Growth Spurts and Leaps2
Growth Spurts and Leaps2
Growth Spurts and Leaps2
Growth spurts can occur at any time but are common at around 10 days, and 3, 6 and 12
weeks. They are often associated with fussy periods when baby may sleep less, need to be
held more or fed more.
One reason for this change in behaviour is that baby needs to increase its milk supply to
keep up with its sudden increase in growth. There is also research to show that fussy periods
may be linked to magical leaps forward in baby’s development: for example, at 8 weeks when
babies suddenly take an interest in shapes and patterns. Other fussy periods, which signal a
magical leap, occur at 5, 8, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42 and 51 weeks.
Many mothers stop breastfeeding during these fussy periods assuming they have insufficient
milk because baby may refuse the breast. However, these behaviours also occur in bottle fed
infants, so it is important to carry on breastfeeding and be reassured that things will
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Uncomplicated phase
Fussy periods
Clingy and irritable behaviour at around 29-30 weeks. Baby has discovered that his mummy can leave
him behind. This is progress – he is learning about distances.