DLL Sci 9 Q2 W6

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Teacher CARMINA N.

DULDULAO Grade Level 9


Teaching Dates and Quarter SECOND QUARTER
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education




A. Content Standard Use the unit mole that quantitatively measures the number of very small particles of matter.

B. Performance Standard Analyse the percentage composition of different brand of two food products and decide on products on appropriate

C. Learning S
Competency/Obje 9
ctives M

• Assess students’ • Measure the mass Calculate the mass of Describe the Apply the mole
prior knowledge of a given number one mole of a relationships among concept in completing
about mole concept of objects. substance using the the number of moles, a given set of data.
and• Record the mass
periodic table of mass, and number of
percentage with the correct
number of elements. particles.
compounds. significant figures.

• Measure the mass of

an object.
• Record the mass
with the correct
number of
significant figures.
• Relate the mass of
the object to the
number of pieces
per item.
II. CONTENT Mole Molar Inter-conversions Among Mass,
Conc Mass Moles and
Number of Particles


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 117-119 120-121 121-123 125-129 125-

2. Learner’s Materials pages 145-149 149-150 151-152 152-153 152-


3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

B. Other Learning Resource https://


A. Reviewing previous Ask how scientists • Based on the • Ask how chemists • Describe molar Recall on how to
lesson or presenting the new count very small previous activity, ask count tiny particles mass. count particles of
lesson particles such how large such as atoms and • Have substances from
quantities of objects molecules. given masses.
as atoms, ions can • Ask what students perform
Avogadro’s number the Molar Mass
molecules. be counted is. Relay. (See
conveniently. • Ask if one mole attachment #2 for
of different the mechanics.)
substances have
Before answering the • Ask what counting the same mass.
question, let them unit is used by
answer the Pre- chemists in counting
tiny particles such as
Assessment in the LM
atoms and molecules
on page 145. and its
equivalent number.

B. Establishing a purpose for • Ask students the • Ask why the unit • Ask how many Tell the students to Tell the students to
the lesson equivalence of the mole consists of a hydrogen atom and come to their come to their
following counting very large number oxygen atom are corresponding group corresponding group
units: A Pair of shoes compared to case, there in one mates to perform mates to perform
= ream, and dozen. molecule of water
• Ask if one mole or the atomic ratio. this
this activity. The
of sulfur has the (2:1) first activity. The first group
same mass as one • Ask the total no. of to
mole of atoms of hydrogen
A Dozen of eggs = aluminum. and oxygen in a group to answer answer correctly will
dozen molecules of correctly be
water. (24 atoms of will be given an given an artificial
H and 12 atoms of artificial golden
A Case of coke = • Ask what will be gold medal (prize cup (prize is optional).
the number of is
atoms of H and O in
one mole of water optional).
A Ream of paper = molecules. (2 moles Show them a picture of
or 1.21 x 1024 H a
atoms and 1 mole
or Show them a picture golden cup. Tell
• Ask them the of a gold medal thru a students that this golden
advantage of using 6.02 x 1023 O atoms)
slide. (See attachment cup contains 3.01 x1024
these units in
counting too many #3) atoms. (See attachment
objects compared to #4)
counting them one by A pure gold medal has
one. a mass of 591 g. Questions:
Ask them what
other ways to make 1.) How many moles
counting too many of gold atoms are
objects easier and there in 1. How many moles of
faster. gold are there? (5 moles)
• How can you the gold medal if its 2. What is the mass of
calculate the mass molar mass is 197 g? the golden cup? (The
of 1 mole of water (3 moles) molar mass of gold is
197 g, so the mass is
2.) How many atoms 985g)
of gold are present?
• The first who
(1.81 x10 24 atoms) Let them show
will answer
correctly will be their solution.
Let them show their
given a prize.
C. Presenting Mang Juan is Present one mole of Present table 3 on Ask how they Ask how they convert a
examples/Instances of the constructing his bahay sulfur and one mole page 150 of the convert a given given number of moles
new lesson kubo and he needs to of aluminum. The module. mass to moles then into mass in grams.
buy a lot of iron nails. mass of one mole of to number of
sulfur is • Ask how the molar particles.
How are iron nails mass of oxygen gas
bought from a 32.01 g while the O2, sugar, and
hydrogen peroxide
hardware store, by mass of one mole of
is determined.
number or by mass? aluminum is 27.00 g. • Ask if the same
Why are they usually Ask why one mole of process is used as
sold by mass? What different substances what they did with
instrument is used for have different the mass of 1 mole
getting the mass of masses. of water.
objects like iron nails? Ask them how they
Is it possible to will prepare exactly
determine the exact 6.02 x 1023 molecules
number of iron nails he or 1 mole of table
bought for his sugar.

bahay-kubo using a
weighing scale?

D. Discussing new concepts Perform Activity1: Perform Activity 2: Perform Activity 3: Perform Activity 4: Perform Activity 5:
and practicing new skills # 1

“Counting by “Total Count Vs. “The Mass of One “The Relationship “The Chemist’s
Getting the Mass of Mass” Mole of a Among Mole, Mass Mole”
an Object” and Number of
(Demonstrate the
proper use of the

balance first.)

E. Discussing new concepts Answer the Answer the Answer the Answer the Answer the
and practicing new skills # 2 guide guide guide guide guide
questions. questions. questions. questions. questions.
F. Developing mastery • Discussion on the • Discussion on • Discussion on the • Discussion on • Discussion on the
results of the the results of the results of the the results of the activity.
activity. activity. activity. results of the • Ask what
• Ask what counting • Present table 3 • Discuss how to activity. mathematical
unit is used by on page 150 of the derive the molar • Ask operation is used to
chemists in counting LM. mass of different convert a given no. of
tiny particles such as • Ask what tool substances using the what atoms into moles.
atoms and molecules provides periodic table. mathematical (division)
and its equivalent information on operation is used • Ask what
number. the mass of one to convert a given mathematical
• Emphasizethat mole of an mass into no. of operation is used to
scientists are able to element. (Ans. : convert a given
count very small the periodic moles into mass.
particles by means of table of (division) (multiplication)
a platform balance elements)
and the periodic • Ask what
table. Listed on the mathematical
periodic table the operation is used
mass of 1 mole of to convert no. of
an element. moles to
• Ask why the particles.
equivalent number is (multiplication)
called Avogadro’s
Present and discuss
the sample problem
in the

module on page 149.

G. Finding practical Ask what can be a Ask if 50 g of gold  Ask them to Ask how many CO2 Ask what must be the
application of concepts convenient way of and 50 g of silver arrange the molecules are released mass of methane (CH4)
and skills in daily living counting large have the same number following into the atmosphere if required to produce 5
quantities of objects. of atoms and explain substances from 32g of methane (CH4) moles of CO2 if burning
the lightest to
(counting by getting the their answer. reacts with 128 g of 1 mole of methane
heaviest. Ne, N2,
mass) H2, He,CO2 oxygen gas and produces 1 mole of
produce 88g of CO2 carbon dioxide. Ask
In what ways in your along with 72 g of how many CO2
daily life can you (Answer: H2, He, water vapor. (Convert molecules are released
apply this procedure? CH4, Ne, N2, 88 g CO2 into moles out of this mass of
CO2, ) and to no. of particles, methane. (Show the
the answer is chemical equation, see
 Ask which can
be used to fill up 1.20x1024 molecules). attachment #5). Ask
a balloon that can how they think it will
rise up in the air. affect the environment,
(H2, He, and CH4 and what action must be
because their done.
molar mass is
lighter than
oxygen gas).
Ask why hydrogen
and methane gas is not
used in party balloons.
(They are both
flammable, He is

an inert gas).

H. Making generalizations Ask if they think • Ask them to Ask how to determine Ask how to Ask how to determine
and abstractions about the scientists do the same describe molar mass. the mass of one mole determine the no. the no. of moles and
lesson way (in the activity) an element and a of moles and particles from a given
when counting the • Ask if moles of compound particles from a mass of substance and
different substances
number of very small given mass of vice versa.
have the same mass.
particles such as atoms substance.
and molecules and what
are the instruments

(periodic table
and platform

I. Evaluating learning Solve the problems Give a short quiz. Present table 5 in the
on page 149 of the (See attachment #1) LM on page 152 and
LM. give it

as a quiz.

J. Additional Watch the video “ One

activities for Mole and
application or Avogadro’s
remediation Number” from
om/ watch?




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities

remediation who scored

below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who

caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other


Prepared by:
SCHOOL ID - 501588
Purok 03, Balagan, San Mariano, Isabela [email protected]
09685197915 Balagan Integrated School

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