Letter To Legislators - Title 1 Part A Grants
Letter To Legislators - Title 1 Part A Grants
Letter To Legislators - Title 1 Part A Grants
As you may be aware, there have been many public statements made by some in the legislature
claiming that somehow schools in Oklahoma have not been on track to receive federal funding. I
am pleased to announce that the state is receiving historic funding for the upcoming school year.
The funding from the Title I, Part A grant is for children from low-income families and is issued
in hopes of assuring that ALL children will meet the State’s academic standards. I understand
that securing these grants is not to be taken lightly, which is why I have assured that Oklahoma
will receive every dollar that we are entitled to.
We have received the state allocations for Title I, Part A Funds which includes the total amount
awarded of $224,661,041*, a record-high in allocations. The USDE awarded a portion of the
FFY23 funds on July 1 to all states and will award the remaining funds on October 1, 2023. Last
year, initial allocations to districts were made in late August. We are on track to have the funding
allocated to districts earlier than the previous year.
The numbers can be found on the Federal Department of Education website, but I have also
attached an official memorandum from the USDE outlining the allocations for all Title programs
for the members of the legislature who did not verify any information before spreading baseless
rumors. You may also review and confirm the allocations from the Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education at the link below:
I truly appreciate the partnership that I have with most of you in the legislature. I want to ensure that
your school districts and offices have the information needed to best serve Oklahomans. There are
several within your body who have knowingly harmed public education by lying and spreading
misinformation. My administration has a policy to call out any group or person who knowingly
spreads lies and false information about our schools. We hope to work collaboratively with those
who want to improve our education system and I will continue to call out those who abuse that
collaboration in order to spread misinformation.
Ryan Walters