Weapons of Hyboria

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One Handed Weapons

Name Material Special Ability Note Cost Damage Type
Axe (BRZ, IRN, Gd/Gd/Ex Destroys shields of lesser Wooden Shaft, weapon 1SP/5SP/ Slashing
STL) material strength shaft may break on a 2GP
white result on defense,
Club Gd 10 Strength is -1CS from the All wood, destroys when it 5CP Bludgeoning
strength to carry hits an equally hard object
and swung at full
strength, Civilian
Dagger (BRZ, Gd/Gd/Ex -1CS damage Attacks after any longer 1SP/3SP/ Piercing,
IRN, STL) weapons, Civilian, Hidden, 1GP Slashing
OH Hammer Ex/Ex/Rm Can be all metal for X2 Unbalanced no more than 3SP/8SP/ Bludgeoning
(BRZ, IRN, STL) cost one attack per round, 2GP
Wooden Shaft, weapon
shaft may break on a
white result on defense,
OH Mace Gd/Gd/Ex Can be all metal for X2 Wooden Shaft, weapon 4SP/ Bludgeoning
(BRZ, IRN, STL) cost shaft may break on a 1GP/ 3GP
white result on defense,
Sling Ty Damage is = strength Range: 40ft, Cannot be 10CP Bludgeoning
used in close combat,
unlimited ammo provided
there are rocks, Civilian,
Spear (BRZ, Gd/Gd/Ex None Wooden Shaft, weapon 1SP/3SP/ Piercing
IRN, STL) shaft may break on a 1GP
white result on defense, if
used in TH then Reach of
Sword, Bronze Gd 10 None Civilian, Noble 2 SP Slashing,
Sword, Iron Gd 10 None Poisonous to some Fey 7 SP Slashing,
(applies to all iron Piercing
weapons), Civilian, Noble
Sword, Steel Ex 20 None Civilian, Noble 3 GP Slashing,

Two Handed Weapons

Name Material Special Ability Note Cost Damage Type
Bow Gd 10 Max damage = material Range 75ft, -4CS in melee 1SP Piercing
strength/personal STR range, Two-handed, Civilian
Greataxe(BRZ, Ex/Ex/Rm Destroys shields of lesser Wooden Shaft, weapon 3SP/ 6SP/ Slashing
IRN, STL) material strength shaft breaks on a white 4GP
result, Two-handed
Greatsword, Ex 20 None Two-handed 5 SP Slashing,
Bronze Piercing
Greatsword, Ex 20 None Poisonous to some Fey 1 GP Slashing,
Iron (applies to all iron Piercing
weapons), Two-handed
Greatsword, Rm 30 None Two-handed 5 GP Slashing,
Steel Piercing
TH Hammer Ex/Rm/Fn Can be all metal for X2 Unbalanced no more than 7SP/ 1GP/ Bludgeoning
(BRZ, IRN, STL) cost (min STR of EX) one attack per round, 5GP
Wooden Shaft, weapon
shaft may break on a white
result on defense, Two-
TH Mace Ex/Ex/Rm Can be all metal for X2 Wooden Shaft, weapon 1GP/ Bludgeoning
cost shaft may break on a white 2GP/ 6GP
result on defense, Two-
TH Gd/Ex/Ex/ None Reach 10ft, weapon shaft 20CP/ Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff Rm may break on a white 3SP/ 9SP/
result on defense, Two-
(WD, BRZ, handed, Civilian 4GP

Specialty or Cultural Weapons

Name Material Special Ability Note Cost Damage Type
Bill/Naginata Gd/Gd/Ex None Wooden Shaft, weapon 2SP/6SP/2 Slashing
shaft may break on a GP
white result on defense,
Reach of 10ft
Cestus/Brass Ex/Ex/Rm None -1CS to fighting defense, 4SP/9SP/3 Piercing,
knuckles (BRZ, Civilian, Hidden GP bludgeoning
Halberd (IRN, Ex/Rm Can be used as a Spear in Wooden Shaft, weapon 4GP/10GP Piercing,
STL) TH or as a Greataxe shaft may break on a Slashing
white result on defense,
Reach: 5Ft/10ft, always
attacks before shorter
weapons when used as a
spear, Two-handed
Lance (BRZ, Ex/Ex/Rm Uses Horse Shatter on a White or a 3SP/8SP/3 Piercing
IRN, STL) Strength/Endurance/ Red FEAT roll or if DMG is GP
Speed on a charge greater than or equal to
Material Strength, Reach
of 10ft
Longbow Ex 20 Max damage = material Must be used on foot, 4SP Piercing
strength/personal STR Range 150ft, -5CS in
score melee range, Two-
handed, Civilian
Net (Cord, Gd/Ex Force Agility Feat vs Thrown, Range 15ft, 50CP/ 9SP None
Wire) Material strength +1CS; Leather, hard to break
failure = entangled and - +1CS, but cuts easily -1CS,
4CS to all physical checks; If used to attack max of
No damage Gd Bludgeoning, Civilian
Nunchaku Gd/Gd/Gd/ Fighting +1CS to attacks - Wood, weapon breaks on 40CP/ 2SP/ Bludgeoning
(WD, BRZ, Ex 1CS for defense a white result, Civilian, 7SP/3GP
TH Pick (IRN, Rm/Fn Can be all metal for X4 Unbalanced no more 2GP/6GP Piercing
STL) cost (Min STR of RM), than one attack per
damages armor on a round, Wooden Shaft,
successful hit weapon shaft may break
permanently reducing it’s on a white result on
rank by -1CS once defense, Two-handed
Pike (BRZ, Gd/Gd/Ex None Wooden Shaft, weapon 2SP/6SP/2 Piercing
IRN, STL) shaft may break on a GP
white result on defense,
Reach: 15ft, always
attacks before shorter
weapons, within 10ft no
attack allowed, Two-
Rapier (BRZ, Gd/Gd/Ex May use Agility to attack Weapon will break if it 4SP/ 1GP/ Piercing
IRN, STL) (not defend) strikes a shield or 3GP
structure of +2CS higher
rank, Civilian, Noble
Tonfa (WD, Gd/Gd/Gd/ Fighting -1CS to attacks Wood, weapon breaks on 30CP/ 2SP/ Bludgeoning
BRZ, IRN, STL) Ex +1CS for defense a white result, Civilian, 7SP/3GP
Whip Gd 10 Can initiate grapple and Leather, hard to break 60CP Slashing
holds from a distance +1CS, but cuts easily -1CS,
Civilian, Hidden

Name Material Special Ability Note Cost Damage Type
Buckler (WD, Gd/Gd/Ex/ Pr Body Armor, Can be Can be strapped to the 2SP/ Bludgeoning
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm used as a weapon for -2CS arm instead of hand if so - 5SP/
damage 1CS to Fighting and Agility
and +1CS Agility vs 1GP/ 4GP
projectiles, Civilian, Noble
Heater (WD, Gd/Gd/Ex/ Pr Body Armor or +1CS to None 3SP/ Bludgeoning
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm defense rolls and +2CS to 1GP/
ranged attack defense,
Can be used as a weapon 3GP/ 6GP
for -1CS damage
Scutum (WD, Gd/Gd/Ex/ Ty Body Armor or +1CS to None 7SP/ Bludgeoning
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm defense rolls and +3CS to 2GP/
ranged attack defense,
Can be used as a weapon 5GP/ 8GP
for -1CS damage
Pavise (WD, Gd/Gd/Ex/ Gd Body Armor or +2CS to Can be planted on he field 1GP/ Bludgeoning
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm defense rolls and +4CS to as mobile cover providing 4GP/
ranged attack defense, EX Body Armor or +1CS to
Must have EX or higher Armor protection from 7GP/
STR to carry, Can be used projectiles 11GP
as a weapon for -1CS
Name Material Protection Note Cost Equipment
Gambeson Ty 5 Pr 4 A thick and heavy cloth, 1SP Cap, tunic
Overheat sleeved, Pants,
gloves, boots
Cuirboulli Ty 5 Ty 5 Made from boiled leather or a 3SP/5SP Tunic, bracers
(LTR, CRD) tough plant greaves, boots
Brigandine Gd 10 Gd 10 Cuirboulli with metal studs 7SP Cap, tunic,
greaves, boots
Breastplate Gd/ Gd/ Ex Gd 10 A metallic breastplate, can be 1GP/ Breastplate,
(BRZ, IRN, worn over Cuirboulli or 2.3GP/ helmet
STL) Gambeson for Gd 15 protection 4GP
if made of Steel
Chain (BRZ, Gd/ Gd/ Ex Gd 15 A metallic coat of small rings, 4GP/ Coif, tunic
IRN, STL) provides Excellent protection 4.5GP/ sleeved,
against piercing projectiles 6GP greaves or
pants, mittens
Scale (SHL, Gd/ Gd/ Ex/ Gd 15/Ex 20 A suit of armor made of small 4GP/ Helm, tunic
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm overlapping scale like plates on 6GP/ half sleeve,
-2CS Agility cloth or leather, requires 8SP in 7GP/ bracers,
repairs every time you enter 9GP greaves with
town after a battle; Must have
foot covering
GD or higher STR to wear
Lamellar (LTR, Gd/ Gd/ Ex/ Gd 15/Ex 20 A series metallic or lacquered 5GP/ Helm(metal
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm square plates laced together on 8GP/ plate),
-1CS Agility top of leather or cloth; Must 10GP/ pauldron,
have TY or higher STR to wear 13GP breastplate
mittens (mail),
bracers, foot
Splint (SHL, Gd/ Gd/ Ex/ Gd 15/Ex 20 Long series of metal plates 5GP/ Helm (metal
BRZ, IRN, STL) Rm bound to together in semi- 8GP/ plate),
-1CS Agility flexible manner overtop of cloth 10GP/ pauldron,
or leather or both; Must have 13GP breastplate,
TY or higher STR to wear
mittens (plate),
bracers, boots
Plate (IRN, Ex/ Rm (STL) A formed set of metallic plates 25GP Helm,
STL) Ex 20 made to fit the human body and pauldron
-2CS Agility envelop it entirely in metal; breastplate,
(IRN) must have Ex or higher STR to greaves,
recover from a fall without
Ex 20 cuisses, boots,
using 1 turn;
-2CS Agility, must have GD or higher STR to
upper arm
-1CS wear guards,
Fighting bracers,


1. Shell armor is brittle and sections must be repaired whenever possible, costing 7SP for the
2. If a weapon strikes an armor of lesser material strength, the armor makes a check to break. On a
White FEAT it breaks. The opposite is true if the armor is of a greater material strength than the
weapon, on a White FEAT the weapon breaks. This check occurs only once in a conflict between
individuals. Both weapons and armors can be repaired from the broke state. If one weapon
matches against many individuals wearing different armors, then this check can happen multiple
3. A weapon that is “broken” can still be used at a -2CS material strength. It must make it’s
strength check as if it is a new weapon. This continues until the weapon hits Shift-0 in which
case it is totally destroyed
4. An armor that is “broken continues to protect but at a -5 lower level or -1CS whichever is less. It
must make the check again at the lower level as if it was a new armor. If the armor continues to
fail checks, it stops at Shift 0 where it offers no protection but an still be repaired if taken to a
blacksmith. Armor penalties remain and do not lessen with the loss of protection.

Abbreviation: TH=Two Handed, OH=One handed, WD=Wood, BRZ=Bronze, IRN=Iron, STL=Steel,

SHL=Shell, CRD=Cord, LTR=Leather, Civilian=Allowable to carry openly in civilized places, Noble=Allowed
to carry openly when meeting nobility/leadership, Hidden=Bonus +4CS to hiding weapon
Money Conversion and Prices
1000CP 10SP 1GP
1SP 100CP

Items Prices Items Prices

1 Cattle 3SP Bag of Flour (2lbs) 1CP
1 Sheep 1SP Spade & Shovel (Wood) 15 CP
1 Chicken 15CP Anvil 20 SP
Warhorse 40GP-80GP Wine (Gallon) 5CP – 12 CP
Draft Horse 20SP Ale (Gallon) 2CP – 3CP
Hammer (for work) 25CP Dried Fruit (Per lb) 5CP – 10CP
Rations low quality-high quality 10CP-30CP Oats (per 25lbs) 1SP
(per day)
A Meal 3CP-15CP
1 dozen eggs 1CP
A book 1GP
Cottage (Rent yearly)1 5SP
Craftsman House (Rent yearly) 20SP
Cottage (Construct/purchase) 2GP
Craftsman House 15GP
Merchant House 90GP
Guild Hall (Construct/Purchase) 150GP
Stone Tower 350GP
Castle 3000GP
Shoes2 20CP
Boots 55CP
Hat 10CP
Tunic (Cheap) 15CP
Tunic (Wealthy) 2SP
Tunic (Nobility) 5SP
Cart 3SP
Chariot 3GP
Barge (boat) 10GP
Candles (per lb.) 2CP
Barrel 20CP
Bottle 60CP
Ceramic Cooking Pot 1CP
Iron Cooking Pot 15CP
Silver Jewelry 8SP
Gold Jewelry 2GP
Knight (per day) 3SP

Think a shack
Shoes of all kinds are very expensive
10 Mounted Archers (per day) 1SP 30CP
Captain (per day) 1SP
Lieutenant (per day) 50CP
10 Basic Infantry (per day) 60CP
Laborer (per year/day) 1GP/2.5CP
Craftsman-Master (per day) 6CP
Low Nobility (Income) 400GP
High Nobility (Income) 8,000GP
Ruler (Income) Mid size 50,000GP

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