CT Calculation & BEF Report ICA
CT Calculation & BEF Report ICA
CT Calculation & BEF Report ICA
Manufacturer: REYROLLE
Type: Argus (7SR1x)
Nominal Current: 1A
Relay burden: 0.05 VA
Remark: CTD device in Phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016.
The CT behaviour acc. to IEC-P will be described by the operating accuracy limiting factor ALFo. It
depends on the nominal accuracy limiting factor ALFn, the nominal burden Pn, the internal CT burden
Pct and the total effective connected burden Ptotal.
CT 1:
Pn + Pct
ALFo = ALFn = 65.641
Ptotal + Pct
ALFn: nominal accuracy limiting factor = 20
Pn: nominal burden = 5 VA
Pct: internal CT burden = 0.6 VA
Ptotal: total effective connected burden = 1.1062 VA
For the protection relay 7SR1x the requirements for close-up faults have to be fulfilled.
Check of requirement 1:
ALFo ≥ I>>(high set), at least 20 (Requirement)
ALFo = 65.641
I>> (high set) = 20 Meets requirement
CT type: IEC Class 5P
Transformation ratio (as per SLD): 150 A / 1 A
Name plate data (as per SLD): 5 VA, 5P20
Internal resistance Rct : 0.6 Ω (assumed)
Remark: CT name plated data used, as indicated in the drawing, ‘Bulox Power Pte Ltd ICA building’
SLD ICA Rev1.pdf’ dated 13-09-2021
Manufacturer: SIEMENS
Type: 7SR1x (87BEF HI)
Internal burden: 0.05 VA (1A phase and earth element)
Number of CTs in parallel with relay (N) 3
Remark: An additional device in series to relay 3-ph input considered for the stabilizing voltage
calculation: a CTD in phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016. This calculation works also
when this device is not present.
Cable burden:
Length: lwire =5m
Cross section: Awire = 4 mm2
Spec. resistivity: ρ = 0.0225 Ω mm2/ m (Cu at 75 OC)
Sec. wire current: Isn,wire =5A
Eff. wire length in p.u.: kwire =2
k wire Cu l wire
Rwire = = 0.0562 Ω
Based on the chosen current pickup value and the chosen resistor (see below) the effective stability
voltage is proposed to be:
Us = 30 V
The stabilizing resistor Rstab can be chosen with a necessary minimum continuous power rating
Pstab,cont of :
Pstab ,cont =3W
Please note that in order to keep the resistor healthy during commissioning tests the fault current from
the testing equipment should be immediately withdrawn after the device gives a protection trip.
Moreover, Rstab must have a short time rating large enough to withstand the fault current levels before
the fault is cleared. The time duration of 0.5 seconds can be typically considered (Pstab,0.5s) to take
into account longer fault clearance times of back-up protection. The rms voltage developed across the
stabilizing resistor is decisive for the thermal stress of the stabilizing resistor. It is calculated according
to formula:
I sn
U rms , f = 1.3 4 U knee Rstab I k ,max,int
= 344.18 V
I pn
Uknee : knee point voltage of CT 85 V
Rstab : resistance of the stabilizing resistor 300 Ω
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 150 A
Isn : CT secondary nominal current 1A
The resulting short-time rating Pstab,0.5s equals to:
U rms , f
Pstab , 0.5 s = 395 W
(Rrelay + Rstab )
I sn
U k ,max,int = I k ,max,int = 8000 V
I pn
where the relay burden Rrelay = 0.05 Ω is neglected.
The resulting maximum peak voltage across the panel terminals (i.e. tie with relay and Rstab connected
in series):
Ik, max, int : max. symmetrical short-circuit
= 4 kA
current of internal faults
CT dimensioning check:
The minimum knee point voltage of the CTs must be twice the relay setting voltage:
U knee 2 U s
Uknee = 85 V
2 Us = 60 V Meets requirement
Furthermore, it is recommended that the knee point voltage of the CT should not be higher than eight
times the relay setting voltage:
U knee 8 U s
Uknee = 85 V
8 Us = 240 V Meets the recommendation
Varistor check:
A varistor is required if:
Umax,relay ≥1500 V
In this case:
Umax,relay = 2320 V
Varistor required
The type of voltage limiting resistor (non-linear resistor / varistor) required shall be chosen by checking
the following criteria:
1. At first the relay setting voltage shall be checked:
Us = 30 V
4 I
Pvar = I k ,max,int sn U knee = 2886.01 J/s
I pn
Uknee: knee point voltage of CT 85 V
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 150 A
Isn: CT secondary nominal current 1A
Since the varistor shall practically withstand these conditions for the maximum fault clearance time of 1
sec. it is sufficient to compare the value calculated above to the 1 sec. rating of the varistor.
3. The maximum prospective secondary internal fault current:
Ik,max,int,sec: = 26.7A
Manufacturer: REYROLLE
Type: Argus (7SR1x)
Nominal Current: 1A
Relay burden: 0.05 VA
Remark: CTD device in Phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016.
The CT behaviour acc. to IEC-P will be described by the operating accuracy limiting factor ALFo. It
depends on the nominal accuracy limiting factor ALFn, the nominal burden Pn, the internal CT burden
Pct and the total effective connected burden Ptotal.
CT 1:
Pn + Pct
ALFo = ALFn = 71.701
Ptotal + Pct
ALFn: nominal accuracy limiting factor = 20
Pn: nominal burden = 5 VA
Pct: internal CT burden = 0.4 VA
Ptotal: total effective connected burden = 1.1062 VA
For the protection relay 7SR1x the requirements for close-up faults have to be fulfilled.
Check of requirement 1:
ALFo ≥ I>>(high set), at least 20 (Requirement)
ALFo = 71.701
I>> (high set) = 20 Meets requirement
CT type: IEC Class 5P
Transformation ratio (as per SLD): 100 A / 1 A
Name plate data (as per SLD): 5 VA, 5P20
Internal resistance Rct : 0.4 Ω (assumed)
Remark: CT name plated data used, as indicated in the drawing, ‘Bulox Power Pte Ltd ICA building’
SLD ICA Rev1.pdf’ dated 13-09-2021
Manufacturer: SIEMENS
Type: 7SR1x (87BEF HI)
Internal burden: 0.05 VA (1A phase and earth element)
Number of CTs in parallel with relay (N) 3
Remark: An additional device in series to relay 3-ph input considered for the stabilizing voltage
calculation: a CTD in phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016. This calculation works also
when this device is not present.
Cable burden:
Length: lwire =5m
Cross section: Awire = 4 mm2
Spec. resistivity: ρ = 0.0225 Ω mm2/ m (Cu at 75 OC)
Sec. wire current: Isn,wire =5A
Eff. wire length in p.u.: kwire =2
k wire Cu l wire
Rwire = = 0.0562 Ω
Based on the chosen current pickup value and the chosen resistor (see below) the effective stability
voltage is proposed to be:
Us = 30 V
The stabilizing resistor Rstab can be chosen with a necessary minimum continuous power rating
Pstab,cont of :
Pstab ,cont s =3W
Please note that in order to keep the resistor healthy during commissioning tests the fault current from
the testing equipment should be immediately withdrawn after the device gives a protection trip.
Moreover, Rstab must have a short time rating large enough to withstand the fault current levels before
the fault is cleared. The time duration of 0.5 seconds can be typically considered (P stab,0.5s) to take
into account longer fault clearance times of back-up protection. The rms voltage developed across the
stabilizing resistor is decisive for the thermal stress of the stabilizing resistor. It is calculated according
to formula:
I sn
U rms , f = 1.3 4 U knee Rstab I k ,max,int
= 363.96 V
I pn
Uknee : knee point voltage of CT 80 V
Rstab : resistance of the stabilizing resistor 300 Ω
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 100 A
Isn : CT secondary nominal current 1A
The resulting short-time rating Pstab,0.5s equals to:
U rms , f
Pstab , 0.5 s = 442 W
(Rrelay + Rstab )
I sn
U k ,max,int = I k ,max,int = 12000 V
I pn
where the relay burden Rrelay = 0.05 Ω is neglected.
The resulting maximum peak voltage across the panel terminals (i.e. tie with relay and Rstab connected
in series):
Ik, max, int : max. symmetrical short-circuit
= 4 kA
current of internal faults
CT dimensioning check:
The minimum knee point voltage of the CTs must be twice the relay setting voltage:
U knee 2 U s
Uknee = 80 V
2 Us = 60 V Meets requirement
Furthermore, it is recommended that the knee point voltage of the CT should not be higher than eight
times the relay setting voltage:
U knee 8 U s
Uknee = 80 V
8 Us = 240 V Meets the recommendation
Varistor check:
A varistor is required if:
Umax,relay ≥1500 V
In this case:
Umax,relay = 2762 V
Varistor required
The type of voltage limiting resistor (non-linear resistor / varistor) required shall be chosen by checking
the following criteria:
1. At first the relay setting voltage shall be checked:
Us = 30 V
4 I
Pvar = I k ,max,int sn U knee = 4074.37 J/s
I pn
Uknee: knee point voltage of CT 80 V
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 100 A
Isn: CT secondary nominal current 1A
Since the varistor shall practically withstand these conditions for the maximum fault clearance time of 1
sec. it is sufficient to compare the value calculated above to the 1 sec. rating of the varistor.
3. The maximum prospective secondary internal fault current:
Ik,max,int,sec: = 40A
Manufacturer: REYROLLE
Type: Argus (7SR1x)
Nominal Current: 1A
Relay burden: 0.05 VA
Remark: CTD device in Phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016.
The CT behaviour acc. to IEC-P will be described by the operating accuracy limiting factor ALFo. It
depends on the nominal accuracy limiting factor ALFn, the nominal burden Pn, the internal CT burden
Pct and the total effective connected burden Ptotal.
CT 1:
Pn + Pct
ALFo = ALFn = 75.378
Ptotal + Pct
ALFn: nominal accuracy limiting factor = 20
Pn: nominal burden = 5 VA
Pct: internal CT burden = 0.3 VA
Ptotal: total effective connected burden = 1.1062 VA
For the protection relay 7SR1x the requirements for close-up faults have to be fulfilled.
Check of requirement 1:
ALFo ≥ I>>(high set), at least 20 (Requirement)
ALFo = 75.378
I>> (high set) = 20 Meets requirement
CT type: IEC Class 5P
Transformation ratio (as per SLD): 75 A / 1 A
Name plate data (as per SLD): 5 VA, 5P20
Internal resistance Rct : 0.3 Ω (assumed)
Remark: CT name plated data used, as indicated in the drawing, ‘Bulox Power Pte Ltd ICA building’
SLD ICA Rev1.pdf’ dated 13-09-2021
Manufacturer: SIEMENS
Type: 7SR1x (87BEF HI)
Internal burden: 0.05 VA (1A phase and earth element)
Number of CTs in parallel with relay (N) 3
Remark: An additional device in series to relay 3-ph input considered for the stabilizing voltage
calculation: a CTD in phase Y as per SPPG scheme from 2016. This calculation works also
when this device is not present.
Cable burden:
Length: lwire =5m
Cross section: Awire = 4 mm2
Spec. resistivity: ρ = 0.0225 Ω mm2/ m (Cu at 75 OC)
Sec. wire current: Isn,wire =5A
Eff. wire length in p.u.: kwire =2
k wire Cu l wire
Rwire = = 0.0562 Ω
Based on the chosen current pickup value and the chosen resistor (see below) the effective stability
voltage is proposed to be:
Us = 30 V
The stabilizing resistor Rstab can be chosen with a necessary minimum continuous power rating
Pstab,cont of :
Pstab ,cont s =3W
Please note that in order to keep the resistor healthy during commissioning tests the fault current from
the testing equipment should be immediately withdrawn after the device gives a protection trip.
Moreover, Rstab must have a short time rating large enough to withstand the fault current levels before
the fault is cleared. The time duration of 0.5 seconds can be typically considered (Pstab,0.5s) to take
into account longer fault clearance times of back-up protection. The rms voltage developed across the
stabilizing resistor is decisive for the thermal stress of the stabilizing resistor. It is calculated according
to formula:
I sn
U rms , f = 1.3 4 U knee Rstab I k ,max,int
= 391.1 V
I pn
Uknee : knee point voltage of CT 80 V
Rstab : resistance of the stabilizing resistor 300 Ω
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 75 A
Isn : CT secondary nominal current 1A
The resulting short-time rating Pstab,0.5s equals to:
U rms , f
Pstab , 0.5 s = 510 W
(Rrelay + Rstab )
I sn
U k ,max,int = I k ,max,int = 16000 V
I pn
where the relay burden Rrelay = 0.05 Ω is neglected.
The resulting maximum peak voltage across the panel terminals (i.e. tie with relay and Rstab connected
in series):
Ik, max, int : max. symmetrical short-circuit
= 4 kA
current of internal faults
CT dimensioning check:
The minimum knee point voltage of the CTs must be twice the relay setting voltage:
U knee 2 U s
Uknee = 80 V
2 Us = 60 V Meets requirement
Furthermore, it is recommended that the knee point voltage of the CT should not be higher than eight
times the relay setting voltage:
U knee 8 U s
Uknee = 80 V
8 Us = 240 V Meets the recommendation
Varistor check:
A varistor is required if:
Umax,relay ≥1500 V
In this case:
Umax,relay = 3192 V
Varistor required
The type of voltage limiting resistor (non-linear resistor / varistor) required shall be chosen by checking
the following criteria:
1. At first the relay setting voltage shall be checked:
Us = 30 V
4 I
Pvar = I k ,max,int sn U knee = 5432.5 J/s
I pn
Uknee: knee point voltage of CT 80 V
Ik,max,int: max. symmetrical short-circuit
4 kA
current for internal faults
Ipn: CT primary nominal current 75 A
Isn: CT secondary nominal current 1A
Since the varistor shall practically withstand these conditions for the maximum fault clearance time of 1
sec. it is sufficient to compare the value calculated above to the 1 sec. rating of the varistor.
3. The maximum prospective secondary internal fault current:
Ik,max,int,sec: = 53.3A