DSMTS-0033.2 ZrTiY Oxide

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Material Product Data Sheet

Agglomerated Zirconia Titania Yttria Composite Powder

Thermal Spray Powder Products: Metco 143 Quick Facts

Classification Oxide ceramic, zirconia based
1 Introduction
Chemistry ZrO2 18TiO2 10Y2O3
Metco™ 143 is agglomerated, spray-dried zirconium oxide,
titanium oxide, yttrium oxide composite powder. It is spheroi- Manufacture Agglomerated
dal in shape with excellent flowability. Morphology Spheroidal
Apparent Density 1.4 ± 0.5 g/cm3
Plasma sprayed coatings of Metco 143 exhibit excellent Flow rate 100 ± 30 s / 25 g
scuff resistance, high temperature erosion resistance, high
Melting point 2535 °C (4600 °F)
temperature hardness, thermal shock resistance and resist-
Service Temperature ≤ 980 °C (1800 °F)
ance to sulfidation, chlorination, and sodium hot corrosion.
The coatings provide a unique combination of wear, corro- Purpose Resists thermal shock, scuffing, high
sion and thermal properties that no other Metco coatings temperature corrosion
can achieve. Process Atmospheric Plasma Spray

In addition, plasma sprayed coatings of Metco 143 exhibit

excellent high temperature wear and thermal shock proper-
ties. Metco 143 coating can be used for low angle solid par-
ticle erosion and sliding wear applications.

Metco 143 should be applied over a corrosion resistant,

thermal sprayed bond coat, such as NiAl, NiCr or an MCrAlY.
These bond coating materials are also available from
Oerlikon Metco.

1.1 Typical Uses and Applications

Usually used as a thermal spray coating for:
nn Hard bearing surface coatings on cylinder liners
nn Thermal barrier coatings for automotive and diesel piston
rings and crowns, exhaust valves and turbine blades

DSMTS-0033.2 – Agglomerated Zirconia Titania Yttria Composite

© 2014 Oerlikon Metco 1
2 Material Information

2.1 Chemical Composition

Product Weight Percent (nominal)

ZrO2 (min) * TiO2 Y2O3 Others
Metco 143 65 15 – 20 8 – 12 Balance

* Including a maximum of 2.5% HfO2, counted as ZrO2

2.2 Particle Size Distribution

Product Nominal Range (µm) Sieve Analysis (% cumulative)

+75 µm –45 µm
Metco 143 –75 +5 3 max 80 min
Sieve analysis in accordance with ASTM B214.
Note: Other particle size distributions are available on request.

2.3 Key Selection Criteria nn Coatings of Metco 143 exhibit significantly better sulfida-
nn Choose Metco 143 when coatings are required that ex- tion, chlorination and sodium hot corrosion resistance
hibit excellent scuff wear resistance against cast iron and than coatings of Metco 105NS, Metco 105SF and
hard chromium plating with low frictional wear and low Metco 210, and are equivalent to Metco 201NS and
ring wear in LFW adhesive testing (piston ring simulation Metco 202NS.
testing). nn Coatings of Metco 143 exhibit high temperature particle
nn Coatings of Metco 143 exhibit excellent thermal shock erosion resistance at 925 °C (1700 °F) that is superior to
properties when air or water quenched from 1095 °C coatings of Metco 202NS and Metco 210.
(2000 °F). nn ZrO2 8Y2O3 HOSP™ products (Metco 204 series), and
agglomerated and sintered products (Metco 22x and
2.4 Related Products Metco 23x series) exhibit higher coating deposit efficien-
nn Coatings of Metco 143 exhibit significantly improved high cies than Metco 143. Coatings with these materials have
temperature hardness compared to coatings of Metco 130 better thermal cyclic properties than Metco 143 and can
(Al2O3 13TiO2) at temperatures up to 1095 °C (2000 °F). be used at higher service temperatures.
nn Coatings of Metco 143 have better high temperature air nn Coatings with Metco 205NS (ZrO2 25CeO2 2.5Y2O3) have
oxidation resistance at 1095 °C (2000 °F) than coatings superior resistance to hot corrosion and increased cyclic
of Metco 210 (ZrO2 24MgO), are equivalent to coatings of fatigue resistance compared to Metco 143.
Metco 105NS (Al2O3) and are slightly inferior to coatings
of Metco 201NS (ZrO2 5CaO) and Metco 202NS Please refer to the data sheets of the related products for
(ZrO2 20Y2O3). further information.

DSMTS-0033.2 – Agglomerated Zirconia Titania Yttria Composite

© 2014 Oerlikon Metco 2
3 Coating Information

3.1 Key Thermal Spray Coating Information

Specification Typical Data

Recommended Process Atmospheric Plasma Spray
Bond Coat A high temperature bond coat is required, Metco 450NS, Amdry 956, Metco
443NS, Amdry 960, Amdry 962 or Amdry 995 are recommended choices.
Macrohardness HR15N as sprayed 88
HRC a 55
as sprayed
Microhardness HV0.3 as sprayed 650 ± 50
Bond Strength b EPI15 34.5 MPa 5000 psi
FM1000 13.8 – 20.7 MPa 2000 – 3000 psi
Coating Density 5.1 g/cm3
Maximum Service Temperature ≤ 980 °C ≤ 1800 °F
Coefficient of Friction Against cast iron 0.13
Against chromium plating 0.17
Thermal Conductivity 1.35 W/m·K (25 – 1000 °C)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 6.37 µm/m / °C (25 – 1000 °C)
Machining Recommendation Wet grind
Surface Roughness As sprayed Ra
Diamond ground Ra 6 – 9 µm 250 – 300 µin
0.13 – 0.25 µm 5 – 10 µin
a Converted from HR15N
b Nominal values over an appropriate bond coat and measured in accordance with ASTM C633.

3.2 Coating Parameters Recommended Spray Guns

Please contact your Oerlikon Metco Account Representative
Metco 9MB series
for parameter availability. For specific coating application
Metco 3MB series
­requirements, the services of Oerlikon Metco’s Coating
­Solution Centers are available. Metco 11MB

4 Commercial Information

4.1 Ordering Information and Availability

Product Order No. Package Size Availability Distribution

Metco 143 1000579 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global

4.2 Handling Recommendations 4.3 Safety Recommendations

nn Store in the original container in a dry location. See SDS 50-145 (Safety Data Sheet) in the localized version
nn Tumble contents prior to use to prevent segregation. applicable to the country where the material will be used.
nn Open containers should be stored in a drying oven to pre- SDS are available from the Oerlikon web site at
vent moisture pickup. www.oerlikon.com/metco (Resources – Safety Data Sheets).

DSMTS-0033.2 – Agglomerated Zirconia Titania Yttria Composite www.oerlikon.com/metco

© 2014 Oerlikon Metco [email protected]

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