Command Reference

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AutoCAD Important Command

Command Reference:-

 Align
Command : AL
Aligns objects with other objects.
 Appload
Command : APPLOAD
Loads and unloads applications and defines which
applications to load at startup.
 Arc
Command : ARC
Create an Arc
 Area
Command : AREA
Calculating Area of objects
 Array
Command : AR
Multiple copies of object in a pattern
 Arx
Command : ARX
Load & Unload Application
 Attdef
Command : ATTDEF
Create an attribute definition
 Attedit
Command : ATTEDIT
Changes attribute information

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Base
Command : BASE
Sets the insertion base point for the current drawing
 Battman
Command : BATTMAN
Edits attribute properties of a block definition
 Bedit
Command : BEDIT
Opens the edit block definition dialog box and then the block
 Block
Command : B
Creates a block definition from objects you select
 Boundary
Command : BO
Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area
 Break
Command : BR
Breaks the selected object between two points
 Bsave
Command : BS
Save the block definition
 Bsaveas
Command : BSAVEAS
Save as the block definition

 Cal
Command : CAL
Open calculator
 Chamfer
Command : CHA
Bevels the edges of object
 Chspace

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AutoCAD Important Command
Command : CHSPACE
Moves object from model space to paper space, or vice versa
 Circle
Command : C
Creates a circle
 Close
Command : CLOSE
Closes the current drawing
 Color
Command : COL
Sets the color for new objects
 Commandline
Displays the command line
 Convertctb
Converts a color-dependent plot style table(CTB) to a named
Plot style table(STB)
 Copy
Command : CO or CP
Copy objects
 Copybase
Command : COPYBASE or Ctrl+Shift+C
Copy with base point
 Copyclip
Command : COPYCLIP or Ctrl+C
Copy object to clip
 Cuiload
Command : CUILOAD
Loads a CUI file
 Cutclip
Command : CUTCLIP or Ctrl+X
Cut object to clip

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Ddedit
Command : DDEDIT
For Text Edit
 Dimaligned
For Align Dimensions
 Dimangular
For Angle Dimensions
 Dimarc
Command : DIMARC
For Arc Dimensions
 Dimbaseline
For Baseline Dimensions
 Dimcenter
For Center point Dimensions
 Dimcontinue
For Continus Dimensions
 Dimdiameter
For Center point Dimensions
 Dimcenter
For Diameter Dimensions
 Dimedit
Command : DIMEDIT
For Edit Dimensions
 Dist
Command : DI
For measure distance

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Divide
Command : DIV
Place evenly spaced point object or block
 Donut
Command : DO
Draw filled Circle & Ring
 Drawingrecovery
Displays a list of drawing files that can be recoverd after
A program or system failure
 Draworder
Changes the draw order of image and other objects
 Dsettings
Command : DS
Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap tracking, object
Snap modes, and dynamic input
 Dsviewer
Command : DSVIEWER
Opens the aerial View window
 Dview
Command : DVIEW
Define parallel projection or perspective views by using a target
 Dwfattach
Attach a DWF underlay to the current drawing

 Eattedit
Command : EATTEDIT
Edits attributes in a block reference
 Eattext
Command : EATTEXT
Exports block attribute information to a table or an external file

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Ellipse
Command : EL
Creates an ellipse
 Erase
Command : E
To remove objects
 Explode
Command : X
To breaks a compound object
 Export
Command : EXP
Save object to other file formats
 Extend
Command : EX
Extend an object to meet another object
 Externalreference
Command : XREF
Dispalys the external references palette

 Field
Command : FIELD
Creates a multiline text object
 Fill
Command : FILL
Controls the filling of objects such as hatches, two-dimensional
Solids, and wide polylines
 Fillet
Command : F
Rounds and fillets the edges of objects
 Find
Command : FIND
Finds, replaces, selects, or zooms to specified text

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AutoCAD Important Command

 Geographiclocation
Command : GEO
Specifies the latitude and longitude of a location
 Grid
Command : Grid
Displays a grid in the current view port that is not plotted

 Hatch
Command : H
Fill an enclose area with hatch
 Hyperlink
Attaches a hyperlink to an object or modifies an existing

 Id
Command : ID
Displays the coordinate of a location
 Image
Command : IM
Displays the external reference palette
 Import
Command : IMP
Imports files in various formats
 Insert
Command : I
Places a drawing or named block into the current drawing
 Insertobj
Command : IO
Insert a linked or embedded object

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Join
Command : J
Joins objects to form a single, unbroken object
 Jpgout
Command : JPGOUT
Saves selected objects to a file in JPEG file format

 Laycur
Command : LAYCUR
Changes the layer of selected objects to the current layer
 Laydel
Command : LAYDEL
Deletes the layer of a selected object and all objects on the layer,
And purges the layer from the drawing
 Layer
Command : LA
Manages layers and layer properties
 Layfrz
Command : LAYFRZ
Freezes the layer of selected objects
 Layiso
Command : LAYISO
Isolates the layer of selected objects
 Laylck
Command : LAYLCK
Locks the layers of selected objects
 Laymch
Command : LAYMCH
Changes the layer of a selected object to match the destination

 Laymcur

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AutoCAD Important Command
Command : LAYMCUR
Makes the layer of a selected object current

 Layoff
Command : LAYOFF
Turns off the layer of the selected object
 Layon
Command : LAYON
Turns on all layers
 Layout
Command : LO
Creates and modifies drawing layout tabs
 Laoutwizard
Creates a new layout tab and specifies page and plot settings
 Laytrans
Command : LAYTRANS
Translated the layers
 Layulk
Command : LAYULK
Unlock layer the selected object
 Leader
Command : LE
Creates leader
 Limits
Command : LIMITS
Sets & controls the limits of the display
 Line
Command : L
Creates line
 Linetype
Command : LT
Loads, sets, and modifies line types

 List

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AutoCAD Important Command
Command : LI
Displays database information for selected objects
 Load
Command : LOAD
Makes shapes available for use by the SHAPE command
 Ltscale
Command : LTS
Sets the global linetype scale factor
 Lweight
Command : LW
Sets the current lineweight

 Matchprop
Command : MA
Match properties of a selected object to another object
 Measure
Command : ME
Places point objects or block at measured intervals on an object
 Menuload
Command : MENULOAD
To load menu
 Mirror
Command : MI
Creates a mirror of object
 Mledit
Command : MLEDIT
Edit multiline
 Mline
Command : ML
Creates multiple parallel lines
 Mlstyle
Command : MLSTYLE
Modifies multiline styles

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AutoCAD Important Command
 Model
Command : MODEL
Switches from a layout tab to the model tab
 Move
Command : M
For move object
 Modify
Command : MO
For changes porperties
 Mspace
Command : MS
Switch from paper space to a model space viewport
 Mtedit
Command : MTEDIT
Edits multiline text
 Mtext
Command : MT
Creates multiline text
 Mview
Command : MV
Creates a viewports

 New
Command : NEW or Ctrl+N
Creates a new drawing

 Offset
Command : O
Offset line, circle and parallel curves
 Oops
Command : OOPS
Restore erase object
 Open

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AutoCAD Important Command
Command : OPEN or Ctrl+O
Opens an existing drawing file
 Options
Command : OP
Customizes program settings
 Ortho
Command : ORTHO
For ortho on or off
 Osnap
Command : OSNAP
For Snap settings

 Pagesetup
For pagesetup manager
 Pan
Command : P
For pan
 Pasteclip
Command : PASTECLIP or Ctrl+V
For Paste object
 Pasteorig
For paste object in original co-ordinate
 Pedit
Command : PE
For edit polyline
 Pline
Command : PL
For draw polyline
 Plot
Command : PLOT or Ctrl+P
For Plotting
 Plottermanager

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AutoCAD Important Command
Displays the plotter manager
 Point
Command : PO
Creates point
 Properties
Command : PR
Controls properties
 Pspace
Command : PS
For change model space to paper space
 Purge
Command : PU
For Purge the drawing

 Qdim
Command : QDIM
For quick dimension
 Qleader
Command : QLEADER or LE
For quick Leader
 Qsave
Command : QSAVE or Ctrl+S
For Save current drawing
 Quit
Command : QUIT
For quit current drawing

 Ray
Command : RAY
Creates a semi-infinite line

 Recover

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AutoCAD Important Command
Command : RECOVER
Repairs a damaged drawing
 Rectang
Command : REC
For Draw rectangle
 Redo
Command : REDO
Reverses the effects of previous UNDO
 Redraw
Command : R
Refreshes the display in the current viewport
 Redrawall
Command : RA
Refreshes the display in all viewport
 Regen
Command : RE
Regenerates the entire drawing from the current viewport
 Regenauto
Controls automatic regeneration of a drawing
 Rotate
Command : RO
Revolves object around a base point
 Rotate3d
Command : ROTATE3D
Moves objects about a three-dimensional axis

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AutoCAD Important Command

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AutoCAD Important Command

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AutoCAD Important Command

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