Sunett Quality Information Pack
Sunett Quality Information Pack
Sunett Quality Information Pack
(Acesulfame K)
The information presented in this Sunett ® Quality Information Pack is based on our present
state of knowledge and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses.
It must not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products described herein
or their suitability for a particular application. The user of Sunett ® is solely responsible for
investigating whether existing patents are infringed by the use of Sunett®. Additionally, the
user is solely responsible for investigating and checking the regulatory approval status with
respect to any intended use of Sunett®. Any sales and/or the deliveries of Sunett® are always
subject to our General Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise agreed between the parties
in writing. Any reference to laws, regulations, standards, guidelines etc. refers to such laws,
regulations, standards, guidelines etc. as in force and effect as of December 2022.
This Sunett® Quality Information Pack supersedes all provisions and concepts contained in
any and all prior Sunett® quality information packs.
Table of Contents
1. CONTACTS .......................................................................................................................4
3. PRODUCTION...................................................................................................................5
3.1 Production Process of Sunett® .........................................................................................5
3.2 Production Flow Chart ......................................................................................................5
3.3 Source of Sunett® ............................................................................................................6
3.4 Manufacture of Sunett® (in Germany only) .......................................................................6
3.5 Ingredient Declaration .......................................................................................................6
3.6 Change Control System ....................................................................................................6
3.7 Lot Size..............................................................................................................................7
3.8 Irradiation ..........................................................................................................................7
3.9 Pest Control .......................................................................................................................7
3.10 Cleaning Agents ...............................................................................................................7
3.11 Personal and Plant Hygiene Program ................................................................................7
3.12 Foreign Object Recognition in the Production of Sunett® .................................................7
3.13 Traceability / Retained sample ...........................................................................................8
5 PROPERTIES..................................................................................................................11
5.1 Structural Formula of Sunett® .........................................................................................11
5.2 Analytical Laboratory .......................................................................................................11
5.3 Microbiological Properties ................................................................................................12
5.4 Food Grade Compliance ..................................................................................................12
5.4.1 Product Specification Sunett® Food Grade ....................................................................13
5.4.2 Certificate of Analysis Food Grade (example) ..................................................................14
5.5 Pharma Grade Compliance..............................................................................................15
5.5.1 Product Specification Pharma Grade ...............................................................................15
5.5.2 Certificate of Analysis Pharma Grade (example) ..............................................................17
5.5.3 Compliance to ICH Q3C Guideline for Residual Solvents ..............................................18
5.5.4 Compliance regarding ICH Q3D Guideline on Elemental Impurities ................................18
5.5.5 IPEC risk evaluation regarding nitrosamine......................................................................18
5.6 Allergens ..........................................................................................................................18
5.7 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) ..........................................................................19
5.8 Nutritional Information ......................................................................................................19
5.9 Vegan Statement .............................................................................................................20
5.10 Absence of Specific Substances ......................................................................................20
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5.10.1 Non-containing Dioxins, PCBs or PHAs ...........................................................................20
5.10.2 Mycotoxin Data ................................................................................................................21
5.10.3 Nitrofen ............................................................................................................................21
5.10.4 Latex ................................................................................................................................21
5.10.5 Compliance with the California Proposition 65 .................................................................21
5.10.6 Compliance with Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) ...................................................21
5.10.7 Non-containing Substances mentioned in the Prohibited List of WADA ..........................21
5.10.8 Palm Oil ..........................................................................................................................21
5.10.9 Transmitting Animal Spongiform Encephalopathy / Certificate of Suitability .....................21
5.10.10 Absence of ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol ...............................................................22
5.11 Animal Non-Testing Declaration.......................................................................................22
8 ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................................34
8.1 ICH Q3C - Residual Solvents ...........................................................................................34
8.2 Table and Report according to ICH – Q3D-Guideline for Elemental Impurities.................35
8.3 GMO Questionnaire .........................................................................................................36
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Product Stewardship/
Regulatory Contact: Dr. Mari Stavanja
Fellow Product Stewardship
Phone: +1 972 443 4983
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Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is manufactured in a closed production system which meets all legal
requirements for environmental protection and plant safety.
A modern computer-supported process routing system controls the production process. The continuous
in-process-control shall provide a constant high quality of the operation of the manufacturing process,
as well as a constant product quality.
Safety and quality-relevant control points are registered in a database and are frequently monitored.
The results of this monitoring are documented in writing and are available if needed. At Celanese Food
Ingredients, the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) program and additionally
Hazards Analysis Risk-Based Preventive Controls (HARPC) have been implemented, to prevent
mistakes and hazards and to achieve a predictable product quality. Employees are checking the critical
control points and risk-based preventive controls according to schedule.
All raw materials are obtained from authorized suppliers and are checked according to a testing plan.
The operations of the manufacturing process as well as the application of state-of-the-art technology
require qualified personnel. A training plan is drawn up every year for each employee. The
implementation of the plan is continuously checked.
Whereas the production itself is a closed system, the finished product encounters the environment in
the filling area for the first time. Consequently, the hygienic demands on employees, plant and
packaging are very high.
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Celanese Food Ingredients has developed SOPs for plan hygiene. Below there are the most frequent
Source YES NO
Animal X
Vegetable X
Mineral X
Natural X
Nature Identical X
Chemical/Synthetic X
Production Facility:
Sunett® Plant, Building D 483
Industriepark Höchst
65926 Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Nutrinova Germany GmbH is the only western manufacturer of Acesulfame K.
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3.7 Lot Size
The lot size of Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is defined as a 48h production. The assignment of lot numbers
(a ten digit number) is controlled by SAP. Each lot is linked to specific material numbers. The
combination of lot and material numbers guarantee a definite classification and consistent traceability.
3.8 Irradiation
Neither the starting materials nor our end product are irradiated during production. This is in compliance
with the irradiation legislation of the EU Directive 1999/2/EC as amended, the US FDA regulation 21
CFR 179 and the Japanese Food Sanitation Act.
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1. Filtration of the liquid sweetener
2. Sieving of the dried product, pore size less than 1000 micron / 18 U.S. Mesh.
3. Permanent magnets (9000 GAUSS) located before filling of final packages
4. Metal detectors located during / after filling process
The functional check of the metal detector is done daily, before and after filling the manufactured
Sensitivity (Cardboard Box): 2.5 mm stainless steel, 2.2 mm steel, 3.0 mm brass.
Sensitivity (Big Bag): 2.0 mm stainless steel, 1.5 mm steel, 1.8 mm brass.
Sensitivity (customized packaging): 2.5 mm stainless steel, 2.0 mm steel, 3.0 mm brass.
Cardboard Box
In order to protect them from humidity and for transport reasons the pallet stacks are covered with a
polyethylene stretch film and get secured. To maintain the product quality, we recommend storing the
products at ambient temperature (max. 30 °C), dry (max. 65 % relative humidity), in the originally closed
packaging and protected from sunlight.
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Packaging Material Weight (kg) Size (mm)
Collapsible cardboard box (10 kg) Corrugated cardboard 0.5 384 x 180 x 230
Collapsible cardboard box (25 kg) Corrugated cardboard 0.8 384 x 280 x 280
Pallet CP1* Chamber dried wood 19 1000 x 1200 x 138
Inliner (10 kg) HDPE 0.06 290 x 700
Inliner (25 kg) HDPE 0.08 390 x 800
Packaging Material Weight (kg) Size (mm)
Inliner (10 kg) PA 0.03 480 x 700
Inliner (25 kg) PA 0.06 700 800
*Stamped with IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
Big Bag
The big bag is sealed using a numbered seal. The packaging unit is wrapped with a PE stretch film.
Regarding MOSH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons) and MOAH (Mineral Oil Aromatic
Hydrocarbons) the packaging materials comply with the current limits set by the Federal Institute for
Risk Assessment (BfR).
The inks used for the printing of the packaging material are free of mineral oil compounds.
If the packaging material contains a functional barrier layer of plastic, its effectiveness is proved per Art.
13, para. 2, 3 and 4 or Art. 14, para. 2 and 3 of the European regulation no. 10/2011.
• Material number
• Lot number
• Product name
• E number
• CAS-No
• Company name and address
• Date of manufacturing
• Best before date
• Country of origin
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The finished products are stored at temperature and humidity monitored warehouse under GMP
conditions (FSSC-certified). Removal from storage takes place according to the principle of first in first
out (FIFO).
Transport and dispatch are carried out exclusively by authorized haulage contractors. The regulations
governing the dispatch of food are observed.
During the storage of our products the following requirements must be fulfilled:
• Ambient temperature: max 30°C
• Dry conditions (max 65 % relative humidity)
• Protection from direct sunlight.
If Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is stored under these conditions in unopened, originally sealed packaging
unit, the shelf life is 5 years from date of manufacturing.
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Does your company utilize Third Parties to complete a portion of or all of the GMP related
Yes, these are according to the requirements of food GMP.
Calibration In-house
Testing of in-coming materials In-house
Testing of in-process materials In-house
Residual Solvents Testing In-house
Final release testing In-house (and/or external laboratory)
Microbiological Testing External accredited laboratory
Heavy Metal Testing In-house or external ISO certified laboratory
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5.3 Microbiological Properties
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is produced synthetically and is virtually free from microorganisms. Any viable
microorganisms are killed at temperatures occurring during production and subsequent drying. Sunett®
is virtually free from water; therefore, it is very unlikely that microorganisms can grow on Sunett®.
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is packed under hygienic conditions and all people involved in packing have
been properly trained and wear required protective clothing.
Microbiological testing is conducted by Institute Fresenius, an external accredited laboratory according
to the requirements of Ph. Eur. and USP-NF.
Property CFU
The food quality of Sunett® fulfills the purity requirements of the FAO/WHO/CODEX/JECFA, those of
the US Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) 13th edition, the JSFA 9th edition and the EU Commission
Regulation 231/2012.
Acesulfame K has been adopted by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission as food additive
and approved in the US according to 21CFR 172.800, Japan according to the Japanese Food
Sanitation Act and the EU according to the Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 and currently is going
through re-evaluation in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 257/2010 of 25 March 2010
setting up a programme for the re-evaluation of approved food additives in accordance with Regulation
(EC) No 1333/2008.
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5.4.1 Product Specification Food Grade
Please contact Nutrinova Germany GmbH for the official product specification documents.
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5.4.2 Certificate of Analysis Food Grade (example)
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5.5 Pharma Grade Compliance
Sunett® is conforming to the monographs published by the European Pharmacopoeia, US
Pharmacopoeia and Japanese Pharma Excipient list. Following please find our Celanese Specification
and example of the Certificate of Analysis.
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Page 2:
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5.5.2 Certificate of Analysis Pharma Grade (example)
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5.5.3 Compliance to ICH Q3C Guideline for Residual Solvents
Each batch Sunett® Pharma Grade is tested with GC for Residual Solvents including Triethylamine and
According to EP/USP General Chapter <467> Organic Volatile Impurities/Residual Solvents and the
ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline for residual solvents (EMA/CHMP/ICH/82260/2006) in the
updated version hereby we confirm, that no Class 1 solvents are likely to be present in Sunett ® Pharma
Dichloromethane, as a Class 2 solvent is used during the manufacturing process. Results are on our
Certificate of Analysis. Limit for Dichloromethane per Nutrinova specification is 5 ppm. Limit according
to ICH < 600 ppm.
Triethylamine, as a Class 3 solvent is used during the manufacturing process according to GMP. Limit
for Triethylamine per Nutrinova specification is 5 ppm. Triethylamine is limited according to ICH with
5.6 Allergens
Furthermore, Sunett® (Acesulfame K) does not contain any of the following substances or products
garlic buckwheat coconut seasonings
millet stone fruits pine nut rice
vanillin glutamate benzoic acid maize
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5.9 Vegan Statement
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is manufactured without the use of animal matter or products derived from
animal origin. At no stage of production and processing, use has been made of products of animal
origin including:
➢ ingredients (including additives, carriers, aromas, fragrances, flavorings and enzymes) or
➢ processing aids or
➢ substances which are not additives but are used in the same way and with the same purpose as
processing aids
In addition, the raw materials used for the manufacture of Sunett® (Acesulfame K) are Sulfamic Acid,
Diketene and Sulphur Trioxide. The production process can be divided into the following steps:
• Chemical synthesis
• Crystallization from water
• Drying
• Packaging
• Storage
• Shipment
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5.10.2 Mycotoxin Data
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is produced synthetically without use of agricultural raw materials, which
excludes possible contamination by mycotoxins.
Total Aflatoxins X
Aflatoxin B1 X
Ochratoxin A X
Patulin (Apples only) X
5.10.3 Nitrofen
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) does not contain any Nitrofen.
5.10.4 Latex
Latex is not used during the manufacturing process. Therefore Sunett® (Acesulfame K) does not
contain any Latex.
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5.10.10 Absence of ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol
Sunett® (Acesulfame K) has not been treated with ethylene oxide and none of the raw materials used
in the production has been treated with ethylene oxide. The presence of ethylene oxide and the
breakdown product 2-chloroethanol can therefore be ruled out.
The Nutrinova Hazards Analysis Critical Control Point ( HACCP) system is based upon the principles
of the HACCP system of Codex Alimentarius (ALI-Norm 97/13, Annex 2, created by FAO/WHO), an
internationally accepted standard for food and food safety. It also fulfills the HACCP requirements of
British Retail Consortium Standard (BRC) and ISO 22.000. Additionally HACCP is part of the external
GFSI recognized FSSC 22000 certification and the Nutrinova Food Ingredients HACCP system and
plan is external audited yearly.
A HACCP team is responsible for implementing and maintaining the Celanese Food Ingredients
HACCP system. They have to check if the HACCP system is working correctly and effectively. In
relation to this, audits of the HACCP system are conducted by internal auditors at least once a year.
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The Board of Management and HACCP teams are kept informed about the results by an audit report
as well as during the yearly management review.
The Celanese Food Ingredients HACCP system is validated routinely by the multi-disciplinary team.
Within this scope, comprehensive reviews of particular hazard analysis and HACCP plan are
conducted. The defined critical limit of particular Critical Control Points (CCP’s) and Quality Control
Points (QCP’s) are validated and fitted accordingly, if appropriate. The CCP’s and QCP’s are checked
on accuracy. In the case of changes and/or new information, it will be necessary to check whether the
HACCP system and/or hazard analysis will also need to be changed. If so, an adoption of the HACCP
plan and system will be conducted and documented.
According to the HACCP concept, testing plans and regulations are established to detect and prevent
errors. This procedure maintains a high standard of hygiene and safety:
The determined particular Critical Control Point (CCP’s) in the Sunett® production is metal detection
and magnetic separation at the end of the filling process, see flow-chart:
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6.4 HARPC according to the FDA Preventive Controls Rule
Additionally to the HACCP-System, Celanese Food Ingredients has implemented Hazards Analysis
Risk-Based Preventive Controls according to the Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule as
outlined in Title 21 Part 117 of the Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR 117). FDA has established
different types of preventive controls, each requiring monitoring, corrective action, verification, and
record keeping procedures:
• Facility Information
• Preliminary Information
• Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Prerequisite Programs
• Biological, chemical, physical and radiological hazards & Preventive Controls Determination
• Process Preventive Controls
• Food Allergen Preventive Controls
• Sanitation Preventive Controls
• Supply-Chain Preventive Controls
• Recall Plan
The Food Safety Plan is adapted continuously and as a whole reanalyzed at least every 3 years.
provided that the product is stored in the originally closed packaging, protected from sunlight, at ambient
temperature (max. 30 °C) and dry (max. 65 % relative humidity) conditions.
Stability Testing Program is done according to the “Good Manufacturing Practise Guide for Bulk
Pharmaceutical Excipients” of the International Pharmaceutical Excipients Councils (IPEC, version
2017, Chapter
It is a documented testing and evaluation program in place to assess the stability characteristics of the
excipient Sunett® (Acesulfame K). The results of the stability testing are used in determining appropriate
storage conditions and re-evaluation or expiration dates. The testing program is on-going and includes
the following:
• The number of lots, sample sizes and test intervals
• Storage conditions and test methods sufficient to indicate stability
• Storage of the excipient Sunett® (Acesulfame K) in original closed packaging.
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6.6 Supplier Approval
Only approved suppliers are allowed to deliver packaging and raw materials. Suppliers will be approved
according to the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for supplier approval which includes
questionnaires, audits, samples/ analytical control, product specification, etc. In addition, the incoming
packaging and raw materials are controlled according to the SOP for packaging and raw material testing
SOP´s. All approved suppliers are listed and communicated to the proper functions.
6.7 Sustainability
Celanese is a registered supplier on EcoVadis for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Our
manufacturing site in Frankfurt is audited according to SEDEX standard (also CSR) and ISO 50001
(Energy Management System) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certified.
Celanese EHS Policy and Guiding Principles can be found in the Environmental Governance Section
of the Sustainability Site:
Celanese Food Ingredients is committed to produce high quality and safe food additives. Official
certificates are available on
FSSC 22000*, version 5.1 (DIN EN ISO 22000:2018, ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 and additional FSSC 22000
ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)
ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System)
ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management System)
Food Defense of IFS Food (version 6.1 at chapter 6)
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
GDP (Good Distribution Practices)
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls according to FSMA)
EC Directive 178/2002 (Traceability)
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act
FSMA Final Rule for Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration
Risk Management
Control program for food safety and hygiene
Traceability of the product and its used raw and auxiliary materials and packaging
materials up to 6 years
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Purchase of raw, auxiliary and packaging materials only from approved suppliers
Customer audits upon request
Complete control of the manufacturing process
Crisis Management
Emergency Availability 24 hours 7 days a week
*FSSC 22000 is one of the most important GFSI-recognized certification programs for the Food industry. GFSI (Global Food Safety
Initiative) is a global, industry wide set of standards and requirements that a certification program must meet (
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To whom does QA report within your To the Director Business, Food Ingredients
In case you supplied a customer with a Yes, system for recall in place, a responsible
defective product, would you or your person is available 24h / 7days
distributor notify the customers and is Emergency number: + 49 (0)69 305 6418
there a recall procedure in place?
If so, please describe how products are According to the Crisis Management System
recalled. in place
If yes, please describe this system. Documentation Control System in place with
approval documents
How long do you keep the analytical and 6 years
the production records?
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Who is responsible for the release of your Quality Manager
product into the market?
Does the product comply with the TSE N/A*. Sunett® is manufactured synthetically
Note for Guidance EMEA/410/01? without using animals as source of material.
Does the product comply with the ICH Yes, Dichloromethane (Class 2) is used during
Q3C Guideline production, results for “Residual solvent”
(Residual Solvents)? mentioned in CoA for Sunett® Pharma Grade
Does the product comply with German N/A*. Sunett® (Acesulfame K) is produced
Guideline "Aflatoxin VerbotsV dated synthetically without use of agricultural raw
19.07.00"? materials, which excludes possible
contamination by mycotoxins.
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Are the analytical methods used Yes
Please provide product specifications and Test methods are mentioned on CoA
test methods of the product in question.
Do you analyze according to the current Yes, our methods are validated against the
Pharmacopoeia Testing Methods? official Ph. Eur. and USP-NF methods.
If yes, according to which one, e.g. Ph. Both Ph. Eur. and USP-NF
Eur., USP-NF?
Will you provide a Certificate of Analysis Yes
(CoA) with each shipment, including
actual analytical data to customers?
How long is the product stable and how 5 years from date of manufacture, stability data
do you assess the shelf life? (i.e. are according to IPEC guidelines
stability-testing data for the product in
question available?)
Which storage or handling conditions do Store in the originally closed packaging, at
you recommend for the product? ambient temperature (max. 30 °C), dry
(temperature, humidity) conditions (max. 65 % relative humidity) and
protected from sunlight.
Who performs the sampling and who Trained personal
performs the testing of:
▪ raw materials
▪ in-process checks and
▪ finished products
Do you keep records of all samples Yes
entering the laboratories?
Do these records include: Yes
▪ date sample received
▪ identity of samples
▪ testing results
▪ date sample taken and
▪ name of person who took sample
Do you have procedures defining the Yes
handling of quality
documents regarding
▪ update
▪ approval and
▪ use and archiving
How are Out-Of-Specification (OOS) Via SAP system, process in place
results investigated and documented in
the laboratories?
Describe your procedure for analytical SOP in place
reagent standardization.
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How do you assure that testing equipment is SOP in place
calibrated at appropriate intervals?
Describe any electronic data processing SAP QM module
systems, which are used in the laboratory (i.e.
Are these systems validated? Yes
What kind of water do you use in the laboratory? Demineralised water
Please state the physical/ chemical and the Pharma filter in place, micro checks
micro-biological quality of this type of water. routinely done
How often do you control this type of water? Once per month
To whom does the production report within your To the Director Business, Food
organization? Ingredients
Do you manufacture other products than the one No, it is a dedicated plant for Sunett®
being questioned in your manufacturing facility (Acesulfame K) production
If so, please give document reference number. DQS certificate FSSC 22000
Registration No. 003122 FSSC
Do you issue a batch record for each batch/lot Yes
Describe the segregation and control of SAP positive release, red and green
approved, quarantined and rejected material. labels, separated storage areas
Do you have a pest control program against Yes, monitored monthly according to
rodents, vermin and other animals? pest control program
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Product related Questions
Do you clean the ventilation and dust Yes, according to SOP / cleaning schedule
extraction systems according to a defined
plan and with which frequency?
Please state the different types of water Only water according to German
used in production. “Trinkwasserverordnung” (tab water
regulation) purified and filtered
Please state the physical/ chemical and the According to German “Trinkwasser-
micro-biological quality of this type of water. verordnung” (tab water regulation)
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Describe any electronic data processing SAP system
systems which are used in production. Production control system
Is the product directly filled into the shipping Directly filled into final packaging. We have
pack after production and then stored until a contracted warehouse in Worms,
shipment or is the product first stored in Germany where the final product is stored
containers and only filled into the shipping until distribution.
pack just before shipment?
What kind of containers do you use (fiber Cardboard box with PA inner liner or
drums, inner linings etc.)? 500/1000kg Big Bags
Packaging materials are delivered with
protective cover.
What measures have you implemented to Sieve, metal detection, permanent magnets
make sure that the product is not
contaminated by foreign matters? Yes, depending on grade we use magnetic
Do you sieve the material before final stainless steel 1000µm (18mesh), 600µm
packing (if so, what mesh size)? Do you use (30 mesh) und 355µm (45 mesh).
magnetic bars to remove metal particles?
Under what conditions do you store the final Ambient temperature (max 30° C), dry (rel.
product (temperature, humidity)? humid max 65%) and protected from
How do you make sure that Customer Input into SAP
Purchase Orders, packaging and shipping
requirements are followed?
Do you put different batches of one product No, only one batch per pallet
on one pallet?
Do you keep records of all shipments to Yes
customers, including batch number and
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Class 1 Solvents
The product in question was manufactured (including all manufacturing steps) with the use of
Class 1 Solvents?
Yes No
Class 2 Solvents
The product in question was manufactured (including all manufacturing steps) with the use of Class 2
Yes No
Class 3 Solvents
The product in question was manufactured (including all manufacturing steps) with the use of Class 3
Yes No
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8.2 Table and Test Report according to ICH – Q3D-Guideline for Elemental Impurities
Sunett® is fully in compliance with the ICH Q3D Guideline. None of the elements mentioned in this
guideline is added intentionally during production. Nevertheless, Sunett® is analyzed regularly per ICP-
MS on different elements mentioned in this guideline, the reports can be received on request. Following
an overview regarding the analyzed elements:
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8.3 GMO Questionnaire
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Has the product been sourced from non-genetically modified raw materials by
means of segregation measures (i.e. only non-GM materials in the entire supply
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