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1 The Foundations: Logic and Proofs

1.6 Rules of Inference

Rules of Inference

1. an argument in propositional logic is a sequence of propositions that take the

premise(s) to prove the conclusion(s) (an argument works for particular proposi-

2. an argument form in propositional logic is a sequence of propositions involving

propositional variables that take the premise(s) to prove the conclusion(s) (an ar-
gument form is true no matter what particular propositions are used for the propo-
sitional variables, it is like a “rule” that works for all propositional variables used)

3. a rule of inference is a simple valid argument form that can be used as laws

4. rules of inference

(a) law of detachment (modus ponens): [p ∧ (p → q)] → q

(b) modus tollens: [¬q ∧ (p → q)] → ¬p
(c) hypothetical syllogism: [(p → q) ∧ (q → r)] → (p → r)
(d) disjunctive syllogism: [(p ∨ q) ∧ ¬p] → q
(e) addition: p → (p ∨ q) or similarly: q → (p ∨ q)
(f) simplification: [p ∧ q] → q or similarly [p ∧ q] → p
(g) conjunction: [(p) ∧ (q)] → (p ∧ q) (if we know p and also q, then we have p ∧ q)
(h) resolution: [(p ∨ q) ∧ (¬p ∨ r)] → (q ∨ r)

5. a fallacy of affirming the conclusion is an incorrect reasoning in proving p → q by

starting with assuming q and proving p. For example: Show that if x+y is odd, then
either x or y is odd, but not both. A fallacy of affirming the conclusion argument
would start with: “Assume that either x or y is odd, but not both. Then..”

6. a fallacy of denying the hypothesis is an incorrect reasoning in proving p → q by

starting with assuming ¬p and proving ¬q. For example: Show that if x is irrational,
then x/2 is irrational. A fallacy of denying the hypothesis argument would start
with: “Assume that x is rational. Then...”

Definition: We define x to be an even integer if x = 2k, ∃k ∈ Z. Similarly, we define
x to be an odd integer if x = 2k + 1, ∃k ∈ Z.

Rules of Inference for Quantified statements

1. universal instantiation: knowing ∀x, P (x) we can deduce P (a) for any value a that
we need.

2. universal generalization: knowing P (a) for an arbitrary a we can deduce that ∀xP (x)
since a was arbitrary.

Example: Prove that the square of an even integer is also even.

Proof: Let a be an even integer (this is the universal instantiation). Then a =
2k, ∃k ∈ Z. (the definition of an even integer) Then a2 = (2k)2 = 4k 2 = 2(2k 2 ),
which is even (reasoning). Thus a2 is even, and so there is the square of an even
integer is also even (universal generalization).

3. existential instantiation: knowing ∃x, P (x) we can deduce P (a) for some value a
(sometimes you don’t know the value of a but we know of its existence)

4. existential generalization: knowing P (a) for some value of a we can deduce that
∃xP (x) since there is at least one value for which it is true, for example the value a

Example: Prove that there is an even integer who is the sum of two odd
Proof: Let 1 and 5 be the two odd numbers (existential instantiation). Note that
1 + 5 = 6 is even (reasoning). Since the even number 6 can be written as the sum
of two odd numbers, it follows that there is an even integer who is the sum of two
odd numbers.

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