Complete Consent Form UW School of Dentistry
Complete Consent Form UW School of Dentistry
Complete Consent Form UW School of Dentistry
( )
City State Zip Home Phone
( )
E-mail address Message Phone
( )
Name Relationship Phone
In the event that we are unable to locate this person should an emergency arise, please indicate an
alternate person we can contact. VERY IMPORTANT.
( )
Name Relationship Phone
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
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Last Name First Name MI Age
Any Past Injuries that may impede ability during the CHPA program: YES / NO
I acknowledge that there are certain risks inherent in this program. I acknowledge that all risks cannot be
prevented, and I assume those risks are beyond the control of the University staff. I represent that my minor
child is able, with or without accommodation, to participate in this program, can use the equipment and/or
supplies described above and have obtained any required immunizations. Should my minor child require
emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident or illness arising during the activity, I consent to
such treatment. I acknowledge that the University of Washington does not provide health and accident
insurance and I agree to be financially responsible for any medical bills incurred as a result of emergency
medical treatment. I will notify the activity leader in writing if my minor child has medical conditions
about which emergency medical personnel should be informed.
This form must be signed by both a parent/guardian and the CHPA scholar to ensure that all items have been
reviewed and agreed upon prior to beginning the Community Health Professions Academy.
Students are expected to attend all 8 sessions of the program. Students are to arrive on time or early to each
session, which will begin promptly at 9:00am and participate through the full 3-hour session, concluding at
12:00pm. Scholars are expected to attend all Saturday sessions. If the student misses more than two
sessions, they will not be allowed to continue in the program.
Program Dates:
Students are expected to attend all virtual program sessions, which are outlined below:
● Saturday, Jan 21st: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, Jan 28th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, Feb 11th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, Feb 18th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, Mar 11th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, April 1st or 8th (In person session in your geographic area): 9:00am-3:00pm
● Saturday, April 15 th: 9:00am – 12:00pm
● Saturday, May 6th: 9:00am- 12:00pm
Session Preparation:
Students are asked to complete a 20-minute reading/viewing task before each session.
If the student fails to meet these requirements, they will not be allowed to continue in the program.
The signature on this form indicates that the guidelines and expectations of the Community Health
Professions Academy are understood and agreed upon by both the parent/guardian and the student.
The University of Washington (“UW”), an agency of the State of Washington, is home to over 200 programs and events
that primarily serve youth (“UW Youth Programs”). As described in the Privacy Notice for UW Youth Programs that you
received (available at, certain uses of personal data require your
Community Health Professions Academy (“we”) would like to use contact information belonging to participants
who are under 13 years of age (such as email address, phone number, or mailing address) in order to send
communications relating to announcements, assignments, logistics, mentoring, or similar matters during our
program. Please note that certain Community Health Professions Academy activities may rely on
communications with participants under 13. Our inability to contact a participant may impact that participant’s
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will
not send any communications in the future. A withdrawn consent will not apply to past communications.
Communications about other UW Youth Programs with Parents, Guardians, or Participants who are 18+
Community Health Professions Academy (“we”) would like to use your registration and contact information
(such as name, address, phone number, email address, parent or guardian’s relationship to a participant who is
under 18 years of age, program in which participant is involved, etc.) to send communications about other UW
Youth Programs that may be of interest to you.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will
not send any communications in the future. A withdrawn consent cannot apply to past communications.
● Registration and Contact Information (such as name, address, email address, phone number,
mailing address, UW Youth Program with which the participant is involved, participant’s grade
● Background Information (such as school, school district, athletic history, athletic achievements,
relevant coursework, personal statements, enrollment in past programs, references from a
participant’s teachers or coaches)
with relevant UW units or departments for recruiting (including to contact parents, guardians, and/or the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailed [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will
not share any information in the future. A withdrawn consent will not apply to past personal data sharing.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailed [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will
not share any demographic information in the future. A withdrawn consent will not apply to past personal data
Yes, I give my consent.
Sharing, Featuring, and/or Publishing Photographs, Audio Recordings, Video Recordings, and/or Content
Created in a UW Youth Program
Community Health Professions Academy (“we”) would like to use photographs, video recordings, audio
recordings, and/or content created in our program that identify or can identify the participant. Photographs,
video recordings, audio recordings, and/or content will be captured and/or created at each CHPA session which
will take place January 2023-May 2023.
● shared with University of Washington faculty, staff and students, government officials and school district
leaders in requested and optional reporting so that we can share the program and attract new funders and
● published in the Community Health Professions Academy and UW School of Dentistry’s annual report,
newsletters, and flyers for the purpose of promoting the program to other students and potential donors.
The annual report, newsletters, and flyers will be public. Once published, personal data contained in annual
report, newsletters, and flyers may remain public indefinitely.
● featured on the Office of Educational Partnerships and Diversity’s website for the purpose of showcasing
scholars and the program to the school and university as well as other partners. The Office of Educational
Partnerships and Diversity’s website will be public. Once featured, personal data visible on the Office of
Educational Partnerships and Diversity’s website may remain public indefinitely.
By checking the box below, you grant permission for the UW to create recordings of the image, likeness, and/or
voice of the participant (“Recordings”) in connection with the participant’s involvement in Community Health
Professions Academy. You agree the Recordings may take the form of photographs, films, video and audio tapes,
CD-ROMs, DVDs, digital files, and/or any other media now known or later developed. UW may use the
Recordings at UW’s discretion. You understand that UW’s use of the Recordings may include, but not be limited
to, the panels and hands-on activities described above.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
You understand that neither you nor the participant will be paid for any uses made of the Recordings pursuant to
this grant of permission. You waive the right to inspect or approve of the uses of any printed or electronic copy.
You acknowledge that UW exclusively owns all rights to the Recordings, including but not limited to, any
copyright or trademark rights associated with the Recordings. To the extent the Recordings include any content
created by the participant as part of the Community Health Professions Academy such as drawings, writings,
projects, artwork, and other works or creations (“Content”), you, on behalf of participant, hereby grant UW a
non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and unlimited license to use, reproduce, distribute, display, and
perform, any Content. UW is also granted a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and unlimited
license to create derivative works in any media, now known or later developed, from any Content, and any clips
or portions thereof. UW shall own such derivative works; however, in any instance where UW is deemed not to
own such derivative work, you, on behalf of the participant, hereby grants UW a license to the derivative works
on terms identical to its license granted above.
You, on behalf of yourself and the participant, hereby waive all rights and release UW from, and shall neither sue
nor bring any proceeding against any such parties for, any claim or cause of action, whether now known or
unknown, for defamation, invasion of right to privacy, publicity or personality or any similar matter, or based
upon or relating to the use and exploitation of the Recordings.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, we will
not engage in the panels or hands-on activities described above in the future. A withdrawn consent will not
apply to past personal data processing.
● I have read and understood the Privacy Notice for UW Youth Programs available at;
● I understand that I am not required to give my consent; and
● I agree to the process described above for which I marked “Yes, I give my consent”.
Date: ________/________/________
Apellido Primer Nombre Inicial del Segundo Nombre
( )
Ciudad Estado Código Teléfono de casa
( )
Dirección de correo electrónico Teléfono móvil
( )
Nombre Relación Teléfono
En caso de que no podamos ubicar a esta persona en caso de emergencia, indique una persona
alternativa a la que podamos contactar. MUY IMPORTANTE.
( )
Nombre Relación Teléfono
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
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Apellido Primer Nombre Inicial de Segundo Nombre Edad
Cualquier lesión anterior que pueda impedir la capacidad durante el programa CHPA: SÍ / NO
Reconozco que existen ciertos riesgos inherentes en este programa. Reconozco que todos los
riesgos no se pueden prevenir y asumo aquellos riesgos que escapan al control del personal de la
Universidad. Declaro que mi hijo menor puede, con o sin alojamiento, participar en este programa,
puede usar el equipo y/o los suministros descritos anteriormente y ha obtenido todas las vacunas
requeridas. Si mi hijo menor requiere tratamiento médico de emergencia como resultado de un
accidente o enfermedad que surja durante la actividad, doy mi consentimiento para dicho
tratamiento. Reconozco que la Universidad de Washington no proporciona seguro de salud ni de
accidentes y acepto ser financieramente responsable de cualquier factura médica en la que se
incurra como resultado de un tratamiento médico de emergencia. Notificaré al líder de la actividad
por escrito si mi hijo menor de edad tiene condiciones médicas sobre las cuales se debe informar
al personal médico de emergencia.
Esta forma debe estar firmado por un padre/tutor y el estudiante de CHPA para garantizar que todos los
elementos hayan sido revisados y acordados antes de comenzar la Academia de Profesiones de la Salud
Comunitaria (CHPA).
Se espera que los estudiantes asistan a las 8 sesiones del programa. Los estudiantes deben llegar a tiempo
o temprano a cada sesión, que comenzará puntualmente a las 9:00 a. m. y participará durante la sesión
completa de 3 horas, que concluirá a las 12:00 p. m. Se espera que los estudiantes asistan a todas las sesiones
de los sábados. Si el estudiante falta a más de dos sesiones, no se le permitirá continuar en el programa.
La firma en este formulario indica que tanto el padre/tutor como el estudiante comprenden y aceptan las
pautas y expectativas de la Academia de Profesiones de la Salud Comunitaria (CHPA).
La Universidad de Washington ("UW"), una agencia del estado de Washington alberga más de 200 programas y eventos
que sirven principalmente a los jóvenes ("Programas para jóvenes de la UW"). Como se describe en el Aviso de
Privacidad para los Programas Juveniles de UW que recibió (disponible en, ciertos usos de datos personales requieren su consentimiento.
Comunicaciones sobre otros programas para jóvenes de UW con padres, tutores o participantes mayores de 18
● información de antecedentes (como escuela, distrito escolar, historia deportiva, logros deportivos,
cursos relevantes, declaraciones personales, inscripción en programas anteriores, referencias de los
maestros o entrenadores de un participante)
con unidades o departamentos de UW relevantes para el reclutamiento (incluido el contacto con los
padres, tutores y/o el participante).
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
Compartir, presentar y/o publicar fotografías, grabaciones de audio, grabaciones de video y/o contenido
creado en un programa para jóvenes de UW
Al marcar la casilla a continuación, otorga permiso para que la UW cree grabaciones de la imagen, el parecido
y/o la voz del participante ("Grabaciones") en relación con la participación del participante en la Academia de
DocuSign Envelope ID: 7B5232F0-698C-4F05-B880-CC10F0DA6F09
Profesiones de la Salud Comunitaria. Usted acepta que las Grabaciones pueden tomar la forma de fotografías,
películas, cintas de video y audio, CD-ROM, DVD, archivos digitales y/o cualquier otro medio ahora conocido o
desarrollado posteriormente. UW puede usar las Grabaciones a discreción de UW. Usted comprende que el uso
de las Grabaciones por parte de UW puede incluir, entre otros, los paneles y las actividades prácticas descritas
Usted comprende que ni usted ni el participante serán pagados por los usos que se hagan de las Grabaciones de
conformidad con esta concesión de permiso. Usted renuncia al derecho de inspeccionar o aprobar los usos de
cualquier copia impresa o electrónica.
Usted reconoce que UW es propietario exclusivo de todos los derechos de las Grabaciones, incluidos, entre
otros, los derechos de autor o de marca registrada asociados con las Grabaciones. En la medida en que las
Grabaciones incluyan cualquier contenido creado por el participante como parte de la Academia de Profesiones
de la Salud Comunitaria, como dibujos, escritos, proyectos, obras de arte y otros trabajos o creaciones
("Contenido"), usted, en nombre del participante, por la presente otorga UW una licencia no exclusiva,
perpetua, mundial, libre de regalías e ilimitada para usar, reproducir, distribuir, mostrar y ejecutar cualquier
Contenido. A UW también se le otorga una licencia no exclusiva, perpetua, mundial, libre de regalías e ilimitada
para crear trabajos derivados en cualquier medio, ahora conocido o desarrollado posteriormente, a partir de
cualquier Contenido y cualquier clip o parte del mismo. UW será propietario de dichos trabajos derivados; sin
embargo, en cualquier caso, en el que se considere que UW no posee dicho trabajo derivado, usted, en nombre
del participante, otorga a UW una licencia para los trabajos derivados en términos idénticos a su licencia
otorgada anteriormente.
Usted, en su nombre y el del participante, por la presente renuncia a todos los derechos y libera a UW de, y no
demandará ni entablará ningún procedimiento contra dichas partes por ningún reclamo o causa de acción, ya
sea que se conozca o se desconozca, por difamación, invasión del derecho a la privacidad, publicidad o
personalidad o cualquier asunto similar, o basado en o relacionado con el uso y explotación de las Grabaciones.
Nombre del padre o tutor (si el participante aún no tiene 18 años): _______________________________________
Firma del padre, tutor o participante (si tiene 18 años o más): ____________________________________________
Fecha: ________/________/________