Market Model For Inflation
Market Model For Inflation
Market Model For Inflation
January 2004.
The various macro econometrics model for inflation are helpless when it comes to the pricing of inflation
derivatives. The only article targeting inflation option pricing, the Jarrow Yildirim model [7], relies on non
observable data. This makes the estimation of the model parameters a non trivial problem. In addition,
their framework do not examine any relationship between the most liquid inflation derivatives instruments:
the year to year and zero coupon swap. To fill this gap, we see how to derive a model on inflation, based on
traded and liquid market instrument. Applying the same strategy as the one for a market model on interest
rates, we derive no-arbitrage relationship between zero coupon and year to year swaps. We explain how to
compute the convexity adjustment and what relationship the volatility surface should satisfy. Within this
framework, it becomes much easier to estimate model parameters and to price inflation derivatives in a
consistent way.
• Keywords: inflation index, forward, zero-coupon, year-on-year, volatility cube, convexity adjustment.
AMS Classification 60G35
∗ CDC IXIS-CM R&D and Maison des Sciences Economiques. Adress: CDC IXIS 47 Quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Paris, France.
Maison des Sciences Economiques, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 116-118 Boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris, France.
E-mail: [email protected].
† CDC IXIS-CM R&D, 47 Quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected]
‡ Risk Department CDC IXIS (26-28 Rue Neuve Tolbiac, 75658 Paris Cedex 13, France, ( +33 1 58 55 59 68) and Associated
Professor at Paris I, Sorbonne University (Maison des Sciences Economiques, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 116-118
Boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 Paris). Email [email protected]
§ The ideas expressed herein are the authors’ ones and do not necessarily represent the ones of CDC IXIS CM.
1 Introduction
The standard approach for modelling inflation is based on econometrics models. Their aim is to forecast infla-
tion rate, provided a time series of data. Using sophisticated version of the so-called "Taylor" rule, economists
show how to relate inflation rate to various macro economic indexes such as short term interest rates and
monetary policy target.
When it comes to pricing inflation derivatives, this framework is helpless for many reasons:
• First, it does not provide any information concerning the hedging strategy making this approach of poor
usage for derivatives trading desk.
• Second, it does not offer any relationship between the various traded instruments. These relationships
are crucial to provide a model consistent with traded securities.
• Third, it uses discrete time modelling. This makes it not easy to tackle complex options where the set
up is based on continuous time modelling.
Surprisingly, there is not much in the literature on option pricing on inflation derivatives. The only paper
by Jarrow and Yildirim [7] uses the interest rate curve as a starting point. The authors model the inflation rate
as an exchange rate between the nominal and real zero-coupon bonds. Their key assumptions are deterministic
volatilities and non zero correlation between the different factors. Using no-arbitrage relationship, they derive
a model similar to a 3 factor HJM model. However, this model has the major drawback to use non observable
parameters. In order to infer the inflation rate, one needs to fit a model on the real interest rate curve, which
is even harder to estimate than the inflation rate itself. A second drawback is to provide no link between
zero-coupon and year-on-year products.
The two disadvantages of the Jarrow and Yildirim model are precisely the motivation of our model. Adapt-
ing the concept of market model, we explain how to use consistent information between the zero-coupon and
the year-on-year swap market. The first result concerns volatility information. The consistent relationship for
the volatility market is first examined in the general framework of a market model. We then compute explicitly
this relationship in the case of various model assumptions like Black-Scholes, homogeneous and Hull and White
volatilities. We then see how to compute convexity adjustment using the market model.
• a zero-coupon swap (in its payer version) pays the inflation return
2.2 Modelling issue
To model inflation, one may think to use the numerous recent models in time series analysis targeting inflation
using discrete time modelling. One can find equivalents in continuous time but these models remain inefficient
for the evaluation of the inflation linked products. The major challenge comes from the difference of probability
measures between the historical and risk neutral ones. Econometric models are derived under historical
probability while option pricing requires to use the risk neutral probability 1 . This therefore prevents us from
using econometric models.
A first sight solution may be to use an adaptation of interest modeling. However, the inflation market offers
some additional challenging features:
• multi-curve environment: because of the inability to lock in a inflation zero-coupon with its notional
compounded by the inflation return, static replication of the year-on-year curve from the zero-coupon
one is impossible. Hence the year-on-year curve has to account for the additional convexity adjustment.
• correlation modelling: inflation should be rigorously connected to interest rate as the correlation structure
between forward CPI and interest rate has to be used for the convexity adjustment.
• multi-asset pricing dimension: because of the correlation between interest rates and inflation rates.
A simple but rich enough framework is to assume a market model for inflation where the forward CPI return
is modelled
³ as a diffusion
´ with a deterministic volatility structure. For this, we consider the filtered probability
space Ω, A, (Ft )t≥0 , P where P is the historical probability, and (Ft )t≥0 the natural filtration2 generated by
n¡ ¢ o
the standard multi n + 1 dimensional Brownian motion W i , B (t)1≤i≤n , t ≥ 0 , with correlation matrices
given by Ξ with the various terms of this matrix are given by
( ®
d W.i , W.j (t) = ρInfi,j dt,
i ® (1)
d W. , B. (t) = ρB,I i dt.
1 The passage between the two is made by the determination the market risk premium which is a parameter which still
Where {B (t) , t ≥ 0} is the Brownian motion driving the zero-coupon bond
dB (t, T )
= r (t) dt + Γ (t, T ) dB (t) , t ≤ T.
B (t, T )
In this framework, the evolution of the forward CPI under the risk neutral probability measure Q corresponds
to a geometric Brownian motion:
dCP I (t, Ti )
= µ (t, Ti ) dt + σ (t, Ti ) dW i (t) , (2)
CP I (t, Ti )
where the volatility structure σ (t, Ti ) and the drift µ (t, Ti ) are deterministic. Specific forms of volatility are
σ (t, Ti ) = σi ,
• Many other type similar to the interest rate models like Mercurio Moraleda types and so on....
Definition 1 We call vol cube and we denote by ψ the 3 dimensional deterministic function of a fixing date
T , a tenor δ and a strike K defined as:
ψ : R+ × R+ ∗ ×R → R
³ ³ ´´
(T, δ, K) 7→ ψ (T, δ, K) = V ol max / min CPCP
I(T +δ,T +δ)
I(T,T ) − K, 0 .
Each of the three plans of the cube will be a real matrix obtained by fixing one variable among the three.
The market provides indication/information about only year-on-year options (the most liquid ones) and
zero coupon. Hence, looking at the vol cube, we can only get from the market two volatility surfaces (somehow
orthogonal) of the volatility cubes which are ψ (T, T + δ, K)T ≥0 and ψ (0, T, K)T >0 . For different values of the
strike K, a zero-coupon option of maturity one year being the first option year-on-year of tenor one year, the
two surfaces are dependant (∀K ∈ R, ψ (0, T, K)|T =δ = ψ (T, T + δ, K)|T =0 ). A first objective would be thus,
to bind these two surfaces in order to find the consistency relationships between them. The modelling issue is
to provide a way to interpolate/extrapolate volatility information for forward starting structure different from
year-on-year information.
Here the nominator is fixed and known at t = 0. Let’s remark the particular expression of the strike
(1 + k0 )Ti , formulate as an actuarial rate. In the special case (α, β) = (1, 1), we simply compare the
inflation to an zero-coupon swap level.
• an option on year-on-year inflation as:
³ ´
max / min α CPCP I(Ti ,Ti )
I(Ti−1 ,Ti−1 ) − β, K . (4)
Here the nominator CP I (Ti−1 , Ti−1 ) can not be known before t = Ti−1 and the strike is crude.
Let’s note for a given strike K, σ BS (0, Ti ) (respectively σ BS (Ti−1 , Ti )) the Black-Scholes volatility of the
option zero-coupon inflation (respectively year-on-year inflation) with exercise date Ti . Keeping the same
notation as the last paragraph, we can write for a fixed strike K ∗ :
ψ (0, Ti , K ∗ ) = σ BS (0, Ti )
. (5)
ψ (Ti−1 , Ti − Ti−1 , K ∗ ) = σ BS (Ti−1 , Ti )
In the following section we’ll determine the relation between the Black-Scholes volatilities of the zero-coupon
options and the year-on-year ones for a fixed strike K ∗ , so we will use σBS instead ψ.
σ : R+ × R+ ∗ → R+
(t, Ti ) 7→ σ (t, Ti )
So from (4), we obtain:
h ³ ´i
CP I(Ti )
V ln CP I(Ti−1 )
= Ti .σ 2BS (Ti−1 , Ti )
T Ti−1
R Ri
T ®
= σ 2 (s, Ti ) ds + σ2 (s, Ti−1 ) ds − 2 σ (s, Ti−1 ) σ (s, Ti ) d W.i−1 , W.i (s)
0 0 0
This shows that the relationship between year-on-year and zero-coupon is model dependent through not
only the instantaneous correlation ρInf
i−1,i but also the full correlation integrated covariance γ (Ti−1 , Ti ) which
in terms depends on the volatility assumptions. In the next paragraph, we detail the result for various form
of volatilities.
i−1,i were equal to 1.
5 σ (t) is a step wise function: σ (t) =
i=1 σ (i) k{Ti−1 ≤i<Ti } , ∀0 ≤ t ≤ Tn
−λi (Ti −t)
• Integrated Hull and White, potentially time dependent σ (t, Ti ) = σ i (t) 1−e λi :
ni 2λi (Tj −Tj−1 )−4e−λi Ti (eλi Tj −eλi Tj−1 )+e−2λi Ti (e2λi Tj −e2λi Tj−1 )
Ti .σ 2B&S (0, Ti ) = σ 2 (j) 2λ3i
, (11)
⎧ λi−1 Tj
⎪ −eλi−1 Tj−1 ⎪
⎨ Tj − Tj−1 − e−λi−1 Ti−1 e λi−1 ⎪
σ 2 (j) (λi−1 +λi )Tj −e(λi−1 +λi )Tj−1
γ (Ti−1 , Ti ) = λi−1 λi +e−(λi−1 Ti−1 +λi Ti ) e . (12)
j=1 ⎪
⎪ λi−1 +λi ⎪
⎩ −e−λi Ti e
λi Tj
−eλi Tj−1 ⎭
Example 2 (Black-Scholes case with ρInf j,i = 0.98, ∀j < i) In this case, the year-on-year volatilities are
higher than the zero-coupon ones. We explain this in the subsection 5.1.
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Maturity of option
Example 3 (Homogeneous case with ρInf j,i = 1, ∀j < i) In this case, the year-on-year volatilities are lower
than the zero-coupon ones. But they can’t attain a minimum level. We explain this in the subsection 5.1.
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Maturity of option
Example 4 (Hull & White case with ρInf
j,i = 0.98, ∀j < i)
Vol ZC
2.00% Vol YoY
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Maturity of option
2.00% Vol ZC
Vol YoY
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Maturity of option
4 Convexity adjustment
As for the CMS (see [1] for a review on CMS pricing), the convexity adjustment of the inflation swaps results
from the difference of martingale measures between the numerator and the denominator.
4.1 Intuition
The forward CP I (t, Ti ) fixing at time Ti is obviously a martingale under its payment probability measure
QTi . Similarly, for the forward CP I (t, Tj ) fixing at time Tj under the probability measure QTj , but not QTi .
Consequently, the expected value under the probability measure QTi of the ratio of the two CPIs (with time
Ti > Tj ) has to take into account various convexity adjustments6 :
• CP I (t, Tj ) is not a martingale under the QTi measure. Hence it has to be adjusted to account for the
change of measure between QTj and QTi . This adjustment should intuitively depend on the covariance
between the forward interest bond volatility (between Tj and Ti ) and the forward inflation rate in the
denominator CP I (t, Tj ). This change of measure is similar to the CMS adjustment.
• In addition, we pay CP I (t, Ti ) /CP I (t, Tj ). Because of the correlation between these two inflation
forward rates, we need to account for the their joint move. The adjustment should intuitively be depending
on the covariance between these two CPI rates. This is similar in a sense to a quanto adjustment.
a convexity adjustment by extension from the one used in interest rates for various change of measures like CMS and in-arrears.
• computation of the expected ratio.
Solving the SDE (13) for Tj and Ti under the same probability QTi leads to:
³ ´
CP I(Ti ,Ti ) CP I(0,Tj )
ln CP /
I(Tj ,Tj ) CP I(0,Ti )
= σ (s, Ti ) dWTi (s) − ρInf
j,i σ (s, Tj ) dWTi (s)
0 0
r ³ ´ 2 ¡ 2 ¢
− 1 − ρInf
j,i σ (s, Tj ) dWT⊥i (s) − 1
2 σ (s, Ti ) − σ 2 (s, Tj ) ds
j σ (s, Tj ) {Γ (s, Ti ) − Γ (s, Tj )} ds.
The computation of the expectation of the forward CPI is then simply given by:
h i R Tj
CP I(Ti ,Ti ) CP I(0,Tj ) σ(s,Tj ){σ(s,Tj )−ρInf B,I
j,i σ(s,Ti )}+ρi σ(s,Tj ){Γ(s,Ti )−Γ(s,Tj )}ds
EQTi CP I(Tj ,Tj ) / CP I(0,Ti ) = e 0 .
h i
CP I(Ti ,Ti ) CP I(0,Tj )
The convexity adjustment at t = 0, defined by λCvx (0, Tj , Ti ) = EQTi CP I(Tj ,Tj ) − CP I(0,Ti ) is equal to:
CP I(0,T )
λCvx (0, Tj , Ti ) / CP I(0,Tji )
R Tj
σ(s,Tj )(σ(s,Tj )−ρInf B,I
j,i σ(s,Ti )+ρi {Γ(s,Ti )−Γ(s,Tj )})ds
= e 0 − 1.
B(t,Ti )
• the covariance between the zero-coupon forward bond B (t, Tj , Ti ) = B(t,T j)
observed at time Tj and the
forward CPI CP I (Tj , Tj )as nominal and inflation securities covariances.
If we note the correlation between CPI forward CP I (Tj , Tj ) and of the zero-coupon forward bond B (Tj , Tj , Ti )
as R Tj
ρB,I σ(s,Tj )(Γ(s,Ti )−Γ(s,Tj ))ds
ζ I,B
j,i ≡
j 0
Tj σ BS (0,Tj ) ΓBS (0,Tj ,Ti ) ,
where Z Tj
Tj Γ2BS (0, Tj , Ti ) ≡ (Γ (s, Ti ) − Γ (s, Tj )) ds
is the integrated volatility of B (Tj , Tj , Ti ) and replacing by the equation (6), we can write λCvx (0, Tj , Ti ) as
only a sum of volatilities:
λCvx (0,Tj ,Ti ) eTj σBS (0,Tj )ζ j,i ΓBS (0,Tj ,Ti )
CP I(0,Tj ) = 1 2 2 2 (15)
CP I(0,Ti ) .e− 2 {Ti σBS (0,Ti )−Tj σBS (0,Tj )+(Ti −Ti−1 )σBS (Tj ,Ti )} − 1.
where F (t, Tk , Tk + δ k ) is the forward Libor of period δ k fixing at time Tk and paid at time Tk + δ k and
observed at time t.
Applying Ito (and looking only at the stochastic part) leads immediately to
X B (t, Tj , Ti )
dB (t, Tj , Ti ) = δ k σ F (t, Tk ) F (t, Tk , Tk + δ k ) dBQk T (t) ,
1 + δ k F (t, Tk , Tk + δ k ) i
where σ F (t, Tk ) is the lognormal volatility of the forward Libor F (t, Tk , Tk + δ k ) and where the diffusion is
taken under the QTi probability measure. This means that the forward bond volatility is approximately given
X δ k F (0, Tk , Tk + δ k ) σ F (0, Tk )
ΓBS (0, Tj , Ti ) = ,
1 + δ k F (0, Tk , Tk + δ k )
Hence, the inflation convexity adjustment become a function of the inflation zero-coupon volatilities and the
zero-coupon forward bond ones only:
ΓBS (0,Tj ,Ti )+σ BS (0,Tj )−ρInf
= eTj σBS (0,Tj )(ζ j,i j,i σ BS (0,Ti ))
λCvx (0,Tj ,Ti )
CP I(0,Tj ) − 1. (16)
CP I(0,Ti )
4.4.2 Case of Hull and White
We have only to replace the explicit expressions of covariances γ (Tj , Ti ) and the variances Tj σ 2BS (0, Tj ), from
(9) or (11) in (15):
Tj σ BS (0,Tj )ζ I,B
λCvx (0,Tj ,Ti ) eρi j,i ΓBS (0,Tj ,Ti )
CP I(0,Tj ) = 1 2 2 2 (17)
CP I(0,Ti ) .e− 2 {Ti σBS (0,Ti )−Tj σBS (0,Tj )+(Ti −Ti−1 )σBS (Tj ,Ti )} − 1.
Example 7 (Black-Scholes case with ζ I,B j,i = 0.3) In this example the year-on-year swap’s convexity ad-
justments is negative and decreasing with time. This means that the year-on-year swap rate is at least lower
than a year-on-year swap rate whose legs are priced with the raw CPI forwards.
-0.05 Time
Example 8 (Homogenous case with ζ I,B j,i = 0.3, ∀j < i) In this case the year-on-year swap’s convexity ad-
justment is greater than in the Black-Scholes case, because for the same other data, the homogenous year-on-
year volatilities are lower then the Black-Scholes ones.
5 Coherence tests
From the preceding sections, one can notice that the market’s unkonwns are threesome: the Black-Scholes
volatilities of zero-coupon options, the year-on-year ones and the CPIs’ implicit correlations.
However, these three data are not observable at the same time. In fact, one can find some consistency rela-
tionship between these three data according to the assumed volatility function. We present conditions of level
for volatilities and confidence intervals for each component of this trio.
In the log-normal deterministic-volatility model, we have the inequality of the Black-Scholes year-on-year
volatility of maturity T and tenor δ:
δσ 2BS (T − δ, T ) ≥ σ 2 (s, T ) ds. (18)
T −δ
If we consider the two chief forms of volatility function of the last sections, we find respectively:
σ BS (T − δ, T ) ≥ σ BS (0, T ) . (19)
This implies that the year-on-year volatility curve must to be above the zero-coupon one. This does not
correspond to the reality of the market.
• Homogeneous case σ (s, T ) = f (T − s) :
Z T Z T Z δ
v=T −s
σ 2 (s, T ) ds = f 2 (T − s) ds = f 2 (v) dv
T −δ T −δ 0
Z δ
= f 2 (δ − u) du
Z δ
= σ 2 (u, δ) du = δσ2BS (0, δ) .
σ BS (T − δ, T ) ≥ σ BS (0, δ) . (20)
This means that the value of the volatility of a year-on-year option of a fixed maturity and a fixed tenor,
is at least greater than the volatility of a zero-coupon option of a maturity which is worth the tenor (the
first zero-coupon volatility and then the year-on-year one when δ = 1 year).
The different intervals are obtained according to the choice of the volatility function. As the Black-Scholes
case doesn’t match to the market, we will restrict to the homogeneous case, in which we can distinguish
two cases ∂σ(s,T
≥ 010 and ∂σ(s,T
≤ 011 . These inequalities involve the relation between zero-coupon,
year-on-year volatilities and covariance below:
σ (s, T − δ) ≥≤ σ (s, T ) ⇒ T σ 2 (0, T ) − δσ 2 (0, δ) ≥ γ (T − δ, T ) ≥ (T − δ) σ 2 (0, T − δ) .
BS BS ≤ ≤ BS (22)
0 ≤ σ (s, T ) ≤ 1
It leads to these interval bounds of each component of the market data triangle, resumed on the tables
−λT (t)(T −t)
1 0 For exemple, the integrated Hull and White volatility σ (t, T ) = σ T (T − t) 1−e λ (t) .
1 1 For exemple, the Hull and White type volatility σ (t, Ti ) = σT (T − t) e−λT (t)(T −t) .
© ª
(∗) For κ ∈ ρT −δ,T , σ BS (T − δ, T ) ,
κ2 ³ κ2 ´
2 2 2
ρT −δ,T 1 T σ BS (0,T )+(T −δ)σ BS (0,T −δ)−δσ BS (T −δ,T ) 1 T σ 2BS (0,T )−δσ 2BS (T −δ,T )
2 2 1+ 2
q (T σ2 (0,T )−δσ2 (0,δ))
(T −δ)σ BS (0,T −δ)
σ BS (T −δ,T ) (1−2ρT −δ,T )T σ2BS (0,T )+(T −δ)σ2 (0,T −δ)+2ρT −δ,T δσ2 (0,δ) T σ 2BS (0,T )+(1−2ρT −δ,T )(T −δ)σ 2 (0,T −δ)
δ δ
Where ⎧ q 2
⎨ σ = δσ (T −δ,T )−(1−2ρδ )(T −δ)σ 2 (0,T −δ)
q 2 T
⎩ σ = δσ (T −δ,T )−(T −δ)σ 2 (0,T −δ)−2ρδ δσ 2 (0,δ)
2 T (1−2ρ ) δ
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Maturity of option
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5.3.2 Triangle bounds
Example 10 (CPIs’ implicit correlations bounds from volatilities) We can notice that the implicit
CPIs correlation implied by the market is always above 1. The confidence interval, the lower bound at least,
aims at providing the trader a credible and intuitive level of the market correlations.
140.00% Rho
130.00% Lower bound
Upper bound
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Fixing date
Example 11 (Year-on-year volatilties’ bounds from zero-coupon ones and correlations) As the sec-
tion (5.1) shows, the homogeneous year-on-year volatility curve is decreasing but doesn’t go under the first point.
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Maturity of option
Example 12 (Zero-coupon volatilties’ bounds from year-on-year ones and correlations) We can ob-
¡ that in the1 beginning
¢ of the curve σ BS (0, T ) ∈ [min (σ 1 , σ¡2 ) , max (σ 1 , σ 2¢)]
⇒ 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 2 , and after σ BS (0, T ) ∈ [max (σ 1 , σ 2 ) , +∞[ ⇒ 12 ≤ ρ ≤ 1 . This means that zero-coupon
volatilities provide already an interval of the size of the CPIs’ implicit correlations.
Vol ZC
6.00% Borne_inf
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Maturity of option
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we derive a market model for the inflation derivatives. Under weak assumptions, we can set up a
model driven only by the term structure of volatilities, describing CPIs forwards. This allows us in particular
to relate zero-coupon swaps ( swap market inputs) and volatilities of year-on-year options ( inputs of the option
market). This term structure of volatility as well as assumptions on the implicit correlations (between CPIs
and CPI-zero-coupon nominal Bond) allows us to:
Compared to previous models, the offered market models gives consistent assumptions between the zero-
coupon and year-on-year inflation swap market.
Although it is not possible to estimate accurately implicit correlation, we show that these correlations
should satisify certain boundaries conditions. We notice that these boundaries conditions imply unrealistic
level of correlation under certain model hypotheses. We also provide confidence interval for the three unknowns
of the inflation market, leading to what we called the "market data triangle" inequalities. These relationship
relates two of the unkowns to the remaing one.
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