Fema577 Design Guide
Fema577 Design Guide
Fema577 Design Guide
Design Guide
for Improving Hospital Safety
in Earthquakes, Floods, and High Winds
FEMA 577 / June 2007
About the Cover
Olive View Hospital Replacement Fares Well In 1994 Quake
The new Olive View hospital building shown on the cover performed well during the 1994
Northridge earthquake. This quake, of the same magnitude as the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake
that nearly collapsed the original building,
caused no serious damage. Built in 1970, the
Medical Treatment and Care Building of the
Olive View Hospital complex was designed to
meet the earthquake provisions of building
codes in place at that time. The hospital
incurred heavy damage (at left) during
the 1971 earthquake and was subsequently
rebuilt to stricter design and construction
Olive View Hospital After the 1971 Magnitude 6.7 San Fernando
Photo Credit: E.V. Leyendecker, U.S. Geological Survey
FEMA 577 / June 2007
he United States is currently in the middle of the biggest hospital
construction boom in more than 50 years. According to data from
the U.S. Census Bureau, spending for construction of new hospi-
tals and other medical facilities increased 65 percent between 2000 and
2006. New scientific and technological innovations, as well as advance-
ments in medical practice and the organization of health care, demand
a physical environment different from the hospitals of the past. This de-
mand is being met by the increasing use of evidence-based design, which
relies on a combination of scientifically proven research and the evalua-
tion of completed projects to make design and construction decisions that
improve the safety and functionality of hospital buildings.
Architects and engineers now look at credible research related not just
to structural and mechanical engineering, but also to clinical outcomes,
behavioral science, the environment, and technology. New building de-
signs are now seen as important components that can improve medical
outcomes, patient safety, employee satisfaction, and even financial perfor-
mance. The effective use of evidence-based design requires continuous
and timely updates of the information that affects hospital design. As part
of this effort, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has
developed this Design Guide to provide the designers of new hospitals
and retrofits to existing ones with the latest information and research re-
sults on the best practices to reduce the risks from natural hazards.
Chapter 3 discusses the nature of flood forces and their effects on build-
ings. It outlines the procedures for risk assessment and describes the
current mitigation measures for reducing flood damage. It emphasizes
the benefits of avoiding construction of new hospitals in high-risk areas,
describes regulatory design requirements that help reduce the exposure
of hospitals that must be located in flood hazard areas, and encourages
the application of appropriate mitigation measures to existing hospitals at
risk of flooding.
At the end are Appendix A, which contains a list of acronyms, and Ap-
pendix B, which contains a glossary of terms that appear in the Design
Principal Authors:
TABLE OF CONTENTS Structural Vulnerability..................................................................... 1-12 Nonstructural Vulnerability.............................................................. 1-12 Spatial and Other Organizational Vulnerabilities........................... 1-15
vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Ductility.............................................................................................. 2-17 Strength and Stiffness....................................................................... 2-18 Drift.................................................................................................... 2-19 Configuration: Size and Shape........................................................ 2-20 Stress Concentrations........................................................................ 2-20 Torsional Forces................................................................................. 2-21
2.2.3 Specifications for Performance-Based Seismic Design...................................... 2-24 Performance Levels........................................................................... 2-24 New Developments in Performance-Based Design......................... 2-27
3.4.2 Site Modifications ................................................................................................ 3-73
3.4.3 Additions .............................................................................................................. 3-75
3.4.4 Repairs, Renovations, and Upgrades.................................................................. 3-77
3.4.5 Retrofit Dry Floodproofing . ............................................................................... 3-78 The Case of Pungo District Hospital, Belhaven, North .
Carolina.............................................................................................. 3-79
3.4.6 Utility Installations . ............................................................................................. 3-84
3.4.7 Potable Water and Wastewater Systems............................................................... 3-86
3.4.8 Other Damage Reduction Measures .................................................................. 3-87
3.4.9 Emergency Measures............................................................................................ 3-88
4.3 Requirements and Best Practices In High-Wind Regions ........................................................... 4-26
4.3.1 General Hospital Design Considerations............................................................ 4-26 Site ..................................................................................................... 4-28 Building Design ................................................................................ 4-29 Construction Contract Administration............................................ 4-34 Post-Occupancy Inspections, Periodic .
Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement.......................................... 4-35 Site and General Design Considerations in .
Hurricane-Prone Regions................................................................. 4-36
4.3.2 Structural Systems ............................................................................................... 4-37 Structural Systems in Hurricane-Prone Regions............................. 4-41
4.3.3 Building Envelope ............................................................................................... 4-42 Exterior Doors................................................................................... 4-42 Exterior Doors in Hurricane-Prone Regions................................... 4-46 Windows and Skylights...................................................................... 4-47 Windows and Skylights in Hurricane-Prone Regions .................... 4-49 Non-Load-Bearing Walls, Wall Coverings, and Soffits.................... 4-52 Non-Load-Bearing Walls, Wall Coverings, and Soffits .
in Hurricane-Prone Regions . .......................................................... 4-64 Roof Systems...................................................................................... 4-65 Roof Systems in Hurricane-Prone Regions...................................... 4-74 The Case of DeSoto Memorial Hospital, Arcadia, Florida............. 4-81
4.3.4 Nonstructural Systems And Equipment.............................................................. 4-85 Exterior-Mounted Mechanical Equipment..................................... 4-86 Nonstructural Systems and Mechanical Equipment.
in Hurricane-Prone Regions............................................................ 4-94 Exterior-Mounted Electrical and Communications .
Equipment......................................................................................... 4-94 Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) in Hurricane-.
Prone Regions.................................................................................... 4-97 The Case of Martin Memorial Medical Center, Stuart, .
Florida.............................................................................................. 4-102
4.3.5 Municipal Utilities in Hurricane-prone Regions.............................................. 4-104 Electrical Power .............................................................................. 4-104 Water Service .................................................................................. 4-105 Sewer Service .................................................................................. 4-106
4.3.6 Post-design Considerations In Hurricane-Prone Regions............................... 4-106 Construction Contract Administration . ....................................... 4-106 Periodic Inspections, Maintenance, and Repair .......................... 4-106
4.6 Checklist for Building Vulnerability of Hospitals Exposed to High Winds ................................... 4-141
Appendix A Acronyms................................................................................................................A-1
ost Americans are accustomed to receiving sophisti-
cated and prompt medical attention after an injury or a
medical problem occurs, anytime and anywhere in the
country, without traveling great distances. Such expectations are even
greater during mass emergencies that require immediate care for a
large number of casualties. In circumstances in which hospital opera-
tions are disrupted or completely disabled, the adverse effects of such
disasters can be quickly compounded, frequently with catastrophic re-
sults. A recent report from the Congressional Research Service (CRS),
Hurricane Katrina: the Public Health and Medical Response, examined the
performance of the public health system during this devastating event.
According to the CRS report, Hurricane Katrina pushed some of the
most critical health care delivery systems to their limits, for the first time
in recent memory (Lister, 2005). Therefore, the importance of unin-
terrupted hospital operations and ready access to, and availability of,
immediate medical care cannot be exaggerated.
This chapter addresses the general issues that influence the operations
and hospital building designs. Typically, the design of hospital facilities is
driven by their function and the type of services they provide to the com-
munity. These services are constantly evolving in response to trends in the
health care industry and changing expectations of health care customers.
Some of these health care trends have been the logical result of advances
in medical science and technology, while the others, driven by social and
economic conditions, represent new approaches to management of med-
ical care. Additionally, hospital design has been greatly influenced by the
recognition that physical environment has a measurable influence on
human well-being. A growing body of evidence has been accumulated
that shows how appropriate hospital designs can create the healing envi-
ronments that improve patient treatment outcomes and patient care in
general. Increasingly, hospital designers are expected to use this new evi-
dence-based design approach when designing new hospitals.
n the last 30 years or so, the health care industry has increasingly
been moving toward greater emphasis on ambulatory care. The in-
creasing availability of procedures that can be successfully completed
without an overnight stay in the hospital has led to a proliferation of free-
standing ambulatory care centers. Many of these centers are performing
sophisticated surgeries and complicated diagnostic procedures. Fre-
quently, these centers are not affiliated, or are only loosely affiliated with,
other hospitals in the community.
m The staff is not experienced or well trained to care for the types of
patients and injuries expected in post-disaster emergencies.
As a result, many hospitals have enlarged and better equipped their emer-
gency departments to accommodate the ever-increasing patient load,
which had a positive influence on their capacity to deal with disaster-re-
lated emergencies. Additionally, hospital emergency departments are well
trained in triage that involves prioritization of cases according to the level
of medical urgency. Patients who are most in need of immediate treat-
ment are treated first, while the others who can wait without harm are
treated later. Emergency department staff members also go through ex-
tensive disaster drills, and in most cases are well trained to respond to
mass emergencies.
Data from Trendwatch Chartbook 2006, by the American Hospital Association and the Lewin Group.
Hospitals are constantly renovating, whether they are just adding elec-
trical outlets or communications cables, or engaging in more complex
projects that involve moving functions and building additions to the ex-
isting structures. This kind of change is a result of many factors: changing
personnel, new technologies, and competitive pressure. Some changes,
however, may affect the use of spaces or facilities originally planned and
built for emergency operations. For instance, renovation may inadver-
tently upset bracing for piping and communications conduits, making
them more vulnerable to hazards like earthquakes or high winds. Sim-
ilarly, functional reorganization of a hospital that makes some critical
functions and services more accessible by placing them on the ground
floor increases the risks from flooding to these facilities.
Since the advent of the hospital “birthing unit” in the late 1970s, the
health industry has shown an increasing interest in the ability of the
physical environment to contribute to healing. The growing evidence in-
This trend manifests itself in building designs that introduce the spirit of
nature into the hospital environment: more natural light, views of nature
and direct access to the outdoors from many more areas of the hospital,
and increased use of courtyards and gardens. Hospital gardens have been
found to provide not only the restorative and calming nature views, but
also help reduce stress by providing opportunities for escape from clin-
ical settings, and by fostering greater social interaction among patients
and staff. The social aspect is particularly important for patients who
might feel isolated in a sterile hospital environment without the support
of their families and friends. Considering the significance of social sup-
port for patients’ successful recovery, hospitals are planning for greater
involvement of the family in the care of their patients by requiring single-
bed rooms for all newly built acute care hospitals. Additionally, hospitals
are providing more public spaces that facilitate social interaction, such as
lounges, atria, and interior streets with shops and restaurants that were
not part of the traditional hospital environment.
itigation is defined as any sustained action taken to reduce
or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from hazard
events. The goal is to save lives and reduce property damage
in ways that are cost-effective and environmentally sound. Hazard
mitigation measures should be integrated into the process of planning
and design because they reduce casualties and damage resulting from
building failures during hazard events. The effects of a disaster on
a hospital, however, are never restricted to the physical damage or
the distress among the staff and patients as a result of such damage.
Consequences frequently include partial or total loss of the ability to
provide services and meet the demand for health care when it is most
needed. Incorporating mitigation measures in the design of hospitals is
therefore especially important because they minimize the disruption of
hospital operations and protect the uninterrupted provision of critical
health services.
All this will be influenced by the characteristics of the site, the specifics of
the infrastructure to be built, and the basic services it can realistically be
expected to provide based on different disaster scenarios. In considering
disaster mitigation, the goal should be to provide the community with ac-
cess to health care in a reasonable period of time, within reasonable travel
distances, and to have essential services available to treat patients who
sustained injuries as a result of the disaster. At the same time, a hospital
needs to continue to care for their pre-disaster patients and ensure that
no harm comes to them.
Much of the procedure for a new building described above can apply to
hazard mitigation in an existing building as well, with obvious limitations.
m What types and magnitudes of hazard events are anticipated at the site?
Many patients have limited mobility and some are on critical life sup-
port, oxygen or other medical gasses, ventilators, or IV pumps. Moving
these patients to evacuate the hospital is difficult and requires highly
trained staff.
Hospitals provide services that are essential for protecting and safe-
guarding the health and well-being of a community. The continued
provision of these services is even more critical during and in the im-
mediate aftermath of disasters. Considering the complexity of hospital
operations, even the smallest breakdown in one of its building or equip-
ment systems can cause serious disruption of hospital functions. This
makes the hospitals extremely vulnerable to a variety of natural hazards.
Hospitals usually have high levels of occupancy, with patients, staff, and
many visitors present 24 hours a day. Many patients require constant at-
tention, and in many cases continuous specialized care and the use of
sophisticated medical instruments or other equipment. Hospital op-
erations also depend on a steady supply of medical and other types of
material, as well as public services or lifelines. In addition, hospital vulner-
ability is aggravated by the presence of hazardous substances that may be
spilled or released in a hazard event.
Given the importance of hospital services for response and recovery fol-
lowing emergencies, and the need for uninterrupted operation of these
facilities, hospital administrators and designers must consider all aspects
m Structural
m Nonstructural
m Organizational
m The level to which the design of the structural system has addressed
the hazard forces
Damage to roof coverings, facades, or windows can make way for water
penetration that can damage sensitive equipment and shut down many
hospital functions. When roofing material is disturbed by wind, the
roof may start to leak and the moisture can knock out vital equipment,
disrupt patient care, and penetrate walls and other concealed spaces,
allowing mold to build up over time. Window breakage resulting from
high winds, earthquakes, and even flooding frequently requires patient
evacuation from affected areas. Patients in critical care and acute care
units are particularly vulnerable because the move separates them from
medical gas outlets, monitors, lighting, and other essential support
Non-load bearing and partition walls and ceilings, for instance, are
rarely designed and constructed to the same standards of hazard re-
sistance as the structural elements. Collapse of these components has
caused a number of evacuations and closures of hospitals following a
hazard event.
The emergency power supply system is probably the most critical element
in this group. Together with fuel supply and storage facilities, this system
enables all the other hospital installations and equipment that have not
sustained direct physical damage to function normally in any disaster.
However, uninterrupted operation of a hospital during a power outage is
possible only if adequate electrical wiring is installed in all the areas that
require uninterrupted power supply. Since extra wiring and additional cir-
cuits for emergency power increase the initial construction costs of the
building, the decision on the emergency power coverage requires a thor-
ough evaluation of the relative vulnerability of various functions to power
outage. As patients become more critically ill and the nature of diagnosis
and treatment becomes more dependent on computers, monitors, and
other electrical equipment, the need for emergency power will continue
to grow.
There are many types of internal hazards that might occur as the re-
sult of a disaster. In the past, bottles in clinical laboratories have fallen
and started fires. Earthquakes have catapulted filing cabinet drawers and
ventilators across rooms at high speed, with the potential of causing con-
siderable injury to personnel. Any wheeled equipment is vulnerable to
displacement and has the potential to cause injury.
ermanent high occupancy and the need for uninterrupted
operation are the most important characteristics of hospital
facilities. They determine most of the building design
requirements and pose the greatest challenge in the design of
mitigation measures. Contemporary hospitals must accommodate both
critically ill patients and a high volume of ambulatory patients. Length
of stay for inpatients may be as short as one day, but usually averages
around 5 to 6 days in most hospitals. Acute care patients often have
visitors on a daily basis, while emergency departments are routinely
crowded with patients and their families, particularly at peak times
during the day.
It is not uncommon that some building designs that are otherwise suit-
able for the complex requirements of hospital operations can impair
these operations in emergency conditions. This is particularly true of
many older hospitals that were not designed to maintain their per-
formance level in all conditions. Older emergency departments are
generally not large enough and are often overcrowded. Many of the
older hospitals would not have been designed to adjust their operations
and their physical space to the conditions of mass post-disaster care.
Similarly, larger hospitals typically have greater flexibility to cope with the
emergencies and large numbers of casualties than smaller hospitals. This,
however, can be a liability, especially in dense urban areas where hospitals
buildings are frequently 10 or more stories high. Large, tall hospital build-
ings, with greater than usual floor-to-floor height, are almost completely
dependent on elevators for vertical communication, which exposes them
to serious disruption in case of electrical or mechanical failures common
during hazard events. Such difficulties are further compounded if an
evacuation is necessary. When the elevators are rendered inoperable, the
patients must be carried up or down long stairwells, which can be an over-
whelming task for the staff of any large hospital.
Hospitals usually do not occupy just one building. In most cases a hospital
is located on campus that comprises a number of different buildings, each
housing a separate function. In addition to an acute care hospital, which
might be composed of several wings of varying ages, there might also be
a separate power plant, medical office building, ambulatory surgery and
procedures building, behavioral health building, fitness center, dialysis
center, or cancer center. Since all of these buildings have a different type
and level of occupancy, from the perspective of patient safety and that of
uninterrupted hospital operations, they do not need the same level of di-
saster-resistant construction.
Most States have adopted one of the model building codes, frequently
with modifications and local additions. Building codes address minimum
requirements for building resistance to major hazards based on historical
experience. Recent disaster experience, however, indicates that current
code requirements are not always adequate, especially not for essential fa-
cilities such as hospitals. To make things worse, many existing hospitals
were built to older codes that frequently did not have any provisions for
protection against natural hazards.
comprehensive hazard risk reduction design strategy that con-
siders all the risks to which a facility may be subject is an evolving
concept that is still in its infancy. Multi-hazard design is an ap-
proach that aims to integrate risk reduction with the building design
process, rather than pursuing a traditional tendency towards fragmented
risk reduction efforts.
This section looks at the interaction between various building design fea-
tures and mitigation measures used to protect buildings against specific
hazards, by comparing their effects for each individual hazard. The simi-
larities and differences in the ways that hazards affect buildings, and how
to guard against them, demand an integrated approach to building de-
sign that would be resistant to natural hazards. This, in turn, must be
pursued as part of a larger, integrated approach to the whole building de-
sign process.
Of the many hazards that can endanger a hospital and impair the services
it provides to a community, fire is the most prevalent. Every hospital is at
risk from fire, which makes this hazard much more pervasive than any of
the natural hazards noted above. However, fire protection measures have
been present in building codes for a long time, in the form of approved
materials, fire-resistant assemblies, exiting requirements, the minimum
number and capacity of emergency exit routes, and many other specifica-
tions. For that reason, fire hazards are not addressed in this publication as
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
Site-specific and
building specific Beneficial for all
1A 4 4 4 4
all-hazard hazards.
Two or more
Beneficial for all
1B means of access 4 4 4 4
to the site
System ID
Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
2 ARCHITECTURAL (continued)
2A CONFIGURATION (continued)
Vulnerable to vertical
earthquake and wind
Large roof 6 0 6 0
forces, needs careful
overhangs engineering.
If properly attached
2B-1 to structural
Hung ceilings components using
4 0 0 4
diagonal braces,
reduce damage from
Unreinforced High vulnerability
CMU or hollow to seismic and wind
forces, but desirable
clay tile, used
6 6 6 4 against fire if not
as partitions or in seismic zone. If
infill between exposed, vulnerable to
structural flood forces.
System ID Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
2 ARCHITECTURAL (continued)
2C PARTITIONS (continued)
Non-rigid (ductile)
connections for Beneficial for
attachment of earthquakes but gaps
between components
interior non-load-
4 0 0 6 may threaten fire
bearing walls to
resistance. Not
structures including significant for flood
extra-high and and wind.
-heavy gypsum
board walls
Gypsum partitions
properly braced to
structure beneficial
2C-3 in seismic zones.
Gypsum wall 4 6 0 4 Susceptible to flood
board partitions damage, but good for
fire if proper resistance
is specified. Not
significant for wind.
Undesirable in seismic
zones unless properly
attached. On light
structures, may cause
poor seismic response.
6 0 6 4 Good fire protection
Tile roofs against external
fire (wildfires) but
undesirable in hurricane-
and tornado-prone
Properly engineered
parapet beneficial
in seismic zones,
but unbraced URM
very dangerous in
4 0 0 4 earthquake and wind.
Parapets High parapets ( >3 ft.)
beneficial for wind.
May assist in reducing
fire spread to adjacent
System ID
Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
Beneficial for
earthquake, but
3-1 base isolation in
Base isolation basement should be
and/or energy 4 6 0 0 dry floodproofed to
dissipating reduce vulnerability
dampers to flood damage. Not
significant for wind
and fire.
Reinforced Very beneficial
concrete or for wind, good
performance for
reinforced CMU
4 4 4 4 earthquake, flood,
structural walls and fire when
with concrete correctly designed
floors and roof and constructed.
Lighter than concrete,
needs properly detailed
moment frame, steel
braces, or shear walls
in seismic and high-
Steel structural 4 4 4 6
wind zones. Good
frame in flood with proper
detailing, especially
for elevated structure.
Vulnerable to fire.
System ID
Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
Very poor
3-6 performance in
Unreinforced earthquakes and high
6 6 6 0
masonry load- winds. Undesirable for
bearing walls all hazards because of
possibility of collapse.
Very beneficial for
Steel or concrete
flood. Requires careful
frame structure 0 4 0 0
design for earthquake,
with open first wind, and fire.
Undesirable for
seismic and wind
hazards because poor
structural integrity
Indirect vertical 6 0 6 6
increases likelihood
load path of collapse. Fire
may further weaken
Discontinuity at third floor
Improves seismic
response, but creates
possible path for
3-9 toxic gases during
Large seismic fire. (Cause of deaths
4 0 6 6
separation joints in Las Vegas MGM
in structure Grand fire.) Needs
careful protection
against wind-driven
System ID
Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
In earthquakes, winds,
and floods material
may detach and cause
costly damage and
Brick veneer on 6 6 6 0
injury. Careful detailing
exterior walls and quality control
necessary for good
Requires special
detailing with ductile
connections to structure
4A-3 in high seismic zones.
Precast concrete 6 0 4 0
panels Good for winds if well
attached and joints are
protected against wind-
driven rain.
System ID Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
Essential for
5-1 earthquake and wind
Anchorage/ (especially exterior
4 4 4 0
bracing of system mounted), beneficial
components for flood, not
significant for fire.
Chiller Support
System ID
Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
equipment Very beneficial for
designed for earthquake, not
seismic and wind significant for flood or
4 0 0 0
forces: snubbers fire. If not designed to
prevent resist uplift inadequate
equipment for wind.
from falling off
isolators Isolators with “snubbers”
and provisions for wind
System ID Site and
Examples of Site
and Building Characteristics
Characteristics Explanation of Interaction
Unbraced electrical
power supply
Essential for seismic,
adequate for 4 4 4 4
flood, wind, and fire.
essential services
and equipment
securely braced
Braced emergency
his chapter examines potential earthquake damage to hospitals
and how these facilities can most efficiently improve their ex-
pected performance. An explanation of the nature and probability
of earthquakes is provided, together with procedures for determining
the approximate earthquake threat to specific locations. Typical seismic
damages and the possible resulting effects on building function or risk to
occupants are described and related to standard damage states currently
used in performance-based earthquake engineering design.
Surface Fault Rupture affects a small strip at the ground when the move-
ment on a fault deep within the earth breaks through to the surface. The
relative displacement of the ground on each side of the rupture may be
several feet or more, and structures straddling this zone are likely to be se-
verely damaged.
Liquefaction occurs when the behavior of loose granular soils and sand in
the presence of water changes temporarily from that of a solid to that of a
liquid material when subjected to ground shaking. This condition occurs
mainly at sites located near rivers, lakes, and bays.
Landslides occur when the top layers of soil and rock slip on sloping
ground, triggered by earthquake ground motion.
The level of damage is often measured by intensity scales, and the most
common scale used in the United States is the Modified Mercalli Inten-
sity (MMI) scale, reported in Roman Numerals from I to XII. MMI is
often incorrectly used to measure the size of an earthquake. In fact, the
MMI is assigned to small areas, like zip codes, based on the local damage
to structures or movements of soil. Many MMIs
can be associated with a single earthquake be-
It is important to understand that magnitude cause the shaking, and therefore the damage,
is not a measure of damage, but a physical diminishes as the distance to the epicenter in-
characteristic of an earthquake. An creases. Although the MMI is useful for the
earthquake with magnitude 6.7 that occurs purpose of comparing damage from one event
in a remote area may cause no damage to to another (particularly events for which little
manmade structures, but one with the same or no instrumental measurements are avail-
magnitude can cause considerable damage able), it is very subjective, and scientists and
if it occurs close to an urban area. engineers prefer instrumental measurements
of the ground shaking to measure intensity.
Figure 2-1:
Representative shapes
of building code (or
design) response
spectra for different
Soils that are loose, not well graded, and saturated with water are prone to
liquefaction. These conditions often occur near waterways, but not always.
In addition to the soil type, the probability of liquefaction also depends
on the depth from the surface to the layer, and the intensity of ground
motion. Further, the results of liquefaction can vary from a small, uni-
form settlement across a site, to loss of foundation bearing, resulting in
extreme settlement and horizontal movement of tens of feet (called lat-
eral spreading). Lastly, the risk of liquefaction is directly dependent on
the earthquake risk. Due to this complex set of conditions, damage poten-
tial from liquefaction is difficult to map. For all but the smallest projects,
many building jurisdictions in seismic areas require identification of lique-
faction potential in the geotechnical report, particularly in areas of known
potential vulnerability. On sites where liquefaction is more than a remote
possibility, the likely results of liquefaction at the ground surface or at the
building foundations will also be estimated. Small settlements may be tol-
erated without mitigation. Larger potential settlements can be prevented
by site remediation measures, if economically justified. In some cases of
potential massive liquefaction and lateral spreading, using the site for
structures may not be cost effective. Officials in some regions of high seis-
micity have developed maps of local areas that are potentially susceptible
to liquefaction and require site-specific investigation.
Researchers have studied tsunamis and seiches for many years, but the
tragic tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 highlighted the
need for better measurement of the threat in terms of magnitude and lo-
cation. Obviously, only sites near large bodies of water are susceptible,
and normally at elevations 50 feet or less above the water surface, al-
though bays and narrow canyons can amplify the wave height. Although
similar to storm surge, the height and the potential velocity of a tsunami
wave represent a separate risk and must be mapped separately. In addi-
tion to dependence on local conditions, quantification of the risk from
tsunamis and seiches is made more difficult because not every earth-
quake generates such a wave. Studies are required that consider the
individual characteristics of the site and the facility, to establish the risk
and identify possible mitigating measures.
Most people now know that although most frequent in California and
Alaska, earthquakes are not restricted to just a few areas in the United
States. In fact, two of the greatest earthquakes in U.S. history occurred not
in California, but near New Madrid, MO, in
1811 and 1812. In the International Building
The U.S. Congress recognized earthquakes Code (IBC), the most common model building
as a national problem by passing code in use in the United States and its territo-
legislation authorizing the National ries, buildings on sites with a low enough
Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program seismic risk that specific design for seismic
(NEHRP) in 1977. NEHRP has since forces is not required are classified as Seismic
supported numerous research and hazard Design Category (SDC) A. As shown in Figure
mitigation efforts. 2-3, 37 of 50 States have regions with sufficient
seismic risk to require designs more stringent
than SDC A. The likelihood of a damaging
earthquake occurring west of the Rocky Mountains—and particularly in
California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Utah—is much greater than
it is in the East, Midwest, or South. However, the New Madrid and
Charleston, SC, regions are subject to potentially more severe earth-
quakes, although with a lower probability, than most regions of the
western United States. According to the IBC design maps and the USGS
hazard maps upon which they are based, other locations should also plan
for intermediate ground motions.
Records show that some seismic zones in the United States experience po-
tentially damaging earthquakes approximately every 50 to 70 years, while
other areas have “recurrence intervals” for the same size earthquake of
about 200 to 400 years. These frequencies of occurrence are simply statis-
tical probabilities, and one or several earthquakes could occur in a much
shorter than average period. With current knowledge, there is no prac-
tical alternative for those responsible for healthcare facilities located in
earthquake-prone regions but to assume that the design earthquake, spec-
ified in the building code for the local area, could occur at any time, and
that appropriate planning for that event should be undertaken.
Moderate and even very large earthquakes are inevitable, although very
infrequent, in some areas of normally low seismicity. Consequently, in
these regions, most buildings in the past were not designed to deal with
an earthquake threat; they are extremely vulnerable. In other places, how-
ever, the earthquake threat is quite familiar. Medical facilities in many
areas of California and Alaska will be shaken by an earthquake, perhaps
two or three times a year, and some level of “earthquake-resistant” design
has been accepted as a way of life since the early 20th century.
Nationally, the areas where earthquakes are likely to occur have been
identified, and scientists have a broad statistical knowledge of the po-
If a healthcare facility or community desires to obtain more detailed information on the seismic
hazard than is shown on the code maps, or if the location does not enforce a seismic code but
there is concern about seismicity, the USGS Web page at www.USGS.gov, Earthquake Hazards
Program, is an excellent resource. The USGS provides more detailed earthquake hazard maps
for general regions such as the Western, Central, and Eastern United States. Local building or
planning departments, fire departments, or other local emergency management agencies should
be consulted for the availability of mapping for liquefaction, landslide, tsunami, and seiche.
For even more localized information, the USGS provides seismicity information for any location
in the United States on the basis of latitude and longitude or zip code. This information
can be obtained by referring to the Seismic Hazard listings on the USGS Web page, and
opening “Hazards by Latitude and Longitude,” or “Hazards by Zip Code.” These listings show
information on the expected maximum shaking that is estimated for the location. The information
and terminology are quite technical, and may need to be interpreted by qualified staff at the
responsible local code office, a structural engineer, or other knowledgeable seismic professional.
eismic design is highly developed, complex, and strictly regulated
by codes and standards. Seismic codes present criteria for the de-
sign and construction of new structures subject to earthquake
ground motions in order to minimize the hazard to life and to improve
the capability of essential facilities to function after an earthquake. To
these ends, current building codes provide the minimum requirements
necessary for reasonable and prudent life safety.
Building design codes for cities, States, or other jurisdictions throughout the United States
are typically based on the adoption, sometimes with more restrictive local modification, of
a model building code. Up until the mid-1990s, there were three primary model building
code organizations: Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA),
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc. (SBCCI). In 1994, these three organizations united to found the International
Code Council (ICC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a single set of
comprehensive and coordinated national model construction codes. The first code published by
ICC was the 2000 International Building Code (IBC; ICC, 2000) and was based on the NERHP
Provisions. The IBC now references ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures (ASCE, 2005) for its seismic provisions. Some jurisdictions in the country may still be
using the Uniform Building Code (UBC) seismic provisions (its final update was in 1997), while
most have adopted or are preparing to adopt the IBC. In this document, code references are to
the IBC Code and to its seismic standard, ASCE 7.
Current codes and seismic design practices have evolved rapidly as the
result of intensive research and development in the United States and
elsewhere during the second half of the twentieth century. The advances
in the development of the code during this period are illustrated by the
fact that the 1961 Earthquake Provisions of the Uniform Building Code
took seven pages, eight equations, and one map of the United States. The
current provisions in the IBC cover about 80 pages, 96 equations, and 22
maps of the United States.
The ELF equation is derived from Newton’s Second Law of Motion, which
defines inertial force as the product of mass and acceleration. The ELF
equation replaces Newton’s acceleration with an acceleration coefficient
that incorporates some of the other factors necessary to represent more
accurately the acceleration of the mass of the building, which is gener-
ally higher than the ground acceleration. To determine this coefficient,
the code provides another equation and additional coefficients that en-
compass most of the characteristics that affect the building’s seismic
performance. The ELF procedure is used for the great majority of build- Acceleration
The nature of the waves and their interactions are such that actual move-
ment of the ground will be random: predominantly horizontal, often with
considerable directional emphasis and sometimes with a considerable ver-
tical component. Because of the random nature of the shaking, structures
must be designed on the assumption that earthquake forces will come from
all directions in very rapid succession, often fractions of a second apart.
The inertial forces inside the building, generated by ground shaking, de-
pend on the building’s mass and acceleration. The seismic code provides
22 maps that provide values for spectral acceleration (the acceleration to be
experienced by structures of different periods). These values, with some
Acceleration is the change of velocity (or speed) in a certain direction over time, and is a function of the
earthquake characteristics: acceleration is measured in “g,” which is the acceleration of a falling body due to
Figure 2-4 shows an example of a portion of map from the IBC, showing
contour lines of spectral acceleration. The numbers are the acceleration
values to be used in the equation, based on the project location.
Figure 2-4:
Portion of an
earthquake ground
motion map used in
the seismic code
All objects have a natural or fundamental period. This is the rate at which
they will vibrate if they are given a horizontal push. When a building be-
gins to vibrate as a result of ground motion, it will tend to sway back and
forth at its natural period (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5:
Natural period
More complex structures will oscillate at several different periods, the lon-
gest one (greatest amount of time to complete one cycle) often being
called the fundamental period. The fundamental periods of structures
vary from about 0.05 second for a piece of equipment anchored to the
ground to about 0.10 second for a one-story building. Taller buildings be-
tween 10 to 20 stories will oscillate in the fundamental mode at periods
of between 1 and 2 seconds. The building height is normally the main de-
terminant of building period (Figure 2-6), although more technically, the
period is based on the mass and stiffness characteristics of the structure. Damping Ductility
Figure 2-7:
Strength and stiffness are the two of most important seismic characteris-
tics of any structure. Two structural beams may be equally strong (or safe)
in supporting a load, but may vary in their stiffness—the extent to which
they bend or deflect in doing so. Stiffness is a material property but is also
dependent on shape. For vertical forces this is usually the only aspect of
stiffness that is of concern. When floor joists are designed for a house, for
instance, their deflection rather than strength is what often dictates their
size. Typically, an unacceptable amount of deflection will occur well be-
fore the members are stressed to the point at which they break.
Short columns represent a problem that emphasizes the need for good
structural seismic design. Columns in this category may not even be part
of the lateral force resisting system. Nevertheless, if the structural and
nonstructural components create such a condition, these columns are
likely to be severely damaged during strong ground shaking. Drift
Drift is the term used in seismic design to describe the horizontal deflec-
tion of structural members in response to seismic forces. In the seismic
code, limits are set on the amount of drift permitted. This is done to en-
sure that the structure will not be designed to be so flexible, even if
structurally sound, that its nonstructural components will be unaccept-
ably damaged. Drift is limited on a story basis. The allowable story drift is
limited to floor-to-floor height times 0.010 (1 percent of the floor height)
for essential buildings and 0.015 (1.5 percent of the floor height) if the
nonstructural components have been designed to accommodate drift. A
story drift of 0.010 is equivalent to a deflection of 1-1/2 inches for a floor-
to-floor height of 12 feet 6 inches (Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9:
Allowable story drift
The kinds of unusual conditions that warrant concern are a result of early
architectural decisions that determine the configuration of the building.
In making these decisions, the architect plays a major role in determining
the seismic performance of the building and can make it easy or difficult
for an engineer to develop an efficient and cost-effective structural de-
sign. For seismic design purposes, configuration can be defined as building
size and shape; the size and location of the structural elements; and the nature, size,
and location of nonstructural elements that may affect structural performance. The
latter include such elements as heavy and/or stiff nonstructural walls, stair-
cases and elevator shafts, exterior wall panels, and heavy equipment items.
Figure 2-11:
Soft story collapse
Figure 2-12:
Figure 2-13:
The re-entrant corner
The structural design for a hospital, however, should still focus on re-
ducing configuration irregularities to the greatest extent possible and
ensuring direct load paths. Framing systems need careful design to
provide the great variety of spatial types necessary without introducing lo-
calized irregularities (Figure 2-14).
Figure 2-14:
Complex footprint of
a large community
hospital. Shaded
areas represent open
Beginning with the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay
Area, the importance of the consequences of damage, other than endan-
gering life safety, has been increasingly recognized, not only in hospitals
and other critical facilities, but in all buildings. A major effort to develop
guidelines for seismic rehabilitation of buildings was funded by FEMA in
1992, and published as FEMA 273 (1997). Subsequently, this guideline was
improved and republished as FEMA 356 (2000), and in 2007 was made a
standard by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 41).
As a result of the high cost of retrofit and the growing interest in un-
derstanding the various performance levels of buildings in earthquakes,
FEMA 273 described a variety of seismic performances for both struc-
tural and nonstructural systems that could be targeted in design. These
performances were summarized in a matrix (see Table 2-1) that allowed
specification of a given performance level by combining the desired struc-
tural performance with a desired nonstructural performance. Four overall
performances levels from that table were highlighted as discussed below.
These performance levels were developed to be applicable to any building
with any occupancy, as appropriate.
N-B Not Not Not
Occupancy 2-B 3-B
Immediate Occupancy 1‑B
recommended recommended recommended
N-D Not
2-D 3-D 4-D 5-D 6-D
Hazards Reduced recommended
The Life Safety level should prevent significant casualties among able-
bodied hospital occupants, but may not protect bed-ridden patients. In
these circumstances, life safety level of protection is not appropriate for
new hospitals.
This level has been sometimes selected as the basis for mandatory seismic
rehabilitation ordinances enacted by municipalities, as it results in mit-
igation of the most severe life-safety hazards at the lowest cost. Collapse
Prevention is intended to prevent only the most egregious structural
failures, and includes no consideration for continued occupancy and
functionality of a hospital, the economics of damage repair, or damage to
nonstructural components.
The example of California shows how earthquake damage affects legislation. The 1971 San
Fernando earthquake was particularly damaging to hospital buildings, most notably the Olive
View Medical Center, a brand new facility that was damaged so badly that it was eventually
demolished. Based on similar experiences with schools, the legislature passed the Hospital Seismic
Safety Act (HSSA) in 1972. The intent of the law was both to protect acute care patients and
to provide post-earthquake medical care. The law was patterned after the Field Act covering
schools in California, specifying the same State review agency, and stipulating design by specially
experienced and approved “Structural Engineers.” It covered new buildings only and provided for
a “Building Safety Board” of industry design professionals and facility experts, appointed by the
Director of Health Services, to advise the State on implementation of requirements.
m Structural design forces in excess of those used for “normal” buildings (initially a “K-factor” of
3.0; later, an importance factor, I, of 1.5)