Game Theory in Biology - Concepts and Frontiers (2020)

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game theory in biology


Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution

Edited by Paul H. Harvey, Robert M. May, H. Charles J. Godfray, and Jennifer A. Dunne

The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology

Paul H. Harvey and Mark D. Pagel
The Cause of Molecular Evolution
John H. Gillespie
Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution
N. B. Davies
Natural Selection: Domains, Levels, and Challenges
George C. Williams
Behaviour and Social Evolution of Wasps: The Communal Aggregation Hypothesis
Yosiaki Itó
Life History Invariants: Some Explorations of Symmetry in Evolutionary Ecology
Eric L. Charnov
Quantitative Ecology and the Brown Trout
J. M. Elliott
Sexual Selection and the Barn Swallow
Anders Pape Møller
Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds
Tom Fenchel and Bland J. Finlay
Anolis Lizards of the Caribbean: Ecology, Evolution, and Plate Tectonics
Jonathan Roughgarden
From Individual Behaviour to Population Ecology
William J. Sutherland
Evolution of Social Insect Colonies: Sex Allocation and Kin Selection
Ross H. Crozier and Pekka Pamilo
Biological Invasions: Theory and Practice
Nanako Shigesada and Kohkichi Kawasaki
Cooperation Among Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective
Lee Alan Dugatkin
Natural Hybridization and Evolution
Michael L. Arnold
The Evolution of Sibling Rivalry
Douglas W. Mock and Geoffrey A. Parker
Asymmetry, Developmental Stability, and Evolution
Anders Pape Møller and John P. Swaddle
Metapopulation Ecology
Ilkka Hanski
Dynamic State Variable Models in Ecology: Methods and Applications
Colin W. Clark and Marc Mangel
The Origin, Expansion, and Demise of Plant Species
Donald A. Levin
The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Host-Parasitoid Interactions
Michael P. Hassell

The Ecology of Adaptive Radiation

Dolph Schluter
Parasites and the Behavior of Animals
Janice Moore
Evolutionary Ecology of Birds
Peter Bennett and Ian Owens
The Role of Chromosomal Change in Plant Evolution
Donald A. Levin
Living in Groups
Jens Krause and Graeme D. Ruxton
Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation
Russell Lande, Steiner Engen, and Bernt-Erik Sæther
The Structure and Dynamics of Geographic Ranges
Kevin J. Gaston
Animal Signals
John Maynard Smith and David Harper
Evolutionary Ecology: The Trinidadian Guppy
Anne E. Magurran
Infectious Diseases in Primates: Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution
Charles L. Nunn and Sonia Altizer
Computational Molecular Evolution
Ziheng Yang
The Evolution and Emergence of RNA Viruses
Edward C. Holmes
Aboveground–Belowground Linkages: Biotic Interactions, Ecosystem Processes, and Global
Richard D. Bardgett and David A. Wardle
Principles of Social Evolution
Andrew F. G. Bourke
Maximum Entropy and Ecology: A Theory of Abundance, Distribution, and Energetics
John Harte
Ecological Speciation
Patrik Nosil
Energetic Food Webs: An Analysis of Real and Model Ecosystems
John C. Moore and Peter C. de Ruiter
Evolutionary Biomechanics: Selection, Phylogeny, and Constraint
Graham K. Taylor and Adrian L. R. Thomas
Quantitative Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Integrating Models with Data
Otso Ovaskainen, Henrik Johan de Knegt, and Maria del Mar Delgado
Mitonuclear Ecology
Geoffrey E. Hill
The Evolutionary Biology of Species
Timothy G. Barraclough
Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers
John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar

Game Theory in Biology

Concepts and Frontiers

School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden


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Acknowledgements xi

1 Setting the Scene 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Frequency Dependence 2
1.3 The Modelling Approach 6
1.4 Scope of the Field and Challenges 7
1.5 Approach in This Book 9

2 Central Concepts 13
2.1 Actions, States, and Strategies 13
2.2 The Phenotypic Gambit 16
2.3 Invasion Fitness 19
2.4 Evolutionary Endpoints 22
2.5 Fitness Proxies 23
2.6 From Strategies to Individuals 25

3 Standard Examples 27
3.1 Contributing to the Common Benefit at a Cost 27
3.2 Helping Others: The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game 30
3.3 The Tragedy of the Commons 31
3.4 Biparental Care: The Parental Effort Game 32
3.5 Contest Over a Resource: The Hawk–Dove Game 36
3.6 The Evolution of Signalling: From Cue to Signal 41
3.7 Coordination Games 44
3.8 Produce Sons or Daughters? The Sex-Allocation Game 45
3.9 Playing the Field 48
3.10 Dispersal as a Means of Reducing Kin Competition 48
3.11 Threshold Decisions 50
3.12 Assessment and Bayesian Updating 56
3.13 Exercises 60

viii • Contents

4 Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria 63

4.1 Evolutionarily Stable Strategies 64
4.2 Adaptive Dynamics 69
4.3 Evolution to a Fitness Minimum 74
4.4 Replicator Dynamics 79
4.5 Games Between Relatives 81
4.6 Exercises 87

5 Learning in Large Worlds 91

5.1 Reinforcement Learning 92
5.2 Learning and the Hawk–Dove Game 96
5.3 Learning in a Game of Joint Benefit of Investment 99
5.4 A Dominance Game 102
5.5 Approaches to Learning in Game Theory 107
5.6 Exercises 109

6 Co-evolution of Traits 111

6.1 Stability in More than One Dimension 112
6.2 Role Asymmetries 114
6.3 The Evolution of Anisogamy 118
6.4 Evolution of Abilities and Role Specialization 122
6.5 Learning and Individual Specialization 126
6.6 Co-evolution of Prosociality and Dispersal 130
6.7 Co-evolution of Species 133
6.8 Concluding Comments 137
6.9 Exercises 138

7 Variation, Consistency, and Reputation 141

7.1 Variation has Consequences 141
7.2 Variation and the Stability of Equilibria 143
7.3 Taking a Chance 145
7.4 Signalling and the Handicap Principle 148
7.5 Reputation 150
7.6 Indirect Reciprocity 153
7.7 Differences Select for Social Sensitivity 157
7.8 Markets 160
7.9 Choosiness, Assortment, and Cooperation 164
7.10 Commitment 166
7.11 Exercises 169

8 Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning 173

8.1 Interaction over Time 173
8.2 Information and the Order of Choice 174

Contents • ix

8.3 Credible Threats and Strategic Commitment 177

8.4 Negotiation between Partners 180
8.5 Evolution of Cognitive Bias 185
8.6 Social Dominance 188
8.7 Assessment in Contests 193
8.8 Outlook: Games with Interaction over Time 198
8.9 Exercises 201

9 Games Embedded in Life 203

9.1 Self-consistency 203
9.2 The Shadow of the Future, and the Past 204
9.3 Resident Strategy Affects Future Opportunities 206
9.4 Dependence on Future Actions 209
9.5 Territorial Defence and the Desperado Effect 216
9.6 State-dependent Ideal Free Distributions 221
9.7 Is it Worth it? 226
9.8 Exercises 228

10 Structured Populations and Games over Generations 231

10.1 Invasion Fitness for Structured Populations 233
10.2 Offspring Quality versus Number 236
10.3 Reproductive Value Maximization 240
10.4 Sex Allocation as a Game over Generations 242
10.5 The Fisher Runaway Process 246
10.6 Maximizing Lifetime Reproductive Success 252
10.7 Dispersal 255
10.8 Evolutionary Analysis in Structured Populations 257
10.9 Exercises 258

11 Future Perspectives 261

11.1 Phylogeny 263
11.2 Behavioural Mechanisms in Large Worlds 266
11.3 Ontogeny and the Acquisition of Behaviour 271

Appendix A: Summary of Notation 273

Appendix B: Solutions to Exercises 275

References 305
Index 325


We started this book 3 years ago. During that time the book has evolved and
improved, helped enormously by the feedback given to us by the following friends and
colleagues: Redouan Bshary, Sean Collins, Sasha Dall, Tim Fawcett, Lutz Fromhage,
Andy Higginson, Alasdair Houston, Patrick Kennedy, Eva Kisdi, Sean Rands, Brian
Robathan, Susanne Schindler, Harry Suter, Pete Trimmer, and Chris Wallace. We are
very grateful for their efforts. Thank you!
Part of the modelling work presented in this book was supported by the Swedish
Research Council (grant 2018-03772).

Setting the Scene

1.1 Introduction

There is an extraordinarily diverse range of traits and behaviours in the natural world.
Birds sing, flock, and migrate, male peacocks display extravagant tails, fish change
sex, and ants ‘farm’ aphids. When faced with such phenomena it is natural to ask
why. The term ‘why’ can have different meanings. In this book we are concerned
with explanations in terms of the past action of natural selection. The action of
natural selection tends to favour traits and behaviours that enhance the number of
offspring left by an individual, i.e. it produces adaptations to the environment in which
organisms live. For example, the aerodynamic shape of a bird’s wing can be seen as an
adaptation to increase flight efficiency. Many explanations in biology are similarly in
terms of adaptation to the abiotic environment.
However, it is not just the abiotic environment that matters to organisms, but
often equally or even more the characteristics of other organisms. The fitness of one
individual, involving survival and reproductive success, often depends on how other
population members behave, grow, and develop, i.e. depends on the strategies of
others. Thus, the best strategy of one individual can depend on the strategies of others.
When this is true, we say that the action of natural selection is frequency dependent.
For example, oak trees in a wood shade each other. If surrounding trees are tall, then
a tree must also grow tall to get more light. This growth requires the tree to divert
resources that could otherwise be expended on seed production. The result is that in
a wood it is best for an oak to be tall if other oaks are tall, but shorter if they are shorter.
The shape of the crown is also predicted to be influenced by this competition (Iwasa
et al., 1985).
Biological game theory attempts to model such frequency-dependent situations,
and this theory is the subject of this book. The approach of the models is to predict the
endpoints of the process of evolution by natural selection, rather than to describe the
details of evolutionary trajectories. The overall objective is to understand the selective
forces that have shaped observed behavioural and developmental strategies and make
predictions that can be tested empirically.
The theory is concerned with the observable characteristics of organisms.
These characteristics include both behaviour and morphological and physiological
attributes, and are referred to as the phenotype of the organism. We do not try to
model the details of the genetics that underlie the phenotype. Instead we usually

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0001

2 • Setting the Scene

assume that the genetic system is capable of of producing strategies that do well
in their natural environment; i.e. producing phenotypes that are adapted to the
environment. This allows the theory to characterize evolutionary outcomes in
phenotypic terms. The explanation of tree height in terms of trees shading each
other can be understood in phenotypic terms, even though we might be ignorant of
the details of the underlying genetics. This ‘phenotypic gambit’ is further explained
in Section 2.2.
This book aims to present the central concepts and modelling approaches in
biological game theory. It relates to applications in that it focuses on concepts that
have been important for biologists in their attempts to explain observations. This
connection between concepts and applications is a recurrent theme throughout the
book. The book also aims to highlight the limitations of current models and to
signpost directions that we believe are important to develop in the future.
Game theory is applied to a huge range of topics in biology. In Chapter 3 many of the
standard games are described, with others being introduced in later chapters. We do
not, however, attempt an encyclopedic account of the applications of game theory in
biology; our focus is on game-theoretical concepts. Nevertheless, we illustrate these
concepts in a range of situations in which the biology is important, incorporating
central topics in life-history theory, ecology, and general evolutionary biology along
the way.

1.2 Frequency Dependence

Examples of frequency dependence abound in biology. Here we list several to give the
reader some sense of the diverse situations in which frequency dependence occurs.
Contesting a resource. When two individuals are in competition for the same food item
or mate each might adopt a range of levels of aggression towards their competitor. The
optimal level of aggression will depend on how aggressive an opponent is liable to be.
If the opponent will fight to the death it is probably best not to be aggressive, while if
the opponent is liable to run away if attacked it is best to be aggressive and attack.
Alternative mating tactics. In many species, different males in a population employ
different mating tactics. In one widespread pattern some males attempt to defend
territories and attract females to their territories, while other males attempt to sneak
matings with females that enter these territories. This happens in Coho salmon, where
the larger ‘hook’ males defend territories while the smaller ‘jacks’ attempt to sneak
matings (Gross, 1996). But is it best to be a hook or a jack? It seems plausible that
if almost all males are hooks and hold territories, then it is best to be a jack since
there will be lots of opportunities to sneak. In contrast, if there are many jacks per
hook then sneakers will be in competition with each other and so it is best to be
a hook.
Search for resources. If members of a population are searching for suitable nest sites,
individuals should be choosy and reject poor sites. However, they cannot afford to be

Frequency Dependence • 3

too choosy, since if they delay too long the better sites will have been taken by others.
But how quickly such sites disappear depends on the choice strategy of others. Thus
the best choice strategy of one individual depends on the strategies employed by other
population members.
Parental effort. Consider two parent birds that are caring for their common young.
How much effort should each expend on provisioning the young with food? The
more food the young receive the greater their survival prospects, although there are
diminishing returns for additional food at high provisioning rates. However, parental
effort is typically costly to the parent expending the effort. There are various reasons
for this. Increased foraging effort might increase the time that the bird exposes itself to
predation risk, and so increase its probability of dying. Foraging might tend to exhaust
the bird, leading to an increased probability of disease and hence death overwinter. It
might also reduce the time available for other activities such as seeking other mates.
In short, each parent faces a trade-off: increased effort provisioning the current brood
increases its reproductive success from this brood but reduces its reproductive success
in the future. Typically the benefits of increased effort have diminishing returns but
the costs (such as the probability of mortality) accelerate with effort. Faced with this
trade-off, if a partner expends low effort on parental care it is best to expend high
effort, as has been found for several species of birds (Sanz et al., 2000). In contrast, if
the partner expends high effort, the young are already doing reasonably well and it is
best to expend low effort to reduce costs. In other words, parental effort is frequency
Joint ventures. In the above example there is a common good (the young) but
individual costs. Except for the case of lifelong monogamy, this means that there is
a conflict of interest between the parents—each would prefer the other to expend the
high effort so that they benefit themselves but do not pay the cost. This conflict of
interest applies to many joint ventures. For instance, in a group of animals foraging
under predation risk, vigilance benefits the whole group, but is costly to vigilant
group members, since their feeding rate is reduced. Cooperative hunting is another
example, where all group members benefit from prey capture, but the costs and risks
of capturing and subduing prey go to the most active hunters.
Resource specialization. The beak size of a seed-eating bird is often best at exploiting
seeds of a certain size. In an environment in which there is a range of seed sizes, if
most individuals are specializing in one seed size the competition for these seeds will
reduce their availability, so that it is better to have a different beak size and specialize
in seeds of a different size. Under these circumstances there may be selection to evolve
a range of beak sizes (cf. the evolutionary branching example of Section 4.3).
Timing of migration. For migratory birds, arriving early at the breeding grounds is
advantageous in terms of getting the best nest sites, but it also involves risks. For
American redstarts, for instance, male birds that arrived early at the breeding grounds
in northern Michigan gained higher-quality territories, and early females produced
earlier and heavier nestlings, with higher chances of survival to adulthood (Smith and
Moore, 2005). A typical outcome of this competition for breeding sites for migratory

4 • Setting the Scene

birds is that individuals in good condition, who are better able to withstand the risks
of early migration, tend to arrive earlier (Kokko, 1999).
Sex allocation. If a female can allocate limited resources between producing sons
or producing daughters, her optimal allocation depends on the allocation strategies
of other females in the population. At the heart of this dependence is the fact that
every offspring produced has exactly one mother and one father. This implies that
the total reproductive success of all males in a population must equal the total success
of all females. Thus in a population in which other females are producing mostly
sons, there will be more males than females and each son will, on average, have
lower reproductive success than each daughter. It is then best for our focal female
to produce daughters. Conversely, if the allocation strategy of other females results in
a population that is female biased, it is best to produce sons (Section 3.8).
This example is of interest because it raises the question of what is fitness.
Note that we are measuring the reproductive success of a female in terms of the
numbers of matings of her offspring rather than her number of offspring (see
Sections 3.8 and 10.4).
Producers versus scroungers. There are many gregarious bird species where flocks of
birds search for food. In a flock, some individuals specialize in searching for and
finding food, while others watch the searchers and move in to exploit any food
source found. Thus a flock consists of ‘producers’ and ‘scroungers’. Figure 1.1 shows

(a) (b)
Proportion scrounging
Number of individuals




0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 20 40 60 80
Proportion scrounging Population size

Fig. 1.1 Data from a producer–scrounger field experiment with great tits in Wytham Woods
near Oxford (Aplin and Morand-Ferron, 2017a). Visits as producer or scrounger at puzzle-
box feeders (Aplin et al., 2015) were recorded for individual birds. Because of frequency
dependence, a mixture of producing and scrounging was seen, also for individual birds, but
they tended to specialize as either producer or scrounger (a). There was more scrounging in
bigger replicate sub-populations (b), which is consistent with the idea that scrounging is more
rewarding in high-density populations. Illustration of great tits by Jos Zwarts. Published under
the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Frequency Dependence • 5

data from a field experiment recording producer–scrounger behaviours in great tits.

In many other situations certain individuals invest in something that becomes a
common good of the group, while others exploit the fruits of these investments.
For example, females in some bird species deposit their eggs in the nest of other
females, so gaining the benefit of the investment of other females in nest building
and care. As we outline in Section 3.1, bacteria can acquire iron by producing
and releasing siderophores. Siderophores bind to environmental iron and can then
be captured by any local bacteria that are present as well as the original releasing
bacterium. Siderophore production is thus an investment in a common good that
can be exploited by ‘free riders’ that just reap the benefits. There are strong analogies
with many human activities in this context (Giraldeau et al., 2017). Exploiting the
labour of others is liable to be very profitable when exploiters are rare, but will be
less advantageous as a strategy when producers are rare (cf. the example of alternative
mating tactics in salmon).
Cooperative hunting. Many social animals hunt in groups or packs, potentially being
more efficient at capturing prey that are bigger and harder to subdue. Wolves, lions,
and African wild dogs are among the species using this method. Cooperative hunting
only works if several group members take part in it, and the rewards should go
preferentially to active hunters for the behaviour to be favoured. If this is so it
is referred to as a synergistic effect. In general, there is synergism if investing in
an activity or a project is only worthwhile if others also invest and the benefits
go primarily to those that invest. Synergism can be an important explanation for
Warning colouration. Certain organisms are potential prey but are actually unsuitable
as prey, for instance because they contain poisonous substances or they are otherwise
dangerous or unpleasant to attack. Sometimes they have evolved a striking appearance
that advertises their quality as unsuitable prey. The black and yellow stripes of
stinging wasps and the striking colouration of monarch butterflies, which contain
poisonous cardenolides, are examples of this. Predators learn through experience to
avoid attacking such prey, which means that the warning signal is only helpful to
prey if it is sufficiently common. There is thus synergism through positive frequency
dependence for warning colouration.

Some of the above situations, such as the contest over a resource and parental effort,
are concerned with individuals interacting pairwise. In analysing these situations
one is dealing with a two-player game. At the other extreme, in the sex allocation
example a female is not directly interacting with another female. Instead, her optimal
allocation to daughters versus sons only depends on the ratio of males to females in the
population, and this ratio is a product of the range of allocation strategies of all other
females. The female is then ‘playing the field’, and the resultant game is referred to as
a playing-the-field game. The situation of trees in a wood is somewhat intermediate,
since a given tree is mostly affected by its local neighbours.
Despite the above seemingly simple classification, we will argue that pairwise
competition over a resource is often not really a simple two-player game. Again

6 • Setting the Scene

consider two individuals contesting a food item. The optimal level of aggression of one
individual not only depends on the aggressiveness of the opponent, but also depends
on how easy it will be to access other sources of food. If other sources could also be
contested, then the availability of alternative food depends on how other population
members contest these items. One cannot then treat a single contest for food in
isolation, and it is not really a two-player game (Section 9.4).
In most of the above cases that involve a continuous trait the best trait value of
any given single individual decreases as the trait value in the rest of the population
increases. We refer to this as negative frequency dependence. For a discrete trait such
as in the jack versus hook example, a given strategy becomes less profitable as it
becomes more common, and we also refer to this as negative frequency dependence.
In contrast, there is positive frequency dependence in the example of trees in a wood,
as the mean height of trees increases so does the best height for any individual tree.
The example of warning colouration also has positive frequency dependence, as do
some forms of group hunting.

1.3 The Modelling Approach

Evolutionary game theory aims to predict the evolutionary outcome in situations

where frequency dependence exists. In particular it asks whether there is some final
endpoint of the evolutionary process, and if so what that endpoint will be. For
example, when two parents are caring for their common young, do we predict stable
levels of care to eventually evolve? If so, at this stable endpoint is there equal care
by both parents or mainly care by one sex? Will the conflict of interest between the
parents over care be resolved in a way that results in high levels of care, or will there be
low levels with the young suffering as each parent attempts to get its partner to do the
bulk of the caring? In the case of sex allocation do we expect an equal number of males
and females in populations that have reached an evolutionary endpoint? Also, can we
predict how the sex of offspring might depend on local environmental conditions—
for example can we explain why in some parasitic wasps females deposit sons in small
hosts and daughters in large hosts? We deal with this last question in Section 3.11.
Our focus is on what evolves. By ‘what evolves’ we mean the strategy that evolves.
We give a formal definition of strategies in Section 2.1, but we can think of a strategy
as a rule that specifies how behaviour and other aspects of the phenotype depend
on circumstances. For example, the growth strategy of a tree might be something as
simple as to always grow to a given size, but could be more complex, specifying how
the allocation of resources to growth depends on light levels and nutrient intake.
As we have explained, although the book is about evolutionary processes, we are
mainly concerned with evolutionary endpoints. A formal specification of exactly what
is meant by an endpoint is given in Section 2.4 and Chapter 4. Loosely, we can
think of an endpoint as having the following property. A strategy will be referred
to as the resident strategy when almost all population members follow this strategy.
Then a necessary condition for a strategy x∗ to be a stable endpoint of the process

Scope of the Field and Challenges • 7

of evolution by natural selection is that no single individual with a different strategy

can do better than x∗ , when x∗ is the resident strategy. We will need to specify exactly
what we mean by ‘do better’. In game theory in biology, invasion fitness provides a
suitable performance measure. This concept is outlined in Section 2.3. For most of
the situations analysed in this book, the invasion fitness of a strategy is just the mean
number of surviving offspring left by an individual following the strategy. The simple
measure of mean number of offspring is not adequate when not all offspring are the
same, because the ability of these offspring to leave offspring themselves can then vary
with their state. We defer the detailed presentation of this more complex case until
Chapter 10.
If x∗ is the resident strategy and no other strategy has greater invasion fitness than
the resident strategy, we refer to x∗ as a Nash equilibrium (Section 2.4). The Nash
equilibrium condition is necessary but not sufficient for stability (Chapter 4). The
typical approach to modelling a specific situation is first to specify the circumstances
in detail, for example the actions that are possible, the time order of events, and so
on. We then specify which strategies are possible. For the simplest models, for which
an analytic approach is feasible, we can then evaluate how the invasion fitness of
each strategy depends on the resident strategy in the population. This allows us to
find all Nash equilibria. We then investigate further stability properties of each Nash
Often it is cumbersome to deal directly with invasion fitness and instead we work
with a simpler performance measure (such as the rate of energy intake in some
situations), which we know leads to the same Nash equilibria. The use of such fitness
proxies is described in Section 2.5.
For many models an analytic approach is infeasible. One option is then to resort
to evolutionary simulations. In a simulation a large population of virtual organisms
interact, produce offspring, and die, and the offspring inherit the traits from their
parent(s) with the occasional mutation producing a different trait. The simulation
then follows the population forward over many generations until traits settle down
to roughly equilibrium values, which are usually close to the values at a Nash

1.4 Scope of the Field and Challenges

To appreciate what game theory has achieved in biology, and to understand the
challenges that still remain, some insights into the history of the field are helpful. Ideas
with a game-theoretical flavour were developed already in the early 18th century by
mathematicians interested in probability (see Bellhouse and Fillion, 2015), including
by de Montmort and Nicolaus Bernoulli. They were interested in a card game called
‘Le Her’. The crucial point was that for certain positions in the game it appeared that
there was no single best thing for a player to do. Rather the player should randomize
between different plays, in this way preventing the possibility that an opponent could
predict the play and take effective countermeasures. We can recognize this as an

8 • Setting the Scene

instance of frequency dependence. R. A. Fisher, who was a prominent statistician as

well as an evolutionary geneticist, took an interest in the matter, publishing a work
concluding that indeed randomization can be the ‘solution’ to the problem of what
is the best strategy for a player of Le Her (Fisher, 1934). Fisher was fascinated by
the idea of possible important uses of randomization—most familiar is his insistence
that treatments should be randomized in experiments—and when he much later
wrote about polymorphism and natural selection (Fisher, 1958), he returned to the
idea. By that time he was familiar with game theory as developed by mathematicians
and economists, and he proposed that the outcome of natural selection could be
that a population is polymorphic, effectively randomizing between phenotypes. The
concrete example he had in mind was polymorphic Batesian mimicry in certain but-
terflies. The variation in appearances could prevent predators from quickly learning to
attack a single prey appearance, which again is an instance of frequency dependence.
However, Fisher did not develop the idea further.
It was Maynard Smith and Price (1973) who were the first to systematically
use game theory in biology. They posed the question of why animal contests over
resources, such as over a territory or a dominance position in a social group, are
usually of the ‘limited war’ type, being settled without serious injury. They used
the so-called Hawk–Dove game (Section 3.5) to conclude that, because of frequency
dependence, the evolutionary endpoint could be a mixture or polymorphism of direct
aggression and display behaviour; thus to some extent limiting direct aggression.
This was a breakthrough partly because of the elegance and simplicity of the Hawk–
Dove game, but even more because they presented a method to analyse important
frequency-dependent situations in biology. Concerning animal contests, their work
was just a starting point, with many further analyses of possible reasons for limited
aggression appearing, for instance of the effects of assessment of relative fighting
ability by contestants (Parker, 1974).
We describe parts of this work (Sections 3.5, 8.7, 9.4, and 9.5), which certainly has
improved the understanding of animal contests. Nevertheless, the original question
identified by Maynard Smith and Price (1973) is up to now only partially answered
using worked-out models. An example where current models are lacking is aggressive
interactions in social groups. This points to challenges for game theory in biology, and
our aim is to address these in the book. One challenge lies in the sometimes intractable
complexities of analysing representations of the information individuals gain about
each other; for instance, information individuals acquire when they form dominance
hierarchies in social groups. An equally important challenge is to make contact
between models and the strategies and decision processes used by real animals. Our
approach, as we outline in the next section, is to introduce behavioural mechanisms
into models, including mechanisms inspired by animal psychology and neuroscience.
Frequency dependence still plays a role in such models, but evolutionary outcomes are
prescriptions of how to represent and respond to events, rather than a randomization
between two or more actions.
The analysis of sex allocation is one of the major empirical successes of game
theory in biology. The origin of ideas about why sex ratios should be close to 1:1

Approach in This Book • 9

goes back to work by Düsing in the late 19th century, but it was Fisher (1930)
who presented a highly influential formal model (Section 3.8). We have noted that
frequency dependence is a crucial ingredient in such analyses (Section 1.2). Much of
the theory and tests of sex allocation is surveyed by Charnov (1982), and we describe
some of these models in the book (Sections 3.8 and 10.4).
As we have indicated, the roots of game theory as a formal tool to analyse
behaviour lie in economics. There are many situations in economics where frequency
dependence matters. For example, the best amount to produce or the best price to
charge for a product depends on the amounts or prices chosen by other firms. These
questions were analysed in early applications of game theory in economics and are
referred to as Cournot and Bertrand competition. The ideas have also played a role
in making biologists think in terms of markets (see Section 7.8). Other economic
applications include hiring decisions in labour markets, the structuring of auctions,
and the effects of social norms on behaviour. The definition of a Nash equilibrium
in biology is mathematically the same as the standard Nash equilibrium condition of
economic game theory. There are, however, differences in approach in the two areas
(Box 2.1).
Perhaps the biggest influence from economics on biological game theory is an
interest in cooperation, often presented in terms of one or several rounds of the
so-called Prisoner’s Dilemma (see Sections 3.2, 4.5, 7.3, 7.6, and 8.8). As infor-
mation about other individuals is likely to be just as important in cooperative as
in competitive interactions, these present another major challenge to game theory
in biology. Our approach is to model such situations in ways that correspond in
a reasonable way to biological reality (Sections 3.2 and 8.8), for instance using
continuously varying investments for parents that jointly rear their young, and then
to incorporate behavioural mechanisms into the model, for instance mechanisms that
can be interpreted as negotiation between partners (Section 8.4). We discuss these
matters in Section 8.8, pointing to successes and challenges for the current state of
affairs in game theory.

1.5 Approach in This Book

Here we give an overview of major issues that we deal with in this book, indicating
where in the book they occur. The central concepts of biological game theory, such
as invasion fitness, the Nash equilibrium, and the phenotypic gambit are expanded
on in Chapter 2. That chapter also deals with fitness proxies and the problem of
embedding a game that occupies a small part of the life of an organism into a whole-
life perspective, a topic we return to in Chapter 9.
A variety of game-theoretic models dealing with a range of phenomena have
previously been developed. In Chapter 3 we present many of what have become
the standard models. Some of these standard models deal with cooperation and
the contribution to a common good, including parental care. We also introduce the
simplest model of animal conflict over a resource: the Hawk–Dove game. Many

10 • Setting the Scene

animals signal to others, and we present a simple model showing that signals can
evolve from cues, later returning to the question of why signals should be honest in
Section 7.4. We also present the standard model of sex allocation, a topic we later
return to in Section 10.4. Most of these simple models assume that all individuals are
the same, so that if they take different actions this is because their choice has a random
component. In reality it is likely that individuals differ in aspects of their state such
as size or fighting ability, and different behaviours are a result of these difference. At
the end of Chapter 3 we illustrate how such state-dependent decision making can be
incorporated into models. The effects of state differences are harder to analyse when
the state of offspring is affected by the state and action(s) of their parent(s). We defer
the description of some standard models that have these features until Chapter 10,
where we outline the theory needed to analyse inter-generational effects. We apply
this theory to the problem of sex allocation when offspring tend to inherit the quality
of their mother (Trivers and Willard theory) and to the case where female preference
for a male ornament (such as tail length) and the ornament co-evolve (the Fisher
A population that has reached an evolutionary stable endpoint is necessarily at
a Nash equilibrium. The converse is, however, not true. There are Nash equilibria
that are not stable. Furthermore, there can be endpoints that would be stable if they
could be reached, but cannot be reached by the evolutionary process. In Chapter 4
we return to general theory. There we set out the conditions needed for a strategy
to be an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS); conditions that are stronger than
those required for a Nash equilibrium, and which ensure stability. We also consider
evolutionary trajectories using the concepts of adaptive dynamics and convergence
stability (Section 4.2).
Evolution is concerned with the spread of genes. In most of the analyses in this
book we can translate ideas about the spread of genes directly into the idea that at
evolutionary stability each population member maximizes a suitable payoff. However,
care must be taken when relatives affect each other, since relatives share genes. We
describe the analysis of games between relatives in Section 4.5.

1.5.1 Challenges
The approach taken in the standard game-theoretic models often rests on idealized
assumptions. This is important and helpful in providing easily understandable and
clear predictions, but biologists might rely on models without careful examination
of the consequences of the assumptions and limitations of the models. We believe the
ideas used in the field need to be re-evaluated and updated. In particular, game theory
needs to be richer, and much of the remainder of the book is concerned with ways in
which we believe it should be enriched. Here we outline some of these ways.

Co-evolution. There is a tendency to consider the evolution of a single trait keeping

other traits fixed. It is often the case, however, that another trait strongly interacts with
the focal trait (Chapter 6). Co-evolution of the two traits can for instance bring about

Approach in This Book • 11

disruptive selection causing two morphs to coexist or giving rise to two evolutionarily
stable outcomes. These insights might not be gained if the traits are considered singly.
Variation. There is usually considerable variation in natural populations. Many
existing game-theoretical models ignore this and assume all individuals in a given
role are the same. However, variation affects the degree to which individuals should
be choosy over who they interact with and the value of expending effort observing
others. Variation thus leads to co-evolution of the focal trait with either choosiness or
social sensitivity. These issues are crucial for effects of reputation and the functioning
of biological markets (Chapter 7). Variation is also crucial for phenomena such as
signalling. We believe that models need to be explicit about the type and amount of
variation present, and to explore the consequences.
Process. In many game-theoretical models of the interaction of two individuals each
chooses its action without knowledge of the choice of their partner. Furthermore,
neither alters its choice once the action of its partner has been revealed (a simultane-
ous or one-shot game). In reality most interactions involve individuals responding to
each other. The final outcome of the interaction can then be thought of as resulting
from some interaction process. The outcome can depend strongly on the nature of
this process (Chapter 8). Since partners vary, the interaction often involves gaining
information about the abilities and intentions of other individuals, emphasizing the
importance of variation and learning (Chapters 5 and 8).
Timescales. Games can occur over different timescales. Many, such as a contest over
a food item, are concerned with a brief part of the whole lifetime of the contestants.
We may then ask to what extent it is possible to isolate the contest from the rest of
the lifetime. We often isolate games by assuming suitable payoffs, but as we discuss in
Chapter 9 this is not always possible and a more holistic view of an organism’s lifetime
is necessary if our model is to be consistent. Some games, such as those involving the
inheritance by males of a trait that is attractive to females, occur over more than one
generation (Chapter 10).
Behavioural mechanisms and large worlds. The number of subtly distinct circum-
stances encountered in the real world is vast. Evolution shapes behavioural mech-
anisms that must deal with this vast range. It is not realistic to suppose that this
produces strategies that respond flexibly and appropriately to every possible cir-
cumstance. The behavioural mechanism needed to implement such a strategy could
probably not evolve in the first place, and even if it did it would involve so much
neuronal machinery that the maintenance costs of the machinery would outweigh the
benefit. For this reason we expect the evolution of strategies that are implemented by
psychological and physiological mechanisms of limited complexity, which perform
well on average but may not be exactly optimal in any circumstance. Most game-
theory models take what can be called a small-worlds perspective: they deal with
optimal strategies in simple situations. The real world is large (Chapter 5) and models
need to reflect this if we are to make more realistic predictions. To do so models
need to explicitly consider psychological and physiological mechanisms, accepting
that these are not exactly optimal.

12 • Setting the Scene

To elaborate on this point, game-theory models in biology have traditionally not

assumed particular behavioural mechanisms, but rather assumed that organisms can
use any kind of information available to them in an optimal manner. Such models are
certainly valuable when they can be achieved, because they allow a full accounting
for the action of natural selection. However, limiting oneself to such models has
two important drawbacks. One drawback is that these models can easily become
too challenging to achieve, in practice preventing modellers from analysing many
important situations where interacting individuals have partial information about
each other. The difficulty is caused by the complexity of a complete representation
of an individual’s information about its world, including its social environment
(technically, a complete representation would involve probability distributions in
high-dimensional spaces). The other drawback is, as mentioned, that real organisms
might not use information in an unconstrained manner, but rather rely on particular
behavioural mechanisms. Models that do not allow for these mechanisms might then
provide a weaker connection between model results and empirical observation.
It is difficult for theory to a priori predict the type of mechanism that will evolve,
partly because many mechanisms can work well, but also because the effect of
phylogeny is important. For most purposes we suggest that we should base models on
observed mechanisms, such as known mechanisms for learning. We can then investi-
gate how parameters of these mechanisms might be tuned in different environments.
We can also ask how limitations of these mechanisms might change our predictions
of observed behaviour, compared with the possibly Panglossian predictions of small-
worlds models (e.g. Sections 8.5 and 11.2).
Because the world is complex and unpredictable we might expect learning to be
important. Individuals engaging in a game will often enter the game not knowing the
abilities of themselves or others, and may not know the game structure or the payoffs.
Learning in games has hitherto received insufficient attention in biology. In Chapters
5 and 8 we explore the effect of a mechanism called actor–critic learning that arose in
machine learning, but has links with known psychological mechanisms and neuro-
science. For instance, we use this approach to model social dominance and individual
recognition in groups (Section 8.6), which are phenomena that traditionally have been
difficult for game theory to handle. In doing so we hope to promote more research on
realistic learning mechanisms.
In general, we argue that game theory needs to be richer, by incorporating insights
and approaches from neighbouring disciplines, including ideas from neuroscience,
experimental psychology, and machine learning. We present more of our views on
these issues in Sections 8.8 and 11.2.

Central Concepts

Game theory in biology is built on certain central concepts, which we introduce

here. Among these are strategies (Section 2.1), which are regarded as being genet-
ically determined and are hence a key concept in that they are passed on to future
generations. However, we need some justification of why we can deal with strategies
rather than having to deal with genes directly. In biological game theory this is usually
discussed in terms of the phenotypic gambit (Section 2.2). We also need some measure
of the performance of a strategy and this is provided by the concept of invasion fitness
(Section 2.3). As we explain, this is a measure of the per-capita rate of increase in the
number of individuals following the strategy when the strategy is rare. We are then in
a position to formulate a necessary condition for the resident strategy in a population
to be evolutionarily stable in terms of invasion fitness (Section 2.4). This stability
condition is central to the book. It can, however, be helpful in many situations to
formulate the stability condition in terms of a fitness proxy instead of working directly
with invasion fitness (Section 2.5). Finally, many games of interest occur over a short
part of the lifetime of an individual. In Section 2.6 we describe how one can relate
the actions chosen in a part of the life of a single individual to invasion fitness, which
concerns the growth of a cohort of individuals over many generations.

2.1 Actions, States, and Strategies

Strategies are simply rules that specify the action chosen as a function of state. In this
section we unpack this statement, clarifying what we mean by an action and what we
mean by a state.

2.1.1 Actions
As the examples in Section 1.2 illustrate, when we talk about strategies and actions this
is meant in the widest sense, including behaviour, growth, and the allocation of the sex
of offspring. The analysis in a specific context starts by specifying the range of possible
actions each organism might take in that context. Example of actions include:
• For a reproducing female, two possible actions might be to produce a son or produce
a daughter.

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0002

14 • Central Concepts

• In a contest over a resource such as a food item or potential mate, three possible
actions might be to display to the opponent, to attack the opponent, or to run away.
• For a developing individual, two possible actions might be to disperse or remain at
the birth site.
• For a foraging animal, the available actions might be to search for food or to rest.
The above examples all involve a finite set of actions. In many other examples possible
actions lie on a continuum, so that there is a graded response available to the organism.
For example:
• For a tree, an action might specify the allocation to growth of foliage as opposed to
seed production.
• For a pathogen, an action might be its level of virulence.
• For a feeding animal, an action might be its level of vigilance while consuming food.

2.1.2 States
The action chosen by an individual is often contingent on the state of the individual.
The idea of a state variable is very broad—basically it is a description of some aspect
of the current circumstance of an organism. Examples of state variables include:
• Energy reserves. For a foraging animal, we might expect the decision to rest or search
for food to depend on the animal’s energy reserves. Similarly, the level of vigilance
might depend on energy reserves.
• Size. In a contest over food an individual might base its decision on whether to
attack an opponent on the opponent’s size relative to its own size.
• Opponent’s last move. The action in a contest may also depend on the previ-
ous behaviour of the opponent. In this sense we regard aspects of this previous
behaviour as state variables.
• Role. In some interactions individuals have clearly defined roles that are known to
the individuals. For example, in biparental care there are two roles, male and female.
When an intruder challenges the owner of a territory there are two roles, owner and
intruder. When there are clearly defined roles actions may depend on role, resulting
in totally different evolutionary outcomes compared with the case in which there are
no role asymmetries (Section 6.2).
• Environmental temperature. Environmental temperature is an important state vari-
able for many plants, for example influencing vernalization and seed germination.
In some reptiles environmental temperature affects the sexes differentially during
development. Some temperatures favour male offspring over female, while the
reverse is true at other temperatures. This probably accounts for the fact that in
some species the sex of offspring is not genetically determined; rather whether
males or females develop depends on the temperature (Section 3.11).
• Social status. This is an important state variable in many social species.
In general any aspect of physiology or any information that the organism possesses
can act as a state variable. The action taken by an individual could potentially depend

Actions, States, and Strategies • 15

on the combination of values of its state variables. The action could also depend on
time of day or year.

2.1.3 Strategies
Strategies are genetically determined rules that specify the action taken as a function
of the state of the organism. For example, in a contest between two individuals over
a resource, a strategy might specify whether to escalate a contest, display to the
opponent, or retreat depending on perceived differences in fighting ability and the
level of aggression already shown by the opponent. In temperature-dependent sex
determination in reptiles, a strategy might be: if the temperature is greater than 30°C
then develop as a female, if less than 30°C develop as a male. For a foraging animal
a strategy might specify whether to forage or rest, depending on current energy
reserves, the amount of food in the gut, and time of day. For a growing animal, a
strategy might specify the relationship between environmental conditions and the
time at which the animal switches from growth to reproduction. In this and other
life-history contexts, such a reaction norm is just a strategy.
Genes code for strategies, but it should not be thought that there is a simple
relationship between them. Models often assume that there are a few genetic loci that
determine a strategy, and a simple relationship between the alleles at these loci and
the strategy the individual employs. We should not regard such genotype–phenotype
maps as being realistic. The phenotype is typically the product of developmental
processes that are affected by many genes in a manner that may not be straightforward.
However, this does not mean that the simple models should be dismissed (see the next
Strategies are the basic units through which selection acts. The reproductive success
of an individual will typically depend on the strategy that the individual employs.
The differential reproductive success of strategies affects the population frequency of
alleles at genetic loci that code for the class of strategies that are possible.
In modelling a specific biological scenario it is important to keep the distinction
between strategies and actions, being clear as to exactly what is regarded as a strategy.
Strategies specify the action to take in all possible circumstances. Thus an organism
following a given strategy may or may not take a specific action; it will depend on the
state it finds itself in. The distinction needs to be kept clear because it concerns which
characteristics are genetically determined and hence the level at which selection acts.
To illustrate this, suppose that we are interested in the level of parental effort that
evolves in a species in which both parents care for their common young. We might
then regard the effort of a parent as her/his action. At the simplest level a strategy
specifies a pair of efforts: the effort of an individual if female and the effort if male.
Since strategies are genetically determined, this would be equivalent to assuming that
male effort and female effort are genetically determined. In many cases this might
be too simplistic, since there is evidence in many species that each parent adjusts
her/his effort in response to the parental effort of the partner. We might instead regard
a strategy as a sex-specific pair of negotiation rules where each rule specifies how own

16 • Central Concepts

effort adjusts in response to the effort of the partner. From this perspective it is the
negotiation rules that are genetically determined, not the efforts. Efforts are the result
of the negotiation process. As we will see (Section 3.4 and 8.4), the predicted parental
efforts differ between these two perspectives. When individuals learn which actions to
take (Chapters 5 and 8), the behavioural mechanisms that guide learning correspond
to strategies.
The behavioural response of an animal to stimuli is often influenced by the previous
experience of the animal. So for example, the way in which an animal deals with a
stressful situation as an adult may depend on its experiences when young. This might
seem to contradict the notion that strategies are genetically determined. However,
just as for the parental care case, it is important to analyse behaviour at the correct
level. For the stress example, a strategy is not the response to stress as an adult but the
rule that specifies how response to stress as an adult depends on early life experience.
Similarly, there has recently been an interest in non-genetic inheritance, in particular,
in epigenetic marks that are passed from mother to offspring and can affect the adult
phenotype. In this context, a strategy is a genetically determined rule that specifies
how the adult phenotype depends on the epigenetic marks and other influences.

2.2 The Phenotypic Gambit

To specify the evolutionary dynamics of strategies, one needs to make assumptions
about the genetic determination. The approach in game theory is to first examine
very simple dynamics, and to add specific details about the genetic determination of
strategies only to the extent that this is important. A simple assumption is to think of
each strategy as corresponding to a genotype. This could for instance be implemented
as asexual inheritance of the strategy. Using the approach need not, however, imply a
restriction to this single case, but rather that one grants that evolutionary endpoints
can be the same for different kinds of genetic determination of strategies, including
the very common case of diploid multilocus genetics. Alan Grafen coined the term
‘phenotypic gambit’ for this general idea (Grafen, 1984), and it is very widely used.
As we will describe, a fitness proxy is a function that assigns a measure of perfor-
mance to each strategy (Section 2.5). If there is no frequency dependence one can
think of a landscape of possible strategies, with the fitness proxy measuring the local
height. The idea of the gambit is that evolution tends to increase this performance
measure, so that the evolutionary dynamic is some form of hill climbing and that
endpoints are strategies that maximize the fitness proxy. In other words, evolution
takes the population onto a local peak. With frequency dependence, one needs to
take into account that the fitness landscape depends on the strategies of population
members, and so changes as these strategies change. One then has the idea that
evolution takes the population to a hilltop in a landscape that is generated by the
strategies in the population, when the population sits at this hilltop.
Even if some aspects of genetics are needed to describe a phenomenon, the basic
idea of the gambit can still be used. For instance, for populations with two sexes and

The Phenotypic Gambit • 17

where each individual has one mother and one father, it is possible to work out fitness
functions for sex allocation strategies (see Section 3.8), and typically one finds a sex
ratio of 50% females as an endpoint. The phenotypic gambit then means that one
assumes that a fairly wide range of evolutionary dynamics will lead to this endpoint.
Evolutionary change towards a predicted endpoint is illustrated by a selection
experiment on Atlantic silverside fish (Fig. 2.1). In this species sex is determined
by a combination of the temperature during a sensitive period, implemented as
a genetically determined threshold above which an individual becomes male, and
temperature-insensitive sex-determining genes. The sex-determining mechanisms
present from the start in the laboratory population will influence the particular sex-
ratio trajectory over the generations, but with a sufficient supply of different kinds of
genetic variation, it is reasonable that the end point of a 1:1 sex ratio is approached.
As seen in Fig. 2.1, this is also what happened in the experiment by Conover et al.
It is thus possible to adapt the phenotypic gambit slightly by taking major qualitative
features of genetic inheritance into account, for instance by incorporating that each
individual has one mother and one father into game theory analyses of sex ratios.
Another example is to include effects of genetic correlations between co-evolving
traits (see Section 6.1). Selection that changes one trait can then lead to a correlated

Sex ratio (prop. female)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 2.1 Data from a sex-ratio evolution experiment with Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia)
fish (Conover and Van Voorhees, 1990; Conover et al., 1992). The species has combined
temperature-dependent and genetic sex determination. The figure shows the mean and 95%
confidence intervals of the proportion of females in a laboratory population (redrawn from fig.
1A in Conover et al., 1992). The population was collected as embryos from South Carolina.
It was kept at a high temperature of 28◦ C, resulting in a skewed starting sex ratio. Over the
generations, the population approached a predicted sex ratio of 0.5. Illustration of Atlantic sil-
verside by William Converse Kendall, from the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, University
of Washington.

18 • Central Concepts

response in another trait. A widely used approach, which is in the spirit of the
phenotypic gambit, is to assume some specific but simple genetic determination, such
as haploid or single-locus diploid genetics, and to limit consideration to the invasion
of a rare mutant allele into a genetically monomorphic population (see next section).
Using this one can, for instance, extend the analysis to games between relatives (see
Section 4.5).

The gambit can fail. Even though the phenotypic gambit is a helpful idealization, it
should not be taken for granted. An interesting example where it fails is the alternative
male mating types in the ruff, a species of wading bird (Fig. 2.2). The male type is
determined by the genotype at a single Mendelian locus, but the alleles at this locus
are actually supergenes, and were originally formed through an inversion of a block
of 125 genes on a chromosome (Küpper et al., 2016). This event occurred around
3.8 million years ago and was followed by modification of the supergene content,
including a rare recombination event between the original and inverted alleles 500,000
years ago (Lamichhaney et al., 2016), giving rise to three alleles. During the breeding
season, male homozygotes for the non-inverted allele develop an elaborate head
and neck plumage and strive to defend small territories. They are referred to as
‘independents’. Heterozygotes between this allele and the oldest inverted allele, which

(a) (b)
Faeder Satellite

Obs/exp offspring



Ruff plumage variation Offspring genotype

Fig. 2.2 (a) Illustration of ruff plumage variation, by Jos Zwarts. Published under the Creative
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0). (b) Survival
of different morph-determining genotypes in the ruff. Observed (dark grey) and Mendelian
expected (light grey) number of surviving male plus female offspring when both father and
mother have a heterozygous genotype AB, where A is the allele for the ‘independent’ male
morph and B is either the allele for the ‘faeder’ male morph (left side) or the ‘satellite’ male
morph (right side). Data were obtained from a pedigree for a captive genotyped population,
and come from table 1 in Küpper et al. (2016). Note that both the faeder and satellite alleles are
lethal when homozygous (genotype BB), and this is the case both for males and females.

Invasion Fitness • 19

are referred to as ‘faeders’, have a female-like appearance and sneak copulations.

Heterozygotes with the recombined allele are called ‘satellites’, and develop a head and
neck breeding plumage, but less colourful than those of the independents. They do
not defend territories, but associate with independents, displaying on—and increasing
the attractiveness of—territories, and attempt to sneak copulations. The ruff male
breeding plumage is quite variable (Fig. 2.2a), but differs between the genetic types.
As an accidental consequence of the original inversion, a gene needed for successful
development was disrupted, making homozygotes for inverted alleles, either faeder
or satellite, lethal (Fig. 2.2b). The heterozygotes also suffer to some extent from the
maladaptive consequences of the inversion, but male heterozygotes compensate by a
high mating success, possibly because of high success in sperm competition (Küpper
et al., 2016). The upshot is that the population frequencies of the ruff mating types are
not at a Nash equilibrium (Section 2.4), and the genetic underpinnings have clearly
maladaptive features. It might seem surprising that the long evolutionary history of
the mating system has not removed these maladaptive features, but the empirical
evidence for their origin and current existence is strong. It is worth noting that the
ruff is a widespread and successful bird species. For the applicability of game theory
in biology, examples such as this should be uncommon, which seems to be the case.
Finally, even though inversions and supergenes may imply genetic constraints, they
can still play important roles in evolution.

2.3 Invasion Fitness

Consider a large population in which almost all individuals employ a given strategy
x. As a shorthand for this statement we will say that x is the resident strategy. We
assume that for every resident strategy x, the population settles down to a unique
demographic equilibrium (that can depend on x). Here, by the term ‘demographic
equilibrium’ we mean that the population size has settled down and the proportion
of population members in each possible state has also settled down. This equilibrium
then sets the background in which we consider the fate of any mutants.
Now suppose that we introduce one or a few individuals following an alternative
strategy x into a population with resident strategy x, where the resident population
has reached its demographic equilibrium. Since we have in mind that strategy x
might have arisen through mutation from the resident strategy, we refer to x as a
mutant strategy. We will define the invasion fitness of the mutant strategy λ(x , x) as
an appropriate measure of the per-capita growth in the number of individuals that
follow the mutant strategy, while mutants are still rare compared with residents. For
convenience, we measure this growth rate as the per-capita annual increase.
The precise definition of this ‘appropriate measure’ depends on circumstance.
Before defining it we need to consider how stochastic events affect population
members. At one extreme all population members might experience the same envi-
ronmental factors such as weather, population size, and the size of prey populations.

20 • Central Concepts

We refer to random fluctuations in these factors as environmental stochasticity.

Economists refer to this form of stochasticity as aggregate risk since all population
members experience the same fluctuations. At the other extreme, different population
members might find different numbers of prey items due to good and bad luck when
foraging. Fluctuations that affect different population members independently (for
given environmental conditions) are referred to as demographic stochasticity, which
economists would call idiosyncratic risk.
To study invasion fitness for a mutant strategy we census the mutant population
at time points with a suitable spacing, for instance annually at the start of each year,
which we now use for concreteness. Let N(t) denote the total number of x mutants
present at the start of year t. We are interested in how this number changes over time.
In the very simplest case we assume the following conditions:
1. The population is asexual.
2. There are discrete, non-overlapping generations with a generation time of 1 year.
Thus those individuals that are born at census time t reproduce and die over the
course of the year, leaving surviving offspring at census time t + 1.
3. All mutants are in the same state at each annual census time.
4. There is no environmental stochasticity, so that all years have the same environ-
mental conditions. This does not mean that there are no seasonal effects, but if
there are, they are the same each year.
For this scenario consider a mutant individual following strategy x that is present at
the census time in year t. We can refer to the surviving offspring left at the next annual
census time by this individual as its recruits. The number of recruits depends on the
good and bad luck that the mutant experiences. Let λ(x , x) be the mean number of
recruits that also follow the strategy x , where in forming the mean we are averaging
over demographic stochasticity. Then if there are N(t) mutants following strategy x in
year t there will be approximately N(t + 1) = λ(x , x)N(t) mutants in year t + 1. This
approximation depends on N(t) being sufficiently large so that we can use the law of
large numbers to average over the (independent) good and bad luck experienced by
different mutant individuals. Thus λ(x , x) is the per-capita rate of increase in mutant
numbers when mutants have become common enough to average over demographic
stochasticity but are still rare compared with the resident population. We define
λ(x , x) to be the invasion fitness of the mutant. When considering whether a mutant
strategy x can invade into a resident x we should note that there is an initial phase
where there are few mutant individuals. In this initial phase the mutant might go
extinct because of demographic stochasticity, even if the number of mutants tends
to increase on average. Our assumption is that there is some probability for mutant
numbers to become large enough so that our approximation based on averaging
over demographic stochasticity is valid. This initial randomness might thus require
several mutants appearing before our invasion analysis can be applied. Assuming
that this is so, if λ(x , x) < 1 mutant numbers will not increase further, while if
λ(x , x) > 1 mutant numbers increase while rare. The background environment in
which the cohort of mutant individuals live is determined by the resident strategy.

Invasion Fitness • 21

The stipulation that mutants should be rare compared with residents ensures that the
background remains approximately constant when the growth rate is measured. If
mutants become common, we would expect their per-capita rate of increase to change
due to frequency- and density-dependent effects.
In the above motivation for invasion fitness it was important that all recruits were
in the same state (condition 3); i.e. the population is unstructured. Suppose that this
is not the case. For example, suppose that individuals differ in their energy reserves or
parasite load at an annual census time. Then different x mutants would have different
potentials to leave surviving offspring. Furthermore, the state of any recruit might be
correlated with the state of its parent. Under such circumstances it is not sufficient
just to count numbers of recruits when defining invasion fitness. Instead, one needs
to consider projection matrices that specify how parental state affects the number and
state of descendants left the following year (Chapter 10). Invasion fitness is then taken
to be the per-capita rate of increase when the distribution of states of the cohort of
mutants has settled down to its limiting steady-state distribution, which is the leading
eigenvalue of the projection matrix (Section 10.1). For most of our applications we
will not need this machinery.
Our assumption also specifies that the population is asexual (condition 1). With
two sexes the population is necessarily structured at the annual census time; there are
males and females. Despite this, it is often sufficient just to take the number of female
recruits left by a mutant female as invasion fitness. However, in the sex-allocation
game of Section 3.8 this expedient fails. In that game a female has N recruits and must
decide whether these recruits should be sons or daughters. The numbers of recruits
left by a male depends on the sex ratio in the resident population, and can be different
from the numbers of recruits left by a female. In this case, in principle one needs the
full machinery of projection matrices. However, the analysis can be simplified as it
can be shown (Section 10.4) that number of grandchildren left by a female acts as a
fitness proxy (Section 2.5).
We further assumed that the population has discrete non-overlapping generations
(condition 2). Suppose instead that an individual can live for several years. Then the
population is typically structured at an annual census time as individuals of different
ages, which can have different potentials to survive and reproduce. Nevertheless, one
can simplify analyses when age is the only state variable, because all new recruits
(age 0) are in the same state. To do so, one defines the lifetime reproductive success
(LRS) of an individual as the total number of its recruits (discounted by relatedness
if the population is sexually reproducing). As we explain in Section 2.5, mean LRS
is what we refer to as a fitness proxy. We use this fitness proxy to analyse the
evolutionarily stable scheduling of reproduction over the lifetime of an organism in
Section 10.6.
In the cases we examine in this book condition 4 always holds. When condition 4
fails to hold, so that there is environmental stochasticity, then our argument that the
actual change in mutant numbers approximately equals the mean change fails. For the
definition of fitness in this more general scenario, see Metz et al. (1992) and chapter
10 in Houston and McNamara (1999).

22 • Central Concepts

2.4 Evolutionary Endpoints

As mentioned, rather than looking at evolutionary dynamics in detail, a large part

of game theory in biology focuses on the endpoints of evolutionary change. By an
endpoint we have in mind a strategy (or distribution of strategies) that is stable over
time. In particular, no new mutant strategy that might arise can invade into the
population and change its composition. In this section we introduce the concept of a
Nash equilibrium, which provides an important necessary condition for evolutionary
Let x be a resident strategy. We can consider a mutant strategy that is identical to this
resident strategy. The invasion fitness of this mutant, λ(x, x), is the per-capita annual
growth of the resident population. For a population at its demographic equilibrium
we must have λ(x, x) = 1. Now let x be a mutant strategy that is different from
the resident strategy. In the previous section we argued that if λ(x , x) > 1 then an
individual mutant has a positive probability to invade, changing the composition of
the population so that x would not be evolutionarily stable. Thus a necessary condition
for stability is that λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x) = 1. Motivated by this we define x∗ to be a Nash
equilibrium strategy if
λ(x , x∗ ) ≤ λ(x∗ , x∗ ) (= 1) for all x . (2.1)
We note that invasion fitness is often measured in terms of r = log λ, the logarithm
of the relative annual growth rate. We would then have r(x , x∗ ) ≤ r(x∗ , x∗ ) (= 0)
for all x .
As we have remarked, the Nash condition is exactly the same as that in economic
game theory. However, there are some differences in the approach to game theory in
biology and economics (Box 2.1).
Condition (2.1) is necessary for evolutionary stability, but not sufficient. In par-
ticular, in Section 4.1 we consider what happens when there are mutants with equal
fitness to residents, introducing the idea of an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS). As
we will see, the condition for a strategy to be an ESS is stronger than that required for
a strategy to be a Nash equilibrium. Thus an ESS is necessarily a Nash equilibrium.
We can reformulate the Nash equilibrium condition as follows. A strategy x̂ is called
a best response to a resident strategy x if this strategy has fitness at least as great as any
other mutant. That is
λ(x̂, x) = max λ(x , x). (2.2)

Then condition (2.1) is equivalent to the condition that x∗ is a best response to itself.
There may be more than one best response to a given resident strategy. However, in
many of the examples we analyse every resident strategy x has a unique best response,
which we denote by b̂(x). When this is so, condition (2.1) is equivalent to the condition
that b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ .
The above analysis is concerned with evolutionary stability for a monomorphic
population; i.e. at stability resident population members all employ the same strategy.

Fitness Proxies • 23

Box 2.1 Economic versus biological game theory

In economic game theory the agents making decisions could be individuals, firms, or
governments. In biology they are individuals, but these are only important in that they pass
on the genes determining behaviour to future generations, so it is the genes rather than the
individuals that are important in evolutionary terms. Approaches in the two areas differ in
two major respects.
Payoffs. In biology the payoff of an action is an increment in invasion fitness (e.g. the change
in mean lifetime number of offspring). We expect evolution to produce individuals that
maximize invasion fitness by maximizing their payoffs.
In economics there are clear performance criteria, such as monetary return, in many
applications. In others, where for example social standing is important, the performance
criterion is not usually specified in advance. Instead each individual’s utility is constructed
from their observed behaviour. If behaviour satisfies certain consistency conditions, such as
transitivity of choice, then one can construct a utility function such that observed behaviour
maximizes expected utility. The utility of an action then acts as the payoff in a game.
In summary, in biology payoffs are normative—they specify what an organism should
do to maximize invasion fitness. In economics, utilities (if they exist) are purely descriptive
of what individuals actually do (Kacelnik, 2006; Houston et al., 2014).
Justification of the Nash equilibrium concept. The Nash equilibrium is also the equilibrium
concept in economic games. Early justification of this centred around the rationality of
players. For example, in order to argue that two players would each play their Nash
equilibrium strategies it was necessary to assume not only that both were rational, but that
each knew the other was rational, and each knew that the other knew each was rational.
More recently, attention has switched to dynamic models of choice, where individuals
experience payoffs and update their actions accordingly—the focus then is whether a
particular learning rule will eventually lead to strategies being in Nash equilibrium.
In contrast, in biology the dynamic process is over generations and is dictated by natural
selection. If this dynamic process converges we expect it to be to a Nash equilibrium.

It is also possible to have evolutionarily stable mixtures of strategies. The population

is then said to be polymorphic.
Finally, when considering the invasion fitness of a mutant x in a resident x∗
population, it is helpful to think of the mutant as a modification of the resident
strategy. Potentially, mutants at different genetic loci can modify the resident strategy,
so it is not necessary that there is a single gene or allele coding for each strategy.

2.5 Fitness Proxies

It is often more convenient to work with a fitness proxy rather than working directly
with invasion fitness λ(x , x). We will refer to a function W(x , x) of x and x as a fitness
proxy if
W(x , x) < W(x, x) ⇐⇒ λ(x , x) < λ(x, x) for all x , x, (2.3)

24 • Central Concepts

with the analogous result holding when the two inequalities are reversed. If W is a
fitness proxy, then λ satisfies condition (2.1) if and only if W satisfies
W(x , x∗ ) ≤ W(x∗ , x∗ ) for all x , (2.4)
so that x∗ is a Nash equilibrium strategy for the game with payoff W. Thus in
attempting to find a strategy that is evolutionarily stable we can use a fitness proxy
rather than invasion fitness. It is usual to refer to a fitness proxy as the payoff in the
game being analysed. In Section 2.3 we noted that the mean number of grandchildren
left by a female can act as a fitness proxy for a sex-allocation game.
To illustrate a very useful fitness proxy, consider a population whose members may
live for more than 1 year and may reproduce at different times in their life. We suppose
that all offspring that survive until their first annual census time at age 0 (i.e. recruits)
are in the same state at this time. In this population, the LRS of a mutant individual is
the number of its recruits that also follow the mutant strategy. As we show in Section
10.6, if the mean LRS of a mutant is < 1 then the mutant cannot invade the resident
population, whereas if the mean LRS is > 1 the mutant can invade. Thus mean LRS
is a fitness proxy.
LRS is concerned with the whole of the lifetime of population members. However,
in many game-theoretical situations the focus is on just part of the lifetime of an
individual. It is then crucial to what extent the game can be isolated from the rest
of the individual’s life. For example, suppose that all age 0 offspring are in the same
state so that mean LRS is a fitness proxy. Let K(x) be the mean reproductive success
before the game. We allow this to depend on the resident strategy x as this strategy
may affect factors, such as the resident population density, that affect reproductive
success. Let W(x , x) be the mean reproductive success of an x mutant from the start
of the game onwards. We can decompose the mutant’s LRS as
mean LRS = K(x) + W(x , x), (2.5)
so that W is also a fitness proxy.
We illustrate this decomposition for a simple game: the contest between two
foraging animals over a food item in which a strategy specifies the level of aggression
towards the opponent. There is no reproduction during this game, so that W specifies
the mean reproductive success after the game. Suppose that the contest has three
outcomes for a contestant: it (i) gains the item and lives, (ii) fails to gain the item
and lives, and (iii) dies. Let G(x , x), L(x , x), and D(x , x) be the probabilities of these
outcomes when the contestant has strategy x and opponent strategy x. These three
probabilities sum to 1. Let VG , VL , and VD = 0 denote the reproductive success after
each of these three outcomes. Then
W(x , x) = G(x , x)VG + L(x , x)VL + D(x , x)VD (2.6)
is a fitness proxy.
Assuming that values for VG and VL are given independently of x may not be
reasonable in certain circumstances. One reason is that the current resident behaviour
may also be correlated with future behaviour. Thus in a contest over a territory, the

From Strategies to Individuals • 25

value of gaining the territory may depend on how long the territory can be held, which
may depend on the level of aggression shown by others in the future (Section 9.5). The
resident strategy in a game may affect future resources and hence future reproductive
success. For example, in Section 9.3 we consider a game between two parents over
whether to care for their common young or desert and attempt to remate. In this
game, the availability of future mates depends on who deserts and so depends on
the resident strategy. Thus the payoff for desertion cannot be specified independently
of the resident strategy. The topic of placing a game in an ecological setting in a
consistent manner is explored in Chapter 9.
Despite these caveats, many fitness proxies that deal with a part of the lifetime of
an organism work well. For example, in the producer–scrounger game members of
a group of foraging animals each decide whether to search for food themselves or
exploit the food sources found by others (Giraldeau and Caraco, 2000; Giraldeau et al.,
2017). Since one expects the reproductive success of each group member to increase
with the amount of energy it acquires, the mean net rate of energy gain is a valid
fitness proxy. Whether it is reasonable to treat a part of an organism’s life in isolation
depends on the issues of interest and judgements based on knowledge of the biology
of the system.
It is convenient to also use the concept of a strong fitness proxy. We make the
following definition: a function W(x , x) of x and x is a strong fitness proxy if
W(x1 , x) < W(x2 , x) ⇐⇒ λ(x1 , x) < λ(x2 , x) for all x1 , x2 , x. (2.7)
A strong fitness proxy is necessarily a fitness proxy. Strong fitness proxies are useful
when dealing with best responses. This is because for a strong fitness proxy W, x̂
satisfies λ(x̂, x) = maxx λ(x , x) if and only if W(x̂, x) = maxx W(x , x). The mean rate
of net energy gain is often a strong fitness proxy. Although mean LRS is a fitness proxy
it is usually not a strong fitness proxy. This is because invasion fitness, which is a
growth rate, depends on the age at which offspring are produced as well as the total
number produced (see Exercise 10.7).

2.6 From Strategies to Individuals

Genes (and the strategies they code for) are central to evolution. Individuals are
important in that they are the vehicles that pass on genes (Dawkins, 1976). They carry
out the actions specified by their inherited strategy, and this influences their survival
and reproduction and hence how many of their descendants follow the strategy. The
combined actions of the cohort of population members that follow the strategy thus
determine the per-capita growth rate of the cohort, i.e. the invasion fitness of the
strategy. For this reason we do not talk about the fitness of individuals in this book.
Fitness is assigned to strategies and is invasion fitness.
In contrast, game theory is largely pitched at the level of the individual. We can
usually work on individuals since the maximization of the invasion fitness of a strategy
is often equivalent to each member of the cohort maximizing some appropriate

26 • Central Concepts

performance measure. For example, suppose that conditions 1–4 of Section 2.3 hold,
so that there are discrete non-overlapping generations with a generation time of 1 year.
Then the invasion fitness of a mutant strategy is the mean number of recruits left next
year by a randomly selected mutant, and this is maximized if every member of the
cohort of mutants maximizes its mean number of recruits. Similar remarks apply to
fitness proxies such as mean LRS. There are, however, situations where the fitness of a
strategy is not a simple linear sum of the performance of those individuals that follow
the strategy. In particular, when environments fluctuate there is an implicit frequency
dependence with the best action of one cohort member dependent on the actions
of others (McNamara, 1995, 1998), although one can still find measures that are
individually maximized (Grafen, 1999). We do not deal with fluctuating environments
in this book.

Standard Examples

Various games have become part of the standard repertoire of behavioural ecologists
and evolutionary biologists. In this chapter we present some of these games. In doing
so we describe the value of each in understanding biological phenomena, but also
highlight limitations and suggest modifications, many of which we follow up later in
the book.

3.1 Contributing to the Common Benefit at a Cost

Consider a situation in which a pair of individuals engage in an activity, where each

member of the pair decides how much effort to expend on some common good. The
more effort that an individual expends, the greater the benefit each member of the
pair derives from the common good, but the greater the cost paid by that individual.
For example, when two birds forage together and must be wary of predators, we can
equate effort with the proportion of time spent vigilant. The more time an individual
devotes to vigilance, the more likely that the pair will be warned of the approach of
a predator (the common benefit to the pair), but the less time that individual will be
able to forage (the cost to the individual).
When two animals pair up to hunt down prey the probability that prey is captured
increases with the effort of each, but the cost of hunting in terms of the energy
expended by an individual and its risk of injury increases with its hunting effort.
Predator inspection by a pair of fish might also involve a joint benefit at individual
cost. In such scenarios, because there is a common good but individual costs there
is a conflict of interest: each would prefer their partner to expend the majority of
the effort so that they benefit from the common good but pay less cost. In order to
model how this conflict of interest is resolved we first make a number of simplifying
assumptions that are also used in many other games:
• The population is large.
• When individuals pair up they do so at random.
• When individuals choose their effort they do so without knowledge of the choice of
effort of their partner. Furthermore, they are then committed to their chosen effort
even when the effort of their partner becomes known. This assumption is often
referred to by saying that moves are simultaneous, that the game is one-shot or that

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0003

28 • Standard Examples

there are sealed bids. In many cases the assumption is unrealistic, but it is made
hoping that a simplified analysis can reveal essential features of a phenomenon.
• Individuals have the same abilities, benefits, and costs.
• The game has symmetric roles, so there is no labelling difference such as male and
female or territory owner and intruder.
For this game a strategy just specifies the effort expended. Here we assume a very
simple payoff structure for the game. This structure may not hold in detail for specific
cases, but will suffice to illustrate key ideas. Suppose the payoff to an individual that
expends effort x is W(x , x) = B(x + x) − C(x ) when the partner expends effort
x. Here the common benefit to both individuals is some function B(x + x) of the
sum of the efforts and the cost paid by the focal individual is a function C(x ) of
its effort. Figure 3.1 illustrates possible benefit and cost functions. As is biologically
reasonable, both the costs and the joint benefit increase with increasing effort. For
the functions shown the marginal benefit of increasing effort decreases as total
effort increases (diminishing returns), at least for large efforts, whereas the marginal
cost of increased effort increases for all efforts (accelerating costs). Whether these
properties are reasonable depends on the circumstances and the scale on which effort
is measured.
Suppose that almost all population members expend effort x (i.e. the resident
strategy is x). Then within this population the mutant with the highest payoff employs
an effort x that maximizes W(x , x). We denote this best response by b̂(x). Formally
we have
W(b̂(x), x) = max W(x , x).
Figure 3.2 shows this best response function. As can be seen, the best response effort
decreases as the resident effort increases. This property is true whenever the benefit

(a) (b)

0.75 Decelerating
Cost to individual
Common benefit



0.00 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Sum of efforts Individual effort

Fig. 3.1 Illustration of possible (a) benefit and (b) cost functions when two individuals put
effort into a common good.

Contributing to the Common Benefit at a Cost • 29


Payoff 0.9

Resident payoff
Best response


x* xcoop
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Resident strategy

Fig. 3.2 The best response (solid curve) and Nash equilibrium level of effort x∗ when two
individuals put effort into a common good. The effort x∗ is at the intersection of the best
response curve and the 45° line (dotted), so x∗ is a best response to itself. The dependence
of the mean resident payoff on the resident strategy is also shown (dashed curve). This mean
payoff is maximized at effort xcoop . Benefit and cost functions are given by the solid curves in
Fig. 3.1.

function B(x + x) has diminishing returns and the cost function C(x ) is accelerating
(Exercise 3.2).
If a resident strategy x∗ is evolutionarily stable, then no mutant strategy can have
greater fitness within a population following this strategy, so that x∗ is a best response
to itself (i.e. a Nash equilibrium). In the figure this corresponds to the strategy at
which the best response curve intersects the dotted 45° line. The figure also shows
how the payoff to population members following the resident strategy depends on
this strategy. As can be seen, this payoff is not maximized at the Nash equilibrium—
if both individuals were to expend the same effort then the common effort that
would maximize the payoff to each is xcoop . This strategy would not, however, be
evolutionarily stable, since the best response of a mutant within such a resident
population would be to expend an effort that is below even x∗ . Thus a resident strategy
of xcoop is invadable by lazy mutants that exploit the fact that their partners are putting
in high effort. The discrepancy between what is best for the individual and what is best
for the population as a whole reflects the conflict of interest between pair members.
In the above model we have taken the payoff to be a benefit minus a cost. This
captures the essence of the conflict of interest when individuals contribute to a
common benefit, but payoffs in specific situations may have a different form. For
example, when two birds forage together and must choose their level of vigilance,
the benefit of increased vigilance is increased survival. In this case the payoff should
really be the product of the survival probability and the expected benefit from food
given a bird does survive (Exercise 3.3). Even when payoffs are of the form of benefit

30 • Standard Examples

minus cost, the benefit may not be a function of the sum of the individual efforts.
For example, when two individuals hunt together prey capture may require both
individuals to coordinate their efforts and the probability of success may be closer
to a function of the minimum of the two efforts rather than their sum. In such cases
the best response effort may increase with the effort of the partner over a range of the
partner’s effort. These kinds of effects are sometimes described as synergistic selection
(Maynard Smith, 1989; Leimar and Tuomi, 1998) and can be seen as promoting
We have analysed a situation where two individuals contribute to their common
good, but the idea can be extended to a group of more than two individuals. For
example, the analysis extends directly to a group of foraging animals where each
chooses their level of vigilance (Exercise 3.3, see also McNamara and Houston, 1992a)
or a group hunting prey. At evolutionary stability each individual is maximizing its
payoff given the behaviour of others in the group.
Siderophore production in bacteria provides another example of a game with a
common benefit but individual costs (see e.g. West and Buckling, 2003). Iron can be
a major limitation on bacterial growth. One way that iron can be acquired is through
the production and release of siderophores, which bind to environmental iron and are
then taken up by the bacteria (Ratledge and Dover, 2000). Siderophore production is
costly to the producing bacteria but acts as a common good since they can be taken
up by all bacteria in the local vicinity.

3.2 Helping Others: The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game

The evolution of helping might well be the most studied problem in game theory in
biology. The reason is in part that helping and cooperation are important for many
organisms, but even more that the evolution of helping appears as a challenging prob-
lem for Darwinian theorizing (e.g. Sachs et al., 2004). So why would helping evolve—
in particular if it is costly to the individual that is providing help? This conundrum
is captured by the Prisoner’s Dilemma model. Here we present a special case of that
model. In this model population members meet in pairs. Each pair member takes
one of two actions: one action, ‘cooperate’ (C), is to give help to the partner; the other,
‘defect’ (D), is to withhold help. An example of giving help might be sharing food with
a hungry partner, as happens in vampire bats (Wilkinson et al., 2016). For the game
the usual simplifying assumptions (above) such as random pairing apply. The payoff
to a recipient of help is b. However, helping the partner reduces own payoff by c. It
is assumed that b > c so that the benefit to others of getting help exceeds the cost to
the helping individual. Table 3.1 gives payoffs of combinations of actions. It can be
seen that this game differs from that of contributing to a common benefit at a cost
(Section 3.1), not just in having two rather than a continuum of actions, but also in
that an individual’s investment only benefits the partner and not itself.
Consider the case where there are just the two strategies: always cooperate and
always defect. If the partner cooperates the best action of the focal individual is to

The Tragedy of the Commons • 31

Table 3.1 Payoffs in a simplified version of the

Prisoner’s Dilemma game.

Payoff to focal Action of partner

Action of focal C b−c −c

D b 0

defect since b > b − c. If the partner defects the best action is also to defect since
0 > −c. Thus the best response to any resident population strategy is always to defect,
and this strategy is the unique Nash equilibrium. The dilemma in this example is
that at the Nash equilibrium population members achieve a payoff of 0, whereas if
they had always cooperated they would have achieved the higher payoff of b − c.
Of course such a cooperative population would not be evolutionarily stable since
mutant defectors would invade. The Prisoner’s Dilemma is often presented with a
more general payoff structure than here, although the dilemma remains the same:
defection is the unique Nash equilibrium strategy, but population members would do
better if they all cooperated.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma model has become the focus of much research into
conditions under which cooperative behaviour would evolve. As cooperation does
not evolve in the basic model a variety of modifications and extensions have been
considered, e.g. assortative pairing and repeated play of rounds of Prisoner’s Dilemma
with the same partner. But, as we will discuss (Section 8.8), the game structure
of many real interactions with helping is not captured by the repeated Prisoner’s
Dilemma. In the Prisoner’s Dilemma the best action of an individual does not depend
on what its partner does; it is always best to defect. Most biological games where
there is investment in others or in a joint project are not as extreme as this game.
One might argue that if cooperation evolves for the Prisoner’s Dilemma then it will
certainly evolve for less extreme games. However, since the objective of the theory
is to understand cooperation in real systems, which might be brought about by
mechanisms that cannot operate for games as extreme as the Prisoner’s Dilemma
(see Section 7.6), it does not seem reasonable to focus so strongly on the Prisoner’s
Dilemma in biology.

3.3 The Tragedy of the Commons

When individuals share a resource and each behaves to maximize their own payoff
the result is often the overexploitation of the resource to the detriment of all the
users of the resource. This phenomenon has been referred to as ‘the tragedy of the

32 • Standard Examples

commons’ (Hardin, 1968). It has important consequences for human issues such
as overexploitation of the environment, but is also of relevance to many aspects of
organismal behaviour where the resource could, for example, be food (for a herbivore)
or light (for a plant). The tension between immediate self-interest and the destruction
of the resource is central to the evolution of virulence in pathogens (West et al., 2006;
Alizon et al., 2013). The fitness of a pathogen increases with its ability to transmit
offspring to other hosts. The growth rate of a pathogen within a host, and hence
the rate of transmission, increases with its virulence. However, too high a level of
virulence will rapidly kill the host (the resource) so that no further transmission is
possible. When many pathogens co-exist in the same host it may be in the self-interest
of each to have high virulence so as to increase their share of the host resources, to the
detriment of all pathogens (and the host!). For an analysis of the evolutionarily stable
level of virulence, see, for example, Frank (1996).

3.4 Biparental Care: The Parental Effort Game

Biparental care of young (that is care of young by both the mother and father) is
common in birds and is also found in other taxa. For example, in mammals it is found
in several primate and rodent species, but is also found in some arthropod species
such as burying beetles. When both parents care, how much effort do we predict
each parent to invest in care? Survival of the young is a common benefit to both
parents, and the more effort expended by a parent the greater the young’s survival
prospects. But care also incurs costs. Increased effort by a parent may reduce their
opportunities for extra-pair matings. For each parent, in foraging to provision the
young the parent may expose itself to increased predation risk and this risk is liable
to increase at an accelerating rate with the amount of food delivered to the young.
Increased provisioning effort may also reduce the probability that the parent survives
the following winter (Daan et al., 1996).
The situation thus involves contributing to a common benefit at individual cost,
but now there is a role asymmetry; one parent is in the female role and the other
in the male role. To analyse evolutionarily stable levels of effort we regard a strategy
as specifying a pair of efforts: the effort if female and the effort if male. Here we are
envisaging the genes that control effort to be present in both males and females, but in
determining effort they interact with the sex of the individual, so that different sexes
can expend different efforts—in fact we will assume there is complete flexibility at
no cost in this regard. Suppose the resident population strategy is (x, y), i.e. resident
females expend effort x and resident males expend effort y. Consider a mutant
strategy (x , y ). Then a mutant female expending effort x is typically paired with a
resident male who expends effort y. The payoff to the female might then be written
as Wf (x , y) = B(x + y) − Cf (x ), where B(x + y) is the female’s benefit from the
survival of the young and Cf (x ) is the cost paid by the female. Similarly the payoff to
a mutant male might be written as Wm (x, y ) = B(x + y ) − Cm (y ). These are referred
to as ‘local’ payoffs, because they apply to one of the roles in the game.

Biparental Care: The Parental Effort Game • 33

The overall fitness of the mutant strategy will be an increasing function of both of
the local payoffs above. Thus, under the assumption of flexibility at no cost, a resident
strategy (x∗ , y∗ ) is at a Nash equilibrium if no individual of either sex can improve its
payoff by changing its level of effort. That is
Wf (x∗ , y∗ ) = max Wf (x , y∗ )
Wm (x∗ , y∗ ) = max Wm (x∗ , y ).
This is equivalent to efforts and x∗ y∗
being (local) best responses to one another.
Specifically, if for a given male effort y the female local payoff Wf (x , y) is maximized at
x = b̂f (y), and for a given female effort x the male local payoff Wm (x, y ) is maximized
at y = b̂m (x), then
x∗ = b̂f (y∗ ) and y∗ = b̂m (x∗ ).
(Houston and Davies, 1985).
Figure 3.3 illustrates the best response functions. As before, at equilibrium pop-
ulation fitness is not maximized. One can illustrate this in a diagram that shows all
possible combinations of payoffs to the female and male as the combination of their
efforts varies (Fig. 3.4). The region occupied by the combination of payoffs is bounded
by a curve known as the Pareto front. If efforts are such that payoff combinations lie
on this front, then any change in effort by the parents that increases the payoff to



0.2 Male
Male effort


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Female effort

Fig. 3.3 The best response effort of a mutant male to the resident female effort and the best
response effort of a mutant female to the resident male effort. The Nash equilibrium pair
of efforts (x∗ , y∗ ) are the coordinates of intersection of these two best response curves. The
common benefit function is given by the solid curve in Fig. 3.1a and the cost functions for
female and male effort are given by the solid and dotted curves, respectively, in Fig. 3.1b.

34 • Standard Examples


0.8 Pareto front

Male payoff



0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Female payoff

Fig. 3.4 The set of combinations of payoffs to male and female parents that are achievable
through combinations of efforts, where benefit and cost functions are as in Figs 3.3 and 3.1
(only those combinations for which both parents have a payoff greater than 0.3 are shown).
The solid point gives the payoffs at the Nash equilibrium. The open point gives the payoffs at
the negotiated outcome predicted by a variant of the model of Section 8.4.

one will decrease the payoff to the other. We might therefore regard combinations of
efforts that produce payoff combinations on the front as in some way efficient, in that
it is not possible for both parents to increase their payoff. As can be seen, the pair of
payoffs at the Nash equilibrium does not lie on this front. There are combinations of
efforts for which both parents would do better than at the Nash equilibrium; however,
such a combination of efforts would not be evolutionarily stable.
In the example illustrated the female has the greater ability to care (she pays less
of a cost for a given level of effort than the male) and so expends more effort at the
Nash equilibrium (Fig. 3.3). This results in her having a lower payoff than the male
(Fig. 3.4). In pure optimization situations greater ability is always advantageous, but
it may not be so in game-theoretic situations. Even in situations without sex roles, if
individuals know the ability of themselves and their partner and adjust their efforts
accordingly, individuals of greater ability may have a lower payoff than their partner in
a game; if a low-ability individual is paired with a high-ability partner it is best for the
low-ability individual to contribute little and the high-ability individual to contribute
more. One consequence might be that ability does not always evolve to higher levels
in such situations. Another is that there is selection for high-ability individuals to hide
their ability so that they are not exploited by lower-ability partners.
Note that in the above analysis the expressions for the payoffs are approximate
because they ignore some of the effects of the resident strategy on population pro-
cesses and composition. For instance, a male’s chance of obtaining extra-pair matings
is likely to depend on whether other males are also seeking such matings. Thus, if

Biparental Care: The Parental Effort Game • 35

reduced opportunity for extra-pair matings is a cost of male parental investment,

self-consistency demands that this cost depends on the resident strategy. If a cost of
increased parental effort is increased mortality, then this cost depends on the ‘cost
of death’. This latter cost is actually the loss of future reproductive success. Future
reproductive success depends on the behaviour of the individual in future bouts of
parental care. It also depends on the chances of finding future mates, which depends
on the sex ratio in the population. This sex ratio depends on the differential mortality
of males and females and hence depends on the resident strategy. The dependence on
the resident strategy means that payoffs cannot really be specified in advance, as we
have done here. As we emphasize in Chapter 9, a fully consistent solution to many
games demands that we specify consequences in terms of survival and reproductive
success rather than payoffs. Having identified a Nash equilibrium strategy for such a
system, it is often possible to identify payoffs that are consistent with this equilibrium,
and this analysis may give insight.

3.4.1 Parents Can Respond to Each Other

The above parental effort game is widely used and has an appealing simplicity: at
evolutionary stability the effort of each parent is the best given the effort of the other.
However, the model has a crucial assumption: parents do not observe one another and
adjust their efforts accordingly; rather, their efforts are fixed, genetically determined
quantities. This is biologically unrealistic as parents are known to respond to the
behaviour of their partner (see, e.g. table 4 in Sanz et al., 2000), although this may
be an indirect effect as they may be responding directly to the state of the young,
which in turn is influenced by the provisioning rate of their partner. So do models
that capture behavioural interactions make different predictions? At a conceptual
level, once behavioural responses are allowed, so that parents negotiate effort by
each adjusting their own effort in response to the behaviour of their partner, the
picture completely changes. Now it is the rules for negotiation with a partner that are
genetically determined rather than efforts. At evolutionary stability the negotiation
rule of males is the best given that of females, and vice versa. The efforts that are
negotiated by such rules will typically not be the best responses to one another
(McNamara et al., 1999b). A basic reason for considering negotiation or similar
processes where partners adjust their efforts is that individuals vary, for instance,
in their ability and thus cost of providing care. It is an important task for game
theory to throw light on such phenomena, but it is also a challenging task as the
current behaviour of one individual during the negotiation could potentially depend
on the individual’s ability as well as any aspect of the previous behaviour of the two
Allowing negotiation may or may not produce more cooperative outcomes (McNa-
mara et al., 1999b). This shows that the interaction process can significantly affect
outcomes, a theme we return to in Chapter 8. However, in contrast to the approach
taken by Roughgarden et al. (2006), cooperation should not be assumed (McNamara
et al., 2006a; Binmore, 2010), rather it may or may not emerge as a result of individuals

36 • Standard Examples

doing the best for themselves and their kin. Genes are selfish in the sense of Dawkins
(1976), but this does not imply they code for behaviour that is ‘selfish’ in the sense that
is usually used to describe human behaviour.

3.5 Contest Over a Resource: The Hawk–Dove Game

Contests between opponents over a resource do not always result in all-out fights. For
instance, contests between male field crickets tend to follow a stereotyped escalating
sequence of behaviours, where antennal fencing and mandible spreading, with no
physical contact, appear early in aggressive interactions. Rillich et al. (2007) estimated
that more than 35% of contests between size-matched males ended without any
physical interaction, with the remainder progressing to mandible engagement and
grappling. In some contests, however, the probability of serious or even fatal injury
can be high. In male bowl and doily spiders, who fight by intense grappling, Austad
(1983) recorded as many as 70% of staged fights between size-matched opponents that
ended with serious injury.
In their classic paper, Maynard Smith and Price (1973) presented a model that
aimed to show that even when population members have effective weaponry, limited
fighting can be evolutionarily stable. In his book Maynard Smith (1982) gave a
simplified version of this model. In the model two opponents pair up in order to
contest a resource of value V (i.e. gaining the resource increments reproductive
success by V). All the usual simplifying assumptions listed in Section 3.1, such as
simultaneous choice and symmetry apply. In the game an individual takes one of two
actions, labelled Hawk and Dove. If both take action Hawk the pair fight; each wins
this fight with probability one half, with the winner gaining the resource and the loser
paying a cost C due to injury incurred (i.e. future reproductive success is decreased
by C due to injury). If one contestant takes action Hawk and the other takes Dove,
the Hawk attacks and the Dove runs away, leaving the resource to the Hawk. If both
take action Dove, they display to each other (at no cost), and each gains the resource
with probability one half. These payoffs are summarized in Table 3.2. As we will see,
model predictions depend on whether the value of the resource, V, exceeds the cost
of injury, C. For some biological scenarios it seems reasonable that V < C, whereas
for others (see below) it is likely that V > C.

Table 3.2 Payoffs in the Hawk–Dove game.

Payoff to focal Action of partner

Action of focal H 2 (V − C) V
D 0 2V

Contest Over a Resource: The Hawk–Dove Game • 37

For these payoffs, consider a resident population in which the probability that
a randomly selected opponent plays Hawk is q. Within this population a mutant
individual has average payoff (averaged over what the opponent does) of
WH (q) = q (V − C) + (1 − q)V (3.1)
if it plays Hawk, and
WD (q) = q × 0 + (1 − q) V (3.2)
if it plays Dove. Figure 3.5a illustrates how these functions depend on q in a case for
which V < C.
To analyse evolutionary stability we consider two different scenarios separately. In
one scenario there are just two genotypes coding for the two strategies: always play
Hawk and always play Dove. In the other, there are also strategies under which the
action is chosen probabilistically.
Consider first the scenario in which individuals either always play Hawk or always
play Dove. We begin by analysing the case in which V < C. When the population
is composed almost entirely of Doves we have q = 0 and a Hawk does better than a
Dove (WH (0) > WD (0)) because the Hawk always gets the reward. Thus in such a
population the proportion of Hawks will tend to increase under the action of natural
selection. When the population is composed almost entirely of Hawks, so that q = 1,
a Dove does better than a Hawk (WD (1) > WH (1)). This is because a Hawk almost
always fights another Hawk and so on average gets the negative payoff 12 (V − C),
whereas a Dove always runs away from a Hawk opponent and so gets a payoff of 0.
Thus the proportion of Hawks will tend to decline in this population. Regardless of
the initial proportion of Hawks in the population, we might expect the proportion
of Hawks to approach the stable level q∗ shown in Fig. 3.5a at which the payoff to a
Hawk equals that to a Dove (i.e. WH (q∗ ) = WD (q∗ )). It is easy to show that q∗ = V/C.
A population such as this, in which there are stable proportions of different genotypes,
is referred to as a stable polymorphism.
In the case where the value of the resource exceeds the cost of injury (V > C) Hawks
always do better whatever the population composition, so that the only evolutionarily
stable proportion of Hawks is q∗ = 1.
A strategy that specifies that an action is chosen with probability 1 is referred to
as a pure strategy. In the above model the two strategies—always play Hawk and
always play Dove—are pure strategies. More generally we might allow strategies that
choose actions probabilistically; these are referred to as mixed strategies. To do so
in the Hawk–Dove game, suppose that a strategy specifies the probability, p, that
an individual plays Hawk in an interaction. We then seek a monomorphic Nash
equilibrium, i.e. a Nash equilibrium at which all population members adopt the same
strategy p∗ .
Suppose that almost all population members follow strategy p, i.e. p is the res-
ident strategy. Then since individuals choose their probability of playing Hawk

38 • Standard Examples

independently and the population is large, the proportion of individuals in the

population that play Hawk is q = p. Consider a single mutant individual that plays
Hawk with probability p in this population. Then, averaging over the actions chosen
by the individual, its mean payoff is W(p , p) = p WH (p) + (1 − p )WD (p), which we
rewrite as
W(p , p) = WD (p) + [WH (p) − WD (p)]p . (3.3)
Using eqs (3.1) and (3.2) we can also write this as
1 1
W(p , p) = (V − pC)p + (1 − p)V. (3.4)
2 2
Alternatively, we could have derived this formula by averaging over the four combi-
nations of Dove and Hawk for the mutant and resident to give
1 1
W(p , p) = (1 − p )(1 − p) V + (1 − p )p × 0 + p (1 − p)V + p p (V − C), (3.5)
2 2
which reduces to eq (3.4) on simplification.
Consider the case where V < C and set p∗ = V/C. If p < p∗ , then since WH (p) −
WD (p) > 0 (Fig. 3.5a) by eq (3.3) the payoff is maximized over p at the value p = 1.
Conversely, when p > p∗ , WH (p) − WD (p) < 0 and the payoff is maximized over p
at the value p = 0. Finally, when p = p∗ we see that the payoff does not depend on p
so that any p is a best response. These results also follow directly from eq (3.4) since

(a) (b) 1.00


Best response




q* = V/C p* = V/C
−1 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Hawk, q Resident strategy, p

Fig. 3.5 The Hawk–Dove game for the case where V = 2 and C = 3. (a) The payoff to a mutant
individual as a function of its action (Hawk or Dove) and the probability that a randomly
selected opponent plays Hawk, q. When there are only two (pure) strategies, always play Hawk
and always play Dove, the evolutionarily stable proportion of Hawks is q∗ = V/C. (b) The
best response to the resident population strategy when mixed strategies are allowed, so that
a strategy is now specified by the probability p that the individual plays Hawk. The Nash
equilibrium strategy is p∗ = V/C. The 45° line (dotted) is also shown.

Contest Over a Resource: The Hawk–Dove Game • 39

V − pC > 0 if and only if p < p∗ . Figure 3.5b illustrates the best response function.
For this game p∗ is the only strategy that is a best response to itself, so that there is a
unique monomorphic Nash equilibrium at p∗ = V/C. Note that at this equilibrium
the actions of playing Hawk and Dove both yield the same expected payoff. This
is an illustration of a more general result: at a mixed strategy equilibrium every
action chosen with positive probability under the equilibrium strategy has the same
expected payoff—if this were not true then the strategy that chose the action with the
maximum payoff all the time would have a greater payoff than the resident, so that
the resident strategy would not be a best response to itself and hence would not be a
Nash equilibrium strategy.
For V < C the Nash equilibrium p∗ = V/C in the space of mixed strategies results
in the same proportion of the population playing Hawk as the equilibrium we derived
above for a polymorphism of pure strategies. The correspondence holds also for V ≥
C, in which case the unique monomorphic Nash equilibrium is p∗ = 1. There is this
kind of correspondence between Nash and polymorphic equilibria for games in large
populations where payoffs are linear functions of both mutant and resident action
probabilities, as in eq (3.5).

3.5.1 Lethal Fighting

The Hawk–Dove game is a highly idealized model of animal contests, but there
are situations it describes rather well. Thus, it can be a reasonable model of highly
dangerous fighting, where the cost is serious injury or even death.
Suppose that the winner of a contest has an immediate gain V in reproductive
success but the loser of a Hawk–Hawk fight dies. Then the expected total future
reproductive success of a mutant playing p when the resident plays p is W(p , p) =
A(p , p)V + S(p , p)W0 , where A(p , p) = 12 (1 − p )(1 − p) + p (1 − p) + 12 p p is the
probability the mutant wins the contest, S(p , p) = 1 − 12 p p is the probability it
survives the contest, and W0 is the mutant’s future reproductive success given that
it survives. Thus
1 1
W(p , p) = W0 + (1 − p)V + (V − pC)p , (3.6)
2 2
where C = W0 . This is in the form of eq (3.4) except there is an additive constant W0
that does not affect the stability analysis. The cost of dying is C = W0 because the cost
of death is the loss of future reproductive success. It follows that if W0 is smaller than
or comparable with the contested value V, the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) is
either pure Hawk (V ≥ C) or a high probability p∗ = V/C of playing Hawk.
This situation, with a small value W0 of the future, occurs in nature. Among the
best-studied examples are wingless males in some species of non-pollinating fig wasps
(Fig. 3.6). These males develop in a fig fruit and, because they are wingless, can only
mate with local females. If few females lay eggs in a fruit, there will be few females
developing there, and few possibilities for future reproductive success for males that
fight over access to females. From the simplified analysis of the Hawk–Dove game, we

40 • Standard Examples

(a) (b)
Mean injury level (LEI) contrasts


–0.5 0 0.5 1
Female density (log10) contrasts Walkerella microcarpae male

Fig. 3.6 (a) Data from a phylogenetic comparative study of fig wasp species (from fig. 2 of West
et al., 2001), comparing an index of the level of injury in male–male contests with the number of
females that develop in a fruit; each point represents a different species. Males are more severely
injured in species with few females per fruit. Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature:
S. A. West, M. G. Murray, C. A. Machado, A. S. Griffin, and E. A. Herre, Testing Hamilton’s rule
with competition between relatives, Nature 409, 510–513, Copyright (2001). (b) Anterior view
of a wingless male fig wasp, with powerful mandibles. From fig. 6D of van Noort et al. (2013).
Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).

would then expect more injuries in male–male contests in fig wasp species where few
females develop in a fruit. This was found to be the case in a study by West et al. (2001),
comparing many fig wasp species, as seen in panel (a) of Fig. 3.6. Panel (b) shows the
powerful mandibles of a wingless fig wasp male, used as weapons in dangerous fights.
This qualitative result, that a small value of the future promotes dangerous fighting,
has also been found using more elaborated game theory models than the Hawk–Dove
game (e.g. Enquist and Leimar, 1990; Leimar et al., 1991).

3.5.2 Information is Important in Real Fights

Returning to the original aim by Maynard Smith and Price (1973) to show that limited
fighting can be evolutionarily stable, we conclude from the analysis of the Hawk–
Dove game that if the value of the contested resource is sufficiently low in comparison
with the cost of injury (V < C), there is ‘limited fighting’ in the sense that only a
proportion of contests escalate to physical fighting. The question is then to what extent
this explains limited fighting in nature.
The Hawk–Dove model brings out the frequency dependence in fighting; i.e. an
individual should be less inclined to fight the more aggressive an opponent is likely
to be. The model is less good at capturing details of the biology of an aggressive
interaction. In particular it ignores the role of information. In real populations
individuals can differ in fighting ability, energy reserves, motivation and commitment,
and other variables. Even if individuals have no information on their opponent they

The Evolution of Signalling: From Cue to Signal • 41

might, for example, be able to estimate their own fighting ability, a phenomenon we
model in Section 5.2. If they can do so then we expect the level of aggression shown
by individuals to increase with their fighting ability. As we show in Section 3.11, this
can substantially reduce the overall level of fights predicted.
If individuals can estimate the relative fighting ability of opponents by their relative
size this is also likely to reduce the severity or number of fights since it might be best
for the smaller individual not to attack an opponent or to quickly abandon a contest.
This idea was developed by Parker (1974). As an example, for the contests mentioned
above between males of the bowl and doily spider, fitting a game-theory model that
allows for contestants to estimate their relative size Leimar et al. (1991) showed that
the spiders do take relative size into account. The fitted model gives quantitative
predictions for fight durations and probabilities of winning and injury as a function
of relative size, in reasonable agreement with observation. For instance, observation
and model both find that smaller males tend to give up quickly (Leimar et al., 1991),
in this way reducing the risk of injury. We introduce a first step in modelling contests
with assessment in Section 3.12.
In contrast to the Hawk–Dove game, most real contests are not one-shot inter-
actions. For example, in the breeding season male red deer are in competition over
access to females. In a contest males roar at one another and perform parallel walks.
This display element is probably to gain information on aspects such as the size,
fighting skill, and determination of the opponent. Display may be followed by actual
physical contact by locking horns; again it is likely contestants are gaining further
information during this phase since the level of further contact shown by pairs varies
greatly (Clutton-Brock et al., 1979). Overall fighting is a sequential process in which
information is gained and used, and this is likely to be an important explanation
for the prevalence of limited fighting in nature. We consider this process and its
consequences in Chapter 8.

3.6 The Evolution of Signalling: From Cue to Signal

A signal is a trait or behaviour that has been modified by selection for the purpose of
influencing other organisms, the signal receivers, by giving them information. Traits
can also act as cues, in the sense that they are used by others to gain information,
without these traits having evolved for that purpose. An example of a cue in aggressive
interactions would be an opponent’s size, which can be directly assessed, and more
readily for certain postures by the opponent. An important idea about the evolution
of signalling is that signals can evolve from cues, through the selective effects of
receivers on the cue/signal (Maynard Smith and Harper, 2003; Bradbury and Vehren-
camp, 2011). Threat signals emphasizing or exaggerating information about size, for
instance lateral display in fish, are possible results of this evolutionary process.
Male traits that are used by females in mate choice could have evolved as signals
in this way. As an example, male fiddler crabs have an enlarged major claw that
is used in territorial interactions with other males. The claw is metabolically and

42 • Standard Examples

developmentally costly (Allen and Levinton, 2007), so that males in better condition
have the capacity to develop a larger major claw. Fiddler crab males also attract females
by performing a wave display with the claw, which is energetically costly (Murai et al.,
2009). Fiddler crab females can thus mate with higher-quality males by preferring
larger claws. Female choice of males with larger claws might then have resulted in
evolutionary exaggeration of this trait, turning it into a signal of male quality.
We can make a simple model illustrating this kind of process. For males with
varying quality q (0 < q < 1), let x be a trait that influences fitness outside the context
of mate choice, in a way that depends on quality. Here we assume that q is uniformly
distributed between 0 and 1 and that the trait influences reproductive success in a
situation where females are not choosy. Let v denote this basic payoff to a male,
which does not include the influence of responses by signal receivers. The basic payoff
includes survival and, as in our example, can also include things like the degree
of success in male–male competition over territories. For illustration we use the
following expression:
v(x, q) = u(q) 1 − c(x − q)2 , (3.7)
where u(q) is the basic payoff for x = q, which should be an increasing function of
q. For a male of quality q the trait x giving optimal reproductive success, apart from
effects of female choice, is then x = q, and the parameter c sets the cost of deviating
from this optimum. Females searching for high-quality males can then use x as a cue
for male quality. The result is that male reproductive success is a product of the basic
payoff and mating success:
w(x, q; x̄ ) = (1 − b + b )v(x, q). (3.8)

Here b is a parameter (0 ≤ b ≤ 1) giving the importance of female selectivity. For
b = 0, the trait does not influence male mating success, and for b = 1 the mating
success is directly proportional to x. In eq (3.8), x̄ is the mean trait in the population
of males. The interpretation of the factor x/x̄ is that the probability of being chosen
is a weighted distribution over the population with the male trait values as weights
(other assumptions about female choice are of course possible).
We can regard the male’s trait x as a function of the quality q as a strategy x̂(q)
in a game between males, with payoff given by eq (3.8). We can call this type of
strategy a reaction norm, giving the trait as a function of the condition or state of
the individual. For the case of b = 0, it is evident that x̂(q) = q is optimal, and thus
evolutionarily stable. For b > 0, we can find the best response to a resident reaction
norm by computing x̄ for the resident population, and then finding the best x as
a function of q from eq (3.8). For our simple model, we can use calculus, solving
∂w/∂x = 0 analytically (see Exercise 3.5), but in general the optimal trait x can
be found numerically. One way to find a Nash equilibrium is to compute the best
response to a resident reaction norm and then let this best response be the resident
strategy, and so on, until there is convergence, as discussed by McNamara et al. (1997).
In the limit the reaction norm is a best response to itself. Figure 3.7 shows optimal

The Evolution of Signalling: From Cue to Signal • 43

(a) 1.00 (b) 1.5

None High

High None

0.00 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Signal, x Quality, q

Fig. 3.7 Evolution from cue to signal as a result of receiver selectivity. Three cases that differ
in the strength of receiver selectivity are shown: none (dotted), intermediate (dashed), and high
(solid line). These correspond to, respectively, b = 0, b = 0.5, and b = 1 in eq (3.8). In all cases
c = 1 in eq (3.7). (a) The payoff in each case to individuals with quality q = 0.5, as a function of
their trait x, assuming u(0.5) = 1 in eq (3.7). For each case, the population of signallers follow
the evolutionarily stable reaction norm for that case, and the vertical line indicates the optimal
signal for quality q = 0.5. (b) Evolutionarily stable signalling reaction norms for the three cases.
The vertical line indicates the quality q = 0.5 to which the payoff functions in (a) refer.

traits and evolutionarily stable reaction norms for three values of receiver (female)
selectivity. It illustrates the idea of the evolutionary effect of receivers on a cue (the
case b = 0), turning it into a signal (b > 0).
The above analysis does not account for why females should adopt a particular
value of b. A complete model would also include details of the costs to females of
being selective and the benefits to them of choosing a high-quality male. For instance,
for our fiddler crab example, a female might prefer high-quality males because they
are better at guarding and maintaining their territories. One would then seek a co-
evolutionary outcome where the strategy of males is a Nash equilibrium given the
female b value, and this b value maximizes female lifetime reproductive success given
the male strategy.
If the quality of a male tends to be passed on to his male offspring the situation is
more complex. In this situation if the resident female strategy is to prefer males with
high quality (b > 0 in the example), then a further reason for a female to mate with
a high-quality male is that her sons will be preferred by other females, so resulting
in more grandchildren. There is then the potential for female preferences for high-
quality males to strengthen, leading to further evolutionary changes in male traits
that indicate quality. In order to analyse this phenomenon we need to consider effects
that extend beyond one generation. Section 10.5 describes how this is done.

44 • Standard Examples

The stable reaction norms for b > 0, illustrated in Fig. 3.7, satisfy the so-called
handicap principle (Grafen, 1990; Maynard Smith and Harper, 2003). The principle
states that the marginal gain of increasing a signal x, defined as ∂w/∂x, should be
higher for higher-quality signallers (Exercise 3.6). This ensures that a low-quality
signaller cannot gain by ‘cheating’ with a high-quality signal. Note that the handicap
principle does not determine the costs for signallers of different quality at an evolu-
tionary equilibrium. For instance, in the example in Fig. 3.7, low-quality signallers pay
a higher cost than high-quality signallers, in the sense that their trait (signal) deviates
more from the optimum when there is no female choice (dotted line in Fig. 3.7b). This
applies to the particular model and is not a general result. Perhaps the terminology
‘handicap’ is not a very good guide to intuition for this kind of signal evolution.
The handicap principle has been and still is controversial. One recent argument is
that signalling traits are determined (constrained) by general developmental prin-
ciples (Emlen et al., 2012; Warren et al., 2013), according to which high-quality
individuals develop larger traits. However, this is not fully convincing, because
development can be tuned by evolution. Rather, developmental evolution is one way
for signal evolution to occur, and if so it will occur in accordance with the handicap
principle (Biernaskie et al., 2014). We return to the topic of the evolution of signalling
in Section 7.4.

3.7 Coordination Games

In many situations two individuals must coordinate their actions. We highlight this
scenario with a game that is very artificial but is nevertheless useful in illustrating
concepts, both here and in Chapter 4. Suppose that on a particular day each member
of a human population must decide whether to drive on the left or right hand side of
the road. During the day they encounter precisely one other driver who is driving in
the opposite direction. If both drivers have chosen the same side of the road they pass
each other safely. If, however, they have chosen to drive on opposite sides of the road
they crash head on. Hypothetical payoffs are given in Table 3.3.
A strategy for this game specifies the probability, p, that the right hand side is
chosen. A formal analysis of this game is set as Exercise 4.1. Here we note the three
Nash equilibria for the game. If everyone always drives on the left hand side (i.e. the

Table 3.3 Payoffs when individuals choose the side of

the road on which to drive.

Payoff to focal Action of other driver

Left Right
Action of focal driver Left 1 −1
Right −1 1

Produce Sons or Daughters? The Sex-Allocation Game • 45

resident strategy is p = 0), then the unique best response is also to drive on the left
hand side. Thus p∗ = 0 is a Nash equilibrium strategy. Similarly, always driving on
the right hand side is a Nash equilibrium (p∗ = 1). Finally, if the resident strategy is to
decide on which side to drive by the toss of a fair coin (i.e. p = 0.5), then any mutant
strategy has zero expected payoff and so achieves the maximum possible payoff and
is a best response to the resident strategy. In particular the resident strategy of tossing
a coin is one of the best responses to itself and so is a Nash equilibrium! However,
although the Nash equilibrium condition is necessary for evolutionary stability, as
we will show in Chapter 4 it is not sufficient. In particular we show that a resident
population with strategy p∗ = 0.5 is neither stable nor would it have evolved in the
first place.
There are various coordination games in the game-theoretic literature. In the Battle
of the Sexes each of a couple decides whether to go to the cinema or a football match:
they prefer to go together but the wife prefers the cinema and the husband prefers
the football match. In the Stag Hunt game, each of two hunters decides whether to
hunt a hare or hunt a stag: each can hunt a hare alone but a stag hunt will only be
successful if both individuals choose this action. In both cases it is assumed that
actions are simultaneous; i.e. each player chooses their action without knowledge of
the choice of their partner and is then committed to their chosen action even when
their partner’s choice becomes known. This is not a reasonable assumption for many
biological games in which individuals must coordinate their actions, since individuals
will often signal intent or flexibly adjust behaviour in the light of new information.
The direction of coiling in Japanese land snails of the genus Euhadra provides
a case where the simultaneous choice assumption is reasonable. In these snails the
direction of coiling of offspring is determined by a single genetic locus of the mother.
Individuals that have opposite handedness in coiling have difficulties mating, so
that there is frequency-dependent selection to eliminate the rarer handedness in
a population. This leads to the possibility of single-gene speciation (Ueshima and
Asami, 2003).

3.8 Produce Sons or Daughters? The Sex-Allocation Game

Mammal and bird species have chromosomal sex determination, viz. the XY and the
ZW system, and typically around one half of newborn offspring are sons and half are
daughters. In other taxa, the sex ratio of offspring can deviate more strongly from a 1:1
sex allocation; see West (2009) for a review. To understand why a particular strategy
for specifying the sex of offspring might be adaptive we first note that sex allocation is
frequency dependent: if most individuals in a population produce daughters then it
is best for a mutant female to produce sons since they will have the potential to mate
with many females; conversely if most produce sons, each will on average produce
few offspring because there are few females per male, so that it is best to produce

46 • Standard Examples

Here we analyse the evolutionarily stable sex-allocation strategy in the simplest

case. For definiteness we assume discrete non-overlapping generations with a gener-
ation time of 1 year. New offspring are produced at the beginning of a year and their
parents then die, the offspring mature by the breeding season, mate, produce offspring
themselves at the beginning of the next year, and then die, and so on. During the
annual breeding season each female chooses a mate at random from the males in the
population. This mating results in the production of exactly N offspring. The female
is assumed to decide the sex of these offspring.
Even in this simplest case the game payoff cannot be the number of offspring
produced, as that is the same for all individuals regardless of their sex-allocation
strategy. The sex-allocation strategy of a female does, however, affect the number of
matings obtained by offspring. Although this latter quantity is not invasion fitness, as
we will show (Section 10.4), it is a fitness proxy (Section 2.5). In our simple example
this expected number of matings is proportional to the expected number of grand-
offspring. Thus the mean number of grand-offspring also acts as a fitness proxy for the
game. Note also that as we are using grand-offspring as the payoff, the genes coding
for a strategy should have an autosomal location, because such genes are inherited to
the same extent by all grand-offspring. A rare mutant strategy would then correspond
to a heterozygote at an autosomal locus.
Consider the allocation decisions of those females that mate in year t − 1. These
females produce the cohort of newborns present at the start of year t. The cohort of
newborns produced at the beginning of year t + 1 are their grand-offspring. Each of
these grand-offspring has exactly one mother and one father, and these two parents
are present in the birth cohort from year t. It follows that the total number of offspring
left by the males in the year t birth cohort equals the total number of offspring left by
the females in this birth cohort. Thus for the females that mate in year t − 1, the total
value (in terms of grand-offspring) of all of their sons must equal the total value of
all of their daughters. So if the resident allocation strategy of these females results in
more sons than daughters, then each son is worth less than each daughter and the
best action for a mutant is to produce daughters. Conversely, if more daughters than
sons are produced it is best to produce sons. Thus the population allocation strategy
can only be evolutionarily stable when it results in the production of equal numbers
of sons and daughters at birth.
The idea behind this argument goes back to Düsing (1884) (see Edwards, 2000)
and it was further developed by Fisher (1930) and Shaw and Mohler (1953), all before
the systematic development of game theory in biology. Note that the argument still
holds if during development one sex has greater mortality than the other, so that the
adult sex ratio in the breeding season is not 1:1. This can be understood by noting
that increasing the mortality on one sex makes it rarer and hence more valuable, and
this exactly compensates for the increased mortality. This compensation can be seen
in the formal analysis of the case with mortality given in Box 3.1. In the scenario we
have discussed a son and a daughter are equally costly to produce. When females have
limited resources to allocate to offspring, and the production of an offspring of one sex
requires more resources than the other, at evolutionary stability population members

Produce Sons or Daughters? The Sex-Allocation Game • 47

Box 3.1 Sex allocation with mortality during maturation

As in the main text we consider a large population with discrete non-overlapping genera-
tions. At the start of a year mated females give birth to young and all adults then die. Each
newborn survives to maturity with probability f if it is female and probability m if it is male,
independently of the survival of others. Surviving individuals enter a mating pool in which
each female chooses a single male to father her offspring. She then gives birth to N offspring
at the start of the next year.
We take the sex-allocation strategy of a female to specify the probability, for each
offspring, of being a son. Suppose the resident strategy is to produce sons with probability p.
Then if there are K newborn individuals at the start of a year, (1 − p)K will be female and pK
will be male, so that there will be (1 − p)K f females and pKm males in the mating pool. The
average number of matings achieved by each male in this pool is the ratio s(p) of the
numbers of females to males, i.e. s(p) = (1 − p)f /(pm).
Consider the allocation strategy of a mutant female within this resident population. Each
daughter she produces must first survive until maturity, in which case she will produce
N offspring. Thus by producing a daughter the mutant female gets an average of Wf =
N f grand-offspring. Similarly, since each surviving son gets s(p) matings on average, the
production of a son results in an average of Wm = Nms(p) grand-offspring. From these
formulae and the expression for s(p) we have
Wm − Wf = (1 − 2p).
Thus if p < 0.5 we have Wm > Wf , so that the best response for a mutant female is to
produce all sons; i.e. b̂(p) = 1. Similarly b̂(p) = 0 if p > 0.5. Thus any strategy for which
p = 0.5 cannot be a best response to itself and cannot be a Nash equilibrium. When the
resident strategy is p = 0.5, sons and daughters are equally valuable and all mutant strategies
do equally well and are hence best responses. In particular since the resident strategy is a
best response to itself it is a Nash equilibrium.

allocate equal total resources to the production of each sex rather than producing
equal numbers. A proof of this assertion is set as Exercise 3.7.
There are many variants and extensions of this game. For example the equal sex
ratio argument applies if there are overlapping generations. The conclusion can,
however, be altered if there is parental care and differential mortality of sons and
daughters during this period. Competition between sibs can also change the predicted
sex ratio from 1:1. If there is limited dispersal of offspring the sons of a female will
compete with each other for access to matings. Under this local mate competition a
bias in favour of daughters is predicted (Hamilton, 1967). In contrast, if sons disperse
but daughters do not the daughters of a female will be in competition over resources.
Under this local resource competition a bias in favour of sons is predicted. For more
on these topics, see Charnov (1982), Godfrey (1994), and West (2009).
If the environmental circumstances (states) under which offspring are produced
vary within a population, then there will be selection for the sex-allocation strategy

48 • Standard Examples

to be state dependent (Section 3.11). If individuals can differ in quality (another aspect
of state), and there is a tendency to inherit quality, then again there will be selection
for state-dependent sex allocation, although the payoff currency may not be as simple
as the number of grand-offspring (Section 10.4).

3.9 Playing the Field

In two-player games such as the Hawk–Dove game and Prisoner’s Dilemma the payoff
has a linear structure. To illustrate this suppose that the resident strategy in the Hawk–
Dove game results in half the residents playing Hawk and half playing Dove. Then the
payoff to a mutant individual in this population is the average of their payoff when the
resident strategy is to always play Dove and their payoff when the resident strategy is
to always play Hawk.
The sex-allocation game is a game in which individuals ‘play the field’ rather
than being a two-player game, and does not have this linear structure. For example,
consider the payoff to a mutant individual that produces all sons. This approaches
zero when the resident strategy approaches production of only sons (since there are
no females for the mutant’s sons to mate with), approaches infinity when the resident
strategy approaches production of only daughters (since during breeding every female
mates with one of the mutant’s sons), and is one when the resident strategy is to
produce equal numbers of sons and daughters. The payoff of one is not the average of
zero and infinity, so this game has a non-linear payoff structure.
Most playing-the-field games are non-linear. For example consider elephant seals,
in which the largest males get almost all the matings. Suppose that a strategy specifies
the size of a male (this is rather simplistic—it would be more realistic to have a strategy
specify growth and foraging decisions). Then the payoff to being medium sized is large
if all residents are small, is very small if all residents are large, but is also very small if
half the residents are small and half are large (and hence larger than the medium-sized
The signalling game in Section 3.6 is a non-linear playing-the-field game, and so is
the following example.

3.10 Dispersal as a Means of Reducing Kin Competition

The seeds of plants and the offspring of many animals disperse before settling on
a site, maturing, and reproducing themselves. Dispersal is clearly beneficial if the
environment is heterogeneous with the possibility that there are empty sites to
colonize. But what if the environment is spatially homogeneous with all possible sites
essentially identical to the current site? Somewhat surprisingly, Hamilton and May
(1977) showed that some dispersal of offspring is adaptive even when this holds. The
idea behind their model is that dispersal reduces the competition among kin, so that
a dispersing individual increases the prospects of kin left behind even though it may
pay a cost itself. Here we present a simplified version of their model.

Dispersal as a Means of Reducing Kin Competition • 49

We consider a large asexual population with discrete, non-overlapping generations.

The life cycle of population members is as follows. In the environment there is a large
number of sites. During maturation each site is occupied by exactly one individual.
Those individuals without a site die during this phase. Those with a site mature,
produce m offspring, and then die. We assume that m is large. Each offspring disperses
with some probability d independently of others. Dispersing individuals die with
probability μ. Those that survive migrate to a site chosen at random. At each site, the
offspring that did not disperse from the site and immigrants to the site all compete for
possession of the site, with each competitor equally likely to be the lucky individual.
This individual then matures, and so on. We assume that the dispersal probability d
is genetically determined and seek its evolutionarily stable value.
Before analysing this model, we note that we might expect some dispersal to evolve.
This is because a genotype that did not disperse would always be restricted to the same
site and its line would go extinct if in some generation offspring were outcompeted
for the site by an immigrant. As Hamilton and May say, at least one offspring must
migrate whatever the odds of successful migration.
Let the resident dispersal probability be d. On a site previously occupied by a
resident the m(1 − d) offspring that remain compete with md(1 − μ) immigrants for
possession of the site. The probability that each of these manages to secure the site is
the inverse of the total number of competitors; i.e. is p = 1/[m(1 − dμ)]. Consider
a rare mutant strategy with dispersal probability d . An individual following this
strategy leaves m(1 − d ) offspring on its site and these compete with md(1 − μ)
non-mutant immigrants for possession of the site, so that each secures the site
with probability p = 1/[m(1 − d ) + md(1 − μ)]. The expected number of mature
offspring produced by a mature mutant is thus
W(d , d) = (1 − d )mp + d m(1 − μ)p. (3.9)
In deriving this formula we have implicitly assumed that the dispersing offspring of a
given parent go to different sites. Simple differentiation reveals that this function has
a unique maximum when d = b̂(d) where

b̂(d) = 1 + d(1 − μ) − d(1 − dμ). (3.10)
Figure 3.8 illustrates this best response function. From eq (3.10) the dispersal proba-
bility d∗ is a best response to itself if and only if
d∗ = . (3.11)
The above shows that at evolutionary stability at least one half of offspring disperse,
even when the mortality while dispersing approaches μ = 1. For small mortalities the
dispersal probability is close to 1.
We have derived the formulae under the assumption that the number of offspring,
m, is large, so that the variation in the numbers of migrants and other measures is
small compared to their mean, making it reasonable to take mean values as actual
values. When m is not large, the actual distribution of immigrants and those who do
not migrate must be taken into account (Comins et al., 1980). Furthermore, if there is

50 • Standard Examples

(a) (b)
1.00 1.0

Nash dispersal probability

Best response



0.00 0.5

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Resident dispersal probability Probability of death, μ

Fig. 3.8 Dispersal to avoid kin competition. (a) The best response dispersal probability as
a function of the resident dispersal probability (upper curve μ = 0.2, lower curve μ = 0.6,
dashed line is the 45° line). (b) The Nash equilibrium dispersal probability as a function of
the probability of death during dispersal.

variation in offspring number, then we might expect kin competition, and hence the
evolutionarily stable dispersal probability from a site, to be plastic and depend on the
actual number of offspring at the site (Kisdi, 2004).
In the model each site supported exactly one individual. When a site can support a
number of maturing individuals the situation becomes more complex, since measur-
ing the mean number of descendants left by a mutant is no longer an appropriate
fitness measure; it matters where these descendants are. Dispersal reduces local
numbers at the natal site in the next generation and hence relaxes competition for
those relatives left behind. One approach to this situation is to use the ‘direct fitness’
method of Taylor and Frank (1996). We describe this method in Section 4.5. However,
there are complications even with this method, since the best dispersal rate depends
on the relatedness to others on a site, but relatedness depends on the dispersal strategy.
Thus whatever method is used it is necessary to implicitly or explicitly consider
the distribution of the numbers of mutant individuals within sites over successive
generations. For an example of the analysis of a model with more than one mature
individual per site, see Cadet et al. (2003).

3.11 Threshold Decisions

There is always phenotypic variation in populations. Some of this is due to genetic
variation, but even within genetically identical individuals such as identical twins,
there is phenotypic variation that has arisen because of developmental noise and
differences in past experience. Past experiences can affect physiological states, e.g.

Threshold Decisions • 51

through chance while foraging or whether a disease is caught, and can affect what
an individual learns about the environment or the social group. We can describe
phenotypic variation in term of state variables: energy reserves, body size, muscle
mass, skills, social standing including position in the dominance hierarchy, etc. Some
variables might be relatively fixed, others vary over shorter timescales. Whatever their
origin, it is often adaptive for the actions chosen by an organism to depend on these
state variables. For example, whether it is best for a male to challenge another over
access to a female may depend on the size of the male and his rival. The choice of
action may also depend on knowledge of factors external to the organism: an estimate
of current food availability, perceived threat from conspecifics or predators, current
weather conditions, and so on. Such information can also be considered as part of
the state of the organism. As discussed in Section 2.1 a strategy is a rule that chooses
actions contingent on state. We regard strategies as genetically determined and seek
strategies that are evolutionarily stable.
In many circumstances an organism must make several decisions during a time
interval over which its state varies. Here, however, we restrict attention to state-
dependent decision making when each individual is characterized by a single state
variable and makes a single choice between two actions based on the value of this vari-
able. Three examples are considered: pairwise contests over a resource when fighting
abilities differ, alternative male mating strategies when the size as a juvenile varies, and
environmental sex determination when environmental temperature varies. For the
payoff structure assumed in each of these examples, the evolutionarily stable decision
rule is to choose one of the actions when state is below a critical threshold and choose
the other action above the threshold.

3.11.1 Pairwise Contests Where Individuals Know Their Own Fighting Ability

Consider the Hawk–Dove game, modified so that population members differ in their
fighting ability. Ability lies between 0 and 1 and is set during development; irrespective
of genotype the ability of each individual is drawn from a uniform distribution
between 0 and 1, independently of other individuals. In a fight between an individual
of ability q and an opponent of ability q, the probability that the q individual wins
the fight is a function α(q , q) of these two abilities. We assume that the probability
an individual wins a fight increases as the individual’s ability q increases or the
opponent’s ability q decreases. In a contest each individual knows their own ability but
not that of their opponent, so that the choice of action can depend on own ability. We
seek a strategy (i.e. a rule for choosing whether to play Hawk or Dove as a function
of own ability) that is evolutionarily stable. Note that since individuals following a
strategy vary in ability, the payoff to a mutant strategy (for a given resident strategy)
is an average over the payoffs obtained by these various mutant individuals (Box 3.2).
Thus, if under a mutant strategy each individual maximizes their own expected payoff,
then the payoff to the mutant strategy is maximized, and is hence a best response to
the resident strategy—a principle of individual optimization.

52 • Standard Examples

Box 3.2 Payoffs when individuals know their own fighting ability
Suppose that the resident strategy has threshold x. An individual of ability q within this
resident population can meet residents of different abilities. Those residents with ability
q < x play Dove, while those with ability q > x play Hawk. Averaging over these abilities, if
the individual plays Dove its mean payoff is
WD (q ; x) = dq. (3.12)
0 2
WH (q ; x) = Vdq + α(q , q)V − (1 − α(q , q))C) dq (3.13)
0 x

is the mean payoff if the individual plays Hawk. The payoff W(x , x) to a mutant strategy
with threshold x when the resident threshold is x is an average over the payoffs of mutants
of different abilities; i.e.
 x  1
W(x , x) = WD (q ; x)dq + WH (q ; x)dq . (3.14)
0 x

Differentiating W in (3.14) with respect to x gives

(x , x) = WD (x ; x) − WH (x ; x). (3.15)
From this equation it can be shown that the best response, b̂(x), is unique and satisfies

WD (b̂(x); x) = WH (b̂(x); x) (3.16)

when V < C. Thus a Nash equilibrium threshold x∗ satisfies
WD (x∗ ; x∗ ) = WH (x∗ ; x∗ ). (3.17)
Exercise 3.9 gives an analytic expression for x∗ when the function α is given by eq (3.18).

For this scenario it can be shown that, whatever the resident strategy, the best
response has a threshold form; i.e. there exists x such that the best response strategy is:
if ability q < x play Dove
if ability q > x play Hawk.
Since a Nash equilibrium strategy is necessarily a best response to itself, it will also
have this form. Thus in seeking a Nash equilibrium strategy we restrict attention to
threshold strategies. In particular, we henceforth regard a strategy as specified by a
threshold. We illustrate ideas using the specific function
1 1
α(q , q) = + (q − q) (3.18)
2 2
for the probability of winning a fight. For this function, two opponents with the same
ability each win the fight with probability 0.5. As the difference in ability increases

Threshold Decisions • 53

(a) (b) 1.00

Hawk V = 0.5C

Best response threshold




0.1 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Fighting ability, q Resident threshold, x

Fig. 3.9 The Hawk–Dove game with differences in fighting ability. (a) The payoff to a mutant
individual as a function of its ability (q ) and its action (Hawk or Dove) when the resident
strategy is to play Hawk if ability is above the threshold x = 2/3 (V = 1, C = 2). The best
response against this resident population is to use threshold b̂(2/3) = 0.5, where the payoffs
from playing Hawk and Dove are equal. (b) The best response threshold as a function of
the resident threshold. Two cases are shown: V/C = 0.5, which has a Nash equilibrium at
x∗ = 0.613, and V = C, which has a Nash equilibrium at x∗ = 0.382.

so does the probability that the more able opponent wins. At the extreme when one
individual has ability 1 and the other ability 0, the ability 1 individual always wins.
Consider the expected payoff to a mutant individual of ability q that plays Dove.
This is an average over that obtained as the possible qualities of the opponent varies,
taking into account the behaviour of the opponent; and this latter is determined by
the resident strategy (Box 3.2). Similarly, the expected payoff from action Hawk is
an average. Figure 3.9a shows these expected payoffs as a function of q for a specific
resident strategy. It can be seen that it is best to choose action Dove if q is less than
some critical ability x̂ and it is best to choose Hawk if ability is above x̂. By the above
principle of individual optimization the (unique) best response to the resident strategy
is specified by the critical threshold b̂(x) = x̂. Figure 3.9b illustrates the best response
function for two values of the resource V. As can be seen, for each value of V there is
a unique Nash equilibrium.
One of the main conclusions from this specific model is that the level of fighting
at evolutionary stability is reduced in comparison with the standard Hawk–Dove
game (McNamara and Houston, 2005). This can be illustrated by the case where
V = C in Fig. 3.9b. In this case the Nash equilibrium threshold is x∗ = 0.382, so that
a proportion 1 − 0.382 = 0.618 of the population plays Hawk, resulting in 0.6182 ≈
38% of contests resulting in fights. In comparison the Nash equilibrium proportion
of Hawks is p∗ = V/C = 1 in the standard Hawk–Dove game, so that every contest
is settled by a fight. Fighting is reduced in the state-dependent formulation because
only the individuals with high fighting ability play Hawk.

54 • Standard Examples

This model also illustrates a number of very general conclusions that also apply to
the cases of alternative mating tactics and environmental sex determination that we
present below:

• Selection acts on strategies, i.e. rules for choosing actions as a function of state. For
this and many other scenarios the payoff to a strategy is an average of the payoffs
of those individuals following the strategy. Individuals following a strategy are only
important insomuch as they contribute to this average (a selfish gene perspective).
The payoff to a strategy is maximized when each individual following the strategy
maximizes their own payoff; a principle of individual optimization.
• Unlike the corresponding game without state differences, when individuals differ in
state there are no mixed strategies at equilibrium; the choice of action is determinis-
tic, but depends on state. Since state differences abound in nature this will very often
be true. In this sense modelling mixed strategies is mathematically convenient but
biologically unrealistic in most scenarios.
• In the corresponding game without state differences, at the mixed or polymorphic
Nash equilibrium all population members have equal payoffs. This is no longer true
once state differences are included. In the Hawk–Dove game with differences in
ability, at the Nash equilibrium those individuals that play Hawk are all doing better
than those that play Dove.

3.11.2 Alternative Male Mating Tactics For Pacific Salmon

In many species some males attempt to defend territories and attract females to their
territories, while other males attempt to sneak matings with females that enter these
territories. For example, in Coho salmon the larger ‘hook’ males defend territories
while the smaller ‘jacks’ attempt to sneak matings.
At one extreme it might be that the reproductive tactics adopted are both genetically
determined, for example they might be the result of alternative alleles at a single locus.
If this is the case the two alternative reproductive strategies will have equal fitness at
At the other extreme, the tactic adopted might be conditional on some state variable
such as body size. For example, in Coho salmon it appears that the tactic adopted may
depend on size as a juvenile; larger individuals mature early as jacks while smaller
individuals grow for longer and mature as the larger hooks. If the tactic is a result
of such a conditional strategy, then as in the Hawk–Dove game where individuals
know their own fighting ability, we would not expect each tactic to do equally well on
average. In Coho salmon the suggestion is that the jacks, who have an early growth
advantage, do better (Gross, 1996). For more on these ideas, see Gross (1996) and for
a game theoretical analysis, see chapter 3 of Charnov (1993).

3.11.3 Environmental Sex Determination

In many species the sex of offspring is not determined by the offspring genotype but
can depend on other circumstances of the mother or the developing offspring. In other
words, sex determination is state dependent.

Threshold Decisions • 55

In many reptile species the sex of offspring is determined by the temperature at

which the eggs develop. For example, in their study of sex determination in alligators,
Ferguson and Joanen (1982) found that at hatching all offspring were female if the
eggs developed at less than 30°C and all were male if eggs developed at greater than
34°C. Ferguson and Joanen suggest possible adaptive reasons for this phenomenon,
but it is, of course, not easy to perform controlled experiments to find out what would
have happened if the offspring had developed as the other sex. However, through
hormonal manipulation of eggs the differential effects of temperature on the sexes
can be experimentally explored. Using this technique on Jacky dragon lizards, where
normally females are produced at low and at high temperatures and a mixture of males
and females at intermediate temperatures, Warner and Shine (2008) found that males
from intermediate incubation temperatures had greater lifetime reproduction than
those from either low or high temperatures, and there was a tendency towards an
inverted pattern for females. This kind of explanation for temperature-dependent sex
determination—that the sexes differ in how their growth, survival, or reproduction
are influenced by temperature during development, was put forward by Charnov and
Bull (1977). After much work, it has proven difficult to establish general empirical
support for the hypothesis, and this research is ongoing (e.g., Pen et al., 2010; Schwanz
et al., 2016).
Motivated by the above we present a model of temperature-dependent sex deter-
mination in a hypothetical reptile. As in Section 3.8 we assume non-overlapping
generations and a yearly life cycle in which each female mates once, choosing her
mate at random. She then lays N eggs. The population is large and the temperature
experienced by different clutches is drawn independently from some temperature
distribution that is the same each year. These are simplifying assumptions; reptiles
are often long-lived, have overlapping generations where the sexes differ in age at
maturity, and the distribution of temperatures typically varies from year to year and
between local habitats and populations, which all can matter for the analysis. In our
model, if an egg experiences temperature q, then the developing individual survives
to maturity with probability f (q) if it develops as female and with probability m(q) if
it develops as male. We assume that the ratio f (q)/m(q) is an increasing function of q.
For this scenario, in finding the Nash equilibrium strategy we can again restrict
attention to strategies of threshold form; i.e. there is a threshold x such that males are
produced if the temperature lies below x and females are produced if the temperature
exceeds x.
Suppose that the resident population strategy has threshold x. Let F(x) denote
the average number of surviving female offspring left by a randomly selected female
member of this population. Note that this is an average over the different temperatures
experienced by the developing offspring of different population members. Similarly,
let M(x) be the average number of surviving male offspring left by a randomly
selected female. Thus the ratio of females to males in the breeding population is
s(x) = F(x)/M(x). Since females choose mates at random, each male in the breeding
population (whether it is a resident male or a mutant male) gets an average of s(x)
Now consider the cohort of individuals following the rare mutant strategy with
threshold x in this resident population. For this cohort the numbers of surviving

56 • Standard Examples

daughters and sons left per cohort female are F(x ) and M(x ), respectively. Each
surviving daughter mates once. Each surviving son mates an average of s(x) times.
Thus the offspring of a randomly selected female in this cohort mate an average of
W(x , x) = F(x ) + M(x )s(x) (3.19)
times. As we show in Section 10.4 W(x , x) is a fitness proxy. Thus in seeking a Nash
equilibrium strategy we can take W(x , x) to be the payoff function. F(x ) and M(x )
can be written as integrals (cf. the analogous integrals for the Hawk–Dove game in Box
3.2). Then setting the partial derivative of W(x , x) with respect to x equal to zero at
x = b̂(x), it can be seen that the best response to x satisfies f (b̂(x)) = m(b̂(x))s(x). Not
surprisingly, b̂(x) is the temperature at which male and female offspring do equally
well. At the Nash equilibrium the critical threshold x∗ satisfies
f (x∗ ) m(x∗ )
= . (3.20)
F(x ) M(x∗ )

Note that at the Nash equilibrium the sex ratio of developing females to males is no
longer necessarily 1:1 (cf. Exercise 3.10).
Since W(x , x) is a fitness proxy, so is W(x , x)/F(x); i.e.
F(x )/F(x) + M(x )/M(x) (3.21)
is a fitness proxy. This proxy is what Charnov (1982) calls the Shaw–Mohler equation.
We also note that in some special cases the product F(x)M(x) is maximized at the
Nash equilibrium (see e.g. Leimar, 2001).
The above model was motivated by temperature-dependent sex determination in
reptiles, but applies with minor modification to host size in parasitic wasps. For
some wasp species, females that develop from large hosts are bigger and more fecund
than those from small hosts, while there is no comparable large-host advantage
for developing males. Consequently the Nash equilibrium laying strategy for the
parasitoid is to deposit sons in small hosts and daughters in large hosts, and this
pattern is observed (Godfrey, 1994).

3.12 Assessment and Bayesian Updating

In all of the two-player games that we have dealt with so far, when a pair is formed
partners have no specific information about each other. In real interactions this is
often not the case. For example, when two individuals contest a resource, each may
recognize their relative size. There may also be threats and displays that have the
potential to give information on abilities or intentions to the opponent. In this section
we develop a model in which individuals differ in quality and each individual uses
an observation in order to assess the difference in quality between itself and the
opponent. They then base the decision of whether to be aggressive or submissive in the
contest on this observation. For the analysis we use Bayes’ theorem to take information

Assessment and Bayesian Updating • 57

into account. In this approach, the distribution of qualities in the population gives
what is referred to as a prior distribution of quality differences. Once the observation
is made, Bayes’ theorem combines the prior distribution and the observation to form a
posterior distribution, which incorporates all current information. The action of each
contestant then depends on their own posterior distribution.

3.12.1 A Model of Animal Conflict with Assessment

Individuals vary in some quality q, which we assume is normally distributed in the

population with mean μq and standard deviation σq . We might, for instance, have the
logarithm of body size as q, or some other aspect of fighting ability.
When a pair meet there are two stages. In the first stage, the contestants observe
some measure ξ of relative quality. For the interaction between contestants with
qualities q and q, the observation by the q individual is
ξ  = q − q +   , (3.22)
where   is an error of observation, assumed to be normally distributed with mean
0 and standard deviation σ . Similarly, the observation by the quality q individual is
ξ = q − q + . We assume that the errors   and  are independent.
In the second stage each performs one of two actions, A and S, where A is an
aggressive display or actual fighting behaviour and S is a subordinate or submissive
display. If both contestants use action S, each has a 50% chance of obtaining a resource
of value V (or, alternatively, they share it). If one uses A and the other S, the aggressive
individual gets the resource. If both use A, we assume that they are preoccupied
with aggressive behaviour, and neither gets the resource (for instance, some other,
unspecified agent gets the resource, or, if it is a potential mate, that the resource moves
on). An AA interaction incurs a cost from exhaustion or injuries. The cost to the q
contestant is
C exp(−q + q). (3.23)
The observation in eq (3.22) is statistically related to this cost.
Let x be a resident strategy, specifying a critical observation threshold: given the
observation ξ , be submissive if ξ ≤ x and aggressive if ξ > x. Consider a rare mutant
in this resident population. Before the mutant observes its partner, the distribution
of qualities in the population specifies the probability distribution of possible values
of the difference h = q − q (Fig. 3.10a). Once the mutant observes ξ  this prior
information can be updated to give a revised distribution of h, known as a posterior
distribution (Box 3.3). Figure 3.10a illustrates the posterior distribution for two values
of ξ  . Using the posterior distribution, the payoffs for using A vs. S for a mutant
that observes ξ  can be worked out (Box 3.3). These payoffs determine which is
the best action given the observation. As Fig. 3.10b illustrates, this determines the
best response, b̂(x), to the resident strategy. As usual a Nash equilibrium strategy
x∗ satisfies b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ (Fig. 3.10c). For this model there is always a unique Nash

58 • Standard Examples

(a) (b)
2 Aggressive
0.4 Obs = −1.0
Probability density

Obs = 2.0
0.3 Submissive

0.2 0

−1 response
−5.0 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 −2 −1 0 1 2
Quality difference Observation
(c) 2 (d)

Nash equilibrium threshold

1 2
Best response


Nash V=5
equilibrium 0

−2 −1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4
Resident threshold Error sd, σ

Fig. 3.10 Animal conflict with an initial assessment of partner. (a) The prior density function
for quality differences (dashed line) and the posterior density functions for observations ξ  =
−1.0 and ξ  = 2.0. (b) The payoffs to the two actions as a function of the observation ξ  when
the resident strategy is to use observation threshold x = 0.5. The best response to this resident
strategy is to use observation threshold b̂(x) = 0.1255. (c) The best response threshold b̂(x) as
a function of the resident threshold x. The Nash equilibrium threshold is at x∗ = 0.2857. (d)
The Nash equilibrium threshold as a function of the error standard deviation, σ , for five values
of the resource V = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. σ = 1 and V = 2 in (a)–(c). σq = 1 and C = 1 throughout.

equilibrium strategy for given parameter values. This strategy is also the unique
best response to itself. Figure 3.10d shows the dependence of the Nash equilibrium
strategy on the error standard deviation σ for a range of V values. This kind of Nash
equilibrium, where players use Bayesian updating of information about each other, is
sometimes called a Bayesian Nash equilibrium.

Assessment and Bayesian Updating • 59

Box 3.3 Bayesian updating with relative quality

The qualities, q and q, of two randomly selected contestants are independent and normally
distributed with mean μq and variance σq2 . The difference in quality, h = q − q is normally
distributed with mean 0 and variance 2σq2 . This is the prior distribution of quality difference
before any observation. On obtaining the observation ξ  the q contestant updates this prior
to a posterior distribution using Bayes’ theorem. This theorem shows that the posterior
density function for h is proportional to the product
prior density of h × conditional density of ξ  given h. (3.24)
From eq (3.22), the observation ξ given h is normally distributed with mean h and variance
σ 2 . After some manipulation, using eq (3.24), one finds that the posterior distribution of h
given ξ  is normal with mean κξ  and variance κσ 2 , where κ = 2σq2 /(2σq2 + σ 2 ).
Now let x be the resident threshold strategy of using action A if ξ > x. For a mutant–
resident pair with difference h, the probability that the resident individual uses A is then
pA (h; x) = P( > x + h). The payoffs for choosing action A and S, given a true quality
difference h is then
wA (h; x) = (1 − pA (h; x))V − pA (h; x)Ce−h (3.25)
wS (h; x) = (1 − pA (h; x)) ,
where we used eq (3.23) for the cost. The mutant individual of course does not know
h. Instead, using the posterior distribution, the mutant payoffs for A and S given the
observation ξ  are
WA (ξ  ; x) = wA (h; x)f (h|ξ  )dh (3.26)
WS (ξ  ; x) = wS (h; x)f (h|ξ  )dh,

where f (h|ξ  ) is the posterior probability density function.

3.12.2 How the Model Can Be Used

This model was originally used as a building block for the sequential assessment game
(Enquist and Leimar, 1983), which we deal with in Section 8.7. We also use the model
to study social dominance, in Sections 5.4 and 8.6. In social dominance interactions,
individuals stay together in a social group where they recognize each other and show
aggressive and submissive behaviours. It turns out that the kind of Bayesian updating
we use here (Box 3.3) in practice is unworkable for that situation. This is because of the
complexity of a complete representation of an individual’s information about other
group members, involving probability distributions in high-dimensional spaces, as
mentioned in Section 1.5. Instead, in Chapter 5 we will assume that individuals have
special behavioural mechanisms for learning the actions to use during their stay in
a group.

60 • Standard Examples

3.13 Exercises

Ex. 3.1. Consider a two-player game in which there is a common benefit but
individual costs. In this game the payoff to an individual that contributes effort x
when its partner contributes x is W(x , x) = B(x + x) − C(x ), where B(u) = 2u − u2
for 0 ≤ u ≤ 1 and B(u) = 1 for u > 1, and C(x ) = x2 . Find the best response function
b̂(x) for this game and show that the unique Nash equilibrium is x∗ = 13 .

Ex. 3.2. Consider a two-player game in which the payoff to an individual that
contributes effort x when its partner contributes x is W(x , x) = B(x + x) − C(x ).
Assume that B is increasing with diminishing returns; i.e. B (u) > 0 and B (u) < 0
for all u ≥ 0. Assume that C (0) = 0 and that costs are increasing and accelerating; i.e.
C (x ) > 0 and C (x ) > 0 for all x ≥ 0. Show the best response function b̂ satisfies
B (b̂(x) + x) = C (b̂(x). By differentiating both sides of this expression with respect
to x show that
B (b̂(x) + x)
b̂ (x) = .
C (b̂(x)) − B (b̂(x) + x)
Deduce that −1 < b̂ (x) < 0, so that it is best for an individual to compensate
incompletely for the reduced effort of its partner.

Ex. 3.3. A group of n animals are foraging together. Each must decide the proportion
of the day spent feeding as opposed to being vigilant for predators. During the day
there will be one predator attack. If at least one of the group detects the predator as
it attacks, all survive. If none detects the predator, the predator kills one randomly
selected group member.
Suppose that if an individual spends a proportion of time x feeding it detects the
predator attack with probability 1 − x4 . Consider a mutant individual that feeds for a
proportion of time x when all others feed for x. Then assuming all group members
detect the predator attack independently, the probability the attack is not detected is
x4 x4(n−1) , so that the probability the focal individual dies is x4 x4(n−1) /n. Suppose
that the payoff to the mutant is x if it survives the day. Thus its mean payoff is
W(x , x) = (1 − x4 x4(n−1) /n)x . Show that the Nash equilibrium proportion of the
day feeding, x∗ (n), is given by x∗ (1) = 0.669, x∗ (2) = 0.892, x∗ (3) = 0.958, x∗ (4) =
0.986 with x∗ (n) = 1 for n ≥ 5.
In this example vigilance decreases with group size for two reasons. The ‘many eyes
effect’ means that each relies on others to detect the predator attack. The ‘predator
dilution effect’ means that individuals are relying on the predator taking another
group member if the attack is successful. When n ≥ 5 individuals are not vigilant at
all and are relying on this latter effect. For more on the influence of group size on
vigilance levels, see McNamara and Houston (1992a).

Exercises • 61

Ex. 3.4. Two parents are caring for their common young. If the female contributes
effort x and the male contributes y the payoffs to the female and male are Wf (x, y) =
B(x + y) − Cf (x) and Wm (x, y) = B(x + y) − Cm (x), respectively. Here the probabil-
ity the young survive is given by B(u) = 2u − u2 for 0 ≤ u ≤ 1 and B(u) = 1 for u > 1.
The costs are Cf (x) = x2 and Cm (y) = 2y2 , so that the female pays a lower cost than
the male for a given level of effort. Find the pair of best response functions b̂f (y)
and b̂m (x). Hence show that the Nash equilibrium efforts are x∗ = 25 and y∗ = 15 .
Note that at this equilibrium the cost paid by the female is greater than that paid by
the male.

Ex. 3.5. Using eq (3.8), show that the optimal value of the trait x for a male of quality
q is given by

2 (1 − b)x̄ 1 q2 2(1 − b)qx̄ (1 − b)2 x̄2
x̂(q) = q − + + + + ,
3 3b 3c 9 9b 9b2
where x̄ is the mean trait in the resident population.

Ex. 3.6. Show that the payoff function in eq (3.8) satisfies the handicap principle, i.e.
that ∂/∂q(∂w/∂x) > 0.

Ex. 3.7. In a population with discrete non-overlapping generations each breeding

female has total resource R to invest in offspring. Each daughter produced requires
resource rf , each son requires rm . Thus if a female invests a proportion x of total
resources in sons, ignoring mortality and the fact that numbers of offspring must be
integers, she contributes (1−x)R
rf daughters and xRrm sons to the breeding population
in the next generation. Take the payoff to a female to be the expected number of
matings obtained by her offspring (under random mating). Show that if a mutant
female invest a proportion x of her resources into sons when the resident proportion
is x her payoff is
W(x , x) = (x + x − 2xx ).
rf x
Deduce that the Nash equilibrium proportion of resources allocated to sons is x∗ = 12 .

Ex. 3.8. Suppose that when two population members contest a resource, they do
not fight, rather each waits for the other to give up and go away. The other then
immediately gets the resource. A contest of this sort is known as a War of Attrition
(Maynard Smith, 1974). Let the value of the resource be v and suppose that there is
a cost c per unit time spent waiting. This latter cost is paid by both contestants, but
only the more persistent individual gets the reward. The payoff to each contestant is
the expected reward minus the expected waiting cost.

62 • Standard Examples

If the resident strategy were to wait for a fixed time t before giving up, then a mutant
that waited a tiny amount longer would do better than residents. Thus no fixed time
can be evolutionarily stable. To analyse the game, restrict attention to waiting times
that have an exponential distribution. Let W(x , x) be the payoff to a mutant with a
waiting time that is exponentially distributed with parameter x when the resident
strategy is to wait for an exponential time with parameter x. Show that
xv − c
W(x , x) = .
x + x
Deduce that the evolutionarily stable waiting time is exponential with parameter
x∗ = vc (so that the mean waiting time is vc ). Note that at evolutionary stability the
payoff to residents and any mutant is zero.

Ex. 3.9. Use the formulae in Box 3.2 to find the functions WD (q ; x) and WH (q ; x)
when α is given by eq (3.18) and V < C. Hence show that
3C − V − 2Cx − (V + C)x2
b̂(x) = . (3.27)
2(1 − x)(V + C)
Show that the Nash equilibrium is given by

∗ (r + 2) − 2r2 + 2r + 1
x = , (3.28)
(r + 1)
where r = V/C.

Ex. 3.10. Each year each mature female in a population lays N eggs. The population is
large and the temperature experienced by different clutches is drawn independently
from a distribution that is uniform between 20°C and 30°C. If an egg experiences
temperature q, then the developing individual survives to maturity and breeds with
probability f (q) = 0.1(q − 20) if it develops as female and with probability m(q) =
0.5 if it develops as male. Restrict attention to strategies of threshold form: thus
for threshold x males are produced if q < x and females if q > x. Let 20 < x <
30. In the notation of the main text show that F(x) = (1 − β 2 )/2 and M(x) = β/2
where β = (x √ − 20)/10. Hence show that the Nash equilibrium threshold value is
x∗ = 20 + 10/ 3 = 25.77.
Note that at the Nash equilibrium the proportion of eggs that develop as males is

1/√3 = 0.577, which is not equal to 1/2. The ratio of breeding females to males is
2/ 3 = 1.155.

Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

Gene frequencies in a population change over time as result of natural selection

and random processes. So far we have not specified the details of these evolutionary
dynamics. Nevertheless, in Chapter 1 we argued that if the dynamics have a stable
endpoint, then at this endpoint no mutant strategy should outperform the resident
strategy so that the resident strategy is a Nash equilibrium; i.e. condition (2.1) holds
for invasion fitness λ, or equivalently condition (2.4) holds for a fitness proxy W.
However, we have yet to deal with two central issues, which form the main focus of
this chapter:
• Stability against invasion by mutants. The Nash condition is necessary for stability
but is it sufficient? For example, in the Hawk–Dove game with V < C, at the
Nash equilibrium every mutant strategy does equally well as the resident. So can
mutant numbers increase by random drift, changing the population composition?
In considering conditions that are sufficient to ensure stability we will assume that
mutants arise one at a time and their fate is determined before any other mutant
arises. As we describe, this leads to the concept of an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy
• Dynamic stability and attainability. Even if a Nash equilibrium cannot be invaded by
new mutants, if the initial population is not at the equilibrium, will the evolutionary
process take the population to it? To consider this question we introduce the idea
of convergence stability. As we describe, a strategy x∗ is convergence stable if the
resident strategy evolves to this strategy provided that the initial resident strategy
is sufficiently close to x∗ . In other words, if the whole population is perturbed away
from x∗ then it will evolve back to x∗ .
As we will illustrate, some strategies are both an ESS and convergence stable. However,
there are ESSs that are not convergence stable, and so are not attainable. Furthermore
there are strategies that are convergence stable but not an ESS, so that evolution can
home in on a strategy that is not evolutionarily stable, and indeed may be a fitness
minimum. Adaptive dynamics (Sections 4.2) is an approach to study the evolution of
continuous traits, and it can also be used to analyse evolution to a fitness minimum,
followed by evolutionary branching (Section 4.3). Replicator dynamics (Section 4.4)
is another approach that is frequently used in game theory. It describes the change

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0004

64 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

in the frequencies of a fixed number of strategies. We end the chapter by examining

evolutionary stability in populations that are structured through genetic relatedness
(Section 4.5).

4.1 Evolutionarily Stable Strategies

Consider a large population in which individuals are paired at random for a two-
player game. An individual following strategy x in this game gets payoff W(x , x)
when the partner follows strategy x. Maynard Smith (1982) defines a strategy x∗ to be
an ESS if, for each strategy x = x∗ , one of the two conditions (ES1) and (ES2) holds:
(ES1) W(x , x∗ ) < W(x∗ , x∗ )
(ES2) (i) W(x , x∗ ) = W(x∗ , x∗ ) and (ii) W(x , x ) < (W(x∗ , x )
The motivation behind this definition is as follows. Suppose the resident strategy is
x∗ and x is a mutant strategy that is different from x∗ . Initially the mutant will be
very rare. It will thus almost always partner residents (as do residents). If condition
(ES1) holds it does worse than residents, and so will be selected against and disappear.
Suppose that condition (ES1) fails to hold, but condition (ES2)(i) holds. Then the
mutant will have equal fitness to residents when very rare. If mutant numbers increase
by random drift, both mutants and residents will occasionally partner other mutants.
Condition (ES2)(ii) says that when this happens mutants do worse than residents
in such contests. This will tend to reduce mutant numbers so that the mutant again
becomes very rare. Overall, the mutant cannot invade, in the sense that the proportion
of mutants will always remain very small. These ideas are formalized in Box 4.1 where
we derive an equation for the rate of change in the proportion of mutants over time.
Note that if x∗ is an ESS it is also a Nash equilibrium strategy since the Nash
condition in eq (2.4) is that all mutants must either satisfy (ES1) or (ES2)(i). The
converse is not true. As we will illustrate, there are many examples of Nash equilibrium
strategies x∗ that are not ESSs. However, if x∗ is the unique best response to itself,
then (ES1) holds for all mutants, so that x∗ is an ESS. At least one Nash equilibrium
exists for (almost) any game, but because the ESS criterion is stronger than the
Nash equilibrium criterion, there are many games for which there is no ESS. For
example, the standard form of the Rock–Paper–Scissors game (Exercise 4.9) has
no ESS. In games in which the players make a sequence of decisions there is often
no ESS, although evolutionary stability of some Nash equilibria can be achieved by
introducing errors in decision making (Section 7.2).

4.1.1 Stability in the Hawk–Dove Game

We analyse stability in the version of the Hawk–Dove game in which a strategy

specifies the probability of playing Hawk (Section 3.5). For this game eqs (3.1) and
(3.2) give the payoffs WH (q) and WD (q) to playing Hawk and Dove, respectively,
when the probability that a resident population member plays Hawk is q. Consider

Evolutionarily Stable Strategies • 65

Box 4.1 Rate of change of the proportion of mutants

Suppose that a proportion  of a large population uses strategy x and a proportion 1 − 
uses strategy x∗ in a two-player game with payoff function W. Then the expected payoff to
each strategy can be written as
w() = (1 − )W(x, x∗ ) + W(x, x)
w∗ () = (1 − )W(x∗ , x∗ ) + W(x∗ , x).
The difference  = w() − w∗ () in payoff is
 = (1 − )[W(x, x∗ ) − W(x∗ , x∗ )] + [W(x, x) − W(x∗ , x)]. (4.1)
If condition (ES1) holds, the first square bracket on the right hand side of eq (4.1) is
negative, so that  < 0 for sufficiently small . If condition (ES2) holds, the first square
bracket is zero and the second is negative, so that  < 0 for all . Thus the Maynard Smith
conditions ensure that  < 0 if the proportion of mutants is sufficiently small; in fact these
conditions are equivalent. However, the conditions say nothing about what will happen if
the proportion of mutants is allowed to become large.
We now consider the rate of change in  over time. Let n(t) and n∗ (t) denote the numbers
of individuals following strategies x and x∗ , respectively at time
 t, so that (t) = n(t)/(n(t)
n∗ (t)). Taking the time derivative, we get d/dt = (1 − ) n1 dn/dt − n1∗ dn∗ /dt . Let the
per-capita rate of increase of numbers following a strategy be equal to the payoff to
the strategy in the game plus (or minus) a quantity that is the same for each strategy.
That is dn/dt = [w((t)) + w0 (t)]n(t) and dn∗ /dt = [w∗ ((t)) + w0 (t)]n∗ (t). Here w0 (t)
might depend on n(t) and n∗ (t), and so incorporate density-dependent effects. Using our
definition of  we get that
= (1 − ). (4.2)
Thus the condition for a strategy x∗ to be an ESS is equivalent to the condition that in a large
population comprising a mixture of x and x∗ strategists, the proportion of x strategists will
tend to zero if the initial proportion is sufficiently small. Equation (4.2) is a special case of
the continuous-time replicator equation, when there are two types (Section 4.4). Derivation
of the discrete time analogue is set as an exercise (Exercise 4.2).

the case in which V < C. In this case the unique Nash equilibrium strategy is p∗ =
V/C. Let p = p∗ be a mutant strategy. Since WH (p∗ ) = WD (p∗ ) we have W(p, p∗ ) =
W(p∗ , p∗ ) by eq (3.3). Thus condition (ES1) fails but (ES2)(i) holds. By eq (3.3) we
also have
W(p∗ , p) − W(p, p) = (p∗ − p)[WH (p) − WD (p)]. (4.3)
But from Fig. 3.5a it can be seen that WH (p) > WD (p) if p < p∗
and WH (p) < WD (p)
if p > p∗ , so that W(p∗ , p) > W(p, p) whatever the value of p. Thus condition (ES2)(ii)
holds. Since this is true for all p = p∗ , p∗ is an ESS.
Intuitively stability can be understood as follows. Suppose that a mutant is less
aggressive than residents (p < p∗ ). Then if the number of mutants increases, the

66 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

probability that a random opponent plays Hawk is reduced below p∗ . It is then best to
be as aggressive as possible, and the residents, who are more aggressive than mutants,
do better. An analogous argument applies to mutants that are more aggressive than
residents (p > p∗ ): an increase in mutants increases the probability an opponent plays
Hawk above p∗ and it is best to be as Dove-like as possible, so that residents, who are
less aggressive than mutants, do better.
In a Hawk–Dove game with V > C the Nash equilibrium probability of playing
Hawk is p∗ = 1. This value is the unique best response to itself, and so is an ESS.
As described in Section 3.5, the Hawk–Dove game also has an equilibrium in pure
strategies. For V < C this equilibrium is a polymorphic population, with a proportion
V/C of Hawks. As explained, this equilibrium is a stable polymorphism. However, if
we also allow mixed strategies, it is easy to see that any polymorphism that results
in the population probability p∗ = V/C of playing Hawk is an equilibrium. These
various polymorphisms are neutral with respect to each other, and this is a kind of
degeneracy arising from linear payoff functions.
One can contrast the Hawk–Dove game with the coordination game with payoffs
given by Table 3.3. In that game each player decided on which side of the road to
drive. We noted that one Nash equilibrium strategy was to toss a fair coin in making
this decision. Suppose that was the resident strategy, and consider a mutant that,
say, always drove on the right. When present singly this mutant would do equally
well (badly!) as residents. If the proportion of mutants were to increase by random
drift, then a randomly selected population member would drive on the right with a
probability that was greater than 0.5. Under these circumstances it is best to also drive
on the right and the mutants would do strictly better than residents. Thus the Nash
equilibrium is not an ESS. A formal analysis of this case is set as Exercise 4.1. The
strategy of always driving on the left is an ESS since it is the unique best response to
itself. Similarly, the strategy of always driving on the right is an ESS.
These cases illustrate a general principle: in a two-player game with two actions,
negative frequency dependence means that a mixed Nash equilibrium strategy is also
an ESS, whereas positive frequency dependence means that a mixed Nash equilibrium
strategy is not an ESS (Exercise 4.3).

4.1.2 Playing the Field

Condition (ES2) for evolutionary stability is applicable to a two-player game. When
the game is against the field, payoffs are non-linear functions of the second argument
(Section 2.9) and condition (ES2)(ii) must be modified to
(ES2 ) (ii) W(x , x ) < W(x∗ , x ) for all sufficiently small positive .
Here, in an abuse of notation, the term W(x, x ) denotes the payoff to an individual
with strategy x when the resident population comprises a proportion  of x strategists
and a proportion 1 −  of x∗ strategists. One can then show that the original (ES2)
condition is a special case of this more general condition when payoffs are linear in
the second argument, as is the case in a two-player game (Exercise 4.4).

Evolutionarily Stable Strategies • 67

In the sex-ratio game of Section 3.8 and Box 3.1 the unique Nash equilibrium
strategy is to produce daughters and sons with equal probability. When this is the
resident strategy, condition (ES2 ) holds for all mutants, so the strategy is an ESS
(Exercise 4.5). The intuition behind this result is similar to that for the Hawk–Dove
game. For example, if the resident strategy is to produce sons and daughters with equal
probability and a mutant arises that produces mainly daughters, then the breeding
population becomes more female-biased if this mutant starts to become common,
and the mutant strategy then does worse than the resident.

4.1.3 Illustration of Stability for a Continuous Trait:

A Predator Inspection Game

It is common for fish to approach a predator in order to gain valuable information

on the threat posed (Pitcher et al., 1986). Approach is dangerous, so a fish often
approaches together with another fish in order to dilute the risk to themselves, and
this is a form of cooperation. The phenomenon has been the focus of much empirical
study. Figure 4.1 illustrates a typical laboratory set-up.
Under such circumstances we might expect the behaviour of each of the two fish
to depend on the other. To model the game between the fish we loosely follow the
approach of Parker and Milinski (1997). We are critical of the biological realism of
our model (Section 8.4), but this simple game serves to illustrate the ESS analysis for
a continuous trait.
Two fish are initially unit distance away from a predator. Each fish chooses how far
to travel towards the predator. Thus an action is a distance x in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 1,
where x = 0 is the action of not approaching the predator at all and x = 1 the action of
travelling right up to the predator. If a fish moves distance x while its partner moves
distance x, the focal fish survives with probability S(x , x) and gains information of
value V(x ) if it survives. Its payoff from the game is W(x , x) = S(x , x)V(x ).

Predator Inspection Acclimatization

compartment zone compartment

Experimental compartment

Fig. 4.1 The experimental set up of Hesse et al. (2015) in which two fish approach a predator.
The predator is actually separated from the cichlids by a transparent perforated plastic sheet
that permitted visual and olfactory cues. From fig. 1 of Hesse et al. (2015). Published under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic license (CC BY 4.0).

68 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

We consider two choices of the pair of functions S and V. Both formulations of the
game capture the idea that information increases with distance travelled but so does
risk, although this reduces as the distance the other fish travels increases. Figure 4.2
illustrates how the fitness of a mutant depends on its distance travelled for fixed
distance travelled by the resident in both formulations. In each formulation there
is a unique best response to the resident approach distance x for every value of x
(Fig. 4.3). In formulation I there is a single ESS at x∗ = 0.5. In formulation II there are
three ESSs and the middle one of these is x∗ = 0.5. We contrast the two formulations
in Section 4.2.

4.1.4 The Strength of Selection

Consider a situation in which the trait of interest is one-dimensional, and can take
any value on some interval of the real numbers. Let the resident trait value be x. Let
W(x , x) denote the fitness of a mutant individual with trait value x in this population.
We can analyse how the fitness of this mutant depends on its trait value by plotting

(a) (b) (c)

0.20 0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15 0.15




0.10 0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Distance travelled Distance travelled Distance travelled
(d) (e) (f)
3.10 3.10 3.10
3.05 3.05 3.05



3.00 3.00 3.00

2.95 2.95 2.95
2.90 2.90 2.90
2.85 2.85 2.85
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Distance travelled Distance travelled Distance travelled

Fig. 4.2 Mutant fitness for two formulations of the predator inspection game. In formulation
I (panels (a), (b), and (c)) the probability of survival is S(x , x) = exp{−3x /(1 + x)} and
the value of information
 is V(x ) = x . In formulation II (panels (d), (e), and (f)) S(x , x) =
exp −3x /7(1 + x) and V(x ) = 3 + x . The curves show W(x , x) = S(x , x)V(x ) as a func-

tion of the mutant distance travelled x for fixed resident distance x. The vertical dashed lines
indicate the x values; x = 0.3 in (a) and (d), x = 0.5 in (b) and (e), x = 0.7 in (c) and (f). The
distances maximizing mutant fitness are indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The tangent line
to the curve at the resident distance is also shown. The slope of this tangent is the strength of
selection D(x) = ∂W∂x (x, x).

Adaptive Dynamics • 69

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
Best response

Best response
0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Distance travelled Distance travelled

Fig. 4.3 Best mutant responses (solid lines) for the two formulations of the predator inspection
game of Fig. 4.2. The 45° lines (dotted) are also shown. (a) Formulation I; the unique Nash
equilibrium is at x∗ = 0.5. (b) Formulation II; there are Nash equilibria at x1∗ = 0 x2∗ = 0.5 and
x3∗ = 1. Since each Nash equilibrium is the unique best response to itself, all Nash equilibria are

W(x , x) as a function of x for fixed x. The slope of the function, ∂W 

∂x (x , x), gives the
rate of change of mutant fitness as its trait value increases when this value is close to
x . In particular, if we evaluate this derivative at x = x, we obtain the rate of change of
mutant fitness as its trait value increases when this value is close to the resident trait
value. We denote this rate of increase by D(x); i.e.
D(x) =
(x, x). (4.4)
We refer to D(x) as the strength of selection when the resident trait value is x.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the slopes given by D(x) for the two formulations of the predator
inspection game.
Strictly speaking, the strength of selection should refer to the rate of change of
invasion fitness rather than the rate of change in the game payoff, which is a fitness
∂λ ∂W
proxy; i.e. it should refer to ∂x  (x, x) rather than ∂x (x, x) (Section 2.5). However, for
strong fitness proxies, which satisfy condition (2.7), the two derivatives have the same
sign. This means that conclusions from reasoning about the strength of selection using
a strong fitness proxy often also hold for invasion fitness, including the conclusions
about convergence stability in the next section.

4.2 Adaptive Dynamics

In Box 4.1 we examined how the mutant proportion of a resident population changes
with time. There are in principle three possibilities for the fate of a mutant. It can
either fail to invade by approaching zero representation (which was examined in

70 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

Box 4.1), take over the population by instead approaching fixation, or remain in the
population over the longer term by forming a polymorphism with the former resident.
A simple conceptualization of evolutionary change is as a sequence of successful
mutant invasions and fixations, which we refer to as adaptive dynamics. In reality
evolutionary change need not follow such a simple scenario, but can instead proceed
with substantial ongoing polymorphism, as well as with different types of genetic
determination of strategies (e.g. diploid, multi-locus genetics), but the study of simple
adaptive dynamics is useful for game theory in biology. In fact, the study of the
invasion of an initially rare mutant into a resident population has proven to be a very
productive link between game theory and evolutionary dynamics.
For games where strategies or traits vary along a continuum, it is of particular
interest to examine if a mutant strategy x in the vicinity of a resident x can invade
and replace the resident. The sign of the strength of selection D(x) is key to this issue.
For x in the vicinity of x we have the approximation
W(x , x) − W(x, x) ≈ (x − x)D(x). (4.5)
Suppose now that D(x) is non-zero for a resident strategy x, so that W(x , x) > W(x, x)
for an x close to x. Then the mutant x can invade the resident x (i.e. when the mutant
is rare it will increase in frequency). It can also be shown that the mutant x keeps
increasing in frequency and will eventually replace the resident x. Part of the reasoning
behind this is that W(x, x ) < W(x , x ), because
W(x, x ) − W(x , x ) ≈ (x − x )D(x ) ≈ −(x − x)D(x) ≈ W(x, x) − W(x , x) < 0,
so a mutant x cannot invade a resident x . This means that the two strategies cannot
form a protected polymorphism (where x can invade x and x can invade x ). So when
D(x) = 0, invasion implies fixation for some mutants near x (Geritz, 2005).
We now consider how the resident trait value x changes over evolutionary time
under the action of natural selection. Let us assume that this change in the trait
over time follows the adaptive dynamics described above, in the form of a sequence
of mutant invasions and fixations, where each invading mutant is near the current
resident. The trait will then increase over time if fitness increases with increasing trait
value in the neighbourhood of x. Similarly, the trait value will decrease over time if
fitness increases with decreasing trait value. We can then summarize the change of x
under adaptive dynamics as follows:
D(x) > 0 ⇒ x increases, D(x) < 0 ⇒ x decreases. (4.6)
Our analysis below is entirely concerned with the direction of evolutionary change
under adaptive dynamics, but one can also write the speed of change as
dx ∂λ
= K  (x, x), (4.7)
dt ∂x
where the constant K can be written as the product of terms for the rate of mutation,
the variance in mutation size, and the population size (Dieckmann and Law, 1996).
Equation (4.7) is known as the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics.

Adaptive Dynamics • 71

4.2.1 Convergence Stability

Any resident trait value x∗ that is an equilibrium point under adaptive dynamics must
satisfy D(x∗ ) = 0. Such a trait value is referred to as an evolutionarily singular strategy
(Metz et al., 1996; Geritz et al., 1998). But what would happen if an initial resident trait
is close to such an x∗ ? Would it then evolve towards x∗ or evolve away from this value?
To analyse this we consider the derivative of D(x) at x = x∗ . Suppose that D (x∗ ) < 0.
Then for x close to x∗ we have D(x) > 0 for x < x∗ and D(x) < 0 for x > x∗ . Thus
by the conditions in (4.6) x will increase for x < x∗ and decrease for x > x∗ . Thus,
providing the resident trait x is close to x∗ , it will move closer to x∗ , and will converge
on x∗ . We therefore refer to the trait x∗ as being convergence stable if
D (x∗ ) < 0. (4.8)
We might also refer to such an x∗ as an evolutionary attractor. Conversely, if
D (x∗ ) > 0, then any resident trait value close to (but not exactly equal to) x∗ will
evolve further away from x∗ . In this case we refer to x∗ as an evolutionary repeller.
Such a trait value cannot be reached by evolution. Figure 4.4 illustrates these results.
If x∗ is a Nash equilibrium value of the trait, then W(x , x∗ ) has a maximum at
x = x∗ . Thus if x∗ lies in the interior of the range of possible trait values we must

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
have ∂W∂x (x , x ) = 0; i.e. D(x ) = 0. Thus x is an equilibrium point under adaptive
dynamics; i.e. it is an evolutionarily singular strategy. Since every ESS is also a Nash
equilibrium, every internal ESS is also an evolutionarily singular strategy. The above
analysis of the convergence stability of an ESS was originally developed by Eshel and
Motro (1981) and Eshel (1983). Eshel and Motro (1981) refer to an ESS that is also

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.2

0.1 0.1


0.0 0.0

−0.1 −0.1

−0.2 −0.2
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Resident stategy, x Resident strategy, x

Fig. 4.4 The function D(x) = ∂W ∂x (x, x) for the two formulations of the predator inspection
example in Fig. 4.2. (a) Formulation I, (b) Formulation II. When D(x) > 0, x increases with
time; when D(x) < 0, x decreases with time. Note that the slope of D is negative in (a), so that
the trait value 0.5 is an evolutionary attractor, and is positive in (b), so that 0.5 is an evolutionary

72 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

convergence stable as a Continuously Stable Strategy (CSS). Some ESSs are also CSSs,
others are not and are unattainable.
Figure 4.4 shows the fitness derivative D(x) at x = 0.5 for each of the two formu-
lations of the predator inspection game. In formulation I, D(x) > 0 for x < 0.5 and
D(x) < 0 for x > 0.5, so that the trait x = 0.5 is convergence stable and is hence a
CSS. In contrast, in formulation II, D(x) < 0 for x < 0.5 and D(x) > 0 for x > 0.5,
so that the trait x = 0.5 is an evolutionary repeller and is unattainable. Figure 4.2
illustrates why the two formulations result in the sign of D(x) behaving differently.
The two formulations differ in the dependence of the survival of the mutant on
the mutant and resident distances travelled when these distances are similar. In
formulation I an increase above 0.5 in the distance travelled by the resident does
not reduce the danger sufficiently for the mutant to also increase its distance by
this much.
Eshel and Motro (1981) were the first to demonstrate that an ESS may not be
convergence stable and so might not be attainable. In their model the trait under
selection is the maximum risk that an individual should take in order to help kin. Since
then unattainable ESSs have been demonstrated in a very wide variety of contexts. For
example, Nowak (1990) shows that there can be an unattainable ESS in a variant of
the repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma model.

4.2.2 The Slope of the Best Response Function and Convergence Stability
The condition D (x∗ ) < 0 for convergence stability in eq (4.8) can be translated into a
condition on the second derivatives of the payoff function W (Box 4.2). This condition
can then be used to show that if the slope of the best response function is less than 1 at
an ESS, then the ESS is also convergence stable and is hence a CSS. Conversely if the
slope exceeds 1 the ESS is unattainable (Box 4.2). In the predator inspection game the
slope of the best response function at the ESS is less than 1 in Formulation I and greater
than 1 for Formulation II (Fig. 4.3), in agreement with our previous findings for these
two cases. We can also apply this result to other examples in this book. For example
in the model of pairwise contests where individuals know their own fighting ability
(Section 3.11), we can infer that the two ESSs shown in Fig. 3.9b are also convergence
stable and are hence CSSs.

4.2.3 Pairwise Invasibility Plots

A pairwise invasibility plot (PIP) (van Tienderen and de Jong, 1986; Matsuda, 1995)
shows, for each possible resident strategy, the range of mutant strategies that can
invade. PIPs are useful graphical representations from which one can often ascertain
whether a Nash equilibrium x∗ is also an ESS at a glance. Figure 4.5 illustrates these
plots for the two cases of the predator inspection game that we have analysed. In both
cases it can be seen from the figure that when the resident strategy is x∗ = 0.5 any
mutant different from x∗ has lower fitness. Thus x∗ = 0.5 is the unique best response

Adaptive Dynamics • 73

Box 4.2 Conditions for convergence stability

Let D(x) = ∂W
∂x (x, x). Then by differentiation we have

∂ 2W ∂ 2W
D (x) = 2
(x, x) +  (x, x). (4.9)
∂x ∂x ∂x
Now let x∗ be a singular point satisfying ∂W ∗ ∗
∂x (x , x ) = 0. Then

∂ 2W ∗ ∗ ∂ 2W ∗ ∗
D (x∗ ) = (x , x ) + (x , x ). (4.10)
∂x2 ∂x ∂x
Since the condition D (x∗ ) < 0 is sufficient for convergence stability of x∗ , we see that if
∂ 2W ∗ ∗ ∂ 2W
(x , x ) +  (x∗ , x∗ ) < 0 (4.11)
∂x ∂x ∂x
then x∗ is convergence stable (Eshel, 1983).
Now suppose that for each x there is a unique best response b̂(x) satisfying ∂x
(b̂(x), x) = 0 and ∂x 2 ( b̂(x), x) < 0. Then differentiating the first of these conditions we have

∂ 2W ∂ 2W
(b̂(x), x)b̂ (x) +  (b̂(x), x) = 0. (4.12)
∂x ∂x ∂x
Let x∗ be an ESS satisfying b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ , so that
∂ 2W ∗ ∗  ∗ ∂ 2W
(x , x )b̂ (x ) +  (x∗ , x∗ ) = 0. (4.13)
∂x ∂x ∂x
Then by eqs (4.10) and (4.13)
∂ 2W ∗ ∗
D (x∗ ) = (x , x )[1 − b̂ (x∗ )]. (4.14)
∂2W ∗ ∗
By assumption we have ∂x2
(x , x ) < 0. Thus if b̂ (x∗ ) < 1 then D (x∗ ) < 0, so that x∗ is
convergence stable and is hence a CSS. Conversely, if b̂ (x∗ ) > 1 then x∗ is an evolutionary
repeller and cannot be reached by evolution.

to itself and is hence an ESS. PIPs are, however, not so useful in cases where some
mutants have equal fitness to residents when the resident strategy is x∗ . This is because
the ESS criterion then relies on the second-order condition (ES2)(ii).
PIPs also can be used to infer whether x∗ is convergence stable. In Fig. 4.5a if the
resident trait is initially less than 0.5 then those mutants that can invade have trait
values greater than the resident trait, so that the resident trait will tend to increase over
time. Conversely if the resident trait is initially greater than 0.5 it will tend to decrease
over time. The trait value x∗ = 0.5 is therefore convergence stable. In contrast, in Fig.
4.5b if the resident trait is initially less than 0.5 those mutants that can invade have
trait values less than the resident trait, so that the resident trait value will tend to
decrease over time. Similarly, if the resident trait is initially greater than 0.5 it will tend
to increase over time. The trait value x∗ = 0.5 is therefore an evolutionary repeller in
this case.

74 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
Mutant strategy

Mutant strategy
0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Resident strategy Resident strategy

Fig. 4.5 Pairwise invasibility plots for the two formulations of the predator inspection game
in Fig. 4.2. In the shaded regions the mutant strategy can invade the resident strategy. The
45° line (dark dotted line) borders one side of each region. The best response to the resident
strategy is also shown (dark dashed line). (a) Formulation I (where x∗ = 0.5 is an ESS and is
also convergence stable), (b) Formulation II (where x∗ = 0.5 is an ESS but is not convergence

As we will illustrate in the next section, PIPs are also able to easily identify cases in
which traits are convergence stable, but evolution leads to a local fitness minimum.
For more on these plots, including a more nuanced classification of the plots than is
presented here, see Geritz et al. (1998).

4.3 Evolution to a Fitness Minimum

At a singular point x∗ of the adaptive dynamics the strength of selection D(x∗ ) =
∂W ∗ ∗
∂x (x , x ) vanishes. If the second derivative of mutant fitness is negative at the
singular point (i.e. ∂∂xW ∗ ∗
2 (x , x ) < 0), mutant fitness has a strict local maximum at
the resident trait value x , so that x∗ is a (local) ESS. As we saw in the previous

section, such an ESS may be convergence stable or may be an evolutionary repeller

and so not be accessible under adaptive dynamics. If ∂∂xW ∗ ∗
2 (x , x ) > 0, mutant fitness

has a strict local minimum at the resident trait value x . Again this singular point
may be convergence stable or may be an evolutionary repeller. Thus singular points
may be any combination of fitness maximum or minimum and convergence stable or
otherwise. A classification of these four cases in terms of the partial derivatives of the
payoff function is given by Geritz et al. (1998). In this section we focus on the, perhaps
surprising, case in which a fitness minimum is convergence stable. In other words,
evolution leads a population towards a state at which residents have lower fitness than
all nearby mutants. There is then disruptive selection on the resident trait, which

Evolution to a Fitness Minimum • 75

can result in evolutionary branching, giving rise to a polymorphic population. We

illustrate this with an example based on the evolution of generalism and specialism in
a patchy environment that is roughly based on similar models by, for example, Brown
and Pavlovic (1992) and Meszéna et al. (1997).

4.3.1 Two Local Habitats Linked by Dispersal

Many environments can be thought of as a collection of local habitats linked by
dispersal. Habitats may vary in conditions such as the type of food or temperature, and
the best strategy in a habitat may depend on these conditions. So, for example, for a
seed-eating bird, seed size may vary between habitats, with optimal beak size varying
accordingly. If habitats vary in their temperature it may be best to have high insulation
in cold habitats and less insulation in warmer habitats. We might then ask whether we
expect evolution to produce a species that is a generalist and does reasonably well in
all habitats or produce specialist phenotypes that are mainly found in those habitats
to which they are adapted. We consider this question in the following model. Two-Habitat Model

An asexual species occupies an environment that consists of two local habitats linked
by dispersal. This species has discrete, non-overlapping generations with a generation
time of 1 year. Individuals are characterized by a genetically determined trait x where
0 ≤ x ≤ 1. An individual with trait x in habitat i leaves Ngi (x) offspring where N is
large. The functions g1 and g2 are illustrated in Fig. 4.6a. As can be seen, it is best
to have a low trait value in habitat 1 and a high value in habitat 2. Each newborn
individual either remains in its birth habitat (with probability 1 − d) or disperses to
the other habitat (with probability d). Here 0 < d < 0.5. Each habitat has K territories,
where K is large. After the dispersal phase each of these territories is occupied by
one of the individuals present, chosen at random from all individuals currently in
the habitat. Those individuals left without territories die, while the K that possess
territories grow to maturity.
Note that for this example the per-capita growth rate of any resident population
(i.e. the mean number of offspring obtaining a territory per resident parent) is 1 since
the population is at constant size. Frequency dependence acts through competition
for territories. For example, suppose the resident trait value is x = 0 and consider the
growth rate of a subpopulation comprising individuals with mutant trait value x = 1
while the size of this subpopulation is small compared with the resident population.
Since residents will leave more offspring in habitat 1 than in habitat 2 after the
dispersal phase, there will be greater competition for territories in habitat 1. However,
since mutant individuals do better in habitat 2 mutants will tend to accumulate
in habitat 2. They will then suffer less competition than the average competition
experienced by residents and so will have a growth rate that is greater than 1. The
mutant strategy will thus invade the resident population.
The derivation of the precise formula for invasion fitness λ(x , x) ≡ W(x , x) of a
mutant x in a resident x population is deferred to Section 10.7. From this payoff

76 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

(a) (b)
d = 0.3
Reproductive success

d = 0.2
Habitat 1

0.50 0.0

0.25 Habitat 2

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Trait value, x Resident trait value, x

Fig. 4.6 Two habitats linked by dispersal. (a) The relative number of offspring produced on
each habitat as a function of trait value. (b) The strength of selection as given by the directional
derivative D(x) = ∂W∂x (x, x), illustrated for dispersal probabilities d = 0.3 and d = 0.2.

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
Mutant strategy

Mutant strategy

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Resident strategy Resident strategy

Fig. 4.7 Pairwise invasibility plots for the example of two habitats linked by dispersal. Values
of the mutant trait that can invade the resident population are shaded. The 45° line (dark
dotted line) borders one side of each shaded region. The two cases illustrated are (a) dispersal
probability d = 0.3 and (b) d = 0.2.

function one can obtain the strength of selection. Figure 4.6b illustrates this function
for two values of the dispersal probability d. As can be seen, for each of these dispersal
probabilities the trait x∗ = 0.5 is the unique convergence stable point under adaptive
Figure 4.7 shows the pairwise invasibility plots for each of the dispersal probabilities
considered in Fig. 4.6b. We can also infer the convergence stability of x∗ = 0.5 from

Evolution to a Fitness Minimum • 77

this figure. To see this, note that when the resident trait x is less than 0.5, mutants
with trait values just greater than x can invade, so that x will increase under adaptive
dynamics. Similarly when x > 0.5 mutants with trait values just less than x can invade,
so that the resident trait value will decrease. This reasoning applies to both of the
cases d = 0.3 and d = 0.2. However, the two cases differ fundamentally. For dispersal
probability d = 0.3 (Fig. 4.7a), if the resident trait value is x∗ = 0.5 then any mutant
with a different trait value has lower fitness. Thus when the resident trait is x∗ = 0.5,
mutant fitness has a strict maximum at the resident trait value, so that x∗ = 0.5 is
an ESS as well as being convergence stable (and is hence a CSS). The evolutionary
simulation in Fig. 4.8a illustrates convergence to this trait value. In contrast when
d = 0.2 (Fig. 4.7b), if the resident trait value is x∗ = 0.5 then any mutant with a
different trait value has higher fitness. In other words, mutant fitness is minimized at
the resident trait value, so that evolution leads the population to a fitness minimum.
As the next section describes, once evolution takes a population to a fitness
minimum there is then further evolution.

4.3.2 Evolutionary Branching

Consider a population that evolves to a fitness minimum under adaptive dynamics.
When the resident population is at or close to this minimum any mutant that arises has
greater fitness than residents, so that there will be disruptive selection, leading to trait
values having a bimodal distribution with peaks either side of the fitness minimum.
This phenomenon is referred to as evolutionary branching.
Figure 4.8b illustrates evolutionary branching for the case of two habitats linked
by dispersal. In this model the population always evolves towards the trait value
x∗ = 0.5. This represents a generalist strategy because individuals with this trait
value do reasonably well in both habitats. If the dispersal probability is sufficiently
high (Fig. 4.8a) and this generalist strategy is the resident strategy, then all other
strategies have lower invasion fitness, so that the strategy is an ESS and hence a CSS.
In contrast, for low dispersal probability (Fig. 4.8b), once the population approaches
x∗ = 0.5 there is disruptive selection and the population evolves to be polymorphic.
In this polymorphic population half the population members do very well in habitat
1 but badly in habitat 2. These individuals are also mostly found in habitat 1 (not
shown). The other population members are specialists for habitat 2 and are mostly
found there. When there are more than two habitats, with different optima on each,
further branching into habitat specialists can occur. Not surprisingly, the number
of stable polymorphisms can never exceed the number of different habitat types
(Geritz et al., 1998). In the model the population size on each habitat is regulated by
limiting resources on that habitat (soft selection). Similar results on generalism versus
specialism can be found in a number of models in which there is soft selection and
limited dispersal (e.g. Brown and Pavlovic, 1992; Meszéna et al., 1997; Debarre and
Gandon, 2010).
The standard adaptive dynamics framework assumes clonal inheritance; the
phenotype is inherited. This is a major limitation when investigating evolutionary

78 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

(a) 1.00 (b) 1.00

0.75 0.75
Trait value

Trait value
0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
Generation Generation

Fig. 4.8 Evolutionary simulation for the model of two local habitats linked by dispersal. (a)
When the dispersal probability is d = 0.3 evolution is to a stable state. (b) In contrast, when
d = 0.2 there is evolutionary branching. There are K = 256 territories on each habitat. In
generation 0 all individuals have trait value x = 0.025. The mutation probability is 0.02 with
mutant traits differing from parental traits by a random amount with a uniform distribution on
[−0.01, 0.01] Since the mutation rate is not small, in contrast to the assumptions underlying
the theory of adaptive dynamics, new mutations arise before the population can evolve
to be monomorphic after a previous mutation. Thus the population remains polymorphic
throughout the simulation.

branching in a diploid sexually reproducing population. However, the framework can

be extended to such populations. Kisdi and Geritz (1999) considered a two-habitat
model with soft selection in which the phenotypic trait was determined by the two
alleles at a single diploid locus. They again concluded that evolutionary branching
could occur resulting in specialist phenotypes.
When the analysis of Kisdi and Geritz (1999) predicts a polymorphic outcome
with specialist phenotypes for the two habitats, the distribution of the alleles present
differs between habitats. This raises the possibility that the alleles that are present
in an individual can act as cues to the individual as to its location (Leimar et al.,
2006). There is then the potential for developmental plasticity, with a genetic modifier
making use of this information in determining the phenotype. When this occurs the
phenotype is expected to be more of a generalist than the two specialists that evolve
without modification. This is because the specialists tend to find themselves in their
appropriate habitat, whereas the modifier system is spread across both. There is then
a genetic conflict between the modifier system and the alleles at the cue locus since
their evolutionary interests are different (Leimar et al., 2019).
Evolutionary branching has now been predicted in a very wide range of settings
(Doebeli and Dieckmann, 2000). Here we briefly describe three of these settings: seed
size polymorphism, levels of cooperation, and virulence levels.

Replicator Dynamics • 79

Geritz et al. (1999) present a model of seed size where due to resource limitation
the more seeds that a plant produces, the smaller these seeds have to be. Large seeds
are better competitors than small seeds. Using an adaptive dynamics framework they
show that there can be a sequence of branchings in which a lineage splits into two
daughter lines, each of which may then itself split. This process can result in a range
of seed sizes coexisting.
In Section 3.1 we presented a model in which two players contribute to a common
good at a cost to themselves. In the examples used to illustrate this game the
common benefit increased with the the sum of the individual contributions, but
there were diminishing returns for increased total contribution. In other words the
common benefit function B(x + x) satisfied B < 0. Under these assumptions, there
is a convergence-stable level of contribution to the common good, and this level
of contribution is also an ESS. If instead the common benefit is an accelerating
function of the total contribution (B > 0) over part of the range of benefits, the
level of contribution can converge to a fitness minimum under adaptive dynamics.
Evolutionary branching will then occur, resulting in a polymorphic population in
which some individuals make a high contribution and others a low contribution
(Doebeli et al., 2004).
Morozov and Best (2012) consider a model of the evolution of virulence in a
pathogen when the infected species is also subject to mortality from predation. In
this model the probability that a predator catches an infected prey increases with the
level of virulence of the pathogen. Virulence thus affects predator success and hence
predator density. This then feeds back to affect prey numbers and pathogen trans-
mission rates. Morozov and Best show that this feedback can result in evolutionary
branching in the level of pathogen virulence, with some pathogens having low and
others high virulence.
For an asexual species, evolutionary branching produces two separate lines. In
some sense this is speciation, although for clonal species all lines are separate and
can all be regarded as species. For a sexually reproducing species to evolve into two
distinct species there must be some form of reproductive isolation that prevents the
interbreeding of the emerging species. If the population is well mixed this must be
brought about by the co-evolution of sufficiently strong assortative mating. Various
models dealing with sexually reproducing populations suggest that speciation by
evolutionary branching and assortative pairing is a real possibility (e.g. Doebeli and
Dieckmann, 2000; Doebeli et al., 2005; van Doorn et al., 2009), although details of
models have been questioned by Gavrilets (2005).

4.4 Replicator Dynamics

It is common in game theory to use a replicator equation as a possible dynamical

foundation for the analysis (e.g. Weibull, 1995; Hofbauer and Sigmund, 1998; Broom
and Rychtàr, 2013). The equation deals with the dynamics of a fixed number of
strategies, or genetic types, in a single large population. Let ni (t) be the number of

80 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

individuals using strategy xi , i = 1, . . . , k, and νi (t) = ni (t)/n(t) the relative frequency

of xi , where t is time measured in generations and n(t) is the total population size. The
equation follows from a definition of fitness wi (t) as the per capita rate of increase of
the strategy:
1 dni (t)
wi (t) = . (4.15)
ni (t) dt
Note that in general this fitness depends on the composition of the population at time
t. It is related to but not the same as invasion fitness described in Section 2.4, because
it goes beyond the study of the invasion of a rare mutant into a resident population.
From the definition we get
dνi (t)  
= νi (t) wi (t) − w̄(t) , i = 1, . . . , k, (4.16)

where w̄ = i νi wi is the average fitness in the population. Equation (4.2) in Box 4.1
is the important special case of only two strategies, one of which is present at low
If the strategies xi can be treated as real-valued traits, it follows that
= Cov w· (t), x· (t) , (4.17)
where x̄ = i νi xi is the population mean trait and Cov(w· , x· ) = i νi (wi − w̄)(xi −
x̄) is the population covariance of the trait xi with fitness wi . This is a version of
the celebrated Price equation (Frank, 1995). The derivation of the equations is left
as Exercise 4.8.
The replicator and Price equations have the advantage of a certain generality, in that
they follow from a definition of fitness of a strategy as the per-capita rate of increase.
They are thus helpful in giving an understanding of how selection operates. However,
they do not in themselves solve the difficulties of a population dynamical analysis of a
polymorphic population and, in the simple versions given here, they do not deal with
issues of population structure and multilocus genotype–phenotype maps. Although
opinions vary, one can say that the development of adaptive dynamics has been more
strongly oriented towards handling such difficulties.
For pairwise interactions in a large population, in the form of a symmetric matrix
game with discrete actions, the replicator equation becomes
dνi (t)  
= νi (t) W(xi (t), x̄(t)) − W(x̄(t), x̄(t)) , (4.18)
where xi is a mixed strategy of individuals of type i, x̄ is the population mean strategy,
and W(xi , xj ) is the expected payoff for strategy xi against xj , which is computed from
the payoff matrix of the game. As an example, for the Hawk–Dove game we would
have xi = (pi , 1 − pi ), where pi is the type’s probability of using Hawk, and W(xi , xj )
is given by eqs (3.4). It is shown by Hofbauer and Sigmund (1998) that an ESS for the
matrix game corresponds to a dynamically stable population mean strategy x̄ = x̄∗ .
This is an interesting result, but one should keep in mind that the replicator dynamics

Games Between Relatives • 81

is a special kind of dynamics that need not apply to real populations. In general it
need not be the case that an ESS corresponds to a stable point for realistic kinds of
evolutionary dynamics, for instance for the dynamics of continuous multidimensional
traits (see Section 6.1).
The replicator equation represents a highly idealized view of evolutionary changes.
For game theory in biology, we think it is preferable to stay somewhat closer to the
population-genetic underpinnings, which can be done using adaptive dynamics.
The overwhelmingly most productive application of evolutionary dynamics to
game theory has been and still is the study of the invasion of a rare mutant
into a resident population. A valuable aspect of that approach is that it limits
attention to the simpler, but still challenging question of the invasion of a rare
mutant, rather than attempting to describe a full evolutionary dynamics, which is
better left to population genetics. Another valuable aspect is that one can readily
include such things as diploid genetics, interactions between relatives, correlations
between traits, and metapopulation dynamics in the description of the invasion

4.5 Games Between Relatives

The study of invasion of rare mutant strategies into a resident population is a leading
theme in this chapter. Our approach to games between relatives also develops this
idea. For these games, a rare mutant strategy can have an appreciable chance of
interacting with other mutant strategies, and need not interact only or predominantly
with resident strategies. Relatedness can thus lead to positive assortment of strategies
(see below), but games between relatives also include other situations. One example
we have encountered is dispersal to reduce kin competition (Section 3.10). Another
example is the interaction between parents and offspring about parental investment,
where the players of the game are from different generations and can, depending on
the precise circumstances, have partly diverging evolutionary interests (see below).
The evolutionary analysis of parent-offspring conflicts was initiated by Trivers (1974)
and has subsequently been given much attention.
In the original formulation of kin selection by Hamilton (1964), the concept of
inclusive fitness was used to study interactions between relatives. In principle the
concept has wide applicability (Gardner et al., 2011), but care is sometimes needed for
a correct interpretation (Fromhage and Jennions, 2019). However, we will not make
use of it here. Let us just note that a main idea of the inclusive fitness approach is
to assign fitness effects to an ‘actor’, corresponding to the reproductive consequences
of the action for the actor and the actor’s relatives. Alternatively, instead of such an
actor-centred approach, one can sum up all reproductive effects for a focal ‘recipient’
individual, and this is referred to as the direct fitness approach (Taylor and Frank,
1996; Taylor et al., 2007). Furthermore, a very straightforward approach that is related
to direct fitness is to simply compute invasion fitness of a rare mutant in a resident
population. This can be thought of as a ‘gene-centred’ approach and we use it here.

82 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

We start by examining the evolution of helping, which is perhaps the most studied
issue for interactions between relatives.

4.5.1 The Evolution of Helping

Helping others can be costly, so that helping behaviour is not expected to evolve
unless the cost of providing help is more than compensated for by some benefit. This
was illustrated by the Prisoner’s Dilemma game (Section 3.2) where we saw that the
strategy of cooperation would not evolve. When pairs are formed from population
members at random, defect is the only ESS in that game. There can, however, be
reasons to expect a positive assortment where helping individuals are more likely
than non-helpers to find themselves interacting with others who help. For example,
suppose that offspring have limited dispersal, so that they mature close to their natal
environment (population viscosity), and that individuals interact with those around
them. Then individuals will be more closely related to those individuals with whom
they interact than to average population members. Thus if a mutation arises that
provides more help to others than the resident population strategy, then mutants will
receive more help from others than residents because some of a mutant individual’s
relatives will also have the mutation. Population viscosity is likely to be the most
widespread reason for positive assortment in nature, which was originally analysed
by Hamilton (1964).
Non-random pairing can thus lead to cooperators doing better than defectors. Our
analysis here follows that in McElreath and Boyd (2007). Consider a large population
in which each individual either plays cooperate (C) or defect (D) in pair-wise
interactions. When pairs are formed there may be a tendency for cooperators to be
paired together and for defectors to be paired together. Let pC be the probability that
the partner of a cooperative individual is also cooperative and let pD be the probability
that the partner of a defector is cooperative. Then under positive assortment we
would have pC > pD . In fact the correlation ρ between the level of cooperativeness
of pair members can be shown to be exactly pC − pD (Exercise 4.10). Conditioning
on whether the partner is cooperative or not, the payoff to a cooperator is
W(C) = pC (b − c) + (1 − pC )(−c).
Similarly, the payoff to a defector is
W(D) = pD b + (1 − pD )0.
W(C) > W(D) ⇔ (pC − pD )b > c. (4.19)
This shows that if the correlation ρ = pC − pD is sufficiently high cooperators can do
better than defectors. Box 7.4 illustrates similar effects of correlation in a model in
which traits are continuous.
In Box 4.3 the inequality in eq (4.19) is applied to interactions between relatives.
Note that the right-hand inequality in eq (4.20) in Box 4.3 holds for all values of the
proportion α of the C allele in the population, which means that the condition tells
us when C is an ESS and when D is an ESS. Thus, C is an ESS when the right-hand

Games Between Relatives • 83

Box 4.3 Kin interactions and positive assortment

We consider a population of haploid individuals, each with one of two alternative alleles,
C and D, at a focal locus. C individuals always cooperate in the Prisoner’s Dilemma, D
individuals always defect. A proportion α of the population has the C allele. The two
alleles in the two members of a pair are said to be identical by descent (IBD) if they are
both copies of the same allele present in a recent ancestor. The relatedness between pair
members is taken to be the probability that their alleles are IBD. More generally, including
for diploid organisms, the coefficient of relatedness is often defined as the probability that
a randomly chosen allele at a locus in one individual has an IBD allele at the locus in the
other individual. For example, in diploid organisms relatedness is 1 for identical twins, 0.5
for sibs of unrelated parents, and 0.125 for first cousins.
In our population, assume that the average relatedness between pair members is r.
Conditioning on whether partner’s allele is IBD we have
pC = P(alleles IDB|individual is C) × 1 +
P(alleles not IBD|individual is C) × α
= r + (1 − r)α.
pD = P(alleles IDB|individual is D) × 0 +
P(alleles not IBD|individual is C) × α
= (1 − r)α.
Thus pC − pD = r, so that eq (4.19) becomes
W(C) > W(D) ⇔ rb > c (4.20)
This relationship is referred to as Hamilton’s rule.

inequality in eq (4.20) holds, and D is an ESS when the reversed inequality holds.
These results are thus in accordance with Hamilton’s rule.

4.5.2 Hawk–Dove Game Between Relatives

Let us now analyse the Hawk–Dove game, making the same assumptions about
relatedness as in Box 4.3. Grafen (1979) originally analysed this game, using the gene-
centred approach. With the payoffs from Table 3.2, we first examine the invasion of a
mixed strategy of playing Hawk with probability p into a resident population using
p. Instead of eq (3.5) we get

 1 1 
W(p , p) = W0 +r p2 (V − C) + p (1 − p )V + (1 − p )2 V +
2 2
  1 1 
(1 − r) p p (V − C) + p (1 − p)V + (1 − p )(1 − p) V (4.21)

2 2
1    C   C 2 
= W0 + V 1 + (1 − r) p − p − p p − r p .
2 V V

84 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

Following the same logic as in Box 4.3, a player using the strategy p has a probability
r of interacting with relatives who also use p , and a probability 1 − r of interacting
with random members of the population who use p. The fitness gradient (eq (4.4))
is then
1  C 
D(p) = V 1 − r − (1 + r) p . (4.22)
2 V
Solving the equation D(p∗ ) = 0, we get
(1 − r)V
p∗ = , (4.23)
(1 + r)C
if V/C ≤ (1 + r)/(1 − r). Compared with the game for unrelated individuals, this
probability of playing Hawk is smaller than V/C, which can be seen as a tendency
towards cooperation. For V/C > (1 + r)/(1 − r), the equilibrium is p∗ = 1. As illus-
trated in panel (a) of Fig. 4.9, for r > 0, the equilibrium is a strict maximum of the
payoff W(p, p∗ ), thus satisfying the condition (ES1) for evolutionary stability. Note
that this differs from the case r = 0, for which all strategies are best responses to
the ESS.
Even though relatedness has the effect of decreasing the evolutionarily stable
intensity of fighting, very dangerous fighting between closely related individuals still
occurs in nature. As illustrated in panel (b) of Fig. 4.9, if two newly emerged honey

(a) (b)
C = 1.5

Payoff from contest

0.3 C = 0.0
V = 1.0
0.2 r = 0.5

p* p*
Lethal honey bee queen fight
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Mutant Hawk probability

Fig. 4.9 (a) Illustration of the payoff to a mutant strategy p for two ESSs for the Hawk–Dove
game between relatives. In both cases r = 0.5 and V = 1.0. With a more valuable future (C =
W0 = 1.5) beyond the contested resource (e.g. the inheritance of a colony), the ESS is p∗ =
0.222, as given in eq (4.23). If the future beyond the contest has no value (C = W0 = 0.0), a fight
to the death is the ESS. (b) Illustration of a fight to the death between two newly emerged honey
bee queens. The worker bees look on and will accept the winner as the new queen of the colony.
Painting by Hashime Murayama. Reused with permission from the National Geographic Image

Games Between Relatives • 85

bee queens meet, they will fight to the death. The explanation lies in the colony life
cycle of these insects. When a colony has grown to a certain size, the previous queen
leaves the colony with part of the workers, in order to found a new colony (swarming).
At this point in time, the colony has reared a number of new queens, but only one of
them can inherit the colony (cf. lethal fighting in Section 3.5). The first new queen to
emerge will try to locate the other queen-rearing cells and kill their inhabitants, but
if two or more new queens emerge and meet, they fight to the death (Gilley, 2001).
Honey bee queens are typically highly related, with r = 0.75 if they are full sisters
(same father), and r = 0.25 if they are half sisters. The example illustrates that even
simple game theory models can deliver surprising and valid predictions.

4.5.3 Parent–Offspring Conflict

Interactions between parents and offspring involve such issues as how much parents
should invest in a given clutch of offspring compared with future clutches, and how the
investment in a clutch should be distributed among the individual offspring. Offspring
begging for food is a kind of negotiation between offspring and parents, and between
the offspring. Here we study a simpler situation, where parents provide a fixed amount
of resources to a clutch, and the question is how this amount is distributed among the
offspring. We will compare the case where one chick (the oldest) is dominant and can
decide on the proportion p of resources to itself with the case where a parent decides
the proportions. In many species of birds, the chicks in a clutch compete intensely over
food and the oldest chick often dominates its younger siblings (Mock et al., 1990).
Inspired by Parker et al. (1989), we examine the simplest possible situation in which
a clutch consists of two siblings, with the older chick being dominant. We assume that
the survival to adulthood of a chick that gets a proportion p of the parental resources is
s(p) = 1 − exp(−a(p − pmin )) (4.24)
for p ≥ pmin and zero otherwise. The parameter a is related to the total amount of
resources invested and pmin is the smallest proportion required for a chick to have a
chance to survive. If the dominant chick gets the proportion p with survival s(p), the
other chick will get 1 − p with survival s(1 − p). In panel (a) of Fig. 4.10 we illustrate
this chick survival function, together with the evolutionarily stable allocations if they
are determined by the dominant chick (dashed lines) or by a parent (dotted line).
Figure 4.10b shows a great egret parent with chicks. Sibling competition is fierce
in these birds (Mock et al., 1990), but their breeding characteristics do not agree in
detail with our model here. In great egrets the observation is that the parents do not
interfere in sibling fights.
To derive the allocations illustrated in Fig. 4.10, we assume that individuals are
diploid. For each of the two cases of dominant chick control and parental control, we
examine the payoff (proportional to invasion fitness) of a rare mutant p in a resident
population using q. When the mutant is rare, it occurs overwhelmingly as an allele in
a heterozygote genotype. Furthermore, at most one of the mother and the father of
a clutch is a mutant heterozygote. As a simplification, we assume that generations

86 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria


Chick survival

0.4 Dom

0.2 Par

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Great egret with chicks
Proportion resources to chick

Fig. 4.10 (a) Chick survival as a function of the proportion of parental resources allocated
to the chick. The curve is given by eq (4.24) with pmin = 0.2 and a = 1.5. The dotted line
shows equal investment in each of two chicks and is evolutionarily stable for parental control of
the allocation. The dashed lines show the evolutionarily stable allocation to the dominant and
subordinate chicks if the dominant chick is in control. The relatedness between chicks is r = 0.5.
(b) A great egret parent with chicks. Original photo by ‘Mike’ Michael L. Baird. Published under
the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license (CC BY 2.0).

are non-overlapping. For each of the two cases, we look for the change from one
generation to the next of the frequency of the mutant (gene-centred approach). We
can then use as payoff the expected number of adult mutant offspring per breeding
attempt (clutch) where one of the parents is a mutant. If the dominant chick is in
control of the allocation, the payoff is
Wdom (p, q) = s(p) + s(1 − p) + s(p) + s(1 − q) + 0 (4.25)
1 1 1 
= s(p) + s(1 − p) + s(1 − q) .
2 2 2
We arrive at this expression by averaging over the four equally likely possibilities
for offspring genotypes when one of the parents (mother or father) is a mutant
heterozygote. The first possibility is that both dominant and subordinate chicks are
mutants, the second is that only the dominant chick is mutant, the third is that only
the subordinate chick is mutant, and the fourth, giving a payoff of 0, is that neither
chick is mutant. The fitness derivative (eq (4.4)) for this case is
1 1 
Ddom (q) = s (q) − s (1 − q) , (4.26)
2 2
so that a condition for evolutionary equilibrium is s (q) = 12 s (1 − q). The condition
entails that the marginal change in survival for the dominant chick is twice that of the
subordinate. Using eq (4.24), the solution is

Exercises • 87

1 log(2)
q = p∗ = + ,
2 2a
which is illustrated by the rightmost dashed line in Fig. 4.10a. Similarly, if one parent,
for instance the mother, is in control of the allocation, the payoff is
1  1 
Wpar (p, q) = s(p) + s(1 − p) + s(q) + s(1 − q) . (4.27)
4 4
We arrive at this expression by noting that with probability 12 the mother is a mutant,
in which case the allocation is p, with each chick having the probability 12 of being
mutant, and with probability 12 the father is a mutant, in which case the allocation is q,
again with each chick having the probability 12 of being mutant. The fitness derivative
for this case is
Dpar (q) = s (q) − s (1 − q) . (4.28)
A condition for evolutionary equilibrium is s (q) = s (1 − q), with p∗ = 0.5 as a
solution, and this is illustrated by the dotted line in Fig. 4.10a.
One thing to note about this example is that the mutants for the two cases should
be thought of as mutants at different loci. Genes influencing the behaviour of a
dominant chick are likely to be different from genes influencing parental feeding
behaviour. For parent–offspring conflicts, this will be the general situation, and it
provides a recipe for how to study games between relatives. For the analysis, one
should thus examine the invasion fitness of mutants of different genes, for instance
genes for offspring behaviour vs. genes for parental behaviour, taking into account
the population structure produced by relatedness.

4.6 Exercises

Ex. 4.1. Consider the coordination game with payoffs given by Table 3.3. Let W(p , p)
be the expected payoff to a mutant that drives on the right with probability p
when the resident strategy is to drive on the right with probability p. Show that
W(p , p) = (1 − 2p )(1 − 2p). Verify that p∗ = 0.5 is a Nash equilibrium. For any
mutant strategy p = p∗ verify that conditions (ES1) and (ES2)(i) hold, but that
condition (ES2)(ii) does not hold, so that p∗ is not an ESS.

Ex. 4.2. Consider the analysis in Box 4.1, except now assume that there are discrete
non-overlapping generations, so that n(t) and n∗ (t) are the numbers of mutants and
residents, respectively, in generation t. Assume that numbers now change according
to n(t + 1) = K[w0 + w((t))]n(t) and n∗ (t + 1) = K[w0 + w∗ ((t))]n∗ (t), where
(t) = n(t)/(n(t) + n∗ (t)) and w0 and K are constants. Shown that
(t)(1 − (t))
(t + 1) − (t) = ,

where W̄ = (1 − (t))(w0 + w∗ ((t))) + (t)(w0 + w((t)).

88 • Stability Concepts: Beyond Nash Equilibria

Ex. 4.3. Consider a two-player game with two actions, labelled u1 and u2 , in which
a strategy specifies the probability of taking action u2 . Let aij denote the payoff to an
individual that chooses action ui when partner chooses action uj . Define α = (a11 +
a22 ) − (a12 + a21 ) and assume that α = 0. Suppose the payoffs are such that there is a
Nash equilibrium p∗ lying strictly between 0 and 1. Show that we can write the payoff
function as W(p , p) = K(p) + α(p − p∗ )p , where K(p) is a function of p. Show that
α < 0 if and only if each of the following three statements hold: (i) the unique best
response to each pure strategies is the other pure strategy, (ii) p∗ is an ESS, (iii) p∗ is
convergence stable.

Ex. 4.4. Show that the conditions given in Section 4.1 for a strategy to be an ESS for
a playing-the-field game are equivalent to the conditions for a two-player game to be
an ESS, when the game is actually a two-player game. That is, assume that conditions
(ES2)(i) holds, and show that this means that conditions (ES2 )(ii) and (ES2)(ii) are
equivalent when the game is a two-player game.

Ex. 4.5. Consider the simple sex-allocation game of Section 3.8 with no mortality
during maturation. Show that the Nash equilibrium strategy, p∗ = 0.5, satisfies con-
dition (ES2 ) and is hence an ESS.

Ex. 4.6. Consider Exercise 3.10 on temperature-dependent sex determination in

which the trait under selection is the threshold temperature. Take the payoff W(x , x)
to be the expected number of matings obtained by the offspring of a female with
threshold x when the resident threshold 
√ is x. Derive an expression for W(x , x).

Hence show that the trait x = 20 + 10/ 3 is the unique best response to itself and
is hence an ESS. Show that the strength of selection D(x) = ∂W ∂x (x, x) is given by
D(x) = 20β(x) (1 − 3β 2 (x)) where β(x) = (x − 20)/10. Verify that x∗ is convergence
stable and hence a CSS.

Ex. 4.7. In a two-player game, payoffs are given by W(x , x) = x x − (x + 75 4 3

x )
where strategies lie in the range x ≥ 0. Find the best response function b̂(x) and the
three ESSs for this game. Write down the equation of adaptive dynamics and hence
show that the smallest and largest ESSs are convergence stable, while the middle ESS
is not.

Ex. 4.8. Derive the continuous-time replicator dynamics in eq (4.16) from the
definition of fitness in eq (4.15), by introducing that ni (t) = νi (t)n(t). Verify that the
average fitness w̄ is zero if the total population size is stationary, i.e. dn(t)/dt = 0. Also,
derive the Price equation (4.17) from the replicator equation.

Ex. 4.9. The Rock–Paper–Scissors game is a two-player game in which each contes-
tant chooses one of three actions: rock (R), paper (P) or scissors (S). Payoffs for a
generalised version of this game are given by Table 4.1. Here a > 0 and b > 0. The
standard form of the game has a = b.

Exercises • 89

Table 4.1 Payoffs in a generalized Rock–Paper–

Scissors game.

Payoff to focal Action of partner

Action of focal R 0 a −b
S −b 0 a
P a −b 0

The unique Nash equilibrium strategy for this game is to choose each action with
probability 13 . Show that this Nash equilibrium is an ESS when a > b and that there is
no ESS when a ≤ b.
Consider the continuous replicator dynamics in eq (4.16) when the population con-
sists of a mixture of the three pure strategists. Let νR (t) be the proportion of R strate-
gists at time t, with νS (t) and νP (t) defined similarly. Show that w̄ = (a − b)M where
M = νR νS + νS νP + νP νR . Show that ν̇R (t) = νR (t)[aνS (t) − bνP (t) − (a − b)M(t)].
Set y(t) = νR (t)νS (t)νP (t). Show that ẏ(t) = (a − b)(1 − 3M(t))y(t). Let a > b. Show
that in this case νi (t) → 13 as t → ∞ for i = R, S, P provided that y(0) > 0. Investigate
the limiting behaviour when a = b and when a < b. (See e.g. Hofbauer and Sigmund

Ex. 4.10. Consider the Prisoner’s Dilemma with positive assortment (Box 4.3). Let
α be the proportion of cooperators in the population. Choose a randomly selected
population member and set X1 = 0 if this individual is a defector and X1 = 1 if the
individual is a cooperator. Similarly, let X2 be 0 or 1 depending on whether the
partner of the individual is a defector or cooperator, respectively. Show that Var(Xi )
= α(1 − α) and that Cov(X1 , X2 ) = α(pC − α). By conditioning on the X-value of
partner, derive the identity α = (1 − α)pD + αpC . Hence show that the correlation
between X1 and X2 is ρ(X1 , X2 ) = pC − pD .

Learning in Large Worlds

Many things that are important for individuals are variable. Among the examples are
properties of an individual and its social partners, such as size, strength, and similar
qualities, and characteristics of the environment, such as the availability of resources.
Individuals might then need to learn about their particular circumstances, rather than
relying on innate precepts. For game theory there are two major ways to conceptualize
such learning. The first is to assume that individuals have innate representations of
the probability distributions of variable features and use experiences to update the
priors to adequate posteriors (cf. Section 3.12). We refer to this widely used Bayesian
perspective as a ‘small-worlds’ approach. It presupposes that individuals have innate
representations of the states of the world, over which prior distributions are defined, as
well as representations of the state dynamics. For this to be reasonable the number of
states should in some sense be small. The second way is to assume that individuals
have much more limited innate precepts, for instance only about what should be
sought and what should be avoided, perhaps guided by emotions like pleasure and
pain. This can be referred to as a ‘large-worlds’ approach. It may give rise to seemingly
adaptive behaviour also in situations where an individual does not have an innate
model of the world, for instance because the world, including the decision-making
machinery of social partners, is too complex. One can use the term model-free
learning to refer to this approach.
An advantage of the large-worlds perspective is that it can be combined with
investigation of the properties of model-free learning that are evolutionarily favoured
in particular situations. We can for instance study the evolution of an individual’s
initial, unlearned tendencies to perform actions, how much the individual pays
attention to different classes of stimuli, and the magnitude of the primary rewards
that guide learning. As we illustrate in this and later chapters, the approach can be
helpful as a method of analysis also for situations (games) that individuals encounter
on a day-to-day basis, while living and interacting in social groups.
We present a sequence of examples illustrating both different biological applica-
tions and important elements of learning models. In Section 5.1 we introduce our
basic learning approach, which is actor–critic learning (Box 5.1), using a stylized
coordination game with a single state and two actions. We then use this approach to
study learning in the Hawk–Dove game (Section 5.2), making the point that learning
rates can evolve and that this can have important implications for the outcome of
learning. How to model learning when actions vary along a continuum is dealt with in

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0005

92 • Learning in Large Worlds

Section 5.3, using contributions to a common good (Section 3.1) as an example. Social
dominance and the formation of social hierarchies is an important and challenging
problem for game theory. In Section 5.4 we introduce a learning model of this
phenomenon, which is further extended in Section 8.6. The model includes the new
element that individuals observe a continuously distributed variable, for instance
representing relative size, before choosing an action. We end the chapter by giving an
overview of learning approaches in game theory (Section 5.5), including discussing
whether or not the learning dynamics will converge towards an endpoint for the game
that is being learned how to play, such as a Nash equilibrium or an ESS.
In small worlds a natural question is whether learning rules are evolutionarily
stable. For large-worlds models the corresponding question is whether different
parameters or traits of learning mechanisms, for instance learning rates, are at an
evolutionary equilibrium. We discuss this issue in greater detail in Section 8.8, after
having presented a diverse set of examples.

5.1 Reinforcement Learning

For a large-worlds approach, one needs to assume some particular mechanism of
model-free learning. Harley (1981) and Maynard Smith (1982) proposed learning
dynamics for game theory in biology, which we describe in Section 5.5, together with
other similar suggestions. Here we present our own favoured approach. Reinforce-
ment learning, as described by Sutton and Barto (2018), was developed by computer
scientists for machine learning and robotics. It was inspired by and is closely related to
ideas in animal psychology and neuroscience. The approach now contributes to the
rapid emergence of applications of artificial intelligence and provides an important
basis for experimental investigations of learning in neuroscience. Reinforcement
learning thus has major advantages: it is conceptually and computationally mature
and it has the potential for biologically realistic descriptions of animal behaviour. The
basic idea is that individuals explore through randomness in their actions and tend to
increase the preference for actions that result in higher than so-far-estimated rewards
(which applies to instrumental learning generally).
The overarching aim of reinforcement learning is to maximize perceived rewards
over a suitable time scale. Learning is thus driven by rewards and is fundamentally
different from evolutionary change, which is driven by success in survival and repro-
duction, which need not involve psychological processes such as perception of reward.
For learning to be adaptive, it follows that individuals must possess innate, evolved
mechanisms for detecting rewards, and these are referred to as primary rewards. From
these, individuals can learn that other stimuli, or states, serve as predictors of primary
rewards, and they are then called secondary rewards. The study of primary and
secondary rewards is one of the main preoccupations of animal learning psychology,
often discussed in terms of unconditioned and conditioned stimuli. Reinforcement
learning also incorporates prediction of rewards by associating states with values that

Reinforcement Learning • 93

correspond to estimated future rewards. In this chapter we focus on the simplest case
where the primary rewards are the payoffs from repeated plays of a one-shot game in
a large population.
There are a number of different but related modelling approaches in reinforcement
learning, many of which are described by Sutton and Barto (2018). Here we focus on
one of them, actor–critic learning (see p. 94), but in the next chapter we also illustrate
Sarsa learning (Box 6.5), which is another common approach.
For biological relevance, it is useful to specify what individuals might learn about
in a given situation. For instance, in Section 3.11 we examined the Hawk–Dove game
for individuals that vary in fighting ability and know their own ability. In practice,
individuals might not know their own fighting ability in comparison with other
individuals, but need to learn about it through interactions, and we study this kind
of process in Sections 5.2 and 5.4. First, however, as a simpler beginning, we use the
stylized example of the coordination game from Section 3.7. The analysis illustrates
how individuals in a population can learn to coordinate their driving, on the left or
on the right side of the road. An interpretation would be that individuals learn and
adjust to how the majority of the population drive (Fig. 5.1).

(a) (b)

Estimated reward, w
Pr (drive left), p




0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Number of rounds, t Number of rounds, t

Fig. 5.1 Learning in a coordination game. In a large population (N = 8000) random pairs
of individuals are repeatedly chosen to play a game with payoffs in Table 3.3. Individuals use
actor–critic reinforcement learning as described in Box 5.1, with learning rates αw = 0.2 and
αθ = 0.4. The result is that they coordinate on either driving left or driving right. The outcome
depends on the tendency to drive left or right in the starting population. The x-axes indicate
the expected number of rounds of play per individual. (a) The population average (dark grey
lines) ± one standard deviation (light grey shading) for two cases, with starting probabilities
of driving left of p = 0.45 and p = 0.55. For each case, the learning trajectory is shown for one
individual as a thin black line. (b) The median (dark grey) and the range from first to third
quartiles (light grey) for the corresponding estimated reward from the game, for the case of
starting at p = 0.55 (the other case is very similar).

94 • Learning in Large Worlds

5.1.1 The Actor–Critic Approach

A mechanism for learning in game theory needs both to build up estimates of the value
for an individual of being in or reaching a certain state and to form preferences for
the actions to perform in the state. Actor–critic learning implements these as distinct
but linked processes. The learning dynamics are described in Box 5.1 for two-player
games with two actions and in a large population where players are randomly paired.
The value of being in the single state of the game, which in this case is the estimated
reward from playing the game, is updated using the temporal difference (TD) error,
as specified by eq (5.3) in Box 5.1 and illustrated in Fig. 5.1b. The TD error is the
difference between actual and estimated rewards. The updating is similar to the much
studied Rescorla–Wagner model of classical conditioning (Staddon, 2016), which
describes the updating of an associative value. The interpretation of the Rescorla–
Wagner model is that learning is driven by ‘surprise’, in the form of a discrepancy
between perceived and estimated values. In reinforcement learning, the surprise is
given by the TD error in eq (5.2). Based on findings in neuroscience the TD error is
interpreted as a reinforcement signal that guides learning (Sutton and Barto, 2018),
and it is a reason for the name ‘reinforcement learning’. The TD error and the updating
in eq (5.3) make up the critic component of actor–critic learning.
The actor component of actor–critic learning is an updating of action preferences,
given by eq (5.5) and illustrated in Fig. 5.1a. The action probabilities are logistic
functions of preferences, as in eq (5.1). The updating involves the product of the TD
error from the critic component and the so-called eligibility of the action, defined in
eq (5.4). The eligibility measures the relative change of the action probability with a
change in preference. As seen from eq (5.4), if the current preference is such that the
action performed has close to maximal probability, the eligibility will be small and the
preference is changed very little, but if the action performed has smaller probability,
the eligibility can be larger and the change in preference is then more sensitive to
the TD error. In the general case of several actions, the corresponding quantity to eq
(5.4) is referred to as an eligibility vector (Sutton and Barto, 2018). The actor–critic
updating of the action preferences is a kind of policy gradient method, which means
that the method is likely to perform well in terms of learning leading to higher rewards
(Sutton and Barto, 2018). From the perspective of animal psychology, the actor
component implements operant, or instrumental, conditioning (Staddon, 2016).
It is suggested that the actor learning process may correspond to a form of neu-
ral plasticity, so-called spike-timing-dependent plasticity (Roelfsema and Holtmaat,
2018; Sutton and Barto, 2018). However, compared with real neural processes, the
learning mechanism in Box 5.1 might be a simplification. Neurons cannot implement
negative firing rates, and for this reason excitatory and inhibitory influences on the
preference for an action need to have separate mechanisms, as put forward by Collins
and Frank (2014).

5.1.2 Average Actor–Critic Dynamics in a Population

We can use the individual learning dynamics from Box 5.1 to derive equations for
the change of the population averages of the learning parameters wit and θit (Fig. 5.1

Reinforcement Learning • 95

Box 5.1 Actor–critic learning with a single state and two actions
We examine a simple case where individuals in a large population meet a sequence of
randomly selected partners to play a game with two actions. The payoffs from the game
are interpreted as rewards and individuals learn which actions to prefer in order to achieve
high rewards. Because there are no payoff-relevant differences between rounds of the game
(e.g. the identity and thus characteristics of the other player), there is only one state. In
round t individual i chooses its first action with probability pit , which is expressed in terms
of a preference θit for the action, as follows:
pit = . (5.1)
1 + exp(−θit )
The probability is a logistic function of the preference. Learning means that the preference
is updated based on rewards from using the action. Individual i has an estimate wit of the
reward at the start of round t. At the start of the next round, the individual has observed
the actual reward Rit from the recent play of the game, which depends on the actions used
by both players, and can form the difference
δit = Rit − wit (5.2)
between estimated and actual rewards. This is referred to as the temporal-difference (TD)
error. The TD error is used to update the estimated reward for the next round:
wi,t+1 = wit + αw δit , (5.3)
where αw is a rate of learning. This represents the ‘critic’ of actor–critic learning. The TD
error is also used to update the preference, in such a way that successful actions become
more likely and less successful actions less likely. For this purpose, a derivative of the
logarithm of the probability of performing the action, first or second, is used

∂ log Pr(action|θit ) 1 − pit if first action
ζit = = (5.4)
∂θit −pit if second action
which follows from eq (5.1). The quantity ζit is referred to as the eligibility of the action
used. The update of the preference (‘actor’) is then
θi,t+1 = θit + αθ δit ζit , (5.5)
where αθ is a rate of learning, which need not be the same as αw .

illustrates this kind of dynamics). For the average estimated reward, it follows from
eq (5.3) that
= αw δ̄t . (5.6)
For a learning steady state, we should then have δ̄t = 0, or R̄t = w̄t . To derive a similar
equation for the average preference θ̄t , we first note from eq (5.4) that, given an
individual’s current action preference θit , the expected eligibility of the next action
is equal to zero (e.g. from equation (5.4), pi (1 − pi ) − (1 − pi )pi = 0). Such a relation
follows generally by noting that the total probability, summed over actions, is equal
to one. Using this and eq (5.5) we get that

96 • Learning in Large Worlds

= αθ Cov(δit , ζit ), (5.7)
where Cov denotes the population covariance between the TD error and the eligibility.
For a learning steady state, we should then have Cov(δit , ζit ) = 0. We can compare
this with the Price equation (4.17). Although these equations describe fundamentally
different processes, natural selection vs. actor–critic learning, they are both helpful in
providing intuitive understanding.

5.2 Learning and the Hawk–Dove Game

We now examine learning in the Hawk–Dove game (described in Section 3.5) from
a few different perspectives. As a starting point we study an example where all
individuals in the population have the same fighting ability, but they are unaware of
the value V of winning and the cost C of losing a Hawk–Hawk interaction, and instead
learn about these from the rewards they obtain (Fig. 5.2). The outcome of actor–critic
learning is that the population average probability of using Hawk approaches the ESS

(a) (b)

0.75 0.02
Pr (Hawk), p

Cov (δ, ζ)

0.50 0.00

0.25 −0.02

0 2500 5000 7500 10,000 0 2500 5000 7500 10,000
Number of rounds, t Number of rounds, t

Fig. 5.2 Learning in a Hawk–Dove game. In a large population (N = 8000) random pairs of
individuals are repeatedly chosen to play a Hawk–Dove game, as described in Section 3.5. If
both choose Hawk, each has a 50% chance of winning, gaining V = 0.5, and the other then
losing C = 1.0. Individuals use actor–critic reinforcement learning as described in Box 5.1, with
learning rates αw = 0.02 and αθ = 0.02. The x-axes indicate the expected number of rounds
of play per individual. The result is that the population average probability of playing Hawk
gradually approaches the ESS probability p∗ = V/C = 0.5. (a) The population average (dark
grey line) ± one standard deviation (light grey shading) probability of playing Hawk. The
learning trajectory is shown for one individual as a black line. (b) The population covariance
between the TD error and the eligibility, from eq (5.7), shown as one light grey point at each
time step (the points overlap).

Learning and the Hawk–Dove Game • 97

strategy of p∗ = V/C, with considerable variation in individual strategies (Fig. 5.2a).

For the rather low rates of learning in this example, the approach to a learning
equilibrium is quite slow, taking several thousand rounds per individual, which is
confirmed by the low covariance between the TD error and eligibility (Fig. 5.2b), from
eq (5.7).
The situation in Fig. 5.2 is biologically somewhat artificial. While individuals might
well learn about the value of winning and the cost of fighting, learning about the
individual’s own fighting ability in relation to others is likely to be a more prominent
phenomenon. As a first illustration of this we examine a situation where individuals
vary in fighting ability q, as described in Section 3.11 and Fig. 3.9, but they are unaware
of their own q and can learn about it from wins and losses in Hawk–Hawk interactions
against randomly selected opponents.
Two contrasting illustrations of the outcome of such learning appear in Fig. 5.3,
with a large number of rounds per individual and rather low rates of learning in
Fig. 5.3a, and fewer rounds per individual and higher, evolved rates of learning

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75
Pr (Hawk), p

Pr (Hawk), p

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Fighting ability, q Fighting ability, q

Fig. 5.3 Learning outcomes in Hawk–Dove games with variation in fighting ability q, with
either fixed low or evolved rates of learning. At the start of a generation an individual’s value of
q is drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1]. In a large population (N = 8000)
random pairs of individuals are repeatedly chosen to play a Hawk–Dove game, as described
in Section 3.11, with the probability of winning a Hawk–Hawk interaction given in eq (3.18).
Individuals use actor–critic reinforcement learning as described in Box 5.1. The panels show the
probability of using Hawk as a function of fighting ability, after a specified number of rounds of
learning. The action probabilities are shown as light-grey points (overlapping), with non-linear
local (LOESS) regression fits shown as dark grey lines, and the ESS threshold (from Fig. 3.9) as a
vertical line. (a) There are many rounds of interaction (5 × 104 ) per individual, with rather low
learning rates αw = 0.02 and αθ = 0.02. (b) Each generation there are on average 100 rounds of
interaction per individual and the learning rates are allowed to evolve over many generations,
with payoffs equal to one plus the average reward from a game, until reaching an evolutionary
equilibrium with ᾱw = 0.111 and ᾱθ = 2.164.

98 • Learning in Large Worlds

in Fig. 5.3b. We see that with many rounds and slow learning, the ESS threshold
strategy is a good approximation to the learning outcome (Fig. 5.3a). There are,
however, good biological reasons to consider the evolution of learning rates, and
also that learning should sometimes be selected to be fast. In animal psychology,
learning rates are assumed to be influenced by the salience, in the sense of perceived
intensity or noticeability, of a conditioned stimulus (Staddon, 2016). Furthermore,
the reinforcing effects of rewards and penalties can vary in strength and influence
learning (Berridge and Robinson, 1998; Wise, 2004), and it is reasonable that these
effects can change in evolution. For our Hawk–Dove game, this would mean that
individuals evolve to perceive wins and losses in a fight as highly striking or salient,
and therefore make larger updates to their action preferences, as in eq (5.5) in Box 5.1.
The reason this is adaptive is that fights are costly, making it important for individuals
to relatively quickly move towards using mainly Hawk or mainly Dove, already after
a limited amount of experience. As shown in Fig. 5.3b, the consequence is that a
fair number of individuals with fighting ability q below the ESS threshold still tend
to use Hawk, and vice versa for Dove. This can be seen as a trade-off between the
cost of obtaining information and the benefit of using actions that are suited to the
individual’s characteristics.
We can also investigate the consequences of such higher rates of learning with a
greater number of rounds per individual. We find that a threshold-like learning equi-
librium has not quite been reached even after 1000 rounds per individual (Fig. 5.4a),

(a) (b)

Pr (Hawk), p
Cov (δ, ζ)



0 250 500 750 1000 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Number of rounds, t Fighting ability, q

Fig. 5.4 Learning in a Hawk–Dove game with variation in fighting ability. There are many
rounds per individual (1000) and the rates of learning are fixed at the average evolved values
from Fig. 5.3b (αw = 0.111 and αθ = 2.164). An individual’s value of q is drawn from a uniform
distribution on the interval [0, 1]. (a) The population covariance between the TD error and the
eligibility, from eq (5.7), shown as one light grey point at each time step (the points overlap). (b)
The learning outcome. The action probabilities are shown as light-grey points (overlapping),
with a non-linear local (LOESS) regression fit shown as a dark grey line, and the ESS threshold
(from Fig. 3.9) as a vertical line.

Learning in a Game of Joint Benefit of Investment • 99

but that the individual actions have come somewhat closer to the ESS threshold
strategy (Fig. 5.4b). We conclude that it need not be realistic to assume that individual
learning reaches or even comes very close to an ESS of a one-shot game.
Note that for the actor–critic learning in the examples above, individuals do not
directly learn about their own fighting ability q, in the sense of forming an actual
estimate of this value, but instead simply learn which action to use based on the
rewards they perceive. It is, however, possible to allow for more sophisticated learning
by introducing several states, or stimuli, that individuals can take into account (see
Sections 5.4 and 8.6).
We can compare the results in Fig. 5.3b with a small-worlds model analysed by
Fawcett and Johnstone (2010). These authors studied the Hawk–Dove game in a large
population with somewhat different assumptions than here: there were only two levels
of fighting ability, either high or low, and instead of interactions over a period of some
given length they used a continual turnover of individuals. In any case, the ESSs they
computed shows qualitative similarity to our results in that they found rather rapid

5.3 Learning in a Game of Joint Benefit of Investment

Actions that vary along a continuum are often needed for a good description of animal
behaviour. The action might be the amount of effort invested into an activity, and
individuals can modify their investments through reinforcement learning. We use
the example of contributing to a common benefit at a cost (Section 3.1) to illustrate
actor–critic learning with continuous actions. For simplicity we examine a case where
random pairs of individuals play investment games similar to that in Fig. 3.1, but we
assume that individuals vary in quality q, which influences their cost of investment.
As illustrated in Fig. 5.5a, the common benefit (positive reward) from actions ui and
uj is
B(usum ) = b0 + b1 usum − 12 b2 u2sum , (5.8)
where usum = ui + uj , and the cost to individual i (negative reward) is
C(ui , qi ) = c1 ui (1 − qi ) + 12 c2 u2i . (5.9)
The individual quality qi influences how steeply the cost increases with ui .
Actor–critic learning with continuous actions is described in Box 5.2. If individuals
do not know their quality, they can learn about q from the rewards they obtain. As seen
in Fig. 5.5b, the resulting individual learning trajectories are rather noisy. Part of the
reason is that an individual interacts with a sequence of random partners, who vary in
quality and also in their particular learning experiences, which causes the net reward
from a game to vary considerably.
We can examine how the learning rates αw , αθ and the parameter σ evolve
in such a situation, by assuming that they are genetically determined traits of an
individual. Such an assumption could be biologically realistic, because observations

100 • Learning in Large Worlds

(a) (b)
5 1.00

B(2u) 0.75
Pos/neg rewards

Mean action, θ
C(u,0) C(u,1)


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 100 200 300 400 500

Action, u Number of rounds, t

Fig. 5.5 Learning in an investment game. In a large population (N = 8000) random pairs of
individuals play investment games with continuous actions. If i with quality qi uses action
ui and meets j using uj , the reward for i is B(ui + uj ) − C(ui , qi ), with benefit and cost from
eqs (5.8, 5.9), illustrated in (a). The dashed vertical lines show the ESS investments for q = 0
and q = 1, if an individual knows its qi and meets another with qj distributed uniformly on
[0, 1]. (b) Individuals use actor–critic reinforcement learning as described in Box 5.2, with
learning rates αw = 0.04, αθ = 0.004 and exploration parameter σ = 0.1. The x-axis gives the
expected number of rounds of play per individual and the population average (dark grey line)
± one standard deviation (light grey shading) of the action preference θ is shown. The learning
trajectories are also shown for two individuals as thin black lines, the lower with q ≈ 0.1 and
the upper with q ≈ 0.9. The dashed horizontal lines show the ESS investments for these values
of q. Payoff parameters: b0 = 1, b1 = 2, b2 = 0.5, c1 = c2 = 1.5.

Box 5.2 Actor–critic learning with continuous actions

For the simplest case with continuous actions, an individual’s action preference θ is the
mean of a normal distribution from which actions u are drawn. The standard deviation σ
of the distribution measures the individual’s tendency to explore around the mean. Thus,
in round t individual i chooses its action from the distribution
1 u − θit
P(u|θit ) = √ exp − . (5.10)
2π σ 2 2σ 2
Just as for the case of two actions (Box 5.1), the estimated reward wit is updated using the
TD error δit = Rit − wit :
wi,t+1 = wit + αw δit . (5.11)
The TD error is also used to update the preference, in such a way that successful actions
become more likely and less successful actions less likely. A derivative of the log of the
probability density of the action is used for this,

Learning in a Game of Joint Benefit of Investment • 101

Box 5.2 Continued

∂ log P(u|θit ) u − θit
ζit = = , (5.12)
∂θit σ2
which follows from eq (5.10) and is referred to as the eligibility of the action. The update of
the action preference is then
θi,t+1 = θit + αθ δit ζit . (5.13)
Learning involves changes in both the estimated reward wi and the action mean value θi
and both are driven by the TD error δi . The learning rates αw , αθ and the magnitude of
exploration σ should satisfy an approximate relation for learning to be reasonably efficient.
Thus, from eqs (5.11, 5.13), and noting that u − θi in eq (5.12) has a magnitude of about σ ,
we ought to have
αw θ ∼ w (5.14)
for learning to cause the wi and θi to move over approximate ranges w and θ during

(a) (b)
1.2 1.2
Mean action, θ

Mean action, θ

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Quality, q Quality, q

Fig. 5.6 Learning outcomes in the investment game with variation in individual quality q, with
either fixed low or evolved rates of learning with an evolved exploration parameter. At the start
of a generation an individual’s q is drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1]. In
a large population (N = 8000) random pairs of individuals are repeatedly chosen to interact,
with payoff parameters as in Fig. 5.5. The panels show the action preference θ as a function
of quality, as light-grey points (overlapping) after a specified number of rounds of learning.
The dark-grey lines show the ESS investment in a one-shot game where an individual knows
its q, with qualities distributed uniformly on [0, 1]. (a) There are many rounds of interaction
(104 ) per individual, with fixed low learning rates αw = 0.002, αθ = 0.0002, and σ = 0.10. (b)
Each generation there are on average 100 rounds of interaction per individual and the learning
rates and exploration parameter are allowed to evolve over many generations, until reaching an
evolutionary equilibrium with ᾱw = 0.204, ᾱθ = 0.007, and σ̄ = 0.098.

102 • Learning in Large Worlds

of behavioural variation find that individuals vary in how sensitive they are to stimuli
and how much they tend to explore (this represents so-called animal personality
variation). We can implement this as three unlinked diploid loci, one for each of αw ,
αθ , and σ , and with individual reproductive success proportional to the mean reward
during a generation.
As in the Hawk–Dove game analysed above, individuals face a trade-off between
the advantages of slower and more careful learning (Fig. 5.6a) and the need to learn
from a limited amount of experience (Fig. 5.6b). If we compare how well the learning
outcome is approximated by an ESS strategy for a situation where an individual knows
its q and plays another with q distributed uniformly on [0, 1], we see that slow learning
can, after very many rounds of interaction, come quite close to the ESS, whereas
adaptive learning rates produce greater deviations from this ESS. This shows that an
ESS of a one-shot game with known q can be a reasonable guide to learned behaviour,
but there are sometimes quite noticeable deviations. As we have seen, these deviations
can be favoured by natural selection. In any case, it is of interest to compare a learning
outcome with a one-shot ESS prediction.

5.4 A Dominance Game

Dominance hierarchies are found in many group-living animals. It is an important

and challenging problem for game theory to model social dominance, where indi-
viduals use aggressive displays and fights to establish who is dominant and who is
subordinate in pairwise relationships. A useful perspective is that individuals learn
from aggressive interactions to behave as dominant or subordinate towards another
group member. Although the Hawk–Dove game could be used to model social
dominance, we will use the assessment game from Section 3.12 because it contains
elements that are present in real interactions. In this section we use the game to
study aggressive behaviour in large groups where there is no individual recognition.
In Section 8.6 we study the important problem of how individuals learn about the
characteristics of other members in smaller groups.
Individuals vary in some quality q, which we assume is normally distributed in the
population with mean μq and standard deviation σq . We might, for instance, have the
logarithm of body size as q, or some other aspect of fighting ability. A real dominance
interaction can consist of a sequence of several behaviours, including threat display
and fighting. We simplify this to two stages. In the first stage, individuals observe some
measure ξ of relative quality. For the interaction between individuals i and j in round
t, we write the observation by i as
ξij (t) = b1 qi − b2 qj + i (t), (5.15)
where b1 and b2 determine the influence of the individual’s own and the opponent’s
qualities on the observation and i (t) is an error of observation, assumed to be
normal with standard deviation σ . In the second stage, i and j perform actions. As a
simplification, we assume there are only two actions, A and S, where A is an aggressive
display or actual fighting behaviour and S is subordinate or submissive display.

A Dominance Game • 103

The ultimate function of dominance behaviour is the division of resources, such as

food or mates, but the behaviour often occurs in nature when there is no immediate
conflict over a resource. In a sense, the conflict is about the dominance position. We
implement this by assuming that immediately following the interaction in a round
there is a probability that a resource becomes available, and we use V to denote the
resulting expected fitness value. As in Section 3.12, if both i and j use action S, each
has a 50% chance of obtaining an available resource (or, alternatively, they share it).
If one uses A and the other S, the aggressive individual gets the resource, and this is
the advantage of being dominant. If both use A, we assume that they are preoccupied
with aggressive behaviour, and neither gets the resource (e.g. some other, unspecified
agent gets the resource, or, if it is a potential mate, that the resource moves on). This
makes it advantageous to establish dominance before a major part of the resources
appear. There is a fitness cost of AA interactions, from exhaustion or injuries,
given by
C exp(−qi + qj ). (5.16)
The observation in eq (5.15) is statistically related to this cost.

5.4.1 Case of No Observations and No Learning

Before going into learning, is is instructive to perform a fitness-based analysis of a
special case of the game, where there are no observations of relative quality and the
game is played once between random individuals in a large population. If individuals
are unaware of their own quality one can show (Exercise 5.4) that the evolutionarily
stable probability of using A is given by
p∗A = . (5.17)
V + 2C exp(σq2 )
Alternatively, provided that an individual knows its q, we can consider threshold
strategies q̂ where the action A is used if q > q̂. This is similar to the threshold
strategies for the Hawk–Dove game in Section 3.11, where x is used to denote the
threshold instead of q̂, as illustrated in Fig. 3.9. The derivation of an equation for the
evolutionarily stable threshold is dealt with in Exercise 5.5. Just as for the Hawk–Dove
game one can show that the proportion of the population using the aggressive action
A is smaller for the ES threshold strategy than for the ESS where individuals do not
know their quality.

5.4.2 Learning and Primary Rewards

Reinforcement learning is driven by rewards, which can be either positive or negative.
One way of applying learning to the dominance game is to assume that individuals
have a primary motivation to perform the aggressive behaviour A. We can implement
this by assuming that an individual perceives a reward v from performing A. This
primary reward is genetically determined and can evolve, for instance to correspond
to the resources obtained. In addition to this positive reward, there is also a perceived

104 • Learning in Large Worlds

cost of an AA interaction. For simplicity, and to give a scale for the rewards, we assume
the perceived cost is given by eq (5.16). Learning then proceeds by random pairs of
individuals being drawn from a large group, making observations as in eq (5.15), and
updating their actor–critic learning parameters as described in Box 5.3.

Box 5.3 Actor–critic learning with continuous observations/states

A randomly selected pair of individuals in a group play a game with two actions, which is
repeated several times. Before choosing actions the individuals, i and j, make observations,
ξij for i and ξji for j, which may be correlated with the expected rewards. We let the
observations act as states. Individual i chooses its first action with probability pit (ξij ). We
modify the expression in eq (5.1) in Box 5.1 to
pit (ξij ) =  , (5.18)
1 + exp −(θit + γit ξij )
making the probability a logistic function of a preference that depends linearly on ξij with
slope γit . Individual i also has an estimated value,
ŵit = wit + git ξij , (5.19)
at the start of the interaction. At the start of the next time step, the individual has observed
the actual reward Rit from the recent play, which depends on the actions used by both
players, and can form the TD error
δit = Rit − ŵit . (5.20)
This is used to update the learning parameters wit and git :
∂ ŵit
wi,t+1 = wit + αw δit = wit + αw δit (5.21)
∂ ŵit
gi,t+1 = git + αw δit = git + αw δit ξij ,
where αw is a rate of learning. For the actions we have the eligibilities

∂ log Pr(action) 1 − pit if first action
ζit = = (5.22)
∂θit −pit if second action

∂ log Pr(action) (1 − pit )ξij if first action
ηit = =
∂γit −pit ξij if second action
which are used to update the preference parameters. The updates of θit and γit are then
θi,t+1 = θit + αθ δit ζit (5.23)
γi,t+1 = γit + αθ δit ηit ,
where αθ is a rate of learning.

A Dominance Game • 105

5.4.3 Slow Learning Without Observations

As we have seen, for low learning rates the outcome of learning sometimes approx-
imates an ESS of a one-shot game with the rewards as payoff. This possible corre-
spondence is one way of using game theory to throw light on learning outcomes. As a
starting point, we use this approach for the dominance game without the observations
in eq (5.15). The corresponding one-shot threshold ESS, where A is played if qi > q̂∗ , is
worked out in Exercise 5.6. As illustrated in Fig. 5.7a, for fixed v and fixed low learning
rates there is good agreement between the one-shot ESS and the learning outcome. As
Fig. 5.7b shows, the learning is quite slow, in particular for individuals with values of
qi that are close to the threshold q̂∗ . Taking evolution into account, with slow learning
we might expect the perceived reward v of performing A to evolve towards the ESS
threshold value of a fitness-based analysis from Exercise 5.5. Exercise 5.7 deals with
this correspondence.
However, as we noted for the Hawk–Dove game in Fig. 5.3, in reality we might
expect learning rates to evolve to higher values, for which individuals more quickly
settle on one action or the other. In such a case it is not so easy to work out analytically
an evolutionary equilibrium value for v, but it can be found using individual-based
evolutionary simulation.

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00
q3 = 0.43
0.75 0.75
Pr (use A), pA
Pr (use A), pA

q2 = 0.21
0.50 0.50

q1 = −0.52
−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000
Fighting ability, q Number of rounds, t

Fig. 5.7 Learning in the dominance game without observations. In a large population (N =
8000) random pairs of individuals are repeatedly chosen to play the dominance game with
actions A and S. Learning follows Box 5.3 for the special case of ξij = 0 and with small
learning rates (αw = αθ = 0.02). (a) After very many rounds of learning (105 per individual)
the population has come close to a threshold strategy where A is played if q > q̂ = 0.20.
This threshold corresponds to the ESS for the one-shot game analysed in Exercise 5.6. (b)
Illustration of learning trajectories for three specific individuals, labelled with their qualities
qi . The x-axis gives the expected number of rounds of play per individual and the y-axis gives
pA = 1/(1 + exp(−θit )) from eq (5.18). The distribution of q in the population is normal with
μq = 0 and σq = 0.5 and the reward parameters are v = 0.1 and C = 0.2.

106 • Learning in Large Worlds

5.4.4 Evolution of Learning with Observations

If individuals make observations that are perfectly correlated with the cost of an AA
interaction (i.e. if b1 = b2 and σ = 0 for eq (5.15)), the result of evolution can be that
there is nothing to learn for an individual. This is because the observation ξij provides
perfect information about the rewards. The initial action preferences (at the start of a
generation) can then evolve to be optimal for these rewards. Furthermore, when the
observations ξij and ξji are perfectly correlated, we expect the endpoint of evolution
to be a strategy where individuals play A if ξ > 0 and S if ξ < 0, and interactions are
then either AS or SA.
We are, however, interested in the case where the correlation between an observa-
tion and the cost of an AA interaction is less than perfect. In such a situation evolution
favours initial learning parameters (i.e. wi0 , gi0 , θi0 , and γi0 ) such that all four kinds of
combination of actions occur and individuals learn to adjust their action preferences,
using the actor–critic approach from Box 5.3. An illustration of this appears in Fig. 5.8.
The learning works so that individuals with higher qi tend to adjust θit and
γit such that the value ξ = ξ0 of the observation for which the preference is zero

(a) (b)

0.75 0.2 q1 = −0.53

Preference zero, ξ 0
Pr (use A), pA

q2 = 0.03
0.50 0.1
q3 = 0.53
0.25 0.0

−0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0 25 50 75 100
Observation, ξ Number of rounds, t

Fig. 5.8 Learning in the dominance game with observations. In a large population (N = 8000)
random pairs of individuals are repeatedly chosen to play the dominance game. Learning
follows Box 5.3. The distribution of qi and the parameters b1 , b2 , and σ for ξij are chosen such
that, for random pairs, 50% of the variation in ξij is due to variation in qi − qj . Learning rates
and other genetically determined parameters, such as initial action preferences and the reward
v from performing A, have values that are averages from evolutionary simulations over many
generations. (a) Probability of performing A as a function of the observation. Initial logistic
pA (ξij ) (dark grey), and the final, learned logistic curves (light grey) for three individuals with
different qualities qi are shown. (b) Learning trajectories of the preference zero ξ0t = −θit /γit
for the three individuals (labelled with qi ). Parameters (see eqs (5.15, 5.16) and Box 5.3):
distribution and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 = b2 = 0.707, σ = 0.5;
mean evolved values, αw = 0.27, αθ = 4.05, wi0 = 0.39, gi0 = 0.35, θi0 = −4.58, γi0 = 20.66,
v = 0.36; payoff, V = 0.31, C = 0.2.

Approaches to Learning in Game Theory • 107

(ξ0t = −θit /γit ) is shifted towards lower values. This value is referred to as the
preference zero in Fig. 5.8b. The consequence of the shift is that individuals with
higher qi increase their tendency to perform the aggressive action A (in this example
the correlation between qi and the final learned ξ0 is −0.51). Still, a major influence on
the action preferences comes from evolution of the initial pA (ξij ), shown in Fig. 5.8a,
with learning producing adjustments to this logistic curve. The influence of learning
of course depends on the strength of the correlation between ξij and the cost in eq
(5.16), being weaker for a higher correlation.

5.5 Approaches to Learning in Game Theory

The relative-payoff-sum (RPS) learning rule proposed by Harley (1981) and Maynard
Smith (1982) appears to have been developed with the aim to make players approach
an ESS. It makes use of discounted payoff sums for different actions u. For an
individual who obtains a reward Rt in round t, we can write a total discounted payoff
sum as S0 = r and

St = r + γ τ Rt−τ ,
τ =0
for t ≥ 1, where γ ≤ 1 is a discount factor and r > 0 is referred to as a (total)
residual payoff. With actions uk , for instance u1 and u2 , we can split the total St
into components, St = S1t + S2t , where only those rounds where action uk is used
contribute to Skt . In doing this, the residual should also be split in some way, as
r = r1 + r2 , so that

Skt = rk + γ τ Rt−τ .
τ =0
The RPS learning rule is then to use action uk in round t with probability pkt =
Sk,t−1 /St−1 . For this to always work one requires that the rewards and residuals are
positive. A consequence of the rule is that actions that have yielded higher rewards, but
also those that have been used more often, have a higher probability of being chosen
by the learner.
Although the RPS rule is not directly based on ideas about learning in animal
psychology, it is broadly speaking a kind of reinforcement learning. In general, beyond
the actor–critic approach described by Sutton and Barto (2018) and which we have
used in this chapter, reinforcement learning can refer to any process where individuals
learn from rewards that are somehow reinforcing, in a way that does not involve
foresight or detailed understanding of the game situation. This broader interpretation
has for instance been used by Roth and Erev (1995), and Erev and Roth (1998,
2014) in influential work on human behaviour in experimental games. Their basic
reinforcement-learning model corresponds to the RPS learning rule.

108 • Learning in Large Worlds

A consequence of the RPS rule is that the ratio of the action probabilities is equal to a
ratio of discounted payoff sums: pkt /plt = Sk,t−1 /Sl,t−1 . For a discount parameter close
to γ = 1, and after many rounds, the ratio of action probabilities is thus close to a ratio
of summed rewards, which is sometimes referred to as a matching law (Herrnstein,
1970). This possible law has received much interest. If learning takes a population
near a mixed ESS of a game, the average rewards of the actions will equalize, as in the
Hawk–Dove game with V < C, and the matching law will then hold for population
averages. This applies to any learning rule that takes a population near an ESS.
From a biological perspective, it is worth noting that the function of learning is
not to reach a Nash equilibrium or an ESS of a one-shot game, but rather to be an
adaptive tool for individuals to deal with variable circumstances. Originally, Harley
(1981) and Maynard Smith (1982) argued that RPS is an evolutionarily stable learning
rule, in the sense that it could not be invaded by another learning rule. It has since
become clear that this claim is not correct (e.g. commentary by Krebs and Kacelnik
in Maynard Smith, 1984), and it is limited to the long-term outcome of learning in
a population. For instance, as we have seen in Sections 5.2 and 5.4, there are good
reasons to expect learning rates to be tuned by natural selection, and the RPS rule
says nothing about this.
Among the many variants of reinforcement learning, there are some that show
qualitative similarity to the actor–critic approach. For instance, so-called Bush–
Mosteller learning (Bush and Mosteller, 1955) assumes that individuals have an
‘aspiration level’ and a ‘satisfaction’, which can be compared with an estimated reward
wit and a TD error δit , and action probabilities are updated in a somewhat similar way
to the action preferences in the actor–critic approach. In general, the various kinds of
reinforcement learning are large-worlds approaches.
There are also learning rules that go beyond model-free reinforcement learning,
by assuming that individuals understand that they are playing a particular game,
although they might not know how other individuals decide on which actions to use.
Fictitious play is a learning mechanism of this kind where individuals prefer actions
that are the best responses to the actions they have observed others to use. It has been
used as a dynamical foundation for game theory in economics (e.g. Fudenberg and
Levine, 1998), and it has also been combined with aspects of reinforcement learning,
for instance in the so-called experience-weighted attraction approach (Camerer and
Ho, 1999). It is not known if animals actually use these more sophisticated learning
rules. However, work in neuroscience has shown that model-free reinforcement
learning oversimplifies the real situation (e.g. Langdon et al., 2018). Instead of a simple
scalar TD error, as for instance used in actor–critic learning, animals encode more
aspects of ‘surprising’ events than just a deviation from an estimated value.

5.5.1 Convergence towards an Endpoint of a Game

In the examples in this chapter on the Hawk–Dove, investment, and dominance games
(Sections 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4), we found that low rates of learning produced learning
outcomes near an ESS of a one-shot game, after many rounds of learning. The general

Exercises • 109

question of whether learning will converge to a Nash equilibrium is much studied in

economic game theory. The results are mixed, in the sense that there are special classes
of games for which there is convergence, but also examples of non-convergence, such
as cycling or otherwise fluctuating learning dynamics. Pangallo et al. (2019) randomly
generated a large number of two-player games with two or more (discrete) actions
per player, and examined the convergence properties for several classes of learning
dynamics, including Bush–Mosteller reinforcement learning. They found that for
competitive games, where gains by one player tend to come at a loss for the other,
and with many actions, non-convergence was the typical outcome. In biology we are
mainly interested in games that represent widespread and important interactions, and
non-convergence of learning dynamics need not be common for these games. In any
case, the relation between learning outcomes and game equilibria should always be
examined, because game theoretic analyses add valuable understanding about evolved
learning rules and learning outcomes.

5.5.2 Large and Small Worlds

The distinction between large and small worlds comes from general theories of ratio-
nal human decision-making and learning under ignorance (Savage, 1972; Binmore,
2009; Huttegger, 2017). The large-worlds approach is a sort of questioning or criticism
of the realism of the Bayesian small-worlds approach (Binmore, 2009). For game
theory in biology, the decision-making processes of other individuals are among the
most complex aspects of an individual’s environment. So, for instance, in fictitious
play individuals are assumed to understand the game they are playing, but they do
not have an accurate representation of how other individuals make decisions. For
this reason, fictitious play is a large-worlds approach, although it goes beyond basic
reinforcement learning.
There are in fact rather few examples where game-theory models of social inter-
actions have achieved a thoroughgoing small-worlds approach when there is uncer-
tainty about the characteristics of other individuals. Some of these examples we
present later in the book (Chapter 8). We argue that learning, including actor–
critic reinforcement learning, will be especially helpful to study social interactions
where individuals respond to each other’s characteristics, as we develop in Section
8.6. It could well be that it is also a realistic description of how animals deal with
social interactions. Further, for situations that animals encounter frequently and are
important in their lives it could be realistic to assume, as we have illustrated in this
chapter, that evolution will tune certain aspects of the learning process, including
learning rates.

5.6 Exercises

Ex. 5.1. Derive the eligibility for actor–critic learning when there are discrete actions.
Examine the case of more than two actions, numbered k = 1, . . . K, with action
probabilities for individual i at round t as

110 • Learning in Large Worlds

exp(θikt )
pikt =  .
l exp(θilt )
Derive updates to the θikt , similar to eqs (5.4, 5.5). Show that with two actions and
θit = θi1t − θi2t , you get eq (5.5), except for a factor of 2 that might be absorbed into
the learning rate.

Ex. 5.2. Derive the eligibility for actor–critic learning when there are continuous
actions with a log-normal distribution (the analysis is similar to the one in Box 5.2).

Ex. 5.3. Work out the ESS result for a one-shot game shown in Fig. 5.6a, b.

Ex. 5.4. Investigate the one-shot assessment game where individuals are unaware of
their own quality q and do not make observations of the kind given in eq (5.15). Verify
that the evolutionarily stable probability of playing A is given by eq (5.17).

Ex. 5.5. Continuing from the previous exercise, now assume that individuals know
their own quality q and use threshold strategies where action A is chosen if q > q̂.
Show that an evolutionarily stable q̂∗ should satisfy the equation

V(q̂/σq ) = 2C exp −q̂ + σq2 1 −  q̂/σq − σq ,

where  is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.

Ex. 5.6. As in the previous exercise, assume that individuals know their own quality
q and use threshold strategies where action A is chosen if q > q̂ (and do not make
observations ξij ). Investigate the one-shot game where the perceived reward v acts as
payoff for performing the aggressive action A. Show that an evolutionarily stable q̂∗
should satisfy the equation

v = C exp −q̂ + σq2 1 −  q̂/σq − σq ,

where  is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.

Ex. 5.7. Show that the evolutionarily stable thresholds q̂∗ in Exercises 5.5 and 5.6 are
equal when the perceived reward v of the action A and the fitness value of the resource
v= (1 − pA (q̂∗ )).

Co-evolution of Traits

The stability analyses in Chapter 4 deal with the evolution of a single trait, regarding
other traits as fixed. That approach is perfectly reasonable when other traits do not
interact with the focal trait, but is limiting and can miss important effects when there
is a strong interaction. For example, in Section 6.6 we consider two traits: the degree of
prosociality in a group and the dispersal rate between groups. It is perfectly possible to
analyse the evolution of each of these traits in isolation, keeping the other trait fixed.
However, the kin relatedness in groups depends on the dispersal rate and the degree
of prosociality depends on the kin relatedness, so there is an interaction between the
traits. As a consequence, when both are allowed to co-evolve there can be two distinct
ESSs. At one ESS, behaviour within a group is cooperative and dispersal is low, and at
the other behaviour is more selfish and dispersal is high. This result would not be so
obvious if the traits were treated in isolation. In this chapter we consider how traits
co-evolve when there is interaction between them.
Multidimensional stability is more complicated than stability in one dimension.
Even verifying that a singular point is an ESS requires care since a singular point
can be a maximum when approached from one direction but a minimum when
approached from another. Both the relative speeds with which traits evolve and the
genetic covariance between them can affect whether an ESS is convergence stable. We
outline some of these issues in Section 6.1.
In two-player interactions the players can be in well-defined roles, with one player
in role 1 and the other role 2 (Section 6.2). Furthermore, it may be reasonable to
assume that each recognizes its own role. For example, when animals are territorial
and an intruder challenges an established territory owner, it will often be reasonable
to assume that the intruder is aware that the animal that it is challenging is the territory
owner. When there are two clear-cut roles we are concerned with the co-evolution of
two traits: behaviour in role 1 and behaviour in role 2. There is clearly an interaction
between these traits: the best action as an intruder depends on the behaviour of the
territory owner. When the traits are continuous the slope of the best response in
one role to the trait value in the other role can be thought of as a measure of the
strength of interaction of the two traits. These best response slopes are also important
in determining the convergence stability of a trait combination. We end Section 6.2
by showing that the interaction based on roles can result in evolutionary predictions
that are different from the analogous scenario without roles, using owner–intruder
interactions as an example.

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0006

112 • Co-evolution of Traits

There can be two or more clear-cut roles also when individuals are playing the field
rather than engaging in two-player interactions. The analysis of these cases is fairly
similar to the one for two-player role asymmetry. As an example, in Section 6.3 we
model the evolution of anisogamy when there are two distinct sexes. The relevant
criterion for convergence stability (Box 6.2) can be expressed in a similar way to the
corresponding criterion for a two-player role asymmetry.
Many traits outside of role asymmetries are naturally multidimensional, indicating
that we ought to study the co-evolution between trait components. For example, Barta
et al. (2014) emphasize that parental care involves several components such as feeding
of offspring and nest defence, and thus cannot adequately be described by a one-
dimensional trait. An individual’s ability to perform a task, like care of offspring,
and its tendency to engage in that task is another natural combination of traits. In
Section 6.4 we study the co-evolution of such abilities and tendencies, including the
ability to care and parental effort, with role specialization as a possible outcome.
We then show that learning can promote individual specialization, in the form of
correlations between abilities and behavioural tendencies, using scale-eating cichlids
as an example (Section 6.5).
Even if different traits are not component parts of an overarching general activity, it
can still be important to include them into a single evolutionary analysis. This will be
the case when there is a notable fitness interaction between them. As we mentioned,
in Section 6.6 we use the co-evolution of prosociality and dispersal to illustrate this
In evolutionary biology co-evolution often refers to reciprocal evolutionary
changes in the traits of two or more species, occurring as a consequence of their
interaction. Game theory has not contributed greatly to this field, but because of
its general importance we devote Section 6.7 to it. We present an example of co-
evolutionary convergence vs. advergence in Müllerian mimicry, using a different
model of reinforcement learning and generalization (Box 6.5) compared with the
models in the previous chapter. We also give a brief overview of evolutionary
modelling of other species interactions, including the possibility of arms races.

6.1 Stability in More than One Dimension

When n traits co-evolve we can represent the strategy of an individual by the n-

dimensional vector x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), where xi is the value of trait i. The payoff to
a mutant with strategy x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) in a resident x population is denoted by
W(x , x). The concept of a Nash equilibrium for this case is then a direct extension of
that for one dimension given by eq (2.4). Specifically, the strategy x∗ = (x1∗ , x2∗ , . . . , xn∗ )
is a Nash equilibrium if for all possible mutants x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) we have
W(x , x∗ ) ≤ W(x∗ , x∗ ). (6.1)

Stability in More than One Dimension • 113

Box 6.1 Multidimensional stability

Let λ(x , x) be the invasion fitness of a mutant strategy x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) in a resident
population with strategy is x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). The selection gradient Di (x) = ∂x ∂λ
 (x, x)
indicates the strength and direction of selection at x.
We examine the stability of a singular point x∗ , satisfying Di (x∗ ) = 0 for all i. A singular
point could be a maximum, minimum, or a saddle (a maximum from one direction, but a
minimum from another) as a function of the mutant strategy. The Hessian matrix H has

elements hij = ∂x∂ ∂x  (x, x). Taylor series expanding about the singular point gives
i j

λ(x , x∗ ) ≈ λ(x∗ , x∗ ) + hij (xi − xi∗ )(xj − xj∗ ). (6.2)

Thus if H is negative definite (i.e. i,j hij zi zj < 0 for all non-zero vectors z), then x∗ is a
strict local maximum and is hence a local ESS.
Convergence stability. We use the multidimensional adaptive dynamics
(x) = m(x) cij (x)Dj (x), (6.3)

where C = (cij ) is a genetic covariance matrix. Let A be the Jacobian matrix at x∗ ,

which has elements ajk = ∂xkj (x∗ ). Taylor expanding Dj (x) to first order gives Dj (x) =

k ajk
 (xk − xk∗ ). Thus we can write the dynamics in the neighbourhood of x∗ as dxdt (x) =

m(x) k bik (x)(xk − xk ), where B is the matrix product B = CA. Suppose that the eigen-
values of B have negative real parts. Then x will tend to x∗ if these strategies are initially
close, so that x∗ is convergence stable. Conversely, if some eigenvalues of B have positive
real parts, x will move away from x∗ for certain initially close strategies.
Often the genetic covariance matrix C is not known. Leimar (2005, 2009) shows that if the
matrix A + AT is negative definite then x∗ is convergence stable for all covariance matrices.
This property is referred to as strong convergence stability.

As before, this is a necessary but not sufficient condition for evolutionary stability.
A sufficient condition for x∗ to be a local ESS when traits are continuous is given in
Box 6.1.
Convergence stability in higher dimensions is more subtle than in one dimension.
One reason is that not only the direction of selection but also the rate of change of
one trait relative to another can affect stability (Exercise 6.2). A second is that there
may be a genetic correlation between traits. So for example, adult male size and adult
female size may be influenced by the same genes, in which case selection to increase
male size may also increase female size even if there is no direct selection on female
size. Box 6.1 presents an analysis of convergence stability under adaptive dynamics in
the multidimensional case.

114 • Co-evolution of Traits

6.2 Role Asymmetries

There are often well-defined roles in two-player interactions, with one player in each
role and each player recognizing its own role. For example, in biparental care the
roles are male and female. In a dispute over a territory one individual may be the
current territory owner and the other an intruder. In such interactions the role of
an individual may directly affect that individual’s payoff. For example, possession
of a territory may be more valuable to a territory owner than to an intruder if the
owner has already invested time and effort in finding out where food sources in the
territory are located. However, as the example of territory ownership presented below
illustrates, even without payoff asymmetries, the mere existence of well-defined roles
can alter evolutionary predictions.
Each individual might carry genes specifying the behaviour in each role, regardless
of the current role of that individual. So, for example, females carry genes that specify
what to do in the current situation and might also carry genes that specify what they
would have done if male (e.g. if the genes are autosomal). Motivated by this, we define
a strategy by a pair of traits (x1 , x2 ) to be adopted in each role. Consider a rare mutant
strategy (x1 , x2 ) in a population with resident strategy (x1 , x2 ). Since the mutant is
rare, a mutant in role 1 is partnered by a resident in role 2. Let W1 (x1 , x2 ) be the
mutant’s local payoff in this role. Similarly W2 (x2 , x1 ) is the mutant’s local payoff in
role 2. At any time there are an equal number of individuals in each role, so in the
simplest setting where roles are independent of the strategy, half of the mutants are in
each role. If this is the case we can define a fitness proxy W as
W((x1 , x2 ), (x1 , x2 )) = W1 (x1 , x2 ) + W2 (x2 , x1 ), (6.4)
which we assume is a strong fitness proxy. Let us also assume that the genetic system is
such that the evolution of one trait does not constrain the evolution of the other trait.
Mutations that alter the value of one of the traits need then not alter the value of the
other trait. For this case the best response to a resident strategy should simultaneously
maximize the local payoffs W1 and W2 . In particular, at a Nash equilibrium (x1∗ , x2∗ )
we have
W1 (x1 , x2∗ ) ≤ W1 (x1∗ , x2∗ ) for all x1 , (6.5)
W2 (x2 , x1∗ ) ≤ W2 (x2∗ , x1∗ ) for all x2 . (6.6)
Suppose that for resident strategy (x1 , x2 ) the local payoff W1 (x1 , x2 ) has a maximum
at x1 = x̂1 . We refer to x̂1 as a role 1 local best response to the resident strategy, and
similarly for a role 2 local best response x̂2 . When local best responses are always
unique we write them as b̂1 (x2 ) and b̂2 (x1 ). The Nash equilibrium condition can then
be expressed as
x1∗ = b̂1 (x2∗ ) and x2∗ = b̂2 (x1∗ ). (6.7)

Role Asymmetries • 115

6.2.1 Convergence Stability with a Role Asymmetry

Suppose the trait in each role is continuous. Let the payoff to a rare mutant with
strategy (x1 , x2 ) in a population with resident strategy (x1 , x2 ) be given by eq
(6.4). Assume that for each x2 the local payoff W1 (x1 , x2 ) has a strict maximum at
x1 = b̂1 (x2 ) satisfying
∂W1 ∂ 2 W1
 (b̂1 (x2 ), x2 ) = 0 and (b̂1 (x2 ), x2 ) < 0. (6.8)
∂x1 ∂x12
The local best response b̂2 (x1 ) in role 2 has analogous properties. Let x1∗ = b̂1 (x2∗ )
and x2∗ = b̂2 (x1∗ ), so that (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is an ESS. We analyse the convergence stability of
this equilibrium in terms of the slopes of the local best response functions.
We first give an intuitive argument. Suppose that initially trait 1 has a value x1 (0)
that is close to, but not equal to x1∗ . Trait 2 then evolves to be the local best response to
this trait 1 value, after which trait 1 evolves to be the best response to this trait 2 value,
and so on. In this way we obtain a sequence x1 (0), x1 (1), x1 (2), . . . of trait 1 values
where x1 (n) = b̂1 (b̂2 (x1 (n − 1))). As Fig. 6.1 illustrates, the sequence of trait 1 values
converges on x1∗ if the function B given by B(x1 ) = b̂1 (b̂2 (x1 ))) has a derivative that
satisfies B (x1∗ ) < 1. Conversely, if B (x1∗ ) > 1 the sequence moves away from x1∗ . Since
B (x1∗ ) = b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) this suggests that
b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) < 1 ⇒ (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is convergence stable (6.9)
b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) > 1 ⇒ (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is not convergence stable. (6.10)

(a) 1.0 (b) 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8


0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Trait 1 Trait 1

Fig. 6.1 The intuition behind convergence stability when there are two roles. The solid line
gives a hypothetical function B(x1 ) = b̂1 (b̂2 (x1 )). The dotted line is the 45◦ line. These lines
intersect at x1∗ = 0.5. In (a) successive iterates approach x1∗ . In (b) successive iterates move away
from x1∗ .

116 • Co-evolution of Traits

Of course evolution does not work by a series of steps in this way. However, the
intuition is good because it can be shown that conditions (6.9) and (6.10) hold
provided that there is no genetic covariance between the two traits (Exercise 6.5).
In the special case in which the role asymmetry is purely a label, without payoff
differences between roles, at a symmetric Nash equilibrium we have x1∗ = x2∗ ≡ x∗
and b̂1 (x∗ ) = b̂2 (x∗ ) ≡ b̂ (x∗ ). Thus (x∗ , x∗ ) is convergence stable if −1 < b̂ (x∗ ) < 1.
Conversely, if either b̂ (x∗ ) < −1 or b̂ (x∗ ) > 1 then (x∗ , x∗ ) is not convergence stable.
Box 6.2 generalizes these results to playing-the-field situations.

6.2.2 Example: Territory Owner Versus Intruder

Suppose that a territory owner and an intruder contest the owner’s territory. Each
must choose either to play Hawk or Dove. The outcomes and payoffs to each are
exactly as in the standard Hawk–Dove game (Section 3.5). In particular possession
of this territory is worth V to both contestants and the cost of losing a fight is C. We
assume that V < C, so that in the game without role asymmetries p∗ = V/C is the
unique Nash equilibrium and is also an ESS (Section 4.1).
For this game there are two traits. Trait 1 is the probability, p1 , of playing Hawk
when in the role of territory owner and trait 2 is the probability, p2 , of playing
Hawk as an intruder. Suppose that the resident strategy is (p1 , p2 ). Then the best
trait 1 response (i.e. the best response as an owner) only depends on the resident
trait 2 value (behaviour of intruders). Following the analysis of the standard Hawk–
Dove game we see that it is given by p̂1 = 1 if p2 < V/C, p̂1 = 0 if p2 > V/C, and is
any probability of playing Hawk if p2 = V/C. The best trait 2 response is similarly
p̂2 = 1 if p1 < V/C, p̂2 = 0 if p1 > V/C, and is any probability of playing Hawk
if p1 = V/C. At a Nash equilibrium p∗1 must be a trait 1 best response to p∗2 and
vice versa. It can be seen that there are three Nash equilibria, (1, 0), (0, 1), and
(V/C, V/C). At the first Nash equilibrium owners always play Hawk and intruders
always play Dove. Since the action in each role is the unique best response to the
resident strategy, this Nash equilibrium is also an ESS. Similarly, the strategy (0, 1)
that specifies play Dove as owner and Hawk as intruder is an ESS. At the third
Nash equilibrium both owners and intruders play Hawk with probability V/C. In
Section 4.1 we saw that the strategy p∗ = V/C is an ESS for the standard Hawk–
Dove game. This was because, although mutants do equally well as residents against
residents, once a mutation becomes common mutants play against other mutants
and do less well than residents do against mutants. In the current game consider a
mutation that, say, changes the aggressiveness when in the role of territory owner;
i.e. a mutant’s strategy is (p1 , V/C) where p1
= V/C. As before, mutants do equally
well as residents against residents. Now, however, when two mutants play against
one another, one is in the role of the intruder and plays Hawk with probability V/C
just as residents do. Thus mutants do as well as residents even when they become
common. Mutants can therefore invade by random drift and the Nash equilibrium is
not an ESS.

Role Asymmetries • 117

In the above example the labelling of individuals as owner and intruder is the only
difference from the standard Hawk–Dove game. This labelling dramatically changed
the evolutionary prediction: the original unique ESS is no longer stable and instead
there are two other ESSs. At each, behaviour is determined by a convention (such as
play Hawk if owner), and once this convention is followed it does not pay for any
population members to deviate.
Our reasoning above for why the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium (V/C, V/C) is
not an ESS is an instance of a general argument put forward by Selten (1980). Selten
shows that in any two-player game with role asymmetries there can be no mixed-
strategy ESS; i.e. at an ESS no action can be chosen with a probability that lies strictly
between 0 and 1. Despite the elegance of Selten’s analysis and conclusion we believe the
result is of limited applicability in biology. One reason is that in real games strategies
often lie on a continuum, as for the threshold strategies in Section 3.11. It is then
usually the case that all Nash equilibria are pure strategies so there certainly cannot
be a mixed-strategy ESS. Another reason is that Selten’s analysis assumes that game
payoffs are fixed and do not depend on the strategy employed. To illustrate why this
might not be the case, consider the territory owner versus intruder game. In that game
V could be higher when ownership is respected as individuals tend to keep territories
for longer. Also, C is the loss in expected future reproductive success as a result of
losing a fight, and this expected future reproductive success depends on how easy
it is to obtain a territory in the future. Thus both V and C depend on the resident
strategy and both emerge from the analysis once the game is put into an ecological
context, rather than being specified in advance. As a consequence, it turns out that
mixed-strategy ESSs are possible (Section 9.5). Similarly, in Section 9.3 we consider
the situation in which each of two parents have to decide whether to care for their
common young or to desert. Again, putting the game into an ecological context means
that payoffs emerge and a mixed-strategy ESS is possible.

6.2.3 Real Owner–Intruder Contests

Maynard Smith (1974) discovered that conventional settlement could be an ESS
for owner–intruder contests and subsequent game-theory modelling confirmed this
possibility (e.g. Maynard Smith and Parker, 1976; Hammerstein, 1981). Nevertheless,
there is much field observation and experiments on owner–intruder interactions and
these do not give much support for conventional settlement. For instance, based
on observations of contests between spiders, Austad (1983) argued that cases of
seeming territory owner’s advantage most likely were consequences of asymmetries
in resource value. As we have discussed (Section 3.5), the Hawk–Dove game is often
an oversimplified representation of real contests, where individuals gain information
about each other’s size, strength, and motivation. Game theory analyses that take such
factors into account show that there can be ESSs where owners and intruders use
different local strategies even if there are no payoff asymmetries, such that one role
is more persistent in fighting than the other (Leimar and Enquist, 1984; Enquist and
Leimar, 1987). These ESSs occur when the resource value is low relative to the fitness

118 • Co-evolution of Traits

costs of fighting. For higher resource value in relation to costs there is only one ESS,
which is role-symmetric. This agrees qualitatively with the Hawk–Dove game. If we
change our assumption in the analysis above to V > C, we find that the only ESS is
to always play Hawk, regardless of the role. Because real owner–intruder conflicts are
embedded into population processes and individual life-histories it is, however, not
clear if the theoretical possibility of role-dependent local strategies without payoff
differences between roles is important in nature. In spite of this, role asymmetries
like owner–intruder are important because the population distributions of fighting
abilities or resource values can differ between roles. For instance, stronger contestants
can accumulate as owners (Leimar and Enquist, 1984). As a consequence, owners
and intruders might have non-symmetric prior distributions of their relative fighting
ability, with owners on average having higher fighting ability, and this can influence
how persistent they are in fighting.

6.3 The Evolution of Anisogamy

Commonly, sexually reproducing species have two mating types, with sexual repro-
duction involving the formation of a zygote by the fusion of a gamete from one
type with a gamete from the other type. Such mating systems can be classified as
either isogamous or anisogamous (Fig. 6.2). Isogamy is common in extant unicellular
eukaryote organisms and is liable to be ancestral in sexually reproducing species
(Maynard Smith, 1982; Lessells et al., 2009). Anisogamy is the predominant system
in multicellular organisms and appears to have evolved independently several times.
Pathways by which this transition could occur and factors that select for small
and large gametes are summarized by Lessells et al. (2009). One explanation for
the evolution of anisogamy is as an adaptation to prevent competition between
cytoplasmic symbionts (e.g. Hurst and Hamilton, 1992). A second, which we explore
here, involves a trade-off. Due to resource limitation small gamete size results in more
gametes and hence more matings, but the resulting zygote is smaller and hence less

Isogamy Anisogamy

Type 1 Type 2 Female Male

Fig. 6.2 Sexual reproduction in species with two mating types. Reproduction is isogamous if
the gametes from the two types are of equal size. In anisogamy the gamete of one type is larger
than the other, in which case this type is defined as female and the other type as male. Mating
involves the fusing of gametes and only occurs between different types.

The Evolution of Anisogamy • 119

fit. There have been many evolutionary models of this trade-off starting with that
of Parker et al. (1972). Here we largely follow the analysis of Matsuda and Abrams
(1999), incorporating elements from the model of Lehtonen and Kokko (2011) (see
also Bulmer and Parker, 2002).

6.3.1 Gamete Size Versus Number

We model a large population of a hypothetical marine organism that has two mating
types and an annual cycle of reproduction. At reproduction there is one adult of each
type per unit volume of water. Each type releases gametes into the water, which form a
well-mixed mating pool. When two gametes of different types meet they fuse to form
a zygote. If there are n1 type 1 gametes and n2 type 2 gametes per unit volume then
a type i gamete fuses with probability Mi (n1 , n2 ). This probability does not depend
on the size of the gamete. For each mating type, each adult has a total resource R to
expend on gamete formation. If n gametes are released then each has size x = R/n.
The size of the zygote is the sum x1 + x2 of the sizes of the two fusing gametes. The
probability of survival to adulthood of the zygote is an increasing function f (x1 + x2 )
of its size.
In this model the mating rates M1 and M2 must be related since every zygote is
formed by the union of gametes of the different types. Thus the total number of
type 1 gametes that fuse must equal the total number of type 2 gametes that fuse,
so that n1 M1 (n1 , n2 ) = n2 M2 (n1 , n2 ), where ni is the number of type i gametes per
unit volume. Houston and McNamara (2006) refer to the consistency condition that
every offspring has one type 1 parent and one type 2 parent as the Fisher condition.
The condition is important in models of mating systems and parental care (Queller,
1997; Houston and McNamara, 2006; Houston et al., 2005; Kokko and Jennions, 2008;
Jennions and Fromhage, 2017) and its consequences for the evolution of anisogamy
have been highlighted by Lehtonen and Kokko (2011). For computations we have
used the mating probabilities M1 (n1 , n2 ) = n2 /(100 + n1 + n2 ) and M2 (n1 , n2 ) =
n1 /(100 + n1 + n2 ). For these functions the probability that a gamete fuses with a
gamete of the opposite type is never 1 but tends to 1 as the number of gametes of the
opposite type increases. There is thus sperm limitation (Lessells et al., 2009). There is
also sperm competition (Lessells et al., 2009) since the probability of fusion decreases
with the number of gametes of the same type.
Let the resident strategy be (x1 , x2 ); i.e. residents produce gametes of size x1 if
they are type 1 and gametes of size x2 if they are type 2. Let a rare mutation in this
population have strategy (x1 , x2 ). Then the expected total reproductive success of a
mutant that is type 1 is
W1 (x1 ; x1 , x2 ) = M1 (R/x1 , R/x2 ) R/x1 f (x1 + x2 ), (6.11)
Similarly, the expected total reproductive success of a mutant of type 2 is
W2 (x2 ; x1 , x2 ) = M2 (R/x1 , R/x2 ) R/x2 f (x1 + x2 ). (6.12)

120 • Co-evolution of Traits

We take invasion fitness to be

λ((x1 , x2 ), (x1 , x2 )) = W1 (x1 ; x1 , x2 ) + W2 (x2 ; x1 , x2 ) (6.13)
The selection pressure on trait i is Di (x1 , x2 ) = ∂xi
, where this derivative is evaluated
at xi = xi (cf. eq (4.4)). If isogamy is a local ESS there is a gamete size x∗ such that
the reproductive success of each trait is (locally) maximized at x∗ . This first requires
D1 (x∗ , x∗ ) = 0 and D2 (x∗ , x∗ ) = 0, which are both equivalent to
x∗ f  (2x∗ ) = f (2x∗ ) (6.14)
(Exercise 6.3). We also require these turning points to be maxima, which holds if
the second derivative ∂∂xW2 i evaluated at xi = xi is negative for each i. These latter
conditions are satisfied provided that f  (2x∗ ) < 0. Not every zygote reproductive
success function f gives rise to an isogamous ESS, as Exercise 6.3 illustrates.
In order to investigate convergence stability of an isogamous ESS we first note
that eq (6.12) can be used to analyse how the direction of selection on gamete size
2 depends on the resident gamete size 1. This direction of selection and the resulting
‘best response’ curve are shown in Fig. 6.3b. In this anisogamy example the local payoff
for a mutant in one role depends on the resident behaviour in that role as well as the
resident behaviour in the other role, whereas in the analysis of Section 6.2.1 there is no
dependence on resident behaviour in the same role. This means that the derivation of
the condition for convergence stability in terms of the product of the slopes of the best
response functions no longer applies. Nevertheless, the condition can be extended
(Box 6.2) and shows that the isogamous ESS is not convergence stable since the ‘best
response’ curve has slope b̂ (0.5) = −2.9924 at the isogamous ESS.
To analyse the rate of change of trait values under adaptive dynamics we assume
that the genetic correlation matrix between trait 1 and trait 2 is proportional to the
identity matrix (Box 6.1) so that we have dx dt = KDi , where K is a positive function

of the resident strategy. As Exercise 6.4 shows, under these dynamics an isogamous
ESS cannot be convergence stable. Fig. 6.3c illustrates typical dynamics when there
is an isogamous ESS and initial gamete sizes are small, with one type of gamete
(type 1) slightly larger than the other. Both gamete sizes first increase and approach the
isogamous ESS, although the type that is initially larger remains larger. Evolutionary
change is slow in the neighbourhood of this ESS, but eventually the two gamete sizes
co-evolve with the initially larger type evolving to be bigger still and the initially
smaller type evolving to be very small again.
Parental care is widespread, although not necessarily common, throughout the
animal kingdom. When there is care in fish it is usually the male that does the car-
ing, but overall female care predominates. Attempts have been made to relate the
predominance of female care to the fact that the female (by definition) invests more
in each gamete (e.g. Trivers, 1972). This debate continues with formal evolutionary
models used to shed light on the issue (e.g. Fromhage and Jennions, 2016), although
conclusions seem to depend on the modelling assumptions made.

The Evolution of Anisogamy • 121

(a) (b) 1.00

Survival probability

Type 2 gamete size



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Zygote size Type 1 gamete size
(c) 1.00

Type 2 gamete size



0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Type 1 gamete size

Fig. 6.3 Illustration of the evolution of anisogamy. (a) The probability of survival of the zygote
as a function of zygote size. For this function (f (s) = s4 /(1 + s4 )) an isogamous ESS exists
at which each gamete has size 0.5 units (so that the zygote is unit size). (b) Region (shaded
grey) in which the selection pressure is to increase type 2 gamete size for given resident type
1 gamete size. The upper boundary to this region (dashed) is a ‘best response’ curve in that it
is the size to which the type 2 gamete would evolve for given fixed resident type 1 gamete size,
assuming type 2 gamete size started equal to that of type 1. The 45◦ line (dots) and tangent to the
‘best response’ curve (dashed straight line) are also shown. (c) Adaptive dynamics when initial
gamete sizes are 0.1001 and 0.1 for types 1 and 2, respectively. The timescale of evolutionary
change is determined by setting K = 10−3 . Points then correspond to combinations of gamete
sizes at times t = 0, 1, 2, . . . , with the arrows indicating the direction of evolution. The size of
gametes is constrained to be at least 0.1 units. R = 102 .

122 • Co-evolution of Traits

Box 6.2 Convergence stability when roles play the field

Let invasion fitness be given by eq (6.13). Then
∂λ ∂W1
D1 (x1 , x2 ) ≡ ((x1 , x2 ), (x1 , x2 )) = (x1 ; x1 , x2 ).
∂x1 ∂x1

Assume there exists a curve b̃1 (x2 ) such that for each x2 we have D1 (x1 , x2 ) > 0 for x1 <
b̃1 (x2 ) and D1 (x1 , x2 ) < 0 for x1 > b̃1 (x2 ). Thus if x2 were held fixed, trait x1 would evolve
to b̃1 (x2 ). We assume that b̃2 (x1 ) is similarly defined with analogous properties. Let (x1∗ , x2∗ )
satisfy x1∗ = b̃1 (x2∗ ) and x2∗ = b̃2 (x1∗ ). We investigate the convergence stability of (x1∗ , x2∗ ).
We follow the terminology of Box 6.1. Since D1 (x1 , x2 ) is assumed to be decreasing at
x1∗ = b̃1 (x2∗ ) we have a11 = ∂D 1 ∗ ∗
∂x1 (x1 , x2 ) < 0. Similarly, a22 < 0. Thus the trace of the matrix
A is negative. We also have D1 (b̃1 (x2 ), x2 ) = 0. Implicitly differentiating this function with
respect to x2 and evaluating the expression at x2 = x2∗ gives

a11 b̃1 (x2∗ ) + a12 = 0. (6.15)

a22 b̃2 (x1∗ ) + a21 = 0. (6.16)
Putting these equations together, the determinant of A is given by  = a11 a22
(1 − b̃1 (x2∗ )b̃2 (x1∗ )). Thus if b̃1 (x2∗ )b̃2 (x1∗ ) < 1 then  > 0 and both eigenvalues of A are
negative (Exercise 6.1). Furthermore, if the covariance matrix C is diagonal then B = CA
has negative eigenvalues, so that (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is convergence stable. Similarly if b̃1 (x2∗ )b̃2 (x1∗ ) > 1
then (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is not convergence stable.
See Abrams et al. (1993) for a similar analysis.

6.4 Evolution of Abilities and Role Specialization

Within a population, organisms usually vary in their ability to perform specific tasks.
They can also vary in their behavioural tendencies to perform a task. A possible
outcome is then that co-evolution gives rise to two or more distinct types, where
individuals of one type combine high ability and tendency to perform one task, with
individuals of another type combining high ability and tendency to perform a differ-
ent task (e.g. Roff, 1996). Learning might also contribute to role specialization, which
we study in Section 6.5. The combination of co-adapted traits characterizing a type is
sometimes referred to as a syndrome. Among the examples are dispersal dimorphisms
(Roff and Fairbairn, 2007), with dispersing and sedentary types that each are adapted
to their tasks, and mating type polymorphisms (Gross, 1996; Engqvist and Taborsky,
2016), for instance fighter and sneaker males (Sections 1.2 and 3.11). An individual’s
type can be genetically determined, but is often strongly influenced by environmental
cues during development. Disruptive selection entails frequency dependence and
promotes role specialization, by favouring distinct types. The frequencies of the types
are stabilized by minority types performing better. Nevertheless, while variation in

Evolution of Abilities and Role Specialization • 123

abilities and behavioural tendencies are ubiquitous, in many cases there is only one
type present in a population, with stabilizing selection acting on its traits. For instance,
often all males of a species acquire matings in a similar manner. One should however
keep in mind that within-population polymorphism through co-evolution of traits is
a widespread phenomenon, as are mating types (Gross, 1996) and other kinds of spe-
cialization. We now analyse the important instance in which the task is parental care.

6.4.1 Co-evolution of Parental Effort and Ability to Care

In our previous analysis of biparental care we assumed that the benefit to the young is
an increasing but decelerating function of the sum of the parental efforts and that
each parent pays a cost that is an increasing and accelerating function of its own
effort (Section 3.4). Under these assumptions, parents are predicted to expend equal
effort when both have the same cost functions. Here we examine a situation where
parental effort and the ability to care co-evolve (McNamara and Wolf, 2015), in which
case the outcome can be that care is not equally divided between parents. If the female
and male have abilities θf and θm and expend efforts xf and xm , then the female and
male payoffs are
Wf (xf , xm ; θf ) = B(xf + xm ) − K(xf , θf ) − C(θf ) (6.17)
Wm (xf , xm ; θm ) = B(xf + xm ) − K(xm , θm ) − C(θm ). (6.18)
The common benefit function B is assumed to be an increasing and decelerating
function of the sum of the parental efforts. The cost to a parent has two components.
The cost C(θ) of having ability θ increases with this ability. The cost of effort K(x, θ) is
an increasing and accelerating function of effort for each ability θ. However, the cost
of a given level of effort decreases with ability. Exercise 6.6 provides specific examples
of these functions.
We are concerned with the co-evolution of the four traits θf , θm , xf , and xm . In
order to gain insight into this process we consider what would happen if evolution
always resulted in the ability of each parent being the best given its level of effort.
This assumption reduces the problem to the standard form of a parental effort game
in which just xf and xm co-evolve, but with a new ‘effective’ cost function C̃(x). Box
6.3 derives the relationship between the form of this effective cost function and the
slope of the best response function. When ability does not evolve and the cost of care
is an accelerating function of effort the slope of the best response function is greater
than −1 (but less than 0). This means that the symmetric ESS may be the only ESS
(Fig. 6.4a). Furthermore, by the results of Section 6.2 the ESS is convergence stable. In
contrast when ability is allowed to co-evolve with effort, the effective cost C̃(x) may
be a decelerating function of effort even though K(x, θ) is accelerating for each fixed
θ. When this is so, the best response curves must cross at least three times (Fig. 6.4b,
cf. Houston and Davies, 1985), and the symmetric ESS is not convergence stable. As
Exercise 6.6 illustrates, whether or not C̃ is decelerating depends on the strength of
interaction of ability and effort on cost.

124 • Co-evolution of Traits

Box 6.3 Stability of parental effort and ability

Assume that the ability of each parent is the best given the effort expended, so that a parent
that expends effort x has ability θ̂ (x) where
K(x, θ̂ (x)) + C(θ̂ (x)) = min [K(x, θ ) + C(θ)] . (6.19)

The effective cost of effort x is then C̃(x) = K(x, θ̂ (x)) + C(θ̂(x)). Equations (6.17) and
(6.18) thus reduce to
W̃ f (xf , xm ) = B(xf + xm ) − C̃(xf ) (6.20)
W̃ m (xf , xm ) = B(xf + xm ) − C̃(xm ). (6.21)
Now suppose that there is an ESS with equal efforts xf∗ ∗
= xm ≡ x∗
by both parents. To find
this ESS we differentiate the payoff and set this derivative to zero to find the best response
b̂(x) of one parent to effort x of the other parent:

B (b̂(x) + x) − C̃ (b̂(x)) = 0. (6.22)

The ESS is then given by b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ . We will assume that C̃ (x∗ ) − B (2x∗ ) > 0 to ensure
that payoffs have a strict maximum at x∗ .
To investigate convergence stability we differentiate eq (6.22), rearrange and set x = x∗
to give
B (2x∗ )
b̂ (x∗ ) = . (6.23)
C̃ (x∗ ) − B (2x∗ )
B (2x∗ ) < 0 by assumption. We have also assumed C̃ (x∗ ) − B (2x∗ ) > 0. It follows that

C̃ (x∗ ) > 0 ⇒ −1 < b̂ (x∗ ) < 0 (6.24)

 ∗  ∗
C̃ (x ) < 0 ⇒ b̂ (x ) < −1. (6.25)

The above analysis implicitly makes the strong assumption that ability evolves
on a much faster timescale than effort. Although this is not realistic, the approach
gives insight, and the results are consistent with evolutionary simulations in which
ability and effort are allowed to both evolve on similar timescales (McNamara and
Wolf, 2015). Figure 6.5 illustrates a typical simulation. Note, however, that an exact
comparison of the analysis based on C̃ and an evolutionary simulation is difficult.
In the analytic approach costs functions are given. The evolutionary simulation is
based on a model of the entire life of each individual. Such models only specify
consequences, such as the dependence of the probability of death on effort. The cost
of death is not specified in advance. Since this cost is the loss of future reproductive
success, and future success depends on the strategy of the mutant and residents, costs
only emerge in a consistent manner once the ESS has been found (cf. Chapter 9).
When ability and effort co-evolve and there is disruptive selection, one sex evolves
to be good at care and does most of the care, while the other sex evolves to be poor
at care and does little care, as illustrated in Fig. 6.5. Since costs and benefits are

Evolution of Abilities and Role Specialization • 125

(a) 1.00 (b) 1.00

0.75 Female 0.75 Male

Male effort

Male effort
0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25
Male Female

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Female effort Female effort
Fig. 6.4 The best parental effort of one sex as a function of the effort of the other sex, with
and without the co-evolution of ability. (a) Ability constrained to be θ = 0.5 for all population
members. In this case there is a unique convergence stable ESS at which the female and male
expend equal efforts. (b) Ability is the best given the effort expended. In this case the equal
effort ESS is not convergence stable. There are two convergence-stable ESSs; at one the male
expends zero effort, at the other the female expends zero effort. B(z) = 2z − z2 for 0 ≤ z < 1
and B(z) = 1 for z ≥ 1. K(x, θ ) = 0.5v + v2 where v = x/(1 + 2θ ). C(θ) = θ 2 /(1 + 10θ ).

(a) (b)

Female Female
Mean parental effort

Mean ability



Male Male

0 5000 10,000 15,000 0 5000 10,000 15,000

Generation Generation

Fig. 6.5 The co-evolution of parenting ability and parental effort. (a) Mean ability. (b) Mean
parental effort. Initially the sexes have equal ability and effort. B, K, and C as for Fig. 6.4.

the same for both sexes, then whether it is females or males that do most of the
care depends on initial conditions. However, once there are outside factors such as
uncertainty of paternity, this has a strong influence on which sex does the majority of
care (McNamara and Wolf, 2015).

126 • Co-evolution of Traits

6.5 Learning and Individual Specialization

Learning to specialize in certain behaviours is one possible reason for animal person-
ality variation (Wolf and Weissing, 2010). A further phenomenon is that if individuals
with certain abilities learn to make efficient use of the ability, this can give rise to
disruptive selection on traits related to ability. As a consequence, the differences
between individuals both in their ability and their behaviour can increase. We explore
this using an example where there is random determination of a trait related to ability.
Scale-eating cichlids feed on scales of other fish in Lake Tanganyika. They attack
victim fish from behind, either from the left or right, attempting to bite off scales.
Their success in such an attack is influenced by the mouth asymmetry. For instance,
an individual with a mouth skewed to the right is more efficient in attacking victims
on the left flank. We follow Takeuchi and Oda (2017) in referring to such individuals
as ‘lefties’, and individuals with mouths skewed to the left, making them more efficient
at attacking the right flank, are ‘righties’. The phenomenon was first studied by Hori
(1993). Populations of scale-eating cichlids show a range of mouth asymmetries
(Fig. 6.6), including individuals with forward-facing mouths. Although there are
several studies on the issue, there is still some uncertainty whether the distribution of
mouth asymmetry is bimodal or unimodal (Raffini and Meyer, 2019). How the mouth
asymmetry of adult scale eaters is determined is also much discussed. The current
view is that, although both genetic variation and plasticity (from experiences by
juveniles of attacking victims) influence the asymmetry, the trait is mainly determined
by random developmental variation (Raffini and Meyer, 2019).





−1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Mouth asymmetry, z

Fig. 6.6 Data on mouth asymmetry in scale-eating cichlid fish, Perissodus microlepis. The
species is endemic to Lake Tanganyika. The figure shows a kernel-smoothed distribution of data
on a mouth-asymmetry index from fig. 1 of Van Dooren et al. (2010). Illustration of Perissodus
microlepis by George Albert Boulenger (in the public domain).

Learning and Individual Specialization • 127

We can study the evolution of mouth asymmetry as the co-evolution of two traits,
the extent of asymmetry and the direction of the skew. Thus, if z is mouth asymmetry,
with z < 0 indicating lefties (with mouth skewed to the right) and z > 0 indicating
righties, we can study random phenotype determination using two traits: the extent
|z| of asymmetry and the probability q = q1 of being a lefty. Box 6.4 describes a model
involving these traits.

Box 6.4 Mouth asymmetry in scale-eating cichlids

For a scale-eating individual with mouth asymmetry z, the basic success of an attack from
left (k = 1) and right (k = 2) is
bk (z) = exp − (z−μ k)
2σ 2
, (6.26)
with μ2 = −μ1 . As a result of learning individual i has a probability pik to attack from
direction k, with population average p̄k . The victims use the distribution of attacks on
themselves to guard against attacks from a particular direction. Let e(p̄k ) measure the effect
of the defence on the success of attacks from direction k. We assume
e(p) = ν0 − ν1 (p − 12 ) − 12 ν2 (p − 12 )2 , (6.27)
with ν0 > 0, ν1 > 0 and 0 < ν2 < 2ν1 , which is decreasing and satisfies pe(p) + (1 − p)
e(1 − p) < e( 12 ) for p
= 0.5. Thus, victims are better at defending if attacks are mostly from
one direction (the general requirement is that e(p) should be decreasing and concave). The
success of an attack depends both on the mouth asymmetry of the attacker and on the
sk (z, p̄k ) = bk (z)e(p̄k ). (6.28)
The learned probability for an individual with asymmetry trait z of attacking from the right-
hand direction is a sigmoid function of the difference
s21 (z, p̄2 ) = s2 (z, p̄2 ) − s1 (z, 1 − p̄2 ) (6.29)
in success between right and left attacks:
p2 = f (s21 (z, p̄2 )) =  . (6.30)
1 + exp −κs21 (z, p̄2 )
Note that p1 = 1 − p2 = f (−s21 (z, p̄2 )) = f (s12 (z, p̄1 )), where we used s12 (z, p̄1 ) defined in
analogy with eq (6.29). Let the resident population of scale eaters contain a proportion q1
with trait z1 and a proportion q2 = 1 − q1 with trait z2 . There is a consistency requirement
p̄2 = q1 f (s21 (z1 , p̄2 )) + q2 f (s21 (z2 , p̄2 )), (6.31)
with an equivalent formulation for p̄1 . Using this equation, we can find a value for p̄2 =
ρ2 (z1 , z2 , q2 ), given z1 , z2 , and q2 . From this we can find the payoff for a mutant individual
with mouth asymmetry z :
W(z , z1 , z2 , q2 ) = W0 + 1 − f (s21 (z , p̄2 )) s1 (z , 1 − p̄2 ) (6.32)
+ f (s21 (z , p̄2 ))s2 (z , p̄2 ).

128 • Co-evolution of Traits

Furthermore, it is known that scale eaters do not have innate attack preferences but
learn to prefer attacking victims from the left or from the right from their experience
of which direction gives a higher success (Takeuchi and Oda, 2017). The speed of
learning might then influence the evolution of mouth asymmetry. The victim fish
also learn to defend against attacks from a particular direction.
In field experiments, Indermaur et al. (2018) showed that the defences influence
the attack success of the scale eaters, with a higher success, and thus less efficient
defence, with equal numbers of lefties and righties. This shows that it is more difficult
for victims to defend against attacks when these are equally frequent from the left and
the right. The model in Box 6.4 takes both learning by scale eaters and defence by
their victims into account.
An example of an analysis of this model appears in Fig. 6.7. With the chosen
parameters and with no learning, so that a scale eater continues to attack equally
often from the left and the right, the evolutionary outcome is a population of
symmetric individuals (z = 0), whereas with learning the result is a developmental

(a) (b)
0.5 0.5
With learning
0.4 0.4

0.3 Without 0.3



0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
−1 0 1 −1 0 1
Mutant mouth asymmetry, z  Mutant mouth asymmetry, z 

Fig. 6.7 Illustration of the effect of learning on the evolution of mouth asymmetry in scale-
eating cichlids. (a) The light grey curve shows the payoff to mutant mouth asymmetry z (from
eq (6.32)) when there is no learning (κ = 0 in eq (6.30)). The resident population has forward-
facing mouths (vertical light grey dashed line), and this mouth asymmetry has the highest
payoff and is thus an ESS. With learning (dark grey curve, κ = 4) the evolutionary outcome
is instead a mouth asymmetry of magnitude of |z| = 0.51 and equal chances of developing into
skew to the right or left (q1 = q2 = 0.5), shown by the vertical dark grey lines. (b) Two cases
of non-equilibrium situations with learning (κ = 4). The dark grey curve shows the payoff in a
resident population with an equilibrium magnitude of asymmetry of |z| = 0.51 but a probability
q2 = 0.9 of being a righty. In this situation mutants with a lower probability of developing
into a righty are favoured. The light grey curve shows mutant payoff in a monomorphic but
skewed resident population (|z| = 0.25 and q1 = 1). Parameters for the model in Box 6.4:
μ2 = −μ1 = 0.5, σ = 0.6, ν0 = ν1 = 0.5, ν2 = 0.75, κ = 0 or κ = 4.

Learning and Individual Specialization • 129

strategy that randomizes between skew to the right and the left (light vs. dark grey
curves in Fig. 6.7a). Deviations from a 50–50 randomization are selected against, as
illustrated in Fig. 6.7b. The dimorphic equilibrium is not reached by convergence of
monomorphisms towards z = 0 followed by evolutionary branching, because z = 0 is
not convergence stable. Instead, monomorphic evolution is directed away from this
point, as illustrated by the light grey curve in Fig. 6.7b. A mutational jump between
right- and left-skewed mouth is needed to reach a dimorphism, corresponding to a
right–left developmental switch. Such switches could well occur in real organisms.
Only the outcome of learning is represented in Box 5.1, in eq (6.30). With
individual-based simulation we can instead implement actor–critic learning by
scale eaters, which is illustrated in Fig. 6.8. The starting point of the simulation is
a monomorphic population with z = 0, but a dimorphic developmental strategy also
evolves for other starting populations (e.g. monomorphic z = −0.25; not shown).
We looked for equilibria in a space of randomized strategies, but for this example
we might instead have studied genetically polymorphic populations. In general, the
circumstances favouring a randomized developmental strategy vs. a genetic poly-
morphism differ (Leimar, 2005), but with frequency-dependent selection in a large
random-mating population these can be alternative outcomes, as we pointed out for

(a) 0.6 (b)

z = 0.5
Probability right attack, p

Mouth asymmetry, z


0.0 0.50

−0.3 0.25
Lefties z = −0.5

−0.6 0.00
0 250 500 750 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of generations, n Attacks per scale eater, t

Fig. 6.8 Individual-based simulation of the evolution of mouth asymmetry in scale-eating

cichlid fish. Attack success and defence follow the model in Box 6.4, but individuals use actor–
critic learning (as in Box 5.1) when choosing whether to attack from the left or the right. The
rewards are given by eq (6.28) and there are 100 attacks per scale eater per generation. There
are two traits determining mouth asymmetry, the extent |z| of asymmetry, and the probability
q of developing a left skew (suitable for a righty), each coded by a diploid unlinked locus.
The simulated population consists of 8000 scale eaters and 8000 victims, and each victim
uses its current distribution of attacks to adjust its defence according to eq (6.27). (a) The
evolution of mouth asymmetry over 1000 generations, starting from a population with forward-
facing mouths. (b) Illustration of learning trajectories for a lefty and a righty in a dimorphic
population. Learning rates are at an approximate equilibrium: αw = 0.02 and αθ = 4.8.

130 • Co-evolution of Traits

the Hawk–Dove game (Section 3.5). For a finite population one can show that, because
of genetic drift, the randomized outcome is favoured by selection (Maynard Smith,
1988), although the effect is weak in large populations.
Similar specialization as in the scale-eating cichlids can occur in other situations. In
many social foraging groups some individuals are producers and others are scroungers
(Fig. 1.1). Producers independently search for food sources which scroungers then
attempt to exploit. The payoffs in each role are thought to be frequency dependent:
the advantage of scrounging increases with the proportion of producers in the group.
This producer–scrounger game has been extensively analysed (Barnard and Sibly,
1981; Giraldeau and Caraco, 2000; Giraldeau and Dubois, 2008). There is empirical
evidence that individuals show some consistency over time in whether they are
producers or scroungers (Fig. 1.1), although there is also flexibility (Giraldeau and
Dubois, 2008; Reader, 2015; Aplin and Morand-Ferron, 2017b). In this respect,
previous experience may be important: individuals may become better at a role
as a result of learning, so that once a role is adopted an individual tends to keep
the role. If there is variation between individuals in ability for the roles, we might
also expect disruptive selection and the evolution of specialists for each role; some
individuals would be better at producing and tend to produce, while others are better
at scrounging and tend to scrounge. More generally, the co-existence of different
personalities occupying different roles in groups may be maintained by frequency-
dependent effects (e.g. Bergmuller and Taborsky, 2010). Groups would then tend to
be composed of individuals that are good at the roles they perform.

6.6 Co-evolution of Prosociality and Dispersal

Dispersal, in the form of movement from the natal site to another breeding site, is
an important life history trait. There is considerable evidence that within a group the
propensity to disperse is correlated with other traits. In particular, high dispersal is
often linked with a reduction in helping and other prosocial behaviours (Hochberg
et al., 2008; Cote et al., 2010; Wey et al., 2015). One reason for this link could be
that individuals that are not prosocial are more likely to be punished by other group
members and disperse to avoid this punishment (Hochberg et al., 2008). We might
also expect a positive association between prosocial behaviour and low dispersal
probability that is mediated through the effect of relatedness. Individuals with a low
dispersal probability are liable to be more closely related to other group members as
an adult and during breeding, and this selects for prosocial behaviour. Conversely
high dispersal results in low relatedness and selects for more selfish behaviour. This
interdependence of dispersal and kin structure is modelled by Mullon et al. (2018).
In their model groups occupy patches that are linked by dispersal. Individuals within
a group interact pairwise in a game that yields resources that are used to enhance
reproduction. In this interaction individuals can either behave prosocially and con-
tribute to their partner or act selfishly. They show that there are regions of parameter
space for which disruptive selection occurs. Evolution then results in a polymorphic

Co-evolution of Prosociality and Dispersal • 131

High (low) Low (high) within

dispersal group relatedness

Low (high)
Many (few)
empty patches

Fig. 6.9 Co-evolutionary feedback loop acting in the model of group defence and dispersal.

population in which there are two morphs: one morph has high prosocial behaviour
and low dispersal while the other has more selfish behaviour and high dispersal.
In the model of Mullon et al. (2018) the two morphs co-exist. Co-existence is possi-
ble because of frequency-dependent competition between morphs: as the proportion
of the low-dispersal morph increases, the competition for sites on a patch increases
and the higher-dispersal morph has a relative advantage. In the model we develop
below, the prosocial trait is the effort expended in defence of the whole group against
an outside threat. The feedback that stabilizes a morph acts through the environment
(Fig. 6.9). Thus rather than two morphs co-existing, our model results in one of two
alternative morphs occupying the whole environment.

6.6.1 Model: Group Defence and Dispersal to Empty Areas

We develop a dispersal model in which N areas, each of which may contain a group of
individuals, are linked by dispersal. Each area has K food territories. Each individual
must occupy its own territory in order to survive. Thus the group occupying an area
has maximum size K. At the beginning of each year each territory owner produces
one offspring. It then dies with probability m, otherwise it retains its territory until
next year. The offspring either remains in its natal area (with probability 1 − d)
or immediately disperses to a randomly selected area (with probability d). Those
offspring that remain compete (scramble competition) for the territories that have
become vacant due to the death of previous owners. Those individuals that disperse
to a non-empty area die, since local group members oppose them. If a dispersing
individual is lucky enough to disperse to an empty area it competes for a territory
(again scramble competition) with others that also dispersed to this area. Those
individuals that gain a territory are founder members of a new group. Individuals that
do not gain territories immediately die without leaving offspring. Each year a threat to
the whole group in an area occurs with probability β. If a threat appears, each group
member decides how much effort to expend in group defence (its prosocial trait).
Let ui be the defence effort of the individual on territory i (set to zero if there is no
individual on the territory). The probability the whole group is wiped out is a function
H(u1 , u2 , . . . , uK ) that decreases with the defence efforts of the individuals. If the group
is successful in defending against the threat, individual i dies with probability h(ui )
that increases with its group defence effort.

132 • Co-evolution of Traits

In this model there is a trade-off—to defend the group or save oneself. We might
expect that when the dispersal probability is high, members of a group are not
highly related and expend little effort on group defence. Consequently, there will be
many areas where the group has been wiped out, and hence many opportunities for
dispersing offspring to find empty areas, so that dispersal remains high. Conversely,
when the dispersal probability is low, individuals will be related and much more
prosocial, putting more effort into group defence. This results in few empty patches
and selects for low dispersal (Fig. 6.9). Figure 6.10 shows a case in which high initial

(a) (b)
Number of empty patches

Probability of death



0.25 5

0.00 0

0 2 4 6 8 0 20,000 40,000 60,000

Prosocial trait Generation

(c) 8 (d)

Mean dispersal probability

Mean prosocial trait



2 0.05

0 20,000 40,000 60,000 0 20,000 40,000 60,000

Generation Generation

Fig. 6.10 The co-evolution of dispersal rate and prosociality. (a) Probability H that the group
is wiped out when threatened as a function of the root mean square value of the prosocial trait
values of group members (dashed line), and the probability h of individual death following a
successful defence (solid line). (b), (c), and (d) show results of two evolutionary simulations
based on these mortality functions. The darker lines correspond to starting traits u = 1.5 and
d = 0.1. Lighter lines to starting values u = 4.5 and d = 0.1. [H(u) = e−T , where T is the root
mean square value of u1 , u2 , . . . , uK . h(u) = 1 − e−0.05u . m = 0.2, β = 0.4.]

Co-evolution of Species • 133

levels of group defence lead to even higher levels evolving, accompanied by rare vacant
areas and low dispersal rates. In contrast, low initial levels of group defence lead to
lower levels evolving accompanied by more empty areas and higher dispersal. Overall
this suggests that when dispersal and defence effort are allowed to co-evolve there
may be two different stable endpoints. Whether this is so depends very much on the
functions H and h; often there is just one endpoint.

6.7 Co-evolution of Species

As we mentioned, in evolutionary biology co-evolution usually refers to reciprocal

evolutionary changes in the traits of two or more species, as a consequence of their
interactions. This is a large and complex area of investigation, in which game theory
has only played a minor role. The species interactions can involve harm, as for
parasites and hosts or predators and prey, or they can be mutualistic such that they
benefit each of the species involved.
Here we illustrate the latter possibility using a model of the evolution of Müllerian
mimicry. In this mimicry two or more species that are aposematic (i.e. unprofitable
as prey, with striking appearances that signal their unprofitability) evolve to become
similar in their appearance (Fig. 6.11), which benefits the prey because of reduced
costs of predator education. The species interact through predators, who can learn
more quickly to avoid them as prey by generalizing between their appearances. The
first hypothesis about this form of mimicry evolution was put forward by Müller
(1878) and it played a role in early discussions about evolution by natural selection.
Müller suggested that learning by predators to avoid unpalatable prey worked such

Variable burnet moth Nine−spotted moth

Fig. 6.11 Example of Müllerian mimicry in two insect species, the variable burnet moth
Zygaena ephialtes (left) and the nine-spotted moth Syntomis phegea (right). In the Northern
European part of its distributional range, Z. ephialtes displays red markings on a black back-
ground but in some regions of Southern Europe the markings are instead white, with some
yellow (left). It is thought that this change in appearance by Z. ephialtes is the result of evolution
to mimic the more numerous insect S. phegea. The species are unpalatable to their predators,
including to insectivorous birds, who learn to avoid attacking such prey. Original photos by
Hectonichus, Genova, Italy. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike
license (CC BY-SA 3.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0).

134 • Co-evolution of Traits

that a predator would attack a given number of prey after which it would stop
attacking. It then follows that by having the same appearance, two species can divide
the cost of this predator education between them, and that the gain in per capita prey
survival would be greater for a species with lower population density.
In Box 6.5 we present a reinforcement learning model that shows some similarity
to Müller’s original assumptions about learning. The learning mechanism works by
updating an estimate of the value of performing a certain action (like attack) in a given
situation (like a particular prey appearance). The preference for attack is assumed
to be proportional to the estimated value (eq (6.33)), which is simpler but possibly
less biologically realistic than actor–critic learning (Box 5.1). The learning model
in Box 6.5 also includes generalization between different prey appearances, using
a Gaussian generalization function (eq (6.35)). Let us now consider the evolution
of prey appearances, while the predator learning rule is unchanging. Generalization

Box 6.5 Sarsa learning with generalization

The Sarsa model of learning (Sutton and Barto, 2018) is widely used in animal psychology.
It works by updating an estimated value Q of choosing an action in a given state. Here
we examine a case with continuous state ξ , where a predator discovers a potential prey
with appearance ξ and must decide whether or not to attack. As a simplification we
assume that the no-attack choice always results in zero reward, which is already estimated
by the predator, so we only need to model the learning of the value of attacking. Further, we
assume that the predator has much experience of attacking normal, palatable prey, having
already estimated a value q0 of such an attack, so we can limit ourselves to learning from
attacks on unpalatable prey. Before any such attacks the estimated value is thus Q0 (ξ ) = q0 .
Let ξt , t = 1, 2, . . . be the appearances of successively attacked prey, and let t = 0 denote a
naive predator. Following t, the predator has estimates Qt (ξ ) and the probability of attacking
a prey with appearance ξ is
pt (ξ ) =  . (6.33)
1 + exp −βQt (ξ )
The parameter β sets how sharply pt (ξ ) changes from close to 1 to close to 0 as Qt (ξ ) goes
from positive to negative. The values are updated using the difference between actual and
estimated rewards from attacking ξt :
δt = Rt − Qt (ξt ). (6.34)
In the updating of values the predator generalizes from the appearance ξt of the prey in the
recent attack to a different appearance ξ using a Gaussian generalization function
 (ξ − ξ )2
g(ξ , ξt ) = exp − . (6.35)
2σ 2
The update is then given by
Qt+1 (ξ ) = Qt (ξ ) + αδt g(ξ , ξt ), (6.36)
where α is a rate of learning.

Co-evolution of Species • 135

influences mimicry evolution by causing predators to treat prey with similar appear-
ances in similar ways. This is illustrated in Fig. 6.12a, showing the probability of
survival for mutants with different appearances ξ , which could be a measure of prey
colouration, when there are two resident populations with average appearance ξ = 2
and ξ = 8, respectively.
From the perspective of game theory, the best response in this situation is a
mutant with appearance near the average of the population with highest population
density, which is ξ = 8 in this example. The light grey arrows in the figure illustrate
evolutionary changes for mutants from the less numerous population that could
invade. This might suggest that mimicry can only evolve through major mutational
changes. There is, however, an alternative evolutionary scenario. Note that the survival
peaks around the population means in Fig. 6.12a are slightly asymmetric, with a skew
in the direction of the other population. The skew is a consequence of generalization
by predators. It will only be noticeable if the width of the generalization function
(σ in eq (6.35)) is not too small compared with the separation of the population
appearances. Such gradual evolution of mimicry is illustrated in Fig. 6.12b, using
individual-based simulation.

(a) (b)
Probability of survival, p

Phenotype, ξ


0 4 8 12 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Mutant phenotype, ξ Number of generations, n

Fig. 6.12 Illustration of Müllerian mimicry evolution when predators learn and generalize
according to the model in Box 6.5. There are Np = 100 predators and two prey populations,
one of size N1 = 1000 and initial average appearance ξ = 2.0, and a larger one of size N2 = 5000
and initial average appearance ξ = 8.0. The rate of detection of prey is 0.02 per predator per
prey, over a season of unit duration. Reproduction is sexual with a simplified quantitative
genetics inheritance, where the offspring phenotype is equal to the mid-parent plus a random
normal deviate with standard deviation of 0.1. (a) The probability of survival of different
mutant appearances for the initial situation. The light grey arrows indicate mutational changes
of individuals in the first prey population that would be selected for. (b) Individual-based
simulation of mimicry evolution for the two populations. The dark grey lines show the mean
appearances and the grey shading indicates ±1 SD. Learning parameters in Box 6.5: α = 0.6,
β = 6.0, σ = 2.0, q0 = 1.0, and R = −1.0.

136 • Co-evolution of Traits

Fisher (1927, 1930) was the first to suggest such a possibility, initiating a debate
about saltational vs. gradual changes in evolution (see Balogh and Leimar, 2005;
Ruxton et al., 2008; Balogh et al., 2010; Leimar et al., 2012, for recent work on
this matter). A related question is whether Müllerian mimicry evolution makes
some species similar to the original appearance of other species, which is referred
to as advergence, or if there is instead gradual co-evolutionary convergence to an
intermediate appearance, somewhere in between the original appearances.
As is seen in Fig. 6.12a, saltational evolution will result in something close to adver-
gence. However, gradual evolution can also approximate advergence (Fig. 6.12b), if
there are pronounced differences in population density between prey species. From
what is known about mimicry evolution in nature, it seems that advergence is the
typical outcome (Mallet, 1999). The example in Fig. 6.11 illustrates advergence, such
that Z. ephialtes has become similar in appearance to S. phegea without any noticeable
change in the appearance of the latter (see Balogh et al., 2010; Leimar et al., 2012, for
more background about this example).
Generalization over continuous stimuli, as represented by eq (6.35), has the poten-
tial to influence the evolution of signalling provided there is learning of the conse-
quences of the signal by receivers. The phenomenon of stimulus generalization is
much studied in animal psychology, with Gaussian generalization functions, often
referred to as generalization gradients, giving a reasonable approximation to a wide
range of experimental findings (Ghirlanda and Enquist, 2003). In machine learning,
the term kernel-based methods is often used instead (Bishop, 2006; Sutton and Barto,
2018), where generalization functions appearing as in eq (6.36) are referred to as
kernels. The model in Box 6.5 combines traditional ideas in animal psychology with
those in machine learning. The approach can readily be adapted also to actor–critic
learning, for instance for modelling of the kind described in Box 5.3.

6.7.1 Parasite–Host and Predator–Prey Interactions

The term co-evolution was introduced by Ehrlich and Raven (1964), although as we
have seen the basic idea has a longer history. Ehrlich and Raven (1964) studied host–
parasite interactions, specifically herbivorous insects (insects that feed on plants),
arguing that adaptations of parasites to exploit their hosts and of hosts to defend
against parasites have emerged in a stepwise pattern of many reciprocal evolutionary
changes. A great volume of research on the topic has revealed that the evolutionary
processes of hosts and parasites are complex, with important influences of phenomena
like parasites switching between hosts over evolutionary time and hosts adapting to
broad ranges of parasitic species. The concept of evolutionary stability has not proven
very powerful in clarifying host–parasite relations. Instead it appears that outcomes
similar to winners and losers in an arms race can occur, where on the one hand
certain parasites successfully overcome host defences, while on the other hand the
host defences fully succeed against other potential parasites.
Predator–prey interactions is another area where co-evolution has been much
discussed, including using the perspective of evolutionary stability (Roughgarden,

Concluding Comments • 137

1978; Takada and Kigami, 1991; Abrams et al., 1993; Abrams, 2000). The hunting
and capture traits of a predator species can co-evolve with the anti-predator traits
of its prey. For instance, suppose that each of the two species has a single trait,
where the selection on trait values in one species only depends on the mean trait
value in the other species. Then the mean trait value in one species will have a
(delayed) response to the mean trait value in the other species. Since the fitness of
a mutant of one species depends on the mean trait value of the other species, it
depends indirectly on the mean trait value of its own species. As a result of feedback
cycles of this type, co-evolution between a group of species can result in a subset
of species having trait values minimizing fitness (Roughgarden, 1978; Takada and
Kigami, 1991; Abrams et al., 1993; Abrams, 2000). Also, predator–prey interactions
can have complex evolutionary outcomes with cycles both in the population dynamics
and in the evolutionary dynamics (Abrams, 2000). Overall, the study of the evolution
of these interactions is better characterized as evolutionary population biology rather
than as an application of game theory in biology.

6.8 Concluding Comments

We have argued that in many systems it can be very limiting to consider traits in
isolation. Mating systems provide many further examples. For instance, we might
expect parental effort and divorce strategies to affect one another. If low effort by one
parent leads to divorce by the partner, the evolution of parental effort will depend
on divorce strategies in the population. Conversely, whether it is worth divorcing
a partner depends on the likely parental efforts of alternative mates, so that the
evolution of divorce strategies depends on parental effort strategies in the population.
We analyse the co-evolution of the effort expended into a common good and the
strategy for partner retention in Section 7.10, showing that the interaction of these
traits can drive the evolution of high levels of cooperative behaviour.
Mutual mate choice provides another mating-system example. If a female is
attempting to choose one male as her partner, then her choosiness can be expected
to increase with her own attractiveness; i.e. increase with the number of males that
will choose her. Thus the optimal mate choice strategy for females depends on that
of males, and vice versa. This co-evolutionary situation is analysed by McNamara
and Collins (1990). In the idealized case considered, they show that a class structure
evolves for both sexes; pairs are only formed by males and females of the same class.
The co-evolution of male type and female mating preference can account for the
evolution of such features as the male peacock tail, and provides a further spectacular
example of the power of co-evolution. We analyse this Fisher runaway process in
Section 10.5.
Some traits that we model as one-dimensional may really have different compo-
nents. For example, in the model of parental effort of Section 3.4 the measure of effort
is one-dimensional. However, as Barta et al. (2014) emphasize, care may involve more
than one component with each parent allocating efforts between these components.

138 • Co-evolution of Traits

In particular, a parent must allocate its effort between provisioning and guarding
the young. When care has two such dimensions, Barta et al. (2014) find that role
specialization often evolves, with one parent concentrating on one of the tasks and
the other parent concentrating on the other task. They also found that this promotes
cooperation between the parents. In their model Barta et al. (2014) did not allow
ability to evolve. It seems likely that had they done so, then there might be further
disruptive selection leading to each sex evolving to be good at their specialized task
(cf. Section 6.4).
The amount of variation in a trait may strongly affect the evolutionary direction
of the trait via the effect of the variation on another trait. For example, suppose
that the trait of interest is some measure of the degree to which an individual is
cooperative in its interaction with others. The greater the variation in the trait, the
greater the advantage in being choosy about which individuals to interact with.
High choosiness then puts uncooperative individuals at a disadvantage since they are
ignored. Thus co-evolution of cooperativeness and choosiness can result in high levels
of the cooperative trait (Section 7.10).
Gaining information on the level of cooperative behaviour of others in the popula-
tion may be valuable in deciding who to interact with and how to behave towards
them. However, information gain takes time and may hence be costly. It is only
worth paying this cost if there is sufficient variation in the population so that there is
something to learn from observing individuals. If social sensitivity is worthwhile and
evolves, this then exerts a selection on others to change their reputation by changing
their behaviour, which then changes the selection pressure on being socially sensitive.
The co-evolution of behavioural traits and social sensitivity is explored in Section 7.7.

6.9 Exercises

Ex. 6.1. Consider convergence stability in two dimensions. Let B = (bij ) be the
matrix in Box 6.1. Let T = b11 + b22 and  = b11 b22 − b12 b21 be the trace and
determinant, respectively, of B. Show that the real parts of the two eigenvalues of B
are negative if and only if T < 0 and  > 0.

Ex. 6.2. Let λ((x1 , x2 ), (x1 , x2 )) = x1 (x1 + 2x2 ) + x2 (−x1 + 3x2 ) − (x12 + x22 ) be inva-
sion fitness for a two-dimensional trait. Consider the stability of the singular point
x∗ = (0, 0). In the notation of Box 6.1 find the matrix A. Suppose that covariance
matrix C has elements c11 = r1 > 0 and c22 = r2 > 0, with off-diagonal elements zero.
Thus the traits are genetically uncorrelated and r1 and r2 give the relative speeds of
evolution of the two traits. Show that the singular point x∗ = (0, 0) is convergence
stable if r2 < r1 and is not convergence stable if r2 > r1 .

Ex. 6.3. Consider the gamete size model of Section 6.3. Show that Di (x1 , x2 ) =
RMi (x1 ,x2 )
[xi f  (x1 + x2 ) − f (x1 + x2 )]. Hence show that eq (6.14) holds at an

Exercises • 139

isogamous ESS. Show that eq (6.14) has a solution in the range x∗ > 0 when
f (z) = e−1/z . Verify that f  (2x∗ ) < 0 so that x∗ is an ESS. Show that eq (6.14) has

no solution when f (z) = z/(1 + z). For further insight into why these cases differ, see
the graphic representation of condition (6.14) in Maynard Smith (1982).

Ex. 6.4. Consider the gamete size model of Section 6.3. Let x∗ given by eq (6.14). Let
the genetic covariance matrix be proportional to the identity matrix. By Taylor series
expansion about (x∗ , x∗ ) show that the matrix coefficients describing the dynamics
of the two traits in the neighbourhood of (x∗ , x∗ ) (Box 6.1) can be written as b11 =
Hf  (2x∗ )/x∗ and b12 = H[f  (2x∗ )/x∗ − f  (2x∗ )/x∗2 ] for suitable constant H, with
analogous expressions holding for b21 and b22 . Hence show that the two conditions
T = b11 + b22 < 0 and  = b11 b22 − b12 b21 > 0 cannot both hold, so that (x∗ , x∗ ) is
not convergence stable.

Ex. 6.5. Suppose there is a role asymmetry and that the trait in each role is con-
tinuous. Assume that there are unique local best response functions, with b̂1 (.)
given by eq (6.8) and b̂2 (.) satisfying the analogous equation. Let x1∗ = b̂1 (x2∗ ) and
x2∗ = b̂2 (x1∗ ), so that (x1∗ , x2∗ ) is an ESS. (i) By implicit differentiation show that
2 ∂ 2 W1
b̂1 (x2∗ ) ∂∂xW21 (x1∗ , x2∗ ) + ∂x ∗ ∗ 
 ∂x (x1 , x2 ) = 0, with an analogous equation holding for b̂2 .
1 1 2

(ii) Deduce that b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) < 1 if and only if the determinant of the Jacobian
matrix A at this equilibrium (Box 6.1) satisfies  > 0. (iii) Assume that the genetic
covariance matrix C is diagonal. Show that the matrix B = CA has negative trace and
a determinant that has the same sign as .

Ex. 6.6. Consider the model of the co-evolution of parental effort and ability of
Section 6.4. Let K(x, θ) = β(1 − θ)x + 12 αx2 and C(θ ) = 12 θ 2 , where 0 < β < 1 and
α > 0. Find the effective cost function C̃(x) and verify that this function is concave
if β 2 > α. Let B(z) = 2z − z2 for 0 ≤ z < 1 and B(z) = 1 for z ≥ 1. Set β = 0.8 and
α = 0.14. Find the best response functions in this case (remember that efforts have to
be non-negative). Hence find the three ESS pairs of efforts.

Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

7.1 Variation has Consequences

In natural populations there is almost always a considerable amount of between-

individual variation in behaviour as well as in other traits. For instance, for quan-
titative traits one finds that the standard deviation is often around 10% or more of the
mean value (Houle, 1992). Furthermore, many estimates of the so-called repeatability
of behaviours such as foraging, aggressiveness, and parental behaviour have been
collected. The repeatability is the proportion of the variance in behaviour that is due to
differences between individuals, and it ranges from around 0.1 to 0.8, with an average
around 0.4 (Bell et al., 2009). For game theory this means that, first, we should not
assume that variation is small and, second, that it is realistic to examine questions of
consistency in behaviour and individual reputation.
One can conceptualize variation in behaviour as resulting from differences in the
underlying strategy, in how the strategy is implemented, or from state differences.
Strategy variation arises from underlying genetic variation and the implementation of
a strategy is affected by developmental plasticity and noise. Concerning states, even
if two individuals follow the same strategy, differences in previous experience give
rise to state differences, so that the individuals may take different actions in the same
current situation. Some phenotypic variation may thus be for adaptive reasons and
some not, but regardless of its source, its existence has consequences for game theory.
Most models in the literature ignore that there may be large amounts of genetic
variation at evolutionary stability. In considering the evolutionary stability of a Nash
equilibrium the effect of variation due to mutation is certainly considered, but in
contrast to what is the case in real populations, the amount of variation is assumed to
be small; typically the fate of rare mutants is considered (Section 4.1).
In Section 3.11 we gave examples of state-dependent behaviour when there are state
differences. In these examples the corresponding models with no state differences give
similar predictions to the models with variation and a decision threshold when these
latter models assume little variation in state, although there were some changes. For
example, in the Hawk–Dove game variation in fighting ability reduces the frequency
of fights and the payoffs of the alternative actions are no longer equalized at evolu-
tionary stability: Hawks do better than Doves. As we will see, in other cases variation
can produce even qualitative shifts in perspective.

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0007

142 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

All models are incomplete descriptions of the world that capture the essence of the
biological issues of interest. They can be useful in helping to understand these issues,
but they are always limited. It is important to understand what a given model can tell
us, and what are its limitations. Models in which differences are ignored have provided
important insights, but their limitations have not always been appreciated. Variation
can completely change how we conceptualize games and change our predictions.
Some of the major ways in which this occurs are illustrated in Fig. 7.1, and can be
summarized as follows.

Explore all possibilities. A strategy is a rule that specifies the action taken for every
possible state of the organism. However, if some states are never encountered it does
not matter what an individual would have done in that state. The specification of
what population members would have done had they entered the state can then drift,
changing the selection pressure to enter the state. Variation can ensure that every state
is reached with positive probability, removing this neutrality. This is a traditional idea
in game theory about how variation can stabilize equilibria (Section 7.2).
Take a chance. Variation means that it can be optimal to take a chance and reject the
current partner or option in the hope of obtaining a better one (Sections 7.3, 7.6,
Signalling. When the best action of an individual depends on the attributes (e.g. ability,
need, relatedness) of its partner then it will be advantageous to gain information on
these attributes. But if the partner conveys this information via a signal, why should
the signal be believed (Section 7.4)?
Reputation. Consistent differences lead to consistently different behaviour and hence
to the possibility that reputations are formed and are informative. Once there are

Explore all Stabilize equilibria

Change direction of
Take a chance

Variation Reputation behaviour
of others

Social sensitivity

Choosiness Markets

React to partner Negotiate outcome

Fig. 7.1 Some of the major areas in which phenotypic variation is important, with an
indication of the consequences of this variation.

Variation and the Stability of Equilibria • 143

reputation effects, individuals change their behaviour to change their reputation and
hence change how others respond to them (Sections 7.5, 7.6).
Social sensitivity. When there are costs of observing the behaviour of other individuals,
it will only be worth paying these cost if there is sufficient variation in behaviour so
that there is something valuable to learn. Then the distribution of behaviours in the
population determines the degree of sensitivity and hence the strength of the effect
of reputation, which in turn feeds back to affect the distribution of behaviours. We
examine this co-evolutionary feedback in Section 7.7.
Markets. Organisms often exchange commodities or services in a ‘market’. The mean
level of service is important in determining the behaviour of those receiving the
service (Section 7.8). However, the variation in service can also be important. When
there is no variation in a population there is no point in individuals being choosy
about whom they interact with. In contrast, when prospective partners differ in their
behaviour it often pays to be choosy about whom to partner with. Once choosiness
evolves, there is then selection to change behaviour (and hence reputation) so as
to increase the chances of being chosen. Variation and choosiness together lead to
assortative pairing, which can select for population members to be more cooperative
(Section 7.9). As an application of these ideas, in Section 7.10 we consider a model
in which the commitment to a partner and choosiness co-evolve. As we demonstrate,
the co-evolution of these traits can give rise to high commitments.
React to partner. When two individuals interact and there are individual differences,
the behaviour of the partner will typically not be known in advance. It will then
be worth changing one’s own behaviour as the partner’s behaviour is observed. Pair
members can then be regarded as negotiating their behaviour with each other. We
defer this topic until Chapter 8, where we show that the behaviour that is negotiated
can be different from that when no negotiation is possible (Section 8.4).

In presenting the various examples of models in this chapter, we have two broad aims
in mind. The first is a conceptual criticism of modelling practices in game theory
that depend on an assumption that variation is small. The second is to illustrate
that allowing for realistic amounts of variation and individual consistency makes it
possible to model important biological phenomena that otherwise would be hard to
understand (e.g. Section 7.10).

7.2 Variation and the Stability of Equilibria

Consider the trust game illustrated in Fig. 7.2. In this two-player game, one individual
is assigned the role of Player 1 and the other Player 2. Player 1 must first decide
whether to trust or reject Player 2. If Player 2 is rejected both players receive payoff
s > 0 and the game ends. If Player 2 is trusted this player decides whether to cooperate
with Player 1 or to defect. If cooperation is chosen each receives a payoff of r, where
0 < s < r < 1. If Player 2 defects Player 1 gets a payoff of 0 and Player 2 a payoff of 1.

144 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Player 1


Player 2
(s, s)
Cooperate Defect

(r, r) (0, 1)

Fig. 7.2 Choices and payoffs in the trust game of Frank (1988). The pair of payoffs are for
Player 1 and Player 2, respectively.

In this game it is clear that Player 2 should defect if trusted since r < 1. This means
that Player 1 will get 0 if Player 2 is trusted and so should reject Player 2. Thus both
players receive payoff s, whereas they could potentially have received the larger payoff
of r. This game can be thus be seen as a version of the Prisoner’s Dilemma game in
which choices are made sequentially rather then simultaneously.
Suppose that the resident strategy is for Player 1 to reject Player 2 and for Player
2 to defect if trusted. Then the resident strategy is at a Nash equilibrium. It is not,
however, an ESS. To see this consider the mutant strategy that specifies rejection when
in the role of Player 1 but cooperation if trusted in the Player 2 role. This strategy has
exactly the same payoff as the resident strategy even when common, and so will not
be selected against. Formally, although condition (ES2)(i) holds, condition (ES2)(ii)
does not. The problem here is that although the mutant and resident strategies differ
in their choice of action in the role of Player 2, they never get to carry out this action
as they are never trusted. In fact there is no ESS for this game.
Now suppose that in this resident population there is some mechanism that
maintains variation in the action of Player 1 individuals, so that occasionally a Player
1 trusts its partner. This variation might be due to the occasional error, to mutation
maintaining genetic variation, or any other source. When a Player 2 individual is
trusted it gets to carry out its action. If the Player 2 individual is a mutant that
cooperates it receives the payoff r, while a resident Player 2 defects and obtains the
higher payoff of 1. Thus mutants of this kind are selected against. In other words,
the occasional error by Player 1 stabilizes the Nash equilibrium against invasion by
A strategy is a rule that specifies the action taken for every possible state of the
organism. In games in which there is a sequence of choices the state of an organism
is usually defined by the sequence of actions that have occurred up until the present
time. So, for example, in the trust game, being trusted is a state for Player 2. If in a
population following a Nash equilibrium strategy some state is never reached, then
there is no selection pressure on the action taken in that state. This means that
mutations that change the action in this state alone are never selected against, so

Taking a Chance • 145

that the Nash equilibrium cannot be an ESS. If the Nash equilibrium is stabilized by
occasional errors, as for the trust game, the resident strategy is referred to as a limit
ESS. We return to this topic in Chapter 8 when we consider sequences of choices in
more detail.
Variation can similarly remove the neutrality from signalling games (Section 7.4).
Unless there is some possibility of receiving a particular signal there is no selection
pressure on the response to that signal. Variation can ensure that all signals are

7.3 Taking a Chance

Even if most outcomes of an action result in losses it may still be worth taking the
action if some outcomes have a high gain. The following example illustrates this
principle when there is variation in the level of cooperation of partners and it is
worth taking a risk that the current partner is exceptionally cooperative. The example
illustrates that when there is sufficient variation present in a population, evolved
strategies may be far from that predicted by the standard theory based on resistance
to invasion by rare mutants.

7.3.1 Taking Risks in a Finitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game

McNamara et al. (2004) consider a game in which two individuals play a sequence of
rounds of the Prisoner’s Dilemma game (Section 3.2) with one another. If in any round
either player defects then the interaction ends and no more rounds are played. The
idea is that individuals go off to seek more cooperative partners after a defection. This
search phase is not explicitly incorporated into this model, although it is explicitly
considered in a related model in Section 7.10. The interaction ends after the Nth
round if it has not already done so. Here N is known to both players. A strategy for
an individual specifies the number of rounds in which to cooperate before defecting.
Each partner attempts to maximize its total payoff over the rounds that are played.
For illustrative purposes we assume that each round has payoffs given by Table 7.1.
Note that if the last (i.e. Nth) round is played both players should defect. They will
then each receive a payoff of 1 for this round. Now consider the (N − 1)th round. If

Table 7.1 Payoffs per round for the finitely repeated

Prisoner’s Dilemma model.

Payoff to focal Action of partner

Action of focal C 2 0
D 5 1

146 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

a partner defects there will be no further rounds, so it is best to defect since 1 > 0. If
a partner cooperates then cooperation will give a reward of 2 from the current round
and the individual will go on to get a reward of 1 from the Nth round. This is less
than the payoff of 5 from defection. Thus it is best to defect whatever the action of the
partner. A similar consideration applies to the partner, so both players should defect
and the game will end with both players receiving 1. We can iterate backwards to
earlier rounds in this way, deducing that both players should defect in the first round.
This is the only Nash equilibrium for the game. Furthermore, since it is the unique
best response to itself, it is an ESS.
Models in which two players play a number of rounds of the Prisoner’s Dilemma
against one another have become a testbed for the evolution of cooperation. These
models assume that in any round there is always the possibility of at least another
round, otherwise the type of backward induction argument presented above will
rule out any cooperation. McNamara et al. (2004) incorporated a maximum on the
number of round specifically because they wished to show that cooperation could still
evolve when variation is maintained even though the standard arguments precluded
it. Figure 7.3 illustrates the crucial role of variation. In each case illustrated the mean
of the strategy values in the resident population is 5. The cases differ in the range
of strategies that are present. When there is no variation, so that all residents have
strategy 5, the best response of a mutant to the resident population is to cooperate
for 4 rounds; i.e. defect before partner does. As the amount of variation about the
mean of 5 increases it becomes best to cooperate for more rounds. To understand
why this occurs suppose that the 9 strategies 1, 2, ..., 9 are present in equal proportions.
If 4 rounds of cooperation have passed, then partner’s strategy is equally likely to
be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Thus the probability that partner will defect on the next round
is only 16 . This makes it worthwhile to take a chance and cooperate for at least one

Round of cooperation

7 *
6 *
5 *
4 * *
1 3 5 7 9
Number of types

Fig. 7.3 Best responses in the repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma in which there are a maximum of
N = 10 rounds. Cases in which the resident population has 1,3,5,7, and 9 strategies are shown.
In each case the strategies have a uniform distribution centred on the value 5. Best responses
are indicated by a ∗. Payoffs on each round are given by Table 7.1.

Taking a Chance • 147

(a) (b)

m = 0.080573 m = 0.080574
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rounds of cooperation Rounds of cooperation

Fig. 7.4 The distribution of strategies at evolutionary stability in the finitely repeated Pris-
oner’s Dilemma game with N = 10. Results for two mutation probabilities, m, are shown.
Invasion fitness is proportional to 10 plus the total payoff in the game. Payoffs in each round
are given by Table 7.1.

more round. This type of reasoning applies more generally. A formal analysis is set as
Exercise 7.1.
In an evolutionary simulation, McNamara et al. (2004) considered a large asexual
population with discrete non-overlapping generations in which the genetically deter-
mined trait is the number of rounds to cooperate before defecting. In each generation
population members pair up to play the finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game
against each other. The number of offspring produced is proportional to a constant
plus the payoff in this game. Offspring have the same trait value as their parent
with probability 1 − 2m, and have trait values max{0, n − 1} and min{N, n + 1} each
with probability m. Figure 7.4 illustrates the effect of increasing m, which increases
the amount of variation in the population. For low m evolution leads to a largely
uncooperative population with some cooperation maintained by mutation. At a
critical value of m there is a switch in the direction of selection as it becomes better to
be more cooperative than the population mean. This results in the evolved population
having a high level of cooperation.
In this example, sufficient variation results in a radical change in what evolves. In
particular, at evolutionary stability the strategies present are not in Nash equilibrium,
so the standard theory based on rare mutants is misleading. In the example, genetic
variation is maintained through mutation, but could have instead been maintained
by immigration. Phenotypic variation produced by developmental noise or errors
in decision making produce similar effects, provided the total phenotypic variation
contains an additive genetic component.

148 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

7.4 Signalling and the Handicap Principle

In this section we analyse the simplest form of a signalling game: the action–response
game. In this game a signaller sends a signal to a receiver who then responds to
the signal. We seek a signalling equilibrium. This is a Nash equilibrium at which
the strategy of signallers is the best given the response strategy of receivers and the
response strategy of receivers is the best given the strategy of signallers. To be concrete
we focus on the following example.

7.4.1 Males Signal Parental Ability, Females Respond with Clutch Size
Suppose that a female and male bird have just paired. The female has to decide
whether to lay one egg or two. Her best decision depends on the ability of the male to
provision the nest. This ability, q, is either low (L) or high (H). All eggs survive unless
the female lays two eggs when q = L. In this case b (≤ 2) eggs survive, and furthermore
the female has to work harder to help the male, reducing her future reproductive
success by K. The payoffs to the female for each of the four combinations of clutch
size and male ability are given in Table 7.2. We assume that b − K < 1 so that the best
action of the female is to lay one egg when q = L and to lay two eggs when q = H.
It would be advantageous for the female to have information on the ability of the
male. If ability is positively correlated with size then she can gain information from
the male’s size. Assuming that she can observe size, this cue is not something the
male can control by his behaviour. A cue that is not under the control of the signaller
(the male in this case) is referred to as an index. Female frogs prefer large mates.
Since larger males can produce lower-frequency croaks, the deepness of the croak of a
male is a cue of his size that cannot be faked and is an index (Gerhardt, 1994).
From now on we assume that there are no indices; the female bird has no cue as to
the ability of her partner. Instead, the male transmits one of two signal s1 or s2 to the
female. For example, he might bring her a small amount of food (signal s1 ) or a large
amount of food (signal s2 ). We assume that producing signal s1 is cost free, whereas
the signal s2 costs the male cL if he has low ability and cH if he has high ability. The
payoff to a male is the number of surviving offspring minus any signalling cost. We
examine circumstances in which there is a signalling equilibrium at which the male’s
signal is an honest indicator of his ability. That is, we seek a Nash equilibrium at which

Table 7.2 Payoff to the female in the male

signalling game.

Payoff to female Ability of male

Eggs laid 1 1 1
2 b−K 2

Signalling and the Handicap Principle • 149

males signal s1 when having low ability and s2 when having high ability, and females
lay one egg when the signal is s1 and lay two eggs when the signal is s2 . We describe
two circumstances in which this is a Nash equilibrium. The Handicap Principle
The idea that differential costs of signalling can maintain honesty is known as the
handicap principle. This idea was first put forward in economics by Spence (1973),
who applied it to the job market. He argued that an able person paid less of a
cost to obtain a higher educational qualification than a less able person, so that the
qualification acted as an informative signal of ability to employers. Independently,
Zahavi used the idea of differential costs to explain the preference of females for mates
that have exaggerated traits such as the large antlers of male deer and the elaborate tails
of male peacocks (Zahavi, 1975, 1977). Zahavi argued that such traits lowered the
survival of the male that possessed them. The trait thus acted as a test of male quality:
an individual with a well-developed sexually selected character is an individual who
has survived a test. By choosing a male with the most developed trait the female
ensures that she obtains a mate of high quality. Zahavi’s arguments for male characters
as a handicap were purely verbal and many were not convinced by them until Grafen
(1990) used a formal model to confirm that handicaps could work.
To illustrate the handicap principle in the clutch size model we set b = 2. Thus
all eggs survive and all males prefer their mate to lay two eggs rather than one egg.
Suppose that the resident female strategy is to lay one egg when the signal is s1 and
lay two eggs when the signal is s2 . Then a low-ability male would obtain payoff 1 if
he signalled s1 and payoff 2 − cL if he signalled s2 . Thus if cL > 1 his best signal is
s1 . Similarly, if cH < 1 a high-ability male does best to signal s2 . Thus if cH < 1 < cL
we have a signalling equilibrium at which males of each type are signalling optimally
given the response strategy of females and females are responding optimally given
the signalling strategy of males. This is also a separating equilibrium in that a female
knows the ability of the male from his signal; in that sense the signal is honest. The
honesty of signalling is maintained since high-ability males pay less of a cost to signal
s2 than low-ability males; i.e. this is an example of the handicap principle.
Since the work of Grafen (1990) a variety of models have investigated the effects of
differential signalling costs and shown that these can result in a signalling equilibrium
in which signals are informative even though they do not always provide perfect
information (e.g. Johnstone and Grafen, 1993; Számadó, 1999; Bergstrom et al., 2002). Costs of Deviation
In our example a low-ability male is less good at provisioning young. When two eggs
are laid by the female this might result in complete nest failure, even when the female
helps the male to care. Alternatively the female may just desert if after having laid
two eggs she discovers that the male is of low ability. We may capture these scenarios
by setting b < 1, so that if the female lays two eggs and the male is low ability then
less than one offspring survives. We may also set K = 0 for illustrative purposes.
We then seek a signalling equilibrium when there are no costs to male signalling;
i.e. cL = cH = 0.

150 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Assume that the female lays two eggs if and only if she receives the signal s2 . Then
the best signal for a low-ability male is s1 since b < 1 and the best signal for a high-
ability male is s2 since 1 < 2. Given this signalling strategy females are following the
best response strategy. So again we have a separating signalling equilibrium.
It was originally claimed that signals had to be costly to be honest (Zahavi, 1975;
Grafen, 1990). However, as Enquist (1985) and Hurd (1995) point out, and our simple
example illustrates, this need not be the case. In our example, if at the signalling
equilibrium a low-ability male signals s2 then the male pays the cost after the female
lays two eggs. This is therefore an example of what Kirmani and Rao (2000) refer to as a
default-contingent signal, meaning that a loss only occurs if the signaller defaults from
his honest signal. For example, in an aggressive encounter between two conspecifics, a
weak animal may have a cost-free choice between signalling submission or signalling
that it will fight. The latter option may be advantageous if the opponent is weak and
submits as a result of the signal. This advantage may, however, be outweighed if it turns
out that the opponent is strong and the signal results in a fight (cf. Enquist, 1985).
We have considered a simple example of an action–response game, but other more
complex signalling games are possible. For examples of these and a general overview
of signalling issues, see Silk et al. (2000), Hurd and Enquist (2005), and Számadó

7.5 Reputation

Many individual differences persist over a lifetime or a significant part of it. Some are
due to genetic variation, some a result of experience during development. In mammals
and birds some state differences such as size are relatively fixed at adulthood. Others
such as dominance status can persist as a result of behaviour of the individual and
others. When animals can recognize other individuals and remember their past
behaviour persistent differences lead to the feedback loop illustrated in Fig. 7.5. The
logic of this feedback is as follows:
1. Individual differences lead to different behaviours.
2. Because the behaviour of each individual tends to persist, its past behaviour will be
correlated with its current behaviour, so that the reputation of the individual, i.e.
some measure of its past behaviour, is predictive of its current behaviour.
3. It will then be advantageous for population members to base their own current
behaviour on the reputation of those they are interacting with.
4. This will select for individuals to change how others interact with them by changing
behaviour so as to modify their own reputation.
We illustrate this feedback loop using the model in Box 7.1 that was developed by
McNamara and Doodson (2015). In this model individual differences are due to
differences in quality that might, for example, correspond to foraging ability. Each

Reputation • 151

Consistent differences
in behaviour

React to
reputation Reputation

Fig. 7.5 Individual differences and individual recognition lead to the establishment of repu-
tation, and the response of others to this leads to selection to change reputation by changing

population member meets a series of different partners and plays a single round of
a game with that partner. In a round each decides how much to contribute to the
common good of the pair (Section 3.1), with higher quality individuals paying less
of a cost for a given contribution. This leads to higher quality individuals tending to
contribute more to the common good. Since quality differences persist, the reputation
of an individual (a measure of their average contribution in the past) is positively
correlated with their current contribution. In this model it is valuable to be able
to predict this current contribution since the contribution of an individual that
maximizes its payoff from the current round depends on its partner’s contribution.
McNamara and Doodson (2015) contrast the case when there is no reputation with
the case where individuals can form and respond to reputation. In the no-reputation
case an individual’s contribution to the common good of a pair is fixed, depending
only on their quality. When reputation is possible, population members recognize
others and observe the contributions of each population member in interactions with
previous partners. Their own contribution with their current partner can then depend
on their own quality and their partner’s reputation (Box 7.1).
In this interaction, the degree to which an individual adjusts its own contribution
as a function of the reputation of a partner (l, see Box 7.1) is a key trait. Results depend
on whether the best response function for a single round of the game is increasing or
decreasing, which depends on how the common benefit depends on the contributions
of both partners. When the best response function is increasing, the evolved mean
contribution to the common benefit is higher when there is reputation than when
there is no reputation. The mean payoff is also higher. When the best response
function is decreasing, the mean contribution and mean payoff are both lower when
there is reputation than when there is no reputation. These results are illustrated
in Fig. 7.6. To understand the results we first note that the predicted contribution
of the current partner increases with their reputation. Thus in the case where the
best response function is increasing, individuals evolve to increase their own effort

152 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Box 7.1 Reputation based on quality variation

The quality of each population member is set during development and persists throughout
life. Each individual knows their own quality. Individuals meet a series of different partners
chosen at random. With each partner they play a single round of a game in which each
contributes to the common good of the pair. The single-round payoff to an individual with
quality q that contributes u when partner contributes v is Wq (u, v) = B(u, v) − Cq (u). The
common benefit B(u, v) increases with both u and v. The cost Cq (u) increases with the
contribution u, and for given u decreases with quality q. A strategy specifies how much to
contribute on each round as a function of own quality and the information available. The
invasion fitness of a strategy is proportional to the average payoff obtained in following the
strategy over many rounds.
When there is no reputation, and hence no information about each new partner, at
evolutionary stability the contribution of an individual in each round is just a function of
its own quality (Exercise 7.3).
When reputations are formed the previous contributions of an individual are sum-
marized by a reputation, R, that is updated after each interaction according to R = βR
+ (1 − β)Z, where Z is the individual’s contribution in that interaction. Here β is a param-
eter satisfying 0 ≤ β < 1 that acts as a length of memory: when β = 0 the reputation is
just the last contribution, whereas R approximates the average of all previous contributions
when β is close to 1. It is assumed that an individual with quality q contributes
u = m + k(q − μ) + l(r − m) (7.1)
to the common good when the partner has reputation r. Here m is the individual’s baseline
effort, k specifies the responsiveness of the individual to deviations of its quality from the
population mean quality μ, and l specifies its responsiveness to the deviation of the partner’s
reputation from the focal individual’s own baseline effort. A strategy is thus specified by the
vector x = (m, k, l). For simple quadratic benefit and cost functions the evolutionarily stable
values of these parameters can be found analytically (McNamara and Doodson, 2015). For
more complex functions they must be computed numerically.

with the reputation of the partner; i.e. l evolves to be positive. This then means that
the greater the reputation of an individual the more a partner will contribute to the
common good of the pair. As a result there is selection to increase reputation by
increasing effort (m increases). The case of decreasing best response is analogous;
l evolves to be negative and this then selects for individuals to lower their reputation
by reducing m.
When the reputation loop illustrated in Fig. 7.5 operates an action has two effects:
(i) it affects the current payoff, and (ii) affects future payoffs by altering reputation
and hence the behaviour of future partners. In both of the cases illustrated in Fig. 7.6
it is worth reducing the current payoff in order to gain more future rewards. In the
increasing best response case individuals put in a higher contribution, and hence pay
a greater immediate cost than is best for their quality, in order to raise reputation. In
the decreasing best response case individuals put in a lower contribution, and hence
reap a smaller benefit than is best for their quality, in order to reduce their reputation.

Indirect Reciprocity • 153

(a) (b)

2 Payoff

Mean trait value

m 4

1 3

2 Contribution
0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Generation Generation
(c) (d)
m 1.25

Mean trait value

0.0 0.75

0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000
Generation Generation

Fig. 7.6 Evolution without and with reputation in the model of Box 7.1. For the first 10,000
generations the parameter l in eq (7.1) is held fixed at l = 0, so that there is no response
to reputation. After generation 10,000 l is free to evolve. (a) and (c) mean evolved values
of the parameters m and l. (b) and (d) mean population contribution to the common good
and mean population payoff per round. Benefit function B(u, v) = 2(u + v) − 12 (u2 + v2 ) + Juv.
Cost function Cq (u) = (1 − q)u + 12 u2 . In (a) and (b) J = 1, so that there is a synergy between
the contributions to the common good, resulting in an increasing best response function for
a single round. In (c) and (d) J = −1, so that the common benefit depends on the sum of the
contributions, resulting in a decreasing best response function. Quality is uniformly distributed
between 0 and 1 and the memory parameter is β = 0.8.

7.6 Indirect Reciprocity

Alexander (1987) suggested that individuals will tend to help those who help others,
a phenomenon he termed ‘indirect reciprocity’. Alexander saw indirect reciprocity as
important in human societies and possibly other highly social groups where everyone

154 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

in a group is continually being assessed by others. He also argued that indirect

reciprocity is fundamental to human moral norms. In this section we consider the
logic behind indirect reciprocity, examining under what circumstances it can lead to
high levels of helping in the population.
For definiteness, we assume that when two individuals interact each has the
possibility of contributing a benefit, b, to the other at a cost, c, to themselves, so
that they are playing a single round of the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs given
by Table 3.1. Thus helping corresponds to the action of cooperation in this game.
The simplest form of reputation is then based on the previous action of partner; we
can define an individual’s reputation as Good if it cooperated and Bad if it defected
in its previous interaction. This form of reputation is an example of what Nowak
and Sigmund (1998) call an image score. As we will see other forms of reputation
formation are also possible.
The effects of reputation illustrated in Fig. 7.6 rely on the fact that the best action of
a focal individual depends on its partner’s current action. When this is so a partner’s
reputation partially predicts the partner’s action and it is advantageous to respond
to this reputation in order to improve the payoff from the current round. This then
selects for population members to alter their behaviour, so altering their reputation,
and hence the behaviour of future partners. This logic no longer works if the two-
player game is the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Of course this game has only two actions
rather than a continuum of actions, but that is not the main conceptual difference.
As we noted in Section 3.2, the Prisoner’s Dilemma is an extreme game in that the
best response to any action of a partner is always to defect with probability 1. This
means that there is no immediate benefit from adjusting one’s own behaviour to the
reputation of a partner, so the feedback loop illustrated in Fig. 7.5 does not apply. Thus
if an individual responds to a partner by cooperating this cannot be to improve current
gains but can only be to improve future gains through changing the individual’s
reputation and hence the behaviour of future partners.
Nowak and Sigmund (1998) analyse a model in which individuals base their
decision of whether to cooperate with an individual on the individual’s image score.
Three strategies are considered. ALLD is the strategy of always defecting, ALLC is
the strategy of always cooperating, and the strategy DISC discriminates, specifying
cooperation with a Good partner and defection with a Bad partner. Nowak and
Sigmund (1998) show that high levels of cooperation can be maintained in a pop-
ulation comprising these three strategies. However, once errors are introduced into
this model, the population rapidly evolves so that ALLD dominates (Panchanathan
and Boyd, 2003). (See however, Berger and Grüne, (2016) who show that cooperation
under image scoring can evolve when there are errors, provided the image score is
not just a binary Good and Bad.) A major problem with the DISC strategy is that
individuals gain a Bad reputation by defecting with a Bad partner. Consequently, in a
population that comprises a mixture of ALLD and DISC, all DISC individuals rapidly
acquire Bad reputations and cooperation ceases (Exercise 7.4). The weakness of using
image scores is that this form of reputation takes no account of the reputation of the
partner; the reputation becomes Bad after defecting with a Bad partner.

Indirect Reciprocity • 155

In image scoring and in the model of Section 7.5 the reputation of an individual
only depends on the contribution made to a common good, it does not depend on the
reputation of the partner who was helped by this contribution. Sugden (1986) intro-
duced a form of reputation called ‘standing’ that applies to the Prisoner’s Dilemma
game and does have a dependence on the reputation of a partner. In his formulation
the reputation of an individual is either Good or Bad. If an individual’s reputation
is Bad it becomes Good on cooperating. If an individual is Good it remains Good if
either it cooperates or if it defects with a partner that is Bad; it only becomes Bad if the
individual defects with a Good partner. Thus this form of reputation recognizes intent
in the sense that it recognizes that defection with a Bad partner is justified and will
not result in the reputation becoming Bad, whereas defection with a Good partner is
unjustified and results in a Bad reputation.
Suppose that reputation is based on standing. Following Panchanathan and Boyd
(2003) we consider a population in which there are three possible strategies: ALLD,
ALLC and RDISC. The strategy ALLD specifies defection with all partners, ALLC
specifies cooperation with all partners, and the strategy RDISC specifies cooperation
if and only if the partner is Good. In Box 7.2 we analyse the payoffs to each strategy
when each population member plays a sequence of rounds of the Prisoner’s Dilemma
with others. As is shown ALLD is an ESS and RDISC is an ESS provided there
are sufficiently many rounds. This remains true when there are errors in which
individuals occasionally fail to cooperate when this action is specified by their strategy
(Panchanathan and Boyd, 2003), but RDISC might no longer be an ESS when there
are errors of perception (Leimar and Hammerstein, 2001).
Ohtsuki and Iwasa generalize these results, analysing all forms of reputation
dynamics and behavioural strategies when reputation is either Good or Bad (Ohtsuki
and Iwasa, 2004, 2006). They identify combinations of reputation dynamics and evo-
lutionarily stable behavioural strategies for which the average payoff per interaction
is high. Eight such pairs were found, which they referred to as the leading eight. They
found that elements of reputation dynamics that are common to the leading eight
are that if their partner is Good individuals must cooperate in order to achieve a
good reputation, whereas if their partner is Bad they do not lose a good reputation by
defecting: properties that hold for reputation formation based on standing. Common
elements of the behavioural strategy are that individuals cooperate with Good part-
ners and punish Bad ones. Ohtsuki and Iwasa (2006) interpret these feature in terms
of maintenance of cooperation, identification of defectors, justified punishment of
defectors, and apology followed by forgiveness.
Further work considers the evolution of mixtures of strategies under replicator
dynamics (Ohtsuki and Iwasa, 2007). The social norm, ‘stern judging’ (Kandori,
1992) is highlighted as leading to high levels of cooperation in this analysis and
by considerations of the complexity of reputation formation (Santos et al., 2018).
Under this social norm the reputation of an individual only depends on their last
action; it is Good if they cooperated with a Good partner or defected with a Bad
partner, and is Bad if they cooperated with a Bad partner or defected with a Good

156 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Box 7.2 Reciprocity based on standing

We assume a setting in which there is a sequence of rounds. In each round population
members pair up and members of each pair play the prisoner’s dilemma game with one
another, where payoffs are specified by Table 3.1. Reputation is formed based on standing.
The standing of all population members is initially Good. Population members play one
of the three strategies, ALLD, ALLC, and RDISC. We analyse evolutionary stability in this
We first note that the (mean) payoff to an ALLC individual in the first round equals that to
an RDISC individual. In subsequent rounds, both individuals have standing Good and are
helped equally by others, but ALLC individuals have a lower payoff because they cooperate
with ALLD individuals who have standing Bad. We will thus assume that strategy ALLC
has been eliminated by selection.
Suppose that a proportion 1 − ρ of population members follow strategy ALLD and a
proportion ρ follow strategy RDISC. In the first round the payoffs to individuals following
strategies ALLD and RDISC are
wD (1) = bρ and wR (1) = bρ − c, (7.2)
respectively. In the second and all subsequent rounds all ALLD individuals have reputation
Bad and all RDISC individuals have reputation Good. Payoffs per round are thus
wD (2) = 0 and wR (2) = (b − c)ρ. (7.3)
The total payoff under strategy ALLD is thus WD = bρ and that under strategy RDISC is
WR = bρ − c + N(b − c)ρ, where N is the mean number of rounds played after the first.
1 c
WR > WD ⇐⇒ ρ > . (7.4)
N b−c
There is thus positive frequency dependence.
  As a result ALLD is always an ESS and
the RDISC is an ESS provided c < N+1 b. It is often assumed that after each round
of the Prisoner’s Dilemma there is at least one further round with probability w. In this
case N = w/(1 − w), so that RDISC is an ESS if w > bc . The condition ensures that there
are sufficiently many rounds so that RDISC individuals, who pay a cost to maintain a Good
reputation, have time to reap the benefits of this reputation in the future.

A general conclusion of the modelling work is that indirect reciprocity can produce
high levels of cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma game, but that in order to do
so the reputation of an individual cannot simply be based on their previous actions.
Instead, reputation has to be formed in such a way as to also take into account the
reputation of the recipients of these actions.
Some form of indirect reciprocity has strong empirical support in humans (e.g.
Engelmann and Fischbacker, 2009). However, there is much less cooperation with
non-kin in most other species than in humans. In particular, although there can be
direct reciprocity, in which individuals return favours to others, there is only weak

Differences Select for Social Sensitivity • 157

evidence for indirect reciprocity (see e.g. Molesti and Majolo, 2017). Thus despite
the enormous theoretical effort devoted to indirect reciprocity, it is not clear if it is
generally important in biology.

7.7 Differences Select for Social Sensitivity

If there is no variation in a population there is no advantage in observing the past

behaviour of others. Once there is variation it can be advantageous to be socially
sensitive, and observe the past behaviour of others in order to predict their current
behaviour. However, the value of social sensitivity depends on the usefulness of the
information obtained, which often depends on the amount and type of variation
in the population. Thus when there are costs of sensitivity the range of behaviours
in a population affects the optimal degree of sensitivity. Conversely, increasing the
degree of sensitivity increases the importance of reputation and hence affects the
range of behaviours. This section concerns this two-way interaction in models of the
co-evolution of behaviour and social sensitivity.
Johnstone (2001) considers a model in which members of a large population play a
long series of competitive rounds. In each round each population member is paired up
with a different randomly selected opponent and the two contest a resource of value
V. In this contest each can either play Hawk or Dove. Payoffs are as in the standard
Hawk–Dove game (Section 3.5). It is assumed that V < C. There are three possible
strategies in the population: (i) always play Hawk, (ii) always play Dove, and (iii)
Eavesdrop. Individuals following the latter strategy have observed the outcomes of
contests in the last round. If their current opponent gained the resource in the last
round (either by playing Hawk or Dove) they play Dove, and if the opponent failed to
gain the resource they play Hawk.
Let the frequency of pure Hawks, pure Doves, and Eavesdroppers in the population
be fH , fD , and fE , respectively. Johnstone (2001) shows that the proportions of these
three types that gained the resource in the last round, pH , pD , and pE , tend to limiting
values that depend on the frequencies of the three strategies. This then allows the
mean payoffs under the three strategies to be evaluated. Johnstone (2001) analyses
the evolutionary outcome using replicator dynamics (Section 4.4), showing there
is a unique stable attractor of the dynamics. At this equilibrium all three strategies
If an opponent has gained the resource in the last round, this opponent is more
likely to be a Hawk than the population frequency of Hawks. Thus by playing
Dove against such an opponent an Eavesdropper avoids a costly Hawk–Hawk fight.
Similarly, an opponent that failed to gain the resource in the last round is more likely
to be a Dove than the population frequency of Doves, so that an Eavesdropper gains by
playing Hawk. Eavesdroppers are inconsistent in their actions. Thus Eavesdroppers
do not spread to fixation because as their proportion increases reputation becomes
less predictive, so that eavesdropping becomes less valuable.

158 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

At equilibrium the proportion of interactions that results in fights is greater than in

the standard Hawk–Dove game. This is because there is an extra premium for winning
since those that have the reputation for having gained the last item do well against
Wolf et al. (2011) present a model that generalizes the results of Johnstone (2001)
to any symmetric two-player game with two actions that has a mixed-strategy ESS
when reputation effects are not allowed. However, in contrast to the assumptions of
Johnstone (2001) socially responsive individuals (Eavesdroppers) know the previous
action of their current partner rather than just the outcome of this action. As with the
case of the Hawk–Dove game, when eavesdropping is allowed at evolutionary stability
the population is polymorphic with both responsive and unresponsive individuals
present. Wolf et al. (2011) highlight that the presence of responsive individuals selects
for consistency in others. So for example in the Hawk–Dove game if an unresponsive
individual has been previously observed to play Hawk (Dove) a responsive individual
plays Dove (Hawk) with this individual, so that it is best for the unresponsive
individual to again play Hawk (Dove).
As the previous examples illustrate, increasing the number of socially sensitive
individuals in a population may change behaviour so that it is not worth others being
socially sensitive. This is particularly relevant when there are costs of observing others,
as the trust model analysed by McNamara et al. (2009) illustrates. They consider
the co-evolution of trustworthiness and social sensitivity in a version of the trust
game illustrated in Fig. 7.2. In their model each population member plays a series
of trust games against different randomly selected opponents. In each game one
pair member is assigned (at random) as Player 1, the other as Player 2. Here we
describe a special case of their model in which individuals in the role of Player 1
can pay a cost c to observe whether their partner was trustworthy the last time this
individual was in the role of Player 2 and was trusted. In role 1 there are three local
strategies. An unconditional acceptor (UA) accepts all Player 2s. An unconditional
rejector (UR) rejects all Player 2s. Finally, a sampler (S) pays the observation cost,
accepting the partner if they were trustworthy previously and rejecting them if they
were untrustworthy. In role 2 the local strategy specifies the probability, p, of being
trustworthy if trusted. The payoff to a strategy is the average net gain per round under
the strategy.
The distribution of p determines which of the local Player 1 strategies is best. UR
has a higher payoff than UA if and only if the mean of p satisfies μ < rs (Box 7.3). The
performance of S depends on both the mean and variance of p (Box 7.3). For a given
mean, performance increases with the variance since the value of gaining knowledge
increases with variation.
Figure 7.7 illustrates evolutionarily stable outcomes in three cases. When the rate
of mutation of p is low there is insufficient variation to make it worth sampling. In this
case μ < rs and URs have the highest payoff. UR thus dominates the population with
low levels of UA and S maintained by mutation from UR. For intermediate levels of
mutation sampling is worthwhile. This selects for Player 2s to increase their p value
so as to be trusted by samplers (Exercise 7.5), resulting in μ = rs . The payoffs of all

Differences Select for Social Sensitivity • 159

Box 7.3 Payoffs to Player 1 in the trust game

Consider a population where the Player 2 (P2) trait p has mean μ = E[p] and vari-
ance σ 2 = Var(p). In this population, the payoff to an unconditional acceptor (UA) is
WUA = E[pr] = μr and the payoff to an unconditional rejector (UR) is WUR = s. Thus
WUA > WUR ⇐⇒ μ > . (7.5)
A sampler accepts a P2 if and only if it is observed to be trustworthy on the one occasion
they are observed. Suppose that Player 2 has trait value p. Then a sampler rejects this P2
(receiving payoff s) with probability 1 − p and accepts the P2 (receiving expected payoff
pr) with probability p. Thus the sampler has mean payoff w(p) = (1 − p)s + p2 r in its
interaction with this particular P2. Averaging over possible p values we have
Wsampler = (1 − μ)s + (μ2 + σ 2 )r − c. (7.6)
Here we have used the identity E[p2 ] = μ2 + σ 2 .

(a) 0.12 (b)

0.09 0.75


(ii) (i)
0.06 0.50

0.03 0.25

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 S UA UR

Player 2 trait Player 1 trait

Fig. 7.7 Evolutionarily stable outcomes in the trust model. Three cases differing in the rate
at which the probability Player 2 is trustworthy mutates are illustrated: (i) 2 = 0.001, (ii)
2 = 0.02, (iii) 2 = 0.6. (a) The distribution of Player 2 trustworthiness. (b) The distribution
of Player 1 traits. In the evolutionary simulation used to generate this figure the Player 2
trait (probability of trustworthiness, p) is assumed to take discrete values lying in the range
p = 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, . . . , 0.98, 1.0. Frequencies change according to discrete replicator dynamics
with mutation. Player 1 traits mutate to another P1 trait with probability 1 . p mutates to an
adjacent value with probability 2 . Parameters s = 0.2, r = 0.5, c = 0.005, 1 = 0.0002.

160 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

three Player 1 strategies are equal and all co-exist. Finally, for high mutation samplers
do best until μ evolves to be greater than rs , and continue to increase until UA does
as well. The population is then a mix of UA and S with low levels of UR maintained
by mutation.
In this special case of the model of McNamara et al. (2009) mutation provides
the variation that promotes sampling, and sampling drives up trustworthiness until
the population is polymorphic for the local strategy in role 1. At this equilibrium
the distribution of p is unimodal. In contrast, McNamara et al. (2009) consider
cases in which Player 1s can observe the trustworthiness of a partner on more than
one previous occasion. In some cases the distribution of p at evolutionary stability
is bimodal. When this occurs, some Player 2s are very untrustworthy and rely on
being accepted by UAs, whereas other Player 2s are much more trustworthy and
gain by being accepted by samplers. In such cases the large variation in p maintains
the occurrence of samplers and the occurrence of samplers with UAs maintains the
variation in p.

7.8 Markets

Organisms often exchange commodities or services. Such biological markets have

been highlighted by Ronald Noë and his co-workers (Noë and Hammerstein, 1994;
Bshary and Noë, 2003; Hammerstein and Noë, 2016). A market often consists of
two distinct trader classes, and this is the situation we consider in this section.
For example, aphids and ants may form two classes in a market in which aphids
provide ants with sugar-rich exudate and in exchange the ants provide the aphids
with protection against predation. Cleaner fish and their clients trade with each other;
the cleaner fish benefit by feeding on the ectoparasites of their clients and the client
fish gain by having these parasites removed. Insects pollinate plants in exchange for
nectar. Usually, the members of one class (or both classes) would benefit if they could
get away with providing as poor service as possible. So for example, cleaner fish prefer
to feed on the mucus of their clients rather than the ectoparasites, and do so if they
can. A flowering plant would do better to produce less nectar if that did not affect the
behaviour of pollinating insects. In such situations, whether it is possible to get away
with poor service depends on the market setting. In this section and the following two
sections we explore market forces and their consequences. As we will show the mean
level of service given by one class is usually important. In many cases the variation in
the quality of service is also important as the choosiness of recipients of service can
be strongly affected by the range of options available.
Members of each trader class provide services to members of the other class.
Figure 7.8 summarizes the relationship between the service given by members of
one trader class and the response to this service of members of the other class. This
dependence can be described as follows.

Markets • 161

Mean level of Variation in

service service

Costs of Costs of
rejection choosiness

Choosiness of

Fig. 7.8 The two-way interaction in a biological market. The service given by servicers selects
for the choosiness behaviour of recipients. The choosiness of recipients selects for the service

Choosiness of recipients. Recipients of service can be choosy about the individuals

that service them in a number of ways. (i) They might recognize those who would
give poor service in advance and avoid these servicers. So for example, if a client fish
has observed that a previous interaction between a cleaner and another client has
ended in conflict, the cleaner is avoided (Bshary and Noë, 2003). (ii) Recipients may
provide less in exchange or break off their interaction sooner if the service is poor.
For example, a client is liable to terminate the interaction with a cleaner fish that feeds
on mucus. An insect will tend to leave a flower earlier if there is little nectar. (iii) A
recipient may avoid a servicer in the future if they have previously experienced poor
The degree to which recipients should be choosy depends on the costs and benefits
of choosiness. Often recipients may be receiving positive benefits from a servicer, but
these benefits are too few and the recipient should break off the interaction or avoid
the servicer in the future in an attempt to find a better servicer. In the case of a foraging
insect drinking the nectar from a flower, the rate at which it gains nectar will typically
decrease as the amount of nectar remaining decreases. At what point should it leave
the current flower and seek a new one? In the model we present below, this depends
on the mean rate at which it can gain nectar from other flowers in the environment,
which depends on the amounts of nectar in these flowers and the time taken to move
between flowers. In the case of a client fish receiving bad service from a cleaner fish,
should the client return to this cleaner the next time it requires cleaning, or should it
seek a different cleaner? If all cleaners are the same there is clearly no point in being
choosy. Thus choosiness is advantageous only if there is variation, so that there is
a significant possibility of finding a better cleaner. The costs of rejecting a cleaner is
also central. Finding a better cleaner may take time and involve energetic or mortality
costs. Overall, the benefits of seeking a better partner must be weighed against the
costs (e.g. Exercise 7.6).

162 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Level of service. Recipient choosiness exerts a selection pressure to increase service.

In particular, there is selection for servicers not to be ‘outbid’ by other servicers. For
example in the nectar market model below, the critical rate of nectar intake at which
a foraging insect should leave a flower increases with the nectar available at other
flowers. Thus unless a plant keeps up with other plants in terms of nectar production,
the flowers of this plant will receive short visits, resulting in less pollen transfer. The
selection pressure to increase nectar production then depends on the loss due to
reduced pollen transfer and the costs of producing more nectar. In the commitment
model of Section 7.10 individuals have a choice between divorcing their partner or
continuing to partner them in the following year. Divorce occurs if partners are not
sufficiently committed to one another. If an individual is not committed it will tend to
be divorced and enter a pool of single individuals. There is no immediate cost incurred
as a result of the divorce. However, the individual will then pair up with a randomly
selected member of the pool, and the commitment of pool members is below the
population average since the pool contains all those individuals that have been
divorced. Thus by being divorced an individual tends to re-pair with a poor partner.

We illustrate some of these ideas in a model of a market in which plants determine

the nectar level in their flowers and insects exert choice through the time they
spend at a flower. In this model, the main effects are driven by the mean level of
service rather than the variation in service. Then in the following two sections we
consider the situation in which the market involves a single species, with population
members pairing and each pair member providing benefits to the other. In this
situation, variation results in choosiness about partner, and this can result in a positive
correlation between the benefits provided by pair members. As we show in Section 7.9
this assortment selects for cooperative behaviour in the population. Thus variation
and choosiness can lead to cooperative behaviour, a phenomenon referred to as
competitive altruism by Roberts (1998). In Section 7.10 we illustrate these ideas with
a model in which each individual decides on its level of commitment to its partner. As
we show, the commitment to partner (the service) and the strategy of partner divorce
(the choosiness) co-evolve, resulting in high levels of commitment if individuals have
the option to change partners many times during their lives.

7.8.1 A Model of the Nectar Market

Assume that a plant species relies on a particular insect for pollination. Visits by
insects are rare and between visits a plant builds up the amount of nectar present in a
flower until it is at some genetically determined level x. When an insect visits a flower
it consumes nectar; its rate of consumption is r(z) when the current amount of nectar
in the flower is z. The rate of change in the amount of nectar during a visit is thus
dt = −r(z). We assume that r(z) is an increasing function of z, so that nectar is harder
to extract as its level falls. The insect leaves when its instantaneous consumption rate
falls to r(z) = γ , where γ can depend on the availability of nectar in the environment
as a whole. The insect then moves on to another plant and again forages for nectar.
The mean time taken to find another flower after leaving the previous flower is τ .

Markets • 163

We assume that insects choose their leaving rate γ so as to maximize the average
rate at which they obtain nectar. Plants gain a benefit B(T) if the duration of an insect’s
visit is T. This is an increasing but decelerating function of the visit duration. They also
pay a cost per visit equal to the amount of nectar consumed—this amount is equal to
the amount of additional nectar that the plant must produce in order to replenish the
amount present to its original level. The payoff to a plant equals the benefit minus cost.
To analyse this model assume that the resident strategy is for plants to provision
flowers to level x. Let zγ satisfy r(zγ ) = γ , so that zγ is the amount of nectar left
when an insects leaves a flower. Then the insect gains x − zγ nectar on each flower.
Let T(x, z) be the time taken to deplete a flower from its initial nectar level of x to
level z. The mean rate at which the insect consumes nectar is g(x, γ ) = T(x,zγ )+τ .
∗ ∗
This mean rate is maximized by setting γ = γ (x) where γ (x) is the unique solution
of the equation g(x, γ ∗ (x)) = γ ∗ (x) (McNamara, 1985). Thus insects leave a flower
when their instantaneous consumption rate falls to γ ∗ (x), at which time the amount
of nectar left in a flower is zγ ∗ (x) .
Now consider a rare mutant plant that provisions to level x when the resident
provisioning level is x. An insect stays for time T(x , zγ ∗ (x) ) on a mutant flower. The
payoff to the mutant is thus
W(x , x) = B(T(x , zγ ∗ (x) )) − (x − zγ ∗ (x) ). (7.7)
Figure 7.9 illustrates the effect of the resident strategy on the mean rate at which
insects gain nectar and the best response of a rare mutant plant. As the resident
provisioning level x increases an insect encounters more nectar on each flower and its
instantaneous rate of consumption on arriving at a flower increases. As a consequence

(a) (b)

Forager gain rate

Best response


τ = 0.1
0.25 τ = 0.2
τ = 0.5
0.0 0.00
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Resident nectar level Resident nectar level

Fig. 7.9 Effect of the resident strategy (nectar provisioning level) in the model of a nectar
market. (a) The mean consumption rate by an optimally foraging insect. (Lower curve τ = 0.5,
mid τ = 0.2, top τ = 0.1). (b) Best response to the resident strategy for each travel time. For
each travel time, the unique CSS is the nectar level at which the best response curve crosses the
(dashed) 45° line. r(z) = z and B(T) = 1 − e−3T —see Exercise 7.7.

164 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

its mean consumption rate γ ∗ (x) under an optimal foraging strategy increases. Since
this rate is also the instantaneous consumption rate at which it leaves each flower,
the amount of nectar that remains on departure, zγ ∗ (x) , also increases. This means
that the duration of any visit of an insect to a rare x mutant flower will decrease as
x increases: in a market situation individuals do worse when their competitors offer
more. For the function used to produce Fig. 7.9, these effects mean that the optimal
nectar level of a rare mutant increases with the level of residents. As can be seen from
the figure, for each value of the travel time τ there is a unique convergence-stable ESS
(a CSS). This CSS increases as the travel time decreases. When τ decreases insects
can afford to be more choosy, leaving when there is more nectar remaining. This
intensifies the competition in the market, leading to higher ‘bids’ by competing plants.

7.9 Choosiness, Assortment, and Cooperation

We now consider markets in which there is just a single species, with population
members acting both as service providers and recipients of service. Specifically, we
assume that individuals pair up to perform a task that has potential benefits to the pair
members, but where contributing to the common good has costs to the individual
(cf. Section 3.1). Assume that there is variation in the level of contribution of pair
members. We outline how the existence of variation in a market setting can lead to
a positive correlation in the contribution of pair members. We then argue that the
establishment of such a correlation selects for a greater contribution to the common
good; i.e. greater cooperation between pair members.
In a market setting there are two main ways in which choosiness about a partner
can lead to a positive correlation in the level of contribution of pair members. Both
mechanisms rely on the fact that a pair forms or stays together if and only if both
partners decide to do so.
1. Before a pair is formed individuals may have information about the likely con-
tribution of prospective partners. This information might, for example, be as a
result of reputation based on previous behaviour with others. Suppose also that in
seeking a partner, individuals are able to reject one individual in favour of a more
cooperative alternative. Then population members that are highly cooperative will
tend to be rejected by few potential partners and so can afford to be choosy, whereas
individuals that are uncooperative will be rejected by many and cannot afford to
be choosy. As a consequence, highly cooperative individuals will tend to pair up
with other highly cooperative individuals, leading to a positive correlation in the
cooperativeness of members of a pair. McNamara and Collins (1990) illustrate this
effect in the context of mutual mate choice.
2. Individuals may be able to break off their interaction with an uncooperative partner
and seek another, more cooperative, partner. Then pairs will tend to stay together
if both pair members are highly cooperative. In contrast, if a highly cooperative
individual has an uncooperative partner it will ‘divorce’ the partner and seek a

Choosiness, Assortment, and Cooperation • 165

better one. As a result, there is again a positive correlation in cooperativeness.

McNamara et al. (1999a) illustrate this effect in the context of mating and divorce
by both sexes.
Other processes have been suggested that could potentially lead to a positive assort-
ment between non-relatives (e.g. Joshi et al., 2017).
The existence of a positive correlation exerts a selection pressure on the trait
that is correlated. Box 7.4 presents an example in which, regardless of the source of
the correlation, increased correlation leads to increased cooperation at evolutionary
stability. Two cases are considered. In the first the variation in the contribution to
the common good might be thought of as arising through developmental noise. In
the second, there is no developmental noise but processes such as mutation maintain
genetic variation. Both cases predict the same effect.

Box 7.4 A ‘game’ with assortative pairing

We consider a two-player game in which each of the two contestants contributes to the
common good of the pair. The payoff to an individual that contributes u when partner
contributes u is
H(u , u) = u + u + (1 − u2 ), (7.8)
where R is a positive parameter. This payoff is maximized at u = R1 regardless of the value
of u.
Let U1 and U2 denote the contributions of members of a randomly selected pair. In both
scenarios presented below we assume that the joint distribution of U1 and U2 is bivariate
normal with correlation coefficient ρ.
Phenotypic variation. Assume that the actual contribution, u, of an individual with genetic
trait x is drawn from a normal distribution with mean x and variance σ 2 . Let a rare mutant
have trait x . The payoff to this mutant when the resident trait is x can be shown to be
W(x , x) = (1 + ρ)x + (1 − ρ)x + 1 − (σ 2 + x2 ) (7.9)
(Exercise 7.8). This is the payoff for an optimization problem; the optimal trait value is
x∗ = (1+ρ)
R .
Genetic variation. Now assume that the contribution of an individual with genetically
determined trait x is just x. However, due to mutation or other sources of variation, the
distribution of trait values in a population with mean trait value x is normally distributed
with mean x and variance σ 2 . A modification of the argument outlined in Exercise 7.8 then
shows that the payoff to a mutant with trait value x in a population with mean trait x is
W(x , x) = (1 + ρ)x + (1 − ρ)x + 1 − x2 . (7.10)
Thus, there is again selection to evolve to x∗ = (1+ρ)
R , and if the genetic variation is
generated by unbiased symmetric mutation the mean population trait will evolve to this

166 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Although Box 7.4 provides a specific example, an increase in cooperativeness with

the correlation between pair members is liable to be the norm. In Section 4.5 we
noted that population viscosity could lead to a positive assortment between relatives,
and that this could lead to the evolution of cooperative behaviour (Box 4.3). More
generally, Fletcher and Doebeli (2009) emphasize that the evolution of altruism relies
on a positive assortment between genotypes that provides help and phenotypic help.
We now develop a model of commitment in which choosiness leads to a positive
correlation in the commitment of pair members to one another, resulting in high levels
of commitment.

7.10 Commitment

Around 90% of bird species are socially monogamous over breeding. By this we
mean that a pair share parenting duties and remain together during the period of
parental care. In many species this bond lasts for a single breeding season and the two
individuals pair up with a different partner in the following year. In some long-lived
birds the bond is more permanent and lasts for life. Pair-bond formation does occur
in some mammal species, but is less common.
So what mental mechanisms are involved in pair-bond formation? Much of the
work on this has been on the prairie vole, a mammal species found in the grasslands of
North America. In prairie voles individuals have multiple litters with the same partner.
Both partners are involved in care, sharing the nest and defending the territory. Pairs
show what can be interpreted as affection to one another and appear committed to the
partnership in that they sometimes do not take a new partner if their current partner
dies. The empirical work on pair-bond formation in the prairie vole is summarized
in McGraw and Young (2010). This work has established that receptors for oxytocin
and vasopressin in the forebrain play a central role in pair-bond formation, acting
through their effect on the dopamine-mediated reward pathways of the brain (Young,
2003; Lim et al., 2004). The hypothesis is that activation of these receptors in the
reward centres results in the establishment of an association between the olfactory
cues of the partner and the rewarding aspects of copulation. As a result the partner
becomes highly rewarding. This form of conditioning is similar to that involved in
drug addiction where a drug becomes highly rewarding.
Motivated by the above work we build a very basic model of the evolution of
commitment in which an inflation factor can bias the reward system in favour of a
partner. The model is asexual, and so is a long way from being a realistic model of
pair-bond formation in breeding pairs. It may, however, capture a central evolutionary
force that acts in a market setting to bring about commitment to a partner. The model
is loosely based on that by McNamara et al. (2008).

7.10.1 A Model of the Co-evolution of Choosiness and Commitment

An asexual population has an annual cycle that has five phases: (i) Pairing, (ii)
Resource gain, (iii) Reproduction, (iv) Possible divorce, and (v) Possible death. The
details of each phase are as follows:

Commitment • 167

Pairing. Some individuals are already paired from the previous year, those that are not
(i.e. they are single) pair up at random.
Resource gain. During resource gain, in each unit of time each member of a pair has
the choice between being selfish by taking an outside option or cooperative by taking
an option that helps both its partner and itself. The value of the outside option, r,
varies with r drawn at random (uniformly) from the range 0 < r < R. When making
its choice an individual knows the current value of r. If the outside option is taken
the individual gains the whole resource r: there is no contribution from this resource
to the partner. The cooperative option yields a unit resource to each pair member.
Individual are characterized by a threshold θ . An individual with this threshold takes
the outside option if r > θ, otherwise it helps the partner. Thus the proportion of time
it helps the partner is ρ = Rθ . The rates at which each pair member gains resources as
a function of the ρ values of the pair is specified in Exercise 7.9.
Reproduction. Each population member reproduces asexually, where the number of
offspring produced is large and is proportional to the mean rate at which resources
were gained while paired. These offspring are subject to density-dependent competi-
tion before the start of the next pairing phase, with only sufficiently many surviving
to compensate for the mortality of adults (see below). Surviving offspring are then
adults and are single.
Divorce. Pair members decide whether to split up their pairing (divorce). Each
individual has a divorce threshold d. Given that the partner commits a proportion
of time ρ to helping the individual, then the partner is rejected if ρ < d. If either
pair member rejects the other the pair divorce and each pair member becomes single,
otherwise the partners attempt to stay together until the following year.
Death. The probability that each adult population member dies before the next round
of the game is 1/n, so that each population member plays an average of n rounds of
the game over its lifetime. If an individual dies and its partner survives the partner is
single at the beginning of the next pairing phase.

For this model, during the resource gain phase an individual maximizes its own rate
of resource gain by taking an outside option if and only if the option yields a resource
of value r > 1. This holds regardless of the behaviour of the partner. We allow for an
individual to be biased in their decision to choose an option by assuming that each
individual has an inflation factor θ. When choosing whether to help its partner or to
take an outside option of resource value r, the outside option is chosen if and only
if r > θ. Thus an individual with factor θ behaves as if helping the partner has value
θ to the individual, whereas its true value is 1. The resource gain rate is maximized
when rewards are assigned their true value; i.e. θ = 1. If an individual adopts a higher
value of θ this results in a greater proportion of time ρ committed to its partner, which
helps the partner and reduces the probability that the partner will divorce them, but
at a resource cost to the individual.
In order to construct a model in which the propensity to help the partner and the
divorce strategy co-evolve, we assume that an individual’s inflation factor is given by
θ = eα and their divorce threshold by d = eβ /(1 + eβ ), where α and β are genetically
determined parameters. Figure 7.10 illustrates evolved strategies.

168 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

When n = 1, so that individuals pair once and die after reproduction, the divorce
strategy is irrelevant. In this case the mean value of the inflation parameter θ evolves
to be close to 1, so that resources are assigned their true values.
When n > 1 individuals have the possibility to switch partners, and individuals that
are not sufficiently committed are divorced by their partners. There are no explicit
divorce costs, but population members that are single tend to be less committed to
partners than those that have been retained by their partners, so that if an individual is
rejected by its current parter the next partner is liable to be worse than average. There
is thus selection to avoid being rejected, leading to the evolution of more committed
behaviour. This then selects for individuals to be even more choosy, selecting for even
higher values of commitment. This evolutionary process eventually settles down with
θ significantly above the value 1 (Fig. 7.10a) and divorce thresholds being a little above
the average level of commitment (Fig. 7.10b).
As n increases there are more opportunities to find and retain a good partner
and the relationship with such a partner will tend to last longer. Thus increasing n
increases the selection pressure to be choosy about the partner, so that evolved divorce
thresholds increase (Fig. 7.10b). This results in an increase in the level of commitment,
which is brought about by an increase in the inflation factor θ (Fig. 7.10a). Because
pairs in which both pair members have high commitment tend to stay together, the
correlation between the inflation factors of pair members is positive. As n increase,
there is more time for assortative pairing to establish and this correlation increases

(a) (b)
0.8 Threshold

1.0 Inflation
0.7 Commitment

0.5 0.6

1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Mean interactions, n Mean interactions, n

Fig. 7.10 Effects of the mean number of interactions (years) on evolved attributes in the model
of the co-evolution of choosiness and commitment. (a) Mean inflation levels, θ (squares), and
the correlation between the θ values of pair members (triangles). (b) Mean commitment level,
ρ (circles), and mean divorce thresholds, d (squares). Filled symbols are at a high mutation rate
on α, open symbols are at a low mutation rate: in (b) only the commitments levels are shown
for the low mutation rate. Averages are over the last 10,000 years of an evolutionary simulation
over many years. Population size 214 . Maximum reward for an outside option, R = 2.

Exercises • 169

(Fig. 7.10b). In line with the predictions of Box 7.4, the mean rate of resource gain
increases with increasing n (not shown).
In this model there would be no point in divorcing a partner if all other potential
partners were the same. Furthermore, if we were to add divorce costs, it would only
be advantageous to divorce the current partner if there is a reasonable probability
of encountering a new partner who is significantly better. In Fig. 7.10 it is genetic
variation in the parameter α, maintained by mutation, that gives rise to variation. The
source of the variation is, however, largely irrelevant to the degree of choosiness that
evolves. The amount of variation in the trait being chosen is crucial in most market
models, with the degree of choosiness usually increasing with the amount of variation.
This is illustrated in Fig. 7.10, where inflation levels, the correlation between pair
members and the levels of commitment are all higher for the higher mutation case.
The market forces that lead to high commitment in the above model may well
be important for many species, such as long-lived birds that retain their mate after
breeding. For species that change their mate after breeding other forces must operate,
although the enhancement or suppression of reward value might still be part of the
biological mechanism.
In the above commitment model we incorporated a hypothetical psychological
mechanism that affects the perception of rewards; the perceived value of earning
rewards with the partner could be inflated (or suppressed). Inflation was determined
by an inflation factor θ that we might think of as controlling the density of receptors in
the brain of our hypothetical organism. Because this model is simple the exact details
of the mechanism that brings about commitment may be unimportant in determining
the level of commitment predicted. If we were to introduce complications, such as
allowing the level of commitment to change in response to a change in the level
of commitment of the partner, the details of the neural mechanisms that control
behaviour might affect predictions. We believe it is important that future work in
game theory does take into account known mechanisms (cf. McNamara and Houston,
2009). In particular, we need to understand the neural mechanisms that affect mental
states such as commitment and trust, and how incorporating such mechanisms
affects game-theoretical predictions. We further discuss the issue of incorporating
mechanisms in Chapter 11.

7.11 Exercises

Ex. 7.1. Consider the finitely repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma with a maximum of N
rounds (Section 7.3). Let the payoff for a single round be given by Table 3.1. Let
F(n) be the probability that a randomly selected opponent cooperates on round n
given that this opponent has cooperated on all previous rounds. Consider a mutant
that maximizes its expected total payoff in this resident population. Let V(n) be the
expected total future payoff of the mutant from round n onwards, given that there
has been cooperation on all previous rounds. Show that V(n) = bF(n) + max{F(n)
V(n + 1) − c, 0}.

170 • Variation, Consistency, and Reputation

Suppose that in the resident population a proportion N+1 of individuals cooperates
for n rounds before defecting (i.e. all strategies are equally likely) and that c = 0.55b.
Evaluate V(N), V(N − 1), and V(N − 2), and hence show that the best strategy for
the mutant is to cooperate on the first N − 3 rounds and then defect on round N − 2.

Ex. 7.2. Let b = 2 and cH < 1 − 2 < cL in the signalling model of Section 7.4.
Suppose that there is signalling error, so that signal s1 is received as s2 with probability
 and s2 is received as s1 with probability . Let ρ be the proportion of high-ability
males. Show that the male strategy of signalling s2 if and only if high-ability and
the female strategy of laying two eggs if and only if s2 is received are a signalling
equilibrium if (1−ρ)(1−) < K − 1 < ρ(1−)
(1−ρ) .

Ex. 7.3. In the model of McNamara and Doodson (2015) (Section 7.5) let B(u, v) =
2(u + v) − (u + v)2 and Cq (u) = (1 − q)u + u2 . Assume that quality (Q) is uniformly
distributed between 0 and 1. Suppose that individuals do not know the reputation of
opponents. Let x̂(q) be the contribution of an individual of quality q at a Nash equi-
librium. Thus at this equilibrium the contribution of a randomly selected opponent is
the random variable Y = x̂(Q). By noting that E[B(x, Y)] − Cq (x) is maximized when
x = x̂(q) show that E[Y] = 14 , and hence find the unique Nash equilibrium strategy.

Ex. 7.4. Consider a population in which each individuals play a sequence of rounds
of the Prisoner’s Dilemma game against different opponents (Section 7.6). Assume
that reputation is an image score: Good if cooperated and Bad if defected with the
previous partner. Let the proportions of ALLD, DISC, and ALLC individuals be ρD ,
ρDISC , and ρC , respectively (where ρD + ρDISC + ρC = 1). Initially ALLD individuals
have reputation Bad and all other population members have reputation Good. Let
α(n) be the proportion of population members that have a Good reputation after n
rounds. Find an expression for α(n + 1) in terms of α(n). Identify the limit of α(n) as
n tends to infinity. Find the long-term average payoff per round for each strategy and
identify the range of values of ρDISC for which the average payoff to ALLC exceeds
that to DISC.

Ex. 7.5. (i) In the trust example, show that the local payoff to a P2 with trait value p
is Vsampler (p) = s + (1 − s)p − (1 − r)p2 when all P1s are samplers. Find the value, p̂,
of p maximizing the local P2 payoff when the population comprises a proportion βUA
of UAs and a proportion βS of samplers.
(ii) Consider case (iii) in Fig. 7.7. In this case, at stability in the evolutionary sim-
ulation we have E[p] = 0.46758, Var(p) = 0.215372 , βUA = 0.3947, and βS = 0.5985.
Use the result of part (i) to show that p̂ is close to E[p]. Use eq (7.6) of Box 7.3 to verify
that UAs and samplers are doing approximately equally well at stability.

Ex. 7.6. In a biological market, an individual encounters a sequence of servicers and

must choose just one. On encountering a server the value of service from this server
is known and the individual must decide whether to choose this server or move on to

Exercises • 171

the next. Once a server is rejected there is no possibility of later coming back to this
server. The values of services are non-negative and are drawn independently from a
distribution with probability density f . There is a search cost c of moving on to the next
server. The individual behaves so as to maximize the expected service value minus the
expected sum of the search costs. To do so a server is chosen if and only if their value is

at least w. Justify the equation w = −c + 0 max(w, v)f (v)dv. Suppose that services
are uniformly distributed between 1√− δ and 1 + δ where 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1. Also assume that
0 < c < δ. Show that w = 1 + δ − 2 δc.

Ex. 7.7. Let r(z) = z in the pollination model of Section 7.8. Let x be the resident
strategy. (i) Show that an optimal forager leaves a flower when the amount of nectar
x−γ ∗ (x)
left is γ ∗ (x) where γ ∗ (x) = log (x/γ ∗ (x))+τ . (ii) Let B(T) = 1 − e
−3T . Show that the best
1 3
response of a mutant to resident strategy x is b̂(x) = 3 4 (γ ∗ (x)) 4 .

Ex. 7.8. In the model of Box 7.4 let x be a rare mutant strategy in a resident x
population. Note that if a mutant has actual contribution u then the partners of
this individual have the same distribution of contributions as that for a resident with
actual contribution u . Thus, from the properties of the bivariate normal distribution,
E(U|U  = u ) = x + ρ(u − x), where U is the contribution of the mutant’s partner.
Hence show that W(x , x) = E(H(U  , U)) is given by eq (7.9).

Ex. 7.9. In the model of the co-evolution of choosiness and commitment, suppose
that an individual commits a proportion ρ  of their time to the joint venture when
partner commits ρ. Show that the rate at which resources are earned by the focal
individual is W(ρ  , ρ) = ρ  + ρ + R2 (1 − ρ 2 ).

Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

8.1 Interaction over Time

Most of the two-player games in Chapter 3 have simultaneous moves, where both
players choose their actions without knowing the action of the partner and do not
change their choice once the action of the partner becomes known. These are referred
to as one-shot, simultaneous, or sealed-bid games. We have already argued that real
interactions are often not of this form (e.g. Section 3.5). Instead there is a sequence
of decisions where each decision is contingent on the current information, and in
particular on what has gone before. In this interaction over time there is often learning
about the partner or the situation.
For example, consider the decision of parents whether to care for their young or to
desert. McNamara et al. (2002) review evidence that the decisions of the two parents
are often not independent. One of the cases they consider is that of the penduline tit.
In the data reproduced in Fig. 8.1, out of n = 130 clutches the proportion in which
the male cares is pm = (0 + 25)/130 = 0.19. Similarly the proportion in which the
female cares is pf = (0 + 67)/130 = 0.52. If individuals are following a mixed-strategy
Nash equilibrium with independent choices, then from these marginal proportions
an estimate of the number of clutches in which there is biparental care is nbipar =
npm pf = 130 × (25/130) × (67/130) = 12.9. A comparison of observed values with
those expected under independence provides strong evidence that decisions are not
independent (the null hypothesis of independence can be rejected at p < 0.0001 in a
chi-squared test). It is striking that there are no cases of biparental care. The obvious
inference is that if one parent is caring the other notices this and leaves.
This chapter is concerned with the interaction process. By process we mean the
sequence of actions and the information on which each action is based. As we
show, one cannot predict the outcome of an interaction from the payoffs alone, but
one must know the process. For example, just changing the order in which players
choose their actions can completely change predictions (Section 8.2). Changing the
order of choice has the effect of changing the information available to players. An
individual can gain an advantage by giving reliable information to a partner. This
might be achieved by individuals committing themselves to a course of action by
deliberately handicapping themselves (Section 8.3), or through reputation effects. In
an interaction individuals may differ in their abilities, energy reserves, or other aspects
of state. Often the state of an individual is private information to that individual that

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0008

174 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

Female Female Male

care desert proportion

Male 0 25 0.192
care (12.9) (12.1)

Male 67 48 0.808
desert (54.1) (60.9)

Female 0.515 0.485


Fig. 8.1 Parental care behaviour in the penduline tit. The data from Persson and Ohrstrom
(1989) show the number of clutches observed to have biparental care, male-only care, female-
only care, and biparental desertion. The proportion of clutches with male care and female care
are calculated from these data, together with the expected numbers (in brackets) under the
four forms of care, given independent decisions by the parents. Drawing of penduline tits by
Jos Zwarts. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

is partly revealed by its actions. The interaction may then be a process in which
the individuals gain partial information about one another, although it may be in
the interests of each to hide information. So for example, it can be advantageous
to a parent to appear less able to care than is actually the case, to force the mate to
increase its care effort in order to compensate (Sections 8.4 and 8.5). It may even
be the case that individuals do not know their own state and must learn about that,
for instance when establishing dominance relations in a social group. This and other
learning scenarios are considered in Sections 8.5, 8.6, and 8.7. Learning mechanisms
can be especially helpful to study interactions over time when individuals respond to
each other’s actions that in turn are influenced by individual characteristics. Such a
large-worlds perspective (Chapter 5) could also be realistic in terms of the traits and
mechanisms assumed. We end the chapter (Section 8.8) with a general discussion of
game theory for interaction over time, including the role of behavioural mechanisms
and how one can think about evolutionary stability for large-worlds models.

8.2 Information and the Order of Choice

Consider two parents that have produced young together. Suppose that each can
either care for the young (C) or desert (D). The advantage of caring is that the young
do better, which benefits both parents. However, care is costly and reduces prospects
for remating. For illustrative purposes, let the payoffs to the two parents be given by
Table 8.1. This payoff structure might be appropriate if the male pays a greater cost for
uniparental care than the female and also gains less from desertion, perhaps because
the local population is male biased. We compare two processes by which the actions
are chosen. Suppose first that each parent chooses its action without knowledge of the

Information and the Order of Choice • 175

Table 8.1 Payoffs to the two parents when each can either care (C) or desert

Payoff to male Female action Payoff to female Male action

Male action C 6 3 Female action C 6 4
D 5 1 D 7 3

Male decides


Female decides Female decides


(6, 6) (3, 7) (5, 4) (1, 3)

Fig. 8.2 The decision tree for the care versus desertion game when the male chooses first.
Payoffs are ordered as (male, female).

decision of the other parent. Each then sticks to its decision once the decision of the
other becomes known. In game theory this scenario is known as simultaneous moves.
From Table 8.1 it can be seen that whatever the action of the female the male does best
if he cares. Given that the male will care the female’s best action is to desert. Thus the
only Nash equilibrium is for the male to always care and the female to always desert.
Now suppose that the male chooses his action first. The female then chooses her
action knowing the choice of the male. A game with this information structure, where
one player makes its decision knowing that of the partner, is known as a Stackelberg
game. We can represent this scenario by the game tree in Fig. 8.2. Note that the
payoff structure is exactly as in Table 8.1. We can find a Nash equilibrium by working
backwards. If the male cares the female will desert and the male will get payoff 3. If
the male deserts the female will care and the male will get payoff 4. Thus the male
should desert and the female will then care. The Nash equilibrium found by working
backwards in this way is called a subgame perfect equilibrium (see Section 8.3).
If we compare the outcomes of the two processes we see they predict opposite
forms of care. In the simultaneous choice case the male cares, in the sequential choice
case he deserts, despite the fact that his best action is to care for either of the fixed
actions of the female. This example shows that, by itself, the payoff structure is not
enough to predict evolutionary outcomes; we must also specify the decision process.
The evidence in Fig. 8.1 suggests that the penduline tits do not make simultaneous
decisions. The process is not, however, liable to be as simple as one of the parents

176 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

choosing first and the other reacting to this choice (Griggio et al., 2004; van Dijk et al.,
2007). For example, during foraging trips each may assess the possibilities to remate if
they desert, so that actions may also be contingent on this information. Furthermore,
there is evidence that the female attempts to hide the fact she has already produced
eggs from the male (Valera et al., 1997). This may allow her to gain an advantage by
being the first to choose.
In comparing the simultaneous and sequential choice scenarios it is not the time
ordering that is of paramount importance, rather it is the information structure. In
the simultaneous case neither knows the decision of the other when their choices are
made, in the sequential the female knows the male’s choice. This is because it has
already happened but, as we will see, credible threats (Section 8.3) can be another
reliable source of information as to the (future rather than past) action of the partner.
In our desertion game if the male chooses first the payoffs to the male and female at the
subgame perfect equilibrium are 5 and 4, respectively. If the female chooses first they
are 3 and 7. Thus each would prefer to choose first, so that each can gain an advantage
by reliably informing their partner of their choice. This illustrates that in a game an
individual can put a partner at a disadvantage by giving reliable information. Note
that the partner should not ignore such information as this will typically be worse
still. For example, a female that always deserts regardless of the male’s decision would
do worse than a female that deserts only if either the male has decided to care or if
she is first to choose.
For some payoff structures, especially where it is best to anti-coordinate, it is
better to choose second than choose first. In other words it can be better to receive
information than to give it (McNamara et al., 2006b). The Rock–Paper–Scissors
game (Exercise 4.9) is usually played as a simultaneous game, but if it were played
sequentially the individual who chose second would always win.

8.2.1 Extensive Versus Normal Form

For the desertion game in which the male chooses first, Fig. 8.2 depicts the time
structure in choosing actions. This representation is known as the extensive form
of the game. In the normal form presentation the explicit time element is removed
and the payoffs to strategies are specified, rather than payoffs to the leaf nodes of a
decision tree. The male has two pure strategies: (i) C—always care; and (ii) D—always
desert. The female has four pure strategies: (i) (C, C)—care if the male cares and care
if he deserts; (ii) (C, D)—care if the male cares and desert if he deserts; (iii) (D, C)—
desert if the male cares and care if he deserts; (iv) (D, D)—desert if the male cares and
desert if he deserts. Tables 8.2 and 8.3 give the male and female payoffs for the possible
combinations of strategies. From Table 8.2 we see that if the resident female strategy is
(D, C) then the unique best response for the male is D. Also, from Table 8.3 we see that
if the resident male strategy is D then a best response for the female is (D, C). Thus D
and (D, C) are best responses to one another and are hence a Nash equilibrium. This
equilibrium is the same as we previously derived by working backwards, and results
in male desertion and female care.

Credible Threats and Strategic Commitment • 177

Table 8.2 Payoffs to the male in the desertion game in

which the male chooses first.

Payoff to male Female strategy

(C, C) (C, D) (D, C) (D, D)
Male strategy C 6 6 3 3
D 5 1 5 1

Table 8.3 Payoffs to the female in the desertion game

in which the male chooses first.

Payoff to female Male strategy

Female strategy (C, C) 6 4
(C, D) 6 3
(D, C) 7 4
(D, D) 7 3

8.3 Credible Threats and Strategic Commitment

In the previous section we analysed the scenario in which the male chooses first and
found that the male strategy D and the female strategy (D, C) are in Nash equilibrium.
However, when the male strategy is D it can be seen from Table 8.3 that (C, C) does
equally well as (D, C), and so could potentially increase in frequency due to drift. So
from this it is not clear whether the Nash equilibrium is evolutionarily stable. From
Tables 8.2 and 8.3 it can also be seen that the male strategy C and the female strategy
(D, D) are in Nash equilibrium. This equilibrium is maintained by the female’s threat
to desert regardless of the action of the male: given this threat the male should care and
the female can then do no better than to desert, which is achieved by her following
the strategy (D, D). So is this a credible threat and which Nash equilibrium do we
expect to evolve? We analyse these questions by introducing the possibility of errors
in decision-making.
We begin by focusing on the Nash equilibrium at which the male strategy is C and
the female strategy is (D, D). Note that when the resident male strategy is to always
care the female strategy (D, C) does equally well as (D, D). This is because all males are
caring and the two female strategies then take the same action (desert). But what if a
male occasionally makes a mistake and does not care? This could be because the male
deserts, but it could also be because he is killed by a predator and effectively deserts.
When this happens a (D, C) female will care and get a payoff of 4 while the (D, D)

178 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

female will carry out her threat to desert and will get a payoff of 3. In this sense the
female’s threat to desert whatever the male does is not credible, as it would not evolve
in the presence of errors. We conclude that this Nash equilibrium is not stable once
errors are introduced.
Now consider the Nash equilibrium at which the male strategy is D and the female
strategy is (D, C). When the resident male strategy is to always desert the female
strategy (C, C) does equally well as (D, C) because all males are deserting and the
two female strategies then take the same action (care). If a male occasionally makes
a mistake and cares (although this seems a less likely mistake than deserting when
he should care) then (D, C) does better than (C, C). Thus this Nash equilibrium is
stabilized by errors.
Errors mean that every branch of the game tree for the extensive form representa-
tion of the game (Fig. 8.2) is explored with positive probability. It then matters what
the female does in every situation and she should take the best action every time
(i.e. to desert if the male cares and care if the male deserts), and the male should
do the best given the female strategy (i.e. desert). In general the pair of strategies
found by backwards induction is known as the subgame perfect equilibrium. It is this
equilibrium that is stabilized by small errors and is then known as a limit ESS (Selten,
In two-player sequential games threats by the player who chooses last are not
credible unless it is in the interest of that player to carry out the threat. In the game of
Fig. 8.2 the female’s threat to desert if the male deserts is not credible because if the
male has deserted she does best to care. She can, however, make a credible threat if
she is able to reduce her payoff for caring on her own, as in Fig. 8.3. This reduction is a
handicap that commits her to deserting if the male deserts (this kind of commitment
is discussed in Nesse, 2001). As a result, at the new subgame perfect Nash equilibrium
(at which the male now cares and the female deserts) her payoff is 7 whereas it was
previously 4. In non-game situations handicapping oneself is always suboptimal. In

Male decides


Female decides Female decides


(6, 6) (3, 7) (5, 2) (1, 3)

Fig. 8.3 A modified decision tree for the care versus desertion game when the male chooses
first. The only change from Fig. 8.2 is that the female’s payoff for caring when the male deserts
has been reduced from 4 to 2. This now makes it optimal for the female to desert if the male
has deserted.

Credible Threats and Strategic Commitment • 179

contrast in games it can be highly advantageous, provided opponents are aware of, or
adapted to, the handicap.
Barta et al. (2002) model the care and desertion decisions of parents over a breeding
season. During this season, each population member has a sequence of reproductive
bouts, where each bout is with a different partner. In each bout, the male first chooses
whether to care or desert and the female then makes her choice in the light of the male’s
decision. The model also incorporates feeding options and allows the care/desert
decisions of an individual to be affected by its energy reserves. Analysis of this model
predicts that females should strategically reduce their own energy reserves prior to
breeding. As a consequence of this handicap the female is unable to care alone,
forcing the male to care and allowing the female to desert. Other tentative instances of
handicapping have been suggested. Smith and Härdling (2000) suggest that a female
bird might lay a clutch that is larger than she can care for on her own. This results in
nest failure if the male does not also care, forcing him to care.
The care–desertion game has the choice between just two actions. In many games
there is a continuum of actions, e.g. Engqvist and Taborsky (2016) model sperm
competition allowing a continuum of possible investments in sperm. Box 8.1 analyses

Box 8.1 Stackelberg equilibrium for continuous actions

Let W(x, y) be the payoff to an individual choosing action x when the partner takes action
y in a two-player game with continuous actions. Assume that for every y there is a unique
∗ ∗ ∗
best response b̂(y) satisfying ∂W ∂x (b̂(y), y) = 0. Let x satisfying b̂(x ) = x be the unique
symmetric Nash equilibrium. Now suppose that choice is sequential: Player 1 chooses an
action first and then Player 2 chooses an action in light of Player 1’s choice. Thus the strategy
of Player 1 is an action x, and the strategy for Player 2 is a function b(·) specifying the
choice of action b(u) for every action u by Player 1. Assume that there is some variation
due to errors in the action of Player 1, so that every action is occasionally chosen. It is then
reasonable to assume that b(u) = b̂(u) for all u. The payoff to Player 1 of choosing action
x is then V(x) = W(x, b̂(x)). At the Stackelberg equilibrium Player 1’s action xs maximizes
this payoff (so that V  (xs ) = 0) and the action of Player 2 is ys = b̂(xs ). By differentiation we
∂W ∂W
V  (x) = (x, b̂(x)) + (x, b̂(x))b̂ (x).
∂x ∂y

Evaluating this at x = x∗ and using that b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ and ∂W ∗ ∗

∂x (x , x ) = 0 we have
∂W ∗ ∗  ∗
V  (x∗ ) = (x , x )b̂ (x ).
The equation shows that V  (x∗ ) is typically not zero, which means that the maximum
of V(x) is not at x = x∗ . As V(x∗ ) = W(x∗ , x∗ ) is the payoff at the symmetric Nash
equilibrium, it follows that Player 1 gets a higher payoff at the Stackelberg equilibrium than
at the symmetric Nash equilibrium.

180 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

sequential choice in the case where there is a continuum of actions and best responses
are unique.

8.4 Negotiation between Partners

If two individuals make several investment actions during the time they interact, they
may have opportunities to observe and respond to each other. In Section 3.4 we con-
sidered the conflict of interest between two parents over care of their common young.
We assumed that parents do not observe one another; rather, their efforts are fixed,
genetically determined quantities. At evolutionary stability, the effort of each parent
should then be the best given that of the other (Houston and Davies, 1985). Although
we argued that this is unrealistic, we also note that the assumption is logically
consistent: if all individuals of a sex are exactly the same and hence expend the same
effort at evolutionary stability, a parent gains no information by observing the partner.
In reality, parents differ in many ways, so that it is worth each observing the other,
and adjusting their own effort as a consequence. One way of implementing this is,
instead of thinking of strategies as efforts, to model strategies as rules for negotiation.
This perspective can be applied to several situations, such as joint predator inspection
or the vigilance of group members. With the approach, at evolutionary stability each
individual employs a negotiation strategy that is the best given the strategies of others.
We now consider such evolutionarily stable negotiation rules.
We specify a negotiation strategy by a response function, giving the current effort
as a function of the partner’s previous effort and the individual’s own quality. The
individual qualities are randomly drawn at the start of a generation. For concreteness,
the interaction is split into a number of rounds. In round t one individual (Player 1)
goes first and makes an investment u1t , followed by the investment u2t by the partner
(Player 2). With response functions ρ1 (q, u) and ρ2 (q, u), we have the investment
u1t = ρ1 (q1 , u2,t−1 ) = m1 + k1 q1 − l1 u2,t−1 (8.1)
u2t = ρ2 (q2 , u1t ) = m2 + k2 q2 − l2 u1t ,
where q1 and q2 are the qualities of the two individuals, with 0 ≤ qi ≤ 1. The starting
investment u11 by Player 1 also needs to be specified as a component of a strategy.
We assume linear dependencies of the qualities and efforts to get a case where we
can find expressions for a Nash equilibrium. This analysis was first developed by
McNamara et al. (1999b). An illustration of how response functions work appears
in Fig. 8.4a. In the negotiation process, the efforts quickly approach stationary values,
and the negotiation outcomes ũ1 and ũ2 (indicated by dots in Fig. 8.4a) depend on the
qualities of the individuals. Apart from the initial investment, the strategies have three
components, x1 = (m1 , k1 , l1 ) for Player 1 and x2 = (m2 , k2 , l2 ) for Player 2. We wish
to determine the best response x1 to a resident strategy x2 . Alternatively, as in Section
6.1, we might study adaptive dynamics in the three-dimensional strategy space. For

Negotiation between Partners • 181

(a) (b)

0.6 q2 = 0.75
Investment, u2

0.4 q2 = 0.50

q2 = 0.25

q1 = 0.25 q1 = 0.75

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Blue tit female in the nest

Investment, u1

Fig. 8.4 (a) Illustration of negotiation trajectories and their dependence on the qualities of
interacting individuals. Individuals know their own quality qi but not the partner’s qj and use
negotiation functions as in eq (8.1). Light grey lines show the response u2 for player 2 to u1 by
player 1, labelled with q2 , and the response u1 for player 1 to u2 by player 2, labelled with q1 .
Four negotiation trajectories are shown in dark grey and correspond to different combinations
of q1 and q2 . Parameters: m1 = m2 = 0.146, k1 = k2 = 0.618, l1 = l2 = 0.382. (b) In the parental
care of blue tits, the female incubates the eggs, but both parents feed the offspring. Experiments
have shown that parents partially compensate each other’s feeding efforts (Iserbyt et al., 2019).
Drawing of blue tit by Jos Zwarts. Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

this we would use invasion fitness λ(x1 , x2 ) of the mutant into the resident population,
but it is sufficient to work with a strong fitness proxy. We assume the payoffs depend
on the average investments per round, ū1 and ū2 , of the partners over a specified total
number of rounds. As an approximation, in the analysis we replace these averages by
the limiting negotiation-outcome values ũ1 and ũ2 .
As detailed in Box 8.2, the payoff Wi (ũi , ũj ) is assumed to be a quadratic function
of the negotiated investments (eqs (8.2, 8.3)), which in turn depend on the strategies
of Players 1 and 2 (eq (8.4)). With this payoff we can find best responses (eq (8.6)) and
a Nash equilibrium (eq (8.7)) in the strategy space. The response function illustrated
in Fig. 8.4a is such a Nash equilibrium.
It is of interest to consider the ‘myopic’ strategy of using a response function that
is an immediate best response to the partner’s recent investment. From the analysis
in Box 8.1 this strategy cannot be evolutionarily stable, since its use is analogous to
playing second in a Stackelberg game, and so can be exploited by a partner. We can
also compare a Nash equilibrium negotiation function with one where individuals
are myopic. Note that if both partners use the myopic strategy, then the limiting
negotiation–outcome efforts are those predicted by the analysis of Houston and
Davies (1985). Using reasoning similar to that in Box 8.1, McNamara et al. (1999b)

182 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

showed that the Nash equilibrium negotiated investments are smaller than one would
expect from the Houston and Davies (1985) analysis (see also McNamara et al.,
2003a). This is illustrated in Fig. 8.5a. This is analogous to the results in Section 7.5,
where individuals attempt to gain an advantage by behaving as if they are lower quality
(paying a bigger cost for a given contribution) than is actually the case. In Section 8.5
we show that there is a similar effect of reduced investments if the interaction instead is
modelled as learning in combination with evolution of perceived costs of investment.
There is a role asymmetry in the negotiation dynamics in eq (8.1), because of
the ordering of the moves by Players 1 and 2. Just as was done in Section 6.2,
eq (6.7), we can investigate if eq (8.6) has mutual best response solutions in
role-asymmetric strategies, apart from the symmetric solutions given by eq (8.7).
It turns out that the symmetric solution is the only one (Exercise 8.5). We can extend
the approach to cases, including parental care, where payoff functions differ between
roles (Exercise 8.6).
The analysis in Box 8.2 makes simplifying assumptions, but individual-based
simulations (Fig. 8.5b) show that there is robustness both with regard to the use of
limiting negotiation–outcome values ũ1 and ũ2 instead of average investments ū1 and
ū2 , and to the adding of small random errors to the investments in the negotiation
process. From Fig. 8.5b we see that population averages fluctuate around model
predictions (due to a combination of selection, mutation, and genetic drift), most
strongly for the strategy parameter l, less for k, and least for m. The explanation is
that the negotiated investments (cf. eq (8.4)) are least sensitive to variation in l, more
sensitive to k, and most sensitive to m, which influences the strength of stabilizing
selection on the different strategy parameters.
For assumptions like those in Box 8.2, McNamara et al. (1999b) proved that the
negotiated solution is a Nash equilibrium in a much larger strategy space, where play-
ers can use non-linear response functions and take into account the entire previous
history of investments. However, if one introduces quite realistic modifications, such
as more general non-linear payoff functions and random errors in the investments, a
complete analysis as in McNamara et al. (1999b) becomes very difficult and is perhaps
infeasible. This is a reason to view negotiation strategies as mechanisms that can be
advantageous, but for which we might not be able to carry out a general small-worlds
analysis. Nevertheless, locally functions are approximately quadratic, so we might
expect the analysis based on quadratic functions to work well provided the range of
qualities q is not too large.
Taylor and Day (2004) examined the model by McNamara et al. (1999b) in the
special case of no variation in individual quality q. An analysis similar to Box 8.2 then
finds that the model becomes degenerate and has a continuum of Nash equilibria.
Using simulations of populations with large amounts of genetic variation in the
strategy parameters, Taylor and Day (2004) showed that evolution tended to favour
higher investments than predicted by the analysis with (non-genetic) variation in q.
As the simulation in Fig. 8.5b illustrates, with both genetic variation in m, k, l and
substantial variation in q, there is no noticeable effect of genetic variation increasing

Negotiation between Partners • 183

Box 8.2 Evolutionary analysis of negotiation strategies

The payoff to player i (i = 1, 2) with quality qi in an interaction with player j with quality
qj is
Wi (ũi , ũj ) = B(ũi + ũj ) − C(ũi , qi ) (8.2)
1 1
B(usum ) = b0 + b1 usum − b2 u2sum , C(u, q) = c1 u(1 − q) + c2 u2 . (8.3)
2 2
With response functions from eq (8.1), the negotiated outcomes depend on the qualities
and the strategies as follows (Exercise 8.2)
ũi = mi − li mj + ki qi − li kj qj , (8.4)
1 − li lj
with (i, j) = (1, 2) or (i, j) = (2, 1).
To find a best response x1 = (x11 , x12 , x13 ) = (m1 , k1 , l1 ) to x2 we differentiate with
respect to x1n and set the derivative equal to zero, giving
∂W1 ∂ ũ1 ∂W1 ∂ ũ2 ∂W1 ∂W1 ∂ ũ1
+ = − l2 =0 (8.5)
∂ ũ1 ∂x1n ∂ ũ2 ∂x1n ∂ ũ1 ∂ ũ2 ∂x1n
for n = 1, 2, 3 and all values of q1 , q2 (see Exercise 8.3 for the left-hand equality). From the
right-hand equality, the expression in brackets should be zero for all q1 , q2 , and it is linear
in q1 , q2 . The coefficient of q2 in the expression should then be zero, which gives the best
response l̂1 to l2 , and the requirements that the coefficient of q1 and the constant term be
zero give the best responses k̂1 and m̂1 , as follows (Exercise 8.4):
1 − l2 c1 b1
l̂1 = , k̂1 = (1 − l̂1 ) , m̂1 = l̂1 − k̂1 . (8.6)
1 − l2 + c2 /b2 c2 b2
From the first of these we find the l-component of a Nash equilibrium from the quadratic
equation for l̂1 = l2 and requiring l̂1 < 1, with solution
∗ 1 c2 c2 2
l = 2+ − 2+ −4 , (8.7)
2 b2 b2
and eq (8.6) then gives the other components k∗ and m∗ .

investments, but simulations with very limited variation in q and substantial genetic
variation verify that the effect identified by Taylor and Day (2004) is real.
However, from the perspective of game theory, we should also ask which kinds of
strategies might be adaptive in a situation when variation in investments by partners
is mainly caused by genetic variation in strategy parameters. The analysis in Box 8.2
does not address that problem, and it is not obvious how to go about it. This could be
another reason to regard negotiation strategies as possible behavioural mechanisms
whose evolution in the face of genetic and other variation can be studied using
simulation, as in Fig. 8.5b.

184 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

(a) (b)
lmyo k

Negotiation parameter
0.6 0.6
u~ or l*

0.4 0.4 l

0.2 m

0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000
Benefit parameter, b2 Generation, n

Fig. 8.5 (a) Comparison of evolutionarily stable negotiated strategies (dark grey) and the
corresponding myopic responses (light grey). The dark grey solid line gives the investment
from eq (8.4) for q1 = q2 = 0.5 and b1 = 2, different values of b2 , c1 = c2 = 1 in eq (8.3). The
light grey solid line is the corresponding, higher, myopic investment. The dashed dark grey
line shows the response parameter l∗ from eq (8.7). The corresponding myopic parameter
(light grey dashed line) has a higher value, illustrating a higher sensitivity to the partner’s
investment for the myopic response. The dotted vertical line (b2 = 1) gives the case in Fig. 8.4a.
(b) Individual-based simulation of the evolution of the parameters m, k, and l in eq (8.1),
with random errors with SD of 0.02 added to the investments. The dark grey curves show the
population means, with shading giving ± 1 SD. Individual qualities qi are randomly assigned
from the interval [0, 1] and there are T = 50 rounds of interaction, with the average investments
ū1 and ū2 used to compute payoffs (b1 = 2, b0 = b2 = c1 = c2 = 1 in eq (8.3)). The simulated
population consists of N = 16, 000 individuals with one diploid (unlinked) locus for each of m,
k, and l, with mutation rate 0.0001 per allele and mutational increments with SD of 0.02. The
dashed horizontal lines show the predictions from Box 8.2.

The issue of how partners respond to each other’s parental efforts has been
investigated experimentally. A main conclusion from the negotiation model is that
individuals partially compensate for variation in their partner’s effort: the strategy
component l evolves to satisfy 0 < l < 1. Overall, experiments tend to support
partial compensation (Harrison et al., 2009), including short-term experimental
manipulation of efforts (Iserbyt et al., 2019). However, experimental and modelling
work (Hinde, 2006; Johnstone and Hinde, 2006) has also shown that short-term
variation in partner effort can result in parallel (instead of compensatory) responses.
If parents differ in their information about offspring need, an increased effort by
the partner could indicate higher offspring need, with higher effort as a potentially
adaptive response. Further, experiments using blue tits (Bründl et al., 2019) that
manipulated a female’s information about the number of eggs in a clutch (influencing
her feeding effort), without the male directly gaining this information (because the
female incubates the eggs; Fig. 8.4b), did not find partial compensation in male efforts.
Another idea about short-term variation in efforts is that parents might alternate in

Evolution of Cognitive Bias • 185

their efforts, such that an individual reduces its activity right after having fed the
young, and then resumes with a high effort after the partner has in turn fed the
young. An effect of this type has both empirical and theoretical support (Johnstone
et al., 2014; Johnstone and Savage, 2019), although observed tendencies towards
alternation may be small (e.g. Iserbyt et al., 2019).
Most likely our negotiation model is overly simplistic for most situations in nature.
It can still have considerable value in suggesting what to observe or manipulate
in experiments, and as a basis for further modelling of parental care and other
phenomena. For instance, in analysing the predator inspection game in Section 4.1
we followed Parker and Milinski (1997) and implemented a strategy as a specification
of the distance to approach a suspicious object, and at equilibrium the approach
distance of each individual was the best given the approach distance of its partner.
But this only makes sense if actions are simultaneous. We could instead implement
strategies as some form of rule for negotiating with a partner about the distance to
approach. Predicted distances might then differ from those in the analysis by Parker
and Milinski (1997). In general, for game-theory models of interaction over time
to be useful, they need to be closely related to empirical observations, in order to
investigate which behavioural mechanisms are likely to be important. As we have
emphasized, the technical difficulties of analysing such models pose a significant

8.5 Evolution of Cognitive Bias

As an alternative to modelling investment in a joint project with rules for negotiation,

as in the previous section, we can assume that individuals learn about their partners
and the situation solely from costs and benefits of investment, interpreted as rewards.
We use the model from Section 5.3, modified such that two individuals stay together
over T rounds of interaction. They use actor–critic learning, as described in Box 5.2.
The interaction is a repeated public goods game with learning, which was investigated
by Leimar and McNamara (2019) in the more general case of groups of two or
more individuals. As a starting point, let the payoffs/rewards per round be given by
eqs (5.8, 5.9). Note that the cost in eq (5.9) depends on individual quality qi : low-
quality individuals pay a higher cost of investment. Individuals differ in quality but
are unaware of its value. During the rounds of interaction they learn to adjust their
investments based on (positive and negative) rewards. An example of the learning
process appears in Fig. 8.6a. In this case there are many rounds of investment in a
generation and the resulting evolutionary equilibrium learning rates are rather small.
As we noted in Chapter 5, slow learning sometimes approaches an ESS of a one-shot
game where individual qualities are known, and this is the case here (the derivation of
the ESS is left as Exercise 8.7). This outcome of learning can help us understand why
a cognitive bias might evolve, essentially following the reasoning in Box 8.1.
Let us introduce the possibility that individuals can evolve to perceive their costs of
investment as different from the fitness cost, while the fitness cost is given by eq (5.9).
Thus, the fitness payoff that determines the evolutionary change of genetically

186 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

(a) (b)
1.00 q = 0.50
q1 = 0.04, q2 = 0.66 0.6

Perceived quality, p
Mean action, θ

evol. eq.
0.25 θ1

0.00 0.0

0 250 500 750 1000 0 500 1000 1500

Number of rounds, t Number of generations, n

Fig. 8.6 Learning in an investment game where two individuals stay together over many
repeated rounds. Individuals are unaware of their own qualities qi , which are randomly drawn at
the start of a generation, uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Learning follows Box 5.2. The learning
rates αw , αθ , and the initial estimated values wi0 and mean actions θi0 are approximately at
an evolutionary equilibrium. (a) The learning trajectories θ1t and θ2t of two individuals with
different qualities qi , over 1000 rounds. The dashed lines show the one-shot Nash equilibrium
investments for these qualities (without any cognitive bias). (b) The evolution of cognitive
bias, starting from no bias. The dark grey line shows the population mean of perceived
quality and the light-grey shading indicates ±1 SD. The dashed line shows a model prediction,
which assumes that learning approaches a one-shot Nash equilibrium for the investments.
There is one diploid locus coding for the bias pi − qi , where pi is an individual’s perceived
quality. Parameters: number of rounds T = 5000; payoff, b0 = 1, b1 = 2, b2 = 0.5, c1 = c2 = 1.5;
mean evolved values, αw = 0.280, αθ = 0.006, wi0 = 1.76, θi0 = 0.28, σ = 0.08; bias evolution:
mutation rate 0.01, mutational increment standard deviation 0.04.

determined traits is the mean of B(ui + uj ) − C(ui , qi ) over the rounds in a generation,
but the rewards that drive learning can differ from this. First, the benefit
B(ui + uj ) = b0 + b1 (ui + uj ) − 12 b2 (ui + uj )2 , (8.8)
which is from eq (5.8), represents both the fitness payoff and the perceived reward.
Second, we assume that individuals have a perceived quality pi that may differ from
qi , and that they perceive the cost
C(ui , pi ) = c1 ui (1 − pi ) + 12 c2 u2i , (8.9)
which for pi = qi differs from the fitness cost in eq (5.9). We also assume that the dif-
ference pi − qi is genetically determined. We refer to this difference as a cognitive bias.
It turns out that zero bias is not evolutionarily stable; instead there is evolution towards
a negative bias (the derivation is left as Exercise 8.8). This means that individuals act as
if they underestimate their true quality. It is not necessary that individuals possess an
estimate of their perceived quality pi , it is enough that they perceive a corresponding
cost of investment. For the quadratic reward functions in eqs (8.8, 8.9) one can, with

Evolution of Cognitive Bias • 187

some effort, work out analytically a prediction for the evolutionary equilibrium bias
in the limit of slow learning (see Leimar and McNamara, 2019), and individual-based
simulation is in accordance with the prediction (Fig. 8.6b).
The explanation for the effect is similar to the analysis in Box 8.1. Changing pi
influences both an individual’s own investments and, through learning, the partner’s
investments. By acting as if its quality is lower than the true quality an individual
can, because of the nature of the learning process, induce its partner to invest more.
An important property of learning is that it tends to be myopic, in the sense of
responding to immediate or very short-term rewards, while being blind to the longer-
term strategic consequences of behaviour. The evolution of cognitive bias can then be
interpreted as, to some extent, compensating for the myopic nature of learning. This
kind of explanation for the evolution of cognitive bias, as an evolutionary consequence
of learning being myopic, is general and might apply to many social interactions.

8.5.1 Common Interest

The cognitive bias implies that partners invest less than they would at a one-shot
Nash equilibrium, just as we found for the negotiation model in Section 8.4. A crucial
feature of the interaction is that partners have a common interest, in that they share the
benefit of the investments (see Leimar and Hammerstein, 2010, for an overview of the

(a) (b)

θ2 0.75
Perceived quality, p

Mean action, θ

q = 0.50
q1 = 0.04, q2 = 0.66
0.50 p1 = 0.34, p2 = 0.96


0.00 0.00

0 250 500 750 1000 0 500 1000 1500

Number of rounds, t Number of generations, n

Fig. 8.7 Illustration of the effect of increasing the degree of common interest in the investment
game. The difference from the situation in Fig. 8.6 is that the fitness payoff is changed: an
individual’s mean payoff over the rounds is multiplied by a survival factor that is a sigmoid
function of the sum of the accumulated payoffs of both individuals. (a) The learning trajectories
of two individuals with different qi and a bias of pi − qi = 0.30, over 1000 rounds. The dashed
lines show the one-shot Nash equilibrium investments for these qualities when there is no
cognitive bias (from Fig. 8.6a). (b) The evolution of cognitive bias, starting from no bias and
reaching a bias of around p − q = 0.30. The dashed line shows the evolutionary equilibrium
without common interest (from Fig. 8.6b).

188 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

role of common interest in evolution). This is a basic explanation for why individuals
are influenced by a partner’s investment. The strength of common interest can also
vary. For instance, in parental care, if there is lifelong monogamy parents effectively
share both costs and benefits of raising offspring. Figure 8.7 illustrates the effect of
a stronger common interest on the evolution of cognitive bias. The result is that a
positive rather than a negative bias evolves (Fig. 8.7b), leading to higher investments
than at the one-shot Nash equilibrium for the game with payoffs based on the true
qualities (Fig. 8.7a). In this example the strength of common interest is increased
by assuming that the survival of the pair depends on their joint payoffs from the
public goods game. In general, the strength of common interest could be an important
explanation for cooperation.

8.6 Social Dominance

Dominance hierarchies are common in group-living animals. They occur in small and
moderately sized groups, but less often in large and unstable groups. They are formed
through pairwise interactions involving threat display and fighting. They were first
described for chickens by Schjelderup-Ebbe (1922), who coined the term ‘peck-order’
for the hierarchy (Fig. 8.8a). The adaptive reason for the fitting of individuals into
dominance hierarchies is thought to be efficiency in settling conflicts over resources.
By establishing dominance relationships, group members can avoid fighting every
time a resource becomes available, and instead rely on the outcome of previous
interactions. An individual’s dominance position is typically influenced by traits like
size, strength, and aggressiveness.
One suggestion is that individuals can signal their dominance position using
‘badges of dominance’, which could be traits like the size of the dark patch on the
throat and chest of male house sparrows (Fig. 8.8b), with a larger patch indicating
higher aggressiveness and fighting ability (Rohwer, 1975). If the signal has a fitness
cost outside the context of social dominance, modelling indicates that the signalling
can be an ESS (Johnstone and Norris, 1993). However, the empirical evidence for such
badges of status, at least for house sparrows, is not very strong (Sánchez-Tójar et al.,
There are game-theory models of social dominance (e.g., van Doorn et al., 2003),
but it has been difficult for game theory to include elements such as individual
recognition and variation in fighting ability that are likely to be important for social
hierarchies in nature. It could well be that a small-worlds approach (Chapter 5) is
too challenging for modellers to achieve, because it relies on each individual having
representations of Bayesian prior and posterior distributions of the characteristics
of other group members. Social dominance might then be a phenomenon where
a large-worlds approach, for instance based on learning as described in Chapter 5,
dramatically improves our ability to deliver biologically relevant predictions from
game-theory models.

Social Dominance • 189

(a) (b)

Chicken dominance House sparrow fight

Fig. 8.8 (a) Dominance interaction between chickens. Reused from Guhl (1956). Reproduced
with permission. Copyright © 1956 Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc. All
rights reserved. (b) Illustration of a male house sparrow fight over dominance, by Jos Zwarts.
Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license (CC
BY-SA 4.0).

Table 8.4 Fitness payoff (left) and perceived reward (right) of aggressive (A) and
submissive (S) actions in the dominance game, when individual i with quality qi
meets j with qj . C is the cost parameter from eq (5.16) and V is the expected
fitness value from a resource that may become available. The parameter vi is the
perceived reward of performing A. Also see Section 5.4 for explanation.

Fitness payoff Act by j Perceived reward Act by j

−qi +qj −qi +qj
Act by i A −Ce V Act by i A vi − Ce vi
S 0 2V S 0 0

8.6.1 The Dominance Game with Individual Recognition

We extend the dominance game introduced in Section 5.4 to a situation where

individuals recognize each other. The game has payoffs both in terms of fitness and
perceived rewards, summarized in Table 8.4. This corresponds to nature, where dom-
inance interactions occur also without an immediate availability of fitness-providing
For individuals to be able to learn about other group members, we introduce the
identity of another member of the group as an observation or state in actor–critic
learning (Box 8.3). An important difference, compared with the case in Box 5.3, is
that the preference intercept in the probability of action A for an individual i, in eq
(8.10), is now split into two parts, θiit and θijt .

190 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

Box 8.3 Actor–critic learning with individual recognition

Randomly selected pairs of individuals in a group play a game with two actions. The
individuals, i and j, make observations, ξij for i and ξji for j, and they observe the identity
of their opponent. These observations act as states. Individual i chooses its first action with
pijt (ξij ) =  . (8.10)
1 + exp −(θiit + θijt + γit ξij )
Individual i also has an estimated value,
ŵijt = wiit + wijt + git ξij , (8.11)
at the start of the interaction. From this and the reward Rit , we get
δijt = Rit − ŵijt . (8.12)
This is used to update the learning parameters wiit , wijt , and git :
wik,t+1 = wikt + αw δijt (8.13)
gi,t+1 = git + αw δijt ξij
with k = i or k = j. For the actions we have the eligibilities

∂ log Pr(action) 1 − pijt if first action
ζikt = = (8.14)
∂θikt −pijt if second action

∂ log Pr(action) (1 − pijt )ξij if first action
ηijt = =
∂γit −pijt ξij if second action
with k = i or k = j. The updates of θiit , θijt and γit are then
θik,t+1 = θikt + αθ δijt ζikt (8.15)
γi,t+1 = γit + αθ δijt ηijt
with k = i or k = j. In addition, there can be ‘forgetting’ of the characteristics of other group
members, which we implement as
θikt = mθikt (8.16)
wikt = mwikt
for each k  = i, where 0 ≤ m ≤ 1 is a memory factor.

The first of these influences the probability for i of choosing action A in any
interaction, thus generalizing over opponents, whereas the second is specific to
interactions with group member j, and is only updated from interactions with j. The
same applies to the parameters wiit and wijt for the estimated value in eq (8.11).
The starting values wii0 and θii0 are genetically determined, but for the partner-
specific parameters we assume that wij0 = 0 and θij0 = 0. In this way an individual has

Social Dominance • 191

innate action preferences that can be modified by learning, both in a generalized way
(θiit ) and specifically for another individual j (θijt ). The starting values gi0 and γi0 of
the parameters giving the slopes of the responses to the relative-quality observation
ξij = b1 qi − b2 qj + i (defined in eq (5.15)), as well as the learning rates αw and αθ
and the perceived reward v of performing action A, are genetically determined and
can evolve.
An example of how dominance hierarchies are formed in groups of size g = 4, with
learning parameters at an evolutionary equilibrium, is shown in Fig. 8.9. There are
on average 200 rounds per individual, and thus around 67 rounds per pair. Towards
the end of the interactions in a generation, the hierarchy has arranged itself so that,
in a pair, the individual with higher quality is likely to use the aggressive action A and
the other to use the submissive action S (Fig. 8.9a). There are thus rather few fights
(AA interactions) towards the end. Initially, most interactions are AA (Fig. 8.9b), but
within the first 10 interactions per pair there is a substantial decline, with only a few
per cent of interactions being AA after t = 40 rounds per pair.

(a) (b)
Proportion fights, AA

0.75 0.75
Pr (use A), pA

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

−2 −1 0 1 2 0 20 40 60
Difference, qi − qj Rounds per pair, t

Fig. 8.9 Learning in dominance interactions with individual recognition. There are 100
groups with four members each. In each of 400 time steps in each group, two random group
members interact, choosing actions A or S, giving 400/6 = 67 rounds per pair. Learning
follows Box 8.3 with learning parameters approximately at an evolutionary equilibrium. (a)
The probability of using A for an individual i interacting with j, with qualities qi and qj , for
the last few rounds per pair. Each data point corresponds to a pair (6 pairs per group in 100
groups). The dark grey line is a non-linear local (LOESS) regression fit. (b) The proportion
of interactions that are AA in each time step, plotted against the expected number of rounds
per pair. Parameters: distribution and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 =
b2 = 0.707, σ = 0.5; mean evolved values, αw = 0.054, αθ = 16.2, wii0 = −0.01, gi0 = 0.03,
θii0 = 3.4, γi0 = 2.0, v = 0.15; payoff, V = 0.25, C = 0.2.

192 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

8.6.2 Rapid Learning for the Actor

A striking aspect of the evolved learning parameters in the example in Fig. 8.9 is that
the learning rate αθ of the actor is very high. The reason is that a high learning rate
speeds up the formation of a social hierarchy. This suggests that evolution of traits
influencing learning processes should be taken seriously by modellers, because such
evolution can be crucial for an explanation of a phenomenon. For social dominance, it
might be that special neural processing of social interactions and positions (Kumaran
et al., 2016; Qu and Dreher, 2018; Zhou et al., 2018) plays a role in rapid learning.
Because social dominance can be of great importance and might change during the
lives of social animals, it is reasonable to expect special cognitive adaptations for it.
In the example in Fig. 8.9, 50% of the variation in the observation ξij is due to
variation in qi − qj . The effect of the observations is that the emerging hierarchy
correlates more strongly with the qualities qi of groups members (cf. Fig. 8.9a) and the
speed of formation increases (cf. Fig. 8.9b). For a case where the correlation between
ξij and qi − qj is very low (not shown), the relations depicted in Fig. 8.9 would be
rather similar, but with a less sharp switch for pA and a slightly slower decrease of the
proportion AA, starting from a value nearer to 1. For a correlation close to 1, on
the other hand, there is an even sharper switch in pA and a more rapid decrease in
the proportion AA, starting from a lower value.

8.6.3 Effect of Group Size

Individual recognition is cognitively more demanding in larger groups. In addition,

an individual i will have a smaller proportion of its interactions with a particular other
group member j in a larger group, thus having fewer opportunities to learn about that
individual. We might then expect that, as group size becomes larger, it will be adaptive
for individuals to base their decisions mainly on the observations ξij and the overall
experience, as captured by the parameters θiit and wiit in Box 8.3. They might thus
approach the learning strategy illustrated in Fig. 5.8 in Section 5.4.
The effect of group size is illustrated by the example in Fig. 8.10, with 16 members
in a group. Compared with Fig. 8.9, dominance relations are less sharp, and there
are initially fewer AA interactions. The proportion AA also declines more slowly, and
does not approach zero over the time of interaction in the group (although the number
of interactions per individual is 200, the same as in Fig. 8.9). Overall, the influence
of group size on dominance behaviour is rather strong. Examining the effect of the
memory factor m in equation (8.16) further shows that it needs to be very close to 1
for individual recognition to play a role in social dominance in larger groups. It thus
seems that very many interactions per individual and high cognitive specialization is
needed for individual quality and position in a hierarchy to be highly correlated in
larger groups.
So-called bystander effects (Dugatkin, 2001), where individuals observe and learn
from interactions between other group members, can speed up the formation of
dominance hierarchies in larger groups. The effect could be included in a learning

Assessment in Contests • 193

(a) (b)

Proportion fights, AA
0.75 0.75
Pr (use A), pA

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

−2 −1 0 1 2 0 5 10 15
Difference, qi − qj Rounds per pair, t

Fig. 8.10 Learning in dominance interactions in a larger group. There are 25 groups with 16
members each. In each of 1600 time steps in each group, two random group members interact,
choosing actions A or S, giving 1600/120 = 13 rounds per pair. Learning follows Box 8.3 with
learning parameters approximately at an evolutionary equilibrium. (a) The probability of using
A for an individual i interacting with j, with qualities qi and qj , for the last few rounds per pair.
Each data point corresponds to a pair (120 pairs per group in 25 groups). The dark grey line
is a non-linear local (LOESS) regression fit. (b) The proportion of interactions that are AA in
each time step, plotted against the expected number of rounds per pair. Parameters: distribution
and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 = b2 = 0.707, σ = 0.5; mean evolved
values, αw = 0.175, αθ = 15.9, wii0 = −0.005, gi0 = 0.124, θii0 = 1.06, γi0 = 7.37, v = 0.094;
payoff, V = 0.25, C = 0.2.

8.7 Assessment in Contests

As we have discussed (Section 3.5), one of the first questions addressed using game
theory in biology was why conflicts between animals of the same species usually
are ‘limited wars’, not causing serious injury (Maynard Smith and Price, 1973). An
important part of the answer was given by Parker (1974), who argued that the
‘conventional’, non-dangerous aspects of fighting behaviour serve the function of
assessment by the contestants. In this way, a weaker or less motivated individual
can abandon a contest before risking serious injury from fighting. Figure 8.11 shows
examples of aggressive behaviour in cichlid fish that allow this kind of assessment, as
has been investigated experimentally (Enquist and Jakobsson, 1986; Enquist et al.,
1990). The general idea that certain behaviours, like mouth wrestling in cichlid
fish, allow a weaker individual to give up uninjured was put forward by ethologists
quite some time ago (e.g. Baerends and Baerends-Van Roon, 1950). In game theory,
assessment in relation to intraspecific aggression has mostly been studied for conflicts
between two individuals, without taking potential interactions with other individuals
into account.

194 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

Tail beating Mouth wrestling

Fig. 8.11 Examples of aggressive behaviour in males of the South American goldeneye cichlid
Nannacara anomala. Tail beating (left) and mouth wrestling (right). These behaviours, in
particular mouth wrestling, allow individuals to assess their relative size and strength with
rather high accuracy. Drawings by Bibbi Mayrhofer. Reproduced with permission from fig. 2
of Jakobsson (1987).

For these contests individual recognition is not important. We can, however, still
investigate assessment using actor–critic learning in repeated plays of the game from
Section 3.12, which is the same modelling approach as in the previous section.
Figure 8.12 shows an example. The actor–critic learning process typically causes the
individual with lower qi in a pair to shift from initially being aggressive to becoming
submissive (Fig. 8.12a), whereas the stronger individual keeps on using A, in this way
obtaining any resources that become available. The number of rounds until this shift
occurs is higher for smaller differences between q1 and q2 (Fig. 8.12b), and for small
differences in q it can happen that the stronger individual becomes submissive first
(not shown), thus accidentally losing the interaction. The reason for a decrease in
the preference for A for the individual with lower q is that early in the interaction its
reward from using A tends to be lower than estimated, making its TD error δ in eq
(8.12) negative, which lowers the preference for the action A, causing the individual
to use the action S more often. If then, occasionally, the individual uses A, its δ
becomes negative again and pushes the preference for A to even lower values, as seen
in Fig. 8.12.

8.7.1 The Sequential Assessment Game

Actor–critic learning might seem like an overly complex representation, involving
several parameters (Box 8.3), of a process that could be implemented as a decision
in each round whether to continue interacting or to give up. We could, for instance,
modify the model in Fig. 8.12 by assuming that the contest ends when the first
submissive behaviour is shown. Giving up then terminates the interaction, leaving
the winner to use the contested resource.
The sequential assessment game (SAG), first developed by Enquist and Leimar
(1983), is a small-worlds model that uses this kind of representation of a contest.

Assessment in Contests • 195

(a) (b)
q2 = 0.03
Logit of probability to use A

Contest duration, tAA

0.99 75

0 50

0.01 25

q1 = −0.34 0

0 25 50 75 100 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Number of rounds, t Quality difference, |q1 − q2|

Fig. 8.12 Learning and decision-making in contests between two individuals. Pairs interact
over 200 rounds during a lifetime, choosing actions A or S in each round. Learning follows Box
8.3 with learning parameters approximately at an evolutionary equilibrium for this situation. (a)
The learning trajectories for an example of two interacting individuals with different qualities
q1 and q2 . The graph shows the logit of the probability of using A, which is the same as the
preference for the action, as given in eq (8.10). The dashed lines indicate different probabilities
pA , ranging over 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 0.90, and 0.99. At first both use A but after around 20 rounds,
the individual with lower quality becomes submissive. (b) Contest duration, measured as the
number of AA rounds out of the total of 200 in a generation, plotted against the quality
difference, for 100 randomly generated pairs of contestants. Each data point corresponds to a
pair and the dark grey line is a non-linear local (LOESS) regression fit. Parameters: distribution
and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 = b2 = 0.707, σ = 0.5; mean evolved
values, αw = 0.028, αθ = 15.7, wii0 = −0.01, gi0 = 0.02, θii0 = 3.8, γi0 = 1.5, v = 0.16; payoff,
V = 0.25, C = 0.2.

Figure 8.13 illustrates the SAG for a situation that is broadly similar to the one in
Fig. 8.12. The fitness cost per round for i against j is Ce−qi +qj and the value of
winning is V. In each round t of the game, each contestant observes a sample ξij (t) =
qi − qj + i (t) of the relative fighting ability qdiff , with qdiff = q1 − q2 for Player 1 and
qdiff = q2 − q1 for Player 2. The players form estimates of qdiff as sample averages,
given by

ξ̄i (t) = ξij (τ ), (8.17)
t τ =1
and a player continues the contest until its estimate crosses a ‘switching line’ Si (t), i.e.
until ξ̄i (t) ≤ Si (t).
An evolutionarily stable switching line S∗ (t), together with an example of trajec-
tories of estimates, appear in Fig. 8.13a. In this example Player 1, who has a lower
fighting ability, gives up in round t = 23, when ξ̄1 (t) crosses S∗ (t).

196 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

(a) (b)
1 100

q2 = 0.10

Contest duration, tAA

Estimate of qdiff

q1 = −0.10

switching line
−1 25

0 10 20 30 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Number of rounds, t Quality difference, |q1 − q2|

Fig. 8.13 Illustration of the sequential assessment game. (a) The light grey lines show the
trajectories of the estimates ξ̄1 (t) and ξ̄2 (t) of relative fighting ability qdiff , labelled with the
qualities (fighting abilities) q1 and q2 . The dark grey line is an ESS switching line S∗ (t), defined
by being a best response to itself. An individual gives up when its estimate goes below the
switching line, which happens for t = 23 in the example. (b) Contest duration, measured as
the number of rounds until one individual gives up, plotted against the absolute value of the
quality difference, for 100 randomly generated contests. Each data point corresponds to a pair
and the dark grey line is a non-linear local (LOESS) regression fit. Parameters: √ distribution
and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 = b2 = 1.0, σ = 1/ 2; payoff, V = 1.0,
C = 0.004.

Enquist and Leimar (1983) showed for the SAG that an individual’s estimate ξ̄i (t),
together with the observation that the opponent did not give up in previous rounds,
is a sufficient statistic for inferring the conditional distribution of the stochastic
process representing the interaction. They also worked out a procedure to compute
numerically a best response switching line, which is an extension of the analysis of the
assessment game in Section 3.12. An evolutionarily stable switching line is its own best
response, and can thus be determined numerically. This ESS is a Nash equilibrium of
the game and, because it properly accounts for the Bayesian updating of information
about fighting ability, it can be referred to as a Bayesian Nash equilibrium.
The SAG has been extended to handle such things as role asymmetries, variation
in the value of winning, and lethal injuries (Leimar and Enquist, 1984; Enquist and
Leimar, 1987, 1990). Parameters of the model have also been fitted to quantitative
data from staged contests (Enquist et al., 1990; Leimar et al., 1991), resulting in a
relatively good description of the interactions. Even so, the difficulties in developing
and analysing small-worlds models make it unlikely that the approach is workable for
phenomena like social dominance (Section 8.6). Another issue is that animal contests
need not be settled through mutual assessment (Taylor and Elwood, 2003; Arnott
and Elwood, 2009), as assumed for the SAG, but that different characteristics of an

Assessment in Contests • 197

individual and its opponent might be observed and used in decision-making. Thus,
individuals might base decisions on one type of information that relates to their own
fighting ability and a different type of information that relates to their opponent’s
fighting ability. However, the technical difficulties of implementing this in a small-
worlds model could be insurmountable. For game theory to handle such issues, large-
worlds models are probably needed.

8.7.2 Decision-making as a Neural Random Walk

Decision-making in the SAG shows some similarity to a much-studied idea in

neuroscience, namely that there is a neural accumulation of evidence for or against a
decision and the decision is made when the accumulation passes a threshold, which
is illustrated in Fig. 8.14.
The similarity suggests that models from neuroscience could be integrated into
game theory. The study of neural processes of decision-making has a long history
(e.g. Vickers, 1970) and is related to signal detection theory (Gold and Shadlen, 2007).
Despite the very large volume of theoretical and experimental work in the field, the
detailed neural implementation of accumulation of information and a subsequent
decision is not yet conclusively established. The most widely supported prediction
of these models is that decisions take longer when the differences to be discriminated


q2 = 0.10
Accumulated evidence



q1 = −0.10


0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of rounds, t

Fig. 8.14 The sequential assessment game as random-walk decision-making. The light grey
t show the same trajectories as in Fig. 8.13a, but represented as sums of observations,
τ =1 ξij (τ ), instead of as averages. The dark grey line is the corresponding ESS switching line.
Typically in neural random-walk models a decision is made when a process crosses a constant
barrier, such as the one given by the dashed grey line. The inset illustrates how N. anomala
contests end, with the loser (on the right) dramatically changing its appearance and fleeing from
the winner. This switch in behaviour inhibits further aggression, both from the loser towards
the winner and vice versa. Drawing by Bibbi Mayrhofer. Reproduced with permission from
fig. 2 of Jakobsson (1987).

198 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

are smaller, and this is generally in agreement with the SAG (Fig. 8.13b), as well as
with learning models of contests (Fig. 8.12b). In our view, an integration of basic
mechanisms of learning and decision-making from neuroscience (e.g. Bogacz et al.,
2006; Trimmer et al., 2013) is a promising direction for game theory in biology.

8.8 Outlook: Games with Interaction over Time

For game theory both in biology and in economics, interaction over time is a much
explored and challenging topic. The greatest effort has been spent on cooperation, in
particular on the repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma (RPD) game. Axelrod and Hamilton
(1981) argued that ‘tit-for-tat’ (TFT) and similar strategies implementing immediate
reciprocity in the RPD game should be seen as strong predictions for cooperation
in nature, with wide application ranging from interspecific mutualism to social
behaviour. These predictions have not fared well when encountering observation. To
give one specific illustration, several experiments have investigated whether social
animals learn to cooperate in laboratory set-ups of the RPD, and if they do, which
kind of strategies they seem to use. Experiments using captive blue jays (Clements
and Stephens, 1995; Stephens et al., 2002; Stevens and Stephens, 2004), which are
highly social birds, showed that while the birds readily learned to cooperate when
rewards directly favoured mutual cooperation, any initial cooperation tended to decay
when rewards corresponded to the RPD game. It was also found that, while the birds
learned to cooperate with a manipulated partner (‘stooge’) playing TFT, they did not
themselves follow TFT or some similar strategy.
Further, using a laboratory strain of Norway rats, which are social rodents, Wood
et al. (2016) showed that pairs of rats learned to cooperate to a fairly high degree
(around 50%) when rewards corresponded to the RPD, but they did not follow TFT
or similar strategies. There is at present no definitive explanation for this tendency
of rats to help each other. However, Rutte and Taborsky (2007) found that female
Norway rats increased somewhat their tendency to help another unfamiliar rat after
being exposed to a period of receiving help, and Schweinfurth et al. (2019) found
something similar for male rats, although males only increased their tendency to help
other males that previously had been helpful to them. From these studies it appears
that rats can be helpful and that this tendency is at least to a certain degree modified
by recent social experience, although their behaviour seems not to correspond to TFT
or similar strategies. It might be that groups of Norway rats have substantial common
interest and respond to various social cues by modifying their tendency to help each
other to acquire food.
Game-theory models like the ones presented in this chapter could well be valuable
in exploring these questions, but the modelling needs input from observation, both
in terms of which mechanisms and cues guide social behaviour, and in terms of the
short- and long-term fitness consequences of social interactions. The difficulty in
explaining real behaviour that analyses of the RPD have faced is not a consequence of
a weakness in the game-theory analysis. In fact, several proposed Nash equilibrium
strategies for the RPD game (although not TFT) are robust to the introduction

Outlook: Games with Interaction over Time • 199

of errors in choosing actions. The problem lies elsewhere, for instance in that the
PD game itself is not a good representation of most real social interactions (as we
mentioned in Section 3.2), or in that animals discount the future strongly and mostly
learn from and respond to immediate rewards (e.g. Clements and Stephens, 1995).

8.8.1 Examples of Fruitful Areas of Application

To maintain close contact with observation, it is helpful to focus modelling of
interaction over time on phenomena like parental care or social dominance, which
are important features of the lives of animals and for which we can expect evolution
to have tuned the behaviour. These include many topics of interest to game theory,
for instance reputation and signalling (Silk et al., 2000), cooperative breeding and
territoriality (Quiñones et al., 2016), and market effects in interspecific mutualism
(Quiñones et al., 2020).
As we have seen, learning and similar mechanisms for adjusting behaviour based
on rewards can cause individuals to approach a one-shot Nash equilibrium of a game.
This in turn sets the scene for the evolution of cognitive bias (Section 8.5). Because the
underlying reason is quite general, essentially following the analysis in Box 8.1, one
can expect the evolution of cognitive bias to occur in many situations where an indi-
vidual’s actions influence the behaviour of social partners. The evolution of cognitive
bias is one potentially general example of how evolution can tune the parameters of
behavioural mechanisms (see Marshall et al., 2013, for a discussion of this).
The strength of common interest can have a profound influence on the evolutionary
tuning of behavioural mechanisms, with particular relevance for conflict and cooper-
ation in social groups (compare Figs 8.6 and 8.7). The general idea of common interest
has been discussed for quite some time (e.g. Connor, 1995; Kokko et al., 2001; Clutton-
Brock, 2009; Leimar and Hammerstein, 2010), but there are few game-theory models
addressing it. As an illustration, we pointed out that assessment in contests (Section
8.7) allows individuals to resolve a conflict at lower cost, and this contains an element
of common interest. There is a further strengthening of common interest if one takes
into account that aggressive behaviours that enable assessment (Fig. 8.11) might also
permit contestants to maintain attention to other stimuli apart from the opponent,
for instance an approaching predator, to a greater extent than they could during
escalated fighting. There is experimental evidence that contestants are considerably
more vulnerable to predator attacks during escalated fighting than during aggressive
displays (Jakobsson et al., 1995). The additional common interest might thus cause
contestants to be more motivated to perform displays rather than escalated fighting
when they estimate predation risk to be higher.

8.8.2 Behavioural Mechanisms in Large and Small Worlds

Small-worlds models (Chapter 5) take into account all kinds of information available
to a decision maker. An important advantage of these models is that they fully
represent how selection operates in a given situation. When considering which
behavioural mechanisms to implement in game theory, a possible approach is to

200 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

prefer mechanisms that can be shown to be optimal in very simple environments or

under simplifying assumptions. It is then reasonable to think that these mechanisms
will perform rather well also in a broader set of circumstances, which is a reason to
implement them also in large-worlds models. Ideally, of course, it would be preferable
to be able to work out such reasoning in greater detail.
We proceeded in this way in our analysis of negotiation rules (Section 8.4). Under
simplifying assumptions, the equilibrium strategy derived in Box 8.2 is its own best
response in a larger space of strategies where individuals can use all information
available to them to make decisions. We argued that the mechanism has a certain
robustness (Fig. 8.5), suggesting that it is adaptive under more general assumptions.
We did not, however, prove that there is such robustness. Arguing in a similar way for
the sequential assessment game (Section 8.7), the correspondence between an ESS for
this small-worlds model and a neural random walk (Figs 8.13, 8.14) could be a reason
to make such neural random walks an element of more complex models of contests,
for instance with different kinds of display behaviours.
Behavioural mechanisms have long been a cornerstone of the study of animal
behaviour (e.g. Ridley, 1995; McNamara and Houston, 2009; Rubenstein and Alcock,
2018), including also the modelling of animal decisions in ecology (e.g. Eliassen
et al., 2016; Budaev et al., 2019), and they are addressed by one of Tinbergen’s four
fundamental questions about animal behaviour (Tinbergen, 1963). However, game
theory needs specific instances of such mechanisms that map observations and states
to action choices and allow learning to occur. We suggest that animal psychology and
neuroscience can provide inspiration for such mechanisms.
As an illustration, it can be useful for game theory to incorporate motivation
into behavioural mechanisms. As used in psychology, motivation refers broadly to
something giving direction to behaviour, thus providing a weighing of different activ-
ities or goals against each other. This includes weighing positive aspects (rewards)
inherent in an activity against negative aspects (costs), for instance the value of gaining
food in foraging against the risk of predation, or the value of a high dominance
position against the costs of fighting with strong opponents. Cues perceived by an
individual can change its motivation and thus guide its behaviour. An example from
neuroscience of such a mechanism is opponent actor learning (Collins and Frank,
2014; Möller and Bogacz, 2019). This mechanism implements a competition between
‘Go’ and ‘No-Go’ pathways in the brain, regulating whether or not to go ahead with
a certain kind of activity. It is thought to be based on dopamine signalling. For
game-theory modelling, the mechanism would be an elaboration of the actor–critic
learning formulation (e.g. Box 5.1 or Box 8.3), with separate representation of positive
and negative components of action preferences that in turn can be guided by cues
influencing motivation.

8.8.3 Evolutionary Stability for Large-worlds Models

A basic idea for large-worlds models of interaction over time is to let behavioural
mechanisms play the role of strategies in game-theory models. As mentioned above,

Exercises • 201

it is then important which mechanisms one considers. For instance, reinforcement

learning (Chapter 5) has its origin in optimization theory for Markov decision
processes (Sutton and Barto, 2018). It is natural to ask if these procedures will perform
optimally at least in certain environments. The question has been explored (Dayan
et al., 2000; Courville et al., 2006; Daw, 2014), giving rise to the general suggestion
(also mentioned above) that evolution should favour organisms that approximate
optimal behaviour using efficient mechanisms. In addition to such general arguments
for implementing certain behavioural mechanisms in large-worlds models, one can
also make parallels with evolutionary modelling in general.
A common approach for instance in life-history theory is to identify a number of
potentially important traits from empirically based insights, and then to study the
evolution of these traits using modelling. Studying component traits of behavioural
mechanisms in evolutionary analyses of interaction over time is a version of this
general approach, with the possible distinction that it is particularly challenging to
identify the traits and mechanisms.
Evolution can act by tuning the component traits of a mechanism, such as the
parameters of a negotiation rule (Figs 8.4, 8.5) or learning rates and the amount
of cognitive bias in the investment game (Fig. 8.6). This corresponds to a con-
strained strategy space, given by variation in the component traits of the behavioural
mechanism. Evolutionary stability amounts to finding stable evolutionary equilibria
for these traits in some particular environment or environments that one wants to
consider. This can then give valuable insight into which trait values one can expect to
find in nature.

8.9 Exercises

Ex. 8.1. Consider a two-player game with possibly different payoffs to the two
contestant. Suppose that there are unique best responses for each player. Player 1 has
payoff W1∗ at a Nash equilibrium in the simultaneous choice version of the game. Show
that Player 1 has a payoff that is at least W1∗ at a Stackelberg equilibrium.

Ex. 8.2. Suppose that a parent, e.g. the female, of quality q1 is paired with a male of
quality q2 . The two negotiate their parental efforts using response rules in eq (8.1).
Assuming that |l1 l2 | < 1, derive eq (8.4) for the limiting efforts ũ1 and ũ2 by inserting
the limiting efforts in eq (8.1).

Ex. 8.3. Derive the expression for the local payoff derivative in eq (8.5). For the
derivation it is helpful to use eq (8.4) to obtain the following results: ∂ ũ2 /∂m1 =
−l2 ∂ ũ1 /∂m1 , ∂ ũ2 /∂k1 = −l2 ∂ ũ1 /∂k1 and, which is more work to verify, ∂ ũ2 /∂l1 =
−l2 ∂ ũ1 /∂l1 . These can then be used for the derivatives in eq (8.5).

Ex. 8.4. Derive the best responses l̂1 , k̂1 , m̂1 to l2 , k2 , m2 in eq (8.6). You might use the
approach suggested in Box 8.2.

202 • Interaction, Negotiation, and Learning

Ex. 8.5. Use a graphical approach to check that the role symmetric solution to the best
response mapping in the left-hand part of eq (8.6) is the only Nash equilibrium. Plot
the iterated local best response function l̂1 (l̂2 (l1 )) against l1 , for simplicity assuming
that b2 = c2 , and refer to Section 6.2.

Ex. 8.6. Female and male parents negotiate their efforts. Payoff are Wf (uf , um ; qf ) =
B(uf + um ) − ((1 − qf )uf + αf u2f ) and Wm (uf , um ; qm ) = B(uf + um ) − ((1 − qm )um +
αm u2m ), where B(z) = 2z − z2 . Adapt the analysis of Box 8.2 to show that the
1−lm 1−lf
evolutionarily stable response slopes satisfy lf = 1−lm +αf and lm = 1−lf +αm .

Ex. 8.7. Work out the Nash equilibrium for the one-shot public goods game where
each of a pair of individuals knows both their qualities, qi and qj , where i, j = 1, 2
or i, j = 2, 1. The payoffs are Wi (ui , uj , qi ) = B(ui + uj ) − C(ui , qi ) where B and C are
specified in eqs (5.8, 5.14). The Nash equilibrium investments u∗i (qi , qj ) can be found
by solving the two equations ∂Wi /∂ui = 0, i = 1, 2, i.e. B (ui + uj ) = ∂C(ui , qi )/∂ui .
Solve these linear equations and show that the solution u∗i (qi , qj ) depends on the
qualities in a linear fashion. Also note that u∗i (qi , qj ) increases with increasing qi but
decreases with increasing qj .

Ex. 8.8. Show that, in the limit of slow learning, zero cognitive bias is not an
evolutionary equilibrium to the investment interaction described in Section 8.5.
First, note that if the players have perceived qualities pi and pj , with i, j = 1, 2 or
i, j = 2, 1, learning will approach a Nash equilibrium of a one-shot game with payoffs
given by eqs (8.8, 8.9). As in Exercise 8.7, one finds that the equilibrium invest-
ments u∗i (pi , pj ) satisfy B (ui + uj ) = ∂C(ui , pi )/∂ui . Note that for this equilibrium,
a partner’s investment u∗j (pj , pi ) does not just depend on the partner’s perceived
quality pj but, through learning, also depends on the focal individual’s own perceived
quality pi . Second, to examine the evolution of cognitive bias, approximate the fitness
payoff as Wi (u∗i (pi , pj ), u∗j (pj , pi ), qi ) = B(u∗i (pi , pj ) + u∗j (pj , pi )) − C(u∗i (pi , pj ), qi ). To
see if zero bias, i.e. pi = qi and pj = qj , is an evolutionary equilibrium, examine the
derivative of this fitness payoff with respect to pi at zero bias. Using the condition that
u∗i (pi , pj ) is a Nash
∗ equilibrium, the derivative can be written as ∂C(u∗i , pi )/∂ui −
∂C(ui , qi )/∂ui ∂ui /∂pi + B (ui + u∗j )∂u∗j /∂pi . For pi = qi the term in square brack-
∗  ∗

ets is zero, and the last term is negative (Exercise 8.7), so individual i can increase its
fitness payoff by decreasing pi from qi .

Games Embedded in Life

9.1 Self-consistency

In specifying the structure of a game, such as the Hawk–Dove game of Section 3.5,
the payoff to a contestant is specified for each action of that contestant and each
action of any opponent. In many of the games presented so far we have followed this
procedure, specifying payoffs in advance; in economic jargon, we have taken payoffs
to be exogenous. There are two principal reasons why it might not be reasonable to do
this. We can loosely summarize these reasons as (i) the game needs to be embedded
in an ecological setting, and (ii) the game needs to be embedded in the life of the
contestants. We illustrate these points with two cases, which we later go on to analyse
in more detail.

Care or desert. Consider a breeding season in which individuals pair up and produce
young. Once the young are born each parent can decide whether to care for the young
or to desert. One advantage of desertion is that there is the possibility of remating and
producing another brood that year, whereas there is no time for this if an individual
cares. In this scenario we might be interested in the pattern of care, for example under
what circumstances do we predict that at evolutionary stability females care and males
desert. Consider a focal breeding pair in the population. The payoff to the male if he
deserts and the female cares reflects his probability of remating once he deserts. But
this probability depends on the numbers of males and females who also desert and are
seeking new partners. In other words the payoff to the male depends on the resident
population strategy. Thus the payoff cannot be specified in advance, but emerges once
one has found the ESS.
Territory owner versus intruder. In Section 6.2 we introduced a version of the Hawk–
Dove game in which two individuals contest a territory. In this contest one individual
is the current owner of the territory and the other is an intruder. In this scenario we
are interested in the levels of aggression of the owner and the intruder at evolutionary
stability. As the analysis of Section 6.2 shows, the value V of the territory is central
to predictions. But this value will depend on how long an owner can maintain
ownership. This will depend on the level of aggression of the owner and any intruders
in the future. It will also depend on the frequency of future challenges. This frequency
is affected by the population size, which depends on the mortality rate, and hence

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.0009

204 • Games Embedded in Life

depends on the level of aggression of residents. Thus V cannot be specified in advance

as it depends on the future behaviour of the owner and the resident strategy.

The above examples show that considering a game in isolation may be problematic
in that payoffs cannot be specified in advance, but may emerge from a solution of
the game. In economic terms, payoffs are endogenous. This highlights a problem of
consistency: the solution of the game must be in terms of the payoffs that are generated
by the solution itself.
One approach to the problem is to construct models that include the whole of the
lives of all population members, considering not only the behaviour of each individual
but the combined effect of all individuals on ecological variables such as population
density and the food supply. Having found the ESS over a lifetime, one can, if one
wishes, derive game payoffs for local situations that are consistent with this ESS in the
sense that these payoffs predict the same ESS. However, payoffs emerge rather than
being specified in advance (Section 9.4). Exogenous payoffs may predict a range of
possible evolutionary outcomes as these payoffs vary. Endogenous payoffs are more
likely to be restricted and correspond to a restricted class of solutions.
This more holistic approach comes at a cost. Predictions may be harder to obtain
and harder to understand. Furthermore, testing predictions poses a significant chal-
lenge to empiricists as much more must be measured. Thus it is not a good idea to
abandon approaches that isolate interactions; rather, isolating interactions from the
rest of an animal’s life has merits as a theoretical and empirical tool provided one
is aware of the limitations. In this chapter we highlight some of these limitations,
illustrating that placing a game within a life and within an environment generated
by the population can give new insights.

9.2 The Shadow of the Future, and the Past

The two examples presented above illustrate that it is not always possible to isolate a
focal game from future circumstances. In many situations it is not possible to isolate
an interaction from the past either. The reason is that current circumstances depend
on past events, so that the states and actions of interacting individuals depend on the
past. When either is the case, we need to abandon the simple notion of a game with
given payoffs and analyse the whole life, of which the game is a part, in a holistic
manner. In this way we revert to first principles and can work directly with lifetime
reproductive success (LRS). We define the LRS of an individual as the total number
of surviving offspring (discounted by relatedness) produced over its lifetime. As we
discuss in Section 10.6, when all surviving offspring are the same, LRS is a fitness
proxy in the sense defined in Section 2.5. We deal exclusively with such situations
in this chapter. Situations in which surviving offspring can differ in state, and hence
differ in their ability to survive and reproduce, are analysed in Chapter 10.
Assuming sufficient flexibility in possible strategies, an organism maximizes LRS
if and only if it maximizes its future LRS in every possible situation (see Houston

The Shadow of the Future, and the Past • 205

and McNamara, 1999; and Section 10.6). Consider a two-player game in which a
mutant individual that is in a given state contests a resource with a member of the
resident population; the contest might, for example, be over a food item or a mating
opportunity. The mutant gains an immediate contribution to reproductive success
from the game and then gains additional reproductive success in the future. If the
mutant is to maximize its LRS it has to maximize the sum of these two components of
LRS. In Fig. 9.1 the combined actions of the mutant and the opponent are represented
as determining the number of offspring produced at that time by the mutant and
the state of the mutant immediately after the game. Those offspring that survive to
maturity are the mutant’s immediate reproductive success and the future reproductive
success of the mutant depends on its state after the game. The factors that determine
these quantities can be summarized as follows.

The ecological background. The resident strategy determines the size of the population
and the distribution of resources in the environment. For example, in the desertion
game of Section 9.3 the availability of mates after desertion depends on this strategy.
In the foraging model of Section 9.6 the availability of food and risk of predation in a
local habitat depends on the number of residents that use this habitat. The frequency
of future interactions between the mutant and residents may also be affected by the
resident strategy. For example, in the models of territory owners and intruders of
Section 9.5 the availability of vacant territories is a function of the mortality rate of
residents, which can depend on the level of aggression of residents and intruders when
competing for a territory.
In the schematic representation in Fig. 9.1 the ecological background affects the
current state of the opponent, the number of the mutant’s offspring that reach
maturity, and the mutant’s expected future LRS after the game.
The resident strategy in the past. The current action of the resident opponent is
determined by its state and its strategy. Its state is affected by its behaviour in the past

Resident past Action of Action of

behaviour opponent mutant

Current Future
state of Offspring of State of behaviour
opponent mutant mutant of residents

Immediate Future behaviour
RS LRS of mutant

Ecological background

Fig. 9.1 Factors influencing the best action of a mutant individual (in a given state) in a contest
with a resident over a resource.

206 • Games Embedded in Life

and the ecological background, so that past behaviour affects the choice of current
action. This consideration is particularly relevant in state-dependent dynamic games.
For example, Houston and McNamara (1988) model the strategy of a small bird that
maximizes the probability that it will survive a winter. During winter food is uncertain
and some food items are contested by other population members. A strategy specifies
whether to play Hawk or Dove, depending on the current energy reserves and time of
day; the disadvantage of playing Hawk is that a fight may result in death. Suppose that
the resident strategy specifies that near dusk an individual plays Hawk if its reserves
are insufficient to survive the night. Then the resident strategy in the early part of the
day will determine the likelihood that reserves are below this critical level near dusk
and hence the probability a resident will play Hawk at this time. Section 9.6 presents a
state-dependent dynamic game in which there are no two-player interactions. Instead
previous behaviour affects current reserves and hence the foraging habitat chosen by
individuals, and so affects the current food available in these habitats. One can then
regard this as the resident strategy determining the ecological background.
Future behaviour of the mutant and residents. Even in a non-game-theoretic context,
the expected future LRS of an organism depends on what it does in the future. When
the mutant faces a sequence of interactions with others, the mutant’s future prospects
depend on its own future behaviour and that of residents in those interactions. In
Section 9.4 we consider a population in which each male meets, and attempts to mate
with, a sequence of females. The LRS of a male is proportional to the number of
matings over its lifetime. If a mutant male meets a female that is contested by a resident
male, the mutant must choose its level of aggression. High aggression increases the
chances of mating with the female, but is more likely to result in death. The best
choice of action depends in part on how valuable it is to be alive after the contest,
i.e. the future LRS if one survives. This depends on how many females are liable to be
contested in the future and the behaviour of both the mutant and residents in those
contests. Similar considerations about future behaviour are relevant to the models of
territory owners and intruders of Section 9.5 and the foraging model of Section 9.6.

The philosophy behind the approach to modelling in this chapter is that when
modelling one should specify the consequences of actions, and not the costs or
benefits (Houston and McNamara, 1988, 1991, 2006). An action affects (i) the number
of offspring produced at that time, (ii) whether or not the individual survives, (iii) the
state of the individual after the action, and (iv) the state of others. By these means one
achieves a model that is consistent.

9.3 Resident Strategy Affects Future Opportunities

Parents often face a trade-off between providing care and seeking additional matings.
In modelling this trade-off it is important to account for these additional opportu-
nities in a self-consistent manner. We illustrate this in a simple model in which each
parent can care or desert that is based on the model of Webb et al. (1999).

Resident Strategy Affects Future Opportunities • 207

9.3.1 Care for Young or Desert

We model behaviour during the annual breeding season in a population in which
there are equal numbers of adult males and females. At the beginning of the season
all adults pair up and produce young. There are no extra-pair copulations (EPCs), so
that a male has full paternity of his female partner’s young. Each pair member then
decides whether to care for their young or desert. This decision is made independently
of the decision of the other parent (simultaneous choice). The number of young
that survive is V0 , V1 , or V2 depending on whether zero, one, or two parents
care. We assume that V0 < V1 < V2 . If a parent cares there is no time for another
mating that season. A deserting parent seeks an additional mating, producing an
extra V+ surviving offspring on average during that season. Population members
attempt to maximize the expected number of surviving offspring produced over
the season.
If we simply analyse this model by assuming a value for V+ , then at evolutionary
stability biparental care, uniparental care by the male, uniparental care by the female
and biparental desertion are all possible, depending on the values assumed for the
other V’s. Furthermore, by the results of Selten (1980) there can be no mixed-strategy
ESSs (Section 6.2). However, assuming a given value for V+ is dubious in most
biological scenarios. For example, Model 2 of Maynard Smith (1977) assumes a fixed
value for V+ for males. For this model at one ESS all males desert and all females care.
But if all females are caring, there are no females available for the deserting males to
mate with. In other words, assuming a given value for V+ typically produces a model
that lacks consistency (Webb et al., 1999). A consistent model must be explicit about
where the extra matings come from, and must hence consider the whole breeding
season. When this is done V+ will typically depend on the care/desert decisions of
other population members.
Suppose that in the resident population a proportion x of females and y of males
desert. Let rf (x, y) be the probability that a deserting female remates and rm (x, y)
be the probability a deserting male remates in this population. Then consistency
demands that xrf (x, y) = yrm (x, y) since the number of matings by all deserting
females must equal that by all deserting males (Webb et al., 1999). A mutant male
within this resident population has local payoff (measured in surviving offspring)
WCm (x, y) = (1 − x)V2 + xV1
if he cares, and since he has the same remating probability as resident males, has payoff
WDm (x, y) = (1 − x)V1 + xV0 + rm (x, y)V2
if he deserts. Here we have assumed that the expected number of surviving offspring
from the second brood is V2 since there is no time for further matings and both
parents should thus care. Analogous formulae hold for mutant females.
Figure 9.2 illustrates the direction of selection acting on mutants of both sexes.
y x
In this figure we have taken rf (x, y) = 0.15+x+y and rm (x, y) = 0.15+x+y . For these
functions the probability of finding a new partner increases as the number of deserting

208 • Games Embedded in Life

Male desertion probability





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Female desertion probability

Fig. 9.2 Selection on the probability of desertion for members of a breeding pair that have
produced young, depending on the resident strategy. Arrows indicate the direction of selection
on each trait. Solid circles indicate singular points. Care parameters: V0 = 0, V1 = 1, V2 = 1.25.

members of the opposite sex increases and decreases as the number of the deserting
members of the same sex increases. The probability also increases with total numbers
deserting for fixed ratio x/y. This latter property captures the idea that partners will
be difficult to find when rare, even if there is no competition from members of the
same sex. For the case illustrated, biparental care by all population members is an
ESS. There is also a mixed-strategy ESS at which both males and females care with
probability x∗ = y∗ = 0.3545.
The existence of a mixed ESS when feedback is allowed is in contrast to the case
of fixed V+ where no mixed ESS can occur. To understand why, consider the Nash
equilibrium of Fig. 9.2 at which both sexes have probability x∗ = y∗ = 0.3545 of
deserting. Since this is a Nash equilibrium resident males have equal payoffs from
caring and deserting. Thus a single mutant male that, say, always deserted, would
have the same payoff as a resident male that deserted, regardless of whether V+ were
fixed or feedback were allowed. Now suppose that the number of mutants started to
increase by drift. Then for fixed V+ there would be no selection against mutants since
mutant males never affect the payoff of other mutant males. Thus the increase by drift
could continue, and the Nash equilibrium strategy cannot be an ESS. In contrast, when
there is ecological feedback, as numbers of mutant males increase, the proportion
of all males that desert increases. This reduces the chances that a deserting male
remates, so that resident males, who have a lower desertion probability than mutant
males, do better than mutants. Thus the mutant is selected against. A formal proof of
convergence stability of the mixed strategy that specifies that both sexes desert with
probability x∗ = y∗ = 0.3545 could be based on the analysis of Box 6.2.
The existence of mixed strategy Nash equilibria is, perhaps, rather academic. We
have argued that in nature there are usually underlying state variables, so that when

Dependence on Future Actions • 209

simple models predict a mixed-strategy equilibrium, organisms will instead evolve

pure contingent strategies where their decision is based on the value of the state
variable. In the case of parental desertion this is liable to be the case. For example,
a male may be more likely to desert if he observes a neighbouring female that is
receptive. Furthermore, the care/desertion decisions of the two parents might often
not be independent, so that one parent may desert in order to prevent the other
parent from deserting (Section 8.2). Our simple analysis based on no state variable
and independent decisions might then have poor predictive power.
In our model there are at most two broods per breeding season. McNamara et al.
(2000) analyse care/desertion decisions over a breeding season when there is time
for more breeding attempts. They allow ecological feedback, with the probability of
remating dependent on the numbers of individuals of both sexes that are currently
single. They show that this feedback can result in a pattern of stable oscillations
between different forms of care over the breeding season.
In our simple model we have excluded the possibility of EPCs. When males can
obtain EPCs the paternity of other males will be reduced. As Queller (1997) has
shown, it is then important to be consistent in models of parental effort, ensuring that
every offspring has exactly one mother and one father (the ‘Fisher condition’; see also
Houston and McNamara, 2006; Kokko and Jennions, 2008; Jennions and Fromhage,
2017). For the analysis of a general care/desert model that allows EPCs and corrects
the mistakes of others, see Fromhage et al. (2007).

9.4 Dependence on Future Actions

Suppose that males in a population must compete with each other for access to
females. How aggressive do we expect two males to be towards one another if they
contest for the same female? We might expect that as the level of aggression of a male
increases his probability of winning the contest and his risk of death or serious injury
both increase. His optimal level of aggression will then depend on his future prospects
if he comes out of the current encounter unscathed. However, future prospects depend
on the number of future females that are not contested and the level of aggression of
the male and his opponents in future contests. To analyse this situation we develop a
simple model based on that of Houston and McNamara (1991).

9.4.1 Model of Repeated Contests

We suppose that each male in the population encounters a sequence of receptive
females over his lifetime. If a male encounters a female that is not contested by
another male he mates with her. A proportion θ of the females that a male encounters
are contested by another randomly selected male. When this happens they play the
Hawk–Dove game against one another. The winner of this contest mates with the
female. If the two males both play Hawk, so that a fight occurs, the loser dies with
probability z. If a male survives a contest he may still die from other causes; after each

210 • Games Embedded in Life

encounter with a female the probability he goes on to encounter at least one more
female is r. A strategy is specified by a probability p; a male following strategy p plays
Hawk with this probability in each contest. The payoff to a strategy is the expected
lifetime number of matings of a male following the strategy. We assume that this payoff
is proportional to mean LRS. Then, assuming that all offspring are the same, so that
mean LRS is a fitness proxy (Section 10.6), our payoff is also a fitness proxy.
Consider a mutant male with strategy p that has just encountered his first female in
a population with resident strategy p. On encounter with this female the probability
that he mates with her and the probability he survives until the next encounter
are functions B(p , p) and S(p , p) of his strategy and the resident strategy (and the
environmental parameters). Exercise 9.2 spells out the exact dependence. Given he
survives until the next encounter, the future number of matings of the male is exactly
the same as when he encountered his first female. Thus the expected lifetime number
of matings of the male, W(p , p), satisfies W(p , p) = B(p , p) + S(p , p)W(p , p), so that
B(p , p)
W(p , p) = . (9.1)
1 − S(p , p)
This is the payoff function for this game.
First suppose that the probability of death in a Hawk–Hawk fight, z, is small or that
the probability of surviving until the next encounter, r, is small. It can be shown that
there is then a single convergence-stable ESS (a CSS) (cf. Houston and McNamara,
1991). When θ is low there are enough uncontested females so that it is not worth the
risk of always fighting. Consequently, the probability of playing Hawk is less than 1 at
the CSS. In contrast when θ is close to 1 it is worth fighting for every female, so that
the CSS is to play Hawk with probability 1.
When the probability of death in a fight and the probability of surviving between
encounters are larger, there can be two CSSs for some values of θ (cf. Houston and
McNamara, 1991). Figure 9.3 illustrates the best response function and the direction
of change of the resident trait value under adaptive dynamics in such a case. As can
be seen, at one CSS the probability of playing Hawk is less than one, while males
always play Hawk at the other CSS. The existence of two CSSs can be understood
as follows. When the resident probability of playing Hawk lies in the range p < 58 , it is
best for a mutant to play Hawk since the risk that the opponent will fight is low. When
5 7
8 < p < 8 the risk is higher. Furthermore, some opponents will play Dove so that a
mutant that plays Dove is liable to still mate with some contested females. Thus it is
best to always play Dove. When the resident strategy is p = 58 both of the actions Hawk
and Dove are equally good and any strategy does as well as the resident strategy. Thus
p = 58 is a Nash equilibrium. It is also a convergence-stable point. However, when the
resident probability of playing Hawk is sufficiently large (p > 78 ), very few females are
either uncontested or contested by an opponent that plays Dove. Thus, unless a male is
aggressive he is liable to die before he can mate with another female. The best response
is therefore to always play Hawk. There is therefore selection pressure to increase p
and the population evolves to p = 1.

Dependence on Future Actions • 211

(a) (b) 0.15


Best response




0.00 −0.10
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Resident trait value, p Resident trait value, p

Fig. 9.3 Males encounter a sequence of females, some of which are contested. (a) The optimal
probability of playing Hawk for a mutant male when the resident strategy is to play Hawk with
probability p. (b) The function D(p) = ∂W∂p (p, p). Arrows show the direction of evolution under
adaptive dynamics. Parameters: probability female is contested, θ = 0.8; probability loser of a
Hawk–Hawk fight dies, z = 47 ; probability of survival between encounters, r = 89 . For these
parameters there are Nash equilibria at p = 58 , p = 78 , and p = 1.0. The Nash equilibria at p = 58
and p = 1.0 are convergence stable and are ESSs (Exercise 9.2), and are hence CSSs (Section
4.2). The Nash equilibrium at p = 78 is neither convergence stable nor an ESS (Exercise 9.2). In
both panels the vertical lines are at p = 58 and p = 78 .

We note that in specifying the above model, the probability a female is contested
is a given exogenous parameter. It would be more realistic to allow the parameter
to depend on the density of mature males, which would depend on their mortality
rate and hence on the resident strategy. However, for simplicity of exposition we will
continue to make the simplifying assumption that θ is exogenously defined in what

9.4.2 Reproductive Value and the Emergence of Costs

In Section 3.5 we analysed a single round of the Hawk–Dove game by first specifying
payoffs in terms of the value, V, of the resource and the cost, C, of losing a fight. In the
above model of repeated contests a male plays a sequence of rounds, each against a
different opponent. Rather than specifying V and C our measure of performance for a
male is his mean lifetime number of matings, and our analysis of evolutionary stability
is based on this payoff, or could equivalently have been based on his mean LRS. As we
now illustrate, the concept of reproductive value provides a link between the standard
analysis of what happens in a single round of the Hawk–Dove game, or more generally
a game that forms part of an organism’s life, and our whole-life perspective.
LRS measures the total number of offspring (discounted by relatedness) produced
over the lifetime of an individual that survives until their first annual census time at

212 • Games Embedded in Life

age 0. We can extend this concept by looking at reproductive success in just a part of
the life of an individual. Specifically, define the expected future reproductive success
(EFRS) of an individual as the mean number of surviving offspring (discounted by
relatedness) produced by the individual in the future. Then mean LRS is the EFRS of
an age 0 individual.
Assume that mean LRS is a fitness proxy and focus on some resident strategy x.
Residents are typically in a range of different states during their lives. For example,
they may have different energy reserves or social status. This means that they have
different potentials to leave offspring in the future, and so have different EFRSs. It
is usual to refer to the function that specifies how the EFRS of residents depends
on their state as the reproductive value function. We let V(s) denote the EFRS of a
resident in state s; i.e. the reproductive value of state s. We now illustrate the use of
this function in the repeated Hawk–Dove game. Although we are here concerned with
a situation in which mean LRS is a fitness proxy, as we describe in Section 10.3, the
idea of reproductive value is more general and can be applied more generally.
Suppose males play Hawk with probability p under the resident strategy in the
repeated Hawk–Dove game. Resident males are in one of two states: they have either
just encountered a female (call this state senc ) or have just finished an encounter
and survived any fight during that encounter (call this state safter ). Assume that each
mating results in 2K surviving offspring on average. Thus, discounting for relatedness,
a male leaves K descendants from a mating. (We note that K depends on the resident
strategy if density dependence acts through survival of the young—see Exercise 9.3).
Then the reproductive value of a resident male that encounters a random female is
V(senc ) = W(p, p)K. Similarly, if a male has just survived an encounter with a female
his reproductive value is V(safter ) = rW(p, p)K where r is the probability he survives
to meet the next female.
We now ask if it is worthwhile for a resident male to deviate from the resident
strategy in a single contest, given that he will then revert to the resident strategy in
future contests. Suppose that our focal male has just encountered a female who is
contested by another resident male. If he plays Hawk with probability p in the current
contest his expected reproductive success in the current encounter is easily shown
to be 0.5[1 + p − p]K. The probability he survives the encounter is (1 − 0.5p pz). If
he does survive his EFRS (his reproductive value) is just V(safter ) as he will behave
as a resident from then on. His EFRS is thus W̃(p , p) = 0.5(1 + p − p)K + (1 −
0.5p pz)V(safter ). We can write this as
W̃(p , p) = F(p) + [V − pC(p)]p , (9.2)
where F(p) is a term that does not depend on p , V = K and C(p) = zV(safter ). This
expression is in the form of the standard payoff for a single Hawk–Dove game with
benefit V and cost C (Section 3.5). V = K is the value of mating with the female (in
terms of offspring). The cost of losing a fight, C(p) = zV(safter ), is the probability of
death times the future loss as a result of death. The difference 12 [V − pC(p)] is the

Dependence on Future Actions • 213

advantage of playing Hawk over playing Dove in the current contest, given the male
reverts to playing Hawk with probability p in future contests.
Let the resident strategy be p = p∗ where p∗ satisfies the equation V − p∗ C(p∗ ) = 0,
so that p∗ = C(p V
∗ ) . From eq (9.2) we see that the EFRS of our focal male does not

depend on his probability of playing Hawk. In particular, he cannot do better than

play Hawk with the resident probability p∗ in the current contest given that he will
play Hawk with this probability in all future contests. Standard results from the theory
of Markov decision processes (Puterman, 2005) then imply that no strategy can do
better than to play Hawk with probability p∗ in all contests. In other words p∗ is a
Nash equilibrium strategy. Conversely, if p < 1 and V − pC(p) = 0 then there exists a
p = p such that our focal male can increase his LRS playing Hawk with probability p
in all contests, so that p is not a Nash equilibrium strategy. It can similarly be shown
that if V > C(1) then the strategy p = 1 is the unique best response to itself and hence
an ESS.
Figure 9.4 shows the zeros of the function V − pC(p) for the case illustrated in
Fig. 9.3. One zero is at the ESS at p = 58 . In other words, the Nash equilibrium in the
current model at p = 58 is consistent with the analysis of Section 3.5 for a single round
of the Hawk–Dove game when we take the cost of losing a fight to be the resultant loss
in future reproductive success. A similar conclusion holds for the Nash equilibrium
at p = 1; since V > C(1) the analysis of a single round predicts a Nash equilibrium at
p = 1. Finally, we note that our current model also predicted a Nash equilibrium at
p = 78 . Again we have V − pC(p) = 0 for this p. Note, however, that it can be shown
that p = 78 is not an ESS in our current model. In contrast the analysis of a single round
with fixed costs and benefits shows that any Nash equilibrium is also an ESS.
The moral of this example is that the costs of a single encounter should not be
assumed in advance. Instead any competitive encounter should be placed in the

Hawk advantage, V − pC(p)





0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Probability resident plays Hawk, p

Fig. 9.4 The advantage of playing Hawk over playing Dove, V − pC(p), for the case illustrated
in Fig. 9.3. For simplicity we have taken K = 1 so that a mating results in two surviving offspring
on average.

214 • Games Embedded in Life

context of the rest of the life of the individual within a given resident population. To
do so, the model should specify the consequences (in terms of matings and survival)
of actions. This allows one to deal directly with LRS as the payoff to an individual. The
situation is then analysed in terms of this measure. Having done so, it is possible, if
one wishes, to reinterpret the analysis in terms of what happens in a single competitive
encounter in terms of suitably defined benefits and costs, but here the cost of fighting
emerges from the analysis rather than being specified in advance.
We note, however, that even though we have specified consequences in the above
model it may still not be fully consistent. That is because we have not specified how
density dependence acts in the population. When including density dependence the
manner in which it acts can be crucial to predictions (cf. Mylius and Diekmann,
1995). If in the above model density dependence acts through survival of juveniles,
then our model is consistent for every value of the survival parameter r (provided
the population is viable). Suppose instead that the number of surviving offspring per
mating is density independent and is fixed, and density dependence acts through
adjustment of r. Then for each resident strategy the population is only at a constant
size for one value of r, so that r emerges from the model and cannot be taken as an
input parameter.

9.4.3 Assessment and Plastic Adjustment

The above analysis assumes that a strategy is determined by the probability that an
individual plays Hawk in a contest. At a CSS population members adopt a Nash equi-
librium strategy appropriate to the actual values of parameters such as the frequency
with which females are contested (θ). In practice we might expect parameters to vary
over time, either within a generation or across generations. We would then expect
population members to follow some learning rule that bases their current level of
aggression on their previous experience. From this new perspective it is the link
between experience and behaviour that is under selection. Given a specification of
how an environment varies over time one could, in principle, seek an evolutionarily
stable learning rule. Such a rule would do best given other population members
also adopted the rule. Here we have more limited aims. We consider a plausible, but
not necessarily optimal, adjustment rule and examine the consequences of following
the rule. We consider a situation in which there are two alternative CSSs in the
original model, so that which CSS is reached depends on the evolutionary history. We
illustrate that when there is plasticity, the adjustment of behaviour over the lifetimes
of individuals can lead the population to become locked into one of two alternative
quasi-stable demographic states corresponding to the CSSs, where the state reached
depends on recent experience.
We consider the case illustrated in Fig. 9.5. In this case z and r are held constant and
we assume behaviour is adapted to these values. We assume that the probability that
a female is contested, θ, varies over time as a result of external factors. Population
members form estimates of the current values of θ and the probability, p, that an
opponent will play Hawk in a contest. Each individual then adjusts its behaviour to

Dependence on Future Actions • 215

be the best given that these estimates represent true values. Although the behaviour
of individuals reflects the risk of mortality, for simplicity there are no actual births or
deaths in our simulation. This might roughly capture a population with births and
deaths where the estimates of a parent were passed on to its offspring epigenetically.
In Fig. 9.5a θ first increases from 0.96 to 1 over the first 5000 encounters of a male
with females. θ then decreases from 1 to 0.9 over the next 12,000 encounters. Initially
40% of males play Hawk in an encounter with another male. As θ increases this
percentage increases and then suddenly jumps to around 100% when θ ≈ 0.988. The
percentage remains at around 100% until θ decreases to below θ ≈ 0.927 when there
is a transitory drop in the percentage to zero, after which the population stabilizes with
around 35% of population members playing Hawk. It can therefore be seen that the
percentage playing Hawk depends on both the current value of θ and recent history,
so that there is hysteresis.
These effects can be understood from Fig. 9.5b. For θ > 0.9958 p∗ = 1 is the unique
ESS and this is also a CSS. For 0.9 ≤ θ < 0.9958 there are three ESSs p∗1 < p∗2 <
p∗3 = 1. Of these p∗1 and p∗3 are CSSs and p∗2 is not convergence stable. Initially, the
population roughly tracks the CSS at p∗1 as θ increases, although there is always
considerable between-individual variation in estimates for θ and p. As the critical
value of θ = 0.9958 is approached some population members estimate θ to be above
this value and switch to playing Hawk all the time. This increases the estimate of p

(a) 1.00 1.000 (b) 1.000

Proportion playing Hawk

P (female contested)

0.75 0.975 0.975

0.50 0.950 0.950

0.25 0.925 0.925

0.00 0.900
0 5000 10,000 15,000 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Number of females encountered P (opponent plays hawk)

Fig. 9.5 Plastic adjustment in the repeated Hawk–Dove game. In (a) the dashed line shows
the dependence of θ on the number of encounters of each male with a female (right-hand
scale). In both (a) and (b) the dots indicate the proportion of the population playing Hawk in a
competitive encounter (averaged over the last 10 encounters); in (a) this is given as a function of
the encounter number, in (b) the combination of θ and this proportion is plotted, with arrows
indicating the direction of time. The shaded region in (b) shows those combinations of θ and
p values for which it is optimal to play Hawk. Other parameters r = 0.96, z = 0.325. Estimates
of θ are updated according to θ̂  = (1 − β)θ̂ + βY where Y = 0 if a female is uncontested and
Y = 1 if the female is contested. Estimates of p are similar. The simulation is based on 1000
individuals that use the learning parameter β = 0.02.

216 • Games Embedded in Life

for other population members and all switch to playing Hawk, so that the population
rapidly switches to the CSS at p∗3 = 1. The population then tracks this value until the
boundary at p∗2 is approached. The estimates of some population members crosses
this boundary and they consequently play Dove. This then pulls down the estimate
for p for others and results in almost all population members playing Dove for a short
while, after which the population again tracks the CSS at p∗1 .

9.5 Territorial Defence and the Desperado Effect

Many animals need to first obtain a territory before they can reproduce. If territories
are in short supply we can then expect competition and possibly fighting over their
possession. But how aggressive do we expect an animal to be when contesting a
territory with another individual? We begin by discussing the stylized case of contests
modelled as Hawk–Dove games. As we saw, when there is a role asymmetry (Section
6.2), at evolutionary stability the probability of using Hawk may differ between
individuals who possess territories and those who do not (floaters) and are intruding
onto another’s territory. In particular, the strategy Bourgeois in which owners play
Hawk and intruders play Dove is an ESS when the value of possessing a territory V is
less than the cost of losing a fight C. At this ESS there is respect for prior ownership.
A second ‘paradoxical’ ESS at which owners play Dove and intruders play Hawk also
exists. At this ESS territories change hands at every intrusion.
The Bourgeois and the paradoxical strategy are only ESSs when V < C. However,
as Grafen (1987) pointed out, V and C are liable to depend on the resident strategy.
V will be higher when ownership is respected, as individuals tend to keep territories
longer. C is the loss in EFRS as a result of losing a fight, which will depend on whether
the individual is an owner or floater and how easy it is to obtain a territory in the
future. Grafen concludes that if territories last for some time, reproduction requires
a territory, and vacant territories are rare, then respect for ownership means that V is
high and the EFRS of floaters, and hence their C value, is low. Thus we expect V > C
for floaters, so they should play Hawk and risk death in a fight since there is little to
lose—what Grafen calls the desperado effect. Thus Bourgeois cannot be an ESS.
The analysis of Grafen (1987) allows V and C to emerge. It nevertheless takes the
rate at which floaters find free territories, which we here call ν, as a given parameter.
However, ν will depend on the numbers of floaters, which depends on the mortality
rate of floaters, and hence on how often floaters fight for territories. Thus ν depends
on the resident strategy and should also emerge from a more holistic model of what
is happening at the population level. Eshel and Sansone (1995) present such a model.
They show that if ν and certain other parameters are held fixed then there are no
mixed-strategy ESSs. In contrast, when ν emerges there may exist a mixed-strategy
ESS in which owners always play Hawk and intruders play Hawk with a probability
that is strictly between 0 and 1. At this ESS intruders are indifferent between playing
Hawk and Dove. To see why ecological feedback stabilizes the proportion of intruders
playing Hawk, consider first what would happen if this proportion were to increase.
There would be more intruder deaths resulting in a smaller number of intruders and

Territorial Defence and the Desperado Effect • 217

hence more empty territories and a larger ν. It would then be best for an intruder to
play Dove at each already occupied territory and wait for a vacant territory. Conversely
if the proportion of intruders fighting were reduced, there would be a bigger intruder
population and hence fewer available territories and a smaller ν, so that it would be
best for an intruder to always fight if the territory were already occupied. In an analysis
of a similar model, Kokko et al. (2006) noted that this type of negative feedback does
not operate on the level of aggression of owners.

9.5.1 Owner–Intruder Contests with Assessment and Learning

Assessment of fighting ability is likely to be important in most animal contests
(Section 3.5), including those between territory owners and intruders. We can allow
for this feature by using the assessment game (Sections 3.12, 5.4, 8.6) as a building
block, modelling owner–intruder contests as a sequence of assessment games, in a
similar way as in Section 8.7. We assume that a contest continues as long as both
individuals use the aggressive behaviour A and that it ends at the first use of submissive
behaviour S by one or both of them, or if one or both are killed. An individual using
S leaves the territory and becomes a floater, which means that aggressive behaviour is
needed to succeed in competing for territories. There are N females and N males in
the population and K territories.
A season lasting one generation is divided into discrete time periods of unit
duration. The sequence of events in each time period is: (i) a male owning a territory
has an expected reproductive success V, with 0 < V ≤ 1, whereas floaters have
no reproductive success; (ii) floater males search for territories, finding a random
territory with probability ν; (iii) if there is an owner at the territory, or if more than
one floater arrives, there is a territorial contest, with a risk of mortality and with the
winner becoming the owner; and (iv) males suffer mortality, with rate di for male
i, outside the context of contests. For simplicity, we assume that there is at most
one contest per territory and time period, so any additional arriving floaters must
continue searching. Males that are present on a territory at the end of a time period
are owners in the next time period. Note also that in this model V is an owner’s
expected reproductive success per time period. Reproduction is implemented such
that the owner has a probability V of mating with a random female, which produces
one offspring The sequence continues until 2N offspring have been produced, N
females and N males, with diploid genetics. Males differ in quality (fighting ability)
q. At the start of a generation, all males are floaters and a male’s quality is random
and drawn from a normal distribution with mean μq and standard deviation σq .
In a round of a territorial contest, in addition to the observation of relative quality,
ξij (t) = b1 qi − b2 qj + i (t), as given in eq (5.15), a male only distinguishes whether he
is an intruder or an owner. Table 9.1 gives the perceived rewards of the actions A and S
for these states.
Males use these rewards in actor–critic learning, as detailed in Box 9.1. The
perceived values vik in Table 9.1 are genetically determined and can evolve. The
starting values (t = 0) of a number of other learning parameters from Box 9.1 are
also genetically determined (wi00 , wi10 , gi0 , θi00 , θi10 , γi0 ), thus allowing the aggressive

218 • Games Embedded in Life

Table 9.1 Perceived reward of aggressive (A) and submissive (S)

actions in the assessment game, when individual i with quality qi
meets j with qj , where individual i is either an intruder (k = 0)
or an owner (k = 1). The parameter vik is the perceived reward of
performing A as either an intruder or an owner (k = 0, 1).

Perceived reward Rik Act by j

−qi +qj
Act by i A vik − e vik
S 0 0

Box 9.1 Territorial contests with learning

In each round t of the contest, with t0 being the first round, the two individuals i and j
play the assessment game with two actions, A and S. The individuals make observations,
ξij for i and ξji for j. Each individual also knows whether it is an intruder (k = 0) or an
owner (k = 1), but they do not observe the identity or ownership status of their opponent.
Individual i chooses its first action A with probability
pikt (ξij ) =  , (9.3)
1 + exp −(θit + θikt + γit ξij )
and has an estimated value
ŵikt = wit + wikt + git ξij , (9.4)
at the start of the interaction. From this and the reward Rikt , we get
δikt = Rikt − ŵikt . (9.5)
This is used to update the learning parameters wit , wikt , and git :
wi,t+1 = wit + αw δikt (9.6)
wik,t+1 = wikt + αw δikt
gi,t+1 = git + αw δikt ξij
with k = 0 or k = 1. For the actions we have the eligibilities

∂ log Pr(action) 1 − pikt if first action
ζi· = = (9.7)
∂θi· −pikt if second action

∂ log Pr(action) (1 − pikt )ξij if first action
ηikt = =
∂γit −pikt ξij if second action
with k = 0 or k = 1 and ζi· denotes ζit or ζikt , and the updates
θi,t+1 = θit + αθ δikt ζit (9.8)
θik,t+1 = θikt + αθ δikt ζikt
γi,t+1 = γit + αθ δijt ηikt .
If an individual is involved in more than one contest during its lifetime, we assume that
it keeps updating the learning parameters, continuing from any previous learning from
rounds before t0 . The value of k, either 0 or 1, determines if the parameters wikt and θikt
are updated as above in a given contest or are left unchanged.

Territorial Defence and the Desperado Effect • 219

behaviour of owners and intruders to evolve. The initial preferences θik0 for the action
A determine how aggressive a male is as intruder (k = 0) and owner (k = 1) at the start
of a generation. The individual-specific learning parameters θit and wit are assumed
to be zero at the start of a generation and allow a male to adjust his behaviour to his
own quality qi , either as intruder or as owner.
Concerning fitness payoffs, in addition of the benefits for territory owners of having
a chance to mate, there are mortality costs both in and outside of contests. A male
suffers a rate of mortality per round of AA interaction of
diAA = ϕe−qi +qj (9.9)
and also accumulates damage increments e−qi +qj per round of AA interaction to a
summed damage Di from injuries or exhaustion. This results in per period rates of
di = μ + cDi (9.10)
outside of contests. The parameters V, ν, ϕ, μ, and c, can be chosen to represent differ-
ent ways in which owner–intruder interactions depend on the population processes
that give rise to differences in reproductive success.
Figure 9.6 shows two examples of this. For the case in panels (a) and (b) of this
figure, contests with escalated AA rounds are dangerous, as given in eq (9.9) with
ϕ = 0.01. Floaters also suffer noticeable mortality while searching, with μ = 0.01 and
ν = 0.1, needing on average 10 periods of searching to locate a territory. A conse-
quence is that owners win only slightly more than half of their contests when they meet
a matched intruder (Fig. 9.6a). Also, a male on average experiences only around 0.8
contests, but these tend to be dangerous, lasting on average 12 rounds and for nearly
matched opponents lasting considerably longer (Fig. 9.6b), the latter often ending
with one male dying. Because of the low number of contests per male, there is little
opportunity for stronger individuals to accumulate as owners. This, together with the
mortality risks for a floater to locate an additional territory, is the reason for the limited
owner advantage.
For the contrasting case in panels (c) and (d) of the figure, escalated rounds are
not very dangerous in terms of direct mortality (ϕ = 0.001) but accumulated contest
damage somewhat increases the rate of mortality outside of contests (μ = 0.002,
c = 0.002). Floaters readily find territories (ν = 0.5) resulting in on average five
contests per male and, as a consequence, there is a pronounced owner advantage,
with owners winning 99% of all contests, the only exception being when intruders
have much higher fighting ability (Fig. 9.6c). Contests are typically short, lasting on
average about four rounds, and sometimes the intruder uses submissive behaviour
already in the first round of a contest. However, when intruders have considerably
higher fighting ability contests are sometimes long (Fig. 9.6d). Altogether, one reason
why owners typically win is that there are enough contests per male for stronger males
to accumulate as owners and another is that an intruder readily can find another

220 • Games Embedded in Life

(a) (b)
1.00 200

Number of rounds
Prob. owner wins

0.75 150

0.50 100

0.25 50

0.00 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Owner−intruder qi−qj Owner−intruder qi−qj

(c) (d)
1.00 200
Number of rounds
Prob. owner wins

0.75 150

0.50 100

0.25 50

0.00 0
−2 −1 0 1 2 3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Owner−intruder qi−qj Owner−intruder qi−qj

Fig. 9.6 Outcomes of owner–intruder interactions for two cases of population processes.
There are N = 2000 each of males and females and K = 1000 territories. Learning follows
Box 9.1 with perceived rewards from Table 9.1. The learning parameters are approximately
at an evolutionary equilibrium. Panels (a) and (b) show the probability of the owner winning
and the duration of contests plotted against the owner–intruder quality difference, qi − qj ,
for a case with substantial direct mortality costs both in and outside of contests and no
accumulation of damage (ϕ = 0.01, ν = 0.1, μ = 0.02, c = 0). The points show individual
contests. The dark line in (a) shows a logistic regression fit to the points and the line in (b)
shows a kernel regression (using method npreg in R). Panels (c) and (d) illustrate the same for a
case where direct mortality rates are low, floaters readily find territories and with accumulation
of fighting damage (ϕ = 0.001, ν = 0.5, μ = 0.002, c = 0.002). Other parameters: payoff, V =
0.1; distribution and observation of fighting ability, μq = 0, σq = 0.5, b1 = b2 = 1.0, σ = 0.2;
learning rates, αw = 0.10, αθ = 0.50; approximate evolved values panels (a, b), wi00 = 3.50,
wi10 = 3.80, gi0 = 0.10, θi00 = 3.60, θi10 = 5.00, γi0 = 3.80, v0 = 1.60, v1 = 1.50; panels (c, d),
wi00 = −0.12, wi10 = 0.60, gi0 = 1.10, θi00 = 0.60, θi10 = 11.0, γi0 = 2.80, v0 = 0.12, v1 = 0.60.

These examples illustrate how contests can be embedded into processes that
determine the fitness effects of finding, maintaining, and utilizing territories. The only
part of these effects that is contained strictly within a contest is the risk of fatal injury
in a fight; the other effects derive from processes outside of the contest. Depending on
the details of these processes, the evolutionary outcome for owner–intruder contests
can range from rather dangerous fights with limited owner advantage (Fig. 9.6a, b), in

State-dependent Ideal Free Distributions • 221

which intruders might resemble desperadoes, to a very pronounced owner advantage

(Fig. 9.6c, d), resembling somewhat the Bourgeois ESS for the Hawk–Dove game.
Concerning real owner–intruder interactions, a number of papers have surveyed
both field observations and experiments (e.g. Leimar and Enquist, 1984; Kokko
et al., 2006; Sherratt and Mesterton-Gibbons, 2015), finding that owner advantages
in winning contests are widespread but not universal. There are fewer instances
of fieldwork investigating the population processes underlying fitness effects. One
example is the work by Austad (1983) on male combat in the bowl and doily spider,
estimating male floater mortality and chance of finding a web with a female. To some
extent this situation resembles the illustration in Fig. 9.6a, b, and the data were used
by Leimar et al. (1991) to model these spider contests as a sequential assessment game
with risk of fatal injury. Another example is the work by Hammerstein and Riechert
(1988), investigating the processes having fitness effects on contests between female
desert grass spiders over sites for webs. This type of work is challenging and in general
rather little is known about the life of floaters. It could be that floaters often face fairly
high rates of mortality, in a similar way as is often the case for dispersing individuals
(Bonte et al., 2012).

9.6 State-dependent Ideal Free Distributions

When foraging does not incur any risk from predation or other dangers we might
expect a foraging animal to choose the food source that maximizes its net rate of
energetic gain (Stephens and Krebs, 1986). Typically, however, the rate of intake at
a food source will decrease with the number of other populations members that
have also chosen this source, either because of direct competition over food items, or
because others deplete the source. Thus the choice of food source of each population
member can be expected to depend on the choice made by others. If animals in
the population are well informed about the current rate of intake at each possible
source and can switch freely between sources at no cost, we might expect individuals
to distribute themselves across sources so that no individual can increase its intake
rate by switching to another source. Such a distribution is referred to as an ideal free
distribution (Fretwell and Lucas, 1970).
The situation is more complex if different food sources have different predation
risks since we can no longer use energy gain as our performance criterion, but must
find some way of incorporating both energy gain and predation risk within the same
currency. Reproductive value, that is the function that measures future reproductive
success, provides this common currency (McNamara and Houston, 1986). Since the
immediate effect of gaining food is to change the energy reserves of the animal, the
dependence of reproductive value on reserves is central to understanding the food–
predation trade-off. However, since current reproductive value depends on future
actions, the best current actions depend on future actions at all possible future levels
of reserves of the animal. We illustrate these concepts in a specific setting that is
motivated by the model of McNamara and Houston (1990).

222 • Games Embedded in Life

9.6.1 Survival Over the Winter

A winter starts at time t = 0 and ends at time t = T. At time t = 0 there is some given
distribution of energy reserves over members of a large population. At each of the
times t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1 each population member must choose whether to forage in
habitat 1 or habitat 2. Having chosen a habitat an animal forages in that habitat for
one unit of time, before making a choice again. An animal foraging in habitat i gains a
food item of energetic value ei with probability pi and gains no food with probability
1 − pi . Energy gained from food is stored as fat reserves. Here pi is a function of the
current number of other animals that have also chosen to forage in habitat i. (More
realistically we might allow pi to depend on both the current and past numbers of
animals in the habitat, but for simplicity we ignore this complication here.) Similarly,
the probability that the focal animal is not killed by a predator, ri , depends on the
number of other animals present, but otherwise what happens to one animal in the
time unit is independent of what happens to other animals. pi and ri may also explicitly
depend on the time in winter. During unit time each animal expends 1 unit of energy
reserves. An animal dies of starvation if its reserves ever drop to 0. If an animal
survives until the end of winter at time T its reproductive value is a function R(sT ) of
its reserves sT at this time.
For this model a strategy specifies how the choice of habitat depends on current
energy reserves and time in winter. Each population member is attempting to maxi-
mize its EFRS (measured at the start of winter). This scenario is a game since the best
action of any individual depends on food availability and predation risk, but these
quantities depend on the strategy adopted by the resident population. An ESS for the
game can be found numerically by using the following two approaches.

Best response of a mutant. The procedure to find the best response of a mutant to a
given resident strategy has two phases, as we now describe.
Forward iteration. We first follow the resident population forwards in time as
follows. We have assumed that the distribution of reserves over resident members is
given at time t = 0. Since the strategy specifies how the choice of habitat at time t = 0
depends on reserves, this allows us to determine the numbers choosing each habitat
at this time. These numbers then determine the probability that food is found and
predation risk in each habitat. This allows us to compute the numbers surviving until
time t = 1 and the distribution of reserves over those that do survive. We can then use
exactly the same procedure to calculate the numbers surviving until time t = 2 and the
distribution of reserves over survivors, and so on. In this way, we find the probability
that an individual finds food and the probability of avoiding predation in each habitat
at each time in winter. These probabilities apply to both resident population members
and any mutant (provided the population is large) and set the ecological background.
This then allows us to find the optimal strategy of a mutant as follows.
Backward iteration. Consider a single mutant within this resident population. We
can find the optimal strategy of the mutant by the technique of dynamic programming

State-dependent Ideal Free Distributions • 223

(Houston and McNamara, 1999). The logic behind the technique is as follows. The
reproductive value at time T is known; it is zero if the animal is dead and specified by
the function R otherwise. Consider a mutant individual at time T − 1. There are three
possible outcomes for mutant at time T: (i) it has died due to predation or starvation,
(ii) it is alive but has found no food, and (iii) it is alive and has found food. The
probabilities of these outcomes depend on the action of the mutant at time T − 1. An
action at time T − 1 thus determines the expected reproductive value of the mutant
at time T. The optimal action at time T − 1 maximizes this expected reproductive
value. Furthermore, the expected reproductive value under this optimal action gives
the reproductive value at time T − 1 under the assumption that future behaviour over
the winter is optimal. This procedure is carried out for every level of reserves at time
T − 1. The resulting reproductive value at time T − 1 can then be used to calculate
the optimal action at time T − 2 and the reproductive value at this time, at every
level of reserves, again assuming future behaviour is optimal. In this way we can work
backwards to time t = 0, finding the optimal action at each level of reserves at each
time. Box 9.2 gives the mathematical details of the scheme we have just described.
Computing an ESS. If the resident strategy is an ESS then the best mutant response will
coincide with the resident strategy. One method of attempting to find such as strategy
is to iterate the best response to obtain a sequence of strategies. One starts with some
arbitrary strategy, finds the best response to that, then finds the best response to this

Box 9.2 Working backwards using dynamic programming

Let V(s, t) denote the reproductive value (expected number of future offspring) of an animal
with reserves s at time of winter t, given that behaviour from time t until the end of winter is
optimal (i.e. maximizes expected future offspring number). For simplicity it will be assumed
that the energy contents e1 and e2 of items are integers and we restrict attention to non-
negative integer levels of reserves.
We are given that
V(s, T) = R(s) for s ≥ 1 (9.11)
and have V(0, T) = 0.
We express V at time t in terms of V at time t + 1 as follows. For t in the range
t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1 and for s ≥ 1 set
Hi (s, t) = ri (t) (1 − pi (t))V(s − 1, t + 1) + pi (t)V(s + ei − 1, t + 1) (9.12)
for each i = 1, 2, where action i is to forage for unit time in habitat i. Here ri (t) and pi (t) are
the probabilities of survival and of finding food in habitat i at time t. Then
V(s, t) = max{H1 (s, t), H2 (s, t)}. (9.13)
Furthermore, the optimal choice of habitat at this time is the choice that achieves this
maximum. Finally we have V(0, t) = 0.
These equations allow us to start at time T and work backwards over time until time
t = 0.

224 • Games Embedded in Life

best response, and so on. If this process leads to a strategy that is the unique best
response to itself then this strategy is an ESS. The method does not always work,
since the sequence of strategies may oscillate between two or more strategies. If this
occurs then some form of damping may force convergence (McNamara et al., 1997).
Even with damping there may be problems, due to the fact that reserves have usually
been computed on a discrete grid, although if oscillations are very small it is usually
reasonable to assume an approximate ESS has been computed. The technical fix of
allowing errors in decision-making may also help (McNamara et al., 1997).

To illustrate the above concepts we consider an example in which Habitat 1 is safe

from predators while Habitat 2 is risky. The probability of finding food in Habitat 1
is a decreasing function of the number of other current users. In Habitat 2, neither
the probability of finding food nor the predation risk depend on the number of other
animals present. We assume that there is a maximum capacity of 100 units of energy
that can be stored as fat.
For this scenario we would expect an animal that is trying to survive the winter
should take more risks in terms of predation when reserves are low (McNamara,
1990). Thus a best response strategy will be of threshold form; i.e. there will be a
function d(t) such that the best response is to choose Habitat 1 at time t when reserves
are above d(t); otherwise choose Habitat 2. Figure 9.7a shows an example in which we
have chosen two different resident strategies, each of threshold form. In this example
all population members have initial energy reserves of s = 100. Thus initially, all
population members use Habitat 1 (Fig. 9.7b). This leads to a low mean net gain in this
habitat (Fig. 9.7c), so that reserves tend to decrease until many population members
are using Habitat 2. The proportion of the surviving population using a habitat at a
given time then becomes fairly stable over time (not shown), although the absolute
numbers decrease due to mortality, leading to an increase in mean net gain in Habitat
1 (Fig. 9.7c). The best response to the resident strategy depends on food availability:
the greater the mean net gain in Habitat 1 the lower the switching threshold (Fig. 9.7d).
Figure 9.7d also shows an approximate ESS threshold; it is approximate in the sense
that successive iterates of the best response map oscillate around a value that never
deviates from this threshold by more than 1 unit.
When all that is important is mean energy gain, at the ideal free distribution
individuals in every habitat are doing equally well. This is no longer true when
there are state-dependent effects. For instance, at the ESS in this example, all those
individuals on Habitat 2 have lower reserves and hence a small probability of survival
than individuals in Habitat 1. Moreover, all the mortality (from starvation and
predation) occurs in Habitat 2 (McNamara and Houston, 1990).

9.6.2 Further Dynamic Games

A number of other dynamic game models have been developed that have a similar
structure to the state-dependent ideal free model we develop above. For example,
Houston and McNamara (1987) consider the daily routine of male birds that are

State-dependent Ideal Free Distributions • 225

(a) (b)


Proportion on patch 1
Resident threshold






0 250 500 750 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Time Time

(c) (d)

Best response threshold
Mean net gain




0 250 500 750 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Time Time

Fig. 9.7 The state-dependent ideal free distribution. Best response strategies for two resident
populations are shown. (a) Resident thresholds. (b) The proportions of the original resident
populations that are foraging in Habitat 1. (c) Mean net gain rates in Habitat 1, p1 (t)e1 − 1.
The constant mean net gain rate in Habitat 2 is also shown (fine dashed line). (d) Best response
thresholds. The fine dashed line shows an approximate ESS threshold. In panels (b)–(d) the
solid (dashed) curves refer to the resident strategy in (a) indicated by the solid (dashed) curve.
Terrminal reward, R(s) = s. Parameters: p1 (ρ) = 4.5/(15 + 4ρ) where ρ is the proportion of
the original population choosing Habitat 1, p2 = 0.3, r1 = 1.0, r2 = 0.9975, T = 1000.

singing to attract a mate, when there is competition between males. Lucas and Howard
(1995) and Lucas et al. (1996) model the calling strategies of male anurans that are
in competition to attract females. Houston and McNamara (1988) model the daily
foraging routine of foraging organisms that compete pairwise for food. Alonzo (2002)
and Alonzo et al. (2003) consider coupled state-dependent dynamic games between
predators and prey. All of these model are solved by the combination of forwards and

226 • Games Embedded in Life

backwards iteration outlined above. All are limited in that factors such as food avail-
ability are deterministic functions of time of day, allowing strategies to depend on time
of day and energy reserves alone. Models would have to be extended to incorporate a
real-time response if there were stochastic changes at the population level.
Rands et al. (2003) consider a foraging game in which there is a food versus
predation trade-off, but in contrast to the above games, they are concerned with a
game between just two individuals, with the focus of the paper on the interaction
between them. The importance of this work is that it highlights the spontaneous
emergence of leaders and followers. In their model, at any decision epoch each
individual can decide whether to forage or rest. If an individual rests its reserves
decrease. If it forages food is found stochastically, as in the above model of survival
over winter. In terms of predation risk, resting is the safest option, followed by foraging
together, with foraging alone incurring the greatest risk. In this model players can die
of either predation or starvation (if reserves hit zero) and the objective of each is to
maximize their long-term survival probability.
In order to find an ESS strategy Rands et al. (2003) assume that each individual
bases its decision on whether to forage on its own reserves and those of its partner.
At the ESS, an individual rests if reserves are very high and forages if reserves are
very low. For intermediate levels of reserves it forages if the reserves of its partner also
specify that the partner should forage, otherwise it too rests. As a consequence, for
long periods there are two distinct roles: one individual has low reserves and initiates
foraging, the other has high reserves and acts as a follower. The difference in reserves
is maintained because the individual with high reserves forages when the low-reserve
individual is foraging. In this way the high-reserve individual builds up its reserves to
a very high level, at which time it ceases to forage. As a consequence the low-reserve
individual is forced to give up foraging while its reserves are still low because of the
dangers of foraging alone. Thus the low-reserve individual remains with fairly low
reserves. Although the disparity in roles is maintained for extended periods of time,
there are occasional switches in roles.

9.7 Is it Worth it?

In this chapter we have explored models in which a game, or a round of a game,
occupied just a part of the life of an individual. We have then asked whether it is
reasonable to consider the game in isolation, or whether it is necessary to also consider
other aspects of the lives of contestants and how the behaviour of population members
affects the environment experienced by these contestants. The answer partly depends
on the theoretical and empirical questions that are the focus of the modelling. For
example, the focus might be on understanding a local empirical phenomenon in
a particular situation in a given population. Alternatively, the focus might be on
explaining a pattern across populations or species.
We can illustrate approaches to these two different issues by considering a situation
where population members are involved in a sequence of contests over resources

Is it Worth it? • 227

during their life, as in the model of Section 9.4. If the focus were on a single contest,
then it might be possible to estimate the loss of future reproductive success as a
result of fighting from empirical data. This would then specify the cost of a fight, and
assuming the value of the resource could also be specified, one could model a single
contest in isolation, comparing model prediction with data.
There might, however, be a problem with this approach if a strategy required
individuals to be flexible. In the model of Section 9.4, a male faced the same situation
each time a female was contested, so that an ESS specified the same behaviour in
each contest. Instead, each contestant might face a range of situations in its contests,
for example due to variation in its own energy reserves, or variation in the size or
aggressiveness of opponents. If strategies were necessarily limited in their flexibility,
then at evolutionary stability the resident strategy might perform reasonable well on
average, but its performance in any one contest might not be the best according to a
cost–benefit analysis that considered this contest in isolation (cf. Section 11.2).
In the situation envisaged in Section 9.4, the approach based on isolating a single
contest would not reveal that there could be also be an alternative ESS for the same
model parameters. Thus if the focus were on patterns across populations, it might
be best to take a more holistic view. In general, in order to understand patterns it
might be necessary to construct models that include the whole of the lives of all
population members, following them forward in time recording births, deaths, and
state changes. This is certainly how the idea of invasion fitness in Metz et al. (1992)
is formulated. Models might also account for the combined effect of population
members on ecological variables such as population density and the food supply.
The importance of such an approach, incorporating environmental feedbacks, has
been advocated by many, including Levins (1970), Metz et al. (1992), Mylius and
Diekmann (1995), Geritz et al. (1997), Dieckmann and Law (1996), Dieckmann
and Metz (2006), Meszéna et al. (2006), Fronhofer et al. (2011), Argasinski and
Broom (2013, 2018), and Krivan et al. (2018). The formulation of game theory in
terms of invasion fitness (Section 2.3) does take the effect of the resident strategy
on the environment it creates into account. However, even in that approach there
are assumptions about a separation of timescales: it is assumed that a given resident
population reaches demographic stability on a timescale that is rapid compared with
evolutionary change. Adaptive dynamics (Section 4.2) also makes assumptions about
timescales: in its simplest formulation it is assumed that one mutation goes to fixation
before the next arises.
In this book we use the concept of invasion fitness, but one can even dispense
with the concept of fitness by just following a population forwards in time, as in an
evolutionary simulation. This is essentially the approach to game theory promoted in
Argasinski and Broom (2013, 2018). Their work formulates equations that specify the
rate of change of numbers of individuals that follow each of the possible strategies.
In contrast, in the approach we advocate, one first proves that a certain measure
is a fitness proxy (LRS in the case of our analyses above), and then analyse evolu-
tionary stability using this proxy. The two approaches will yield the same ESSs if a
suitable proxy can be found, and given suitable assumptions about relative timescales.

228 • Games Embedded in Life

We believe, however, that in dealing with the maximization of a suitable currency, our
approach is usually better at providing understanding.
In general, complex models come at a cost because more must be specified and
predictions might be harder to understand. The level of complexity chosen should
depend on the questions posed. As all models have their limitations, it is important
to understand these limitations and how making a more complex model has the
potential to change predictions.

9.8 Exercises

Ex. 9.1. Consider the care versus desert example illustrated in Fig. 9.2. Find all Nash
equilibrium strategies (x∗ , y∗ ) for which x∗ = y∗ .

Ex. 9.2. Consider the game of Section 9.4 in which males attempt to mate with a
sequence of females over their lifetime. In this game some females are contested by
two males and each must play Hawk or Dove. Let the resident strategy be to play
Hawk with probability p. Consider a mutant male with strategy p . (i) Show that on
encountering a female he mates with her with probability B(p , p) = 1 − 0.5θ(1 + p −
p ). Show that the probability the male survives until the next encounter with a female
is S(p , p) = r(1 − 0.5θ p pz). Hence use eq (9.1) to write down W(p , p). (ii) Show that
D(p) = ∂W ∂p (p, p) has the same sign as  = θzrp − zr(2 − θ)p + 2(1 − r). Consider

the special case in which θ = 0.8, r = 89 , and z = 47 . Show that the equation (p) =
0 has roots at p∗1 = 58 and p∗2 = 78 , and hence identify which of these two points is
convergence stable under adaptive dynamics. (iii) Show that the Nash equilibrium at
p∗ = 58 is an ESS and that the equilibrium at p∗ = 78 is not an ESS. Note that the Nash
equilibrium strategy p∗ = 1 is a unique best response to itself and hence an ESS.

Ex. 9.3. Consider again the game of Section 9.4 in which males attempt to mate with
a sequence of females over their lifetime. Assume that each mating by a male results
in one male and one female offspring, and that the male survives to maturity and
encounters his first female (potential mating) with probability 12 . The survival proba-
bility between matings, r, is density dependent. Let θ = 1 and z = 1. (i) Suppose that
the resident population plays Hawk with probability p. Use the fact that this resident
population is of stable size to find the relationship between r and p. Hence show that
the population is only viable if p ≤ √1 . (ii) Show there is a unique convergence-stable
√ 2
Nash equilibrium at p = ( 17 − 3)/2.

Ex. 9.4. An individual must gain a single food item, and has two opportunities to do
so on successive days. If it gains an item on day 1 it stops foraging; otherwise if it is
still alive and has failed to gain an item it forages again on day 2. A strategy specifies
the foraging efforts (u1 , u2 ) on these two days. If it expends effort u (0 ≤ u ≤ 1) on day
k (k = 1, 2) then it immediately dies with probability u, lives and gains an item with

Exercises • 229

probability (1 − u)upk , and lives but fails to gain an item with probability (1 − u)(1 −
upk ). We assume that p1 = 0.5. The reproductive value of the individual after the two
days is 1 if it is alive and has an item; otherwise it is 0. An optimal strategy (u∗1 , u∗2 )
maximizes its expected reproductive value.
(i) Show that u∗2 = 0.5. Assuming that behaviour on day 2 is optimal, show that
if the individual survives day 1 without obtaining an item its reproductive value is
V2 = p2 /4. Let H1 (u) = (1 − u)up1 + (1 − u)(1 − up1 )V2 . Note that this function is
maximized at u = u∗1 . Show that u∗1 = 12 (4−p22) .
(4−3p )

(ii) Now suppose every member of a large population faces the same challenge at
the same time, with what happens to one individual independent of what happens to
another. Suppose that p2 = 1 − ρ22 where ρ2 is the proportion of the original popu-
lation that forages on day 2. By noting that ρ2 = (1 − u∗1 )(1 − 21 ), and employing a
suitable numerical technique, show that at evolutionary stability we have u∗1 = 0.2893.

Structured Populations and
Games over Generations

As we have pointed out in previous chapters, individuals often differ in state variables.
In many circumstances the state and actions of an individual in one generation affect
the state of its offspring. When this is the case, the mean number of surviving offspring
produced by an individual (mean LRS) is not a fitness proxy, since the ability of
offspring to leave offspring themselves depends on their state and hence depends on
the state and action of a parent. This chapter is concerned with game theory in this
intergenerational context.
Aspects of quality such as health are states that may be passed on to future
generations, but to what extent this occurs depends on behaviour. For example, a high-
quality female may have more resources to expend on offspring production and care.
She will then tend to produce higher quality offspring than a low-quality female if
both produce the same number of offspring. However, if instead she produces more
offspring these could potentially be of the same quality as those of a low-quality
female. Whether or not an individual has a territory can be another aspect of an
individual’s state. In the red squirrel, a mother may bequeath her territory to one
of her offspring (Price and Boutin, 1993). In group-living animals dominance status
can be an important state affecting survival and reproduction. This state sometimes
tends to be inherited; for example, in some hyenas high-dominance females behave
so as to ensure that their daughters have high status (e.g. Holekamp and Smale, 1993).
Many environments are composed of different local habitats linked by the dispersal of
juveniles, with individuals maturing and reproducing in a single habitat. The location
of an individual is then a state whose change over generations is determined by the
dispersal strategy. Other states need not be directly inherited from a parent but are
important in influencing the lives of offspring; the sex of an individual is a major
example. This state can interact with aspects of quality. So for example, in deciding
whether to produce daughters or sons a female may take into account how her
phenotypic quality would be passed on to female and male offspring. A reason for
this is that the advantages of high quality might differ between the sexes.
When population members differ in state we use a projection matrix to analyse
the change over time of the cohort of individuals following a rare mutant strategy
(Section 10.1). The elements of the projection matrix specify how the current state
of a cohort member determines the number of descendants in each state in the

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.00010

232 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

following time period, for instance the next year. This then specifies how the cohort
changes from one year to the next. Over time the distribution of cohort members over
the different states settles down to a steady-state distribution. The per-capita annual
growth in cohort numbers also settles down to a limiting value that is the largest
eigenvalue of the projection matrix. This growth rate is the invasion fitness for the
mutant strategy.
The analysis of projection matrices requires some mathematics and can seem
technical. In this chapter we mostly restrict ourselves to the simplest case, where the
states needed to describe the population dynamics are also recognized by individuals
when they make decisions. This is a small-worlds approach and, in the same way as
we have discussed in previous chapters, is often an idealization of real behavioural
and developmental mechanisms.
We illustrate projection matrices and invasion fitness with a simple model based
on the trade-off between producing many low-quality offspring or fewer high-quality
offspring (Section 10.2). In this example, it can be the case that if individuals carrying
a rare mutation start in poor states, then the mutant cohort may initially decline
in number, but make up for this later as the states of cohort members improve in
subsequent generations. This emphasizes that invasion fitness is a measure of the
growth rate over many generations.
The quality versus number example also illustrates that in determining the best
response of a mutant strategy to a given resident strategy it is not possible to ask what
is the best action in one state without consideration of what actions are taken in other
states. This is because the future states of the individual and its descendants depend
on the current action, and the value of being in each future state depends on the action
taken in that state.
Despite the above remark, in determining whether a given resident strategy is
evolutionarily stable one can, nevertheless, consider the different possible states in
isolation (Section 10.3). In order to do so one first finds the reproductive value
function for the resident strategy. This function specifies how the contribution of a
resident individual to future generations depends on its current state. Reproductive
value then acts as a currency to evaluate actions. If in every state, the action taken
under the resident strategy maximizes the mean reproductive value of descendants
left at the next annual census time, then the resident strategy is a Nash equilibrium
strategy. Conversely, if in some state s there is an action u under which the descendants
have a greater reproductive value than under the resident action, then the strategy that
agrees with the resident strategy at all states except s and takes action u in state s can
invade the resident population. These results provide a way of testing whether a given
strategy is evolutionarily stable and provide the basis of a computational method for
finding an ESS.
Having developed the technical machinery that can deal with evolutionary stability
in structured populations we are at last in a position to justify the fitness proxies used
in the sex-allocation problems of Sections 3.8 and 3.11. We do so in Section 10.4,

Invasion Fitness for Structured Populations • 233

where we also consider the question of whether high-quality females should produce
daughters or sons when offspring tend to inherit their mother’s quality.
Section 10.5 is similarly concerned with a population in which the sex of individuals
is a key state variable. However, rather than allowing the allocation to sons and daugh-
ters to evolve when mating is at random, in this section we assume a fixed allocation
and consider the evolution of female mating preference. Males are characterized by an
inherited trait, such as tail length in the male widowbird. We consider the co-evolution
of this trait and the strength of preference of females for the trait when there are costs
of being choosy. Fisher (1930) hypothesized a process in which an initial preference
of females for, say, long-tailed males is amplified, leading to a further increase in tail
length. This occurs because by mating with a long-tailed male a female produces sons
that also have long tails and so are preferred by other females. We show how the
evolutionarily stable outcomes of this co-evolutionary process can be characterized in
game-theoretical terms by defining a function that specifies how the ‘value’ of mating
with a male depends on his tail length. A key ingredient in the analysis is that the
projection matrices take into account that the female preference gene is carried but
not expressed in sons.
A population may be state structured but all newborn offspring are in the same
state. When this is so, the mean number of surviving offspring produced over the
lifetime (mean LRS) acts as a fitness proxy, and so can be used to establish whether a
resident strategy is evolutionarily stable (Section 10.6). This currency is often easier to
deal with than invasion fitness itself. We use the currency to analyse a model in which
individuals only differ in age. In this model we are concerned with the scheduling of
reproduction over the lifetime of an organism when there is competition for resources
with older individuals outcompeting younger ones. As we show, for some parameter
values there are two alternative ESSs. At one population members put maximum effort
into reproduction in their first breeding season leading to their death, while at the
other ESS population members delay reproduction until they are more competitive.
When there are many local habitats linked by dispersal the location of an individual
can be a state variable. Dispersal then changes this state variable. In Section 10.7 we
illustrate the use of projection matrices in this setting.
Finally, in Section 10.8 we briefly discuss how one can deal with situations where
the states recognized by individuals for decision-making differ from the states needed
to describe the population dynamics. We mention how the concept of reproductive
value can still be helpful in these situations, and we also go into possible fitness proxies.

10.1 Invasion Fitness for Structured Populations

For convenience of presentation we restrict attention to a population in which there
is an annual cycle. The population is censused at the same time each year; by time t
we will mean the annual census time in year t. At an annual census each individual

234 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

is in one of the J states s1 , s2 , . . . , sJ . At this time each individual chooses an action

u from the set A of possible actions, where this choice can depend on the current
state of the individual. A strategy specifies this choice, and will be described by a
vector x = (u1 , u2 , . . . , uJ ) where uj is the action taken in state sj . Population size is
regulated by density-dependent factors, and we assume that for each resident strategy
x the population settles down to a unique demographic equilibrium at which the
population size and the proportion of population members in any state is the same
each annual census time.
Suppose that a resident x population is at its demographic equilibrium. Consider a
possibly mutant individual in this resident population. Let this individual be in state
sj and take action u at time t. Let dij (u, x) denote the mean number of descendants
left by the individual that are alive at time t + 1 and are in state si at this time. Here
the term ‘descendant’ can refer to the focal individual itself if it is still alive at time
t + 1, any offspring of the individual that were produced between t and t + 1 that are
alive at t + 1, any grandchildren that are descended from offspring produced between
t and t + 1 that are alive at t + 1, etc. In counting descendants we are really counting
the spread of genes. Thus if the genes of interest are at an autosomal locus in a diploid
species, each offspring counts as one half of a descendant, each grandchild as one
quarter of a descendant, etc.
Let x = (u1 , u2 , . . . , uJ ) be a rare mutant strategy within the resident x population.
Then a mutant in state sj leaves an average of aij (x , x) = dij (uj , x) descendants in state
si the following year. The J × J matrix A(x , x) that has (i, j) element aij (x , x) is called
the projection matrix for the mutant strategy. To consider the growth rate of the cohort
of mutants, let nj (t) be the total number of mutants that are in state sj at time t. Then
numbers of mutants in state si at time t + 1 are given approximately by

ni (t + 1) = aij (x , x)nj (t). (10.1)
The approximation assumes that mutants do not significantly interact with each other,
that mutant numbers are large enough so that we can average over demographic
stochasticity, and that mutant numbers are still small compared with the population
as a whole so that the background biological environment can still be taken to be the
resident demographic equilibrium. We can also write eq (10.1) in matrix notation
as n(t + 1) = A(x , x)n(t) where the column vector n(t) = (n1 (t), n2 (t), . . . , nJ (t))T
specifies the number of mutants in each state at time t. Let N(t) = n1 (t) + n2 (t) +
. . . + nJ (t) be the total number of mutants at time t and let ρj (t) = nj (t)/N(t) be the
proportion of these mutants that are in state sj . Then eq (10.1) can be rewritten as
N(t + 1) 
ρi (t + 1) = aij (x , x)ρj (t). (10.2)

Given appropriate assumptions about the projection matrix A(x , x) (e.g. that it is
primitive, see Caswell, 2001; Seneta, 2006), as time increases the proportions ρj (t)
and the annual per-capita growth rate N(t + 1)/N(t) tend to limiting values. Equation
(10.2) then gives

Invasion Fitness for Structured Populations • 235

λ(x , x)ρi (x , x) = aij (x , x)ρj (x , x), (10.3)

where ρj (x , x) = limt→∞ ρj (t) and λ(x , x) = limt→∞ (N(t + 1)/N(t). We may write
this equation in vector notation as λ(x , x)ρ(x , x) = A(x , x)ρ(x , x). Equation (10.3)
is known as an eigenvalue equation; λ(x , x) is an eigenvalue and ρ(x , x) a column
(right) eigenvector of the matrix A(x , x). A(x , x) may have more than one eigenvalue,
but given suitable assumptions, N(t + 1)/N(t) converges to the largest eigenvalue.
ρ(x , x) is then the unique eigenvector corresponding to this eigenvalue that also
satisfies the normalization condition

ρj (x , x) = 1. (10.4)

We can consider a mutation that is exactly the same as the resident strategy x. For this
‘mutant’ we must have λ(x, x) = 1 since the resident strategy is at a density-dependent
equilibrium. By eq (10.3) the stable distribution for the mutant satisfies
ρ(x, x) = A(x, x)ρ(x, x) (10.5)
(as well as the normalization condition (10.4)). The distribution ρ(x, x) is both the
stable distribution of this rare ‘mutant’ and the stable demographic distribution of the
resident strategy as a whole.
Since λ(x , x) = limt→∞ N(t + 1)/N(t) the number of mutants in the cohort has
asymptotic growth rate
N(t) ∼ Kλ(x , x)t , (10.6)
where K depends on the initial number of cohort members in each state. Thus if
λ(x , x) < 1 mutant numbers will eventually tend to zero and the resident strategy
cannot be invaded by this mutant, whereas if λ(x , x) > 1 the mutant will invade:
mutant numbers will grow until they become sufficiently common to change the
population composition. Thus the Nash equilibrium condition giving a necessary
condition for the strategy x∗ to be evolutionarily stable becomes
λ(x, x∗ ) ≤ λ(x∗ , x∗ ) = 1 for all x. (10.7)
In other words, for structured populations the invasion fitness of a mutant strategy is
the largest eigenvalue of the projection matrix for this mutant.
In order to better appreciate the assumptions made we might, as we did in Sec-
tion 6.1, consider a potentially multidimensional general strategy x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xL ).
The components xk represent traits and the number of traits can differ from the
number of demographic states, i.e. L = J in general. For a rare mutant following
strategy x that is in demographic state sj , the number of descendants in state si the
following year would then be aij (x , x), where each element of this matrix can depend
on any component, or several different components, of x . Most of the results in this
chapter hold also for this more general case, but some criteria for evolutionary stability
can differ (see Section 10.8).

236 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

10.2 Offspring Quality versus Number

We illustrate the above ideas with an example in which individuals vary in repro-
ductive quality, where the idea of quality is motivated by examples such as adult size,
social status, and territory quality. We do not, however, attempt to build a realistic
model of any situation here. Instead we present a toy model in which there is density
dependence but otherwise no frequency dependence, and consider the trade-off
between the number of surviving offspring and their quality when quality is to some
extent inherited (cf. McNamara and Houston, 1992b). The idea is to bring out aspects
of invasion fitness in the simplest possible setting.
We assume a large asexual population with discrete, non-overlapping generations,
with a generation time of 1 year. The population is censused annually at the start of
a year. At this time individuals are of one of two qualities, High or Low, and each
must decide its clutch size: whether to produce one, two, or three offspring. Surviving
offspring are mature by the autumn, and are either High or Low quality at this time.
Table 10.1 specifies the mean number of mature offspring in the autumn that are
of each quality, and how this depends on parental quality and clutch size. Between
autumn and the next annual census time mortality acts to limit total population size
in a density-dependent manner, with each population member subject to the same
mortality risk regardless of their quality or strategy.
It can be seen from Table 10.1 that for a given clutch size a High-quality parent has
more surviving offspring than a Low-quality parent, and a greater proportion of these
are High quality. Furthermore, regardless of the quality of the parent, the number of
surviving offspring increases with clutch size while the proportion of these offspring
that are High quality decreases.
Suppose the resident strategy is x = (3, 3), so that each resident maximizes the
number of their offspring that are present in the autumn. Let K3,3 be the probability
of overwinter survival at the demographic equilibrium for this resident population.
The projection matrix for the resident strategy can then be expressed as A(x, x) =
K3,3 G3,3 , where G3,3 is the projection matrix before the action of density dependence

Table 10.1 Mean number of High- and Low-quality offspring that survive to
maturity in autumn as a function of parental quality and clutch size.

Parent High Offspring Parent Low Offspring

High Low High Low

Clutch size, qH 1 0.9 0.1 Clutch size, qL 1 0.3 0.6

2 1.2 0.3 2 0.2 0.8
3 1.0 0.7 3 0.1 1.0

Offspring Quality versus Number • 237

1.0 0.1
G3,3 = . (10.8)
0.7 1.0
A direct calculation (Box 10.1) shows that G3,3 has (largest) eigenvalue g3,3 = 1.2646.
Since A(x, x) has eigenvalue 1, it follows that K3,3 = g3,3 = 0.7908.

Now consider the mutant strategy x = (2, 1) within this resident x = (3, 3) popu-
lation. The projection matrix for the mutant strategy is A(x , x) = K3,3 G2,1 where
1.2 0.3
G2,1 = . (10.9)
0.3 0.6
Since the largest eigenvalue of G2,1 is g2,1 = 1.3243 we have λ(x , x) = K3,3 g2,1 =
g2,1 /g3,3 = 1.3243/1.2646 = 1.047. Since this value exceeds 1 the mutant can invade.
Note that in determining whether x = (2, 1) can invade the resident x = (3, 3)
population, the value of K3,3 is irrelevant. We could have seen this by noting that
for any two strategies we have λ((qH , qL ), (qH , qL )) = gqH ,qL /gqH ,qL . This example,
with density dependence acting in the same manner on all population members, is
therefore an optimization problem rather than a game. Table 10.2 gives the values of
gqH ,qL for every strategy (qH , qL ). The unique ESS is the strategy (2, 1) that achieves
the maximum in this table.
The ability of (2, 1) to invade (3, 3) can be understood by comparing the proportion
of residents that are High quality at the demographic equilibrium (i.e. ρH ) with the

Box 10.1 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for 2 × 2 matrices

a11 a12
A= . (10.10)
a21 a22
be a 2 × 2 matrix. Then any eigenvalue λ of A satisfies the quadratic equation (λ − a11 )(λ −
a22 ) − a12 a21 = 0, so that the largest eigenvalue is
λ= B + B2 − 4C , (10.11)
where B = a11 + a22 is the trace and C = a11 a22 − a12 a21 is the determinate of A. Let ρ
be the stable proportion of individuals in state 1 (so that the stable proportion in state 2
is 1 − ρ). Then the first row of the eigenvector equation for the stable proportions (cf. eq
(10.3)) gives
ρ= . (10.12)
λ + a12 − a11
Similarly the ratio of reproductive values (introduced later in Section 10.3) satisfies
v2 λ − a11
= . (10.13)
v1 a21
We can then use eq (10.45) of the Exercises to find the absolute values of v1 and v2 , although
for most purposes only the relative values are important.

238 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

Table 10.2 Growth rates gqH ,qL before the action

of density dependence for each of the nine possible

Growth rate qL
1 2 3
qH 1 0.9791 1.0000 1.0618
2 1.3243 1.3162 1.3000
3 1.3000 1.2873 1.2646

proportion of mutants that are High quality when the mutant cohort settles down to
stable growth. All individuals following the resident strategy (3, 3) maximize their
mean number of surviving offspring, but these offspring tend to be Low quality,
and by having large clutches themselves ensure the next generation is also mainly
Low quality, and so on. Consequently, at the demographic equilibrium only 27.43%
of the population is High quality (this can be calculated using the results in Box
10.1). In contrast, the cohort of (2, 1) mutants produce less total offspring but more
High-quality ones. As a result 70.71% of cohort members are high quality under
stable growth. High-quality individuals tend to leave more offspring than Low-quality
individuals for the same clutch size, so that the mutant strategy does (just) better than
the resident, even though for any given quality residents produce more offspring. We
can quantify this argument by noting that in general we can write invasion fitness as

λ(x , x) = aj (x , x)ρj (x , x), (10.14)

where aj (x , x) = i aij (x , x) is the total number of descendants left by a mutant
individual in state sj (Exercise 10.2). Applying this formula we have
λ((3, 3), (3, 3)) = K3,3 [0.2743 × (1.0 + 0.7) + 0.7257 × (0.1 + 1.0)] = 1
λ((2, 1), (3, 3)) = K3,3 [0.7071 × (1.2 + 0.3) + 0.2929 × (0.3 + 0.6)] = 1.047.
Figure 10.1 illustrates the growth in numbers of the cohort of (2, 1) mutants. In this
figure we have started with 1000 mutants in generation 0, with 27.4% of these mutants
of High quality; so that it is as if 1000 residents were instantaneously changed to
mutants. Initially mutant numbers decline, but the proportion that are of High quality
increases. By generation 3 this proportion becomes sufficiently large so that mutant
numbers start to increase, but it takes until generation 8 until the number of mutants
is above initial values. By that time around 70.7% of mutants are of High quality and
the per-capita growth rate in mutant numbers is close to 1.047.
Figure 10.1 illustrates that in order to see if a mutant can invade it might be
necessary to count descendants several generations into the future, rather than just
looking at offspring or even grandchildren. By measuring the asymptotic growth rate

Offspring Quality versus Number • 239

(a) 1500 (b) 0.8


Proportion High
Total number

1000 0.5


500 0.2
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Generation Generation

Fig. 10.1 Invasion of the mutant strategy (2, 1) when the resident strategy is (3, 3) for the
quality versus offspring number example. (a) Total number of mutants. (b) Proportion of the
cohort of mutants that are High quality. There are initially 1000 mutants with the proportion
that are High quality equal to that in the resident population.

in mutant numbers, the largest eigenvalue of the projection matrix essentially looks
infinitely far into the future. It is worth noting that if one needs to look very far into
the future, processes such as new mutations occurring or environmental changes can
make this kind of analysis of the invasion process approximate or even unrealistic
(see, e.g., Livnat et al., 2005).
Equation (10.14) expresses the eigenvalue in terms of the mean number of descen-
dants left in just 1 year’s time. However, in this formula the mean is an average over the
stable distribution of states, which is itself defined asymptotically far into the future,
so there is no contradiction. Equation (10.14) highlights that a change in strategy
has two effects: it changes the number of descendants left next year (the aj ) and it
changes the long-term distribution of descendants over states (the ρj ). This insight can
be conceptually useful in applications, particularly when environments are positively
autocorrelated so that local conditions tend to persist into the future. For example,
McNamara and Dall (2011) show that natal philopatry can evolve because it is worth
individuals suffering an immediate loss in reproductive success in order to ensure that
their descendants are on good breeding sites in future generations. McNamara et al.
(2011) show that individuals can increase the proportion of descendants that are in
good local habitats by being overly ‘optimistic’, behaving as if the probability they are
currently in a good local habitat is greater than its actual value.
This example also illustrates that the best action in one state can depend on what
the individual would have done in another state. For example, it can be seen from
Table 10.2 that if the action of High-quality individuals is to produce a clutch of size 1
then the best action of Low-quality individuals is to produce a clutch of size 3, whereas
if High-quality individuals produce a clutch of size 2 then Low-quality individuals do
best to produce a clutch of size 1.

240 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

10.3 Reproductive Value Maximization

Consider a population with resident strategy x. Different members of this population

will be in different states and have different abilities to produce surviving offspring and
to leave descendants further into the future. So for example, in the case of dominance
status in female hyenas, a high-status female will leave (on average) more offspring,
and even more grandchildren, than a low-status female.
To quantify this ability we define dj (t) to be the mean number of descendants
(discounted by relatedness) left in t years’ time by a resident that is currently in state
sj . The initial state sj will be correlated with the states of future descendants. This
correlation may be high for low t, but will eventually tend to zero as t increases; so,
for example the descendants left in 1000 years’ time by a high-status female hyena are
hardly more likely to be high status than those left by an average female. For large t
the distribution of states of descendants will approximate the steady-state distribution
ρ(x, x), at which the per-capita annual growth rate in descendant numbers is 1. Thus
we might expect to have
dj (t) → vj (x) as t → ∞, (10.15)
where vj (x) represents the transitory effect of the initial state. vj (x) is referred to as
the reproductive value of state sj . Figure 10.2 illustrates eq (10.15) for the offspring
quality versus number example of Section 10.2.
Since the descendants left in t + 1 years’ time are the descendants
 left in t years’ time
by the descendants present next year we have dj (t + 1) = i di (t)aij (x, x). Taking the
limit as t → ∞ and making use of eq (10.15) then gives

(a) (b)
Mean descendant number

Mean descendant number

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Years into future Years into future

Fig. 10.2 Reproductive values for the offspring quality versus number model. Resident strate-
gies are (a) (3, 3) and (b) (2, 1). Upper (lower) points are the mean number of descendants left
by a High-quality (Low-quality) individual. The horizontal dashed lines are at the asymptotic
values of these points, and are the reproductive values.

Reproductive Value Maximization • 241

vj (x) = vi (x)aij (x, x). (10.16)
In vector notation this becomes v(x) = v(x)A(x, x). This analysis shows that the
resident projection matrix has v(x) as its row (left) eigenvector, with again the
eigenvalue being λ(x, x) = 1.
Reproductive value acts as a common currency in that it can be used to specify
the value, in terms of leaving descendants in the future, of being in a state. We can
compare the expected values of descendants left next year by an x mutant  and an x
resident that are both in the same state s . These expected values are v 
 j i i (x)aij (x , x)
and i vi (x)aij (x, x) = vj (x), respectively. Thus the resident’s descendants are at least
as ‘valuable’ as the mutants if

vi (x)aij (x , x) ≤ vj (x). (10.17)
If a resident’s descendants are at least as valuable as a mutant’s for all states sj we write
this as v(x)A(x , x) ≤ v(x). A central result is that
v(x)A(x , x) ≤ v(x) ⇒ λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x) = 1. (10.18)
If inequality (10.17) holds for all states sj , with the inequality strict for at least one state,
we write this as v(x)A(x , x) < v(x). When this inequality holds we have λ(x , x) <
λ(x, x) = 1. The converse to equation (10.18) is also true
v(x)A(x , x) ≥ v(x) ⇒ λ(x , x) ≥ λ(x, x) = 1. (10.19)
Conditions (10.18) and (10.19) appear to have been first explicitly stated in biological
game theory by Leimar (1996). The results follow from the optimality analysis in
McNamara (1991), but Leimar (1996) also gave a direct derivation using the approach
of Taylor (1990). A proof is set as Exercise 10.4. The condition allows us to recognize
a Nash equilibrium strategy. Specifically, in Section 10.1 we assumed that strategies
are flexible in the sense that the choice of action in one state does not constrain the
choice in other states (cf. Sections 10.8 and 11.2.2), and for this case we have
x∗ is a Nash equilibrium ⇐⇒ v(x∗ )A(x , x∗ ) ≤ v(x∗ ) for all x . (10.20)
The condition says that is a Nash equilibrium strategy if and only if, when this is
the resident strategy, each individual is behaving so as to maximize the mean value
of descendants left in 1 year’s time, where value is quantified using the residents’ own
reproductive value v(x∗ ).
We illustrate the above formulae using the quality versus number model of
Section 10.2. Let x = (3, 3) be the resident strategy, and consider the performance
of the mutant strategy x = (2, 1). The reproductive value vector under the resident
strategy is (1.8229, 0.689) (Box 10.1, see also Fig. 10.2a). Consider first a High-quality
individual. The mean value of descendants left next year from clutch sizes 3 (the
resident) and 2 (the mutant) are
wH (3) = K3,3 [1.0 × 1.8229 + 0.7 × 0.689] = 2.3052K3,3 (= 1.8229),
wH (2) = K3,3 [1.2 × 1.8229 + 0.3 × 0.689] = 2.3942K3,3 .

242 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

Thus wH (3) < wH (2) so that we can conclude from criterion (10.20) that the resident
strategy is not at a Nash equilibrium. We now consider the decision of a Low-
quality individual. A similar calculation reveals that wL (3) = 0.8713K3,3 and wL (1) =
0.9603K3,3 , so that wL (3) < wL (1). Thus, regardless of their state, mutants pro-
duce more valuable descendants next year than residents; i.e. v(x)A((2, 1), (3, 3)) >
v(x)A((3, 3), (3, 3)) = v(x). From the results above we thus have λ((2, 1), (3, 3)) >
λ((3, 3), (3, 3)) = 1, so that the (2, 1) mutant can invade the resident (3, 3) population.
The reproductive value vector v(x) is a row eigenvector of the resident projection
matrix (for the eigenvalue equal to 1). Let ṽ(x) = αv(x) where α is a positive constant.
Then ṽ(x) is still a row eigenvector of the projection matrix (for the eigenvalue equal
to 1) and all the above analyses of reproductive value maximization still hold with v(x)
replaced by ṽ(x). In applications one often works with the row eigenvector normalized
to, say, ṽ1 (x) = 1 rather than use the eigenvector given by eq (10.15).
The quality versus number model of Section 10.2 is especially simple. In cases with
more than two states, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a projection matrix must
typically be calculated by some numerical scheme. Nash equilibria are also typically
found by some numerical iterative procedure. For example, given a resident strategy
one might use criterion (10.19) to find a mutant strategy that can invade. This mutant
strategy could then be taken to be the new resident, and so on, until a strategy is
found that cannot be invaded. The problem with such schemes is that there is no
guarantee of convergence, although damping and the introduction of small error can
help (McNamara et al., 1997).

10.4 Sex Allocation as a Game over Generations

In considering sex allocation in Sections 3.8 and 3.11 we emphasized that, when a
female can determine the sex of her offspring, invasion fitness is not just the mean
number of surviving offspring. This is because a son and a daughter could have
different abilities to leave offspring themselves. Here we justify the fitness proxy used
in those sections. We also briefly consider sex allocation when individuals differ in
quality when quality is inherited, addressing the question of whether high-quality
females should produce sons or daughters.

10.4.1 The Shaw–Mohler Fitness Proxy

For simplicity we again assume discrete non-overlapping generations with a genera-
tion time of 1 year. Each year there is a mating season in which each female mates with
a randomly chosen male. She then gives birth to offspring, and her strategy determines
the sex of these offspring.
It is convenient to choose the annual census time at the start of the mating season.
At this time individuals are in one of two states, female or male, and we can refer
to these as s1 and s2 , or simply by using the subscripts F and M. Let the resident
sex-allocation strategy be x and let x be a rare mutant strategy. We assume that a

Sex Allocation as a Game over Generations • 243

mutant female that is present at an annual census time leaves K(x)F(x ) daughters
and K(x)M(x ) sons at the next annual census time. The factor K(x) takes density
dependence into account. The proportion of females to males during mating is s(x) =
F(x)/M(x), so that each male mates with s(x) females on average. Thus the projection
matrix for the mutant strategy is
 1 F(x ) s(x)F(x)
A(x , x) = K(x) . (10.21)
2 M(x ) s(x)M(x)
Here we have taken into account the fact that (i) mutant individuals mate with
residents (since mutants are rare), (ii) the offspring of such matings have a probability
of 12 of inheriting the mutant strategy, and (iii) it is always the female who determines
the sex allocation of offspring.
Setting x = x we can use eq (10.5) in order to consider the demographic stability
of the resident population. This equation yields ρρMF (x,x)
(x,x) = M(x) ; a fact we already used
to write down the projection matrix. The equation also yields K(x)F(x) = 1. This
says that a resident female leaves one surviving daughter on average at demographic
stability, which is of course required for stationarity.
Reproductive value under the resident strategy satisfies eq (10.16). From this equa-
tion we can deduce that F(x)vF (x) = M(x)vM (x). It follows that the total reproductive
value of all females equals the total reproductive value of all males. This result must
hold since every individual has one mother and one father, and was used by Fisher
(1930) to argue for a 1:1 sex ratio.
To analyse whether the mutant can invade we set α = F(x)vF (x) = M(x)vM (x). We
1 1
can then write v(x) = α F(x) , M(x)
, so that, using eq (10.21),

2 F(x ) M(x )
v(x)A(x , x) = + , 2s(x) . (10.22)
αK(x) F(x) M(x)
It follows from eqs (10.18, 10.19) that
F(x ) M(x )
w(x , x) = + (10.23)
F(x) M(x)
is a fitness proxy. This proxy was first derived by Shaw and Mohler (1953). If we set
W(x , x) = F(x)w(x , x) then this also a fitness proxy. We have
W(x , x) = F(x ) + s(x)M(x ), (10.24)
which is the mean number of matings obtained by the offspring of an x female. This
justifies the proxy used in Section 3.8. Alternatively, if all matings result in the same
number of offspring we may take the number of grandchildren produced as a fitness
In Section 3.11 females differ in their state (external temperature) when they decide
on the sex of their offspring, and their decisions depend on this state. However, this
state is not inherited and the distribution of states of females is the same each year and
does not depend on their sex-allocation strategy. Under these assumptions W(x , x) is

244 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

still a fitness proxy provided F(x ) and M(x ) are taken to be averages over the different
states of x females.

10.4.2 Quality-dependent Sex Allocation

When certain properties of a state are inherited the fitness proxy W given by eq (10.24)
is no longer appropriate. Aspects of quality such as adult size, health, social status, or
territory quality can be passed down from a mother to her offspring. We now outline
how this transmission of quality might affect sex-allocation decisions. In particular,
how might we expect the sex of offspring to depend on maternal quality?
In Section 3.11 the maternal state, in the sense of the temperature during the
development of offspring, affected the differential survival of daughters and sons,
but had no effect once offspring reached maturity. In this case the relative probabil-
ities of survival to maturity influenced the Nash equilibrium sex-allocation strategy
(eq (3.20), which is based on the fitness proxy in eq (10.24)). The situation becomes
more intricate when maternal quality affects the quality of offspring when they reach
Assume that a population is at evolutionary stability and that a female has quality
q. Let vf (q) and vm (q) denote the reproductive values of one of her daughters and
sons, respectively, at independence. Then assuming that the same resources and time
are required to produce independent sons and daughters, the female will be producing
offspring whose sex has the higher reproductive value. Two hypothetical dependences
of reproductive value on quality are illustrated in Fig. 10.3. In one case high-quality
females should produce sons, in the other they should produce daughters. So the key
question is how the underlying biology determines the functions vf and vm .

(a) (b)

1.2 Son 1.2 Daughter

1.1 1.1
Offspring RV

Offspring RV

Daughter Son
1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Maternal quality Maternal quality

Fig. 10.3 Illustration of possible dependence of the reproductive value of offspring on

maternal quality. In (a) high-quality females should produce sons, in (b) they should produce

Sex Allocation as a Game over Generations • 245

Trivers and Willard (1973) considered a scenario in which: (i) females vary in
quality with high-quality females producing high-quality offspring, (ii) quality per-
sists until maturation and breeding, and (iii) reproductive success is more strongly
dependent on quality in males than in females. They argued that in this scenario high-
quality females are predicted to produce sons and poor-quality females to produce
daughters. However, as Leimar (1996) pointed out, there is a flaw in this reasoning
since Trivers and Willard took the number of grandchildren as their fitness proxy.
Under the assumption that maternal quality affects daughter quality, the quality of
the offspring of daughters will depend on the quality of their grandmother. Thus not
all grandchildren are the same and just counting their number is not appropriate.
In order to specify projection matrices when quality is inherited it is first necessary
to specify the range of possible values of quality in females and males. Any model then
needs to additionally specify:
• How female quality affects the number of offspring she is able to produce.
• How female quality affects the probability any daughter survives and her quality if
she survives.
• How female quality affects the probability any son survives and his quality if he
does so.
• How male quality affects his mating success.
• Whether male quality is also inherited.
A simple model incorporating these factors might have two qualities for females and
two for males. There would then be four states (female-high, female-low, male-high,
male-low) and the projection matrices would be 4 × 4 matrices.
Leimar (1996) constructed two models: in one each sex had two qualities, in the
other each sex had a continuum of qualities. In both models male quality is not
passed on to offspring. The general conclusions of these models is that the factors
that favour high-quality females preferring sons at evolutionary stability are: (i) a
weak correlation between female quality and female fecundity, (ii) a weak correlation
between female quality and daughter quality, (iii) a strong correlation between female
quality and male quality, and (iv) a strong correlation between male quality and male
ability to compete with other males for females. The converse properties leads to high-
quality females preferring daughters.

10.4.3 Empirical Evidence

Theories of sex allocation (e.g. Charnov, 1982; Pen and Weissing, 2002) are among
the most developed and successful in evolutionary ecology. In their pioneering work,
Trivers and Willard (1973) initiated the evolutionary study of facultative sex ratios,
i.e. when particular environmental conditions favour the production of either male
or female offspring. Haplodiploid insects, where males are haploid and females are
diploid, provide many examples of such facultative sex ratios. An egg-laying female
directly determines the sex of offspring in these insects, through her decision of
whether to fertilize an egg that is being laid (using stored sperm). Some of these insects

246 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

are parasitoids, meaning that females lay eggs in or on host organisms (e.g. other
insects). The offspring develop in and consume the host. Typically females are larger
than males in parasitoid insect species, and therefore it should benefit a mother to
lay female-destined eggs in larger hosts. This prediction has strong empirical support
(Charnov, 1982; West and Sheldon, 2002).
Trivers and Willard (1973) dealt specifically with the quality or condition of the
mother as the environmental factor influencing sex-allocation decisions. Much effort
has been devoted to testing their hypothesis, both using observational field studies
and in experiments. While there is empirical support for the hypothesis, including
for mammals, there is also a fair amount of discussion and controversy (Sheldon
and West, 2004). One reason for the difficulty could be that many species have
chromosomal sex determination, for instance with X/Y chromosomes, potentially
making it harder for mothers to influence the sex of offspring. Another reason is that
many factors apart from the condition of the mother can influence whether offspring
of one sex or another should be favoured, as the example above of host size illustrates.
As another example, in some bird species offspring can stay on at the nest and help
rearing their younger siblings, and sometimes mostly one sex, for instance females,
acts as helpers. Komdeur et al. (1997) showed that Seychelles warbler parents with
nests in good sites, where helpers are particularly beneficial, strongly skewed the
offspring sex towards females if they were without a helper, and there are similar
results for other bird species (West and Sheldon, 2002). A question related to but
different from the Trivers and Willard (1973) hypothesis is how much a mother should
invest in an offspring given that it is either a son or a daughter. Theoretical predictions
for this related question appear to depend on modelling details (Veller et al., 2016).
As the work by Leimar (1996) shows, to predict which sex of offspring should be
preferred by mothers in good condition, one needs good estimates of the reproductive
value of sons compared with daughters, and such estimates are difficult to obtain. This
is because reproductive value depends on effects across generations and also that in
many species life histories differ between the sexes. Schindler et al. (2015) addressed
this by developing models with life-histories adapted to particular species. Even so,
at the present time there is still a need for further work to evaluate the Trivers and
Willard (1973) sex-allocation hypothesis (e.g. Douhard, 2017).

10.5 The Fisher Runaway Process

In many species males have conspicuous traits that females find attractive. Among
birds the display feathers of a male peacock and the tail of a male long-tailed
widowbird are striking examples. In a classic experiment on the widowbird Andersson
(1982) experimentally manipulated the tail length of males, shortening some and
elongating others (Fig. 10.4). He showed that the mating success of males increased
with their tail length. Since increased tail length appears to be costly (Pryke and
Andersson, 2005), this experiment and subsequent work suggest that the extreme tail
length of males is maintained by female preference and reflects a balance between

The Fisher Runaway Process • 247

2 a

Mean no. of nests per male

3 1 1 3 3 2 6 0 0 3 1 1
1 0 2 2 0 1 3 2 2 5 2 1
1 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1

2 b

0 0 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 5
1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 4 2 2
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shortened I II Elongated
Tail treatment

Fig. 10.4 A male long-tailed widowbird and fig. 1 from Andersson (1982). In Anderssons’s
classic experiment the tails of some males were shortened, some were extended, with other birds
acting as controls. Part (a) male success before the manipulation, (b) success after. Original
photo of the long-tailed widowbird (Euplectes progne) male by Bernard Dupont. Published
under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license (CC BY-SA 2.0). Data
figure reprinted by permission from Springer Nature: M. Andersson, Female choice selects for
extreme tail length in a widowbird. Nature, 299, 818–820, Copyright (1982).

reduced survival and increased mating success. Such a balance had previously been
proposed by Darwin (1871) and Fisher (1930), but raises the question of why the
preference by females might arise in the first place and why it might be maintained.
Fisher (1930) suggested that if the resident female mate-choice strategy resulted
in long-tailed males gaining more matings, then any mutant female should prefer to
mate with a long-tailed male because their sons would inherit the long tail and so gain
more matings, resulting in more grandchildren for the female. He also argued that an
initial preference by females, for whatever reason, could be amplified by this feedback
loop, resulting in a runaway process in which increased preference for long tails and
increased tail length would co-evolve. Females might initially prefer males because
they yield benefits such as good genes. It has also been suggested (e.g. Andersson,
1982; Pryke and Andersson, 2005) that the runaway process might be triggered by

248 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

the fact that increased tail length increases the visibility of males in flight and hence
makes it more likely that they are detected by females. Here we illustrate how mate-
preference evolution could work.
A female’s mate-choice genes are passed on to future generations through both
her daughters and her sons, so that any analysis of the evolution of female mating
preferences has to incorporate these two channels of inheritance. Most analyses
of the Fisher runaway process explicitly model the genetics of traits, often using
quantitative genetics (e.g. Lande, 1981; Pomiankowski et al., 1991; Iwasa et al., 1991).
However, as we illustrate, the evolutionarily stable endpoints of a runaway process
can be characterized in phenotypic terms. Each resident female mate-choice strategy
determines a function that specifies how the payoff in terms of reproductive value of
mating with a male depends on his trait value. The resident strategy is then an ESS if
and only if females are behaving to maximize the payoff they obtain from mating.
For simplicity we present our analysis for the case in which the male trait is
restricted to one of two values, referring to males as either type 1 or type 2. We assume
discrete non-overlapping generations with one breeding season per generation and
a 1:1 birth sex ratio with no differential mortality between the sexes. During the
breeding season each female mates at most once. Males may mate many times.
We start by considering a male trait that is not genetically determined, but is a
phenotypic trait that is only present in males and is transmitted phenotypically from
father to son, e.g. via cultural inheritance. This transmission is subject to error: with
probability  the trait value of a son is different to that of his father. Phenotypic
inheritance avoids the complication that females carry genes for male type and hence
avoids the need to consider the covariance between the male-type genes and the
female mate-choice genes, which is an important element of quantitative genetic
analyses. After exposing the logic in this simpler case we outline how the analysis
can be extended to a male trait that is genetically determined.
The genes determining a given mate-choice strategy can be present in three
categories of individual: (i) carried but not expressed in a type 1 male, (ii) carried but
not expressed in a type 2 male, and (iii) carried and expressed in a female. We regard
a strategy as being determined by the allele at a specific haploid locus. The projection
matrix for the strategy x in a resident x population is then specified by two functions:
aj (x) = mean number of daughters with the x allele produced by a type j x male,
αi (x , x) = mean number of type i sons with the x allele produced by an x female.
Note that male transmission of the mutant allele depends only on the resident mate-
choice strategy since mutant females are rare. In contrast, the transmission by a
mutant female depends on her mate-choice strategy and that of resident females since
their action determines the population proportion of males of different types (and
there may also be direct competition for males). Taking account of the 1:1 offspring
sex ratio and errors in transmission of male type, the projection matrix can then be
written as
⎡ ⎤
a1 (x)(1 − ) a2 (x) α1 (x , x)
A(x , x) = ⎣ a1 (x) a2 (x)(1 − ) α2 (x , x) ⎦. (10.25)
a1 (x) a2 (x)  
α1 (x , x) + α2 (x , x)

The Fisher Runaway Process • 249

To proceed further denote the probability that a mutant female chooses a type i male
as her partner by mi (x , x). Assume that the mean number of offspring left by a female
if she chooses a type i male, Ni , depends only on the male’s type. A mutant female
mates with a resident male (since mutants are rare), so that she passes on her mutant
allele to each offspring with probability 12 . Since each offspring is male with probability
2 we have
α1 (x , x) = m1 (x , x)N1 (1 − ) + m2 (x , x)N2  (10.26)
α2 (x , x) = m1 (x , x)N1  + m2 (x , x)N2 (1 − ) . (10.27)
For a type i male, the mean number of resident females that will choose him is
mi (x, x)/ρi (x), where ρi (x) is the proportion of males that are type i in the resident
population. Thus, using the 1:1 offspring sex ratio, we have

1 mi (x, x)
ai (x) = Ni . (10.28)
4 ρi (x)
The machinery developed in Section 10.3 gives a criterion for the invasion of a mutant
strategy in terms of maximization of reproductive value. McNamara et al. (2003b)
derived the invasion criterion by exploiting the fact that the ai (x) do not depend on
x . This derivation is presented in Box 10.2. From the analysis in the box it can be seen
that the best response, in terms of the payoff of a mutant in the resident population,
maximizes W(x , x) given by eq (10.34). By eqs (10.26) and (10.27), this is equivalent
to a female’s mate-choice strategy x maximizing
m1 (x , x)r1 + m2 (x , x)r2 , (10.29)
where the payoffs for choosing her partner are
r1 = N1 [v1 (1 − ) + v2  + 1] (10.30)
r2 = N2 [v1  + v2 (1 − ) + 1] , (10.31)
where vi is the reproductive value of a type i male under the resident strategy. The best
response only depends on the ratio rr21 of these payoffs. Note that, according to (10.35),
W(x , x) in eq (10.34) is a fitness proxy, but it might not be a strong fitness proxy (see
Section 2.5). This means that W(x , x) can be used to determine Nash equilibria, but
the best responses given by the proxy might differ from the best responses in terms of
invasion fitness.
We illustrate the above ideas with a specific model of mate choice. Assume that
during the annual breeding season each female attempts to choose her mate in a
mating window that starts at time of year 0 and ends at time of year T. During the
mating window she encounters a sequence of males. The female is assumed to prefer
type 2 males, and if she encounters a male of this type she chooses him as her mate.
If she has not encountered a type 2 male by time x she ceases to be choosy and mates
with the first male she encounters after this time. Her strategy is thus specified by this
switch time x. There is a cost of choosiness: the larger the value of x the more likely
it is that she will not encounter any male after this time and so does not mate at all.

250 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

Box 10.2 Reproductive value maximization for the Fisher process

Let v = (v1 , v2 , 1) be the row vector of reproductive values under the resident mate-choice
strategy. Thus vA(x, x) = λ(x, x)v where the matrix A(x, x) is given by eq (10.25) (with x set
equal to x). Let ρi be the stable proportion of all mutant males that are type i in the resident
population. Thus the column vector ρ  = (ρ1 , ρ2 , 1)T satisfies A(x , x)ρ  = λ(x , x)ρ  . By
these two eigenvector equations
v A(x, x) − A(x , x) ρ  = λ(x, x) − λ(x , x) vρ  . (10.32)
All the entries in the first and second columns of the matrix A(x, x) − A(x , x) are zero. Thus
v A(x, x) − A(x , x) ρ  = W(x, x) − W(x , x), (10.33)
W(x , x) = (v1 + 1)α1 (x , x) + (v2 + 1)α2 (x , x). (10.34)
By eqs (10.32) and (10.33)
λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x) ⇐⇒ W(x , x) ≤ W(x, x) (10.35)
since vρ  > 0.

Let ρi denote the proportion of resident males that are type i. We assume that each
female encounters type 2 males as a Poisson process of rate ρ2 . Type 1 males may
be less visible than type 2 males, and we assume that a female encounters males of
this type as a Poisson process of rate κρ1 , where κ ≤ 1 takes account of the reduced
visibility of these males.
Given the resident strategy x there is a complication in finding the probabilities,
m1 (x, x) and m2 (x, x), that a resident female mates with males of each type. This is
because the mating probabilities depend on ρ1 and ρ2 , but these proportions depend
on the mating probabilities. Nevertheless, one can compute numerically the values
of the mating probabilities and the proportions of the two types of male that are
consistent with one another by an iterative scheme. Once ρ1 , ρ2 , m1 (x, x), and m2 (x, x)
have been found one can find the coefficients of the projection matrix for the resident
population. This can then be used to solve for the reproductive values v1 and v2 . These
reproductive values then determine the payoffs r1 and r2 (eqs (10.30) and (10.31)) and
the mutant strategy x that maximizes expression (10.29) can then be found.
Figure 10.5 illustrates how payoff ratios and best responses in terms of payoff
depend on the resident female switch time. When κ = 1, so that males of each type are
equally visible, the best response to the resident strategy of being totally non-choosy
(x = 0) is to also be totally non-choosy. The relative payoff from mating with a type
2 male rather than a type 1 male increases as the resident x increases. This eventually
results in females that follow the best response strategy being choosy. As can be seen
there are three Nash equilibria at x1∗ = 0, x2∗ = 0.234, and x3∗ = 1.503. These Nash
equilibria are also ESSs as best responses are unique. The outer ESSs are convergence
stable and the middle ESS is not convergence stable (McNamara et al., 2003b). Thus

The Fisher Runaway Process • 251

(a) (b)


Best response
Payoff ratio


1.2 0.5

1.0 0.0
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Resident switch time Resident switch time

Fig. 10.5 The Fisher process with phenotypic inheritance of the male trait. The female mate-
choice strategy is the time at which she switches to accepting any male. (a) The payoff ratio rr21 .
(b) Best responses. The 45◦ line is also shown. The visibility of type 1 males is κ = 1 for the solid
lower curves, κ = 0.9 for the middle curves, and κ = 0.8 for the upper curves. Mating window
of length T = 2.5. N1 = N2 .

although there is a CSS at which females are choosy, it is separated from the non-
choosy ESS by an invasion barrier and cannot be reached from this ESS. Decreasing
the visibility of type 1 females to κ = 0.8 changes the situation. The best response to
x = 0 is to be choosy, and there is a unique CSS at x∗ = 1.526. It can be shown that
ρ2 = 0.887 at this ESS, so that preference for type 2 results in this type being more
One can easily extend this model to deal with more than two male types. With
a large number of types that lie on a continuum, at evolutionary stability extreme
male types tend to predominate unless there are factors such as biased mutation or
reduced fecundity of extreme types that resist a runaway in the evolutionary process
(Pomiankowski et al., 1991; McNamara et al., 2003b). In general the mating payoffs
provide a common currency that takes into account fecundity differences and bias as
well as the resident female mate-choice strategy. Similarly, in models with genetically
determined male type they provide a common currency that reflects genetic quality
and preference (Kokko et al., 2002).
Our illustrative example lends credence to the idea that the exaggerated tail of the
widowbird is the result of a runaway process that was triggered by the greater visibility
of long-tailed males. The model is, however, unrealistic for a variety of reasons, not
least because the male type is phenotypically inherited. Genetic determination of the
male type can be incorporated into a similar model by assuming that in addition to the
mate-choice locus there is a separate locus determining male type. In the case of just
two male types the genes determining a given mate-choice strategy x can be present
in four categories of individual: (i) males that express the type 1 allele and that carry

252 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

but do not express x, (ii) males that express the type 2 allele and that carry but do not
express x, (iii) females that express x and carry the male type 1 allele, and (iv) females
that express x and carry the male type 2 allele. The projection matrix for the change
in numbers of carriers of a mutant mate-choice strategy is then four-dimensional.
Two models of this sort are possible. In one the male type allele is not expressed
in females. In the other we allow the mate-choice strategy expressed by a female to
depend on the male type allele she is carrying. The mate-choice strategy of a female
can then be represented by a vector x = (x1 , x2 ) where xi is the mate-choice tactic she
expresses if she is carrying the allele for male type i. To understand why there might
be selection to have different mate-choice behaviour in the two circumstances, we can
extend the idea of payoff maximization to four payoffs r11 , r12 , r21 , r22 , where rij is the
payoff assigned to a female that carries the type j allele if she mates with a type i male.
The analogue of eq (10.29) is then that under strategy x = (x1 , x2 ) the local payoff to
a female that carries male type allele j is m1j (xj , x)r1j + m2j (xj , x)r2j , where mij (xj , x) is
the probability the female mates with a type i male under local mate-choice strategy
xj . A best response strategy maximizes both local payoffs. When N1 = N2 it can be
shown that
r21 − r11 = r22 − r12 (10.36)
(Exercise 10.5). Thus when N1 = N2 the additional payoff that a female gets from
mating with a type 2 male, as opposed to a type 1 male, does not depend on the type
allele she carries. However, a female that carries the type 2 allele is more likely to
produce type 2 offspring than a female that carries the type 1 allele if both mate with
the same male. Thus if males of type 2 are more valuable, then both sides of eq (10.36)
are positive and we also have r12 > r11 . Equation (10.36) then implies that rr2111
> rr22
It follows that females that carry the male type 1 allele should be more choosy than
females that carry the male type 2 allele.
When the mate-choice strategy of females cannot change with the male type allele
they carry, we cannot employ the above analysis. When females are constrained to use
the same strategy regardless of the type allele they carry, at evolutionary stability their
mate-choice strategy is doing the best on average. Section 10.8 outlines approaches
that can be used to find an ESS in this case.

10.6 Maximizing Lifetime Reproductive Success

Projection matrices are very powerful as they can incorporate intergenerational
effects. However, in counting the number of descendants left at the next annual
census time, the matrices do not differentiate between the surviving offspring of an
individual and the individual itself, given that it survives. The emphasis is on the
cohort of individuals following the same strategy rather than any one individual. Thus
for species in which individuals live for many years the analysis using projection
matrix gives no sense of how successful an individual is over its lifetime. This
section examines how statements formulated in terms of projection matrices can be
reformulated in terms of individual optimization.

Maximizing Lifetime Reproductive Success • 253

The simplest situation to analyse is that in which age is the only state variable.
Assume that the annual census time is just prior to the single breeding season in a
year. Young produced in the breeding season do not themselves reproduce that year.
Any that survive until the next annual census time are classified as age 0 at this time.
Age then increases by 1 year at every subsequent census time. Define wi (x , x) to
be the expected future reproductive success (EFRS) of an individual of age i. By the
term ‘future reproductive success’ we mean the number of offspring (discounted by
relatedness) produced by the individual in the current and future years that manage
to survive until their first annual census time at age 0. As the notation indicates,
EFRS depends on the strategy adopted and the resident strategy. The EFRS of an
individual at age 0, w0 (x , x), then measures the average total number of surviving
offspring produced by an individual over its lifetime, and is referred to as mean
lifetime reproductive success (mean LRS). Note that, since the resident strategy x is
assumed to be at a demographic equilibrium, each age 0 resident leaves on average
one surviving offspring in this state, so that w0 (x, x) = 1.
In this simple setting, it is clear that if w0 (x , x) < 1 then the size of the cohort of x
mutants is declining so that λ(x , x) < 1. Conversely, if w0 (x , x) > 1 then the size of
the cohort of x mutants is increasing so that λ(x , x) > 1. Finally if w0 (x , x) = 1 then
λ(x , x) = 1. From these relationships we have:
λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x) = 1 for all x (10.37)
⇐⇒ w0 (x , x) ≤ w0 (x, x) = 1 for all x . (10.38)
This result was first proved by Taylor et al. (1974) for an age-structured population
and extended to a state-structured population in which all offspring are in the same
state by McNamara (1993). The result shows that a strategy is a Nash equilibrium for
invasion fitness if and only if it is a Nash equilibrium for the payoff function w0 . The
analogous result with strict inequalities also holds. These results show that mean LRS
is a fitness proxy (Section 2.5).
Assuming appropriate conditions on the flexibility of strategies, the technique
of dynamic programming can be used to find the strategy maximizing mean LRS
(Taylor et al., 1974). One starts by considering behaviour at the maximum possible
age, finding the action maximizing EFRF at this age. This then allows the action
that maximizes EFRS at the penultimate age to be calculated. In this way one works
backwards to find the strategy maximizing ERFS at age 0, i.e. maximizing mean LRS.
To illustrate these results we look at an example of an age-structured population in
which individuals must decide how to schedule reproductive effort over their lifetime.

10.6.1 Reproductive Scheduling

We model a large asexual population with an annual breeding season. The annual cen-
sus time is just prior to breeding. At this time individuals are classified as being either
age 0 or age 1, where by age 1 we mean this actual age or older. During the breeding
season each individual decides on the effort to expend on reproduction, where efforts
lie between 0 and 1. Thus a strategy is specified by the vector of efforts (e0 , e1 ), where

254 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

e0 is the effort at age 0 and e1 is the effort when older. Breeding individuals compete
for limited resources, with older individuals tending to outcompete age 0 individuals.
Suppose that the resident strategy is (e0 , e1 ) and that stable numbers in this population
are n0 and n1 . We assume that a mutant of age i has the potential to gain resources at
rate ri where
r0 = and r1 = , (10.39)
2 + n0 e0 + 2n1 e1 1 + n0 e0 + n1 e1
where R is a constant that measures the richness of the environment. These formulae
capture the idea that age 0 individuals get fewer resources than age 1 individuals, and
furthermore they are disproportionately affected by the presence of age 1 competitors.
If the mutant has strategy (e0 , e1 ), at age i its actual rate of resource gain is ri ei , resulting
in ri ei θ offspring that survive until the annual census time the following year. Here
θ < 1 is a second environmental parameter that decreases as the harshness of winter
increases. Offspring that have survived from last year are classified as age 0 at this time.
The probability that an individual that expends effort e on reproduction survives until
the following annual census time is (1 − e )θ. Surviving individuals are classified as
age 1.
Let the resident strategy result in potential rates of resource gains r0 and r1 .
We first consider the effort of an age 1 mutant individual in this population. Let
w1 (e1 ) be the EFRS of the mutant given it expends effort e1 . Then w1 (e1 ) = r1 e1 θ +
r1 e1 θ
(1 − e1 )θw1 (e1 ), so that w1 (e1 ) = 1−(1−e1 )θ
. Since this is a strictly increasing function
of e1 , the action that maximizes the mutant’s EFRS is to expend the maximal effort
e1 = 1. As this result holds for all resident strategies, in looking for a Nash equilibrium
strategy we can henceforth restrict attention to strategies that satisfy e1 = 1. The EFRS
of an age 1 individual is then w1∗ = r1 θ where r1 is determined by the resident strategy.
We now consider an age 0 mutant that expends effort e0 . The EFRS of the mutant
is then w0 (e0 ) = r0 e0 θ + (1 − e0 )θw1∗ = r1 θ 2 + θ(r0 − r1 θ)e0 . Thus the best mutant
effort is
e∗0 = 1 if r0 > r1 θ (10.40)
e∗0 = 0 if r0 < r1 θ. (10.41)
Motivated by the above we now suppose that the resident strategy is to expend
maximal reproductive effort at age 0, i.e. e0 = 1, e1 = 1. Let n0 be the equilibrium
number of individuals of age 0 in the population (there are no age 1 residents as all
age 0 residents die after reproduction). The demographic equilibrium condition is
n0 = n0 r0 θ, so that r0 = θ −1 . Thus n0 = Rθ − 2, by eq (10.39), so that r1 = RθR−1 . By
eq (10.40), the resident strategy is the unique best response to itself if r0 > r1 θ. Thus
if R > θ(1−θ ) then the strategy of maximum reproductive effort at age 0 (followed by
death) is a strict best response to itself for the payoff w0 . By eq (10.37) the strategy is
also a strict Nash equilibrium for invasion fitness, and is hence an ESS. We refer to this
strategy as ESS0. Note that we also require that Rθ > 2 to ensure population viability.
Now suppose that the resident strategy is to expend zero effort at age 0 and then
maximal reproductive effort at age 1; i.e. e0 = 0, e1 = 1. The demographic equilibrium

Dispersal • 255


7.5 and
Resource value, R




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Survival parameter, θ

Fig. 10.6 Effect of environmental parameters on the ESSs for the reproductive scheduling
model. Above the solid line the strategy ESS0 of maximizing reproduction at age 0 is both
demographically viable and evolutionarily stable. Above and to the right of the dashed line the
strategy ESS1 of delaying reproduction until age 1 and then maximizing reproduction is both
demographically viable and evolutionarily stable.

conditions are n1 = n0 θ and n0 = n1 r1 θ, so that r1 = θ −2 . By eq (10.39) n1 = Rθ 2 − 1,

so that r0 = 0.5θ −2 . By eq (10.40), the resident strategy is the unique best response to
itself if r0 < r1 θ. Thus if θ > 0.5 then the strategy of delaying reproduction until age
1 and then reproducing maximally is evolutionarily stable. We refer to this strategy as
ESS1. In this case we require that Rθ 2 > 1 to ensure population viability.
Figure 10.6 plots the dependence of the ESSs (for viable populations) on environ-
mental parameters. As can be seen there are regions of parameter space when there
are two alternative ESSs. These can both occur because of the effects of competition.
When there are no age 1 individuals age 0 individuals get sufficient resources to make
maximal reproduction optimal, resulting in no age 1 individuals; when reproduction
is delayed to age 1 individuals are outcompeted at age 0 and it is best for them to
delay reproduction until age 1. McNamara (1994) obtained multiple ESSs for similar

10.7 Dispersal

An environment that is composed of local patches or habitats linked by dispersal

is referred to as a metapopulation. We previously encountered a metapopulation
in Section 4.3, where two habitats with different characteristics were linked by a
dispersal. In that model we took the dispersal probability as fixed and considered
the evolution of the trait that determined reproductive success on each habitat. In
this section we illustrate how the location of an individual acts as a state variable in

256 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

a metapopulation context by describing how projection matrices are constructed for

the two-habitat example. We then briefly describe a complication that can occur when
the dispersal rate is low.
Recall that the two-habitat model of Section 4.3 assumes an asexual species with
non-overlapping generations and an annual cycle of reproduction. An individual with
trait x in habitat i (i = 1, 2) leaves Ngi (x) offspring where N is large. Each newborn
individual either remains in its birth habitat (with probability 1 − d) or disperses
to the other habitat (with probability d). After the dispersal phase, all individuals
currently in a habitat compete for the K territories in the habitat. Those individuals
left without territories die, while the K that possess territories grow to maturity, so
that the breeding population in a habitat has size K.
Let the resident strategy be x. Then the number of individuals that compete for
territories in habitat 1 is KNc1 (x), where c1 (x) = (1 − d)g1 (x) + dg2 (x). Similarly
KNc2 (x) compete in habitat 2, where c2 (x) = dg1 (x) + (1 − d)g2 (x). Let x be a rare
mutant strategy. A mutant in habitat 1 produces Ng1 (x ) offspring. Of these, a pro-
portion 1 − d compete for the K territories in habitat 1. Thus on average a11 (x , x) =
KN(1−d)g1 (x ) (1−d)g (x )
KNc1 (x) = c1 (x)1 secure territories. The remaining offspring disperse to
KNdg (x ) dg (x )
habitat 2 and secure a21 (x , x) = KNc21(x) = c21(x) territories on average. Similar
formulae hold for the offspring of mutants in habitat 2. The projection matrix for
the mutant strategy is thus
 (1−d)g (x ) dg (x )

1 2
A(x , x) = c1 (x)
dg1 (x )
c1 (x)
(1−d)g2 (x ) . (10.42)
c2 (x) c2 (x)
The methods in Box 10.1 can then be used to find the invasion fitness of the mutant
strategy, λ(x , x). Exercise 10.6 illustrates this calculation.
The definition of the invasion fitness of a mutant strategy is as an appropriate
measure of the per-capita rate of increase in the number of mutants when the
mutation is rare in the environment. The assumption of rarity is to ensure that one
can assume that the background environment does not change during this growth
phase. Consider a metapopulation in which there are many local habitats linked by
dispersal, but the carrying capacity of each local habitat is low. Then for low dispersal
probability, a mutation that arises in a local habitat can quickly become common
in this particular habitat while it is still rare in the environment as a whole. As a
mutation becomes locally common it can change the local habitat and so affect other
mutants. When this is the case, the approach to invasion fitness based on projection
matrices that we applied to the two-habitat case, is not appropriate. This can be seen
in the metapopulation model of McNamara et al. (2011). For moderate dispersal
rates in this model, the analysis that takes invasion fitness to be the eigenvalue of
the projection matrix for one individual gives results that are in agreement with
evolutionary simulations. In contrast for low dispersal rates, predictions based on this
measure of invasion fitness fail. One approach to this problem is to enlarge the idea of
state, recording the proportion of habitats that have n mutants for each n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . ..
McNamara and Dall (2011) employ this rather cumbersome approach to deal with

Evolutionary Analysis in Structured Populations • 257

the case of density dependence in their model of natal philopatry. However, even
when it is possible to make analytic predictions in such complex problems, we would
always recommend performing careful evolutionary simulations to check the analytic
predictions and to test their generality. By themselves, analytic calculations may be of
limited use. In the model of the co-evolution of prosociality and dispersal of Section
6.6 predictions were entirely based on simulations.

10.8 Evolutionary Analysis in Structured Populations

A potential difficulty for the analysis of game-theory models for structured popu-
lations is that invasion fitness λ(x , x) (from Section 10.1) is an eigenvalue of the
projection matrix A(x , x) and, except for the case of two demographic states (Box
10.1), tends to be hard to compute analytically. It may then also be difficult to
compute derivatives of invasion fitness, which are needed to determine the strength
and direction of selection, as well as to characterize the local properties of a singular
point, where the selection gradient is zero (see Box 6.1). There are nevertheless a
few approaches that can be helpful for the analysis of the general case mentioned
in Section 10.1, where the components of a strategy x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xL ) need not
correspond to independent actions in each demographic state sj . 
First, assuming that reproductive values v(x) are normalized such that i vi ρi =
1, where ρ(x, x) is the stable state distribution, there is a general expression for the
selection gradient, given by
∂λ ∂A
(x, x) = v(x)  (x, x)ρ(x, x), (10.43)
∂xk ∂xk
where the derivative of the projection matrix has elements ∂aij /∂xk evaluated at
x = x. This is a standard result on eigenvalue sensitivity (Caswell, 2001, 2012) and is
easy to derive (Exercise 10.8). Because the resident left and right eigenvectors v and ρ
can readily be computed numerically, eq (10.43) can be used to numerically determine
the evolutionary change in the strategy vector x. There is, however, no similarly simple
expression for the second derivatives of invasion fitness.
Second, let us examine the criteria (10.18) and (10.19) that we used to establish
that a strategy is a Nash equilibrium. The left-hand side of the implication (10.18) still
works as a sufficient condition in our general case, but the implication (10.19) might
be less useful for characterizing Nash equilibria. The reason is that if a mutant strategy
component xk influences the action in several demographic states sj , a mutant could
in principle do better than the resident in some demographic state but, because of
poorer performance in other demographic states, still have lower invasion fitness. This
limits the usefulness of reproductive value somewhat, but as eq (10.43) makes clear,
the concept can still be helpful for evolutionary analysis in structured populations.
Third, there is another fitness proxy that is sometimes helpful (Metz and Leimar,
2011). It is related to a method for finding eigenvalues, as in eq (10.3), namely to study
the characteristic polynomial, defined as

258 • Structured Populations and Games over Generations

P(λ; x , x) = det λI − A(x , x) ,
where I is the identity matrix and det denotes the determinant of a matrix. Eigen-
values are solutions to P(λ; x , x) = 0. For instance, from Section 10.1 we know that
P(1; x, x) = 0. The proxy is given by
W(x , x) = −P(1; x , x). (10.44)
This fitness proxy was first used by Taylor and Bulmer (1980) for local stability analysis
for a sex-ratio model. Its general properties have been explored by Metz and Leimar
(2011), showing that it can often be used for global stability analysis, as well as for
local conditions such as those in Box 6.1. Still, there is the issue that determinants
give rise to complex expressions when there are three or more demographic states, so
this proxy also has limitations.
This leads to the conclusion that individual-based evolutionary simulations are
important tools for the analysis of structured populations (as well as for the analysis
of many game-theory models). Such simulations are sometimes the only manageable
approach, and can in any case be a valuable complement to analytical and numer-
ical approaches, because they more readily allow different kinds of genetics and
behavioural mechanisms.

10.9 Exercises

Ex. 10.1. Let (3, 3) be the resident strategy in the model of Section 10.2. Use the
results in Box 10.1 to show that g3,3 = 1.2646. Show that at demographic stability
27.43% of this resident population is High quality. Show that the ratio of reproductive
values is vL /vH = 0.3780.

Ex. 10.2. Use eq (10.3) to show that eq (10.14) holds.

Ex. 10.3. Use eq (10.1) to verify that dj (t) = 1A(x, x)t ej , where ej is the column vector
with 1 in position j and zeros elsewhere, 1 is the row vector of 1s and t is a positive
integer. Hence use eqs (10.5), (10.4), and (10.15) to show that the average reproductive
value of resident population members (averaged across the steady-state distribution)
is 1; i.e.

ρj (x, x)vj (x) = 1 (10.45)

Ex. 10.4. Let x be the resident strategy and x a mutant strategy, and assume that
v(x)A(x , x) ≤ v(x). Use eq (10.3) to show that λ(x , x) ≤ 1.

Ex. 10.5. Consider the version of the Fisher process of Section 10.5 in which males
have two types and type is genetically determined by the allele at a haploid autosomal
locus. On reproduction one type allele mutates to the other allele with probability .

Exercises • 259

Assume that the mate-choice strategy of a female can depend on the male type allele
she carries. Assume a 1:1 sex ratio of offspring. Consider a rare x mutant in a x
population. Define 2aij (x) as the mean number of mutant offspring (half of each sex)
that carry the type i allele, left by a type j male. Define 2αij (x , x) as the mean number
of mutant offspring (half of each sex) that carry the type i allele, left by a type j female.
Let v̄i be the sum of the reproductive values of a type i son and a type i daughter in
the x resident population. Set Wj (x , x) = v̄1 α1,j (x , x) + v̄2 α2,j (x , x).
(i) Adapt the analysis of Box 10.2 to show that if W1 (x , x) ≤ W1 (x, x) and
W2 (x , x) ≤ W2 (x, x) then λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x).
(ii) Show that Wj (x , x) = m1j (xj , x)r1j + m2j (xj , x)r2j for suitably defined payoffs
rij .
(iii) Show that eq (10.36) holds when N1 = N2 .

Ex. 10.6. In the model of two habitats linked by dispersal of Sections 4.3 we
have g1 (0.25) = 0.9375, g2 (0.25) = 0.4375 and g1 (0.75) = 0.4375, g2 (0.75) = 0.9375
(Fig. 4.6a). Consider a population in which the resident strategy is x = 0.25. Let
x = 0.75 be a rare mutant strategy. Use eq (10.42) to write down the projection matrix
for this mutant strategy when d = 0.3. Hence show that λ(x , x) = 1.2137. Note that
this means that x can invade x, and by symmetry, x can invade x . This can also be
seen from Fig. 4.7a.

Ex. 10.7. In a population individuals are characterized by their age at the start of a
year. A mutant strategy specifies that all resources are put into growth until age n is
reached, at which time the mutant reproduces and dies. The probability that a mutant
survives from age 0 to age n is 0.85n . If it does survive it leaves n age 0 recruits at
the start of the next year. Let λ(n) denote the invasion fitness of the mutant; i.e. the
per-capita annual growth rate in mutant numbers. Let w0 (n) denote the mean LRS of
the mutant. Plot λ(n) and w0 (n) as functions of n, and hence find the values n̂ and ñ
maximizing these two measures. Note that n̂ < ñ. Deduce that mean LRS cannot be a
strong fitness proxy in the sense given by condition (2.7).

Ex. 10.8. Verify eq (10.43). It is helpful to use the following. Let λ(x , x) and ρ(x , x)
be the eigenvalue and right eigenvector from eq (10.3). Start by taking the derivative of
this equation with respect to xk and evaluate at x = x. Then multiply this with the left
eigenvector v(x) to the projection matrix A(x, x). From eq (10.16) the left eigenvector
has eigenvalue λ(x, x) = 1. Normalize the left eigenvector such that i vi ρi = 1 holds
at x = x, and the result follows.

Future Perspectives

Game theory has typically used simple schematic models to expose the logic behind
the action of frequency dependence. One reason for the success of the theory is
precisely because the models have been simple. We contend, however, that the
limitations of these simple models have not always been appreciated. For instance,
adding richness to the models can alter their predictions (McNamara, 2013). Much
of this book has explored the consequences of moving beyond the simple models of
Chapter 3.
One issue is the way traits are modelled. In the simplest models, such as the Hawk–
Dove game, there are just two actions and the trait is the probability of choosing one
of these actions. As we and others have argued, rather than a trait being a probability,
decisions are more likely to be based on some underlying state variable and the
evolved trait is a decision threshold. In Section 3.11 we saw that this perspective
changed predictions: in contrast to the case of a trait being a probability, threshold
decisions predicted that at evolutionary stability those individuals taking one action
gained a greater payoff than those taking the other action.
In Chapter 6 we argued that some traits are fundamentally multidimensional, and
even when they are not, a focal trait can have a strong interaction with other traits.
When this is the case, analysing the co-evolution of traits highlights feedback and the
possibility of disruptive selection, and can lead to insights that would not be obtained
by analysing a single trait in isolation.
There is extensive trait variation in most natural populations, but many of the stan-
dard game-theoretic models in biology ignore it, instead assuming that all individuals
are the same. Variation plays a crucial role in many situations analysed in this book.
In Chapter 7 we outlined how equilibria, for example signalling equilibria, can be
stabilized by variation. Variation is also central to the existence of reputation effects
and the workings of biological markets. In these contexts, the existence of variation
selects for other traits such as social sensitivity or choosiness. Since these other traits
interact strongly with the focal trait, this provides another reason to consider co-
evolution rather than the evolution of an isolated trait.
In most of the standard games there is simultaneous choice, i.e. individuals choose
their action without knowing the action of a partner and cannot later change their
mind once their partner’s action becomes known. This is not a realistic representation
of most animal interactions. Instead, individuals show some flexibility in what they do,
responding to aspects of their partner as the interaction progresses. Such interactions

Game Theory in Biology: Concepts and Frontiers. John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar,
Oxford University Press (2020). © John M. McNamara and Olof Leimar (2020).
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198815778.003.00011

262 • Future Perspectives

can be regarded as a process in which the proponents learn about aspects of one
another and are prepared to base their own behaviour on what they have learnt.
Here variation is again crucial. If there were no variation, so that all possible partners
always acted in the same way, there would be nothing to learn. Once there are real-
time interactions there is a change in perspective; rather than regarding a strategy as
specifying a single action, a strategy specifies the rule to respond to information as the
interaction progresses. As we illustrate in Chapter 8, this changed perspective changes
predictions about the outcome of the interaction.
In Chapter 9 we highlighted that many standard games are considered in isolation
rather than being embedded in a wider model that specifies the ecological and life-
history context. In particular, the payoffs are specified in advance rather than arising
in a consistent manner from these outside considerations. As we have demonstrated,
adopting a more holistic view can restrict the range of phenomena that are predicted.
Many of the above enrichments to game theory take place in a small world. But
real organisms are adapted to large worlds, and have evolved strategies of limited
complexity that perform well on average but may perform badly in specific circum-
stances, especially if circumstance of this type are rare. Almost all current models
in biological game theory fail to take account of this. As with all enrichments, they
are only worth pursuing if they tell us something new and lead to new predictions.
We have introduced some approaches based on a large-worlds perspective that show
that predictions can change radically: for example, we predicted biased decision
rules in Section 8.5. Still, much more needs to be done. This is not necessarily
an easy task as models have to specify all the details of the model environment,
and hence are intrinsically small-worlds models. Taking a large-worlds perspective
leads to the consideration of general learning rules and their consequences, and the
limitations and consequences of behavioural mechanisms. We have argued that for
many important categories of behaviour, including contests and social dominance,
game theory needs to make use of large-worlds models. We further discuss these issue
in Sections 11.2 and 11.3.
We can view possible future directions for biological game theory through the
lens of Tinbergen’s four questions (Tinbergen, 1963). These questions are phrased in
Bateson and Laland (2013) as: What is it for? How did it evolve? How does it work?
How did it develop? In the past game theory has largely focused on explaining traits as
adaptations to the current circumstances, i.e. on the first question. Much of the book
has also been in this tradition.
The second question of ‘How did it evolve?’ refers to phylogeny. Game theory has
traditionally not been applied to evolutionary histories, but it could be a fruitful direc-
tion because the theory concerns itself with evolutionary trajectories and whether
particular ESSs can be reached. The theory also reveals the possibility of multiple
ESSs as well as changes to the stability of strategies as circumstances change, which
we might regard as alternatives that are found by different species. We elaborate on
these ideas in Section 11.1.
The third question of ‘How does it work?’ is concerned with the underlying neural
and physiological mechanisms that bring about behaviour. Since it is necessary to

Phylogeny • 263

specify a limited class of rules to implement when modelling evolution in large worlds,
this question is central in applying a large-worlds perspective. In modelling learning
we have focused on actor–critic reinforcement learning rules, which are rules that
have some justification in terms of our knowledge of the action of dopamine in
the brain. Section 11.2 discusses what can be gained by using such models. It also
illustrates an interesting consequence of limited flexibility by individuals; it is worth
noting that limited flexibility is a characteristic feature of behavioural mechanisms in
large-worlds models.
We have so far not explicitly addressed the final question, but our focus on
learning is related to development in that learning is about how current behaviour
is acquired as a result of experience. This topic does not necessarily require a large-
worlds perspective. For example, Bayesian methods (Section 3.12) are applicable in
small-worlds models. Still, large-worlds perspectives are likely to be important for
understanding cognitive development. In Section 11.3 we argue that game theory
has the potential to address questions about cognitive development and cognitive
sophistication in animals.

11.1 Phylogeny

Phylogeny is concerned with evolutionary history, recording the relationship between

species through their lines of decent from common ancestors. Although physical
features of the environment, such as resource abundance and the degree of seasonality,
and external biotic factors, such as predator abundance, can affect what evolves,
there is overwhelming empirical evidence that phylogeny is also important: closely
related species tend to be similar. Assuming that each species that evolves is at an
ESS, this suggests that for given environmental factors there can be more than one
evolutionary outcome; i.e. multiple ESSs. Some of the models that we have presented
certainly have more than one ESS. For example, in the model of the co-evolution of
prosociality and dispersal of Section 6.6 there exist two very different ESSs: at one
individuals were prosocial and had low dispersal, at the other they were not prosocial
and dispersed more. In the model of competition between age classes presented in
Section 10.6, there can be two ESSs, depending on environmental conditions: at
ESS0 all population members reproduce in their first year of life (age 0), while at
ESS1 all delay reproduction until a year older. In both of these examples, the strong
dependence of the best response strategy on the resident strategy is responsible for
the existence of more than one ESS. For other modelling examples of strong feedbacks
that lead to multiple ESSs, see, for example, Alonzo (2010) and Lehtonen and Kokko
Parental care involves the co-evolution of multiple traits that have strong inter-
dependencies (see e.g., Royle et al. 2016). So, for example, the extent of male care
may influence male mortality and hence the adult sex ratio, which then exerts an
influence on all individuals since one sex is more common than the other. How
much a male should care also depends on his certainty of paternity and on remating

264 • Future Perspectives

opportunities, both of which depend on the behaviour of other males and females
in the population. Thus one might expect that the physical environment does not
uniquely determine the care strategy that evolves, and there is empirical evidence to
support this. For example, Remeš et al. (2015) use the data on 659 bird species to
examine the extent of cooperation between the parents during biparental care. They
focus on the effect of three factors on the degree of cooperation: (A) the strength of
sexual selection, as indicated by measures such as the level of extra-pair copulations
and polygamy; (B) the adult sex ratio; and (C) the physical environment. They
found that both factor A and factor B are correlated with the degree of cooperation.
However, aspects of the physical environment, such as ambient temperature, are poor
predictors of the degree of cooperation. Furthermore, there can be more than one
form of care for given environmental conditions; even to the extent that reversed and
conventional sex role species may breed side by side. (For more on this topic see Liker
et al., 2013.) Remeš et al. (2015) conclude that several evolutionarily stable parental
cooperation strategies may be adaptive in a given set of climatic conditions, although
these strategies are likely to have co-evolved with the species’ mating systems and
demographic structure. They see this as a consequence of feedbacks among sexual
selection, the social environment, and parental care, which are linked together in eco-
evolutionary feedback loops (Alonzo, 2010).
In models, the range of ESSs that are possible in an environment can vary with
environmental conditions. For example, in the model of competition between age
classes presented in Section 10.6, there are three distinct regions of environmental
space in which the population is viable (Fig. 10.6). In one region ESS0 is the unique
ESS, in one ESS1 is the unique ESS, and in one both ESS0 and ESS1 are possible.
One can consider the effect of a gradual change in the environment in such cases.
For example, consider the effect of reducing the resource value, R, while holding the
survival parameter fixed at θ = 0.75 in Fig. 10.6. Suppose that initially we have R = 10
and that the resident strategy is ESS0. As R decreases this will remain the resident
strategy until R falls below the value at which ESS0 ceases to be an ESS (this critical
value can be seen to be approximately R = 4.5 in the figure). The population will then
rapidly evolve to the only ESS, which is ESS1. If R were later to increase, the population
would remain at ESS1 even when R returned to its initial value of R = 10. We might
refer to this phenomenon of path dependence as a form of hysteresis.
Figure 11.1 shows two hypothetical cases where transitions from one ESS to another
can occur. In both cases the environment is characterized by a single parameter, and
there are two ESS for some values of the parameter and only one ESS for other values.
Transitions between one ESS and the other occur when the environmental parameter
changes so that the current ESS ceases to be an ESS. In Fig. 11.1a there would be
an alternation between the two ESSs as the environmental parameter fluctuated over
time. The length of time spent in each ESS would depend on how the environment
fluctuated. For example, if low values of this parameter were common and higher
values rare the lineage would spend most of its time following ESS1. In Fig. 11.1b
transitions are one way; once the population follows ESS1 it can never transition to

Phylogeny • 265

(a) (b)

1.2 1.2
Trait value

Trait value
1.0 1.0

0.8 ESS2 0.8 ESS2

0.6 0.6
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Environment Environment

Fig. 11.1 Schematic representation of the transitions from one ESS to another under environ-
mental change. Solid lines show the ESS trait values. Arrows show transitions between these
ESSs as the environment changes.

The above suggest a modelling venture that would be used to predict the likelihood
of the various changes that occur during evolution, and hence predict likely phyloge-
netic trees. If we could build a realistic model that specified the degrees of freedom
in the physical environment, the relevant biological traits, and their influence on one
another, then we could in principle identify what ESSs are possible for each physical
environment. This model would allow us to predict how the ESS trait of a species
changes as the environment changes. In particular, we would see to what extent the
ESS reached in a particular environment depends on (i) the starting environment
and ESS, and (ii) the sequence of environmental steps that lead to the current
environment. For a given ancestral environment and ESS (species) we could examine
different isolated subpopulations. As these are subject to different environmental
changes they would move apart, forming a range of new species. Thus even if the
environmental conditions later become the same for all of these subpopulations, they
will follow different ESSs (hysteresis).
As an example, the approach might have applications to understanding the phy-
logeny of mammalian social organization. Lukas and Clutton-Brock (2013) classified
2545 mammal species as solitary (68%), socially monogamous (9%), or group living
(23%). The data suggest that for the common ancestor females were solitary with each
male occupying a range that overlapped several females. Lukas and Clutton-Brock
(2013) suggest that there have been 61 transitions for this solitary lifestyle to social
monogamy in which males and females are paired. They also suggest that there has
been at most one transition from group living to social monogamy, although the
reverse may have occurred. Thus certain transitions are more likely to occur than
others. The resource abundance may be a key environmental factor in what form of
social organization evolves. In particular, when this abundance implies that females

266 • Future Perspectives

are at low density, males may be unable to defend more than one female, so that social
monogamy evolves. Of course any application would require a lot of detail to be
specified, and might be strongly dependent on the traits that are allowed to co-evolve.

11.2 Behavioural Mechanisms in Large Worlds

In this book we have developed and exemplified a large-worlds perspective that could
be a useful direction for game theory in biology to pursue (see Chapter 5 and Sections
1.5, 8.5–8.8). Our concept of large worlds is similar to but in some ways different from
that used in work on rational human decision-making and learning under ignorance
(Savage, 1972; Binmore, 2009; Jones and Love, 2011; Huttegger, 2017). Thus, we are
not aiming to provide a philosophical basis for how decision-makers might act in
situations of limited knowledge of the nature of their world, but rather to develop
the currently well-established tradition in behavioural ecology of integrating function
and mechanism (McNamara and Houston, 2009). As pointed out by McNamara and
Houston (2009), even if we are unable to predict from first principles which particular
kinds of mechanisms should evolve, we can still analyse the evolution of parameters
or component traits of an empirically established kind of mechanism. This is in fact
a variant of the standard approach in evolutionary biology (Section 8.8). Instead of
aiming to predict the time course of a system a priori, as might for instance be done
in physics, in biology one typically reasons against the background of an already
observed or inferred history of evolutionary changes in organisms and traits.
So what can be gained by focusing on relatively simple behavioural mechanisms in
complex environments, rather than on small-worlds models with complex states and
strategies involving Bayesian updating of probability distributions representing an
individual’s information about its environment? We see three major advantages. The
first is that mechanisms often act as constraints on strategies. Sometimes evolutionary
equilibria in a constrained strategy space have qualitatively distinct properties com-
pared with unconstrained equilibria, thus giving rise to potentially novel predictions.
We give an example of this dealing with mechanisms and flexibility (see below),
illustrating that limited flexibility can make it possible to communicate characteristics
such as trustworthiness.
The second and often overlooked advantage is that behavioural mechanisms can
allow modellers to analyse important phenomena, such as learning about the char-
acteristics of the members of a social group, that in effect are too difficult to study
using traditional small-worlds models. As an illustration, game theory in biology
started with attempting to answer the question of why animals often show limited
aggression in contests (Maynard Smith and Price, 1973). If, as seems to be true,
assessment of characteristics relating to fighting ability is a major aspect of the
explanation, and if we wish to extend the analysis to interactions in social groups with
dominance hierarchies, developing models with empirically inspired mechanisms

Behavioural Mechanisms in Large Worlds • 267

for how individuals process information and select actions might be a workable
If we use this approach, the space of strategies to consider is a set of behavioural
mechanisms spanned by variation in parameters or traits that can be tuned by
evolution (Section 8.8). To the extent that these traits have a correspondence to the
characteristics of real animals, there is the third and crucial advantage of a potentially
closer link between model and observation. In effect, incorporating mechanisms can
be a tool for game theory to achieve greater biological relevance. A consequence can
be certain changes to the traditional methods of game theory in biology, including a
greater reliance on individual-based evolutionary simulations.

11.2.1 Which Parameters are Tuned by Evolution?

If one incorporates mechanisms into game-theory models, one is faced with the
question of which parameters should be treated as tunable by evolution. There is
no ready answer, but there are some guidelines. First, it is probably not a good
idea to assume that a great number of parameters will be perfectly tuned for every
particular situation. Second, there is a long-standing and currently active study of the
relative importance of special adaptations and general processes for animal cognition,
including behavioural mechanisms. Associative learning could be the most studied
aspect of cognition. There is a tradition in animal psychology maintaining that
individuals of different species learn in more or less the same way. This was challenged
by, among others, early ethologists who promoted the idea that psychological traits are
special adaptations that should be expected to differ between species. The currently
established view is that reality is somewhere between these positions (e.g. Bitterman,
1975; Shettleworth, 2010), but there is still the question of which cognitive traits are
most likely to be adapted to special circumstances.
For social interactions, it is often assumed that general cognitive sophistication
is important for assessing and evaluating the characteristics of group members.
Nevertheless, the potentially great fitness impact of social interactions makes it likely
that there are special adaptations to these circumstances. An example, from Section
8.6, could be the special neural processing of dominance interactions (Kumaran
et al., 2016; Qu and Dreher, 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). Taborsky and Oliveira (2012)
introduced the concept of social competence, meaning an individual’s ability to
display adequate behaviour using available information about a social situation, such
as information about the interacting individuals. This would include the traits of
behavioural mechanisms that are tuned by evolution. They note that both general and
specialized cognitive capacities are likely to contribute to social competence. Varela
et al. (2020) use the concept to outline when cognition is predicted to be adapted to
social in comparison with non-social domains.
An idea we have illustrated in Chapters 5 and 8 is that species and populations
can differ in how readily they perceive and take into account different stimuli, which

268 • Future Perspectives

is referred to as stimulus salience in animal psychology and is known to influence

learning rates, and how strongly individuals value, both positively and negatively,
certain outcomes of interactions, which falls under the heading of primary rewards,
including penalties. O’Connell and Hofmann (2011) give an overview of the compar-
ative neuroscience of salience and reward, with a focus on social behaviour. In the end
it will be observations and experiments in animal psychology and neuroscience that
decide the relative importance of special adaptations and general cognitive capacity
for behavioural mechanisms. In Box 11.1 we give a few examples of observations on
comparative cognition. So far, most work has been on the ability of different animals
to solve various cognitive tasks, and there is much less information about the specific
cognitive traits that underlie the differences. This is an important topic for future
studies, with implications for game-theory modelling.

Box 11.1 Comparative cognition

Here we briefly describe a few studies on comparative cognition, spanning from species
differences, over individual developmental plasticity, and to the role of general cognitive
capacity in performance in cognitive tasks.

Species differences. Templeton et al. (1999) showed that the highly social pinion jay (a corvid
bird) was relatively better at social (copying a conspecific) than non-social learning of
tasks, compared with the less social Clark’s nutcracker. Gingins and Bshary (2016) showed
that a specialized cleaner fish species (Labroides dimidiatus) outperformed other and less
specialized species in tasks linked to cleaner–client fish interactions, but performed at a
similar level in other tasks. Munger et al. (2010) found that mice have a special olfactory
processing of stimuli that can help them identify and learn about foods consumed by social
group members, which ought to be safe to eat.
Developmental plasticity. Ashton et al. (2018) showed that Australian magpies that grew up
in big groups performed better at a battery of cognitive tasks compared with individuals
from small groups. Wismer et al. (2014) and Triki et al. (2018) found that L. dimidiatus
cleaner fish living in socially simple environments, including those with reduced population
density from environmental perturbations, performed more poorly in cognitive tasks linked
to cleaner–client fish interactions, compared with cleaners from socially complex and
unperturbed environments. Furthermore, Triki et al. (2019) showed that cleaners from
high-density locations, with presumably more social interactions, had larger forebrain size,
which is associated with cognitive function, compared with cleaners from low-density
The importance of general cognitive capacity. Kotrschal et al. (2013) found that females in
guppies artificially selected for larger brain size performed better in a numeric learning task
than those selected for smaller brain size. MacLean et al. (2014) compared many different
species in how they performed at two problem-solving tasks and found the performance to
be positively correlated with brain size, using a phylogenetic comparative method.

Behavioural Mechanisms in Large Worlds • 269

11.2.2 Mechanisms and Flexibility

Game theoretic models typically predict behaviour in a single situation; sometimes
there is only a single decision, sometimes the situation is experienced repeatedly and
requires the same decision each time. In the real world organisms face a range of
circumstances that are similar to but distinct from each other. Individuals often show
behavioural consistency over these related but distinct circumstances (Sih et al., 2004).
There may be cases in which there is selection pressure to be consistent (e.g. Wolf
et al., 2007, 2011). However, in many cases simple evolutionary arguments suggest
that limited plasticity is maladaptive; individuals could do better if they were more
flexible (Wolf et al., 2011).
Strategies are implemented by physiological and psychological mechanisms. Any
mechanism has finite complexity, so that the strategy it implements is necessarily
of limited flexibility. Greater flexibility presumably requires more neural machinery,
which is costly to maintain (Bullmore and Sporns, 2012). The number of subtly
distinct circumstances encountered in the real world is vast. Thus the cost of increas-
ing flexibility is one reason that we cannot expect a strategy that responds flexibly
and appropriately to every different circumstance to evolve. Instead, we expect the
evolution of strategies implemented by physiological and psychological mechanisms
of limited complexity that perform well on average but may not be exactly optimal in
any circumstance (McNamara and Houston, 2009). For example, Section 8.5 provides
an illustration of a learning mechanism of limited complexity that is of bounded
rationality and so is not optimal but can perform well if a suitable cognitive bias is
The implications of limited flexibility for game theory are underexplored. In Box
11.2 we describe a simple model (developed by McNamara and Barta, in preparation)

Box 11.2 A model of trust and the flexibility of behaviour

Each population member pairs up to play a sequence of trust games, each with a different
partner, as in Section 7.7. There are two circumstances, O and U, in which pair members
make their trust decisions. The interaction is observed by other population members in
O but not in U (observations are cost-free). Individuals are aware of their circumstance.
Since the previous behaviour of the partner in circumstance U is not known to Player
1, the decision to trust or reject the partner is based solely on the partner’s reputation in
circumstance O.
There are four genetically determined parameters. po and pu specify the probabilities
of cooperating if trusted in the two circumstances, when in the role of Player 2. to and tu
determine behaviour when in the role of Player 1. The partner is trusted if p̃o ≥ to when
observed and trusted if p̃o ≥ tu when unobserved, where p̃o is the probability the partner is
trustworthy when observed. The fitness of a strategy is proportional to the average payoff
per round discounted by the factor e−c(po −pu ) , where c > 0 determines the cost of flexibility.


270 • Future Perspectives

Box 11.2 Continued

When observed, a Player 1 should accept a Player 2 if and only if their probability of
being trustworthy satisfies p̃o ≥ rs , eq (7.5). Thus in order to be trusted in future, the Player
2 should have a probability of being trustworthy such that p̃o ≥ rs .
Figure 11.2 illustrates the effect of the cost parameter c on evolved behaviour. For small
c, Player 2s are only sufficiently trustworthy to be trusted when observed. They are rather
untrustworthy when unobserved, and are rarely trusted. For large c, Player 2s are again
only sufficiently trustworthy to be trusted when observed. Since Player 2s pay a high cost
for being flexible, most have approximately the same probability of being trustworthy when
not observed, so Player 2s tend to be trusted when not observed and are indeed trustworthy.
When the cost to Player 2 is intermediate, a Player 2 with p̃o just greater than rs is liable to
have p̃u < rs and should not be trusted when unobserved. However, if p̃o is much greater
than rs , then we might expect p̃u > rs since otherwise the Player 2 would incur high flexibility
costs. Thus a Player 2 with high p̃o should be trusted when unobserved. Consequently, for
intermediate costs of flexibility, Player 2s are very trustworthy when observed in order to
convince Player 1s that they are also trustworthy when unobserved.

(a) (b)
1.00 1.00
Mean trustworthiness

0.75 0.75
Mean threshold

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
−3 −2 −1 0 1 −3 −2 −1 0 1
Logarithm of cost, c Logarithm of cost, c

Fig. 11.2 Effect of the cost of flexibility on trust behaviour. Plots show evolved mean values
of the four genetically determined parameters as a function of log10 (c). (a) po (solid line) and
pu (dashed line). (b) to (solid line) and tu (dashed line). Each trust interaction is observed with
probability 0.3. Rewards are s = 0.24, r = 0.6: the plots also show the value of the critical ratio
r = 0.4 (dotted lines). Evolutionary simulation of an infinite population for 50,000 generations
with values of each parameter constrained to lie on a discrete grid of 40 evenly separated points.

that attempts to capture the consequences of the costs of being flexible. As in the
model of Section 7.7, individuals decide whether to trust their partner, and decide
whether to be trustworthy themselves if they are trusted by their partner. Their
choice of action can depend on whether others are observing them or not, although
being flexible across circumstances is costly. The key finding of the analysis of this
model is that predictions when there are intermediate levels of flexibility differ
qualitatively to predictions when individuals are completely inflexible or completely

Ontogeny and the Acquisition of Behaviour • 271

flexible. Specifically, when the cost of flexibility is intermediate individuals are very
trustworthy when observed in order to convince future partners that they are also
trustworthy when unobserved (Fig. 11.2).
The above model is highly schematic and does not include a realistic mechanism
that determines behaviour. In nature, emotions such as fear or affection may play an
important role in limiting the flexibility of individuals. This is because emotions are
to some extent generalized responses, meaning they lump together similar circum-
stances. Future work should consider whether it is biologically realistic and useful
to explicitly incorporate these and other aspects of mental states in game-theoretical

11.3 Ontogeny and the Acquisition of Behaviour

Developmental plasticity arises from divergence of developmental trajectories during

ontogeny and is an established field of investigations in game theory and evolutionary
ecology. We have covered several examples, such as alternative mating types and
environmental sex determination (Section 3.11), and cases of signalling (Section 3.6)
where the signal is determined during development. Here we are instead concerned
with the possible influence of the social environment during ontogeny on cognitive
development, with possible relevance for game theory.
Studies on the cleaning mutualism between the coral reef fish L. dimidiatus
(referred to in Box 11.1) and other fish illustrate how this might work. Cleaners
occupy small territories or cleaning stations on coral reefs where they remove and feed
on ectoparasites from so-called client fish. Clients differ in many respects, including
in whether they are ‘residents’ with small home ranges, giving them limited choice
between cleaning stations, or ‘visitors’ with large home ranges, encompassing several
cleaning stations. A cognitive challenge for cleaners is to be able to discriminate
between residents and visitors. Being able to do so can be advantageous for a cleaner,
because visitor clients tend to leave for another station if not serviced right away,
whereas resident clients are willing to wait.
By taking cleaners into the lab and exposing them to cognitive tasks showing
some similarity to natural cleaning interactions, it was discovered that cleaners from
different field locations differed in how readily they would learn these tasks (Wismer
et al., 2014; Triki et al., 2018). In one of the tasks, the so-called biological market task,
individual cleaners in the lab were presented with a choice between two ‘artificial
clients’, in the form of Plexiglas plates with food on them. One type of plate would
immediately be withdrawn if the cleaner selected the other plate first, whereas the
other type would remain until the cleaner had eaten the food on it. The studies showed
that cleaners from locations where they would continually be exposed to choices in
the natural biological market, and where those choices would influence their feeding
rate, more readily learnt to first eat from the ‘impatient’ type of plate. As cleaners
are open-water spawners with pelagic eggs and larvae, spending time in the ocean
before settling on a reef, it is not likely that the differences can be explained as local

272 • Future Perspectives

adaptations. Instead it appears that growing up in a suitable social environment causes

cleaners to develop the needed cognitive sophistication.
Quiñones et al. (2020) analysed a game-theory model of how cleaners might learn
to discriminate between resident and visitor clients, using actor–critic reinforcement
learning. The model is simplified in that it does not explicitly represent the different
traits of client fish that cleaners might use for discrimination. The analysis still makes
the qualitative point that, in order to succeed in the discrimination task, cleaners need
to learn to associate the current situation at the cleaning station, in terms of which
clients are present, with rewards from the consumption of ectoparasites in the near
future. Crucially, it is not enough for cleaners to learn that clients differ in how much
reward they represent and to choose the immediately most rewarding client. Instead,
they need to take into account the current configuration of clients, and this could be
difficult to learn. The model thus suggests that only in certain social environments will
a cleaner have sufficient incentive and experiences to learn to discriminate between
and efficiently respond to visitors and residents.
The example indicates that game theory could contribute to the study of cognitive
development. There might well be many instances where animals need to be exposed
to the right kind of social environment in order to become competent at handling the
complexities of social life. For game theory to assist in throwing light on such ques-
tions, it needs to incorporate the requisite mechanisms from cognitive psychology
and neuroscience.

Appendix A

Summary of Notation

x a resident strategy
x a mutant strategy
λ(x , x) invasion fitness of the mutant strategy x in a resident x population
W(x , x) payoff of the mutant strategy x in a resident x population, where the payoff
function W is a fitness proxy
b̂(x) best response to the resident strategy x
∂x partial derivative of the payoff W(x , x) with respect to its first argument; i.e. the
rate of change of W(x , x) as x changes while x is held fixed
∂x (a, b) partial derivative of W(x , x) with respect to its first argument evaluated at x = a
and x = b
D(x) strength of selection: ∂x (x, x)
si state
ui action performed by individual (or role) i, or in state si
aij element of projection matrix giving demographic transitions from sj to si
Rit actual reward for individual i from round t of actor–critic learning
wit estimated reward by individual i at the start of round t of actor–critic learning
δit temporal-difference error for individual i from round t of actor–critic learning:
Rit − wit
θit preference by individual i at the start of round t for the first of its two actions
pit probability for individual i of selecting the first of its two actions in round t:
1+exp(−θit )
αw , αθ learning rates in actor–critic learning
ζit eligibility of the action used by individual i in round t of actor–critic learning:
the derivative with respect to the action preference θit of the logarithm of the
probability of selecting that action

Appendix B

Solutions to Exercises

Solutions for Chapter 3

Ex. 3.1. For resident strategy x the payoff to the mutant strategy x is
W(x , x) = 2(x + x) − (x + x)2 − x2 .
[Strictly speaking, this is only valid for x + x ≤ 1, but the best response will never be greater
than 1 − x as there is no extra benefit for this but there is an extra cost.] Differentiating W(x , x)
partially with respect to x (holding x fixed) gives
= 2 1 − (x + x) − x .
Let b̂(x) = 1−x  
2 . Then the partial derivative is positive for x < b̂(x) and negative for x > b̂(x),
so that W(x , x) has a unique maximum at x = b̂(x), and this is the unique best response to the
resident strategy.

To find a Nash equilibrium x∗ we set b̂(x∗ ) = x∗ . This gives 1−x ∗ ∗
2 = x , so that x = 3 .

Ex. 3.2. Let x ≥ 0 be the resident strategy. Differentiating W(x , x) partially with respect to x
(holding x fixed) gives
(x , x) = B (x + x) − C (x ).
Let b̂(x) be the value of x at which this derivative is zero, so that
B (b̂(x) + x) = C (b̂(x)). (S1)
This is our candidate best response, but we must check some details. We first note that, by our
assumptions about B and C, the second derivative
∂ 2W 
(x , x) = B (x + x) − C (x )
is strictly negative for all x ≥ 0. Thus W(x , x) has a unique maximum for x ≥ 0. Furthermore,
evaluating the partial derivative at x = 0 we get ∂W   
∂x (0, x) = B (x) − C (0) > 0 since C (0) = 0.
Thus the maximum is an internal maximum and the partial derivative must equal zero at this
value. This shows that b̂(x), given by eq (S1), is the unique best response.
Differentiating both sides of eq (S1) gives
B (b̂(x) + x) b̂ (x) + 1 = C (b̂(x))b̂ (x).

276 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

Rearranging this equation

B (b̂(x) + x)
b̂ (x) = .
C (b̂(x)) − B (b̂(x) + x)
By our assumptions about B and C, the numerator of this expression is negative and the
denominator is positive and of greater absolute value than the numerator. Thus 1 < b̂ (x) < 0.

Ex. 3.3. Let the resident strategy be x and consider a mutant strategy x . We are given that
W(x , x) = (1 − x4 x4(n−1) /n)x . Differentiating W(x , x) partially with respect to x (holding x
fixed) gives
∂W  5 4 4(n−1)
(x , x) = 1 − x x .
∂x n
Consider first the case where n ≥ 5. Then ∂W   
∂x (x , x) > 0 for all x < 1, so that W(x , x) is a
strictly increasing function of x . Thus the best response is to use the maximum value of x ; i.e.

b̂(x) = 1. Since this is true for all resident strategies the unique Nash equilibrium is x∗ (n) = 1.
Now let n ≤ 4. Let b̃(x) satisfy ∂W ∂x (b̃(x), x) = 0, so that
 n 14 1
b̃(x) = .
5 xn−1
Then it can be seen that the best response is b̂(x) = min(b̃(x), 1). Since b̂(1) < 1 any Nash
equilibrium must satisfy x∗ < 1, so that
 n 14 1
= x∗ ,
5 x∗(n−1)
which gives
 n 4n1
x∗ = .
This formula gives x∗ (1) = 0.669, x∗ (2) = 0.892, x∗ (3) = 0.958, x∗ (4) = 0.986.

Ex. 3.4. The payoff to the female when she contributes effort x and the male contributes y is
Wf (x, y) = 2(x + y) − (x + y)2 − x2 (for x + y < 1). Partially differentiating with respect to x
(x, y) = 2 − 2(x + y) − 2x.
Setting this derivative equal to zero at x = b̂f (y) gives the best response function of the female:
b̂f (y) = . (S2)
The payoff to the male when he contributes effort y and the female contributes x is Wm (x, y) =
2(x + y) − (x + y)2 − 2y2 (for x + y < 1). Partially differentiating with respect to y
(x, y) = 2 − 2(x + y) − 4y.
Setting this derivative equal to zero at y = b̂m (x) gives the best response function of the male:
b̂m (x) = . (S3)

Solutions for Chapter 3 • 277

The pair (x∗ , y∗ ) of Nash equilibrium strategies satisfies x∗ = b̂f (y∗ ) and y∗ = b̂m (x∗ ). By eqs
(S2) and (S3)
1 − y∗ 1 − x∗
= x∗ and = y∗ .
2 3
Solving these simultaneous equations gives x∗ = 25 and y∗ = 15 .
At the Nash equilibrium the female pays cost x∗2 = 0.16 and the male pays cost 2y∗2 = 0.08.

Ex. 3.5. Equation (3.8) is

w(x, q; x̄) = (1 − b + b )v(x, q).

Here v(x, q) = u(q) 1 − c(x − q)2 , where u(q) is positive and increasing with q. The
precise form of the multiplicative factor u(q) does not influence the optimum signal.
We get that
∂w b

= u(q) 1 − c(x − q)2 − 1 − b + b 2c(x − q) . (S4)
∂x x̄ x̄
We can note that this derivative is quadratic in x with a negative coefficient of x2 and
that it is positive for x = q. This means that the maximum of w will occur for the larger
of the two roots of the quadratic equation ∂w/∂x = 0. Collecting terms this quadratic
corresponds to

−3bcx2 + 4bcq − 2(1 − b)cx̄ x + b(1 − cq2 ) + 2(1 − b)cqx̄ = 0,
with solution

2bcq − (1 − b)cx̄ + 2bcq − (1 − b)cx̄ + 3b2 c(1 − cq2 ) + 6b(1 − b)c2 qx̄
x= .
We can simplify this expression to

2bcq − (1 − b)cx̄ + 3b2 c + b2 c2 q2 + 2b(1 − b)c2 qx̄ + (1 − b)2 c2 x̄2

2 (1 − b)x̄ 1 q2 2(1 − b)qx̄ (1 − b)2 x̄2
= q− + + + + .
3 3b 3c 9 9b 9b2

Ex. 3.6. From eq (S4) in the previous derivation we get that

∂ ∂w u(q)  u(q) 
= c 4b + 2(1 − b)x̄ − 2bq = c 2b + 2b(1 − q) + 2(1 − b)x̄ ,
∂q ∂x x̄ x̄
which is positive.

Ex. 3.7. Let the resident investment strategy be x. Then a resident female contributes
f (x) = (1−x)R
rf daughters and m(x) = xRrm sons to the breeding population in the next generation.
The ratio of females to males in the breeding population is thus
f (x) rm 1 − x
s(x) = = .
m(x) rf x

278 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

The payoff to a mutant strategy x is

W(x , x) = f (x ) + m(x )s(x)

= (x + x − 2xx )

= + (1 − 2x)x .
rf xrf
From the last line of this equation it can be seen that if x < 12 then the payoff is maximized
when x = 1. If x > 12 it is maximized when x = 0. If x = 12 all values of x are best responses.
Thus the unique Nash equilibrium is x∗ = 12 .

Ex. 3.8. Consider an individual that waits for time t before giving up. Let the opponent give
up after time s. If s < t the payoff to the focal individual is v − cs. If s > t the payoff to the
focal individual is −ct. Suppose that the waiting time in the population has probability density
function f (.). Then the average payoff to the focal individual is
 t  ∞
R(t) = (v − cs)f (s)ds + (−ct)f (s)ds.
0 t
Let the resident strategy be to persist for an exponential time with parameter x. Then
f (s) = xe−xs . By integration we obtain
R(t) = (v − )(1 − e−xt ).
Consider a mutant that persists for an exponential time with parameter x in this resident
population. The payoff to this mutant is

W(x , x) = R(t)x e−x t dt
xv − c
= .
x + x
From this formula it can be seen that:
• If xv > c then the best response is x = 0; i.e. to remain indefinitely.
• If xv = c then W(x , x) = 0 for all x , so that all x are best responses.
• if xv < c then the larger x the better, so that the best response is to give up immediately.
Thus x∗ = vc is the unique Nash equilibrium. At this equilibrium all population members have
a payoff of zero.

Ex. 3.9. From eq (3.13)

 x V Vx
WD (q ; x) = dq = .
0 2 2
From eq (3.14)
WH (q ; x) = Vdq + α(q , q)V − (1 − α(q , q))C) dq
0 x
= Vx + (1 + q − q)V − (1 + q − q )C dq from eq (3.12)
2 x

1  1
= Vx + (1 + q )V − (1 − q )C (1 − x) − (V + C)(1 − x2 ).
2 4

Solutions for Chapter 3 • 279

4WH (q ; x) = V − 3C + 2(V + C)x + (V + C)x2 + 2(V + C)(1 − x)q .

From eq (3.17) WD (b̂(x); x) = WH (b̂(x); x), so that on rearrangement

3C − V − 2Cx − (V + C)x2
b̂(x) = .
2(1 − x)(V + C)
We can express this as
3 − r − 2x − (r + 1)x2
b̂(x) = ,
2(1 − x)(r + 1)
where r = V ∗ ∗
C . Setting b̂(x ) = x gives

(r + 1)x∗2 − 2(r + 2)x∗ + (3 − r) = 0.

This quadratic equation has two roots

(r + 2) ± 2r2 + 2r + 1
x∗ = ,
(r + 1)
We require the root that lies in the interval [0, 1], so take the minus sign of the ±.

Ex. 3.10. Let 20 < x < 30. For resident strategy x, F(x) is an average over the number of
recruits left by resident females, so that
F(x) = f (q)
x 10
(q − 20) dq
x 10 10
= zdz where z = (q − 20)/10
= (1 − β 2 ).
 x dq
M(x) = m(q)
20 10
1 dq
x 2 10
 β 1
= dz where z = (q − 20)/10
0 2
= β.
By eq (3.20) at a Nash equilibrium threshold x∗ we have
0.1(x∗ − 20) 0.5
= ,
0.5(1 − β ) 0.5β ∗

280 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

where β ∗ = (x∗ − 20)/10. Thus

β∗ 1
= ,
0.5(1 − β ∗2 ) β ∗

so that 3β ∗2 = 1 and hence β ∗ = 1/ 3. This gives x∗ = 20 + 10β ∗ = 20 + √

Solutions for Chapter 4

Ex. 4.1. From Table 3.3
W(p , p) = (1 − p )(1 − p) × 1 + (1 − p )p × (−1) + p (1 − p) × (−1) + p p × 1
= 1 − 2p − 2p + 4p p
= (1 − 2p )(1 − 2p).
Let the resident strategy be p∗ = 0.5. Then W(p , p∗ ) = 0 for all p , so that p∗ is a best response
to itself and hence a Nash equilibrium.
Let p be a mutant strategy with p  = p∗ = 0.5. Then W(p , p∗ ) = 0 = W(p∗ , p∗ ) so that
condition (ES1) fails but (ES2)(i) holds. We also have
W(p∗ , p ) − W(p , p ) = (1 − 2p∗ )(1 − 2p ) − (1 − 2p )(1 − 2p )
= (2p − 2p∗ )(1 − 2p )
= −(1 − 2p )2 since p∗ = 0.5
< 0.
Thus condition (ES2)(ii) fails, so that p∗ is not an ESS.

Ex. 4.2. To simplify notation let α = w0 + w((t)) and α ∗ = w0 + w∗ ((t)). Then n(t + 1) =
Kαn(t) and n∗ (t + 1) = Kα ∗ n(t). Thus
n(t + 1) αn(t)
(t + 1) = = . (S5)
n(t + 1) + n (t + 1) αn(t) + α ∗ n∗ (t)

Since (t) = n(t)/(n(t) + n∗ (t)) we have n∗ (t) = n(t)(1 − (t))/(t). By eq (S5)

(t + 1) = .
α(t) + α ∗ (1 − (t))
(t + 1) − (t) = (t) −1
α(t) + α ∗ (1 − (t))
(t)(1 − (t))(α − α ∗ )
= ,
α(t) + α ∗ (1 − (t))
and the required result follows immediately.

Ex. 4.3. Let Wi (p) denote the payoff for action ui when the resident strategy is to play action u2
with probability p. Then Wi (p) = (1 − p)ai1 + pai2 . Set (p) = W2 (p) − W1 (p). We note that
for any strategies p and p we have
W(p , p) = (1 − p )W1 (p) + p W2 (p) = W1 (p) + (p)p . (S6)

Solutions for Chapter 4 • 281

We also note that a direct calculation gives (p) = (a21 − a11 ) + αp, where α = (a11 + a22 ) −
(a12 + a21 ), so that (p) is a linear function of p with non-zero slope.
Let p∗ be a Nash equilibrium satisfying 0 < p∗ < 1. Then W(p , p∗ ) = W1 (p∗ ) + (p∗ )p by
eq (S6). Thus if (p∗ )  = 0 this function of p would have a unique maximum at either 0 or
1, so that p∗ would not be a best response to itself. We conclude that (p∗ ) = 0. Since (p)
is a linear function of p with a zero at p = p∗ and slope α we have (p) = α(p − p∗ ). We can
therefore rewrite eq (S6) as
W(p , p) = W1 (p) + α(p − p∗ )p . (S7)
(i) We first consider best responses to the two pure strategies. By eq (S7) we have W(p , 0) =
W1 (0) − αp∗ p . Thus the pure strategy p = 1 is the unique best response to p = 0 if and only
if α < 0. Similarly, the pure strategy p = 0 is the unique best response to p = 1 if and only if
α < 0.
(ii) We now examine the conditions for p∗ to be an ESS. Let p = p∗ be a rare mutant strategy.
By eq (S7) we have W(p , p∗ ) = W1 (p∗ ) = W(p∗ , p∗ ), so that condition (ES1) fails but condition
(ES2)(i) holds. By eq (S7)
W(p , p ) − W(p∗ , p ) = α(p − p∗ )2 .
Thus condition (ES2)(ii) holds if and only if α < 0.
(iii) By eq (S7), D(p) ≡ ∂W ∗  ∗
∂p (p, p) = α(p − p ). Thus D (p) = α. By inequality (4.8), p is
convergence stable if and only if α < 0.

Ex. 4.4. Let x∗ be a resident strategy and x a rare mutant strategy. Assume that condition
(ES2)(i) holds; i.e. W(x , x∗ ) = W(x∗ , x∗ ). In condition (ES2 )(ii) we use the temporary notation
that W(x, x ) denotes the payoff to an x strategist when a proportion 1 −  of the population is
x∗ strategists and a proportion  is x strategists. For a two-player game the probabilities that
an individual partners each of these strategists are 1 −  and , respectively. Thus
W(x, x ) = (1 − )W(x, x∗ ) + W(x, x ).
Condition (ES2 )(ii) states that W(x , x ) < W(x∗ , x ) for sufficient small, but positive, . By
the above we have
W(x , x ) < W(x∗ , x )

⇐⇒ (1 − )W(x , x∗ ) + W(x , x ) < (1 − )W(x∗ , x∗ ) + W(x∗ , x )

⇐⇒ W(x , x ) < W(x∗ , x ) since W(x , x∗ ) = W(x∗ , x∗ )

⇐⇒ W(x , x ) < W(x∗ , x ) since  > 0.

This says that conditions (ES2 )(ii) and (ES2)(ii) are equivalent.

Ex. 4.5. Suppose that the resident strategy in the sex-allocation game is to produce sons with
probability p. Then the ratio of females to males in the breeding population is s(p) = (1 − p)/p.
Consider the mutant strategy of producing sons with probability p . The payoff to a female
(number of matings obtained by her offspring) following this strategy is

282 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

W(p , p) = (1 − p )N + p s(p)N
= N + (1 − 2p)p .
For the resident strategy p∗ = 0.5 we have W(p , p∗ ) = N for all p . Thus for a rare mutant
strategy p  = p∗ we have W(p , p∗ ) = W(p∗ , p∗ ), so that condition (ES1) fails but condition
(ES2)(i) holds.
The sex ratio in a population in which a proportion 1 −  of females use strategy p∗
and a proportion  use p is the same as in a population in which all females use strategy
p() = (1 − )p∗ + p . Thus, in the notation of condition (ES2 )(ii),
W(p, p ) = W(p, p()) = N + (1 − 2p())p for all p.
W(p , p ) − W(p∗ , p ) = (1 − 2p())(p − p∗ ). (S8)
Since p∗ = 0.5 we have p − p∗ = 12 (2p − 1). Since p() = (1 − )p∗ + p we also have 1 −
2p() = (1 − 2p ). Equation (S8) then gives
W(p , p ) − W(p∗ , p ) = − (1 − 2p )2
p() 2
<0 for  > 0.
Thus condition (ES2 )(ii) holds, so that p∗ is an ESS.
Ex. 4.6. In the notation of Exercise 3.10, we have W(x , x) = N F(x ) + s(x)M(x ) , where
s(x) = F(x)/M(x). From Exercise 3.10 we have F(x) = (1 − β 2 (x))/2 and M(x) = β(x)/2.
(1 − β 2 (x))
2W(x , x) = 1 − β 2 (x ) + β(x ).
Differentiating partially with respect to x and using the fact that the derivative of β(x ) is 1
then gives
∂W  N  
(x , x) = −2β(x)β(x ) + 1 − β 2 (x) .
∂x 20β(x)

Let x∗ = 20 + 10/ 3, so that β(x∗ ) = √1 . Then ∂W ∗ ∗
∂x (x , x ) = 0. It can also be verified that
∂2W  ∗
(x , x ) < 0 for all x . Thus W(x , x∗ ) has a unique maximum at x = x∗ , and is hence an ESS.
We have
∂W N  
D(x) = 
(x, x) = 1 − 3β 2 (x) .
∂x 20β(x)
β(x) is an increasing function of x, with 1 − 3β 2 (x∗ ) = 0. Thus D(x) > 0 for x < x∗ and
D(x) < 0 for x > x∗ , so that x∗ is convergence stable.

Solutions for Chapter 4 • 283

Ex. 4.7. Differentiating partially with respect to x gives

∂W  4 2
(x , x) = x − 1 + x . (S9)
∂x 25

Let 0 ≤ x < 1. Then ∂W   at b̂(x) = 0.

∂x (x , x) < 0 for all x . Thus there is a unique best response

Now suppose that x ≥ 1. Setting ∂x (x , x) = 0 at x = b̂(x) gives b̂(x) = 52 x − 1. Since the

second derivative of W is negative this turning point is a unique maximum. Overall, for each
x ≥ 0 there is a unique best response at
b̂(x) = max(0, x − 1).
It can be seen that x1∗ = 0 is a best response to itself and therefore a Nash equilibrium. It can also
be seen that any other Nash equilibria must be in the range x ≥ 1. Setting b̂(x) = x for x ≥ 1

4x2 − 25x + 25 = 0.

The two roots of this quadratic equation are x2∗ = 5

4 and x3∗ = 5. All three Nash equilibria are
ESSs since best responses are unique.
By eq (S9) we have
∂W 4 2
D(x) ≡ (x, x) = x − 1 + x
∂x 25
4 5
= − (x − )(x − 5).
25 4
Thus D(x) is negative for x1∗ ≤ x < x2∗ , positive for x2∗ < x < x3∗ and negative for x > x3∗ . This
shows that x1∗ and x3∗ are convergence stable, whereas x2∗ is an evolutionary repeller.

Ex. 4.8. The definition of fitness in eq (4.15) is

1 dni (t)
wi (t) = ,
ni (t) dt
so if we introduce ni (t) = νi (t)n(t) we can write this as
1 dνi (t) 1 dn(t)
wi (t) = + .
νi (t) dt n(t) dt
dνi (t)  1 dn(t)
= νi (t) wi (t) − .
dt n(t) dt

This is the replicator equation because, using that w̄(t) = i νi (t)wi (t), we get from the next-
to-last equation that
 dνi (t) 1 dn(t) 1 dn(t)
w̄(t) = + = .
dt n(t) dt n(t) dt

284 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

This also shows that w̄(t) = 0 if dn(t)/dt = 0. For the Price equation (4.17), x̄(t) = i xi νi (t),
so that
= νi (t)xi wi (t) − νj (t)wj (t)
i j
= νi (t)wi (t)xi − νj (t)wj (t)x̄(t) − w̄(t)x̄(t) + w̄(t)x̄(t)
i j

= Cov(w· , x· ).
Finally, note that the replicator and Price equations presuppose that we already have ni (t)
given, for instance as a solution to some differential equation dni (t)/dt = fi (n· , t). Thus, these
equations do not model the actual population dynamics of the types, but they can still tell us
something about the dynamics.

Ex. 4.9. A strategy is a vector p = (pR , pS , pP ) that specifies the probabilities of the three actions,
R, S, P. Let p be the resident strategy. Let HR (p) = pS a − pP b be the payoff from playing R in this
population. HS (p) and HP (p) are similarly defined. Then for any rare mutant strategy p we have
W(p , p) = pR HR (p) + pS HS (p) + pP HS (p). Let p∗ = ( 13 , 13 , 13 ), so that HR (p∗ ) = HS (p∗ ) =
HP (p∗ ) = 13 (a − b). Then W(p , p∗ ) = (pR + pS + pP ) 13 (a − b) = 13 (a − b). Thus W(p , p∗ ) =
1 ∗ ∗
3 (a − b) = W(p , p ), so that condition (ES1) fails, but (ES2)(i) holds. To check condition
(ES2)(ii) we examine the sign of
W(p , p ) − W(p∗ , p ) = (a − b) pR pS + pS pP + pP pR − .
Suppose that a > b. We note that since pR + pS + pP = 1 then
pR pS + pS pP + pP pR ≤ , (S10)
with equality if and only if pR = pS = pP = 13 . Thus W(p , p ) < W(p∗ , p ) for p = p∗ , so that
condition (ES2)(ii) holds. We deduce that p∗ is an ESS.
Suppose that a ≤ b. Let p = (1, 0, 0). Then W(p , p ) = 0 whereas W(p∗ , p ) = 13 (a − b) ≤ 0.
Thus condition (ES2)(ii) fails for this mutant, so that p∗ is not an ESS. Since an ESS is necessarily
a Nash equilibrium, and this is the only Nash equilibrium, there is no ESS.
We have wi = Hi ((νR , νS , νP )); so that for example wR = aνS − bνP . Thus w̄ = νR HR +
νS HS + νP HP = (a − b)M. By eq (4.16) we thus have ν̇R (t) = νR (t)[aνS (t) − bνP (t) − (a −
b)M(t)]. Differentiating y gives
ẏ = ν̇R νS νP + νR ν̇S νP + νR νS ν̇P
= νR νS νP [(aνS − bνP ) + (aνP − bνR ) + (aνR − bνS ) − 3M]
= (a − b)(1 − 3M)y.
Suppose that a > b. By inequality (S10) we have ẏ(t) ≥ 0 for all t. Since y is bounded above,
y(t) tends monotonically to a limit as t → ∞. Assuming that y(0) > 0 this limit is posi-
tive. Thus ẏ(t) → 0 as t → ∞, which implies that M(t) → 13 as t → ∞. This implies that
(νR (t), νS (t), νP (t)) → ( 13 , 13 , 13 ) as t → ∞.
Suppose that a = b. Then ẏ = 0 so that y(t) is constant. In this case, assuming that y(0) > 0
and the initial proportion are not all equal to 13 , there is a cycle in which each pure strategy R,
P, S, R, P, S, and so on, predominates, in that order.

Solutions for Chapter 5 • 285

Finally, suppose that a < b. Then, providing initial proportions are not all equal to 13 , we have
y(t) → 0 as t → ∞. The cycle R, P, S, R, P, S, . . ., thus gets more pronounced over time. (See
Hofbauer and Sigmund (2003).)

Ex. 4.10. Since each population member is equally likely to be chosen we have
E(Xi ) = P(Xi = 1) = α for i = 1, 2
E(Xi2 ) = P(Xi2 = 1) = α for i = 1, 2.
Var(Xi ) = E(Xi2 ) − (E(Xi ))2 = α(1 − α) for i = 1, 2.
We also have
E(X1 X2 ) = P(X1 = 1, X1 = 2)
= P(X1 = 1)P(X2 = 1|X1 = 1)
= αpC .
Cov(X1 , X2 ) = E(X1 X2 ) − E(X1 )E(X2 ) = α(pC − α).
We now use conditional probabilities to note that
P(X2 = 1) = P(X2 = 1|X1 = 0)P(X1 = 0) + P(X2 = 1|X1 = 1)P(X1 = 1)
= pD (1 − α) + pC α.
Thus α = pD (1 − α) + pC α, so that pC − α = (pC − pD )(1 − α). We can then write
Cov(X1 , X2 ) = α(pC − pD )(1 − α). Putting these preliminary results together we have
Cov(X1 , X2 )
ρ(X1 , X2 ) = √
Var(X1 )Var(X2 )
= pC − pD .

Solutions for Chapter 5

Ex. 5.1. There is a single state and K actions. The preference by individual i for action k at time
t is θikt , with the probability that the individual chooses action k as
exp(θikt )
pikt =  .
l exp(θilt )
We have the eligibilities
∂ log pikt
ζiklt = = δ[k, l] − pilt ,
where δ[k, l] is the Kronecker delta, which is equal to one if k = l and zero otherwise. With wit
and Rit the estimated and actual reward and δit = Rit − wit the TD error, we have the updates
wi,t+1 = wit + αw δit and, if action k is chosen,
θil,t+1 = θilt + αθ δit ζiklt ,

286 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

for l = 1, . . . , K. Consider now the case of two actions (K = 2) and define θit = θi1t − θi2t as a
combined preference for the first action and the eligibility ζit = ζi11t − ζi12t if the first action
is chosen and ζit = ζi21t − ζi22t if the second action is chosen. The update for this combined
preference is then
θi,t+1 = θit + 2αθ δit ζit ,
which is the same as eq (5.5) except for a factor of two.

Ex. 5.2. Instead of an individual choosing its action from the normal distribution in
eq (5.9), we use a log-normal distribution. A reason for doing this might be to constrain actions
to positive values by representing them on a logarithmic scale in the learning model, i.e. using
z = log(u). If one does this, a log-normal distribution for u becomes a normal distribution for
z. So let us assume a log-normal distributions for the actions:

1 log(u) − θit
P(u|θit ) = √ exp −
u 2π σ 2 2σ 2

1 z − θit
=√ exp −z − .
2π σ 2 2σ 2

We thus express the policy as parameterized by a mean value θit of the density of z, and a
standard deviation σ . The eligibility is then the derivative of the log of the probability density
with respect to this action preference:
∂ log P(u|θit ) log(u) − θit z − θit
ζit = = = .
∂θit σ2 σ2

Ex. 5.3. We have a one-shot game where player 1 knows its own quality q1 but only knows that
the partner’s quality q2 has a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1]. The payoff to player 1 is
W1 (a1 , q1 ) = E B(a1 + a2 ) − C(a1 , q1 ),
with B and C from eqs (5.8, 5.14) and the expectation is with respect to a2 , which is a stochastic
variable with a distribution that depends on the strategy of player 2. We have the derivative
= b1 − b2 (a1 + ā2 ) − c1 (1 − q1 ) − c2 a1 ,
where ā2 is the mean investment by player 2. For an optimal investment by player 1 the
derivative should be zero, leading to
b1 − c1 − b2 ā2 + c1 q1
a1 = .
b2 + c2
The optimal investment is linear in q1 and we can write is as a1 = k10 + k11 q1 . Let us assume
that player 2 also has this kind of strategy, i.e. a2 = k20 + k21 q2 . For optimality for both players
we must have k11 = k21 = k1 = c1 /(b2 + c2 ). The mean investment by player 2 is then ā2 =
k20 + k1 q̄2 , with q̄2 = 0.5. The condition that ∂W1 /∂a1 = 0 then determines k10 as a function
of k20 . Setting k10 = k20 = k0 we can solve for k0 :
(b1 − c1 )(b2 + c2 ) − 0.5b2 c1
k0 = .
(2b2 + c2 )(b2 + c2 )

Solutions for Chapter 5 • 287

The dark-grey lines in Fig. 5.6a, b show this ESS strategy, a = k0 + k1 q, with payoff parameters
b1 = 2, b2 = 0.5, c1 = c2 = 1.5.

Ex. 5.4. The one-shot game where individuals are unaware of their own quality qi and there is
no assessment is similar to the Hawk–Dove game. The expected payoff from the resource is V,
and the expected cost from an AA interaction is

E C exp(−qi + qj ) = C exp(σq2 ),
which follows by noting that qi and qj have independent normal distributions with standard
deviation σq . Let pA be the probability for the resident strategy to use A. The payoff for a mutant
to use A is then
(1 − pA )V − pA C exp(σq2 ).
A and S give equal payoff for the mutant when this is equal to
(1 − pA ) V,
which is the payoff for S. The one-shot ESS is thus
p∗A = ,
V + 2C exp(σq2 )
as given in eq (5.17).

Ex. 5.5. We now assume that an individual knows its own qi and we examine threshold
strategies where a resident individual uses A when qi > q̂. We note that pA (q̂) = 1 − (q̂/σq ),
where  is the standard normal CDF. The expected benefit for a mutant using A is
V(1 − pA (q̂)), and the expected cost is


E C exp(−qi + qj )|qj > q̂ pA (q̂) = C exp −qi + σq2 1 −  q̂/σq − σq . (S11)
For an ESS, at the threshold (qi = q̂) the benefit minus cost of using A should be equal the
expected payoff of using S, which is (1 − pA (q̂))V/2, so we have


V(q̂/σq ) = 2C exp −q̂ + σq2 1 −  q̂/σq − σq , (S12)
which is the requested equation. Note that the left-hand side increases from zero with q̂ and the
right-hand side decreases towards zero, so there is a unique solution q̂ = q̂∗ , which can readily
be found numerically. For very small σq , this ESS becomes the same as the one from eq (5.17).
It is worth noting that for this model, eq (S12) gives a somewhat lower probability of using
A than eq (5.17). This is similar to what we found for the Hawk–Dove game in Section 3.11.

Ex. 5.6. With pA (q̂) = 1 − (q̂/σq ) for the resident strategy, the expected benefit for a mutant
individual using A is v (it is v regardless of whether the opponent uses A or S). The expected
cost is given by eq (S11) in the solution to Exercise 5.5. For an ESS, the benefit minus cost of
using A should be equal the expected payoff of using S, which is zero, at qi = q̂, so we have the


v = C exp −q̂ + σq2 1 −  q̂/σq − σq , (S13)

288 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

which is the requested equation. There is a unique solution q̂ = q̂∗ , which can readily be found

Ex. 5.7. The thresholds from eqs (S12, S13) in Exercises 5.5 and 5.6 are equal when
(1 − pA (q̂∗ )).
A way to think about this is that the perceived reward v from Exercise 5.6 could evolve to
produce the ESS from Exercise 5.5.

Solutions for Chapter 6

Ex. 6.1. The eigenvalue equation is (λ − b11 )(λ − b22 ) − b12 b21 = 0, which simplifies to give
λ2 − Tλ +  = 0.
Let λ1 and λ2 be the two eigenvalues. Then since (λ − λ1 )(λ − λ2 ) = 0 we have
T = λ1 + λ2 and  = λ1 λ2 . (S14)
The eigenvalues are either both real or not real and complex conjugates of each other.
Consider first the case of two real eigenvalues. Then if both eigenvalues are negative we have
T < 0 and  > 0 by eq (S14). Conversely,  > 0 implies that the eigenvalues are not zero and
have the same sign, so that this sign is negative if and only if T < 0.
Now suppose that the eigenvalues are not real but are complex conjugates of each other. This
implies that  = λ1 λ2 > 0. Both eigenvalues have the same real part, which equals T2 . Thus the
eigenvalues have negative real parts if and only if T < 0.

Ex. 6.2. Partially differentiating invasion fitness gives

(x , x2 ) = x1 + 2x2 − 2x1 ,
∂x1 1
so that D1 (x1 , x2 ) = ∂x
 (x1 , x2 ) = 2x2 − x1 . Similarly D2 (x1 , x2 ) = x2 − x1 . The Taylor series
expansion of the Di s about (0, 0) is thus exact, so that in the notation of Box 6.1 the Jacobian
matrix is
−1 2
A= .
−1 1
r1 0
C= ,
0 r2
we have
−r1 2r1
B= .
−r2 r2
In the notation of Exercise 6.1 we thus have T = r2 − r1 and  = r1 r2 . Since  > 0, by the
results of Exercise 6.1 we see that (0, 0) is convergence stable if r2 < r1 and is not convergence
stable if r2 > r1 .

Solutions for Chapter 6 • 289

Ex. 6.3. We have

∂W1  −1  1  
(x ; x 1 , x 2 ) = RM(x1 , x 2 ) f (x + x 2 ) + f (x + x 2 ) .
∂x1 1
x12. 1
x1 1

∂W1 RM(x1 , x2 )
D1 (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 ; x1 , x2 ) = [x1 f  (x1 + x2 ) − f (x1 + x2 )].
∂x1 x12
At an isogamous ESS (x∗ , x∗ ), we must have D1 (x∗ , x∗ ) = 0, which gives x∗ f  (2x∗ ) = f (2x∗ ).
We must also have D2 (x∗ , x∗ ) = 0, which gives the same equation. This shows that eq (6.14)
must hold.
For f (z) = e−1/z we have f  (z) = z23 e−1/z . Set z∗ = 2x∗ , then eq (6.14) becomes
2 2

z∗ f  (z∗ ) = 2f (z∗ ), which has solution z∗ = 1. Thus x∗ = 12 . We also have f  (z) = z46 − z64 e−1/z .

Thus f  (z∗ ) = −2e−1 < 0.

Now let f (z) = z/(1 + z). Then f  (z) = 1/(1 + z)2 , so that z∗ f  (z∗ ) = 2f (z∗ ) implies
2(1 + z∗ ) = 1, which has no positive solution.

Ex. 6.4. As in the solution to Exercise 6.3 we have

∂W1 RM(x1 , x2 )
D1 (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 ; x1 , x2 ) = [x1 f  (x1 + x2 ) − f (x1 + x2 )].
∂x1 x12

∂D1 ∂ x12
(x1 , x2 ) = (x1 , x2 )[x1 f  (x1 + x2 ) − f (x1 + x2 )]
∂x1 ∂x1
RM(x1 , x2 )   
+ 2
x1 f (x1 , x2 ) .
Thus by eq (6.14)
∂D1 ∗ ∗ f  (2x∗ )
a11 ≡ (x , x ) = H ,
∂x1 x∗
where H = RM(x∗ , x∗ ). Similar calculations give b12 = H[f  (2x∗ )/x∗ − f  (2x∗ )/x∗2 ], b21 =
H[f  (2x∗ )/x∗ − f  (2x∗ )/x∗2 ] and b22 = Hf  (2x∗ )/x∗ . Thus
T = 2Hf  (2x∗ )/x∗ ,

 = −H f  (2x∗ )/x∗2 f  (2x∗ )/x∗2 − 2f  (2x∗ )/x∗ .
Thus T < 0 implies f  (2x∗ ) < 0, which implies  < 0 since f  (2x∗ ) > 0.

Ex. 6.5. (i) We are given that ∂x1
(b̂1 (x2 ), x2 ) = 0. Differentiating with respect to x2 gives

∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W1
b̂1 (x2 ) 2
(b̂1 (x2 ), x2 ) +  (b̂1 (x2 ), x2 ) = 0.
∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2

Evaluating this at x2 = x2∗ and using the fact that b̂1 (x2∗ ) = x1∗ we obtain

290 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

∂ 2 W1 ∗ ∗ ∂ 2 W1 ∗ ∗
b̂1 (x2∗ ) 2
(x1 , x2 ) +  (x , x ) = 0.
∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 1 2
∂ 2 W2 ∗ ∗ ∂ 2 W2 ∗ ∗
b̂2 (x1∗ ) (x , x ) + (x , x ) = 0.
∂x22 1 2
∂x2 ∂x1 1 2
(ii) From these equations we deduce that
∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2 ∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2 ∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2
(1 − b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ )) = −  ,
∂x1 ∂x2 2 2
∂x1 ∂x2 2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x1
∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2
where the partial derivative are evaluated at (x1∗ , x2∗ ). By eq (6.8), ∂x12 ∂x22
is the product of
two negative terms, and so is positive. Thus
∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2 ∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W2
b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) < 1 ⇐⇒ − > 0. (S15)
∂x12 ∂x22 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x1
We have Di (x1 , x2 ) = ∂xi
(x1 , x2 ), i = 1, 2. Thus the Jacobian matrix is
⎡ ⎤
∂ 2 W1 ∂ 2 W1

2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ⎦
A = ∂∂x2W
∂ 2 W2
∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x22

Thus the right-hand side of eq (S15) is just . Hence

b̂1 (x2∗ )b̂2 (x1∗ ) < 1 ⇐⇒  > 0.

(iii) If the covariance matrix is diagonal, then since the diagonal entries are necessarily positive
it is easy to show that the determinate of B is positive if and only if the determinate of A is
2 2
positive. Furthermore the trace of B is negative since ∂∂xW21 and ∂∂xW22 are negative.
1 2

Ex. 6.6. For given x the function

1 1
K(x, θ ) + C(θ ) = β(1 − θ )x + αx2 + θ 2
2 2
has a minimum at θ̂ (x) = βx. Thus
1 1
C̃(x) = β(1 − θ̂(x))x + αx2 + θ̂ (x)2
2 2
= βx + (α − β 2 )x2 .
Since C̃ (x) = α − β 2 , C̃ is concave if β 2 > α.
For the specific values of β and α the effective cost function is C̃(x) = 0.8x − 0.25x2 .
Then for fixed xm the payoff B(xf + xm ) − C̃(xf ) is maximized when xf = b̂f (xm ), where
b̂f (xm ) = max(0, 0.8 − 43 xm ). Similarly, b̂m (xf ) = max(0, 0.8 − 43 xf ). Setting xf∗ = b̂f (xm

and xm∗ = b̂ (x∗ ), we find there are three equilibrium pairs of efforts: (0, 0.8), ( 2.4 , 2.4 ),
m f 7 7
and (0.8, 0).

Solutions for Chapter 7 • 291

Solutions for Chapter 7

Ex. 7.1. Suppose that neither the mutant nor its partner have defected on the first n − 1 rounds.
If the mutant cooperates on round n its payoff is
HC (n) = F(n) [b − c + V(n + 1)] + [1 − F(n)] (−c)
= bF(n) + F(n)V(n + 1) − c.
If the mutant defects on round n its payoff is HD = bF(n). Since the mutant makes the best
choice of action we have V(n) = max(HC (n), HD (n)). Thus
V(n) = bF(n) + max(F(n)V(n + 1) − c, 0). (S16)
Suppose that all N + 1 strategies are equally likely. Then if n − 1 rounds have elapsed without
the partner defecting, then partner’s strategy is equally likely to be each of n − 1, n, n + 1, . . . , N.
Thus F(n) = N+1−n
N+2−n . On the Nth round the mutant will defect, so that V(N) = 2 . Thus by
2 2b b
eq (S16), V(N − 1) = 3 b + max( 3 2 − c, 0). Since c > 3 the maximum occurs by defecting
and V(N − 1) = 2b 3 3 2b
3 . Applying eq (S16) again we have V(N − 2) = 4 b + max( 4 3 − c, 0). Since
b 3b
c > 2 it is best to defect and V(N − 2) = 4 . For any n we have V(n) ≥ bF(n). Thus for
n ≤ N − 3 we have
F(n)V(n + 1) ≥ bF(n)F(n + 1)
N +1−n N −n
N +2−n N +1−n
N −n
N +2−n
≥ b > c.
Thus it is best to cooperate for n ≤ N − 3.

Ex. 7.2. First suppose that the female strategy is to lay two eggs if and only if signal s2 is
received. Let the male be low ability. If he signals s1 the female receives signal s2 with probability
. The male’s payoff is thus (1 − ) + 2 = 1 + . If he signals s2 his payoff is  + 2(1 − ) − cL =
2 −  − cL . Thus his best action is to signal s1 if cL > 1 − 2, which holds by assumption.
Let the male be high ability. If he signals s1 his payoff is (1 − ) + 2 = 1 + . If he signals s2
his payoff is  + 2(1 − ) − cH = 2 −  − cH . Thus his best action is to signal s2 if cH < 1 − 2,
which holds by assumption. The male strategy of signalling s2 if and only if high ability is thus
the unique best response to the female egg-laying strategy.
Now consider the female’s best egg-laying strategy. Suppose that the probability the male is
high ability is α. If the female lays one egg her payoff is 1. If she lays two eggs her payoff is
α2 + (1 − α)(2 − K). After some manipulation we deduce that laying two eggs is strictly best
if and only if
K −1 < .
Suppose that the male strategy is to signal s2 if and only if of high ability. Let αi be the probability
the male is high ability given that the female receives signal si . Then her strategy of laying i eggs
on receipt of signal si is the unique best response strategy to the male strategy if and only if

292 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

α1 α2
< K −1 < . (S17)
1 − α1 1 − α2
By Bayes theorem the probability that the male is high ability given signal s1 is
α1 = ,
ρ + (1 − ρ)(1 − )
so that
α1 ρ
= .
1 − α1 (1 − ρ)(1 − )
α2 ρ(1 − )
= .
1 − α2 (1 − ρ)
By eq (S17) the female strategy of laying i eggs on receipt of signal si is the unique best response
strategy to the male signalling strategy.

Ex. 7.3. Suppose that the population is at a Nash equilibrium. Let the random variable Y be
the effort of a randomly selected population member. Consider an individual that has quality
q. The payoff to this individual if it chooses effort x is
w(x; q) = E[B(x, Y)] − Cq (x)
= 2(x + E(Y)) − (x2 + 2xE(Y) + E(Y 2 )) − (1 − q)x − x2 .
This is maximized at x = x̂(q) where
x̂(q) = (1 + q − 2E(Y)).
Since the population is at a Nash equilibrium, all residents use this strategy. Thus E(Y) =
E(x̂(Q)), where Q is the quality of a randomly selected population members. Thus E(Y) =
1 1 1 1 1
4 (1 + E(Q) − 2E(Y)), so that E(Y) = 4 since E(Q) = 2 . It follows that x̂(q) = 8 + 4 q.

Ex. 7.4. Suppose that a proportion α(n) have reputation Good after round n. Then in round
n + 1 a proportion α(n) of DISC individuals will have Good partners and cooperate. Since all
ALLC individuals cooperate the proportion cooperating on round n + 1 is ρC + ρDISC α(n). So
this is the proportion that has reputation Good after this round; i.e. α(n + 1) = ρC + ρDISC α(n).
Assuming α(n) tends to α as n tends to infinity we have α = ρC + ρDISC α, so that
ρC ρC
α= = .
1 − ρDISC ρC + ρD
Assuming that the proportion of Good individuals has reached this limit, the payoff to a
cooperator in a round is
WC = [ρC + ρDISC ] b − c.
The probability a DISC individual is Good is the probability their last partner was Good; i.e. α.
Thus the payoff to a DISC strategist is
WDISC = [ρC + αρDISC ] b − αc.
WC > WDISC ⇐⇒ ρDISC b > c.

Solutions for Chapter 7 • 293

Ex. 7.5. (i) If the P2 individual defected on the last round (in which it was trusted), then it
will be rejected by all samplers on this round, obtaining a payoff of s. If it cooperated on the
last round it will be trusted by all samplers and will obtain payoff (1 − p) × 1 + p × r. Since the
probability it cooperated on the last round is p we have
Vsampler (p) = (1 − p)s + p (1 − p)1 + pr
= s + (1 − s)p − (1 − r)p2 .
The local payoff to a P2 that cooperates with probability p in the mixed P1 population is
V(p) = βUA (1 − p)1 + pr
+ βS Vsampler (p)
+ (1 − (βUA + βS ))s.
Differentiating this expression and setting the derivative equal to 0 at p = p̂ gives
1−s βUA
2p̂ = − .
1−r βS
(ii) In case (iii) in Fig. 7.7 we have s = 0.2 and r = 0.5 and c = 0.005. From the numerical values
of βUA and βS , the above gives p̂ = 0.4703. This value is close to the mean value E[p] = 0.4676.
From eq 7.6 we have Wsampler = 0.2340. The payoff to UA is WUA = E(p)r = 0.2336. Overall,
P2s are doing approximately the best (with variation due to mutation) given the mixture of P1s,
and the P1s in the mixture are doing as well as each other given the distribution of P2s.

Ex. 7.6. Suppose the current server has value v. Let w be the expected future net payoff under
an optimal strategy given that the current server is rejected. Then the payoff given that the
optimal choice is made with the current server ismax(v, w). Averaging over v, the maximum

expected payoff on encountering a server is thus 0 max(w, v)f (v)dv. w equals this expected
payoff minus the cost of searching for the next server, so that
w = −c + max(w, v)f (v)dv. (S18)
For the given f we have
 ∞  1+δ
max(w, v)f (v)dv = max(w, v)dv.
0 2δ 1−δ

Since max(v, w) ≥ v the right-hand integral is at least 1. Thus since c < δ, eq (S18) shows that
w ≥ 1 − δ. We can then write
 1+δ  w  1+δ
max(w, v)dv = wdv + vdv
1−δ 1−δ w
= w2 + 2(δ − 1)w + (1 + δ)2 .
Equation (S18) then becomes
w2 − 2(1 + δ)w + (1 + δ)2 − 4δc = 0.

The root of this equation in the range [1 − δ, 1 + δ] is w = 1 + δ − 2 δc.

294 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

Ex. 7.7. (i) We have dz dt = −z(t). Thus if the initial nectar level at time 0 is x, then
z(t) = xe−t . The pollinator leaves when the intake rate − dz
dt falls to γ , so that z(T) = γ . Thus
T = log(x/γ ). Since the amount of nectar obtained is x − z(T) = x − γ we have g(x, γ ) =
x−γ ∗
log (x/γ )+τ . The optimal foraging strategy is to leave when the intake rate falls to γ (x) where
∗ ∗
g(x, γ (x)) = γ (x). Thus
x − γ ∗ (x)
γ ∗ (x) = .
log (x/γ ∗ (x)) + τ
This rate equals the amount left on leaving.
(ii) Let x be a mutant flower strategy. Since foragers leave when there is γ ∗ (x) left on a flower,

the time spent on a mutant flower is T  = log γ ∗x(x) . The payoff to the mutant is
 γ ∗ (x)
1 − e−3T − (x − γ ∗ (x)) = 1 − − (x − γ ∗ (x)).

Differentiating this with respect to x and setting the derivative equal to zero at x = b̂(x) gives
1 3
b̂(x) = 3 4 (γ ∗ (x)) 4 .

Ex. 7.8. [Note on notation in the proof below: U and U  are random variables, whereas u and
u are numbers.]
Suppose that a mutant’s contribution is u . Then the mean payoff to this individual is v(u ) =
E(H(u , U)|U  = u ). Thus since E(U|U  = u ) = x + ρ(u − x), eq (7.8) gives
v(u ) = u + E(U|U  = u ) + (1 − u2 )
= (1 + ρ)u + (1 − ρ)x + (1 − u2 ).
Note that E(U  ) = x and E(U 2 ) = Var(U  ) + (E(U  ))2 = σ 2 + x2 . Thus
W(x , x) = E(v(U  )) = (1 + ρ)x + (1 − ρ)x + (1 − (σ 2 + x2 )).

Ex. 7.9. An individual that rejects the outside option a proportion ρ  of the time will reject
when the reward r satisfies r < ρ  R and take the outside option otherwise. Thus the mean
reward to the individual from its own actions is
r 1
ρ + dr = ρ  + R(1 − ρ 2 ).

ρR R 2

Taking the contribution of the partner into account we have W(ρ  , ρ) = ρ  + ρ + R2 (1 − ρ 2 ).

Solutions for Chapter 8

Ex. 8.1. Let b̂1 (x2 ) be the best response by Player 1 to Player 2 strategy x2 . Similarly, let b̂2 (x1 )
be the best response by Player 2 to Player 1 strategy x1 . Let (x1∗ , x2∗ ) be a Nash equilibrium, so
that x1∗ = b̂1 (x2∗ ) and x2∗ = b̂2 (x1∗ ). Let V1 (x1 ) = W1 (x1 , b̂2 (x1 )) be the payoff to Player 1 if this

Solutions for Chapter 8 • 295

player chooses strategy x1 and Player 2 responds optimally to this strategy. Let x1s be Player 1’s
strategy at the Stackelberg equilibrium. Then

V1 (x1s ) = max V1 (x1 ) ≥ V1 (x1∗ ) = W1 (x1∗ , b̂2 (x1∗ )) = W1 (x1∗ , x2∗ ) = W1∗ .

Ex. 8.2. If we put u1t = ũ1 and u2,t−1 = u2t = ũ2 in eq (8.1) we get
ũ1 = m1 + k1 q1 − l1 ũ2
ũ2 = m2 + k2 q2 − l2 ũ1 .
The solution to this system is as in eq (8.4), which thus is an equilibrium for the iteration in eq
(8.1). Examining a deviation from the equilibrium one finds directly that it is multiplied by a
factor l1 l2 per investment round, so the equilibrium is stable when |l1 l2 | < 1.

Ex. 8.3. Using eq (8.4) we can readily compute the following derivatives:
∂ ũ1 (q1 , q2 ) 1
∂m1 1 − l1 l2
∂ ũ2 (q2 , q1 ) l2
∂m1 1 − l1 l2
∂ ũ1 (q1 , q2 ) q1
∂k1 1 − l1 l2
∂ ũ2 (q2 , q1 ) l2 q1
=− .
∂k1 1 − l1 l2
With a bit more effort we also find these derivatives:
∂ ũ1 (q1 , q2 ) −m2 + l2 m1 − k2 q2 + l2 k1 q1 ũ2 (q2 , q1 )
= =−
∂l1 (1 − l1 l2 )2 1 − l1 l2
∂ ũ2 (q2 , q1 ) m2 − l2 m1 + k2 q2 − l2 k1 q1 ũ2 (q2 , q1 )
= l2 = l2 .
∂l1 (1 − l1 l2 )2 1 − l1 l2
Inserting these results in the left-hand side of eq (8.5) the equality follows.

Ex. 8.4. The expression in brackets in eq (8.5) should be zero for all q1 and q2 , so that
∂C(ũ1 , q1 )
(1 − l2 )B (ũ1 , ũ2 ) − =
∂ ũ1

(1 − l2 ) b1 − b2 (ũ1 + ũ2 ) − c1 (1 − q1 ) − c2 ũ1 = 0.

From eq (8.4), this expression depends linearly on q1 and q2 . Collecting terms and setting the
coefficient of q2 equal to zero we get

(1 − l2 ) −b2 (−l1 k2 + k2 ) − c2 (−l1 k2 ) = 0.
1 − l1 l2
Because k2 appears as a common factor, this becomes
−(1 − l2 )(1 − l1 )b2 + l1 c2 = 0.

296 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

We can now solve l1 as a function of l2 , yielding the left-hand part of eq (8.6). Next, to get k1
we can set the coefficient of q1 equal to zero:

(1 − l2 ) −b2 (k1 − l2 k1 ) − c2 k1 + c1 = 0,
1 − l1 l2
so that
1 − l1 l2 c1 1
k1 = c1 = ,
b2 (1 − l2 ) + c2 b2 1 − l2 + c2 /b2

where we used the left-hand part of eq (8.6) to replace 1 − l1 l2 . This is now the same as the
middle part of eq (8.6). Finally, we can use a trick by setting q1 = −m1 /k1 and q2 = −m2 /k2 ,
in which case ũ1 = ũ2 = 0, so the condition that the expression in brackets should be zero
(1 − l2 )b1 − c1 (1 + m1 /k1 ) = 0,
from which we get that
m1 = k1 (1 − l2 ) − k1 .
If we now use the middle part of eq (8.6) to replace the first k1 on the right-hand side, we end
up with the right-hand part of eq (8.6).

Ex. 8.5. For simplicity, assuming that b2 = c2 , we have the local best response l1 = l̂1 (l2 ) =
(1 − l2 )/(2 − l2 ) to l2 , and by symmetry the local best response l2 = l̂2 (l1 ) = (1 − l1 )/(2 − l1 )
to l1 . The iterated local best response is then l̂1 (l̂2 (l1 )) = 1/(3 − l1 ). Plotting this together with
the 45◦ line shows that there is only one intersection, and thus only one Nash equilibrium.

Ex. 8.6. Suppose that the strategies xf = (mf , kf , lf ) and xm = (mm , km , lm ) are best responses
to one another. As in Box 8.2 the negotiated efforts are

ũf = mf − lf mm + kf qf − lf km qm ,
1 − lf lm

ũm = mm − lm mf + km qm − lm kf qf .
1 − lm lf
As in the box, the condition that the female’s rule is the best given that of the male can be
written as
∂Wf ∂Wf
(ũf , ũm ; qf ) = lm (ũf , ũm ; qf ).
∂uf ∂um
For the given functions this yields
2 1 − (ũf + ũm ) − (1 − qf ) − 2αf ũf = 2lm 1 − (ũf + ũm ) .
Substituting for ũf and ũm we arrive at an expression of the form A + Bf qf + Cm qm = 0, where
A, Bf , Bm are constants. Since this expression holds for all qf and qm , all the constants are zero.
1−lm 1−lf
Setting Bm = 0 gives lf = 1−lm +αf . Similarly, lm = 1−lf +αm .

Solutions for Chapter 9 • 297

Ex. 8.7. Using eqs (5.8, 5.14), the conditions B (ui + uj ) = ∂C(ui , qi )/∂ui for i, j = 1, 2 and i, j =
2, 1 become
b1 − b2 (u1 + u2 ) = c1 (1 − q1 ) − c2 u1
b1 − b2 (u2 + u1 ) = c1 (1 − q2 ) − c2 u2 .
The solution is
b1 c2 − c1 c2 + c1 (b2 + c2 )qi − c1 b2 qj
u∗i (qi , qj ) = . (S19)
c2 (2b2 + c2 )
For the cases we consider, all payoff parameters are positive, so u∗i (qi , qj ) increases with qi and
decreases with qj .

Ex. 8.8. Just as for the derivation of the Nash equilibrium in eq (S19) in Exercise 8.7, with
perceived qualities pi and pj , the slow-learning limit outcome of learning is
b1 c2 − c1 c2 + c1 (b2 + c2 )pi − c1 b2 pj
u∗i (pi , pj ) = .
c2 (2b2 + c2 )
We can note that u∗j (pj , pi ) decreases with pi . From the Nash equilibrium conditions this learn-
ing outcome satisfies B (ui + uj ) = ∂C(ui , pi )/∂ui for i, j = 1, 2 and i, j = 2, 1. Taking the partial
derivative with respect to pi of the fitness payoff Wi (u∗i (pi , pj ), u∗j (pj , pi ), qi ) = B(u∗i (pi , pj ) +
u∗j (pj , pi )) − C(u∗i (pi , pj ), qi ) and using the Nash equilibrium condition we get, as stated, that
 ∂C(u∗ , p ) ∂C(u∗i , qi )  ∂u∗i ∂u∗j
− + B (u∗i + u∗j ) . (S20)
∂ui ∂ui ∂pi ∂pi
For pi = qi the term in square brackets of the expression for the derivative is zero and the other
term is negative (B will be positive at a Nash equilibrium), so a mutant can increase fitness by
shifting from zero bias towards negative bias.

Solutions for Chapter 9

Ex. 9.1. Suppose that the resident strategy is (z, z). Then the payoff for a single mutant
(male or female) that cares is WC (z) = (1 − z) × 1.25 + z × 1.0 and the payoff for desertion
is WD (z) = (1 − z) × 1.0 + z × 0 + (0.15+2z) × 1.25. Let (z) = WD (z) − WC (z). Then after
some manipulation we find that
(z) = −f (z) 6z2 − 2.55z + 0.15 ,
where f (z) is a positive function of z. The quadratic function of z in the square brackets has roots
at z1∗ = 0.0705 and z2∗ = 0.3545. (z) < 0 for 0 ≤ z < z1∗ . Thus when the resident strategy is
(0, 0), care by both parents is best, so this is a Nash equilibrium. Similarly, (z1∗ , z1∗ ) and (z2∗ , z2∗ )
are Nash equilibria, since for either of these resident strategies the resident strategy is a best
response to itself. Note that (1, 1) is not a Nash equilibrium since (1) < 0, so that care is
better than desertion.

Ex. 9.2. (i) Suppose the resident population plays Hawk with probability p. A p mutant in this
population wins his contest over a female with probability

298 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

1 1
B(p , p) = (1 − θ ) + θ (1 − p )(1 − p) × + p (1 − p) × 1 + p p ×
2 2
= 1 − (1 + p − p ).
He dies in an encounter with a contested female with probability 12 p pz. Thus he survives until
the meeting with the next female with probability
S(p , p) = r(1 − θ p pz).
Let W(p , p) be the mean number of matings obtained by the p male, given he survives to meet
his first female. Then W(p , p) = B(p , p) + S(p , p)W(p , p), so that W(p , p) = B(p , p)/(1 −
S(p , p)), which gives
2 − θ (1 + p − p )
W(p , p) = . (S21)
2 − r(2 − θp pz)
(ii) Differentiating eq (S21) with respect to p gives
[2 − r(2 − θ p pz)]2 (p , p) = θ (p), (S22)
where (p) = θ zrp2 − zr(2 − θ )p + 2(1 − r). Thus D(p) = ∂W
∂p (p, p) has the same sign as (p).
8 4
When θ = 0.8, r = 9 and z = 7 we have
2  2 
(p) = 64p − 96p + 35
5 × 63
= (8p − 5)(8p − 7)
5 × 63
128 5 7
= (p − )(p − ).
5 × 63 8 8
Thus (p) = 0 has roots at p∗1 = 58 and p∗2 = 78 . Furthermore (p) > 0 for p < p∗1 , (p) < 0 for
p∗1 < p < p∗2 , and (p) > 0 for p > p∗2 . Thus p∗1 is convergence stable while p∗2 is an evolutionary
(iii) Let p  = p∗ . Since (p∗ ) = 0 we have ∂W  ∗ 
∂p (p , p ) = 0 for all p by eq (S22). Thus
 ∗ ∗ ∗
W(p , p ) = W(p , p ), so that condition (ES1) fails, but condition (ES2)(i) holds. This is a game
against the field, and we proceed in the same way as for the sex-allocation game (Solution to
Exercise 4.5). The probability an opponent plays Hawk in a population in which a proportion
1 −  of males uses strategy p∗ and a proportion  uses p is the same as in a population
in which all males use strategy p() = (1 − )p∗ + p . Thus, in the notation of condition
(ES2 )(ii), W(p, p ) = W(p, p()) for all p. Consider first the Nash equilibrium at p∗ = 58 . Let
p > p∗ . Then for small  we have 58 < p() < 78 so that (p()) < 0. By eq (S22) we have
∂p (p, p()) < 0 for all p, so that the function W(p, p()) is a strictly decreasing function
of p. Thus W(p , p()) < W(p∗ , p()) since p > p∗ . Similarly, W(p , p()) < W(p∗ , p()) for
p < p∗ . Thus condition (ES2 )(ii) holds, so that p∗ = 58 is an ESS. An analogous argument
shows that condition (ES2 )(ii) fails when p∗ = 78 , so this Nash equilibrium is not an ESS.

Solutions for Chapter 9 • 299

Ex. 9.3. Suppose the resident population plays Hawk with probability p. A p mutant in this
population wins his contest over a female with probability
1 1
B(p , p) = (1 − p )(1 − p) × + p (1 − p) × 1 + p p ×
2 2
= (1 + p − p).
He survives until the meeting with the next female with probability
S(p , p) = r(1 − p p).
Let W(p , p) be the mean number of matings obtained by the p male, given he survives to meet
his first female. Then W(p , p) = B(p , p) + S(p , p)W(p , p), so that
1 + p − p
W(p , p) = . (S23)
2 − r(2 − p p)
(i) By eq (S23) we have
W(p, p) = . (S24)
2 − r(2 − p2 )
A newborn resident survives to meet his first female with probability 12 . Thus his expected
number of matings is 12 W(p, p). Since each mating results in one son, the population is of stable
size if 12 W(p, p) = 1. From eq (S24) this condition gives
r= . (S25)
2(2 − p2 )
In order for the population to be viable we must have r ≤ 1. From eq (S25) we have p ≤ √1 .
(ii) Differentiating eq (S23) with respect to p gives
[2 − r(2 − p p)]2 (p , p) = 2 − r(2 + p − p2 ).
Substituting for r from eq (S25) then gives
(p , p) ∝ 2 − 3p − p2 .

The equation p2 + 3p − 2 = 0 has two roots, p1 and p2 , where p1 < 0 and p2 = 17−3 2 . For 0 ≤
p < p2 we have ∂W (p  , p) > 0 for all p . Thus the unique best response to p is b̂(p) = 1. Similarly,
if p2 < p ≤ 1 then b̂(p) = 0. When p = p2 we have ∂W  
∂p (p , p) = 0 for all p . Thus p2 is a best
response to itself and is the unique Nash equilibrium.

Ex. 9.4. (i) On day 2 the individual must gain an item. The probability it does so is H2 (u) =
(1 − u)up2 if it forages with intensity u. Differentiating with respect to u and setting the
derivative equal to 0 gives u∗2 = 0.5. The reproductive value at the start of this day is thus V2 =
H(u∗2 ) × 1 = 42 . On day 1 the individual either gains an item, and hence has a reproductive

value of 1 at the end of the day, or lives and gains no item, and so has reproductive value V2

300 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

at the end of the day (assuming optimal behaviour on day 2), or is dead. Thus the payoff from
foraging intensity u on this day is
H1 (u) = (1 − u)up1 × 1 + (1 − u)(1 − up1 ) × V2 + u × 0.
Setting p1 = 0.5, differentiating with respect to u and setting the derivative equal to 0 at u = u∗1
gives u∗1 = 12 (1−3V 2)
(1−V2 ) . On setting V2 = p2 /4 we obtain
1 (4 − 3p2 )
u∗1 = . (S26)
2 (4 − p2 )
(ii) The only population members foraging on day 2 are those that survived day 1 and failed to
get an item. For each individual this occurs with probability (1 − u∗1 )(1 − 21 ), so that
ρ2 = (1 − u∗1 )(1 − ). (S27)
We are given that
p2 = 1 − (S28)
Thus given a value for u∗1 we can find ρ2 from eq (S27), then find p2 from eq (S28), and hence
find a new value for u∗1 from eq (S26). Denote the new value as F(u∗1 ). We seek a solution of
the equation F(u∗1 ) = u∗1 . This can be found by simply plotting the function F(u∗1 ) − u∗1 and
observing its zeros. This procedure reveals a single zero at u∗1 = 0.2893.

Solutions for Chapter 10

Ex. 10.1. In the notation of Box 10.1 we have a11 = 1.0, a12 = 0.1, a21 = 0.7, a22 = 1.0. Thus
B = 2 and C = 0.93. By eq (10.11), λ = 1.2646. By eq (10.12), ρ = 0.2743. By eq (10.13),
vH /vL = 0.3780.

Ex. 10.2. Summing over i in eq (10.3) gives

⎡ ⎤
λ(x , x) 
ρi (x , x) = ⎣ aij (x , x)ρj (x , x)⎦ .
i i j

By eq (10.4) i ρi (x , x) = 1. We can also change the order of summation on the right-hand
side of eq (S29) to give
⎡ ⎤  
⎣ aij (x , x)ρj (x , x)⎦ =
aij (x , x) ρj (x , x)

i j j i

= aj (x , x)ρj (x , x),
where aj (x , x) = i aij (x , x). Thus λ(x , x) = j aj (x
 , x)ρ (x , x).

Ex. 10.3. Taking the mutant strategy x equal to the resident strategy x, eq (10.1) can be written
in vector notation as n(t) = A(x, x)n(t − 1). Since we have n(t − 1) = A(x, x)n(t − 2), etc., we
deduce that
n(t) = A(x, x)t n(0).

Solutions for Chapter 10 • 301

Suppose there is just one individual in state sj in generation 0. Then n(0) = ej . In this case the
vector n(t) = A(x , x)t ej gives the mean number of descendants of this one founder individual
in each state in t years’ time. The mean total number of descendants, dj (t), is the sum of the
j (t) = 1n(t). Thus dj (t) = 1A(x, x) ej .
elements of n(t); i.e. d t

We now note that j ej ρj (x, x) = ρ(x, x). Thus
dj (t)ρj (x, x) = 1A(x, x)t ej ρj (x, x)
j j

= 1A(x, x)t ρ(x, x)

= 1ρ(x, x) by eq (10.5)
= 1 by eq (10.4).
By eq (10.15) we have

vj (x)ρj (x, x) = 1.

Ex. 10.4. Assume that v(x)A(x , x) ≤ v(x). Multiplying both sides of this equation on the right
by the column vector ρ(x , x) gives
v(x)A(x , x)ρ(x , x) ≤ v(x)ρ(x , x). (S30)
Using eq (10.3) we have
v(x)A(x , x)ρ(x , x) = v(x)λ(x , x)ρ(x , x) (S31)
= λ(x , x)v(x)ρ(x , x). (S32)
By eqs (S30) and (S32) we have λ(x , x) ≤ 1 since v(x)ρ(x , x) > 0.

Ex. 10.5. There are four states for an individual: type 1 male, type 2 male, type 1 female, type
2 female. Taking account of the 1:1 offspring sex ratio, the projection matrix for the mutant
cohort can then be written as
⎡ ⎤
a11 (x) a12 (x) α11 (x , x) α12 (x , x)
⎢a21 (x) a22 (x) α21 (x , x) α22 (x , x)⎥
A(x , x) = ⎢ ⎥
⎣a11 (x) a12 (x) α11 (x , x) α12 (x , x)⎦ .
a21 (x) a22 (x) α21 (x , x) α22 (x , x)
f f
(i) Let v(x) = (v1m , v2m , v1 , v2 ) denote the row vector of reproductive values in the resident
population. Let ρ(x , x) = (ρ1 , ρ2 , ρ1 , ρ2 )T denote the column vector of stable proportions in
the mutant cohort. [Here we have used the 1:1 sex ratio of offspring.] As in Box 10.2 we have
v A(x, x) − A(x , x) ρ  = λ(x, x) − λ(x , x) vρ  . (S33)
All the entries in the first and second columns of the matrix A(x, x) − A(x , x) are zero, so that
v A(x, x) − A(x , x) ρ  = W1 (x, x) − W1 (x , x) ρ1
+ W2 (x, x) − W2 (x , x) ρ2 .
From this equation and eq (S33) we deduce that if W1 (x , x) ≤ W1 (x, x) and W2 (x , x) ≤
W2 (x, x) then λ(x , x) ≤ λ(x, x).

302 • Appendix B Solutions to Exercises

(ii) If a type 1 mutant female mates with a type 1 resident male, one half of the N1 offspring are
mutant and one half of these are female. Of these a proportion 1 −  is type 1 and a proportion
 is type 2. If the type 1 female mates with a type 2 male, one half of the N2 offspring are mutant
and one half of these are female. Of these one half are type 1 and one half are type 2. We thus
N1 N2
α11 (x , x) = m11 (x1 , x)(1 − ) + m21 (x1 , x),
4 8
N1 N2
α21 (x , x) = m11 (x1 , x) + m21 (x1 , x).
4 8
W1 (x , x) = v̄1 α1,1 (x , x) + v̄2 α2,1 (x , x)
N1 N2
= m11 (x1 , x) [(1 − )v̄1 +  v̄2 ] + m21 (x1 , x) (v̄1 + v̄2 ).
4 8
It follows that we can write W1 (x , x) = m11 (x1 , x)r11 + m21 (x1 , x)r21 , where
r11 = [(1 − )v̄1 +  v̄2 ]
r21 = (v̄1 + v̄2 ).
r22 =
[ v̄1 + (1 − )v̄2 ] ,
r21 = (v̄1 + v̄2 ).
(iii) Now let N1 = N2 = N. Then by the above,
N(1 − 2)
r21 − r11 = (v̄2 − v̄1 ),
N(1 − 2)
r22 − r12 = (v̄2 − v̄1 ),
which proves eq (10.36).

Ex. 10.6. Using the formulae of Section 10.7 we have c1 (x) = 0.7875 and c2 (x) = 0.5875.
Equation (10.42) then gives
0.3889 0.3571
A(x , x) = .
0.2234 1.1170
In the terminology of Box 10.1 we then have B = 1.5059 and C = 0.3546, giving λ(x , x) =
Ex. 10.7. We have λ(n) = 0.85n n and w0 (n) = 0.85n n. We plot these below:

Solutions for Chapter 10 • 303

n λ(n) w0 (n)
1 0.8500 0.8500
2 1.2021 1.4450
3 1.2259 1.8424
4 1.2021 2.0880
5 1.1728 2.2185
6 1.1458 2.2629
7 1.1224 2.2440
8 1.1023 2.1799

Thus λ(n) is maximized at n = 3 and w0 (n) is maximized at n = 6. Since λ(3) > λ(6) and
w0 (3) < w0 (6) we infer that w0 is not a strong fitness proxy.

Ex. 10.8. The derivative of eq (10.3) with respect to xk , evaluated at x = x is

∂λ(x, x) ∂ρi (x, x)  ∂aij (x, x)  ∂ρj (x, x)
 ρi (x, x) +  =  ρj (x, x) + aij (x, x) ,
∂xk ∂xk ∂xk ∂xk
j j

where we used that λ(x, x) = 1. Multiply this equation with vi (x) and sum over i, and use that
vi (x) is a left eigenvector. The terms with sums of vi (x)∂ρi (x, x)/∂xk then cancel, and using our
normalization we obtain eq (10.43).


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action 13 local 33, 114

actor-critic learning 94 myopic 181
and average dynamics 95 sequence 115
and cognitive bias 186 unique 64, 114, 180
and continuous actions 100 blue tit 181
and continuous observations 104 bowl and doily spider 36, 221
and individual recognition 190 burnet moth 133
adaptive dynamics 70
and canonical equation 70 canonical equation 70
and evolutionary branching chicken 188
77 cleaning mutualism 271
multidimensional 113 co-evolution
assessment 56 and evolutionary stability 112
and owner-intruder contests and gamete size 119
217 and learning to specialise 126
in contests 193 and role asymmetry 114
sequential 194 choosiness and commitment 166
Atlantic silverside 17 of effort and ability 123
of Müllerian mimicry 133
Bayesian of prosociality and dispersal 130
and small worlds 91 parasite-host 136
Nash equilibrium 196 predator-prey 137
updating 56 cognitive bias 185–188
behavioural mechanisms cognitive development 271
and biological relevance 267 and learning 272
and cognition 267 coho salmon 54
and evolutionary stability 201 commitment 166
and large worlds 11, 200 common benefit 27–30
and limited flexibility 269 and learning 99, 185
and negotiation 183 and reputation 151
and trait evolution 268 common interest 187, 199
best response 22, 51 conflict of interest 27
and convergence stability 72 convergence stability 71
and ESS 73 multidimensional 113
and Nash equilibrium 29 strong 113
and states 232 coordination game 44
and strong fitness proxy 25 and ESS 66
and trait interaction 111 and learning 93
iteration 222, 223 CSS 72

326 • Index

desert grass spider 221 derivative 72

desperado effect 216 fitness proxy 23–25
dispersal inclusive and direct 81
and evolutionary branching 77 invasion fitness 19–21
and invasion fitness 256 maximum and minimum 74
and kin competition 48 strong fitness proxy 25
and prosociality 130 frequency dependence 1
between two patches 75 and fluctuating environments 26
disruptive selection 77, 124 and mixed ESS 66
dominance hierarchy, see social dominance and role specialisation 122
and sex allocation 45
eavesdropping 157 examples 2
economic game theory 23 positive, negative 6
embedding games
and desperado effect 216 games between relatives 81–87
and feedback 205 and dispersal 48
and future prospects 209 and helping 82
and ideal-free distribution 221 and parent-offspring conflict 85
and learning 217 Hawk-Dove game 83
and parental care 207 goldeneye cichlid 194
and reproductive value 211 great egret 85
and self consistency 203 great tit 4
and territorial contests 217
endpoint handicap principle 149
and learning outcome 108 Hawk-Dove game 36–39
evolutionary 6, 22 and desperado effect 216
ESS 64–67 and eavesdropping 157
and consistency 204 and evolutionary stability 64
and convergence stability 72 and learning 96–99
and learning outcome 108 and lethal fighting 39
and Nash equilibrium 64 and own fighting ability 51
and PIP 72 and plastic adjustment 214
and replicator equation 65, 80 and reproductive value 211
and role asymmetry 116 and role asymmetry 116–117
and structured populations 232 between relatives 83
limit 178 repeated 209
local 113 history of game theory 7
mixed 66 honey bee 85
multidimensional 113 house sparrow 188
paradoxical 216
evolutionarily singular strategy 71 indirect reciprocity 153
evolutionarily stable strategy, see ESS interaction over time 173
evolutionary branching 77 and credible threats 177
and extensive form 176
fiddler crab 41 and learning 185–192
fig wasp 39 and negotiation 180
Fisher runaway process 246 and order of choice 174
fitness and Stackelberg 180
and payoff 23 and subgame perfection 175
and replicator equation 80
and strategy 25 large worlds 91, 109
and structured populations 233 and behavioural mechanisms 266

Index • 327

and cognitive bias 185 plastic adjustment 214

and evolutionary stability 201 and hysteresis 215
and learning 92, 108 playing the field 5
and social dominance 188 and role asymmetry 122
learning, see reinforcement learning polymorphism 37
lethal fighting 39 prairie vole 166
Price equation 80
markets 160 prisoner’s dilemma 30
mating tactics 2 between relatives 82
mimicry 133–136 lack of realism 31, 154, 199
and generalisation 135 repeated 145, 198
producer-scrounger game 4, 130
Nash equilibrium 22 projection matrix 234
and ESS 64, 66 proxy
and fitness proxy 24 fitness proxy 23–25
and learning outcome 109 strong fitness proxy 25
and Pareto front 34
and polymorphism 39 red deer 41
and structured populations 232 reinforcement learning 92
and subgame perfection and actor critic 94
175, 178 and cognitive bias 185
mixed 37 and cognitive development 272
multidimensional 112 and RPS rule 107
symmetric 116 and Sarsa 134
nectar market 162 and social dominance 102, 189
negotiation 180–185 and surprise 94
and alternation 185 in game theory 107
and response function 180 relative payoff sum 107
and role asymmetry 182 replicator equation 65, 79
and variation 183 reproductive value 240
myopic 181 reputation 150
neural random walk 197 rock-paper-scissors game 64, 88
nine-spotted moth 133 role asymmetry 14, 114
Norway rat 198 and convergence stability 115
RPS rule 107
one-shot game 11, 28 ruff 18
ontogeny 271
SAG, see sequential assessment game
pairwise invasibility plot, see PIP scale-eating cichlid 126
parent-offspring conflict 85 sealed bids, see one-shot game
parental care 3, 32 sequential assessment game 194
and ability to care 123 sex allocation 4, 8, 45–48
and negotiation 180–185 and reproductive value 244
and parent-offspring conflict 85 and Shaw-Mohler proxy 242
penduline tit 173 quality-dependent 244
penduline tit 173 temperature-dependent 55
phenotype 1 Seychelles warbler 246
phenotypic gambit 16–19 Shaw-Mohler fitness proxy 242
phylogeny 263 signalling
and ESS transitions 264 and generalisation 136
and hysteresis 264 and handicap 148–150
PIP 72 from cue to signal 41–44

328 • Index

signalling (cont.) synergistic selection 5, 30

in mimicry 136
of dominance position 188 threshold decisions 50–56
simultaneous moves, see one-shot game and divorce 167
small worlds 91, 109 and dominance game 103
and assessment 194 and ideal free 224
social dominance 102–107 and learning 97
and group size 192 and neural random walk 197
individual recognition 188–192 Tinbergen’s questions 200, 262
Stackelberg equilibrium 180 tragedy of the commons 31
state 14 Trivers and Willard hypothesis 245
strategy 6, 15 two-player game 5
mutant 19
resident 19 variation
structured populations and assortment 164
and dispersal 255 and choosiness 161
and Fisher runaway 246 and commitment 166
and fitness proxies 257 and cooperation 145
and invasion fitness 233 and evolutionary stability 143
and lifetime reproductive and indirect reciprocity 153
success 252 and markets 160
and projection matrix 234 and Nash equilibrium 147
and reproductive value 240 and reputation 150
and selection gradient 257 and signalling 148
and sex allocation 242 and social sensitivity 157
and Shaw-Mohler 242 and trust game 143
and Trivers and Willard 245
offspring quality vs. number 236 widowbird 246

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