In one way or another, the competencies that teachers must achieve will
be related to the tasks they must perform, which make it necessary to identify
and comprehend them.
Buling 2022, groups these tasks into three large categories, which are
interdependent. The teacher concerning the community, the teacher about the
school as an institution, and the teacher with the student and the class group.
The first classification requires the teacher to have a deep knowledge of the
community where he or she works to incorporate the community’s cultural
values and traditions into his practice. This knowledge of the environment is
directly linked to decision-making to design curricular projects, since all these
elements of the environment must be present in the curriculum, dispensing
with unique manuals that say what to teach in any circumstance.
The second category refers to the knowledge that the teacher must
possess about the educational system so that he or she can integrate and
adapt it to achieve full development. The following are a series of
characteristics or possible competencies one can extract from Buling (2022)
postulates: cultural preparation, critical analysis, reflective ability, technical
knowledge, adaptability, teamwork and cooperation, organizational capacity
and administrative competence. These characteristics are all highly desirable in
any teacher, and they provide the first sights about the new teaching-
associated competencies.
Continuing with the new demands and what is asked of the teachers
today, the OECD and UNESCO (2001) point out that expectations are higher
every day. In the opinion of these institutions, there is a growing demand for
higher academic qualifications and they show the need for continuous
updating, both in the didactic expertise and in the knowledge of the teachers.
For the OECD and UNESCO, this is essential because to provide tomorrow’s
world with the knowledge and skills on which economic and social progress so
critically depend, educational institutions and teachers need to respond by
developing and delivering appropriate educational content. They add that it is
necessary to complement the teachers’ disciplinary command with pedagogical
competence to facilitate the development of high-level competencies in their
students. Within these competencies, motivation to learn, creativity, and
cooperation seem to be crucial.
More information about the skills required for the knowledge society is
provided by the OECD (2001). This international organization seeks to answer
the question of the competencies required to participate successfully in today’s
society. Before delivering the results of several studies, the OECD warns us
that there is no agreement on the definition and measurement of these skills
and competencies, nor their specific impact on the knowledge economy.
Consequently, this paper focuses mainly on the competencies that are most
frequently cited in the studies of the OECD.
According to Sam Kary, Founder and CEO of New EdTech Classroom, there
are seven core 21st-century teacher competencies namely magnifying meaning,
elevate experience, amplify agency, curate curriculum, bust barriers, teach
technology and revamp role
To truly leverage the power of technology, today’s teacher must learn how
to Bust Barriers by proactively eliminate the obstacles that often stand in the
way of learning. Designing lessons with the stated intention of reducing
barriers to learning is also the single most definitive characteristic of Universal
Design for Learning. A straightforward, yet highly impactful way to Bust
Barriers is by teaching all of your students how to use the different
accessibility tools that are available to them. Chromebooks, for example, have
a wide array of built-in accessibility features, as do Microsoft apps. Even
commonly used programs like Google Docs have numerous built-in
accessibility features ranging from voice typing to pre-created templates.
Another way to Bust Barriers is through the use of embedded tools that enable
support comprehension such as word translations and definitions. An app
like Actively Learn incorporates these features while also allowing teachers to
chunk text into smaller sections by adding check-for-understanding questions.