Nasc SG4 22
Nasc SG4 22
Nasc SG4 22
Safety Guidance 4: 2022
Preventing Falls in
Scaffolding Operations
A guide to good practice for tube and fitting and system scaffolding
November 2022
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Preventing Falls in
Scaffolding Operations
Safety Guidance 4: 2022
Published by: The preparation of this NASC Guide to Preventing Falls
in Scaffolding was entrusted to The NASC SG4 Working
National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) Party by the Council of the National Access and Scaffolding
4th Floor, 12 Bridewell Place Confederation.
London EC4V 6AP
Tel: 020 7822 7400 Technical Author
Email: Simon Hughes CMIOSH, MIIRSM
Website: Simian Risk Management Limited
© NASC 2022 This guide takes the form of recommendations and guidance.
It should not be quoted as if it were a specification. It does not
First published 2022 purport to include all the necessary provisions for a contract
and users are responsible for their application.
ISBN 978-0-9934076-3-5
The guide has been written on the assumption that the
Designed by execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately
Steve Phillips qualified and experienced people and that construction and
supervision of scaffolds will be carried out by capable and
Illustrated by experienced organisations.
Steve Phillips
Computer and Design Services Ltd. NASC and Simian Risk Management Limited shall be under
no liability of whatsoever kind however caused whether or
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be not due to the negligence or wilful default of NASC or their
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any servants or agents arising out of or in connection with this
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, document or any part thereof.
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
publisher and copyright owner.
Amd. No.
Contents iii
Figures v
Foreword vii
HM Chief Inspector of Construction, HSE (awaiting)
Foreword viii
Suzannah Nichol MBE, Chief Executive Build UK
Preface ix
Lynn Way, President NASC
01 Introduction 1
03 Principles of fall prevention and protection 13 NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Acknowledgements 60
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
48 Twin-tail lanyard that shares a common energy absorber 28
49 Double lanyard system using two separate fall arrest lanyards 28
50 An example of a sacrificial lanyard parking point 29
51 Typical options for stowing and securing a lanyard when not in use 29
52 Examples of suitable anchor points 30
53 Examples of unsuitable anchor points 31
54 Anchor devices 31
55 A selection of special connectors and anchor devices 32
56 The pendulum effect 33
57 A slung scaffold being erected by a scaffolder 33
58 Examples of a hybrid self–retracting lanyard system 34
59 A proprietary line system 34
60 Recovery from height by emergency services 36
61 Retrievable type inertia reel 36
62 Examples of remote rescue equipment for scaffolding applications 37
63 Fully assisted rescue situation 38
64 Scaffolder raising platform boards 39
65 Typical proprietary system scaffold stairway 40
66 Ladder access bays with single lift ladders 41
67 Internal ladder access with a protected ladder trap 41
68 External ladder access using a safety gate 41
69 A standalone loading tower with access built in 42
70 Scaffolders using a MEWP to erect a suspended scaffold 43
71 Work restraint lanyard and adjustable combination lanyard 43
72 An example of an anchor point for a proprietary scaffolding system 44
73 Example of sequence of work to erect guardrails in advance for shorter lift heights 44
74 A sequence of work for floor height lifts 45
75 Tall Lifts - Scaffolder using a scaffolders’ step to form a floor height lift 45
76 Example of a birdcage scaffolding system of work 46
77 Example of a loading bay gate to maintain collective fall protection 46
78 Temporary guardrail for loading bay gate installation and removal 46
79 Example of a roof saddle sequence of work with eaves edge protection and 47
continual attachment
80 Examples of bridging with beams 48
81 Examples of collective protection for the construction of gantry scaffolding 49
82 Falling object protection fan erected using an inertia reel 50
83 An example of a temporary guardrail assembly used to provide a scaffolders’ 50
safe zone during the erection of a truss-out cantilevered scaffold
84 Examples of proprietary temporary roof systems 51
85 A traditional temporary roof with edge protection and safe access and egress 52
86 Scaffolders crabbing beams to fix a chord tie maintaining continual attachment 53
87 Scaffolders maintaining continuous attachment whilst fixing sheeting to a temporary roof 53
88 An example of safe access to the roof surface via a cantilevered eaves platform 53
89 Shows perimeter edge protection to a traditional temporary roof 53
90 Showing good practice for fall protection during sheeting operations 54
91 Debris chute or hoist tower construction 55
92 Scaffolder erecting roof edge protection from a MEWP 55
93 Safety net fan system provides protection for erecting temporary edge protection 55
94 Scaffolder utilising an installed fall protection system for roof access 56
95 Fully decked and guardrailed working platform to form a scaffolders’ safe zone 56
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
The application of consistently high standards is key to both safety and productivity on
construction projects.
Written by NASC and industry experts, over the years this guidance has challenged
industry practices and has clearly demonstrated an impact in saving lives and preventing
serious injury. All scaffolding operatives should hold a current CISRS card and be trained
to SG4:22 Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations which sets the standard across the
FallsAsfrom height continue
a long-serving to beand
member thecurrent
largest President
single cause of fatal
of the NASC,andI have
life changing injuries
experienced first-
for workers across industry. Scaffolders, when erecting, altering or dismantling
hand the positive influence this flagship guidance has had on our industry. I am delightedscaffolding
are to
regularly exposed to
have witnessed the change
a sea risk of a in
theThis guidance
attitudes andclearly showsofthat
behaviours with proper
scaffolding contractors
planning, preparation, provision and use of the correct equipment and systems
and their scaffolders towards all matters relating to health and safety, and particularly of work,
the work
risk ofataheight.
fall canThe
be eliminated
contributionor this
guidance has made in helping our industry to
become a more professional trade cannot be over emphasised. The true impact of SG4
It is isencouraging
evidenced by that the
the 87%NASC continues
reduction to rate
in the fulfil of
their commitment
falls from heightas
trade members
with 93 in 1999 to 12 in 2021, these statistics speak for themselves andestablishing
to develop its own industry guidance. In taking ownership and provide a clear
good practice it has
demonstration enabled
that scaffolding contractors to better manage the risk and
SG4 works!
NASC acknowledges that a scaffolder’s work is generally hazardous and this guidance
accepts that employers have responsibility to ensure that adequate measures are
provided for employees to eliminate or minimise the risks involved. The NASC works
hardinto action. safety, not only amongst its members but also clients, site owners
to promote
and the general public. We must continue to support our clients to demand increasing
compliance levels with this key industry safety guidance on sites they control. For those
who choose not to comply, we must demand more frequent and robust levels of action
from all stakeholders, including client organisations and the enforcing authorities, thereby
maintaining continuous improvements in the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of everyone
working on or impacted by construction sites.
This revision has been more of a fine-tuning following a systematic review of the guidance
and understanding the realisation of substantial health and safety improvements in work
areas previously targeted. The core principles of SG4 remain unchanged, albeit with
continued emphasis on the ‘SCAFFOLDERS’ SAFE ZONE’ method of working.
The guidance has also been updated to reflect recent advances within our industry
and particularly the broadened scope of the new TG20:21 Operational guide – A
comprehensive guide to good practice for tube and fittings scaffolding. The NASC and
its members are continuing their drive to move the industry forward on matters relating
to safety and consistency, and it is our intention that this revised document will enable NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
scaffolding contractors to continue their demonstration of industry good practice.
Lynn Way
NASC President
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Illustrations used in this publication use the following colour code:
Yellow - featured components and equipment
Red - indicates active collective protection
SECTION 01 | Introduction
Falls from height account for almost half of the fatal accidents protection technology, updated Technical Guidance (TG20) and
in the construction sector. Falling from height is a significant changing methods of construction and maintenance.
risk faced by scaffolders when erecting, altering or dismantling
scaffolding during most scaffolding operations. The NASC also recognises that statistics1 have shown falls
from height rarely involve scaffolders from our membership who
The NASC and HSE acknowledges that scaffolders have to are working from scaffold structures they have constructed
work in hazardous situations, and this guidance note accepts themselves. We also recognise that the instances of fatal and
that employers have a responsibility to ensure that adequate RIDDOR 2 specified injuries resulting from falls of scaffolders
measures are provided for employees during scaffolding have significantly reduced since the introduction of SG4 in
operations to eliminate or minimise those risks. the mid-1990s. The previous revisions of SG4 in 2000, 2005,
2010 and again in 2015 have seen changes to the methods of
The scaffolding industry has seen significant improvement working that have been adopted by the industry.
over the last twenty years in working practices for improving
health and safety performance. However, it remains evident that NASC members accident statistics have shown that since 2000
large elements of our industry continue to accept standards there has been an 87% reduction in the number of falls recorded
of work and levels of risk that fails to meet the minimum legal from scaffolding operations – from 93 in 1999 to 12 in 2021.
requirements and established industry good practice, exposing This reduction is more remarkable when you consider there has
workers and others to significant risk of injury. NASC and its been a 46% increase in the number of operatives working within
membership are committed to promoting good practice through the NASC membership, which represents an 88% reduction in
our published guidance. the accident frequency rate during this period ( Figure 1).
100 0.50
80 0.40
Number of Falls from Height
60 0.30
Frequency Rate
20 0.10
0 0.00
Total Falls Frequency Rate
The aim of this document remains the same and is to illustrate establish collective protection by creating a scaffolders’ safe
current preventative and protective measures which represent zone and therefore minimising the time exposed to a fall risk
good industry practice that could be utilised when establishing and reliance upon personal fall protection equipment (safety
safe systems of work to prevent and protect against falls harnesses). The introduction of these collective methods
from height during scaffolding operations. This edition of SG4 of working will not completely remove the risk of a fall in all
continues to focus on the measures scaffolding contractors situations, therefore the NASC recognises that scaffolders
and scaffolders have to take to create a scaffolders’ safe will still be required to wear and use personal fall protection
zone where they are suitably protected against the risk of equipment in accordance with this Safety Guidance when
falling. The key priority and objective for scaffolders is to working at height.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION Employers have legal duties to provide safe systems of Explain the legal requirements for work at height;
work for employees and to carry out suitable and sufficient
assessment of the risks to the health and safety of employees Identify and explain the significant hazards that
and others. This management guidance note is designed scaffolders are exposed to during typical scaffolding
to be used as reference by employers, clients, designers, operations;
contractors and enforcing authorities when preparing and
reviewing risk assessments for the erection, alteration and Highlight practical solutions available to control the risks
dismantling of temporary access and other structures by that arise from those hazards.
scaffolders. This guidance note is again supported by a user
guide (SG4:You) to provide essential information to scaffolders This guidance is not exhaustive and does not feature every
in a user-friendly format. Other information and training aids scaffolding operation. However, it has been designed so that
are available via the NASC website ( the basic principles contained within this document can be
applied as solutions to most scaffolding operations.
The types of structure, nature of work and environmental
conditions vary considerably within the scaffolding trade.
However, within the guidance the NASC has endeavoured to:
Source: HSE
SECTION 02 | Planning for work at height
However, there is greater opportunity to eliminate the need NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
to work at height at the design and planning stages of a
project by designers and principal contractors e.g. the pre-
assembling of guardrails to steel beams prior to being installed
by the steel erectors will eliminate the need for scaffolders to
install the edge protection at height (Figure 3).
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION In some cases, innovative temporary works design for III. Mitigate the distance and
scaffolding structures can avoid certain higher risk aspects
02 consequences of a fall
of work at height in the erection or dismantling sequence,
thus reducing the risk of a fall by scaffolders. For example,
Whatever methods of work are chosen, if it is not reasonably
assembling complex elements of a structure on the ground
practicable to prevent a fall, then both the distance and the
before lifting into position by crane (see Figure 4 – example of
consequences of a potential fall must be minimised. For
pre-assembled modular sections of scaffolding erected on the
example, if a fall arrest harness is used with a fixed length
ground and lifted into place to avoid erection at height and the
lanyard then it should be attached to a suitable anchor point
associated risk).
as high above the working platform as practicable, then
should a fall occur the distance would be minimal compared
with an attachment at foot level.
Figure 4: Example of pre-assembled modular sections of The use of personal fall protection equipment (safety
complex scaffolding lifted into place to avoid significant risks harnesses) requires discipline from the users to ensure
associated with working at height. they are used correctly. Scaffolders must wear and use
harnesses when they are exposed to a risk of falling and are
If avoiding work at height is not possible then you must
not protected by the collective measures in a scaffolders’
consider the next stage of the hierarchy – prevent falls.
safe zone. It is not acceptable for scaffolders to be working
II. Prevent falls at height and be exposed to a risk of a fall that could cause
personal injury, without, as a minimum, being clipped on to a
Scaffolding contractors should consider measures that create suitable anchor-point.
a safe zone (Figure 5) by preventing falls from height, such as
providing adequate work platforms with suitable guardrails In simple terms, when working at height, scaffolders must not
or other collective measures (see Section 4 – Collective traverse or climb the scaffolding structure without suitable
Fall Prevention), before resorting to personal fall protection collective or personal fall protection in place and the law
equipment as the primary means of protection (see Section requires that preference should be given to using collective
5 – Personal Fall Protection). Scaffolders are not permitted to measures first.
work at height while being exposed to a risk of a fall, without
taking appropriate actions to prevent or protect against a fall
from height.
Figure 6: This diagram is a simple illustration of how the ‘Work at Height Regulations 2005 Hierarchy of Controls’ could
be interpreted for scaffolding operations.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 2.1 Competence and capability Construction Industry The authenticity of this card can be checked by telephoning
0844 815 7223
Scaffolders Record Scheme Registration No: 00000000
to be completed. When considering scaffolder competence CISRS Scaffolder (Tube & Fitting)
A Sample
reference should be made to the Construction Industry 00000000
Scaffolders’ Record Scheme (CISRS). The scaffolders Expires End: Mar 2027
A Sample
CISRS Trainee Scaffolder
CISRS Operative Training Scheme
Part 1 - Tube and Fitting
and trainee scaffolders by restricting work at height activities A Sample CISRS Operative Training Scheme
until they have been assessed as competent and hold the Expires End: Mar 2027
A 17 year old trainee scaffolder was tragically killed 2.2 Training and instruction
when he fell approximately 18 metres while erecting
an access birdcage scaffold. All scaffolders should have received appropriate and
recorded training in the requirements of this safety guidance,
In the subsequent prosecution by the Health and together with any specific instructions to be followed for a
Safety Executive (HSE), the court heard that the particular task (e.g. method(s) for creating the scaffolders’
scaffold was constructed with incomplete working safe zone, other protective measures, the rescue plan etc.) in
platforms, a lack of guardrails and inadequate ladder accordance with the risk assessment and method statement.
access. The competence and supervision of the
scaffolding gang was also insufficient. Other issues Employers must ensure training and instruction is provided
included were inadequacies regarding the use of for any new fall protection equipment or rescue equipment
personal fall protection equipment (harnesses). introduced to the workers. Training should be properly
organised and include both theory and practical elements.
The supervisor was found guilty of failing to take Line-management responsible for the supervision and
reasonable care for the health and safety of others monitoring of scaffolding operations also need training to
affected by his acts or omissions at work (HSW raise their level of awareness of the requirements for work
Act 1974, Section 7(1)). He was fined £7,500 and at height. Induction training and toolbox talk programmes
ordered to pay £15,000 in costs. should be used by employers to reinforce the requirements
of SG4 and maintain levels of awareness with scaffolding
Three companies were prosecuted (including the operatives. In addition, employers should also ensure that
scaffolding contractor) with fines totalling £217,500 refresher training is provided periodically and records kept.
plus £125,000 costs.
Source: HSE
SECTION 02 | Planning for work at height
2.3 Supervision
Employers should ensure appropriate levels of competent Apprentice injured following
supervision are provided when considering the nature of the
work and competence of the scaffolders involved. scaffolding fall
A scaffolding firm has been fined £100,000 for
Supervision on site may be full-time or a visiting role. The
breaching safety regulations after an apprentice
NASC recognises that the core skills required for supervision in
suffered a number of injuries following a fall from
contract scaffolding are covered by the Construction Industry
Scaffolders’ Record Scheme (CISRS) scaffolding supervisor
The apprentice was working on scaffolding at
training course.
a construction site when his foot became caught
between the scaffolding and loading bay whilst
However, typically the designated role of a ‘Supervisor’ in
passing materials to a colleague. This caused him
scaffolding, due to the peripatetic nature of the industry, is often
to fall backwards under a single guard rail and
a visiting role where they may look after several sites or gangs
subsequently fall 4 feet to the ground. From the
which are visited periodically. For example, a Supervisor would
accident the 16-year-old suffered from injured ribs,
be responsible for a number of sites or gangs, each gang
a broken wrist, a fractured cheekbone and required
should have a nominated Charge-hand Scaffolder. The Charge-
thirteen stitches above his left eye.
hand Scaffolder would be responsible for supervising the
An investigation carried out by the Health & Safety
activities of the gang. For a large site with a number of gangs
Executive (HSE) found that the scaffolding company
there may also be a nominated Lead Scaffolder in either a
had failed to include an intermediate guard-rail or
working or non-working capacity (e.g. dedicated to supervisory
toe board on the loading bay edge protection, which
duties). The NASC recommends that records of supervisory
could have prevented the apprentice’s foot from
visits are retained.
becoming caught in the first place.
The case was heard at the Magistrates’ Court,
Inexperienced workers require a higher degree of supervision,
during which the scaffolding company plead
direction and control. Trainees should be periodically assessed
guilty to the breach of Regulation 8(a) of the Work
to determine their knowledge, experience and individual NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
at Height Regulations 2005, and was ultimately
capability and must work under the direct supervision of a
fined a substantial penalty of £100,000 plus HSE
qualified scaffolder, who must be made aware of any limitations
investigation costs recovered under ‘Fee for
by their Chargehand Scaffolder, Supervisor or Manager. For
Intervention’ or ‘FFI’, The Health and Safety and
example, a newly appointed trainee scaffolder, in the early
Nuclear (Fees) Regulations.
stages of their development may be restricted from certain
higher risk activities until formal training has been completed
and training records updated. For further information on
scaffolder training and assessment refer to the CISRS general
information booklet (CAP609) –
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Arrangements for emergencies and rescue from height Weather conditions must be considered as part of the risk
also need to be considered as part of the planning and assessment and planning for work at height. Adverse weather
risk assessment for each task by employers. It is a legal conditions can significantly increase the risk of a fall when
requirement for scaffolding contractors and their clients to scaffolding at height e.g. lightning, high winds, rain, snow,
address the need for timely evacuation and rescue in an ice and extreme temperatures. High winds and icy or wet
emergency when working at height. See further information for surfaces can be especially hazardous. The employer’s risk
rescue planning in Section 7 and in NASC Safety Guidance 19 assessment should consider all aspects of working in adverse
(SG19) – A Guide to Formulating a Rescue Plan. weather conditions, and not just simply specify protective
clothing, footwear or sun cream.
2.6 Collective fall protection (Third party)
2.8 Fragile Surfaces
This guidance focuses on the various methods of creating
and using collective fall protection for scaffolding operations Erecting scaffolding to existing buildings often presents the
(erecting, altering and dismantling). In certain situations both risk of falls through fragile surfaces (e.g. cement fibre roofs or
the scaffolders and the users of the scaffolding could be fragile rooflights). Every year scaffolders are killed or seriously
faced with a risk of a fall, where protection measures may be injured falling through fragile roofs or rooflights.
the responsibility of a third party to establish and maintain.
For example, the Principal Contractor may be responsible for Site surveys as part of the employer’s risk assessment
ensuring that safety netting is rigged for roof work or internal process should consider the risks associated with falls through
safety decking is provided for brickwork, which will also offer potentially fragile surfaces. When planning for work on or near
protection for falls from the external scaffolding. fragile surfaces the client and contractors should work closely
together to agree arrangements for managing the risk.
Collective fall arrest systems are commonplace throughout the
construction industry (e.g. safety nets, soft landing systems, Scaffolders should be made aware of the general risks
platform decking etc.), however their application in routine associated with fragile roofs through awareness and
scaffolding operations is limited. Employers must co-operate occupational skills training (such as the CISRS scheme).
and co-ordinate activities to ensure such third-party fall Where scaffolders are working at height and identify the
protection measures are in place and are suitable before work presence of a potential fragile surface hazard, not previously
at height can continue. Otherwise scaffolding contractors identified in the planning stages, they should stop work and
would have to ensure suitable alternative protection is report to their employer so that suitable protective measures
provided, such as temporary guardrails installed. can be implemented.
SECTION 02 | Planning for work at height
The WAHR (Regulation 9) places duties on employers and is summarised in Figure 8 below: SECTION
WORK AT HEIGHT REGULATIONS 2005 – Regulation 9 Fragile Surfaces
■ Install safety netting or protection decking below the surface. NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
Figure 8: Summary of Regulation 9 of the Work at Height Regulations 2005 for fragile surfaces.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 02 | Planning for work at height
(i) (ii)
Figure 10: Cross-sections showing examples of collective fall arrest below fragile surfaces,
(i) fall arrest safety netting and (ii) birdcage protection deck.
notes (including TG20 compliance sheets for tube and remain in place on
un-boarded lifts.
proprietary equipment.
Suitable temporary edge
protection or harness
The use of digital design technology, such as BIM and 3D anchor pointSuitable
required prior
temporary edge Beam work to strictly
to scaffolding start.
protection or harness follow SG4 Guidance.
at design stage and to provide accurate details, animations Temporary tied ladder access
points not shown.
place prior to starting to
construct drop lifts.
SECTION 03 | Principles of fall prevention and protection
and protection
The priority for any scaffolder working at height is to use In some scaffolding operations there is an inherent risk of a
safe methods of access and egress and to prevent falls by fall that cannot be eliminated and will require scaffolders to
using suitable collective measures as their primary means of use PFPE as the primary means of fall protection (see Figure
protection, before resorting to personal protection. The NASC 14 – examples of the inherent risk). It is also recognised that
defines this collective protection as the ‘Scaffolders’ Safe some of the Collective Fall Protection measures featured in
Zone’ (see Section 4 below for further information). this guidance require scaffolders to use PFPE as a secondary
means of fall protection. For example, using a scaffolders step
This guidance identifies a range of control measures that can to install guardrails requires scaffolders to use their harnesses
be considered by employers when designing the most suitable and remain clipped on (see Section 4 and Figures 26 & 27).
safe systems of work for various scaffolding operations.
The control measures featured in this guidance have been When scaffolding operations require the use of PFPE as the
divided into two key categories defined by the primary means primary means of protection, scaffolders must sequence the
of protection used in each scenario – ‘Collective Fall work to prioritise the creation of a scaffolders’ safe zone (e.g.
Protection’ and ‘Personal Fall Protection’ (Figures 12 & 13). remaining clipped on until a working platform and guardrail
protection is installed). The scaffolders’ safe zone should be
The WAHR hierarchy of control measures places a legal installed or removed progressively to minimise the time a
duty on all employers to select measures that offer collective scaffolder is exposed to a risk of a fall and is therefore relying
protection before resorting to personal protection at each on their PFPE as primary protection (see Section 5).
stage of the hierarchy (see Section 2, Figure 6, Planning for
Work at Height). The recommendations for the use of collective fall protection
and methods for creating a scaffolders’ safe zone are aimed at
The NASC acknowledge that collective fall protection is not a reducing the time scaffolders are exposed to the risk of a fall
practicable solution for all scaffolding operations and in certain and their reliance on PFPE.
circumstances Personal Fall Protection Equipment (PFPE) is
the most suitable means of primary protection.
Figure 12: Example of Collective Fall Protection. Figure 13: Example of Personal Fall Protection.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
a single main guardrail (minimum of 950mm above the When scaffolders are working without a fully boarded platform
platform) where there is a risk of a fall. (e.g. raising or lowering platform boards) or without guardrail
protection, then they must remain continually clipped on to a
The principles of creating a scaffolders’ safe zone should suitable anchor point when exposed to the risk of a fall (Figure
be adopted for all scaffolding operations where suitable. 14).
Scaffolders should focus on establishing a scaffolders’
safe zone as their priority when working at height, where Before scaffolders encroach from a scaffolders’ safe zone to
appropriate, to reduce reliance on personal fall protection within 1 metre of an area not protected by guardrails they are
equipment (PFPE). Employers should choose the most suitable considered ‘at risk’ and personal fall protection equipment
method of installing the scaffolders’ safe zone that best suits must be clipped on and remain attached (Figure 15).
the scaffolding application contemplated.
SECTION 04 | Collective fall protection
It is important to identify that there are different types of
working platforms used in scaffolding. The term ‘working
platform’ applies to a temporary platform provided for
access at various stages of the erection, use, alteration and
dismantling of scaffolding, these include:
950 Min
Max 225
150 Min
150 Min
Figure 16: A cross-section of temporary scaffolders working Figure 17: A cross-section of a finished working platform for
platform to form the minimum scaffolders’ safe zone. users
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Advanced guardrail In the case of system scaffolding using proprietary decking (or
battens), the decking must be erected, altered and dismantled
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and follow the
same principles of this guidance, as outlined above (section
i. ii.
for unauthorised
son ris
s ed
SECTION 04 | Collective fall protection
This guidance establishes the principle of creating a
scaffolders’ safe zone with a suitable platform and guardrails
installed as a priority, where possible, when working at height.
To assist employers, when completing their risk assessment
and selecting the most appropriate method of creating the
scaffolders’ safe zone for the task, a range of established and
proven solutions are featured in this section.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Scaffolders should fix transoms to the ledgers and place Figure 26: Example of a scaffolders’ step used to install
boards or decking in the lift above from the working platform to guardrails in advance.
act as temporary guardrails to enhance the primary collective
protection provided when using a Scaffolders’ Step (see Figure
Scaffolders must be clipped on to a
suitable anchor point, ideally to the back
ledger, due to the risk of falling from the
scaffold when using a scaffolders’ step
Scaffolders must be clipped on as a
secondary means of protection before
climbing on the temporary platform and
must not jump down onto the boarded
platform due to the risk of board failure Figure 27: Scaffolder installing a guardrail in advance to the
from impact loads. next lift from a scaffolders’ step protected by the ledgers and
Figure 28: Shows the scaffolders’ step being used with (i. Left) an additional
guardrail to the base lift to support step and (ii. Above) boarded base lift to
support the step on uneven ground.
26 ii Boarded base lift to support step on uneven ground
SECTION 04 | Collective fall protection
Scaffolders’ guardrail
Short lift
Figure 29: System scaffold side brackets used to create a scaffolders’ step platform in alternate bays. The middle bays can be
reached from adjacent bays to fix the guardrails.
Figure 32: An example of an integrated advanced guardrail Figure 33: Example of a system scaffold specific tool for
system for a proprietary scaffolding system. installing and removing guardrail frames in advance.
Figure 34: This sequence shows the short-lift system used to erect a system
scaffold tower.
SECTION 04 | Collective fall protection
4.3.4 Tube and fitting frame type AGS For stop-end guardrails the advance guardrail can be fixed SECTION
to standards using swivel couplers in parallel, otherwise
This tube and fitting frame type advanced guardrail system scaffolders will need to clip on before encroaching within 1m of
(AGS) functions similarly to proprietary advanced guardrail the leading edge.
systems but is constructed using standard scaffolding
components. Where tie assemblies, transoms for inside boards, buttresses
or other protrusions may obstruct the raising of the advanced
Step 1 guardrail, the build sequence will be critical, ensuring the
Select tubes to suit the length of the scaffold elevation and bay advanced guardrail is raised prior to the transoms etc. being
sizes to be protected. The uprights are formed with 2.7 metre installed.
or 3 metre (9ft or 10ft) scaffold tubes, and a single tube is used
to form the temporary guardrail. Aluminium tube can also be If the advanced guardrail is obstructed by the façade bracing,
used to reduce the handling weight. then fix the brace once the advanced guardrail has been raised.
Step 3
Now fix a second right-angle coupler to each upright tube.
Measure 1100mm down from the centre of the top coupler.
Note that these couplers must be to the opposite side of the
tube and fixed ‘up-side-down’ (see Figure 35 inset).
Step 4
Two scaffolders are required to lift the frame and fix to the
ledger. Note by fixing the coupler ‘up-side-down’ it will help
support the frame until it is secured (see Figure 35 inset). Also
note that an additional guardrail is required for the base lift only
for the vertical tube to act against.
Step 5
The couplers can now be secured to fix the advanced guardrail
in place. Scaffolders can now access the platform and erect
the next lift once the collective protection is in place. (i).
Step 6
When the permanent guardrails have been installed, the
advanced guardrail can be raised to the next level (Figure
36(ii)). This is more easily achieved by pulling back the outside
board to access the coupler, from above (Figure 36(i)).
Guardrail in
the base
Step 1
Working from behind the guardrail protection, fix two right-
angle couplers to the standards above the existing guardrail
(Figure 37 (i)), ensuring to clip on before encroaching within 1m
of an unprotected edge.
Step 2 (iii)
Using another tube to form a temporary guardrail, place
it loosely into the two fittings so the tube can still slide
horizontally (Figure 37 (ii)).
Step 3
Push the tube out horizontally past the next standard (one bay
max) and tighten the end coupler (Figure 37 (iii)).
Step 4
Now walk out to fix the temporary guardrail to the standard,
clipping on until the guardrail is secured and if encroaching
within 1m of the end (Figure 37 (iv)).
Step 5
The working platform guardrail(s) can now be completed and
next lift constructed with the scaffolders’ safe zone in place
(Figure 37 (v)).
Step 6
The temporary guardrail can then be released and slid along
horizontally to the next bay (Figure 37 (vi)). This sequence is
repeated one bay at a time to provide the scaffolders’ safe (v)
Figure 37: Shows a sequence of installing a tube
and fitting advanced guardrail horizontally.
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
The working platforms and guardrails that form the scaffolders’ used. Always read the manufacturers’ instructions carefully and
safe zone do not completely eliminate the need for Personal if in any doubt seek advice from the supplier. It is important to
Fall Protection Equipment (PFPE) for scaffolding operations. note that some fall arrest equipment is only designed, tested
and manufactured to meet the minimum British and European
Therefore, it is recommended that all scaffolding operatives Standard and will only be safe to use within certain limitations.
involved with scaffolding operations should wear and use For example, a standard retracting inertia reel (designed and
personal fall arrest equipment (harnesses etc.) when working tested to BS EN 360) may only be used if attached above the
at height, in accordance with the training and instruction scaffolder and traversing horizontally is limited to the maximum
received. angle from the vertical, as specified by the manufacturer.
SECTION Head Protection For most routine scaffolding operations, methods of work that
The risk of a head injury is significant in any fall from height, this use collective fall protection measures can be used to create
includes striking your head in an arrested fall and a swinging the scaffolders’ safe zone. Throughout this guidance situations
fall when using PFPE. have been highlighted where scaffolders must resort to using
Personal Fall Protection Equipment, when working at height.
Industrial helmets for working at height and climbing helmets Some of the Collective Fall Protection methods (see Section
can offer scaffolders a greater level of protection, when working 4) also recommend the use of PFPE as a secondary means of
at height and in the event of a fall, compared to conventional protection (e.g. clipping on when using the scaffolders’ step).
construction safety helmets. Employers must carry out a risk
assessment when choosing personal protective equipment Typical scaffolding operations, where scaffolders are exposed
(PPE) to ensure that the PPE is suitable for the application. to a risk of a fall and must remain clipped on using PFPE, as
their primary means of protection, include:
Safety helmets used for scaffolding operations must meet
Before encroaching within 1 metre of a leading edge
the appropriate British and European Standards. Industrial
(Figure 42).
helmets designed for work
at height must conform to Before raising or lowing platform boards/decking.
BS EN 397. However, where Before reaching down below the height of a scaffolders’
climbing helmets designed guardrail.
for mountaineering to BS Climbing or traversing on the scaffold structure (e.g.
EN 12492 are used, the crabbing a beam or erecting a suspended scaffold).
risk assessment must give
Before accessing a boarded lift without a guardrails in
special consideration to the
place to form a scaffolders’ safe zone (e.g. clipping-on
risks associated with use
through the ladder trap before accessing an unprotected
in an industrial application
lift – see Figure 41).
(e.g. the risk from objects
penetrating through the vents or When traversing along an unprotected working platform
strangulation from the chinstrap (e.g. progressively creating a scaffolders’ safe zone by
if entangled on scaffolding. installing guardrails and remaining continually clipped-
Note that industrial helmets on – see Figure 43). Note that guardrails should be
chin straps must release at a Figure 40: An industrial helmet for progressively installed/removed one bay at a time to limit
maximum of 250N force). working at height. time and distance traversing exposed to a risk of a fall
and reliance on PFPE.
Remaining clipped-on whilst temporarily removing or
adapting guardrail protection that forms the scaffolders’
5.1 PFPE in scaffolding operations safe zone, until the guardrail protection is reinstated and
It has been established in the previous sections that collective
fall protection should be considered before resorting to the
use of personal fall protection equipment (safety harnesses).
However, it is recognised that that there is an inherent risk Figure 42:
of a fall within most scaffolding operations that cannot be Shows a scaffolder clipping
completely eliminated. Planning for systems of work should on before encroaching
prioritise collective protection methods and progressively within 1 metre of a leading
creating a scaffolders’ safe zone, where possible. edge and being exposed to
a risk of falling.
Figure 41: An example of a
scaffolder clipping on from the MAXIMUM 1 BAY
ladder trap before accessing
an unprotected platform.
The scaffolder must remain
attached until guardrails
have been installed to form Figure 43: Scaffolder traversing on an unprotected platform
the scaffolders safe zone. remaining attached using a twin lanyard system of work with
Inset (i) showing a special anchor devices for fixing to standards. The scaffolder should
anchor device for attaching to not traverse more than one bay before installing the guardrail
standards. that forms the scaffolders’ safe zone.
ipping through the ladder trap. Inset showing special anchor devices for attaching to standards. [inset
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
5.2 Fall arrest harnesses and lanyards Employers must consider all available PFPE technology when SECTION
establishing a safe system of work, in order that the distance
Previous sections of this guidance have established that, and consequences of any potential fall are minimised. A higher
in most scaffolding operations, the risk of a fall cannot level of comfort and ease of use may be gained by selecting
be completely eliminated. Therefore the NASC strongly some of the alternative personal fall protection equipment
recommends that safety harnesses be: and techniques highlighted in this section. Employers must
assess the suitability of the personal fall protection equipment
i. Issued to ALL scaffolders*, for the users. Safety harnesses are available with a range of
adjustment, sizes and load rating to suit different body sizes
ii. Worn at all times when working at height; and, and weights.
iii. Used in accordance with this guidance note and the The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
training and instruction received. requires employers to ensure that PFPE is:
It is suggested that the following equipment should be issued properly assessed before use to make sure it is fit for
to all scaffolders as part of a minimum personal fall protection purpose;
system (Figures 38 and 39): maintained and stored properly;
provided with instructions on how to use it safely;
Fall arrest harness complete with rear dorsal ring (BS EN used correctly by employees.
361) to offer maximum protection to the user;
When using personal fall protection equipment, it is important
Fall arrest lanyard (BS EN 354) incorporating an energy to position your anchor point as high as possible and to use
absorber (BS EN 355) designed to reduce the forces as short a lanyard as possible, to minimise the potential fall
imposed on the body in the event of a fall; (see Figure 45 distance. The shorter the fall distance, the lesser the forces
for max length. See also 5.3 Single Fall Arrest Lanyards). generated from the fall. The ideal fall arrest system would
utilise an anchor point and lanyard with virtually no fall distance
55mm opening scaffold connector for one handed at all, effectively creating a fall factor zero (Figures 44 & 46).
operation (BS EN 362) (see Section 5.5 – Anchor points,
connectors and anchor devices – page 30). Fall Factor = Fall Distance ÷ Length of Lanyard
*Excludes labourers and other non-scaffolding operatives, who Figure 44 explains fall factors 1 and 2.
are only permitted to access completed scaffolds.
Risk of injury increases with greater fall distance, illustrated in
Figure 44 Fall factors (Fall Factor 2).
Fall factor 1 Fall factor 2
Before Before
Ideal 1.75 m
Max 2.0 m
Figure 45: The maximum length of a fixed length lanyard. NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
Fall distance
Fall distance
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
When using only one of the twin-tail 05
lanyards that shares a common energy
absorber, scaffolders should NOT wrap
the spare lanyard around their body or
attach it back to the harness or tool belt,
as this could reduce the effectiveness of
the energy absorber and increase the load
transferred into the body in the event of
a fall. The spare lanyard, when not in use,
should either be clipped onto the same
anchor point, hang free or be clipped to
a purpose designed sacrificial lanyard
parking point on the harness (Figure 50).
(i). A conventional fixed-length lanyard (ii). A contracted elasticated type (iii). A hybrid self-retracting lanyard with
wrapped around the body and secured lanyard reduced risk from a trailing minimum trailing lanyard when stowed.
when not in use. lanyard when stowed.
Figure 51: Typical options for stowing and securing a single lanyard when not in use, to reduce the risk from a trailing
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 5.5 Anchor points, connectors and 5.6.1 Suitable scaffold anchor points:
05 anchor devices
Ledgers and transoms supported with load bearing
PFPE is totally reliant on being attached to a suitable couplers
anchorage. To ensure the safe performance of the system, the Standards, but only when using a suitable anchor device
likely loads that would be transferred into the anchorage and designed for the purpose (see Section 5.7) and no joints
the ability of an anchor point and any supporting structure to between the lift and the attachment point
resist those forces, must be established. Guardrails supported with load-bearing couplers
(guardrails within a scaffold structure)
Very high loads can be transferred into an anchorage when a Plan braces (horizontal) supported on right-angle couplers
fall is arrested (6kN or more). Manufacturers and suppliers of
personal fall arrest equipment should provide information on
potential anchor loads.
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
5.6.2 Unsuitable scaffold anchor points: 5.7 Anchoring to scaffolding standards SECTION
Ledgers or guardrails supported with putlog clips (single Proprietary anchor devices for anchoring to scaffolding are
couplers) available that enable scaffolders to attach their lanyard to
Ledgers or guardrails within a bay where it has a joint vertical standards ( Figure 54 ). This means that scaffolders can
Standards unless a suitable anchor device is used take advantage of a higher anchor position in preference to
designed for the purpose attaching to the ledger below their feet.
Standards with a joint between the lift and the attachment
point Karabiners that are designed especially for attaching to scaffold
Puncheons standards make an effective and efficient anchor device.
Transoms at foot level or below Webbing slings specifically designed to wrap around standards
Putlog transoms or bridle tubes to create an effective anchor device. Another design includes
Underslung tubes below ledgers on non load-bearing special couplers that can be pre-assembled on standards
couplers before they are erected as part of a planned system of work.
Reveal or prop tie assemblies
Vertical braces (e.g. façade or ledger braces) or other These devices provide scaffolders with alternative and
diagonal tubes (e.g. spurs or rakers) convenient anchor positions as they access an unprotected lift.
Other tube open ended or not supported either side of Always refer to the manufacturers’ instructions to ensure safe
the attachment position e.g. protruding end of a transom, use.
needle or dropper
Standalone edge protection, unless designed to be used
as a suitable anchor point for the purpose.
✘ ✘ ✘
Ledger or guardrail on No joints in ledger or Standards without
single couplers guardrails suitable anchor device
✘ ✘ ✘
Standards with a joint Transoms below foot Putlog transom or
above the platform level bridle tube Figure 54: Anchor devices These pictures illustrate the use
of connectors specifically developed for use as anchor
✘ ✘
Transoms underslung on Reveal ties
non load-bearing couplers
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Any other structural steelwork;
Wire systems; and,
Permanently installed anchorage points
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
5.11 Inertia reels Where an inertia reel manufacturer allows horizontal use, SECTION
employers must design a system of work that minimises the
Retractable line fall arrest devices are commonly known as swing fall risk. The risk of the line being run against a sharp
inertia reels, lines or blocks. A steel cable or material webbing edge and failing also needs to be considered.
line extracts and retracts automatically and, should a fall occur,
a braking mechanism stops the line paying out to arrest a fall, Inertia reels are ideally suited for drop-lift or slung scaffold
similar to the operation of a car seat belt. structures, where a suitable anchor point can be erected
above, and scaffolders are able to erect, alter and dismantle
Inertia reels are available in various lengths, sizes of block and lift(s) below whilst remaining attached. When specifying inertia
critically weights, as they are required to be manually handled. reels, consideration must be made for rescue and recovery
Care must be taken when considering a system of work should a fall occur. Where necessary, retrievable inertia reels
using inertia reels, as they must be suitable for the scaffolding should be specified that allow colleagues to winch the casualty
operation and be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s up or down to safety by deploying an integral handle or similar
instructions. All retractable line fall arrest devices must be device (see Section 5.17– Rescue). Where steel inertia lines are
manufactured and tested in accordance with BS EN 360. specified then webbing connection strops should be used. This
will assist the user with self-connection to the line and enable a
Most inertia reels are designed for an anchor point above the rescuer to release the primary fall arrest equipment by cutting
scaffolder to limit the distance a person can fall to a minimum. the webbing strop, if necessary, in the event of a fall (Figure 57).
This is due to the fact that many inertia reels have no or little
energy absorption capability should a fall occur. Generally, inertia Where the inertia reel is mounted out of reach of the work
reels should only be used in a broadly vertical plane with minimal area (usually above), a tag line can be fitted to the end of
horizontal movement, thus minimising the pendulum effect the spooling line. This usually allows attachment connection
should a fall occur (e.g. Slung scaffold Figure 57 ). The working to be spooled out of the reel, and allowed to retract under
area and horizontal traversing is restricted because the angle control, without need to climb up to the reel. The tag line
of the line from vertical can be no greater than that specified by should be coiled and stored ready for refitting when the worker
the manufacturer, to reduce the risk of injury from the pendulum disconnects from the line. Note that the tag line is a lightweight,
effect or swing fall risk as it is also known (Figure 56). non load-bearing line.
5.14 Inspection and maintenance of Very hot environments or the risk of contact with hot SECTION
materials or surfaces (e.g. foundries, steel works,
personal fall protection equipment 05
welding, burning, cutting with abrasive wheels etc.).
Acidic or alkaline environments (note that some fabrics
Fall arrest equipment made from rope or webbing materials
offer low resistance to acids or alkalis).
is particularly vulnerable to damage and wear and tear during
normal use by scaffolders. Therefore all scaffolding contractors
Ancillary equipment (e.g. connection strops and anchor
must ensure adequate arrangements are made for the storage
devices etc.) must also be subject to a suitable inspection
and inspection of all fall protection equipment, so that it is
regime. Specialist personal fall protection equipment (e.g.
maintained fit for use.
inertia reels) must be inspected before use and subject
to servicing and maintenance in accordance with the
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the NASC
manufacturers’ recommendations.
recommend three levels of inspection for all personal fall
protection equipment, as a minimum requirement as described
You must record the results of all detailed inspections for
in Health and Safety Executive (HSE) booklet INDG 367 and
each piece of equipment. If defects are identified they must
NASC Safety Guidance Note 16 (SG16):
be recorded. Records of inspections should be kept until
the equipment is destroyed. If any defects or concerns
I. Pre-use checks
are identified as a result of a pre-use check or detailed
inspection then the equipment must be withdrawn from use
This level of inspection should be carried out by the user for
and destroyed. Any lanyard and harness that has been used
both harnesses and lanyards at the beginning of each shift
to arrest a fall should never be re-used and the equipment
and are a means of checking that there are no visible or
removed from use and destroyed.
surface defects with the equipment. Pre-use checks should be
tactile and visual. The whole lanyard and harness should be
Where equipment is removed from use and destroyed, this
subject to the check, by passing it slowly through the hands
should be recorded in the inspection register.
(e.g. to detect softening or hardening of fibres or ingress of
contaminants). A visual check should be undertaken in good
light and will normally take just a few minutes. 5.15 Personal fall protection equipment
manufacturers’ instructions
Any defects or concerns identified during the pre-use check
should be raised with the employer before the equipment Under the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
is used. A suitably competent person, having received and British/European Standards on personal protective
appropriate training, must carry out a detailed inspection to equipment (PPE), product information must be supplied by the
either satisfy themselves that the equipment is safe to use or manufacturer. This information should be read and understood
remove from use and destroy the equipment depending upon by the scaffolders before using the equipment.
the defect and concern raised.
5.16 Climbing scaffold structures
There should be additional harnesses and lanyards available to
use as replacements in the event that defective equipment has The routine climbing of scaffolding structures should be
been taken out of use. avoided wherever practicable and scaffolders should establish
a scaffolders safe zone when possible and use safe means
II. Detailed inspections of access and egress. However, in some cases climbing is
a necessary element of the scaffolding erection, altering and NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
These are more formal in-depth inspections looking at the dismantling process. Examples of typical scaffolding operations
equipment for underlying defects or problems that may not be that may necessitate some climbing activity include:
identified during the pre-use checks.
Beam work
For frequently used equipment, particularly those used in Suspended scaffolds
arduous conditions such as scaffolding, the NASC recommend Cantilevered scaffolds
that a formally recorded detailed inspection is undertaken at Temporary roofs
least every three months. Staging and events structures
Falsework structures
Other complex structures without working platforms
III. Interim inspections
These are also in-depth inspections and may be carried out When working outside of a scaffolders
when necessary between detailed inspections. The need for safe zone or before encroaching within 1m
interim inspections and their frequency should be identified of a leading edge, the scaffolder must be
through risk assessment. Examples of situations where interim clipped on and maintain 100% anchorage
inspections may be appropriate include: with personal fall protection equipment that
minimises the distance and consequences
Arduous work environments involving paints, chemicals of a potential fall.
or grit blasting operations.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
The rescue techniques and equipment selected will depend Figure 60: Recovery from height by emergency services.
upon the type and complexity of the scaffolding structure. Shows the emergency services using a MEWP to recover
an accident casualty from height.
Any rescue plan must consider the potential danger in which
rescuers may have to place themselves, to carry out a rescue.
Therefore, when selecting rescue equipment, priority should
be given to equipment and techniques that would minimise the
risk of further accidents and injuries to the rescuers.
Rescue equipment that may be used remotely from a working 5.18 Assisted rescue
platform or scaffolders’ safe zone ought to be considered (without specialist rescue equipment)
first. For example, if a personal fall protection system using
inertia reels is selected for a slung scaffold, then a retrievable In many cases where a scaffolder suffers an arrested fall,
type inertia reel should be specified. Retrievable inertia they may be able to recover themselves, or their colleagues
reels (manufactured to BS EN 1496) incorporate a winch could assist in a rescue, without the use of specialist rescue
mechanism that enables colleagues to recover a suspended equipment. It is feasible for a scaffolder to pull themselves into
scaffolder should a fall occur (Figure 61). the scaffolding structure at a lower lift, or back onto the structure
for example, depending upon the fall distance, providing
they are not seriously injured or unconscious. If complete
self-recovery is not possible, merely supporting themselves
on a ledger or other part of the structure until rescued will
significantly reduce the risks from the effects of suspension in a
safety harness. Employers may also consider supplying special
supports, available from PFPE suppliers, which are attached
to or integrated during manufacture into the harness. These
supports enable the scaffolder, in the event of an arrested fall,
to release the straps and adjust them over their feet. Their body
weight can then be supported by their feet until rescued, thereby
reducing the risks from suspension fainting (otherwise known as
SECTION 05 | Personal Fall Protection
Rescue kits are available that can be deployed quickly by
trained operators to facilitate a remote rescue using specialist
equipment, without exposing the rescuers to unnecessary
risk. These remote rescue kits enable rescuers to attach the
equipment to the harness of the suspended scaffolder, release
their primary fall protection equipment and either raise them to a
safe platform or lower them to the base (Figure 62).
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION Equipment and techniques can be used that requires a rescuer 5.20 Rescue training
to descend (or abseil) down to the suspended scaffolder, attach
the casualty to the rescuer and then release the scaffolder’s Employers must ensure when specifying specialist rescue
primary fall arrest device (e.g. lanyard). The rescuer may then equipment as part of a rescue plan, that an adequate number
either raise or lower the casualty to safety (depending upon the of scaffolders have been suitably trained in its use, including any
equipment used). This type of equipment and technique places refresher training and exercises necessary.
a rescuer at greater risk and should only be considered as a last
resort (Figure 63). Rescue must be an integral part of all scaffolder training and
instruction in accordance with this NASC guide.
Specialist rescue equipment must be subject to maintenance
and an inspection regime to ensure that it is in good order
whenever it is required to be used. Maintenance and inspection
of rescue equipment should be in accordance with the
manufacturers’ instructions. Note that an inertia reel or other
device that incorporates a winch to raise or lower a person
is, by definition, lifting equipment under the Lifting Operations
and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) and requires
thorough examination at six-monthly intervals. The only exception
to this is dedicated rescue equipment that remains sealed, dry,
undamaged and unused (i.e. bagged or crated). An extended
thorough examination interval may be agreed by a competent
SECTION 06 | Methods of access and egress
Safe access for use by scaffolders should be included as early During the planning phase, clients and contractors who specify
as possible in the erection process and removed as late as access and egress to and from scaffolding, should consider
possible during dismantling, removing the need for scaffolders the hierarchy of access in NASC Technical Guidance 20
to climb the scaffold structure. (TG20) Operational Guide (Section 8, Figure 8.1) and Safety
Guidance 25 (SG25) Access and egress from scaffolds via
It is recommended that wherever practicable, scaffolding ladders and stair towers etc. (Figures 65-68).
should incorporate ladder access, ladder bays or stairways for
the purpose of erecting, altering and dismantling scaffolding. For special scaffold structures that do not normally include a
A system of working should be adopted, where possible, that method of access (e.g. falsework, shoring, loading bays etc.),
enables the scaffolders to work progressively away from and consideration must be given in the planning process for the
back towards their means of access and egress (i.e. ladder use of ladders etc. to avoid climbing the structure wherever
access or staircase) when erecting, altering or dismantling the possible (Figure 69).
next lift (Figure 64).
Scaffold Board
Scaffold Step
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 06 | Methods of access and egress
NOTE. 66:
Boards Ladder
marked with an access bays
asterisk should with
be fixed single-lift
down to a piece of ladders.
600mm board.
Figure 67: Internal ladder access with a protected Figure 68: External ladder access
ladder trap an example of good practice. using a safety gate as an example of
good practice.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Loading bay gate
Figure 69: A standalone loading tower with ladder access installed for use
by the scaffolders only. Following completion of the loading tower it is highly
recommended that the ladders are removed or secured preventing access
by others until required for alterations or dismantling.
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
7.1 Scaffolding from a Mobile Elevating Only Scaffolders who are authorised and trained (e.g.
International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) powered
Work Platform access licence (PAL) or equivalent) should operate MEWPs.
Planning for the use of MEWPs must consider the interfaces
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) are also commonly
with the workplace environment and particular consideration for
referred to as ‘cherry pickers’, ‘booms’ or ‘scissor-lifts’.
emergencies and recovery from height.
MEWPs are available in all shapes and sizes and have often
been considered to be a competitor to the scaffolding industry.
In recent years, the availability and cost of hiring MEWPs as
a safeguard against falls for some of the more hazardous
scaffolding operations is now a viable option (Figure 70).
It is important to recognise that MEWPs are only suitable for
certain scaffolding applications and cannot be considered as a
practical option for the majority of routine scaffolding operations.
MEWPs can offer collective fall protection for
some applications where scaffolders would typically rely upon
personal fall protection equipment whilst climbing and working
from the scaffold structure without a scaffolders’ safe zone.
The use of a MEWP may not be suitable where there is restricted Figure 70: Scaffolders using a MEWP to erect a suspended
access, work near or over water or at very high levels. scaffold.
The powered access industry
recommends that work restraint
lanyards are used to prevent the Adjustable buckle
operator being exposed to a risk of
falling from the platform when using Adjustable combination lanyard
certain types of MEWP (e.g. boom
type). However, it is recommended
by the NASC that scaffolders who
regularly use MEWPs should consider
using an adjustable fall arrest lanyard Energy absorber
that may also be used for work
restraint (Figure 71). Always check Adjustable buckle
with the MEWP supplier to ensure only
specified attachment points are used.
Figure 71: Illustration showing i. a work restraint only that must not be used in fall
arrest, and ii. a combination lanyard that can be used in fall restraint and arrest
when required.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Figure 73: Example of a sequence of work used to erect guardrails in advance for shorter lift heights.
36 (i)
(i) Shows the intermediate guardrail installed
36 ii from the lift below, (ii) a scaffolders’ step used to install the main guardrail and
(iii) showing the stop-end guardrail. (iv) A 600mm proprietary staging platform being used as an alternative step-up.
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
(ii) Dummy lift installed to enable fixing of the floor height lift.
Fig 37_2 Dummy lift installed to enable fixing of the floor height
Guardrail Floorlift Height Lift Floor Height Lift
[SP colour the dummy lift and scaffolders guardrail only, please annotate the floor height lift,
dummy lift and guardrail]
Ledgers and
transoms forming
scaffolders’ Scaffolders’ guardrail
for fall protection
from the step
Dummy Lift
Figure 74: A sequence of work for floor height lifts using a Figure 75: Tall Lifts – Scaffolder using a scaffolders’
combination of methods to create the scaffolders’ safe zone. step to form a floor height lift
Fig 37_3 Scaffolders steps used to install the guardrails I advance on the main lift to
form the scaffolders safe zone. [SP colour and annotate] 45
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Temporary guardrail
Figure 77: Example of a loading bay gate to maintain collective Figure 78: Temporary guardrail to maintain a scaffolders’
fall protection for the scaffold users when the loading bay gate safe zone for loading bay gate installation and removal. The
43 Temporary guardrail to maintain a scaffolders’ safe zone for loading bay gate installation and removal.
is open. temporary guardrail is removed once the gate is installed.
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
saddles 07
Scaffolding operations for accessing chimneys and protection equipment (safety harnesses) attached to the
constructing scaffolding on pitched roofs present challenges scaffolding structure, as their primary means of fall protection.
for scaffolding contractors to establish suitable protection Therefore the roof saddle and walkway structures should be
against falls from height, due to the variety of roof types, constructed/removed progressively from the access scaffold
chimney positions and intended use of the scaffolding. to ensure a suitable anchor point is provided. To maintain
This section provides some basic principles to be considered continual attachment scaffolders would use a double lanyard
by employers when completing a risk assessment and system (see Section 5.4 – Personal fall protection equipment
preparing a method statement for the erection, alteration and Figures 48 & 49). Continual attachment is particularly
and dismantling of chimney-stack scaffolding. Standard important when working over the ridge or near the verge
configurations and guidance for typical chimney-stack of the roof, as the opposing eaves or gable verges are not
scaffolding can be found in the NASC Technical Guidance typically protected by an access scaffold and are without edge
TG20 Operational Guide (Chapter 16). protection.
To access a chimney-stack positioned at the ridge, mid- For accessing a chimney-stack at a gable end, an access
pitch or eaves, an access scaffold (independent or tower scaffold is provided at the verge to the same height as the
scaffolding) should be erected at the eaves to provide safe working platform of the roof saddle. However, no collective
access and fall protection for scaffolders when erecting and edge protection is provided at the eaves so scaffolders should
dismantling the roof saddle etc. The access scaffold should remain attached to the scaffold structure using their personal
be securely tied and be long enough to cover the working fall protection equipment.
area of the scaffolders accessing the roof. A working platform
complete with guardrails should be erected within a 500mm In addition to the edge protection and personal fall protection
vertical distance from the eaves level to provide collective edge systems featured above, the frame of the roof saddle (e.g.
protection for the scaffolders working on the roof (Figure 79). ledgers and transoms attached to raking tubes and the access
scaffold) may provide a foot-hold for scaffolders working from
Ideally the perimeter of the roof should be protected with the roof surface, otherwise a suitable roof ladder may be
access scaffolding and/or guardrails to provide suitable edge required. Where a high standard of edge protection and/or
protection when chimney access is combined with other personal fall protection equipment is used, it may be possible
construction or maintenance activities, it is recognised that this for scaffolders to work directly from the roof if the pitch is
may not be a practical solution just for chimney work. shallow, not fragile and the surface provides a particularly good
When erecting or dismantling the roof saddle and walkway foot-hold.
access, scaffolders will typically rely upon personal fall
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Depending upon the bridge span, guardrails can also be Gantries constructed with beams to bridge a span between SECTION
installed above the bridging beams at the same time as support scaffolds should apply similar principles to other beam
the beams are fixed, thus providing a degree of collective work. The beams should be fixed from a scaffolders’ safe
protection during the erection process. Deep section beams zone within the supporting scaffolds (Figure 81). Temporary
will also provide a degree of side protection for the scaffolders platforms should be formed by placing scaffold boards or
when working from a boarded bottom chord. However very stagings on the bottom chords (ensuring target spans are
deep beams they may also impede the ability to crab the maintained). Scaffolders should maintain continual attachment
beam and alternative boarded platforms may be required for ideally with a double lanyard system when crabbing beams or
the construction of the beamed structure (Figure 80). traversing on the temporary platforms. Perimeter guardrails
should be established as soon as practicable during the
erection process.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 7.9 Cantilevered structures Ensure safe access to retrieveable inertia reel.
Comply with manufacturers’ recommended
The construction of protection fans and other cantilevered maximum angle. See 5.11 Inertia reels p33.
structures requires scaffolders to fix the needles (extended
transoms) or beams from the main scaffold (back or horse Do not exceed
scaffold) and typically relies on the use of personal fall manufacturer’s
protection equipment (safety harnesses) solely for completing maximum angle
the structure. Inertia reels are often used for this purpose (see
Figure 82). In some cantilevered scaffolding applications (e.g.
tubular truss-out scaffolding) it may be possible to push out
the cantilever from the protection of the main scaffold and
also a guardrail assembly, in advance, to provide a temporary
guardrail and form a scaffolders’ safe zone (Figure 83).
(i). Temporary guardrail formed from the back scaffold (horse or support scaffold) within a scaffolders’
safe zone.
mple of a temporary guardrail assembly used to provide a scaffolders’ safe zone during the erection of a truss-out cantile
porary guardrail formed from the back scaffold within a scaffolders’ safe zone.
w façade as a building with the scaffold projecting through window openings, just colour the guardrail].
(ii) Guardrail pushed out horizontally from the back (iii) Needles (extended transoms) are boarded out to create
scaffold to protect the truss-out. a scaffolders’ safe zone to complete the truss-out scaffold.
porary guardrail assembly used to provide a scaffolders’ safe zone during the erection of a truss-out cantilevered scaffold.
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
This section identifies examples of good industry practice for
preventing or protecting against falls from height in scaffolding
operations involving the erection, alteration and dismantling of
scaffolding temporary roofs. The purpose of temporary roofs is
normally to provide weather protection for the refurbishment or
maintenance of an existing building (see Figure 85).
The boss of a scaffolding firm has been jailed after a (ii.) Wide gable-end bay scaffolding bay is provided for
Scaffolder fell 10 metres to his death on a refurbishment erecting roof sections from a scaffolders’ safe zone. Modular
project. sections are rolled out on special rail and caster systems, to
The Crown Court heard that the 36-year-old avoid the need for scaffolders to crab the beams.
experienced scaffolder, in the process of dismantling a
temporary roof, was removing corrugated iron roofing
sheets when he slipped and fell into the basement
below, suffering ‘catastrophic’ brain injuries. He was
not wearing fall protection equipment and no risk
assessment had been carried out by the employer.
The company had ignored a previous warning from
the Health and Safety Executive when one of their
scaffolding gangs, which included the injured party,
was spotted working unsafely at height. In the
sentencing hearing the HSE stated that the director
had failed to exercise his duty of care and as a result
an employee died while working for him. He had
intentionally breached, or flagrantly ignored, the law.
(iii.) Temporary eaves walkways constructed with guardrail
The Director pleaded guilty to failing to ensure the
protection to allow sheeting operations to be completed from
health, safety and welfare of employees and was
a scaffolders’ safe zone.
sentenced to 8 months imprisonment. Source: HSE
Figure 84: Examples of proprietary temporary roof systems
using innovative methods of erection.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
Figure 85: A traditional temporary roof incorporating edge protection and safe access and egress.
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
Means of safe access and egress to the roof surface. The
position of the access point should be carefully considered to
allow scaffolders to work progressively away from and back
towards the means of access when erecting and dismantling.
An access tower or cantilevered platform can be used to
provide access to the roof surface (see Figure 88). The
platform may be designed to be left in place throughout the
works or could be removed after erection and reinstated for
alterations or dismantling. An access platform will also aid the
passing and handling of materials.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 07 | Other scaffolding applications
7.12 Hoist towers and debris chutes Backing scaffold erected in advance of hoist tower
(either complete or just 1 No. lift at a time).
Hoist towers and debris chutes, commonly erected from
traditional tube and fitting scaffolding materials, require
particular consideration. Scaffold boards are often over-
spanned because the bay must be kept clear of obstructions
Hemping carried out while
that would be created by transoms to support standard scaffolder is protected by
scaffold boards. Proprietary stagings or battens should be scaffolders’ guardrail
used that are capable of spanning the bay without the need for
board bearers (Figure 91). Scaffolders’ guardrail
7.13 Temporary edge protection on temporary edge protection, reference should be made
to NASC Safety Guidance Note 27 (SG27) Guidance on
(see also 2.8 Fragile Surfaces)
temporary edge protection on open steelwork, roofs and slab
Examples of good planning to avoid work at height include edges etc. and Technical Guidance Note 1 (TG1) Temporary
the prefixing of guardrails to steelwork prior to installation at edge protection.
height (see Figure 2, page 3). Where possible all temporary
edge protection should be installed and removed from a Collective fall arrest safety net fan systems provide useful
MEWP to provide collective protection (Figure 92). For further solutions for congested or restricted sites where MEWP access
information on the use of MEWP’s in scaffolding see Section is not possible (Figure 93). Scaffolders can access the leading
7.1 – Scaffolding from a MEWP (page 41). For further guidance edge of the floor to erect temporary edge protection.
Figure 92: Scaffolder erecting roof edge protection from a Figure 93: Safety net fan system provides protection for
MEWP. erecting temporary edge protection.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 08 | Appendix
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
SECTION 08 | Appendix
HSE Books Tel: 0333 202 5070
All HSE free and priced publications can be downloaded free via the HSE website
l HSG150 Health and safety in construction (currently under review – see HSE website).
l HSG33 Health and safety in roof work.
l L153 Managing health and safety in construction. NATIONAL ACCESS & SCAFFOLDING CONFEDERATION
l INDG 367 Inspecting fall arrest equipment made from webbing or rope.
l GEIS6 The selection, management and use of mobile elevating work platforms.
l Research Report 116 Falls from height – Prevention and risk control effectiveness.
l Research Report 708 Evidence-based review of the current guidance on first aid measure for suspension trauma.
l Code of Practice.
SG4:22 | Preventing Falls in Scaffolding Operations
The NASC would like to acknowledge the following members in the preparation of this
We extend our thanks to all other organisations and their employees who have provided
information and assisted in the production of this guidance.
4th Floor
12 Bridewell Place
020 7822 7400
NASC scaffolding
ISBN 978-0-9934076-3-5
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