LongTermProfitability IMC.26100420
LongTermProfitability IMC.26100420
LongTermProfitability IMC.26100420
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Long-term Profit Impact Of Integrated
Marketing Communications Program
Kalyan Raman and Prasad A. Naik
The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) emphasizes the role of synergy,
which arises when the combined effect of multiple activities exceeds the sum of their individual
effects. In this paper, we investigate the effects of synergy on the profitability of IMC programs in
uncertain markets. We develop a dynamic multimedia model that incorporates both synergy and
uncertainty, and use it to determine the optimal IMC program. Our results generalize previous
findings to uncertain markets, illuminate the profit implications of IMC programs, and explain
the catalytic effects of synergy in IMC contexts. Specifically, we find that the expected long-
term profit of the advertised brand increases as synergy increases. Furthermore, managers should
allocate a non-zero budget to a catalytic activity even if it is completely ineffective. Finally, these
findings continue to hold in an uncertain duopoly market.
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Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 3
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 5
invested in the two media. The advertiser determines (u*, v*) by maximizing the
expected discounted profit over an infinite horizon, namely,
E s [ ∫ e −ρt Π (S( t ), u ( t ), v( t ))dt ] , (4)
subject to sales evolution via the stochastic differential equation (3), where Es[⋅] is
the expectation conditional upon the initial sales S(0) = s, ρ denotes the discount
rate, Π(s, u, v) = ms − u2 – v2 is the profit function, and m is the profit margin
(see, e.g., Fruchter and Kalish 1998).
The optimal IMC program may be derived either by stochastic dynamic
programming or the Lagrange method. Chow (1997) observes that the Lagrange
method is often simpler to use, easier to interpret and more direct since it gives
the minimum information needed to find optimal policies. However, in our case,
the stochastic dynamic programming method is preferable for two fundamental
reasons: (i) the Lagrange method yields only the slope of the maximum expected
profit function (also known as the value function), but that would be inadequate
for our purposes because information on just the slope is insufficient to analyze
the long-term profitability of the IMC program, and (ii) the stochastic dynamic
programming approach is well-suited to find closed-loop policies under
We implement stochastic dynamic programming through Hamilton-
Jacobi-Bellman theory and derive:
⎡ ∞ ⎤
u * (θ) = ArgMax ⎢E s ∫ e −ρt Π (S( t ), u (S( t )), v(S( t )))dt ⎥ , (5a)
u ,v ⎣ 0 ⎦
⎡ ∞ ⎤
v * (θ) = ArgMax ⎢E s ∫ e −ρt Π (S( t ), u (S( t )), v(S( t )))dt ⎥ , (5b)
u ,v ⎣ 0 ⎦
where the vector θ = (β1 , β 2 , κ, λ, σ, ρ, m)′ contains all the model parameters. In
equations (5a, b), the notation u(S(t)) and v(S(t)) signifies the closed-loop nature
of strategies, while u*(θ) and v*(θ) remind us that the resulting optimal strategies
depend on model parameters (e.g., magnitude of synergy, κ).
Next, we substitute the optimal strategies (u*, v*) in equation (4) to
evaluate the profitability of the IMC program. Let J(s) denote the maximum
profit attained when we use the optimal IMC strategies throughout the planning
horizon, starting from an arbitrary sales level s. Then, the expected long-term
profitability (ELP) is given by the limiting value
ELP = Lim E[J (S( t ))] , (6)
where the expectation E[⋅] integrates over all possible sales levels S = s.
Similarly, we evaluate the variability of long-term profitability (VLP) by
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 7
This result demonstrates that advertisers must act differently when they adopt an
IMC perspective. According to models of advertising that ignore synergy effects,
an advertiser allocates the total budget to various media in proportion to their
relative effectiveness (e.g., see proposition 1 in Naik and Raman 2003), and so the
medium that is completely ineffective receives zero budget; i.e., when β2 = 0, v* =
0. In contrast, an advertiser who implements an IMC program benefits from not
only the direct effects, but also the joint effects of various activities. Therefore,
they should not eliminate spending on an ineffective medium if it enhances the
effectiveness of other activities due to its catalytic presence. Next we present
cases from industrial and pharmaceutical marketing to exemplify catalytic
When industrial marketers advertise in trade journals, they do not make
purchasing managers directly buy the advertised products, but rather such
advertising tends to enhance the effectiveness of sales calls by enhancing
familiarity of the brand or company. Consider the following example from the
pharmaceutical industry. The distribution of product samples or collateral
We thank Kash Rangan and Alvin Silk for discussions that led to these insights
and the industrial marketing example.
materials to physicians does not increase the sales of prescription medicines, but it
enhances the effectiveness of detailing efforts by sales representatives (Parsons
and Vanden Abeele 1981). Indeed, many ancillary activities such as billboards,
publicity, corporate advertising, event sponsorship, in-transit ads, merchandising,
or product placement may not increase sales directly. Yet advertisers spend
millions of dollars on them. Why? Because these activities are catalysts that
enhance the effectiveness of primary activities (e.g., advertising or salesforce
efforts) by strengthening brand knowledge in consumers’ memory (Keller 1998,
p. 257).
Here we further extend the above analyses to duopoly markets and elaborate both
the influence of uncertainty and the relative roles of commitment and feedback in
media buying.
We express the IMC model (1) in terms of market share X(t), rather than
sales, to obtain a duopoly IMC model3,
dX = {β1 u 1 + γ 1 v1 + κ1 u 1 v1 − β 2 u 2 − γ 2 v 2 − κ 2 u 2 v 2 − δ(2X −1)}dt + σ(X)dW ,
where X is market share of brand 1, ui and vi are brand i’s advertising decisions, i
= 1 and 2, δ captures the rate of “churn” in a competitive market (Prasad and
Sethi 2003), and σ(X)dW is the stochastic component. Note that, with probability
one, X(t) ∈ (0,1), provided β1 u 1 + γ 1 v1 + κ1 u 1 v1 − β 2 u 2 − γ 2 v 2 − κ 2 u 2 v 2 < δ and
σ(X) > 0 for all X, σ(0) = 0, σ(1) = 0. In words, these mathematical conditions
prevent the duopoly from collapsing into a monopoly.4 Furthermore, because
competition for brand share is a zero-sum game, we do not specify a separate
We thank an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this model structure.
More specifically, Gikhman and Skorohod (1972, p. 158) show that the process
dX = µ(X)dt + σ(X)dW will remain within (r1, r2) provided that µ(r1) > 0, µ(r2) <
0, σ(X) > 0, for X(t) ∈ (r1, r2), σ( r1) = 0, and σ( r2) = 0. In our model, µ(r1) = F1
– F2 + δ <0, µ( r2) = F1 – F2 − δ >0, where Fi = β i u i + γ i v i + κ i u i v i , i = 1, 2, r1 =
0, and r2 = 1. The conjunction of these two conditions gives |F1 – F2| <
δ. Following Sethi (1983), we can impose additional conditions to drive the
infinitesimal variance to zero as X approaches the boundary of (0, 1), for
example, σ(X) = X(1−X).
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 9
equation for the second brand. Each brand then maximizes its expected
discounted net profit, E x i [ ∫ e −ρi t {m i q y i − (u i2 + v i2 )}dt ] , where y1 = x1 and y2 = 1
– x1, taking into account the share dynamics in (8) and the best response of the
other brand. In the above integrand, q denotes the industry sales, and ρi and mi
denote the discount rate and profit margin of brand i, respectively. To this end,
we derive the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for each brand, follow the same
k =n
logic that led to equation (A1), consider the general polynomial J i ( x ) = ∑ J ki x ik ,
k =0
and find that n = 1 provides the optimal solution. Thus, the optimal IMC program
for the first brand is given by
* qm1{2(2δ + ρ1 )β1 + qm1 γ 1 κ1 }
u1 = 2 2
, and (9)
4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2 − q 2 m1 κ1
* qm1{2(2δ + ρ1 ) γ 1 + qm1β1 κ1 }
v1 = 2 2
. (10)
4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2 − q 2 m1 κ1
The optimal IMC mix for the other brand is obtained by replacing the subscript 1
by the subscript 2. Finally, we analyze the optimal strategies (u 1* , v1* ) and
(u *2 , v *2 ) as well as their corresponding impact on long-term profit via Ji, i = 1,2 to
discover the generalization:
In a recent insightful analysis, due to Prasad and Sethi (2003), we learn another
counter-intuitive result that brands with smaller market share should spend more
aggressively on advertising than larger brands. This finding is contrary to the
conventional practice of some firms to maintain share-of-voice proportional to
market share (which implies smaller brands should spend less aggressively).
Thus, managers should re-consider the validity of their decision rules in ever-
changing dynamic markets.
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 11
We note that the optimal advertising strategy for our dynamic model does
not depend on the level of sales. This fact raises two questions: (a) is the model
structure realistic, and (b) do managers buy media without weekly sales feedback?
To address issue (a), we observe that our model structure is based on
Nerlove-Arrow (NA) dynamics, which has been empirically validated in hundreds
of research studies in marketing since Palda’s (1964) dissertation. More recently,
Bucklin and Gupta (1999, p. 262) surveyed real managers and found that the
commonly used advertising model in industry is based on the Koyck model,
which is a discrete-time version of NA dynamics. In addition, using Dockers
brand data, Naik and Raman (2003) provided empirical validation for the
advertising model based on NA dynamics. Thus, the model structure we have
used in this paper enjoys both managerial usage and empirical support.
As for question (b), consider the institutional facts of buying network
time, which is sold in two markets: the upfront market and the scatter market
(Tellis 1998, p. 351, Belch and Belch 2004, p. 358). In the upfront market, an
advertiser buys network time before the season begins and commits up to a year
in advance without knowing week-by-week sales for the upcoming year. On the
other hand, the scatter market is a “spot” market where network time can be
purchased based on past sales performance. Consequently, constant or open-loop
advertising strategies are implemented in upfront markets, whereas feedback or
closed-loop strategies are implementable in the scatter markets only. It is
important to recognize that, of the total network time sold, an overwhelming
amount is bought in the upfront market relative to the scatter market. For
example, approximately 80% of this year’s network time is already sold in the
upfront market (see Brough 2004) even before the year’s Fall season began at the
time of writing this manuscript and long before the Winter, Spring and Summer
seasons that are due six to twelve months from now. Thus, substantial media
buying relies on advance commitments, without the use of feedback strategies,
and this feature of our model’s prediction corroborates with the prevailing
practice of advertisers as well as the workings of media institutions. In sum, our
model based on NA dynamics has empirical and practical validity, and the
resulting advertising strategy applies to the major proportion of an advertiser’s
spending decisions.
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 13
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Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (1), 107-113.
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 15
Tellis, Gerard (1998), Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy, Readings, MA:
Let J(s) denote the maximum profit attained when we implement the
optimal controls u(s) and v(s), starting from the initial sales level s. Then the
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation specifies the differential equation for J:
where Js = ∂J/∂s, Jss = ∂2J/∂s2, Π(s, u, v) = ms − u2 – v2, and f(s, u, v) is the drift
term in equation (3). We differentiate terms within the square brackets in (A1)
with respect to the controls u and v, and solve the resulting first-order conditions
by using the Cramer’s rule to obtain:
J s (2β1 + β 2 κJ s ) J s (2β 2 + β1 κJ s )
u= 2 2
, v= 2
. (A2)
4 − κ Js 4 − κ2Js
We note that the controls (u, v) in equation (A2) are closed-loop because they
depend on the level of sales s via the marginal profit rate Js = ∂J/∂s, where J(s) is
an unknown function of s (to be determined).
− 8ms − 4 σ 2 J ss + σ 2 κ 2 J s J ss + 8sJ s (1 − λ) + 8ρJ − 4σ 2 J ss
2 2 2 3 2 2
+ J s J ss κ 2 σ 2 − 2J s β1 − 2J s κβ1β 2 − 2J s β 2 = 0
i =n
To solve this ODE analytically, we consider a polynomial solution J (s) = ∑ J i s i ,
i =0
and apply the method of undetermined coefficients to find the set of coefficients
{Ji} and the order of polynomial, n. Specifically, we discover that n = 1 and so
the resulting solution is
J(s) = J0 + J1 s, (A4)
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 17
2 2
m(m(1 − λ + ρ)β1 + m 2 κβ1β 2 + m(1 − λ + ρ)β 2 )
J0 = , and (A5)
ρ(1 − λ + ρ) (4(1 − λ + ρ) 2 − m 2 κ 2 )
J1 = . (A6)
1− λ + ρ
Since Js = ∂J/∂s = J1, we substitute (A6) in (A2) to obtain the optimal IMC
∂u * ∂v *
> 0 and > 0, (A8)
∂κ ∂κ
∂ u* ⎧− if β1 > β 2
( *)=⎨ . (A9)
∂κ v ⎩+ if β1 < β 2
where we denote µ(t) = E[S(t)]. To find Ε[S(t)], we obtain via equation (3),
where the last equality follows from the property E[dW] = 0 (Arnold 1974, p. 41).
In addition, it follows from Fubini’s theorem (Harrison 1985, p. 131) that
= β1 u + β 2 v + κuv − (1 − λ )µ . (B4)
= C * − (1 − λ )µ , (B5)
Lim µ ( t ) = . (B6)
t →∞ 1− λ
= J 0 + J1 ,
1− λ
where the second equality follows from (B1), the last equality follows from (B6),
and J0 and J1 are given by the equations (A5) and (A6), respectively.
Finally, by differentiating (B7) with respect to synergy, we find that
∂ELP ∂J 0 ∂C *
> 0 because both > 0 (using A5) and > 0 (using A8). This
∂κ ∂κ ∂κ
completes the proof of proposition 2.
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 19
To find Var[S(t)], we require the second moment of the sales process S(t).
Hence, we apply Ito’s Lemma to the stochastic process y(t) = S(t)2, derive and
solve the differential equation satisfied by µ2(t) = E[y(t)] = E[S(t)2], and
determine Var[S(t)] through the relation Var[S(t)] = E[S(t)2] – (E[S(t)])2 = µ2(t) −
µ(t)2. Thus, we obtain
m2 σ2 (C2)
2 (1 − λ ) (1 − λ + ρ) 2
It is clear from (C2) that = 0 , which completes the proof.
value function for each duopolist by solving for J0 and J1. Consequently, we
determine the optimal IMC strategy of the first brand, which is given by equations
(9) and (10). Using equations (9) and (10), we derive the comparative static
( ( 2
∂u 1* q 2 m1 4β1qm1 κ1 (2δ + ρ1 ) + γ 1 q 2 m1 κ1 + 4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2
)) > 0 (E3)
∂κ1 (
2 2
q 2 m κ − 4(2δ + ρ ) 2
1 1
1 )
( ( 2
∂v1* q 2 m1 4γ 1qm1 κ1 (2δ + ρ1 ) + β1 q 2 m1 κ1 + 4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2
)) > 0 (E4)
∂κ1 (
2 2
q 2 m κ − 4(2δ + ρ ) 2
1 1
1 )
∂ ⎛ u 1* ⎞
⎜⎜ * ⎟⎟ = − 2 1
( 2
β − γ 1 (qm1 (2δ + ρ1 ) )
∂κ1 ⎝ v1 ⎠ (qm1β1 κ1 + 2γ 1 (2δ + ρ1 ) )2
3 2 2
( 2 2
∂J 1 m1 q 3 {( 2β1 κ1 m1q (2δ + ρ1 ) + 2 γ 1 κ1 m1q (2δ + ρ1 ) + β1 γ 1 q 2 m1 κ1 + 4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2
2 2
∂κ1 ρ1 (2δ + ρ1 ){− κ1 m1 q 2 − 4(2δ + ρ1 ) 2 }2
. (E6)
m1 q 2 σ 2
VLP 1 = . (F7)
4δ (2δ + ρ1 ) 2
Raman and Naik: Long Term Profit Impact of IMC 21
Because = 0 , we prove that proposition 3 holds for the duopoly case.
Finally, similar results can be obtained for the other brand by replacing the
subscript 1 with 2 in the above expressions, which completes the proofs for
proposition 5.