1 Year Transaction
25. Entry
S. No Date Transaction (APRIL)
Ms. Kapur opened a book a/c with HDFC bank Bangalore for the form by
3 Apr 3
depositing cash of Rs. 1,00,000.
4 Apr 4 She paid the security deposit of Rs. 25,000 by cheque (rent).
Ms. Kapur made on agreement will Raj travel to receive bill for travel
6 Apr 10
exp at regular bills.
Ms. Kapur issued cheque and purchased the following fixed assets.
i) A cell phone for office wages for Rs. 6,000 (useful life 5 year )
9 Apr 20 Ms. Kapur purchased stationary Rs. 12,500 from Global house on credit.
Ms Kapur received Rs. 6000 from Ink & paper publishers for printing
12 Apr 25
office stationary.
13 Apr 27 Ms Kapur withdraw Rs.7500 for personal use.
14 Apr 30 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 750 office maintenance charge for Apr.
15 May 1 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 6000 in cash to ink & paper publishers.
S. No Date Transaction (JUNE)
27 June 3 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 2500 in cash to office rent for may.
Ms Kapur received cash Rs. 4500 from Raj Travel this include Rs.2300 to
29 June 5
cab hiring charge and Rs.3200 tour exp.
32 June 15 Ms Kapur paid mobile phone bill amount to Rs. 1350 by cheque for may
34 June 20 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 1250 in cash to electricity bill charge for may.
Ms Kapur paid Rs. 750 In cash towards office maintenance charge for
35 June 21
36 June 23 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 3000 in cash as salary advance to Maya Nair.
38 July 3 Ms Kapur received Rs. 6500 from alfatech solution for service provided.
Ms Kapur paid salary for June by cheque salary advance paid to Maya
40 July 7
Nair is adjusted against the salary paid
43 July 15 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 750 in cash to office maintenance charge for June.
45 July 20 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 1650 by cheque mobile phone bill charges for June.
46 July 25 Ms Kapur paid conveyance bill of Rs.550 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
Ms Kapur paid by cheque Rs. 6000 for insurance of fixed assets period of
48 Aug 1
insurance is from Aug to July.
56 Aug 20 Ms Kapur paid Rs. 2100 by cheque to mobile phone bill charge for July.
Media live production settled. The bill for a final amount in cash
57 Aug 21
Rs.48000 by paying Rs.20000 in cash and Rs.28000 by cheque.
Ms Kapur received an invoice for Rs.7600 from Raj Traval. This include
64 Sep 9
Rs. 3150 to cab hiring charge and Rs. 4450 to tour exp.
68 Sep 20 Ms Kapur paid conveyance bill amt to Rs.500 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
78 Oct 18 Ms kapur paid Rs. 2300 by cheque to mobile phone charge for Sep.
Ms kapur received an invoice for Rs.7200 from Raj Travals. This include
85 Nov 2
Rs.2800 to cab hiring charge and Rs.4400 to Tour exp.
87 Nov 8 Ms kapur paid Rs.750 in cash to office maintenance charges for Oct.
92 Nov 21 Ms kapur paid Rs.950 in cash to electricity bill charges for Oct.
94 Nov 25 Ms kapur paid Rs.1470 by cheque to mobile phone bill charges for Oct.
95 Nov 27 Ms kapur paid conveyance bill amt. to Rs.900 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
Ms kapur received in cash from Raj Travals for Rs.6200 includes Rs.3000
100 Dec 8
to cab hiring charges and Rs.3200 to tour exp.
103 Dec 11 Ms kapur paid Rs.150 in cash to office maintenance charges for Nov.
105 Dec 16 Ms kapur paid Rs.1400 by cheque to mobile phone bills for Nov.
106 Dec 18 Ms kapur paid 1850 in cash to electricity bill charge for Nov.
107 Dec 20 Ms kapur paid conveyance bill and Rs. 1100 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
108 Dec 23 Ms kapur paid Rs. 12000 by cheque to transform tech PVT LTD.
110 Dec 25 Ms kapur received Rs. 15500 in cash from trishul software solution.
113 Jan 3 Ms kapur paid office rent for Dec. by cheque 2500.
114 Jan 5 Ms kapur received Rs. 50000 in cash from Ingorve Designer.
118 Jan 15 Ms kapur withdraw Rs.50000 capital from the firm by cheque.
119 Jan 18 Ms kapur paid Rs.2300 by cheque as mobile phone bill charges for Dec.
120 Jan 21 Ms kapur paid Rs. 1050 in cash to electricity charge for Dec.
121 Jan 23 Ms kapur paid conveyance bills amt to Rs.1800 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
123 Feb 5 Ms kapur paid office rent for Jan by cheque. 2500
Ms kapur received on invoice from Raj Travels for Rs.9400. This include
125 Feb 10
Rs.3500 to cab hiring charges & Rs.5600 to tour exp.
127 Feb 12 Ms kapur paid Rs.750 in cash to office maintenance charges for Jan.
128 Feb 15 Ms kapur paid Rs.6000 cheque to mobile phone bill charges for Jan.
129 Feb 19 Ms kapur Rs. 1200 in cash to electricity bill for Jan.
130 Feb 20 Ms kapur paid conveyance bills at Rs.1110 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
137 Mar 12 Ms kapur paid Rs.1450 in cash to electricity bill for feb.
138 Mar 15 Ms kapur paid Rs.1900 by cheque mobile phone bill charges.
139 Mar 18 Ms kapur paid conveyance bills at Rs.550 in cash to Vijay Narayan.
140 Mar 20 Ms kapur invoice receive from Global House on Feb Rs.600.