Approving of Contigency Plan
Approving of Contigency Plan
Approving of Contigency Plan
WHEREASE, pursuant to R.A. No. 6613 otherwise known as
“An act declaring a policy of the state to adopt modern scientific
methods to moderate typhoons and prevent destruction by floods,
rains, and droughts, creating a council on typhoon moderation and
flood control research and development, providing for its powers and
functions and appropriating funds therefore”;
WHEREASE, floods, and other rain-induced calamities are
natural phenomena that occur frequently in our country, sometimes
causing serious loss of life, state property, institutional or individual
properties, as well as adversely affecting the environment;
WHEREASE, this Municipality through this Ordinance sets as
Contingency Plan for the prevention, controlling and mitigating the
adverse impacts of flood and other rain-induced calamities for the
protection the general welfare of its people;
WHEREASE, after a careful perusal of the plan, this council
finds it in order;
NOW WHEREFORE, on motion of Hon. Saadudin M. Amerol
and unanimously seconded by the Council.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of the resolution be
furnished to the Sangguniang Bayan of Sultan Dumalondong for their
appropriate action.
UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, this 5th day of October 2021 at
the Temporary Municipal Conference Room, Sultan Dumalondong,
Province of Lanao del Sur
Certified Correct:
Head of Secretariat