Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology by H.N. Gaur
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology by H.N. Gaur
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology by H.N. Gaur
Scientific publishers (India), Jan 2018, p 540. ISBN: 97938652331, price: INR 3650
C. D. Mayee1,2
All the Plant Pathologists shall agree after reading the of Plant Pathology. Firstly, the book narrates as to how the
recent volume “Physiological and molecular plant pathol- pathogen invade the host by breaking the barriers. They are
ogy written by Dr H.N. Gaur, Emeritus Professor, Maharana known to use several weapons in their armour such as; tox-
Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, ins, enzymes, direct penetrations and so on. This is followed
that the book is an excellent addition to the book shelf of by the mechanisms invoked by host and thus goes the fight
Plant Pathology. In fact Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, the father all controlled by again factors like environment, space and
of Green Revolution in India, very aptly summed up the time. Ultimately, disease is an outcome of the battle won by
philosophy of the book that the book has both the science pathogen and health is the product of resistance shown by
and art of Plant Pathology as elaborated by Horsfall and host. The process of infection commences with right earnest
Cowling in their first volume of the series of five volumes of for survival of the organisms but then several external fac-
PLANT DISEASE, that understanding the disease is science tors determine the ultimate signs, symptoms and damage.
and practicing the management of disease is an art. Today Along with the chapters on physiological and molecular
the tremendous advances in biotechnology, molecular biol- bases of host-pathogen interactions, the author added some
ogy, genomics, the IPR regimes and patents have become very useful information on plant biotechnology, bioinfor-
part of biological sciences and therefore, Plant Pathology is matics, sociological and ethical angles of the new discov-
not restricted to science and art but an element of commerce eries, which are essential to be read by all Plant Patholo-
has been introduced due to commercialization of patented gists because such information at one place is difficult to
technologies. be found. I strongly recommend the book to all the teachers
The book traces the history of the subject but with a dif- of Plant Pathology whose concepts once get cleared can be
ference which has relevance to the current advances. The useful in teaching even at undergraduate level. It should be
peculiar process of pathogenesis of crown gall diseases part of the text book for the post graduate students of the
caused by the bacterium, Agrobacteruim tumefaciens discov- subject, may be they are pursuing fungal, bacterial, viral,
ered some time in 1890 has now revolutionized the science nematode or abiotic pathology .I find that even some of the
of genetic engineering and this bacteria is considered as the narrations on the recent advances of biotechnology, bio-
natural genetic engineer of plants. The author has redefined informatics could also be useful for the students of Plant
the original concepts of pathogen, pathogenicity, pathogen- Protection sciences. I congratulate the author for bringing a
esis, parasitism and so on; in the light of new knowledge of very comprehensive volume on physiological and molecular
molecular biology. The chapters are arranged in a very lucid aspects of Plant Pathology.
manner and one goes through it like a step by step learning
* C. D. Mayee
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of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India
South Asia Biotech Centre, New Delhi, India