Oral - Presentation - Rubric 3rd - 4th Grade - 1 - 9572133 - 230711 - 134829
Oral - Presentation - Rubric 3rd - 4th Grade - 1 - 9572133 - 230711 - 134829
Oral - Presentation - Rubric 3rd - 4th Grade - 1 - 9572133 - 230711 - 134829
• There is no greeting, body and • The greeting, the body or the • The presentation includes a • The presentation includes a
Criterion 3: farewell farewell are missing. greeting, a body and a greeting, a body and a
Organization • The ideas are unclear. • The ideas that don’t always farewell. farewell.
follow a logical sequence. • The ideas follow a logical • All ideas follow a logical
sequence most of the times. sequence.
• The student mispronounces key • The student pronounces • The student pronounces all
• The student pronounces some
words. There are a lot of most words accurately. words accurately.
words accurately. There are
mistakes. • The student uses an • The student uses an
several mistakes.
Criterion 4: • The volume is not appropriate. appropriate volume during appropriate volume during
• The volume is not appropriate,
Voice Communication doesn’t take most of the presentation. the whole presentation.
and communication is affected.
place. • Stress is used correctly in • Stress is used correctly
• There are several stress
• There are a lot of stress most parts of the during the whole
inaccuracies. presentation. presentation.