Investigation of NOx in CI Engine and Reducing It by Water Mixing With Diesel
Investigation of NOx in CI Engine and Reducing It by Water Mixing With Diesel
Investigation of NOx in CI Engine and Reducing It by Water Mixing With Diesel
Abstract: CI engine, usually called as the diesel The principal reactions major the development of NO
engines is nowadays facing the challenges of from molecular nitrogen are,
controlling NOx emission. To come across emission N2 + O NO + N,
norms, proper combustion and to control NOx N +O2 NO + O,
emissions there is done a simulation software based N + OH NO + H.
analysis to find the percentage and to control on NOx NO formed in the flame zone can be rapidly converted
by using water injection system inside combustion to NO2 via reactions such as,
chamber with diesel. NO + HO2 NO + OH.
Successively, conversion of this NO unless the NO2 to
Keywords—NOx emission, Diesel Engines, NO occurs via
Combustion Chamber, water mixing. NO2+ O NO + O2
Formed in the flame is reduced by mixing with cooler
1. INTRODUCTION fluid. This clarification is reliable with the highest
Diesel Engines has unmistakable points of interest of NO2=NO ratio occurring at high load in diesels, when
better efficiency, higher torque, and high unwavering cooler areas which could reduce the conversion back
quality over the other engines. For many SUV and to NO are general.
Commercial vehicles, for the most part diesel engine The engine design and operating conditions too affect
is utilized as the prime mover and it will keep up its the NOx formation process.
predominance for a long time to come. Be that as it Formation of Nitrogen Oxides
may, these motors require exceptionally complex
after-treatment devices to meet stringent outflow 1. Thermal NO: - By oxidation of atmospheric
focuses for NOx and residue. In the cutting edge nitrogen at high temperatures in the post-flame
turbocharged, High CRDI engines with retarding burned gases
ignition timing, the greater part of NOx in the cycle is 2. Prompt NO: - Formed at the flame visible within
created in the post burning gasses after peak pressure. the flame response zone.
In the actually suctioned Engine with long start delays 3. Fuel NO: - Oxidation of fuel-bound nitrogen at
and adequate time accessible for premixing of fuel and comparatively less temperatures
air, the commitment of premixed burning to NO
arrangement is thought to be significant. The theory Diesel engines exhausting gaseous emission and
that the majority of NOx in diesel engine is formed in particulate problem have long been observed as one of
the burned gases produced by combustion at near the major air pollution sources, particularly in urban
stoichiometric conditions. areas, and have been a source of thoughtful public
However NO and NO2 are ached together as NOx, anxiety for a long time. There has been various
there are some individual differences between these research in the field of reduction of these pollutants
two pollutants. NO is a colourless and odourless gas, subsequently diesel engines originated to major use.
while NO2 is a reddish brown gas with bitter odour. Major emissions from a diesel engine are NOx, SOx,
Both gases are reflected as toxic; but NO2 has a level CO and soots among these pollutants CO and Sox are
of toxicity 5 times greater than that of NO. Although some amount of particulate matters that are reduced
NO is basically formed from oxidation of NO, by after treatment methods, in the catalytic converter
attention has been given on how NO can be controlled etc. unlike these NOx can’t be oxidized to get some
before and after combustion. NO is occurred through clean product. Nowadays NOx emissions are reduced
the post flame combustion process at high temperature. by selective catalytic reduction.
The main source of NO development is oxidation of Using a mixing of diesel in water as a fuel has been a
nitrogen present in atmospheric air. The nitric oxide recent field of study in this field. Water/diesel (W/D)
development chain reactions are started by atomic combined preparations are stated to reduce the
oxygen, which forms from the separation of oxygen emissions of NOx, SOx, CO and particulate matter
molecules at the high temperatures reached during the (PM) without recompensing the engine’s performance.
combustion process. In this work a new kind of mixture is prepared by
spray formation with diesel. .
Fig. 7 Formation of No
Fig. 4 H2o Formation
Fig. 5 Formation of N2
Fig. 6 Formation of No
Fig. 10 Formation of O2
TABLE 1: ENGINE PARAMETERS For ideal results usage of diesel water combination
Bore 80mm with 7.5% water content will have the finest results in
Stroke 144.5 terms of performance and emissions.
Injector nozzle size 0.3 mm ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Nozzle type 5 point
182.7 Kpa This Research work grateful to Department of
Pressure Inlet valve
Mechanical & Automobile Engineering faculty of K.J.
Exhaust valve 182.7 Kpa
Institute of Engineering & Technology.
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