1. The included angle for the V-belt is 1. What is the purpose of using steel
usually chains?
Answer: B. 30° – 40° Answer: A. To avoid slipping
2. The V-belts are particularly suitable for 2. The chains are made up of rigid
_____________ drives. links which are hinged together in
Answer: A. short order to avoid flexibility for warping
3. The groove angle of the pulley for V-belt around the driving and driven
drive is usually wheels.
Answer: C. 32° – 38° Answer: B. FALSE
4. A V-belt designated by A-914-50 3. The toothed wheels in chain drives
denotes are known as ______
Answer: A. a standard belt Answer: A. Sprockets
5. The wire ropes make contact at 4. Which of the following is true
Answer: A. bottom of groove of the regarding chain drives?
pulley Answer: B. The production cost of
6. Which of the following statements are chains is relatively low
correct regarding power transmission 5. The distance between hinge centres
through V-belts? of two corresponding links is known
(i) V-belts are used at the high-speed as _______
end. Answer: A. Pitch
(ii) V-belts are used at the low-speed 6. In the figure given below, what the
end. quantity ‘p’ is known as _________
(iii) V-belts are of standard lengths.
(iv) V-angles of pulleys and belts are
Select the correct answer using the
code given below.
Answer: D) 1, 3 and 4
7. The creep in a belt drive is due to the Answer: A. Pitch
Answer: D. unequal tension in tight 7. The diameter of the circle on which
and slack sides of the belt the hinge centres of the chain lie is
8. In order to have a good grip on the known as _______
pulley, the V-belt should touch the Answer: A. Pitch
bottom of the groove in the pulley. 8. Pitch of the chain lies on the arc of
Answer: B. False the pitch circle.
Answer: B. False
9. Which of the following chains fall
under the category of hoisting and
hauling chains?
Answer: A. Chain with oval links
10. Which of the following chain is used 10. The relation between the pitch of the
to provide elevation continuosly? chain (p) and pitch circle diameter of
Answer: A. Conveyor chains the sprocket (D) is given by
11. Which of the following chains are Answer: C. p = D sin(1800/T)
used for transmission of power, 11. In order to have smooth operation, the
when the distance between the minimum number of teeth on the
centres of shafts is short? smaller sprocket, for moderate speeds,
Answer: D. Block chain should be
Answer: B. 17
12. The speed of the sprocket reduces as
MACHINE KINEMATICS - Advantages and the chain pitch _____________ for a
Disadvantages of Chain Drive Over Belt or Rope given number of teeth.
Drive Answer: A. increases
13. The greater angle of articulation will
1. The advantages of the V-belt drive over increase the life of the chain.
flat belt drive are Answer: B. FALSE
Answer: D. all of the mentioned
2. The disadvantages of the V-belt drive
over flat belt drive are
Answer: D. all of the mentione
3. The advantages of the V-belt drive over
flat belt drive are
Answer: D. all of the mentioned
4. The disadvantages of the V-belt drive
over flat belt drive are
Answer: D. all of the mentioned
5. The distance between the hinge centre
of a link and the corresponding hinge
centre of the adjacent link is called
6. Industrial rotors will not have uniform
diameter throughout their lengths.
Answer: A. TRUE
7. For cutting multi-start threads, the
speed ratio is expressed in terms of the
lead of the job thread and lead of the
lead screw threads.
Answer: A. TRUE
8. Which one of the following is a positive
Answer: D. Chain drive
9. The chain drive transmits
____________ power as compared to
belt drive.
Answer: A. more
LINK 77 8. If centre distance for a chain drive is
MACHINE KINEMATICS – DESIGN OF 750mm with number of teeth on
CHAIN DRIVES the driving and driven sprockets
1. A gear meshes with another gear being 40 and 20 respectively, then
and a sprocket meshes with another calculate the number of links
sprocket. required. Given: Pitch is taken as
Answer: B. False 19mm.
Answer: B. 110
2. The number of links of the chain
should be always ______ 9. In silent chain sprocket teeth have a
Answer: B. EVEN rectangular profile.
Answer: B. No trapezoidal
3. In chain drives, vertical drives are
generally avoided. 10. Roller chains have less reliability as
Answer: B. FALSE compared to roller chains.
Answer: B. FALSE
4. Sum of number of links and number
of teeth of the sprocket is _____
Answer: A. ODD