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English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) ISBN : 978-6 -23 6911-38-9

January, 27 2021
University Of PGRI Semarang



Tatag Priambada1) Senowarsito 2)

[email protected] [email protected]
Jafar Sodiq3)
[email protected]
Corresponding Author : [email protected]
Universitas PGRI Semarang

This research is conducted to analyze speech acts typed on motivational speech performed by
Lýdia Machová on Ted Talks. The reseacrh describes the type of speech act by John R. Searle. The
objectives of the research are to identify types of speech acts found in the video “The Secret of
Learning A New Language” and the second one is to find out the dominant types of speech
acts in the video “The Secret of Learning A New Language”. The research used descriptive
qualitative. There are 102 data that are analyzed using John R. Searle’s speech act theories.
The research findings of this final project can be seen in the following: There are 5 types
of speech acts found in the video “The Secret of Learning a New Language”, the types are:
representative or assertive, directive, declarative, expressive, and commissive. Which are the
representative or assertive type found 64 utterances (62.8%), the directive found with 22
utterances (21.62%), and the declarative type found 2 utterances (2.02%), the expressive
type found 8 utterances (7.86%), and the commissive found 6 utterances (5.94%). The
assertive or representative type is the most dominant type of speech act performed by Lýdia
Machová is with 64 utterances (62.8%) from 102 data.

Keywords: speech acts, analysis, Lýdia Machová, The Secret of Learning A New Language,
Ted Talks, motivational speech

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 857

1. Introduction
People as social beings need a tool call language. The language helps them
to do communicate or interact. Language plays a role in carrying out human
communication. By use language, people can communicate with any expression.
In social life, people do not always or even usually never say what they mean in
each utterance. Communication interactions that occur between speakers refer to
speech acts which are also part of the language that concerns what speakers say
through language. Yule (1996: 3) has cited that Pragmatics deals with the study of
meaning as communicated by a speaker or a writer and interpreted by a listener
or reader. Pragmatics takes an important role in the use of language as a factor of
human communication, namely communication between speakers and listeners.
The essence of language is the activities of humans to make themselves understood
by others through utterance. Senowarsito (2013: 85) People choose and implement
certain values in certain pragmatic scale, according to the culture and conditions
of the existing situation in social interaction. Speech acts play a key role in the
communication process between speaker and listener during a motivational speech.
Speech act also helps us to understand the message we receive because sometimes the
language we use and hear is unclear. When someone utter utterances usually also do
an action. This research discusses the speech acts found in a motivational speech. The
utterances in motivational speech carry persuasive information. Persuasive speech
aims to make the listeners carry out a certain activity or to do some action. The
speech act of motivational speech not only finds in public communication such as
in communication between the teacher and the students, company leaders, and the
employees, motivational speech can also be found in the communication process at a
meeting of a forum or organization. In the digital age, motivational speech can also
find on digital platforms such as YouTube or any digital media. TED regularly holds
a forum called Ted Talks in various countries with topics and speakers or experts in
their fields.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Pragmatics
Jenny Thomas (1995: 23) states pragmatics as meaning in interaction,
since this takes account of the different contributions of both speaker and
hearer as well as that of utterance and context to the making of meaning. Cruse
(2006: 3) states that pragmatics is interested in investigating the meaning
of language which links closely to the context. Yule (1996: 3) believes that

858 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

pragmatics is concerned with four main areas. Firstly, pragmatics is concerned
with the study of meanings of utterances as communicated by the speaker and
interpreted by the listener. Secondly, pragmatics has to do with the context that
influences how the speaker communicates their message. Thirdly, pragmatics
is the study of how more gets communicated than is said which explores how
the hearer arrives to the speaker’s intended meaning. Finally, pragmatics deals
with the notion of distance between the speaker and the hearer that determines
the choice between the said and the unsaid. Thus, it can be concluded that
pragmatics is the study of the use of language as a means of communication. In
this case, the speaker communicates the language and the listener interprets the
language used by considering the context.

2.2 Speech Acts Theories by Searle

There are five basic kinds of the speech act of utterance that one can
perform in speaking which are promoted by Searle in Levinson (1983: 240),
they are representatives, directives, commissives, expressive, and declarations.
For Assertives or representatives are such utterances that commit the hearer to
the truth of the expressed proposition. It is an illocutionary act which states the
facts. It is an illocutionary act which states the facts. (e.g. asserting, concluding,
affirming, believing, concluding, denying, reporting, etc.) In declarations,
the speaker alters the external status or condition of an object or situation,
solely by making the utterance. (E.g. christening, declaring war). Commissives
commit the speaker to some future course of action. (Involves promising,
offering, guarantee, pledging, swearing, vowing, undertaking, warrant, etc.).
Directives are attempts by the speaker to get the addressee to do something.
It is an illocutionary force that gets things done by the addressee. (Involves:
ordering, requesting, asking, begging, challenging, commanding, daring,
inviting, insisting, etc.). Expressive express the psychological or mental state of
the speaker. (Thanking, congratulating, apologizing, appreciating, deploring,
detesting, regretting, thanking, welcoming, etc.)

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Reseacrh Design and Object of The Research
The researcher uses the descriptive qualitative approach. The main object
of this research is every utterance, word form, a phrase uttered by Lýdia Machová
when she delivers a motivational speech on several principles for learning and

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 859

mastering a foreign language. She presented her motivational speech at the Ted
Talks event.

3.2 Instruments

No. Code Data Types of Speech Acts

Rep Dir Exp Com Dec
1. D-01/00.13- Stating
Table 3.1 The Data Sheet is The Instruments for The Research Findings of
Analysis of Speech Acts in The Motivational Speech “Ted Talks: The Secret of
Learning a New Language
Note :
D : Data
01 : Number of data
00.13-00.16 : Minute
Rep : Representative (Assertive)
Dir : Directive
Exp : Expressive
Com : Commissive
Dec : Declarative

3.2 Data Analysis Procedures

1. Identifying
At the identying stage, the researcher identify the transcript of Lýdia
Machová presentation relates to the type of speech act use Searle’s theories.
2. Interpreting
Researchers interpret the meaning of all data. The goal is that
researchers better understand the meaning or message contained in the
3. Classifying
The researcher classify the types of speech acts in Lýdia Machová
utterances on transcript. The researcher uses a sheet format to classify the
speech acts data from all of Lydia Machova’s utterances. The data sheet
format is presented as follows:

860 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

No. Code Data Types of Speech Acts
Rep Dir Exp Com Dec
1. D-01/00.13- Stating
4. Drawing Conclusion
At this stage the researcher concludes the research results related
to the research problem based on the speech act theory used in the
motivational speech video “The Secret of Learning A New Language”

4. Findings

4.1. Types of Speech Acts Found in The Video “The Secret of Learning A New

These research findings are related to types of speech acts according to

Searle. The researcher focuses on 102 utterances performed by Lýdia Machová in
the video “The Secret of Learning A New Language” from the beginning until
the end.
1. Types of Speech Acts Found in The Video “The Secret of Learning A
New Language”
No. Types of Speech Acts f f%
1. Assertive 64 62.8
2. Directive 22 21.62
3. Expressive 8 7.86
4. Commissive 6 5.94
5. Declarative 2 2.02
Total 102 100

The following are the description of each type of speech acts found in the
video “The Secret of Learning A New Language”

English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal) 861

1. Representative Act (Assertive)
“I love learning foreign languages.”
Lýdia Machová began the presentation by stating that she was very
interested in learning various foreign languages. This utterance is intended
so that all the attention of the listeners is focused on her. The speaker shows
her confidence through her speech. Through this utterance, she wants to
convey that she is a polyglot. The meaning or message of this utterance is
doing activities to master a foreign language is a pleasant thing.
2. Directive Act
“If you’re a more introverted person and you can’t imagine speaking to
native speakers right away, you can apply the method of self-talk.”
Lýdia Machová here gives a method or method of learning a foreign
language to the audience or listener. One method that can be used by
quiet people when learning a foreign language is the self-talk method.
The message contained behind this utterance is she wants to convey that
learning a foreign language can be done by anyone, including introverts.
3. Declarative Act
“I decided to meet other people like me and find that out.”
In this utterance, Lýdia Machová uttered the speech as an act of
deciding something. The purpose of this utterance is that she decide to
attend and find out why a polyglot can master a language so quickly.
4. Expressive Act
“What an ingenious method, right?”
The first expressive type of utterance is when Lýdia Machová praised
Lucas, who was very interested in learning Russian with his unique
method. Lucas added random Russian speakers on Skype, and then
started chatting with two Russian speakers who didn’t know each other. In
this utterance, Lydia Machova also state surprise about Benny’s learning

862 English Teaching, Literature and Linguistics (Eternal)

5. Commissive Act
“And the best news is, it’s available to anyone who is willing to take
the learning into their own hands.” 
Lýdia Machová promised in this utterance. She promised to listeners
that anyone can be master a foreign language. By state this utterance, she
also encourages listeners to take their learning process willingly.

4.2. The most dominant types of speech acts in the video “The Secret of
Learning A New Language”
The assertive or representative type is the most dominant type of speech
act performed by Lýdia Machová is with 64 utterances (62.8%). The kind
utterances such as 26 utterances for stating facts, 2 utterances for explaining, 11
utterances for confirming, 7 utterances for reporting, 1 utterance for predicting
and 1 utterance for claiming.

5. Discussion
The assertive or representative type was the most often found. An assertive
act or representative act is speech acts that express the involvement of the speaker
in the truth of the proposition. Assertive became the most dominant type during
Lýdia Machová’s presentation. As a polyglot, Lýdia Machová gave an overview and
explanation about the learning methods of polyglots when they learned a foreign
language. In the assertive type found 64 utterances. In this case, Lýdia Machová as
the main speaker of motivational speech in Ted Talks expressing utterances such as
31 utterances for stating, 14 utterances for informing, 12 utterances for confirming,
4 utterances for claiming, 2 utterance for predicting and 1 utterance for explaining.
The directive type was the second most frequently found. The directive was
a kind of speech act performed by Lýdia Machová to get listeners to do what she
said. During the ,otivational speech, the directive performed 22 utterances. In the
directive type, the speaker uttered some utterances to encourage listeners to learn a
foreign language. Some utterances in directive type performed by the speaker such
as 7 utterances for suggesting, 5 utterances for ordering, 6 utterances for asking, 2
utterances for persuading and the last is advicing with 2 utterances.

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The third is the declarative type for the most often found. Declarative is a kind
of utterance that causes reality to settle to the proposition. The declarative type was
performed with 2 utterances. Lýdia Machová uttered 2 utterance about deciding.
Next for fourth was the expressive type. Expressive was a kind of speech act to
state the psychological expression of the speaker. In the expressive act performed
by Lýdia Machová related to Searle’s speech act theories. There were 8 utterances
included 4 utterances of state a feeling, 2 utterances of state a joy, 1 utterances
thanking and, 1 utterance for praising.
For the commissive type, there were found 6 utterances performed by Lýdia
Machová. In the commissive act, Lýdia Machová uttered some utterances to commit
the speaker to some future course of action. Promising was the most dominant
performed by the speaker with 6 utterances to state a promise.

6. Conclusion
1. The type of speech acts according to John R. Searle’s theory performed by Lydia
Machova in giving motivational speech in video “The Secret of Learning A
New Language on Ted Talks”. They are assertive or representative, directive,
declarative, expressive, and commissive. The assertive act performed with sixty-
four occurrences, the directive act with twenty-two occurrences, declarative
act with two occurances, expressive act with eight occurrences, and for the
commissive act with six occurrences.
2. The most often found in Lydia Machova’s utterances in “The Secret of Learning
A New Language” on Ted Talks is the assertive act with 64 utterances (62.8%).
Because the assertive act frequently performed by Lydia Machova in the video
“The Secret of Learning A New Language”

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