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Pocket Park Tool Kit - FINAL

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Pocket Park Toolkit


Foreword.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 1: Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2: Engagement, Organizing, & Partner Building............................................................................................ 7

Chapter 3: Financial Planning..........................................................................................................................................14

Chapter 4: Designing a Park for All.................................................................................................................................23

Chapter 5: Operations & Maintenance..........................................................................................................................33

Chapter 6: Common Challenges.....................................................................................................................................38

Chapter 7: Pocket Park Toolkit Checklist.........................................................................................................................41


Cover photo: EPTDESIGN

Acknowledgement photo: Terray Sylvester
Foreword photo: Annie Bang

This Pocket Park Toolkit was created with support and input from park professionals across the nation. Thank
you to Paul Adams, Director, Parks and Recreation – City of South Gate; Adrian Benepe, Director of National
Programs – The Trust for Public Land; Matthew Clarke, Director of Creative Placemaking – The Trust for Public
Land; Maria De Leon, Project Manager – From Lot to Spot; Caryn Ernst, Director of Strategic Initiatives – City
Parks Alliance; Darryl Ford, Acting Superintendent, Planning, Maintenance, & Construction Branch – City of
Los Angeles Department of Recreation & Parks; Meg Kelly, Project Director – Space to Grow Director, Healthy
Schools Campaign; Tori Kjer, Executive Director – Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust; Claire Latane – Professor
of Landscape Architecture – California State Polytechnic University at Pomona; Mia Lehrer, President – Studio
MLA; and Kendra Van Horn, Director of Citywide Fitness – NYC Parks for sharing their expertise and experience.

This project was made possible by the generous support of The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation.

This Pocket Park Toolkit was created to help any individual, group, or organization interested in supporting
their community by building parks. Through research, discussion, and interviews with experts in the fields of
community engagement and organizing, park funding, design, and ongoing park operations and maintenance,
this Toolkit provides practical guidance for both the novice community leader and the seasoned government
employee. It is geared toward a reader with knowledge about parks and their benefits, but still looking for some
clear guidance on how to get started. This Toolkit provides a snapshot of successful strategies and case studies
partnered with checklists and templates to empower folks to work with their neighbors to build more parks
and stronger, healthier, and more connected communities.

This Pocket Park Toolkit works in part as a complimentary document to previously published toolkits funded
by the Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation in partnership with the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

• Reclaiming the Right of Way: A Toolkit for Creating and Implementing Parklets

• Creating a Complete Los Angeles River Greenway For All

• Placemaking for an Aging Population: Guidelines for Senior Friendly Parks

• Smart Parks: A Toolkit

Each toolkit has been created to support a wide variety of user groups wanting to create open space in their

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 1

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

What are Pocket Parks?

The defining characteristic of a pocket park is its A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE
size. Although there is no strict definition, Pocket POCKET PARK
Parks are generally recognized as public park spaces The concept of a pocket park, also known as
that occupy less than one acre of land. In contrast a vest park or mini park, is hardly a new idea.
to larger neighborhood or regional parks that attract Pocket parks were a product of post-WWII
park goers from all around a city, Pocket Parks are reconstruction in Europe. Pocket parks offered
previously war stricken municipalities a way to
The defining characteristic of a pocket rebuild public spaces despite shortages in labor
park is its size. and raw materials.

built with the intention of providing the community Pocket parks could be built inexpensively and
within the park’s immediate vicinity with the benefits relatively quickly in populated areas. Street
of a public park. Pocket Parks use scaled down features corners were cleared of rubble and debris to
and recreational amenities to relay the same benefits make way for trees and park benches. These
afforded by larger parks while occupying a fraction of smaller, lower maintenance parks helped restore
the space. familiar, pre-war landscapes and reestablish the
neighborhood’s identity.
What Does a Pocket Park Look Like?
In the United States, as cities began
There is no uniform template for a pocket park.
acknowledging the need for recreational facilities
Because pocket parks are opportunistic, often sited
in densely populated areas, the success of pocket
on whatever available land is identified, their location
parks in Europe did not go unnoticed. Karl Linn, a
might not be as obvious or central as other larger,
professor at the University of Pennsylvania, began
more typical park sites. But that is the point. Pocket
promoting the idea of using tax delinquent land
parks are intended to fill in the gaps in neighborhoods
to create public commons in urban areas along
where there is no available park space. A pocket park
the east coast. The novelty of developing parks
might be constructed under utility power lines or
from underused lots was well received by both
beside a decommissioned railroad track. As such,
citizens and city officials.
the shape and dimensions of a pocket park will vary
depending on the site. By the mid-20th century, the value of a park was
REGIONAL PARKS no longer based solely on its size but instead on
its accessibility. Today, pocket parks continue to
be used by municipalities as a practical method
to increase park access for all communities.
users that will walk or bike to their new park. The
character of the pocket park and the amenities
POCKET PARKS selected should be based on the input of those
1 ACRE OR LESS individuals. This is especially so because the type and
number of park features that can be built is restricted
Like the shape and dimensions, the look and features by the relatively smaller park size. Taking up valuable
of the pocket park too will vary due to the site and, space with an item or facility the community is not
more importantly, those living next to it. Pocket parks interested in using would be a waste of often limited
are meant to serve residents within close proximity— resources.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 2

Why Build Pocket Parks? Additionally, pocket parks are a particularly useful
tool for increasing park access for residents in
Building one, or even a few, multi-acre parks will not communities where the development of larger parks
necessarily provide park access to all city residents. is not feasible due to a lack of available land. Many
While those parks may feature numerous facilities dense urban areas do not have large tracts of available,
of interest, lack of time, funds, or means to visit a vacant land on which to develop a new park. In many
park that is miles from an individual’s home can cities, building a park on a half-acre or less may be the
be enough of a barrier to prevent the use of larger, only viable option to create new parks.
more distant parks. Creating pocket parks that are
within walking or biking distance to homes that Finally, pocket parks can be used to revitalize unused or
do not currently have close access to a larger park underused land. Brownfields, vacant lots, abandoned
is a viable solution for cities to increase park access parking lots, and utility or public right-of-ways can
throughout all neighborhoods. . Information on park all be transformed from neglected spaces that attract
access for the majority of American cities is available unwanted or illicit activities into community assets.
on ParkServe. Community members look at the construction of their new park
Kellogg Park, CA
Photo: PlusM Productions

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 3

What are the Potential Benefits of Pocket parks is associated with decreases in neighborhood
Parks? crime. This in turn decreases the anxiety felt by
residents living in high crime areas. Pocket parks
Parks, when utilized by the local community and
should be designed to maximize activity and use.
well maintained, are invaluable features of the
A well-activated pocket park will discourage illicit
urban landscape. As a public resource, they provide
activities from taking place.
recreational facilities that encourage active lifestyles,
spaces where the community can gather and build The presence of a pocket park attracts a wide variety
comradery, and essential environmental services that of users of all ages and backgrounds who are looking
strengthen the overall health of a community. The for a comfortable, safe place to play and socialize.
social, health and environmental benefits of parks Pocket parks should be designed with places for
should inform design decisions and be implemented people to gather and provide a setting for relationship
into every pocket park project. building. Relationships between community
members, elected officials, local parks departments,
Pocket parks provide social benefits because
as well as established community organizations such
they support neighborhood identity and make
as neighborhood councils and parent groups can be
communities more livable. Numerous studies have
strengthened by the presence of a pocket park.
shown that converting empty neighborhood lots into

Story Mill Community Park, MT
Photo: Bruce Muhlbradt

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 4

Human health has a direct link to the built
environment. Available open space can influence the
overall health of the community so a new pocket park 30% OF THE US POPULATION
provides a community with health benefits. In 2019,
The Trust for Public Land’s ParkScore Index, reported
that 100 Million Americans or just over 30% of the
population does not live within a 10-minute to a park.
Parks within walking distance become a destination
for families with children, increasing a family’s
overall levels of physical activity.

Parks promote physical activity that helps to combat

and prevent heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer,
and other chronic illnesses. From 1999-2016 obesity
rates rose from 30.5% to 39% for adults and 13.9% to
18.5% for youth. Designing a pocket park with age
appropriate recreational and fitness opportunities
promotes healthy living across all age groups. DOES NOT LIVE WITHIN A 10-MINUTE WALK TO A PARK
Playgrounds, fitness equipment, and walking paths = 1 million people
are all features that promote physical activity in parks.

Fitness equipment in use

Olympic Park, FL
Photo: Allana Wesley White

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 5

Pocket parks can provide significant environmental Pocket parks are an effective way to provide the
benefits. When thoughtfully designed, pocket parks multiple benefits described above to neighborhoods
can play a role in reducing the urban heat island effect, that do not currently have access to parks. When
managing and treating stormwater, and providing carefully planned and designed with the end users
native habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. in mind, pocket parks are an invaluable community
As the effects of global warming become more
pronounced, heat extremes are expected to increase
in frequency and intensity in most inhabited areas.
Cities and other high-density urban areas with limited
trees and open space experience elevated levels of
urban heat island effect. Surfaces like asphalt paving
absorb heat throughout the day and slowly release it
back into the environment resulting in areas that are
warmer than surrounding neighborhoods. This can
lead to dangerous conditions, especially for vulnerable
populations like seniors, people experiencing illness,
pregnant women, people experiencing homelessness,
and those who work outdoors. Pocket parks can be
designed to use permeable surfaces that do not retain
heat, as well as add trees and shrubs to shade and cool
adjacent paving, thereby decreasing the urban heat
island effect within and adjacent to the park. Clearly,
simple park interventions have compounding climate
benefits for the whole neighborhood.

As cities develop, less and less habitat is available for

wildlife. Although small in size, the importance of
pocket parks to insects, birds and other native wildlife
can be significant. By incorporating native plants,
pocket parks become patches of needed food sources
for pollinators like bees and butterflies and can offer a
site of relief for migrating birds. Thoughtful planning
around the vegetation used in pocket parks can boost
ecosystem biodiversity within the overall city.

Pocket parks play a pivotal role in the management

and treatment of stormwater. Stormwater runoff
becomes contaminated as it flows over city streets and
into street drains. In some cities, it then flows out into
rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans becoming a source
of pollution in important waterways. In other cities,
aging infrastructure struggles to process the volume
of rain from severe storm. When those systems
fail the result is flooding and erosion. The need for
alternative methods of stormwater management and
treatment are ever increasing and pocket parks are
ideal locations for green infrastructure that treats and
captures polluted stormwater through bio-filtration
and infiltration. Bioswale collects and filters stormwater runoff
Los Angeles River and Aliso Creek Confluence Park, CA
Photo: David Garden

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 6

CHAPTER 2: Engagement, Organizing, & Partner Building

To be truly successful, pocket parks must be designed organizing is to mobilize a volunteer base rooted
and implemented with authentic and robust in the community, increasing a sense of agency, so
participation from local residents and community residents can advocate on their own behalf without
leaders. Community Engagement means creating the need for outside support. This process typically
an open dialogue with neighbors where designers involves identifying leaders or champions within the
can listen to and respond to the needs and wants community who can represent the interests of their
of the community. Community engagement means neighborhood and encourage other residents to join
organizing events to reflect the specificity and in collective efforts towards neighborhood change.
uniqueness of the neighborhood. Most importantly,
Approaches to community engagement and organizing
community engagement should be done throughout
will vary depending on the specific neighborhood,
the course of the design and construction processes
the local stakeholders and partner organizations, and
to ensure local residents are well informed and have
the scale of the project. Ultimately, all engagement
plenty of opportunity to participate.
techniques should empower community members
Community engagement is an extension of to take part in decisions concerning development in
Community Organizing. The goal of community their own neighborhoods.

Participatory design session with elementary school students

Chittick Elementary School, MA
Photo: Erin Clark

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 7

Step One: Getting Started Step Two: A Shared Mission
The community engagement and organizing process Once an outreach team forms, the next step is to
should begin by evaluating the overall feasibility of create a mission statement that clearly defines the
a new park development. This preliminary phase intentions of the park. A mission statement goes
focuses on identifying possible locations for the park beyond declaring intent to build a neighborhood
and the benefits each location may provide. It should park. The mission statement should unite individuals
also identify potential local partnerships and confirm and organizations via common goals for the project.
positive community sentiment toward a new park. Local community groups, neighbors, and other
relevant stakeholders determine this mission
statement. It is important this collaborative effort
STEP ONE ACTIVITIES happen at the beginning of the park design process.
This early coordination builds trust and demonstrates
community ownership from the outset.
Establish a Baseline

1. Does the community want a park?

2. Is there a potential location that is suitable STEP TWO ACTIVITIES
for a new park and is a park the best use of
that site?
Community Asset Mapping
3. What social, environmental, and health
benefits could the park provide?

Identify places near the park where the

Identify Partners community gathers, such as schools, libraries,
and places of worship. These are good places
to make first contact with community members
1. What nearby organizations or agencies about developing a park.
support park development?
2. What nearby community institutions (place PARK!
Pop-Up Events
of worship, schools, HOAs) might use the
park on a regular basis?
Set up a booth or station organizers around
3. Are there community centers or business
areas in the neighborhood with high foot traffic
districts that might support the park once
to peak the community’s interest and provide
park development and outreach information and
gather preliminary feedback.
Form an Outreach Team

Community Survey
1. What individuals or groups are important
to include on the team?
2. What individuals or groups within the Surveys can be distributed in person or online to
community could take on leadership roles get community feedback about the park project
within the team? and is a good way to engage a large number
of neighbors who may not otherwise be able to
3. What team members are best able to
participate in meetings or events.
engage with community members about
the creation of a new park?

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 8

Step Three: The Power of the People The education portion of this step is a two-way street
between the outreach team and the community. The
Now that the mission statement is clearly defined, outreach team will explain the process of park design,
the advocacy and education process can begin. fundraising activities, and stewardship practices as it
Getting neighbors involved and committed early on relates to the project and the community will provide
is imperative for the project’s success. A park project feedback. This process will identify possible issues
that is community driven will be the most successful and inform design decisions to help address these
over time. concerns.

Outreach needs to be proactive and the

STEP THREE ACTIVITIES impetus of making first contact should be on
the outreach team members.

Routine Community Meetings Outreach needs to be proactive and the impetus

of making first contact should be on the outreach
team members. Methods for contacting the greatest
Host regularly scheduled public meetings at number of community members should be shaped
a location in the neighborhood that is easily by suggestion from the community. Word of mouth,
accessible (identified during step two – asset mailers, email, online social networks, in-person
mapping). Meeting activities can include events, and pop-ups are all viable options. In addition,
establishing park committees, brainstorming energy should be put into boots on the ground
fundraising events, planning for upcoming design activities that give outreach team members a chance
charrettes, among others. to speak to the community directly. Presenting at
already established community gatherings such as
church groups, city council meetings, PTA meetings,
Public Survey Review or wherever the community congregates is an effective
way to share the project with a large group and
connect with residents who may not have otherwise
Information gathered from surveys collected learned of the park project.
during step two can be summarized into a
handout or infographic and presented back to Early meetings should promote awareness of
community. Public review of this data supports the project and focus on growing the number of
compromise and community collaboration over community members involved. After that, ongoing
shared goals for the park. engagement will reveal the prospective community
leaders who are the most active contributors. These
individuals can begin to take on more responsibility
by leading ongoing outreach, advocacy, and park
Design Charrettes
committees. With this increased responsibility comes
the training and tools needed for these community
A design charrette is a collaborative public groups to eventually operate without the help of the
meeting where different options for the park outreach team.
design can be explored and prioritized. These
Be prepared to face some challenges in this outreach
meetings can also be used as forums for the
phase. Oftentimes, organizers encounter distrust
community to select specific park amenities and
among residents, especially when working in
neighborhoods historically disinvested and lacking in
park access. It is important to recognize this dynamic
and approach engagement with the ultimate goal not
to be gathering feedback, but fostering trust.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 9

Step Four: The To-Do Lists
This step involves noting and prioritizing tasks
required to move the park project forward, delegating
responsibilities, and accomplishing tasks as a team. Community Champions
This might include hosting site clean-up events,
contacting city officials to express support for the
The most active community members should be
park development, grant writing, fundraising,
recognized for their work on the project. These
handing out informational flyers, contacting local
leaders are an invaluable resource to the park
business and relevant stakeholders for support, etc.
project. They can be put in charge of organizing
Every accomplishment and resolved obstacle should
park events and are ideal candidates for leaders
be celebrated. Keeping track of the park’s progress
in step five as they have established ties to the
shows community members that their efforts are
community and a vested interest in the park’s
moving the project forward and boosts community

Step Five: The Life of the Park

Park Progress Report
Step Five is ongoing work. The previous steps have
established a network of community members who
are dedicated to the success of the park. By this point, The community should be able to see the progress
the park is nearly or already completed. Ideally, of a project. This could be shown in a report,
and if the engagement has been robust, the park checklist, or infographic. Knowing the progress of
committees and community leaders who contributed a project can help the community stay engaged
to the creation of the park maintain their role as park over long periods.
stewards in addition to park users.

Community member presented with a certificate of recognition from the City of Los Angeles
El Sereno Arroyo Playground, CA
Photo: The Trust for Public Land

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 10

Engagement Techniques for Long-term park maintenance activities are reserved for the long-
Park Stewardship term operators’ staff, park stewards can organize and
lead smaller upkeep activities. Park stewards help
Park stewardship programs provide community maintain the momentum of community involvement
members who are interested in actively contributing created prior to the project’s completion by continuing
to their local parks with a platform to do so. The direct engagement with the community through site
objective of a park steward program is to maintain activation and programming. Communities evolve
the integrity of the park and park stewards are the and park stewards can ensure park activities adapt to
link between the park, the long-term owner and meet the needs of current and futures users.
operator, and the community. The role of a park
steward goes beyond reporting graffiti or trash clean A local ‘friends of’ group, local land trust,
up to the parks department. Although these may be conservancy, or a city’s parks department will often
important features of the position, they represent just organize the park stewardship programs. In all cases,
a small portion of a steward’s potential. the stewardship program works in-sync with the
local parks department to coordinate the scheduling
Park stewards contribute to the overall management of programming and larger projects taken on by the
of the park. While more technical and labor-intensive park stewards.

Employees at a local business turn out to help during a park clean up event
El Sereno Arroyo Playground, CA
Photo: The Trust for Public Land

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 11

CASE STUDY: LA Neighborhood Land Trust Stewardship

Since 2002, the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust operations and maintenance duties, and a commitment
(LANLT) has been creating parks in neighborhoods to support the wellbeing of the community through
that lack green space in Los Angeles County. The park related activities. Responsibilities of the park
LANLT has participated in the successful creation of stewards include:
twenty-eight pocket parks and community gardens. 1. Opening and closing the park,
LANLT has assumed the role of the park’s managing
body for seven of those completed projects. 2. Assembling volunteer groups,

3. Identifying potential programming that

The success of LANLT is directly linked to their stated
represents local interests and that the
emphasis on including community members in the
community wants (e.g. dance classes,
decision making process throughout planning and
gardening workshops, yoga, professional
construction. In order to maintain a high level of
development support, etc.),
engagement and advance a sense of local ownership
after the parks are completed, the LANLT has 4. Working with park users to deliver park
implemented an innovative Stewardship Program programming, and
rather than relying on a volunteer base for park
support. 5. Event organizing.
As employees of the LANLT, park stewards are given
Their Stewardship Program brings on park stewards greater responsibility and have more authority to
as paid employees of the LANLT. Park stewards are create and direct park programming based on the
chosen based on criteria including their proximity to recommendations of park users.
the park, availability to perform simple and routine

Park programming
Mestizo Curtis Park, CO
Photo: Theo Stroomer

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 12

Attributes of a Robust Park Stewardship A stewardship program should be accessible to all.
Program: Diversity, Accessibility, and Ensure volunteer and engagement opportunities are
known to the community by posting a schedule online
and on public bulletin boards within and around the
A park stewardship program should reflect the park. This keeps drop-ins as well as veteran park
diversity of the community. Park stewards with stewards up to date on all opportunities.
different backgrounds will have unique ideas and
Offer ample opportunities with varying levels of
services to offer. Incorporating a variety of artistic,
physical intensity so any community member,
cultural, and recreational interests allows for park
regardless of their physical ability, has a chance to
programming that is fresh and most likely to retain
attend. Neither age, experience level, nor physical
the community’s continued engagement with the
capabilities should prevent an individual from
becoming a park steward or participating in park
stewardship activities.
Neither age, experience level, nor physical
capabilities should prevent an individual The park stewardship program should accommodate
from becoming a park steward or and encourage participation by larger groups, such
as those organized by a nearby school and other
participating in park stewardship activities. community organizations and facilities. Working
with already organized volunteer groups is a great
Moreover, providing the community with a variety
way to showcase the value of the park space to a large
of ways to participate in park stewardship activities
number of individuals. Additionally, larger volunteer
opens the door to those who might not be interested
groups can be leveraged to take on more demanding
in more typical park programming like planting or
projects such as replanting shrubs or neighborhood
gardening. Yoga, sporting competitions, arts and craft
festivals, and food concessions are all less typical
options for park activation. A park steward program
should utilize as many different activities as possible
to draw in a diversity of park users.


 Pocket parks begin in the community. The only way to ensure a successful pocket
park is to build community support from the outset and continue engaging and
organizing throughout design, construction, and after the park is complete.

 Understand your local resources through asset mapping. What groups, schools,
churches, or other resources already exist to support community engagement.

 Parks are only as good as their long-term maintenance. Build a stewardship

group to ensure the park stays clean, safe, and beloved by the community for
years to come.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 13

CHAPTER 3: Financial Planning

The development of a new pocket park, just like any

type of development, is not possible without financial
planning. While there is no singular approach—each
park project will have unique stakeholder needs and
financial resources—there are a range of tools to
help locate available public funding and to organize
realistic budgets for both development and long-term
operations and maintenance.

During the design process, developing a transparent
and realistic budget will allow the community, the
design team, and the long-term operator to make
educated decisions on what they can afford to build
and maintain over time. While the aim of a budget
is to manage project costs, the goal of the project
is to provide the greatest benefit to the park user.
Developing a comprehensive budget can help ensure
that funds are sufficient to provide the community-
determined park priorities first.

The most well planned park design will be

of no use to the community if the operator
is not able to keep it clean, safe, and with all
park amenities functioning in good use.

Budgeting should also be used to ensure the project

remains within the financial and staffing capacity of
the long-term operator. The most well planned park
design will be of no use to the community if the
operator is not able to keep it clean, safe, and with all
park amenities functioning in good use.

Too few trash cans or too many plants can create ongoing
maintenance issues
Photos: The Trust for Public Land

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 14

Types of Park Budgets an estimate. Contingencies help to ensure a project
will be completed in full, without having to cut from
Two separate budgets are required for any new park planned park elements to pay for unforeseen costs.
development—the Capital Investment Budget and the
Operating Budget. The two budgets are inherently A sample Capital Investment Budget is available at
connected as the long-term operating costs are heavily the end of this chapter. The budget includes hard cost
influenced by the original park design. line items commonly required for park development
projects as well as standard percentages that can be
The Capital Investment Budget contains all of the used to estimate soft costs and contingencies. The
expenses associated with land acquisition and site
development including but not limited to permitting
fees, consultant fees, as well as the general contractor’s
bid to build the project. The developing entity, HARD COSTS
whether it be a nonprofit, city parks department, CONSTRUCTION RELATED EXPENSES
or local land trust, is responsible for budgeting and
fundraising for these expenses. Generally, the Capital
Investment Budget is split into three categories: hard
costs, soft costs, and contingencies. SOFT COSTS
Hard Costs are all of the expenses directly related to EXPENSES
the physical construction of a park, including labor
and materials. In other words, these costs are the hours
of labor worked, plus the cost of the materials used CONTINGENCIES
in construction. This cost category can be thought of MONEY FOR UNFORSEEN EXPENSES
as the parks features that are more easily identifiable
such as a drinking fountain, a play structure, walkway
lighting, picnic tables, a handball court, or perimeter

Soft Costs are the expenses and fees indirectly related items included in this sample budget are by no means
to the physical construction costs. These are the exhaustive, this is just an example of common costs
out-of-sight technical and administrative expenses seen in a pocket park budget.
attributed to a park development project such as site
The Operating Budget includes the costs required to
surveying, architectural and landscape design, project
operate and maintain a park once it is open to the
management, and permitting fees.
public. It should be comprehensive and account for all
Contingencies are a crucial budget element that costs associated with keeping a park open, clean, and
should not be overlooked or omitted. Contingencies functional. These costs include utility fees, staff wages
are monies that will account for any unforeseen for landscape and facilities maintenance personnel,
costs the project will incur. There are many scenarios costs to replenish and replace items that will wear
in which this will come into play during the life of from regular use (i.e. sand), and other general park
a project. Most often it is due to work that was not upkeep activities. The entity responsible for park
anticipated (i.e., items discovered once excavation operations will be responsible for these expenses for
begins) but it ensures money will be available for the life of the park. Whatever entity will be assuming
any items that may have been omitted in the budget operating responsibilities likely has their own costs
due to error or lack oversight (i.e., not accounting for maintenance activities which might be wrapped
for all of the materials required to construct a park into a larger budget. Work closely with the entity to
feature). It is important to realize that even the create the operating budget using their standards and
best and most carefully crafted budget is still just templates.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 15

Tips for Managing Costs
Managing site development and maintenance
expenses is critical to the success of a project
throughout life of the park. Evaluating your design
and creating a volunteer network are some of the best Evaluate your design
ways to manage costs.

A good way to begin is to evaluate your design, What is the expected use?
consider all the elements planned for the park and
their sustainability over time. How will they hold up to What are the materials and how well will they
regular use with potentially little maintenance? Three tolerate weather conditions (heat and cold) and
key factors should be included in this evaluation: 1. the expected use?
what is the expected use; 2. what are the materials and
how well will they tolerate weather conditions (heat Is it more efficient to purchase high-end
and cold) and the expected use, and 3. cost efficiency equipment and materials now, rather than
– is it more efficient to purchase high-end equipment replacing materials of lower quality more often?
and materials now, rather than replacing materials of
lower quality more often?

To ensure the park design meets the maintenance Create a volunteer network
budget, it is important to consider park use. A mental
“walk through” of how visitors will use the park can What network of individuals and groups are
highlight areas that might require more maintenance. already involved in the park building process that
might want to volunteer?
Materials and equipment that can
Are there any opportunites for volunteers to
withstand consistent, heavy use and
locate or provide in-kind donations of needed
exposure to the elements are a vital piece of supplies?
a sustainable park maintenance budget.
Is there any part of the park building process that
volunteers could assist with?
Insufficient seating or pathways to popular park
features might result in users trampling or sitting on Are there any park maintenance requirements
landscaping, effectively killing plants and damaging that volunteers could assist with?
irrigation lines. Even something as simple as
installing adequate waste receptacles throughout the
park and in greater quantity in areas where they are
a number of years. Generally, the manufacturer can
most needed, like near playgrounds and picnic tables,
supply those locations and the contact information
can reduce the need for unnecessarily frequent visits
for individuals responsible for maintenance and
by park maintenance staff.
operations of those sites. Discussions with folks
Materials and equipment that can withstand regarding their experience with the product can
consistent, heavy use and exposure to the elements inform if this is a suitable product for your project.
are a vital piece of a sustainable park maintenance Deliberate and thoughtful research into all products
budget. When materials and equipment are proposed, to be used in the park can significantly reduce
it is a good idea to visit multiple sites where that the likelihood of installing features that will not
particular product has been installed and in place for withstand the test of time.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 16

Products should also be evaluated for cost efficiency. Creating a volunteer network entails tapping into the
Sometimes spending more on a product or feature network of individuals and groups who are already
during development in order to balance the long-term involved in the park building process. Volunteers can
operational budget is the best use of your funding. be organized to make in-kind donations including
For example, using surface materials that have a long needed supplies and labor. For example, community
lifespan like poured-in-place rubber safety surfacing volunteers can be leveraged to assemble a play
as opposed to engineered wood mulch in playground structure during the construction phase. This is
areas is far more expensive to install but requires an easy way to reduce labor costs for a day or two
little to no maintenance and can remain in place for and has the added bonus of further engaging the
at least 10 years. The mulch, however, will need to local community by giving them a direct role in the
be refilled regularly in order to continue to provide development of the park. Volunteers may also help
fall protection for children using the playground. mitigate the maintenance requirements of a park by
Doing adequate and thorough product research is organizing routine clean up days so park staff can
an important way to develop and vet the operating allocate their resources more efficiently.
budget and provides a realistic gauge of a product’s
required maintenance needs over time. This allows
all parties to make decisions about the most cost-
effective option for the life of the park.

Volunteers assist with park development

New Freedom Park, CO
Photo: FocusTree

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 17

Where to Look for Funding Private contributions are another method commonly
used to fundraise for park projects. Smaller donations
Every new park project will have a unique funding may be secured through a community BBQ or from
structure; however, to bring the funding together the sale of inscribed plaques or bricks to be installed
new public investments almost always require good in the park. Larger private donations may be sourced
partnerships and funding support from nonprofit from local business owners or institutions. Even
park-building groups, local governments, and private naming rights may be sold to establish an endowment
contributions. for operating expenses.
Nonprofit park-building groups have the ability With pocket park projects often funded through a
to secure funding through grant writing and combination of all of the above, it is important to
philanthropic contributions from established donor understand the myriad opportunities to develop a
lists. A common scenario for a new park development new park in your community.
includes a nonprofit partner to fundraise and oversee
the development of the park while a public agency
partner retains the ownership and management
responsibilities of the site. This is a mutually
beneficial partnership. The nonprofit organization
is often better able to fundraise for capital, they
have grant writing and philanthropic staff who are
dedicated to and experienced in fundraising for park
projects, while the city parks department has the
financial stream and staff infrastructure required to
operate and maintain a park. This type of cost sharing
partnership is a tried and true approach to building
parks for community benefit.

Local governments have a range of mechanisms to

fund park projects yet the majority of these funds
generally flow to operations and maintenance
expenses, rather than new park developments, as
dollars for “O&M” are often the most difficult to
secure. Local government funds stems from a general
appropriations budget as well as revenue generated
from public service fees. Public service fees include
income generated from parking meters, concession
fees, or vendor permit fees in addition to other
sources. Although it is not unheard of for a municipal
parks department to develop a new park project, their
generally steady flow of revenue is often better suited
for the long-term upkeep of their parks.

Another source is a general obligation bond. A city

or state can pass obligation bonds to raise funds for
capital investment projects. If the bond program
criteria deals with green infrastructure, sustainable
development, or community benefit, a pocket park
may qualify for funding.

Community places flyers in rolls of toilet paper to raise awareness

about the“flush fund” for a restroom at their new park
Kellogg Park, CA
Photo: The Trust for Public Land

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 18

Moving Forward share experiences with other novice park building
community groups. Schedule meetings with other
Locating funding for a pocket park project should grassroots community groups who have been
start by scanning programs at the local and state successful with any kind of development projects to
level. For local opportunities, look to a city’s gain a perspective of the process. Open space advocacy
development plan or climate action plan, since these groups and nonprofits hold park building workshops
often list financing measures and incentive programs and seminars all over the country. Events like these
related to the development of greenspaces and parks. aim to bring individuals together to learn how to
Government websites like grants.gov offer internal build a park in their own neighborhood and are a
databases where a user can locate applicable regional fantastic resource for any groups looking to build a
grant programs. new pocket park.
Finally, do not underestimate the power of working Wood mulch is cost efficient but requires more maintenance
collaboratively with neighbors. In-person meetings Dutch Jake’s Park, WA
can offer a unique opportunity to network and Photos: Mae Wolfe


 Maintain communication with stakeholders during the budgeting process.

 Design for longevity and sustainability.

 Funding for park development can come from various sources, know what is
available in your area.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 19

Not all items listed will be applicable to every pocket park project.

Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Total

1.0 Design, Permits and Testing
1.1 Construction documents (10% of construction costs) 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.2 Geotechnical/MT&I 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.3 Agornomic testing 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.4 Site survey 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.5 Plan check 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.6 Permits 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
1.7 Constuction Management 1 LOT $ - $ - $ -
$ -
2.0 Demolition and Removal
2.1 Clearing and grubbing SF $ - $ - $ -
2.2 Remove and relocate irrigation heads SF $ - $ - $ -
2.3 Tree Removal EA $ - $ - $ -
2.4 Saw Cut - Exist. Curb LF $ - $ - $ -
2.5 Concrete SF $ - $ - $ -
2.6 Asphalt Concrete SF $ - $ - $ -
2.7 Fencing LF $ - $ - $ -
2.8 Tree Boxing and Relocation EA $ - $ - $ -
$ -
3.0 Earthwork and Grading
3.1 Cut and Fill CY $ - $ - $ -
3.2 Rough Grading SF $ - $ - $ -
3.3 Fine Grading SF $ - $ - $ -
3.4 Soil Import CY $ - $ - $ -
3.5 Soil Export CY $ - $ - $ -
$ -
4.0 Sidewalk and Parking Lot Paving
4.1 Asphalt Concrete Paving SF $ - $ - $ -
4.2 Asphalt Concrete Paving Drive Approach EA $ - $ - $ -
4.3 Concrete Curb LF $ - $ - $ -
4.4 Concrete Curb & Gutter LF $ - $ - $ -
4.5 Parking Striping SF $ - $ - $ -
4.6 ADA signs EA $ - $ - $ -
$ -
5.0 Hardscape
5.1 Integral Colored Concrete Paving SF $ - $ - $ -
5.2 4" Concrete Paving SF $ - $ - $ -
5.3 6" Concrete Paving SF $ - $ - $ -
5.4 Decorative Paving SF $ - $ - $ -
5.5 ADA Ramp SF $ - $ - $ -
5.6 Concrete Step SF $ - $ - $ -
5.7 Concrete Swale LF $ - $ - $ -
5.8 6" Mow Strip LF $ - $ - $ -
5.9 Grass Pave SF $ - $ - $ -
5.10 6" Curb LF $ - $ - $ -
5.11 Sand Set Pavers SF $ - $ - $ -
5.12 Unstabilized Decomposed Granite SF $ - $ - $ -
5.13 Stabilized Decomposed Granite SF $ - $ - $ -
$ -

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 20

Not all items listed will be applicable to every pocket park project.

Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Total

6.0 Formed Concrete Work
6.1 Bench Seating LF $ - $ - $ -
6.2 Precision Block Wall LF $ - $ - $ -
6.3 Slump Block Wall LF $ - $ - $ -
6.4 Split Face Block Wall LF $ - $ - $ -
6.5 Cast in Place Concrete Wall LF $ - $ - $ -
6.6 Chain Link Fence LF $ - $ - $ -
6.7 Chain Link Gate EA $ - $ - $ -
6.8 Chain Link Double Gate EA $ - $ - $ -
6.9 Tubular Steel Fence LF $ - $ - $ -
6.10 Tubular Steel Gate EA $ - $ - $ -
6.11 Engraving SF $ - $ - $ -
$ -
7.0 Site Amenities
7.1 Picnic Table EA $ - $ - $ -
7.2 Bench EA $ - $ - $ -
7.3 BBQ EA $ - $ - $ -
7.4 Drinking Fountain EA $ - $ - $ -
7.5 Trash Recepacles EA $ - $ - $ -
7.6 Exercise Equipment EA $ - $ - $ -
7.7 Playground Equipment EA $ - $ - $ -
7.8 Playground Surfacing (PIP, Engineered Wood Mulch) EA $ - $ - $ -
7.9 Tree Grate EA $ - $ - $ -
7.10 Educational Signage EA $ - $ - $ -
7.11 Park Monument Signage EA $ - $ - $ -
$ -
8.0 Buildings and Structures
8.1 Restroom SF $ - $ - $ -
8.2 Restroom Prefab Building LS $ - $ - $ -
8.3 Shade Structure SF $ - $ - $ -
8.4 Gazebo SF $ - $ - $ -
8.5 Shade Sail SF $ - $ - $ -
$ -
9.0 Electrical
9.1 Up Lights -Solar Powered EA $ - $ - $ -
9.2 Bollards-Solar Powered EA $ - $ - $ -
9.3 Service for restroom and irrigation EA $ - $ - $ -
9.4 Solar Post and Power Assembly Panel EA $ - $ - $ -
9.5 Lighting Control EA $ - $ - $ -
$ -
10.0 Utilities
10.1 Domestic Water Service LF $ - $ - $ -
10.2 Domestic Irrigation Water Service LF $ - $ - $ -
10.3 Reclaimed Water Service LF $ - $ - $ -
10.4 Sewer Line LF $ - $ - $ -
10.5 Gas Line LF $ - $ - $ -
10.6 Electric Service LF $ - $ - $ -
10.7 Phone Service LF $ - $ - $ -
10.8 Cable Service LF $ - $ - $ -
$ -

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 21

Not all items listed will be applicable to every pocket park project.

Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Subtotal Total

11.0 Landscape
11.1 Planting SF $ - $ - $ -
11.2 Mulch CY $ - $ - $ -
11.3 Soil Preparation CY $ - $ - $ -
11.4 Sod SF $ - $ - $ -
11.5 Turf Sod SF $ - $ - $ -
11.6 Turf Hydroseed SF $ - $ - $ -
11.7 Groundcover SF $ - $ - $ -
11.8 1 gallon Shrub EA $ - $ - $ -
11.9 5 gallon Shrub EA $ - $ - $ -
11.10 15 gallon Shrub EA $ - $ - $ -
11.11 15 gallon Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.12 24" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.13 30" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.14 36" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.15 48" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.16 60" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.17 72" box Tree EA $ - $ - $ -
11.18 Irrigation System SF $ - $ - $ -
11.19 Irrigation Controller EA $ - $ - $ -
11.20 Irrigation Booster Pump EA $ - $ - $ -
11.21 90 Day Maintenance EA $ - $ - $ -
$ -
Construction Cost $ -
General Conditions (8%) $ -
Contractor Bonds, Insurance, Overhead & Profit (10.2%) $ -

Design Contingency Allowance (3%) $ -

Escalation (3% Annually) $ -
Construction Contingency (15%) $ -

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 22

CHAPTER 4: Designing a Park for All

The design of a pocket park is a key factor in how Site Specific Considerations
well the space ultimately serves the community. As
discussed in Chapter 2, robust community engagement The existing conditions of a potential park site will
is the only way to ensure the park provides the present a series of opportunities and constraints. The
amenities that best suit the local neighborhood. sites’ size, shape, topography, and presence of existing
But how the input gathered from the community trees or utility poles, all influence development of the
ties back into the actual design is vitally important. site. Understanding the limitations and possibilities
The design of the site, the location of the selected of these conditions is the first step in effective
amenities, their orientation, color choices, texture, planning. How can the opportunities be utilized and
and materials, all should encourage use across age the constraints minimized? Are there any existing
groups and physical abilities. Additionally, given a site features, like small hills, that can be activated as
pocket parks’ limited size and the unique constraints a play area for children to roll and slide down? Are
of each site, serving the largest number of users often there naturally occurring low points that support
requires programming every inch. This chapter will stormwater management such as bioswales or
walk you through some important considerations infiltration areas? Making use of these site-specific
when designing a pocket park for all. This is by no features not only supports the unique nature of a
means meant to stand in for the skill of a professional community park, but also reduces costs by avoiding
landscape architect on a development project, but excessive site grading. Any lot can be graded using
will provide some context for the myriad factors that heavy machinery to produce a flat-surfaced, easily
lead to a successful design. developable, blank template, but the cost associated
often makes such efforts prohibitive and ultimately
may sacrifice the inherent interest of the site.

An active LA Metro light rail line adjacent to the park site inspired a train-themed design
Watts Serenity Park, CA
Photo: Spohn Ranch

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 23

Maximizing Benefit for All Users and may include fitness equipment, play structures,
basketball hoops, and alternative play features like
To support all neighbors with one small pocket park water play, among other things. Just as it sounds,
requires careful consideration and organization of passive recreational amenities require a lower level of
the community selected park amenities. Pocket parks physical intensity and include features like walking
by nature are limited in size and thus all features paths, garden plots, native habitat for bird watching,
should really appeal to multiple users. These features and picnic areas. A family with young children might
maximize site use and reduce the amount of space
dedicated solely to one group. For example, while Incorporating a mixture of active and
play equipment is separated by age range, such as
ages 2-5 and 5-12, play elements that are safe for all
passive amenities, and thinking about how
ages, like mounded rubber surfacing, can increase the to maximize every feature, every square
overall play value at a site. Boulders and hillsides can inch of a site can help ensure that your park
be incorporated into the design as both a recreational provides something for everyone to enjoy.
element and to satisfy a natural aesthetic. Dual
purpose splash pads can serve as open plazas to host want a traditional play structure for their kids, but
community gatherings and events when water jets this may not provide much benefit to older adults
are turned off. simply seeking time to sit outside. Incorporating a
mixture of active and passive amenities, and thinking
Incorporating both active and passive recreational
about how to maximize every feature, every square
amenities is another way to ensure a pocket park
inch of a site can help ensure that your park provides
provides benefits to all users. Active recreational
something for everyone to enjoy.
amenities encourage more intense physical exercise

Game tables work for eating, resting, and multi-generational play

Nat Turner Park, NJ
Photo: J. Avery Wham Photography

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 24

CASE STUDY: Madison Avenue Park and Community Garden

Madison Avenue Park and Community Garden was organization to create the unique pocket park.
developed out of a combination of opportunity and
The half-acre pocket park was developed through a
need. The project site was an empty lot adjacent to an
community-driven design process. Local residents
apartment complex and down the street from the City
were involved in the creation of the park design
of Los Angeles Cahuenga Branch Library, multiple
and selection of park elements through a series of
schools, and a light rail station. As there was almost no
design charrettes. This helped to ensure the final
other parkland within a half-mile radius, the site was
product would be a park that adequately satisfied the
the perfect location for a new park. When it opened
neighborhood’s wants and needs.
to the public in June of 2019, Madison Avenue Park
and Community Garden added an additional half- The design packs as many elements as possible
acre of parkland to the East Hollywood community. into a small space. Divided into two distinct zones,
Public-private partnerships and a robust community a playground and community garden, the park
design process ensured the new pocket park would attracts a variety of community members with
provide a variety of recreational opportunities for a different interests and lifestyles. The park successfully
diverse community. defines areas for designated use while making each
accessible and useable to anyone interested. Adults
The idea for the new pocket park came to fruition
can exercise on the fitness equipment, watch their
when the Los Angeles Community Garden Council
children play on the play structure, or participate in
reached out to the Trust for Public Land inquiring
gardening activities. Likewise, younger children have
about creating a new park that could appeal to a broad
multiple options for play including the play structure,
range of local residents by including the combined
swings, sand pit, and basketball tree with hoops at
benefits of an urban garden and recreational facility.
different heights. Providing such a diversity of park
This partnership, with support from Los Angeles
elements provides recreational opportunities to the
Department of Recreation and Parks and City Council
greatest number of park users and widest range of
District 13, utilized the skills and expertise of each
ages and physical abilities.

Diverse play options in a compact space

Madison Avenue Park and Community Garden, CA
Photo: EPTDesign

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 25

Major Design Elements of a Pocket Park Open Space is one of the more versatile design
elements. This concept is just as it sounds —it provides
There are many ways to break down the major design a space in the park, such as a grassy field, that can
elements of a pocket park. For the purposes of this support active and passive recreation activities. Open
Toolkit, we have separated them into the following space can be programmed as the community sees fit—
categories: Open Space, Playgrounds, Community age groups from older adults down to young children
Gardens, and Urban Plazas. Each element presents determine how they want to use the space whether it
an opportunity to support park activities and be for physical exercise, leisure, socializing, creative
recreation for various groups. As discussed above, the play, or wildlife viewing. Furthermore, walking paths,
limitation of space in a pocket park means that some planters, bioswales, shade structures, and other
combination of these design elements should be used design elements can be easily incorporated.
to make the site attractive to many different users.

Open space
Rudolph Park, CA
Photo: Annie Bang

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 26

Depending on the demographics of a community, in life. In addition, non-traditional playgrounds can
playgrounds can be an important feature in a pocket be accessible to multiple age groups and physical
park. They provide opportunities for families to get abilities. For example, toddler swings are designed
outside and give kids a place to focus their energy and for the youngest of park goers and their guardians but
get some exercise. A playground can take different provide little to no benefit for older children. What
forms in order to fit into any pocket park size. is more, without play structures accommodating to
Traditional playgrounds might include a jungle gym older children, they might be tempted to “misuse”
and swing set whereas creative or non-traditional and then damage the structure by climbing up its
playgrounds use alternative play features such as supporting bars or chains. Misuse of equipment can
a water spout or small rock wall. Non-traditional result in frustration among other park users and
playgrounds are less prescriptive and can inspire reduced satisfaction in the park. When used together
creative free play. Studies show that engagement in traditional and non-traditional playgrounds help
free play directly correlates to an increased capacity bridge the gap between age groups and maximize
for problem solving and overcoming obstacles later recreational opportunities within the pocket park.

Paul Habans Charter School, LA
Photo: Bryan Tarnowski

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 27

Including a community garden in a pocket park Urban Plazas or green courtyards can be incorporated
provides a unique benefit to local residents. Particularly into a pocket park as a space for passive recreation. As
in dense neighborhoods lacking yard space to grow a standalone design concept, the urban plaza park has
food, community gardens provide residents with been popular in large, highly developed urban areas
healthy food sources and a low intensity recreational and promoted as a place of refuge from the hustle and
outlet. From 2008 to 2013, the number of American bustle of city life. Primarily a rest area with tables and
households who participated in community gardens seating, an urban plaza may also include some aspects
rose from 36 to 42 million and American’s who grow of the natural landscape such as trees, vines, or water
their own food tend to be from various age groups. features. Urban plaza elements can be integrated
The appeal of community gardens spans broadly as designated seating or picnic areas separate from
across age groups and can nurture a relationship with where children play. As with other passive design
the natural world. concepts, plazas and courtyards promote access to
parks for those who are less physically active but still
want to spend time outdoors in a safe and communal

Community gardening
Towerside Park, MN
Photo: Andy Richter

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 28

Planting Design to contribute to the environmental health of an area.
Pocket parks should be designed to passively manage
The planting design of a pocket park should create
stormwater, filter and mitigate pollution, and offer
a sustainable and beautiful landscape that attracts
valuable wildlife habitat.
the attention of park goers throughout the year and
provides environmental benefits, like urban cooling Stormwater management devices like bioswales or
and habitat for birds and insects. Select plant material raingardens can mitigate flooding in and around
that can stand up to a bit of trampling, requires little the neighborhood. Bioswales and raingardens guide
maintenance, and is appropriate for the specific excess stormwater runoff into low points within the
weather conditions at the site. While the topic of park. Often lined with riparian or native plant species,
planting design may warrant its own Toolkit, four the bioswales and raingardens allow stormwater
concepts are most useful to consider when thinking runoff to slowly infiltrate and recharge groundwater
about the role of the landscape in a pocket park: site supplies. Stormwater management devices like these
appropriateness, ecosystem services, and site visibility can be particularly useful in areas with prolonged
and safety. periods of drought followed by extreme rain events.
Plants should be selected based on site appropriateness.
The soil chemistry and properties, sunlight and water
exposure, and variable changes from season to season
will all factor into the plants ability to thrive once
placed on-site. Native plant species that are already
adapted to regional climate conditions are generally
always a good choice. Native plants require less
maintenance and inputs like water and fertilizer
than ornamental species and can even provide an
educational benefit to park users when coupled with
interpretive signage explaining their significance.

While native species should be considered first, there

is also opportunity to bring non-native but regionally
adaptive plants into a landscape. Fruit trees, for
example, give shade cover and offer a source of
healthy food to park goers. Whenever using non-
native plants, it is critical to consult the local invasive
species databases to prevent further expansion of
these plants. Invasive species should not be used.

Durability is another factor of a plant’s site

appropriateness. Shrubs and ground covers that can
bounce back after trampling, such as native grasses
or monocots, should be used especially in areas
adjacent to playgrounds or other high traffic areas.
Examine trees and remove any low branching or
vulnerable limbs that may be snapped or broken in
the first year after planting. Creating a landscape that
can withstand high use and minimal maintenance
requires careful plant selection by the design team.

Plant selection should also consider ecosystem

services. Ecosystem services refers to a site’s ability
Simple, educational plant label
La Cima Playground, NY
Photo: Nomi Ellenson

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 29

Planting design in pocket parks can also mitigate
pollution. Grass channels and vegetated areas are
effective at filtering sediment, nutrients, and other
non-point source pollutants from stormwater runoff.
Additionally, plants and trees can be used to filter
pollution from the air. For example, conifer species,
with their needle like leaf structure, are effective
at capturing large particulate matter whereas tree
species with broader leaf structures are better OF VISIBILITY
equipped to capture small particulate matter.

Pocket parks represent an opportunity to establish

much needed wildlife habitat in urban areas. Studies
have shown a strong correlation between native
vegetation cover and total wildlife density in urban
areas. Plants can be selected to attract desirable
wildlife into the park. For example, milkweed is the and engage in undesirable activities. A good rule
singular plant that monarch butterflies require as of thumb is to ensure the plant material selected
habitat for their larva. These plants require slightly provides a 2’-6’ window of visibility. Shrubs should
more maintenance than other ornamental flowers, not grow taller than approximately two feet tall and
but the value as critical pollinator habitat might trees should not have large limbs that grow lower
justify implementation in some scenarios. than six feet from the ground. This creates a four-foot
window of visibility throughout the park. Being able
Planting design should consider and promote site to see throughout a park gives users peace of mind
visibility and safety of users within the pocket park. while visiting and allows parents to participate in an
Plant material, both trees and shrubs, should not activity on one side of the park while their child plays
obstruct a clear line of sight throughout the park or on the other.
create clusters of vegetation where people can hide

The design for new fitness equipment added native habitat planting and a rain garden for stormwater treatment
Amelia Earheart Park, FL
Photo: Alana Wesley White

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 30

Site Utilities
Site utilities are necessary for a pocket park to
function. Where other aspects of park design guide
how a space is used by the public, utilities are
required to ensure the park is safe and comfortable to
use. While not an exhaustive list, common utilities to
consider in pocket park design are electricity, water,
and waste disposal, and sanitary sewer.

Electricity is needed to provide lighting which allows

access to the park after dark and can prevent unwanted
activities from occurring under the cover of darkness.
Some parks even feature electrical outlets for public

Access to water is necessary for maintenance staff

and the general public. Irrigation for planted areas
and trees and hose bibs for cleaning and maintenance
purposes are critical for keeping a park looking
beautiful. While drinking fountains, dog bowls, and
splash pads or other water play features can all be
important and even necessary features of the design.

Planning for waste disposal facilities is an important

part of the design process. Waste receptacles are
needed to provide park visitors with an easy way
to dispose of their trash and keep the park free of
litter. Simply having an adequate number of trash
Water used for play
cans at a park can drastically reduce the number of Jose Manuel Collazo Park, PA
maintenance staff hours required to keep the space Photo: Jenna Stamm
clean. Design consideration must also be given to how
maintenance staff will access the waste receptacles Another utility that may be required is a connection to
in order to empty them and if there needs to be a the sanitary sewer system. This is commonly needed
centralized trash enclosure for dumpsters. for restrooms but also at times for excess water
produced by drinking fountains and splash pads.

As with all park design considerations, utility

requirements will largely depend on the size of the
park and financial capacity of the agency responsible
for operations and management. The Luskin School
of Public Affairs published a SMART Parks toolkit
that can be referenced as a guide to inform utility
design decisions. The toolkit features discussion and
analysis of park technologies, including irrigation and
greywater recycling systems, energy efficient lighting,
and dynamic input monitoring tools that can be
integrated into a park to maximize cost effective and
environmentally responsive use of utilities.

Even dogs need water

Kellogg Park, CA
Photo: Annie Bang

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 31

Considerations for Long-term Success Material selection impacts various tiers of stakeholders
in the park building process. Considering project
Although the design of a park is fixed once investment costs, usability, utility, community
development is complete, seasonal environmental
factors and daily use of the facilities will continuously
alter conditions on the site. The longevity of a pocket Although the design of a park is fixed
park relies in part on ease of site maintenance. A once development is complete, seasonal
newly developed, beautifully designed park can environmental factors and daily use of the
fall into disrepair quickly if upkeep of the grounds, facilities will continuously alter conditions
features, and amenities is inadequate.
on the site.
From a design perspective, the long-term success
of a park is determined by the selection of long-
satisfaction, and operation and maintenance costs
lasting, durable materials and features that are easily
together can promote a park’s long-term success. A
maintained. The selection of site materials requires
more in-depth discussion of effective operations and
consideration of the relationship between the upfront
management practices can be found in Chapter 5:
development costs and the future costs to maintain
Operations & Maintenance.
the facility. There is typically a tradeoff between
present and future expenses where a higher initial
investment leads to lower maintenance costs. For
example, a weather-based irrigation controller that
automatically adjusts the watering schedule based on
local weather conditions may have a high installation
cost but will result in reduced water waste and lower
utility expenses in the long term. There will have
to be some negotiating and compromise in order to
determine the best option for all involved parties (see
Chapter 3: Financial Planning).


 Design with the intention of serving the entire community. Organize your site to
make the most out of every square inch.

 Pocket parks not only offer social and cultural benefits to a community, they
provide environmental benefits like urban cooling through shade trees and
stormwater management via bioswales or permeable surfaces.

 Make design choices now that consider how the park will last over time. Parks
that age well ultimately provide the most benefit to the community.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 32

CHAPTER 5: Operations & Maintenance

A park is truly only as good as the maintenance a Business Improvement District. Park operators
it receives. If the community perceives a park as must work within their own financial and staffing
unsafe because the trashcans are overflowing or park abilities to keep a pocket park in good condition. This
amenities need repair, they lose incentive to visit the means implementing an O&M plan that recognizes
site. The goal of park operations and maintenance each site’s specific demands and utilizes available
(O&M) is to keep the park safe, functional, and open to resources efficiently.
the public so that the local community can continue
to enjoy the park as originally intended.

Before a park opens, a management structure must be SIZE

determined and an O&M strategy put in place. Whether
the site owner is a municipal parks department or
local land trust, the management responsibilities of
a park largely remain the same: day-to-day operations
include trash pick-up and opening and closing of the
park gates, while more infrastructural maintenance
includes keeping the water and electricity running,
trimming overgrown vegetation, and repairing
damage or vandalized park amenities.
While park O&M activities share
commonalities across all parks, each FACTORS AFFECTING O&M REQUIRMENTS
park will have specific management
requirements of its own.
There are a variety of resources available to support
the development of an O&M plan. The Association
of Higher Education Facilities Officers, National
While park O&M activities share commonalities across
Recreation and Park and Professional Grounds
all parks, each park will have specific management
Management Society prepared a comprehensive
requirements of its own. The park’s size, location,
resource entitled Operational Guidelines for Grounds
features, vegetation type, amount of use by the
Management. In addition, Best Management Practices
public and overall wear-and-tear will determine the
Used at Urban Parks in National and International
maintenance required to keep the space in working
Locations prepared by the National Park Service is a
order. Further, the managing entity will have their
free resource with clear best management practices
own operational capacity determining the frequency
for operations and maintenance. Finally, the New
of site visits. Funding for operations and maintenance
York City Department of Parks and Recreation’s Parks
is one of the biggest challenges for parks of any
Inspection Program can be useful in determining a
size. Because public grants are rarely designated for
protocol for establishing a system to conduct ongoing
maintenance expenses and general bonds are typically
park evaluations.
reserved for capital investment projects (new parks),
funding site operations in the long term is limited
to a few sources like the local parks department’s
general fund, special district generated revenue
allocated through an inter-agency partnership, and
private sector funds like those contributed through

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 33

Parks are not static. Once built, they continue to require maintenance and care to truly serve the community.
An effective O&M strategy should reflect the ever-changing social and environmental conditions in the
community and may include the following five steps:

1 Evaluate park design 4 Regularly examine site conditions

Take a look at the elements in the park such as Because weather and community use will change
landscaping, play equipment, trash cans, lawn the condition of the park throughout the year,
area, benches, paving, etc. Make a list of all these creating and maintaining a system to regularly
elements; include details like size and/or quantity. examine and track site conditions will help
determine how the O&M budget and requirements
2 Define O&M standards fluctuate seasonally. Monitoring these changes
does not necessarily require high tech tools or
Once a list of park elements is created, define the software. Data collected through observation by
maintenance goal for each. For example, the goal staff and park users can help inform O&M standards
for trashcans may be that they do not overflow or and schedules. This is especially true for a newly
have a noticeable smell while the goal for a lawn developed park. Documenting staff time, materials
may be that it is trimmed and green with no yellow required, and frequency of each maintenance
spots or visible dirt patches. Assign tasks required activity throughout the first year (and biannually/
to meet the maintenance goal for each element. annually thereafter) will help estimate future O&M
For example, trashcans will need to be emptied and requirements and allow for better management of
sprayed out with water or cleaner. Turf will need resources.
to be watered, mowed, fertilized, and reseeded.
These are your O&M standards, the maintenance
tasks required for each element to ensure the park
5 Evaluate O&M standards & schedule

remains safe, functional, and a beloved resource for

After the first six months, or at the end of every year
the community.
thereafter, take time to evaluate how the existing
O&M standards support the park. At this point, a
3 Create an O&M schedule
thorough review of the park’s overall condition will
Review the list of O&M standards and make help fine tune and update the O&M standards based
estimates about how often tasks will need to on any maintenance deficiencies noted at the park.
be performed to meet the maintenance goals. The O&M standards themselves should also be
Organize these tasks by frequency: daily, weekly, evaluated for any inefficiencies. It may not be worth
monthly, or annually depending on the task. Park replanting an area where plants are consistently
gates need to be opened and closed daily while tree trampled—adding mulch and allowing the area to
health should be checked annually. The frequency become a pathway might be more sensible and a
of maintenance tasks for each element may change better use of resources. These yearly evaluations
seasonally. Watering requirements for lawns are a great opportunity to further engage the
generally increase during hotter, summer months. community. The community can be involved in the
Project out a year of tasks based on the estimated
park evaluation or an annual clean up or mulching
frequency and anticipated seasonal needs.
day. Information gathered from surveys collected
during step two can be summarized into a handout
or infographic and presented back to community.
Public review of this data supports compromise
and community collaboration over shared park

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 34

Management Structures staff scheduling, park agencies have the internal
infrastructure to support the maintenance of a new
There are generally two available options for managing
park. This effectively reduces any lag time between
a newly developed park: public management by one
the creation of a new park and the integration of
or more government agencies or private management
routine operational and maintenance activities.
conducted by a local nonprofit organization usually
in coordination with a public entity. Each park In addition to having maintenance equipment and
management structure has their pros and cons. supplies on hand, a skilled workforce, and potential
funding, parks departments also have the opportunity
Parks are most commonly under public management
to form inter-agency partnerships with other public
structures allowing new parks to be incorporated
service providers to form a more holistic management
into an already established parks and recreation
strategy. Public partnerships, between a parks and
framework. City or County level park agencies provide
recreation department and a water district, health
an experienced workforce and dedicated park budget
department, or transportation agency, for example,
necessary for O&M activities in the new park.
can be used to strengthen the efficiency of O&M.
Publicly managed parks tend to use a mixture of Parks often touch on the interests of multiple public
funding sources to meet park operating demands agencies and these partnerships create the potential
with the most significant funding generated from tax for data sharing, additional funding support, and the
revenue. On average, park agencies derive 60% of their availability of specialized staff who can help provide
operating expenditures from tax generated sources. analysis on best management practices ultimately
This provides a reliable source for O&M activities, and offering a better experience for park goers. Additional
accounts for half of the total responsibilities assigned support available as a result of the partnership might
to park agency staff, year after year. include site electricity and water use monitoring to
better manage resources or access to local grants or
Public agencies employ seasoned park and recreation special district revenue generation. Another potential
professionals trained in O&M activities. From avenue is around park programming.
landscape maintenance to administrative duties like

School community playgrounds are an example of successful public-public partnerships

PS 62, NY
Photo: Jennifer Causey

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 35


The Shape Up NYC program in New York City is a the addition of over 100 new classes, 80% of which
good example of the benefits of inter-agency public are in neighborhoods with disproportionately high
partnerships. For a number of years Shape Up NYC rates of chronic diseases. Additionally, NYC Parks is
has provided free fitness classes specifically targeted training community volunteers to lead these classes
at neighborhoods with higher rates of obesity for their neighbors, thereby supporting social capital
and other chronic illnesses. Initially started as a throughout the City.
partnership between the New York City Department
In addition to providing a range of fitness classes with
of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) and the New York
varying degrees of intensity, like Zumba, kickboxing,
City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC
dance, and yoga, Shape Up NYC conducts annual
DOHMH) in 2003, the program has since expanded
surveys to track the progress and satisfaction of
its inter-agency partnerships to increase the number
the participants and note improvements in health.
of classes and reach even more residents.
The surveys are also used to collect data on how to
NYC Parks has been working with the New York improve the program. The partnership provides the
City Public Library, New York City Department of additional support needed for NYC Parks to enhance
Education, New York City Department for the Aging, their existing park programming and for various City
and the New York City Housing Authority, among departments to positively affect the health of their
others, to use parks and recreation centers for communities.
programming. These partnerships have facilitated

Shape Up NYC
Photo: Daniel Avila/NYC Parks

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 36

In some localities, the addition of a new park in a These partnerships have become an increasingly
neighborhood can present challenges from an O&M important method used to support parks all over the
perspective. Budget cuts and reallocated discretionary country. The Central Park Conservancy in New York
spending can leave a parks department’s resources is cited as one of the most successful examples of
spread thin. In these cases, the decentralized location private sector group supplementing public park O&M
of a pocket park can be particularly challenging for activities. Since the group’s establishment in 1980,
a parks department since their location will have a they have grown to provide almost 85% of the park’s
disproportionate impact on O&M costs. Increased $46 million annual budget through fundraising and
travel time and staffing may be required to reach other revenue generating processes. The group even
the new park. Fortunately, private management conducts meaningful O&M activities usually restricted
via a public-private partnership is an alternative to public agency park staff. Pocket parks will require
management strategy that can support park a much more modest commitment from local private
operations. partners, but the private management structure is a
replicable model for any size park.
Public-private partnerships offer an alternative
to traditional park management strategies where Parks under private management have unique
public and private sector entities share the financial opportunities to fund their ongoing O&M that is not
liability, maintenance responsibility, and community readily available for publicly managed parks. For
benefit. Organized community stakeholders such example, business improvement districts (BID) can be
as land trusts, ‘friends of’ groups, or other local a significant funding source for a privately-operated
nonprofit conservancy groups can adopt, own, or park. In this structure, nearby private sector businesses
lease newly developed park spaces and provide basic voluntarily and routinely contribute money to a park’s
O&M activities. The idea behind this management O&M budget with the goal of supporting the health
structure is that a private group solely focuses on the and resiliency of a neighborhood. Under a privately
management of a single park, thereby providing a managed park, larger, more technical maintenance
higher level of attention to the site. activities beyond the capacity of the private group
can be outsourced to a third-party contractor or to the
city’s maintenance staff.


 Planning for O&M begins in the design phase.

 O&M standards should be tailored to each individual park, not a general O&M
plan for a larger park system.

 Evaluate the site after the first six months and then yearly thereafter to determine
how existing O&M standards are working, and then adapt accordingly.

 Use O&M as an opportunity to engage local volunteers or paid stewards and

incorporate community or non-profit led maintenance structures where possible.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 37

CHAPTER 6: Common Challenges

Park building is important and rewarding work but does Challenge: Community Distrust
not come without challenges. The process is complex, Communities and neighborhoods that have been
involves multiple stakeholders, organizations, and historically marginalized, underrepresented, and left
agencies, and it requires a significant amount of time out of the decision making process can be skeptical
and resources. The previous chapters have provided about outside organizations or agencies attempting
tips on how to pull together all the pieces needed to a park development project. This lack of trust can
build a park, the community, funding, design and limit community member participation in the park
ways to structure operations and maintenance. But, planning process.
there are still common challenges that inevitably
arise. Below are some examples of those challenges Solutions:
and suggested solutions.
ÎÎ Design outreach specifically around the
Challenge: Measuring the Success of a Completed community and provide project information in
Park Project a variety of languages relevant to each specific
The best way to measure the impact of a new park is
to talk to the community before the park is built, and ÎÎ Actively seek out community members who are
then after. Include questions that provide insight into historically less likely to voice their opinions.
how the park has affected the community. Questions Door knocking and phone banking are great
may be; ‘How safe do you feel in your neighborhood?,’ ways to engage residents who don’t come out to
‘How often do you currently visit parks/greenspaces?,’ larger meetings.
‘How often do you exercise?’ Quantitative data is hard
ÎÎ Partner with local community members,
to collect but establishing a mechanism, such as a
leaders, and groups that can act as a bridge
survey, to collect qualitative data from park users can
between the community and the park building
be equally insightful. The answers will likely change
group. Bring locals on as team members, pay
from before to after the project is built. Measuring
the impact of your park project not only can help them for their work, and support them to guide
make a case of allocating resources for maintenance, the conversation and inform the initial direction
but demonstrates success for future funding and park of the outreach.
development endeavors. ÎÎ Plan engagement and outreach activities that
help to build trust with the community. Create
an atmosphere where the community feels
ÎÎ Create a survey format the community will
safe to openly share ideas, such as small table
respond to and collect surveys online and in-
discussions and comment cards for those who
person before building the park and then again,
are not comfortable speaking in front of a large
six months after it is open. Surveys should
be in all appropriate languages for the local
ÎÎ Take survey results into consideration for
future park programming and staffing. Adapt
operations accordingly to create a better user

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 38

Challenge: Staff and Community Member Turnover Challenge: Support for Green Infrastructure
From the early planning phase until it is open to the All park projects are green infrastructure projects.
public, many individuals and organizations will work Although some pocket parks may include more
on a park project. Turnover of staff and community robust green infrastructure technologies than others,
members can slow down development progress and anytime a site transforms from a vacant lot to a place
jeopardize the ongoing activities of stewardship with trees and greenery the surrounding environment
groups. cools and stormwater is more effectively managed.
That said, some green infrastructure technologies can
Solutions: place a strain on the project budget. Therefore, it is
ÎÎ Ensuring multiple staff are up-to-speed on high- imperative to communicate the green infrastructure
level project details provides a safety net to keep benefits and how they support community priorities.
the project moving if staff is lost and can help
bring new staff up to speed quickly.
ÎÎ Make the benefits of green infrastructure more
ÎÎ Maintain a well-informed community
accessible to neighbors and park supporters,
base. Staying in touch with the community
limit technical jargon and use graphics and
throughout the course of a project will create
relatable examples.
long-term relationships that are critical. If one
community member leaves the neighborhood, ÎÎ Outline a local issue affecting neighborhood
you will not lose your entire base. that the green infrastructure will help to fix (i.e.
using permeable surfaces in the park can reduce
the risk of nearby flood damage).
Challenge: Diminishing Park Use
ÎÎ Partner with the municipal environmental
A decrease in park use can be caused by a variety of department, such as the sanitation department,
reasons. Lack of maintenance, the presence of illicit
or the public works department to identify
activities, changing neighborhood demographics, and
funding incentives for green infrastructure.
neighbors not being aware of the park due to its small
size are all factors that can result in less people using
the park. A park, particularly a pocket park, should Challenge: Fundraising as a Grassroots Organization
always feel safe, clean, and comfortable for its users.
While grassroots organizations can be very successful
One of the best ways to accomplish this is to activate
at fundraising for a park project, they may not
the park.
have a structure in place for accepting donations
Solutions: without taxes or other fees being assessed. Grassroots
organizations should look for partners with access
ÎÎ Implement community events, workshops,
to tax advantaged fundraising accounts to ensure all
volunteer days, and other events at the park to money raised supports the park development work.
up attendance and make it an active space.
ÎÎ Increase the presence of park staff and encourage
the local police department to increase their ÎÎ Partner with an IRS approved 501(c)(3)
presence in the area as well. organization that can manage a tax-exempt
fundraising account for the project.
ÎÎ Designate community stewards to keep an
eye on the park and report any problems to ÎÎ Identify and reach out to qualifying local
the police and maintenance staff. Ensure the nonprofits and charitable organizations that
community knows who the best person to specialize in greenspace and other neighborhood
contact is and how to contact them. development projects.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 39

Challenge: Lack of funding for Creative Placemaking
Arts and cultural design elements may at first appear
to be superfluous for a tight budgeted project, but it
is in fact a core facet to ensuring capital investments
are meaningful to and successful in the community.
While paying an artist to paint a mural or design
sculptures may not always be feasible, much of
creative placemaking is about the process of convening
residents and stakeholders in a culturally-specific
and engaging ways, which is not only affordable, but

ÎÎ Start early. Identify local artists in the beginning
of community outreach who can be advocates as
much as designers in the park planning. You can
turn on your artist brain, too.
ÎÎ Thoughtfully incorporating arts and culture in
feedback and community engagement strategies
lends itself to rich and often more accurate local
ÎÎ Do not be afraid to scale back ambitions in the
short term so that creative placemaking can
happen immediately. Start small and make it
easy, keeping supplies to a minimum. Prioritize
the social aspects over the materials.
ÎÎ Examples of easy creative placemaking events
include: story gathering activities where
community members gather to tell stories
about what their neighborhood and community
means to them or create a pop-up playground
on a vacant site using simple loose parts like
cardboard boxes and tubes, tape, string and

Creative placemaking ÎÎ Hosting routine events can be especially

EM Stanton School, PA successful because consistency gives community
Photo: Jenna Stamm
members a chance to engage.


 Every project has its challenges, work with your community to resolve them and
keep people engaged.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 40

CHAPTER 7: Pocket Park Toolkit Checklist


PARTNER BUILDING ‰‰ Consider what existing site elements can
be preserved
‰‰ Reach out to local residents and existing
stakeholder groups/local organizations {{ Historical or cultural
{{ Form an outreach team {{ Existing landforms, trees, etc.
{{ Draft mission statement and express ‰‰ Does the design accurately reflect the
intent community’s input and needs? Examples
‰‰ Find a suitable location for a pocket park
{{ Will sensitive populations such as seniors,
{{ Asset mapping
mothers, or children feel welcome using
{{ Community surveys the space?
{{ Pop-up events {{ Is community culture reflected in the
‰‰ Begin collaborating with the design?
community ‰‰ Ensure environmental benefits are
{{ Host routine community meetings inherent to the design. Examples include:
{{ Organize community driven charrettes {{ Stormwater management through
{{ Education/Leadership Building – support bioswales, cisterns, infiltration areas
community champions to take on {{ Urban cooling through tree planting and
leadership roles shade structures
‰‰ All outreach materials are translated into ‰‰ Select durable amenities that will stand
the appropriate language(s) for your up to heavy use, extreme weather
community conditions, and limited maintenance


‰‰ Locate funding ‰‰ Identify who will manage the park space
{{ Preliminary research should include {{ Define whether a public or private entity
scanning the internet for local, state, and will be taking ownership of the park
federal grant programs ‰‰ Create an O&M Strategy
{{ Reach out to an organization with
‰‰ Engage local residents to participate in
experience in fundraising activities
park stewardship
‰‰ Budgeting ‰‰ Evaluate the park after it has been
{{ Outline both development and operation opened to ensure it is meeting the initial
costs intent
{{ Work with the community to ensure
transparency and clarity on budget

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 41


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Association, Arlington, VA.; Professional Grounds Management Society, Baltimore, MD. “Operational
Guidelines for Grounds Management.” American Public Works Association, 2001, Print

CDC. “Active People, Healthy Nation At-A-Glance.” CDC, May 2017, https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/

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National Park Service, March 2007, https://www.nps.gov/nationalmallplan/Documents/National%20Mall%20

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Cohen, Deborah A. and Kristin J. Leuschner, “How Can Neighborhood Parks Be Used to Increase Physical
Activity?” CA: RAND Corporation, 2018. https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2490.html.

EPA. “What Is Green Infrastructure?” Environmental Protection Agency, 2019, https://www.epa.gov/green-


Faraci, Piero. “Vest Pocket Parks.” American Society of Planning Officials, no. 229, Dec. 1967, pp. 1–16., https://

Hales, Craig M., et al. “Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2015–2016.” Centers for
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Hardoby, Tamara. “NCCDPHP Success Story NYC’s Health and Parks Departments Partner to Expand
Free Fitness Classes.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Date Unknown, https://nccd.cdc.gov/

Law, Suzanna and Leichter-Saxby. “Pop-Up Adventure Play.” Wordpress.com, Date Unknown, https://

NRPA. “2019 NRPA Agency Performance Review Park and Recreation Agency Performance Benchmarks.”
National Park and Recreation Association, 2019, https://www.nrpa.org/siteassets/nrpa-agency-performance-

Nullis, Clare. “IPCC Issues Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C.” World Meteorological Organization,
2018, https://public.wmo.int/en/resources/bulletin/ipcc-issues-special-report-global-warming-of-15-°c.

Pocket Park Toolkit Page 42


Singh, R., Arrighi, et al. “Heatwave Guide for Cities.” Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, 2019, https://

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Walls, Margaret. “Private Funding of Public Parks Assessing the Role of Philanthropy.” Resources for the
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