• An intersection is defined as the general area where
two or more highways join or cross
• This area is designated for the vehicles to turn to
different directions to reach their desired
• This is because vehicles moving in different direction
want to occupy same space at the same time.
Elements of intersection
• Each roadway extending from the intersection
is referred to as a leg.
• The intersection of two roadways has usually
four legs (or three if there one of the roadway
is ended).
• The leg used by traffic approaching the
intersection is the approach leg, and that used
by traffic leaving is the departure leg.
• The major street is typically the intersecting
street with greater traffic volume, larger cross-
section, and higher functional class.
• The minor street is the intersecting street
likely to have less traffic volume, smaller cross-
section and lower functional classification
than the major street.
• Channelization is the separation or regulation
of conflicting traffic movements into definite
paths of travel by traffic islands or pavement
markings (regulation of traffic).
The following principles should be followed for
a good design of intersection
✓ In rolling terrain ,vertical profile will also have rolling grade line.
✓ By constructing high embankment and by providing steep gradient will result in
increased grade resistance
✓ Restriction to sight distance
Under pass
✓ If the highway is taken by depressing it below the ground level to cross another
road by means of an under-bridge ,it is known as under-pass.
✓ There is a warning to traffic in advance due to the presence of under pass
✓ When the major highway is taken below , it is advantageous to the turning traffic.
✓ It may be of advantage when main highway is taken along the existing grade
✓ Drainage problem
✓ The over head structure may resist the vertical sight
✓ No possibility of stage construction for bridge structure
Grade separated intersection with complete interchange facilities is essential to develop
a highway with full control of access.
Some types of interchanges are
1. Diamond
2. Rotary interchange
3. Partial clover leaf
4. Full clover leaf
All road intersections which meet at about the same level allowing
traffic manoeuvres like merging, diverging, crossing, and weaving
are called intersections at grade.
Requirements are,
• Area of conflict should be small
• Relative speed and angle of approach of vehicle should be small
• Adequate visibility
• Sudden change should be avoided
• Geometric features should be provided
• Proper sign should be provided
• Good lighting
•If no. Of pedestrians and cyclists are large, Separate provisions
should be made for safe passage
Examples foe channelized and unchannellized intersection
Various forms of intersections
Intersections may be Classified into two
Unchannelized intersections
Channelized intersection
➢ One way rotary road round the island has different radii at
different points depending on the shape of the island
➢ Adequate super elevation cannot be provided and hence it
is safer to neglect the super elevation and to take friction
only into consideration and hence the radius of curvation
R= V*V/(127*f)
➢ f= 0.43 and design speed: 20-35m for 40kmph
➢ f=0.47 and design speed:15-25m for 30kmph
➢ Factor of safety :1.5
➢ Recommended min radii of central island: 1.33 times the
radius of entry curves.
4.Weaving angle and weaving distance
➢ All the traffic go round the one way roadway aleast for a short
➢ Outer kerb line follow the entrance and exit-sides of roads.
➢ Actual width of roadway varies section to section.
➢ Effective width of rotary roadway: minimum width of the roadway
b/w edge of the central island and adjoining kerb.
➢ It determines the capacity of rotary.
➢ Width of the non-weaving section (e2)=widest single entry
➢ e2< the width of the weaving section(W).
➢ W of the rotary : one traffic wider than the mean width of entry and
non-weaving section i.e.
W =(e1+e2)+3.5
7.Entrance and exit curves
➢ Curve traced by the inner rear wheel determines the radius and
shapes of the kerb to be set.
➢ Radius of entrance curve= minimum recommended radius of
central island.
➢ Radius at entry curve= 20 to 35m for 40kmph
=15 to 25m for 30kmph
➢ Easy for bus to take right angle turn at curve in design speed.
➢ Exit curve should have larger dia as the speed inc.ed in
radiating roads.
➢ Reasonable radius of exit curves is one and a half to 2 times
radius of entry.
➢ Extra widening at entry and entrance curve is provided.
➢ Pavement width at entrance curve > than at exit curve as the
radius of former is less than the later.
8.Capacity of the rotary:
Practical capacity depends on the minimum capacity of the
individual weaving section.
Practical capacity Qp =280W(1+e/w)(1-p/3)
Where, Qp = practical capacity of the weaving section of a rotary
in pcu per hour.
W = width of weaving section(6to 18m)
e = avg width of entry e1& width of non-weaving s/c e2
for the range e/W = 0.4 to 1.0
L = length of the weaving s/c btw the ends of
channelizing islands in metre for the range of W/L=
0.12 t 0.4.
p = proportion of weaving traffic given by
p = b+c in the range 0.4 to 1.0
a = left turning traffic moving along left extreme lane.
d= right turning traffic moving along right extreme lane.
b= crossing traffic turning towards rgt while entering the
c= crossing traffic turning towards left while leaving the
The IRC has recommended the following PCU(Passenger car
unit) values for finding the capacity of the rotary :
Cars, light commercial vehicles and three-wheelers = 1.0
Buses and heavy commercial vehicles = 2.8
Motor cycles ,scooters = 0.75
Pedal cycles = 0.50
Animal drawn vehicles = 4 to 6
9.Channelizing islands:
• Provided at the entrance & exit of the rotary to
prevent undesirable weaving,& turning & to reduce
area of conflict.
• Helps vehicles to reduce speed to the design speed.
• Serve as convenient place for erecting traffic signs &
as a pedestrian refuge.
• Shape & size governed by:
1.Radius of the rotary
2. Radii of the entrance & exit curves
3.Angles & layout of the radial road &rotary.
• Generally provided with kerbs 15 t0 21cm high.
10. Camber & Superelevation:
• Vehicle passing along rotary traverses a reverse
curve while changing from one-path of roadway to
the exit of the radial road.
• Cross slope should be min at the point of change in
• Inward slope of camber serves as superelevation,
though design of the curve made assuming no
• Outer slope helps vehicles turning left towards the
exit curve to the radiating road.
11. Sight distance, grade:
• Sight distance should be large as possible.
• Should not be less than safe stopping distance for the
design speed.
• min sight distance= 45-30m for design speed of 40-
30kmph resp.
• locate rotary on level ground or with slope not
exceeding 1 in 50 with the hzl.
12. Lighting :
• Min lighting-one each on the edge of island facing
each radiating road.
• Additional lights when the central island is larger than
60m dia.
• If pedestrians are more, then lighting is provided at
the entrance curve.
13. Traffic Signs:
• Should be installed at all approaching roads .
• Red reflector is placed at 1m abv road level on
the nose of each directional island & on the
kerb of the central island.
• Vertical balck&white strips of width 25-30cm
painted on kerb of central island &
channelizing islands improve visibility.
14. Provision for cyclists and pedestrians:
• As far as possible pedestrians & cyclists should be
isolated from the general traffic utilizing the rotary.
• If the cyclists are less than 50per hour they may be
permitted to mix up with the other traffic.
• If they are more, a separate cycle track is provided.
• If a large no of pedestrians, separate foot path with
guard rails should be provided around the rotary.
• Provision of crossing facilities to pedestrian by
subway or over bridge is possible solution for
pedestrian crossing in rotary.
Design factors of Rotary
1. Speed
a. 40kmph in rural area.
b. 30kmph in urban area and other cases.
2. Shape of central island
8.Capacity of the rotary:
Practical capacity Qp =280W(1+e/w)(1-p/3)
Where, Qp = practical capacity of the weaving section of a rotary
in pcu per hour.
W = width of weaving section(6to 18m)
W =(e1+e2)+3.5
L = length of the weaving s/c btw the ends of
channelizing islands in metre for the range of
W/L=0.12 t 0.4.
p = proportion of weaving traffic given by
p = b+c in the range 0.4 to 1.0
a = left turning traffic moving along left extreme lane.
d= right turning traffic moving along right extreme lane.
b= crossing traffic turning towards rgt while entering the rotary.
c= crossing traffic turning towards left while leaving the rotary.
p = b+c in the range 0.4 to 1.0
The IRC has recommended the following PCU(Passenger car unit)
values for finding the capacity of the rotary :
Cars, light commercial vehicles and three-wheelers = 1.0
Buses and heavy commercial vehicles = 2.8
Motor cycles ,scooters = 0.75
Pedal cycles = 0.50
Animal drawn vehicles = 4 to 6
• Assume design speed =30kmph (urban area)
• Assume a circular central island
• Assume radius of entry =20 m
• Assume radius of exit =2x radius of entry =2x20=40m
• Radius of central island =1.33xradius of entry =1.33x20=28 m
• Weaving length =30m
• Width of carriageway at entry and exit =10m
• e=(e1+e2) =10 m e1=10 m & e2=10 m
• Width of weaving section ,W =(e1+e2)+3.5 =13.5m
• Weaving traffic in each direction
• N-E=643+350+423+424=1840
• E-S=643+493+450+402=1988
• S-W=1331+54981582
• W-N=358+402+423+493=1672
Design factors of Rotary
1. Speed
a. 40kmph in rural area.
b. 30kmph in urban area and other cases.
2. Shape of central island
8.Capacity of the rotary:
Practical capacity Qp =280W(1+e/w)(1-p/3)
Where, Qp = practical capacity of the weaving section of a rotary
in pcu per hour.
W = width of weaving section(6to 18m)
W =(e1+e2)+3.5
L = length of the weaving s/c btw the ends of
channelizing islands in metre for the range of
W/L=0.12 t 0.4.
p = proportion of weaving traffic given by
p = b+c in the range 0.4 to 1.0
a = left turning traffic moving along left extreme lane.
d= right turning traffic moving along right extreme lane.
b= crossing traffic turning towards rgt while entering the rotary.
c= crossing traffic turning towards left while leaving the rotary.
p = b+c in the range 0.4 to 1.0
The IRC has recommended the following PCU(Passenger car unit)
values for finding the capacity of the rotary :
Cars, light commercial vehicles and three-wheelers = 1.0
Buses and heavy commercial vehicles = 2.8
Motor cycles ,scooters = 0.75
Pedal cycles = 0.50
Animal drawn vehicles = 4 to 6
• Assume design speed =30kmph (urban area)
• Assume a circular central island
• Assume radius of entry =20 m
• Assume radius of exit =2x radius of entry =2x20=40m
• Radius of central island =1.33xradius of entry =1.33x20=28 m
• Weaving length =30m
• Width of carriageway at entry and exit =10m
• e=(e1+e2) =10 m e1=10 m & e2=10 m
• Width of weaving section ,W =(e1+e2)+3.5 =13.5m
• Weaving traffic in each direction
• N-E=643+350+423+424=1840
• E-S=643+493+450+402=1988
• S-W=1331+54981582
• W-N=358+402+423+493=1672
Cycle: One complete sequence of the operation of traffic
Cycle Time/ Cycle length : The time taken to complete one
cycle or it is the period of time required for one complete
sequence of signal indication.
Phase of signal: Part of cycle allocated to any combination of
traffic movement receiving right of way simultaneously.
Interval: The path of signal cycle during which signal indications
don't change
Offset: It is the time lag in seconds between the beginning of
green phase at intersection and green phase at next
Intergreen period: The time between end of right of way for a
phase and the start of the right of way for the next phase.
All red interval: Time during which the indication is red
for all the approaches.
Lost time: Time not effectively used for vehicle movement
Design of isolated fixed time signal
Objectives of signalised intersection design
To provide sufficient intersection capacity
To minimise overall delay
General principles of 2-phase signal design
R1 = G2 + A2
Red- amber or initial-amber may be provided to end of red
Clearance time or clearance-amber just after green phase
Go time or green time is decided based on approach volume
Signal design methods
Trial cycle method
Approximate method based on pedestrian crossing
Webster’s method
Design as per IRC guidelines
Webster’s method of traffic signal design
Analytical approach of determining the optimum cycle
time, Co corresponding to minimum total delay to all the
vehicles at the approach roads of the intersection.
The field work consist of determining
Normal flow, q during design hour
Saturation flow, S,
Saturation flow rate is the number of vehicles that can be
moved in one lane in one hour assuming the signal to be
green always. If not given, take as 160 PCU per 0.3 m width
of road or
S=525w PCU/hr; w- width of approach, m
Webster’s method of traffic signal design contd...
Design steps:
Find ratios y = q for given approach roads.
Find Y = y1 + y2
Cycle length, Co =
Time lost per phase due to starting delay is 2 sec and all red
period is 4 sec. Design two phase traffic signal using Webster’s
method. Draw the phase diagram also. (KTU APRIL 2018,
12 marks)
▪ At intersections where there are a large number of crossing and right-turn traffic, there
possibility of several accidents as there cannot be orderly movements.
▪ On cross roads with two-lane two-way traffic, there are 16 crossing conflicts as illustrated in
Fig. 5.20.
❖ The problem of such conflicts at the intersections gains more significance as the traffic
volume increases.
❖ In such situations the earlier practice has been to control the traffic with the help of
traffic police who stops the vehicles on one of the roads alternately and allows the traffic
stream of the other road to cross or take right turn.
❖ Thus the crossing streams of traffic flow are separated by ‘time-segregation’.
❖ In bigger cities, a large number of police personnel are required simultaneously to
control the traffic during peak hours at most of the junctions with heavy traffic flow.
❖ Therefore traffic signals are made use of to perform this function of traffic control at
road intersections.
➢ Traffic signals are automatic traffic control devices which could alternately direct the
traffic to stop and proceed at intersections using red and green traffic light signals as per
the pre-determined time settings.
• The main requirements of traffic signal are to:
(i) Draw attention of the road users
(ii) Enable them to understand the meaning of the light signal
(iii) Provide sufficient time to respond and
(iv) Ensure minimum waste of time.
( Properly designed traffic signals at intersections )
• Provide orderly movement of traffic at the intersection.
• The quality of traffic flow is improved by forming compact platoons of vehicles, provided
all the vehicles move at approximately the same speed.
• Reduction in accidents due to crossing conflict, notably the right angled collisions.
• Traffic handling capacity is highest among the different types of intersections at-grade.
• Provide a chance to traffic of minor road to cross the continuous traffic flow of the main
road at reasonable intervals of time.
• Pedestrians can cross the roads safely at the signalized intersection.
• When the signal system is properly co-ordinate, there is a reasonable speed along the
major road traffic.
• Automatic traffic signal may work out to be more economical when compared to manual
• The rear-end collisions may increase.
• Improper design and location of signals may lead to violations of the control system.
• Failure of the signal due to electric power failure or any other defect may cause
confusion to the road users.
• The variation in vehicle arrivals on the approach roads may cause increase in waiting
time on one of the roads and unused green signal time on other road, when fixed time
traffic signals are used.
• Excessive delay of vehicle may be caused particularly during off-peak hours.
• Drivers may be induced to use less adequate and less safe routes to avoid delays at
▪ The period of time required for one complete sequence of signal indications is called
‘signal cycle’.
▪ The part of the signal cycle time that is allocated to stop the traffic or to allow traffic
movement is called ‘signal phase’
▪ The duration of ‘stop’ phase is the red phase and
▪ The duration of ‘go’ phase is the green phase.
▪ Any of the division of the signal cycle during which signal indications do not change
is called the ‘interval’.
▪ The engineer has to design the signal with the sequence and duration of individual
phases to serve all approaching traffic at a desired ‘level of service’.
▪ The level of service is measured by the vehicle delay, the queue length or the number
of vehicle backed up and the probability of a vehicle entering the intersection during
the first green phase after arrival.
❖ The capacity of a signalized intersection depends on physical factors of the roads
such as roadway width, number of lanes, geometric design features of intersection
and also the green and red phases of the traffic signal.
❖ The capacity is also affected by operational and control factors such as number of
turning movement, number and size of commercial vehicles, pedestrian traffic signal
characteristics and abutting land use.
The signals are classified into the following types:
Traffic control signals
Pedestrian signal
Special traffic signal
▪ The traffic control signals have three coloured lights which glow facing each direction
of traffic flow namely, red, amber and green.
▪ The red light is meant for ‘stop’,
▪ The green light for ‘go’and
▪ The amber or yellow light allows the ‘clearance time’ for the vehicles which enter the
intersection area by the end of green time to clear off the intersection, before the
change-over to red signal light.
▪ A typical traffic signal head is shown in Fig. 5.27.
▪ Additional signals showing green lights for separate movements of turning traffic
movements may also be provided, where necessary.
➢ Pedestrian signals may be installed at the intersections controlled by traffic signals
to enable the pedestrians to safely cross the specified roads;
➢ In such cases, the pedestrian signals and their timings are interlinked to operate
along with the traffic control signal.
➢ At certain locations of mid-block stretches of urban roads with high demand for
pedestrian crossing, separate pedestrian signals may be installed along with
appropriate warning and informatory signs.
Vehicle-actuated. (i) They are flexible and are able (i) Require costly equipment
to adjust to changing traffic such as detectors and
conditions automatically sophisticated controllers
Semi-vehicle- (ii) Delay is held to minimum and (ii) Cannot provide signal
actuated maximum capacity is achieved. co-ordination.
Useful for junction of a side They are believed to cause
street having low traffic volume high accident rates at times
with a main street having heavy of light traffic.
Co-ordinated signal system
➢ Co-ordinated signal system on a road net-work of an area is a very complex problem.
➢ Area traffic control system with co-ordinated signal network is to be implemented
with the help of advanced technology.
Need for co-ordinated control
▪ Need for co-ordinated control of signals arises on a main traffic route when it is
desirable to reduce delays and avoid main traffic from having to stop at every
▪ When a signal indicates a stop aspect at a junction, a queue of vehicles is formed
behind the stop line.
▪ When the signal changes to green, the vehicles start moving in a platoon.
▪ If this platoon is made to meet a green aspect at the next junction no delay is caused
to the vehicles.
▪ This principle of linking adjacent signals so as to secure maximum benefits to the
flow of traffic is called co-ordinated control of signals.
▪ The co-ordination of signals is bought for with the following objectives in view:
(i) To pass the maximum amount of traffic without enforced halts.
(ii) To have minimum overall delay to traffic streams, both in the main and side roads.
(iii) To prevent the queue of vehicles at one intersection from extending and reaching the
next intersection.
Road Accidents
Road Accidents
•Preventive Measures
Necessity of Accidents Study
I. Collision Accidents:
• Collision with pedestrians
• Collision with other moving vehicles
• Collision with fixed objects
II. Non-Collision Accidents:
• Running off the roadway
• Over-turning
• Any other non-collision.
Causes of Accidents
• Road Users
• Vehicles
• Road pavement
• Environmental factors
Elements Causing Accidents
Preventive Measures
• Engineering Measures
• Enforcement of Laws and Regulations
• Public Education of Traffic Laws
Engineering Measures
Weather factors
Snow or ice
Steps to be taken for Preventing Road Accidents
1. Most important method to bring down accidents is strict enforcement of speed limits. 90
% of accidents can be avoided by strict enforcement of speed limits.
2. Heavy Penalty should be imposed on ALL those who cross speed limits. If this is strictly
implemented, nobody will dare to go at high speed.
3. Existing speed limits should be brought down further.
4. Heavy penalty should be imposed for those who cause accidents.
5. Tamper proof speed controllers should be made mandatory for all heavy vehicles. New
heavy vehicles should have built in tamper proof speed controllers.
6. Two wheeler manufacturers should be asked to design two wheelers with a designed
maximum possible speed of (say) 50/60 kmph. This limit may be decided based on the
conditions of each country.
7. New gadgets are to be developed for collision prevention and should be fitted on all
vehicle.Research organizations should be asked to develop such gadgets on a war footing.
For example, gadgets can be developed to automatically slow down the vehicle, if safe
distance commensurate with the speed of the vehicle in front is not maintained. Gadgets
can be developed for warning the driver, if the driver sleeps.
8. Diving tests for issue of Driving license is to be made more stringent and foolproof.
9. Lower age limit for two wheeler and Heavy Vehicle license should be raised to 21.
10.Helmet should be made compulsory by law in all countries, OR impose a lower speed
limit for those who do not use helmet. Issue of Helmet should be made mandatory with
the sale of each two wheeler.
11. Helmet should be made compulsory for back seat riders also.
12.Ensure that all Helmet users are fixing the Chinstrap of Helmet.
Otherwise it will not help during an accident.
16. All those who do not maintain the safe distance for the speed should be
17.Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to
impart awareness to a grown up a human. If safety awareness is imparted
at childhood, safety will be a habit
18. Video and Computer games that simulate Motor Racing should be banned by
Government OR discouraged by parents as it will develop racing habit in children.
19. All sorts of Motor sports, especially racing should be banned by government.
Telecast of Motor Sports and Racing also should be banned.
20.Racing, over speed / highly risky riding, driving by Heroes should not be filmed in
cinemas and TV serials. Children are likely to imitate the same. Statutory warning will
no help. Government should censor such scenes.
21.Advertisements by automobile companies which include scenes of dangerous and
risky riding or driving should be banned. Youngsters are likely to imitate the same
. Statutory warnings will not help. Such ads will result in irreparable character formation
regarding riding and driving in kids and children. Such children may make accidents in
20. Children below a certain age should not be permitted to do cycling in busy roads
and in roads where heavy vehicles are plying.
23.Refreshment parlors should be made available at every 50 / 100 k.m. on all
highways and important roads. Truck, Heavy vehicle drivers should be
forced to refresh by having a face wash or by having a cup of tea or coffee.
24. The practice of keeping the traffic signals in standby mode during nights
and on holidays is
to be reviewed and discontinued.
25. Advertisement boards and other items that may obstruct visibility at
junctions, curvatures and other parts of the roads should be removed
26 Ensure that the money recovered as Road Tax is fully utilised for the
construction and maintenance of roads.
27. Time Punching of Private buses practiced in some regions should be
discontinued as it is forcing the drivers to go at high speed, after traffic
28. Newspaper, Television and other media should be effectively used for
Public Safety
29 Major accidents and accident prone areas should be analysed
30 Speed should be restricted at accident prone areas.
31.More stringent traffic rules should be enacted.
32.License of those who are involved in accidents should be suspended
immediately, at least until they prove that they are not guilty.
35.Health of vehicles should be strictly enforced.
36.Eyes of old aged driving license holders should be checked at regular
37.License of drunkard drivers and riders should be cancelled immediately
38Judicial Commissions should be setup to monitor steps taken to
control road accidents andto monitor the accident rates on a weekly
39One way traffic should be implemented in all roads as far as
possible. Roads should be widened wherever required. Curvatures
should be minimised. Medians should be constructed in roads with
two way traffic.
40.Footpaths and medians should be made mandatory for all
important roads and for all new roads.
41. Zebra crossings should be provided for pedestrians for safe road
crossings at appropriate places.
42.Signals for road crossings should be provided at important and
busy places where a large number of people have to cross the road
42.Signals for road crossings should be provided at important and busy places
where a large number of people have to cross the road everyday.
43. Roads should be properly marked. Sign posts should be provided wherever
Humps should be provided at all important places, accident prone areas. Humps
should be made mandatory for all sub roads where it enters a main road.
44Construction, size and shape of the Humps should be scientific. All the
Contractors of the Public Works and other departments should be provided with
the details of scientific Hump construction.
45.Humps should be clearly marked, to avoid accidents. Methods of permanent
nature should be followed in Hump marking. For example white marble pieces /
white colour / fluorescent pigment can be used.
46. Provision of small pilot humps few meters before humps can also be
considered to ensure that humps are not left unnoticed.
47.Obstructions on road sides caused by unauthorised construction and road side sales
should be
Eliminated completely
48.Visibility should be increased near curvatures. Sometimes, even cutting of grass to
visibility can help save many lives
50. Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should be observed in all Schools, every year.
Competitions on Road Safety Tips, Slogans, Essays, Paintings etc. should be conducted
for students of various classes.
51.School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
51.School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
52.Let ‘Road Safety’ be a mandatory topic for School Projects for all classes, every year.
53.A small pool of water or a hanging branch of tree on roadsides can cause accidents as such
obstructions will make the pedestrians and drivers to take sudden LATERAL movement and result
in accidents. Hence any obstruction on road sides which can cause a LATERAL movement should
be rectified immediately.
54. Black color should not be permitted for Cycles. Default color for Cycles should be changed to
55. Automobile and cycle manufacturers should be asked to stop producing black and dark
vehicles. Yellow or other bright colored vehicles should be produced instead.
56. Front and Back of Lorries and Trucks should be painted with bright Yellow color to increase
visibility. This will help to prevent collisions while Lorries and Trucks are parked on roadside
without parking lights switched on.
57.Reflectors should be fixed on Front and Back of Trucks and Lorries.
58.Accident statistics should be periodically reviewed to understand the effect of actions taken.
Corrective steps should be taken based on these reviews.
59. Attention distracting Hoardings, banners, posters, advertisements etc
should be banned near roads and highways.
60. Default color of Helmets should be changed to Yellow to reduce accidents by
increased visibility. Black and dark colors should not be permitted.
61. All automobile manufacturers should be asked to strengthen safety standards of
vehicles by improved design. It is to be noted here that in the series of collisions of
200 plus vehicles at Dubai in 2008, only few people were killed. This is because of
the high safety standards.
62.Parking near curvatures should be strictly prohibited.
63.Road crossing near curvatures should be made punishable.
All models of vehicles should be issued a international safety rating number ( say
from 1 to100 ) based on their safety features, design, build, colour etc. Vehicle
manufacturers will compete to improve the safety to get top ranking. This will
ultimately result in saving of many lives. Customers can easily select the safest
vehicle based on safety number.
65. Day light like lighting should be provided in main roads, so that high beam can be
avoided and a lot of accidents caused by high beam of vehicles coming from opposite
direction can be avoided. 66.Drunkard driving should be firmly dealt with.
67.Anti drowsy warning gadgets should be made mandatory during night
68Street dogs should be eliminated completely.
69Low cost tamper proof electronic devices to record the speed of the vehicle should
developed and should be fitted on all heavy vehicles. The devices should be
examined in case of accidents – a miniature version of black box of aero plane.
70. Video cameras should be installed at regular intervals on highways by Police
and should be centrally monitored.
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