Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG

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Name: Brooklyn Davis Grade/Subject: 8/Math Date: 7/10/23

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)

8.7c: use Pythagorean theorem and Pythagorean theorem converse to solve problems.

2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do

Students will know the properties of a right triangle.

Students will be able to identify the hypotenuse vs the legs of a right triangle.
Students will be able to solve for an unknown side using Pythagorean theorem.
Students will be able to identify if a triangle is a right triangle using Pythagorean theorem.

3. SMART Students will be able to solve for the hypotenuse of a right triangle when given the length of
Objective(s): (C3) both legs.

Essential Question:
What tools do I have at my disposal to help me solve the equation?

4. Central Focus The purpose of this lesson is to build upon previous knowledge of solving equations. The
(C4) students will learn Pythagorean Theorem and display how to use it effectively in real world
How will this lesson link problems. This lesson will also serve as a building block for solving different parts of an
with other lessons in the equation.

Learning Targets
I CAN statements that I can solve for the unknown side length of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Clearly show alignment
I can correctly identify if a triangle is a right triangle
with TEKS
5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language
represents the language Evaluate, Identify, Explain
of the discipline that
students need to learn
and use to engage in the
content area in Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
meaningful ways.
There are 4 language Right Triangle
demands to consider as Pythagorean Theorem
you require students to Converse
read, write, speak, listen, Equation
demonstrate and perform. Substitute

Discourse (Structures of written and oral language, how will they talk, write, and participate in
knowledge construction: discussions, reports, essays, multi-media presentations, performance):

Group Work, Gallery Walk

Syntax (The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures, e.g.,
graphic organizers, formulas, charts, language rules, outlines, graphs, tables):

STAAR Formula Chart


6. Targeted Language Language Function (How will you help them demonstrate the DO verb?)
Supports (C5)
The resources, Show students key words to help them determine if they need to use Pythagoreon Theorem or
representations, and its converse.
strategies you will
provide to help students Vocabulary Strategies - (GO TO Page)
understand, use, and 1. World Wall-commonly used words in this unit as well as any other words students ask or we
practice the concepts and hear a lot throughout the unit.
language they need to
learn within the
discipline 2. Frayer Model-one for finding the hypotenuse, one for finding a leg, and another one using
Site the researcher’s
name as you refer to the
Discourse strategies - (GO TO Page)
-Write: Write the steps to solving for C in Pythagorean Theorem

-Talk: Turn and talk to discuss the different parts of Pythagorean Theorem (a,b, and c)

Syntax - (GO TO Page)

1. Use your STAAR formula chart to find the Pythagorean Theorem formula

2. Using your notes solve for the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

Making Content Comprehensible (R9)

7. Assessment/ Assessment of your TEK

Evaluation (C6) Formative:
Assessment(s) must be Quiz using Desmos to find missing side lengths and confirm if a triangle is a right triangle.
aligned to the TEKS,
and objectives.

Cumulative Exam over Pythagorean Theorem

Assessment of your language demands:


Draw a right triangle and label all of its parts using our vocabulary words.

Exam includes Vocbulary Demands.

8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning)

Pythagorean Theorem/ Triangle Rap

Closure (C7)

Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning)

Student Assets (C7)

Personal assets:
Cultural assets:
Community assets:
9. Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies and I DO –
Learning Task(s) Use document camera to work through example problems and explain all the aspects of
(C9) Pythagorean theorem and characteristics of a right triangle.

Be sure to include:
How will students learn
and use academic
Fill out notes that align with examples and solve problems together using desmos.
Three higher order
thinking questions.

Marzano Strategy
Work with their table group to solve 4 example problems. Then switch with another table to
check their work.

Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the

content, process, product, and/or learning environment):

o Second Language learners / Cultural Diversity:

Keeping examples on the screen as well as what my Desmos screen looks like.
Individualized grouping if needed.

o Gifted / advanced learners:

Think of a real world example and then share with the class. Or help other groups that
are not yet finished once they finish.
Technology: -(GO TO page)
Document Camera, Desmos

Marzano Strategy - (GO TO page)

Higher Order Thinking Questions (GO TO page)

1. Apply your knowledge of Pythagorean theorem and think of a real world example like I
did at the beginning of class.
2.Explain the difference between Pythagorean theorem and its converse.

Grouping / Partnering Technique: (Hattie)

Small groups to work together and bounce ideas off of each other.

Potential misconceptions and your plan to address it:

When using the converse, assuming it’s a right triangle because it looks like a right triangle
Plan: Show a couple examples of a triangle that is drawn as a right triangle but the labeled sides
don’t make it a right triangle and have students work through it.

Students getting bogged down on picking which length is a and which is b after correctly
identifying the hypotenuse
Plan: Show them that with a and b it does not matter since addition and multiplication are

10. Resources and Desmos (chromebook)

materials needed (C9) Worksheet
(How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)

Vocabular words with definitions

Example problem to keep at their desk if accommodations allow.


11. Classroom
Management Strategies 1) The first thing you do is pick up any handouts on the desk by the door and start on your
(CBM5) warm up.
What procedures will you 2) When the music stops playing that means I am ready to start the lesson so you will need
employ to manage to be fully prepared for class and all talking stops.
transitions, behavior, 3) Desmos etiquette and expectations while on chromebooks.
passing out materials,
engagement, etc.?

Add 3 procedures
12. Academic Supports
for Students (E6) Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around obstacles):
What instructional 1. Fill in the blank notes
strategies and planned
supports, will you employ to 2. Worked out example kept on desk during independent work
meet the needs of each
student that has identified 3. Vocabulary Dictionary relevant to content
special learning needs?
Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):
1. Shortened Assignments

2. Break down questions into smaller steps instead of one big question


(E11) Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)

1. Vocabulary Banks

2. Manipulatives (being able to move around the legs of a triangle)

3. Sentence stems for questions that require explanation.

4. Partner Talk

5. Choral Responses from students

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