Network Security Issues of Data Link Layer An Overview
Network Security Issues of Data Link Layer An Overview
Network Security Issues of Data Link Layer An Overview
Abstract—There is a cardinal infrastructure of application even the educational institutions on risk. The attackers getting
software’s, protocols, and physical devices over different sort of access not only to the private lives of humans but also to the
wired and wireless networks, that need to communicate with each critical infrastructures of industries and the country [1]–[4].
other, whether located not only on earth but also in the space.
OSI seven-layers model has become an international standard Mostly, network layer in the OSI model is considered the
to communicate securely and confidently among different kinds weakest section. While the layer 2 (data link layer) is ignored
of the corporate networks while keeping the other OSI layers and not handled properly, that can be the possible weakest
unfamiliar with the current layer of communication. This secrecy layer among all the OSI model [3]. Researchers have devised
among the layers results in vulnerability to attack in a way that
if one layer is compromised to attack, the other layers will not be
the techniques to prevent trojans, malicious emails, infected
able to detect it properly. This individuality of OSI layers makes documents, and the application from the transport layer or the
the whole network severely vulnerable to attack particularly due network layer. But they ignore the data link layer and mostly
to the data link layer as compared to other layers. Generally focus on the security of the device itself, rather focusing on
network security problems at layer 2 are not properly addressed the whole management systems of an enterprise [5]. However,
as compared to other layers, rather the people focus on the
device’s security for the whole management system instead. This
to attack the data link layer is not an easy task, and most of
paper encompasses network security problems faced due to lack the times, network administrators think it is safe, but they
of hardening the layer 2 and it also describes, how it makes a LAN underestimate the attackers.
or the system of networks more vulnerable to attacks, especially Usually, an attacker can affect the IP and Wireless LANs
for the MAC flooding, ARP spoofing, VLAN hopping, DHCP
in the following ways.
attacks, Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Spanning Tree Protocol in
a very concise manner. • Denial of Service Attack on the LAN
Index Terms—OSI model, Security, DoS attack, ARP, STA • Eavesdrop the electronic transmission
• Analyzing and manipulating the flowing data
I. I NTRODUCTION • Two or more than two of above attacks in combination
In the recent era, we have occasionally listened about the If an attacker is able to apply any of the above attacks at the
hacking events occurred in a government portal, research LAN or network of systems, he can affect the comprehensive
institute security center, hacked the sensitive information from security strategy of an organization, critical infrastructure of
an oil company, jammed the power station or an airport. As the electronic communication, government management systems
Information Technology (IT) and communication equipment and/or the public institutions seriously. Usually, a critical
such as cellular phones and the tabs are gradually becoming infrastructure within a country is monitored via internet secu-
an essential part of our daily life, the probability of such rity service providers and mobile communication companies.
attacks is rapidly increasing correspondingly. These devices There are pros and cons of information transmission through
are making the life more convenient and getting our trust the local area network and/or internet. For instance, control
rapidly, as well. For instance, these devices are performing information, sometimes can’t be successfully transmitted to
functions of perception control. The convenience got by human the end devices due to denial-of-services (DoS) attack. DoS
is not cost-free, as they are putting our lives, our country, and attack is easy to be implemented in the Wireless LANs as the
frequency jamming equipment are easily available commer-
cially. In last few years, the Wi-Fi technology has flourished
c IEEE very rapidly, and Wi-Fi 6 has achieved its theoretical speed of
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Fig. 2: Functions and attacks at each layer of OSI model
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cost or smaller root ID is selected as the root bridge and all
other switches not allowed to forward the traffic and/or not
to become a root bridges due to their higher root ID. Other
switches do not advertise their ID anymore due to the root ID.
The attacking technique in this scenario is that an attacker
multi-casts the falsely configured BPDUs to the switches on
a VLAN. Devices on the corporate network consider the
attacker’s switch as the root bridge. To make the attack
successful, the attacker needs two bridges, two switches or two
wireless local area network (WLAN) connections to influence
the network effectively. After becoming root, the attacker can
listen to all the traffic of the victim’s network and even can
insert new frames. The attacker being the root can do a man-in-
Fig. 3: Spanning tree protocol before root privileges [8], [12] the-middle attack (MITM) while being in the middle position
of the server and the client [12]. This scenario is shown in
Fig. 4 of this study.
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the version of the operating system, hostname, port ID, device
type, duplex setting, virtual trunking protocol (VTP) domain,
the power drawn, source and destination addresses and time-
to-live. However, these frames are highly extensible due to the
use of type-length-value (TLV) format. So, further information
can be added to these announcement frames due to the TLV
Fig. 5: Double tagging VLAN hopping attack To avoid the mis-configuration of dynamic routing pro-
tocols, CDP uses a method of operation called on-demand
TABLE I: Summary of critical security attacks at data link routing. In which CDP announcements provide the routing
layer information on demand. The devices in a corporate network
can update their CDP database from the headers of the packet
Attack Name Description
MAC Attacks A switch is flooded with random MAC address. This received accordingly and new devices can be added to the
(CAM Table makes the switch’s table to become filled. The switch corporate network. However, Cisco devices can’t propagate the
Flooding) is the forced to operate like a hub (i.e. frames are CDP messages. Cisco switches use dynamic trunking protocol
forwarded out to all the ports)
STP Attacks Wrong BPDU frames are sent to switches to change (DTP) that supports four modes of operation, mentioned
the spanning-tree topology. DoS attacks can be above. If a Cisco switch is in the first two modes of operations
launched if the topology is frequently changed. i.e., dynamic desirable and dynamic auto, an attacker will be
CDP Attacks Wrong CDP information is sent to switch or routers
to interfere with their operations.
able to convert an access link into a trunk link. In the first
VLAN Attacks By sending wrong VLAN information to switches, mode of operation, Cisco root routers and switches can send
either i) configurations of networks are changed, or the CDP messages to other devices on a corporate network,
ii) operation of network are severely affected.
DHCP Networks are attacks by interfering DHCP oper-
while the other devices can configure themselves accordingly
ations. Attacks like a man in the middle can be for their connectivity to the network. The information sent
launched. through these messages consist of sender/receiver IP address,
ARP Attacks Networks are attacks by interfering ARP operations. Cisco IOS, software version used in Cisco devices, time to live
In these attacks, network operation can be severely
affected (e.g. a rogue router can become the default a packet, the model number of switches and routers and their
gateway of a network) capabilities, etc. The time-to-live information is used to define
the life of packet in a corporate network. When the routers and
switches are in first two modes of operations, an attacker not
access port, traversing through the trunk port in its way. Cisco only can get the information related to the network but also
switches use the 802.1Q tag enabled on the trunk ports. There can over-flow device’s memory and can potentially crash the
are four states in which Cisco switches can operate, as stated root switches by sending false numerous CDP frames.
below. In the generation and during transmission of CDP frame
• Trunk no authentication is provided. Hence, a false CDP frame can
• Dynamic auto easily be crafted and sent over the network to the connected
• Dynamic desirable devices. If an attacker gets access via Telnet, he can collect the
• No-negotiate CDPs and hence the necessary information of entire topology
Three modes of Cisco switches, trunk, dynamic auto and of the network running at layer 2 and 3. CDP attack scenario
dynamic desirable permit changing an access port into trunk is shown in Fig. 6. This useful information makes him able to
port, while the other mode do not allow an access port to be craft a very effective attack against the network, for instance,
a trunk port. This sort of attack can be performed only in one man-in-the-middle attack [4], [13].
direction while being on the same VLAN, as shown in Fig. 5
E. CAM table overflow attack
of this study.
Now, we are going to briefly discuss the attacks that can CAM stands for content addressable memory (CAM) ta-
affect the development of system-security policy and are the ble that is system memory construct. Ethernet switches are
hot topics for the implementation of basic safety operations. vulnerable to CAM table overflow attack. For instance, Cisco
These attacks are more common as compared to the first ones switches store the MAC addresses, corresponding physical port
mentioned in the earlier sections as given in Table 1 of this and VLAN ID on which end-user is located.
study [14], [16]. Usually, Cisco CAM table is designed to store 100 to 10000
MAC addresses simultaneously. If the new MAC addresses are
D. Cisco Discovery Protocol attack being received continuously at the respective port from client
Cisco discovery protocol (CDP) is a network-independent of a particular corporate network, then it may lead to CAM
and media-independent protocol, enabled by default in the table overflow attack. Each entry remains about 300 seconds
Cisco switches and routers hence, can send the CDP announce- in the CAM table of the ethernet switch. CAM table stores
ments over the corporate network. Cisco switches for their the MAC addresses for the respective port number for each
configuration rely on the CDP announcements that consist of entry made in the CAM table. If an address already exists in
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Fig. 6: CDP attack [2], [17], [18]
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such as unauthorized access to the critical infrastructure of
an organization, company records and even solidarity of a
Focusing on the importance and criticality of network
security issues at data link layer, we have presented a detailed
overview of the security problems related to network layer 2
(data link layer), and briefly consolidated on the techniques
through which a network administrator conceives vulnerabil-
ities that may occur at other layers of OSI model due to the
data link layer. We emphasized on developing a general un-
derstanding of the network security problems at layer 2 of OSI
Fig. 9: DHCP starvation attacks [1], [3], [10]
model. However, the developers and manufacturers are also on
their way to perform their role in the prevention of network
hacks for example techniques developed by the developers to
their simple and less costly installation, an attacker can do the
overcome the CAM overflow attacks is named as the port secu-
following things to the Wi-Fi local area network (WLAN).
rity provided by the Cisco manufacturers. Protection systems
• Easily can put himself between the server and the client
exist to prevent the network security problems such as the host-
• Can do the Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack
based intrusion protection (HIP), firewalls, intrusion protection
• Able to capture all the traffic
systems (IPS), host-based intrusion protection (HIPS) etc. In
Two ways by which an attacker can connect to a Wi-Fi future we will devise a comprehensive framework to counter
LAN, are given in the following. security threats of data link layer.
• Establish a false access point (AP) having higher inten-
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our secrecy on risk and has introduced new vulnerabilities
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