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The Effects of Dota 2 to the Academic

Performance and House Performance

of Students at East Quirino Hill Baguio
I. Introduction

What is dota 2?

Dota 2 is a multiplayer game which is played by 5 players per team. Each team has a
base called Ancient which is to be protected by the team. There are also 100 heroes to
choose and it is divided into Strength, Agility and Intelligence types. You can ban 1 hero
during the banning phrase and 1 hero to pick and lock to play. There are three pathways
also called lanes which is the middle, top lane, and the bottom lane. There are soldiers or
creeps that are spawned to these lanes and clashing to enemy’s creeps. By leveling up,
killing creeps or heroes, purchasing items and making strategic decisions, the players can
control the map until they destroy the enemy’s base and destroy their ancient and the team
who destroyed the enemy’s ancient will win.

In this game, you should need to be strategic on the opponent. You should be wise
enough to beat the opponent to win the game. You will play this game with different
players from different parts of the country or the world. You will meet different players with
different strategy on how to win a game. You will also meet players who are pro, trash
talkers, and others. You should have a very long patience in playing this game to win.

This game is now known all over the world. Valve Corporation gives prizes and
trophies to a team that will be a champion of a competition that will be held on different
places in the world. Different professional players will team up in one team and they will
compete with other teams just to win and be a champion of the competition and get the
trophy and also the cash prize which is more than 3 million dollars.

Players play this game and try to be a pro and compete with international pro players
and they will do whatever it takes just to win the competition and get the prizes. Dota 2
international pro players don’t just play dota 2 for granted but they said that Dota 2 isn’t
just a game, its life.

What are the effects of dota 2 to the students at east quirino hill Baguio city?

Can Dota 2 affect the academic performance and house performance of each high school
and college student?

II. Statement of the Problem

Many high school and college students get easily attracted nor addicted to dota 2
because of its high definition graphics. Many of them become violent, and in some cases
they would just kill or hurt someone when they experience losses or defeat. When they
like to play this game without money, they used to trick their parents to give them money
just to play these game or they would just commit robbery. When they are at the time of
lose and someone teases them, they would just punch, kick, or even smack down the
ones who teases them. Because of this game’s attraction, some students escape or get
absent from classes just to play. Some of them do escape from house hold chores to play
Dota 2. This study aims to reduce the bad effects of those students and to lessen the bad
effects of this game. Especially teenagers, they can be easily hooked up to this but
lessening the time consumed of this game is usually the problem. Once a teenager get
addicted to games like Dota 2, it’s hard to stop them from playing.

III. Importance of the study

This study is to help the students of quirino hill Baguio city have an insight on the
impact towards their help on their own houses and their performance at school. It gives
the students more knowledge on the effects of Dota 2 to their performance at school and
at their own houses.

To the parents, this will serve as your basis, to know what the information all
about and to help your children not to be addicted to Dota 2. It also help you to
understand what is the habit of your child and their behavior when they are engaged in
this activity.

To all the teachers, this will serve also as a basis for you to know what kind of
strategy you are going to use to educate the students. It also gives you additional
knowledge of what the students are addicted to. It also gives you the knowledge to
advice the students about the well-known effects of online gaming just like Dota 2 to
their performance, problem-solving ability, decision-making and for helping their parents.
IV. Definition of terms

DOTA = acronym for Defense of the Ancient

Students = refers to the High School and College students at East Quirino Hill Baguio City

Addict = refers to the habit of playing DOTA 2

House Hold Chores = refers to the house works

V. Scope and Limitation of the study.

A survey papers or questionnaire will be distributed to 50 high school and college

students of east Quirino Hill Baguio city about the evaluation of the players regarding the
Effects of playing Dota 2 on them, not only their academic performance but also their
performances at their houses. This study is conducted to determine the effects of
playing dota 2.

VI. Hypothesis

This dota 2 addiction will not be lessen if those students would not know how to
manage themselves, or to control their selves and if appropriate guidance will not be
followed then these students will not achieve their own true goals in life as an individual.
Guidance is a must to lessen the effects of playing Dota 2. We should guide them through
some outdoor activities or let’s give them proper advice. Without guidance, the students
will suffer the long term effects of playing Dota 2.
VII. Related Literature

Technology, revolutionize our lives. The World Wide Web offers access to
information exchange and communication. Computer games became accessible to the
masses. Many computer shops have sprouted to different corners of society that gives
help to people who do not have the luxury of their own personal computer. Their clientele
are mostly students. And as such it arises different kinds of sicknesses in our society
and an example of this is DOTA ADDICTION. The main social problem that DOTA
addiction gives the society is that students tend to cut classes and forget their
respective responsibilities in school and in their homes.

According to All Academic Research, playing computer games may not be all that

bad for your children. Peng Wei states that educational games can be effective assisting

tools in the educational areas of management, medicine and science. If you choose the

right educational computer games, your child may learn better problem-solving skills and

eye-hand coordination. Your child may also get the ability to think fast and think of

multiple things all at once. Skills obtained from playing computer games may help your

child learn quickly when it comes to his studies. If your child is struggling in one of his

school subjects, there are many educational computer games available for him. There

are math and reading related games that may help boost your child’s skills. These games

can be both fun and educational for your children.

Because there is no official diagnosis of computer game addiction, there is obviously no

universally agreed upon list of symptoms. Psychologists and other mental health

professionals initially adapted the diagnostic criteria for gambling addiction and used

this as a rough assessment tool for computer game addiction. This classification

approach is rarely used today and for better or for worse, it is essentially up to the

individual researcher or clinician to define the symptoms of computer addiction. Still,

there are some signs and behaviors that are almost always included in definitions of

computer addiction, such as: Significant interference with school, work, or relationships.

Often avoiding other commitments in order to keep playing, Frequently turning down

social invitations in favor of gaming, Using most or all of one's free time for gaming,

Regularly playing late into the night and which results in poor sleep habits, Loss of

interest in previously enjoyed activities, Regular gaming "binges" of 8 hours or more

VIII. Questionnaire

50 students have answered 3 questionnaires

Reasons why they play Dota 2 Number of players

who agree with
the reason
It builds unity with other players you don’t know. 17
It has a high graphics. 10
It improves your strategic ability or skill. 5
This game improves your decision making skill and it gives you more 7
knowledge about what is a video game.
It’s enjoyable and easy to play. 5
Improves your knowledge on playing real-time strategic games. 3
Just only to release stress and depression 3

Other questions Yes No

Can Dota 2 affect your academic performance? 15 35
Can Dota 2 affect your performance in your houses? 27 23

XII.1 Summary

Based on their answers, some of the students were affected in their academic
performance and some are affected in their performance in their houses. Majority of their
answers are “No” in the question “Can Dota 2 affects your academic performance?” All in
all, only the performance in their houses is totally affected.

XII.2 conclusion

Based on the answers of the questionnaires, it doesn’t affect the academic

performance of some students but it affects their performance on their houses. They
gained knowledge and improves some of their abilities while they are playing this game.
For them, this game is just a stress reliever and makes them happy and enjoying. They
also gained the idea of how are you going to play a real-time strategic games. It only
serves as leisure to the students here at quirino hill.
XII.3 Recommendation

The academic performance and the performance in their houses were affected. My
only recommendations so that it will not affect their performances are the following.

1. Time management

2. Study first

3. Limit the time on playing this game

4. Finish all works in school and in your houses





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