Daily Observation Form and Checklist

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JFGP PKG3 - Jafurah Utilities Sulfur and Interconnecting Systems

CONTRACT No. : 6600050503 (IK)


Floors are clear of tools and loose materials. Lights, brakes, horns, reverse alarm working properly.
Spilled liquids must be clean. Daily/monthly inspection & proper maintenance conducted.
Trash can provided, proper disposal,segration of rubbish. Seat belts worn. Flashing lights/strobes are used.
Protruding nails to be removed from woods/form works. Driver have license. "Flagman" wearing reflective vest.
Material,tools, equipment properly stacked and secured Drip pan installed. FireEx provided. Grounding rod (if needed).
Elevated areas clear of debris, material, tools, etc., risk of fall. VIII. HAND & POWER TOOLS
Employees safe/use of material handling techniques. Hand & power tools good condition. No fabricated tools.
II - PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Safe guarding installed. No damage cable. Color coded.
Head protection worn, chinstrap worn on elevated area. Correct tools for the right job. Compatible RPM installed.
Eye protection, clear glass on low light, prescription glasses Pneumatic/hydraulic hose connections properly secured
Footwear w/ steel toe shall be worn IX. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM & AREA LIGHTING
Full body harness working at 1.8m height & above. Electrical cords/welding leads in good condition, no cracks or damage insulation.
Working gloves (chemical resistant, for high voltage) Only certified staff (electrician) have access to panels.
Respirator, dust mask, face mask (full/half face) ELCB installed. Panel boards covered & locked.
Ear plug, ear muff for high noise area Lighting installed dark areas and/or night activities.
Proper maintenance of PPE, clean and no damage. Hotwork permit. Fire watcher, Fire blanket & Fire Extinguisher present
III - FALL PROTECTION (Steel Erection, Floor Opening) Welding cables do damage, hose no leaks, flashback arrestor.
Access/Egress provided. Compressed gas w/ cap. Stored properly with chain, upright position.
Wall and floor openings covered & guarded. Guard, Handle, Deadman's switch shall be equipped to power tools
Working at 1.8m have "Working at Heights" training. Grinding Wheel properly secured and Speed > grinding max speed
Life line provided with 1/2" wire rope and "Safe for Use" UL/FM/KEMA-KEUR or equivalent Approved Markings, Cords Double Insulated
Tools must be secured. Restraining string installed. Double Eye Protection (Safety Glass and Face Shield) for grinding works
Safety net installed when required. XI. PERMIT TO WORK, JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS
IV - EXCAVATION, SHORING and TRENCHING No Permit No Work Policy. Permit present at work area.
Excavation Permit present at site. MS and JSA attached to permit and being followed.
Gas Test required 1.2m(4ft) depth Toolbox meeting performed before start of activity.
Spoil dirt at least 0.6 from the edge. No material/tools on the edge. PTW Requirements followed accordingly.
Correct slope angle maintained. Shoring used when required. XII. ENVIRONMENTAL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
Safe Access/Egress provided every 7.5m travel distance. Approved storage and disposal procedures for waste lubricant being followed.
Physical barricades are provided/erected at the edge. Hazard information posted, MSDS, Emergency Phone numbers.
Blinker lights provided to guide night shift employees. Chemical storage area properly maintained with ventilation and FireEX.
"Danger - Deep Excavation" sign posted. Spill Kit available & 2nd containment provided.
Parking equipment shall be "Depth x 1.5meters" from edge. XIII. HEALTH, HYGIENE & WELFARE
V. SCAFFOLDS, LADDERS & ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS Cold potable water, sealed, inspected/signed is provided.
Ladder secured correct angle (75deg) or 1:4 ratio Clean portable toilet, wash room provided with water supply and hand soap.
Ladder extended 1m above landing platform or have a grab rail. Resting shelter provided. Work-Rest period is maintained.
Ladders have non-slip feet, landing area free from any obstruction. XIV. SECURITY / UNSAFE BEHAVIOR / other PROJECT REQUIREMENTS SIMMOPS
Color coded, inspected no damage, not painted, no missing parts. Project ID available and dressed in proper working attires.
2 persons not allowed to work on the same ladder unless designed. Security regulation materials gate pass, bringing of prohibited items at restricted areas, etc.
Maintain 3 point contact. Don't hold material while going up/down. Unsafe acts of employees which may cause injury to co-employee or himself.
Use ladder properly not in awkward position. XV. CONFINED SPACE ENTRY
Scaffold have "GREEN TAG" before use. Inspected regularly. Confined Space Entry Permit Required. Excavation > 1.2m depth is CSE
Top rail, mid rail installed. Rigid & stable. CSE Training required for Entrant and Standby man
Proper access installed, ladder extend 1m above landing. AGT and Gas Test Required (O2, H2S, CO, LEL)
Stable footing, base plate, sole board provided. Log-in/Log-out, SCBA required, CS Hazard Analysis Checklist
"RED TAG" scaffold must not be used. XVI. Record and Documentation
Scaffold planks no floor opening with toeboard. Checklist available, filled and complied on tools and equipment
Scaffolder must be competent with certification. All Certificates (third party, insurance, etc.) are valid and approved
Mobile scaffold leveled and stable. Locked castor wheels XVII. Training
VI. HOISTING, RIGGING/LIFTING EQUIPMENTS & CRANE OPERATION Evidence of Competency Training Available, Valid ID, Certificates
Operator and rigger trained and certified. XVIII. Fire Prevention and Protection
Crane, rigging/lifting tackles certified & 3rd Party Inspection. Fire Extinguisher available, inspected, not depressurized, safety pin available.
Lifting & swing radius of counter weight barricaded. Smoking on designated areas only. Smoking shelter available.
Outrigger fully extended with mats and position must be leveled. Flammable / Combustible materials properly stored/secured in well ventilated area.
Riggers wearing reflective vest and working gloves. Appropriate container used for fuel (gasoline/diesel). Stored away from hot work area.
Using taglines. Secured the load. Proper signalling. Equipment are grounded when performing refuelling. Fire extinguisher available.
Daily inspection performed. No leaks. Load limit indicator installed.
Rigging/lifting tackles inspected & no damaged/missing parts.

Note: See other HSE requirements in "HSE Inspection Guidelines. Detailed safety observation shall be written in "Daily Safety Log/Concern/Observation" form and to be attached in this checklist.
Prepared by: Acknowledge by:

Safety Representative (Name/Signature) Safety In-charge / Manager

(Contract No. : 6600050506 (OOK) & 6600050503 (IK))

Title HSE Daily Observation

No. JUS&ICS-PM-PD-5001 Contractor Site Safety Program(CSSP)

■ Date : ■ Company: ■ Inspected by:
Sr No Hazard Category Specific Location Observation Recommendation Status


* Note- Specify Target Date for Open Observation in Status Section and Need to follow up for closed out
1.Housekeeping/Material Management 2.PPE 3.Fall Protection(Steel Errection,Floor and Wall Opening)
4.Excavation 5.Scaffold,Ladder & Elevated Platform 6.Lifting 7.Vehicle/Mobile equipment operation
8.Hand & Power tools 9.Electrical 10.Hot Work, Welding, Cutting, Grinding, Brazing 11.PTW & Job Hazard Analysis 12.Environment
13.Health,Hygiene& Welfare 14.Security/Unsafe behaviour/Project requirement SIMMOPS
15.Confined space 16. Record and Documentaion 17.Training 18. Fire Prevention/Protection

Subcontractor HSE (Name/ Signature) : Area HSE Incharge (Name/ Signature):

Responsible Person / PTW Receiver (Name/Signature): PTW Issuer ( Name/Signature):

Reviewed by HYUNDAI Lead (Name & Signature):

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