تعليمات السلامه
تعليمات السلامه
تعليمات السلامه
- In presence of current tension exceeding 48-60 V verify - Do not disconnect and connect electrical connections
efficiency of earth and mass electrical connections. in presence of electrical feed.
Ensure that hands and feet are dry and execute working - Before proceeding with pipelines disassembly
operations utilizing isolating foot-boards. Do not carry (pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel pipes) verify presence of liquid
out working operations if not trained for. or air under pressure. Take all necessary precautions
- Do not smoke nor light up flames close to batteries and bleeding and draining residual pressure or closing dump
to any fuel material. valves. Always wear adequate safety mask or goggles.
Non fulfillment of these prescriptions may cause serious
- Put the dirty rags with oil, diesel fuel or solvents in injury and poisoning.
anti-fire specially provided containers.