Save Earth
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The future is not somewhere we are going. It is something we are creating. Every day we
do things that make some futures more probable and others less likely.[2]
Global warming already disrupts millions of lives daily in the forms of destructive
weather patterns and loss of habitat.[3] What is already happening is only the tip of the
melting iceberg, for it is our children and grandchildren who may suffer most from the
effects of global warming.[4] Hundreds of millions of people may be exposed to famine,
water shortages, extreme weather conditions and a 20 - 30% loss of animal and plant
species if we do not reduce the rate of global warming and reduce GHG emissions.[5] On
the other hand, having warmer winters means longer growing seasons in temperate and
subarctic climes, sometimes allowing an additional crop to be planted and harvested each
year, or simply making the existing crops more productive.[6][7] This article outlines some
ways that you can act to help prevent the Earth from warming further. While humankind
has the ability to destroy the planet, we can also help protect and sustain it.
Reducing your carbon and greenhouse gas emissions will not only make your personal
living space more sustainable but it will also save you money in both the short- and long-
term. Global warming is occurring more rapidly than it was originally expected to -- only
forty years ago,[8] the big worry was global cooling. Even if you remain a cynic, however,
and disagree with the consensus of scientists, you will benefit from reduced pollution, a
more healthful lifestyle and increased savings from enacting these simple activities that
will not reduce the quality of your life.
edit Steps
1. 1
Get educated. Educate yourself about global warming. The more facts that you
have as to what mainstream science says about it, the more you can persuade
others to make simple yet effective changes in daily behavior. Energy-saving
techniques either are initially expensive (for example, solar power) or take extra
time (for example, recycling), so many people need to be convinced that their
efforts matter.[9] Always keep in mind that you are aiming to demonstrate the
benefits of these activities and highlight how each person can play a vital role in
helping to reduce global warming. Remember that "[c]ivil society does not
respond at all well to moralistic scolding."[10] Use education to enlighten, not
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Learn as you play! Become conscious of our environment
2. Vote and influence your government with telephone calls, e-mails, letters and
meetings with those who represent you in government. Learn as much as
possible about the policies that you advocate before doing so; solving one
problem often creates others. For example, replacing incandescent light bulbs
with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs has increased the hazard of mercury
contamination in homes and landfills. Fluorescent light bulbs are still preferable
to incandescent bulbs (see below), but one must be careful to recycle them and to
not break them, releasing the mercury. The push to grow corn for ethanol has
contributed to higher food prices while saving little energy, if any at all.
3. Choose vegetarian or vegan meals. Livestock are responsible for more
greenhouse gas emissions than transportation is. This is due to the large amounts
of petroleum used in creating ammonium nitrate fertilizer (for the corn that they
are fed) plus the cost of shipping that corn to the cattle and then shipping the
cattle to slaughter and grocery. If one eats meat it should always be from a local
source. Choosing vegetarian foods also drastically reduces agricultural water
consumption and land use, and favorably impacts biodiversity.[11] Vegetarian diets
have been shown to promote good health [12] and in most developed countries,
eliminating meat from one's diet is as easy as making responsible choices at stores
and restaurants. Other factors such as the means of production and distance that
food travels are also factors in the total impact of our food choices.
5. 5
Use compact fluorescent bulbs. Replace three frequently used light bulbs with
compact fluorescent bulbs and save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$60 per
year. A standard compact fluorescent bulb will save around one third of a tone of
greenhouse gas, along with the cost of six or more incandescent globes.[13]
Consider using even more, and give them as gifts to family and friends. Donate a
set to a local charity to refit their office with compact fluorescent lights.[14]
Remember that CFL bulbs do contain small amounts of toxic mercury. Therefore,
proper disposal (recycling) is necessary to prevent any additional landfill
contamination. You can also start looking into LED light bulbs which have started
to crop up recently -- they are even more efficient!
6. 6
Fill the dishwasher. Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of
carbon dioxide and US$40 per year, or do them by hand with minimal water.[15]
7. 7
Use recycled paper. Make sure that your printer paper is 100% post consumer
recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper. Decide whether
something is really worth printing out. Leave a signature at the bottom of your e-
mails reminding the reader to think twice before printing the e-mail. Make the
most of scrap paper for shopping lists, notes, scrapbooks, telephone messages,
taking notes in class, etc. Recycle your paper only when it has been thoroughly
used up!
8. 8
Buy locally made and locally grown products. Buy locally to reduce the energy
required to transport your goods.[16] The consumable products that we all purchase
represent more than half of the average family's carbon footprint! If you
successfully encourage neighbors to do this, store owners will be encouraged to
stock local goods. Shop at farmers' markets.
9. 9
Count your carbon. Keep track of your carbon consumption as a way of tracking
your progress.
There is a logo called Carbon Counted that companies can put on their
products to communicate their carbon footprint.[17] Products that have a
low Carbon Counted footprint number give consumers a means by which
to influence and reward companies that reduce emissions in the creation of
their products.
Support producers of renewable energy. Help spur the renewable
energy market by participating in it. In the UK you can get 100%
renewable electricity by switching to a company such as Ecotricity or
Good Energy Ltd. Alternatively, you can buy wind certificates, green tags
and stock in renewable energy companies. Many of these companies are
new and small, and the stock is low in price. While many are high-risk,
they may present an opportunity to help the company move beyond the
initial stages of uncertainty and to enhance the viability of important,
upcoming market niches. These companies may offer opportunities for
great returns if they prove profitable; just be sure to do your homework
first, as you would when investing in anything.
10. 10
Buy minimally packaged goods. Less packaging could reduce your garbage
significantly, saving 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year. If you
consider a certain products' packaging to be excessive, mail it to the company
with your challenge to the company to reduce its packaging; include suggestions
on how if you have ideas. Also tell companies that Wal-Mart thinks that reduced
packaging is not only a good idea but also very achievable; this is likely to set the
standard for many businesses in the future.[19]
11. 11
Insulate anything that uses energy to stay a different temperature from its
Be energy wise and insulate your entire home to keep down the heating
and cooling costs. If your insulation is old or inefficient, do yourself a
favor and replace it; not only will it reduce your output of emissions but it
will also reduce your energy bills considerably. Consider the attic,
crawlspaces, basement, walls and ceiling. If you have awkward spaces, be
aware that cellulose or fiberglass insulation can be blown in by a
professional contractor.[21]
Weather strip your home. Caulk and weather strip your doorways,
windows and air conditioners. Save 1,700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and
US$274 per year. You will discover that the costs of caulking are far
outweighed by savings in fuel costs and increased comfort level.[22]
12. 12
While you're at it, reassess appliances that you really do not need to use,
such as plug-in air fresheners. Try opening the windows instead (and
throwing out that rotting fruit bowl) and replace with natural air freshener
alternatives. Other items include the many so-called time-saving devices
in your kitchen.
13. 13
Use a push mower to mow the lawn. Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels
and get some strength-building exercise. Save 80 lbs of carbon dioxide per year.
14. 14
Unplug unused electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they
use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and US$256 per year by
unplugging them or switching them off at the wall using a power surge-protector
(sometimes called a power center). Get into the habit of switching the power off
before you go to bed.
15. 15
Grow fast growing plants. Plants like bamboo grow faster and produce 35%
more oxygen than trees like oak or birch, and require fewer chemicals and care.
Make sure that the plants are appropriate for your area; prefer native over
introduced species and do not plant problem species. Bamboo, for example, can
be very invasive in most of the US.
16. 16
Use public transportation. Taking the bus, the train, the subway or other forms
of public transportation lessens the load on the roads and reduces one's individual
greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1600 pounds per year.[23] Taking
public transport removes the stress of long road commutes and gives you a great
opportunity to read, think, and relax. You also save on parking money and time
wasted looking for parking spaces.
17. 17
Ride a bicycle. Taking the bike instead of the car is a very simple solution.
However, if you experience such problems as lack of suitable bike paths, having
to deal with congested traffic or hilly terrain, you are faced with a few challenges.
They are, however, challenges that you as an individual can overcome with a little
Ask your local government to make (more) bike trails in your area and to
make sure that bicyclists are kept safe from traffic in the same way that
pedestrians are afforded this right. Get the local community behind you - a
few neighbors, the street, or the whole suburb!
If you have hilly terrain, there are solutions as well. Build up your strength
with shorter trips, find alternate routes, or take a bus part way (many
municipal buses have bike racks on the front that you can use).
18. 18
Use your vehicle as a tool against global warming. If you can't live without a
car, then use it in a way that minimizes global impact.
Buy a hybrid car. The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of CO2 and
$3,750 per year driving a hybrid. Plug-in hybrids can save even more and
one day may be able to give cash back.
Buy a fuel efficient car. Save up to 20,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year
using a more fuel efficient car - that's a savings of AUD$10,000 over a
car's lifetime.[24] Buying fuel efficient cars also encourage companies to
continue making and improving them owing to increased demand.
Practice green driving. Save gas and lower stress levels by being a
considerate driver. Improve fuel efficiency by removing unused external
objects such as roof racks, turning off your engine instead of idling for
long periods of time (over 1 minute), and removing loads from the
trunk/boot that are not necessary.[25]
Keep your car tires adequately inflated. Under-inflated tires can reduce
fuel economy by up to 3% and are subject to increased wear and tear.[26]
Check them monthly. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$840 per
year. A good gift is a tire air-pressure gauge as it not only saves money but
makes driving safer. [27]
Change your air filter. Check your car's air filter monthly. Save 800
pounds of carbon dioxide and US$130 per year. [28] Cleaning your air filter
improves your mileage and reduces pollution because it makes it easier for
your car to take in air and maintain a proper fuel/air mixture.
19. 19
Use Refills. Try using refills instead of buying new jars or bottles each time. This
reduces your consumption and is usually cheaper, too.
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edit Tips
Even if we as humans are not fundamentally creating global warming,[29] these
steps will help reduce many types of pollution and waste and help ensure that
clean air and water will remain for future generations.
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Companies can take immediate action to help with this effort by virtualizing their
workforces to reduce, or even eliminate, their employees' commute and help
reduce automobile pollution.
Try to use more tap water and less bottled water.[30] Doing so will reduce the
energy costs of bottling and transporting water.
Take responsibility for your office's energy use. Many offices leave air
conditioners, computers and lights running all night. Work with responsible
parties in your company to turn off these devices or use power-saving features
when possible.
Try to consume fewer products to help conserve resources and control waste.
Rent movies and video games instead of buying them, or buy them used, or at a
garage sale. Check out books in the library or buy them used, or at a garage sale.
Planting trees balances carbon emissions and pollution. There are organizations
that will help you offset your carbon footprint.
It is true that some scientists do not believe that global warming is caused by
human activities or that it is even happening, but conserving energy and resources
is good “insurance” for the climate.
1. ↑ World temperatures are projected to rise from between 2 to 4.5 degrees Celsius
by the year 2100. IPCC, Fourth Progress Report, Conclusions of Working Group
1, 2007
2. ↑ Professor Ian Lowe, (2005), A Big Fix: Radical Solutions for Australia's
Environmental Crisis ISBN 1-86395-126-1
3. ↑ The Guardian, Houghton J, Global warming is now a weapon of mass
destruction. Sir John Houghton, a co-chair of the IPCC Working Group and
climate specialist, discusses such catastrophes as heat waves, floods, droughts and
storm surges already impacting us heavily.
4. ↑
5. ↑ IPCC, Fourth Progress Report, Conclusions of Working Group 2, 2007
6. ↑ Global warming’s silver lining could be longer growing season, by Gwyn
Mellinger, The Lawrence Journal-World, January 10, 2007
7. ↑ ARCTIC HARVEST: Global Warming a Boon for Greenland's Farmers, by
Gerald Traufetter, SPIEGEL Magazine, 08/30/2006
8. ↑ Global warming, by Wikipedia
9. ↑ Taking action to prevent Global Warming
10. ↑ Robertson,R, A Brighter Shade of Green: Rebooting Environmentalism for the
21st Century, in the magazine What is Enlightenment, October - December 2007
11. ↑ Livestock impacts on the environment
12. ↑ American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets
13. ↑ Department of Climate Change (Australia), Global Warming - Cool It
14. ↑ on Environment
15. ↑ Good Humans Guidelines
16. ↑ Seattle Times, Watson, T, Buy local, and community may reap benefits
17. ↑ Carbon Counted
18. ↑ WRI, Safe Climate Calculator
19. ↑ Wal-Mart, Global Change: Wal-Mart Pledges Packaging Reduction
20. ↑ Department of Climate Change (Australia), Global Warming: Cool It
21. ↑ Dauncey, G and Mazza, P, (2001) Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global
Climate Change, ISBN 978-0-86571-421-2
22. ↑ Natural Resources Canada, Tips on Saving Energy in Your Home
23. ↑ US EPA, On the Road: Climate Change - What You Can Do
24. ↑ Department of Climate Change (Australia), Global Warming - Cool It
25. ↑ US EPA, On the Road: Climate Change - What You Can Do
26. ↑ US EPA, On the Road: Climate Change - What You Can Do
27. ↑ Fox News
28. ↑ Taking Action to Stop Global Warming
29. ↑ IPCC W-GI, "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming
observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."
30. ↑ CBC story on David Suzuki, Buying bottled water is wrong, says Suzuki.
Article Info
Featured Articles | Environmental Awareness
Last edited:
April 6, 2010 by Drjohnson50
Recent edits by: Teresa, Venita Stead, Mark Potter (see all)
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