Sermon of The Proofs

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The Sermon of Proofs

Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq

The second Mahdi (peace be upon him)

‫أعوذ ا من الشطان الرجم‬

‫سم هللا الرحمن الرحم‬

‫الحمد رب العالم‬

‫وسلم سلماص هللا ع محمد وآل محمد االئمة والمهدي‬

When we believed in the call of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) it
had to be based on something. It could not be possible that all of these people
from all different backgrounds, naonalies, languages, cultures and diverse
educaonal backgrounds believed in this call for nothing. All of these people
have something that drew them to the daawa and made them believe in the
call, and convinced them that it is true.

When Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) emerged, he made big
claims. He claimed to be the messenger of Elijah (peace be upon him) to the
Jews, the messenger of Jesus (peace be upon him) to the Chrisans and the
messenger of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family) to the Muslims.
He also stated that he knew the Torah, Bible and Quran beer than the people of
these books themselves. He proclaimed that he is the proof of Allah, the way
and the only way to God.
He told us to invesgate, to read and to research very well before believing,
and we did exactly that. We read, researched and invesgated and looked
closely into the claims of the Imam (from him is peace).

One of the first things that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) came
with, is a law on how to recognize the proof of Allah. If someone made the
claim to be a messenger from God, this law would serve as a key to determine
whether this claimant is truly from God or not.

The law of recognizing the Hujja by itself would suffice as an evidence for the
truthfulness of the Imam (from him is peace) because it is not a proof that can
just be made up.

The way to recognize the proof of Allah had to be something that is already
established and that is applicable and that has been used by any other person
holding the office that he is claiming, which is the messenger of God. And
indeed Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has shown that this law is
applicable and has been applicable from the me of Adam (peace be upon him)
all the way unl today and ll the end of me.

He (from him is peace) said that according to the law of recognizing the proof
of Allah, the person who is claiming to be sent by God is known by three
primary characteriscs:

1. He is divinely appointed and his name is clearly menoned in the will of

the person who is appoinng him.

So in the instance of Adam (peace be upon him) he is appointed by God, and

Adam’s successor is appointed either by God or Adam.
Once God appointed Adam, then per this appointment anything that Adam
(peace be upon him) says becomes what God says:

In the Holy Quran it says: “Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it. And
whatever he forbids you from, leave it”. (Holy Quran, Al-Hashr verse 7)
We see many examples of divine appointment in the scriptures, where
prophets appoint their successors :

Moses appointed Joshua in the Torah:

"And Moses did as the Lord commanded him; he took Joshua and caused him to
stand before Eleaʹzar the priest and the whole congregaon, and he laid his
hands upon him, and commissioned him as the Lord directed through Moses".
(The Torah, Numbers 27: 22-23)

David appointed Solomon in the Bible:

Then King David answered and said, “Call Bathsheba to me.” And she came into
the king’s presence and stood before the king. The king vowed, “As the Lord
lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all distress, even as I swore to you by
the Lord God of Israel, saying, ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign aer me,
and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead,’ even so will I certainly do this day”.
(The Bible: 1 Kings 1:28-30)

John the Bapst appointed Jesus in the Bible:

Then John said, “I saw the Holy Spirit come down on Jesus as a dove from
heaven. The Holy Spirit stayed on Him. I did not know Him then. But God sent
me to bapze with water. God said to me, ‘The Holy Spirit will come down and
stay on Him. He is the One Who bapzes with the Holy Spirit’. (The Bible: John
1:32 -33)

We see that Adam (peace be upon him) was appointed by God, and Adam
appointed Abel and Seth.
And we see that Noah (peace be upon him) appoints Shem.
And we see that Moses (peace be upon him) appoints Aaron and Joshua son of
We see that Jesus (peace be upon him) appoints Simon Peter as his successor
and Jesus himself was appointed beforehand.
We see that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) appointed Ali Ibn
Abi Talib (peace be upon him).
And so we see that each prophet or messenger was appointed by God or by his
When Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) came to us, he brought to us
the apparent will.

It was narrated from Abd Al A'ala that he said, I said to Abi Abdillah (peace be
upon him):'The one who claims this maer, what is his proof?', he said: 'He is
asked about the halal and haram'. He said, then Ali came and said: 'Three
proofs do not gather in a person except that he is the companion of this maer:
That he be the most deserving [of the right] of the one who was before him,
that he has the weapon, and that he be the owner of the apparent will'. (Al
Kafi by Al-Kulaini, vol. 1, p. 284)

Apparent means that it is something evident amongst the people, it is known

and accepted and it is not something that somebody just came up with.

And Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) claimed to be “Ahmad” in the
will of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and that he is
the vicegerent of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family).

The Will of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was wrien
in the last days of his life, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his
family) described his will as being "protecon from misguidance", meaning it can
not be claimed except by its righul owner.

Thus it says in the holy Quran:

“And if he had made up concerning Us some [false] sayings. We would have
seized him by the right hand. Then We would have cut from him the aorta”.
(Holy Quran, Al-Haqqah Verse 44-46)

And Imam Al-Sadiq (p) said: “This is a maer that can not be claimed except by
its companion, otherwise Allah would destroy the age of the one who falsely
claims it”. (Al Kafi by Al-Kuleini volume 1 page 372)
And thus because Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (peace be upon him) was appointed
and he fulfilled this proof and his name was wrien in the will and because the
will protects against misguidance, if he was to claim it while lying it would not
be a source of guidance anymore.

The divine appointment has to be through the apparent will or the apparent
We saw that clearly in the Quran, where God appoints Adam (peace be upon
him) and tells the angels to prostrate to him,

And [menon] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they
prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the
disbelievers. (Holy Quran, Al-Baqara Verse 34)

We also have the example of the appointment of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace
be upon him) where we see Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his
family) clearly appoinng Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in front of the people
and saying to them:

“Whoever I am the master (mawla) of, this man, Ali, is his master. O God,
befriend whoever befriends him, be hosle to whoever opposes him, support
whoever supports him and desert whoever deserts him”. (Kitab al-Irshad, p.

We have another example of a person claiming an apparent will in prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) who claimed to be the
promised Paracelete or comforter or “Ahmad” menoned by Jesus (peace be
upon him):

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I
go not away, the Comforter (Paraclete) will not come unto you; but if I depart, I
will send him unto you”. (The Bible: John 16:7)
And in the Quran:
(Remember) when ‘Isa, son of Maryam, said, “O children of Israel, I am a
messenger of Allah sent towards you, confirming the Torah that is (sent down)
before me, and giving you the good news of a messenger who will come aer
me, whose name will be Ahmad.” (Holy Quran, As-Saf 6)

This shows us that the divine appointment by God or the predecessor is made
clear to the people with the command to prostrate or follow this divine

2. Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) said that in addion to that
the person has to be all knowledgeable.

This means that he has to be somebody who can answer people's quesons,
specifically in these great maers that are only revealed by a divine messenger,
the maers that are referred to as the greatest of maers or Aza’im Al O’moor
.‫عظائم األمور‬

And we have this criteria of knowledge in the Quran in these following verses in
regards to the appointment of Adam (peace be upon him) as the Caliph of

“And He taught Adam the names, all of them; then he presented them to the
angels, and said, "Tell Me the names of these, if you are sincere". (Holy Quran,
Al-Baqara Verse 31)

He said, "O Adam, tell them their names." And when he told them their names,
He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth,
and that I know what you reveal and what you conceal?" (Holy Quran,
Al-Baqara Verse 33)

So the person claiming to be a divine messenger from God has to be somebody

who knows things from the unseen, who knows and reveals incarnaons and
who comes forth with answers to quesons that nobody was able to answer
before. And he has to be able to show this knowledge.
And Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has demonstrated that he has
this knowledge. He demonstrated it through his interpretaon of the Quran,
through his answers to the people’s quesons and through revealing great maers
that can only be revealed by a divinely appointed messenger from God.

Al-Mufadhdhal bin Umar had said: I heard Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (peace be
upon him) saying:“The companion of this maer has two absences. Aer one of
them he comes back to his family and regarding the other one it is said: “He has
perished , which valley he has followed?”I said: “If that takes place, then what
will we do?” He said: “If a claimant claims it (that he is al-Qa'im), you are to ask
him about the great maers, which no one will answer except him (al-Qa'im)”.
(Al-Kafi, vol.1 p.340, Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.445, Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.157,
Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.3 p.364)

And also:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family): "…He has a
knowledge which, if the me of its emergence comes, this knowledge will
spread from its own self, and Allah will make the knowledge pronounce so the
knowledge will call him: ‘Emerge O Wali of Allah Kill the enemies of Allah’!
(Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.52, page 311)

And here is a further proof for a unique knowledge Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan
(from him is peace) came with. In the Quran it says:

And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, "The soul is of the
affair of my Lord. And mankind have not been given of knowledge except a
lile". (Holy Quran, Al Israa Verse 85)

And it is this specific knowledge that is menoned in the hadith as a key proof to
idenfy the Riser of the family of Muhammad, for Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be
upon him) said: “Verily, Allah chose between the souls in the Shadows, then
made it enter the bodies. So when our Qaim emerges, he inherits the brother
whom Allah chose in the shadows. And he does not inherit the brother from the
physical birth. Know him from that, and whoever does, there remains no
further proof”.(Al Ha Al-Shareef)
And nobody on this planet ever came forth and revealed the true soul lineages
and soul family kinship except Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace).

And just the fact that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has brought
forth the law of recognizing the proof of Allah is enough to show that he is

So now Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has already fulfilled two
criteria of the law of recognizing the proof of Allah.

3. Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has informed us of a third

maer which is extremely important. He said that the Proof of Allah
always calls towards God.

Jesus said:
‘I seek not my own will but the will of my Father who sent me.’ (The Bible, John

The messenger of Allah always calls towards the supremacy of Allah. This
means that the only person who can rule the people is somebody who is
appointed by God, he is the philosopher king or the divine ruler. The
appointment of Adam meant that he is the ruler, and he is the king and he is
the president. And hence, the concept of the 'Supremacy of Allah' means that
the person who is holding the affairs of the human beings has to be somebody
from God and appointed by God.

No one on this enre planet has upheld and defended and claimed this unique
idea today except Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace).

Even the so-called Shiites today have all resorted to vong and elecng a ruler of
the people rather than holding on to the divine appointment.
The only person who is calling to the supremacy of Allah is Imam Ahmad Al
Hassan (from him is peace).

We find the concept of the supremacy of Allah evident in the Quran: And
(remember) as your Lord said to the Angels, "Surely I am making in the
earth a vicegerent”.(Holy Quran, Al-Baqara Verse 30)

And in the story of Saul in the holy Quran we see that the believers asked God
to appoint for them a king rather than choosing one for themselves: “Have you
not seen the eminences of the Children of Israel aer Moses when they said to a
prophet of theirs, "Send to us a king, and we will fight in the way of God”?
(Holy Quran, Al-Baqara Verse 246)

And in the Bible:

“When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you and have taken
possession of it and seled in it, and you say, “Let us set a king over us like all
the naons around us,” be sure to appoint over you a king the Lord your God
chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a
foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite”. (Deuteronomy 17: 14 - 15)

So now this marker of the call towards the “Supremacy of Allah” has also been
fulfilled, as Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has used the
“Supremacy of Allah” as a proof for his truthfulness and he has also
encouraged people to go and research. And indeed we did and we found that
all prophets and messengers called to God.
No prophet or messenger came and implemented socialism or democracy or
came up with any other new governing system that is based on people deciding
their own affairs.
Every single prophet and messenger proclaimed and taught that God is the
only one who can rule the affairs of human beings.
No prophet or messenger came as a communist or socialist or libertarian, or or

All of them called towards God and the supremacy of God.

All of them demonstrated that they had knowledge,
and all of them were appointed by God or the messenger before them at that

Aaron for example didn’t just appear as a vicegerent, rather he had to be

appointed by his predecessor.

Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan was commanded by Imam Mahdi to make his claim
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) was appointed by Muhammad
(peace be upon him and his family).
He said that it was Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family) who
commanded him to go forth and make his claim public and show his proofs to
the people.
It was Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family) who sent Imam Ahmad
Al-Hassan (from him is peace) on a mission and commanded him to use the will
as a proof upon the people.
This in itself is a proof. It is as if prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and
his family) was standing there appoinng Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is
peace), and hence we have the narraons from the family of Muhammad
(peace be upon them) telling us that this would happen.

From Malik Al Jihni: ‘I said to Abu Ja’far (peace be upon him): ‘But rather we are
describing the companion of this maer with characteriscs which aren’t with
anyone from the people!’ He (peace be upon him) said: ‘No, by Allah! That will
not happen unl he is the one who puts the proof upon you and calls you
towards him’. (Bihar Al Anwaar , V 52, page 366)

Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has fulfilled all three markers, and
with these three markers he already has enough to establish a proof over the
people that he is truthful. Bear in mind that many prophets and messengers
only came with these three criteria, and these three criteria are the only maers
that are required to establish the truthfulness of the claimant.

Yet in addion to that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has said to
the people to ask God about him, to make iskhara.
The casng of lots or iskhara is such an important and serious maer, that we
have narraons where people believed in the Imamate of Imam Al-Ridha (peace
be upon him) through iskhara.

It is so serious of a proof that when Judas Iscariot apostated, Simon Peter and
the other apostles aer the crucifixion resorted to lots in order to find a
replacement for Judas Iscariot.

So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus)
and Mahias. Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us
which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which
Judas le to go where he belongs.” Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to
Mahias; so he was added to the eleven apostles. (The Bible: Acts 1: 23-26)

And unl this day a certain form of iskhara is used to determine the next pope.
But casng lots is obviously not to appoint the proof of Allah or the Hujjah as
this has to happen through divine appointment, and it is where the catholic
church went wrong because they have abandoned the will and went with the
casng of lots.

Dreams and visions:

In addion to telling people to make iskhara and to ask God about his
truthfulness, Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (peace be upon him) has said to people
that God will tesfy to him through dreams, and indeed thousands of people
tesfied that they saw dreams with the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) or
Jesus (peace be upon him) or the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and
his family) tesfying to the fact that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is
peace) is truthful.

And in the hadith it says:

“Whoever has seen us has seen us for Shaytan does not take our image”. (Al
Fawaed Al Rojooleya, Sayed Bahr Al Oloom, volume 1 page 32)
Decoding riddles in scriptures and narraons:
In addion to that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) was able to
unlock riddles and codes that were inexplicable before. Like in the hadith:

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said: "The Qa'im has two names, one name
will be hidden, and one name will be announced. As for the hidden name it is
Ahmad, and as for the announced name it is Muhammad..”
(Kamul Din wa Tamamul N'ima - by Sheikh al-Suduq- Volume 2 - Page 653, door

When the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) said that the Qaim has two names,
nobody knew that the hadith is actually talking about two people. But now we
know the true interpretaon from the Imam (peace be upon him), as the
Ahlulbayt say we are the names and words of Allah swt. Imam Ahmad
Al-Hassan (from him is peace) has decoded this riddle, whereby we now
understand the correct meaning of this hadith, and that it is referring to two

The Ansar of Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) tesfy to the
countless amounts of miracles that he has performed including healings and
making a tree prostrate to him, and many others.

And while the miracles by themselves are not necessarily proof that he is a
messenger of God and while people can be deceived and while there have
been prophets that did not have any miracles, they did accompany some of the
prophets and it did support the case.

Jesus, Moses and Muhammad (peace be upon them) all had miracles.

Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan and Aba Al-Sadiq (peace be upon them) did not
expect to be Mahdis:
Before Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) was appointed by Imam
Mahdi and was commanded to go and reveal who he was and show his
evidences, it didn't cross his mind that he would be a Mahdi, rather he didn't
even know that there was a such a thing as Mahdis.
As such I too, before being told and commanded by my father Imam Ahmad
Al-Hassan (from him is peace) to go forward and show the evidences of who I
was, I didn't know there was even something called Mahdis at one point of
me in my life and I did not know myself, nor did I ever wish that I was a Mahdi

And I came forward aer being commanded to, and I claimed the same will
that Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) claimed,
The will says in the end about Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family):

“ if death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the
close ones, he has three names, one like mine and my Father’s: Abdullah,
Ahmad, and the third name is Al-Mahdi, and he is the first of the Believers”.
(Al-Ghaybah by al-Toosi page 150)

Just as Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) showed that the two names
“Muhammad” and “Ahmad” are two different people, in the will when it says
three names it is obviously referring to three diferent people.

I came forward with the knowledge which was given to me by Ahmad

Al-Hassan (from him is peace) and God and Imam Al-Mahdi (peace be upon
him and his family) and I have no knowledge except what the Imam gave me,
and I demonstrated that knowledge over the years and I have proven this to
the thousands of people that believe in me.

I too did not come with socialism or democracy or anything other than the
supremacy of Allah (swt).
I too, by the tesmony of hundreds of people, have the Ahlul bayt (peace be
upon them) and the prophets (peace be upon them) coming to them in their
dreams, confirming that I am truthful.
And hundreds of people made Iskhara about me too and God told them that I
am true.
I too performed dozens of miracles and hundreds of people tesfy that they
are witnesses to these miracles.
People tesfy that sister Shaheen was dead for 45 minutes and had only 1
percent survival chance when she entered into her operaon. And they tesfy
that I brought her back to life and they tesfy that I hid the moon when it was a
clear sky with no clouds and the believers were all looking. They even called
family members far away in other countries, who confirmed that they also can
not see the moon.

So now we have the will or the divine appointment, the knowledge, the
supremacy of Allah, as well as miracles, iskhara and dreams, telling us that
this man is truthful and that I am truthful.

What can we do about all of that?

If these are the proofs that all of the prophets and messengers came with, then
how can we leave it and abandon it?

If some have now, aer six years objected and apostated from the call because
they claim there is no 12 men or because one of the 12 men apostated, I say to
them that Jesus had 12 disciples, all whom saw him give life to the dead, heal
the leper and blind, walk on water and turn water into wine and yet, one of the
12 apostated and betrayed Jesus and said he was a liar and denied that he saw
any miracles or any goodness from Jesus (peace be upon him).

Would it be acceptable to apostate and leave Jesus because Judas Iscariot

swears that he is false?

There is no condion of faith that said that in order to know if Jesus was true or
not or Muhammad or Moses or any other prophet was true or not, that they
have to have had a meeng with 40 or 12 men. Or that none of their companions
could apostate or that all of them had to come forth and tesfy.

And do not understand me wrong, I am not saying the meeng did not happen,
but rather I am confirming that it did, but I am saying that knowing their
idenes, hearing their tesmonies, examining their narrave is not a condion of
faith. It is merely a support to the claim of Ahmad Al-Hassan that
on the day of the passing of King Abdullah, we were the only people whom
gave glad dings of the appearance of the Mahdi (peace be upon him and his
family), and it was only us whom brought forth the claim that Imam Mahdi was
seen aer the death of King Abdullah by 12 men. The story of the meeng was
brought to us by Aba Jibrael and from the 12 men were Aba Jibrael, Aba
Michael, Aba Al Naseh, Aba Jaffer, Aba Ridha Mahdi Darweesh, the one who
apostated and others. Mahdi Darweesh’s tesmony that the meeng didn’t
happen aer he tesfied for six years that it did happen is like the tesmony of
Judas saying he didn't see any miracles from Jesus and Jesus is not the messiah
aer tesfying for three years that he was. The tesmony of Judas is worthless.

But the point is that regardless if the twelve men came forth and tesfied in the
flesh or not, the idea that these 12 men met with Imam Mahdi (peace be upon
him and his family) is unbelievable to many, hence they are belied, and yet
unbelievable stories do not mean that the dawa is false because the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) claimed that in a maer of a
few hours he travelled in the flesh from his bed to Jerusalem, where he lead a
prayer for 124,000 dead prohets and messengers and then travelled to all
galaxies and met Gabriel and came as close to God as two bows length… and
all of this on the back of a flying horse. But we believe it.

We believe in Enoch and Elijah rising in a chariot of fire into the sky - not
because we saw it, but because we believe in the word of the people who
fulfilled the previous criteria.

And besides the fact that I know within myself who I am and I know my
truthfulness, this is why we believed in Ahmad Al-Hassan and this is why I
claimed the things that I claimed, because Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is
peace) has trapped me in this equaon: Should I disbelieve in my own self or
doubt in my own self? I would be doubng or disbelieving in him or any other
prophet that came all the way ll Adam’s me. Then I would be le with the choice
between Atheism and Faith.
This is why I made the claims that I made and this is why I have the faith that I
have and everyme there is a fitna, all the believers that should have come into
this dawa through the same things that I have menoned, need to go back and
read these proofs and ask: Does the fitna make these reasons fall? Does the
fitna disprove all the reasons for faith?

Research, read and verify for yourselves.

I wish that it was a maer of being able to simply trust in the words of the
people, but unfortunately it is not.

Satan told us to disbelieve in the words of God, when God told Adam not to
approach the tree. And Satan swore if Adam ate from the tree, he would
achieve immortality and be like the angels.
The Sameri said to the people : "This is your God '' in the absence of Moses.
Musaylimah the Liar said he was a prophet of God, but the claims of people
without substance do not prove anything at all.

You have to present proof.

Proof that would invalidate the proof of why we believed in the first place, not
just proof of your claim.
For if you came to us and told us that the proof of why you are upon falsehood
is that one of the Mahdis fornicated, then this doesn't invalidate our claim.
Because David took Bathsheba and "slept with her", while she was the wife of
another man. And even though he did this, it did not invalidate him being a
prophet and messenger. God himself tesfied that he did this in the bible - so
what more proof do you need?

"One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the
palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beauful,
and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba,
the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hite”. Then David sent
messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her". (The Bible: 2
Samuel, 11:2-4)
And the reason why it did not invalidate him being a true messenger of God is
that as long as the main markers or criteria on how to recognize the proof of
Allah are met, which is the will, the knowledge and the call to the supremacy of
Allah, as applied by every prophet or messenger who walked this earth, then
no other accusaon or claim can invalidate this, because it is the main
structure that establishes the truthfulness of the messenger, and the story of
David (peace be upon him) is the example of that.

If you claimed that the Mahdis are stealing money, you have to present a proof
to invalidate the will and them being a hujjah in the first place. Because any
claim you bring forth does not invalidate their truthfulness as divinely
established by the law of recognizing the hujjah.

In summary, if all the reasons for believing are sll intact and not invalidated,
then we must believe.

Apostasy of Mahdi does not invalidate will:

As for those who say that the will is invalid because some of the people in the
will apostated, I say that the only people in the apparent will are Ahmad,
Abdullah and Al-Mahdi.
And these are not the names of their incarnaons, these are the names of the
physical bodies here on earth in this incarnaon, and I further state that the
names of the people who apostated such as Ali Al-Aaraji, or Mahdi Darweesh,
are not even in the will. Nobody has seen a will where the name "Ali" has
appeared. And in the will it says "Al-Mahdi" and not "Mahdi".

Musa and Ismail have incarnated in this day and age. They have incarnated in
this day and age to be present during the me of Al-Hussain (peace be upon
him), because all of the prophets and messengers had requested to be in this
me. So Ismail or Musa or other than them who are supposed to rule in the
future, would sll come back and be part of the present rise of Al Hussain in
another body and serve between his hands.
So Ismail the prophet is sll a Mahdi and Moses is sll a Mahdi. But Mahdi
Darweesh and Ali Al-Aaraji are not.
Moses and Ismail will return to serve with Imam Al-Hussain (peace be upon
him) and then they will also return in their respecve me as rulers.

And my father had told me that aer the 12 Mahdis there will be 12 Hadoon
and aer the 12 Hadoon there will be 12 Forsan and aer the 12 Forsan there
will be 12 and 12 and 12 unl 12 thousand successors of Ale Muhammad are
And he told me that a great majority of the prophets and the messengers
would return as rulers in the future, but yet they are all here today and they
are promised to be with the Hujjah today.
12 thousand shoung "Ahmad, Ahmad!"
124,000 prophesied with the lamb.

Imam Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said, “Allah Almighty has a treasure in
Talkan, neither gold nor silver, twelve thousand in Khurasan. Their slogan is
“Ahmad Ahmad” lead by a youth from Hashim’s sons on a blond mule, a red
headband on him, as if I am looking at him across the Euphrates. So if you hear
about that, rush to him, even if crawling on ice”.
(Montakhab Al-Anwar Almodi’a, page 343)

So the existence of Abraham and Moses and the Mahdis today in incarnaons
means that they are Mahdis but they are not going to rule in their body today.
But Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan without a shadow of a doubt will rule in this
body today, as Ahmad Al-Hassan said, and so will Ahmad Al-Hassan and so will
Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem. He also will rule in his body and that is why his
name is in the will and that's why these three names will never apostate or be

Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan was in front of the people in the apparent and aer
the people tried to kill him he went into an absence and he sent forth his
messenger Ahmad Al-Hassan.

When Ahmad Al-Hassan was amongst the people, they tried to kill him, so he
went absent and became hidden from the public.

And now Aba Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) is the one who is in the apparent
and visible for all the people.

The will is in tact as long as source is there:

The will is not affected even if Mahdi would have been named "Al-Mahdi" or
even if he was to rule in his body and even if Al-Mahdi was to apostate. This
would not have caused the will to go from being a source of guidance to being
a source of misguidance. Why not?
Because it would be like this:
The messenger of God is present amongst the people. Then he appoints Ali
(peace be upon him) as his successor. If Ali apostates, the source -Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)- is sll there and is present to
appoint somebody else.

For as long as Prophet Muhammad is in front of our eyes, there is no

misguidance, because he is the source.

If Jesus is present and appoints Simon Peter but Simon Peter apostates, there is
no problem, because Jesus, the source, is there and will appoint a new

In fact, Moses had appointed Aaron, and yet Aaron died before Moses. But
since Moses was there, it did not invalidate the will. Rather he appointed
Joshua ibn Nun instead of Aaron. It did not invalidate the will. Both of them
were successors of Moses and Joshua was not the successor of Aaron.

And as such it is with Aba Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) who comes first in the
will and who is present and apparent amongst the people in his flesh and
blood. And if everyone apostates except for the already established apparent
messenger and base of the will, the will is sll valid.

As long as the base is there, then nothing else can mess with it.
So religion is a man. He is the Hallal and the Haram. Because he is the one who
interprets the word of God and decides and implements the word of God and
guides people from darkness to light and he is the one who God enforces and
gives success.
Even if at mes things look impossible or look difficult, God in the end always
enforces his messenger, just as he enforced Joseph and took him from being
vicm thrown in the well, kidnaped from his father and being imprisoned, to
being the effecve ruler over all of Egypt.

"Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger.
He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck."
(The Bible, Genesis 41:42)

Even though God struck Job with nasty illnesses and made all of his family pass
away, in the end God enforced Job and returned to him his health.

So imprisonment, illness, false accusaons…etc are all unacceptable reasons

and can not invalidate the reason for why these messengers are truly from
God, because each of them were appointed and each of them showed
knowledge and each of them claimed and called towards the supremacy of

These are the reasons we must go back to at the turn of every de and at the
shaking of any earthquake and at the appearance of any fitna. We must always
go back to the reason why we believed in the first place. And we have to always
sck to that and the truth is clear for all those who want to see.

And to all those who believe that someone who was told he is a Mahdi, or
who was promised paradise, can not later fall or apostate, I say this:

There is a famous narraon that relays an event, in which Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him and his family) promised paradise to 10 people. Now look
at their names and see how many actually ended up being believers:

1. Umar Ibn Al-Khaab

2. Ali Ibn Abi Talib
3. Uthman ibn Affan
4. Abu Bakr Abdullah Ibn Abi Quhafa
5. Az-Zubayr ibn Al-Awam
6. Talhah ibn Ubaydullah
7. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas
8. Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah
9. 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Awf
10.Sa'īd bin Zayd

All will go to hell fire except Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him).

The promise of going to paradise is like the promise that Moses gave to the
Israelites when he told them that they would enter the Holy Land. The promise
was real, but because of their lowly behavior Bidaa’ happened and things
changed, and the promise instead of being fulfilled with them, was fulfilled
with the next generaon of Israelites, who actually entered into the Holy Land.

When Jesus first came, he told the people that he would be their Messiah and
rule from Jerusalem. But he never got to realize that promise. So his disciples
went on to say that this promise will be fulfilled in his second coming.

Promises are condional.

The condion to the promise is that the person remains in the same state of
mind and heart he was in when he received the promise.
If they remain in the state, the promise will come true.

Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him said) in a hadith:

And he appears as a youth who is given success, 32 years of age, unl a group
of people leave him, he fills the earth with jusce and equity as it has been filled
with tyranny and oppression”.
(Al Noamani, volume 1, page 193)

When this Dawa started and when I raised the black flag I was 32 years old.
And my forefathers had menoned my name and my descripon just like they
menoned Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) and his descripon:

The messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his family) said: And a caller
calls from the sky, “O people Allah has ended the reign of the tyrants and
hypocrites and their followers, and has established upon you as a ruler the best
of the naon of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), follow him in
Mecca, for he is the Mahdi and his name is Ahmad”.
(Abu Salih Al-Saleely, Al Fitan min Fotooh Al-Mahdi)

The commander of the believers (peace be upon him) said on the plaorm of
Kufa: "There must be a mill grinding, so if it rose on its pole, and stayed firm on
its leg, Allah will send upon it an aggressive servant, his origin (lineage) is
inacve (hidden), victory will be with him, his companions are those who have
long hair, they are the ones who have beards and mustaches, their clothes
are black, they are companions of Black Banners. Woe to whoever goes
against them, they will kill them in turmoil, By Allah, as if i am looking at them
and at their acts and at what the transgressors and the harsh Arabs will receive
from them. Allah will send them against them with no mercy, so they will kill
them in turmoil in their city on the shore of the Euphrates, the land (steppe)
and sea region (meaning Basra), as a punishment for what they did, and
indeed your Lord is not unjust to the servants.”
(Bihar Al-Anwar, volume 52, page 233)

When is it permissible not to believe in the messenger sent by God?

What is the scale whereby if Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) did
not live up to it or fulfill it, he would be false and it would be excusable not to
believe in him anymore?
Would it be acceptable to disbelieve in Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is
peace) and this dawa if...

He did not rise for decades and all his promises were delayed….? Aer all, many
people point out the fact that his dawa started in 1999. It is now 2022. A 20
year old who pledged allegiance to him in 1999 would now be 43 years old. A
43 year old who believed in his call in 1999 would now be 65 years old.

-This would not be a reason acceptable by God’s standards to disbelieve in the

messenger. Aer all, Noah (peace be upon him) promised his people that the
flood would happen when the palm tree seed he planted became an adult tree
bearing fruit. And yet his promise was unfulfilled, and he made promises aer
that which also were not fulfilled. Many apostated because they thought that
if a promise made by a prophet was broken, then obviously he was a liar and
not a prophet. But this was inexcusable for God.

Aba Abdillah (peace be upon him) said: "Prophet Noah (peace be upon him)
asked his Lord to send down the punishment upon his people, so Allah revealed
to him to plant a seed from a palm tree. When it grows and he eats from its
fruit, Allah would send down the punishment upon his people and make them
perish. Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) planted the seed and informed his
companions. The palm tree grew and bore fruit. He ate from its fruit and fed his
companions. His companions said to him: "O Prophet of Allah, what about the
promise that you have promised us?" Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) prayed
to Allah to carry out the promise that He had made. Once again Allah revealed
to him to plant another seed and when it grows into a palm tree and bears fruit
and he eats from it, Allah would torment them. Noah (peace be upon him)
informed his companions. They divided into three groups: One group
apostated,another became hypocrites and the third group remained firm with
Noah (peace be upon him). Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) planted a seed
again. It grew and bore fruit. He ate from its fruit and fed his companions. They
said: "O Prophet of Allah, what about the promise that you have made?" He
prayed to Allah. Allah revealed to him to plant a third seed and when it grows
and bears fruit, Allah would make his people perish. Noah (peace be upon him)
told his companions of that. The two groups [the hypocrites and the believers]
divided into three groups; one apostated, one became hypocrites and the third
sll kept to Noah (peace be upon him). Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) did
that ten mes and his companions divided every me into three groups. The tenth
me, some of his sincere companions came to him and said: "O Prophet of Allah,
whether you do what you have promised or you don't, you are truthful. You are
a prophet sent by Allah, and we never doubt you no maer what you do to us”. In
this way Allah made the people of Noah (peace be upon him) perish and made
his sincere followers enter the ark with him. So Allah saved them and saved
Noah with
them aer they had been tried, sied and cleared".
(Al-Ghayba by Al-Noamany, volume 1, page 294)

God required uncondional belief in Noah (peace be upon him) whether his
promise was delayed or not and even further than that, whether it happened
at all or not.

So the very words and promises of a prophet or imam being fulfilled or broken
or not is not something we can use to disbelieve in one.

Ok well someone else might say, would it be acceptable to disbelieve in Imam

Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) if he did not rise at all and did not even
rule as the Qaim of the family of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his
family) as he is supposed to do?

No. It would not be. Was not Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) the promised
Messiah who was awaited and it was wrien about him in the books of the
Jews that he would rule the world from Jerusalem and would fill up the Earth
with peace and jusce as it was filled with injusce and chaos? Jesus of
Nazareth’s dawa lasted three years. He was arrested by the Jews and God
raised him. He did not fulfill the prophecies wrien about him in regards to
ruling, and yet it is not acceptable to disbelieve in Jesus (peace be upon him).
Another person might state, would it be acceptable to disbelieve in Imam
Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) if it was proven he was a criminal!?

Moses (peace be upon him) was called a criminal long before Imam Ahmad Al
Hassan (from him is peace).

What if Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) commied sins!?

Even though it is impossible that he commits sins, let us assume for a moment
that he or one of the Mahdis did, was not Adam and Jonah (peace be upon
them) two messengers from God who both sinned and remained in their
posion of authority? Would it be acceptable to disbelieve in either of them?
What if Imam Ahmad al Hassan (from him is peace) was changing the religion
of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)?

You mean like when Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) changed
the religion of Jesus Christ when he changed the Qibla and when he allowed
polygamy and when he introduced the month of Ramadan and the five daily
prayers and and and …

But Imam Ahmad al Hassan (from him is peace) is disrespecng our scholars …

But Abraham disrespected the idols of the people before….

But Imam Ahmad al Hassan (from him is peace) died a long me ago….He sll
has not appeared in a video or audio speech with you guys…

Imam Ahmad al Hassan (from him is peace) is alive and well and his speech is
coming and you shall all see it, but even if he was dead, that does not constute
a reason to disbelieve in him. The disciples of Christ did not know that Jesus
(peace be upon him) was not crucified on the cross. They believed he had died
and yet they sll believed in him, and they carried on preaching his message and
they believed in him communicang with them from beyond death.
And and and and and and and and and and and and and and …..

You will find at the very end of it all… there is no excuse to disbelieve in Imam
Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) which is acceptable, not just to God but
to your own intellect. The person who disbelieves in Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan
(from him is peace) must find a very good reason other than those which I
menoned or else he is disrespecng his own mind and intelligence. A person
who disbelieves in Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (from him is peace) should
disbelieve in Muhammad and Jesus and Moses and Abraham and Adam and all
the prophets and messengers and all the religions.
What’s the difference ?

The Truth is in us, the truth is in us the truth is in us.

We have to believe in this call unl it is proven otherwise and it will never be
proven otherwise.

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