CSTP 5 Lee 7 17 23
CSTP 5 Lee 7 17 23
CSTP 5 Lee 7 17 23
We collect student
assessment every
semester. For example, we
collect high, medium, and
low samples among the
teacher collaborate group
in every semester. Then,
we match the grades and
see if we -as a team- are
doing a good job on
matching the standard
deviation. 7/17/23
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of formal Designs and integrates Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using and informal assessment an assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental data on student learning. provides formal and systematically
assessments. informal assessment throughout instruction to
5.2 Collecting and Follows required Uses analysis of a variety data on student learning. collect ongoing
analyzing processes for data Make adjustments in of data to inform planning assessment data
assessment data analysis and draws planning for single and differentiation of Uses data analysis of a appropriate for the range
from a variety of conclusions about lessons or sequence of instruction. broad range of of learner needs.
sources to inform student learning lessons based on analysis assessments to provide
instruction. of assessment data. comprehensive Uses results of ongoing
7/17/23 information to guide data analysis to plan and
planning and differentiate instruction
differentiation of for maximum academic
instruction. success.
We make adjustments in
planning for single lesson
or sequence of lessons
based on the previous
years of assessments and
tasks. We have MAP
testing to analyze and
show us the students’
growth part and
decreasing growth part to
analyze which unit
worked smoothly and
not. But, definitely need
more assessment and
data feedbacks. 7/17/23
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
5.3 Reviewing data, available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
both individually and as required by site and data individually and learning individually and individually and with colleagues ability to
with colleagues, to district processes. with colleagues and with colleagues to identify colleagues to analyze identify and address
monitor student identifies learning needs trends and patterns among student thinking and causes for achievement
learning of individual students. groups of students. identify underlying patterns and trends.
7/17/23 causes for trends.