Translational Biomarker Discovery in Clinical Metabolomics An Introductory Tutorial

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Metabolomics (2013) 9:280–299

DOI 10.1007/s11306-012-0482-9


Translational biomarker discovery in clinical metabolomics:

an introductory tutorial
Jianguo Xia • David I. Broadhurst •
Michael Wilson • David S. Wishart

Received: 30 August 2012 / Accepted: 19 November 2012 / Published online: 4 December 2012
Ó The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Metabolomics is increasingly being applied analysis is generally considered the standard method for
towards the identification of biomarkers for disease diag- performance assessment. Because the ultimate goal of
nosis, prognosis and risk prediction. Unfortunately among biomarker discovery is the translation of those biomarkers
the many published metabolomic studies focusing on bio- to clinical practice, it is clear that the metabolomics com-
marker discovery, there is very little consistency and rel- munity needs to start ‘‘speaking the same language’’ in
atively little rigor in how researchers select, assess or terms of biomarker analysis and reporting-especially if it
report their candidate biomarkers. In particular, few studies wants to see metabolite markers being routinely used in the
report any measure of sensitivity, specificity, or provide clinic. In this tutorial, we will first introduce the concept of
receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves with associ- ROC curves and describe their use in single biomarker
ated confidence intervals. Even fewer studies explicitly analysis for clinical chemistry. This includes the con-
describe or release the biomarker model used to generate struction of ROC curves, understanding the meaning of
their ROC curves. This is surprising given that for bio- area under ROC curves (AUC) and partial AUC, as well as
marker studies in most other biomedical fields, ROC curve the calculation of confidence intervals. The second part of
the tutorial focuses on biomarker analyses within the
context of metabolomics. This section describes different
statistical and machine learning strategies that can be used
to create multi-metabolite biomarker models and explains
Jianguo Xia, David I. Broadhurst contributed equally to this study. how these models can be assessed using ROC curves. In
the third part of the tutorial we discuss common issues and
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this potential pitfalls associated with different analysis methods
article (doi:10.1007/s11306-012-0482-9) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
and provide readers with a list of nine recommendations for
biomarker analysis and reporting. To help readers test,
J. Xia  D. S. Wishart (&) visualize and explore the concepts presented in this tuto-
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, rial, we also introduce a web-based tool called ROCCET
Edmonton, AB, Canada
(ROC Curve Explorer & Tester,
e-mail: [email protected]
ROCCET was originally developed as a teaching aid but it
D. I. Broadhurst can also serve as a training and testing resource to assist
Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, metabolomics researchers build biomarker models and
conduct a range of common ROC curve analyses for bio-
M. Wilson  D. S. Wishart marker studies.
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, Canada Keywords Biomarker analysis  ROC curve  AUC 
Confidence intervals  Optimal threshold  Sample size 
D. S. Wishart
National Research Council, National Institute for Bootstrapping  Cross validation  Biomarker validation
Nanotechnology (NINT), Edmonton, AB T6G 2E8, Canada and reporting

An introductory tutorial 281

1 Introduction dimension reduction methods summarize and transform

100s–1,000s of metabolite features into a few key com-
Biomarkers are objectively measurable biological charac- ponents that capture the maximal variance or discrimina-
teristics that can be used to diagnose, monitor or predict the tory covariance in the data. A 2D or 3D scatter plot of these
risk of disease (Atkinson et al. 2001). For example, BRCA1 components is usually presented to describe the overall
mutations are genetic markers for breast cancer risk (Miki patterns of change, or latent structure in the data, under
et al. 1994), blood glucose is a standard chemical biomarker different conditions. The results are accompanied by a
for monitoring diabetes, serum creatinine is a chemical relatively long list of compounds that were selected based
marker for kidney function, and prostate specific antigen on a given model’s loading values, variable importance in
(PSA) is a protein biomarker for prostate cancer (Polascik projection (VIP) scores, or alternatively p-values derived
et al. 1999). As ‘‘omics’’ technologies such as transcripto- from parametric univariate hypothesis testing (Student’s
mics, proteomics and metabolomics have emerged, the t test, ANOVA etc.) or their non-parametric equivalent
possibility of both measuring and using multiple biomarkers (Mann–Whitney U test, Kruskal–Wallis etc.) performed, in
simultaneously to predict or diagnose disease has captured turn, on each measured metabolite. In most cases, these
the imagination of many clinicians and scientists. Certainly kinds of statistical analyses are not sufficient to acquire
it is common practice among physicians to use multiple detailed biological understanding. As a result, researchers
physiological biomarkers (age ? BMI ? triglyceride level ? often resort to functional analyses that incorporate prior
cholesterol level = cardiac disease risk) to improve the sen- biological knowledge to help reveal key underlying bio-
sitivity and specificity of a clinical diagnosis. Therefore it logical processes. For example, metabolite set enrichment
stands to reason that by combining two or more biomarkers analysis (Xia and Wishart 2010b) or metabolic pathway
together it might be possible to generate more accurate analysis (Xia and Wishart 2010a; Gao et al. 2010; Kan-
diagnoses and prognoses or better distinguish between sim- kainen et al. 2011) can be performed on these long com-
ilar diseases (Newby et al. 2001). This, of course, is the pound lists, and the results can be used to infer possible
motivation behind many recent biomarker studies in meta- biological processes. While these compound lists are
bolomics. Fundamentally, the goal of biomarker develop- sometimes referred to as ‘‘putative biomarkers’’ by some
ment in metabolomics is to create a predictive model from a authors, they are not really useful as clinical biomarkers,
collection of multiple compounds, which can be used to which require somewhat different analysis, evaluation and
classify new samples/persons into specific groups (e.g. validation procedures. In other words, the analytical
healthy vs. diseased) with optimal sensitivity and specificity. methods used by those wanting to understand biological
From a statistics and machine learning point of view, there processes differ fundamentally from those wanting to dis-
are three major steps involved in biomarker analysis—(1) cover or develop biomarkers. These differences are out-
biomarker selection, (2) performance evaluation, and (3) lined below.
model creation. Biomarker selection involves the identifi- In contrast to metabolomic studies focused on deci-
cation of an optimal subset of features that will provide the phering biological processes, where interesting metabolites
maximal discriminating power between the diseased and are found post hoc, in biomarker studies metabolite
healthy samples. Performance evaluation involves the selection should be performed a priori rather than post hoc.
assessment and validation of the panel of biomarkers pro- That is, biomarker selection must be performed before
posed by step one. Final model creation involves developing deriving a definitive multivariate predictive model. Fur-
a fixed mathematical equation or computer algorithm, which thermore, whereas long lists of metabolites or large mul-
combines the panel of selected biomarkers into a single test tivariate models amalgamating 100s of molecular features
score with the aim of accurately predicting a particular are quite useful for understanding pathways and biological
clinical outcome, given measured biomarker responses from processes, they are not ideal for developing cost-effective
a particular target population. Steps one and two are often biomarker tests. Rather, a short list of 1–10 biomarkers is
iteratively combined. mathematically much more robust and far more practical
Current metabolomics studies can be placed into two for clinical testing purposes. While pattern discovery
general categories—those that aim to understand biological methods such as unsupervised clustering or PCA are useful
processes and those that aim to develop biomarkers. for discovering novel biological processes, they are not
Studies in the first group focus primarily on gaining ideal for biomarker discovery. Instead, supervised machine
improved biological understanding through the analysis of learning algorithms, or multivariate regression models
metabolite profiles. Data analysis is usually performed should be used to build the predictive models needed for
using multivariate statistical methods such as principal biomarker analysis. That is, for biomarker discovery one
component analysis (PCA) or partial least squares dis- needs to use methodologies that model the discriminatory
criminant analysis (PLS-DA) (Trygg et al. 2007). These relationship between a binary dependent variable

282 J. Xia et al.

y (typically a two-state clinical outcome variable such as

healthy vs. diseased) and one or more explanatory variables
X (in this context a list of metabolite features). Performing
biomarker selection based on univariate statistical signifi-
cance is equally inappropriate, as often metabolites that are
not significant in isolation can, when combined into a
single multivariate model, produce clear and reproducible
discrimination. Likewise, a significant difference in the
average levels of a metabolite between two patient groups
does not necessarily mean that the given compound will be
a good classifier/biomarker. Perhaps the most important
difference to remember is that biomarker models are not
intended to help explain biology. Rather they are designed
only to discriminate with an optimal sensitivity/specificity
without regard to biological cause or biological interpre-
Fig. 1 PubMed search results using key words ‘‘metabolomics’’ and
tation. In other words, biological understanding is not an ‘‘biomarker’’ from year 2001 to 2011
absolute prerequisite for biomarker development. How-
ever, understanding the underlying biological pathways reasons for this. First, unlike most chronic or common
certainly can give some rationale to support an assay or diseases, IEMs can often be diagnosed using only a single
give some direction to develop a treatment. metabolic marker. This is because the concentration dif-
ferences for that biomarker, between normal and diseased,
are so profound that the test sensitivity/specificity is often
2 Overview of biomarker studies in metabolomics 100 %. On the other hand, non-IEMs (i.e. common, chronic
diseases) exhibit considerably smaller concentration chan-
In some respects, metabolomics has already been remark- ges spread among of dozens of metabolites, making the
ably successful in seeing biomarkers translate to the clinic. development of accurate, single compound tests almost
MS/MS-based screening for inborn errors of metabolism impossible. The second reason has to do with the general
(IEM) in neonates is now routinely done in most indus- lack of quantitation in many metabolomics assays and in
trialized countries (Chace 2001). These high throughput most metabolomics biomarker studies. Nearly every
methods measure dozens of metabolites simultaneously approved clinical test, including IEM tests, measures
(esp. amino acids and acylcarnitines) and are able to chemical (or protein) concentrations in absolute terms (nM,
diagnose more than 30 different disorders (Wilcken et al. lM or mM). Unfortunately, compound quantification has
2003). While most clinical chemists would not confess to not, historically, been a priority in many metabolomics labs.
performing metabolomics, the principles and technologies This may be due to the fact that compound quantification is
behind newborn screening and metabolomics biomarker both difficult and time-consuming (although it is now get-
testing are largely the same. The advantages of using ting much easier). The third reason—which may be the
metabolite biomarkers (speed, reproducibility, quantitative most important—has to do with the general lack of know-
accuracy, low cost, non-invasiveness, small sample vol- how in how many metabolomics researchers perform and
ume) combined with the remarkable success of newborn report biomarker studies. Based on our review of the liter-
screening programs worldwide has inspired many meta- ature, there is remarkably little consistency and relatively
bolomics researchers to pursue biomarker studies for other little rigor in how metabolomics researchers select, assess
diseases. Figure 1 shows the number of annual publications or report their candidate biomarkers. For instance, many
containing both ‘‘metabolomics’’ and ‘‘biomarker’’ in the studies identify and report only individual biomarkers in a
last 10 years (2001–2011) based on PubMed search results. qualitative way (up vs. down or present vs. absent) without
From 2001 to 2008, there was a slow but steady increase any explicit description of changes in metabolite concen-
from zero to 70 publications per year. Since 2009, a rapid tration (or fold-change) together with associated confidence
growth has occurred with over 250 papers published on intervals. Biomarker studies that are slightly more quanti-
metabolomics-based biomarker studies in 2011. tative will often report the performance of multivariate
While the interest in metabolomic biomarkers has been models using arbitrary ‘‘correct classification’’ criteria;
growing almost exponentially and biomarker discovery however no statistical measures of reliability or clinical
efforts have been continuing for [10 years, the number of applicability are provided. PLS-DA models are routinely
metabolomics-based tests available for non-IEM diseases employed in metabolomics biomarker research where often
stubbornly remains at ‘‘zero’’. There are three probable the coefficient of determination (R2) and cross-validated R2

An introductory tutorial 283

(Q2) are presented as measures of clinical utility, rather than sense, a multi-metabolite biomarker score can be consid-
in their true role (i.e. as a method for choosing the optimal ered the equivalent to a single metabolite concentration.
model structure and simultaneously guarding against model
over-fitting). R2 and Q2 performance measures can certainly
be used as part of the biomarker selection process; however, 3 ROC curve analyses in clinical chemistry
they provide very little transparency and they are not a
readily interpretable indication of the clinical utility of a Most clinical chemistry tests are applicable to a dichoto-
given model for a target population. Additionally, most end mous or binary outcome, meaning that they categorize
users (i.e. clinicians or clinical chemists) are not familiar subjects into two states: positive or negative, disease or no
with this style of model evaluation and hence are very disease, admitted or discharged. For a continuous bio-
skeptical of such an approach. Remarkably few studies marker measurement (e.g. metabolite concentration) the
present receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves. decision as to which outcome a given test subject is cate-
Indeed only 15 out of the 823 (\2 %) publications on gorized is typically based on some pre-determined con-
metabolomics and biomarkers in the last 10 years men- centration or detection threshold. In predictive biomarker
tioned the term ROC. This is surprising given that for binary studies, the performance of a candidate biomarker is
classification problems (e.g. disease vs. healthy), ROC determined by comparing the predicted outcome to the true
curve analysis is generally considered the standard method outcome for a representative set of subjects sampled from a
for describing and assessing the performance of medical target population. The true outcome is typically determined
diagnostic tests (Obuchowski et al. 2004; Zweig and by monitoring the subjects after the biological specimen
Campbell 1993; Pepe et al. 2001). If the ultimate goal is to has been collected to see if the clinical outcome is ulti-
move metabolite biomarkers from the benchtop to the mately diagnosed to be positive or negative based on some
bedside, metabolomics researchers need to speak the same well-established clinical signs or physiological measure-
language as their target audience in order to effectively ments. In general, the nature of this true classification
communicate their findings. process is dependent on the clinical application of the
The primary goal of this tutorial is to introduce some biomarker and a thorough discussion is beyond the scope
basic techniques commonly used in clinical biomarker of this paper. However, what ultimately results is a
analysis and to provide some practical guidance on how to dependent ‘‘outcome’’ variable (a positive or negative class
apply these concepts to metabolomic data. The advice and label) to which a biomarker ‘‘score’’ can be compared.
recommendations we provide here are primarily intended The performance of a given biomarker can be assessed
to apply to human biomarker studies with a special focus in several ways. The simplest, and most naı̈ve, method is to
on translating these discoveries to the clinic. Common quote the percentage correctly classified. This is known as
issues, misuses, and pitfalls will also be discussed. We will the predictive accuracy. This approach is flawed in several
conclude the tutorial with a brief introduction to an online fundamental ways. Firstly, it forces the developer of the
tool we have recently implemented as a teaching aid that biomarker to predetermine the optimal decision boundary
supports and implements some relatively simple, yet (critical biomarker concentration/score) from which sub-
practical approaches covered in this tutorial. The intended jects will be classified as having either a positive or neg-
audience for this tutorial includes bench researchers and ative outcome. It may well be that the mathematically
clinicians who are interested in biomarker discovery using optimal threshold is not the optimal clinically useful
metabolomics-based technologies. The methods and prin- threshold. For example, it may be an ethical necessity for
ciples discussed here primarily apply to the discovery and all positive outcome subjects to be correctly classified at
validation of diagnostic, prognostic, predictive and moni- the cost of many subjects being incorrectly negatively
toring biomarkers for human disease, for human toxicity classified. The choice of the optimal decision threshold
and for human studies involving drug monitoring and drug should be determined jointly with domain experts such as
efficacy. physicians and health economists before being transferred
Note In this tutorial, for clarity and simplicity, the term to the end user (i.e. the testing labs). Secondly, biomarker
‘biomarker’ or ‘biomarker score’ refers to either a single discovery studies are often performed on a small (n \ 100)
biochemical measurement (e.g. metabolite concentration) but representative sample drawn from a given target pop-
or a predictive score from a multivariate model combining ulation. This means that there will always be some
several biochemical measurements (e.g. a multi-metabolite uncertainly in the predictive accuracy of any reported test
biomarker model). The key point to remember is that in (recall the smaller the sample, the larger the uncertainty).
both these situations the data generated for a set of test Thus, presenting a single measure of accuracy without any
subjects (biological specimens) will be a single explanatory associated statistical measure of uncertainty is simply bad
variable whose values will be real and continuous. In this scientific practice. Indeed, it is comparable to reporting a

284 J. Xia et al.

sample mean without an associated standard error. Confi-

dence intervals and sample size will be discussed, in detail,
later. Finally, it is important to note that predictive accu-
racy is not a reliable metric for the real performance of a
biomarker if the sample population is unbalanced (that is,
when the number of subjects in different classes varies
greatly). This is generally the case in clinical settings,
where (hopefully) most people are healthy and very few are
diseased. For example, if the prevalence of a positive
outcome in a given population is low, say five in every 100
subjects, and a biomarker is presented that always predicts
a negative outcome, then this biomarker would be con-
sidered 95 % accurate, which is misleading. The problem Fig. 2 Illustration of TP, TN, FP, and FN with hypothetical
biomarker test data. The distributions of true outcomes are given by
of outcome imbalance can be avoided by retrospectively the two Gaussian curves with positive cases on the right side and
designing a matched nested case–control study from an negative cases on the left. The cut-off level is indicated by the dashed
existing larger prospective study (typically using bio- line. Due to the overlap between the biomarker concentrations of the
banked specimens). A matched nested case control study is two populations, the cut-off level will misclassify the left-hand side of
the positive cases and the right-hand side of the negative cases. TP
a variation of a case–control study in which only a subset true positives, TN true negatives, FP false positives, FN false
of controls from the larger cohort are compared to the negatives
disease cases. This type of experimental design and the
associated issues are discussed in detail elsewhere (Dunn
Sn = TP/(TP ? FN)
et al. 2011, 2012; Rothman and Greenland 1998). Using
Sp = TN/(TN ? FP)
this approach, even in extremely unbalanced target popu-
lations, a balanced biomarker discovery study can be For ease of interpretation, sensitivity can be considered
designed and conducted. Regardless of how one designs as the probability of a positive test result given that a
and conducts a biomarker ‘‘discovery’’ project, ultimately subject has an actual positive outcome, and specificity can
any candidate biomarker test must be validated in a large be considered as the probability of a negative test result
cross-sectional study so understanding the limitations of given that a subject has an actual negative outcome. Thus,
different performance metrics remains very important. for a given biomarker with a fixed decision boundary
A far superior approach to the assessment of biomarker (metabolite concentration or model score) a sensitivity of
performance is to consider the frequency with which the 0.95 and a specificity of 0.6 indicate that: given a new test
test produces: true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), subject with unknown clinical outcome, when the resulting
false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN). One then test score is above the decision boundary there is a 95 %
summarizes these values into the proportion of actual chance that the subject is correctly classified as a positive
positives that are correctly classified as positive (sensitiv- outcome; but if the test score is below the decision
ity) and the proportion of actual negatives that are correctly boundary then there is only a 60 % chance that the subject
classified as negative (specificity). In the context of a is correctly classified as a negative outcome. It is important
biomarker designed to discriminate between diseased and to note that this is only true if the new test subject is drawn
healthy subjects: from the same target population as that sampled to develop
the biomarker (i.e. biomarker performance is population
TP the number of diseased subjects that are correctly
specific). Biomarkers designed for a specific population
identified as disease (outcome positive & test positive)
(e.g. pregnant women) are only applicable to that target
TN the number of healthy subjects that are correctly
identified as healthy (outcome negative & test
The sensitivity and specificity of a test can vary
depending on the biomarker decision boundary one choo-
FP the number of healthy subjects that are incorrectly
ses to classify subjects as either ‘‘positive’’ or ‘‘negative’’.
identified as diseased (outcome negative & test positive)
Changing the decision boundary may, for example,
FN the number of diseased subjects that are incorrectly
increase the sensitivity at the expense of lowering the
identified as healthy (outcome positive & test negative)
specificity, or vice versa. One of the best ways to observe
The definitions of TP, TN, FP and FN are illustrated in how a decision threshold affects sensitivity and specificity
Fig. 2. And sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) are math- is through a ROC curve. A ROC curve shows how the
ematically defined as: sensitivity and specificity change as the classification

An introductory tutorial 285

decision boundary is varied across the range of available Table 1 Calculation of sensitivity and 1-specificity for each cut-off
biomarker scores. Unlike prediction accuracy, a ROC Glucose Diagnosis Sensitivity 1-Specificity
curve is not dependent on the prevalence of a given out-
come. Furthermore, because it depicts the performance of a 1.00 1.00
biomarker test over the complete range of possible decision 4.86 Healthy 1.00 1.00
boundaries, it allows the optimal specificity and associated 5.69 Healthy 1.00 0.90
sensitivity to be determined post hoc. Unlike the popular 6.01 Healthy 1.00 0.80
R2 and Q2 metrics, a ROC curve is a non-parametric 6.06 Healthy 1.00 0.70
measure of biomarker utility rather than a parametric 6.27 Healthy 1.00 0.60
measure of deviation from an ideal model. As a result, 6.37 Healthy 1.00 0.50
when one evaluates a biomarker using a ROC curve there is 6.55 Healthy 1.00 0.40
no need to be worried about the ‘‘data-normality’’ of either 7.29 Healthy 1.00 0.30
the predicted positive or negative score distributions, nor 7.29 Diseased 0.90 0.30
whether the two distributions have equal number of sub- 7.82 Healthy 0.90 0.20
jects and equal variance. These considerations are very 9.22 Diseased 0.80 0.10
important when using a parametric performance metric. As 9.79 Diseased 0.70 0.10
a result, ROC curve analysis is widely considered to be the 11.28 Diseased 0.60 0.10
most objective and statistically valid method for biomarker 11.83 Diseased 0.60 0.10
performance evaluation (Obuchowski et al. 2004; Zweig 12.06 Healthy 0.50 0.00
and Campbell 1993; Pepe et al. 2001; Soreide 2009). 18.48 Diseased 0.40 0.00
18.5 Diseased 0.30 0.00
3.1 Generation of ROC curves 20.49 Diseased 0.20 0.00
22.66 Diseased 0.10 0.00
In this section, we provide a simple example on how to 26.01 Diseased 0.00 0.00
generate a ROC curve from the results of a single bio-
marker diagnostic test as might commonly be found in Glucose concentrations (mmol/L) are sorted from low to high. Here
we assume values above the threshold will be positive (diseased) and
clinical chemistry. However, it is important to note that the below the threshold are negative (healthy)
process is identical for interpreting the predictions from a
fixed multivariate model (i.e. a multi-biomarker test). Here,
we use data from a hypothetical 2-h oral glucose tolerance of data points. ROC curves can be smoothed by adding
test (OGTT) adapted from Lasko et al. (2005) where the more measurements or by applying approximation methods
glucose concentration is the continuous or graded value using either a kernel density or binormal distribution (Zou
(Table 1). et al. 1997; Zweig and Campbell 1993).
To generate a ROC curve, we first sort the glucose
concentration values in ascending order. Each concentra- 3.2 Area under the curve (AUC), ‘optimal’ threshold
tion value in this list essentially represents a different cut- point and partial AUC
off point. Note, an empty row is inserted at the top of the
table to indicate a threshold that is lower than the smallest ROC curves are often summarized into a single metric known
value. We now calculate the sensitivity and specificity as the: Area under the curve (AUC). AUC can be interpreted
(actually 1 - Sp) for each concentration value (or cut-off) as the probability that a diagnostic test or a classifier will rank
assuming values that are equal or above the current a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly
threshold are predicted positive (diseased) and values chosen negative one. If all positive samples are ranked before
below the threshold are predicted negative (healthy). After negative ones (i.e. a perfect classifier), the AUC is 1.0. An
obtaining these values (Table 1, last two columns), we AUC of 0.5 is equivalent to randomly classifying subjects as
generate a scatter plot with circles representing each pair of either positive or negative (i.e. the classifier is of no practical
sensitivity and 1 - specificity values. We can then obtain utility). It can be shown that the area under the ROC curve is
the empirical ROC curve by connecting each circle with closely related to the Mann–Whitney U test [the nonpara-
straight-line segments. The result is shown in Fig. 3. It metric equivalent of the Student’s t test (Bamber 1975)]. The
displays the sensitivity of a diagnostic test over all possible AUC of an empirical ROC curve can be easily calculated
false positive rates (1–Sp). From this example it is clear to using the trapezoidal rule. A rough guide for assessing the
see that ROC curves are very straightforward to generate utility of a biomarker based on its AUC is as follows:
and widely applicable to any two-class distribution of data. 0.9–1.0 = excellent; 0.8–0.9 = good; 0.7–0.8 = fair;
Note the jagged shape of the curve due to the small number 0.6–0.7 = poor; 0.5–0.6 = fail.

286 J. Xia et al.

Fig. 3 Empirical ROC curve and optimal cut-off. After obtaining a Fig. 4 Performance comparison using partial AUC. The AUC of Test
list of sensitivity and specificity values from all possible cut-offs, one A and Test B are about the same. However, Test B is superior to Test A
should plot all pairs of sensitivity and 1-specificity values as empty at regions of high specificity (0.8, 1). Therefore, using the partial
circles, and then connect each neighboring circles with line segments AUC will be more appropriate in this case
to generate empirical ROC curves. The optimal cut-off (solid circle in
magenta) can be identified as the point with by minimal d the distance
from a cut-off to the solid grey circle (0, 1), or the point with maximal tests give nearly the same AUC value. However, Test A
vertical distance from the diagonal line, also known as the Youden
index J (Color figure online) performs better than test B in regions of high sensitivity,
while test B performs better when high specificity is
ROC curves are often used to determine the ‘optimal’ required. This can have very different implications
cut-off point based on which subjects will be classified as regarding which test should be used or which biomarker
either a positive or negative outcome. There are three should be chosen. Using the partial AUC (pAUC) is most
common approaches to calculate the optimal points. The useful when only certain regions of the ROC space (i.e.
first criterion is to minimize the distance to top-left corner high sensitivity or high specificity) are of particular interest
(0, 1). As the distance (d) from the top-left corner to any (Walter 2005; Dodd and Pepe 2003; McClish 1989).
point on the ROC curve can be expressed as: d = sqrt
[(1 - Sn)2 ? (1 - Sp)2] we can calculate the value of 3.3 Confidence intervals
d for each cut-off point and then locate the point that has
smallest value. The second approach is to identify the point Sensitivity, specificity, ROC curve shape, optimal cut-offs,
with furthest vertical distance from the diagonal line. AUC and pAUC are all estimations of biomarker perfor-
The point, also known as Youden index: J = max {Sn mance based on limited data sets or limited data sampling.
- Sp - 1} (Youden 1950), can be easily identified by Typically biomarker discovery studies are relatively small
searching for the point with maximal sum of sensitivity and (n \ 100) when compared to the size of the proposed target
specificity values from all plausible sum values for each population (potentially millions of subjects). As such, any
cut-off. The first two approaches are illustrated in Fig. 3. performance measure is a sample approximation to the
As we have discussed earlier, the mathematically optimal (unmeasurable) performance of the biomarker applied to
threshold may not be appropriate in all clinical applications the target population as a whole. Just as one should always
due to ethical, economic and prevalence constraints. In quote a standard error when calculating sample means,
general, these considerations can be formulated into a with all the metrics described in this tutorial one should
single cost function and each cut-off can then be evaluated always provide confidence intervals (CIs). Typically 95 %
to identify the point that minimizes the cost. For more CIs are calculated for ROC analysis. It is important to note
discussions and example formulas, please refer to the paper that a reported 95 % CI does not predict that the true
by Zweig and Campbell (1993). population statistic has a 95 % probability of falling within
AUC is widely used for performance comparison across the calculated interval. Rather, it describes the range of
different biomarker models. However, using the whole area values the sample statistic will take, with a probability of
under a ROC curve may not be appropriate in some cases. 0.95, if the identical experiment is repeated many times
An example is shown in Fig. 4 in which two diagnostic using independent subjects drawn from the identical target

An introductory tutorial 287

population. For example a reported AUC of 0.8 with 95 %

CI of ±0.1 actually means that if one repeated the exper-
iment 100 times, for 95 of those experiments the AUC
would lie between 0.7 and 0.9. That said, 95 % CIs provide
a very good range of estimates for the unknown true sta-
tistic and it is correct to say that ‘‘we calculated with 95 %
confidence that the true AUC of biomarker X is with the
range 0.7–0.9’’.
Many different approaches have been proposed to cal-
culate CIs for ROC curves (Lasko et al. 2005). One
straightforward and widely applicable method that we
recommend is a technique called bootstrap percentile re-
sampling (Carpenter and Bithell 2000; Efron 1987).
Bootstrap resampling is a very simple but powerful method
of estimating confidence intervals for any population sta-
tistic without either having to repeat the experiment in
question over and over, or being dependent on parametric
estimation of associated standard errors. This is be Fig. 5 Using a bootstrapping approach to compute the 95 %
achieved by simply constructing a number of different confidence interval (CI) for a single cut-off or for the complete
ROC curve
samples (called ‘‘re-samples’’) from the observed dataset,
each of which is obtained by random sampling with
replacement from the original dataset, such that each considers a clinically useful result, with a specified mini-
sample is equal in size to the observed dataset. The sample mum requirement, or if the researcher is competing with an
statistic is then calculated for each of the re-samples (e.g. existing ‘‘gold standard’’ biomarker, the biomarker under
total number of re-samples = 1,000), and the 95 % CIs are evaluation should, at a minimum, show equal performance.
calculated by simply taking the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of Sample size calculation based on ROC curves has been
the ranked list of the 1,000 values. In this way confidence discussed in several publications (Eng 2003, 2004; Obu-
intervals for the AUC can be readily calculated. Addi- chowski et al. 2004). Often, however, the prerequisite is for
tionally, by utilizing a nearest neighbor approach (or a test to have a fixed specificity with a minimum sensi-
smoothing multiple ROC curves), for any given fixed tivity. In this case a minimum sample size can be estimated
specificity, a 95 % CI can be calculated for the associated using very simple inferential approach introduced by Arkin
sensitivity, or vice versa. Indeed, given the available and Wachtel (1990). For a study in which we hypothesise
computational power today, 95 % CI curves can easily be that a clinically effective case/control screening test will be
constructed for the complete ROC curve itself as shown in seen to have a fixed specificity of 0.95 and is expected to
Fig. 5. Most modern software tools (including ROCCET— have at least a sensitivity of 0.85 and assuming a 95 %
see sect. 7) have at least some re-sampling methods confidence interval in sensitivity of ±0.05 is sufficiently
implemented that allow users to calculate confidence precise, it can be calculated that we will require at least 196
intervals for certain key parameters. cases. If the minimum expected sensitivity is increased to
0.95 the minimum sample size decreases to 73 cases. If
3.4 Sample size the minimum expected sensitivity decreases to 0.7 then the
minimum sample size increases to 323 cases. Finally, if the
The sample size used in a particular biomarker discovery minimum sensitivity is unchanged (0.85) but the required
study is intrinsically linked to the confidence interval of the 95 % confidence interval is relaxed to ±0.1, the minimum
generated ROC curve. As with any population-based sample size decreases to 49 cases. As seen by these
statistic, the uncertainly associated with a specific ROC examples, the minimum sample size can vary a great deal
curve decreases as the number of individuals tested depending on the required utility of the resulting biomarker
increases. Similarly, the uncertainty in the ROC curve (See Appendix A for the mathematical formulas as well as
decreases the more effective the biomarker is (i.e. the example analyses). Note: these sample size calculations are
higher the AUC the lower the uncertainty). With an AUC applicable to both single measurement biomarkers and
of 1, the calculated confidence error will be very close to multivariate models. However, these are the minimum
zero. Consequently, as uncertainty is partially dependent requirements. Care must be taken in the design of
on expected biomarker performance, the choice of sample the experiment such that the target population for which the
size is subjective. It can either depend on what the end-user biomarker is aimed are suitably represented in both the

288 J. Xia et al.

positive and negative outcome groups. In extremely metabolites in a single experiment, the acceptable confi-
heterogeneous target populations, positive outcome indi- dence level is changed from 95 to 99.9 % (100(1–0.05/
viduals must be selected with great care and matched one- 50)). Thus a biomarker that has an AUC 95 % CI of
to-one (as closely as possible) with negative outcome 0.6–0.8, and is therefore is potentially clinically useful,
individuals. Often with extremely rare or low-prevalence could have a Bonferroni corrected AUC CI of 0.5–0.85
diseases it is advisable to over-sample from the negative which drastically increases the uncertainty that the bio-
outcome target population in order to obtain some degree marker will have any real clinical utility. Bonferroni cor-
of diversity in the test sample (e.g. match each disease case rection is considered a very conservative method for
to four random healthy controls). Also if cross-validation compensating for multiple comparisons, and has the
(introduced later in this tutorial) is to be performed then potential for easily throwing-away real biomarkers (false
multiplying the minimum sample size by approximately negatives) as the number of metabolites measured increa-
1.5 is good practice in order to compensate for sub-sam- ses to many thousands. There are several alternative
pling—although this increase in sample size is purely an methods to multiple comparison correction such as the
empirical recommendation suggested by the authors based Benjamini–Hochberg false discovery rate or FDR (Benja-
on past experience and not on any theoretical justification. mini and Hochberg 1995), but a full discussion is beyond
the scope of this tutorial. Instead, the reader is directed to
the following excellent reviews on false discovery and
4 ROC curve analysis of metabolomics biomarkers false positives in metabolomics (Broadhurst and Kell 2006;
Noble 2009). It is important to stress that by far the best
4.1 Multiple comparisons way to avoid false positives is to repeat the experiment (of
similar sample size) on independent samples drawn from
Unlike the situation for classical clinical chemistry, meta- the same target population. This is known as a validation
bolomics typically involves measuring hundreds of experiment. If a biomarker displays potential clinical utility
metabolites at a time rather than just one or two. So in in both the ‘‘discovery’’ and ‘‘validation’’ experiments then
principle, metabolomics allows the researcher to evaluate the researcher can be reasonably confident that this bio-
multiple metabolite biomarkers against a given outcome in marker is worth developing and testing in a much larger
a single experiment. In this sense a researcher treats met- clinical trial—or that it can even be moved into clinical
abolomics as the equivalent of performing hundreds of practice. The more validation experiments performed the
individual clinical chemistry tests, simultaneously. Thus it more confidence is accrued.
is possible, using the protocol described earlier, to calculate
ROC curves for each compound, and then select potential 4.2 Multivariate biomarker discovery
biomarkers based on those exhibiting the highest AUC or
pAUC (allowing for the uncertainty described by the Although it is completely valid to treat a metabolomics
associated confidence intervals). This approach is perfectly experiment as an opportunity to test many hundreds of
valid. However, care must be taken when performing potential individual (univariate) biomarker compounds in a
multiple evaluations in a single experiment. The proba- single experiment, often what results is a long list of quite
bility of finding a random association between a given ‘‘weak’’ biomarkers (AUC \ 0.7) with fairly wide confi-
metabolite and the outcome increases with the total number dence intervals. This may be sufficient to imply some sort
of comparisons. In another words, the more metabolites of epidemiologically significant association between bio-
measured in a single experiment the more likely a random logical mechanism and adverse outcome; however the
association will be found. In this case, a biomarker or set of results may not be strong enough to use any of these
biomarkers is discovered which is of some clinical utility individual biomarkers as clinically useful biomarker test.
based on the sample population in question, but that utility In multifactorial diseases (such as heart disease, cancer,
disappears when the experiment is repeated multiple times or neurological disorders) it is often the combination of
using independent samples drawn from the target popula- multiple ‘‘weak’’ individual markers into single a ‘‘strong’’
tion. In this regard, the confidence intervals calculated multivariate model that provides the required high levels of
using the resampling simulation method are not accurate discrimination and confidence. In classical clinical chem-
(neither are the parametric equivalent methods). These istry this is not as easy as it sounds. Trying to perform
‘‘false discoveries’’ are known as false positives. A simple multiple experiments on the same sample population is
method for compensating for multiple comparisons (called time consuming and can introduce many measurement
Bonferroni correction) involves increasing the percentage errors. Furthermore, exhaustively adding or multiplying
confidence levels as a function of the number of compar- multiple compound concentrations together in various
isons. For example, if the experiment compares 50 combinations, and then testing the resulting ‘‘score’’ with

An introductory tutorial 289

ROC curve analysis, is a very inefficient method for cross-validation procedures are imperative to avoid this
searching for an effective multifactorial predictive model. problem. This will be discussed in detail later.
Likewise, the probability of finding false discoveries There are four steps in the multi-metabolite or multi-
increases dramatically when compared to testing individual variate metabolomics biomarker discovery process:
markers. (1) data pre-processing, (2) biomarker selection, (3) per-
Metabolomic studies, combined with modern multivar- formance evaluation, and (4) final model creation. We will
iate data analysis methods, allow us to perform this mul- describe these steps in a little more detail below and then
tifactorial biomarker discovery in a highly efficient present some easy-to-use on-line tools to help readers
manner. Because many hundreds of compounds are mea- explore and perform these steps in the final section of this
sured in parallel (as a single ‘‘snapshot’’ of metabolism) a tutorial.
metabolomics experiment provides an individual metabolic
profile, or fingerprint, for each analysed individual. A 4.3 Data pre-processing
population of these profiles can be converted into an n by
m data matrix (n individuals, m metabolites), which can 4.3.1 Sample-to-sample normalization
then be analysed by computer using methods known as
data projection or machine learning. Here the computer Often in metabolomics experiments there is unwanted
algorithm looks for correlated structure in the measured sample-to-sample variation. For example, in urinary met-
data that also correlates with the target outcome. The result abolomics studies there can be significant dilution effects
is a multivariate mathematical equation, or computer pro- due to individual’s fluid intake prior to sample collection.
gram, which provides a single score (derived from multiple In these cases we suggest that some sort of normalization
biomarkers) analogous to those discussed throughout this technique be used to equalize this effect (often called row
tutorial. This score can be assessed through ROC curve or sample normalization). There are many available tech-
analysis as previously described. In addition to the bio- niques, the simplest being to normalize to a single
marker score, these computational methods generally pro- metabolite level (e.g. Creatinine for urine samples).
duce a measure of the importance for each metabolite in Alternatives, such as probabilistic quotient normalization
the resulting algorithm, which in turn gives an indication of (Dieterle et al. 2006) and quantile normalization (Bolstad
the contribution that each metabolite adds to the model’s et al. 2003) are proving to be more generally applicable to a
performance. In general, the higher the absolute score, the broader range of metabolomics data. A comprehensive
more influential the metabolite. In regression-based meth- comparison of state-of-the-art sample-to-sample normali-
ods (e.g. PLS, linear or logistic regression) the importance zation techniques has recently been published (Kohl et al.
of a given metabolite can be directly interpreted from the 2012).
model’s loadings vector. The biomarker discovery process
is now transformed into discovering a suitably parsimoni- 4.3.2 Data filtering
ous subset of these ‘‘important’’ metabolites (biomarker
signature) that, in combination with the projection algo- Most metabolomics platforms can simultaneously measure
rithm, produces a ROC curve of sufficient utility. hundreds or even thousands of metabolites in a single
There are many potentially useful data projection and experiment. However, only a small proportion of these
machine learning methodologies available for this task. metabolites will typically exhibit changes correlated with
Some of the most popular methods that have been applied the conditions under study. The observed variations for the
to metabolomic studies are: linear discriminant analysis majority of the measured metabolites simply reflect ran-
(LDA), PLS-DA, decision trees (e.g. CART), random dom fluctuations around a baseline response. Before
forests (RF), artificial neural networks (ANN), and support embarking on the selection of multiple biomarkers, it is
vector machines (SVM) (Cortes and Vapnik 1995; Barker important to initially filter out clearly non-informative
and Rayens 2003; Breiman 2001; Eriksson et al. 2001; metabolites that will never contribute to the final biomarker
Trygg et al. 2007). panel. This step is very important for high-dimensional
Unfortunately the use of computationally intensive metabolomics data, but often underappreciated by many
modelling algorithms can easily be abused. This can lead to researchers. Prudent data filtering has the potential of
the very real possibility of discovering multivariate pro- reducing the computational cost as well as improving the
jections that randomly correlate highly with the test out- power to identify real biomarkers (Hackstadt and Hess
come - thus giving a false impression of the true predictive 2009; Bourgon et al. 2010). Non-informative metabolites
ability of the candidate biomarker signature. This is known can be characterized into three groups: (1) those exhibiting
as model over-fitting, or ‘‘fitting a model to noise’’. Careful very small values close to the limit of detection; (2) those

290 J. Xia et al.

in which the given metabolite are only detected in very few 4.3.4 Data scaling
specimens; and (3) those that are near-constant irrespective of
the difference in clinical outcome. The identification of those For a given biofluid specimen (e.g. human serum) the
metabolites belonging to the first category requires some average abundance of the many metabolites found therein
platform-specific knowledge, whereby concentrations below can vary by several orders of magnitude. As a result, highly
a specified limit of detection are set to ‘‘missing’’. Again abundant compound species can dominate a projection
missing values are used to represent features that are not model and obscure small but potentially important bio-
detected in a given specimen. Metabolites with more than a markers during the downstream multivariate analysis.
user-defined percentage of missing values (typically 20 %) Therefore, data scaling is another very important step in
should then be removed from the data set, and the remaining biomarker discovery. Data scaling methods divide each
values replaced with some small values (i.e. their lower data point for a given metabolite by a scaling factor that is
detection limits) or estimates derived from a missing value usually some measure of data dispersion for that feature. In
imputation algorithm. Finally, the low variance features can most cases, scaling is also applied together with data
be detected using the standard measure of relative variance centering. The most popular scaling method is ‘‘autoscal-
known as the relative standard deviation, RSD (the sample ing’’ (also known as standardization or unit variance scal-
standard deviation divided by the sample mean). An ing) in which the data for each metabolite is mean centred
RSD \ 15 % is usually sufficiently invariant to warrant (subtract the sample mean from each data point) and then
removal. However, depending on the reproducibility of the divided by the sample standard deviation. The result is that
analytical platform of choice, researchers may want to choose the data for each metabolite will have a unit mean and unit
a higher/lower threshold. Specific threshold values need to be standard deviation, and thus each metabolite can be com-
determined empirically but the measurement scientist. pared with no bias due to absolute abundance. It is
important to note that autoscaling is a very sensitive to
4.3.3 Data transforming large deviations from the sample mean as outlying samples
can totally skew the scaling coefficients. It is therefore
All parametric statistical methods assume that that the data often sensible to perform outlier detection and data trans-
has come from a specific type of probability distribution, formation before data scaling. There are several popular
and then make inference based on the parameters of that alternative scaling methods (such as Pareto scaling or
chosen distribution. If the data under examination does not Range scaling) and again a more detailed discussion can be
hold to that distribution, then the inferences can be false, or found in the paper by van den Berg et al. (2006).
at best misleading. Methods popular in the metabolomics
community (ANOVA, MANOVA, CVA, LDA, PLS-DA) 4.4 Biomarker selection
assume that the data comes from a Gaussian distribution.
Or to be more precise they assume that a given model’s As discussed earlier, in order to implement a cost-effective
residuals are normally distributed with a homogeneous and reproducible clinical test, a multivariate projection
variance. Residuals are estimates of experimental error model utilizing 100s of molecular features is not ideal.
obtained by subtracting the observed outcome from the Mathematically this may be feasible, but developing a
estimated outcome (positive and negative outcome often single assay to reproducibly quantifying many hundreds
being represented as the numerical values ?1 and -1 metabolites for use in a hospital clinical chemistry labo-
respectively). Therefore, in order for any statistically ratory is an extremely difficult task and often impractical.
meaningful model to be produced from metabolomics data Developing an assay based on a short list of 1–10 bio-
it advisable to transform the data before modelling. markers is a far more attractive proposal and any sub-
Although there is no fixed protocol, the standard practice sequent computational algorithm is likely to be
for metabolomics data is to perform logarithmic transfor- mathematically much more robust.
mation (i.e. replace each value, x, with log10(x)). This has For metabolomics biomarker discovery this means that,
the effect of monotonically reducing extremely high val- within the modelling process, it is important to find the
ues, which in turn produces homoscedastic and near-nor- simplest combination of metabolites that can produce a
mal or near-Gaussian model residuals. Other monotonic suitably effective predictive outcome. This is not a simple
transforms have also proved useful (e.g. power transforms task, as the biomarker discovery (feature selection) process
such as square root, or cube root) and a more detailed now involves optimizing two parameters: (1) the biomarker
discussion can be found in a recent paper on the subject utility—AUC etc. and (2) the number of metabolites used
(van den Berg et al. 2006). Note that non-parametric data in the predictive model. Multi-objective optimization
analysis methods, such as those based on decision trees problems such as these have been the subject of intensive
(e.g. CART and RF) do not require data transformation. studies in the bioinformatics and machine learning

An introductory tutorial 291

communities for many years (Handl et al. 2007; Knowles no significant improvement to the model. A similar
et al. 2001). Here we provide a very high-level overview of approach called Backward Elimination starts with the full
the two most popular approaches applicable to metabolo- model and then removes variables showing the smallest
mics. Also, the final section of this tutorial presents some contribution to the model, one at a time. A modification of
easy-to-use on-line tools to explore and perform biomarker the forward selection technique, known as Stepwise
selection. For a more comprehensive review and discus- Selection, combines both of the above approaches. As with
sion, please refer to two excellent review papers (Isabelle forward selection, variables are added to the model one at a
and Andr 2003; Saeys et al. 2007). time; however after a variable is added, the stepwise
method looks at all the variables currently included in the
4.4.1 Feature selection using filters model and deletes any variable which is no longer signif-
icantly contributing to the model’s performance. Alter-
This is the simplest and most widely used method of feature nately, a more computationally intense selection method
selection in metabolomics studies. As described earlier most known as subset selection can be used. This method does
projection models provide both an overall model prediction not settle for a single ‘‘best’’ model, but instead tries to find
score and a variable importance score. Feature filtering the best one-variable model, the best two-variable model,
simply involves ranking the variables used in the model in the best 3-variable model, etc. up until the best N-variable
order of importance, and then repeating the modelling pro- model. Subset selection is performed either by exhaustively
cess using the top N metabolites. Each subset model is then searching all combinations of available variables or, as this
evaluated, producing the requisite ROC curve. The investi- becomes mathematically intractable when the number of
gator then subjectively chooses the optimal value for N such available variables is large, optimal subsets are searched
that an adequate ROC curve is produced. Although this using a heuristic methodology such as genetic algorithms
method is very straightforward it does require the investi- (Broadhurst et al. 1997; Jarvis and Goodacre 2005).
gator to have a good understanding of the underlying mod- It is important to note that depending on the statistical or
elling algorithm, and may require some manual editing of the machine learning method one uses for filtering or feature
variable importance list before ranking. There is no theo- selection, it may be necessary to optimize each individual
retical guarantee that the top N variables from the full model candidate model’s structure (e.g. number of latent variables
will produce the optimal subset model (of the same com- in a PLS-DA model) to avoid over-fitting. This is done
plexity). This is particularly true for projection methods such using cross-validation and is discussed in the next section.
as PLS-DA, where the process of projecting the metabolite However, the final result will be one or more fixed
responses into a latent structure of reduced dimensionality model(s) (i.e. fixed variables subset, fixed model structure,
means that there is an inherent information compression, and fixed parameter values) which will also have to be
which although optimizing the model performance at the independently validated outside the feature selection pro-
complete fingerprint level, does not necessarily optimize the cess as a whole.
model at the parsimonious metabolite level. That said, this
very quick and methodologically transparent method of 4.5 Performance evaluation
variable selection can often produce a model with the pre-
requisite performance. 4.5.1 Cross-validation

4.4.2 Feature selection using wrappers It is imperative that the performance of any biomarker
selection process be independently evaluated so that over-
Another popular approach to biomarker selection is known fitting is avoided. The easiest approach for cross-validation
as the wrapper method. Methods falling under this cate- (CV) is to create what is known as a holdout set. The
gory are wholly data-driven and require no direct inter- available data set is split into two parts, the training set and
pretation of a model’s parameters (or variable importance the hold-out set (or test set). Typically the hold-out set is
score) and are independent of the chosen modelling selected to be 1/3 of the total data, and is randomly strat-
methodology. The simplest of these methods is Forward ified such that it suitably represents the training set (i.e.
Selection. In this approach, starting with no variables, one equal proportion of outcomes, and similar demographics
adds variables to the model, one at a time. At each step, etc.). In this way ROC curve analysis of a biomarker model
each variable that is not already in the model is tested for based on both the training set and hold-out set can be
inclusion in the model. The variable that improves the performed. The true performance of the biomarker model
model’s prediction most significantly is added to the can only be judged by the holdout set ROC curve analysis.
model. The variable addition process is repeated until a set Often biomarker discovery studies unavoidably involve
maximum number of variables is reached or when there is small sample numbers (e.g. less than 100 individuals) and/

292 J. Xia et al.

or the sample populations are heterogeneous making it 4.5.3 Permutation testing

difficult to effectively split the resulting data into two
suitably representative sets. In these situations methodol- A second level of model validation can be performed using
ogies have been developed in order to evaluate how a given a technique known as permutation testing (Good 2011). In
model’s predictive ability will generalise to an independent permutation testing, the null hypothesis to be proved or
data set without actually creating a holdout set. These disproved is that the optimal model found during the bio-
methodologies are known as CV. A single round of CV marker discovery process could also have been found if
involves partitioning a sample of data into two subsets, each patient sample had been randomly assigned a clinical
performing the model optimization on one subset (training outcome (positive or negative) in the same proportion as
set), and evaluating the model performance on the other the true assignment. In this test, the model structure and
subset (validation set). To produce a realistic estimate of variable subset is fixed, and multiple ‘‘randomly permuted’’
model performance, multiple rounds of CV are performed models evaluated (e.g. N = 1,000). This results in a ref-
using different partitions, and the performance results are erence distribution of the null hypothesis. The ‘‘true’’
averaged over the rounds. Common types of CV include (correctly assigned) model performance is then statistically
repeated random subsampling (e.g. Monte Carlo sampling), compared to this reference distribution and a p value cal-
k-fold, and leave-one-out CV (Picard and Cook 1984; culated. A p value \0.05 means that given a randomly
Eriksson et al. 2001; Efron and Tibshirani 1997). permuted outcome variable there is less than a 5 % chance
that a model of similar performance to the ‘‘true’’ non-
4.5.2 Nested cross-validation permuted model will be produced.
Cross-validation and permutation approaches offer dif-
Generally the biomarker selection process involves two ferent measures of a biomarker model’s utility. Permuta-
levels of model validation; one to optimize the model tion testing indicates whether a given model is significantly
structure given for each candidate subset of variables, and different from a null model (random guessing) for the
the other to validate the variable selection process as a sample population while CV gives an indication of how
whole. Again if the investigator is dealing with small well a given model might work in predicting new samples.
sample sizes then nested CV can be performed. The In other words, permutation testing validates the proposed
simplest way to explain this process is to use Monte Carlo model structure; while CV validates the generalizability of
cross-validation as an example. Firstly, step-1, the com- the model. For example, a biomarker model can give sig-
plete data set is randomly split into training and test sets nificant p value in permutation tests but perform poorly in
as described above. Then, step-2, the filter/wrapper bio- CV tests. On the other hand, a model with reasonable
marker selection is iteratively performed using only the performance based on CV could fail permutation tests
training set, whereby each candidate variable-subset (Westerhuis et al. 2008). These two measures are com-
model is evaluated using CV (this is the nested CV). The plementary to each other and both should be performed
result will be an optimal parsimonious model, which is when evaluating a multi-component biomarker model
then independently validated using the test set. The per- (Bijlsma et al. 2006; Xia and Wishart 2011).
formance of this optimal model is judged solely on the
ROC curve analysis of the test data. Step-1 and step-2 are 4.6 ROC curve analysis for biomarker discovery
then repeated N times such that N optimal model evalu-
ations are performed. By inspection of the feature subsets ROC curve analysis for model performance during bio-
selected across all N optimal models (typically with a marker discovery differs from the ROC curve analysis of a
histogram) the investigator can determine whether a con- fixed biomarker score (as described earlier in this tutorial)
sistent panel of metabolite biomarkers has been found. By in one fundamental way. During CV not only are the
inspection of the N model parameter-sets the investigator optimal subset of metabolites being selected, but also the
can determine whether a consistent model structure has optimal parameter values for the associated modelling
been determined. By inspection of the N different ROC procedure are estimated. In particular, each iteration of the
curves, the investigator can determine the value and CV process produces different model parameter values,
consistency of the predicted outcome. A full technical and hence potentially a different range of model prediction
description of nested cross validation, also known as values. So when ROC curve analysis is performed on the
double CV, and its various subtle variations is beyond the multiple CV test sets, for a given candidate biomarker
scope of this tutorial but these issues are discussed in model, a family of ROC curves are produced, which can
detail elsewhere (Westerhuis et al. 2008; Filzmoser et al. then be averaged to produce a smooth curve. Figure 6
2009; Liebmann et al. 2010; Smit et al. 2007; Szymanska shows a set of ROC curves for SVM models created using
et al. 2012). different subsets of metabolites selected using the filter

An introductory tutorial 293

responses using a more sensitive targeted instrument such

as a triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS system. Changes in both
technology and model selection are perfectly acceptable in
practice, as long as a suitable validation experiment is
performed. This validation process is discussed in the next
Once the model parameters are fixed, a final ROC curve
analysis can be performed to define its performance. It is at
this point that one may wish to define the optimal decision
boundary for classifying samples as either being positive or
negative outcome. This should be done under close con-
sultation with physicians, disease-specific experts, health
economists and other end users. This decision boundary
will then be used to define the final model’s specificity and
sensitivity (with confidence intervals).

Fig. 6 Comparison of different models based on ROC curves. Six 4.7.1 Parameter confidence intervals
biomarker models were created using a linear SVM with different
numbers of features. ROC curves were generated using the predicted
class probabilities from repeated cross validation for each model. The Great care must be taken to make sure that the final bio-
legend shows the feature numbers and the AUCs of the six models marker model is mathematically robust, particularly if the
sample size is small. In other words, the final model
approach. As with the fixed biomarker ROC curve analysis, parameter values must be very stable. This assumption can
confidence intervals can also be generated for the cross- be tested using bootstrap resampling of the complete data
validated models using a variation of the bootstrap meth- set. Here, for each resample the model is optimized and its
odology described earlier. In this instance the averaged CV parameter values recorded. Then, based on multiple res-
predicated ROC curve is used as the test metric, rather than amples (e.g. N = 1,000), 95 % confidence intervals for
the ROC curve generated by using all the data on a fixed each of the parameter values are estimated. Evaluation of
model. In this way the confidence interval reflects both the these confidence intervals can be somewhat subjective.
uncertainty in the sampling procedure and also the uncer- However, if the standardized variance is high ([20 %) and
tainty in the parameter optimization. the confidence range close to zero, then one may want to
reassess the biomarker discovery process as a whole before
4.7 Model creation moving forward. After all the required statistical analysis
has been performed, and all confidence intervals have been
Once the biomarker discovery phase is complete, and determined to be within a given tolerance, then the final
hopefully a suitably robust and effective set of metabolites model needs to be validated experimentally. A detailed
has been defined, then the last stage of the process is to discussion of this process is beyond the scope of this
generate the final fixed biomarker model (or computer tutorial, however the various kinds of experiment valida-
algorithm). This is done using all the available data for the tion are worth introducing.
metabolite subset, applied to the optimal model structure. Note For publication it is imperative that the results of
Essentially it is a process of finalizing, or fixing, the opti- the nested CV be reported, as this provides the most real-
mal model parameters. It is possible that the modeling istic indication of the biomarker utility. The final model
method used to ‘‘discover’’ the metabolite biomarkers is creation step is used to simply fix the final model param-
not the best method to ‘‘translate’’ the biomarkers into eters and to assess whether the model is robust enough for
clinical practice. For example the optimal subset of bio- further repeat experiment validation. Once repeat experi-
markers may be determined by PLS-DA, but more effec- ments have been conducted then the performance of the
tively translated (i.e. improved performance) using a final model on this new data must be reported and used as
simpler model such as logistic regression. Additionally, a the realistic measure of clinical utility.
researcher may find it preferable to change the analytical
platform used to measure the chosen final metabolite list. 4.8 Repeat and replicate biomarker validation
For example the discovery phase experiment may have
been performed using an untargeted LC–MS protocol; Validation experiments can be performed in several ways,
whereas once the metabolites have been definitively iden- or more exactly, with several levels of imposed experi-
tified it may be preferable to measure the metabolite mental variability. The simplest is a lab repeatability study,

294 J. Xia et al.

where replicate specimens are used. In this kind of study in metabolomics. A typical example is that a t test is first
the metabolite measurements are performed on the identi- used to filter out non-significant features and then the
cal instrument, by the same observer, in the same lab. The remaining features are used to build a predictive model.
degree of agreement of the ROC curves can then be This approach can easily produce very good results. It is
compared between the two repeat studies. If quantified then claimed the model can be used to for disease diagnosis
metabolite concentrations are measured then the degree of with very high accuracy. This assertion is not justified
agreement in biomarker concentration for a given test because the model was essentially evaluated on the same
subject can be compared. dataset that was used to select biomarkers. In other words,
The second level of validation is a lab replication study. information about the class labels was already ‘‘leaked’’
Here independent samples are drawn from the same target during the filtering step without any sort of validation to
population. The number of samples should be no fewer, avoid false discoveries. To correct for this bias, a predictive
than the ‘‘discovery’’ experiment. Then these samples model must be evaluated using different datasets that have
should be analysed on the same instrument as the discovery not been used at either the feature selection stage or the
study and, if possible, using the same observer. Compari- model training stage. We suggest that one first perform
sons at this stage can be used to remove false positives. non-specific filtering as described earlier, and then perform
The third level of validation is an inter-lab repeatability an embedded feature selection procedure inside each iter-
study that again uses replicate specimens from the indi- ation of CV.
viduals that were measured in the discovery experiment,
but the validation experiment is performed in a different 5.2 Implications of normalization procedures
lab using a different instrument (potentially the same
manufacturer) and a different observer. Comparisons to the Data scaling (and centering) procedures involve the use of
previous studies can determine any increased variability population parameters estimated from the data (i.e. mean or
due to independent lab practices. standard deviation) to improve data conformity to yield
The fourth level of validation is an inter-lab replication better performance. This approach works very well in CV,
study. Again, a new set of test subjects are drawn from the when all the data (training or testing in each split) are more
target population; however, this time, as with level three, likely drawn from the same distribution. However, this is
the experiment is performed in an independent lab. If the not necessarily the case in the real-world applications in
comparison of ROC curves, and measures of reproduction which the entire population is usually more diverse than the
of individual metabolite concentrations, are within a samples. Therefore, centering and scaling can have a rather
specified tolerance and remain at a level that indicates negative impact on overall model performance. This issue
clinical benefit then the selected biomarkers can be con- does not exist for transformation (i.e. log transform) pro-
sidered strong enough to withstand scrutiny of a formal cedures, which can be applied directly on the new values.
clinical trial. If the inter-lab variability is outside the tol-
erance limits then it may be worth investigating an alter- 5.3 Issues with AUC-based performance evaluation
native, potentially more stable, analytical platform or assay
for the discovered biomarkers. There are a few common pitfalls associated with ROC
based metrics (Obuchowski et al. 2004; Berrar and Flach
2010). In particular, using AUC as the only performance
5 Comments and common pitfalls measure for a biomarker model can sometimes be mis-
leading. As discussed earlier, the AUC essentially quanti-
5.1 Potential issues in data filtering a feature selection fies the ranking ability of a biomarker model. If all positive
samples are ranked before the negative samples, the AUC
Due to the high-dimensional nature of most ‘omics’ data, is 1.0. This only suggests that the model can potentially
including that coming from metabolomics experiments, give a perfect prediction on these new samples. In practice,
data filtering procedures are often used before a biomarker when predicting the outcome for new samples, the decision
model is created. In the data pre-processing section, we boundary calculated from the training data may still not be
described some standard methodologies based on using the optimal for the new samples. This will lead to errors, even
intensities or relative variances of features. In these though the rankings are correct. Similarly, two models with
methods, no outcome information is used in the filtering different error rates can sometimes give the same AUC.
process (non-specific filtering). However, improper use of This situation is illustrated in Fig. 7.
data filtering proved to be a very problematic issue during When comparing the performance of different models
the early days of microarray data analysis (Ambroise and using AUC, a common mistake is to check if the CIs of the
McLachlan 2002). This issue has also been frequently seen AUC overlap. However, the difference between two AUC

An introductory tutorial 295

be very different especially if the sample size is small or

very heterogeneous. As the sample size increases, the local
optimal models created in each fold will gradually con-
verge, and the performance will be close to the actual
performance of the final optimal model.

6 A list of recommendations for biomarker reporting

Throughout most of this tutorial we have provided advice,

commentary and explanations regarding the selection and
analysis of both single and multiple biomarkers for disease
diagnosis and/or prediction. However, we also think it is
important to provide some recommendations on how to
implement these ideas, especially with regard to reporting,
Fig. 7 Difference between ranking and classification. The two scatter publishing and implementing biomarkers or biomarker
plots show the predicted class probabilities for 50 new samples by
models. Here is a list of nine recommendations that sum-
two biomarker models. Both models are able to rank all new samples
correctly. Therefore, they both will have the same AUC (1.0) but marize some of the key points of this tutorial.
exhibit different error rates (3/50 and 1/50 respectively) due to their
different decision boundaries, which were determined during the
(1) Record and report absolute concentration data where
model creation process possible. Remember that nearly all approved clinical
tests require absolute concentration data.
may be statistically significant even when their CIs overlap. (2) Biomarkers must consist of positively identified
The correct procedure, especially when comparing two compounds. Unknowns or tentatively identified fea-
groups, is always to calculate the CI for the difference tures cannot (and never will) be approved for clinical
between the underlying ROC curves-i.e. an estimate of the laboratory testing.
difference in AUC. If the lower bound of the resulting CI is (3) Report details on the sample size (i.e. the size of
less than zero then there is no significant difference. testing, training and validation samples), population
characteristics and features of the diseased and
5.4 Improper performance evaluation healthy populations along with any relevant meta-
bolomics data.
It is often the case that the performance of a biomarker (4) Report the classification or biomarker modelling
model reported in the literature cannot be validated in method(s) used, the validation steps performed and
independent studies. Although population heterogeneity confidence intervals of the final biomarker model.
can be an important factor leading to poor reproducibility, (5) Minimally, report the sensitivity/specificity of the
it is more often the case that improper procedures used in biomarker(s) or biomarker model. Ideally ROC
performance evaluation in the original study led to an curves with confidence intervals should be provided
overoptimistic or misleading assessment of the test’s per- and plotted.
formance. For instance, CV is often used to determine the (6) If possible provide the equation(s), rules, algorithm
best subset of features that give the maximal discrimination parameters or software code (as supplementary
for a given modelling algorithm. One common pitfall is material) used to generate the biomarker model.
that both the feature selection and model evaluation are (7) Compare the performance of your biomarker(s) or
performed using the same data set; thus the model has been biomarker model to previously existing methods
optimized and tested on the same data, which usually leads using appropriate quantitative or statistical methods.
to unrealistically good performance measures. The correct (8) Recent court decisions suggest that biomarkers derived
approach is to have the performance of the model evaluated from naturally existing genes, proteins or metabolites
on independent data. In practice, as described in this are not very patentable. In other words, no research
tutorial, performing nested CV can approximate external group is likely to get rich from discovering a bio-
validation. When doing this, one needs to be aware that this marker—but they may become famous. The best way
result is not actually the performance measure of the final of getting a useful biomarker or set of biomarkers into
global, fully optimized model. Rather, it reflects the aver- practice is to collaborate with clinical chemists or
age performance of multiple local optimal models created clinical microbiologists and to work with them to
in each fold based on the training data. These models can rigorously validate and verify the biomarker(s) on

296 J. Xia et al.

‘‘approved’’ (Clinical Laboratory Improvement metabolomics research. These data sets are designed to
Amendments, CLIA or other regulatory bodies) equip- help users test the concepts or visualize the methods
ment. Once suitably validated, biomarkers can be used described in this tutorial. Users are free to upload their own
in the clinic. Hiding key information about biomarkers data as well. ROCCET accepts a compound concentration
or biomarker models will inevitably slow down their table (or aligned peak intensity table) with the sample
translation to the clinic and limit their benefits to the values/concentrations in rows and the feature labels in
intended population. columns. The second column must always be a set of class
(9) Given that suitable ethical consent is granted, and given (healthy or disease) labels. The data table should be
any intellectual property rights have been secured (i.e. uploaded as a text file in comma separated value (.csv)
upon publication of results), we strongly encourage format that can be easily generated from any spreadsheet
researchers to deposit their raw quantitative (or semi- program. In order to improve its utility and efficiency in
quantitative) metabolite data onto an online repository handling different omics data types, a number of utilities
such as Metabolights ( have been implemented to perform basic data processing.
(Sansone et al. 2012) so that other researchers can These include a variety of functions for filtering non-
verify, or improve upon, the presented research. informative features, functions for missing value imputa-
tion, as well as various data transformation and scaling
procedures. Detailed descriptions of these functions are
available on the data processing page and ROCCET’s
7 ROCCET: an online tool for ROC based biomarker
FAQs page. ROCCET supports (1) classical ROC curve
analysis, (2) multivariate or multi-marker ROC curve
exploration and (3) ROC curve testing. These modules are
Given the complexities and challenges of biomarker anal-
described in more detail below:
yses, it is highly recommended that trained bioinformati-
cians or biostatisticians familiar with the field should carry
out biomarker analysis. However, many clinicians and 7.2 Classical ROC curve analyses
bench researchers who are interested in conducting bio-
marker analysis do not have ready access to these resour- This module allows users/readers to explore, visualize and
ces. Likewise, there are many who would like to learn how perform the ROC analytical methods described in Sect. 3
to perform these kinds of analyses themselves or at least of this tutorial including classical ROC curve analyses for
have enough knowledge to ask the right questions or go to single biomarkers or features, as well as: (1) calculation of
the right people. This tutorial was developed to help these AUC and CI, (2) identification of optimal thresholds, (3)
individuals. In particular, we have tried to give a simplified calculation of sensitivity, specificity, as well as the CIs for
overview of the common methods, suggestions and pitfalls any given threshold. The user can interactively adjust many
associated with clinical biomarker analysis, especially with output parameters and display options.
regard to multi-biomarker analysis. Some of the techniques
may be simple to grasp, but hard to implement—especially 7.3 Multivariate ROC curve explorer
if one is not a computer programmer or statistician. Other
concepts may need to be seen, explored or tested interac- This module aims to help users/readers identify multiple
tively to really come to a full understanding of their biomarkers and assess their classification performance as
strengths or limitations. To this end, we have developed a outlined in Sect. 4 of this tutorial. ROCCET offers three
relatively simple and user-friendly online tool—ROCCET well-established machine learning or statistical algorithms
(ROC Curve Explorer & Tester, to with built-in feature importance measures: (1) linear sup-
help readers better understand the methods and ideas port vector machine (SVM), (2) PLS-DA and (3) RF. To
described in this tutorial. ROCCET is intended to serve as a estimate the predictive performance as well as the stability
teaching/training tool as well as to assist researchers and of the selected features, a balanced Monte-Carlo cross-
clinicians who are new to biomarker analysis and who are validation (MCCV) procedure with 50 iterations is used. In
interested in performing some basic exploratory biomarker each MCCV, two-thirds of the samples are randomly
selection and modelling. selected to evaluate the feature importance and the most
important features are selected with different cut-offs to
7.1 Data input and processing build models which are validated on the remaining 1/3 of
the samples. These models are assessed by AUC or pre-
ROCCET has a number of pre-collected, pre-processed and diction accuracies. The results are presented in various
pre-tested data sets (MS and NMR) derived from our own graphical ‘‘views’’ such as the ROC view, the Prob(ability)

An introductory tutorial 297

view, the Sig(nificant) Feature view, etc. to facilitate their through multiple tabs. For example, the default ‘‘ROC
understanding. view’’ shows the ROC curves of all models under inves-
tigation. The ‘‘Sig(nificant) Features’’ view shows impor-
7.4 ROC curve tester tant features associated with these models. The default
classification algorithm is linear SVM. Users can also
This module allows users/readers to manually select one or choose PLS-DA or RF. Return to the ‘‘Data Analysis’’
more features and to create a ‘‘custom’’ classifier using one page, select the ROC curve tester option and click ‘‘Sub-
of the three algorithms described above. The performance mit’’. In the next page, select the top five metabolites then
of the model can then be evaluated using MCCV proce- click ‘‘Submit’’. The performance of linear SVM (the
dure. The significance of the model can be further validated default) is AUC *0.98 with 95 % CI [0.971–1.00]. Per-
using permutation tests. Users can also manually specify mutation tests show that the model is very significant
‘‘hold-out’’ sample subsets to test the performance of the (p \ 0.002 based on 500 permutations).
model created using the CV procedures.

7.5 Example analysis 8 Summary and conclusions

Here we present the analysis on a subset of the data from a Most metabolomics researchers are quite familiar with
recently published metabolomics study on early pre- using various multivariate statistical approaches to analyze
eclampsia (Bahado-Singh et al. 2012). The data contains 42 and interpret their metabolomics data. Biomarker analysis,
metabolite concentrations measured on 90 human plasma however, requires a different approach. Based on our
samples collected from 30 patients and 60 healthy controls. review of the literature, our assessment of numerous pre-
The purpose of the study was to identify a small number of sentations at many conferences and our discussions with
metabolites that could be used to reliably predict the many metabolomics scientists, it appears that when it
eventual onset of the disease. This data set is available as comes to biomarkers, many researchers are using subopti-
one of the test data sets on ROCCET’s web site. mal methods with improper performance measures and
incomplete reporting standards. To help remedy this situ-
7.5.1 Data upload and processing ation we decided to write this tutorial and to prepare the
ROCCET web-server.
First, go to the ROCCET home page ( In sect. 1 we discussed some of the key differences and
On the ‘‘Data Upload’’ page, select the first test data set and shared similarities between functional metabolomics and
click ‘‘Submit’’. The next page shows the summary of biomarker discovery. In sect. 2 we described some of the
ROCCET’s data integrity check. Click ‘‘Next’’ to enter the successes and challenges with regard to biomarker discov-
‘‘Data Processing’’ page. Use the default selections and ery and biomarker implementation in metabolomics. In
click ‘‘Submit’’. The next page shows a graphical summary sect. 3 we introduced ROC curves and discussed their utility
of data normalization process. Click ‘‘Next’’ to enter the in evaluating single biomarker (classical clinical chemistry)
‘‘Data Analysis’’ page. tests. In sect. 4 we summarized the advantages and descri-
bed the methods used for generating and assessing multi-
7.5.2 Data analysis biomarker models. In sect. 5 we discussed the pitfalls and
potential shortcomings of some of these biomarker analysis
The ‘‘Data Analysis’’ page allows users to choose among methods. We also provided some examples of common
the three analysis modes which we will explore below. errors seen in many biomarker studies. In sect. 6 we tried to
Select the univariate ROC curve analysis and click ‘‘Sub- summarize some of these points into a set of eight recom-
mit’’. The page shows all features ranked by their AUC. mendations regarding the measurement, reporting and
Click on any compound name, the corresponding ROC implementation of metabolomics biomarkers. Finally in
curve will be generated. In addition, a box plot overlaid sect. 7 we introduced ROCCET, a web-based tool to help
with the optimal cut-off is also displayed. Users can click readers visualize, interact and better understand the con-
the ‘‘Next’’ button to view the detailed sensitivity, speci- cepts introduced in sects. 1–5.
ficity and confidence intervals for the current selected Although this tutorial is written with metabolomics and
feature. Using the left navigation tree to return to the ‘‘Data metabolite concentration data in mind, most of the
Analysis’’ page, select multivariate ROC curve explorer approaches are equally applicable to non-targeted meta-
and then click ‘‘Submit’’ to start ROCCET’s automatic bolomics data (using relative concentrations instead of
feature selection and performance assessment. The result absolute concentrations) and to other omics (transcripto-
will return in a few seconds. Various views are displayed mics and proteomics) data as well. This tutorial is not

298 J. Xia et al.

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