staycee's Cake Pasta And Tea House Computing Robinson Acg Bldg Mal ...... (02)3446-5471 T A Fresco Corporation
697 Banawe QC ............. (02)8781-0044
2 Virgilio Santos Pque .. (0917)594-8238
3 Manapat Mal ............. (0943)271-5562 Subarashii Carnavan Car Rental Services Inc
Timmycakes By Thea Equipment Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ta Fresko Auto Aircon 1120 Ocampo Mla........(0916)568-9895
E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0905)711-9856 SJ ............................ (0917)527-7581 Evangeline Bldg QC ........ (02)8711-1994 Cf Car Rental Manila
Tovs Les Jours Compex Makati Incorporated The Candylab (Philippines) Incorporated Tierodman Auto Center Incorporated Commerce And Industry Plz
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8403-1963 Glorietta 2 Mkti ............... (02)8845-0237 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8808-9177 246 P Ocampo Ext Mkti .. (02)8899-2773 Taguig........................(02)8683-6263

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116 S C M Y K

116 Car - Cargo 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

3R Carwash & Auto Detailing Wills Auto Car Care
Car Rental (Cont'd) Car Seat Covers and Gen Ordonez Ave Mkna (0915)204-7711 Jade Hghts Munt .......... (0995)504-8095

Chibels Rent-A-Car Incorporated

INTEGRA- Upholstery 4K-B Auto Wash And Used Car Dealer
288 Mayon QC ............. (0906)583-4063
Yhat's Car Wash & Auto Detailing
1159 Lanzones QC ....... (0917)569-1784
8864 Sampaloc Mkti ...... (02)8897-5611 TED Baerkset General Upholstery Services
99 Wash Crew Car Wash & Auto Detailing
30 Gov Pascual Ave
Continental Rental And Tours Incorporated
91 Gen Menez Mkna.......(02)8948-1484 RENTALS 1787 Evangelista Mkti .. (0975)156-0744 Mal .......................... (0977)847-9616 Carbon Dioxide
INC Car Care Seat Covers And Upholstery Agapito Onze Carwash
Cuadra Transport Service 1515 San Gregorio Mla (0977)832-7109 Merville Access Rd PC . (0916)542-1797
E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0999)229-5427
Great Home Commercial Aj Auto Detailing Services PACIFIC CARBONIC
Delano Taxi Philippines 971 C Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8913-6345 13th St PC ................... (0956)350-1964
1614 Ilang-Ilang KC......(0910)885-8088 Jasc Car Seats Amir Gab Carwash Avenue
Djl Guam-P I Incorporated 100 Ortigas Ave Psg.......(02)3468-7308 16th St Pque ................ (0918)721-0454 PRODUCER OF FOOD GRADE
Taft Ave PC .................... (02)8556-6025 Jb Rent-A-Car Incorporated Jcj Seat Zone General Upholstery Autoshapes Car Center & Carwash
Dovelion Transport Services 313 St Anne LP .............. (02)8800-0507 J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0917)590-6265
3C Shorthorn QC .......... (0977)738-1771
Cyberone QC ................ (0945)524-4888 Jrt Car Rentals Lederland Enterprise Bhc Car Wash
Rtt Bldg QC .................. (0917)828-6569 1 General Malvar Ext.,
Emc Prado Auto Inc Pg Bldg QC .................... (02)8376-5364 1 Sinag Mand ............... (0966)140-1214
66 Maayusin QC.............(02)8990-5828 Juzzr Car Rental Big Shine Car Wash And Auto Detailing Bo. J. Dela Peña, Marikina City
Real Auto Seat Cover And Upholstery
Franher Transport Van Rental 1 Mercedes Ave Psg ...... (02)7624-4906 48 San Mateo Psg ........ (0943)386-0366 Services Email Address: [email protected]
18 Archer QC ............... (0922)238-9236 Kaizen 88 Incorporated Ro-An Upholstery & Auto Seat Cover 27 Gil Fernando Ave
Fsgold Car Rental Services 8 Afpovai Ph 3 Taguig .... (02)8889-0514 Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0917)895-6031 Mkna ....................... (0917)857-7426
Lawin QC ..................... (0906)245-5152 Mothers Car Rental Sure Seats Auto Sorsa Corp Buff N' Grime Professional Detailers 1 Gen Malvar Ext
Gemini Transport Services Incorporated 2633 Dian Mkti...............(02)8522-2896 Karport Bldg Taguig ........ (02)7261-9742 304 Mayon Ave QC ...... (0922)397-1168 Marikina .................... (02)8941-3991
433 B Francisco Mand ... (02)8535-2157 Mrlc Transport Cars Incorporated Triple J Upholstery Corvette 54 Car Wash And Auto Detailing Or Call .......................... (02)8941-3739
171 Yakal Mkti ............... (02)8843-6567 Capt Cruz Val ............... (0935)373-7885 54 Corvette QC.............(0918)991-7758 Or Call .......................... (02)8570-0981
Hertz Philippines Daj Car Wash Center
Somerset Oympia Bldg Pahiram.Ph Corp. Xpert Seats Auto Interior Upholstery
The Studio Residence 2 J P Rizal Mkti ............... (0995)884-2817
Mkti ........................... (02)8396-7551 32 Labayani QC............(0977)801-2899 Derudz Autocare
Mkti ........................... (02)7954-1057
INTEGRATED RENTALS INC Primeraplus Car Rentals And Transport 83 Ilaya Munt ............... (0906)498-7600 PACIFIC
Services Inc
Treetop Villas Mand ...... (0917)718-8903
Car Suspension Don Euro Manila Car
55 G Dangay QC .......... (0917)818-8065 CAR-
Car Leasing/Car & Urvan El Buen Auto Service
Trans Avia Rent A Car Brixtone Auto Care Gen 7 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)7752-4757 BONIC
Chauffer Driven Sky Freight Bldg PC ........ (02)8519-6814 253 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8716-0586
Tw Transportation Services Cartronics
Elite Finish Car Wash Auto Care Center
330B Umali Munt ........... (02)7527-5864
Email: [email protected] Sapari Condo Mla ......... (0917)162-3794
Voyg Transport Services Inc
201 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8441-8877 Enzo Car Care RATION
(02)8550-1120, 8831-4469 Tyre Station Incorporated 202 Tandang Sora Ave
Lite Bldg Psg ................ (0917)504-3760 J P Rizal Mkna ............... (02)8948-4851 QC ........................... (0927)230-2940
cor Williams St. Brgy. San Jose Vrj Car And Van Rental Services Fpj Premium Car Wash Quick Auto Detailing
59 Robert Pasay City ..... (02)8550-1119 450 Bacood Mla ............. (02)8735-6417 Philippine Co2 Industry Incorporated
Car Wash 158 Hon Benito Soliven
Psg .......................... (0917)515-3943
525 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8281-7951
Always within your reach Full Torque Carwash And Auto-Detailing
Makes shopping easier. The YELLOW PAGES 38 Car Wash & Automotive Detailing
38 Mayaman QC .......... (0915)564-0738
1224 Chino Roces Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8691-0883
Carbon Products
Fv Rj Carwash
Damong Maliit Rd QC ... (0998)193-8870 A A A Accounting & Tax Clinic
Gmr Autohub El Hogar Filipino Bldg
Chapel Rd PC ............... (0917)891-5000 Mla ............................ (02)8241-7483
Goose & Bear Car Wash Bughaw Electro-Carbon Factors
St Thomas KC .............. (0918)665-6863 Incorporated
In & Out Car Wash 47 Dna Rosario QC ........ (02)8253-0809
P Tuazon Blvd QC.........(0916)241-2343 CARBONMASTER
J's Auto Salon
Apelo Cruz PC .............. (0915)534-5984 INDUSTRIAL SALES INC
Joe's Car Spa
8 St Mary Ave Mkna ..... (0917)192-5581 Filinvest Muntin-
Kag Auto Spa lupa.........(02)8836-1349
L5 B3 Congressional Ave
QC ........................... (0945)397-7189 (See Advertisement on this page)
Kuya Danny Car Wash Gatz Commercial
14 Guevarra Mand .......... (02)8531-0499 El Hogar Filipino Bldg
Kuyang Auto Repair Shop & Car Wash Mla ............................ (02)8241-7483
San Mateo Rd QC ......... (0908)818-7060 Shui Carbon Industrial Sales
Lg2 Autostation Incorporated Maharlika KC .................. (02)7796-6693
Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8990-2693 TRICUM CORPORATION
Limitless Car Wash
20th Ave QC ................. (0927)123-4567
Aguinaldo QC ............... (0933)202-8793 CARBONE LORRAINE is now MERSEN ;
Mgm Car Wash & Auto Detailing Services MERSEN ; ATE ; FERRAZ ; G. DIETRICH
Mmm Bldg Mkti ............ (0995)873-7370
Mr Klin Car Wash Products:
322 M L Quezon Carbon Brushes , Current Collector ,
Taguig......................(0917)880-5755 Brush Holders/Spring, Carbon Seal,
One Direction Car Wash & Auto Detailing
Philippines Bearing , Packing Ring , Vanes , Brush

Atrium QC .................... (0906)679-2727 Seater , Resurfacer , Eng'g Plastic ;
Papi Carwash And Auto Detailing Contacts:
Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0943)483-2916
Pmm Carwash 24/7 Tels.: 8721-6436 • Fax: 8722-5403

Industrial Sales Inc 2045 Edison Mkti ......... (0906)416-3988

Puride Carwash/Auto Detailing & Car
87 Katipunan Mkna ...... (0917)829-0326
PLANT: 8881-5030;
email:[email protected]
Filinvest Corporate City, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila 1780 Rafast Car Wash & Auto Detailing
Rm.:703A Culmat Bldg.
Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ...... (0918)202-5000
Tel. No.: (02) 8836-1349 Rapide Auto Service Expert E Rodriguez Sr Ave
4520 Santiago Mkti ...... (0948)275-8631 Quezon City ............... (02)8721-6410
Real Deal Carwash & Auto Detailing
337 Barangka Dr Mand...(02)7746-0409
Route 77 Car Wash And Detailing
The Main Park Psg ....... (0956)771-6184
Rwash Auto Detailing TRICUM
888 Park Ave PC .......... (0927)310-7573
Show Car Shine Detailing CORPO-
Agno QC ...................... (0917)515-9398
Sleekworks Carwash & Auto Detailing RATION
312 Mandala Park
Mand ....................... (0920)964-9408
Sortie Carwash
757 Ns Amoranto QC ..... (02)8749-1515
Southside Carwash Well Engineered Products Company Inc
354 El Grande Ave 241 Lord's Candle KC ..... (02)8366-5374
Pque ........................ (0932)215-7907
Talabs Resto Bar And Car Wash
Gil Fernando Mkna ......... (02)8253-4637 Caregiver - Training
The Factory Carwash & Detailing Company
80 Tandang Sora Ave Center
QC ........................... (0995)922-0603
Tiger Dragon Car Wash & Detailing Asian Caregiving & Technology Education
4705 Old Sta Mesa Centers Inc
Mla .......................... (0917)783-7577 120 B B Serrano KC ....... (02)8366-9282
Tsong's Carwash And Resto Bar
Burbank QC .................. (0920)249-0118
Uberwerke Autosalon Cargo
144 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8913-1370
Westview Vehicle Wash & Foodstrip Airland Cargo Movers Incorporated
West Fairview QC ......... (0917)529-1979 Tiong Brothers Bldg Mla . (02)8256-0533

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:18 2022 - P116

117 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Cargo - Cemeteries 117

Clean Zone Ph Beyond The Plate Ma Del's Cuisine Catering & Food Services Verleo Catering Services
Cargo (Cont'd) Madison Mand ............ (0917)160-9663 1000 San Marcelino 48C Dr Pilapil Psg ........ (0998)976-5001 17 Circumferential Rd
Cleeneco Metropolis Cleaning Services Mla ........................ (0917)822-9757 Martha's Plate Catering Service QC ......................... (0917)530-4870
Citifreight Forwarding Cargo Services Ep Housing Taguig.........(02)7980-3328 Biokitchen Event Catering Services 21 I S Senga Mkna ........ (02)8645-1041 Villa Salud Catering Services
Baclaran Pque ............. (0917)858-5581 Federal Concepts Incorporated Barangka Dr Mand ....... (0905)459-0972 Masterson International Corporation 229 Mlq Taguig ............. (02)8837-6801
D&V Southern Logistics Lcc Bldg Psg ................ (02)7799-3089 Bizu Catering Studio 202 Wilson SJ...............(02)8655-2440 Villarosa Catering Services
22 F Pasco Ave Psg ..... (0920)616-0464 Jameela Carpets Center First Midland Bldg Mkti ... (02)8845-0590 Matchpoint Catering 59 8th Ave KC ............. (0915)965-1593
Deal Freight Services Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8441-6258 Bravissimo Catering Services 48 Mapagkawanggawa Vs&F Catering Services
5099 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)8983-5898 Jvl Auto Interior Upholstery Ipil Psg ......................... (02)7212-1154 QC ......................... (0917)557-4200 48 Winston Ave QC........(02)8461-6182
Etmar International Logistics Corporation Congressional Rd Ext Budang Pancit Malabon Mct Kitchen Fast Food And Catering Wening's Catering
Kaymito KC .................. (02)8544-6859 KC ......................... (0966)760-2402 Zabarte Rd KC ............. (0919)316-3529 Sitio Manuel Hotel QC .... (02)7757-5157 Sta Catalina QC ........... (0929)414-7530
G12 Forwarding Services Incorporated Mondragon House Designs And Services Catering By Claudia's Kitchen Multi Kitchen Incorporated Wonders Of Kairos & Shekinah Events
Ldc Admin Bldg Pque.....(02)8403-1282 4 Sto Nino QC ............. (0977)801-4284 2332 Chino Roces Ave Ext 810 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)7752-7433 Management Inc
J D R Cargo Movers Philippine Carpet Mfg Corporation Mkti ......................... (02)8844-1661 My Athena Party And Events Services 477 T Sulit Pat ............ (0908)928-0730
Dalagang Bukid Nav ....... (02)8374-0696 West Svc Rd Munt ......... (02)8809-0767 Chef Chryztina Catering Service 3rd St Taguig ................ (02)8834-9751
Jcs Logistics Corporation 7 Riverside Dr Mkna.......(02)8681-0820 Wowlu Catering
Rlc General Upholstery And Furniture Nano's Kusina 110-B Virginia Psg ....... (0917)837-0713
Dna Julita Bldg QC ....... (0917)517-1117 167 Rd 20 QC ............. (0995)842-7490 Chef Mike Caters 33 Premium QC ........... (0916)517-8655
Karga Logistics Services Purefoods Rd Mkna ..... (0949)738-1776 Xeandrey's Catering Services
Seat Place Upholstery Shop Omnibus Catering Services 10 Lapu-Lapu Ave Mal . (0917)176-0403
186 Tomas Morato Ave C And E Mansion Mand .. (02)8400-3040 Cherilyn Catering Services 645 Sacristia Munt.......(0916)628-7130
QC ........................... (02)7901-6491 Champaca KC ............... (02)8990-6216 Yanah Catering Services
Pantry 21 Catering And Events West Fairview QC ........ (0923)457-3256
Kargox Chrisheis Catering & Venue V A Rufino Ave Mkti ....... (02)8745-3024
Builders Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (0920)879-0425 Casinos Lacson Ave Mla ........... (0917)681-0818 Passion Cooks Catering
Kerry Ats Logistics Incorporated
East Svc Rd Munt .......... (02)8553-0241 Bingo Plus
Cibo Di Marghi Signature Caterer
2314 Chino Roces Ave Ext
Ma Adela Bldg Pque ..... (0917)833-6252
Playhause Events And Catering
Cement - Dealer
Kite Logistics Services Tektite Twr Psg ............. (02)8540-9409 Mkti ......................... (02)7729-0030 102 New Society Psg ... (0926)662-4072
Llanera Taguig .............. (02)7500-9165 Casino Espanol De Manila Claudia's Kitchen Incorporated Plaza Ibarra Clockwise Hardware
Max Shipping And Air Cargo Incorporated 855 T M Kalaw Sr Mla .... (02)8521-1478 Twr One And Exch Plz Plaza Ibarra QC ............. (02)3413-0706 378 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8515-4486
Ramon Magsaysay Ctr Mkti ......................... (02)8659-8341 Dynamic Concept Marketing
Mla .......................... (02)8518-0451 Wr Gaming And Entertainment Corporation Pylon Trees Hospitality Inc
186 Tomas Morato Ave Cooking Pot 80 The Blue Leaf Cosmopolitan 1338 Soler Mla ............. (02)8353-5870
Meridian Iq Philippines Incorporated QC ........................... (02)8426-1971 4408 Calatagan Mkti ...... (02)7989-1655 Emiliz Hardware And Construction Supply
Sky Freight Bldg Pque .... (02)8852-4866 QC ......................... (0917)870-2365
Xtreme Gamezone - Online Casino Games Cuillere Elegantes Soirees Corporation Ramelyn Catering L6 B88 P5 Bayani Rd
Nct Transnational Corporation Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7916-7394 Taguig ...................... (02)8843-4612
Dagat-Dagatan Ave KC ... (02)8287-8012 168 Shopping Mall Mla.(0928)252-9300 3139 F Bautista Val ...... (0920)133-1309
Deli In The City Ronquillo's Catering Jazy Policrete Inc
Pascua Hauling & Trucking Services Captain Musni Pat ........ (0927)647-2121 Madison Mand .............. (02)8625-2503
43 Socorro LP ............. (0917)843-3663
Kanlaon LP ................... (02)8782-9156
Pega Cargo Express Company Limited
Casters Delica Edsa Mand..............(02)8722-3140
Dony's Catering & Food Services
Saffron Catering And Event Styling Jp Ryan Resources Incorporated
Guijo LP ..................... (0919)998-9685 1125-A Soler Mla .......... (02)8244-1386
Regina Bldg Mla ............ (02)8257-0875 Tandang Sora Ave QC .. (0915)783-3250
Sanghaya Pack Meals Food Take Out And Mq Bros Commercial Incorporated
Revilla Logistics Express Corporation LEXON ENTERPRISES Ej's Catering Services
Delivery 1141-1143 Soler Mla ..... (02)8244-0068
9583 Ma Pque .............. (02)8961-6336 30 Dinar QC ................ (0995)748-8889
Sea Avion Logistic Incorporated 268 Rizal Ave Ext Caloocan El Pablo Catering Services
Jp Laurel Sr Mkna..........(02)8533-5812 Oris General Merchandise
1414 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8524-5905 Sevilla's Catering 909-D Aurora Blvd QC....(02)8912-5163
Tgmovers Cargo Handling Incorporated
City ......... (02)7949-0180 14 Main Psg ............... (0918)509-4579
16 Silver Greenville Dr Pacific Cement Company Incorporated
Evelyn's Catering And Special Lechon
Natividad Bldg Mla ......... (02)8353-0407 5 Fourth Mkna ............. (0926)600-6372 QC ......................... (0998)951-8599 Singapore Airlines Bldg
Transcend Cargo Express Incorporated F & H Hard Earned Incorporated Shekinah Dishes Mkti ......................... (02)8817-7691
2739 Gen M Capinpin Mckinley Hill Piazza Mkti.(02)8836-4969 8 Makadios QC..............(02)8433-9067 Pacific Cement Phils Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (02)8889-3638
Tri Expert Cargo Int'l Corporation
LEXON Geraldo's Buffet Sky Dragon Caterers Group
Buma Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8478-6300
Chatham Hse Mkti ......... (02)8403-7208
12 Jasmin Mkna .......... (0999)508-0600 Republic Cement & Building Materials
Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8247-1194
Tri-Star Cargo Express Int`L Phils
ENTER- Glam Events & Catering Services Skykitchen Philippines Incorporated
Baltao Rd PC ................ (02)8853-9304
The Salcedo Twr Mkti.....(02)8885-4599
234 Amarillo QC .......... (0915)634-9981
Olives Plz Pque ............. (02)8820-9378
Wynners Cargo Corporation
PRISES Goblet Catering Service Soteria's Catering & Food Delivery
7E Masigasig QC ......... (0915)352-6083
Victoria Bldg Mla ........... (02)8536-6613
43 Apitong Mkna ........... (02)8681-7642
Good Life Corporation Sri Food Delight Incorporated Cement -
Xde Logistics
Jjaccis Bldg Munt ........ (0917)138-0933
Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8332-9523
Gateway Mall QC ........... (02)8913-6112
Teresing Catering Services Manufacturers
Ms Wheel-Technology Trading The Podium Mand ......... (02)8632-7811 4704 Balagtas Pque ....... (02)8852-5242
717 Tomas Mapua Mla .. (02)8733-6703 Continental Cement Corporation
Cargo and Freight - S G S Prime Commercial
Gourdos Incorporated
Glorietta 4 Mkti .............. (02)8519-6585
The New Albergus Incorporated
16-A Capitol Hills Dr QC . (02)8931-3663 Triumph Bldg QC ........... (02)8929-7145
Maintenance and 759 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8733-1280 Granada's Catering Services The Plaza Catering
1869 P Domingo Mkti .. (0917)718-2200
56 Macopa QC ............ (0927)880-1226
The Posh Caterer Cement Substitute
Casual Dining Heidi's Catering Services
4012 Diam Val ............ (0998)996-2349 Bsa Coml Ctr Mand ...... (0956)511-3900
Topserve Express Inayes Catering Services Tita Goyie's Catering Services Technoresins Industrial Incorporated
9694 A And N Bldg Blue Rocket Cafe + Kitchen 3 Junji QC ................... (0905)208-0491 201 Urbano Velasco Ave 2058 Yakal KC .............. (02)8983-5918
Mkti ....................... (0932)188-1848 79 Sct Reyes QC ......... (0932)734-6705 J&V's Catering Services Psg ........................ (0906)297-4355
Boss Burger 918 Tomas Mapua Mla.(0967)380-6469 Tjioe The Caterers Incorporated
Total Freight And Foreign Trade Co Ltd
Peterson Bldg Mla ......... (02)8242-1762 2749 Bruger Munt........(0919)996-9281 Jordan Donovan Catering 594 Quirino Ave Pque .... (02)8854-6600 Cemeteries and
Tri-Eagle Express Incorporated
Gedcor Square Bldg
1013 Estrada Mla ........ (0955)342-5365
Adb Ave Psg ............... (0917)123-3774
Kella Kusinera Catering Services
Toperio's Caterer
Beacon Place Pque ........ (02)8881-9289 Memorial Parks
Pque ........................ (02)8829-7421 Grape Escape Foods Incorporated 85 West Dr Mkna ......... (0949)935-9005 Triple F Catering Services
99 Maginhawa QC ......... (02)8405-2546 Kitchen City Frozen Meals Kalayaan B Covered Court Chc Development Consortium Incorporated
Lucky Resto Food Corporation Bagsakan Rd Taguig .... (0916)694-7540 QC ......................... (0966)947-0139 Blumentritt Mla .............. (02)8732-2258
Carpet - Tiles Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............ (02)8475-5154 Kuhn Artisanales Incorporated Triple Joy Catering Services Golden Haven Memorial Park Incorporated
Rebolucion Linden Suites Bldg Psg...(02)8634-7097 Micheal Reymond Psg..(0915)425-5832 Golden Haven Bldg LP .... (02)8873-2922
Carpetech Incorporated 43 Polaris Mkti .............. (02)7373-2800 Kulinarya Kitchen
5554 A P Binay Mkti ...... (02)8845-1160 Seafood Island Power Plant Mall Mkti.....(02)8898-1738
Ctm Ceramic Tiles & More Fairview Terraces QC ..... (02)7956-3903 La Cocina De Alicia Catering Services
C Raymundo Ave Psg .... (02)8656-6176 The Hub @ Kilometer Zero - 2Go Travel 118 3rd St Psg .............. (02)8631-5479
Floor Solutions Sanding Services Bulwagan Ng Kagitingan Sentral Section La Faye Benita's Catering And Party Needs
1287 San Andress Mla . (0956)538-4997 Mla ........................ (0917)586-9678 Fastrack Ave Pque ......... (02)8822-4420
Sapphirerich Enterprise The Shipyard In Malate La Pamilya Catering Services
M H Del Pilar KC .......... (0925)510-0096 578 Gen Malvar Mla.......(02)8894-1465 Damong Maliit Rd KC ... (0921)479-0174
Whiz Carpet Tiles Zao Restaurant Labayo's Catering Services
1925 Adarna QC .......... (0906)319-0002 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 37 Lopez QC ............... (0939)611-9773
SJ ............................ (02)8705-1066 Liontaria Catering Services
Mabini Psg ................. (0977)114-8166
Carpet and Rugs Lola Mamang's Catering Services
Catering 1 Papaya LP ................. (02)7946-1078
Ali Malak Persian Carpet
2214 Chino Roces Ave 128 Catering
Mkti ....................... (0905)419-7180 67 Epifanio De Los Santos Ave
Autocarpets Incorporated QC ......................... (0917)626-1697 It’s all about making tracks.
Sampaguita Ave Pque .... (02)8776-3146 1938 Francisco Food Specialties Inc
DESIGN AMBIENCE INC 117-A Kalayaan Ave QC . (02)8441-2118
The Yellow Pages
5 A's Events And Catering Services
Ortigas Center Pasig 600 Coronado Mand .... (0927)300-9844
City ......... (02)8813-8466 8 Spoons Catering & Events allows your fingers
8 J Aquino Cruz QC ....... (02)8542-2168
(See Advertisement on this page) Alba International Incorporated
First Edition Incorporated to walk their way through the
38 Polaris Mkti .............. (02)8896-6950
Cacho-Gonzales Bldg Alijah's Catering And Events
Mkti ......................... (02)8893-8818 Ususan Taguig ............ (0926)489-8429 entire country and beyond.
Metro Manila Rugs And Carpet Amie's Catering
Coml Bldg Pque ............ (02)8703-3715 2101 Elias Mla ............ (0927)952-1532
Showcase Carpet It gives you access to more
Robinson Place  Manila Andes Catering Services
Mla .......................... (02)8536-1633 Ming Ramos Lne Mkna.(0929)266-6657
people and services in
Anything Goes Burgoo Central Office
Fairview Terraces QC ..... (02)7720-9513 Design Ambience Inc
Carpets, Rugs and Aramicos Catering
155 L Nadurata KC ........ (02)8361-7536
Metro Manila as well as other
154 Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2
Upholstery Cleaners Arts Catering Services key areas in Luzon, HV Dela Costa, Makati City,
18 Dingle QC...............(0935)360-8661
2485 Janitorial Services Bbmarciano Catering Services Metro Manila 1200 Philippines
Loyola Hghts QC ........... (02)7964-3052 52 Rd 2 QC...................(02)8929-8291 Visayas and Mindanao.
3C's Carpet Cleaning Services Bene Del Mare Party Rentals And Catering Tel. No.: (02) 8813-8466
Cityland Pasong Tamo Services
Mkti ......................... (02)8779-8151 Vista Verde KC ............ (0908)812-4016

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:19 2022 - P117

118 S C M Y K

118 Ceramic - Chemical 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Galvatech Philippines Incorporated
Ceramic Decor Chambers of Prime Ctr Munt ............... (02)8659-2946

Ergostudio Express
Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0917)525-2134 GUAN CHEM CHEMICALS (GMC) INC
White Horse Ceramic (Phil) Inc Eusebio C Santos Elementary School
346 Sta Clara Mla...........(02)8821-2027
YIAC Pres M L Quezon Taguig.(02)8838-2689 INDUS- PRODUCTS:
Permarc Bldg Pque.........(02)8556-8276 INC BACTERICIDES • DISPERSANTS •
Ceramics - Rcti Training & Assessment Corporation DEFOAMERS
Equipment and Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8523-7652
Supplies ICHILIFT INDUSTRIAL Cheese Chemical Merchants Corporationoraton POLYMERS • FREEZE DRIED BACTERIA
Cityland Pasong Tamo

BONANZA CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY Mkti ........................... (02)8403-9591

Chemlink Multi-Industries Corporation
Caeli Gourmet
Alloy Lifting/Tie Down Chain Fmsb Bldg QC .............. (0928)571-5384 Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8893-5166 WASTE WATER AND WATER
Load/Galvanized/Stainless/PVC Chain
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0908)869-2985 Veterans Ctr Taguig ........ (02)8839-2380 SEMICON • SUGAR • FOOD • PAPER
* INDUSTRIAL TALC & BALL CLAY Chain Sling,Lifting Belt,Lashing Belt Clariant Philippines Corporation
Alpap II Bldg Munt .......... (02)8556-0895 SWIMMING POOLS • LEATHER
* BENTONITE & Chain Block,Shackle,Safety Belt,Hook
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH [email protected] Chemical Cleveland Industries Incorporated
43 Sto Domingo Ave QC . (02)8732-4244
TEL. NOS: 8741-6294 / 8741-6253
954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912 Cloisonne Chemical Products Inc 14 D Tuazon
FAX: (02)8658-5751 Aeons Rem Enterprise 66 Stanford QC ............ (0998)213-2171
1 De Guzman Val............(02)7956-0097 Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183
Dalkem Corporation
32 Gomez Taytay Rizal .. (02)8660-6682 Artchem Industrial Sales Corporation 700-A Del Monte Ave
18 Gen Concepcion KC .. (02)8376-4671 QC ........................... (0998)984-8721
Arvin International Marketing Incorporated Dksh Philippines Incorporated
ICHILIFT Y Twr PC........................(02)8843-3676 Athenaeum Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-4929
BONANZA Dolphin Environmental Control
CORPORATION Mkti ........................... (02)8890-6547 CHEMICALS
DATED SUPPLY Double D Chemical & Cleaning Supplies
For inquiries, call us now! Holy Spirit Dr QC .......... (0975)699-0491 (GMC) INC
MINES Du Pont Far East Incorporated
2/F Le Metropole Building,
INC Isquare Bldg Psg ............ (02)8818-9911
Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue Corner Emerald Chemicals Incorporated
Techpro Philippines Incorporated Tordesillas Street, Salcedo Village, 157 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8362-2203
Tpi Bldg PC .................... (02)8851-2315 Gold Crest Polychem Inc
Makati City Esta Trading Corporation 3624 Jmj Bldg Mla ......... (02)8715-4620
Leoparto Ceramics Incorporated Le Metropole Bldg 30 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8837-0484 Goldhill Industrial Corporation
Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8884-1925 Euro Chemicals Incorporated
Chair Seats Makati ....................... (02)8812-6466
L2 Mindanao Ave QC ...... (02)8930-0720
J & T Bldg Mla ............... (02)8715-4430
Graintec Chemical Company Incorporated
Eurofragance Philippines Incorporated
Cereals La-Z-Boy Furniture 8416 Dr A Santos Ave
7 Marian Rd II Pque ........ (02)8823-3029
Grist Chem Corporation
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8990-1703 Pque .......................... (02)8825-6795 18 Gen Ave QC...............(02)3453-2653
Limketkai Development Corporation M&D Milano & Design ASIAN FIRST FILOCCOM HI-Q COMMERCIAL
Limketkai Bldg SJ ........... (02)8721-4403 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8372-4064 CHEMICAL CHEMICALS INC INCORPORATED
Certification and Chairs and Tables - TION
Titanium Dioxide Iron Oxides 1199 J Abad Santos Ave
Product Testing Renting Pentaerythritol CMC DEG & MEG Manila.....(02)8253-3440
Citric Acid Menthol Crystals (See Advertisement on next page)
Certification International Philippines All Premium Balloons And Party Needs Email: [email protected] J N J Oleochemicals Incorporated
Omm-Citra Bldg Psg.......(02)8637-2790 Corporation Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8661-7959
Aveochem Trading Tytana Plaza Manila ....... (02)8242-8744 J-Lai Chemical Corp
3 Matahimik QC............(0917)885-2929 80 Timog Ave QC ......... (0932)539-4843 Telefax .......................... (02)8241-0742 282 G Araneta Ave QC..(0917)135-8088
Chains Jem's Chairs And Tables
914 Fabella Mand ........... (02)8532-2550
Balangao Chemicals Industrial Limited Jordan Chemicals
Asean Dr Munt ............... (02)8784-9588 M Ponce KC ................. (0917)882-0203
Party Planet Kotinson Industrial Chemical Sales
GUAN YIAC HARDWARE 29 President Ave Pque ... (02)8826-6015 CHASECHEM INDUSTRIES Fulmco Bldg QC ............. (02)7799-3882
Princess Vangie Catering Services INC FIRST Lorigen Trading & Services Incorporated
455 T. Pinpin St. Binondo Manila 1006 Sangandaan KC............(0945)973-2929 1972 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8521-0954
5072 Filmore FILOCCOM
TELS.:(02)8245 7022; 8243 0288 Richgold Weddings Luminasystem Incorporated
Po's Bldg QC .................. (02)3415-6887 Makati ..... (02)8551-0366 CHEMICALS 28 Bukidnon QC ............. (02)8952-9478
8243 0285; 8245 8478 Manila Chemical Center Incorporated
FAX: (02)8242 9940; 8242 0469 Rosegan Toy Balloons And Party Needs INC 125 Quirino Hwy KC ....... (02)8361-7752
1111 Julio Nakpil Mla ..... (02)8400-4619 Save time and money.
MOBILE: (0999) 882 2288 Semiras Catering Services
Mao Chemicals Marketing & Trading Inc
Email: [email protected] Flip through THE YELLOW PAGES Ilang Ilang QC ............... (0918)920-2733
2180 P Dandan PC ......... (02)8831-4540 Megachem Philippines Incorporated
Website: Systemnomics Phils Inc and make it a habit. Four Seas Chemicals Incorporated City & Land Mega Plz
Starmall Cplx Mand ........ (02)8723-1441 Bagumbong Rd KC ......... (02)8939-7941 Psg ............................ (02)8687-6086

Metro Industries Inc

103 Progress Ave., Calamba City, Laguna 4027 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8584-5000

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:20 2022 - P118

119 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Chemical - Chiropractors 119

Urban Kids Enterprises Mann Hann Group Of Restaurant
Chemical (Cont'd) Chemicals - Greenhills Shopping Ctr Childrens Recreation Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-6431
Swimming Pool SJ ............................ (0922)872-2204
Center Noodles Everyday
Lucky Chinatown Mall
METRO INDUSTRIES INC Mla ............................ (02)8513-2575
103 Progress Ave Calamba Alsychem Pool Corporation Childrens Garments Action Station Ongpin Mañosa Restaurant
528 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8510-0285 Robinson Place  Manila 926 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-3179
Laguna .... (02)8584-5000 Atdm Phil Trading 33Mm Trading Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8535-4045 Panciteria San Jacinto
(See Advertisement on previous page) Benchmark Corporate Ctr 556 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-0671 Carl Colossal Creations Corporation Eton Loop C QC ........... (0956)123-5425
Nanotech Chemicals Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)7975-3315 Bebe Californie Clothing Incorporated 688 C Molina Val ............ (02)8292-0894
Philam's Finest Cuisine
23 Fema Rd QC .............. (02)8920-5985 Atsp Construction Services Robinsons Place Manila Daves Fun House 22 East Lawin QC...........(02)8425-0152
1941 - L Dagupan Ext Mla ............................ (02)8536-8041 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8844-8985
NEW FLAVOR HOUSE INC Mla ............................ (02)8245-4544 Bluebell Commodities New Beginnings Center For Child
Ponte Vecchio Enterprises Corporation
Starmall Prima Taguig .... (02)8477-7265
21 Duhat Rd Food Industries Incorporated 102 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (02)8926-6597 Development
Medical Plz Ortigas Sanseh
Dela Rosa Square Bldg Bny Hip Shop Incorporated
Malabon .. (02)8363-8883 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-4771 Metropolis Alabang Mall Psg .......................... (0966)719-8890 55 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8921-6014
Happy Pools Sales & Services St Michael Playhouse Uno Seafood Wharf Place
(See Advertisement on this page) Munt .......................... (02)8850-2417 270 Escolta Mla ............. (02)8232-1060
Omega Sales Corporation Marisan Arcade Mkti.....(0905)360-9733 Cerg Manufacturing Company 6241 Palma Mkti .......... (0939)925-0848
66 Washington SJ .......... (02)8722-7922 Highchem Trading Wee Nam Kee
42 Santol QC .................. (02)8716-5380 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Oxcychem Corporation
1772 Espana Blvd Mla....(02)8523-1747
105 Mt Natib KC.............(02)8363-8360 Ferdie's Store
Las Pinas Pub Mkt LP .... (02)8872-5755
Chinese Foods SJ ............................ (0917)700-8765
Oxypro Cleaning System Won Ton Restaurant
Boni Ave Mand ............. (0925)699-2436 Chicken - Dressed Gcf Apparel
14 Gen Ricarte QC........(0926)649-3716 Cheryl's Cuisine Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)7744-2788
Pearl-Chem Asia Incorporated Gingersnap Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8255-2628
37 Igdalig QC ................. (02)8362-2061 Alzaky Foods Dela Chambre Hotel Yang Chow Dimsum And Tea House
Adb Ave Mand................(02)8477-9539 Eton Centris Walk QC ... (0933)867-4141
Phil Asahi Material Corporation 28 K J Basa SJ.............(0916)335-6400 Kidpalooza 667-669 Plz La Chambre
142 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-1979 Chembs Trading Corporation Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8556-3972 Mla ............................ (02)8242-0414
Power Stroke Motor Products Corporation 19 1st Ave Taguig .......... (02)8839-2614
35 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8727-3174 Wing-N-Out
Kidsports Trinoma QC ........ (02)7901-3970 Diao Eng Chay Chinese Deli
City Lifestyle Bldg QC ..... (02)8376-3219 Chiropractors
Lassie & Laddie Boutique
Printing Chemicals Incorporated Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0921)865-9882 Shoppesville SJ ............ (0917)875-1133 Dj Billion Fortunes Incorporated
77 Matutum QC .............. (02)8364-6199 M Place Condmn QC ...... (02)8546-7997 Akesis Holistic Health
Oshkosh B Gosh Banawe Lifestyle Ctr
R A Kelman Incorporated Good Luck Hotpot
136 San Rafael Mand ..... (02)8661-1831 Childrens and Infants Edsa Shangri-La Plz
Mand ......................... (02)8636-1360 Nexgen Twr PC ............ (0950)461-8888 QC ........................... (0908)812-1451
Alcantara Chiropractic Services
Ramcole Incorporated
401 F Legaspi Psg ......... (02)8640-4326 Wear Red Line
The Podium Mand ........ (0907)364-0925
Hap Chan
Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8887-2660 Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)7624-3340
Red Earth Trading Corporation Kiampong Foodhaus Holistic Integrative Care Center
606 Basco Mla ............... (02)8523-4900 Istila Companhia Incorporated Richwell Phil Inc Republic Supermarket Bernmann Ctre QC........(0917)685-0168
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8478-9438 Timog Richwell Ctr QC ... (02)8441-1717 Mla ............................ (02)8533-4954 Intercare Healthcare Systems
Rojemson Industrial Sales Incorporated
5013 Que Grande Val ..... (02)8294-5312 Mothercare Spin Lan Zhou La Mien Somerset Olympia Bldg
Robinson Place Manila Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8637-0047 818 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8559-9466 Mkti ........................... (02)8890-2547
Romaro Chemical Traders
102 Diamond Psg .......... (02)8646-2969 Mla ............................ (02)8353-3682 Le Ching Too Orthoneuro Solutions Physical Therapy
Build your business with
S&E Solutions Incorporated Saiglobal Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Home Service
4032 Que Grande Val ..... (02)8294-3409 Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-6354 THE YELLOW PAGES. SJ .............................. (02)8721-2179 Dahlia Ave QC .............. (0977)153-9902
Sochem Phils Incorporated
Francar Motorworks LP .. (02)8808-3037
Sogomi Corp
25 Matiyaga QC ............. (02)8441-4048
South Pacific Chemical Industries
Lpl Twrs Mkti ................. (02)8815-1023
Spherechem Industries Incorporated
138 Congressional Ave
QC ............................. (02)8926-0502
Steward Chemicals Corporation
35I Banawe Ave QC........(02)8741-5863
Tao Commodity Traders Incorporated
2868 Lamayan Mla ........ (02)8522-8463
Tex-Chem Marketing Corporation
1328 J Abad Santos Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8256-8442
• JTBAKER Reagents/Chemicals
• MACRON Reagents/Chemicals
2825 Park Avenue, Brgy. 075,
Pasay City, 1302, Philippines
Tels: +632 8831-6463
+632 8831-4808 / +632 8831-9974
+632 8831-9982 / +632 8556-4527
Fax: +8831-4040
Email: [email protected]
2825 Park Ave
Pasay City ................. (02)8831-4808


Thrive Zeal Industries Incorporated

Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Psg ............................ (02)8571-9307
Total Colours Corporation
Hi-Q Commercial
Jbd Bldg QC ................... (02)8924-1498
Upgreen Corporation
Upgreen Bldg LP ............ (02)8850-0276 Incorporated New Flavor House Inc
Verus One Enterprise Inc 21 Duhat Road, Potrero, Malabon,
11 Calbayog Mand ......... (02)7000-6599
Zetryl Chem Philippines Incorporated 1199 Jose Abad Santos Av, City of Manila, Metro Manila 1475 Philippines
Toyama Group Ctr QC .... (02)3416-2576 Metro Manila 1012 Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8363-8883
The Yellow Pages Tel. No.: (02) 8253-3440
Your Link to the Business World.

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:20 2022 - P119

120 S C M Y K

120 Chiropractors - Clinics 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Immaculate Conception Parish School Alj Medical Maternity & Lying In Clinic
Chiropractors Icps Multi-Purpose Bldg Civic Organizations 798 Riverside QC ........... (02)3428-2927 MAKATI MEDICAL CENTER
(Cont'd) QC ............................. (02)8721-7078 Almazan Renal Care Center 2 Amorsolo
International Baptist Church Of Manila Inc Kabataan Partylist Northridge Plz QC ........... (02)8359-8246
International Baptist Church 25-C Mabuhay QC..........(02)8287-5561 Ardi Health Services Incorporated Makati ..... (02)8888-8999
Spinal Care Chiropractic Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8815-0981 248 Mercedez Ave Psg ... (02)8628-4097
Crescent Park Residences Jewish Association Of The Philippines B&W Medical Clinic
Taguig........................(02)8808-6090 110 H V Dela Costa Mkti.(02)8815-0265 Clean Room 120A Aguirre Pque ......... (02)8401-8177
Knox United Methodist Church Facilities Bdent Corporation
Chocolate and 960 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8734-9914
Korean Union Church Of Manila
Civic Prime Soho Condmn
Munt .......................... (02)8511-8082
Cocoa Pilgrim Union Ctr Pque ... (02)8776-9674 Nostrano Forma Beauty Option MEDICAL
Ct Ctr Bldg Mand ............ (02)8654-6494 The Palm Square LP ....... (02)8872-5449
Life Gospel Church Incorporation
9 Masikap QC ................ (02)8921-2027 Bethesda Herbal Medical Foundation CENTER
Blessed Harvest Marketing
906 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8253-5822 Lourdes Church
Lourdes School QC ........ (02)8731-9306
Cleaning Services 12 A Soriano Sr Pque ..... (02)8850-6347
Biomedics Incorporated
Chocoloco Incorporated Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8638-3125
132 Sgt Rivera QC........(0917)511-3883 Makati Gospel Church 3Pl Service Provider Phils Incorporated
Makati Gospel Learning Ctr Borough Medical Clinic
La Resurreccion - Fabrica De Chocolate M Suarez Ave Psg .......... (02)8477-9946 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8536-7130 Malabon Polymedic
654 Yuchengco Mla ....... (02)8242-9792 Mkti ........................... (02)8815-2725 Actic Air-Conditioning Services 186 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8287-9168
Malate Catholic Church C & C Commercial
Machiavelli Chocolatier Kaimito Psg..................(0947)704-7544 World Trade Exch Bldg Marcelo Dental Clinic
Rustan's Makati Mkti ...... (02)3483-9854 1016 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8400-5877 Ajfd Clean & Tidy Laundry Shop 59 Karuhatan Val ............ (02)8293-1186
Mla ............................ (02)8241-0893
The Culinary Exchange Incorporated Miraculous Medal Church 1-C Camaro QC ............ (0932)108-8122 Caparas Medical Clinic & Lying-In Martelino Medical Clinic
23 Arayat Mand..............(02)8531-4761 Mayor J Posadas Ave Aljoe Cleans Product And Services 580-C J P Ramoy QC ..... (02)3455-1803 Dan-Ros Bldg SJ .......... (0917)828-8465
Valmarce Food Marketing Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8837-1004 36 B Kalitang QC .......... (0910)559-7548 Casa Medica Inc Matulac Medical And Dental Clinic
61-B Balingasa QC ......... (02)3415-9900 Most Holy Trinity Parish B M Centre Phils Incorporated New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8355-5223 54 Tolentino QC ............. (02)8373-4720
Villa Del Conte Calabash Rd Mla ............ (02)8731-0744 41 Judge D Jimenez QC . (02)8990-5797 Clinica Salutare Incorporated Mcr Medical Dental Clinic
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7621-6101 New Apostolic Church Phils Busy Bee Cleaning Co Great Wall Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8511-7726 California Garden Square
2704 Gen M Capinpin 3D Sto Rosario Ext Cruz-Munoz Dental Clinic Mand ......................... (02)3227-2503
Mkti ........................... (02)8845-2062 Mand ....................... (0917)174-8158 1820 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8254-1074 Meaning Space Incorporated
Christmas Lights and New Millennium Evangelical Church Checkbox Cleaning Services Cyprene Medical Inc Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8696-6899
770 Gen Malvar Mla ....... (02)8528-1668 Medhaus Medical Services
Decorations New Millennium Evangelical Church Inc
Dalisay Ext QC..............(0915)102-4785
Cjp Cleaning Services
Temple QC ..................... (02)8257-7985
Dental Harmony Oral Care Centre Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8353-3675
770 Gen M Malvar Mla ... (02)8528-1668 1007 Mendiola Ext Mla . (0926)679-6860 253 Shoe Ave Mkna ....... (02)8425-2074 Medinet Lying-In Clinic
Xlrsounds Our Lady Of Abandoned Clean And Fix Dental Health Office Sampaguita QC .............. (02)8565-3630
1286 Lardizabal Mla ..... (0916)562-4090 Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8564-4203 Executive One Bldg QC . (0915)624-5777 Joshua Ctr Mla ............... (02)8404-2318 Mediscan Diagnostic Center
Our Lady Of Consolation Parish Clean Centrale Ph Diliman Animal Bite Treatment Center West East Ctr Mla ........... (02)8526-6079
Megacenter Diagnostics Incorporated
Church 81 Alondras QC .............. (02)3453-1617
Our Lady Of Grace Parish
Ga Twrs Mand..............(0995)462-5990
Clean Queens
Fimar Arcade QC ............ (02)8920-6821
Dls-Sti Mega Clinic Incorporated Katipunan Bldg QC ......... (02)8781-0392
Organizations M H Del Pilar KC.............(02)8363-1238
Our Lady Of The Abandoned Parish
48A Capinpin Psg.........(0956)372-3618
Clean Xpectations Corporation
Agustin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8584-8498
Docs @ Dent Medical And Dental Clinic
Metrohealth Family Clinic
Harrison Residences PC . (02)8256-6438
282 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8861-0519 9 Rd 16 KC .................. (0917)499-3131 38 Gen Ordonez Mkna .... (02)8475-3590 Nephro Systems Dialysis Center
Diocese Of Novaliches Cleeneco Sanicleaning Doctor Caparas Clinic Eastgate Ctr Mand .......... (02)8531-5344
Regalado Ave QC ........... (02)8461-5067 Parish Of Santa Maria Della Strada
Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8929-7790 329 Csv Properties Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8536-1816 Ngitiann Tooth Care Clinic
Episcopal Commission On Youth Mand ....................... (0917)133-9882 Dr Olgahan Jaen Dental Clinic Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8288-0501
Cbcp Bldg Mla................(02)8527-9567 Quiapo Church
910 Plz Miranda Mla.......(02)8736-8254 Cmda Condo & Office Cleaning Services 1193 Cdc Bldg Mla.........(02)8353-6601 Nora Birthing Care Clinic
Jesus Flock Inc Corinthian Executive Regency Ear Diagnostics Inc Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0949)333-0338
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8995-8795 Radiance Christ Ministries International
119 9Th Ave QC ............. (02)8913-1643 Psg ............................ (02)8994-7870 Cosmopolitan Bldg Mla...(02)8536-7772 Nuga Best
Jesus Flock Incorporated Dash Cleaning Services Eas Diagnostic Macarthur Hwy Val ....... (0915)714-4183
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8995-8583 San Felipe Neri Parish Ob Gyne Clinic
Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)8531-2931 Soho Mallorca Bldg 1840 San Marcelino Mla.(02)3498-2066
Liturgical Apostolate Center-Pddm Taguig......................(0917)844-2332 Ec Torres Medical Clinic 584 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)7504-9310
1545 F Agoncillo Mla......(02)8536-0691 San Ildefonso Parish Obras De Sueno Clinica Dental
2113 A S Arnaiz Ave Disinfectus Inc Ck Sy Diamond Bldg PC . (02)8833-7979
Luzon Convention Of Sbc Inc Zapote Rd LP ................. (02)7746-9120 Eg Healthcare Incorporated Congressional Town Ctr
24 Kanlaon QC ............... (02)8741-1328 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-5310 QC ............................. (02)8366-3147
Doulos Cleaning Services Metropolitan Hospital
Luzon Convention Of Sbc Incorporated Santo Nino Shrine Pantallon Mand .............. (02)7585-5717 Paul B Espina Urology Clinic
Sto Nino Parish Shrine Mla ............................ (02)8256-3016
24 Kanlaon QC ............... (02)8741-1312 Happy Helpers Er Plus Medical $ Surgical Clinic Commonwealth Hospital Medical Arts
Spring Foundation Inc QC ............................. (02)8928-2263 Molave Taguig .............. (0918)450-0024 Bldg QC ..................... (02)8930-0000
Santuario De San Antonio 1972 G Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8743-8365
51 10th New Manila QC..(02)8721-8423 Homecleanic Cleaning Services Esec Oral Wellness Corporation Pet Odyssey Veterinary Clinic
World Youth Day 95 Mckinley Rd Mkti............(02)8843-8831 Domingo M Guevara De Jesus Bldg LP ........... (02)8887-4871
Burgundy Corporate Twr
Cbcp Bldg Mla................(02)8527-9568 Santuario De San Antonio Parish Mand ....................... (0917)561-3378 Mkti ........................... (02)8823-6049 Philippine Cancer Society Incorporated
3117 Mckinley Rd Mkti ... (02)8843-8831 Homeking Philippines Incorporated Estrellas Home Care Clinic Incorporated Phil Cancer Society Bldg
Shrine Of The Divine Mercy Filhigh Trading Bldg Mla . (02)8825-5822 177 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8922-3752 Mla ............................ (02)8734-2126
Churches Maysilo Circle Mand ....... (02)8533-1035 Km Ace Sanitation Services Famcare Medical Clinic Prime Care
Sisters Of Charity Of Saint Anne Inc 19 Gen Melvar Psg ....... (0945)259-1268 2444 Aurora PC ............. (02)8823-9284 Burgos Circle Taguig ...... (02)3494-3334
Archdiocesan Shrine Of Santo Niño 2389 Tejeron Mla ........... (02)8564-6860 Lemon Cleaners Health Care Celtrion Prime Health Medical Group Incorporated
600 L Chacon Mla .......... (02)8847-9440 St James The Great Parish Vito Cruz Taft Ave Mla .. (0945)317-6283 Gil Puyat Phil Axa Life Ctre D & E Bldg QC ................ (02)3414-8200
Archdiocesan Shrine Of The Divine Mercy Ayala Alabang Vill Munt .. (02)8807-1623 Lgs Housekeeping Services Mkti ........................... (02)8511-1138 Primea Dental
Maysilo Circle Mand ....... (02)8531-4598 St James The Great Parish Church 119 Pinatubo Mand ........ (02)7945-9833 Health Care Sounds Three Salcedo Place
Asian Charismatic Incorporated Cuenca Munt .................. (02)8573-1870 Lilly Carpet Cleaning Services - Manila Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8891-3015 Mkti ........................... (02)7960-9425
104A 12th Ave QC ......... (02)8911-7386 St Joseph The Worker Parish One Oasis Condmn Healthway Medical Clinics Prosperity Medical Clinic & Laboratory Inc
Baptist Bible Church Incorporated St Joseph The Worker Parish Psg .......................... (0935)303-5147 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-4330 Rva Bldg Mla .................. (02)8521-2252
3970 Sociego Mla .......... (02)8716-5554 LP .............................. (02)8836-3319 Lms Industries Healthway Medical Clinics Incorporated Questlab Diagnostics
Baptist Student Center St Stephen's Church 247 De Guzman Val........(02)8292-9874 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7720-6114 876 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8881-0787
818 Nicanor Reyes Sr St Stephen High School Maid For You Cleaning Services Hernandez-Alcoriza Medical & Diagnostic Rockford Clinic
Mla ............................ (02)8735-1390 Mla ............................ (02)8255-2680 Recuerdo Twrs Mla ...... (0945)889-0338 Clinic 1406 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8254-7507
Bread Of Life Ministries Inc Sto Nino Parish Church Maidprovider.Ph Caybiga KC .................. (0932)336-5317 Saa Healthcare Out Patient Clinic
Crossroad 77 QC............(02)8372-5408 Sto Nino Parish Church Leveriza PC .................... (02)8405-0000 Herran Labaratory And Medical Clinic 757 C Raymundo Ave
Bread Of Life-Rizal Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8962-8204 Master Clean Cleaning Services 2442 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8986-2401 Psg .......................... (0918)963-2728
Robinsons Metro East The Church In Malabon Incorporated Tempus Place II QC ...... (0927)911-7666 Hi Tech Hearing Centre Incorporated Sacreo Heart Clinic
Psg ............................ (02)8645-6198 17 Liwayway Mal ........... (02)8288-9231 Misis Linis Cleaning Services Medical Plz Mkti ............. (02)8867-1229 Rb Arcade Bldg Munt ..... (02)8546-2054
Caloocan Evangelical Church The Roman Catholic Archbishopof Manila 122 C2 Capulong Mla ... (0917)631-6777 I Smile Pediatric Center Dental San Miguel Specialty Clinic
47 P Zamora KC ............. (02)8288-0065 121 Arzobispo Mla ......... (02)8521-6501 Neat Nirvana Cleaning Services Bonifacio Ridge Condmn 249 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-4470
Calvary Foursquare Church The United Church Of The Good Sheperd 8893 San Pablo Pque ... (0968)400-8376 Taguig........................(02)8551-8299 Slec St Lukes Extension Clinic
3975 Pres R Magsaysay Bvd 72 Isaac Lopez Mand ..... (02)8533-3523 Prc's Bac To Zero Sanitation Services Ignacio Medical & Dental Medical Arts Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8716-0931 United Evangelical Church Of Ghills 37-A Bg Molina Mkna ... (0917)572-3532 40 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (02)8646-2108 Taguig........................(02)8521-0020
Metro Bank Bldg SJ ........ (02)8725-3125 Prestige Housekeeping In My Womb Ultrasound Center Smile Channel Dental Clinic
Cathedral Of Praise Incorporated Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8889-9922
275 M Asistio Sr Ave KC (02)8361-4329 University Baptist Church Incorporated Cityland Herrera Twr Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8856-5798
818 Nicanor Reyes Sr Mkti ......................... (0917)413-6650 Inter-Industrial Physician Medical Services St Anthony Clinic
Christ Commission Fellowship 326 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8355-9890
M Starr Bldg 1 LP ........... (02)8808-7461 Mla ............................ (02)8735-1485 Rambuttri Cleaning Company Incorporated
Victory Asia Churches Of Asia Inc Amorsolo Mkti..............(0927)727-6803 Monte Carlo Twnhms St Peter And Paul Medical Clinic
Christian Bible Church Of The Philippines Rcj Domhelp Services 1182 Bldg Mla................(02)8536-1364
72 Talayan QC ............... (02)8741-6171 Robinsons Mall QC ......... (02)8921-3047 Pque .......................... (02)8552-1838
Victory Church Kamias Rd QC................(02)7728-2812 Jemrecson Medical Clinic Stem Cell Manila
Christian Gospel Truth Foundation Inc Sheckinah Trading & Services B209 L11 Sampaguita Centuria Medical Makati
35 Dna M Hemady QC .... (02)8721-4085 St Thomas Square Mla ... (02)8736-0751
Mst Bldg Mla .................. (02)7957-2453 Mkti ......................... (0906)269-8596 Mkti ......................... (0917)714-6506
Church Assembly Hall Incorporated Word For All Nations / The Word Centre Spring Cleaning Services Tamesis Clinic
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-9673 Kidney Foundation Of The Philippines Inc
1007 Ongpin Mla............(02)8733-6939 8843-D San Jacobo Rizal Medical Ctr Cpd Dr Fe Del Mundo Medl Arts Bldg
Church Of The Risen Lord Worldwide Church Of God Pque ........................ (0917)188-8482 Psg ............................ (02)8571-4175 QC ............................. (02)8712-3593
Fernandez QC ................. (02)8920-4502 60 Matahimik QC............(02)8426-2295 Spruce Cleaning Services Konsulta @ Resulta The Medical Clinic
Church Of United Evangelical 1852 Asuncion Mkti ..... (0917)883-0077 Newton Plz Mla .............. (02)8713-9229 48A West QC ................. (02)8376-6527
Golden Jubille Bldg Mla .. (02)8251-1622
Cosmopolitan Church Cinema Vergara Floor Care And Cleaning Solutions
Kalinisan Mand.............(0917)532-1129
La Immaculada Clinic
1918D Jose Abad Santos
Tooth & Go Dental Clinic
Chloe Bldg Pque ............. (02)8478-0649
1368 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8523-7524 Mla ............................ (02)8252-7582 Top Health Medical Clinics
Day By Day Christian Ministries Ever Gotesco Incorporated La Purisima Concepcion Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2400
Folk Arts Theater PC ....... (02)8551-4411 Ever Gotesco Manila Plz Clinics 20 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8281-8693 Tophealth Medical Clinic
Faith Baptist Church Mla ............................ (02)8735-6901 Lasercare Opthalmics Clinic Sm Sta Mesa QC ............ (02)8353-4461
4 Bulletin QC .................. (02)8356-4464 Roving Cinema Incorporated A T C Health Care Int'l Corporation 6750 Ayala Twr Mkti ...... (02)8894-3756 Torio Dental Clinic
Focolare Movement Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8584-7435 72 2nd St KC ................. (02)8294-8474 Lasik Surgery Inc Hmci Residences Mla ... (0966)670-1301
4800 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8714-2951 Accuserv Diagnostic Center Inc Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-2745 Unlab Medical Clinic
Grace Christian Church
25 Samuel Dee QC ......... (02)8365-1763 Circuit Breakers Fersal Olympia Bldg QC .. (02)8726-3210
Accuvision Diagnostic Center
Laudencia Dental Clinic
Mayon Suki Mkt QC ........ (02)8731-2956
Apacible Mla .................. (02)8400-5129
Uro Industrial Clinic
Grace Gospel Church North Incorporated Regina Garden 2 Mla ...... (02)8242-8063 Ledesma Audiological Center Inc 910 Sotto Yuvienco Bldg
Northridge Plz QC ........... (02)8921-0321 Enesco Solar Energy Solutions Corp Alabang Medical Clinic Star Centrum Condmn Mla ............................ (02)8522-3060
Iglesia Ni Cristo Nieves Place 2 Mla ......... (02)8251-6600 297 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8842-0680 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-1076 White House Dental Optical Clinic
433 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8374-4405 Soy Mei Exports Philippine Incorporated Alegre Medical Clinic Longevity And Lifestyle Clinic Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2526
Immaculate Conception Parish 156 Ma Clara KC ............ (02)8364-5240 1409 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8251-7860 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7945-7130 Wilson And Ayache Clinic
Multi-Purpose Building Soy-Mei Advantage Multi Sales Inc Alfonso II Ardi Health Serv Inc Lopez Medical X-Ray Clinic Incorporated Legaspi Park View Bldg
41 Lantana QC ............... (02)8723-5116 366 2nd St KC ............... (02)8364-5240 550 Mercedez Ave Psg ... (02)8628-4097 Casa Bella Bldg QC.........(02)8374-8123 Mkti ........................... (02)8846-6725

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121 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Clinics - Commercial 121

Limbo Bar & Art Gallery Beanleaf Piy Margal Philippine Coffee Board Incorporated
Clinics (Cont'd) Grand Hampton II Piy Margal Sampaloc Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)7901-3485 Colleges and
Ygeia Medical Clinic Inc
Mocktail Madness
Mla .......................... (0975)337-8784
Blue Wonder Coffee & Bean Roastery
Philippines Pastries Incorporated
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-1917 Universities
2081 Pres E P Quirino Ave 8th Ave Taguig ............. (0917)999-3687 4 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Rocket Coffee Co
Mla ............................ (02)8521-8777 Nikki's Crib Psg .......................... (0917)146-6803 3 Langka QC ................ (0927)540-8688 Ama University Online Education
Evangelista Psg ............ (0927)224-4530 Blue Wonder Coffee Shop Rustan Coffee Coporation 59 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8737-5590
Reg's Resto Bar Estancia Expansion Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-3765 Cristal E-College Incorporated
Clothing Accessories 21 Zabarte Rd QC ......... (0922)245-2669 Psg .......................... (0967)280-7976 Rutan Coffee Corporation 95 F Balagtas Mkna ........ (02)8654-3285
Bobo & Boba's Milktea Shop Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8856-6070 Global Reciprocal Colleges Incorporated
San Antonio De Parish Grc Bldg KC ................... (02)8361-6330
158 Designer's Boulevard
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7239-1409 Clutch and Brake Pque ........................ (0917)504-6291
Stackers Burger Cafe
The Venice Piazza Informatics College
Ayson & Jill Rtw Store Cafe Ma' Latte Taguig........................(02)8403-6572 Icite Bldg QC .................. (02)8667-3093
127 Uyguanco KC .......... (02)7507-5521 Clutch Brakes & Parts Center Co Buendia Ave PC..............(02)8652-0247 Starbucks National University Incorporated
Azucar Greenbelt 5 Mkti......(02)7728-0754 203/210 Rizal KC ........... (02)8364-3280 Cafe Meraki Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-3617 551 M Jhocson Mla ....... (02)8712-1900
Chescais Closet Mot Mm Marketing 2079 Captain M Reyes Starbucks Coffee San Beda University
85 P Tuazon QC ............. (02)8531-6804 190 Sgt Rivera QC..........(02)8364-8823 Mkti ......................... (0917)570-2792 5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-5913 638 Mendiola Mla .......... (02)8735-6011
Chrys Juan Crafts Marketing Cafe Tribu Marcos Alvarez Tea Talks Milk Tea St Clare College Of Caloocan
2185C Marcos Alvarez Ave Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8282-0661
12th Ave QC...................(02)8347-3470
Coco Bliss Manila Coal and Coke LP ............................ (0956)165-3733
18A Thomas Pque........(0950)481-9648
The Breadery Philippines
Cafe Xocolat Inc
San Andres Bukid Mla .. (0998)720-0800
Colerosh Incorporated Charkai Corporation 155 B Gonzales QC ........ (02)8929-4186 Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8951-5799
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf
401 F Legaspi Psg ......... (02)8661-3022 Macapagal Ave Pque ...... (02)8856-7429 Caffe Poli Incorporated
Adriatico Grand Residences Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8808-9429
Commonwealth Store Beauquest
Mla ............................ (02)8559-7891 The Little Frappe Arcade Bldg Psg...........(0917)607-8763
26th St Taguig................(02)8801-8345
Cotton On Cocktail Lounges Caffee Ti-Amo 31 Natl Rd Munt ........... (0906)263-2252
Tim Hortons
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3785
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8631-0736
Cous Co Blue Shot Carpe Diem 264 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8775-0939
Tommy's Fresh Roasted Coffee
Color Pigments and
Adela Hidalgo PC..........(0927)307-7750
920 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3413-4538
Firehouse Phils Incorporated
122 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8808-6481
Chapter Coffee Roastery & Cafe Inc Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8896-7723 Dye
Edsa Ave PC .................. (02)8834-2812 143 Maginhawa QC ...... (0917)790-6281 Tong Coffee
Congressional Cirle C Mall Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)886-9575
Chocolate Kiss Corporation
QC ........................... (0936)878-8895
Ramon Magsaysay QC ... (02)3434-3577 Travelbeen Coffee LIONKING INDUSTRIAL
Fashion Valor Overtop Incorporated
51-B Tel-Aviv Pque ........ (02)8512-3947 Coconut Products Coffee Brewmaster Incorporated Panay QC ....................... (02)3410-3289 CORPORATION
Flc One Stop Shop One Rockwell West Twr Ucc Caft Terrace
32 Paterno QC................(02)7238-5022 Anta Construction Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8478-7513 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-2143
626 Lee Mand ................ (02)8723-0519 Coffee Indulgence Umapas Bread & Cakes COLOR PIGMENT SPECIALIST
Genevieve Gozum
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall Fruits Of Life Incorporated 1051 P Noval Mla...........(02)8518-8263 Sitio De Asis Taguig ..... (0929)800-8346
Psg ............................ (02)8681-7310 48 Sto Nino QC .............. (02)8372-5907 Coffenomenon Cafe Corporation Vermont Property Management Corporation • Color Matching Services
Gmardc Corporation Green Palette Electra Hse Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8812-0695 Fersal Condmn 2 QC ...... (02)8819-9122
Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8659-6542 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)108-0190 Costa Coffee Philippines Vindemia Cafe • Rubber Masterbatch
Haneyfah Trading Hung Coconet And Hydroseeding Robinsons Place Manila Mckinley Hill Taguig ..... (0920)369-5601
Circle C Mall QC ............. (02)8513-4924 Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8567-0204 Work Of Love Cafe • PE Masterbatch
Harkor Sportswear Columbian Bldg QC ...... (0921)542-3668 Cup Oh Bubble Tea Shop Triax Two Ctr Psg ......... (0915)785-7888
Tayuman Taguig...........(0948)118-2839 Metro Properties Incorporated Pasacola QC ................ (0948)684-1311 Zecharria Child Of Jesus Bakery • Pigment Powder
Imprint Customs Metro Properties Bldg Firefly Veterans Rd Taguig ...... (0949)679-4782
186 A Bonifacio Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8852-2136 Waltermart Bicutan Pque (02)8354-4227 Zinnia Food Bar MANUFACTURER OF
Mkna ....................... (0917)977-3485 Niyog Salcedo Mkt Mkti .... (0939)902-4808 Flor Bakery 1211 Edsa QC .............. (0917)311-1824
In Good Company Raco Commodities Philippines Incorporated East Svc Rd Taguig ...... (0946)478-4460 Zippy Grand Cafe " PLASTIC COMPOUNDS "
Sm Makati Mkti ............ (0917)625-6622 Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8817-3244 Four Corners Coffee Shop 4A P Burgos Psg ............ (02)7917-3133
Julie's Ready Made Dresses 516 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8366-1794 Tel Nos.: 8522-3469• 8523-8717
Frank & Dean Coffee
9E Quiambao Val ............ (02)8292-3497
Kirei - Quezon City
Coffee - Specialty Five/Neo Taguig ........... (0915)316-4247 Cold Storage 8522-3453 • 3498-0088 • 3498-0083
Global Ct Coffee Incorporated
Robinsons Fairview QC.(0949)123-0476 D Ace Plz Psg ................ (02)8477-9789
Le Jean De Marithe Francois Girbaud Caffeine Brothers Frabelle Cold Storage Corporation Fax No.: (632) 8524-3205
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)7358-6555 The Valero Twr Mkti ..... (0949)103-5260 Goffa 49 Sct Rallos QC ....... (02)7910-1363 80 Kaunlaran Vill KC ....... (02)8285-1358
Coffee Vending Machine Business Goldbell Philippines Impex Corporation
Lucky Lou Cortabitrate Mla .............. (02)8526-8088 Fruitas Holdings Incorporated Email: [email protected]
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr 323 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8961-1608 San Lorenzo Place
Great Escape - Coffee And Books
QC ............................. (02)8421-1618 Densworth Corporation Bonifacio Stopover Mkti ......................... (0915)287-1482 1117 J L Escoda Manila (02)8522-3469
Luxury Unltd 78 Pelaez Pque ............ (0966)139-6733 General Panels Corp
Qq Mall Mla .................. (0947)990-1594 Gonutrients Green Bean Organic Coffee Corporation Pascor Drv Pque ............ (02)8851-5935
6750 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7617-1002
M&R Thrift Shop
Simeon Cruz Mand ....... (0945)255-7960 Honestea Core Town Bldg PC ........ (02)8831-3243 Icy Point Cold Storage And Processing LION
30 Apollo I LP .............. (0977)853-2168 Greenbean Organic Coffee Corporation
Macbeth Philippines Loyola QC .................... (0917)555-5586 Northbay Blvd Nav..........(02)7282-3829 KING
51 Aragon QC .............. (0918)628-3762 Minato Vm Refreshment Incorporated Prc Logistics Warehouse Quezon City
Manly's Clothing And Accessories B14 L01 Melanie Marquez Hangout Cafe
Vm Mall Munt ............... (0956)162-0248 Leyte Gulf QC ................. (02)8921-1462 INDUS-
LP .............................. (02)8832-7865
Zorra QC ...................... (0915)396-9420
Memo Marketing Operations Phils Inc Orangetag Coffee Brewery Hungry Meeples Board Game Cafe Subzero Marketing Incorporated TRIAL
178 B Alabang-Zapote Rd Congressional Ave Ext 103 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-8296
Bonifacio One Technology Twr
LP .............................. (02)8961-9713 QC ........................... (0917)478-8900 Yowell CORPO
Taguig........................(02)8403-2647 San Lorenzo Place
Mint Sm Mall Of Asia PC .... (02)8556-2704 Ovada
Tordesilla Mkti ......... (02)8843-4670
Hustle Cafe
203 Tomas Morato Ave Mkti ......................... (0906)353-8016 RATION
Mirai Design Incorporated QC ........................... (0916)655-7485
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-0483 Redspace Supply
Nalauag Merchandising
Concepcion Bldg Mla....(0917)102-7743 I Love Milk Tea Taft
Heaping Spoon D' Student's Place Mla .... (02)8714-3161 Collectibles Colors - Food
Two Shopping Ctr PC ..... (02)8524-1726
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)827-6408 Ice Flakes
New Era Cap Philippines Thecoldbrew Co Santana Grove Pque ....... (02)7238-1622 Heroes Hobby Lounge
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8656-8588 B Padilla SJ .................. (0956)840-1499 Ins Tea Corporation Bonifacio High Street HYCO LABORATORIES INC
Nine Star West 2420 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8363-0529 Taguig........................(02)8511-7327
Robinsons Place Manila Isabel's Coffee House Regran Toys And Collectibles 1199 J Abad Santos Av
Mla ............................ (02)8553-4425
Nvrseen Clothing
Coffee Equipment 108 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8995-0805 Eton Corinthian Cyberpod Manila.....(02)8253-3440
110 Qmart QC .............. (0915)263-9244 and Supplies Jed's Coffee
105 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8985-5974
QC ........................... (0917)652-3619
Vault Card Shop - Philippines
Qualitee's Manufacturing Ka Tunying's Cafe 4763 Barasoain Mkti .... (0916)316-5010
Caritas Rd Taguig ........... (02)8559-3308 Awon Coffee Tandang Sora QC ......... (0977)767-8343
Racquel Peneyra Dress Shop Cuasay Taguig ............. (0915)137-3005 Kapetrade Phils HYCO
3333 R Magsaysay Blvd
Mla ............................ (02)8400-5802
Delish Food Incorporated M F Jhocson Mla .......... (0905)717-9412 Collection Agencies LABORA-
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8553-8330 Katherine's Cafe
Religioso Group Of Companies Kaffea Global Innovations Incorporated Ayala Malls Pque .......... (0915)313-2499 TORIES
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9061 L & J Bldg Mand ............ (02)8477-9920 Kenny Beans Cafe ACCOUNT HANDLERS INC
Reneelen Trading Koffee Concept 75 Maysilo Mand ......... (0916)569-0536 Cityland Herrera Twr INC
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 40 Dangay QC ................ (02)8371-0884 Kittyleicious Milktea Shop
SJ .............................. (02)8722-0097 Latte Art Philippines Barista Gears And 44 A Reyes Taguig ....... (0945)122-7748 Makati ..... (02)8812-6517
Sixen Art Clothing Apparels Krispy Kreme
Sangley Bldg Mkna ....... (0995)814-2891 Wnc Bldg Mla...............(0977)691-4262 Sm City Sucat Pque......(0998)962-8214 Purechem Corporation
Skc Fashion House Rj Silverteaz Corporation Kujo's Coffee Shop 244 Encarnacion Nav ..... (02)8255-0854
Tutuban Mall Mla ............ (02)8251-0080 1107 Morong Val ........... (02)3444-6592 299 Ecol QC ................. (0906)573-2931
Springfield - Sm Moa Local Edition Coffee And Tea ACCOUNT
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8836-1880 116 Perea Mkti ............. (0905)444-8797 HAND- Commercial
Tribal Gear Coffee Shops
Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8805-0126
Mary Grace
Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8544-0928 LERS Properties
Virmacs Dry Good 1919 Grand Cafe Mary Grace Foods Incorporated INC
Zabarte Town Mall KC .... (02)8355-6814 117 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8429-7068 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8921-0243 4301961 Space Leasing
Wiggling Happee Tails 205 Bcg Micatamisan Café 1141 Del Monte Ave
80 Ramon Delfin Val.....(0947)385-2676 High Central Taguig ...... (0917)858-1942 259-A Dr Pilapil Psg ..... (0956)866-2084 QC ........................... (0917)374-2292
Y@S Fqshion Collection 7th Heaven Coffee Shop Morning Roast Coffee Store Agustin Building
Greenhills Shopping Centermall 11 Dahlia Ave QC ......... (0977)810-3632 N Roxas QC ................. (0977)839-3024 Anchor Collection Services Incorporated 28 F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ... (02)8633-5484
SJ ............................ (0999)969-8220 8785 Coffee & Tea Co Neighborhood Coffee Lounge 2 Malakas QC.................(02)8926-0228 Bonanza Plaza Inc
254 Market Ave Psg ..... (0929)762-9874 L1 B1 Stuttgart Pque ...... (02)3408-6252 Bilkisa Loans & Credtis Outsource Km 23 Quirino Hwy QC .. (02)3417-7185
Paseo De Magallanes Central Country Estate Incorporated
Clubs and Bars Ac Anjela Cafe
43 Bonifacio Dr QC.......(0965)169-3093
Netz Coffee
Netz Glass Twr LP ........ (0995)350-8660 Mkti ........................... (02)8662-2900 Corporate Hse Bldg QC ... (02)8722-2723
Atos Rack Coffeenista Northern Coffee Bean Store Business Assistance Credit Corp Fisher Rosemount Systems
Concepto Ato Bldg LP .................. (0917)810-6064 B-30 Suki Mkt QC.........(0916)348-0282 Gma Loubel Plz Mkti.......(02)8899-2558 Sapphier Rd Psg ............ (02)8702-1000
6234 Manalac Mkti.......(0977)729-6322 Basi Coffee Milk Tea Cafe Paumes Pastryhouse Bustos Villafuerte And Associates Law Franzon Commercial
Eclipse Mobile Bar Tres Palmas Coml Arcade 29 President's Ave Pque . (02)8543-2970 Offices Taft Centrale Exch PC ..... (02)3491-5653
Ladislao Diwa Mkna ..... (0906)856-3226 Taguig......................(0917)899-2665 Perfect Desteanation Milktea Shop N Dela Merced Bldg QC .. (02)8373-3306 Gasanco Incorporated
Event Sec Pro Incorporated Beanleaf Coffee Tea And Sausages 82 Silverio Cpd Rd Sy & Jae Corporation 3270 Merville Access Rd
South Star Plz Bldg Mkti . (02)7975-5523 1 San Antonio Ave Pque . (02)8893-5674 Pque ........................ (0936)108-1742 Buma Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8895-9483 Pque .......................... (02)8804-3211

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122 S C M Y K

122 Commercial - Concrete 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Proton Microsystems Incorporated Electronic Information Solutions Partex Business Solution Incorporated
Commercial Communications Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8234-2866 Incorporated R And E Bldg LP ............. (02)8843-3529
Properties (Cont'd) Software Auro-Vir Plz Mkti ............ (02)8843-6571
Eyo Sales And Technologies Commercial
Qbm It Services And Retail
Pacific Ctre Bldg Mla ...... (02)8711-3592
Computer Repair Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Greenhills Mansion Telnovo Communications Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8724-0755
37 Greenhills Mansion Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)3224-2181 Abstract Automation Company Faxcable Incorporated Computer Systems
SJ .............................. (02)8721-2232 156 N S Amoranto QC .... (02)3413-3654 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8637-5483
Hobbies Of Asia Incorporated
8 Pres Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Computer and Amc Computer Center
Svc Marcos Alvarez Ext
Hp Sm North Edsa QC ........ (02)8404-5154
Infogate Computer Sales Services
PC ............................. (02)8556-5268
I Square Condominium Corporation
Electronic Products LP ............................ (0908)119-7304
Buddy's Electronics Repair Shop
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8723-9287
128 Tech Consulting Incorporated
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
15 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8654-9685 83 Riizal Munt .............. (0919)963-0541 It Log Park Psg ............................ (02)8706-6106
Faxcable Ent Sales & Repairs Doctor Pc D' Student's Place Mla .... (02)8559-5911 Arpa Information Technology Solutions
Legacy Real Properties Incorporated Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8404-0261
Xavier Hills Condo Twr 4 Lrt Northmall KC ........... (0917)857-2645 Kostom Pc 2311 Syquia Mla .......... (0917)633-2121
Toshiba Asia Pacific Private Limited Equicom Manila Holdings Incorporated 1816 Almeda Mla ......... (0906)106-4288 Avasia Information Systems
QC ............................. (02)8725-8300 Gt Twr Mkti .................... (02)8819-1048
P & J Building Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8813-0059 Laptop & Gizmo Exchange Incorporated Bloomingdale Plz Psg ..... (02)7747-5371
Toshiba Philippines Equicom Systems Mgt Incorporated Nia Mansion PC ............. (02)8823-4629 Axcelsoft Information Technology Solutions
P & J Bldg Psg ............... (02)8671-0177 Gt Twr International Mkti . (02)8459-0211 3308 Zapote Mkti ........... (02)8897-0237 Laptop Pc Zone Philippine Axa Life Ctre
Remax Premiere Real Estate Manila Mkti ......................... (0955)597-7317
Incorporated Fix Its Co 83-A Kamias Rd QC ....... (02)7358-9304
Kensington Place Condmn
Computer and Triple K Bldg Psg .......... (0945)596-3172 Macintel Incorporated-Istudio
Glaizie's Marketing Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Azeus Systems Phils Ltd
Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-5960
Rodel Barcelona Properties Incorporated Related Services Quirino Hwy KC .............. (02)8926-3954
Mand ......................... (02)8706-7587
Hill Computer Solutions
Bitshield Security Consulting Inc
Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ........ (02)8571-3681
Kaginhawahan Psg ......... (02)8654-1911 Knowell Technology Solutions
Cash & Carry Mall Mkti ... (02)8511-8179 Lrt Caloocan Mall KC .... (0977)137-7006 Bss Business Solutions And I T Services
Square B Commercial Aren Computer Services B1 L19 Pearl Mkna ....... (0917)147-9429
913 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8736-3643 Laptop Trouble Shooters Micro D International Incorporated
C2 Congressional QC ..... (02)7987-4567 Peninsula Court Mkti ...... (02)8812-2124 Centralized Cloud Computing Int
Byte Site Internet Cafe Corporation 696 Aurora QC ............... (02)8354-3836
Toronto Commercial Leorick Pc Center Micro Image International Corporation Incorporated
1343 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8353-7377 316A Tandang Sora Ave Ymc Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)709-4965
QC ............................. (02)8962-5042 70-B Kamias Rd QC ..... (0917)366-4710 178 Legaspi Suites Mkti . (02)8840-4050
Wellton Corporation Metro Computer Microshop Incorporated Opensoft Solutions Incorporated
1787 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8525-2348 J8S Trading Computer Parts And Repair Bsa Twin Twrs Mand ...... (02)7500-7915
Capitoline Hill LP ............ (02)8638-3836 Mr Ctr Mkna ................... (02)7369-5887 Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8812-6556
Mmj Laptop & Computer Repair Services Octagon Philippines Computer Associates
Lam Marketing Company International
Commodity Brokers 3 20th Ave QC ................ (02)3434-5307
Larf Computer Center
Stet Pque ....................... (02)8998-6819
Progressive Ideas Incorporated
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4014
Pc Home Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8885-0441
Pioneer Highland East Twr Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-1225 Quantum Business Intelligence &
Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8822-6669 Technology Solutions Incorporated
Dalta Management Incorporated Michael Computer Mand ......................... (02)8636-7661 Pc Hub
Perpetual Help Medical Ctr Ufirst Computer Trading Aurora Garden Plz QC ..... (02)8705-1949 Cityland Pioneer Mand .... (02)7903-9838
Malabon Mla ................ (0930)585-3443 Solution Communication Company
LP .............................. (02)8836-4400 720-A N S Amoranto QC (02)8697-3290 Pc Live Enterprise
Quazarweb Design Services Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8814-0091
Jil Customs Brokerage 7-B Tolentino QC ............ (02)7508-0074 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-2438
Cottonwood KC .............. (02)8560-2205 Pod's By Digital Walker Urquan Inc Pc Express (E Global Structure)
Seo Training Philippines Computer Ribbons - Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-9528 161 M Paterno SJ .......... (02)8986-8388
Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0949)184-0319 Computer Refill Qube Pc Technologies Marketing
Shipx Logistics Inc
Diego Silang Taguig........(02)8568-4775 Equipment
591-A Alabang-Zapote Rd
LP .............................. (02)8850-2697 Computer Telephony
Skyrocket Trading Inknet Trading
Taft Centrale Exch Bldg
Quest Computer Stores Incorporated
M H Del Pilar Mla ........... (02)8527-8172
First United Bldg Mla ...... (02)8742-1637 Acenet Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr PC ............................. (02)8547-5701 Rmem Computer Outlet
304 Z Rizal Ave Mla........(02)8516-8035 Gutierrez-Sison Enterprise
SJ .............................. (02)8725-0254
Communications Advance Ink Technology Co
Computer Schools Rosario Nicolas Comp Shop
571 Ignacio Cpd KC ....... (02)8362-1426
Cityland Pioneer Mand .. (0905)489-6311
Widelink Telecoms
Champaca Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8994-1091 992 Llano Rd KC .......... (0906)487-6745
Corestream Technologies Incorporated Rrd Tech 9 Granada QC ...... (02)3468-2824
Blue Lite Gadgets Access Computer And Technical Colleges Save On Surplus Incorporated
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8555-0564 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8403-9177
Bsd International Danamic And Static
Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8846-6580
Access Main Bldg Mla .... (02)8734-8517
Ama Computer College
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6731
Skidmhore Computer World
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8804-0526 Maximina QC..................(02)8330-0378 772 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8922-6620
Dataview Computer Center Acenet Computers
Cyberwidget Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8926-9817 Future Builders Computer Center Inc Slornets
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8410-6702 Dynamic Telecom Incorporated Guadalupe Coml Cplx 3753 Sun Valley Pque .... (02)8405-9001 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Mkti ........................... (02)8882-5778 Studio 84 Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8725-0762
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Al Iz Wel Laptop
Communications SJ .............................. (02)8724-9230
Excell Business Machines Trading
Informatics College Caloocan Inc
380 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8365-2361 Switch
Green Palm Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8856-5347
Cyberpoint Mand ............ (02)7956-1579
All About Pc And Stationary
Consultants Artex Bldg Mla ................ (02)8242-6424
Graphic Visions Incorporated
Meriras Realty & Devt Corp Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7217-0691
J P Rizal Ext Mkti ............ (02)8883-3577 Tech Warez Starmall LP .................... (02)8871-9391
Metro Business College Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1609 Annex Digital Incorporated
Cav Communication Cs4 King Ctr Bldg QC ..... (02)3415-4865 Amber Place Mkti ........... (02)8846-1538
Infonet Computer Center Incorporated Unit 4 Salem Cplx PC ..... (02)8853-0607 Telgent Systems Incorporated
3434 C Raymmundo Ave Microcadd Technologies Co Inc Maripola Bldg Mkti..........(02)8519-0243 Ariel Computer Shop
Psg ............................ (02)8640-1950 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 32 San Pablo QC ............ (02)8696-7047
SJ .............................. (02)8725-2889 Dona Consolacion Bldg The A Shop
Lgorithm Solutions QC ............................. (02)8913-9407 1800 Bldg QC ................ (02)8470-1286 Laptop Factory
Maxicorp Incorporated P And S Bldg QC .......... (0917)886-3175
One Filipino Bldg Mkti ... (0917)312-6202 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-6638 STI Education Services Group Inc Total Quality Machines Incorporated
Transpeed Communications 156 P Tuazon Bvd QC .... (02)8398-3566 704 Pablo Ocampo Senior Platform Studios Ph Inc
Mec Networks Corporation 195 Carriedo SJ ............. (02)7728-9827
Raffles Corporate Ctr Mec Ctr QC .................... (02)8638-9433 Systems Plus Computer Coll Foundation Mla ............................ (02)8526-4503
Psg ............................ (02)8234-9265 New Times Computer 141 M Asistio Sr Ave KC (02)8367-7502 Touch Down Computer Shop Rl's Pc Haus
Tremendous Communications Incorporated 636 F T Dalupan Sr Mla .. (02)8353-2008 404 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8553-9725
770 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-1142 Store One
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Villman Computer Systems Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8804-3717
Pc Chain Superstores Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Computer Stores Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1615 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7799-3041
Vivocom Technologies Incorporated Tresor Vvv Computer Shop
SJ .............................. (02)8727-0349 2 Santos Dr LP ............... (02)8869-8194
1Teq Providers Incorporated Cgi Bldg QC ................... (02)8941-4314
Communications Pc Gilmore Corporation
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Myc Bldg QC .................. (02)8355-5918 Wenix Soft Solutions Incorporated
Equipment SJ .............................. (02)8727-9088
Pc Option Power Component
8 Compu Ware Computer Center
281E Mc Arthur Hwy Val (02)8291-4573
Jameson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8559-6886
Acrotech Micro Devices Incorporated
Beacon Plz Mand ........... (02)8723-0100
Permanent Computer Center 868 Champaca Ext Dr Computer Support ALLIED CONCRETE
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8726-2440
Pque .......................... (02)8804-1918
Acw Compuadd Incorporated and Facilities PRODUCTS INC
Powerup Computers Incorporated Pangarap Bldg QC .......... (02)3411-9171
TECHNOLOGIES INC Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2652 Akihabara Computer Shop Grand Rosetta Corporation Zuzuarregui Quezon
Sen Gil Puyat Ave Mkti ... (02)8890-8034
Parkway Corp Ctr Storm Of Blessings Marketing North West Mall KC ........ (02)8355-7374
Asia Business Computer Microgenesis Business Systems City ......... (02)8932-3732
1 Rd 14 QC .................... (02)7218-3898 Paragon Plz Mand .......... (02)8658-7000 (See Advertisement on next page)
Alabang Muntin- Supercorp Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8721-2068
lupa.........(02)8372-5311 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8726-6726 Axod
Treblink Computer Solution 1 Skyline Premiere QC .... (02)8287-9860
Sti Bldg Pque ................. (02)8829-9670 Bgpc Laptop Parts And Services
ADAPTIVE Ynzal Marketing Corporation Gilmore It Ctr QC .......... (0905)291-1861
RADIOS 25 Sct Rallos QC ............ (02)3413-7574 Com Plink
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1781
COMMUNI- Complex Sales Corporation
CATIONS Computer Hardware Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8633-1861
Complink Marketing Incorporated
TECHNOLO- Advance Solutions Inc Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-5587
Ppl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8535-6352 Cool Toyz
GIES INC Ortigas Ash Creek Ctr SJ (02)8724-2109
Complink Marketing
Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8801-9908 Cooltoyz Laptops & More
Datacore Computer Systems Ash Creek Ctr Bldg SJ .... (02)8724-5064
Carenett Philippines Incorporated Crystal Cdr World
Burgundy Corporate Twr Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8727-6472
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Mkti ........................... (02)8856-4415 Jump Solutions Inc SJ .............................. (02)8705-1193
Centra Electrosystems Incorporated Erechem Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8832-6328
1906 Finance Dr Munt .... (02)8842-8776 Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8777-9158
Onward Communications And Services Inc
Marren Bldg QC .............. (02)3410-8185
Computer Hardware Dataview
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8441-1513
Rapid Radio Communications Incorporated - Touchscreens Digitalhub Incorporated
B5 L43-C W Tecson LP .. (02)8873-3481 Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
Solid Radio Communications Condor Pos Solutions Rp Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8477-2187
Branches QC .................. (02)7759-6313 Azure Business Ctr QC ... (02)8376-5693 Easy Pc Computing
Triton Communications Corporation Hewlett Packard 274 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-9903
Antel Global Corporate Ctr Eton Centris Cyberpod Egie Game Shop
Psg ............................ (02)8638-7147 QC ............................. (02)8374-1546 114 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0997)220-5875

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123 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Concrete - Construction 123

Arezzo Place Pasig Condo Corporation Philippine Stock Exchange Centre Cond Equiprime Optimum Solutions Inc
Concrete (Cont'd) 8805 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8650-0872 Philippine Stock Exch We Twr Construction Jvf-Kanedai Bldg QC.......(02)7617-0892

Elite Hardware
Asian Star Condominium Corporation
Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8850-8197
Psg ............................ (02)8634-8141
Phoenix Heights Condominium Corporation Equipment Erodma Ready-Mix Concrete Co
219 Pablo Dela Cruz QC . (02)8983-6403
910 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8911-0443 B U Properties Corp Capt H P Javier Psg ........ (02)8671-7553 Everbest Achiever's International
Fc Geronimo Concrete Prod Unioil Ctr Bldg Munt ....... (02)8809-1271 Prince Plaza Condominium Corporation 747 Lumber & Construction Supply 675 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-0783
155 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)8928-0928 Belton Mansion Prince Plz II Mkti.............(02)8840-3215 Incorporated F D Santos & Sons Builders Incorporated
Manalang Enterprises 1042 Reina Regente Mla (02)8243-3178 Caruncho Ave Psg .......... (02)7746-3734 8280 Dr A Santos Ave
Providence Tower 2000 Condo Corporation A Bonifacio Construction Supply
Deparo Rd KC .............. (0917)248-3109 Building Administrator Office Providence Twr Mla........(02)8400-7748 Pque .......................... (02)8478-8024
Novtek Teknologies Pacific Plz Twrs Bgc-South 104 Amang Rodriguez Fazt Construction & Realty Corporation
Pryce Center Condominium Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8682-1363
San Miguel Ave Psg ..... (0943)707-8249 Taguig........................(02)8818-5145 Pryce Ctr Mkti ................ (02)8899-1641 Kakarong Mkti ................ (02)8890-1261
Phiaso Enterprises Cct & Sons Development Incorporated Ack Construction Flextool Equipments And Tools Corporation
Raffles Condominium Corporation 697 Pina Ave Mla ........... (02)8714-3602
Barangka Dr Mkti ............ (02)8984-7570 Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)8371-9412 Raffles Corporate Ctr 12 Waterlily Val .............. (02)8983-7982
Centro Development Corporation All Constructions And Hardware Supply Gacorvera Construction Corporation
Vbv Trading Philippines Psg ............................ (02)7910-5267 1420 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3311
Eden Plz Business Ctre Legaspi Suites Mkti ........ (02)8893-5286 Matalino QC ................... (02)8441-2641
Chinatown Steel Tower Incorporated Robinson's Communities Amnar Builders Co Greencare Trading And Services
PC ............................. (02)8714-5194 Karina Bldg Psg..............(02)8637-3760 Central Condmn QC ...... (0909)413-7810
Chinatown Steel Twr Condmn 69 Yale QC ..................... (02)7975-0757
Mla ............................ (02)8242-7942 Royal Palm Residences Condo Corporation Ap Marquez Construction Incorporated Highland Lumber And Construction Supply
Concrete - Pumps Cityland Guard Hse Taguig...........(02)8571-8688
S-Tower Condominium
25 S Marino Munt .......... (02)7794-9964
Architectural Centre Club Incorporated
Company Incorporated
760 Pacific Regency PC . (02)8567-1661 2213-19 Espana Blvd
Cityland Condominium Viii 1630 Jose Abad Santos Ave 6082 R Palma Mkti.........(02)8899-0906 Mla ............................ (02)8741-1842
Jacem Merchandising Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8251-2126 Art Vantage Construction Incorporated
Jacem Bldg 1 Munt ........ (02)8842-2041 Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8812-5276 Italit Construction And Development
Ckk Ankong Holdings Incorporated Sentosia Condominium Incorporated Rri Bldg Mand ................ (02)8470-1254 Corporation
Lucas Well Drilling And Water Supply Bbb Lumber & Construction Suppy
20 J P Rizal KC .............. (02)8287-2437 Zealcor Business Ctr Sentosia Condmn Pque .. (02)8556-3787 103 10th St QC .............. (02)8721-5365
Pque .......................... (02)8847-1126 Serendra Incorporated 58 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6453 Jacala Industrial Sales Incorporated
Ritex Concrete Philippines Incorporated Bits N Things Marketing
17 1St Ave Taguig .......... (02)8839-2363 Cypress Gardens Condmn Corp One Serendra Taguig ...... (02)7916-5481 1536 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Cypress Gardens Mkti .... (02)8893-6757 Sixsenses Residences 1228 Soler Mla...............(02)8245-3868 QC ............................. (02)8721-8606
Dansalan Gardens Condominium Corp Le Parc Event Hall PC ... (0917)415-1611 Boson Construction Jb Wright Phils Incorporated
Concrete - Ready Willow Twr Mand ........... (02)8451-2552
Dgjr Realty
Slk 2 Condo
Rbl Place QC ................ (0927)435-2510
Buencasa Construction Supply Inc
Nmp Bldg QC ................. (02)8421-0813
Jv&M-Associates Inc
Mixed 242 Kapalaran QC ........ (0917)347-4104
1368 Anacleto Slk 2 Condmn
Mla ............................ (02)8254-9306
743 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-4332
Buildex International Placement
Jocfer Bldg QC ............. (0917)552-8047
Dmci Homes State Centre Condominium Corporation Kanyu 168 Construction Incorporated
C5 Access Rd Taguig ..... (02)7504-6869 Taft Business Ctr Mla ..... (02)8256-1596 Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8832-1149
333 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-1107
CONCRETE ROYAL MIX Emma Balanoba Guzman Realty Sunset View Condominium Corporation
C Dizon Construction Katha Builders & Supplies
161-A Congressional Ave
CORP Sierra Madre QC ............. (02)7219-4909
Essensa East Forbes Condominium Corp
Sunsetview Twr Condmn QC ............................. (02)8921-5745
Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)827-7084
PC ............................. (02)8833-9119 Kimoy Construction Supply
We Supply Essensa Twrs - Twr 1 Susana Realty Incorporated
Centric Hardware
119A Dna Soledad Ave
Ph9 Pkg1 B2 L10 Bagong Silang
Taguig........................(02)8816-7260 KC ............................. (02)8463-5770
Ready Mix Concrete Euro Towers International Incorporated
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Pque .......................... (02)8822-7438
Kingscon Construction Supply Corp
Your Reliable Building Partner! Mkti ........................... (02)8891-5545 Conmech Construction And Development
Vivaldi Residences QC .... (02)8376-1111 2501 Cavite Mla ............. (02)8251-1917
Email:[email protected] First Cityland Condmn Corporation The Frabella 1 Condominium Corporation
Fsa Corporate Plz Mand..(02)8534-6827 Kmonline Tools Mercantile
First Cityland Condmn The Frabella 1 Condmn 1995 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8899-2009
Fax: (02)8635-0622 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-3639 Constech
14 Calle Obrero Mkti ........................... (02)8818-1035 Liberty Marble & Granite Incorporated
The Peak Condominium Corporation 132 West West Trade Ctr
Quezon City ............... (02)8635-0620 For Sale For Lease Properties Philippines QC ............................. (02)8371-1859 3604B Davila Mkti .......... (02)8890-7923
Camia Mkti ................... (0917)300-0467 The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8848-2562 Lucky Dragon Construction+Design
Torre De Salcedo Apts Condm Corporation Crystel Hardware
Galleon Office Tower Pres Quezon Psg ............ (02)8655-6643 37 Seattle QC ............... (0918)911-0808
Galleon Twr Psg ........... (0926)424-1833 Torre De Salcedo Mkti .... (02)8818-6439 Macro Construction Equipment
Torre Venezia Suites Incorporated Cutting Edge Productions Incorporated
Gilmore Towers Incorporated Ricogen Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8894-2431 73 Apo QC ................... (0917)525-9312
Garden Island Condo Twr 2 Torre Venezia QC............(02)8352-3985 Mansei Techno Philippines Corporation
D'Arcy Commercial Corporation
CONCRETE QC ............................. (02)8654-6943 Travelers Inn 837 - 839 Tomas Mapua Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-7594
Golden Dragon Travellers Inn Condmn Mar Delas Armas Construction Supply
ROYAL MIX Wack-Wack Rd Mand ..... (02)8727-0316 Mkti ........................... (02)8895-7061
Mla ............................ (02)8711-2101
16 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Datem Incorporated
CORP Grand Tower Condominium Corporation Vista Residences Twin Oaks Place Condmn Psg ............................ (02)8645-1069
Cosmopolitan Twr Condmn 267 Katipunan Ave QC . (0935)456-8341 Mand ......................... (02)8477-8738 Midtown Industrial Sales Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-7802 Zen Tower Corporation Denmark Construction Company 32 M H Del Pilar KC........(02)8361-6671
Greenrich Mansion 1111 Natividad A Lopez 162 Ortigas Ext Ave Psg . (02)8656-0191 Monrio Industrial Corporation
Lourdes Psg...................(02)8634-0336 Mla ............................ (02)8526-1924 Dge Construction Cvj Bldg QC....................(02)8711-9005
Jans Enterprises Homeassist.Ph Lri Bldg QC.....................(02)8936-2557 Newmsr Cosntruction Supply
Upscale Innovation Hub Grd 66 Sta Ana Mal .............. (02)7239-6496
412 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8727-8520
Marcbilt Construction Incorporated QC ........................... (0927)853-3320 Confectionary Diamant Manufacturing And Trading
Corporation Nlite Fiberglass And Design
Kp Tower
Richville Corporate Twr
Munt .......................... (02)8403-8946 716 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8242-0185 Machines 344 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8511-1436
Dl Cervantes Construction Corporation
Dagupan Ext Mla ............ (02)8782-5073
Northstar Motors Corporation
Super Strong Concrete Inc Lakeview Manors Condominium 20 Seminary Rd QC ........ (02)8352-0725 1122 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-6816
Mabato Rd Taguig ........ (0917)593-5125 Corporation Sourcemate International Corporation Durastress Corporation Npi Incorporated
Top Star Mix Ready Concrete Inc 11 Bagong Calzada 2522 A Bonifacio Mkti .... (02)8846-2286 Robinsons Equitable Twr Manalac Cpd Taguig ....... (02)8838-3620
Mindanao Ave Val...........(02)3432-8222 Taguig........................(02)8628-2665 Psg ............................ (02)8451-1255
Lancaster Shaw Condominium Corporation
Zircon Cem-Mix Inc
107 Sct De Guia QC ....... (02)8929-2968 622 Shaw Lancaster Condmn Confectionery and E C Daughson Incorporated
100 Congressional Ave The Yellow Pages
Mand ......................... (02)8532-1818
Lancris Residences Candy QC ............................. (02)8927-3567
Encotec Inc brings more value
Concrete Cracks and Admin Bldg Pque............(02)8831-4884
Le Triomphe Condominium Corp Manufacturers Dela Rosa Mkti ............... (02)8855-6321
to businesses.
Equipment Engineers Incorporated
Honeycombs - Le Triomphe Mkti ........... (02)8826-5046
Miramar Confectionery Corporation
12 Manggahan QC ......... (02)8635-3342
Legaspi Towers 300 Incorporated
Repairing 2600 Pres M A Roxas Bvd 45 Basilio Mal ................ (02)8287-1797
Mla ............................ (02)8521-2864 Sevilla Sweets
3Fm Hardware Greenhills Shopping Ctr
1888 Felix Huertas Rd MALATE BAYVIEW SJ .............................. (02)8722-1002
Mla ............................ (02)3480-3052 MANSION DEVT CORP The Hershey Company
6750 Ofc Twr Bldg Mkti..(02)8771-2152
near Remedios, Malate Church
Concrete Forming Aristocrat Resto, Roxas Blvd.
[email protected]
Construction Aid
Efco Philippines Limited
Philcrest II Cpd Munt ...... (02)8772-1006 [email protected] 3Mr Industrial Equipment
Maxi Bilt Construction 8536-0033 / 8536-2973 / 8404-0509 10 Quirino Hwy QC.........(02)7750-0879
146 Rd 20 QC ................ (02)3455-7765 Fort Builders Construction And Dev't Corp
1781 M Adriatico Manila (02)8523-0170 Calimbas Bldg Taguig ..... (02)8990-0218
Concrete Mixers Gattech Supply And Engineering
832 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)7718-0527
MALATE Megashine Builders Corporation
Pert Equipment And Industrial Supply BAYVIEW Dna Josefa QC ............... (02)7904-6166
Mcr Bldg Mand...............(02)8532-0741
MANSION Mgs Scaffolding And Formworks
12 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8633-1996
Concrete Poles and DEVELOP- Screw Capital General Merchandise
MENT 186 Dna Soledad Ave
Piles CORPO-
Pque ........................ (0916)518-8885
Wikreate Konstruct Builders Inc
Steel Pole Lamp Post Price Philippines RATION 158 8th St KC .............. (0995)736-5000
Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8833-5964 Worl Home Depot Corporation
Manila's Finest Ph Realty Incorporated Ctip Cmpd Psg ............... (02)8656-7539
Concrete Vibrators 12 Old Paliguan Rd QC . (0999)967-3078
Mckinley Park Residences
Crescent Park Taguig ..... (02)8478-6405 Construction
Oberly & Co Inc
17 Labo QC....................(02)8740-1598
Mia Maison
Sm City San Lazaro
Chemicals Allied Concrete
Mla .......................... (0932)921-5480
New San Jose Builders Incorporated
Timog Ave QC .............. (0997)531-5991
Doron Builders & Construction Supplies
Limited Company
Products Inc
Paragon Plaza Jasmin KC ..................... (02)8962-2882 Block 17 Commonwealth Avenue
Affluent Properties Leasing And Sales Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8636-4958 Gersonite Industrial Corp
Levi Mariano Taguig ....... (02)7369-9101 Parque Espana 346 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3454-0421 Cor Don Antonio Hgts, Quezon City,
Alexandra Condominium Corporation Parque Espana Munt ...... (02)8809-4433 Maxipacific Corporation Metro Manila 1104
Alexandra Condmn Psg .. (02)8631-8592 Petron Megaplaza Condominium 74 B Panay Ave QC ...... (0905)250-0282
Amber Place Condominium Association Inc Trenchless Technologies Corporation Tel. No.: (02) 8931-0040
67 Bayani Rd Taguig ...... (02)8403-5351 Petron Mega Plz Mkti ...... (02)8886-3321 15 Tagdalit QC ............... (02)8365-1718

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124 S C M Y K

124 Construction - Contractors 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Suretech Enterprises Incorporated Irs Eastern Incorporated
Construction Liwag Bldg Mkti..............(02)8884-2338 Construction Consultants - C-3 Rd Nav .................... (02)8922-1518
Equipment (Cont'd) TERESA MARBLE Equipment - Renting Environment Trucksusa Company Limited
55 A Bonifacio Ave QC ... (02)8823-8247
Jenjun Construction Daruma Technologies Incorporated Mindanao Ave Val...........(02)8710-9606
OBERLY & CO INC 9th Ave KC ..................... (02)8938-4964 Alcco Bldg SJ.................(02)8721-4219
e-mail: [email protected] Pedro's Construction Supply Environair Asia Incorporated
117 Shaw Blvd 1432 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7360 331 Pilar Rd LP .............. (02)8836-2296 Containerized
Telephone Nos.:8740-1595/8740-1597
South East Commercial Corporation
1414 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3219
Lichel Technologies Inc
Prestige Twr Condmn Freight Service
Psg ............................ (02)8637-8209
8743-5813 Telefax No. 8740-1598 Ascend International Freight Forwarding Inc
Construction Pacific Ctre Mla .............. (02)8511-7589
Email: [email protected]
TERESA Machinery Consultants - Quality Impex Cargo Services
FB Page:Oberly Development Corporation
17 Labo Quezon City ..... (02)8740-1595 MARBLE
Systems Madrigal Bldg Mla ........ (0999)495-6398
Stargazer Transport Services
Lockheed Industrial Machineries Opc 2320 S Del Rosario Mla..(02)8708-5987
CORPORA- 509B A Bonifacio Ave Factocert - The Best Iso Consultants
QC ............................. (02)8283-1796 Elliptical Rd Diliman QC .. (02)8555-5856
TION Railway And Industrial Applications People 360 Contractors
OBERLY Corporation 1141 Old Samson Rd
Townes Inc Bldg Mkti ... (0917)801-1303 QC ............................. (02)8362-0566 3Fj Construction
AND Towering 19 Thunderbird QC ......... (02)7909-6079
COMPANY Tolsen Tools Philippines 399 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8522-2873
INCOR- 208 Banawe QC ............. (02)7901-1145 Consulting 8Gig Konstruct Incorporated
Captain Musni Pat .......... (02)8579-2055
Topspot Heavy Equipment Incorporated
77 Mindanao Ave QC......(02)8924-2261 Construction 4Impact Group
A D Sabarillo Jr Incorporated
Susana Arcade LP .......... (02)8800-3832
Tripwell Construction Corporation
Triplewell Ctr Mkti...........(02)8890-6111
Supplies Hanston Square Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)7263-9488
Acre Development Corporation
Acre Bldg QC ................. (02)8928-7869
Wehome 78 Angelo QC ...... (02)8832-4117 838 Elite Philippine Properties Corporation Alglas Construction Services
Parex Group Incorporated
Realty Investment Bldg Wilcon Builders Depot ETERTON Chino Roces Ave Ext Marikina-Infanta Hwy
292 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-6254 Mkti ........................... (02)8754-1442 Mkna ....................... (0915)489-2698
Mand ......................... (02)8722-1703
Wjas Atomic Trading
MULTI-RESOURCES A R T Belarmino & Company Cpas Angel8 Enterprises
Pert Equipment & Industrial Supply Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8404-5965 19 Green Peasant QC ..... (02)8930-3954
31 D Arellano KC ............ (02)8441-2881 1726-B Alvarez Mla ........ (02)7625-3395 CORPORATION Core Management Consultancy Cabuga Glass Aluminum And Iron Works
Purple And Pink Workstation Hardware And Appliances
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8808-6118 235 Libertad PC ............. (02)8551-1746 168 San Francisco Manda- Metroview Bldg Mla ........ (02)8693-2405 81 Padre Diego Cera Ave
Crownsys Consulting Incorporated LP .............................. (02)8834-1126
Rsm Builders Zealth Builders luyong ..... (02)8532-7021 Cityland Pioneer Condmn Cga Prime Builders & Equipmentco Inc
32 Mrc QC ................... (0997)674-7556 Dna Sotera QC ............... (02)3453-0852 Mand ......................... (02)8634-6772 Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8927-0763
(See Advertisement on this page)
Sjtmic Enterprises Day1 Tech Inc Cypress Bomanite Inc
193-G Macabagdal KC ... (02)8355-0343 The Yellow Pages GLORY LUMBER 62 Thomas Pque ............ (02)8579-3130 26 Main Ave QC ............. (02)7621-0270
Sky Dragon Construction Product Your Link to the Business World. •CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Exsurge Incorporated Dc Mancita Builders Inc
144 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8661-3276 •ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8584-0838 J&L Bldg Mand .............. (02)8725-3501
H&D Property Management Team Flashbuilt Construction Incorporated
•HARDWARE ITEMS • LUMBER Advance Realty Bldg QC . (02)8521-1433
Business Ctre Mand ....... (02)8533-6540
•DEFORMED BARS • PVC I Dream Canada International Ph Iljin Walltech Inc
•PAINTS • PLYWOOD • G.I. SHEETS Milandre Ctre QC ............ (02)8376-9436 Sapphire Rd Psg ............ (02)8584-5540
Tel No.: 8364-2195 / 8364-5190 Icanada Future Solutions Inc Ivm Enterprises And Development
8363-2174 / 8361-4810 / 8362-4346 Atlanta Ctr SJ ................. (02)8703-4978 Corporation
International Franchise Corporation Rcdc Bldg QC ................ (02)8371-7571
8363-5457 / 8364-7931 / 8361-5310 Jremd Electronics Enterprise
8361-2513 / 8363-5490 / 8366-5282 / Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-3149
Jcl International Incorporated C Benitez QC .................. (02)7907-5645
8366-5283 Fax:8361-6910 / 8366-5294 Sjg Ctre Bldg Mkti...........(02)8887-2177 Jvm Builders And Construction Corp
Email: [email protected] Jigatek Virtual Business Solutions A Mabini Psg................(0917)771-0220
320 Edsa Ave Sunny Villas Condmn Legend Builders General Merchandise
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990 QC ........................... (0917)440-4611 Corporation
Jonathan Yabut Consultancy And Ventures Norberto Ty Mla ........... (0917)831-1632
P Villa Carolina Twnhms 2 Limmaco Trading
QC ........................... (0917)506-4048 3308 Magaraullo Mla....(0917)650-8119
Kg Consult Group Inc Linsenn Trading
Corporate Ctr Mkti ........ (0917)632-6068 L26B B42 Gen Ordonez
Kpgroup Philippines Incorporated Mkna ......................... (02)8948-8463
GLORY Insular Life Corporate Ctr Mjcg Group Of Companies
222 One Oasis Hub Psg . (02)7358-4864
LUMBER Munt .......................... (02)8555-1098
Lichel Technologies Incorporated Mundo Builders Inc
Prestige Twr Condmn Uprc III Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8868-6368
Psg ............................ (02)8633-0094 Oncho Philippines Incorporated
Momentum Worldwide G A Yupangco Bldg Mkti . (02)8856-6064
Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8815-0888 Perfectlydone Incorporated
Netlogic Solutions Asia Incorporated 19 Taruc Val...................(02)8291-9996
LINTON INCORPORATED Concepcion Bldg QC ...... (02)8373-0080 Pl Express Gtw Incorporated
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8376-9076
Park Tower Nicel Consultancy Services
Gcc Mall Mkti.........(02)8664-8154 Rd Glass Aluminum
Manila.....(02)8733-8800 OneEdsa 888 Holdings Corporation Crispulo KC .................. (0925)546-0953
Robinsons Equitable Twr Renmaster Construction Service
Psg ............................ (02)8373-4501 9 3rd St QC .................. (0927)140-8753
Power Up Hr Incorporated Rizzane Hardware
454 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8294-6382
LINTON 48 Diego Silang Taguig...(02)8831-7865
Rold Realty Development Corporation
Quintegral Philippines Inc
INCORPO- Axa Life Ctre Mkti ........... (02)8845-1324 Piscor Cpd Psg .............. (02)8880-3394
Rights Up Consultancy Romari Construction Incorporated
RATED 531 Halcon Mand ........... (02)8477-9691 351 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8361-6570
Rq-One Corp Sitech Philippines Incorporated
1 Rq-One Corp Munt ...... (02)8639-8826 The Gallery Bldg QC ....... (02)8656-7908
Shana Resources And Development Sonvil Construction Supply Andhardware
Manhattan Enterprise Bldg 318 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8376-4901
QC ............................. (02)8357-8947 Sunly Properties Incorporated
TOPRITE PLASTIC Armstrong Bldg Pque ..... (02)8823-0803
Spd Jobs Inc Touch Of Home Corporation
INDUSTRIES INC Lemon Square Bldg QC (0966)207-5712
Svm Project Management Services
1269 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8366-8642
The Biggest Providers of Film Tri-Joh Construction Inc
Incorporated Edsa QC ....................... (0919)848-5307
Sheeting From 1" up to 300" Del Mundo Bldg Mla ....... (02)8516-1624
For Construction, For Cement Curing Systra Philippines Incorporated
Moisture/Barrier Vapor
Slubs & Beams, Light Posts & Lining
West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8637-8236
Tds Global Solutions
Contractors - Civil
292 E. Miranda St. Paso de Blas Robinsons Equitable Twr Works
Valenzuela City Psg ............................ (02)8631-8230
The New Thinkers Company Absha Construction & Development Inc
Tel No: 02-82942806 / 02-82942812 107 The Palisades Mkti .. (02)8893-4237 One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)8693-2825
Fax No: 02-82942810 Alpiz Construction & Development
e-mail: [email protected]
292 E Miranda Consumer Finance Corporation
29 Maliksi QC.................(02)7750-5736
Valenzuela ................. (02)8294-2806 Ardi Engineering
Eterton And Financing Corporation
Vicente Madrigal Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8252-1724
Manta 2 Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8883-3854
Berkwil Construction Incorporated
20 Banlat Rd QC.............(02)8350-6760
Multi-Resources TOPRITE
Gggl Marketing Services
San Pedro Mkti...............(02)8541-2220
Nuovo Art & Power Group Inc
37 Greenhills Mansion

Corporation PLASTIC
Promovere Inc SJ .............................. (02)8723-0308
6784 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8543-7412 Padm Construction Services
Istanbul Pque ............... (0956)148-4142
168 San Francisco, Mandaluyong City, Square Dimension Construction Company
INC Container Vans Ltd
Metro Manila 1550 Philippines 21 Banaba Munt ........... (0977)463-4645
Tel. No.: (02) 8532-7021 Emilda Trucking Topnotch Construction
Westbank Rd Psg ........... (02)8941-2699 P&S Bldg QC ................ (0923)921-4557

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:22 2022 - P124

125 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Contractors 125

Elco Development And Construction
Contractors - Civil Contractors - 202 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Works (Cont'd) Foundation QC ............................. (02)8724-4592
Elektro Werk Incorporated
695 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8724-1686
Trimar Construction Geotechnics Philippines Incorporated Espacio Builders Inc
One Global Place Taguig . (02)3224-2030 Sauyo Rd QC ................. (02)8938-2124 12 Paraiso QC ................ (02)8567-0656
Frenmay Builders Corporation
Contractors - Contractors - 2575 Espiritu Mla ........... (02)8516-8635
G O Eastern Construction Corporation
Demolition Mechanical Jafer Place SJ ................ (02)8727-6129
Homeplus Builders Centre Incorporated
Star Plz Bldg Munt .......... (02)8808-7769
Azeriu Demolition & Construction Hermitech Airconditioning Services
Corporation 2-B Morning Star Dr Ext Ifund Credit & Trading Incorporated
Rvv Bldg KC ................... (02)8938-0169 QC ............................. (02)3454-2993 1835 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
QC ............................. (02)8532-0910
Contractors - Contractors and Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8822-5571
Inco Philippines Corporation
Electrical Builders Jackson Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8840-4593
Ingcoph Stores Inc
Ablaza Electrical Supply 515 Builders Corporation Mc Home Depot
16 Rd 6 KC .................... (02)8283-4315 Pioneer Highlands Condmn Taguig......................(0917)892-9427
Acdc Electrical Services Mand ......................... (02)8687-1454 J & J's Builders Corporation
22 Maysan Rd Val ........ (0907)463-0639 A B Franco Builders Sepa KC ....................... (0927)723-1127
Ajp Electrical Works 66 Chile Mkna ................ (02)8942-1762 J Santos Construction Incorporated
St Louis Val .................... (02)8332-1861 A Plus Builders Inc Mmc Hse Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8813-2281
208 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3456-6880 Jal Prestige Builder Corporation
Amdp Controls & Services Salud Business Plz
B1 L9 Pres Aguinaldo Ave A V Paule Construction Co Incorporated
State Condmn 4 SJ ........ (02)8723-8947 Pque ........................ (0915)921-2606
Pque ........................ (0966)812-1973 Jdbec Incorporated
Bmje Marketing And Electrical Services Advance Engineering Corporation
2208 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8523-8711 The Stratford Residences
Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8552-3375
B209 L32 Labayani QC...(02)8372-6065 Advance Tech
1236 A H Lacson Mla.....(02)8731-3560 Jdm Stahl Construction
Crown Mill Supply Enterprises Incorporated 39 Phinma Plz Mkti ........ (02)8330-5299
Vai Bldg KC .................... (02)8364-5020 ADVANCED FOUNDATION Jeika Builders Incorporated
E Power Technologies Tia Maria Sarao Bldg LP . (02)8846-5218
Seibu Twr Taguig ........... (02)8555-1749 CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS Jero Builders
Edjm Square Electrical Contractor CORPORATION De Leon Bldg Pque ......... (02)8553-5750
278 Bagong Silang Jett Water Heater Company Incorporated
Mkna ......................... (02)8897-9049 Petron Mega Plaza Cdc/Jett Bldg QC ............ (02)8723-0032
Emz Electrical Contractor Corporation Makati ..... (02)8886-3439 Jose Cris Builders
Colorado Bldg Mla .......... (02)8935-3022 71 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8426-3899
Kaizen E & M Corporation (See Advertisement on this page) Jrt Construction And Trading Corporation
Salud And Consuelo Bldg Airflow Construction Corp L1-2 E Rodriguez Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8894-3165 6F Congressional QC ...... (02)3456-3275 Pque .......................... (02)7975-3214
Marcbilt Construction Inc Aj7 Builders Jusman Construction
Richville Corporate Twr B89 L22-24 Amarillo 2213 Dimasalang Pque .. (02)8893-6017
Munt .......................... (02)8403-8946 Mkti ........................... (02)7757-0517 Lgmn Designs
Alpa Plumbing Works Incorporated 930 Vicente G Cruz Mla .. (02)8516-2419
Ohmnic Engineering Services 157 Congressional Ave
Sampaguita Oval KC ..... (0961)235-0114 Linea Architects Co
QC ............................. (02)3453-0488 L11 B18 5th St Pque .... (0917)155-7063
Philia Design & Construct Company Angeles J V Construction Corporation
M Jocson QC ................. (02)7987-9058 Lorean Steel Construction Corporation
1 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Parc Hse Bldg Mand ....... (02)8724-7632
Plug Electric Manufacturing Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8671-3931 Loza Builders Design And Construction
Dama De Noche Pque .... (02)8823-5856 Arkehtex Construction Services Lilac Mkna ..................... (02)7587-9451
Power Circle International Incorporated Mozart QC .................... (0999)560-0706
Cyberone Bldg QC .......... (02)8687-6285 Ashron Metal Works LT STEEL CENTER INC
Power Restart Technologies Inc 6164 Mabini KC ........... (0935)388-5034
Jollibee Plz Condmn Psg (02)8248-1584 Azvercons Philippines Incorporated Park Tower
Slsi Corporation Upper Azucena Mkti ..... (0921)643-0765 Manila.....(02)8733-8810
Boscoseal International Incorporated
25 Ipil Mkna ................... (02)8253-5171
Totoy Electrical
157 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8442-3041
8487 Hon A Sandoval Ave
Psg ............................ (02)8641-9076
(See Advertisement on next page)
M A W Builders And Construction Supply Dominic
Construction Inc
Km 16 Ortigas Ave Ext
Tri-Deacon Electric Corp Bright Homes And Realty Corporation Psg ............................ (02)7501-4197
650 Dna Maria Mla ......... (02)8713-4841 50 Sct Borromeo QC ...... (02)8920-0598 M D Tambungui Specialist Incorporated
Builders-Asia Corporation 18 Wacat QC..................(02)8740-0639
Wadjet Corporation Virka Bldg QC ................. (02)8921-8156 229-A Basilan cor Talayan St.,
Wadjet LP ...................... (02)8871-0638 Makron Builders
Wei-Ver Electrical And Auxiliary Supply
Chm Incorporated Parian Coml Cplx QC .... (0998)999-9711 Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila 1550 Philippines
Jme Bldg Mand .............. (02)8534-0194
29 Bnr Mal ................... (0956)661-6825 Chu Construction Services
Manbae Construction Tel. No.: (02) 8533-0788
Horizon 2000 Bldg QC .... (02)7586-2468
14 D Sevilla QC ............ (0917)305-9353
Marciano Windows And Doors
Contractors - Concentric Industries Incorporated
Cityland Herrera Twr F Antonio Psg.................(02)7239-9265
Engineering General Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0105
Metrowalk Cplx Psg ...... (0917)832-0004
Engineering Construction Control Construction Incorporated
917 San Francisco 2464 Espiritu Mla ........... (02)8525-8365
Mand ......................... (02)8534-6746
F-Six Swimming Pool Builders CORNERSTEEL SYSTEMS
27 Aguirre Ave LP .......... (02)8515-9301 CORPORATION
Firmbuilders Incorporated
102 P Cruz Mand ........... (02)8584-2006 The World Centre Bldg
Gicon Construction Services
B18 L2B Gate 3 PC ........ (02)8551-1008
Makati ..... (02)8867-8301
Itc Corp
Omm-Citra Bldg Psg.....(0917)174-0909
Jg Supreme Contractors Inc
Damar Bldg QC .............. (02)7217-8029 CORNER-
Koolweld Engineering Contractor STEEL
Km 22 West Svc Rd SYSTEMS
Munt .......................... (02)8519-9391
Prime Electro-Motors Inc CORP
7A Ponciano Val ............. (02)7968-7213
Rivson Trading & Construction
A J Villegas Mla .............. (02)8521-8539
Span + Space Konstrukt Incorporated Cruz F F And Company Incorporated
9710 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8896-8416 Jack Built QC..................(02)8635-0722
Csemscorp (Contractors Fabricators)
Contractors - Incorporated
2252 G Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8781-2655
Excavation Dimson (Manila) Incorporated
12B Liwayway QC .......... (02)8374-5936
S And L Incorporated
S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8524-8597
229 Basilan Manda-
Advanced Foundation
Contractors - Exhibit
luyong ..... (02)8533-0788
(See Advertisement on this page)
Construction Systems Corp
King Faraon's Enterprise
Dreamworks Construction Incorporated
10 Evangelista Ave Psg .. (02)8645-9148
Petron Mega Plaza, Makati City, Metro Manila 1227
1326 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8782-8656 E E Black Ltd
Smart Advertising And Events Inc Asian Hospital & Medical Ctr
Tel. No.: (02) 8886-3439
Rd 2 Mand ..................... (02)7576-2868 Munt .......................... (02)8551-6734

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:22 2022 - P125

126 S C M Y K

126 Contractors - Convention 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Selegna Holdings Corporation
Contractors and METRO CONSTRUCTION MG EXEO NETWORK INC Ust Multi Deck Parking
Builders (Cont'd) INC METRO Mla ............................ (02)8254-4431
Ssp Builders And Enterprises
SINCE 1948 CONS- Parian Coml Ctr QC ........ (02)8922-6605
Maziv Builders Inc TRUC- Sta Elena Properties Incorporated
21 Maysan Rd Val .......... (02)7798-2629 GENERAL CONTRACTING Pldt Mgo Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8886-6175
Mden Construction Services • MID-HI RISE BUILDING
TION Starcross Construction Incorporated
Crissant Plz QC .............. (02)8364-7247 • HEAVY CIVIL WORKS INCOR- Joval Bldg Munt ............. (02)8823-5837
Steelite Construction Corporation
Melchor Astoveza Construction Services • PILE DRIVING PORATED 32 Uranus Psg ............... (02)8643-8009
Marian Town Homes
Mla ............................ (02)8516-6544 • SOIL TESTING / GEOTECHNICAL T'sys Industrial Control Corporation
SEISMIC SOILS EVALUATION Metropolis Construction Incorporated Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)8351-7189
Metalite Builders Devt Co Incorporated Terp Asia Construction
152 M Sioson Mal .......... (02)8282-3241 747 Aurora Bvd Rizal Tech University General Construction / Telecom
Quezon City ............... (02)8721-2736 Mand ......................... (02)8654-2787 Facilities / ICT Solutions Starmall-Bpo Bldg LP ..... (02)8893-2872
Metalyte Builder Tech Construction And Topline Builders & Consultancy
Development Corporation Up To ........................... (02)8721-2737
Makati Branch: DPC Chino Roces Ave City & Land Mega Plz Condo
North Domingo Place Psg ............................ (02)8571-2240
SJ ............................ (0922)874-7348 THE Tel no: 8889-8633
Triforce Builder's Incorporated
Fax: 8889-8644
YELLOW 21 R L Fernandez SJ ...... (02)8724-1237
The Yellow Pages Trisan Construction And Development
The Yellow Pages PAGES 200 Magnolia Psg .......... (02)3416-0264
OPEN FOR BUSINESS Sta Ana Drive Parañaque (02)8824-0289 Vconstruct Incorporated
brings more value guarantees all its Regalia Twr B QC ........... (02)7505-0877
Vinnell-Belvoir Corporation
365 DAYS A YEAR. Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8958
to businesses. Partners. Woojin E&C Incorporated
MG EXEO West Gate Twr Munt ....... (02)8511-7526
WORK Construction
INC A Rivera Construction
958 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8551-2123
Danilo C Mancita Incorporated
J&L Bldg SJ ................... (02)8725-3501
Miescor Builders Incorporated Diamond Dry Mortar Incorporated
1 Anonas Ext QC ............ (02)8920-4576 Fortune Bldg Psg ............ (02)8571-7869
Mojares Construction Ftsakay Jr Construction Consultants
400-B Tandang Sora Ave P Tuazon Ave QC ........... (02)8913-7726
QC ............................. (02)8931-3258 G M Maningas Construction Incorporated
Monark Equipment Corporation 33 Kayumanggi Mand .... (02)8534-8041
150 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Global Facade Tech Phils Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8631-0293 Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8470-7403
MONTEVISTA Global Project Incorporated
737 Romualdez Mla ....... (02)8255-9001
CONSTRUCTION CORP Gno Dream Builders Incorporated
722B Del Monte Ave QC . (02)8708-4825
Bonifacio Global City Go Soc And Sons And Sy And Gui Huat
Taguig ..... (02)8822-0110 1238 Edsa QC ................ (02)8362-8347
(See Advertisement on this page) Graceland 23 Incorporated
Graceland Plz Mkna ........ (02)8696-7341
Moondragon Constructors
La Twnhms Psg ............. (02)8642-6232 Grand Nova Holdings Corporation
Jade Bldg QC ................. (02)8353-0015
Nbb Construction
Cannes Bldg Psg ............ (02)8668-9148 Jpm Architectural Services
B13 L6 San Antonio Ave
New Clinton Builders Inc Pque .......................... (02)7625-9362
Nordstrum Residences
QC ............................. (02)3433-2453 Modair Manila Co Ltd Incorporated
Nolsen Construction And Trading 41 San Guillermo Ave
West City Plz QC ............ (02)3411-0742 Psg ............................ (02)8640-7074

Montevista Construction Corp Obayashi Corporation Nucrest Development Corporation

Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-0359 Entrata Urban Twrs
Munt .......................... (02)8893-6146
Ongpeng-Santos Construction Corporation
55 C3 Rd KC .................. (02)8287-8756 Oceaneering Contractors Incorporated
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Metro Manila 1634 Philippines Pampanga Block Builders Incorporated 55 Washington Pque ...... (02)8824-2353
Radical Builders Stainless Haus Inc
Gumamela Pque ............. (02)8776-3733
Tel. No.: (02) 8822-0110 138 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7215-5514
PILECON GEOTECHNIC INC Research & Design Management
135D Veterans Vill QC .... (02)7261-1351
Will Decena And Associates Incorporated
*Bored Pile *Micro-Piling Rose Bldg QC.................(02)8374-5182

*Under-Pinning *Soil-Nailing Convenience Stores

E-mail: [email protected]
7 11 513 Bustos Mla ........ (0943)342-7314
7 Eleven Corporation
208 Dela Rosa Makati .... (02)8846-2075 Ermita Mayfair Twr Mla...(02)8567-4213
Citra Mina Seafoods Market
380 Multi Ave Pque ........ (02)8541-5852
Cjen Convenience Store
Sapphire Bldg 4 Val ........ (02)8723-3656
PILECON Finds Convenience Store
GEO- Da Vinci Bldg Munt ....... (0932)512-3226
Inigo Miguel Café
TECHNIC 91B Ermin Garcia QC....(0922)888-2107
Obee Mini Mart
INC Elcano Mla ..................... (02)8708-0317
Robinson's Convenience Store
Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8633-8486
Runwayone Retail Corporation
R B Construction Incorporated Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr
Don Jesus Bldg Munt ..... (02)8807-2923 QC ............................. (02)8961-1708
Rcla Maru Architects Company Saint Joseph Store
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)7503-7276 1761 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8516-0164
Rekom Manila Corporation Sample Line
Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)8817-0462 Sta Lucia Mall Psg........(0935)441-8611
Remco Simon Construction Corporation Topclass San Store
Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8525-5399 555 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-3078
Rhomax Design And Construction Tortasia Incorporated
Abenojar QC ................. (0915)383-2788 8467 West Svc Rd Pque.(02)8804-0889
Rockdwell Enterprises Venice Creation Incorporated
209 M Aquino QC...........(02)8514-4573 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2230

LT Steel Center Incorporated

Rowena Minoo Samurai Incorporated
Prime Land Venture Bldg
Munt .......................... (02)8556-3718 Convention Services
Rterra Incorporated
GROUND FLOOR PARK TOWER 628 630 T MAPUA ST STA CRUZ, City of Manila, 164 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .. (02)8373-1791 and Facilities
Metro Manila 1014 Philippines Saint Louis Construction
20 Kamuning QC ............ (02)8923-3215 College Of Saint Benilde Hotel International
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-8810 San Juan Builders Dev't Corporation Conference Center
3 Stockholm Ave KC.......(02)8442-3927 Arellano Ave Mla ............ (02)8230-5230
Sd2 Builders Supply Svvy Photobooth Services
15 Edsa QC .................... (02)8359-2338 Emerald LP .................. (0927)782-1317

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127 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Conveyors - Cosmetics 127

Intercool Cooling Towers Incorporated
Conveyors TRANS-ASIA PHILS MFG 13 St Mary QC ............... (02)8924-2797 Cork and Cork
MALABON INDS CORP Magic Aire Industries Incorporated
Bengar Industrial Corporation SOAP & 567 Gonzago Puyat Mla . (02)8733-6448
71 Mauban QC ............... (02)8364-1288
Maryland Industrial Corporation OIL MANUFACTURER OF: MASTERCOOL TOWER Gezegend Enterprises
Manansala Bldg Psg ....... (02)7747-0689 SALES CORPORATION 33 M Sevilla Mkna .......... (02)8634-8565
PRODUCT MFG INC SPECIALTY FATS & OILS Refrigeration Specialists"
Corrosion Control
15 Isidro Francisco Valen E-mail: [email protected] Alkemia Industrial Supply
TEL NOS: 8939-1376 * 8937-3768 One Global Place Taguig . (02)7964-7418
zuela ....... (02)8292-0811 [email protected]
Cp: 0917-8111319•Fax No.: 7342-0591
(See Advertisement on this page)
INCORPORATED UPS IV Parañaque..........(02)8821-3805 Cosmetic Supplies
Gen Luis Kalookan City .. (02)8939-1376
Cooking Oils Manufacturer of Quality Alysons Chemical Enterprises Incorporated
1425 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8712-2266
Cheng Ban Yek And Company Incorporated
MASTER- Bobbi Brown
"EXORA" Edible Oil,
19 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8726-0921
COOL Bay Blvd PC ................... (02)8558-3907
Grand Nourriture International Incorporated "EXORA" Margarine, TOWER Sm City North Edsa QC.(0998)530-0667
Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8631-4761 PHILS MFG Mary Kay Philippines
SALES 20 Romblon QC ............. (02)8929-3388
Coconut Fatty Distillate
RATION Cosmetics
RBD Palm Oil/ Powertech Industrial Sales Incorporated Anthem Shoppes Incorporated
MAKERS OF: 10 Leland Dr QC ........... (0917)813-6259 Shangrila Plz Mall Mand . (02)8636-1914
RBD Palm Olein Chef Rlu Beauty Products
QUALITY PURE COOKING OIL Cooking Utensils Rgl Airconditioning Center
105-B Rd 20 QC ............ (02)8990-2812 Beauty Chef Warehouse
website: Mal .......................... (0966)690-9479
MARGARINE Cherry Laboratory Incorporated
World Class Concepts Corporation
Mandaluyong.............(02)8531-9071 3270-D Armstrong  Ave Cooperatives 178 V Cruz SJ ................ (02)8725-4966
Consumer`S Desire Trading Corporation
PC ............................. (02)8824-3857
"SPRING" - "TAAL" - "VISTA" Countryside Builders Multi-Purpose Fishermall QC ................. (02)8294-3065
Cosmolab Manufacturing Co
Coolers and Jugs Cooperative
1679 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8522-1891 Goldland Bldg QC ......... (0915)496-2875
ROSAL LAUNDRY SOAP Dse (Cbp) Kilusang Bayan For Credit Inc Dermpharma Inc
Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas 2364 Dominga PC .......... (02)8536-6853
TANTUCO M I M J General Merchandise
Norzagaray Mla .............. (02)8512-5546 Mla ............................ (02)8708-7597 Ellana Mineral Cosmetics
Trunkline: 8281-4676 ENTERPRISES Egis Projects Philippines Incorporated
2723 St Chino Roces Ave
Mkti ......................... (0995)447-4518
City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8638-8920
8281-5611 / 8281-5609 INC Cooling Systems Fastrack
Evolve Missha Incorporated
Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ......... (0917)830-2763
905 Harvard QC ............. (02)8912-7399 Gladking Makeup Kit
Alfaj Marketing & Development Corporation Health Care Providers Cooperative Soler Mla ..................... (0915)817-1888
Almadeco Bldg PC ......... (02)8851-9848 Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-4890 House Of Sarah Lee-Cubao Branch
84 Gen Luna 2 Malabon.(02)8281-4676 Novadeci Extension Office
Fax ............................... (02)8281-4665 Lol Riverpark Bldg Mkna . (02)8475-1901
Novadeci Bldg QC .......... (02)8936-6212 International Cosmetics Inc
The Yellow Pages. Paco Savings & Credit Cooperative Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8635-7739
Watch your business 1461 Merced Mla ........... (02)8255-4963 Jg Pinoydeals Incorporated
With The Yellow Pages, go in full bloom. A powerful tool Paltok (Sfm) Credit Cooperative
18 Kundiman QC ............ (02)8371-6077
22 Palanza QC................(02)8523-6369
for you to reach your market. Sacred Heart Parish Credit Cooperative Kokuryu Cosmetics
Busy People Save Time. Downtown Ctr Bldg Mla .. (02)8242-0883
17A Sct Ybardolaza QC .. (02)8927-7851 Lynx-Nia Medica Incorporated
San Dionisio Credit Coop 1033 Kabatuhan QC ....... (02)8983-9565
554 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8820-2402 Nemo Technical & Telecommunications
Sikap Development Cooperative Services Inc
459 Dr Uyguangco Ave Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr
KC ............................. (02)8962-8212 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-8028
Speedtech Service Cooperative Ninja Fitness Lab Incorporated
325 Marcos Hwy Mkna .. (02)8682-8985 Phil Army Gymnasium
Totaldev Multi-Purpose Corporation Taguig........................(02)8828-6068
Jejomar Bldg Mand ........ (02)8531-9175 Pagoda Philippines
4626 Old Sta Mesa Mla .. (02)8715-6927
Copper Rejuvamed Skin Aesthetics
Fontana Bldg Spazio Benardo Condmn
QC ........................... (0920)983-0745
Rubi Stainless Steel Enterprises Resurgent Corporation
330 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-3080 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8793-8985

Tokai Rubber Belt

and Product Mfg. Inc.
15 Isidro Francisco, Valenzuela City,
Metro Manila 1469
Tel. No.: (02) 8292-0811

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128 S C M Y K

128 Cosmetics - Data 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Sota Philippines Incorporated
Cosmetics (Cont'd) Counselling and ICHILIFT INDUSTRIAL One Corporate Ctr Twr
Psychological SUPPLY Psg ............................ (02)8477-7427
Secinco Natural Incorporated Vma Elegant Curtain Designs
Trinoma Mall QC .......... (0915)514-7534 Services GUAN
Chain Block, Lever Hoist, Alloy Chain,
Wire Rope, Nylon Rope, Pulley,
Parkview Twr 2 QC ......... (02)8245-9979
Yuanda Curtain Trading
Suesh YIAC
Alabang Town Ctr 1247 Soler Mla...............(02)8247-0507
Kidz Therapy And Learning Center Lifting, Lashing Belt, Safety Products,
Munt ........................ (0932)289-2775 E Cruz QC .................... (0906)488-0745
Rigging Hardwares
Versalinia Incorporated
Topy 1 Bldg QC .............. (02)8634-8973 Psychological Research Library [email protected]
Custom Made Shoes
Fss Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)3415-6997
Vybrance Int'l Corporation 954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912 Besa's Shoes Incorporated
1 Lakeview Dr Psg ......... (02)8671-2957 Psychological Resources Center
Fss Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)8415-6997 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Yama Cosmetics SJ .............................. (02)8724-3163
Pyschconsult Incorporated
63 Dao Rd LP .............. (0915)311-2253
Younghairs Cosmetics Korea Regalia Park Twrs QC ..... (02)8421-2469 Crafts and Hobbies Crown Synergy Trading Corporation
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8631-0422
Bel Air Vill 2 Mkti .......... (0915)386-6977
Creative Affairs Team Incorporated ICHILIFT Sapatero
Couplings 158 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (02)8671-2698 INDUS-
8137 Plz Escriva Dr
Costume Rental Manila Precious Moments Lifestyle
Corporation TRIAL
Psg .......................... (0947)864-7696
Zukicks Mnl
Asia Bulk Transport Phils Inc 95 Senator Gil Puyat Ave Faxtrot Bldg QC ............ (0926)794-2078
Jhaykez' Costume And Souviner Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8636-8102 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-5252
Pampano Mal ............... (0928)695-3750
Mary's Creations GUAN YIAC HARDWARE Mystery Manila
Ayala Malls The 30th Customs Brokerage
25 St Rita Mkna ........... (0915)750-4293 455 T. Pinpin St. Binondo Manila 1006 Psg ............................ (02)7621-0732
Prishan Costume Shop Tahanan Pottery Shop Bennett H E Securities Incorporated
TELS.:(02)8245 7022; 8243 0288
161 Gen Ordonez
Mkna ....................... (0945)155-0101
Timog Ave QC .............. (0917)127-7207
8243 0285; 8245 8478 Winbee Enterprises
Cranes Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8634-5030
Benson Customs Brokerage Corporation
Rai Cosplay Costumes 186B S Dian PC ............. (02)7950-7347 Federal Twr Mla..............(02)8242-4620
FAX: (02)8242 9940; 8242 0469 Cargo King Customs Broakerage
23 President Ave Pque ... (02)8560-4694
MOBILE: (0999) 882 2288 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT 507 Intramuros Mla ........ (02)8528-0535
Toga Supplier Direct
Domestic Rd PC ........... (0936)340-4438 Email: [email protected] Crane, Hoist and CORPORATION Csdl Global Logistic Phil Incorporated
Website: Monorail System 1255 EDSA Quezon Trinity Bldg Mla .............. (02)8257-0589
Customs And Logistics Academy
Cotton Ale Konstruct Industrial Sales Corporation
City ......... (02)8361-3713 Escolta Calvo Bldg Mla ... (02)7238-0135
Dc Chua Customs Brokerage
3 Bartville Rd Psg ........... (02)8631-6693 (See Advertisement on this page) 1010 Bldg Mla................(02)8404-2571
All Good Traders Primemotor Incorporated Densen Custom Brokerage
555 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-1538 With The Yellow Pages, 1117 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8373-4250
The Yellow Pages Gkg Bldg QC ................ (0917)636-3729
Care Products Incorporated Ravago Equipment Rentals Incorporated Ecg Brokerage Incorporated
130 4Th St KC ............... (02)8364-2177 Busy People Save Time. bridges Buyers and 88 C3 Rd KC .................. (02)8287-5190 World Trade Exch Bldg
Foremost Cpg Brands Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8241-4786
Sellers together.
Goodgold Bldg QC .......... (02)8913-2154
Cranes - Renting Equitee Freight & Customs Brokerage
Victoria De Manila Mla .... (02)8536-3634
Fb Dela Cruz Customs Brokerage
Contractors Equipment Corporation Padilla Delos Reyes Bldg
1255 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8361-5148 Mla .......................... (0919)524-4811
Ravago Equipment Rentals Inc Hce Brokerage Corp
88 C-3 Rd KC.................(02)8287-5191 Pearl Of The Orient Twr
Torr Equipment Inc Mla ............................ (02)8250-8013
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Js Fernandez Customs Brokerage
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-9764 2441 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8330-0496
L'Arc Customs Brokerage And Services
Credit Reporting North Access Rd Mla......(02)8245-1161
Ligalas Customs Brokerage Corporation
Agencies Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8241-1511
Millennium Cargo Movers Incorporated
Emprisa Inno Solutions Incorporated Victoria De Manila Mla .... (02)8254-6514
Sta Agueda Bldg Pque .... (02)8821-8037 Mitsui Soco (Phils) Incorporated
Felnor Trust And Services Kings Court 1 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8894-5008
22 P Cruz Mand ........... (0933)541-9774 Ms Piamonte Customs Services
Nippon Credit Co Incorporated Bel-Air Apt Mla ............... (02)8527-2527
One Magnificent Mile-Citra Ocean Eleven Customs Brokerage
Psg ............................ (02)8635-6189 Ramagi Bldg Mla ............ (02)8526-4965
Pilapil Corporation
Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8525-6689
Crematories and Rem Customs Broker
85 Real LP ..................... (02)8553-5669
Columbariums Ronald Perez Brokerge Customs
Champ Bldg Mla ............. (02)8521-9237
Eric Santiago Memorial Chapel Star-Link Cargo Solutions Incorporated
26 Bayan-Bayanan Ave State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-7968
Mkna ......................... (02)8942-6044

Crewing Agency
Rizal Dairy
Voyageur Company Inc Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)512-0305
59C Veterans Vill QC ...... (02)7576-0829

Dairy Products
Culinary Schools
Jerry's Klasik Taho Manufacturing
Cocha Culinary Centre Industria Extention Psg . (0948)558-4072
986 Lourdes Arcade QC . (02)3434-4043 Team Pro Sales Distribution Corporation
Cooko Academy P Tuazon QC .................. (02)8721-3861
4 E Rodriguez Ave Psg ... (02)8535-7825
Heny Sison Culinary School
33 Boni Serrano Ave QC . (02)8726-5316 Dancing Academies
Home Culinary And Technical School
Corporation Mvment Laco Mla.............(0967)294-9185
97 Dna Soledad Ave
Pque .......................... (02)7239-2860
Manila Institute For Culinary Arts And Dancing Supplies
Residential Services
2388 L Guinto Mla..........(02)8522-9140 Ballet And Arts Center
Moderne Culinaire Academy Incorporated Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)3487-9378
Diego Silang Taguig........(02)8843-8071
Sylt First Gourmet Academy Incorporated
Capitol Hills Dr QC .......... (02)8951-1687 Data Center
Curtains and Prometheus On-Line Support Services Co
F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ........ (02)8897-7655
Quinn Data Facilities Incorporated
Don Chua Lamko Bldg
Curtains By The Lamb Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7376
Radio City

Equipment Corporation
24 Nbp Reservation
Munt ........................ (0949)411-4665 C3 Congressional Ave
D' Fabricfield Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8926-0958
Km 23 L-6 East Svc Rd Trionyx Incorporated
R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8374-1173
1255 EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1106 Munt .......................... (02)8842-4097
Fuego United Sales Incorporated
Tel. No.: (02) 8361-3713 Roman Square Bldg Mla . (02)8711-2901
Solerbrand Incorporated
The Yellow Pages
934 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-1492

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:26 2022 - P128

129 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Data - Dentists 129

Pros Apac Corporation Dr Elaine Simbulan Dental Clinic Light And White Dermatology And Dental
Data Communication Demolition 768 Gen Malvar Mla ....... (02)8526-3870 Dhc Bldg QC ................ (0917)324-5346 Clinic
Equipment Contractors R And A Dental Supply Center Co
K-Juan Bldg QC ............ (0917)837-4289
Dr James Castro Dental Clinic
Bagong Lipunan Ng Crame
Solen Bldg Psg ............. (0908)814-6954
Lt Dental Gem Corporation
Sotomil Dental Care QC ........................... (0923)820-0044 Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-2785
Mfb Products Philippines Incorporated Cuatro Marias Demolition Service Entrata Urban Cplx Dr Jesus Cancio Solis Dental Clinic M E Herrera Dental Clinic
Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8721-4168 F Manalo SJ ................. (0917)833-8844 Munt ........................ (0917)521-0666 1180 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3413-8680 875 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)847-3031
Xtreme Works Incorporated Southstar Drug Incorporated Dr Kc Dental Aesthetic Center M G Oralcare Dental Clinic
Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Psg ............................ (02)8696-6879 Dental Laboratory Rey Marketing Cpd Psg .. (02)8641-8656
Transmedic Philippines Incorporated
Aurovir Plz Mkti ............ (0917)105-7818
Dr Lilian Ebuen Dental Clinic
One Shangri-La Place
Mand ......................... (02)8638-3131
The Peak Mkti ................ (02)8822-3298 77 Alpha Bldg QC ........... (02)8723-5167 M S Sumang Dental Clinic
A Cortez Dental Clinic
Data Encoding Cortez Val .................... (0936)926-6434
Treat N Fix Dental Clinic Co
Taft Centrale Exch PC ..... (02)8556-2104
Dr Lorenza Dental Clinic
2009 Leveriza Mla .......... (02)8524-3723
1047 Dagupan Mla ......... (02)8775-6842
Magcamit Dental Care Clinic
Aa Gerochi Dental And Implant Center Tri C Dental Elevate Dental Greenhills 190-C N Domingo SJ ..... (02)8664-9120
Emerge Data Ventures Incorporated Montivar Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8403-3032 27B Jp Rizal Ext Mkti .... (0918)288-8268 Northeast Square SJ ....... (02)8712-0465 Making Smiles Better Dental Clinic
Fernandina 88 Bldg QC ... (02)8913-0338 Acrydental Laboratories Incorporated Elijah Dental Specialist 165 Thompson's Square
Sixtrees Philippines Incorporated Hernandez Bldg Mkti.......(02)8845-3907 Pioneer Highland East Twr
Cityland Herrera Twr Almonte Gamboa Dental Dentists Mand ......................... (02)8636-7670
QC ............................. (02)8371-3049
Mallary Dental Clinic
Mkti ........................... (02)8519-3071 Felimarc Business Ctr Embrace Dental Clinic 645 M Earnshaw Mla ..... (02)8732-0801
Psg ............................ (02)7975-4072 A P Simon Dental Clinic 1422 Juan Luna Mla.....(0995)291-5812 Manila Dental Arts Clinic
Bdsc International Support Inc 1A Hereford QC ............ (0917)841-2280 Esec Dental Clinics
Data Processing Coherco Ctr Mkti ............ (02)8804-1046 Abcd Lao Dental Clinic Crown Twr Condmn
Sp&A Bldg II QC ........... (0905)516-9516
Manuel Dental Clinc
Equipment C M Bennett Dental Clinic 1629 Fajardo Mla ......... (0998)988-5685
J P Rizal Mkna ............. (0921)682-4621 Abesamis Dental Clinic
Mkti ......................... (0917)319-2984
Espiritu Dental
277 C Raymundo Psg .... (02)8533-0992
Margarita Bautista Dental Clinic
Cabansag Dental Clinic Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8771-2001 8137 Escriva Dr Psg ...... (02)8514-3785 Pasig Line Mla..............(0917)649-0071
Daystar Industries Incorporated 14 Kapitan Antonio Santos Agpv Dental Clinic Family Dental Care Clinic
1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8561-8888 Margz And Marj Dental Clinic
Mkna ......................... (02)8855-4331 Citiplaza2 QC................(0947)453-0753 3381-C Libertad Ext PC .. (02)8831-7110 170 Mayon Ave QC ...... (0997)522-5066
Starapple Computer Corporation Calma Dental Clinic All About Teeth Dental Clinic Family Tooth Doctors
Makati Cinema Square Marrie Lene A Sy Orthodontics Clinic
A Del Mundo KC ........... (0917)847-5879 332 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-1328 City Square Bldg Psg ...... (02)7263-1221 68 Rizal Munt ................. (02)8861-2998
Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1669 Compleat Smile Dental Aesthetic Centre Amj Dental Clinic Fandialan Tmj Center Manila
Future Point Plz 3 QC....(0917)503-2703 Mba Urethane Products Contractor
Convention Ctr PC .......... (02)8831-1814 2A 1552 Diamante Mla ... (02)8425-1269 Marisan Arcade Mkti.......(02)8844-2807
Data Systems Cosmo Dental By Dr Segui And Associates Ampong Dental
Eton Centris Walk QC ..... (02)8376-5327 60 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0917)883-5013
Fap Dental Clinic
City Land Pioneer Mcd Leonardo Dental Clinic
2058-B Parandise Mla .. (0947)741-1398
Consultants and Csm Dental Clinic
2 Pinaglabanan Mla ........ (02)8871-1821
Asian Base Dental Group Inc
Uptown Place Mall
Mand ....................... (0929)591-3654
Fermin Dental Clinic Melencio Dental Clinic
Designers Dc Dental Care Taguig........................(02)8816-3049 Edsa Empire Mall PC ...... (02)8511-9625
Flordeliza Dental Clinic
Dahlia Ave QC ................ (02)8348-5042
Mendelssohn Manalaysay's Dental
170 Pag Asa Psg ......... (0915)137-0155 Autencio Dental Clinic Implantology And Surgery Center
Auratech Corporation Dennis Dental Clinic And Laboratory Oasis Hub A Psg .......... (0917)544-5036 Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0997)967-8222
Fmr Dental Clinic Sm Mall Of Asia PC ...... (0917)821-0213
Alcco Bldg SJ.................(02)8721-7879 San Rafael Mla ............. (0905)236-4694 Awesam Smile Dental Clinic Metafactor Smile Dental Clinic
Delaware Managed Services And It Dental Technologies Incorporated 19-B Felix Y Manalo Ave 7115 Sto Nino KC ........ (0916)510-0380
Mkna ....................... (0917)546-6167 Fredent Ortho Dental Clinic 1429 Leroy Mla ............ (0917)816-6428
Consulting Inc Jm Bldg 1 Mkti ............... (02)8817-9643
Baliao Dental Clinic And Diagnostic Center Don Antonio Bldg PC ...... (02)8555-1146 Mph Dental Clinic And Laboratory
Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)8556-1246 Doctors Ocariza Dental Clinic 77 Danielle Mansion
Employer Branding Survey Aisa Santolan Rd Val ............ (0908)889-4379 Stargazer Bldg PC .......... (02)8833-8356 Fremont Dental Clinic
Barrera-Hernandez Dental Clinic City & Land Mega Plz Condo QC ........................... (0928)454-3065
F Ortigas Jr Rd Psg ...... (0935)269-5357 Dr J Chen And Dr K Molina Dental Clinic My Dentist Dental Center
Ess Manufacturing Company Inc San Isidro Pque ............ (0917)600-5423 262 Rosas Arcade Mal . (0933)810-1330 Psg ............................ (02)8687-1494
Benken Dental Clinic G M Domingo Dental Clinic Sm City Marikina Mkna ... (02)8477-1910
Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)7976-4000 Futudent Dental Care
597 A Magsaysay Psg..(0906)103-7217 46 B Luzon Ave QC ...... (0995)583-8560 625 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3419-7380 N Tan Dental Office
Omniwealth Enterprises Inc Pos Bldg QC...................(02)8332-5803
1 Eastwood Ave QC......(0917)808-5698 Good Palms Medical & Dental Clinic Bites And Smiles Dental Services Co Gaces Dental Clinic
48B Sampaguita Mkti ..... (02)8882-7278 Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8801-1657 2 Anonas QC .................. (02)3433-0510 Ngiting Wagi Dental Clinic
I Cure Medical & Dental Clinic C Zuniga Dental Clinic Galllao Dental Clinic 5 The One Executive Bldg
Decor C Bautista Mkna ........... (0923)408-8276 Cmp Bldg QC ............... (0917)801-1574
Campbell Dental Clinic
Abella QC ..................... (0955)561-0788
Gamo Dental Clinic
QC ............................. (02)3415-3337
Novel Dental Clinic
Jfm Edcel Dental Laboratory
439 D San Rafael Mla ..... (02)3488-1830 38 A Martinez Mand ..... (0922)829-0261 Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8932-9256 Landsdale Bldg QC ......... (02)3415-3948
Baianju House Decor Supplies Carlo Lim Dental Clinic Gb Santos Dental Clinic Nuvo Dental Center
1303-1307 Soler Mla ..... (02)8567-5999 Jqua Dental Clinic
Mcarthur Hwy KC ......... (0945)798-8802 Ck Sy Diamond Bldg PC . (02)8833-8442 17 Arayat QC ................. (02)7744-2415 Adriatico Grand Residences
Bright Ideas Casipit Dental Group Bgc Great Smile Dental Center Co Mla ............................ (02)8353-7218
Jocfer Bldg QC ............... (02)3454-5102 Kam Dental Clinic
85 Panorama Mkna ........ (02)7919-4605 Grand Hamptons Twr 1 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)3484-0063 Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic
De Luxe Home Design Center Incorporated Taguig......................(0917)829-4551 Green Apple Dental Clinic Delos Santos Medical Ctr
1450 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-1843 Labrador Dental Clinic
Luzon Ave QC ................ (02)3453-1544 Change Your Smile Dental Clinic Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)3392-4187 QC ............................. (02)8723-2447
Grassroots Philippines Incorporated Doroteo Jose Mla ........... (02)8735-9874 Greenhills Dental Place Incorporated Oraldent
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3980 Mariategue Dental Clinic
256 M L Quezon Taguig . (02)8837-6832 Chateau Of Smiles Dental Clinic 34 Wilson SJ..................(02)8726-2345 2311 One Archers Place
Kuka Home Gen Roxas Ave QC ....... (0995)933-4971 Grino Dental Group Inc Mla ............................ (02)8708-8681
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-8618 Mgc Ong Dental Office
3 Paris Mkna .................. (02)8721-6235 Ciudad Dental Clinic 1152 Seneca Plz QC.......(02)3416-2719 Ortho Dental Clinic Dr Jocelyn Galutera
Ortiz Dental Clinic 59 Roosevelt Ave QC....(0917)710-2661 Gt Fermin Dental Clinic Cementina PC ................ (02)8843-4266
Decoration Supplies 325 Libis Gochuico KC . (0995)336-7892 Classy Dental Centre - Manila 2
1641B Francisco Mla ..... (02)8708-6352
San Lorenzo Place
Mkti ......................... (0917)576-0894
P C D Dental Avenue
105 P Aquino Ave Mal .... (02)8294-4361
Partida Dental Clinic
and Services 377 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)7989-8901 Cosmodent Dental Clinic
Anita Bldg QC ............... (0917)792-3368
Guevarra Dental Clinic
271 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8478-1493
Pediatric Dentistry Center
Medical Arts Bldg QC ..... (02)8711-3234
Rogelio Dental Laboratory Cruz Dental Clinic - Muntinlupa City Happy Smiles Incorporated
Party Options Party Supplies And Events Casa Nena Mla ............... (02)8735-0201 Precision Smile Dental Clinic
47 Gloria Diaz LP ........... (02)8400-2048 1101 Admiralty Bldg Antel Global Corporate Ctr 857 Galicia Mla .............. (02)8691-9075
Samurai Dental Laboratory Munt .......................... (02)8514-7877 Psg ............................ (02)8633-3818
Chunics Bldg Mla ........... (02)8708-9150 Cupido Dental Clinic Progressive Orthodontic Clinic
Health Dental Clinic Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8631-8751
Sison Gomela Dental Center
Delicatessens 46 Palawan QC ............ (0995)836-8672
110 Quirino QC .............. (02)7730-3964 Dayang Hirang Dental Care Clinic
269 San Pancracio Pque (02)8478-8589
Health Rx
Ptrj Dental Clinic
Starmed Dignostic Services 389 Visayas Ave Ext QC . (02)8624-7509
Rgm Ctr Pque ................ (02)7968-6031 Crissant Plz Bldg QC.......(02)8442-8911 Quezon City Dental Clinic
Abuelo's Delicatessen Acre Dev Corp QC .......... (02)8426-9845 De Lunas Dental Clinic Helenita O De Guzman Dental Clinic
Adb Ave Psg ................ (0915)560-0480 Sullano Dental Clinic 1176 Quezon Ave QC ... (0922)811-5551
Starmall Mand ................ (02)8722-0302 Asuncion Val .................. (02)8277-8838 Rackawe Dental Clinic
Malcolm's Burger 459 Mlq Taguig ............ (0977)258-7957 De Vera-Velarde Dental Clinic Ho Dental Office
Fairways Twr Taguig ...... (02)8556-3188 The Lapid Dental Clinic Corporation Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8869-2544
Graceland Plz Mkna ........ (02)8570-2773 Pacific Ctre Mla ............ (0915)606-2086 Ramirez Dental Clinic
Mamagenieslove Food And Beverages Robinsons Place Manila Dennis And Danica Dental Clinic Hos Dental Clinic
Solutions Mla ............................ (02)8536-8002 Espana Didache Bldg
1007 Bilibid Viejo Mla ..... (02)8736-6613 Rln Ctre Bldg Mal ........... (02)8330-6050 QC ............................. (02)8734-4031
1405 Latorre Mla..........(0999)458-8522 Totoy Dental Laboratory Dennis Vasquez Dmd Dental Clinic Identiste Dental Clinic
Rustan's Supermarket 1007 Bilibid Viejo Mla ..... (02)8736-6613 Rcb Dental Clinic - Pasay City 1
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 195 Maginhawa QC ...... (0915)481-7979 94 C Jose PC ................. (02)8472-5621
Welcome Plz Mall PC ..... (02)8833-6542 Urident Dental Clinic SJ .............................. (02)8726-3215 Ikeda Dental
Santis Delicatessen 190 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Rd Tan Dental Clinic
Dentafix Dental Clinic 550 Perla Mla ................. (02)7906-5911 J P Rizal Mand ............. (0926)657-9070
Transorient Maritime Bldg Psg ............................ (02)7625-2532 Landsdale Twr QC .......... (02)8372-7807 Ingaran Dental Clinic
QC ............................. (02)8925-0672 Yamat Sicat Dental Ric-Ric Dental Clinic And Laboratory
Dentagem Dental Clinic Rizal Memorial Track & Field Stadium 490 San Rafael Mla ........ (02)3488-3658
Tokyo Milk Tea Incorporated J P Rizal QC ................. (0922)877-1462 73 Geneva Mkna .......... (0915)905-2642 Mla ............................ (02)8525-2172
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-0097 Robys Dental Clinic
Dental Breath Therapy Clinic Inoc Lomotan Dental Clinic Jars Bldg Mla ............... (0905)219-2039
Wei Wang Oriental Convenience Store
223-B Wilson SJ ............ (02)8570-2288 Dental Supplies Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8936-7398
Dental Care Clinic
10 Kamias QC ................ (02)8565-7020
Inocencio Ofina Ortho Dental Clinic Roman Dental Clinic
Zeyn Sweetstation 80 President Ave Pque ... (02)8478-8304 Natl Rd Alabang Munt ... (0918)935-1289 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
King Philip QC .............. (0905)429-3485 Azortho Dental Inc Dental City Philippines Instituto Estetico Manila Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8721-1003
8001 Goldland Millenia Suites Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-7890 Oakridge Plz Mkti............(02)8887-5787 Rtd Trusmile Dental Clinic
Psg .......................... (0917)156-6507 Dental Network Company 160D Shaw Blvd Mand . (0955)195-3469
Delivery Service Cmz Dental Supply Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8535-3181
Inza Cruz Dental Clinic
806 J P Rizal Mkti ........ (0966)208-5978 Saint Paul Dental Clinic
Magsaysay Psg .............. (02)8986-7650 Dental Palace Ivory Sky Dental Clinic 5 Constitutional Rd QC ... (02)8932-1355
Alas Cargo Philippines Incorporated Denpack Dental Supply Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8517-6990 738 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8735-2686 Samonte Dental
29 Bayan-Bayanan Ave 122 Maryland QC ........... (02)8725-1811 Dental World Manila Jade Dental Clinic 44I Eok Bldg Pque .......... (02)8568-1321
Mkna ......................... (02)8661-2527 Denpres Dental Depot Corporation Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0373 149B Mc Arthur Val ........ (02)8352-1162 Smile Craft Dental Center
Armata Delivery Services 2026 C M Recto Mla ...... (02)8521-6081 Dentfix Dental Clinic Jagas Medicadenta Corp Tfn Bldg Mand ................... (0919)77741
118 2nd St KC ............. (0923)497-0431 Dentsply Philippines 6000 Gen T De Leon Rd Filipinas Ave Pque .......... (02)8825-0336 Smile Factory Dental Clinic
First Taipan Logistics Incorporated Yl Holdings Bldg Mkti......(02)8810-3125 Val ........................... (0917)662-1200 Janeth Dental Clinic Regalado Hwy QC ........ (0921)621-5121
4962 E De Leon Pque.....(02)8852-1300 Dr Leo Garcia Dental Clinic Dh Ferraren Dental Clinic 10th Ave KC ................... (02)8363-3144 Smiledomain Dental Clinic
Mcv Multi Brand Co 407 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8475-8112 6009 Villena Mkti ........... (02)8897-5846 Jcd New Smile Dental Clinic Aap Twr QC..................(0906)428-6005
Capricorn QC ................. (02)8775-0933 Gds Dental Supply Phils Incorporated Diceric Dental Clinic The Edge Bldg LP ........... (02)7218-7847 Smilehub Dental Clinic
Onegai Delivery Center 85 P Tuazon Blvd QC......(02)8631-3316 401 Edsa Park Hse II Jcmc Dental Clinic 514-B N S Amoranto Sr
Doña Zoila Bldg Golden Peak Sales Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)7729-3469 7 Mapayapa QC............(0922)806-5895 QC ........................... (0995)463-6570
Munt ........................ (0927)939-6809 484 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8243-0339 Diliman Dental Clinic Jensen Dental Clinic Smilesrus Incorporated
Pacfast Ph J&J Properties & Trading Corporation Regray Bldg QC ............ (0917)317-2897 1763 Dian Mla ............... (02)8425-2281 Ymca Bldg Mla ............... (02)8247-2224
Elize Place Mkti ............ (0917)180-6264 2161 C M Recto Ave Dlc Dental Health Studio Jnps Dental Clinic Smilestation Dental Clinic
Rr Reyes Dental Carte Clinic Mla ............................ (02)8734-0140 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1367 Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ........ (02)8475-3986 77 9th Ave QC .............. (0906)571-1066
Solis Mla ........................ (02)8559-4808 Jmd Medical And Dental Supplies Trading Dotimas Dental Care Clinic Karla Domingo Dental Studio Stella Mains Dental Clinic
Sg&D Global Transport Incorporated Banner Ave Pque .......... (0947)376-4322 14 Visayan Ave QC.......(0908)220-8391 Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)7622-7113 Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8523-1007
239 Banawe QC ............. (02)8292-9323 Medalert Enterprises Dr Allen B Jordan Dental Clinic Lenalee Ivy King Dental Clinic Svl Dental Clinic
Sir Ralcue Enterprise 27th Ave Mkti ................. (02)8882-5658 Soldiers Hills Munt ......... (02)8697-7323 Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)3443-6849 8134 Sgt F Yabut Mkti .. (0917)147-4078
B28 L12-14 A3 Ph3D Dagat-Dagatan Nilo's Dental Laboratory Clinic Dr Andrea Dagal-Cualing Dental Clinic Liansing Lu Dental Clinic Tablante Dental Clinic
Ave KC ....................... (02)8287-5641 560 Gastambide Mla ...... (02)8736-9859 328C El Grande Ave LP .. (02)8820-2733 356 Lavezares Mla ......... (02)8241-4909 Erg Bldg LP .................. (0917)853-6550

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130 S C M Y K

130 Dentists - Diesel 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Southside Bactozero Disinfecting Services Clarence Dermatology Centre The Skin Wellness Dermatology And Laser K-Three Diagnostic Laboratory Services
Dentists (Cont'd) Camella Dr LP .............. (0927)341-0450 Mila Holdings Bldg Clinic 323 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave
Sunmax Trading Mkti ......................... (0906)545-9628 424 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Psg ............................ (02)8404-0488
Tabuco Dental Clinic 726 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8734-0602 Drs Drip Lounge Fusion Bar QC ............................. (02)3416-6140 Kbm Diagnostic Laboratory
156 1A Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Winson Garbage Hauling Services 35 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8373-4685 Via Dematologica Clinic 92 Filinvest Rd 1 QC ....... (02)3430-4643
Psg ............................ (02)7089-7680 L25 Nokia QC ................. (02)7263-9249 Ellen's Aesthetic Centre Incorporated Robinsons Galleria Mall Medv Medical Clinic
Tarin-Morales Dental Clinic Z Disinfectant Services Silver Oaks Hotel Mla......(02)8523-7177 QC ............................. (02)8636-4916 Mariwasa Bldg QC ........ (0928)505-5541
Nueva Ecija Ext QC ....... (0945)163-6390 138 Jasmin QC ............ (0917)251-2859 Face To Face Z Skin Care Center Medway Healthcare Incorporated
Teethcetera / Montemayor Dental Clinic Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)3391-3806 One Kalayaan Place Bldg 1638 Agoncillo Mla ........ (02)8404-0530
1980 P Domingo Mkti...(0918)985-1004 Flourish Skin And Aesthetic Clinic KC ........................... (0915)759-2213 Mri Diagnostic
Teethfirst Incorporated Department Stores 23 Ngh Zabarte Rd QC .. (0933)869-6960 Banawe QC .................... (02)8712-3041
Robinsons Place Metro East Holistic Circle Medical Spa
Psg ............................ (02)8646-2905 Crossings Department Store Bsa Twin Twrs Mand ...... (02)8634-7271 Desktop Publishing Mvr Laboratory Dignostic Center
Trinity Bldg Mla .............. (02)8708-9974
The Citidental Health Corp
548 Facilities Ctre Condmn
Quad Alpha Centrum
Mand ......................... (02)8687-1505
House Of Gluta Care
C Raymundo Ave Psg...(0939)767-1274 Equipment and Rhl Lab Check Diagnostics
Vc Bldg Taguig ............... (02)8399-6063
Mand ......................... (02)8531-1238 Doctor Leather
The Dental Edge Dental Clinic
Intelligent Skin Care Incorporated
Ecoplaza Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8659-3875
Supplies Tri-Care Diagnostics Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 2164 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8354-1556
Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)7501-7103 SJ .............................. (02)8650-0955 Kojie Facial Spa & Skin Care
The Dental Office B F Homes Rd QC ........ (0945)317-5063 Microcadd Technologies Company Trianon Diagnostics
Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-4406 Duty Free Philippines Corporation Dna Consolacion Bldg 2276 Narra Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8892-0723
Kskin Aesthetic Clinic
The Lapid Dental Eha Bldg Pque ................ (02)8552-4337 Wrcc Bldg 1 Mkna ........ (0966)684-1321 QC ............................. (02)8911-2055 Uej2 Diagnostic Laboratory
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8442-0068 Ever Plaza Incorporated La Cara Acne Control Clinic Matias Bldg QC .............. (02)3418-2029
Tiamzon-Serrano Dental Clinic
2227 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8521-6573 Fairy Mart
Ever Gotesco Bldg Mla ... (02)8708-6113 Mgf Champaca Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-3468
Desserts Western Bicutan Diagnostic Health
Times Dental Clinic 713 Northwest Plz KC .... (02)8361-1468 Laser 360 Dermatology And Laser Clinic 1 Bayabas Taguig...........(02)8925-5384
Cityland Megaplaza Psg..(02)7903-0212 King's Men San Antonio Plz Arcade Avocadoria Yalung Limsui & Co Incorporated
Tooth Pod Dental Clinic Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8842-4377 Mkti ........................... (02)8840-4200 San Lorenzo Place 15 Eisenhower SJ .......... (02)8725-0808
Ibon Ctr QC .................. (0917)897-1229 Milton Incorporated Lumina Skin Center Inc Mkti ......................... (0918)499-8039
Ben's Halo-Halo Ice Cream
Tooth Princess Dental Clinic Edsa QC ......................... (02)8911-1560
26 Sct Fuentebella QC .. (0917)520-2045 Rustans Marketing Corporation
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8695-9850
Manila Derm 7 Estanislao Munt.........(0949)851-6259 Die Cutting
Toothalley Dental Care Midland Mansion Mkti .... (02)8890-9691 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-5525 Blk 513
Maceda Mla ................. (0917)587-5400 Rustans Marketing Specialist Inc Md Skin Facial Derma Clinic Sm City North Edsa QC.(0995)720-4522 Princess Die Cutting And Services
Toothie Cutie Dental Clinic Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-0947 L Bustamante KC ......... (0917)519-6729 Cheri Cakes 297A A Bonifacio QC......(02)3413-2670
2823 Edsa-Taft PC ....... (0917)630-9357 Shoppers Central Inc Meira Aesthetics 51 West Dr Mkna ......... (0927)755-9904 Super Cutting And Creasing Press
Toothpia Dental Clinic Vicenta Bldg Mla ............ (02)8242-6413 68 Arcade 9 QC............(0995)580-4615 Green Mango Yogurt Venture Inc 11 Anak Bayan QC ......... (02)8371-1028
C T Paz Bldg Mkti ......... (0908)193-7088 Shopwise (Rustans Grp Of Co) Miracle Skin System Incorporated Mckinley Hill Piazza Mkti.(02)8856-0454
Tope Dental Clinc Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8292-1939 Hobing Korean Dessert Cafe
Alphaland Mall Mkti ...... (0926)783-9001 Sleekers
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-3901
Niza Facial Care Bonifacio Stopover Diesel Fuel Injection
Ultimate Care Incorporated
Esl Bldg 1 Mkti ............... (02)8896-5128
Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr
QC ............................. (02)3440-1884
Mindanao Ave QC.........(0905)790-2480
Nouvelle I-Bake Cakes And Pastries Equipment
Urban Smiles Dental Clinic 1148 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)8706-7695 14 Don Alejandro QC .... (0932)854-4326
SM Shoemart Department Store Mochi Cream Philippines Leared Automatic Equipment Philippines
Empire Ctr Mall PC ......... (02)8217-3940 Sm Makati Mkti .............. (02)8894-1035 Ortigas Medical & Surgical Center
Victoria Dental Clinic Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8634-0724 Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0998)151-8239 Enterprises
Mh Del Pilar Mal ............. (02)8287-9155 The Sm Store Parasolutions Company Mooney's Kitchen 115 Ma Clara QC ............ (02)7950-6735
White House Optical Dental Clinic Sm Makati Mkti .............. (02)8894-1035 Alabang Hills Munt ....... (0917)820-5039
Shaw Twr Mkti ............... (02)7728-9053
Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8930-9061 Vente Nikita's Pastries
White Marble Dental Clinic Market! Market! Taguig . (0906)710-9245 Perg Dermatology Clinic
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Kasoy Val ..................... (0917)788-8893 Diesel Parts
Rnv Bldg Psg ............... (0915)177-8905 Well Suited Rtw Shop SJ .............................. (02)8723-3518 Revilla's Sweet Desserts
Wondersmile Dental Clinic Greenhills Shopping Ctr Pintas Touch Medical Aesthetics & Laser 2430 Cavite Mla ........... (0926)321-9835 Hycat Diesel Parts Supply Incorporated
16 Sto Domingo QC ..... (0917)868-3778 SJ ............................ (0905)173-6498 Center Snow Creme 102 A Rizal Ave Ext KC ... (02)8361-5736
Wtr Dental Clinic Western Bazar Quirino Hwy QC............(0995)343-0875 189 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8927-6892 Jidosha Parts Corporation
1556 Ibarra Mla............(0975)697-5178 757 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8733-1934 Rase Skin Centre Kings Hardware KC ........ (02)8364-0331
Zen Dental Spa And Aesthetic Center Wet Shop
Forbes Town Ctr Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Sgt Rivera QC...............(0922)875-4842
Rej Holdings Incorporated Diagnostic Mpm Corporation
1132 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8372-4941
Taguig......................(0917)513-7878 SJ .............................. (02)8721-0868
White Gold Incorporated
Medical City Psg ............ (02)8638-6593
Shimmian Manila Surgicenter
Laboratory Parkway Diesel Parts Supply Incorporated
537A Rizal Ext Ave KC .... (02)8361-9890
Prudence Mansion Mla ... (02)8733-8362
Deodorizing and Medical Plz Ortigas Psg .. (02)8637-2924
Skin Md Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology A&D Diagnostic Laboratory R C S Machine Works
404 7Th St KC ............... (02)8362-1482
E Jacinto Psg ............... (0918)271-7125
Disinfecting Services Dermatologists Corinthian Executive Regency
Psg ............................ (02)8470-3900 Asia Renal Care (Phils) Incorporated Vsw Diesel Parts
Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8687-6611 721B A Bonifacio Ave
Skin Mdc QC ............................. (02)8366-0187
Biotect Disinfection Services Angeli Thai Facial Care 1188 Masangkay Mla ..... (02)8230-2128 B&C Diagnostics Fairview
Don Gesu Bldg Munt .... (0999)463-8823 Pearl Dr Coml Ctr QC .... (0917)127-7931 Wheels Diesel Parts
Luzon Ave QC .............. (0933)690-8060 Skin Perfect 1038 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-8211
Caregate Pse Ctre Psg ........ (02)8655-9944 Bacho Dental Clinic
Cataleya Disinfecting Services Avignon Clinic Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1757
58 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC . (02)8442-8290 Skinlab Face & Body Center 361 P Tuazon Ave QC .... (02)3438-5306
B16 L13 Duhat LP ........ (0905)424-6946
Entech Philippines Inc Beauty Emphasis Incorporated Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8687-9118
Bernabe Diagnostic Laboratory
474 Dingguinbayan Diesel Service
108 Central QC...............(02)8401-5181 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8800-3291
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-6327 Taguig........................(02)8398-7699
Golden Point Auto Cares Inc Belo Medical Group Incorporated Casa Medica Incorporated Associated Diesel Supply
Estrella Mkti ................. (0943)426-1418 Medical Twrs Mkti .......... (02)8812-5838 Svenson International 770 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8921-7933
Frabelle Bldg Munt..........(02)8842-4181 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8806-7831
Ozon Touch Disinfecting Services Better Image Philippines Incorporated Clinica Rodriguez Crown Diesel Injection Pumps Service
P Rivera QC..................(0920)890-0738 Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8924-1894 The Aivee Clinic 906 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-0177
East Bldg Forbestown Ctr P Burgos PC .................. (02)8551-7527
Sanicube Disinfection Services Casintahan Skin & Medical Clinic Eminent Water Laboratory M C Bernardo Incorporated
42 16th Ave QC ............ (0917)711-2760 145 C 10th Ave KC.......(0947)433-3495 Taguig........................(02)8403-3245
The Skin Inc Dermatology And Laser Center 1752 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)3412-4135 20D Brixton Tech KC ...... (02)8362-1093
Fame Analytical Reagents And Laboratories
Tritan Plz Bldg Mkti.........(02)8853-3024
54 Life Home Subd Psg..(02)7916-8798 MALABON DIESEL
Fas Diagnostic Group Dagat-Dagatan Ave
Dolmar Bldg Mla.............(02)8353-4693
THE YELLOW PAGES Goodman Diagnostic Center Caloocan
5 B G Molina Mkna ....... (0905)308-0800 City ......... (02)8288-6734
Inter-Industrial Physician Medical Services
endorses all products Inc (See Advertisement on this page)
Nuestra Senora Dela Paz North Asia Calibration Center & Diesel Parts
and services of all Pque .......................... (02)8546-2355 Supply
International Diagnostic Center 345-A A Bonifacio Ave
1901 Remedios Mla ....... (02)3498-1184 QC ............................. (02)3410-2860
its Partners. Jnw Drug Testing Incorporated Queen Diesel Tronics Incorporated
Mrt Ayala Stn Mkti .......... (02)8818-3589 122 6th Ave KC .............. (02)8294-3848

Malabon Diesel
Injection Service Inc
Lot 1 Blk 16 PH3 Dagat-dagatan Ave.,
Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400
Tel. No.: (02) 8287-4954

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:27 2022 - P130

131 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Digital - Dressmakers 131

Trans-World Media Ads Inc Summerfort Capital Inc
Digital Imaging 8496 Km 17 East Svc Rd Alliance Global Twr
Pque .......................... (02)8821-7671 Taguig........................(02)7730-7312
A8 Digital Services Incorporated Viiworks Welcome Finance Inc Philippines
One San Miguel Ave Condo 252 West Of Ayala Condo The Taipan Place Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8584-8138 Mkti ........................... (02)8846-8844 Psg ............................ (02)8657-2400
Adniah Printing Services
Brgy Pio Del Pilar Mla ... (0918)929-0150
Big Media Imaging Systems Incorporated Direct Selling Diversified Financials
433 R Pascual Mand ...... (02)8470-4694
Black Tie Project Alhua Technology Incorporated E*Trade Information Services Llc
133 R Aglipay Mand ....... (02)8534-2797 P Ocampo PC ................ (02)8244-1653 Rcbc Plz Mkti ................. (02)8490-2992
Digi Stamps Direct Shopping Incorporated
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0932)562-4573 Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)8931-4077
Kodak 93 N Domingo SJ .... (02)8724-3327 Frontrow Enterprise Philippines Diving Instruction
Touch Art Incorporated
Jm Miranda Bldg Mand...(02)8532-4170 Pacific Century Twr QC.(0946)800-4358 Nautilus Dive And Sports Center
Veracity Retail Solutions Inc Natasha Fashion Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-7293
446 Edsa Guadalupe 48 Commonwealth QC ... (02)3433-8952
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-8929 Sara Lee Direct Selling
2471 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8254-6211 Doors
Digital Media Directory Services Abacon Windows And Doors
Kapitolyo Psg ................. (02)7504-2333
1 Digimedia Audiovisuals Incorporated Ansy Hardware Trading
Goodwill Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8808-4736 DIRECTORIES PHILIPPINES Cranmore Kaunlaran KC ................. (02)8357-5556
Ads-Vantage Advertisement Comapny Windows And Doors
Vatican Bldg LP .............. (02)7373-4602 CORPORATION 100 Granada QC.............(02)8726-5414
Anvorte Corporation Dial @ Door Corporation
Bonifacio Stopover Corporate Ctr e-mail: [email protected] 281-D Roosevelt Ave
Taguig......................(0933)814-1904 QC ............................. (02)3412-4316
Cadreon Philippines 2322 Don Chino Roces Dial At Door
The Trade And Financial Twr
Av Ext Rl Reyes Bldg Psg .......... (02)7238-4229
Makati ..... (02)8555-8500 Dorflex Aus Products Corporation
Centaur Digital Marketing Ph Inc 125 V Buencamino
Cacho Gonzales Bldg (See Advertisement on this page) Pque .......................... (02)8809-4602
Mkti ........................... (02)8218-5613 Eurovek Building Solutions Incorporated
Creative Midima Advertising Prudential Life Bldg Mkti . (02)8812-0912
10 San Clemente Psg ..... (02)7215-4218 Display Designers Galva Shutters And Trading Corporation
Crosshatch Graphics & Printing Station
85 Lilac Cor Panorama and Producers 9549 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)7759-2391
Rising Sun Wood Product Incorporated
Mkna ......................... (02)7915-3358 Mc Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8667-3953
Designblue Manila Cursor Project Rr Laurente Builders
Adamson Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8894-3426 B16 L3 Kanlaon QC ........ (02)8255-4513 383 J Luna Ext Mand......(02)8543-2410
Devkinetics Sunshine Glass And Aluminum
Mercedes Ave Psg ....... (0917)175-3109
Digital Out Of Home Display Fixtures and 1087 San Rafael Mand ... (02)8534-3105
Varifold Architectural Products Inc
Avant The Fort Taguig...(0917)316-1617
Dmark Solutions Materials 3187 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8882-0272
Wallcrown Design Center Incorporated
Mccm Bldg QC ............... (02)3411-1040 Mc Home Depot Fort Bonifacio
Dream And Motion Multimedia Production Cup Of Kindness Enterprise
135 E Santos Mkna ........ (02)7903-8275 Taguig........................(02)8659-4576
16 Curtis QC .................. (02)7980-0555
Ecomm Global Technologies Inc Idealight Electrical Innovation Center
Mckinley Park Residences
1420 Tomas Mapua
Mla .......................... (0997)395-5641 Doors and Windows
Emergelocal Target Display Co Incorporated
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr 8 2St Ave Taguig ............ (02)8838-3292 Aj Glass And Aluminum Services
273 M H Del Pilar Mal .. (0916)332-0737
Mkti ......................... (0917)654-3297 Cev Glass And Aluminum Works
Exaweb Corporation
One Park Dr Taguig ........ (02)7888-1686
Distillers 150 Tropical Ave LP ..... (0916)847-7907
Duratech System Windows Incorporated
Exist Global 868 Tropical Ave Pque ... (02)8856-2577
Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8687-4091 Destilleria Limtuaco & Co Inc
1033 A Del Monte Ave Formalum Industries Incorporated
Fglm Consulting Company 120 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)8921-1284
1655 Victoria De Manila QC ............................. (02)8373-3097
Golden Wines Incorporated Hi-Win Upvc Windows & Doors
Mla .......................... (0906)813-5378 Mandaluyong City Mand . (02)8724-6037
Gant Diamond Corporation Toby's Place QC ............. (02)8638-5025
134 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8516-7532 Homedeck Trading
A Maceda Mla ................ (02)8985-1864
Giantsponge Digital
115 Emmanuel Hse Mkti (02)8894-3046
Distribution Jrj Engineering Upvc Windows & Doors
Gohan Concepts 53 Boni Serrano Ave
Menarco Twr Taguig ...... (02)7501-1111 Body Needs And Basic Incorporated QC ........................... (0915)566-0555
Gotafflair Inc Jade Ctr Psg .................. (02)7910-2913 Kelcon International Corporation
Joy Nostalg Ctre Psg ...... (02)7798-8195 Columbia Technologies Incorporated 1245 Soler Mla.............(0936)997-7999
Gushcloud Philippines Inc 1136 J Nakpil Mla .......... (02)8524-0394
Far East Sewing Machines Philippines
Icon Plz Taguig...............(02)8254-3373
Huskee Digital 5865 Z Roxas Mkti ......... (02)8834-1247 Dormitories
Paseo De Roxas Bldg Green Amenities Supply Corporation
Mkti ......................... (0917)523-2519 Yrreverre Bldg QC ........... (02)8937-3465 Concepcion Villaroman Ladies Home
Ideyalab Hua San Wan Foodmart Incorporated 873 Moret Mla ............... (02)8740-2983
222 Sen Gil Puyat Ave 132 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-9796 Ejlc Seaman's Dormitory
Mkti ......................... (0966)756-6317 Huasanwan Food Mart Incorporated 939-A Nakpil Mla ........... (02)8982-0501
Sshg Law Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8804-1218 Freland Business Enterprises Inc
Ih Digital Philippines Market Reach Distributors Incorporated
Glass Twr Mkti ............. (0905)123-4567 1041 A Mabini Mla ....... (0908)896-5045
6083 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)8984-2198 Gloda Building
Ikaw Na Advertising Management Merchanto Enterprises Corporation
Rl Bulding QC ................. (02)8366-4289 1157 Craig Mla .............. (02)8741-8092
Ma Isabel Bldg Mand ...... (02)8655-5236 Jcl Properties Inc
Inventive Media R Dan And Company Incorporated
Karmela Bldg Mkti ........ (0936)970-0874 Jolly's Dormitory Mla ...... (02)8735-9607
20 Alfonso Psg .............. (02)8656-2089 Jundy & Co Incorporated
Leapout Digital Inc Sales Team Marketing Incorporated
Agustin 1 Bldg Psg ......... (02)8290-9757 2450 Del Carmen Mla.....(02)8526-5728
1151 P Bernal Psg ......... (02)8640-9009 Mariners Safehouse Seaman's Dormitory
Lozatech Ibm Bldg QC ........ (02)3437-1447 Salud Trading
Motion Cabin 1721 Mabini Mla .......... (0917)869-3988
1449 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8711-9551 Near Home Incorporated
2231 Chino Roces Ave Topline Enterprises Inc
Mkti ......................... (0915)885-9850 1929 Jorge Bocobo Mla . (02)8967-1876
Topline Enterprises Pque (02)8579-4996 Purple Clover Place Incorporated
Online Philippines Corporation Transmission And Distribution Corp
East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8631-8291 Migsan Bldg Mla ............ (02)8230-4572
Galleria Corporate Ctr Rentalbee
Propelrr QC ............................. (02)8638-7495
Dmci Homes Corporate Ctr 1231 J Barlin Mla ......... (0917)800-7684
Washington Central Corporation
Mkti ........................... (02)7978-0883 161 Nadurata KC ............ (02)8362-2211
Purplebug Inc
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Doughnuts
Mkti ........................... (02)8551-0986
Purpleclick Philippines
Dive Shops Dunkin
Pearlbank Ctre Mkti ........ (02)7750-1369 Diver's Depot Metropolitan Savana Coml Ctr
Qube-Seo Website Services 50 Stuttgart Psg ........... (0927)563-6043 Mkti ........................... (02)8556-5060
Pinagsama Vill Taguig .... (02)8893-1942 Happy Haus Food Corporation
Ragomi Inc 145 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)8294-2822
Marco Polo Ortigas Manila Diversified Financial
Psg ............................ (02)8883-5302
Services Dressmakers
La Defense Bldg QC ....... (02)3413-8582
Skyrocket Studios Ph Incorporated G D Tan And Company Incorporated 3 Stars Garments Subcontractor
Manila Memorial Park Bldg East Twr Pse Psg ........... (02)8634-6256 Blk 26 Lot 5 KC ............ (0949)732-4094
Mkti ........................... (02)8688-9192 Gigawatt Power Incorporated Alteration Shop Corporation
Straightarrow Corporation Gpi Bldg Taguig .............. (02)8555-1515 Glorietta 5 Mkti ............... (02)8815-6016
Silver City 1 Annex Psg...(02)8570-9082 Sj Roxas & Co Incorporated Chynna Mamawal Atelier
Sunday Elephant Creatives Twr One And Exch Plz 561 Wack Wack Royal Mansion
Regray Bldg Mkti ............ (02)7915-9335 Mkti ........................... (02)8848-5065 Mand ......................... (02)8428-2069

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132 S C M Y K

132 Dressmakers - Educational 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Drugmaker's Laboratories Golden Dragon Generics Pharmacy Farclean Laundry
Dressmakers 932B Aurora Blvd QC ..... (02)8421-9660 971 Riverside QC ......... (0915)219-4340 Mo Ignacia QC ............... (02)7261-2210
(Cont'd) Euromed Laboratories Phil Inc
Ppl Bldg Mla ................... (02)8524-0092
Green Rose Pharmacy
Banahaw QC .................. (02)3417-5437
Fortune10 Wash N Dry Laundry Hub
Merck Sharp And Dohme Philippines Hangseng Chinese Drugstore
33 Champaca Mkna ..... (0908)882-9255 PHILIPPINE
Drezzee Boutique Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8885-0700 519 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8735-8962 Friday Cleaners Laundry Shop CO2
3676-D Bautista Mkti......(02)8804-0632 Philmed Laboratories Happy Med Pharmacy Katuparan QC ............... (0906)169-2507
Larry Aluning Dress Shop Ladislao Diwa Mkna ....... (02)8942-3581 Quezon Ave QC ............ (0955)835-2394 Happy Clothes Professional Dry Clean INDUSTRY
1547 E Rodriguez Sr QC . (02)3410-3320 Planet Drugstore Corporation Hope Guan Chinese Drugstore One Castilla Place QC ... (0936)541-9273 INC
Paras R T Haute Couture Makati City Hall Mkti ....... (02)8893-1396 88 Mall Mla .................... (02)8241-9955
360 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8712-3705 Kalimpio Laundry Shop
Servier Philippines Inc J & N Drugstore Cityland Calle Estacion
Suit Dreams Golden Orion Cluster Bldg Aloha Bldg Mla ............... (02)8254-4814 Mkti ........................... (02)8543-4552
Bf Resort Dr LP .............. (02)3382-5403 Mkti ........................... (02)8897-9027 K2 Drug Group Incorporated
Yill's Tailoring & Embroidery Square Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 586 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)7719-6990 Kalye Laundry
117 Sta Ana Mkna ........ (0919)522-4512 3428 East Svc Rd Pque .. (02)8822-5310
Transfluent Management Incorporated
La Botica
Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8713-8599
St Peter PC .................. (0917)324-2510
Kleen 'n Go Laundry And Cleaning Services
Dyers - Garments
Drilling Companies
877 Capistrano Cpd Lucky Charm Chinese Drugstore
810 Salazar Mla ............. (02)8535-6230
34 Imperium Emeraude and Household
Lunarmed Pharma Trading
QC ........................... (0956)760-1687
Maginhawash Laundry & Dry Cleaning
St Joseph Mkna ............. (02)7217-7975
GEOSCIENCE Drugstores Mance Drugstore 97A Maginhawa QC......(0917)314-8635
Niksan Laundry
TECHNOLOGIES INC 82 Rizal Munt ............... (0925)518-0820 Manila Steam Laundry And Drycleaners 181-A Maginhawa QC .... (02)3436-1544
A Gift And Thrift Drugstore Mandarin Chinese Drug Store Metro Pointe Ctr SJ ...... (0917)802-8002
Cityland Square 4-E Don Roces Ave QC .. (02)3450-0945 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8359-1528
Makati ..... (02)8856-3173 Alman Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Marsman & Co Incorporated
Marian Laundry Incorporated
Aries QC ........................ (02)8939-6358 Earthwork Methods
1050 Edsa Ave Mkti ....... (02)8854-5356 Manalac Ave Taguig ....... (02)8837-2121
Marzan Pharma Corporation Metropole Laundry
(See Advertisement on this page) Apotheca Corporation 41B Kamuning QC .......... (02)3412-5647 Big Cat Heavy Equipment Corporation
Vip Drilling And Machinery Company Eurovilla 4 Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8553-5121 1407 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-8693 Abel Nosce LP ............. (0917)532-1727
233 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8291-9629 Blisters And Blisters Maxcellon Incorporated Rjt Laundry And Dry Cleaning Services
A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8951-9569 2 Banaba Rd Mkti ........... (02)8889-1192 Alabama QC ................. (0915)791-7031
Botica Santana Maxcollin Incorporated E-Commerce
Drilling Equipment 127 Pasig Blvd Psg ........ (02)8400-5830 126 Deparo Rd KC ....... (0922)466-0757
Mdrx Drugstore
Skylane Laundry Station
102 Poinsettia Psg ....... (0927)644-2538
and Supplies Botikang Pinoy Generix Incorporated
7 Sto Tomas QC ............. (02)8255-3140 280 Eusebio Psg ............ (02)8655-6246 Suncity Laundromat
Amcham Group Of Companies
Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8818-7911
Medi Pharm 1150 Soler Mla...............(02)3450-4344 Argomall Incorporated
Botikang Pinoy Incorporated
Bortech Machine Trading Locb Bldg QC ................. (02)8355-7446 422 Alabang-Zapote Rd Tamina's Laundry Care Dry Clean & Full Netquad Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8830-8814
Mindanao Ave QC...........(02)8568-5553 Carlos Super Drug Corp LP ............................ (0939)616-6937 Service Laundry Blaze Electronics Incorporated
9 E Rodriguez Sr QC ....... (02)3439-9530 Mediscount Pharmacy 119 Visayas Ave QC ..... (0917)592-8665 723 Gonzalo Puyat Mla.(0917)887-3728
210 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8708-5400
Driving Instruction Carlos Super Drugstore
7 Montreal QC ................ (02)8912-3368 Ms Pharma Incorporated Wash Me Nene Laundry And Dry Cleaning
Hmr Auction Services Incorporated
Km 21 East Svc Rd
Cgm Generics Pharmacy Ms Pharma Bldg Mand ... (02)8531-9263 Munt .......................... (02)8548-6962
Muramed Incorporated 193 P Burgos Mkna......(0927)490-0799
2A's Driving Institute 539 Jp Rizal Mkti............(02)3498-1883 Istorya Creations
16D Bayan Bayan Ave Chemistry Care Pharmacy Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8234-2827 Wizworks Laundry Services 28 Jericho Pque ........... (0917)543-2341
Mkna ......................... (02)8463-4715 Maligaya QC...................(02)3388-2791 New Mabini Drug Store K-3rd St QC ................... (02)8861-5179 Kimstore Enterprise Corp
A 1 Driving Company Incorporated Chinese Drug Store 409 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8287-3958 See S C Bldg Mla ......... (0917)546-8546
C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8641-6383 New Silver Drug Incorporated
Better 1 Driving School
486 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8245-4903
Daquila Drugstore
2601 Aurora Blvd Mla.....(02)8742-0403
Norzena Drug Store
Dry Goods Luckyah Incorporated
City Place Residence
36 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8871-3725 1617 Herrera Mla ......... (0936)408-6582 Mla ............................ (02)8253-2160
24 P Oliveros Mand ........ (02)8535-7139 Noti - Love Yourself
Bf Polaris Driving School Co Ding-Ding Pharmacy Omed Drugstore Charisse Dry Goods
Fenina Coml Bldg LP ...... (02)8822-2045 Molave Payatas B QC ... (0920)812-0357 3030 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8855-2421 Marco Polo Ortigas Manila
243 Manuel Quezon Psg .......................... (0905)246-9131
Dream Road Phils Corporation Doktors Generic Pharmacy Incorporated Taguig......................(0966)322-2947
Prince Twr Mkti .............. (02)8892-1425 Phoenix Sun Business Park Connie's Kitchen One Stop Shop Market Corporation
One Shoppe Drug Store Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8721-5691 Cityland Shaw Twr
Driving Gear 1 School QC ............................. (02)8913-7752 1636 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)7796-5175
1360 Marcos Alvarez Ave Eadriex Pharmaceuticals Philippines Ennius Fruits And Vegetables Trading Mand ......................... (02)7949-7038
Ong Gin Drugstore
LP .............................. (02)8553-5908 Incorporated 600-602 Elcano Mla ....... (02)8242-3493 Afp Vill Taguig ................ (02)8866-1120 Phillip Web Design & Development
Majesty Driving School 147 Sct Rallos QC .......... (02)8926-2729 Over Sea Chinese Drugstore Js Sea Products Supply Ayala Ctr Mkti...............(0947)666-0008
3 Elenita QC ................. (0923)133-7019 Familyhealth & Beauty Corporation 1042 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8244-9971 951 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8245-0460 Skrooll Med E-Commerce Web Portal
Smart Driving Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-2958 Pharma Doc Pharmacy Services
Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)3444-2041 Fineapple Tree Pharmacy Lra Dried Fish Richville Corporate Ctr
295 Montillano Munt .... (0998)792-5625 189 Kalakal Sr Mla ......... (02)8708-6529
Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)3427-7848 Pharmacanada Inc Munt .......................... (02)8637-6123
Friendship Drug Store Luzon Dry Goods Company Transcosmos Philippines Incorporated
Drug Abuse and 755 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8243-1306
Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8553-4276
Polydrug Pharmacy Inc Gotauco Bldg Mla ........... (02)8242-4419 Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8810-0220
Truelogic Online Solutions Incorporated
Treatment Centers Gamot Publiko
Stk Bldg QC....................(02)8727-3869
238 Tomas Morato Ave
QC ............................. (02)3384-4558
Morning Glory Company
829 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-8745 Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8856-3786
Gamot Republiko Rxpress Care Pharmacy
Geullah Christian Retreat House New Canada Commercial
Arsen QC ....................... (02)8983-1482
Sixto Antonio Psg ......... (0942)456-9500
Gcm Pharmaceutical Dealer
Marcelo Ave Pque .......... (02)8514-5232
Save More Drug Branch
Juan Luna Plz Mla .......... (02)8243-8060 E-Construction
109 4th St Val ................ (02)3443-2357 Package 1 KC ................ (02)8355-9551 Tapatan Trading Corp
632 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8244-4319 Sithe Philippines Holdings Inc
Drug Manufacturers Generics Pharmacy
288C C Raymundo
Save U More Drug Incorporated
Dna Barbara Bldg Mla ..... (02)8562-0330 Unicor Trading
The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8886-5300
Psg .......................... (0943)709-7625 Saver's Dome Incorporated Divisoria Mall Mla ........... (02)8401-2435
Belman Laboratories Incorporated
Sheridan Mand ............... (02)8631-1142
Gertrude Drugstore
1916 P Florentino Mla .. (0917)739-1218
Savers Square Bldg PC ... (02)8846-5320
Shinagawa Pharmacy Educational
Ore Central Bldg Taguig .. (02)7368-5250
Silver Drug
Dry Ice Consultants
1335 - 37 Masangkay Explorarium Company Limited
Mla ............................ (02)8252-9238 Innovative Cold-Storage Enterprises
Salem Cplx PC ............... (02)8854-2139 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8403-0077
Sim Sim Chinese Drugstore International Education Specialists
958 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8735-8967 Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)8819-1001
South Ocean Chinese Drug Store MY WAY DRY ICE SUPPLY
1008 Ongpin Mla............(02)8735-8483
Svj Medical Supplies And Drugstore
Rizal Ave Mla ............... (0939)995-3716
DRY ICE Educational
Synergen Pharma Incorporated 56-B STA MONICA STREET Cooperative
Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8813-8884 PASAY CITY
Tekseng Chinese Drug Store
917 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8271-5738
Threesixty Incorporated 56 Sta Monica Novadeci
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8635-9737 Pasay City ................. (02)8551-0377 Novadeci Bldg QC .......... (02)8936-6211
Tota Drug Store ................................ (02)8831-2771
49 Gen Santos Taguig .... (02)8652-9882
Unicare Plus Pharmacy Incorporated Educational Services
Unitop Mall Mla .............. (02)8354-8677
Watsons Aimhive Learning Hub Corp
425 Ortigas Ave SJ.......(0917)806-1881 One Burgundy Plz QC ..... (02)8543-5013
Yza Maurah Incorporated
155 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8352-4896
MY WAY Athens Academy
Col Ballecer Taguig.........(02)8838-7323
DRY ICE Ena Educational Services
Dry Cleaners SUPPLY 2153 Karapatan Mla ....... (02)8251-5899
Eye Level Philippines
401 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-5540
Au Bean Blanc H & D Information Technology Inc
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8634-2365 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-2438
Bubblesoft Laundry Infinitech Trading
202-A Tandang Sora Ave Prime Ctr Munt ............... (02)8556-8448
Geoscience QC ........................... (0917)705-5581
Bubbly Urs Laundry & Dry Cleaning Shop
41 Camino Real LP ...... (0919)217-5626
Marikina Montessori
626 Jp Rizal Mkna..........(02)8948-1829

Technologies Inc Champion Cleaner Laundry Shop

Tiburcio QC .................. (0951)225-1729
Dry Ice Blocks • Dry Ice Slices
Dry Ice Pellets • Dry Ice Nuggets
Educational Training
Chelsea Laundry Services
Cityland Square, Makati City, 124 C V Luna Ext Rd Superior Quality At A Low Price Center
Metro Manila 1230 Philippines QC ........................... (0927)974-5959
Dhel's Laundry Hub Tel: 8281-7962 / 8281-7973 Altitude Training Center
Tel. No.: (02) 8856-3173 783 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0917)192-2669 931 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8525-2500
Dollitas Laundry Services 525 M Naval Navotas.....(02)8281-7951 Gold Vest Security Training Center
151A Balagtas PC ........ (0977)142-7747 Camus Bldg QC .............. (02)8531-4927

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133 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Educational - Electric 133

Educational Training Electric Lamp Bulbs COLUMBIA WIRE & CABLE

Center (Cont'd) ULTRALITE and Tubes CORPORATION
I-Teachoptions POWER A & S Lamps
26 Magsaysay Pque ........ (0956)579669 CAL 942 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8421-5880
Mfi Polytechnic Institute
SYSTEM COMPANY Tube Makers Philippines Incorporated
Mfi Bldg Psg .................. (02)8631-2451 INC INC. 109 Gen Mascardo KC ... (02)8367-2309
Prime Skills Asia Corporation
755 San Ignacio Mand ... (02)8571-6919
Rachell Allen Agency Electric Motor
Joshua Ctre Mla ............. (02)8527-3168
Rachell Allen Asia Pacific Dekolux International Incorporated Controls
1340 Soler Mla...............(02)8734-4285
Joshua Ctr Mla ............. (0917)503-2252
Skype Tec Training Center Incorporated Dynmegaton Phils Incorporated Electric Equipment Ch Asia World Of Electric Incorporated
• Tel: 8361-6151 to 58
8362-1851 to 54
Dumirique Bldg Mkna ..... (02)8571-7015 J And T Bldg Mla ............ (02)8564-1907 33 B Serrano KC ............ (02)8365-6793
East Electric Engineering Sales & Services Bradsmart Phils Co • Fax: 8361-0579
Tri-Car Check Emission Testing Center Cosine Industries Incorporated
9 Dna Soledad Ave Pque (02)8822-0923 Remedios Bldg QC ......... (02)8441-0029 38 Rd 3 QC .................... (02)8529-4987 10 Maximo Viola QC ....... (02)8364-3361
Gemini Electrical And Communication
Enex Electric Phils Incorporated Magnatek Ac Dc Motor Rewinding
Contractor 1908 A Francisco Mla .... (02)8254-5280 Email: [email protected]
EENT 1144 Narra Mla .............. (02)8255-1532
Mjjfj Construction Services
Fuji-Haya Electric Construction 61 Roosevelt Ave QC......(02)8371-5431
Madro Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8892-8886 Used Motor Sales 75 Howmart Rd
23 Apollo LP ................ (0917)186-4483 Quezon City ............... (02)8361-6151
Dexicon Industries Corporation Mocpower Engineering Services Gemphil Business Solutions Company 845 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8367-2190
10 Delos Reyes QC ........ (02)7341-2310 B34 L11-12 Sampaguita Gemphil Bldg Pque ......... (02)8710-2741 Weg Electric Motors
Hear Now Hearing Specialist LP .............................. (02)7149-0063 Jubis Marketing 108 Residence QC ......... (02)8920-2952
Bernardino Gen Hospital Optima Plant Service Corporation 22 Gonzales Cpd LP ....... (02)8801-1688
QC ........................... (0917)885-1017 Moto Industrial Traders Corporation COLUM-
The Skin Clinic @ Neomedica
Rose Industries Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8661-6389 Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 1 Electric Motors BIA
Neomedica Bldg QC ....... (02)8929-6055 S And H Electric
115 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8740-5712
Mkti ........................... (02)8894-2116
Philips Wire And Cable Company Dealers WIRE &
Philflex Bldg Mla ............. (02)8241-8801
Kings Industrial Supply CABLE
D&J Egg Dealer ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Val ............................. (02)8293-9491
55 Bagumbong KC ....... (0905)318-8473 CORPORATION "SINCE 1950" R Ocumen Trading
Eggsplorer - Fresh Eggs At Your Service 145 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8332-9558
Selecta Dr QC...............(0917)874-1209 Supplier and Importer of Steel Towers PHELPS DODGE & PHILFLEX CABLES De Luxe Electrical And Hardware Supply
Klc Trading and Poles for Telecom and Powerlines PANASONIC WIRING DEVICES 162 N Carpio KC ............ (02)8364-7542
168 Liano Rd KC ............ (02)8775-8718 Installation / Construction and G.E. & SCHNEIDER CIRCUIT BREAKER Electric Power Delta Lighting Philippines Corporation
Dasma Corporate Ctr
Murang Itlog Egg Trading
Mercedes KC ............... (0998)544-3696 Erection of Substation
Capacitor Mla ............................ (02)8241-1123
Ptc Commercial Corporation 1932 F Agoncillo Manila (02)8353-1570 Distribution And Control Products Inc
DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 74 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8535-7644
Tytana Plz Bldg Mla ........ (02)8243-4218 Mun Hean Poly-Electromechs Incorporated
Tel.: 8711-5736 * Fax: 8731-5401 21 Jade QC .................... (02)8366-8341 Electrical & Equipment Sales Company
Mobile: 0917-6266991 Powersource Group Development Incorporated
Egg Producer SL E-mail: [email protected] Corporation 665 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8925-6167
DEVELOP- 1401 C M Recto Av The Athenaeum Bldg Electroway Philippine Marketing
All Great Foods Distribution Manila ....................... (02)8711-5451 Mkti ........................... (02)8845-0521 Ali Mall 2 QC .................. (02)8667-3885
Capricorn Bldg Pque.......(02)8828-1114 MENT CONS- Energynet Incorporated
285 Haig Mand .............. (02)8866-8020
Lester Farm Fresh Egg Store
96 Session Rd QC ........ (0906)460-3527
TRUCTION Electric Supplies Ever Rising
CORPORA- TWEN- 518 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-4587
A-Class Electrical Supply Incorporated Ever Rising Electrical Supply
E-Learning TION TIETH 667 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2914 30B Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8332-6246
CENTURY Far East Mills Supply Corporation
Day1Tech Inc Tan Delta Electric Corp ELECTRI- AC HARRIS CABLE CORP Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8531-4872
62 Thomas Pque ............ (02)8579-3130 First Japs Commercial Incorporated
Tandelco Bldg QC...........(02)8911-8346 CAL 1845-A P Guevarra Mla .. (02)8784-6973
Somerset Olympia Bldg TOTAL POWER BOX SUPPLY Fransman Industrial Trading Company
Mkti ......................... (0966)718-0793 Product Lines: LVSG, MVSG, & HVSG Jmp Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8899-5873
Let's Thawc Pililia Mkti ..... (0917)536-6018 Fully Type Tested Busway System, Cable Givori Electrical Supply
Uck Merchandising 1323 Soler Mla...............(02)8736-6074
Tray & Wire Ways, Motor Control Center, Grace Park Coml Cplx Glory Industrial Center
Electric Companies Power Capacitor Bank, Panelboards, KC ............................. (02)8365-2349 36 Banana Rd Mal .......... (02)8361-3418
H.V. Cable Ducts, A.T.S, M.T.S, Gotesco Marketing Inc
Ac Harris Cable Corporation Pesa Bldg Mla ................ (02)8257-0632
5 Pio Del Pilar Mkna ....... (02)8941-2969 Synchronizing Switch Board, Motor Electric Equipment - Hi Tech Info
Manila Electric Co
Operations Bldg QC ........ (02)8723-9816
Starter, Meter Center, Data Racks &
Open Bay Racks, Telecom Cabinets,
Service and 831 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8733-6755
Ilaw Atbp Corp
Dry Type Transformer, Protection Relay Repairing •ALUMINUM TRANSMISSION WIRES Howard Twr KC .............. (02)8709-0746
Integrated Factory Automation Incorporated
Electric Contractors Panels, Customized Electrical &
102 Trading
Madison Square Mand....(02)8470-2596
Communication, and Data Enclosures, Tel: 89412967 to 69 J Z Electrical Supply Inc
Ph1 2nd St Mkna............(02)8935-5956 Jz Bldg Mla .................... (02)8735-9669
ALECTO GENERAL UL508A Industrial Control Panels Ab-Aire Specialists Company Email: [email protected] Kairos Electrical And Industrial Supply Inc
3804 Daffodil Pque.........(02)8823-3771
Alto Electronics Repair Shop
1675 Alfonso Mendoza
Mla ............................ (02)8255-6611
CORPORATION Cavite Light Industrial Park (CLIP) 24 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Pio del Pilar Marikina ..... (02)8941-2967 Kansas Electrical Supply
"GET IN TOUCH" Maguyam, Silang Cavite 4118 Psg ............................ (02)8640-2412 664 Sales Mla ................ (02)8733-1622
9694 Pilillia Corner Concepcion Streets, Fax: (02)8868-9983 Tel: (02)8806-9716 Amf Car Aircon Service Kearney Electrical And Industrial Supply
TOTAL POWER BOX SOLUTION INC 8 E Rodriguez Ave Psg ... (02)8671-0796 Bbb Coml Bldg Val ......... (02)8293-1080
Barangay Valenzuela, Makati City Beta Electric Corporation
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Kolin Electronics Company Incorporated
1208 Metro Manila, Philippines
Or Call 0917-8637325 / 0917-8633892
Asean Ave Pque ............. (02)8808-5881 AC 2731 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8743-5986
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected] "SIMPLY BETTER"
Chronicles Electronics Corporation
2424 Tejeron Mla ........... (02)8523-1446
HARRIS Koten Enterprises Co Incorporated
218 Lukban PC .............. (02)8551-3551
P: 8890-3604 * 8890-2492 Condura Express Service Incorporated CABLE Lance Neo Electrical Trading Incorporated
8890-2571 * 8895-5652 Micahel Arcade Mkna ..... (02)8897-5555 CORP A Mendoza Mla .............. (02)8711-0401
Dairo Aire Corporation Leysto Sales Co
F: 8890-2978 * 8897-0687 18 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8886-0622 276 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8244-4808
9694 Pililia Makati ......... (02)8890-2571
TOTAL Eraysida Ref & Aircon Services Ma Pumps & Electrical Supplies
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8826-1532 539 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8735-3533
POWER Fastlink Computer Company All Lights Electrical Supply Manila United Electrical Supply
57 P Tuazon Blvd QC......(02)8584-1266 Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Incorporated
ALECTO BOX John Jerome Machine Shop Mkti ........................... (02)8810-7467 552 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8733-0335
Ph1 Pinagsama Vill Alliance Electric Products Mazford 2 Auto Parts Center Incorporated
GENERAL 917 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8711-5339
Taguig......................(0920)221-9513 Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8330-8437
TECHNO- Sst Laptop Andison Industrial Sales Inc Megaworks Electrical Incorporated
LOGY Robinsons Place Manila Andison Industrial Bldg 447 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8534-6080
CORPORA- Mla ............................ (02)8254-0652 Mla ............................ (02)8252-9401 Mever Technologies Inc
TION ULTRALITE ELECTRICAL Tech-Care Electronics Service Center Anglinco Sons Marketing Corporation 15 Jasmin Pque ............. (02)8776-3153
CO INC 23 Zabarte Rd QC ........... (02)3417-3070 483 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8244-5085 Modbus Electrical Supplies Corporation
Tronix Master Incorporated Asean Industrial Center The Big Orange Bldg KC . (02)8361-0500
* Electrical Contractor Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-3546 627 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-1817 New Circulated Electrical Supply
DANITECH POWER * Engineers Best Electrical Components Incorporated 631-633 Teodora Alonzo
Omron-App Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8843-0785 Mla ............................ (02)8733-5301
SYSTEM INC Tels.: 7750-7669/8401-4246
8712-2319/8732-0326 Electric Heating Beta Electric Corp
Bagong Calzada Taguig .. (02)8628-3072
New Edmart Hardware & Electrical Supply
Transformer Supply / Repair
Electrical Contractor / Engineers
8359-5387/7507-0771 Elements C And Dg Electrical Supply
961 Hidalgo Mla ............. (02)8588-0446
Newburg Commercial Incorporated
8712-2319/8732-0809 605 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8733-4665 224 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8711-0588
Design / Installation / Commissioning 0917-8278382/0917-1805346 Ghp Thermal And Industrial Trading Cable Technology Asia Corporation Ni Corporation
Tel: 8281 4030 / 8230 2953 Fax No.: 8732-0809 68 P Jacinto KC ............. (02)8361-5381 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8869-8746 11 Trinidad Val ............... (02)8260-7752
(0908)815-5699 / (0908)815-5706 [email protected] Super Electric Heater Industries Cheson Controls Center Incorporated North Star Electrical Supply
145 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8362-0162 1235 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-4314 100 San Rafael Mand ..... (02)8532-3057
15 Talisay 567 G Araneta Ave
Caloocan City .......... (0922)851-8357 Quezon City ............... (02)8712-2319 Trans-Heat Industrial Sales Cleveland Electric Trading Corporation Orion Wire & Cable Inc
145 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8362-0162 496 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8723-9376 88 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8636-3266

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:30 2022 - P133

134 S C M Y K

134 Electric 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

St George Trading Welkin Enterprises
Electric Supplies POWERLINK
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 116 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8361-8738 222 Cordillera QC ........... (02)8523-8636
(Cont'd) MERCHAN-
CORP Summex Trading Corporation
1719 Leveriza PC ........... (02)8523-2295
Yak Hua Electrical Supply Company
178 Ma Clara KC ............ (02)8361-6943
117 Tirad Pass Kalookan Sunertech Corporation Yes Electrical Supply Incorporated
PACIFIC PARTS CORP City ......... (02)8363-4075 Victoria Condmn SJ ........ (02)8724-7203 1405 C M Recto Ave
TRADING Switchgear Philippine Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8711-8296
1171 Jose Abad Santos Av (See Advertisement on this page) 1397 J Abad Santos Ave
CORPORA- Reliable Electronics Co Yong's Electrical Supply
Manila.....(02)8252-1181 7230 Malugay Mkti.........(02)8819-7352
Mla ............................ (02)8253-5497 1405 C M Recto Ave
(See Advertisement on this page) TION Sycwin Coating And Wires Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8711-5686
Rey Electrical 93 Joy QC ...................... (02)8364-3870
Perlas Trading 244 Dna Soledad Pque ... (02)8821-1441 Yu Eng Kao Electrical Supply
Tom Ele-Kt Power Systems Inc 2209 J Abad Santos Mla (02)8251-2881
141 Lourdes Drv SJ ....... (02)8724-5579 Reyteran Electric Services 1432 Librada Avelino
Philippine Industro-Technik Sales Company Powerlogic Control Center Incorporated Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)8291-2354 Mla ............................ (02)8564-9722 Zenith Electrical And Industrial Supply Corp
36 Banana Rd Mal .......... (02)8361-3418 21 Michael Rua Pque ..... (02)8822-9169 Robinson Handyman 647 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8733-8026
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8421-0507 Top-10 Electrical Services
Phoenix Contact (Phils ) Incorporated Zenith Electrical Supply Company
Lee Gardens Condmn POWERRY INTERNATIONAL Royal Electrical Supply Company
87-3 Acero Mal .............. (02)8285-1107
643 G Puyat Mla ............ (02)8733-1788 Torrington Commercial Sales
Mand ......................... (02)8234-1323 TRADERS Sambon Industrial Sales Incorporated 655 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8733-6083 Le Marben Condmn 2
Mla ............................ (02)8733-0378
POWERLINK MERCHANDISE 537 T Alonzo Gocheco Bldg Mla .......... (02)8254-9035 Trisys Electrical And Industrial Sales
Zenith Lighting International Corporation
TRADING CORPORATION Manila.....(02)8733-5792 Sanly Rodcel Electrical Incorporated
1302-1304 C M Recto Ave 3132 Bagac Mla ............. (02)8252-8168 82 5Th Ave KC ............... (02)8363-5901
1010 Tomas Mapua (See Advertisement on this page) Mla ............................ (02)8734-5658 Triton Electrical Supply Company
Manila.....(02)8712-1521 Ppi Pazifik Power Incorporated Seojin Electric Power Philippines
672 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-2172
Unique Sound Electronics Electric Transformers
Southpark Plz Mkti..........(02)8551-0639 648G Gonzalo Puyat
Roma Bldg Ortigas Mansion
With The Yellow Pages, Process Enhancement Products Psg ............................ (02)8571-9398 Mla ............................ (02)8736-5210 Cjnh Enterprises
Corporation Simpson Marketing Universal Home Center Corporation 112 Gov Pascual Ave
Busy People Save Time. 38 East Capitol Drv Psg .. (02)8632-1047 Mal ............................ (02)8288-7067
319 Barbosa Mla ............ (02)8734-9295 603 Pinaglabanan SJ ...... (02)8234-5582

Quantum Electronics Corp

117 Tirad Pass St., Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400
Tel. No.: (02) 8363-4075

Boost your business

through Social Media
Powerry Marketing with DPC
Social Media Ads.
Pacific Parts Corp International Contact us at 632 8555-8500,
1171 Jose Abad Santos Ave., City of Manila,
Metro Manila 1013 Philippines
Traders email us at [email protected] or
visit or our social
537 Teodora Alonzo St Sta Cruz, accounts to learn more!
Tel. No.: (02) 8252-1181
City Of Manila, Metro Manila 1014
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5792

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:30 2022 - P134

135 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Electric - Electrical 135

Electric Transformers METRO INDUSTRIES INC

(Cont'd) 103 Progress Ave Calamba
Laguna .... (02)8584-5000
(See Advertisement on this page)
DANITECH POWER SYSTEM Philrem Electrical And Auto Supply
INC Conversion Mkti ............. (02)8819-1150
Rb Velasco Power System Company
15 Talisay Caloocan 17 Tikling QC ................. (02)7576-6878
Signal Electric Industry Incorporated
City ......... (02)8281-4030 452 Gen Bautista SJ ....... (02)8723-6242
(See Advertisement on this page)
ENGINEERING 10 Tikling Quezon
1613 Samuel Quezon City ......... (02)8930-6983
(See Advertisement on this page)
City ......... (02)8939-5431
(See Advertisement on this page)
Gmd Power Equipment And Supply
10 Exeter QC .................. (02)8938-2866 Etc - Express Technetronic Corporation
Meiden Singapore Private Limited 14 Jade QC .................... (02)8421-3514
Lm Power Bldg QC ......... (02)8687-7845
Metro Electrical & Industrial Supply With The Yellow Pages,
Conversion Mkti ............. (02)8819-1150 Busy People Save Time.

Danitech Power
System Inc Delta Star Power Engineering
Blk 11 Lot 15 A. Talisay St. after Dela Costa 1613 Samuel St Nr Quirino Highway Jordan Plains Subd Novaliches
Home 3 Amparo Subd Near SM Fairview, Proper, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1123 Philippines
Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1425
Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8281-4030
Tel. No.: (02) 8939-5431

Metro Industries Inc Wescor Transformer Corporation

103 Progress Ave., Calamba City, 10 Tikling St Vililia Village, Quezon City,
Laguna 4027 Philippines Metro Manila 1100 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8584-5000 Tel. No.: (02) 8930-6983

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:31 2022 - P135

136 S C M Y K

136 Electrical - Employment 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Imarflex Properties Incorporated Chotrani Group Of Companies New Zealand Embassy Manila
Electrical Appliances 2122 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8521-1063 Victorino Mapa QC ......... (02)8567-9990 Electronics Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8234-3800

Ambassador Appliances Incorporated

Kipcol International Corporation
Avesco Bldg QC ............. (02)8995-0167
E G Energy Corporation
26 Mulawinan Val ........... (02)8983-7776 Consultants Switzerland Embassy
Bdo Equitable Bank Twr
421 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8241-3872 Lyric Appliances Corporation Elecon Power Haus Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8845-4545
Ambassador Home And Electronics Center Glorietta 2 Mkti ............... (02)8815-1043 743 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-1993 Casio Elctronics
Inc Promac 522 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-7458
New Glorietta 2 Mkti ....... (02)8815-9180 Puregold Kalentong Mla .. (02)8536-9817 EXPONENT KONKA GROUP Ego-Eddie Audio Video Specialist Embroidering
INC 2557 Arellano Mla ........ (0998)991-3172
Anson Emporium
800 Salazar Mla ............. (02)8241-3556
Sharp Philippines Corporation
Sharp Philippines Munt ... (02)8772-4671 Love Electronics Machines
Sm Appliance Center LED TV * HOME APPLIANCES Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8931-7206
Automatic Appliances Incorporated
Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8912-6601Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8633-5074 MOTORCYCLE Lucent Technologies Incorporated Maruka Enterprises Inc
Automative Center Sony Philippines Inc Service Center Address 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)8884-8888 La Fuerza Plz 1 Mkti ....... (02)8812-0392
Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)7729-6450 Inoza Ctr Taguig ............. (02)8866-1143 Ohm's Trader
(02) 8209-7532 * 0925-8875804 518 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8111-1111
City Emporium Company
472 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8242-5153
Standard Appliances Corporation
1787 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8523-8081 E-mail: [email protected] Unitex Incorporated Embroidery
Times Manufacturing Corporation The World Ctr Condmn East Svc Rd Munt...........(02)8553-5112
Cya Industries
103 Mercedes Ave Psg .. (02)8643-3259 Guyabano Rd Mal ........... (02)8361-2508 Makati ....................... (02)8891-1300 Customized Item Incorporated
Evershine Sales Center
518 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8241-9279
Tronix Marketing
Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8831-1606 Electronics Service Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8632-9059
Embrocomp Embroidery Services
Exponent Konka Group Incorporated and Repair B2 L7 Sikatuna QC ....... (0916)776-2231
Expertees And Prints
The World Ctre Mkti........(02)8891-1300
Fair-N-Square Emporium Inc
Electrical Equipment, EXPONENT 5K Electronics Services Victory Food Mkt Pque ... (02)8692-8717
561 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy Appliance and
KC ............................. (02)8363-8692
KONKA Payatas B QC ............... (0906)456-1171 Inter Uni Marketing
635 San Rafael Ext
Abr Cctv Wifi And Electronic Services And
First Asian Sales Center Component GROUP Supplies
Mand ......................... (02)8532-0640
King Sports Wear
Isabel Bldg Mla...............(02)8806-5379 34 Susano Rd QC.........(0966)803-7638
Greatworld Appliances Center Inc Centrade Integrated Sales Corp
INC Aguilar's Electronics And Refrigeration 81 Anonas QC .............. (0927)967-3288
229 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8241-3447 Eastside Condmn QC......(02)8920-0271 Repairshop Made For U
56 D Rivera SJ ............. (0927)339-1761 Glorietta 1 Mkti ............... (02)8815-7039
All Good Airconditioning Services Maruka Enterprises Incorporated
Fra Filinvest Services Incorporated 10 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8463-8223 G Lapanday Ctr Mkti ....... (02)8815-8247
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-2515 Berklyn Electronics Supplies And Services Mommy Lyd's Embroidery Services
Globaltech Automation Incorporated 654 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8736-5002 123 N P Cruz Taguig ...... (02)8952-7027
Vfp-Mdc Bldg II Mla ........ (02)8821-2177 Butay Electronics Parts Trading Rincon Junk Shop
Gotyco Controls Center Incorporated 3367 San Isidro KC ........ (02)8962-5657 377 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
1343 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-1965 Drex Technologies Val ............................. (02)8292-4563
Jt Max Power Equipment Corporation Ad Ctr Square Bldg Rocha's Embroidery
Verde Oro Bldg QC ......... (02)7745-5630 Psg .......................... (0932)793-7317 62 Abra QC .................. (0932)884-0643
S B E Electrical Shop Eric Electronics Services Sampaguita Embroidery Center Inc
189 Dna Soledad Ave C Almeda Pat ............... (0918)364-4582 377 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
Pque ........................ (0927)785-2959 Ezertronix Repair Val ............................. (02)8292-0474
Solar Communication 28B Naga Rd LP...........(0923)334-9448 Soletees Clothing
542 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8252-5432 Fonetech International Prince David Condmn
Techtal International Incorporated Jmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8886-6421 QC ........................... (0906)411-4328
Ardan Bldg Psg .............. (02)8696-7813 Gel Electronics Victoria Manufacturing Corporation
Tyson Electric Industries Incorporated 2740 Zamora PC .......... (0948)785-2643 Ortigas Ave Psg..............(02)8655-3181
Silicon Bldg Mla ............. (02)8733-9085 Highrich Electronics & Spare Parts
Raon Shopping Ctr Mla...(02)8736-1831
Jet Electronics Emergency -
Electrical 629 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8734-0035
Substations Jlf Electronics Sales And Repair Services
Cluster 3 Psg ................. (02)8656-3685
Mea Electronics & Ref Air-Conditioning Barangay Tanong
Hersun Marketing Services 69 A Bonifacio Ave
9 Payapa Mand .............. (02)8531-1866 St Simon QC ................ (0935)496-6154 Mkna ......................... (02)8948-6810
Mendoza Electronics & Computer Services Teachers Village East
Electronic 19 Jones Wawa
Maginhawa QC ............... (02)8929-4785

Assemblies Mjt Service Center

133 Saudi Arabia Pque . (0919)783-2967 Emergency -
Cdr King - Sm Bf
Nsyo Electronic's Repair Services
506A North Bay Blvd Disaster, Calamities,
The Lift Co Phils Inc 3/F Sm City Bf Paranaque
Pque .......................... (02)8519-0455
Nav .......................... (0917)590-4605
Red-Sapphire Electronics Repair Shop
Typhoons, Floods,
144 Pasig Blvd, Pasig City,
Temic Automotive Phils Inc
Temic Bldg Taguig ......... (02)8838-6011
Cordillera Mla ............... (0916)436-0526 Earthquakes
Rgl Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
Metro Manila 1600 Services International First Responder Institute
Tel. No.: (02) 8470-6572 Electronic 1106 Rd 20 QC ............ (0927)564-9766
Starling Electronics Services
Benitez QC ................... (0918)415-7070
Components 82 West 9th Ave KC ..... (0906)241-7255
Vendotronics Emergency - Medical
Semitronics Inc 40 G Roxas QC ............ (0915)399-5717
Coherco Finacial Twr Ambucore Ambulance Services
Munt .......................... (02)8809-0045 Elevators 42 Nicanor Roxas QC ..... (02)8925-6292
Stoutcon Emergency Response Services
Aurelio Philand Dr Ext
Electronic Display Amber Machinery And Industrial Works Inc
2235 Jose Abad Santos Ave
QC ........................... (0977)751-3072
Systems Mla ............................ (02)8253-4220
Fujitec Incorporated
A & V Crystal Twr Mkti ... (02)8818-0002
Shema Resources Incorporated
Banai Taguig ................ (0917)506-0554 Lift Tech Hardware Corporation Agencies
Triune Electronic Systems Incorporated 1167-C Balintawak Mla .. (02)8252-8869
1229 Yellowbell Val ........ (02)8291-3181 Mjc Machinery And Elevator Supply A & W International Manpower Services
49 T Concepcion Val ...... (02)8257-0049 Specialist
Rvt Elevator Escalator And Aircon Gkl Bldg Mla ................. (0995)731-8847
Electronics Installation Services Incorporated Ajl Employment Agency
D & E Bldg QC ................ (02)8921-2605 2016 Anak Bayan Mla .. (0907)633-0344
Doeleur Electrosystems Incorporated
Kennedy Ctr Bldg Munt ... (02)8478-4347
THE LIFT CO PHILS INC Akamsa International Inc
Sms Annex Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8818-5796
Envision Electronics 144 Pasig Blvd Al Taw-Amm Manpower Services
32 Karuhatan Val ............ (02)8279-2271 Pasig.......(02)8477-3775 AlbaGedisco Ctr Mla ............. (02)8400-9460
Ibs Electronics Incorporated Manpower & General Services
Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8807-6927 (See Advertisement on this page) 1735 Dian Mkti...............(02)8831-3056
Indrenz Electronics
Tandem Bldg Mkna ........ (02)8470-6251
VERTICAL LIFT AND Aln Group Of Companies
Escriva Dr Psg ............... (02)8295-5909
Industrial Electronic Control Services EQUIPMENT INC Araw Shipping Agency Incorporated
St Francis Bldg QC ......... (02)8911-9072 Palacio Grande Bldg Mla.(02)8522-0204
Integrated Elect Control Corporation 8892 San Pablo Paraña- Cieras Manpower Agency
Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8873-0889 que..........(02)8772-0043 Matute Bldg PC .............. (02)8853-2823
J Zne Electronics Css Manpower Services
513 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8735-7766 (See Advertisement on this page) St Michael QC ................ (02)8930-8741
Juan Gadget D A M A Manpower Agency
Embassies and
Vertical Lift
Annapolis Twr SJ ......... (0917)531-9876 Carmen Bldg PC ............. (02)8405-0120
Richardson Electronics D' Jure Manpower International Services
Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8636-8891 Consulates 2267 Nakar Mla..............(02)8564-5208
Equipment Inc Technopop Enterprises Limited Company
Bluebay Walk PC ............ (02)8772-2138
Trb Electronics Sales
Australian Embassy
Delta Employment Agency
796 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8726-4177
8892 San Pablo St San Antonio Valley 2, Rcbc Plz Twr 2 Mkti ....... (02)7757-8340 Deltavir Overseas Placement
172 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8861-1733 Bruneian Embassy In Makati Ojen Bldg Mand .............. (02)8531-6598
Brgy San Isidro, Parañaque City, Bpi Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8816-2836 Edi - Staffbuilders International Incorporated
Metro Manila Philippines With The Yellow Pages, Embassy Of Timor Leste 139 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (02)8812-6703
Te. No.: (02) 8772-0043 Garnet Rd Psg ................ (02)8637-9405 Excellent Manpower Services
Busy People Save Time. Netherlands Embassy Pacific Land And Bldg Corp
Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8786-6666 Mla ............................ (02)8241-1981

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137 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Employment - Engineers 137

Seven Stars Agency Incorporated Maibarara Geothermal Incorporated Citiaire Industrial Services Corporation Ramos Electrical Rewinding Services
Employment 53 Pres M L Quezon Jmt Corporate Condmn Rd 04 QC ..................... (0923)697-7066 7 Pook Pag-Asa Ibp Rd
Agencies (Cont'd) Taguig........................(02)8880-4890
Skilled Staff Sources Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8631-1194
Marcy Electrical Services
Cki Builders And Engineering Services
7 Maginhawa QC ............ (02)8926-9786
QC ........................... (0955)365-8559
Rbra Structural Engineering Hub
Meriton One QC .............. (02)8373-1734 1117 Quirino Hwy QC...(0920)355-9777 Cpe Engineering Services West Trade Ctr QC........(0928)555-0573
Fil-Gulf Manpower Sky Bourne Interacts Incorporated One Global Energy Incorporated Mrl Twr QC .................... (02)8373-3104 Rc Engineering Designs Services
Manila Luxury Condmn 1679 Dian Mkti...............(02)8887-0315 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8451-2072 Eazy Power Incorporated Bangayngay KC ............ (0946)969-6965
Psg ............................ (02)8635-9956 Sp One Source Solutions Incorporated Solarrev Generator Vicente Madrigal Bldg Rdc Engineering
Golden Horizon Agency Sunblest Realty Bldg Paulina Bldg Pat ........... (0917)423-6501 Mkti ........................... (02)8808-3179 1091 N A Lopez Coml Ctr
1081C Quirino QC .......... (02)8703-0341 Munt .......................... (02)8807-4714 Surya Source Energy Inc Eccentrix Technology Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8527-9647
Golden Raise Employment Agency Sphark Ghem Corporation Pse Ctre Psg .................. (02)8883-5227 Landwealth Mansion Relleta Engineering & Machinery Repair
3035 V Mapa Mla ........... (02)8523-7073 Psmbfi Bldg QC .............. (02)8470-8984 Welaco Asia Phil Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8252-9524 Services
Golden Sunshine Manpower Services Inc Staffgap Incorporated Bormaheco Bldg Pque .... (02)8403-2619 Eee Engineering Services 575 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)7728-4233
Strate 2000 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8631-7237 Fedman Suites Mkti ........ (02)8887-5242 2149 Zamora Mla ......... (0915)327-2558 Rtl Information Technology Solutions
Greenwoods Manpower Services Staffworx Incorporated Eent Engineering Services Ballecer Taguig...............(02)7955-8011
25 San Miguel Ave Psg .. (02)8687-2245 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8845-0256 Energy Saving 14 Driod QC ................. (0923)720-9898 Runeha Inc
Gsd Security Agency Incorporated
20 Alcalde Jose Psg ....... (02)8477-5175
Supra Multiservices Incorporated
283 El Grande Ave Pque . (02)8808-6154 Device Engineering Connexion
124 Sct Rallos QC ........ (0927)486-4876
1814 San Marcelino Mla.(02)5313-8385
Sandvik Philippines Incorporated
Gulf Synergy Employment Incorporated Systemantech Incorporated Envirokonsult Equipment And Services Inc One Global Place Taguig . (02)8478-6383
1760 Dian Mkti...............(02)8831-4181 120 Cordillera QC ........... (02)8559-9441 Ospacre Esco Incorporated Feria Rd QC .................... (02)8952-4122 Schwer Engineering Services And Supplies
Harvey Manpower Services Corp Tad Manpower Agency Incorporated Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8714-5140 Excel Facade Solutions Incorporated 86 Gen Luis QC .............. (02)8280-0019
J & F Divino Arcade QC .. (02)8562-7650 106 Rd 8 QC .................. (02)8927-3262 Traders' Turf Inc Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Sevilla Architecture
Help In Home Employment Agency Tdm Manpower Services One Global Place Taguig . (02)8293-0498 Mkti ........................... (02)8869-4536 2210 Chino Roces Ave
615D Boni Mand ............ (02)8532-8376 2118 Nuestra Sra De Guadalupe Triach Energy Corporation Fil-Chin Engineering Mkti ......................... (0917)871-2426
International Resource Development Mkti ........................... (02)7794-2453 Simuangco Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8895-6108 37 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Solid Engine Rebuilders Corp
Corporation Total Manpower Resources Inc KC ............................. (02)8287-6549 2237 Aurora Bvd PC.......(02)8851-6584
Formtech Builders Corporation
Merchant Bldg Mla ......... (02)8521-3662
Ipeople Manpower Resources Inc
Medical Twrs Makati
Mkti ........................... (02)8894-0242 Engine Parts Manila Residences Bocobo
Space Grupo Engineering
274-H Ermin Garcia
4813 Valderama Mkti ..... (02)8812-3230 Travelman Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8708-9540 QC ........................... (0977)307-4675
J-Phil Marine Incorporated Deepz Bldg Mla .............. (02)8521-3219 Engine Master Trading Incorporated Fw Nicol Philippines Incorporated Therma Control Machinery
1977 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8522-7947 Vestland Maritime Corporation 16 Banawe QC ............... (02)8743-4657 One San Miguel Ave Psg (02)8470-4562 37 Dagat-Dagatan Ave
Jai-Kin Resources Corporation 3306 Matanzas Mkti ....... (02)8832-7404 Faito Racing Philippines Incorporated Golfturf Landscaping Services KC ............................. (02)8287-6549
Dsl Bldg QC....................(02)8711-4264 Volare General Services Incorporated 137 M Asistio Sr Ave KC (02)8363-2486 2740 Cailles Mkti ........... (02)8813-4686 Thyssen Krupp
James International Placementservices 11D Ermin Garcia QC ..... (02)8721-4935 Galaxy Blue Enterprises Gs2 Engineering Services Dohle Haus Manila Mkti .. (02)8846-1461
Cifra Bldg Mand ............. (02)8584-9896 Wcb Manpower Services 186 Pinagbayanan Val .... (02)8294-8870 562 Atis KC..................(0961)437-4347 Traffic Engineering Center
Jerr Services & Trading Corporation Ljc Bldg QC .................... (02)3456-6597 Mbkk Enterprises Hydro Engineering Services Traffic Engineering Ctr
Kenstar Bldg Mla ............ (02)8400-3276 Wingain Manpower Services Inc 2516 Anacleto Mla ......... (02)8230-4172 902 Espana Blvd Mla......(02)8681-1505 Mla ............................ (02)8716-4163
David Bldg 1 Mand ......... (02)8722-1609 Parts And Shop Incorporated Ihi Phils Incorporated Umc Design & Application Inc
Jmj-21 Prime Incorporated Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-0986
345 J T Teodoro KC ....... (02)8921-2050 World Pacific Resources Incorporated 230 Dna Soledad Ave Ext Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8901-3972
Golden Rock Bldg Mkti ... (02)8815-8347 Pque .......................... (02)8843-1420 Innotech Engineering Services Wingband Alloy Engineering Works
Jobstar International Manpowerservices 620 Vicente Del Fierro
2010 F T Benitez Mla ...... (02)8523-5525 Zen-E Biz It Solutions 2968 Jose Abad Santos Ave
Mla .......................... (0975)506-5672 Mla ............................ (02)8711-3768
Jwc Manpower Resources Incorporated
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr
New York Mansion QC....(02)8282-1590
Engineering Isometrix - Ideas And Project Engineering Woodfields Consultants
Mkti ........................... (02)8823-5227
Kamereijhan Manpower Services Inc Employment Equipment and 30 Batasan-San Mateo Rd
153 Kamias QC .............. (02)3436-7360
Wzg Construction Services
Bjs Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8897-9882 Services Services QC ........................... (0936)681-1209
J Alexander (Phils) Incorporated
Manuel L Quezon QC .... (0906)599-0672
Xstructures Engineering Consultants
Kenmore Pltetoniat International 818 Bldg Psg ................. (02)8671-1131
Taft Mla ......................... (02)8708-8374 199 Fedman Suites Mkti . (02)8716-8988
Good To Go Logistics Hub Co Ltd Jcm Engineering Services Xtzerve Engineering Services
Kjm Manpower Services Abba Personnel Services Incorporated K Plz Bldg QC ................. (02)8288-2903
Pioneer Corporate Ctr 43 Umbel QC ............... (0999)385-1750 Freedom Plz Bldg SJ.....(0917)123-2424
2-A T Santiago Val ....... (0966)453-0010 Jdr Engineering Services
Lucky R Manpower Services
Mand ......................... (02)8584-8215 PAPER / CAD SUPPLIES — Davao QC.....................(0966)366-5314
Zephyr Engineering
Bayan Academy For more information, call Target Range Bvd Mkti ... (02)8881-7721
307 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8547-6284 Jezka Construction Corporation
Cinderella Bldg QC..........(02)8426-3140 STANDARD OVERSEAS
Luzvimin Employment Agency Incorporated 26 Koppel QC ................. (02)8932-4432
Jennifer Bldg PC ............. (02)8831-1188
Lynber Homecare Services
Chartreuse Prime Recruitment Specialists
44 San Antonio
Quezon City................(02)8374-1646
Jgc Philippines Inc Engineers - Air
Jgc Philippine Bldg Munt (02)8807-0668
96 Estacio Cpd Pat ......... (02)8656-6853
Cpdc Bldg Taguig ........... (02)8643-5400
Clements John Consultants Incorporated Jhunair Engineering Services Conditioning
Lynmar Business Agency Incorporated Rci Bldg Mkti..................(02)8810-9201 Matalino QC ................. (0933)597-8791
Senor Ivan De Palacio Corpnet Global Corporation Jnld Engineering Services 3 Heads Airconditioning Services
QC ............................. (02)8361-4969 Tycoon Ctre Psg...........(0917)628-8308 STANDARD 1 J P Rizal Mkna .......... (0927)816-1475 84 Dna Soledad Ave
Manap Intl Manpower Services Cosmos International Placement Agency Jump Engineering Services Pque .......................... (02)8543-2166
1679 Vareb Mansion Bldg OVERSEAS 73 Dama De Noche Brhl Trading & Industrial Construction
Mla ............................ (02)8522-0117 Queen Rose Bldg Mla ... (0917)518-7373 BUSINESS Mkna ....................... (0917)304-9945 Corporation
Manila International Recruitment Services Delia Employment Agency Jurnandz Engineering Services 541 F Cayco Mla ............ (02)8743-1015
Inc 796 Aurora QC ............... (02)8721-2521 CORPORA- Commonwealth QC ...... (0968)423-6108 Rosarito Engineering Services
954 Pres E P Quirino Ave Kajima Corporation Philippines Knights Of The Columbus
Mla ............................ (02)8244-4608
Executive Genesis Services Inc TION Sky Plz Bldg Mkti............(02)8886-6818 Pque .......................... (02)8370-3711
Diamond Finance Bldg
Mari Human Resources QC ........................... (0933)823-6016 Kepco Kps Philippines Corporation
Adriatico Midland Plz Bldg Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8804-3479
Mla ............................ (02)8526-1458
Grow Vite Staffing Services
Sti Holdings Ctr Mkti ....... (02)8893-5267 Lacanilao Construction And Development Engineers -
Marvel Manpower Services Inc
Manila Memorial Park Bldg
Icopephils Training Forum Incorporated
Cifra Bldg Mand ............. (02)8477-2969
63 Cbe Twnhms QC ....... (02)7757-0599 Architectural
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8557
Mayon International Trading Corporation
Ictjob Philippines Incorporated Equipment and Lerac Services
Osmena Hwy Mkti .......... (02)8256-5406 Ontes Construction Services
Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)3491-7378
2075 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8536-7971
Mercury Steamship Agencies Incorporated
Job Clean Manpower Services Incorporated Supplies Levin Ace Geotechnical Services
29-A Ruby Pque ............. (02)8828-6534
San Bartolome Mla ....... (0920)725-4086
Qualivon Architectural Design Services
817 B San Pablo Mand ... (02)8534-2699 Ljm Engineering Services 111 Paseo De Roxas
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8820-3227 Jobpinoy.Com Co. Albert Javier Sanchez Industrial Supplies
Mgm International Recruitment Agency 8 Orchid Val ................. (0937)225-6052 Mkti ........................... (02)8569-5668
Signorelli LP ................... (02)8353-9248 5 Ikong Psg .................... (02)8721-0969 Magflux Engineering Services Vision A&E Incorporated
1352 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)8536-8681 Nja Ii Employment Solutions M8S Enterprises
Network Alliances Manpower Corporation 819 M Naval Nav .......... (0995)521-8522 Orosa Bldg Psg .............. (02)8634-6076
Dollars QC....................(0968)551-4300 B19 L13 Dalagang Bukid Margot Test Integration Services
47 Cordillera Mand ......... (02)8535-3537 Original Gmm Ventures Manpower Services Mal .......................... (0917)873-2826
Newtrail Services Incorporated
Carreon Bldg Mkti...........(02)8403-7743
Inc One Way Innovative Solutions Inc
5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8224-4331
Marsteel Engineering Services Engineers - Civil
398 Tara Residences Crismore Bldg QC.........(0939)711-7111 Ilang Ilang QC ............... (0917)660-9141
Nrs Placement Incorporated QC ........................... (0933)852-0156 Phes Industrial Equipment Supply
Bormaheco Condmn Meinhardt Philippines Incorporated April Tom Cruz Construction
Pnlrc Employment Services 795 Sheraton KC ............ (02)7791-7433 Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8887-1391 23 F Roxas SJ .............. (0915)473-7999
Mkti ........................... (02)8553-0858 73B Kamias QC .............. (02)8735-1453
P & R Manpower Services Incorporated Melch Castle Engineering Services Danateq Philippines Incorporated
Premium Staffers Incorporated
1587 Copernico Mkti ...... (02)8843-5918 Cityland Twr Pasong Tamo Engineering Services 5 Marietta Arcade Mkna..(02)8681-0788
Metro Goldrich Construction Inc
Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8551-6470
Rrc Builders
Pacific Ace Human Resources Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1206
Pamcor Bldg Pque..........(02)8854-7264 Avida Twrs San Lazaro Southville 3 Munt ......... (0961)771-3930
Sea Board Atlantic Maritime Consultancy Ac Ong Consulting Inc Mla .......................... (0975)717-8564
Pancratius Manpower Corp Services Inc The Shang Grand Twr Mkrg Builders
6 Kabutihan Psg ............. (02)8671-4585
Phil-Tex Staffing Services Intl Inc
D Villa Bldg Mla ............ (0919)974-3538 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-5827 B28 L20 Jasper LP.........(02)8359-6611 Engineers -
St Joseph The Worker Manpower Services Access Action Engineering Services
Emerald Green Bldg LP ... (02)8846-6055 69 Katipunan Ave QC ... (0965)507-1258 Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Mpmy Electrical Engineering Services
849-L Galicia Mla ......... (0939)415-9998 Consulting
Philq Manpower Services Incorporated Tdg Human Resource Management Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8290-9080 Mrlink Incorporated
4 Sct Albano QC ............. (02)8376-5306 Mary Bachrach Bldg Advanced Foundation Construction Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8893-4327 Costemara Incorporated
Pilipinas Crown Maritime Incorporated Mla .......................... (0998)593-1067 Systems Corporation Nick Ac Motor Rewinding Shop And Civic Prime Bldg Munt .... (02)8831-6324
Marc 2000 Bldg Mla ....... (02)8521-2082 Total Staffing Skills Corporation Petron Megaplaza Bldg Electrical Services Katahira & Engineers International
Polyskill Manpower Services 126 15th Ave QC ............ (02)8962-2475 Mkti ........................... (02)8886-3438 Sarmiento QC ............... (0998)481-2549 Jmt Corporate Condmn
111-E 13th Ave QC ........ (02)8721-2778 Triple J's Employment Services Alteo Engineering Consultancy Services Nrn Deep Well Drilling Services Psg ............................ (02)8532-7902
Prime Outsource Corporation 1017 Aurora Blvd QC......(02)8995-0627 2198 Burgos PC...........(0926)981-7977 78 Apollo 12 PC ........... (0927)594-1048 One Zone Asia Phils Inc
Sedcco Bldg Mkti ......... (0917)895-1490 Tsm Maritime Services Phils Inc Ambitech Asia Incorporated Pcs Philippines Incorporated Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Prime World Recruitment Agency Inc Tsm Hse Mkti ................. (02)8860-7500 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8234-2184 Merced Mla .................... (02)8708-2923 Psg ............................ (02)8687-7517
Estrella Condmn Pque .. (0920)412-7156 Amerigen Industrial Services Corp Pece Electronics Engineer Services Qatar Ceg Consulting Group Incorporated
Ral Career Link Incorporated Regalia Park Twr B QC . (0917)126-7118 Algo Ctr Mkti .................. (02)8893-7279
Mrdc Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8887-4629 Encyclopedias Apicem Engineering Services
Citimall Bldg QC ........... (0927)664-3398
Pei Industrial Supplies & Services Westrim Incorporated
Rmp Manpower Services Planters QC .................. (0917)174-1003 L31-A Sampaguita QC .... (02)7905-9226 West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8914-0464
Hps Bldg Val .................. (02)8441-1240 High Access Line Philippines Corporation Asfalis Engineering Services Phylotrex Engineering Services Woodfields Engineers Company
Romeger Manpower Services Inc Cityland Shaw Twr Victoria One Bldg QC .... (0917)305-3947 31B Leland Dr QC.........(0917)731-2689 153 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8925-3631
G I F Bldg Psg ................ (02)8641-1438 Mand ......................... (02)8687-1286 Bbp Engineering Services Pimentel And Balisacan And Associates
Rsdj Manpower Services 24 Pm Apts QC ............ (0928)975-3091 430 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
6772 Adalla Mkti ............ (02)8998-5198 Cg Integra Corporation QC ............................. (02)8721-7391 The Yellow Pages
Sacred Heart General Utility Services Energy and Power Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8846-6949 Pristine Energy Transfer Corporation
Employment Agency Cgs Engineering Services B51 L8 Pristine Bldg OPEN FOR BUSINESS
9-A Kamias Rd QC ....... (0922)813-7272 Mackay Green Energy Jazz Residences Mkti ... (0977)756-9566 Taguig........................(02)7616-8007
Seaworld Maritime Corporation Highstreet South Corporate Plz Chiyoda Philippines Corporation R Cervantes Engineering 365 DAYS A YEAR.
124 Sinciego PC ............ (02)8526-4332 Taguig........................(02)8878-0750 Sun Plz Bldg Mand ......... (02)8571-2887 179 N Carpio KC ............ (02)8364-9689

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:33 2022 - P137

138 S C M Y K

138 Engineers - Events 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Floosie School Supplies Cest La Vie Event Management Inc
Engineers - Engineers - Stall Zencar Wet & Dry Mkt Environmental 230 Narra QC ................. (02)7954-2254
Consulting Structural Val ............................. (02)3443-1962
Gcl Enterprises Services Charmed By Myv Events Management
249- E V Ibaã±Ez
Professional Abinales Associates Engineers +
St Jude Luxury Twnhms
QC ............................. (02)3454-3690 Berkman System Inc
SJ ............................ (0927)285-9345
Charzen Party Needs
Consultants Guidelight Enterprises Alcco Bldg SJ.................(02)8724-2008 Dollar North Fairview
Amh Philippines Inc The Praxedes Place Psg . (02)8942-2548 241 Rizal Ave KC ........... (02)8631-7069 Dust And Bin Cleaning Services QC ........................... (0921)630-4469
Ang Bahay Ng Alumni Bldg One Global Place Choi Cabebe Events
QC ............................. (02)8880-2808 DANILO I FELICIANO & I-Concepts Marketing
6 Don Omero QC ............ (02)8986-9446 Taguig......................(0927)841-7010 59 West Dr Mkna ......... (0927)214-7050
Codes Consultants Incorporated ASSOCIATES STRUCTURAL Jellco Enterprises Inc Globe Care Services Incorporated Clari Deigne Event Solutions
Metropolitan Terrace Condo 2139 Sunrise Pque ......... (02)8854-6860 Midway Court Bldg Paseo De Magallanes Coml Ctr
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-2286 ENGINEERS Jr Store Mand ......................... (02)8638-8698 Mkti ......................... (0998)851-2376
Polintan-Agpasa And Associates
112 N P Cruz Taguig .... (0922)399-7189
Herrera Tower 28 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (0935)187-8093 Industramach Inc Click Events Manila
Kic Enterprise Orange Pque .................. (02)8826-9871 14 New Jersey QC........(0917)550-2700
Ps Jao Consulting Makati ..... (02)8845-1303 Sri Bldg PC.....................(02)8551-2970 Crown Event Management II
The Gallery Mkti ............. (02)7585-5081 Geremy Bldg QC...........(0945)547-4025
King Eleven General Merchandise
Herrera QC ..................... (02)8775-7143 Epoxy Applicator Eblast Events
19 Simplicia QC ........... (0917)634-5797
Engineers - Electrical DANILO I Kitchen Link Enterprise
986 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8899-6677 Ody Mineral Trading Elite Wedding Creatives
FELICIANO & 42 Dagohoy KC .............. (02)8634-1617 Villamor Air Base PC .... (0927)968-5430
Laumel International Enterprises Prime
A & D Plumbing And Electrical Services ASSOCIATES 505 Mabini Pierre Bldg Events By Marquesa
87 K-6th QC ................... (02)8283-5857 Albero Bldg Psg ............. (02)7752-6241
Archtrical Electrical Services
Mla ............................ (02)8536-3617
Lenclaire General Merchandise Escalators Events By Rum
B148 L30 Delvo Taguig .. (02)8837-6372 61 N Domingo SJ ........... (02)8632-1239 Philippine Stock Exch Ctre
Devine Electrical Trading And Services LTD Lke Enterprises Adlift Electrical Engineering Services Psg .......................... (0998)790-9342
6A Dets Family QC ......... (02)8426-8675 26 Tandang Sora QC ...... (02)8454-3977 61 Acacia Psg ................ (02)8514-4652 Eventsvenue Ph
Eesls Electrical Engineering Services Eesi Elevators Incorporated Fort Legend Twr
Lt Group Incorporated Taguig......................(0926)662-9900
Congressional Rd KC....(0916)530-3222 Lm Isdn Inc Bench Bldg Taguig ......... (02)8478-8559 634 Lourdes Pque .......... (02)8815-8396
Isnd Bldg QC .................. (02)8743-9383 Flashparty Planners
Electrodynamics Construction & Mobcomm Argv Incorporated THE LIFT CO PHILS INC Yakal Mkna .................. (0917)659-8573
Development Incorporated Reynaldo M Felipe And Associates Josefa Bldg Mla..............(02)8257-0117
B31 L1 Salome Tan 144 Pasig Blvd Florasola Event Stylist And Planning By
Tycoon Ctr Condmn Psg (02)7263-0021 Mrim Enterprises Myra Solis
Evertech Group Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8519-5407 16 B Kamias Rd QC........(02)3435-4261
Twr 1 Plz Mkti ................ (02)8215-1350 Multech Link Enterprises
Pasig.......(02)8477-3775 979 Tramo Rd LP ......... (0917)928-8294
Frb Party Ideas And Concept
Jb Automation Engineering Services
19 Eucalyptus Taguig ..... (02)8569-0936 Engines Windrose Twnhms Fourth Estate
Pque .......................... (02)7956-4087
156 Rd 1 QC ................ (0909)401-0560
Glamour Events Planning And Coordination
Kinetic Philippines Electrical Construction Njb General Merchandising 1 Sto Nino Roosevelt Ave
Ar Carpio Tire Supply
540 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8937-9986
Emerald KC .................... (02)7501-3777 THE LIFT QC ........................... (0977)200-5342
The Kinetic Ctr KC .......... (02)8236-5732 Partslink Enterprises Gv Events Management
Nj5 Electrical Services Beyond Horizon Events Services Tangtatco Bldg Mla ........ (02)8245-9628 CO PHILS
660 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8775-2178 Sampaguita KC ............ (0920)956-9174
Padil Pitogo Residences Pelayo Enterprises Incorporated Harlequin Event Specialists
Diesel Clutch International Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8571-2243 Elena Bldg LP ................. (02)8856-7510 INC Matimyas QC ............... (0917)538-0043
8270 Dr A Santos Ave Peotraco Food Incorporated
Vinculum Technologies Pque ........................ (0930)915-8464 Jkas Catering Services & Events
70 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8244-5644 108 Gen Concepcion KC (02)8365-8281 Management
M And W Distributing Company Pinas Enterprises
14 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8242-9917 68 Cenacle Dr QC...........(02)7968-2500
4 Provident Vill Mkna ...... (02)8330-7680 Jme Events And Production
Engineers - Geodetic Nippon Enterprises
C-3 Rd Nav .................... (02)8282-6435 Remal Enterprises Incorporated Unilift Components Phils Corp Sikatuna Bliss Mapagkumbaba
829 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8921-2124 Brightmove Bldg SJ ........ (02)8477-2793 QC ........................... (0967)249-8573
Novelty Commercial Corporation
Everest Surveying 157 9Th St KC ............... (02)8365-1429 Reynald Enterprise Joy's Party Needs Catering Services
Tandang Sora QC ........... (02)8475-5886 Pertua Marketing Coporation
35 Pertua Mkting Corporatio
Navarro Bldg LP ............. (02)8519-3629
Rockpoint Ent Event Management Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0910)336-4472
Jpm Catering
Soriano Femil Bldg Mla ... (02)8254-7049 39 Lakeview Dr Psg ..... (0917)932-1633
Engineers - QC ........................... (0906)348-6708
Yap Tomas Trading Engines Ruben Bansil Music Store Bash And Coordinates
2127 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8563-6158
Js Balloons Party Needs
V Mapa Mla .................... (02)8353-0176 St Anthony QC..............(0939)830-9715
Geotechnical 100 Ortigas Ave QC ........ (02)8725-6556
Sayes Enterprises Inc Belle & Beau Events Management Khai & Jhen Creative Designs
Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina 3847 President Laurel 36 Gen Tirona KC ......... (0966)921-7844
Totowao-Soil Testing & Land Surveying Engines - Marine Mkna ....................... (0930)579-4873 QC ........................... (0926)574-0742
Gamma Pro Lights And Sounds Rental
Littlepuffs Event Styling
Kaingin Rd QC .............. (0995)788-8017
Totowao Town Hall QC . (0929)785-8888 Size Matters Enterprise
Marine Technology Foundation Casa Monte Espanol QC . (02)8470-7073 Gamma Pro Pque ........... (02)7791-9110 M&A Event Management & Party Needs
Sky Mart Enterprise Lad Building 62F Balingasa QC ......... (0908)305-1761
Engineers - Industrial A Soriano Jr Ave Mla ...... (02)8527-6796
1330 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8354-7597 Lad Bldg Mal .................. (02)8425-2967 Matthew Salvador Events Management
Skybiz Enterprises Phil Events Management And Advertising 69 Jose Fabella Mand...(0917)448-1500
Krebs Pacific Engines - Rebuilding Araneta Square Mall KC .. (02)8364-7280 World Trade Exch Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8354-6626
Memento Crafts & Events
Choppin QC..................(0920)229-1661
Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8687-6700
and Exchanging Skyware Enterprises
125 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8668-2791 Solutions Digitas Marketing Services Mirabella Events
Slade Grashof Enterprises Incorporated The Manila Bank Bldg 395 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Engineers - C&C Auto Werks Center Incorporated Don Raul Bldg QC...........(02)8442-4948 Mkti ........................... (02)8848-2384 Psg .......................... (0928)520-4868
Mr Sun Kiddie Partycom Incorporated
4170 U Aguilar Ave LP ... (02)8788-0353
Management and Slithor Enterprises Incorporated
213 Wilson SJ................(02)8571-7808
Supreme Engine Rebuilding Andmachine
165 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8926-6288
World Trade Exch Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8354-3996 Event Organizer Pacific Santa's
Solanda Enterprises Incorporated Champ Bldg Mla ........... (0926)723-1773
Abr Events & Advertising Solutions Prince Chef Catering Services
Anson Industrial Sales Engines, Turbines Anda Mla ....................... (02)8527-8261
Solanda Ventures Inc 30 J P Rizal Taguig.........(02)8546-0331 21 Concerto LP ............ (0916)273-4029
1354 Soler Mla...............(02)8734-1168 Queen Bee Catering And Events
Cme Technology Philippines Incorporated and Power Starbright Sales Enterprises Inc
All About Events By Zen Mandap
Anda Mla ....................... (02)8527-8261
5063-B Independence 367 M L Quezon Ave
Cypress Garden Mkti ...... (02)8894-4578 Transmission 477 San Juan De Letran Val ........................... (0905)585-7376
Banquet Specially Shoppe
Munt .......................... (02)8998-6520
Rose In Bloom Events
DANILO I FELICIANO & Mla ............................ (02)8527-8288
Lansberg Place QC ......... (02)8375-1226 Inocencio PC ................ (0917)835-0692
Nutek Advance Philippines Incorporated Steel Care
ASSOCIATES St Luke Mkna ................. (02)7934-5954 11 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)8426-9010 Bartenders At Work Mobile Bar Sikat Events Management Incorporated
305 Tomas Morato Ave
G Tuazon Mla ............... (0923)836-8947
STRUCTURAL Transmission Specialist Incorporated Sylex Int 1251 Soler Mla ..... (02)8241-1477
Brandstar Co QC ............................. (02)8373-0790
237 Connecticut Mand ... (02)8571-3137 Time Works Enterprises
ENGINEERS 817 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8734-5719 87 Banaag Psg ............... (02)7148-9827 Simplifun Party Shop
140 Camia Psg ............ (0917)535-5482
Top-Rigid Enterprises Evensia Events Management
Engraving 135 12th Ave KC ............ (02)8366-5560 2421 Adb Ave Psg ......... (02)7218-4871 Slam Event Production
Reap Ctr QC ................. (0966)780-5240
E-mail: [email protected] Total Link Enterprises Incorporated Go Extreme Limit Corporation
The Anli Planners
Aerosky Services Corporation 6223 Manalac Mkti.........(02)8478-9729 B5 L9 Daisy Psg ............ (02)7576-4765
807 J B Miguel Psg ...... (0917)813-1536
Maptra Hangar PC ........ (0917)517-6086 Transequip Inc Great Solution Exhibit Coordinator The Next Step Event Planner
Herrera Tower Makati.....(02)8845-1303 Rcg Engraving Services And Trading 965 Edsa QC .................. (02)8351-7937 1 Grant QC ..................... (02)3455-5632 Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8843-8878
1812 C M Recto Ave Tricore Solutions Incorporated Jump-N-Fun Inflatables The Sailor's Event Place
Mla ............................ (02)8244-1412 Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8962-3778 212 Sta Ana Taguig ........ (02)7577-4248 29 Sampaguita KC ....... (0956)528-2830
Uni-Asia Enterprises Incorporated Magnus Events Inc Ticket World Incorporated
DANILO I 930 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8244-8405 160 Edsa QC .................. (02)8373-1729
FELICIANO & Enterprises Vfs Enterprises Branch I Mega Event Incorporated
Mecoop Bldg Mla ........... (02)8891-5608
Vylette Balloons And Party Needs
Cherry Foodarama QC .... (02)8929-6522 2483 Alexander Mkti.......(02)8884-2900 139 Fort Santiago QC ... (0947)200-9175
ASSOCIATES Bbmb Enterprises Pro House Events And Production
Zectra Enterprise Z&L Events Organizer & Catering Services
STRUCTURAL 863 Vicente Cruz Mla ..... (02)8353-0048 30 Matino QC ................. (02)8355-3096 8 Usaffe Rd QC .............. (02)8952-2441 40 Dagohoy KC ............ (0923)475-7890
ENGINEERS Bluemoon Enterprises R & A Events Specialist
431-D-E Paso De Blas Rd 817-B Torres Mand ........ (02)3437-0591
LTD Val ............................. (02)3443-6804 Entertainers Raflora Enterprises Event Stylist
Chemitron Enterprises Incorporated 1588 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)7966-2164
Ydg Bldg QC...................(02)8911-5645 G Extreme Professional Light And Sounds Visioncraft Advertising Ike Events Design Studio
Geomaster Corporation Chempro Enterprises Rental Lansbergh Place Condmn Bagong Silang KC.........(0917)779-3959
Diliman Coml Ctr Bldg 1948 T Mapua Mla ......... (02)8255-3991 E Rodriguez QC ............ (0917)877-7859 QC ............................. (02)8351-8213
QC ............................. (02)8442-9163 Chensan Enterprises J-Project Gen Tinio QC ..... (0916)435-0968
18 Old Sauyo Rd QC .... (0916)447-8634 Jaz Talent Promotion Incorporated
Event Planning Events and Wedding
Chervin Enterprises
Engineers - 36 Stanford QC .............. (02)8995-0158
543 J P Rizal Mand ........ (02)8535-1553 Stradivarius Edsa Mand ...... (02)8655-4406 Services
Mechanical Cs Richwood Enterprises Company
6B F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-5655 Acm Events Place
Gm Sandoval Incorporated
D & T Commercial Enterprises
217 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8376-1980
Envelopes Algretz Party Place Party Venue & Catering Acm Bldg Psg .............. (0977)384-2535
Old Zabarte KC ............. (0942)555-0804 Anna's Place At Sea Residences
14 G De Jesus KC .......... (02)8364-6126 De-Aces Office Enterprises Balloonatic's Brother's Event & Party Needs Sunrise Dr PC...............(0961)539-2782
L R Punsalan And Associates Compu-Print Machineries Corporation 55 Sanciangco Mal.......(0975)508-8264 Anrivs Events Place
Alejandrino Cpd Psg ....... (02)8785-1764 229 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8724-2581
1371 Newton Mkti .......... (02)8844-9124 Dreamweaver Pet Supplies Cara Events Riyal QC ........ (0922)809-7519 Malipaka QC ................. (0922)405-1188
Wjj Airconditioning And Ventilation Inc B102 L4 Kapitagan Rd Celebrations Event Specialists Artan Garden
The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays.
Magsaysay QC ............. (0925)890-6205 Psg ............................ (02)7239-9795 46 Queensville QC ........ (0917)535-6069 92 J P Rizal QC ............ (0917)164-2880

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139 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Events - Fashion 139

Casa Vieja De Maria Live Ph Rcc Ctr Psg ........... (02)8506-6548 Cmg Sm Mall Of Asia PC .... (02)8556-0110
Events and Wedding 40 C Arellano Mal ......... (0917)549-5098 Mct Events Management Fans - Ventilating Concord Home Depot
Venues (Cont'd) Elitista Weddings And Events
Hizon Arcade Bldg
Ncc Bldg Mand .............. (02)8507-5647
Toptraders Import Export Corporation and Exhaust 600 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8734-6809
Cortona Trading Corporation
Mkna ....................... (0917)573-0729 Antonino Bldg Mla .......... (02)8525-4186 Robinsons Equitable Twr
Audrey Events Place Forthinker Incorporated Toughtrade Industries Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8637-3074
Casa Milan QC ............. (0917)810-3261 Lee Gardens Condmn Cityland Pioneer Condmn
BASIC MACHINERY & D & K Unlimited Fashion
Basic Venue Mand ......................... (02)8234-2901 Mand ......................... (02)8631-6103 ACOUSTICS Manila Ocean Park Mla ... (02)8277-0451
L Hernandez Ave LP ..... (0917)707-4094 Happynest Dia Gems And Pearls
Bella Mira Events Place 375 J Rizal Mand ........... (02)7719-0356 CORPORATION Greenshills Shopping Ctr
St Mary Psg ................. (0906)329-2882 Intas Destinations Management Eye Clinics RITE HITE SJ ............................ (0995)223-2180
Calidro Events Place Incorporated REVOLUTION FAN Ecco
375 F Antonio Psg .......... (02)7500-3014 Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8772-3312 Abesamic Vision Care Edsa Shangri-La Mand ... (02)8687-0018
Ciudad Villa Private Venue Jaf Event Place Araneta Square KC ......... (02)3383-8109 * Available in Size 8', 12', 16', 20' amp Egg Exciting Gifts & Goodies
50 A Mabini KC .............. (02)8351-3534 1206 Sto Rosario Val ... (0932)315-5544 Abesamis Eye Care 24' diameter. In Two or Four Blade Fan Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0799
Enderun Events Kmc Skydeck Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0816 * Moves more air with 2 or 4 Eve Fashion
1100 Campus Ave Picadilly Star Bldg Abesamis-Yap Optical Co 1043 Reina Regente Mla (02)8243-8867
Taguig........................(02)8856-5000 Taguig........................(02)8779-6540 Propell-Aire Aluminum Blades. Fab
City Square Bldg QC ....... (02)7918-2119
Felicidad Mansion Events Place La Rosa Pavilion Buado-Navarro Eye Clinic * Backed by Rite-Hites's 1 Year Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Baler QC.........................(02)8961-8038 293 Santolan Rd Val ....... (02)8292-1948 55 15th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-2933 Customer Satisfaction Guarantee SJ .............................. (02)8913-3718
Gnp Events Place M & E Events Place Buan Samonte Optical Clinic Fino Leatherware Incorporated
Gnp Bldg QC ................ (0916)222-4022 30 E Ragas Pat ............ (0963)633-4981 Strongest HVLS Fan in the Market Eastwood City Walk 2
16 A Samonte QC.........(0923)513-9377
Hanging Gardens Events Venue Mahogany Farm Events Place TEL. NOS.: (632)8811-1572-73 QC ............................. (02)8687-3699
Bvp Santos Optical Clinic Girl Shoppe
Belfast Ave QC ............... (02)8734-6480 Sampaguita Taguig.......(0915)881-8304 Rizal Ave Extention Mal...(02)8632-1972
Marie Ann's Garden TEL. NOS.: (632)8811-1652 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Ideal Convention Center Cruz Optical EMAIL: [email protected]
28 Abelardo QC ............ (0945)780-2780 387 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8998-8735 SJ .............................. (02)8913-6815
Octa Events Place Puregold Arcade Val ....... (02)8400-6361 Makati Cinema Square Gk Fashion Gallery
Ideal Events Pavilion Delos Reyes E Optical
Abelardo QC ................. (0956)816-3777 222 Don Basilio Bautista Blvd Makati ....................... (02)8811-1572 985 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0908)986-6086
Mal .......................... (0927)234-2446 542 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8733-0086 up to 73 Hera Yg Trading Inc
Le Reve Pool Party Venue and Events Place Ernst Eye Clinic
28 Sgt Esguerra QC ........ (02)8366-0227 Patio Queen Sofia Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
21 F De La Cruz Val ........ (02)8294-1988 6 Gen Luna Taguig ....... (0925)880-3910 Psg ............................ (02)8463-6713
Matrix Creation Events Venue Eye Experts Inc
Phil Arts Events Incorporated Jack-Ashley Jewelry
11 Malakas QC.............(0936)866-9509
Lpl Ctr Mkti .................... (02)8831-0953 Asian Hospital & Medical Ctr BASIC Lifestyle Ctr SJ ............... (02)8515-9025
Sampaguita Gardens Events Place Munt .......................... (02)8771-0727
36 Valencia QC .............. (02)8470-8560 Pure Play Sports Management
Eye-Professional Optical Clinic
MACHI- Jhajing Fashion Accesories
Pilgrim Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8818-4028 56 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0927)388-4611
The Garden Mirror Events Place
The Arc Venue 711 Hilton KC...............(0945)279-0764 NERY & Joytis Trading
76 Gil Fernando Mkna.....(02)7239-4569
The Gatherings Villa 215 Taytay KC ............... (02)8288-1199 Fontanilla Eye Clinic ACOUS- 9149A Catmon Mkti ....... (02)8890-0540
Anita Bldg QC ............... (0915)777-3346 Kikay Accessories
88 Yanga Mal ................. (02)8294-6413 The Madison Events Place
398 Don Jesus Blvd Jervis Optical Clinic TICS COR- Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-4883
Tuscany Events Venue
Munt .......................... (02)8877-0702 526 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (0948)501-7344 PORATION Lerre Marketing Incorporated
3 Ligaya QC ................. (0917)561-9001 Krb Tamayo Optical Clinic 959-L Ilaya Mla .............. (02)8245-0151
Venue 142 Events Place The Whitehauz Events Place
Mandarin Ave Munt ...... (0906)433-1233 161 Luzon Ave QC ....... (0916)426-9316 Lizzie's Boutique
L Bldg QC.....................(0977)779-1058 M Mendoza Optical Clinic 1616 Bato Bato QC ...... (0917)676-3632
Timestamp Media Productions Free-Aire Industries Incorporated
Venue 36 Events Place 15 B Sgt Pascua Psg......(02)7624-0254 Santi Josef Bldg Mal ....... (02)3446-3797 Lyn's Accessories & Fashion
36 Morning Star Dr QC . (0916)700-5593 Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8856-2962
Ultimate Shows Inc Maceda Eye Care Clinic Granstratman Industries Incorporated 669 Adriatico Mla ......... (0908)271-8443
Villa Infant Jesus Pavilion - Events Place Globe Telecom Plz 27 Panay Ave QC ........... (02)8564-0325 Marie Wc Bags And Accessories Shop
40 D Macapagal Mkna .. (0917)825-5607 47 Bach QC....................(02)3427-1391
Mand ......................... (02)8634-1720 Manila Eye Specialists Katmar Industrial Center San Leon QC .................. (02)8927-5604
Zentral Events Venue V Gardens Events Place 1238 A H Lacson Ave Marlboro Classics Incorporated
Leono Mal ...................... (02)8234-9055 Park Homes Commerical Cplx
505 A Mabini Ave KC ..... (02)8334-0747 Mla ............................ (02)8743-8583 Munt .......................... (02)8842-8171 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8631-0044
Vicel Riverside Garden Venue Neo Vision Eye Clinic Massimo Trulli Fashion Food And Wine
Excavation and 31 Lapu-Lapu Ave Nav ... (02)8281-7652
Victoria Place Clubhouse
Km17 Mcarthur Hwy Val.(02)8292-8018
Peregrine Eye And Laser Institute Farming
Lri Design Plz Mkti..........(02)8832-9600
Mogao Farmer's Plz QC ...... (02)8962-3860
Plumbing Services 9-E Santan Mal...............(02)8398-0962
Villa Capco
347 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8890-0115
Maxims Hotel PC ............ (02)8831-9807
Cube Root Farming
55 Axis Rd Psg ............ (0917)546-7499 River Valley Eye Center Incorporated Tramo PC.....................(0905)466-1510 Pedro
Aaa Plumbing Services Inc Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8556-5330
Kennedy Bldg Mla .......... (02)8726-9145 Villa Rosalinda Fortune Bldg Psg ............ (02)8584-6411
13 Bagong Calzada Santos Medical & Eye Clinic Remixx Clothing
Drain Cleaning And Plumbing Services
Makati Executive Ctr Taguig......................(0917)586-3146
Water Balance Events Place
3101 Victorino Mapa Fashion Accessories Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8788-8648
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-1000 Mla .......................... (0905)202-0768
65 Mandarin Ave Munt.........(0919)1589 Serene Eye Clinic Rudy Project - Sm Moa
Edwin Gayondato Plumbing Services Alex And Ani Sm Moa PC....................(02)8556-0752
Ysabelle's Events Place 258 Mayon QC ............. (0935)304-8437 Sm Aura Premier
B108 L42 Bagong Silang 3 Araneta Ave KC ......... (0999)945-8976 Schooner Eyeglass Enterprise
KC ............................. (02)8734-1601 Standard Optical Eye Clinic Taguig......................(0932)878-5781
Zaide's Events Place 648 P Paterno Mla..........(02)8733-3765 98 Sen Gil Puyat Ave
Egps Malabanan Services L6 Camella Munt .......... (0917)381-6268 Amigos Dry Goods Mkti ........................... (02)7358-2491
White Plains QC ............. (02)8734-1601 The Eye Md Ophthalmology Clinic 932-936 Ilaya Mla .......... (02)8516-1547
Crowne One Condmn Shoo In
Glo Plumbing Services & Ag Malabanan Aranaz Greenbelt 5 Mkti......(02)7757-0301 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Siphoning Services
1459 Malambing KC.......(02)8962-0630
Expanded Metal QC ............................. (02)7211-6345
Wjq Optical Clinic
Arnel Papa
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0181
SJ .............................. (02)8477-8732
20 N Roxas Mkna ......... (0977)407-4258 Simplejoys
Jt Quinto Plumbing Services Bag Tag Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8632-0779
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr GENERAL HARDWARE Alabang Town Ctr Sunglass Haven Phils Incorporated
Mkti ......................... (0916)349-0597
Mel Plumbing And Electrical Services PRODUCTS INC Fabric Store Munt ........................ (0922)896-8536
Carmille Jewelry Emporium Incorporated
Robinsons Place Cplx
Mla ............................ (02)8354-3747
87 K6th St QC ................ (02)8544-9027 Manufacturer of Expanded Metal Ever Gotesco Commonwealth Sunnies By Charlie Incorporated
Milex Malabanan Siphoning & Plumbing Asiatex Manufacturing QC ............................. (02)8376-6695 10 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8632-9707
Services (Metro Manila) (02)8911-0422 3453 V Mapa Ext Mla ..... (02)8567-6865
123 Sgt De Leon Psg ..... (02)8513-4422 Jimbotex Fabrics
Nhecy's Plumbing Services 1043 Reina Regente
Maayusin QC..................(02)7624-3591 [email protected] Mla .......................... (0922)822-2895
Mcjw Textile & Fabrics
128 20th Ave Ylaya Mla ..................... (0977)732-7028
Executive Offices Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0381 Rochas Fabric Store
1072 Cm Recto Ave Mla.(02)8241-9247
Frabelle Business Center
Rada Mkti.......................(02)8894-5733
GENERAL Fabricated Metal
Executive Search HARDWARE Ati Steel Fab Corporation
PRODUCTS Stainless Star Bldg Val....(02)8925-6312
Consultants Scalene Enterprises
INCORPO- 4599 Chico Val .............. (02)3440-2931
Aspiree Incorporated RATED
Aic Burgundy Empire
Psg ............................ (02)8535-4067 Facial Centers
Exercise Equipment Expansion Joints
Creative Wellness Corporation
Robinsons Place Metro East
Psg ............................ (02)8646-1721
Cellercise Philippines Haven For Wellness Corporation
9 Cruzadas Mkti ............. (02)8810-6237 Cosworth Multi-Resources & Machinery Robinsons Place Manila
E-Sports Rk International Incorporated Corporation
Naga Rd LP .................... (02)8847-2427 Mla ............................ (02)8522-9261
Alabang Business Twr It Figures Skin Care And Body Shaping
Munt .......................... (02)8809-7134 LINKAGE FIRST VENTURES Villa Dev Bldg Mkti..........(02)8804-3781
Fitness Intelligence Trends Incorporated Personal Care
Quorum Ctre Psg............(02)8651-7777 INC 7 Sct Borromeo QC ........ (02)3410-7693
Infinity More Than Medals Incorporated 52 Don Antonio Heights
Starmall LP .................... (02)8519-9711
Xtreme Gym Equipment
Camec Jcb Bldg QC ..... (0999)995-4577
City ......... (02)8931-8865
PEOPLE WILL Linkage First
Exhibitions and (See Advertisement on this page)
FIND YOU FAST Ventures Inc
67 Don Matias, South Gate, Don Antonio
Events Expositions Trade Heights Subdivision, Brgy. Holy Spirit,
Baello Events Place Shows and Fairs Quezon City, Metro Manila 1104 Philippines
Baello Bldg KC ............... (02)8285-0477 Tel. No.: (02) 8931-8865
Boardmart's Event Place Art Style Events Management Services YELLOW PAGES.
1043 Mendoza Val ....... (0922)728-0312 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8945-3215

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:33 2022 - P139

140 S C M Y K

140 Fashion - Filipino 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Chomp Chomp Asian Street Food Limbooz Food Hub Tien Ma's Chinese Cuisine Incorporated
Fashion Accessories 2450 Bellagio Residence Four M Square Bldg Parking Elysium Bldg QC ............ (02)8524-2713 Fiber and Fiber
(Cont'd) Mla .......................... (0945)536-6849
City Chix Corporation
QC ........................... (0927)333-3718
Lodipop Chicken Corner
Tre Fontane Corporation
Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8856-0697 Products
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8816-4537 618 Palawan Mkti.........(0917)413-3438 Tt's Liempo
Sunnies Studios Curated By Klc Lolah Neh Bulaluhan Hole In One Food Hub Fiberline Industries Incorporated
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-4234 144 J Elizalde Pque ...... (0917)893-5465 Cash And Carry Mall Taguig......................(0917)169-8484 130 4th St KC ................ (02)8364-2168
The Fashion District Del Sol Foods Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8534-3812 Tummy Lite Corporation Weave And Stitch Marketing
247 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0915)461-9521 369 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Lutong Bicol Makati Cinema Square Yangco Bldg Mla ............ (02)8241-9538
The Rail - Muntinlupa City 1 Psg ............................ (02)8640-4237 54 20th Ave QC ............ (0929)777-7912 Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1623
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-4856
The Travel Club
Diner Streat
Bautista Munt ............... (0960)512-7150
Madam Ni Boss Diner
10 Diego Silang QC ...... (0915)583-9613
Ultimate Burgers Incorporated
Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8637-9378
Fiber Cement Board
Robinson Place  Manila Dos Primos Dining Concepts Incorporated Madikenz Fried Chicken
Mla ............................ (02)8567-2532 27 Grant QC ................. (0968)327-3855 Wab's Lroamar Construction Trading
Worldwide Corporation Ctre 1254-1258 Asturias
Tokyo Hanna Boutique Mand ......................... (02)8571-4136 Make You Rich (Bagnetified) 572 Senator Neptali Gonzales
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8256-4290 Mla .......................... (0960)849-3350 Mand ....................... (0917)516-5802
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Draft Restaurant & Brewery
SJ .............................. (02)8721-2267 Mamou Wandering Nomad Diner
Greenbelt 2 Mkti ........... (0917)507-3442 Jlb Apts Val .................... (02)7001-1307
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7909-5741
Tres Maria's Classy Fashion Boutique
177 Sardonyx Mla ........ (0965)170-3046
Dragon V Food Services
One E-Com Ctr PC..........(02)8551-3522 Mang Dapitan Incorporated Wendys Fiberglass
President Ave Pque ........ (02)8519-0522
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
E N Claravall Enterprise
Intrepid Plz Bldg QC ........ (02)8650-6330
1507 Dapitan Mla ........... (02)8516-1346
Masskara Chicken Inasal Wholesome Foods Corporation Fabricators
SJ .............................. (02)8722-8242 Eat Fresh Famous Hong Kong Street Food Imall Camarin KC ......... (0945)560-3661 Isetann Mla .................... (02)8735-9614
Wearable Identity Incorporated Masters Schools For Models Wok To Go A C Fiberglass Manufacturing
100-A Ma Clara QC ........ (02)8516-8022 Cristina Lne QC .............. (02)7621-5487
17A South Zuzuarregui Eggs Beans & Grains Incorporated L V Locsin Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8376-7197 570 Atc Bldg Mla............(02)3484-4512
QC ............................. (02)7215-4049 Mc Donald Corp World Chicken G S A Glass & Aluminum
Naia Terminal 3 PC.........(02)8551-5686 Daang Batasan QC ....... (0939)539-4906
Yazi Fashion Accessories Eldrich Foods Corporation Sm Bf Paranaque Pque . (0998)972-5095 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8818-2601
Sunjoy Bldg PC ............ (0927)666-5166 Mcd Aguilar Incorporated Yoshinoya Century Pacific Incorporated Jkm Glass And Aluminum
Gen Ordonez Mkna ......... (02)8948-7442 6098 Garcia Mkti..........(0916)782-8353
Ersao Taiwanese Restaurant J Aguilar Ave LP ............. (02)8826-1624 Ayala Fairview Terraces
Meat Depot Mini QC ............................. (02)8288-2888 Sunshine Fiberglass Corporation
Fashion Designers 668 Banawe QC ............. (02)3409-7172
Fast Food Lunch And Snack
The Podium Mand ........ (0956)621-6728
Miggy's Burger
Yumchee 778 East Mand ............... (02)8724-4902
West Ave QC .................. (02)8372-1658 Bonifacio Stopover
Blackcode Manila Inc
92 Makaturing Mand ...... (02)8477-3184
Favorite Italian Fastfood Incorporated
Robinsons Galleria Mall
G Felipe Sr QC .............. (0917)913-9785
Mister Siomai
Zabarte Food Exchange Incorporated
Filipino Foods
Charina Sarte Espana Thomas Square Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-4487
QC ............................. (02)8997-9104 Mla .......................... (0947)270-9837 Abshar Fast Food
3302C Matanzas Mkti.....(02)3481-6785 Ferino's Bibingka Zaborr Foods Incorporated
Mommys Malabon Pride Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Myrn's Fashion Boutique & Dress Shop Market! Market! Taguig . (0917)536-5162 20 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8282-5355 129 Dna Soledad Ave SJ ............................ (0922)844-4423
Science Balong Bato First Metrolink Food Corporation Mond Royale Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8824-3166 Aedan's Burger
QC ........................... (0919)510-3027 Erl Investment Bldg Mla .. (02)8516-3819 Liberty Ctr Freedom Plz 92-C K-1st St QC ......... (0966)562-5631
Slim's Legacy Project Inc First Riz-Ca Food Corporation
2310 Chino Roces Ave Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-6399
Mand ......................... (02)8654-9000
Mongolian Quick Stop Incorporated Faucets Alejandra Hotel & Suites
5841 Zobel Roxas Ave
Mkti ........................... (02)8887-3390 Franco's Chicken Hub Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-4226 Mkti ......................... (0932)744-5997
Stylist In Pocket Technologies Inc 2120 Don Fabian QC .... (0917)102-7644 Moshi Manju - Pasay City Avier Avarielle Inc Amo's Grill
3040 Lubiran Mla ......... (0917)651-0018 Fresh N Famous Foods Incorporated Mall Of Asia PC ............ (0932)699-9753 243 Paso Taguig ............ (02)8838-2984 7B Ilaya Munt ................. (02)8847-9944
Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8714-2421 Mushroomburger Philippines Incorporated Hafele Philippines Incorporated B-Side Binalot Tunasan
Fast Food Golden Jolly Bestfoods Corporation
Del Monte Kanlaon Mkt
297 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8882-8888
New Best Business Corporation
The Hafele Ctr Taguig ..... (02)8571-3203
102 Buendia Munt .......... (02)8805-3664
Bosh Burger
Restaurants (QSR) QC ............................. (02)8354-7253
Golden Teppanyaki - Sm Aura
South Stn Green Bldg
Munt .......................... (02)8842-9885
The Centerpoint Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8633-8963
100 Susano Rd QC.......(0951)124-5733
Buhay B! Davao Lechon
Sm Aura Premier Olympus Foods Incorporated Yong Rong Hardware 26-A Sct Castor QC ........ (02)8372-3139
2Eight6 Corporation Taguig......................(0956)268-1055
Jb Tan LP.......................(02)8869-6846 Greenlanes Greenhills Shopping Ctr 1238 Soler Mla...............(02)8554-1850 Burger Central Grill Station
Goodah! Circle C Ctr QC ..... (02)8441-2260 SJ .............................. (02)8721-5572 Sgt Esguerra Ave QC .... (0905)565-0695
All Wings Goto Tendon Oriental Bowl Cafe Via Mare
18 France Pque ............ (0919)290-1648
Alyanne's Cafe
Nena Bldg QC ................. (02)8716-4686
Gotobox Restaurant Corporation
Sm City San Lazaro
Mla .......................... (0906)449-5854
Feed Mill Equipment 53 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8376-2612
11 Guevarra QC..............(02)3415-9414
Amc Sizzling Palace
Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Original Chiggys Barbecue and Supplies Campfire Burgers & More
23 Sct Limbaga QC ...... (0917)461-9192
Mkna ......................... (02)8294-0134 Pearl Plz Bldg Psg .......... (02)8634-8312 Cuervorito Craft Burgers
Fisher Mall QC .............. (0935)977-3183 Grand Asia Foods Corporation Original Partners Pares
Army Navy Grain Handlers Philippines Incorporated 1024 J Nakpil Mla ........ (0945)134-1415
Zabarte Town Ctr KC ...... (02)8961-4484 168 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3412-0689 234 Sta Monica Psg ....... (02)8635-6459 D'lax Pancit Batil Patong And Eatery
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Hermie's Food Counter Pares House
SJ .............................. (02)8333-3131 Philippine Metals Inc 1002 Dos Castillas Mla.(0917)871-2658
Greenhills Shopping Ctr N Domingo SJ ................ (02)7261-8530 Antel Corporate Ctr Mkti . (02)7751-8037 Dampa Express
Army Navy + Burrito SJ ............................ (0927)859-7187 Philippine Seven Properties Corporation
Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8846-5555 Superior Feed Mills Factory Holy Spirit Dr QC ............ (02)7750-4460
Hobbies Barbeque Stations Hasting 2 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8899-3083 379 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8292-4253 Dampa Express (Dona Soledad Paranaque)
Arny Dading Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr Pixies Sinugba
207 Katipunan QC .......... (02)3433-6443 Tripletech Bldg Pque.....(0927)229-8760
QC ............................. (02)8470-8425 89 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-8882 Dampa Express (Tandang Sora -
Arny-Dading's Peachy-Peachy
254 C Arellano Mal ......... (02)8281-0637
Hontorz Corporation
1012 Metropolitan Ave
Pntm - Ykg Bbq Incorporated
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)3394-4016
Feeds Crossroad)
610 Tandang Sora Ave
Ato's Chinoy Food Express Mkti ........................... (02)8553-6715 Prince Chubby's Kitchen QC ............................. (02)8366-5484
2808 Zamora PC ............ (02)7744-8979 Hot Star Philippines 23 Alcalde Jose Psg ........ (0926)593350 Awdtech Philippines Incorporated
219 J P Rizal Mand ........ (02)8535-4865 Dampa Express Fairview
Atoy Pork Chop Restaurant Eastwood City Walk 2 Pure Snack Food House Corporation Brittany Square QC ....... (0915)923-2596
196 Aguirre Pque ......... (0975)823-7352 QC ............................. (02)8997-0271 59 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ........ (02)8984-7409 Gncn Feeds Supply
2066 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8293-1091 Dampa Express Kamias
Aysee Sisig Hotshots Puroy's Chicken Akts-150 Bldg QC ........ (0917)871-1700
Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8425-7274 Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8659-2203 35 Sapocoy QC ............ (0915)392-8644 Hi-Nutri Enterprises
76 M H Del Pilar QC ....... (02)8373-6271 Dampa Express Pasig - Pioneer Center
Backyard Diner Ibagnet Ramayana Food Haus Pioneer Psg..................(0966)642-7127
246 Maxima Urrutia Metrowalk Coml Cplx 1418 Pres E P Quirino Ave Invivo Nsa Philippines Incorporated Dos Hermanos Pateros Branch
Val ........................... (0908)220-8867 Psg ............................ (02)8470-2007 Mla ............................ (02)8562-9160 Philam Life Twr Mkti ....... (02)8831-1451 29 B Morcilla Pat ............ (02)8642-5840
Backyard Tapa Grill & Beer Icebergs Food Concepts Incorporated Razon Guagua Lifelinks International Resources Inc Foodhouse By Madla
345-B Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)7738-3561 Sm City Novaliches QC ... (02)8332-0591 Timog QC.......................(02)3484-4877 7457 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)7798-1111 2022 Taft Ave PC ......... (0915)219-8787
Balay Incorporated Inasal Food Services Incorporated Reyes Chef's Food Ventures Incorporated Mirabueno Agricultural Products Inc
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8994-0128 Kabisera
25 Maalindog QC ........... (02)8426-3825 Buenmar Psg ................. (02)8570-7445 118 B5 Bayabas Mkti ... (0961)619-9573 Bonifacio High Street
Balot Balot Ineng S Special Bbq Rj's Chicken House Ntd Pet & Poultry Supply
128 Gegorio Araneta Taguig........................(02)8776-9882
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8721-2403 Z Square Mall QC ........... (02)8294-0654 3272 Kalayaan Ave Kaizam Grill
Bar B King Express Ineng's Special Barbecue QC ........................... (0936)907-4565 Mkti ......................... (0917)122-7101
Roberta Flavors Of Asia Unicenter Bldg KC ........ (0915)743-6080
Paso De Blas Val .......... (0932)269-9791 1571 Dna Soledad Ave Philippine Super Feed Corporation Locavore
Bbb Teotico Corporation Pque ........................ (0917)186-3311 45 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)3394-1505 1087 North Bay Bvd Nav (02)8282-6556
Rodeo Grill Barbecue And Sizzlers Forbes Town Ctr Taguig . (02)8776-8180
Waltermart Sucat Pque ... (02)8552-2834 Jared Adam's Food And Beverage House Premium Feeds Manufacturing Corporation Lola Sisa's Kusina
Bente Silog Gov I Santiago Rd Val ... (0917)772-8570 Sm City Bicutan Pque ..... (02)8551-2320
Route 18 Diner Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8636-1626 Camella Homes 1 Munt .. (02)8845-2508
89 C Jose PC ............... (0929)458-9463 Jay J's Food Management Incorporated Progressive Poultry Supply Lomi Haus Batangas Lomi And Pancit
Bentesilog Food Company Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8351-5128 398-B Jp Rizal Mkna .... (0917)792-7005
Ruby Star Food House 1013 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8373-4051 455 M L Quezon
321 Dansalan Mand ....... (02)8633-2074 Jd Island Food Concepts Corporation Pronatural Feed Corporation Taguig......................(0949)500-5111
Best Friends Pares & Mami House 328 Mh Del Pilar KC ....... (02)8687-7522
38 Rd 12 Mla ................. (02)8714-4772 Sari Manok Richwell Ctr QC .............. (02)8376-2293 M&A Burger And Sandwiches
Harmonic Seven Tejeron Place Jesus Panciteria Purtier Placenta Maj Marcos QC ............ (0921)547-8537
Mla ............................ (02)8354-8954 Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0939)449-7140
Ma Roxas Mkna ............. (02)7945-6282 Scotland Incorporated 1183 Jose Abad Santos Nelpot's Binalot
Big Chicken Express Jofats Burger Pasig Mla .......................... (0998)559-3073 85 Arandia Munt...........(0918)450-3201
Fortune Palace Bldg Mla . (02)8247-4755 Ayala Malls Manila Bay
103 Pag-Asa Psg ......... (0999)302-6808 Pque ........................ (0906)722-5703 Tritec Integrated Philippines Inc Primo's Burger
Big Daddy's Kitchen Incorporated Johnny Rockets Sing Sing 143 Katipunan Ave QC . (0927)450-9287
Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8847-1249 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8807-3819
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8470-2208 268-A Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)7738-0673 Provenciano Restaurant
Bony's Litson Cebu Unahco Inc
Just 4 U Fast Food Bar Sizzling Steak House 17 Sheridan Mand .......... (02)8858-1000 110 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)7944-3995
T Santiago Val .............. (0919)935-2146 Timex Fairview QC ........ (0919)951-7337 1729 Evangelista Mkti .. (0928)894-4463 Robin's Kakanin (Batangas Puto)
Boy Kanin Kainan Sa Zabarte Viper Autogate Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0920)910-4091
Sky Manna Food Chain Incorporated 307 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8243-2610
73-A 10th Ave QC .......... (02)8352-8130 24 Zabarte Ext QC ........ (0977)423-7661 48 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8924-1398 Rody Day's
Burger King Kalborgers - Malabon City Soy Yummy - Las Pinas City 121 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-4501
Evia Lifestyle Ctr LP........(02)8667-7171
Casa Emilio Foodlink Incorporated
Acg Bldg Mal................(0932)105-8901
Sm South Mall LP.........(0947)748-4990
Super Value Franchise Incorporated
Fertilizers Salud Panciteria
205-A Jp Rizal Mkna ...... (02)7238-1930
Robinsons Place Manila Sm City San Lazaro 57 Pasig Blvd Ext Psg.....(02)7747-6642 Sangkalan
Mla ............................ (02)8536-8051 Mla .......................... (0919)911-4670 Suzhou Dimsum Alpolac Incorporated 41 West Ave QC ............. (02)8277-7535
Chefs Noodle Kitchilano Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Alpolac Incorporated Sarsa At Parilla
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8376-5367 Rsc Lucky Gold Buliding SJ .............................. (02)7744-3846 Munt .......................... (02)8861-8363 131-A V Luna Ext QC......(02)8784-0342
Chennix Food Hauz Psg ............................ (02)8632-9712 Swingers Chicken Cgm Petshop Sonia Costelo General Merchandise
24 Libertad Mand ........... (02)8531-3112 Kusina Ni Gracia Congressional Ave Ext B G Molina Mkna .......... (0916)557-7828 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)496-5503
Chicka Chicka Chicken House Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8712-3812 QC ........................... (0917)110-9353 Macondray Industrial Agro Corporation Tablo Kitchen X Cafe
Robinsons Zeta Twr QC .. (02)7752-2927 La & Bros Food Corporation Tapapa Veterans Rd Taguig ........ (02)8838-9159 2 Rodis LP ..................... (02)7752-1453
Chicken Micoy Femi 1 Bldg Mla ............. (02)8523-8209 637 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0935)673-7910 Planters Products The Burger Grill
5 Sampaguita Ave QC...(0916)346-1299 La Croque Madame Incorporated Teddy's Bigger Burgers Manila Domestic Airport 1370 Corregidor Mkti ... (0997)800-1842
Choice Gourmet Banquet Incorporated Serendra Piazza Taguig .. (02)8846-1734 Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7728-3056 PC ............................. (02)8851-3062 Via Mare
Lucky Chinatown Mall Le Village The Lifestyle Food Park The Doughnut People Incorporated Transorien Manpower North Wing Evia Lifestyle Ctr
Mla ............................ (02)8255-5181 E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ... (02)7739-5803 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8831-1162 Dr A Santos Pque ........... (02)8403-9742 LP ............................ (0917)674-5577

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141 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Film - Flavors 141

Film Productions Financing Fire Fighting Fish and Seafood

Hiraya Global Films Incorporated Consultants Equipment and Fishta Seafood Incorporated
155 Se Dao Mkna...........(02)8656-8047
Octo Arts International Diebold Philippines Incorporated Accessories West Ave QC .................. (02)8983-1070
Hilo Fish Company Incorporated
108 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8373-8760 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8811-0005 Antel Global Corporate Ctr CORPO-
Equitable Leasing Corporation Ems Enterprise
Rs Video Film Productions
Salamin Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8816-3739 Equitable Bank Bldg Mla . (02)8242-6804 358 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)7957-4381 Psg ............................ (02)8687-4996
Kimberly Fish Dealer
Esquire Financing Incorporated Fireprotect Incorporated 20 Sto Nino Wet & Dry Mkt
Viva Productions Inc Safety Network Bldg QC . (02)8926-3696
Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr High South Corporate Plz Mkna ......................... (02)7978-7805
Taguig........................(02)8811-8888 Pepsan Enterprises Maila Hjr Mktg Corporation
Psg ............................ (02)8687-7163 42 Mostar PC ................. (02)8821-0082
Warner Bros (F E) Incorporated Fidelity Securities Incorporated Padas Alley KC ............... (02)8288-5129
Wynsum Corporate Plz Jtkc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8812-6267 Meliomar Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8634-9301 Masc Marketing Services
Cityland Herrera Twr Fire Hose Cabinets 20 Russel PC ................. (02)8851-1564
Rongel Seafood Dealer
Flags and Banners
Mkti ........................... (02)7753-4929 318 Lapu-Lapu Ave Nav . (02)8352-8492
Filtering Materials Metisetrade
Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)7799-9357
Mega Precision Corporation
155 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8361-8225
Royal Norwegian Seafood Incorporated Apex Flags And Design Center
31 Dna Soledad Ave
and Supplies Nittan Capital Finance Incorporated
Jm Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8844-1004
Tuna Town Seafood Place Pque .......................... (02)7622-7969
T M Kalaw Glc Bldg Mla . (02)8521-3338
Unitractor Machinery Incorporated Fire Protection Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8741-0015 Flags Of All Nations Incorporated
1007 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-5920
Resadel Bldg Mla ........... (02)8255-7300
Fingerprinting Contractor Fish Dealers
International Flag House Flags And Banners
973 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8711-5917
Filters Exos (Express Order System) Inc Coolaire Consolidated Inc
Bat's Tilapia
Cityland Pioneer Condmn 10 Basa QC .................... (02)8372-8881
Mand ......................... (02)8634-7573 Filipinas Thermo King Incorporated
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8405-4385 Flavoring Extracts
Cardajen Enterprises Nene's Boneless Bangus
98 D Aquino KC ............. (02)8362-0421 10 Basa QC .................... (02)8372-8876
Hepdro Fire Protection Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0916)789-7524 Alcl Marketing
ENTERFIL IND'L Finishes Camia QC.......................(02)7617-4212 Ogie's Ihawan 73A M H Del Pilar QC ... (0917)852-9927
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0956)900-0725 Concord Scientific & Chemicalcorp
PRODUCTS St Stephanie Construction And Trading
Diversified Coating Services 18 Mapagmahal QC........(02)8426-7037 Sea N Fish Global Corp Richwell Ctr QC .............. (02)8961-3562
E Fernandez SJ...............(02)8723-6209 4 Fuentes QC ................. (02)7905-5567
Folia Manufacturing
Filter Manufacturing Umc Marketing Sis Pasuyo 1215 Apolonia Val .......... (02)8983-9434
•Air, Fuel, Oil Filters •Air Drier Filters 567 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8749-4238 Fire Protection 1102 Davila Mkti .......... (0935)590-3520

•Hydraulic Filters •Air/Oil Sep. Filters Equipment HYCO LABORATORIES INC

•Basket Strainer Filters •Blower Filters Fire Alarm Systems Fish Farms *FLAVORS *SEASONINGS
•EDM, Wirecut Filters •Hepa Filters
911 Alarm Incorporated
•Air Compressor Filters •Bag Filters SYSTEM INDUSTRIES Malabon Private Fish Mkt *FOOD COLORS
Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-5970
•Dust Collector Filters •Panel Filters Mal ............................ (02)8287-0982
Ihudyat Inc Ccs Bldg QC ..... (02)3453-9508
Jva Security Supply Center
INC. Fish Yard 43 Tel. Nos.: 8253-3442, 8253-0915
•Lube, Bunker Filters •Filter Cage
33 Araneta Ave Mal ........ (02)8475-6724 -DIRECT DISTRIBUTOR OF HORING 43 Domingo QC ........... (0917)627-7848
Website: 8253-3440, 8253-3448
Rdsn Enterprises LIH FIRE ALARM DEVICES Kois & Ponds Farm
Sherack LP .................. (0917)438-7230 1199 J Abad Santos Av
E-mail: [email protected] 1345-A Masinop Mla ...... (02)8242-8341 Manila ....................... (02)8253-3448
(MADE IN TAIWAN) Megamagrou Trading
Tel: 8653-3750 / 8861-5737 Safety Network Incorporated
B7 L4-D Gardenville QC .. (02)8426-4221 •Victaulic, Viking & Globe 5 Wayan QC ................... (02)8921-9475
Mobile: 0921-4823363 / 0927-6578937
Sprinkler Heads •Fire Pumps &
115 Selecta Drive Fire Extinguishers Fire Valves •LED Emergency & Exit Fishing HYCO
Balintawak Quezon City..(02)8653-3750 Lights •Fire Hose Cabinet &
A5Ram Enterprises Accessories, Fire Extinguishers Mikavie Fish Farm LABORA-
28 Arthur Dr Taguig ...... (0917)841-5456
1784 Tiffany Suites Mla .. (02)8711-0529 •Fireman's Suit, Panic Device, TORIES
Bnqi Enterprises
Fire Door, Etc... INC
1677-79 Remigio Mla .... (02)8733-0987
[email protected] Fishing Equipment
ENTERFIL Fyrelyn Industries Incorporated
L10 B6 Sixto QC.............(02)8461-1039 8561-7228 / 09174399688 and Supplies
Goldex Mfg & Trading Corporation
PRODUCTS 1628 Dian Mkti...............(02)8843-6038 FB:advancegemsfire Deyapco Trading Corporation Neco Philippines Inc
Kaizen Enterprise 1851 M Guazon Manila .. (02)8563-9423 746 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-2905 1181 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8255-0902
Diana's Bldg Mla.............(02)8524-1982 Goodluck Fishing Supply
Lidman Enterprises 536 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8242-0143
Imm Bldg KC .................. (02)8355-3919 Pamo Corporation Flavors and
572 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8241-6605
Sofisco Trading Fragrances
Fire Extinguishers, Fire Hose Cabinet, GEMS FIRE 794 J Luna Mla .............. (02)8241-7979
DONALDSON FILTERS: OIL, AIR, Fireman's Suit, Kitchen Hood, FM200 Trans-Pacific Journey Fishingcorp Firmenich Philippines Incorporated
SYSTEM 1094A J Santillan Nav .... (02)8282-8812 U P R C 3 Bldg Mkti........(02)8812-0711
FUEL HYDRAULIC, TRANSMISSION & C02 Suppression System, Fire
Detection Alarm & Sprinkler System,
INDUSTRIES International Flavors & Fragrances
(See Adv under Auto Supply
Emergency Light, Fire Retardant Fishing Nets Philippines
22 Wynsum Corporate Plz
& Electric Supplies) 23 Michael Rua Psg ............................ (02)8687-5520
Pacific Twine & Net Mfg Co Inc Islandwide Corporation
Parañaque ................. (02)8824-5080 Guco Industries Corporation 319 Alabang-Zapote Rd
1171 Jose Abad Santos Av Or Call (02)8881-5880/(0922)833-5557 Islandwide Ctr QC...........(02)8723-7086
Manila ....................... (02)8252-1181 Cityland Pasong Tamo LP .............................. (02)8871-4125
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-0399
Pinoleakpes Corporation
Bansalangin Bldg QC ...... (02)8404-6551
Regal Metal Craft Corporation
139 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8781-3327 DISTRIBUTOR:
PACIFIC RAMES Safety Tech Innovation Inc
Centro Plz Condmn QC ... (02)8282-5262 SHARK MONONET /
PARTS MARKETING Supernova Safety Products Incorporated
CORP San Antonio Ave Pque .... (02)8820-7296 POLY NET
Fire Protection
Real San Enterprises Specialties *NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL LIQUIDS &
2002 Ma Clara Mla ......... (02)8732-1538 FISHHOOK POWDER FLAVORS
Finance Ron Gravel And Sand
Balintawak QC .............. (0995)355-6993
Electro -Systems Industries Corporation
3904 Quingua Mkti ......... (02)8823-5840 *FOOD COLORS
Skilled Technic Corp Trojanfire Trading
Abacus Security Corporation 326 Naga Rd LP ............. (02)8871-4716
Federal Twr Condmn Rolling Meadow 1 QC ... (0915)717-4870 [email protected]
Swordsman And Company Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8243-0131 Malugay Mkti ................. (02)8815-3987 TELS: 8241-6605 up to 07
Maybridge Finance And Leasing Inc
105 H V Dela Costa Mkti.(02)8856-6665
Valenzuela Safety Device Trading
597 A Mariano Val..........(02)8371-7160
Fire Safety Systems
Trade And Finance Tower / Tks Holdings Windshear International Philippines
8241-6016 / 8242-3096 21 Duhat Rd Malabon .... (02)8363-8883
26th Trade And Finance Twr Innovatron Solutions Corporation
33 3rd Ave Residences Tritan Plz Mkti ................ (02)8893-2191 FAX NO.:(632)8242-8327
Taguig........................(02)8553-8550 QC ............................. (02)8536-4047
Znj Fire Safety Limited Incorporated Lance Pierre Enterprise
3009 Aguilar Val.............(02)8352-2418
Financial Information Grand Monaco La Impreza
Psg ............................ (02)8570-4147 Nightbright Asia Pacific 572 Sto Cristo Manila .... (02)8241-6605 NEW
Systems Centro Buendia Bldg PC..(02)8257-0769
Technicool Air Conditioning And Electrical FLAVOR
A1 Financial Services Incorporated
Fire Extinguishing Services
505 Carpenter Pque ..... (0919)681-0910
Rizalina Bldg 2 QC .......... (02)8374-7605 Chemicals Grab their attention. INC
Fire Trucks Advertise in the
The Yellow Pages Survivor Enterprises
bridges Buyers and 227 Samson Rd KC........(02)8366-3288 THE YELLOW PAGES.
Sellers together. Triple Blessing Enterprises Arayem Trade The Grasse Fragrance Company
Palali QC ........................ (02)8741-1725 65 Araullo SJ ................. (02)7717-0759 Saville Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8890-8269

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142 S C M Y K

142 Floor - Food 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Vita Realty Corp Sammo And Company Trading Corporation Im Vento Kaya Korean Restaurant
Floor Laying, 2Nd Ave Taguig .............. (02)8838-7351 Robinsons Place Manila 4 Gen Santos Ave Manila Tat International Bldg
Refinishing and Wellington Flour Mills Mla ............................ (02)8536-7869
Pasig Bvd Psg ................ (02)8671-9761 Tessie S Flower Shop
Injoy Negosyong Bayan
Mkti ........................... (02)8899-0640
Kc's Kitchen
Resurfacing 440 Arnaiz PC .............. (0949)699-7074
The Florabella Florist
920 Nicanor Reyes Mla .. (02)8521-0345
Ivy Sushi
43 E Capitol Dr Psg ...... (0905)338-5511
Kerry's Food Party Package
Josabbhi Trading & Construction
Flower Shop Prince Plz 2 Condmn Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3412-8021 202A Gen Luna Mal......(0999)446-7949
Mkti ........................... (02)8807-4834 Krazy Krepes Phils Incorporated King Crab House
234 Tomas Morato Ext The Glass House Flowers S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-7011 327 P Guevarra SJ ......... (02)8723-8821
QC ............................. (02)3411-7139 Aenil's Flowers
Chestnut QC ................. (0917)803-9964 46 Palali QC ................. (0917)932-1921 Manong's Bagnet Station Kraver's Canteen
Alba Catering Tina Berin Flowers Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7358-3392 7 San Clemente Psg ..... (0917)710-6239
Floor Polish and Wax 235 El Grande Ave Pque . (02)8829-4031
Alvins Flower Shop
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7758-2543 Mega Food Cart Business Corporation
J&F Divino Bldg QC ........ (02)8281-4461
La Cuisine
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)892-8671
Merencilla Waxers Incorporated
Dimasalang Rd Mla ...... (0917)101-5033
Amc Flower And Gift Shop Flowmeter Nakuyami Takoyaki
2420 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0917)547-1829
Lapid's R Chicharon & Barbeque
2231 Pres E P Quirino Ave
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8822-7830 Park And Shop Pque.......(02)8788-0603 Potato Madness Mla ............................ (02)8564-0123
Sevilla Candle Factory Incorporated August Flowers Sm Mall Of Asia PC ...... (0935)844-3167 Len's Kitchen Food Order
Sevilla Candle Factory Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8818-1040
PHILIPPINE VALVE MFG Sosizz Dapitan Mla ........... (0909)623-5073 Venezuela QC ............... (0917)106-5500
Mal ............................ (02)8287-2621 CO Li'l Big Kitchen
Brighten Flowers & Fruits Sushi Nori
1758 Singalong Mla ....... (02)8522-5982 Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8832-6080 Mayon QC .................... (0917)185-7726
Floor Polishing and C & C Flower Shop
1334 Vicente Cruz Mla . (0956)255-7231
We Specialize In: Takoya Kiks
Robinsons Town Mall Malabon
Lian's Kai
Juan Luna Mla..............(0917)945-4524
Cleaning Chit's Flower Shop • Cast Iron Fittings • Gate Valve • Tee • Mal .......................... (0917)110-0115 Lunchbox Diet
100-A Sct Lozano QC ... (0917)809-3196
P Dela Cruz QC.............(0921)636-1228 Bend • Saddle Clamp • Fire Hydrant • Takoyaki-O
Citiflora Flower Shop Rm Tiosejo Subd Munt . (0997)533-5521 Lydia's Lechon
UNITED METAL SMELTING 19 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)3456-0309 Brass Corp • Stop • Coupling • Turk's Shawarma L Gabriel Pque................(02)8854-9103
Czarina's Bridal Car And Event Florist 20 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8355-5864 Maax's Kiychen Incorporated
& MFG CORP 30 Wisdom QC.............(0967)500-4198
Ball Valve • Water Meter
Turks Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-5387
Approved By & Accepted By: Mafs Delivery
WILSON HEAVY DUTY Daves Flower & Balloons
1633 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)8732-3508 MWSI, MWCI & LWUA
Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0948)609-8070
Yellow Box Rice Company 39-Q Pugad Lawin Dr
FLOOR POLISHER David S Flower Shop Petron Square QC ......... (0917)585-5636 QC ........................... (0917)468-8289
2372 Taft PC .................. (02)7473-3394 Mama Nhors' Biko Latik Atbp
Balon-Bato Telephone No.: 8372-3737 to 42 ; 587 Manuel L Quezon
E Bechaves Florist
34-E Caiña Drive
Quezon City ............... (02)8362-5448 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-1680 8372-3736 Fax No.: (632)8374-2339 Food Delivery Munt ........................ (0998)213-4236
E F C Flower Shop Mamou's Chicken
Or Call .......................... (02)8361-9974 2234 Tramo PC............(0947)410-9591
Or Call .......................... (02)8362-8832 1369 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8781-0061 Website: 2nd Street Oysters
Elfa's Flower Shop Cityland Mkti ................ (0906)464-0087 Manang Rosie Best Bbq
Araneta Ctr QC ............. (0945)730-0170 1063 Del Monte Av 4R Fresh And Frozen 29 Rose QC ................. (0935)167-7909
Fhille's Flower Shop 114 Montreal QC .......... (0977)330-3359 Mann Yann Restaurant
Quezon City ............... (02)8372-3736 Site A Parking Bldg Mkti . (02)8856-6223
UNITED 108B P Diego Cera Ave Abuelas' Food To Go By 888 Paramount
LP ............................ (0919)786-4535 Stars Manopoteatako
METAL 45B Switzerland Pque...(0956)759-9381
SMELTING Fiameta's Plants & Flowers Filinvest Corporate City
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-6362 Munt ........................ (0939)913-1700 Marian5J Food Delivery
AND MANU- Florence Flowers And Gifts Shop PHILIPPINE Alba International Inc Andrade Mla ................. (0961)289-0990
FACTURING 8 Leo QC........................(02)8711-0481 Salem International Comm Ctr Mariawraps
CORPORA- Floristella Philippines
VALVE PC ............................. (02)8834-1567 448 El Grande Ave
TION 4768 Barasoain Mkti .... (0945)531-9833 MANUFAC Alba Restaurante Espanol Pque ........................ (0915)921-8326
Flower Chimp Philippines 38B Polaris Mkti ............. (02)8896-6951 Maro's Samgyupsal Cravings
94 Sen Gil Puyat Mkti ..... (02)8639-6736
TURING Alex III Restaurant 488 F Mariano Ave Psg (0905)909-5718
Flowers & Vines Florist CO 28 Sct Bayoran QC ......... (02)8371-1415 Matthew's Kitchen
Josefina 79 KC ............. (0927)921-7141
Kamagong Mkti ............ (0917)552-3258 Almon Marina Incorporated
Flooring Flowers By Pablo Robinsons Place Manila Mcalventas Food & Beverages House
34 V Luna QC...............(0917)510-7849
1232 Edsa Mkti ............ (0917)114-8917 Mla ............................ (02)8567-2593
Anton's Frozen Goods Mexicali
Jmlv Sanding Services Flowerstore.Ph
2251 Topacio Mla ........ (0936)699-2798 Zeta Bldg Mkti .............. (0995)256-9757 Foams - 8414-A Dr A Santos Ave Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8636-7775
Mister Dimsum
Pque ........................ (0917)700-0876
Trident Epoxy Finishing Services
B 3 L84 Ph1 Burnham
Flowertowne Incorporated
Cityland 3 Mkti ............... (02)8840-4472 Polyurethane Bacolod Chicken Inasal 1841-B Eusebio Ave
Psg .......................... (0947)993-6871
Munt .......................... (02)8894-1751 Gayle's Flower Shop Metrowalk Plz Psg .......... (02)8631-4449
Berks 59 Socorro KC ........ (0923)460-0379 Moochie's Food Trays
541 Ret Rev Aglipay
Mand ......................... (02)8298-2868 DEWFOAM
54 L Kasilag LP ............ (0927)897-7472
Bgz Food Ventures Inc
Flooring Systems Geane's Flower Shop
See Adv under Beds 200 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7004-5786
Net Park Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8962-4445
Funeraria Filipinas Bldg San Rafael Bless Nurture Corporation Mum's Lasagna
LP .............................. (02)8403-3164 384 East Svc Rd Munt .... (02)8359-1298
Agustino's Floor Sanding Services
1St Maharlika Mla.........(0922)370-5217 Gertrudes Flower Shop Navotas...(02)8522-9187 Cafe Ysabel Incorporated
26A Sct Borromeo QC .. (0966)930-6748
Munchub Kitchen
Optimum Solutions Incorporated Manila Flower Ctr Bldg 175 M Paterno SJ .......... (02)8726-9326 Marina Bldg Mkti .......... (0921)476-0083
Cedar Executive Bldg 2 Mla ............................ (02)8524-0776 Ccme Homemade Foodstuff Company My Country Kitchen Foods Corporation
QC ............................. (02)8254-4913 Glaizel's Flower Shop 111 Dr Lazcano QC ........ (02)8926-6031 16 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8441-5436
Shell Canvas 112 Rafael Cruz Cpd Chai Bucks Milk Tea At Bf Homes Nej Food Service
1999 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave Psg .......................... (0936)943-9890 12 Saging LP ............... (0905)548-9385 102 Corregidor QC ....... (0961)474-9158
Golden Blossoms Flower Shoppe Chandio's 786
PC ............................. (02)8831-3103
Ngr Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8552-9098 DEWFOAM 9 Leo QC......................(0915)377-0846
Pakpakan Chicken Wings
Western Woods Flooring Co Incorporated 12 Reparo KC .............. (0936)206-7875
Alabang Home Depot Hana's Flower Shop Chef Pao Dimsum Kitchen Papa Chow
Munt .......................... (02)8771-2231 1558 Laon Laan Mla .... (0917)138-1028 27 Congressional Ave 20 Don Antonio QC ...... (0918)544-6981
Heaven Scent Flowers And Farms QC ............................. (02)3453-6868 Patskilog
1266 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8742-6279 Chicken Jays 63 Gen Segundo QC ..... (0953)281-9737
Floorings - Jeanky's Flowerworks
Gen Mcarthur QC..........(0920)499-7124
J P Rizal QC ................. (0906)804-1208
Chicken`S R Us Incorporated
Philly Cheese Steak
Laminated La Floreria Eton Centris Cyberpod
B4 L15 Hope LP ........... (0917)474-0908
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8647-9992 Food and Beverages QC ............................. (02)8373-0529
Ping Ping Special Lechon And Restaurant
14 A Bonifacio Ave QC ... (02)8741-9995
Kingston Builders Supply
33 M H Del Pilar KC........(02)8365-8831
La Primera Flower Shop
1306 Dos Castillas Mla...(02)8711-3328 Equipment Country Chicken House
1329 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8252-7886
Pinoyaki Kitchenette
21 Benefits QC ............. (0925)490-8489
Projects Unlimited (Phils) Incorporated La Rosa Flower Shop Country House Cuisine Incorporated Pioyo's Kitchen
1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8561-7063 88 Maginhawa QC .......... (02)8928-5359 K & K Ice Trading 1329 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8252-7885
West Rembo Mkti ......... (0915)361-1574 M De Leon Psg ............ (0936)977-6605
Little Way Flower Shop Craveyard Ipil-Ipil QC ........ (0966)332-8164 Pizzyrap Handcrafted Pizza
20 Newport Blvd PC ..... (0917)651-5859 Machine Lab Technology Incorporated Cusi-Nah Resto-Bar
Floors - Material and Ljj Flower Shop 305A M Asistio Sr Ave
KC ............................. (02)8362-8236
2437 Zamora PC .......... (0977)628-9648
942 Claro Castaneda
Mand ....................... (0915)486-2030
Laying 143 Gen Luis QC ............ (02)8273-3634
Mabels Flower Shop Mix Plant Incorporated
Czaryn's Bilao & Grill
1034 Bohol Mla............(0995)889-1929
Primo's Diner
27 Anahaw Mkti ........... (0915)303-2916
Jade Garden Of Memories 14 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8924-9941 Dawson's Kitchen
Pamaris Cargo Handlers Primus Burger
Dura Parquet Floors Corporation Pat ............................. (02)8642-3791 146-A Roosevelt Ave 143 Katipunan Ave QC . (0927)450-9287
17 St Paul QC ................ (02)3411-4053 Medy's Flower Shop Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-3297 QC ........................... (0961)540-9201 Puluts Hub
Jd Lilam Enterprises 749 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8721-8308 Delivery Guy Ph 289 Sampaguita Mkti ... (0929)758-1424
1259 Quirino Ave Pque ... (02)8825-2250 Mums And Roses Flower And Gift Shop
2 Barasoai SJ ................. (02)8654-9125
Food Cart and Kiosk 1455 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)3488-7676
Elar Foods Incorporated
R Lapid's Chicharon & Barbecue
2231 Pres E P Quirino Ave
Flour Myflower Depot Incorporated Service 151 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8731-7552 Mla ............................ (02)8564-0123
Makati Curb Bldg Mkti .... (02)8814-0854 Federal Brent Retail Incorporated Rgb Samgyupsal On The Go And Delivery
Nicole And Abby Flowers And Gifts Co Bakmi Nyonya The Blue Wave PC .......... (02)8833-0872 1267 Mithi Mla ............. (0966)905-0312
Parity Values Inc P14-07 6th PC ............... (02)8815-1844 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0925)870-8899 Flip D' Wings Santino's Seafoods
Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-7734 Orchard Flower Shop Bbq Bob 14 Naga QC ................. (0945)413-6220 1C Driod QC ................. (0921)862-9115
Southqueen Trading 452 Fruto Santos Ave 298 Montillano Munt .... (0921)433-1614 Freshharvest Rice Marketing Serye Restaurant & Cafe
66-68 Howmart Rd QC ... (02)3454-3246 LP .............................. (02)8874-9634 Better Chill Cafe (Mangchai Cafe) Rainbow Rd Munt.........(0917)688-1955 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8826-9317
Rachel Anne Flower Shoppe 166 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0915)592-1762 Gang Gang Chicken Silog Happiness
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)3497-4360 38C Pearl Psg .............. (0917)157-5266
Flour - Dealers Red-Beri Flower Shop
Better Chill Cafe (Nakuyami)
Sm Hypermarket Sucat-Lopez Go Grill Mnl
Atherton QC ................. (0916)699-6600
Slow Burn Mnl
Manila Flower Ctr Mla ... (0926)567-0507 Pque ........................ (0917)902-1077 V Mapa Mla .................. (0917)149-6440 137 A Luna QC ................ (0956)270730
Liberty Commodities Corp Rej Flowers And Event Styling Binalot Fiesta Foods Incorporated Gourmetink.Ph1 Tapa El Gordo
East Svc Rd Munt...........(02)8850-5249 The Site Plz Coml Ctr Buj  Bldg Pque ............ (02)8823-7702 4842 Camia Pque.........(0917)876-3364 2900 Danlig Mkti .......... (0917)106-9666
Mkna ....................... (0917)162-8617 Buko Maxx Graceful Kitchen Tebasaki
Rina's Flower Shop 346 Libertad PC ........... (0917)826-2631
Flour Mills Farmers Garden QC ...... (0949)822-9178
Sm City San Lazaro
Mla .......................... (0935)615-1912 Hermione's
242 Malapantao Mand .. (0998)725-0696
The Jade Vine Executive Inn
Riz The Florist Event Style's Chicken Star 40 Bawa QC ................. (0956)821-2751 537 United Nations Ave
Delta Milling Industries Incorporated 1367 Dos Castillas Mla.(0995)331-9153 Anonas Mla .................. (0915)816-0033 Hugobon Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8524-8601
102 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Rrds Trading Gifts & Flower Shop Chizmozza Waltermart Mkti .............. (02)8844-0800 The Pad Express
QC ............................. (02)8633-1260 Ahlen Psg .................... (0939)985-3604 Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0935)383-0714 Kais Food And Flower Shop 58 V Manansala QC ........ (02)8257-1688
Philippine Flour Mills Saint Jo Flowershop Crazy Tako Metrowalk Coml Cplx Tongkeun Delivery
Enzo Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8890-9831 Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7728-0013 166 San Juan PC ......... (0916)533-9465 Psg ............................ (02)8996-0186 2551 Arellano Mla ........ (0917)739-4771

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:33 2022 - P142

143 S C M Y K


Delizalicious Food Trading Jill Home Made Products Pastanne
Food Delivery Food Processing B1 L17 Ather Psg ......... (0917)758-1898 17 Karen Mkna ............... (02)8354-5449 26 Everlasting PC ......... (0916)458-3604
(Cont'd) and Packaging Delizio Fine Foods Incorporated
Ctf Twr Mand ................. (02)8531-8467
Jo-Anne Cookies Stall
P Burgos Mkna...............(02)7586-4623
Philippine Native E-Tailer Company
L Cruz Mand .................. (02)7358-1293
Devere Group Jonas Foods Corporation Picky Moms' Seafood And Deli
Tri-Vision Ventures Inc Clearpack Philippines Incorporated Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8856-7020 561 Mayon QC ............... (02)8236-4449 Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8886-7755
Ever Gotesco Bldg Mla ... (02)8521-7324 195-A Dna Soledad Ave Ext Dimjoy Frozen Food Trading Joyce's Homemade Foods Pinkie's Farm
Triple L Food Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8776-8498 154-A 15th Ave QC ........ (02)8660-8037 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)774-2189 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0918)999-9555
Don M Marcos Ave QC ... (02)8921-0673 Mailliw Food Coroporation Dmc Columbus Marketing Phil Inc Jq Food Supplies Pl Aguila Manufacturing Inc
Vuena Chicken Don Faustino QC ............ (02)8932-3911 34A Gen Concepcion 1051 Padre Noval Mla .. (0921)911-1333 100 M Salvador SJ ......... (02)8727-4073
95 M H Del Pilar Psg .... (0945)754-2061 Mgm Food And Commodities Corporation KC ............................. (02)8364-7777 Juan Republik Foods Incorporated Plaza Ilocandia
Yellow Cab Pizza Co 61 Mariveles Mand ......... (02)8533-5111 Dole Philippines Incorporated 7 M Flores Pat ................ (02)8643-9156 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)722-0618
268 Alabang-Zapote Rd Plastic And Package Incorporated 6750 Ayala Ofc Twr Ka Narcing Product Of Batangas Polaris Frozen Food Corporation
LP .............................. (02)8874-4194 1155 Cristobal Mla ......... (02)8563-7086 Mkti ........................... (02)8810-2239 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0945)478-3651 Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8247-4693
Sakomoto International Packaging Don Churro Kaita Food Corporation Popperoo
709 Gen Luis KC ............ (02)8501-8857
Food Equipment Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0926)711-7270
Drf Good Food Inc
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8723-6240
Kalsada Burger
Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8364-4010
Potato Giant
Rental Food Processing Ldr Bldg QC ................. (0966)492-3479 Zamora PC ................... (0917)777-3236
Kerry Ingredients (M) Sdn Bhd
Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Pque ........................ (0917)300-9000
Ecco Food Products
A Touch Of Elegance Equipment and Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
Val ............................. (02)8294-1614
W Fifth Ave Bldg Taguig..(02)8519-8754
Kewpie Philippines Incorporated
Premium Local Philippines
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0997)819-5267
Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)7752-7806
Supplies Eduardo Elonzo "G" Foods Corporation Tycoon Ctr Condmn Psg (02)7730-2705 Q & H Foods Incorporated
2 E Mejia Psg ................. (02)8671-4864
Carmen Bldg Psg ........... (02)8640-1505 La Contessa Specialty Food Incorporated
Food Ingredients Almeda Food Machineries Corporation Eighteen Foodlab Manila Incorporated 18 F Manalo SJ .............. (02)8631-9215
La Parilla
Queen B Apiaries
2085 Administration Site
2327 Dalaga Mla ............ (02)8256-3489 Sct Rallos QC ................. (02)7502-1767
Blizzardref Sales Corporation Elle's Gourmet Products Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7792-2402 KC ........................... (0917)898-6888
Actron Industries Incorporated Leggs Chicken Inasal Queensway Foodshop Corporation
Acenteron Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8844-3041 202 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8715-9294 Zulueta Mla .................. (0966)661-3888
Decipak Incorporated Ellie's Roasted Calf Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8875-2262 Torres Bldg QC ............... (02)8355-7238
Applied Food Ingredients Co Inc R Lapids
Philippine Stock Exch We Twr 81 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-2109 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)856-9871 Lyfe Bowls
Foodmedic Marketing Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)838-2507 Hi Top Supermarket QC .. (02)3413-2567
Psg ............................ (02)8635-7967 Everybody's Cafe Radiant Food Products
Ar Techniks Inc Sherwood Place Mla.......(02)8516-8516 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)510-8961 Magnate Food And Drinks Inc
Formway Trading & Services Incorporated 165 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8365-7814 18 Liwayway Mal ........... (02)8288-4003
Acenteron Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8894-5559 Fair Ground Inc Rafik Shawarma
E-Foods Philippines Corporation Martin Bldg Pque ............ (02)8804-2495 50 2nd Ave Taguig ....... (0917)583-0232 Malabon Delicatessen Incorporated
49 Apo Mand ................. (02)8922-7246 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)558-8389
Sampaguita Ave Pque.....(02)8776-8409 Innovatech Asia Incorporated Fisher Farms Incorporated Red Dragon
Iinovatrade Ingredients Corporation Arman Cpd   Psg ......... (02)8477-4009 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8638-4484 Manila Bambi Foods Company
1117 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8400-7707 456 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8351-2615
25 Kabatuhan Val ........... (02)8921-5227 Shashen Marketing Fit Kitchen Ph Inc Red Rock Food Service Incorporated
Ingredion Philippines Inc 15-A Soy Val .................. (02)7796-7024 Don Jesus Blvd Mand ... (0917)880-9026 Manila Hjr Marketing Corporation
Dagat-Dagatan Ave KC ... (02)8288-4354 Coating Industries Mand . (02)8687-3862
Suntree Twr Psg.............(02)8234-9582 Fitrite Incorporated Regent Foods Corporation
Margarita's Paella
Innovation Ingredients Corporation
Stamford Executive Residences Food Products 852 Gov W Pascual Ave
Mal ............................ (02)8362-7033 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)707-4480 80 Lope K Santos Psg .... (02)8641-5388
Reliance Commercial Enterprises Inc
Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation
Fnc - Nathaniel's Food Corporation MARINA SALES Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8844-8891
My Dynamix Food Spice Incorporated Timog Coml Cplx QC ...... (02)8921-1959 Reno's Bacolod Delicacies
120 J L Escoda Bend 331 Bldg Mkti.................(02)8895-6081 Food Channel INCORPORATED Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)148-6423
Nav ............................ (02)8254-1633 Alabatin Food Products Greenhills Shopping Ctr Resourceful Intl Mktg Incorporated
Spices N' Flavors 157 Batanes QC ........... (0916)236-9582 SJ .............................. (02)8641-3122 Distributor of CDO, 1281 Laguna Mla ........... (02)8252-4629
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-6922 Alavar Formosa Enterprises Ribs Manila
The Citromint Company Inc Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)610-7421 Manila Residences Bocobo Del Monte and Sunquick Products
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)954-6888
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)897-1998 Aly's Cookie Bar Mla ............................ (02)8523-7025 Rmv Food Products
Montevideo Rd Pque .... (0917)895-1015 Gcj Enterprises Tel. No.: (02)8631-1771 to 74
B1 L22 Int Capistrano
Antipolo Delicacies
Food Manufacturing Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8697-3409
13-B M H Del Pilar QC .... (02)8544-8954
Gem Foods International Incorporated No 6 Arturo Drive
TBICAI Cmpd Taguig ..... (02)8631-1771
Rnl Food Concepts Incorporated
Asuka Trader Incorporated Mgm Industrial Cpd KC...(02)8937-7627 Palm Square Bldg LP ...... (02)8813-6814
Applied Food Ingredients Co Incorporated Cartimar Shopping Ctr Golden Hands Manufacturing Corporation Rodrigo's Usda Roast Beef Belly
35 P Dela Cruz QC..........(02)8983-1727 PC ............................. (02)8834-8043 Santos Industrial Cpd Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0995)960-7910
Atarafoods Inc Authentic House Of Curry Mal .......................... (0917)854-4563 Royal 3Kl Food Corporation
Elysium Bldg QC ............ (02)7216-6478 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)658-8887
Century Pacific Food Incorporated Avery's
Gourmet Foodiessary Inc
Caruncho Bldg Psg.......(0966)460-1939
MARINA Medina Bldg Mla ............ (02)8526-0376
Royal Food Products
32 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8837-1040
Ctc Far East Philippines Incorporated
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)795-5926
Bee Cheng Hiang
Grainy Day SALES 80 Lope K Santos Psg .... (02)8641-5188
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)192-5001 Roygemaan Enterprises
Lee Gardens Condmn Robinsons Place Manila Green Bar INCOR- 76 N P Cruz Taguig ........ (02)8642-2098
Mand ......................... (02)8571-7974 Mla ............................ (02)8523-1687 Sabor De España (Flavors Of Spain)
Edward Keller (Philippines) Inc Bg Tamayo Global International Company
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)808-2506
Happy Delights Incorporated
PORATED Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)811-5187
Cyber Sigma Bldg Lee Garden Condmn Rbl Bldg QC ................... (02)8256-2177 Samantha Food Center
Taguig........................(02)8548-3288 Mand ....................... (0917)822-5326 Henrison Food Product Corporation Edsa Central Shopping Terminal
Elufa Multi-Link Inc Bienvenido Food Supply Corporation 848 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8708-2124 Mand ......................... (02)8631-5253
18 Saudi Arabia Pque ..... (02)8533-3476 Sta Ana Dr Pque ............. (02)8776-8100 Mc Wilson Food Holdings Corporation San Miguel Brewery Incorporated
Ho Feng Sun Peace Co Incorporated 61 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8711-2497
High Top Sure Marketing Incorporated Bio Pharma Industry Corporation 2600 Roxas Blvd Mla ... (0905)390-6737 S Asistio KC ................... (02)8330-1336
4322 D Kalayaan Ave Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8723-7547 Mct Food Products San Remo Philippines
Mkti ........................... (02)8890-0040 Biotraders Corporation HONGLEY FOOD 116 Alicia Val ................. (02)8292-6452 145 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8920-5291
Master Mix 148 Don Vicente QC ..... (0917)823-4534 Megadeli Marketing Incorporated Sanro And Leo Food Station
Congressional Cirle C Mall Blendwell Foods Corporation PRODUCTS INC 491 F Manalo SJ ............ (02)8727-5883 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0967)268-8453
QC ........................... (0916)797-6281 19 C P Garcia Ave QC .... (02)8372-2656 Mennelas Food Corporation Saragate Fruits
Meggafoods And Stockfarm Inc Brandexports Philippines Incorporated 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)7964-7220 Manila Cityland Mla ........ (02)8697-7320
P Guevarra SJ ................ (02)8722-1514 2060 Dr Ml Carreon Mla . (02)8561-7572 The Leader in Noodle and Dimsum Michelle's Homemade Putong Ube Siomai King
Mix Masters Incorporated Bubbles Best Food Supplies Corporation Supplies for Over 40 Years Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8531-2539 Ayala Malls Circuit Mkti (0956)748-4375
12 1st Ave Taguig ........ (0917)852-7111 Acl Residencia QC .......... (02)8921-3025 Ming Trading Sisco Foods And Drinks Incorporated
Mondelez Philippines Incorporated Bukit Bintang Hainanese Chicken Rice 8161 Dr A Santos Ave 7 Sheridan Mand ............ (02)8650-0080
8378 Dr A Santos Ave Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)687-4503 Tel.: 8361-4572 * 3447-7882 Pque .......................... (02)8359-7586 Sitio Foods Corporation
Pque .......................... (02)8858-2500 Casa Daza By Chef Sandy Inc Modern Box Trading The Podium Mand .......... (02)8635-3056
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)656-1219 2 Atis Rd Malabon ......... (02)8361-4653 66 Hernandez PC ........... (02)8865-6509
Nisco Philippines Enterprise Sitsirya Sari-Sari
40 T Santiago Val ........... (02)8294-2222 Castanas Molina & Sons Philippines Incorporated 19 Congressional Ave
No Bia Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8734-5908 Tytana Plz Ctr Mla .......... (02)8242-5237 QC ............................. (02)8713-5040
Gasangco Bldg PC ......... (02)8831-0903 Cdo Foodstore Mondial 88 Trading Corporation Snow Joe Cream Coolers Incorporated
Nutriasia Incorporated 2567 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-4944 Mirax Cpd Mkti ............... (02)8840-3374 Le Gran Condmn SJ ....... (02)8725-9446
Jy Campos Ctre Taguig .. (02)8856-1276 Charles & Joy Gourmet Foods HONGLEY Monster Burger Something Different Bakeshop
Seanluc Incorporated 50 Tirona North Tirona FOOD Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8703-7527 8 Maaralin QC .............. (0925)337-7378
8 Rincon Rd Val ............. (02)8351-4098 Pque ........................ (0917)590-2011 Montanes Agri-Commodities Incorporated Soy Kingdom Incorporated
Siemens Incorporated Chef's Choice PRODUCTS 2 Dama De Noche Pque . (02)8776-9946 Citiplace Bldg SJ ............ (02)8727-7548
Nex Twr Mkti .................. (02)8814-9953 Jc Umerez Prime Holding Corp Bldg INC Msup General Merchandise Stateline Snack Food Corporation
Sto Nino Botanical Center Pque .......................... (02)3384-9755 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0910)935-2263 Llano Rd KC ................... (02)8937-7693
55 New York Mkna ....... (0929)313-9565 Chewy Junior Multi M Food Corporation Sugar And Spice
T P Food Processing Corporation Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)8775-7649 Jafer Realty Bldg SJ ....... (02)8721-4441 Lucky Gold Plz Psg ...... (0948)442-5718
34 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8838-8067 Coffeellera Nagie's Lechon Suncrest Foods Incorporated
Toutavous Corporation Mandaluyong Mand ...... (0917)704-2645 Hos Big City Corporation Central Ave QC ............... (02)7945-2504 270 Hulo Val .................. (02)8983-1931
Buena Vida Condmn Commonwealth Foods Incorporated 15 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8287-0163 Nathaniels Sunrise Food Condiments Manufacturing
Psg ............................ (02)8234-5118 130 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8631-5212 Indofine International 221E Katipunan QC ........ (02)8442-5387 28 Gov Pascual Ave Mal . (02)8361-8676
Conmex Enterprises C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8642-3529 Nature Earth Super Jay Food Venture Incorporated
295 San Guillermo International Food Snack Corp 265 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8234-0636 9 Troy Mindanao Ave
Food Manufacturing Munt ........................ (0998)559-6811 88 San Guillermo Ave Nevaeh Food Company QC ........................... (0933)436-0400
Psg ............................ (02)8641-0992
Equipment Consolidated Dairy And Frozen Food
Corporation Islandwide Foods Corporation
15A Mojica LP ............... (02)8808-4065
Newton Food Products Manufacturing
Taho Salcedo Mkt Mkti ..... (0912)664-5120
Take Root Food Corner
San Fernando Twr Mla....(02)8242-4305 David Gan Bldg Mand ..... (02)8726-2939 Company Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8551-2199
American Food And Amusement Company Corazon's Kitchen Jaka Food Processing Corporation 84 R Delfin Val ............... (02)8291-6793 Takoyaki
10 Cabanatuan QC ......... (02)8920-1359 411 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Phividec Industrial Estate Nishikiken Food Product Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)830-1649
El Kapitan Food Enterprise Psg .......................... (0998)365-3770 Taguig........................(02)8429-9814 364 Apo Mand ............. (0915)834-3597 Tamales
Red Maple Bldg QC ........ (02)8697-4099 Country Vegefoods Inc Jamaican Pattie - Quezon City North Star Meat Merchants Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0930)758-7202
Fas Development Corporation 161 Urdaneta Ave Mkti ... (02)8726-1692 Robinsons Magnolia 13 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8374-0804 Taruc's Tuna Tartare
56 D Bonifacio Val..........(02)3445-0130 Daraoay Bbo Nfa Rice Dealer QC ........................... (0920)979-7888 Ohtako St Luke's 19 Puerto Rico QC ....... (0917)535-6606
Therma Control Machinery Incorporated 245 Marne SJ ................ (02)7264-4925 Janwell Delicacies 295 Sta Ignacia QC ...... (0916)781-9304 Taste Of Caribbean
1910 M E Reyes Nav ...... (02)8287-6549 Deli Mondo Food Specialties Inc Jaime C Velasquez Park Orell's Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0926)616-1600
Jaka Ctr Mkti .................. (02)8893-5531 Mkti ......................... (0998)955-4915 Sm City Sucat Pque......(0907)812-2726 Techno Foods Phillippines Inc
Delicious Food Corporation Jaq's Kitchen Oriental Pacific Foods Sta Ma Industrial Estate
All the information you need 23 Masunurin QC ........... (02)8921-5378 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8822-5727 Del Monte Ave QC .......... (02)3413-7692 Taguig........................(02)8839-2195
right at your fingertips, Delicious Food Products Manufacturing Jay-Ar's Bibingka Pamangan Teriyaki Girl - Inihaw
presented clearly and 23 Masunurin QC ........... (02)8921-5378 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)701-9246 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)539-9861 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8899-9175
accurately. Delimondo Jia2 Corporation Pao Ying Food Incorporated The Caramel Pearl
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)582-8119 917 Edsa QC .................. (02)8929-0712 132 9th St KC ................ (02)8332-0081 214 Pilar Mand...............(02)8726-4131

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144 S C M Y K

144 Food - Foundry 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Health And Natural Collection Sisig Station
Food Products Food Raw Materials Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8354-8860 111 Mc Arthur Val ........ (0929)417-9191 PARAGON
(Cont'd) Mcken Sales International Corporation
Health Code International Corp
Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8637-2052
Sunrise Buckets
Madison Square SJ ........ (02)8477-7636 TRADING
Hollywood Square Bldg Health Rich Pharma Corporation Teneder Juicy AND
The Kitchen QC ............................. (02)8372-9800 Emerald Green Bldg LP ... (02)8403-1902 Victory Mall PC.............(0948)900-0338
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8812-4354 Oleo-Fats Incorporated Healthy Options Incorporated SERVICES
Tikka Tikka Pocket Wrap 5 Mercury Ave QC ........ (0917)535-2001 Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8635-0321
Francesca Twr QC ........ (0917)548-0205 Hinode International Mktg Incorporated Forex Trading CORPO-
Tiong Hwa Food Products Enterprises Civic Prime Soho Condmn RATION
Cartimar Coml Ctr PC ..... (02)8832-3872 Food Seasonings Munt .......................... (02)8552-1936 Chartered Forex Phils Incorporated
Tita Lea's Black Kutsinta Inspire Fitness Shaw Pacific Ctre Bldg Psg ...... (02)8584-8566
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)588-1770 Apofortuna Food Corp Dumlao Sports Ctr
Tita Lea's Food Specialties 161 A De Jesus KC ........ (02)8364-5795 Mand ....................... (0917)891-9589 Rys Industrial Corporation
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)588-1770 Consumers & Industrial Tradingcorp
Tita Paring Suman Latik Dama De Noche Pque .... (02)8821-7282
Lemonade Bar And Laynam
31 Marikudo KC ........... (0956)516-7430
Forklift Nazareno Pque ............... (02)8801-9212
Solar Transport And Automotive Resources
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Salutare Incorporated Corporation
SJ .............................. (02)8722-8968 NEW FLAVOR HOUSE INC Tycoon Ctr Psg .............. (02)8631-0609
K Lift Industrial Corporation One Corporate Ctr Mand . (02)8533-8888
Top Exchange Food Corp 4996 Ninoy Aquino Ave
21 Duhat Rd Spectrum Naturale Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8820-0192
74 M H Del Pilar QC ....... (02)7940-4608
Top Line Sales Corporation Malabon .. (02)8363-8883
B7 L23 E Pascual LP ...... (02)8871-7777
Twin Distributor Incorporated
Kan Forklift Parts Center Formwork
King Alexis QC................(02)8937-0840 110 B Banal KC .............. (02)8282-2391
Merville Access Rd PC ... (02)8821-4987
Tosen Foods Corporation Vitasport Lifter Sales Incorporated Forthress Philippines Corporation
117 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8334-2855 Normandy Psg ............. (0917)680-1010 86 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8361-6326 214-216 Cityland Twr
Total Ice Inc NEW Mkti ........................... (02)8553-7061
236 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)8372-3601 NEW SUMITOMO PARTS &
Trattoria Food Concepts Incorporated FLAVOR Foods - Ready to SUPPLY CORP
L Ermitage Apts Mkti ...... (02)8478-1521
Trendy Food Distributors Incorporated HOUSE Serve YOUR RELIABLE SOURCE OF
The Landmark Mkti ......... (02)8893-1168 INC A Soriano Foundation
Tri-K's Food Corporation 101 Korean Hotdog QUALITY MATERIAL HANDLING Soriano Aviation Hangar
Susano Coml Cplx QC .... (02)8939-1714 Ayala Malls Manila Bay PC ............................. (02)8834-0872
Tri-Mark Foods Incorporated Pque ........................ (0916)587-4382 PRODUCTS Aids Society Of The Phils Incorporated
26 Zorra QC ................... (02)8376-5118 Akitaya TEL.: 8364-1014 71 Sct Tuazon QC .......... (02)8376-2541
Turnberry Ingredients Corporation Rufina Patis Factory 343 El Grande Ave Association Of Foundations
76 Valencia QC .............. (02)8725-7990 C Arellano Mal ................ (02)8281-6231 Pque ........................ (0995)534-7757 8365-1009 Aurora Twr Bldg QC........(02)8913-7231
Tvb Food Product Shoyu Food Corporation Ali Khobz Shawarma
578 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8521-4977 [email protected] Clara O Corpus Foundation Incorporated
116 Alicia Val ................. (02)8292-6452 Robinsons Place Otis La Maison Rada Condmn
Vannie The Rabbit Tentay Food Sauces Incorporated Mla .......................... (0999)888-6934
369 Gov A Pascual Ave Mkti ........................... (02)8875-1125
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0927)295-0298 Amigos 347 A Bonifacio Ecpat Philippines Inc
Vdhul Foods Corporation Nav ............................ (02)8281-6743 Greenworld Plz Pque .... (0927)795-2031 Quezon City ............... (02)8364-1014 143 Anonas QC .............. (02)8920-8151
Km 17 Alabang-Zapote Rd Angels Hamburger - Caloocan City Eternal Word Foundation Inc
LP .............................. (02)8996-4445
Victorias Foods Corporation
Food Service 74 Loreto KC ................ (0933)458-7111
Bulalugaw Express
Parkville Apt Condo Mkti . (02)8896-4006
Fondation Suisse De Deminage (Fsd)
Pacific Ctre Bldg Psg ...... (02)8570-2605 Equipment and 1571 Dna Soledad Ave
Dna Guadalupe Bldg
Viger Trading Pque ........................ (0935)743-4339 SUMI-
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0922)846-7112 Supplies Churrasco
Mkti ........................... (02)8895-5375
Foundation For Christ Love Asia Inc
W L Foods Corporation 11 President's Ave Pque . (02)7217-8666 3 Evangelista QC ............ (02)8929-4118
8 Furong Val...................(02)3444-5642 Institute For Food Safety Advancement Empire Foods Group Incorporated PARTS Japan Foundation Manila Office
Wawa Bing's Kitchen Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8571-5827 Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8696-0436 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8811-6156
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0966)438-8513 Tostino Corporation Farinas Ilocos Empanada & SUPP-
Kabalikat Ng Pamilyang Pilipino
Welgro Foods Corporation Ibm Plz QC ..................... (02)8291-3391 35 West Ave QC ............. (02)3410-9409 LIES Gloria Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8886-7649
589 Cordillera Mand ....... (02)8533-9650 Go Ginataan Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Wongton's Sm Bicutan Pque..........(0917)115-3107
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)320-7046 Food Service Golden Arches Development Corporation New Top Corporation
Cambridge Ctr Bldg Mkti . (02)8819-7530
Norvic Foundation Inc
Worldtrade General Foods Enterprise
717 Apitong Mla ............. (02)8525-7861 Suppliers D Tuazon QC .................. (02)8247-0654
Junaid Halal Foods Restaurant
Canaynay Ave LP ........... (02)8829-4292 8887B Sampaloc Mkti .... (02)8892-9046
Yamanko Food Products 260 Elizondo Mla............(02)8513-3764 NICHIYU ASIALIFT PHILS Peace And Equity Foundation
69A E Abada QC ............ (02)8366-8840
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0928)254-3600 Year Luck Food & Industrial Corporation King Sisig INC Provident Developer & Holdings Corp
Yyy Enterprises Incorporated Sunny Realty Cpd Psg .... (02)8628-3689 Isetann Mall Mla ............. (02)8994-9914 Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr
439 Katipunan QC ........ (0917)845-4943 Liloan's Fried Liempo 9 M Flores Mkti ........................... (02)8888-2668
Food Supplements Pitx Pque......................(0917)638-9208
Manoy Pateros ... (02)8628-2301 Ramos Peace And Development Foundation
Food Products - Puregold Sucat Pque .... (0933)669-2556 (See Advertisement on this page)
Export Bank Plz Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8887-8964
Belson Development Corporation
Vegetarian Belson Hse Mand ........... (02)8725-6101
Marjim Chicken Corner Incorporated
Savana Mkt Mkti.............(02)8511-7084
Optichain Solutions Incorporated
Prime Corporate Ctr
Sipag At Tiyaga Foundation Phils Inc
Belson Securities Incorporated Villar Sipag LP ................ (02)8551-1904
Mochi Sweet Pque .......................... (02)8618-3007 Superior Provincial Of The Congregation Of
Goolai Premium Salads And Dressings Belson Hse Mand ........... (02)8721-0286 Mall Of Asia PC .............. (02)3414-5086
120-B Alley 19 Proj 6 Davenben Enterprises Corporation PARAGON TRADING & The Little Sister
Muscle Beach Lemonade 50 B Lancaster PC ......... (02)8832-2969
QC ............................. (02)8962-5883 Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-8379
The Vegan Grocer Ph Easy P Max
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-4969
SERVICES CORP Tan Yan Kee Foundation Inc
201 Recto SJ ............... (0917)192-0346 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8854-7425 TCM Forklift Allied Bank Ctr Mkti ........ (02)8867-3564
49-C Aguirre Ave Pque . (0921)855-6350 Trevi Foundations Phils Incorporated
Try Vegan Goldshine Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Pink's Hotdogs TEL NO: 8887-4656 / 8887-3356
R A Suarez Bldg Pque...(0999)963-2797 Gpi Corporate Ctr QC ...... (02)8951-6284 Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-2035
Okada Pque..................(0917)631-8782 TELEFAX: 8844-6142 Virlanie Foundation Inc
Plan B 4055 Yague Mkti ............ (02)8895-3460
252 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)537-6606 PARTS DEPT: 8887-4463
Potdog Email: [email protected]
Domestic Rd PC ........... (0946)621-0736
71 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Foundry
Makati ....................... (02)8887-4656
Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Pque .......................... (02)8515-9972 Asa Metal Products Incorporated
Red Mango Blue Philippines Incorporated 6409 Camia Mkti ............ (02)8890-7615
TIRED OF RUNNING AROUND? Gold Star Foundry Incorporated
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7757-1260
Rice In A Box Shop Wisely. 219 J Teodoro KC .......... (02)8361-1340
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ ............................ (0922)841-8002 Search through Build your business with
Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0942)281-8566

Asialift Philippines
9 Macario St. Brgy Sto Rosario, Flores,
Pateros, City of Manila, Metro Manila
1621 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8628-2301

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:33 2022 - P144

145 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Foundry - Freight 145

Emyth Incorporated (Nacho King!) Air Moving Forwarders Inc Express Transport Hauling And Freight
Foundry (Cont'd) Frames Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ........ (02)8650-6633 5074 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)7729-9320 Services Incorporated
Fab Suffrage Inc Airserve Cargo Express Venus Bldg LP................(02)8551-3569
Cuadro Specialists Incorporated St Martin Bldg QC ......... (0939)916-3425 San Dionisio Pque .......... (02)8829-6193 F25 Logistics
LUZON FOUNDRY INC Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8856-4823 Francorp Phils Ao Freight Logistics Corp Pandacan Executive Homes
8 Hernandez Quezon Exotic Wood Frames Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8638-3150 6 P Manga Pque ........... (0951)776-8607 Mla ............................ (02)8703-8927
20 Gen Ordonez Mkna .... (02)8997-6007 Jc Worldwide Franchise Incorporated Fast Cargo Global Solutions Co
City ......... (02)8374-3668 Framesall Enterptrises 1196 Batangas Mkti ....... (02)8889-4774
Bermont Express Int'l Incorporated
7001 A Bonifacio Pque ... (02)8820-1348 Vicente Madrigal Bldg
(See Advertisement on this page) 9-O G Araneta Ave QC .... (02)8716-8985 Ppi Holdings Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8367-5455
New United Foundry Shop Big C Cargo Fast Info Link Cargo Incorporated
Juderey Stitches & Frames Aurora Twr QC ............... (02)8715-4222 401 Cjon Banal Taguig . (0927)627-9296
595 Quirino Ave QC ........ (02)8936-3513 961 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8735-0938 Cargo Vill Cplx Pque ....... (02)8659-2935
Cgl Freight Forwarders Incorporated Fast-Track Customs Brokerage
PHILIPPINE VALVE MFG CO The Framer Enterprises Incorporated Freight Forwarders Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8405-0249 Padilla Delos Reyes Bldg
Fruition Bldg Pque .......... (02)8807-3104
1063 Del Monte Av Quezon Champ Courier Mla ............................ (02)8243-3062
3 P Martinez Mand ....... (0953)140-4717 Fastrust Services Incorporated
City ......... (02)8372-3736 Framing Equipment
Accura Freight Express Inc
Cheska Freight International Corporation 611 Espiritu PC .............. (02)8843-5092
Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8550-2501
(See Advertisement on this page) State Ctre Bldg Mla ......... (02)8245-9436 First Global Freight And Brokerage Corp
and Supplies Aero Eagle Freight
Gedcor Bldg Pque .......... (02)8851-9600 Cs Freight Services Incorporated 321 Dasmariñas Mla...(02)7757-5604
Five Star Cargo Service Incorporated
Fragrance Agea Enterprises
Aero International Freight Forwarding Peterson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-3652
Cybress Transport Services Incorporated Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8523-3107
Skyfreight Ctr Bldg C
Compound Bpi Credit Card Ctr Mkti .. (02)8879-0000 Pque .......................... (02)8852-1920 Old Sucat Pque .............. (02)8826-5030
Aeroworld Logistics Phils Incorporated Cyrus Logistics Incorporated THE
Cct Chemicals Incorporated
Alabang Business Twr
Franchising 1 Sampaguita Circle
Pque .......................... (02)8829-3846
Armada Hotel Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8526-1273
Munt .......................... (02)8809-3376 Bernabest Food Products Incorporated Afreight Phils Incorporated Dreampak Express Corporation PAGES
118 Arellano KC ............. (02)3447-6523 8530 J De Leon Pque ..... (02)8820-6308 1513 Aviadores Mla ..... (0917)556-2292 guarantees all its
Build your business with Elaiza's Express Movers
De Guzman Group Of Companies Aguileon Cargo Express Corp Partners.
THE YELLOW PAGES. Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8851-7092 1426 Gelinos Mla ........... (02)8741-8035 B1 L30 J Tionquiao LP . (0920)979-2987

Luzon Foundry Inc

8 Hernandez, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1100 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8374-3668

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A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:11:34 2022 - P145

146 S C M Y K

146 Freight - Furniture 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Rem Freight Forwarding Company Saigon Corner Pasabuy Gulay
Freight Forwarders A Soriano Ave Mla .......... (02)8256-6142 40 Sgt Esguerra Ave GUZMAN MEMORIAL Furniture
(Cont'd) Road Runner Cargo Logistics Inc QC ........................... (0977)122-2944 CHAPEL
93 Araullo SJ ................. (02)7501-1571 Seven7Heaven Farm Products Distribution Abenson Home
Rz1 Frieght Express Corporation 36 Dr Alejos QC ........... (0917)872-3555 391 J P Rizal Wmall PC ....................... (02)8842-5231
FLYING EAGLE WORLD 1 Kay Talise Pque.........(0955)187-6497 Summer Fruits Mart Marikina..(02)8646-2159 Afb Furniture
Safefreight Service Incorporated H S Coml Twr Mla .......... (02)8256-1363 Batasan-San Mateo Rd
MOVERS INC 1567 Copernico Mkti ...... (02)8843-2494 Sunshine Fruit Bar QC ........................... (0919)977-9358
Sahara Cargo Forwarder Banawe QC .................... (02)7501-2663 All Furniture Corner
" SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE, 11 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8866-4041 Vic-Key Fruit Stand 20 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (0905)360-5391
MOVE WITH US" Sdv Philippines Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)112-6587 Amarnani Anil Ramesh
Lapanday Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)8816-6303 GUZMAN Armela Cpd Pque ........... (02)8821-7140 Seaconnect Cargo Handling Services MEMORIAL Ambiance One
Cel No.: 0917-8002238 1115 Concepcion Aguila Fruits and CHAPEL
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7958-5053
Sunvar Condominium
Mla ............................ (02)8253-2499
Seaquest Global Express Incorporated Vegetables Dealers Ancorp Healthy World Incorporated
13 Williams Mand .......... (02)8470-7159
Pasay City ................. (02)8832-9956 169 Pres E P Quirino Ave Artekol Furniture
Pque .......................... (02)8854-1768 Choice Harvest Marketing Incorporated Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)7263-7246
Seastems Incorporated 68 Don Jose QC ............. (02)8740-1934 Ashley Furniture Homestore
Up Issi Bldg QC .............. (02)8920-1706 Click First Gulay On Delivery Jara Funeral Homes Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8531-4328
FLYING Shanty International Trading Mega Qmart QC............(0953)426-3879 Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0917)167-7604 Astetik Corporation
9A Cjon Reina Mla..........(02)8243-9756 Elite Fruit Marketing Incorporated Ka Andres Memorial Chapel 160 F Mariano Ave Psg .. (02)8668-1097
EAGLE Silkway Freight Forwarder Incorporated 687 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8243-1550 121 Katipunan Mkna ...... (02)8703-2830 Ats Home Furniture
Alexandria Bldg LP ......... (02)3474-6718 Fergin Ubod & Vegetable Store Kaagapay Mo Karamay Funeral Homes 746-752 Rizal Ave Mla ... (02)8733-0715
WORLD Mega Qmart QC............(0915)261-0528 Atwood & Morril Furnishings
Solid Hub Express Incorporated Batasan-San Mateo Rd
MOVERS Granada QC ................... (02)8723-3741 Fruit Nation QC ........................... (0928)934-7852 55 Macopa QC ............... (02)8732-0032
Speedmark Philippines Incorporated Audrey Bldg QC .............. (02)7148-1936 Light Funeral Services Babyland
INC. Kaingin Rd Pque ............. (02)8776-2206 Gulayat Ol Grocery 21 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)3434-3697 Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8531-1231
Team Trans Cargo Service Incorporated 54 Kapiligan QC ........... (0995)331-3402 M Salvador Funeral Services Bayford Decor Centre
Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8526-6473 J E D Marketing Corporation Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0926)481-1995 120 Ninoy Aquino Ave
Gac Logistics Incorporated Total Line Logistics Corporation Bagsakan Taguig ............ (02)8838-9434 Majar Funeral Homes Pque ........................ (0927)548-5406
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr 31-F Spkr Perez QC ........ (02)8742-9802 Jhaymar Fruits And Vegetables Dealer 1102 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)8938-0227 Ben's Windoors Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8553-2510 Transcom Cy Incorporated 29 Gloria QC ................ (0949)574-1567 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-2835
Nate Funeral Homes Incorporated Bens Home Interior Incorporated
Gml Courier Express 1165 J T Teodoro KC ..... (02)8365-7164 M&N Mini Mart B37N Ph3 F-1 Dagat-Dagatan Ave
2682 Gen Cailles Mkti .. (0920)846-5482 Translink Phils Incorporated 11 Lands Dale Arcade 2556 Lemery Mla ........... (02)8256-0578
KC ............................. (02)8285-6251 Big Ben's Furniture
Goetz Moving And Storage Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo QC ........................... (0920)292-0903 Nieto Funeral Services
Villongco Rd Munt .......... (02)8842-8254 Mkti ........................... (02)8892-0962 Mr Gulay 67 N Domingo SJ ........... (02)3383-6178
J P Rizal QC ................. (0908)499-4376 Buenamina Furniture
Goldwin Cfs Incorporated Tri-S Eagle Express Incorporated 4 C Aguinaldo QC ......... (0961)763-4080 Nuestra Senora Buenviaje
19th St Mla .................... (02)8522-0628 Oyster Plz Bldg Pque ...... (02)8826-5211 Mr Palengkero 149 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-1857
32 C Raymundo Psg ...... (02)8642-5728 Cabel Fine Furniture
Gomoto Philippines Uniwide Freight Solution Corporation 1329 Alvarado Ext Mla..(0967)451-8194 Precious Paws Aftercare Services
343 Don Vicente Ang Bagong Bo Agape Bldg Pque ............ (02)8995-3325 2949 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8740-3647
Qvf International Fruits Incorporated Congressional Ext QC ... (0915)881-5288 Catmarie Furniture
KC ........................... (0917)851-4627 Vts Cargo Forwarding 662 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8354-8492 Roca Funeral Services
Gtli Freight Forwarding Inc 21st Ave QC ................. (0966)509-3133 1715 Sergio H Loyola
R&B Fruit And Vegetable Store 145 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8851-0912 Mla ............................ (02)8749-2144
Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0977)347-8305 Wheelhorse Logistics Recruitment 43A Congressional Ave Rondina-Santos Funeral Service Cdc Decor Home And Office Furniture Shop
Harbport Freight Forwarding 8 Kalaw Hill QC .............. (02)8289-8332 QC ........................... (0943)296-2784 Gen T De Leon Val........(0917)118-6265 Pacific Ctre Mla .............. (02)8286-6660
Coastal Plz Cndmn LP .... (02)3383-1967 Wira X-Press Capri QC ..... (0977)454-9041 Ralyn's Vegetable Supplier Champion Plating Industrial
Rosewood Funeral Homes
In-Line Forwarder Worldlink Freight System Incorporated 271 Marikina Pub Mkt 77 M Naval Mal .............. (02)8281-6367 116A Sauyo Rd QC ........ (02)8930-0250
317 D Edsa KC...............(02)8362-2258 Cargo Vill Cplx Pque ....... (02)8853-6836 Mkna ....................... (0928)960-6019 Charbel Furniture Shop
San Fernando Funeral Homes Incorporated
Interisland Container Transport And Leasing Seven Days Of Greens 167 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)3411-8292 170 A Mabini Ave KC ... (0917)319-2855
Corporation 2380 Leon Guinto Mla .. (0918)951-5367
Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8840-0636 Freight Traffic Yume's Fruits
Sanctuary Funeral Chapels
1435 Batangas Mla ........ (02)7504-2944
Cmp Sash Furniture & Steel Works
Camarin Rd KC ............ (0916)430-7398
Jades Cargo Incorporated
350 Nepa Mla.................(02)8254-9982 Consultants Juliana Mkt QC ............. (0917)513-0488
Sandigan Funeral Services Com Furniture Shop
237 Antonio Arnaiz Ave
Jcavs Freight Forwarding Inc 29 M L Quezon Taguig ... (02)8866-1937
2230 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8824-2220 Master Container Lines Phils Inc
S & L Bldg Mla ............... (02)8523-3731
Fuels Sir John Funeral Services
113 Kaliraya QC ............. (02)8254-2280
PC ........................... (0922)827-9953
Customcraft Collection Incorporated
Jcib Express Cargo Movers Corporation Edsa Shangri-La Plz Hotel
Burke Hse Mla ................ (02)8244-9397 Clean Fuel Sirjohn Funeral Services
408-C Cassanova Dr Mand ......................... (02)8633-6552
Jcm Cargo Network Corporation
Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-6866 French Fries 2232 Espana QC .......... (0932)819-0545
Far East Fuel Corporation QC ........................... (0947)992-7857 Cwc International Incorporated
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8637-3190
Jhun & Jhas Transport Services 27 Jasmin Val ................ (02)8294-7614 St Matthew Funeral Parlor
B14 L33 Ph2 Bagong Silangan Decor Contemporary Furniture
Bagong Silang KC.........(0945)371-4146 Potato Corner Fuel Options Incorporated Robinsdale Bldg QC........(02)8714-1131
Jpl Power-Mover Cargo Services Rustans Fresh Supermarket 38 Rmt Cpd Munt ........... (02)8519-8715 KC ............................. (02)8962-9421
Dedipo Furniture Depot
Manila Harbour Ctre Radial Rd LP .............................. (02)8534-5845 Motorists Haven St Peter Memorial Chapels Incorporated 56 Centro Val ............... (0917)597-7596
Mla .......................... (0977)341-1808 Meralco Ave Psg ............ (02)8634-3812 52 Gen T De Leon Val.....(02)8293-7886 Delco Wood Products Corp
Juan Freight Express
59 Rivera Mal ............... (0927)886-6297
Fruits - Dried Smartfuels
1261 CarDna Mkti .......... (02)8887-0088
St Vincent Columbary
221 Tandang Sora Ave
Tepaurel Cpd Munt ......... (02)8862-1380
Design & Function Incorporated
K Maezono Logitech Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)878-1007 Prestige Twr Condmn
Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8845-0221 7D Food International Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8633-5394
Kornet Express Incorporated 923 Delpan Mla .............. (02)8244-0761
Funds and Trust Furnaces Design 1508
Oyster Plz Pque .............. (02)8826-0012 Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8895-9187
Leadway Cargo Logistics Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0939)934-7179 Design 3 Incorporated
Atr Kimeng Asset Management
Ecg Bldg Pque................(02)8552-7029 Incorporated Mega Hardware Construction Supply Abc Bldg QC .................. (02)8952-0454
Lei Pearl International Incorporated
Noahs Ark Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-5191
Fruits and Exch Plz Mkti..................(02)8814-7800
Captive Risks Consulting Incorporated
Emerson Apt Condmn
QC ............................. (02)8291-3332
Design Crest Furniture Component
458 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8242-6831
Lemada Logistics Services Vegetables N Dela Merced Bldg QC .. (02)8373-1289 Design Nio Furniture
Schilling Sreet QC.........(0965)220-0352
Logistify Furnaces - Designers 2 Xavierville Ave QC......(0917)125-8048
Dizon Tiendesitas Psg ...... (0922)242-9783
942 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)187-7502
Adela's Fruit Stand
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3487-7466 Funeral Services and Builders Dr Wall Mirror & Furniture
Los Ricos Global Transport Inc Aljuv's Vegetable Dealer 1308 Taurus QC ........... (0935)804-5250
Tektite Twr East Psg ....... (02)8637-3531 503 Villalon Mkna ......... (0999)991-9396 5K International Funeral Service Corp Draf Office Furniture
Lsg Logistics Philippines Ilang-Ilang KC...............(0923)810-6751 ASSISTCO ENERGY & 1730 Dian Mkti...............(02)8710-8040
Ashar Trading E Murio Incorporated
1100 Kamias Rd QC ..... (0915)894-3344 11 Sta Fe Mla ................. (02)8230-2372 Angelus Funeral Home
Luxury Freight And Global Logistics Cocovana 190 Samson Rd KC........(02)8400-9581 INDUSTRIAL Km 14 South Super Hwy
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8478-2601 Archangel Funeral Homes CORPORATION Pque .......................... (02)8776-5491
2547C Arellano Ave Mla . (02)8524-9089 Eddie Enterprises
Mac-Nels Line Inc Danmar Fruit Stand 516 V G Cruz Mla ........... (02)3493-9214
Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8843-4424 Brethren's Funeral Services 333C Roosevelt Ave QC . (02)8371-5155
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0919)812-9073 Edia (Easy-Does-It-Assembly)
Martin John Cargo Forwarding Services Dizon Farms Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0935)917-9268 *Furnace Lining Design
329-C M L Quezon & Installation Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8637-4590
Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)8886-7773 Bvl Funeral Home Service Edsa Furniture And Appliances Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8267-5452 Down To Earth 163 Malolos Ave KC ..... (0905)499-5961 *Installation Of Refractory
Menruz Trucking Services Inc 595 Edsa Cubao QC ....... (02)8724-9817
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8551-7219 Catalonia Funeral Homes Efren H Marquez Trading Corp
Bilbao Mla ...................... (02)8245-4980 208 Commonwealth Ave Castables
Durian Master 2975 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9440
Mile Express 5612 Osmena Hwy QC ........................... (0945)328-4154 & Hot & Cold Pipe Insulation
Emata Furniture Trading
41 Gumamela QC ......... (0933)811-8770 Mkti ......................... (0920)914-3909 Cinco Estrellas Memorial Chapels 43 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0933)397-7170
Ms Freight Transport International Esn Fresh Fruit Corporation 349 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-4717 Tel Nos.:
Ergo Contracts Phils Incorporated
Bureau Of Customs Bldg 227A North Bay Blvd Cosmopolitan Memorial Chapels And (632)8281-1888: 8837-3608 343 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8831-4132
Mla ............................ (02)8525-8340 Nav ............................ (02)8281-2938 Crematory WEBSITE: Evelyn's Narra Furniture
Multi-Gold Cargo Logistics Farm Fresh Village 332 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8242-5499 816 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0915)380-3922
E A Nersan Bldg Pque.....(02)7964-8341 12 Danupra QC ............ (0926)646-9513 Diño Memorial Chapels EMAIL: [email protected]
Ever-Haus Products Mfg Incorporated
One Trade Logistic Fruit Loot Binondo Mla ..... (0995)452-9819 622 Congressional Ave [email protected] 22 Rincon Rd Val ........... (02)8294-6010
Burke Bldg Mla ............... (02)8242-5759 Frutesca QC ........................... (0975)509-1328 Fax No.: 8838-7316 F & M Pacay Furniture And Sash Shop
Pacific Charter Forwarders Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0949)718-9193 Fabulous Bundles Flowershop 223 Tandang Sora Ave
Alliance Bldg Mla ............ (02)8241-8238 Kazi's Fruits And Vegetables Mahiyain QC...................(02)8775-2382 QC ............................. (02)8920-4950
Phil Genesis Freight Unlimited Inc J P Rizal QC ................. (0956)510-3796 Final Moments Funeral Concierge 1st Av Taguig ................ (02)8281-1888 Filcrafters Incorporated
Real Merchantile Insurance Bldg Llanes Farm Chemphil Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8851-5365 Isometric Bldg QC .......... (02)8475-7994
Mla ............................ (02)8405-0341 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7738-0603 Funeraria Filipinas Incorporated Foodmach 545 Edsa QC ..... (02)8724-8323
Pro Freight International Loida's Mango 187 Alabang Zapote Rd Formosa Decor
Constantine LP ............... (02)8872-5276 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8837-7762 LP .............................. (02)8873-0507 Farmers Plz Araneta Ctr
Queenbee Global Cargo Logistics Inc Makatindahan Online Grocery ASSISTCO QC ............................. (02)3440-3629
Mh Del Pilar Mla ............. (02)8663-7189 1339 Angono Mkti........(0977)478-4599 ENERGY & Fozzini Lifestyle Concepts Incorporated
Ramken Freight Forwarding Services Mendoza's Vegetable INDUS- Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8823-7160
Col E De Leon Wawa Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)887-9199
The Yellow Pages TRIAL Funktionell Furniture
Pque ........................ (0965)815-0129 Nxtlvl Farm provides CORPORA- Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8635-5272
Rapid Incorporated 2288 Chino Roces Ave Ext TION Furniture Republic
Jjm Bldg 2 Pque ............. (02)8854-8236 Mkti ......................... (0939)928-0301 Business Information. Hk Sun Plz PC ................ (02)8846-6515
Rapid Industries Incorporated Pillars 5 Incorporated Furniture Therapy
Madre Ignacia Ave KC .... (02)8361-6403 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-6568 129 Kamuning Rd QC ... (0920)906-3881

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147 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Furniture - Gasoline 147

Megamax Concept Incorporated Flrcc Furniture Shop
Furniture (Cont'd) Bonifacio High Street 52 Tatlong Hari QC ......... (02)7148-8042 Garment Gas Appliances
Furniwerkz Trading
Mity Mike Incorporated
Hooli Company
2461 Taal Mla .............. (0995)368-2986 Manufacturers Osilite Gas Appliance
877 Katarungan Mand .... (02)7358-8867 2446 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-9528 Queens Arts And Trends Corp 43 Banawe Ave QC ........ (02)8712-1868
Furnmix International Incorporated Mos Design Gallery Bdc Corporate Ctr QC ..... (02)7218-1092 3-Saints Apparel Manufacturing Raleo Enterprises
Perfecto Taguig .............. (02)8838-9656 9th Bonifacio High Street Renaissance Touch Incorporated 13A Kamias Rd QC ........ (02)8463-2076
Golden Advance Marketing Corporation Taguig........................(02)8856-7915 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8699-8900 36-37 Parakeet Pque ...... (02)8823-1516
King Ctr Bldg QC ............ (02)8364-5810 Muebles Asia Richsonwood Furnitures Baybin Enterprise
Golden Dragon System International Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-7106 141 E Santos Mkna ...... (0908)723-9083 2 G Ocampo SJ .............. (02)7215-2263 Gas Companies
Industrial Cpd QC ........... (02)8373-7403 Muebles Italiano Tri 8 Builders Incorporated Belford Garments
Golden Fashion Enterprise Incorporated Bldg 4 Munt ................... (02)8842-7036 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8638-7666 5883 Enriquez Mkti ...... (0917)761-9402 Caloocan Gas Corporation
110 J Elizalde LP ............ (02)8850-1267 Multi-Rich Home Decors Corporation Vintage Hub Belford Ventures & Printing Incorporated 46 Gen Luis Rd KC ......... (02)8937-4108
Grains Furniture Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)8534-3611 431 El Grande Ave 5883 Villa Caridad I Power Fill Gas Station
Aurora Blvd QC.............(0948)676-2681 Nemie Furniture Trading Pque ........................ (0998)245-8888 Mkti ......................... (0977)806-0118 One Oasis Hub B Psg ..... (02)8655-4374
Grant Interiors 995 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8912-9797 Yrezabal & Co Incorporated Bonanza Enterprise South Area Autogas Corporation
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-7308 New Wintex Fabrics Corporation Bormaheco Cpd Pque.....(02)8822-1283 52 Gen P Valenzuela KC . (02)8367-2222 2260 Espana Mla ........... (02)8354-9699
Haimobilia Facilities Ctr Mand .......... (02)8531-1208 Canary Enterprises
705 Brooklyn Pque ....... (0995)582-4763
Hapihomes Furniture Incorporated
Nu-Crest Fine Furniture
300 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-2269 Furniture 1 Dama De Noche QC .... (02)8722-9672
Cemtex Apparel Incorporated
Gas Detectors
Las Pinas Coml Ctr LP....(02)8875-6635
Heap Construction Solutions Inc
Obrang Pilipino
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8373-1932
Manufacturing 100 Marcos Alvarez Ave
Algo Global Incorporated
LP .............................. (02)8805-2432
Haven Bldg QC ............. (0917)890-0612 Officelux Interior Crvj Garments And General Merchandise Zapote Rd KC ................. (02)8442-5989
Heaters Instrumentation & Control Equip Bree And Bruce Marketing
Dsl Bldg Mand................(02)8535-2133 Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8353-9109 2445 Sulu Mla................(02)7587-4004
228 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8362-0653
Orientique Enterprises
Westgate Ctr Munt..........(02)8771-0660
Disenyo At Istilo Furniture
Commonwealth Ave
Fibrefill Manufacturing Incorporated
C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8641-3845
Gas Equipment
Hisolomon Corporation
Mount Apo KC ................ (02)7585-2520
Ortigas Furniture Center
Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8637-6557
QC ........................... (0915)388-4202 Filflex Industrial And Manufacturing Manufacturing
Korphil Ace Furniture Incorporated Filflex Bldg Psg ............... (02)8641-2709
Hocon Lifestyle Furniture Corporation P R Furniture And Car Upholstery Repair New Grange Bldg QC ...... (02)3416-5868
Pedro Gil Mkti...............(0933)815-2287 39 Judge Jimenez QC.....(02)8927-7810 Future Shop Neo Bros
Majestic Events Enterprises 562 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-0247 1261 CarDna Mkti .......... (02)8800-5418
Hofa Lamin8 Incorporated Peitro Collection Incorporated 653 Santol Mla ............... (02)8425-6051
316 Alabang-Zapote Rd La Fuerza Gate 1 Mkti ..... (02)7215-5755 General Garments Corporation
Philfuji Ventures Inc
LP .............................. (02)8887-5594
Home Factory Outlets
Perfect 1
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8376-1145
156 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8929-6335
Filflex Bldg Psg ............... (02)8641-2708
Home Expression Concepts Incorporated Gas Regulator
Rbv Woodlines Furniture Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8571-3066
14 Williams Mand .......... (02)8695-1346 Philux Incorporated Avocado LP ................... (02)8805-3395
Home Maverics Incorporated Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1974 House Of Decor SWITCH SALES
The Furniture Shop Philippines 837 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-8851
Design Mix Bldg SJ ........ (02)8705-7185 Plc 107 Incorporated
Homecentral Inc 2241 La Fuerza Gate 2
64 Judge Juan Luna
QC ........................... (0966)709-4816
Jeanetics Industrial Corp INTERNATIONAL
Boni Ave Mand ............... (02)7730-3040 Mkti ........................... (02)8840-2678 33A Panalturan QC ......... (02)8365-0593
Hooli Furniture R4B Furniture Shop Mercedes Park Mla.......(0915)663-0476 Jenny's Garments
307 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0975)128-4900 59 Luisito QC ............... (0916)119-2094 Wolper Manufacturing Corporation Jg Bldg Psg....................(02)8641-4731 LPG Regulators & LPG Hose
I Furniture Radgs Interiors Unlimited Incorporated 2561 Lamayan Mla ........ (02)8353-0932 Jjs International Corporation
Mc Home Builders Depot 11 Lapu-Lapu KC ........... (02)8366-1093
Sucat Rd Pque ............... (02)3385-6636
Psg ............................ (02)8631-2050 Realiving Design Center Corporation Jong Stit Co Ltd TEL: 8732-3709 / 099-2212500
Ideal Home
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8373-3213
Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8511-8173 Galvanized and PPGI 470 Bangkutien-Chaitalay Rd 1384 G Araneta Av
Mla ............................ (02)8668-6871
Innove Builders Corporation
Reliance Furniturecompany
Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8244-1203 Coils and Sheets Key Multi Industries Inc
Quezon City ............... (02)8732-3709
251 C Raymundo Ave Rodenstock Manufacturing Corporation Cityland Shaw Twr
Psg ............................ (02)8632-1300 80 North Diversion Rd Mileage Asia Corp Mand ......................... (02)8687-7617
Interior Design Manila Val ............................. (02)8294-2648 602 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8364-5265 Mansfield International Incorporated
Genesis Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8556-2326 San Shen Furniture Center Incorporated Arete Square Bldg QC ..... (02)8927-5832
Island Furniture Shop SWITCH
86 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0916)712-5312
65 Marilyn Psg ............... (02)7746-7918
Sci Office Furniture Solutions Galvanizing Philippine Wearhouse
602 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-2626 SALES
Ispace Furnishing Incorporated 456 T Pin Pin Mla ........... (02)8241-4418 Redstone Apparel Incorporated
Home Depot Commonwealth Sentinel Plastics Manufacturing Company INTER-
QC ............................. (02)8292-2460 404 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (02)8277-9911 ASTM INDUSTRIAL 12 Zorra QC ................... (02)3411-8871
Social Homes Inc NATIONAL
J A F Enterprises Sherton Industrial Corporation GALVANIZING & 433 R Pascual Mand ...... (02)8531-8003
Pearl Twr Mla ................. (02)8251-4876 38 A&B Gen Tinio KC ..... (02)8361-5975
J-Channel Ingredients Corporation Smart Trading Corp
MARKETING Tailored Range Clothing Company
802 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-1204 Beltrano Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8832-6395
1619 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8363-5885
Jbl Furniture Manufacturing Sofabulous Furniture Store TEL NO: 8361-6178 * 8362-0246
43 Malinis Val ................ (02)8984-5981
Jclm Furnishings
A Mabini KC ................. (0977)351-5994
Sogo Home & Office Center Blims Fine
8365-3502 * 8664-2008 Garter Gaskets and
King Christopher QC ..... (0947)571-4888
Jlb Woodart Furniture
Furniture CELL NO: 0916-3112255 Packings
624 B Quirino Hwy QC . (0910)873-3727
Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8850-3534
8th St Caloocan City ...... (02)8361-6178
Space And Style American Packing Industries Philippines
Journey Woodblock Enterprises Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-6372 MANUFACTURING INC Corporation
22 Captain E Santos Space Encounters Km 21 Slex Samson Rd
Taguig........................(02)8952-5031 Padilla Condmn Psg ....... (02)7910-8031
Manufacturer of Export Quality:
Munt .......................... (02)8807-6054
Joy Anne's Furniture Shop Stak Modern Kitchen ASTM Bra Straps, Cords, Garters Fh Commercial Incorporated
358 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8942-0273 54 Carnation Mkna ....... (0905)272-3111 INDUS- Ribbons, R-Racks, Belts, S-Laces 22 Anonas Rd Mal..........(02)8362-2265
Kal's Woodcraft
Legaspi Sunday Mkt
Sucat Enterprises TRIAL Tel No.: 8361-3812 * 8361-3813
Rhodeco Rubber Processing Services
Mkti ......................... (0917)250-4789
8438 Dr A Santos Ave GALVANI- Incorporated
Pque .......................... (02)8829-7628 ZING & Fax No.: 8361-2632 40 J P Ramoy KC ........... (02)8985-0167
Kemseth Construction Services Three Drums
7 Mulawin Psg ............... (02)7940-2101 2241 La Fuerza Gate 1 MARKE- 24 Atis Rd Malabon ....... (02)3447-2075
Kf Lighting
3026 Gen T De Leon Rd
Mkti ........................... (02)8478-1717 TING Gasoline Stations
Triboa Bay Living
Val ............................. (02)8277-0777 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8531-5420 PACIFIC Future Home System Incorporated
Khomi Inc Urban Concepts Philgalv Industrial Coating Inc 32nd St Taguig...............(02)8818-1602
B30 L11 Manggahan KC.(02)8572-0279 Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8519-5588 16 T Santiago Val ........... (02)8292-8886 RAYON Jeric Enterprises
Kitchen Supercenter Tower Steel Corp 16-B Ubay QC ................ (02)8711-5768
10 Limay Mand .............. (02)8533-3647
Victoria Sofa Set
1 Gabriel Ext Psg .......... (0945)552-6731 Philippine Stock Exch We Twr
MANU- Jsty Power Blaze Corporation
Km Furniture Virgo Psg ............................ (02)8631-0942 FACTU- 451A Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave
544 Boni Serrano QC....(0922)808-3112 1594 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3416-7099 Psg ............................ (02)8631-9527
Komodo Artcrafts Incorporated RING
31A Payapa Mand .......... (02)8570-4795
Wood Fix Upholstery And Furniture Repairs
9 Osmena QC.................(02)8352-0526 Garden Ornaments INC
Krr Shell Station
3395 V Mapa Mla ........... (02)8716-8533
Kristoffs Furniture Woodrich Enterprise Lamean Shell Gas Station
160 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8285-4199 326 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8243-0200 Edsa Garden House Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)3226-3331
L+A Design Concept Furnishing 867 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8929-3189 Maria Rosario Nogrules
Incorporated Ferns And Plants
Ersan Bldg QC ................ (02)8514-1567 Furniture Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0977)379-3041 Gas 128 N Domingo QC ........ (02)8723-2786
Mav Petron Service Center
La Sedia Flora Garden Decor Shop Aurora Blvd QC .............. (02)8912-1747
Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8584-3263 Accessories Ap Office Bldg LP ........... (02)8556-1847 Bcgas Marketing Metro Oil
La Sedia Furnitures And Interiors Kgg Garden 818 E Pantaleon Mand ... (02)8532-0866 261 Sixto Antonio Ave
Robinsons Place Manila Citibeds Incorporated Geneva Garden Neopolitan Dona Soledad Gas Center Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8642-4243
Mla ............................ (02)8536-8063 7 Pioneer Mand .............. (02)8650-8669 QC ............................. (02)7964-7046 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8823-3610 Mongaya Corp/Caltex
Lee Designs Industries Garden Barn Incorporated Velvet Greens & Blooms First Choice Gas And Appliance Center 11 M Almeda Pat............(02)8642-0100
663 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8362-3753 2496 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8551-0816 Velvat White Palins Seedling 1774 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8815-2621 Sea Oil Phil Incorporated
Linden Teak Furniture Corporation Makeroom QC ............................. (02)8911-5562 Jaser Marketing 184 N S Amoranto Sr Ave
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)3413-7378 Blue Bay Walk PC ........... (02)8843-4396 1547A E Rodriguez Sr QC ............................. (02)8518-0223
Litesource Sisev Ventures Incorporated
Robinsdale Bldg QC........(02)8714-1131
Our Home
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8426-6486 Gardening QC ............................. (02)3414-3368
Mega Wealth 27 Granada QC...............(02)8584-7480
Living Inovation Skywin Shell Gas Station
Fort Victoria Twr Taguig..(02)8734-3243 Tutuban Mall Mla .......... (0929)334-1701
Bucad Garden & Rocks 1069 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8376-0339
Loft Detailsfurnishing Incorporated Furniture Designers Commonwealth Ave Mm Yamat Motorists Center
Edsa Ave Mand .............. (02)8584-9441
T W A Incorporated
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-6374
Lozano's Furniture and Custom Builders QC ........................... (0921)571-9910
Danah's Garden Mrc Gas
Columbia Twr Mand ....... (02)8723-8405
Topglass Aluminums Glass Center
117 Don Benito KC ....... (0908)339-1594 6 Calaca QC ................. (0916)778-0082 193C A Bonifacio QC......(02)8366-7721 44 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)7738-7370
Lufu Design Centre Alpha General Trading Graceliana Plants Garden Petropil Corporation Total Gas
450 Tomas Pinpin Mla ... (02)8242-0366 Grand Riviera Suites Farmers Garden QC ...... (0919)976-4174 E Rodriguez Ave Mand ... (02)8671-7121 375 Shaw Mand ............. (02)8531-7481
M C K Furniture Center Mla .......................... (0949)187-5480 Met Garden Pr 1 Gas Incorporated Total Gaz Station
3000 Rizal Ave Ext Mla . (0932)608-7950 Ar Beltran Enterprises 106 Mindanao Ave QC..(0916)122-6378 2025 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8292-3694 1545 E Rodriguez Sr QC . (02)3453-5731
Masterpiece Furniture And Interiors Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)7500-2862 The Hidden Garden Pr Gaz Incorporated Twa Incorporated-Flying V
Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8890-8258 Bross Furnitek Contractors 23 Engracia Val ............ (0920)669-9466 86 T Arguelles QC .......... (02)8255-3162 262 Santolan Rd SJ........(02)8721-5128
Mdjl Furniture Pearl Island Industrial Cpd The Urban Gardening Shop Southwest Gas Trading Incorporated Unioil
3025 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9428 Val ............................. (02)3432-7012 Montecruz Plz Psg..........(02)8289-9747 Taipan Place Psg............(02)8633-4798 Km 15 Ortigas Ext Psg....(02)8656-4990

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148 S C M Y K

148 Gates - Generators 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Foresight Development Surveying Company Top Notch Construction Larry's Express Dunamis Power Generator
Gates - Automatic Regalia Park Condmn P&S Bldg QC .................. (02)7358-9480 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8570-2355 Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8521-2973
QC ............................. (02)8913-7148 Masland Commercial Upholstery Supply Edward Enterprises
Automation & Security Inc Granby Trading And Construction 198 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-1610 39 Macarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8291-6518
36 S Veloso SJ...............(02)8725-4650 Princess Bldg QC ........... (02)3456-1779 General Upholstery Mj3 Upholstery Engine Zone Enterprises
Regalado Ave QC ......... (0951)779-0296 639 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8734-3303
Handyleo Carpentry And Joinery Works
Lf Jr Bldg Mkna .............. (02)7794-1495
and Supplies Nogoy's Upholstery
Gears and Gear J4M Garcia Corporation 86 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0967)211-7297 FIL GENERATORS &
Cutting L21 B2 N5 Lauan LP ...... (02)8808-2660 3Rb Upholstery Services
Nestor Sulit Taguig ....... (0915)488-7844
Norkey Upholstery Services SERVICES CO
Jjdizon Marketing And Associates Inc Mindanao Ave QC.........(0942)612-3585
Adonis General Upholstery Owl And Lion Furniture And Upholstery
Panay Ave QC .............. (0927)853-5191 Mcarthur Hwy Val ......... (0936)463-1504
Powergear Incorporated 17 San Guillermo Munt . (0905)321-3910
1 Jade LP.......................(02)8553-5179 Jksa Builders Alvin Upholstery
St Jude QC ..................... (02)3418-5350 Penafuerte General Upholstery Services GENERATOR SET REPAIR
481 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-6340 Quirino Ave Pque .......... (0920)981-7617
Kent Premier Project Ventures Incorporated Arreis Upholstery Services & MAINTENANCE
Pvc Upholstery General Merchandise
General Contractor Amv Bldg Mkti ................ (02)7501-0910
M T Buendia Trading And Services
Pearl Psg ..................... (0910)864-4497 512 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8938-2407
Ayala Upholstery Enterprises Quality Upholstery Incorporated AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS)
Amcon & Company Incorporated 22 Wisdom QC...............(02)8441-0144 2602-D Taft Ave PC ....... (02)8831-7847 343 West Svc Rd Pque...(02)8821-4330
Samuel Bldg 1 Mkti ........ (02)8882-1240 Metriccon Co Incorporated Bang Bang Upholstery & Furniture Services Rafael Furniture And Car Upholstery SYNCHRONIZING PANELS
Buenaseda Commercial Incorporated Edificio Enriqueta Bldg 1318 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8230-3035 Services
91 Bougainvillea Mansion QC ............................. (02)8743-5830 Blue Ribbon Furniture 95 Amang Rodriguez Ave
Omara Construction Incorporated 264 J P Rizal QC .......... (0917)884-4897 CEBU OFFICE MC BRIONES MANDAUE
QC ............................. (02)3413-4072 Psg .......................... (0905)222-1243
Dominic Construction Incorporated Omara Bldg Pque ........... (02)7919-6300 Chesont Non-Woven Fabrics Incorporated Roma's Curtain Maker And Gen Upholstery
229-A Basilan Mand ....... (02)3470-2297 Oro Manpower Services Sheridan Mand ............... (02)8631-5171 637 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0905)356-8487 CITY CEBU
Einzhen Builders Karpa Alley Nav .............. (02)8516-4229 Clp General Upholstery Rva Furniture And Upholstery
One Annapolis Bldg QC...(02)8285-7952 Skcp Construction Incorporated 251 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0950)196-5505 K-3rd St QC ................. (0915)848-6784
Finmat Intl Resources Incorporated Emmanuelle Hse Mkti ..... (02)8813-5588 De Luxe Canvas And Upholstery Supply Sangra Leather Dr A Santos Av
371 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Suzumi Construction Incorporated 688 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8242-9533 274 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8682-2020 Parañaque ................. (02)8738-0051
Cebu Office ................... (032)420-2114
Psg ............................ (02)8654-9412 2156 Narra Pque ............ (02)8556-4184 DEWFOAM Serenity Upholstery
3993 L Gabriel Pque ..... (0995)147-2004 Or Call .......................... (032)344-2446
See Adv under Beds
Shell Canvas And Upholstery Supply
San Rafael 816 Edsa QC .................. (02)8922-8708 Fil Generators & Services
Navotas...(02)8522-9187 Shinrest Upholstery
Mendoza Ave LP .......... (0915)887-0590 FIL
Dewfoam Solano Upholstery Shop GENERATORS
B42 L34 Ascension Ave
QC ........................... (0927)400-3249 & SERVICES
Sparco Upholstery Shop CO
Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0915)288-2180
DEWFOAM Third Gen-J V Interior Decoration Services
QR HERE! 630 H Ventura Mla ....... (0905)231-4359 Dr A Santos Av
Tito's General Upholstery Parañaque ................. (02)8738-0051
16 D Corregidor QC ...... (0938)179-8842
Tmcj General Upholstery Fil-Power Group & Marketing
239 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Jam Bldg QC ................ (0915)728-7213
San Rafael Navotas........(02)8522-9187 Filam Hardware Co Inc
Psg .......................... (0905)281-2587
Dexterminator Termite Control Service Unyo's General Upholstery 923 Aurora Blvd QC......(0995)290-1307
71 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0917)190-5454
37 Purok 4 District 1
Ds Upholstery Services Venson's Tailoring And Upholstery GENERAL MERCHANDISE
Pilar LP ........................ (0926)775-4647 Alternative Shop
Elay's Upholstery San Martin QC .............. (0948)353-2759 Yanmar Diesel Generator / China
21 Kamias Rd QC ......... (0915)397-4436 Vinrio Upholstery Shop Diesel Generator
Flexi Foam Marketing 2514 Mangga Pque ........ (02)8569-6107 Box or Open Type / Direct or
821 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7949
Flexly Furniture & Upholstery Restoration
Belt Drive
Lontoc Taguig .............. (0949)780-8571 Generators Welding / Genset / Electric Motor
Gracev Upholstery & Car Accesories Converter Type 3 Phase to 1 Phase
Agno Ext QC ................. (0920)568-7927
Ian's General Upholstery Shop ADVATECH INDUSTRIES INC Tel. No.: (02) 8733-4856;
959 Pres Quirino Ave Advatech Bldg Manda- 8733-4854; 5310-5642
Advatech Mla .......................... (0945)295-2027
Jfb Upholstery
77 Presidents Ave Pque..(02)3385-4904
luyong ..... (02)8532-2951
(See Advertisement on this page)
5313-8817; 5310-1125
687 Evangelista Manila .. (02)8733-4856
Industries Inc. Jhon Brix Merchandising
201 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8370-9266
Aggreko Energy Rental Solutions
Incorporated Golden Harvest General
Advatech House Buenconsejo cor. Ligaya St., Julie's General Upholstery Picadilly Star Bldg Merchandise
San Roque Bldg Pque ... (0909)674-3694 Taguig........................(02)8782-8183 GOLDEN
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila 1550 July General Upholstery Asia Industries Material Handling Equipment HARVEST
6 Inocencia Mal ............ (0927)462-8852 Corporation
Tel. No.: (02) 8532-2951 Kina Upholstery Repair Shop 124 Domestic Rd PC ...... (02)8851-4778 GENERAL
199 Rt Rev G Aglipay Cumper Enterprises QR
Mand ....................... (0960)867-0705 70 Old Sauyo Rd QC ...... (02)8936-3441

687 Evangelista Manila .. (02)8733-4856

Hap Suy Hardware
314 San Nicolas Mla ...... (02)8242-4490
Hytorc Philippines
Holy Spirit QC...............(0977)807-8296
Makita Tools Center Incorporated
315-317 Dasmarinas
Mla ............................ (02)8243-1159
Multico Prime Power Incorporated
Multico Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8897-2357
620 V Del Fierro
(See Advertisement on this page)
Pacific Place
(See Advertisement on this page)
Powertech Asia Pacific Incorporated
Psec Bldg Psg ................ (02)7914-7287
Prime Power Energie System Incorporated

Power Access Powerdiesel Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8584-3398

Seriesdelta Generator Repair Sevices

Electrical Services Philippines, Inc. Ph8 Baht QC .................. (02)8565-4818

Solar Power Utilities Generator Corporation
Joy-Nostalg Ctr Psg ....... (02)8470-1117
104 Pacific Place Pearl Drive cor Supermaly Power Generator Phils Inc
Unit C 620 V Del Fierro St Tondo, 1105 Bukidnon QC ....... (0932)578-1024
Amethyst Road Ortigas, Pasig W And L Trading Corporation
City of Manila, Metro Manila 1006
City, Metro Manila 1605 Tel. 33 8th St QC .................. (02)8721-7930
Tel. No.: (02) 8775-8268
No.: (02) 8635-2501 THE YELLOW PAGES
Makes shopping easier.

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:12:44 2022 - P148

149 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Geomembrane - Government-Owned 149

Embile Enterprise
Geomembrane 140 M A Roxas Mkna ..... (02)7907-1733 Glass - Stained and UNITRADERS ALUMINUM & Golf Driving Ranges
Markard Corporate Giveaways Trading
Mznpower Enterprise Arellano Ave Cor Mla ...... (02)8524-9175 Alabang Country Club Incorporated
201-K N Domingo SJ ..... (02)7217-9223 New Synergy Garments Incorporated Richill Indl Compd Paraña- Acacia Ave Munt ............ (02)8842-4442
4 Golden QC...................(02)8926-0946 TIFFANY STAINED GLASS que..........(02)8826-8023
Nicoarkin Graphics Design
German Foods 400 Felix PC ................... (02)8232-8499 & ALUMINUM CO INC Unitraders Aluminum & Golf Equipment and
German Club Manila Philippines
Perfectsource Enterprise Incorporated
613-A Bagumbayan Mla . (02)8664-7843 DERS
Eurovilla II Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8817-3552 SIMULATED STAINED GLASS,
ALUMINUM Citygolf Driving Range
"Discover the many wonders of
Gift and Decorative UMBRELLA CO INC AND GLASS Psg ............................ (02)8638-6779
Stained Glass and Colored Art Glass.."
Accessories • SOUVENIRS • PROMO • GIVE AWAYS CORPORA- Pacsports Phils Incorporated
We also offer: Parking 1 Bldg SJ ........... (02)8727-6622
Email: [email protected] - Leaded Beveled Glass
La Casita Accent Decor Richill Indl Compd
398 Madison Galeries - Colored Glass, Mirror Etching Parañaque ................. (02)8826-8023 Gondola Lift
Munt .......................... (02)8815-0402 Tel. Nos.: 8242-1015 • 8242-3111 - Beveling Venard Corporation
Fax No.: (632)8242-1015 for homes, windows, panels, transoms 714 Shaw Bvd Mand ...... (02)8723-8447 Adm Vertical Specialist Incorporated
10 St Peter QC ............... (02)8398-2789
Gift Items 333 Juan Luna Manila ... (02)8242-2736 ceiling diffuser, doors, churches,
schools, offices, mausoleum Glass Tempered
Carla Paredes Enterprise PHIL ALLIANCE Unit 6 G/F, San Diego Fishery Bldg. Government Offices
11 Richwood Dr Mkna .. (0917)828-0126 Tempco Glass Corporation
Dragon Phoenix Enterprises 462 Carlos Palanca Sr St. Quiapo, Manila
7 G Molina Val................(02)8983-3335 Anti-Money Laundering Council
807 Ongpin Mla..............(02)7718-8356 PHIL Telefax: 8733-3732 Edpc Bldg Mla ................ (02)8708-7212
Elink Business Innovation Corporation Tel Nos 8735-4995 • 8735-7157 Board Of Pardons And Parole
17 Calbayog Mand ....... (0915)212-8086 ALLIANCE Glass Working Doj Agencies Bldg QC .... (02)8927-2688
Lomondot Enterprises UMBRELLA [email protected]
Brgy Hall Brgy 65 Zone 8
San Diago Bldg Mla ........ (02)8256-4901 CO INC 462 C Palanca Sr Equipment and 1 Stanford PC.................(02)8779-8429
Mcyu Enterprise Manila ..................... (0920)901-0960 Machinery Bureau Of Agriculture And Fisheries
2292 Onyx Mla ............... (02)8254-8925 Standards
Qbp Enterprises Inc
Molave Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8889-0362 333 Juan Luna Manila .......... 8242-2736
Tiffany Stained Glass & Glasmatic Industrial Incorporated
Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8928-8756
Center For International Trade Expositions
Quirks Novelties & Curiosities 100 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8711-2552
Shangri-La Plz Mand .... (0917)539-3369
Tieline Incorporated TIFFANY Glass Planet Aluminum Accessories Depot
And Missions
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8772-2110 Golden Shell Pavilion PC.(02)8831-2201
Tickles Company Incorporated STAINED 268 Commonwealth Ave Commission On The Filipino Languages
Touch Art Digital Design QC ............................. (02)8709-0812
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7900-0284 429 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8723-1753 Watson Bldg Mla ............ (02)8736-2524
GLASS & QR HERE! Glassfull Holdings Incorporated Cybercrime Investigation And Coordinating
One Shangri-La Place Center
Gift Shops Glass Mand ......................... (02)8633-1626 Dict Bldg QC .................. (02)8920-0101
CO INC Fiber Development Authority
Alexa's Gift Shop 462 C Palanca Sr Sunnymede Bldg QC ...... (02)8441-4079
5071 15th St Pque ....... (0948)476-9533 3 Kids Glass And Aluminum Manila ..................... (0920)901-0960 Glassware Foreign Service Institute
Bath Origins 52 Gen Tinio KC ........... (0947)116-0936 Dfa Bldg PC ................... (02)8834-3509
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0918)918-8861 Adr Glass Aluminum & Steel Works Central Home Furnishing Incorporated Governance Commission For Goccs
Charme General Merchandise 92 A Kamuning Rd QC . (0919)447-0862
Cay's Gil Glass Aluminum Supply
Glass Etching, 188 Carlos Palanca Sr Citibank Ctre Mkti ........... (02)5328-2030
Mla ............................ (02)8733-6379 Institute For Labor Studies
757 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8244-0369
Citromint 73 A Luna Psg ............. (0945)249-6376 Engraving Chuan Hong Glassware Bf Condmn Bldg Mla ...... (02)8527-3456
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)7744-2734 Cays Gil Aluminum And Glass 835 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-6277 Intellectual Property Office Of The
Corporate Giveaways Online Incorporated 81 R Jabson Psg ............ (02)7586-6312 New Empire Aluminum Distributor Dowlyn Enterprises Philippines
Fedeco Bldg Mla.............(02)8354-4370 Diamond Aluminum And Glass Supply 77 Judge Juan Luna QC . (02)8371-0359 4979 Enrique Mkti .......... (02)8550-1577 28 Upper Mckinley Rd
Deshenyo Prints & Gift Shop L11 B1 Commonwealth Ave Roneena Incorporated Economy Trading Taguig........................(02)7238-6300
Cooper QC ................... (0917)458-8882 QC ............................. (02)8931-0679 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8527-9635 80 M H Del Pilar QC ....... (02)8371-6150 Inter-Country Adoption Board
Frame Plus Glazetech Trading Eversweet Marketing Corporation 2 Chicago QC ................. (02)8525-1425
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8927-9744 1503 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8554-1099 227 Northbay Bvd Nav ... (02)8281-4210 Juvenile Justice And Welfare Council
Gift Cafe Glo Glenn Construction
Glass Manufacturers Hi-Q Glassware 56 Matimtiman QC ......... (02)7906-8879
Amaga Bldg QC ............ (0917)791-0520 639 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-8398 Land Management Bureau
113 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8862-2767 Kian Seng Glassware
Gift Factory Trinoma QC ..... (02)7901-3560 F R Estuar Bldg QC ......... (02)8480-0014
Gift Shop Green Lucky Dragon Glass And Aluminum A-1 INDUSTRIES INC 467 M De Santos Mla ..... (02)8243-2916 Manila City Hall
509 Bustos Mla .............. (02)3488-0708 Works See Adv under Aluminum Raffles & Company Inc
453 Zamora Val .............. (02)8253-8209 Bulwagang Antonio J Villegas Hall
H & F Retail Concepts Incorporated Amang Rodriguez Ave
One Shangri-La Place Irene Kris Glass Supply 52 Judge Juan Luna Mla ............................ (02)8527-4991
Psg ............................ (02)8681-1459 Metropolitan Waterworks And Sewerage
Mand ......................... (02)8477-5836 1466 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8563-9033 Quezon Rgt Art Glass & Aluminum Supply Authority-Regulatory Office
Handcrafted Gift Shop Jimmix Glass And Aluminum Services 4 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)3385-9254 Mwss Katipunan Rd QC .. (02)3435-8900
8354 Dr A Santos Ave 148 Suerte PC .............. (0905)975-0137 City ......... (02)8372-1896 Stan Marketing Military Shrine Services
Pque ........................ (0905)464-7210 Jonatas Glass And Aluminum Supply 174 C Palanca Sr Mla ..... (02)8733-6377 Pvac Bldg QC ................. (02)8911-4335
Korben Gifts 497 N Cruz Psg ............ (0933)363-6181 Municipality Of Caloocan
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-8607 Jpi Glass And Aluminum 8th Ave KC ..................... (02)8288-8811
M U H Giftshop Center 138 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)8935-5660 A-1 Gloves Office Of Transportation Cooperatives
130 C Palanca Sr Mla ..... (02)8734-0577 Life Glass Aluminum INDUS- SAMPLE Molivan Development Corporation
Ben-Lor Bldg QC ............ (02)8332-9313
New Victory Trading Corporation 41D Kamias QC..............(02)3435-3472 E! Opapp Agustin Bldg Psg ..... (02)8636-0701
754 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8244-0357 Ndp Aluminum & Glass Supply Inc TRIES ONLY Rm Tiosejo Subd Munt ... (02)8861-9792 Pag-Ibig
Petals & Twigs Manila Royal Avenue Trading Roxas Strip Bldg PC ....... (02)8552-1159
Stellar Place Condmn
6 Pio Alvarez Psg ........... (02)7746-2079 INC Cortez Bldg QC ............... (02)7957-9115 Philippine Army Wellness Center
QC ........................... (0920)924-6307 ROYAL MIRROR 52 Judge Juan Luna
Sanilife Enterprises Bayani Rd Taguig ........... (02)8845-9555
Philflora.Com 47 Tendido QC ............... (02)8376-7201 Philippine Board Of Opthalmology
Patricia Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8777-1901 INDUSTRIES INC Quezon City ............... (02)8372-1896 Philippine Gen Hospital
Sanrio We Edge & Bevel All Kinds of Shaped Century Glasscenter Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8708-5232
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-6542 Glass & Mirror * Complete Line of 917 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8735-2544 Goldsmiths Philippine National Aids Council
Sisses Gift Shop San Lazaro Cpd Mla ....... (02)8743-8301
Real SJ ........................ (0917)570-3877 Glass Aluminum & Mirror Products E RIVERSIDE INDUSTRIES Fidelity Steel Manufacturing Inc Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission
Sjs Floral Creation & Gift Shop Call 82871011, 82871023, 82874686, 1174 A Mabini KC .......... (02)8288-2340 Palacio Del Gobernador Condmn
180 Gen Luna Mal ........ (0919)672-7418 82874657, 82856347
INCORPORATED Mla ............................ (02)8967-7051
Sweet Gifts And Crafts
8 Jasmin Pque ............... (02)8823-6894 156 Gov W Pascual Av 72-A East Riverside Golf Rpnational Security Council
Malabon .................... (02)8287-1011 Nica Cpd QC .................. (02)8927-2972
Swell Stuff Quezon San Isidro Health Center
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2602
Tod's Country Craft Enterprises ROYAL MIRROR City ......... (02)8372-2923 G &Alpap W Clubshares Incorporated Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-0837
2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8403-8652 Toll Regulatory Board
Greenbelt 4 Mkti ............. (02)7757-6292
Trinkee's Gift Shop
E Riverside Industries Tourmaster Golf Incorporated Ibp Bldg Psg...................(02)8631-4749
Citygolf Driving Range Tourizz Representative Office
Edsa Farmers Mkt QC ..... (02)8911-0069 ROYAL Psg ............................ (02)8570-0259 Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)8631-4233
World Of Crystal Marketing
MIRROR E Trade Demands Corporation
817 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8247-4075 Liberty Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-7732
INDUSTRIES RIVERSIDE Golf Course Ubs Ag Philippine Representative Office
INDUSTRIES Twr One Mkti..................(02)8784-8807
Gift Wrapping INC
Construction Va Manila Regional Office
Ribbons 156 Gov W Pascual Av
Malabon .................... (02)8287-1011 Larosama Development Group Incorporated
1501 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8550-3888
72-A East Riverside Eastwood Excelsior QC...(02)7625-4630
Tri-Excel Manufacturing Corporation
127 West Riverside QC...(02)3411-3659
Rrmj Glass & Aluminum Quezon City ............... (02)8372-2923 Government-Owned
16 Batasan Rd QC ........ (0926)774-0392 Evergreen Manufacturing Corporation
Timesgold Aluminum And Glass Service Inc Gen E Evangelista Ave Golf Courses and Controlled
Solidgold Arcade Bldg
Giveaways and Psg ............................ (02)8645-1143
LP ............................ (0917)549-1198 Godwin Glass And Aluminum Supply Cjh Development Corporation Corporations
Promotional Items Txl Builders Glass And Aluminum 461 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8788-4816 Renaissance Twr F Psg .. (02)8634-7094
Gg & A Club Shares Brokers Incorporated
The Grove By Rockwell Republic Glass Holding Corporation
Psg .......................... (0917)515-1029 Republic Glass Bldg Mila Holdings Bldg Mkti .. (02)8890-4653 Journeys And Discoveries Incorporated
3 Amv Consumer Goods Trading
16 Misamis QC ............ (0915)288-6257 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-5011 Villamor Airbase Clubhouse Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3237
5 Elements Engraving Services New Clubhouse PC.........(02)8853-4992 Municipality Of Pasig
Edsa Arcade Bldg Mand . (02)8661-2663 The Yellow Pages Wack Wack Golf And Country Incorporated Caruncho Ave Psg .......... (02)8643-1111
Blue Silver And Black Marketing Always within your reach Shaw Bvd Mand ............. (02)8723-0666 National Agribusiness Corporation
West Tektite Twr Psg......(02)7502-2792 The Yellow Pages
West Twr Psec Ctr Psg...(02)8635-9225
Dsj Photo Booth Services Business Information. The YELLOW PAGES North Luzon Railways Corporation
32-C Mayon Mand ......... (02)8861-7271 Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. Bonifacio Naval Stn Mkti . (02)8894-4187

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:12:46 2022 - P149

150 S C M Y K

150 Government-Owned - Hair 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Blue Capuch Graphic Design Studio Fit & Fabulous Studios Incorporated
Government-Owned 154 D Ermin Garcia Ave Groceries and Armscor Global Defense The Podium Mand ......... (02)8695-3263
and Controlled QC ......................... (0917)142-0370
Convenience Stores Inc Focus Athletics
Cgk Formaprint Inc First Lucky Place Mkti .. (0919)615-9217
Corporations 2275 P Burgos PC ......... (02)8831-3974 ARMSCOR Forge: Martial Fitness
Charms And Designs Korea Grocery GLOBAL SAMPLE Cfb Bldg Pque ............. (0917)691-5094
(GOCC) (Cont'd) 113 Mt Natib KC .......... (0927)172-8952 1851 J Bocobo Mla ....... (02)3474-1560
Gold's Gym Incorporated
Churby Design And Printing Services Umma Appa Korean Mart Ayala Malls The 30th
V Well Technology Service Corporation East Dr Mkna .............. (0932)857-4038 Comtal Bldg Psg .......... (0917)311-5628 INC. Psg .......................... (02)7264-2144
Shaw Blvd Mand ........... (02)8654-6685 Creative Design Ink Hammer Fitness
B3 L17 Aquarius QC .... (0917)894-0401 Pasig Blvd Ext Psg ....... (0908)400-2994
Dawnpurple Incorporated Grocery Brgy Fortune Marikina .... (02)8941-6243 Haymaker Incorporated Elorde Boxing Gym
Gown Rental One Corporate Ctr Twr
Psg .......................... (02)8470-0028
Assi Phils Trading Corporation
Armscor Shooting Center Incorporated
Nodison Ctre Mkna ........ (02)8647-7185
Holifit 4th Ave Taguig ....... (0956)766-9439
Fed Bldg QC..................(02)8723-5896 Just For Kidz Incorporated
Gowns For Rent Manila By Damsel Makati Decal Network 811 - Sticker Shop Makati Golf Club Mkti ..... (02)8812-9037 D`Fort Gunzone
2049 Vision Mla .......... (0956)933-3766Bee Tin Grocery Incorporated Bonifacio Technology Ctr
Makati Cinema Square 23 Bayani Rd Taguig ...... (02)8889-0878 Taguig ...................... (02)8815-1735
Mkti ....................... (0917)885-8528 Decals District 735 Ongpin Mla.............(02)8243-3453 Erev Guns And Ammunition Dealer
77 2nd St Psg ............. (0975)369-9487
Bora Budget Mart Incorporated K Squad Fitness Hub
Atu South Concessionaire 968 Aurora Blvd QC ..... (0917)513-5359
Dice205 Digital Corporation 1 Gen Santos Ave Taguig ...................... (02)8526-5879 Matayog Fma Health And Fitness
Graduate Schools Aabrogena Bldg Mand .... (02)8781-0341
Edrieocampovfx Graphics Services
Taguig ...................... (02)8556-5095 Eskopeta Airguns 220 Vitalez Cpd Pque ... (0948)658-9284
Buy Low Mart 13 San Marcelino Pque (0919)717-4167 Mds Jiujitsu
227 Salcedo Mkti .......... (02)8964-9628 760 Ongpin Mla.............(02)8354-5580 Lordman Leathercraft Guns And Ammo
Marian School Fabby Creative Designs Orlando Suites Mla....... (0915)215-2837
197 Sauyo Rd QC .......... (02)8938-8476 Come And Shop Grocery A Bonifacio Ave Mkna .... (02)8948-8466 Medalist Boxing & Fitness Gym
424 Sampaguita KC ..... (0945)408-6318 1255 Soler Mla ............. (02)8244-2701 Marksmann Incorporated
Ricardo P Cruz Sr Elementary School Final Art Work Graphics Incorporated 11 F Manalo Psg ......... (0917)596-6521
Pres M L Quezon Taguig.(02)8837-5599 D & G Store 17 North Bound Svc Rd Ms Fitness
8374 Mayapis Mkti ........ (02)8846-1748 26 Ab Abenojar QC ...... (0956)841-0865 QC ........................... (02)8362-4856
Good Luck Design Ads Systems 1216 E Rodriguez Senior Ave
Dpo Philippines Incorporated Reloader Guns QC ......................... (0917)626-1658
Las Buenas Bldg Mal ..... (02)8287-2064
Grain Dealers Halcyon Digital Media Design Incorporated
Prestige Twr Condmn
Psg .......................... (02)8687-0862
Krame E Arcade Bldg Olympians Taekwondo Training Center
QC ......................... (0917)862-7262 Amber Place Taguig ....... (02)8889-5463
11 San Antonio Psg ....... (02)8234-0870 Easymart Superstore Inc Tactical Fire & Integrated Solutions Co Options Studio Incorporated
Goodearth Trading Invitation Designs By Kenneth Uy
623 Asuncion Mla ......... (02)8244-8905 496 Sumulong Hwy Squickers Corporate Ctr Nobel Plz Mkti ............... (02)8553-3314
138 A Kanlaon QC ....... (0917)328-0678 Mkna........................(02)7369-5901 QC ........................... (02)8376-9918 Payantog Sports
Grains Handlers Philippines Incorporated Iskra Point Graphics Media
Zebra Holding Incorporated Eonnie Korean Mart Tactical Precesion 20th Ave QC ............... (0917)178-1602
Cuadra KC .................. (0927)556-6656 B18 L33 Hercules QC ... (0965)213-3953 Robinsons Place Manila Pound For Pound
Psg .......................... (02)8632-9672 Joorhee's Gift Shop
Euro Rich Foodtrade Corporation Mla .......................... (02)8353-1883 209 Dna Soledad Ave
Grainsmart Corporation 1 Bolivia Pque ............. (0908)583-7786 Tactics Firearms Ammunition & Pque ...................... (0920)948-3066
394 Banawe QC ............ (02)8287-5250 156 Spkr Perez QC ...... (0917)824-1681
Jutsu Graphin Design Accessories Pretty Huge Obstacles
Cityland Pasong Tamo Global Asia Int'l Corporation
Goldhill Twr SJ .............. (02)8654-0219 107 Krame-E Arcade Sm Aura Premier
Mkti ......................... (02)8358-5065 QC ......................... (0917)708-6934 Taguig .................... (0917)303-1111
Granite Keydesign Incorporated Go Grill Mart - Korean & Japanese Store
34 Sct Torillo QC ......... (0915)909-3277 Truepower Firearms & Sporting Goods Projectfit Idm Bldg Pque ..... (02)8865-6158
24 San Pablo Psg .......... (02)8654-6949 155 Natl Rd Munt ........ (0917)116-5533 Royal Mnl Fitness
Leimarie Graphic Designing Hap Seng Suki Mart Incorporated
CHAPMAN BUILDERS Chinatown Steel Twrs Viper Arms Gunworks Fisher Mall QC ............. (0917)893-6403
17 Int Lucas Psg ......... (0926)983-1485 55 15th Ave QC ............. (02)8397-8305 Safehouse Fight Academy
Mla .......................... (02)8243-7359
CORP Linluvart Design Shop
Herran Bread And Food Mart Incorporated Visca Firearms Repair Shop Quezon Ave QC ........... (0932)671-9965
Bagumbong KC ........... (0943)289-1081 161 11th Ave QC ......... (0916)256-2944 Safehouse Mma And Fitness Gym
Supply • Fabricate • Install Mango Graphic Design Studio 1986 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8564-3030 Quezon Ave QC ........... (0932)375-3361
Hiap Lu Sing Vegetable Seeds Store Weapon R Guns & Ammo
Lowest Price!!! Capri Oasis Solare Psg ... (02)7958-6543 153-C Boni Serrano Ave Solid Grip Crossfit
GRANITE / MARBLE DIRECT IMPORTER Marc Ruiz Studio 819 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-6284 Km 15 Pque ................ (0917)704-9029
QC ........................... (02)8912-7524
48 West Ave QC .......... (0917)817-3556 Jason Mart Sprawl Mma Philippines
Email:[email protected] Pintados Print House Public Mkt Munt .......... (0948)987-7248 Ignacio Coml Cplx QC...(0977)207-4058
Tels.: (0933)952-2091/(0998)500-1955 36-C Daisy QC ............ (0908)935-8774Js Smart Choice Incorporated
485 Quirino Hwy QC ...... (02)8938-5221
Gymnasiums Strong Lift.Ph Gym Supplies
996 Niog III Bacoor Proudhive Creative 101 Nicanor Ramirez
Cavite ...................... (02)8245-8713 K-Marc
4th Ave Taguig ............ (0917)563-3657 Casipit Law Office QC ......................... (0905)358-5415
Qworks Incorporated Tiendesitas Psg ........... (0929)772-3665 Casipit Place 1 Bldg The Movement Hub Ph
Chapman Builders The Palisades Mkti.........(02)8845-0633 Kaisha Mart Pque ........................ (02)8776-8189 Orange Bldg QC ........... (0917)554-5291
The Upper Deck Lifestyle Center
Renbexx Inc 778-780 Ongpin Mla ...... (02)8734-2211 Chrome Divas
Pioneer Highland East Twr Korean Mart Yoo's Grocery 65 President's Arcade 1 Ortigas Technopoint One
CHAPMAN Mand ....................... (02)8638-3004
86 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Pque ...................... (0917)887-4727 Psg .......................... (02)8942-4585
Rypadife Graphic Design Inc Psg ........................ (0927)579-3444 Forever Strong Wellness Center Tower 1 Fitness Gym
BUILDERS B2 L12 Mt Isarog KC .... (0995)339-3498 Lmb Grocery Richbelt Terraces SJ ...... (02)8705-1798 2275 F B Harrison PC .... (02)8804-2022
CORPORA- Storrs Digital Creative Studio Company 605 Sta Elena Mla ......... (02)7978-0266 Sportfit Incorporated Triple-H Gym Equipment Trading
Centurion Taguig ......... (0917)325-7943Mrs Meat & Stick Food Incorporated Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall 641 Gen Malvar Mla ..... (0906)294-5906
TION Strom Trooper Security Agency 35A Main Ave QC .......... (02)8911-3004 Mand ....................... (02)8584-6655 Ugb Mma Corp
San Luis Pque ............... (02)8985-6042
Neelsan Food Corp M H Del Pilar Mkna ...... (0917)322-5760
Top Peg Animation And Creative Studio A A Tanco Bldg QC ........ (02)3413-5516 Ultimate Fitness
Aguinaldo Hwy Bacoor .. (02)8245-8713 Incorporated New Hatchin Trading Corporation Gymnastics Metrowalk Psg .............. (02)8650-1890
Whey King Supplements
Jds Construction Phils Incorporated 8 Sunflower Mla .......... (0917)330-2488 7602 Sacred Heart Mkti .. (02)8897-7207
Edades Twr And Garden Villas Topdesign Graphics And Printing Services Slimmers World Int'l Nbc Square QC............(0917)992-0214
One-Ten General Merchandise Wildcore Gym
Mkti ......................... (02)8846-4161 1517 Ampalaya Psg ..... (0908)719-8659 11 Sorsogon QC............(02)8371-5708 2757 Daang Hari Pque ... (02)8822-7070
Vitalstrats Creative Solutions 98 Mendez Rd QC........(0995)893-1995
TERESA MARBLE Royal Duty Free Incorporated Yp4K Gym Equipment Sales
Puno Bldg QC ............... (02)3435-9379 Morning Star Bldg Mkti ... (02)8890-3897
CORPORATION Shop Smart Incorporated Gyms and Fitness Senatorial Rd QC ......... (0921)486-8674
Zion's Pride Mma
Granite and Marble Gravel and Sand 585 F Blumentritt Mand .. (02)8534-0050
Str8 Line Palm Incorporated
Centers 650 Crm Ave LP .......... (0927)789-2831
Tel No.: (632)8631-9123 Bloomdale Trading Fpd Bldg Pque ............... (02)8822-1822 Athletes Lab Incorporated
Fax No.: (632)8633-5249 1863 Blumentritt Mla......(02)8711-1592 Supermart 2000 Liberty Ctr Mand ............ (02)7720-5492 Haberdashers
Citi Dragon Builders Supply Co 157 Tomas Morato Ave Avant Garde Crossfit
[email protected] QC ........................... (02)8372-0677 Elle Intimates Incorporated
82-D 10th Ave KC ......... (02)8647-1566 123 Pioneer Mand ....... (0917)821-8848 Backfist Mma And Fitness Gym East Svc Rd Munt .......... (02)8807-7847
MAKATI AVENUE LUMBER 37 Shorthorn QC..........(0916)600-3412 Kots Sportswear
117 Shaw Blvd Pasig .... (02)8631-9123
HARDWARE & CONST Guard Rails - Badger Mma 141 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8861-1822
Teresa Marble Corporation SUPPLY INC Highway 40 Aries LP ................. (0906)438-7940

CHB-ABC-Gypsum Board-Bona
Beth's Fitness Studio
Ponciana Ctr Mal ........... (02)8275-6676
Hair and Skin Care
Citra Metro Manila Tollways Corporation
TERESA Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8776-7056 Black Unicorn Martial Arts
Steel Bars- G.I. Sheets-PP-R-Davco Mile Long Bldg Mkti ..... (0927)128-7094 Angevins Beauty Salon
MARBLE Boxeo Elorde Incorporated 475-A Narra Mkti ......... (0912)896-8953
Lanko-Boral-Jeamax Studs/Tracks Bee Choo Origin Wellness Center
CORPORA- [email protected] Gun Clubs 1555 A Maceda Mla.......(02)8741-3106
Brawl Pit Bulusan QC ....... (0916)716-1613
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0927)608-7867
Beyond Aesthetics Clinic
TION 5173 P Gomez Makati ... (02)8899-7036
Cppsa Gun Club
Capital Fitness 109 V Luna Ext QC.......(0949)743-0809
Intrawest Ctr SJ ........... (0977)380-9042 Coca Spa
27 Presidents Ave Pque . (02)8861-8745 Carpe Diem Brazilian Jiujitsu Manila
117 Shaw Blvd Pasig .... (02)8631-9123 MAKATI Topspot Gun An Ammunition Somerset Olympia Mkti (0917)812-0455
428-D A Arnaiz Ave PC .. (02)8551-8860
Derm Strata
Zidanstone Construction Supply AVENUE Makati Cinema Square
Mkti ......................... (02)7577-5833
Certified Calm Sm Ctr Pasig Psg .......... (02)8451-2973
268 Marcos Hwy Psg...(0961)861-0418 LUMBER Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8638-6434
Cf Underground Fitness Incorporated
Gruppo Barbero
HARD- 42 D Banawe QC ........... (02)8353-1538
Finman Ctre Bldg Mkti .... (02)8893-6054
Graphic Designers WARE & Guns and Community Fitness Salcedo
Instaglow Beauty Lounge
A Sierra Madre Mand ... (0977)819-2016
CONST. Ammunition 1259 Tordesillas Mkti ... (0917)804-7638
Complete Fitness
Japan Ipl Express
Achiban Graphic Designs Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8372-6889
SUPPLY 10 Esteban Abada QC .. (0919)994-4914 Jaylin's Hair And Nail Lounge
17 De Vera QC ............ (0917)625-1191 A-Zone Arms & Ammo Incorporated
Aeon Print And Design Co INC.P Gomez Makati ... (02)8899-7036
5173 6B 2nd Ave QC..............(02)8470-7800 Dmz Archery Range 81 Panorama Mkna...... (0927)243-8580
18 Mystic Rose Dr QC .. (0915)440-5967 Joelizah Skin Care Center
10 A Xavierville Ave QC .. (02)7799-3148
Apcl Photo Grande
Myrna's Construction And Supply ARMSCOR GLOBAL Dojo Supremo Bs Square Coml Pque .. (0917)724-2722
513 Quirino Hwy QC ...... (02)8939-5946 Ymc Bldg Mkti...............(02)8777-4982 John Matthew Trading
Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)3383-0593 Rbv Gravel And Sand DEFENSE INC Elite8 Boxing And Fitness Incorporated 369 Tandang Sora Ext Ave
Art Angel Printshop 2995 Juan Luna Mla ...... (02)8253-8574 Planters Product Bldg QC ........................... (02)8367-4204
67 J P Burgos QC .......... (02)8912-5706 Vasquez Gravel And Sand Inc WEBSITE: Mkti ......................... (02)8403-5293 K&F Skincare
Art Zone Graphics 351 P Casal Mla ............ (02)8733-9119 Elorde Boxeo Gym Q C Incorporated Sanchez Bldg Pque ...... (0933)496-5751
Ledesma Bldg Mla ......... (02)8527-2277 E-MAIL: [email protected] 216 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8682-3196 Marita Salon And Spa
Artrock Graphic Services Tel No: 8230-3499 Elorde Boxing Gym 700 Banawe QC ............ (02)3415-1784
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-1769 Greeting Cards Star Mall Mand .............. (02)8531-5365 Maxim Hair Restoration
Awava Manila Graphic Design Phils Fax No: 8942-0682 F45 Ejv Bldg Pque ............. (02)8373-1228 132 Amorsolo Mkti ........ (02)8818-6000
Annapolis Wilshire Plz Fiesta Greetings Incorporated Brgy Fortune Marikina .... (02)8941-6243 Fist Gym Meinas
SJ ............................ (02)8726-9606 Fiesta Greeting Bldg SJ...(02)8727-1897 Gil-Preciosa Bldg 2 QC ... (02)7799-4624 Sm City North Edsa QC .. (02)8441-6682

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:12:46 2022 - P150

151 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Hair - Hardware 151

Arca Industrial Sales Daily Hardware And Builders Supply Dms Marketing
Hair and Skin Care 172 Ma Clara KC ............ (02)8361-1096 1407-1409 C M Recto Ave 752 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8708-8577 ELEVEN HARDWARE CO INC
(Cont'd) Arkeytech Building Materials Mla ............................ (02)8711-5721 Dokuro Marketing 1 Eleven Rd Quezon
550 Edsa QC ................ (0961)752-2487 Dallas Hardware And Construction 451I Alabang-Zapote Rd
Arlene Hardware And Construction Supply Corporation LP .............................. (02)8805-9443 City ......... (02)8361-5198
Moringa-O2 953 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8936-3570 65 Paso De Blas Rd Val .. (02)8292-6047 (See Advertisement on page 156)
Global Enterprise Bldg Douglas Metalweld Corporation
Armstrong Construction Supply Dct Trading 15 9th Ave KC ................ (02)8364-4721 Emerson Electric (Asia) Limited
Mkti ........................... (02)8888-4973 Jel Bldg QC .................... (02)8713-5191 138 Sto Domingo QC ..... (02)8363-1812
Nuhart Hair Restoration Incorporated Du Well Merchandising Corporation Pacific Plz South Twr
De Guzman Hardware Taguig........................(02)8843-3989
State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8519-6615 ASIACO COMMERCIAL INC 306 Roosevelt QC .......... (02)3416-0051 Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8242-4956
Odrey Nail & Skin Spa Electra Trading Emico Trading
De Jesus Steel Sales Company Limited 422 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8921-0511
Lasema Bldg Mkti.........(0977)165-4109 General Hardware, Tools, 3-B La Salle QC .............. (02)8912-5177 808 Asuncion Mla .......... (02)8255-0679
Pond's Institute Deco Art Glass Incorporated Elektro Werk Inc Eminent Metal Corporation
1351 U N Ave Mla .......... (02)8564-1169 Mill Supplies, Paint, Oil, Alonzo Mansion Mla ....... (02)8733-2626 1 Andrade QC.................(02)8364-9427
88 Capitol Hills Dr QC ..... (02)8952-0331
Pst Hair And Nail's Solution Plumbing Material
Country Dr Munt ........... (0917)580-8020
Sante International Incorporated 8733-2176 / 8733-5337
Eton Cyberpod Corinthian
QC ............................. (02)8667-3722 Telefax: 8733-5348
Sephara Salon And Spa 654 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-5348
35 M H Del Pilar Psg ...... (02)8579-5948
The Obagi Skin Health Incorporated
R & G Tirol Bldg QC ........ (02)8332-0421 Asiaco Commercial Inc
Victo Rio Enterprises
Royal Mansion Mand ...... (02)7239-0211
Wadyong Relaxing Male Spa ASIACO
Manuel L Quezon Ave SAMPLE
Taguig........................(02)7906-6029 COMMER-
A&R Craft Philippines 654 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-5348
14 Natividad QC ............. (02)3413-5394
Caft Juanita Asian Home Hardware
Burgos Circle Taguig ...... (02)8403-1952 Ck Bldg QC .................... (02)8714-1178
Chings Handicrafts Austin Hardware Company Incorporated
24 Hillside Dr QC ............ (02)8647-1414 1262 C M Recto Ave
Craft Mill Inc Mla ............................ (02)8244-8186
238 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (02)8942-7135 Avisley Hardware
Dictech Door Shutter Works 372 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8365-6799
958 Bohol Mla..............(0917)780-5362 Ay And G Marketing
Frankhaus International Corporation 1337 C M Recto Ave
The Spa Bldg QC ............ (02)8655-4220 Mla ............................ (02)8741-6979
Glaze & More Ban Chuan Hardware
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0917)890-0018 518 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8242-9838
Kristine Bags & Fashion Accessories Belang's Hardware Store
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0917)815-4632 290 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8519-8709
Lano Fredderick S Bems Industrial And Hardware Supply
F Legaspi Psg ................ (02)8643-4950 31 San Guillermo Ave
Naturecraft Industrial Corporation Psg ............................ (02)8703-2837
33 Coconut Psg ............. (02)8631-0233 Benesco Construction Supply
Prime Sites Advertising 717 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8727-4533
One Corporate Plz Mkti ... (02)8812-0247 Bionic Commercial
Ran Bros Co Incorporated 651 Condesa Mla ........... (02)8242-4965
Tionquiao LP .................. (02)8847-2203 Bl Construction Supply
Ritz Spa Corporation 1466 Doroteo Jose Mla .. (02)8732-2051
1614 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8525-8434 Bolts & Nuts Hardware
Robles Heritage Inc 248 Mc Arthur Hwy Val .. (02)3444-2938
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8873-2883
737 Roxas Bvd Pque ...... (02)8854-6751 35 Macopa Quezon
Tamilee Industries Incorporated
12 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8682-4753 City ......... (02)8781-2740
Tipi Wood Products Corporation (See Advertisement on page 155)
State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8810-5048 Boston Marketing Corporation
1162 F Ma Guerrero Mla.(02)8252-1032
Buildrite Hardware Supply Corporation
Hardware Alabang Home Depot
Munt .......................... (02)8836-3937
1927 Homecare Hardware C And G Electrical Supply
Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0906)547-1927 601 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8733-4665
A Y G Marketing Canada Hardware Corporation
1337 C M Recto Ave 118 F Blumentritt SJ ....... (02)8724-3670
Mla ............................ (02)8741-6979 Castech Ind'l Sales Incorporated
Abundance Hardware T&P Bldg Psg ................. (02)8642-6267
B35 1 & 2 Ph3 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Cebu Overseas Hardware Co Inc
KC ............................. (02)8288-1890 Mc Home Depot Mkti......(02)8893-9534
Acap - Mkc Industrial Sales Chukoy Hardware & Construction Supplies
952 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8244-1912 1283 A Sandoval Ave
Addition Lumber Incorporated Psg .......................... (0961)434-9100
874 Gen Kalentong Chun Shing Hardware
Mand ......................... (02)8531-6583 735 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8516-1960
Aegis Enterprise Cinbex Hardware Incorporated
Panyo Palaran QC .......... (02)8861-1985 555 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5554
406 C M Recto Mla ........ (02)8241-1372
CORP Cjr Hardware
1431 T Bugallon 631 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-1668
Ck Lu Enterprises
Manila.....(02)8254-0381 1117 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-6065
(See Advertisement on page 155) Clipton Commercial Company
Alendin Hardware & Electrical Supply 932 Zacateros Mla..........(02)8733-5213
198 Jose P Rizal KC ....... (02)8288-0916 Co Eng Guan Hardware
Almanza Lumber And Construction Supply Neco Bldg Mla................(02)8242-9856
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8805-2132 Colt Commercial
P Delos Reyes Bldg Mla . (02)8244-9756
ALPS MERCHANDISING Communication Hardware
1550 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)8536-5413
CORP Corona Metal Enterprises Corporation
20 Tinagan Quezon 590 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-6469
Cp Me Industrial Sales Corporation
City ......... (02)8364-3036 E Miranda Val ................. (02)8294-1457
(See Advertisement on page 154) Csr Furniture Hardware Supply Inc
Amazon Ml Merchandising 812 Espeleta Mla............(02)8733-5665
1127 G Masangkay Jr
Mla ............................ (02)8254-8659
Amberjoy Trading
D And T Marketing
972 S Reyes Mla ............ (02)8741-6212 Mintex Industrial Supply
611 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8897-5728
Andrews General Merchandise Can’t find the product 506 Teodoro Alonzo St., Sta. Cruz, City of Manila,
60 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8945-3529 that you need?
Anonas Construction & Industrial Supply Metro Manila 1014 Philippines
142 Kamias Rd QC ......... (02)8926-7467
Find it in the
The Yellow Pages. Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5686
Apex Mill Supply
271 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8361-4363

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152 S C M Y K

152 Hardware 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Famous Lumber & Const Supply Francisco Hardware Incorporated
Hardware (Cont'd) 775 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8861-4572 1320 C M Recto Ave GENERAL HARDWARE Guan Yiac Hardware
Femco Industrial Supply Mla ............................ (02)8733-3559 PRODUCTS INC
Epson Metal Trading 590 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-6465 G E M Industrial Sales
1277 C M Recto Ave Pioneer Manufacturer of Expanded Metal
610 Zabarte KC .............. (02)8962-7656
Five Stars Metal Products Center GUAN
Evan Hardware Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8254-9225 (Catwalk / Grafting / DeckPlate)
683 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-4850 207 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8363-9894 G Y H Industrial Sales Corporation Expanded Metal: Available in Mild Steel YIAC
Everenz Hardware And Builders Supply Floper Trading 457 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8242-6783 and Stainless HARDWARE
169 Private Rd Mand ...... (02)7747-1356 11 Gen Luna Taguig ....... (02)8643-9765
Metal Mesh / Perforated Metal
Exact Motors And General Merchandise Four Winds Commercial Trading REMEMBER,
Incorporated 554-556 T Alonzo Mla .... (02)8733-5642
212 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-8041 people do read ads Tel: 89110422 , 89110427, 89125021 455 T Pinpin Manila ....... (02)8242-0345
Excellent Hardware Inc Francis Mill Supply Website:
Leyva Martinez Bldg Mla . (02)8244-1212 915 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8244-1869 in The YELLOW PAGES. Guanzon
Email: [email protected] Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8352-0778
128 20th Ave Handyman Marketing Corporation
Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0381 1151 Mayhaligue Mla ..... (02)8252-0629
Hanwa Merchandising Corporation
429 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8242-2871
GENERAL HARDWARE Hap Seng Hardware Incorporated
656 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-2162
GENERAL Hap Suy Hardware Co
HARDWARE 314 San Nicolas Mla ...... (02)8242-4494
Hardware Work Shop Incorporated
PRODUCTS Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8400-5582
INCORPO- Hexagon Screw Center Incorporated
102 E Rizal Ave Ext KC ... (02)8366-5296
RATED Hi Top Merchandising Incorporated
128 20th Ave 191 Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8362-0772
Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0381 Hi-Steel Trading And Fabrication
1070 C M Recto Ave
Genius Hardware Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8244-7356
657 Florentino Torres Hi-Top Pelletize Products
Mla ............................ (02)8733-0381 3S S Cabral Val .............. (02)8292-5438
Gervacio Enterprises Hino Parts Specialist Incorporated
Pacific Land And Bldg Corp 126 - 218 Rizal Ave KC .. (02)8365-3977
Mla ............................ (02)8241-1939 Hlt International Incorporated
Giano Merchandising Pelbel 2 Bldg Psg ........... (02)8635-5195
1157 Soler Mla...............(02)7755-6765 Hydroflex Hardware & Machinery Corp
Glenmaster Commercial Neco Bldg Mla................(02)8242-9856
A1741 A Francisco Mla .. (02)8563-7711
Glory Construction Supply
681 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5324 SUPPLY
Glory Lumber Steel Chains, Wire Rope Cables,
320 Edsa Ave KC ........... (02)8363-5457
Gold Tiger Industrial And Millsupply Chain Block, Lifting Belts, Ropes,
199 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8361-1091 Pulleys,Clamps, Stainless Riggings
Golden Ace Hardware Incorporated Tel: 8244-1912 / 8244-9318
8425 Urbano Velasco Ave
Psg ............................ (02)8234-9539 [email protected]
954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912
GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ichilift Industrial Supply
Yanmar Diesel Generator / China
Diesel Generator
Box or Open Type / Direct or
Welding / Genset / Electric Motor SUPPLY
Converter Type 3 Phase to 1 Phase
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-4856;
8733-4854; 5310-5642 954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912
5313-8817; 5310-1125 Interdekor Hardware
1430 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7364
687 Evangelista Manila .. (02)8733-4856 Jacala Metal Works Corporation
1536 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Golden Harvest General QC ............................. (02)8721-8606
Merchandise Jacob Industrial
GOLDEN 235-237 Rizal Ave Ext
KC ............................. (02)8363-4691
HARVEST Jaho Hardware
GENERAL 50 Sacrepante Mand ...... (02)8584-2768
MERCHAN- HERE! Jbg Construction Supply
34 A Reyes Taguig ....... (0967)300-9456
DISE Jcube Shieldworks Trading
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8511-0414
687 Evangelista Manila .. (02)8733-4856 Jelma Merchandising
Unit 2 Marcos Alvarez
Golden Jubilee Corporation LP .............................. (02)8802-2595
1583 Ipil Mla .................. (02)8252-9165 Jes Fiberglass Marketing
Goldenrich Hardware & Cons Supply Its Bldg QC ..................... (02)8732-3787
B9 L20 Romblon Psg ..... (02)8245-1691 Jhon Joy Hardware
Good Sun General Sales Deparo Rd KC .............. (0928)356-4186
510 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8242-4114 Jic Hardware
1245 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8523-4244
Good Sun Hardware Jimmian Hardware
510 Recto Ave Mla ......... (02)8241-9265 Spring Cinema Bldg PC .. (02)8832-3494
Good-All Construction Enterprises Jlc Construction
1279 Instruccion Mla ..... (02)8743-9302 Bambang Mla ................. (02)3495-0192
Goodyield Industrial Supply Center
1186 C M Recto Ave SUPPLY CORP
Mla ............................ (02)8244-7826
Gp Enterprises Inc Structural, Coco Ibr
1953-1955 Rizal Ave Steel Bar & Plates, Concrete
Mla ............................ (02)8254-2308
Hardware & Electrical Lumber
Grand Duhaco Sales Corporation
1324 - 1322 C M Recto Ave Plywoods & Boards, Pipes & Fittings
Mla ............................ (02)8733-3504 Tel. No. 8252-5840
Great Ark Trading
2016 Magsaysay Mkti .... (02)7720-2609 2431 Rizal Av Manila ..... (02)8256-3385

GUAN YIAC HARDWARE JM Construction Supply

JS GLOBAL HARDWARE 455 T. Pinpin St. Binondo Manila 1006

TELS.:(02)8245 7022; 8243 0288
8243 0285; 8245 8478
1110 Oroquieta St Sta Cruz, City of Manila, Metro Manila FAX: (02)8242 9940; 8242 0469 SUPPLY
Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5680 MOBILE: (0999) 882 2288 CORP
Email: [email protected]
2431 Rizal Av Manila ..... (02)8256-3385

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153 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Hardware 153

New Coronet Construction Supply Onglo Hardware
Hardware (Cont'd) MAIN HARDWARE INC 219 8Th Ave KC ............. (02)8361-1140 248 Villanueva LP...........(02)8828-1881 PRIME COATING AND
739 T Alonzo New Gold Bond Marketing Corporation Oriental Construction And Electrical Supply
Jose T C Gui And Company 1579 F T Benitez Mla ...... (02)8353-0953 Co Inc PRIME
1318 C M Recto Ave Manila.....(02)8733-2616 New Ideal Construction Supply 758 Quezon Bvd Mla ...... (02)8734-4208 COATING
Mla ............................ (02)8733-3565 MAIN HARDWARE INC 1446 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3348 Oro Solid Hardware
Joselito Commercial New Lamson Hardware 1662 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8742-3448
98 New York QC.............(02)8912-4658 1274 C M Recto Ave CHEMICAL
Oversea Hardware
Jovanisan Marketing MAIN Mla ............................ (02)8244-5395
1308 C M Recto Ave INC
Alonzo Mansion Mla ....... (02)8733-1991 New Leviton Trading And Hardware
HARD Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8733-8137
Paco Asia Plumbing And Hardware
436 A Juan SJ................(02)8724-1243 Gavino Marilao Bulacan . (02)8365-7538
1110 Oroquieta WARE New Libertad Hardware 1475 Gen A Luna Mla.....(02)8523-3368
Pro Hardware Supply Inc
201 A S Arnaiz Ave PC ... (02)8832-7386 Pagos Hardware
Manila.....(02)5313-9570 INC New Manila Hardware Supply Inc 75 C Jose PC ................. (02)8472-2263
31 Stan Mal ................... (02)8364-8213
Pro-Tools Industrial Corporation
(See Advertisement on previous page) 739 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-2616 669 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-1972 Palatiw Hardware Incorporated 2638 South Bayview Dr
Jtn Trading New Oakland Industrial Sales Prima 1 & 2 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8997-9334 Pque .......................... (02)8854-5560
426 M Martinez Mand .... (02)8534-9820 Majesteel Builders Supply Corporation 63 D Aquino KC ............. (02)8330-1247 Pan Pacific Industrial Sales Company Que Pe Hardware Incorporated
Juday Hardware 340A Amang Rodriguez Ave New Oregon Industrial Supply Corporation Incorporated 1404 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-7372
J P Rizal Mand ............... (02)8625-3487 Psg ............................ (02)8647-2061 Le Marben Condmn 2 Panpisco Bldg Mla ......... (02)8242-8766 Rainbowsign Corporation
Karl Gelson Industrial Sale Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8733-0368
6 Gen Tinio QC ............... (02)8731-7823
Pearl Hardware Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8942-0876
Rational Hardware Inc
924 Kusang Loob Mla .... (02)8732-0018
Karmiel Trading HARDWARE & CONST 8102 Dr A Santos Ave
Pjen-Jem Metal Scral Trading 715 Edsa QC .................. (02)3410-6295
127 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8579-6234 SUPPLY INC Pque .......................... (02)8825-6945 Rdj Industrial Supply Incorporated
St Joseph KC ............... (0998)335-7882
Keeton Hardware Inc New Security Hardware 925 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8912-3898
716A C-3 Rd KC ............ (02)8363-9573 Boysen-Davies-Davco Lanko-ABC 1567 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8561-0824 Pkh Realty Development Corporation Regency Plastics Inc
Kevin's Hardware And Construction Supply New To Suy Hardware 530 Panday Pira Mla ...... (02)8255-0842 128 20Th Ave QC ........... (02)8911-0381
Nieves Place 2 Mla ......... (02)8251-6600 739 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8733-1919 Planas Hardware
Kiam Kee Harware Company Incorporated Electrical-Plumbing-Steel-Hardiflex New Topbest Lumber & Construction 856 C Planas Mla ........... (02)8241-9142 REMINGTON INDUSTRIAL
1343-1345 C M Recto Ave [email protected] Supply Plymaster Sales Corporation SALES CORP
Mla ............................ (02)8733-9795 286 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8531-0887 1339 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-0862
Kim Hardware 5173 P Gomez Makati ... (02)8899-7036 New Yellow Hardware & Electrical Supply General Concepcion
B37 A L4 & 5 Dagat-Dagatan 1034 Ilaya Mla ............... (02)8245-0007 PRIME COATING AND Caloocan
KC ............................. (02)8287-7681 MAKATI Newton Hardware And Electric Supply
617 Edsa Ave PC ........... (02)8833-6129
CHEMICAL INC City ......... (02)8367-9001
King's Builders
209 Mindanao Ave QC....(02)8355-9606 AVENUE Nissan Commercial Gavino Marilao (See Advertisement on this page)
Kingstone Indl Sales LUMBER 86 Victoneta Ave Mal......(02)8330-9471 Bulacan...(02)8365-7538 Republic Hardware Corporation
Leyba Bldg Mla .............. (02)8242-0389 HARD- North Sun Hardware 1331 C M Recto Ave
Kinsey Hardware 351 Tandang Sora Ave Mla ............................ (02)8711-7461
662 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5327 WARE & QC ............................. (02)8939-0163 Save time and money. Rex Hardware
Koken Industrial Sales Company CONST. QR HERE! One Stop Construction Industrial Supply Flip through THE YELLOW PAGES Ong Long Bldg Mla ......... (02)8243-2377
1127 T Mapua Mla ......... (02)8711-9403 SUPPLY Corporation and make it a habit. Reylins Hardware
Kylle Zurich Lumber Trading Congressional Ave QC .... (02)8924-8678 69 A Villegas Mal ........... (02)8281-4713
Kaagapay Rd KC .......... (0920)854-9991 INC.P Gomez Makati ... (02)8899-7036
La Fuerza Hardware Malate Hardware And Electronics Supply
860 C Planas Mla ........... (02)8241-9385 659 San Andres Mla ....... (02)8524-1659
La Liscota & Partners Company Mapua Multi Sales Corporation
1357 Paz Mla ................. (02)8781-0902 855 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8711-8001
LEGASPI INDUSTRIAL Marikina Miles Merchandising
Bayan Bayan Ave Mkna .. (02)8475-1885
SUPPLY INC Mc Home Depot (Fort Bonifacio)
815-B Espeleta Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8815-4760
Manila.....(02)8733-5709 Menton Hardware
58 E Fernandez SJ..........(02)8723-0805
(See Advertisement on page 155) Metalrise Enterprise
Leon Limsico Commercial Incorporated 16 Reparo Rd Mal .......... (02)8364-7120
408 Quintin Paredes Mla (02)8241-2844 Mia Bolts And Nuts Trading
Lifetime Hardware 341 Rizal KC .................. (02)8334-2541
3427 R Magsaysay Blvd Mia Lumber And Hardware
Mla ............................ (02)8714-0435 Aic Ctr Mla ..................... (02)8523-0696
Micro Marketing
LINTON INCORPORATED 36 P Florentino QC ......... (02)8711-8030
Manila.....(02)8733-8800 SUPPLY
(See Advertisement on next page)
Lj1 Coco Lumber & Construction Supply 506 T Alonzo
Sampaguita KC ............ (0919)983-7971 Manila.....(02)8733-5686
Long Life Marketing (See Advertisement on page 151)
Its Bldg QC ..................... (02)8732-3787 Mjr Hardware & Construction Supplies
Lu C K Enterprises B13 L6 Purification KC . (0905)146-5278
1115 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-9857 Mmmc Builder Hardware
Lua Tiong Hardware 124 Chuatoco QC ........... (02)3414-1493
662 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5327 Modular Hardware
Lucky Avenue Enterprises 29 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8294-5871
Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0921)455-5420 Mondo Concrete Products Corporation
Lys Hardware And Industrial Sales Gloria Bldg QC................(02)8355-6745
Incorporated Multicolormart Hardware
1181 C M Recto Ave Estrella Mal .................... (02)8287-4719
Mla ............................ (02)8252-9587 Nationwide Hardware And Mill Supply
Mach Tools Inc 322 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8242-6083
189 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8363-0159 Navotas Francis Commercial
Magkaisa Builders And Industrial North Bay Bvd Nav ......... (02)8282-3932
Corporation Neo Rein Merchandising
84 Tandang Sora QC ...... (02)7756-5780 2105 Laon Laan Mla ...... (02)8703-8898

Remington Industrial
Sales Corp
Gen Concepcion, Caloocan City, Metro Manila 1400
Tel. No.: (02) 8367-9001

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154 S C M Y K

154 Hardware 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES


Tel No. 8362-2662 / 8361-4212
Richard Hardware 8362-2678 / 8361-3709
2301 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8255-4979
Rlq Construction Cel No. 0917-856-7360
B1 L3 Ph1 Afpovai 0917-328-2042
Taguig........................(02)8986-3363 Email: [email protected]
Robert Industrial Sales
859 Tetuan Mla .............. (02)8733-5676 See Other Listing under Steel Products
79 MH Del Pilar
ROCKWELL LUMBER & Caloocan City ............ (02)8365-7821
Seno Industrial Sales
8895-0775 / 8895-3635 / 8890-0890 SENO
8994-7266 / 09064313919 INDUSTRIAL
Email: [email protected]
1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-4631
79 MH Del Pilar Caloocan
ROCKWELL LUMBER & City ........................... (02)8365-7821
Serve All Hardware
ROCKWELL 3 Taguille Marikina City
Mkna ......................... (02)8245-3085
LUMBER & Sidlakan Hardware Trading
HARDWARE B33 Labanos Mkna ........ (02)8283-0882
Sika Philippines Inc
INC Pacific Resources Wrehse Cmpd
LP .............................. (02)8800-1818
1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-4631 Sjhs Construction
248 C Dela Paz Psg........(02)8514-4226
Rosco Commercial Skl Hardware
603 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8361-4936 6 P Quezon Psg..............(02)8655-2885
Rosmil Hardware Skmr Hardware
Vv Soliven Shopping Cplx 241 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (02)8862-6043
SJ .............................. (02)8724-9790 Sky Land
Royal Dragon 857 Tayuman Mla .......... (02)8475-5654
Evan Art Bldg KC ............ (02)8921-3979 Smhardware Dept Workshop
Royal Zobel Corporation Harrison Plz Mla ............. (02)8536-0868
31 Dr S Antonio Ave Solaris Lpg Accessories
Psg ............................ (02)8641-1539 631 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8733-6906
Rr Jose Construction Supply Speedworld Business And Trading Center
B2A L34 Dagat-Dagatan Ave 105 Matutum QC ............ (02)8363-7125
KC ............................. (02)8352-3649 Spirax Enterprise
Rsr Enterprise 1009 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8734-8156
1575 A Batangas Mla ..... (02)8542-5419 Ssh Trading
S M Asinas Hardware 843 Teodora Alonzo Mla.(02)8562-9246
117B A Mabini KC .......... (02)8931-7064 Steelhaus Gen Merchandise Incorporated
S-Ks Tools Corporation Richhill Ind Cmpd Pque .. (02)8820-1884
653 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8733-0377 Steeltrust Corporation
Sanmer Enterprises 130 Judge Juan Luna
1507 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8742-7623 QC ............................. (02)8371-0364
Santo Domingo Lumber Stelco Industrial Sales Incorporated
31 Quezon Blvd Ext QC ... (02)8731-8440 Emerson Bldg Mla .......... (02)8711-8060
Screw City Hardware STJW Corporation
715 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8733-2716 1 G Molina Val................(02)8984-4125
Screw Wercs General Merchandise Sto Domingo Lumber
605B Pinaglabanan SJ....(02)8727-7549 31 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8731-8440

Alps Merchandising Corp SENO HARDWARE INC

535 Camba
Stp Industrial Hardware Incorporation
378 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-7332
Stronghold Hardware
Tinagan St., Quezon City, Metro Manila 1105 Manila.....(02)8242-3949 1165B Quezon Ave QC ... (02)8332-4911
Structural Industrial Sales
(See Advertisement on next page) 552 El Cano Mla ............. (02)8242-3470
Tel. No.: (02) 8364-3036 Styrotech Corporation
The Yellow Pages 3S S Cabral Val .............. (02)8292-5438
provides Sucat Crown Hardware
Business Information. 8260 Dr A Santos Ave
Pque .......................... (02)8826-2014

625 PARK TOWER F FLORES ST STA. CRUZ, City of Manila, Metro Manila 1014 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-8800

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155 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Hardware 155

Trinidad Construction Supply
Hardware (Cont'd) 65B V Luna QC .............. (02)3434-7000 VEGABOLTS HARDWARE
Triple Hardware BOLTS • NUTS • WASHERS
Superbolt Trading 88 Natl Munt .................. (02)8552-8113
141 Mc Arthur Val .......... (02)8291-6038 Trisha Enterprises • HARDWARE ITEMS
Superline General Merchandising 123 Molina Mkna ........... (02)8941-0195 • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING
1010 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8252-9437 Twin Dragon • STEEL BARS • PAINTS • PLYWOOD
153 Natl Hwy Munt ...... (0947)770-9230
SUPERSONIC Uni-Kent Incorporated (02)8994-7266•Mobile: 0977-6280627
MANUFACTURING INC Amorsolo Mansion Mkti .. (02)8810-3537
Uniglo Best Marketing
Email: [email protected]
• Steel Matting • Welded Wire 168 Shopping Mall 5 1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-2305
• GI Wire & BI Wire • Cyclone Wire Mla ............................ (02)8516-5050
Union Hardware Company Incorporated
684 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-8132 Vegabolts Hardware
• Hog Wire • Barbed Wire • Razor Wire
• Chicken Wire • Styromesh
Union Lumber Company Inc
• Gabions (Heavy Galvanized and PVC) 210 A S Arnaiz Ave PC ... (02)8831-8605 VEGA-
Tel. 8531-8572 / 8531-8442 United Far East Company Incorporated
7718-1088 / 7718-1086 950 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8708-9645 BOLTS
A And E Bldg Mla ........... (02)8733-5679 HARD-
Email: [email protected] Ut Kee & Co Inc
Utica Merchandising WARE
248 Romualdez Howard Twr KC .............. (02)8330-7636
Mandaluyong.............(02)8531-8572 Uys Commercial
1039A Benavidez Mla ..... (02)8244-2019 1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-2305
Supersonic Manufacturing Valqua Industrial Corporation
1007 T Mapua Mla ......... (02)8711-5104 Vertex Tools Marketing Corporation
Inc Variant Mdsg Corporation 125-A G Araneta Ave
1204 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8241-7393 QC ........................... (0917)623-0556

248 Romualdez
Susan Tan Hardware
744 Camba Mla..............(02)8243-6707
Sy Hiong Hardware
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0360
Sy Siy Ho & Sons Incorporated
453 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8559-2807
Taipan Builders Center
217 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8731-8445
Talayan Enterprises
473 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
QC ............................. (02)8711-9250
Tamsons Enteprises Incorporated
Singson Bldg Mla ........... (02)8242-1359
Tgw Abrasive Company
972-976 Severino Reyes
Mla ............................ (02)8741-6212
Thomson Mktg Corporation
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1030
To Suy Hard Original Corporation
730 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8736-7276
To Suy Hardware
732 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8733-1916
Tommys Mercantile Company
217 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8731-3983
Tong Hing Hardware
2588 Beata Mla .............. (02)8562-0817
Topbest Construction Mill Supply Center Bon Industrial Sales Seno Hardware Inc
286 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8531-0887 35, Macopa Street, Sta Mesa Heights, 535 Camba St. Binondo, City of Manila,
Tosuy Hardware
1133 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8734-5480 Quezon City, Metro Manila Metro Manila 1006
Tel. No.: (02) 8781-2740 Tel. No.: (02) 8242-3949
The Yellow Pages
allows you to take a step ahead
of your competitors.

Legaspi Industrial
Supply Inc Akua Union Industrial Corp
815B Espeleta St Sta Cruz, City of Manila, 1431 T Bugallon, City of Manila, Metro Manila 1014
Metro Manila 1014 Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8254-0381
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5709

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156 S C M Y K

156 Hardware - Heavy 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Wellcare Healthcare Incorporated Dgm Organic Farmers Cool Rush Aircondition Trading
Hardware (Cont'd) Red Alert Transport 238 Tomas Morato Ave Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7728-5142 Jeb Bldg Psg .................. (02)7794-2164
QC ............................. (02)8441-1815 Full Of Grace Organic Rice Dayben Refrigeration And Airconditioning
Vicellen Hardware And Construction Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)169-3801 Services
Paso De Blas Val ............ (02)8294-4637 RED Ghe Distributions Inc 42 F Balagtas QC..........(0998)417-2716
Victor Hardware Health Care Services 1 Edsa Shangrila Hotel Edl Sales And Service
699 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8732-0197 ALERT QR HERE! Mand ....................... (0917)827-2213 1584 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0909)422-9451
Vineza Industrial Sales Accuratus Np & Diagnostic Center Health Wealth International Corporation El Rei Airconditioning
TRANSPORT Corporate Hse Bldg QC ... (02)8721-4965 18 Everlasting LP ......... (0945)739-7500
1701 Quiricada Mla ........ (02)8749-0070 Edsa Central Pavillion
Washington Asia Pacific Pathology Incorporated Mand ....................... (0999)889-2397 Elinvia Airconditioning Services
Eastwood Eastwood Mall 99 A Kamuning Rd Alscophil Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8887-1865 Lucky Bread Bakeshop Nasson Bldg Pque .......... (02)8243-8250
QC ............................. (02)8470-3070 Quezon City ............... (02)8926-1414 Asiancare Health System Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0935)221-7675 Filipina Climate Solution Inc
Watchcare Service Center Ansa 2 Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8519-8751 Mrs R's Veggies Atbp Jmp Bldg Psg.................(02)8671-2781
Tony Jem Hauling Services Avega Managed Care Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0999)883-3172 Florano Aircon Maintenance Services
545 Rizal Ave Mla .......... (02)8733-1927 11 Visayas QC ............. (0917)789-4704
Weswin Co Incorporated Philippine Axa Life Ctr Noosh 1398 185 Ibong Pilak QC.......(0977)649-0070
Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8570-0756 Mkti ........................... (02)8846-7983 Makati Cinema Square Hancool Aircondition Trading
Behaviour Modifcation Incorporated 438 9th Ave KC .............. (02)8256-9012
Ymage Trading & Const Corporation
511 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8948-2568
Health Panorama Bldg KC ......... (02)8294-6486 Pbf Inc
Mkti ......................... (0915)751-7779
J Master Air Conditioning And Refrigeration
Yutiam Hardware Company Incorporated Bicas Medical And Lying-In Clinic 1365 E Rodriguez Ave Services Inc
Athenium Enterprises 79 Sikatuna Ext Susano Rd QC ........................... (0998)855-8991 15th Ave QC...................(02)7001-3797
936 T Mapua Mla ........... (02)8711-4810 74 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (0916)690-6979 KC ........................... (0935)485-8236 Prosource International Incorporated Lnk Aire Philippines Incorporated
Cet Care Medical And Diagnostic Center Biological Health Platinum 2000 Bldg SJ ... (02)8727-3948 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-8629
Hardware - Mall Fajardo Coml Bldg KC.....(02)8643-3562
Health Carousel Philippines
1691 M Orosa Mla ......... (02)8523-1211 The Green Grocer
Blessed Home Adult Daycare And Assisted
Maxilite Merchandising Incorporated
Dy International Bldg
12 Laurel Pque ............... (02)7216-8923
Based Taipan Place Bldg Psg .... (02)8637-6192 Living The Superfood Grocer Philippines Mla ............................ (02)8521-5523
Marilao Medical & Diagnostic Clinic Inc 288 El Grande Ave 56A 12th St QC .............. (02)8631-5436 Md Hvac Philippines Corporation
Ace Hardware Antonio Arnaiz PC ........ (0927)396-4115 Pque ........................ (0917)856-0623 Trade And Financial Twr
Fort Victoria Twr Taguig..(02)8403-5123 Murphy Diagnostic & Multi-Specialty Center Blessed Hose Center Taguig........................(02)8352-4783
Apo Mercantile Incorporated 42 5th Ave QC ................ (02)8912-7193 125 5th Ave KC .............. (02)8362-3120 Health Maintenance Modern Rgac Refrigeration And Air
Conditioning Services
1412 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3221 Natural Health Matters Incorporated Carelink Asia Training Incorporated
Manuela Corp Globe Telecom Plz 1 A Francisco Gold Condmn 1 Organizations (HMO) Jaymin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8529-1495
Shaw Blvd Mand ............ (02)8724-9646 Mand ......................... (02)8451-2166 QC ............................. (02)8355-9201 Mr Jack Aircon Services
Niqi Medical Carewell Health Systems Incorporated Ahcc Nutrients Phil Incorporated 3C Omega Ave QC ......... (02)7585-7168
Rosewood Hardware Nettdriven Corporation
1426 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-7361 Delmonte Ave QC ......... (0922)833-7605 92 Anonas QC ................ (02)8355-5771 King Ctr QC .................... (02)8442-5530
Northernhealth Medical And Diagnostic Clinica Manila Pasig Eastwest Healthcare Incorporated Mk Bldg Psg...................(02)8477-5605
Center Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8696-7056 Richville Corporate Ctre Nickandrei Aircon Repair Services
Hats 89 Karuhatan Rd Val.....(0927)490-3385 Communicare Therapy Center Munt .......................... (02)8519-9610 2 Marcelo Psg ................ (02)7900-7550
Njjs Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration
Philippine Society Of Hypertension Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8877-0144 Philhealth Care Incorporated
Corazon Aesthetics Incorporated 1140 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)8354-4214 Services
Bayo Sm Ctr Point QC ...... (0930)144-7014 Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8687-2841 475 Eagle QC ............... (0917)844-0891
Philippine Society Of Medical Oncology Cityland Condmn 3 Mkti . (02)8887-3520
Dear Alice Nail Lounge Nmax Airconditioning Trading Corp
279 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
Hauling Contractors QC ............................. (02)8721-9326 Three Central Mall Mkti ... (02)8839-2967 Health Products Mab Bldg Psg...............(0927)522-1037
Nyah Air-Conditioning Services
Quasars Medical Testing Center Dental Caress Orthodental Clinic
Morning Star Bldg Mla .... (02)3450-8150 Alliance In Motion Global Incorporated 890-D G Araneta Ave
8R Hauling Services 14 East Ave QC ............ (0956)855-6566 QC ........................... (0917)100-4664
Trans-Phil Hse Bldg Total Health Products Incorporated Dongshen Medical And Diagnostic Center The Praxedes Place Psg . (02)8654-5263
8162 Dr A Santos Pque .. (02)8553-5028 Am Global Works Corporation Ortigas Power Aire Ac Corporation
Mkti ......................... (0917)532-5272 St John Bldg Mla ............ (02)8563-2939 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8633-5450
A Tapar Hauling Service Dr Christian Mancao Pain Management 70 Congressional Ave
Center QC ............................. (02)8376-3135 Poweraire Airconditioning & Aireworks
Payatas Rd QC ............. (0946)737-8299 35 Wilson SJ..................(02)8584-5399
Anther's Express Logistics Incorporated Health Care Facilities City & Land Mega Plz Bldg
Psg ............................ (02)8542-3840
Annie's Image Group Philippines
Rota-Breeze Marketing
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8536-0091 765 L Wood PC..............(02)8889-8229
Drug Check Philippines Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8631-6266
Ctpaule Hauling Services Aventos Medical Care Inc Malabon Municipal Hall Surefrost Aircon & Refrigeration Services
1 Ilo-Ilo QC ................... (0905)845-7643 Buencamino Sycamore Bldg Carica Proximo Bldg Pque ....... (0917)503-1873
Mal ............................ (02)8352-2457 Robinson Place  Manila
Gold Movers Transport Corporation Munt .......................... (02)8556-3592 Eracare Philippines Incorporated Tenex Services Inc
Felmarc Business Ctr Cardinal Health International Phils Inc Mla .......................... (0930)816-0013 Prosperous Bldg Pque .... (02)8363-3928
City & Land Mega Plz Condo Ceragem Treatment Bed
Psg ............................ (02)8646-8968 W City Ctr Taguig ........... (02)8840-3847 Psg ............................ (02)8687-1740 Uno Aire Trading
Lg Arcangel Mc Arthur Val ................. (02)8294-7953 27 Bendix Ln Munt ......... (02)8425-4442
Conjug8 Corporation Family Medical Center
88 7th St KC .................. (02)8361-3671 Dna Julia Vargas Psg......(02)8533-7133 Ch Wellness Incorporated Wintercrib Airconditioning Sales & Services
West East Twr Mla ......... (02)8528-1330 G Bros Developement Corp
M De Guzman Hauling Services Digicare Medical Products Incorporated Glovax Biotech Corporation Inc
151 Bonifacio QC ........... (02)8952-7439 Mla ............................ (02)8523-8189 19 Matutum QC ............ (0917)794-2495
500 Pina Ave Mla ........... (02)8716-5935 Glovax Bldg QC .............. (02)8921-9910 Family Health And Beauty Corporation
Masaya Cargo Forwarders Inc Dmc Health Care Center Intermed Equip Inc Yt Green Aire Corp
22 Palali QC ................... (02)8740-0021 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Fabricare Bldg LP ........... (02)8281-5824
1213 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8230-2353 602 G Araneta QC .......... (02)8711-1440 SJ .............................. (02)8726-1940
R Udiong Hauling Services Evans Group Of Companies La Sante Medical & Diagnostic Center Inc
9 St John Cpd QC.........(0998)997-6004 Gold'n Blak
Amorsolo Mkti................(02)8892-4944
Global Care
Aussie Twr Mla ............ (0999)221-6086
Lyf Vaccination And Medical Services
588 Residences Mand .. (0919)884-8118 Heavy Equipment
Keeva Philippines Cleaning Chemicals
East Point Space Coml
RED ALERT Taguig........................(02)8812-8291
12B Ninoy Aquino Ave
Pque .......................... (02)8852-2827
11 E Maclang SJ .......... (0915)818-3491
Barcia Heavy Equipment Parts Center
221 Rizal Ave Extention
Medline Dialysis Center Med2020 Medical Clinic And Diagnostic
TRANSPORT Armal Plz Psg...............(0906)375-5029 Center
Metrowealth Intl Phils Incorporated
J B Vargas Mand ............ (02)8535-2730
KC ............................. (02)8364-3590
Basud Heavy Equipment Parts Corporation
Prosper Health Services Incorporated Congressional Rd KC....(0923)481-4687 My Jinga Juice Incorporated
99 A Kamuning Rd Quezon Mati Bldg QC .................. (02)8661-3863 Medic Aid Distributor Incorporated The Ctrpoint Bldg Psg ..... (02)8535-3245
208 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8366-3985
Bryant Heavy Equipment Trading
Seneca Plz Bldg QC ........ (02)8570-2279 Vc Health Concepts Marketing Incorporated
City ......... (02)8926-1414 Residencia De Ancianos Incorporated
10 Calixto Duque Mkti .... (02)8553-8517 Mirabell Medical Corporation
278 E Dela Paz Mkna ... (0917)814-1338
One Global Place Cjl Trading Heavy Equipment Parts Supply
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8655-4102 Taguig......................(0998)590-6574 4th Ave KC ................... (0928)342-9837
Msr VII & Sons Corporation Cmc Nivra Industries
Dao 1 Bldg Mkti..............(02)8550-1489 P & E Bldg Psg ............... (02)8634-4746
New World Diagnostics Incorporated Hearing Aids CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT
854 G Apacible Mla ........ (02)8521-0320
Omron Healthcare
King's Court II Bldg
Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg
Mkti ......................... (0998)587-9394 Mla ............................ (02)8280-1292 1255 EDSA Quezon
Philip Ni Manila Hearing Aid Center
University Physicians Medical Ctr Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8809-3902
City ......... (02)8361-3713
Mla ............................ (02)8708-0000 (See Advertisement on next page)
Philippine Chiropractic Healthcare Specialist Cranecat Trading & Services
Msa Prime Ctr Munt ..... (0927)580-5047
Potentials Therapy Center
Heating, Ventilating 127 Gen Pio Valenzuela
KC ............................. (02)8363-5782
Mic Bldg QC ................. (0975)241-9349 and Air Conditioning Daimac Machineries
Probio Medcare Incorporated A Bonifacio QC ............... (02)3412-8983
Ruiz Bldg Pque ............... (02)8552-7145 (HVAC) Emmi Incorporated
St Anthony Medical Center 535 Don M Marcos SJ ... (02)8722-1725
32 Sta Ana Ext Mkna ...... (02)8682-3240 A & G Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Fj Japan Equipment Company
Suesh Makeup Toolkit Services 274 Mcarthur Hwy Val .... (02)8351-4347
45 Sct Fernandez QC .... (0925)885-7206 Pinagbuhatan Psg ........ (0955)599-3752
Supercare Medical Services Incorporated Acr Airconditioning & Refrigeration Supplies
Patria Bldg Mla ............... (02)8255-1397 And Services
Telecure 4390 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)8551-9786
Chunics Bldg Mla ......... (0917)183-5980 Acre Air-Conditioning Specialists Inc Learn more
Toxicology 1st Ave Taguig ............... (02)8577-7880
Don Santiago Bldg Mla ... (02)8523-8271 Afae-Legends
Triple H Care Services Incorporated 43 India Pque ............... (0917)308-4682 about any of
8 St Mary QC ................. (02)8921-5797 Air Beyond Satisfaction Inc
United Enzacta Enterprises Incorporated
Annapolis Wilshire Plz
314 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8715-8593
Allcool Advanced Cooling System
The Yellow
SJ .............................. (02)8532-2805 B5 L47 Ringgit Munt .... (0931)139-5331

Eleven Hardware
Asgc Refrigeration And Air Conditioning
Health Clubs 323B E Dela Paz Mkna ... (02)8232-6369
Co Inc Bce Electro Mechanical Engineering telephone
Clark Hatch Fitness Center Services
Clark Hatch Bldg SJ ........ (02)8724-3694 319 Antonio Arnaiz Ave
1 Eleven Rd, Quezon City, Metro PC ........................... (0945)701-9317 directories
Manila 1106 Philippines Tel. No.: Carcillar Airconditioning And Refrigeration
Health Foods Services
(02) 8361-5198 4th St PC ....................... (02)8253-4687
Chlorophyll Manila Incorporated Cisco Engineering Industries
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8843-6186 Aguila Vill Munt .............. (02)8403-6872

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157 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Heavy - Hospitals 157

Vector Finger Boards
Heavy Equipment Acacia SJ ..................... (0905)182-0870
Hoisting and Rigging
Gigatrade Inc
91 Rizal Ext Ave KC ........ (02)8364-4876 Equipment
Tel. Nos.: 8361-8670 / 8364-1113 Chain Block, Lever Hoist, Winch, Puller,
8364-1129 / 8363-3674 / 8363-3688 Trolley, Lifting Belt, Plate Clamp, Alloy
Fax No.: 8361-8675 Chain, Wire Rope Cable, Lashing Belt,
Safety Belt / Tel: 8244-9318
1362 Rizal Av Ext [email protected]
Caloocan City ............ (02)8363-3674
954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912
Ichilift Industrial Supply
1362 Rizal Av Ext
Caloocan City ............ (02)8363-3674
J4A Truck And Heavy Equipment Parts
R Lagmay SJ ................. (02)8696-2003
Jagan Enterprises
954 S Padilla Manila ...... (02)8244-1912
Equipment Corporation
270 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-6014 Home Care Products
Jamilcres Incorporated
102-D Tandang Sora Ave Ecozyme Biosystems Corporation
QC ............................. (02)8937-5945 42A Albany QC...............(02)8912-7215
Kaiser Heavy Equipment Corp Edmark Products Ltd Co 1255 EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1106
355 P Tuazon Bvd QC .... (02)8913-1324
L6 & 7 Dagat-Dagatan Ave
KC ............................. (02)8544-8321 Gkk Enterprise Tel. No.: (02) 8361-3713
Kekaiko Enterprises 306-B Roosevelt Ave
590 C3 Rd KC ................ (02)8361-7036 QC ............................. (02)3384-9795
Mardan Industrial Sales Corporation Norfolk International Incorporated
43 Sta Ana Dr Pque ........ (02)8821-2735 Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8890-1091
Monark Origins Home Furniture
150 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8897-8230
QC ............................. (02)8634-4337
Quality Traders General Merchandising
102-D Rizal Ave Ext KC .. (02)8361-9571 Home Fragrances
Rey-D Enterprise Incorporated
Nueve De Pebrero Gpv Marketing
Mand ....................... (0917)777-7666 1618 Honradez Mla ...... (0998)323-5261
Rime Commercial Heavy Equipment Parts
717 C3 Rd KC ................ (02)8323-8965 Home Furnishings
Rivera Trading Company Incorporated
264 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8374-2713 Biara Incorporated
Shantui Heavy Equipment Importer Dealer Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8556-5876
1286 Gregorio Araneta Ave Hky Home Furnishing Center
QC ............................. (02)3416-3380 558 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8353-8833
Starcity Industrial Supply & Development Homeworld
Corporation Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8400-5581
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7625-6337 King James Furniture
Suplitek Equipment Incorporated Evekal Twnhms Mla ..... (0917)895-9877
Diego Cerra Ave LP ........ (02)8846-5126 Rdp Work-Home Essentials
Titan-Milde Motors Incorporated 6 5th Ave QC..................(02)7621-0174
1339 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8740-7996 Workpad Incorporated
Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8553-5733

Herbal Medicines Hose Couplings and

Cf Wellness Unlimited Incorporated
1668 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8332-3957
Herbs & Nature Corporation Jka International Trading Corporation
Akasya QC ..................... (02)8984-9545 9747 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8895-8273
Il Hwa Philippines Incorporated Severo Syling Incorporated
Sm City Fairview QC ..... (0936)115-6206 711 S Padilla Mla ........... (02)8242-9874
Meiyi Herbs Remedy Unitec Pipe Manufacturing Corporation
506 Ns Amoranto Sr 242 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)3411-3121
QC ........................... (0917)633-3360
Msh Enterprises
Liras Cpd KC .................. (02)8442-4265
Own Natural Beauty & Wellness
Hospital Equipment
Incorporated and Supplies
The Pryce Ctr Bldg Mkti .. (02)3416-3761
Worldwide Entrepreneurs.Ph Incorporated Medical Center Trading Corporation
Starmall Edsa Mand ....... (02)8721-2300 City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8631-1716

Herbs Hospitals
Delfas Turmeric Seven In One A+ Dialysis Center
39 Zamboanga QC ....... (0998)532-2411 Gempc Bldg QC..............(02)8922-0774
Fgo Foundation Inc Abesamis Vision Care Center
Berma Shopping Ctr Medical Plz Makati Mkti .. (02)8894-0625
Pque .......................... (02)8879-2016 Alabang Medical Center
Maphilen Enterprise Alabang Medical Ctr
35 Nueva Vizcaya QC ... (0918)344-4062 Munt .......................... (02)8775-0511
Vitaminworld Corporation Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center
Pergola Mall Pque .......... (02)8659-0548 Sumulong Hwy Mkna ..... (02)8948-1263
American Hospital
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8523-6042
Hobby Shops American Outpatient Clinic

Makati Medical Center

Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8528-4691
Dane And Zade Shop Recycles Amisola Maternity Hospital
19 St Philip Ave Pque ... (0945)441-9156 1068 Hermosa Mla.........(02)8252-3335
Manila Finger Boards - Mfi Aventus Medical Care Incorporated
San Pedro Psg ............. (0917)586-4321 Philippine College Of Surgeon Bldgs 7th Flr. MMC Bldg. 2 Amorsolo St. Legaspi Village,
Playground Hobby Cafe QC ............................. (02)8352-4675
Lol Bldg KC .................... (02)8356-1569 Bernardino Gen Hospital Makati, Metro Manila 1223 Philippines
Radioactive Games & Hobbies Bernardino Gen Hospital
Anonas Coml Cplx QC .... (02)8699-6213 QC ............................. (02)8935-5947 Tel. No.: (02) 8888-8999
Terminus Hobby Shop Cardinal Santos Medical Center
35 President Ave Pque ... (02)8501-7580 10 Wilson SJ..................(02)8584-5322

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158 S C M Y K

158 Hospitals - Hotels 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Jf Gonzalez Dental & Diagnostic Clinic Century Citadel Inn Makati Madonna Lodge
Hospitals (Cont'd) Olivarez General Hospital Nldc Bldg Psg .............. (0922)834-9652 Citadel Inn Mkti .............. (02)8897-2375 Edsa Ave QC .................. (02)8364-1062
Molave Medical And Maternity Clinic Ceo Suites Makati Budget Hotel
Centro Holistico 99 Molave QC .............. (0919)629-7233 Ceo Suites Mkti .............. (02)8897-9449 5059-B P Burgos Mkti .. (0917)800-2870
Filnvest Ave Commerce Ctr OLIVAREZ Odecor-B Medical Clinic Cherry Blossoms Hotel Makati Executive Tower 1 Incorporated
Munt .......................... (02)8828-8863 3 Batasan-San Mateo Rd J Bocobo Mla ................. (02)8708-9902 Makati Executive Twr 1
Cerviq Aurora Blvd QC ...... (0917)544-2770 GENERAL QC ............................. (02)8897-1220 Citystate Hotel Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8856-1638
Our Mother Of Piat Lying-In Clinic 100 Carlos Palanca Mla..(02)8736-7675 Makati Shangrila Manila
Chinese General Hospital HOSPITAL 2527 Ramon Fernandez Citystate Tower Hotel Incorporated Shangri-La Hotel Mkti ..... (02)8893-8503
286 Blumentritt Mla ........ (02)8711-4142
Culinary Events Incorporated Mla .......................... (0943)140-4680 1315 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8400-7361 Malabon Grand Hotel And Casino
Agustin Bldg Psg ............ (02)8633-1178 Dr A Santos Ave Santo Benedicto Medical And Diagnostic Coro Hotel 110 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8294-1066
De La Salle University College Of St Benilde Parañaque ................. (02)8826-7966 Clinic 8436 Kalayaan Ave Mkti . (02)8813-1000 Manila Galleria Suites Hotel
Dlsu Csv Intl Conf Ctr Llano Rd KC ................. (0921)946-3117 Crown Regency Hotel And Towers Digitel Bus Ctr QC...........(02)8240-9141
Our Lady Of Grace Hospital The Lord's Grace Medical Clinic Crown Regency Hotel Manila Pavilion Hotel
Mla ............................ (02)8525-7266 306 F Roxas KC ............. (02)8361-1138 1 Diosdado Macapagal Blvd Mkti ........................... (02)8845-0211 United Nations Ave Mla...(02)8523-1717
Delgado Clinic Inc Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospitals Manila Royal Hotel
7 Kamuning Rd QC ......... (02)8924-4051 PC ........................... (0927)905-5953 Crown Regency Hotels & Resorts
46 P Sanchez Mla .......... (02)8716-3901 1026 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .. (02)8845-0211 Edsa Ave Mkti ................ (02)8892-3232
Doctor Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital Our Lady Of Peace Hospital Maranaw Hotels And Resort Corporation
Discovery Primea
Lope De Vega Mla .......... (02)8733-8537
Dr Fe Del Mundo Medical Center
Our Lady Of Peace Hospital
Pque .......................... (02)8829-5720
Hostels 6749 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7955-8888 599 P Ocampo Sr Mla .... (02)8528-8888
Domo Hotel Corporation Marco Polo Hotel
11 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0845 Pasay City General Hospital Mesu Bldg QC ................ (02)8928-7646 Adamson Ctr Bldg Mkti ... (02)8893-0888
Dr Jesus Delgado Memorial Hospital P Burgos PC .................. (02)8831-3285 Lakbayan Makati Marikina Hotel
3434 Limbo Mkti .......... (0917)853-1770 Dreamland Resort & Hotel
7 Kamuning Rd QC ......... (02)8924-4051 Pascual General Hospital Zabarte Rd KC ................ (02)8961-4602 Tangerine Mkna..............(02)8234-0540
East Avenue Medical Center 130 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0915)312-7144 Lokalhostel Corporation Mariposa Budget Hotel Corporation
Perpetual Succor Hospital Agoho Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8890-0927 El Cielito Inn
East Ave QC ................... (02)8928-0612 Lub D 804 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8815-8951 Pambuli Mkna ................ (02)8646-5522
Fabella Jose Dr Mem'l Hospital Perpetual Succor Hospital Marsman Hotel
Mla ............................ (02)8731-1632 7820 Makati Ave Mkti ... (0915)546-3309 Everwin Hotel Manila
Lope De Vega Mla .......... (02)8734-5561 Pius XII Catholic Center Incorporated 1190 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8400-3812 100 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8362-3586
Far Eastern University Nicanor Abelardo Philippine Children's Medical Center Maz International Inns Incorporated
Philippine Children Med Ctr 1175 United Nations Ave Fabulous Finds By Sabrina
Medical Foundation Hospital Mla ............................ (02)8525-9126 528 The Sentinel Residences Suites 7461 Santillan Mkti.........(02)8893-0754
Regalado Ave QC ........... (02)8983-8338 QC ............................. (02)8924-0836 Mella Hotel C5 Ext Rd LP .... (02)8882-8181
Philippine Heart Center The Purple Tree Bed And Breakfast QC ........................... (0926)821-2576
Fatima Medical Center 35 President's Ave Pque . (02)7945-0420 Fairmont Hotels And Resorts Midland Plaza Hotel
Our Lady Of Fatima University East Ave QC ................... (02)8925-2401 Midland Plz Hotel Mla ..... (02)8521-8522
Precision Medical Services And Drug Uccp Shalom Center 1 Raffles Dr Mkti ............ (02)8555-9739
Val ............................. (02)8291-9322 L Ma Guerrero Mla ......... (02)8524-5490 Fernandina 88 Corporation Milestone Hotel Apartelle
Garcia General Hospital Testing Services 834 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8749-5707
82 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(0995)254-2521 222 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8911-0217
49 Bayan-Bayanan Ave Fersal Hotel Group N&J Lopez Lodging House
Mkna ......................... (02)8942-4705 Protacio D T Hospital Hotel Reservation 3rd St PC ..................... (0916)490-1683
484 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8852-1182 1455 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8742-7292
Las Pinas Doctors Hospital Inc Fgdc New Rosal Hotel Corporation
Las Pinas Doctors Hospital Providence Hospital
1515 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)8558-6999
Service Newgrange Bldg QC ....... (02)8376-4894 New Rosal Hotel Psg ...... (02)8632-9754
LP .............................. (02)8820-1373 First Federated Properties Incorporated Nice Hotel
Qualimed Ajs Travel And Tours 1798 Mcarthur Hwy KC .. (02)8355-9913
Las Pinas Emergency Hospital Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8293-4395 Richville Place Mla ......... (02)8708-9423
Bernabe Cpd LP ............. (02)8873-1887 Bcl Homes Val................(02)8856-9720 Fuego Hotels & Properties North Metro Hotel Apartelle
Quirino Memorial Medical Center Alcat Incorporated 1113E Edsa Ave QC ....... (02)8372-3607
Las Pinas Integrated Districthospital Katipunan Rd QC ............ (02)8421-2250 Corporate Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8840-1430
Bernabe Cpd LP ............. (02)8872-0509 Fernandina 88 Suites Hotel Galactic Space Devt Corporation Orchids Hotel Corporation
Sabater Hospital QC ............................. (02)8913-8594 Hillcrest Drv Psg.............(02)8671-2233
Lustre Drugstore Carucho Ave Psg............(02)8640-9403 Csa Empake Travel And Tours 147 Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8361-3363
2 Congressional Ave QC . (02)8927-4614 Gemland Property & Devt Corporation Oyo 791 Bell Mansion
Salve Regina General Hospital 82 Evangelista KC .......... (02)8931-5423 1105 62 Rd 13 QC ....... (0995)904-0057
The Copa Business Mans Hotel
MAKATI MEDICAL CENTER Marcos Hwy Psg ............ (02)8477-4832 Ermita Tourist Development Corporation
San Juan De Dios Educational Foundation Mkti ........................... (02)8843-3227 Oyster Plaza Hotel
439 Arquiza Mla ............. (02)8521-3908 Oyster Plz Hotel Pque ..... (02)8829-1934
2 Amorsolo Inc (Hospital) H&R Business Dev Incorporated
Getz Hotel Corporation
Palm Hotels Group
San Juan De Dios Hospital 1679 Tayuman Mla ........ (02)8356-7670
Makati ..... (02)8888-8999 PC ............................. (02)8831-9731
2687 P Zamora PC ......... (02)8556-3364 Godiac Holdings Incorporated Las Palmas Hotel Mla ..... (02)8524-5612
Huma Corporation Antel Corporate Ctr Mkti . (02)8889-7827 Pan Pacific Hotel
(See Advertisement on previous page) San Juan Medical Center Adriatico Grand Residences
Manila Sanitarium And Hospital And School Milelong Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8553-2624 Harrison Hotel
N Domingo SJ ................ (02)8725-3765 Mla ............................ (02)8536-0352
Of Medical Arts Sanctissimo Rosario General Hospital Mosconi Tours Incorporated 2365 F B Harrison PC ..... (02)8831-6798
105 Prince Gregory Condo Harts Hotel Park Hotel
1975 Donada PC ............ (02)8525-9191 Santisimo Rosario Gen Hospital 1032 Belen Mla .............. (02)8521-2372
Maria Lourdes Maternity Hosp Val ............................. (02)8282-6702 QC ............................. (02)8815-8740 77 Corregidor QC ........... (02)8376-0693
Seacologia Travel And Tours Heroes Hotel Peace Lodge Incorporated
1076 Chino Roces Ave Sds Medical Center Incorporated 1285 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-7131
Mkti ........................... (02)8895-3847 Katipunan Mkna ............. (02)8948-5186 R D Garcia Mansion Florentino Torres Mla ...... (02)8423-0661
Mand ......................... (02)8710-3445 Prestige Hotels And Resorts Incorporated
Marikina St Vincent General Hospital Seamen's Hospital Hive Hotel And Convention Place 21 San Miguel Ave Psg .. (02)8638-4650
35 Bayan Bayanan Ave Seamans Hospital Mla .... (02)8523-2692 St Giles Hotel 68 Sct Tuazon QC ........ (0920)924-9219
Makati Ave Mkti .............. (02)8988-9888 Prince Court Hotel And Restaurant
Mkna ......................... (02)8948-0314 South Superhighway Medical Center Holiday Inn Galleria Manila 4524 Old Sta Mesa Mla .. (02)8715-7087
Martinez Memorial Hospital Km 17 West Svc Rd The Open Route Travel & Tours Robinsons Equitable Twr
Cubao QC ...................... (02)8514-8115 Pristine Hotel
Martinez Memorial College Pque .......................... (02)8823-5250 QC ............................. (02)8633-7111 912 - 928 Reina Regente
KC ............................. (02)8288-8861 St Camillus Polyclinic Charity Foundation Of The Oriental Hotel And Resort Hometown Hotel Makati
411 A Flores Mla ............ (02)8260-0663 Mla ............................ (02)8252-1999
Mary Chiles General Hospital The Camillian Fathers Inc 57 Edsa Mkti .................. (02)8805-3386 Quantum Hotels & Resort
116 Amang Rodriguez Ave Vieve Hotel Hospitality Ventures Group Incorporated
667 Dalupan Sr Mla........(02)8735-5437 1548 A Mabini Mla ......... (02)8526-4212 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)8891-1526
Mcu-Filemon D Tanchoco Medical Psg ............................ (02)8645-3742 Sunshine 100 Condmn Ralph Anthony Realty Corporation
Foundation St Jude Hospital & Medical Center Mand ......................... (02)8531-4989 Ma Y Orosa Mla..............(02)8521-0203
Dimasalang Mla ............. (02)8731-2761 Hotel 101 Manila
Edsa KC ......................... (02)8367-2031
Medical Center Manila St Luke's Medical Center Incorporated
Hotels Mall Of Asia Cplx PC.......(02)8553-1111
Ramada Manila Central Hotel
Ongpin Mla.....................(02)8354-4151
1122 Gen A Luna Mla.....(02)8523-8131 Crescent District Taguig . (02)8789-7700 Hotel 99 Incorporated - Caloocan Red Manor Residences
St Therese Multi-Specialty Services 390 Degrees Victoria Bldg KC ............. (02)8931-5948 1109 G Tolentino Mla ... (0961)852-5048
Medical Center Paranaque Sequoia Hotel Manila Hotel Central
Paranaque Medical Ctr Incorporated Red Planet Manila Amorsolo
9 Sampaguita Mkti ....... (0915)905-5182 Pque ........................ (0921)244-6502 P Tuazon QC ................ (0930)402-3233
Pque .......................... (02)8826-1050 99 Urban Ave Mkti..........(02)8838-0888
St Victoria Hospital 878 Hotel & Suites Hotel Jen Manila By Shangri-La Regine's Apartelle
Mercado General Hospital Incorporated 878 E Rodriguez Jr Ave 3001 Roxas Blvd Mla ..... (02)7795-8888
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8962-7633 444 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8584-9607 Lourdes Suites Mkti ........ (02)8897-3888
Sta Monica Hospital QC ............................. (02)8421-3786 Hotel Juliano Regines Condo Corporation
Mother Dear Medical Clinic 88 Courtyard Hotel 1171 L Ma Guerrero Mla (02)8536-8181
Gen San Miguel KC ...... (0932)717-6772 138 A A Bonifacio Ave Lourdes Suites Mkti ........ (02)8890-5977
Mkna ......................... (02)8997-8819 24 Roxas Blvd PC .......... (02)8558-0188 Hotel Lucky Chinatown Regines Incorporated
National Childrens Hospital The Family Clinic Inc Hospital Adriatico Consortium Inc 211 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8463-1881
Natl Childrens Hospital Lpl Manor Mkti ............... (02)8813-6331
1474 Ma Clara Mla ......... (02)7317-2901 M Adriatico Mla .............. (02)8536-0639 Hotel Merlo Richville Hotel
QC ............................. (02)8724-0650 Adriatico Pensionne Inn Incorporated 8836 Sampaloc Mla ....... (02)8851-8215
Tondo Medical Center 286 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8533-7081
Nodado General Hospital Tondo Medical Ctr Mla ... (02)8522-9245 1612 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8404-3430 Hotel Okura Manila
Camarin Rd KC .............. (02)8962-7991 Riviera Mansion
Trinity Woman & Child Center Airo Hotel 2 Portwood PC ............... (02)5318-2888 1633 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8523-4501
North Caloocan Doctors Hospital 2734 New Panaderos Antonio Flores Mla........(0916)522-8624 Hotel Oyster Plaza Rmc Realty And Real Estate Development
L1 B10 Bankers Vill KC...(02)8961-5213 Mla ............................ (02)8564-1512 Airport Hotel 128 Incorporated Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8089-2858 Corp
Penthouse Mabuhay Travel Bldg Hotel Red Planet Manila Aseana City
OLIVAREZ GENERAL Uerm Memorial Medical Center
Uerm Hospital Coll Of Medecine Pque .......................... (02)8854-7976 Aseana Business Park
Rmc Bldg QC ............... (0956)672-8906
Rmd Properties Incorporated
HOSPITAL QC ............................. (02)8713-3306 Aloha Hotel Pque .......................... (02)8866-0888 Rmd Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8899-4718
United Doctors Services Corporation 2150 Pres M A Roxas Bvd Hotel Rosas Garden Rosas Garden Hotel
PHILHEALTH ACCREDITED 1357 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8253-8589 Mla ............................ (02)8523-1824 1140 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8404-1121 1140 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8404-1621
ACCEPTS HMO PATIENTS United Hospital Builders Incorporated Amana 508 Bustos Mla ...... (02)8735-5696 Hotel Sogo S M Appliances Center
175 Dna Soledad Ave Artemis Place Makati Hotel Hotel Sogo Mla...............(02)8523-0865 Edsa Ave Mkti ................ (02)8892-3232
Pque .......................... (02)8776-0644 Artemis Place Makati Hotel Swiss San Carlos Mansion
SERVICES OFFERED: Victor R Potenciano Medical Center Mkti ........................... (02)8967-1268 1030 Belen Mla .............. (02)8526-2740 777 A Mabini Mla ........... (02)8523-8111
ER/Medical/Surgical Services 163 Edsa Mand .............. (02)8464-9999 Asia Novotel Incorporated Imperial Palace Suites Savoy Hotel Manila
Victoriano Luna Medical Center 729 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8442-5370 Tomas Morato Ave QC ... (02)8927-8002 Newport Blvd PC ............ (02)5317-2869
Clinical Laboratory V Luna Ave QC ............... (02)8929-3551 Asia's Unique Resorts Alliance Management Infinity Tower Suites Makati Seda Abreeza Hotel
Radiology - Ultrasound - CT Scan World Citi Medical Center Incorporated Philam Life Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8625-8627 106 H V Dela Costa Mkti.(02)8888-6677 30th St Taguig................(02)7945-8888
960 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8913-8380 Atrium Hotel Kimberly Suites Seda Vertis North
Endoscopy Unit Egi Rufino Plz PC ........... (02)8552-0352 770 Pedro Gil Mla .......... (02)8526-4957 Sola QC..........................(02)7739-8888
Dialysis Center Axiaa Hotel Manila Kingsford Hotel Manila Selah Lofts David PC ........ (0945)334-9402
Hospitals and Clinics 135 West Ave QC ......... (0917)858-9422 J W Diokno Blvd Pque .... (02)8538-6388 Sequoia Hotel
PT - Rehab Medicine Big Brother Builders Las Palmas Hotel 91-93 Mo Ignacia Ave
24-HR Pharmacy Bt Diagnostic Center 1108 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8230-2583 Las Palmas Hotel Mla ..... (02)8522-7913 QC ............................. (02)8921-7469
552 United Nations Ave Bloomsfield Inn Incorporated Legaspi Realty Co Incorporated Skyloft Hotel
2D Echo / Stress Test Mla ............................ (02)7919-7983 618 Pedro Gil Mla .......... (02)8523-3679 Fortune Life Insurance Bldg 1106 Gov Forbes Ave
Childrens Medical Center Phils Brentwood Suites Mkti ........................... (02)8843-7980 Mla ............................ (02)8878-0777
CALL: 8826-7966 • 8826-5750 Pcpcd Bldg QC ............... (02)8740-7369 6 Dr Garcia QC ............... (02)8927-8888 Lelita Hotel Sogo Hotel
8826-5035 • 8825-8746 Dr J Sabili General Hospital Camelot Hotel 1770 Evangelista Mkti .... (02)8583-7602 665 A Edsa Ave QC ........ (02)8723-4351
312 Gen Santos Ave 35 Mo Ignacia Ave QC .... (02)8372-4522 Lica Management Incorporated Solace Hotel
8825-8747 • 8831-4459 Taguig........................(02)8837-0917 Casa Nicarosa Hotel Bmw Bldg Munt ............. (02)8403-8426 9639 Kamagong Mkti ... (0933)811-9778
Dr A Santos Ave Dumaual Medical Clinic 2116 Madre Ignacia Mla . (02)8536-1597 Lotus Garden Hotel Manila Soriente Hotel
Parañaque ................. (02)8826-7966 Primo Rivera Mkti ........... (02)8890-1515 Cents Place 77 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8374-8354 545A A Flores Mla .......... (02)8525-7304
Gensens Diagnostic Clinic 239 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-7955 Luxent Hotel Spar Group Corp
The Yellow Pages
60 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)7933-0068 Century Cellar Corporation 51 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8863-7777 484 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)8552-1853
Jevega Diagnostic Ultrasound Clinic Century Park Sheraton Madison Hotel Stars Travel Incorporated
Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. 317 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0998)254-7187 Mla ............................ (02)8405-0199 1 Madison QC ................ (02)8723-1111 600 J Nakpil Mla ............ (02)8524-5056

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:02 2022 - P158

159 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Hotels - Industrial 159

Hds Trading Hydro Weathergear Incorporated Sol Gelato Pevr Commercial
Hotels (Cont'd) 2 Mayor Tanyag 58 Lorraine QC ............... (02)8361-5005 The Venice Piazza Madrigal Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-8205
Taguig......................(0917)163-7359 Hydroliko Enterprises Incorporated Taguig........................(02)7798-0411 Philgps Corp
Subic International Hotel Corporation J&F Department Store Atrium QC ...................... (02)8294-9646 Sumilang Ice Cream 1589 Quezon Crispina Bldg
Pacific Land And Bldg Corp 88B D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-6294 Marine Services And Maintenance 357 Rufina Cpd Psg ..... (0916)299-5234 QC ............................. (02)3413-1943
Mla ............................ (02)8243-2222 L G Sm North Edsa QC ....... (02)8373-1128 2739 Aurora Blvd KC ...... (02)7958-1934 The Blissful Story Creamery Company Phoenix Asia Sunstar Corporation
Sun Star Grand Lg Electronics Zita Apts Psg ................ (0915)901-5145 B6 L6 Viente Reales Lingunan
665-667 Quezon Blvd 261 A Aguirre Ave Pque . (02)8893-1387 PILIPINAS FLUID POWER The Ice Cream Bar (Flavors By Fic) Val ............................. (02)3443-7721
Mla ............................ (02)5310-3520
Sunland Deut Incorporated
Marni Marketing
22 Mariveles QC ............. (02)8711-4365
TRADE CORP Rockwell Ctr Mkti ........... (02)8403-0891
Tutti Fruti
Qingdao Free Trade Zone Gallantlion
International Company Limited
8 Pinatubo QC ................ (02)8705-1325 Osram Merchandise Sm City San Lazaro Alabang Zapote Rd Munt (02)8850-7647
MANUFACTURER * FABRICATOR Mla .......................... (0946)607-3569
Sunrise Holiday Concepts Inc 1262 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8354-6975 Rfc Group Distribution Corporation
Xavierville Square Condmn Pik More Supply Incorporated * CONTRACTOR Civic Dr Munt ................. (02)8403-5326
QC ............................. (02)8426-3002 224A Kanlaon QC ........... (02)8749-5181 Hydraulics / Pneumatics Specialist Sirex Phils Corporation
The A Venue Hotel Quinta Trading Co Incorporated Sales * Parts * Services
Ice Cream and Rada Regency Twr Mkti..(02)8511-8450
7829 Makati Ave Mkti ..... (02)8662-3300 1S Mercedez Ave Psg.....(02)8628-2104 Frozen Desserts Solid Business Machines Center
The Alpha Suites Skyworth Led Philippines Culmat Bldg Quezon City (02)8726-0963 Incorporated
7232 Ayala Ave Ext Mkti . (02)8737-0088 Mjm Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)861-7844 Or Call .......................... (02)7256-1381 Singson Bldg Mla ........... (02)8241-1290
The Bellevue Hotels & Resorts The Cool Philippines Incorporated Big Scoop Ice Cream
34 Garnet Rd LP...........(0906)573-2248 Tay Hua Trading Corporation
North Bridgeway Munt .... (02)8771-8181 M Eusebio Ave Psg ........ (02)8655-6616 620 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-3152
The Contemporary Hotel Welcome Home Appliances Corporation Duomo Gelato Italiano
PILIPINAS Lapanday Ctr Mkti ........ (0917)147-2290 Terramedic Inc
The Contemporary Hotel 229 Wilson SJ................(02)8579-5188 Cityland 10 Mkti ............. (02)8556-8169
QC ............................. (02)8716-8262 Whiteplanet Incorporated Peak-A-Flakes Ice Cream Incorporated
FLUID 47 Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8441-0442 Timberyard Incorporated
The Envoy Hotel Group Inc Century City Mall Mkti.....(02)8403-6011 4 M Antonio Val..............(02)8292-8901
H V Dela Costa Mkti........(02)8888-6677 Your Normal POWER Toru's Export
The Excelsior Hotel Pse Ctre Psg ................ (0920)920-8037 TRADE Immigration Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)8823-4182
1345 Alabang Zapote Rd
Toyama Incorporated
LP ............................ (0915)888-6608
The Manila Peninsula Hotel Household Supplies
CORPORA- Naturalization 22 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8352-5661
The Peninsula Manila TION Consultants Trans World Trading Co Inc
Don Pablo Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8892-1326
Mkti ........................... (02)8887-2889 Gm3 Beauty Products Manufacturing Culmat Bldg Quezon City (02)8726-0963
The Wellex Group Incorporated 330 Lucas Cuadra KC .. (0928)199-9389 Trackstar Hydraulics Supply Incorporated Canada Immigration Lnd Consultancy Verashoppers
One Corporate Ctr Twr Damar Realty Bldg QC .... (02)8373-9440 48 Tirad Pass QC ........... (02)3413-4108
Max Household Supplies Trading 287 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8362-4621
Psg ............................ (02)8570-7888 B1 L31 Nenita Ext QC ... (0930)845-5888 Sm Aura Immigration Satellite Office Yamato Enterprises Incorporated
The Young Men's Christian Asociation Sm Aura Twr Mkti .......... (02)8800-4892 Miki Mari Bldg LP ........... (02)8875-6674
Ydc Incorporated
350 A Villegas Mla ......... (02)8528-0559
Torto Di Sogno Incorporated Housing Projects Hydraulic Hose Ultimate Visa Corporation
Cityland Pasong Tamo 102 Maryland QC ........... (02)8531-6561
2016 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8521-4342 Mkti ........................... (02)8822-7603
Traders Hotel Manila Jt Oil Philippines Incorporated
Artis Realty & Engineering Services 335 J T Oil KC ................ (02)8361-1376 Indenter
3001 Roxas Blvd PC ...... (02)8708-9810 Jlo Bldg QC .................... (02)7756-5271
Trasient Hotel Bahayco Projects Incorporated Importers and
556 Quirino Ave Pque ..... (02)3384-4857 Chema Pacific International Corporation
Tri Place Hotel
Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8638-8340
Bria Homes Incorporated
Hygiene and Exporters State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8244-5750
1235 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3410-4111
Tropical Palace Resort Hotel
Metropolis Alabang Mall Sanitation Ac Metal Export Philippines Incorporated
Uni Field Enterprises Incorporated
150 Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8441-1290
Munt .......................... (02)8831-4998
Tropical Ave LP .............. (02)8825-1011 Elegant Homes Philippines Burgundy Corporate Twr Zenith United Electric Corporation
Tropicana Apartment Hotel Chai Sanitation Services Mkti ........................... (02)8855-4988 649 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8733-8026
Teresa Park Homes LP . (0905)282-6268 472 Abbot Taguig.........(0950)409-3344 Aromaphil Industries Incorporated
1630 L Ma Guerrero Mla (02)8523-8033 Jowie Construction Supplies
Two Seasons Boracay Resort Dynadvance Trading And Distribution Inc Blanco Twnhms Pque.....(02)8776-4267
17 Ipil Ext Mkna..............(02)8716-5235
Nena Bldg QC ................. (02)3410-2075 Lancaster New City Cavite
1032 Craig Mla ............ (0917)586-2249 B Daily Consumer Goods Trading
O-Healthcare Solution Philippines
Indian Foods
U Hotels 7185 Urban Ave Mkti .... (0917)546-6457 Alliance Bldg Mla ............ (02)5310-3057
5091 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8820-1000 Incorporated Big O's Tire Corporation Al Jabrez Halal Restaurant
Mivivienda Corporation G&A Bldg Mkti................(02)8889-0676
Urban Travellers Hotel Celeasco Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8846-2989 80 Sen Gil J Puyat Ave Dr A Santos Ave Pque .. (0921)508-1623
2867 Zamora PC ............ (02)8832-1644 Sanitary Care Products Asia Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8896-2586 Arasala Cuisine
Solar Resources Incorporated 15 Sta Maria Drv Taguig . (02)8836-2067 Blu Coffee Distributors Corporation
Venus Parkview Hotel - Baguio City Century Twr Bldg Mkti .... (02)8812-4225 5 San Lorenzo Psg ....... (0915)360-7292
K2 Bldg QC .................... (02)8426-6531 Townhouse 341 Katipunan Rd QC ..... (02)8426-0257 Curried Away Indian Restaurant
Victoria Mansions Blue Star Interiors Incorporated 1350 Juan Luna Mla.....(0917)129-6973
600 J Nakpil Mla ............ (02)8525-9444
1818 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8525-2045
Villegrace Realty Solutions
Ice East Twr Pse Ctr Psg......(02)8634-6271 Flavours By Vana's
White Knight Hotel Saint Anne R Magsaysay Blvd Mla . (0927)772-4142 Brakah International 5470 Pres Osmena Hwy
2091 Pedro Gil Mla ...... (0966)470-3485 Asc Enterprises Incorporated Msi Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8551-8855 Mkti ......................... (0917)523-6531
White Marketing Development Corporation 713 D Santiago Mla ........ (02)8714-3161 Conrad & Co Incorporated Harishi Restaurant
4549 V Mapa Mla ........... (02)8716-7632 Human Factor Blueice Incorporated 12 Brixton Psg ............... (02)8584-8353
453 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-3806 Contex Internatl Manila
South Star Plz Mkti ....... (0919)619-1150
Ymca Of Manila Indus Modern Indian Kitchen
Ymca Manila Mla ............ (02)8527-6983 Research and Mandaluyong Ice Plant Multinational Bancorp Ctr
5th Ave Taguig ............. (0917)311-1312
Zenith Tourist Inn 103 Shaw Bvd Mand ...... (02)8531-8192 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-4952
487 Sta Monica Mla ....... (02)8708-8980 Development Mrs Freeze Tube Ice Makers Co Darumaya Japanese Food Center New Bombay
Robinson Place  Manila
C-4 Rd Mal .................... (02)8355-4036 Cartimar International Shopping Ctr
Springboard Philippines PC ............................. (02)8831-0114 Mla ............................ (02)8353-6847
Philippine Carbon Dioxide Corporation
Household Draco Lifestyle Ctr Mla . (0917)656-5198 453 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8939-3806 Diamond Star Agro Products Incorporated
Punjab Grill - Authentic Indian And Arabic
Sunyu Bldg 2 Taguig ...... (02)8838-4436
Accessories Subzero Marketing Inc
103 Shaw Bvd Mand ...... (02)8531-8296 Elitsped Services Incorporated
Liwasang Kalayan
Human Resource Suparana Holdings Incorporated
Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Mkna ....................... (0917)317-8231
Blims Lifestyle Group Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8567-4913 Saffron Plates
Fort Victoria Taguig ........ (02)8403-1067 Consultants 7202 Soreena Pque ........ (02)8828-9070 First Asian Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)538-1248
Yelo Republika Incorporated 816 Riena Regente Mla .. (02)8244-1201 Swaadisht Indian Cuisine & Bar
A&C International Resource Incorporated 2062 Edison Mkti ........... (02)8808-5780 Gdg Import-Export Company Uptown Mall Taguig........(02)7943-1373
Household San Luis Terraces Mla .... (02)8521-4992 Parklane Twr Mla............(02)8253-5759
Comnet Management Corporation Gemfoods International
Appliances Dpc Place Mkti ............... (02)8889-8837 Ice Cream Mgm KC.......................(0917)717-6715 Industrial Burners
Divergence Hr Consulting Group Halcyon Foyer Import & Export Corporation
Abenson Philippine Axa Life Ctre Amici Foodservice Ventures Incorporated Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8255-9888 Anrotek Industrial Solutions Inc
Fairview Ctr Mall QC ....... (02)8355-5470 Mkti ......................... (0917)621-2758 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-9813 Janpatrick International Incorporated L9 B13 Joshua LP .......... (02)8876-0625
Arl Cubao Appliance Center Incorporated Filipay Baskin Robbins 6 Mercedez Ave Psg.......(02)8628-0410
401 Visayas Ave QC ....... (02)8332-8825 Technopoint II Psg ......... (02)3491-7626 Ayala Malls Manila Bay Jastra Corporation
Bovis Home Kitchen Global Staff Connections Pque ........................ (0956)889-3787 Vs1 Bldg QC...................(02)3436-5996 Industrial
Chino Roses Ave Mkti .. (0906)211-1297 Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)7625-5406 Baskin Robbins Philippines Jpv Commercial Incorporated
Ckmj Greenovation Incorporated Hr Spectacles Up Town Ctr QC ........... (0995)511-8062 Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-0968 Consultants -
Robinson's Magnolia Town Ctr
QC ............................. (02)8470-6458
111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)7914-6590
Carmen's Best Ice Cream
Power Plant Mall Mkti ... (0917)567-2378
K Servicotrade Incorporated
Dsm Arcade Psg ............ (02)8470-6346
Conlins Elements
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9698
Human Resource Solutions Inc
9710A Kamagong Mkti ... (02)8896-8416
Cold Stone Creamery Kai Anya Foods Incorporated
Navotas Fishport Nav......(02)8921-7043
Daang Hari Rd LP ........... (02)8894-2298
Crs Appliance Enterprises Ilearn Professional Solutions Inc Emack & Bolio's Kaplag Trading Corporation
983 North Edsa QC ...... (0916)433-4792 Bogo Medellin Milling Company Philippines
Poweraire Bldg Mkti ....... (02)7745-0535 Ayala Malls The 30th Pamplona Lumber Bldg Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8848-0114
Edumielet Appliances Aircondition Trading Jobs 101 Hr And Consultancy Services Psg .......................... (0922)882-8278 LP .............................. (02)8808-8559
52 E Ragas Pat ............ (0929)560-2397 Filipinas Benson Industrial And
Sea Twr Bldg PC ............ (02)8403-6752 Frozenwonders Incorporated Kleen Essence Enterprise Development Corp - Muntinlupa 1
Eleksis Marketing Corporation Kippur Resource Inc The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)8659-3025 4291 Palanan Mkti ......... (02)3474-8161
Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-2048 Gen E Rodriguez Ave
Plc Corporate Ctr Pque ... (02)7792-8471 Gelatone Incorporated La Europa Cermica Tile Center Incorporated Munt .......................... (02)8861-7052
Emilio S Lim App Prime Technology Specialists Inc Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7729-6377 11-A Alabang-Zapote Rd
126128 Samson KC ....... (02)8352-4778 Munt .......................... (02)8772-3548 Filipinas Benson Industrial And
Cityland Shaw Twr Geno's Ice Cream Las Pinas Development Corp - Muntinlupa 2
Fabriano Spa Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8635-5049 Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .. (0917)845-3202 Liberty Multi-Utilities Corporation
103 Mercedez Ave Psg ... (02)8641-8754 671 Florentino Torres Natl Rd Munt .................. (02)8861-3727
Servrevo Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt T One Project Management Inc
Faith Glorious Fit Strata 2000 Psg ............. (02)7900-2049 Mla ............................ (02)8733-3409
10 Gov Pascual Mal ....... (02)8285-9560 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 5th Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-5519
First Asia Mobile
Sprout Solutions SJ .............................. (02)8470-8339 Longlife Enterprises Tri-Flex Industrial Company
Hq Lawton Ave Taguig....(02)3485-8338 Ice Cream House 137-139 N Domingo SJ..(02)8724-4676
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Temps And Staffers Incorporated Makerlab Electronics 321 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8364-8545
SJ .............................. (02)8722-9535 Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)3455-1949 1063 Tomas Mapua Mla.(02)8230-4312
Paragon Plz Bldg Mand...(02)8706-5245 Ice Monster Corporation
Flat Panel Tv's For Less May Cris Insurance
Tci Twr Psg....................(02)8631-9550
Tri-Q Responsible Services Incorporated
79 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8533-9571
Waltermart Makati Mkti ... (02)8889-7490 1415 Huertas Mla...........(02)3493-3277 Industrial Designers
Gge Perfect Products Mokkilato Coconut Psg ..... (0928)524-8498 Nature's Garden Industry Incorporated
Midway Court Bldg Mr Softy Ice Cream J Aguilar Ave LP ............. (02)8873-8336 Brighlans Inc
Mand ......................... (02)8948-5254 Hydraulic Equipment 4A Katipunan Mkna ........ (02)8998-2114 Ocean Light Export And Importcompany
Philippines Pizza Incorporated
Eco Twr Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8883-6073
Goodrich Ventures Incorporated Paso De Blas Val ............ (02)8984-0668 Cc Design Innovation
Amorlinas Bldg QC ....... (0915)557-4874 and Supplies Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3635 Pacific Heritage Company Incorporated Lri Business Plz Mkti ...... (02)8403-0148
Gorenje Appliances Philippines Pinkberry 201 Bacood Mla ............. (02)8714-8300 Statera Interior Design
165 Legazpi Mkti ............ (02)8967-7127 Ace Hydraulic Enterprises Sm Aura Premier Pacific Horizon Trading 41 Gold QC .................... (02)7505-8534
Great World Appliance 157 Rizal Ave KC ........... (02)8364-0159 Taguig......................(0905)362-4561 Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8526-0418 Toespin Professional Lighting Design
229 -231 Dasmarinas Fluid Energy Philippines Incorporated Rita's Italian Ice Pct Enterprise Consultants
Mla ............................ (02)8241-3446 99 4th St KC .................. (02)8442-2244 Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)7955-2452 L G Ctre Pque ................. (02)8842-7304 Pugad Lawin Bldg QC ..... (02)8555-0000

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160 S C M Y K

160 Industrial - Inks 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Safetyko Industrial Supplies Tourch Co Incorporated On-Off Group Inc
Industrial Equipment Evangelista Psg ............... (0905)268681 Industrial Properties Home Studio Bldg SJ......(02)8477-3771 Zeta Bldg Mkti .............. (0917)589-8361
Salem Oceanic Ind Corporation Transcendence Contact Solutions Palvision Incorporated
and Supplies Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8403-3415 Orchard Property Marketing Incorporated Galvez Bldg Pque ........... (02)8555-1009 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8553-3619
Sanben Machinery Equipment Sm Fairview QC..............(02)7964-6462 Transcenture Management Consultancy Paperless Trail Incorporated
Acquisitions Industrial Corporation 41 Linaw QC ................ (0916)490-1369 1061 Metropolitan Ave 118 V A Rufino Mkti ....... (02)8893-5951
55 M Gregorio Val .......... (02)8294-4208 Servictory Company Limited Mkti ........................... (02)8519-5256 Pccw Solutions
Annex Karuhatan Industrial Corporation 664 7th Ave KC .............. (02)8442-5180 Information Transnational E-Business Solutions Inc The 30th Corporate Ctr
6129 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8961-5299 Sonico Hardware Net Quad Bldg Taguig ..... (02)8830-8888 Psg ............................ (02)8880-5800
Arditech Corporation 1128 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8254-3622 Technology Trilink Technologies Incorporated Pierre And Paul Solutions Incorporated
2163 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8251-9991 Stihl Philippines Trilink Bldg LP ................ (02)8809-8026 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8531-1206
Burkert Philippines Inc 10 Tagdalit QC ............. (0920)926-6231 3Com Philippines Inc Unifiedweb Incorporated Quiddity Usability Labs
Citynet Central Bldg Sunward Philippines Inc The Enterprise Bldg Mkti . (02)8849-3979 Yrreverre Square Bldg Cypress Gardens Mkti .... (02)5310-2429
Mand ......................... (02)8776-4384 218D D Aquino KC ......... (02)8567-2786 7Kiosk Inc QC ............................. (02)8357-5570 Readyspace
Cayebel Equipment Inc Sw Equipment And Materials Inc 30 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0927)602-9747 Verdure Xchange Tech Incorporated 285 Haig Mand .............. (02)8231-2985
68 Arcade 3 Shophouse 1 201 5th Ave KC ............ (0995)613-5073 A&F Green Electric Technologies Inc Aurora Garden Plz QC ..... (02)8477-8598 Redpoint Global Incorporated
QC ........................... (0915)933-5786 Synfab Phils Incorporated 10 B Banner Psg .......... (0947)315-2215 Wimax Philippines Incorporated Pb Com Twr Mkti ........... (02)8551-8112
China International Mining Petroleum 43 Stella Maris Psg ........ (02)8631-0710 Accentrex Global Technologies Inc 11 Katarungan Mand ...... (02)8234-5538
Company Limited Chatham Hse Condmn Remax International Incorporated
Tct Alliance International Incorporated Xdna Interactive 18 United Psg ................ (02)8637-2047
Paseo De Roxas Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8291-7782 Rci Bldg Mkti................(0917)188-2942
Mkti ........................... (02)8877-8700 Cristina Condmn Mkti ..... (02)8818-0278 Ace Asia Pacific Services Pte Ltd Sdev Technologies Opc
Ten Industrial Sales Corporation Xitrix Corporation Residencias De Manila Bldg 7
Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8849-6080
CIMECH SYSTEMS 344 Mayon QC ............... (02)8742-8529 Ace Technologies Incorporated
Xitrix Bldg QC ................. (02)8721-9999 Mla .......................... (0968)880-2859
Tripletech International Corporation Senti Ai Herrera Twr Mkti .... (02)7719-1565
INDUSTRIES INC Cityland Pasong Tamo
Metrowalk Plz Bldg  C
Smartmatic Philippines Incorporated
Anahaw Caloocan Mkti ........................... (02)8403-7602
Psg ............................ (02)8633-1422
Altair I Solutions Incorporated
Information 2nd St Taguig.................(02)8754-1200
City ......... (02)8961-4767 Tungsten Industrial Sales Incorporated
929 G Masangkay Mla....(02)8244-8539
88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8551-1951 Technology Sven Group
Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8511-7836
Anthel System Solutions
Cimech Systems Industries Unilink Industrial Instrumentation Sales & Urc Bldg Mla ................ (0917)719-8168 Solutions Providers Sytian Productions
Services Apollo Global Corporation Tds Bldg QC ................... (02)3435-2334
Espana Twr Mla ............. (02)5310-1991 East Twr Pse Ctr Psg......(02)3439-9769 1150 Technologies Technoglobal Team Inc
CIMECH Uptown Industrial Sales Incorporated Barom Global Technologies Incorporated 536 Calbayog Mand ....... (02)8477-8126 Eco Twr Taguig .............. (02)3485-7521
SYSTEMS Uptown Sales Bldg 3 West Svc Rd Pque.......(02)8776-5828 Abm Global Solutions Incorporated Toyo Adtec Incorporated
SAMPLE Mand ......................... (02)8634-3171
CONS- ONLY Werner Access Products Philippines
Careers At Cartrack Philippines Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8811-5429 South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8772-3742
Veracity Synergy Solutions Incorporated
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8661-2651 Adapsense Technologies Inc
TRUCTION Incorporated Converge Training And I T Services E Jacinto QC .................. (02)8981-8660 Ags Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8882-6719
INC San Miguel Ave Psg ....... (02)8435-6100 Co-Creators Bldg Mkna (0977)196-8226 American Technologies Incorporated Vobling
Wil Industrial Sales Company Create Rsc Technologies Incorporated 5 Ideal Mand .................. (02)5846-8686 Twenty-Five Seven Mckinley Bldg
2029 A Francisco Mla .... (02)8563-4502 Antonio Ctr Munt ............ (02)8551-1925 Audio World Technology Incorporated Taguig......................(0927)255-1391
Anahaw Caloocan City ... (02)8961-4767 Yung Sung Industrial Pails Crimxon Innovations Inc 749 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)8742-6843 Wylog Labs
Citi Poly Industrial Incorporated Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8634-6452 91 Diego Silang Ave Beleb Ltd Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8945-6315
2091A La Mesa Val ........ (02)8983-1621 Yushin Precision Equipment Company Taguig........................(02)8876-7872 Litman Corporate Ctr Zeus Systems Philippines Incorporated
Davao Light And Power Company Limited Digital Space Explorer Incorporated Mand ....................... (0917)571-8200 Philippine Stock Exch We Twr
Aboitiz Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8231-2556 Apmc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8893-7546 Microlab Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7728-8432 Bonsey Jaden Pte Ltd Psg ............................ (02)8637-5962
Doosan Heavy Industries And Construction Dynaquest Technology Services Floor Menarco Twr Zynappse Corporation
Company Limited Uptown Place Twr 2 Taguig......................(0917)316-0321 Libertad Plz Bldg Mand ... (02)8291-4837
Paseo De Roxas Ave Industrial Gas Taguig........................(02)3224-1862 Bunch
Mkti ........................... (02)3489-4188 Elinnov Technologies Inc Mile Long Bldg Mkti ...... (0927)736-6693
Dragon Prime Enterprises First Pacific Nova Distributors Corporation One Global Place Chibot Vr Inks
Kapiligan QC ................ (0998)999-2289 Kamias Rd QC................(02)8876-5655 Taguig......................(0917)801-9685 Domingo M Guevara
Eastown Industrial Incorporated R J K Petron Gasoline Station Emc Philippines Mand ....................... (0915)640-8488 Ink Tower
133C B Serrano KC ........ (02)8442-2162 P Guevarra SJ ................ (02)8724-3990 The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8849-3433 Cloversense Technology Inc Greenhills Shopping Ctr
El Mazo Agri Industrial Sales Epldt Incorporated Robinson Summit Ctr SJ .............................. (02)8721-5483
675 Monte De Piedad L V Locsin Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8859-0088 Mkti ........................... (02)8551-9478
QC ........................... (0910)684-3963 Industrial Hose Genesystems Incorporated D-Link Philippines
Fresmon Medical And Industrial Services City & Land Mega Plz Condmn Ibp Twr Psg ................... (02)8637-1299 Inks - Printing and
Hcc Bldg QC ................ (0998)886-9446 Psg ............................ (02)8570-9166 Dynamo Technology Incorporated
Futureheads Industries Incorporated PI TRACTOR INC Goetu Software Solutions Inc Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti . (0917)819-2688 Lithographing
Robinsons Place Cplx Industrial Hose West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)5310-2306 Eastvantage Business Solutions Inc
Mla ............................ (02)8354-7568 Green Apple Technologies & Systems Inc Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8876-1444
G & J Industrial Corporation Dealer in: Komatsu, TCM, Caterpillar, Petron Megaplaza Bldg Fasttracksolutions Inc
4 Aragon QC .................. (02)8371-6080 Mkti ......................... (0917)624-1139 Valero Twr Mkti .............. (02)8846-5625
Genesys Integrated Systems Corporation Hyster, Isuzu, Fuso, Hino, Nissan, Etc. Ideyatech Incorporated First Datacorp Manufacturer of:
Geronimo Bldg QC..........(02)8281-4569 Tel. Nos.: 8361-7151 * 8364-3357 West Twr Pse Ctre Psg ... (02)8470-8756 Citibank Twr Mkti ........... (02)8893-6657
Global Steel Philippines Infomax Geodata Solutions Incorporated -Rotogravure/Flexographic
Corporate Ctr Mkti .......... (02)7751-3292 8361-2788 * 8361-8923 * 8363-5213 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8351-3005 Strata 100 Psg ............... (02)8631-3187
Goldcrest Asia Mining Ventures 303 Rizal Av Ext Infosys Bpm Philippines Geoplan Philippines Inc Waterbased Ink
Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8778-7669 Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-3370 Bgc Corporate Ctr 4427 Communications Foundation Asia
Green Intervene Incorporated Taguig........................(02)7946-3439 Mla ............................ (02)7729-4467 -Can Coatings and Varnishes
5102 Bridgeway Munt .... (02)8771-7777 PI Tractor Inc Itworkserv Solutions Incorporated Gotechno Corporation
Hartford General Merchandise West Twr Psec Psg ...... (0917)705-0367 Richmark Bldg QC .......... (02)3456-1234 Industrial Finishes
713 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8245-9458 John Clements Consultants Incorporated
Iprocess Controls Trading Incorporated Hdi System Technologies Incorporated
Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr
Almanza Metropolis Condmn PI Mkti ........................... (02)8845-2002
Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)8570-6582
LP .............................. (02)8772-2309 Jw Summit Group Incorporated Hph Technical Solution Incorporated
J Tancio Enterprises Incorporated TRACTORS Wardley Coml Bldg PC ... (02)8801-8000 Avi Coml Ctr LP .............. (02)8808-4735 Tel Nos.: 7746-6971 / 8532-0765 /
1554 Sisa Mla ................ (02)8741-3115 Krobyte Technology Incorporated I-Secure Network & Business Solution Inc
Jialto Construction And Trading Company CO INC Gedisco Terrace Mla ...... (02)8357-6938 Cityland Shaw Twr 8532-0876
Incorporated Larventech Incorporated Mand ......................... (02)8634-1923
Indigo21 Group Incorporated Telefax: 8532-0805
7496 Bagtikan Mkti ........ (02)8890-8059 303 Rizal Av Ext Net Cube Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8822-4123
Jmcc Industries Incorporated Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-3370 Lattice System Incorporated The Centerpoint Condmn Plant: Bancal, Carmona, Cavite
B21 L27 Malanting KC....(02)8961-4589 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8667-3152 Psg ............................ (02)8631-1525
Jokers Foo Industries National Unity Party Intercommerce Network Services Tel No.: (046) 430-1791 / 666-3575
Pearl Bank Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8843-8182
79F Mc Arthur Hwy KC ... (02)8361-3332
Jq Porter Enterprises
Industrial Machinery Nlic Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8772-6237
Nephila Web Technology Iripple Incorporated Email: [email protected]
99  E & F Maysan Rd Philippine Social Science Ctr Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3961
3A System Machinery (Phil) Corporation Isc Consolsys Corporation 495 Boni Av
Val ............................. (02)8364-8328 QC ............................. (02)3453-7347 Mandaluyong.............(02)8532-0876
Kumataka Mining Company Incorporated 2 Sta Rosa Psg .............. (02)8631-0087 Northgate Technologies Incorporated Chatham Hse Mkti .......... (02)8813-5911
Paseo De Roxas Mkti ..... (02)8833-3477 Altech International Incorporated The Gallery Bldg Mkti......(02)8722-0104 It Associates Corporation
Lepanto Ceramics Incorporated Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8820-0757 Orange Coast Manila Incorporated Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr MCR Industries Inc
Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8884-1106 Avidpro Inc Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8813-5460 Psg ............................ (02)8687-4740
Fmsg Bldg QC ................ (02)8638-5423 Ittechprod Trading
Lepex Mineral Resources Corporation
Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8840-0595 Bueven Industrial Solution Incorporated
Osbourne Technologies Inc
C Palanca Mkti ............... (02)8892-0181 Sampaguita Mla ........... (0938)905-1934 MCR
One Global Place Justpayroll
Lipc Enterprises
102 Gen Luna Mal .......... (02)8281-4058 Taguig......................(0917)525-0327
P-Tech People And Technology
One Global Place 107 Valero Mkti .............. (02)3491-7391 INDUS-
Dynawealth Machine Shop
Magma Indl Sales Corp
202 Cordero KC ............. (02)8361-5214 B1 L14 Katipunan Ave Ext
Philippines Today Incorporated
Lingaro Philippines Incorporated
Twr 2 Enterprise Ctr
Makilala Mining Company Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8983-8771
Equi G Enterprises
202 Railroad Mla ............ (02)8527-6850 Mkti ........................... (02)8849-3912
Marrem Technologies Opc
Legaspi Suites Bldg Mkti (02)8814-0403 Philsoft Technologies Group Incorporated 495 Boni Av
Mando General Merchandise 639-644 Evangelista David I Bldg Mand .......... (02)8735-8523 Cityland Shaw Twr Mandaluyong.............(02)8532-0876
608 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8861-5682 Mla ............................ (02)3488-3804 Pikaki Incorporated Mand ....................... (0927)894-0591
Manheng Industrial Supply Markis Trading Banawe Sreet Pque ........ (02)8829-8091 Micropact Philippines Toner King Philippines Corporation
719 Tomas Mapua Mla...(02)8734-7722 523 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)7903-4214 Samsung Group Net Square Bldg Taguig .. (02)8823-7794 146 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8635-4916
Marine Inbox Trading Corporation Mmj Biosystems Philippines Incorporated The Enterprise Ctr Mkti ... (02)8884-8001 Millennium Solutions Tw Ink Solutions Specialists Incorporated
Zeta 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8894-3702 Solemare Parksuites Condo Skubbs 10 Brixton Psg ............... (02)8656-2371 34-36 P Tuazon Blvd
Minuteman Industrial Sales Incorporated Pque .......................... (02)8442-8352 Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8831-4690 Mr-Tech I T Solutions QC ........................... (0917)380-8070
89B F Blumentritt SJ ....... (02)8723-0678 Pro Tech Machinery Corporation Squidpay Psec Psg ............ (02)8521-7035 Bamboo KC..................(0953)279-9565
Pneumatic Technologies Incorporated Dalagang Bukid Mal ........ (02)8287-2489 Steadfast Solutions Incorporated Narratek Corporation
Richville Corporate Twr Rbkk Industrial Enterprise Erechem Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8846-4868 Vernida 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)7621-6183 Inks - Writing and
Munt .......................... (02)8807-3355 Isabelle De Valenzuela Bldg Sybase Philippines Incorporated Ncsi Incorporated Marking
Power Industrial Val ............................. (02)8283-5340 Prestige Twr Condmn 139 Corporate Ctr Mkti ... (02)7793-1400
23 F Pasco Ave Psg ....... (02)8646-6028 Rcem Food Machinery & Supplies Inc Psg ............................ (02)8570-4453 Nexus Technologies Incorporated
Power Loops Incorporated 1168 Ricardo Papa Mla .. (02)8292-0413 Synnergys It Services Incorporated Don Pablo Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8812-0683 Cdi Sakata Inx Corporation
S Medalla Bldg QC..........(02)8913-0611 Tm-Dg Enterprises Victoria De Manila Mla .... (02)8521-3866 Nm Network Manager Sales Incorporated Don Jesus Blvd Munt......(02)8842-2070
Primetech Industrial Sales Corporation Emr Bldg Mkna...............(02)7903-3767 System32 Web Solutions Cityland Herrera Twr
Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8952-0369 Trans Tec Intl Mktg Phils Incorporated Emerald Psg.................(0927)470-8818 Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1810 The Yellow Pages
Raymar Industrial Sales Burgundy Corporate Twr Toolbyte Printing & Computer Services Northstar Solutions Group Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY.
B-4 E Ragas Pat ............. (02)8642-8172 Mkti ........................... (02)8843-0124 48F Benefits QC ........... (0966)339-9171 North Bldg Val ................ (02)8291-2290

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Mon Jul 18 15:04:17 2022 - P160

161 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Inks - Insurance 161

E Coronacion Enterprises Corporate Guarantee & Insurance Company First Insurance Services Corporation Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance Brokers
Inks - Writing and Bonifacio Mand .............. (02)8706-6602 Inc Marvin Plz Mkti...............(02)8816-2691 Inc
186 E Rodriguez Jr Ave First Phil Ins Brokerage Incorporated 111 Paseo De Roxas Bldg
Marking (Cont'd) QC ............................. (02)8421-9059 Country Space 1 Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8885-7080
Insulation Materials Credit Pilipinas Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8892-8859 Joaquin Cunanan & Co
Ink & Toner Worldwide Incorporated West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8638-5052 Fortune Guarantee & Insurance Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8845-2728
Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8893-6631 Aceg Steel Products Incorporated Del Mundo Associates City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8706-4015 Ker Insurance Brokers Inc
Facilities Ctre Bldg Mand (02)8531-1236 Alcco Bldg SJ.................(02)8721-2394 Fortune Life & General Insurance Shophouse Mla .............. (02)8536-8423
Eastern Assurance And Surety Corporation Fortune Office Bldg Mkti . (02)8894-0267 Loyola Education Systems Incorporated
Insecticides ASSISTCO ENERGY & Dna Isabel Roces Bldg Growth Insurance Agency Inc Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8818-3803
Mla ............................ (02)8353-8026 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8350-4607
Betsons Industries Incorporated INDUSTRIAL Ecoholdings Company Incorporated Guevent Industrial Development Corporation
Loyola Plans Incorporated
Makati Executive Ctr
28 Karpa QC .................. (02)8930-5197 CORPORATION Ayala Twr One Mkti ........ (02)8841-5484 Dmg Ctr Bldg Mand ........ (02)8534-9185 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-3354
Le Firenze Marketing And Management Equatorial Commercial Co Guilders Insurance Sale Incorporated Maa Phils (Bradstock)
Corporation 1st Av Aic Ctr Bldg Mla ............. (02)8242-1291 Maligaya Bldg 3 QC ........ (02)8661-7724 Pearl Bank Ctr Mkti ......... (02)8893-2717
E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC ... (02)8997-0812 Hp Caroga Insurance Agency Incorporated
Sita Pest Control Services Taguig ..... (02)8281-1888 Equisurance Agencies Corporation
Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8892-3494 Padilla Bldg Psg ............. (02)8634-7953
Mafre Re Compania De Reasegu
6750 Ayala Ofc Twr
Danlig Mkti ................... (0917)792-4052 (See Advertisement on this page) Family First Incorporated Icec Insurance Agency Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8812-0042
Drei Koningen Incorporated 6766 Ayala Ave Mkti ...... (02)7755-1500 Lkg Twr Mkti .................. (02)8884-1152 Malayan Insurance Company Incorporated
Victoria I Bldg QC ........... (02)8926-0806 Fas Insurance Agency Incorporated Ichoose.Ph Las Bldg LP......(02)8875-6677 Honda Cars Caloocan
Inspection Anita Bldg QC ................. (02)8374-1292 Insurance Institute For Asia And The Pacific KC ............................. (02)8361-5677
E-WHA FOAM PHILS INC Ayala Life-Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8824-4224
Equipment Feb Mitsui Marine Institute Company
Incorporated Insurance Unlimited Inc
Manhatan Insurance Agency Incorporated
Jiao Bldg 2 QC ............... (02)8374-3099
INSULATION MATERIALS FOR: Feliciano Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8893-2154
Cifra Industrial Services Corpration Ayala Life-Fgu Bldg Mkti . (02)8891-0271 Manila Bankers Life Insurance
Fidelity Insurance Company Incorporated Iprotect Insurance Agency Corporation Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8810-1014
4229 Gen Mojica Mkti .... (02)8889-0767 * ROOFS Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8551-3892
Arzobispado De Manila Mapfre Asian Insurance Corporation
* DUCTS Mla ............................ (02)8528-0888 Ace Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8892-7811
Instrumentation Finman General Assurance Corporation
Finman Ctre Bldg Mkti .... (02)8817-0840
Makes shopping easier.
Medaccess Incorporated
Cityland Condmn Mand .. (02)7904-0315
5548 Osmena Hwy Mkti . (02)8988-2610 * WALLS / GAPS
Mtech Industrial Automation Corporation
Empire Ctr Mall PC ......... (02)8776-4547 & OTHER APPLICATIONS
Scientific Biotech Specialties Inc
6023 Sacred Heart Mkti .. (02)8824-4551
SENSORS & MEASURING [email protected]
RTD THERMOCOUPLE HEATER (02)8861-5601 / 5699 / 5011
RKC TOHO CAHO ELSTEIN OMEGA Mobile: 0939-7867800
TEL. 7757-3348 / 7728-6360 0917-1573257
Cadena de Amor/CP Tinga
8418 Mayapis Makati .... (02)8896-6896 Brgy San Miguel Taguig . (02)8861-5601

E-Wha Foam Phils Inc

8418 Mayapis Makati ........... 8896-6896 Brgy San Miguel Taguig . (02)8861-5601
•Pressure gauge
Eagle Shield Enterprises
Cityland Shaw Twr
Mand ......................... (02)8633-7011 Assistco Energy &
Industrial Corporation
Km8 Enterprises
Km8 Bldg Mkna..............(02)8359-5731
•Temperature gauge Lc Engineering Supply
7721 Estrella Ave Mkti .. (0917)133-2272
Tel No.: (02)8740-5773 Lexaron Marketing Incorporated 1st Av, Taguig, Metro Manila 1631
Joy QC ........................... (02)3418-4225
Email: [email protected] Phil Insulation Co Incorporated Tel. No.: (02) 8281-1888
875 A Norte Manila ........ (02)8743-3469 Philippine Insulation Bldg
Pque .......................... (02)8851-7135
C-3 Rd Caloocan
City ......... (02)8287-5498
(See Advertisement on this page)

875 A Norte Manila ........ (02)8743-3469
Accord Insurance Agency
Times Square Bldg QC....(02)8712-8456
Insulation Coating Active Underwriters Insurance Agency
Products and G Apacible Mla ............... (02)8523-7773
Services - Heat and Afpmbai General Insurance Corporation
Col Boni Serrano Rd QC . (02)8911-8801
Cold Asalus Corporation
Filomena Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8403-2393
Kairo Steel Corporation Asian Asset Insurance
Cityland Condmn Mkti .... (02)8403-9974 Power Realty Bldg Mkti...(02)8889-6154
Ayala Life Assurance Incorporated
Ayala Life-Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8888-2930
Insulation Bell Manila Trading Corporation
Country Space 1 Bldg
Contractors - Cold Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1622
and Heat Centrolink Service Corporation
Ace Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8553-8587


Dhon Lawrence Refrigeration Aircon And Certitude Insurance Corporation
Ducting Parts Supply Jade Place Condmn QC .. (02)8920-9177
D E Rodriguez QC ........... (02)3414-4879 Charter Ping An Insurance Corporation
Skyland Plz Condmn

Mkti ........................... (02)8813-1482
All the information you need Cibeles Insurance Corporation
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1631
right at your fingertips, Cooperative Insular System Philippines
presented clearly and 80 Malakas QC...............(02)8924-0388 # 34 DAGAT-DAGATAN AVE., CALOOCAN CITY, MANILA 1400 PHLIPPINES
Corlife Insurance Agency Incorporated
accurately. Antel 2000 Corporate Ctr Tel. No.: (02) 8287-5498
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-2501

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Mon Jul 18 15:04:17 2022 - P161

162 S C M Y K

162 Insurance - Investigation 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Visayan Surety & Insurance Corp Xing Yin Home Design Enterprise I Map Websolutions Incorporated Skyfox Internet Café
Insurance (Cont'd) Federation Ctr Mla .......... (02)8242-2456 Quirino Hwy QC............(0927)215-1105 Patricia Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8854-5337 7 Rd 3 Val ...................... (02)8962-2487
Young Taipan Financial Insurance Agency Zif Design I-Connect Systems Integration Incorporated Skytea Internet Café
Mega Re International Services Inc Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 4780 Ortigas Ave Ext 79B Montreal QC ............ (02)8421-0299
Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2 40 Linaw QC .................. (02)8711-1168 Psg .......................... (0917)865-0470 Psg ............................ (02)8634-2498 Skywire Net Cafe
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-7879 Zuellig Institutions Brokers Incorporated Zion Space Interior Design Shop Imaginet International Incorporated Neo Vista Homes KC ...... (02)8442-5527
Meridian Assurance Corporation Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8840-5844 West Highland Twr 101 Zodiac Mkti ............. (02)8895-9755 Slickernixs.Net Internet Cafe
East Twr Psec Bldg Psg . (02)8631-4301 Mand ....................... (0956)168-5567 Jm Ecotech Solution Company Jocson Mkna ................. (02)8942-7869
Moylan's Insurance Agency Incorporated 168 Gen Luis KC ............ (02)8936-2317 Strawhat Internet & Printing Services
853 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8338-5602 Insurance Brokers Q Software Research Corporation John Joseph Bldg
Mzm Insurance Agency Incorporated Interior Designers 456 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7747-3994 Taguig........................(02)8866-0135
Isuzu Alabang Bldg Asian Asset Insurance Brokerage Rankone Tech Surfking Internet Cafe
Munt .......................... (02)8842-8404 Corporation Aa Design Studio Malate Mla ................... (0906)568-9098 Pacific Regency Mla ....... (02)8567-2055
Nat`L Life Ins Co Of The Phils Zenaida Mkti ................... (02)8886-8181 99 Maginhawa Suites Sbt Philippines Incorporated Toper Internet Lounge
National Life Insurance Bldg Fpg Insurance Company Incorporated QC ........................... (0967)254-2404 Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8632-9917 Rosewood Pointe 1
Mkti ........................... (02)8804-1487 Zuellig Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8859-1200 Alero Design Studio Teko Solutions Asia Inc Taguig........................(02)8584-6023
National Reinsurance Corporation Of The Gold Insurance Brokerage Incorporated 58 Alero Design Studio Asian Star Bldg Munt ...... (02)8639-6989 Topher's Internet Shop
Philippines Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8772-2892 Psg ............................ (02)7751-4475 Tridel Technologies Incorporated 619 Madrid Mla .............. (02)8242-0485
Ayala Life-Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8888-5262 Penta Insurance Broker Services Inc B & S Design Services Incorporated Hanston Bldg Psg...........(02)3490-0000 Trend Link Internet Cafe
New Columbia Insurance Brokers Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8812-3507 Avecshares Ctr Taguig....(02)8550-2900 Web Outsourcing Gateway 1222 Lardizabal Mla ....... (02)8518-0795
Equitable Bank Bldg Mla . (02)8241-4641 Solutions Insurance Brokers Inc Box Dev Design Studio One Corporated Ctre Tri-Lan Internet Cafe
New India Assurance Company Limited 1650 Penafrancia Mkti....(02)8897-8688 11 Biak Na Bato QC ...... (0922)846-4698 Psg ............................ (02)8654-0001 181D 25th Ave Mkti........(02)8659-6361
Itc Bldg Mkti ................... (02)8834-7697 Tektite Insurance Brokers Incorporated Boxform Corporation Triac Internet Café
Paj Resources Inc Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr Francesca Twr QC .......... (02)8370-2052 Upper Bicutan Taguig ..... (02)8478-3943
Erlag Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8893-8790 Psg ............................ (02)8636-1162 Christine Manalo Villamora Interior Designs Internet Cafe Uffizi Internet Cafe
Pan Oceanic Insurance Brokers Vigattin Insurance Fort Legend Twrs Central Star QC .............. (02)8294-0717
Dasmarinas Federal Twr Condmn Pacific Corporate Ctr QC . (02)7903-2126 Taguig........................(02)7904-3789 Airluck's Internet Cafe And Printing Webtour Internet Cafe
Mla ............................ (02)8242-2251 Cmv Interior Designs 23 Kagawad Rd QC ...... (0915)842-8953 Cmffi Bldg Mla ............... (02)8736-3427
Paramount Life And General Insurance Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8513-5260 Alien Grounds Sales Winxinfini3 Internet Cafe
Corporation Intercommunication Cwc Interiors Philippines Corporation 191 Afp Rd QC ............... (02)8573-1059 6129 Calle Once Val ....... (02)8568-9363
110 Sage Hse Mkti ......... (02)8772-9200 W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8659-6449 Athena's Internet Cafe
Paramount Union Insurance Corporation and Equipment Cys Interior Design 55 -A Rd 3 QC ............. (0945)632-8471
Yct Internet Cafe
90 Sitio 2 Taguig ............ (02)8836-4054
Milandre Ctre QC ............ (02)8374-4327 Systems and Service 1335 Kundiman Mla ..... (0927)817-4709 Bc Web Sight
Pascual Brokers Dlm Concept Inc Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8354-6519
K Plz Bldg QC ................. (02)8995-3577
People's General Insurance Corp Prog E Trading
Hon Soliven Ave Psg ...... (02)8238-0419 Cyber One Internet Consulting
Don Pin Corporation Cyber One QC ................ (02)8687-7309
420 Magallanes Drv Mla . (02)8243-0192 Calalily Vergonville LP .... (02)8513-4579 30 Arturo Dr Taguig ........ (02)8838-9539 Cyber Parj Internet Cafe Achieve Without Borders
People's Insurance Company Empire Designs 5009 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8376-0364 2029 Gen Mascardo
420 Magallanes Drv Mla . (02)8527-6530
Phil Axa Life Insurance Corp Interior Decorators Pearl Plz Psg .................. (02)8696-4600
Gsn+P Architecture Studio
Delfa Internet Cafe Mkti ........................... (02)8956-1278
99 Evangelista Ave Psg (0920)938-9782 Cuatrix Consulting Services Company
Trade And Financial Twr Gsnb Bldg QC ................ (02)8352-1880 Dk 46 Internet Cafe
Taguig........................(02)8478-0615 Avenue Window Creations Company Limited
Jdmax Interior Design Magsaysay Blvd Mla .... (0912)373-8856 Villa Carmen Subd QC .... (02)7796-9877
Phil Machinery Management Services Corp Incorporated Anonas Mla .................... (02)5313-5024
Pinco Bldg QC ................ (02)8715-2256 Konzept Design Studio Co Dreamwork Easy Access Incorporated
Odc International Plz 1370 Gen Luna Mla ........ (02)3466-1333
Mkti ........................... (02)8818-0140 Belen's Furnishings Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
El-Al Bldg QC ............... (0955)218-3946 Finman Hub Internet Cafe Psg ............................ (02)8706-3730
Philippines First Insurance Co Inc 15 Shenandoah Pque ..... (02)8828-9597 Kune Design Studio
131 Tordesillas Mkti ..... (0905)525-7384 Kdg Seo Services
Phil First Bldg Mkti..........(02)8848-0972 Grace S Reyes Designs Incorporated Jade Dr Psg ..................... (0919)846218 Gamecamp Cybernet Cafe
Philippines International Insurance 432 Mayon QC ............... (02)8742-6299 Lc Design Studio 19 Terraces Mansion
Sh Korea Enterprises 11 Karuhatan Rd Val.....(0936)367-4690 QC ........................... (0945)814-8621
Company Incorporated 200 Sto Domingo QC ... (0917)892-2206 Ggnet
Aa Tangco Bldg QC ........ (02)8371-4589 Kalantiaw QC..................(02)8405-9714 Mdc Interior Design Services Solutionslink Technology Inc
718 Qurino Hwy QC ....... (02)8693-9377 One Global Place
Philippines International Life Insurance Don Roces Ave QC ....... (0949)187-3130 Ggwp Cyber Arena
Company Incorporated Taguig......................(0917)300-0350
Tanco Bldg QC ............... (02)8371-4589 Interior Design Mega Modular Cabinet And Innovative
Interior Design
859 Benny Mla ............... (02)8293-0261 Vag Information Technology Solutions
Goatea Internet Cafe Virka Bldg QC ................. (02)8411-2876
Pioneer Life Incorporated
De Dios Bldg Mla............(02)8525-1904
Services Thompson Square QC .... (02)8256-9366 2401 Tramo PC..............(02)8824-1761
Mj Construction Design Services Grafixnet Internet Cafe
Pmt Insurance Consultancy
Ab Sandoval Bldg Psg .... (02)8661-6625 Arta Design Works Aniceta QC ................... (0932)356-5706 303 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8278-3091 Internet Service
Aurora Blvd QC .............. (02)8281-6515 Mlm Interior Design Hailey's Ground Cyber Shop
Pryce Plans Inc
Pryce Ctr Mkti ................ (02)8898-0171 Astele Interior Design Services Mc Home Builders Depot 47 Gold QC .................... (02)8962-5085 Providers (ISP)
De Castro Subd Psg ..... (0917)128-0012 Psg ............................ (02)8942-2773 Heartbleed Internet Cafe
Pyramid Insurance Services N & R Home Decor Asian Collection San Francisco Gardens Aio Wireless
Cityland Shaw Twr Bianca Maloles Interior Design Studio
Aguirre Ave Pque..........(0917)794-9464 137 Aguirre Pque ......... (0977)707-9018 Mand ......................... (02)8661-1161 Ma Cristina Bldg KC ..... (0908)362-3704
Mand ......................... (02)8687-2140 Nck88 Interior Supplies Trading
Qbe Insurance Chf Interior Design Services Honeybear Internet Cafe Az Communications Network Incorporated
1P Acacia Twr Suntrust Parkview Gagalangin Tondo Mla .... (02)7004-9700 Empire Mall Savers Square Bldg Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8889-8672
30th Ave Taguig ........... (0915)345-7387
R Coyiuto Securities Inc Mla .......................... (0928)209-2484 Rvr Interior Design PC ............................. (02)8822-1282 Black Fiber Solutions Corporation
6 Mayon Mkna ............. (0915)787-5078 Hubex Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8894-2484 Design Armada Vrso Interiors
Recovery Insurance Agency Incorporated First Capital Condmn 506 Mf Jhocson Mla ...... (02)8374-4680 Psg ............................ (02)8570-7276
Mkti ......................... (0945)846-6100 Meralco Ave Psg .......... (0917)629-5924 I Cube Internet Cafe Broadband Everywhere
1025 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8521-7890 Vw Interiors Philippines
Rfc Insurance Agency Incorporated Dip Design Innovation Philippines Magdalena Arcade Bldg C Textron Bldg SJ ............ (0917)891-6083
The One Executive Ofc Bldg E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0945)246-4686 Pque .......................... (02)8820-1696 Cibo Nuovo Incorporated
Torres Pabalan Bldg PC .. (02)8831-8080
Rredd Insurance Agency Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8788-5225 Yeehome Corporation Ph Icafe Leonora Bldg PC ........ (02)8804-0515 Eastwood Mall QC .......... (02)8470-2426
287 Escolta Mla ........... (0936)737-5426 J3Mc Internet Cafe Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale
Kaimo Bldg QC ............... (02)8749-3630 Eyj Interior Design
Seenergy Insurance Brokers Incorporated F Valenzuela Val ............. (02)8710-3286 2D Sampaguita QC ....... (0921)201-7045 V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8651-5100
153 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8850-1661 Full Worx Interior Design & Landscaping Joemel Net Cafe Internet Of Things Philippines Incorporated
Sequoia New Business Office T Bernardo Mkti............(0929)446-4254 Interior Fitting - Out 612 9 De Febrero Mand .. (02)8654-6894 18 Pinaglabanan Square
Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8813-7229 Ies Interior Design Services
119 Sparrow Pque ....... (0917)827-3165
Contractors Juannet Internet Cafe SJ .............................. (02)7621-6355
P Zamora PC .................. (02)8244-6671 Old Swiss Inn Restaurant
Smith Bell Insurance Brokers
First Lucky Place Mkti.....(02)8816-7662 Jadis Interior Design Kazemaxx Internet Cafe The Garden Plz Hotel And Suites
Kus Architectural Components Inc Sauyo Rd QC ............... (0918)404-4643 Mla ............................ (02)8526-2739
Standard Insurance Co Incorporated 43 Dagot QC .................. (02)8277-9988 Kus Bldg Psg ................. (02)8790-8000
Mjc Bldg Mand ............... (02)8722-7011 Kc Interior Design Laser Pink Cyber Cafe Oxworld International Inc
Marufiji Construction Incorporated 2241 A Luna PC ............. (02)8556-4865
Sterling Insurance Co Incorporated P Tuazon QC ................ (0917)508-5525 2310 Chino Roces Ave 8333 Dr A Santos Ave
Admiralty Bldg Munt ....... (02)8869-9979 Mark-Angel Construction And Interior Lucky Chance Internet Cafe Pque ........................ (0919)670-0070
Mkti ........................... (02)8688-9212 Ascension QC .............. (0929)565-7827 Relevanttech Corporation
Stevens Adjusters Incorporated Design Maxibuild J P Rizal QC ........ (02)8913-1498
Mile Long Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8553-4471 2282 B-A Leveriza Mla . (0920)456-3258 Macie's Internet Cafe And Printing Arcadia Square Mkti ..... (0927)283-5956
Tresdias Advertising Bldg 0911 QC .............. (0956)977-9573 Smart Broadband Incorporated
Stronghold Insurance Co Incorporated Mavm Interior Design Services 267 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)7793-9258
South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8850-4634 2220 Angel Linao Ext Mineski Infinity 26 Missouri SJ ............... (02)8725-6778
Sun Life Grepa Financial Incorporated Mla .......................... (0998)970-2342 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0935)782-6904 Wi Tribe
Grepalife Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8845-6219 Micole Interior Design Inc
35 M Lozada Pat .......... (0917)629-1431
International Necs Cafe Deli
Victoria De Morato QC .. (0917)794-0525 Woofy Wifi
Santana Grove Pque ..... (0946)279-7407
Sun Life Of Canada (Phils) Incorporated
Alpap 2 Bldg Munt .......... (02)8807-0472 Mind-Concept General Construction Inc Organization Neolenzer Cafe A Place Bldg PC ........... (0906)322-4216
Supreme Insurance Underwriters Yague Mkti ................... (0917)516-6248 Olympus Rd QC ........... (0956)105-3457
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-1395 Mkc Interior Design Services Asia Society Philippine Foundation Inc Niceping Internet Cafe
Swan Insurance Agency Corporation One Burgundy Plz QC ... (0917)526-2708 Aim Acceed Bldg Mkti .... (02)8810-8983 1798 Mcarthur Hwy Investigation and
10 Rest Haven QC .......... (02)8371-1111 Mpf Interior Design Services KC ........................... (0917)633-5371
Synergia Insurance Agency Salazar Cpd QC ............ (0956)950-2890
Csj International Holdings Inc
25 Paso Taguig .............. (02)8838-9521 Nitto 11 Net Shop Security Services
City & Land Mega Plz Condo Ns Colaboracion Incorporated Goodhouse Industries Inc 7 Sitio Sto Nino Pque ..... (02)8556-4231
Psg ............................ (02)8687-1103 3 Joeylane QC ................ (02)7211-8153 25 Paso Taguig .............. (02)8838-9521 Noriter Cafe Manila A&M Red Giant Security Agency
The Everliving Company Incorporated Ocean 88 Construction Goodhouse Industries Incorporated Reyes Bldg Mla ............ (0926)615-7712 Pasda Coml Bldg QC ...... (02)7503-6453
739 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)3415-2255 2301 Civic Dr Munt ...... (0917)193-3755 J M Cplx Taguig ............. (02)8838-9521 Nox Gaming Arena Alpha Accord Security Services Inc
The Insular Life Assurance Company Ltd Pea Interior Design Cjmf Bldg Psg .............. (0908)864-2194 Great Wall Bldg Mkti ..... (0977)834-8832
Insular Life Bldg KC ........ (02)8367-6990 Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8634-8890 Power Play Internet Cafe Apl Security Services Corporation
The Pramerica Life Insurance Company Quadraforma Construction Internet Business 2B 410 N S Amoranto 40 Macopa QC ............... (02)8880-3206
Incorporated 271 D Tuazon QC ......... (0906)474-2546 QC ........................... (0917)206-6392 Argus Watchful Eyed Security &
Robinsons Summit Ctre Rbcj Interior Design Services Solutions Provider Powercoins Internet Cafe Investigation Services Inc
Mkti ........................... (02)8887-1077 Vitas Mla ...................... (0918)282-8254 23 Jasmin QC .............. (0927)265-1032 Bristol QC.......................(02)7903-8223
United Coconut Planters Bank Sdn Home And Office Modular Furniture 8Box Solutions Incorporated Quadrange Internet Cafe Arm Security Services
950 Soler Mla ................ (02)8245-0011 21 C Kappa QC ............ (0927)340-3980 731 Banawe Ave QC.......(02)3448-5250 Mjdt Bldg Mla ................. (02)8255-5686 Bayani Rd Taguig ......... (0917)855-5454
United Coconut Planters Life Soriano + Lim Interior Design Cba Autocad Services Rebhel Internet Cafe Armlock Security Agency
Cocolife Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8810-7888 2128 Fidel A Reyes Daang Batasan QC ....... (0926)686-2357 12th St PC ..................... (02)8894-0024 Boy Santiago & The Corporate Ctr
Upraise Incorporated Mla .......................... (0917)544-5673 Dos Internetworkx Project 6 Reis Republic Internet Cafe Mkna ......................... (02)7956-6673
Concorde Condmn 2 Spacedge Interior Design And Build Mangahas Bldg QC ......... (02)8926-6074 218 Palayan Rd Taguig .. (02)8296-8191 Audacious Security Services Inc
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-8382 108 Amang Rodriguez Ave Eversun Software Phils Corporation Rolando's Pisonet Unibond Bldg QC ............ (02)8723-0230
Utility Assurance Corporation Psg .......................... (0915)525-2517 Eagle Court Condmn QC . (02)8442-8007 Nha Bldg D Mla .............. (02)8522-0241 Bonifacio Security Services Inc
Cityland Condmn 10 Twr 2 Tomm's Design Hanseem Interior & Fildev Scfv Internet Cafe Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8810-9359
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-4340 Furniture Netcube Bldg Taguig ...... (02)8512-7396 Festival Supermall Munt..(02)8842-7502 Comcen Security Services
Villareal Fernando And Company Danny Floro Bldg Psg ... (0995)633-8019 H Tech Corporation Skyfall Internet Gaming Taipan Place Psg..........(0927)404-3785
Incorporated Vdak Architectural Design Services Bpi-Philam Life Bldg 67A Gen G Del Pilar Corinthians Group Of Companies
V A Rufino Mkti .............. (02)8845-1860 Villa Magdalena 3 KC....(0916)445-6903 Munt .......................... (02)8772-3151 Mkna ......................... (02)8234-9563 Dr G Garcia QC...............(02)8373-5801

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163 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Investigation - Jewelry 163

Tcs Manpower Services Incorporated Gold Blvd
Investigation and Irrigation Systems Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Jeepney Dealers Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8373-2823
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-8582 Gold Master Jewelry Shop
Security Services and Equipment Sarao Motors Incorporated 786 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8245-6859
(Cont'd) Rsn Landscaping Services Japanese Foods Sarao Motors LP ............ (02)8553-0175 Golden Hills Jewelry
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8470-6521
4 Kagandahan QC ........ (0915)686-0596 Goldwyn Jewelry & Gift Shop
Delta4 Security Services Incorporated
Sunnyville Bldg Mla ...... (0918)363-4444
102 Izakaya Jewelry 1009 Ongpin Mla............(02)8733-0204
Accm Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8838-7591 Hailey Infinity Jewelry Store
Eyespy Detectives & Investigators
100K Twr QC ................. (02)8920-9088
Italian Foods Bad Bird Acme Jewelry Incorporated 756 San Bernardo Mla .... (02)8521-7165
Robinsons Place Manila Glorietta 3 Mkti ............... (02)8892-4365 Heart Of Jewels
Giant Eagle Security Services Inc Cibo Mla ............................ (02)8712-7228
15 Third Psg .................. (02)8633-7001 Al Khalaf Gold And Jewelry 774 Ongpin Mla..............(02)7577-3616
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8642-2429 Gryn Wasabi Food Incorporated Madison Square Mand..(0915)303-0810 Hearts & Arrows Incorporated
Jdc Security Solutions Francesco's 743 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)8654-6868
341 Amang Rodriguez Ave Amerah Jewelry Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8706-4496
30th St Taguig................(02)8281-1285 Hashi Donburi Japanese Cuisine Greenhills Shopping Ctr Helen Jewelry Shop
Psg .......................... (0916)583-0085 La Famiglia - Little Italy 1607 Dapitan QC ............ (02)7901-5424
Kidlat Security Services Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8721-0572 927 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8736-9987
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Hocho Japanese Restaurant Ami Jewels & Pawnshop Incorporated Hemm Philippines Corporation
Shaw Blvd Psg ............... (02)8256-6773 SJ .............................. (02)8721-0399 The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)7622-7205
Larrgo Securities Co Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-0351
Pazzo Rollio Incorporated Hodai Restaurant SJ .............................. (02)8722-3462 Hyperfocal Trading
Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8810-1183 Sm Frontera Verde Psg ... (02)8570-7801 14 Examiner QC ........... (0956)460-5848
Maximum Security & Services Corporation Beginnings Trinoma QC .................... (02)7943-1524
Ponte Rialto Ristorante Italiano Incorporated Ichiro Japanese Restaurant Sm South Mall LP...........(02)8519-6158 Imono Collection
Unified Trading Bldg QC..(02)8726-9786 One Archers Place Mla ... (02)8522-1572
Venice Grand Canal Mall Bijou By Ana Rocha Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)8841-1565
Mega Force Taguig........................(02)7960-1611 Icho Japanese Restaurant
239 Santolan Corporate Hse Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-1342 Inorep International Incorporated
Salta! Italian Rotisserie Chicken Bar 6 Annapolis SJ ............... (02)8535-0020 Brillo Jewelry Eastwood City Walk 2
QC ............................. (02)8725-8836 Ikkoryu Fukuoka Ramen
Mulawin Security And Investigation Agency 38 Mayaman QC .......... (0917)830-9290 Greenhills Shopping Ctr QC ............................. (02)8687-7390
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8809-3333 SJ .............................. (02)8724-1876 Jevan Jewelry
Inc Ippudo
Opal Pque ...................... (02)8553-1133 Catherine's Jewels Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Nab Security Services
Janitorial and Robinson Place Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8353-0701
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8887-7274 SJ ............................ (0917)557-7575
North Matrix Coml Twnhses
KC ............................. (02)8366-0321
Cleaning Equipment Japan Fudo Street Central Jewelry Inc
Connecticut Carpark SJ .. (02)8726-1931
Jma Jewelry Center Inc
Manuka Realty QC .......... (02)8920-3761
Ayala Malls Manila Bay
Premid Security & Investigation Services Pque .......................... (02)7752-3472 Chronos Time Center John Mark Galuyo Jewelry
24/7 Janitorial And Manpower Services Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8722-8210 Robinsons Galleria QC .... (02)8634-7832
Inc Puso Ng Maynila Bldg Japfudo
3 Macapagal QC ........... (0956)704-9788 One Cristina Place Bldg Crystalle Just Gift - Quezon City 1
Mla ............................ (02)7966-6145 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8895-1359 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-3786
Red Arrow 57 Security Agency Bms Janitorial And Allied Services LP .............................. (02)8332-4910
Main Ave QC .................. (02)7341-8753 Kanbe Japanese Restaurant Czarina Jewelry Just Gift Incorporated
Incorporated Makati Cinema Square Philflex Bldg Mla ............. (02)8247-1860
Security R Us Trading Incorporated 93 Molave Ave Pque.......(02)8828-1918 The Fort Strip Taguig........(0969)961577
8064 Honrades Mkti ....... (02)8403-3408 Kazokuya Filipino-Japanese Restaurant Mkti ........................... (02)8811-1691 Just Jewel Diamonds Boutique Corporation
Security Trading Corporation CHEM-PRO INDUSTRIES Sampaguita Mkti .......... (0961)715-4888 Denovo Diamonds
Century City Mall Mkti.....(02)7955-1509
Metropolitan Ave Mkti ..... (02)8779-9888
91 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Kenshin Kristine
Mkti ........................... (02)8843-6591 INC Fernando Palanan Mkti . (0949)883-1200 Dermasia Corporation Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-5053
Skyhawk Security Services Inc Janitorial Chemicals & Supplies Kokoro Japanese Grindz Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1565 Kristine Jewellery Incorporated
Chanelay Twrs PC .......... (02)8851-3838 Strippers*Sealers*Waxes*Fresheners 74 Creekside Square QC . (02)8376-0925 Ding Velayo Incorporated Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-4583
Solidguard Security Services Inc Disinfectants*Dishwash*Handsoaps Kuretake Philippines Greenhills Shopping Ctr Laurentti International Incorporated
620 Remedios Mla ......... (02)7341-3831 Powerplant Mall Mkti ...... (02)8898-0509 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1465 86 9th Ave QC ................ (02)8913-9066
Degreasers*Bleach*TBC*Pads Dodo
Stamford Security Services Inc Makasete Japanese Cuisine Lizanne's Jewelry Incorporated
Csp Bldg QC .................. (02)8376-7777 Exclusive Distributor: 25 Zabarte Rd QC ......... (0949)162-5354 Sm Aura Premier Glorietta 1 Mkti ............... (02)8813-2429
Sureway Security Training School Inc Coor & Kleever (SPAIN) Marufuku Japanese Restaurant Taguig......................(0906)207-4747 Lucerne Jewellers
Camus Bldg QC ............ (0936)493-8513 National Chemical Laboratories (USA) Crescent Bldg Psg .......... (02)8570-3989 Ds Jewelry Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8634-4851
The Spy Experts Merchant Logo Shi Lin Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8927-6205 Maristella Fine Jewelry
Commerce And Industry Plz Bldg Website: Circuit Makati Mkti........(0906)208-3959 Emo Sm Ctr Psg.................(02)8514-4967 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Taguig........................(02)7917-8175 Tel # (02)8830-0077 New Hatchin Japanese Grocerant Emo Jewelry SJ .............................. (02)8723-5859
Triad Security Services Incorporated 113 San Francisco 133 Katipunan Ave QC . (0917)628-6014 Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)860-3143 Mayet De La Rosa Fine Jewelry
672 Carlos Palanca Sr Mandaluyong.............(02)8646-5566 Nihonryoori Corporation Eyk Jewelry San Bernardo Mla ......... (0917)825-0973
Mla ............................ (02)8542-6566 Aguirre Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8892-2296 Mbi Bldg Mla .................. (02)8253-6451 Mayfair Goldsmith
Trustwave Philippines Inc Chem-Pro Industries Inc Nommu Bar & Resto Fiona Jewelry 810 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-3142
Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8267-3355 Metrowalk Coml Cplx Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8928-4659 Meicel Jewelry
Uni-7th Force Security And Services Psg ............................ (02)8638-3224 Fioretti Jewelry 34 J Wilson SJ ............... (02)8725-8311
Unibond Trading Bldg CHEM- Ogawa Traditional Japanese Restaurant Greenhills Shopping Ctr Metro Gem Exchange Inc
QC ............................. (02)7729-4616 PRO The Fort Strip Taguig ...... (02)8886-4994 SJ .............................. (02)8721-2073 Aguirre Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8819-5077
Vican Security Services Corporation SAMPLE Ome Japanese Cafe Firma Greenbelt 3 Mkti........(02)7757-4009 Miladay
5 Faith QC .................... (0917)544-1555 INDUS- 77 Chimes Square QC .. (0917)629-3212 Gaea Crafts Edsa Mand ...... (02)8635-3113 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0127
Zele Investigators Philippines TRIES Ramen Daisho Gargantilla Accessories Miladay Jewels
Regus Ctr Taguig............(02)8479-5423 INC Liberty Ctr Mand.............(02)8633-2280
Ramen Kuroda
65-C Mapang-Akit QC .. (0977)203-6729 Glorietta 4 Mkti ............... (02)8817-8706
Garnet Jewelry Net's Jewelry Shop
113 San Francisco Sm Bicutan Pque............(02)7914-9056 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8516-9259 247B P Tuazon QC ......... (02)8421-1817
Investment Mandaluyong.............(02)8646-5566 Ramen Nagi Gioielli International New Life Jewelry And Gift Shop
Greenbelt 3 Mkti ............. (02)7750-5616 Centerpoint Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8889-4725 Promenade Bldg 3 SJ ..... (02)8696-3545
Management Firms Forward Enterprises
6 Saturn Pque ................ (02)8821-4519 Rosanjin Japanese Restaurant Glenas Enterprises Nouvelle Jewelry
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8531-5300 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 575 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8242-9749
Ahg Lab Guan Heng Sales Marketing Corporation Sagami Tei
719 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-5354 SJ .............................. (02)8721-1241 Omairah Jewelry Shop
6223 Manalac Mkti.........(02)8359-2428 Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8820-2322 Global Tic Sales Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
All Asia Capital And Trust Corporation Jadecrust Natural Stone And Tile Cleaning Saikoro Steak
Services Beacon Plz Mand ........... (02)8725-8173 SJ .............................. (02)8513-3599
Sycip Law All Asia Ctr 158-B Sct Gandia QC ... (0977)837-1997
Mkti ........................... (02)8818-3211 129B Matatag QC ........... (02)8283-8844 Suki - Gyouza
Asian Alliance Investment Corporation Jjs Masterclean Professional Cleaning Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0915)541-0003
Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0601 Services Sumosan Food Incorporated
Bermudez & Associates 3 San Jose Munt ............ (02)7211-7253 Sm Megamall A Mand .... (02)8654-4508
Sir William's Hotel QC ..... (02)8911-6471 Megato Carpet Cleaning Services Sushi Moshi
Filcredit Finance & Capital Dev't Corp 34 Camia Psg .............. (0908)125-1729 Wilcon City Ctr QC........(0933)855-9628
Avis Psg ........................ (02)8631-5811 Olitan Janitorial Services Sushi Yum Japanese Restaurant
Kings Development Incorporated 10 North Bay Blvd Nav ... (02)8270-6386 829 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8242-7717
Kings Court 2 Bldg Mkti .. (02)8811-2143 Supermax Janitorial And General Services Tenya Tempura Tendon
Paco Sales Off Incorporated Diosdado Macapagal Blvd
Pedro Gil Paco Bldg Mla . (02)8353-7805 Acl Suites QC ................. (02)3439-9395 Pque .......................... (02)8070-5924
Primeserv Trade Resources Corporation Tokyo Tokyo Philippines
Prestige Twr Condmn Eton Centris QC ............ (0917)327-1855
Psg ............................ (02)8632-9368 Janitorial Services Torimomo
Rg Duran Law Offices Robinson's Place Manila
44 Shorthorn QC ............ (02)8832-4829 Carmel Development Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8247-2907
Richfield Intl Group Holdingsinc Quirino Hwy KC .............. (02)8351-1360 Tuna King Japanese Restaurant
World Trade Exch Bldg Cmpt Manpower Services 220 Tomas Morato Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8241-5568 599 Mc Arthur Hwy KC...(02)8365-4618 QC ........................... (0966)628-6396
Seawood Resources Incorporated Exponent General Services Incorporated Wagyuniku
Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8893-2645 1853 E Rodriguez Sr Ave 89 Agloria Diaz LP .......... (02)7341-7359
Sky Rock Corporation QC ............................. (02)8723-2444 Yasu
Acropolis Coml Ctr QC....(02)8912-3339 Robinson Place Manila
State Financing Ctr Incorporated
HELP U CLEAN SYSTEMS Mla ............................ (02)8354-1025
State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8818-3623 INCORPORATED Yoshimeatsu Caloocan
Taylor Rafferty Philippines Cenluz Bldg KC .............. (02)7002-5284
Richville Corporate Twr 161 Aguirre Paraña- Yummy Tokyo
Munt .......................... (02)8807-9719 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)7527-1517
Total Investment & Dev Corporation
4 Tamarind Rd Mkti ........ (02)8813-4915 (See Advertisement on this page)
Towncall Finance Investment Corporation Polystar General Services Incorporated Jeans
Help U Clean
30 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)8478-9472 82 Bernabe Pque ............ (02)8828-2782
Readyman Marketing Incorporated Denim Ignition Clothing Incorporated
San Mateo-Batasan Rd Festival Super Mall Munt.(02)8831-1087
Iron Work QC ............................. (02)8951-2398
Rnbp Cleaning Services
Jag Sm Fairview QC ........... (02)8351-3351
Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8255-4674
Systems Incorporated
E G Mariano Iron Works Boni Mand ..................... (02)8782-1092
308 M H Del Pilar Psg .... (02)8642-7240 Super Jani General Service Inc Vurve Design 360 Aguirre St., BF Homes Subd,
Kqc Wood Glass & Aluminum Iron Works Robinson Equitable Twr Greenhills Shopping Ctr
38 J P Rizal Extention QC ............................. (02)8531-8400 SJ .............................. (02)8724-0330 Parañaque City, Metro Manila 1700 Philippines
Mkti ........................... (02)8883-2855 Superior Maintenance Services Tel. No.: (02) 8556-9286
Oriental Iron Fabrication Incorporated THE YELLOW PAGES
Makes shopping easier.
R Lugmok KC ................. (02)8983-7486 J Elizalde Pque ............... (02)8807-2895

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164 S C M Y K

164 Jewelry - Korean 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Unico Sales Center Fam's Kitchen Jeep Center Sales Incorporated
Jewelry (Cont'd) 557 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8733-1517 793 Bagong Silang Km 14 Mcarthur Hwy SUNRISE TEXTILE MILL
V Y Domingo Jewelers Inc Mkna ......................... (02)8983-6431 Val ........................... (0917)815-5241
Omega Boutique 35 Emerald QC ............... (02)8938-4221 Jubilee Alliance Incorporated Kitchen Mall Corporation
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0436 Venice Jewellers 111-C 6th St KC ........... (0933)816-7377 2870 Pertierra Mkti ......... (02)8832-3909 SUNRISE
On Stage Enterprises Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0362 Macdesign Home System
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8437-0251 Via's Handcrafted Jewelry 1360 Soler Mla...............(02)7210-1111 TEXTILE
Oriental Time Incorporated Vinia Residence QC ...... (0917)857-3221 Kitchen Appliances Master Sink MILL CORP
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8822-1058 Vicaria Jewellry 47 Mc Arthur Mal ........... (02)8330-3057
Oro Y Plata Greenhills Shopping Ctr Elio Philippines Incorporated Mk Kitchen Equipment And Supplies
Somerset Olympia Bldg SJ .............................. (02)8723-9878 Mc Home Builders Depot 4 E Rodriguez Jr Ave 229 Isabelo Fernando
Mkti ........................... (02)8893-1171 Wintop Commercial Psg ............................ (02)8683-0101 Psg ............................ (02)8661-1914 Valenzuela ................. (02)8292-2398
Orogem Jewellers Incorporated 786 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8245-6859 Qualitics Incorporated Mondo Cucina Incorporated
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Unicraft Knitting Incorporated
Wyns Jewelry 685B Tandang Sora Ave Concepcion Industries Bldg 999 Bernardo Mal...........(02)8330-6936
SJ .............................. (02)8725-3971 538 T Pinpin Mla ............ (02)8292-9778 QC ............................. (02)8961-0868 Mkti ........................... (02)8478-5888
Pablo General Merchandise Xuping Jewelry Mra Gas Trading
Molave KC ..................... (02)8533-5086
613 Carriedo Mla............(02)8736-6632
Kitchen Cabinets
Batangas Mkti ................ (02)8569-2879 Korean Foods
Yrs Manila Jewelry Designs Nash Catering And Restaurant Supplies
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7509-1718 949 A Bonifacio Ave Tabora Mla ................... (0975)370-6350
Pandora Philippines 1223 Grill
QC ........................... (0916)735-9055 Disenyong Pambahay
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-6077 Zerhea's Jewelry Collection 88 Congressional Ave NUTEX EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 10 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Psg .......................... (0927)602-8636
Paraiba Terrassa KC ................... (02)8277-4770 QC ............................. (02)3454-8965 1786-C Taft Ave Pasay
Robinsons Magnolia 198 Unlimited Korean Bbq
Graceline Products Incorporated Zabarte Rd KC .............. (0995)222-4496
QC ........................... (0943)496-3844 11 Granada QC...............(02)8727-7180 City ......... (02)8536-0008 69th Avenue
Platino 950 Incorporated
Hanston Bldg Psg...........(02)8706-5072
Jewelry Repairing Imaverick Int'l Corporation (See Advertisement on this page) E Quintos Mla ............... (0966)536-5229
One Mckinley Place Ajhm Korean Bbq House
Prima Gold
Green Line Jewelry Repair Shop Taguig........................(02)8831-6566 RUEY SHING REFRIGERATION Market Plz Mla ............. (0949)802-8972
Robinsons Place Manila
Mla ............................ (02)8536-7864 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Laab Kitchenworks Incorporated
The Infinity Taguig .......... (02)8478-6273
EQUIPMENT Anyosayo Filipino-Korean Restaurant
138 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0999)579-3198
Progressive Time Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8544-9890
Rb Jewelry Lexton Commercial Mktg Corporation Manufacturer of Army Blink Korean Restaurant
Robinsons Place Cplx
Mla ............................ (02)8567-2578 813 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-6799 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8856-7548 Commercial Refrigeration Equipment B1 L31 & 32 Lapu Lapu Ave
Stacks Corporation Website: Mal ............................ (02)7943-8701
Ringph Boy Samgyeop
One Oasis Ortigas Psg .. (0955)983-3394 3-A Thunderbird QC ....... (02)8245-4435
Job Contracting E-mail: [email protected] 56 A Mabini KC ............ (0917)633-0501
Rs Fine Art Jewelry Super Advantage Decorative Products
Incorporated Tel: 8727-9652/8724-1135/7358-9424 Bulgogi Grille Korean Restaurant
911 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-8788
Sahara Jewelry Shop
Services 100 Tangue Mla ............. (02)8564-6590 1706 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Cttm Square QC ............. (02)8714-3297
Valcucine Manila Quezon City ............... (02)8727-9648 Busan Galbi
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 643 J P Rizal Mkna ...... (0925)330-1510
SJ .............................. (02)8985-4224 Harrison Profiles International Incorporated The Peninsula Manila
Cacho-Gonzales Bldg Mkti ......................... (0917)312-6607 Cafe Kori
Sarabia's Karat World Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Robinsons Place Manila Mkti ........................... (02)8813-9045
Mla ............................ (02)8536-7907 RUEY SHING SJ ............................ (0915)934-7440
Seven Gems Jewelry Kitchen Equipment REFRIGERA-
Chung Mi Rae
Sm City North QC ........... (02)8929-3562
Junk Shop 24K Mansion QC ............ (02)8372-7200
Silverworks Asiaco Home Organizing Solution TION EQUIP- Daddys Korean Manok
Dmi Recycling Junkshop 1214 Gelinos Mla ......... (0945)195-7313
Sm City Sta Mesa Main Bldg 111 R Lagmay SJ.........(0906)248-5743 MENT PHILIP- Damak Filipino Korean Restaurant
QC ............................. (02)8713-7208 2447 Isagani Mla ......... (0930)413-6138 Concept Specialist Incorporated
G P Junkshop And General Merchandise PINES COR- Commonwealth Ave
Sterling Gifts Inc 77 Sct Fuentebella QC .... (02)8376-5621
J And T Bldg Mla ............ (02)8713-9572 150 Rev Aglipay Mand ... (02)8401-0695 Equipment Masters International PORATION QC ........................... (0917)850-4596
Japan Junk Thrift Shop Kingswood Coml Arcade Ducup
Swarovski Quezon City ............... (02)8727-9648 184 Sct Castor QC ....... (0966)233-3777
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7238-3899 Fcd Bldg Mkti ............... (0923)314-4258 Mkti ........................... (02)8895-1608
Lucky Jhauling San Jose Kitchen Cabinets Gejun Korean Food Mart
That's So Cute Fc Home Center Ipil Psg.........................(0967)635-7238
First United Bldg Mla .... (0929)286-5871 Gen A Luna Mla............(0995)590-9099 Market Place Mand.......(0905)944-9238 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-1366
Go Gizzip Unlimited Samgyupsal
The Bead Shop Vamika Inc Granmerlen Incorporated Skyvels Crowne International Trading 248 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8362-0746
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0939)936-6695 Ph2 B2 L25 Pampano Semicon Corporate Bldg
The Billionaire Shop Key Duplication Mal ............................ (02)3448-1815 Psg .......................... (0917)518-9938
Gogi Korean Bbq
5739 P Burgos Mkti ..... (0916)595-0178
Alabang Munt ............... (0998)292-6092 Haobartly Commercial Corporation Smartcon Services And Trading Goryeojeong Restaurant Corp
The Heirloom Collections Incorporated Edgar Vaciador And General Merchandise 271 San Vicente Mla ...... (02)8711-5603 3619 Bautista Mkti ......... (02)8846-0235 Met Live PC....................(02)8297-2947
Naia Terminal 3 PC.........(02)8836-7139 302 Quirino Ave Pque ... (0918)423-4433 Hkr Equipment Corporation U C Industries Incorporated Gungjeon Korean Barbeque
Threshold Silver Shop Herman Commercial Sales Hkr Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8897-1569 646 Reparo Rd Mal ........ (02)8330-2260 11 M S Cruz Palasan
879 Geneal Luis KC ........ (02)8283-7958 554 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8514-8605 Hoton World Xelframe Enterprises Incorporated Val ........................... (0916)639-6672
Tixis Pawnshop Keycards Westgate Twr Munt ........ (02)8551-7371 Ipi Buendia Twr PC ......... (02)8833-6937 Hi-Samgyupsal
New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-1558 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3413-5155 Ib Com Total Kitchen Solution G&W Terrazza Bldg
Twin Princess Gems N-4 Lock & Key Services F B Harrison PC ............ (0977)856-8810 Mkna ....................... (0915)718-4433
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ilang- Ilang KC..............(0935)535-6409 Kitchen Tools and Homebokki
SJ .............................. (02)8721-7563 New Banawe Auto Supply
Ty Po Huat Goldsmith Utensils 8 K Of C Val ................. (0967)452-8265
811 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8736-9921
22 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0115 The Yellow Pages House Of Gogi
808 Banawe QC ........... (0966)716-1868
Uni Silver 7Win-Quero Corporation
Sm North Edsa QC ....... (0998)885-5781 Kitchen and Dining bridges Buyers and Valero Plz Condmn Mkti..(02)8553-5735
Hwa Roro
89 Kalayaan QC ............. (02)3435-7447
Canico Trading Hwangso-Ga Korean Buffet
The Yellow Pages
Althea's Bake Shop And Goodies Sellers together. Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)3410-6747 1535-1551 M Adriatico
Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. Valenzuela Val .............. (0917)309-5071 Mla ............................ (02)8405-0100
Kitchenwares Hwaroro Korean Grill Restaurant
76 Sct Tobias QC ......... (0917)580-7479
Jin Joo Korean Grill
Conlins Coffee Worlds Incorporated The Podium Adb Mand ... (02)8640-2032
Bonifacio High Street Jjang Kkae Restaurant
Taguig........................(02)8856-4452 Vargas Bldg QC ............ (0951)238-5789
Everday General Merchandise Jonglo Korean Restaurant
Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8247-4482 1734 J Bocobo Mla ........ (02)8525-7430
Gordos Incorporated Korean J Grill
The Podium Mand .......... (02)8638-9591 186 Tomas Morato Ave
Italian Multiline Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)925-8880
Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8635-0620 Korean Style Korean Food Restaurant
Kitchen Beauty Marketing Corp Recto Ave Mla .............. (0916)336-3007
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-3001 M C Manalo Food Enterprise
Metro Kitchenware Incorporated 298 Banawe Ave QC.....(0915)775-0128
550 Magistrado Abad Santos Master Babs Philippines
Mla ............................ (02)8713-9438 340-D Herbosa Mla ...... (0995)414-1034
The House Of Crawford Metro Seoul Korean Restaurant
John Ext Pque .............. (0917)825-9944 De Leon QC..................(0945)221-6016
Mr Kimbob Co Ltd
Filomena Bldg QC ........... (02)8470-7078
Knitted Fabrics Mr Korea Unlimited Bbq
Market Market Taguig ... (0927)688-9555
Allied Knitting Mills Inc Mukbang 199
4 D Arellano KC .............. (02)8364-4382 8 Gen Ave QC...............(0906)805-6004
Fairland Knit Craft Company Incorporated O Ga Ne
1260 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8255-0551 303 Tomas Morato Ave
King Mills Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3410-7608
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8241-0340 Olleh Koryan Kitchen
Philkong Knitting Factory Incorporated Ac Bldg QC .................. (0919)992-8824
Cmc Bldg Mand ............. (02)8631-6046 Premier The Samgyupsal
L3 B4 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave
SUNRISE TEXTILE MILL — Mkna ....................... (0977)705-7908

Nutex Equipment Supply

For information, call Samgyeopmasarap
229 Isabelo Fernando Pque ........................ (0925)303-7196
Valenzuela .................. (02)8292-2398 Samgyupkart
95-143 Afp Rd QC........(0935)759-6722
1786-C Taft Av, Pasay City, Metro Manila 1300 Samgyupsalamat
Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8524-8142 Watch your business Makati Square Mkti ....... (0995)151-9920
Seoul Galbi Restaurant
go in full bloom. Sampaloc Mkti ............. (0942)446-6141 Sittixian Korean Restaurant
5378 Gen Luna Mkti ....... (02)8897-7274

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165 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Korean - Laboratory 165

Alcheon Medical Corporation One Health Medical Laboratory
Korean Foods Lepanto Bldg Mkti ........ (0916)485-4677 577 Padre Faura Mla ...... (02)8254-8200 Laboratory GREAT BREED ENT CO
(Cont'd) Alviar Medical Laboratories Philippine Clinical Chemistry & Diagnostic
Apparatus 29 Benefits Quezon
Beacon Twr III Mkti.........(02)8831-5083 Corp
Aran's Medical And Diagnostic Clinic Fems Twr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8500-7120 City ......... (02)8925-4813
Sodam Korean Restaurant Phoenician Diagnostic Medical Clinic Bamboolab Company
High Rise Bldg QC .......... (02)3444-5983
2309-A1 Luzon Ave
Mla .......................... (0919)508-3483 7064 Sto Nino De Maligaya Streeet 30 Bangar QC.................(02)8287-9925
Great Breed Ent Co
Songdowon Korean Restaurant Arguelles Medical Clinic Inc KC ........................... (0923)546-0011 Instrumix Suppliers Incorporated
Hk Sun Plz Mla ............. (0927)744-9988 1271 Zobel Roxas Mla .... (02)8521-5353 Primelab Incorporated Cityland Pasong Tamo GREAT
The Boss Samgyupchill Bdm Imaging Center Incorporated 98 10th Ave KC .............. (02)8365-0487 Mkti ........................... (02)8511-8075
314 Visayas Ave QC ........ (0948)924393 793B Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8983-0965 Prosperity Biomedical Corporation BREED
Uncle Hwangso Jip Restaurant Rolfem Bldg Mla ............. (02)8524-0951
Bethesda Medical Laboratory & X-Ray ENT
610 Julio Nakpil Mla ..... (0965)176-2622 Clinic Rite Care Doctors Clinic And Laboratory Laboratory
Wang Pau Samgyupsal Filipina Bldg QC ............ (0942)972-8521 629 San Andres Mla ..... (0919)268-1843 CO
731 Victoria Mla ........... (0917)503-2890 Bio-Save Medical & Diagnostic Center Rk Scan Medical And Diagnostic Clinic Equipment
Yedang Korean Restaurant 19-B B Morcilla Pat ........ (02)8640-1624 Bedrock Place QC ........ (0927)478-3407
88 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8636-1461 Biocross Diagnostic Center Incorporated Rrm Diagnostic Center Brownstone Asia-Tech Incorporated 29 Benefits Quezon City . (02)8925-4813
Yoos Korean Meat Grocery And Korean Bbq 1643-1645 Rizal Ave 335 Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)3435-0260 940 P Lopez Mand ......... (02)8533-6459
Ortigas Gryke Scientific Instruments Trading
Mla ............................ (02)8740-8718 St John Medical Laboratory Fil-Anaserve Incorporated Worth Dr Pque ............... (02)8776-7140
8137 Plz Escriva Dr Blyssa Medical Clinic & Diagnostic Center Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8844-3006
Psg .......................... (0945)503-3111 Mrl Twr QC .................... (02)8920-4147 J Chemie Laboratory Incorporated
Rizal Ave Ext Mal .......... (0916)909-4795 St Margaret Dialysis And Diagnostic Center Trinidad Val .................... (02)3440-5898
Yori Korean Bbq Patricia Bldg QC ........... (0931)784-3547 Gaylan Technologies
Ccm Clinical Laboratory And Diagnostic Vcgt Cplx Psg.................(02)7915-8725 Labomed Enterprises
373 Gen Luna Mal ........ (0947)300-3587 Center St Patrick's Clinic & Laboratory
Gemarc Enterprises Incorporated Pearl Theater Bldg Mla....(02)5313-6400
487 Alabang - Zapote Rd 566 Shaw Blvd Mand ... (0917)838-8840 Siccion Marketing Incorporated
Whealth Medical Clinic And Diagnostic 15 Chile Mkna ................ (02)8997-7959
Labels LP ............................ (0937)374-0179
Centro Medical And Laboratory Clinic Center
Cbs Bldg Mla..................(02)8732-6771
Surveytech Trading
397 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8470-3494 Gsis Metrohomes Mla .. (0943)407-3591 Find it fast in the Surveytech Bldg QC........(02)3453-9426
All Star International And Development
Corporation Cf Clinical Laboratory The Yellow Pages.
Dt Protacio Gen Hospital The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays.
All Star Intl & Dev Corp Bldg
Pque .......................... (02)8852-1369 Laboratories -
Mla ............................ (02)8243-1647
Data Computer Forms Incorporated Coredent Dental Diagnostics And
86 Domingo M Guevara
Mand ......................... (02)8531-0375 Eagle Star Condmn QC ... (02)8928-1840 Abc Laboratories
Golden Award Design And Trade Excelhealth Medical And Diagnostic Clinic Richville Corporate Twr
Corporation Metro Plz Mall KC ......... (0916)723-0197 Munt .......................... (02)8807-3955
18-B Dagot QC ............... (02)8361-8276 Gammacare Medical Services Inc Drugcheck Phils Incorporated
Jammen Pada Mfg Corporation Malanting KC................(0917)560-3725 Dampa Mkt QC ............... (02)8638-6585
Light Industry & Mfrs Cmpd Great Breed Enterprises Company Fast Laboratory
Pque .......................... (02)8824-3773 29 Benefits QC ............... (02)8925-4813 62 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-0241
Kk Converter Philippines Incorporated Health Metrics Incorporated First Analytical Services And Tecnical
Blossom Estate Incorporated Maryland Bldg Mkti.........(02)7795-1234 Cooperative
Taguig........................(02)8838-7409 Health Quest Diagnostic Laboratory And 62 20Th Ave QC ............. (02)8913-8848
Lockeport Global Incorporated Multi-Specialty Clinic Hydrolab Testing Cent
10 Camachile Rd Mal ..... (02)8361-2726 11 A&B Del Monte Ave Grand Twrs Condmn
M - Team Labels Incorporated QC ........................... (0917)713-6757 Mla ............................ (02)8404-1065
Dizon Mal ....................... (02)8355-3028 Healthright Inc Inwelco Laboratory
Wilcon City Ctr QC..........(02)8277-6962 10 R Jacinto Val ............. (02)8294-2287
NATIONAL LABELLING Heart & Lung Diagnostic Clinic Incorporated
ENTERPRISES 112 Kalayaan Ave QC ... (0917)628-9894 MER CHEMICAL LAB
Hero Laboratories
32 G Roxas Quezon Edsa QC ....................... (0926)298-5051
Hi-Value Multi Expert Diagnostic & TREATMENT, EQUIPMENT CLEANING
City ......... (02)8330-8111 Laboratory Center Inc DENR & DOH Accredited
(See Advertisement on this page) 1206 Quirino Ave Pque . (0917)189-7342
Newton Scanning Systems Incorporated Infinity Care Medical Services Wastewater/Water Analysis
7514 Gma Lou-Bel Plz 8-A Cordero Val ............. (02)8219-5646 Tel: 86818459/84707385/09228990248
Mkti ........................... (02)8895-2973 Intercon Diagnostic Laboratory Inc
Stitchwell Industries Incorporated Del Monte Mansion QC ... (02)8742-0690
265 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8365-4344 Kairos Diagnostic Laboratory 64 Major Dizon Marikina (02)8681-8463
Uniwin Computerized Label Factory 112 Kalayaan Ave QC ... (0968)224-9658
Corporation Keyhealth Diagnostic Laboratory
State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-2823
160 West Columbian Bldg
QC ............................. (02)3412-3953
Labexpress Medical Laboratory
National Labelling
•Woven Labels & Patches
•Printed Taffeta & Satin Ribbon
262 Alabang Zapote Rd
LP .............................. (02)8801-4056 MICAL Enterprises
•Boxes•Hangtags•Paper Bags Laboratory Of Computer Med LAB & 32 G. Roxas St. cor. D. Tuazon, Quezon
Southway Condmn Mkti . (02)8844-6828
Labtalk Diagnostics Corp SERVICES City, Metro Manila 1115 Philippines
•Barcode•Twill/Cotton Tape•I.D Strap
•Cosmetic & Pharmaceutical Labels
Annex Medical Arts Bldg
QC ............................. (02)3433-8796 INC Tel. No.: (02) 8330-8111
•Paper Mats•Paper Inserts Labwork Diagnostic Center 64 Major Dizon Marikina (02)8681-8463
•Silkscreen Printing•Offset Printing E Ctr Bldg QC ................. (02)8631-4633 Nationwide Health Systems Incorporated
TEL NOS: 8361-7203 / 8363-2680 Lorenzo C Reyes Laboratory I Zeta 2 Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8844-2467
FAX NO: 8364-5664 65 Mayon QC ................. (02)8740-6826 Prime Health Maintenance
Marikina Medical Doctors Clinic And 205 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)3412-8524
EMAIL: [email protected] Laboratory Qualibet Testing Services Corporation
285 D Tuazon Blue Wave Stripmall Dangay QC ..................... (02)8374-8003
Quezon City ............... (02)8363-2680 Mkna ......................... (02)8243-8770
Med 101 Diagnostic Center Co SENTROTEK CORPORATION
Valencia Labels Villongco QC .................. (02)7729-8315 208 Pilar Manda-
Medx Diagnostic And Drug Testing Center
2nd Ave QC .................... (02)7744-3833 luyong ..... (02)8721-9699
VALEN- Metametrics Laboratory
88 Shaw Blvd Psg .......... (02)7910-6382
(See Advertisement on this page)
Vehicle Emission Products Services Inc
CIA Olympus Medical & Diagnostic Laboratory 147A Congressional Ave
333 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8354-5338 QC ............................. (02)8920-9990
285 D Tuazon
Quezon City ............... (02)8363-2680
Webtex Manufacturing Corporation
116 M Ponce KC ............ (02)8330-4993
Wisp And Warp Company Incorporated
271 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)8518-7012
Yunitrade Marketing Center Corp
Ymcc Bldg Mla ............... (02)8734-8752

Labor Organizations
Phil Transport & Gen Workers Org
Cecilleville Bldg QC.........(02)8372-9762

Laboratories -
Medical Sentrotek
208 Pilar St Addition Hills,
Accufast Clinic
University Mall Mla ....... (0966)874-2226 Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila 1550
Accuratus Neuropsychiatric And Diagnostic
Tel. No.: (02) 8721-9699
Gonzales Bldg QC.........(0943)705-5022
Affinity Medical
Angelus Plz Mkti ............. (02)8751-8798

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166 S C M Y K

166 Laboratory - Laundries 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

C2 Retail Stores Incorrporated Mother Care Illuminasia Lights Incorporated Jan A Trading
Laboratory Trinoma QC .................... (02)7915-1701 Active Fun Bldg Taguig ... (02)8478-0472 Cw Home Depot PC........(02)8556-2045 1157 Craig Mla .............. (02)8871-5428
D'Cole Vintage Incorporated Multi-Link Apparel Corporation Keystone Lamps & Shades Inc L C Reyes Digital Playroom Photology
Equipment and The Podium Mand .......... (02)8470-9289 21 Duhat Rd Mal ............ (02)8363-8880 Alabang Home Depot 168 M L Quezon Ave
Supplies Dorothy Perkins
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4058
Nicole By Chenica
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0977)788-3707
Munt .......................... (02)8771-2218
Metro Lamps Company Inc
Prolink Trading
Estilo Pacman Marketing Corporation 1040A A Bonifacio Ave New York Mansions Condmn
DAKILA TRADING Greenhills Shopping Ctr 566 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-0243 QC ............................. (02)8362-3749 QC ............................. (02)8936-2159
SJ .............................. (02)8722-0810 Pashmina Collection & General Palayan Lamps Corporation
CORPORATION Factory 2-U Corporation Merchandise 1849 Sta Rita Mkti..........(02)8882-3347
613 Calderon Manda- Festival Mall Munt .......... (02)8771-0631 Southwing Psg ............... (02)7775-1136 Laundries
Fashion 101 Trading Permasuri Limited Corporation
luyong ..... (02)8724-7511 Greenhills Shopping Ctr Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3704 Landscape 7Folds Laundry
Petit Monde 301-B Roosevelt Ave
(See Advertisement on this page) QC ........................... (0917)554-6003
French Sole Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8363-3410 Architects QC ........................... (0936)822-3613
Bonifacio High Street Pink Manila Ac Merci Beni Laundry Services
Espina Perez-Espina & Associates
Laboratory Furniture Taguig........................(02)7738-6624
Frigga Charmed Life
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ ............................ (0923)218-3032 Robinsons Equitable Twr
Mahogany KC .............. (0905)246-0254
Adxel's Laundry
Promod Psg ............................ (02)8637-4725 Antonio S Arnaiz Ave
Mars Laboratory Instruments Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0113
Frm 2 General Merchandise Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-4576 PC ........................... (0921)739-5815
Sampaguita Ave Pque.....(02)8823-3417 R & V Unica Hija Incorporated Ahyi Laundry
Sim Clinical Laboratory Incorporated Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8722-5657 Sm City North QC ........... (02)8920-6828
Landscape Greenbelt 1 Mkti ........... (0917)833-0992
840 Benavidez Mla ......... (02)8243-7025
Get Laud Republic Apparel Retailers Incorporated
Ayala Malls The 30th
Contractors Alfred's Cleaning Services
Horseshoe Vill QC .......... (02)8959-4187
Civic Dr Festival Mall
Angel's Care Laundry Shop
Laces Munt .......................... (02)8659-1677
Girls Fitti Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0917)713-3701
Retail Lab
Joyce & Chris Blessed Garden
Esteban Abada QC........(0932)886-0467
Deparo Rd KC .............. (0909)394-7599
Bonifacio High Street Ayala Malls The 30th Pnm Stoneworld Corporation Angelica Laundry Station
Bon Seng Commercial Psg ............................ (02)7500-8023 Mc Arthur Hwy Val ....... (0923)372-0630
Ledesma Bldg Mla..........(02)8247-7378 Taguig........................(02)8856-2821 1077 Epifanio Delos Santos Ave
Gj Bravo Boutique Rnv Unica Hija Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3414-9326 Atlantis Wonder Laundry Shop
Greenhills Shopping Cplx Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-6576 34 A Liberty Ave QC ..... (0906)809-9616
Primo's Garden And Landscape Services
Roxy Aurelia's Laundromat
Ladders - Aluminum SJ .............................. (02)8722-5354
Global Acsel Corporation Robinsons Place Manila
Suarez Avene Psg ........ (0945)974-0063
Felix Huertas Rd Mla ..... (0926)345-3367
San Francisco Land Holdings Inc
Star Mall Mand ............... (02)8725-3358 Mla ............................ (02)8354-5334 132 San Francisco Bayson Laundromat
ALL KINDS OF LADDERS — Globe Mallow Enterprise Incorporated Rrj & Lee Mand ......................... (02)8532-2939 63A Regalado Ave Ext
For information, call Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7808 Sta Lucia East Grand Mall QC ........................... (0939)149-3425
Spring Landscaping Services
Psg ............................ (02)8681-5459 8 St Mary Mkna ............ (0927)139-7677 Bubbalaba Laundry Shop
A-1 INDUSTRIES INC Hamilton Fashion 40-A1 Lalaine Bennet
52 Judge Juan Luna 1208 Soler Mla...............(02)8244-1770 Sabella
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall LP ............................ (0966)990-0655
Quezon City................(02)8372-1896 Her Bench
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-2408 Psg ............................ (02)8681-5298
Stitch N Suits Fashion Center
Landscaping Bubble Star Laundry Services
Sierra Madre Hwy Hills
A-1 Industries Inc Interstate 96
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 474 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)7148-3294 Balcony & Gardens
Mand ....................... (0947)266-6362
Strong Aces Marketing Bubble Works Laundry Center
SJ .............................. (02)8546-9568 5 M T Dioquino QC ....... (0917)862-8357 35 K-3rd St QC.............(0906)549-7169
Crystal Mansion Mla ....... (02)8521-1113
A-1 Isanti Incorporated
Carding Herbal & Ornamental Plants Bubbles Li Laundry Shop
Robinsons Place Manila Quezon Memorial Circle
SAMPLE Mla ............................ (02)8533-3174 Walter Mart Makati Mkti .. (02)8556-9820 QC ........................... (0920)204-0452
Sgt Bumatay Ave Mand (0926)638-1483
Txapela Incorporated Buzz N' Wash
Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8912-3273
E R S Alliance Corporation 472 Jp Rizal Mkti..........(0917)808-0611
Robinsons Fairview QC...(02)3410-4458 2225 Masaya LP .......... (0921)549-3872
INC Joi Boutique Una Rosa Flora Magnifica
Cadbury's Laundry
52 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8846-7196
Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-5819 Sm City Bf Paranaque Farmers Garden Cubao
52 Judge Juan Luna Pque .......................... (02)8553-5498 QC ............................. (02)3386-0742 Carb Laundry
Juana Farmers Plz QC ........ (02)8292-6655 Uniqlo Sm City North QC .... (02)8332-7271 Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0906)409-0802
Quezon City ............... (02)8372-1896 Jun Escario G&R's Garden And Landscaping Services
Velvet Rose Clean & Wash Laundry
Jcb Aluminum & Glass Work Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9071 El Grande Pque.............(0929)492-4959 934 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)3438-8494
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8659-7893 Gardens R' Us
1420 Sta Maria Mla ...... (0939)199-7968 Karimadon Trading Incorporated Vero Moda Philippines Clean Spin Wash
Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8633-4973 Dr A Santos Av Pque ...... (02)8825-8315 94 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)3453-9379
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8087-8406 Grm Garden Landscaping & Services
Levi Strauss Philippines Incorporated Vogue Concepts Incorporated Clothespin Laundry Station
Ladies Wear Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-5526 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-5855
Commonwealth Ave
QC ........................... (0998)868-5754
4012 Gen Luna Mal ........ (02)8351-4416
Link Boutique Incorporated Zara Commander Wash Laundry Shop
Aeropostale Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8376-0539 J Santos Landscaping Works Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0977)104-5252
Congressional Cirle C Mall 6 Ofel QC ....................... (02)3427-9167
Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)706-5473 Lucille Enterprises QC ............................. (02)8472-6561 Crissette Laundry Station
Akita Greenhills Shopping Ctr J Santos Waterscape Incorporated Paso De Blas Rd Val ..... (0915)633-7509
Zarah Concepts Incorporated 145 Concha Cruz Pque ... (02)8846-5415
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7582 SJ .............................. (02)8721-8848 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8806-6643 Del's Laundry Shop
Apartment 8 Clothing Mabuhay Fashion Gallery Jcmj Landscaping And Construction De Leon Holy Spirit QC . (0939)601-5288
Ziya Sm Mall Of Asia PC ..... (02)8896-8218 Services
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8931-3597 588 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7588 Dhabi Laundry & Dry Clean Services
Katarungan Vill Munt .... (0921)937-7737
Armor On Maldita Marketing Corp J Molina Mkna .............. (0946)275-6956
Ka Tale's Garden
Gemini Bldg QC .............. (02)7901-8250 7 Brgy Paligsahan QC ..... (02)8376-3698 Laminate Quirino Hwy KC ............ (0920)614-5915 Dizzy Mrs Lizzy Self-Service Laundromat
Ballow Shop Marlboro Classic Boutique 7519 Santillan Mkti.......(0966)761-5463
La Sierra Trading And Garden Services
32 Market Market Rustans Department Store Euro Konzept 19 N Domingo SJ ......... (0932)924-4318 Eazi Clean Laundry Services
Taguig........................(02)7728-9380 Mkti ........................... (02)8867-2212 125 Dangay QC .............. (02)8371-3129 12-E St Joseph Ave LP . (0918)556-7913
Manapat Interior Landscape Designs
Blued Clothing Incorporated Massimo Dutti Hi-Gloss Lamination Incorporated 249 Noli KC....................(02)7792-0453 Ebc Laundry Shop
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3226 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7757-0394 289 Dayao Mla ............... (02)8522-2930 Tecson Mla .................. (0995)702-9663
Mandarin Square Condominium
Bonne Bouche Miss Selfridge Projects Unlimited (Phils) Inc 777 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8742-5630 Eco Wash Laundry Shop
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-0486 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-4105 620 Oriente Mla..............(02)8242-7815 L7 B72 Dollar QC ......... (0917)650-9783
Mark Anthony's Rock Supply
89 Gil Fernando Ave Eco-Wash
Mkna ......................... (02)8646-5261 E Rodriguez Sr Ave QC . (0923)632-8420
Laminating Mor's Garden Landscaping Tropical And Ej Bros Laundromat
Quirino Hwy QC............(0917)312-2904
Equipment and Zen Design
Parkwood Greens Psg .. (0915)771-9065 El's 2 Big Boys Laundry Services
Sandoval Ave Psg ........ (0917)185-0757
Supplies Mr Plant Avenue
Eliang's Laundry & Party Needs
Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz
QC ........................... (0956)630-0715 Kalamansi QC .............. (0921)661-4407
Cazxandra Enterprises Eraine Jim Laundry
130 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8232-8724 Okane Charcoal Grill House
91 Ma Clara QC ............ (0917)898-0382 Dna Felicidad QC .......... (0919)759-3056
Rose Cueva Garden Eraine Jim Laundry Shop
Luzon Ave QC .............. (0929)349-4023
Lamination - Wood Quezon Memorial Circle
QC ........................... (0949)127-8158 Espa Clean Laundry & Dry Clean Shop
Rsn-Landscaping Services 7B Gregorio Araneta Ave
Studio 58 Lab 10 Incorporated QC ........................... (0995)802-5212
Uprc III Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8843-0770 Kagandahan QC ........... (0915)686-0596
Sonny's Bonsai Garden Espazio Laundry
Tecnotop Corp 44 Susana Gulod QC .... (0908)181-5600
T Santiago Val ................ (02)8294-2695 Quezon Memorial Circle
QC ........................... (0922)519-0132 Express Clean Llv Laundry Shop
United Laminates Industrial Corp Sto Nino QC ................. (0927)691-1372
P Lanuzo Val .................. (02)8292-1031 Strozzi Glassique
Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0968)236-4050 Ez Clean Laundry
1145 Soler Mla...............(02)8562-8252
Fabric Zone Laundry And Dry Cleaning
Lamp Shades Language Services 93 Urbano Velasco Ave
Psg ............................ (02)8370-4497
Great Hope General Merchandising Fransha Laundry House
673 Florentino Torres 911 Language Incorporated
Kalayaan Plz Mall QC ...... (02)8928-1475 J P Rizal Ave Mkti ......... (0977)657-9701
Mla ............................ (02)8733-6695 Gbs Laundry Shop
Lux Master Ledlight Center 56 Rd 3 QC .................... (02)8636-9488
627 Gonzalo Puyat Mla...(02)8735-9380 Large Format Ged's Laundry
B40 L05 Flores De Mayo
Lamps Printers QC ............................. (02)8355-6031
Go Go Wash
Big Pix Graphic Systems Incorporated 295 P Tuazon QC ........... (02)3387-7098

Dakila Trading
A & F Lights & Lamps 7783 St Paul Rd Mkti ..... (02)8895-9518 Goldstar Tours & Travel Corporation
Vmcc Bldg QC................(02)7934-0392 Cristobal Ads & Concepts 161D J P Rizal QC .......... (02)8912-2845
Camila Faye Incorporated Gst Company
Corporation 42 Shorthorn QC ............ (02)8925-3461
D Aristocrat Lamps
7-B Amaloi QC ............... (02)3416-1878
Road 8 QC ..................... (02)7505-1703
Hands Of Pio Laundry Services
613 Calderon St, Mandaluyong City, 8270 Dr a Santos Ave Laser Toner - Milflores Mkti ............... (0945)302-0932
Pque .......................... (02)8826-9081 Hyper Go Laundry Hub
Metro Manila 1550 Philippines Tel. First Lighting Corporation Original and Refill Malinao Hwy Hills
No.: (02) 8724-7511 Metro Lamp Bldg Mla ..... (02)8242-1566 Mand ....................... (0939)990-1246
Gdt Lighting Bella Vista Trading Jmj Tumble N' Wear Laundry Shop
1363 - 1365 Soler Mla ... (02)8734-0490 Tri-O QC.........................(02)3414-8040 397 G De Borja Pat.......(0917)901-8884

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167 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Laundries - Lighting 167

Spin Laundry Place Sr Pedro Lechon Manok - Manila Sicangco And Sicangco Law Offices Lunarx Led Lighting Philippines
Laundries (Cont'd) 2443 Suter Mla ........... (0917)889-2366 Coronel Bldg Mla ........... (02)8254-9170 Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8813-4967 P&S Bldg QC ................ (02)8570-6592
Spinfinity Laundromat Soo And Bisquera Law Office Luxe Light General Merchandise
Josie's Laundry Shop 150 Tomas Morato Ave Sage Hse Bldg Mkti........(02)8817-9671 1205 Oroquieta Mla ....... (02)8708-5917
1765 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)7901-7895 QC ......................... (0917)834-5677 Lechon Manok Stelephant Incorporator Services Company Luxen Lighting And Electrical Company
Just Clean Laundry Squeaky Kleen Laundry House 860 Sto Tomas Mla ....... (02)8711-7104 1468 Soler Mla ............. (02)8734-1683
Marcelo H Del Pilar Mal (0917)520-9228 32-C Malakas QC ........ (0905)481-6289 Andoks Litson Sunico Malabanan & Rana Law Offices Luxen Lighting Company
Kai's Laundry Shop Ssg Laundry Services Dr A Santos Pque ........ (0933)533-0914 Odc International Plz Condmn Cw Home Depot Psg ...... (02)8633-5673
J P Rizal Ave Mkti ........ (0926)668-2521 896-B J P Rizal Mkna.....(02)8781-2494 Chicnoy Lechon Manok Mkti ......................... (02)8840-2513 Luxicore Lighting Enterprise
Kalinisan Steam Laundry Incorporated Sunrise Instawash Laundry & Lounge 1013 Quirino QC .......... (0948)752-1651 Syquia Law Offices 749 Nueve De Febrero
Manggahan QC ............. (02)8635-0601 25 Sunrise Dr QC .........(0961)769-5991 Chiknoy Edsa KC...............(02)3412-3784 Cattleya Condmn Mkti .... (02)8817-1095 Mand ....................... (02)8531-1648
Kateclean Laundry Services Swift Clean Self-Service Laundry Lembest Lechon Tabalingcos De Jesus And Arac Law Office Marry And Me Special Events
1513 Aviadores Mla ..... (0919)999-7884 89 Baltazar Psg ........... (0915)542-2482 2069 Paseo De Carlos Candido Heart Twr Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8812-3706 Safari Condmn Mla ........ (02)7975-1870
Kleen Queen 2 Pearl QC ..... (02)8939-8784 Tap Tap Laundromat Val ........................... (02)8330-9089 Telan Hipe Flores Telan & Associates Megaman Lighting Philippines Incorporated
Kuff N-Kollar Laundromat Corporation 5641 Ampere Mkti ......... (02)7625-2790 Tikti Laok Telan Bldg Psg .............. (02)8640-6600 Living 'N Style Bldg Mkti . (02)8812-8375
South Supermarket Teves Dry Cleaning Robinsons Place Manila V&A Law Metro Soler Lights & Decors Corporation
Munt ........................ (02)8771-1673 4092 Gen Mascardo Mla ........................ (0942)582-5729 11th Ave Taguig ............ (02)8988-6088 1506-1508 Soler Mla ..... (02)8733-6070
Kurin Laundry Service Mkti ......................... (02)8843-3744 Venturanza Hostalero & Company Cpas Metrotech Electronics Center
1511 A Mabini Mla ...... (0995)330-5451 The Lavendry Lounge West Twr Psec Psg ....... (02)8706-1455 734 Gonzalo Puyat Mla .. (02)8734-8068
L A Sauce Sneaker Laundry 486 Arayat Mand ......... (0917)627-3762 Legal Services Veralaw Miscovia
Winland Twr Residences The Pink Washer Laundry A&V Crystal Twr Mkti ..... (02)8550-1888 1237 - 1241 Soler Mla ... (02)8559-3988
QC ......................... (0920)266-8422 Pioneer Ctr Psg ............. (02)7730-2932 Abo And Penaranda Law Firm Vitug Law Offices Modern Lights Incorporated
L&F Laundry And Dry Clean Shop Tsc1023 Laundry Shop One Park Dr Bldg Taguig.(02)7341-8944 Marvel Bldg II Mla .......... (02)8241-7666 683 Tomas Mapua Mla .. (02)8735-8443
H Roxas Mkna ............. (0950)639-4575 Quezon Bldg Taguig ..... (0917)734-6323 Abo And Penaranda Law Firm / Notary W9 Global Microsolutions Incorporated Phenix-Nd Pinas Incorporated
Labadear Laundry Shop U-Belt Laundry Station Public H V Dela Costa Mkti ....... (02)8729-0044 Richville Corporate Twr
Earnshaw Mla ............. (0927)482-3962 1060 Corinthians P Campa Avida Cityflex Soho Twr Wilson Notary Public Munt ........................ (02)8894-2978
Labarya Do It Yourself Laundry Mla ........................ (0997)295-9622 Taguig ...................... (02)7728-3665 Sanciangco Mal ........... (0947)591-9301 Scremir Philippines Incorporated
Miim Bldg Mkti ............ (0925)788-5222 Ultima Laundry Station Agcaoli And Associates Zambrano Gruba Caganda & Advincula 56 20th Ave QC ............. (02)8441-2700
Laundrafe & Co 86 A Rd 1 QC .............. (0927)712-9967 Citibank Ctr Mkti ............ (02)8892-4901 88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8889-6060 Sivit Led Signages
Kalayaan Ave Mkti ....... (0917)129-2877 Wash 'n Wear Alversado Pataueg & Associates Law Office Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8659-4885
Laundry Best Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)3427-8498 6766 Dela Rosa Mkti......(02)7959-0357 Sonic Lighting And Electric System
West Delta Bldg QC........(02)3415-9372 Wash It Yourself Laundry Hub Avenida & Diaz Law Office Library Incorporated
Laundry Depot Incorporated Alicante Bldg Mkna ...... (0917)625-3373 Act Twr Mkti ................. (02)8817-8902 Aic Ctr Bldg Mla ............ (02)8528-8750
447 Bulalakaw Mand......(02)8533-4967 Wash Mamu Cabio Law Office And Associates Goethe-Institut Manila Thompson Lighting
Laundrybest Pioneer Ctr Psg ............. (02)7730-2932 Future Point Plz 1 QC ..... (02)8355-1028 Adamson Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8722-4671 Sunshine Square Plz
38C Aguirre Pque .......... (02)8403-7712 Wash Stop Incorporated Cabrera Lavadia & Associates Mand ....................... (02)8531-5264
Laundryworld Classica Twr Mkti .......... (02)8887-1032 Philamlife Twr Mkti ........ (02)8885-0473 Zettavoltz Lighting Corporation
27 Nueva Vizcaya QC ... (0977)298-9912 Washvenience Laundry Full Service Capuyan And Quimpo Law Offices
Doña Guadalupe Bldg
Life and Health Mre Bldg QC ................. (02)3413-9151
Lavandera Ko Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz
Anh Apt QC ................... (02)8373-5464 QC ......................... (0975)226-9918 Mkti ......................... (02)8897-7729 Insurance
Lavendo Self Service Laundry Watercolors Laundry Station Cesar C Cruz And Partners Law Offices
Ayala Life Fgu Ctr Mkti ... (02)8817-8922 Brighter Home Mission
Lighting Accessories
5 Nueva Viscaya QC.....(0932)855-8116 Anh Apt QC ................... (02)8373-5464
Lazy Laundry Yaya Maya Self-Service Laundry De Leon Ip Law Firm 3A Emerald QC..............(02)8356-1229 Atom Premium Led
Gen Malvar Ave QC ...... (0995)971-4884 147 Rd 3 QC ............... (0928)199-8777 De Leon Ip Law Firm QC . (02)7959-4224 Direct Link Insurance Victoria Bldg QC .......... (0915)242-3415
Les Wash Laundry Yk-A-Laundry Shop Del Rosario And Del Rosario Law Office One Ucpb Gen Bldg Katong Light General Merchandise &
Rolex QC .................... (0945)115-3145 Harvard Socorro QC ..... (0927)120-2357 Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8894-4776 Pque ........................ (02)8828-2000 Hardware
Linis Labandero-Muntinlupa Zai And Glaiza Laundry Shop Disini & Disini Law Office Friendly Care Foundation Incorporated Dapitan Mkt QC ........... (0918)947-2178
37 Natl Rd Munt ............ (02)8861-9789 South Rd QC ............... (0908)968-6278 Philippine Social Science Ctr Bonanza Plz Bldg QC......(02)8935-4310 Santa Cruz Lighting Supply
Lucky 9 Laundry Houses Zapped Laundry And Dry Cleaning Services QC ........................... (02)8535-6256 Infinit Healthcare 1337 Soler Mla ............. (02)8736-6694
P Tuazon Blvd QC ........ (0916)707-6318 1521 F Manalo Psg ...... (0929)833-3886 Dm Wenceslao & Associates Incorporated Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8751-3836 Shefa Industrial Products Inc
Magic Clean Laundry Shop Roxas Blvd Pque ........... (02)8853-2589 Japanese Help Desk Incorporated Angeles Bldg Pat ......... (0956)856-4587
70 Cepeda Mkna ......... (0935)496-7430 Escobido And Pulgar Law Firm 2129 Chino Roces Ave
Melann Laundry Shop Laundry Equipment 2041 Edison Mkti .......... (02)8887-3120 Mkti ......................... (02)8833-6852
293 Malaya Mkna ........ (0961)511-3833 Fcb Law Office
Manila Memorial Ofc
Jara Financial Lighting Control
Morning Seven Laundry Shop Accuratek Solutions Corporations Hi-Yield Bldg SJ ........... (0947)180-5594
A Banlat Rd QC ............. (02)7729-8124 28 M L Quezon Taguig ... (02)7506-1009 Mkti ....................... (0920)948-9949 Keyman Benefits Consultants And System
Alaga Laundry Shop Fortun Narvasa And Salazar Law Offices Insurance Agency Inc
Mr Lavah Boy Laundry Service Multinational Bancorporation Ctr
Luzon Ave QC ............. (0915)441-1568 19 B Rd 1 QC................(02)3454-5424 Emerald Bldg Psg .......... (02)8655-5026 Grandpearl Production
Aldura Trading Industries Mkti ......................... (02)8812-7199 Malayan Insurance B1 L10 Banlat Rd QC ..... (02)3455-6401
Ms Bubbles Laundry Shop Francisco And Faltado Law Firm
Marcos Alvarez Ext LP .. (0908)635-6812 48 Gen Luna Mkti .......... (02)7752-1868 City & Land Mega Plz Bldg
Clean City Commercial Incorporated Lapu-Lapu Ave Mal ...... (0918)301-5654 Psg .......................... (02)8628-8631
My Own Wash
8707 Sandoval Ave 1851 Ma Orosa Malate Gorriceta Africa Cauton & Saavedra
Strata 2000 Bldg Psg ..... (02)8696-0687
Malayan Insurance (Quezon Avenue Lighting Fixtures
Psg ........................ (0910)652-7209 Mla .......................... (02)8527-9290 Satellite Office)
Gsa Law Firm Ben-Lor Bldg QC ........... (02)8628-8600 Adlib International Sales
Nadine Laundry Shop Enhancing Life's Standards Adb Ave Psg ................. (02)8633-9757 Manulife Philippines
274 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8531-2633 Gold Land Twr SJ .......... (02)8721-8595 Cw Home Depot PC ....... (02)8556-1763
Hechanova Bugay & Vilchez Lawoffices Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8772-4093 Aristocrat House Of Lamps
Neat Freak Laundry And Dry Cleaning Katflix Laundry Shop Chemphil Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8813-6820 Msd Philippines
Presidents Ave Pque ...... (02)8820-6328 Saranay Ave KC ............ (02)8362-5167 Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8634-3415
Jimeno Jalandoni And Cope Law Offices Philam Life Twr Mkti ...... (02)8784-9500 Aristocrat Interiors
Neighbor's Buster Laundromat Mega Cleaners Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti .. (02)8892-4038 Pink Wheels
Maxima Santos Psg ..... (0915)100-5105 Don Diego Bldg QC ...... (0916)617-7197 162 Edsa Ave Mand ....... (02)8631-5106
Joselito R Enriquez And Associates Law One Ucpb Gen Bldg Asia Panpacific Company Incorporated
Nelge Laundry Shop Mv Ram Trading Company Incorporated Firm
Bagumbong Rd KC ...... (0920)479-3885 Mr Bldg Psg .................. (02)8681-2511 Pque ........................ (02)8813-7465 El-Al Bldg QC ................ (02)8711-2074
Feria Rd QC ................ (0917)333-9002 Plaridel Surety & Insurance Company
One 43 Laundromat Tyson Global Exchange Incorporated Kr6 Customs Brokerage Service Atcs Trading
143 Pag-Asa Psg ........ (0917)327-3735 Greenbelt Mansion Mkti .. (02)8696-9213 Noah' S Ark Bldg Mla ..... (02)8242-2616 888 Lucky Mansion Mla . (02)8967-9745
St Thomas LP ............... (02)8541-1708 The First Nationwide Assurance Corporation
One Thousand Fold Laundry Services Larrazabal Law Office Digi Lighting Inc
104 C Raymundo Ave Yuchengco Twr 2 Bldg The Facilities Ctr Mand ... (02)8531-1728
Lawn and Garden Bf Condmn Mla ............. (02)8708-9791 Mkti ......................... (02)8737-3622
Psg .......................... (02)7915-1505 Leonides S Respicio Law Office Diversified Lighting Enterprises
Onebigwash Enterprises Summit One Twr Mand...(02)8533-2806 1348 Soler Mla ............. (02)8735-2922
526 Francisco Legaspi Decorea Incorporated Dsray-Led Lightning Trading
Psg .......................... (02)8240-5097 East Twr Tektite Bldg
Lopez Law Office
Margarita Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8890-7172
Lighters 830 T Alonzo Mla .......... (02)8361-2013
Orient Golden Waters & Laundry Shop Psg .......................... (02)8655-9944 Loriem Legal Consulting Eurolux Lighting Inc
Incorporated 2210 Cityland Pasong Tamo Lighters Galore Pace Bldg QC ................ (02)8722-2000
8 Kitanlad QC ................ (02)8242-1362 Mkti ......................... (02)8893-8909 Farmers Plz QC ........... (0923)689-5053 Ever Corporation
Panda Cleaners Laundromat Leather Mamaril Arca And Associates Ligter Galore Rda Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8843-4739
87 East Capitol Psg ....... (02)8477-2186 Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8812-8034 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)3487-2991 Hearts Lights And Sound System
Papalaundry Laundry Services Cambridge Transnational Technologies Inc Mata-Perez Tamayo & Francisco Philippine Match Company Limited 77 Olive Mkna ............. (0956)885-0418
11th St PC .................. (0977)280-4363 C2-D Madeten Bldg QC .. (02)8519-1471 Act Twr Mkti ................. (02)8808-5375 F Y Manalo Mla ............. (02)8534-3393 Ikhea Lighting
Pearl Laundry & Dry Cleaning Jcl Marikina Leather Craft Migallos & Luna Law Offices 30 P T Mini QC .............. (02)3415-1974
Matandang Balara QC ... (0926)935-2712 8 H Bautista Mkna ....... (0917)944-1144 Phinma Plz Mkti ............ (02)8896-9358 James Ervin Tatel Enterprises (Jetlighting)
Pearly Shell Laundry Shop Jordan Leather And General Merchandise Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices Lighting 1311 President Quirino Ave
Qurino Ave Pque .......... (0922)840-5301 B12 L6-7 Ph3 Dagat-Dagatan Ave Ext Liberty Ctr Bldg Mkti ...... (02)7625-0765 Mla .......................... (02)8356-7668
Pegs N Bubbles Laundry KC ........................... (02)8287-7028 Ocampo And Ocampo Law Offices 10 Inch Lights And Sound Jsplightech
Dela Rosa Mkti ............ (0916)355-7378 Tuquero's Leather House Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0223 1089 Primero De Mayo 145 San Francisco
Princess Laundry Mart Concepcion Villaroman Bldg Palaran & Partners Law Office Mla .......................... (02)8252-0976 Mand ....................... (02)8532-8493
Sct Tobias QC ............... (02)8372-1306 Mla .......................... (02)8736-0641 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-6761 Agc Led Keystone Lamps & Shades Incorporated
Quicklean Poblador Bautista And Reyes Law Office 850 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)7745-3967 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8831-1821
71-A Esteban Abada QC . (02)8294-7775 Sedcco 1 Bldg Mkti........(02)8817-4640 Ahl's One Stop Store Komee Led Light Philippines
Ras Alagang Kamay Ng Nars Laundry Shop Lechon Puno & Puno Law Offices Gemcord Bldg QC ........ (0955)410-8880 Lee Gardens Coml Ctr
& Dry Cleaning Services The Podium West Twr Ambient Philippines Mand......................(0975)638-0685
Gen Ordonez Mkna ...... (0943)615-2941 Baliwag Lechon Mand ....................... (02)8631-1261 210 Nicanor Garcia Mkti . (02)8639-1575 Ledlites Systems Corporation
Riviere Laundromats 355 P Tuazon QC ........ (0933)457-7291 Puyat Jacinto & Santos Law Offices Auralux 1354 Soler Mla ...... (02)8252-1247 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8823-2405
Bagong Calzada Baliwag Lechon Manok Inc Rockwell Ctr Mkti .......... (02)8840-5025 Brightech Lighting Philippines Leso Lighterage Incorporated
Taguig .................... (0949)176-8878 Fairview QC .................. (02)8277-6068 Quiason Makalintal Barot Torres Ibarra Regina Bldg Mla .......... (0926)288-3233 Enterprise Bldg Mla ........ (02)8241-7486
Rjjj&J Laundry Services Belly Chon Sison & Damaso E-Sun Led Light Center Light At Play Enterprises
469 Salas Mla ............... (02)8330-9465 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............ (02)8257-3763 Robinsons Equitable Twr 1143 Edsa Ave QC ........ (02)8294-8634 Ortigas Home Depot Psg (02)8584-9215
Rl Laundry Shop Chooks To Go Psg .......................... (02)8631-0981 Energreen Consultancy Services Light Options
Mcarthur Hwy Val ........ (0930)912-1931 M L Quezon Taguig ...... (0922)806-8959 Rivera Santos And Maranan Primeland Bldg Munt ...... (02)8403-1310 Mc Home Depot Taguig .. (02)8815-6237
Roya Laundry Services Jiro's Lechon Pse Ctre West Twr Psg...(02)8635-6359 Entertainment Quest Trading Light Source Trading
4th Ave QC ................. (0922)878-2918 Salcedo Mkt Mkti ........... (02)3433-6298 Romulo Law Firm 89 Gen Tinio KC ............ (02)8367-6278 1346 M Hizon Mla ....... (0946)588-4410
Royal Care Laundry Services Company Lechon La Loma Ni Aling Nelia Philamlife Twr Mkti ........ (02)8555-9555 Forscink Inc Professional Lights And Lightscape Incorporated
Bisa Bldg Pque .............. (02)8805-8979 27 N S Amoranto Ave Rs Santos Law Firm Sounds 155 Dao Mkna .............. (02)8234-2697
Scenttini Laundry QC ........................... (02)3411-6519 Dm Bldg QC .................. (02)8926-3456 54 Kalayaan Ave QC .... (0917)812-5007 Lightshop Incorporated
Leonor Rivera Mla........(0956)120-2954 Mila's Lechon And Restaurant Ruscius G Zaragoza Law Offices Itre Lights Feron Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8478-4804
Soft Wash 69 Calavite QC .............. (02)8253-7528 L And S Bldg Mla ........... (02)8526-2247 1406 Soler Mla ............. (02)8733-3412 Manila Lighting Fixtures
549 B Shaw Blvd Mand .. (02)8531-1713 Monchie's Lechon Sebastian Liganor And Galinato Landlite Designer Lightings Leveriza Mla................(0956)390-4719
Spin Lab Laundry Services 67 Calavite QC .............. (02)8740-7394 East Twr Pse Ctre Psg.... (02)8635-7896 Jose P Laurel Bldg Mla ... (02)8559-5363 Mutual Success Import-Export Inc
265 Amang Rodriguez Ave Sosoy Lechon Sedigo And Associates Light Master Manufacturing Corporation Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr
Psg ........................ (0922)298-9230 1396 L Gabriel Pque ...... (02)8833-7463 Itc Bldg Mkti..................(02)8899-9297 147 3rd St KC ............... (02)8359-8154 Psg .......................... (02)8687-7111

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168 Lighting - Logistics 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Zingy Line International Trading Solidbond Lending Company Incorporated
Lighting Fixtures Banawe QC .................... (02)8903-2375 Livelihood Training 14 E Congressional Ave Logistics
QC ............................. (02)8952-1198
(Cont'd) Center Sss Pensionado Loans 101 New York Logistics Corporation
Linens 21 Dr Pilapil Psg.............(02)8642-9953 Ctp Alpha Twr Munt........(02)8850-3690
Neovega Lighting Cbrc Caloocan Sunprime Finance Incorporated 1056 Logistics Incorporated
Lri Design Plz Mkti..........(02)8256-5714 Fine Concept Hotel Line Corporation Ppi Bldg KC .................... (02)8355-4356 Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8667-3193 Regina Bldg Mla ............. (02)8353-0713
Periquet Galicia Incorporated Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7621-9204 True Money Philippines Aeroworld Logistics Phils Inc
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Linens International Inc Jmt Corporate Condmn 1 Sampaguita Circle
Mkti ........................... (02)8894-4706 Rmt Cpd Munt ................ (02)8862-0077 Livestock Psg ............................ (02)7718-9999 Pque .......................... (02)8829-3963
Philippine Lamp Post Manufacturing M Diaz Curtains And Sofa Covers Uni-Channel Pacific Corporation Aguila Padala
Corporation Pamilihang Bayan QC ... (0915)197-3433 Holiday Hills Stock And Breeding Farm King's Court Twr 2 Mkti .. (02)8846-1546 Mtm Bldg Mla...............(0939)248-6499
211 B Leonardo Val ........ (02)3432-9520 2 San Bartolome Psg ...... (02)8672-1968 Amarich Marketing International
Philitalia Inc Iscan Document Scanning Service 7055 Lanzones Mkti ....... (02)8403-6605
Cbc Corporate Ctr Mand . (02)8725-8117 Lingerie Pearl QC.......................(0977)737-2756 Locks Citadel Pacific Ltd
R&B Livestock Inc Sgv II Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-7711
POWERTECHNIC LIGHTING Etam Lingerie 614 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8936-3174 Conner Hardware Eastrans Line Phils Incorporated
INC Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-4362 7532 Dela Cruz Pque......(02)8829-7731 Cityland Herrera Twr
Webengton Garments Manufacturing Limson Marketing Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8831-1309
Numancia 4 Nangka Rd Mal ............ (02)8361-2347 Loans 235-B Libertad PC .......... (02)8831-9339 Enav Logistics Management Services Inc
Manila.....(02)8243-6946 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8687-1771
Aguirre Loan Company Inc MAIN HARDWARE INC Gac Philippines Incorporated
(See Advertisement on this page) Liquefied Gases Aguirre Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8894-0256
739 T Alonzo F & M Lopez Bldg 2 Mkti (02)8892-2713
Provident Lights Elena Loans And Credit Co Inc Goto Logistics Incorporated
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8351-7599 Fiesta Gas 2204 TAft Ave Mla ......... (02)8521-1669 Manila.....(02)8733-2616 Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8536-0394
Quantum Electronics Corporation 1041 Quirino QC ............ (02)3377-8211 Epcl Global Lending Corporation Greenstar Logistics Incorporated
117 Tirad Pass KC ......... (02)8363-4077 Mighty Gas Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg MAIN HARDWARE INC Gedcor Bldg Pque .......... (02)8820-2747
R C Ordonez Company Incorporated 19 Kamias QC ................ (02)3435-5265 Mla ............................ (02)8354-5836 Haba-Sped Logistics Phils Incorporated
588 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-9229 Hermlex Company
Smc Home Builders Incorporated
Zig3 Industrial Gas Trading Co Ltd
191-E Tandang Sora Ave Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8864-0216 MAIN Cityland Pasong Tamo
Mkti ........................... (02)8812-1654
633 Florentino Torres QC ............................. (02)8782-2498 Homecredit Mutual Building & Loan HARD- Kb1 Logistics Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8734-6179 Association Fmc-Lto Cpd LP ............. (02)7504-4277
Sunlux Led Center
821 Bldg 1 QC ............... (02)3410-1352 Liquefied Petroleum
Insular Life Corporate Ctr
Munt .......................... (02)8771-1190
WARE Key Logistics Incorporated
Madison Suites Condmn
Switch Industrial Sales Corporation
Gas (LPG)
Kaakbay Kabuhayan Lending Incorporated
Plaza Dela Rosa Taguig .. (02)8837-1905
INC Mand ......................... (02)8687-4672
1275 Benavidez Mla ....... (02)8251-2553 Kim Gold Cargo Logistic Corporation
Three C Company Limitted Lendcircle Lending Corporation 739 T Alonzo Manila ...... (02)8733-2616 2148 J Abad Santos Ave
1760 Taft Ave PC ........... (02)8400-1397 Blue Fire Lpg Marketing Incorporated Zeta Bldg Mkti ................ (02)7219-3886 Mla ............................ (02)8256-8005
432 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Loan Star Lending Group Corporation Teleeye Philippines Incorporated Lambert Williams Logistics Incorporated
Psg ............................ (02)8737-8000 Carson Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8800-3475 Z Square Mall QC ........... (02)8361-1654 18 Miller QC ................... (02)8373-0113
Lightning Protection Cdv Gas & Appliance Center Maynila Pension Loans Corporation Lanz Matthew Trucking Services
Bartville Coml Psg .......... (02)8645-2222 E Bechavez Bldg Mla ...... (02)8567-2153
Equipment Everflame Marketing Incorporated Robocash Ph Locksmiths 2531 Severino Reyes
Mla ............................ (02)8252-5359
42B Dna Soledad Ave Murphy Ctr QC ............... (02)8876-8484 Latitude 360 Logistics Incorporated
Facilities Protection Inc Pque .......................... (02)8836-8569 Rykom Financing Corporation D-24/7 Locksmith And Safe Vault Services Manufacturers Bldg Mla..(02)8735-7693
Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Gasul Citystate Ctre Psg ........... (02)8633-0935 373 N Domingo SJ ....... (0905)368-7122 Melcon Worldwide Logistics Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8836-7934 102 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8236-0311 Summit Leasing And Finance Corporation Donz Locksmith Services 4 Mdc Rd Taguig............(02)8826-2947
Markgas Centrum One Mckinley Place Twr 2 935 Claro Castaneda Mol Logistics Philippines Incorporated
37 20th Ave QC .............. (02)8912-0162 Taguig........................(02)8551-8550 Mand ....................... (0995)760-1878 Ech Plz Pque .................. (02)8853-5424
Lights - Decorative Maxigas Trading Tri Philippines Loan Corporation Jayran Trading Nippon Express Company Limited
61-B Molave QC ............. (02)8911-7644 Navarro Bldg LP ............. (02)8478-8083 18-B 15th Ave QC .......... (02)8913-6926 8 Johanne Pque ............. (02)8852-1111
Biglite International Lighting Inc Quality Gasul Dealer Xrc Resources Inc Jhertz Locksmith Services Omni Logistics Corporation
3026 Gen T De Leon Rd 12 Macarthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8361-3514 353 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8948-1528 251 Libertad PC ........... (0906)542-0185 Nissan Bldg QC .............. (02)8359-8206
Val ........................... (0917)623-6495 Superstar Gas And Appliance Center Yescredit Financing Incorporated Jrm Locksmith Oneworld Alliance Logistics Corporation
Grow Light Philippines 858 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8936-0290 Green Sun Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8479-8500 34 Sitio Pagkakaisa Ramon Magsaysay Ctr
1547 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Trans X Lpg Hauler Co Pat ........................... (0925)841-5798 Mla ............................ (02)8521-0249
QC ........................... (0916)266-3973 353 Tandang Sora Ave Key Maker Locksmith Rbcmdc Corporation
Hute Construction & Supplies Inc QC ............................. (02)8951-5686 Loans and Financing 88-2 Oranbo Dr Psg ..... (0906)477-6003 Rbc Corporate Ctr Bldg
1618 F M Gernale Mla .... (02)8523-1760 Vic's Lpg Store Lom Key Specialist Munt .......................... (02)8842-5062
Infinite Lighting & Style Center 207 Quezon Munt ........... (02)8553-4818 Advanced Merchant Payments Lending Greenhills Shopping Ctr Regency Logistics Phils Corporation
141 Don A Roces Ave Xoom Autogaz Incorporated Corporation SJ .............................. (02)8723-1697 First Midland Offices Condo
QC ........................... (0917)317-0532 68 Timog Ave QC ........... (02)8920-7763 Philam Twr Mkti ............. (02)8818-1717 Modern Key And Locksmith Services Mkti ........................... (02)8893-0106
Led It Glow Aeon Credit Service Philippines 6 Pinagtipunan Mand ...... (02)8565-5075 Sea-Avion Logistics Incorporated
7 Dexter QC..................(0917)840-8877 Incorporated Reginald Key Duplication Services L & S Bldg Mla ............... (02)8522-4241
Light Arts Inc Liquor 17 Hanston Square Psg .. (02)8631-1399 9 J Climaco Mkti .......... (0922)223-2675
1465-1467 Soler Mla ... (0917)537-4383 Asiagroup Finance Corp
Light Fix Cut Store Golden Wines Inc Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8898-3889
1540 Taft Ave Mla ........ (0917)525-2766 Topy's Place QC ............. (02)8638-5027 Asianlink Finance Corp
Lightitude Corp Savoroso Incorporated 13 Buenviaje Bldg Mkna . (02)8682-8942 CORPORATION
57 Don A Roces Ave Congressional Ave Ext Auto Cars Direct Assistance Corporation Airport Transient House "Your one-stop transport company"
QC ........................... (0917)531-3132 QC ............................. (02)8932-7649 Allegro Ctr Mkti .............. (02)8403-0981 Salem Cplx PC ............. (0947)267-5015 General Transport
Richline Enterprises Inc The Brewery At The Palace Binixo Philippines Arc Lodging Transport & Rigging of Heavy,
280 Mayon QC ............. (0956)125-7682 10th Ave Taguig ........... (0917)813-9429 105 West Ave QC ........... (02)8371-8092 Shoe Ave Mkna ............ (0977)191-2988 Off-Gauge, Containerized &
Blumex Express Credit Incorporated Bluemoon Lodge Breakbulk Cargo
1131 Labores Mla .......... (02)8254-4395 1349 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0948)284-9957
Den M V O Lending Corporation Tel: 84210900 / Fax: 84211186
Choco Condotel
20-C Pearl Pque ............. (02)8875-7174 Centropolis Condmn [email protected]
Diamond Finance Corp Munt ........................ (0995)890-5099 [email protected]
603 Edsa Diamond Bldg D&A Taguig Transient Inn 21-B IBM Plaza Bldg Eastwood City
QC ............................. (02)8721-2413 20 Sampaloc Taguig .... (0917)811-5255 Bagumbayan
Dolojan Enterprises Despi's Place Condotel Suites Quezon City ............... (02)8421-0800
Cluster C Taguig ............. (02)8846-8846 69 Sierra Madre Mand .. (0997)239-7440
Ds Finance Corporation E&H Residences Silverstreak Transport
Bdc Corporate Ctr QC ..... (02)8398-2816 3990 Airport Rd Pque ..... (02)8570-9858
Easy Cash Lending Company Incorporated Hotel Selena Cubao
Gochangco Bldg Mla ...... (02)8254-6529 900 Stanford QC ............ (02)8709-4303 SILVER-
Globe Fintech Innovations Inc La Belle Residences
W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)7946-7188 STREAK
7733 St Paul Rd Mkti ..... (02)8364-4962
Gmbt Lending Investor Merizella's Condotel Staycation TRANSPORT
469 Boni Serrano Rd QC (02)8421-2130 Quirino Hwy QC............(0966)684-2900 CORP
Grand Pacific Credit Corporation Mplace And Congressional Goldz
Vicente Madrigal Bldg Staycation
Mkti ........................... (02)8830-0500 Bagumbayan
Mo Ignacia QC ............. (0906)547-7577 Quezon City ............... (02)8421-0800
Insular Rural Bank Incorporated Mrr Condotel & Staycation
State Condmn 2 Mkti ...... (02)8822-0036 Coronado Mand ........... (0915)438-2089 Skylogistics Philippines Incorporated
Mailliw Lending Corporation Sayuki Massage Spa Two E-Com Ctr PC ......... (02)8478-9492
Quadrillion Mansion SJ ... (02)8571-4535 Nueva Viscaya QC ........ (0977)339-7659 Strong - Will Logistics Inc
Metro-Rei Vienna Lodging House Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8821-1349
Diliman Coml Ctr Bldg J P Rizal Mkti ............... (0966)661-6923 Topline Global Logistics Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8352-6002 Windy's Place Staycation Condotel Femii Annex Bldg Mla ..... (02)8522-2545
Multiplier Lending Corporation Urban Deca Homes Manila Topserve Worlwide Express Incorporated
San Buena Bldg Psg ....... (02)8687-1583 Mla .......................... (0916)910-2566 9694 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8478-9632
Neo-Asian Finance & Leasing Corp Trans Asia Securities Incorporated
1121 Edsa QC ................ (02)3413-4221 State Ctr Bldg Mla .......... (02)8242-2823
New Chapter Lending Corporation Logging Companies Trans-Roadway Logistics Incorporated
Powertechnic Lalaines Bldg LP.............(02)8800-8970
Oana Credit Solutions Incorporated
Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8856-4830
North Camarines Lumber Co Incorporated
314 H Lopez Blvd Mla .... (02)8255-2507
Transnational Logistics Incorporated
Multinational Access Rd
Lighting Inc Primary Finance Co Inc - Pasig Branch
Armal Bldg Psg ............ (0956)674-9956
1203 Pres E P Quirino Ave
Mla ............................ (02)8563-7065
Northern Island Mahogany Corporation
Pque .......................... (02)8776-4473
Transworth Logistics Corp
Prosperity Credit Resources 93 Aguirre Pque ............. (02)8850-1825
Numancia, City of Manila, Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8244-2123
Wellington Bldg Mla........(02)8241-0682
Tri- Value Courier Express Incorporated
Surigao Development Corporation
Metro Manila 1006 Proximity Funding Credit Coop
Princeton Square Bldg Enzo Bldg Mkti ............... (02)8553-4140
Cityland Shaw Twr
Mand ......................... (02)8655-7058
Tel. No.: (02) 8243-6946 Psg ............................ (02)8643-3548 Uti Global Logistics Incorporated
Quicklend Incorporated The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays. 707 Ninoy Aquino Ave
32 F Castillo QC ............. (02)8913-6167 Pque .......................... (02)8833-9895

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169 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Logistics - Management 169

The First Shop Silangan Lumber Ayala Land Incorporated - Ayala Malls
Logistics (Cont'd) Old Balara QC ............... (0947)880-9134 464 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8941-4169 Magazines - Pres Diosdado Macapagal Blvd
Topwood Lumber And Hardware Company Pque .......................... (02)7759-8000
Wbe Logistics 309 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8371-5092 Computer Blue Wave Corporation
Cruzista Bldg Psg ........... (02)7957-3343 Lumber Uni Mansion Builders Hardware Blue Wave Mkna ............ (02)8571-9720
Worldbest Logistics Phils Incorporated 105 20th Ave QC ............ (02)3438-5988 Get Sold Corporation Crossroad Marketing
Hhc Bldg Mla ................. (02)8522-1415 Action Lumber And Hardware Wil Wil Hardware Bpi-Philam Life Bldg Market Place Bldg Mand . (02)8533-4678
You-Link Cargo Logistics Incorporated 919-E Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8712-5136 501 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-2417 Mkti ........................... (02)8880-0650 Eastwood City Walk
Page 1 Bldg Munt ........... (02)8869-8870 Corona Lumber 188 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
1279 Quirino Ave Pque ... (02)8826-6356 QC ............................. (02)8687-6963
Cristino Construction Supply Machine Shops Magazines - Ernesto Oppen Incorporated
Lubricants 267 G Angeles Val .......... (02)8294-2799
Subscription Agents Cartimar Administration Bldg
Ever Lumber And Hardware Incorporated Amber Trading And Supply Company PC ............................. (02)8831-2261
1 Stop Battery Shop Incorporated 2621 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8711-2186 Incorporated Fairview Center Mall
Old Tenant Rd KC ........... (02)8962-4887 Fastbuild Corporation 2235 J Abad Santos Mla (02)8253-4220 Jjj Newspapers And Magazines Fairview Ctr Mall QC ....... (02)8937-5958
Ckw Enterprises 746 F Torres Mla ............ (02)8554-0316 Apolinario R Nicolas Machine Shop 35 3J Hghts QC..............(02)8929-1597 Gold Triangle Properties Incorporated
221 D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-0943 Gagalangin Lumber Sales 2252 Aurora Blvd PC ...... (02)8852-6647 Network Magazine Subscription Services C4 Rd Mal ...................... (02)8285-7671
Geo-Max Enterprises 2105 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8252-6657 Asia Tractor Parts Supply Valero Plz Mkti ............... (02)8840-0758 Lc Star Power Ventures Incorporated
Rizal Ave KC .................. (02)8361-9272 Edsa Shangri-La Plz Mall
221 D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-0943
Gulf Oil Philippines Inc
GLORY LUMBER Astro Machine And Foundry Shop Mand ......................... (02)8531-3629
Inoza Ctr Taguig ............. (02)8541-6081 •CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Rimas Rd Mal ................ (02)8361-2703 Magicians Maller Investement Corporation
Le Lubricants Inc •ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Bmb Motorcycle Parts Machine Shop 325 Quezon Ave QC ....... (02)8294-1560
Jasmin LP ...................... (02)8423-9560 •HARDWARE ITEMS • LUMBER 424 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8942-6674 Balloon Republic Newport Mall
Lubchem Diversified Incorporated •DEFORMED BARS • PVC C A Roque Machine Shop Incorporated 187-B D Tuazon QC ....... (02)3416-0671 Newport Mall PC ............ (02)7239-1412
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8633-8305 •PAINTS • PLYWOOD • G.I. SHEETS Sgt E A Esguerra Ave Robinson Incorporated
QC ............................. (02)8925-2811 Eei Administration Bldg
METRO INDUSTRIES INC Tel No.: 8364-2195 / 8364-5190 Camicass Engineering Services Magnets and QC ............................. (02)8635-0753
103 Progress Ave Calamba 8363-2174 / 8361-4810 / 8362-4346 72 M H Del Pilar Mal .... (0933)856-3403 Robinsons Townmall
8363-5457 / 8364-7931 / 8361-5310 Capricorn Industrial Services Magnetic Devices 5 Gov Pascual Ave Mal ... (02)8239-0950
Laguna .... (02)8584-5000 8361-2513 / 8363-5490 / 8366-5282 / 742 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8363-7469 Shopper's Paradise Group Of Companies
(See Advertisement on this page) 8366-5283 Fax:8361-6910 / 8366-5294 Champion Fine Tooling Corporation Philippine Magnetics And Industrial Novaliches Plz Mall QC ... (02)8938-7030
Petrotech Oil Marketing Incorporated 58 Lawang Bato Val ....... (02)8983-8561 Supplies Company Taft Central Exchange
Email: [email protected] Brgy 176 KC ................ (0943)706-6977 Egi- Rufino Plz PC .......... (02)8552-0220
Sampaguita KC .............. (02)8962-5273 320 Edsa Ave Cocoy Machine Shop & General Contractor
Proven Warehousing Corp 148 Natl Rd Munt ........... (02)8809-5673 The Scents Co
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990 Sta Lucia Mall Psg........(0943)399-8809
39 M Lozada Pat ............ (02)8643-5701 Cvi Engine Rebuilders Inc
Revultron Distributors Inc 1141 A Mendoza Mla ..... (02)8731-5587 Mail Boxes Video City Commercial Incorporated
M Sioson Mal ................. (02)8985-1648
Glory Lumber Ds & K Machine Shop 17 Shaw Blvd Mand ....... (02)8534-6033
527 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)3444-1954 Boxstrong Packaging Company Z Square Mall
ROSTAM PHILIPPINES INC Franco Machineries 13 Manila North Diversion Rd 886 Banawe QC ............. (02)8294-0369
Lanzones Rd Mal............(02)8361-3376 Mal ............................ (02)8330-6410
GLORY G And J Industries Corporation Management
LUMBER 1069 Del Monte Ave QC . (02)8372-2904
Hexagon Machine Shop Maintenance and Consulting
219 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy Repair of Equipment
Mal ............................ (02)8361-3801 Berjaya Auto Philippines Incorporated
320 Edsa Ave Jacob Machineries Incorporated
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990 Hi-Rich Airconditioning Services Rufino Var Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8551-8000
1226 V Zamora Mkti ....... (02)8844-7618 Bo Le Associates Philippines Incorporated
Jermach Industrial Steel Company Ilang-Ilang QC ................ (02)8573-2011
Gocheco Brothers Incorporated Citibank Ctr Mkti ............. (02)8811-6258
1159 C M Recto Ave 17 P Gregorio Val ........... (02)8291-1183 Mcaf Enterprises
Bqc Inc
34 Illustre QC ................. (02)7369-3672
Tel: 8931-0191 / Fax: 8931-1846 Mla ............................ (02)8255-0152 Keyser Engine Rebuilders Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7910-5032
Grace Lumber 97 West Ave QC ............. (02)8373-2656 Phil-Japan Business Associates Inc Concerted Management Corporation
0928 5027165 / 0917 5862012 2429 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8254-8166 Lucky 3 Machine Shop Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8836-2513 154 15th Ave QC ............ (02)8913-3331
0925 5862012 Jaeca's Specialty Food Products Inc 100-B Kitanlad QC..........(02)8749-6971 Ronoh Covent Garden Incorporated
8 V Cruz SJ .................... (02)8721-0878 Machine Aid Tech Phils L2 B3 Gil Fernando Ave Cor Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8938-3719
Email: [email protected] Jm Construction Supply Corporation Don A Posadas Ave Mkna ....................... (0906)430-4420
Dona Candelaria Mgt & Devt C
Website: https:// 2431 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8252-5840 Munt .......................... (02)8838-7552 Rsaic Generator Maintenance Services Dm Bldg QC ................... (02)8426-4495
Kalayaan Rubber Development Corporation Madtracks Auto Center B1 L5 San Antonio Rd Ecc International LP ............................ (0917)157-8876
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8801-6081 147 Sto Domingo QC ... (0917)152-1987 Montepino Bldg Mkti.......(02)8403-8668
La Fortuna Reyes Maxfli Machine Shop Fiscal Managers Incorporated
21 Don Vicente H H B Cpd Val .............. (0915)832-3433
724 Rizal Mal ................. (02)8287-3326 Ecj Condmn Mla ............. (02)8527-3917
Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183
Lagro City Lumber Mesco Inc Maintenance of Fist Multi-Tech Industrial & Dev't
654 Quirino Hwy KC ....... (02)8961-5234 Mesco Philippines Psg ... (02)8631-4028
ROSTAM PHILIPPINES INC Marikit Lumber And Hardware New Miller Metal Shop Concrete Corporation
Ma Clara Mand ............... (02)8898-3590
651 J P Rizal Mkna ........ (02)8941-4786 501 Tullahan Rd KC ....... (02)8930-1484 Marmico Realty Devt Corporation
Marimart Enterprises New Setamy Plumbing Corporation Mbapr Holdings Corporation 2125 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8733-7416
ROSTAM 99 Notre Dame QC ......... (02)8912-5063 658 Teodoro Alonzo Mla (02)8733-1802 Gt Twr International Mkti . (02)8555-1449 Ms Sterling Management Consultancy
Nasipit Lumber Co Incorporated Rockwell Machine Shop Company Limited Services
PHILS Maritima Bldg Mla .......... (02)8241-6185 2740 Old Panaderos The Valero Twr Mkti ..... (0977)815-1204
Navotas Lumber Mla ............................ (02)8563-9951 Malls Mtr The Mentor Group
INC 963 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8282-8935 Rosco Machine Shop And Manufacturing 64 Gen Lim QC .............. (02)8332-1109
New Grace Lumber General Merchandise & Corporation Araneta Square Mall Multi-Resources Development Corporation
21 Don Vicente Construction 218 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8365-8720 Araneta Square KC ......... (02)8362-7664 14 United Psg ................ (02)8654-1808
Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183 2429 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8254-8166 Rota Fort Machine Shop
New Land Lumber And Construction Supply 765 Wood PC ................ (02)8889-9530
Smartlubricant Company Incorporated 349 A Mabini KC ............ (02)8288-9976 Sauyo Machine Shop
Betterliving Subdivison Norway Construction
Pque .......................... (02)8851-7412 12-A Old Cabuyao QC .. (0925)507-1072
43 Kaliraya QC ............... (02)8711-4040 Shurfit Incorporated
Oceanic Wood Products Incorporated 139 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
Realty Investment Bldg
Luggage Mal ............................ (02)8361-5125
Mand ......................... (02)8726-3082 Skif Precision Tools
Philippine Wallboard Corporation 215 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8364-7286
Alangadi Merchandise 2217 Embarcadero Mla .. (02)8564-1972 Solid Machine Industrial Development
Greenflies Shopping Ctr Powerbuild Sales Center
SJ .............................. (02)8334-7523 Corporation
11 Virgo Dr LP ............... (02)8801-8376 15 Gabo QC ................... (02)8365-1276
Jvt Bags And Luggage
2 Burnetwood Mkna ....... (02)8948-5694 ROCKWELL LUMBER & Talipapa Machine Shop
471 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)7907-6075
Talib Store
West Svc Rd Pub Mkt
HARDWARE INC Toyin Machine Shop
Munt ........................ (0949)161-2506 32 Susano Rd KC ........... (02)8875-8193
Travel With The Grooves Incorporated
Newport Mall PC ............ (02)8659-3558 .PLUMBING .PAINTS 128 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8363-0033
8895-0775 / 8895-3635 / 8890-0890 Welcome Engineering And Machine Works
8-B 94 E Rodriguez Sr Blvd
8994-7266 / 09064313919
Luggage and Bags Email: [email protected]
QC ............................. (02)8712-0562

American Tourister
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)8364-7036
1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-4631 Machinery,
Blessed Rhotian Health And Beauty Equipment and
Products Shop
M Lozada Pat ............... (0912)941-1962 Supplies
Crumpler Philippines ROCKWELL
Alabang Town Ctr Bti Supply & Equipment Incorporated
Munt ........................ (0920)477-4561 LUMBER & Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8687-0950
Europak HARDWARE Centro Ceramica Corporation
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8961-5287 Prestige Twr Condmn
Muan General Merchandise INC Psg ............................ (02)8636-0381
Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8513-3872
Clb Engineering And Supply Incorporated
487 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8241-9786 Metro Industries Inc
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3718 1159 JP Rizal Makati ..... (02)8890-4631 Costar Machine Trading
Storage Solutions Rosario Lumber & General Construction Rdc Cpd Mal .................. (02)8364-2257 103 Progress Ave., Calamba City,
Greenhills Shopping SJ...(02)7964-3251 Supply Huilong Trading Laguna 4027 Philippines
The Bag Compartment 69 C Raymundo Ave Jp Bautista KC................(02)8931-9999
Smrc Bldg QC .............. (0998)576-3508 Psg ............................ (02)8641-0667 New Ylang-Ylang Marketing Corporation Tel. No.: (02) 8584-5000
The Bag Hub Rosario Lumber & Hardware 112 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8353-0800
The Grove By Rockwell Twr B 69 C Raymundo Ave
Psg .......................... (0917)873-7278 Psg ............................ (02)8641-0667 Advertise Here - It Pays.

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:06 2022 - P169

170 S C M Y K

170 Management - Marble 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Alpha Centris Manpower Agency Intelliserv Global Resources Inc Osims Oriental Skills International Sunflower Manpower Agency
Management Harmonic Seven Place Bldg Cortes Bldg QC...............(02)8365-2793 Manpower Services 1514 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8353-8835
Mla ............................ (02)8354-4422 International Personnel Resources Phils Ltd Rubetan Bldg 1 Pque ...... (02)8692-2013 Symanpro Manpower Service Contractor
Consulting (Cont'd) Alpha Manpowerlink Agency Company Co Phil-It Resources Network Incorporated Corporation
582 D Edsa PC ............... (02)8401-7817 Orient Square Bldg Psg ... (02)7587-3045 State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8887-2843 Macarthur Hwy Val ......... (02)8295-4834
Pinnacle Asia Outsourcing Co Alpha Tomo Int'l Manpower Services Inc Irekrut Manpower Incorporated Phil-Tex Staffing Services International Inc Titan Manpower Services Incorporated
City & Land Mega Plz Condo 57 Sct Chuatoco QC ..... (0939)828-9050 Casman Bldg QC ............ (02)8351-4598 Vip Bldg Mla ................... (02)5310-2365 St Paul Mkti..................(0935)149-3788
Psg ............................ (02)8706-4311 Amethyst Enterprises Irrx Recruitment Consulting Philamasia Labor Pool Incorporated Transman Manpower Services Inc
Professional Alliance Consulting Co Camarin Rd KC .............. (02)8442-4360 705 Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg 2001 San Marcelino Mla.(02)8254-5785 Cityland Herrera Twr
Cityland Pasong Tamo Amethyst Shipping Company Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8354-9341 Philore Manpower Corporation Mkti ........................... (02)8844-9042
Mkti ........................... (02)8813-2015 Amity Bldg Mla ............... (02)8523-7665 Jhudiel International Manpower Services Co 1827 San Marcelino Transman Manpower Services Incorporated
Q2 Hr Solutions Incorporated Angels Heaven Employment Agency Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Mla .......................... (0917)186-3587 Herrera Twr Mkti ............ (02)8817-2987
88 Corporate Ctre Mkti ... (02)8889-6258 63 Kamuning QC ............ (02)3413-6903 Mla ............................ (02)5310-0100 Philstar Tourcom Incorporated Trends International Manpower Services
Sji Management Services Incorporated Anytime Cleaners Jobline Manpower Services Yupangco Bldg Munt ...... (02)8894-3449 Vareb Mansion Mla.........(02)8516-1710
88 Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (02)8556-7937 469 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 236 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8553-4596 Pinagpala Manpower Services Trendset Manpower Services
Systems Network Internationalinc Psg .......................... (0917)702-0010 Karpos & Kainos Manpower Services Ffc Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8844-1210 17 North Bound Svc Rd
The Link Ctre Psg ........... (02)8470-1903 Ash Manpower International Services Dna Lolita Bldg KC ....... (0917)650-4488 Pinnacle Manpower Services Incorporated QC ............................. (02)8361-6051
T A Marketing Incorporated 112 Balagtas Mla ........... (02)8522-4470 King's Manpower Services Jovan Condo Mand ........ (02)8533-2993 Twins Management Services
The Commerce Ctr Munt (02)8552-3854 Asiapro Cooperative Osm Bldg PC..................(02)8525-2915 Power Edge Staffing & Gen Services 1205 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8523-8475
70 San Rafael Psg .......... (02)8632-7151 N & M Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8899-6167 Uni-Trust International Services
Asiapro Multi Purpose Cooperative Kings Manpower Cooperative
100 Dna Soledad Ave Premierlink Placement Inc Incorporated
Manning and 70 San Rafael Psg .......... (02)8584-9470
Pque .......................... (02)8776-6712 A P Bldg Mla .................. (02)8361-9339 Intramuros Corporate Plz
Asiawide Human Resources Consultancy Mla ............................ (02)8254-5561
Crewing Services Corporation Klap Manpower Services
105 P Aquino Mal...........(02)8245-9277
Project Ventures Cooperative
Francisco Gold QC ......... (02)3434-4107 United Global Manpower Resources Inc
Audrich Bldg SJ..............(02)8723-8873 F & C Bldg PC ................ (02)8834-7932
Ami A Magsaysay Incorporated Barber Ship Management Ltd L C Manpower Expertise Corporation Promo Edge Corporation
Ramagi Bldg Mla ............ (02)5350-9148 Mjl Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8895-1178 Urth Bookkeeping And Manpower Services
Magsaysay Bldg Mla ...... (02)8521-0660 Petron Mega Plz Mkti ...... (02)8812-8215 295 C Gen Luna Mal.....(0932)887-0122
Human Resource Solutions Incorporated Bargonfip Shipmanagement Inc La Suerte Intl Man Agency Incorporated Rbgv Integrated Resources
1636 F Agoncillo Mla......(02)8241-1579 Lpc Bldg 1 QC ................ (02)3411-9426 Var-Orient Shipping Company Inc
9710 Kamagong Mkti ..... (02)8820-7463 711 Mannra Hotel Mla .... (02)5310-0399 7902 Lawaan Mkti..........(02)8807-1768
Kestrel Philippines Incorporated Bmpower Human Resources Corporation Lc Manpower Expertise Corporation Red Dot Design Incorporated
Ramagi Bldg 2 Mla ......... (02)8353-3622 83 Santan Mkna ............. (02)8477-5856 Virtue Manpower Services
Airport Global Plz Mall Coating Industries Mand . (02)8631-1587 Susana Condmn QC ....... (02)8724-9839
Pque .......................... (02)8852-1043 Bms Group International Manpower Leading International Recruitment Corp Redsand Recruitment International
G E Antonio Bldg Mla....(0906)576-0018 Manpower Incorporated W Bridges Manpower Corporation
Kgjs Fleet Management Manila Inc Recruitment Services Corp Sole Mare Twr D Pque .. (0917)587-7557
Rufino Paza Mkti ............ (02)8865-2000 Lifestyle Bldg Mla ........... (02)8243-5433 Lyfe Marketing Synergy Incorporated 1736 E Dian Mkti............(02)8835-7488
Summit One Office Twr Regcris Marketing Network Inc Wadyong Maids Employment Services
Magsaysay Maritime Corp Bunan Manpower Services 53C M L Quezon Taguig . (02)7577-8527
Magcoop Bldg Mla ......... (02)8354-7022 338-B Roosevelt Ave Mand ......................... (02)8532-0584 2768 Faraday Mkti ......... (02)8844-9727
QC ............................. (02)3413-5992 Manfleet Shipping Services Inc Rexson Manpower Agency Wellcome Employment Centre Incorporated
Manila Ship Management And Manning 20 Daffodil Rd LP ........... (02)8806-5440
Incorporated Centro-Tech Incorporated De Leon Ctr Mla ............. (02)8516-3000 Sto Tomas Psg...............(02)7507-0439
Ortigas Bldg Psg ............ (02)8650-1980 Marc Maids Manpower Agency Rhv Placement Agency International Wilson International Manpower Services Inc
Princess Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8892-4071 Mct Bldg Mla .................. (02)7971-9337
Maryville Manila Incorporated Century High Hr Incorporated Pgrc Bldg Mkti..............(0915)745-8350 Incorporated
509D Arquiza Mla ........... (02)8256-4947 Mirof Resources Incorporated 435 Real LP ................. (0917)106-7088 Yhmd International Manpower Services Inc
Ermita Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (02)8926-5976 Gedisco Ctre Mla ............ (02)8523-9996
Osm Maritime Services Charliemae International Recruitment Philcox Bldg Mkti............(02)8893-7656 Rise Manpower Agency
Services Inc 1535 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8521-3682 Znl Manpower Services
Pedro Gil Mla ................. (02)8523-8871 Mot-Barko Manila Gbt Bldg Val ................. (0915)343-3140
Southfield Agencies Incorporated Aurelio Bldg II KC ......... (0925)845-3667 Solemil Bldg Mla .......... (0917)502-4967 Sea Queen Shipping Corporation
Carolina Bldg Mla ........... (02)8516-5241 Chen-Ma International Manpower Services Mt Zion International Placement Agency Rcm Bldg Mla ................ (02)8521-1566
Esp Bldg LP ................... (02)8403-4931
Yes Ecommerce & Translation Services City Services
Ck Sy Diamond Bldg
PC ........................... (0932)861-2998
Sgs Human Resources Corporation
Pasda Mansions QC ....... (02)3410-8446
B A Lepanto Bldg Mkti .... (02)7000-7026 425 Rizal Munt ............... (02)8861-9962
Cleanmatic Services Inc
My International Manpower Corporation Silvergreen Manpower Services Corporation Medicine
Paragon Twr Mla ............ (02)8521-9979 Rl Bldg QC ..................... (02)8935-9937
Manpower Services Madrigal Mla .................. (02)7527-1546
Cleantec Manpower Services Corporation
N T Personal Ability Inc Skills International Co Inc Doctors Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Nt Ctr Munt .................... (02)8842-8207 Discovery Plz Mla ........... (02)8526-8823 Amj Industrial Cplx
Cityland Pasong Tamo Obp Careers Solidpoint Manpower And Allied Services Taguig........................(02)8553-5653
10th Story Placement Agency Inc Mkti ........................... (02)7752-0189
1523-1527 M H Del Pilar Cyberscape Gamma Eac Bldg Mkti ............... (0998)964-7750
Clear Blue Services Corporation Psg ............................ (02)7617-2006 Sophia And Natasha Employment Agency
Mla ............................ (02)8353-1581
1128 International Placement Agency
Facilities Ctre Mand ........ (02)8535-7764
Cman Maritime Incorporated
Oli Manpower Services Incorporated Marble
Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8367-8725 Adarna Ext QC ................ (02)3427-1363 Skk Bldg PC ................. (0999)224-5662
Malate Crown Plz Condmn
1D Manpower Services Inc Mla ............................ (02)8521-6485 Orient Holdings Phils Incorporated Staffhouse International Resources Euroasia Marble & Granite Inc
Itc Bldg Mkti ................. (0917)687-4505 Csc Manila Cri Bldg Mla ..... (02)8526-6469 Agoncillo Twnhms Mla ... (02)8353-9776 Elco Bldg QC .................. (02)8726-0807 6079 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)8984-2073
2018 Crowne Human Resources Inc D'Famous Manpower And General Services
Galleria Corporate Ctr Espana Rd Val .............. (0916)866-1244
Psg ............................ (02)8252-7975 Dam Dam Manpower Services
5 Star Recruitment And Manpower 1521 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8516-3651
2F Filomena Bldg QC ...... (02)3411-8076 Denroc Manpower Services
7 Star Manpower Services Of The Sikatuna Vill QC ............ (0917)127-8508
Philippines Corp Dobim International Manpower Services
Fern Bldg Mla ................. (02)8712-2208 1347 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8355-7615
7107 Islands Placement & Promotions Inc Dynamic Star International Manpower
Atlas Shippers Bldg LP ... (02)8462-8500 Services
9K International Manpower Anvins Bldg Pque ........... (02)7759-4017
Victoria De Manila Condominuim Eaglestar Marine Corporation
Mla ............................ (02)8516-5504 1582 Parola Hse Mkti ..... (02)7739-5600
A & P Services Incorporated Esa Employment Specialist Corporation
Pelbel Bldg 1 Psg ........... (02)7625-6939 Project Condmn QC ........ (02)8294-3677
A&C Resources International Inc Exemplar 168 Manpower Corporation
638 San Luis Terraces Campus Rueda Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8516-8993 Mkti ........................... (02)8556-3518
A-Vantage International Recruitment Extreme Manpower
Corporation Mirasol Bldg Mla ............ (02)3498-1009
Galvez Bldg Pque ......... (0917)889-8128 Fgs East Asia Technical Resource
Abd Overseas Manpower Corp Management Inc
2310 Marconi Mkti ......... (02)8887-6042 Aro Ctre Munt.................(02)8672-7879
Abe Manpower Services Fluor Manpower Agency Inc
Buenavista Bldg Pque ..... (02)8519-7571 Casa Pennsylvania Mla ... (02)8477-1498
Abojeb Manpower Solutions Incorporated Gainstrong Manpower And Logistics Inc
Corporate Ctr 1 Pque ...... (02)8527-9980 J&T Bldg Mla ............... (0906)361-9905
Abundant Life International Manpower Global Alliance Manpower Services Inc
Services Incorporated Gma Loubel Plz Mkti.......(02)8896-8468
Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Global Manpowerlink Db Inc
Mla .......................... (0938)589-1752 Corporate Ctr Condmn
Achieve Universal International Recruitment Mkti ........................... (02)8892-0920
Services Inc Globphil Manpower Services Incorporated
J P Rizal QC ................. (0918)940-9318 Perpetua Bldg Pque ........ (02)8875-7355
Golden Chi International Manpower Co
Achievers Manpower Management Services Time Square Bldg Pque (0915)279-6153
Inc Golden Legacy Jobmovers Corporation
6 Sta Clara Psg ............ (0905)485-9131 Aseana Shell PowerStn Bldg
Ad Com Office Network Corporation Pque .......................... (02)8853-2719
Eton Twr Makati Mkti ...... (02)8812-8422 Green-Jakobsen Academy
Advance Group Link Manpower Services 116 Chatam Hse Mkti ..... (02)8889-9597
Inc Greenland Overseas Manpower Services Co
35 Gen Ave QC...............(02)8926-5930 331 Villareal PC ............ (0922)724-5575
Aegiscrew Manning Incorporated Gulf Asia International Corp
Bmh Ctre Mkti ................ (02)8890-0817 Topy 3 Bldg QC .............. (02)8633-7904
Aeroplus Multi Services Incorporated Hope Well Overseas Manpower Network Inc
41-B Concepcion LP ...... (02)8806-4521 Lopez & Cabana Bldg
Age International Gulf Employment Mla ............................ (02)8521-7010
L & S Bldg Mla ............... (02)5310-1080 Hrha Manpower Int'l Incorporated
Airaz Manpower Services Inc 2075 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8423-0428
1800 A Bonifacio Ave Hugeous International Manpower Services
Mkna ....................... (0968)432-2188 2200 Jesus Mla ........... (0906)527-7768
Al Gizza International Manpower Services Infinite Manning Services Inc
1715 F Agoncillo Mla......(02)8526-7798 2296 Leon Guinto Mla .... (02)8691-9563
Al Manaf International Manpower Corp Innovative Manpower Services
Cementina Bldg PC.........(02)8888-0124 1677B Dian Mkti ............ (02)8843-5629
All Seasons Manpower International Intellisearch Asia Inc
Services Inc 66 West City Plz Bldg
157-B Lopez Mand ......... (02)8533-3536 QC ............................. (02)8373-1953

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171 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Marble - Massage 171

Norlen Crew Management Incorporated New Giftmate Enterprise St James Ventures Incorporated
Marble (Cont'd) Scandic Palace Suite Bldg 761 Ilaya Mla ................. (02)8242-9155 North Bay Blvd Nav ........ (02)8282-9189 Massage
Mkti ........................... (02)8551-2302 Notimpo Inc Stealth Global Marketing Solutions Inc
Five R Marble & Pebbles Supply Novenario Crewship Management Services Emerald Place Psg ....... (0917)554-7727 One Corporate Ctr Psg .... (02)7509-3290 8Strokes Medispa
1080 Edsa QC ................ (02)8330-6752 Multipacific Business Inc Plz Ogilvy And Mather Philippines Stockparts Marketing Inc Santiaguel Bldg LP ....... (0920)973-5015
Guilmar Marble Corporation Mla ............................ (02)8978-8997 8 Rockwell Mkti..............(02)7238-7000 Capt Luis Gonzaga Bldg Althea Rose Spa
120 Gen Luis KC ............ (02)8939-5821 Phelippe Barko Management Incorporated Oncuemedia Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)7219-5657 Commonwealth Ave
Italica Granites And Marbles Inc Exch Corner Bldg Mkti .... (02)8511-0307 Suntree Twr Psg.............(02)8584-7079 Sun Moon Fruits Incorporated QC ........................... (0928)445-9955
Rdc Business Cplx Psg...(02)8470-4822 Prestige Asia Ace Marine Incorporated Optimizex Incorporated 670 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8272-8406 Apple Tree Home Service Spa And
Marble Line Sales Corporation Ermita Ctr Mla ................ (02)8353-0772 Frabell Citibank Bldg Sunday Studio Massage
Chinabank Bldg Psg ....... (02)8632-7622 Munt .......................... (02)8822-3929 705 Jp Rizal Ave Mkti ..... (02)7915-9335 Batasan Hills QC...........(0916)538-3633
Modern Capitco Mktg Corporation Pamana Marketing Tradefirst Marketing Corporation Barb's Spa
H H Bldg Mla .................. (02)8734-7406 Market 947 Edsa QC .................. (02)8926-1103 Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8931-0829 Kasunduan QC ............. (0905)958-7175
Moniziel Par Airconditioning System Services Bigcool Home Service Spa
San Guillerno Munt ......... (02)8583-2029 Tradequest Resources Mktg Incorporated
168 Ortigas Ave Psg.......(02)8638-7865 Carlos Venezuela Fish Store 59 Ermin Garcia QC ........ (02)8650-1255 Cassanova Dr QC ......... (0948)831-2044
Pp Cruz Builders And Construction Supply 234 E Dela Paz Mkna ..... (02)7503-9674 Plots And Cuts Design Option Co Bluewater Day Spa Incorporated
11A Macarthur Hwy Mal . (02)8332-3952 Traders Marketing
10 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)3466-7510 The Outlet People (Top) Incorporated 749 Caballeros Mla ........ (02)8254-5597 Green Top Bldg SJ ......... (02)8724-0426
84 A Bonifacio Ave Power Connect Marketing Body Fix Home Massage
Rnb Marble Supply B Mart Bldg Mand .......... (02)7955-9050 Transasia Data Marketing Incorporated
1156 Edsa QC ................ (02)3381-0669 Mkna ......................... (02)8475-1269 360 Harrison Mansion
Tpe Market Place Corporation Primedrug Marketing Corporation Cityland Shaw Twr
Mand ......................... (02)8650-3745 PC ............................. (02)8823-4484
TERESA MARBLE Jaka Ctr Mkti .................. (02)8551-7522 Rbc Corporate Ctr Bldg
Triple Excellence Mktg Services Body Tune
Munt .......................... (02)8772-2429
CORPORATION Pro Tempo Promotions Marketing Corp 2264 Rubi Mla ............... (02)8563-1919 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8442-0018

117 Shaw Blvd Market Research E Rodriguez Sr QC .......... (02)8721-9926 Uno Kampion Incorporated Bodyway Thai Massage
500 Balagtas Mand ........ (02)8571-5020
Purple Bug Incorporated Dna Emilia Bldg KC.........(02)8294-0971
Buddies Spa Home Service Massage And
Pasig.......(02)8631-9123 Av Research Incorporated Cityland Herrera Twr Verde Communications And Marketing Inc
2013B Capt M Reyes Mkti ........................... (02)8551-0986 1905 San Pascual Mla....(02)8522-2334
(See Advertisement on this page) Real Concept Marketing Incorporated Wideout Aqa Incorporated 2 Aduana QC ................ (0917)324-5206
Timbal Marble Co Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8889-1776 Celebrity Spiral Spa Incorporated
I View Incorporated Eton Cyberpod Corinthian Bldg Pacific Star Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8822-2755
6 Oliveros Drv QC ........... (02)8330-1851 QC ............................. (02)8632-0000 Ygc Corporate Services Inc Panay Ave QC ................ (02)8352-4854
City State Ctr Bldg Psg ... (02)8634-3787
Organic Intelligence Inc Realsan Enterprises Grepalife Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8823-4061 Createch Wellness Corporation
Tpa Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8890-1387 Serendra Piazza Taguig (0927)267-1826
Marble Installation The Community Bldg
QC ........................... (0917)880-2275 Rrk Trade Marketing Services Inc
Zg Marketing Corporation
111 Maginhawa QC ........ (02)8928-6869 Dreams Organic Health And Wellness Spa
Equipment and Rrk Bldg Psg .................. (02)7903-0492
Schaden Sales Barias Bldg Munt .......... (0943)476-0317
Supply Marketing Services 29 Morning Breeze Subd Martial Arts Espasyo Nail & Body Spa Massage Spa &
Home Service
KC ............................. (02)8364-4403
Al-Pa Marble And Wood Tiles 11 Ftc Enterprises Incorporated Seal Asia Marketing Incorporated Main Ave QC ................ (0925)755-6522
Kalahi Fma Gear Evexia Spa
068-C Real LP................(02)7225-4157 236 P Dela Cruz QC........(02)8927-7446 3807 B Tuazon Mla ........ (02)8714-7887 167 Teofilo Samson Ave
Jaces Marble Supply Aarty Marketing Services Sigil Digital Marketing Congressional Ave QC .. (0917)554-2500
KC ........................... (0956)632-7537
8355 Dr A Santos Pque .. (02)8541-3933 274B Shoe Ave Mkna ..... (02)8661-6933 251 A Aguirre Ave Ezekiel's Touch Health & Wellness Spa
Rf Marble Center Activa Media Philippines Incorporated Pque ........................ (0917)852-5114 53 14 St QC ................. (0917)505-4939
With The Yellow Pages,
1078 Edsa QC ................ (02)3456-4290 The Fort Entertainment Cplx Span Promotions Marketing Incorporated Feel Good Massage
Hillcrest Condmn Mla ..... (02)8721-7436 Busy People Save Time. Quirino Hwy QC............(0920)967-5380
Advinson Commercial
Marine Consultants 11 Duhat QC .................. (02)8374-2841
Aleda Marketing Incorporated
Alcor Lifesaving Services Nys Bldg Mkti ................. (02)8897-4653
Edison Bldg Mkti .......... (0922)897-1633 All Flex Marketing & Industrial Sales
Arnreal Maritime Consultancy Services Quirino Hwy QC..............(02)3412-6286
1256 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8522-0781 Artzap Studio
Glj Maritime And Consultancy 25 Remarville Ave LP ... (0998)984-1779
Benrosi Plz Condmn Asia Offshoring Inc
Pque ........................ (0956)170-1056 48 Polaris Mkti ............. (0905)364-8899
Invictus Maritime Consultancy Services Big Marketing
T M Kalaw Ctr Mla ........ (0963)672-0204 293 A Bonifacio Ave QC . (02)8366-6011
Kabugtuan Maritime Services & Convexa Promotions Incorporated
Endorsement 426 Bulalakaw Mand ...... (02)8661-1791
T M Kalaw Mla ............. (0961)706-1696 D K And P Marketing Corporation
Kamilla Shipping Inc 47 16th Ave QC .............. (02)8913-0848
Trinity Bldg Mla ............ (0917)899-4302 Demo Power Phils Incorporated
Noah's Lake Marine Safety Services 367 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8990-6025
61 B Serrano KC ............ (02)8362-9930 Direct Consumer Marketing Incorporated
Sammig Marine Services 660 Calderon Mand ........ (02)8726-6681
1101 Escoda Mla ......... (0997)996-5895 Dtx Marketing
Taft Ave Sata Corp Bldg
Sea Bulk Marine Corporation PC ............................. (02)3392-8770
1366 M Naval Nav .......... (02)8441-6592 Electrowise Marketing
Sea Crest Augusto Bldg KC ............ (02)8376-5645
30 C Raymundo Psg ...... (02)8640-0580 Encycligent Marketing Services
Seacrest International Marine Services State Ctr Bldg Mla ........ (0917)869-9418
Trinity Bldg Mla .............. (02)8521-9697 Fervil Von Marketing
Thomas Holding Incorporated Gen Aguinaldo Taguig.....(02)8544-2061
Cityland Pasong Tamo Fg Global Marketing Incorporated
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0981 Grace Bldg SJ ................ (02)8997-1111
Txjn Marine Electronics Green Grass Marketing
North Bay Blvd Nav ........ (02)8282-8069 Balagtas Mkna................(02)8948-2883
Growth Rocket
Paragon Plz Mand ........ (0926)351-9200
Marine Equipment Growthscout
and Supplies Dc Square Bldg QC.......(0917)836-6540
Hdi Networks Phils Incorporated
A Francisco Gold Condmn 2
Ark Vision Philippines Corporation QC ............................. (02)8927-5909
T M Kalaw Ctr Mla .......... (02)8247-2112
J Walter Thompson
Century Chemical Solution Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8864-8700
49 Toctocan QC ............. (02)8364-4051 Jaric Marketing Inc
Mata Bp & Co Incorporated Urban Bldg Mkti..............(02)8898-1370
L And I Bldg QC..............(02)8924-0128 Keyframe Incorporated
Ocean Link Marine Electronics Services Evekal Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8551-6810
930 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8708-3988 Kiv Marketing Corp
Sea Horse Marine Safety Supplies And Timstate Bldg Mkti..........(02)8885-7606
Services Inc Luxenberg Marketing Incorporated
22B Dapitan QC............(0917)175-3200 13 Bustamante Mal ........ (02)8351-2596
Vercup Trading Manufacturers Building
B47 L15 C4 Brgy Longos 302 Plz Sta Cruz Mla ...... (02)8733-7623
Mal ............................ (02)8287-5078 Market Bridges Phils Incorporated
Burgundy Corporate Twr
Mkti ........................... (02)8886-4122
Maritime Services Mindfuse
41 Obispado De Cubao
Arl Maritime Services Incorporated QC ........................... (0949)887-6546
Cassanova Dr QC ........... (02)8931-3974 Mobext Incorporated
Euro-Phil International Maritime Agency Hatch Asia Global City Ctr
Incorporated Taguig........................(02)3487-6559
2241 La Fuerza Plz 2 Multi Media Exponents

Teresa Marble Corporation

Mkti ........................... (02)8818-7050 904 Arnaiz Madison Bldg
Lmc Sea Air Services Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8553-3291
Metropolitan Twr Mla......(02)8405-0239 Mystech Dynamics Incorporated
Lucky Eight Maritime Services Cityland Herrera Twr
Pstc Bldg Mla ............... (0916)627-2986 Mkti ........................... (02)8846-4522
Miec Maritime Consultancy & Surveyors N L T Marketing 104 Shaw Blvd, Pasig City, Metro Manila 1603
Services Odeon Terminal Mall
1214 Pablo Ocampo Rd Mla ............................ (02)8733-6291 Tel. No.: (02) 8631-9123
Mla .......................... (0956)442-3578 New Dynasty International Incorporated
Ne Plus Ultra Training Burgundy Corporate Twr
Shipping Ctr Bldg Mla ..... (02)8536-5737 Mkti ........................... (02)8552-1957

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172 S C M Y K

172 Massage - Material 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Nuat Thai Examiner Urban Refuge Spa
Massage (Cont'd) 57 Examiner QC ........... (0922)524-3555 31 Mayon Mand ........... (0927)920-4022 Basic Machinery & Justic Corporation
Oasis Lavender Spa Massage Watch Home Massage Service
Golden Leaf Health Spa Capistrano Bldg QC ........ (02)8400-6697 Nbp Bldg SJ ................. (0912)900-1867 BASIC JUSTIC
Semicon Corporate Bldg Ohm Thai Massage
White Tulip Home Massage MACHI-
Psg .......................... (0917)332-3378 Mindanao Ave Ext QC ... (0917)805-7427
10 Kalayaan Ave Mkti ... (0923)790-8222 NERY & SAMPLE COR-
Gupitan Barbers Salon Massage & Spa
20 Sct Ybardolaza QC...(0965)810-1379
Oren Thai Touch Massage And Spa
Aseana Square Pque .... (0956)874-9443 Yugen Wellness Spa ACOUS- ONLY PORA-
Harmony Touch Spa Perfect Health Specialty Shop 117 Sct Lozano QC ...... (0977)430-0732 TICS COR-
Rmj Bldg QC ................ (0945)681-5200 Krisambet Bldg Mla ...... (0925)853-1358 PORATION TION
Hilom Massage R2 Buds Nails' Spa Makati Cinema Square
39 Sct Ybardolaza QC...(0915)815-9751 Kr Bldg QC ................... (0933)821-7700 Matches Makati ....................... (02)8811-1572 99 Dasmariñas Manila ... (02)8242-2048
I & J Home Service Massage Rangsiman Thai Massage
11 Dhalia Ave QC ........... (02)7728-2254 Jainevill Manpower Resources Lee Commercial Equipment Inc
Sumulong Hwy Mkna ... (0925)788-2988 Eurasia Match Inc Lcei Bldg Pque ............... (02)8851-8570
Irish Massage Services Rlei's Massage Spa 962 Escoda Mla ............. (02)3498-2304
Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8844-7221 Logistic Industrial Trading
Bmi Bldg Mkti.................(02)8560-5821 Earnshaw Mla .............. (0939)856-2965
Rolling Spa
JUSTIC CORPORATION 1429 Makata Mla ........... (02)8519-8258
Jpl Pamper Me Spa
Luis Auto Supply
531 Lakandula Mla ....... (0956)390-4225
Keesh Wellness Spa
Sct Fuentebella QC ......... (02)8243-8485
Royal Care Home Service Massage Pasig
Material Handling High Quality Products Masagana Bldg Mla ........ (02)8244-1845
97 Maginhawa QC ........ (0915)626-2003 38 Kalinangan Psg ....... (0917)345-6294 Equipment at Affordable Prices! Matest Laboratory Services Incorporated
Sea Anchor Massage Spa 1513 Mayhaligue Mla ..... (02)8711-0521
Kryptonite Massage Spa Hand Pallet Truck / Platform Truck Mechanical Handling Equipment
Congressional Bldg QC . (0955)784-1707 80-E Mindanao Ave QC (0915)580-7147
Kyodosensu Home Massage Services Sebo Massage
A K I Industrial Tools Trading Manual / Electric Stacker Cityland Herrera Twr
Santol KC ..................... (0915)700-9430 Drum Dolly / Lifter Mkti ........................... (02)8845-0730
113-B 8th Ave Mkti ........ (02)8672-0938 Quirino Hwy QC............(0956)922-9619
La Adora Massage & Spa Sensei Wellness Massage BASIC MACHINERY & Conveyor / Forklift NICHIYU ASIALIFT PHILS
Santillan Pio Del Pilar 906 Remedios Mla ....... (0999)710-0700 Pallet Racking System
Mkti ......................... (0936)507-4808 Shiatsu Scrub Massage ACOUSTICS INC
Magnitude Wellness Spa Chino Roces Ave Mkti .. (0929)100-9878 CORPORATION Mezzanine Platform
180 Rd 20 QC .............. (0956)529-7796 Sohar Spa And Massage Slotted Metal Racks
9 M Flores
Maple Springs Massage Spa Princeton Square Bldg RITE - HITE Tel Nos. 8242-2048 / 8241-5237
Pateros ... (02)8628-2301
Rose Ave LP ................ (0921)202-1594 Psg ............................ (02)7792-2826
The Massage King Dock Levelers (See Advertisement on this page)
Massage Spa De Lucban 5310-0836 / 5313-9968
Kamias Rd QC..............(0908)964-1017 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8743-8275
Miramax Home Service Spa And Massage The Minimalist Lounge Vehicle Restraints Fax No. (632)8242-6942
12 Malakas QC.............(0921)770-6822 2 Torre Lorenzo Mla ....... (02)8244-3252 High Speed Doors
The Spa Wellness Email: [email protected]
Mvm Wellness Sanctuary Incorporated
Sunvar Plz Bldg Mkti.......(02)8844-2878 Edsa Shangrila Plz Mand (02)8656-6868 Dock Shelters Website: Learn more
Nagui Wellness Center Incorporated Touch Of Asia Spa 99 Dasmariñas Manila ... (02)8242-2048
Sycamore Bldg Munt ...... (02)8823-1468 3335 Bataan Mla .......... (0998)996-9963 "1 YEAR CUSTOMER
Touch Of Vine
about any of
Sandoval Bldg Psg ....... (0927)596-1887
THE YELLOW PAGES Think about it!
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Nichiyu Asialift Philippines Incorporated

9 Macario St. Brgy Sto Rosario , Flores, Pateros, City of Manila, Metro Manila 1621 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8628-2301

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:07 2022 - P172

173 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Material - Medical 173

I-Vel Meat Products Trading Cbc Link Of Manila Incorporated
Material Handling 98 Xavierville Ave QC....(0975)232-9586 2896 Finlandia Mkti ........ (02)8844-1466 MEDICAL CENTER ZENITH MEDICAL
Equipment (Cont'd) Jlt Meat Celltech Applied Sciences Inc TRADING CORP EQUIPMENT INC
50 Makaneneng KC ...... (0967)283-0606 91C East Capitol Dr Psg . (02)7149-5611
Jmk Seafoods And Meat Dealer Coswise Medical Supplies & Equipments Tel Nos: 8711-6870 • 8741-3836
PARAGON TRADING & Evangelista QC ............. (0947)998-4229
Korean Seoul Meat
2210 Margal Mla .......... (0921)316-1823
D & P Medical Equipment And Supplies
8741-3837 •8711-7909
SERVICES CORP V L Bldg QC ................. (0917)159-0576 Trading Fax No: 8732-2982
71 Sen Gil Puyat Ave Les Aunor Meat Shop Philippine Stock Exch Ctre [email protected]
Farmer's Mkt QC.............(02)8510-0105 Psg .......................... (0917)595-1611
Makati ..... (02)8887-4656 Marco Cold Cuts Dsc Inc - Dental System
(See Advertisement on this page) 161 J P Rizal QC .......... (0997)534-2359 Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8815-4826 1123 Rizal Av Manila ..... (02)8711-6870
Project Management & Technical Meat Avenue Inc El Roi Medical Supplies Company
Resources Corporation 11 Eisenhower Bend 60 Victoria Ave QC ......... (02)8721-7414 ZENITH MEDICAL
56 Madison Mand .......... (02)8631-8366 Psg ............................ (02)8359-6485 Fia Medical Supply
Furniture & Fixtures Surgical
Tkc Heavy Industries Corp Meat Mama
2635 Gamban Ext PC ... (0998)996-3534
B19 L16 Area 6 Rd
Pque .......................... (02)8840-3552
State Condmn V Mkti ...... (02)8896-1593 Laboratory Scientific • Medical Supplies
Meat Me In Banuyo Fresenius Kabi Philippines Incorporated
Sales: 8631-9355 Trunkline: 8631-1715
45 Banuyo QC .............. (0912)330-0989 The Zuellig Bldg Mkti ...... (02)8886-0992
Material Processing Mondial Foods Philippines Gateway Enterprises Company Incorporated EQUIP-
and Handling
63 Franca Arcade QC ..... (02)8709-3729 14 Miller Ave QC ............ (02)8376-6761 MENT
Monterey Village Meat Genesis Medical Supplies
36 Don Antonio Hghts 1550 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8743-6863 Pioneer St cor INC
Equipment QC ............................. (02)8932-1352 Graman Medical Trading Shaw Blvd Pasig ............ (02)8631-1715
Montery Meatshop 1123 Rizal Av Manila ..... (02)8711-6870
1613 Quiricada Mla ........ (02)3493-6770
Kc Distributors 82 Panaderos Mand ....... (02)8533-6368 Medical Center Trading
6 Sobrepena QC ............. (02)8942-9614 Mrs Garcia's Meats GREAT BREED ENT CO
First Lucky Place Annex
Medical Service
Mkti ......................... (0977)241-6450
Materials Testing No Fat No Glory WHOLESALER & RETAILER CENTER Organizations
Services Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0920)662-6708
Pjc Food Products Trading TRADING Air Ambulance Philippines
7065-C Dollar Lne Dealer & Distributor of Aaop Hangar PC ............. (02)8877-2488
Looptech Corporation
Pque ........................ (0910)502-0908 Various Brands CORP Bestcare Medical Clinic & Diagnostic Center
Roces Ctre Bldg QC........(02)3412-9369 Inc
Primocuts Supplies of Medical & Laboratory
Afpmbai Arcade Bldg Shaw Blvd Pasig ............ (02)8631-1715 Karuhatan Val ................. (02)7623-5655
Supplies & Equipments
Mattresses and Munt ........................ (0956)683-4070
Rdf Feed Livestock & Foods Incorporated Medical Oxygen And Industrial Gas
Ea Philippines Incorporated
Greenbelt Mansion Mkti .. (02)8812-3722
Beddings Dahlia Coml Cplx QC ...... (02)8374-3448 Tel No.: 8925-4812 Fax: 8925-4818 M Almeda Taguig ........... (02)8881-3673 Philippine Orthopedic Institute
Rondels Meat Lovers Medscape Marketing Don Jacinto Bldg Mkti.....(02)8869-2149
City Matress Azucena Psg ................ (0998)555-6447 L15 B3 Genesis LP.........(02)8254-5749 Philippine Society Of Nephrology Inc
Civic Dr Festival Mall Rovic Meat Products 29 Benefits Quezon City . (02)8925-4813 Metro Line Medical Supply Corp One San Miguel Ave Condo
Munt .......................... (02)8511-3027 182 Jp Rizal Mkna ........ (0977)107-6761 3507 Narra Mla .............. (02)8733-7447 Psg ............................ (02)8687-1198
Crate & Barrel Roysantos Meatshop Great Breed Ent Co Mmit Medical Instruments Trading
Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)830-3894 Sampaguita QC .............. (02)3427-3001 One Corporate Ctr Psg .. (0966)237-1624
Sagittarius Meat Product Trading Mobile Clinic And Medical Equipment Medical Supplies
DEWFOAM 93 Narra Mkna ............. (0928)720-1233 GREAT Durian KC.....................(0966)687-1134
See Adv under Beds Saldy Chicken Meat 108 Medical And Drugtesting Center
San Rafael 32 Rupee QC................(0975)440-2820 BREED New Triple S Medical & Dental Trading
Corporation Salcedo Bldg SJ ............. (02)8721-4313
Sandino's Meatshop ENT 1629 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-6476 3Pon Inc
Landex Bldg Psg ............ (02)7527-6967 2162A United Hills Vill
Dewfoam Sharo Marketing CO R M G Hospital Supply Incorporated
Sgc Bldg Psg ................. (02)8570-8757 Pque .......................... (02)8478-4889
City Square Coml Ctr QC (02)8559-2025 Respiglobe Medical Inc 888 Pharmacy & General Merchandise
Sol And Dante Chicken Retailer 12 King's Rd QC ........... (0917)632-8516 Rd 5 QC ....................... (0917)571-2488
29 Benefits Quezon City . (02)8925-4813
D-3 Ermin Garcia QC ...... (02)7507-9718 Rgl Bio Alliance Corporation Aaa Pharma Incorporated
The Japanese Wagyu Meat Shop Ichadora Medical Supplies & Equipment 79-A Kalantiaw QC ......... (02)7738-6411 105 Maryland QC ........... (02)8726-8715
Forbes Town Ctr Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0945)608-0981 Aba Medical And Laboratory Supplies Inc
DEWFOAM Taguig......................(0916)243-8221
Indoplas Philippines Incorporated
Ritegroup Inc
Diamond Crest Apts
Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)8637-8524
The Meatplace Incorporated 4 Apo QC ....................... (02)8731-0022 Mand ....................... (0918)935-0891
Wilcon Bldg QC .............. (02)8650-5284 Savelife Healthbiz Incorporated Acml Medical And Laboratory Supply
Infratech Medical Devices Incorporated Acme Bldg Mand ............ (02)8535-0955
Youming Meat Products Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8961-2024 37-B Aib Sagada QC ...... (02)8354-9960
35 Gen Luna QC ............. (02)8921-1530 Intraplastrading Teddy's Medical Supplies And Equipment Actimed Healthcare Technologies Inc
San Rafael Navotas........(02)8522-9187 Zoi's Meatown Inc 4 Apo QC ..................... (0917)596-9777 870 B J P Rizal Ave Armon's Bldg QC ............ (02)7501-2726
Golden Acres LP .......... (0917)705-8751 Mkna ....................... (0917)845-8541 Agap Laboratory Supplies Trading
Focus Global Incorporated J A Fabia Medical Equipment & Supplies
Trading Uni-Asia Healthcare Medical Corporation Emsted Bldg Pque ........ (0908)897-0727
Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8631-1391 Uni-Asia Bldg Mla...........(02)8711-7144 Aiko Medical Supplies
Serta Philippines Jrm Bldg QC.................(0967)236-4487
Paseo De Magallanes Cplx Medals and Trophies K & N Medical Supplies And Equipment Westech Meditrade Incorporated Bambang Mla ............... (0977)494-9904
1437-1439 Rizal Ave Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8294-0116 Allied Medical Supplies
Mkti ......................... (0917)821-8385
Sleep Factory Incorporated Jmr Medals And Trophies Online Shop Mla ............................ (02)8731-4906 All Med Bldg Mla ............ (02)8742-1389
Sample Shop Bldg Qq Mall Mla .................. (0929)971-3437 K8 Pharmacy & Medical Products With The Yellow Pages, Amade Medical Supply Trading
Taguig........................(02)8403-5742 Jpls Engraving Services 1536 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8516-0402 1451 A M Natividad Mla . (02)8242-8624
903 Quezon Blvd Mla ..... (02)8733-0650 Medcare Asia Incorporated Busy People Save Time. Amse Medical Supplies & Equipments
Mg Raymundo Art Collection Johnttan Bldg QC ........... (02)8516-7573 Marcos Ligaya Psg.......(0920)201-0977
Measurement and 24-A East Capitol Dr
Psg ............................ (02)7945-0439
Analysis Instruments Olympic Sports Merchandising
529 Ronquillo Mla .......... (02)8243-4688
Asuki Weighing System Incorporated
25 Arty 1 Subd QC ......... (02)3447-1111
Medical Apparatus
Measurement and and Devices
Control Hbi Diagnostika Incorporated
Instrumentation Q Plz QC ........................ (02)8990-4735
Its Science Phils Incorporated
3434-C C Raymundo Ave
Jalc Trading Psg ............................ (02)8628-1517
Hi-Yield Bldg SJ ............. (02)8356-4748

Meat Shops and Medical Cosmetics

Meat Dealers Edward's Vanity Skin Essentials
594 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0910)891-7068
3Wl Samgyupsal Enhance Cosmetic And Dermatology Center
18 Ninong Domingo Trinoma Mall QC ............ (02)7901-9614
KC ........................... (0945)734-9959 Lush
Alex & Stella Meat Shop Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7625-4142
Commonwealth Ave Rvb Cosmetic Surgery And Skin Care
QC ........................... (0916)600-5330 Center
Bear Hug's Kitchen Palm Square Bldg LP ...... (02)8872-5449
6 Skylark Sreet KC........(0927)151-0582 Sjn Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Benjoys Food Products Ipo Bldg QC .................... (02)8743-8360
2326 Juan Luna Mla.....(0917)532-2610
Bounty Fresh
Medical Equipment
Quirino Liban Bldg QC .. (0938)120-9429
Butcher's Primeat
Gen Tinio QC ................ (0927)375-6478 A&G Medical Products And Equipment
Consistent Frozen Solutions Kaligtasan Exit QC ........ (0945)611-2637
Paragon Trading and Services
2326 Juan Luna Mla.......(02)8253-3720 Ajrc Marketing
Cristinas Frozen Meat 11A Kayumanggi QC ...... (02)8692-9429
Public Mkt PC ................ (02)8232-8267 Alexora Biomedical Technologies Inc
Ldr Bldg QC ................. (0917)153-0926
Gabrielles Meat And Poultry
58A Don Antonio Hghts Bio Cross Medical 71 Sen Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City, Metro Manila 1235 Philippines
QC ............................. (02)8709-3080
Gary And Ollie Meat Shop
1645 J P Rizal Mla ......... (02)8664-3241
Broadline Marketing Incorporated Tel. No.: (02) 8887-4656
19 Karayom Mkna .......... (02)8645-8205 1146 Hermosa Mla.........(02)8253-0721

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174 S C M Y K

174 Medical - Metal 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Optium Medical Trading Men In Blooms Shipko Express Movers Incorporated
Medical Supplies 1208 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8546-9989 Fiesta Mkt Taguig ........... (02)7758-2549 Mbi Bldg Plz Mla ............ (02)8463-9477 KEYMARK METAL
(Cont'd) Oro Medical Compression Stocking Mitsui And Company Ltd Slc Courier & General Services FABRICATION
Fema Rd QC ................. (0999)999-1776 Gt Twr Mkti .................... (02)8819-7777 1266 Batangas Mkti ....... (02)8845-0987
P&G Skinceuticals Trading Incorporated Pd And Co Smartmail Hub Inc ELECTRICAL FABRICATION,
Aro Aesthetic And Mdical Center Eight One Eight Bldg Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8886-7920 Cash And Carry Mall PANELBOARD, CONTROL, PULLBOX,
190 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8254-3553 Mkti ........................... (02)8893-9332 Penshoppe Mkti ........................... (02)8821-2707
Avs Medical Equipment Trading Panamed Philippines Incorporated Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8403-1583 STAINLESS ENCLOSURE, ATS, LVSG,
Speed-Up Multi Services Incorporated
1454 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8712-5833 Antel Global Corporate Ctr People Are People Incorporated 158 Phiv Tropical Ave WIREWAY, CABLE TRAY, TTC, MTTC,
Bmc Medical Supplies Psg ............................ (02)8687-7888 Gateway Mall QC ............ (02)8911-7842 LP .............................. (02)8782-0624 SYNCHRONIZING, MTS, BUSBAR
1538 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0928)986-5692 Penuel Drug Store Pepper Mint Starlite Cargo Xpress Incorporated
Botika Ninyo 1742 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8731-4665 45B C Jose PC ............. (0947)370-2583 GUTTER, BREAKER GUTTER, CIRCUIT
Tabacalera Cpd Mla ........ (02)8525-9154
1650 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8741-4947 Php Medical Distributors Inc Philgear Int'l Incorporated BREAKER, POWDER COAT SERVICES,
Capital Medical Supplies Future Point Plz 3 QC......(02)8374-6560 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8869-7486 GENSET SOUNDPROOF ENCLOSURE
Galas Mkt QC ............... (0919)800-0300
Caresfield Medical Supply Co
Pink Clover Enterprise Pinoy Lab Bench Metal and Steel Website:
Leonardo Cpd LP ........... (02)8834-1181 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8552-7078
A C Raftel Ctr Bldg Pque . (02)8256-1372 Presant Medical Enterprise Rhs Marketing Philippines Incorporated Manufacturing Email Add: [email protected] /
Carmela's Scrubsuit & Medical Supplies Fernandez Bldg QC ....... (0920)920-2965 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8807-2586 [email protected]
M Hizon Mla ................. (0939)568-8532 Prestige Medical Supply Rjp Boutique Alps Machine Shop Cel.No.:(0918)4635603/(0956)7423506
Casa Ciudad Medical Supplies Corp 1140 Rizal Ave Mla ...... (0961)789-4725 Greenhills Shopping Cplx 5 Santan Mkna ............... (02)8942-3497
1113 Quezon Ave QC ..... (02)3412-3994 Prime Medical Supply SJ .............................. (02)8634-4480 Dc Builder Steel Industrial Corporation 2039 Santiago St.,
Cg-M Medical Supplies & Medical 930A Del Monte QC........(02)3416-9371 Samuel And Kevin L2 B46C Pampano Mal...(02)8985-1636 Gen T De Leon
Equipment Rebmann Medical Supplies And Equipment Edsa Shangrila Plz Mand (02)7625-4966 Eccosteel Trading Inc Valenzuela ................. (02)8861-2802
1426 Oroquieta Mla ...... (0939)840-5074 Picture Bldg QC .............. (02)8922-8755 Sanshae Boutique 666 Puso Val ................. (02)8994-7211 Or Call .......................... (02)8292-7350
Concor Medical Supplies And Equipment Rite-Tech Medical Inc Greenhills Shopping Cplx Golden Steel Manufacturing
933 Ongpin Mla..............(02)8733-7055 KEYMARK METAL
185 Mcarthur Hwy Val .. (0917)515-0395 13 B Maaralin QC ........... (02)8920-3614 SJ .............................. (02)8646-2415
Cpap Ph Serviplus Medical Equipment Spoofs
One Global Place Taguig . (02)7623-2339 Gv Square Bldg QC ......... (02)8937-8063 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8376-2632
Maunlad Canning Corporation
C-3 Rd Nav .................... (02)8282-9852 KEY
D&L Medical Supply & Apparel Spectrumed Incorporated Spring Field
Bambang Mla ............... (0916)700-7828 Salcedo Twr Mkti ........... (02)8822-0333 Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)7720-9752
Paragon Ecological Solutions &
Construction Inc
Dentaworx Dental & Medical Supplies The Neat Incorporated
105 Asuncion KC ......... (0915)411-3326
Springfield Pharma And Medical Supplies
Inc Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3598
Jiao Bldg QC .................. (02)7976-4145 METAL
Duramed Plus Medical Supplies Inc Savioure Industrial Sales
54 C Cordero KC ............ (02)8788-9669
Fortune Ctr Bldg QC ........ (02)8711-9993 Trimark Incorporated
Bellheather LP ................ (02)8846-7520 FABRI-
St Patrick's Health Care System Inc Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-6118
Easmed Medical Supplies Inc Tw & Co Incorporated (Warehouse) Sunrise Metal Threading Services CATION
566 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8533-9742 40 Latukan QC ............... (02)3412-9219 Gen T De Leon
The Richmonde Plz Psg..(02)8634-0441 Starleaf Medical Supply Inc 109 1st Ave Taguig ........ (02)8838-3746
Easy Medical Supplies Van Laack Supermetal Manila Incorporated Valenzuela ................. (02)8861-2802
315A Roosevelt Ave QC . (02)8441-6335 Worldwide Corporation Ctre
J Luna Mkna .................. (02)8941-9542 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-6468
Emerging Medical Equipments Trading
Taalee Medical And Dental Supplies Mand ......................... (02)8570-7283 Lawin Metal Artistry And Supplies
1534 Oroquieta Rd Mla.(0906)735-4887 Doroteo Jose Mla ........... (02)8374-0186
City & Land Mega Plz Unicorn Metal Corporation
Tai-Ma Mobility House Magnet Philippines
Psg ............................ (02)8687-4660 158 D Tuazon QC ........... (02)8553-4176 Merchandise Brokers 1 Punturin Lawang Bato Rd
B52 L16 Pili QC..............(02)8897-2898
Entropy Marketing QC ............................. (02)8983-8198
Terumo Marketing Phils Inc Magsi Builders Inc
10 Nalugod Mkna ........... (02)8475-1039 Philippine Stock Exch We Twr Astex 1405 Sto Sepulco Mla .. (0917)825-8893
Gemry Medical Supply 1141 Edsa Balintawak
1540-1544 Rizal Ave
Psg ............................ (02)8632-7966
U-Net Distributors Corporation QC ............................. (02)8365-4506 Metal Casting Mayonka Machine Shop And Fabrication
L1 B4 Republican Rd
Mla ............................ (02)8743-6931 Country Space 1 Bldg Bonded Phase Trading
Ginrey Trading Corporation QC ............................. (02)8930-2330
Mkti ........................... (02)8892-7581Angat Bldg Mla ............... (02)8256-4131 Izumi Industrial Trading
Yrreverre Square Bldg 1516 Narra Mla .............. (02)8340-3190 Mtrd Machine Shop & Metal Fabrication
Unimed Incorporated Everwing Profem Corporation Services
QC ............................. (02)8294-2508 64 Quezon Ave QC ......... (02)8711-4633 24 Manga Rd QC............(02)8723-4002
Globo Asiatico Enterprises Incorporated 107 5th St KC ................ (02)8693-4588
Feleric General Merchandise
Jdk Bldg QC ................... (02)8982-7000 United Diagnostic Laboratory Inc
Taft Ave Mla ................... (02)8523-4688 Ph1 Pkg 3 B38 L30 Bagong Silang Metal Craft New Niagara Hardware And Plumbing
606 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5394
Golden Horse Medical Supplies KC ............................. (02)8962-8132
38-B Banawe QC ............ (02)8712-1360 Vin-Liz Medical And Dental Supplies Onyok Iron Works
Trading Finnex Sales Tria Metal Craft And Engineering Begonia Mkti ................ (0917)310-4042
Grand Line Medical Equipment Corporation 99 Sandoval Ave Psg ..... (02)8640-1703 80 Banaba Mkna ............ (02)8475-2665
The Ctrpoint Bldg Psg ..... (02)5310-0218 Ruzz Bldg Pque ............ (0977)497-9371 Padilla Metal Fabrication Services
Z2 Merch Gremca-V International Corporation
H-Care Medical Supplies 27 V Ilustre QC ............. (0921)602-0300 Sto Domingo QC .......... (0905)310-7410
22 E Delapaz Mkna.......(0917)811-5463
San Mateo Rd QC ......... (0947)223-9038
Zanoson Enterprises Corporation Homestuffs Trading Metal Fabrication Reliable Industries Incorporated
19 Baesa Rd QC ............. (02)8330-7075
Haggai Medical Supplies And Services San Pablo Psg................(02)8401-5274
1617 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8714-5934 1227 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8742-5442 Rs Metal Fabrication
Zephyr Medical Corporation Jnd Aluminum Aldj Steel And Plastic Fabrication Services
Health Craft Medical Supply 6 Shaw Blvd Mand ......... (02)3491-9691 650 Paso De Blas Rd Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0918)805-4978
5 Rose Marie Lne Psg .... (02)8671-4482
1572 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8781-8080 Loyalty Trading Val ........................... (0917)118-1274 Superior Metal Printing Philsinc
Healthrush Enterprises 782 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-6260 Vfp-Mdc Bldg 10 Taguig . (02)8838-5224
Amt Metal Services
West Trade Ctr QC........(0917)597-3596 Mediterranean Foods Maibhe Trading 76 Mh Del Pilar KC ......... (02)8442-4529 Tcck Industrial Company
Helal Medical Lab & Pharmacy Ph6 R Tirona East Pque .. (02)8807-8339 216 Pablo Dela Cruz QC . (02)8936-1965
Vareb Mansion Mla.........(02)8288-1290
Al Halabi Millenium General Merchandising BLUESTEEL INDUSTRIES Tenfold Metal Works Incorporated
Holy Family Medical Supply 2 F Legaspi Psg ............. (02)8631-5301
1339 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8735-0566 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8659-7205 786 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-4779
South Central Incorporated
INC Thadine Signage Fabrication Services
Homecare Medics Enterprises 595 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7642 CNC Laser Cutting, Turret Punching, 59D Commonwealth Ave
1850 Felix Huertas Mla . (0921)366-9781 Memorial Parks Sun Spring Press Brake, Bending, Metal Stamping QC ............................. (02)8423-8483
Iraseth Pharma Inc 626 Sabino Padilla Mla ... (02)8242-7873 Tinsman Sheet Metal Works
77 Jm Basa Mkna ........ (0917)185-2897 Yalex Plain Shirt [email protected] 1027 Zapote KC ............. (02)8579-9480
J&T Medical & Dental Supply Chc Development Consortium Inc Triumph Stainless And Metal Fabrication
Cemetery New Bldg QC .. (02)8712-3827 443 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8524-0133 [email protected]
2214 Legarda Mla .......... (02)8475-5990 14 East Riverside QC ...... (02)3493-4141
Jezhan Enterprises Medical Supply Heavenly Garden Development Corporation 126 20th Ave Cubao
Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0355 Trust Metal Fabrication And Builders
419 Royale Midway Plz Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8243-2352 Messenger and Or Call .......................... (02)8911-0362 Construction Services
QC ........................... (0917)115-3972 Joaquin Val .................. (0909)580-8674
Jkos Medical Supplies And Equipment Inc
Memorial Venues Courier Services
1366 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (02)8733-0338 Bluesteel Industries Inc VERSA METAL
Jrmz Medical Supply 4Bga Logistics Services Null Corporation INDUSTRIES INC
30 Hills QC ................... (0946)556-4127 Nacional Memorial Homes 9756 Felicidad Pque ....... (02)8707-4634
264 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8713-5232 A-Best Express Incorporated
Life Source Enterprises
Villa Hermano III QC ....... (02)8515-3983 Vicente Madrigal Bldg STEEL Specializes in
Lloyd Laboratories Incorporated
Mens Wear Mkti ........................... (02)8478-1720 INDUS- QR HERE!
Metal Fabrication, Powder
Philippine Stock Exch Ea Twr Airspeed 20 Tulips QC ........ (02)8442-3408
Psg ............................ (02)8636-2995 Am Services Company Incorporated TRIES Coating & Electroplating
Mac Tycoon Medical Depot Alberto
Robinsons Place Manila
Midland Plz Condmn INC 189 Haig Mandaluyong .. (02)8531-6267
1560 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8241-6207 Mla ............................ (02)8522-1308 126 20th Ave Cubao Or Call .......................... (02)8531-6273
Mactycoon Marketing Incorporated Mla ............................ (02)8536-7979 Dhl Constancia Bldg QC......(02)8928-0470 Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0355
An Original Penguin Or Call .......................... (02)8995-3042
1540 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-6154 Diserv Corporation
Mau Medical Enterprises Newport Mall PC .......... (0923)348-1061 City & Land Megaplaza Chuan Hing Metal Fabricator Corporation
4th Ave KC ..................... (02)8356-1808 Arrow Psg ............................ (02)8357-5741 6 J Teodoro KC .............. (02)8366-9897 VERSA METAL
Mdp Medical Supply Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0014 E C X Direct Incorporated Cmf Concepcion Metal Fabrication
1612 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8712-2713 Banana Republic Matrinco Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8893-5847 178 Kaingin Rd QC ....... (0945)796-6162 VERSA
Med Asia Industrial Clinic
Photokina Bldg QC ......... (02)8373-0840
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-4047 Elaiza's Trucking Services
Burton Menswear B Aldana LP ................... (02)8938-7852
Crooner's Glass Aluminum & Steel
Medasia Aesthetic Center Incorporated Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8654-3789 Fastrack Services Incorporated 25 J Aguilar Ave LP ........ (02)7219-2090 INDUS-
Ever Gotesco Psg ........... (02)8531-8189 Casual Floating Specialist Incorporated
Bonifacio High Street
Jm Bldg 2 Mkti ............... (02)8844-1486 Dynason Machine Shop TRIES
Medical Oxygen Supply Fcl Courier Express Sevilla Mla......................(02)8241-7816
26-S Roque 1 QC ......... (0945)269-2147 Taguig........................(02)8856-6153 101 Urban Ave Mkti ........ (02)8886-4721 Evenaire Metal Works Corporation INC.
Medifont Philippines Charles And Keith Fine Express Services Incorporated 1 El Dorado Twnhms
Goldloop Condmn Psg....(02)8634-1798 Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-3617 1633 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8724-5158 Pque .......................... (02)8823-7185 189 Haig Mandaluyong .. (02)8531-6267
Medlans Enterprises Chase Fashion Shoppe First Shoshin Solutions Corp Fabriduct & Metal Systems Incorporated
199-C Rizal Ave KC ........ (02)8361-7481 Shoppesville Arcade SJ .. (02)8584-5632 First Shoshin Solutions Bldg Vinder Ind'l And Plumbing Supplies
673 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8531-5963 Fireweed LP ................... (02)8846-7520
Metrosite System Medical Equipment Collectiones Bonita Mkti ........................... (02)8810-6841 Fred's Sheet Metal Fabrication
Supply Greenhills Shopping Ctr Md Express Manila Incorporated Viser-Phil Formwork Corporation
56 D Bonifacio Val........(0998)584-5037 Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8631-9593
Loi Bldg Mkti ................ (0917)777-7630 SJ .............................. (02)8722-7211 Marc 2000 Twr Mla ........ (02)8536-2769 Haltbar Industries Incorporated
Mlva Medical Supplies Corporate Apparel Incorporated Mds Courier Services Von & Hans Metalcrafts
8 Calle Industria QC ...... (0917)419-8015 1199 Cattleya KC ......... (0956)713-9552
Bambang Mla ................. (02)8254-1679 Robinsons Place Cplx Mia Rd Pque .................. (02)8834-0292 Innovative Metal And Electronic
Morilou's Medical Equipment And Supply Mla ............................ (02)8567-1936 Reliable Pesoremit Phils Incorporated Wilchan Metal Ind'l Corporation
Technologies (Imet Phil Inc ) P Jacinto KC .................. (02)8983-9337
E Rodriguez Ave QC ..... (0917)457-3249 Essenxa Fashion House Incorporated Makati Executive Twr 3 Sunblest Cpd Munt ....... (0915)263-1926
Nemrac Medical And Pharma Corp 33B G De Jesus KC ........ (02)8962-5280 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-8501 Zentrek Stainless Steel
Jewels Stainless Steel Fabrication 1182 Quirino Hwy QC...(0932)321-3364
1555 Bambang Mla ........ (02)8749-5377 Farhanah Adam Fashion Collection Republic Courier Services Incorporated 11 Jewels Nav................(02)8351-1688
Nlra Medical Supply 2360 Crisolita Mla .......... (02)7618-8192 San Buena Bldg Psg ....... (02)8637-4217
Fuma Retailer Tabacco Jia Acrylic Designs
1807 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8523-1851 Road Master Courier
Oldaweyap Trading Shangri-La Plz Mand ...... (02)8890-8231 32 D Arellano KC .......... (0906)240-7545
6 Harvard QC ............... (0927)382-2615 Metal Heat Treating
Tarhata Mkti ................. (0936)995-0854 Girbaud Sm Ctr Point QC .... (02)8713-8184 Rovexpress
The Yellow Pages
Open Port Trading Madison Retailers Incoprorated Dragon 8 Shopping Ctr Lamp Post Steel Pole Manufacturing
610 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)3418-1000 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8442-0073 Mla .......................... (0997)936-8127 Your Link to the Business World. Tfn Bldg Mand................(02)8985-6499

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175 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Metal - Motorcycle 175

Metal Mesh Milk and Milk ROYAL MIRROR Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)3497-3892 SUPERSONIC MULTI-
Products INDUSTRIES INC Fonewercz
Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7758-2633
GENERAL HARDWARE We Edge & Bevel All Kinds of Shaped
Gadget King SONIC
PRODUCTS INC Alaska Milk Corporation Glass & Mirror * Complete Line of Sm Fairview QC..............(02)8514-1290
Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8551-4066 Glass Aluminum & Mirror Products Gmix Enterprises MULTI- QR HERE!
Manufacturer of Wire Mesh Elcano Trading Corporation
Call 82871011, 82871023, 82874686, 1940 San Pascual Mla....(02)8400-9175 PRODUCTS
712 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8242-4693 Grv General Merchandise
(02)8911-0422 Ellecera Corporation/Moonleaf 82874657, 82856347 Greenhills Shopping Ctr SALES INC Madison Square LP ........ (02)8552-2505 156 Gov W Pascual Av SJ .............................. (02)8510-7552 8 Dr M Laurel Dr
Moonleaf Malabon .................... (02)8287-1011 Hello Valenzuela ................. (02)8292-7015
[email protected] Thomas Square Mla ....... (02)8254-0306 Civic Dr Festival Mall
128 20th Ave Restoserve Marketing Corporation ROYAL MIRROR Icon
Munt .......................... (02)8556-8911
Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0381 16 West Dr Mkna ........... (02)8941-6022
Selecta Walls Incorporated Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8477-6566 Money Changers
GENERAL HARDWARE Rfm Cpd Psg..................(02)8681-7962 ROYAL Intogadgets
Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)7239-1275 Ax Currency Exchange
Top Creamery Food Mfg Corp MIRROR Commerce And Industry Bldg
Intogadgets Incorporated
GENERAL Cemtex Bldg LP............(0917)115-3255
Virra Mall SJ...................(02)8570-0754 Taguig......................(0917)845-6372
INDUSTRIES Bjb Money Changer And Jewelry
HARDWARE King And Prince One Stop Cellphone Shop
PRODUCTS Mill Supplies INC 1902 Felix Mla..............(0945)157-2263
Lady Johanna Cellphone And Accesories
Greenhills Shopping Ctr
SJ .............................. (02)8721-1272
INCORPO- 156 Gov W Pascual Av St Francis Square Mall Chern Money Changer
Bearing Center & Machinery Inc Malabon .................... (02)8287-1011 Lrt Northmall Bldg KC ..... (02)8363-5512
283 Rizal Ext Ave KC ...... (02)8365-7803 Mand ......................... (02)8547-3229
RATED Standard Mirror Factory Link Plus Com Incorporated Czarina Foreign Exchange
128 20th Ave Ben Machinery Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8723-6376 Ali Mall QC ..................... (02)8236-1093
38 Macarthur Hwy Mal ... (02)8364-6020 140C L Gruet SJ.............(02)8723-0462
Quezon City ............... (02)8911-0381 Success Mirror City Media Box Elenor Money Changer
Grains Innovation And Solutions Company Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1862 Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8637-5978
Incorporated 204 Antonio Arnaiz Ave
PC ............................. (02)8831-7851 Mega One Phones Goodrate Marketing
18 Sta Lucia Psg ............ (02)8355-9362
Metal Stamping Civic Dr Festival Mall
Munt .......................... (02)8511-1069
Lrt Northmall Bldg KC ..... (02)8365-6569
Hadija Money Changer
Arcg Metal Pressing And Forming Service Minerals Miscellaneous Mobihub Gadget Shop Jade Vine Bldg Mla ......... (02)8353-6454
1017 Lyra LP ............... (0905)172-9461 High Top Pawnshop And Money Changer
62 Bronze Mal .............. (0906)466-0370
Bluesteel Industries Incorporated
Manufacturing Mobile Expert 79 A Mabini Psg ........... (0917)587-5050
Basic Petroleum And Minerals Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)8850-7860 Jocels Money Changer
126 20th Ave QC ............ (02)8911-0355 Basic Petroleum Bldg
Icon Industries Corporation Jr Memoxpress Pasig Mohaiseen Telecom Trading 2021B Mabini Mla .......... (02)8400-5732
Mkti ........................... (02)8817-3329 Sm Ctr Pasig Psg ........... (02)8579-9181 711- C Victoria SJ .......... (02)8357-4305 Julliana Money Changer
5037 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)8291-1347 Camarines Minerals
Icon Metal Industries Corporation Rainchem International Incorporated My Phone Service Center 11/88 Mall Mla ............... (02)8241-0954
Philamlife Twr Mkti ......... (02)8893-0000 4015 Le Cul De Sac Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-4294 Juryuna Money Changer
576 Katarungan Mand .... (02)8532-6399 Mrl Gold Incorporated
Prestige Metal Corporation Pque ........................ (0997)469-6852 Nhu Trading 1118 Del Pilar Mla .......... (02)8536-3629
Carlos J Valdez Bldg Total-Pack Manufacturing Technologies Greenhills Shopping Ctr Kabayan Money Changer
95 Industry Rd 2 Mal ...... (02)8361-4547 Mkti ........................... (02)8403-6198
Robles Metal Manufacturing Inc Incorporated SJ .............................. (02)8517-9857 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
126 20Th Ave QC ........... (02)8911-0362 Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Armscor Ave Mkna ......... (02)8372-2284 Nokia Care SJ .............................. (02)8775-0133
The Main Place Bldg SJ .. (02)8570-1014 Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8352-0652 L Raymundo Pawnshop
Nxt Tech Cellphone And Accessories
Metal Working Mobile Phone Silencio QC .................. (0917)828-7708
171 Gen Kalentong
Mand ......................... (02)8531-6962
Mining and Content Providers Octagon Computer Store Naila's Money Changer
Machinery Exploration Sm City Bf Paranaque 1741 Mabini Mla ............ (02)3383-9031
Pque .......................... (02)8519-9637
Hello Telecom Otterbox Paymentwall Inc
Centrotest Asia Incorporated Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8712-2793 Valero Mkti ..................... (02)8802-0133
473E F Ortigas Mand ...... (02)8535-4997 Greenstone Resources Corporation Sm Bf Paranaque Pque . (0933)508-4230
Rsjj Money Changer
Nol Bldg Munt ................ (02)8807-1982 Paint It
Greenhills Shopping Ctr 1000 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8559-8531
Metals Mobile Phone Repair SJ ............................ (0920)285-9019 Rts Money Changer
Mining Companies Platinum Mobile Marketing (Samsung) Ecj Bldg Mla ................... (02)8257-0533
Adrian Cellphone Repair Services Mall Of Asia PC .............. (02)8550-2140 Sheena Money Changer
Acetech Metal Industries Corporation 35 Pilar Rd LP ................ (02)8856-7187 1542 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8400-6771
6013A Tatalon Val .......... (02)8984-1743 Abra Mining And Industrial C Sahara Telecom Center
Jafer Bldg QC ................. (02)8925-1604 Almond4You Cellphone Shop & Repair Greenhills Shopping Ctr Sitti Money Changer
Allied Metals Inc Services Sandico Silva Apt Mla ..... (02)8516-0981
Bona Condmn QC...........(02)8721-1349 Apex Mining Co Inc SJ .............................. (02)8726-7758
Philippine Stock Exch We Twr Starmall Mand .............. (0920)890-9900 Shielloisa Cellphone Accessories Corner Sky Money Changer
Anep Top Metal Marketing Express Repair 62 Natl Hwy Munt ........ (0918)484-6813
1408 Soler Mla...............(02)8733-3236 Psg ............................ (02)8706-2804 Isetann Mla .................... (02)8232-7694
Black Rock Traders Inc Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8475-3049 Smartnet Philippines Incorporated Toyhohaslyan Money Changer
Astec International Limited Flasher Tel 1441 M Adriatico Mla ..... (02)8256-5556
1800 Bldg Mla................(02)8995-4000 Pdcp Bank Ctr Mkti.........(02)8892-4330 Goodland Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8896-1837
Victory Central Mall KC . (0909)629-0826 Techno
Chin Kee Sheet Metal Fabricator Bluewave Global K&R Cellphone Accessories & Repair Shop
West Twr Psec Psg ........ (02)8687-1020 Ayala Malls Feliz Psg .... (0910)163-4599
2740 P Zamora PC ......... (02)8831-6465
Chin Seng Metal Sheet Fabricator Filminera Resources Corporation
Sampaguita Pasong Putik Proper Techno Mobile Mortuaries
QC ........................... (0995)904-8422 Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8786-2651
Republic Steel Cpd LP .... (02)8872-2677 Corinthian Plz Mkti..........(02)8811-3451 Onesam Cellphone Accessories
Clart Marketing Genluiching Mining Corporation Techno Smart Electronics Funeraria Rizal Incorporated
Metrowalk Psg ............... (02)8512-2265 Visayas Ave QC .............. (02)8253-4637 36 I Lopez Mand ............ (02)8532-6125
654 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-2624 Ayala Twr One Mkti ........ (02)7918-1527 Upstore Gadget Center
Concord Metals Incorporated Itogon-Suyoc Resources Incorporated Technokid Cellphone Center
17 F&J Don Antonio Arcade Felix Huertas Mla ............ (02)8353-0864
46 J P Bautista KC ......... (02)8287-9933 6 Calle Industria QC ........ (02)8477-7221 QC ............................. (02)7342-7108 Mosquito Nets
Concords Metal Technomobile
Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0996)716-7895
54 Cordero KC ............... (02)8363-2266 Ba Lepanto Bldg Mkti......(02)8815-9448 The Voice Solution Corporation Altaco Development And Industrial
Daichi Metal Products Corporation
Itc Cmpd Rd Val ............. (02)8983-9892
Maricalum Mining Corporation Mobile Phones Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8886-7816 Corporation
Manila Memorial Park Bldg Tpa Mobile A522 Sto Cristo Mla ....... (02)8241-9863
Eastern Metal Industries Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8893-8397 7 Box Up Incorporated
399 Pampanga Mla ........ (02)8253-9018 Makati Cinema Square
Oxford Mines Incorporated Dna Felisa Syjuco Bldg Mkti ........................... (02)8511-1719
Filipino Metal Corporation
Asian Rd QC .................. (02)8983-7266
A & M Bldg QC ............... (02)8952-2882
Pax Libera Mining Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8353-5849
Adi Telecoms
Trioconnect Technologies Incorporated Motels
Foodmach Inc Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8518-0872
88 Meralco Ave Psg ....... (02)8532-1714 Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8805-9202 Trustsales Mrktg Corporation Aliw Inn
Bona Condmn QC...........(02)8724-0467 Rigid Aggregates & Mining Corporation Ae Incorporated
Golden Dragon Metal Products Inc Sm Megamall B Mand .... (02)8631-5236 105 Gen Evangelista KC . (02)8364-1502
Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8687-6677 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-7752 Zen Comm
285 J P Rizal Mand ........ (02)8531-8363 Aeshikit's Enterprises Caloocan Tourist Dev Corp
Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation Greenhills Shopping Ctr 3 Don V Ang KC ............. (02)8367-2708
J S B Engineering And Metal Works Nac Twr Taguig .............. (02)8892-1006 30 Sikap Mand ............... (02)7748-7672
654 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-2624 SJ .............................. (02)3496-3299 Daisy Inn
Boma Techcom Incorporated Zh And K Mobile
Luxury Metal Manufacturing Sm Southmall LP ........... (02)8800-4832 Danny Floro Psg ............. (02)8671-5212
Victory Central Mall KC . (0932)876-5965
160 A De Jesus KC ........ (02)8364-5692
Metacor Corporation
Mining Consultants Bs Mobile Funpacific Tour Company Inc
Antel Global Corporate Ctr
Sm City Sucat Pque......(0906)350-1620
A And E Bldg Mla ........... (02)8733-5843 C Cell Zone Modelling Agencies Psg ............................ (02)7728-5072
Michen Tooling Die Corporation Alad Mining And Development Corp Haran Court
Sierra Ctre Mand ............ (02)8533-4718 Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8291-8109
504 Halcon Mand ........... (02)8533-4199 Cmk Cellphone & Accessories 4547 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8716-7801
Apex8 Philippines Hillview Motel
Pacific Nickel Philippines Incorporated Mccm Bldg QC ............... (02)8572-5858 Makati Ave Mkti .............. (02)8556-3363
Tmbc Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-8883 D Floro Psg .................... (02)8671-9779
Rigid Steel Bars Supply
Mining Equipment Comcentre
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Posche Models
Manila International Inn Corporation
Builders Ctr Mkti ............. (02)7902-0900
510 Mh Del Pilar Mal ...... (02)8292-4985
and Supplies Psg ............................ (02)8641-5421 Rouge Models Management International 4547 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8716-7801
Dialogue Telecom Cityland Pasong Tamo Twr Marina Royale Lodge
210D Samson KC...........(02)8365-4575 Reyna Drilling Supplies & Services Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8355-3091 Mkti ......................... (0917)887-8047 15 San Juan PC ............. (02)8521-4312
Dela Costa Homes 2 KC . (02)8961-4137 Digits Trading Corporation Silver Security Agency Incorporated Victoria Court
56 Mayor Ignacio S Diaz 87 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
Mexican Foods QC ............................. (02)8654-2301
31 Sto Tomas QC ........... (02)8516-7873
Mal ............................ (02)8361-3362
Mirrors E Phone Incorporated
Cochi Loco Cocina Mexicana
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0956)132-6040
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8926-4801
Edge Com
Molds Motorcycle and
Dos Jefes De Luxe Mirror & Aluminum Supply
Sm City Valenzuela Val ... (02)8352-0270
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)811-2791 4th St KC ....................... (02)8361-0957
Edgecomm Incorporated SUPERSONIC MULTI- Scooter Parts
El Chapo's Gonzon Glass Supply Summit One Office Twr
88 Eeban Abada QC ..... (0920)983-1619 49-D G Araneta Ave Mand ......................... (02)8531-0085
PRODUCTS SALES INC Aaf Scooter Parts Accessories & General
Hot Hippie Wild Wings QC ........................... (0995)251-2447 Merchandise
Mirror Your World
Batanes Mla ................. (0917)985-1116 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 138 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)8531-0023
Pappu's Burritos 61A Dna Soledad Ave SJ ............................ (0923)252-5363 Tel Nos. 8292-7015 / 8292-6641 Angel Sales Center
245 Peras Psg ................. (0935)882007 Pque .......................... (02)7501-7377 Fax Cable 52 Mc Arthur Hwy KC.....(02)8361-3294
Email: [email protected]
Tacorito Mexican Grub Greenhills Shopping Ctr Bhr Motorcycles Parts And Accessories
A-12 Christian QC ............ (0977)178823 The Yellow Pages SJ .............................. (02)8727-8021 Website: 20 D Congressional Ave
Tres Chickas bridges Buyers and Firefly Mobile QC ........................... (0929)817-6475
8 Dr M Laurel Dr
65 Congressional Ave Ext Sellers together. Dr A Santos-Waltermart Valenzuela ................. (02)8292-7015 Bong's Motorcycle Accessories
QC ........................... (0936)307-7199 Pque ........................ (0943)707-4470 1202 Oroquieta Mla ........ (02)8254-7028

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176 S C M Y K

176 Motorcycle - Nail 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Motobox Corporation Magnacycle Sales Corporation Yamaha School Of Music Philippines Couch Cucumber Nail
Motorcycle and Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Lucky Fortune Bldg QC ... (02)8952-4433 Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8897-9692 Lilac Mkna ................... (0917)541-0250
Mkna ....................... (0917)113-9683 Mayya Cycle Center Cr8 Salon
Scooter Parts Motoplus Philippines L & M Bldg KC ............... (02)8283-6977 Kalayaan Ave Mkti ........ (0917)154-2197
(Cont'd) 1918 Laong-Laan Rd Metro Cycle Incorporated Music School Cucolorific Nail And Lashes Salon
Mla .......................... (0915)372-7788 696 Edsa QC .................. (02)8825-3525 Greenloft Mkna ............. (0908)528-5411
Ms De Lima Spare Parts & Accessories Motor Star Icon Music Studios Cutiecles Nail Studio
Boyztoyz Motorcycle Parts And 81 Mrt Ave Taguig .......... (02)8703-6387 141 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8294-0211 Thompson's Square Bldg 296 C Gen Luna Mal.....(0917)791-7190
Accessories Trading Mtrt Philippines Newton Multi Sales QC ............................. (02)8897-8716 Cyns Salon And Spa
Don Mariano Ave QC .... (0933)825-1373 126 Biglang Awa KC.......(02)8364-6284 689D Del Monte QC ....... (02)8559-5301 Manila Symphonic Orchestra Music Marcos Alvarez Ave LP . (0916)470-1336
Bristol Motorcycles Nankai Motor Parts Incorporated Nwow Electric Bicycle Academy Daily Nail Salon
351 Macario Asistio Sr 39E Agno QC ................. (02)8740-4577 Bayan-Bayanan Ave Glorietta 5 Mkti ............... (02)8835-7414 Gil Fernando Ave Mkna . (0998)998-6245
KC ............................. (02)8334-2747 Partsland Trade Company Mkna ....................... (0905)417-9452 Metro Musicians Academy Diva Nail Salon And Spa
Caloocan Sales Center Incorporated 477 Jaboneros Mla ........ (02)8243-8236 Papadyak Bike Shop Royal Midway Plz QC ... (0956)794-0270 Cash And Carry Mall
340-342 Rizal Ave Ext Project Wheelers Gloria Diaz LP .............. (0917)574-3104 Yamaha School Of Music Philippines Inc Mkti ........................... (02)8403-2145
KC ............................. (02)8364-3652 10th Ave KC ................... (02)8962-0559 Simply Moving Philippines Incorporated Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8899-9595 Dmh Beauty Salon
Carmelan Trading And Motor Shop Road Cyclone Commercial Broadway International Plz 986 Lourdes Arcade
Km 30 Natl Rd Munt ....... (02)8861-7863 309 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8668-5796 Mla ............................ (02)8523-1856 QC ........................... (0917)520-3416
Casa Ciudad Auto Sales Incorporated Ropali Star Bike Music Store Eforea Nail And Body Spa
53 Kabignayan QC..........(02)8740-4371 88 F Blumentrit SJ .......... (02)8726-6844 2401B Singalong Mla ..... (02)8522-3958 71 P Tuazon QC ........... (0917)505-1070
Crcs Motor Parts Rrcb Motor Extreme Superbikes Acoustic Dimension Elite Nails
206 East Ave KC ............ (02)8962-5827 332 M H Del Pillar KC ..... (02)8367-3090 8691 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8470-9344 Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8895-4719 A Bonifacio Taguig ....... (0919)641-4089
Djli Enterprises Skyland Mfg Corporation Toyorama Motor Corp Band Studio Retiro Everything But Nails
62 Meadwood Twnhms 5 Edison Ave Pque ......... (02)8846-8520 28 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0016 1812 Ibarra Mla............(0918)858-2040 1229 Batangas Mkti ..... (0915)487-3442
QC ........................... (0915)222-2666 Small Electric Motor Parts & Services Triumph Jt Marketing Corporation Red Fusion Exquisite Nail Lounge
Dragon Star Marketing Incorporated 113 Soler Mla ................ (02)8243-2450 1934 Taft Ave Mla .......... (02)8536-2830 930 B Del Monte Ave 91 G De Jesus KC ........ (0966)926-6843
30-F Banawe QC ............ (02)8732-8361 Thm Distributors & Sales Corporation Ultra Motor Parts QC ........................... (0906)703-5117 Foxy Nail Spa And Waxing Lounge
Dragonbikes Inc Susana Arcade Coml Bldg 85 Banawe Av QC .......... (02)8732-1765 Summitron Lights & Sounds 3-B Ligaya QC .............. (0999)169-7815
214 Cm Recto Mla ......... (02)8353-8920 LP .............................. (02)8801-7517 664B Gonzalo Puyat Mla (02)8733-7133 Get Polished Body Care Services
East Banawe Motorcycle Parts Toyo Cars Motor Parts San Lorenzo Place Mkti .. (02)3263-0755
47 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0319 26 Banawe QC ............... (02)8712-0030 Motorworks Glam & Glitz Salon
Elbynart Corporation Vlar Motorcycle Parts And Accessories Musical Instruments 40 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (0920)114-9083
Rose Vif Bldg Mla ......... (0922)870-3377 635 Earnshaw Mla ......... (02)8994-0498 888 German Motors Incorporated
Et Workz Motorcycle Racing Shop Weller Motor Parts Center 10 Calle Industria QC ...... (02)8477-7342
and Accessories Glam Hub Nail Lounge And Body Spa
Rizal Ave Ext Mkti ......... (0977)282-7926
267 Rizal Ave Ext KC .... (0906)236-9854 1236 C M Recto Ave Autobox Quick Service Corp Glamour Nail Spa Salon
Fatboy Customs Mla ............................ (02)8244-8228 Mayor Gil Fernando Ave Ext Antonio Lumanog Music Store 211 Del Monte Ave QC . (0951)110-3610
150 K4th QC ................ (0977)291-3091 Mkna ....................... (0917)134-9177 4096 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd Hanny's Skin Care And Nail Spa
Gpt Motorcycle Accessories Carolino Motors Corporation Mla .......................... (0998)537-8714 Creekside Square Bldg
928 M Naval Nav ............ (02)8351-2619 Motorcycle Parts and 719 J Vicencio Mand ...... (02)8532-0238 Bandilla Musical Instruments Co
4071 R Magsaysay Blvd
QC ........................... (0998)884-3988
Hailey's Motorcycle Shop Parts Megavia Motor Co Incorporated Happy Pinkies
305 Susano KC ............ (0915)116-6617 Supplies Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8478-1949 Mla ............................ (02)8714-7371 1317 Felix Huertas Mla . (0917)820-6457
Racal Motor Assembly Corporation Br Bansil Music Store Hayashi Salon & Nail Spa
IZUMI TIRES MFG CO INC Probikes Motorcycle Center 1 Maysan Rd Val ............ (02)8355-4168 2972 Victorino Mapa 41-D Aurora Arcade QC .. (02)8354-5229
Tla Bldg Mla ................... (02)8518-0595 Rush Hour Motors Mla ............................ (02)8354-0795
16-18 Isidro 8240 Dr A Santos Ave Carlsys Music
I Do Nails Prima
136 West Capitol Dr Psg (02)8573-7838
Francisco Valen- Pque .......................... (02)8829-5998 Francesca Royale Condmn
Motorcycles and Termignoni Exhaust QC ........................... (0917)884-2288 I Do Nails Services Incorporated
Tuscany Taguig .............. (02)8234-5756
zuela ....... (02)8292-1752 Scooters 92B Katipunan Ave QC . (0977)370-1786 Chester Musical Shop
Kukoon Nail Lounge
Torino Motor Works 81 A Bonifacio Ave
(See Advertisement on this page) Mkna ....................... (0999)373-7599 Frbs Bldg Mkna ............ (0917)962-2728
Jasla Motorcycle Led Lights Parts And 10th X Service Center Pililia Mkti ...................... (02)8895-4365 Kukumu Nail & Wellness Spa
Clifton Guitars
Accessories 151 A D Aquino KC ...... (0966)225-7683 Plastic City Industiral Subd 7 Fairlane Mkna ............ (0977)607-2702
1242 Gen Jacinto Mkti . (0922)522-4771 2 Star Motorcycle Parts Trading Movers and Storage Val ........................... (0917)838-1994 La Belle Nail Hub
Jdo Motorcycle Kingdom Trading 2298D Aurora Blvd PC ... (02)7753-8189 Guitar Harbour Custom Shop 1235 Pghi Hotel QC ...... (0975)305-2538
102 C Raymundo Ave Abc Motor Supply Services 1929 T Mapua Mla ....... (0920)691-3045 Lenails 31 Matino QC ....... (0917)862-4577
Psg ............................ (02)7905-1220 St Peter Church Mla ....... (02)8244-7335 Guitar Pusher Lucky Pinky Charm Nail Spa
Jitz Motorcycle Shop Agrani Motors Incorporated West Gate Plz Bldg 1141 Del Monte Ave
417 Avocado KC .......... (0923)113-0694 Atlas Lifting Services Incorporated QC ........................... (0927)896-4892
Diamond Auto Group Bldg Cityland Pasong Tamo Mkti ......................... (0917)795-3511
Juanstop Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Psg ............................ (02)8645-4801 Happy Music And Lifestyle Incorporated Maniella Spa
J Tiongquiao Rd LP ...... (0906)966-9254 Mkti ........................... (02)8886-1847 150 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
Bby Master Motor Center Ltd Corp Capcom Carrier Services 7274 Malugay Mkti.........(02)8551-6764
Kimwill Cycle Store 1280 Edsa QC ................ (02)3453-7886 Ivan Musical Instruments QC ........................... (0928)680-7477
The White Hse LP ......... (0977)844-2273 Manos Nail Lounge
382 Rizal Ave Ext KC ...... (02)8277-5839 Bry Kim Mae Motorcycle Services Welinc Jp Munoz Jackman Plz
Kokki Electronics Trading Scooter Parts & B30C L3F Dagat-Dagatan Ave QC ........................... (0908)768-6033 Crescent Park Residences
519 Gen Ordonez Ave Taguig........................(02)8478-4057
Accessories KC ............................. (02)8287-4452 Mkna ....................... (0917)684-1100 Jbg Music And Sports Store
1949 Tomas Mapua Mla.(02)8252-1667 Erma And Jason's Motorshop 4073 R Magsaysay Blvd Mi & Me Nailart
Kryon Motorcycle Parts Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0936)209-4642 Mla ............................ (02)8716-2885 Bellagio Square Mla ...... (0977)390-9219
384 9th Ave KC .............. (02)8355-3380
Lheetz Motorcycle Parts & Accessories
Excel Qlty Incorporated Mufflers and Exhaust Jolly Music Michael Saima Corporation
Will Twr Mall QC...........(0995)665-9563
27 Salvia QC .................. (02)8937-9632 129 13th Ave QC ............ (02)7373-1543
51 A Susano Rd QC ..... (0920)949-9753 Exponent Motor Corp Systems Jph Instrument Repair & Restoration Mollycoddle Nail Bar & Spa
Villa Aurora Bldg QC ..... (0917)676-2447
Lncs Trading Company Doctor Arcadio Santos Ave 8 Kabalitang QC ........... (0963)689-0692
1-484 Jp Rizal Mkna ...... (02)8941-5697 Pque ........................ (0999)885-5668 Muffler Land Jt Music Store Nail A Holic
Makimoto Trading Kamote On Wheels 102 Tomas Morato Ave 24 S Veloso SJ.............(0917)899-4939 Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8854-5726
15417 E Rodriguez Ave 516 Del Fierro Mla ........ (0939)778-2074 QC ............................. (02)8926-0132 Music And Audio Solutions And Services Nail It!
Pque .......................... (02)8775-6108 Lucky Sun 10th Ave KC ...... (02)8362-8951 Nodalo Trading Corporation Inc Greenhills Shopping Ctr
115 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Isidro Mendoza Bldg Mla (02)8353-3895 SJ .............................. (02)8661-4418
QC ............................. (02)8712-0024 Music Source Nail Potions
Oem Thuyo Corporation Civic Dr Festival Mall Filinvest 2 Rd QC .......... (0917)184-4241
A Del Mundo KC ............. (02)8364-8584 Munt ........................ (0933)200-4114 Nail Spa Lounge
Recording Garage Sm Mega Mall Mand ...... (02)8470-3790
San Francisco Gardens Nail Touched
Multimedia Service Mand ....................... (0917)808-7394 12 St Mary Ave Mkna ... (0917)602-5312
Rj Guitar Land Incorporated Nail Tropics
8Mm Media Concepts Company Pinaglabanan SJ.............(02)8725-7357 Lifestyle Ctr Evia LP........(02)8869-2902
Raya Garden Condmn Saini Enterprises Musical Instruments Nailandia Studio And Body Spa
Pque .......................... (02)8881-5118 4087 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd One Oasis Condmn Psg .. (02)7956-2113
B & E Editing House Mla .......................... (0917)137-6785 Nailcessity Spa
33-E Banaag Psg ........... (02)7618-9038 Sitla Incorporated Capitol Masonic Bldg
Blitz Marketing And Events Incorporated 1420 Pres E P Quirino Ave QC ............................. (02)8668-4020
Nac Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8840-3692 Mla ............................ (02)8563-3426 Nailfiles
Clyde Villegas Productions Sqoe Guitars Philippines Sm City Sucat Pque........(02)7720-8575
349 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 1023 Teresa Mkti ......... (0916)425-6098 Nailfinity
Psg ............................ (02)8781-3993 T J Ziller Phils Incorporated Ea Fernandez Bldg Mla ... (02)8292-0380
Psec East Twr Psg ......... (02)8470-9022 Nailgasm Salon
Triple J Guitars Citimotor Mkti...............(0926)728-9000
Museums Commonwealth Ave Nailogy Spa
QC ........................... (0995)946-4499 Robinson Place  Manila
Art Cube Philippines Tsf Salonga Mla ............................ (02)8567-1948
2316 Karrivin Plz Mkti .... (02)8816-7758 Raon Shopping Ctr Mla...(02)8733-2376 Nails Dot Glow
Bonifacio Art Foundation Incorporated 5062A P Burgos Mkti ..... (02)8801-6703
Jy Campos Park Taguig .. (02)7909-6463 Nails Glow Hand & Foot Spa
Chinatown Museum Nail Salon 12 Northridge Plz QC ...... (02)8352-8140
Lucky Chinatown Mla ..... (02)8293-2584 Odille Hair And Nail Couture
Maria Lena Buhay Memorial Foundation 1st Nails & Spa Zabarte Rd QC .............. (0926)661-4109
25 Starline Rd QC...........(02)8647-1270 527 M Almeda Pat..........(02)8697-7824 Philbeauty
Mikra Art Gallery A&A Nails Ph 9th St PC .... (0915)266-9188 Fly Ace Corporate Ctr
Jamboree QC ................. (02)8414-4557 Beaubox Nail Station PC ............................. (02)8551-7803
115-E Loreto KC ............ (02)8288-4869 Pigsy Nails
Izumi Tires Mfg Museo Ng Makati
986 J P Rizal Mkti .......... (02)8896-2464
Philippine Science Centrum
Blue Prince Hair And Nail Salon Aston Bldg KC .............. (0917)817-2422
1229 Batangas Mkti ..... (0916)500-4159 Pretty Paint Nail Salon And Spa

Co Inc E-Com Bldg Mkna .......... (02)8942-4137 Charmish Nail Spa Bagong Calzada Pat ..... (0906)902-4325
Indg Bldg QC ................ (0916)219-4579 Red Rock Nail Spa Incorporated
Cherrymint Salon 3270C Neil Armstrong Ave
42 A Pablo, Valenzuela City, Music Instruction - 44 Gen Ave QC.............(0928)472-3164 PC ............................. (02)8552-3754
Metro Manila 1441 Philippines Cocomo Nail And Beauty Hut Ruby Nails 6th St PC ........ (0925)755-5518
Vocal South Supermarket Sea Salt Nails & Body Spa
Tel. No.: (02) 8292-1752 Psg .......................... (0915)137-5436 1 Jaguar QC ................. (0906)233-7140
Lyric Comfort Zone Body And Nail Spa Sheila's Nail Extension
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8352-2803 1154 B Maceda Mla ....... (02)7759-2793 544 F Manalo Psg ........ (0950)739-1038

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177 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Nail - Oil 177

Reach Out Feed Philippines Inc Balgos Barretto Realty Firm Amary Solid Narra Furniture Miguel Aguas
Nail Salon (Cont'd) Cyber One Bldg QC.........(02)8464-9348 L7 B6 Delaware Val ........ (02)7369-9067 709 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0947)787-8736 Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0273
Tulay Sa Pagunlad Incorporated Catalina Building Arcl Furniture Obra Office Furniture
Sissys Nail Art & Spa Regis Bldg QC ................ (02)8373-4842 9 New York QC...............(02)8654-3914 262 A Mabini KC .......... (0915)218-8906 12 Santan QC ................. (02)8998-3268
Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8553-3502 Cb Vitug Building Coalesce Sales Incorporated Office Fundamental Ideas Company
Skin Zen Facial And Nail Spa 559 Engracia C Reyes 19B E Rodriguez Jr  Avenue 40-A Banawe QC............(02)8711-0099
49 Sct Alcaraz QC ........ (0917)794-6841 Non-Life Insurance Mla ............................ (02)8708-0066 Pque .......................... (02)8821-1857 Paway Steel Corporation
Socionailgy Nail Spa Ceo Building Cost U Less Incorporated 2391 Zapote Mkti ........... (02)7964-0554
2057 Calamba Mla ....... (0906)383-1438 Alpha Insurance & Surety Corporation 4 Edsa Ceo Bldg SJ ........ (02)8722-0731 Jy & Sons Cpd Taguig .... (02)8837-5847
Dewan Design Office Incorporated Scp Rubber Stamp Services
Stellaya Nail Spa And Massage Cityland Shaw Twr Cj7 Maniago Realty C Jose PC ...................... (02)3447-7537
85 C Raymundo Psg .... (0910)699-2227 Mand ......................... (02)8687-4757 Joya Loft And Twrs Condmn Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8470-8148
Straight Up Salon Mkti ........................... (02)8370-9554 Distinctive Blinds And Office Systems Tcn Interior Solutions Incorporated
Moneymax.Ph Grems Place Ctre LP ...... (02)8823-9438
18B Congressional Ave Act Twr Mkti...................(02)8236-6481 Edsa Grand Residences Incorporated
QC ........................... (0908)730-8241 Edsa QC ......................... (02)3455-8806 Km 18 West Svc Rd Tetra Technologies Distribution
Sugar Polish Serves Engarland Development Corporation Pque .......................... (02)3416-1820 Incorporated
817 Dalupan Mla .......... (0926)684-8371 Noodles Kalayaan Plz Bldg QC ..... (02)8925-1421 Furnitura 678 Edsa QC......(0939)914-3889 2326 Chino Roces Ave
Mkti ......................... (0922)370-6844
Tease Waxing & Nail Salon Federal Tower Condominium Corporation Gentleprince Incorporated
Dna Soledad Ave Pque . (0945)154-1020 Bun Appetit Dasmarinas Mla ............. (02)8242-2184 425 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8521-1850 Wincollins Furniture Enterprise
Tips & Top Nail And Hair Spa Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8842-9708 Forbestown Center Incorporated Kano Furniture And Design Solutions Fairwood Villas QC ......... (02)7940-9358
Lilac Mkna ................... (0917)168-6867 Hong Kong Noodles Forbes Town Ctr Taguig . (02)8511-0044 16 Boston QC...............(0906)698-3171
Trend Style Salon 873 Diamond Arcade Goldrich Mansion Korix Office Furniture Enterprises
Royale Arcade Bldg QC .. (02)8351-7264 QC ........................... (0909)574-3214 4700 Cuangco Mkti ........ (02)7728-2985 311 Geronimo QC ........ (0945)255-8774 Office Space
Triple Luck Brow & Nail Salon Joe Kuan Noodle Parlor J L De Leon Investment Incorporated Thricias Bamboo Hut
Mindanao Ave QC...........(02)8275-2306 21 Pagataan QC ............. (02)8365-5030 Vicente Madrigal Bldg Batasan-San Mateo Rd Calvo 266 Escola Mla ......... (02)8241-4762
Tropical Treatments Nail And Body Spa Manvy Fresh Vegetable Noodles Mkti ........................... (02)8810-3826 QC ........................... (0942)998-4155 City Plaza
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8516-2495 Kin Sen Realty Torn Yang Phils Incorporated 439 Del Conde Mla ......... (02)8245-0653
SJ .............................. (02)8569-8119 Icon Residences Taguig . (02)8984-2747 Mabato Rd Taguig .......... (02)8640-9469 Flyspaces
Marikina Food Corporation Total Business Solutions Incorporated
Tulua Nail Spa 228 Champaca Mkna ..... (02)8356-7429 Mgi 1120 Building World Plz Bldg Taguig .... (02)8359-3225
Ever Commonwealth 1120 Mendiola Mla.........(02)8561-3934 Jemco Bldg Psg ............. (02)8640-3544
Pancit Malabon Fort Legend Towers Corporation
QC ........................... (0947)885-7996 348 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8517-7660 Propertymart Corporation 3rd Ave Taguig ............... (02)8403-2811
Vintage Nail Salon & Spa Robinsons Summit Ctr
5 A Santiago Nav..........(0916)782-0381 Mkti ........................... (02)8736-0356 Office Furniture and Jct Ez Loan Corporation
Congressional Town Ctr
Wellbellas Beauty Lounge
Illuzione Suite Ladies Dormitory
Nuts - Edible Santos Knight Frank Equipment QC ............................. (02)8294-9708
Ayala Twr One Exch Plz
Mla .......................... (0916)349-0597 Mkti ........................... (02)7752-2580 Kmtc Philippines Corporation
Bataan Cashew & Seafood 1 Corinthian 13 Business Commercial One Serendra East Twr
Ysabella Nails & Spa Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8882-0639 Studio F Interior Design Services
1717 Sobriedad Mla ..... (0967)819-9094 658 Evangelista Mla ....... (02)8733-2272 Taguig........................(02)8847-0951
Chef Roger's Food Products Narra Pque ..................... (02)8808-8308 Basic1 Business Solutions Incorporated
Zassy Nail Salon Regus Service Center
397B Binakod Mkti ....... (0916)900-1735 9 Chua LP .................... (0946)750-6943 Tan Frankum & Associates Incorporated 66 N S Amoranto Sr Ave W Bldg Taguig................(02)8689-7500
Kimbee Nuts La O' Ctre Mkti................(02)8553-2995 QC ............................. (02)8230-4302 Reliance Center
Zsuitch Spa
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8723-7650 Toplite Development Corporation
Casa Consuelo Bldg
Peanuts 2622 P Ocampo Mla ...... (02)8252-5877 CORNERSTEEL SYSTEMS Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8667-0800
Mla .......................... (0917)180-9772 Robinsons Cyberscape Alpha
Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0919)627-9575 Transphil Land Corporation CORPORATION Robinsons Cyberscape Alpha
Rosel's Finest Khalas Dates P Ocampo Twnhms Mla . (02)8523-1284
Name Plates Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)528-6396 W Global Realty Incorporated The World Centre Bldg Psg ............................ (02)8477-0974
W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8808-0463 Tarik Property Holdings Incorporated
Yuchengco Tower Makati ..... (02)8867-8301 One Corporate Ctr Twr
Fox Deco N Art Incorporated Cornersteel Systems
Aic Grande Twr Psg........(02)7503-8116 Nuts and Bolts 550 Yuchengco Twr Mla.(02)8242-8888 Psg ............................ (02)8470-9158
Universal Tower
King Printed Plastic Corporation Corporation 1487 Universal Twr QC .. (02)8373-9091
7570A Cruz Cpd Pque .... (02)8829-8137 Gentner Enterprises
213-215 Delmonte Ave
Office Equipment CORNER-
QC ............................. (02)8365-1535
A6 Shipping Thermal Shipping Labels STEEL SAMPLE Oil Exploration
Navigational, Golden Screw Center Hfs Bldg QC ................. (0908)877-8770 SYSTEMS ONLY
158 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8330-5368
Measuring and Modele Concepts Commercial Company
Alt-Pos Provision Systems Enterprises
Phildaf Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8332-1521 CORP Omars Lpg Store
Del Monte Mansion Bldg 55 Bayan Bayan Ave
Control Instruments QC ............................. (02)8711-2047 Calcmenu Philippines Incorporated Mkna ......................... (02)8942-5173
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-3179 The World Centre Bldg The Philodrill Corporation
Enginelink International Company PI TRACTOR INC Citizen Machine Center Quad Alpha Centrum
The Place Bldg SJ .......... (02)8723-1984 427 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8244-5280 Duodamcel Enterprises Mand ......................... (02)8631-8151
Unitech Engineering Corporation
Nuts and Bolts Collins International Trading 74 Pugong Ginto QC.......(02)8426-0824 Trans Asia Oil & Energy
611 Shaw Blvd Mand ..... (02)8724-6143 Dealer in: Komatsu, TCM, Caterpillar, A Rodriguez Ave Psg ...... (02)8681-1818 Exceline Global Concept Incorporated Phinma Plz Condmn
C Ramirez & Co Bldg
Hyster, Isuzu, Fuso, Hino, Nissan, Etc. CYBER FRONTIER QC ............................. (02)8732-9438
Mkti ........................... (02)8870-0100
Networking Tel. Nos.: 8361-7151 * 8364-3357 ELECTRONICS TRADING Forte Showroom Corporation
Trinoma QC .................... (02)7901-3641
Furniture Fair Ojela Inc
Oil Seals
Rich Phils Incorporated 8361-2788 * 8361-8923 * 8363-5213
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8687-4839 303 Rizal Av Ext 2971 Rizal Ave Ext Mla ... (02)8781-9439
Palmera Heights Cainta Globalpos Solutions Incoporated Ng Arsenio
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-3370 China Bldg Mla ............... (02)8254-8010
Rizal........(02)8284-2834 Cityland 10 Twr 2 Mkti ... (02)8893-3599
Networking Devices PI Tractor Inc (See Advertisement on this page)
H And P Modular System Incorporated Schneider Electric (Phils) Incorporated
Fort Legend Twr Taguig .. (02)8836-9273
Gpi Bldg Taguig .............. (02)8866-3593
Daniel Merchandising Jmmg Furniture Shop Sm Oil Seal Parts Center (Sealmatic)
Fone Twist Engineering Mal..............(02)8363-2346
Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8441-1572 1835 Zenia KC ............... (02)7906-7264 1044 G Masangkay Mla..(02)8244-7804
Danjon Marketing
Universal Access System Corporation PI 14 Engineering Mal.........(02)8363-2346
Reliance Ctr Psg.............(02)8667-0868
TRACTORS Delsan Office Systems Corp
7893B Lawaan Mkti ....... (02)8834-0153
Night Clubs CO INC Ezzy Reign Enterprises
23 A De Guzman Mkna . (0947)289-2777
Eventsecpro Inc 303 Rizal Av Ext Functional Incorporated
South Star Plz Bldg Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-3370 Functional Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8899-8729
Mkti ......................... (0917)159-6711 Havenxian Office Furniture
Rigidity Bolts And Tools Inc Rockville Ave QC ............ (02)8932-7687
45-B Pinatubo Mand ...... (02)8532-9703 Ink Ally Co Ltd
Nitrogen Tensile Group And Company Incorporated 103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)7576-7443
1039 D Benavidez Mla .... (02)8244-2029 Knovatech Corporation
C Daniel & Js Trading Wilmar Metal Systems Incorporated 814 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)7759-2957
Jmj Bldg Mla .................. (02)7959-1125 1326-1328 C M Recto Ave Lasergem Enterprise
Mla ............................ (02)8734-6015 4233 Laredo Mkti ........... (02)8579-0894
New Datche Phils Traders Corp
Non-Alcoholic Ob-Gyne
Globe Telecom Plz 1
Mand ......................... (02)8632-9049
Christian Water Refilling Station Office And Paper Ally Co Ltd
Villa Caridad 2 Mkti.........(02)8984-8865 Christ The King Ob-Gyne Clinic 103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)8637-7790
Fruitas Group Of Companies 2221 Amatista Mla ......... (02)8561-5045 Olympia Philippines Inc
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0936)460-9192 Ob Gyne Pediatrics Medical Clinic Oak Mla ......................... (02)8563-8884
Jms Aqualine Natural Alkaline Water Roosevelt Ave QC.........(0927)148-5932 Optimum Paper Supply Co Ltd
Pjc Place Bldg 2 QC ....... (02)8782-2049 Paiso-Ramos Maternity Clinic 103 Hoover SJ ............... (02)7358-6296
Tea Ventures Co Incorporated 102 Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Ave R V Steel Manufacturer
37C Kalinangan Psg ....... (02)8654-1810 Psg ............................ (02)8682-6734 727 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)8535-4519
The Pediatric Clinic Ramtec Business Machines Incorporated
128 Dna Soledad Ave 50 P Cruz Mand ............. (02)8532-8530
Non-Government Pque ........................ (0917)795-6877 Rr Official Bus Mach
322 Dasmarinas Mla ...... (02)8242-9368
Victory Lying-In Center
Organization (NGO) 2104 Dimasalang Mla...(0956)879-1685 Rudolf Lietz Incorporated
Lietz Industrial Cplx

Cyber Frontier
Aerospace Industries Association Of The Pque .......................... (02)8821-7181
Philippines Office and Steelsource Incorporated
Titanium Bldg Taguig .... (0949)993-7994 39 William Shaw KC ....... (02)8363-7112
Dbm - Department Of Budget &
Residential Buildings Tri-M Vault Specialist
V G Cruz Twnhms Mla .... (02)8732-7722
Electronics Trading Inc
Dbm Bldg 3 Mla ............. (02)8657-3300 1010 Building Palmera Heights, Cainta, Rizal 1900
Gua - Epai 1010 Mabini Mla ............ (02)8524-9440
Afp Ep Recreation Ctr Bldg Ajrc Marketing & Real Estate Services Office Furniture Tel. No.: (02) 8284-2834
QC ............................. (02)8911-6001 Sgt Catolos QC ............... (02)8935-0585
Las Pinas Municipality Barangay Zapote Apartments For Rent X 3 Aces Interior Designs And Furnishing
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8871-1229 31st St Taguig .............. (0912)345-6789 Cityland Pioneer Mand .... (02)7576-3591

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178 S C M Y K

178 Oils - Packaging 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Ronnie & Joe Optical Salon Lapt Eye Experts Optical
Oils Online Stores Sm Aura Premier Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)8889-0315 Packaging
Taguig......................(0933)673-9820 Moa Optical Clinic
C & Lubes Oils_ Philippines Burket Rl Bldg Mand ........... (02)7971-6225 Royal Eyewear Distribution Incorporated Luzon Ave QC .............. (0908)874-4854 Best Choice Packaging
Manila Luxury Condmn Cln Bay Blvd PC ................. (02)8556-0094 Don Tim Bldg Mkti .......... (02)8887-0819 MTC Optical Laboratory Inc 8 Avellano KC.................(02)8355-3097
Psg .......................... (0906)247-6540 Designplus Trading Enterprises Sabater Optical 11 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-7202 Blue Thumb
Delphioil Corporation Camp Graezar QC ........... (02)3455-6491 Quirino Nova Mall QC ..... (02)3417-1026 Telega Incorporated Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8722-8232
Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8555-0525 Ec2Getme Samantha Trading Trinoma QC .................... (02)7916-7183 Concept Repacking Services Corporation
Eximius Miracle Oil Marketing 5114 Sulok Val ............. (0931)899-8085 Greenhills Shopping Ctr 11 Manga Rd Mal ........... (02)8363-7698
224 Mei Hua Plz KC ..... (0917)838-1337 Estee's Native Kakanin SJ .............................. (02)8727-0430 Datrima Packaging & Ind'l Corporation
Prestine Trading 17 Geometry QC .......... (0917)705-3508 Samsung Optical Center Incorporated Orchid Growers 7 T Santiago Val ............. (02)8292-2034
Giftgonow New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8288-7243 Detpak Packaging Philippines Incorporated
B5 L8 Elon-Elon Pque.....(02)8772-6733 San Diego Optical 100 M Concepcion Ave
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0921)554-7952 Greenscape Garden Landscape
ROSTAM PHILIPPINES INC Lovablecommerce.Com Corporation
71 Mh Del Pilar Mal ........ (02)8288-5109 Maintenance Psg ............................ (02)8628-4977
Bsa Twintwr Mand ......... (02)8477-4446 San Juan Optical 1821 Pilar Rd LP .......... (0917)716-1082 Gc Abucay Packaging Corporation
2447 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8561-0948 G Marcelo Val.................(02)8985-6744
Love & Alice Co Sarabia Optic Good Hope Tapes Incorporated
11 Waling-Waling Rd
LP ............................ (0997)816-4577
Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8442-5408 O-Rings 157 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)3412-8094
Greenpark Enterprises
Spex Greenbelt 5 Mkti.........(02)7501-3149
Myvape Airborne Incorporated Starfinder Optical Trading Corporation 145B Congressional QC . (02)3455-7456
13 King Alexander QC.....(02)8995-3035 E B Karmine Commercial
Phototekk Camera & Photography Gears
Robinsons Metro East 2461 Urdaneta Mkti ........ (02)8882-2151 Loopex Packaging Products Inc
Psg ............................ (02)8681-5254 6052 Tatalon Val ............ (02)8984-5081
Zeta II Bldg Mkti..............(02)7902-0969 Sun Glass Haven Megapak Packaging Online Shop
Baluyot Coml Ctr Pque ... (02)8994-3674
Edsa Mand ..................... (02)7955-6049
Sunglass Hut Corporation
Orthopedic Supplies 882 H R Capistrano
Tel: 8931-0191 / Fax: 8931-1846 Weemall.Com 16 R Roxas QC .............. (02)8713-0052 Nagase Philippines Corporation
191 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8555-3388 Backjoy Trafalgar Plz Mkti............(02)7750-2931
The Eyepod Sm Mall Of Asia Main Mall
0928 5027165 / 0917 5862012 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8635-0898 Packaging Depot Manila
PC ............................. (02)8556-0280 P & S Bldg QC .............. (0927)922-2261
0925 5862012 The Optical Shop Premiere
Optical Shops Glorietta 2 Mkti ............... (02)7576-8023
G4 Medical Supplies Pc Packaging Center
Email: [email protected] M De Leon East Psg ....... (02)8289-9854 1208 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8516-6026
View Point Optical Clinic
Abesamis Optical Clinic 316 Sixto Antonio Psg .... (02)8641-6734 Newgen Meditech Incorporated Polly Trading & Packaging
Website: https:// Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8990-3395 634 P Paterno Mla..........(02)8733-3846 Vrn Total Optical Incorporated 12 Marikina East Subd
Acebedo Optical 6057 R Palma Mkti.........(02)8553-3335 Pain & Rehab Care Mkna ......................... (02)7369-7735
27 Samson Rd KC..........(02)8366-1604 Yes Optica Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)7914-7256 Seadard Supply Chain Management Phils
21 Don Vicente
Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183 Dental-Optical Clinic Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8521-7278 Inc
Strata 100 Bldg Psg ....... (02)8361-1149 Pearl Of The Orient Twr
E V Acebedo Optical Oxygen Mla .......................... (0999)780-4451
ROSTAM PHILIPPINES INC 32 J P Rizal Ext Mkti ....... (02)8533-9667 Optical Supplies Sky Marion Flexo Corporation
8426 Dr A Santos Ave
Eye Contact Optical
614 Boni Rpm Mand ...... (02)8534-2099 Dr Rose Mercado-Magno Optical Clinic
1 LORJALE AIR SUPPLY Munt .......................... (02)8556-1913
ROSTAM Eye Crafts Jaime Cardinal Sin Bldg ACETYLENE & Triple J Marketing
Eastwood Eastwood Mall Mla ............................ (02)8358-7577 M De Santos Mla ............ (02)7617-8985
QC ............................. (02)8570-0009 Eyecraft
Eye Master Optical Clinic Robinsons Magnolia QC . (02)8994-2080 Maxifive Bldg Mal ........... (02)8547-0073
INC Igram Optical Shop
•Industrial Oxygen & Acetylene
120 11th Ave KC ............ (02)8361-5685
318 P Gomez Mla.........(0917)556-0058 •Medical Oxygen & Regulator
21 Don Vicente
Eyeworks Incorporated
Festival Super Mall Munt.(02)8856-3285 Jaimir Optical Shop •Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon Packaging and
Quezon City ............... (02)8931-0183 I Craft Optical Palma Mla .................... (0925)724-2525 & other gases Printing
827 Reyes Bldg QC ........ (02)3413-1152 Kenneth Optique Asia Inc • Guaranteed quality & services
Southern Luzon Coconut Oil Mills 508-B Sales Mla.............(02)8733-3853
Ucpb Bldg Mkti...............(02)8892-7961 I2I C G K Scrap Trading
Robinsons Galleria QC .. (0949)378-4927 Manila Optical Supplies Trading For FAST and FREE delivery 26-A Prelaya Mal............(02)8351-8841
Unioil Petroleum Philippines Inc Emerald Bldg Mla ............ (0915)435755
Rubber Master Rd Val .... (02)8293-0337 Intershade Commercial Incorporated 8255-7699 • 8251-5653 Chesman's Trading
Fems Twr Mla ................ (02)8521-0777 Metro Sunnies Maginhawa 2772 Dagupan Ext Coral Mla ..................... (0916)480-6920
J P Sabater Optical Corporation Sterten Place QC ............ (02)7799-4415 Manila ....................... (02)8257-0068 Ese-Ecpack General Merchandise
Rslab Optical Shop
Online Gaming Sm City San Lazaro Mla . (02)8353-7347
Emerald Circle Bldg
L20 B8 Greenfields QC ... (02)8899-9762
Mla .......................... (0947)299-8288 1 Lorjale Air Supply
Laurence Myles B Fabros Eye Clinic Mqcreations Merchandising
888 Twnhse SJ .............. (02)7576-7846 Tropical Hut Foodmart Bldg
Avia Management Group Incorporated Lynx Vision QC ............................. (02)7587-5808
Pan Pacific Manila Mla ... (02)8562-3937
Cubizone Philippines Corporation
Waltermart-Edsa QC ....... (02)8332-1093 Opticians and 1 Rad Innovations Inc
607 Filflex Cpd Psg ........ (02)7966-8646
Jollibee Plz Psg .............. (02)8655-4239
Narvadez Optical
508 A Flores Mla ............ (02)8526-7911 Optometrists LORJALE SAMPLE Vicfania Trading
Emphasis Services Limited Opti-Care Optical Shop AIR ONLY 24 Jamaica QC...............(02)7745-9631
Rcbc Plz Mkti ................. (02)8887-2525 35 A Matalino QC ......... (0961)727-9606 Centro Regalados Incorporated SUPPLY
Gamestop Optica Galeria
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Ast Bldg Mla...................(02)8733-5465
Nuestra Senora De Guia
Mla ............................ (02)8523-6916 2772 Dagupan Ext
SJ .............................. (02)8584-1942
Playerauctions Manila Incorporated
Optika Antiokos Optical Shop
Sales Mla ..................... (0975)872-1219
Eo Executive Optical Manila ....................... (02)8257-0068 Equipment
Metropoint Mall PC ......... (02)8833-9515
Prestige Twr Condmn Owndays Good Vision Optical Acer Merchandising
Psg ............................ (02)7621-2259 Brown Karton Packaging Corporation
Up Town Ctr QC ............. (02)8281-5391 New Farmers Plz QC.......(02)8911-2020 160 Molave QC .............. (02)8913-6445 Sunblest Cpd Bldg Munt . (02)8842-2228
Skr Computer Game Shop Rita Optical Shop Incorporated Green Optical Clinic New Acer Corporation Elgie Packaging Equipment Inc
2412 M Dela Cruz PC ..... (02)8843-2347 Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8816-0639 429 P Gomez Mla...........(02)8736-6028 160 Molave QC .............. (02)8913-6445 Diamond KC ................... (02)8984-2326
STATE AIR H M Manuel Incorporated
Amber Place Taguig ....... (02)8403-0735
MERCHANDIZING INC Oriental Tin And Metal Sheet Manufacturing
OXYGEN & ACETYLENE Gen Luis QC ................... (02)8936-1127
*ACETYLENE *NITROGEN Packaging Materials
Base One Machinery Sales Incorporated
*REPAIRS GAUGES *REGULATOR Good Harvest Cplx Psg ... (02)7501-6391
Blu Larimar Sales Resource Incorporated
TEL NOS.: 8641-5270 Tandang Sora Ave QC .... (02)8930-0528
8642-9164 / 8641-9461 Calypso Plastic Center
771 Elcano Mla .............. (02)8247-6060
101 C Raymundo Av
Pasig ......................... (02)8641-5270 E-WHA FOAM PHILS INC
State Air Merchandising PE FOAM, BUBBLE WRAP &
* Electronics / Semicon
* Furnitures & Appliances
* Artifacts & Ceramics
101 C Raymundo Av * Automotive & Other Applications
Pasig ......................... (02)8641-5270
Package Designing
QC Styropackaging Corp
[email protected]
and Development (02)8861-5601 / 5699 / 5011
Unit H G F Mcy Building, 1200 Edsa Ave, Brgy Bahay Toro, Adrush Creative Media Incorporated
29 Isabelo Mendoza
Quezon City, Metro Manila 1106 Mkna ......................... (02)8532-4236 Mobile: 0939-7867800
Ink Elephant Design Studio 0917-1573257
Tel. No.: (02) 8928-5002 Socorro QC .................. (0995)572-7905
Kimbells Pack Incorporated Cadena de Amor/CP Tinga
45-A 45 Congressional Ave Brgy San Miguel Taguig . (02)8861-5601
QC ............................. (02)8926-0106

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179 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Packaging - Paper 179

Gile Paint Center
Packaging Materials WTG ENTERPRISE 104 Molina Marikina City Eastkem Industrial Inc Paper Bag
Mkna ......................... (02)8425-2271
(Cont'd) Gleamist Coatings EASTKEM Manufacturing
WTG Dr A Santos Ave Pque .... (02)8334-8172 INDUSTRIAL
E-Wha Foam Phils Inc ENTER-
J & J Virgo Sales Corporation
977 C M Recto Ave Mla..(02)8252-1062 INC SKY INDUSTRIAL BAGS
E-WHA J Belga Paint Center And General
FOAM 131 6th Ave
8F Emerald LP ................ (02)8510-0870
PHILS Caloocan City ............ (02)8442-7379 Delmonte Ave QC ........... (02)7755-0694 9 Pulog Mandaluyong .... (02)8534-1946
L T B Paint Center Lending Sang Hardware
INC 986 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)8421-6480 661 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5277 Globe/Viber 0945-3972468
Packaging Service Makati Avenue Lumber Hardware And Leong Seng Hardware
Construction Supply Gto Bldg Mla .................. (02)8733-5278
5173 P Gomez Mkti ........ (02)8899-7036 3 Reparo Caloocan City . (02)8361-8056
Bouyant Marketing Incorporated Mega Paint And Coating Corporation
Elta Industries Inc Page One Munt...............(02)8835-9207 Mandaluyong Paint Center & Hardware 745 Aurora Bvd QC ........ (02)8724-1877
6363 P Medina Mkti ....... (02)8816-2085 Marketing Solutions Inc 445 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8531-5696 Philips Paint Manufacturing Sky Industrial Bags Inc
Formplas Services Corporation 888 M Alvarez Ave LP .... (02)8805-8569 Metro Husky Corporation Gto Bldg Mla .................. (02)8733-5278
42 G De Jesus KC .......... (02)8363-3160 296 P Tuazon Blvd QC....(02)8911-9767 PPLM Industrial Corp
Gagmax Packaging Solutions Inc Pacific Paint Phils Incorporated 5 Dr A Santos Ave Pque . (02)8820-2029 SKY
524 Dr Sixto Ave Psg ... (0945)670-1983
Greenstone Packaging Corporation
Packing Materials - 159 Calamba QC ............ (02)8559-7944
Rockdj Colors Incorporated
60 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8921-2711 Mechanical M Alvarez Ave LP ........... (02)8808-4297 CHEMICAL INC BAGS INC
MEGA PACKAGING Zenith Paint Center
Aero-Seal Trading And Industrial Supply Adan Residence Taguig .. (02)7507-4475 Gavino Marilao
CORPORATION 61 16Th Ave QC ............. (02)8911-8451 Bulacan...(02)8365-7538 Kimika Industrial Sales Corporation 3 Reparo Caloocan City . (02)8361-8056
e-mail: [email protected] 1857 Ma Y Orosa Mla.....(02)8354-9860 Paint Manufacturers (See Advertisement on this page)
Sparko Surface Coatings Incorporated
Oroseal Industrial Parts Supply 490 Edsa Ave QC ........... (02)8352-1157
Airstrip Rd Canlubang 158D 6Th Ave KC...........(02)8363-4322 3Trees Paint Paper Converters
Laguna .... (02)8844-7496 Summit Industrial Supply Quezon Ave QC .............. (02)8459-6365
Manuel L Quezon Taguig (02)7216-4466 Amstar Process Tech Inc Painting Contractors Macro Commercial Paper Products
Or Call ........... (02)8838-8981 The West Wing QC ......... (02)8373-5542
Maysan Rd Val ............... (02)8293-7402
Or Call ........................... to 83 ASIAN COATINGS PHILS Ac Trojan Industries Incorporated
Paint and Coating Anselma Bldg Psg .......... (02)8642-5800 Oneparagon Corporation
INC Oneparagon Corporation
Or Call ......... (0919)073-5820 Larmine Paint Center
KC ............................. (02)8363-3073
Apc Chemical Industries Inc 43 Kalayaan QC ............. (02)8441-0170
. ............... (0998)599-6773 Omni-Colors Painting Services
Medical Plz Ortigas Bldg Tel Nos. (02)8682-8888
Mega Packaging Pelbel 1 Bldg Psg ........... (02)7730-3035
Psg ............................ (02)8585-3696
Paper Dealers
Daebo Green Pacific Incorporated
MEGA Gold Condmn SJ ............ (02)8705-1907 (02)8645-0807 / (02)8645-8750 Pallets and Skids Atlanta Stationery And Paper Supply
Eastkem Industrial Incorporated
PACKA- 59 San Rafael Mand ....... (02)8534-1111 (02)8645-8744 / (02)8645-1583
477 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8241-5233
L Oliveros Enterprises Chong Guan Trading Corporation
GING QR HERE! Hong Yi Painting Co Ltd Incorporated Fax Nos. (02)8645-0801 5117 Sulok Val ............... (02)8359-8602 710 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-7861
17 M Lozada Pat ............ (02)8628-2074 Loscam Philippines Incorporated
CORPO- (02)8682-0287 Dlc Trade Ctr Incorporated
Power-Up Color Station And Paint Supply 54 E Rodriguez Jr Psg .... (02)8671-8031 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ............. (02)8984-8443
120 Paso De Blas Val ..... (02)3445-3528
Airstrip Rd Canlubang Raigo Metal Finishing Inc
House Paints: 0917-509-4188
Laguna ...................... (02)8844-7496 Reparo Rd KC .............. (0925)515-0906 0999-151-4008 Paper and Pulp Mill TRADING COMPANY
Packaging Institute Of The Phils Car Paints: 0917-509-2877 Equipment and
Cityland Shaw Twr
Mand ......................... (02)8687-3051
Paint Dealers 0917-509-2879 Supplies
Polywell Packaging Product Company
87 Baler QC....................(02)8374-7884 Asian Coatings Philippines Incorporated Caleb Paper & Pulp Incorporated PAPER, OFFICE SUPPLIES AND
48 Amang Rodriguez Ave 48 A Rodriguez Ave Santolan Pasig
Trunkline ................... (02)8682-8888 1965 Sandejas Mla ........ (02)8536-3517 PAPERBOARD PRODUCTS
QC STYROPACKAGING CORP Psg ............................ (02)8682-8888
TEL NO.: 83665607-09 FAX: 8366-5614
Colours Express Enterprises
1200 EDSA Quezon Susano Rd KC ................ (02)8962-3837 Asian Coatings Phils Inc The YELLOW PAGES 576 EDSA Kalookan City (02)8366-5608
City ......... (02)8928-5002 EASTKEM INDUSTRIAL INC
(See Advertisement on previous page) ASIAN is the place to search.
San Lorenzo Corrugated Boxes
P Dela Cruz QC...............(02)8937-0931 PHILS ONLY services and dealers are
Use it at home,
Synergy Sales International Corp EPOXY FOOD GRADE PAINTS use it at work...
80 7Th Ave KC ............... (02)8366-7962 P.U. PAINT/MEMBRANE Waterproofing
listed in The Yellow Pages It’s the complete
WTG ENTERPRISE COLD GALVANIZING/ZINC RICH E.P. 48 Amang Rodriguez Av buying guide.
FIRE RETARDANT/INTUMESCENT PAINT Pasig ......................... (02)8682-8888 for your quick reference.
Distributor of Plastic / Steel Strap
9 Pulog Mandaluyong .... (02)8534-1111 Camp Bridge Paint
and Strapping Tools 29B Tirona KC ................ (02)8365-6571
Tel No. 8351-2670 Eastkem Industrial Inc EASTKEM INDUSTRIAL INC
131 6th Ave INDUSTRIAL
Caloocan City ............ (02)8442-7379 INC QR HERE! P.U. PAINT/MEMBRANE Waterproofing
people do read ads
in The YELLOW PAGES. 9 Pulog Mandaluyong .... (02)8534-1946 9 Pulog Mandaluyong .... (02)8534-1111

Prime Coating
and Chemical Inc
Gabino, Caloocan City, Metro Manila 3019
Tel. No.: (02) 8365-7538

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:10 2022 - P179

180 S C M Y K

180 Paper - Pawnshops 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Paper Dealers Keng Hua Paper Products PURITY PAPER INC PAPERLAND INC Partitions - Toilet
(Cont'd) 650 Circumferential Rd Manufacturer of
Multi Rich Home Decors Incorporated
KENG HUA Antipolo Bag Paper, Kraft Paper, Kraft Board, Bttc Ctre SJ .................... (02)8656-9239
PAPER Chip Board, Manila Paper,
Embu Integrated And Rizal........(02)8661-4100 Colored Newsprint
PRODUCTS (See Advertisement on this page) Party Planning
EMBU INC Triplex Enterprises Incorporated Leland Drive Balintawak QC
INTEGRATED Triplex Bldg Mkti.............(02)8892-6611 Fax: 8363-3607
516 Yuchengco Binondo
AND Mla............................(02)8242-7321 Leland Drv Quezon City .. (02)8361-8531 Jl Creative Balloons & Party Needs
QR HERE! Paper Manufacturing 32 J Cancio Mal ............. (02)8785-0734

Macro Paper Products Incorporated Paperland Inc Khloe's Party Needs And Gift Shop
410 N S Amoranto Sr Ave
17 F Alarcon Val ............. (02)8871-7696 Bataan 2020 Incorporated
226 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8361-1585 QC ............................. (02)8749-4422
576 EDSA Kalookan City (02)8366-5608 Menzi And Company Incorporated Racquel's Flower Shop
Security Bank Ctre Mkti .. (02)8891-1305
Formsmaster Computer Paper Incorporated
Raha Soliman Bldg Mkti..(02)8815-3205
PAPER- 98 Xavierville Ave QC....(0917)583-6688
Guillermo T Palao & Sons Incorporated
734-736 Tabora Mla ...... (02)8241-8578
NATION PAPER PRODUCTS LAND Roy's Toy & Gift Shop/ Balloons & Party
KENG HUA PAPER & PRINTING CORP THE YELLOW PAGES INC 440 Cementina PC ....... (0928)256-2238
Tickled Treat Party Needs & Events
PRODUCTS CO INC 34 Narciso Valen- Services
516 Yuchengco endorses all products Lucky Bayan Ctr QC ..... (0945)223-9285
zuela ....... (02)8983-8000 Leland Drv Quezon City .. (02)8361-8531
Manila.....(02)8242-7321 (See Advertisement on this page) and services of all Rhyno Paper Incorporated
Oversea Paper Supply 58 Old Samson Rd QC ... (02)8361-8725 Passenger Transport
Find it fast in the
The Yellow Pages. 700 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8241-7963 its Partners. Saga Paper Products Incorporated
Rmt Industrial Cplx Munt (02)8281-6004 Bonifacio Transport Corporation
Tnt Papersphere Trading Corporation Isla Verde Mkti ............... (02)8882-8287
33 Mayon QC ................. (02)8255-3156 Clint Duke Estebar Transport
Tr Paper Products Incorporated 37 Almond Psg .............. (02)7954-3135
Psec Psg ....................... (02)8634-6376 Ph Island Travel And Tours Incorporated
Transworld Paper Corporation 555 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8294-8998
272 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6923
Tri-Star Paper Products Incorporated
1550-1556 Gen Luna Patent and Licensing
Mla ............................ (02)8521-5002
Tricon Paper Products Corporation Brealant
476 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8332-9904 1030 Campus Ave Mla . (0917)311-3000
Veco Stationery Incorporated S H Buenaventura Law Office
499 Nueva Mla ............... (02)8242-1001 Burgundy Corporate Twr
Mkti ........................... (02)8856-4740
Paper Mills
Aclem Paper Mills Incorporated
501 Juan Luna Mla.........(02)8243-3871 Abela Pawnshop
Jnd International Corp Rosas Arcade Bldg Mal .. (02)8294-6369
1965 Sandejas PC..........(02)8536-3550 Ablaza P Aquino Mal...........(02)3447-4649
Mitsa Private Limited Ablaza Pawnshop-San Joaquin Branch
Burgandy Corporate Twr 43 M Concepcion Psg .... (02)8661-6566
Mkti ........................... (02)8844-6452 Acme Pawnshops Incorporated
Paperland Incorporated Mj Holdings Bldg LP ....... (02)8806-7117
Leland Drv QC ................ (02)8361-8531 Agencia De Empenos De Mb Aguirre
Valley Pulp & Paper Mills Inc 98 Makati Executive Twr 3
Leland Drv QC ................ (02)8361-8531 Mkti ........................... (02)8572-9507
Agencia De Emperions De Myrna
San Antonio Pque ........... (02)7261-2710
Paper Napkins Aguirre Loan Company Incorporated

Nation Paper Products Papertech Incorporated

835 F Pike Psg ............... (02)8571-2340
812 A Arnaiz Ave Mkti .... (02)8817-6425
Aguirre Pawnshop
5068 P Burgos Mkti ....... (02)8553-6802

& Printing Corporation

Allied Tambunting Pawnshop Incorporated
1127 Pedro Gil Mla ........ (02)8526-5053
Paper Scrap Bhf Gemline
Sm Ctr Point QC ............. (02)8254-6391
34 Narcesso St. Bgy., East Kanumay, Stafford Paper Corporation C T Filipinas Pawnshop Incorporated
26 Donesa Val ................ (02)8510-8710 Victory Central Mall KC ... (02)8921-8869
Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 1447 Philippines Charitable Pawshop Co Incorporated
909B White Pque ........... (02)8403-2914
Tel. No.: (02) 8983-8000 Paper Shredding Cmv Pawnshop
Machines Quezon Blvd Mla ............ (02)8516-2524
Deac Filipinas Pawnshop Incorporated
1620 A Linao Mla ........... (02)8521-4088
Elite Machines Inc E Tambunting Pawnshop Incorporated
169 Banlat Rd QC...........(02)8722-8888 1 San Rafael Psg ............ (02)8584-9331
Gentech It Solution Corporation Etg Pawnshop - Muntinlupa City 1
Rjtc Ctr QC ................... (0939)346-0075 670D Natl Rd Munt.........(02)8822-4081
Oscab Trading
12 Jose Abad Santos Farmacia Alina
Mkna ......................... (02)8543-3870 1776 Espana Blvd Mla....(02)8731-3792
First Planters Pawnshop Incorporated
Mata PC ......................... (02)8853-2611
Parking G Ochoa Realica Pawnshop-Frisco Branch
20 H Francisco QC ......... (02)8373-6811
Trisphere Solutions Inc Grj Jaro Pawnshop Corporation
Estrellita Bldg II Munt ...... (02)8801-9886 425 Alabang-Zapote Rd
LP .............................. (02)8403-7536
H L Villarica Pawnshop Incorporated
Parks and Rivera Bldg QC ............... (02)8939-5417
Ivana 313 A Mabini KC ....... (02)8288-7140
Recreation Centers Jewel Pawnshop
P Tuazon QC .................. (02)8352-5024
Malabon Zoo Jfdg Online Pawnshop
1 Gov Pascual Ave Mal ... (02)8361-3083 39 C Raymundo Ave
Manila Zoological And Botanical Garden Psg .......................... (0917)683-0417
Adriatico Mla .................. (02)8525-8157 Jose J Obillos Enterprises Incorporated
Rockwell Leisure Club Incorporated 876-U Aurora Blvd QC .... (02)8911-0088
Joya Lofts And Twr Mkti . (02)8831-6065 Js Pawnshops And Precious Gems
Seven Stars Bingo Corporation Incorporated
Arry Plz Pque ................. (02)8847-9878 Esjj Bldg Pque ................ (02)8478-8036
Skylove Recreation Haus Incorporated La Joya Pawnshop Incorporated
Westin Philippine Plz PC . (02)8832-9503 Greenhills Shopping Ctr
Zoomanity Group SJ .............................. (02)8721-0702
Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8701-1195 Maria Magdalena Pawnshop Corporation

Purity Paper Inc

253 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8842-0447
Marie Fay Opinion Pawnshop
Partitions 23 Jp Rizal Ext Mkti ........ (02)8519-3329
Circumferential Rd, Antipolo City, Rizal 1870 Cii Ac Facade Phils Inc
Cabral Industrial Park
968 Quirino QC .............. (02)3418-2954
Megatrade Pawnshop Incorporated
Tel. No.: (02) 8661-4100 Val ............................. (02)7904-0218
Lee Designs Industries Incorporated
962 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8332-6017
Megatrend Pawnshop Incorporated
663 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8352-8778 Dumalay QC ................... (02)8441-2523
Walls In Motion Incorporated Merced Hernanadez Pawnshop
9 Kabukiran Psg ............. (02)8641-7895 Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8638-9986

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181 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Pawnshops - Pharmaceutical 181

Security Marketing And Pest Management Grinsy Pet Shop Exemed Pharma Incorporated
Pawnshops (Cont'd) Pest Control 38 Triangle LP ................ (02)8800-4120 112C Dna Soledad Ave 76A Kundiman QC .......... (02)8373-2373
Sentinel Pest Control Services Pque .......................... (02)8776-2714 Feshan Philippines Inc
Myje Ochoa Pawnshop 615 Pest Control B5 L3 Parthenon QC ....... (02)8990-9122 Groomer's Clippers G Araneta Munt .............. (02)7358-5876
47 Alabang-Zapote Rd 21 St Anthony QC...........(02)7968-2655 Sharanayah Pest Control Services 2181 Fermin Mla .......... (0915)412-3223 G And B Pharma Corporation
LP ............................ (0942)806-1614 Aacm Pest Control 75 Commonwealth Ave Harleys Pet Supplies C And E Bldg QC ............ (02)8984-8563
N-Cash 37 Virginia Mkna .......... (0916)647-6302 QC ........................... (0915)594-5483 180 M H Del Pilar Mal .. (0915)416-6955 German Quality Pharma Incorporated
Santolan Arcade Mkna .. (0917)534-1811 Acd-Asn Pest And Termite Control Services Sir Vokz Pest Control Services Iro Pet Supplies Summit One Twr Mand ... (02)8656-9370
Noah's Ark Pawnshop Incorporated 32-A Cristobal QC ........ (0917)703-4683 Pablo Dela Cruz QC ........ (02)7794-5580 Cartimar Rd PC ............ (0948)654-3926 Getz Pharma (Phils ) Incorporated
83 Quirino Ave Pque ....... (02)8822-4919 Alog & Company Incorporated Smith Brothers Corp Juander Pet Store Rockwell Meralco Business Ctr
P J Lhuillier Incorporated Alabang Business Twr 5 Cambridge QC ............. (02)8911-7530 9C 2nd Camarilla QC .... (0917)658-5115 QC ............................. (02)8650-0529
1107 Gen San Miguel Munt .......................... (02)8478-3878 Snr Rodents Pro Manila Louise's Pet Store Great Well Pharma Incorporated
KC ............................. (02)8288-5359 Arlies Pest Control Quirino Hwy QC............(0927)754-6777 Bayes QC ..................... (0921)491-0934 Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8961-1917
PSGI 4243 Bagong Sikat Val ... (02)8264-0264 Stratec Industrial Sales And General Lulu's Pet Station Herbpharm Incorporated
15 Marrietta Ave Mkna ... (02)8681-0198 Barcia Pest Control Services Services Incorporated 2454 Science Psg ........ (0926)252-2003 World Trade Exch Bldg
Papas Pawnshop Pinagsama Vill Taguig .. (0919)523-4262 Capital Gane QC ............. (02)8862-8226 Nanay Care Online Pet Shop Mla ............................ (02)8241-0402
945 Quirino QC .............. (02)3417-6311 Bio-Tech Environmental Services Phils Inc The Bug Busters Incorporated 103 Rd 8 QC ................ (0956)915-1226 Hieisai Pharmaceutical Incorporated
Pawnhero Pawnshop 10 Sta Fe Psg.................(02)8634-9005 1415 Pablo Ocampo Sr Ortiz Professional Pet Grooming Salon Multinational Bancorp Ctr
W Global Ctr Taguig ....... (02)8828-2274 Mkti ........................... (02)8812-0407 127 M H Del Pilar QC ... (0928)378-1858 Mkti ........................... (02)8887-1048
Pawnsoft Services Incorporated CERTICON - CERTIFIED Timber Protection & Maint Services Inc Paw Shop Pet Supplies Hln Phil Trading Incorporated
Spark Place QC .............. (02)8442-6930 PEST CONTROL SERVICES Congbalay Bldg Pque ..... (02)8541-0781 17A Examiner QC ......... (0927)950-5000 Skyland Plz Condmn
Pj Lhuiller 21 Quirino QC.....(02)8461-6788 Tres Rsz Pest Control Services Pet Discount Mkti ........................... (02)8817-0712
Reynalyn Gadgets And Things Trading Inc Exterra TM Termite Baiting System 73 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8367-8411 142 Mc Arthur Hwy Mal . (02)8367-7499 Ips Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Alabang Zapote Rd Pest & Termite Management Tricon Pest Control Services Pet Zone One Joromo Place QC .... (02)8927-4159
Munt ........................ (0943)301-1826 153 B Serrano KC .......... (02)8363-1182 Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8703-7435 Johnson And Johnson Medical Philippines
S B Oliveros [email protected] Triple A Pest Terminator Inc Petcradle Pet Shop Km 14 Edison Rd Pque .. (02)8824-7901
2021 Fb Harrison PC ...... (02)8359-6840 Columbian Bldg QC ........ (02)8986-3795 Cartimar Coml Villas M S De Leon Pharmacy
8361-1971 / 0917-6758284 Urban Pest Control Services Co PC ........................... (0917)851-2413
Sb Oliveros Pawnshop Hermanos Bldg Pque ...... (02)8552-1600
280 P Diego Cera Ave 146 C 3rd St 2015 Sen Gil Puyat PC . (0905)723-8401 Petonix Poultry And Pet Supplies Megmus Pharmaceuticals Phils
LP .............................. (02)8565-4031 10th Ave Caloocan City..(02)8361-1065 Victory Pest Control Corporation 46 Victoneta Ave Mal....(0921)487-4681 Incorporated
St Eloi Pawnshop Operators Inc One Joroma Place QC .... (02)7218-8175 Pph Animal Haven Jpms Bldg Mkna ............ (02)7903-7385
2206 Market Munt .......... (02)8850-4617 Certicon - Certified Pest Vira Pest Incorporated Teresa Park Ave LP ...... (0905)527-1684 Merck Philippines
Tambunting Pawnshops Incorporated John Pque ...................... (02)8823-9587 Rosmar Pet Salon G T International Twr
Epr Bldg Mkti..................(02)8553-4820 942 Sh Loyola Mla ....... (0977)187-2084 Mkti ........................... (02)8815-4067
Tanglaw Pawnshop-Pasig CERTIFIED Sam's Lagoon Pet Shop
Urbano Velasco Ave Psg (02)8642-6074 PEST
Pest Control 589-591 N S Amoranto MERGERS DRUGFIL CORP
QC ............................. (02)8712-3929
Villarasa Pawnshop
Times Plz Bldg Mla ......... (02)8353-0656 CONTROL Equipment and Slippery Haven Pet Supply Website:
Vp Villarica Pawnshop SERVICES Supplies St Mary QC .................. (0935)750-1501
Sniff 'n Purr Pet Grooming And Boarding [email protected]
122 M H Del Pilar KC......(02)8442-2257
Boaz Pest Control Services Csc Bldg Pque ............. (0977)321-2046
146 C 3rd St Symphonix Integrated Corp Tels: 8403-2945 Telefax: 8403-2962
9050 San Nicolas Mkti ... (02)8555-0201
Pension Houses 10th Ave Caloocan City..(02)8361-1065
Julant Pest Control Systems Inc 2929 Limay Mla ............. (02)8359-8261 346-C Gonzales Compound
Cowboys Pest Control Services Lg Citiland Pioneer Terrel Petshop
New Casa Pensionne 96-E Circle Pque .......... (0927)424-8814 Mand ......................... (02)8687-7907 Fruition Bldg Pque ........ (0919)991-4790 N. Escario St., Cebu City
1602 Leon Guinto Sr D Three Pest Management Services Pest And Termite Control Services The Purple Groom
43D Lt Artiaga Steet SJ...(02)7758-6357 Madison Square SJ ........ (02)7500-0181 [email protected]
Mla ............................ (02)8526-8932 8 Congressional Ave QC . (02)3454-0779
Pension Natividad Diversified Agrochemicals Trading Powerhouse Pest Control The Purple Groom Pet Shop (032) 888-8541 / (032)231-6151
1690 M H Del Pilar Mla .. (02)8524-0811 191 J P Rizal QC ............ (02)8913-9007 2422 R Fernandez Mla..(0915)444-8197 166 Aguirre Ave Pque...(0917)706-9258
Rainbows And Peonies Enterprise Diy Pest Control Expert Rentokil Initial Philippines Incorporated Tin's Pet Place-Branch 1 1170 Don Chino Roces
63 Xavierville Ave QC......(02)8361-0908 Mb Bldg QC..................(0917)500-6907 73 Elisco Rd Psg ............ (02)8333-5888 92D Katipunan Ave QC ... (02)8913-8802 Makati ....................... (02)8403-2945
Yasmin Pension House Corporation Ecpearl Pest Control Supply & Services Termirite Pest Control Services Top Choice Pet
453 Arquiza Mla ............. (02)8524-5134 Vatican City Dr LP .......... (02)8401-5324 159 Caltex Gas Stn SJ .. (0917)554-0133 113 Molina Mkna ........... (02)7261-2141 Mergers Drugfil Corp
Enriquez-Maala Specialized Pest Control Whole Pet Kitchen: Pet Deli & Bark-Ery
Services 349-D C M Recto SJ ...... (02)8357-2753
Perfume and 84 Longhorn Mkna ......... (02)8401-0822 Pesticides and Zealous Ent Pet Shop
Extermicon Gen Svcs Inc 33 N Roxas QC .............. (02)8254-3987 MERGERS
Cologne 1031 Talundon Mla ........ (02)8563-5150 Fertilizer Zuniega Pet Grooming & Accessorie
Far East Fumigators Incorporated Center/Home Sevice DRUGFIL
Acqua Suisse Perfume Bar 1674 Dian Mkti...............(02)8844-9168 Integrated Nova Pest Control 215A Bonifacio Ave CORP
Sm Megamall Mand ..... (0917)554-3790 Fumigation & Trading(Fumitrade)Corp 21 Eduardo QC...............(02)7954-4152 Mkna ....................... (0998)991-4940
Aficionado 2811 Vergel PC .............. (02)8834-5668
Sm City North Edsa QC.(0922)741-3253 G Clean Pest Control Services 1170 Don Chino Roces
Art Of Scent Makati Square Mkti ....... (0917)518-7263 Pet and Animal Petroleum Products Makati ....................... (02)8403-2945
Newport City Mall PC......(02)8846-7447 Hunter Buster Pest Services Metro Pharma Philippines Incorporated
Fresh Fragrance Bar Tuason Bldg Pque ........ (0917)790-0316 Training Bryan Distributors & Services Inc Rima Bldg Psg ............... (02)8637-1849
Fairview Terraces QC......(02)7621-4159 Hygiene Sanitation Pest Management Mayor Ignacio Santos Diaz Metro Pharmacy
Jasmin De France Incorporated Horseshoe Pet Clinic QC ............................. (02)8724-5520 Alabang Town Ctr Munt .. (02)7358-4260
Regalia Twrs QC .......... (0930)297-8296 1 Perey SJ ..................... (02)7474-2096 72 E Abada QC...............(02)8920-5214 Caloocan Oil Seal Corp Metro Savers Pharmacy Incorporated
Jo Malone London Infinity Pest Control Enterprise The Pooch Closet Grace Park Coml Cplx 1180 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8516-3396
Sm Aura Premier Taguig . (02)8771-1285 Columbine Place Mla ...... (02)8567-0679 E Santos Mand ............. (0995)285-2123 KC ............................. (02)8365-9367 Mg Prime Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Kit And Mel's Nifty Fragrance Manufacturing Jansen Pest Control Caltex Motorists Haven 72 Mindanao Ave QC......(02)8929-6958
Blpc QC ....................... (0997)501-5112 Hasmin Mkti ................. (0916)221-2629 Commonwealth Ave QC .. (02)8932-2180
Philippine Cosmetics And Perfume Jbd Pest Control Services Pet Shops Catgas Incorporated
One Lab Enterprise
Old Sauyo Rd Sauyo
Manufacturing Company 50 C De Jesus QC .......... (02)8242-8840 31 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8920-7777 QC ........................... (0917)926-4688
314 Roosevelt Ave QC..(0955)345-1133 Jc Care Pest Management A & R Pet Supplies Chemoil Industrial Corp One Pharma Co Incorporated
Prescripto 1426 Quirino Ave Mla ..... (02)8708-5212 Conchu QC .................. (0977)856-3358 Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8687-4105 A Liwanag LP ................. (02)8871-2537
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0945)207-3801 Jmc Pest Management Acean Petshop Halfmoon Petroleum - Unigas Corp
Tiendesitas Psg ............ (0950)172-9789 Panamed Philippines Inc
Prestige Brands Phils Incorporated 30-A Mariveles QC ....... (0922)827-1228 Hill Fernando Ave Mkna .. (02)8267-8465 488 G Araneta Ave QC....(02)8687-7888
1779 Nicanor Garcia Jmde Pest Control Services Adc Pet Shop Philippine National Oil Companymother
690 Geronimo Mla ....... (0995)872-6424 Panpharma Healthcare And
Mkti ........................... (02)8899-7727 1050 Teresa Mkti ......... (0916)660-6646 478 Nicodemus Mla ....... (02)8840-1683 Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Scent Station Khaizz Pest Exterminator Services Inc Ag Global Sourcing Solutions Inc Shell Kalayaan Service Station
Ala Bldg LP .................. (0932)121-2558 Feliza Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8812-1601
Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8568-8074 409-D Severina Taguig ... (02)7507-2941 78 Kalayaan Ave QC ....... (02)8926-7492 Paramed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Scented Suds Laundry Killmore Pest Solution Arf Arf Love Speedwin Shell Station
51 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Tcs Bldg Mla .................. (02)8708-8840
8378 Mayapis Mkti.........(02)8403-5964 16 North Ponce QC ........ (02)8562-5490 East Svc Rd Val .............. (02)8983-9420
Klinpix Janitorial And Pest Control Services Psg .......................... (0917)612-7379 Pasteur Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Scentral Laboratories Incorporated Sgs Foundation Bldg QC . (02)8781-1447
Manalac Ave Taguig ....... (02)8838-9719 Incorporated Bow & Wow All Natural Pet Store
Scents Co 3036 Jose Abad Santos Ave Shangrila Plz Mand ......... (02)8638-3372 Pharmaceutical and Pharmadoc Incorporated
295 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8801-3125
Civic Dr Festival Mall Mla ............................ (02)8743-7376 Bow Wow Dog Chow
Munt ........................ (0933)529-3423 Mac J Pest Control Services 110 E Rodriguez Jr Ave Medicine Pharmagenerics Drug Incorporated
30 Sto Tomas QC ........... (02)7369-3904 QC ............................. (02)8635-0751 778A Quirino Hwy QC .... (02)8332-5846
Macodyn Inc Bow Wow Pet Shop Abbott Laboratories Philippines Pharmaspec N A Incorporated
Personal Care Macodyn Bldg Mkti.........(02)8889-5979 Juan Luna Mla................(02)8664-2454 Venice Corporate Ctr Hizon Bldg QC ................ (02)8732-9910
Phil Shinpoong Pharma Incorporated
Mr Bugmaster Incorporated Coreila Pet House Taguig........................(02)8822-2688
Products Joy LP ........................... (02)8805-8819 135 Tropical Ave LP ..... (0915)896-0420 Altheamed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Medical Plz Psg .............. (02)8687-6870
Multi-Pest Services Corporation Cuddles Pet Grooming And More Atlanta Ctre SJ ............... (02)8661-8058 Philcare Pharma Incorporated
Aguas De Marco Unlimited Incorporated 53 Sta Teresita Psg ........ (02)8631-9689 320 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8848-3218 Arc Bio Pharma Mahogany Psg ............... (02)8682-3466
A And E Bldg SJ ............. (02)8727-4092 Pest Terminaotrs Divine Life Pet Clinic And Grooming Center West Twr Psec Psg ...... (0917)533-7888 Philmed Laboratories Incorporated
Axl Pegarro Beauty And Wellnes Products 800-H Cornus QC...........(02)7504-6230 Emerald Square QC ...... (0916)643-7127 Atlantic Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 35 Ladislao Diwa Mkna .. (02)8941-3483
Trading Pest-Ex Pest Control Services Metro Manila Dogaholics Richmack Bldg QC ......... (02)8373-4573 Primemed Co Inc
Jmk Bldg QC ................ (0916)750-9653 Rufino Pacific Twr Mkti...(02)7623-5837 Tiendesitas Psg .............. (02)8256-4786 Bewell Nutraceuticals Corporation Topys Comm'l Bldg QC...(02)3438-1340
Chemscents Industrial Sales Precept Commercial Corporation Dogengine.Com 122 Old Samson Rd QC . (02)3411-3931 Prosweal Healthcare Incorporated
116 6 Quirino Hwy QC....(02)3417-8533 Richville Corporate Ctre 36 Walnut QC ................. (02)3431-1214 Blue Cross Pharma Philippines Incorporated Common Goal Twr Munt (02)8550-1936
Fleurish Body Waxing Services Munt .......................... (02)8807-3858 Dominic Petshop Philippine Stock Exch Ctre Qualicare Pharma Incorporated
Jee Bldg LP .................. (0927)722-3232 Property Pest Control & General Services 18-19 Cartimar Shopping Ctr Psg ............................ (02)8687-9999 One Corporate Ctr Twr
Ifernhealth Distributor Online Shop 35 Royal Ville Subd PC ............................. (02)7225-2850 Carlos Pharma Cal Incorporated Psg ............................ (02)8634-4842
Royal Mansion Mand .... (0917)496-9288 Mkna ......................... (02)3480-9823 Fullscale Reptiles And Exotics 5426 Gen Luna Mkti ....... (02)8896-6485 Reckitt Benckiser (Philippines) Incorporated
Jeunesse Global Rainbow Pest Control Incorporated 745 N S Amoranto Ave Carry All Pharma Inc One Global Place Taguig . (02)8889-5827
Morning Star Ctr Mkti ... (0920)284-5914 147A Pinatubo Mand ...... (02)8532-9960 QC ........................... (0917)914-9391 66 West City Plz QC ....... (02)8376-6851 Remed Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Largen Med Incorporated Rapid-Pest Management And Control Fur & Paws Pet Store & Accessories Classique Pharmacs Incorporated Aic Burgundy Empire Twr
Antel Global Corporate Ctr Estanislao Munt............(0931)176-4975 44 Gen F Santos Mkna . (0928)387-5255 2671 Honduras Mkti ....... (02)8843-5788 Psg ............................ (02)8706-5988
Psg ............................ (02)8687-6320 Regal Pest Control Co Furmagic Store Diversi Pharmamed Incorporated Rilem Pharma Corporation
Milea Bath & Body Wellness Essentials 50 San Roque Mand.......(02)8534-6350 2742 Zenaida Mla.........(0961)890-3921 Jollibee Plz Bldg Psg ...... (02)8570-7231 572 Edsa Ave PC ........... (02)8851-9906
Topacio Mla ................... (02)8708-0590 Resourceful Pest Control Furry Tails Ece Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Roche Philippines Incorporated
Snoe Boudior 3812 Dangal Mla ............ (02)8715-8205 Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8355-2495 91 V Luna Ext Rd QC ...... (02)8426-3360 The Finance Ctr Taguig ... (02)7718-7777
Greenhills Shopping Ctr Rosary Pest Control Services Furville Veterinary Clinic Endure Medical Incorporated Sanovis Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
SJ ............................ (0925)803-6615 Aurora Ave QC ............. (0933)489-0143 72 15th Ave QC .............. (02)7919-9070 Psec Psg ....................... (02)8584-7276 Cityland Condmn 8 Mkti . (02)8843-3828

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182 S C M Y K

182 Pharmaceutical - Physicians 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Family Fun Portrait Incorporated Photoman Photography Stork Studio
Pharmaceutical and Bonifacio High Street Photography 8C Matatag QC ............... (02)8355-2739 Alabang Town Ctr
Taguig........................(02)8856-1232 Photomark Lightworks Incorporated Munt ........................ (0917)912-7702
Medicine (Cont'd) Fotoland Incorporated Services Gilmore I T Ctr QC ........ (0908)876-3342
Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8819-0033 Purple Box Technologies Incorporated
Scheeling Pharma Care Link Incorporated Great Image A B Photobooth Sm City Sta Mesa QC ..... (02)8521-4641 Physical Therapists
One Magnificent Mile-Citra Robinsons Place Manila 965 Metrica Mla ............. (02)8254-5147 Ram Marcelo Photography
Psg ............................ (02)8633-5672 American Photo Co Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8247-2316 West Trade Ctr QC........(0966)552-2555 Body Central Physical Therapy Clinic
Scriptmed Incorporated I Shot Studio Don Alfonso Sycio Condo Silvermoon Studio Matatag QC .................. (0917)543-6349
Residencia 8888 Condmn 376 A Bonifacio Mkna .... (02)8477-0982 Mla ............................ (02)8525-0986 6 Rustia QC..................(0917)960-7245 Cha O Fa Corporation
Psg ............................ (02)8631-0537Istudio Macintel Incorporated Animor Studios By Noel Ignacio Smart Shot Studio-Quezon City 311 Aguirre Ave Pque.....(02)8478-1607
Seahorse Industries Incorporated 9th High St Taguig..........(02)8856-5056 4 Redeemer QC ............ (0915)102-0752 Katipunan QC ................. (02)8352-6518 Connecting Bridges
Mpr Bldg Mla ................. (02)8559-5915 Paolo's Photo Supply/Kodak Express Ave Photo Studio And Printing Services Smile Shots Photo Booth Wilcon City Ctr QC........(0977)268-1739
Sjmm 121 P Diego Cera Ave 2 T Alonzo Mkti ............ (0910)423-2461 Gen Ordonez Mkna ....... (0915)396-9222 Energetics Health And Wellness
105 N Domingo SJ ......... (02)8724-8064 Bryan Venancio Photography
LP .............................. (02)8829-7309 Snaps Photography Services 60 12B Teodoro Pque .. (0998)569-3099
Steinbach Products Incorporated Power Photo Corporation 63 West Ave QC ........... (0917)625-8136 Tucat QC ...................... (0927)599-7266 Invigor Healthcare Center
151 San Francisco Power Plant Mall Mkti ..... (02)8898-1328 Caslu Newborn Photography Tripleshot Media Incorporated 155 Dr Sixto Antonio Ave
Mand ......................... (02)8532-9706 Spectrum Photographics Taft Ave Mla ................. (0908)618-3263 F C Bldg QC ................... (02)8426-7253 Psg ............................ (02)7505-5657
Suhitas Pharmaceuticals Incorporated 76 Dna Soledad Ave Colorpoint Classics Incorporated Tronix Kids In Motion Therapy Center Incorporated
Centerpoint Bldg Mkti ..... (02)8889-8884 Pque .......................... (02)8821-7576 Brickley I Condmn Mla....(02)8732-6653 Sm City Manila Mla ...... (0947)713-8690 Bonifacio Prime Taguig.(0917)548-8558
Taisho Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd Darwin Photography & Videography Uniqueko Video & Photography Movement Matters Therapy Center
The Unique Digital Studio Incorporated Howmart Rd QC ........... (0947)193-6348
Clipp Ctr Bldg Taguig .... (0995)343-8718 Market! Market! Taguig ... (02)7729-4151 Services Parc Plz Bldg QC .......... (0917)571-3606
Team Excel Distribution Incorporated 16 E Corregidor QC ........ (02)8453-3195 United Colors Photography
Tronix Imaging Center 4914 Manga KC ........... (0949)185-4803 Neurobalance Therapy
Marc 2000 Bldg Mla ....... (02)8567-5565 Araneta Square Mall David Garmsen Photography Vicar's I Bldg QC .......... (0917)108-4355
Torrent Pharma Phils Incorporated KC ........................... (0926)314-3200 23-A Subic Pque .......... (0917)541-7852 Perfect Balance Spa Incorporated
Grand Twr Condmn Mkti.(02)8831-4886 Digivision Video Studio
Total Care Pharma Inc
True Colors Digital - Manila 1
1127 San Andres Mla ..... (02)8353-3543 Morning Sun Condmn Photography Studio Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8332-2076
Sciens Home Therapy Services
Pse Ctre West Twr Psg ... (02)8636-2995 Mkti ........................... (02)7751-8092 11 Vienna Pque ............ (0966)903-0966
Dynamic Photo & Video Services Aleta Photography Studio
Total Drug Pharmacy Munting Nayon KC ......... (02)8662-0589 Techniks That Work Therapy Center
3 Gen Santos Ave Photocopying 3159 Visita Mkti ........... (0997)532-6373
Baby Shower Photo Studio P&L II Bldg Mkti ........... (0917)684-9000
Taguig........................(02)8519-0926 Ejblitz Photography The Philippine Academy Of Occupational
Verheilen Pharmaceuticals Incorporated Services Narra QC ...................... (0908)374-8898 Prime Land Venture Bldg
Munt .......................... (02)8828-9635 Therapists Incorporated
Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8635-3082 Emc Digiphoto Services 9055 Banuyo Streeet
86-A Dr Sixto Antonio Ave Click Selfie Photo Studio
West Wing Pharma Incorporated Almuril Mimeographics Sm City Manila Mla ........ (02)8353-4432 Mkti ......................... (0917)519-1748
51 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8929-6569 147 Samson Rd KC........(02)8363-8064 Psg ............................ (02)8701-2911 The Thea Spa
Foto Tipid
Zenaust Pharma Incorporated Alva Computer & Photocopy Federation Of Philippine Photographers Sm City Fairview QC ....... (02)8330-7484 Fort Bonifacio Taguig....(0956)779-3974
1105 Chino Roces Ave Zen Tri Twr Mla .............. (02)8353-9120 Foundation Therabright Occupational And Speech
Femii Bldg Mla ............... (02)8524-7576 Jamir Design
Mkti ........................... (02)8801-0995 Copy Trade Carmnilo Bldg Psg..........(02)7914-3485 Therapy Center
Marcos Hwy Sm Marikina Foto Factory Klik Studio 34 D Marathon QC........(0945)455-7996
Mkna ....................... (0949)177-6253 2060 Firmeza Mla.........(0956)142-6478 Ernshaw Bldg QC ......... (0917)152-7629 Tlc Sped & Therapy Center
Philippine National Copytrade Digital Copy Systems Herbon Studio Perfect Shot 1015 Salvador Ave QC . (0927)211-7145
550 M F Jhocson Mla ..... (02)8749-8155 1509 C Anastacio Mkti . (0905)294-7881
Police (PNP) Jorge's Portrait Studio
Sm City North Edsa Pat .. (02)8441-1779
Pic-A-Boo Photo Studio
Tokyo Healthlink Incorporated
Sunnyvale Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8819-2010
35 P Tuazon QC ............. (02)8724-6920 Felix Huertas Mla .......... (0977)833-7014
DPRM Photographic Li'l Footprints Photography Rv Mitra Photography
Pnp Natl Headquaters
QC ............................. (02)8724-6258 Services Chimes Square Bldg
QC ........................... (0945)305-9791
8906-B Sampaloc Mkti ... (02)8988-7677 Physicians and
Studio 9315
Light Images Photography Heart Bldg Mkti.............(0915)230-1011 Surgeons
A Different Image Gallery Bldg Mkti ............ (02)8844-2679 Wonder Photo Shop
Photo Shops Greenbelt 1 Mkti ............. (02)8701-3905 Megatone Mktg Co Ayala Malls The 30th Ace Diagnostics Corporation
Portraiture Studio 1431 T Bugallon Mla ...... (02)8252-4865 Psg ............................ (02)7955-2187 Cpe Bldg QC .................. (02)8461-3901
Ash Letrato Inc Pina Ave Mla .................. (02)8425-4972 Multiple Exposure Photography Services Docnic Cosmetic Surgery Clinic
Rudgen Bldg 2 Psg.........(02)8656-8156 566-A Lakandula Mla ... (0926)996-6379 Centuria Medical City
D Print Station Incorporated
One R Graphics Photostats Mkti ........................... (02)8863-0626
262 Mayon QC ............... (02)8784-1251 5B Sct Torillo QC ............ (02)8546-3388 Jemaila B Valles M D
Extremedetails Photography Makes shopping easier. Orange Purple Studios Nice Print Photography Providence Hospital
176 Pangustra Mkna ...... (02)3382-7659 56B Gen Luna Mal........(0999)886-5313 Sm City North Edsa QC...(02)8351-8804 QC ........................... (0966)780-4489

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:12 2022 - P182

183 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Physicians - Pipe 183

Pan De Pugon
Physicians and 547 Shaw Mand ............. (02)8477-8910 Pins - Company INTERNATIONAL PIPE Linton Incorporated
Surgeons (Cont'd) Uncle M's Premium Buko Pie
3555 P Sanchez Mla .... (0916)488-2350
Morning Wind Clinical Laboratory Awards Central Philippines Inc
Prudencia Mla ................ (02)8254-2833 Pile Driving Pantranco Cpd QC .......... (02)7717-1151 BT & T Center Quezon INCORPO-
Rng Diagnostic And Medical Clinic
Argail Condmn Pque.....(0956)257-1188 J E Manolo & Company Incorporated
City ......... (02)7719-8454 RATED
2785 Old Panaderos Pipe (See Advertisement on next page)

Piano Tuning and Mla ............................ (02)8230-4944 JS GLOBAL HARDWARE

ABC GLOBAL MARKETING Park Tower Manila ......... (02)8733-8800
Repair 1110 Oroquieta
Manila.....(02)5313-9570 Littlegiant Steel Pipe Corp
Jtkc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8813-8892
Piano Tuner & Technician ARIETE 25 ITALY PPR
(See Advertisement on next page) M G Tanlimco Company
Dapitan Mla .................. (0928)507-6834 GEOSCIENCE PVC PIPES & FITTINGS Kaingin Vinyl Corporation 1146 A Lorenzo Jr Mla ... (02)8242-4275
Piano Tuning & Repair Services TEL: (02) 8714-6118 75 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8361-6372
81 Pasong Tamo QC .... (0905)350-5310 TECHNOLOGIES INC METAL EXPONENTS INC
Pile Dynamic Test * Pile Integrity
EMAIL: [email protected] SUMITOMO Seamless CS Pipes
Pianos Test * Static Load Test
134 H Talayan Village
Cross Hole Sonic Logging Test Quezon City ............... (02)8714-6118 Square & Rectangular Tubings
Tri World Piano Center Ductile Iron Pipes & Fittings
Soil Investigation
Sta Lucia East Grand Mall
Psg ............................ (02)8682-0618
ABC Global Marketing The STEEL COMPANY Welding Elbow, Tee,
See Adv under Drilling Companies
Cityland Square Makati .. (02)8856-3173
ABC you need to Slip-on Flange
Pies - Pastry Tel Nos.: 8403-1111 to 19
3N Bakery MARKE- ONLY Fax No.: 8403-1111
Vivo Bldg Munt ............... (02)8815-1180 GEO-
3N Bakery: Bicol's Best Toasted Siopao SCIENCE TING Email: [email protected]
81-C President's Ave 68 Jupiter Makati ........... (02)8403-1111
Pque ........................ (0917)884-9474 TECHNO- 134 H Talayan Village
Quezon City ..................... 8714-6118
Park Tower Manila ......... (02)8733-8800
Claritos Bakeshop
Ninoy Aquino Ave Pque .. (02)8710-8604 LOGIES Alasco Vinyl Corporation Advertise Here - It Pays.
Classic Confections Incorporated INC 665 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8364-4157 REMEMBER,
Greenbelt 5 Mkti ............. (02)7729-9243 Atlanta Industries Incorporated
Empanada Especiale
Sm City Valenzuela Val . (0948)266-5008
Cityland Square Makati .. (02)8856-3173 Atlanta Ctr SJ ................. (02)8723-0781 people do read ads
Continental Steel Pipe Corp The Yellow Pages
Globake Pioneer Psg .......... (02)8632-1881 T Santiago Val ................ (02)8292-8042
Mrs Fields THE YELLOW PAGES Fortune International Marketing Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. in The YELLOW PAGES.
Makes shopping easier.
Sm Bf Paranaque Pque ... (02)8545-2649 641 Mangga Ave Mla ..... (02)8716-0434

Nation Manufacturing & Industrial Products Corp

1058 Del Monte Ave., Quezon City, Metro Manila 1100 Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 8372-3736

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:13 2022 - P183

184 S C M Y K

184 Pipe - Plastic 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Ganzo Pizza Super Mom's
Pipe (Cont'd) NATION MANUFACTURING & Pipe Line 1204 Pablo Ocampo Sr Ext 1718 Dr A Santos Ave
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Contractors Mkti ......................... (0917)657-3375 Pque .......................... (02)8788-5159
Gino's Brick Oven Pizza The Snackbox Pizza
Metal Exponents Inc CORP Serendra Piazza Taguig (0915)345-9509 3 Pres Quirino Mla ........ (0909)999-4149
Ying Lin Machine Industry Incorporated Happy Slice Pizza The Voyage Pizza
1058 Del Monte Ave 185 E Del Monte Ave QC (02)8330-5861 13 Sta Maxima QC ....... (0908)313-8940 Deparo Rd KC .............. (0927)966-7112
Quezon Hunter's Pizza Tonyo's Pizza
EXPO- City ......... (02)8372-3736 Pipes Household 1013 Lorex Ave Val ........ (02)7791-7453 Bernales 2 Mal ............... (02)8351-4187
Inbox Pizza And Pastries Tripod's Pizza
NENTS (See Advertisement on previous page) Victory Hills Ave Mkna .. (0966)625-5205 84 Matimtiman QC ....... (0961)537-4256
Atlanta Ppr Pipes And Fittings Italianni's Verdenova Corp
INC Neltex Development Company Incorporated 1 Cw Home Depot Ortigas Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7728-0289 Novaliches Plz Mall QC ... (02)8930-8246
146 Alabang-Zapote Rd Psg ............................ (02)8706-4663 Ysamigz-Earl Pizza Hub
LP .............................. (02)8873-8888 Jeg's Pizza
68 Jupiter Makati ........... (02)8403-1111 Jekitec Pipes And Fittings Incorporated Deparo Rd KC .............. (0966)199-4392 104 Jojo QC ................. (0975)184-8264
New Imperialflex Enterprises Inc Pilar Coml Ctr LP ............ (02)8893-2463
Milwaukee Industries Corp Mayer Steel Pipe Corporation Jojing's Pizza
Makaturing QC ............... (02)8887-6766 270 Sto Domingo QC ... (0998)256-0322
Jtkc Bldg Mkti ................ (02)8810-3536
Republic Steel Tube Inc
Mayer Steel Corporation
Kambal Pizza
Placement Agency
MINTEX INDUSTRIAL Val ............................. (02)8277-7694
Alabang-Zapote Rd LP .... (02)8871-1492 Mmr Pozo Negro Excavation & Plumbing Capt Samano KC .......... (0977)382-9194
Activcare Home Health Solutions
SUPPLY Standard Pipes Incorporated Services Lerm Pizza & Pasta
9 Pinaglabanan QC ....... (0915)308-4950 Incorporated
P Delos Reyes Bldg Payatas-B QC ............... (0915)737-2939
506 T Alonzo Mkna ......................... (02)8241-6778 Vkm Construction Supplies Lheeyans Pizza 3 Sta Rosa Psg .............. (02)7759-8307
Home Health Care Placements Incorporated
Manila.....(02)8733-5686 Total 2000 Corporation 18 Kalamansi QC ......... (0915)813-9600 Martinez QC ................. (0915)488-6848
137B Anonas Ext QC .... (0905)278-8155
1060 J L Escoda Mla......(02)8254-4260 Lolo Dad's Pizza
(See Advertisement on this page) 816 Valencia Mla..........(0916)624-7869 Housemaids.Ph Inc
Casa Malvar Bldg Mla ..... (02)8429-5265
Pizza Mang Kiko's Yummiest Pizza Jhurene Employment Services
Always within your reach With The Yellow Pages, 273 S De Guzman Val .. (0927)527-8925 17 Angeles Pat ............. (0915)890-6243
The YELLOW PAGES Busy People Save Time. 3E's Pizza Midwest Food Industries Inc Khristel Manpower Agency
56 Lourdes Castillo QC . (0945)146-0449 28 Capricorn LP ............. (02)8873-0466 71 Ricarte Mkti ............... (02)8806-8259
Adads Pizza Noah's Pizza Nir Placement Center Incorporated
Dr Sixto Antonio Ave 961 Prudencio Mla ....... (0908)506-5572 34 B Columbia QC .......... (02)8921-0568
Psg .......................... (0926)676-9711 North Pizza Corporation Rohub Manpower Services
Anjo's Pizza Ever Gotesco Commonwealth Ctr 1809 Rohub Manpower Services
41 Consuelo QC ........... (0905)120-5977 QC ............................. (02)8931-1548 PC ........................... (0997)359-2293
Aveneto Pizzeria Ristorante Nysm Pizzeria Sja Manpower Services
23 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0923)831-2354 Aguirre Ave Pque............(02)7576-5330 K9th QC ....................... (0908)891-5648
Bossing's Pizza Supplies Corporation Octoboy Japanese Pizza Incorporated Transorient Maritime Building 1
21 President Quezon 152 Tomas Morato Ave 60 Transorient Maritime Bldg
Psg .......................... (0910)855-0707 QC ............................. (02)8990-2357 QC ............................. (02)8921-2881
Brooklyn Pizza Co Incorporated Oh Pepe Pizza
Madison Square SJ ........ (02)8997-7999 3 Cavite QC .................. (0920)131-1154
Cafe Mary Grace
Greenbelt 2 Mkti ............. (02)7501-3093
Papa Dan'Z Pizza Places of Worship
Damong Maliit Rd QC ... (0961)718-4126
California Pizza Kitchen Patrick's Pizza Package/Reseller New Life Christian Center (The Fort)
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8511-1787 Delos Reyes Mla .......... (0977)142-1097 Incorporated
Cashless Pay Marketing Services Inc Pizza Boss Market Market Taguig ..... (02)8511-1029
Venetian Bldg Mla.........(0908)947-4768 30 F Bautista QC ............ (02)7757-5676
Choi's Pizza Pizza De Baraks
1012 Cebu Mla ............ (0909)209-6170
Christea Pizzarap
17 Magat QC ................ (0947)253-9279 Plants
Pizza Grigliata
71 First Psg..................(0966)915-7768 City Of Dreams Manila Camille Cactilents Plant Shop
Danielles Crafted Pizza Pque ........................ (0917)625-7305 Gen Mcarthur Ave QC ... (0999)891-2258
24 Pasco Ave Psg ........ (0915)642-4962 Pizza Hut La Reina
Dara's Pizza Burke Bldg Mla ............... (02)8243-7206 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8852-4729
Senatorial Rd QC .......... (0961)208-7056 Plants Ni Lloidz
Darren's Pizza House Pizza Monte Cafe
7 East Capitol Dr Psg....(0915)905-1948 Fiesta Mkt Taguig ......... (0917)438-9771
Dove QC ...................... (0999)333-1856
Dexters Pizza Foodsystems Incorporated Pizza Ni Owe
7 Kurtante Mkna ........... (0998)427-3075
19 Gladiola LP................(02)8952-4427
Dominos Pizza Pizza Telefono Plants and Flowers
Madrigal Munt ................ (02)8553-3030 Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8553-3333
Primos Pizza Andings Toys International Incorporated
Elbert's Pizzeria
International Pipe V Corporate Ctr Mkti ..... (0917)677-8325
Evrich Pizza
8 Rd 8 QC .................... (0977)266-6718
Quattro Kantos Pizza
847 Tabora Mla .............. (02)8241-9378
Bm-Jov Garden Center
India Pque ...................... (02)8823-9396
Industries Corporation 677 Bautista PC ........... (0918)212-6635
Festival Pizza
Pinatubo QC ................. (0936)186-7005
58 Sta Isabel QC .......... (0963)718-6719
Roshan's Pizza
Banga-Tugatog Rd Val .. (0919)451-8636
Floriade Flower Shop
Zeta   Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8893-8862
119 Ortigas Av, Pasig City, Sbarro Gary's Bayong And Plants
Firehouse Pizza Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8727-8654
Entrata Urban Cplx Munt . (02)8282-5699 Sm Ctr Point QC ........... (0943)316-8755
Metro Manila 1604 Philippines Fresh Italian Serving Incorporated Stella's Pizza Mark Luke Garden
Quirino Hwy KC ............ (0936)220-9540
Tel. No.: (02) 7719-8454 Vmb Dorm Bldg Mla ....... (02)8524-0376 10-B Agudo QC ............ (0918)902-8263
Gabdanielles Pizza Stephen's Brick Oven Pizza
Katipunan Ave QC ........ (0919)801-2888 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)540-6355 Plaques
Asuncion Vr Incorporated
Casa Nueva Twnhms
QC ............................. (02)8721-4884
Rhodjane Metal Arts Enterprises
19 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8861-6448

Plastic and Rubber

Octaplas Industrial Services Incorporated
Rmt Industrial Cplx Munt (02)8862-6676

Plastic Bags
Brotherhood Plastic Enterprise
4898 Valenzuela Mla ...... (02)8708-8970
Comercio International Marketing
524 Commercio Mla.......(02)8242-5862
Limuel Packaging And Industrial Sales
305 10th St KC .............. (02)8361-3258
United Pag-Asa Plastic Corporation
76 Francisco KC.............(02)8364-8815

Plastic Cards -
Plascard Industrial Company
Mintex Industrial 11 Congressional Ave

Supply JS GLOBAL HARDWARE QC ............................. (02)8926-9938

1110 Oroquieta St Sta Cruz, City of Manila, Plastic Containers -

506 Teodoro Alonzo St., Sta. Cruz,
City of Manila, Metro Manila 1014 Metro Manila Philippines Equipment and
Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5680 Supplies
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5686 Abalos Fiberglass Industries
183 San Guillermo Munt . (02)8831-9065

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185 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Plastic 185

Bestpak Packaging Solutions Inc
Plastic Containers - Plastic Fabrications P Florentino QC .............. (02)8741-6911 Plastic Products AMAZON MANUFACTURING
Equipment and Complete Materials Industrial Corporation CORP
Ocean Poly Enterprises Corporation 2840 Zamora PC ............ (02)8551-5995
Supplies (Cont'd) 692 Sto Cristo Mla ......... (02)8242-5258 3J PLASTICWORLD AND 109 Pasolo Rd Valen-
MANUFACTURING zuela ....... (02)8292-2222
Plastic Packaging
OROCAN Plastic Material and CORPORATION (See Advertisement on this page)
Materials 101 Tiwala Valen- Ashlar Industrial Corporation
See Adv under Plastic Products Resin Manufacturing 143 Darlucio Panghulo Rd
143 Panghulo Rd Hordex Enterprises zuela ....... (02)8294-0539 Mal ............................ (02)8247-0143
Chello Marketing 655 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)329-0656 Bmjb Plastic Enterprises
Malabon .. (02)8294-6210 623 St Paul QC .............. (02)8282-9604 Kellson Corporation (See Advertisement on page 188) 999 Gov Pascual Mal ..... (02)8361-3635
K T Monjardin Chemicals Trading Adventure Manufacturing Corporation Boeing Asia Enterprises Inc
Orocan 1202 G Apacible Mla ...... (02)8522-0949 First Rubber Corporation
South Ctr Twr Munt ........ (02)8846-5864 Aic Ctr Bldg Mla ............. (02)8242-1368
Val ............................. (02)8292-1426 Calypso Plastic Center Co
Alabang Plastic Center Incorporated
Plastic Materials and Plastic Printing O & O Bldg Munt ............ (02)8850-6718
Calypso Bldg Mla ........... (02)8244-2826
Carlque Plastic Incorporated
Alatone Plastics Incorporated 25 Gen Pascual Mal ....... (02)8361-2588
OROCAN Supplies Topwell Plastic Processing Corporation 7 Industry 1 Mal ............. (02)8364-5921 Chamber Manufacturing Corp
31 Ulingan Val ................ (02)8983-2431 Alcos Global Corporation Edison Ave Pque ............ (02)8823-8276
Topboss Plastic Incorporated 12 Calle Obrero QC.........(02)8635-0631 Charmaine Plastic
A Mabini Psg..................(02)8646-9893 Alusign Plastics Incorporated 408 8th Ave KC .............. (02)8363-8830
143 Panghulo Rd 125 Samson Rd KC........(02)8363-2623 Chembag Container Corporation
Malabon .................... (02)8294-6210 THE YELLOW PAGES Candyman Bldg Mal ....... (02)8361-3047
Plastic Packaging Find it fast in the Cofta Moulding Corporation
Makes shopping easier. 268 San Fernando Mla ... (02)8247-6727
The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays. Athena 5-B Marketing Incorporated
Eddieboy Cpd Pque ........ (02)8401-8862
The Yellow Pages. Cofta Mouldings Corp
3 Malinis Val .................. (02)8983-8638

Amazon Manufacturing Corporation

109 Pasolo Rd, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 1444
Tel. No.: (02) 8292-2222

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186 S C M Y K

186 Plastic 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Hivorex Industrial Corporation
Plastic Products Ertess Plastic Industries 41 Sapang Bakaw Val.....(02)8983-8064
Intercontinental Plastic Center Corporation
(Cont'd) ERTESS 38 Lapu-Lapu KC ........... (02)8361-2176
PLASTIC Interpolymer Corporation
431 E T Yuchengco Mla . (02)8242-0072
Cosmopack Incorporated
956 C Barangka Dr INDUS- Lacko Plastic Products Incorporated
Mand ......................... (02)8533-7162 TRIES QR HERE! 39 Itc Cmpd Rd Val ........ (02)8364-7328
Lexan Industrial Corporation
Daily Harvest Asia Pacific Incororated INC 350 7Th Ave KC ............. (02)8361-8076
1845 P Mendoza Guazon Manila Plastics Incorporated
Mla ............................ (02)8563-3889 30 Corumi Quezon City .. (02)8365-2136 9-C Miller QC ................. (02)8913-7263
Dc Manufacturing Manly Plastics Inc
1618 Sitio Malinis Val ..... (02)8363-7199 Evergreen Manufacturing Corp Cbt Condmn QC ............. (02)8374-9982
Tayug Mkna ................... (02)8681-9687 Marulas Industrial Corporation
Djt-Mega Industrial Corporation Fargo Plastic Products Corporation
38 Rd 12 Mla ................. (02)8713-7918 141 Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy
432 Benjamin Nav .......... (02)8253-5871 Val ............................. (02)8291-8839
Elta Industries Incorporated Fullblaze Plastic Packaging Corporation
6363 P Medina Mkti ....... (02)8816-2084 Federal Twr Condo Mla ... (02)8241-2255
Golden Art Plasticraft Incorporated
ERTESS PLASTIC 478 Lt Artiaga SJ ........... (02)8727-2632
INDUSTRIES INC Hi-Top Plastic Incorporated Learn more
Tanigue KC .................... (02)8990-4007

about any of
Reaching buyers is The Yellow
half the sale. Pages
Keep your name telephone
Plastic Bottles & Plastic Packaging
Tel nos: (02)8365-2136/(02)8365-2137 constantly before directories
(02)8998-7958 / (02)8365-1969
them in the
website: nationwide.
e-mail: [email protected] YELLOW PAGES.
30 Corumi Quezon City .. (02)8365-2136

143 Panghulo Rd, Malabon, Metro Manila 1470
Tel. No.: (02) 8294-6210

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:16 2022 - P186

187 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Plastic 187

Multi Seal Plastic Industries Corporation Poly Cell Bubble Sheet Manufacturing Quezon City Styro Packaging Corporation
Plastic Products OROCAN
3003 Gen T De Leon Val.(02)3444-6901 Corporation 1200 Edsa Ave QC ......... (02)8928-0352
(Cont'd) 143 Panghulo Rd 129 M Ponce KC ............ (02)8364-9493 Raca Plastic Center
MULTIPLAST CORPORATION Malabon .. (02)8294-6210 Polyfoam Rgc International Corporation 79 Mc Arthur Hwy KC.....(02)8361-9235
32 Miller Ave QC ............ (02)8371-0569
Megasamsotite Incorporated 1200 EDSA Quezon (See Advertisement on previous page) Polyman Manufacturing Corporation
Richwell Blossoms Sales Incorporated
26 I Francisco Val...........(02)8352-0679
9 F Santiago Val ............. (02)3444-5188 City ......... (02)8928-5002 Pack Rite Mfg Inc 60 M Santos Mal ............ (02)8294-6168
Rmp Engineering & Machine Works
Meiwa Plastic Mktg Corp (See Advertisement on next page) 139 San Juan PC ........... (02)8536-4645 Polystyrene Manufacturing Company 12 Acsie Ave Pque ......... (02)8821-0139
796 J Luna Mla .............. (02)8241-3211 Paramount Chemical Ind Inc Incorporated
Neugene Marketing Inc Merrit Mkna....................(02)8941-7692 Dr M Laurel Drv Val ........ (02)8292-4569 Rnbp Enterprise
Mik Philippines Incorporated Aic Ctr Bldg Mla ............. (02)8242-1368 Philplast Manufacturing Corporation Polytech Plastic Enterprises 148 Maysan Rd Val ........ (02)8546-3548
Don Bosco Mkti..............(02)8844-8244 114 4Th Ave KC ............. (02)8365-9142 Robton Industries Incorporated
P Jacinto Val .................. (02)8983-9355
Moldex Products Incorporated Octagon Poly Industries 250 Sto Domingo Ave
1574 Benito Hao Val.......(02)8983-9694 Plasti-Kaps Incorporated Polytex Laiwell Incorporated
Moldex Bldg QC ............. (02)8373-1000 20 Don V Ang KC ........... (02)8361-3411 139 Sto Domingo QC ..... (02)8361-7730 QC ............................. (02)8365-0995

Toprite Plastic
Industries Inc Tai Son Indl Corp
292 E Miranda, Valenzuela City, M Gregorio, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila 1443
Metro Manila 1442 Tel. No.: (02) 8292-4171
Tel. No.: (02) 8294-2804

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:18 2022 - P187

188 S C M Y K

188 Plastic - Plumbing 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Malabanan A Belen Excavation & Plumbing
Plastic Products STANDARD PLASTICS Standard Plastics TAI SON IND'L CORP Services
(Cont'd) CORPORATION M Gregorio Valen- 10 Boni Ave Mand .......... (02)8531-9179
STANDARD zuela ....... (02)8292-4171 NEWLINE INDUSTRIES
Sanicon Manufacturing Corporation PLASTICS (See Advertisement on previous page) INCORPORATED
29 Guava Rd Mal............(02)8361-9530 Taya International Corporation
CORPO- West Svc Rd Pque..........(02)8821-3407 3430 Mag Villamor
Shide Plastic Window Door Co Ltd
Warren Cpd Val .............. (02)8277-7342 RATION Topnotcher Plastic Manufacturing
Solmac Marketing Incorporated Jojo St Baesa 116 4th St KC ................ (02)8363-8133
574 Edsa Ave KC ........... (02)8364-0151 Quezon City ............... (02)8362-8499
Springfield Marketing
Star Plastic Products Incorporated
809 Reina Regente Mla .. (02)8244-0239 40 M L Quezon Mal ........ (02)8288-1866 INDUSTRIES INC LINE
Manufacturer of Plastic Sheets Sucat Packaging And Plastic Center 292 E Miranda Valen-
*ABS * HIPS *PP *HDPE * LDPE 7888 Ninoy Aquino Ave INDUS-
Pque .......................... (02)8825-2056 zuela ....... (02)8294-2806
MAKE SURE (632)8362-84-03/3455-7322
Sunarra Systems Incorporated (See Advertisement on previous page)
29 Matiwasay QC ........... (02)8426-9017 Tradesphere Industrial Commodities Inc
[email protected] Superior Plastic Manufacturing INCMag Villamor
THEY SEE YOUR 12 Acsie Ave Pque ......... (02)8821-0139
45 Sta Rosa QC ............. (02)8363-4922 Trendy Plastic Manufacturing Incorporated Manila ....................... (02)8714-6322
Jojo St Baesa T G Trading Orcel 2 Bldg QC..............(02)8925-1703
507 Commercio Mla.......(02)8242-5296 Tupperware Brands Niagara Hardware And Plumbing
BRAND. HERE ON Quezon City ............... (02)8362-8499 T Alonzo Mla .................. (02)8733-2193
Starmall Mand ................ (02)8723-6221 Omega Plumbing And Hardware
The Yellow Pages Uni-Concord Corporation 1469 C M Recto Ave
THE YELLOW PAGES. The Yellow Pages
50 Elisco Rd Psg ............ (02)8640-7926 Mla ............................ (02)8711-5318
Saves TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY. Your Link to the Business World. United Asia Manufacturing Sheraton Plumbing And Construction
407 8Th Ave KC ............. (02)8361-5402 Supply
Vancouver Dev Incorporated 543 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-5183
L San Diego Val .............. (02)8291-0244 Wrechworks Trading & Plumbingservices
Willys Manufacturing Corporation 11B Apo QC ................... (02)8711-6995
15 Liwayway Mal ........... (02)8288-4130

Plating Services Plumbing Fixtures

Chekline Philippines Incorporated Neptune Mega Trading Incorporated
329 Golden Gate Park Rd Alabang Home Depot
Munt .......................... (02)8850-0071 Munt .......................... (02)8771-2227
D' Gold & Chrome Plating Specialist Unitraders Aluminum And Glass
115 Del Monte QC .......... (02)8363-2045 Corporation
1726 B Alvarez Mla ........ (02)8625-3395

Plumbing Plumbing Fixtures

A01Rs Plumbing Services
85 K-6th QC ................... (02)3415-8246
and Supplies
Corona Hardware And Plumbing
Chp Bldg Mla ................. (02)8733-6981 Glorious Morning Construction And
E Bros Group Of Companies Incorporated Industrial Sales
1240 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8628-1619 86 Aurora Blvd SJ .......... (02)8727-1601
E D Buenviaje Builders Inc J L S General Merchandise
7 Gen Araneta Psg ......... (02)8638-8677 1219 B Soler Mla ........... (02)8708-4651
Flamingo Build-Tech Enterprises John Kennedy Olores Trading
Katipunan Ext QC............(02)8937-2625 Cypress Twrs Condmn
H Santos Plumbing Service Taguig........................(02)7238-0711
Kalayaan Ave Taguig ...... (02)8364-0652 Soho Sanitarywares Philippines Inc
Home Plumbing Services M Gregorio Val ............. (0917)503-7777
28 Sta Ana Mal .............. (02)8351-7348
Jaman Products Incorporated
Plumbing Services
Multiplast Corp
6 Banahaw QC ............... (02)3417-8156
Jenny Cailo Plumbing Services
1642 La Loma KC ........ (0905)197-4407 A And D Plumbing And Electrical Services
Joubert Construction Incorporated 87 K-6th St QC ............. (0906)119-5801
Unit H G F MCY Building 1200 Edsa Ave., Brgy Bahay C Raymundo Ave Psg.....(02)8640-0391
Life Bidet Don Jose QC ....... (02)8370-5587
Cezar Siphoning And Plumbing Services
Maayusin San Vicente
Toro, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1106 Philippines QC ............................. (02)8929-0878

Tel. No.: (02) 8928-5002 Find it fast in the Fon Plumbing & General Services
Arle Bldg SJ ................... (02)8330-5577
Hydro-Tech Environmental Management Inc
The Yellow Pages. 37 Greenhills Mansion
SJ .............................. (02)8723-0808
Integrated Contractor & Plumbing Works
One Shangri-La Place
Mand ......................... (02)8695-3886
104 Malumanay QC......(0927)519-2763
endorses all products Shop Wisely.
Kiko Plumbing Electrical And Carpentry
61 K6th QC .................. (0923)174-6120
and services of all Search through Lilibeth M Pacampara Plumbing Services
B172 L28 Daisy KC ...... (0938)614-3327
its Partners. The YELLOW PAGES. Malabanan Pozo Negro
Mocking Bird QC ............ (02)8560-4970
Manila Plumbing Services
10 K6th QC .................... (02)8543-4904

It’s all about making tracks.

The Yellow Pages

allows your fingers

to walk their way through the

entire country and beyond.

It gives you access to more

3J Plasticworld & people and services in

Mfg Corp We have a certified team of experts to create and Metro Manila as well as other
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101 Tiwala Street, Valenzuela City, key areas in Luzon,
Contact us at 632 8555-8500, email us at
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Tel. No.: (02) 8294-0539 accounts to learn more! Visayas and Mindanao.

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:20 2022 - P188

189 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Plumbing - Poultry 189

Plumbing Services Pneumatic Hiyas Press Inc

(Cont'd) Equipment
Components HIYAS
Meld's Siphoning Septic Tank And
Plumbing Services
1017 Agusto Francisco
Mla ............................ (02)8514-1584
Air-Ric Industrial Systems Incorporated
Km 19 East Svc Rd INC
R Manozo Plumbing Services Pque .......................... (02)8838-1941
11-B Maayusin Ext QC....(02)8568-2169 Airserv Industrial Incorporated 851 G Araneta Av
Rejj Plumbing Services Beluz Bldg Psg ............... (02)8642-3866 Quezon City ............... (02)8740-5764
Femii Bldg Mla ............. (0933)486-9904 Allods Technology Enterprises
Lifehomes Subd Psg ...... (02)7358-1704 Inaveit Systems Technologies Incorporated
Win Malabanan Excavation And Plumbing Phesco Bldg QC ............. (02)3415-7715
Services European Technics Phils Inc
Cityland Dela Rosa Condmn Jimac Incorporated
33 St Joseph QC ............ (02)3412-6605 Penhouse Floor Tc Plza Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)8813-1492
QC ........................... (0999)719-3966
Flexible Automation System Corporation Mm Pos Solutions Limited Incorporated
Plumbing, Piping Alabang Corporate Ctr Bldg
Munt .......................... (02)8772-2443
One Corporate Plz Bldg
Mkti ........................... (02)7218-6428
and Pumps Pilipinas Fluid Power Trade Corporation Tangent
Culmat Bldg QC .............. (02)8726-0963 Pse Ctre East Twr Psg .... (02)8637-5202
Ric Airtec Indusys Inc Wmh Software Development
GCT MARKETING 34 Don Jesus Blvd Munt.(02)8842-4347 Leo Sulpi Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8809-2939
817 Tetuan
Manila.....(02)8733-6757 Police and Military Postal and Courier
(See Advertisement on this page)
Equipment and Services
POWERRY INTERNATIONAL Supplies Amscor International Courier Services
TRADERS 1642 Camino Dela Fe
537 T Alonzo 4th Avenue Industrial & Military Supply Mkti ........................... (02)8881-6705
503 Edsa QC .................. (02)3415-6792 Couriers Worldwide Express Services
Manila.....(02)8733-5792 King Far Military Supplies Incorporated
(See Advertisement on this page) 4th Ave QC...................(0945)334-4411 Penafrancia Mla ............. (02)8527-0470
Paul Hanz Military Supply Trading Dhl Riverbanks
Zeb 0-Shop Steve QC ....... (0926)123-3219 2B 3rd Ave QC ............... (02)8342-4808 Riverbanks Mkna............(02)8727-9239
Randy A De Leon's Tailoring & Military Easesabay Courier Services
B62 L8 Villa KC ............ (0947)715-5778
Plywood and Supplies
Soldiers' Mall QC ............ (02)8421-7124 Express It Courier Services
Veneers 1388 Gregorio Araneta Ave
QC ........................... (0968)709-1880
Polystyrene Gml Cargo Forwarder And Courier Express
GLORY LUMBER (Styrofoam)
International Incorporated
2682 Gen Cailles Mkti .. (0917)850-0304
•CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS L&A Int'l And Domestic Express Courier
•ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Kbb Merchandising Services
•HARDWARE ITEMS • LUMBER 1744 Dian Mla ............... (02)3388-2890 70 Kanlaon QC ............. (0931)189-7539
•DEFORMED BARS • PVC Lexmarx Courier Service
•PAINTS • PLYWOOD • G.I. SHEETS Munro Bldg Mand ........... (02)8532-9708
Tel No.: 8364-2195 / 8364-5190
Polyurethane Lmi Express Delivery Incorporated
Country Space 1 Bldg
8363-2174 / 8361-4810 / 8362-4346 Products Mkti ........................... (02)8892-4439
8363-5457 / 8364-7931 / 8361-5310 Ph Global Jet Express Inc
8361-2513 / 8363-5490 / 8366-5282 / Eppofil Incorporated Marajo Twr Taguig ......... (02)8991-1888
8366-5283 Fax:8361-6910 / 8366-5294 1872 E Rodriguez Sr Ave Phil Post
Email: [email protected] QC ............................. (02)8654-1441 2380 Juan Luna Mla.....(0949)471-8640
Stockmovers Hauling Services
320 Edsa Ave 69 Cm Recto Mkna ........ (02)8941-2118
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990
Popcorn Zoom Courier Incorporated
Glory Lumber Chef Tony's Popcorn
365 P Guevarra Mla......(0917)538-9008
Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3414-4462
Chicago Popcorn Shops
Esperanza Mkti ............... (02)8707-9586
Posts - Steel,
Stainless, Fiberglass
International Traders
GLORY Kettle Corn - Manila 537 Teodora Alonzo St Sta Cruz,
LUMBER Sm City San Lazaro Jcf Metal Fabrication Tech Inc City Of Manila, Metro Manila 1014
Mla .......................... (0932)206-2667 9 Alfonso Psg ................ (02)7956-1426
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5792
320 Edsa Ave
Kalookan City ............ (02)8364-6990
Porcelain Products Poultry
Philippine And Scandinavian Design Filtra Ddst Porcelain Plates Cobb Vantress Philippines Incorporated
Incorporated 204 Del Monte Ave QC . (0917)535-4533 One Joroma Place Bldg
Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8475-6688 Legacy Unlimited Incorporated QC ............................. (02)3454-2147
J P Rizal Mkna ............... (02)8948-4876 Deng Feng Trading
TOP ASIA CORPORATION 1402 Narra Mla .............. (02)8255-2687
Direct Importer of Premium Quality Wood
Products *Particle Board *Melamine
Port Terminals Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)8332-9817

Laminated Boards, Slat Wall/Wood Panel Pacific International Terminal Sservice

8294-3099/8294-3144/0917 6735088 Cap Bldg Mla..................(02)8527-3122
Poultry Dealers
0908 8605088 / Leo's Organic Chicken
email: [email protected] Portable Toilets Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0906)656-6765
641 T Santiago Mey Lin Hot Pot And Noodle House
Valenzuela ................. (02)8294-3188 Sm Megamall Mand ....... (02)8634-1281
Integrated Waste Management Incorporated Tabas Chicken Dealer
Cargohaus Bldg Pque ..... (02)8879-4538 119 Kaliraya Rd QC ........ (02)3448-6348
Top Asia Corporation Pinas Portalet Rental Services
1 St Matthew Val ............ (02)8361-4158
Poultry Equipment
TOP ASIA and Supplies
POS Systems
Burgundy Corporate Twr
Mkti ........................... (02)8847-0827 CORP
641 T Santiago
HIYAS PRESS INC 109 Pasolo Rd Valen-
Valenzuela ................. (02)8294-3188
zuela ....... (02)8292-2222
World Class Laminate Incorporated
Future Point Plz 1 QC......(02)8374-8739 Amazon Manufacturing
Email: [email protected]
[email protected] AMAZON
Plywood Dealer
[email protected] MANUFAC-
SAMPLE G C T Marketing
Jamj Phenolic Plywood Trading !
ONLY 817 TETUAN ST STA CRUZ, City of Manila,
12 Nery Pque ................. (02)8821-2961 Tel Nos: 8740-6589 CORPORA-
Pan-Ply Marketing Corporation
8712-2182 TION Metro Manila 1014 Philippines
One Global Place Taguig . (02)8403-7537
Smwpi Wood Products Incorporated 109 Pasolo Rd Tel. No.: (02) 8733-6757
Tytana Plz Mla ................ (02)8242-5998 Valenzuela ................. (02)8292-2222
851 G Araneta Av
State Wood Enterprises Quezon City ............... (02)8740-5764 Belmont Agricorp
503 A Bonifacio QC ........ (02)8332-5735 Legaspi Twrs 100 Mkti ... (02)8815-9861

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190 S C M Y K

190 Poultry - Printing 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Goodream Printers Corporation Milcar Enterprises
Poultry Equipment Power Generation Pre-School 133 Gen Ordonez Mkna .. (02)8661-4203 208 Kamuning QC .......... (02)8926-4509
Notes And Marks Enterprises
and Supplies Chiba Industrial Appleseed Montessori Inc
HIYAS PRESS INC Wilcon City Ctr QC..........(02)7211-4123
(Cont'd) 105 Macarthur Hwy Val .. (02)8291-0831 Liroville Apt Condo Mkti .. (02)8893-6077 851 G Araneta Av Quezon Omel Printing Press
Cummins Sales & Service Phils Creative Explorers School For Children 30 E Mendoza Psg ......... (02)8897-9194
Mapua Institute Of Technology 47 Visayas Ave QC ......... (02)8924-0904 City ......... (02)8740-5764 Pigeon Publishing Corporation
Nerve Pet And Poultry Supplies (See Advertisement on this page) 273 S De Guzman Val .... (02)8277-4221
4500 Valenzuela Mla .... (0918)492-9882 Mla ............................ (02)8525-5392Discovery Barn Preschool
Gencon Industrial Sales And Services 8 Missouri SJ ............... (0917)558-1891 Jardis Printing Corporation Print Orange
Legislation KC .............. (0907)319-4811 Fremont Learning Academy Inc 647 Boni Ave Mand ........ (02)8532-7645 Marsk Bldg QC ............... (02)8637-6931
Kimbells Pack Inc Psicom Publishing Incorporated
Powder Coatings Kvar Marketing Corporation
7 Villanueva Dr QC ......... (02)8952-2987
20 Matino QC ................. (02)7958-1441
Funtastikids 45A Congressional Ave 6 Yale QC ....................... (02)8912-3085
Power System Incorporated Acacia Page 1 Bldg QC ............................. (02)8920-2677 Pulp Magazine
Panday Metal & Industrial Corp Munt .......................... (02)8511-0246 Kori Philippines Incorporated 284 E Rodriguez Sr Ave
F Dulalia Val ................... (02)8294-1224 Topy Bldg QC ................. (02)8633-6678
Prime Power Holdings Corporation Grace Special School 45A Congressional Ave QC ............................. (02)8727-4957
Iacademy Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8519-8443 312 Stafford Pque .......... (02)8404-3399 QC ............................. (02)8926-0106 San Francisco Paper And Printing
Lrc World Trade Corporation Aaa Bldg Mla .................. (02)5310-0442
REPUBLIC Kencare Learning Center
44 Gloria Diaz LP ........... (02)8871-1746 Kundiman QC ................. (02)8371-7556 Triline Printing
POWDERCOAT Power Plant Little Harvard Academy Lsa Printing Press Incorporated
888 Edsa Hwy Hills
252A Pablo Ocampo
Mkti ........................... (02)8896-7701
Spkr Perez QC ................ (02)7728-7210
Lulu Preschool Mand ......................... (02)8683-0244 Virtualidad Inc
State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8812-5632 4 J P Laurel Sr Mkna .... (0917)651-9018 Mary Jo Publishing House Incorporated Araneta Ctr QC ............... (02)8988-5800
Marikina Greenheights Learning Center 749C Solana Mla ............ (02)8521-5261
173 Congressional Av 102 Senegal Mkna ......... (02)8942-3113 Megatone Printhauz Incorporated
Power Systems Mindchamps International Preschool 96B Panay Ave QC ......... (02)8374-5997 Printing and Related
Quezon Midland Press Incorporated
City ......... (02)8962-1905 Gyg Power Systems Incorporated
Jecoprime Bldg Taguig ... (02)3488-9003
Newton's Apple Play And Study Center 61 Asuncion KC ............. (02)8362-1066 Equipment
Narra Mkna .................. (0966)768-5952 Newton Integrated Solutions Inc
Maya Bldg QC ................ (02)8294-7884 Gma Loubel Plz Mkti.......(02)8899-2515 Concord Grafix Corporation
Republic Powdercoat Tpt Power Systems Olympian Preparatory And English School Concord Grafix Bldg
Geneva Garden QC ......... (02)8461-7092 Phoenix Press Incorporated
39 West Svc Rd Val........(02)8294-2667 Phoenix Bldg QC ............ (02)8372-4733 Pque .......................... (02)7616-5847
Spark Discovery Center
REPUBLIC Montivar Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8815-7715 Pioneer Business Forms Incorporated Ericman Printing Services
139 Pioneer Mand .......... (02)8631-8081 7165 M Ocampo Mkti.....(02)8741-6827
POWDER- Pozo Negro and Vancouver Hill Preschool
33 Mount Vancouver Pioneer Offset Printing Inc Imprenta
COAT Plumbing Service 139 Pioneer Mand .......... (02)8631-8081 86 Amang Rodriguez
QC ........................... (0917)807-9320 Psg ............................ (02)3433-1073
Wise Owl Playschool & Tutorial Center Ready Form Incorporated
CORPO- 37 F Balagtas Mkna ........ (02)8942-3051 Jdmm Printing Services
Dacones Excavation & Plumbing Services 170 Retiro QC .............. (0917)540-9480 Cw Arcade Psg .............. (02)7576-9573
RATION 4 Bill QC.......................(0925)568-0995 Reliance Packaging And Printing
Corporation Kenstar Graphics Incorporated
Jrrx Plumbing Services
Quezon City ............... (02)8962-1905 Prudencio Mla .............. (0915)826-2566 Pre-School and Day 134 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8362-8802
Reliance Printing Corporation
3 Alabama QC ................ (02)8721-3741
Uni-Pacific Powder Coat Corporation
El Inventor Compoud
Jvg Plumbing And Electrical Services
Seminary Rd QC...........(0905)114-6286
Care 134 Quirino Hwy QC.......(02)8362-8802 Gb2 Anonas Mla...........(0917)728-8060
Mibarsan Dream Printing Services
Smi Development Corporation
Psg ............................ (02)8645-4624 Rose Malabanan Siphoning Z-Square Mall QC ........... (02)8294-0369 B1 L35 Ph2 Afp Ep Housing
Katipunan Ave QC .......... (02)8359-6751 Colors & Shapes Learning Center Steve Manufacturing Corporation Taguig........................(02)7906-4035
Prince Plz 1 Condmn
Mkti ......................... (0927)527-1234 10 Ligaya QC ................. (02)8361-7220 Ronan Printing Services
INC 303 Tandang Sora QC .... (02)3454-1558 Iangel Learning Center Incorporated Times Printing Company 116 Narra QC ................. (02)3436-4561
5513 D M Rivera Mkti.....(02)7238-3966 Sogo Hotel Mla...............(02)8733-6071 The Tree Top Shop Design And Print
Also Specializes in Metal Tiremor New Technology Incorporated 182 F Blumentritt SJ ..... (0916)395-8112
Fabrication & Electroplating
Precast Concrete Little Brother's Keeper Learning Centre Inc
B10 L18 P3C Talangka Alley 6430 Sto Rosario Val ..... (02)7215-5114
KC ............................. (02)8372-8313 Toledo Printing
Tel. Nos.: 8995-3042 / 8531-6267 Atlas Concrete Works (Acw) Incorporated Oikos Helping Hand Learning Center 1421 Pablo Ocampo Sr Ave Printing Equipment
141-A 4th Ave KC .......... (02)8365-9797
189 Haig Mandaluyong .. (02)8531-6273 Js Galang And Sons Concrete Products
17-A Caimito LP ............. (02)8893-5034
The Beacon School
Mkti ........................... (02)8896-5459
Tone Guide Press Inc
and Supplies
16 Evangelista Pasig ..... (02)8681-6512 Incorporated 2322 Chino Roces Ext Ave Tone Guide Corporation
Cuesta Antipolo ............ (02)8696-0279 51 Kalayaan Ave QC ....... (02)8927-9776 Taguig........................(02)8810-5046 KC ............................. (02)8365-3058 Ctl Image Enterprises
Transworld Paper Corp Cityland 8 Mkti ............... (02)8882-7406
Triosocean Corp
Versa Powder Coating Inc Zentro Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8255-1873 272 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6924 Gemma R Lee Enterprises
Pre-Need Plans - Trendy 3986 Gen Malvar Mkti .... (02)8818-4655
Quezon Orcell II Bldg QC . (02)3489-1419 Graficad Creation Incorporated
VERSA Memorial Pressure Washers U K C Commercial Press Incorporated Richville Corporate Ctr
56 P Tuazon Bvd QC ...... (02)8724-4472 Munt .......................... (02)8771-1959
POWDER Marikina Life Plans Ultratech Printing Corporation Ink-Man Ventures Incorporated
Nw Ipil Mkna ................ (0932)281-1693 Dales Star Enterprises Mary Santos Artcade Bldg
COATING 44 Esguerra QC .............. (02)3415-6644 Jajaj Bldg QC..................(02)8423-5939
QC ............................. (02)8374-7103
Unity Printing Press
INC Lavandera Ko Self-Service Laundromat
128 Halcon QC...............(02)8741-7193 Lexgen Trading
Pre-Need Plans - Don Alfonso Sycip Condmn
Mla ............................ (02)8525-3942 Visprint Inc Csv Bldg QC ................. (0927)428-3855
Pension 2810 Alcaver PC ............ (02)8845-2703 Rs Graphics Printshop Incorporated
189 Haig Mandaluyong .. (02)8531-6273 Visual Color Graphic Arts Philippines Beta Bldg Mla ................. (02)8353-7969
Printers 101 Kalayaan Ave QC ..... (02)8922-4193 Stk2 Innovation Company Incorporated
Actuarial Advisers Incorporated Yunigrafix Incorporated 8 San Juan QC ............. (0906)100-0436
The Yellow Pages Vgp Ctr Mkti ................... (02)8812-8395 1726 P M Guazon Mla .... (02)8562-9690
Able Printing Co Inc
Your Link to the Business World. The Yellow Pages Advertising Pays. 7608 Dela Rosa Mkti ...... (02)8843-3729 Printing Machineries
Accurate Printing Incorporated
944 S Reyes Mla ............ (02)8711-5068
Printers and Copiers 3D2Go Philippines
Aleca Print House Westlane Robinsons Galleria
7548 Cruz Cpd Pque ...... (02)8826-4628 Datacore Technologies Inc
195 Carriedo SJ ............. (02)7728-9827 QC ............................. (02)8463-6804
Amber Restaurant Catering & Food Delivery Kaishan Group
Corporation Datamax Copy Center
Almar Sudbivision KC ..... (02)8251-9321 291 K Del Monte Ave
1324 Filmore Mkti .......... (02)8886-1313 QC ............................. (02)7504-8018
Amstar Company Incorporated E-Copy Corporation
5837 Zobel Roxas Mkti ... (02)8525-9911 Rfjs Printing Services
272 Roosevelt Ave QC....(02)8372-6928 86 M H Del Pilar Psg ...... (02)8641-7790
Astor Enterprises Jackie Press
1115 Del Monte Ave QC . (02)8371-5665 Xerox & Printing Equipment Online Store
24 Evardoni QC .............. (02)8374-5230 340 Dr Jose Fernandez
Bencel Z Press Incorporated Tangerine Office Machines Ph
340 Dr Jose Fernandez Mand ....................... (0917)503-5959
74 Molave Mla ............... (02)8912-7134
Mand ......................... (02)7585-1860
Book Media Press Inc
21E Col B Serrano Ave Printing Services
QC ............................. (02)8726-6647
Brown Madonna Press Inc
Printing and 316 Printing Shop & Wedding Supplier
Brown Madonna Press Inc Publishing Services 45 18th Ave QC ............ (0947)606-8041
Pque .......................... (02)8823-1786 3Dworx Enterprise
C L D Enterprises 1Avc Printing Incorporated Dna Soledad Ave Pque ... (02)8475-0668
47 Matipid QC ................ (02)8986-6184 46A Tandang Sora Ave 4J Graphix
Cathay Printing Company QC ............................. (02)8931-6439 223 Market Ave Psg ....... (02)7625-3447
Gen D Mc Arthur Hwy 888 Graphica 4M Printing Signs Services
Val ............................. (02)8361-3413 24 Carmel II Subd QC ..... (02)8351-8897 Odeon Terminal Mall
Charltonvin Enterprises Accessories And Supplies Depot Mla ............................ (02)7617-4683
10 Ligaya QC ................. (02)8364-2163 Incorporated Acfe Prints & Designs
Ching Press Incorporated Mervin Terraces Condmn Lanzones Mkti .............. (0977)485-6700
96 Tolentino QC ............. (02)8372-0955 Mla ............................ (02)8742-2947 Air Printing Services
Citation Printing Express Incorporated Adm Digital Hub Inc Century Plz Mkti ........... (0917)945-3778
24 Dna Filomena QC.......(02)8931-1832 25-E Naval Mal.............(0933)427-3069 Ajt Digital Printing Service
Color Commercial Printer Boardeaux Trading 158 Monday Mand ......... (02)7090-4521
8 J C Cruz Psg ............... (02)8671-2656 C-1 President Villas West Svc Rd Alb Print And Graphics
Continuous Printing Corp Pque .......................... (02)8826-3687 3644 Lubiran Mla ........... (02)7509-2883
6156 Einthoven Mkti.......(02)8831-0607 Borromeo Printing Press Ald Printing Services
Hiyas Press Inc Copieronline Philippines Incorporated
45 Kamias Rd QC ........... (02)3435-3384
55 St Paul LP ................. (02)8873-2606
Copybee Trading And Services
287 Ecol QC ................. (0917)821-1437
Alexis Graphic Design And Printing Services
Dimension Industries Inc Citiplaza1 Coml Cplx QC . (02)7958-0407 Manggahan Psg ........... (0942)813-2303
G ARANETA AVE, Quezon City, 57 Kaingin Rd QC ........... (02)8361-4597 Cr8Tive Boxes And Labels Corporation Alfox Printing Services
Metro Manila 1100 Philippines Emco Printing Center 8333 Dr A Santos Ave 132 Kamuning Rd QC ..... (02)8289-2672
275 D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-0215 Pque .......................... (02)7508-4498 Ammi Graphics Design And Printing
Tel. No.: (02) 8740-6589 Empire Printing Company Incorporated Jennisez Printing Co Services
101 Industry 1 Mal ......... (02)8364-5422 1127 Quirino Hwy QC.....(02)7239-8208 138 Sct Chuatoco QC ... (0912)131-0911
Good Team Printing Incorporated Kaydian Tarpaulin Printing Amp Services
111 D Aquino KC ........... (02)8362-0276 42 Rd 1 QC .................... (02)8483-5416 51 Calderon QC .............. (02)3437-1609

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191 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Printing - Psychometric 191

Fran Tees Digital Printing Services Margallo's Printing Shop Streetsign Ads Enterprise Corp Oost & Voort Inc
Printing Services 26 Sampaguita Taguig....(02)8982-4241 B4 L15 Kalayaan Ave 54 E Rodriguez Jr Ave 116 Don Gesu Munt ....... (02)8478-8641
Freeform Creative Solutions Inc PC ............................. (02)8826-2327 QC ............................. (02)8638-1677 Orange And Bronze Software Labs Inc
(Cont'd) Fbr Arcade QC ................ (02)7757-5253 Mediaprint Philippines Inc Tpjl Chromotec Printing Services Cjv Bldg Mkti .................. (02)8894-3415
Full Colours Printing Services 5 W Capitol Dr Psg ......... (02)8584-2493 Dimasalang Rd Mla ...... (0917)955-4923 Phoenix Network Solutions Incorporated
Apc Copy Shop Ricsons Place QC.........(0917)893-9164 Megapixels Printing Services Inc Tri-G Printing Services Pacific Century Twr QC...(02)8332-3184
686 Shaw Blvd Psg ........ (02)8631-1347 G4 Digital Printing Services 183 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8365-6481 De Castro Ave Psg ....... (0928)463-8571 Pivotal Technologies Incorporated
Ard Printing Services 21B Umbel QC ............. (0961)451-2399 Mgsilkscreen Printing Tritone Graphic Arts And Printing Dpc Place Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8890-6676
46 Minahan Main Gabriel Print Shop 194 - A F Blumentritt 2069 C M Recto Ave Pragtechnologies
Mkna ....................... (0917)840-3802 Gabriel Psg .................. (0909)698-8083 SJ ............................ (0917)883-8465 Mla ............................ (02)8257-0762 16 Bronze Mkna ............. (02)7933-5573
Aresa Printing Gallenito Digital Printing Services Mharien Printing Services Tuyor Printing Services Qbm Information Technology Services
Justine QC ................... (0943)341-7580 141 11th Ave KC .......... (0943)504-1214 87 P Rosales Pat .......... (0921)320-6122 2 Taniman Ave Psg ...... (0923)488-4253 Pacific Ctre Bldg Mla .... (0927)242-6318
Arke Customize Printing Services Glyl Printing Solutions Micrografx Enterprise Ultraprint Corporation Rogomi Incorporated
1735 Mayhaligue Mla ... (0995)843-0006 25 Victoneta Ave Mal......(02)8361-8571 177 Malolos Ave KC ....... (02)8563-8408 Dna Irenea Pque ............. (02)8553-2169 One Corporate Ctr Twr
Art3Tis Adz And Printing Services Co Gold Lane Press Mjc Printing Services Urban Graphic Printing Solutions Psg ............................ (02)8584-6312
47 A Rita SJ ................... (02)8703-4717 France Mkna .................. (02)8998-2233 Omega Val ..................... (02)8292-8093 178B Serrano KC ......... (0927)346-8105 Sage Ninja Creatives Company
Artemis Printing Services Gold Line Printing Services Co Mmgl Printshop Vmsk Digital Printing Services Mirasol QC ..................... (02)7501-3371
3 Kamias Taguig .......... (0945)448-8911 301 10th Ave QC ............ (02)8364-8291 40 J P Rizal QC .............. (02)7358-9384 388E Quirino Hwy QC ... (0995)282-3172 Smart And Sense Infotech Incorporated
Asher - Cheska's Printing Corp Golden Arts Printing Services Msb19 Printing Services Wesaph Ink And Art Printing Services Tycoon Ctre Condmn
J P Rizal Mand ............. (0917)635-1585 728 Raxabago Mla ....... (0916)693-2570 4375 Dayap Mkti ............ (02)7501-6725 Susana QC ................... (0977)730-3413 Psg ............................ (02)7501-5876
Awesome Graphics Center Gracie Printing Services Nakashima Printing Services Wps Succession Printing Corporation Software & Program Development Business
135 Malakas QC.............(02)3433-0195 P32 12th-11th St PC .... (0916)511-0256 571 J B Roxas Mkti ........ (02)8962-0343 48 Santiago QC .............. (02)3411-5125 Solutions Incorporated
B2Mj Printing Services Grafix Solutions Printing Services Ngi Printing Press Incorporated Wrentyler Printing Shop Lemon Square Bldg QC .. (02)8921-9035
17 Almon QC ............... (0917)109-8946 B27 L37 Merville Access Rd 702 Diligence QC ........... (02)8941-4240 2 A Usaffe QC .............. (0938)219-9881 The Brilliant Works Corp
Basic Dots Printing Services PC ........................... (0917)961-3899 Nineovernine Printing Services Yanna's Printshop Menandro Mla .............. (0918)302-1537
15B Anonas Ave QC ..... (0939)405-4406 Grafixsafe Printing Inc 77 Zorra QC ................. (0945)123-4847 1755 C M Recto Ave Venderit Information Technology Solutions
Bigoy Printing Services 307 Dansalan Mand ....... (02)8533-7993 Njl Iconceptz Printing Services Mla ............................ (02)8521-1156 Thaddeus Arcade
19 Parkway QC ............ (0935)819-3952 Grant Stationary 48 Torres Bugallon Yza Coloured Digital Printing Mkna ....................... (0936)298-2810
Black Lotus Print Solutions Fea Bldg Mla .................. (02)8241-3562 Mkna ......................... (02)8477-9787 Prince David Condmn W-Tech Solutions
23 Russia Pque .............. (02)8552-3284 Graydient Printing Services Noah's Digital Printing Services QC ........................... (0917)574-1449 Eco Plz Bldg Mkti ........... (02)8779-5400
Bnq Printing Press 1083 Sitio Kumunoy II 303 Tandang Sora Ave Whistler Technologies
Riverbanks Mall Mkna .... (02)7621-8602 Psg .......................... (0919)652-3326 QC ........................... (0927)850-3084 Accra Law Twr Taguig....(02)8551-6370
Bozky Printing Services Great Line Prints And Layouts Numerous Printing Services Processed Foods
1 Rd 23 QC .................. (0917)102-4914 Emilia Bldg Mla .............. (02)7509-5383 625 Parokya Ng Pagkabuhay
Cally's Print Hauz Ph Grx Graphics Printing Services QC ........................... (0919)826-0222 Calidad Espanola Projectors
J M Panganiban Mkna .. (0995)421-5810 8608 Sandoval Ave Psg . (02)8880-3340 One Accord Print Solutions Incorporated Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7585-6366
Cherry Dew Printing Services Guess Labels And Weaving Corporation Ardan Bldg Psg .............. (02)7505-4122 Country Corndog Cem Technology Enterprises
Tuna KC ....................... (0915)373-9046 28 Sta Ana Dr Pque ........ (02)8823-7346 Orient Master Printing Corporation Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)623-2232 Makati Terraces Bldg
Chyvh's Online Shop & Printing Services Haven Print Makers 80 Tanggali QC .............. (02)8743-4827 Jimbec Food Products Mkti ........................... (02)7219-7434
Golden Valley Bldg Mla . (0936)238-8945 64 Dansalan Mand ......... (02)8531-1785 Pauline's Printing Pacific Corporate Ctr Pc Rescue Computer Services
Clay Jars Print Shop? Heads Printing & Cut And Sew The Pergola Mall Pque .... (02)8810-0814 QC ........................... (0917)328-0957 Urc Bldg Mla .................. (02)8254-0858
Jnc Bldg Mkna ............... (02)7576-4863 191 Selecta Dr QC ........ (0956)326-0399 Philand Patana Incorporated Joy's Smoke Ham
Clear Ads Digital Printing Incorporated Holy Angelic Printing 6078 Tatalon Val ............ (02)8990-9202 Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)8524-2891
21B Nicanor Roxas QC . (0917)563-0376 174 Dela Paz Mkna ........ (02)8330-0292 Pical Printing Services Mac's Deli By Mac Grace Food Products Property
Cloud's Printing Services Lily QC ........................... (02)8936-3880
1036 Gen Luis KC .......... (02)8936-3345 Hooligans Printing Services
Commonwealth Ave Piso Print Delivery
Salcedo Mkt Mkti............(02)7211-5355
Metolius Valley Incorporated
Criker Printing Services QC ........................... (0997)920-6635 40 Airforce Rd QC ........ (0953)135-3697 8-E Jenny's Ave Psg ....... (02)8234-0082
V Francisco QC ............ (0906)460-8810 Pixxel Printing Servicess Old Fashion Tapa Arcinas Freres Incorporated
Cs Licuanan Printing Service Hot Copy Digital Printing Edificio Enriqueta QC ...... (02)3414-1974
Emiliano Santos Bldg Kalayaan Vill PC ............. (02)7501-4307 Salcedo Mkt Mkti..........(0917)847-0714
306A M H Del Pilar Planographics Printing Incorporated Waffles And Soda Corporation Bpc Management Group Incorporated
Psg .......................... (0927)755-6668 Psg ............................ (02)7508-9545 Puregold Bldg Mla .......... (02)8523-1921
Huenity Printing Magsaysay Mal .............. (02)8362-4944 3396 Guernica Mkti ........ (02)8846-8273
Cyrus Grafix Design Poli Prints Wei Wei Cold Store Chatham House Condominium Corporation
Melendrez Bldg Psg ...... (0915)607-1810 2144 Rd 12 Mla ........... (0908)742-3844 Valero Carpark Mkti ........ (02)8844-7837
Hvm Computer Printing Services 15 Sianghio QC ............ (0926)150-5879 732 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-4619
D' Creative Hub Corporation Poprint.Ph Bacood Mla ..... (0977)108-1813 Eco Global
41 G Roxas QC ............ (0917)592-9668 749 Solana Mla ............ (0919)331-3259 Ayala Twr 1 Mkti ............ (02)3491-7701
I-Stop Graphics Print Innovation Incorporated
D'Best Printing Services
23 Rotc Hunters Galilan 273 Alabangâ??Zapote Rd 100 Kaingin Rd QC ......... (02)8361-7906 Professional Services Eco Global Development Corp
1105 Golan Arcade QC . (0917)502-6376
LP .............................. (02)8871-0033 Print Trends Printing Services
QC ........................... (0915)556-2702 485-B E Santos Ave Psg (02)8643-4312
Dac Copy Center Ideal Mktg & Mfg Corporation
Print Work
Dioquel A Gubatan Cpa FAIRMOUNT HILLS
103A Tandang Sora Ave Egi Twr Mla .................. (0942)754-2180
7494 Santillian Mkti ........ (02)8703-5879
QC ............................. (02)8930-0033 1022 E Rodriguez QC ..... (02)3413-3385 Industrial Enterprises Incorporated SUBDIVISION
Dexact Printing Services Printlab Manila Manila Memorial Park Bldg
Dre Bldg Mla .................. (02)8524-3972 Imprintees Printing Services 1674 Saturno Mla.........(0999)229-2235
85A 2nd Laguna QC ..... (0946)593-8348 Mkti ........................... (02)8817-4136 301 Maritima Bldg 117 Dasmariñas St.
Dhenshe Printing Services Printmagic Incorporated Northern Pearl
9 De Pebrero Mand ...... (0917)303-0953 Infinity Digital Printing Services B10 L26 Camella Ave 8241-6186 / 8243-1140
Quirino Hwy QC............(0906)473-5340 Sct Fernandez QC ......... (0917)885-4105
Diamond Graphics Printing Services Pque .......................... (02)8823-9601 Primefactor Realty Philippines Fax number: 8241-6178
Villongco QC ................ (0999)726-5495 Inkfinity Printing Services Printsko Company
24 Q Malingap QC ........ (0905)402-3464 Entrata Twr 1 Munt ......... (02)7746-9651 email address: [email protected]
Dif Printing Services 28th Ave Mkti ................. (02)7987-2467
34 18th Ave QC ............ (0999)701-0956 Inkjet Digital Imaging Technology Proburnbox Graphic Design And Printing
46 Felix Manalo QC ........ (02)8721-2880
Digidocks Printing Specialist
Anonas QC ................... (0922)257-7470 Jbb Printing Shop
Services Programming and 117 Dasmariñas Manila . (02)8241-6186
Robinsons Place Las Pinas
Digiprint 190 Aglipay Mand .......... (02)7358-0470
Jc Silkscreen And Digital Printing
LP ............................ (0917)636-0076 Software Fairmount Hills
Sm Mall Of Asia PC ........ (02)8556-0824 Probytes Printing
Digital Pictures Imaging Corporation 9 Daisy Geronimo QC ... (0927)606-9460 78 Molave QC .............. (0948)894-7591 Development FAIR-
105 Simoun QC..............(02)3412-5560 Jcn Ecobag And Printing Services Project Tree Printing Services
Distinct Creative Display Corporation 874 Quirino Hwy QC.....(0966)722-6036 157-A Narra QC ........... (0905)211-9601 43 Web Development Co MOUNT
Antel Global Corporate Ctr Jinco's Printing & Copying Services City & Land Mega Plz Condo
Psg ............................ (02)8631-3968 Goldquest Bldg QC ......... (02)7906-6992
Q Vivid
950 Aurora Blvd QC........(02)7473-3340 Psg ............................ (02)8584-1613 HILLS
Jrm's Printing Services
Djr Printing Services
13 Gladiolus QC ........... (0956)661-6015
R&R Advertising Ahm Global Operations Inc
Unionbank Plz Psg ......... (02)8519-9611
18-H Gold QC...............(0956)793-8695 23 Malakas QC.............(0918)797-4086
Doculogic Photocopy Center Juracolor Print System Rabelle's Print Shop Arao Software Development Services SION
41 Visayas Ave QC ....... (0925)303-4991 149 2nd Ave KC ........... (0933)854-2266 114 M Lozada Pat ........ (0949)141-9160 135 Ilang-Ilang QC ....... (0927)980-0609
Drc Printing K1 Printing Corp Reb Printing Service's Bizwind Philippines Inc 117 Dasmariñas Manila . (02)8241-6186
F Torres QC .................. (0905)847-9863 Forab Bldg QC .............. (0917)654-2698 41 Narra QC ................. (0977)622-6799 Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)7625-0015 Gloriland Property Ventures Corporation
Driht Printing Services Kent Printing And Advertising Remrey Printing Services Bloomsolutions Inc State Condmn 1 Mkti ...... (02)8892-1898
23 E Jacinto Mkti..........(0977)761-2986 49 Ilang Ilang QC .......... (0926)737-8095 20 Visayan Ave QC.........(02)8779-0712 Kalayaan Bldg Mkti ......... (02)7215-6843 Grand Innovasia Concept Corporation
Dtf Prints & Graphics Kratos Printing Services Rhema Printing Services Clear Mile Technology And Services Inc Libran Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8831-1255
C Raymundo Ave Psg...(0968)211-0771 551 M Abad Santos Mla . (02)8244-4173 59 Rd 20 QC ................ (0999)661-2354 35 Linden Suites Psg......(02)8299-3533 Hallohallo Home Inc
Duraprint Kwik Copy Printing Services Ri-Wel Printing Services Core1 Technologies Corp Suntra Bldg Mkti ............. (02)8869-4444
156 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8361-5172 373 Boni Ave Mand ...... (0945)450-8659 764 Rizal Ave Mla ........ (0945)614-1535 6 Mt Cresta QC.............(0917)528-7992 International Eagle Group Of Properties Inc
E&A Printing Services L&A Enterprises Incorporated Rm2 Printing Services Enflare Technologies Incorporated 1272 Estrada Mla ........... (02)8663-1989
B16 L4 Poinsettia Pque .. (02)8823-9787 73 Shaw Blvd Mand ....... (02)8531-7509 55 15th Ave QC ............ (0998)958-6289 126-B Int Rd 20 QC ........ (02)8257-4781 Link Business
Economic Press Incorporated Labelplus International Incorporated Rocka Printing Gigaddel I T Services Prestige Twr Psg ............ (02)7900-8000
Phividec Industrial Estate 295 2nd Ave KC ............. (02)8332-1839 16-B A Martin Mal .......... (02)8990-0617 Mayaman QC ................. (02)8692-9235 Push Technologies Int'l Incorporated
Taguig........................(02)8478-2420 Larger Than Life Incorporated Rodso Printing Services Godigital Corporation Psec West Twr Psg ........ (02)8570-7503
Efse Digital Printing Services 802 A S Arnaiz Ave Mkti . (02)8893-1378 2528 Paulino Psg ......... (0905)338-4093 Caswynn Bldg QC ........ (0917)881-4892 Topconsult Incorporated
39 J P Ramoy QC.........(0927)914-0315 Leomo's Printing Rtp Decals & Printing Services Ieminence Inc Golan Plz Bldg QC .......... (02)8927-6528
Ej's - Vest Maker & Digital Printing 264 Montillano Munt ...... (02)8893-9739 Ernshaw Bldg QC ......... (0916)772-4487 Pbcom Twr Mkti ............. (02)8516-9123
Gladiola Mkti ................ (0916)768-7823 Leonys Printing Press S1 Graphics And Printing Igen Dev Center Inc
Ellryl Printing Services 1626 C M Recto Ave 48 Gloria Diaz LP ......... (0917)178-5559 105 Esteban Mkti ........... (02)8519-3699 Protective Coating
Baesa Rd KC ................ (0926)732-9021 Mla ............................ (02)8733-2709 Sakura Digital Technologies Illimitado Inc
Emb Digital Printing Services Liya Averie Graphic Printing Services 27 Manga Rd QC..........(0933)470-8564 Cityland 10 Twr 1 Mkti ... (02)8812-1720 Top Shield Coatings
47 Hornbill QC................(02)7739-3997 39 A Sta Monica QC ....... (02)7750-4804 Scrm Printing Services Iptc Systems Philippines Inc 1286 Int F Santos Ave
Emil-Jansen Printing Services Lucky Print 19 Natl Rd Munt ............. (02)8821-1712 Ibp Twr Psg ................... (02)8569-1464 LP .............................. (02)8873-9478
39 Diam Val ................... (02)7261-1471 1958 Jose Abad Santos Ave Sir Nicolas Enterprises Jobstream Inc
Enri Digital Printing Services Mla ............................ (02)7587-1192 Mandarin Ave Munt ........ (02)8533-0219 Valderama Bldg Tropicana Twrs
Manila Executive Regency Cityland Twr 1 M & L Printing Station Sonicprint Incorporated Mkna ....................... (0917)513-8336 Psychometric and
Mla .......................... (0977)386-6601 76 Airforce Rd QC .......... (02)8961-3172 Pasco Bldg Mand ........... (02)8531-3942 Letsblumit Corporation
Ezee Prints Magtec Printing Services Southern Voices Printing Press 670 Sgt Bumatay Mand .. (02)7621-4588 Learning
236 P Dela Cruz QC......(0917)702-7803 1216 B Lardizabal Mla .. (0906)381-7585 19 J Perez QC ................ (02)3448-5202 Licorne Incorporated
Far East Printing Majestic Graphic & Printing Corporation Spectrum Colors Digital Imaging & 7829 Antel Spa Suites Assessments
Comfoods Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8843-5362 1161 Chino Roces Ave Graphics Mkti ........................... (02)8877-0320
Favoured Printing And Services Mkti ........................... (02)8838-5339 Alvarado Mla .................. (02)8351-2794 Mashup Garage Care & Counsel Wholeness Center
1447 B Ilang-Ilang Mla . (0915)951-1125 Majestic Press Incorporated St Faustina Press Topy IV Bldg QC ........... (0917)308-4089 Pssc Bldg QC ................. (02)8775-3398
Five Star Colorprint Incorporated 122 10th Ave KC ............ (02)8366-1155 8 Jenny's Ave Ext Psg .... (02)8463-7971 Mep Advertising Services
3451 Florida Mkti ........... (02)8831-6836 Mandel T Canaway St Pio Printing Services Apollo LP ..................... (0998)953-0780 The Yellow Pages
Floxci Digital Printing Services 2A Anislag QC ................ (02)8546-2113 160 Kapiligan QC ......... (0917)828-5623 Ninja Consulting Ph Incorporated provides
Cartimar Shopping Ctr Manny Concept Sta Ana Printing Press City And Land Megaplaza Business Information.
Mla ............................ (02)8521-3271 2243 Dimasalang Mla .... (02)8743-5443 2438 Calderon Mla ......... (02)8561-3628 Psg ............................ (02)7625-2409

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:22 2022 - P191

192 S C M Y K

192 Public - Pump 2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES

Public Market Publishers - ASSISTCO ENERGY &

Chop Chop Yum Yum Incorporated
Prudential Life Bldg Psg .. (02)8942-1033 CORPORATION
Lucky Gold Development Incorporated G And R Printing Company Incorporated • Single & Double Cartridge Mechanical
58 Ortigas Ave Ext Psg ... (02)8470-0507 30 J Elizalde Pque .......... (02)8842-5542
Seals • Single & Multi-Spring Mechanical
Seals • Seal Repair • Pump Repair
Public Relations Publishing
Tel Nos.: 8837-3608, 8281-1888
Service 5 Leaf Publishing Co Incorporated 1st Av Taguig ................ (02)8281-1888
Tycoon Ctre Psg.............(02)8570-3052
Blockchainspace Adc Printing Enterprises
Paseo De Roxas Mkti ... (0917)577-1258 312 A Del Mundo KC ...... (02)8361-0872 Assistco Energy &
Dominguez Marketing Communications Inc Bravo Media International Corporation
Metropolitan Terraces Condmn Jockfer Bldg QC ............. (02)8288-8142 ASSISTCO
Mkti ........................... (02)8897-7088 Central Law Book Publishers ENERGY &
Fuentes Publicity Network Incorporated Phoenix Bldg QC ............ (02)8372-3552 INDUS- SAMPLE
Sedcco 1 Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8893-9355 Dow Jones And Company Incorporated TRIAL ONLY
Media Meter Incorporated Twr One And Exch Plz CORPOR
Blupoint Bldg QC ............ (02)3414-4496 Mkti ........................... (02)8848-5871 TION
Mgbrondial Pest Control Services Electronic Data Publishing Corporation
44 San Juan Evangelista Richmond Hotel Psg.......(02)8687-0306
QC ............................. (02)7217-4390 Entheos Printing Press 1st Av Taguig ................ (02)8281-1888
Outsource Pr Incorporated 220D East 8th Ave KC .... (02)8364-5344
Metrostar Bldg Mkti ........ (02)8403-1506 Ephesians Publishing Incorporated DANIELLE ENGINEERED
Stratbase Inc 151 Rd 20 Rd QC ........... (02)8927-2965
Jaka Bldg Mkti................(02)8892-1754 Gintong Aral Publications Incorporated PRODUCTS INC
2443 Selya Mla .............. (02)8563-8673
Ici Ministries Inc
Public Security and Bethel Bible College Val .. (02)8876-0469 DISTRIBUTORS OF:
Safety Lorimar Publishing Co Incorporated
776 Boston QC...............(02)8725-0190
Ace88 Event Security Management Sm North Edsa QC ......... (02)3454-2335
127-68 Bronze Mal.......(0943)448-9725 Medi Marketing Incorporated MADE BY
Equitable Bank Twr Mkti . (02)8886-0334
Publishers - Books Megatexts Phil Incorporated
Opl Bldg Mkti..................(02)8813-5814 PULSAFEEDER INC., FLORIDA, U.S.A.
and Magazines Mla Bulletin Publishing Corporation
Makati Atrium Bldg Mkti..(02)8811-4357
Phil Publishing House TEL NOS: 8873-9709
Booklore Publishing Corporation
1518 Alvarez Mla ........... (02)8743-7323 Baesa Rd KC .................. (02)8363-4244
Bookware Publishing Philippine Publishing House 8872-7959 / 8874-2381
Rizalina 2 Bldg QC .......... (02)8986-7179 Leland Drv QC ................ (02)8330-7841
Csm Publishing Raintree Trading And Publishing Inc
Csm Bldg Pque .............. (02)8852-7301 21 Matimtiman QC ......... (02)8531-1967 FAX NO: 8873-9710
Cultural Publisher Saint Mary's Publishing Corporation
942 Del Monte Ave QC ... (02)8372-5792 Park Trade Ctr Munt ....... (02)8804-3509
Golden Books Services Incorporated Salesiana Publishers Incorporated
First Marcel Twr QC ........ (02)8741-0855 Don Bosco Technical Institute
Inquirer Publications Incorporated Mkti ........................... (02)8893-9876
Media Resource Plz Mkti (02)8890-2351 Sisons Publishing Home 2 C Alberto Las Piñas .... (02)8872-7959
Jetspeed Media Inc 538 Bulgar Bldg QC ........ (02)8712-2443
256 Talumpong Mand .... (02)8531-0346 Sound Publishing Corporation
Logos Publications Inc Yupangco Bldg Mkti ....... (02)8897-2187
Catholic Trade Bldg Mla .. (02)8732-2736 St Augustine Publications Incorporated
Magallanes Publishing House Inc 1624-1626 Espana Mla .. (02)8731-2999 DANIELLE
1425 J Fajardo Mla ........ (02)8781-3423 Stargate
Metropol Bldg Mkti ......... (02)8892-1803
Mutual Books Inc
Powerry Jovan Condmn Bldg
Mand ......................... (02)8534-2664
Psicom Publishing Inc
Strategic Publishing Co Incorporated
Manila Chronicle Bldg
Mla ............................ (02)8527-9654
International Traders 6 Yale QC ....................... (02)8912-3085
The Inteligente Publishing Inc
Tumbzap Printhouse
Maybunga Psg ............... (02)7958-2794 2 C Alberto Las Piñas .... (02)8872-7959
537 Teodora Alonzo St Sta Cruz, Victoria Twrs QC ............ (02)8355-4099 Vibal Group Inc
1253 G Araneta Ave QC..(02)8741-4051
City Of Manila, Metro Manila 1014 Always within your reach GCT MARKETING
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-5792 The YELLOW PAGES
Pump Systems 817 Tetuan
(See Advertisement on this page)
you more advertising * Deep well rehabilitation 537 T Alonzo
exposure than the
* Supply of magnetic starter Manila.....(02)8733-5792
(control panel) (See Advertisement on this page)
* Submersible Pump & Motor
Yellow Pages. • Supply STERLING FLUID
In fact, the • Pull-out & Installation INC
• Laboratory Testing
Yellow Pages * Water Treatment Systems
* Speck Process and Vacuum Pumps
TELS.: 8532-3033 / 8534-9259
reaches your consumers * Fire Protection Installation Works
FAX: 8535-1572 * Fire Pump and Accessories
365 days a year [email protected] TEL NO: (02) 8809-4908
52 P Cruz St., 8809-4910
7 days a week Brgy Old Zañiga FAX NO: (02) 8807-2013
Mandaluyong.............(02)8532-3033 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Richville Corporate Twr
every minute Aqua-Pump Industrial Muntinlupa ................ (02)8809-4908
every hour of the year. AQUA- Sterling Fluid Systems
It is in millions of homes INDUS- SAMPLE STERLING
and offices. CORPO-

G C T Marketing Brgy Old Zañiga

817 TETUAN ST STA CRUZ, City of Manila, Advertise in the Richville Corporate Twr
Muntinlupa ................ (02)8809-4908
Metro Manila 1014 Philippines Yellow Pages. The Yellow Pages Technosave International Incorporated
Tel. No.: (02) 8733-6757
And start building your business.
bridges Buyers and 1145 A Bernardino Val....(02)3445-5308
Unitec Multi-System International Inc
Sellers together. 242-246 Del Monte Ave
QC ............................. (02)8441-3121

A:\Books\JCU\MLABUS_2022-2023\SESSION\Final_1YP.SESS - Fri Jul 15 16:13:22 2022 - P192

193 S C M Y K

2022-2023 METRO MANILA YELLOW PAGES Pumps - Real Estate 193

Bf Home Depot Incorporated Amian Realty Mgmt & Dev Corporation City Land
Pumps - Industrial YU BEK MFG CORP 874D Tropical Ave LP.....(02)8825-0131 Dao Mkti ........................ (02)8895-8338 517-519 Q Paredes Mla . (02)8242-1212
Bright Properties Incorporated Armoland Estate Corporation Columbian United Realty Corporation
Colossal A-Plus Corporation Sjb Centro Plz QC ........... (02)8426-9898 Rmr Square QC .............. (02)8880-2933 West Ave QC .................. (02)8922-1243
715 T Alonzo Mla ........... (02)8733-3550 Celmarc Realty & Dev Corporation Casa Regent Properties Corporation Crystal Realty Regalb
Kenflo Enterprise 800 Remedios Mla ......... (02)8525-6004 Narra Bldg Mkti .............. (02)8817-7387 Victoria Bldg Mla ............ (02)8521-8819
128-B Magdalena Eet Commercial Center Incorporated Centris Real Estate Service
N A Lopez Mla ................ (02)8528-0723 Ctp R E D 1 Corporation
KC ............................. (02)8801-9119 Regalado Ave QC ........... (02)8374-1301 Ctp Red 1 Corporation Bldg
Eb Loredo Realty Corporation Century City Development Corporation
TECHNOSAVE Ebl LP .......................... (0918)922-7962 Salamanca Mkti.....

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