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Background to Report.......................................................................... iv

EHS Regulations by Jurisdiction

Australia................................................................................................. 1

Canada................................................................................................... 39

Colombia............................................................................................... 53

European Union.................................................................................... 55

Finland............................................................................................. 76

Germany.......................................................................................... 80

Italy................................................................................................... 89

Netherlands..................................................................................... 92

Sweden............................................................................................ 93

Norway................................................................................................... 100

Indonesia............................................................................................... 101

Japan...................................................................................................... 111

South Africa........................................................................................... 114

United States......................................................................................... 116

International Organizations................................................................. 126

OECD............................................................................................... 126

UNEP............................................................................................... 127

WHO................................................................................................ 128

ILO.................................................................................................... 130

Background to the Report

The International Nickel Study Group has compiled information on regulations affecting nickel
since 1998. This work began as an initiative of the Environmental and Economics Committee
and has gradually evolved over time. The original objectives of the project were to provide a
comprehensive overview of existing legislation affecting nickel, covering:

– Exposure standards
– Emission standards
– Hazardous waste standards
– Drinking water regulations
– Health and safety in nickel producing workplaces.

In the years since the project began the volume of environmental regulation and law has grown
markedly. Among the most prominent change in regulations has been the adoption of the
REACH regulation by the European Union, but other jurisdictions have also been active in
amending existing and formulating new regulations.

The International Nickel Study Group hopes that this publication will provide useful information
to member governments as well as the general public and will promote the sustainable use of
nickel worldwide.

The 2022 Publication

Information on regulations affecting nickel has been compiled and maintained by INSG in a
spreadsheet format and updated on a regular basis. In order to improve the readability of the
report, the 2022 publication lists each legislation item on a separate page in four columns:
Legislation Title, Legislation Summary, Impact on Nickel, and Status.

The present publication is based on information available up to late 2021 which was used to
update the Group’s database of information on regulations relating to environment, health and
safety (EHS). Taking into consideration the fast-evolving legislation landscape, the Secretariat
has for the first time, where available, included links to the actual legislation items. Readers can
then use to the links in order to obtain information regarding future updates.

The objective of this document is to briefly summarize regulations and other initiatives, current and
proposed which might affect the production, processing, use, trade and recycling of nickel in the
future. For its preparation, the secretariat relied on its internal resources and information retrieved
from the internet. Although the secretariat aims for completeness, please note that this overview
does not claim to be exhaustive, and that it contains only unofficial summaries of regulations and
other initiatives. For precise content, please refer to the original texts.

The 2022 compilation includes information on 136 pieces of legislation and initiatives from 13
countries, the European Union, and 4 international organizations. For some of the countries,
separate entries have been made for states or provinces.

EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Safe Work Australia (SWA) Published Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne
Contaminants in December 2019

Contact: E-mail: website:



Occupational, Health and Safety Regulations fall in the States jurisdiction. Under the
framework of Model Work Health and Safety Regulations released by Safe Work Australia
and Published by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Committee, the employer shall ensure that
no employee is exposed to hazardous substances at levels above the appropriate
exposure standards for the relevant time as listed in Workplace Exposure Standards for
Airborne Contaminants (2019).

TWA: time weighted average: the average airborne concentration of a particular substance
when calculated over a normal eight hour working day for a five-day working week.

Carcinogenicity Category 1A – Known to have carcinogenic potential for humans

Carcinogenicity Category 2 – Suspected human carcinogen.

Impact on Nickel

National exposure standards for nickel (mg/m3)

Nickel carbonyl (Tetracarbonyl): TWA : 0.12; (0.05 ppm)/Carc. 2
Nickel dichloride: TWA : 0.1/Carc. 1A
Nickel dinitrate: TWA: 0.1/Carc. 1A
Nickel metal: TWA: 1/Carc. 2
Nickel powder: TWA: 1/Carc. 2
sulphide roasting (fume and dust): TWA 1/Carc. 1A
Nickel, Soluble Compounds: TWA: 0.1/Some compounds in these groups are classified as
carcinogenic or as sensitisers
Nickel Salt: TWA 0.1/Carc. 1A



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Safe Work Australia (SWA) completed an update of the Hazardous Chemical Information
System (HCIS) in March 2021. HCIS is an internet advisory service that assists in finding
information on chemicals that have been classified in accordance with the Globally
armonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) by an authoritative
source, such as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) or the Australian Industrial
Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS).

E-mail: website:


Occupational, Health and Safety Regulations fall in the States jurisdiction. Under the
framework of Model Work Health and Safety Regulations , suppliers of hazardous
chemicals must make sure that chemicals they supply are without risks to health and
safety and provide SDS with hazardous chemicals; manufacturers or importers of
hazardous chemicals must make sure that chemicals they manufacture or import are
without risks to health and safety and correctly classify the chemicals that they import
and/or manufacture, and prepare correct labels and SDS for those chemicals. The model
WHS Regulations do not apply to transporting hazardous chemicals, questions about
transporting hazardous chemicals should be addressed to local transport regulator.

Impact on Nickel

Included in the Hazardous Chemical Information System (HCIS) is Nickel, soluble

compounds as nickel: TWA: mg/m3


From 1 January 2021, Australia began a two-year transition from the 3rd revised edition of
the GHS (GHS 3) to the 7th revised edition of the GHS (GHS 7). The transition will finish
on 31 December 2022. During the transition, manufacturers and importers may use either
GHS 3 or GHS 7 for classifications, labels and safety data sheets of hazardous chemicals.
From 1 January 2023 only GHS 7 may be used.

EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989

Contact: Hazardous Waste Section
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Phone: 1800 803 772


The Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989, as recently
amended in 2016, implements in Australia the Basel Convention for the control of
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. Exports and Imports
of spent Nickel Cadmium Batteries and Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries are regulated
pursuant to section 33 of the Act

Nickel and nickel compounds are, however, not listed as a waste constituent of concern on
Annex 1 of the convention. The Australian government is required to ensure the
environmental soundness of the disposal or facility receiving the transported wastes in the
case of exports. Exports are not permitted under the Act unless the governments of the
importing country - and those of any countries of transit- have given their explicit consent.

Impact on Nickel

Exports of batteries are regulated under either

- the Hazardous Waste Act;
- the OECD Decision Regulations (see below);
- the Waigani Regulation (see below); or
- the East Timor Regulations (see below),
depending on their destination country. These batteries are controlled because of the
cadmium content or other properties (eg basic pH).



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports)

(OECD Decision) Regulations 1996


The object of these Regulations is to make regulations for section 13C of the Hazardous
Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 giving effect to the OECD Decision
as amended and in force on 1 July 2017. OECD Decision means OECD Decision
C(2001)107, being Revision of Decision C(92)39/FINAL on the control of transboundary
movements of wastes destined for recovery operations, made on 14 June 2001 by the
Council of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. It requires a
similar process of prior notification of the governments of importing countries. The
regulations only apply to movements of listed wastes destined for recovery in OECD
countries. They allow for tacit consent to an import to be assumed for most wastes 30
days after the importing country's government has acknowledged receipt of notification of
the movement. Acceptance of the receiving country's government is regarded as sufficient
assurance of the recovery facility's operations.

Impact on Nickel

Exports of batteries are regulated under either the Hazardous Waste Act (see above) or
the OECD Decision Regulations, Waigani Regulations (see below), or East Timor
Regulations (see below).



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports)

(Waigani Convention) Regulations 1990


The Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and
Radioactive Wastes and to Control the Transboundary Movement and Management of
Hazardous Wastes within the South Pacific Region (the Waigani Convention) entered into
force in 2001.

Impact on Nickel

Exports of batteries are regulated under either the Hazardous Waste Act (see above) or
the OECD Decision Regulations (see above), Waigani Regulations, or East Timor
Regulations (see below).



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports)

(Imports from East Timor) Regulations 2003


For section 13C of the Act, these Regulations are a set of Article 11 regulations that
provide for and in relation to giving effect to an Article 11 arrangement, being the bilateral
arrangement between Australia and the Democratic Republic of East Timor It implements
a bilateral arrangement made between Australia and the Republic of East Timor under the
Basel Convention in essentially the same way as the Basel Convention. The regulations
only apply to movements of listed wastes destined for import into Australia.

Impact on Nickel

Exports of batteries are regulated under either the Hazardous Waste Act (see above) or
the OECD Decision Regulations (see above), Waigani Regulations (see above), or East
Timor Regulations.



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM):

for the Movement of Controlled Wastes Between (Australian) States and Territories


Regulates the movement of certain wastes (including Nickel Cadmium Batteries and
wastes contaminated with nickel) across Australia's internal jurisdiction borders. Under the
Measure, the receiving jurisdiction's governments must be advised in advance of a
proposed movement and must grant their consent before it can go ahead.

Impact on Nickel

Information is unavailable on the amount of either Nickel Cadmium batteries or nickel

containing wastes, that is likely to be transported across Australia's internal borders and so
be regulated under the Measure. However, it appears likely that the amounts would be
extremely minimal; it is estimated that only one percent of general waste movements
within Australia cross such borders.



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM) for the National Pollutant Inventory



Requires reporting of emissions of certain hazardous substances by facilities which trigger

NPI reporting thresholds. NPI substance emissions are also estimated for diffuse sources
(e.g., motor vehicles) and sub-threshold industrial activities. The emission information is
disseminated via an internet database ( and various other media. The
details of implementation of the NPI are outlined in a series of industry reporting materials
providing extensive guidance about the NPI and how to estimate emissions to be reported
by facilities. Other background documents are also available on the internet site.

Impact on Nickel

Emission reports on nickel carbonyl, nickel sub-sulphide and nickel and compounds are
available on a financial year basis from 1998-99 to 2007-08. Data for the financial year
2019-2020 is released to the NPI web site on 31 March 2021.



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Regulations 1983



The Act implements the London Convention and controls the dumping of wastes into the
sea through a system of permits and licenses; and provides for a regime of offences and
penalties for unauthorized or excessive dumping. Annex 1 of the Convention lists
substances prohibited from sea dumping and Annex 2 lists substances which may be
dumped if special care is taken, including issuing of a permit with conditions.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and its compounds is listed in Annex 2.



EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

MobileMuster Recycling Program

Contact: Mr Spyro Kalos

Manager, MobileMuster

Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association Ltd

Phone: 02 8920 3555




The objective of this voluntary program of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications

Association (AMTA) is to ensure that potentially toxic components in mobile phones, as
well as batteries and accessories are recycled. Members include all major handset
manufacturers, all network carriers, accessory manufacturer and distributor. Under the
Product Stewardship Act 2011, accredited voluntary product stewardship arrangements
are required to provide audited annual reports for the Department of Agriculture, Water
and the Environment to publish. The reports should outline governance initiatives,
performance and achievements during the financial year.

Impact on Nickel

Marketable products from the recycling process are nickel, cadmium, plastics and small
quantities gold and copper. All nickel containing batteries, including the Lithium Ion and
Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries can be processed.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

National Waste Policy: Less waste, more resources, 2018

National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019



The National Waste Policy: Less waste, more resources 2018 provides a framework for
collective action by businesses, governments, communities and individuals until 2030. The
National Action Plan 2019 creates targets and actions to implement the 2018 National
Waste Policy. These targets and actions will guide investment and national efforts to 2030
and beyond. It complements and supports the implementation of better waste
management plans by state and territory governments, local government, business and

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel-containing products including nickel chemicals are among those affected
by the extended producers responsibility scheme and ban on export.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Australian Packaging Covenant

Australian Packaging Covenant Strategic Plan 2017-2022



The Covenant forms the industry-led component of a co-regulatory arrangement

underpinned by the National Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure
2011 (NEPM). It is agreed between the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation Ltd,
the representative body for signatories to the Covenant, and Commonwealth, state and
territory governments, and is endorsed by the National Environment Protection Council.
The Australian Packaging Covenant Strategic Plan 2017-2020 sets out a five year plan on
how industry intends to support the goals of the Covenant.

Impact on Nickel

Packaging materials containing nickel such as stainless steel packaging



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging (2009)



The Guidelines are intended to provide greater certainty about the assessment and
permitting process as well as provide some guidance on opportunities for longer-term
strategic planning. These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Sea Dumping
Act and its Regulations, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
1999 (EPBC Act), the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (GBRMP Act) and
Australias international obligations outlined in the London Protocol.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds are listed in the Annex 2 to the London Protocal as restricted
dumping materials and need permit for dumping.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC)

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000



The EPBC Act enables the Australian Government to join with the states and territories in
providing a truly national scheme of environment and heritage protection and biodiversity
conservation. The EPBC Act focuses Australian Government interests on the protection of
matters of national environmental significance, with the states and territories having
responsibility for matters of state and local significance.

Impact on Nickel

All activities related to nickel exploration, mining, transportation, smelting and refining
should ensure compliances to the Act and Regualtions.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: New South Wales

Regulations and Initiatives:

Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO)



The POEO Act enables the Government to set out explicit protection of the environment
policies (PEPs) and adopt more innovative approaches to reducing pollution. It provides a
single licensing arrangement to replace the different licences and approvals under existing
separate Acts relating to air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and waste

Impact on Nickel

The release of nickel in air emissions is controlled via the Protection of the Environment
Operation (Clean Air) Regulation 2010. Nickel and nickel compounds are listed as
principal toxic air pollutants. Nickel is regulated as type 2 substance. water pollution,
noise pollution and waste discharge in the process of nickel-related activities shall all
comply to the Act and apply for licences



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: South Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection Act 1993


The Environment Protection Act 1993 provides the regulatory framework to protect South
Australia's environment, including land, air and water. Regulatory tools under the Act
include Environment Protection Policy, Code of Practice, National Environment Protection
Measures (NEPMs).

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds and solutions are "Listed Wastes" in South Australia under the
Environment Protection Act. Generators of listed wastes are required to be licensed along
with persons transporting wastes for fee or reward.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Queensland
Regulations and Initiatives:

Queensland Environmental Protection Act 1994



The object of this Act is to protect Queensland’s environment while allowing for
development that improves the total quality of life, both now and in the future, in a way that
maintains the ecological processes on which life depends.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel exploration, mining, smelting and refining activities shall all comply to the Act



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Queensland
Regulations and Initiatives:

Queensland Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008



The purpose of this policy is to achieve the object of the Queensland Environmental
Protection Act in relation to the air environment.

Impact on Nickel

Sets ambient air quality goals for nickel (20 ng/m3), nickel and compounds (measured as
the total metal content in PM10) in the timeframe of 1 year



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Queensland
Regulations and Initiatives:

Queensland Environmental Protection Regulations 2008



The object of this regulation is to enforce the Qeensland Environmental Protection Act

Impact on Nickel

Nickel ore mining is defined as environmentally relavant activities in the regulation. Nickel
compounds are listed as a type of waste coded as D210, and fall in category of regulated



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Queensland
Regulations and Initiatives:

Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000


Policy sets out waste management principles, including waste management hierarchy.
Regulations set out requirements to track waste.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds are regulated as a type of waste. A substance is trackable waste if it is

regulated waste of a type.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Queensland
Regulations and Initiatives:

Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996



Adopts Poisons Standard June 2021

Impact on Nickel

Nickel Sulfate is included as a Schedule 6 poison



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environmental Protection Act 1986



The EP Act does not specifically cover nickel, its ores, compounds or products. Parts of
the Act may cover nickel under certain circumstances.

Impact on Nickel

Some parts of the Act or subsequent regulations may impact on the mining processing or
disposal of nickel wastes.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

EP Act 1986 Part IV-Environmental Impact Assessment


Proposals for new projects or amendments to existing projects involving:

. the processing or beneficiation of metallic or non-metallic ore;

. chemical manufacturing;

. metal smelting or refining

must be referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for consideration as to

whether an Environmental Impact Assessment should be carried out. If the project is
significant the EPA may consider placing legally binding and auditable Ministerial
conditions on the project.

Impact on Nickel

May affect nickel mining, refining or processing proposals depending on the size and
location of the project.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

EP Act 1986 Part V-Environmental regulation


Where nickel compounds (including ores) are released into the environment enforcement
action may be taken if the release exceeds specified values.

Impact on Nickel

May incur costs or restrictions on a project or process.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:
EP Act 1986 Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 (update in June 2021)
Under Part IV of the EP Act 1986 certain prescribed premises may be subject to works
approval or licence conditions. The categories or premises relevant to nickel can be found
in Schedule 1 of the regulations.
The most relevant categories are probably:
Cat No 5. Processing or beneficiation of metallic or non-metallic ore: premises with a
production or design capacity 50,000 tonnes or more per year on which: a) metallic or non-
metallic ore is crushed, ground, milled or otherwise processed; b) tailings from metallic or
non-metallic ore are reprocessed; or c) tailings or residue from metallic or non-metallic ore
are discharged into a containment cell or dam.
Cat No 44 Metal smelting or refining: premises on which metal ore, metal ore concentrate
or metal waste is smelted, fused, roasted, refined or processed at over 1,000 tonnes or
more per year.
Cat No. 45 Metal melting or casting: premises on which metal or scrap metal is melted in
furnaces or cast at 100 tonnes or more per year.
Cat No. 47 Scrap metal recovery: premises (other than premises within category 45) on
which metal scrap is fragmented or melted at 100 tonnes or more per year
Cat No. 48 Metal finishing: premises on which metals are chemically cleaned or metals,
plastics or metal or plastic products are plated, electroplated, anodized, coloured or
otherwise coated or finished.
Cat No. 58 Bulk material loading or unloading: premises on which clinker, coal, ore, ore
concentrate or any other bulk granular material (other than salt) is loaded onto or unloaded
from vessels by an open material loading system at 100 tonnes or more per day.
Cat No. 61-66 All relate to waste disposal or storage facilities.
Cat No. 67 Fuel burning: premises on which gaseous, liquid or solid fuel is burnt in a boiler
for the supply of steam or in power generation equipment in aggregate 500 kg or more per
hour (fuel with a sulphur content of 0.25% or more) or In aggregate 2 000 kg or more per
hour (fuel with a sulphur content of less than 0.25%)
Impact on Nickel
Where an activity involving nickel falls under one of the prescribed categories that activity
may be require a licence and/or works approval.

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environmental Protection (Rural Landfill) Regulations 2002


Landfill Waste Classifications and Waste Definitions 1996 (As amended 2019)



Waste disposal facilities including landfills are also licensed under Part V of the EP Act.
The class of landfill at which a waste can be accepted is given in the tables in the
definitions document.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel is specified as a metal of concern in the tables, and can affect the disposal options
and costs of any wastes containing nickel



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

The Medicines and Poisons Act 2014 (update July 2021) and its subsidiary legislation, the
Medicines and Poisons Regulations 2016 (as amended 2020) administered by the Health
Department of WA.


Adopts Poisons Standard June 2021

Impact on Nickel

Nickel Sulphate is included as a Schedule 6 poison.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

Mining Act 1978 (update Nov 2020)


Under this Act the exploration for and mining of nickel is controlled. There is a
memorandum of understanding between the Department of industry and Resources which
administers this Act and the EPA that significant mining projects will be referred to the EPA
for consideration.

Impact on Nickel

If mining project is referred and involves nickel it may be a concern to the nickel industry.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Western Australia

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (update Nov. 2020) and Regulations 1996 (as
amended June 2021)


Nickel is included under the Hazardous Substances part of the Regulations.

Impact on Nickel

Use or handling of any substance that contains more than 0.5% nickel as an abrasive
material in abrasive blasting is prohibited



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection Act 2017 (updated July 2021)



The Authority must consult with the Minister administering the Mineral Resources
(Sustainable Development) Act 1990 before issuing a site management order to a person
in respect of (a) a mine (within the meaning of that Act); or (b) a site where extractive
industry (within the meaning of that Act) is occurring or has occurred.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel mining actitivies shall comply to the rule.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection (Industrial Waste Resource) Regulations 2009 incorporates two




1. Industrial Waste Resource Guidelines section 6.2 – Soil hazard categorisation and
management (IWRG621)
2. Industrial Waste Resource Guidelines section 6.3 – Solid industrial waste hazard
categorisation and management (IWRG631)

Impact on Nickel

Upper limits of Ni concentration allowed in soil to be disposed of as fill material is 60mg/kg.

Upper limits of Ni concentration allowed in soil to be disposed of as Category C
contaminated soil is 3000mg/kg, and for leachable concentration it is 2.0mg/L. Upper
limits of Ni concentration allowed in soil to be disposed of as Category B contaminated soil
is 12000mg/kg, and for leachable concentration it is 8.0mg/L.

The maximum total Ni concentration in solid waste is 1mg/L and 3000mg/kg. The
maximum total Ni concentration allowed in prescribed industrial waste to be disposed of as
Category C is 3000mg/kg, and for leachable concentration it is 2.0mg/L. The maximum
total Ni concentration allowed in prescribed industrial waste to be disposed of as Category
B is 12000mg/kg, and for leachable concentration it is 8.0mg/L.


Industrial Waste Resource Guidelines section 6.2 – Soil hazard categorisation and
management (IWRG621) replaced publication 448.3, Classification of wastes.

Industrial Waste Resource Guidelines section 6.3 – Solid industrial waste hazard
categorisation and management (IWRG631) replaced publication 996, Guidelines for
hazard classification of solid prescribed industrial wastes.

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises) Regulations 2017


Guidelines for Environmental Management: Biosolid Land Application


Premises, with solely land discharges or deposits, used only for the discharge or deposit of
mining or extractive industry wastes and that are in accordance with the Mineral
Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 are exempt from works approval under
section 19A of the Act and licensing under section 20(1) of the Act. Landfills used for the
discharge or deposit of solid wastes (including solid industrial wastes) onto land except
premises with solely land discharges or deposits, used only for the discharge or deposit of
mining or extractive industry wastes and in accordance with the Mineral Resources
(Sustainable Development) Act 1990.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel upper limits for classifying biosolids as grade

C1(60mg/kg) or
C2 (270mg/kg)



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

Nickel in Soil

National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999. (as

amended May 2013)



Sets out several guideline values ("Investigation Levels") depending on land use.

Health Investigation Levels [HILs] range from

HIL-A = for sensitive land uses (low density residential, childcare etc) to

HIL-D =high-density residential

HIL-E = recreation/open space

HIL-F = commercial/industrial.

There is also an Ecological Investigation Level (EIL). The IL chosen depends on the
relevant land use and beneficial uses to be protected. ILs are not 'maximum allowable
levels' or 'response levels'. Investigation Levels are triggers to undertake further
investigation, to consider the site-specifics contact and the possible exposure potential to
the site occupiers. ILs may be exceeded if a risk assessment show that uses will be

Impact on Nickel

HIL-A = 600 mg/kg

HIL-D = 2400 mg/kg
HIL-E = 600 mg/kg
HIL-F = 3000 mg/kg
EIL = 60 mg/kg



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

Nickel in Water
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011) (updated March 2021)
ANZECC Australian & NZ Guidelines for Fresh & Marine water Quality (2000) (revised in


Ecosystem values are not ‘maximum permitted values’; there are ranges, depending on
the percentage certainty of protection required for a particular habitat/ecosystem. The
values quoted are for ‘95% protection’.

Impact on Nickel

Drinking water = 0.02 mg/L;

Recreational waters (eg, swimming) = 0.1 mg/L;
Irrigation waters = 0.2 mg/L up to 100 years or 2mg/L up to 20 years;
Livestock watering = 1 mg/L;
Ecosystem protection:
Fresh waters = 0.011 mg/L;
Marine waters = 0.07 mg/L.
Aquaculture species:
Freshwater production < 0.1 mg/L;
saltwater production < 0.1 mg/L.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Victoria
Regulations and Initiatives:

State Environment Protection Policy (Water of Victoria) (updated in 2018)


SEPP is subordinate legislation under the Environment Protection Act which sets
objectives state wide.

Impact on Nickel

Varies from 8-11 ugl-1 for freshwater. 7-70 ugl-1 for marine (as per ANZECC 2000



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Regulations and Initiatives:

ACT Environmental Protection Act 1997 (updated June 2021)


The operation of a facility for the crushing, grinding or separating of materials (including
sand, gravel, rock, minerals, slag, road base, concrete, bricks, tiles, asphaltic material,
metal or timber) into different sizes, if the processing facility is designed to produce more
than 10 000t of processed materials per year. Regulates nickel in waste disposal, as a
contaminant and for discharges to air.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel contaminant releases are controlled. Regulates discharges to air of nickel carbonyl
from scheduled activities.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Regulations and Initiatives:

ACT Environmental Protection Regulation 2005 (updated June 2021)



Nickel was listed as pollutant in various water supply. Nickel containing products are
regulated/controlled wastes. Regulates discharges to receiving waters.

Impact on Nickel

Domestic water supply: 0.02mg/L

Stock water supply ≤1mg/L

Irrigation water supply ≤0.2mg/L

Aquatic habitat ≤ 0.025mg/L including mountain streams, lowland streams, urban lakes &
ponds, urban drains and streams, urban wetland, mountain reservoirs.

Sediment nickel metal concentrations must not be more than 2 standard deviations higher
than the long-term mean.

Nickel containing material must be assessed and classified against the ACT's
Environmental Standards: Assessment and Classification of Liquid and Non-liquids
Wastes June 2000 prior to disposal to landfills.

Nickel containing waste material entering or leaving the ACT must be tracked under the
Controlled Waste NEPM. Discharges to waters are controlled.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Australia: Tasmania
Regulations and Initiatives:

Environment Protection Policy (Air Quality) 2004


Environmental Policy and Support Services Section

EPA Tasmania, DPIPWE



Regulate the discharges of pollutants in atmospheric emissions from stacks; water

discharges, and pollutant concentration in soils and sludges for disposal.

Impact on Nickel

Maximum in-stack concentration limit for metals is 5mg/m3 total (for any trade industry or
process emitting Sb, As, Cd, Pb, Hg, Be, Cr6, Co, Mn, Ni, Se, Sn or any compound
thereof); and 1mg/m3 for Cd or Hg.

There is also an ambient maximum predicted ground level concentrations for receptor
locations, defined as the 99.9 percentile peak concentration for averaging periods of one
hour or less. For Nickel Carbonyl the 3-minute average is 0.0017 ppm (or 0.012 mg/m3).

In general, any stack emission containing nickel (or its compounds) and nickel carbonyl
would have to meet both criteria.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Hazardous Products Regulations (SOR/2015-17) (Hazardous Products Act)



On February 11, 2015, the Government of Canada published in the Canada Gazette, Part
II the Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR), which, in addition to the amendments made
to the Hazardous Products Act under the Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No.1, modified
the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) 1988 to incorporate the
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) for
workplace chemicals. This modified WHMIS is referred to as WHMIS 2015.

Impact on Nickel

Businesses dealing with nickel or nickel compounds in their workplace shall comply to the



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1999 (last amended on 2021-05-01)



Establishes authority for regulatory approaches to institute goals of the Act, including
Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes Regulations. The new Act differentiates wastes
for recycling and wastes for final disposal (section 185). New Act has provisions on
Pollution Prevention Planning. Under CEPA: a substance is "CEPA toxic" if it is entering
or may enter the environment in quantity or concentration or under conditions

- having or that may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment;

- constituting or that may constitute a danger to the environment on which human life
depends; or

- constituting or that may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health.

Impact on Nickel

Plants producing, processing or using “oxidic”, “sulphidic” and “soluble” inorganic

compounds of nickel may be required to meet new standards for reporting, operation, use,
release, manufacturing, importation, exportation, transportation, packaging, labelling,
storage, and pollution prevention. Nickel is on the national Action List subjects to a
mechanism for screening candidate waste or other matter and their constituents on the
basis of their potential effects on human health and the marine environment. the Action
List can also be used as a trigger mechanism for further waste prevention consideration.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

National Pollutant Release Inventory

(NPRI) Information:



Lists emissions from facilities of materials toxic under CEPA and other “pollutants”.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds are on the 2020 to 2021 NPRI substance list. Mining and
smelting sector show up as leading “emitter”.


Historical and update of substance list can be found at

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Toxic Substances Management Policy (TSMP)



Recognizes two classifications of “toxics” under CEPA; those predominantly from

anthropogenic releases and those not. Virtual elimination is not an option for toxics which
are not the result of predominantly anthropogenic activities. Classifies on the basis of
persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity and whether releases result from anthropogenic

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds listed as “toxic” under CEPA are not candidates for virtual elimination,
but are candidates for management strategies, including pollution prevention, pollution
control, remediation. Risk assessment and risk management approaches will be used to
identify Track 2 substances and management options.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy


Targets persistent, bio accumulative and toxic materials for virtual elimination. Regulatory,
non-regulatory, emission inventories, product labelling, use limitations and economic
incentives may be employed.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds are not identified as priority, but subject to ad hoc inspections



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada


Sets out “Safe Use Principle” for metals and minerals, i.e.: metals cannot be virtually
eliminated from environment, promotes risk assessment and risk management as decision
factors, recognizes that some metals and products may require management throughout
their life cycle, promotes need to differentiate between metal bearing recyclables and
wastes destined for final disposal.

Impact on Nickel

Directs Canadian negotiators in international fora from agreeing to virtual elimination of

any naturally occurring nickel compounds, promotes risk assessment and risk
management of materials over life cycle.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes, 1994



Prevent and control pollution with an emphasis on the virtual elimination of persistent toxic
substances of greatest concern and significant reduction of other pollutants. On May 27,
2021, the governments of Canada and Ontario renewed their commitment to restore,
protect and conserve the Great Lakes by signing the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great
Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (COA), 2021.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds are not identified as priority, but may subject to ad hoc inspections.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 (Canada-USA)



A commitment of each country to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and
biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, including a number of objectives
and guidelines to achieve these goals.

Impact on Nickel

The concentration of total nickel in an unfiltered water sample should not exceed 25 mg/L
to protect aquatic life.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (updated September 2020)



Establishes quality guidelines which may be adopted by municipal and provincial

authorities for regulatory purposes. Used to specify concentrations allowable for leachate
testing for hazardous wastes.

Impact on Nickel

No value listed currently for nickel. If listed, may require that nickel recyclables be tested
for leachability of nickel thereby triggering Export and Import of Hazardous Waste
Regulations for such nickel- containing recyclables, depending upon leachate limits


The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality are established by Health Canada. It
is updated regularly and published on Health Canada’s water quality page

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life (Fresh Water)



Establishes quality guidelines which may be adopted by municipal and provincial

authorities for regulatory purposes. Used to specify concentrations allowable for leachate
testing for hazardous wastes.

Impact on Nickel

25 μg/L at [CaCO3 ]= 0-60 mg/L

65 μg/L at [CaCO3]= 60-120 mg/L
110 μg/L at [CaCO3 ]= 120--180 mg/L
150 μg/L at [CaCO3 ] > 180 mg/L



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Agriculture



Establishes quality guidelines which may be adopted by municipal and provincial

authorities for regulatory purposes. Used to specify concentrations allowable for leachate
testing for hazardous wastes.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel (total):
0.2 mg/ L for irrigation;
1.0 mg/L for livestock.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health



Establishes quality guidelines which may be adopted by municipal and provincial

authorities for regulatory purposes. Used to specify concentrations allowable for leachate
testing for hazardous wastes.

Impact on Nickel

Concentration (mg/kg dry weight)

Agricultural 45;
Residential/parkland 45;
Commerical 89;
Industrial 89



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Health Canada: "The Safe Use of Cookware" (last modified 2015)

Recommendation with respect to cookware



Health Canada recommends with respect to cookware that: "Nickel is not poisonous in
small quantities but it can provoke a reaction in people allergic to nickel. The average adult
consumes between 150 to 250 micrograms of nickel per day. Using corrosion-resistant
nickel containing stainless steel cookware, even for cooking acidic foods such as rhubarb,
apricots or tomatoes, will not add significant amounts of nickel to the diet."

Impact on Nickel

Nickel is constantly on the legislation radar in terms of its use in cook wares.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Canada: Ontario
Regulations and Initiatives:

Ontario Environmental Protection Act



Regulates Ontario’s soil, ground water and sediment standards effective July 1, 2011

Impact on Nickel

Soil for Agricuture: 37µg ⁄ g

Soil for Residential/Parkland/Institutional/Industrial/Commercial/Community Property Use:
82µg ⁄ g
Ground Water: 14µg ⁄ L
Sediment: 16µg ⁄ g



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Environmental Policy for the Comprehensive Management of Residues or Hazardous




Regulates the handling and discharge of hazardous wastes generated in the course of
production. This regulation applies not only to nickel but to other materials as well.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel related production activities should comply with the regulation.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Regulations and Initiatives:

Fixed Fonts Protocol



For the control and prevention of pollutant emissions generated by fixed and mobile
sources, this Protocol sets the admissible emission standards for air pollutants and
establishes procedures and technical specifications required for their monitoring.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds as well as other nickel related production activities should
comply with the regulation.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 1272/2008/EC on Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Substances and

mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548 and 1999/45, and amending
Regulation 1907/2006, aka the CLP



This Regulation is to harmonise the criteria for classification of substances and mixtures,
and the rules on labelling and packaging for hazardous substances and mixtures. It also
aims at establishing a classification and labelling inventory of substances. This Regulation
repealed Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC as of 1 June 2015.

Impact on Nickel

Alloys containing nickel are classified for skin sensitisation when the release rate of 0,5 μg
Ni/cm2/week, as measured by the European Standard reference test method EN 1811, is

Nickel and 21 nickel compounds are identified as International Chemicals with assigned
numbers to conform to specific classification and labelling criteria.


To keep abreast of the lasted update of the Directive, readers are suggested the reference

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys



Manufacturers shall, before placing a toy on the market, carry out an analysis of the
chemical, physical, mechanical, electrical, flammability, hygiene and radioactivity hazards
that the toy may present, as well as an assessment of the potential exposure to such

Impact on Nickel

Nickel in stainless steel is exempted from the clauses managing substances that are
classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR). Nickel is classified
as CMR 2 and is permitted to be used in toys and toy components made of stainless steel.
In toy components which are intended to conduct an electric current.

Nickel migration limits, from toys or components of toys, shall not be exceeded: 75mg/kg
in dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material, 18.8mg/kg in liquid or sticky toy material,
930mg/kg in scraped-off toy material.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 repealing Directive 76/769/EEC Restriction on the

Marketing and Use of Dangerous Substances and Preparations



The assessment of the operation of the four main legal instruments governing chemicals in
the Community, i.e. Council Directive 67/548/EEC, Council Directive 76/769/EEC,
Directive 1999/45/EC and Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 identified a number of
problems in the functioning of Community legislation on chemicals, resulting in disparities
between the laws, regulations and administrative provisions in Member States directly
affecting the functioning of the internal market in this field, and the need to do more to
protect public health and the environment in accordance with the precautionary principle.
This regulation is to fill the gaps and harmonize legislations governing chemicals

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and its compounds are listed in the Restrictions on the Manufacture, Placing on the
Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles. Certain
nickel compounds are listed as category 1 carcinogenic substances. Nickel tetracarbonyl
is listed as category 2 toxic substance to reproduction.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2004/107/EC relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air



With the aim of minimising harmful effects on human health, paying particular attention to
sensitive populations, and the environment as a whole, of airborne nickel, target values
should be set, to be attained as far as possible. Member States may maintain or introduce
more stringent protective measures relating to nickel.

Impact on Nickel

Target value for the total nickel content in the PM 10 fraction averaged over a calendar
year: 20 ng/m3. Specific assessment thresholds, sampling standards and analysis
methods are also listed in Directive.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products



This Regulation establishes rules to be complied with by any cosmetic product made
available on the market, in order to ensure the functioning of the internal market and a high
level of protection of human health.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds are listed as substances prohibited in cosmetic products.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 on the making available on the market of EU fertilising




The regulation defines nickel concentrations in fertilizers that are allowed on the EU and
EEA market.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel contaminants in an organic, organo-mineral fertiliser, plant bio stimulant, growing

medium and organic soil improver must not exceed 50mg/kg dry matter; nickel
contaminants in an inorganic macronutrient fertiliser and inorganic soil improver must not
exceed 100mg/kg dry matter; nickel contaminants in an inorganic micronutrient fertiliser
must not exceed 2000mg/kg; nickel contaminants in a liming material must not exceed



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous




Major accidents often have serious consequences. The Directive to ensure that
appropriate precautionary action is taken to ensure a high level of protection throughout
the Union for citizens, communities and the environment

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compounds in inhalable powder form: nickel monoxide, nickel dioxide, nickel
sulphide, tri-nickel disulphide and dinickel trioxide are listed as dangerous substances in
the Annex 1 of the Directive.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts



This Regulation establishes a common framework for the collection, compilation,

transmission and evaluation of European environmental economic accounts, for the
purpose of setting up environmental economic accounts as satellite accounts to ESA 95,
by providing methodology, common standards, definitions, classifications and accounting
rules intended to be used for compiling environmental economic accounts.

Impact on Nickel

Data on nickel extraction activities within EEA and import and export of nickel ores and
concentrates shall data to be collected, compiled, transmitted and evaluated for Module for
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) by the Member States



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control)



In order to prevent, reduce and as far as possible eliminate pollution arising from industrial
activities in compliance with the ‘polluter pays’ principle and the principle of pollution
prevention, the Directive establishes a general framework for the control of the main
industrial activities, giving priority to intervention at source, ensuring prudent management
of natural resources and taking into account, when necessary, the economic situation and
specific local characteristics of the place in which the industrial activity is taking place.

Impact on Nickel

Average emission of nickel and nickel compounds over a sampling period of a minimum of
30 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours must not exceed 0.5mg/Nm3; Emission limit values
for discharges of waste water from the cleaning of waste gases must not exceed 0.5mg/L.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)


REACH is a European Union regulation that addresses the production and use of
chemical substances, and their potential impacts on both human health and the
environment. Manufactures, importers and downstream users of nickel chemicals or
product containing nickel chemicals may incur associated obligations stipulated in
REACH. Conditions of restriction on nickel and its compound under REACH is elaborated
in ANNEX XVII TO REACH. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki has
oversight of the REACH programme.

Impact on Nickel

The list of nickel and nickel compounds can be found at

The text of the Conditions of Restriction on nickel and nickel compounds can be found at



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to
carcinogens or mutagens at work



This Directive has as its aim the protection of workers against risks to their health and
safety, including the prevention of such risks, arising or likely to arise from exposure to
carcinogens or mutagens at work. It lays down particular minimum requirements in this
area, including limit values.

Impact on Nickel

This Directive affects processing of nickel and nickel compounds which are classified as a
carcinogens class 1 and 2.
It also affects processing of cupro-nickel mattes, as in Annex I of this Directive, "work
involving exposure to dusts, fumes and sprays produced during the roasting and electro-
refining of cupro-nickel mattes" is mentioned separately.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2008/68/EC on the inland transport of dangerous goods



This Directive shall apply to the transport of dangerous goods by road, by rail or by inland
waterway within or between Member States, including the activities of loading and
unloading, the transfer to or from another mode of transport and the stops necessitated by
the circumstances of the transport.

Impact on Nickel

Transportation of nickel compounds or nickel chemicals should comply to the Directive



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 98/24/EC Protection of the Health and Safety of Workers from the Risk Related
to Chemical Agents at Work

Information: The RAC Opinion on scientific evaluation of occupational exposure limits for
Nickel and its compounds can be found at


This Directive provides minimum requirements for protection of workers from health and
safety risks arising, or likely to arise, from chemical agents at the workplace.

For this Directive a chemical agent is defined as hazardous if:

- it meets the criteria for classification as a dangerous substance according to Directive

67/548/EEC, Annex VI;

- it is included as any chemical agent that is assigned an occupational exposure limit value
under Article 3 of the Directive;

- its physic-chemical, chemical or toxicological properties and the way it is used or present
at the workplace presents a health and safety risk.

The Commission establishes indicative occupational exposure limits, as well as binding

limits. National governments will have to include these limits in their national legislation;
binding Community limits may not be exceeded by national limits.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds are within the scope of the Directive. The Committee for
Risk Assessment under European Chemicals Agency set out the derived limit values for
the inhalation route: 0.005 mg/m3 for respirable dust, 0.03 mg/m3 for inhalable dust.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

REGULATION (EC) No 1935/2004 Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact
with Food



The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure the effective functioning of the internal market
in relation to the placing on the market in the Community of materials and articles intended
to come into contact directly or indirectly with food, whilst providing the basis for securing a
high level of protection of human health and the interests of consumers.

Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food should not release any
substance likely to be detrimental to health or have any detrimental organoleptic effects
under foreseeable conditions of use.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel is used intensively as an alloy in materials for storage and processing of food.
Metals and alloys are on the List of groups of materials and articles which may be covered
by specific measures



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

DIRECTIVE (EU) 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption



The objectives of this Directive are to protect human health from the adverse effects of any
contamination of water intended for human consumption by ensuring that it is wholesome
and clean, and to improve access to water intended for human consumption. It covers
(a)all water, either in its original state or after treatment, intended for drinking, cooking,
food preparation or other domestic purposes in both public and private premises,
regardless of its origin and whether it is supplied from a distribution network, supplied from
a tanker or put into bottles or containers, including spring waters; (b) all water used in any
food business for the manufacture, processing, preservation or marketing of products or
substances intended for human consumption.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel concentration is fixed at 20 µg/l. Compliance samples for certain chemical

parameters, in particular copper, lead, and nickel, shall be taken at the consumers’ tap
without prior flushing.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and



This Directive shall apply to all types of batteries and accumulators, regardless of their
shape, volume, weight, material composition or use.

Impact on Nickel

Recycling processes shall achieve the following minimum recycling efficiencies: recycling
of 75 % by average weight of nickel-cadmium batteries and accumulators and recycling of
50 % by average weight of other waste batteries and accumulators.


The draft was withdrawn in 2001. The revision of this Directive has now been chosen as a
pilot project on Extended Impact Assessment.

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste



This Regulation establishes procedures and control regimes for the shipment of waste,
depending on the origin, destination and route of the shipment, the type of waste shipped
and the type of treatment to be applied to the waste at its destination. It also implements
the Basel Convention and the OECD Decision on trans frontier shipment of waste for
recovery operations in the EU framework.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel scrap and spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts, containing nickel
subject to the controlling clauses for Annex V, Part 1, List B in the regulation. Annex IX to
the Basel Convention is listed in this Regulation in Annex V, Part 1, List B.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Council Regulation EC/1420/1999 Common Rules and Procedures to apply to Shipments

to Certain non-OECD Countries of Certain Types of Wastes


This regulation establishes common rules and procedures to apply to shipments to certain
non-OECD countries of certain types of waste.

Impact on Nickel

Annex A of this Regulation lists countries and territories which have indicated to the
Commission that they do not wish to receive shipments for recovery of certain types of
waste listed in Annex II to Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93. Singapore exempts nickel
waste and scrap in its list. Tunisia bans any spent metal-bearing catalysts containing


Current and the Annex will be updated regularly.

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil,
when sewage sludge is used in agriculture



The purpose of this Directive is to regulate the use of sewage sludge in agriculture in such
a way as to prevent harmful effects on soil, vegetation, animals and man, thereby
encouraging the correct use of such sewage sludge.

Impact on Nickel

Limit Values for Concentrations of Nickel in Soil: 30-75mg/kg of dry matter; in sludge for
use in agriculture: 300 to 400mg/kg of dry matter; limit values for amounts of nickel which
may be added annually to agricultural land, based on a 10-year average: 3kg/ha/yr Nickel
has to be analysed in sludge and soil analysis.



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European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Risk Assessment (RAC) for evaluation of limit values for nickel and its compounds in the



European Chemicals Agency prepared an annex in support of the Committee for Risk
Assessment (RAC) for evaluation of limit values for nickel and its compounds in the

Impact on Nickel

The all-encompassing document related to nickel exposure in workplace can be found at



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European Union
(Note: Many EU Directives also apply to members of the European Economic Area (EEA).
These are Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein. Swiss laws also follow many EU directives.)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste



With a view to supporting the Union’s transition to a circular economy and meeting the
requirements of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (1),
and in particular Articles 4 and 12 thereof, the aim of this Directive is to ensure a
progressive reduction of landfilling of waste, in particular of waste that is suitable for
recycling or other recovery, and, by way of stringent operational and technical
requirements on the waste and landfills, to provide for measures, procedures and
guidance to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment, in
particular the pollution of surface water, groundwater, soil and air, and on the global
environment, including the greenhouse effect, as well as any resulting risk to human
health, from landfilling of waste, during the whole life-cycle of the landfill.
Lays down technical standards for the landfill of waste at Community level. Landfills are
divided into three classes:
landfills for hazardous waste;
landfills for non-hazardous waste;
landfills for inert waste.

Impact on Nickel

Member states are allowed to require more stringent measures. Nickel and nickel
containing waste treatment should comply to this Directive.



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EU Member Country: Finland

Regulations and Initiatives:

1022/2006 Government Decree on substances dangerous and harmful to aquatic



This Decree aims at protecting the surface waters and to improve their quality by
preventing deterioration due to the dangerous and harmful substances.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and its compounds are listed as substances harmful to the aquatic environment.
Environmental quality standards are not given.



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EU Member Country: Finland

Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Decree on Landfills (331/2013; amendments up to 960/2016 included)



The purpose of this Decree is to prevent the pollution of surface water, groundwater, soil
and air, and to combat climate change and other comparable large-scale adverse
environmental impacts by directing the planning, establishment, construction, operation,
management, closure and aftercare of landfills, and the depositing of wastes in them in
such a way that they will not, even over a long period of time, endanger or cause harm to
human health or the environment.

Impact on Nickel

Eligibility criteria: Wastes acceptable at landfills for inert waste (wastes that require
testing): Limiting value for nickel: 0,4 mg/kg (dry weight);
Non-hazardous waste and inert hazardous waste disposed together: Limiting value for
nickel: 10 mg/kg (dry weight);
Landfill of hazardous waste: Limiting value for nickel: 40 mg/kg (dry weight).



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EU Member Country: Finland

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002)

Government Decree on Chemical Agents at Work (715/2001)
Government Decree on the Prevention of Work-Related Cancer Risks (1267/2019, in
Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (1273/2019)
Act on the Register of People Exposed to Carcinogenic Substances and Methods at Work
(452/2020, in Finnish)



The Occupational Health and Safety Administration in Finland is responsible to implement

various legislations in protecting workers´ health and safety at work.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and nickel compounds are among the substance lists of various legislations and
decrees. Detailed exposure limits and employers´ obligations are elaborated in the
annexes to legislations and decrees which can be found at the website of the Finland
Occupational Health and Safety Administration



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EU Member Country: Finland

Regulations and Initiatives:

169/2000 Environmental Protection Decree


The regulation defines the permit conditions for environmental permits

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and its compounds are listed as substances requiring a permit for discharge into
waters or a public sewer



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Sewage Sludge Ordinance



The new sewage sludge ordinance entered into force on 03/10/2017. Therefore, for
wastewater treatment plants with more than 100,000 and 50,000 populations equivalents
the utilization of sewage sludge on soil is only possible until 2029 and 2032 respectively.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel is strictly monitored in sewage sludge as heavy metal. The value ranges of nickel in
sewage sludge in Germany is 30–35mg/kg (raw).



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Ordinance on the recycling of biowaste on agricultural, forestry and horticultural soils



This Ordinance applies to 1. untreated and treated biowaste and mixtures which are
applied to agricultural, forestry or horticultural soils for use as fertilizer or which are given
away for the purpose of application and 2. the treatment and investigation of such
biowaste and mixtures.

Impact on Nickel

Maximum Ni concentration in soils to which sludge can be applied: 35-50 mg/kg d.m.
depending on soil type.



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Ordinance on the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption



It is the purpose of this Ordinance to protect human health from the adverse influences
resulting from any contamination of water intended for human consumption, by ensuring
its wholesomeness and purity

Impact on Nickel

Limitation value for nickel: 0.02mg/l.



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Waste Water Ordinance (Abwasserverordnung)



This Ordinance on Requirements for the Discharge of Waste Waters into Waters relates
quality requirements to the best available technology. It contains apart from general
requirements and regulations on analysis and measurement procedures special pollutant
related requirements for waste water from different sources and industrial branches in 57
appendices. For the NF-metal industry appendices 39 (NF-metal producing) and 40 (NF-
metal processing) are of relevance.

Impact on Nickel

Limit for Nickel in waste water from metal production: 2.0 mg/l;
from metal processing: 0.5 mg/l



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG), and

Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV)



Includes different values such as action values, trigger values and precautionary values for
different pathways (soil-human being, soil- plant, soil-groundwater) and different uses of
soil (e.g., children’s playgrounds, industrial areas).

Impact on Nickel

Trigger values for nickel, e.g.:

- children’s playgrounds 70 mg/kg dry matter;
- residential area 140 mg/kg dry matter;
- parks and leisure facilities 350 mg/kg dry matter;
- industrial and commercial property 900 mg/kg dry matter;
- transfer of pollutants from soil to crop on grassland areas 1900 mg/kg dry matter;
-transfer of pollutants Soil - plant on arable land 1.5 mg/kg;
- soil solution at the transition to groundwater 50 µg/l.
Precautionary value of nickel:
Bodenart Ton (Clay) 70 mg/kg,
Bodenart Lehm/ Schluff (loam/silt) 50 mg/kg,
Bodenart Sand 15 mg/kg.
Permissible additional annual pollutant loads across all impact pathways 100 grams per
hectare per year.



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

General Administrative Regulation on the Classification on Substances Hazardous to

Waters into Hazard Classes (VwVwS)

Information: updated information on hazardous substances to water can be found at


there are three water hazard classes (WGK):

1: slightly hazardous to water,

2: obviously hazardous to water,

3: highly hazardous to water.

Furthermore, substances can be classified as non-hazardous to water (nwg) or are

deemed hazardous to water in general (awg).

Impact on Nickel

Nickel and Nickel Compounds are classified as WGK1-3 and NWG according to specific
properties. Details can be found at



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft 2002)



To protect the general public/neighbourhood against harmful effects of pollutants on the

environment, as well as a precaution against harmful effects on the environment due to air
pollutants. The instructions apply to facilities requiring approval/authorization according to
the Federal Emission Control Law in connection with the Ordinance governing facilities
subject to license.

Impact on Nickel

Emission limit value:

- inorganic particulate matter in waste gas:
Class II: Pb, Co, Se, Te and Ni icluding their compounds, indicated as elements 2,5 g/h
mass volume in total or 0,5 mg/m³ mass concentration in total;
- carcinogens substances in waste gas:
Class II: nickel and its compounds (except for nickel metal, nickel alloys, nickel carbonate,
nickel hydroxide, nickel tetracarbonyl), to be indicated as Ni and [acrylamide; acrylonitrile;
Di-nitrotoluenes; ethylene oxide; 4-vinyl-1,2-cyclohexene-diepoxy] with 1,5 g/h mass
volume in total or 0,5 mg/m³ mass concentration in total.



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Ordinance on Underground Waste Stowage and to Amend the Provisions pertaining to the
List of Wastes



Sets limit values for wastes which are allowed to be utilised underground. If metal
concentration in wastes exceeds certain limits reclamation of the metal is requested.

Impact on Nickel

Recycling: Ni. exceeding 2.5 % in waste;

if more than 600 mg/kg (dry mass) or more than 50 ug/l in eluate it may not be utilised



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EU Member Country: Germany

Regulations and Initiatives:

Amended Landfill Ordinance (2009)



Includes limit values for nickel in wastes on surface landfills as well as for nickel in
recultivation layer.

Impact on Nickel

Limit values for nickel in wastes (mg/l):

Landfills for inert wastes (class 0): ≤ 0,04
- Landfills for not hazardous wastes (class I): ≤ 0,2
- Landfills for not hazardous wastes (class II): ≤ 1,0
- Landfills for hazardous wastes (class III): ≤ 4,0
- Recultivation layer: ≤ 0,05
- Underground Landfills for hazardous wastes in solid rocks:
Recultivation layer ≤ 100 mg/kg



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EU Member Country: Italy

Regulations and Initiatives:

LEGISLATIVE DECREE 4 March 2014, n. 46



Implementation of Directive 2010/75 / EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution

prevention and reduction). (14G00058)

Impact on Nickel

Same as Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention

and control)


Entry into force of the provision: 11/04/2014 (Last document update published on

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EU Member Country: Italy

Regulations and Initiatives:

LEGISLATIVE DECREE 11 April 2011, n. 54



Implementation of Directive 2009/48 / EC on the safety of toys. (11G0097)

Impact on Nickel

Same as Directive 2009/48 / EC on the safety of toys


Entry into force of the provision: 12/05/2011 (Last document update published on

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EU Member Country: Italy

Regulations and Initiatives:

LEGISLATIVE DECREE 9 April 2008, n. 81



Industrial workers who are exposed to the influence of toxic or contaminating substances
or substances which in any case result harmful and indicated in the Annex to the decree,
will have to be examined regularly by a competent physician.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel, alloys and components are included in the Annex. Workers employed in refining of
nickel should be examined half-yearly; those employed in the production and use of nickel-
carbonyl should be examined monthly. Specific Exposure limits are not included; central
authorities refer to the values adopted by the American Conference of Government
Industrial Hygienists.


Entry into force of the decree: 15-5-2008 (Last document update published on 21/10/2021)

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EU Member Country: The Netherlands

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Health and Safety Limit Values


Under the current health and safety system, employers and employees have their own
responsibility for the safe handling of hazardous substances in the workplace. That is why
the Social and Economic Council manages the database Limit Values for Dangerous
Substances in the Workplace. Management is in the hands of the SER Subcommittee on
Limit Values for Substances in the Workplace. This committee advises the Ministry of
Social Affairs and Employment on the feasibility of legal limit values for substances without
a safe level of exposure. These are often carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, and
substances that can cause respiratory allergies. Mutagenic means that the substance can
affect DNA.

Impact on Nickel

Exposure limits for the following substance are established:

Nickel sulfamate, Nickel Carbonate, Nickel (II)-acetate, Nickel sulphide, Nickel sulphate,
Nickel oxide, Nickel dinitrate, Nickel dihydroxide, Nickel difluoride, Nickel bis(2-
ethylhexanoate), Nickel bis (dihydrogen phosphate), Nickel rutile yellow, Nickel (II)
chloride, Dialuminium nickel tetraoxide, Nickel Pulver, Nickel chromate, Tetracarbonyl
Nickel (as Ni). Specific limits and their updates can be found at



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Health and Safety

Information: Swedish exposure limits can be found at:


Occupational Exposure Limits are determined by the Swedish Work Environment Authority
(Arbetsmiljöverket). The limits are reviewed every three years. Revisions are made in
consultation with representatives from employers and employees

Impact on Nickel

Current exposure limits for nickel (mg/m3), and its classification:

- nickel metal: 0,5; sensitizing
- soluble nickel: 0,1; carcinogenic, sensitizing
- nickel carbonyl: 0,007 (0,001 ppm); carcinogenic, reproduction disturbance.
- nickel subsulphide: 0,01; carcinogenic, sensitizing.



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Sludge for Agriculture Uses

Information: SFS (Collection of Swedish Laws and Regulations) 1998: 944, par. 20


Sludge for agricultural use may only be sold if specific metal concentrations are not

Impact on Nickel

Nickel: 50 mg/kg dry matter



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Car Washers

Information: Industry Fact Sheet NV (From National Environment Protection Agency) page


Lead, chromium and nickel to the waste water should not exceed certain levels.

Impact on Nickel

Sum Pb, Cr and Ni:

- for cars: 10 mg/vehicle
- for trucks and busses 30 mg/vehicle



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Carcinogenic chemicals in limit value list: collaboration effects


Nickel compounds which are posing carcinogenic risks are listed

Impact on Nickel

Potential risks and limits are elaborated in the document, details and update can be found



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Chemical exposure and health risks when handling of electrical waste


The aim of review is to describe the health risk associated with handling electronic and
electric waste

Impact on Nickel

Potential exposure risks to nickel contained in the waste and exposure limits are listed in


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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Health effects of gases and particles formed during welding


The aim of this review is to describe effects and diseases associated with inhalation of
welding-generated gases and particles. The review comprises a short description of some
common methods of welding.

Impact on Nickel

Potential exposure risks to nickel fumes and protective proposals are listed in the review:



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EU Member Country: Sweden

Regulations and Initiatives:

Drinking Water

Information: LIVS FS (Regulation from the National Food Administration) 2005:10 page


Threshold limit value for untreated drinking water for general consumption.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel 20 mg/l



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EEA Member Country: Norway

As a member of the European Economic Area, Norway complies to the EU legislation,
although some derogations are allowed. Regarding Directive 67/548/EEC (Classification,
Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances) and Directive 88/379/EEC
(Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Preparations), cancer classification,
including nickel and nickel compounds, are stricter. With respect to Directive 91/157/EEC
(Batteries Directive), stricter limits for mercury and cadmium content are applied. The
derogations are renegotiated.

Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulations on measures and limit values



In regulations on action and limit values, some metals (for example nickel and nickel
compounds) are listed as carcinogenic, mutagenic and cause allergies or other
hypersensitivity in the eyes or respiratory tract and in contact with skin. The action value
for nickel is only 0.05 mg / m 3 (calculated as Ni) and is an example of how important it is
to perform measurements and analyses of the compounds in welding dust and not just the
amount of total dust. Occupational Exposure Limits are determined by the Norwegian
Labour Inspectorate (Arbeidstilsynet):

Impact on Nickel

Exposure limits for nickel and nickel compounds: 0,05 mg/m3.



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 5/2018 on Occupational Safety and Health at
Work Environment


Exposure limits to chemicals at workplace are summarized in the Regulation

Impact on Nickel

nickel and nickel compounds production and use at workplace



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Regulation No. 50/2012 on Implementation of Occupational Safety and

Health Management Systems


Specifies requirement for efficient occupational safety and health management system at

Impact on Nickel

nickel and nickel compounds production and use at workplace



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 51 of 1995:

Standard Quality of Liquid Wastes of Industries


Regulates the implementation of environmentally oriented development as part of

deliberate and systematic effort to wisely manage natural resources for sustainable
development in order to improve the quality of life of people. It is necessary to maintain
harmony among various business or activities and to try to evaluate in the early planning
stages so that action to deal with any negative impact and to enhance any positive impact
can be incorporated as early as possible.

Impact on Nickel

Industries which use nickel and its compounds should follow the standard to avoid
environment pollution/damage.



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Law No.4 of 2009 on Mining Mineral and Coal


Basis for mining regulation.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel mining shall comply to the Law



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Law No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management


Regulates hazardous and toxic waste (B3 waste), mainly waste discharged from the
industrial sector

Impact on Nickel

nickel and nickel compound production



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 4/ 2014 Concerning Emission Standards for
Stationary Sources of Mining Industry Activities


Regulates emissions to the atmosphere

Impact on Nickel

nickel mining and processing



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 3/2010 Concerning Wastewater Quality

Standards for Industrial Estate

Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 5/2014 Concerning Wastewater Quality


Regulation of Ministry of Environment and Forestry No.93/2018 Concerning the Industrial

Effluent Monitoring Continuously and Online for Business and/or Activities


These regulations set wastewater standards and management obligations for industries

Impact on Nickel

nickel mining and processing



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Regulation No. 101/2014 on Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management

Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 101/ 2018 on Guidelines for
Rehabilitation of Soil Contaminated with Hazardous and Toxic Wastes (B3 Wastes)


These regulations set to prevent soil pollution and degradation as a result of economic

Impact on Nickel

nickel mining and processing



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 27 of 1999:

Environmental Impact Assessment


Law enforcement on environmental impact carried out only by Bapedal and Bapedalda
(local EPA).

Impact on Nickel

Could create some ambiguity to nickel mining companies.



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 51 of 1993


Environmental impact assessment.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel mining and processing



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Regulations and Initiatives:

PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) system


The PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) system is a system under which
business operators are required to report the amounts of chemical substances imposing
risks to human health or ecosystems released into the environment (air, water, and soil)
and transferred outside the relevant place as part of waste.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel compound is on the List of Class I Designated Chemical Substances. Metal mining
and industrial waste treatment in on the list of targeted industries.



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Regulations and Initiatives:

The 13th Occupational Safety & Health Program



The 13th Occupational Safety & Health Program in FY2018, specifies the goals and
priority activities to be achieved by the government, employers, workers and other relevant
parties to minimize occupational accidents and realize safe and healthy workplaces for the

Impact on Nickel

Industries are obliged to fulfil various subprograms including but not limited to Promotion of
measures to prevent health disorders due to chemical substances



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Regulations and Initiatives:

Law to Promote Effective Use of Resources


With the aim of minimising harmful effects on human health, paying particular attention to
sensitive populations, and the environment as a whole, of airborne nickel, target values
should be set, to be attained as far as possible.

Impact on Nickel

Improved recovery and collection of nickel containing products (NiCd batteries) will
increase availability of nickel units.



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Republic of South Africa

Regulations and Initiatives:

Basal Convention

Information: Responsible departmental officer:

Mr. W. E.Scott

Phone: + 27 (0) 12 310 3654

Fax: + 27 (0) 12 322 2682


Reduction of the production of hazardous waste and the restriction of transboundary

movement and disposal of such waste. It also aims to ensure that any transboundary
movement and disposal of hazardous waste takes place in an environmental sound and
responsible way.

South Africa ratified the Convention May 1994, and draft regulations are published to
control the movement of such wastes.

Impact on Nickel

Nickel containing waste is included under List B.



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Republic of South Africa

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Health and Safety

Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulation (Govt. notice R.1179 25 1995)

Information: Responsible Department: Department of Labor/Occupational Health and


tel. + 27 (0)12 309 4774

fax + 27 (0)12 320 2808


These regulations apply to an employer or self-employed person who carries out work at a
workplace which may expose any person to the intake of hazardous chemical substances
at that workplace.

Impact on Nickel

Exposure limits mg/m3;

- Nickel organic compounds: 1.0; 3.0 (short term);
- Nickel carbonyl: 0.24 (short term).


Recent update: Notice No. R. 683 dated 27 June 2008

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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Clean Air Act

(42 United States Code 7524)


Nickel compounds listed as Mobile Source Air Toxics for which regulations are to be
developed. Nickel compounds listed as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS). Under the
Urban Air Toxics Strategy, Ni compounds are identified as one of 33 HAPS that present
the greatest threat to public health in urban areas.

Impact on Nickel

Prevention of Accidental Release Treshold Quantity (TQ) = 1,000 lb (nickel carbonyl)


Act amended 2004

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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Clean Water Act: Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Effluent Guidelines; Nonferrous Metals
Forming and Metal Powders Effluent Guidelines



Under Effluent Guidelines nickel and nickel compounds are listed as Toxic Pollutants.
Biosolids Rule sets ceiling concentration of nickel (type not specified) for land appllications
=420 mg/kg

Impact on Nickel

Water Quality Criteria. Based on fish/shellfish and water consumption = 610 µg/L (nickel,
type not specified), Based on fish/shellfish consumption only = 4600 µg/L.



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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (Superfund)


Provides for liability, compensation, clean-up and emergency response for hazardous
substances released into the environment and the clean-up of inactive hazardous waste
disposal sites.

Impact on Nickel

Establishes Reportable Quantities (RQ).

RQ = 100 lbs (nickel, nickel ammonium sulphate, nickel chloride, nickel nitrate, nickel
RQ=10 lbs (nickel carbonyl, nickel cyanide, nickel hydroxide)


Act first passed in 1980, amended in 2002

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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Emergency Planning and Right-to-Know Act


Toxics Release Inventory. Listed substances subject to reporting requirements (nickel,

nickel compounds, nickel ammonium sulphate, nickel carbonyl, nickel chloride, nickel
cyanide, nickel hydroxide, nickel nitrate, nickel sulphate)

Impact on Nickel

Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) = 1 lb (nickel carbonyl)

Reportable Quantity (RQ) 10 lb (nickel carbonyl)



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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act


Lists Hazardous Wastes

Impact on Nickel

Listed as Hazardous Constituent of Waste: (nickel, nickel compounds, nickel carbonyl,

nickel cyanide)



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United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for Nickel

(American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH))


In 1998, TLVs for nickel have been adopted, based on "inhalable fraction" rather than on
"total particular". Moreover, the cancer classification for nickel was changed into:

Nickel metal: not suspect as a human carcinogen (A5);

Soluble nickel: not classifiable as a human carcinogen (A4);

Nickel subsulfite and insoluble nickel: confirmed human carcinogens (A1).

Impact on Nickel

Threshold Limit Values-Time Weighted Average Limit (TLV-TWA):

elemental nickel: 1.5mg/m3;
insoluble nickel compounds: 0.2 mg/m3;
soluble nickel compounds: 0.1 mg/m3;
nickel subsulfite: 0.1 mg/m3;
nickel carbonyl: 0.05 ppm.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

The Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act of 1996;

(Public Law 104-142)


Uniform national labelling requirements for regulated batteries (including NiCd) by May
1998. The act also provides for streamlining of regulations governing battery collection and
recycling, encouraging voluntary industry programs. EPA is responsible for enforcing most
of the provisions of the act.

Impact on Nickel

Supply of secondary nickel will increase as the Portable Rechargeable Battery

Association, composed of more than 100 manufacturers, distributors, users, sellers has
set up a nation- wide collection and recycling system.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Report on Carcinogens

National Toxicology Program (NTP)

Information: The 14th Report on Carcinogens (ROC) was published in 2016.


The report lists substances that “are either known or may reasonably be anticipated to be
human carcinogens, and to which a significant number of persons in the United States is

Impact on Nickel

The decision to include "metallic nickel" into the list does not affect legislation on nickel
directly, but it can be used as reference for legislation on national as well as states level.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


FDA has authority to regulate food and drugs.

Impact on Nickel

Maximum permissible level of nickel in bottled water = 0.1 mg/L

Colour additives ferric ammonium and ferric ferrocyanide may contain Ni at levels no
greater than 200 ppm.
Menhaden oil may contain Ni at concentrations not to exceed 0.5 ppm.


Current (as of 2018)

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

United States of America

Regulations and Initiatives:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)



OSHA sets workplace standards

Impact on Nickel

Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) = 1 mg/m3 (metallic nickel and compounds other than
nickel carbonyl); 0.001 ppm (0.007 mg/m3) (nickel carbonyl)



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Decision of the Council on the OECD Legal Instruments Control of Transboundary

Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations



The Decision was adopted on the occasion of the 14 June 2001 Ministerial meeting. The
Decision revises the 1992 OECD Decision on the Control of Trans-frontier Movements of
Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations manner. A two-tiered system serves to
delineate controls to be applied to such transboundary movements of wastes.

Impact on Nickel

Green Control Procedure: Wastes listed in Annex IX of the Basel Convention; Metal
Bearing Wastes Arising from Melting, Smelting and Refining of Metals; Other Wastes
Containing Metals.

Amber Control Procedure: Wastes listed in Annexes II and VIII of the Basel Convention;
Metal Bearing Wastes.


Current (recent amendment in 2021)

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and

their Disposal



The Convention was adopted in 1989, and entered into force in 1992, 189 parties signed
the Convention (up to November 2021). Parties are obliged to ensure that hazardous
wastes are managed and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.

Impact on Nickel

List A: hazardous wastes:

- Wastes having as constituents metal carbonyls;
- Waste batteries including cadmium;

List B: non-hazardous wastes:

- nickel scrap;
- mixed non-ferrous metal, heavy fraction scrap;
- spent nickel catalysts (excluding liquids used as catalysts).


Current (recent amendment in 2019)

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World Health Organization (WHO)

Regulations and Initiatives:

The Guidelines for drinking-water quality (GDWQ)



The Guidelines are updated through a “rolling revision” process which ensures that the
GDWQ presents the latest scientific evidence and addresses key concerns raised by
countries. Nickel is included in the rolling revision of the GDWQ

Impact on Nickel

It is identified that the primary source of nickel in drinking-water is leaching from metals in
contact with drinking-water, such as pipes and fittings. Stainless steel cooking utensils
(e.g., oven pans, roasting pans) contributed markedly to the levels of nickel in cooked
food. This information may impact the use of nickel containing alloys in water
transportation and food preparation.


Current (The 4th Edition of GDWQ is under review)

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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

World Health Organization (WHO)

Regulations and Initiatives:

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)



Monograph Volume 49 on "Chromium, Nickel and Welding" is the most recent IARC
review specifically on nickel. In this monograph, metallic nickel is classified as a possible
carcinogen to humans (Group 2B); nickel compounds as carcinogens to humans (Group

Monograph Volume 74 on "Surgical Implants, Prosthetic Devices and Foreign Bodies" in

which nickel containing implants have also been reviewed, was published late 1999.

Impact on Nickel

Volume 74:
Group 2B: implanting foreign bodies of:
- metallic nickel, and
- an alloy powder containing 66-67% nickel, 13-16% chromium and 7% iron.
Group 3 (not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans): implanting foreign bodies
of stainless steel.

Classification by IARC does not affect legislation on nickel directly. However, IARC
reviews are considered to be authoritative, and are used as a reference for
recommendations or legislation on national as well as international level.



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EHS Regulations Relating to Nickel: 2022 Compilation by INSG

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Regulations and Initiatives:

Code of Practice on Safety and Health in the Non-ferrous Metals Industries



The objective of ILO Codes of Practices, which are the result of tripartite negotiations, is to
provide guidance for safety and health management in relation to specific occupational
hazards (e.g., chemicals), sectors of activity (e.g., mining) or equipment. They are not
intended to replace national laws or regulations or accepted standards. This Code does
not deal with mining or downstream processing of non-ferrous products; however,
recycling activities are included

Impact on Nickel

The Code contains general provisions, principles, practices and duties of the competent
authorities, employers and workers in the non-ferrous metals industry and some specific
issues related to Nickel and nickel recycling.



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