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The UN Network on Migration (the Network) is committed to supporting the implementation, follow-up
and review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).

The 2021-2023 Network’s global communications strategy sets out how we are shifting the Network’s ad
hoc approach to communications towards one that is more impactful, evidence-based, and policy-

Communications goals and objectives

In line with the Network’s terms of reference and the strategic priorities set in its Workplan, the strategy
will focus on the following overarching goals:

To position the Network in mobilizing effective and coordinated action on migration; and
support the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) for
the rights and wellbeing of all migrants and their communities.

To achieve these goals, the Network will focus on the following communications objectives in 2021–

1. Speak with one voice on migration-related issues to achieve greater impact and secure support
for clear, aligned policy goals;
2. Build awareness and support for the GCM amongst target audiences at local, country, regional
and global levels to incentivize policy- and decision-makers to implement the GCM;
3. Promote a values- and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants;
4. Stimulate national and global media interest in migration issues and boost the Network’s media
coverage to both improve public attitudes towards migration and hold policy- and decisions-
makers to account;
5. Build a coherent Network brand, enhance its authority and reputation, and increase its visibility to
ensure the Network delivers on all the above objectives.

This strategy seeks to stress the link between the delivery of communications outputs towards the
overarching goals stated above and the main change strategies identified below:

• Leveraging UN coordination to speak with one voice on migration;

• Harnessing the power of data and evidence to build stronger narratives on migration;
• Developing stronger advocacy to effect policy change; and
• Fostering civil society engagement to increase support for GCM and apply pressure on
governments to implement changes.


Target audiences

The Network has identified different audiences that will be targeted by tailor-made messages, using the
most appropriate tools and conveyed through selected channels to achieve the objectives mentioned
above. Target audiences are split into those who have the power to implement the GCM (primary
audiences) and those who are most likely to influence them (secondary audiences.)

Target audiences will vary by desired outcomes and priority topics, but all communications efforts will
support the Network in delivering its mandate.

Primary Audiences:
Policy- and decision-makers. Given the Network’s primary mandate to assist Member States in
implementing the GCM and acting as a source of policy guidance on migration issues, policy- and
decision-makers will include UN Member States, including GCM Champion countries, government
officials, parliamentarians and local authorities.

UN system. The Network emphasizes those issues where a common UN system approach would
add value. Therefore, UN entities must be informed of the Network’s activities and how they can
support it. The Network’s communications will target UN entities at all levels, including
Headquarters, UN Resident Coordinators, UN Country Teams, and coordination mechanisms on
migration at country and regional level.

Employers and workers’ organizations. Workers’ organizations have specific concerns to be

addressed and specific inputs to make in terms of protecting migrants and supporting GCM
implementation, while employers are a key constituency as they are responsible for helping drive
migration and ensuring decent conditions for migrant workers.

Secondary Audiences:
Civil society and other stakeholders. The GCM prioritizes the broad and meaningful participation
of all relevant stakeholders and holds central a whole-of-society approach to addressing
international migration. All those communities and organizations representing them and who are
impacted by the GCM will be targeted by the Network’s communications efforts.

Media. The Network aims to enhance national and international media’s knowledge and
awareness of migration issues, the GCM and the Network’s activities. To amplify the Network’s
strategic messaging, specific communications activities will target media, including online media
outlets, at local, regional, and global levels.

Migrants. While the GCM promotes broad multi-stakeholder partnerships to address migration in
all its dimensions, the Network will work with and engage target migrants and diasporas in a
more focused manner.

Experts and practitioners. The Network’s convening power and ambition to become a centre of
excellence on migration, including through its Migration Network Hub, requires making the
Network a trusted and valuable knowledge partner for experts, researchers and practitioners.


“Moveable” middle. The Network’s communications will aim at promoting a values- and
evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants. To that end, communications will
target the “undecided” public who can favour welcoming and integrating migrants but who, at the
same time, may feel anxious about migration.

Donors. To foster the operationalization of the GCM, including through joint programmes funded
by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund, communications will target potential donors among
governments, the private sector, foundations, and other relevant bodies.

Supporters. The Network will target those engaged with migration-related issues and who share
the UN values and can be mobilized to amplify our messages. Supporters may include
influencers, Champion countries, Network’s Voices, UN Information Centers, and the Resident
Coordinator system, etc.

Target audiences Specific communications objectives

Policy- and decision- • To position the UN as providing whole-of-system support to Member States
makers • To inform of the Network’s available expertise and support
• To galvanize political support for the GCM implementation, follow-up and review
• To impact policymaking and secure clear, aligned policy goals
UN system • To amplify the Network’s voice at all levels
• To foster joint UN actions at global, regional and national levels
Civil society and other • To build awareness and support for the GCM
stakeholders • To give visibility to stakeholder engagement at all levels
• To strengthen and expand engagement with the GCM and Network’s activities
• To ensure broad and meaningful participation in discussions on migration
• To ensure migrants are properly included in GCM implementation plans and policies
• To engage with the Network to dispel misleading narratives on migration and
Media • To use media coverage to advance the Network’s advocacy priorities
• To use coverage to push Government leaders on policy change
• To provide migrants with a public platform to voice their priorities
• To apply pressure on governments and hold them accountable
• To raise the Network’s public profile and strengthen its media footprint
Experts and • To support the development and use of the Migration Network Hub
practitioners • To position the Network as a source of information, analysis and poligy guidance on
• To inform the evidence-based public discourse on migration
“Moveable” middle • To dissuade the ‘undecided middle’ from the influence of misleading narratives and
encourage more empathic positioning on the Network’s priority themes
• To shift the public perception of migrants from victims to change agents
Donors • To encourage funding for GCM implementation


Strategic messaging

The complexity of migration-related topics and the multitude of actors and processes involved call for
clear and consistent messages. Specific messages will be designed for each target audience and will
vary depending on the objectives to be reached. The messaging will be articulated in a way that aims at
getting the target audiences to know, care, and act.

Based on the communications objectives outlined in the strategy, the Network’s messaging will:

• Communicate the added value of the Network (e.g. pool of expertise from 39 UN entities, 360-
degree view);
• Promote a solutions-oriented approach (based on the GCM objectives, guiding principles and
good practices);
• Be anchored in the Network’s and its working groups’ outcomes and workstreams;
• Be data- and evidence-driven;
• Focus on results, achievements and impact;
• Link migration and sustainable development, including through the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable
• Highlight the country and regional dimensions of the Network’s work;
• Promote values that underpin the human rights framework (humanity, dignity, justice and equality
and non-discrimination);
• Be rooted in values- and evidence-based discourses on migration and migrants;
• Be inclusive and move the migration conversation from “the other” to “we”, and away from a
binary discourse on migrants as either a benefit or a problem; and
• Stress the the need to implement the Global Compact for Migration and the Global Compact on
Refugees in a coherent manner, while recognizing their differences in scope and nature.


Given the vast array of target audiences, the messengers will be as important as the messages. The
Network identified several types of messengers:

• Member States, including GCM Champion countries.

• Executive Committee Principals.
• The Network members at working and Principals level.
• UN Resident coordinators.
• Migrants.
• Civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders.
• Mayors.
• The Network’s Voices (speakers and influencers.)
• Communities.
• Country and regional Networks or other migration coordination mechanisms.
• Spokespersons.

The Network will ensure diversity (gender, race, nationality, ethnicity and geography) among messengers.


Thematic Priorities 2021-2022

In 2021-2022, we will position the Network as leading on these new priority themes*, in line with the GCM
guiding principles, including preventing all forms of discrimination, including racism, xenophobia and

• ensuring inclusion of migrants and the GCM in COVID-19 response and recovery efforts;
• utilizing the GCM to realize the SDGs and reduce inequalities;
• operationalizing the recommendations from the Network policy brief on “The impact of COVID-19
on family remittances”;
• ensuring migrant protection through strengthened responses to migrant smuggling;
• supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) and GCM commitments on climate change and

Every year, the Network will reassess its priority themes.

*These priority themes are listed in the Network’s Workplan 2021-2022.

One voice

According to its Terms of Reference, the Network will “provide leadership to mobilize coordinated and
collaborative action on migration by the UN system, including by speaking with one voice as appropriate,
in accordance with the UN Charter, international law, and the mandates and technical expertise of
relevant UN system entities”.

Speaking with one voice on migration entails both communicating at events and opportunities (proactive)
as well as responding to or anticipating acute developments in a timely fashion (reactive). See Guidance
on Network public communications).

The Network secretariat will maintain a calendar of events at which the Network plans to speak with one
voice, as appropriate (see section Key Dates & International Days).


Effective dissemination through Network members is essential to ensuring impactful communications

products. Each product will include a dissemination planning to amplify the Network’s messages,
disseminate knowledge to a broader audience (online or offline events), and drive positive


Main communications tools and channels

To build strong and coherent communications that effectively reach the Network’s target audiences, we
will consider which tools and platforms will deliver our messages in the most powerful and compelling
way. Such tools and channels include:

Communications tools. Statements, policy briefs, newsletters, press releases, reports, brochures, blogs,
data collection and analysis, human-interest stories, articles.
Online platforms. Twitter, Network’s website, including the Migration Network Hub, EC’s and Network’s
members’ platforms, LinkedIn, multilingual platforms, e-learning platforms.
Events. Workshops, webinars, listening sessions, exhibitions, side events, conferences.
Audio-visual production. Storytelling, podcast, videos, photos, infographics and data visualization,
animations, “GCM in action” video series, media library.
Media. Virtual press conferences, press trips, press kit, interviews, training.
Visibility. Leaflets, posters, banners, factsheets, merchandising, rollups, icons, templates, etc.
Supporters. UN Information Centers and the Resident Coordinator system, influencers, Network’s Voices.


Communications and visibility plan

The Network’s main activities that will be covered by the communications and visibility plan include:

• Regional reviews and stakeholder consultations

• Champion countries initiative
• Stakeholder meetings and partnerships
• Working groups and workstream activities and outcomes
• Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund and its activities
• The Migration Network Hub
• UN Secretary-General biennial report 2020, 2022
• International Migration Review Forum 2022
• Annual meetings
• EC Principals meetings
• Programmes implemented by the Network
• UN International days (see calendar)

The communications activities listed below will be carried out between 2021-2023 to achieve the five communications objectives stated above.
The successful implementation of the strategy and the activities therein is a shared responsibility.

In everything it does, the Network will support country and regional level activities and engagement.


Objective 1: Speak with one voice on migration-related issues to achieve greater impact
and secure support for clear, aligned policy goals
Activities Description Targets Tools & Indicators
Network Statements can be proactive or reactive, Member States Network’s # Media pickups, # Reference in policies,
statements and initiated at global, regional or Policy- and website, research papers, # Views on website, #
country levels. See Guidance on Network decision-makers including the Hub Social media engagement, # Follow-up
public communications. Media EC’s websites articles, # Comments online, # Comments
Stakeholders Twitter by readers, # Comments by national
politicians in the media, # Key issues
picked up, tone of the engagement, use of
the Network’s visuals, quotes
Submission of OpEds will be published around key Media Media outlets # Social media engagement,
OpEds international days and key issues. Member States Social media # Reference in policies, research papers, #
Policy- and Follow-up articles and interviews, #
decision-makers Comments online, # Comments by
Moveable middle readers, # Comments by national
Stakeholders politicians in the media, # Key issues
picked up, tone of the engagement, use of
the Network’s visuals, quotes
Production of Member States Network’s # Media pickups, # Reference in policies,
position papers Experts and website, research papers, legal reference, # Survey
practitioners including the Hub respondents, # Clicks on link, # Social
Policy- and media engagement
UN system
Launch of a Also under objective 3. The Network will All TBD TBD
podcast launch a podcast series to speak with
one voice on migration and create a
community of listeners around its
priority themes.
Appointment of To help expand our public outreach, the Each Voice will Events # Event attendance, # Media pickups, #
“Network’s Voices” Network will appoint “Voices” among target a specific Conferences Social media engagement, # Media
various actors, including from the civil audience/cover a Social media interview requests, # Quotes
society. Voices will cover specific specific topic


Objective 2: Build awareness and support for the Global Compact for Migration
amongst key audiences at local, country, regional and global levels to incentivize policy- and
decision-makers to implement the GCM
Activities Description Targets Tools & Indicators
Design of the GCM The identity includes branding, icons, Trello # Downloads, # Views, # Uses by partners
visual identity templates, etc. Network’s (UN and external)
Social media
Design of This includes flyers, brochures, UN system Network’s # Uses
information PowerPoints, video animations, etc. Member States website
material on the Champion Social media
GCM countries Teams shared
Policy- and space
Civil society and
Create and curate A specific communications and visibility Member States Network’s # Visits to webpage (page views and
the Migration plan has been designed for the Hub. Experts and website monthly active users)
Network Hub practitioners # Requests by Member States
Civil society and # Uploads and downloads
stakeholders # Experts registered in the roster
Policy- and # of peer reviewers in roster
decision-makers # of referrals on other websites, portals,
Media platforms
Organization of a The Network will organize a webinar Experts and Meeting platform # Participants, # Survey responses
webinar series series on a quarterly basis. Webinars practitioners
will be focusing on one question Member States
articulated around the Network’s Civil society and
workplan priorities or news-based stakeholders
topics. (Also under objective 3.) Policy- and
Production of the Through its video series, the Network Member States Social media # Videos produced, # Views, # Shares, #
“GCM in action” will interview government officials, civil Civil society and Network’s Social media engagement, tone of
video series society representatives, partners, stakeholders website, engagement and relevance of mentions, #
researchers, etc. to share their views on including the Hub Estimated minutes watched


the GCM and share concrete examples Champion

of implementation or countries
recommendations. Policy- and
Publication of This is a space where civil society Member States Newsletter # Submissions, # Social media
blogs on migration organizations, stakeholders, Civil society and engagement, # Clicks on links
series governments etc. can share their stakeholders Network’s
expectations and hopes but also Policy- and website,
updates, trends, challenges and decision-makers including the Hub
examples of ongoing collaboration in all
Promotion of the A specific communications and visibility Member States Network’s # Social media engagement
Champion plan will be designed for the Initiative. UN System website, # Events organized with/by Champions
countries initiative Communications activities include: Donors including the Hub
• Creation of a dedicated Social media
webpage Conference
• Branding and design of
information material (map, FAQ,
flyer, video)
• Participation in the “GCM in
action” video series
Promotion of A tailored and detailed communications Member States Network’s # Event attendance
Regional review and visibility plan and package will be UN System website, # Social media engagement
meetings and designed for the IMRF. Communications Civil society and including the Hub # Media pickups
stakeholder activities may include: stakeholders Social media
consultations • Blogs by stakeholders Policy- and
• Data visualization decision-makers
• Short videos Media
• Press releases and joint
• OpEd
• Newsletter (special issue)
• Podcast
Promotion of For each funded joint programme, a Donors Network’s # Media pickups at national and global
MMPTF funded communications and visibility plan will Media website levels, # Social media engagement, #
Joint programmes be developed. Communications UN system MPTFO gateway Participants, # Visits to website, # Media
activities will include: Social media requests, # Funding received


• Dedicated and curated space on

the Network’s website
• Infographics and data
• Launch event for new funded
• Press releases
• Donor meeting
• Human-interest stories and
feature stories in implementing
• Consultative Forum
Organization of 2022 All TBD TBD
Migration week 2023

A specific communications plan will be

developed for the week.
Launch of UN 2020 All UNHQ website # Downloads, # Social media engagement,
Secretary-General 2022 (TBC) Network’s # Launch event attendance, # Views of the
biennial report website launch video, # Uses of communications
A specific communications plan will be Social media assets, # Follow-up articles, # Media
developed for the event. interviews/queries
Organization of the A specific communications plan will be
IMRF 2022 developed for the event.
Exhibition Virtual or in-person exhibition for the 4th Member States # Event attendance, # Media pickups, #
anniversary of the adoption of the GCM Policy- and Contributions, # Social media engagement
in 2022. decision-makers
The exhibition will focus on the impact UN System
of the GCM on the ground. Civil society and
Organization of a In partnership with universities, the Students TBD TBD
Model United Network will support the organization of Member States
Nations a Model United Nations about the GCM. Policy- and
Civil society and


E-learning training To strengthen the knowledge and UN system e-learning # Participants enrolled, # Trainees who
understanding of the GCM, an e-learning Civil society and platform successfully completed the training course
training will be produced and will stakeholders
include existing resources. Civil society and
Member States

Objective 3: Promote a values- and evidence-based public discourse on migration and migrants
Activities Description Targets Tools & Channels Indicators
Organization of of Also under objective 2.
a webinar series
Creation of a A taskforce on promoting values- and All Meetings # Participants
communications evidence-based discourse on migration Network’s # Tools and guidance collected
taskforce and migrants will support the website # Support requests received
achievement of GCM Objective 17.
Data visualization The Network will communicate reliable All Network’s # Views
and storytelling data and information through compelling website, including # Media pickups
narratives and visualization. the Hub # Social media engagement
Social media # of visualizations
Launch of a Also under objective 1. All TBD TBD
Collection of Through the collection of first-hand All Network’s # Stories collected
storytelling and testimonies (of migrants, communities, website, including # Media pickups
human-interest government officials, local authorities, the Hub # Views on website
stories (written CSOs), the Network will aim to showcase Social media # Social media engagement
and video) the human impact of the GCM and its Media

Objective 4: Stimulate national and global media interest in migration issues

and boost the Network’s media coverage to both improve public attitudes towards migration
and hold policy- and decisions-makers to account
Activities Description Targets Tools & Channels Indicators
OpEds Also under objective 1. Media outlet’s Media outlets # Media pickups
audience Social media # Social media engagement
Member States # Visits to website


Policy- and decision-

Weekly updates Updates and advisories will be sent Media Email # Advisories and updates sent
and media to journalists on a regular basis. Mailchimp # Opening rate
advisories # New subscriptions

Publication of Media Network’s # Press releases

press releases Donors website, including # Media pickups
the Hub # Media interview requests
Social media # Views on website
EC’s and Network
Organization of The Network will organize virtual Media Meeting platform # Conferences organized
press conferences press conferences, as appropriate. # Event attendance
# Media pickups
Design of a press A press kit will be prepared to inform Media Email # Downloads
kit journalists on the GCM, the Network’s # Media requests
Network’s activities, and will include website
updated figures on migration. It will
be available on the website.
Organization of Training – virtual or in-person – will Media # Participation requests
media training be targeting journalists in countries # Event attendance
where a Network was established, at # Media coverage
country or regional level. # Articles published

Objective 5: Build a coherent Network’s brand, enhance its authority and reputation
and increase its visibility to ensure the Network delivers on all the above objectives
Activities Description Targets Tools & Channels Indicators
Launch of the Network’s All Twitter # Followers, # Engagement, # Mentions,
Twitter account Relevance of mentions, geographic
Launch of LinkedIn All LinkedIn # Impressions and Reach, # Engagement,
account # Followers, types and tone of comments.


Develop and curate the All # Visits to website, # References to the

Network’s website website, # Keyword ranking, # Click-
through rate, # Page views per visit, #
Time spent per visit, # Scroll depth, #
Bounce rate, # Return visit, # Unique
Appointment of See objective 1. Each Voice will target Events # Event attendance
Network’s Voices a specific Conferences # Media pickups
audience/cover a Social media # Social media engagement
specific topic
Organization of TEDx Topic to be determined. All TED website and # Event attendance
channels # Media pickups
Social media # Social media engagement
# Followers gained
Newsletter Network’s members, Mailchimp # Open rate, # New subscriptions, #
UN system Unsubscribers, # Forward rate, # Bounce
Member States rate, # Clicks, # Survey results
Civil society and
Policy- and decision-
Design and production UN system Events # Requests
of merchandising Member States Workshops # Items distributed
Network’s participation Experts and Events # Requests to attend
in conferences, panels practitioners Workshops
Civil society and


Internal Communications

Strengthen internal communications among Network members to build a coherent Network’s brand and
build its authority and reputation
Activities Description Target Audiences Tools and Channels
Develop the Network’s EC members
global communications Broader Network
strategy UN system
Develop the Network’s brand UN system Trello
identity and templates (communications staff) Teams shared space
Create EC communications Linked to objective 3. To amplify the Network’s voice and expand its UN system Teams shared space
coordination group outreach, EC communications officers will create an informal (communications and/or
coordination group to facilitate information sharing. technical staff)
Preparation of key Key messages will be available and will cover: UN system Email
messages, talking points • The Network’s priority themes Country and Regional Teams shared space
• Thematic workstream areas Networks
• The Network’s capacity building mechanisms
The Network’s programmes (MPTF funded programmes, INTPA, etc.)
Development of a A specific communications and visibility plan will be designed for each Member States
communications and Working Group and workstream. UN system
dissemination strategy for Civil society and
the Network’s Working Communications activities will include, as appropriate: stakeholders
Groups and Workstreams • Data visualization
• GCM in action video interviews
• Statements
• Newsletters (special edition)
• Webinars (or peer learning exchange)
Key messages and talking points
Monthly update to Country A monthly recapitulation on existing tools, updates, ongoing activities Country and Regional Email
and Regional Networks at the national and/or regional level will be shared with Networks. Networks Shared space
Update to the Network An update on the Network’s activities will be shared with all Network Network members Email
members members on a regular basis



With its 39 members and countless partners, the Network’s potential outreach and impact on policy are
immense. However, strong and timely coordination among all different partners as well as information
sharing are essential to effective communications. To that end, we will:

• Establish a communications taskforce among EC members at HQ;

• Support the establishment of regional communications groups under regional Networks;
• Create and maintain a database of partners and donors using IOM’s customer relationship
management solution;
• Strengthen interactions and information sharing with all Network members at all levels;
• Produce an internal newsletter for communications staff across the Network’s members to
inform them of the latest developments and on how they can support the Network’s
communications efforts;
• Ensure coordination and share updates with the UN Department of Global Communications on a
regular basis.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The success of this communications strategy will depend on sound and regular monitoring and
measurement practices. The secretariat will also collect feedback from the Network’s members and civil
society and stakeholders on a regular basis.

Every year, the secretariat will collect, evaluate, and report on specific Key Performance Indicators such

Metrics Key Performance Indicators

Impact Reference to statements, policy briefs, reports in policies, research papers, or
legal reference; number of Champion countries; number of policy changes;
surveys with key stakeholders; number of country and regional Networks;
funding received.
Brand awareness and Social media engagement (mentions, likes, shares, views); media pickups,
reach media requests, interviews and coverage; search data; views and visits to the
Network’s website; podcast listeners; events organized; items distributed.
Engagement Event attendance; downloads on website; uploads on the Hub; experts
registered on the Hub’s roster; video views; social media followership;
participants enrolled in training; new subscriptions to the Newsletter;

The secretariat will develop a monitoring framework, including a baseline, targets, data source and
collection methods, as an annex to the communications strategy.

Human resources:
Strategic communications coordinator Full time
Associate liaison and policy officer 50%
Graphic designer Full time


Financial resources: TBD

Description Quantity Cost

Adobe licence 1 EUR 650
Altmetric (to monitor and measure the Network’s 1 USD 5,000 TBC
policy impact)
Mailchimp subscription 1 CHF 579.72/year
WS3 website server N/A USD 276/year

Key Dates & International Days

Lead entity GCM Objective/GP

Topic Date
(for statements) (for statements)
Equitable Access to COVID-19 vaccines FEBRUARY WHO Objective 15
World Day of Social Justice 20 FEBRUARY -
Zero Discrimination Day 1 MARCH -
Intl. Women’s day 8 MARCH TBC Gender-responsive
Intl. Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 21 MARCH Secretariat Objective 17
World Health Day 7 APRIL WHO Objective 15
World Immunization Week 26-30 APRIL -
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 28 APRIL ILO Objective 6
Cultural Diversity Day 21 MAY -
Intl. Day of Family remittances 16 JUNE IOM/IFAD Objective 19 - 20
International Day of Parliamentarism 30 JUNE IPU
High-Level Political Forum 6-15 JULY UNDESA All
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 30 JULY UNODC Objective 10
International Youth Day 12 AUGUST -
World Humanitarian Day 19 AUGUST TBC TBC
International Day for Disaster Reduction 13 OCTOBER TBC
United Nations Day/World Development Information Day 24 OCTOBER TBC Objective 23
World Cities Day 31 OCTOBER UCLG, Mayors
UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) 1-12 NOVEMBER Secretariat Objective 2
World Children’s Day 20 NOVEMBER -
Human Rights Day 10 DECEMBER -
Universal Health Coverage 12 December WHO
Global Compact for Migration Anniversary 10-11 DECEMBER Secretariat All
Intl. Migrants Day 18 DECEMBER IOM TBC
SG report launch FEBRUARY 2022 TBC TBC
Migration Week FEBRUARY 2022 TBC TBC

Events at which the Network plans to speak with one voice, as appropriate.

Note that 2021 marks the Year of Health and Care Workers.



• UN Global Communications Strategy 2020 (UNHQ)

• Guidance on Network public communications
• Speaking with one voice background note (UN Network on Migration)
• Network’s Workplan and Terms of Reference
• EC Principals meeting summaries 2019 & 2020
• Seven key elements on building human rights-based narratives on migrants and migration
• Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration


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