Resource Management and Sustainable Development A Study of Pharmaceutical Firms in South East, Nigeria

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 2, March-April 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Resource Management and Sustainable Development:

A Study of Pharmaceutical Firms in South East, Nigeria
Onuorah, A. N.; Okeke M. N.; Dunkwu, Nnamdi C.
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences,
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, Anambra, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Onuorah, A. N. |

This study assessed the effect of resource management on sustainable Okeke M. N. | Dunkwu, Nnamdi C.
development in pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria. The "Resource Management and Sustainable
specific objectives are to ascertain the effect of; inventory Development: A Study of
management, and project resource management on sustainable Pharmaceutical Firms in South East,
Nigeria" Published in
development in pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria. The
International Journal
study adopted survey research design since it involves distribution of of Trend in Scientific
questionnaire to the target respondents. The population of the study Research and
comprised of branches of pharmaceutical firms in South East State, Development (ijtsrd),
Nigeria. Regression analysis was used to analyzed the data and test ISSN: 2456-6470,
the formulated hypotheses with the aid of SPSS version 20. 0. at 5% Volume-7 | Issue-2, IJTSRD56255
level of significance. Based on the analysis of the data, the summary April 2023, pp.1140-
of the findings were that inventory resource management and project 1151, URL:
resource management have a significant positive effect on sustainable
development in pharmaceutical firms in South East State, Nigeria.
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
Based on the findings, the study concludes that resource management
International Journal of Trend in
has a positive and statistically significant effect on sustainable Scientific Research and Development
development in Nigerian pharmaceutical firms. Thereby, Journal. This is an
recommended among others that in order for firms to improve their Open Access article
storage system and proper control management should needs to distributed under the
implement inventory control management system. Also employers terms of the Creative Commons
should enlighten on the control inventories for effective and efficient Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
in improvement of organization performance. (

KEYWORDS: Inventory management, Project resource management

and Sustainable development

Nigeria is the most vibrant black nation in the world mean that a commodity can satisfy mortal conditions
with over 178, 841,235 million people Country (retain avail) or has the attributes of furnishing a
measures (2015); it's located in western region of sub means of livelihood. therefore, the word “ resources ”
Saharan Africa. Nigeria is a eclectic society with over can't be limited to crude oil painting oil, gold, barrel,
250 racial groups and languages. The country is limestone and others, but also includes land for
blessed with multitudinous natural resources among husbandry, gutters for fishing, clean air, timber for
which are crude oil painting oil, gold, barrel, coal, ecological life and so on.
iron ore, limestone and multitudinous others. These
Resource operation is the effective and effective
resources are important goods in the international
deployment and allocation of resources to where they
request and therefore keep the economy going by
are demanded. Resources should be managed
being source of foreign exchange to the government.
efficiently in order to help negative environmental
These resources are used to satisfy mortal wants and
impacts and schism. With good profitable operation,
because they are sources of foreign exchange, they
the decision maker will be suitable to recognize the
affect the overall performance of the government and
resources that are scarce, and they will be suitable to
therefore contribute to the growth and profitable
put in place programs that will be sustainable to the
development which affect the standard of living in the
present generation and future generations (Akanbi &
country. Otokiti (2008) defined resources as “a means
Atanu, 2017). Also, “Resource Sustainability” has
of attaining a given social end”. resources therefore
come a common word moment in the face of political

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
up- haven, poverty, conditions etc. Sustainable benefit of espousing installations operation principles
resource use is seen as the implicit result for in Covenant University.
multitudinous international, indigenous and original The relationship between resource operation and
problems (Mensah, & Castro, 2004). The Nigerian sustainable development has been the subject of
economy can develop if its resources are managed numerous studies of a similar nature, but only a small
adequately to feed for the problems of over number of studies have linked the broad orders of
population, infrastructural decay, political/ racial resource operation and their contributions to
extremity, pollution and adding communal growth sustainable development in terms of force,
without complimentary resources to meet with limited environmental/ natural, systems, installations, and
resources. The United Nation World Commission on other areas. Also, there isn't important disquisition of
Environment and Development (WCED) 1987 this kind being done by pharmaceutical companies.
defined sustainability as the “development that meets Manufacturers were the main subject of utmost
the present generation without compromising the examinations. Therefore, actors in all sectors have
capability of the future generations to meet their own had torn- plan their business associations as a result
conditions moment, multitudinous associations of the dynamic developments in Nigerian
integrate sustainability strategies into their business pharmaceutical enterprises. The operations include
strategy and charge in order to survive and achieve a addressing firm connection backups, lowering
competitive advantage, thus showing the generality of functional costs, perfecting pay and agreement
sustainability to be a global business trend (Goni, systems, etc. Through invention, it generates the
Shukor, Mukhtar & Sahran, 2015). By espousing demand for respectable Resource Management
these business strategies and acting accordingly, procedures.
associations meet the conditions of moment ’ s ’
stakeholders, while simultaneously perfecting and Lower attention has been paid to further- position
conserving mortal and natural resources for the future issues, despite the fact that a vast body of work
(Danijela, Marija, Marina, Tijana, & Vladimir, 2020). concentrates on macro position sustainability
challenges (climate change, operation of natural
The growing significance of sustainability and its
resources). As vital interceders in creating a
wider variety of issues affecting and impacting
sustainable economy, force, installations, systems,
stakeholders with different values, has initiated a
natural resources, and the suchlike are some samples
debate on the applicable motivators and issues that
of some of the pivotal resources that are managed.
give guidance towards sustainability performance,
predicated on the below background, this study
assessment and improvement in the erected terrain
intends to assess the effect of resource operation on
(Kwawu & Elmualim, 2019). Still, poor resource
sustainable development in pharmaceutical
operation is one of the causes of poor structure and
enterprises in South East, Nigeria.
low per capita income in the country. This has
negatively affected peace and security in Nigeria, and The study assesses the effect of resource operation on
therefore needs to be addressed. According to sustainable development in pharmaceutical
Onigbinde (2008), the notion of natural resources enterprises in South East, Nigeria. Specifically, the
curse is nearly linked to poor resource operation as it study intend to
increases recession and conflict, rather than profitable 1. Ascertain the effect of force operation on
growth and development”. Corruption and sustainable development in pharmaceutical
mismanagement of the wealth from these resources enterprises in South East, Nigeria.
are some of the factors causing poor resource 2. Inquiry the effect of design resource operation on
operation in the country. sustainable development in pharmaceutical
Nigeria faces numerous concurrent challenges in the enterprises in South East, Nigeria.
operation of resources. These challenges include a REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
rising population, changing livelihoods and prospects, Resource Management
climate change and rapid-fire- fire urbanization. Resource operation is a pivotal element to exertion
These challenges produce pressures among resource resource estimation and design mortal resource
stoners. The study of Danijela, Marija, Marina, Tijana operation are essential factors of a comprehensive
& Vladimir (2020), revealed that the operation of design operation plan to execute and cover a design
design operation methodologies promotes the successfully. As is the case with the larger discipline
prolusion of sustainability confines while Fadahunsi, of design operation, there are resource operation
Utom, Ochim, Ayedun & Oloke (2019) concludes software tools available that automate and help the
that installations operation had a significant effect on process of resource allocation to systems and
hotel service delivery in south east Nigeria and the portfolio resource translucence including force and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 1141
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
demand of resources. The thing of these tools stock of paraphernalia that used to grease in
generally is to ensure that (i) there are workers within manufacturing of goods or to satisfy customer
the association with demanded specific skill set and conditions. According to Chitale and Gupta (2014) in
asked profile demanded for a design, (ii) decide the runner 133 says “ force is defined as sum of the value
number and skill sets of new workers to hire, and (iii) of raw paraphernalia, energy and lubricants, spare
allocate the pool to various systems. Within corridor, conservation consumable, semi reused
professional services and consulting associations, the paraphernalia and finished goods, stock at a given
effectiveness of these tools and processes is generally point of time ”. So managing inventories is important
covered by measuring billable operation rate. to association because it help in proper planning of
the paraphernalia demanded so as to identify the gap
resources therefore transcend Mineral bents like gold,
between the asked and the factual position of
crude oil painting oil, limestone, barrel etc but also
paraphernalia, allocation of resources, copping, deals
includes the clean air for man and beast, forestry for
and employment of staff and everything concerned to
ecological life, Sea, health, Knowledge etc because
mortal resources operation all of which reduces on the
they also satisfy mortal life. Zimmermann (1980) in
costs incurred by the association in the product
Otokiti (2008) sees resources as functional, and it
departments for bettered performance of the
does not relate to a thing or substance, but to a
association. Some of financial institutions put further
function which a thing or substance may perform or
sweats in cash forget about managing inventories.
to an operation of attaining a given end analogous as
Institution should safe guards the establishment’s
satisfying a want. From this description, a factor
force to clear procedure and regulations to be
analogous as gold, limestone, crude oil painting oil
developed so as to help any felt inventories. Effective
and so on will continue to be booby- trapped, as long
force control operation system enables for association
as it satisfies mortal wants but cease to be resources
to meet customer expectation of product,
when it can no longer satisfy mortal want therefore
minimization of cost and maximization of profit. A
getting a “neutral hand”. Since resources have the
force control operation system is the combination of
capability to satisfy mortal wants, there is need to
attack and software that is technology, processes and
manage them in an effective and effective way so that
procedures that help to cover and conservation of
sustainability will be achieved within the limit at of
grazed products like company means, raw
the global terrain. Steiner, Stark, Pilz & Hutterer
paraphernalia, finished productive to final consumers.
(2000) maintain that resources can be defined
A system in force includes barcodes, labels or means
according to their juvenescence rate
marker. In other hand force control operation system
1. Renewable resource like food, timber and
is also known as force control system. According to
wildlife, for resources to be sustainable, the
Indira (2018) in runner 69 says “force control systems
consumption rate should be maintained within the
are technology results that integrate all aspects of
capacity of the natural system to regenerate
association’s inventories tasks, including shipping,
(renew) in a mortal applicable period.
copping, entering, storage storage development,
2. Semi-renewable resources; these are resources
shadowing and reordering”
that are in their intermediate state of their
possibility to renew or to deplete Chitale and Gupta (2014) describe force in financial
3. Non-Renewable resources like mineral oils and parlance as “force is the sum of the value of raw
gas, coal, gold etc. Their use as material and paraphernalia, powers and lubricants, spare corridor,
energy source lead to reduction of the earth’s conservation consumables, semi reused paraphernalia
reserves, and are characterized that they do not and finished goods stock at any given point of time”.
renew in mortal applicable period. Therefore they concluded by assaying that force or
stock facilitates guests’ demands. All businesses and
Inventory Management
institutions bear inventories because they are
Inventory operation is the supervision of force and
substantial part of total means. It's important to hold
stock particulars or can be defined as process of
force because it's a major part of ongoing business
efficiently overseeing the constant flux of units into
operation, covers finished products awaiting dispatch
and out of an being force. Reph & Milner (2015)
to guests, goods awaiting point of trade display, scrap
defined force operation as “ process of directing and
and other arising and packages held pending return to
administering the holding, moving and converting of
suppliers. According to Reph & Milner (2015) in
raw paraphernalia through value adding processes to
runner 7 the end of hold association is to have the
deliver finished products to the customer ” force as a
right amount, in the right place, at the right time and
party of association means where by operation come
the right cost. force covers all goods and
concerned with the force stock. force appertained as a

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paraphernalia that an association owns or holds which the environmental, economic, and social aspects of
business intends to add value before dealing. the life cycle of a project’s resources, processes,
deliverables, and effects, with the aim of creating
Project Resource Management
benefits for stakeholders in a transparent, fair, and
Changes are usually introduced through projects
ethical way that includes proactive stakeholder
Obradovi (2010), and the integration of sustainability
participation” (Silvius, & Schipper, 2014).
and project management concepts con tribute to
genuine changes in thinking, operations, cooperation, Corporate Sustainability development
and partnerships on different levels of business and In reference to the concept of sustainable
organization (Schipper & Silvius, 2017). Due to the development (SD), Corporate Sustainability can be
fast and unexpected changes that occur in any defined as meeting the needs of a firm’s direct and
environment or part of a system, a sustainable project indirect stakeholders without compromising its ability
should be able to embrace changes (Morfaw, 2014). to meet the needs of future stakeholders as well
Many economic, social, and environmental benefits (Dyllick & Hockerts, 2002). At the organizational
are associated with certain projects (Wiek, Ness, level, this concept of SD has been translated to CS,
Schweizer-Ries, Brand, & Farioli, 2012). Zamojska which “entails the preservation, regeneration, and
and Prochniak (2017) stressed that some projects development of the ecological, economic and social
provide a positive economic benefit, but all of them resources of a system” (Senna & Shani, 2009). As
should provide positive social and environmental such, CS can be considered as the process of
impacts. Michaelides, Bryde and Ohaeri (2014) organizational change, i.e., sustainability driven
indicate that important project outcomes are the change. The purpose of this change is to move the
results of sustainable project management practices: organization to the state in which equally distributed
Easier access to capital markets in the future, high attention to economic, social, and environmental
customer loyalty, improvements in a supply chain, the concerns is incorporated into its strategy. Ultimately,
development of capabilities, and improvements in sustainability-driven change has the purpose of
operational performance and efficiencies in the long transforming an organization into an active agent for
term, positive organizational image and credibility, sustainable development (Guerci, Decramer,
among other things. Morfaw (2014) argues that the vanWaeyenberg & Aust, 2019).
effective and efficient management of the sustainable The modern conception of economic growth presents
project processes requires a complex mix of different development as a vehicle driven by four wheels viz:
economical, societal, and environmental utilities, such capital, labour, resources and technology (Nordhaus
as systems, structures, plans, resources, laws, 2013). Sustainable development which aims at the
regulations, technologies, etc. Moreover, it is creation of sustainable improvements in the quality of
necessary to ensure that sustainable project objectives life for all and sundry is therefore principal goal of
are aligned with societal objectives (Morfaw, 2014) development policy (Jhingan 2013). At the heart of
Sustainable project management is an accelerated sustainable development is natural resource
roadmap to sustainable development. The way our management which has become inevitable because of
future will look depends significantly on project the conflicts between the short-term need to alleviate
managers, since the challenges relating to poverty and the long-term objectives for
sustainability are quite concrete and rely on the environmental sustainability. In the third world,
adequate planning and implementation of projects, pressures placed on natural resources to meet
which can guarantee the protection of world resources people’s demands, presents a dilemma for policy
and, at the same time, create welfare for people makers concerned with sustainable development
(Silvius, Schipper, Planko, van der Brink & Köhler, (Cahill & Fitzpatrick, 2012). All the same, the
2012). Chofreh, Goni, Malik, Khan and Klemeš desirability of policies which carry long-term costs to
(2019) state that introducing sustainability into both society and the environment cannot be over-
project management concepts and methods should emphasized. Developing such policies which are
support organizations in achieving a competitive expected to enhance public good and social welfare is
advantage. However, Banihashemi, Hosseini, a herculean task because of the exigency of
Golizadeh and Sankaran (2017) argue that while accommodating long-and-short-term goals for
many organizations take the initiative to incorporate sustainability and the political conditions which
sustainability, many of them still fail to manage border on issues of ownership and the participation of
projects, because they employ conventional project stakeholders commonly with conflicting interests in
management. Sustainable project management can be the policy-making process (Ejumudo, 2005).
defined as “the planning, monitoring, and controlling Ordinarily, the need to take into cognizance the
of project delivery and support processes, considering

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
environmental factors in analyzing such policies are Project Managers from each of the INGOs that were
increasingly being recognized (Huby, 2012; George sampled. Archival information was also collected
and Wilding 2013; Cahill 2013). In Nigeria, the need from project performance reports. The researcher
for a pragmatic, action-based on multi-dimensional sought the opinion of experts including the supervisor
approach to integrated and functional policies that and peers in counter checking the validity of the
will enhance constant sustainable development is questionnaire. Using linear regression model and
even more compelling. This is largely due to the analysis of variance, the study found that there exists
policy gaps, policy disconnection and the action periodic budget monitoring to measure expenditures
dilemma typified by governmental inaction and poor against budget; Project staff complete their
commitment, weak institutional capacity in the face assignments as allocated. Ogonu, Ikegwuru and
of the unholy alliance between the government and Nwokah (2016) investigated the linkage between the
the lackadaisical attitude, poor predisposition, determinants of inventory Management and customer
responses and participation by corporate bodies, satisfaction within the context of supermarkets in
communities and individuals in Nigeria (Ejimudo, Nigeria The study adopted quantitative approach,
2015). Mensah and Castro (2004) stated that using-item, five point likert scaled questionnaire
sustainability involves solutions for human welfare administered to 500 participants with 80 percent
that does not result in degrading the environment or usable response rate. Data was analyzed using
impinging on the wellbeing of other people. World Cronbach’s an internal consistency and Spearman’s
Commission on Environment and Development ranking correlation statistic. The study found that
(WCED (1987) define it as development that meets Inventory Management System emerged as the most
the need of the present without compromising the significant positive impact on customer satisfaction,
ability of the future to meet their own needs. Before whereas information technology was found to have a
sustainability can be achieved, revenue gained from strong positive impact on customer loyalty. Kwadwo
the sale of these resources must be used for (2016) examined the impact of efficient inventory
development so as to cater for the need of future management on the profitability of manufacturing
generation. firms in Ghana. The study adopted the cross-
sectioned design and employed the use of secondary
Empirical Review
data. The data gathered covered the period 2004-2014
Danijela, Marija, Marina, Tijana and Vladimir (2020)
from the annual reports of four manufacturing
examined whether project management
companies listed in Ghana stock Exchange (GSE).
methodologies, applied in different sectors, support
Measures of profitability were examined and linked
the introduction of sustainability dimensions. Using
to proxies for efficient inventory management by
descriptive statistics, the findings reveal that the
manufacturers. The ordinary least square (OLS) that
application of project management methodologies
came in the form of multiple regression models was
promotes the introduction of sustainability
employed in data analysis. The study found out that
dimensions, particularly the social aspect, irrespective
there is a significantly strong correlation between
of the sector, since the processes in projects managed
inventory management and profitability of
by a specific methodology are consistent with the
manufacturing firms in Ghana. Agu (2016)
social elements of sustainability. Stefano, Rosa, Fabio
ascertained the extent at which inventory control
and Alessandro (2019) contributed to the current
affects the productivity of selected manufacturing
research knowledge through a systematic review of
firms, to determine the nature of the relationship
the literature on the integration of project
between demand management and customer
management and sustainability. Specifically, the aim
satisfaction of selected manufacturing firms in
was to clarify the research domains of sustainable
Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was
project management, and to understand the current
adopted for the study. The hypotheses were tested
state of development and the future research
using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
directions. The Results indicate that academic
and simple linear regression statistical tools. The
literature about this topic is still in its infancy, but that
findings indicated that inventory control significantly
scholars’ attention is growing, opening new research
affects productivity of selected manufacturing firms.
directions. Obegi and Kimutai (2017) assessed
Nwangangi, Guyo and Arasa (2015), researched on
resource scheduling and project performance of
how inventory management influenced the
international not-for-profit organizations in Nairobi
performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The
County, Kenya. Using simple random sampling the
research design adopted was both descriptive and
study sampled 50% of the INGOs operating from
explanatory. Data was collected from heads of
Nairobi County, giving a total of 94 INGOs covered
logistic department of 320 firms through the use of
by the study. Questionnaires were administered to 94

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 1144
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted to test for was conducted in eight operating sugar manufacturing
validity reliability and practicability of the research firms from the period 2002- 2007. Descriptive
instruments Descriptive static’s such as parentages statistics was used to test the impact of inventory
and frequencies was used, while the inferential management practices and Correlation analysis was
statistics used was the linear regression. The findings used to determine the nature and magnitude of the
revealed that improvement in inventory management relationship among inventory management variables.
by one unit will lead to increase in marketing The results indicate that there exists a positive
performance, of financial performance and customer correlation between inventory management and
satisfaction by 0.300, 0.423 and 0.143 units Return on Sales and also with Return on Equity
respectively. The study also found that inventory which were found to be statistically significant at 5%
management influences all the constructs of level. Anichebe and Agu (2013) assessed the impact
measuring firm performance (Market performance, of proper inventory management on performance of
financial performance and customer satisfaction). organizations in Nigeria.. Using regression analysis,
Nsikan, Etim and line (2015) determined the the study findings established a significant relation
inventory management practices in flour mills between inventory management and effectiveness in
manufacturing firms with aggregate staff population an organization. The study also established that
of 2569 which constituted the unit of study. inventory management had a significant effect on
Questionnaire was used as the major source for data productivity of an organization and there was a strong
collection. The mean and standard deviation was used positive correlation between inventory management
to analyze descriptive data. Results indicates that in and profitability of an organization.
exception of the large manufacturing companies, Some of the empirical literature found that, a good
most of the medium-sized flour milling firms adopts number of similar studies had been conducted in
different inventory management strategies and polices foreign countries concerning the resource
based on factors such as changing level of customer management and sustainable development, but there
demand, prevailing industry practices, forecast is no study that identifies the broad aggregates of
estimates and guesses, and available production resource management, and their contributions towards
capacity. Sitienei and Memba (2015) determined the sustainable development, in terms of
effects of inventory management on the profitability environmental/natural, projects, facilities, besides
of the Cement manufacturing firms in Kenya. A cross there is a limited study of this nature in the
sectional data from 1999 to 2014 was gathered for the pharmaceutical firms.
analysis. The ordinary least squares (OLS) stated in
the form of a multiple regression model was applied METHODOLOGY
in the data analysis to establish the relationship Research Design
between inventory management and firm’s The study adopted a survey research design since it
profitability. The results provided a negative involved distribution of questionnaire to the targeted
relationship between inventory turnover, inventory respondents. This is in line with Nworgu (2009) who
conversion period and storage cost with profitability reported that survey research design is appropriate in
of the company. In addition, inventory level was testing the associations between two or more
found to be directly related to firm’s size and storage variables or set of scores.
cost. Nwosu (2014) examined the impact of materials Population of the Study
management on profitability of Nigeria brewing The population of the study consists of branches of
companies using a sample size of 368 companies. The pharmaceutical firms in South East State, Nigeria.
study used questionnaire and oral interviews to The rationale for choosing firm staff as the
collect data. Using regression analysis, the study respondents of this study is based on the fact that they
established that materials procurement and storage are part of principal actors in sustainable economic
has significant effect on profitability of brewing activities and better informed in terms of resource
companies. The study also found that materials management (See appendix 1).
inventory has a significant contribution to
profitability of brewing companies; and that Determination of Sample Size
interdepartmental collaboration significantly Purposive sampling technique applied in determining
contributed to the profitability of brewing firms. the sample size. In this method, ten (10) staff was
Lwiki, Ojera, Mugenda and Wachira (2013) chosen from each of the ninety two (92)
examined the impact of inventory management pharmaceutical firms in South East states during the
practices on the financial performance of sugar data collection process. Since the research is a survey
manufacturing firms in Kenya. The research survey designs that needs people’s opinion, the researcher

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 1145
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
chose these firms in order to administer questionnaire the aid of SPSS version 20. 0. at 5% level of
to the respondents. The total number of staff was 920. significance.
Method of Data Collection Decision Rule:
The questionnaire was structured on five point likert The decision for the hypotheses is to accept the
scale of Strongly Agree (SA); Agree (A); Undecided alternative hypotheses if the p-value of the test
(UN), Disagree (D); and Strongly Disagree (SD), to statistic is less or equal to the alpha at 5% and to
give the respondents choice of ticking most perceived reject the null hypotheses if the p-value of the test
option. The researcher visited the firms with some statistic is greater than alpha at 5% significance level.
assistants to administer the questionnaire.
Model Specification
Validation of the Instrument The study adopted Olorunsola (2013) job satisfaction
Validation of the instrument was conducted by giving model was used to test the job satisfaction and
same to two experts: My supervisors, and two staff of components of job satisfaction.
Business Administration in the University. They
By the Olorunsola (2013) Model, the following
examined the questionnaire items and made necessary
regression equation can be derived from the model.
corrections. The corrections were effected in the final
Y = βo + β1X1 + β2X2+ µ
draft of the instrument.
Reliability of the Instrument Y = Sustainable Development
To check the reliability of the instrument, the X1 = Inventory resources management
questionnaire was pre-test through pilot study to
X2 = Project resource management
determine its effectiveness in soliciting information
intended. The researcher used test-retest method to Where:
determine the reliability of the research instrument. Y = Sustainable development (dependent
Copies of the research instrument were restricted on a variable)
sample of fifteen respondents who were X = Resource management
representative draw from pharmaceutical firms in (explanatory/independent Variable)
South East. β0 = constant term (intercept)
β1- β1 = Coefficients of sustainable development
Cronbach Alpha reliability test was employed in the µ = Error term (stochastic term)
analysis due to the nature of the instrument. After the
analysis, various aspects of the following coefficient Explicitly, the equation can be defined as:
alpha for the five sections as presented in Table 1 Resource management = ƒ (Sustainable
below with the overall coefficient alpha of 0.99. Also, development) + µ
the coefficient alpha for corporate sustainable Representing the equations with the variables of the
development was 0.95. Hair, Sarstedt, Hopkins and construct, hence the equations below are formulated:
Kuppelwieser (2014) and Wong (2013) recommended SUDEVίt = β0 + β1IRMίt + µ ίt - - i
that an internal consistency greater than (˃0.70) SUDEVίt = β0 + β2PRMίt + µ ίt - - ii
should be considered a good measurement. Therefore,
the Cronbach Alpha values were considered high Where:
enough and the instruments considered reliable. β0 = Constant term (intercept)
βίt = Coefficients to be estimated for firm ί in period t
Method of Data Analysis µ ίt = Error term/Stochastic term for firm ί in period t
To test the significant effect and dependent variable
and independent variables, Regression analysis ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
should be used to test the formulated hypotheses with Out of 930 copies of questionnaires distributed 631
were completed and returned. This represents 69%.
Data Analysis
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
SUDEV 5 73.00 1667.00 631.0000 623.75997
IRM 5 79.00 1653.00 631.0000 631.99723
PRM 5 70.00 1651.00 631.0000 616.45559
Valid N (list wise) 5
From the descriptive statistics of the variables shown, the mean value of 631.00, sustainability development
(SUDEV) shows maximum and minimum values of 1667.00 and 73.00 respectively. The standard deviation
stood at 623.76. The mean value for inventory resource management (IRM) has maximum and minimum values

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 1146
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
of 1653.00 and 79.00 respectively while the standard deviation is 631.00. Project resource management (PRM)
has maximum and minimum values of 1651.00.0 and 70.00 respectively while the standard deviation is 616.46.
Test of Hypotheses
Hypothesis One
HO1: Inventory resource management has no significant positive effect on sustainable development in
pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria.
HI1: Inventory resource management has a significant positive effect on sustainable development in
pharmaceutical firms in South East Nigeria.
Table 3: Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .996a .992 .989 65.46697
a. Predictors: (Constant), IRM
Table 3 above shows that the coefficient of determination is R2 = 0.992 and the Adjusted R2 is 0.989. Adjusted
R2 = 0.99 implies that about 99% of change in sustainable development of the sampled pharmaceutical firms is
influenced by joint interaction of inventory resource management. It also shows that 1% of the variation in the
dependent variable is explained by other factors not captured in the study model.
Table 4: ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1543448.227 1 1543448.227 360.120 .000b
1 Residual 12857.773 3 4285.924
Total 1556306.000 4
a. Dependent Variable: SUDEV
b. Predictors: (Constant), IRM
Table 5: Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 10.802 43.878 .246 .821
IRM .983 .052 .996 18.977 .000
a. Dependent Variable: SUDEV
From table 4 and 5, the goodness of fit shows that the regression equation or model that was used to predict
sustainable development is highly significant at 5% level of significance (p-value = 0.000).
The test of hypothesis of whether inventory resource management (IRM) significantly affects sustainable
development of pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria shows a positive correlation between inventory
resource management and sustainable development (β1 = 0.983). In addition, the probability value for IRM is
0.000 which is less than 0.05. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is accepted which says that there is a positive
significant effect between inventory resource management and sustainable development of pharmaceutical firms
in South East, Nigeria at 5% level of significance (p-value < 0.05).
Based on the empirical evidence, this study upholds that inventory resource management has a significant
positive effect on sustainable development in pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria at 5% level of
significance; hence, HI is accepted.
Hypothesis Two
HO2 Project resource management has no significant positive effect on sustainable development in
pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria.
HI2 Project resource management has a significant positive effect on sustainable development in pharmaceutical
firms in South East, Nigeria.
Table 6: Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 1.000a 1.000 1.000 8.66436
a. Predictors: (Constant), PRM

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD56255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 1147
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 6 above shows that the coefficient of determination is R2 = 1.000 and the Adjusted R2 is 1.000. Adjusted
R2 = 1.000 implies that about (all) 100% of change in sustainable development of the sampled pharmaceutical
firms is influenced by joint interaction of project resource management. It also shows that none of the variation
in the dependent variable is explained by other factors not captured in the study model
Table 7: ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1556080.786 1 1556080.786 20728.061 .000b
1 Residual 225.214 3 75.071
Total 1556306.000 4
a. Dependent Variable: SUDEV
b. Predictors: (Constant), PRM
Table 8: Coefficientsa
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -7.431 5.889 -1.262 .296
PRM 1.012 .007 1.000 143.972 .000
a. Dependent Variable: SUDEV
From table 7 and 8, the goodness of fit shows that the regression equation or model that was used to predict
sustainable development is highly significant at 5% level of significance (p-value = 0.000).
The test of hypothesis of whether project resource management (PRM) significantly affects sustainable
development of pharmaceutical firms in South East Nigeria shows a positive correlation between project
resource management and sustainable development (β1 = 1.012). In addition, the probability value for PRM is
0.000 which is less than 0.05. Thus, the alternative hypothesis is accepted which says that there is a positive
significant effect between project resource management and sustainable development of pharmaceutical firms in
South East , Nigeria at 5% level of significance (p-value < 0.05).
Decision Danijela, Marija, Marina, Tijana and Vladimir
Based on the empirical evidence, this study indicated (2020); Tefano, Rosa, Fabio and Alessandro (2019)
that project resource management has a significant who revealed that the application of project
positive effect on sustainable development in management methodologies promotes the
pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria at 5% introduction of sustainability dimensions, particularly
level of significance; hence, HI is accepted. the social aspect, irrespective of the sector.
Based on the empirical evidence, hypothesis I upheld Conclusion
that inventory resource management had a significant Sustainable development which aims at the creation
positive effect on sustainable development in of sustainable improvements in the quality of life for
pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria at 5% all and sundry is therefore principal goal of
level of significance; hence, Hi was accepted. This development policy. At the heart of sustainable
result is in line with Anichebe and Agu (2013) whose development is resource management which has
findings established a significant relationship between become inevitable because of the conflicts between
inventory management and effectiveness in an the short-term need to alleviate poverty and the long-
organization, and also, Oko, Mgbonyebi and Umeadi term objectives for environmental sustainability. This
(2008) revealed a significant relationship between study however, assessed the effect of resource
inventory control and business growth. However, management on sustainable development in
Roumiantsev and Netessine (2005) result negate the pharmaceutical firms in South East, Nigeria. To test
finding and shows that no evidence that smaller the significant effect and the relationship between the
relative levels are associated with financial dependent variable and independent variables,
performance with inventory. Regression analysis was used to test the formulated
Hypothesis II indicated that project resource hypotheses with the aid of SPSS version 20. 0. at 5%
management had a significant positive effect on level of significance. From the result of the analysis,
sustainable development on pharmaceutical firms in the study revealed that Inventory resource
South East, Nigeria at 5% level of significance; management, Environmental resource management,
hence, HI was accepted. This confirmed with Project resource management, Facility resource

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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