Self Assessment Audit Sheets For Aluminium Processing

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BU Powder Coatings


BU Directive A.1

Aluminium Handling Self Assessment and BU Audit Documents

A) Introduction

The following audit documents are to be used for either Bonding or

blending operations to ensure the minimum safety requirements as defined
in the standard are met.

B) Scope

All sites currently handling or planning to handle Aluminium pigments, the

self assessment documents must be completed to ensure all safety
measures as stated within the standard are met prior to seeking a follow
up audit from the BU by an independent competed person appointed by the
BU. This covers all planned new installations and/or current facilities. All
references within this document refer to BU Directive A.4.1 unless
otherwise stated.

C) Inspection Checklists
 A - General
 B - Receiving Aluminium
 C - Aluminium Pigment
 D - Aluminium Pigment Preweigh Station
 E - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 F - Transfer of Aluminium Pigment between the Warehouse and Preweigh
 G - Bonding/Blending with Nitrogen Inertion
 H - Spillage kit
Section A - General.

Reference YesNo Comment

General Is there a designated manager responsible for all aspects of the day to X Currently
day handling and processing of aluminium pigments including bonding shift
Procedures leader is
HSE responsible
Operations for all day to
Training. day handling
processing al
Is the aluminium handling and processing area segregated from the rest X Yes
of production?
Is the signage adequate at the entrance to the aluminium handling and X
processing area?
Authorised personnel only. Anti-static footwear only. No mobile phones.
Safety glasses. No smoking. Natural Fibre brushes only.
Is the electrical standards to IP6X A.4.11 – D.4.1 X
Are fork lift trucks allowed in the bonding area? Fork lift truck
is not allowed
in the bonding
If fork lift trucks are allowed in the bonding area are they IP6X Pyroban? A.4.11 N/A
Management Are checklists used to audit facilities? X Yes, daily
Guidelines checklist that
made by
Is mandatory PPE enforced - A4.1.4 X
Are regular inspections conducted by the operational management (at X Line manager
least once a month) inspect
Are regular inspections documented and findings implemented X
Are SOPs part of ISO 9001 quality management system X
Is there a check sheet based on the SOPs to ensure that the operator X Currently we
follows procedures. have the
check sheet
but not
Can and do people check their footwear continuity when entering the A.4.1.3 X
restricted area?
Is access to the aluminium area restricted to authorised personnel only? X
Do you have Documented Operator training with assessment? X
Does training include - Aluminium Hazard awareness (Aluminium dust X
clouds, electrostatic sparks)
Does training include - Emergency/Fire procedures? X
Does training include - Local Standard Operating Procedures? X It is trained by
Does training include spillage (see section I) X
Are operators ‘authorised’ (documented/>3 months/trained/supervised)? X
5S X
 Is it to a high standard?
 Have recessed areas and horizontal surfaces been eliminated by
 Are there accumulations of dust at high levels i.e. overhead ducting,
girders etc?

Site Date Signed

Section B - Receiving Aluminium

Reference YesNoComment

Are all aluminium pigments supplied in metal drums with re-sealable

Hardware lids? X
The weight
The maximum weight of a drum must not exceed 25 kg net. are 25kg net
We have the
procedures to
refuse on
delivery but
we don’t
Are drums refused on delivery if have this
 The drum is punctured (or suspected of being punctured) procedure or
 The drum is damaged and may not be stable when standing checklist for
the safe
 The lid cannot be resealed due to poor design or damage
 Identification and hazard labels are missing
 Any other condition that may make the drum unsuitable for use. if returning
 Do procedures exist for the safe transportation if returning materials to
materials to the supplier X the supplier
We have the
list but it is
not available
Does the warehouse have a list of the aluminium pigments the site is at warehouse
authorised to use? x area
Software Are there written SOPs for aluminium pigment storage X
Is the operator trained, with assessment to the written procedures X
Are records kept of all training X
Are only authorised and trained personnel allowed to receive
aluminium pigments X
Site Date Signed
Section C - Aluminium Pigment

ReferenceYes No Comment
If the aluminium warehouse is purpose built is it
 A separate stand alone building away in an
isolated area.
 Concrete walls
 Lightweight roof
 Earthed metal (none ferrous) floor plate
 Earthed racking (if applicable)
 Have a lighting conductor.
Hardware  The warehouse door kept locked X
If aluminium is stored in the workshop then
 The storage area must be segregated from
day to day activity
 The area must be restricted to authorised
personnel only
 Forklift trucks and other vehicles forbidden X
Are the containers the original containers and are
their lids secure? X
Is aluminium stored as per directive instructions? X
A.4.11 –
Is the aluminium storage area to IP6X? D.4.1 X
Is there appropriate signage? (Hazard warning,
authorised personnel only, PPE required etc) X
Is there a spillage kit in the area (See section I) X
t We just have the emergency
Is there an emergency shower and fire blanket shower and fire blanket at
close to (but outside) the aluminium pigment the storage area separated
storage area X from factory
Is the floor and all racking earthed? X
How often is the resistance to earth measured Currently the resistance to
(minimum once a month) and where are the earthed measured once per
records kept? X year.
Is the stock level of aluminium pigment kept to the We don’t have any regulation
Software minimum level? X for this issue
The purchasing don’t fully
Is purchasing aware that aluminium stock levels understand on definition of “
must be kept to the minimum? X minimum level”
Are there written SOPs for aluminium pigment
storage X
Is the operator trained, with assessment to the
written procedures X
Are records kept of all training X
Is entry to the aluminium pigment storage area
restricted to authorised personnel X
Site Date Signed
Section D - Aluminium Pigment Preweigh Station

Reference Yes No Comment

Hardware Is the signage in the area adequate? X

Is there a foot plate tester at the entrance to the aluminium A.4.1.3 X
pigment preweigh station
Is there an emergency shower and fire blanket close by X
Is there a spillage kit in the area (see Section I) X
Is there a metal (none ferrous) floor plate at the weigh X
station? Is it an adequate size to accommodate, operator and
aluminium container?
Is the area around the pre-weighing station IP65 X
Are the scales rated to IP65. A.4.11 – X
Are the scales on an earthed metal bench X
NOTE. Only applicable if ST2 and ST3 dust extractors and x ST3 is
available. available
 Is there a dust extraction hood over any of the following, and dust
aluminium pigment container, scales or weighing extraction
hood is not
 If yes, is the extraction hood and all ducting earthed?
 Are all pipe-work bridges earthed over
or weighing
NOTE Only applicable if there is no ST2 or ST3 dust x
extraction available.
 There should be no dust extraction when handling
aluminium pigments.
Is the weighing container oval shaped (no corners) and made x It is made
from aluminium. by stainless
Is there an earthed aluminium scoop for transferring the x Aluminium
pigment from storage container into the weigh container scoop have
Are all the earth straps permanently connected to the x
earth buss bar? Are the connections visible and easy to
check for physical continuity?
Are the following earth straps present? X
1) Dust extraction hoods and ducting (if appropriate)
2) Scales (if applicable)
3) If the scales are on a bench is the bench earthed
4) Metal floor plate
5) Aluminium pigment container (strap must have strong
robust crocodile clip)
6) Scoop – the earth strap shall be permanently fixed at
both ends.
7) Weighing container
Software Are there SOPs for weighing? x
Is there a check sheet based on the SOPs to ensure that the x
operator follows procedures.
Has the operator been trained with assessment against the x
Has the operator’s training being recorded? x
 Is there a check sheet in the area for the operator x
 Did it include visually checking the earth connections?
How frequently is the resistance to earth measured and are Twice per
the results recorded? (minimum one month) year and
the results
Did the operator earth the aluminium pigment container and x
the weigh container before starting?
Once the weighing was complete did the operator close and x
seal the aluminium pigment container.
At the end of the batch or shift are all the aluminium pigment x
containers returned to the aluminium pigment warehouse

Site Date Signed

Section E - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE Reference Yes No Comment

Footwear Conforms to EN 345.S1 A.4.1.4 X
 Steel toe cap
 Protection from falling onjects
 Antistatic
Eye Conforms to EN166 1b A.4.1.4
protection  Face visor with face protection
 Protects against hot molten metals
Head Conforms to EN13911 A.4.1.4 X
Protection  Face and head protection
 Made from flame retardant materials
Gloves Conforms to EN407 A.4.1.4 X
 Made from heavy leather
 Protects against heat and fire
Clothing Conforms to EN531.A.B1.C1 A.4.1.4 X
 Flame retardant
Manufactured from non synthetic materials
Storage  Is there a suitable storage locker to protect X
the PPE from dust etc
 Do procedures exist for regular inspection
and maintenance of the PPE
 Is the PPE used in a good and usable

Site Date Signed

Section F - Transfer of Aluminium Pigment between the Warehouse and Preweigh Station

Reference Yes No Comments

Has there been a documented risk assessment on the X
hazards associated with transferring aluminium pigment
from the warehouse to preweigh? Does it include
obstacles (e.g. steps, rough surfaces) FLT etc?

Hardware Is a hand trolley used to transfer the container to and from X

the warehouse
Is the container securely attached to the trolley X
Is the trolley earthed? X
Software Is there a written procedure for the transfer of aluminium X
pigment from the warehouse to the preweigh station?
Has the operator been trained to the procedure? Is there X
training with assessment.
Has the operator worked for the company for more than 3 X
During the transfer did the operator wear the appropriate X
Did the operator test the conductivity of their footwear X
before starting the transfer?
Is the container sealed during the transfer? X

Site Date Signed

Section G – Bonding/Blending with nitrogen inertion

Reference Yes No Comments

The maximum % allowed for red and yellow grade is We don’t use
3%w/w Confirm red and
yellow grade.
The maximum % allowed for green and blue grade is 5% We just use
w/w Confirm green grade
and below
Hardware Is the unit with being used nitrogen inertion? A.4.1.5/6 x
Is the immediate area IP65 A.4.11 – D.4.1 x
Has the unit a permanent earth x
Are there permanent earth straps for x
 Feed lid to hopper
 Feed hopper to chute
 Chute to base
Are earth straps permanently fixed at one end and with a x
robust crocodile clip on the other?
Are there earth straps for x
 Weighing container to hopper
 Scoop to hopper
Is the resistance to earth for all earth straps measured,
and recorded on a regular bases (at least once a month)
Is signage in the area adequate x
Is there a spillage kit in the area (see Section I) x
Is there an emergency shower and fire blanket in the x
Is there a safe route between the preweigh scales and
the tumble blender? (E.g. no place where slips, trips or
falls may occur. No motorised traffic etc)
Are there SOPs on how to add aluminium pigment to the x
Software bonding unit using the chute?
Is there a check sheet based on the SOPs to ensure that x
the operator follows procedures.
Is the operator trained with assessment to the x
Is a signed record kept of all training? x
Is the oxygen analyser filter cleaned after each mix x
Is the oxygen analyser calibrated and records kept x
Did the operator work slowly and carefully when handling x
aluminium pigment?

Site Date Signed

Section H - Spillage Kit

Reference Yes No Comment

Hardware Is the location of the spillage kits adequate and visible? X

Is dry sand available in a metal container X
Does the container holding the dry sand have a fixed earth X
Are metallic, non-sparking, earthed shovels/scoops available? X
Is it easy to move the spillage kit including the container full of X
dry sand?
Are there any Class D fire extinguishers? X
Are there any none- Class D fire extinguishes in the area? X
Is yes to the question above; is the signage clean that they X
must not be used on aluminium fires?
Is metal container used to store the spilled material X
Is the spilled material disposed of safely? X We have
Software Are there SOPs for using the spillage kit X
Who is authorised to use the spillage kit Bonding
Have all authorised personnel been trained to the spillage X
Has training been given to all staff what to do in the event of X
an aluminium pigment spillage (i.e. only authorised personnel
can handle aluminium pigment spills)
Have all authorised personnel been assessed by practically X
demonstrated they understand the procedures
Do the procedures specify what PPE is to be worn when A.4.1.4 X
dealing with an aluminium pigment spillage?
Are records of all training available X

Site Date Signed

Section I (a) - Dust Extraction

Reference Yes No Comment

Sites without ST2 Dust extraction or vacuum equipment must not

Extraction be used when handling aluminium pigment.

Section I (b) - Dust Extraction

Reference Yes No Comment
Sites with ST2
Hardware Is the filter located outside the building? x
Is the filter bag cleaned with compressed air? x

Is there a leak detector on the filter outlet? x

Are venting doors projected to a safe location? x
Is all ductwork metallic and non-sparking? x
If water condensation possible, are pipes insulated or
Are cleaning tools anti-static, non-sparking and A.4.1.1 x
Is there a spillage kit in the area (see Section I) x
Is there an earthed metal (none ferrous) floor plate
under the dust extractor?
Is it large enough for the container and operator?
Is the powder from the extraction unit collected in an
earthed metal (none ferrous) container?

Are there SOPs for operation and empting the x

Software extraction units
Who is authorised to operate and empty the x
extraction units
Have all authorised personnel been trained to x
operate and empty the extraction unit SOPs?
Have all authorised personnel been assessed by x
practically demonstrated they understand the
Do the procedures specify what PPE is to be worn A.4.1.4 x
when operating or empting the extraction units.
Are records of all training available x
Does the operator earth the discharge container? x
Is the powder collected from the extraction units x
disposed of safely

If the powder collected from ST3 vacuum units is x

allocated to waste disposal;
 Is the waste haulage contractor authorised to
handle and transport aluminium pigment waste
 Is the waste shipped in sealed metal containers
with the appropriate hazard warning labels
 Is the waste disposal company authorised to
accept and handle aluminium pigments
 Is the appropriate documentation available for
dispatch and receive of aluminium pigment
Is resistance to earth <10 ohms and checked BU Std xxx x
minimum quarterly?

Site Date Signed

BU Powder Coatings

Training Requirements for Handling Aluminium (example only)

Training Operators Production Maintenance QHSE R&D First Aid General

Courses Management Manager Manager

Awareness       
Procedures      
& Spillage     
Requirements    
First Aid
Training 
Daily Earthing
Checks     
SOP Training
    

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