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Article history: Nitrogen and fluorine co-doped graphite nanofibers (NFeGNFs) are explored as highly corrosion-
Received 29 February 2016 resistant support materials and investigated for their possible interaction with Pt as an efficient oxy-
Received in revised form gen reduction reaction (ORR) catalyst in an acidic medium. The Pt/NFeGNF catalyst exhibits enhanced
7 June 2016
ORR behavior with greater electrochemical stability, which is exclusively attributed to the simultaneous
Accepted 9 June 2016
presence of N and F heteroatoms, which induces charge delocalization in the GNF matrix based on the
Available online 22 June 2016
electronegativity difference between carbon and heteroatoms. This facilitates a uniform deposition of Pt
nanoparticles over NFeGNFs and interaction between Pt nanoparticles and the GNF support matrix. The
Pt/NFeGNF catalyst was subjected to 10,000 repeated potential cycles between 0 and 1.05 V in acidic
media, resulting in a 30-mV loss in ORR activity, compared to the activity loss of about 200 mV for
commercial Pt/C catalysts. The carbon corrosion and catalyst stability are also determined with more
stringent corrosive test cycles, that is, maintaining the potential of the cell as high as 1.4 V for 180 s and
later decreasing it to 0.6 V for 30 s versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) for 500 cycles, mimicking
the actual conditions of operating fuel cells. Under these harsh corrosive conditions, the Pt/NFeGNF
catalyst displayed excellent stability with only a 90-mV loss in E1/2 in relation to the 270-mV loss in E1/2
for commercial Pt/C catalysts. While evaluating the performance of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst in a polymer
electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), a peak power density of 867 mW cm2 was achieved with a
minimal Pt loading of 0.1 mg cm2, which demonstrates the potential application of this catalyst as a
cathode catalyst in fuel cell reactions.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-6223/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
668 S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679
Pt/NF-GNF further sonicated for 1 h and coated on top of the cathode electrode
C1s O1s until a Pt loading of 0.10 mg cm2 was obtained. For the anode,
N1s F1s
20 wt% commercial Pt/C was used with 7 wt% Nafion until a Pt
Pt 4f
loading of 0.10 mg cm2 was achieved. MEAs were obtained by
sandwiching the pretreated Nafion-212 membrane between the
Intensity (a.u.)
Fig. 1. XPS survey spectra for Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts.
Fig. 1 shows the XPS survey spectra for the catalysts Pt/GNF, Pt/
NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF. All the spectra of catalysts show peaks
onto the catalyst and allowed to dry under ambient condition. Pt corresponding to C, O, and Pt. Besides these peaks, the Pt/NeGNF
wire and saturated calomel electrode (SCE) were used as the and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts show the presence of N and N, F peaks,
counter and reference electrodes, respectively. All potentials are respectively. This confirms the successful doping of N and N, F el-
reported in terms of the RHE scale for convenience unless other- ements into the hexagonal graphitic framework of the carbon lat-
wise stated. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) were recorded in the tice in the Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts, respectively. The
potential range between 0 and 1.05 V at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 in atomic percentages of doped nitrogen and fluorine atoms in the
0.5 M HClO4 aqueous solution purged with N2 gas to remove dis- matrix of NeGNF and NFeGNF and the chemical states of the
solved O2. The region for hydrogen adsorption between 0.05 and different species of N and F in the doped catalysts are listed in
0.4 V on the backward potential scan was used to estimate the Table 1.
ECSA. Linear sweep voltammograms (LSVs) for ORR activity mea- The size of Pt nanoparticles in Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/
surements were performed using an RDE in aqueous 0.5 M HClO4 NFeGNF catalysts were assessed with the help of XRD analysis. The
solution saturated with O2 at a scan rate of 5 mV s1 at 1600 ro- XRD patterns for Pt/GNF, Pt/N-GNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts are
tations per minute. To test the stability and durability of the cata- shown in Fig. 2, and the diffraction peaks at 2q of 39.8 , 46.2 , and
lysts, CVs were repeated by potential cycling for 10,000 cycles, and 67.4 are assigned to Pt (1 1 1), Pt (2 1 0), and Pt (2 2 0), respectively.
the ECSA values were recorded for every 2000th cycle. LSVs were All the Pt diffraction peaks are found to be broadened in the case of
also recorded before and after 10,000 cycles to evaluate the ORR the Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts compared to Pt/GNF, which
behavior of the catalysts. For evaluating the stability of the catalyst indicates a reduced Pt crystallite size for Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF
support, a more stringent test method was used by maintaining the catalyst. The average Pt crystallite size is calculated using the
catalyst at a higher potential of 1.4 V for 150 s and then decreasing DebyeeScherrer formula considering Pt (1 1 1) peaks, which are
the potential to 0.60 V for 30 s to complete a cycle. This process was about 5.7, 4.5, and 3.1 nm for Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF
repeated for 500 cycles, and the CV and LSV data were recorded for catalysts, respectively.
all the catalysts. The experiments were also performed with com- Fig. 3 shows the TEM images for Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/
mercial Pt/C (20 wt%) catalysts for comparison. NFeGNF catalysts. In the case of the Pt/GNF catalyst, severe ag-
glomerations of Pt nanoparticles are seen over the GNF surface, and
many regions of the GNF are left without any Pt nanoparticles
2.4. Fabrication of membrane electrode assemblies and fuel cell (Fig. 3a and b). This is due to the hydrophobic and inert nature of
performance evaluation GNF, which lacks sufficient surface functional groups to anchor
metal nanoparticles. By contrast, nanosized Pt particles are wide-
Commercial SGL DC 35 gas diffusion layers (GDLs) were used as spread and uniformly dispersed over the GNF surface in the case of
anode and cathode electrodes for membrane electrode assembly Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts (Fig. 3c and g). This is because
(MEA) fabrication. For the reaction layers, the prepared catalysts GNF undergoes surface functionalization with N doping, which acts
were dispersed in IPA and ultrasonicated for 30 min, followed by as an anchoring site for Pt nanoparticles and facilitates the uniform
the addition of 30 wt% Nafion solution. The resultant slurries were dispersion of metal nanoparticles on the NeGNF surface [40e42].
Table 1
Atomic percentage of nitrogen and fluorine and chemical states of the different species of N and F in the doped catalysts.
Catalyst N (at. %) F (at. %) Pyridinic N binding Graphitic N binding PteN bonding binding Ionic eCeF binding Semi-ionic eCeF binding
energy (eV) energy (eV) energy (eV) energy (eV) energy (eV)
Pt (1 1 1)
have more or less similar average Pt particle size, the Pt/NeGNF and
Pt/N-GNF Pt/NFeGNF catalysts show comparatively smaller Pt nanoparticles,
Pt (2 1 0) results in large Pt electro chemical surface area (ECSA) available for
Pt (2 2 0)
the ORR. Moreover, N doping into GNF creates the carbon active
sites adjacent to the N atoms based on the charge delocalization
Pt (1 1 1) principles. These carbon active sites are also prone toward O2
adsorption and their subsequent reduction. Introduction of F into
Pt (2 1 0) N/GNF opens up the fibrous structure, which is then transformed
Pt (2 2 0) into wrinkled graphene sheets (Fig. 3e) with many folded active
sites, as also observed in our earlier reports and validated by den-
sity functional theory (DFT) study [38].
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Fig. 4 shows the CVs of Pt-deposited catalysts in 0.5 M HClO4
2 theta (degree) aqueous solution with a scan rate of 50 mV s1. All the catalysts
show clear H2 adsorption/desorption peaks in the region between
Fig. 2. Comparative XRD pattern of Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts. 0 and 0.25 V and redox peaks associated with PteO/PteOH at a
Fig. 3. TEM images for (aeb) Pt/GNF, (ced) Pt/NeGNF, and (eeg) Pt/NFeGNF catalysts. The particle size distribution curves of (h) Pt/GNF, (i) Pt/NeGNF, and (j) Pt/NFeGNF catalysts.
S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679 671
Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms for (a) Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts recorded at 25 C in 0.5 M HClO4 solution at a scan rate of 50 mV s1; (b) oxide and hydroxide
potential region of the catalysts; (c) hydroxyl surface coverage (WOH ads) of the catalysts calculated based on the eOHads peak obtained from the CV curves.
Fig. 5. Linear sweep voltammograms for (a) Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF at 1600 rpm in O2-saturated aqueous 0.5 M HClO4 solution at a scan rate of 5 mV s1. (b) Mass
activities for Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts.
potential above 0.6 V. An enhanced charge generation is observed the uniform deposition of Pt nanoparticles over the doped GNF
for Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts, which indicates that a large surface. It is worth noting that not only does the ECSA determine
amount of Hþ ions are adsorbed/desorbed on these catalysts the activity of the catalysts but the potential at which PteO for-
compared with Pt/GNF and Pt/C. This enhanced charge is directly mation and its subsequent reduction occur is also responsible for
associated with the volume of Pt nanoparticles exposed for the the intrinsic activity of the catalyst. Generally, the onset potential of
chemical reaction, usually termed as electrochemical active surface PteO species determines the stability of Pt species, and the PteOH
area (ECSA) of the catalyst. Accordingly, the ECSA values for all the reduction potential determines the kinetics of the ORR reaction.
catalysts are calculated from the charge corresponding to the H2 Fig. 4b shows the enlarged portion of the redox peaks of catalysts. It
desorption region in the reverse scan of the voltammograms, which is seen that the onset of PteO species for the Pt/NeGNF and Pt/
are found to be 75, 71, 115, and 124 m [2] g1 Pt for Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/ NFeGNF catalyst appears at potentials of ~0.85 V, larger than the Pt/
NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts, respectively. Improved ECSA for GNF and Pt/C catalysts. Usually, the oxidation resistance of Pt
the Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts is exclusively attributed to nanoparticles increases with increased onset potential of the PteO
672 S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679
Fig. 6. XPS deconvoluted spectra for (a) N1s and (b) F2p NFeGNF catalyst; (c) N1s, (d) F2p, and (e) C1s of Pt/NFeGNF catalyst; (f) combined Pt 4f spectra of Pt/GNF, Pt/N-GNF, and Pt/
NFeGNF catalyst.
species, which makes the Pt nanoparticles less oxophilic [43,44]. which help remove oxide/OH species from the Pt nanoparticles,
However, the PteOH reduction peak of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst and hence enhances the ORR kinetics [30]. Moreover, well-
shows the highest onset potential of ~0.84 V among all the cata- dispersed Pt nanoparticles and their close interaction with the
lysts, indicating the higher intrinsic ORR activity of the former. support material provide a more facile path for the electron
Further PteO formation and PteOH reduction for the Pt/NFeGNF transfer, thus boosting the ORR kinetics.
catalyst occurs almost at the same potential. This indicates that Fig. 5a shows the LSVs recorded in 0.5 M HClO4 electrolyte at a
oxide formation and reduction occur quickly, refreshing the Pt scan rate of 5 mV s1. The obtained LSVs of the catalysts illustrate
catalyst surface for faster ORR kinetics [45]. Fig. 4c represents the coherent results with the CV data. The Pt/NFeGNF catalyst shows
adsorption of hydroxyl species (eOH % coverage), which is calcu- the highest ORR onset potentials of 0.98 V among all the catalysts.
lated from the eOHads peak region in the CV backward scan. The OH Further, the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst shows much steeper kinetic curves
% coverage was obtained by normalizing the hydroxyl adsorption in the region 0.8e1.05 V, indicating significant improvement in the
charges to the ECSA of the respective catalysts. It is seen that the Pt/ ORR activity for this catalyst. The observed ORR activity is in the
NFeGNF catalyst shows lower eOH % coverage in relation to the order of Pt/GNF < Pt/C < Pt/NeGNF < Pt/NFeGNF. Further, RDE
others, which confirms weak adsorption/quick desorption of the polarization plots corrected for mass transport and kinetic pa-
eOH species, thus enhancing the ORR activity. Further, the oxo- rameters, such as kinetic current (ik) and mass activity (im), for all
philic nature of the NeGNF surface could provide charged species, the catalysts are measured at 0.9 V, as shown in Fig. 5b. The ik
S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679 673
values for Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF are found to be Fig. 6e. The peaks located at 283.6, 284.2, 284.9, 285.8 and 288.7 eV
0.19, 0.24, 0.36, and 0.81 mA cm2, and the mass activities corresponds to sp3 carbon, sp2 carbon, eCeN, eCeO and eCeF
are 9.5, 12.2, 18.3, and 40.8 A g1 Pt, respectively. The mass activities bonding respectively. Appearance of eCeN and eCeF in the spectra
of Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts are, respectively, 1.9 and 4.3 confirms the doping of N and F in to the carbon matrix [51,52]. Pt4f
times higher than that of the commercial Pt/C catalyst. The excel- spectra of Pt/GNF, Pt/N-GNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts are shown in
lent performance of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst is attributed to the Fig. 6f. Pt/GNF catalyst possesses two peaks at 71.80 and 75.08 eV
synergistic ORR activity of N and F dopants and their interaction corresponding to the spin-splitting of 4f7/2 and 4f5/2 regions of
with Pt nanoparticles. Further, highly dispersed smaller Pt nano- metallic Pt . The metallic peaks down shifted to lower BE in case of
particles are also responsible for the increase in ORR activity of the Pt/N-GNF and these peaks are further downshifted for Pt/NFeGNF
Pt/NFeGNF catalyst by increasing the ECSA available for the elec- catalyst. This observation clearly indicates specific interaction be-
trochemical reaction. tween Pt nanoparticles and NeF doped carbon supports as a result
The XPS spectra of NF/GNF, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF of electron donation from N and F to the Pt [30,34,53]. This down
catalysts are shown in Fig. 6. To explore the interaction of the shift in BE for Pt/NFeGNF catalyst is also due to the lowering of Pt d-
support (NF/GNF) with the Pt nanoparticles, the XPS spectra of N band center relative to Fermi level which facilitates reduction of O2
and F were compared with the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst (Fig. 6a,b). The N molecules from the Pt surface [54e57]. In the present case, lower
spectra of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst were deconvoluted into three BE for Pt/N-GNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts are ascribed to this
different peaks at the BEs of 398.8, 399.1, and 400.2 eV corre- phenomenon and weaken the eOH adsorption species from Pt
sponding to pyridinic N, pyrrolic N, and graphitic N, respectively surface facilitating faster ORR kinetics [58]. This is also in consistent
(Fig. 6c). Pyridinic N refers to N atoms at the edges of graphene with the % eOH coverage from the CVs (Fig. 4c).
planes which bonded to two carbon atoms, pyrrolic N atoms are Fig. 7 shows the fuel cell polarization and power density curves
linked to five membered heterocyclic rings and bonded to two for the MEAs with Pt/GNF, Pt/C, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF as
carbon atoms, and in the case of graphitic N, the N is bonded to cathode catalysts at a loading of 0.1 mg cm2, evaluated under
three carbon atoms and often called substituted N or quaternary N. identical experimental conditions. A significant enhancement in
The enhanced ORR activity of Pt/NFeGNF catalyst in this study is the activation region is observed for the PEMFCs with the Pt/
attributed to presence of all forms of N species discussed above. An NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts. As commercial Pt/C is used as an
additional peak is also observed at relatively lower BE of 397.2 eV anode catalyst for all the MEAs, any variation in the PEMFC per-
and is attributed to N atoms bonded to Pt nanoparticles (PteN formance is attributed only to the ORR kinetic behavior of the
bonding) [31,46,47]. Since, pyridinic-N presents at the edges of cathode catalyst. The improved ORR activity and superior perfor-
graphene sheets, the adsorption energy of Pt on graphene is mance of the PEMFCs comprising the Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF
enhanced at the edge locations due to dangling bonds and allows catalyst are clearly established in the polarization data. The ob-
for the formation of stable PteN bonds at the edges of graphene tained PEFC performances are in the order Pt/NFeGNF > Pt/
sheets [48]. Holmes et al., reports the interaction of Pt with types of NeGNF > Pt/C > Pt/GNF catalysts with the peak power densities of
N atoms and found that Pt ripening is unfavorable with pyridinic N 867, 775, 561, and 548 mW cm2 at 70 C and 2-bar pressure. The
type compared to other form of N atoms [40]. Hence, the presence enhanced power density of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst is attributed to
of pyridinic N and their interaction with Pt in the catalyst Pt/ the improved dispersion of Pt nanoparticles and their interaction
NFeGNF primarily contributes in enhancing the ORR activity in the with the N and F dopants of the support as described earlier.
present study. Fig. 6d shows deconvoluted F spectra which contain To evaluate the long-term stability of all the catalysts, a dura-
two different chemical states of F, one at 684.8 and the other at bility test was performed under potential cycling between 0 and
685.85 eV corresponds to ionic-F and semi-ionic-F bonds with 1.05 V up to 10,000 cycles at a sweep rate of 50 mV s1, and the CV
carbon respectively. It is also proposed in our earlier study that responses are presented at every 2000 potential cycles as shown in
semi-ionic CeF bond is more active towards the ORR which po- Fig. 8aed. All the catalysts exhibit reduction in the hydrogen
larizes the adjacent carbon atoms to a greater extent especially in
the presence of N atoms [38]. Hence, the existence of semi-ionic
eCeF bonds is responsible for enhanced activity of the Pt/
NFeGNF catalyst. Moreover, presence of F greatly enhances the
durability of Pt catalyst, as F is more stable at the edges than in the
interior region makes the edge positions of carbon supports stable
and are resistant to carbon corrosion [49]. Hence, the combined
existence of pyridinic-N and stable edge occupation of F contributes
to the enhanced durability of Pt nanoparticles for Pt/NFeGNF
catalyst [50]. To understand the changes in chemical states of N and
F spectra in the NFeGNF support before and after Pt decoration,
XPS spectra for pristine NFeGNF sample is shown in Fig. 6a & b
based on our earlier report for fair comparison. The corresponding
BE values are also provided in Table 1. From the data, there is no
significant change in the BE of N spectra is observed between
NFeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalyst. However, there is a notable
change in the F spectra is observed. The BE of semi-ionic CeF bond
is shifted to the lower value in case of Pt/NFeGNF catalyst (BE of
NFeGNF is 687.67 eV; BE of Pt/NFeGNF is 685.95 eV). This shift in
BE may attribute to the specific interaction of Pt nanoparticles with
the F atoms in the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst and helps enhancing ORR
Fig. 7. Fuel cell polarization and performance curves for H2eO2 PEFCs comprising Pt/C,
activity and durability of Pt/NFeGNF catalyst. The carbon spectrum Pt/GNF, Pt/N-GNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts as cathode catalysts at 70 C and 2 bar-
of the Pt/NFeGNF catalysts is deconvoluted to five peaks corre- absolute pressure with gaseous H2 (80% RH) and gaseous O2 (80% RH) to the anode and
sponding to different bonding configurations of carbon as shown in cathode of the PEFCs, respectively.
674 S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679
Fig. 8. Cyclic voltammograms for (a) Pt/C, (b) Pt/GNF, (c) Pt/NeGNF, and (d) Pt/NFeGNF catalysts by repeated CV cycling test; (e) loss in ECSA values for all the catalysts with respect
to the potential cycling and (f) with respect to each cycle.
adsorption regions, indicating a decrease in ECSA with respect to The half-wave potentials shifted negatively by 200, 180, 130, and
potential cycling [59,60]. The ECSA values are normalized to their 30 mV for the Pt/C, Pt/GNF, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts,
corresponding initial value, and the percentage loss of ECSA for all respectively. The calculated rate of voltage loss is 1.8, 1.2, 0.9, and
the catalysts is plotted with the number of potential cycling shown 0.2 mV h1 for the Pt/GNF, Pt/C, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF cata-
in Fig. 8e. For the Pt/C and Pt/GNF catalysts, the loss in ECSA after lysts, respectively (Fig. 9e). This remarkable stability of the Pt/
10,000 potential cycles is ~67%, whereas the losses in ECSA are NFeGNF catalyst is solely attributed to the ameliorating effect of N
about 29% and 12% for Pt/NeGNF and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts, and F heteroatoms in the graphene matrix and the interaction of Pt
respectively. Based on these findings, it is evident that the degra- nanoparticles with the graphene supports. Moreover, the presence
dation rate of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst is greatly reduced compared of CeF bonds also enhances the electrochemical stability of Pt
to that of the commercial Pt/C and Pt/N-GNF catalysts. The average nanoparticles under fuel cell operating conditions. As a result, the
rate of surface area loss is 4.8, 3.9, 3.3, and 1.1 (103) m2 g1 aggregation, dissolution, and detachment of Pt nanoparticles are
cycle1 for the Pt/GNF, Pt/C, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts, prevented.
respectively (Fig. 8f). This indicates that the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst has To further evaluate the catalyst support stability, a more strin-
a significant longer lifetime and is about four times more durable gent test method is used by maintaining the potential of the cata-
than the commercial Pt/C and Pt/GNF catalysts in 0.5 M HClO4 lyst as high as 1.4 V for 150 s and then decreasing the potential to
acidic medium. To understand the O2 reduction behavior, LSVs are 0.60 V for 30 s to complete a cycle [61]. This process was repeated
also conducted after 10,000 potential cycles as shown in Fig. 9aed. for 500 cycles for the Pt/C, Pt/NeGNF, and Pt/NFeGNF catalysts and
S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679 675
Fig. 9. Linear sweep voltammograms of the catalysts before and after the stability tests: (a) Pt/C, (b) Pt/GNF, (c) Pt/NeGNF, and (d) Pt/NFeGNF catalyst at 1600 rpm in O2-saturated
aq. 0.5 M HClO4 solution at a scan rate of 5 mV s1; (e) rate of ORR activity degradation with respect to time.
Fig. 10. Cyclic voltammograms of (a) Pt/C, (c) Pt/NeGNF, and (e) Pt/NFeGNF recorded after 500 cycles of test studies. CV recorded at a scan rate of 50 mV s1 in 0.5 M HClO4
electrolyte. LSV curves for (b) Pt/C, (d) Pt/NeGNF, and (f) Pt/NFeGNF catalysts recorded after 500-cycle test. LSVs were recorded at a scan rate of 5 mV s1 in 0.5 M HClO4 electrolyte.
dissolution and/or agglomeration (Ostwald ripening) of platinum stable NFeGNF support, which strengthen the binding of Pt
nanoparticles occurs either by migration of Pt ions through the nanoparticles with the support, thereby mitigating agglomeration.
ionomer in the catalyst or by Pt dissolution and subsequent However, for the commercial Pt/C catalyst, Pt nanoparticles are
deposition on neighboring particles. Generally, larger Pt nano- detached from the Vulcan carbon support, as the support medium
particles are more stable against the dissolution phenomenon is more prone to carbon corrosion. As a result, the active ECSA
because of their low surface energy, whereas very small-sized Pt available for ORR is reduced in the case of commercial Pt/C. The
nanoparticles tend to dissolute and redeposit on the neighboring Pt average Pt nanoparticle size increases from an initial value of 3e5
nanoparticles and attain a suitable size to minimize the surface to 4e8 nm for the Pt/C catalyst, whereas it increases from 1 to 2 to
energy [66]. From the TEM image of Pt/NFeGNF catalysts (Fig. 11), 4e8 nm in the case of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst, after 500 cycles of
in addition to the presence of a graphene support layer even after the corrosive test (Fig. 11gei). Thus, it can be concluded that the
500 cycles of the corrosive test, a few larger Pt nanoparticles are NeF/GNF support, which has features similar to graphene, is more
also seen. This is attributed to the very small size of the Pt nano- resistive to carbon corrosion in an acidic medium. The Pt particles
particles of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst, which are sensitive to disso- incorporated on the surface of these support materials significantly
lution and their redeposition on the adjacent Pt nanoparticles. enhance the electrochemical ORR behavior with great stability.
Although larger nanoparticles are observed, a high number of Pt The excellent activity and stability of the Pt/NFeGNF catalyst is
nanoparticles are still available for the ORR reaction, due to the confirmed by the following factors: The presence of N and F atoms
S.G. Peera et al. / Carbon 107 (2016) 667e679 677
Fig. 11. TEM images of Pt/C catalysts (aeb) before and (ced) after 500 cycles; (eef) Pt/NFeGNF catalyst after 500 cycles (1.4 V for 150 s and 0.60 V for 30 s). The average particle size
distribution curves of the catalysts (g) Pt/C, before cycling (h), Pt/C, after cycling, and (i) Pt/NFeGNF.
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