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Agile Requirements Foundations

with Angela Wick

Case Study: Online Coffee Shop Example

Product Vision
Our product is for coffee consumers who have discerning tastes and want to buy our coffee online
and have it delivered. Our online shopping experience has an elegant and easy way to research,
compare, and try out coffees in sample sizes and larger bags. Our experience will generate sample size
recommendations of other coffee varietals with each order. Our customers experience the cost savings,
convenience, and adventure in trying new varietals.

Target Group: Discerning coffee drinkers

Goal: Create a unique, elegant, easy-to-use experience.

Needs: An online experience to enhance the home (or office) coffee experience

Value: It is easy, convenient, and special to shop with advanced information and samples for those with
discerning tastes. Samples will fit the buying pattern and preferences of the customer.

Key Features: Learn about coffees and regions, and shop, buy, and get social about coffee.

This course will look at examples related to the payments and checkout features of the online shopping

Epic/Feature Level
On the team’s backlog, there is an item for selecting payment type.

As a customer, I need to select my payment type so that I can pay with my method of choice.

As this gets prioritized, it gets broken down into more detailed items like the following:
1. PayPal

2. Credit card

3. Gift card

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And as it gets prioritized even further, it gets broken down into more detailed items for the backlog. The
following is a payment type hierarchy example:

1. Select payment type As an online shopper, I need to select PayPal for

a. PayPal my payment type so I can use existing PayPal funds
to pay for my coffee order.
i. Success in finding payment
method and account As an online shopper, I want a notification when
ii. An error connecting to account I select the PayPal payment type and get an
error message, so I can fix the account errors in
iii. Funds not available
connecting to PayPal.

As an online shopper, I want to receive a

notification when I select the payment type and
no funds are available, so I can select a different
payment type.

As a customer, I would like to select a payment type from my profile so I do not have to reenter my
payment information.

The acceptance criteria for this user story is typically a bulleted list, which may look like this:
• When I select to check out, my stored payment methods are displayed.

• I can select which payment method I want to use for the purchase.

• When I select the method I want to use, the details are populated in the fields.

• I am asked to confirm the details.

• The system validates the details are still valid and asks me to correct them if they are not valid.

• Updated details are stored in my profile.

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Story Splitting and Decomposition
1. Select Payment Type
a. PayPal
i. Success in finding payment method and account
ii. An error connecting to account
iii. Funds not available
b. Credit Card
i. Visa
ii. MasterCard
iii. American Express
c. Gift Card

2. Enter Payment Details Information

a. PayPal
i. Select bank account to use
ii. Select to use PayPal balance
b. Credit Card
i. Visa
1. Enter CC #, name, address, zip, exp. date, and code
ii. MasterCard
1. Enter CC #, name, address, zip, exp. date, and code
iii. American Express
1. Enter CC #, name, address, zip, exp. date, and code
c. Gift Card
i. Use new card
1. Enter card number
ii. Use existing card
1. Enter card number
iii. Has no balance
1. Enter card number
iv. Doesn’t have enough for purchase
1. Enter card number
v. Use gift card and then a second payment type
1. Enter card number

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More Splitting Examples
For the user story: As a customer, I want to pay with a gift card so I can use the gift to buy something I

- As a customer, I want to store a gift card balance in my profile so I can use it later to make a
- As a customer, I want to enter my gift card information to use it for my current check-out so I can pay
with a gift card.
- As a customer, I want to view my gift card balance so I can determine if I can use it for my next
- As a customer, I want to use my gift card balance for part of my purchase and another payment
method for the remainder so I can use the gift card to buy something larger than it is worth.

User Story Slicing and Splitting Strategies

Slicing Strategy Description

User Role or Persona Breaking a user role into more specific users

Business Rules Logic like if/then scenarios can be split out

Detailed definitions and filters
Calculations and algorithm scenarios
Decision paths

Scenarios Various scenarios from a user perspective

Process/Workflow Steps and substeps a user takes, sees, or

experiences using the product

Role/Operations Create, read, update, and delete part of the

workflow for a user role

Data Entry Certain data or a subset of data that needs to be

present or entered by a user role

User story: As a member, I want to be able to create a member profile so that the app remembers things
about me, and I don’t have to enter information in more than once.

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Slicing Example Strategy Used
As a member, I would like my online profile to be Data Entry
already in the app when I log in with my same Here we are expressing that we expect the user
member ID and password so I do not have to does NOT have to enter data, and it is already
remember more than one ID and reenter data. present. This could even be split further into
multiple stories by splitting the data into smaller
groups of data that need to be present and
connected to the users when they log in.

As a premium member, I would like to be able Data Entry

to configure my notifications so I don’t get And this can also be split further by defining each
notifications I don’t care about. notification configuration attribute as its own story.
For example, types of notifications, phone number
or email, and acceptable times to notify.

User Role
Premium vs. all members, splitting the user group
to try to make the story smaller

As a customer service rep, I would like to be able Role/Operations

to see a member’s profile so I can help them better It is a different user role specifying if they can
when they call in. create, read, update, or delete information created
in another user story.

As a member with a spouse on my account, I want Business Rule

to be able to see the total club spending for each Calculations, automated decisions, and policies
of us and as an account.

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Product Decomposition

Challenge solution:

Story Map

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